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0 | Founded in 2015, Golden Bees is a leading programmatic recruitment platform dedicated to employers, HR agencies and job boards. The company has developed unique HR-custom technologies and predictive algorithms to identify and attract the best candidates for a job opportunity. |
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How hotels can make pricing strategy simpler
Get confident with hotel pricing methods
2 min read
We believe our clients should be confident when it comes to making automating easy for their pricing strategy. After all, Elina was created in order to help with your booking engine and property management system overall to achieve an efficient, accessible, and up-dated system for your business needs.
Elina allows a simple and easily loaded base rate, where this can be set based on the day of the week, length of stay restrictions, and also seasonality.
Data automates from base rates to build your pricing strategy out to automate pricing. By this, it is saving you valuable time and maximising your revenue at the same time – meaning no time consuming actions.
We have come up with 4 tips to make automating easier for your pricing strategy using Elina PMS, which are really clear and simple to follow ahead:
1. Rate Relations
By using rate relations (derived pricing from a lead rate), you can simply advise Elina to automatically generate prices for particular rooms or apartments based on a set reduction, or increase in rate from a lead rate.
2. Promotions and Rate Categories
Create promotions and rate categories - not only is this automated based on the parameters set in your promotion, it will also provide guests with more choice which typically will help conversion rates.
3. Yield Rates
Yield rates based on rules such as occupancy levels allows Elina to automatically detect when you have reached certain occupancy levels. Rate yielding also helps you increase rates to maximise revenue in busy time periods.
4. Outperform RMS
Connect with Outperform RMS as this increases your RevPar results through transient business. Use an intelligent automated revenue management system that will provide suggested pricing based on an advance algorithm.
We hope these tips will help guide you to make automating easy for your pricing strategy. Have you already followed any of the suggested tips above? |
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3 | The topic we will be looking at today is prayer. God always answers our prayers. Sometimes the answer is YES. Sometimes the answer is NO and sometimes the answer is WAIT. The prophet Elijah prayed for God to send fire down from heaven on Mount Carmel and it came right away (I Kings 18).
The early church prayed for the Apostle Peter to be released from prison and their prayer was answered (Acts 12). In some cases, God not only answers our prayer, He gives us MORE than we asked. God told King Solomon that he could have anything he wanted. He had a blank check. Solomon asked God for wisdom. God gave him wisdom but He gave him much more (I Kings 3).
Other times we pray and the answer is NO. That should not bother us. Prayer is not just about getting our will. Prayer is about getting God’s will. There are some times we do not know why the answer is NO.
David’s son from his affair with Bathsheba got sick and David prayed for earnestly for him, fasted and spent nights lying on the ground but God allowed him to die (II Samuel 12). Paul had a thorn in the flesh from Satan and he prayed three times for God to remove it and God said, “NO” (II Corinthians 12).
Many times God says NO because what we ask is not good for us or He has something better for us. David asked God if he could build him a temple. God said, “NO. I am going to build you a temple” (II Samuel 7). When Lazarus was sick, Martha and Mary asked him to come heal him.
Jesus said, “No” but then went and performed a greater miracle by raising him from the dead (John 11). Many times we pray for something. God says, “No.” Later in life, as we look back, we are glad that God did not give us what we prayed for.
Sometimes the answer is not “YES” or “No” but “WAIT”. That is hard. We don’t like to wait for anything. Hannah prayed for a child (I Samuel 1). She got one but she had to wait for him. Abraham and also wanted and prayed for a child. He got one but he had to wait until he was a hundred to get one. God promised him a son in Genesis 12 but he did not get the son God promised him until Genesis 21 and that was twenty-five years later.
Prayer was apparently very important to the author of James. According to the early church historian named Eusebius, James “was in the habit of entering the temple alone, and was often found upon his bended knees, and interceding for the forgiveness of the people; so that his knees became hard as camel’s.
On account of his exceeding great piety, he was called the Just.” (Ecclesiastical History, Book II, Chapter 23.6). Prayer is the focus of the end of James 5. As J. Hampton Heathley III notes, “For the size of the epistle, James says more about prayer than any other New Testament book. Over 14 verses in James are devoted specifically to prayer or principles of prayer. Compare 1:5-8, 3:9-10, 4:2-3 (actually everything in between is related), and 5:13-18. This is equivalent to about 15 percent of the book.”
In verses 16-17, James gives Elijah as an example of the power we can have in prayer. He is the fourth OT character mentioned in this book. James has mentioned Abraham, Rahab, Job and now Elijah. Who was Elijah? Elijah was one of the greatest prophets in the OT. He lived in the northern part of Israel in the 9th century B.C. during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.
The northern kingdom had nineteen kings and all of them were bad but one of the worst ones was Ahab. I Kings 16:33 says, “Ahab also made an Asherah pole and did more to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger than did all the kings of Israel before him.” What are some things Elijah was able to accomplish through prayer?
Elijah’s Accomplishments
1) He was able to bring fire down from heaven by his prayers.
James doesn’t mention that one but you can read about his great contest with the Baal prophets on Mount Carmel in I Kings 18:16-40. His prayer for fire to fall from heaven was actually short. People prayed to Baal for several hours and they also prayed fervently but not no reply (I Kings 18:26). Elijah prays a short prayer (only two verses long) but the results were amazing – fire fell from heaven. He didn’t have to pray long to get results.
2) He was able to have power over sickness and even death by his prayers.
He was able to raise someone from the dead by his prayers (I Kings 17:17-24). This is significant because it had never been done before.
3) He was able to change the weather by his prayers (bring a drought, cause rain to fall).
The OT only mentions Elijah praying for rain (I Kings 18:42-45). James mentions Elijah praying for both (5:17-18). We know why Elijah would pray for rain but why would he pray for drought? Why did he pray for it not to rain?
The nation was in rebellion to God. It was living in idolatry. When the Ten Tribes began, they worshiped the true God in a false manner. They didn’t worship in Jerusalem and began worshiping Jehovah through an idol (golden calf at Dan and Bethel). It started with false Jehovah worship.
They didn’t try to start a whole new religion, just to make some changes to it. By the time of King Ahab, they worshiped a completely false god. Jehovah was replaced with Baal. Baal worship became the official state religion. Jehovah worship was even outlawed.
The OT predicted drought as a form of judgment on the nation (Deuteronomy 11:16-17). This is very significant. It was a direct slap to Baal. He was supposed to be the god of rain but he was powerless to give rain, because he did not exist. Elijah apparently prayed for it.
James used the prophet Elijah as an example for us today. Now James could have argued that Elijah was unique.
How the Prophet Elijah was Different From Us
1) He had a unique authority as a prophet of the Lord.
God spoke directly to him. We do not have that kind of authority, apart from the specific statements of Scripture.
2) He raised people from the dead.
Jesus was the only other person to do that. Some would argue he lived in an age of miracles which only happened in certain periods of biblical history (time of Moses and Joshua, time of Elijah and Elisha, time of Jesus and the Apostles).
3) He was so different from us that he did not even die.
He ascended into heaven in a whirlwind” (cf. II Kings 2:11). Instead of talking about the ways we are DIFFERENT from Elijah, James focuses on the ways that we are SIMILAR to Elijah. He was a man of like passions.
In other words, even though he was a great prophet with incredible power, he was also just a man. He was really no different from us. James says that Elijah was a man just like us (5:17). James uses Elijah as an example for us. He used Elijah as an example of what we can accomplish if we pray.
How the Prophet Elijah was Just Like Us
1) Elijah had his ups and downs. He suffered from depression and even became suicidal (I Kings 19).
2) He lived in a day of moral and spiritual decay, like we live in today. His country was backslidden. The nation was apostate.
3) Just as his prayers had an incredible effect, so can ours. James says “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (5:16).
We don’t have to be a prophet or a miracle worker, we just have to be righteous. If we pray earnestly like Elijah did, we might get the results that he did. What were some characteristics of Elijah’s prayers?
Characteristics of Elijah’s Prayers
1) He prayed for big things.
He was not afraid to pray for big things (raising the dead, calling fire down from heaven). It is not wrong to pray for little things but we should also pray about big things.
2) He persisted in prayer.
Elijah’s prayers were not always answered immediately. He did not just pray one time and stop. He stretched himself out on the dead widow’s son, not once but three times (I Kings 17:21). When he prayed for rain, he sent his servant out to check on the answer. When his servant came back the first time and said, “I see nothing,” Elijah did not give up.
He just sent the servant out again and kept watching. When the servant came back again with nothing to report, Elijah just sent him back out—seven times over (I Kings 18:43). Finally, on the seventh time, the answer began to appear. But if Elijah had quit on the second or third time, or even the fifth or sixth, he might not have seen his answer come forth (cf. Luke 18:1-8).
3) He prayed fervently.
Elijah’s prayers were not formal or ritualistic. They were fervent. When the widow’s son died, he carried the boy to his room, laid him on his bed and cried out to God for the boy (I Kings 17:20-22). When he prayed for rain, he went to the top of Mount Carmel and bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees (I Kings 18:42).
4) He prayed in faith.
He expected an answer. He had so much faith that God would answer his prayer for fire from heaven that he threw in three gallons of water around the altar (I Kings 18:32-33). Elijah prayed in expectation, watching for the answer. As he prayed on Mt. Carmel, he sent his servant to see if his prayer was answered yet. Elijah kept watching for the answer. He expected it to rain after three years of drought after seeing only a tiny cloud form (I Kings 18:44).
5) He prayed based on the will of God.
He did things in response to God’s command (I Kings 18:36) or prayed based on Scripture (Deuteronomy 11:16-17). |
4 | Empire Events | Asian Wedding Services East London/Mehndi Stage Hire East London/Mehndi Hire East London/Floral Designs & Stages East London/Chair Hire East London/Wedding Decor East London/Chocolate Fountain Hire East London/Chiavari Chair Hire East London/Luxury Linen Hire East London Terms & Conditions – Empire Events
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Empire Events ability to perform our services depends on us having adequate access to the venue prior to event for dressing and after for removal. This contact is on condition of adequate and reasonable access to the venue. Costs may vary if access times are found to be unsociable or unreasonably short. We shall endeavour to inform you of our requirements and not later than 3 weeks before event and it will be your responsibility to ensure that the venue is able to accommodate our requirements at your expense.
All hired goods remain the property of Empire Events, Unit 48 Fairways Business park E10 7QT.
During the period of hire, the hirer is solely responsibly for the hired goods and the hirer shall at all times be responsible for insuring all goods, from the time of acceptance of the goods until the time it is returned and accepted back into the possession of Empire Events.
Hired goods will be counted and checked when they are collected and our decision as to losses/damages will be final. The hirer may have a named representative present to check the goods with our driver and countersign the collection note. In the case of items being collected by a third party carrier they are not authorised to check the goods and Empire Events decision is final.
Any person not the hirer (i.e. hotel/venue employees and event co-ordinators) who sign a delivery/collection note, is deemed is deemed to be authorised by the hirer.
Empire Events shall not be responsible for any injury or damage to persons or property arising from the use of any equipment purchased or hired. Empire Events shall in no circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage or extra costs incurred caused by its negligence or other default in the performance of its duties.
Shortage and damage to hired goods will be charged according to the full replacement value at the time of hire, details of which are available on request. Shall the hirer wish to have any damaged goods returned for inspection Empire Events must be notified within 28 days of the hirer being informed of any such damage. Otherwise, the said items will be disposed of. Any goods returned are at the hirer’s expense.
Where applicable the hire period shall be deemed to continue until the goods are made available to Empire Events or returned to their possession. In the case of a late return of hired goods on the part of the hirer a hire charge equivalent to the daily hire rate will be made.
Where applicable hired goods must be available for collection at the delivery address, unless other wise agreed.
Empire Events will accept no hired goods other than that which has been hired and specified on the contract. Any goods returned which do not belong to Empire Events will be notified to the hirer. Should they not be collected within 28 days Empire Events reserves the right to dispose of them. Should the hirer wish to have them returned to them then it is at the hirer’s expense.
Empire Events will take a 30% Deposit which is non refundable, In the event of cancelled forward bookings, a minimum payment of 50% of the total cost as detailed in the contract will be payable by the client. Any cancellations within 14 days of the event will charge at the full cost. Any items purchased or manufactured especially for the client will be charged in full once purchased/production has begun.
We will make every effort to deliver, set up and collect at the times requested by the client; however removal will be as promptly as possible, we cannot guarantee collection immediately after use from every venue at the same time. It the clients responsibility to ensure that any hired goods are kept dry and in a secure place until collected.
We will endeavour to supply specific items requested, however we reserve the right to use our discretion to supply an appropriate alternative where necessary.
If any provision of this agreement is found by any court, tribunal or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be wholly or partly illegal, invalid, void, voidable, unenforceable or unreasonable it shall to the extent of such illegality, invalidity, voidness, voidability, unenforceablility, or unreasonableness be deemed severable and the remaining provisions of this agreement and the remainder of such provision shall continue in full force and effect.
The contract into which these terms and conditions are attached, any separate list or specification expressly referred to in it and these terms and conditions constitute the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties relating to it.
Save as expressly provided in this agreement, no amendment or variation of this agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by a duly authorised representative of each of the parties to it. For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the generality, this shall apply notwithstanding any terms or conditions which are endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in the Clients purchase order, confirmation of order, specification or other document.
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5 | Through our Virtual Concierge Services (VCS), ESS operators provide live directory, after hours answering, visitor management, and package delivery reception through video and audio communications. This service provides a reliable alternative to employing a full-time doorman, at a fraction of the cost.
Using state-of-the-art video and audio equipment, backed by around the clock service, VCS is specifically designed to reduce staffing costs without sacrificing the personability and security of a doorman. VCS staff is available 24/7 to greet guests, provide access to authorized vehicles, and increase scheduling flexibility for deliveries, all while answering any questions in real time.
