using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Drawing; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Xsl; using Commanigy.Iquomi.Data; #endregion namespace Commanigy.Iquomi.Web { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public partial class ServiceCreatePage : Commanigy.Iquomi.Web.WebPage { private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.OnPageSuccess += new PageSuccessHandler(ServiceCreatePage_OnPageSuccess); } void ServiceCreatePage_OnPageSuccess() { this.Redirect("services.aspx", new object[0]); } public override void Notify(Exception e) { if (e != null) { Notification.Failed(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Notification.Description = e.InnerException.Message; } } else { Notification.AssertSuccess(true); } } } }
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WorkItemsForInitiative ========================= ## Overview A single app that has the ability to select one or more Portfolio items (of any type), work out the User stories, defects and tasks for all of them and then do some charts and graphs. This is so we don't have to have any timeboxes (iterations or releases) filtering the data ![alt text](https://github.com/nikantonelli/WorkItemsForInitiative/blob/master/Doc/EditedImage.png) ## License AppTemplate is released under the MIT license. See the file [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for the full text. ##Documentation for SDK You can find the documentation on our help [site.](https://help.rallydev.com/apps/2.0rc3/doc/)
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from __future__ import absolute_import import wx import os import glob import sys import subprocess import pdb from .ztv_wx_lib import set_textctrl_background_color # TODO: fix tab order through controls # TODO: fix alignment in text field, ideally would be right aligned, but may not be able to do that on OSX # TODO: limit default allowed_extensions to .fits/.fits.gz (rather than .fits/.gz) # TODO: fix that is currently hardwired to .fits/.gz file endings and allow calling code to specify other options # TODO: implement a None option? or that None is italixiszed in text box and dropdown menu as a special thing? class Error(Exception): pass class FilePicker(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, is_files_not_dirs=True, # True to look for files, False to look for dirs max_history_items=20, history=None, # pre-load items into history sticky_history=None, # force one or more history items to be 'sticky' and remain at the top of the list allowed_extensions="FITS files (.fits)|.fits|gzipped files (.gz)|.gz", # ignored in the dir case title=None, # None leads to a default, for NO title, use: '' assumed_prefix=None, # can add a prefix to the file/dir name that will not be shown # assumed_prefix can be changed with: self.set_assumed_prefix # Note that if an entry starts with /, then abspath is assumed and assumed_prefix is ignored # Basically, the interface just "hides" assumed_prefix from the user in the GUI allow_glob_matching=False, # if true, then entries can be, e.g.: image*_[0-9][0-9][0-9].fits # allow_glob_matching is NOT compatible with is_files_not_dirs=False default_entry=None, maintain_default_entry_in_recents=False, # can be True, or an integer to indicate where to put in list (e.g. 0, 1, -1) ): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.is_files_not_dirs = is_files_not_dirs self.max_history_items = max_history_items if history is None: self.history = [] else: self.history = [a + '/' if (os.path.isdir(a) and not a.endswith('/')) else a for a in history] if sticky_history is None: self.sticky_history = [] else: self.sticky_history = [a + '/' if (os.path.isdir(a) and not a.endswith('/')) else a for a in sticky_history] self.allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions if title is None: if self.is_files_not_dirs: title = 'File:' else: title = 'Dir:' self.assumed_prefix = assumed_prefix self.allow_glob_matching = allow_glob_matching if self.allow_glob_matching and not self.is_files_not_dirs: raise Error("allow_glob_matching=True and is_files_not_dirs=False is not compatible") if default_entry is None: default_entry = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/' self.default_entry = default_entry self.maintain_default_entry_in_recents = maintain_default_entry_in_recents self.title = title self.last_valid_entry = '' self.reset_auto_completion_info() self.current_textctrl_mode_is_ok = True self.pause_on_current_textctrl_changed = False h_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.recent_choice = wx.Choice(self, -1, size=(24, -1), choices=self.get_history()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.on_recent_choice, self.recent_choice) textentry_font = wx.Font(14, wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_LIGHT, False) self.current_textctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER | wx.TE_RIGHT) # note that wx.TE_RIGHT has no effect on Mac OSX, but is worthwhile leaving in for other systems self.current_textctrl.SetFont(textentry_font) self.current_textctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.on_current_textctrl_changed) self.current_textctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.on_current_textctrl_entered) self.current_textctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.on_key_press_textctrl, self.current_textctrl) h_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, title), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) h_sizer.Add(self.current_textctrl, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) h_sizer.AddSpacer((2, 0), 0) h_sizer.Add(self.recent_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) h_sizer.AddSpacer((2, 0), 0) self.browser_button = wx.Button(self, -1, '...', style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_browser_button, self.browser_button) h_sizer.Add(self.browser_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.SetSizer(h_sizer) self.current_textctrl_SetValue(self.default_entry) self._on_load(self.current_textctrl_GetValue()) def on_load(self, new_entry): # this is really a placeholder method, to be replaced when this class is implemented with a method that actually does something pass def set_assumed_prefix(self, new_prefix): self.assumed_prefix = new_prefix self.update_recent_choice() def strip_assumed_prefix(self, entry): if self.assumed_prefix is not None and entry.startswith(self.assumed_prefix): return entry.replace(self.assumed_prefix, '', 1) else: return entry def addback_assumed_prefix(self, entry): if not entry.startswith('/') and not entry.startswith('~') and self.assumed_prefix is not None: return os.path.join(self.assumed_prefix, entry) else: return entry def current_textctrl_SetValue(self, entry): self.current_textctrl.SetValue(self.strip_assumed_prefix(entry)) def current_textctrl_GetValue(self): return self.addback_assumed_prefix(self.current_textctrl.GetValue()) def set_current_entry(self, new_entry): """ This provides an external hook to call from external code to load an entry. It is not used internally. """ self.current_textctrl_SetValue(new_entry) self.prepend_to_history(new_entry) cur_history = self.update_recent_choice() self.recent_choice.SetSelection(cur_history.index(new_entry)) def update_recent_choice(self): self.recent_choice.Clear() cur_history = self.get_history() self.recent_choice.AppendItems(cur_history) return cur_history def prepend_to_history(self, new_entry): if new_entry in self.history: # pop if necessary so we can reinsert at start of list self.history.pop(self.history.index(new_entry)) self.history.insert(0, new_entry) self.update_recent_choice() def _on_load(self, new_entry): """ this is a private method that just updates the internals and then calls self.on_load """ self.last_valid_entry = new_entry if not self.is_files_not_dirs and not self.last_valid_entry.endswith('/'): self.last_valid_entry += '/' self.current_textctrl_SetValue(self.last_valid_entry) self.current_textctrl.SetSelection(-1, -1) self.prepend_to_history(self.last_valid_entry) self.update_recent_choice() self.on_load(self.last_valid_entry) set_textctrl_background_color(self.current_textctrl, 'ok') def get_history(self): """ returns what the current history should be, taking in to account: self.history (the actual history, trimmed to self.max_history_items) self.sticky_history (items to stick at the top of the generated history) self.max_history (trim the output to this length) self.assumed_prefix (stripped off as necessary) """ history = self.history[:] # want a copy for cur_sticky in self.sticky_history[::-1]: if cur_sticky in history: history.pop(history.index(cur_sticky)) history.insert(0, cur_sticky) history = history[:self.max_history_items] if self.maintain_default_entry_in_recents is not False: if type(self.maintain_default_entry_in_recents) is int: if self.default_entry in self.history: self.history.pop(self.history.index(self.default_entry)) self.history.insert(self.maintain_default_entry_in_recents, self.default_entry) else: if self.default_entry not in self.history: self.history.insert(999999, self.default_entry) if self.assumed_prefix is None: return history[:self.max_history_items] else: return [self.strip_assumed_prefix(a) for a in history[:self.max_history_items]] def on_browser_button(self, evt): cur_entry = self.current_textctrl_GetValue() if len(cur_entry) == 0: cur_entry = self.default_entry cur_entry = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cur_entry)) cur_entry_parts = [a for a in ['/'] + cur_entry.split('/') if len(a) > 0] while (len(cur_entry_parts) >= 1 and not (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(*cur_entry_parts)) or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(*cur_entry_parts)))): cur_entry_parts = cur_entry_parts[:-1] if len(cur_entry_parts) > 1: cur_entry = os.path.join(*cur_entry_parts) else: cur_entry = os.path.expanduser('~') if os.path.isdir(cur_entry): cur_basename = '' cur_dirname = cur_entry else: cur_basename = os.path.basename(cur_entry) cur_dirname = os.path.dirname(cur_entry) if self.is_files_not_dirs: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file:", style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE, defaultDir=cur_dirname, defaultFile=cur_basename, wildcard=self.allowed_extensions) # TODO: defaultFile is not being set to cur_basename in the dialog box else: dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose a directory:", style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE, defaultPath=cur_dirname) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self._on_load(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() def reset_auto_completion_info(self): self.auto_completion_info = {'current_base':'', 'possible_completions':[], 'current_completion':'', 'current_selection':(0, 0)} def validate_current_textctrl_value(self): is_entry_valid = False if (self.current_textctrl_GetValue() == self.default_entry): is_entry_valid = True # catch for case of default_entry == '' and nothing in field new_entry = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.current_textctrl_GetValue())) if self.is_files_not_dirs: if self.allow_glob_matching: if len(glob.glob(new_entry)) > 0: is_entry_valid = True elif os.path.isfile(new_entry): is_entry_valid = True else: if os.path.isdir(new_entry): is_entry_valid = True if new_entry == self.default_entry: is_entry_valid = True self.current_textctrl_mode_is_ok = False if is_entry_valid: if self.last_valid_entry == new_entry: set_textctrl_background_color(self.current_textctrl, 'ok') self.current_textctrl_mode_is_ok = True else: set_textctrl_background_color(self.current_textctrl, 'enter-needed', 'Press enter in this field to load') return True else: set_textctrl_background_color(self.current_textctrl, 'invalid', 'Not found on disk') return False def on_key_press_textctrl(self, evt): if evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_TAB: if self.current_textctrl_mode_is_ok: if evt.ShiftDown(): evt.Skip() else: self.recent_choice.SetFocus() else: # try auto completion new_entry = self.current_textctrl_GetValue() add_on = '' # hack to add back the trailing / as needed if new_entry.endswith('/'): add_on = '/' new_entry = (os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(new_entry)) + add_on).replace('//', '/') if ((not new_entry.startswith(self.auto_completion_info['current_base'])) or (new_entry not in self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) or (self.auto_completion_info['current_selection'] != self.current_textctrl.GetSelection())): self.reset_auto_completion_info() if len(self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) == 0: self.auto_completion_info['current_base'] = new_entry possible_completions = glob.glob(new_entry + '*') if self.is_files_not_dirs: # TODO: un-hardwire the endswith fits/gz and connect as a parameter to the FileDialog filter parameter if len(possible_completions) == 1 and os.path.isdir(possible_completions[0]): self.auto_completion_info['current_base'] = possible_completions[0] + '/' possible_completions = glob.glob(possible_completions[0] + '/*') possible_completions = [a for a in possible_completions if (os.path.isdir(a) or (os.path.isfile(a) and (a.endswith(".fits") or a.endswith(".fits.gz"))))] else: possible_completions = [a for a in possible_completions if os.path.isdir(a)] possible_completions = [a if a.endswith('/') else a + '/' for a in possible_completions] self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions'] = possible_completions if len(possible_completions) > 0: self.auto_completion_info['current_completion'] = possible_completions[-1] else: self.reset_auto_completion_info() if len(self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) > 0: if len(self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) == 1: new_entry = self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions'][0] self.current_textctrl_SetValue(new_entry) self.current_textctrl.SetInsertionPoint(999) self.reset_auto_completion_info() else: cur_index = self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions'].index(self.auto_completion_info['current_completion']) step = 1 if evt.ShiftDown: step = -1 cur_index = (cur_index + step) % len(self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) new_entry = self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions'][cur_index] self.auto_completion_info['current_completion'] = new_entry s1 = len(self.auto_completion_info['current_base']) s2 = len(self.auto_completion_info['current_completion']) self.pause_on_current_textctrl_changed = True if self.assumed_prefix is not None and new_entry.startswith(self.assumed_prefix): s1 -= len(self.assumed_prefix) s2 -= len(self.assumed_prefix) self.auto_completion_info['current_selection'] = (s1, s2) self.current_textctrl_SetValue(new_entry) self.current_textctrl.SetSelection(s1, s2) self.pause_on_current_textctrl_changed = False self.validate_current_textctrl_value() else: evt.Skip() def on_current_textctrl_changed(self, evt): if not self.pause_on_current_textctrl_changed: new_entry = self.current_textctrl_GetValue() if ((not new_entry.startswith(self.auto_completion_info['current_base'])) or (new_entry not in self.auto_completion_info['possible_completions']) or (self.auto_completion_info['current_selection'] != self.current_textctrl.GetSelection())): self.reset_auto_completion_info() self.validate_current_textctrl_value() def on_current_textctrl_entered(self, evt): if self.validate_current_textctrl_value(): self.reset_auto_completion_info() new_entry = self.current_textctrl_GetValue() if new_entry == self.default_entry: self._on_load(new_entry) else: self._on_load(os.path.abspath(new_entry)) def on_recent_choice(self, event): new_choice = event.GetString() if not new_choice.startswith('/') and self.assumed_prefix is not None: new_choice = os.path.join(self.assumed_prefix, new_choice) self._on_load(new_choice) class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, title='Testcase') v_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) v_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Some misc information"), 0) v_sizer.AddSpacer((0, 20), 0) v_sizer.Add(FilePicker(self), 0, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.AddSpacer((0, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) sticky_history = [os.path.expanduser('~'), os.path.expanduser('~/Dropbox'), os.path.expanduser('~/Documents')] v_sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1, style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) file_picker1 = FilePicker(self, allow_glob_matching=True, title='glob match') v_sizer.Add(file_picker1, 0, wx.EXPAND) history = sticky_history[:] v_sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1, style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self.dir_picker = FilePicker(self, is_files_not_dirs=False, history=history) self.file_picker = FilePicker(self, assumed_prefix=os.path.expanduser('~/'), allow_glob_matching=True, title='glob match') self.dir_picker.on_load = self.file_picker.set_assumed_prefix self.file_picker.on_load = self.file_picker_on_load v_sizer.Add(self.dir_picker, 0, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.AddSpacer((0, 10), 0, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.Add(self.file_picker, 0, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1, style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) v_sizer.AddSpacer((0, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.Add(FilePicker(self, sticky_history=sticky_history), 0, wx.EXPAND) v_sizer.AddSpacer((0, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(v_sizer) def file_picker_on_load(self, new_entry): new_path = os.path.dirname(new_entry) + '/' self.dir_picker.set_current_entry(new_path) self.dir_picker.prepend_to_history(new_path) set_textctrl_background_color(self.dir_picker.current_textctrl, 'ok') self.file_picker.set_current_entry(os.path.basename(new_entry)) self.file_picker.set_assumed_prefix(new_path) if __name__ == '__main__': app=wx.App(False) myFrame = MyFrame() myFrame.Show() app.MainLoop()
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var Grades = { show_grades: function(term) { showLoading(); WSData.fetch_grades_for_term(term, Grades.render_grades, [term]); }, render_grades: function(term) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'fast'); var grade_data = WSData.grade_data_for_term(term); var source = $("#grades").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); $("#main-content").html(template(grade_data)); } };
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@interface BSTabBar : UITabBar @end
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import { basicCommentsState } from '../__fixtures__/state'; import { INITIAL_STATE as INITIAL_SETTINGS_STATE } from '../state/settings'; import { INITIAL_STATE as INITIAL_COMMENTS_STATE, newComment, newCommentReply, } from '../state/comments'; import { reducer } from '../state'; import * as actions from '../actions/comments'; import { selectCommentsForContentPathFactory, selectIsDirty } from './index'; test('Select comments for contentpath', () => { // test that the selectCommentsForContentPathFactory can generate selectors for the two // contentpaths in basicCommentsState const state = { comments: basicCommentsState, settings: INITIAL_SETTINGS_STATE, }; const testContentPathSelector = selectCommentsForContentPathFactory( 'test_contentpath' ); const testContentPathSelector2 = selectCommentsForContentPathFactory( 'test_contentpath_2' ); const selectedComments = testContentPathSelector(state); expect(selectedComments.length).toBe(1); expect(selectedComments[0].contentpath).toBe('test_contentpath'); const otherSelectedComments = testContentPathSelector2(state); expect(otherSelectedComments.length).toBe(1); expect(otherSelectedComments[0].contentpath).toBe('test_contentpath_2'); }); test('Select is dirty', () => { const state = { comments: INITIAL_COMMENTS_STATE, settings: INITIAL_SETTINGS_STATE }; const stateWithUnsavedComment = reducer(state, actions.addComment(newComment( 'test_contentpath', 'test_position', 1, null, null, 0, { remoteId: null, text: 'my new comment' } ))); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithUnsavedComment)).toBe(true); const stateWithSavedComment = reducer(state, actions.addComment(newComment( 'test_contentpath', 'test_position', 1, null, null, 0, { remoteId: 1, text: 'my saved comment' } ))); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithSavedComment)).toBe(false); const stateWithDeletedComment = reducer(stateWithSavedComment, actions.deleteComment(1)); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithDeletedComment)).toBe(true); const stateWithResolvedComment = reducer(stateWithSavedComment, actions.updateComment(1, { resolved: true })); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithResolvedComment)).toBe(true); const stateWithEditedComment = reducer(stateWithSavedComment, actions.updateComment(1, { text: 'edited_text' })); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithEditedComment)).toBe(true); const stateWithUnsavedReply = reducer(stateWithSavedComment, actions.addReply(1, newCommentReply( 2, null, 0, { remoteId: null, text: 'new reply' } ))); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithUnsavedReply)).toBe(true); const stateWithSavedReply = reducer(stateWithSavedComment, actions.addReply(1, newCommentReply( 2, null, 0, { remoteId: 2, text: 'new saved reply' } ))); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithSavedReply)).toBe(false); const stateWithDeletedReply = reducer(stateWithSavedReply, actions.deleteReply(1, 2)); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithDeletedReply)).toBe(true); const stateWithEditedReply = reducer(stateWithSavedReply, actions.updateReply(1, 2, { text: 'edited_text' })); expect(selectIsDirty(stateWithEditedReply)).toBe(true); });
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<?php Silence is Golden.
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TropoREST -------- TropoREST provides a wrapper for the Tropo REST API and also for Troplets. Installation ============ gem install tropo-rest Library ======= require 'tropo-rest' TropoREST.tokens = {tropo: {voice: 'your_voice_token', messaging: 'your_messaging_token'}, troplets: {voice: 'your_troplets_voice_token', messaging: 'your_troplets_messaging_token'}} TropoREST.originate some_options_hash Check out the [YARD documentation](http://rdoc.info/github/benlangfeld/tropo-rest/master/frames) for more Console ======= TropoREST comes with a basic console for testing purposes. You can launch it via the `tropo-rest` binary and you will be asked for your application tokens. You can alternatively provide them as arguments in the order tropo\_voice, tropo\_messaging, troplets\_voice, troplets\_messaging. Note on Patches/Pull Requests ----------------------------- * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. * If you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself so I can ignore when I pull * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2011 Ben Langfeld. MIT licence (see LICENSE for details).
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// Code generated by lister-gen. DO NOT EDIT. package v1beta1 import ( v1beta1 "github.com/enmasseproject/enmasse/pkg/apis/enmasse/v1beta1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache" ) // AddressSpaceSchemaLister helps list AddressSpaceSchemas. type AddressSpaceSchemaLister interface { // List lists all AddressSpaceSchemas in the indexer. List(selector labels.Selector) (ret []*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema, err error) // Get retrieves the AddressSpaceSchema from the index for a given name. Get(name string) (*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema, error) AddressSpaceSchemaListerExpansion } // addressSpaceSchemaLister implements the AddressSpaceSchemaLister interface. type addressSpaceSchemaLister struct { indexer cache.Indexer } // NewAddressSpaceSchemaLister returns a new AddressSpaceSchemaLister. func NewAddressSpaceSchemaLister(indexer cache.Indexer) AddressSpaceSchemaLister { return &addressSpaceSchemaLister{indexer: indexer} } // List lists all AddressSpaceSchemas in the indexer. func (s *addressSpaceSchemaLister) List(selector labels.Selector) (ret []*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema, err error) { err = cache.ListAll(s.indexer, selector, func(m interface{}) { ret = append(ret, m.(*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema)) }) return ret, err } // Get retrieves the AddressSpaceSchema from the index for a given name. func (s *addressSpaceSchemaLister) Get(name string) (*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema, error) { obj, exists, err := s.indexer.GetByKey(name) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !exists { return nil, errors.NewNotFound(v1beta1.Resource("addressspaceschema"), name) } return obj.(*v1beta1.AddressSpaceSchema), nil }
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package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.security; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HftpFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.security.token.delegation.DelegationTokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.security.token.JobTokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials; import org.apache.hadoop.security.KerberosName; import org.apache.hadoop.security.SecurityUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.TokenIdentifier; /** * This class provides user facing APIs for transferring secrets from * the job client to the tasks. * The secrets can be stored just before submission of jobs and read during * the task execution. */ //@InterfaceStability.Evolving public class TokenCache { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TokenCache.class); /** * auxiliary method to get user's secret keys.. * @param alias * @return secret key from the storage */ public static byte[] getSecretKey(Credentials credentials, Text alias) { if(credentials == null) return null; return credentials.getSecretKey(alias); } /** * Convenience method to obtain delegation tokens from namenodes * corresponding to the paths passed. * @param ps array of paths * @param conf configuration * @throws IOException */ public static void obtainTokensForNamenodes(Credentials credentials, Path [] ps, Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { return; } obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(credentials, ps, conf); } static void obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(Credentials credentials, Path [] ps, Configuration conf ) throws IOException { // get jobtracker principal id (for the renewer) KerberosName jtKrbName = new KerberosName(conf.get(JobTracker.JT_USER_NAME, "")); String delegTokenRenewer = jtKrbName.getShortName(); boolean readFile = true; for(Path p: ps) { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(p.toUri(), conf); String fsName = fs.getCanonicalServiceName(); if (TokenCache.getDelegationToken(credentials, fsName) == null) { //TODO: Need to come up with a better place to put //this block of code to do with reading the file if (readFile) { readFile = false; String binaryTokenFilename = conf.get("mapreduce.job.credentials.binary"); if (binaryTokenFilename != null) { Credentials binary; try { binary = Credentials.readTokenStorageFile(new Path("file:///" + binaryTokenFilename), conf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } credentials.addAll(binary); } if (TokenCache.getDelegationToken(credentials, fsName) != null) { LOG.debug("DT for " + fsName + " is already present"); continue; } } Token<?> token = fs.getDelegationToken(delegTokenRenewer); if (token != null) { Text fsNameText = new Text(fsName); token.setService(fsNameText); credentials.addToken(fsNameText, token); LOG.info("Got dt for " + p + ";uri="+ fsName + ";t.service="+token.getService()); } } } } /** * file name used on HDFS for generated job token */ //@InterfaceAudience.Private public static final String JOB_TOKEN_HDFS_FILE = "jobToken"; /** * conf setting for job tokens cache file name */ //@InterfaceAudience.Private public static final String JOB_TOKENS_FILENAME = "mapreduce.job.jobTokenFile"; private static final Text JOB_TOKEN = new Text("ShuffleAndJobToken"); /** * * @param namenode * @return delegation token */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //@InterfaceAudience.Private public static Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> getDelegationToken(Credentials credentials, String namenode) { return (Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>) credentials.getToken(new Text(namenode)); } /** * load job token from a file * @param conf * @throws IOException */ //@InterfaceAudience.Private public static Credentials loadTokens(String jobTokenFile, Configuration conf) throws IOException { Path localJobTokenFile = new Path ("file:///" + jobTokenFile); Credentials ts = Credentials.readTokenStorageFile(localJobTokenFile, conf); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Task: Loaded jobTokenFile from: "+ localJobTokenFile.toUri().getPath() +"; num of sec keys = " + ts.numberOfSecretKeys() + " Number of tokens " + ts.numberOfTokens()); } return ts; } /** * store job token * @param t */ //@InterfaceAudience.Private public static void setJobToken(Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> t, Credentials credentials) { credentials.addToken(JOB_TOKEN, t); } /** * * @return job token */ //@InterfaceAudience.Private @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Token<JobTokenIdentifier> getJobToken(Credentials credentials) { return (Token<JobTokenIdentifier>) credentials.getToken(JOB_TOKEN); } }
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HOST="" PORT=9994 PLUGIN_VERSION=1 HEARTBEAT="true" JAVA_HOME="/usr/bin" PLUGIN_FOLDER_NAME="confluent" PLUGIN_PATH="/opt/site24x7/monagent/plugins/"$PLUGIN_FOLDER_NAME $JAVA_HOME/javac -d $PLUGIN_PATH $PLUGIN_PATH"/ConfluentPlatform.java" data=$($JAVA_HOME/java -cp $PLUGIN_PATH "ConfluentPlatform" $HOST $PORT) echo "$data"
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namespace std { template <typename T, typename... Args> static std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args){ return std::unique_ptr<T>{new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)}; } } #endif
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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. using NtApiDotNet; using System; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NtApiDotNet.Token; namespace NtObjectManager.Cmdlets.Object { /// <summary> /// <para type="synopsis">Adds or replaces security attributes on an NT token.</para> /// <para type="description">This cmdlet adds or replaces security attributes on an NT token. It needs SeTcbPrivilege to succeed.</para> /// </summary> /// <example> /// <code>Add-NtTokenSecurityAttribute -Token $token -Name "TEST://ME" -StringValue "ABC"</code> /// <para>Adds the security attribute TEST://ME with the string value "ABC".</para> /// </example> [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Add, "NtTokenSecurityAttribute")] public sealed class AddNtTokenSecurityAttributeCmdlet : PSCmdlet { /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the token to set the attributes on.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = true)] public NtToken Token { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the name of the attribute to add or update.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromString")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromULong")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromLong")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromBool")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromSid")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromFqbn")] [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "FromOctet")] public string Name { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the attribute flags.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromString")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromULong")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromLong")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromBool")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromSid")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromFqbn")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromOctet")] public ClaimSecurityFlags Flags { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify to replace the security attribute.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromString")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromULong")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromLong")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromBool")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromSid")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromFqbn")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromOctet")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromAttribute")] public SwitchParameter Replace { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the string values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromString")] public string[] StringValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the ulong values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromULong")] public ulong[] ULongValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the long values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromLong")] public long[] LongValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the bool values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromBool")] public bool[] BoolValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the SID values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromSid")] public Sid[] SidValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the fully qualified binary name values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromFqbn")] public ClaimSecurityAttributeFqbn[] FqbnValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify the octet values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromOctet")] public byte[][] OctetValue { get; set; } /// <summary> /// <para type="description">Specify existing attribute values.</para> /// </summary> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromAttribute")] public ClaimSecurityAttribute[] Attribute { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Overridden ProcessRecord method. /// </summary> protected override void ProcessRecord() { List<ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder> builders = new List<ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder>(); List<TokenSecurityAttributeOperation> ops = new List<TokenSecurityAttributeOperation>(); if (Attribute != null) { builders.AddRange(Attribute.Select(a => a.ToBuilder())); var op = Replace ? TokenSecurityAttributeOperation.Replace : TokenSecurityAttributeOperation.Add; ops.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(op, Attribute.Length)); } else { builders.Add(CreateBuilder()); ops.Add(Replace ? TokenSecurityAttributeOperation.Replace : TokenSecurityAttributeOperation.Add); } Token.SetSecurityAttributes(builders, ops); } private ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder CreateBuilder() { if (StringValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, StringValue); } else if (ULongValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, ULongValue); } else if (LongValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, LongValue); } else if (BoolValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, BoolValue); } else if (SidValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, SidValue); } else if (FqbnValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, FqbnValue); } else if (OctetValue != null) { return ClaimSecurityAttributeBuilder.Create(Name, Flags, OctetValue); } throw new ArgumentException("Invalid security attribute type"); } } }
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#pragma implementation "spinctrlbase.h" #pragma implementation "spinctrl.h" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #if wxUSE_SPINCTRL #include "wx/spinctrl.h" #include "wx/os2/private.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern void wxAssociateWinWithHandle( HWND hWnd ,wxWindowOS2* pWin ); static WXFARPROC fnWndProcSpinCtrl = (WXFARPROC)NULL; wxArraySpins wxSpinCtrl::m_svAllSpins; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSpinCtrl, wxControl) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxSpinCtrl, wxSpinButton) EVT_CHAR(wxSpinCtrl::OnChar) EVT_SPIN(wxID_ANY, wxSpinCtrl::OnSpinChange) EVT_SET_FOCUS(wxSpinCtrl::OnSetFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the margin between the up-down control and its buddy static const int MARGIN_BETWEEN = 5; // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ MRESULT EXPENTRY wxSpinCtrlWndProc( HWND hWnd , UINT uMessage , MPARAM wParam , MPARAM lParam ) { wxSpinCtrl* pSpin = (wxSpinCtrl *)::WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd ,QWL_USER ); // // Forward some messages (the key ones only so far) to the spin ctrl // switch (uMessage ) { case WM_CHAR: pSpin->OS2WindowProc( uMessage ,wParam ,lParam ); // // The control may have been deleted at this point, so check. // if (!(::WinIsWindow(vHabmain, hWnd) && ((wxSpinCtrl *)::WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd ,QWL_USER ) ) == pSpin)) return 0; break; } return (fnWndProcSpinCtrl( hWnd ,(ULONG)uMessage ,(MPARAM)wParam ,(MPARAM)lParam ) ); } // end of wxSpinCtrlWndProc wxSpinCtrl::~wxSpinCtrl() { m_svAllSpins.Remove(this); // This removes spurious memory leak reporting if (m_svAllSpins.GetCount() == 0) m_svAllSpins.Clear(); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::~wxSpinCtrl // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSpinCtrl::Create( wxWindow* pParent, wxWindowID vId, const wxString& WXUNUSED(rsValue), const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, long lStyle, int nMin, int nMax, int nInitial, const wxString& rsName ) { SWP vSwp; if (vId == wxID_ANY) m_windowId = NewControlId(); else m_windowId = vId; m_backgroundColour = pParent->GetBackgroundColour(); m_foregroundColour = pParent->GetForegroundColour(); SetName(rsName); SetParent(pParent); m_windowStyle = lStyle; int lSstyle = 0L; lSstyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | SPBS_MASTER | // We use only single field spin buttons SPBS_NUMERICONLY; // We default to numeric data if (m_windowStyle & wxCLIP_SIBLINGS ) lSstyle |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; SPBCDATA vCtrlData; vCtrlData.cbSize = sizeof(SPBCDATA); vCtrlData.ulTextLimit = 10L; vCtrlData.lLowerLimit = 0L; vCtrlData.lUpperLimit = 100L; vCtrlData.idMasterSpb = vId; vCtrlData.pHWXCtlData = NULL; m_hWnd = (WXHWND)::WinCreateWindow( GetWinHwnd(pParent) ,WC_SPINBUTTON ,(PSZ)NULL ,lSstyle ,0L, 0L, 0L, 0L ,GetWinHwnd(pParent) ,HWND_TOP ,(HMENU)vId ,(PVOID)&vCtrlData ,NULL ); if (m_hWnd == 0) { return false; } m_hWndBuddy = m_hWnd; // One in the same for OS/2 if(pParent) pParent->AddChild((wxSpinButton *)this); wxFont* pTextFont = new wxFont( 10 ,wxMODERN ,wxNORMAL ,wxNORMAL ); SetFont(*pTextFont); ::WinQueryWindowPos(m_hWnd, &vSwp); SetXComp(vSwp.x); SetYComp(vSwp.y); SetSize( rPos.x ,rPos.y ,rSize.x ,rSize.y ); SetRange(nMin, nMax); SetValue(nInitial); // // For OS/2 we'll just set our handle into our long data // wxAssociateWinWithHandle( m_hWnd ,(wxWindowOS2*)this ); ::WinSetWindowULong(GetHwnd(), QWL_USER, (LONG)this); fnWndProcSpinCtrl = (WXFARPROC)::WinSubclassWindow(m_hWnd, (PFNWP)wxSpinCtrlWndProc); m_svAllSpins.Add(this); delete pTextFont; return true; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::Create wxSize wxSpinCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const { wxSize vSizeBtn = wxSpinButton::DoGetBestSize(); int nHeight; wxFont vFont = (wxFont)GetFont(); vSizeBtn.x += DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN; wxGetCharSize( GetHWND() ,NULL ,&nHeight ,&vFont ); nHeight = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(nHeight); if (vSizeBtn.y < nHeight) { // // Make the text tall enough // vSizeBtn.y = nHeight; } return vSizeBtn; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::DoGetBestSize void wxSpinCtrl::DoGetPosition( int* pnX , int* pnY ) const { WXHWND hWnd = GetHWND(); wxConstCast(this, wxSpinCtrl)->m_hWnd = m_hWndBuddy; wxSpinButton::DoGetPosition( pnX ,pnY ); wxConstCast(this, wxSpinCtrl)->m_hWnd = hWnd; } // end of wxpinCtrl::DoGetPosition void wxSpinCtrl::DoGetSize( int* pnWidth , int* pnHeight ) const { RECTL vSpinrect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vSpinrect); if (pnWidth) *pnWidth = vSpinrect.xRight - vSpinrect.xLeft; if (pnHeight) *pnHeight = vSpinrect.yTop - vSpinrect.yBottom; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::DoGetSize void wxSpinCtrl::DoMoveWindow( int nX , int nY , int nWidth , int nHeight ) { wxWindowOS2* pParent = (wxWindowOS2*)GetParent(); if (pParent) { int nOS2Height = GetOS2ParentHeight(pParent); nY = nOS2Height - (nY + nHeight); } else { RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &vRect); nY = vRect.yTop - (nY + nHeight); } ::WinSetWindowPos( GetHwnd() ,HWND_TOP ,nX ,nY ,nWidth ,nHeight ,SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_ZORDER | SWP_SHOW ); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::DoMoveWindow bool wxSpinCtrl::Enable( bool bEnable ) { if (!wxControl::Enable(bEnable)) { return false; } ::WinEnableWindow(GetHwnd(), bEnable); return true; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::Enable wxSpinCtrl* wxSpinCtrl::GetSpinForTextCtrl( WXHWND hWndBuddy ) { wxSpinCtrl* pSpin = (wxSpinCtrl *)::WinQueryWindowULong( (HWND)hWndBuddy ,QWL_USER ); int i = m_svAllSpins.Index(pSpin); if (i == wxNOT_FOUND) return NULL; // sanity check wxASSERT_MSG( pSpin->m_hWndBuddy == hWndBuddy, _T("wxSpinCtrl has incorrect buddy HWND!") ); return pSpin; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::GetSpinForTextCtrl int wxSpinCtrl::GetValue() const { long lVal = 0L; char zVal[10]; ::WinSendMsg( GetHwnd() ,SPBM_QUERYVALUE ,MPFROMP(zVal) ,MPFROM2SHORT( (USHORT)10 ,SPBQ_UPDATEIFVALID ) ); lVal = atol(zVal); return (int)lVal; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::GetValue void wxSpinCtrl::OnChar ( wxKeyEvent& rEvent ) { switch (rEvent.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_RETURN: { wxCommandEvent vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER ,m_windowId ); wxString sVal = wxGetWindowText(m_hWndBuddy); InitCommandEvent(vEvent); vEvent.SetString(sVal); vEvent.SetInt(GetValue()); if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)) return; break; } case WXK_TAB: // // Always produce navigation event - even if we process TAB // ourselves the fact that we got here means that the user code // decided to skip processing of this TAB - probably to let it // do its default job. // { wxNavigationKeyEvent vEventNav; vEventNav.SetDirection(!rEvent.ShiftDown()); vEventNav.SetWindowChange(rEvent.ControlDown()); vEventNav.SetEventObject(this); if (GetParent()->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEventNav)) return; } break; } // // No, we didn't process it // rEvent.Skip(); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::OnChar void wxSpinCtrl::OnSpinChange( wxSpinEvent& rEventSpin ) { wxCommandEvent vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED ,GetId() ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); vEvent.SetInt(rEventSpin.GetPosition()); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); if (rEventSpin.GetSkipped()) { vEvent.Skip(); } } // end of wxSpinCtrl::OnSpinChange void wxSpinCtrl::OnSetFocus ( wxFocusEvent& rEvent ) { // // When we get focus, give it to our buddy window as it needs it more than // we do // ::WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP, (HWND)m_hWndBuddy); rEvent.Skip(); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::OnSetFocus bool wxSpinCtrl::ProcessTextCommand( WXWORD wCmd, WXWORD WXUNUSED(wId) ) { switch (wCmd) { case SPBN_CHANGE: { wxCommandEvent vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, GetId() ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); wxString sVal = wxGetWindowText(m_hWndBuddy); vEvent.SetString(sVal); vEvent.SetInt(GetValue()); return (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)); } case SPBN_SETFOCUS: case SPBN_KILLFOCUS: { wxFocusEvent vEvent( wCmd == EN_KILLFOCUS ? wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS : wxEVT_SET_FOCUS ,m_windowId ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return(GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)); } default: break; } // // Not processed // return false; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::ProcessTextCommand void wxSpinCtrl::SetFocus() { ::WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP, GetHwnd()); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::SetFocus bool wxSpinCtrl::SetFont( const wxFont& rFont ) { if (!wxWindowBase::SetFont(rFont)) { // nothing to do return false; } wxOS2SetFont( m_hWnd ,rFont ); return true; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::SetFont void wxSpinCtrl::SetValue( const wxString& rsText ) { long lVal; lVal = atol((char*)rsText.c_str()); wxSpinButton::SetValue(lVal); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::SetValue bool wxSpinCtrl::Show( bool bShow ) { if (!wxControl::Show(bShow)) { return false; } return true; } // end of wxSpinCtrl::Show void wxSpinCtrl::SetSelection ( long lFrom , long lTo ) { // // If from and to are both -1, it means (in wxWidgets) that all text should // be selected - translate into Windows convention // if ((lFrom == -1) && (lTo == -1)) { lFrom = 0; } ::WinSendMsg(m_hWnd, EM_SETSEL, MPFROM2SHORT((USHORT)lFrom, (USHORT)lTo), (MPARAM)0); } // end of wxSpinCtrl::SetSelection #endif //wxUSE_SPINCTRL
{'content_hash': '859903106da560e7720105d3c489172b', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 497, 'max_line_length': 97, 'avg_line_length': 30.13682092555332, 'alnum_prop': 0.43403658699425823, 'repo_name': 'SickheadGames/Torsion', 'id': 'd6a33225f24f498b0093dc87bb999e0737136705', 'size': '15630', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'code/wxWidgets/src/os2/spinctrl.cpp', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '74209'}, {'name': 'C', 'bytes': '6906504'}, {'name': 'C#', 'bytes': '1624'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '30405718'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '591'}, {'name': 'DIGITAL Command Language', 'bytes': '4055'}, {'name': 'Groff', 'bytes': '280584'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '148434'}, {'name': 'Inno Setup', 'bytes': '9684'}, {'name': 'Lex', 'bytes': '4201'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '147895'}, {'name': 'Module Management System', 'bytes': '48825'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '143389'}, {'name': 'Objective-C++', 'bytes': '430038'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '35873'}, {'name': 'Perl', 'bytes': '105033'}, {'name': 'Perl6', 'bytes': '107551'}, {'name': 'Prolog', 'bytes': '421'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '5849'}, {'name': 'R', 'bytes': '7779'}, {'name': 'Rebol', 'bytes': '732'}, {'name': 'Scala', 'bytes': '4674'}, {'name': 'Scheme', 'bytes': '154'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '269793'}, {'name': 'SourcePawn', 'bytes': '8637'}, {'name': 'TeX', 'bytes': '194986'}]}
using System.Buffers; namespace Orleans.Runtime.Messaging { internal interface IMessageSerializer { (int HeaderLength, int BodyLength) Write<TBufferWriter>(ref TBufferWriter writer, Message message) where TBufferWriter : IBufferWriter<byte>; /// <returns> /// The minimum number of bytes in <paramref name="input"/> before trying again, or 0 if a message was successfully read. /// </returns> (int RequiredBytes, int HeaderLength, int BodyLength) TryRead(ref ReadOnlySequence<byte> input, out Message message); } }
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using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using Umbraco.Core; using Umbraco.Core.Services; namespace Umbraco.Web.Models.Trees { /// <inheritdoc /> /// <summary> /// A menu item that represents some JS that needs to execute when the menu item is clicked. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// These types of menu items are rare but they do exist. Things like refresh node simply execute /// JS and don't launch a dialog. /// Each action menu item describes what angular service that it's method exists in and what the method name is. /// An action menu item must describe the angular service name for which it's method exists. It may also define what the /// method name is that will be called in this service but if one is not specified then we will assume the method name is the /// same as the Type name of the current action menu class. /// </remarks> public abstract class ActionMenuItem : MenuItem { /// <summary> /// The angular service name containing the <see cref="AngularServiceMethodName"/> /// </summary> public abstract string AngularServiceName { get; } /// <summary> /// The angular service method name to call for this menu item /// </summary> public virtual string AngularServiceMethodName { get; } = null; protected ActionMenuItem(string alias, string name) : base(alias, name) { Initialize(); } protected ActionMenuItem(string alias, ILocalizedTextService textService) : base(alias, textService) { Initialize(); } private void Initialize() { //add the current type to the metadata if (AngularServiceMethodName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { //if no method name is supplied we will assume that the menu action is the type name of the current menu class ExecuteJsMethod($"{AngularServiceName}.{this.GetType().Name}"); } else { ExecuteJsMethod($"{AngularServiceName}.{AngularServiceMethodName}"); } } } }
{'content_hash': 'b7833c52125137142f7606d98cdd828a', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 56, 'max_line_length': 130, 'avg_line_length': 39.089285714285715, 'alnum_prop': 0.6267702147099132, 'repo_name': 'hfloyd/Umbraco-CMS', 'id': '9354417155d4d006f43994dd63bfa0f868261d43', 'size': '2191', 'binary': False, 'copies': '9', 'ref': 'refs/heads/v8/contrib', 'path': 'src/Umbraco.Web/Models/Trees/ActionMenuItem.cs', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'ASP', 'bytes': '519372'}, {'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '13411'}, {'name': 'C#', 'bytes': '15629240'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '510649'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '580131'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '3848687'}, {'name': 'PowerShell', 'bytes': '11512'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '876'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '765'}, {'name': 'XSLT', 'bytes': '50045'}]}
import os import subprocess import sys import zipfile import tempfile from xml.etree import ElementTree ''' Converts an UAVSAR image to geotiff format. ''' # How to call this script USAGE_STRING = 'kmz_to_geotiff.py input.kmz output.tiff' # --- Start of script --- if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'Usage: ' + USAGE_STRING sys.exit(0) single_mosaic = False try: z = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1], 'r') except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not open file ' + sys.argv[1] + '.' sys.exit(1) namespace = 'http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1' ElementTree.register_namespace('', namespace) try: tree = ElementTree.parse(z.open('overlay.kml', 'r')) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not open overlay.kml in kmz file.' sys.exit(1) try: links = tree.getroot().find('{%s}Document' % (namespace)).findall('{%s}NetworkLink' % namespace) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Kmz file did not have expected structure.' raise sys.exit(1) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() failure = False input_images = [] if single_mosaic: input_image_string = '' else: nonblank_images = [] prev_lats = (None, None) for link in links: latlon = link.find('{%s}Region' % namespace).find('{%s}LatLonAltBox' % namespace) name = link.find('{%s}Link' % namespace).find('{%s}href' % namespace).text[:-4] north = latlon.find('{%s}north' % namespace).text south = latlon.find('{%s}south' % namespace).text east = latlon.find('{%s}east' % namespace).text west = latlon.find('{%s}west' % namespace).text output_name = tempdir + os.sep + name + '.tiff' z.extract('images/%s.png' % (name), tempdir) imagefile = tempdir + os.sep + ('images/%s.png' % (name)) try: out = subprocess.check_output('identify -verbose %s | grep "standard deviation"' % (imagefile), shell=True) blank = False if float(out.split('\n')[0].strip().split()[2]) == 0.0: blank = True except: print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to determine if image %s was blank." % (imagefile) failure = True break print 'Converting ' + output_name + '...' if not blank: ret = os.system('gdal_translate -q -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -mask 4 -co "PHOTOMETRIC=RGB" -a_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -a_ullr %s %s %s %s --config GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK YES %s %s' % (west, north, east, south, imagefile, output_name)) os.remove(imagefile) if blank: continue if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to convert tile %s to geotiff.' % (name) failure = True break input_images.append(output_name) if single_mosaic: input_image_string += ' ' + output_name else: if prev_lats[0] == north and prev_lats[1] == south: nonblank_images[-1].append(output_name) else: nonblank_images.append([output_name]) prev_lats = (north, south) if not failure: print 'Merging tiles...' if single_mosaic: ret = os.system('gdal_merge.py -init "0 0 0 0" -o %s %s' % (sys.argv[2], input_image_string)) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'Merge failed.' failure = True else: print 'Merge successful. Output to ' + sys.argv[2] + '.' else: print nonblank_images cur_line = 0 while cur_line < len(nonblank_images): cur_images = '' ROWS = 1 for i in range(ROWS): if cur_line + i < len(nonblank_images): for a in nonblank_images[cur_line+i]: cur_images += a + ' ' cur_line = cur_line + ROWS ret = os.system('gdal_merge.py -o %s_%d.tiff %s' % (sys.argv[2], cur_line / ROWS, cur_images)) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'Merge failed.' failure = True else: print 'Merge successful. Output to ' + sys.argv[2] + '_' + str(cur_line / ROWS) + '.tiff.' for i in input_images: os.remove(i) os.rmdir(tempdir + os.sep + 'images') os.rmdir(tempdir) if failure: sys.exit(1)
{'content_hash': '09e8197bb70156e99a8321c497e5d3f0', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 136, 'max_line_length': 250, 'avg_line_length': 30.36764705882353, 'alnum_prop': 0.5765133171912833, 'repo_name': 'asurunis/CrisisMappingToolkit', 'id': '5917207c8240cae7c914492fcdd0ed55eeef9f5e', 'size': '5041', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'bin/kmz_to_geotiff.py', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '420180'}]}
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title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">asInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any.asInstanceOf.T0">T0</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>Any</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#clone" visbl="prt" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="clone():Object"></a><a id="clone():AnyRef"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#clone():Object" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">clone</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Attributes</dt><dd>protected[<span class="extype" name="java.lang">lang</span>] </dd><dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@throws</span><span class="args">(<span> <span class="defval" name="classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]">...</span> </span>)</span> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#eq" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="eq(x$1:AnyRef):Boolean"></a><a id="eq(AnyRef):Boolean"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#eq(x$1:AnyRef):Boolean" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">eq</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#equals" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="equals(x$1:Any):Boolean"></a><a id="equals(Any):Boolean"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#equals(x$1:Any):Boolean" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">equals</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef → Any</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#finalize" visbl="prt" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="finalize():Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#finalize():Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">finalize</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Attributes</dt><dd>protected[<span class="extype" name="java.lang">lang</span>] </dd><dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@throws</span><span class="args">(<span> <span class="symbol">classOf[java.lang.Throwable]</span> </span>)</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#getClass" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="getClass():Class[_]"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#getClass():Class[_]" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">getClass</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.Class">Class</span>[_]</span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef → Any</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.utils.kryo.io.JavaKryoSerializationWrapper#getValue" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="no" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="getValue():T"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#getValue():T" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">getValue</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.utils.kryo.io.JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.T">T</span></span> </span> </li><li name="net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.utils.kryo.io.JavaKryoSerializationWrapper#getValueSerialized" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="no" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="getValueSerialized():Array[Byte]"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#getValueSerialized():Array[Byte]" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">getValueSerialized</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Array">Array</span>[<span class="extype" name="scala.Byte">Byte</span>]</span> </span> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#hashCode" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="hashCode():Int"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#hashCode():Int" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">hashCode</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef → Any</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.Any#isInstanceOf" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="isInstanceOf[T0]:Boolean"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#isInstanceOf[T0]:Boolean" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">isInstanceOf</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>Any</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#ne" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="ne(x$1:AnyRef):Boolean"></a><a id="ne(AnyRef):Boolean"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#ne(x$1:AnyRef):Boolean" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">ne</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Boolean">Boolean</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#notify" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="notify():Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#notify():Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">notify</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#notifyAll" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="notifyAll():Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#notifyAll():Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">notifyAll</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.utils.kryo.io.JavaKryoSerializationWrapper#setValueSerialized" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="no" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="setValueSerialized(bytes:Array[Byte]):Unit"></a><a id="setValueSerialized(Array[Byte]):Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#setValueSerialized(bytes:Array[Byte]):Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">setValueSerialized</span><span class="params">(<span name="bytes">bytes: <span class="extype" name="scala.Array">Array</span>[<span class="extype" name="scala.Byte">Byte</span>]</span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#synchronized" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="synchronized[T0](x$1:=&gt;T0):T0"></a><a id="synchronized[T0](⇒T0):T0"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#synchronized[T0](x$1:=&gt;T0):T0" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">synchronized</span><span class="tparams">[<span name="T0">T0</span>]</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: ⇒ <span class="extype" name="java.lang.AnyRef.synchronized.T0">T0</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.AnyRef.synchronized.T0">T0</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#toString" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="toString():String"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#toString():String" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier"></span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">toString</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="java.lang.String">String</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef → Any</dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#wait" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="wait():Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#wait():Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@throws</span><span class="args">(<span> <span class="defval" name="classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]">...</span> </span>)</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#wait" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="wait(x$1:Long,x$2:Int):Unit"></a><a id="wait(Long,Int):Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#wait(x$1:Long,x$2:Int):Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>, <span name="arg1">arg1: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@throws</span><span class="args">(<span> <span class="defval" name="classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]">...</span> </span>)</span> </dd></dl></div> </li><li name="scala.AnyRef#wait" visbl="pub" class="indented0 " data-isabs="false" fullComment="yes" group="Ungrouped"> <a id="wait(x$1:Long):Unit"></a><a id="wait(Long):Unit"></a> <span class="permalink"> <a href="../../../../../../../net/sansa_stack/rdf/spark/utils/kryo/io/JavaKryoSerializationWrapper.html#wait(x$1:Long):Unit" title="Permalink"> <i class="material-icons"></i> </a> </span> <span class="modifier_kind"> <span class="modifier">final </span> <span class="kind">def</span> </span> <span class="symbol"> <span class="name">wait</span><span class="params">(<span name="arg0">arg0: <span class="extype" name="scala.Long">Long</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Unit">Unit</span></span> </span> <div class="fullcomment"><dl class="attributes block"> <dt>Definition Classes</dt><dd>AnyRef</dd><dt>Annotations</dt><dd> <span class="name">@throws</span><span class="args">(<span> <span class="defval" name="classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]">...</span> </span>)</span> <span class="name">@native</span><span class="args">()</span> </dd></dl></div> </li> </ol> </div> </div> <div id="inheritedMembers"> <div class="parent" name="java.io.Serializable"> <h3>Inherited from <span class="extype" name="java.io.Serializable">Serializable</span></h3> </div><div class="parent" name="scala.AnyRef"> <h3>Inherited from <span class="extype" name="scala.AnyRef">AnyRef</span></h3> </div><div class="parent" name="scala.Any"> <h3>Inherited from <span class="extype" name="scala.Any">Any</span></h3> </div> </div> <div id="groupedMembers"> <div class="group" name="Ungrouped"> <h3>Ungrouped</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div id="tooltip"></div> <div id="footer"> </div> </body> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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position: relative; width: 24px; height: 100%; } .device-desktop .phui-oi-actions .phui-list-item-href:hover { background: {$hoverblue}; border-radius: 3px; } .phui-oi-actions .phui-list-item-icon { width: 14px; height: 14px; position: absolute; display: block; top: 50%; margin-top: -7px; left: 3px; } .phui-oi-actions .phui-list-item-name { display: none; } .phui-oi-with-1-actions .phui-oi-content-box { margin-right: 28px; overflow: hidden; } .phui-oi-with-2-actions .phui-oi-content-box { margin-right: 54px; overflow: hidden; } .phui-oi-with-3-actions .phui-oi-content-box { margin-right: 76px; overflow: hidden; } /* - Object Box List ----------------------------------------------------------- Tighter, stacking list when inside an Object Box */ .phui-object-box .phui-oi-list-view { padding: 0; border: none; } .phui-object-box .phui-oi-frame { border-right: none; } .phui-object-box .phui-oi:last-child .phui-oi-frame { border-bottom: none; } /* - Subhead ------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptive Text or Links under the main header, before attributes. */ .phui-oi-subhead { color: {$greytext}; padding: 0 8px 6px; } .phui-oi-description { display: none; } .phui-oi-description.phui-oi-description-reveal { display: block; } .phui-oi-description-tag { margin-left: 4px; } .phui-oi-description-tag:hover .phui-tag-core { cursor: pointer; background: {$darkgreybackground}; } .phui-oi-description-tag .phui-tag-core { border: none; } .phui-oi-description-tag.phui-tag-view .phui-icon-view { margin: 2px; } /* - Attribute List ------------------------------------------------------------ Object attributes, commonly used to render created date, etc. */ .phui-oi-attributes { padding: 0 8px 6px; line-height: 20px; min-height: 21px; } .phui-oi-attribute { display: inline; color: {$greytext}; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 4px; } .phui-oi-attribute-spacer { padding: 0 4px; display: none; } /* - Icons --------------------------------------------------------------------- Icons, which show object state. On mobile, they are rendered without labels to save space. */ .phui-object-icon-pane { margin: 8px 0 4px; } .device-phone .phui-object-icon-pane { margin: 0 0 4px; } .phui-oi-icons { padding: 0 4px 0 0; } .device-phone .phui-oi-icons { padding: 0 0 0 8px; } ul.phui-oi-icons { margin: 0; } .phui-oi-icon { vertical-align: middle; font-size: {$smallerfontsize}; color: {$greytext}; text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; min-height: 18px; line-height: 18px; } .device-phone .phui-oi-icon { text-align: left; font-size: 13px; } /* * Items with icon 'none' still have on mobile, thus creating a weird vertical * margin for elements which follow */ .device-phone .phui-oi-icon .none { display: none; } .phui-oi-icon-image { width: 14px; height: 14px; font-size: 13px; margin-right: 4px; } /* - Disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------ Disabled/inactive objects. */ .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-link, .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-link a { color: {$lightgreytext}; } .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-frame { border-color: #d7d7d7; } .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-objname { color: {$greytext}; text-decoration: line-through; } .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-image { opacity: .8; -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: grayscale(100%); } .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-attribute, .phui-oi.phui-oi-disabled .phui-oi-attribute > .phui-icon-view { color: {$lightgreytext}; } /* - Effects ------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects like highlighted items. */ .phui-oi.phui-oi-highlighted { background: {$sh-yellowbackground}; } ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-highlighted .phui-oi-frame { border-color: {$sh-yellowborder}; } .phui-oi-selected { background: {$sh-bluebackground}; } ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-selected .phui-oi-frame { border-color: {$sh-blueborder}; } .phui-oi-forbidden { background: {$sh-redbackground}; } /* - Handle Icons -------------------------------------------------------------- Shows owners, reviewers, etc., using profile picture icons. */ .phui-oi-handle-icons { bottom: 0; right: 4px; position: absolute; } .phui-oi-handle-icon { width: 24px; height: 24px; display: inline-block; background-size: 100%; border-radius: 3px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* - Bylines ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shows owners, authors, reviewers, etc., in text. */ .phui-oi-bylines { padding: 0 4px 0 8px; margin: 4px 0 8px; font-size: {$smallerfontsize}; color: {$greytext}; text-align: right; } .phui-oi-byline { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .device-phone .phui-oi-bylines { float: none; text-align: left; padding: 0 8px; font-size: {$normalfontsize}; } /* - Draggable List ------------------------------------------------------------ These classes are applied by and/or provided for use with JX.DraggableList. */ .drag-ghost { position: relative; background: {$sh-indigobackground}; border-radius: 3px; margin-bottom: 4px; border: 1px dashed {$sh-indigoborder}; } .drag-dragging { opacity: 0.25; } .drag-sending { opacity: 0.5; } .drag-clone, .drag-frame { /* This allows mousewheel events to pass through the clone and frame while they are being dragged. Without this, the mousewheel does not work during a drag operation. */ pointer-events: none; } .drag-frame { position: fixed; overflow: hidden; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; } .drag-clone { position: absolute; list-style: none; } /* - Badges ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ .phui-oi-col0.phui-oi-badge { width: 28px; } .phui-oi-col0.phui-oi-badge .phui-icon-view { left: 0; } /* - Countdowns ------------------------------------------------------------ */ .phui-oi-col0.phui-oi-countdown { width: 52px; padding: 0; } .phui-oi-countdown .phui-oi-countdown-number { border-right: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; text-align: center; color: {$bluetext}; } /* - Dashboards ------------------------------------------------------------ */ .phui-object-box .phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-frame { border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; } .drag-clone.phui-oi-standard .phui-oi-frame { border: none; opacity: 0.8; background: {$sh-bluebackground}; } .phui-object-box .phui-oi-list-header { font-size: {$normalfontsize}; color: {$darkbluetext}; border-top: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; border-bottom: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; padding: 8px 12px; background-color: {$lightgreybackground}; } .phui-object-box .phui-header-shell + .phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-list-header, .phui-object-box .phui-object-box-hidden-content + .phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-list-header, .phui-object-box .phui-object-box-hidden-content + .phui-oi-list-header { border-top: none; } .device-desktop .aphront-multi-column-fluid .aphront-multi-column-2-up .aphront-multi-column-column-outer.third .phui-oi-col2 { display: none; } /* - Launcher List ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .phui-oi-image-icon { background: none; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin: 8px 6px; position: absolute; } .phui-oi-image-icon .phui-icon-view { position: absolute; width: 40px; height: 40px; font-size: 26px; text-align: center; line-height: 36px; } .phui-oi-image { width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 3px; background-size: 100%; margin: 8px 6px; position: absolute; } .phui-oi-with-image-icon .phui-oi-frame, .phui-oi-with-image .phui-oi-frame { min-height: 52px; } .phui-oi-with-image-icon .phui-oi-content-box, .phui-oi-with-image .phui-oi-content-box { margin-left: 46px; } /* - Launcher Button -------------------------------------------------------- */ .phui-oi-col2.phui-oi-side-column { text-align: right; vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 4px; } .device-phone .phui-oi-col2.phui-oi-side-column { padding: 0 8px 8px; text-align: left; } .phui-oi-col0.phui-oi-checkbox { width: 28px; text-align: center; } .phui-oi-selectable { cursor: pointer; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; } /* When the list selection state can be toggled on the client (as in the bulk editor), keep the border color consistent to make the interaction feel more robust. */ ul.phui-oi-list-view .phui-oi-selectable .phui-oi-frame { border-color: {$blueborder}; } .differential-revision-size { padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background: {$lightgreybackground}; cursor: pointer; } .differential-revision-size .phui-icon-view { margin: 0 1px 0 1px; font-size: 7px; position: relative; top: -2px; color: {$lightbluetext}; } .differential-revision-large { background: {$sh-orangebackground}; } /* NOTE: These are intentionally using nonstandard colors, see T13127. */ .differential-revision-large .phui-icon-view { color: #e5ae7e; } .differential-revision-small { background: #f2f7ff; } .differential-revision-small .phui-icon-view { color: #6699ba; } .phui-oi-tail { text-align: center; padding: 8px 0; background: linear-gradient({$lightbluebackground}, #fff 66%, #fff); } .phui-oi-menu { background: {$lightbluebackground}; border-style: solid; border-color: {$thinblueborder}; padding: 4px; } .device-desktop .phui-oi-menu, .device-tablet .phui-oi-menu { width: 200px; border-width: 0 0 0 1px; } .device-phone .phui-oi-menu { border-width: 1px 0 0; }
