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Tadanobu Asano has such great weirdo energy. Almost makes me want to revisit Ichi the Killer
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Holden's smile when they renamed the ship sold me. That, and the nod to the coffee.
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"Wherever I goddamn like!" YESSS AVASARALA
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Murashige : What were you doing without looking for a spy? Oumi : I was busy playing with women.
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This series is honestly some of the best star wars content ever made. A lot of people complained during the first season about some incoherences in the show, mostly the mandalorian not knowing the jedi and the helmet removal thing. But it now makes sense and ties everything back to the clone wars tv show. Again, the combat just feels really good and that "serious" vibe and darkness around the show and the picture really makes it so good to watch for hardcore star wars fans. Content like this truly makes me sad that Filoni was not chosen to direct or have more of an impactful role in the sequels. What a waste.
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Call me crazy but realistically speaking Earth should have nuke the belt as soon as they found out it was OPA. What keeps Earth and Mars from nuking each other is mutual assured destruction so I see no reason why they wouldn't nuke belters out of existence the moment they found out. Last time Earth tried to destroy Mar's platforms Mars launch nukes without hesitation and I'm sure Earth would do the same. Small plot hole but the whole belt should be dust by now realistically speaking.
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First 5 minutes, Bobbie is already pissing me off. Really, you're not going to tell the people who saved your ass what's going on? When you know they escaped off the Donnager? And James not pressing her for the information? Boo, lame. Avasarala waking up in the med bay was a pretty good scene, once they reach IO I hope Mao is still there and Avasarala witnesses everything that's going on and possibly even records it for proof. Speaking of proof why hasn't she broadcasted the message Errignwright sent admitting his guilt? Why is Errinwright so hell bent on war anyway? Avasarala finally telling the crew about everything, and "cutting the bullshit" THANK YOU Nice to see Mao showing a bit of humanity with Mei. Props to Admiral Southern for seeing through the bullshit. Great acting from his as well. Awesome someone in a relative position of power knows the truth. Cotyar is smooth af when Nguyen barges in the med bay as well SG nooooo what are you doing you let Errinwright convince you with his mindfuck crap. Errinwright continues with his mindfuck guilt bomb shit on Anna but somehow I doubt it worked.
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That engagement party was so tense I had to pause like 7 times
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What even is the purpose of creating Snoke at this point? Is he (controlled by Palps?) being created only for the purpose of luring Ben Solo to the dark side? Because it seems like Gideon could fill his role as leader of the First Order. I just hope to find an answer because I lost most of my interest in Snoke and sequel things after TROS. And all this work to create Snoke must be for a good reason...
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I love the show, but this episode annoyed me. The Rocinante is clearly going to seek revenge for Fred's assassination given their history. It is such an obvious target for sabotage that I would tear the ship apart looking for the bomb any clever enemy would plant. Especially since Fred's murderer literally worked on the ship! I hate it when plots rely on smart people overlooking obvious threats.
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I find it interesting that the grenade the Martian marine used actually worked. Yeah he did end up being used as parts to patch the damage from the explosion but the grenade managed to destroy the robot/security system/something coming out of the wall. So this implies that as advanced as the PM is it is still vulnerable to human weaponry and felt threatened enough that it decided it needed to lower the speed limit.
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where do i remember them from? or were they just both on Killjoys? haha.
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that scene with the spy, holden, and miller... loved it
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I think the joker explained why we forgot about the common folk “You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds. Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.”
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Can someone remind me if Marco and Philip know that Naomi is alive and on the Roci at this point?
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I slept twice watching this episode.... utterly boring!!
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Amos is that guy.
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Stay for the post credit scene everyone!!!
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Is krypton even good? Is killjoys still a show? Disappointed they killed Dark Matter. It had potential. First season was so good
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Decent episode but holy shit have the production values gone downhill. So many scenes look cheap. I didn’t really feel that way in prior seasons.
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What a crazy and spectacular season of TV. The story started off with the fake war drama and now it's all about the multiverse drama. It will be very interesting to binge it next time around cause watching this weekly result amped up my anticipation. Cheers to all the fans and supporters who pushed for the Amazon renewal.We did it together!
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Those twin suns on Tatooine must be straight up murder for your skin. When you look at how much Boba has aged from his Clone Wars version to that sneak peak at the end of the first episode of Season 2 while Bo Katan's moisturizer game is flawless.
