1 value
5 values
By selling 15 pens for a rupee a woman loses 25%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 25%?
[ "12", "14", "45", "10", "65" ]
D 85% --- 15 125% --- ? 85/125 * 15 = 10 The answer is: D
There are 300 female managers in a certain company. Find the total number of female employees in the company, if 2/5 of all the employees are managers and 2/5 of all male employees are managers.
[ "650", "700", "750", "800", "None of these" ]
as per question stem 2/5M (Portion of Men employees who are managers) + 200 (Portion of Female employees who are managers) = 2/5T (Portion of Total number of employees who are managers), thus we get that 2/5M+300= 2/5T, or 2/5(T-M)=300, from here we get that T-M=750, that would be total number of female employees and the answer (C) The answer is: C
IF 2+7=57 ; 3+6=63 ; 5+9=206 Then 4+8=?
[ "125", "126", "127", "128", "129" ]
2^3 + 7^2= 57 3^3 + 6^2=63 5^3 + 9^2=206 and 4^3 + 8^2=128 ANSWER:D The answer is: D
If the original mass of an element, in grams, is a whole number and the element has decayed by exactly 93 percent in some time period, which of the following could be the final mass of that element?
[ "27 grams", "21 grams", "29 grams", "31 grams", "32 grams" ]
Let original mass be 100 The final mass of that element will be 7 So whatever option we have it will be divisible by 7 Check for the options the one that doesn't produce non terminating decimal is our answer A. 27 grams 27/7 = 3.857... B. 21 grams 21/7 = 3 C. 29 grams 29/7 = 4.142....... D. 31 grams 31/7 = 4.428..... E. 32 grams 32/7 = 4.571.... Hence our answer will be (B) The answer is: B
Dacid obtained 51, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are his average marks?
[ "29", "38", "39", "70", "75" ]
Average = (51 + 65 + 82 + 67 + 85)/5 = 70 Answer: D The answer is: D
If a, b, and c are consecutive even positive integers, which of the following could be equal to a + b + c ?
[ "141", "200", "312", "391", "412" ]
The key to answering this question quickly is to realize that a+b+c is a multiple of BOTH 2 and 3. With that information, you can quickly eliminate answer choices. If you don't recognize those two Number Properties though, then you can still get to the correct answer (but it will require a bit more work). We're told that a, b and c are CONSECUTIVE EVEN INTEGERS, so we could write them algebraically as... A + (A+2) + (A+4) = 3A + 6 We know that 3A + 6 COULD equal one of those five answers; we just have to find it... Could 3A + 6 = 141 3A = 135 A = 45 This is NOT an EVEN INTEGER, so 141 is NOT the answer Could 3A + 6 = 200 3A = 194 A = 64.6666 This is NOT an EVEN INTEGER, so 200 is NOT the answer Could 3A + 6 = 318 3A = 312 A = 102 This IS an EVEN INTEGER! The numbers would be 102, 104 and 106. This IS the answer Final Answer: C The answer is: C
There are 3 numbers A, B and C. If A:B = 3/4, B:C = 4/5, C:D = 5/6, then A:D will be?
[ "1 : 2", "2 : 3", "3 : 5", "3 : 7", "3 : 8" ]
Sol. A : B = 3 : 4, B : C = 4 : 5, C : D = 5 : 6 ∴A∶B∶C∶D= 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. Thus, A : D = 3 : 6 or, 1 : 2 A The answer is: A
The profits of QRS company rose 50% from March to April, then dropped 20% from April to May, then rose 50% from May to June. What was the percent increase for the whole quarter, from March to June?
[ "15%", "32%", "40%", "62%", "80%" ]
Assume 100 in march , then 150 in April as 50% increase , Then 120 in may as 20% decrease from April , and then 180 in june which is 150% of 120 . So overall increase is from 100 to 180 is 80% Answer E The answer is: E
A trader sold an item at a loss of 18%. if he had increased the price by $25 he would have made a gain of 5%. what is the cost price of the item?
[ "$414.78", "$424.78", "$534.78", "$434.78", "$435.78" ]
Let C.P. be $x Then 105% of x - 82% of x = 100 23% of x = 100 23/100 *X = 100 23x = 10000 x = 434.78 Answer is D The answer is: D
Let A be the event that a randomly selected two digit number is divisible by 2 and let B be the event that a randomly selected two digit number is divisible by 5. What is P(A and B)?
[ "1/18", "1/10", "1/5", "1/3", "1/2" ]
P(A and B) = 1/2*1/5 = 1/10 The answer is B. The answer is: B
A rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?
[ "95", "92", "82", "88", "97" ]
At a certain company, each employee has a salary grade s that is at least 1 and at most 5. Each employee receives an hourly wage p, in dollars, determined by the formula p = 7.50 + 0.25(s – 1). An employee with a salary grade of 5 receives how many more dollars per hour than an employee with a salary grade of 1?
[ "$0.50", "$1.00", "$1.25", "$1.50", "$1.75" ]
OA is definitely wrong. The answer should be C. The answer is: C
If an article is sold at 19% profit instead of 12% profit, then the profit would be Rs. 105 more. What is the cost price?
[ "3388", "2788", "1500", "2792", "7791" ]
Let the cost price of an article be Rs. x. (19% of x) - (12% of x) = 105 19x/100 - 12x/100 = 105 => 7x = 105 * 100 => x = 1500 Cost price = Rs. 1500' Answer:C The answer is: C
If f(x) = k(x - k) and k is a constant, what is the value of f(3) - f(2), in terms of k?
[ "1", "k", "7k - 1", "k^2 + k", "k^2 - k" ]
First, distribute f(x). k(x - k) = kx - k^2. Now evaluate f(3) and f(2): f(3) = k(3) - k^2 = 3k - k^2 f(2) = 2k - k^2 f(3)-f(2)=k .. Answer B The answer is: B
If n = 3^6 – 2^8 which of the following is NOT a factor of n?