{'content_hash': 'e3d0a31477f011597ab56be3ad793a7b', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 745, 'max_line_length': 80, 'avg_line_length': 17.76778523489933, 'alnum_prop': 0.619097982926645, 'repo_name': 'wikimedia/phabricator', 'id': 'b220d6f8402502f1b28167ae443f9648d7a7e1fb', 'size': '13237', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/wmf/stable', 'path': 'webroot/rsrc/css/phui/object-item/phui-oi-list-view.css', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '106'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '430528'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '743397'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '17910973'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '2082'}]}
#import "ZXAI01weightDecoder.h" @interface ZXAI013x0x1xDecoder : ZXAI01weightDecoder - (id)initWithInformation:(ZXBitArray *)information firstAIdigits:(NSString *)firstAIdigits dateCode:(NSString *)dateCode; @end
{'content_hash': 'c033186d061a6bac1f14efd1b5112843', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 9, 'max_line_length': 122, 'avg_line_length': 25.22222222222222, 'alnum_prop': 0.775330396475771, 'repo_name': 'hgl888/TeamTalk', 'id': '9ca9794bc2323cfee7e1ae54f1423389986564da', 'size': '838', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'ios/ZXing/oned/rss/expanded/decoders/ZXAI013x0x1xDecoder.h', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '954'}, {'name': 'C', 'bytes': '6876692'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '6166474'}, {'name': 'CMake', 'bytes': '18145'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '130576'}, {'name': 'GLSL', 'bytes': '122436'}, {'name': 'Groff', 'bytes': '3850'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '31811'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '1838380'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '240007'}, {'name': 'M4', 'bytes': '1876'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '219138'}, {'name': 'Matlab', 'bytes': '4296'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '21065461'}, {'name': 'Objective-C++', 'bytes': '90309'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '1387624'}, {'name': 'Protocol Buffer', 'bytes': '401345'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '92019'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '8845'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '82354'}]}
import yaml from .text_item import AbstractTextItem from .tree_item import AbstractTreeItem from .. import register @register class YamlItem(AbstractTextItem, AbstractTreeItem): extensions = ("yaml", "yml") mime_type = "text/x-yaml" new_item_order_preference = 1.6 type_description = lambda: "YAML" def get_yaml(self): return yaml.load(self.text, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) def _repr_html_(self): p = self.get_yaml() return self._tree_to_html(p)
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require 'spec_helper' describe HouseholdsController do end
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ACCEPTED #### According to International Plant Names Index #### Published in null #### Original name null ### Remarks null
{'content_hash': '35ec799e45a284cec7c9e329ff3bdc08', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 13, 'max_line_length': 31, 'avg_line_length': 9.692307692307692, 'alnum_prop': 0.7063492063492064, 'repo_name': 'mdoering/backbone', 'id': '8ce8a5d45d98629da863dd4d7e17efcb7bd2cf4c', 'size': '184', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'life/Plantae/Magnoliophyta/Liliopsida/Poales/Poaceae/Andropogon/Andropogon junceus/README.md', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': []}
/// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved. /** * @path ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ * @description Array.prototype.some - the Math object can be used as thisArg */ function testcase() { function callbackfn(val, idx, obj) { return this === Math; } return [11].some(callbackfn, Math); } runTestCase(testcase);
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<?php /** * All methods used for obtaining data through NewRelic REST API * * @author: Wojciech Iskra <wojciech.iskra@schibsted.pl> */ namespace Dashboard\Model\Dao; use Dashboard\Model\Dao\Exception\EndpointUrlNotAssembled; use Dashboard\Model\Utils; class NewRelicDao extends AbstractDao { /** * Adding datetimes parsing before assembling URL using parent method. * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function assembleUrl($url, $params = []) { if (isset($params['beginDateTime'])) { $params['beginDateTime'] = gmdate('Y-m-d', strtotime($params['beginDateTime'])) . 'T' . gmdate('H:i:s', strtotime($params['beginDateTime'])) . 'Z'; } if (isset($params['endDateTime'])) { $params['endDateTime'] = gmdate('Y-m-d', strtotime($params['endDateTime'])) . 'T' . gmdate('H:i:s', strtotime($params['endDateTime'])) . 'Z'; } $url = parent::assembleUrl($url, $params); return $url; } /** * Fetches CURRENT requests per minute for a given application - a single integer value * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return int */ public function fetchRpmForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $rpm = 0; $params['beginDateTime'] = '-5 minutes'; $params['endDateTime'] = 'now'; $response = $this->fetchRpmForGraphWidget($params); if (is_array($response) && count($response)) { $result = array_pop($response); $rpm = $result['y']; } return $rpm; } /** * Fetches CURRENT requests per minute for a given application (FE) - a single integer value * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return int */ public function fetchFeRpmForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $rpm = 0; $params['beginDateTime'] = '-5 minutes'; $params['endDateTime'] = 'now'; $response = $this->fetchFeRpmForGraphWidget($params); if (is_array($response) && count($response)) { $result = array_pop($response); $rpm = $result['y']; } return $rpm; } public function fetchFeRpmForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $responseParsed = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response)) { foreach ($response as $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['begin']), 'y' => round($singleStat['requests_per_minute']), ]; } } return $responseParsed; } /** * Fetch array of requests per minute values from beginDateTime to endDateTime * with constant intervals. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchRpmForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $responseParsed = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response)) { foreach ($response as $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['begin']), 'y' => round($singleStat['requests_per_minute']), ]; } } return $responseParsed; } /** * Number of errors per minute compared to total number of requests to the application * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return mixed */ public function fetchErrorRateForErrorWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['Error Rate']['metric_value']; } /** * Error rate for incremental graph widget * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return mixed */ public function fetchErrorRateForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['Error Rate']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['Error Rate']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Apdex value * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return mixed */ public function fetchApdexForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['Apdex']['metric_value']; } /** * Apdex value * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return mixed */ public function fetchApdexForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['Apdex']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['Apdex']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * CPU shows the percentage of time spent in User space by the CPU as an average of reporting apps (agents). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return int */ public function fetchCpuUsageForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $result = 0; $params['beginDateTime'] = '-1 minute'; $params['endDateTime'] = 'now'; $response = $this->fetchCpuUsageForGraphWidget($params); if (is_array($response) && count($response)) { $result = array_pop($response); $result = $result['y']; } return $result; } /** * Fetch array of CPU usage values from beginDateTime to endDateTime * with constant intervals. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchCpuUsageForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $responseParsed = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response)) { foreach ($response as $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['begin']), 'y' => $singleStat['percent'], ]; } } return $responseParsed; } /** * Returns average response time from the last minute in seconds * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchAverageResponseTimeForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $result = 0; $params['beginDateTime'] = '-5 minutes'; $params['endDateTime'] = 'now'; $response = $this->fetchAverageResponseTimeForGraphWidget($params); if (is_array($response) && count($response)) { $result = array_pop($response); $result = $result['y']; } return $result; } /** * Fetch array of average response time values from beginDateTime to endDateTime * with constant intervals. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchAverageResponseTimeForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $responseParsed = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response)) { foreach ($response as $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['begin']), 'y' => round($singleStat['average_response_time'] * 1000), ]; } } return $responseParsed; } /** * Fetches memory usage by your app * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchMemoryForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['Memory']['metric_value']; } /** * Fetches average memory usage for the first host of the application. Plots it as a number * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/rest-api-v2/application-examples-v2/get-host-memory-used-application#api-call * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchMemoryAvgForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $response = $this->fetchAvgMemory($params); return $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['used_mb_by_host']; } /** * Fetches average memory usage for the first host of the application. Plots it as an incremental graph * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/rest-api-v2/application-examples-v2/get-host-memory-used-application#api-call * * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function fetchMemoryAvgForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $response = $this->fetchAvgMemory($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $response['metric_data']['to'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['used_mb_by_host'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ private function fetchAvgMemory(array $params) { return $this->request( $this->getEndpointUrl(NewRelicAddresses::AVG_HOST_MEMORY), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_JSON ); } /** * Fetches the total memory usage for all hosts of the application. Plots it as a number * * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/rest-api-v2/application-examples-v2/get-host-memory-used-application#api-call * * It looks like total_used_mb field returns values in kb (instead of expected mb). Value is normalized to bytes * as it works nice with number widget formatting. If you don't use formatting and want to preserve original value * use useOriginalValue flag in your cfg * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchTotalMemoryForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $response = $this->fetchTotalMemory($params); $totalUsedMb = $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['total_used_mb']; return $totalUsedMb; } /** * Fetches the total memory usage for all hosts of the application. Plots it as an incremental graph * * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/rest-api-v2/application-examples-v2/get-host-memory-used-application#api-call * * It looks like total_used_mb field returns values in kb (instead of expected mb). Value is normalized to bytes * as it works nice with number widget formatting. If you don't use formatting and want to preserve original value * use useOriginalValue flag in your cfg * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchTotalMemoryForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $response = $this->fetchTotalMemory($params); $totalUsedMb = $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['total_used_mb']; return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $response['metric_data']['to'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $totalUsedMb, 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches memory usage by your app * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * @return float */ public function fetchMemoryUsageForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(NewRelicAddresses::HOST_MEMORY), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_JSON); return array_map( function ($timeslice) use ($params) { return [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($timeslice['to']), 'y' => $timeslice['values']['used_mb_by_host'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; }, $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'] ); } /** * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ private function fetchTotalMemory(array $params = []) { $response = $this->request( $this->getEndpointUrl(NewRelicAddresses::TOTAL_MEMORY), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_JSON ); $shouldUseOriginalValue = array_key_exists('useOriginalValue', $params) && true === $params['useOriginalValue']; if (!$shouldUseOriginalValue) { $totalUsedMb = $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['total_used_mb']; $response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['total_used_mb'] = $totalUsedMb * 1024; } return $response; } /** * Fetches memory usage by your app using the old v1 API. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchMemoryForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['Memory']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['Memory']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches CPU usage by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchCpuFromThresholdForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['CPU']['metric_value']; } /** * Fetches CPU usage by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchCpuFromThresholdForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['CPU']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['CPU']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches DB usage by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchDBFromThresholdForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['DB']['metric_value']; } /** * Fetches DB usage by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchDBFromThresholdForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['DB']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['DB']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches throughput by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchThroughputFromThresholdForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['Throughput']['metric_value']; } /** * Fetches throughput by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchThroughputFromThresholdForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['Throughput']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['Throughput']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches response time by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return float */ public function fetchResponseTimeFromThresholdForNumberWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return $thresholdValues['Response Time']['metric_value']; } /** * Fetches response time by your app based on thresholds.xml (good for free accounts). * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchResponseTimeFromThresholdForIncrementalGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $thresholdValues = $this->fetchThresholdValues($params); return [ 'x' => (int)$this->convertTimeBetweenTimezones( $thresholdValues['Response Time']['end_time'], 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'U' ), 'y' => $thresholdValues['Response Time']['metric_value'], 'events' => $this->fetchDeploymentEvents($params), ]; } /** * Fetches all threshold values for the application. * Because it can only be obtained in XML I manually parse it into an array. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchThresholdValues(array $params = []) { $result = []; $params['beginDateTime'] = '-5 minutes'; $params['endDateTime'] = 'now'; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_XML); foreach ($response->threshold_value as $thresholdValue) { $thresholdValue = (array)$thresholdValue; $result[$thresholdValue['@attributes']['name']] = $thresholdValue['@attributes']; } return $result; } /** * Fetches events for the application. * Because it can only be obtained in XML I manually parse it into an array. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchEvents(array $params = []) { $result = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_XML); foreach ($response->channel->item as $event) { $event = (array)$event; if (preg_match('/\[([a-z]+)\](.*)/i', $event['title'], $matches)) { if (!empty($params['eventType']) && $params['eventType'] == $matches[1]) { $result[] = [ 'title' => trim($matches[2], ' -.'), 'date' => strtotime($event['pubDate']), // doesn't need TimeZone conversion 'type' => $matches[1], ]; } } else { $result[] = [ 'title' => $event['title'], 'date' => strtotime($event['pubDate']), // doesn't need TimeZone conversion 'type' => '', ]; } } return $result; } /** * Fetches deployment events for the application. * * @param array $params - array with appId and other optional parameters for endpoint URL * * @return array */ public function fetchDeploymentEvents(array $params = []) { $events = []; if (!empty($this->getDaoParams()['feed']) || !empty($params['feed'])) { $events = $this->fetchEvents($params + ['eventType' => 'deployment']); } return $events; } /** * Fetches threshold values set for this metric (if they are set) * * @param array $params widget params * * @return array */ public function fetchThreshold(array $params = []) { $result = []; try { $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params, self::RESPONSE_IN_XML); foreach ($response->threshold as $thresholdValue) { if (strtolower($params['metric']) == strtolower((string)$thresholdValue->type)) { $result = (array)$thresholdValue; break; } } if (empty($result)) { throw new EndpointUrlNotAssembled('Could not find requested metric thresholds'); } } catch (EndpointUrlNotAssembled $e) { $result = [ 'caution-value' => isset($params['caution-value']) ? $params['caution-value'] : 0, 'critical-value' => isset($params['critical-value']) ? $params['critical-value'] : 0, ]; } return $result; } /** * Helper function to convert time between timezones. * * @param $time * @param $originTimezone * @param $targetTimezone * @param string $format * * @return string */ private function convertTimeBetweenTimezones($time, $originTimezone, $targetTimezone, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') { try { $convertedTime = new \DateTime($time, new \DateTimeZone($originTimezone)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m DD,yy hh:MM meridian', $time); $convertedTime = new \DateTime($date, new \DateTimeZone($originTimezone)); } $convertedTime->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($targetTimezone)); return $convertedTime->format($format); } /** * @param array $params * * @return mixed * @throws Exception\EndpointUrlNotDefined */ public function fetchDiskUsageForUsageWidget(array $params = []) { $data = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); $currentValue = $data['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['average_response_time']; $maximumValue = $data['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['average_exclusive_time']; return [ 'current_value' => $currentValue, 'maximum_value' => $maximumValue, 'minimum_value' => 0, ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array * @throws Exception\EndpointUrlNotDefined */ public function fetchMemoryUsageForUsageWidget(array $params = []) { $data = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); $currentValue = $data['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['average_response_time'] / 1024; $maximumValue = $data['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'][0]['values']['average_exclusive_time'] / 1024; return [ 'current_value' => $currentValue, 'maximum_value' => $maximumValue, 'minimum_value' => 0, ]; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array * @throws \Dashboard\Model\Dao\Exception\EndpointUrlNotDefined */ public function fetchServerCpuUsageForGraphWidget(array $params = []) { $responseParsed = []; $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'])) { foreach ($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'] as $key => $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = [ 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['to']), 'y' => $singleStat['values']['average_value'] + $response['metric_data']['metrics'][1]['timeslices'][$key]['values']['average_value'], ]; } } return $responseParsed; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array * @throws \Dashboard\Model\Dao\Exception\EndpointUrlNotDefined */ public function fetchServerLoadForGraphWidget(array $params = array()) { $responseParsed = array(); $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'])) { foreach ($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'] as $key => $singleStat) { $responseParsed[] = array( 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['to']), 'y' => $singleStat['values']['average_value'] ); } } return $responseParsed; } /** * @param array $params * * @return array * @throws \Dashboard\Model\Dao\Exception\EndpointUrlNotDefined */ public function fetchServerNetworkReceivedForGraphWidget(array $params = array()) { $responseParsed = array(); $response = $this->request($this->getEndpointUrl(__FUNCTION__), $params); if (is_array($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'])) { foreach ($response['metric_data']['metrics'][0]['timeslices'] as $key => $singleStat) { // convert bytes to bits $responseParsed[] = array( 'x' => 1000 * Utils::dateStringToLocalSeconds($singleStat['to']), 'y' => 8 * $singleStat['values']['per_second'] ); } } return $responseParsed; } }
{'content_hash': 'a8b7908bd94fdd3a7929b1ad93b3114a', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 870, 'max_line_length': 125, 'avg_line_length': 33.282758620689656, 'alnum_prop': 0.5626813095731454, 'repo_name': 'Schibsted-Tech-Polska/stp.rtm', 'id': '2ccc19b492142629418145f6ea3f54b8fa46232e', 'size': '28956', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Model/Dao/NewRelicDao.php', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'ApacheConf', 'bytes': '708'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '43699'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '39248'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '915375'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '258822'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '7702'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '395'}]}
import test from 'blue-tape'; import {spy} from 'sinon'; import {findLocal, findGlobal} from '../../lib/find-scaffolds'; const dependencies = { test: { // should skip this one name: 'whatever-random-name', realPath: 'test realpath' // no keywords, should not fail }, prefixedName: { // should return, because it matches name = 'cf-*' name: 'cf-test', realPath: 'prefixed realpath', keywords: ['random', 'keywords'] }, taggedWithSingleTag: { // should return, because it matches tag 'cloverfield-scaffold' name: 'tagged1', realPath: 'tagged1 realpath', keywords: ['cloverfield-scaffold'] }, taggedWithTwoTags: { // should return, because it matches two tags 'cloverfield' && 'scaffold' name: 'tagged2', realPath: 'tagged2 realpath', keywords: ['cloverfield', 'scaffold'] }, incorrectlyTagged: { // should skip this because it matches only one tag 'cloverfield', but not 'scaffold' name: 'incorrectly-tagged', realPath: 'incorrectly-tagged realpath', keywords: ['cloverfield', 'something else'] }, packageWithoutName: { // should skip this because it does not have a name realPath: 'package-without-name realpath', keywords: ['cloverfield', 'scaffold'] } }; const mockNpm = () => { const npm = { load: spy(), commands: { ls: spy() } }; return {npm}; }; test('Find Scaffolds API', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); assert.ok(findGlobal(npm) instanceof Function, 'should be function'); assert.ok(findGlobal(npm)() instanceof Promise, 'should return Promise'); assert.end(); }); test('Search for global Scaffolds', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); findGlobal(npm)(); assert.equal(npm.load.getCall(0).args[0].global, true, 'should call npm.init with global flag'); assert.end(); }); test('Search for local Scaffolds', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); findLocal(npm)(); assert.equal(npm.load.getCall(0).args[0].global, false, 'should call npm.init without global flag'); assert.end(); }); test('Finding Scaffolds', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); const promise = findGlobal(npm)(); assert.ok(npm.load.calledOnce, 'npm.init should be called'); // Emulate successful load response const loadCallback = npm.load.getCall(0).args[1]; loadCallback(null); assert.ok(npm.commands.ls.calledOnce, 'npm.commands.ls should be called'); const lsCallback = npm.commands.ls.getCall(0).args[2]; lsCallback(null, {dependencies}); return promise .then(scaffolds => { assert.ok(scaffolds, 'find-scaffold should resolve with found scaffolds'); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(scaffolds), ['test', 'tagged1', 'tagged2'], 'should return correctly matched scaffolds'); }); }); test('Find Scaffolds fail on npm.init', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); const promise = findGlobal(npm)(); const loadCallback = npm.load.getCall(0).args[1]; loadCallback(new Error('Oops')); return promise .catch(error => { assert.ok(error instanceof Error, 'should reject with Error'); assert.equal(error.message, 'Oops', 'should pass-through error message'); }); }); test('Find Scaffolds fail on npm.commands.ls', assert => { const {npm} = mockNpm(); const promise = findGlobal(npm)(); const loadCallback = npm.load.getCall(0).args[1]; loadCallback(null); const lsCallback = npm.commands.ls.getCall(0).args[2]; lsCallback(new Error('Oops')); return promise .catch(error => { assert.ok(error instanceof Error, 'should reject with Error'); assert.equal(error.message, 'Oops', 'should pass-through error message'); }); });
{'content_hash': 'a3b07a09b83b3f73ab1632c8bfd72aec', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 152, 'max_line_length': 98, 'avg_line_length': 24.42105263157895, 'alnum_prop': 0.6524784482758621, 'repo_name': 'cloverfield-tools/cloverfield', 'id': 'fade1c1f2534f7d32f3d4f2104fad921fc587b98', 'size': '3712', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'test/lib/find-scaffolds.js', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '8944'}]}
Spark.load_lib module Spark ## # Main entry point for Spark functionality. A SparkContext represents the connection to a Spark # cluster, and can be used to create RDDs, accumulators and broadcast variables on that cluster. # class Context include Spark::Helper::System include Spark::Helper::Parser include Spark::Helper::Logger attr_reader :jcontext, :jaccumulator, :temp_dir # Constructor for Ruby context. Configuration is automatically is taken # from Spark. Config will be automatically set to default if user start # context first. # def initialize Spark.config.valid! @jcontext = JavaSparkContext.new(Spark.config.spark_conf) @jcontext.addJar(Spark.ruby_spark_jar) # Does not work on 1.2 # ui.attachTab(RubyTab.new(ui, to_java_hash(RbConfig::CONFIG))) spark_local_dir = JUtils.getLocalDir(sc.conf) @temp_dir = JUtils.createTempDir(spark_local_dir, 'ruby').getAbsolutePath accum_server = Spark::Accumulator::Server accum_server.start @jaccumulator = @jcontext.accumulator(ArrayList.new, RubyAccumulatorParam.new(accum_server.host, accum_server.port)) log_info("Ruby accumulator server is running on port #{accum_server.port}") set_call_site('Ruby') # description of stage end def inspect result = %{#<#{self.class.name}:0x#{object_id}\n} result << %{Tempdir: "#{temp_dir}">} result end def stop Spark::Accumulator::Server.stop log_info('Ruby accumulator server was stopped') @jcontext.stop end def sc @jcontext.sc end def ui sc.ui end # Default level of parallelism to use when not given by user (e.g. parallelize and makeRDD) # def default_parallelism sc.defaultParallelism end # Default serializer # # Batch -> Compress -> Basic # def default_serializer # Basic serializer = Spark::Serializer.find!(config('spark.ruby.serializer')).new # Compress if config('spark.ruby.serializer.compress') serializer = Spark::Serializer.compressed(serializer) end # Bactching batch_size = default_batch_size if batch_size == 'auto' serializer = Spark::Serializer.auto_batched(serializer) else serializer = Spark::Serializer.batched(serializer, batch_size) end # Finally, "container" contains serializers serializer end def default_batch_size size = config('spark.ruby.serializer.batch_size').to_i if size >= 1 size else 'auto' end end # Set a local property that affects jobs submitted from this thread, such as the # Spark fair scheduler pool. # def set_local_property(key, value) jcontext.setLocalProperty(key, value) end # Get a local property set in this thread, or null if it is missing # def get_local_property(key) jcontext.getLocalProperty(key) end # Support function for API backtraces. # def set_call_site(site) jcontext.setCallSite(site) end def clear_call_site jcontext.clearCallSite end # Return a copy of this SparkContext's configuration. The configuration *cannot* # be changed at runtime. # def config(key=nil) if key Spark.config.get(key) else Spark.config end end # Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node. # The path of file passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS # (or other Hadoop-supported filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI. # # To access the file in Spark jobs, use `SparkFiles.get(file_name)` with the # filename to find its download location. # # == Example: # `echo 10 > test.txt` # # $sc.add_file('test.txt') # $sc.parallelize(0..5).map(lambda{|x| x * SparkFiles.get_content('test.txt').to_i}).collect # # => [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] # def add_file(*files) files.each do |file| sc.addFile(file) end end # Broadcast a read-only variable to the cluster, returning a Spark::Broadcast # object for reading it in distributed functions. The variable will # be sent to each cluster only once. # # == Example: # broadcast1 = $sc.broadcast('a') # broadcast2 = $sc.broadcast('b') # # rdd = $sc.parallelize(0..5, 4) # rdd = rdd.bind(broadcast1: broadcast1, broadcast2: broadcast2) # rdd = rdd.map_partitions_with_index(lambda{|part, index| [broadcast1.value * index, broadcast2.value * index] }) # rdd.collect # # => ["", "", "a", "b", "aa", "bb", "aaa", "bbb"] # def broadcast(value) Spark::Broadcast.new(self, value) end # Create an Accumulator with the given initial value, using a given # accum_param helper object to define how to add values of the # data type if provided. # # == Example: # accum = $sc.accumulator(7) # # rdd = $sc.parallelize(0..5, 4) # rdd = rdd.bind(accum: accum) # rdd = rdd.map_partitions(lambda{|_| accum.add(1) }) # rdd = rdd.collect # # accum.value # # => 11 # def accumulator(value, accum_param=:+, zero_value=0) Spark::Accumulator.new(value, accum_param, zero_value) end # Distribute a local Ruby collection to form an RDD # Direct method can be slow so be careful, this method update data inplace # # == Parameters: # data:: Range or Array # num_slices:: number of slice # serializer:: custom serializer (default: serializer based on configuration) # # == Examples: # $sc.parallelize(["1", "2", "3"]).map(lambda{|x| x.to_i}).collect # #=> [1, 2, 3] # # $sc.parallelize(1..3).map(:to_s).collect # #=> ["1", "2", "3"] # def parallelize(data, num_slices=nil, serializer=nil) num_slices ||= default_parallelism serializer ||= default_serializer serializer.check_each(data) # Through file file = Tempfile.new('to_parallelize', temp_dir) serializer.dump_to_io(data, file) file.close # not unlink jrdd = RubyRDD.readRDDFromFile(jcontext, file.path, num_slices) Spark::RDD.new(jrdd, self, serializer) ensure file && file.unlink end # Read a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any # Hadoop-supported file system URI, and return it as an RDD of Strings. # # == Example: # f = Tempfile.new("test") # f.puts("1") # f.puts("2") # f.close # # $sc.text_file(f.path).map(lambda{|x| x.to_i}).collect # # => [1, 2] # def text_file(path, min_partitions=nil, encoding=Encoding::UTF_8, serializer=nil) min_partitions ||= default_parallelism serializer ||= default_serializer deserializer = Spark::Serializer.build { __text__(encoding) } Spark::RDD.new(@jcontext.textFile(path, min_partitions), self, serializer, deserializer) end # Read a directory of text files from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any # Hadoop-supported file system URI. Each file is read as a single record and returned in a # key-value pair, where the key is the path of each file, the value is the content of each file. # # == Example: # dir = Dir.mktmpdir # f1 = Tempfile.new("test1", dir) # f2 = Tempfile.new("test2", dir) # f1.puts("1"); f1.puts("2"); # f2.puts("3"); f2.puts("4"); # f1.close # f2.close # # $sc.whole_text_files(dir).flat_map(lambda{|key, value| value.split}).collect # # => ["1", "2", "3", "4"] # def whole_text_files(path, min_partitions=nil, serializer=nil) min_partitions ||= default_parallelism serializer ||= default_serializer deserializer = Spark::Serializer.build{ __pair__(__text__, __text__) } Spark::RDD.new(@jcontext.wholeTextFiles(path, min_partitions), self, serializer, deserializer) end # Executes the given partition function f on the specified set of partitions, # returning the result as an array of elements. # # If partitions is not specified, this will run over all partitions. # # == Example: # rdd = $sc.parallelize(0..10, 5) # $sc.run_job(rdd, lambda{|x| x.to_s}, [0,2]) # # => ["[0, 1]", "[4, 5]"] # def run_job(rdd, f, partitions=nil, allow_local=false) run_job_with_command(rdd, partitions, allow_local, Spark::Command::MapPartitions, f) end # Execute the given command on specific set of partitions. # def run_job_with_command(rdd, partitions, allow_local, command, *args) if !partitions.nil? && !partitions.is_a?(Array) raise Spark::ContextError, 'Partitions must be nil or Array' end partitions_size = rdd.partitions_size # Execute all parts if partitions.nil? partitions = (0...partitions_size).to_a end # Can happend when you use coalesce partitions.delete_if {|part| part >= partitions_size} # Rjb represent Fixnum as Integer but Jruby as Long partitions = to_java_array_list(convert_to_java_int(partitions)) # File for result file = Tempfile.new('collect', temp_dir) mapped = rdd.new_rdd_from_command(command, *args) RubyRDD.runJob(rdd.context.sc, mapped.jrdd, partitions, allow_local, file.path) mapped.collect_from_file(file) end # Aliases alias_method :textFile, :text_file alias_method :wholeTextFiles, :whole_text_files alias_method :defaultParallelism, :default_parallelism alias_method :setLocalProperty, :set_local_property alias_method :getLocalProperty, :get_local_property alias_method :setCallSite, :set_call_site alias_method :clearCallSite, :clear_call_site alias_method :runJob, :run_job alias_method :runJobWithCommand, :run_job_with_command alias_method :addFile, :add_file end end
{'content_hash': '50c918f89456b09c48e4d125664ac16e', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 324, 'max_line_length': 122, 'avg_line_length': 31.117283950617285, 'alnum_prop': 0.6279508034120215, 'repo_name': 'ondra-m/ruby-spark', 'id': '0581bfe54b2b2cefb859ef073b3c841ed24c2608', 'size': '10104', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'lib/spark/context.rb', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '4202'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '4678'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '3233'}, {'name': 'R', 'bytes': '1429'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '321652'}, {'name': 'Scala', 'bytes': '51064'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '4640'}]}
from .linked_service import LinkedService class AzureMLLinkedService(LinkedService): """Azure ML Web Service linked service. :param additional_properties: Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized this collection :type additional_properties: dict[str, object] :param connect_via: The integration runtime reference. :type connect_via: ~azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeReference :param description: Linked service description. :type description: str :param type: Constant filled by server. :type type: str :param ml_endpoint: The Batch Execution REST URL for an Azure ML Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). :type ml_endpoint: object :param api_key: The API key for accessing the Azure ML model endpoint. :type api_key: ~azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SecureString :param update_resource_endpoint: The Update Resource REST URL for an Azure ML Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). :type update_resource_endpoint: object :param service_principal_id: The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML web service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). :type service_principal_id: object :param service_principal_key: The key of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML web service. :type service_principal_key: ~azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SecureString :param tenant: The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). :type tenant: object :param encrypted_credential: The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). :type encrypted_credential: object """ _validation = { 'type': {'required': True}, 'ml_endpoint': {'required': True}, 'api_key': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'additional_properties': {'key': '', 'type': '{object}'}, 'connect_via': {'key': 'connectVia', 'type': 'IntegrationRuntimeReference'}, 'description': {'key': 'description', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'ml_endpoint': {'key': 'typeProperties.mlEndpoint', 'type': 'object'}, 'api_key': {'key': 'typeProperties.apiKey', 'type': 'SecureString'}, 'update_resource_endpoint': {'key': 'typeProperties.updateResourceEndpoint', 'type': 'object'}, 'service_principal_id': {'key': 'typeProperties.servicePrincipalId', 'type': 'object'}, 'service_principal_key': {'key': 'typeProperties.servicePrincipalKey', 'type': 'SecureString'}, 'tenant': {'key': 'typeProperties.tenant', 'type': 'object'}, 'encrypted_credential': {'key': 'typeProperties.encryptedCredential', 'type': 'object'}, } def __init__(self, ml_endpoint, api_key, additional_properties=None, connect_via=None, description=None, update_resource_endpoint=None, service_principal_id=None, service_principal_key=None, tenant=None, encrypted_credential=None): super(AzureMLLinkedService, self).__init__(additional_properties=additional_properties, connect_via=connect_via, description=description) self.ml_endpoint = ml_endpoint self.api_key = api_key self.update_resource_endpoint = update_resource_endpoint self.service_principal_id = service_principal_id self.service_principal_key = service_principal_key self.tenant = tenant self.encrypted_credential = encrypted_credential self.type = 'AzureML'
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e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // remove_anim_block_class_prompt } prevValue = item.val(); }); } /* constructor end */ NewRSAdmin.prototype = { getDimensions: function() { var self = this; return { width: self.getOpt('width'), height: self.getOpt('height') }; }, getOpt: function(optname, section) { var self = this; var el = self.sliderOptions.find('[name="' + (!section ? 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self.adminThumbImg = item.find('.rsMainThumb'); self.imageId = imageTab.find('[name="slides[image][attachment_id]"]').add( imageTab.find('[name="mediaimages[id]"]') ); self.imageTabThumbImg = imageTab.find('img'); self.imageTabLargeImage = imageTab.find('[ name="adminarea[large]" ]'); self.adminLargeImage = imageTab.find('[ name="adminarea[large_gen]" ]'); self.adminLargeImageWidth = imageTab.find('[ name="adminarea[large_width]" ]'); self.adminLargeImageHeight = imageTab.find('[ name="adminarea[large_height]" ]'); self.videoImageSrc = imageTab.find('[ name="slides[video][image]" ]'); self.videoImageThumbSrc = imageTab.find('[ name="slides[video][thumb]" ]'); self.imageTabTitle = imageTab.find('input[name="slides[title]"]'); self.imageTabDescription = imageTab.find('textarea'); self.videoSelectInput = imageTab.find('.rs-video-select').newRSVideoSelect(self); menuItems.click(function(e) { var target = $(e.target).closest('li'); menuItems.removeClass('rs-tab-selected'); target.addClass('rs-tab-selected'); tabsContent.children().hide(); tabsContent.find('.'+target.data('selector')).show(); switch(target.data('selector')) { case 'rs-html-tab': htmlTab(); break; case 'rs-video-tab': if(!videoTab) videoTab = tabsContent.find('.rs-video-tab').newRSVideoSelect(self); else videoTab.data('newRSVideoSelect').show(); break; case 'rs-animated-block-tab': if(!self.blockEditor) self.blockEditor = self.slidesContainer.newRSBlockEditor(self, tabsContent.find('.rs-animated-block-tab') ,tabs); else self.blockEditor.data('newRSBlockEditor').show( tabsContent.find('.rs-animated-block-tab') ); break; } }).eq(startTab).trigger('click'); // image tab self.selectImageBtn = imageTab.find('.rs-select-image').bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.showThickbox('media-upload.php?type=image&post_id=&newrs-a-gallery-enabled=true&newrs-a-gallery-single=true&TB_iframe=true', self.onImageSelect); }); self.removeImageBtn = imageTab.find('.rs-remove-image').bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.removeImage(); 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if( !self.editOpen) { self.editItem( self.slidesContainer.children().last() ); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(textStatus); $('#create-new-slide').text(newRsVars.create_new_slide); } }); }, onImageSelect: function(obj) { var self = this; self.setImage(obj.id, obj.src, obj.large, obj.large_width, obj.large_height); // self.imageInputToSelect.val(obj.id); // self.imageElToSelect.attr('src', obj.src);\ self.setTitleCaption(obj.title, obj.caption) }, setTitleCaption: function(title, caption, force) { var self = this; if(force || !(self.imageTabTitle.val().length > 0) ) { self.imageTabTitle.val(title); self.imageTabDescription.val(caption); return true; } else { return false; } }, setVideoImage: function(image, thumb) { var self = this; self.videoImageSrc.val(image); self.videoImageThumbSrc.val(thumb); if(self.imageId.val().length > 0) { } else { self.setMainThumbImg(thumb); } self.updateImageStatus(); }, removeImage: function() { var self = this; self.imageId.val(''); //self.adminThumbImg.attr('src', ''); //self.imageTabThumbImg.attr('src', ''); self.adminLargeImage.val(''); self.imageTabLargeImage.val(''); self.adminLargeImageWidth.val(''); self.adminLargeImageHeight.val(''); self.updateImageStatus(); }, setImage: function(id, thumb, large, lw, lh) { var self = this; self.imageId.val(id); self.setMainThumbImg(thumb); self.adminLargeImage.val(large); self.imageTabLargeImage.val(large); self.adminLargeImageWidth.val(lw); self.adminLargeImageHeight.val(lh); self.updateImageStatus(); }, getImage: function(size) { var self = this; if(!size) { return self.adminLargeImage.val(); } else if(size == 'thumb') { //return self.adminThumbImg.attr('src'); } else if(size == 'id') { return self.imageId.val(); } else { alert('getImage unknown param'); } }, updateImageStatus: function() { var self = this; var hasLibraryImage = Boolean(self.imageId.val().length > 0); var hasVideoImage = Boolean(self.videoImageThumbSrc.val().length > 0); if(!hasLibraryImage) { self.removeImageBtn.hide(); self.selectImageBtn.text( hasVideoImage ? newRsVars.change_image : newRsVars.add_image); } else { self.removeImageBtn.show(); self.selectImageBtn.text(newRsVars.change_image); } if(!hasLibraryImage) { var imageSrc; if(hasVideoImage) { imageSrc = self.videoImageThumbSrc.val(); } else { imageSrc = newRsVars.img_folder + 'empty150.png'; } self.setMainThumbImg(imageSrc); } }, setMainThumbImg: function(src) { var self = this; self.adminThumbImg.css('background-image', 'url(\'' + src + '\')'); self.imageTabThumbImg.attr('src', src); }, getImageWidth: function() { return parseInt(this.adminLargeImageWidth.val(), 10); }, getImageHeight: function() { return parseInt(this.adminLargeImageHeight.val(), 10); }, addItemActionButtonsEvents: function() { var self = this; self.slidesContainer.click(function(e) { var target = $(e.target); switch(target.attr('class')) { case 'rs-item-action rs-remove-slide': e.preventDefault(); self.removeItem(target.closest('.rsSlideItem')); break; case 'rs-item-action rs-duplicate-slide': e.preventDefault(); self.duplicateItem(target.closest('.rsSlideItem')); break; case 'rsMainThumb': case 'rs-item-action rs-edit-slide': e.preventDefault(); self.editItem(target.closest('.rsSlideItem')); break; } }); }, showThickbox: function(params, callback) { var self = this; $("#TB_window").html(""); if(callback) { self.singleSelectCallback = callback; } tb_show('', params + '&width=640&height=265'); $('#TB_title').each(function(i,item) { if(i !== 0) { $(item).remove(); } }); }, bindDropFromAnotherWindow: function() { var self = this; var btn = $('#create-new-slide'); btn.bind('drop', function(e) { btn.html( newRsVars.add_new_slide ); var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; self.addItems(dt.getData("rsSlide")); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }).bind('dragover', function(e) { return false; }).bind('dragenter', function(e) { btn.html( newRsVars.drop_to_duplicate ); return false; }).bind('dragleave', function(e) { btn.html( newRsVars.add_new_slide ); return false; }); }, getSlidesData: function() { var self = this; var slides = []; var items = self.getSlides().each(function(i, item) { var item = $(item); var obj = item.find(':input').toJSON(true); slides[i] = obj.slides ? obj.slides : {temp: true}; }); return slides; }, getOptions: function() { var self = this; var obj = $('#new-royalslider-options .rs-opt, .rs-body-options .rs-opt').toJSON(); if(self.isPosts) { obj.posts.taxonomies = jQuery('#rs-postssource-options .main-opts :checked').toJSON(true); } return obj; }, refreshTemplate: function(templateId) { var self = this, options = self.getOptions(); self.templateChanging = true; $('#rs-template-title-text').text( newRsVars.loading_data ); $.ajax({ url: newRsVars.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { templateId: templateId, action : 'refreshTemplate', type : $('#admin-slider-type').val(), _ajax_nonce : newRsVars.refreshTemplateNonce }, complete: function(data) { self.templateChanging = false; $('#rs-template-title-text').text( newRsVars.templates_text ); var response = $.parseJSON(data.responseText); self.sliderOptions.html( response.options ); self.generator.setTemplateVal( response.template); self.setupOptionsJS(); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(textStatus); self.templateChanging = false; $('#rs-template-title-text').text( newRsVars.templates_text ); } }); }, setupOptionsJS: function() { var self = this; var thumbOpts = self.sliderOptions.find('[name^="thumbs"]').parent(); self.sliderOptions.find('[name="sopts[controlNavigation]"]').bind('change', function() { var item = $(this); if( $(this).val() === 'thumbnails' ) { thumbOpts.removeClass('ro-hidden'); } else { thumbOpts.addClass('ro-hidden'); } }).triggerHandler('change'); self.sliderOptions.find('[data-child-opts]').each(function(i, el) { var master = $(el), slaves = $( '#' + master.attr('data-child-opts').split(' ').join(', #') ).parent() master = master.find('input:checkbox'); master.click( function(e, custom) { if(custom) { e.preventDefault(); } if($(this).is(':checked')) { slaves.removeClass('ro-hidden'); } else { slaves.addClass('ro-hidden'); } }).triggerHandler('click', 'custom'); }); }, getTemplateId: function() { return $('#dynamic-options-data').attr('data-css-class'); }, saveSlider: function(name, options ) { var self = this, name = $('#titlewrap input').val(), options = self.getOptions(); if(self.saveXHR) { self.saveXHR.abort(); } var slides = self.getSlidesData(); self.saveButton.html( newRsVars.saving ); var type = $('#admin-slider-type').val(); self.saveXHR = $.ajax({ url: newRsVars.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { name: name, options: options, slides:slides, slider_id: self.saveButton.attr('data-slider-id'), skin: $('#skin-select').val(), slider_type: type, isCreate: (self.saveButton.attr('data-create') === 'true') ? 'true' : null, template: $('#template-select input:checked').val(), template_html: self.generator.getTemplateVal(), action : 'newRoyalSliderSave', _ajax_nonce : newRsVars.saveNonce }, complete: function(data) { self.saveButton.attr('data-create', 'false'); self.saveButton.html( newRsVars.saving ); if(data.responseText === '') { } else if(data.responseText === 'saved') { } else if( !isNaN(data.responseText) ) { var insertId = parseInt(data.responseText); self.editSliderText.html( newRsVars.edit_royalslider.replace('%s', type.capitalize() ) + insertId); self.saveButton.attr('data-slider-id', insertId); $("#embed-info code").each(function() { var text = $(this).text(); text = text.replace("123", insertId); $(this).text(text); }); $("#embed-info").find('.no-id').remove(); $('.add-new-h2.rs-hidden').removeClass('rs-hidden'); $('.rs-embed-to-site').addClass('rs-button-glow').one('click', function() { $(this).removeClass('rs-button-glow'); }); if(history.pushState) { var href = window.location.href; var id = insertId; href = href.replace('action=add', 'action=edit') + '&id='+id; history.replaceState({},window.title, href); } } self.saveButton.html( newRsVars.save_slider ); setTimeout(function() { $('#save-progress').css({ 'opacity': 1, 'right': self.saveButton.innerWidth() + 14 }); setTimeout(function() { $('#save-progress').css('opacity', 0); }, 2500); }, 1); // if(!(sliderID > -1)) { // $('#edit-slider-text').text('Edit RoyalSlider #' + data.responseText); // } // if(parseInt(data.responseText, 10) > -1) { // sliderID = parseInt(data.responseText, 10); // } // saveButton.html('Save Slider'); // isUnsaved = false; // saveProgressButton.html('Saved').addClass('ajax-saved').removeClass('unsaved'); // isAjaxRunning = false; }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); }, setupManageSlidersPage: function() { var self= this; self.manageSlidersTable.find('.delete-newrslider').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var warning = newRsVars.delete_warning; var row = $(this).parents('tr'); warning = warning.replace('%s', '"'+row.find('strong a').text()+'" (id #'+row.find('td').eq(0).text()+')'); if(confirm(warning)){ window.location = $(this).data('dhref'); } }); }, setupPostsSource: function(postSource) { postSource.on('click', '.category-tabs li a', function(e){ //event.preventDefault(); var this_id = $(this).closest('.categorydiv').attr('id'), taxonomyParts = this_id.split('-'); taxonomyParts.shift(); var taxonomy = taxonomyParts.join('-'), settingName = taxonomy + '_tab'; var t = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).parent().addClass('tabs').siblings('li').removeClass('tabs'); $('#' + taxonomy + '-tabs').siblings('.tabs-panel').hide(); $(t).show(); return false; // var t = $(this).attr("href"); // var taxonomy = $(this).parents('.categorydiv').attr('id').split('-')[1]; // $(this).parent().addClass("tabs").siblings("li").removeClass("tabs"); // $("#" + taxonomy + "-tabs").siblings(".tabs-panel").hide(); // $(t).show(); // return false; }); function handler() { var this_id = $(this).closest('.categorydiv').attr('id'), taxonomyParts = this_id.split('-'); taxonomyParts.shift(); var taxonomy = taxonomyParts.join('-'), settingName = taxonomy + '_tab'; var t = $(this), c = t.is(':checked'), id = t.val(); if ( id && t.parents('#taxonomy-'+taxonomy).length ) $('#in-' + taxonomy + '-' + id + ', #in-popular-' + taxonomy + '-' + id).prop( 'checked', c ); } postSource.on('click', '.categorydiv input[type="checkbox"]', handler); postSource.find('.categorydiv .main-opts input[type="checkbox"]').each(handler); //function postSource.find('#posts-post_type').change(function() { // To enable var input = $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if(self.postTypeXHR) { self.postTypeXHR.abort(); } self.postTypeXHR = $.ajax({ url: newRsVars.ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: { action : 'newRsGetPostTypeTerms', post_type : $(this).val(), _ajax_nonce : newRsVars.customSourceActionNonce }, complete: function(data) { $('#rs-taxonomies-fields').html(data.responseText); input.removeAttr('disabled'); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('#rs-taxonomies-fields').html(); input.removeAttr('disabled'); } }); }); } }; /* prototype end */ $.fn.newRSAdmin = function(options) { return this.each(function(){ var rsAdmin = new NewRSAdmin($(this), options); $(this).data('newRsAdmin', rsAdmin); }); }; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { window.rsAdminGlobal = $(document).newRSAdmin().data('newRsAdmin'); });
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{% extends "xadmin/views/model_form.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load url from future %} {% load xadmin_tags %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% if account_view %} <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="{% url 'xadmin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a></li> <li class="active">{% trans 'Change password' %}</li> </ul> {% else %} <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="{% url 'xadmin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a></li> <li> {% if has_view_permission %} <a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'changelist' %}">{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</a> {% else %}{{ opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}{% endif %} </li> <li><a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'change' original.pk %}">{{ original|truncatewords:"18" }}</a></li> <li class="active">{% trans 'Change password' %}</li> </ul> {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <form action="{{ form_url }}" class="exform" method="post" id="{{ opts.model_name }}_form">{% csrf_token %}{% block form_top %}{% endblock %} {% if errors %} <div class="alert alert-danger"> {% blocktrans count counter=errors|length %}Please correct the error below.{% plural %}Please correct the errors below.{% endblocktrans %} </div> {{ form.non_field_errors }} {% endif %} <div class="alert alert-info"> {% if account_view %} {% trans "Enter your new password." %} {% else %} {% blocktrans with username=original.username %}Enter a new password for the user <strong>{{ username }}</strong>.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %} </div> <div class="form-container row" > <div class="col-sm-12 form-horizontal"> <div class="panel panel-default fieldset"> <div class="panel-body"> {% crispy form %} </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-actions well well-sm clearfix"> <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Change password' %}" class="default" /> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("id_old_password").focus();</script> {% endblock %}
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<!DOCTYPE html> <title>Test that Audio("url") constructor loads the specified resource.</title> <script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script> async_test(function(t) { var audioFile = "content/test.oga"; var audio = new Audio(audioFile); audio.onloadstart = t.step_func(function () { var url = audio.currentSrc; assert_equals(url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("/media/")+7), audioFile); }); audio.oncanplaythrough = t.step_func_done(); }); </script>
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angular.module('dockership', [ 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-loading-bar', 'ansiToHtml', 'ngAnimate', 'bd.sockjs', 'headroom', 'dialogs.main', 'notification', ]); angular.module('dockership').controller( 'LogTabCtrl', function ($scope, $rootScope, socket, ansi2html, Notification) { $scope.level = 3 $rootScope.pendingLogs = 0; $scope.chageLevel = function(level) { $scope.level = level; }; $scope.filter = function(line) { if (line.lvl <= $scope.level) { return true; } return false; }; $scope.log = []; socket.addHandler('log', function (log) { $scope.log.unshift(log); if (log.lvl < 4) { $rootScope.pendingLogs++; } if (log.lvl < 1) { var notification = new Notification('[Critical Error]', { body: log.msg, icon: '/logo.png', delay: 4000 }); } }); $scope.params = function (params, first) { var strings = []; angular.forEach(params, function(value, key) { if (key != 't' && key != 'msg' && key != 'lvl' && key != 'revision') { this.push('<b>' + key + '</b>: ' + value); } if (key == 'revision') { this.push('<b>' + key + '</b>: ' + value.slice(0,12)); } }, strings); if (first) { return strings[0].replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, ''); } return strings.join('<br /> '); }; } ); angular.module('dockership').controller( 'DeployTabCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $rootScope, socket, ansi2html) { $scope.log = {} $scope.current = 'latest' $rootScope.pendingDeployments = 0; socket.addHandler('deploy', function (result) { var key = result.project + ' ' + result.environment + ' ' + result.date.slice(0, 16) $scope.current = key; if ($scope.log[key] == undefined) { $rootScope.pendingDeployments++; $scope.log[key] = '' } $scope.log[key] += ansi2html.toHtml(result.log); }); } ); angular.module('dockership').controller( 'ProjectsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, socket, dialogs, $modal, $log) { 'use strict'; $scope.processing = false; socket.addHandler('containers', function (result) { $scope.processing = false; var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: 'ContainersContent.html', controller: 'ContainersCtrl', size: 'lg', resolve: { project: function () { return ''; }, containers: function () { return result; } } }); }); var envStatus = function(status) { if (status == undefined) { return ['loading']; } var total = status.Environment.DockerEndPoints.length; var running = status.RunningContainers; var revision = status.LastRevisionLabel; var outdated = 0; if (running.length == 0) { return ['down'] } if (running.length != total) { return ['down', 'partial'] } for (var i = running.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var tmp = running[i].Image.split(':'); if (revision.slice(0, tmp[1].length) != tmp[1]) { outdated++; } }; if (outdated == total) { return ['outdated'] } if (outdated != 0) { return ['outdated', 'partial'] } return ['ok']; }; socket.addHandler('status', function (result) { $scope.processing = false; $scope.loaded = true; angular.forEach(result, function(project, key) { angular.forEach(project.Status, function(status, key) { status.Status = envStatus(status); }); }); $scope.status = result; }); socket.addHandler('projects', function (result) { $scope.projects = result; angular.forEach(result, function(project, key) { $scope.taskStatus[project.Name] = project.TaskStatus; }); $scope.loadStatus(); }); $scope.openContainers = function (project) { $scope.processing = true; socket.getContainers(project); }; $scope.taskStatus = []; $scope.openDeploy = function (project, environment) { var msg = 'Are you sure want to deploy <b>' + project.Name + '</b> at <b>' + environment.Name + '</b>?' ; var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Confirm', msg, {size: 'md'}); dlg.result.then(function(btn){ if ($scope.taskStatus[project.Name][environment.Name] == undefined) { $scope.taskStatus[project.Name][environment.Name] = {}; } $scope.taskStatus[project.Name][environment.Name]['deploy'] = true; socket.doDeploy(project, environment); }); }; $scope.loaded = false; $scope.loadStatus = function() { socket.getStatus(); }; } ); angular.module('dockership').controller( 'HeaderCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $log) { $scope.loadUser = function() { $http.get('/rest/user').then(function(res) { $scope.user = res.data; }, function(msg) { $scope.log(msg.data); }); } $scope.loadUser() } ); angular.module('dockership').controller( 'ContainersCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance, $http, project, containers) { $scope.project = project; $scope.containers = containers; $scope.cancel = function () { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } ); angular.module('dockership').factory('socket', function (socketFactory) { var socket = socketFactory({ url: '/socket' }); socket._handlers = {}; socket.addHandler = function(name, handler) { socket._handlers[name] = handler; }; socket.doDeploy = function(project, environment) { socket.send(angular.toJson({ event: 'deploy', request: { project: project.Name, environment: environment.Name } })) }; socket.getContainers = function(project) { socket.send(angular.toJson({ event: 'containers', request: {project: project.Name} })) }; socket.getStatus = function(project) { socket.send(angular.toJson({ event: 'status', request: {} })) }; socket.setHandler('message', function (e) { data = angular.fromJson(e.data); socket._handlers[data.event](data.result); }); return socket; }); angular.module('dockership').filter('unsafe', ['$sce', function ($sce) { return function (val) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; }]); // update popover template for binding unsafe html angular.module('template/popover/popover.html', []).run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("template/popover/popover.html", "<div class=\"popover {{placement}}\" ng-class=\"{ in: isOpen(), fade: animation() }\">\n" + " <div class=\"arrow\"></div>\n" + "\n" + " <div class=\"popover-inner\">\n" + " <h3 class=\"popover-title\" ng-bind-html=\"title | unsafe\" ng-show=\"title\"></h3>\n" + " <div class=\"popover-content\"ng-bind-html=\"content | unsafe\"></div>\n" + " </div>\n" + "</div>\n" + ""); }]);
