<s> Yes, this really is a post about diapering issues. You see my son (which is still weird to say) is very long, but very skinny. As he's grown in length it seems his dirty diapers have had a harder time staying </s>
<s> Hello guys, talking a bit about jewelry here today! It's been a while since the last time I wore a necklace or any statement jewelry to be honest. I don't know what's the reason, but I just </s>
<s> Both are used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines and other facial lines caused by active facial muscles. Both have been in use for years and have a high safety </s>
<s> It also sounds like they don't have much of a handle on what it will take to fix a locked-up player. I wonder how many other people around the world are stuck with non-functional players and a vague answer about the fix? It could well be in the thousands. And the best they can offer us is to check the </s> <s> (2) There is no release process, or if there is, nobody in management is required to sign off on it. (3) If anybody in upper management ever actually cares about this, an </s> <s> I think it's curious how most technology is created to make our lives easier, but it always seems to make things more difficult. If only technology had an "easy button" like Office </s> <s> They (the company) break your product that put money in their pocket with their lack of quality control and testing, and then they want you to pay to have it fixed. I just shake my head. That lack of customer service is usually attached to a lack of work </s>
<s> Launch your rocket high into space! Flip it just right to achieve a new high score. Click or tap to flip. Baby Boom is a matching game with images style. The goal of the game is to match the right answer. The test includes food, shadow, number and color. Hold your mouse to match the right food </s>
<s> I delete that, then draft out an educated response. I end up pressing the X in the top left corner. It's not worth it, and they don't deserve that attention anyway. So what do I do? Destroy their position completely in a school newspaper article. As someone who </s>
<s> As a reminder, the bill would allow individuals and families to sell the same cottage foods sold at farmers markets from their homes. We made some changes to the bill to require </s> <s> I feed the birds year round, just to draw them close to the house because my wife and I like to watch them. We always have a good variety of birds around. It's mornings like this one that I question my </s> <s> It seems chilly, but birds regularly use our heated bird baths. Besides water to drink, they use it to help keep their feathers clean which makes them, for lack of a better term, </s>
<s> You need to keep it in your mind that the contractor you end up with will give you either the best or the worst looking kitchen you have ever seen. You need to exercise caution while </s> <s> You only need to have certain points in mind as you go about the selection process. You need to be keen on the kind of experience the contractor has. It is through their excellent work that they must have made it this far. If they are good, you will hear about it. Experience will have earned them greater performance, strategy, </s> <s> The contractor you choose needs to be one who is ready to create such an environment. The friends and family you have can also serve as great reference points. You will thus have an easier time searching for the perfect contractor. These groups tend to recommend only the best </s>
<s> While the part of the castle facing the river is perhaps rather plain, the other side features a medieval tower and is rather more interesting. You will also see many grand town houses and the Museum of Arts in Cognac before returning to the river and an attractive promenade along the </s>
<s> We need a player or two to give us those big chunk plays. If we are going to run all the time, then we better get a runner who can give us a </s>
<s> Along with the roses there's a great collection of arts and crafts and flower-related products for you to enjoy -your chance to stock up on gifts for rose and nature-lovers in your life. I' </s> <s> This caterpillar happily munched on the fennel in our garden. Do you keep a journal, or go through your photos at the end of the year? I'd love to hear about your favorites! Wishing you all sweet </s> <s> Our friend's very large, unused yard in a nearby town was the perfect place. Best time to move a hive is in the evening, when the bees are tucked in, back from foraging. Tape up the opening and you're set to go! They </s>
<s> Not now. Not yet. It's just not important enough. An awkward truth dawned upon me: these people don't care. You'd think they would but they don't. Not really. I can't think when I last </s> <s> Education, faith, is a drawing out and not a putting in. Sure. We all know failure has a hundred fathers (some of them absent) and we all know that the further down the </s> <s> It is hard to see how they could do much worse than the current system. And if they do well? Well, perhaps then we could imagine a time in the not too distant future when </s>
<s> "That's a good question," he said when asked what he wants to do next. "One hope I have is that more and more people can come and see these classic films and that these </s>
<s> } It works fine id the city has two words (Red City) then the State is extracted properly, but if the City only has one word it does not work. I can't figure it out, I don't need to use </s> <s> String re6=".*?"; // Non-greedy match on filler String re7="((?:[a-z][a-z]+))"; // Word 1 What they match: re1: "19951010" re2: " 19951011 " re3: "Red" (stops at non-letter, e.g. </s> <s> Also you don't care about the state. So, e.g.: String re1 = "(\\d+)"; // match first number String re2 = "[^,]*"; // skip everything thats not a comma String re3 = ","; // skip the comma String re4 = "[\\s]*"; // skip </s>
<s> When using the ground glass and plates the camera had to be mounted on a tripod, but it also could be used as a hand camera. On the drop bed is a distance scale to set the proper distance and a little reflecting finder to see what would be on the photo. Double page ad in The Photo-beacon, November 1901. </s>
<s> I would like to thank my team for making my vision come true. I hope this is just the beginning of a glorious future of the society and I hope the society </s>
<s> There is a specific order in which to do this delicate procedure. It's likewise very important, once you have your cords in hand, to never let the clamps touch each various other. If they do, you could get an unpleasant shock. You start the treatment with the dead auto. First, attach the positive cord (it's the one that's not </s>
<s> !! The Magic Wand is very powerful. It has multiple attachments that could be used either on your own or with a partner. Is plugged into the wall with a low or high speed. Wow! Best Purchase ever! Good fun for both partners! I sold this to two friends. One loved the power and another found </s>
<s> My papers were being rejected without comment at the top journals (recall) and I experienced being invisible at professional events. (I am a white above average-length male, by the way; I have long arms.) I </s> <s> The systems of stereotypes may be the core of our personal tradition, the defenses of our position in society. They are an ordered more or less consistent picture of the world, to which our habits, our tastes, our </s>
<s> The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) provides a means for the public to access copies of certain government records. A FOIL request should clearly and specifically describe the records you are seeking, including titles, dates, file </s>
<s> Imagine the book of rules for weddings, now set it on fire! That's pretty much what these guys did. These guys planned a day full of the things that mean the most to them. Like their mutual love for </s>
<s> He told the Mail: "We was just about to go shopping and I saw the car rally get together with a load of boy racer-type people admiring each others cars. How long </s> <s> "I guess I just wanted to show them that I can be embarrassing by doing a fun thing like that and not be bothered at the people's reactions to me. "It was just like a 'do you dare me to do it?' scenario and I never back down from a challenge. "You can hear them laughing and screaming but it was so much fun and I think the kids thought their dad was cool for that </s>
<s> She will steal your heart when she sings "I Wanna Be Loved by You". She will make you laugh when she sings "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" as she searches for the </s> <s> President My Heart Belongs To Daddy I Wanna Be Loved By You I'm Gonna File My Claim After You Get What You Want You Don't Want It Two Little Girls From Little Rock The River of No Return I'm </s>
<s> Her hair is red. She's 79. She kept the purse beside her in the chair and sometimes gripped its strap as she spoke. "I'm so glad to see you, thank you for coming," she told the audience. </s>
<s> .. New York's Legal Weed Program Is Set to be The Best in the Nation New York's legal weed program is set to be the best in the nation, according to </s>