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**5 THINGS that I think will happen in the upcoming Mandalorian episde - My Predictions for the Mandalorian Season 2 Finale \[potential spoilers, duh\]:** If you prefer to listen rather than read and look at some cool related concept art while doing so, feel free to check this out: [https://youtu.be/\_mwOhhl-DWo](https://youtu.be/_mwOhhl-DWo) The Season 2 finale of the Mandalorian is just days away and I think it will leave us all in awe. They were not messing around this season and introduced so many new characters. It is only fitting that the finale should top all that came before which seems like quite a task. Here are my 5 predictions on what we might expect from this season finale: 1. A duel between Din Djarin and Moff Gideon This was being set up for a while now in a number of episodes and I think we are going to see a duel betwen those two with Din Djarin wielding his pure beskar spear and Moff Gideon the Darksaber. Now, you'd think that if they do fight, only one of them will come out on top. Could Din Djarin die? I think it is extremely unlikely unless this was the last season but we now know that The Mandalorian was renewed for the 3rd season. So Gideon? I think so and his death might pave way for a new antagonist such as Thrawn. 2. Which brings me to number 2: We can hear Thrawn speaking to Gideon or perhaps even see him. With Thrawn involved, could it be that the New Republic will take interest in what is happening? Could we see an actual space battle? I think it is possible, this could also act as a set up for the Rangers of the New Republic. 3. Bo-Katan makes a comeback Bo-Katan clearly has some unresolved buisness with Gideon and before he dies, she should confront him to reclaim the Darksaber. Could it be that she will aid Din Djarin in his fight against Gideon? I think it is extremely likely. Though with Bo and The New Republic, it is getting a little crowded and still think that Din Djarin should be the one to take down Gideon. With Bo returning, we might also see Djarin finally abondening the creed. This is clearly being set up and at the very least I think we might see his face again. Possibly season 3 will delve more into how he struggles with what he was brainwashed to believe since childhood. 4. Dark Troopers appear and one of the main characters, one of the good guys mind you, dies. I am guessing Greef Karga will be the one to bite the dust but it could also be Fennec or Mayfeld though I think we will see more of them in Rangers of the New Republic or the Boba Fett show. Dark Troopers will be the ones to deal the killing blow or Moff Gideon. 5. Force User that Grogu contacted on Typhon appears at the end I don't think the said force user will aid Din Djarin in his fight against Gideon since that would take too much away from that accomplishment plus with Bo\_katan helping, Gideon is in enough trouble as it is. So who will that force user be? Well, it could be a new character but I am thinking they will reuse an already established character given how they've been trying to reference all kinds of canon material. I am thinking Luke, Ezra or Cal Kestis. My money is on Luke but this has tons of implications which is why I am reluctant to say I am certain... I suppose it could be Ahsoka but it seems weird to me that she sent mando away to find another jedi only to appear again and answer Grogu's call. I think we won't see anymore of her until the next season or even her own live action series. I know some content creators speculated that Windu will make a comeback but I find that extremely unlikely. I think we will most definitely get more stroies with Windu but if he ever returns, he should do it to confront Vader and possilby die doing so. More on that later in another video perhaps. 6. Grogu uses the Force like never before I feel like Grogu was very much a background character this season and while I understand that such is his role in this series to an extent, I think we should also see him grow in some way as a character. I feel like Grogu will do something that will leave us speechless in this next episode. Well, this is it for my predictions, I'd love to know what you think might happen in the season finale so be sure to let me know and may the force be wtih you, always.
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I have to admit that Kuills' last chase had me at the edge of my seat. I just LOVE that it happened off screen! Such a somber moment.
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They introduced Fullbody but not Jango?
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Man this show already has some cool and memorable star wars characters. Baby yoda I HAVE SPOKEN man Bounty hunter guild leader man And Mando
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Stupid question. I thought it was Mariko came to him, but she said it was a courtesan. Am I obtuse?
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Another week to wait and then again and again for 4 more weeks assuming no breaks (pls no breaks) . owwwwwww. I am so spoiled. Baby, I love you, but you hurt me so; makin' me wait.
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Hiroyuki Sanada is a superb actor. damn i felt his pain when he was talking to mariko
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Am i the only one who feels like the characters in this show have become irrational? Naomi full on knows that the belter have killed innocent people yet she still sides with them?The presidential lady seems completely different compared to previous seasons, its as if there is a “fuck” quota she needs to meet each episode. The whole group of belters being told that there is literally giant machines that will destroy them and all they do is double down on on their ideology? Then they retaliate by holding hostage RCE member despite the fact that the whole situation is their own fault?? I just dont see why i would even bother rooting for them. Bobbie’s storyline is kind of boring so far ngl, but im sure it ll tie into everything in the future. Also way too little Miller
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This show is so bad now.