Employing VCS is an outstanding way for property managers to increase the safety, profitability, and overall value of their site. |
6 | At a section a distance x from free end consider the forces to the left, then F = -W (for all values of x) -ve sign means the shear force to the left of the x-section are in downward direction and therefore negative
Taking moments about the section gives (obviously to the left of the section)
M = -Wx (-ve sign means that the moment on the left hand side of the portion is in the anticlockwise direction and is therefore taken as –ve according to the sign convention)
so that the maximum bending moment occurs at the fixed end i.e. M = -W l
From equilibrium consideration, the fixing moment applied at the fixed end is Wl and the reaction is W. |
7 | URI:
Date: 2013
High amount of solid waste containing chromium generates in wet blue leather processing and wet blue shaving waste accounts for a significant amount. This study was carried out at Ceylon Leather Products PLC to develop a method for reutilization of wet blue shaving waste and determine the best resin/ resin combination. Five composite samples of wet blue shaving wastes (80g each) were selected to mix with four types of commercially available resins to prepare five treatment one (polyvinyl acetate), treatment two (1 Compact resin: 1 Acrylic resin), treatment three (1 Compact resin : 1 acrylic resin: 1 Polyurethane resin), treatment four (Compact resin, acrylic resin 1:1 ratio and polyvinyl acetate resin with 1:1 ratio) and treatment five (Compact resin, acrylic resin 1:1 and polyvinyl acetate resin with 2:1 ratio). Treated samples were packed into blocks (12 cm2), air dried (2 days) and pressed (110°C, 98kPa) using embossing machine. Tensile strength, cracking property, pigment absorption and water absorption were measured and data were analyzed using one way ANOVA at 95% significant level to determine the best resin/combination. According to the results, wet rub value, tensile strength and cracking property have shown significant difference whereas dry rub and water absorption have not shown any significant. Further lowest water absorption (0.300±0 mg), highest tensile property (10.667±0.33 mm), wet rub value (3.667±0.33+N), and Dry rub value (3.667±0.33 N) were recorded for treatment five and highest cracking property was observed in treatment one (18.53±1.40kg) followed by treatment five (11.10±1.40kg). Results revealed that treatment five demonstrates the best propertiefs and suitable to prepare regenerated leather from wet blue shaving waste which has majority of sound properties for utilizing in leather based products manufacturing. Key words: Leather, Resin, Reutilization, Wet blue shaving waste |
8 | URI:
Date: 2015
Monoculture cropping system adopted for more than hundred years in rubber [Hevea brasiliensis (A. Juss.) Muell. Arg.] plantation with same agro-management practices has resulted in nutrient imbalance due to either depletion or accumulation of nutrients in soils. Phosphorus (P) is an essential macro nutrient for rubber plantations. This study was carried out to investigate the behavior of P in rubber plantations with respect to Boralu series soil of Sri Lanka. In most rubber growing soils P availability is very low and added P fertilizers become unavailable for the rubber plants due to strong fixation into Fe and Al oxide minerals prevalent in these soils. The study was carried out on Boralu series soils in Geekiyana kanda, Eladuwa, Raigama and Dartonfield estate in Kalutara district. Variation found in the fields was further confirmed by the chemical and physical analyses conducted in the laboratory. Thus, some important chemical analyses, for example, pH, CEC, organic carbon, available P and some important physical analyses such as moisture content and bulk density of soils were carried out. The 48 soil samples representing boralu series soil was evaluated and data were derived via descriptive analysis and a regression analysis. According to results, a significant (P<0.05) difference was observed between the inside and outside of manure circle for pH buffering capacity and organic carbon content whereas no significant (P>0.05) difference between the inside and outside of manure circle could be observed for the moisture content, available P, bulk density and cation exchange capacity. There was a positive correlation between organic carbon and available phosphorus with R2=0.27 by action of phosphorus solubilizing microbes. There was a negative correlation between the available P and bulk density with R2=0.25.Results shows that available P content increase with soil organic matter. Keywords: Available phosphorus, Boralu series soil, Bulk density, Organic carbon, pH |
9 | By Areas of Practice Banking and Finance Corporate and M&A Data Protection Dispute Resolution Financial Services and Products Immigration Private Client Real Estate Restructuring and Insolvency Shipping, Admiralty and Marine Insurance Technology and E-Commerce
October 29, 2015
Cyprus Data Protection Chapter
Our firm has contributed the Cyprus Chapter for the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London for the year 2015.
The Cyprus Chapter is available at:
This content is solely for general information purposes. None of the information herein should be relied on or substituted for specific professional advice regarding a particular matter or situation and no person should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the information contained in this brochure without first obtaining advice from an attorney. A.G. Erotocritou LLC is not engaged in rendering legal services or advice by providing the information contained in this brochure. © A.G. Erotocritou LLC, a Cyprus lawyers’ limited liability company regulated by the Cyprus Bar Association, with registration number HE 326006. Address: 1 Arch. Kyprianou and Ayiou Andreou Str, Loucaides Building, 6th floor, 3036 Limassol Cyprus I website: I Telephone: +35725370101 I Fax: +35725370102 I email:
Practice Area(s) Data Protection
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You'll find the islands dotted with romantic resorts but when it's time to get out and do a little sightseeing, where are the best places for lovers to explore?
Here are some favorites with romantic-minded travelers:
Diamond Waterfalls and Gardens, St. Lucia. Blooming with tropical splendor, garden trails lead to the Diamond Waterfalls, a cascade that leaves a spray of "diamond" twinkles in the air.
If you stop by on a Sunday, you can also enjoy a soak in the mineral baths originally built by French King Louis XVI for use by his troops.
The Baths, Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands. This beach is littered with massive granite boulders as smooth as riverbed stones. They form shadowy caves perfect for a clandestine kiss.
Y.S. Falls, Jamaica. Although the north coast's Dunns' River Falls is far more visited, these secluded falls offer couples a much quieter paradise. Cascading in steps through tropical forest, the falls can be climbed with the help of a guide then swimmers can enjoy clear waters under a canopy of ferns.
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dotted with historic sites and rich with the atmosphere of Spanish conquistadors, here couples can stroll hand-in-hand where lovers have literally walked for centuries. The most recognized site in Old San Juan is Fuerte San Felipe del Morro, a fort better known as El Morro.
Boca Tabla, Curaçao. Pounding Atlantic waves carved this sea cave. Kneeling in the darkness of the sea cave, you'll watch the surge of crystal blue waves as they come within feet of you, roaring into the cave and back out to sea.
West End, Negril, Jamaica. Negril's famous Seven Mile Beach gives
way to rugged cliffs on its west side and here visitors find one of the best sunset lookouts in the Caribbean. Every day, crowds arrive at Rick's, one of the region's best known sunset bars, for the chance to watch another island day draw to a close.
South Peninsula, St. Kitts. Until a few years ago, this stretch of land was accessible only by boat. Today a modern highway makes the island's most beautiful, pristine beaches accessible. Keep an eye out for the vervet monkeys that live in this remote region.
Natural bridge, Aruba. This symbol of Aruba marks the line where tumultuous sea waves crash against the windward coast. Walk out on the bridge for a cool sea spray and a breathtaking view.
Paradise Point, St. Thomas. Aboard ski-lift gondolas, you'll rise to one point that never sees snow: the top of Flag Hill for a view of the Charlotte Amalie harbor dotted with cruise ships. Gondolas ascend to the point from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day.
Maracas Bay, Trinidad. About an hour from Port of Spain, the drive to this area is a treat in itself, winding through the Northern Range with views of forests where species such as howler and capuchin monkeys, ocelot, Amazon parrots, and wild pigs can be found. The beach at Maracas Bay offers a full day of fun and is the place to see and be seen in Trinidad.
About the Author:
Husband and wife team Paris Permenter and John Bigley have authored over 20 guidebooks and also edit the FREE, a romantic travel magazine featuring worldwide destinations |
12 | Forecasts call for clearing skies and tempering wind overnight. But back at camp the rain has not yet dissipated. In the evening, in the Executive Conference Room, there is some disagreement regarding the direction the company should take in the morning. The destination is not disputed – the Manokin River – just how best to get there. Wind will be out of the North, dead on the nose.
Options are:
The Shortest Route: Motor north up the canal. Then beat into the wind until rounding the point to head upriver to the east. A nominal distance of about 9 miles.
The Longer But Faster Sailing Route: Sail downwind in the canal, south, in the opposite direction. Then sail close-hauled across Tangier Sound on a single long tack in clear air, tack back once and bear Northeast, riding the stronger incoming tide the whole way. Then round the same point and head east. A distance of about 18 miles.
Doug owns the conference room, which is the cabin on his Cornish Shrimper Tidings. He favors Option 1. He is also plying the rest of us whiskey and beer.
Kevin M., soberest of the Executive Committee, favors Option 2.
Apparently, the rest of us are more easily swayed by whiskey than sound arguments. We do all agree, at least, on where to rendezvous for lunch: a beach at Teague Creek.
– : • : –
Morning is clear and sparkling. Thirty-six hours of wind and rain have washed the air clean, and all has been swept away by the cold front out of the north.
view from the bunkhouse cabin
north up the canal and across the marshes of Janes Island
After breakfast and breaking camp we’re all on the water motoring north up the canal. Except for Kevin M., who raises sail and heads south in the opposite direction, and is soon out of sight.
The fleet is down three boats due to schedules or maintenance issues, but has added four more, so in total we’re up to 5. In Obadiah we cross tacks with the other boats, working our way steadily forward through the fleet. Pete maneuvers us in good range for camera work, something he’ll do throughout the day.
Paul in Red Molly, a HandyCat
Joe in his new Marsh Cat Makani
It’s slow work against wind and waves, but steady. One boat, essentially on her maiden voyage, gets a jammed kickup rudder. We circle back briefly until things get sorted out, then soldier on. By noon we see what looks like a sail on the horizon to the southwest near Smith Island, what could be little t and Kevin M. And the wind has shifted 90 degrees, coming now out of the west. If it is Kevin, he’s now on a broad reach, with a favorable wind and the tide behind him.
Doug in the Cornish Shrimper Tidings
We round the mark into the mouth of the Manokin and start a fast sleigh ride downwind. The wind and tide are in sync, so the waves, despite the long fetch, are smooth and rolling. It’s a fun run.
The wind is picking up. Scattered whitecaps appear. At Teague Creek Obadiah crosses the bar and rounds up onto the beach. Followed soon after by the other boats in quick succession – Paul in Red Molly (a HandyCat), Joe in his new Marsh Cat Makani, Ken in his O’Day, and, right on schedule, Kevin in little t. With all our tacking and beating, he actually only had to sail maybe three miles farther going the long way around, easily made up with the extra push from the tide and our maintenance delay.
The bar is too shoal for the shrimper, so Doug comes about and heads for Wolftrap Creek where we’ll anchor for the night.
little t catches up
on the beach at Teague Creek
The wind increases slowly and steadily during the lunch break. By the time we shove off there are whitecaps everywhere.
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CategoriesImages, Marginalia, Melonseeds, Video, Water TagsChesapeake Bay, Cornish Shrimper, Eastern Shore, Handy Cat, Joel White, Marsh Cat
2 Replies to “Manokin River ~ Janes Island to Teague Creek”
Mike Moore says:
July 23, 2015 8:59 am at 8:59 am
Hello Barry: would like to post your picture of Tidings #7895, on Cutts and Case Facebook page, with your credits and links. Please let me know if that’s ok.
EyeInHand says:
July 23, 2015 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm
Hi Mike, I’m a big fan of Cutts & Case. Would be happy to have the picture there. Can I finagle a tour some time in trade? Let me know if you need a larger or other images and I’ll be happy to provide them.
Also, what is that lovely canoe-sterned beauty on cover photo, a Herreshoff of some kind?
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14 | We are thoroughly enjoying your journal. Looks like you are having a beautiful trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it this summer at “coffee club”. Glad to see everyone is safe. Brad and Cathy
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Down the ICW to Tangier Island, Virginia
May 1 – 2, 2011 We traveled up out of the Palmilco Sound, down the ICW, and out into the Chesapeake Bay. On the ICW, the cool air and lift bridges that we came upon along the way reminded me of the Erie Canal. We even went through a lock! A word to the wise, … Continue reading → |
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18 | Was King Harold killed by an arrow through his eye? What was Hereward the Outlaw really like and what did he hope to achieve by resisting Norman rule? What was it about Norman war technology and administrative policies that made them so successful as invaders despite their relatively small numbers?
Possible answers to these and many other questions are incorporated into this fast-moving novel centred on the more brutish and warlike aspects of life in England in the eleventh century.
The action in this particular book, the second in what is to be a three part series, takes place mainly in the five or so years following on from the Norman Conquest. It is a turbulent and fascinating period in the history of western Europe, a time when war lords and their sworn fighting men battled for riches and power, and the idea of nationhood was still in its infancy.
The Scraeling of the title (the term means, literally, ‘foreigner’ or ‘outsider’) is a Breton and therefore probably of Celtic origin, while the major protagonists in the struggles and battles depicted are mainly Scandinavians, Normans – (i.e. descendants of Scandinavians who were settled in northern France in the first part of the tenth century) and Anglo-Saxons. Many of them are actual historical figures – for example, Harold Godwinson, Morcar of Nothumberland, Magnus II of Norway, Svein (Sweyn) II of Denmark, William I himself – though these are, of course, fleshed out in a purely imaginary fashion.
Much of the plot is carried forward in dialogue, though there are also pages of exposition, notably in the ‘chronicle’ of the Scraeling which runs throughout and helps the reader keep up with people and events. There is action aplenty, and the dialogue as given is earthy and vivid. It is a book dominated by men – as one would expect, considering the dominant subject matter..
Some account is given of the Battle of Hastings (‘Senlac’, to the Anglo-Saxons) and to its immediate aftermath, but more space is given to the attempts to settle once and for all with Hereward and others from further north who joined him in carrying on resistance to Norman rule from his base in the Fens. The plot here becomes quite complex, with much intrigue and treachery. Relationships based on kinship are eventually revealed, showing, very properly, how significant such connections were in the mediaeval world.
There are a couple of style idiosyncrasies, one in punctuation, the other in paragraphing, that take a little getting used to, but there is also much colourful description and attention to detail. By and large, this is a rollicking good read, especially for those who like their historical fiction raw and action-filled.
Review by Tony Chapelle
Title: Chronicles of The Scraeling: Chronicle Two – The Scraeling
Author: MJ Burr
Publisher: Cliowrite Ltd
ISBN: 9780473450557
RRP: print $25; Kindle $3.99
Available: Print from Poppies Bookshop, Ariki Street New Plymouth, or from Cliowrite 36 Wairau Road, Oakura, New Plymouth. ebook (Mobi) from Amazon.
Historical romance set in troubled times
Storm Clouds Over Levuka
by Margaret Gilbert
Storm Clouds Over Levuka is set in a tumultuous time in Fiji’s history.
It is 1868 and recently-weds Charlotte and Richard Swann have just arrived in Levuka, Fiji’s old capital, full of excitement for their new life there. Tragically, in a case of mistaken identity, Richard is killed on their first day ashore. Kind British settlers care for Charlotte and she makes friends and finds work.
Although Charlotte and Richard were enchanted by the seascapes that they sailed through to reach Levuka harbour, we soon discover that the town is far from an island paradise. There are some very unscrupulous types among the colonial plantation owners and businesspeople in the town and at the same time there is enormous unrest among the Fijians themselves as they strive for better working conditions on the plantations and for greater political independence.
Storm Clouds Over Levuka follows Charlotte’s adjustment to life on the island. She is supported by caring people, settlers and Fijians, and through her friends and workmates we learn much of the difficulties and dangers for law-abiding settlers in those unruly times in Levuka. The undercurrent of vicious warfare among the island tribes highlights the precariousness of the settlers’ existence.
Margaret Gilbert’s ancestors settled in Fiji in the 1860s and she was born there. Her knowledge of the country’s history and its luxuriant vegetation bring Storm Clouds Over Levuka to life. While the book is peopled with many fictitious characters, the warlord Ratu Seru Cakobau, self-proclaimed King of United Fiji in 1871 and the Tongan leader Eneli (or Enele) Ma’afu (born Tonga 1816, died Fiji 1881) add authenticity to the violent events that unfold as Charlotte finds love and happiness again.
Given the timeframe of Storm Clouds Over Levuka it is easy to imagine that, in writing this historical romance, Gilbert has drawn on stories from her own family’s history. In a broader sense, the book appears well-researched and impartial in its telling of Levuka’s history.