<s> "Why?" she asked, taken aback by such a personal question. "Because," the professor responded, "girls who come here and have boyfriends can't focus on the research. And that's a problem because, in general, girls are already worse at </s>
<s> It is illegal to help an underage person obtain alcohol. It is illegal to have an open container of alcohol on campus and in many other public spaces, including public roads and sidewalks and property owned by the town of Chapel Hill. It is illegal for any person under the age of 21 </s>
<s> Most of the people I worked with were fun, except for Mary who was just plain mean. Mary always had her eyes set on working her way up to a lead position, then to a </s> <s> Unfortunately for her, she was never very good at it. Her inability to take advice from anyone else and lack of concern for people who had not had a break in hours led to three people missing their breaks and going into overtime. When our leads got back they were livid. Mary was </s> <s> I had to turn down this opportunity, and it went to the next person on the list, Mary, whose application had been in the office since her sixth month. You would think with her goal achieved, Mary would have settled down a bit but, </s> <s> She explained that it was inappropriate of me to say anything against her now that she was a lead. The threat was well received but given very little interest, I knew it would never change anything that had happened between us. My last day at Six Flags was </s>
<s> D. 542, it stayed for four months, killing so many people that it was impossible for the living to bury the dead. By A.D. 565, half of the citizens of the </s>
<s> This leaves a lot open to interpretation, and accounts for why so many builders end up with unique personal expressions of a boat, even though they're all working from the same plans. That's kind of cool, really, but it means every builder is left to figure things out on their own. As much as possible, I' </s> <s> In consultation with my resident designer and artist, we determined the wood alone is pretty enough with just the natural curves and grain, with a single plain strip down the middle. If I </s>
<s> Don't forget about that prime printing real estate on the envelope) and send it off. But we wanted to help them really make a splash. The brochure has all of the information laid out in a way that is both eye catching and easy to navigate. And when the pieces are all folded in on each other, the result is an 'envelope' (often called a self- </s>
<s> They have, in a sense, kept on keeping on, yet this team also feels like the beginning of something new. The Big Three are aging, and soon, they will be gone. Yet you get the sense that the Spurs have already built the foundation for the future, but if this really is the end of the Dad </s> <s> They share and provide. They lead by example, they take time to teach, and they put the family first. Like all dads, they serve as a reminder of our past; they are one of the last links to an </s>
<s> See this movie if you want a whirlwind of color, animation, fun, excitement and culture. 7. The Shape of Water The Shape of Water is a beautiful love story that only a </s> <s> Needless to say, this movie surprised the hell out of me. It's a story about wanting to be loved, wanting to belong, wanting to feel human. It's a story that has characters getting lost in the magic of movies, the possibility of </s>
<s> I really hate it when I buy a gift for my kids and they play with it for a day or two and it ends up broken or cast off to the side. That is NOT the case with this </s> <s> We bought this for my daughter for Christmas several years ago when she was 2 1/2. She still owns it! In the early years, she used it for art projects. Now, she uses it to "teach" her younger brother when they play school, to write messages, and to draw pictures. I </s> <s> It has out-lasted the dollhouse, kitchen, and a number of other toys which were much more expensive! Whenever people ask me for gift suggestions for their kids, this is always my top suggestion! </s>
<s> And thunder and lightning. Wind circled around and first I was making sure all screens and doors were closed on one side of the house and then it was coming from a different direction and I ran to check the other side. Trees creaked and cracked. Limbs broke. And with one of those strikes that make you jump out of your skin, the lightning hit nearby. That's when I checked my phone to see how much battery life was left. I saw two messages. One was an emergency weather alert: Tornado Watch. Huh? The other was from a friend warning me that there was a tornado watch for our area. Not sure what to do, I stood between the kitchen door and the downstairs bathroom, where a hatchway leads to the basement. But, there was stuff in the way and I really wanted to watch the storm. At the same time, I was frightened. Of course, in the </s> <s> Of course, that meant driving through his field and another neighbor's field further on. Their road was a total mess. There was a lot of damage, primarily to trees, but a few buildings were hit, including </s>
<s> He will say yes, unless someone in his lab has already done it! A great deal of research in the primary international literature has already used the data (see below), but we are keen to see it used for any purpose. The Main </s>
<s> Forward-looking information is necessarily based on a number of opinions, assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the date of this news release, are subject to known and unknown </s>
<s> The natural audio track was much more pleasant on the ear drums this time around, less screaming and therefore less pitching. The acting is about what you'd expect from the relatively </s> <s> There's a fairly long scene where the three girls are sitting on a porch and it could have easily been shot from the opposite direction and with more cuts so as to avoid the </s> <s> These are all silly things that you'd expect were done purposely but they're still issues all the same. It's also daylight for a really long time in this film, in fact there's no night-time shots at all. If the characters offered up something more or we </s> <s> That said, if you're a sucker for micro-budget horror or you're a budding film maker you might find something more in it than I did. You can check out the official trailer below! My </s>
<s> Congratulations! You're behind the steering wheel of the funky Driving Works car. You are now a driver! But what else do you need to know before booking more driving lessons? What would be wise to find out before you're out on the road and learning to drive? Below, you' </s> <s> They are ideal for taking your test, and have helped the driving test success of many new drivers. Q. How much do your driving lessons cost? A. Driving lessons with Driving Works can cost less than you think! Our driving lessons start at only </s> <s> Q. Can you recommend any further reading to go alongside my driving lessons? A. Yes, check out the Driving Works driving lesson links for more useful information. Q. Can you collect me from one place and drop me off in another? A.Of course. Driving Works </s> <s> This is ideal if, for example, you're at college or work in town and wish to drive home to a surrounding village. Q. Does Pass Plus mean taking another driving test? A. Not exactly </s> <s> When the course is complete, Driving Works will assess your progress and apply for your Pass Plus certificate. Q. What's the point in Pass Plus? A. Pass Plus helps you gain extra driving skills for life, </s> <s> Please read our Pass Plus page for more details. Q. How many lessons will I need before I'm ready to take my driving test? A. How long is a piece of string? We all learn at different </s> <s> Suffice to say, though, Driving Works will get you there as quickly as possible, and we won't keep you hanging on longer than you need. Why not take advantage of our block </s> <s> Q. Do I need to pass my theory test before taking any driving lessons? A. No, not at all. Driving Works will help you to plan your theory test, and will even go through the types of questions you're likely to see. Q. How do I qualify for free driving lessons? A. Easy </s> <s> Q. How does my friend get a free driving lesson? A. Recommend your friend to Driving Works, and their tenth hour with us will be completely free! How's that for a deal? Q. What happens if I fail my driving test? A. Don't worry </s>
<s> The company officially changed its name to Marathon Oil Company in celebration of its 75th anniversary. In 1967, the company entered tanker operations, developing the first ocean tankers designed to transport </s>
<s> He's been a shadow of himself. That is why I am not surprised that he only comes on near the end. Yes, he still needs match fitness; so, how long will that take? Then there are his injury issues. </s>
