What kind of animal is on the right of the food?
[ "cat" ]
[ "food" ]
[ "cat" ]
[ [ "ears", "to the right of", "eyes" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "nose" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "food", "near", "cat" ], [ "food", "to the left of", "eyes" ], [ "food", "in front of", "cat" ], [ "cat", "looking at", "food" ], [ "cat", "behind", "food" ], [ "cat", "near", "food" ], [ "cat", "sniffing", "food" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "thumb" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "cat", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "nose", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "nose", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "eyes" ], [ "eyes", "to the right of", "food" ], [ "eyes", "to the left of", "ears" ], [ "eyes", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "eyes", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "nose" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "eyes" ], [ "hand", "feeding", "cat" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "cat" ], [ "thumb", "to the left of", "cat" ] ]
Who is wearing a shirt?
[ "people" ]
[ "shirt" ]
[ "people" ]
[ [ "blanket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "blanket", "on the back of", "elephant" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "man", "holding", "umbrella" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "stairs", "to the left of", "palm tree" ], [ "stairs", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "stairs", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "stairs", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "flower", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "seat" ], [ "man", "wearing", "vest" ], [ "umbrella", "to the left of", "roof" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "bush", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "blanket", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "blanket", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "stairs" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "bush" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "seat" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "seat", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "seat", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "seat", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "roof", "to the right of", "umbrella" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "stairs" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "trunk", "on", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "palm tree" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "elephant" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "elephant", "to the right of", "stairs" ], [ "elephant", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "seat" ], [ "people", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "people", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "blanket" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "elephant" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "flower" ], [ "palm tree", "to the right of", "stairs" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "blanket" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "palm tree", "to the left of", "elephant" ] ]
What device do you think is lying on top of the desk?
[ "ipod" ]
[ "desk" ]
[ "ipod" ]
[ [ "ipod", "near", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "near", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "lying on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "lying on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "next to", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "papers", "to the left of", "desktop computer" ], [ "papers", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "touchpad", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "man", "wearing", "ring" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "desktop computer" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "tissue box", "on top of", "papers" ], [ "tissue box", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "tissue box", "to the left of", "desktop computer" ], [ "ring", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ring", "around", "finger" ], [ "ring", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ring", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ring", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "box", "near", "box" ], [ "box", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "desktop computer" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "box", "next to", "box" ], [ "mouse pad", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "mouse pad", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "mouse pad", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "box", "near", "box" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "desktop computer" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "computer monitor" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "plugged into", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "ipod", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ring" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "computer mouse" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "mouse pad" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ring" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "mouse pad" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ring" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "finger" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "computer mouse" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "keyboard", "near", "computer monitor" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "next to", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "lying on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "lying on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "computer monitor" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "desktop computer" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "computer mouse" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "finger" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "laptop", "near", "desktop computer" ], [ "laptop", "next to", "desktop computer" ], [ "laptop", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ipod" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "mouse pad" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "ring" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "computer monitor", "next to", "keyboard" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "tissue box" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "computer monitor", "to the right of", "papers" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "desktop computer", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the right of", "tissue box" ], [ "desktop computer", "near", "laptop" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the right of", "papers" ], [ "desktop computer", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "computer mouse", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "computer mouse", "on top of", "mouse pad" ], [ "computer mouse", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "computer mouse", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "finger", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "finger", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "ipod" ], [ "hand", "on top of", "computer mouse" ], [ "ipod", "lying on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "on top of", "desk" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "touchpad" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ipod", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ipod", "to the left of", "ipod" ] ]
What is the cap on?
[ "bed" ]
[ "cap" ]
[ "bed" ]
[ [ "head", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "cap", "on", "bed" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "eye" ] ]
What does the man sit on?
[ "toilet" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "toilet" ]
[ [ "arm", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "socks", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "socks", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "socks", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "socks", "to the left of", "heart" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "heart" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "rug", "on", "floor" ], [ "picture", "on", "wall" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "picture", "on", "wall" ], [ "frame", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "frame", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "socks" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "toilet" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "toilet", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "toilet", "to the left of", "heart" ], [ "trash can", "on", "floor" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "trash can", "to the right of", "socks" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "sitting on", "toilet" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "man", "wearing", "socks" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "heart" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "bag" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "trash can" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "frame" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "socks" ], [ "bag", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "flower", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "flower" ], [ "heart", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "heart", "to the right of", "socks" ], [ "heart", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "heart", "to the right of", "toilet" ], [ "statue", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "statue" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "frame" ] ]
Which kind of animal is it?