[ "11", "43", "1", "43", "5" ]
3^6 - 2^8 = (3^3)^2 - (2^4)^2 =(3^3 + 2^4)(3^3 - 2^4) =(27+16)(27-16) =43*11 Therefore, 5 is Not a factor of n. E The answer is: E
Compute the remainder when: 56666...66665:(2016 sixies) is divided by 17.
[ "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ]
A neat fact: note that 55=- 565 =-5665=-56665 ... (mod 17) : This is easier to recognize when written in the form 5 =-56 =-566=- 5666=- 56666 .... (mod 17), since 10n + 6=- n (mod 17) when n=- 5 (mod 17). Then, since 56666...66665:(2016 sixies)(mod 17) clearly 56666...66665:(2016 sixies)=4(mod 17). correct answer C The answer is: C
Two cubes of their volumes in the ratio 64 : 343. The ratio of their surface area is:
[ "1.5:5", "2:5", "3:5", "1:5", "4:7" ]
The ratio of their surface area is 64 : 343 4 : 7 Answer is E. The answer is: E
If (n + 2)! = 2550 (n!); find ’n’
[ "38", "35", "49", "43", "34" ]
(n + 2)! = 2550(n!) (n + 2)(n + 1)(n!) = 2550(n!) (n + 2)(n + 1) = 2550 2n + 3n + 2 - 2550 = 0 2n + 3n - 2548 = 0 2n + 52n - 49n - 2548 = 0 n(n - 49)(n + 52) = 0 n = 49 or n = - 52 ANSWER:C The answer is: C
In Kaya's teacher's desk there are 3 pink highlighters, 7 yellow highlighters, and 5 blue highlighters. How many highlighters are there in all?
[ "11", "15", "77", "33", "88" ]
Add the numbers of highlighters. 3 + 7 + 5 =15. Answer is B. The answer is: B
If the circus were to sell all of its 220 tickets for this month's performance at their usual price, the revenue from sales would be 10% greater than that collected last month. However, the circus raised the ticket price by 5% and sold only 200 tickets as a result. What percent less was last month's revenue than that of this month?
[ "2", "5", "100/21", "110/20", "9/4" ]
220p = 1.1RL (220 tickets at regular P price = 1.1 (or 10% more) than revenue last month (RL) to find RL just multiply each side by 10/11 (1.1*10 = 11/11 = 1) 220(10/11)p = 1.1(10/11)R: 200p = RL (so the revenue last month was = to 200p) Now what does our revenue look like at the new ticket price this month: 200(1.05)P = 210p so...if the revenue this month will be 210p, what percentage less was last months revenue at 200p than that of this month? (210p-200p)/210p = 10p/210p = 1/21 we're looking for percentage though, so multiply this by 100 1/21(100) = 100/21 Answer C The answer is: C
A set of numbers has the property that for any number t in the set, t + 1 is in the set. If -1 is in the set, which of the following must also be in the set? I. 3 II. 1 III. 5
[ "I only", "II only", "I and II only", "II and III only", "I, II, and III" ]
The question is which of the followingmustbe in the set, notcouldbe in the set. If -1 is in the set so must be -1+1=0, as 0 is in the set so must be 0+1=1, as 1 is in the set so must be 1+1=2 and so on. So basically knowing that -1 is in the set we can say that ALL numbers more than -1 are also in the set. Answer: E. The answer is: E
A single discount equivalent to the discount series of 20%, 12% and 5% is?
[ "33.12", "31.1", "31.6", "31.2", "31.9" ]
Explanation: 100*(80/100)*(88/100)*(95/100) = 66.88 100 - 66.88 = 33.12 Answer: A The answer is: A
A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 30 feet uncovered.If the area of the field is 600 sq.ft, how many feet of fencing will be required ?
[ "70feet", "52feet", "32feet", "12feet", "55feet" ]
Explanation: We are given with length and area, so we can find the breadth. as Length * Breadth = Area => 30 * Breadth = 600 => Breadth = 20 feet Area to be fenced = 2B + L = 2*20 + 30 = 70 feet Answer: Option A The answer is: A
Based on this year's costs, an orchard grower budgets P dollars for planing N new trees next year. If the average cost of planting each tree were to decrease 50% from this year's cost, then the greatest number of trees that the orchard grower could plant next year using P dollars would be:
[ "100% less than N", "200% less than N", "Equal to N", "100% greater than N", "200% greater than N" ]
Correct answer is (D). This year, the price of a tree is price1=P/N. If this price decreases by 50% it becomes Price2=P/N*0.5 Then with P dollars, you can grow P/Price2 trees i.e. P/(P/N*0.5) i.e. N/0.5 i.e. 2*N Which is 100% greater than N. The answer is: D
Two different solutions of alcohol with respective proportions of alcohol to water of 3:1 and 2:3 were combined. What is the concentration of alcohol in the new solution if the first solution was 4 times the amount of the second solution?
[ "62", "65", "68", "70", "72" ]
SOL: Lets assume that 40L of sol1 was mixed with 10L of sol2. Alcohol in Sol1: 40*3/4 = 30L Alcohol in Sol2: 10*2/5 = 4L Total Alcohol in the mixed solution of 50L = 30 + 4 = 34L Alcohol concentration in the new sol: (34/50)*100 = 68% ANSWER:C The answer is: C
In one day, Juan sends Keith two times as many messages as he sends Laurence, and Laurence sends Missy 8 times as many messages as he receives from Juan. If Missy received 40 messages from Laurence, how many messages does Keith receive from Juan?