<s> If we are unable to raise additional capital in sufficient amounts or on terms acceptable to us, we may not be able to fully develop our nuclear fuel designs, our future operations will be limited, and our ability to generate </s> <s> Due to the above listed factors, we cannot be certain that additional funding will be available on terms that are acceptable to us, or at all. Our limited operating history with our joint </s> <s> S. Department of Energy's (DOE) minimum cost-sharing requirements that typically range from 20% to 50% of the total project cost (i.e., a 25% to 100% match in Company's cost-sharing </s> <s> From 1992-2001, he was Director of the International Environmental Law Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, during which time he also served at the White House (2000-2001) and as Acting Assistant </s> <s> Under those rules, beneficial ownership includes any shares as to which the individual has sole or shared voting power or investment power, and also any shares which the individual has the right to </s> <s> The average of the high and low market prices of the common stock on August 2, 2016, the date of the closing of the sale of the preferred stock, was $3.315 </s> <s> If an Award is to be settled in cash, the number of shares of Common Stock on which the Award is based shall count toward the individual share limit; and Total stock options outstanding at December 31, 2017 </s>
<s> As usual, use them for whatever, and let me see it. nicely done!, thanks for sharing. Do you mind if I use your work? I plan on making a t-shirt. Thanks so much for the </s> <s> Am going to try too be as creative as i can! Will let u see results. how do i link to u when I am finished? You can just link back to this. But definitely leave me a comment with a link to what you make with them. Thanks I will get that </s> <s> That said, I am going to collect them until such time I do require them. Nice work. Well I'm glad you like them. The quality of what people make with them </s> <s> I'm so sorry, this one--> [link] are not your splatters, that's why I haven't told you... SORRY! thank you for letting me use it and i hope you like it! I think that this is really nifty. I used your resource here: [link] . Thanks for the lovely splatters! i dont understand how to get these into my </s>
<s> Paris in the mid-19th century was distinguished by a large number of all kinds of hot spots. Their visitors, who came without a companion, could order a dance partner for a very small fee. Simply put, buy it. Dancing and alcohol taken together </s> <s> It seemed unfair to the guys that girls were allowed to make money in such a simple way, but they, handsome men, were not allowed to do this. K / f Without thinking twice, the </s> <s> Casual one-time sex did not suit them at all. Of course, in order to keep an attractive partner near you, one payment for their services was not enough. The guys were not at all opposed to dressing at the expense of their companions and </s> <s> By the way, in most cases they are always not real, the appearance of a guy can be quite ordinary, and the photo is simply borrowed from the sites of guys whom nature has </s> <s> However, both the guy's face and his wardrobe - everything looks as if the man had just stepped off one of the pages of a glossy magazine. But, looking closely, you can pay attention to the explicit gestures, looks and movements that </s> <s> So, no matter how strange it may look from the outside, many ladies sincerely believe that their companions really like them. They believe, or prove to themselves and those around them that they believe - the </s>
<s> Assume el is the variable for the element you want enter to be pressed on. I'm not sure how you going to get that element but I'm sure you know. </s>
<s> "It depends on any number of things, not least of which is how this case affects her. I would have rather had her stay off of work for a few days more, just to be on the safe side, but I think she should be fine regardless." "And you base this </s> <s> "His wife handles all the customers, he just does the cooking and supply. He knew folks were disappearing, but he claims that as no one else in town seemed too worried, he figured it </s> <s> Her arms were crossed, and she looked very annoyed. "What do we have on her?" "Baby-girl says she's a local, lived in the town her whole life. Father died when she was young, she was raised by near relatives. Income records indicate she's had to work hard at one job or another over the years." Morgan reported. "Her husband's a local </s> <s> "I can't tell how old that broken nose is, but the postures are habit, not recent. Besides, this is a defiant woman, not a broken one. If her husband had beaten her, she would have </s> <s> Right now, she sees what's going on as a male power play on her life's dream." "So if she's going to talk to anyone of us three, she's going to talk to me." </s> <s> "But you do realize that insisting on a lawyer makes you appear somewhat suspicious." The woman snorted. "Half those men out there have made their mind up about me already." She answered. "Why bother about </s> <s> "They don't tend to look at facts. Like these receipts you have. All they can say is that it looks weird for you to save them all like that." "Oh, for the love of..." The woman threw up her hands. "That's Earl's little </s> <s> "Only thing they WERE interested in. Come out of nowhere and head out into the desert like it was the only thing. Leave their cars in the lot, most of them. Others, they'd keep coming and going in and out... never bother with the town, just back and forth with the desert." The woman spat </s> <s> "Weeks and weeks they'd be out there, but would they bother staying at any of our town's fine hotels? No! Just the desert for them. Spend less and less time, even at the diner." Morgan threw </s> <s> " "So then the question becomes: what was going out in the desert?" Morgan mused, turning back to the window. "You say they all went out to the desert... any idea where?" "Oh, heavens if I know," snapped the woman. " </s> <s> Little better than a bum, that man. But he knows how to lead city slickers on. Clean them out with promises to show them their dreams and such." The woman waved her hand. "He was always hanging around the diner, looking to take the next </s> <s> "Believe what you want." He answered. "But nine times out of ten, the second they get to that ranch, they practically toss me their stuff. Lessee, they were just last week, right?" "This past </s> <s> "You take videos of all your passengers?" "After one of them earned me three weeks of questioning, yeah." Travis snorted. "S'a little dash-mounted camera. Still in the truck, if you want to take a look." </s> <s> "Just... not more than you need." "There's cash in my purse in the back," added the woman, shoving the chair forward eagerly and scrambling out of the back. "Right." Travis called out after them. "Any messages you want me to pass on? Hey!" Grumbling, the Travis in the video reached toward the camera. The view lurched suddenly and </s> <s> "This man..." He said, his voice low and level. "Did you take him where you took the others?" Travis took the wallet and glanced at it. "Oh yeah. Him. I remember him, real friendly guy." "Did you take him to where the others disappeared?" </s>
<s> Always check with your doctor or health care professional to make sure you are well enough to travel before deciding where to go, and always check and plan your arrangements in advance. Many ferry </s>
<s> It's also food for though, capturing your imagination and filling your brain so full of fantasy you can't stop thinking of it and more possibilities. Working our way toward the ball park (to watch the S F Giants) we walked past many local grocery stores and my thoughts went </s>
<s> He stood up, moved chairs, and gave a full demonstration of proper outfield defense. And when it was over, he pulled out his phone to show us the one play we'd left off the list. So, where does </s>
<s> When I left to come to the health department, I thought that I would never see her again, but a few years I was in a training and there she was. I was very happy to see her again and we caught up quite quickly as to what was going on in our lives. I will miss you as I did when you retired. </s>
<s> Include a call-to-action at the end. Something like, "Please like, share or comment on this video to let us know you'd like to see more." can go a long way. Record your presentation and </s>
<s> Millennium offers many different ways to purchase our car trailers for sale. You can: 1. Design Your Own Trailer. Click the Design Your Own Trailer link located at the top of this page to start. 2. Call us at 1-800-978-7223, we are available </s>
