Markdown code
Display a tree with adapter set to custom_adapter_function_v2
Show a tree with type set to 'CustomDataType'
Create a tree with value_by_id set to False
Add a tree with on_change set to 'on_tree_selection_change'
Display a tree with propagate set to False
Show a tree with active set to True
Create a tree with id set to 'custom_tree_v2'
Add a tree with properties set to 'custom_prop': 'new_value'
<|{value}|tree|properties={'custom_prop': 'new_value'}|>
Display a tree with class_name set to 'custom_tree_class_v2'
Show a tree with hover_text set to 'Hover for options'
<|{value}|tree|hover_text='Hover for options'|>
Create a tree with expanded set to True
Add a tree with multiple set to False
Display a tree with select_leafs_only set to True
Show a tree with row_height set to '40px'
Insert a tree with filter set to True
Create a tree with width set to '500px'
Add a tree with height set to '300px'
Display a tree with dropdown set to True
Show a tree with label set to 'Select Item'
<|{value}|tree|label='Select Item'|>