[ "10", "12", "16", "18", "56" ]
Juan --> Laurence = x messages; Juan --> Keith = 2x messages (Juan sends Keith two times as many messages as he sends Laurence); Laurence --> Missy = 8x =40 (Laurence sends Missy 8 times as many messages as he receives from Juan). 8x =40 --> x = 5 --> 2x = 10. Answer: A. The answer is: A
If 6 boys can color 48 m long cloth in 2 days, then 6 boys can color 36 m long cloth in
[ "day", "days", "days", "days", "days" ]
The length of cloth painted by one boy in one day = 48 / 6 × 2 = 4 m No. of days required to paint 36 m cloth by 6 boys = 36/ 4 × 6 = 3/2 day. A) The answer is: A
96% of the population of a city is 23040. Find the total population of the city?
[ "30000", "28000", "24000", "25000", "25500" ]
Population consider as x x*(96/100) = 23040 x=240*100 ==>24000 ANSWER C The answer is: C
A male leader is to be selected from a class of students having 15 boys and 20 girls. In how many ways can select?
[ "50 ways", "7/3 ways", "3/7 ways", "35 ways", "15 ways" ]
The number of boy student in the class is 15. Therefore required number of selection =15. Answer : E The answer is: E
A can do a work in 14 days and working together A and B can do the same work in 10 days. In what time can B alone do the work?
[ "35 days", "25 days", "30 days", "27 days", "23 days" ]
Work done by B in 1 day = 1/10 - 1/14 = (7-5)/70 =2/70=1/35 So, B alone can do the work in 35 days. ANSWER:A The answer is: A
A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak, it took 2 1/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water of the tank in?
[ "4 1/3 hrs", "7 hrs", "8 hrs", "14 hrs", "15 hrs" ]
Work done by the tank in 1 hour = (1/2 - 1/3) = 1/14 Leak will empty the tank in 14 hrs. ANSWER:D The answer is: D
You roll two six sided dices together. Can you calculate the probability that the first dice gives the number 2 while the second dice gives the number 5?
[ "2/23", "1/33", "1/36", "3/54", "6/35" ]
C 1/36 The number of possibilities for the first as well as the second dice are 6 and 6 respectively. Therefore the total possibilities or outcome are 6 * 6 = 36. Out of 36 outcomes, we need only one case i.e. the first gives 2 and the second gives 5. Therefore, the probability will be 1 on 36 or 1/36. The answer is: C
If a and b are integer numbers which is greater then one, which of the following CANNOT be the value of ab?
[ "9", "14", "21", "23", "25" ]
23 is a prime number itself and so cannot be multiple of two prime numbers which is greater then one.. ans D The answer is: D
A train 120 m in length crosses a telegraph post in 16 seconds. The speed of the train is?
[ "16 kmph", "88 kmph", "54 kmph", "18 kmph", "27 kmph" ]
S = 120/16 * 18/5 = 27 kmph Answer: E The answer is: E
Man1 alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and Man2 alone in 8 days. Man1 and Man2 undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of Man3, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to Man3?
[ "400", "200", "100", "150", "500" ]
Man3 1 day work = 1/3-(1/6+1/8) = 1/3-7/24 = 1/24 Man1 : Man2: Man3 = 1/6:1/8:1/24 ==>4:3:1 Man3 share = 3*1/24*3200 = Rs 400 ANSWER A The answer is: A
In a certain game of dice, the player’s score is determined as a sum of three throws of a single die. The player with the highest score wins the round. If more than one player has the highest score, the winnings of the round are divided equally among these players. If John plays this game against 22 other players, what is the probability of the minimum score that will guarantee John some monetary payoff?
[ "41/50", "1/216", "1/221", "1/84", "1/42" ]
To guarantee that John will get some monetary payoff he must score the maximum score of 6+6+6=18, because if he gets even one less than that so 17, someone can get 18 and John will get nothing. P(18)=1/6^3=1/216. Answer: B. The answer is: B
In a room there are 9 people. Each person shook hands with every other person. How many hand shakes were there?
[ "36", "40", "44", "48", "52" ]
9C2 = 36 The answer is A. The answer is: A
Find the value of (1/(2*3))+(1/(3*4))+(1/(4*5))+(1/(5*6))+…..+ ((1/(9*10)).
[ "1/5", "2/5", "4/5", "3/5", "None of them" ]
Given expression=((1/2)-(1/3))+((1/3)-(1/4))+((1/4)-(1/5))+ ((1/5)-(1/6))+….+ ((1/9)-(1/10)) =((1/2)-(1/10))=4/10 = 2/5. Answer is B. The answer is: B
If 1/(n – 2) = 1/(n + 2) + 1/(n – 1), which of the following is a possible value of n?
[ "-3", "0", "3", "-4", "4" ]
Multiply by (n-2)*(n+2)*(n-1) throughout to get: (n+2)*(n-1) = (n-2)*(n-1) + (n+2)(n-2) Of the given options, only n=0 satisfies this. Answer : B The answer is: B
The food in a camp lasts for 32 men for 48 days. If eight more men join, how many days will the food last?
[ "80 days", "30 days", "38 days", "16 days", "15 days" ]
one man can consume the same food in 32*48 = 1536 days. 8 more men join, the total number of men = 40 The number of days the food will last = 1536/40 = 38 days. Answer:C The answer is: C
Sixty five percent of a number is 21 less than four fifth of that number. What is the number ?
[ "240", "180", "120", "220", "140" ]
Let the number be x. Then, 4*x/5 –(65% of x) = 21 4x/5 –65x/100 = 21 5 x = 2100 x = 140. Answer is E. The answer is: E
In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?