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#ifndef __OMAP3EVM_CONFIG_H #define __OMAP3EVM_CONFIG_H #include <asm/arch/cpu.h> #include <asm/arch/omap.h> /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Supported U-Boot commands * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_CMD_JFFS2 #define CONFIG_CMD_NAND /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Supported U-Boot features * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP /* Display CPU and Board information */ #define CONFIG_DISPLAY_CPUINFO #define CONFIG_DISPLAY_BOARDINFO /* Allow to overwrite serial and ethaddr */ #define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE /* Add auto-completion support */ #define CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Supported hardware * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MMC */ #define CONFIG_MMC #define CONFIG_GENERIC_MMC #define CONFIG_OMAP_HSMMC /* SPL */ #define CONFIG_SPL_MMC_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_FAT_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR 0x300 /* address 0x60000 */ #define CONFIG_SYS_U_BOOT_MAX_SIZE_SECTORS 0x200 /* 256 KB */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_FS_BOOT_PARTITION 1 #define CONFIG_SPL_FS_LOAD_PAYLOAD_NAME "u-boot.img" /* Partition tables */ #define CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION #define CONFIG_DOS_PARTITION /* USB * * Enable CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HCD for Host functionalities MSC, keyboard * Enable CONFIG_USB_MUSB_UDD for Device functionalities. */ #define CONFIG_USB_OMAP3 #define CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HCD /* #define CONFIG_USB_MUSB_UDC */ /* NAND SPL */ #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_SIMPLE #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_BASE #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_DRIVERS #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_ECC #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_5_ADDR_CYCLE #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_PAGE_COUNT 64 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_PAGE_SIZE 2048 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_OOBSIZE 64 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BLOCK_SIZE (128*1024) #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BAD_BLOCK_POS 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCPOS {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,\ 10, 11, 12, 13} #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCSIZE 512 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ECCBYTES 3 #define CONFIG_NAND_OMAP_ECCSCHEME OMAP_ECC_HAM1_CODE_HW #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_START CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS 0x80000 /* * High level configuration options */ #define CONFIG_OMAP /* This is TI OMAP core */ #define CONFIG_OMAP_GPIO #define CONFIG_OMAP_COMMON /* Common ARM Erratas */ #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_454179 #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_430973 #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_621766 #define CONFIG_SDRC /* The chip has SDRC controller */ #define CONFIG_OMAP3_EVM /* This is a OMAP3 EVM */ #define CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER /* with TWL4030 PMIC */ /* * Clock related definitions */ #define V_OSCK 26000000 /* Clock output from T2 */ #define V_SCLK (V_OSCK >> 1) /* * OMAP3 has 12 GP timers, they can be driven by the system clock * (12/13/16.8/19.2/38.4MHz) or by 32KHz clock. We use 13MHz (V_SCLK). * This rate is divided by a local divisor. */ #define CONFIG_SYS_TIMERBASE OMAP34XX_GPT2 #define CONFIG_SYS_PTV 2 /* Divisor: 2^(PTV+1) => 8 */ /* Size of environment - 128KB */ #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE (128 << 10) /* Size of malloc pool */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (CONFIG_ENV_SIZE + (128 << 10)) /* * Physical Memory Map * Note 1: CS1 may or may not be populated * Note 2: SDRAM size is expected to be at least 32MB */ #define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS 2 #define PHYS_SDRAM_1 OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0 #define PHYS_SDRAM_2 OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS1 /* Limits for memtest */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START (OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0) #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END (OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0 + \ 0x01F00000) /* 31MB */ /* Default load address */ #define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR (OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hardware drivers * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * NS16550 Configuration */ #define V_NS16550_CLK 48000000 /* 48MHz (APLL96/2) */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_SERIAL #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE (-4) #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_CLK V_NS16550_CLK /* * select serial console configuration */ #define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX 1 #define CONFIG_SERIAL1 1 /* UART1 on OMAP3 EVM */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_COM1 OMAP34XX_UART1 #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 115200 #define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE {4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,\ 115200} /* * I2C */ #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C #define CONFIG_SYS_OMAP24_I2C_SPEED 100000 #define CONFIG_SYS_OMAP24_I2C_SLAVE 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_OMAP34XX /* * PISMO support */ /* Monitor at start of flash - Reserve 2 sectors */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN (256 << 10) /* Start location & size of environment */ #define ONENAND_ENV_OFFSET 0x260000 #define SMNAND_ENV_OFFSET 0x260000 #define CONFIG_SYS_ENV_SECT_SIZE (128 << 10) /* 128 KiB */ /* * NAND */ /* Physical address to access NAND */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_ADDR NAND_BASE /* Physical address to access NAND at CS0 */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE NAND_BASE /* Max number of NAND devices */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_NAND_DEVICE 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BUSWIDTH_16BIT /* Timeout values (in ticks) */ #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT (100 * CONFIG_SYS_HZ) #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT (100 * CONFIG_SYS_HZ) /* Flash banks JFFS2 should use */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_MTD_BANKS (CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS + \ CONFIG_SYS_MAX_NAND_DEVICE) #define CONFIG_SYS_JFFS2_MEM_NAND #define CONFIG_SYS_JFFS2_FIRST_BANK CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS #define CONFIG_SYS_JFFS2_NUM_BANKS 1 #define CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND /* nand device jffs2 lives on */ #define CONFIG_JFFS2_DEV "nand0" /* Start of jffs2 partition */ #define CONFIG_JFFS2_PART_OFFSET 0x680000 /* Size of jffs2 partition */ #define CONFIG_JFFS2_PART_SIZE 0xf980000 /* * USB */ #ifdef CONFIG_USB_OMAP3 #ifdef CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HCD #define CONGIG_CMD_STORAGE #ifdef CONFIG_USB_KEYBOARD #define CONFIG_SYS_USB_EVENT_POLL #define CONFIG_PREBOOT "usb start" #endif /* CONFIG_USB_KEYBOARD */ #endif /* CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HCD */ #ifdef CONFIG_USB_MUSB_UDC /* USB device configuration */ #define CONFIG_USB_DEVICE #define CONFIG_USB_TTY #define CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_IS_IN_ENV /* Change these to suit your needs */ #define CONFIG_USBD_VENDORID 0x0451 #define CONFIG_USBD_PRODUCTID 0x5678 #define CONFIG_USBD_MANUFACTURER "Texas Instruments" #define CONFIG_USBD_PRODUCT_NAME "EVM" #endif /* CONFIG_USB_MUSB_UDC */ #endif /* CONFIG_USB_OMAP3 */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * U-Boot features * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS 16 /* max args for a command */ #define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R #define CONFIG_CMDLINE_TAG /* enable passing of ATAGs */ #define CONFIG_SETUP_MEMORY_TAGS #define CONFIG_INITRD_TAG #define CONFIG_REVISION_TAG /* Size of Console IO buffer */ #define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 512 /* Size of print buffer */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE + \ sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT) + 16) /* Size of bootarg buffer */ #define CONFIG_SYS_BARGSIZE (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE) #define CONFIG_BOOTFILE "uImage" /* * NAND / OneNAND */ #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND) #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE NAND_BASE #define CONFIG_NAND_OMAP_GPMC #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET SMNAND_ENV_OFFSET #elif defined(CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND) #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE ONENAND_MAP #define CONFIG_SYS_ONENAND_BASE ONENAND_MAP #endif #if !defined(CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE) #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND) #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND #elif defined(CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND) #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_ONENAND #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET ONENAND_ENV_OFFSET #endif #endif /* CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE */ #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) /* Ethernet (SMSC9115 from SMSC9118 family) */ #define CONFIG_SMC911X #define CONFIG_SMC911X_32_BIT #define CONFIG_SMC911X_BASE 0x2C000000 /* BOOTP fields */ #define CONFIG_BOOTP_SUBNETMASK 0x00000001 #define CONFIG_BOOTP_GATEWAY 0x00000002 #define CONFIG_BOOTP_HOSTNAME 0x00000004 #define CONFIG_BOOTP_BOOTPATH 0x00000010 #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_NET */ /* Support for relocation */ #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE PHYS_SDRAM_1 #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x4020f800 #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x800 #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR + \ CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE - \ GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Board specific * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH /* Uncomment to define the board revision statically */ /* #define CONFIG_STATIC_BOARD_REV OMAP3EVM_BOARD_GEN_2 */ /* Defines for SPL */ #define CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK #define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE 0x40200800 #define CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE (SRAM_SCRATCH_SPACE_ADDR - \ CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE) #define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR 0x80000000 #define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE 0x80000 /* 512 KB */ #define CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT #define CONFIG_SPL_LIBCOMMON_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_LIBDISK_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_I2C_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_POWER_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SPL_OMAP3_ID_NAND #define CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT "$(CPUDIR)/omap-common/u-boot-spl.lds" /* * 1MB into the SDRAM to allow for SPL's bss at the beginning of SDRAM * 64 bytes before this address should be set aside for u-boot.img's * header. That is 0x800FFFC0--0x80100000 should not be used for any * other needs. */ #define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE 0x80100000 #define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_START 0x80208000 #define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_SIZE 0x100000 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default environment * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ "loadaddr=0x82000000\0" \ "usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \ "mmcdev=0\0" \ "console=ttyO0,115200n8\0" \ "mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} " \ "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw " \ "rootfstype=ext3 rootwait\0" \ "nandargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} " \ "root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw " \ "rootfstype=jffs2\0" \ "loadbootscript=fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} boot.scr\0" \ "bootscript=echo Running bootscript from mmc ...; " \ "source ${loadaddr}\0" \ "loaduimage=fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} uImage\0" \ "mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc ...; " \ "run mmcargs; " \ "bootm ${loadaddr}\0" \ "nandboot=echo Booting from nand ...; " \ "run nandargs; " \ "onenand read ${loadaddr} 280000 400000; " \ "bootm ${loadaddr}\0" \ #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \ "mmc dev ${mmcdev}; if mmc rescan; then " \ "if run loadbootscript; then " \ "run bootscript; " \ "else " \ "if run loaduimage; then " \ "run mmcboot; " \ "else run nandboot; " \ "fi; " \ "fi; " \ "else run nandboot; fi" #endif /* __OMAP3EVM_CONFIG_H */
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<?php namespace BW\Type\Scalar; use BW\Type\Abstracts\Scalar; /** * Float scalar type mapping by Boolean class * * @author Bocharsky Victor */ class Float extends Scalar { /** * Default scalar value of float type */ const _DEFAULT = 0.0; /** * The float value * @var integer */ protected $_value; /** * New object initialization of Float type * @param float $value * @return \Float */ public static function init($value = self::_DEFAULT) { return new self($value); } /** * The Float object constructor * @param float $value * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($value = self::_DEFAULT) { try { if ( is_float($value) === FALSE ) { throw new \Exception('Value must be a float type'); } else { $this->_value = $value; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_value = self::_DEFAULT; print 'Exception detected! '. $e->getMessage(); } } /** * Callable object as a function for get scalar float value * @return float */ public function __invoke() { return $this->_value; } /** * Clone objects */ public function __clone() {} /** * Converting object to string * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString(); } /** * Parsing input value to float type * @param mixed $value * @return \Float */ public function parse($value) { try { if ( is_scalar($value) === FALSE ) { throw new \Exception('Value must be a scalar type'); } else { if ( is_string($value) ) { // also for parsing float numbers with comma $this->_value = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $value); } else { $this->_value = (float)$value; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_value = self::_DEFAULT; print 'Exception detected! '. $e->getMessage(); } return $this; } /** * Clone Float object * @return \Float The cloned Float object */ public function toClone() { return new self($this->_value); } /** * Return scalar string value of integer * @return string The string value */ public function toString() { return (string)$this->_value; } /** * The float value * @return integer The float value */ public function toScalar() { return $this->_value; } /** * Alias of toScalar() method * @return integer The integer value */ public function getValue() { return $this->toScalar(); } } // Set shortcut alias of class class_alias(__NAMESPACE__ .'\Float', __NAMESPACE__ .'\Double');
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<?php use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; /* @var $this yii\web\View */ /* @var $model app\models\AdSpecification */ /* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */ ?> <div class="ad-specification-form"> <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> <?= $form->field($model, 'ad_specifications')->textInput(['maxlength' => 50]) ?> <?= $form->field($model, 'user_level')->textInput() ?> <div class="form-group"> <?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?> </div> <?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> </div>
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/** * Split the descripton (of selected docs) into: * * `shortDescription`: the first paragraph * * `description`: the rest of the paragraphs */ module.exports = function splitDescription() { return { $runAfter: ['tags-extracted', 'migrateLegacyJSDocTags'], $runBefore: ['processing-docs'], docTypes: [], $process(docs) { docs.forEach(doc => { if (this.docTypes.indexOf(doc.docType) !== -1 && doc.description !== undefined) { const description = doc.description.trim(); const endOfParagraph = description.search(/\n\s*\n/); if (endOfParagraph === -1) { doc.shortDescription = description; doc.description = ''; } else { doc.shortDescription = description.substr(0, endOfParagraph).trim(); doc.description = description.substr(endOfParagraph).trim(); } } }); } }; };
{'content_hash': 'efd15db52fac29907cdbf424c339b2ca', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 28, 'max_line_length': 89, 'avg_line_length': 32.892857142857146, 'alnum_prop': 0.5874049945711184, 'repo_name': 'rkirov/angular', 'id': 'd2f86ac794b4d3b407f1a3da0b1a89631d6f017f', 'size': '921', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'aio/tools/transforms/angular-api-package/processors/splitDescription.js', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '303451'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '279527'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '712609'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '7222'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '106098'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '103689'}, {'name': 'TypeScript', 'bytes': '12817525'}]}
class RadarPlace < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :radar_place_mappings has_many :radars , :through => :radar_place_mappings belongs_to :location end
{'content_hash': 'ac9b3d053ed1939042fe1e6935fa5d71', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 5, 'max_line_length': 55, 'avg_line_length': 31.2, 'alnum_prop': 0.7307692307692307, 'repo_name': 'parolkar/local_news_radar', 'id': '57463328116ccd21cf09f8e8b92c380fefa4c1a9', 'size': '470', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'app/models/radar_place.rb', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '6944'}]}
// Copyright (c) 2015, Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Author: yanshiguang02@baidu.com #include "leveldb/dfs.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> namespace leveldb { static void* handle = NULL; Dfs* Dfs::NewDfs(const std::string& so_path, const std::string& conf) { dlerror(); fprintf(stderr, "Open %s\n", so_path.c_str()); handle = dlopen(so_path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_DEEPBIND); const char* err = dlerror(); if (handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Open %s fail: %s\n", so_path.c_str(), err); return NULL; } DfsCreator creator = (DfsCreator)dlsym(handle, "NewDfs"); err = dlerror(); if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Load NewDfs from %s fail: %s\n", so_path.c_str(), err); return NULL; } return (*creator)(conf.c_str()); } } /* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100: */
{'content_hash': 'b1f4410760f1baeeaa21556116871c75', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 37, 'max_line_length': 76, 'avg_line_length': 26.324324324324323, 'alnum_prop': 0.6416837782340863, 'repo_name': 'BaiduPS/tera', 'id': '9c2c76ec0d900f0c9fd8251c6cd3a84d18d089a5', 'size': '974', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'src/leveldb/util/dfs.cc', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'bsd-3-clause', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '80545'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '3656768'}, {'name': 'CMake', 'bytes': '1005'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '29791'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '16373'}, {'name': 'Protocol Buffer', 'bytes': '28979'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '121068'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '36158'}]}
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I created the invitation for the email marketing campaign, and a poster for the restaurants.</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="http://www.melangerestaurant.co.uk">Melange Restaurants</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">November 2015</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Graphic Design, Event Management, Online Marketing Campaign</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--<div class="portfolio-modal modal fade" id="portfolioModal2" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="close-modal" data-dismiss="modal"> <div class="lr"> <div class="rl"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <div class="modal-body"> <h2>Website, Menu & Cards</h2> <hr class="star-primary"> <img class="img-fluid img-centered" src="img/portfolio/IMG_2.JPG" alt=""> <p>I created the menu, website and business cards of the restaurant</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="#">Ristorante Da Erminia</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">October 2017</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Web Development, web design and graphic design</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portfolio-modal modal fade" id="portfolioModal3" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="close-modal" data-dismiss="modal"> <div class="lr"> <div class="rl"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <div class="modal-body"> <h2>Project 3</h2> <hr class="star-primary"> <img class="img-fluid img-centered" src="img/portfolio/IMG_3.JPG" alt=""> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dui pulvinar. Dignissimos a, magna lorem, dis sapien. Facilisi nulla sunt, pellentesque curabitur a, quisque augue duis. Potenti ut lectus, velit etiam, eget arcu. Amet sunt pellentesque. Odio curabitur, aliquam sed nonummy, lorem placerat pede.</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="#">N/a</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">April 2014</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Web Development</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portfolio-modal modal fade" id="portfolioModal4" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="close-modal" data-dismiss="modal"> <div class="lr"> <div class="rl"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <div class="modal-body"> <h2>Project 4</h2> <hr class="star-primary"> <img class="img-fluid img-centered" src="img/portfolio/IMG_4.JPG" alt=""> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dui pulvinar. Dignissimos a, magna lorem, dis sapien. Facilisi nulla sunt, pellentesque curabitur a, quisque augue duis. Potenti ut lectus, velit etiam, eget arcu. Amet sunt pellentesque. Odio curabitur, aliquam sed nonummy, lorem placerat pede.</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="#">N/a</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">April 2014</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Web Development</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portfolio-modal modal fade" id="portfolioModal5" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="close-modal" data-dismiss="modal"> <div class="lr"> <div class="rl"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <div class="modal-body"> <h2>Project 5</h2> <hr class="star-primary"> <img class="img-fluid img-centered" src="img/portfolio/IMG_5.JPG" alt=""> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dui pulvinar. Dignissimos a, magna lorem, dis sapien. Facilisi nulla sunt, pellentesque curabitur a, quisque augue duis. Potenti ut lectus, velit etiam, eget arcu. Amet sunt pellentesque. Odio curabitur, aliquam sed nonummy, lorem placerat pede.</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="#">N/a</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">April 2014</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Web Development</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portfolio-modal modal fade" id="portfolioModal6" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="close-modal" data-dismiss="modal"> <div class="lr"> <div class="rl"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <div class="modal-body"> <h2>Project 6</h2> <hr class="star-primary"> <img class="img-fluid img-centered" src="img/portfolio/IMG_6.JPG" alt=""> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dui pulvinar. Dignissimos a, magna lorem, dis sapien. Facilisi nulla sunt, pellentesque curabitur a, quisque augue duis. Potenti ut lectus, velit etiam, eget arcu. Amet sunt pellentesque. Odio curabitur, aliquam sed nonummy, lorem placerat pede.</p> <ul class="list-inline item-details"> <li>Client: <strong> <a href="#">N/a</a> </strong> </li> <li>Date: <strong> <a href="#">April 2014</a> </strong> </li> <li>Service: <strong> <a href="#">Web Development</a> </strong> </li> </ul> <button class="btn btn-success" type="button" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>--> <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript --> <script src="vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script> <!-- Plugin JavaScript --> <script src="vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.min.js"></script> <!-- Contact Form JavaScript --> <script src="js/jqBootstrapValidation.js"></script> <script src="js/contact_me.js"></script> <!-- Custom scripts for this template --> <script src="js/freelancer.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
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ACCEPTED #### According to International Plant Names Index #### Published in null #### Original name null ### Remarks null
{'content_hash': '4565569fc79c30aa10750343f4383cf7', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 13, 'max_line_length': 31, 'avg_line_length': 9.692307692307692, 'alnum_prop': 0.7063492063492064, 'repo_name': 'mdoering/backbone', 'id': '03bb8ceed7daab2b120334d6606252649d8401dc', 'size': '198', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'life/Plantae/Magnoliophyta/Magnoliopsida/Lamiales/Acanthaceae/Spathacanthus/Spathacanthus donnell-smithii/README.md', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': []}
@interface PKTNestedTestModel : PKTModel @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger objectID; @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *firstValue; @end
{'content_hash': '7ad256a27c6980129e0faa634c1f47eb', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 6, 'max_line_length': 60, 'avg_line_length': 28.166666666666668, 'alnum_prop': 0.7928994082840237, 'repo_name': 'podio/podio-objc', 'id': '7c54b11560967fff3e066f3012e4c88b9647b0af', 'size': '349', 'binary': False, 'copies': '3', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'PodioKitTests/PKTNestedTestModel.h', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '402'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '754338'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '64138'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '7357'}]}
#ifndef _I40E_ETHDEV_H_ #define _I40E_ETHDEV_H_ #include <rte_eth_ctrl.h> #include <rte_time.h> #define I40E_VLAN_TAG_SIZE 4 #define I40E_AQ_LEN 32 #define I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ 4096 /* Number of queues per TC should be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 */ #define I40E_MAX_Q_PER_TC 64 #define I40E_NUM_DESC_DEFAULT 512 #define I40E_NUM_DESC_ALIGN 32 #define I40E_BUF_SIZE_MIN 1024 #define I40E_FRAME_SIZE_MAX 9728 #define I40E_QUEUE_BASE_ADDR_UNIT 128 /* number of VSIs and queue default setting */ #define I40E_MAX_QP_NUM_PER_VF 16 #define I40E_DEFAULT_QP_NUM_FDIR 1 #define I40E_UINT32_BIT_SIZE (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint32_t)) #define I40E_VFTA_SIZE (4096 / I40E_UINT32_BIT_SIZE) /* Maximun number of MAC addresses */ #define I40E_NUM_MACADDR_MAX 64 /* * vlan_id is a 12 bit number. * The VFTA array is actually a 4096 bit array, 128 of 32bit elements. * 2^5 = 32. The val of lower 5 bits specifies the bit in the 32bit element. * The higher 7 bit val specifies VFTA array index. */ #define I40E_VFTA_BIT(vlan_id) (1 << ((vlan_id) & 0x1F)) #define I40E_VFTA_IDX(vlan_id) ((vlan_id) >> 5) /* Default TC traffic in case DCB is not enabled */ #define I40E_DEFAULT_TCMAP 0x1 #define I40E_FDIR_QUEUE_ID 0 /* Always assign pool 0 to main VSI, VMDQ will start from 1 */ #define I40E_VMDQ_POOL_BASE 1 #define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_FREE_THRESH 32 #define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_PTHRESH 8 #define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_HTHRESH 8 #define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_WTHRESH 0 #define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_FREE_THRESH 32 #define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_PTHRESH 32 #define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_HTHRESH 0 #define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_WTHRESH 0 #define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_RSBIT_THRESH 32 /* Bit shift and mask */ #define I40E_4_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT / 2) #define I40E_4_BIT_MASK RTE_LEN2MASK(I40E_4_BIT_WIDTH, uint8_t) #define I40E_8_BIT_WIDTH CHAR_BIT #define I40E_8_BIT_MASK UINT8_MAX #define I40E_16_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 2) #define I40E_16_BIT_MASK UINT16_MAX #define I40E_32_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 4) #define I40E_32_BIT_MASK UINT32_MAX #define I40E_48_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 6) #define I40E_48_BIT_MASK RTE_LEN2MASK(I40E_48_BIT_WIDTH, uint64_t) /* Linux PF host with virtchnl version 1.1 */ #define PF_IS_V11(vf) \ (((vf)->version_major == I40E_VIRTCHNL_VERSION_MAJOR) && \ ((vf)->version_minor == 1)) /* index flex payload per layer */ enum i40e_flxpld_layer_idx { I40E_FLXPLD_L2_IDX = 0, I40E_FLXPLD_L3_IDX = 1, I40E_FLXPLD_L4_IDX = 2, I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER = 3, }; #define I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_FIED 3 /* max number of flex payload fields */ #define I40E_FDIR_BITMASK_NUM_WORD 2 /* max number of bitmask words */ #define I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEXWORD_NUM 8 /* max number of flexpayload words */ #define I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEX_LEN 16 /* len in bytes of flex payload */ #define I40E_INSET_MASK_NUM_REG 2 /* number of input set mask registers */ /* i40e flags */ #define I40E_FLAG_RSS (1ULL << 0) #define I40E_FLAG_DCB (1ULL << 1) #define I40E_FLAG_VMDQ (1ULL << 2) #define I40E_FLAG_SRIOV (1ULL << 3) #define I40E_FLAG_HEADER_SPLIT_DISABLED (1ULL << 4) #define I40E_FLAG_HEADER_SPLIT_ENABLED (1ULL << 5) #define I40E_FLAG_FDIR (1ULL << 6) #define I40E_FLAG_VXLAN (1ULL << 7) #define I40E_FLAG_RSS_AQ_CAPABLE (1ULL << 8) #define I40E_FLAG_ALL (I40E_FLAG_RSS | \ I40E_FLAG_DCB | \ I40E_FLAG_VMDQ | \ I40E_FLAG_SRIOV | \ I40E_FLAG_HEADER_SPLIT_DISABLED | \ I40E_FLAG_HEADER_SPLIT_ENABLED | \ I40E_FLAG_FDIR | \ I40E_FLAG_VXLAN | \ I40E_FLAG_RSS_AQ_CAPABLE) #define I40E_RSS_OFFLOAD_ALL ( \ ETH_RSS_FRAG_IPV4 | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_TCP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_UDP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_SCTP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_OTHER | \ ETH_RSS_FRAG_IPV6 | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_TCP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_UDP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_SCTP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_OTHER | \ ETH_RSS_L2_PAYLOAD) /* All bits of RSS hash enable */ #define I40E_RSS_HENA_ALL ( \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_UDP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_TCP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_SCTP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_OTHER) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV4) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_SCTP) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_OTHER) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV6) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FCOE_OX) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FCOE_RX) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FCOE_OTHER) | \ (1ULL << I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_L2_PAYLOAD)) #define I40E_MISC_VEC_ID RTE_INTR_VEC_ZERO_OFFSET #define I40E_RX_VEC_START RTE_INTR_VEC_RXTX_OFFSET /* Default queue interrupt throttling time in microseconds */ #define I40E_ITR_INDEX_DEFAULT 0 #define I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT 32 /* 32 us */ #define I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_MAX 8160 /* 8160 us */ struct i40e_adapter; /** * MAC filter structure */ struct i40e_mac_filter_info { enum rte_mac_filter_type filter_type; struct ether_addr mac_addr; }; TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_mac_filter_list, i40e_mac_filter); /* MAC filter list structure */ struct i40e_mac_filter { TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_mac_filter) next; struct i40e_mac_filter_info mac_info; }; TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_vsi_list_head, i40e_vsi_list); struct i40e_vsi; /* VSI list structure */ struct i40e_vsi_list { TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_vsi_list) list; struct i40e_vsi *vsi; }; struct i40e_rx_queue; struct i40e_tx_queue; /* Bandwidth limit information */ struct i40e_bw_info { uint16_t bw_limit; /* BW Limit (0 = disabled) */ uint8_t bw_max; /* Max BW limit if enabled */ /* Relative credits within same TC with respect to other VSIs or Comps */ uint8_t bw_ets_share_credits[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS]; /* Bandwidth limit per TC */ uint8_t bw_ets_credits[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS]; /* Max bandwidth limit per TC */ uint8_t bw_ets_max[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS]; }; /* Structure that defines a VEB */ struct i40e_veb { struct i40e_vsi_list_head head; struct i40e_vsi *associate_vsi; /* Associate VSI who owns the VEB */ uint16_t seid; /* The seid of VEB itself */ uint16_t uplink_seid; /* The uplink seid of this VEB */ uint16_t stats_idx; struct i40e_eth_stats stats; uint8_t enabled_tc; /* The traffic class enabled */ struct i40e_bw_info bw_info; /* VEB bandwidth information */ }; /* i40e MACVLAN filter structure */ struct i40e_macvlan_filter { struct ether_addr macaddr; enum rte_mac_filter_type filter_type; uint16_t vlan_id; }; /* * Structure that defines a VSI, associated with a adapter. */ struct i40e_vsi { struct i40e_adapter *adapter; /* Backreference to associated adapter */ struct i40e_aqc_vsi_properties_data info; /* VSI properties */ struct i40e_eth_stats eth_stats_offset; struct i40e_eth_stats eth_stats; /* * When drivers loaded, only a default main VSI exists. In case new VSI * needs to add, HW needs to know the layout that VSIs are organized. * Besides that, VSI isan element and can't switch packets, which needs * to add new component VEB to perform switching. So, a new VSI needs * to specify the the uplink VSI (Parent VSI) before created. The * uplink VSI will check whether it had a VEB to switch packets. If no, * it will try to create one. Then, uplink VSI will move the new VSI * into its' sib_vsi_list to manage all the downlink VSI. * sib_vsi_list: the VSI list that shared the same uplink VSI. * parent_vsi : the uplink VSI. It's NULL for main VSI. * veb : the VEB associates with the VSI. */ struct i40e_vsi_list sib_vsi_list; /* sibling vsi list */ struct i40e_vsi *parent_vsi; struct i40e_veb *veb; /* Associated veb, could be null */ bool offset_loaded; enum i40e_vsi_type type; /* VSI types */ uint16_t vlan_num; /* Total VLAN number */ uint16_t mac_num; /* Total mac number */ uint32_t vfta[I40E_VFTA_SIZE]; /* VLAN bitmap */ struct i40e_mac_filter_list mac_list; /* macvlan filter list */ /* specific VSI-defined parameters, SRIOV stored the vf_id */ uint32_t user_param; uint16_t seid; /* The seid of VSI itself */ uint16_t uplink_seid; /* The uplink seid of this VSI */ uint16_t nb_qps; /* Number of queue pairs VSI can occupy */ uint16_t nb_used_qps; /* Number of queue pairs VSI uses */ uint16_t max_macaddrs; /* Maximum number of MAC addresses */ uint16_t base_queue; /* The first queue index of this VSI */ /* * The offset to visit VSI related register, assigned by HW when * creating VSI */ uint16_t vsi_id; uint16_t msix_intr; /* The MSIX interrupt binds to VSI */ uint16_t nb_msix; /* The max number of msix vector */ uint8_t enabled_tc; /* The traffic class enabled */ struct i40e_bw_info bw_info; /* VSI bandwidth information */ }; struct pool_entry { LIST_ENTRY(pool_entry) next; uint16_t base; uint16_t len; }; LIST_HEAD(res_list, pool_entry); struct i40e_res_pool_info { uint32_t base; /* Resource start index */ uint32_t num_alloc; /* Allocated resource number */ uint32_t num_free; /* Total available resource number */ struct res_list alloc_list; /* Allocated resource list */ struct res_list free_list; /* Available resource list */ }; enum I40E_VF_STATE { I40E_VF_INACTIVE = 0, I40E_VF_INRESET, I40E_VF_ININIT, I40E_VF_ACTIVE, }; /* * Structure to store private data for PF host. */ struct i40e_pf_vf { struct i40e_pf *pf; struct i40e_vsi *vsi; enum I40E_VF_STATE state; /* The number of queue pairs availiable */ uint16_t vf_idx; /* VF index in pf->vfs */ uint16_t lan_nb_qps; /* Actual queues allocated */ uint16_t reset_cnt; /* Total vf reset times */ struct ether_addr mac_addr; /* Default MAC address */ }; /* * Structure to store private data for flow control. */ struct i40e_fc_conf { uint16_t pause_time; /* Flow control pause timer */ /* FC high water 0-7 for pfc and 8 for lfc unit:kilobytes */ uint32_t high_water[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS + 1]; /* FC low water 0-7 for pfc and 8 for lfc unit:kilobytes */ uint32_t low_water[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS + 1]; }; /* * Structure to store private data for VMDQ instance */ struct i40e_vmdq_info { struct i40e_pf *pf; struct i40e_vsi *vsi; }; /* * Structure to store flex pit for flow diretor. */ struct i40e_fdir_flex_pit { uint8_t src_offset; /* offset in words from the beginning of payload */ uint8_t size; /* size in words */ uint8_t dst_offset; /* offset in words of flexible payload */ }; struct i40e_fdir_flex_mask { uint8_t word_mask; /**< Bit i enables word i of flexible payload */ struct { uint8_t offset; uint16_t mask; } bitmask[I40E_FDIR_BITMASK_NUM_WORD]; }; #define I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX 64 /* * A structure used to define fields of a FDIR related info. */ struct i40e_fdir_info { struct i40e_vsi *fdir_vsi; /* pointer to fdir VSI structure */ uint16_t match_counter_index; /* Statistic counter index used for fdir*/ struct i40e_tx_queue *txq; struct i40e_rx_queue *rxq; void *prg_pkt; /* memory for fdir program packet */ uint64_t dma_addr; /* physic address of packet memory*/ /* input set bits for each pctype */ uint64_t input_set[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX]; /* * the rule how bytes stream is extracted as flexible payload * for each payload layer, the setting can up to three elements */ struct i40e_fdir_flex_pit flex_set[I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER * I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_FIED]; struct i40e_fdir_flex_mask flex_mask[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX]; }; #define I40E_MIRROR_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_RULE 64 #define I40E_MAX_MIRROR_RULES 64 /* * Mirror rule structure */ struct i40e_mirror_rule { TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_mirror_rule) rules; uint8_t rule_type; uint16_t index; /* the sw index of mirror rule */ uint16_t id; /* the rule id assigned by firmware */ uint16_t dst_vsi_seid; /* destination vsi for this mirror rule. */ uint16_t num_entries; /* the info stores depend on the rule type. If type is I40E_MIRROR_TYPE_VLAN, vlan ids are stored here. If type is I40E_MIRROR_TYPE_VPORT_*, vsi's seid are stored. */ uint16_t entries[I40E_MIRROR_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_RULE]; }; TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_mirror_rule_list, i40e_mirror_rule); /* * Structure to store private data specific for PF instance. */ struct i40e_pf { struct i40e_adapter *adapter; /* The adapter this PF associate to */ struct i40e_vsi *main_vsi; /* pointer to main VSI structure */ uint16_t mac_seid; /* The seid of the MAC of this PF */ uint16_t main_vsi_seid; /* The seid of the main VSI */ uint16_t max_num_vsi; struct i40e_res_pool_info qp_pool; /*Queue pair pool */ struct i40e_res_pool_info msix_pool; /* MSIX interrupt pool */ struct i40e_hw_port_stats stats_offset; struct i40e_hw_port_stats stats; bool offset_loaded; struct rte_eth_dev_data *dev_data; /* Pointer to the device data */ struct ether_addr dev_addr; /* PF device mac address */ uint64_t flags; /* PF feature flags */ /* All kinds of queue pair setting for different VSIs */ struct i40e_pf_vf *vfs; uint16_t vf_num; /* Each of below queue pairs should be power of 2 since it's the precondition after TC configuration applied */ uint16_t lan_nb_qp_max; uint16_t lan_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of LAN */ uint16_t lan_qp_offset; uint16_t vmdq_nb_qp_max; uint16_t vmdq_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of VMDq */ uint16_t vmdq_qp_offset; uint16_t vf_nb_qp_max; uint16_t vf_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of VF */ uint16_t vf_qp_offset; uint16_t fdir_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of Flow Director */ uint16_t fdir_qp_offset; uint16_t hash_lut_size; /* The size of hash lookup table */ /* input set bits for each pctype */ uint64_t hash_input_set[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX]; /* store VXLAN UDP ports */ uint16_t vxlan_ports[I40E_MAX_PF_UDP_OFFLOAD_PORTS]; uint16_t vxlan_bitmap; /* Vxlan bit mask */ /* VMDQ related info */ uint16_t max_nb_vmdq_vsi; /* Max number of VMDQ VSIs supported */ uint16_t nb_cfg_vmdq_vsi; /* number of VMDQ VSIs configured */ struct i40e_vmdq_info *vmdq; struct i40e_fdir_info fdir; /* flow director info */ struct i40e_fc_conf fc_conf; /* Flow control conf */ struct i40e_mirror_rule_list mirror_list; uint16_t nb_mirror_rule; /* The number of mirror rules */ }; enum pending_msg { PFMSG_LINK_CHANGE = 0x1, PFMSG_RESET_IMPENDING = 0x2, PFMSG_DRIVER_CLOSE = 0x4, }; struct i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_info { uint16_t on; /* Enable or disable pvid */ union { uint16_t pvid; /* Valid in case 'on' is set to set pvid */ struct { /* Valid in case 'on' is cleared. 'tagged' will reject tagged packets, * while 'untagged' will reject untagged packets. */ uint8_t tagged; uint8_t untagged; } reject; } config; }; struct i40e_vf_rx_queues { uint64_t rx_dma_addr; uint32_t rx_ring_len; uint32_t buff_size; }; struct i40e_vf_tx_queues { uint64_t tx_dma_addr; uint32_t tx_ring_len; }; /* * Structure to store private data specific for VF instance. */ struct i40e_vf { struct i40e_adapter *adapter; /* The adapter this VF associate to */ struct rte_eth_dev_data *dev_data; /* Pointer to the device data */ uint16_t num_queue_pairs; uint16_t max_pkt_len; /* Maximum packet length */ bool promisc_unicast_enabled; bool promisc_multicast_enabled; uint32_t version_major; /* Major version number */ uint32_t version_minor; /* Minor version number */ uint16_t promisc_flags; /* Promiscuous setting */ uint32_t vlan[I40E_VFTA_SIZE]; /* VLAN bit map */ /* Event from pf */ bool dev_closed; bool link_up; enum i40e_aq_link_speed link_speed; bool vf_reset; volatile uint32_t pend_cmd; /* pending command not finished yet */ uint32_t cmd_retval; /* return value of the cmd response from PF */ u16 pend_msg; /* flags indicates events from pf not handled yet */ uint8_t *aq_resp; /* buffer to store the adminq response from PF */ /* VSI info */ struct i40e_virtchnl_vf_resource *vf_res; /* All VSIs */ struct i40e_virtchnl_vsi_resource *vsi_res; /* LAN VSI */ struct i40e_vsi vsi; uint64_t flags; }; /* * Structure to store private data for each PF/VF instance. */ struct i40e_adapter { /* Common for both PF and VF */ struct i40e_hw hw; struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev; /* Specific for PF or VF */ union { struct i40e_pf pf; struct i40e_vf vf; }; /* For vector PMD */ bool rx_bulk_alloc_allowed; bool rx_vec_allowed; bool tx_simple_allowed; bool tx_vec_allowed; /* For PTP */ struct rte_timecounter systime_tc; struct rte_timecounter rx_tstamp_tc; struct rte_timecounter tx_tstamp_tc; }; int i40e_dev_switch_queues(struct i40e_pf *pf, bool on); int i40e_vsi_release(struct i40e_vsi *vsi); struct i40e_vsi *i40e_vsi_setup(struct i40e_pf *pf, enum i40e_vsi_type type, struct i40e_vsi *uplink_vsi, uint16_t user_param); int i40e_switch_rx_queue(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint16_t q_idx, bool on); int i40e_switch_tx_queue(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint16_t q_idx, bool on); int i40e_vsi_add_vlan(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t vlan); int i40e_vsi_delete_vlan(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t vlan); int i40e_vsi_add_mac(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, struct i40e_mac_filter_info *filter); int i40e_vsi_delete_mac(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, struct ether_addr *addr); void i40e_update_vsi_stats(struct i40e_vsi *vsi); void i40e_pf_disable_irq0(struct i40e_hw *hw); void i40e_pf_enable_irq0(struct i40e_hw *hw); int i40e_dev_link_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, __rte_unused int wait_to_complete); void i40e_vsi_queues_bind_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi); void i40e_vsi_queues_unbind_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi); int i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_set(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, struct i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_info *info); int i40e_vsi_config_vlan_stripping(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, bool on); int i40e_vsi_config_vlan_filter(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, bool on); uint64_t i40e_config_hena(uint64_t flags); uint64_t i40e_parse_hena(uint64_t flags); enum i40e_status_code i40e_fdir_setup_tx_resources(struct i40e_pf *pf); enum i40e_status_code i40e_fdir_setup_rx_resources(struct i40e_pf *pf); int i40e_fdir_setup(struct i40e_pf *pf); const struct rte_memzone *i40e_memzone_reserve(const char *name, uint32_t len, int socket_id); int i40e_fdir_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void i40e_fdir_teardown(struct i40e_pf *pf); enum i40e_filter_pctype i40e_flowtype_to_pctype(uint16_t flow_type); uint16_t i40e_pctype_to_flowtype(enum i40e_filter_pctype pctype); int i40e_fdir_ctrl_func(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, enum rte_filter_op filter_op, void *arg); int i40e_select_filter_input_set(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct rte_eth_input_set_conf *conf, enum rte_filter_type filter); int i40e_hash_filter_inset_select(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct rte_eth_input_set_conf *conf); int i40e_fdir_filter_inset_select(struct i40e_pf *pf, struct rte_eth_input_set_conf *conf); void i40e_rxq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id, struct rte_eth_rxq_info *qinfo); void i40e_txq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id, struct rte_eth_txq_info *qinfo); /* I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO */ #define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(adapter) \ (&((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)->pf) #define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(adapter) \ (&((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)->hw) #define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_ADAPTER(adapter) \ ((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter) /* I40EVF_DEV_PRIVATE_TO */ #define I40EVF_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_VF(adapter) \ (&((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)->vf) static inline struct i40e_vsi * i40e_get_vsi_from_adapter(struct i40e_adapter *adapter) { struct i40e_hw *hw; if (!adapter) return NULL; hw = I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(adapter); if (hw->mac.type == I40E_MAC_VF || hw->mac.type == I40E_MAC_X722_VF) { struct i40e_vf *vf = I40EVF_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_VF(adapter); return &vf->vsi; } else { struct i40e_pf *pf = I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(adapter); return pf->main_vsi; } } #define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_MAIN_VSI(adapter) \ i40e_get_vsi_from_adapter((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter) /* I40E_VSI_TO */ #define I40E_VSI_TO_HW(vsi) \ (&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->hw)) #define I40E_VSI_TO_PF(vsi) \ (&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->pf)) #define I40E_VSI_TO_VF(vsi) \ (&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->vf)) #define I40E_VSI_TO_DEV_DATA(vsi) \ (((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->pf.dev_data) #define I40E_VSI_TO_ETH_DEV(vsi) \ (((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->eth_dev) /* I40E_PF_TO */ #define I40E_PF_TO_HW(pf) \ (&(((struct i40e_pf *)pf)->adapter->hw)) #define I40E_PF_TO_ADAPTER(pf) \ ((struct i40e_adapter *)pf->adapter) /* I40E_VF_TO */ #define I40E_VF_TO_HW(vf) \ (&(((struct i40e_vf *)vf)->adapter->hw)) static inline void i40e_init_adminq_parameter(struct i40e_hw *hw) { hw->aq.num_arq_entries = I40E_AQ_LEN; hw->aq.num_asq_entries = I40E_AQ_LEN; hw->aq.arq_buf_size = I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ; hw->aq.asq_buf_size = I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ; } static inline int i40e_align_floor(int n) { if (n == 0) return 0; return 1 << (sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT - 1 - __builtin_clz(n)); } static inline uint16_t i40e_calc_itr_interval(int16_t interval) { if (interval < 0 || interval > I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_MAX) interval = I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; /* Convert to hardware count, as writing each 1 represents 2 us */ return interval / 2; } #define I40E_VALID_FLOW(flow_type) \ ((flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_FRAG_IPV4 || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_TCP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_UDP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_SCTP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_OTHER || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_FRAG_IPV6 || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_TCP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_UDP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_SCTP || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_OTHER || \ (flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_L2_PAYLOAD) #define I40E_VALID_PCTYPE(pctype) \ ((pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV4 || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_TCP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_UDP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_SCTP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_OTHER || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV6 || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_SCTP || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_OTHER || \ (pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_L2_PAYLOAD) #endif /* _I40E_ETHDEV_H_ */
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<ROOT> <data> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">47.435</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">46.782</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">53.847</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">53.276</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">55.008</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">58.319</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">57.397</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">48.218</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">45.444</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">54.402</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">52.415</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">54.005</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">55.845</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">57.994</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Argentina</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">54.254</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.949</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5.414</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">8.058</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5.386</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">7.676</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">3.693</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.518</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">3.035</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">3.97</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5.567</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">3.563</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2.238</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">3.846</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2.784</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Armenia</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.479</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">9.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">9.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">8.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">4.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">29.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">31.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">34.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">38.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">41.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Australia</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">48.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">4.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Austria</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.00037323490990524</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.0002</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.837523935646666</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.83</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.00111752976750073</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.019</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.728</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.268</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.438</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Azerbaijan</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.536</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">94.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">106.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">106.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">106</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">108</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">333.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">3</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">330.9486</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">3</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">279.7838</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">3</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">296.448</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">3</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">326.9904</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">3</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">303.317</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">299.049</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">276.861</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Belgium</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">254.592</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bosnia and Herzegovina</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.005</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">686.329467310647</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">304.975574</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1182.53197880501</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">477.017574</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1059.56093388745</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">513.888653</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">966.284904336206</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">550.298914</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">948.232198739089</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">532.802878</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">673.646870840143</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">533.504249</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">514.74308643054</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">479.097052</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">431.957191721097</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">566.723389</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">420.827254148627</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">520.10703</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">449.485266076851</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">490.352443</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">363</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">310</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">347</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">310</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Brazil</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">286.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bulgaria</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bulgaria</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bulgaria</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">34.374</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bulgaria</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">30.001</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Bulgaria</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">24.429</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">95.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">93.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">78.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">64.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">83.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">73.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">133.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">145</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">187</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">195</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">191</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">216</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">220</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Canada</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">170</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3.88951861251799</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.977783</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">UNITS</field> <field name="Value">7942</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.840416739019883</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">UNITS</field> <field name="Value">8239</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">UNITS</field> <field name="Value">8165</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.49710210775555</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.565865</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">UNITS</field> <field name="Value">11208</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Chile</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">UNITS</field> <field name="Value">11132</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2325</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2215</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1998.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1811.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1840.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1348.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1362.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1219.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">865.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">732.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">589</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">642.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">599.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">China</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">585.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.004</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.004</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Croatia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.011</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">109.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">90</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">79.353</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">79.592</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">93.338</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">83.269</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">89.145</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">91.854</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">87.835</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">90.117</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Czech Republic</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">74.534</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.46692698941713</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.187</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.521956004463728</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.062</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.101769001817238</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.002637</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.722239800990285</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.218</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.153579093233015</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.056</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.107493558454073</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.037</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0661842167846817</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.025</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0343267652607646</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.029</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0308789661674067</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.014</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.597539756858227</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.074</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0365526415375618</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.028</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0761100122969902</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.048</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.29594260241597</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.155</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.490629606838117</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.219</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.741829345931183</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Denmark</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.318</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.151486</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ecuador</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.177164</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Estonia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Estonia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">240.330062989708</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">223.194</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">360.34731615181</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">344.475</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">338.060939932593</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">349.816</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">365.05469025235</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">413.288</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">374.322240461623</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">438.32</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">351.393467558188</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">465.234</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">268.612666366327</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">408.468</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">175.991441984781</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">330.565</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">144.070299147211</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">321.772</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">155.702847104872</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">405.363</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">154.480914558195</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">356.991</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">159.099722293217</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">315.485</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">137.435526015447</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">200.674</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">36</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Finland</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">36</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">566</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">655</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">663.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">654.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1131.13184705072</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">776</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">929.976552822925</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">730</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1659.5921656182</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">667</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1355.16644119541</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">592.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">605.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">594.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">582.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">France</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">618.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Georgia</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Georgia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Georgia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Georgia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1167.2499073274</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">958.258</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1593.6474869914</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1027.322</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1428.62864553215</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1032.974</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1291.18476178927</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1111.555</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1131.16849723922</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">855</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1004.30786289446</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">843.211</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">888.414371153859</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">809.971</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">769.740270198623</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">767.818</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">676.171500032215</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">583.125</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">662.792821258201</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">597.818</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">673.34524325098</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">598.107</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">652.767243086035</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">512.383</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">604.409120428853</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">450.093</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">759.463166842391</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">465.115</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">897.77504871374</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Germany</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">478.531</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Greece</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.765895968615631</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">4</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Greece</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.211731</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">4</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Greece</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.759725120947466</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">4</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Greece</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.2074</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">4</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Hungary</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.17388355699871</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Hungary</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.139</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">99</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">102.