This waits until the whole chain of callback methods triggered by
""trigger_connection_to_rabbit_etc()"" has finished, and then starts
waiting for publications.
This is done by starting the ioloop.
Note: In the pika usage example, these things are both called inside the run()
method, so I wonder if this check-and-wait here is necessary. Maybe not.
But the usage example does not implement a Thread, so it probably blocks during
the opening of the connection. Here, as it is a different thread, the run()
might get called before the __init__ has finished? I'd rather stay on the
safe side, as my experience of threading in Python is limited.
# Start ioloop if connection object ready:
if self.thread._connection is not None:
logdebug(LOGGER, 'Starting ioloop...')
logtrace(LOGGER, 'ioloop is owned by connection %s...', self.thread._connection)
# Tell the main thread that we're now open for events.
# As soon as the thread._connection object is not None anymore, it
# can receive events.
except PIDServerException as e:
raise e
# It seems that some connection problems do not cause
# RabbitMQ to call any callback (on_connection_closed
# or on_connection_error) - it just silently swallows the
# problem.
# So we need to manually trigger reconnection to the next
# host here, which we do by manually calling the callback.
# We start the ioloop, so it can handle the reconnection events,
# or also receive events from the publisher in the meantime.
except Exception as e:
# This catches any error during connection startup and during the entire
# time the ioloop runs, blocks and waits for events.
time_passed = datetime.datetime.now() - self.__start_connect_time
time_passed_seconds = time_passed.total_seconds()
# Some pika errors:
if isinstance(e, pika.exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError):
errorname = self.__make_error_name(e, 'e.g. wrong user or password')
elif isinstance(e, pika.exceptions.ProbableAccessDeniedError):
errorname = self.__make_error_name(e, 'e.g. wrong virtual host name')
elif isinstance(e, pika.exceptions.IncompatibleProtocolError):
errorname = self.__make_error_name(e, 'e.g. trying TLS/SSL on wrong port')
# Other errors:
errorname = self.__make_error_name(e)
logdebug(LOGGER, 'Unexpected error during event listener\'s lifetime (after %s seconds): %s', time_passed_seconds, errorname)
# Now trigger reconnection:
self.on_connection_error(self.thread._connection, errorname)
# I'm quite sure that this cannot happen, as the connection object
# is created in ""trigger_connection_...()"" and thus exists, no matter
# if the actual connection to RabbitMQ succeeded (yet) or not.
logdebug(LOGGER, 'This cannot happen: Connection object is not ready.')
logerror(LOGGER, 'Cannot happen. Cannot properly start the thread. Connection object is not ready.')"
17,"def setClass(self, factoryclass):
""""""Sets the constructor for the component type this label is to
:param factoryclass: a class that, when called, results in an instance of the desired class
:type factoryclass: callable
self.factoryclass = factoryclass
18,"def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
""""""Determines if a drag is taking place, and initiates it""""""
if (event.pos() - self.dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < 10:
factory = self.factoryclass()
mimeData = QtCore.QMimeData()
mimeData.setData(""application/x-protocol"", factory.serialize())
mimeData.setData(""application/x-protocol"", cPickle.dumps(factory))
drag = QtGui.QDrag(self)
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()
pixmap = pixmap.grabWidget(self, self.frameRect())