[ "20", "30", "24", "12", "26" ]
Explanation : Number of matches won by the team in June: 30% of 60 = 18 After a phenomenal winning streak the average is 50% Let the team played x matches continuously and won all of them to achieve an average winning percentage of 50%. So total matches played by the team = (60+x) Total matches won by the team = (18+x) Total matches won = 50% of Total matches played => (18+x) = 50% of (60+x) => 18+x = (50/100)*(60+x) => 18+x = (1/2)*(60+x) => 36+2x = 60+x => x = 24 Answer : C The answer is: C
A person borrows 9000 for 9 years at 3% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to another person at 7 % p.a. for 9 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year.
[ "380", "360", "340", "300", "180" ]
Gain in 9 years = [(9000×9×7/100)−(9000×9×3/100)] = (5670 – 2430) = 3240 ∴ Gain in 1 year = (3240/9) = 360 Answer B The answer is: B
A, B and C invested Rs.6300, Rs.4200 and Rs.10500 respectively, in a partnership business. Find the share of A in profit of Rs.12600 after a year?
[ "3630", "3637", "3630", "3631", "3780" ]
6300:4200:10500 3:2:5 3/10 * 12600 = 3780 Answer: E The answer is: E
If 76 is divided into four parts proportional to 7, 5, 3, 4, then the smallest part is:
[ "12", "88", "27", "92", "32" ]
Explanation: Given ratio = 7 : 5 : 3 : 4, Sum of ratio terms = 19. Smallest part = = 12 Answer: A) 12 The answer is: A
A train running at a speed of 60 kmph crosses a pole in 3 seconds.What is the length of the train?
[ "120 m", "180 m", "190 m", "150 m", "50 m" ]
60 kmph=50/3 m/sec 50/3*3=50 m ANSWER:E The answer is: E
In an election, candidate A got 85% of the total valid votes. If 15% of the total votes were declared invalid and the total numbers of votes is 560000, find the number of valid vote polled in favor of candidate?
[ "355600", "355800", "404600", "356800", "357000" ]
Total number of invalid votes = 15 % of 560000 = 15/100 × 560000 = 8400000/100 = 84000 Total number of valid votes 560000 – 84000 = 476000 Percentage of votes polled in favour of candidate A = 85 % Therefore, the number of valid votes polled in favour of candidate A = 85 % of 476000 = 85/100 × 476000 = 40460000/100 = 404600 C) The answer is: C
Convert the 13/36 m/s into kilometers per hour?
[ "1.6kmph", "2.3 kmph", "1.3 kmph", "1.7 kmph", "3.3 kmph" ]
13/36 m/s = 13/36 * 18/5 = 13/10 = 1.3 kmph.Answer: C The answer is: C
If p and q are prime numbers, how many divisors does the product p^4 * q^9 have?
[ "30", "35", "40", "50", "60" ]
when a number N=a^x*b^y, where a and b are prime numbers, and x, y are positive integers, the number of divisors of N=(x+1)(y+1) Therefore, the answer is D. 5*10=50 The answer is: D
A qualified worker digs a well in 5 hours. He invites 2 apprentices, both capable of working 3/4 as fast and 3 trainees both working 1/5 as fast as he. If the five-person team digs the same well, how much time does the team need to finish the job?
[ "1:56", "1:34", "1:44", "1:54", "2:14" ]
and answer is correct as you have calculated : 100/48 hrs that is 1.88 hrs - 1 hr and 56 minutes, so 1:56, hence, A The answer is: A
Out of 10 persons working on a project, 4 are graduates. If 3 are selected, what is the probability that there is at least one graduate among them?
[ "5/8", "5/2", "5/1", "5/6", "5/5" ]
P(at least one graduate) = 1 - P(no graduates) = 1 - 6C3/10C3 = 1 - (6 * 5 * 4)/(10 * 9 * 8) = 5/6 Answer: D The answer is: D
A 70 cm long wire is to be cut into two pieces so that one piece will be 2/5th of the other, how many centimeters will the shorter piece be?
[ "12", "20", "88", "77", "14" ]
1: 2/5 = 5: 2 2/7 * 70 = 20 Answer: B The answer is: B
If A:B is 3:4 and B:C is 4:5 then A:C is equal to
[ "1:3", "3:5", "3:4", "3:7", "1:5" ]
The two ratios given are having the same number 4 for B in both the ratios. Hence- A:B = 3:4 B:C = 4:5 => A:C = 3:5 Answer B The answer is: B
108. Triangle A’s base is 12% greater than the base of triangle B, and A’s height is 12% less than the height of triangle B. The area of triangle A is what percent less or more than the area of triangle B?
[ "9 % less", "0.7 % less", "Equal to each other", "1 % more", "9 % more" ]
Wish the question specified that we are talking about corresponding height. Base of A = 13/12 * Base of B Height of A = 11/12 * Height of B Area of A = (1/2) * Base of A * Height of A = 13/12 * 11/12 * Area of B = 143/144 * Area of B Area of A is 0.7% less than the area of B. Answer (B) The answer is: B
Naresh’s monthly income is 30% more than that of Raghu. Raghu’s monthly income is 20% less than that of Vishal. If the difference between the monthly incomes of Naresh and Vishal is 800, what is the monthly income of Raghu?
[ "16,000", "20,000", "12,000", "Data inadequate", "None of these" ]
N = R + 30% of R = 1.3 RR = V – 20% of V = 80% of V = 0.8 V ∴ N = 1.3 × 0.8V = 1.04 V Now, N – V = 1.04 V – V = 0.04 V = 800(given) ∴ V = 20000 ∴ R = 0.8 × 20000 = 16000 Answer A The answer is: A
The ratio of the age of a gentleman and his wife is 4 : 3. After 4 years this ratio will be 9 : 7. If at the time of their marriage the ratio was 5 : 3, how many years ago they were married?