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">84.794</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">82.064</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">80.294</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">75.39</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">68.009</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">61.961</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">58.491</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">61.617</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">53.272</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">53.637</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">57.534</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">India</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">59.236</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">85.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">48.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">46</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">47</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">45</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">38</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">33</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">35</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">35</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">35</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Indonesia</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">17</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.65094724864722</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">58.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">61.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">72</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">70</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">72.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">71.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">66.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">68</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">42.754</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">5</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">45.916</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">5</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">42.015</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">5</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">46.219</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">5</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">45.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Iran(Islamic Rep. of)</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">49.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0260751336350599</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.0105</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.225724929719603</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0962757889420276</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.32</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.0916609247344543</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.32</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.100574826043528</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.108187778700383</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.324</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.165128364200165</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0.151550789053422</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.63</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ireland</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">219.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">235</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">233</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">235</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">851.005444736238</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">669.138</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">795.324860497291</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">720.157</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">250</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">274</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">285</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">279</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">290</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">295</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">303</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Italy</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">310</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">4548.53686848657</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1538.548</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">4978.42994624224</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1793.026</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">4152.597407997</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1832.966</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3934.21932978765</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1785.112</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3895.22741757422</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1764.527</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3740.32156844905</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1718.583</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3402.96913264696</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1646.144</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3009.23487353652</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1550.109</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3042.6002002527</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1467.268</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3702.01044091123</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1598.208</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3848.3389995883</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1551.823</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3220.90853351794</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1429.428</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3896.63310318166</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1591.879</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1519.938</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Japan</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1497.575</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Kazakhstan</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Kazakhstan</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Kazakhstan</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1135.36</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1011.166</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1066.288</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">963.279</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">921.458</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">807.196</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">729.256</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">687.138</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">655.318</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">678.243</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">654.912</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">547.414</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">564.504</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">472.85</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Korea, Republic of</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">399.035</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Lithuania</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">38.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">30.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">23.2</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">21.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">15.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">14.7</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Malaysia</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">12</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">270.963805585862</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">148.571</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">251.22290473616</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">148.645</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">195.765242380655</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">153.32</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">159.384275200178</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">144.484</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">133.005959187548</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">145.107</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">138.669730376306</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">137.593</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">147.003482078883</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">145.534</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">129.304247025294</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">141.43</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">133.526097338599</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">142.688</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">142.211995766854</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">132.586</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">140.431244675532</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">123.878</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">124.870997012972</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Mexico</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">113.111</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">176.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">194</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">192</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">272.566</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">287.315</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">282.734</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">294.985</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">97.074</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">115.636</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">161.494</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">184.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">193.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">198.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Netherlands</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">177.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">116</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">123.012</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">99</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">95</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">90</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">87</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">95.917</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">94.971</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">100.683</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">106.48</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Poland</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">104.678</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.103</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.07</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.061</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.089</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Portugal</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3.40777196759971</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">7.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3.17410213659747</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.952</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">16.0561320527798</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">11.178</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">16.079815581101</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">13.202</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">10.7249771178952</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">10.853</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">11.9217931819371</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">16.034</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">23.235</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">20.212</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">16.156</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">22.542</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">29.43</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">36.97</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Romania</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">41.339</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">981.279</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1173.125</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1213.541</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1225.296</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1146.175</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1116.865</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1073.588</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">920.104</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">919.31</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">836.764</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">736.333</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">621.723</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">703.924</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">796.033</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Russian Federation</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">836.887</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">23</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">25.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">25</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">24.572</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">24.48</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">15.193</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">12.395</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">6</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">33.866</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">34.006</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">10.606</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Serbia and Montenegro</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Slovakia</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">9.412</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">75.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">71</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">67.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">77.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">73.6</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">77</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">68.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">62.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">65.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">52.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">62.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">62.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">57.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">South Africa</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">56.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">123.957</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">126.983</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">129.754</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">131.755</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">117.439</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">123.149</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">133.725</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Spain</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">105.905</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sri Lanka</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sri Lanka</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sri Lanka</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sri Lanka</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1.9062378771034</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.3003</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">5.59117668664015</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.6782</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3.62335283020509</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.9581</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">5.21872594841981</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">1.54</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">3.2658008061085</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.848</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">2.22598601647951</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.756</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">50.1174713818626</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">47.494</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">42.8883894207673</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">44.105</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">42.1294164375485</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">56.269</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">42.360427937146</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">55.849</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">31.1954858622498</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">47.844</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">45.0562892543915</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">52.202</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">55.323955185608</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Sweden</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">82.81</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.056</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.197</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.392</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.492</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.555</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">T.F.Yug.Rep. Macedonia</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.382</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">185</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">194</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">186</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">140</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">130</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">125</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">122</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">110</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">100</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">100</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">30</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Thailand</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">10</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">23.5</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">23</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">24.353</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">44.551</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">34.857</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">35.976</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">39.471</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">44.347</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">33.892</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">47.018</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">46.726</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">65.01</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Turkey</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">53.718</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ukraine</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.586</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">Ukraine</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">0.11</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">468.373543368317</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2009</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">239.357193</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">930.424445498389</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">370.566506</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">1001.29325725415</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">431.174957</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">842.74192559155</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">397.510145</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">686.207533962224</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">337.755184</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">554.212896847193</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">116.311</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">7</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">973.104914914547</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">654.011</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">922.03010486244</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">673.902</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">463.107585779992</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">332.784</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">517.452027884915</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">378.633</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">549.949414442615</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">391.463</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">Mil. USD</field> <field name="Value">579.308267148382</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">406.601</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">360.589</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">346.384</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United Kingdom</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">357.062</field> <field name="Value Footnotes"></field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2008</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2314.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2007</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2696.9</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2006</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2606.3</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2005</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2365.8</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2004</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2325.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2003</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2270.1</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2002</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2164.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2001</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2064.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">2000</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2395.4</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">1999</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2354</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">1998</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2600</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">1997</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2589</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">1996</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2486</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1</field> </record> <record> <field name="Country or Area">United States</field> <field name="Year">1995</field> <field name="Unit">THOUSAND METRIC TONS</field> <field name="Value">2530</field> <field name="Value Footnotes">1,2</field> </record> </data> <footnotes> <footnote fnSeqID="1">Source: International Rubber Study Group (London).</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="2">Provisional or estimated figure.</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="3">Incomplete coverage.</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="4">Excluding Prodcom code</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="5">Production by establishments employing 10 or more persons.</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="6">Break in series; data prior to the sign not comparable to following years.</footnote> <footnote fnSeqID="7">Excluding Prodcom code</footnote> </footnotes> </ROOT>
{'content_hash': 'fb3d896443d98a452e91887e45bd21da', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 4941, 'max_line_length': 115, 'avg_line_length': 43.12365917830399, 'alnum_prop': 0.5162150238884143, 'repo_name': 'danagilliann/un_data_api', 'id': '0e9f18475c7d2eab7b46a69815bd1595d5484d51', 'size': '213074', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'lib/un_data_xml_files/UNSD/Industrial Commodity Statistics Database/[3] Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment/[34] Basic chemicals/Synthetic rubber.xml', 'mode': '33261', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'Cucumber', 'bytes': '6335'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '9812'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '114838'}]}
'use babel'; import _ from 'lodash'; import url from 'url'; import { packageName } from './util/package-helper'; import { registerCommands, unregisterCommands } from './commands'; import { libraryAddCommand } from './library_add'; import { libraryMigrateCommand } from './library_migrate'; import { libraryInitCommand } from './library_init'; import { libraryContributeCommand } from './library_contribute'; import { libraryPublishCommand } from './library_publish'; import { projectInitCommand } from './project_init'; import { core, toolBar } from './index'; function activate() { const librariesShow = () => { core().openPane('libraries', 'right', packageName()); }; const libraryManagementShow = () => { core().openPane('library-management', 'right', packageName()); }; registerCommands(atom, toolBar(), { libraryAddCommand, libraryMigrateCommand, libraryInitCommand, libraryContributeCommand, libraryPublishCommand, librariesShow, libraryManagementShow, projectInitCommand }); atom.workspace.addOpener((uriToOpen) => { let uri = url.parse(uriToOpen); if (uri.protocol && uri.protocol.slice(0, -1) === packageName()) { // Initialize the panel let panelName = uri.pathname.replace('-', '_').slice(1); if (!this[panelName]) { this[panelName] = require(`./views/${panelName}_panel`); } let className = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(panelName)); let panel = new this[panelName][`${className}PanelView`](); panel.update(); return panel; } }); } function deactivate() { unregisterCommands(atom); } function serialize() { } export { activate, deactivate, serialize };
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<?php namespace common\modules\lead\models; interface LeadReportInterface { public function getLead(): LeadInterface; public function getStatus(): LeadStatusInterface; public function getOldStatus(): ?LeadStatusInterface; public function getOwnerId(): int; public function getDetails(): ?string; public function getAnswersNames(): array; }
{'content_hash': 'ad05fb4fd8001f0ceb65a53dadc88246', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 18, 'max_line_length': 54, 'avg_line_length': 19.666666666666668, 'alnum_prop': 0.7768361581920904, 'repo_name': 'edzima/VestraTele', 'id': '8ca564b8ad567bf0983677ea779d209e2cd074af', 'size': '354', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'common/modules/lead/models/LeadReportInterface.php', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'bsd-3-clause', 'language': [{'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '970'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '6759'}, {'name': 'Dockerfile', 'bytes': '327'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '7549'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '27669'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '3099238'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '3173'}, {'name': 'TypeScript', 'bytes': '5231'}, {'name': 'Vue', 'bytes': '34794'}]}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="VisualScriptCondition" inherits="VisualScriptNode" version="3.5" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../doc/class.xsd"> <brief_description> A Visual Script node which branches the flow. </brief_description> <description> A Visual Script node that checks a [bool] input port. If [code]true[/code], it will exit via the "true" sequence port. If [code]false[/code], it will exit via the "false" sequence port. After exiting either, it exits via the "done" port. Sequence ports may be left disconnected. [b]Input Ports:[/b] - Sequence: [code]if (cond) is[/code] - Data (boolean): [code]cond[/code] [b]Output Ports:[/b] - Sequence: [code]true[/code] - Sequence: [code]false[/code] - Sequence: [code]done[/code] </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> </methods> <constants> </constants> </class>
{'content_hash': '5e8092000281fe4bae2bc2dbfc20b839', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 22, 'max_line_length': 280, 'avg_line_length': 42.59090909090909, 'alnum_prop': 0.6979722518676628, 'repo_name': 'ex/godot', 'id': '4305fa1e7aa0c0f60f201555fedffee45f17af74', 'size': '937', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/3.5', 'path': 'modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCondition.xml', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'AIDL', 'bytes': '1633'}, {'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '26'}, {'name': 'C', 'bytes': '1045182'}, {'name': 'C#', 'bytes': '1061492'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '39315087'}, {'name': 'CMake', 'bytes': '606'}, {'name': 'GAP', 'bytes': '62'}, {'name': 'GDScript', 'bytes': '323212'}, {'name': 'GLSL', 'bytes': '836846'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '595274'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '194742'}, {'name': 'Kotlin', 'bytes': '84098'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '1421'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '20550'}, {'name': 'Objective-C++', 'bytes': '365306'}, {'name': 'PowerShell', 'bytes': '2713'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '475722'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '30899'}]}
import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; public class TushKeyStroke extends Robot { public TushKeyStroke() throws AWTException { super(); } public void someDelay() { this.delay(400); } public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException { String programeName = "notepad"; String Text1 = "Hello, how are you..."; TushKeyStroke tush = new TushKeyStroke(); tush.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); tush.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); tush.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); tush.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); tush.someDelay(); for (int n = 0; n < programeName.length(); n++) { tush.keyPress(KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(programeName .charAt(n))); tush.someDelay(); } tush.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); tush.someDelay(); for (int n = 0; n < Text1.length(); n++) { tush.keyPress(KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(Text1.charAt(n))); tush.someDelay(); } System.exit(0); // safe return } }
{'content_hash': 'b1d6bcac6b9068557382d76f3c2909a8', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 42, 'max_line_length': 70, 'avg_line_length': 23.928571428571427, 'alnum_prop': 0.6935323383084577, 'repo_name': 'tushroy/TutorialFiles', 'id': '9e47a5b84b80309a5c1fa1b1c6a2191f03e301b3', 'size': '1005', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'TushKeyStroke.java', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '1651'}]}
package docker import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math" "os" "path" "strings" "github.com/docker/libcontainer" "github.com/docker/libcontainer/cgroups" cgroup_fs "github.com/docker/libcontainer/cgroups/fs" "github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient" "github.com/golang/glog" "github.com/google/cadvisor/container" containerLibcontainer "github.com/google/cadvisor/container/libcontainer" "github.com/google/cadvisor/fs" "github.com/google/cadvisor/info" "github.com/google/cadvisor/utils" ) // Relative path from Docker root to the libcontainer per-container state. const pathToLibcontainerState = "execdriver/native" // Path to aufs dir where all the files exist. // aufs/layers is ignored here since it does not hold a lot of data. // aufs/mnt contains the mount points used to compose the rootfs. Hence it is also ignored. var pathToAufsDir = "aufs/diff" var fileNotFound = errors.New("file not found") type dockerContainerHandler struct { client *docker.Client name string id string aliases []string machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory libcontainerStateDir string cgroup cgroups.Cgroup usesAufsDriver bool fsInfo fs.FsInfo storageDirs []string } func newDockerContainerHandler( client *docker.Client, name string, machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory, dockerRootDir string, usesAufsDriver bool, ) (container.ContainerHandler, error) { fsInfo, err := fs.NewFsInfo() if err != nil { return nil, err } handler := &dockerContainerHandler{ client: client, name: name, machineInfoFactory: machineInfoFactory, libcontainerStateDir: path.Join(dockerRootDir, pathToLibcontainerState), cgroup: cgroups.Cgroup{ Parent: "/", Name: name, }, usesAufsDriver: usesAufsDriver, fsInfo: fsInfo, } handler.storageDirs = append(handler.storageDirs, path.Join(dockerRootDir, pathToAufsDir, path.Base(name))) if handler.isDockerRoot() { return handler, nil } id := containerNameToDockerId(name) handler.id = id ctnr, err := client.InspectContainer(id) // We assume that if Inspect fails then the container is not known to docker. if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect container %s - %s\n", id, err) } handler.aliases = append(handler.aliases, path.Join("/docker", ctnr.Name)) return handler, nil } func containerNameToDockerId(name string) string { id := path.Base(name) // Turn systemd cgroup name into Docker ID. if useSystemd { const systemdDockerPrefix = "docker-" if strings.HasPrefix(id, systemdDockerPrefix) { id = id[len(systemdDockerPrefix):] } const systemdScopeSuffix = ".scope" if strings.HasSuffix(id, systemdScopeSuffix) { id = id[:len(id)-len(systemdScopeSuffix)] } } return id } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ContainerReference() (info.ContainerReference, error) { return info.ContainerReference{ Name: self.name, Aliases: self.aliases, }, nil } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) isDockerRoot() bool { return self.name == "/docker" } // TODO(vmarmol): Switch to getting this from libcontainer once we have a solid API. func (self *dockerContainerHandler) readLibcontainerConfig() (config *libcontainer.Config, err error) { configPath := path.Join(self.libcontainerStateDir, self.id, "container.json") if !utils.FileExists(configPath) { // TODO(vishh): Return file name as well once we have a better error interface. err = fileNotFound return } f, err := os.Open(configPath) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open %s - %s\n", configPath, err) } defer f.Close() d := json.NewDecoder(f) retConfig := new(libcontainer.Config) err = d.Decode(retConfig) if err != nil { return } config = retConfig // Replace cgroup parent and name with our own since we may be running in a different context. config.Cgroups.Name = self.cgroup.Name config.Cgroups.Parent = self.cgroup.Parent return } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) readLibcontainerState() (state *libcontainer.State, err error) { statePath := path.Join(self.libcontainerStateDir, self.id, "state.json") if !utils.FileExists(statePath) { // TODO(vmarmol): Remove this once we can depend on a newer Docker. // Libcontainer changed how its state was stored, try the old way of a "pid" file if utils.FileExists(path.Join(self.libcontainerStateDir, self.id, "pid")) { // We don't need the old state, return an empty state and we'll gracefully degrade. state = new(libcontainer.State) return } // TODO(vishh): Return file name as well once we have a better error interface. err = fileNotFound return } f, err := os.Open(statePath) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open %s - %s\n", statePath, err) } defer f.Close() d := json.NewDecoder(f) retState := new(libcontainer.State) err = d.Decode(retState) if err != nil { return } state = retState return } func libcontainerConfigToContainerSpec(config *libcontainer.Config, mi *info.MachineInfo) info.ContainerSpec { var spec info.ContainerSpec spec.HasMemory = true spec.Memory.Limit = math.MaxUint64 spec.Memory.SwapLimit = math.MaxUint64 if config.Cgroups.Memory > 0 { spec.Memory.Limit = uint64(config.Cgroups.Memory) } if config.Cgroups.MemorySwap > 0 { spec.Memory.SwapLimit = uint64(config.Cgroups.MemorySwap) } // Get CPU info spec.HasCpu = true spec.Cpu.Limit = 1024 if config.Cgroups.CpuShares != 0 { spec.Cpu.Limit = uint64(config.Cgroups.CpuShares) } if config.Cgroups.CpusetCpus == "" { // All cores are active. spec.Cpu.Mask = fmt.Sprintf("0-%d", mi.NumCores-1) } else { spec.Cpu.Mask = config.Cgroups.CpusetCpus } spec.HasNetwork = true return spec } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) GetSpec() (spec info.ContainerSpec, err error) { if self.isDockerRoot() { return info.ContainerSpec{}, nil } mi, err := self.machineInfoFactory.GetMachineInfo() if err != nil { return } libcontainerConfig, err := self.readLibcontainerConfig() if err != nil { return } spec = libcontainerConfigToContainerSpec(libcontainerConfig, mi) if self.usesAufsDriver { spec.HasFilesystem = true } return } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) getFsStats(stats *info.ContainerStats) error { // No support for non-aufs storage drivers. if !self.usesAufsDriver { return nil } // As of now we assume that all the storage dirs are on the same device. // The first storage dir will be that of the image layers. deviceInfo, err := self.fsInfo.GetDirFsDevice(self.storageDirs[0]) if err != nil { return err } mi, err := self.machineInfoFactory.GetMachineInfo() if err != nil { return err } var limit uint64 = 0 // Docker does not impose any filesystem limits for containers. So use capacity as limit. for _, fs := range mi.Filesystems { if fs.Device == deviceInfo.Device { limit = fs.Capacity break } } fsStat := info.FsStats{Device: deviceInfo.Device, Limit: limit} var usage uint64 = 0 for _, dir := range self.storageDirs { // TODO(Vishh): Add support for external mounts. dirUsage, err := self.fsInfo.GetDirUsage(dir) if err != nil { return err } usage += dirUsage } fsStat.Usage = usage stats.Filesystem = append(stats.Filesystem, fsStat) return nil } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) GetStats() (stats *info.ContainerStats, err error) { if self.isDockerRoot() { return &info.ContainerStats{}, nil } state, err := self.readLibcontainerState() if err != nil { if err == fileNotFound { glog.Errorf("Libcontainer state not found for container %q", self.name) return &info.ContainerStats{}, nil } return } stats, err = containerLibcontainer.GetStats(&self.cgroup, state) if err != nil { return } err = self.getFsStats(stats) if err != nil { return } return stats, nil } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListContainers(listType container.ListType) ([]info.ContainerReference, error) { if self.name != "/docker" { return []info.ContainerReference{}, nil } opt := docker.ListContainersOptions{ All: true, } containers, err := self.client.ListContainers(opt) if err != nil { return nil, err } // On non-systemd systems Docker containers are under /docker. containerPrefix := "/docker" if useSystemd { containerPrefix = "/system.slice" } ret := make([]info.ContainerReference, 0, len(containers)+1) for _, c := range containers { if !strings.HasPrefix(c.Status, "Up ") { continue } ref := info.ContainerReference{ Name: path.Join(containerPrefix, c.ID), Aliases: c.Names, } ret = append(ret, ref) } return ret, nil } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListThreads(listType container.ListType) ([]int, error) { return nil, nil } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListProcesses(listType container.ListType) ([]int, error) { return cgroup_fs.GetPids(&self.cgroup) } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) WatchSubcontainers(events chan container.SubcontainerEvent) error { return fmt.Errorf("watch is unimplemented in the Docker container driver") } func (self *dockerContainerHandler) StopWatchingSubcontainers() error { // No-op for Docker driver. return nil }
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var fs = require('fs'); var currentDir = fs.realpathSync('./'); var defaultMap = { 'image-dir': 'source/images/posts', 'source-dir': 'source/_posts' } var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), {default: defaultMap}); var sourceDir = currentDir + '/' + argv['source-dir']; var imageDir = currentDir + '/' + argv['image-dir']; fs.readdir(sourceDir, function(err, list) { // Obtain latest post var latest = list[list.length-1].split('.')[0]; // Create same name directory for images of this post. fs.mkdir(imageDir + '/' + latest, function(err) { if (err) { console.log("Some error has occured: " + err); throw err; } console.log("Created: " + imageDir + '/' + latest); }); });
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function boolean = sofa_is_file(sofa) %SOFA_CHECK true for a sofa file, false for a sofa struct, throws an error else % % Usage: number = sofa_check(sofa) % % Input parameters: % sofa - sofa struct or file name % % Output parameters: % number - 1: sofa is a file % 0: sofa is a struct % % SOFA_CHECK(sofa) checks if the given sofa is a file or a struct. In the % first case a 1 is returned, in the second case a 0. If none of both is true % an error will be thrown. % % See also: sofa_get_header, sofa_get_data %***************************************************************************** % The MIT License (MIT) * % * % Copyright (c) 2010-2019 SFS Toolbox Developers * % * % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * % copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * % to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * % the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * % and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * % Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * % * % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * % all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * % * % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * % THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * % FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * % DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * % * % The SFS Toolbox allows to simulate and investigate sound field synthesis * % methods like wave field synthesis or higher order ambisonics. * % * % https://sfs.readthedocs.io sfstoolbox@gmail.com * %***************************************************************************** %% ===== Checking of input parameters ================================== nargmin = 1; nargmax = 1; narginchk(nargmin,nargmax) %% ===== Main =========================================================== if ~isstruct(sofa) && exist(sofa,'file') boolean = true; elseif isstruct(sofa) && isfield(sofa,'GLOBAL_Conventions') && ... strcmp('SOFA',sofa.GLOBAL_Conventions) boolean = false; else error('%s: sofa has to be a file or a SOFA struct.',upper(mfilename)); end
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layout: post date: '2015-07-25' title: "Antonios Couture 38" category: Antonios Couture tags: [Antonios Couture] --- ### Antonios Couture 38 Just **$329.99** ### <a href="https://www.readybrides.com/en/antonios-couture/17365-antonios-couture-38.html"><img src="//static.msromantic.com/38561/antonios-couture-38.jpg" alt="Antonios Couture 38" style="width:100%;" /></a> <!-- break --><a href="https://www.readybrides.com/en/antonios-couture/17365-antonios-couture-38.html"><img src="//static.msromantic.com/38560/antonios-couture-38.jpg" alt="Antonios Couture 38" style="width:100%;" /></a> Buy it: [https://www.readybrides.com/en/antonios-couture/17365-antonios-couture-38.html](https://www.readybrides.com/en/antonios-couture/17365-antonios-couture-38.html)
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RSpec.describe TTY::Table, '#each' do let(:header) { ['Header1'] } let(:rows) { [['a1'], ['b1']] } subject(:table) { described_class.new(header, rows) } context 'with no block' do it { expect(table.each).to be_instance_of(to_enum.class) } it 'yields the expected values' do expect(table.each.to_a).to eql(table.to_a) end end context 'with block' do it 'yields each row' do yields = [] table.each { |row| yields << row } expect(yields).to eql(table.to_a) end end end
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#ifndef SRC_VSET_LIB_VSET_SDD_UTILS_H_ #define SRC_VSET_LIB_VSET_SDD_UTILS_H_ /* * vset_sdd_utils.h * * Created on: Oct 25, 2019 * Author: Lieuwe Vinkhuijzen <l.t.vinkhuijzen@liacs.leidenuniv.nl> */ #include <vset-lib/vector_set.h> #include <vset-lib/vset_sdd_utils.h> #include <vset-lib/vset_sdd.h> void vset_set_domain_rel(vset_t dst, vrel_t rel); void vset_add_to_domain(vset_t dst, vset_t src); void vset_set_domain(vset_t dst, vset_t src); unsigned int vset_uses_var(vset_t set, SddLiteral var); void vset_exposition(vset_t set); void vrel_exposition(vrel_t rel); unsigned int vset_domains_are_disjoint(vset_t a, vset_t b); unsigned int vset_domains_are_equal(vset_t a, vset_t b); struct vector_relation_ll; struct vector_set_ll; typedef struct vector_relation_ll* vrel_ll_t; typedef struct vector_set_ll* vset_ll_t; extern vrel_ll_t first_vrel; extern vrel_ll_t last_vrel; extern vset_ll_t first_vset; extern vset_ll_t last_vset; // A linked list structure for the vrel_t objects // Necessary due to freak bug in ltsmin (or freak bug in this code?) struct vector_relation_ll { vrel_t rel; unsigned int id; int r_k; int w_k; int* r_proj; int* w_proj; struct vector_relation_ll* next; }; // A linked list structure for the vset_t objects // Here we store which variables are currently relevant for this set struct vector_set_ll { vset_t set; unsigned int id; int k; int* proj; vset_ll_t next; }; void add_vrel(vrel_t rel); void add_vset(vset_t set); vrel_ll_t get_vrel(unsigned int id); vset_ll_t get_vset(unsigned int id); #endif /* SRC_VSET_LIB_VSET_SDD_UTILS_H_ */
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module TrustPilotRails VERSION = "0.0.1" end
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char * gl_config[MAX_SITE][2]; int entryNumber; char * gl_fastcgiAdress; int gl_fastcgiPort; //===== DEFINITIONS DES FONCTIONS =====// void freeConfig() { int i; for (i = 0; i < entryNumber; i++) { free(gl_config[i][0]); free(gl_config[i][1]); } if (gl_fastcgiPort) { free(gl_fastcgiAdress); } } char * findInConfig(char * domaine) { int i; if ( domaine ) { for (i = 0; i < entryNumber; i++) { if(!strcmp(domaine, gl_config[i][0]) ) { return gl_config[i][1]; } } } return NULL; } char * getFastCGIAddress() { return gl_fastcgiAdress; } int getFastCGIPort() { return gl_fastcgiPort; } int isFastCGIConfigure(){ if (gl_fastcgiPort) return 1; return 0; } // Parse des trucs comme : // domaine_name=root_directory int loadConfig() { char * configParameter; char * parseCharacter = "\n="; char * parseCharacterGlobal = "\n=:"; FILE *file = fopen ( CONF_FILE, "r" ); int space = 0; // initialisation gl_fastcgiPort = 0; entryNumber = 0; if ( file != NULL ) { char line [ 128 ]; while ( fgets ( line, sizeof line, file ) != NULL ) { // Si la ligne n'est pas vide ou commente // On rentre dans la partie configuration globale if (!strcmp(line, "global_conf {\n")) { // On parcourt les lignes fgets ( line, sizeof line, file ); while ( strcmp(line, "}\n" ) ) { space = 0; while(line[space] == '\t' || line[space] == ' ') space++; if (line[space] != '#' && line[space] != '\n') { configParameter = strtok(&line[space], parseCharacterGlobal); if ( configParameter != NULL ) { // Si c'est un champs connu if (!strcmp(configParameter,"fast_cgi")) { // On le parse configParameter = strtok(NULL, parseCharacterGlobal); if (configParameter == NULL) { printf("Bad configuration\n"); exit(-1); } gl_fastcgiAdress = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( strlen(configParameter) + 1 )); strcpy( gl_fastcgiAdress, configParameter ); if (configParameter == NULL) { printf("Bad configuration\n"); exit(-1); } // On stocke le deuxieme arguments configParameter = strtok(NULL, parseCharacterGlobal); gl_fastcgiPort = atoi(configParameter); // On verifie que la ligne est bien vide configParameter = strtok(NULL, parseCharacter); if (configParameter != NULL) { freeConfig(); printf("Bad configuration\n"); exit(-1); } } // else (autre champs a venir) } } // Ligne suivante fgets ( line, sizeof line, file); if (line == NULL) { printf("Bad configuration (lose brace)"); exit(-1); } } } // On rentre dans la partie configuration des hostnames if (!strcmp(line, "domain_name {\n")) { fgets ( line, sizeof line, file ); while ( strcmp(line, "}\n" ) ) { // On rentre dans la partie nom de domaine space = 0; while(line[space] == '\t' || line[space] == ' ') space++; if (line[space] != '#' && line[space] != '\n') { // On parse configParameter = strtok(&line[space], parseCharacter); // On verifie le premier arguments if (configParameter == NULL) { printf("Bad configuration\n"); exit(-1); } // On le stocke gl_config[entryNumber][0] = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(configParameter)+1)); strcpy(gl_config[entryNumber][0],configParameter); // De meme pour le deuxime arguments configParameter = strtok(NULL, parseCharacter); if (configParameter == NULL) { freeConfig(); free(gl_config[entryNumber][0]); printf("Bad coniguration\n"); exit(-1); } gl_config[entryNumber][1] = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(configParameter)+1)); strcpy(gl_config[entryNumber][1], configParameter); // On verifie que le nombre de site maximum n'est pas excede if (++entryNumber > MAX_SITE) { printf("Bad configuration : too many website\n"); freeConfig(); exit(-1); } // On verifie que la ligne est bien vide configParameter = strtok(NULL, parseCharacter); if (configParameter != NULL) { freeConfig(); printf("Bad configuration"); exit(-1); } } // Ligne suivante fgets ( line, sizeof line, file); if (line == NULL) { printf("Bad configuration (lose brace)"); exit(-1); } } } } fclose ( file ); } else { perror ( "Configuration file not found!" ); exit(-1); } if (entryNumber == 0) { printf("Bad configuration ( You need at least one domaine name )\n"); exit(0); } return 0; }
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using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using Windows.Web.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml.Linq; using Windows.Web.Http.Filters; namespace AppStudio.DataProviders.Json { internal static class JsonHttpRequest { internal static async Task<JsonHttpRequestResult> DownloadAsync(JsonDataConfig config) { JsonHttpRequestSettings settings = CreateSettings(config); var result = new JsonHttpRequestResult(); var filter = new HttpBaseProtocolFilter(); filter.CacheControl.ReadBehavior = HttpCacheReadBehavior.MostRecent; var httpClient = new HttpClient(filter); if (config.NetCredential != null) httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.NetCredential.UserName + ":" + config.NetCredential.Password))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.UserAgent)) { httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.ParseAdd(settings.UserAgent); } HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(settings.RequestedUri); result.StatusCode = response.StatusCode; FixInvalidCharset(response); result.Result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.Result) && config.UseXml) { XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(result.Result); result.Result = JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(xdoc); } return result; } private static JsonHttpRequestSettings CreateSettings(JsonDataConfig config) { string url = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", config.SiteUrl, config.ApiPath, config.ApiFunction); JsonHttpRequestSettings settings = new JsonHttpRequestSettings { RequestedUri = new Uri(url), UserAgent = "NativeHost", }; return settings; } private static void FixInvalidCharset(HttpResponseMessage response) { if (response != null && response.Content != null && response.Content.Headers != null && response.Content.Headers.ContentType != null && response.Content.Headers.ContentType.CharSet != null) { // Fix invalid charset returned by some web sites. string charset = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.CharSet; if (charset.Contains("\"")) { response.Content.Headers.ContentType.CharSet = charset.Replace("\"", string.Empty); } } } } }
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const BaseNode = require('./Base'); function UpdateExpressionNode(operator, operand, prefix, ...args) { BaseNode.call(this, Object.assign({}, { type: 'UpdateExpression' }, ...args)); this.operator = operator; this.operand = operand; this.prefix = prefix; } exports.UpdateExpressionNode = UpdateExpressionNode;
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Lindenmayer is a [L-System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-system) library using modern (ES6) JavaScript with focus on a concise syntax. The idea is to have a powerful but simple base functionality, that can handle most use-cases by simply allowing anonymous functions as productions, which makes it very flexible in comparison to classic L-Systems. The library can also parse to some extent classic L-System syntax as defined in Aristid Lindenmayers original work *Algorithmic Beauty of Plants* from 1990. For example branches: `[]` or context sensitive productions: `<>`. If you simply want to work with L-Systems in 3D and VR without defining your own draw methods, you can check out the accompanying [aframe-lsystem-component](https://github.com/nylki/aframe-lsystem-component). [Full API doc](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/blob/master/docs/index.md) | [Getting Started](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer#quick-intro) | [A-Frame (VR) L-System component](https://github.com/nylki/aframe-lsystem-component) [![3D Hilbert Curve rendered in Interactive L-System builder.](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1710598/16453037/a9016230-3e0b-11e6-8268-762437de3c29.png)](http://nylki.github.io/lindenmayer/examples/interactive_lsystem_builder/index_3d.html) ## Examples - [codepen collection (editable!)](https://codepen.io/collection/AVvqeg/) - [Examples for the accompanying A-Frame component of this library](http://nylki.github.io/aframe-lsystem-component/) - [Interactive L-System builder (2D turtle graphics)](http://nylki.github.io/lindenmayer/examples/interactive_lsystem_builder/index.html) - [Interactive L-System builder (3D turtle graphics)](http://nylki.github.io/lindenmayer/examples/interactive_lsystem_builder/index_3d.html) - [Basic Tree](http://nylki.github.io/lindenmayer/examples/tree.html) - [Basic Tree (rendered in three.js)](http://nylki.github.io/lindenmayer/examples/tree25d.html) ## Install ### Direct download - [Download latest `lindenmayer.browser.js`](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/releases/latest): - Then in your `index.html`: ```.html <script src="lindenmayer.browser.js"></script> ``` ### npm If you would like to use npm instead of directly downloading: ```.sh npm install --save lindenmayer ``` Then in your Node.js script: ```.js var LSystem = require('lindenmayer') ``` or via import syntax: ```.js import LSystem from 'lindenmayer' ``` Or in your `index.html`: ```.html <script src="node_modules/lindenmayer/dist/lindenmayer.browser.js"></script> ``` See [releases](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/releases) for change logs. ## Quick Intro ```.js // Initializing a L-System that produces the Koch-curve let kochcurve = new LSystem({ axiom: 'F++F++F', productions: {'F': 'F-F++F-F'} }) // Iterate the L-System two times and log the result. let result = kochcurve.iterate(2) console.log(result) //'F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F //-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F' ``` There are multiple ways to set productions, including javascript functions: ```.js // Directly when initializing a new L-System object: let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'ABC', productions: { 'B': 'BB' } }) // After initialization: lsystem.setProduction('B', 'F+F') // Stochastic L-System: lsystem.setProduction('B', { successors: [ {weight: 50, successor: 'X'}, // 50% probability {weight: 25, successor: 'XB'},// 25% probability {weight: 25, successor: 'X+B'}// 25% probability ]}) // Context Sensitive: lsystem.setProduction('B', {leftCtx: 'A', successor: 'B', rightCtx: 'C'}) // or if you prefer the concise *classic* syntax for context sensitive productions: lsystem.setProduction('A<B>C', 'Z') // You can also use ES6 arrow functions. Here a Simple (custom) stochastic production, producing `F` with 10% probability, `G` with 90% lsystem.setProduction('B', () => (Math.random() < 0.1) ? 'F' : 'G') //Or make use of additional info fed into production functions on runtime. // Here: return 'B-' if 'B' is in first half of word/axiom, otherwise 'B+' lsystem.setProduction('B', (info) => (info.currentAxiom.length / 2) <= info.index ? 'B-' : 'B+') ``` # Documentation The following section is a quick overview. Please refer to the [full documentation](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/blob/master/docs/index.md) for a detailed usage reference. ## Initialization ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem(options) ``` `options` may contain: - `axiom`: A String or an Array of Objects to set the initial axiom (sometimes called axiom, start or initiator). - `productions`: key-value Object to set the productions from one symbol to its axiom. Used when calling iterate(). A production can be either a String, Object or a Function. - `finals`: Optional key-value Object to set functions that should be executed each symbol in sequential order when calling final(). Useful for visualization. advanced options (see [API docs](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/blob/master/docs/index.md) for details): - `branchSymbols`: A String of two characters. Only used when working with classic context sensitive productions. The first symbol is treated as start of a branch, the last symbol as end of a branch. (default: `"[]"`, but only when using classic CS syntax) - `ignoredSymbols`: A String of characters to ignore when using context sensitive productions. (default: `"+-&^/|\\"`, but only when using classic CS syntax) <!-- `classicParametricSyntax`: A Bool to enable *experimental* parsing of parametric L-Systems as defined in Lindenmayers book *Algorithmic Beauty of Plants*. (default: `false`)--> Most often you will find yourself only setting `axiom`, `productions` and `finals`. ## Setting an Axiom As seen in the first section you can simply set your axiom when you init your L-System. ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'F++F++F' }) ``` You can also set an axiom after initialization: ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'F++F++F' }) lsystem.setAxiom('F-F-F') ``` ## Setting Productions Productions define how the symbols of an axiom get transformed. For example, if you want all `A`s to be replaced by `B` in your axiom, you could construct the following production: ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'ABC', productions: {'A': 'B'} }) //lsystem.iterate() === 'BBC' ``` You can set as many productions on initialization as you like: ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'ABC', productions: { 'A': 'A+', 'B': 'BA', 'C': 'ABC' } }) // lsystem.iterate() === 'A+BAABC' ``` You could also start with an empty L-System object, and use `setAxiom()` and `setProduction()` to edit the L-System later: ```.js let lsystem = new LSystem() lsystem.setAxiom('ABC') lsystem.setProduction('A', 'AAB') lsystem.setProduction('B', 'CB') ``` This can be useful if you want to dynamically generate and edit L-Systems. For example, you might have a UI, where the user can add new production via a text box. A major feature of this library is the possibility to use functions as productions, which could be used for stochastic L-Systems: ```.js // This L-System produces `F+` with a 70% probability and `F-` with 30% probability let lsystem = new LSystem({ axiom: 'F++F++F', productions: {'F': () => (Math.random() <= 0.7) ? 'F+' : 'F-'} }) // Productions can also be changed later: lsys.setProduction('F', () => (Math.random() < 0.2) ? 'F-F++F-F' : 'F+F') ``` If you are using functions as productions, your function can make use of a number of additional parameters that are passed as an info object to the function (see [full docs](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/blob/master/docs/index.md#function-based-productions) for more details): ```.js lsys.setAxiom('FFFFF') lsys.setProduction('F', (info) => { // Use the `index` to determine where inside the current axiom, the function is applied on. if(info.index === 2) return 'X'; }) // lsys.iterate() === FFXFF ``` The `info` object includes: - `index`: the index inside the axiom - `currentAxiom`: the current full axiom/word - `part`: the current part (symbol or object) the production is applied on. This is especially useful if you are using parametric L-Systems (see last chapter) to have access to parameters of a symbol. For a shorter notation you could use the ES6 feature of [object destructuring](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment#Object_destructuring) (has support in most modern browsers): ```.js lsys.setProduction('F', ({index}) => index === 2 ? 'X' : false); ``` If `undefined` or `false` is returned in a production function, as above, the initiating symbol or symbol object is returned (in aboves example, that would be`'F'`). ### Getting Results Now that we have set up our L-System set, we want to generate new axioms with `iterate()`: ```.js // Iterate once lsystem.iterate(); // Iterate n-times lsystem.iterate(5); ``` `iterate()` conveniently returns the resulting string: ```.js console.log(lsystem.iterate()) ``` If you want to fetch the result later, use `getString()`: ```.js lsystem.iterate() console.log(lsystem.getString()) ``` ### Putting it all together #### Final functions: Visualization and other post processing Most likely you want to visualize or post-process your L-Systems output in some way. You could iterate and parse the result yourself, however `lindemayer` already offers an easy way to define such postprocessing: *final* functions. In those final functions you can define what should be done for each literal/character. The classic way to use L-Systems is to visualize axioms with [turtle graphics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics). The standard rules, found in Aristid Lindenmayer's and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz's classic work [Algorithmic Beauty of Plants](http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/#abop) can be easily implented this way, to output the fractals onto a [Canvas](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API). You can fiddle with the following example in [this codepen](http://codepen.io/nylki/pen/QNYqzd)! ```.html <body> <canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="1000"></canvas> </body> ``` ```.js var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") // translate to center of canvas ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 4) // initialize a koch curve L-System that uses final functions // to draw the fractal onto a Canvas element. // F: draw a line with length relative to the current iteration (half the previous length for each step) // and translates the current position to the end of the line // +: rotates the canvas 60 degree // -: rotates the canvas -60 degree var koch = new LSystem({ axiom: 'F++F++F', productions: {'F': 'F-F++F-F'}, finals: { '+': () => { ctx.rotate((Math.PI/180) * 60) }, '-': () => { ctx.rotate((Math.PI/180) * -60) }, 'F': () => { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(0,0) ctx.lineTo(0, 40/(koch.iterations + 1)) ctx.stroke() ctx.translate(0, 40/(koch.iterations + 1))} } }) koch.iterate(3) koch.final() ``` And the result: [![Resulting image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1710598/15099304/09a530d6-1552-11e6-8261-fd302c5c89f6.png)](http://codepen.io/nylki/pen/QNYqzd) As this library is not opinionated about what your results should be like, you can write your own `finals`. Therefore you can draw 2D turtle graphics as seen above, but also 3D ones with WebGL/three.js, or even do other things like creating sound! ## Advanced Usage ### Parametric L-Systems When defining axioms you may also use an Array of Objects instead of basic Strings. This makes your L-System very flexible because you can inject custom parameters into your symbols. Eg. a symbol like a `A` may contain a `food` variable to simulate organic growth: ```.js let parametricLsystem = new lsys.LSystem({ axiom: [ {symbol: 'A', food:0.5}, {symbol: 'B'}, {symbol: 'A', , food:0.1}, {symbol: 'C'} ], // And then do stuff with those custom parameters in productions: productions: { 'A': ({part, index}) => { // split A into one A and a new B if it ate enough: if(part.food >= 1.0) { return [{symbol: 'A', food:0}, {symbol: 'B', food:0}] } else { // otherwise eat a random amount of food part.food += Math.random() * 0.1; return part; } } } }); // parametricLsystem.iterate(60); // Depending on randomness: // parametricLsystem.getString() ~= 'ABBBBBABBBC'; // The first part of B's has more B's because the first A got more initial food which in the end made a small difference, as you can see. ``` As you can see above, you need to explicitly define the `symbol` value, so the correct production can be applied. [Full Documentation](https://github.com/nylki/lindenmayer/blob/master/docs/index.md)
