stringlengths 238
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Votano per chi difende il sindacato non arrendevole. #Grillo non fa parte di questo club. Per lui fa tutto schifo...] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ho appena fatto geografia per lunedì,latino per martedì e storia per venerdì. ieri ho fatto inglese per lunedì e un po' di matematica..] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : il suo cappello. i suoi occhiali. i suoi tatuaggi. i suoi shorts gialli. è perfetto. http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo monti: saranno famosi!] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [“LA REGIONE SI ASSUMA LA RESPONSABILITÀ DEL DOPO-COMMISSARIO SENZA PERDERE ALTRI 9 ANNI” Ennesima presa di posizione… http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Penso che il Governo Monti stia governando questo Paese in modo ineccepibile! Cosa ne pensa Lei? Un saluto] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo perchè tutti questi attacchi a #M5S. Gli stiamo così tanto sulle palle? Evviva la democrazia! Venduti!] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [TT ITALIA 22:28 1.#Grillo 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#piazzapulita 4.Prince Of Persia 5.Renzi 6.Franca Rame 7.Partito della Nazione 8.Nero Wolfe] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#roma #notizie Alemanno su Roma 2020: Nessun scetticismo nel governo Monti http #news] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Cosa dirai domani a Guido e Margherita che avete sciacallato i nonni pensionati?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il 1maggio anzikè la festa dei lavoratori propongo la festa dei disoccupati #ditelavostra #Grillo in #italia tanto nn c'è + ness ke lavora] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Sarò ingenuo ma nutro molta fiducia nel governo #monti e soprattutto in noi italiani e sono convinto che ce la faremo #crisi] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [A Marò.. Stime di -2,2 per colpa della manovra del governo Monti?! E daje su,finitela di dire cazzate... #Ballarò] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Liste pulite: Gianfranco Fini lancia le due petizioni di FLI : Generazione Italia http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mi è piaciuto un video di http Messaggio a Mario Monti da Tonino o' Sdentat (detto o] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Troppo berlusconismo nell'esordio del governo Monti. E l'Italia, a furia di subire "lacrime e sangue", è governa... http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Controlla questo video MARIO MONTI: «ABBIAMO BISOGNO DELLA CRISI» http via ] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ nonono,anche io :D] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il grande problema del M5S è che non si capisce ancora quale sia il ruolo di #Grillo #piazzapulita] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ivan Zazzaroni su Anelka: \"Adesso dai cinesi compriamo anche i calciatori usati\" http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ bellissimo, beata te!! Anche io vorrei fare un corso di qualità ma che non costi troppo!] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Parodia-documentario in stile Voyager svela il lato oscuro di Mario Monti http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il Fatto > La favola del Bradford, dalla quarta divisione alla finale di Coppa inglese] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Pronta per scuola! http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : In Italia ci sono oggi una trentina di piattaforme per il crowdfunding, ma solo 23 sono attive http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [monitora e commenta #mario monti http #partecipazione] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti: dal Senato via libera alla fiducia con 281 sì. Schifani: buon lavoro nell'interesse del Paese http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti crolla sulle liberalizzazioni. Taxisti-Monti 1-0. La Lagrimosa Elsa si sgonfia sulle pensioni. Trilateral out.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo, Monti inizia le consultazioni: L'Italia si riscatti. Crescita ed equità sociale http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [un presidente del consiglio che ha deciso di non essere pagato, un ministro che si commuove il governo #monti è un vero miracolo] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Sto facendo l'errore più grande della mia vita... E se lo perderò, non saró più la stessa.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [4 punti di sutura per Consigli. Aggiornamenti sulla Samp ► http http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Buongiorno!!! http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Messaggi privati anche a chi non ci segue? Ma seriamente? Ma non è possibile, voglio dire.. come minimo gli account famosi andranno in tilt] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Tonino 'o sdentato manda un messaggio a Mario Monti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [http E' nato il Governo #Monti, i #ministri sono stati scelti... Buon lavoro!] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : 'se larry fosse una droga, morirei di overdose' ma siete stupide o stupide?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Addio Mariangela Melato Arbore, amore di 40 anni: Abilissima protagonista in ruoli sempre diversi http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ per fare due salti! Eravamo in centro...ti dirò ci ho incontrato più gente fiorentina di quanto mi aspettassi ;)] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Prc: Il Governo Monti invece di curare l'ammalato lo ammazza | http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Quell'efferato sarcasmo di Mario Monti che uccide il povero Alessandro Sallusti http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ la mia dolcezza mi caga :3] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Per me posso anche morire.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Domani tutti alla Corri Catania, corsa/passeggiata di beneficenza nel centro storico di Catania. http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Subito RODRIGOOOOOO!!! Barcollo ma nn mollo!!! #amala #SkySerieA #TorinoInter] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Le donne sono architette. Cessano di amarti quando non possono più fare progetti.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [TT ITALIA 01:48 1.#cinemaInChiesa 2.#serviziopubblico 3.#Grillo 4.Trota 5.Billboard Awards 6.Levon Helm 7.Prince Of Persia 8.Lega] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La meteorologia non è colpa del governo #monti #openMatrix] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo che propone di alzare i salari con i miliardi della TAV... Sempre più preoccupante!] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [one direction,rihanna,lovato,little mix. se ho nominato uno dei tuoi idoli. FEDEZ DOVE CAZZO LO METTI IN CULO ALLA BALENA? TROPPA FATICA?] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ tutto benissimo :) te? anche tu♥] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ No è solo una tipica minchiata alla #Grillo parole a caso per fare fumo...] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ buon natale anche a te vecchio dalla mia metà di cuore sovietico ahahah] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Corrado Passera. #Ministro per lo Sviluppo Economico, le Infrastrutture e i Trasporti. Una garanzia nel nuovo Governo #Monti] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti traditore di alto tradimento al popolo italiano e massone http] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Per il fatto che sono di Torino come voi dovete seguirmi(?)xD ( live on http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Totti, Roma unito e rema da stessa parte: Capitano: cerchiamo di arrivare insieme uniti fino alla fine http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ mi spieghi una cosa? Che te le metti a fare le bretelle se poi te le lasci penzoloni sul culo?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [13) foto di una celebrità che faresti di tutto per incontrare: http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Strepitoso il titolo in prima di Libero sul governo Monti: Chiagne e fotte] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ progetto di Mario Monti sui giovani è simile a quello di Erode a Betlemme...] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La #costamagna dice che c'è un'intervista esclusiva a #Grillo . Ma se ieri l'hanno intervistato quasi tutti... #Robinson] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ ciao!!Molto bene grazie tu? Ahahahhah] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [S&P boccia ancora l'Italia, il governo Monti non basta http via ] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Si parla di noi: #Governo #Monti, #dialogo con i #cittadini anche via #mail http #democrazia #partecipazione] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Vorrei Che lo sforzo di Mario Monti fosse sostenuto e sorretto da una valanga di pensieri positivi...... Possibile? In Italia?] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ e magari son gli stessi che hanno votato x il #PDL dove hanno molti indagati x mafia. purtroppo l'italia e anche questa.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ :: nemmeno un governo Monti 'di scopo'?: legge elett.+rientro in UE+elez.primavera?] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti: un grande uomo degno di guidare il nostro Paese!] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Albertazzi subito carico a : Mario #Monti? E' moscio. Come #Montolivo, il centrocampista della #Fiorentina ] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Fini a Giarda: onorevole Ministro, faccia un ultimo sforzo! . #Governo #Monti] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il Consiglio dei Ministri nomina Pier Luigi Celli presidente dell'Enit.Ottima notizia per il turismo italiano. #Governo #Monti] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La vera tragedia italiana e' che l'alternativa dovrebbe essere #Grillo Siamo veramente alla frutta! #piazzapulita] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Creiamo un video con Ubuntu_ http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Cose irresistibili in una ragazza pt.58 Quando fanno finta di non credere ai complimenti invece dentro saltano di gioia] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Il Governo #Monti ha una grandissima popolarità? Ditegli di venire su #Twitter ...] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [seguite e #rt se l'hai fatto, almeno ti seguo c:] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [In bocca al lupo Professor Monti... Buon lavoro! #oramonti #berlusconifuoridaicoglioni] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti: mangerai il panetùn ma non la colomba #duraminga] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Tutto Intorno é Ombra - Cathryn Green at Biella Festival 2011 http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [E. Letta in questo momento Mario Monti incontra parti sociali e rappresentanze istituzionali di giovani e donne, questo il binario giusto.] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Troppa fatica altrimenti, l'abbiocco quotidiano non mi lascia scampo] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Dai che forse #Grillo riesce a far vincere la destra anche a genova - http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Sono fissatissima con Roar di Katy Perry da quando l'ho beccata su MTV ieri, è il mio nuovo guilty pleasure.] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [È molto più grave la pochezza politica di Fassina e di tutto il #pd che qualche scivolone di #Grillo #serviziopolitico] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Uscito di scuola] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [: Non mi pento di aver appoggiato la nascita del governo #monti, eravamo a rischio e non mi interessa vincere sulle macerie ] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [(ANSA)-La Scala-Giorgio Napolitano e Mario Monti vedere la prima del Don Giovanni. MENTRE LORO SE LA SPASSANO NOI PAGHIAMO!] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [NONOSTANTE GLI SCIOPERI SALE DI 5 PUNTI LA FIDUCIA NEL GOVERNO MONTI http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Amore mio♥] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : 2) a primo impatto ci stavamo tremendente sul cazzo #50cosesullamiamiglioreamica] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Alcuni mettono mani nelle tasche degli italiani: sono evasori rispetto a contribuenti . Mario #Monti Vero, ma troppe tasse=troppa evasione] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [“@TTmobile_: #Grillo è appena entrato nei TT Italia in posizione 2” super zio greeeeeee!!!] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ma il governo Monti pensa di dirla una cosa a proposito di naufragi, #concordia, #giglio, Titanic? O sono dal broker a trattare la polizza?] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ho fatto i capelli lisci :3] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Bellissima e Bravissima ieri sera la Tiziana Sinagra la sua voce incanta sempre il pubblico con la stupenda... http] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ ci pensa #Grillo a farsi le vacanze in yacht dopo aver predicato bene.] = negative |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti: c'è crisi, ma non per fare la guerra http] = neutral |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ come ti chiami? :)] = positive |
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo :\"colpito chi si oppone.dopo la lega punteranno Idv e noi\". Si paracula preventivamente. #codadipaglia ?] = negative |