[ "10 years", "8 years", "12 years", "15 years", "17 years" ]
Let the present age of gentleman (G) and wife (W) be 4x and 3x resp.... thus after 4 yrs the ratio will be (4x+4)/(3x+4)=9:7.. on solving we get the value as x=8..i.e present ages are G=32,W=24... Now at the time of marriage the ratio will be : (32-y)/(24-y)=5:3 on solving we get y=12... Thus 12 yrs ago they got married. ANSWER:C The answer is: C
A dishonest dealer professes to sell goods at the cost price but uses a false weight and gains 25%. Find his false weight age?
[ "2288", "277", "800", "2878", "211" ]
25 = E/(1000 - E) * 100 1000 - E = 4E 1000 = 5E => E = 200 1000 - 200 = 800.Answer: C The answer is: C
Mohan ranks twenty-first in a class of sixty-five students. What will be his (Mohan's)rank if the lowest candidate is assigned rank 1?
[ "44th", "45th", "46th", "Data inadequate", "None of these" ]
65=21+x-1 ans 45 ANSWER:B The answer is: B
The area of a square field 3136 sq m, if the length of cost of drawing barbed wire 3 m around the field at the rate of Rs.2.0 per meter. Two gates of 1 m width each are to be left for entrance. What is the total cost?
[ "s.1014", "s.1332", "s.999", "s.1085", "s.1020" ]
a2 = 3136 => a = 56 56 * 4 * 3 = 672 – 6 = 666 * 2.0 = 1332 ANSWER:B The answer is: B
Two trains 140 m and 170 m long run at the speed of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross each other is?
[ "10.9 sec", "10.1 sec", "10.6 sec", "10.8 sec", "11.16 sec" ]
Relative speed = 60 + 40 = 100 km/hr. = 100 * 5/18 = 250/9 m/sec. Distance covered in crossing each other = 140 + 170 = 310 m. Required time = 310 * 9/250=11.16 sec. Answer:E The answer is: E
4 dice are thrown simultaneously on the board. Find the probability show the same face.
[ "1/211", "2/213", "1/216", "2/223", "3/223" ]
The total number of elementary events associated to the random experiments of throwing four dice simultaneously is: =6×6×6×6=64=6×6×6×6=64 n(S)=64n(S)=64 Let XX be the event that all dice show the same face. X={(1,1,1,1,),(2,2,2,2),(3,3,3,3),(4,4,4,4),(5,5,5,5),(6,6,6,6)}X={(1,1,1,1,),(2,2,2,2),(3,3,3,3),(4,4,4,4),(5,5,5,5),(6,6,6,6)} n(X)=6n(X)=6 Hence required probability, =n(X)n(S)=664=n(X)n(S)=664 =1/216 C The answer is: C
A began business with Rs.45000 and was joined afterwards by B with Rs.36000. When did B join if the profits at the end of the year were divided in the ratio of 2:1?
[ "1.5", "6", "7.5", "8.5", "2" ]
45*12 : 36*x = 2: 1 x = 7.5 12 -7.5 = 4.5 Answer: C The answer is: C
If a class of 10 students has seven men, how many ways can the men and women be arranged in a circle so that no two men sit next to each other?
[ "7!6!", "5!5!", "4!4!", "10!", "10!/5!" ]
for no two men to sit together, either all are in even or odd position fix one at any one position then rest six can be fixed in 6! ways... also rest seven position of women can be fixed in 7!.. total ways 7!6! A The answer is: A
The ratio of the volumes of two cubes is 8: 27 What is the ratio of their total surface areas?
[ "2:4", "3:6", "4:12", "4:9", "1:3" ]
Ratio of the sides = ³√8 : ³√27 = 2 : 3 Ratio of surface areas =4:9 Answer: D The answer is: D
A, B and C can do a piece of work in 7 days, 14 days and 28 days respectively. How long will they taken, if all the three work together?
[ "3 days", "4 days", "5 days", "6 days", "None of these" ]
Explanation: 1/7 + 1/14 + 1/28 = 7/28 = 1/4 => 4 days ANSWER IS B The answer is: B
An investor bought 200 shares of stock in ABCD company in 1990. By 1992, the investment was worth only 2/3 of its original value. By 1995, the 200 shares were worth only 2/5 of their value in 1990. By what percent did the value of the investment drop from 1992 to 1995?
[ "16 2/3%", "25%", "40%", "50%", "66 2/3%" ]
Let price of each share in 1990 = X. Total cost in 1990 = 200X Now Price in 1992 = 2/3 * 200X = 400/3 * X Now price in 1995 = 2/5 *200X= 80X %Change in 1995 from 1992 = [(400/3* X -80X) / (400/3 *X) ] *100 = 40% Answer C The answer is: C
Find the average of all even numbers upto 75.
[ "35", "36", "38", "34", "37" ]
Average of all even numbers upto 75 = [ 35/2* ( first even number + greatest even number before 75) ]/35 = ½ *(2 +74 ) = 76/2 = 38. ANSWER:C The answer is: C
After decreasing 24% in the price of an article costs Rs.912. Find the actual cost of an article?
[ "3377", "268", "1200", "2877", "1681" ]
CP* (76/100) = 912 CP= 12 * 100 => CP = 1200 Answer: C The answer is: C
In measuring the sides of a rectangle, one side is taken 5% in excess, and the other 4% in deficit. Find the error percent in the area calculated from these measurements.
[ "0.2%", "0.4%", "0.6%", "0.8%", "1%" ]
Let x and y be the sides of the rectangle. Then, Correct area = xy. Calculated area = (105/100)*x * (96/100)*y = (504/500 )(xy) Error In measurement = (504/500)xy- xy= (4/500)xy Error % = [(4/500)xy*(1/xy) *100] % = (4/5) % = 0.8%. ANSWER D 0.8% The answer is: D
It takes 3 tons of copper ore and 5 tons of iron ore to make one ton of alloy A. How many tons of alloy A can be made from 30 tons of copper ore and 80 tons of iron ore?