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package com.google.template.soy.basicfunctions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.Singleton; import com.google.template.soy.data.SoyData; import com.google.template.soy.data.restricted.IntegerData; import com.google.template.soy.javasrc.restricted.JavaCodeUtils; import com.google.template.soy.javasrc.restricted.JavaExpr; import com.google.template.soy.javasrc.restricted.SoyJavaSrcFunction; import com.google.template.soy.jssrc.restricted.JsExpr; import com.google.template.soy.jssrc.restricted.SoyJsSrcFunction; import com.google.template.soy.tofu.restricted.SoyTofuFunction; import static com.google.template.soy.tofu.restricted.SoyTofuFunctionUtils.toSoyData; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Soy function that takes the max of two numbers. * * @author Kai Huang */ @Singleton class MaxFunction implements SoyTofuFunction, SoyJsSrcFunction, SoyJavaSrcFunction { @Inject MaxFunction() {} @Override public String getName() { return "max"; } @Override public Set<Integer> getValidArgsSizes() { return ImmutableSet.of(2); } @Override public SoyData computeForTofu(List<SoyData> args) { SoyData arg0 = args.get(0); SoyData arg1 = args.get(1); if (arg0 instanceof IntegerData && arg1 instanceof IntegerData) { return toSoyData(Math.max(arg0.integerValue(), arg1.integerValue())); } else { return toSoyData(Math.max(arg0.numberValue(), arg1.numberValue())); } } @Override public JsExpr computeForJsSrc(List<JsExpr> args) { JsExpr arg0 = args.get(0); JsExpr arg1 = args.get(1); return new JsExpr( "Math.max(" + arg0.getText() + ", " + arg1.getText() + ")", Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public JavaExpr computeForJavaSrc(List<JavaExpr> args) { JavaExpr arg0 = args.get(0); JavaExpr arg1 = args.get(1); return JavaCodeUtils.genJavaExprForNumberToNumberBinaryFunction( "Math.max", "$$max", arg0, arg1); } }
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<body> <h1>Images!</h1> {{> display}} {{> dropzone}} </body> <template name="display"> {{#masonryContainer columnWidth=50 transitionDuration="0.2s" id="MasonryContainer" }} {{#each imgs}} {{> img}} {{/each}} {{/masonryContainer}} </template> <template name="dropzone"> <div id="dropzone" class="{{dropcloth}}">Drag images here... </div> </template> <template name="img"> {{#masonryElement "MasonryContainer"}} <img src="{{src}}" class="display-image" style="width:{{calcWidth}}"/> {{/masonryElement}} </template>
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package com.sumologic.jenkins.jenkinssumologicplugin.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Sumo Logic plugin for Jenkins model. * <p> * Test case model * <p> * Created by Sourabh Jain on 5/2019. */ public class TestCaseModel { private int failures; private int passes; private int skips; private int total; private double totalDuration; private List<TestCaseResultModel> testResults = new ArrayList<>(); public List<TestCaseResultModel> getTestResults() { if (this.testResults == null) { testResults = new ArrayList<>(); } return testResults; } public TestCaseModel(int failures, int passes, int skips, int total) { this.failures = failures; this.passes = passes; this.skips = skips; this.total = total; } public int getFailures() { return failures; } public void setFailures(int failures) { this.failures = failures; } public int getPasses() { return passes; } public void setPasses(int passes) { this.passes = passes; } public int getSkips() { return skips; } public void setSkips(int skips) { this.skips = skips; } public int getTotal() { return total; } public void setTotal(int total) { this.total = total; } public double getTotalDuration() { return totalDuration; } public void setTotalDuration(double totalDuration) { this.totalDuration = totalDuration; } public void setTestResults(List<TestCaseResultModel> testResults) { this.testResults = testResults; } }
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package keyvault // Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. import ( "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest" "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date" "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to" "net/http" ) // ActionType enumerates the values for action type. type ActionType string const ( // AutoRenew specifies the auto renew state for action type. AutoRenew ActionType = "AutoRenew" // EmailContacts specifies the email contacts state for action type. EmailContacts ActionType = "EmailContacts" ) // DeletionRecoveryLevel enumerates the values for deletion recovery level. type DeletionRecoveryLevel string const ( // Purgeable specifies the purgeable state for deletion recovery level. Purgeable DeletionRecoveryLevel = "Purgeable" // Recoverable specifies the recoverable state for deletion recovery level. Recoverable DeletionRecoveryLevel = "Recoverable" // RecoverableProtectedSubscription specifies the recoverable protected subscription state for deletion recovery level. RecoverableProtectedSubscription DeletionRecoveryLevel = "Recoverable+ProtectedSubscription" // RecoverablePurgeable specifies the recoverable purgeable state for deletion recovery level. RecoverablePurgeable DeletionRecoveryLevel = "Recoverable+Purgeable" ) // JSONWebKeyCurveName enumerates the values for json web key curve name. type JSONWebKeyCurveName string const ( // P256 specifies the p256 state for json web key curve name. P256 JSONWebKeyCurveName = "P-256" // P384 specifies the p384 state for json web key curve name. P384 JSONWebKeyCurveName = "P-384" // P521 specifies the p521 state for json web key curve name. P521 JSONWebKeyCurveName = "P-521" // SECP256K1 specifies the secp256k1 state for json web key curve name. SECP256K1 JSONWebKeyCurveName = "SECP256K1" ) // JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm enumerates the values for json web key encryption algorithm. type JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm string const ( // RSA15 specifies the rsa15 state for json web key encryption algorithm. RSA15 JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm = "RSA1_5" // RSAOAEP specifies the rsaoaep state for json web key encryption algorithm. RSAOAEP JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm = "RSA-OAEP" // RSAOAEP256 specifies the rsaoaep256 state for json web key encryption algorithm. RSAOAEP256 JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm = "RSA-OAEP-256" ) // JSONWebKeyOperation enumerates the values for json web key operation. type JSONWebKeyOperation string const ( // Decrypt specifies the decrypt state for json web key operation. Decrypt JSONWebKeyOperation = "decrypt" // Encrypt specifies the encrypt state for json web key operation. Encrypt JSONWebKeyOperation = "encrypt" // Sign specifies the sign state for json web key operation. Sign JSONWebKeyOperation = "sign" // UnwrapKey specifies the unwrap key state for json web key operation. UnwrapKey JSONWebKeyOperation = "unwrapKey" // Verify specifies the verify state for json web key operation. Verify JSONWebKeyOperation = "verify" // WrapKey specifies the wrap key state for json web key operation. WrapKey JSONWebKeyOperation = "wrapKey" ) // JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm enumerates the values for json web key signature algorithm. type JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm string const ( // ECDSA256 specifies the ecdsa256 state for json web key signature algorithm. ECDSA256 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "ECDSA256" // ES256 specifies the es256 state for json web key signature algorithm. ES256 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "ES256" // ES384 specifies the es384 state for json web key signature algorithm. ES384 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "ES384" // ES512 specifies the es512 state for json web key signature algorithm. ES512 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "ES512" // PS256 specifies the ps256 state for json web key signature algorithm. PS256 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "PS256" // PS384 specifies the ps384 state for json web key signature algorithm. PS384 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "PS384" // PS512 specifies the ps512 state for json web key signature algorithm. PS512 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "PS512" // RS256 specifies the rs256 state for json web key signature algorithm. RS256 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "RS256" // RS384 specifies the rs384 state for json web key signature algorithm. RS384 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "RS384" // RS512 specifies the rs512 state for json web key signature algorithm. RS512 JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "RS512" // RSNULL specifies the rsnull state for json web key signature algorithm. RSNULL JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm = "RSNULL" ) // JSONWebKeyType enumerates the values for json web key type. type JSONWebKeyType string const ( // EC specifies the ec state for json web key type. EC JSONWebKeyType = "EC" // ECHSM specifies the echsm state for json web key type. ECHSM JSONWebKeyType = "EC-HSM" // Oct specifies the oct state for json web key type. Oct JSONWebKeyType = "oct" // RSA specifies the rsa state for json web key type. RSA JSONWebKeyType = "RSA" // RSAHSM specifies the rsahsm state for json web key type. RSAHSM JSONWebKeyType = "RSA-HSM" ) // KeyUsageType enumerates the values for key usage type. type KeyUsageType string const ( // CRLSign specifies the crl sign state for key usage type. CRLSign KeyUsageType = "cRLSign" // DataEncipherment specifies the data encipherment state for key usage type. DataEncipherment KeyUsageType = "dataEncipherment" // DecipherOnly specifies the decipher only state for key usage type. DecipherOnly KeyUsageType = "decipherOnly" // DigitalSignature specifies the digital signature state for key usage type. DigitalSignature KeyUsageType = "digitalSignature" // EncipherOnly specifies the encipher only state for key usage type. EncipherOnly KeyUsageType = "encipherOnly" // KeyAgreement specifies the key agreement state for key usage type. KeyAgreement KeyUsageType = "keyAgreement" // KeyCertSign specifies the key cert sign state for key usage type. KeyCertSign KeyUsageType = "keyCertSign" // KeyEncipherment specifies the key encipherment state for key usage type. KeyEncipherment KeyUsageType = "keyEncipherment" // NonRepudiation specifies the non repudiation state for key usage type. NonRepudiation KeyUsageType = "nonRepudiation" ) // Action is the action that will be executed. type Action struct { ActionType ActionType `json:"action_type,omitempty"` } // AdministratorDetails is details of the organization administrator of the certificate issuer. type AdministratorDetails struct { FirstName *string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` LastName *string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` EmailAddress *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Phone *string `json:"phone,omitempty"` } // Attributes is the object attributes managed by the KeyVault service. type Attributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` NotBefore *date.UnixTime `json:"nbf,omitempty"` Expires *date.UnixTime `json:"exp,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` } // BackupKeyResult is the backup key result, containing the backup blob. type BackupKeyResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // BackupSecretResult is the backup secret result, containing the backup blob. type BackupSecretResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // CertificateAttributes is the certificate management attributes. type CertificateAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` NotBefore *date.UnixTime `json:"nbf,omitempty"` Expires *date.UnixTime `json:"exp,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` RecoveryLevel DeletionRecoveryLevel `json:"recoveryLevel,omitempty"` } // CertificateBundle is a certificate bundle consists of a certificate (X509) plus its attributes. type CertificateBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` X509Thumbprint *string `json:"x5t,omitempty"` Policy *CertificatePolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` Cer *[]byte `json:"cer,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Attributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // CertificateCreateParameters is the certificate create parameters. type CertificateCreateParameters struct { CertificatePolicy *CertificatePolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` CertificateAttributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // CertificateImportParameters is the certificate import parameters. type CertificateImportParameters struct { Base64EncodedCertificate *string `json:"value,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"pwd,omitempty"` CertificatePolicy *CertificatePolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` CertificateAttributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // CertificateIssuerItem is the certificate issuer item containing certificate issuer metadata. type CertificateIssuerItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` } // CertificateIssuerListResult is the certificate issuer list result. type CertificateIssuerListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]CertificateIssuerItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // CertificateIssuerListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client CertificateIssuerListResult) CertificateIssuerListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // CertificateIssuerSetParameters is the certificate issuer set parameters. type CertificateIssuerSetParameters struct { Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` Credentials *IssuerCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` OrganizationDetails *OrganizationDetails `json:"org_details,omitempty"` Attributes *IssuerAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` } // CertificateIssuerUpdateParameters is the certificate issuer update parameters. type CertificateIssuerUpdateParameters struct { Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` Credentials *IssuerCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` OrganizationDetails *OrganizationDetails `json:"org_details,omitempty"` Attributes *IssuerAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` } // CertificateItem is the certificate item containing certificate metadata. type CertificateItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Attributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` X509Thumbprint *string `json:"x5t,omitempty"` } // CertificateListResult is the certificate list result. type CertificateListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]CertificateItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // CertificateListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client CertificateListResult) CertificateListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // CertificateMergeParameters is the certificate merge parameters type CertificateMergeParameters struct { X509Certificates *[][]byte `json:"x5c,omitempty"` CertificateAttributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // CertificateOperation is a certificate operation is returned in case of asynchronous requests. type CertificateOperation struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` IssuerParameters *IssuerParameters `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Csr *[]byte `json:"csr,omitempty"` CancellationRequested *bool `json:"cancellation_requested,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` StatusDetails *string `json:"status_details,omitempty"` Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"` Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"` RequestID *string `json:"request_id,omitempty"` } // CertificateOperationUpdateParameter is the certificate operation update parameters. type CertificateOperationUpdateParameter struct { CancellationRequested *bool `json:"cancellation_requested,omitempty"` } // CertificatePolicy is management policy for a certificate. type CertificatePolicy struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` KeyProperties *KeyProperties `json:"key_props,omitempty"` SecretProperties *SecretProperties `json:"secret_props,omitempty"` X509CertificateProperties *X509CertificateProperties `json:"x509_props,omitempty"` LifetimeActions *[]LifetimeAction `json:"lifetime_actions,omitempty"` IssuerParameters *IssuerParameters `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Attributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` } // CertificateUpdateParameters is the certificate update parameters. type CertificateUpdateParameters struct { CertificatePolicy *CertificatePolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` CertificateAttributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // Contact is the contact information for the vault certificates. type Contact struct { EmailAddress *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Phone *string `json:"phone,omitempty"` } // Contacts is the contacts for the vault certificates. type Contacts struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` ContactList *[]Contact `json:"contacts,omitempty"` } // DeletedCertificateBundle is a Deleted Certificate consisting of its previous id, attributes and its tags, as well as // information on when it will be purged. type DeletedCertificateBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` X509Thumbprint *string `json:"x5t,omitempty"` Policy *CertificatePolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"` Cer *[]byte `json:"cer,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Attributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedCertificateItem is the deleted certificate item containing metadata about the deleted certificate. type DeletedCertificateItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Attributes *CertificateAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` X509Thumbprint *string `json:"x5t,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedCertificateListResult is a list of certificates that have been deleted in this vault. type DeletedCertificateListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]DeletedCertificateItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // DeletedCertificateListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client DeletedCertificateListResult) DeletedCertificateListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // DeletedKeyBundle is a DeletedKeyBundle consisting of a WebKey plus its Attributes and deletion info type DeletedKeyBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Key *JSONWebKey `json:"key,omitempty"` Attributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedKeyItem is the deleted key item containing the deleted key metadata and information about deletion. type DeletedKeyItem struct { Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Attributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedKeyListResult is a list of keys that have been deleted in this vault. type DeletedKeyListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]DeletedKeyItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // DeletedKeyListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client DeletedKeyListResult) DeletedKeyListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // DeletedSecretBundle is a Deleted Secret consisting of its previous id, attributes and its tags, as well as // information on when it will be purged. type DeletedSecretBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Attributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedSecretItem is the deleted secret item containing metadata about the deleted secret. type DeletedSecretItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Attributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` RecoveryID *string `json:"recoveryId,omitempty"` ScheduledPurgeDate *date.UnixTime `json:"scheduledPurgeDate,omitempty"` DeletedDate *date.UnixTime `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` } // DeletedSecretListResult is the deleted secret list result type DeletedSecretListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]DeletedSecretItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // DeletedSecretListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client DeletedSecretListResult) DeletedSecretListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // Error is the key vault server error. type Error struct { Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` InnerError *Error `json:"innererror,omitempty"` } // ErrorType is the key vault error exception. type ErrorType struct { Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"` } // IssuerAttributes is the attributes of an issuer managed by the Key Vault service. type IssuerAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` } // IssuerBundle is the issuer for Key Vault certificate. type IssuerBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` Credentials *IssuerCredentials `json:"credentials,omitempty"` OrganizationDetails *OrganizationDetails `json:"org_details,omitempty"` Attributes *IssuerAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` } // IssuerCredentials is the credentials to be used for the certificate issuer. type IssuerCredentials struct { AccountID *string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"pwd,omitempty"` } // IssuerParameters is parameters for the issuer of the X509 component of a certificate. type IssuerParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` CertificateType *string `json:"cty,omitempty"` } // JSONWebKey is as of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key-18 type JSONWebKey struct { Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Kty JSONWebKeyType `json:"kty,omitempty"` KeyOps *[]string `json:"key_ops,omitempty"` N *string `json:"n,omitempty"` E *string `json:"e,omitempty"` D *string `json:"d,omitempty"` DP *string `json:"dp,omitempty"` DQ *string `json:"dq,omitempty"` QI *string `json:"qi,omitempty"` P *string `json:"p,omitempty"` Q *string `json:"q,omitempty"` K *string `json:"k,omitempty"` T *string `json:"key_hsm,omitempty"` Crv JSONWebKeyCurveName `json:"crv,omitempty"` X *string `json:"x,omitempty"` Y *string `json:"y,omitempty"` } // KeyAttributes is the attributes of a key managed by the key vault service. type KeyAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` NotBefore *date.UnixTime `json:"nbf,omitempty"` Expires *date.UnixTime `json:"exp,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` RecoveryLevel DeletionRecoveryLevel `json:"recoveryLevel,omitempty"` } // KeyBundle is a KeyBundle consisting of a WebKey plus its attributes. type KeyBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Key *JSONWebKey `json:"key,omitempty"` Attributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` } // KeyCreateParameters is the key create parameters. type KeyCreateParameters struct { Kty JSONWebKeyType `json:"kty,omitempty"` KeySize *int32 `json:"key_size,omitempty"` KeyOps *[]JSONWebKeyOperation `json:"key_ops,omitempty"` KeyAttributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Curve JSONWebKeyCurveName `json:"crv,omitempty"` } // KeyImportParameters is the key import parameters. type KeyImportParameters struct { Hsm *bool `json:"Hsm,omitempty"` Key *JSONWebKey `json:"key,omitempty"` KeyAttributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // KeyItem is the key item containing key metadata. type KeyItem struct { Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Attributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` } // KeyListResult is the key list result. type KeyListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]KeyItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // KeyListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client KeyListResult) KeyListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // KeyOperationResult is the key operation result. type KeyOperationResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Result *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // KeyOperationsParameters is the key operations parameters. type KeyOperationsParameters struct { Algorithm JSONWebKeyEncryptionAlgorithm `json:"alg,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // KeyProperties is properties of the key pair backing a certificate. type KeyProperties struct { Exportable *bool `json:"exportable,omitempty"` KeyType *string `json:"kty,omitempty"` KeySize *int32 `json:"key_size,omitempty"` ReuseKey *bool `json:"reuse_key,omitempty"` } // KeyRestoreParameters is the key restore parameters. type KeyRestoreParameters struct { KeyBundleBackup *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // KeySignParameters is the key operations parameters. type KeySignParameters struct { Algorithm JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm `json:"alg,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // KeyUpdateParameters is the key update parameters. type KeyUpdateParameters struct { KeyOps *[]JSONWebKeyOperation `json:"key_ops,omitempty"` KeyAttributes *KeyAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // KeyVerifyParameters is the key verify parameters. type KeyVerifyParameters struct { Algorithm JSONWebKeySignatureAlgorithm `json:"alg,omitempty"` Digest *string `json:"digest,omitempty"` Signature *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // KeyVerifyResult is the key verify result. type KeyVerifyResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"` } // LifetimeAction is action and its trigger that will be performed by Key Vault over the lifetime of a certificate. type LifetimeAction struct { Trigger *Trigger `json:"trigger,omitempty"` Action *Action `json:"action,omitempty"` } // OrganizationDetails is details of the organization of the certificate issuer. type OrganizationDetails struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` AdminDetails *[]AdministratorDetails `json:"admin_details,omitempty"` } // PendingCertificateSigningRequestResult is the pending certificate signing request result. type PendingCertificateSigningRequestResult struct { Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionAttributes is the SAS definition management attributes. type SasDefinitionAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionBundle is a SAS definition bundle consists of key vault SAS definition details plus its attributes. type SasDefinitionBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` SecretID *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` Parameters *map[string]*string `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Attributes *SasDefinitionAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionCreateParameters is the SAS definition create parameters. type SasDefinitionCreateParameters struct { Parameters *map[string]*string `json:"parameters,omitempty"` SasDefinitionAttributes *SasDefinitionAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionItem is the SAS definition item containing storage SAS definition metadata. type SasDefinitionItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` SecretID *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` Attributes *SasDefinitionAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionListResult is the storage account SAS definition list result. type SasDefinitionListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]SasDefinitionItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // SasDefinitionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client SasDefinitionListResult) SasDefinitionListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // SasDefinitionUpdateParameters is the SAS definition update parameters. type SasDefinitionUpdateParameters struct { Parameters *map[string]*string `json:"parameters,omitempty"` SasDefinitionAttributes *SasDefinitionAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // SecretAttributes is the secret management attributes. type SecretAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` NotBefore *date.UnixTime `json:"nbf,omitempty"` Expires *date.UnixTime `json:"exp,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` RecoveryLevel DeletionRecoveryLevel `json:"recoveryLevel,omitempty"` } // SecretBundle is a secret consisting of a value, id and its attributes. type SecretBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Attributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Kid *string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` } // SecretItem is the secret item containing secret metadata. type SecretItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Attributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Managed *bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` } // SecretListResult is the secret list result. type SecretListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]SecretItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // SecretListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client SecretListResult) SecretListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // SecretProperties is properties of the key backing a certificate. type SecretProperties struct { ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` } // SecretRestoreParameters is the secret restore parameters. type SecretRestoreParameters struct { SecretBundleBackup *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } // SecretSetParameters is the secret set parameters. type SecretSetParameters struct { Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` SecretAttributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` } // SecretUpdateParameters is the secret update parameters. type SecretUpdateParameters struct { ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` SecretAttributes *SecretAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // StorageAccountAttributes is the storage account management attributes. type StorageAccountAttributes struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Created *date.UnixTime `json:"created,omitempty"` Updated *date.UnixTime `json:"updated,omitempty"` } // StorageAccountCreateParameters is the storage account create parameters. type StorageAccountCreateParameters struct { ResourceID *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` ActiveKeyName *string `json:"activeKeyName,omitempty"` AutoRegenerateKey *bool `json:"autoRegenerateKey,omitempty"` RegenerationPeriod *string `json:"regenerationPeriod,omitempty"` StorageAccountAttributes *StorageAccountAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // StorageAccountItem is the storage account item containing storage account metadata. type StorageAccountItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` ResourceID *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` Attributes *StorageAccountAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // StorageAccountRegenerteKeyParameters is the storage account key regenerate parameters. type StorageAccountRegenerteKeyParameters struct { KeyName *string `json:"keyName,omitempty"` } // StorageAccountUpdateParameters is the storage account update parameters. type StorageAccountUpdateParameters struct { ActiveKeyName *string `json:"activeKeyName,omitempty"` AutoRegenerateKey *bool `json:"autoRegenerateKey,omitempty"` RegenerationPeriod *string `json:"regenerationPeriod,omitempty"` StorageAccountAttributes *StorageAccountAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // StorageBundle is a Storage account bundle consists of key vault storage account details plus its attributes. type StorageBundle struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` ResourceID *string `json:"resourceId,omitempty"` ActiveKeyName *string `json:"activeKeyName,omitempty"` AutoRegenerateKey *bool `json:"autoRegenerateKey,omitempty"` RegenerationPeriod *string `json:"regenerationPeriod,omitempty"` Attributes *StorageAccountAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty"` } // StorageListResult is the storage accounts list result. type StorageListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` Value *[]StorageAccountItem `json:"value,omitempty"` NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // StorageListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. It returns // nil if no more results exist. func (client StorageListResult) StorageListResultPreparer() (*http.Request, error) { if client.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(client.NextLink)) <= 0 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare(&http.Request{}, autorest.AsJSON(), autorest.AsGet(), autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(client.NextLink))) } // SubjectAlternativeNames is the subject alternate names of a X509 object. type SubjectAlternativeNames struct { Emails *[]string `json:"emails,omitempty"` DNSNames *[]string `json:"dns_names,omitempty"` Upns *[]string `json:"upns,omitempty"` } // Trigger is a condition to be satisfied for an action to be executed. type Trigger struct { LifetimePercentage *int32 `json:"lifetime_percentage,omitempty"` DaysBeforeExpiry *int32 `json:"days_before_expiry,omitempty"` } // X509CertificateProperties is properties of the X509 component of a certificate. type X509CertificateProperties struct { Subject *string `json:"subject,omitempty"` Ekus *[]string `json:"ekus,omitempty"` SubjectAlternativeNames *SubjectAlternativeNames `json:"sans,omitempty"` KeyUsage *[]KeyUsageType `json:"key_usage,omitempty"` ValidityInMonths *int32 `json:"validity_months,omitempty"` }
{'content_hash': '84f50253cc2bc3b70e805eefdf7c932c', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 918, 'max_line_length': 120, 'avg_line_length': 44.10348583877995, 'alnum_prop': 0.6959023884209746, 'repo_name': 'ar-jan/restic', 'id': 'b00944f34377ff2948fc6fc841f5c3b759936a8b', 'size': '40487', 'binary': False, 'copies': '3', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/keyvault/2016-10-01/keyvault/models.go', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'bsd-2-clause', 'language': [{'name': 'Go', 'bytes': '939510'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '133'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '324'}]}
<?php error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_STRICT); require_once(__DIR__.'/../../bootstrap/unit.php'); $t = new lime_test(5); @include_once('PEAR.php'); if (!class_exists('PEAR')) { $t->skip('PEAR must be installed', 5); return; } require_once __DIR__.'/sfPearDownloaderTest.class.php'; require_once __DIR__.'/sfPearRestTest.class.php'; require_once __DIR__.'/sfPluginTestHelper.class.php'; // setup $temp = tempnam('/tmp/sf_plugin_test', 'tmp'); sfToolkit::safeUnlink($temp); mkdir($temp, 0777, true); define('SF_PLUGIN_TEST_DIR', $temp); $options = array( 'plugin_dir' => $temp.'/plugins', 'cache_dir' => $temp.'/cache', 'preferred_state' => 'stable', 'rest_base_class' => 'sfPearRestTest', 'downloader_base_class' => 'sfPearDownloaderTest', ); $dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher(); $environment = new sfPearEnvironment($dispatcher, $options); $environment->registerChannel('pear.example.com', true); $rest = $environment->getRest(); // ->getPluginVersions() $t->diag('->getPluginVersions()'); $t->is($rest->getPluginVersions('sfTestPlugin'), array('1.1.3', '1.0.3', '1.0.0'), '->getPluginVersions() returns an array of stable versions for a plugin'); $t->is($rest->getPluginVersions('sfTestPlugin', 'stable'), array('1.1.3', '1.0.3', '1.0.0'), '->getPluginVersions() accepts stability as a second parameter and returns an array of versions for a plugin based on stability'); $t->is($rest->getPluginVersions('sfTestPlugin', 'beta'), array('1.0.4', '1.1.4', '1.1.3', '1.0.3', '1.0.0'), '->getPluginVersions() accepts stability as a second parameter and returns an array of versions for a plugin based on stability cascade (beta includes stable)'); // ->getPluginDependencies() $t->diag('->getPluginDependencies()'); $dependencies = $rest->getPluginDependencies('sfTestPlugin', '1.1.4'); $t->is($dependencies['required']['package']['min'], '1.1.0', '->getPluginDependencies() returns an array of dependencies'); // ->getPluginDownloadURL() $t->diag('->getPluginDownloadURL()'); $t->is($rest->getPluginDownloadURL('sfTestPlugin', '1.1.3', 'stable'), 'http://pear.example.com/get/sfTestPlugin/sfTestPlugin-1.1.3.tgz', '->getPluginDownloadURL() returns a plugin URL'); // teardown sfToolkit::clearDirectory($temp); rmdir($temp);
{'content_hash': '14bf413747cfff1cd8fff841682d8bda', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 60, 'max_line_length': 270, 'avg_line_length': 38.25, 'alnum_prop': 0.674074074074074, 'repo_name': 'Recras/symfony1', 'id': 'fc953aec31c24ab5a3de00a568f8f1eecf02e3d4', 'size': '2539', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'test/unit/plugin/sfPearRestPluginTest.php', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'AMPL', 'bytes': '1136'}, {'name': 'Batchfile', 'bytes': '1151'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '16872'}, {'name': 'Hack', 'bytes': '1282'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '4717'}, {'name': 'PHP', 'bytes': '3320008'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '710'}]}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/mood_selector" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" > <ListView android:id="@id/android:list" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="0dp" android:layout_weight="1" > </ListView> </LinearLayout>
{'content_hash': '075b60702c9f6ba4cfb7bdfc7678d2b3', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 17, 'max_line_length': 72, 'avg_line_length': 27.823529411764707, 'alnum_prop': 0.6575052854122622, 'repo_name': 'ekux44/LampShade', 'id': 'ae6a1e705ca8cce1b1d1e5da0c4b8437be86210f', 'size': '473', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'mobile/src/main/res/layout/moods_list_fragment.xml', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '1597928'}, {'name': 'Makefile', 'bytes': '1048'}]}
package org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics.internal.graph.nodes; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentIdentifier; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ResolvedComponentResult; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ResolvedVariantResult; import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.result.ResolvedComponentResultInternal; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.util.List; public abstract class AbstractRenderableModuleResult extends AbstractRenderableDependency { protected final ResolvedComponentResult module; public AbstractRenderableModuleResult(ResolvedComponentResult module) { this.module = module; } @Nonnull @Override public ComponentIdentifier getId() { return module.getId(); } @Override public String getName() { return getId().getDisplayName(); } @Override public List<ResolvedVariantResult> getResolvedVariants() { return module.getVariants(); } @Override public List<ResolvedVariantResult> getAllVariants() { return ((ResolvedComponentResultInternal) module).getAllVariants(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return null; } @Override public ResolutionState getResolutionState() { return ResolutionState.RESOLVED; } @Override public String toString() { return module.toString(); } }
{'content_hash': 'a255964803b811caebb13f45a5b51324', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 56, 'max_line_length': 91, 'avg_line_length': 25.089285714285715, 'alnum_prop': 0.7238434163701067, 'repo_name': 'blindpirate/gradle', 'id': '7dc406ac61d6cb7dc477f69a4b9ec84984da3b5f', 'size': '2020', 'binary': False, 'copies': '3', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'subprojects/diagnostics/src/main/java/org/gradle/api/tasks/diagnostics/internal/graph/nodes/AbstractRenderableModuleResult.java', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'Assembly', 'bytes': '277'}, {'name': 'Brainfuck', 'bytes': '54'}, {'name': 'C', 'bytes': '123600'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '1781062'}, {'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '173356'}, {'name': 'GAP', 'bytes': '424'}, {'name': 'Gherkin', 'bytes': '191'}, {'name': 'Groovy', 'bytes': '30003442'}, {'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '59961'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '28084200'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '78583'}, {'name': 'Kotlin', 'bytes': '4000485'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '652'}, {'name': 'Objective-C++', 'bytes': '441'}, {'name': 'Python', 'bytes': '57'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '16'}, {'name': 'Scala', 'bytes': '10840'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '12897'}, {'name': 'Swift', 'bytes': '2040'}, {'name': 'XSLT', 'bytes': '42693'}, {'name': 'jq', 'bytes': '171'}]}
namespace Maple.Core { public class LoadedMessage : GenericMapleMessage<ObservableObject> { public LoadedMessage(object sender, ObservableObject viewModel) : base(sender, viewModel) { } } }
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/*! * \file system_single_integrator.h */ #ifndef __RRTS_SYSTEM_SINGLE_INTEGRATOR_H_ #define __RRTS_SYSTEM_SINGLE_INTEGRATOR_H_ #include <list> namespace SingleIntegrator { /*! * \brief region class * * More elaborate description */ class region { int numDimensions; public: /*! * \brief Cartesian coordinates of the center of the region * * More elaborate description */ double *center; /*! * \brief Size of the region in cartesian coordinates * * More elaborate description */ double *size; /*! * \brief region constructor * * More elaborate description */ region (); /*! * \brief region destructor * * More elaborate description */ ~region (); /*! * \brief Sets the dimensionality of the region * * More elaborate description * * \param numDimensionsIn New number of dimensions. * */ int setNumDimensions (int numDimensionsIn); }; /*! * \brief State Class. * * A more elaborate description of the State class */ class State { int numDimensions; double *x; int setNumDimensions (int numDimensions); public: /*! * \brief State constructor * * More elaborate description */ State (); /*! * \brief State desctructor * * More elaborate description */ ~State (); /*! * \brief State copy constructor * * More elaborate description */ State (const State& stateIn); /*! * \brief State assignment operator * * More elaborate description */ State& operator= (const State& stateIn); /*! * \brief State bracket operator * * More elaborate description */ double& operator[] (const int i) {return x[i];} friend class System; friend class Trajectory; }; /*! * \brief Trajectory Class. * * A more elaborate description of the State class */ class Trajectory { State *endState; double totalVariation; public: /*! * \brief Trajectory constructor * * More elaborate description */ Trajectory (); /*! * \brief Trajectory destructor * * More elaborate description */ ~Trajectory (); /*! * \brief Trajectory copy constructor * * More elaborate description * * \param trajectoryIn The trajectory to be copied. * */ Trajectory (const Trajectory& trajectoryIn); /*! * \brief Trajectory assignment constructor * * More elaborate description * * \param trajectoryIn the trajectory to be copied. * */ Trajectory& operator= (const Trajectory& trajectoryIn); /*! * \brief Returns a reference to the end state of this trajectory. * * More elaborate description */ State& getEndState () {return *endState;} /*! * \brief Returns a reference to the end state of this trajectory (constant). * * More elaborate description */ State& getEndState () const {return *endState;} /*! * \brief Returns the cost of this trajectory. * * More elaborate description */ double evaluateCost (); friend class System; }; /*! * \brief System Class. * * A more elaborate description of the State class */ class System { int numDimensions; bool IsInCollision (double *stateIn); State rootState; public: /*! * \brief The operating region * * More elaborate description */ region regionOperating; /*! * \brief The goal region * * More elaborate description */ region regionGoal; /*! * \brief The list of all obstacles * * More elaborate description */ std::list<region*> obstacles; /*! * \brief System constructor * * More elaborate description */ System (); /*! * \brief System destructor * * More elaborate description */ ~System (); int setNumDimensions (int numDimensionsIn); /*! * \brief Returns the dimensionality of the Euclidean space. * * A more elaborate description. */ int getNumDimensions () {return numDimensions;} /*! * \brief Returns a reference to the root state. * * A more elaborate description. */ State& getRootState () {return rootState;} /*! * \brief Returns the statekey for the given state. * * A more elaborate description. * * \param stateIn the given state * \param stateKey the key to the state. An array of dimension getNumDimensions() * */ int getStateKey (State &stateIn, double *stateKey); /*! * \brief Returns true of the given state reaches the target. * * A more elaborate description. */ bool isReachingTarget (State &stateIn); /*! * \brief Returns a sample state. * * A more elaborate description. * * \param randomStateOut * */ int sampleState (State &randomStateOut); /*! * \brief Returns a the cost of the trajectory that connects stateFromIn and * stateTowardsIn. The trajectory is also returned in trajectoryOut. * * A more elaborate description. * * \param stateFromIn Initial state * \param stateTowardsIn Final state * \param trajectoryOut Trajectory that starts the from the initial state and * reaches near the final state. * \param exactConnectionOut Set to true if the initial and the final states * can be connected exactly. * */ int extendTo (State &stateFromIn, State &stateTowardsIn, Trajectory &trajectoryOut, bool &exactConnectionOut); /*! * \brief Returns the cost of the trajectory that connects stateFromIn and StateTowardsIn. * * A more elaborate description. * * \param stateFromIn Initial state * \param stateTowardsIn Final state * \param exactConnectionOut Set to true if the initial and the final states * can be connected exactly. * */ double evaluateExtensionCost (State &stateFromIn, State &stateTowardsIn, bool &exactConnectionOut); /*! * \brief Returns a lower bound on the cost to go starting from stateIn * * A more elaborate description. * * \param stateIn Starting state * */ double evaluateCostToGo (State& stateIn); /*! * \brief Returns the trajectory as a list of double arrays, each with dimension getNumDimensions. * * A more elaborate description. * * \param stateFromIn Initial state * \param stateToIn Final state * \param trajectoryOut The list of double arrays that represent the trajectory * */ int getTrajectory (State& stateFromIn, State& stateToIn, std::list<double*>& trajectoryOut); }; } #endif
{'content_hash': '07a7703cca8f9c162fa88bb1ea3c11de', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 344, 'max_line_length': 107, 'avg_line_length': 24.7703488372093, 'alnum_prop': 0.49512967961506865, 'repo_name': 'andre-nguyen/an_mav_tools', 'id': '18a598715b4197bafe4f25647146ec529b716ba5', 'size': '8521', 'binary': False, 'copies': '4', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'an_path_planning/rrtstar/include/rrtstar/system_single_integrator.h', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '21129'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '53984'}, {'name': 'CMake', 'bytes': '802'}]}
// *************************************************************************** // BamAux.h (c) 2009 Derek Barnett, Michael Str�mberg // Marth Lab, Department of Biology, Boston College // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Last modified: 25 October 2011 (DB) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Provides data structures & utility methods that are used throughout the API. // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BAMAUX_H #define BAMAUX_H #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "api/api_global.h" /*! \file BamAux.h Provides data structures & utility methods that are used throughout the API. */ /*! \namespace BamTools \brief Contains all BamTools classes & methods. The BamTools API contained in this namespace contains classes and methods for reading, writing, and manipulating BAM alignment files. */ namespace BamTools { // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // CigarOp /*! \struct BamTools::CigarOp \brief Represents a CIGAR alignment operation. \sa \samSpecURL for more details on using CIGAR operations. */ struct API_EXPORT CigarOp { char Type; //!< CIGAR operation type (MIDNSHPX=) uint32_t Length; //!< CIGAR operation length (number of bases) //! constructor CigarOp(const char type = '\0', const uint32_t& length = 0) : Type(type) , Length(length) {} }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // RefData /*! \struct BamTools::RefData \brief Represents a reference sequence entry */ struct API_EXPORT RefData { std::string RefName; //!< name of reference sequence int32_t RefLength; //!< length of reference sequence //! constructor RefData(const std::string& name = std::string(), const int32_t& length = 0) : RefName(name) , RefLength(length) {} }; //! convenience typedef for vector of RefData entries typedef std::vector<RefData> RefVector; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // BamRegion /*! \struct BamTools::BamRegion \brief Represents a sequential genomic region Allowed to span multiple (sequential) references. \warning BamRegion now represents a zero-based, HALF-OPEN interval. In previous versions of BamTools (0.x & 1.x) all intervals were treated as zero-based, CLOSED. */ struct API_EXPORT BamRegion { int LeftRefID; //!< reference ID for region's left boundary int LeftPosition; //!< position for region's left boundary int RightRefID; //!< reference ID for region's right boundary int RightPosition; //!< position for region's right boundary //! constructor BamRegion(const int& leftID = -1, const int& leftPos = -1, const int& rightID = -1, const int& rightPos = -1) : LeftRefID(leftID) , LeftPosition(leftPos) , RightRefID(rightID) , RightPosition(rightPos) {} //! copy constructor BamRegion(const BamRegion& other) : LeftRefID(other.LeftRefID) , LeftPosition(other.LeftPosition) , RightRefID(other.RightRefID) , RightPosition(other.RightPosition) {} //! Clears region boundaries void clear() { LeftRefID = -1; LeftPosition = -1; RightRefID = -1; RightPosition = -1; } //! Returns true if region has a left boundary bool isLeftBoundSpecified() const { return (LeftRefID >= 0 && LeftPosition >= 0); } //! Returns true if region boundaries are not defined bool isNull() const { return (!isLeftBoundSpecified() && !isRightBoundSpecified()); } //! Returns true if region has a right boundary bool isRightBoundSpecified() const { return (RightRefID >= 0 && RightPosition >= 1); } }; struct CustomHeaderTag { std::string TagName; std::string TagValue; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // General utility methods /*! \fn bool FileExists(const std::string& filename) \brief returns true if the file exists */ API_EXPORT inline bool FileExists(const std::string& filename) { std::ifstream f(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in); return !f.fail(); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_16(int16_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of signed 16-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_16(int16_t& x) { x = ((x >> 8) | (x << 8)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_16(uint16_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of unsigned 16-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_16(uint16_t& x) { x = ((x >> 8) | (x << 8)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_32(int32_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of signed 32-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_32(int32_t& x) { x = ((x >> 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x << 24)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_32(uint32_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of unsigned 32-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_32(uint32_t& x) { x = ((x >> 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x << 24)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_64(int64_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of signed 64-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_64(int64_t& x) { x = ((x >> 56) | ((x << 40) & 0x00FF000000000000ll) | ((x << 24) & 0x0000FF0000000000ll) | ((x << 8) & 0x000000FF00000000ll) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00000000FF000000ll) | ((x >> 24) & 0x0000000000FF0000ll) | ((x >> 40) & 0x000000000000FF00ll) | (x << 56)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_64(uint64_t& x) \brief swaps endianness of unsigned 64-bit integer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_64(uint64_t& x) { x = ((x >> 56) | ((x << 40) & 0x00FF000000000000ll) | ((x << 24) & 0x0000FF0000000000ll) | ((x << 8) & 0x000000FF00000000ll) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00000000FF000000ll) | ((x >> 24) & 0x0000000000FF0000ll) | ((x >> 40) & 0x000000000000FF00ll) | (x << 56)); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_16p(char* data) \brief swaps endianness of the next 2 bytes in a buffer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_16p(char* data) { uint16_t& value = (uint16_t&)*data; SwapEndian_16(value); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_32p(char* data) \brief swaps endianness of the next 4 bytes in a buffer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_32p(char* data) { uint32_t& value = (uint32_t&)*data; SwapEndian_32(value); } /*! \fn void SwapEndian_64p(char* data) \brief swaps endianness of the next 8 bytes in a buffer, in place */ API_EXPORT inline void SwapEndian_64p(char* data) { uint64_t& value = (uint64_t&)*data; SwapEndian_64(value); } /*! \fn bool SystemIsBigEndian() \brief checks host architecture's byte order \return \c true if system uses big-endian ordering */ API_EXPORT inline bool SystemIsBigEndian() { const uint16_t one = 0x0001; return ((*(char*)&one) == 0); } /*! \fn void PackUnsignedInt(char* buffer, unsigned int value) \brief stores unsigned integer value in a byte buffer \param[out] buffer destination buffer \param[in] value value to 'pack' in buffer */ API_EXPORT inline void PackUnsignedInt(char* buffer, unsigned int value) { buffer[0] = (char)value; buffer[1] = (char)(value >> 8); buffer[2] = (char)(value >> 16); buffer[3] = (char)(value >> 24); } /*! \fn void PackUnsignedShort(char* buffer, unsigned short value) \brief stores unsigned short integer value in a byte buffer \param[out] buffer destination buffer \param[in] value value to 'pack' in buffer */ API_EXPORT inline void PackUnsignedShort(char* buffer, unsigned short value) { buffer[0] = (char)value; buffer[1] = (char)(value >> 8); } /*! \fn double UnpackDouble(const char* buffer) \brief reads a double value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (double) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline double UnpackDouble(const char* buffer) { union { double value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(double)]; } un; un.value = 0; un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; un.valueBuffer[2] = buffer[2]; un.valueBuffer[3] = buffer[3]; un.valueBuffer[4] = buffer[4]; un.valueBuffer[5] = buffer[5]; un.valueBuffer[6] = buffer[6]; un.valueBuffer[7] = buffer[7]; return un.value; } /*! \fn double UnpackDouble(char* buffer) \brief reads a double value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (double) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline double UnpackDouble(char* buffer) { return UnpackDouble((const char*)buffer); } /*! \fn double UnpackFloat(const char* buffer) \brief reads a float value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (float) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline float UnpackFloat(const char* buffer) { union { float value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(float)]; } un; un.value = 0; un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; un.valueBuffer[2] = buffer[2]; un.valueBuffer[3] = buffer[3]; return un.value; } /*! \fn double UnpackFloat(char* buffer) \brief reads a float value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (float) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline float UnpackFloat(char* buffer) { return UnpackFloat((const char*)buffer); } /*! \fn signed int UnpackSignedInt(const char* buffer) \brief reads a signed integer value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (signed int) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline signed int UnpackSignedInt(const char* buffer) { union { signed int value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(signed int)]; } un; un.value = 0; un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; un.valueBuffer[2] = buffer[2]; un.valueBuffer[3] = buffer[3]; return un.value; } /*! \fn signed int UnpackSignedInt(char* buffer) \brief reads a signed integer value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (signed int) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline signed int UnpackSignedInt(char* buffer) { return UnpackSignedInt((const char*)buffer); } /*! \fn signed short UnpackSignedShort(const char* buffer) \brief reads a signed short integer value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (signed short) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline signed short UnpackSignedShort(const char* buffer) { union { signed short value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(signed short)]; } un; un.value = 0; un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; return un.value; } /*! \fn signed short UnpackSignedShort(char* buffer) \brief reads a signed short integer value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (signed short) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline signed short UnpackSignedShort(char* buffer) { return UnpackSignedShort((const char*)buffer); } /*! \fn unsigned int UnpackUnsignedInt(const char* buffer) \brief reads an unsigned integer value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (unsigned int) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline unsigned int UnpackUnsignedInt(const char* buffer) { union { unsigned int value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(unsigned int)]; } un; un.value = 0; un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; un.valueBuffer[2] = buffer[2]; un.valueBuffer[3] = buffer[3]; return un.value; } /*! \fn unsigned int UnpackUnsignedInt(char* buffer) \brief reads an unsigned integer value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (unsigned int) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline unsigned int UnpackUnsignedInt(char* buffer) { return UnpackUnsignedInt((const char*)buffer); } /*! \fn unsigned short UnpackUnsignedShort(const char* buffer) \brief reads an unsigned short integer value from byte buffer \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (unsigned short) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline unsigned short UnpackUnsignedShort(const char* buffer) { union { unsigned short value; unsigned char valueBuffer[sizeof(unsigned short)]; } un; un.value = 0; #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[0]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[1]; #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ un.valueBuffer[0] = buffer[1]; un.valueBuffer[1] = buffer[0]; #else #error "Unsupported hardware" #endif return un.value; } /*! \fn unsigned short UnpackUnsignedShort(char* buffer) \brief reads an unsigned short integer value from byte buffer This is an overloaded function. \param[in] buffer source byte buffer \return the (unsigned short) value read from the buffer */ API_EXPORT inline unsigned short UnpackUnsignedShort(char* buffer) { return UnpackUnsignedShort((const char*)buffer); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // 'internal' helper structs /*! \struct RaiiBuffer \internal */ struct RaiiBuffer { // data members char* Buffer; const std::size_t NumBytes; // ctor & dtor RaiiBuffer(const std::size_t n) : Buffer(new char[n]()) , NumBytes(n) {} ~RaiiBuffer() { delete[] Buffer; } // add'l methods void Clear() { memset(Buffer, 0, NumBytes); } }; } // namespace BamTools #endif // BAMAUX_H
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<?php /** * @see Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Set_Abstract */ // require_once 'Zend/Service/Ebay/Finding/Set/Abstract.php'; /** * @category Zend * @package Zend_Service * @subpackage Ebay * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @uses Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Set_Abstract */ class Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Category_Histogram_Set extends Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Set_Abstract { /** * Implement SeekableIterator::current() * * @return Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Category_Histogram */ public function current() { // check node $node = $this->_nodes->item($this->_key); if (!$node) { return null; } /** * @see Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Category_Histogram */ // require_once 'Zend/Service/Ebay/Finding/Category/Histogram.php'; return new Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Category_Histogram($node); } }
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namespace MVP.Service.WebAPI.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions { public class CollectionModelDescription : ModelDescription { public ModelDescription ElementDescription { get; set; } } }
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package providers import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "golang.org/x/oauth2" oidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc" ) type OIDCProvider struct { *ProviderData Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier } func NewOIDCProvider(p *ProviderData) *OIDCProvider { p.ProviderName = "OpenID Connect" return &OIDCProvider{ProviderData: p} } func (p *OIDCProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *SessionState, err error) { ctx := context.Background() c := oauth2.Config{ ClientID: p.ClientID, ClientSecret: p.ClientSecret, Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ TokenURL: p.RedeemURL.String(), }, RedirectURL: redirectURL, } token, err := c.Exchange(ctx, code) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("token exchange: %v", err) } rawIDToken, ok := token.Extra("id_token").(string) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("token response did not contain an id_token") } // Parse and verify ID Token payload. idToken, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not verify id_token: %v", err) } // Extract custom claims. var claims struct { Email string `json:"email"` Verified *bool `json:"email_verified"` } if err := idToken.Claims(&claims); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse id_token claims: %v", err) } if claims.Email == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("id_token did not contain an email") } if claims.Verified != nil && !*claims.Verified { return nil, fmt.Errorf("email in id_token (%s) isn't verified", claims.Email) } s = &SessionState{ AccessToken: token.AccessToken, RefreshToken: token.RefreshToken, ExpiresOn: token.Expiry, Email: claims.Email, } return } func (p *OIDCProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *SessionState) (bool, error) { if s == nil || s.ExpiresOn.After(time.Now()) || s.RefreshToken == "" { return false, nil } origExpiration := s.ExpiresOn s.ExpiresOn = time.Now().Add(time.Second).Truncate(time.Second) fmt.Printf("refreshed access token %s (expired on %s)\n", s, origExpiration) return false, nil }
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..\..\Bin\Release\v40\YC.YaccConstructor.exe -i SimpleAmb.yrd -c ExpandEbnf -c ExpandMeta ^ -g "GLLGenerator -pos int -token int -abstract false -module GLL.SimpleAmb -o SimpleAmb.yrd.fs " >> log.txt ..\..\Bin\Release\v40\YC.YaccConstructor.exe -i BadLeftRec.yrd -c ExpandEbnf -c ExpandMeta ^ -g "GLLGenerator -pos int -token int -abstract false -module GLL.BadLeftRec -o BadLeftRec.yrd.fs " >> log.txt ..\..\Bin\Release\v40\YC.YaccConstructor.exe -i Calc.yrd -c ExpandEbnf -c ExpandMeta ^ -g "GLLGenerator -pos int -token int -abstract false -module GLL.Calc -o Calc.yrd.fs " >> log.txt
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require 'cucumber/core_ext/instance_exec' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_dsl' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_world' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_step_definition' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_hook' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_transform' require 'cucumber/rb_support/snippet' require 'cucumber/gherkin/i18n' require 'multi_test' require 'cucumber/step_match' require 'cucumber/step_definition_light' require 'cucumber/events/step_definition_registered' module Cucumber module RbSupport # Raised if a World block returns Nil. class NilWorld < StandardError def initialize super("World procs should never return nil") end end # Raised if there are 2 or more World blocks. class MultipleWorld < StandardError def initialize(first_proc, second_proc) message = "You can only pass a proc to #World once, but it's happening\n" message << "in 2 places:\n\n" message << RbSupport.backtrace_line(first_proc, 'World') << "\n" message << RbSupport.backtrace_line(second_proc, 'World') << "\n\n" message << "Use Ruby modules instead to extend your worlds. See the Cucumber::RbSupport::RbDsl#World RDoc\n" message << "or http://wiki.github.com/cucumber/cucumber/a-whole-new-world.\n\n" super(message) end end # The Ruby implementation of the programming language API. class RbLanguage attr_reader :current_world, :step_definitions all_keywords = ::Gherkin::DIALECTS.keys.map do |dialect_name| dialect = ::Gherkin::Dialect.for(dialect_name) dialect.given_keywords + dialect.when_keywords + dialect.then_keywords + dialect.and_keywords + dialect.but_keywords end Cucumber::Gherkin::I18n.code_keywords_for(all_keywords.flatten.uniq.sort).each do |adverb| RbDsl.alias_adverb(adverb.strip) end def initialize(runtime, configuration) @runtime, @configuration = runtime, configuration @step_definitions = [] RbDsl.rb_language = self @world_proc = @world_modules = nil @configuration.register_snippet_generator(Snippet::Generator.new) end def step_matches(name_to_match) @step_definitions.reduce([]) { |result, step_definition| if (arguments = step_definition.arguments_from(name_to_match)) result << StepMatch.new(step_definition, name_to_match, arguments) end result } end def begin_rb_scenario(scenario) create_world extend_world connect_world(scenario) end def register_rb_hook(phase, tag_expressions, proc) add_hook(phase, RbHook.new(self, tag_expressions, proc)) end def register_rb_transform(regexp, proc) add_transform(RbTransform.new(self, regexp, proc)) end def register_rb_step_definition(regexp, proc_or_sym, options) step_definition = RbStepDefinition.new(self, regexp, proc_or_sym, options) @step_definitions << step_definition @configuration.notify :step_definition_registered, step_definition step_definition end def build_rb_world_factory(world_modules, proc) if(proc) raise MultipleWorld.new(@world_proc, proc) if @world_proc @world_proc = proc end @world_modules ||= [] @world_modules += world_modules end def load_code_file(code_file) return unless File.extname(code_file) == ".rb" load File.expand_path(code_file) # This will cause self.add_step_definition, self.add_hook, and self.add_transform to be called from RbDsl end def begin_scenario(scenario) begin_rb_scenario(scenario) end def end_scenario @current_world = nil end def after_configuration(configuration) hooks[:after_configuration].each do |hook| hook.invoke('AfterConfiguration', configuration) end end def execute_transforms(args) args.map do |arg| matching_transform = transforms.detect {|transform| transform.match(arg) } matching_transform ? matching_transform.invoke(arg) : arg end end def add_hook(phase, hook) hooks[phase.to_sym] << hook hook end def clear_hooks @hooks = nil end def add_transform(transform) transforms.unshift transform transform end def hooks_for(phase, scenario) #:nodoc: hooks[phase.to_sym].select{|hook| scenario.accept_hook?(hook)} end def unmatched_step_definitions available_step_definition_hash.keys - invoked_step_definition_hash.keys end def available_step_definition(regexp_source, file_colon_line) available_step_definition_hash[StepDefinitionLight.new(regexp_source, file_colon_line)] = nil end def invoked_step_definition(regexp_source, file_colon_line) invoked_step_definition_hash[StepDefinitionLight.new(regexp_source, file_colon_line)] = nil end private def available_step_definition_hash @available_step_definition_hash ||= {} end def invoked_step_definition_hash @invoked_step_definition_hash ||= {} end def hooks @hooks ||= Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = []} end def transforms @transforms ||= [] end def create_world if(@world_proc) @current_world = @world_proc.call check_nil(@current_world, @world_proc) else @current_world = Object.new end end def extend_world @current_world.extend(RbWorld) MultiTest.extend_with_best_assertion_library(@current_world) (@world_modules || []).each do |mod| @current_world.extend(mod) end end def connect_world(scenario) @current_world.__cucumber_runtime = @runtime @current_world.__natural_language = scenario.language end def check_nil(o, proc) if o.nil? begin raise NilWorld.new rescue NilWorld => e e.backtrace.clear e.backtrace.push(RbSupport.backtrace_line(proc, "World")) raise e end else o end end def self.cli_snippet_type_options Snippet::SNIPPET_TYPES.keys.sort_by(&:to_s).map do |type| Snippet::SNIPPET_TYPES[type].cli_option_string(type) end end end def self.backtrace_line(proc, name) location = Cucumber::Core::Ast::Location.from_source_location(*proc.source_location) "#{location.to_s}:in `#{name}'" end end end