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Yeah, lets go ahead and marry these two immediately and skip the 7 days... we're not going to have any lords left if we wait until the end of this week... lol
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Rhaenyra, you're grounded.
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Just here to gush about how well done the tea scene is. Maybe I have just not been paying attention to the right places but I feel like *so* many of these streaming "epics" can end up feeling totally devoid of real artistry and treat the audience like they're thick stupid. "We want our 'the next Game of Thrones' money please, but we don't want to actually put all of that uhh effort, quality or thought into it. " This scene was the absolute anthesis of that. So emotionally charged, so beautifully shot, so patiently done. It trusts the audience to try and navigate the complexities of details both small and large. But there's no air of pretentiousness to it either.
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So I'm a bit confussed where did Deamon disappear after the dance, that is when the fight was happening. Why didnt he save Rhaenyra?
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Mariko gave Buntaro such a sick burn that he cried. Mariko = 1 / Buntaro = 0
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Stoked for the season finale, but bummed that there won't be another episode for a while... Might just have to go back and watch them all over again.
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I am glad that boy got killed
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The quality of the show is declining unfortunately
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Those head shots by Fred's right hand belter were cold-blooded.
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When Grogu tells Luke about the nice lady Ahsoka, Luke is probably not going to be amused. “Wait, there is a highly-trained ex-Jedi out there I could have been talking to all this time, and not only that, she says she knew Yoda, and wait, _what?_, she was my father’s apprentice from before he turned to the dark side?” And then when he meets her, she gets to learn that Anakin was the one who killed Palpatine.
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This show is great and I love it.
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I know this is an unpopular opinion, but: while this season is fun and there's a lot of great stuff in it, it's also pretty much betraying everything I liked about season 1, particularly with this last episode. The first season was a new thing, populated with new characters we'd never heard of or seen before. Season 2 just feels like an endless parade of familiar faces. "Bo Katan, see? You know her! Ahsoka, see? You remember her? Look, it's Boba Fett back again! You all love him! Guess what, we're gonna give you Luke Skywalker now!" It's less glaring with Bo Katan and Ahsoka, because those are "newer" characters that haven't really been depicted in live-action. But it would be nice to have a Star Wars thing that doesn't have anything to do with the Skywalkers for once.
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Having the falcon in the scenes is really highlighting what he said in episode 1.
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I'm only here to whinge about that ridiculous anarchist flag waving behind Marco during his address; I was a bit removed from the gravity of the situation watching some fuckin fifth-grader's graffiti on full display next to the potential ender of Earth.
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I’m rooting for Michio to stay on the Tynan and mess things up. (And not go with that sexually intimidating man.)
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I was on the edge of my seat the last few minutes, but now that I think about it. Isn't Chrisjen in charge of the UNN now. If so why would she take that video at face value.
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So... Who were "The Spies" of last episode?
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HELLO IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THE MENTION OF THE MANDALORIAN WARS!!!! I’m calling it now, we will have a mandalorian war movie
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I was so excited for this. Just got done watching and I can't lie. I'm a little worried.
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“Shoo Aemond. Shoo!” “Don’t engage Lucerys!” “Not another accident.” The level of screaming I did during that dragon scene. But I guess this accident has more depth to it.
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Dominique's acting yet again is stellar. So much conveyed in how she was doing what she was doing, all with minimal actual dialogue
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I am not a book reader and I just kinda feel left out how the book readers get so much more out of the show. Game of Thrones and Walking Dead are somehow different, I don't see the book readers leading the post charge. Oh well. I mean no disrepect, but I need a little more spoon feeding I don't see the book readers need. If you are a book reader, good for you, but I guess my post is devoted to non-book readers of expanse. Thanks and please forgive me if I sound rude.