<s> 102.141801). That's roughly a trillion trillion times the current age of the universe. And yes, I did mean to repeat the word 'trillion,' this number is simply that big. This just means that a proton, if sitting still, practically lives forever. But that's not to say we can't destroy a proton if we try. You may have </s> <s> a)You hair starts to attract up to the balloon... and b)Your friends give you strange looks. The first of these can be explained by the Electric Force. This force is created and felt by Electric Charges, of which there are two types: positive and negative. Like charges get pushed apart, and opposite charges attract together. All </s> <s> Microscopes that you are most familiar with use lenses and light to help you see things closer up. This works great for looking at butterfly wings or amoebas. But you can only zoom in so far with light. Not because of any technical </s> <s> Which is to say: the game is not drawn to scale. The proton is drawn HUGE, so that you're able to see it. But in reality, it should really take up far less than a single </s> <s> The less massive the ion, the more its path gets bend. It's as if you had two trucks, one filled with lead, and the other empty. One way to tell them apart would be to see how easily you could speed up, or turn the truck. Learn more about Mass </s> <s> This means that when we hit the electron with some laser light, we need to make sure we're giving it the right energy. If it gets exactly the energy it needs, it makes the transition, otherwise it </s> <s> If we give the electron more energy than this, it can escape. So take our ground state electron from before. If we shoot it with a laser once, we add in 10.2 </s> <s> Picture a cat chasing the red dot of a laser pointer. The laser seems incredibly precise, a tiny little speck of light. But if you get close to it, you see it is in fact a little circle a few </s>
<s> As I arrived and saw the snow white tents in a field of brilliant green and surrounded by the ancient stone walls, the beauty practically brought tears to my eyes! One could only ask, 'Why </s>
<s> Why should I care about level design? Level design is a key feature of any successful video game because it has to do with what people refer to as "flow." We want to have flow, which is when the player sort of loses track of time. They lose track of the fact that they're playing a game because they're so engrossed in the </s> <s> The balance that an entire game development team needs in order to get players into the "flow" of the game, and keep them there, is tricky to get right. Players need to be </s> <s> Otherwise, you may find yourself wandering for a while until you truly do get bored enough that you quit the game. Level development is a continuous process, and as new players try out the game, our team must respond to anything they find particularly difficult, or worse; boring. Where else does level development show up in our game? One in-game example of level development is </s> <s> " Playing a lot of games also helps with level design, because the more games you play, the more spaces you explore. Like any artist, you're drawing on the features of spaces you remember, whether they're fictional or real. </s>
<s> I love this city and I'm so, so, so, so excited to be spending my next five years here and hopefully the rest of my career, God willing. Trust 'The Process.'" </s>
<s> Hold it in your hand, watch it tremble and then swallow it like you would an oyster." If you're fated to meet your maker, you could do worse than offer him a </s>
<s> That interview pretty much ended in 1930. But I would like to know something a little bit more about your early family background. Information of this sort is of particular value in </s> <s> After the war he had to take up his practice and make a living that way. I see. He had not been practicing then when you were growing up? Off and on. Do you recall where he went to medical school? Where he studied? In </s> <s> How large was your family? Did you have siblings? Yes, I have three sisters. Younger or older than you? One is just a little bit older and two are a good bit younger. In this period of time when you were growing up you say your father was practicing on and off. Was it necessary for him to practice for a living as such? We moved back and forth between </s> <s> He also had a fine collection of paintings of the classic Dutch masters. He wrote a little drama once and things like that. And he told stories. He was very good at that. So in 1910 </s> <s> During the war the teachers were generally very old. The young people, of course, had to serve in the army and so in that way it was rather fossilized at that time. So there were modern languages in addition to the ancient languages? Yes. I did somewhat better than in the ancient languages. And the normal </s> <s> Even then it was: not quite healed and so I was not fit to serve at the front. Other than the fact that the teachers were mostly old in that period of time, were you aware of the fact that the normal course of study at the </s> <s> My grand-parents were still living. Was life difficult in that early post-war period? Oh, yes, of course. Were you protected somewhat from that by your family's wealth? To some extent. For instance I got help during all the post war years from an uncle of mine who took over the family firm. He was a bachelor. That made things very much easier for me so that I always had a little help. This was in </s> <s> No, not at all. Another question: this is right in the beginning of the inflation. I was wondering if that had any effect on your ability to do the work that you wanted to do there? I went to </s> <s> You mention at a few points that you had, I think in response to a question in this interview of, "why did you write the article in the HANDBOOK ON MECHANICS?" that you were very much interested in the basic </s> <s> What did you have in mind when you said that? What was the problem? First I must say, during the time I was his assistant, he was very sick. And not the genius he had been. He lived very much in the past in a way. His </s> <s> Would anything like that happen with Born? Much less. There was some music in his home. And he was a good pianist. If he got someone, he liked to play pieces for two pianos. And some of his students did that? Yes. For instance, </s> <s> Was there any problem? It's nothing compared to the problems today, but were there any problems connected with just simply keeping up with work as it came out? Yes. It was always difficult at that time. </s> <s> For example, it has been suggested that, precisely because there were no limits to creative expression, or seemed to be no limits, that this might have exercised some influence which made it more likely or more possible for physical theory to become less </s> <s> Was this looked upon as something impossible to explain, without throwing out well-accepted ideas? Was it something that made a big impression? Or was it just one in a continuing series of </s> <s> But there was no public discussion of it. I am not quite sure, I think that came also fairly early in the game. I'm not quite sure exactly the date. Yes, I think it was early in '27. So what was the reaction to the </s> <s> What is your feeling about that now? Do you think that there's anything to that? I don't think it can be done. You have to change your way of thinking about many things. Well, that was just in the period then when you left </s> <s> Of course, the person to whom you went had to agree to that. I see. Did you give any thought to coming to the United States at that time? Not as a student, so to speak. There was very little in the matter of </s> <s> It was for me a very creative year. I had good ideas at that time. As I have not had at all times. So it was stimulating. And I made scientifically good progress, and learned </s> <s> Things had developed quite a bit since that time. The development was furious. I don't know whether from memory I can get all the dates, when the various things were developed, and the connection between </s> <s> That was already going on before I left. All these things were completely accepted when I came back. Were people already looking around for new fields within physics to apply the new </s> <s> So it was really very remarkable that some people were able to do good experimental work. Also, there was [very little] in the libraries and things came in only belatedly and so on. So it was a very difficult time that the Russians had. How many people do you remember working at the institute? </s> <s> Would you elaborate a little on that? Just what did he do that was helpful? First, of course, there was enormous correspondence all over the world, to find places for the people who had to leave. And then for these people and a few others he </s> <s> In a way, I was lucky, because I was young and had just made my name and was promising, but not so old that it would take very much money to get me. Also, as a </s> <s> This was in the fall of '33? It was in the fall of '33. But that time there was no question in your mind that you had to leave. There was no question, </s> <s> I think that was a good paper, an important paper. Do you think your growth of interest in nuclear physics had anything to do with the fact that you were also at the same time looking for a permanent position some place? No. I think that [one] had nothing to do with [the other]. I worked also on problems in </s> <s> I was interested in nuclear physics too, but this one paper was the only one I actually wrote in this field. There was not much nuclear physics in Duke at that time, but fairly active </s> <s> Oh, yes. There was tremendous development since that time. I think it was in part due to the Americans themselves, and the people of my own age group, who grew up with </s> <s> I