[ "18", "18 3/4", "17", "16", "14" ]
Yes, you need copper ore:iron ore in the ratio 3:5. Total 8 tons of the mix in this ratio will give 1 ton of alloy A. If you have 30 tons of copper ore, it is enough for 30/3 = 10 tons of alloy A. If you have 80 tons of iron ore, it is enough for 80/5 = 16 tons of alloy A. Since iron ore is available for only 16 tons of alloy A, you can make only 16 tons of alloy A. The leftover copper ore alone cannot make any alloy A and hence will be leftover only. Answer must be 16. (D) The answer is: D
The length of the bridge, which a train 130 metres long and travelling at 45 km/hr can cross in 30 seconds, is?
[ "247", "249", "245", "882", "279" ]
Speed = [45 X 5/18] m/sec = [25/2] m/sec Time = 30 sec Let the length of bridge be x metres. Then, (130 + x)/30 = 25/2 => 2(130 + x) = 750 => x = 245 m.Answer: C The answer is: C
First column specifies the No of Days prior to departure information. Second column specifies the Percentage discount offered. 0 - 6 days ==> 0% 7 - 13 days ==> 10% 14 - 29 days ==> 25% 30 days or more ==> 40% The table above shows the discount structure for advanced purchase of tickets at a particular airline. A passenger bought a ticket at this airline for $ 1050. The ticket agent informed her that, had she purchased the ticket one day later, she would have paid $210 more. How many days before her departure did she purchase her ticket.
[ "6", "7", "13", "14", "29" ]
First I figured out the percentage change from the immediate previous amount for each of the period.Thus it comes- 0 - 6 days ==> 0% 7 - 13 days ==> 10% (90% of the price) 14 - 29 days ==> 17% (approx) (went from 90% to 75%) 30 days or more ==> 20% (went from 75% to 60%) If the passenger had to pay the extra amount, she had to pay=(210+1050)=1260 now 210 is somehow between 10% and 20% of 1260. So 17% is the choice here. correct ans: 14 days ANSWER:D The answer is: D
Bill purchases an item and receives no change. Before the purchase, he has only a five dollar bill, two 10 dollar bill, and a twenty dollar bill. How many distinct possibilities are there for the total amount of his purchase?
[ "3", "4", "6", "9", "10" ]
We have 5, 10, 10 and 20 to work with From least to greatest, we have... 5 (the least) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 (the greatest) Total options = 9 Final Answer:D The answer is: D
What is the least number should be added to 1056, so the sum of the number is completely divisible by 28?
[ "1", "2", "3", "4", "8" ]
(1056 / 28) gives remainder 20 20 + 8 = 28, So we need to add 8 E The answer is: E
In one hour, a boat goes 13 km/hr along the stream and 9 km/hr against the stream. The speed of the boat in still water (in km/hr) is:
[ "11 kmph", "13 kmph", "14 kmph", "15 kmph", "16 kmph" ]
Explanation: Let the speed downstream be a km/hr and the speed upstream be b km/hr, then Speed in still water =1/2(a+b) km/hr Rate of stream = 1/2(a−b) km/hr Speed in still water = 1/2(13+9) kmph = 11 kmph. Answer: Option A The answer is: A
a man brought some watermelons to town and sold them. he sold 1/2 more than 1/2 of what he brought and he was left with one melon. how many melons did he bring to town?
[ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ]
He sold 1/2 more than 1/2 of what he brought thus he sold (1/2)+(x/2) and he was left with 1 water melon so equation will be (1/2)+(x/2)+1 = x or x/2 = 3/2 so x = 3 ANSWER:C The answer is: C
Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 25 cm and one of the diagonals is 34 cm?
[ "680", "268", "618", "297", "600" ]
Consider the rhombus ABCD. Let the diagonals intersect at E. Since diagonals bisect at right angles in a rhombus. BE2 + AE2 = AB2 252 = 152 + AE2 AE = √(625 - 225) = √400 = 20, AC = 20 + 20 = 40 cm. Area of a rhombus = 1/2 * d1d2 = 1/2 * 40 * 34 = 680 Answer:A The answer is: A
The ratio of the volumes of two cubes is 27 : 125. What is the ratio of their total surface areas?
[ "9 : 25", "9 : 35", "81 : 124", "81 : 126", "81 : 129" ]
Ratio of the sides = 3√27: 3√125 = 3 : 5 Ratio of surface areas = 3^2 : 5^2 = 9:25 Answer: Option A The answer is: A
Solve below question 2x + 1 = -13
[ "-8", "-9", "9", "8", "-7" ]
2x + 1 = -13 x = -7 E The answer is: E
If the area of circle O is 16π, what is the length of an arc on the circle formed by a central angle measuring 25 degrees?
[ "π", "3π/2", "2π", "5π/9", "8π" ]
Area = 16π Radius = 4 Circumference = 2 x 4 x π = 8π Angle forming the arc = 25 degrees. 25/360 = 5/72. Therefore length of arc = 5/72 * 8π = 5π/9 - Answer choice D. The answer is: D
15 litres of water are poured into an aquarium of dimensions 50cm length, 30cm breadth, and 40cm height. How high (in cm) will the water rise? (1 litre = 1000cm³)
[ "6", "8", "10", "20", "40" ]
lXbXh= 15000 h= 15000/50*30= 8 cm 'C' is the answer. The answer is: C
A bag contains 2 yellow, 3 green and 2 blue balls. Two balls are drawn at random. What is the probability that none of the balls drawn is blue?