[ "cat" ]
[ "cat" ]
[ [ "lid", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "cat" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "fur" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "fur", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "ear", "of", "cat" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "cat", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "ear" ] ]
What kind of cooking utensil is to the left of the woman that is wearing a shirt?
[ "pan" ]
[ "woman", "shirt" ]
[ "pan" ]
[ [ "cooking utensils", "below", "counter" ], [ "cooking utensils", "under", "counter" ], [ "cooking utensils", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "cooking utensils", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "cooking utensils", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "cooking utensils", "to the left of", "spoon" ], [ "utensils", "below", "counter" ], [ "utensils", "under", "counter" ], [ "utensils", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "utensils", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "utensils", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "utensils", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "utensils", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "counter", "above", "utensils" ], [ "counter", "above", "cooking utensils" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "vest" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "doorway" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "basket", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "basket", "on", "counter" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "vest", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "vest", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "doorway", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "doorway", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "doorway", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "vest" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "turkey" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "pan" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "turkey" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pan" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "doorway" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "utensils" ], [ "stove", "in", "kitchen" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "spoon" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "utensils" ], [ "spoon", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "spoon", "to the right of", "cooking utensils" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "utensils" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "cooking utensils" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "utensils" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "cooking utensils" ], [ "turkey", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "turkey", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "turkey", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "vest" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "basket" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "stove", "to the left of", "turkey" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "stove", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pan", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "stove" ], [ "pan", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pan", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "cooking utensils" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "stove" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "doorway" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pan" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "utensils" ] ]
What is the little girl sitting on?
[ "hay" ]
[ "girl" ]
[ "hay" ]
[ [ "girl", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "sitting on", "hay" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "bandana" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "bandana" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "horses" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "cart" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "hay" ], [ "lady", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "bandana", "to the right of", "bandana" ], [ "bandana", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "horses", "to the left of", "hay" ], [ "horses", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "horses", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "horses", "pulling", "cart" ], [ "horses", "in front of", "person" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "cart" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dog", "walking behind", "cart" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "bandana", "to the left of", "bandana" ], [ "bandana", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "girl", "sitting on", "hay" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "bandana" ], [ "hay", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "hay", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "hay", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "hay", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "hay", "to the right of", "horses" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "horses" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "mane" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "hay" ], [ "person", "behind", "horses" ], [ "person", "on", "grass" ], [ "mane", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "hay" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "hay" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "horse", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "horse" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "cart", "to the left of", "lady" ], [ "cart", "pulled by", "horses" ], [ "cart", "to the left of", "ground" ] ]
What kind of baked good is in the box?
[ "donut" ]
[ "box" ]
[ "donut" ]
[ [ "cap", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "in", "box" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "holding", "box" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "in", "box" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "donut", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "donut", "in", "box" ] ]
What are the large lamps hanging from?
[ "roof" ]
[ "lamp", "lamps" ]
[ "roof" ]
[ [ "statue", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "statue", "to the left of", "pumpkin" ], [ "statue", "on", "porch" ], [ "lamp", "on", "restaurant" ], [ "lamp", "hanging from", "roof" ], [ "lamp", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "lamp", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "porch" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "lamp" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "pumpkins" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "sidewalk", "in front of", "restaurant" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "restaurant", "below", "roof" ], [ "porch", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "porch", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "traffic lights" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pumpkins", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pumpkins", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "sign", "on", "pole" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "traffic lights" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "pumpkins" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "porch" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "lamp" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "traffic lights", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "traffic lights", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "traffic lights", "to the right of", "roof" ], [ "pumpkin", "to the right of", "statue" ], [ "lamps", "hanging from", "roof" ], [ "lamps", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "traffic lights" ], [ "roof", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "roof", "of", "restaurant" ], [ "restaurant", "of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "lamps" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "statue" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "windows" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "windows", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ] ]
Who is holding the jacket?