did some very good work there. It was quite interesting. It was a big applied problem, and I solved it. The question was whether melting occurs, and generally how hot it gets, at the inner </s> <s> It can be applied also to small weapons. I gave the complete theory of how much heat is developed and when melting occurs for guns of any type. There were experiments in which </s> <s> However, it turned out that melting never occurred in the guns of that time. We calculated the actual temperatures which are produced in complete agreement with all experimental evidence. We also finished extensive </s> <s> Was this the first time that you had ever done anything like applied problems of that sort? Yes, that's right. I could see where you can have an analytical solution, where you can have </s> <s> They just looked for people who might be available. But you were approached with a position of substantial responsibility. Yes. I was a fairly well-established physicist. I would expect, in looking for a physics director for a new project that they would have tried to get somebody who was already in the project, rather than going outside. How did they represent what it was you were to be doing, when they first talked to you? I was not yet appointed the director of the physics division, but as a senior </s> <s> When were you officially aware of the fact that bomb production was the point of the whole business? I think I wrote this here, in this little article. When I learned about </s> <s> What was your own personal reaction to the news that there not only had been a bomb, but it had been used? That was, of course, mixed. We understood how terrible that stuff is, and [pause] and maybe we got some slightly more information than the general public, I'm not quite sure. You look tired. No. I'm just interested. In that article, you mentioned that the </s> <s> Did you really think it was necessary? Certainly something was necessary. We were so trained in keeping things secret. That was hammered in all the time. It just came as a complete surprise that they opened the door that wide. In </s> <s> I am not sure about the actual date when we got together. Do you remember who else was involved in setting it up in the first place? Not so much the names as what kind of representation among the technical staff at Oak Ridge was involved? Was it just top </s> <s> That was one of the main points. But we were very well trained, so that I don't think there were any sensible leaks from the project. Even after the war? Even after the war. Of course, as we discussed, the </s> <s> Hopkins apparently had really far-reaching ideas on this. And I was getting on in years, relatively speaking. So it was agreed that I would not have to retire before finishing my 68th year, which gave me 12 </s> <s> Then you had a period of a couple of years of very creative work on shell theory. That was a period of time when other people were also doing that. Yes. I had become much more involved in nuclear physics during the </s> <s> Did you ever find it difficult to change gears in physics? You seem to have done a number of different things, and done important work in all of them. Was there an </s> <s> Or was it difficult to change in that way? No. I think that is so with many people; that sometimes you have to change the line of your work. You get stale if you stay too long in one field. Though the field goes on, of course. I started my career in </s> <s> We wanted to see. You don't talk so much with people about that, but you feel it. Did things seem quite different to you than they had before? Obviously a lot of things had happened and the circumstances were quite different. Yes. Science was more or less </s> <s> No. That could have been unpleasant for him. Otherwise, this was a very pleasant visit I had with him He was very cordial. He always was, and I admire him. You later expressed great concern about the public and </s> <s> Then I went there in summer of '46. There was a session on Teller's idea of the so called "super," the potential hydrogen bomb. There I got my first information, real information, on the subject; what it physically might be, and so forth. How well developed were his thoughts at that point? It was frustrating. Teller had worked on this during the war years, and it seemed to be an </s> <s> Here was something quite different then, something one had to work hard on, this specific project. And then I felt, "you have to know whether there is anything in it." Herb York wrote a book on that, that it would not have been necessary, might not have been necessary. But that one should again have tried to get </s> <s> And so it was. York is talking about whether or not it was the right decision to have made at the time. What about the issue of how much the public has a right and a responsibility to know in a </s> <s> Regardless of what decision was made? That only divided the country. This was started really before one knew what could be done. Now, in '51, one knew it would go, and even </s> <s> Actually my question is a larger question that we were talking about at lunch. What did physics become in that period of time? I was wondering whether or not the experience that so many </s> <s> Until a few years ago it was very easy to find jobs in physics. That has changed now. And so people simply took it up as a line of work that promised a fairly good living. So it's a </s> <s> Aside from young people coming into a field that might look upon it as a kind of ready-made professional field where they can expect to get a good job, are there any more </s> <s> Then there was this public debate which you know about. It always went too slow for him. Finally, he had an idea which worked. One can reconstruct how it goes. Then, everyone thought it was not so difficult, after all. However, he was </s> <s> Do you share that view? Not quite. I think one has not to forget that, but it is very necessary to come to an understanding with the Russians. Here sit two great powers </s> <s> In some sense, that's true. Only, the other side has to feel that they cannot do anything. Even if they have more bombs or better bombs, that they can't use them without destroying themselves. You said at lunch that you had gotten more and more interested recently in energy production and problems that we are running into with expendable resources. There, too, of course, there has to be a large input from the physical </s> <s> All right. If you feel free to make them, I can assure you they will be treated with respect. You will see them before anybody would have the opportunity to look at them, and you can put a partial restriction on some of the material if you wish; it will be </s> <s> There was a conference on the super (bomb}, after the principle was clear that it would work. And he agreed with that. Before he had been very much against it. But afterwards he gave the impression, "Yes, now I will guide the thing." And he actually managed to be the most </s> <s> But it showed, he did not quite distinguish between personal things and technical things. I had one very unfortunate experience with him. That was in '38. I was invited to give a </s> <s> And he did not let me talk. I said a few words, and [he interrupted,] "Yes, we have found that a long time ago and much better!" He repeated that from time to time, and so on. I really could not [continue]. Finally </s> <s> People felt that there could have been a different way. You don't have to do it that way. Does that seem to make my position clear? Yes, I think so. Do you have any notion of his </s> <s> It is, of course, closely linked with the population problem, about which I personally don't think I can do anything. In energy, I am an expert in physics, particularly nuclear energy, and know what it is. I can understand when people talk about solar energy and so on, and have a fairly good idea what can be achieved on these lines. To get a long-range solution, one has to follow a </s> <s> One has to see the problems and so on. For the short range, one has to take energy anywhere you can get it. And there are several things [President] Carters program is less than even that. It's </s> <s> Solar energy might be very good to heat and cool houses when the technology is a little bit more developed, I have no doubt. But as to separate electricity generator, I have my </s>
<s> I would like to stay in most of the other places on the site so that speaks volumes. The process was so easy in comparison to others we have been approached by, the </s> <s> In many cases, this will be the first holiday these families have ever had, so you can be confident that listing your property with Host Unusual will also help to bring a little sunshine and happiness to those who really need it. </s>
<s> **path** | **String** | path is the relative path of the file to map the key to. May not be an absolute path. May not contain the path element '..'. May not start with the string '..'. | </s>
<s> So at this New Moon it is both time to delineate our goals and intentions for this new year; and it is also a time to slow our pace, become more aware of the </s>