Storm Clouds Over Levuka whetted my appetite to learn more about events in the Pacific in a time running parallel to when New Zealand was also being settled by Europeans.
Review by Carolyn McKenzie
Writer, freelance proofreader, copy editor, & translator from Italian to English.
Carolyn kindly offers accommodation at reasonable rates for FlaxFlower writers
in Thames (Waikato) and Ventimiglia Alta (Liguria, Italy). carolynmckenzie@libero.i
Title: Storm Clouds Over Levuka
Author: Margaret Gilbert
Publisher: Copy Press Books
ISBN: 9780995115514
RRP: $30
Available: bookshops
Collection well worth reading
Because a Woman’s Heart is Like a Needle at the Bottom of the Ocean
by Sugar Magnolia Wilson
This is poetry of possible worlds: time, personality and place swirl around like smoke coming from a genie’s bottle. was and could have been intermingle with I am and I might be, and we have a hard time figuring out who “I” is at any given moment (assuming we need to).
Look at the title, for starters: Is a woman’s heart really bright and sharp, lying where no one can find it until they are pricked by it? or are we talking about a classic tai chi move designed to send an opponent off balance without shedding blood?
Other times, the two worlds face off against each other, as in ‘Conversation with my boyfriend’ (pp 20-21), two poems called ‘English into [in hangul: Korean]’ and ‘[Korean] into English’:
Sleeping, you dream of a field of red cabbages. I am in the long dry lines
between the rows wearing wooden sandals and talking with your mother who
speaks to me in circles and squares, which I use to cut and gather crisp leaves
into urns.
On the opposite page is:
In sleep, I dream of the red cabbage fields, discarded urns, and you cutting my
mother’s spicy talk and hanging it on long drying lines between the rows of
vegetables. You bend down to supplant the cabbages with small strawberry
Just the same, only different.
‘The sleep of trees’ (pp 53-55) is a lullaby? a meditation? which travels from one persona to a different one, beginning:
I photosynthesise in the half-light ...
small boats upon the light
they carry sugars to feed the
birds in my hair...
The world slowly changes, using words that might apply to both trees and people, keeping us thinking ‘tree’ until:
But this is not the sleep of trees this
is the sleep of
horse and foal, always awake to the tune
of the wolf ...
and, finally, this is the sleep of mothers.
The suites of poems ‘Dear sister’ and ‘Pen pal’ begin and end the collection. They give us a panorama of worlds that play off each other, abridge each other, and contrast with each other – but all within a believable emotional framework. Where the original impetus comes from, we don’t know, although the sixth ‘Dear Sister’ poem (p 6) names the dream horse Lilith and the poet goes on to say:
We ride a lot at night. ... The night is a strange tune. Past the hustle of elm,
and there she is, Lilith, far from the Red Sea, a night creature without capacity
for fear. A breeder of demons? No. She gives me strength. ... [And]we are
home, stabled and in bed before the new day reminds the robin and the
redstart they exist. It’s a secret work we do.
The ‘Pen pal’ sequence is equally surreal. Part 3 (p 62) starts out:
Halleluiah, konnichiwa and
There is a tortoise that has
a broken shell and I
want to climb into the TV
and kiss it on the face. ...
and in Part 4:
This letter is in a terrible way –
knows no end.
She (Mum) is a skellington of
nothingness: shardy bones,
spider webs, a small
tortoise with a broken shell. ...
So where in the world is this all coming from? you ask. And which world? We all start out with a private world – then gradually assemble a public world of our own – but these poems go considerably farther. They seem to take their inspiration from the boundary world, the constantly shifting boundary between public and private that’s the basis for our social-media and gaming worlds. Magical realism makes sense here, as does the ability to hop from persona to persona.
And how should we deal with the poet of these worlds? Not leave her starving in a garret, that’s for sure. In ‘Pup art’ (p 31) Wilson might be giving us an suggestion:
Before she floats any higher you
hurl a net over her body, peg
the twine taut to the lawn
so she is suspended against
the pull of space.
– THIS IS ART! – you proclaim
your arms goalposts through
which only silence flies. ...
Or maybe let her fly free – depends where you’re coming from, perhaps, but this is a rich and lively collection, well worth reading in whichever world you inhabit.
Review by Mary Cresswell
Title: Because a Woman’s Heart is Like a Needle at the Bottom of the Ocean
Author: Sugar Magnolia Wilson
Publisher: Auckland University Press
ISBN: 9781869408909
RRP: $24.99
Available: bookshops
Interesting anecdotes in book on Treaty
Waitangi A Living Treaty
by Matthew Wright
I really enjoyed reading this book and did so very quickly over a couple of days.
Wright writes well in fluent, conversational prose and regales the reader with lots and lots of interesting anecdotes about historical figures, along with screeds of wide-ranging notes. In fact, I learned quite a bit about events and personages I was not fully aware of earlier – some quite humorous, including the escape attempts of one oil-coated ariki!
It is not a stodgy, dry read at all – quite the opposite in fact. There are a couple of editing issues I will point out, such as a rather frugal Index, and a bit of repetition of the same points – as for example regarding Te Arawa and Ngāti Tūwharetoa not signing the document – but these are trivial pedantries.
The key point Wright makes is summed up in the title – Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a living being, which has been and will continue to be reappraised and reaffirmed differently over historical periods, as dependent on wider Weltanschauung pertaining. What the treaty meant for Pākehā in and around 1840 is considerably different nowadays, while for Māori it has always been a lodestar of equality, fairness, justice, ownership – even given its sublimation by Pākehā for most of the 20th century and the later 19th. In short, the treaty far exceeds its decayed paperwork: existentially, it is an historical continuum of ideas and ideologies.
Wright is at his most entertaining and erudite when dealing with the formative early years – the whys and wherefores and whos of the establishment of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its somewhat ad hoc compilation, including the me-too meddling of James Busby. Later on, after successfully explaining how the treaty became abnegated, forgotten and then re-designated as a Pākehā self-love fest, he is not quite so clear cut and comprehensive as to how today’s newfound ultra-significance of that treaty-ground compact between some Māori and a few Pākehā in 1840, has come about.
I found myself a little occluded by the explanations presented in the final couple of chapters, given that Wright’s disdain for the nutters attempting to ‘prove’ a pre-Māori settlement of Aotearoa New Zealand, is palpable. Why has the Treaty of Waitangi become so regenerate recently, other than via the obvious increase in the Māori demographic? The author’s vaguer references to changed generational attitudes and a swerve towards legally-impelled principles of ethnic justice are far less tangible.
I would have loved far more Māori voice, more reo Māori per se. The relativist ambience of an empathetic professional Pākehā historian is obvious throughout, given of course that most reference material remains written by Pākehā: then and certainly considerably even now. The time is long overdue for a record of Māori voices about the Treaty of Waitangi, compiled by Māori – regarding its relevancies over time from genesis to gestation to growth as the key to the current bicultural and burgeoning multicultural relationships in New Zealand.
To his credit, Wright stresses that for Māori there were several differing rationales behind their ‘signing’ the treaty, just as there were several possible perceptions about what they were placing their insignia on. But let us hear from Māori now, eh. E pīrangi ana ahau he pukapuka ki nui ngā reo Māori mō tēnei tiriti. Kei whea tēnei pukapuka, tēnei mea tino nui ināianei?
Ultimately, however, I can only recommend this book. It serves as a cogent explication of the various values the treaty has had during different stages of this nation’s history and as such serves as a robust foundation for the next epoch, whereby Māori continue to surge and whereby also potential new nuances are accorded it. Who knows? After all, autonomy was never vitiated in the Māori versions of the original drafts.
Tēnā koe mō te pukapuka, Matiu. Ko he rawa mōhio ki tēnei tāima whakamere.
Review by Vaughan Rapatahana
Title: Waitangi A Living Treaty
Author: Matthew Wright
Publisher: Bateman
ISBN:978 -1-86953-996-2
RRP: $39.99
Available: bookshops
Novel based on real-life events
Between the Immensities
by Doreen Davy
I love the title of this book. I loved where the title came from and everything it means. I loved what it meant to the author and her mother.
Dr Katherine Moore (christened Kathleen) makes the decision to leave her life in New Zealand to nurse her dying mother through her final months. Returning to Bootle, Liverpool, she reconnects with her three sisters and the mother she loved but never really knew or understood. This is a novel based on real-life events unfolding without bitterness or regrets that cannot be explained with a nicely rounded ending. I hope we all have the opportunity to say our goodbyes in such a caring, loving way though, alas, I fear most of us are condemned to less easily understood emotions and resolutions.
The skills Dr Moore brought into her family to help her dying mother and two troubled sisters proved cathartic for her as well, while the questioning of an after-life through the raising of religious and professional doubt provided the opportunity for some carefully explained/unexplained phenomena – Dr Moore’s scepticism is brought up against the possibility of her mother reaching out to her from beyond the grave. This was interesting stuff.
As much as I enjoyed this book, I enjoyed it at a remove. With a professional background as a psychologist the author was able to lead us capably through this dramatic time. She wrote of the possibilities for terrible family fall-outs from hovering misunderstandings and stolen money with a calm detachment that translated itself into the relationship between me the reader and her characters. I never felt fully engaged. Her writing was skilful, the story touching in its themes, just not in its story-telling. There was sense of writing up case-notes as opposed to telling a story.
That said, this was an interesting book and I’m writing this review with my own family’s disfunctions sitting ghost-like around me, hoping that we can find the healing it needs before it is too late for any one of us. I felt the author was lucky to share this ending with her mother and sisters.
Thank you, Dr Davy.
Review by TJ Ramsay
Title: Between the Immensities
Author: Doreen Davy
Publisher: The Book Guild Publishing
ISBN: 978-1912575213
RRP: $24.99
Available: Print: The Book Guild, a variety of online bookstores including Amazon, or independent booksellers
Impressive research
Pathway of the Birds – the voyaging achievements of Māori and their Polynesian ancestors
by Andrew Crowe
At a time when no member of another culture is known to have deliberately ventured more than a few hundred kilometres from the shore Polynesians had spread themselves over one fifteenth of the Earth’s surface. The territory that they inhabited at that point was greater than occupied by any other race.
At the same time as the bronze age was ending in Europe, Polynesians began settling the remote islands of Oceania including Fiji and West Polynesia. By the time Portuguese navigators reached the Mediterranean, Polynesians had fanned further east and settled the whole of East Polynesia, including New Zealand. An area equivalent to the whole of Africa and Western Europe combined.
The story of how they came to New Zealand is the subject of this book. It takes its title from the annual migration of birds, to New Zealand in spring, and from New Zealand in the Autumn, returning to their feeding grounds in the Pacific or even further, to South America, Hawai’i or even Siberia. Even today some 20 million birds follow this annual migration pattern. The inhabitants of Pacific islands must have been aware that these birds did not breed in their islands but made the journey to an unknown land in the south and returned in the autumn.
The author sets out to prove that the inhabitants of the Pacific islands deliberately followed the birds and by use of the stars, ocean currents, and prevailing seasonal winds discovered New Zealand just as they had all the rest of Polynesia. He uses painstaking research involving, language, plants, animals, and the DNA of people, to make a very convincing case for not just journeys of discovery and return voyages, but well-established trade routes throughout the Pacific. He goes so far as to even consider the DNA of head lice across the Pacific.
The detail of this research is impressive and contains so much material of interest that I found I had to read the book in many parts, giving myself time to digest and take in the huge amount of information offered. It is written in a style that is easy to read and is not a dry academic book.
He approaches the subject by examining each island group one by one, comparing the archeological findings, culture, language and plants of each island group, and showing how they had come in contact with and indeed had traded with other islands. This is in contrast to some writers who considered that return voyages from New Zealand to the Pacific did not happen.
The result is a book that is greatly impressive, and very convincing. In a review it is impossible to cover every aspect of the author’s research and I urge people to read it to discover this for themselves.
The book itself is beautifully printed, on quality paper, with colour illustrations on almost every page.
It contains an extensive reference section and is well indexed.
The price seems very little for a splendid book that I am proud to own.
Review by Harold Bernard
Title: Pathway of the Birds – the voyaging achievements of Māori and their Polynesian ancestors
Author: Andrew Crowe
Publisher: Bateman Publishing
ISBN: 9781869539610
RRP: $49.99
Available: bookshops
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Sports betting bankroll management
If you’re a poker player, you probably know how important bankroll management is in the game’s long-term balance. You secure EV+ through proper strategy, skills
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Football Betting and the Value of Reverse Handicapping
Reverse handicapping. What exactly is it supposed to be? Plain handicapping is about the analysis of various game–related factors and their influence on the possible
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Sports betting and reverse handicapping
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Arbitrage Strategy for the bet365 4/1+ Feature Race Offers
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Bet365 4/1+ Feature Races
A Typical Match (Good but not Outstanding) bet365 are offering 5.0 (4/1) on a horse which you can lay at 5.1 (4.1/1) on the exchange: |
20 | Three, maybe four, weeks ago, it was starting to get warmer as spring approached. As it got warmer, I had no sandals to put on. My feet started to cry out because they were starting to simmer and then to boil in my sneakers in the new heat. Every day when I was to go outside my feet would wail from the heat; they would sweat because they were confined in socks and shoes all day. But, one day I finally went to a shop and bought my feet a pair of sandals. My feet cried out with joy from the relief. A few weeks after I got my sandals, the store had a big sale which was very ironic because if I had waited a little longer I could have gotten them for cheaper. Ah well.