[ "man" ]
[ "jacket" ]
[ "man" ]
[ [ "tree", "surrounded by", "grass" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "house" ], [ "tree", "behind", "man" ], [ "house", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "man", "in front of", "tree" ], [ "man", "above", "ground" ], [ "man", "holding", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "man", "holding", "frisbee" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hill", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "hill", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "hill", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "ground", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "trunk", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "trunk", "of", "tree" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "frisbee" ], [ "trunk", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "grass" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "hand", "of", "man" ], [ "grass", "surrounding", "tree" ], [ "grass", "on the side of", "path" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "hill" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "ground" ], [ "grass", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "grass", "on", "hill" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "trunk" ], [ "hand", "of", "man" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "frisbee" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "hill" ], [ "path", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "frisbee", "in", "grass" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "hill" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "trunk" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "path" ], [ "frisbee", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "frisbee", "to the left of", "man" ] ]
What is the computer mouse on?
[ "paper" ]
[ "paper" ]
[ [ "table", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "chair", "near", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "book", "on", "papers" ], [ "book", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "bottle", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "bottle", "of", "water" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "bottle", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "bottle", "on", "table" ], [ "screen", "of", "laptop" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "water" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "screen", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "wires", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "keyboard", "of", "laptop" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "papers", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "table", "in", "cup" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "table", "near", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "cap" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "bottle" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "water" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "keyboard", "on", "table" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "wires" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "bottle" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "papers" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "book" ], [ "laptop", "to the right of", "water" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "water", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "water", "on", "table" ], [ "water", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "water", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "computer mouse", "on", "paper" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "laptop" ], [ "cap", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "screen" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "chair" ] ]
What is in the glass?
[ "juice" ]
[ "glass" ]
[ "juice" ]
[ [ "spoon", "on", "table" ], [ "spoon", "on top of", "table" ], [ "phone", "on", "table" ], [ "fork", "on", "table" ], [ "fork", "on top of", "table" ], [ "table", "in front of", "plant" ], [ "fork", "on", "table" ], [ "phone", "sitting on", "table" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "fruit", "in", "bowl" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "napkin" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "cream" ], [ "bowl", "filled with", "fruit" ], [ "bowl", "to the left of", "mug" ], [ "bowl", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "mug", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "mug", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "mug", "to the right of", "dish" ], [ "mug", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "knife", "on top of", "table" ], [ "glass", "filled with", "juice" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "glass", "full of", "juice" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "pot" ], [ "dish", "to the left of", "napkin" ], [ "dish", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "dish", "to the left of", "mug" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pot" ], [ "chair", "close to", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "letters" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "rug" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "mug" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "dish" ], [ "juice", "in", "glass" ], [ "juice", "inside", "glass" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "cream" ], [ "juice", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "pot", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pot", "of", "plant" ], [ "pot", "below", "plant" ], [ "pot", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "rug", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "logo", "on top of", "phone" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "mug" ], [ "hand", "holding onto", "napkin" ], [ "napkin", "to the right of", "bowl" ], [ "napkin", "to the right of", "dish" ], [ "cream", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "cream", "to the right of", "juice" ], [ "letters", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "behind", "table" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "plant", "above", "pot" ] ]
What is the name of the clothing item that is white?
[ "dress" ]
[ "dress" ]
[ [ "necklace", "to the right of", "grill" ], [ "necklace", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "near", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "earrings" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "necklace" ], [ "earrings", "to the right of", "earring" ], [ "earrings", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "dress", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "earring", "to the left of", "earrings" ], [ "earring", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "sky", "above", "man" ], [ "sky", "above", "woman" ], [ "grill", "to the left of", "necklace" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "earring" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "necklace" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "earrings" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "dress" ], [ "man", "near", "woman" ] ]
Beside what is the zebra standing?