<s> I like the fact they have them easily laid out with good pictures on the boxes to make it easy to see what they contain. I also like the fact they are providing these items for just 1L$ or some of them are free so even if you have seen half of the items here before i bet you will find something here that you havent seen and for that price its worth it. </s>
<s> "Of course we would rather not be in this position, but unfortunately we felt we had to take a stand. All we want is for the council to come up with a solution that will help the families involved." Find out more about </s>
<s> Scientists can turn embryonic stem cells into most forms of adult tissue, but often those tissues don't function like fully mature forms of the organ they are supposed to be. Now a </s>
<s> "We are grateful to have been part of an event close to my heart. I was born and raised in this community and we are committed to giving back to our local families. </s> <s> 30. Fans can drop off new hats at the Caps Care Community Relations table located at section 114. All fans who donate a hat will receive a limited edition Hockey Fights Cancer </s>
<s> It is especially important in juggle the football, especially so by using the heels. Which is the most difficult part to master. Hope I can get the answers some days. On the day of the feat in 1986, during the changing of school sessions. In front of hundreds of </s> <s> I hope that as more people understand, how to use the bike most efficiency , more people will use the bike as their mode of transport, because of today high oil price, it is also good for the health and less </s> <s> For my effort my senior, a old lady claim advisor, nearly every morning had cook and brought me free breakfast for a few years. When the machine having problems most mechanics usually, thought of using grease to solve the problems, in fact more </s> <s> and most of them use two hands to set both sides ( one hand is usually less skillful). I used only my right hand, which is more skillful, to set both sides of the printing rollers - as both sides of the rollers the pressure need to be equally distributed. If set too tight, not enough </s> <s> I use a special form of paper which is especially accurate in setting the pressure of the rollers. If the roller set too tight it will break, if too loose it will be easily pull out. Though a lots of practice both side will be </s> <s> Because I had been repairing, setting the wheels and riding the bicycle, since I was a few years old and learn few tricks from the old bicycle repairman, I got a head start. Having understand the real causes of </s> <s> The company made tremendous progress. To have an edge, a car company need the ability to have a better teams of mechanics, that able to maintain and repair the car better. As a better </s>
<s> I know for a fact it exists, because there are videos of it here and here, but I can't seem to find any release of it, and I fear it has been lost. If anyone can find anything, it would be greatly appreciated! According to </s>
<s> "Our culture is built from the ground up and there is a sense of community which we feel is unique to our business. This is the sixth year in a row we have been voted one of the Best Large </s>
<s> As long as you are using the samples that are bundled in Sonic Pi, you can send the code to anyone and it will sound the same on their machine or instance of the program. Now, I'm just starting out and have barely grasped the </s>
<s> Many were also used for their original purpose and still going strong, like the West Side Market, a bustling food hall full of shops and restaurants. Or small local spots that seemed straight from the 40s. Here are some of my photos from </s>
<s> You can find more Health Savings Account information here. This type of policy continues to be very much in demand, since it is still one of the least expensive ways to keep your </s>
<s> What should I do? A: It's always best to err on the side of caution and give a Warning. Our objective is to foster student success, and a Warning draws their attention to the importance of </s>
<s> My schedule has been a little hectic, and I decided that this event would be a good way for me to do something I want to do instead of something I need to do. I' </s> <s> I like that it is an afternoon/evening event. I also like that it is a half day deal instead of a whole day experience. The cost is very convenient as well. I might get better value with a whole day event, but it is still $175, where as a half day event, even though a little more than half the price, </s> <s> People can certainly choose to stay casual with this non-competitive environment, but for those who want to be competitive, this is a great way to get their foot through the door. And in </s> <s> " Check this link out. Makes sense to me! Sorry about getting an update so late. My week has been a little hectic and I haven't had a chance to sit down and write. Round 10 </s> <s> All and all, the event went very well. I was able to put down a decent time, and even though I placed 4th, the points did help. I was able to come away with a few more points when factoring in the drops. The data logging went pretty well. The data </s> <s> Once I set up the start and finish lines and the splits sections, it did everything I needed to do. I was able to get section times in certain areas. I was able to </s> <s> What I hope to do for future events is to get a team of individuals who would be willing to working with me on plotting the course. If I could get two or three people to help, we could easily define the course then share it to the cloud where anyone can pull it and </s> <s> We still need to get it dialed in. The car is a little more complete now and should be a little more competitive than when it was running on the stock shocks. I think a lot of people make the mistake thinking that </s> <s> Anyways, the car ended up handling fairly well. With my starting our runs, I noticed that the car felt kind of slippery. Not sure what the cause was, but I was able to tweak a few things and make it feel a lot more grounded. I think I spent 3 </s> <s> In other news, I received the 924S yesterday. It has a lot of work ahead for it, but it looks pretty decent. Car has a little more than 54k miles on it. For the time being, we' </s> <s> After years of not moving and nagging from my aunt, my aunt and uncle decided to give it to me. I am definitely looking forward to it. I don't really have any plans for it yet. I hope to just </s> <s> As for my 5th run, it was only a little slower than my second and third. All and all, I had a pretty good day. I thought I put down a pretty good time, even though I wanted to go faster. I think after two runs, I was sitting in first place, but my other </s> <s> ? I bet you that as soon as I get a new gauge, my old one will turn up. The season is starting to wrap up. According to the calendar, there are two </s>
<s> ---------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 5 | 1 | 5 | 3 6 | 1 | 6 | 2 7 | 2 | 2 | 0 8 | 2 | 3 | 1 9 | 2 | 5 | 2 10 | 2 | 6 | 1 11 | 3 | 3 | 0 12 | 3 | 5 | 1 13 | 4 | 4 | 0 14 | 5 | 5 | 0 15 | 6 | 6 | 0 How to get this either by </s>
<s> ...or if you're not really meaning to compare the first and the last element for the first value; plop = [v for (x,y,v) in zip(list1, [None]+list1, </s>
<s> There is a saying "Let us cross the bridge when we get there," but I would advise that this is not the type of bridge that you will enjoy when you get there </s> <s> You should think of where you will be placing the cart? What would be the appearance of your business area, should you have some repairs or construction to do? What is the spending power of your target market of your chosen location? Who will operate the cart and how much will you pay them? What other products will you are selling to add to your daily sales? These and </s> <s> Now how much budget do you really need for the business? The budget you will need is the budget for setting up the business plus budget for some months of operation. That's the real investment! I always suggest a minimum </s>
<s> " Sometimes characters have to travel several blocks before finding an exit, and there are bound to be other phones along the way. This suggests that specific phones have to be rigged with a certain device or </s> <s> But without variation the hard lines are all situated in places where they'd rarely be used by ordinary people. Probably if they tried to pick one up, they'd get no dial tone, put the </s> <s> The hard lines are a whole different ball-game, while equally simple in operation (for either one you need only pick up the phone and get ready to talk) the hard lines have a million times more back end support. The hard lines as I see it have three main parts: The </s> <s> At that point, we do not yet know who she is, whether she is good or bad. We do not know that she got there on time. We do not know why she was running to the booth. All we know is that she is no longer there. We do remember that opening scene every time anyone is trying to get to the right phone. We now know that it is possible for them to reach the phone (if we did not, we would assume the person looking for the phone was not going to make it). We also know that the agents know our heros need to get to a specific phone and will do everything conceivable to prevent them from getting there (if we did not know that, we would assume the person looking for the phone would get to it without any difficulty). This creates </s>