{'content_hash': '6b23a27353e76e00e42f805662355319', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 218, 'max_line_length': 146, 'avg_line_length': 30.912844036697248, 'alnum_prop': 0.6294702478112479, 'repo_name': 'richarda/cucumber', 'id': '4da4c48440ca9cb554f06ddef1d7169bb0e69d10', 'size': '6739', 'binary': False, 'copies': '2', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'lib/cucumber/rb_support/rb_language.rb', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'CSS', 'bytes': '11980'}, {'name': 'Cucumber', 'bytes': '185804'}, {'name': 'Ruby', 'bytes': '612982'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '509'}]}
#ifndef JUCE_TREEVIEW_H_INCLUDED #define JUCE_TREEVIEW_H_INCLUDED class TreeView; //============================================================================== /** An item in a treeview. A TreeViewItem can either be a leaf-node in the tree, or it can contain its own sub-items. To implement an item that contains sub-items, override the itemOpennessChanged() method so that when it is opened, it adds the new sub-items to itself using the addSubItem method. Depending on the nature of the item it might choose to only do this the first time it's opened, or it might want to refresh itself each time. It also has the option of deleting its sub-items when it is closed, or leaving them in place. */ class JUCE_API TreeViewItem { public: //============================================================================== /** Constructor. */ TreeViewItem(); /** Destructor. */ virtual ~TreeViewItem(); //============================================================================== /** Returns the number of sub-items that have been added to this item. Note that this doesn't mean much if the node isn't open. @see getSubItem, mightContainSubItems, addSubItem */ int getNumSubItems() const noexcept; /** Returns one of the item's sub-items. Remember that the object returned might get deleted at any time when its parent item is closed or refreshed, depending on the nature of the items you're using. @see getNumSubItems */ TreeViewItem* getSubItem (int index) const noexcept; /** Removes any sub-items. */ void clearSubItems(); /** Adds a sub-item. @param newItem the object to add to the item's sub-item list. Once added, these can be found using getSubItem(). When the items are later removed with removeSubItem() (or when this item is deleted), they will be deleted. @param insertPosition the index which the new item should have when it's added. If this value is less than 0, the item will be added to the end of the list. */ void addSubItem (TreeViewItem* newItem, int insertPosition = -1); /** Adds a sub-item with a sort-comparator, assuming that the existing items are already sorted. @param comparator the comparator object for sorting - see sortSubItems() for details about the methods this class must provide. @param newItem the object to add to the item's sub-item list. Once added, these can be found using getSubItem(). When the items are later removed with removeSubItem() (or when this item is deleted), they will be deleted. */ template <class ElementComparator> void addSubItemSorted (ElementComparator& comparator, TreeViewItem* newItem) { addSubItem (newItem, findInsertIndexInSortedArray (comparator, subItems.begin(), newItem, 0, subItems.size())); } /** Removes one of the sub-items. @param index the item to remove @param deleteItem if true, the item that is removed will also be deleted. */ void removeSubItem (int index, bool deleteItem = true); /** Sorts the list of sub-items using a standard array comparator. This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The comparator object must have a method of the form: @code int compareElements (TreeViewItem* first, TreeViewItem* second); @endcode ..and this method must return: - a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second - a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent - a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const. */ template <class ElementComparator> void sortSubItems (ElementComparator& comparator) { subItems.sort (comparator); } //============================================================================== /** Returns the TreeView to which this item belongs. */ TreeView* getOwnerView() const noexcept { return ownerView; } /** Returns the item within which this item is contained. */ TreeViewItem* getParentItem() const noexcept { return parentItem; } //============================================================================== /** True if this item is currently open in the treeview. @see getOpenness */ bool isOpen() const noexcept; /** Opens or closes the item. When opened or closed, the item's itemOpennessChanged() method will be called, and a subclass should use this callback to create and add any sub-items that it needs to. Note that if this is called when the item is in its default openness state, and this call would not change whether it's open or closed, then no change will be stored. If you want to explicitly set the openness state to be non-default then you should use setOpenness instead. @see setOpenness, itemOpennessChanged, mightContainSubItems */ void setOpen (bool shouldBeOpen); /** An enum of states to describe the explicit or implicit openness of an item. */ enum Openness { opennessDefault = 0, opennessClosed = 1, opennessOpen = 2 }; /** Returns the openness state of this item. @see isOpen */ Openness getOpenness() const noexcept; /** Opens or closes the item. If this causes the value of isOpen() to change, then the item's itemOpennessChanged() method will be called, and a subclass should use this callback to create and add any sub-items that it needs to. @see setOpen */ void setOpenness (Openness newOpenness); /** True if this item is currently selected. Use this when painting the node, to decide whether to draw it as selected or not. */ bool isSelected() const noexcept; /** Selects or deselects the item. If shouldNotify == sendNotification, then a callback will be made to itemSelectionChanged() */ void setSelected (bool shouldBeSelected, bool deselectOtherItemsFirst, NotificationType shouldNotify = sendNotification); /** Returns the rectangle that this item occupies. If relativeToTreeViewTopLeft is true, the coordinates are relative to the top-left of the TreeView comp, so this will depend on the scroll-position of the tree. If false, it is relative to the top-left of the topmost item in the tree (so this would be unaffected by scrolling the view). */ Rectangle<int> getItemPosition (bool relativeToTreeViewTopLeft) const noexcept; /** Sends a signal to the treeview to make it refresh itself. Call this if your items have changed and you want the tree to update to reflect this. */ void treeHasChanged() const noexcept; /** Sends a repaint message to redraw just this item. Note that you should only call this if you want to repaint a superficial change. If you're altering the tree's nodes, you should instead call treeHasChanged(). */ void repaintItem() const; /** Returns the row number of this item in the tree. The row number of an item will change according to which items are open. @see TreeView::getNumRowsInTree(), TreeView::getItemOnRow() */ int getRowNumberInTree() const noexcept; /** Returns true if all the item's parent nodes are open. This is useful to check whether the item might actually be visible or not. */ bool areAllParentsOpen() const noexcept; /** Changes whether lines are drawn to connect any sub-items to this item. By default, line-drawing is turned on according to LookAndFeel::areLinesDrawnForTreeView(). */ void setLinesDrawnForSubItems (bool shouldDrawLines) noexcept; //============================================================================== /** Tells the tree whether this item can potentially be opened. If your item could contain sub-items, this should return true; if it returns false then the tree will not try to open the item. This determines whether or not the item will be drawn with a 'plus' button next to it. */ virtual bool mightContainSubItems() = 0; /** Returns a string to uniquely identify this item. If you're planning on using the TreeView::getOpennessState() method, then these strings will be used to identify which nodes are open. The string should be unique amongst the item's sibling items, but it's ok for there to be duplicates at other levels of the tree. If you're not going to store the state, then it's ok not to bother implementing this method. */ virtual String getUniqueName() const; /** Called when an item is opened or closed. When setOpen() is called and the item has specified that it might have sub-items with the mightContainSubItems() method, this method is called to let the item create or manage its sub-items. So when this is called with isNowOpen set to true (i.e. when the item is being opened), a subclass might choose to use clearSubItems() and addSubItem() to refresh its sub-item list. When this is called with isNowOpen set to false, the subclass might want to use clearSubItems() to save on space, or it might choose to leave them, depending on the nature of the tree. You could also use this callback as a trigger to start a background process which asynchronously creates sub-items and adds them, if that's more appropriate for the task in hand. @see mightContainSubItems */ virtual void itemOpennessChanged (bool isNowOpen); /** Must return the width required by this item. If your item needs to have a particular width in pixels, return that value; if you'd rather have it just fill whatever space is available in the treeview, return -1. If all your items return -1, no horizontal scrollbar will be shown, but if any items have fixed widths and extend beyond the width of the treeview, a scrollbar will appear. Each item can be a different width, but if they change width, you should call treeHasChanged() to update the tree. */ virtual int getItemWidth() const { return -1; } /** Must return the height required by this item. This is the height in pixels that the item will take up. Items in the tree can be different heights, but if they change height, you should call treeHasChanged() to update the tree. */ virtual int getItemHeight() const { return 20; } /** You can override this method to return false if you don't want to allow the user to select this item. */ virtual bool canBeSelected() const { return true; } /** Creates a component that will be used to represent this item. You don't have to implement this method - if it returns nullptr then no component will be used for the item, and you can just draw it using the paintItem() callback. But if you do return a component, it will be positioned in the treeview so that it can be used to represent this item. The component returned will be managed by the treeview, so always return a new component, and don't keep a reference to it, as the treeview will delete it later when it goes off the screen or is no longer needed. Also bear in mind that if the component keeps a reference to the item that created it, that item could be deleted before the component. Its position and size will be completely managed by the tree, so don't attempt to move it around. Something you may want to do with your component is to give it a pointer to the TreeView that created it. This is perfectly safe, and there's no danger of it becoming a dangling pointer because the TreeView will always delete the component before it is itself deleted. As long as you stick to these rules you can return whatever kind of component you like. It's most useful if you're doing things like drag-and-drop of items, or want to use a Label component to edit item names, etc. */ virtual Component* createItemComponent() { return nullptr; } //============================================================================== /** Draws the item's contents. You can choose to either implement this method and draw each item, or you can use createItemComponent() to create a component that will represent the item. If all you need in your tree is to be able to draw the items and detect when the user selects or double-clicks one of them, it's probably enough to use paintItem(), itemClicked() and itemDoubleClicked(). If you need more complicated interactions, you may need to use createItemComponent() instead. @param g the graphics context to draw into @param width the width of the area available for drawing @param height the height of the area available for drawing */ virtual void paintItem (Graphics& g, int width, int height); /** Draws the item's open/close button. If you don't implement this method, the default behaviour is to call LookAndFeel::drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox(), but you can override it for custom effects. You may want to override it and call the base-class implementation with a different backgroundColour parameter, if your implementation has a background colour other than the default (white). */ virtual void paintOpenCloseButton (Graphics&, const Rectangle<float>& area, Colour backgroundColour, bool isMouseOver); /** Draws the line that connects this item to the vertical line extending below its parent. */ virtual void paintHorizontalConnectingLine (Graphics&, const Line<float>& line); /** Draws the line that extends vertically up towards one of its parents, or down to one of its children. */ virtual void paintVerticalConnectingLine (Graphics&, const Line<float>& line); /** Called when the user clicks on this item. If you're using createItemComponent() to create a custom component for the item, the mouse-clicks might not make it through to the treeview, but this is how you find out about clicks when just drawing each item individually. The associated mouse-event details are passed in, so you can find out about which button, where it was, etc. @see itemDoubleClicked */ virtual void itemClicked (const MouseEvent& e); /** Called when the user double-clicks on this item. If you're using createItemComponent() to create a custom component for the item, the mouse-clicks might not make it through to the treeview, but this is how you find out about clicks when just drawing each item individually. The associated mouse-event details are passed in, so you can find out about which button, where it was, etc. If not overridden, the base class method here will open or close the item as if the 'plus' button had been clicked. @see itemClicked */ virtual void itemDoubleClicked (const MouseEvent& e); /** Called when the item is selected or deselected. Use this if you want to do something special when the item's selectedness changes. By default it'll get repainted when this happens. */ virtual void itemSelectionChanged (bool isNowSelected); /** Called when the owner view changes */ virtual void ownerViewChanged (TreeView* newOwner); /** The item can return a tool tip string here if it wants to. @see TooltipClient */ virtual String getTooltip(); //============================================================================== /** To allow items from your treeview to be dragged-and-dropped, implement this method. If this returns a non-null variant then when the user drags an item, the treeview will try to find a DragAndDropContainer in its parent hierarchy, and will use it to trigger a drag-and-drop operation, using this string as the source description, with the treeview itself as the source component. If you need more complex drag-and-drop behaviour, you can use custom components for the items, and use those to trigger the drag. To accept drag-and-drop in your tree, see isInterestedInDragSource(), isInterestedInFileDrag(), etc. @see DragAndDropContainer::startDragging */ virtual var getDragSourceDescription(); /** If you want your item to be able to have files drag-and-dropped onto it, implement this method and return true. If you return true and allow some files to be dropped, you'll also need to implement the filesDropped() method to do something with them. Note that this will be called often, so make your implementation very quick! There's certainly no time to try opening the files and having a think about what's inside them! For responding to internal drag-and-drop of other types of object, see isInterestedInDragSource(). @see FileDragAndDropTarget::isInterestedInFileDrag, isInterestedInDragSource */ virtual bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files); /** When files are dropped into this item, this callback is invoked. For this to work, you'll need to have also implemented isInterestedInFileDrag(). The insertIndex value indicates where in the list of sub-items the files were dropped. If files are dropped onto an area of the tree where there are no visible items, this method is called on the root item of the tree, with an insert index of 0. @see FileDragAndDropTarget::filesDropped, isInterestedInFileDrag */ virtual void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int insertIndex); /** If you want your item to act as a DragAndDropTarget, implement this method and return true. If you implement this method, you'll also need to implement itemDropped() in order to handle the items when they are dropped. To respond to drag-and-drop of files from external applications, see isInterestedInFileDrag(). @see DragAndDropTarget::isInterestedInDragSource, itemDropped */ virtual bool isInterestedInDragSource (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails); /** When a things are dropped into this item, this callback is invoked. For this to work, you need to have also implemented isInterestedInDragSource(). The insertIndex value indicates where in the list of sub-items the new items should be placed. If files are dropped onto an area of the tree where there are no visible items, this method is called on the root item of the tree, with an insert index of 0. @see isInterestedInDragSource, DragAndDropTarget::itemDropped */ virtual void itemDropped (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails, int insertIndex); //============================================================================== /** Sets a flag to indicate that the item wants to be allowed to draw all the way across to the left edge of the treeview. By default this is false, which means that when the paintItem() method is called, its graphics context is clipped to only allow drawing within the item's rectangle. If this flag is set to true, then the graphics context isn't clipped on its left side, so it can draw all the way across to the left margin. Note that the context will still have its origin in the same place though, so the coordinates of anything to its left will be negative. It's mostly useful if you want to draw a wider bar behind the highlighted item. */ void setDrawsInLeftMargin (bool canDrawInLeftMargin) noexcept; /** Sets a flag to indicate that the item wants to be allowed to draw all the way across to the right edge of the treeview. Similar to setDrawsInLeftMargin: when this flag is set to true, then the graphics context isn't clipped on the right side. Unlike setDrawsInLeftMargin, you will very rarely need to use this function, as this method won't clip the right margin unless your TreeViewItem overrides getItemWidth to return a positive value. @see setDrawsInLeftMargin, getItemWidth */ void setDrawsInRightMargin (bool canDrawInRightMargin) noexcept; //============================================================================== /** Saves the current state of open/closed nodes so it can be restored later. This takes a snapshot of which sub-nodes have been explicitly opened or closed, and records it as XML. To identify node objects it uses the TreeViewItem::getUniqueName() method to create named paths. This means that the same state of open/closed nodes can be restored to a completely different instance of the tree, as long as it contains nodes whose unique names are the same. You'd normally want to use TreeView::getOpennessState() rather than call it for a specific item, but this can be handy if you need to briefly save the state for a section of the tree. The caller is responsible for deleting the object that is returned. Note that if all nodes of the tree are in their default state, then this may return a nullptr. @see TreeView::getOpennessState, restoreOpennessState */ XmlElement* getOpennessState() const; /** Restores the openness of this item and all its sub-items from a saved state. See TreeView::restoreOpennessState for more details. You'd normally want to use TreeView::restoreOpennessState() rather than call it for a specific item, but this can be handy if you need to briefly save the state for a section of the tree. @see TreeView::restoreOpennessState, getOpennessState */ void restoreOpennessState (const XmlElement& xml); //============================================================================== /** Returns the index of this item in its parent's sub-items. */ int getIndexInParent() const noexcept; /** Returns true if this item is the last of its parent's sub-itens. */ bool isLastOfSiblings() const noexcept; /** Creates a string that can be used to uniquely retrieve this item in the tree. The string that is returned can be passed to TreeView::findItemFromIdentifierString(). The string takes the form of a path, constructed from the getUniqueName() of this item and all its parents, so these must all be correctly implemented for it to work. @see TreeView::findItemFromIdentifierString, getUniqueName */ String getItemIdentifierString() const; //============================================================================== /** This handy class takes a copy of a TreeViewItem's openness when you create it, and restores that openness state when its destructor is called. This can very handy when you're refreshing sub-items - e.g. @code void MyTreeViewItem::updateChildItems() { OpennessRestorer openness (*this); // saves the openness state here.. clearSubItems(); // add a bunch of sub-items here which may or may not be the same as the ones that // were previously there addSubItem (... // ..and at this point, the old openness is restored, so any items that haven't // changed will have their old openness retained. } @endcode */ class OpennessRestorer { public: OpennessRestorer (TreeViewItem& treeViewItem); ~OpennessRestorer(); private: TreeViewItem& treeViewItem; ScopedPointer<XmlElement> oldOpenness; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (OpennessRestorer) }; private: //============================================================================== TreeView* ownerView; TreeViewItem* parentItem; OwnedArray<TreeViewItem> subItems; int y, itemHeight, totalHeight, itemWidth, totalWidth; int uid; bool selected : 1; bool redrawNeeded : 1; bool drawLinesInside : 1; bool drawLinesSet : 1; bool drawsInLeftMargin : 1; bool drawsInRightMargin : 1; unsigned int openness : 2; friend class TreeView; void updatePositions (int newY); int getIndentX() const noexcept; void setOwnerView (TreeView*) noexcept; void paintRecursively (Graphics&, int width); TreeViewItem* getTopLevelItem() noexcept; TreeViewItem* findItemRecursively (int y) noexcept; TreeViewItem* getDeepestOpenParentItem() noexcept; int getNumRows() const noexcept; TreeViewItem* getItemOnRow (int index) noexcept; void deselectAllRecursively (TreeViewItem* itemToIgnore); int countSelectedItemsRecursively (int depth) const noexcept; TreeViewItem* getSelectedItemWithIndex (int index) noexcept; TreeViewItem* getNextVisibleItem (bool recurse) const noexcept; TreeViewItem* findItemFromIdentifierString (const String&); void restoreToDefaultOpenness(); bool isFullyOpen() const noexcept; XmlElement* getOpennessState (bool canReturnNull) const; bool removeSubItemFromList (int index, bool deleteItem); void removeAllSubItemsFromList(); bool areLinesDrawn() const; #if JUCE_CATCH_DEPRECATED_CODE_MISUSE // The parameters for these methods have changed - please update your code! virtual void isInterestedInDragSource (const String&, Component*) {} virtual int itemDropped (const String&, Component*, int) { return 0; } #endif JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (TreeViewItem) }; //============================================================================== /** A tree-view component. Use one of these to hold and display a structure of TreeViewItem objects. */ class JUCE_API TreeView : public Component, public SettableTooltipClient, public FileDragAndDropTarget, public DragAndDropTarget { public: //============================================================================== /** Creates an empty treeview. Once you've got a treeview component, you'll need to give it something to display, using the setRootItem() method. */ TreeView (const String& componentName = String::empty); /** Destructor. */ ~TreeView(); //============================================================================== /** Sets the item that is displayed in the treeview. A tree has a single root item which contains as many sub-items as it needs. If you want the tree to contain a number of root items, you should still use a single root item above these, but hide it using setRootItemVisible(). You can pass nullptr to this method to clear the tree and remove its current root item. The object passed in will not be deleted by the treeview, it's up to the caller to delete it when no longer needed. BUT make absolutely sure that you don't delete this item until you've removed it from the tree, either by calling setRootItem (nullptr), or by deleting the tree first. You can also use deleteRootItem() as a quick way to delete it. */ void setRootItem (TreeViewItem* newRootItem); /** Returns the tree's root item. This will be the last object passed to setRootItem(), or nullptr if none has been set. */ TreeViewItem* getRootItem() const noexcept { return rootItem; } /** This will remove and delete the current root item. It's a convenient way of deleting the item and calling setRootItem (nullptr). */ void deleteRootItem(); /** Changes whether the tree's root item is shown or not. If the root item is hidden, only its sub-items will be shown in the treeview - this lets you make the tree look as if it's got many root items. If it's hidden, this call will also make sure the root item is open (otherwise the treeview would look empty). */ void setRootItemVisible (bool shouldBeVisible); /** Returns true if the root item is visible. @see setRootItemVisible */ bool isRootItemVisible() const noexcept { return rootItemVisible; } /** Sets whether items are open or closed by default. Normally, items are closed until the user opens them, but you can use this to make them default to being open until explicitly closed. @see areItemsOpenByDefault */ void setDefaultOpenness (bool isOpenByDefault); /** Returns true if the tree's items default to being open. @see setDefaultOpenness */ bool areItemsOpenByDefault() const noexcept { return defaultOpenness; } /** This sets a flag to indicate that the tree can be used for multi-selection. You can always select multiple items internally by calling the TreeViewItem::setSelected() method, but this flag indicates whether the user is allowed to multi-select by clicking on the tree. By default it is disabled. @see isMultiSelectEnabled */ void setMultiSelectEnabled (bool canMultiSelect); /** Returns whether multi-select has been enabled for the tree. @see setMultiSelectEnabled */ bool isMultiSelectEnabled() const noexcept { return multiSelectEnabled; } /** Sets a flag to indicate whether to hide the open/close buttons. @see areOpenCloseButtonsVisible */ void setOpenCloseButtonsVisible (bool shouldBeVisible); /** Returns whether open/close buttons are shown. @see setOpenCloseButtonsVisible */ bool areOpenCloseButtonsVisible() const noexcept { return openCloseButtonsVisible; } //============================================================================== /** Deselects any items that are currently selected. */ void clearSelectedItems(); /** Returns the number of items that are currently selected. If maximumDepthToSearchTo is >= 0, it lets you specify a maximum depth to which the tree will be recursed. @see getSelectedItem, clearSelectedItems */ int getNumSelectedItems (int maximumDepthToSearchTo = -1) const noexcept; /** Returns one of the selected items in the tree. @param index the index, 0 to (getNumSelectedItems() - 1) */ TreeViewItem* getSelectedItem (int index) const noexcept; /** Moves the selected row up or down by the specified number of rows. */ void moveSelectedRow (int deltaRows); //============================================================================== /** Returns the number of rows the tree is using. This will depend on which items are open. @see TreeViewItem::getRowNumberInTree() */ int getNumRowsInTree() const; /** Returns the item on a particular row of the tree. If the index is out of range, this will return nullptr. @see getNumRowsInTree, TreeViewItem::getRowNumberInTree() */ TreeViewItem* getItemOnRow (int index) const; /** Returns the item that contains a given y position. The y is relative to the top of the TreeView component. */ TreeViewItem* getItemAt (int yPosition) const noexcept; /** Tries to scroll the tree so that this item is on-screen somewhere. */ void scrollToKeepItemVisible (TreeViewItem* item); /** Returns the treeview's Viewport object. */ Viewport* getViewport() const noexcept; /** Returns the number of pixels by which each nested level of the tree is indented. @see setIndentSize */ int getIndentSize() noexcept; /** Changes the distance by which each nested level of the tree is indented. @see getIndentSize */ void setIndentSize (int newIndentSize); /** Searches the tree for an item with the specified identifier. The identifier string must have been created by calling TreeViewItem::getItemIdentifierString(). If no such item exists, this will return false. If the item is found, all of its items will be automatically opened. */ TreeViewItem* findItemFromIdentifierString (const String& identifierString) const; //============================================================================== /** Saves the current state of open/closed nodes so it can be restored later. This takes a snapshot of which nodes have been explicitly opened or closed, and records it as XML. To identify node objects it uses the TreeViewItem::getUniqueName() method to create named paths. This means that the same state of open/closed nodes can be restored to a completely different instance of the tree, as long as it contains nodes whose unique names are the same. The caller is responsible for deleting the object that is returned. @param alsoIncludeScrollPosition if this is true, the state will also include information about where the tree has been scrolled to vertically, so this can also be restored @see restoreOpennessState */ XmlElement* getOpennessState (bool alsoIncludeScrollPosition) const; /** Restores a previously saved arrangement of open/closed nodes. This will try to restore a snapshot of the tree's state that was created by the getOpennessState() method. If any of the nodes named in the original XML aren't present in this tree, they will be ignored. If restoreStoredSelection is true, it will also try to re-select any items that were selected in the stored state. @see getOpennessState */ void restoreOpennessState (const XmlElement& newState, bool restoreStoredSelection); //============================================================================== /** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the treeview. These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour() methods. @see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour */ enum ColourIds { backgroundColourId = 0x1000500, /**< A background colour to fill the component with. */ linesColourId = 0x1000501, /**< The colour to draw the lines with.*/ dragAndDropIndicatorColourId = 0x1000502, /**< The colour to use for the drag-and-drop target position indicator. */ selectedItemBackgroundColourId = 0x1000503 /**< The colour to use to fill the background of any selected items. */ }; //============================================================================== /** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide treeview drawing functionality. */ struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods { virtual ~LookAndFeelMethods() {} virtual void drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox (Graphics&, const Rectangle<float>& area, Colour backgroundColour, bool isItemOpen, bool isMouseOver) = 0; virtual bool areLinesDrawnForTreeView (TreeView&) = 0; virtual int getTreeViewIndentSize (TreeView&) = 0; }; //============================================================================== /** @internal */ void paint (Graphics&) override; /** @internal */ void resized() override; /** @internal */ bool keyPressed (const KeyPress&) override; /** @internal */ void colourChanged() override; /** @internal */ void enablementChanged() override; /** @internal */ bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files) override; /** @internal */ void fileDragEnter (const StringArray& files, int x, int y) override; /** @internal */ void fileDragMove (const StringArray& files, int x, int y) override; /** @internal */ void fileDragExit (const StringArray& files) override; /** @internal */ void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int x, int y) override; /** @internal */ bool isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails&) override; /** @internal */ void itemDragEnter (const SourceDetails&) override; /** @internal */ void itemDragMove (const SourceDetails&) override; /** @internal */ void itemDragExit (const SourceDetails&) override; /** @internal */ void itemDropped (const SourceDetails&) override; private: class ContentComponent; class TreeViewport; class InsertPointHighlight; class TargetGroupHighlight; friend class TreeViewItem; friend class ContentComponent; friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<TreeViewport>; friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<InsertPointHighlight>; friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<TargetGroupHighlight>; ScopedPointer<TreeViewport> viewport; CriticalSection nodeAlterationLock; TreeViewItem* rootItem; ScopedPointer<InsertPointHighlight> dragInsertPointHighlight; ScopedPointer<TargetGroupHighlight> dragTargetGroupHighlight; int indentSize; bool defaultOpenness, needsRecalculating, rootItemVisible; bool multiSelectEnabled, openCloseButtonsVisible; void itemsChanged() noexcept; void recalculateIfNeeded(); void updateButtonUnderMouse (const MouseEvent&); struct InsertPoint; void showDragHighlight (const InsertPoint&) noexcept; void hideDragHighlight() noexcept; void handleDrag (const StringArray&, const SourceDetails&); void handleDrop (const StringArray&, const SourceDetails&); bool toggleOpenSelectedItem(); void moveOutOfSelectedItem(); void moveIntoSelectedItem(); void moveByPages (int numPages); #if JUCE_CATCH_DEPRECATED_CODE_MISUSE // this method has been deprecated - see the new version.. virtual int paintOpenCloseButton (Graphics&, int, int, bool) { return 0; } #endif JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (TreeView) }; #endif // JUCE_TREEVIEW_H_INCLUDED
{'content_hash': 'f1e9296ae187fec5f28df209b5d0c6b2', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 916, 'max_line_length': 126, 'avg_line_length': 44.077510917030565, 'alnum_prop': 0.6364086687306502, 'repo_name': 'jbat100/sonosthesia-relay', 'id': '1ab9c0c7544474e64ecdeed76ece750072c2ba1e', 'size': '41302', 'binary': False, 'copies': '11', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_gui_basics/widgets/juce_TreeView.h', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '5781781'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '11755636'}, {'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '73692'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '114002'}, {'name': 'Objective-C++', 'bytes': '690324'}, {'name': 'R', 'bytes': '7401'}]}
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IVMUTQ ;ALB/ESD - Device Handling and Queueing Utility ; 03-FEB-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is a generic interface to the device handler (^%ZIS) ; and task manager (^%ZTLOAD). It will handle device opening and ; closing and variable clean-up. ; ; Input (to be defined by the caller of the routine): ; ; IVMRTN - application routine entry point for output (required). ; %ZIS - device call variable (set to "QMP" if not defined). ; ZTDESC - description of task (set if not defined). ; ZTSAVE - input parameters to be saved (set to IVMRTN). ; ; NOTE: Other optional input variables for %ZIS and %ZTLOAD calls ; may be defined as described in KERNEL documentation. ; ; EN I $G(IVMRTN)="" W !!,"Routine aborted...entry point not defined." G ENQ I $D(%ZIS)#2=0 S %ZIS="QMP" D ^%ZIS K %ZIS G:POP ENQ I '$D(IO("Q")) U IO D @IVMRTN,^%ZISC,ENQ Q ; ; task job S ZTRTN=@"IVMRTN",ZTSAVE("IVMRTN")="" I '$D(ZTDESC) S ZTDESC="IVM UNKNOWN OPTION" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Job has been queued. The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job.") D HOME^%ZIS ; ENQ ; clean-up K IO("Q"),IVMRTN,POP,ZTCPU,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTKIL,ZTPRI,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTUCI,ZTSK Q
{'content_hash': '465cf11834cb5cad4df2fa11d1b30075', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 34, 'max_line_length': 99, 'avg_line_length': 39.205882352941174, 'alnum_prop': 0.6646661665416355, 'repo_name': 'OSEHRA/vxVistA-M', 'id': '34126653dcfb8036b2baafc0011722ab08618ec0', 'size': '1333', 'binary': False, 'copies': '7', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'Packages/Income Verification Match/Routines/IVMUTQ.m', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': []}
package scheduler import ( "context" "fmt" "testing" "time" v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" policy "k8s.io/api/policy/v1beta1" apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" cacheddiscovery "k8s.io/client-go/discovery/cached/memory" "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" "k8s.io/client-go/informers" clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" corelisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1" restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest" "k8s.io/client-go/restmapper" "k8s.io/client-go/scale" podutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/pod" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/disruption" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler" schedulerconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/apis/config" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/defaultpreemption" st "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/testing" testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/integration/util" imageutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils/image" ) // initDisruptionController initializes and runs a Disruption Controller to properly // update PodDisuptionBudget objects. func initDisruptionController(t *testing.T, testCtx *testutils.TestContext) *disruption.DisruptionController { informers := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(testCtx.ClientSet, 12*time.Hour) discoveryClient := cacheddiscovery.NewMemCacheClient(testCtx.ClientSet.Discovery()) mapper := restmapper.NewDeferredDiscoveryRESTMapper(discoveryClient) config := restclient.Config{Host: testCtx.HTTPServer.URL} scaleKindResolver := scale.NewDiscoveryScaleKindResolver(testCtx.ClientSet.Discovery()) scaleClient, err := scale.NewForConfig(&config, mapper, dynamic.LegacyAPIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error in create scaleClient: %v", err) } dc := disruption.NewDisruptionController( informers.Core().V1().Pods(), informers.Policy().V1beta1().PodDisruptionBudgets(), informers.Core().V1().ReplicationControllers(), informers.Apps().V1().ReplicaSets(), informers.Apps().V1().Deployments(), informers.Apps().V1().StatefulSets(), testCtx.ClientSet, mapper, scaleClient) informers.Start(testCtx.Scheduler.StopEverything) informers.WaitForCacheSync(testCtx.Scheduler.StopEverything) go dc.Run(testCtx.Scheduler.StopEverything) return dc } // initTest initializes a test environment and creates master and scheduler with default // configuration. func initTest(t *testing.T, nsPrefix string, opts ...scheduler.Option) *testutils.TestContext { testCtx := testutils.InitTestSchedulerWithOptions(t, testutils.InitTestMaster(t, nsPrefix, nil), nil, opts...) testutils.SyncInformerFactory(testCtx) go testCtx.Scheduler.Run(testCtx.Ctx) return testCtx } // initTestDisablePreemption initializes a test environment and creates master and scheduler with default // configuration but with pod preemption disabled. func initTestDisablePreemption(t *testing.T, nsPrefix string) *testutils.TestContext { prof := schedulerconfig.KubeSchedulerProfile{ SchedulerName: v1.DefaultSchedulerName, Plugins: &schedulerconfig.Plugins{ PostFilter: &schedulerconfig.PluginSet{ Disabled: []schedulerconfig.Plugin{ {Name: defaultpreemption.Name}, }, }, }, } testCtx := testutils.InitTestSchedulerWithOptions( t, testutils.InitTestMaster(t, nsPrefix, nil), nil, scheduler.WithProfiles(prof)) testutils.SyncInformerFactory(testCtx) go testCtx.Scheduler.Run(testCtx.Ctx) return testCtx } // waitForReflection waits till the passFunc confirms that the object it expects // to see is in the store. Used to observe reflected events. func waitForReflection(t *testing.T, nodeLister corelisters.NodeLister, key string, passFunc func(n interface{}) bool) error { var nodes []*v1.Node err := wait.Poll(time.Millisecond*100, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (bool, error) { n, err := nodeLister.Get(key) switch { case err == nil && passFunc(n): return true, nil case apierrors.IsNotFound(err): nodes = append(nodes, nil) case err != nil: t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err) default: nodes = append(nodes, n) } return false, nil }) if err != nil { t.Logf("Logging consecutive node versions received from store:") for i, n := range nodes { t.Logf("%d: %#v", i, n) } } return err } func createNode(cs clientset.Interface, node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, error) { return cs.CoreV1().Nodes().Create(context.TODO(), node, metav1.CreateOptions{}) } // createNodes creates `numNodes` nodes. The created node names will be in the // form of "`prefix`-X" where X is an ordinal. // DEPRECATED // use createAndWaitForNodesInCache instead, which ensures the created nodes // to be present in scheduler cache. func createNodes(cs clientset.Interface, prefix string, wrapper *st.NodeWrapper, numNodes int) ([]*v1.Node, error) { nodes := make([]*v1.Node, numNodes) for i := 0; i < numNodes; i++ { nodeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%d", prefix, i) node, err := createNode(cs, wrapper.Name(nodeName).Obj()) if err != nil { return nodes[:], err } nodes[i] = node } return nodes[:], nil } // createAndWaitForNodesInCache calls createNodes(), and wait for the created // nodes to be present in scheduler cache. func createAndWaitForNodesInCache(testCtx *testutils.TestContext, prefix string, wrapper *st.NodeWrapper, numNodes int) ([]*v1.Node, error) { existingNodes := testCtx.Scheduler.SchedulerCache.NodeCount() nodes, err := createNodes(testCtx.ClientSet, prefix, wrapper, numNodes) if err != nil { return nodes, fmt.Errorf("cannot create nodes: %v", err) } return nodes, waitForNodesInCache(testCtx.Scheduler, numNodes+existingNodes) } // waitForNodesInCache ensures at least <nodeCount> nodes are present in scheduler cache // within 30 seconds; otherwise returns false. func waitForNodesInCache(sched *scheduler.Scheduler, nodeCount int) error { err := wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (bool, error) { return sched.SchedulerCache.NodeCount() >= nodeCount, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot obtain available nodes in scheduler cache: %v", err) } return nil } type pausePodConfig struct { Name string Namespace string Affinity *v1.Affinity Annotations, Labels, NodeSelector map[string]string Resources *v1.ResourceRequirements Tolerations []v1.Toleration NodeName string SchedulerName string Priority *int32 PreemptionPolicy *v1.PreemptionPolicy PriorityClassName string } // initPausePod initializes a pod API object from the given config. It is used // mainly in pod creation process. func initPausePod(conf *pausePodConfig) *v1.Pod { pod := &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: conf.Name, Namespace: conf.Namespace, Labels: conf.Labels, Annotations: conf.Annotations, }, Spec: v1.PodSpec{ NodeSelector: conf.NodeSelector, Affinity: conf.Affinity, Containers: []v1.Container{ { Name: conf.Name, Image: imageutils.GetPauseImageName(), }, }, Tolerations: conf.Tolerations, NodeName: conf.NodeName, SchedulerName: conf.SchedulerName, Priority: conf.Priority, PreemptionPolicy: conf.PreemptionPolicy, PriorityClassName: conf.PriorityClassName, }, } if conf.Resources != nil { pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = *conf.Resources } return pod } // createPausePod creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given config and // return its pointer and error status. func createPausePod(cs clientset.Interface, p *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) { return cs.CoreV1().Pods(p.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), p, metav1.CreateOptions{}) } // createPausePodWithResource creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given // resources and returns its pointer and error status. The resource list can be // nil. func createPausePodWithResource(cs clientset.Interface, podName string, nsName string, res *v1.ResourceList) (*v1.Pod, error) { var conf pausePodConfig if res == nil { conf = pausePodConfig{ Name: podName, Namespace: nsName, } } else { conf = pausePodConfig{ Name: podName, Namespace: nsName, Resources: &v1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: *res, }, } } return createPausePod(cs, initPausePod(&conf)) } // runPausePod creates a pod with "Pause" image and the given config and waits // until it is scheduled. It returns its pointer and error status. func runPausePod(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) { pod, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pause pod: %v", err) } if err = testutils.WaitForPodToSchedule(cs, pod); err != nil { return pod, fmt.Errorf("Pod %v/%v didn't schedule successfully. Error: %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, err) } if pod, err = cs.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), pod.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil { return pod, fmt.Errorf("failed to get pod %v/%v info: %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, err) } return pod, nil } type podWithContainersConfig struct { Name string Namespace string Containers []v1.Container } // initPodWithContainers initializes a pod API object from the given config. This is used primarily for generating // pods with containers each having a specific image. func initPodWithContainers(cs clientset.Interface, conf *podWithContainersConfig) *v1.Pod { pod := &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: conf.Name, Namespace: conf.Namespace, }, Spec: v1.PodSpec{ Containers: conf.Containers, }, } return pod } // runPodWithContainers creates a pod with given config and containers and waits // until it is scheduled. It returns its pointer and error status. func runPodWithContainers(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error) { pod, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pod-with-containers: %v", err) } if err = testutils.WaitForPodToSchedule(cs, pod); err != nil { return pod, fmt.Errorf("Pod %v didn't schedule successfully. Error: %v", pod.Name, err) } if pod, err = cs.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), pod.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil { return pod, fmt.Errorf("failed to get pod %v info: %v", pod.Name, err) } return pod, nil } // podIsGettingEvicted returns true if the pod's deletion timestamp is set. func podIsGettingEvicted(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return false, err } if pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil { return true, nil } return false, nil } } // podScheduledIn returns true if a given pod is placed onto one of the expected nodes. func podScheduledIn(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string, nodeNames []string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { // This could be a connection error so we want to retry. return false, nil } if pod.Spec.NodeName == "" { return false, nil } for _, nodeName := range nodeNames { if pod.Spec.NodeName == nodeName { return true, nil } } return false, nil } } // podUnschedulable returns a condition function that returns true if the given pod // gets unschedulable status. func podUnschedulable(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { // This could be a connection error so we want to retry. return false, nil } _, cond := podutil.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled) return cond != nil && cond.Status == v1.ConditionFalse && cond.Reason == v1.PodReasonUnschedulable, nil } } // podSchedulingError returns a condition function that returns true if the given pod // gets unschedulable status for reasons other than "Unschedulable". The scheduler // records such reasons in case of error. func podSchedulingError(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { // This could be a connection error so we want to retry. return false, nil } _, cond := podutil.GetPodCondition(&pod.Status, v1.PodScheduled) return cond != nil && cond.Status == v1.ConditionFalse && cond.Reason != v1.PodReasonUnschedulable, nil } } // waitForPodUnscheduleWithTimeout waits for a pod to fail scheduling and returns // an error if it does not become unschedulable within the given timeout. func waitForPodUnschedulableWithTimeout(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error { return wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, timeout, podUnschedulable(cs, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) } // waitForPodUnschedule waits for a pod to fail scheduling and returns // an error if it does not become unschedulable within the timeout duration (30 seconds). func waitForPodUnschedulable(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) error { return waitForPodUnschedulableWithTimeout(cs, pod, 30*time.Second) } // waitForPodToScheduleWithTimeout waits for a pod to get scheduled and returns // an error if it does not scheduled within the given timeout. func waitForPodToScheduleWithTimeout(cs clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) error { return wait.Poll(100*time.Millisecond, timeout, podScheduled(cs, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) } // waitForPDBsStable waits for PDBs to have "CurrentHealthy" status equal to // the expected values. func waitForPDBsStable(testCtx *testutils.TestContext, pdbs []*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, pdbPodNum []int32) error { return wait.Poll(time.Second, 60*time.Second, func() (bool, error) { pdbList, err := testCtx.ClientSet.PolicyV1beta1().PodDisruptionBudgets(testCtx.NS.Name).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { return false, err } if len(pdbList.Items) != len(pdbs) { return false, nil } for i, pdb := range pdbs { found := false for _, cpdb := range pdbList.Items { if pdb.Name == cpdb.Name && pdb.Namespace == cpdb.Namespace { found = true if cpdb.Status.CurrentHealthy != pdbPodNum[i] { return false, nil } } } if !found { return false, nil } } return true, nil }) } // waitCachedPodsStable waits until scheduler cache has the given pods. func waitCachedPodsStable(testCtx *testutils.TestContext, pods []*v1.Pod) error { return wait.Poll(time.Second, 30*time.Second, func() (bool, error) { cachedPods, err := testCtx.Scheduler.SchedulerCache.PodCount() if err != nil { return false, err } if len(pods) != cachedPods { return false, nil } for _, p := range pods { actualPod, err1 := testCtx.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(p.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), p.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err1 != nil { return false, err1 } cachedPod, err2 := testCtx.Scheduler.SchedulerCache.GetPod(actualPod) if err2 != nil || cachedPod == nil { return false, err2 } } return true, nil }) } // deletePod deletes the given pod in the given namespace. func deletePod(cs clientset.Interface, podName string, nsName string) error { return cs.CoreV1().Pods(nsName).Delete(context.TODO(), podName, *metav1.NewDeleteOptions(0)) } func getPod(cs clientset.Interface, podName string, podNamespace string) (*v1.Pod, error) { return cs.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) } // noPodsInNamespace returns true if no pods in the given namespace. func noPodsInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pods, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { return false, err } return len(pods.Items) == 0, nil } } // cleanupPodsInNamespace deletes the pods in the given namespace and waits for them to // be actually deleted. func cleanupPodsInNamespace(cs clientset.Interface, t *testing.T, ns string) { if err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).DeleteCollection(context.TODO(), metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{}); err != nil { t.Errorf("error while listing pod in namespace %v: %v", ns, err) return } if err := wait.Poll(time.Second, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, noPodsInNamespace(cs, ns)); err != nil { t.Errorf("error while waiting for pods in namespace %v: %v", ns, err) } } // podScheduled returns true if a node is assigned to the given pod. func podScheduled(c clientset.Interface, podNamespace, podName string) wait.ConditionFunc { return func() (bool, error) { pod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), podName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { // This could be a connection error so we want to retry. return false, nil } if pod.Spec.NodeName == "" { return false, nil } return true, nil } }
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@interface NATHiBeaconsDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate> @property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window; -(void)test; @end
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namespace TeleConsult.Web { using System.Web.Mvc; public class FilterConfig { public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); } } }
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======================== django-twoscoops-project ======================== A project template for Django 1.5. To use this project follow these steps: #. Create your working environment #. Install Django #. Create the new project using the django-two-scoops template #. Install additional dependencies #. Use the Django admin to create the project *note: these instructions show creation of a project called "icecream". You should replace this name with the actual name of your project.* Working Environment =================== You have several options in setting up your working environment. We recommend using virtualenv to separate the dependencies of your project from your system's python environment. If on Linux or Mac OS X, you can also use virtualenvwrapper to help manage multiple virtualenvs across different projects. Virtualenv Only --------------- First, make sure you are using virtualenv (http://www.virtualenv.org). Once that's installed, create your virtualenv:: $ virtualenv --distribute icecream You will also need to ensure that the virtualenv has the project directory added to the path. Adding the project directory will allow `django-admin.py` to be able to change settings using the `--settings` flag. Virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper -------------------------- In Linux and Mac OSX, you can install virtualenvwrapper (http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/), which will take care of managing your virtual environments and adding the project path to the `site-directory` for you:: $ mkdir icecream $ mkvirtualenv -a icecream icecream-dev $ cd icecream && add2virtualenv `pwd` Windows ---------- In Windows, or if you're not comfortable using the command line, you will need to add a `.pth` file to the `site-packages` of your virtualenv. If you have been following the book's example for the virtualenv directory (pg. 12), then you will need to add a python pathfile named `_virtualenv_path_extensions.pth` to the `site-packages`. If you have been following the book, then your virtualenv folder will be something like:: `~/.virtualenvs/icecream/lib/python2.7/site-directory/` In the pathfile, you will want to include the following code (from virtualenvwrapper): import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path) /home/<youruser>/icecream/icecream/ import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new) Installing Django ================= To install Django in the new virtual environment, run the following command:: $ pip install django Creating your project ===================== To create a new Django project called '**icecream**' using django-twoscoops-project, run the following command:: $ django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/twoscoops/django-twoscoops-project/archive/master.zip --extension=py,rst,html icecream_project Installation of Dependencies ============================= Depending on where you are installing dependencies: In development:: $ pip install -r requirements/local.txt For production:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt *note: We install production requirements this way because many Platforms as a Services expect a requirements.txt file in the root of projects.* Acknowledgements ================ - Many thanks to Randall Degges for the inspiration to write the book and django-skel. - All of the contributors_ to this project. .. _contributors: https://github.com/twoscoops/django-twoscoops-project/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
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Demonstrating repository creation and website hosting with GitHub
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layout: post date: '2016-01-06' title: "After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress" category: After Six tags: [After Six] --- ### After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress Just **$216.99** ### <p>Style 6710 is a full length Bridesmaid Dress in Lux Chiffon. It features a straight strapless neckline with geometric draped detail on the bodice, inset waistband at the empire waist and a slightly shirred skirt.</p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Skirt Fabric: Lux Chiffon</span></p> <a href="https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html"><img src="//www.eudances.com/13313-thickbox_default/after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.jpg" alt="After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress" style="width:100%;" /></a> <!-- break --><a href="https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html"><img src="//www.eudances.com/13314-thickbox_default/after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.jpg" alt="After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress" style="width:100%;" /></a> <a href="https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html"><img src="//www.eudances.com/13315-thickbox_default/after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.jpg" alt="After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress" style="width:100%;" /></a> <a href="https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html"><img src="//www.eudances.com/13312-thickbox_default/after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.jpg" alt="After Six by Dessy 6710 Floor Length Strapless Chiffon Bridesmaid Dress" style="width:100%;" /></a> Buy it: [https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html](https://www.eudances.com/en/after-six/4024-after-six-by-dessy-6710-floor-length-strapless-chiffon-bridesmaid-dress.html)
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const prevent_gc = Any[] function gstring_ptr(name::AbstractString, s::AbstractString) g = Compat.String(s) push!(prevent_gc, g) unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, g) end ################################################################ # mirror of Python API types and constants from methodobject.h immutable PyMethodDef ml_name::Ptr{UInt8} ml_meth::Ptr{Void} ml_flags::Cint ml_doc::Ptr{UInt8} # may be NULL end # A PyCFunction is a C function of the form # PyObject *func(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) # or # PyObject *func(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) # The first parameter is the "self" function for method, or # for module functions it is the module object. The second # parameter is either a tuple of args (for METH_VARARGS), # a single arg (for METH_O), or NULL (for METH_NOARGS). func # must return non-NULL (Py_None is okay) unless there was an # error, in which case an exception must have been set. # ml_flags should be one of: const METH_VARARGS = 0x0001 # args are a tuple of arguments const METH_KEYWORDS = 0x0002 # two arguments: the varargs and the kwargs const METH_NOARGS = 0x0004 # no arguments (NULL argument pointer) const METH_O = 0x0008 # single argument (not wrapped in tuple) # not sure when these are needed: const METH_CLASS = 0x0010 # for class methods const METH_STATIC = 0x0020 # for static methods const NULL_UInt8_Ptr = convert(Ptr{UInt8}, C_NULL) function PyMethodDef(name::AbstractString, meth::Function, flags::Integer, doc::AbstractString="") PyMethodDef(gstring_ptr(name, name), ((flags & METH_KEYWORDS) == 0 ? cfunction(meth, PyPtr, (PyPtr,PyPtr)) : cfunction(meth, PyPtr, (PyPtr,PyPtr,PyPtr))), convert(Cint, flags), isempty(doc) ? NULL_UInt8_Ptr : gstring_ptr(name, doc)) end # used as sentinel value to end method arrays: PyMethodDef() = PyMethodDef(NULL_UInt8_Ptr, C_NULL, convert(Cint, 0), NULL_UInt8_Ptr) ################################################################ # mirror of Python API types and constants from descrobject.h immutable PyGetSetDef name::Ptr{UInt8} get::Ptr{Void} set::Ptr{Void} # may be NULL for read-only members doc::Ptr{UInt8} # may be NULL closure::Ptr{Void} # pass-through thunk, may be NULL end function PyGetSetDef(name::AbstractString, get::Function,set::Function, doc::AbstractString="") PyGetSetDef(gstring_ptr(name, name), cfunction(get, PyPtr, (PyPtr,Ptr{Void})), cfunction(set, Int, (PyPtr,PyPtr,Ptr{Void})), isempty(doc) ? NULL_UInt8_Ptr : gstring_ptr(name, doc), C_NULL) end function PyGetSetDef(name::AbstractString, get::Function, doc::AbstractString="") PyGetSetDef(gstring_ptr(name, name), cfunction(get, PyPtr, (PyPtr,Ptr{Void})), C_NULL, isempty(doc) ? NULL_UInt8_Ptr : gstring_ptr(name, doc), C_NULL) end # used as sentinel value to end attribute arrays: PyGetSetDef() = PyGetSetDef(NULL_UInt8_Ptr, C_NULL, C_NULL, NULL_UInt8_Ptr, C_NULL) ################################################################ # from Python structmember.h: # declare immutable because we need a C-like array of these immutable PyMemberDef name::Ptr{UInt8} typ::Cint offset::Int # warning: was Cint for Python <= 2.4 flags::Cint doc::Ptr{UInt8} PyMemberDef(name,typ,offset,flags,doc) = new(unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8},name), convert(Cint,typ), convert(Int,offset), convert(Cint,flags), unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8},doc)) end # types: const T_SHORT =0 const T_INT =1 const T_LONG =2 const T_FLOAT =3 const T_DOUBLE =4 const T_STRING =5 const T_OBJECT =6 const T_CHAR =7 const T_BYTE =8 const T_UBYTE =9 const T_USHORT =10 const T_UINT =11 const T_ULONG =12 const T_STRING_INPLACE =13 const T_BOOL =14 const T_OBJECT_EX =16 const T_LONGLONG =17 # added in Python 2.5 const T_ULONGLONG =18 # added in Python 2.5 const T_PYSSIZET =19 # added in Python 2.6 const T_NONE =20 # added in Python 3.0 # flags: const READONLY = 1 const READ_RESTRICTED = 2 const PY_WRITE_RESTRICTED = 4 const RESTRICTED = (READ_RESTRICTED | PY_WRITE_RESTRICTED) ################################################################ # type-flag constants, from Python object.h: # Python 2.7 const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER = (0x00000001<<0) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN = (0x00000001<<1) const Py_TPFLAGS_GC = 0 # was sometimes (0x00000001<<2) in Python <= 2.1 const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS = (0x00000001<<3) const Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES = (0x00000001<<4) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE = (0x00000001<<5) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS = (0x00000001<<6) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER = (0x00000001<<7) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS = (0x00000001<<8) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX = (0x00000001<<17) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER = (0x00000001<<21) const Py_TPFLAGS_STRING_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<27) # Python 3.0+ has only these: const Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE = (0x00000001<<9) const Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE = (0x00000001<<10) const Py_TPFLAGS_READY = (0x00000001<<12) const Py_TPFLAGS_READYING = (0x00000001<<13) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC = (0x00000001<<14) const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG = (0x00000001<<18) const Py_TPFLAGS_VALID_VERSION_TAG = (0x00000001<<19) const Py_TPFLAGS_IS_ABSTRACT = (0x00000001<<20) const Py_TPFLAGS_INT_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<23) const Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<24) const Py_TPFLAGS_LIST_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<25) const Py_TPFLAGS_TUPLE_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<26) const Py_TPFLAGS_BYTES_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<27) const Py_TPFLAGS_UNICODE_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<28) const Py_TPFLAGS_DICT_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<29) const Py_TPFLAGS_BASE_EXC_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<30) const Py_TPFLAGS_TYPE_SUBCLASS = (0x00000001<<31) # only use this if we have the stackless extension const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION_ = (0x00000003<<15) ################################################################ # Mirror of PyTypeObject in Python object.h # -- assumes non-debugging Python build (no Py_TRACE_REFS) # -- most fields can default to 0 except where noted const sizeof_PyObject_HEAD = sizeof(Int) + sizeof(PyPtr) type PyTypeObject # PyObject_HEAD (for non-Py_TRACE_REFS build): ob_refcnt::Int ob_type::PyPtr ob_size::Int # PyObject_VAR_HEAD # PyTypeObject fields: tp_name::Ptr{UInt8} # required, should be in format "<module>.<name>" # warning: these two were Cint for Python <= 2.4 tp_basicsize::Int # required, = sizeof(instance) tp_itemsize::Int tp_dealloc::Ptr{Void} tp_print::Ptr{Void} tp_getattr::Ptr{Void} tp_setattr::Ptr{Void} tp_compare::Ptr{Void} tp_repr::Ptr{Void} tp_as_number::Ptr{Void} tp_as_sequence::Ptr{Void} tp_as_mapping::Ptr{Void} tp_hash::Ptr{Void} tp_call::Ptr{Void} tp_str::Ptr{Void} tp_getattro::Ptr{Void} tp_setattro::Ptr{Void} tp_as_buffer::Ptr{Void} tp_flags::Clong # Required, should default to Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT tp_doc::Ptr{UInt8} # normally set in example code, but may be NULL tp_traverse::Ptr{Void} tp_clear::Ptr{Void} tp_richcompare::Ptr{Void} tp_weaklistoffset::Int # added in Python 2.2: tp_iter::Ptr{Void} tp_iternext::Ptr{Void} tp_methods::Ptr{PyMethodDef} tp_members::Ptr{PyMemberDef} tp_getset::Ptr{PyGetSetDef} tp_base::Ptr{Void} tp_dict::PyPtr tp_descr_get::Ptr{Void} tp_descr_set::Ptr{Void} tp_dictoffset::Int tp_init::Ptr{Void} tp_alloc::Ptr{Void} tp_new::Ptr{Void} tp_free::Ptr{Void} tp_is_gc::Ptr{Void} tp_bases::PyPtr tp_mro::PyPtr tp_cache::PyPtr tp_subclasses::PyPtr tp_weaklist::PyPtr tp_del::Ptr{Void} # added in Python 2.6: tp_version_tag::Cuint # only used for COUNT_ALLOCS builds of Python tp_allocs::Int tp_frees::Int tp_maxalloc::Int tp_prev::Ptr{Void} tp_next::Ptr{Void} # Julia-specific fields, after the end of the Python structure: # save the tp_name Julia string so that it is not garbage-collected tp_name_save # This is a gc slot that is never read from function PyTypeObject() new(0,C_NULL,0, C_NULL, 0, 0, C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_dealloc ... C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_as_number... C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_hash ... C_NULL, # tp_as_buffer 0, C_NULL, # tp_doc C_NULL, # tp_traverse, C_NULL, # tp_clear C_NULL, # tp_richcompare 0, # tp_weaklistoffset C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_iter, tp_iternext C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_methods... C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,0, # tp_dict... C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_init ... C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_bases... 0, # tp_version_tag 0,0,0,C_NULL,C_NULL, # tp_allocs... "") end PyTypeObject(name::AbstractString, basicsize::Integer, init::Function) = PyTypeObject!(PyTypeObject(), name, basicsize, init) end # Often, PyTypeObject instances are global constants, which we initialize # to 0 via PyTypeObject() and then initialize at runtime via PyTypeObject! function PyTypeObject!(t::PyTypeObject, name::AbstractString, basicsize::Integer, init::Function) t.tp_basicsize = convert(Int, basicsize) # figure out Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, depending on Python version t.tp_flags = # Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT = pyversion.major >= 3 ? (Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION[] | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG) : (Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION[] | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX) # Emulate the rooting behavior of a ccall: name_save = Base.cconvert(Ptr{UInt8}, name) t.tp_name_save = name_save t.tp_name = unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, name_save) init(t) # initialize any other fields as needed if t.tp_new == C_NULL t.tp_new = @pyglobal :PyType_GenericNew end @pycheckz ccall((@pysym :PyType_Ready), Cint, (Ptr{PyTypeObject},), &t) ccall((@pysym :Py_IncRef), Void, (Ptr{PyTypeObject},), &t) return t end ################################################################ # Wrap a Python type around a Julia Any object immutable Py_jlWrap # PyObject_HEAD (for non-Py_TRACE_REFS build): ob_refcnt::Int ob_type::PyPtr jl_value::Any end # destructor for jlwrap instance, assuming it was created with pyjlwrap_new function pyjlwrap_dealloc(o::PyPtr) delete!(pycall_gc, o) return nothing end unsafe_pyjlwrap_to_objref(o::PyPtr) = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, o), 3)) pyjlwrap_repr(o::PyPtr) = pystealref!(PyObject(o != C_NULL ? string("<PyCall.jlwrap ",unsafe_pyjlwrap_to_objref(o),">") : "<PyCall.jlwrap NULL>")) function pyjlwrap_hash(o::PyPtr) h = hash(unsafe_pyjlwrap_to_objref(o)) # Python hashes are not permitted to return -1!! return h == reinterpret(UInt, -1) ? pysalt::UInt : h::UInt end # 32-bit hash on 64-bit machines, needed for Python < 3.2 with Windows const pysalt32 = 0xb592cd9b # hash("PyCall") % UInt32 function pyjlwrap_hash32(o::PyPtr) h = ccall(:int64to32hash, UInt32, (UInt64,), hash(unsafe_pyjlwrap_to_objref(o))) # Python hashes are not permitted to return -1!! return h == reinterpret(UInt32, Int32(-1)) ? pysalt32 : h::UInt32 end # constant strings (must not be gc'ed) for pyjlwrap_members const pyjlwrap_membername = "jl_value" const pyjlwrap_doc = "Julia jl_value_t* (Any object)" # other pointer-containing constants that need to be initialized at runtime const pyjlwrap_members = PyMemberDef[] const jlWrapType = PyTypeObject() const jl_FunctionType = PyTypeObject() const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION = Ref(0x00000000) # called in __init__ function pyjlwrap_init() # PyMemberDef stores explicit pointers, hence must be initialized at runtime push!(pyjlwrap_members, PyMemberDef(pyjlwrap_membername, T_PYSSIZET, sizeof_PyObject_HEAD, READONLY, pyjlwrap_doc), PyMemberDef(C_NULL,0,0,0,C_NULL)) # all cfunctions must be compiled at runtime pyjlwrap_dealloc_ptr = cfunction(pyjlwrap_dealloc, Void, (PyPtr,)) pyjlwrap_repr_ptr = cfunction(pyjlwrap_repr, PyPtr, (PyPtr,)) pyjlwrap_hash_ptr = cfunction(pyjlwrap_hash, UInt, (PyPtr,)) pyjlwrap_hash32_ptr = cfunction(pyjlwrap_hash32, UInt32, (PyPtr,)) jl_Function_call_ptr = cfunction(jl_Function_call, PyPtr, (PyPtr,PyPtr,PyPtr)) # detect at runtime whether we are using Stackless Python try pyimport("stackless") Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION[] = Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_STACKLESS_EXTENSION_ end PyTypeObject!(jlWrapType, "PyCall.jlwrap", sizeof(Py_jlWrap), t::PyTypeObject -> begin t.tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE t.tp_members = pointer(pyjlwrap_members); t.tp_dealloc = pyjlwrap_dealloc_ptr t.tp_repr = pyjlwrap_repr_ptr t.tp_hash = sizeof(Py_hash_t) < sizeof(Int) ? pyjlwrap_hash32_ptr : pyjlwrap_hash_ptr end) pyjlwrap_type!(jl_FunctionType, "PyCall.jl_Function", t -> t.tp_call = jl_Function_call_ptr) end # use this to create a new jlwrap type, with init to set up custom members function pyjlwrap_type!(to::PyTypeObject, name::AbstractString, init::Function) PyTypeObject!(to, name, sizeof(Py_jlWrap) + sizeof(PyPtr), # must be > base type t::PyTypeObject -> begin t.tp_base = ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{PyTypeObject},), &jlWrapType) ccall((@pysym :Py_IncRef), Void, (Ptr{PyTypeObject},), &jlWrapType) init(t) end) end pyjlwrap_type(name::AbstractString, init::Function) = pyjlwrap_type!(PyTypeObject(), name, init) # Given a jlwrap type, create a new instance (and save value for gc) # (Careful: not sure if this works if value is an isbits type, # since, the jl_value_t* may be to a temporary copy. But don't need # to wrap isbits types in Python objects anyway.) function pyjlwrap_new(pyT::PyTypeObject, value::Any) o = PyObject(@pycheckn ccall((@pysym :_PyObject_New), PyPtr, (Ptr{PyTypeObject},), &pyT)) pycall_gc[o.o] = value p = convert(Ptr{Ptr{Void}}, o.o) unsafe_store!(p, ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Any,), value), 3) return o end function pyjlwrap_new(x::Any) pyjlwrap_new(jlWrapType, x) end is_pyjlwrap(o::PyObject) = jlWrapType.tp_new != C_NULL && ccall((@pysym :PyObject_IsInstance), Cint, (PyPtr,Ptr{PyTypeObject}), o, &jlWrapType) == 1 ################################################################ # Fallback conversion: if we don't have a better conversion function, # just wrap the Julia object in a Python object PyObject(x::Any) = pyjlwrap_new(x)