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What an absolute waste of a last season. We went for 5 episodes where absolutely nothing really happened - yes I understand they were building a coalition, but in the vast scheme of things nothing happened - and then it ended with a whimper. There was so much nonsense that clearly was setup for the HOPE (pure hope) there is a continuation of the series, but who know when, or if that will happen. The storyline with the kids on the ring world was so out of context and confusing with no setup or resolution and it made ZERO sense in the context of the larger season. But more than that, the entire season just felt like bad choices, and lack of emotional resonance whatsoever. I haven't read the books so I don't know if Holden actually does this, but the whole purposeful disabling of the missile to save Naomi's son is so fucking mind bendingly stupid and contrived I don't know what to think. Holden, the supposed hero of the show, made a decision to not kill the person who killed millions of people on Earth, because he didn't want to upset his girlfriend? The moral implications of this is staggering, in particular because in the last episode, he has ZERO concern whatsoever about killing Filip when they go for the Pella. Why? Because he got permission from Naomi in that one scene? Give me a break. But beyond that, just so much time wasted this season on little, insignificant storylines. Like in the last episode, you're left feeling like the entire UNN/Mars fleet is completely ruined, and yet you have no sense whatsoever from the season how that happened because all the focus was on storylines like Filip being a little bitch and murdering people because he's angsty, or Drummers polyamorous lover losing his arm. My favorite part of the finale was when Amos and Draper go onto the railgun platform and they're both getting absolutely barraged with bullets in heavy body armor, where none of the bullets penetrate the armor, but then they're back on the Rosi and their faces are all bloodied as if they were in some horrible battle. But overall, the entire season just felt so flat and cheesy. Even where Marco died, I found it completely confusing and disorienting. All of a sudden he was just... dead. After all that, this anticlimactic scene of his slow motion death. If the last season was the actual last season, what a bad taste to be left in my mouth. If it wasn't, I don't even know whether or not I want to continue watching. There were some fun seasons, and the show definitely bumped in quality when they got on Amazon, but overall this season was completely underwhelming and disappointing
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All of those lickspittles
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"That was one hell of a ride." RIP Alex Bobbie's voice coming through the suits was perfect. "What we had together, our odd little family on the Roci, it was good, truly good. People come into our lives and they go out, families change, it can be hard and sad but we bear it as long as we don’t shut ourselves off from the new wonderful things that come, and I know there will be more wonderful things for you. You can let me go. It will be alright. I will love you, and Amos, and Alex for as long as I love anything. But mostly you. Don’t waste that. Take what we had and build on it. In that way I’ll still be there." Amazing delivery on Alex's name there. "He picked it too."
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Damn, what a time gap.
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Din: The Mines of Mandalore! Bo Katan: This is no mine! This is a tomb! Or was it Gimli and Boromir? Whatever, it worked for me! lol
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Amos is R2-D2 for the Rocinante. Repairing the ship midfight
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Did anyone else see red laser dots on Amos and Peaches when they were about to leave the guy with the fire? I thought they were in someone's rifle scopes but then nothing happened and it wasn't mentioned..
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Man this is good
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Baby Yoda: Engineer Extraordinaire
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Don't get smashed to death. Nice team-building exercise for senior command.
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I didn't expect the accents for Garp and Shanks, but I really like. Same with the fact that it seems more 'pirate-y' than the anime
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The only criticism I have so far in the show is this: I need to see one healthy loving Japanese marriage / relationship because I know they existed. The nobility and ruling class all had arranged marriages but that doesn’t mean none of them were happy. They could’ve done it maybe with the peasants. The only close one is Taranaga with his older wife but that’s glossed over. So far the only love story we’re rooting for is a white man being able to pull an Asian woman which feels trope-y. That’s it don’t come for me. I love this show so much.
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Man, that was a *lot* of episode crammed into 32 minutes. As a ride it was one of the best the series has done, and it was wall to wall action and intensity. I will say, though, that also felt like a big budget student film. Robert Rodriguez's direction often had the feel of the couple of college students playing Star Wars in the Hollywood Hills. It gave the episode a kind of kinetic energy I appreciated, but I also would've preferred a more cinematic look in keeping with the rest of this season. I will also say I'm a bit let down by Boba Fett's entrance. Temuera Morrison's performance wasn't amazing (all those hammy big eye kill faces), and the armor didn't exactly fit him like a glove. Added to the kind of "Cheap" feel of a lot of it. But I'll be damned if that wasn't 32 minutes of Star Wars delight. I also wonder if Rodriguez will be back for the finale or if Favreau will return?
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Damn was really hoping Harwin was going to be around for longer but that might just be my Australian bias coming through because I love see fellow Aussies in big shows and movies
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Damn that was heart wrenching
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I love this show. Goddamn.
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The show started off great...then when the king started to lose his shit at his council after the death of his wife and son...I was like yeah this gon be good. The cast and acting seem top notch and I'm all for it.
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I don’t understand the Ceres administrator’s problem with Drummer. Who just delivered a lot of supplies for you?
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What a terrible dogshit episode. That was insulting to the viewer's intelligence. Just horrible writing that was honestly embarrassing. It's incredibly disappointing that this show, which had such a great season 1, is just a complete dumpster fire now. ​ That felt like it was targeted at people who enjoy Paw Patrol level writing. This list will only grow but: Where did all those TIE Fighters go? How did Bo Katan just magically fly into the buried command center? How the hell did Grogu magically find Din after he was capture and they closed the blast door? Why don't the weapons of the praetorian guards work on Din like they did on Visla? How did Gideon just crush/break the darksaber (which supposedly has a beskar hilt or something) so easily? Mandos can jet pack into orbit now? LMAO.... couldn't they not chase the dragon earlier this season because of lack of fuel? Where the heck did R5 even come from?