<s> You can share your location! Share your location in the middle of the conversation! "Where are you right now?" Answer this question more clearly than ever, with a map showing your location. You can also share your whereabouts with people you choose for an hour, until the end of the day, / indefinitely & you can see people in the message thread on a map if they have shared their locations. Tap to choose how long you would like to share your location. So that is where everyone is. When your friends choose to share their locations, you see them all on one map. </s>
<s> Basil paints of the state of affairs in the Church and in the world (4th century), a picture black as the black night on a rough sea. It looked as though the world's end were </s>
<s> Make sure you secure the services of the experienced team that's ready to deal with the toughest jobs. Don't fool around when it comes to sewer, drain, and gas line work. Make sure that you turn to the team that knows the most about careful </s> <s> Choose the team that's certified to work on gas lines! We have the experience it takes to handle underground pipes carefully and effectively. You can rely on our owner to visit every single site we work on, because our crew is dedicated to quality. </s>
<s> Fortunately, the movies still find time to tell these stories, and because they are about real people and real events they are often even more fascinating than those big-budget action spectacles. Earlier this year, movie </s>
<s> I don't want freshly slice cucumbers or a quick stretch. I want a massive coffee, a snickers, and a magazine. But how would those things leave me feeling? Not so hot. Couple this problem with my brand spanking new food </s>
<s> (a/b)*b + a%b is equal to a. which can be shown to require the sign of a%b to be the same as the sign of a (when not zero). Note: The actual C++11 </s> <s> That's too much for me to get right right now, so maybe someone else will jump in and provide the correct answer. I'm aware that I have not answered your question, but the </s>
<s> Somebody here had been listening and had replaced the receiver on the telephone in the hall. He went out there. There was no one about. He went quietly to the cupboard behind the stairs and looked inside. At that moment </s>
<s> So start looking around you in the room and you will found out that you have more than you expect. To make things easier for you I will list all the items I' </s> <s> Not that cool I know, but if painted it becomes a very nice backdrop. These are some ideas for you if you're starting out. I'm actually still using them, even if I have some cute </s>
<s> I did this by making use of every situation that presented itself while roaming the streets. I also found interesting locations where I would wait around for an interesting subject to come to me and my </s> <s> The black vent on the right side of the image adds character to the otherwise plain green building and this character matches well with the lady seen in the image. The lady stands out greatly due to her dark and pink clothing that she is wearing that matches her bags. </s> <s> In this image, the lady is wearing a black dress with lace at the bottom while holding a baguette in one arm and talking on her phone with the other. Her eye direction also adds to her character by adding a sense of mystery to her when coupled with her clothing and the items she is holding. The black clothing of the lady creates strong contrast between her and her </s>
<s> What are genetic diseases Where does static electricity come from? What are the functions of white blood cells Definition of physics and its branches. The wonders of God's creation in the human body. What are the factors that affect the </s>
<s> " I immediately told him I'd already done a reading for myself and they'd said YES, he'd give me the loan. He laughed and then wrote me a check. But some years later I was surprised that he asked when I would get a "proper job," one with a consistent income and </s> <s> People can sometimes define you by who they are. If you're different from them, they might try to persuade you to change the decisions you make purely based on their own </s>
<s> But even though that commercial bread has entered my home, its not leaving without doing it proper justice. So eyeing up the ends of a brown loaf that had been sat there for a couple of days and the start of a white loaf that I knew we would never get through, three bananas that were just about to </s> <s> Crusts included I used four slices of brown and four slices of white, heavily buttered and spread with the marmalade and then spread with crushed up banana on top of the marmalade and cut into triangles. Arranged browns then whites triangles in an oven proof dish (or tried to, I made an error half way through!) next beat six medium eggs, added 2 </s>
<s> (The very first pull was to little effect except on the cheerleaders.) The only comment was, "Here is the spirit bottle". After that, the jug regularly was a part of our pep </s> <s> No one on the team except Larry and a receiver knew that it was going to be a two point attempt. It was successful and we won 8-7. After the game reporters were asking Larry how he managed to make that play and he said "I guess I had my </s>
<s> She gave one last big hug, handed me a tissue to dry my tears and put me in the cab. Husband went away on work. Before our relationship was even over, she had already picked out my replacement. The truth is that there is no rock bottom for a </s>
<s> <span id="slider-image-1"></span> <span id="slider-image-2"></span> <span id="slider-image-3"></span> <span id="slider-image-4"></span> <span id="slider-image-5"></span> <span id="slider-image-6"></span> <span id="slider-image-7"></span> <span id="slider-image-8"></span> <span id="slider-image-9"></span> < </s> <s> background-color: brown; } I would just like to know how to get the images in the right place, hidden from the page until the slider gets to them. If it is easier and someone could supply a working code rather than fixing this code it would be much appreciated. A: try adding this code to the main </s>
<s> They're fast, they're strong, they're sound and they're creative, all in one. We're going to have to come into the game focused and bring our 'A' game. "They're smart players. There's not a lot of free shots. It's an awesome challenge, and we're looking forward to it on </s>
<s> If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a few couples to work with, free of charge. Sign up for my newsletter to be </s> <s> Now, you're going to hear her call herself some pretty negative things in this episode, which is heartbreaking. Now, even though they have both been in debt, they're fighting over their different </s> <s> Like, let's be an adult here. So, that kind of slapped me hard in the face, but it's just like horrible to see that every year, I'm putting 10 </s> <s> Then, I understand his point of view, but I felt like this is my life and I should be able to do what I want with it. He was so angry, he </s> <s> I was like, oh, my goodness, it just caught me off guard. That's all. And not to say that it was a bad purchase in the end, like it may have been a good purchase, but the problem was that we </s> <s> Probably not, if I'm doing it today. But the reason I decided back then was for the weeks following the purchase to sort of throw it into conversation and just like </s> <s> So, let me make sure I'm understanding. So, she would bring up something about her car a couple of weeks after buying it, and then you thought to yourself, okay, let me </s> <s> When somebody acknowledges they made a mistake, that's a great opportunity to accept it, laugh, and then move on. Yeah. Long term, we want to build systems and change our money psychology, but for now, let's lock in the win. </s> <s> Not going to lie. Like really, I hated every time he did it and he did it a lot. So, I was really upset about it, because I'm like, can you please just push this behind us? It's done. I don't know why we're </s> <s> Remember, he used to be in severe debt. Walk us back to that time in your life. I'm guessing you're in your early 20s at that point, and you have 75K of debt you're walking around with, what was life like for you on a day-to-day basis? </s> <s> I loved it. Yeah, it was awesome. It was like chasing a goal, like I'm goal-oriented and this goal is so easy to see the progress. Like you can put it right up on a </s> <s> Personally, I love his energy. I love setting that big goal, and then working to achieve it. But guess how his experience affects his view of money. Here's a hint, how do you think he feels about other people who are in debt? </s> <s> My debt is disgusting, if that's the right word to use. I have a lot of money, because I'm in school again, and I'm just digging a bigger and bigger hole. </s> <s> So, I