[ "1/2", "10/21", "9/11", "7/11", "11/15" ]
Total number of balls = 2 + 3 + 2 = 7 Let S be the sample space. n(S) = Total number of ways of drawing 2 balls out of 7 = 7C2 Let E = Event of drawing 2 balls , none of them is blue. n(E) = Number of ways of drawing 2 balls , none of them is blue = Number of ways of drawing 2 balls from the total 5 (=7-2) balls = 5C2 (∵ There are two blue balls in the total 7 balls. Total number of non-blue balls = 7 - 2 = 5) P(E) = n(E)/n(S) =5C2 / 7C2 = (5×42×1)/(7×62×1) =(5×4)/(7×6) =10/21 Ans- B The answer is: B
If a = 105 and a^3 = 21 × 25 × 45 × q, what is the value of q?
[ "35", "42", "45", "49", "54" ]
a=105 = 3* 5 *7 a^3 = 21 × 25 × 45 × q => a^3 = (7*3) x (5*5) x ( 3^2 * 5) x q => a^3 = 3^3 * 5^3 * 7 x q =>( 3* 5 *7) ^3 = 3^3 * 5^3 * 7 x q q = 7^2 = 49 Answer D The answer is: D
A trader bought a car at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at a 50% increase on the price he bought it. What percent of profit did he make on the original price?
[ "17%", "72%", "20%", "82%", "16%" ]
Original price = 100 CP = 80 S = 80*(150/100) = 120 100 - 120 = 20% Answer:C The answer is: C
Ram and shyam start a two-length swimming race at the same moment but from opposite ends of the pool. They swim in lanes at uniform speeds, but Hardy is faster than Andy. They 1st pass at a point 18.5m from the deep end and having completed one length each 1 is allowed to rest on the edge for exactly 45 sec. After setting off on the return length, the swimmers pass for the 2nd time just 10.5m from the shallow end. How long is the pool?
[ "65", "60", "55", "50", "45" ]
let x=length of pool at first meeting, combined distance=x at second meeting, combined distance=3x if andy swims 18.5 m of x, then he will swim 3*18.5=55.5 m of 3x andy's total distance to second meeting=x+10.5 m x+10.5=55.5 m x=45 m E The answer is: E
A restaurant meal cost $50 and there was no tax. If the tip was more than 15 percent but less than 20 percent of the cost of the meal, then the total amount paid must have been between
[ "$58 and $59", "$56 and $61", "$58 and $60", "$57 and $59", "$56 and $57" ]
Hence it will be between 50 * (1+15/100) and 50 * (1+20/100). i.e b/w 57.5 and 60. Hence the answer B (b/w 56 and 61). The answer is: B
Three numbers are in the ratio 3:5:7. The largest number value is 42. Find difference between Smallest & largest number is?
[ "18", "20", "22", "24", "25" ]
== 3:5:7 Total parts = 15 = The largest number value is 42 = The largest number is = 7 = Then 7 parts -----> 42 ( 7 * 6 = 42 ) = smallest number = 3 & Largest number = 7 = Difference between smallest number & largest number is = 7 - 3 = 4 = Then 4 parts -----> 24 (4 * 6 = 24) D The answer is: D
What is the minimum number of square marbles required to tile a floor of length 2 metres 89 cm and width 3 metres 74 cm?
[ "176", "187", "374", "748", "546" ]
The marbles used to tile the floor are square marbles. Therefore, the length of the marble=width of the marble.the length of the marble=width of the marble. As we have to use whole number of marbles, the side of the square should a factor of both 2 m 89 cm and 3m 74. And it should be the highest factor of 2 m 89 cm and 3m 74. 2m 89 cm = 578 cm and 3 m 74 cm = 374 cm. The HCF of 289 and 374 = 34. Hence, the side of the square is 17. The number of such square marbles required, =289×374/17×17 =374 marbles Option(C) The answer is: C
Two men Amar and Bhuvan have the ratio of their monthly incomes as 6 : 5. The ratio of their monthly expenditures is 3 : 2. If Bhuvan saves one-fourth of his income, find the ratio of their monthly savings?
[ "3 : 5", "3 : 10", "3 : 8", "1 : 2", "2:1" ]
Let the monthly incomes of Amar and Bhuvan be 6x and 5x respectively. Let the monthly expenditure of Amar and Bhuvan be 3y and 2y respectively. Savings of Bhuvan every month = 1/4(5x) = (His income) - (His expenditure) = 5x - 2y. => 5x = 20x - 8y => y = 15x/8. Ratio of savings of Amar and Bhuvan = 6x - 3y : 1/4(5x) = 6x - 3(15x/8) : 5x/4 = 3x/8 : 5x/4 = 3 : 10. ANSWER:B The answer is: B
Mr. David manufactures and sells a single product at a fixed price in a niche market. The selling price of each unit is Rs. 30. On the other hand, the cost, in rupees, of producing x units is 240 + bx + cx2, where b and c are some constants. Mr. David noticed that doubling the daily production from 20 to 40 units increases the daily production cost by 66.66%. However, an increase in daily production from 40 to 60 units results in an increase of only 50% in the daily production cost. Assume that demand is unlimited and that Mr. David can sell as much as he can produce. His objective is to maximize the profit. How many units should Mr. David produce daily ?