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Am I the only one that felt like this episode was distinctly bad compared to the first 3 episodes? To me it felt cheesy with stilted dialogue, bad acting, and forced relationships. Even the music didn’t fit to me (the theme’s village)
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I dont love Mel's backstory but their cuts to the flashbacks have been great
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God dam. You can't leave me hanging like this! I'm a dad in real life and all I see is my little one getting scooped up by that dam scout trooper!
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This episode insulted all of our collective intelligence. There was a ton of dumb moments - but the absolute worst was when they got split up and no one does ANYTHING to help Din. Grogu doesn’t use the force, Bo doesn’t try to cut through the door. Initially I thought maybe it was too thick and she knew it? But then she runs off and does exactly that to the door behind them. And then no one goes after Din, everyone just runs off in the opposite direction?? Also - this is an elite group of mandalorians and they fell for the MOST OBVIOUS TRAP EVER
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Richard E Grant's performance of classic Loki absolutely stole the show for me. But Mobius saying Sylvie is his favorite Loki... PLEASE, get out of here.
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The tears pooling up at the eyes was a really nice attention to detail. Along with the flames on the skiff and the flames on the outside on the Behemoth as it span. Fucking A.
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God, that scene was so beautiful. I want to watch it over and over even though I know it's going to wreck me again,
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I hate how inept all of earth leadership suddenly became this season. What happened to the entire space navy of Earth? Literally the only spacecraft that engaged the free navy was the Roci this entire season, unless I missed something. The only thing earth did was bomb a belter station full of civilians right? Everyone on earth and the moon are running around like chickens with heads cut off, totally clueless about what to do next. This was NOT the case earlier in the show. Earth and mars had their shit together and had a massive space military that was fast and responsive.
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Anna went from super annoying to badass instantly. Couldn't have been easy finding another suit with thrusters and pilot it over to the roci.
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One thing I am hoping for, is that as much as I love Ahsoka, that this show focuses more on Mando’s plot vs Moff Gideon, rather than diving too deep into a jedi plotline which we already have tonssssss of content of. Maybe more of a side plot, but I want to see more of Mando, Gideon; Boba, Bo Katan, and maybe even sabine
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That Luffy and Nami Dynamic was on POINT, I loved it! At first Luffy's dialogue felt a little stiff to me like he was playing therapist or something but as we got into the marine base I really started feeling all the characters, everyone even the side characters were great. Also that one Helmeppo scene was so damn funny 😂
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Who else reckons there will be a running gag of constant new IG units as each one gets picked off for various reasons? Like the Kenny of star wars
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Disney is going to cash out so hard on baby Yoda
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I wonder where Naomi got the oxygenated blood from?
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Good episode. A bit slow, but I really enjoyed the dialogue writing. And the performances too, of course. It was weird seeing so much snow close to Baltimore, considering winters should be much milder in The Expanse's world. But I suppose temperatures could still be low enough for plenty of snow to occur.
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The tension was amazing until you hear the alert and see the XWing. Then the slow build of Xwing, Hooded black figure, green Saber and then gloved hand, had me screaming Skywalker! And then he wrecks every death trooper up. This could have been a movie.
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Loved when Mando got cornered and he looked at baby yoda like “uhh, help me out again?” And he was tuckered out. Or thinking “not after the shit you just did, shiny man.”
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18:54 there is a dude from that set standing behind the main cast firing blasters. White t-shirt, jeans and a watch lol.
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This show is making me become a star wars fan again.
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Any bets on how many people Amos is going to have to keep in check this episode?
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The only thing that particularly bothers me about it is that is contradict's the interlude in the Aftermath Book, now their position in Canon is now confusing, much like how the Clone Wars contradicted the Ashoka Novel.
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I can't pronounce the name of the ship Naomi is on so In my head I just know it as the chain smoker.
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Well, I was sceptical but now I'm totally sold on the show.
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Overall I think that was a decent episode. Was surprisingly disappointed with the Earth-centric survival story, but gives good context to the time that Amos and Clarissa spent coming back from the ring gates. Not much surprising about Naomi/Marco storyline. Definitely stoked to see how Avasarala handles a cabinet position though - Coming back to season 1, behind-the-scenes power?
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ooooooooooh! so sasha banks played koska reeves who was the other female mandalorian alongside bo katan! im a bit of a slow one xDDDD that means we can further speculate on sabine wren cast <3 <3 <3 ###
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