[ "water" ]
[ "zebra" ]
[ "water" ]
[ [ "rock", "to the left of", "zebra" ], [ "rock", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "rock", "next to", "zebra" ], [ "ear", "of", "zebra" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "mane" ], [ "mane", "of", "zebra" ], [ "mane", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "tail", "of", "zebra" ], [ "water", "near", "bird" ], [ "bird", "standing next to", "water" ], [ "bird", "below", "zebra" ], [ "bird", "standing by", "water" ], [ "bird", "next to", "water" ], [ "bird", "on", "ground" ], [ "bird", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "bird", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "zebra", "in", "water" ], [ "zebra", "walking in", "water" ], [ "zebra", "standing beside", "water" ], [ "zebra", "near", "rock" ], [ "zebra", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "head", "of", "zebra" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "rock" ], [ "legs", "of", "zebra" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "legs", "to the left of", "bird" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "legs" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "bird" ] ]
What type of vehicle is on the street that the person is crossing?
[ "car" ]
[ "tree", "street", "person" ]
[ "car" ]
[ [ "street sign", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "windows", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "license plate" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "store" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "person", "crossing", "street" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "crosswalk" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "store" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "package" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "license plate" ], [ "crosswalk", "on", "street" ], [ "crosswalk", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "crosswalk", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "crosswalk", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "crosswalk", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "crosswalk", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "package", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "package", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "package", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "package", "to the right of", "store" ], [ "package", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "package", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "license plate" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "wheel", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "traffic sign", "to the left of", "store" ], [ "traffic sign", "on", "pole" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "windows" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "package" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "crosswalk" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "store" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "package" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "fire hydrant", "to the left of", "crosswalk" ], [ "fire hydrant", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "crosswalk" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "sidewalk", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "store", "to the left of", "package" ], [ "store", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "store", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "store", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "store", "to the right of", "traffic sign" ], [ "store", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "store", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "store", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "building", "behind", "store" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "package" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "license plate", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "sign", "on", "building" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "sign" ], [ "sign", "to the left of", "store" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "license plate", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "store" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "package" ], [ "license plate", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "license plate", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "sidewalk" ], [ "license plate", "to the right of", "fire hydrant" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "sign", "on", "building" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "store" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "crosswalk" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "street sign" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "sign", "on", "building" ], [ "sign", "to the right of", "sign" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "on", "street" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "license plate" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "car", "on", "street" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "on", "street" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "license plate" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "wheel" ], [ "car", "on", "street" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ] ]
Who is wearing a hat?
[ "boy" ]
[ "hat" ]
[ "boy" ]
[ [ "hat", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "boy", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "boy", "above", "grass" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "ball" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "boy" ], [ "boy", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "boy", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "grass", "beneath", "boy" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "ball", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "ball", "to the left of", "shorts" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "ball" ], [ "shorts", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "boy" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "shirt" ] ]
What type of animal is to the right of the man that is to the right of the motorbike?
[ "cows" ]
[ "man" ]
[ "cows" ]
[ [ "cow", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "cow", "to the right of", "cows" ], [ "cow", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "cows" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jeep" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cows" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "rocks", "to the right of", "road" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "shirt", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "cows", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cows", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "cows", "to the left of", "cow" ], [ "cows", "to the left of", "jeep" ], [ "cows", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "cows", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cows", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "jeep", "to the right of", "cows" ], [ "jeep", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "jeep", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jeep", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "jeep" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "shirt" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "motorcycle", "to the right of", "cows" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "road" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "cow" ], [ "rock", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "jeep" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "cow" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "motorcycle" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "jeans", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "cows" ], [ "road", "to the left of", "rock" ], [ "road", "to the left of", "stone" ], [ "road", "to the left of", "rocks" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jeans" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "motorcycle" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cows" ], [ "man", "sitting on", "motorcycle" ], [ "stone", "to the right of", "road" ] ]
Who is in front of the blue car?
[ "girl" ]
[ "car" ]
[ "girl" ]
[ [ "house", "to the left of", "cap" ], [ "house", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "house", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "cap", "on", "head" ], [ "cap", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "cap", "to the right of", "house" ], [ "cap", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "cap", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "cap", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "house" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "porch", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "porch", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "baseball bat", "to the left of", "eye glasses" ], [ "baseball bat", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "eye glasses" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "cap" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "building" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "house" ], [ "building", "to the left of", "cap" ], [ "car", "behind", "girl" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "car", "to the left of", "cap" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "car", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "car", "on", "street" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "building" ], [ "building", "to the right of", "porch" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "baseball bat" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "girl", "holding", "baseball bat" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "eye glasses" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "girl", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "girl", "in front of", "car" ], [ "eye glasses", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "eye glasses", "to the right of", "baseball bat" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "car" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "car" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "girl" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "cap" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "porch" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "building" ] ]
What is this girl in front of?