By Dominic
Posted by Kristina at 4:15 PM
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21 | For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. oz) of Clear American Sparkling Water Beverage, Cherry Lemonade. In a gallon sized pitcher, fill about half way up with cold water. The flat lids make them very stackable and they nest nicely when you store them. The measuring cup seen below belongs to a set of six stainless steel cups from KitchenMade; they work very well, are strong and durable and nest inside each other perfectly! To figure out how much to make, here are a couple of things to keep in mind, Dulce de Leche: Easy, Delicious Caramel Cake Filling Recipe, Butter-Crunch Caramel Corn Recipe; Quick, Easy Crowd Pleaser, Thanksgiving Simplified; Easy, Delicious Turkey Dinner, How to Grow Carrots From Seed to Harvest. The secret here is to add some real lemon juice and sugar to get some of that fresh, tart lemon flavor, and also adding extra additional flavor and color by using just a little bit of Kool-Aid powder. This can all be done days in advance. It is traditionally a homemade drink using lemon juice, water, and a sweetener such as cane sugar, simple syrup or honey. Personalized health review for Dasani Sparkling Berry, Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water Beverage: 0 calories, nutrition grade (B minus), problematic ingredients, and … But not just any bland lemonade: I figured out a way to cut back on cost while serving a wonderful cherry flavored lemonade that not only looked beautiful, but also tasted absolutely delicious! Combine lemon juice and sugar in a large pitcher. Clear American Ice Cherry Lemonade Flavored Sparkling Water, 12 fl oz, 8 can 6 essential vitamins Green tea extract 5 calories Very low sodium Product details ASIN : … That can’t be right, can it?) Using the following recipe also allows you to choose other flavors, although cherry is our favorite. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. This family friendly cherry lemonade recipe is my absolute favorite for these hot summer days and nights. For tips on how to keep the lemonade cold during the party without diluting with extra ice, see below. Don't miss out. Yes, that would look very pretty I’m sure! Get in touch with us, we’re here to help. With natural flavors, zero calories, zero sodium, and zero caffeine, it's a great choice for those who want all the flavor without all the calories. Why pour money down the drain (literally!) Ingredients: Water, Pure Cane Sugar, Lemon Juice, Cherry Juice Concentrate, Lime Juice Concentrate, Ginger Juice, Natural Flavors, Vegetable Juice for … If you decide to try this recipe, I would love it if you would leave me a comment and a star rating at the bottom of this post. I also love to sing and read. *How hot will it be? Tips & Pictures, keep ice inside the base, similar to this one from Amazon, Thin, Crispy Cut-Out Christmas Cookies, Recipe, Tender Whole Wheat English Muffins Recipe, Norwegian Risgrøt, Rice Porridge, Pressure Cooker Recipe, Norwegian Risengrynsgrøt 6 Ways; Rice Porridge Recipe, Traditional Norwegian Fårikål, Lamb & Cabbage Recipe, Authentic Norwegian Meatballs / Kjøttkaker Recipe. The environment is very important. Our party was going to be held outside, and since there was a potential for hot weather I didn’t want to risk diluting the lemonade by adding a ton of ice. Unable to add item to List. Cherry lemonade clear slime $5.00 Loading Low in stock. Contact Us . Aisles Online has thousands of low-price items to choose from, so you can shop your list without ever leaving the house. It is, actually, pretty crazy but a lot of fun, too! You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Store in the refrigerator until ready to use. These disks are so much easier and cleaner to slip into the lemonade than dumping ice cubes, and they last quite a while. We made the cherry lemonade a day or two in advance and kept it cold in the refrigerator in pitchers until needed. When ready to serve, just pour over ice and add still or sparkling water. Amazon's Choice for clear american sparkling water Sparkling Ice Purple Variety Pack, 17 fl oz, 12 count (Black Raspberry, Cherry Limeade, Orange Mango, Kiwi Strawberry) 4.7 out of 5 stars 42,753 Clear American. Some flavors are more noticeable than others; I found strawberry to be very subtle, so it takes quite a bit to make a difference. We received lots of compliments on the lemonade. There was a suction that held on to them, both in my regular aluminum tins and also non-stick ones. Please try again. Thank u for sharing. 0.13 cap: 60. *Glass size: If you use large glasses you will probably need more lemonade than if you use smaller ones. Keeping the muffin tins flat and from spilling in the freezer was tricky enough. BUT: We initially thought we would purchase mini water bottles to keep waste and cost down, since people can easily reach for more if needed. Keep in mind that if you provide huge cups, people will automatically fill them up whether they need it or not, resulting in a lot of waste. Please try your search again later. The recipe itself is found at the bottom of this post. It will probably also b pretty with added fruit. The brand was introduced as "Sam's American Choice" in 1991 and has since been shortened to simply "Sam's Choice". So I prepared extras as needed during this party. The Bad Idea: I had heard of freezing lemonade in muffin tins to use for ice cubes, which would keep the drink cold but not dilute it. *Consider the type of party you’ll be hosting: During an open house of this nature people will come and go, eat, socialize for a while, then leave. DIRECTIONS. Country Time lemonade powder, sugar, lemon juice, cold water, and Kool-Aid powder of your choice. In North America and South Asia, cloudy lemonade dominates. It also ended up being very easy, even for such a large crowd of people, and yet so tasty! One time I tried to make purple by adding grape into the yellow mix, and that did NOT go well! Whenever I make these mega sized ice cubes, I use Ziploc brand storage containers. Clear American Ice Cherry Lemonade Flavored Sparkling Water, 12 fl oz, 8 pack, 6 essential vitamins Green tea extract 5 calories Very low sodium, Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2017. Put lids on the containers and find a flat surface in the freezer, stacking them on top of each other if needed. See, with a little push it comes right out! This was true for every store that I checked! I love to keep a pitcher made up to enjoy. Hi! Please do leave me a comment and star rating below if you decide to try this recipe. You obviously haven’t thrown any parties though. Lemonade is a sweetened lemon-flavored beverage.. There's a problem loading this menu right now. We made six gallons in advance and three more during the party, which was a good amount for 160 guests for this type of party, and we had leftovers. We had looked at other beverage options as well. That would also be very expensive and a lot of work to make when serving a large group of people. Cherry: Brand: Clear american: Ingredients 'FILTERED CARBONATED WATER, CITRIC ACID, NATURAL FLAVOR, POTASSIUM CITRATE, POTASSIUM BENZOATE (A PRESERVATIVE), ASPARTAME, ACESULFAME POTASSIUM.' Surprisingly though, mini water bottles turned out to be more expensive than regular sized! And it worked like a charm!! Clear American Wild Cherry Sparkling Water Beverage: Naturally flavored sparkling water beverage with other natural flavors 0 sugars 0 caffeine 0 calories 0 sodium Kosher. assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products. If you use a different flavor than cherry Kool-Aid with yellow lemonade, it is best to test it first. Fill a gallon sized pitcher a little bit more than half way with cold water. Serving water in addition also seemed like a good idea as many people simply prefer water over sugary drinks, especially if they are downright thirsty. You’ll need: Country Time lemonade powder, sugar, lemon juice, cold water, and Kool-Aid powder of your choice. Since the tins are hard and you cannot push or twist the cubes out, they had to melt quite a bit before finally coming out. Cherry is stronger and tastes wonderful, even with a little bit! 8 fl oz: 0. Cherry Lemonade Instructions: Prepare Simple Syrup in advance and refrigerate until ready to use. We had done a lot of thinking back and forth; how to conveniently serve drinks for such a large crowd while also keeping cost down? Sam's Choice is a private label brand created by Cott Beverages for Walmart stores. But after we heard people say to provide 2-3 drinks per person (really??? A list of the most popular scanned grocery products in the category of non-alcoholic beverage > lemonade. ... Market Pantry Strawberry Lemonade Sparkling Water Beverage (5,235) San Pellegrino. There's only 3 available and 4 other people have this in their cart right now. Make sure the lemonade feels completely smooth and not gritty at all. Please try again. The shape is different than the Costco dispenser and it has an insert in the middle for ice, while my dispensers keep ice inside the base, similar to this one from Amazon. Easily order groceries online for curbside pickup or delivery. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Disclaimer: While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. Another option was to use 2-liter soda bottles in ice, but that seemed difficult for guests to handle, holding plates of food and trying to push the bottle back down into the ice again. Our glasses were purchased at Costco and held about 8-9 fl.oz, and that seemed about perfect as guests could refill as needed. And it just left a mess with all the juice coming out along with them! This kind woman is trying to show others a reasonable way to entertain and to give her graduate a good send off. The one in the picture below is a sterilite pitcher, which has an air tight, spill proof lid but doesn’t pour quite as nice. They simply wouldn’t let go and slip out of the tins, even when melted enough that they could spin around freely. Read on and you will see just how simple it can be to score big without breaking the bank, in addition to several good tips! Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. See more: Variety: Sparkling: Volume: 33.8 Fluid Ounces Tart Cherry Lemonade We took the antioxidant goodness of tart cherry juice and mellowed it out just-right with sweet lemonade, all bottled up in sunny CA. Give her (& everyone else) a break please. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. I find that people tend to fill their glasses up regardless of size, whether they need that amount or not. We do not have any recommendations at this time. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. Stir in 3 quarts cold water and cherries until combined. There was a problem adding this item to Cart. Recipe & Tips, Super Chewy Crinkly Sugar Cookies, Recipe, Tender Cream Cheese Sugar Cookies, Recipe, Soft Homemade Flour Tortillas; Picture Recipe, Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler Recipe, Picture Tutorial, Planting and Growing Green Beans in the Home Garden, Cream Cheese Squares Recipe, Picture Guide, Deluxe Scalloped Potatoes; Recipe & Pictures, Norwegian Fiskegrateng; Fish Au Gratin Recipe, Perfect Chicken with Top 3 Homemade Dry Rub Recipes, ½ teaspoon Cherry KoolAid powder or flavor of your choice. Mix up a small amount in a glass to see how the color looks and how it tastes before making what you need. If so, and you really want that particular Kool-Aid flavor, try mixing it into pink Country Time lemonade and see if that works. Dump it onto a large piece of plastic wrap, then wrap it up in plastic to put back into the freezer until ready to use. Serve over crushed ice with lemon slices and cherries for garnish. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes. I found your website because I was searching for the safety of some Trader Joe’s products.. Please try again later. Don't miss out. Once frozen solid, run the containers’ bottoms and sides under hot water for a few seconds until the frozen lemonade releases when you press the bottom. There was a problem completing your request. The recipe itself is found at the bottom of this post. Will b trying this very soon it sounds delicious! In the end we decided on water bottles and lemonade in dispensers. Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. 4. There are varieties of lemonade found throughout the world. In the pictures above I used a rubbermaid pitcher, which pours nicely but does not have an air tight, spill proof lid. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information than that shown on our Web site. Fill glasses with ice, pour in cherry lemonade, and serve. It was easy to make and surprisingly cheap, which fit us perfectly now that we’re trying to support a young adult going into college! I hope you’ll love it! Mixing it into pink lemonade worked better, but it still wasn’t great, and certainly nothing to serve to good company. Each Calypso is made with real lemon or lime bits, natural flavors, and served in … March 27, 2012 7:23PM. The goal was to serve something easy and good tasting, but affordable at the same time. I love to keep a pitcher made up to enjoy. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Delicious Cherry Lemonade for a Crowd. And why pay more for less??? Wishing you all the best for your own party and the people you are celebrating! And here comes The Good Idea: Not wanting to give up quite yet, I concluded it would be cool to make jumbo ice cubes instead by pouring cherry lemonade into plastic storage containers. DannieElise Member Posts: 23 Member Member Posts: 23 Member. Pickup is always free with a minimum $30 purchase. I wrap the disks individually, then put them into large plastic bags and straight into the freezer again immediately. But getting the ice cubes out of the tins was another, huge problem! Keep well chilled. You can feel good about enjoying it at home or on the go. In a large pitcher, combine freshly-squeezed lemon juice and prepared cold Simple Syrup. It would be so helpful! Country Time. Please consider the safety of your other products, and the effect to the environment and earth. It is named after Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart.Items produced under the Sam's Choice label primarily are grocery items. Love love love! I enjoy the domestic life of cooking, baking, gardening, and in general taking care of my family and household. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Pictured below are the ingredients needed for this fabulous cherry lemonade.
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22 | With Captain America: Civil War blowing up at the box office with the long-awaited clash between the Star-Spangled Avenger and Ol’ Shell Head – Iron Man himself drawing massive numbers globally, Marvel comic-to-cinema characters have never been more popular.
Obviously, being purveyors of all things tech we’re a mark for Stark and were really impressed by a recent YouTube video that gave us the opportunity to see exactly what it looks like to see a battle through Iron Man’s helmet visor.
Made by a bunch of fans collectively calling themselves Ismahawk, the video titled FIRST PERSON: IRON MAN (Captain America: Civil War) was recorded using a GoPro camera and a drone for some seriously cool flying footage.
With lots of post-editing and lavish special effects the scene puts us in Iron Man’s POV and comes complete with HUD (heads-up display) graphics on screen and we get to see Stark’s hand blasters take out a whole host of foes before facing off with Captain America in the final moments of the scene. There’s even a swinging cameo to be spotted if you’re paying close attention.
We would really hope Marvel’s video games developers are watching this because there’s plenty of inspiration to make a kick-ass Iron Man game like this!
It’s not the first time Ismahawk have taken on the comic book genre and have also created a number of cool Marvel/DC ‘versus’ mash-ups between comparable super-folks, such as Quicksilver and The Flash / Hawkeye and Green Arrow. All of their work so far can be found on the YouTube channel which we highly recommend checking out!
Tags: captain america, civil war, drone, GoPro, iron man, Ismahawk, marvel, POV, YouTube
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23 | Stories of government and MoD data loss aren’t exactly difficult to find. It seems that there’s more classified USB memory sticks circulating in the general population than there are within the MoD, who have reported that one such memory stick found on the floor a club in Newquay is being forensically tested. A full investigation into the matter is underway – which raises a question, do you think they have a special and now rather large and overworked team that deals specifically with investigating the “loss” of USB data sticks?
There was a reasonable chance that one would turn up in a nightclub considering that more than 120 have gone missing from the Ministry of Defence since just 2004. This particular memory stick was found in May in a club called The Beach in Newquay. It held information regarding the training movements of more than 70 soldiers as well as numerous other files.
Memory sticks, while offering convenience to the rest of the nation, seems to offer the complete opposite to government officials. A number of departments have had to announce the rather embarrassing loss of a lot of different memory sticks holding personal information of particular groups of people – soldiers and prisoners being the preferred groups.
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Morning Musings
October 26, 2021 Home, The Kitchen SinkGail Cowdin
I am on the board and a member of Village Lakes Writers and Poets here in Bella Vista. We recently were fortunate to acquire a lease for the historic Dug Hill Chapel as our new home and meeting place. In the picture you can see a small cemetery behind the building. Over the years, the Chapel has been a church, school and community center. It speaks to us. We will be busy refurbishing, cleaning, and renovating the little building to meet our needs. It’s the time of the year that the ghosts of the past speak out to us. We are so excited to begin this new adventure in this old building. And so I write…
We Listen
We listen.
Can you hear it?
Voices of ancient spirits whisper—
The past
Speaking to the future,
Carrying songs of praise,
Prayers of anguish, struggle,
Searching with hope.
Soft scratchings of
Murmured memories rise
While the tolling bell
Calls bodies to gather:
Infants, elderly,
Young, old,
Teens and twenties,
Settle at once together
To listen,
Learn, and share
Amidst the
Mewling cries,
Occasional raucous laughter, and
Whispered shared secrets.
The shadowed walls speak of
Scribbled lessons
Taught and learned,
Etched into hearts and minds
Richly layered with thick, slathered paint
Applied with steady hands
Year after year after year.
At last, bits peel away
Revealing pointed adjurations
Rising from
Shavings of wood,
Cracked glass,
Pebbled stone,
Reminders to remember.
Reaching out,
Teaching voices from the past.
Curling tendrils of
Songs, love,
Words and wisdom
Filled with aching, overarching hope.
The spirits speak to us.
We listen.
©gailleecowdin 2021
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You’ve Come to the Right Place
July 21, 2021 HomeGail Cowdin
You’ve reached the home of Gail Lee Cowdin’s blog and bookshelf. The three Quay Thompson Deception Crime novels and her latest children’s book Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story are just waiting for your visit. Check through Gail’s blogs and posts to learn more.
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Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story Goes to School
February 5, 2021 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
I am so excited and honored that my children’s book, Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story, was part of the music class lesson on handbells at Clay County, Middleburg, Florida, this week. It’s always great to have someone enjoy your books, but this was really special. Thanks go to Tammy Jo Saucier for sharing.
Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story is on sale now through February 14th on Amazon at the discounted price of $10. Go to Gail Lee Cowdin on Amazon to get your gift for someone special.
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It’s HERE! Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story
December 3, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
The inspirational story of Little Dee 7 is now available on Amazon at Gail Lee Cowdin.
Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story
The tiniest handbell, Little Dee 7, didn’t think she was very important. She didn’t even have her own special place in the bell case. She’d been placed in an old white sock labeled with her name, D7, and tucked into a corner of the case. She wasn’t sure anyone even knew she was there. She wanted to join the rest of her bell family and make beautiful music. Then one day, everything changed, and she learned she was very special, indeed! A charming children’s story about the importance of recognizing self-worth, and individuality, Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story, brings the inspirational tale of the littlest bell and the joy of music she makes as she becomes the star of her handbell family.
Paperback $15. $8 for eBook. A portion of sales will go to our church bell choir and to our granddaughter Caylen Cowdin who was the illustrator.
PERFECT GIFT for your child or grandchild! Ages 1 to adult.
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November 25, 2020 The Kitchen SinkGail Cowdin
I’m wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, We are thankful for the health of our family this year.
There’s more good news…A NEW BOOK COMING SOON!
My children’s book, Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story, will be ready soon. It’s a wonderful story of budding independence and joy. MORE TO COME!
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The Boundary Waters Need Help
August 27, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
This is IMPORTANT! If you love the Boundary Waters as I do, help where you can!
I just received this announcement from the Save the Boundary Waters group. You can check out Save the Boundary Waters online. Go to for more information. This is legit!
“Emails from U.S. Congressmen expose dirty deal favoring the
dangerous Twin Metals mine
We’ve recently learned that Members of Congress, including Tom Emmer and Pete Stauber, improperly pressured federal agencies during the renewal of Twin Metals’ mining leases on the doorstep of the Boundary Waters Wilderness. This political interference corrupts the proper decision-making process so that rather than serving the American people, the Trump Administration is doing the bidding of Chilean-mining billionaires.
This is NOT acceptable.
We will not tolerate this act of political interference that puts our iconic Wilderness pure waters at risk. We need your help NOW to protect the Boundary Waters.”
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Crime Thrillers on Sale Now!
August 8, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
Need some excitement?
How about a riveting crime thriller?
End of Summer Sale!
#Actfast #ThisisaLimitedTimeOffer
Buy Gail Lee Cowdin’s Quay Thompson novels:
Deception and Redemption
The Final Deception
Dark Deceptions
Paperback $10 each eBooks $5 each
#sharethenews #tellyourfriends #nowisthetime
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Looking for a Good Mystery? The Time is Now!
June 11, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
All Three DECEPTION Novels are available now at!
Follow the fast-paced, page-turning adventures of bubble-gum chewing Detective Quay Thompson and his partner Samantha Atwood as they follow Bureau of Criminal Apprehension cases from the Minnesota Boundary Waters and the North Shore of Lake Superior to the beautiful Ozarks in Northwest Arkansas. Each new case takes the duo on a spell-binding journey connected with real-life current events.
ALL eBOOKS $8.99
Start the exciting adventure today!
Look for Gail Lee Cowdin at
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Village Lake Writers & Poets Book Talk
May 14, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
Here’s the link to the book talk I did about the Deception book series for Village Lake Writers and Poets on May 13th. Just copy and paste!
Click here for the video on Facebook
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A Normal Day in the Life – Conclusion
April 8, 2020 The Kitchen Sink, UncategorizedGail Cowdin
Our son was definitely not happy with his mother, but when ‘said son’ deposited me back at our daughter’s home to be greeted by the family, husband Hank’s reactions ran the gamut from overjoyed, thankful, relieved, upset, to fairly angry—in that order. Hank hugged me, checked me all over for injuries, helped me remove my soggy jacket and shoes, and then began a more serious scrutiny.
Hank put a hand under my chin, pulling my head up so that I was forced to look up into his eyes. The ‘Hank stare’ meant serious business. I knew after fifty plus years of marriage that it meant I had better listen.
“Josie, you scared the life out of all of us. The Grands were crying up a storm; I was shaking with absolute fright. You could have been killed! We didn’t know where you went. We didn’t know how you thought you were going to catch that robber. It was a very dangerous thing you did, Josie! Thank God our son is with the Police Department and could follow you! So, we are going to have a long talk. Right now. Whether you want to, or not. I need to know exactly what was going on with you, and all that money, and that thief!”
He ushered me into the living room, sat me down in the big recliner, handed me a cup of coffee (which I discovered after one sip, had been laced with a bit of brandy). Hank sat on the sofa opposite me, two Grands climbed into his lap, while our son settled in next to them holding the baby. The small group waited in silence and stared at me.
I took a long slow sip of the spiked coffee, heaved a huge sigh, settled back in the chair, and began.
“It all began a few months ago when I began to think about our upcoming fifty-second anniversary, Hank. I wanted to do something special. We never really celebrated our fiftieth. I thought it was now or never. We’re not getting any younger, you know.”
Our son looked at Hank, and broke into a coughing spell. (I think he maybe choked a bit.) I knew what he was thinking. He was dealing with a bat-crazy old woman who just happened to be his mother, and a father who couldn’t handle her either. I just stared at my son with my not amused Queen Mother look and continued before the moment was entirely lost.
“I looked into several possibilities, Hank, and decided Hawaii would be nice. You know I always thought “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was our song. Do you remember? And Elvis sang that in the movie “Blue Hawaii.” So, I checked into what it would cost to take a cruise to Hawaii, and then I looked at what we had in savings. We could do it, Hank! We’ve never been to Hawaii. We could go on a cruise ship, enjoy ourselves, see the sights, and then I pictured you singing that song to me on some beach there over moonlit waters. Don’t you think that would be romantic, Hank?”
I glanced at my son and could read his mind. He was running through Kenny Chesney’s beach songs and Blake Shelton’s “Some Beach”! It’s better to just ignore kids when they get like that.
There was a long moment of silence with Hank simply staring at me, interrupted only by our son’s clearing his throat and humming a bit of one of those beach tunes he’d been thinking of.
Hank’s first words, preceded by his own throat-clearing noises were, “It would really cost that much?”
I smiled. I knew I was off the hook. I’d turned the corner so-to-speak. Hank was talking about how much it would cost, and not saying, “Definitely not.” We talked some more, and I explained how I’d explored all the choices and had come up with what seemed to be the best option. I’d made a down payment. But I’d drawn a cashier’s check to pay the travel agent in full. I hadn’t wanted to put it on a charge card, because I’d wanted to keep it all a secret from Hank and make it a big surprise. So much for that idea!
Hank was beginning to soften. I could see it. Then he said, “But what about that guy? The thief in the Packer getup? What’d he do with the money?”
I looked to our son for an explanation of that one.
“He didn’t get a chance to spend any of it, Dad. Mom got to him before he could even take it out of her purse. It’s all there, Dad. And the young fool has been arrested, but I think he’s going to get off. He’s not even twenty-one, and he’s got a sob story that will help him with a judge. Besides, Mom has offered to give him a few hundred to help him out. He was in pretty dire straights, it seems.”
Hank looked at me and raised his eyebrows again. “You gave him more of our money? After he stole your purse? Josie!”
“I felt sorry for the kid. What can I say? You’d want to help him, too, if you heard his whole story, Hank. He was in the bank when I made the withdrawal and overheard one of the tellers talking about the big cashier’s check. That’s why he went after me. He was desperate. He’s a college student, out of food, unemployed, and down to his last gallon of gas. What I gave him will only make a small dent in our savings. I thought if we could help him out a bit, it might change his life.”
Hank sighed and nodded. “I suppose, it’s okay, if you both think it will do some good.”
Our son nodded and stood to hand the baby to me.
“I’ve got to run, Mom. Are you okay, now?”
“Yes, yes, I’m fine. We’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I’ll be a little stiff tomorrow, but I think just planning that trip will take all the aches and pains away.”
He gave me a hug, kissed me on top of the head, and headed out the door. I think he was humming Jimmy Buffet’s “Five O’ Clock Somewhere.”
Hank looked at me and said, “Josie, if this was a normal day, I don’t think I can take many more!” We both laughed at that one. It was a good day, after all. |
26 | My pal who I will call Juan Nonymous sent along sample shots of the Jabba's Rancor Pit gift set Jabba the Hutt in comparison with the 2010 model from Walmart. This new-for-2015 version is a 100% new mold with new deco, meaning it is... say it with me...
"Just different enough to make you mad." Well, not Jabba, Jabba's new and interesting. The rest of the set is as interesting as your collection isn't - it's great stuff if you don't got it yet. This set will be sold at the Entertainment Earth Booth at Comic-Con next week, on Toys R, and probably retail stores too. Want to see more images of this 3 3/4-inch scale slug? Keep reading.
Action Figures
Entertainment Earth
The Black Series
Toys R Us
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So similar to the 6" scale version
Akbar Chowder | July 1, 2015 - 8:16am
It looks like they took the (presumably) digital model for the 6" version, tweaked it a bit and scaled it down. So many of the creases match exactly. It looks quite good - probably the best version at this scale in the modern line. It would be nice if it were released as a standalone someday, but I won't hold my breath.
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HasLab Adds Malakili to Star Wars: The Black Series Rancor Campaign
Q&A: Star Wars HasLab, and Rancor, But I Repeat Myself
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,878: TIE Fighter Pilot (The Vintage Collection)
Review + Video: Star Wars 2013 Mission Series Anakin Skywalker with 501st Legion Clone Trooper Action Figures |
27 | Judas and the Black Messiah tells the true story of the rise of Fred Hampton (Kaluuya) as the revolutionary leader of the Black Panther Party and how the organization is infiltrated, and he is ultimately assassinated with the help of a fledgling crook named Bill O’Neal (Stanfield) supported by an unscrupulous FBI system led by J Edgar Hoover (Martin Sheen).
First and foremost, major props to Director Shaka Smith. He is young, but learned, as this is his first true feature film and he succeeds admirably with his tone and angle usage. The tension the audience feels with the inevitable betrayal and death of its lead character was palpable from the opening scene (and the lead wasn’t even in it). It’s not surprising he was given the helm of this subject matter (he co-wrote the screenplay) and we even chimed in to ask why he wanted to make a film focused on the Black Panthers? “The Panthers led with love,” he said. It’s that type of passion that led him to make what he calls “a vast film, a dense film.” He succeeded, watch the film. You’ll see it’s range, its power to incite, Hampton’s propensity to love through a sea of racial hatred and most importantly ‘feel’ what it’s like to be a ‘Judas.’
Lead performances here are no surprise from Daniel Kaluuya (Fred Hampton) and Lakeith Stanfield (Bill O’Neal). Kaluuya is a past Oscar nominee, I knew he could handle the subject matter but asked all the same what drove you to portray Hampton in the film? Said Kaluuya, “his love for his people and I’m humbled and honored.” What I wanted to see (and have not from his past work) is his ability to feel. To show a loving touch and nature. His relationship with Deborah Johnson (mother to his unborn child, played masterfully by Dominique Fishback…more on her later) is where I hoped he could prove it. And he did. His ability to be softer and accessible and still be convincing as a revolutionary leader is what I needed to see, and I did (all without dropping his accent). He’ll get an awards nod for this, but regrettably, he won’t win it. Not because he isn’t that good with the character, but I’ve seen the Best Actor winner already (no spoilers from a Geek!)
Lakeith Stanfield who portrays the ‘Judas’ that is Bill O’Neal gets a nod and hats off from me. It’ll be sensitive to read, but I’ll write it all the same – he brings (to me) a bit of Richard Pryor ‘scared n*gga’ to his roles which seems to fit this film perfectly, after all he’s portraying a Judas – he should be afraid. Not in his dialogue, but in his eyes when it’s needed. From the opening scene which showcases his characters range as a thief, you can see an underlying fear which stays with him as he confidently infiltrates the Panthers, rises through its ranks, deals with the FBI and even becoming Head of Black Panther security. All the while with a confident but doomed look for the fraud he knows he is. There’s a moral burden even portraying such a character, and he spoke about it at great length.
The unsung hero here is relative newcomer but soon to be household name, Dominique Fishback who portrays the lead character Hampton’s empowering, viscerally literal, and fierce girlfriend and fiancé. I had to look up the actress, could there be anything in her past work that showed an inkling of what she poured out here? From her introduction, playing a waifish adorizing young girl – her delivery was perfect. Deifying Hampton but still with a mind of her own – hats off to Director/writer Shaka King for writing her well and major ups to the make-up/production crew for her onscreen appearance. I thought she was 16 when her character meets Hampton for the first time at a rally, I had to Google to find out, the actress is nearing 30yo. You go girl, reached right back into that younger time and brought her through with shining colors, I hope the awards machine sees you this season.
See this film people, if not for its social relevancy – than just to get a bit of education in Black History month. Do you really know what the Black Panthers were all about? A- #JudasandtheBlackMessiah
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28 | When our family moved from downtown out to the burbs, although we moved into a bigger space, we lost the large pantry we had. Our new pantry in our home is a double cupboard. Being a small space it doesn’t take long for it to become cluttered.
It occurred to me the best way to slowly de-clutter the pantry and stay on top of it was to dedicate certain meals to using up pantry items. Once a week I would like to have a pantry meal, where the meal is focused around using up pantry items I already have. Not only will it help de-clutter my pantry, it will also save us money with fewer dinners to buy as well as help us waste less. Even though pantry items tend to last a long time, they don’t last forever. If too many items get shoved to the back where you can’t see them, you may end up tossing a lot of wasted food.
The dinner I came up with this week I named Pantry Soup. You most likely won’t have the same ingredients in your pantry but hopefully this soup recipe will inspire you to make your own. Soup is a great way to use up pantry items because you can throw a whole bunch of things into it, and still have it come out well.
Pantry Soup
After pulling out items from my pantry I wanted to use, the first thing I did was chop and sauté in olive oil 2 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, and 3 carrots that I already had on hand. To use less dishes I sauté the veggies in the pot I am going to cook the soup.
After the veggies were softened, about 8 min, I added 1 tablespoon of Moroccan Chicken Gourmet Spice Blend by Cuisine Mentor. A spice blend I had sitting in my pantry waiting to be used. The spice blend is made up of sesame seeds, cinnamon, kosher salt, black pepper, and hot chilli pepper. Then I continued to sauté for about 1 more minute for the spices to release their flavor.
Next to the pot I added two large cartons of chicken stock. A large can of crushed tomatoes, and 2 cups of Bob’s Red Mill Vegi Soup Mix. The soup mix contained dried green split peas, yellow split peas, barley, lentils, and vegetable pasta made of whole wheat flour, dehydrated spinach, tomato, celery, onion, beets, and garlic.
After adding the ingredients I brought the soup up to a boil, and then simmered for one hour.
In the last 10 minutes of cooking time I added a can of navy beans, which gave it enough time to heat the beans through.
On the side I served crusty sour dough bread. The bread was the only item I purchased, so not bad for an inexpensive dinner. It made lots of leftovers, so really it turned into several meals, which is great!
Here is the condensed version of the recipe.