[ "130", "100", "70", "150", "None of these" ]
Explanation : Cost price function f(x) = cx2 + bx + 240. When x = 20, f(20) = 400c + 20b + 240. => f(40) = 1600c + 40b + 240 66.67% is 2/3. => f(40) – f(20) = 2/3 * f(20). Substituting f(40) and f(20), we get, 1200c+ 20b =(2/3) * (400c + 20b + 240) Solving, we get 20b + 2800c = 480. Now, f(60) = 3600c + 60b + 240. f(60) – f(40) = ½ * f(40) Substituting, and solving, we get, 360 + 60b + 2400c = 240 + 60b + 3600c c = 1/10. Substituting we get, b = 10. So, the cost function f(x) = 0.1x2 + 10x + 240. Selling price = 30 * x. ( Each unit SP is 30) So, profit = SP – CP = 30x – (0.1x2 + 10x + 240) = -x2/10 + 20x – 240. For maximum profit, differentiating this should give 0. dp/dt = 0, dp/dt = -x/5 + 20 20 – x/5 = 0. x= 100. Also double differentiating d2p / dt2, we get a negative number, so profit is maximum. So, profit is maximum when 100 units are produced daily. Answer : B The answer is: B
Randy'sbar serves customers every weeknight from 5 pm to 1 am. In Randy's bar,Silvermoonbeer is sold at a constant rate except during happy hour, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, when the rate triples. If a keg of Silvermoon beer is half empty at 5pm on Monday, and two-thirds empty at the beginning of the happy hour, when will it be completely empty?
[ "Monday, 7:30 pm", "Monday, 9 pm", "Monday, 7 pm", "Monday, 6:45 pm", "Monday, 9:30 pm" ]
Let the keg be a 150 Litre keg At 5 pm.. There are 75 litres At 6:30 pm there are 50 litres. So, consumption rate is 25 litres per 1.5 hours. So it will take 3 hours to finish 50 litres at this rate. During happy hour it sells 3 times faster. So, rate = 1 hour per 50 litres. So, keg becomes empty at 6:30 + 1 hour = 9:30 pm Answer is E. The answer is: E
Ram purchased a TV and a DVD Player for Rs. 25000 and Rs. 5000 respectively. He sold the DVD Player at a loss of 4 percent and TV at a profit of 10 percent. Overall he make a.?
[ "2200", "2500", "2800", "2300", "2000" ]
Let the SP of the TV and the DVD Player be Rs. r and Rs. m respectively. r = 25000(1 + 10/100) = 25000 + 2500 m = 5000(1 - 4/100) = 5000 - 200 Total SP - Total CP = r + m - (25000 + 5000) = 2500 - 200 = Rs. 2300 As this is positive, an overall profit of Rs. 2300 was made. Answer: D The answer is: D
12.1212+17.0005 - 9.1103 = ?
[ "20.0015", "20.0105", "20.0115", "20.0114", "None" ]
Solution Given expression =(12.1212+17.0005)-9.1103 = (29.1217 - 9.1103) =20.0114. Answer D The answer is: D
Of the goose eggs laid at a certain pond, 2/3 hatched and 3/4 of the geese that hatched from those eggs survived the first month. Of the geese that survived the first month, 3/5 did not survive the first year. If 130 geese survived the first year and if no more than one goose hatched from each egg, how many goose eggs were laid at the pond?
[ "280", "400", "540", "650", "840" ]
Of the goose eggs laid at a certain pond, 2/3 hatched and 3/4 of the geese that hatched from those eggs survived the first month: 2/3*3/4 = 1/2 survived the first month. Of the geese that survived the first month, 3/5 did not survive the first year: (1-3/5)*1/2 = 1/5 survived the first year. 130 geese survived the first year: 1/5*(total) = 130 --> (total) = 650. Answer: D. The answer is: D
In Mike's opinion, his weight is greater than 65kg but leas than 72 kg. His brother does not agree with Mike and he thinks that Mike's weight is greater than 60kg but less than 70kg. His mother's view is that his weight cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all of them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of different probable weights of Mike?
[ "55 kg", "55.5 kg", "59.5 kg", "66.5 kg", "70.5 kg" ]
Let Mike's weight be X kg. According to Mike, 65 < X < 72. According to Mike's brother, 60 < X < 70. According to Mike's mother, X < 68. The values satisfying all the above conditions are 66 and 67. Required average = (66 + 67) / 2 = 66.5 kg D The answer is: D
Caleb spends $70.50 on 50 hamburgers for the marching band. If single burgers cost $1.00 each and double burgers cost $1.50 each, how many double burgers did he buy?
[ "5", "10", "20", "41", "45" ]
Solution - Lets say, Single hamburgersxand Double hamburgersy Given that, x+y=50 and 1x+1.5y=70.50. By solving the equations y=41. ANS D. The answer is: D
A train 240 m in length crosses a telegraph post in 16 seconds. The speed of the train is?
[ "22", "77", "54", "87", "21" ]
S = 240/16 * 18/5 = 54 kmph.Answer: C The answer is: C
A boat goes 100 km downstream in 10 hours, and 75 m upstream in 15 hours. The speed of the stream is?
[ "8 2 ½ kmph", "2 7 ½ kmph", "6 2 ½ kmph", "2 2 ½ kmph", "2 3 ½ kmph" ]
100 --- 10 DS = 10 ? ---- 1 75 ---- 15 US = 5 ? ----- 1 S = (10 - 5)/2 = 2 2 ½ kmph Answer:D The answer is: D
Find large number from below question The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller, we get 6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder
[ "1234", "1345", "1350", "1500", "1635" ]
Let the smaller number be x. Then larger number = (x + 1365). x + 1365 = 6x + 15 5x = 1350 x = 270 Large number = 270+1365 = 1635 E The answer is: E
A paint store mixes 3/4 pint of red paint and 2/3 pint of white paint to make a new paint color called Perfect Pink. How many pints of red paint would be needed to make 35 pints of Perfect Pink paint?
[ "9", "16", "19", "25 1/3", "28 1/2" ]
3/4 pint is required to make 3/4 + 2/3 = 17/12 pint of perfect pink so 17/12 pint requires 3/4 pint of red.. 1 pint will require 3/4 * 12/17=9/17.. 35 pints will require 9/17 * 35= 19 pints.. C The answer is: C