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ACCEPTED #### According to The Catalogue of Life, 3rd January 2011 #### Published in null #### Original name null ### Remarks null
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FROM balenalib/odroid-ux3-debian:bookworm-build # remove several traces of debian python RUN apt-get purge -y python.* # http://bugs.python.org/issue19846 # > At the moment, setting "LANG=C" on a Linux system *fundamentally breaks Python 3*, and that's not OK. ENV LANG C.UTF-8 # key 63C7CC90: public key "Simon McVittie <smcv@pseudorandom.co.uk>" imported # key 3372DCFA: public key "Donald Stufft (dstufft) <donald@stufft.io>" imported RUN gpg --batch --keyserver keyring.debian.org --recv-keys 4DE8FF2A63C7CC90 \ && gpg --batch --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 6E3CBCE93372DCFA \ && gpg --batch --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0x52a43a1e4b77b059 ENV PYTHON_VERSION 3.7.12 # if this is called "PIP_VERSION", pip explodes with "ValueError: invalid truth value '<VERSION>'" ENV PYTHON_PIP_VERSION 21.3.1 ENV SETUPTOOLS_VERSION 60.5.4 RUN set -x \ && curl -SLO "http://resin-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/python/v$PYTHON_VERSION/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.linux-armv7hf-libffi3.3.tar.gz" \ && echo "d8d0dd3457e8491022d8e736860f4dd747a0a8bb93a3b1319fe9d2610b0006b0 Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.linux-armv7hf-libffi3.3.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c - \ && tar -xzf "Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.linux-armv7hf-libffi3.3.tar.gz" --strip-components=1 \ && rm -rf "Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.linux-armv7hf-libffi3.3.tar.gz" \ && ldconfig \ && if [ ! -e /usr/local/bin/pip3 ]; then : \ && curl -SLO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pypa/get-pip/430ba37776ae2ad89f794c7a43b90dc23bac334c/get-pip.py" \ && echo "19dae841a150c86e2a09d475b5eb0602861f2a5b7761ec268049a662dbd2bd0c get-pip.py" | sha256sum -c - \ && python3 get-pip.py \ && rm get-pip.py \ ; fi \ && pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --force-reinstall pip=="$PYTHON_PIP_VERSION" setuptools=="$SETUPTOOLS_VERSION" \ && find /usr/local \ \( -type d -a -name test -o -name tests \) \ -o \( -type f -a -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.pyo' \) \ -exec rm -rf '{}' + \ && cd / \ && rm -rf /usr/src/python ~/.cache # install "virtualenv", since the vast majority of users of this image will want it RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir virtualenv ENV PYTHON_DBUS_VERSION 1.2.18 # install dbus-python dependencies RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ libdbus-1-dev \ libdbus-glib-1-dev \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && apt-get -y autoremove # install dbus-python RUN set -x \ && mkdir -p /usr/src/dbus-python \ && curl -SL "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus-python/dbus-python-$PYTHON_DBUS_VERSION.tar.gz" -o dbus-python.tar.gz \ && curl -SL "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus-python/dbus-python-$PYTHON_DBUS_VERSION.tar.gz.asc" -o dbus-python.tar.gz.asc \ && gpg --verify dbus-python.tar.gz.asc \ && tar -xzC /usr/src/dbus-python --strip-components=1 -f dbus-python.tar.gz \ && rm dbus-python.tar.gz* \ && cd /usr/src/dbus-python \ && PYTHON_VERSION=$(expr match "$PYTHON_VERSION" '\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)') ./configure \ && make -j$(nproc) \ && make install -j$(nproc) \ && cd / \ && rm -rf /usr/src/dbus-python # make some useful symlinks that are expected to exist RUN cd /usr/local/bin \ && ln -sf pip3 pip \ && { [ -e easy_install ] || ln -s easy_install-* easy_install; } \ && ln -sf idle3 idle \ && ln -sf pydoc3 pydoc \ && ln -sf python3 python \ && ln -sf python3-config python-config # set PYTHONPATH to point to dist-packages ENV PYTHONPATH /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH CMD ["echo","'No CMD command was set in Dockerfile! Details about CMD command could be found in Dockerfile Guide section in our Docs. Here's the link: https://balena.io/docs"] RUN curl -SLO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/balena-io-library/base-images/8accad6af708fca7271c5c65f18a86782e19f877/scripts/assets/tests/test-stack@python.sh" \ && echo "Running test-stack@python" \ && chmod +x test-stack@python.sh \ && bash test-stack@python.sh \ && rm -rf test-stack@python.sh RUN [ ! -d /.balena/messages ] && mkdir -p /.balena/messages; echo 'Here are a few details about this Docker image (For more information please visit https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/base-images/base-images/): \nArchitecture: ARM v7 \nOS: Debian Bookworm \nVariant: build variant \nDefault variable(s): UDEV=off \nThe following software stack is preinstalled: \nPython v3.7.12, Pip v21.3.1, Setuptools v60.5.4 \nExtra features: \n- Easy way to install packages with `install_packages <package-name>` command \n- Run anywhere with cross-build feature (for ARM only) \n- Keep the container idling with `balena-idle` command \n- Show base image details with `balena-info` command' > /.balena/messages/image-info RUN echo '#!/bin/sh.real\nbalena-info\nrm -f /bin/sh\ncp /bin/sh.real /bin/sh\n/bin/sh "$@"' > /bin/sh-shim \ && chmod +x /bin/sh-shim \ && cp /bin/sh /bin/sh.real \ && mv /bin/sh-shim /bin/sh
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// // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.4 // See <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a> // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. // Generated on: 2013.03.26 at 05:36:33 PM IST // package com.emc.cto.ridagent.rid.jaxb; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; /** * <p>Java class for RelatedDNSEntryType complex type. * * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * * <pre> * &lt;complexType name="RelatedDNSEntryType"> * &lt;simpleContent> * &lt;extension base="&lt;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>string"> * &lt;attribute name="RecordType"> * &lt;simpleType> * &lt;restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}NMTOKEN"> * &lt;enumeration value="A"/> * &lt;enumeration value="AAAA"/> * &lt;enumeration value="AFSDB"/> * &lt;enumeration value="APL"/> * &lt;enumeration value="AXFR"/> * &lt;enumeration value="CAA"/> * &lt;enumeration value="CERT"/> * &lt;enumeration value="CNAME"/> * &lt;enumeration value="DHCID"/> * &lt;enumeration value="DLV"/> * &lt;enumeration value="DNAME"/> * &lt;enumeration value="DNSKEY"/> * &lt;enumeration value="DS"/> * &lt;enumeration value="HIP"/> * &lt;enumeration value="IXFR"/> * &lt;enumeration value="IPSECKEY"/> * &lt;enumeration value="LOC"/> * &lt;enumeration value="MX"/> * &lt;enumeration value="NAPTR"/> * &lt;enumeration value="NS"/> * &lt;enumeration value="NSEC"/> * &lt;enumeration value="NSEC3"/> * &lt;enumeration value="NSEC3PARAM"/> * &lt;enumeration value="OPT"/> * &lt;enumeration value="PTR"/> * &lt;enumeration value="RRSIG"/> * &lt;enumeration value="RP"/> * &lt;enumeration value="SIG"/> * &lt;enumeration value="SOA"/> * &lt;enumeration value="SPF"/> * &lt;enumeration value="SRV"/> * &lt;enumeration value="SSHFP"/> * &lt;enumeration value="TA"/> * &lt;enumeration value="TKEY"/> * &lt;enumeration value="TLSA"/> * &lt;enumeration value="TSIG"/> * &lt;enumeration value="TXT"/> * &lt;enumeration value="ext-value"/> * &lt;/restriction> * &lt;/simpleType> * &lt;/attribute> * &lt;attribute name="ext-category" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" /> * &lt;/extension> * &lt;/simpleContent> * &lt;/complexType> * </pre> * * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "RelatedDNSEntryType", propOrder = { "value" }) public class RelatedDNSEntryType { @XmlValue protected String value; @XmlAttribute(name = "RecordType") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) protected String recordType; @XmlAttribute(name = "ext-category") protected String extCategory; /** * Gets the value of the value property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** * Sets the value of the value property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } /** * Gets the value of the recordType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getRecordType() { return recordType; } /** * Sets the value of the recordType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setRecordType(String value) { this.recordType = value; } /** * Gets the value of the extCategory property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getExtCategory() { return extCategory; } /** * Sets the value of the extCategory property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setExtCategory(String value) { this.extCategory = value; } }
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<TS language="ca" version="2.0"> <context> <name>AddressBookPage</name> <message> <source>Right-click to edit address or label</source> <translation>Feu clic dret per a editar l'adreça o l'etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Create a new address</source> <translation>Crea una nova adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;New</source> <translation>&amp;Nova</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source> <translation>Copia l'adreça seleccionada al porta-retalls del sistema</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Copy</source> <translation>&amp;Copia</translation> </message> <message> <source>C&amp;lose</source> <translation>&amp;Tanca</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Copy Address</source> <translation>&amp;Copia l'adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source> <translation>Elimina l'adreça sel·leccionada actualment de la llista</translation> </message> <message> <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source> <translation>Exporta les dades de la pestanya actual a un fitxer</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Export</source> <translation>&amp;Exporta</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Delete</source> <translation>&amp;Elimina</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose the address to send coins to</source> <translation>Trieu una adreça on voleu enviar monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose the address to receive coins with</source> <translation>Trieu l'adreça on voleu rebre monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>C&amp;hoose</source> <translation>T&amp;ria</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sending addresses</source> <translation>S'estan enviant les adreces</translation> </message> <message> <source>Receiving addresses</source> <translation>S'estan rebent les adreces</translation> </message> <message> <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.</source> <translation>Aquestes són les vostres adreces de Bitcoin per enviar els pagaments. Sempre reviseu l'import i l'adreça del destinatari abans de transferir monedes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. It is recommended to use a new receiving address for each transaction.</source> <translation>Aquestes són les vostres adreces Bitcoin per rebre pagaments. Es recomana utilitzar una adreça nova de recepció per a cada transacció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy &amp;Label</source> <translation>Copia l'&amp;etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Edit</source> <translation>&amp;Edita</translation> </message> <message> <source>Export Address List</source> <translation>Exporta la llista d'adreces</translation> </message> <message> <source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source> <translation>Fitxer de separació amb comes (*.csv)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Exporting Failed</source> <translation>L'exportació ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.</source> <translation>S'ha produït un error en desar la llista d'adreces a %1. Torneu-ho a provar.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>AddressTableModel</name> <message> <source>Label</source> <translation>Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Address</source> <translation>Adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no label)</source> <translation>(sense etiqueta)</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>AskPassphraseDialog</name> <message> <source>Passphrase Dialog</source> <translation>Diàleg de contrasenya</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter passphrase</source> <translation>Introduïu una contrasenya</translation> </message> <message> <source>New passphrase</source> <translation>Nova contrasenya</translation> </message> <message> <source>Repeat new passphrase</source> <translation>Repetiu la nova contrasenya</translation> </message> <message> <source>Encrypt wallet</source> <translation>Encripta el moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.</source> <translation>Aquesta operació requereix la contrasenya del moneder per a desbloquejar-lo.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unlock wallet</source> <translation>Desbloqueja el moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet.</source> <translation>Aquesta operació requereix la contrasenya del moneder per desencriptar-lo.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Decrypt wallet</source> <translation>Desencripta el moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Change passphrase</source> <translation>Canvia la contrasenya</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirm wallet encryption</source> <translation>Confirma l'encriptació del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will &lt;b&gt;LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</source> <translation>Avís: si encripteu el vostre moneder i perdeu la contrasenya, &lt;b&gt;PERDREU TOTS ELS VOSTRES BITCOINS&lt;/b&gt;!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?</source> <translation>Esteu segur que voleu encriptar el vostre moneder?</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core will close now to finish the encryption process. Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.</source> <translation>Ara es tancarà el Bitcoin Core per finalitzar el procés d'encriptació. Tingueu present que encriptar el vostre moneder no garanteix que les vostres bitcoins no puguin ser robades per programari maliciós que infecti l'ordinador.</translation> </message> <message> <source>IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.</source> <translation>IMPORTANT: Tota copia de seguretat que hàgiu realitzat hauria de ser reemplaçada pel, recentment generat, fitxer encriptat del moneder.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!</source> <translation>Avís: Les lletres majúscules estan activades!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet encrypted</source> <translation>Moneder encriptat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter the new passphrase to the wallet.&lt;br/&gt;Please use a passphrase of &lt;b&gt;ten or more random characters&lt;/b&gt;, or &lt;b&gt;eight or more words&lt;/b&gt;.</source> <translation>Introduïu la contrasenya nova al moneder.&lt;br/&gt;Utilitzeu una contrasenya de &lt;b&gt;deu o més caràcters aleatoris&lt;/b&gt;, o &lt;b&gt;vuit o més paraules&lt;/b&gt;.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase to the wallet.</source> <translation>Introduïu la contrasenya antiga i la contrasenya nova al moneder.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet encryption failed</source> <translation>L'encriptació del moneder ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.</source> <translation>L'encriptació del moneder ha fallat per un error intern. El moneder no ha estat encriptat.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The supplied passphrases do not match.</source> <translation>La contrasenya introduïda no coincideix.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet unlock failed</source> <translation>El desbloqueig del moneder ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.</source> <translation>La contrasenya introduïda per a desencriptar el moneder és incorrecta.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet decryption failed</source> <translation>La desencriptació del moneder ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.</source> <translation>La contrasenya del moneder ha estat modificada correctament.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>BitcoinGUI</name> <message> <source>Sign &amp;message...</source> <translation>Signa el &amp;missatge...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Synchronizing with network...</source> <translation>S'està sincronitzant amb la xarxa ...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Overview</source> <translation>&amp;Panorama general</translation> </message> <message> <source>Node</source> <translation>Node</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show general overview of wallet</source> <translation>Mostra el panorama general del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Transactions</source> <translation>&amp;Transaccions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Browse transaction history</source> <translation>Cerca a l'historial de transaccions</translation> </message> <message> <source>E&amp;xit</source> <translation>S&amp;urt</translation> </message> <message> <source>Quit application</source> <translation>Surt de l'aplicació</translation> </message> <message> <source>About &amp;Qt</source> <translation>Quant a &amp;Qt</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show information about Qt</source> <translation>Mostra informació sobre Qt</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Options...</source> <translation>&amp;Opcions...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Encrypt Wallet...</source> <translation>&amp;Encripta el moneder...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Backup Wallet...</source> <translation>&amp;Realitza una còpia de seguretat del moneder...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Change Passphrase...</source> <translation>&amp;Canvia la contrasenya...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Sending addresses...</source> <translation>Adreces d'e&amp;nviament...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Receiving addresses...</source> <translation>Adreces de &amp;recepció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Open &amp;URI...</source> <translation>Obre un &amp;URI...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core client</source> <translation>Client del Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Importing blocks from disk...</source> <translation>S'estan important els blocs del disc...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reindexing blocks on disk...</source> <translation>S'estan reindexant els blocs al disc...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source> <translation>Envia monedes a una adreça Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>Backup wallet to another location</source> <translation>Realitza una còpia de seguretat del moneder a una altra ubicació</translation> </message> <message> <source>Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption</source> <translation>Canvia la contrasenya d'encriptació del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Debug window</source> <translation>&amp;Finestra de depuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>Open debugging and diagnostic console</source> <translation>Obre la consola de diagnòstic i depuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Verify message...</source> <translation>&amp;Verifica el missatge...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin</source> <translation>Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet</source> <translation>Moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Send</source> <translation>&amp;Envia</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Receive</source> <translation>&amp;Rep</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show information about Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Mostra informació del Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Show / Hide</source> <translation>&amp;Mostra / Amaga</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show or hide the main Window</source> <translation>Mostra o amaga la finestra principal</translation> </message> <message> <source>Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet</source> <translation>Encripta les claus privades pertanyents al moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them</source> <translation>Signa el missatges amb la seva adreça de Bitcoin per provar que les poseeixes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses</source> <translation>Verifiqueu els missatges per assegurar-vos que han estat signats amb una adreça Bitcoin específica.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;File</source> <translation>&amp;Fitxer</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Settings</source> <translation>&amp;Configuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Help</source> <translation>&amp;Ajuda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Tabs toolbar</source> <translation>Barra d'eines de les pestanyes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Nucli de Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>Request payments (generates QR codes and europecoin: URIs)</source> <translation>Sol·licita pagaments (genera codis QR i europecoin: URI)</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;About Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>&amp;Quant al Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Modify configuration options for Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Modifica les opcions de configuració del Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show the list of used sending addresses and labels</source> <translation>Mostra la llista d'adreces d'enviament i etiquetes utilitzades</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels</source> <translation>Mostra la llista d'adreces de recepció i etiquetes utilitzades</translation> </message> <message> <source>Open a europecoin: URI or payment request</source> <translation>Obre una europecoin: sol·licitud d'URI o pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Command-line options</source> <translation>Opcions de la &amp;línia d'ordres</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show the Bitcoin Core help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options</source> <translation>Mostra el missatge d'ajuda del Bitcoin Core per obtenir una llista amb les possibles opcions de línia d'ordres de Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source> <translation><numerusform>%n connexió activa a la xarxa Bitcoin</numerusform><numerusform>%n connexions actives a la xarxa Bitcoin</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>No block source available...</source> <translation>No hi ha cap font de bloc disponible...</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source> <translation><numerusform>S'han processat %n bloc de l'historial de transacció.</numerusform><numerusform>S'han processat %n blocs de l'historial de transacció.</numerusform></translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n hour(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>%n hora</numerusform><numerusform>%n hores</numerusform></translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n day(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>%n dia</numerusform><numerusform>%n dies</numerusform></translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n week(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>%n setmana</numerusform><numerusform>%n setmanes</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 and %2</source> <translation>%1 i %2</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n year(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>%n any</numerusform><numerusform>%n anys</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 behind</source> <translation>%1 darrere</translation> </message> <message> <source>Last received block was generated %1 ago.</source> <translation>El darrer bloc rebut ha estat generat fa %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transactions after this will not yet be visible.</source> <translation>Les transaccions a partir d'això no seran visibles.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error</source> <translation>Error</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning</source> <translation>Avís</translation> </message> <message> <source>Information</source> <translation>Informació</translation> </message> <message> <source>Up to date</source> <translation>Al dia</translation> </message> <message> <source>Catching up...</source> <translation>S'està posant al dia ...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Date: %1 </source> <translation>Data: %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount: %1 </source> <translation>Import: %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>Type: %1 </source> <translation>Tipus: %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>Label: %1 </source> <translation>Etiqueta: %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>Address: %1 </source> <translation>Adreça: %1 </translation> </message> <message> <source>Sent transaction</source> <translation>Transacció enviada</translation> </message> <message> <source>Incoming transaction</source> <translation>Transacció entrant</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;unlocked&lt;/b&gt;</source> <translation>El moneder està &lt;b&gt;encriptat&lt;/b&gt; i actualment &lt;b&gt;desbloquejat&lt;/b&gt;</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet is &lt;b&gt;encrypted&lt;/b&gt; and currently &lt;b&gt;locked&lt;/b&gt;</source> <translation>El moneder està &lt;b&gt;encriptat&lt;/b&gt; i actualment &lt;b&gt;bloquejat&lt;/b&gt;</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>ClientModel</name> <message> <source>Network Alert</source> <translation>Alerta de xarxa</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>CoinControlDialog</name> <message> <source>Coin Selection</source> <translation>Selecció de moneda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Quantity:</source> <translation>Quantitat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bytes:</source> <translation>Bytes:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount:</source> <translation>Import:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Priority:</source> <translation>Prioritat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fee:</source> <translation>Comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Dust:</source> <translation>Polsim:</translation> </message> <message> <source>After Fee:</source> <translation>Comissió posterior:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Change:</source> <translation>Canvi:</translation> </message> <message> <source>(un)select all</source> <translation>(des)selecciona-ho tot</translation> </message> <message> <source>Tree mode</source> <translation>Mode arbre</translation> </message> <message> <source>List mode</source> <translation>Mode llista</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount</source> <translation>Import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received with label</source> <translation>Rebut amb l'etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received with address</source> <translation>Rebut amb l'adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>Date</source> <translation>Data</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirmations</source> <translation>Confirmacions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirmed</source> <translation>Confirmat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Priority</source> <translation>Prioritat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy address</source> <translation>Copiar adreça </translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy label</source> <translation>Copiar etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy amount</source> <translation>Copia l'import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy transaction ID</source> <translation>Copiar ID de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Lock unspent</source> <translation>Bloqueja sense gastar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unlock unspent</source> <translation>Desbloqueja sense gastar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy quantity</source> <translation>Copia la quantitat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy fee</source> <translation>Copia la comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy after fee</source> <translation>Copia la comissió posterior</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy bytes</source> <translation>Copia els bytes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy priority</source> <translation>Copia la prioritat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy dust</source> <translation>Copia el polsim</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy change</source> <translation>Copia el canvi</translation> </message> <message> <source>highest</source> <translation>El més alt</translation> </message> <message> <source>higher</source> <translation>Més alt</translation> </message> <message> <source>high</source> <translation>Alt</translation> </message> <message> <source>medium-high</source> <translation>mig-alt</translation> </message> <message> <source>medium</source> <translation>mig</translation> </message> <message> <source>low-medium</source> <translation>baix-mig</translation> </message> <message> <source>low</source> <translation>baix</translation> </message> <message> <source>lower</source> <translation>més baix</translation> </message> <message> <source>lowest</source> <translation>el més baix</translation> </message> <message> <source>(%1 locked)</source> <translation>(%1 bloquejada)</translation> </message> <message> <source>none</source> <translation>cap</translation> </message> <message> <source>This label turns red if the transaction size is greater than 1000 bytes.</source> <translation>Aquesta etiqueta es torna en vermell si la transacció és superior a 1000 bytes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>This label turns red if the priority is smaller than "medium".</source> <translation>Aquesta etiqueta es torna en vermell si la propietat és inferior que la «mitjana».</translation> </message> <message> <source>This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than %1.</source> <translation>Aquesta etiqueta es torna vermella si el destinatari rep un import inferior de %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.</source> <translation>Pot variar +/- %1 satoshi(s) per entrada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>yes</source> <translation>sí</translation> </message> <message> <source>no</source> <translation>no</translation> </message> <message> <source>This means a fee of at least %1 per kB is required.</source> <translation>Això comporta una comissió d'almenys %1 per kB.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Can vary +/- 1 byte per input.</source> <translation>Pot variar +/- 1 byte per entrada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transactions with higher priority are more likely to get included into a block.</source> <translation>Les transaccions amb una major prioritat són més propenses a ser incloses en un bloc.</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no label)</source> <translation>(sense etiqueta)</translation> </message> <message> <source>change from %1 (%2)</source> <translation>canvia de %1 (%2)</translation> </message> <message> <source>(change)</source> <translation>(canvia)</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>EditAddressDialog</name> <message> <source>Edit Address</source> <translation>Edita l'adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Label</source> <translation>&amp;Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>The label associated with this address list entry</source> <translation>L'etiqueta associada amb aquesta entrada de llista d'adreces</translation> </message> <message> <source>The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses.</source> <translation>L'adreça associada amb aquesta entrada de llista d'adreces. Només es pot modificar per a les adreces d'enviament.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Address</source> <translation>&amp;Adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>New receiving address</source> <translation>Nova adreça de recepció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>New sending address</source> <translation>Nova adreça d'enviament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Edit receiving address</source> <translation>Edita les adreces de recepció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Edit sending address</source> <translation>Edita les adreces d'enviament</translation> </message> <message> <source>The entered address "%1" is already in the address book.</source> <translation>L'adreça introduïda «%1» ja és present a la llibreta d'adreces.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.</source> <translation>L'adreça introduïda «%1» no és una adreça de Bitcoin vàlida.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Could not unlock wallet.</source> <translation>No s'ha pogut desbloquejar el moneder.</translation> </message> <message> <source>New key generation failed.</source> <translation>Ha fallat la generació d'una nova clau.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>FreespaceChecker</name> <message> <source>A new data directory will be created.</source> <translation>Es crearà un nou directori de dades.</translation> </message> <message> <source>name</source> <translation>nom</translation> </message> <message> <source>Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.</source> <translation>El directori ja existeix. Afegeix %1 si vols crear un nou directori en aquesta ubicació.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Path already exists, and is not a directory.</source> <translation>El camí ja existeix i no és cap directori.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot create data directory here.</source> <translation>No es pot crear el directori de dades aquí.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>HelpMessageDialog</name> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Nucli de Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>version</source> <translation>versió</translation> </message> <message> <source>(%1-bit)</source> <translation>(%1-bit)</translation> </message> <message> <source>About Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Quant al Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Command-line options</source> <translation>Opcions de línia d'ordres</translation> </message> <message> <source>Usage:</source> <translation>Ús:</translation> </message> <message> <source>command-line options</source> <translation>Opcions de la línia d'ordres</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>Intro</name> <message> <source>Welcome</source> <translation>Us donem la benviguda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Welcome to Bitcoin Core.</source> <translation>Us donem la benvinguda al Bitcoin Core.</translation> </message> <message> <source>As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where Bitcoin Core will store its data.</source> <translation>Atès que és la primera vegada que executeu el programa, podeu triar on emmagatzemarà el Bitcoin Core les dades.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory.</source> <translation>El Bitcoin Core descarregarà i emmagatzemarà una còpia de la cadena de blocs de Bitcoin. Com a mínim s'emmagatzemaran %1 GB de dades en aquest directori, que seguiran creixent gradualment. També s'hi emmagatzemarà el moneder.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use the default data directory</source> <translation>Utilitza el directori de dades per defecte</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use a custom data directory:</source> <translation>Utilitza un directori de dades personalitzat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Nucli de Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Specified data directory "%1" cannot be created.</source> <translation>Error: el directori de dades «%1» especificat no pot ser creat.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error</source> <translation>Error</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>%n GB of free space available</source> <translation><numerusform>%n GB d'espai lliure disponible</numerusform><numerusform>%n GB d'espai lliure disponible</numerusform></translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>(of %n GB needed)</source> <translation><numerusform>(de %n GB necessari)</numerusform><numerusform>(de %n GB necessaris)</numerusform></translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>OpenURIDialog</name> <message> <source>Open URI</source> <translation>Obre un URI</translation> </message> <message> <source>Open payment request from URI or file</source> <translation>Obre una sol·licitud de pagament des d'un URI o un fitxer</translation> </message> <message> <source>URI:</source> <translation>URI:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Select payment request file</source> <translation>Selecciona un fitxer de sol·licitud de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Select payment request file to open</source> <translation>Selecciona el fitxer de sol·licitud de pagament per obrir</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>OptionsDialog</name> <message> <source>Options</source> <translation>Opcions</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Main</source> <translation>&amp;Principal</translation> </message> <message> <source>Size of &amp;database cache</source> <translation>Mida de la memòria cau de la base de &amp;dades</translation> </message> <message> <source>MB</source> <translation>MB</translation> </message> <message> <source>Number of script &amp;verification threads</source> <translation>Nombre de fils de &amp;verificació d'scripts</translation> </message> <message> <source>Accept connections from outside</source> <translation>Accepta connexions de fora</translation> </message> <message> <source>Allow incoming connections</source> <translation>Permet connexions entrants</translation> </message> <message> <source>IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</source> <translation>Adreça IP del proxy (p. ex. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Exit in the menu.</source> <translation>Minimitza en comptes de sortir de l'aplicació quan la finestra es tanca. Quan s'habilita aquesta opció l'aplicació es tancara només quan se selecciona Surt del menú. </translation> </message> <message> <source>The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting Bitcoin Core.</source> <translation>La interfície d'usuari pot definir-se des d'aquí. El paràmetre tindrà efecte després de reiniciar el Bitcoin Core.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |.</source> <translation>URL de terceres parts (p. ex. explorador de blocs) que apareix en la pestanya de transaccions com elements del menú contextual. %s en l'URL es reemplaçat pel resum de la transacció. Diferents URL estan separades per una barra vertical |.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Third party transaction URLs</source> <translation>URL de transaccions de terceres parts</translation> </message> <message> <source>Active command-line options that override above options:</source> <translation>Opcions de línies d'ordre active que sobreescriuen les opcions de dalt:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reset all client options to default.</source> <translation>Reestableix totes les opcions del client.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Reset Options</source> <translation>&amp;Reestableix les opcions</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Network</source> <translation>&amp;Xarxa</translation> </message> <message> <source>Automatically start Bitcoin Core after logging in to the system.</source> <translation>Inicia el Bitcoin Core automàticament després d'iniciar una sessió en el sistema.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Start Bitcoin Core on system login</source> <translation>&amp;Inicia el Bitcoin Core en inciar el sistema</translation> </message> <message> <source>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free)</source> <translation>(0 = auto, &lt;0 = deixa tants nuclis lliures)</translation> </message> <message> <source>W&amp;allet</source> <translation>&amp;Moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Expert</source> <translation>Expert</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enable coin &amp;control features</source> <translation>Activa les funcions de &amp;control de les monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed.</source> <translation>Si inhabiliteu la despesa d'un canvi sense confirmar, el canvi d'una transacció no pot ser utilitzat fins que la transacció no tingui com a mínim una confirmació. Això també afecta com es calcula el vostre balanç.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Spend unconfirmed change</source> <translation>&amp;Gasta el canvi sense confirmar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.</source> <translation>Obre el port del client de Bitcoin al router de forma automàtica. Això només funciona quan el router implementa UPnP i l'opció està activada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Map port using &amp;UPnP</source> <translation>Port obert amb &amp;UPnP</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS5 proxy.</source> <translation>Connecta a la xarxa Bitcoin a través d'un proxy SOCKS5.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Connect through SOCKS5 proxy (default proxy):</source> <translation>&amp;Connecta a través d'un proxy SOCKS5 (proxy per defecte):</translation> </message> <message> <source>Proxy &amp;IP:</source> <translation>&amp;IP del proxy:</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Port:</source> <translation>&amp;Port:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)</source> <translation>Port del proxy (per exemple 9050)</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Window</source> <translation>&amp;Finestra</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window.</source> <translation>Mostra només la icona de la barra en minimitzar la finestra.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar</source> <translation>&amp;Minimitza a la barra d'aplicacions en comptes de la barra de tasques</translation> </message> <message> <source>M&amp;inimize on close</source> <translation>M&amp;inimitza en tancar</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Display</source> <translation>&amp;Pantalla</translation> </message> <message> <source>User Interface &amp;language:</source> <translation>&amp;Llengua de la interfície d'usuari:</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Unit to show amounts in:</source> <translation>&amp;Unitats per mostrar els imports en:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins.</source> <translation>Selecciona la unitat de subdivisió per defecte per mostrar en la interfície quan s'envien monedes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Whether to show coin control features or not.</source> <translation>Si voleu mostrar les funcions de control de monedes o no.</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;OK</source> <translation>&amp;D'acord</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Cancel</source> <translation>&amp;Cancel·la</translation> </message> <message> <source>default</source> <translation>Per defecte</translation> </message> <message> <source>none</source> <translation>cap</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirm options reset</source> <translation>Confirmeu el reestabliment de les opcions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Client restart required to activate changes.</source> <translation>Cal reiniciar el client per activar els canvis.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed?</source> <translation>S'aturarà el client. Voleu procedir?</translation> </message> <message> <source>This change would require a client restart.</source> <translation>Amb aquest canvi cal un reinici del client.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The supplied proxy address is invalid.</source> <translation>L'adreça proxy introduïda és invalida.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>OverviewPage</name> <message> <source>Form</source> <translation>Formulari</translation> </message> <message> <source>The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.</source> <translation>La informació mostrada pot no estar al día. El teu moneder es sincronitza automàticament amb la xarxa Bitcoin un cop s'ha establert connexió, però aquest proces no s'ha completat encara.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Watch-only:</source> <translation>Només lectura:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Available:</source> <translation>Disponible:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Your current spendable balance</source> <translation>El balanç que podeu gastar actualment</translation> </message> <message> <source>Pending:</source> <translation>Pendent:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance</source> <translation>Total de transaccions que encara han de confirmar-se i que encara no compten en el balanç que es pot gastar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Immature:</source> <translation>Immadur:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Mined balance that has not yet matured</source> <translation>Balanç minat que encara no ha madurat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Balances</source> <translation>Balances</translation> </message> <message> <source>Total:</source> <translation>Total:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Your current total balance</source> <translation>El balanç total actual</translation> </message> <message> <source>Your current balance in watch-only addresses</source> <translation>El vostre balanç actual en adreces de només lectura</translation> </message> <message> <source>Spendable:</source> <translation>Que es pot gastar:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Recent transactions</source> <translation>Transaccions recents</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unconfirmed transactions to watch-only addresses</source> <translation>Transaccions sense confirmar a adreces de només lectura</translation> </message> <message> <source>Mined balance in watch-only addresses that has not yet matured</source> <translation>Balanç minat en adreces de només lectura que encara no ha madurat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Current total balance in watch-only addresses</source> <translation>Balanç total actual en adreces de només lectura</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>PaymentServer</name> <message> <source>URI handling</source> <translation>Gestió d'URI</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid payment address %1</source> <translation>Adreça de pagament no vàlida %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request rejected</source> <translation>La sol·licitud de pagament s'ha rebutjat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request network doesn't match client network.</source> <translation>La xarxa de la sol·licitud de pagament no coincideix amb la xarxa del client.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request is not initialized.</source> <translation>La sol·licitud de pagament no està inicialitzada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Requested payment amount of %1 is too small (considered dust).</source> <translation>L'import de pagament sol·licitat %1 és massa petit (es considera polsim).</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request error</source> <translation>Error en la sol·licitud de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot start europecoin: click-to-pay handler</source> <translation>No es pot iniciar europecoin: gestor clica-per-pagar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request fetch URL is invalid: %1</source> <translation>L'URL de recuperació de la sol·licitud de pagament no és vàlida: %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>URI cannot be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.</source> <translation>L'URI no pot ser analitzat! Això pot ser a causa d'una adreça de Bitcoin no vàlida o per paràmetres URI amb mal format.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request file handling</source> <translation>Gestió de fitxers de les sol·licituds de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request file cannot be read! This can be caused by an invalid payment request file.</source> <translation>No es pot llegir el fitxer de la sol·licitud de pagament. Això pot ser causat per un fitxer de sol·licitud de pagament no vàlid.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request expired.</source> <translation>La sol·licitud de pagament ha vençut.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unverified payment requests to custom payment scripts are unsupported.</source> <translation>No s'accepten sol·licituds de pagament no verificades a scripts de pagament personalitzats.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid payment request.</source> <translation>Sol·licitud de pagament no vàlida.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Refund from %1</source> <translation>Reemborsament de %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request %1 is too large (%2 bytes, allowed %3 bytes).</source> <translation>La sol·licitud de pagament %1 és massa gran (%2 bytes, permès %3 bytes).</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request DoS protection</source> <translation>Protecció de DoS per a la sol·licitud de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error communicating with %1: %2</source> <translation>Error en comunicar amb %1: %2</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request cannot be parsed!</source> <translation>No es pot analitzar la sol·licitud de pagament!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bad response from server %1</source> <translation>Mala resposta del servidor %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment acknowledged</source> <translation>Pagament reconegut</translation> </message> <message> <source>Network request error</source> <translation>Error en la sol·licitud de xarxa</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>PeerTableModel</name> <message> <source>User Agent</source> <translation>Agent d'usuari</translation> </message> <message> <source>Node/Service</source> <translation>Node/Servei</translation> </message> <message> <source>Ping Time</source> <translation>Temps de ping</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>QObject</name> <message> <source>Amount</source> <translation>Import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1)</source> <translation>Introduïu una adreça de Bitcoin (p. ex. %1)</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 d</source> <translation>%1 d</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 h</source> <translation>%1 h</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 m</source> <translation>%1 m</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 s</source> <translation>%1 s</translation> </message> <message> <source>None</source> <translation>Cap</translation> </message> <message> <source>N/A</source> <translation>N/A</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 ms</source> <translation>%1 ms</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>QRImageWidget</name> <message> <source>&amp;Save Image...</source> <translation>De&amp;sa la imatge...</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Copy Image</source> <translation>&amp;Copia la imatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Save QR Code</source> <translation>Desa el codi QR</translation> </message> <message> <source>PNG Image (*.png)</source> <translation>Imatge PNG (*.png)</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>RPCConsole</name> <message> <source>Client name</source> <translation>Nom del client</translation> </message> <message> <source>N/A</source> <translation>N/A</translation> </message> <message> <source>Client version</source> <translation>Versió del client</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Information</source> <translation>&amp;Informació</translation> </message> <message> <source>Debug window</source> <translation>Finestra de depuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>General</source> <translation>General</translation> </message> <message> <source>Using OpenSSL version</source> <translation>Utilitzant OpenSSL versió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Using BerkeleyDB version</source> <translation>Utilitzant BerkeleyDB versió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Startup time</source> <translation>&amp;Temps d'inici</translation> </message> <message> <source>Network</source> <translation>Xarxa</translation> </message> <message> <source>Name</source> <translation>Nom</translation> </message> <message> <source>Number of connections</source> <translation>Nombre de connexions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Block chain</source> <translation>Cadena de blocs</translation> </message> <message> <source>Current number of blocks</source> <translation>Nombre de blocs actuals</translation> </message> <message> <source>Open the Bitcoin Core debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source> <translation>Obre el fitxer de registre de depuració del Bitcoin Core del directori de dades actual. Pot portar uns quants segons per a fitxers de registre grans.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received</source> <translation>Rebut</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sent</source> <translation>Enviat</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Peers</source> <translation>&amp;Iguals</translation> </message> <message> <source>Select a peer to view detailed information.</source> <translation>Seleccioneu un igual per mostrar informació detallada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Direction</source> <translation>Direcció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Version</source> <translation>Versió</translation> </message> <message> <source>User Agent</source> <translation>Agent d'usuari</translation> </message> <message> <source>Services</source> <translation>Serveis</translation> </message> <message> <source>Starting Height</source> <translation>Alçada inicial</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sync Height</source> <translation>Sincronitza l'alçada</translation> </message> <message> <source>Ban Score</source> <translation>Puntuació de bandeig</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connection Time</source> <translation>Temps de connexió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Last Send</source> <translation>Darrer enviament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Last Receive</source> <translation>Darrera recepció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bytes Sent</source> <translation>Bytes enviats</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bytes Received</source> <translation>Bytes rebuts</translation> </message> <message> <source>Ping Time</source> <translation>Temps de ping</translation> </message> <message> <source>Time Offset</source> <translation>Diferència horària</translation> </message> <message> <source>Last block time</source> <translation>Últim temps de bloc</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Open</source> <translation>&amp;Obre</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Console</source> <translation>&amp;Consola</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Network Traffic</source> <translation>Trà&amp;nsit de la xarxa</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Clear</source> <translation>Nete&amp;ja</translation> </message> <message> <source>Totals</source> <translation>Totals</translation> </message> <message> <source>In:</source> <translation>Dins:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Out:</source> <translation>Fora:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Build date</source> <translation>Data de compilació</translation> </message> <message> <source>Debug log file</source> <translation>Fitxer de registre de depuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear console</source> <translation>Neteja la consola</translation> </message> <message> <source>Welcome to the Bitcoin Core RPC console.</source> <translation>Us donem la benviguda a la consola RPC del Bitcoin Core.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;/b&gt; to clear screen.</source> <translation>Utilitza les fletxes d'amunt i avall per navegar per l'historial, i &lt;b&gt;Ctrl-L&lt;\b&gt; per netejar la pantalla.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Type &lt;b&gt;help&lt;/b&gt; for an overview of available commands.</source> <translation>Escriviu &lt;b&gt;help&lt;\b&gt; per a obtenir un llistat de les ordres disponibles.</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 B</source> <translation>%1 B</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 KB</source> <translation>%1 KB</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 MB</source> <translation>%1 MB</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 GB</source> <translation>%1 GB</translation> </message> <message> <source>via %1</source> <translation>a través de %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>never</source> <translation>mai</translation> </message> <message> <source>Inbound</source> <translation>Entrant</translation> </message> <message> <source>Outbound</source> <translation>Sortint</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unknown</source> <translation>Desconegut</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fetching...</source> <translation>S'està obtenint...</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>ReceiveCoinsDialog</name> <message> <source>&amp;Amount:</source> <translation>Im&amp;port:</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Label:</source> <translation>&amp;Etiqueta:</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Message:</source> <translation>&amp;Missatge:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reuse one of the previously used receiving addresses. Reusing addresses has security and privacy issues. Do not use this unless re-generating a payment request made before.</source> <translation>Reutilitza una de les adreces de recepció utilitzades anteriorment. La reutilització d'adreces pot comportar problemes de seguretat i privadesa. No ho utilitzeu llevat que torneu a generar una sol·licitud de pagament feta abans.</translation> </message> <message> <source>R&amp;euse an existing receiving address (not recommended)</source> <translation>R&amp;eutilitza una adreça de recepció anterior (no recomanat)</translation> </message> <message> <source>An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network.</source> <translation>Un missatge opcional que s'adjuntarà a la sol·licitud de pagament, que es mostrarà quan s'obri la sol·licitud. Nota: El missatge no s'enviarà amb el pagament per la xarxa Bitcoin.</translation> </message> <message> <source>An optional label to associate with the new receiving address.</source> <translation>Una etiqueta opcional que s'associarà amb la nova adreça receptora.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use this form to request payments. All fields are &lt;b&gt;optional&lt;/b&gt;.</source> <translation>Utilitzeu aquest formulari per sol·licitar pagaments. Tots els camps són &lt;b&gt;opcionals&lt;/b&gt;.</translation> </message> <message> <source>An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount.</source> <translation>Un import opcional per sol·licitar. Deixeu-ho en blanc o zero per no sol·licitar cap import específic.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear all fields of the form.</source> <translation>Esborra tots els camps del formuari.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear</source> <translation>Neteja</translation> </message> <message> <source>Requested payments history</source> <translation>Historial de pagaments sol·licitats</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Request payment</source> <translation>&amp;Sol·licitud de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry)</source> <translation>Mostra la sol·licitud seleccionada (fa el mateix que el doble clic a una entrada)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show</source> <translation>Mostra</translation> </message> <message> <source>Remove the selected entries from the list</source> <translation>Esborra les entrades seleccionades de la llista</translation> </message> <message> <source>Remove</source> <translation>Esborra</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy label</source> <translation>Copia l'etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy message</source> <translation>Copia el missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy amount</source> <translation>Copia l'import</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>ReceiveRequestDialog</name> <message> <source>QR Code</source> <translation>Codi QR</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy &amp;URI</source> <translation>Copia l'&amp;URI</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy &amp;Address</source> <translation>Copia l'&amp;adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Save Image...</source> <translation>De&amp;sa la imatge...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Request payment to %1</source> <translation>Sol·licita un pagament a %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment information</source> <translation>Informació de pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>URI</source> <translation>URI</translation> </message> <message> <source>Address</source> <translation>Adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount</source> <translation>Import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Label</source> <translation>Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message</source> <translation>Missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message.</source> <translation>URI resultant massa llarga, intenta reduir el text per a la etiqueta / missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error encoding URI into QR Code.</source> <translation>Error en codificar l'URI en un codi QR.