mean, those are pretty strong words, disgusting, digging a hole. So, let's talk about that. Before we get to the numbers, when you think about your debt, what words come to mind for you? </s> <s> Again, that's pretty strong language, but I don't really think there's much here for now. So, I'm going to leave that thread open and move on. And this is actually a great </s> <s> You have lots of chances to talk about money. You don't have to cover everything at once. So, just open up a few conversations, have a little laugh, and then move on. </s> <s> So, I feel that is like a big thing for me, because I never used to feel that way, but now, I do. I'm comfortable with myself, and that's a good feeling. </s> <s> She was the social butterfly. She had to go to all the events, whatever. I think that shifted probably when I got to like sixth grade and I started like talking more. When I went to college, like that was a whole different light for me and I really just shine. </s> <s> And can I go out on a limb and guess that when you were younger, your parents would describe you as, she's the shy one, and oh, she loves being around people. Is that what would happen? </s> <s> Like I get so nervous talking about it, like I can hear my own mouth right now, like just shaking back and forth, because I don't like to talk about my debt. </s> <s> Well, first of all, how would it feel if I were to tell you that there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel, and you absolutely will be able to pay off your debt? How would that feel? </s> <s> And I know that right now that I'm in school, like I'm not obviously making as much as I was before I went back, and I know that once I get to my career, I will feel a little bit lighter, it's just, I'm struggling to see it now. </s> <s> If you mentioned that it feels shaking in your body, your teeth, you can feel that shaking, now, just for a moment, pretend with me, pretend that that feeling was gone, and that it was just, you never felt that again. What would that feel like to you? And kind of walk me through it physically, the shaking, where's the shaking going? </s> <s> Is it going down? Talk me through that. These questions might seem a little odd, but I'm asking them for a specific reason. I want her to get out of her head. When she describes how her debt feels, how it physically feels, you can actually hear her describe these </s> <s> That's beautiful. And we could get there, we can get there, but we need to do a little bit of digging before we figure out how. What label do you think you give yourself now? Let's think about money, for example. </s> <s> You're holding the leash, and the leash says, I'm stupid, I'm dumb, I'm horrible. Out of curiosity, by the way, would you ever call anyone at work, dumb, stupid, and horrible? </s> <s> Damn, that did not go the way I thought it would, but I think she gets the message. Okay. Would you ever call someone to their face in your family dumb, stupid, and horrible. </s> <s> Like sorry, I don't want to be like emotional about it, I know like I can do better, but I just can't let myself. Like it's like I put up this invisible wall that's not making me go forward. I'm stuck. </s> <s> Did you hear what he said? A hundred thousand dollars in debt, one year, you could pay that off, it's nothing, I'm not worried. Yeah, but she is. For someone who calls themselves stupid and </s> <s> Well, I guess where I was going with that is not to make it seem like money is the most important, I was trying to make a point that, actually, not worried about the money, I know you could pay it off at any time, and even if you </s> <s> I want to talk about what that would look like, specifically if I were to come into your house and observe you two having a conversation or even a fight about money. What would it look like if the two of you were in a </s> <s> This is so common. I'm going to keep pushing him. By the way, I sound really mean in these comments, but I was absolutely loving this, so I'm not sure why I sound like a prison guard yelling at someone. Sorry, </s> <s> You love each other, and the way that you can express that is if you feel safe. Now, I'm going to guess, I'm going to go on a big limb here, the last 10 </s> <s> Write those down on a piece of paper. I am dumb. I am horrible. I want you to throw those in a fireplace or light them on fire, and take a picture of it, and send it to me. Okay. That's going to be your homework for today, because those days are over. </s> <s> And finally, one of the things that really stood out to me today was that you can have fun in these conversations. We can make some jokes about each other, we can laugh, we can create some new </s> <s> Mary: [00:46:40] Our seven-year-old, he knows, and he has told me, mommy, don't blow all our money. Chuck: [00:46:46] I'm frustrated I can't do more for myself. I feel like I'm working hard, and doing a lot to provide to the family, yet I come last in it. I would like to do more for myself. Mary: [00:46:57] There's only so much that people can put up with. </s>
<s> Her voice, her soft hands and her beautiful naturally shaped nails which I luckily inherited. Her stories of the black and white balls she got to attend by being the mayor's daughter were </s> <s> Mother has never been a coffee fan, she can't even bear the smell. Unfortunately, this meant no more coffee for me. The lack of coffee in my life went on for the following 10 </s> <s> And so thats how I forgot the taste, the smell and how much I enjoyed having a little pastry with it in the afternoons. By the time I was 17, I was in my 6th year of ballet school and somehow I had managed to get a scholarship to one of the best ballet schools of North </s> <s> And the only world I recall to understand was Caramel. I was next in line and I was nervous, it was going to be my very first time having coffee or so I thought. All those </s> <s> When I finally tried it, it was familiar, it felt like home and it was almost as if I had never stopped having coffee a day in my life. Soon I realized it was missing something, I looked around and most of my friends were having </s> <s> How was I supposed to know that there were many different ways of having coffee! Anyways, somehow I discover the little metal shakers they always have. Chocolate seemed ridiculous to add, it would only </s>
<s> Roger & I wish to extend our deepest condolences to you at this time. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. My condolences to the Miller family with your loss of a fine gentleman. I had the pleasure of working with </s> <s> My thoughts and prayers are with you all this day as you part with a wonderful man for a while. you will meet him again on that beautiful shore where pain is no more. I lived next door to Aunt </s>
<s> At the end of the search, only their clothing and shoes were returned to them. With the the transit group's phones, money, bags, and remaining food in hand, the four men in uniform forced the group to walk in a line for around three minutes until reaching the Land </s> <s> They new officers looked at the group and barked: "Shut up while we finish smoking." They did as they were told and stood in front of the headlights until the officers finished their cigarettes. Once they'd finished, the officers told the woman to take off her sneakers and then forced her through the gate in the fence to the </s>
<s> I expect the players to ignore it and kill things and take their stuff anyway I make possible for the players to fight it and stand up for their values I will </s> <s> By all means, each table can -and should- make choices for what game/setting/campaign to play based upon what's comfortable for the group at said table. In no way would I ever expect someone to spend (what should be) their </s> <s> Sure. And maybe you're thinking that we are talking about making worlds sweetness and light. I don't think that's an accurate view. We are, I think, talking about avoiding </s> <s> They won't know unless we tell them. So, we have a choice, tell them, or not. If not... well, now we are away from all-or-nothing discussion. We are admitting that there are some lines we won't cross, and we are </s> <s> These folks play by what they call a "two-week rule" - any harm done to another player that heals in two weeks is okay. That's PLAYER, not character. To them, it is okay to give another player a bloody nose, or a black eye, or bash heads against walls, so long as you don't give the a concussion or break the bone. Wounds that don't need stitches are okay, too. Broken furniture is fine. If your characters fight, the players fight and punch each other, and none of it "light contact </s>
<s> " The implication is that the peasants grow barely enough to feed themselves, with little left over for anyone else. Once again, reality is more complex. Much of the wealth which the peasants produce in the fields is </s>
<s> So, wise home owners can get off the hook sooner than expected. It can take many years to arrive at the point where the principal is only 20% of the original amount borrowed, so it's crucial to know how your home has increased in value. After all, any appreciation you' </s>