Wendy’s Pantry Soup
3 carrots, chopped
2 medium onions, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon Moroccan Chicken Gourmet Spice Blend by Cuisine Mentor
2 cartons chicken stock
1-28oz can crushed tomatoes
2 cups Bob’s Red Mill Vegi Soup Mix
1-14oz can Navy Beans
Heat Olive Oil in a large pot.
Sauté carrots, onions, and garlic for about 8 minutes.
Add Spice Blend, and continue to sauté for 1 minute.
To the pot add 2 cartons of chicken stock, crushed tomatoes, and Vegi Soup Mix.
Bring soup to a boil, and then simmer for 50 minutes.
Add Navy Beans, and continue to simmer for 10 more minutes.
Serve with a side of crusty bread, and some hot sauce if you like your soup with a little more kick.
We try to keep dishes on the mild side for the kids, so Hubby and I usually add hot sauce to ours to kick it up a notch.
What is in your pantry you would like to use up?
1 Comment
Jasmine @ Eat Move Write link
1/22/2010 03:47:45 am
That's a good idea for using pantry items. I do that all the time. It's like a fun challenge to me.
I love the name of your blog, by the way. :)
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31 | While many audiophiles’ nirvana is a large, floorstanding speaker rated to reproduce frequencies from DC to UV, my quest has been to find a really good small speaker. That’s partially due to the fact that where most people have radios, I have stereo systems -- four at last count, three of them in rooms where big speakers just won’t work. I’ve been through a bunch of decent small speakers over the years, beginning with the Advent 3 (bought in 1980 for $70 and enjoyed for many years), and continuing through PSB’s Alpha A/V and Mini, KEF’s Coda 7 (in its day, the best-selling speaker in Europe), and my favorite, the Celestion 3, the reference speaker for my office system.
So I looked forward to reviewing Usher Audio’s S-520 ($479 USD per pair). The S-520 is Usher’s entry-level model: a small, two-way bookshelf speaker with 1" dome tweeter crossed over at 2kHz to a 5" mid-woofer, and a front port (a smart move for a bookshelf speaker that might actually be used on a bookshelf). My review samples were finished in what Usher calls white and what I call ivory. While I’m not enamored of the color (black, red, yellow enamel, and natural birch are also available), the finish is flawless -- as fine as I’ve seen on any speaker. The S-520 is about 12" high, just over 7" wide, and 10.5" deep, and is fairly heavy at 15 pounds. Unusual for an entry-level speaker, it can be biwired and has hefty binding posts. According to Usher’s specs, the S-520 is not particularly sensitive, but 86dB/W/m is not an unusual sensitivity rating for a small speaker. Its claimed frequency response is 52Hz-20kHz, +/-3dB.
System and setup
For this review, I used the S-520s only in my office system: Sangean HDT-1x AM/FM/HD tuner, Onkyo DX-6800 CD player, and JVC F-41 turntable with Grado Green cartridge, all feeding a McIntosh C-27 preamplifier and Carver TFM-15cb power amp. The system’s usual speakers are Celestion 3s ($299/pair in the mid-1990s, since discontinued). For deep bass, I call on an Advent ASW-1200 subwoofer ($199, discontinued) fed directly from the McIntosh’s center-channel output, so it’s totally independent of the satellite speakers. Speaker cables are 6’ lengths of 12-gauge stranded copper -- nothing fancy. The Ushers were set on 31"-tall MDF stands from Sanus Systems. I found the S-520s not at all fussy about positioning in my room, but for nearly all of my listening they were 18" from the front wall and about 5.5’ apart. I found I didn’t need to toe them in -- their horizontal dispersion was very good.
I’ve always loved the Celestion 3s’ effortless reproduction of everything but really hard rock, but the Usher S-520s beat them. The crossover from the mid-woofer to the tweeter was seamless -- each S-520 provided a near "point source," and the overall sound was extremely sonorous and of a piece. The S-520 also had slightly greater bass extension than the Celestion 3: when I compared the two without the subwoofer, the Ushers always gave more bass response. But in another regard, the Celestion and Usher were very close: the overall reproduction of each was quite smooth.
I particularly liked the Ushers’ reproduction of male voices, which sound nasal through many speakers. I’ve always considered the Celestion 3 to be about as good as any small speaker I’ve heard at reproducing the male voice, but the Usher S-520 was better -- its reproduction had so little nasality that it simply wasn’t a factor in my listening. I first noticed this with radio DJs, and confirmed it by listening to singers such as Mel Tormé and Frank Sinatra. Very impressive.
I use "You Can Call Me Al," from Paul Simon’s Graceland [CD, Warner Bros./Rhino R2 78904], for many reasons: lots of deep percussives; the pennywhistle break; the complex bass part; the strong brass; and Simon’s vocals and guitar. Without the Advent sub there wasn’t much low bass, but what the Ushers did reproduce was solid and realistic. Adding the sub at a low level just filled out the lower registers nicely. The Usher has what British reviewers call "slam": it handled transients extremely well, without lag, or any sense that the speaker was falling behind what the amplifier was sending it. The Celestion 3, by comparison, is good, able to reproduce most transients nearly as well as the S-520, though not quite as well. With this track, the clear winner was the Usher S-520.
Another song with great production values is Maureen McGovern’s "Anyone Who Had a Heart," from Baby I’m Yours [CD, RCA Victor 60943-2] -- it’s a tour de force for McGovern and producer Ron Barron. "Eating the mike" means that a singer is practically swallowing the microphone. It makes guys’ voices sound deeper, and women’s sound more intimate. On this track McGovern doesn’t so much eat the mike as devour it -- the sound is intense and vibrant. Her accompaniment is largely piano, bass, and drums, with a smattering of other instruments, and the bass and percussion are recorded intensely "hot." For most small speakers, that would mean smeary sound, and with all the hoo-hah on this track even the Celestion 3 sounds slightly congested. The Usher S-520 handled it all with aplomb. Again: Advantage: Usher.
Compared to Maureen McGovern’s big and meaty sound, Gordon Lightfoot’s voice on his cover of Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster’s "Me and Bobby McGee," from Lightfoot’s If You Could Read My Mind [LP, Warner Bros. RS 6392], couldn’t be more different. I’ve always loved this recording for Lightfoot’s mellow voice, Ry Cooder’s bottleneck guitar, the heavily reverb’d kneeslaps, and the recording’s overall intimacy. Lightfoot’s interpretation is fine, and the stereo soundstage is fabulous. With this track, the Celestions and Ushers were fairly close. Both offered a bit of mellowness that may or may not be part of the recording (my combo of JVC turntable and Grado cartridge might have played a major role in this). The Celestions added a very slight nasality, the Ushers a more mellow sound. Interestingly, the guitars sounded slightly more realistic through the Celestions, the echo just a bit more spacious. But I wouldn’t trade one pair of speakers for the other.
I’ve found that, in reviewing a loudspeaker, how it handles transients is important: if they’re reproduced well, I usually find that many of the speaker’s other attributes are good as well. And one-hit wonder Timbuk3’s "My Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades," from Greetings from Timbuk3 [LP, IRS 5739], has transients in spades -- as well as killer harmonica and electric guitar solos. This track was a bit more subdued through the Ushers, more mellow and laid-back -- the Celestions were slightly more forward and, again, somewhat more nasal. It was a matter of taste.
"Finally Found a Reason," from Art Garfunkel’s Fate for Breakfast [LP, Columbia JC 35780], also showed off the Ushers. As with several other cuts I played, the S-520s were a bit mellower, the Celestions more forward -- producer Louie Shelton’s guitar accompaniment sounded more real through the Ushers, as did the backing singers. Here, I definitely give the nod to the S-520.
Another cut I’ve used for years is "Bali Run," from Fourplay’s eponymous album [CD, Warner Bros. 26656-2], because it has a lot of percussives both high and low, and a lot of really low bass runs. Again, the Usher demonstrated slam superior to the Celestion’s. Mind you, both speakers were good, but the Usher did a better job of discriminating among the really fast, tight instrumental voices, and had just that extra bit of bass response: when the subwoofer wasn’t there, their sound was just a bit fuller.
Something new in my reviewing mix is Isaac Hayes’ "Theme from Shaft," from the Stax box, found on a compilation disc created by a friend. It features hot bass, strong horns, and insistent cymbals. Many people now know Hayes only as the voice of "Chef" on Comedy Central’s South Park, but those of us a bit older are most familiar with his magnum opus, the soundtrack to the 1971 film Shaft. Hayes’s voice is extremely mellow, but it so well complements the female backup vocalists. This track has a lot of very hot vocals, and the Ushers just got out of the way and reproduced them flawlessly; the Celestions were a bit more in my face. Overall, the Ushers provided the more realistic reproduction.
I then swapped Shaft for Schubert: to be precise, the latter’s Piano Quintet in A Major, the "Trout," performed by the Cleveland Quartet with pianist John O’Conor [CD, Telarc CD-80225], and concentrated on the final movement, Allegro giusto. The Usher S-520s offered a very lush sound, even more so than the Celestion 3s, and the instruments sounded closer. Again, this will be a matter of taste; for different reasons, I like both. But the Ushers did chamber music really well.
I then popped in Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops’ recording of Leopold Stokowski’s orchestration of J.S. Bach’s "Little" Fugue in G Minor, from The Fantastic Stokowski [CD, Telarc CD-80338]. I’ve used this fabulous recording for more than a decade to test the mettle of speakers large and small, and the Ushers -- with some help from the Advent sub -- more than did it justice. The piece begins with a single oboe, then builds to full orchestra, with lots of bass and highs. The recording’s articulation of individual instruments is amazing, and the Ushers gave each its full due. Listening to this track through the Celestions, I’m in a really fine concert hall; through the Ushers, I was in Cincinnati’s Music Hall, where this disc was recorded, and which favors the strings. Stokowski knew this -- he was music director of the Cincinnati Symphony when he wrote this arrangement. The Ushers definitely needed a subwoofer to reproduce the full range of orchestral recordings such as this, but within their frequency limitations they did a fine job. Each section was where it should be, and the soundstage was spot on. It’s rare that a small loudspeaker can provide such excellent sound.
In a word, the Usher Audio S-520 sounded fabulous. Is it the nirvana of small speakers? Maybe not quite. But it’s the closest to my goal of finding a really good small speaker that I’ve heard. Its reproduction is detailed, yet still able to produce a full sound in which the instruments that are supposed to blend (say, massed strings) come out sounding as one -- and its finish is worthy of a top-of-the-line speaker. Yet $479/pair can’t be considered egregiously expensive. The Usher S-520 is the small speaker to seriously consider. |
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35 | This week I'm excited to share a guest article by Willem Hart, written in response to our post reviewing a lecture by Dr. James Elkins. Willem attended the May 23, 2013 lecture at the Art Gallery of Ontario and, as an artist himself, was fascinated by the topic. In this article he provides some helpful insights in response to the work of James Elkins as well as to Ground Motive's discussion of contemporary art.
by Willem Hart
Rembrandt van Rijn, Supper at Emmaus, oil on
panel, 1648 (Louvre, Paris)
James Elkins’ view that “…committed, engaged, ambitious, informed art does not mix with dedicated, serious, thoughtful, heartfelt religion. Whenever the two meet, one wrecks the other” suggests that this is true for our time. The key work in his title is “contemporary”. I doubt that Elkins would apply this to the work of Giotto, Michaelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Caravaggio or Rembrandt, etc. Clearly their religious convictions motivated them to produce what we consider great art. That means committed, engaged, ambitious, informed art can mix with dedicated, serious, thoughtful, heartfelt religion. And whenever the two have met in the past, great and important art happened.
Ever since the Enlightenment we have marginalized religion, but that does not mean that we have abandoned either religion or spirituality.
LEFT: Carravaggio, The incredability of St Thomas, 1601/02 RIGHT: Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel ceiling, (painted between 1508 and 1512) showing Adam and the hand of God.
In the end all art is religious and spiritual and expresses the deepest thoughts of its creators. Just because the church has stopped sponsoring artistic expression does not mean that art has no religious content or that one wrecks the other. The ongoing construction of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Famîlia, is an interesting example of the church’s continuing interest in honoring God through art.
LEFT: Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926), Sagrada Família,
Roman Catholic church under construction
in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
RIGHT: Graham Sutherland tapestry,
Christ in Glory, Coventry Cathedral, 1962.
Elkins, in his book, On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art (2004, Routledge) makes a distinction between fine art and religious art. He does this in a seemingly disarming fashion by claiming that his own beliefs are not part of his writing. How can they not be? Surely it is impossible to divorce one’s spiritual commitment from one’s work. In the Preface Dr. Elkins suggests that, “There is no monolithic art any more than there is a property called religious.” Yet in the same book he asserts that “Religious art will be one type of art and fine art another and there will be no particular problem in the fact that one excludes the other. They will be separate but equal.” That is a bit facile for me, a straw man argument in fact. It’s an artificial construct that does not hold up to reasonable examination. To say that one does not exclude the other is strange to say the least.
LEFT: Claes Oldenburg, Giant Hamburger, (1962), Art Gallery of Ontario.
RIGHT: Andy Warhol, one of the many versions of Marilyn, ca 1962.
LEFT: Roy Lichtenstein, print, ca. 1960.
RIGHT: Jasper Johns, one of the many iterations
of his American Flag series, ca 1958/60.
William Holmar Hunt,
The Light of the World, 1853
Fine art is of course distinct from graphic/commercial art, decorative art, scenic art, as well as the cloying depictions of nature represented by the likes of Thomas Kinkade, or the romanticized Christian vision of William Holmar Hunt. Fine art is unmistakable whether its content is religious or secular.
And religion still influences fine art. Graham Sutherland’s “Christ in Glory” at Coventry Cathedral is a case in point. Is this work, ten years in the making, any less worthy than a Van Eyck altar piece?
A Claes Oldenburg “Giant Hamburger” is as religious or spiritual as Michelangelo’s “Pieta”. Calvin Seerveld (Professor emeritus at the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto) suggests that “art tell-tales in whose service a [person] stands.” While I don’t like the work of Andy Warhol, there is no mistaking its religious content. In fact he was a committed Catholic Christian who attended mass regularly. Contemporary artists hold up our icons to us and suggest that this is our religion, this is our faith. That can be said of artists such as Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Frank Stella, and Willem de Koning, to name just a few.
William H. Johnson, Mount Calvary, (ca 1939)
What does one make of the work of African-American artist William H. Johnson whose religiously oriented work is honored in major institutions? There are of course numerous examples of religiously influenced art in major institutions and venues.
Jackson Pollock, Crucifixion, 1962.
While contemporary religious art is nothing like the expressions of faith and religion in and before the Renaissance, they are no less religious or spiritual. Even a cursory examination of 20th century artists reveals a deeply religious (spiritual) direction. As John Donne put it, “No man is an island unto himself.” I take that to mean that we are all spiritually, if not religiously connected.
The late Christopher Hitchens (God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, 2008), and Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion, 2006), whose atheist opinions attack views that are mostly no longer held by mainstream religion, contend that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion, a fixed false belief. They are of course entitled to their beliefs, but to me committed, engaged, ambitious, informed art cannot be produced without dedicated, serious, thoughtful, heartfelt spirituality. The two are inseparable.