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>RecentRequestsTableModel</name> <message> <source>Date</source> <translation>Data</translation> </message> <message> <source>Label</source> <translation>Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message</source> <translation>Missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount</source> <translation>Import</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no label)</source> <translation>(sense etiqueta)</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no message)</source> <translation>(sense missatge)</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no amount)</source> <translation>(sense import)</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>SendCoinsDialog</name> <message> <source>Send Coins</source> <translation>Envia monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Coin Control Features</source> <translation>Característiques de control de les monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Inputs...</source> <translation>Entrades...</translation> </message> <message> <source>automatically selected</source> <translation>seleccionat automàticament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Insufficient funds!</source> <translation>Fons insuficients!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Quantity:</source> <translation>Quantitat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bytes:</source> <translation>Bytes:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount:</source> <translation>Import:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Priority:</source> <translation>Prioritat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fee:</source> <translation>Comissió:</translation> </message> <message> <source>After Fee:</source> <translation>Comissió posterior:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Change:</source> <translation>Canvi:</translation> </message> <message> <source>If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.</source> <translation>Si s'activa això, però l'adreça de canvi està buida o bé no és vàlida, el canvi s'enviarà a una adreça generada de nou.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Custom change address</source> <translation>Personalitza l'adreça de canvi</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction Fee:</source> <translation>Comissió de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose...</source> <translation>Tria...</translation> </message> <message> <source>collapse fee-settings</source> <translation>redueix els paràmetres de comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>per kilobyte</source> <translation>per kilobyte</translation> </message> <message> <source>If the custom fee is set to 1000 satoshis and the transaction is only 250 bytes, then "per kilobyte" only pays 250 satoshis in fee, while "total at least" pays 1000 satoshis. For transactions bigger than a kilobyte both pay by kilobyte.</source> <translation>Si la comissió personalitzada es defineix a 1000 satoshis i la transacció és de només 250 bytes, llavors «per kilobyte» només es paguen 250 satoshis en una comissió, mentre que amb la de «total com a mínim» es pagarien 1000 satoshis. Per a transaccions superiors al kilobyte, en tots dos casos es paga per kilobyte.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Hide</source> <translation>Amaga</translation> </message> <message> <source>total at least</source> <translation>total com a mínim</translation> </message> <message> <source>Paying only the minimum fee is just fine as long as there is less transaction volume than space in the blocks. But be aware that this can end up in a never confirming transaction once there is more demand for bitcoin transactions than the network can process.</source> <translation>No hi ha cap problema en pagar només la comissió mínima sempre que hi hagi menys volum de transacció que espai en els blocs. Però tingueu present que això pot acabar en una transacció que mai es confirmi una vegada hi hagi més demanda de transaccions de bitcoins que la xarxa pugui processar.</translation> </message> <message> <source>(read the tooltip)</source> <translation>(llegiu l'indicador de funció)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Recommended:</source> <translation>Recomanada:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Custom:</source> <translation>Personalitzada:</translation> </message> <message> <source>(Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...)</source> <translation>(No s'ha inicialitzat encara la comissió intel·ligent. Normalment pren uns pocs blocs...)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirmation time:</source> <translation>Temps de confirmació:</translation> </message> <message> <source>normal</source> <translation>normal</translation> </message> <message> <source>fast</source> <translation>ràpid</translation> </message> <message> <source>Send as zero-fee transaction if possible</source> <translation>Envia com a transacció de comissió zero si és possible</translation> </message> <message> <source>(confirmation may take longer)</source> <translation>(la confirmació pot trigar més temps)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Send to multiple recipients at once</source> <translation>Envia a múltiples destinataris al mateix temps</translation> </message> <message> <source>Add &amp;Recipient</source> <translation>Afegeix &amp;destinatari</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear all fields of the form.</source> <translation>Netejar tots els camps del formulari.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Dust:</source> <translation>Polsim:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear &amp;All</source> <translation>Neteja-ho &amp;tot</translation> </message> <message> <source>Balance:</source> <translation>Balanç:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirm the send action</source> <translation>Confirma l'acció d'enviament</translation> </message> <message> <source>S&amp;end</source> <translation>E&amp;nvia</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirm send coins</source> <translation>Confirma l'enviament de monedes</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 to %2</source> <translation>%1 a %2</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy quantity</source> <translation>Copia la quantitat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy amount</source> <translation>Copia l'import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy fee</source> <translation>Copia la comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy after fee</source> <translation>Copia la comissió posterior</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy bytes</source> <translation>Copia els bytes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy priority</source> <translation>Copia la prioritat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy change</source> <translation>Copia el canvi</translation> </message> <message> <source>or</source> <translation>o</translation> </message> <message> <source>The amount to pay must be larger than 0.</source> <translation>L'import a pagar ha de ser major que 0.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The amount exceeds your balance.</source> <translation>L'import supera el vostre balanç.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.</source> <translation>El total excedeix el teu balanç quan s'afegeix la comissió a la transacció %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction creation failed!</source> <translation>Ha fallat la creació de la transacció!</translation> </message> <message> <source>The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.</source> <translation>S'ha rebutjat la transacció! Això pot passar si alguna de les monedes del vostre moneder ja s'han gastat; per exemple, si heu fet servir una còpia de seguretat del fitxer wallet.dat i s'haguessin gastat monedes de la còpia però sense marcar-les-hi com a gastades.</translation> </message> <message> <source>A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee.</source> <translation>Una comissió superior a %1 es considera una comissió absurdament alta.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment request expired.</source> <translation>La sol·licitud de pagament ha vençut.</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).</source> <translation><numerusform>Estimat per començar la confirmació en %n bloc.</numerusform><numerusform>Estimat per començar la confirmació en %n blocs.</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>Pay only the minimum fee of %1</source> <translation>Paga només la comissió mínima de %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck.</source> <translation>L'adreça de destinatari no és vàlida. Torneu-la a comprovar.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Duplicate address found: addresses should only be used once each.</source> <translation>S'ha trobat una adreça duplicada: cal utilitzar les adreces només un cop cada vegada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address</source> <translation>Avís: adreça Bitcoin no vàlida</translation> </message> <message> <source>(no label)</source> <translation>(sense etiqueta)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: Unknown change address</source> <translation>Avís: adreça de canvi desconeguda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy dust</source> <translation>Copia el polsim</translation> </message> <message> <source>Are you sure you want to send?</source> <translation>Esteu segur que ho voleu enviar?</translation> </message> <message> <source>added as transaction fee</source> <translation>S'ha afegit una taxa de transacció</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>SendCoinsEntry</name> <message> <source>A&amp;mount:</source> <translation>Q&amp;uantitat:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Pay &amp;To:</source> <translation>Paga &amp;a:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book</source> <translation>Introduïu una etiqueta per a aquesta adreça per afegir-la a la llibreta d'adreces</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Label:</source> <translation>&amp;Etiqueta:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose previously used address</source> <translation>Escull una adreça feta servir anteriorment</translation> </message> <message> <source>This is a normal payment.</source> <translation>Això és un pagament normal.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The Bitcoin address to send the payment to</source> <translation>L'adreça Bitcoin on enviar el pagament</translation> </message> <message> <source>Alt+A</source> <translation>Alta+A</translation> </message> <message> <source>Paste address from clipboard</source> <translation>Enganxar adreça del porta-retalls</translation> </message> <message> <source>Alt+P</source> <translation>Alt+P</translation> </message> <message> <source>Remove this entry</source> <translation>Elimina aquesta entrada</translation> </message> <message> <source>The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field. If multiple recipients are selected, the fee is split equally.</source> <translation>La comissió es deduirà de l'import que s'enviarà. El destinatari rebrà menys bitcoins que les que introduïu al camp d'import. Si se seleccionen múltiples destinataris, la comissió es dividirà per igual.</translation> </message> <message> <source>S&amp;ubtract fee from amount</source> <translation>S&amp;ubstreu la comissió de l'import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message:</source> <translation>Missatge:</translation> </message> <message> <source>This is an unauthenticated payment request.</source> <translation>Aquesta és una sol·licitud de pagament no autenticada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>This is an authenticated payment request.</source> <translation>Aquesta és una sol·licitud de pagament autenticada.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses</source> <translation>Introduïu una etiqueta per a aquesta adreça per afegir-la a la llista d'adreces utilitzades</translation> </message> <message> <source>A message that was attached to the europecoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network.</source> <translation>Un missatge que s'ha adjuntat al europecoin: URI que s'emmagatzemarà amb la transacció per a la vostra referència. Nota: el missatge no s'enviarà a través de la xarxa Bitcoin.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Pay To:</source> <translation>Paga a:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Memo:</source> <translation>Memo:</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>ShutdownWindow</name> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core is shutting down...</source> <translation>S'està aturant el Bitcoin Core...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source> <translation>No apagueu l'ordinador fins que no desaparegui aquesta finestra.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>SignVerifyMessageDialog</name> <message> <source>Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message</source> <translation>Signatures - Signa / verifica un missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Sign Message</source> <translation>&amp;Signa el missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>You can sign messages/agreements with your addresses to prove you can receive bitcoins sent to them. Be careful not to sign anything vague or random, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to.</source> <translation>Podeu signar missatges/acords amb les vostres adreces per provar que rebeu les bitcoins que s'hi envien. Aneu amb compte no signar res que sigui vague o aleatori, perquè en alguns atacs de suplantació es pot provar que hi signeu la vostra identitat. Només signeu aquelles declaracions completament detallades en què hi esteu d'acord. </translation> </message> <message> <source>The Bitcoin address to sign the message with</source> <translation>L'adreça Bitcoin amb què signar el missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose previously used address</source> <translation>Tria les adreces fetes servir amb anterioritat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Alt+A</source> <translation>Alt+A</translation> </message> <message> <source>Paste address from clipboard</source> <translation>Enganxa l'adreça del porta-retalls</translation> </message> <message> <source>Alt+P</source> <translation>Alt+P</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter the message you want to sign here</source> <translation>Introduïu aquí el missatge que voleu signar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Signature</source> <translation>Signatura</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy the current signature to the system clipboard</source> <translation>Copia la signatura actual al porta-retalls del sistema</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address</source> <translation>Signa el missatge per provar que ets propietari d'aquesta adreça Bitcoin</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sign &amp;Message</source> <translation>Signa el &amp;missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reset all sign message fields</source> <translation>Neteja tots els camps de clau</translation> </message> <message> <source>Clear &amp;All</source> <translation>Neteja-ho &amp;tot</translation> </message> <message> <source>&amp;Verify Message</source> <translation>&amp;Verifica el missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter the receiver's address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. Note that this only proves the signing party receives with the address, it cannot prove sendership of any transaction!</source> <translation>Introduïu l'adreça del receptor, el missatge (assegureu-vos de copiar els salts de línia, espais, tabuladors, etc. exactament) i signatura de sota per verificar el missatge. Tingueu cura de no llegir més en la signatura del que està al missatge signat, per evitar ser enganyat per un atac d'home-en-el-mig. Tingueu en compte que això només demostra que la part que signa rep amb l'adreça, i no es pot provar l'enviament de qualsevol transacció!</translation> </message> <message> <source>The Bitcoin address the message was signed with</source> <translation>L'adreça Bitcoin amb què va ser signat el missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin address</source> <translation>Verificar el missatge per assegurar-se que ha estat signat amb una adreça Bitcoin específica</translation> </message> <message> <source>Verify &amp;Message</source> <translation>Verifica el &amp;missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reset all verify message fields</source> <translation>Neteja tots els camps de verificació de missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Click "Sign Message" to generate signature</source> <translation>Feu clic a «Signa el missatge» per a generar una signatura</translation> </message> <message> <source>The entered address is invalid.</source> <translation>L'adreça introduïda no és vàlida.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Please check the address and try again.</source> <translation>Comproveu l'adreça i torneu-ho a provar.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The entered address does not refer to a key.</source> <translation>L'adreça introduïda no referencia a cap clau.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet unlock was cancelled.</source> <translation>El desbloqueig del moneder ha estat cancelat.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Private key for the entered address is not available.</source> <translation>La clau privada per a la adreça introduïda no està disponible.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message signing failed.</source> <translation>La signatura del missatge ha fallat.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message signed.</source> <translation>Missatge signat.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The signature could not be decoded.</source> <translation>La signatura no s'ha pogut descodificar.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Please check the signature and try again.</source> <translation>Comproveu la signatura i torneu-ho a provar.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The signature did not match the message digest.</source> <translation>La signatura no coincideix amb el resum del missatge.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message verification failed.</source> <translation>Ha fallat la verificació del missatge.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message verified.</source> <translation>Missatge verificat.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>SplashScreen</name> <message> <source>Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>The Bitcoin Core developers</source> <translation>Els desenvolupadors del Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>[testnet]</source> <translation>[testnet]</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>TrafficGraphWidget</name> <message> <source>KB/s</source> <translation>KB/s</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>TransactionDesc</name> <message> <source>Open until %1</source> <translation>Obert fins %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>conflicted</source> <translation>en conflicte</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1/offline</source> <translation>%1/fora de línia</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1/unconfirmed</source> <translation>%1/sense confirmar</translation> </message> <message> <source>%1 confirmations</source> <translation>%1 confirmacions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Status</source> <translation>Estat</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>, broadcast through %n node(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>, difusió a través de %n node</numerusform><numerusform>, difusió a través de %n nodes</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>Date</source> <translation>Data</translation> </message> <message> <source>Source</source> <translation>Font</translation> </message> <message> <source>Generated</source> <translation>Generat</translation> </message> <message> <source>From</source> <translation>Des de</translation> </message> <message> <source>To</source> <translation>A</translation> </message> <message> <source>own address</source> <translation>Adreça pròpia</translation> </message> <message> <source>watch-only</source> <translation>només lectura</translation> </message> <message> <source>label</source> <translation>etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Credit</source> <translation>Crèdit</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>matures in %n more block(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>disponible en %n bloc més</numerusform><numerusform>disponibles en %n blocs més</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>not accepted</source> <translation>no acceptat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Debit</source> <translation>Dèbit</translation> </message> <message> <source>Total debit</source> <translation>Dèbit total</translation> </message> <message> <source>Total credit</source> <translation>Crèdit total</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction fee</source> <translation>Comissió de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Net amount</source> <translation>Import net</translation> </message> <message> <source>Message</source> <translation>Missatge</translation> </message> <message> <source>Comment</source> <translation>Comentar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction ID</source> <translation>ID de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Merchant</source> <translation>Mercader</translation> </message> <message> <source>Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.</source> <translation>Les monedes generades han de madurar %1 blocs abans de poder ser gastades. Quan genereu aquest bloc, es farà saber a la xarxa per tal d'afegir-lo a la cadena de blocs. Si no pot fer-se lloc a la cadena, el seu estat canviarà a «no acceptat» i no es podrà gastar. Això pot passar ocasionalment si un altre node genera un bloc en un marge de segons respecte al vostre.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Debug information</source> <translation>Informació de depuració</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction</source> <translation>Transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Inputs</source> <translation>Entrades</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount</source> <translation>Import</translation> </message> <message> <source>true</source> <translation>cert</translation> </message> <message> <source>false</source> <translation>fals</translation> </message> <message> <source>, has not been successfully broadcast yet</source> <translation>, encara no ha estat emès correctement</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>Open for %n more block(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>Obre per %n bloc més</numerusform><numerusform>Obre per %n blocs més</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>unknown</source> <translation>desconegut</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>TransactionDescDialog</name> <message> <source>Transaction details</source> <translation>Detall de la transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction</source> <translation>Aquest panell mostra una descripció detallada de la transacció</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>TransactionTableModel</name> <message> <source>Date</source> <translation>Data</translation> </message> <message> <source>Type</source> <translation>Tipus</translation> </message> <message> <source>Immature (%1 confirmations, will be available after %2)</source> <translation>Immadur (%1 confirmacions, serà disponible després de %2)</translation> </message> <message numerus="yes"> <source>Open for %n more block(s)</source> <translation><numerusform>Obre per %n bloc més</numerusform><numerusform>Obre per %n blocs més</numerusform></translation> </message> <message> <source>Open until %1</source> <translation>Obert fins %1</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirmed (%1 confirmations)</source> <translation>Confirmat (%1 confirmacions)</translation> </message> <message> <source>This block was not received by any other nodes and will probably not be accepted!</source> <translation>Aquest bloc no ha estat rebut per cap altre node i probablement no serà acceptat!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Generated but not accepted</source> <translation>Generat però no acceptat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Offline</source> <translation>Fora de línia</translation> </message> <message> <source>Label</source> <translation>Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unconfirmed</source> <translation>Sense confirmar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirming (%1 of %2 recommended confirmations)</source> <translation>Confirmant (%1 de %2 confirmacions recomanades)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Conflicted</source> <translation>En conflicte</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received with</source> <translation>Rebut amb</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received from</source> <translation>Rebut de</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sent to</source> <translation>Enviat a</translation> </message> <message> <source>Payment to yourself</source> <translation>Pagament a un mateix</translation> </message> <message> <source>Mined</source> <translation>Minat</translation> </message> <message> <source>watch-only</source> <translation>només lectura</translation> </message> <message> <source>(n/a)</source> <translation>(n/a)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations.</source> <translation>Estat de la transacció. Desplaceu-vos sobre aquest camp per mostrar el nombre de confirmacions.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Date and time that the transaction was received.</source> <translation>Data i hora en que la transacció va ser rebuda.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Type of transaction.</source> <translation>Tipus de transacció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Whether or not a watch-only address is involved in this transaction.</source> <translation>Si està implicada o no una adreça només de lectura en la transacció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>User-defined intent/purpose of the transaction.</source> <translation>Intenció/propòsit de la transacció definida per l'usuari.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Amount removed from or added to balance.</source> <translation>Import extret o afegit del balanç.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>TransactionView</name> <message> <source>All</source> <translation>Tot</translation> </message> <message> <source>Today</source> <translation>Avui</translation> </message> <message> <source>This week</source> <translation>Aquesta setmana</translation> </message> <message> <source>This month</source> <translation>Aquest mes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Last month</source> <translation>El mes passat</translation> </message> <message> <source>This year</source> <translation>Enguany</translation> </message> <message> <source>Range...</source> <translation>Rang...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Received with</source> <translation>Rebut amb</translation> </message> <message> <source>Sent to</source> <translation>Enviat a</translation> </message> <message> <source>To yourself</source> <translation>A un mateix</translation> </message> <message> <source>Mined</source> <translation>Minat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Other</source> <translation>Altres</translation> </message> <message> <source>Enter address or label to search</source> <translation>Introduïu una adreça o una etiqueta per cercar</translation> </message> <message> <source>Min amount</source> <translation>Import mínim</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy address</source> <translation>Copia l'adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy label</source> <translation>Copiar etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy amount</source> <translation>Copia l'import</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copy transaction ID</source> <translation>Copiar ID de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Edit label</source> <translation>Editar etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show transaction details</source> <translation>Mostra detalls de la transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Export Transaction History</source> <translation>Exporta l'historial de transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Watch-only</source> <translation>Només de lectura</translation> </message> <message> <source>Exporting Failed</source> <translation>L'exportació ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1.</source> <translation>S'ha produït un error en provar de desar l'historial de transacció a %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Exporting Successful</source> <translation>Exportació amb èxit</translation> </message> <message> <source>The transaction history was successfully saved to %1.</source> <translation>L'historial de transaccions s'ha desat correctament a %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Comma separated file (*.csv)</source> <translation>Fitxer separat per comes (*.csv)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Confirmed</source> <translation>Confirmat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Date</source> <translation>Data</translation> </message> <message> <source>Type</source> <translation>Tipus</translation> </message> <message> <source>Label</source> <translation>Etiqueta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Address</source> <translation>Adreça</translation> </message> <message> <source>ID</source> <translation>ID</translation> </message> <message> <source>Range:</source> <translation>Rang:</translation> </message> <message> <source>to</source> <translation>a</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>UnitDisplayStatusBarControl</name> <message> <source>Unit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit.</source> <translation>Unitat en què mostrar els imports. Feu clic per seleccionar una altra unitat.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>WalletFrame</name> <message> <source>No wallet has been loaded.</source> <translation>No s'ha carregat cap moneder.</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>WalletModel</name> <message> <source>Send Coins</source> <translation>Envia monedes</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>WalletView</name> <message> <source>&amp;Export</source> <translation>&amp;Exporta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source> <translation>Exporta les dades de la pestanya actual a un fitxer</translation> </message> <message> <source>Backup Wallet</source> <translation>Còpia de seguretat del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet Data (*.dat)</source> <translation>Dades del moneder (*.dat)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Backup Failed</source> <translation>Ha fallat la còpia de seguretat</translation> </message> <message> <source>There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1.</source> <translation>S'ha produït un error en provar de desar les dades del moneder a %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>The wallet data was successfully saved to %1.</source> <translation>S'han desat les dades del moneder correctament a %1.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Backup Successful</source> <translation>La còpia de seguretat s'ha realitzat correctament</translation> </message> </context> <context> <name>bitcoin-core</name> <message> <source>Options:</source> <translation>Opcions:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify data directory</source> <translation>Especifica el directori de dades</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect</source> <translation>Connecta al node per obtenir les adreces de les connexions, i desconnecta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify your own public address</source> <translation>Especifiqueu la vostra adreça pública</translation> </message> <message> <source>Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands</source> <translation>Accepta la línia d'ordres i ordres JSON-RPC </translation> </message> <message> <source>Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands</source> <translation>Executa en segon pla com a programa dimoni i accepta ordres</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use the test network</source> <translation>Utilitza la xarxa de prova</translation> </message> <message> <source>Accept connections from outside (default: 1 if no -proxy or -connect)</source> <translation>Accepta connexions de fora (per defecte: 1 si no -proxy o -connect)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6</source> <translation>Vincula a una adreça específica i sempre escolta-hi. Utilitza la notació [host]:port per IPv6</translation> </message> <message> <source>Delete all wallet transactions and only recover those parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup</source> <translation>Elimina totes les transaccions del moneder i només recupera aquelles de la cadena de blocs a través de -rescan a l'inici</translation> </message> <message> <source>Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or &lt;http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php&gt;.</source> <translation>Distribuït sota llicència de programari MIT. Vegeu el fitxer acompanyant COPYING o &lt;http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php&gt;.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source> <translation>Executa una ordre quan una transacció del moneder canviï (%s en cmd es canvia per TxID)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maximum total fees to use in a single wallet transaction; setting this too low may abort large transactions (default: %s)</source> <translation>Comissions totals màximes que s'utilitzaran en una única transacció de moneder; si s'estableix un valor massa baix es poden interrompre transaccions grans (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Reduce storage requirements by pruning (deleting) old blocks. This mode disables wallet support and is incompatible with -txindex. Warning: Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. (default: 0 = disable pruning blocks, &gt;%u = target size in MiB to use for block files)</source> <translation>Redueix els requeriments d'emmagatzemament podant (suprimint) els blocs antics. Aquest mode inhabilita l'ús de moneders i és incompatible amb -tindex. Avís: Revertir aquesta configuració comporta tornar a baixar la cadena de blocs sencera. (per defecte: 0 = inhabilita la poda de blocs, &gt;%u = mida objectiu en MiB per utilitzar els fitxers de blocs)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, &lt;0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix el nombre de fils de verificació d'scripts (%u a %d, 0 = auto, &lt;0 = deixa tants nuclis lliures, per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source> <translation>Aquesta és una versió de pre-llançament - utilitza-la sota la teva responsabilitat - No usar per a minería o aplicacions de compra-venda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source> <translation>No es pot enllaçar %s a aquest ordinador. El Bitcoin Core probablement ja estigui executant-s'hi.</translation> </message> <message> <source>WARNING: abnormally high number of blocks generated, %d blocks received in the last %d hours (%d expected)</source> <translation>AVÍS: s'ha generat un nombre anòmalament alt de blocs, %d blocs rebuts en les darreres %d hores (se n'esperaven %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>WARNING: check your network connection, %d blocks received in the last %d hours (%d expected)</source> <translation>AVÍS: comproveu la vostra connexió a la xarxa, %d blocs rebuts en les darreres %d hores (se n'esperaven %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: -paytxfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction.</source> <translation>Avís: el -paytxfee és molt elevat! Aquesta és la comissió de transacció que pagareu si envieu una transacció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.</source> <translation>Avís: la xarxa no sembla que hi estigui plenament d'acord. Alguns miners sembla que estan experimentant problemes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.</source> <translation>Avís: sembla que no estem plenament d'acord amb els nostres iguals! Podria caler que actualitzar l'aplicació, o potser que ho facin altres nodes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source> <translation>Avís: error en llegir el fitxer wallet.dat! Totes les claus es llegeixen correctament, però hi ha dades de transaccions o entrades de la llibreta d'adreces absents o bé son incorrectes.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged! Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup.</source> <translation>Avís: el fitxer wallet.dat és corrupte, dades rescatades! L'arxiu wallet.dat original ha estat desat com wallet.{estampa_temporal}.bak al directori %s; si el teu balanç o transaccions son incorrectes hauries de restaurar-lo de un backup.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Whitelist peers connecting from the given netmask or IP address. Can be specified multiple times.</source> <translation>Afegeix a la llista blanca els iguals que es connecten de la màscara de xarxa o adreça IP donada. Es pot especificar moltes vegades.</translation> </message> <message> <source>(default: 1)</source> <translation>(per defecte: 1)</translation> </message> <message> <source>&lt;category&gt; can be:</source> <translation>&lt;category&gt; pot ser:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.dat</source> <translation>Intenta recuperar les claus privades d'un fitxer wallet.dat corrupte</translation> </message> <message> <source>Block creation options:</source> <translation>Opcions de la creació de blocs:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source> <translation>Connecta només al(s) node(s) especificats</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connection options:</source> <translation>Opcions de connexió:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Corrupted block database detected</source> <translation>S'ha detectat una base de dades de blocs corrupta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Debugging/Testing options:</source> <translation>Opcions de depuració/proves:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls</source> <translation>No carreguis el moneder i inhabilita les crides RPC del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Do you want to rebuild the block database now?</source> <translation>Voleu reconstruir la base de dades de blocs ara?</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error initializing block database</source> <translation>Error carregant la base de dades de blocs</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error initializing wallet database environment %s!</source> <translation>Error inicialitzant l'entorn de la base de dades del moneder %s!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error loading block database</source> <translation>Error carregant la base de dades del bloc</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error opening block database</source> <translation>Error en obrir la base de dades de blocs</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Disk space is low!</source> <translation>Error: Espai al disc baix!</translation> </message> <message> <source>Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.</source> <translation>Ha fallat escoltar a qualsevol port. Feu servir -listen=0 si voleu fer això.</translation> </message> <message> <source>If &lt;category&gt; is not supplied, output all debugging information.</source> <translation>Si no se subministra &lt;category&gt;, mostra tota la informació de depuració.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Importing...</source> <translation>S'està important...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source> <translation>No s'ha trobat el bloc de gènesi o és incorrecte. El directori de dades de la xarxa és incorrecte?</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid -onion address: '%s'</source> <translation>Adreça -onion no vàlida: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source> <translation>No hi ha suficient descriptors de fitxers disponibles.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Only connect to nodes in network &lt;net&gt; (ipv4, ipv6 or onion)</source> <translation>Només connecta als nodes de la xarxa &lt;net&gt; (ipv4, ipv6 o onion)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Prune cannot be configured with a negative value.</source> <translation>La poda no es pot configurar amb un valor negatiu.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex.</source> <translation>El mode de poda és incompatible amb -txindex.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix la mida de la memòria cau de la base de dades en megabytes (%d a %d, per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix la mida màxim del bloc en bytes (per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify wallet file (within data directory)</source> <translation>Especifica un fitxer de moneder (dins del directori de dades)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: %u)</source> <translation>Utilitza UPnP per a mapejar el port d'escolta (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Verifying blocks...</source> <translation>S'estan verificant els blocs...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Verifying wallet...</source> <translation>S'està verificant el moneder...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s</source> <translation>El moneder %s resideix fora del directori de dades %s</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet options:</source> <translation>Opcions de moneder:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: This version is obsolete; upgrade required!</source> <translation>Avís: aquesta versió és obsoleta; cal actualitzar-la!</translation> </message> <message> <source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindex</source> <translation>Cal que reconstruïu la base de dades fent servir -reindex per canviar -txindex</translation> </message> <message> <source>Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file</source> <translation>Importa blocs de un fitxer blk000??.dat extern</translation> </message> <message> <source>Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified source. Valid for &lt;ip&gt; are a single IP (e.g., a network/netmask (e.g. or a network/CIDR (e.g. This option can be specified multiple times</source> <translation>Permet les connexions JSON-RPC d'una font específica. Vàlid per a &lt;ip&gt; són una IP individual (p. ex.,, una xarxa / màscara de xarxa (p. ex., o una xarxa/CIDR (p. ex., Es pot especificar aquesta opció moltes vegades</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bind to given address and whitelist peers connecting to it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6</source> <translation>Vincula l'adreça donada i posa a la llista blanca els iguals que s'hi connectin. Feu servir la notació [host]:port per a IPv6</translation> </message> <message> <source>Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. This option can be specified multiple times (default: bind to all interfaces)</source> <translation>Vincula a l'adreça donada per a escoltar les connexions JSON-RPC. Feu servir la notació [host]:port per a IPv6. Aquesta opció pot ser especificada moltes vegades (per defecte: vincula a totes les interfícies)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.</source> <translation>No es pot obtenir un bloqueig del directori de dades %s. El Bitcoin Core probablement ja s'estigui executant.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Create new files with system default permissions, instead of umask 077 (only effective with disabled wallet functionality)</source> <translation>Crea fitxers nous amb els permisos per defecte del sistema, en comptes de l'umask 077 (només efectiu amb la funcionalitat de moneder inhabilitada)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Discover own IP addresses (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip or -proxy)</source> <translation>Descobreix l'adreça IP pròpia (per defecte: 1 quan s'escolta i no -externalip o -proxy)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)</source> <translation>Error: ha fallat escoltar les connexions entrants (l'escoltament ha retornat l'error %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Unsupported argument -socks found. Setting SOCKS version isn't possible anymore, only SOCKS5 proxies are supported.</source> <translation>Error: s'ha trobat un argument no permès de -socks. Ja no es pot definir més la versió de SOCKS, només s'accepten els proxies de SOCKS5.ç</translation> </message> <message> <source>Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)</source> <translation>Executa l'ordre quan es rebi un avís rellevant o veiem una forquilla molt llarga (%s en cmd és reemplaçat per un missatge)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fees (in BTC/Kb) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying (default: %s)</source> <translation>Comissions (en BTC/Kb) inferiors a això es consideren de comissió zero per a la transmissió (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>If paytxfee is not set, include enough fee so transactions begin confirmation on average within n blocks (default: %u)</source> <translation>Si no s'especifica una paytxfee (comissió de transacció de pagament), inclogueu suficient comissió per tal que les transaccions comencin a confirmar-se en una mitja de n blocs (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (must be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent stuck transactions)</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (cal que sigui com a mínim la comissió de minrelay de %s per evitar que les comissions s'encallin)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maximum size of data in data carrier transactions we relay and mine (default: %u)</source> <translation>Mida màxima de les dades en les transaccions de l'operador en què confiem i en les meves (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Prune configured below the minimum of %d MB. Please use a higher number.</source> <translation>Poda configurada per sota el mínim de %d MB. Feu servir un nombre superior.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Query for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: 1 unless -connect)</source> <translation>Consulta a adreces d'iguals a través de DNS, si es troba baix en adreces (per defecte: 1 a menys que -connect)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Randomize credentials for every proxy connection. This enables Tor stream isolation (default: %u)</source> <translation>Genera a l'atzar credencials per a cada connexió proxy. Això habilita l'aïllament del flux de Tor (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set maximum size of high-priority/low-fee transactions in bytes (default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix la mida màxima de transaccions d'alta prioritat / baixa comissió en bytes (per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set the number of threads for coin generation if enabled (-1 = all cores, default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix el nombre de fils per a la generació de moneda si està habilitat (-1 = tots els nuclis, per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>The transaction amount is too small to send after the fee has been deducted</source> <translation>L'import de la transacció és massa petit per enviar-la després que se'n dedueixi la comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit &lt;https://www.openssl.org/&gt; and cryptographic software written by Eric Young and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.</source> <translation>Aquest producte inclou programari desenvolupat pel projecte OpenSSL per a ús a l'OpenSSL Toolkit &lt;https://www.openssl.org/&gt; i programari criptogràfic escrit per Eric Young i programari UPnP escrit per Thomas Bernard.</translation> </message> <message> <source>To use bitcoind, or the -server option to bitcoin-qt, you must set an rpcpassword in the configuration file: %s It is recommended you use the following random password: rpcuser=bitcoinrpc rpcpassword=%s (you do not need to remember this password) The username and password MUST NOT be the same. If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems; for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s "Bitcoin Alert" admin@foo.com </source> <translation>Per utilitzar bitcoind, o l'opció de serviddor de bitcoin-qt, heu de definir una rpcpassword en el fitxer de configuració: %s Es recomana que utilitzeu la contrasenya aleatòria següent: rpcuser=bitcoinrpc rpcpassword=%s (no cal que recordeu la contrasenya) El nom d'usuari i la contrasenya NO han de ser els mateixos. Si el fitxer no existeix, creeu-ne un amb permisos de lectura només per al seu propietari. Es recomana definir alertnotify per tal de ser notificat de qualsevol problema; per exemple: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s "Avís de Bitcoin" admin@foo.com</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: -maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could be paid on a single transaction.</source> <translation>Avís: s'ha especificat un -maxtxfee molt alt! Comissions tan grans podrien pagar-se en una única transacció.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Bitcoin Core will not work properly.</source> <translation>Avís: comproveu que la data i hora del vostre ordinador siguin correctes! Si el vostre rellotge no és correcte, el Bitcoin Core no funcionarà correctament.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Whitelisted peers cannot be DoS banned and their transactions are always relayed, even if they are already in the mempool, useful e.g. for a gateway</source> <translation>Els iguals en la llista blanca no poden ser bandejats per DoS i es transmetran sempre llurs transaccions, fins i tot si ja són a la mempool. Això és útil, p. ex., per a una passarel·la</translation> </message> <message> <source>You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain</source> <translation>Cal que torneu a construir la base de dades fent servir -reindex per tornar al mode no podat. Això tornarà a baixar la cadena de blocs sencera</translation> </message> <message> <source>(default: %u)</source> <translation>(per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Accept public REST requests (default: %u)</source> <translation>Accepta sol·licituds REST públiques (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Activating best chain...</source> <translation>S'està activant la millor cadena...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Can't run with a wallet in prune mode.</source> <translation>No es pot executar amb un moneder en mode poda.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot resolve -whitebind address: '%s'</source> <translation>No es pot resoldre l'adreça -whitebind: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Choose data directory on startup (default: 0)</source> <translation>Tria el directori de dades a l'inici (per defecte: 0)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Connect through SOCKS5 proxy</source> <translation>Connecta a través del proxy SOCKS5</translation> </message> <message> <source>Copyright (C) 2009-%i The Bitcoin Core Developers</source> <translation>Copyright (C) 2009-%i Els desenvolupadors del Bitcoin Core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Could not parse -rpcbind value %s as network address</source> <translation>No s'ha pogut analitzar el valor -rpcbind %s com una adreça de xarxa</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of Bitcoin Core</source> <translation>Error en carregar wallet.dat: el moneder requereix una versió més nova del Bitcoin core</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error reading from database, shutting down.</source> <translation>Error en llegir la base de dades, tancant.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error: Unsupported argument -tor found, use -onion.</source> <translation>Error: s'ha trobat un argument -tor no acceptat. Feu servir -onion.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Fee (in BTC/kB) to add to transactions you send (default: %s)</source> <translation>Comissió en (BTC/kB) per afegir a les transaccions que envieu (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Information</source> <translation>&amp;Informació</translation> </message> <message> <source>Initialization sanity check failed. Bitcoin Core is shutting down.</source> <translation>Ha fallat la inicialització de la comprovació de validesa. El Bitcoin Core s'està aturant.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -maxtxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -minrelaytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -mintxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -mintxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s' (must be at least %s)</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: «%s» (ha de ser com a mínim %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid netmask specified in -whitelist: '%s'</source> <translation>S'ha especificat una màscara de xarxa no vàlida a -whitelist: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Keep at most &lt;n&gt; unconnectable transactions in memory (default: %u)</source> <translation>Manté com a màxim &lt;n&gt; transaccions no connectables en memòria (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Need to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s'</source> <translation>Cal especificar un port amb -whitebind: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Node relay options:</source> <translation>Opcions de transmissió del node:</translation> </message> <message> <source>RPC SSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)</source> <translation>Opcions RPC SSL: (veieu el wiki del Bitcoin per a instruccions de configuració de l'SSL)</translation> </message> <message> <source>RPC server options:</source> <translation>Opcions del servidor RPC:</translation> </message> <message> <source>RPC support for HTTP persistent connections (default: %d)</source> <translation>Suport RPC per a connexions HTTP persistents (per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files on startup</source> <translation>Reconstrueix l'índex de la cadena de blocs dels fitxers blk000??.dat actuals a l'inici.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Receive and display P2P network alerts (default: %u)</source> <translation>Rep i mostra avisos de la xarxa P2P (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file</source> <translation>Envia informació de traça/depuració a la consola en comptes del fitxer debug.log</translation> </message> <message> <source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source> <translation>Envia les transaccions com a transaccions de comissió zero sempre que sigui possible (per defecte: %u) </translation> </message> <message> <source>Set SSL root certificates for payment request (default: -system-)</source> <translation>Defineix certificats arrel SSL per a la sol·licitud de pagament (per defecte: -sistema-)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set language, for example "de_DE" (default: system locale)</source> <translation>Defineix un idioma, per exemple «de_DE» (per defecte: preferències locals de sistema)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source> <translation>Mostra totes les opcions de depuració (ús: --help --help-debug)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Show splash screen on startup (default: 1)</source> <translation>Mostra la finestra de benvinguda a l'inici (per defecte: 1)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)</source> <translation>Redueix el fitxer debug.log durant l'inici del client (per defecte: 1 quan no -debug)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Signing transaction failed</source> <translation>Ha fallat la signatura de la transacció</translation> </message> <message> <source>Start minimized</source> <translation>Inicia minimitzat</translation> </message> <message> <source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source> <translation>L'import de la transacció és massa petit per pagar-ne una comissió</translation> </message> <message> <source>This is experimental software.</source> <translation>Això és programari experimental.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction amount too small</source> <translation>Import de la transacció massa petit</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction amounts must be positive</source> <translation>Els imports de les transaccions han de ser positius</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction too large for fee policy</source> <translation>Transacció massa gran per a la política de comissions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Transaction too large</source> <translation>La transacció és massa gran</translation> </message> <message> <source>UI Options:</source> <translation>Opcions d'interfície:</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s)</source> <translation>No s'ha pogut vincular a %s en aquest ordinador (la vinculació ha retornat l'error %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening)</source> <translation>Utilitza UPnP per a mapejar els ports d'escolta (per defecte: 1 quan s'escolta)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Username for JSON-RPC connections</source> <translation>Nom d'usuari per a connexions JSON-RPC</translation> </message> <message> <source>Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart Bitcoin Core to complete</source> <translation>Cal reescriure el moneder: reiniceu el Bitcoin Core per completar-ho.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning</source> <translation>Avís</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: Unsupported argument -benchmark ignored, use -debug=bench.</source> <translation>Avís: s'ha ignorat l'argument no acceptat de -benchmark. Feu servir -debug=bench.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Warning: Unsupported argument -debugnet ignored, use -debug=net.</source> <translation>Avís: s'ha ignorat l'argument no acceptat de -debugnet. Feu servir -debug=net.</translation> </message> <message> <source>Zapping all transactions from wallet...</source> <translation>Se suprimeixen totes les transaccions del moneder...</translation> </message> <message> <source>on startup</source> <translation>a l'inici de l'aplicació</translation> </message> <message> <source>wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failed</source> <translation>El fitxer wallet.data és corrupte. El rescat de les dades ha fallat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Password for JSON-RPC connections</source> <translation>Contrasenya per a connexions JSON-RPC</translation> </message> <message> <source>Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)</source> <translation>Executa l'ordre quan el millor bloc canviï (%s en cmd es reemplaça per un resum de bloc)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Upgrade wallet to latest format</source> <translation>Actualitza el moneder a l'últim format</translation> </message> <message> <source>Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions</source> <translation>Reescaneja la cadena de blocs en les transaccions de moneder perdudes</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connections</source> <translation>Utilitza OpenSSL (https) per a connexions JSON-RPC</translation> </message> <message> <source>This help message</source> <translation>Aquest misatge d'ajuda</translation> </message> <message> <source>Allow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connect</source> <translation>Permet consultes DNS per a -addnode, -seednode i -connect</translation> </message> <message> <source>Loading addresses...</source> <translation>S'estan carregant les adreces...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corrupted</source> <translation>Error en carregar wallet.dat: Moneder corrupte</translation> </message> <message> <source>(1 = keep tx meta data e.g. account owner and payment request information, 2 = drop tx meta data)</source> <translation>(1 = manté les metadades de les tx, p. ex., propietari del compte i informació de sol·licitud del pagament, 2 = prescindeix de les metadades de les tx)</translation> </message> <message> <source>How thorough the block verification of -checkblocks is (0-4, default: %u)</source> <translation>Com d'exhaustiva és la verificació de blocs del -checkblocks (0-4, per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc call (default: %u)</source> <translation>Manté un índex complet de transaccions, utilitzat per la crida rpc getrawtransaction (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: %u)</source> <translation>Nombre de segons necessaris perquè els iguals de comportament qüestionable puguin tornar a connectar-se (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Output debugging information (default: %u, supplying &lt;category&gt; is optional)</source> <translation>Informació de sortida de la depuració (per defecte: %u, proporcionar &lt;category&gt; és opcional)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services (default: %s)</source> <translation>Utilitza un proxy SOCKS4 apart per a arribar als iguals a través de serveis ocults de Tor (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>(default: %s)</source> <translation>(per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Acceptable ciphers (default: %s)</source> <translation>Xifrats acceptables (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Always query for peer addresses via DNS lookup (default: %u)</source> <translation>Demana sempre les adreces dels iguals a través de consultes DNS (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error loading wallet.dat</source> <translation>Error en carregar wallet.dat</translation> </message> <message> <source>Generate coins (default: %u)</source> <translation>Genera monedes (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>How many blocks to check at startup (default: %u, 0 = all)</source> <translation>Quants blocs per comprovar a l'inici (per defecte: %u, 0 = tots)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Include IP addresses in debug output (default: %u)</source> <translation>Inclou l'adreça IP a la sortida de depuració (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid -proxy address: '%s'</source> <translation>Adreça -proxy invalida: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Listen for JSON-RPC connections on &lt;port&gt; (default: %u or testnet: %u)</source> <translation>Escolta les connexions JSON-RPC en &lt;port&gt; (per defecte: %u o testnet: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Listen for connections on &lt;port&gt; (default: %u or testnet: %u)</source> <translation>Escolta les connexions en &lt;port&gt; (per defecte: %u o testnet: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maintain at most &lt;n&gt; connections to peers (default: %u)</source> <translation>Manté com a màxim &lt;n&gt; connexions a iguals (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Make the wallet broadcast transactions</source> <translation>Fes que el moneder faci difusió de les transaccions</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maximum per-connection receive buffer, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (default: %u)</source> <translation>Memòria intermèdia màxima de recepció per connexió, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Maximum per-connection send buffer, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (default: %u)</source> <translation>Memòria intermèdia màxima d'enviament per connexió, &lt;n&gt;*1000 bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Prepend debug output with timestamp (default: %u)</source> <translation>Posa davant de la sortida de depuració una marca horària (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Relay and mine data carrier transactions (default: %u)</source> <translation>Retransmet i mina les transaccions de l'operador (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Relay non-P2SH multisig (default: %u)</source> <translation>Retransmet multisig no P2SH (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Server certificate file (default: %s)</source> <translation>Fitxer de certificat del servidor (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Server private key (default: %s)</source> <translation>Clau privada del servidor (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set key pool size to &lt;n&gt; (default: %u)</source> <translation>Defineix la mida clau disponible a &lt;n&gt; (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source> <translation>Defineix la mida de bloc mínima en bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source> <translation>Defineix el nombre de fils a crides de servei RPC (per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify configuration file (default: %s)</source> <translation>Especifica el fitxer de configuració (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (minimum: 1, default: %d)</source> <translation>Especifica el temps d'espera de la connexió en milisegons (mínim: 1, per defecte: %d)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Specify pid file (default: %s)</source> <translation>Especifica el fitxer pid (per defecte: %s)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Spend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: %u)</source> <translation>Gasta el canvi no confirmat en enviar les transaccions (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: %u)</source> <translation>Llindar per a desconnectar els iguals de comportament qüestionable (per defecte: %u)</translation> </message> <message> <source>Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'</source> <translation>Xarxa desconeguda especificada a -onlynet: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot resolve -bind address: '%s'</source> <translation>No es pot resoldre l'adreça -bind: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot resolve -externalip address: '%s'</source> <translation>No es pot resoldre l'adreça -externalip: '%s'</translation> </message> <message> <source>Invalid amount for -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: '%s'</source> <translation>Import no vàlid per a -paytxfee=&lt;amount&gt;: «%s»</translation> </message> <message> <source>Insufficient funds</source> <translation>Balanç insuficient</translation> </message> <message> <source>Loading block index...</source> <translation>S'està carregant l'índex de blocs...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open</source> <translation>Afegeix un node per a connectar-s'hi i intenta mantenir-hi la connexió oberta</translation> </message> <message> <source>Loading wallet...</source> <translation>S'està carregant el moneder...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot downgrade wallet</source> <translation>No es pot reduir la versió del moneder</translation> </message> <message> <source>Cannot write default address</source> <translation>No es pot escriure l'adreça per defecte</translation> </message> <message> <source>Rescanning...</source> <translation>S'està reescanejant...</translation> </message> <message> <source>Done loading</source> <translation>Ha acabat la càrrega</translation> </message> <message> <source>Error</source> <translation>Error</translation> </message> </context> </TS>
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import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular'; import { CoreLoginSiteErrorPage } from './site-error'; import { TranslateModule } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { CoreDirectivesModule } from '@directives/directives.module'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ CoreLoginSiteErrorPage ], imports: [ CoreDirectivesModule, IonicPageModule.forChild(CoreLoginSiteErrorPage), TranslateModule.forChild() ] }) export class CoreLoginSiteErrorPageModule {}
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