[ "fence" ]
[ "girl" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ [ "hair", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "fence", "behind", "girl" ], [ "legs", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "bracelet" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "hand", "of", "girl" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "bracelet" ], [ "shirt", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "legs" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "dress" ], [ "racket", "to the left of", "girl" ], [ "dress", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "collar" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "collar", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "bracelet", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "bracelet", "to the left of", "shirt" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "hand", "of", "girl" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "girl", "wearing", "bracelet" ], [ "girl", "to the right of", "racket" ], [ "girl", "swinging", "racket" ], [ "girl", "in front of", "fence" ] ]
What kind of animal is sitting on the table?
[ "kitten" ]
[ "table" ]
[ "kitten" ]
[ [ "face", "of", "kitten" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "television", "behind", "kitten" ], [ "paw", "of", "kitten" ], [ "paw", "to the right of", "paw" ], [ "paw", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "eye", "of", "kitten" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "eye", "of", "kitten" ], [ "kitten", "on top of", "table" ], [ "kitten", "on", "table" ], [ "kitten", "sitting on", "table" ], [ "kitten", "in front of", "television" ], [ "paw", "of", "kitten" ], [ "paw", "to the left of", "paw" ], [ "paw", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "of", "kitten" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "paw" ], [ "leg", "of", "kitten" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "paw" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "ear", "of", "kitten" ] ]
What is on the table?
[ "salad" ]
[ "table" ]
[ "salad" ]
[ [ "utensils", "to the left of", "fork" ], [ "utensils", "to the left of", "knife" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "cheese", "on", "pizza" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "salad" ], [ "cheese", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "cheese" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "salad", "on", "table" ], [ "salad", "in", "container" ], [ "salad", "to the left of", "cheese" ], [ "salad", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "knife" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "salad" ], [ "pizza", "with", "cheese" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "pizza", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "knife", "to the right of", "utensils" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "cheese" ], [ "knife", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "fork", "to the right of", "utensils" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "pizza" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "container" ] ]
Which kind of device is on the table?
[ "cell phone" ]
[ "table" ]
[ "cell phone" ]
[ [ "screen", "to the left of", "coconut" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "screen", "of", "cell phone" ], [ "screen", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "donut", "with", "coconut" ], [ "donut", "on", "plate" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "donut", "to the right of", "cell phone" ], [ "coconut", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "coconut", "to the left of", "cream" ], [ "coconut", "on", "donut" ], [ "coconut", "to the right of", "cell phone" ], [ "flowers", "on", "plate" ], [ "plate", "below", "food" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "cell phone" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "plate", "beneath", "food" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "screen" ], [ "food", "to the right of", "cell phone" ], [ "food", "above", "plate" ], [ "cream", "to the right of", "coconut" ], [ "cell phone", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "cell phone", "on", "table" ], [ "cell phone", "to the left of", "donut" ], [ "cell phone", "to the left of", "food" ], [ "cell phone", "by", "plate" ], [ "cell phone", "to the left of", "coconut" ] ]
What animal is it?
[ "horse" ]
[ "horse" ]
[ [ "sky", "to the right of", "cloud" ], [ "tree", "on the other side of", "fence" ], [ "cloud", "to the right of", "hill" ], [ "cloud", "to the left of", "sky" ], [ "fog", "to the right of", "hill" ], [ "fur", "to the left of", "tail" ], [ "fur", "to the right of", "hair" ], [ "fur", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "horse", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "head", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "ear", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "fence", "to the left of", "fur" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "fence" ], [ "tail", "to the right of", "fur" ], [ "tail", "of", "horse" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "grass", "to the left of", "horse" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "ear" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "head" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "grass" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "hill", "to the left of", "fog" ], [ "hill", "to the left of", "cloud" ], [ "hair", "to the left of", "fur" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "leg" ] ]
What kind of clothing is black?