The blog Ground Motive discusses religion and art without ever showing something visual. You cannot possibly discuss the impact of religion, faith, and spirituality on art without showing images. Where in this discussion do you fit the work of African American artist William H. Johnson, and a crucifixion painting by Jackson Pollock, both from the mid-20th century period?
On June 29, 2013, the important and influential Gallery Maeght in Southern France will open an exhibition of art “Les Adventures de la Vérité” curated by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévi. The gallery does not normally invite “outsiders” to organize its exhibitions. One notable exception was the exhibition curated by André Malraux, “Musée Imaginaire”, in 1973. It is remarkable that Bernard-Henri Lévi, an important thinker, is in charge of an exhibition of visual art that explores the eternal struggle for truth. Not only that, but his choices are decidedly religious. Not just spiritual, but religious.
A comparison between Jean Michel Basquiat's Crisis X, 1982 (LEFT) and Crucifixion by Bronzino (ca 1340) (RIGHT) at Gallery Maeght, 2013.
He considers a conversation between Jean-Michel Basquiat’s “Crisis X” (1982) and “Crucifiction” (ca 1540) by Bronzini. Lévi shows Jackson Pollock’s “Crucifiction” (1939/40), and compares “The veil of Saint Veronica” (17th c.) with Andy Warhol’s “Studies of Jackie” (1964). To me this shows that the influence of religion cannot be separated easily from the practice of art.
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1 comment:
Anonymous Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Hi Willem. Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I have a question about what you mean when, commenting on the preface to Dr. Elkins' book, you say "To say that one does not exclude the other is strange to say the least." That phrasing seems inconsistent with what I gather you mean. Is it possible that the word "exclude" should be "include"?
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Ground Motive hosts a space for deep dialogue about justice in our world.
Ground Motive hosts responses to the essays in Lambert Zuidervaart's first volume of essays in reformational philosophy. |
36 | Here’s your weekly dose of Zyuranger, now with a new eyecatch and an updated OP (minus Burai)! The opening is really nice with all the Guardian Beasts (In stores now), same goes for the second eyecatch (Each sold separately, unless you buy the gift set). Anyways, this episode is all about Geki and it’s a real “nut up or shut up� type of episode, the one where a character has an issue and they reach this crossroad about what to do. He’s pretty mopey for most of the episode but Goushi makes up for everything. Seriously, Goushi shows that he is the ultimate bro and just how far he’ll go for his friends. There’s really not too much I can say that won’t give you massive spoilers, so just download the episode and watch it already! It’s got some good action, a little blood, a true bro, and a pansy of a monster (He might actually be a rose, I don’t know my flowers).
0 | 2,816
Gobusters' Commander Catches Voyeur
Aug 28, 2012 - 7:26 PM -
The Actor who plays the commander role in a Sentai Hero series stops a man from taking a voyeur video of a high school girl (08/26 17:20)
The Sentai Hero's Commander has a very active life outside of television. He was able to seize a voyeur trying to take a video secretly.
According to the police, the actor and director Hideo Sakaki (42 years old) saw a suspicious man standing behind a school girl at a book store in the Setagaya district of Tokyo.
Mr. Hideo who caught the suspect: "He was taking a video from underneath her skirt. I didn't think he would try to run away, but I instinctively started to chase him."
The suspect caught red-handed is a taxi driver named Tetsuya Kawakami (60 years old). He has been arrested for investigation. Mr. Sakaki plays the role of Commander Takeshi Kuroki in the TV Asahi series "Tokumei Sentai Gobusters".
Mr. Hideo Sakaki who caught the suspect: "I would have done the same thing in any situation. I would like to ask the suspect not to try this again. I would like to say: Shut-down Complete"
Video with english subtitles: [G.U.I.S.] Kurorin (A2F757E5).mp4
Source: �?*‘?*ƒq�[ƒ��[Ži—ß?*¯–ð‚ª�—Žq�‚�Z�¶“�ŽB ‚Ì’j‚ð‘ß•ß |
37 | Due to the concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, The Bergen County Board of Taxation is closed to the public but still accepting and processing Tax Appeals via mail. The appeal filing deadline is April 1st. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Tax Assessor
The Tax Assessor's Office is responsible for placing valuations on all real property throughout the city and makes sure the tax burden is equally distributed among the property owners.
The office handles numerous inquiries from citizens and real estate professional, from deed information to capitalization formulas. The office grants deductions to qualified senior citizens, disabled person, as well as, veterans and widows of veterans. Each year the assessor defends assessments of property at the court level and keeps abreast of current real estate trends, methods of appraisal, and real estate laws.
Tax Maps Are Available For Download
All city tax maps are availabe for download in one 18MB zipped folder containing 46 .tiff image files. The maps were last updated in Oct. 31, 2003.
Read All Instructions First:
Click "Download Tax Maps" below.
When prompted, click "Save".
Select the download location on your drive and click "Save" again.
Extract all files (consult software documentation if necessary).
Open the folder called "Hac zip". Tip: Arrange files by name.
To locate a parcel, open the file named "HAC000-031031.TIF"
Zoom in and identify the number of the map containing the parcel. Map numbers are in squares. Maps are separated by dotted lines.
Open the file containing that parcel. For example, if your parcel square is "16", open the file called "HAC016-031031.TIF".
Download Tax Maps
Bergen County Geographic Information System
You can also try using Bergen County's GIS system. County GIS contains assessment information by block & lot, address and owner name. Click here to enter the County's GIS system. |
38 | Hair straighteners get very hot. Do not leave them close to combustible materials or forget to switch them off, or they may pose a fire risk.
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Did you know?
The hotter a straightening iron gets, the better it will work. Cheaper irons will heat up to around 38 ºC; the more expensive models can reach up to 230 ºC.
Version: 1.0
(May 15, 2007)
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41 | This is an "updated for Windows 8.1" version of my popular original article Guide to Freeing up Disk Space under Windows 7.
I've got a 256 gig C: drive that is an SSD, but things add up and I've noticed that in the last week or so I've only got about 20 gigs free and it was feeling cramped. A few hours later, I have 80G free. Here's how.
Warranty: There is none. Please read carefully and with all things you find on a random blog, be careful because you have no one to blame but yourself. However, if you take a few minutes, read carefully and do even a few of these tips or just run Disk Cleanup, you'll get lots of space back.
Press Windows Key + W and type "Free up." You'll see a few options. We're going to run two things.
First "Free up disk space on this PC" which runs full screen as a "modern app."
From here you can see how much space your Windows Store apps take up, as well as pictures, Videos, etc. You can also empty your recycle bin from here. It'll also give you a decent idea of how your personal files take up space.
If you click "See my app sizes" you'll go to this screen where you can quickly uninstall apps. I don't bother with anything under 100 megs.
Now, run "Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files" which is the Disk Cleanup desktop app.
This app is your main line of defense and lists all kinds of things it can clean up. Be sure to click the "Clean up system files" option to run Disk Cleanup as Administrator. This will allow it to find and identify a lot more files for cleanup.
When you run Disk Cleanup as admin, as I have below, it is able to cleanup after Windows Update files. Note the difference between the screenshot above (run normally) and the one below (after clicking "Cleanup System files." It's found 238 megs of files from Windows Update that aren't needed. You may find lots more.
Set your Windows Store Mail app to only download a month of mail. See how mail above uses 514 megs of space? That's because I told it to download all my mail. From within the Windows 8.1 mail application, press Ctrl-C, then click Settings, then go to Accounts and under Options for your account change the "Download Email from..." option to the last month, or even less.
Disable Hibernate - I have a desktop, and I prefer just three power states, sleeping, on or off. I don't use Hibernate. Plus, I have 12 gigs of RAM, and hibernation uses as much disk space as you have RAM. From an administrative command prompt, type "powercfg -h off" to get that space back. Got me back 12 gigs. It's up to you. Don't turn it off if you use the feature.
Virtual Memory - If you've got 8 or more gigs of RAM, it's likely that Windows has allocated more Virtual Memory as a file on disk than needed. It's not bad, and it's not a bug, it's just conservative. For example, I have 12 gigs of RAM and Windows has allocated a 12 gig "swap file." Interestingly, it's recommending (not sure if that's to me, or to itself) that I have only 5 gigs. Boom, change it manually and I get 7 gigs free. Not a big deal with a 500 gig drive, but a HUGE deal on a 128 gig SSD.
Type Windows Key+W, then "Advanced System Settings" and enter. From here, go to Performance Settings, then Advanced. Under Virtual Memory, click Change. This is usually managed for you. Change it only if you feel you know what you're doing. Here I've moved it to my D: drive, opening up space for my smaller C: drive.
%TEMP% Files - Even though Disk Cleanup is great, sometimes for whatever reason it doesn't always get stuff out of the TEMP folder. I recommend you try to delete the TEMP folder. I do this from the command line. Open up an administrative console, type "cd /d %TEMP%" (without the quotes, of course). Then, go up one folder with "cd .." and type "rd /s temp"
Do be warned, this command says to TRY to delete the whole folder and everything underneath it. It's very unambiguous. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. If you feel in over your head, don't do it. If it screws up your computer, don't email me. Next, I do a "dir temp" to see if the folder really got deleted. It usually doesn't because almost always some other program has a temp file open and the command can't get remove everything. If it DOES remove the folder, just "md temp" to get it back fresh and empty. This got me back 12 gigs. I'm sure you'll be surprised and get lots back.
Delete your Browser Cache - Whether you use Chrome, IE or Firefox, your browser is saving probably a gig or more of temporary files. Consider clearing it out manually (or use the CCleaner mentioned below) occasionally or move the cache from your browser's settings to another drive with more space.
Clean up System Restore - Windows keeps backups of lots of system files every time something major (driver installation, some software installations, etc) happens, and after a while this can take up lots of space. It uses a service/subsystem called ShadowCopies and can be administered with a tool called vssadmin.
Now, the EASIEST way to handle this is just to run Disk Cleanup, then click More Options and "Clean up…" which will delete all but the most recent System Restore data. That's what I did. That got me back lots of space back on my C: drive.
You can also go to System Properties, then System Protection, then Configure and not only control how much space to allow for System Protection but also delete preview restore points as seen in the screenshot at left.
Alternatively, you can use the vssadmin tool from an admin command prompt to to do important things. One, you can set a max size for the System Restore to get. Two, you can set an alternative drive. For example, you could have the D: drive be responsible for System Restore for the C: drive.
You can use the commands like this. Note that you can put whatever drive letters you have in there. I ran it for each of my three drives. Note that this isn't just used for System Restore, it's also used for the "Previous Versions" feature of Windows that keeps some number of Shadow Backups in case you delete something and didn't mean it. Kind of a mini, local time machine. Point is, this isn't a feature you probably want off, just one you want kept to a max.
Here's the command line I used. Your mileage may vary.
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /On=C: /For=C: /MaxSize=15GB
Understand what's taking up all that space with SpaceSniffer or WinDirStat or TreeSize Free. - I've used a large number of Windows Folder Size checkers, and the one I keep coming back to is WinDirStat. WinDirStat is oldish but is Open Source, and it works great in Windows. It's wonderfully multi-threaded and is generally fabulous. It'll help you find those crazy large log files you've forgotten about deep in %APPDATA%. It saved me 10 gigs of random goo. SpaceSniffer is also amazing and really lets you drill into what's going on space-wise in your disk.
Remove Old Stuff - Just go into Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features and tidy up. There's likely a pile of old crap in there that's taking up space. I removed some Games and Game Demos and got back 5 gigs.
Be sure to SORT by size to find big stuff AND sort by "installed on" to find old stuff you've forgotten! Also note the "Total size" at the bottom that no one notices. This is the total size of Desktop apps, not Windows Store apps.
Uninstall anything evil - If you want to get a quick look at what's on a machine and uninstall LOTS of stuff quickly, look no further than NirSoft's My Uninstaller (download). Remove Toolbars (they think they need them and they never do and won't miss them), and anything that looks like it might destabilize their system. I check out toolbars, add-ins, etc
Wasteful TempFiles/ScratchFiles Settings in Popular Programs - Most programs that need scratch space have a way to set a ceiling on that Max Space. Go into Internet Explorer or Firefox, into the options and delete the Temporary Internet Files. Set a reasonable size like 250 megs or 500 megs. I've seen those cache sizes set to gigs. If you've got a speedy connection to the internet, that's just overkill. Check other programs like Adobe Photoshop and other editors and see where they store their temporary files and how large they've become. I used SpaceSniffer (mentioned above) and was shocked to find 5 gigs of old temp files from a year ago in little used programs.
Podcast Apps, especially iTunes - If you've configured iTunes to automatically download podcasts, be aware that these can app up if you use the default settings. Set your podcasts to keep only the last episode or last few, rather than 10 or more unlistened-to files.
NTFS Compression - That's right, baby, Stacker (kidding). This is a great feature of NTFS that more people should use. If you've got a bunch of folders with old crap in them, but you don't want to delete them, compress. If you've got a folder that fills up with text files or other easily compressed and frequently access stuff, compress 'em. I typically compress any and all folders that are infrequently accessed, but I'm not ready to toss. That is about 30-40% of my hard drive. Why bother to compress when Disk Space is so cheap? Well, C: drive space usually isn't. I've got an SSD, and it's small. I'd like to get as much out of it as I can without the hassle of moving my Program Files to D:. More importantly, Why the heck not? Why shouldn't I compress? It's utterly painless. Just right click a folder, hit Properties, then Advanced, then Compress. Then forget about it. As long as you're not compressing a bunch of ZIP files (won't do much) then you're all set. You might consider defragging when you're done, just to tidy up if you don't have an SSD.
Find Fat Temp File Apps and squash them - Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D are really fast and loose with the disk space. You can poke around for a while and next thing you know you're down 2 gigs or more. If you don't use the app a lot, delete the caches when you exit, or better yet, make the cache size for each app small.
Remove Crap with CrapCleaner (CLeaner) - This is a brilliant utility that removes crapware, unneeded programs, toolbars and other things that might litter up your machine.
ADVANCED: Use Junction Points/Hard Links/Reparse Points to move temp file folders - This is an advanced technique. If this technique kills your beloved pet cat, don't email me. You have been warned. Also, note that I'm only saying it works for me.
I reclaimed 25 gigs just today by moving the MobileSync Backup folder from iTunes to a spinning rust disk off my SSD.
Here's the idea. You'll move it to a drive with more space, but you'll LIE to iTunes using a little-used Windows Utility that will make a LINK between the folder iTunes expects to find and the folder you want your backups in. See? It's advanced but VERY powerful, especially when you
C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync>dir
Directory of C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync
11/25/2011 10:10 PM <DIR> .
11/25/2011 10:10 PM <DIR> ..
11/25/2011 10:10 PM <JUNCTION> Backup [f:\iTunesMobileSync\Backup]
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 97,594,851,328 bytes free
While your are in there, why not do some more maintenance on your machine, blow out that dust and install some updates? Check out the The Technical Friend's Essential Maintenance Checklist for Non-Technical Friend's Windows Computer.
Hope this helps! If I missed anything, sound off in the comments!
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.