[ "t-shirt" ]
[ "t-shirt" ]
[ [ "bookcase", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "bookcase", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "bookcase", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "bookcase", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "bookcase", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "beard", "of", "man" ], [ "beard", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "beard", "to the left of", "earring" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "arm", "of", "man" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "arm", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "arm", "to the right of", "bookcase" ], [ "room", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "room", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "room", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "room", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "room", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "room", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "bookcase" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "room" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "earring", "to the right of", "beard" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "arm" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "room" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "bookcase" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the right of", "child" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "nose", "to the left of", "eye" ], [ "nose", "of", "man" ], [ "eye", "to the left of", "ear" ], [ "eye", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "eye", "of", "man" ], [ "mouth", "of", "man" ], [ "mouth", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "eye" ], [ "ear", "of", "man" ], [ "ear", "to the right of", "nose" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "television" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "bookcase" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "room" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "person", "leaning on", "wall" ], [ "person", "looking at", "man" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "room" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "television" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "bookcase" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "hand" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "television", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "room" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "television", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "television", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "television", "by", "wall" ], [ "television", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "television" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "room" ], [ "t-shirt", "to the left of", "child" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "arm" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "t-shirt" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "child", "to the left of", "t-shirt" ], [ "child", "to the right of", "television" ], [ "head", "of", "person" ], [ "head", "of", "man" ], [ "hand", "of", "man" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "beard" ], [ "hand", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "mouth" ] ]
Which kind of furniture is to the left of the mirror?
[ "cabinet" ]
[ "mirror" ]
[ "cabinet" ]
[ [ "mat", "on", "floor" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "cup", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "cup", "on", "counter" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "faucet", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "faucet", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "mat", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "container" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "sink", "below", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "hangar" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "hangar" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "paper" ], [ "mirror", "under", "light fixture" ], [ "mirror", "above", "sink" ], [ "mirror", "on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "mirror", "below", "light fixture" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "counter" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "faucet" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "cup" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "container" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "faucet" ], [ "hangar", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "hangar", "holding", "paper" ], [ "hangar", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "paper", "on", "hangar" ], [ "container", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "container", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "container", "beside", "cup" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "mat" ], [ "counter", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "light fixture", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "light fixture", "above", "mirror" ], [ "light fixture", "on", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "light fixture" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "mirror" ] ]
What animal is on the curtain that is to the left of the cabinet?
[ "ducks" ]
[ "curtain", "cabinet" ]
[ "ducks" ]
[ [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "ducks" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "bathtub", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "seat" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "curtain", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "ducks", "to the right of", "ducks" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "ducks", "to the left of", "ducks" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "seat", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "seat", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "seat", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "blinds" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "lid" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "window" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "curtain", "to the right of", "seat" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "lid" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "seat" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "can", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "lid", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "lid", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "blinds" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "window" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "can" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "ducks" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "ducks" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "ducks", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "ducks", "to the left of", "bathtub" ], [ "ducks", "on", "curtain" ], [ "ducks", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "blinds", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "blinds", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "blinds", "on", "window" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "curtain" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "window", "to the left of", "curtain" ], [ "window", "to the right of", "door" ] ]
What is the woman to the right of the cone wearing?
[ "hat" ]
[ "hat", "man", "woman", "cone" ]
[ "hat" ]
[ [ "person", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "skier", "holding", "pole" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "skier", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pants", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "cone" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "carrying", "purse" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "skier", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "pole", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "pole", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "glasses" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "skis" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "people", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "people", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "shoe" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "crowd", "to the right of", "skis" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "head", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "skis" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "dog", "to the left of", "purse" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "ground" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "head" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "shoe" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "ground", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "cone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "person", "to the right of", "bag" ], [ "person", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "skier" ], [ "bag", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "purse", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "dog", "to the right of", "hat" ], [ "hat", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "hat", "to the right of", "cone" ], [ "glasses", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "pants" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "shoe", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "shoe", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cone", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "cone", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "cone", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "cone", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "cone", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "skis", "to the left of", "dog" ], [ "skis", "to the left of", "crowd" ], [ "skis", "to the left of", "people" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "pole" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "skier" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "dog" ], [ "woman", "wearing", "hat" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "jacket" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "crowd" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "cone" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "person" ], [ "woman", "to the right of", "people" ], [ "woman", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "person" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "woman" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "hat" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "pole" ], [ "crowd", "to the left of", "cone" ] ]
Which kind of furniture is to the right of the packet?
[ "desk" ]
[ "packet" ]
[ "desk" ]
[ [ "tree", "to the right of", "frame" ], [ "tree", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "packet" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "tree", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "desk", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "desk", "to the right of", "packet" ], [ "desk", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "desk", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "chair", "near", "cabinet" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pot" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "desk" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "packet" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "table" ], [ "bottles", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "cabinet", "near", "chair" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "pot" ], [ "cabinet", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "plants" ], [ "cabinet", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "cabinet", "near", "chair" ], [ "plants", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "plants", "to the right of", "frame" ], [ "plants", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "plants", "to the right of", "counter" ], [ "plants", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "plants", "to the right of", "packet" ], [ "plants", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "plants", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "plants", "on", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "magazines", "on", "table" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "leaf", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "leaf", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "desk" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "desk", "to the left of", "pot" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "bottles" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "cabinet" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "plants" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "chair", "near", "cabinet" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "chair", "to the right of", "pot" ], [ "table", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "packet", "to the right of", "phone" ], [ "packet", "to the right of", "cash register" ], [ "packet", "to the left of", "plants" ], [ "packet", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "packet", "to the left of", "desk" ], [ "packet", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "cash register", "to the left of", "packet" ], [ "cash register", "to the left of", "phone" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "phone", "to the right of", "cash register" ], [ "phone", "to the left of", "packet" ], [ "phone", "on", "counter" ], [ "phone", "on", "desk" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "plants" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "desk" ], [ "counter", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "pot", "to the left of", "cabinet" ], [ "pot", "to the right of", "desk" ], [ "pot", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pot", "to the left of", "chair" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "leaf" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "frame" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "plants" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "tree" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "plants" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "picture" ], [ "frame", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "frame", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "frame", "to the left of", "plants" ], [ "frame", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "picture" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "frame" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "leaf" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "plants" ], [ "picture", "to the left of", "tree" ], [ "picture", "to the right of", "man" ] ]
Which kind of furniture is upholstered?
[ "chair" ]
[ "chair" ]
[ [ "bowl", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "apples" ], [ "books", "sitting on", "table" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "books", "on", "table" ], [ "books", "to the left of", "bowl" ], [ "books", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pillows", "sitting on", "sofa" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "flower pot" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "pillows" ], [ "pillows", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "pillows", "to the right of", "flower pot" ], [ "pillows", "sitting on", "chair" ], [ "pillows", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "pillows", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "ottoman" ], [ "chair", "near", "flowers" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "books" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "chair", "to the left of", "glass" ], [ "carpet", "on", "floor" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "leaves", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "flower pot", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "flower pot", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "flower pot", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "flower pot", "to the left of", "box" ], [ "children", "to the left of", "apples" ], [ "children", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "flowers", "near", "chair" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "pillows" ], [ "flowers", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "plate", "on", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "books" ], [ "box", "on", "end table" ], [ "box", "to the right of", "flower pot" ], [ "box", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "table", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "plant", "to the right of", "plates" ], [ "ottoman", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "ottoman", "to the right of", "leg" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "plate" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "plates" ], [ "door", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "flower pot" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "pillows" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "glass" ], [ "sofa", "to the right of", "box" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "flowers" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "leaves" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "children" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "pillows" ], [ "pillow", "to the right of", "chair" ], [ "pillow", "to the left of", "pillow" ], [ "end table", "to the left of", "leg" ], [ "apples", "in", "bowl" ], [ "apples", "to the right of", "pillow" ], [ "apples", "on", "table" ], [ "apples", "to the right of", "children" ], [ "plates", "to the left of", "plant" ], [ "plates", "hanging on", "wall" ], [ "plates", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "leg", "to the right of", "end table" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "ottoman" ], [ "leg", "to the left of", "table" ], [ "plate", "to the right of", "door" ], [ "glass", "to the left of", "sofa" ], [ "glass", "to the right of", "chair" ] ]
What device isn't open?
[ "camera" ]
[ "camera" ]
[ [ "desk", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "camera", "to the left of", "cords" ], [ "camera", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "cords", "to the right of", "cord" ], [ "cords", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "cords", "to the right of", "camera" ], [ "keyboard", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "keyboard", "in front of", "monitor" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "cords" ], [ "keyboard", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "keyboard", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "keyboard", "on", "desk" ], [ "cord", "to the left of", "cords" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "keyboard" ], [ "cord", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "monitor", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "monitor", "behind", "keyboard" ], [ "monitor", "behind", "laptop" ], [ "laptop", "sitting on", "desk" ], [ "laptop", "in front of", "monitor" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "cord" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "keyboard" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "camera" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "desk" ], [ "laptop", "to the left of", "sticker" ], [ "sticker", "to the right of", "laptop" ], [ "computer mouse", "sitting on", "mouse pad" ], [ "computer mouse", "on top of", "mouse pad" ], [ "mouse pad", "sitting on", "desk" ] ]
What is the wire on?
[ "fence" ]
[ "wire" ]
[ "fence" ]
[ [ "wire", "on", "fence" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "field", "in front of", "trees" ], [ "driver", "wearing", "helmet" ], [ "driver", "riding", "bike" ], [ "driver", "to the right of", "wheel" ], [ "wheel", "to the left of", "driver" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the left of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ], [ "trees", "to the right of", "trees" ] ]
What kind of device is the man with the scarf holding?
[ "cell phone" ]
[ "man", "scarf" ]
[ "cell phone" ]
[ [ "face", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "hand", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "belt", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "sneakers" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "pants", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "cell phone" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "scarf" ], [ "jacket", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "sneakers", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "sneakers", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "sneakers", "to the right of", "shoes" ], [ "sneakers", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "face", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "jeans", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "sneakers" ], [ "shoes", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "scarf", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "scarf", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "scarf", "around", "neck" ], [ "cell phone", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "cell phone", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "pants" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "belt" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "neck" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jacket" ], [ "man", "near", "man" ], [ "man", "wearing", "jeans" ], [ "man", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "man", "wearing", "glasses" ], [ "man", "with", "glasses" ], [ "man", "wearing", "sneakers" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "shoes" ], [ "man", "wearing", "belt" ], [ "man", "looking at", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "holding", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "next to", "man" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "scarf" ], [ "man", "to the left of", "face" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "man", "holding", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "glasses" ], [ "man", "on", "sidewalk" ], [ "man", "near", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "man" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "hand" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jacket" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "sneakers" ], [ "man", "with", "scarf" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "face" ], [ "man", "looking at", "cell phone" ], [ "man", "wearing", "pants" ], [ "man", "wearing", "shoes" ], [ "man", "wearing", "scarf" ], [ "man", "to the right of", "jeans" ], [ "shoes", "to the left of", "sneakers" ], [ "cell phone", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "glasses", "to the left of", "man" ], [ "neck", "to the right of", "man" ] ]
Where is it, the bathroom or the dining room?
[ "bathroom" ]
[ "bathroom" ]
[ "bathroom" ]
[ [ "towel", "near", "sink" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "towel", "to the right of", "soap dish" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "towel", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "towel", "next to", "sink" ], [ "towel", "hanging from", "wall" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "log" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "soap dish" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "log", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "soap dish", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "soap dish", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "soap dish", "on", "wall" ], [ "soap dish", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "soap dish", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "soap dish", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "wall", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "bathtub" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "floor", "to the right of", "pipes" ], [ "floor", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "log", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "log", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "log", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "pipes", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "pipes", "to the left of", "sink" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "soap dish" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "log" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "faucet" ], [ "wall", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "bathtub", "in", "bathroom" ], [ "bathtub", "to the left of", "floor" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "sink", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "sink", "below", "mirror" ], [ "sink", "near", "towel" ], [ "sink", "to the right of", "pipes" ], [ "cup", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "toothbrush", "in", "cup" ], [ "toothbrush", "to the left of", "mirror" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "faucet", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "hanging on", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "toothbrush" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "cup" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "soap dish" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "towel" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "wall" ], [ "mirror", "to the left of", "door" ], [ "mirror", "above", "sink" ], [ "mirror", "to the right of", "log" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "soap dish" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "wall" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "towel" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "mirror" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "sink" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "floor" ], [ "door", "to the right of", "log" ] ]