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Comment on this post [31]
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June 09, 2014 5:27
I strongly suggest you Space Monger to you, and anyone! It's amazing to spot unforgotten download folders, or folders with very big sizes. For example my C:\Windows\Installer folder got really big, I mklink'd it to my F: drive, because my C: is SSD and I need space!
Ata Sasmaz
June 09, 2014 5:32
My comment looked like I'm marketing it. I don't have any relations to the neither software nor the developer, but I love using it. :)
Ata Sasmaz
June 09, 2014 5:47
I think the biggest waste is folder C:\Windows\Installer\$PatchCache$. I know there are important setup binaries there. But Windows should provide some way to purge those nearly never-used-again files. "Disk Cleanup" just didn't do that. It found only few megabytes to cleanup while the Installer folder took a lot more than ten gigabytes.
June 09, 2014 6:59
As I've said, you can mklink that folder to another disk. I did that, no issues still.
Ata Sasmaz
June 09, 2014 7:03
Thanks Scott, I saw this post on feedly using my phone and after going through each step (except the email one) my 128gb ssd turned blue again instead of being red. It is strange how the red bar showing 10gb bothers us so much and yet we lived so many years with a lot less space. WHo ever thought we would start bitching about how many gigs we had left!
That said, when I press ctrl+c in the email app nothing happens. Wait, I recall something about the rightmost edge to find settings. Let me try that and get back to you.
James Makumbi
June 09, 2014 7:06
Finding the bottom right corner is tough when you run a multi-monitor setup. That is why you recommend ctrl+c. Changed the setting and apparently setting two weeks (I have two smartphones so if I haven't read the email in two weeks I might be dead) on one of four email accounts sets all of them.
James Makumbi
June 09, 2014 7:16
James - WindowsKey + C
Scott Hanselman
June 09, 2014 7:26
Right. The charms key combo. I live in denial of all things windows 8. I once had my mouse and trackpad freeze. It was a awkward 2mins as I figured out how to restart without a mouse or pointing device.
After that I recalled that the shutdown is in the top righthand corner and I don't need to rightclick the bottom lefthand corner.
James Makumbi
June 09, 2014 7:30
Thanks, Scott, very interesting and useful.
The link to seems to be badly formatted.
June 09, 2014 8:51
Do we still miss ability to deal with winsxs? I understand it is not supposed to be touched at all, but I highly doubt we indeed need all stuff it contains.
June 09, 2014 9:51
This is great advice. As always with nitpickers I have some comments:
1. WinDirStat is not multithreaded. See Help.chm under FAQ. It is so good that it does not even need multiple threads ;-).
"Does WinDirStat start threads for the read jobs?
No. WinDirStat is - apart from the about box, which runs in an own thread, and apart from the drive querying in the drive selection dialog - single-threaded. All work is done in OnIdle()."
2. When you make your page file smaller than you physical Memory you will not be able to create full crash dumps anymore ( Kernel dumps will still work if you have a page file which is about one-third the size of the physical memory.
I have used Directory hard links for Program Files Folders as well without issues. Patching and related stuff with MSI continued to work. This can really help if you want to move your beloved but disc space hungry game to a different drive.
In my experience the most space consumuning important applications were games ;-).
Alois Kraus
June 09, 2014 13:52
Good to see you've covered every option available.
However, in my experience the "Windows Update Cleanup" almost always fails. And trust me it is more than a few machines or installations of Win 8/8.1
The cleanup process gets stuck whether done via disk cleanup or via command line i.e. Deployment Image Service Management's /Cleanup-Image and supporting switches.
So I'd caution anyone and everyone who doesn't know what it does, to stay away from it. :-)
Saurabh Chowdhury
June 09, 2014 14:27
I bypassed some of this by using an unattend.xml file during my Windows 7 installation to move the Users directory to my HD, leaving my 512 GB SSD with even more space. I haven't had any issues with it, but I heard that it causes problems when updating on Windows 8.
June 09, 2014 14:50
Also check your windows search DB. There was an issue with Windows 8 - my search DB grew to > 70GB -
June 09, 2014 14:53
Isn't moving your swap file from the SSD to the spinning rust going impact performance if you get to the point of using the swap file? Wasn't that the idea behind ReadyBoost?
June 09, 2014 15:07
Got error when try
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /On=D: /For=C: /MaxSize=15GB
Error: The specified volume shadow copy storage association was not found.
Any suggestion
I am shocked how much I can free up.
Many thanks for your great tips.
June 09, 2014 15:21
I've found that running WinDirStat as Administrator is helpful to fully root out where space is being consumed, especially if there are multiple user accounts on the system.
Matt Smith
June 09, 2014 15:22
Using OneNote? syncing your notebooks through OneDrive? Do you really need TWO local backups? I got gigabytes of space back by setting this to just one local backup (one of the few space savers you can do on RT). Change it in options inside OneNote. To make sure I get the space back at once, I move the backup to a different folder (in the same Office folder tree), and delete the original backup - MAKE SURE YOUR SYNC IS UP TO DATE BEFORE YOU DO THAT. Saved several gigagbytes on all my PCs with this ;)
Mary Branscombe
June 09, 2014 15:23
For business environments, try FolderSizes - a very powerful disk space analysis and reporting tool with many advanced enterprise features (snapshots, scheduling, email integration, and much more).
Dave Baumann
June 09, 2014 15:43
maybe in some distant future, those legacy windows dialogues will finally be ported to not look like straight out of the 90s ;)
June 09, 2014 16:59
It's a shame that moving your AppData\Local folder from the default location breaks "modern" apps. I've got nearly 6Gb of crap in that folder that I can't move from my 120Gb SSD to my 2Tb SATA without breaking large parts of Windows. Even a junction point doesn't do the trick.
June 09, 2014 19:55
FYI, on a UK English localised (with an 's' :)) version of Windows 8.1, two of the items are named "Clear disk space on this PC" and "Clear disk space by deleting unnecessary files" rather than being "Free up".
Martin Costello
June 10, 2014 1:44
Did I miss something? Put large files in the local OneDrive folder and mark as "Online Only".
Donald Adams
June 10, 2014 4:54
Too much effort. This waste of time stuff needs to be simplified so my non-technical family members can do it too.
June 10, 2014 11:21
"It's a shame that moving your AppData\Local folder from the default location breaks "modern" apps."
Could not agree more, and while I am a very satisfied professional user of 8.1u1, this stands as one of the 4 stupid design issues in Windows 8 / 8.1 :
1) forced "Microsoft account" login to be able to use OneDrive. From a privacy standpoint, this is criminal, and it is aggravated by the blatant "force my hand" moves such as invalidating microsoft apps individual loggings every few months. I do NOT use it even on my wife's surface pro. I want control over my credentials, not marketing's blatant ploy to inflate "social account" numbers.
2) The cretinization of network control, it's plain unworkable in any environment without an AD server. Removing the capacity to manually change an ad-hoc network to "private" ? : stoopid (I do it with PowerShell, but it's a pain, ans it must be done at each reboot). Forcing internal Hyper-V network to "public" no matter what ? A pain. Network neighborhood integration ? at best Russian roulette (works whenever it wants, and my home network is ALL windows 8.1u1 (nothing fancy), all my computer have local accounts with the same passwords, it used to work, it's broken since they tried to simplify networking (did not even work that well with Windows 7 + XP, but at least it was somewhat stable, since Windows 8 it's crap, each share access randomly works or not, i have to fairly often resort to using "net use" to access a share).
Build something designed so any idiot can use, you will get something only an idiot will use.
3) the split between "old control panel" / "new setup", both incomplete. What a pain.
4) The general inability to handle multi disk installations of windows (@Richard's problem). this is a pain for developers. Not a new problem, it has never really been supported, but this has gotten a *lot* worse with windows 8.
June 10, 2014 12:47
In my quest for freeing disk space...
I once forgot I had enabled fuslogvw and because of this it kept on logging on my small ssd disk's systemprofile.
And the more I deleted the more space I lost. So I thought it was malware.
But it wasn't: systemprofile keeps on growing in size
So remember to disable logging !
Ken Van Gilbergen
June 11, 2014 6:22
A word of caution: there is a bug persistent since Windows 8.0 RTM where running Disk Cleanup makes changes to your Modern Apps settings.
Examples of changes that may occur:
Skype and several other applications no longer have permission to use Camera and Microphone.
Various applications are no longer allowed to use Location.
Alarms is removed from the lock screen.
File save location reverts from local disk to OneDrive.
Paul Coddington
June 11, 2014 9:33
Scott this is some good advice HOWEVER I came across an issue I did want to flag.
Whilst it should be perfectly safe to do what you describe here (I have done this many times before to save space on my SSD).
Directly after installing windows 8.1 update and then running the system clean up tool with system files removal I now (directly after doing this) get constant failures to run windows update with code 0x8024022. I also now experience failures with dism when using the /restorehealth switch.
Currently these issues are unresolved. I have already posted to the windows community forums about this and am awaiting a response there but I wanted to flag this to people as its not great, especially when the online restore of the componentstore fails :(
Krystan Honour
June 12, 2014 14:24
@Alex WinSXS is filled with hard links to files on the system for restore etc. The problem actually lies in Explorer's inability to properly report the size this folder takes up on disk.
Full details on technet -
Chris McKee
June 13, 2014 21:13
Dude, no need to meticulously go through your files to find stuff you can delete. Just replace your 250GB SSD with a 500GB one, which nowadays costs less than 200$.
June 21, 2014 5:23
I have just one plea for all developers in the universe. If you create a temp file, please clean up your mess. My temp folder is not a public toilet, so please keep it clean.
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42 | If you are having problems with your weight, energy levels, trouble sleeping, or suffering from stress. If you want to feel fitter, healthier, get pregnant or tackle menopausal symptoms Jackie may be able to help by doing an analysis of your current diet and advising on changes that would be beneficial to you in achieving your goals.
Before the initial consultation you will be asked to complete a food and drink diary for a week prior to the first appointment to see what you are currently consuming. This diary together with a health record and lifestyle outline will be used as the basis for recommendations on changes to your diet and routine which will be tailored to your individual situation. By taking an overview usually only small alternations are required to bring about the desired results enabling you to take control of your life.
The first session is between 1 – 1 1/2 hours and will involve discussing how suggested changes to your diet and routine can be achieved and accommodated into your lifestyle, together with a realistic time scale for attaining your required outcomes. You will be given a typed copy of everything discussed. A follow up appointment can be made, if required, should you need any further help or clarification. Of course you can always contact Jackie by telephone or email with any queries you may have and of course do keep in touch with details of your successful outcomes.
Cost for consultation is £50 including follow up appointment if required.
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43 | Perhaps it's the bike action since I've gotten into my own spin bike recently, or maybe it's the Sally Draper meets The Bloggess vibe I'm getting from this girl. It could even be this verse:
"And I'm sad to the core, core, core
Every day is a chore, chore, chore"
... which is basically how I've been feeling lately.
All I know is that Primadonna by Marina and The Diamonds has been on repeat for most of March and I've yet to tire of it!
Labels: Music
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44 | Construction is a wide term meaning the scientific research and also art of to shape valuable systems, objects, or organisms, and also comes from Latin ad infinitum and Old French construction. To construct actually implies to make or produce: to construct is the verb, and the word is building and construction: how a thing is created. There are lots of kinds of building and construction, such as geometric, structural, architectural, and also imaginative construction, as well as others, such as engineering as well as thermodynamics building and construction. There are additionally various sorts of building and construction, such as power-to-mass manufacturing, which describes the manufacturing of one-way or self-supporting energy, such as heavy steam wind turbines; and armed forces construction, such as fortifications. It can be utilized to explain the building of anything, including cities, high-rises, bridges, high-rises, airplane, spacecrafts, personal or public buildings, long-term structures (such as healthcare facilities), and even the activity of the planet on its axis.
One of the most usual type of construction is industrial construction, which includes everything from sky scrapers, skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels, parking lot, structures made for organizations, highways, streets, freeways, bus stations, toll plazas, park frameworks, and keeping walls used for civil/park/historical structures. A few of these are non-combustible. Air-conditioning towers and also water tanks, for example, can not burn fuel as well as are not prone to fire. Various other sorts of construction, such as those that integrate steel in reinforced concrete, noncombustible products, enhanced steel, enhanced concrete, as well as warm molten steel, are not fire immune, however are commonly a lot more expensive to construct and also a lot more dangerous to workers.
Commercial construction refers to the building or repairing of structures or frameworks by any kind of method, whether it be manual work or maker manufacturing. This might consist of roadway or rail construction, structures for mining, buildings to produce food, buildings to make garments, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, stockrooms, train terminals, power producing plants, as well as factory. Manufacturing can likewise be included under the heading of industrial construction, as can delivery and associated sectors. Freight transportation consisting of air cargo and also ocean freight is taken into consideration part of commercial building, as is telecommunications, like telecommunication, cord telephones, radio, and also tv transmission. Specialist solutions, like audit, law, banking, computer technology, engineering, training, management, architects, and also other types of solution organizations are likewise included under the heading of industrial building and construction.
Building labor lacks are a major trouble in lots of locations of the country. In California, for instance, one of every seven individuals is employed in the building sector. As a result of building and construction labor lacks and also high cost of living, businesses are required to boost costs, which in turn, make the jobs more difficult to take care of and also complete. These cost boosts unavoidably entered result when projects are announced. When a business attempts to begin a brand-new job and can not locate enough employees, they will certainly increase the rates, which further decreases the reward to use brand-new staff members.
Exclusive Building And Construction Projects: Projects of this type are normally self-funded. The building and construction job is done by a firm that is either a personal company or a limited responsibility business. A specialist is in charge of finishing the project, that includes both technical in addition to civil job. In the majority of instances, these specialists will certainly employ subcontractors, who will then finish the jobs that have been handed over to them.
When it involves exclusive projects, there is typically no method of safeguarding payment security. In some cases, a firm might choose to utilize an escrow or post-sale note. Post-sale notes call for that the purchaser pay the balance of the construction job within a specified period, normally six months, after which the purchaser is in charge of paying the equilibrium of the funding. An escrow or note form is normally made use of for huge construction projects, such as bridges and shopping centers, which are much larger as well as need multiple specific payments to be paid at different times throughout the year.
Construction Bonds: Construction bonds are typically safeguarded by the real estate associated with the building and construction project. In many cases, the bonds are recorded by the county during the construction stage. Generally, this is done after the bond vendor has received settlement from the contractor. These projects may additionally be carried out via construction liens, yet auto mechanics liens are one of the most typical kind utilized for these types of building and construction jobs.
It is important to keep all of the details concerning any type of building job confidential. In a lot of cases, this is essential because of the sensitive nature of the building and construction job that is happening. If any kind of information is revealed, it needs to be suitably encrypted prior to it is shown to other events. All business that engage in any kind of kind of building and construction work must be licensed as well as accredited according to neighborhood and federal guidelines in order to ensure that they are complying with all of the called for treatments which the workers are being held to the highest requirement of treatment.
Construction is an umbrella term made use of to explain the science and also art of creating things, systems, or organisations, as well as originates from Latin advertisement- constructum and also Old French construction. To construct is likewise the verb: to build, and also the item is construction: the real nature of the physical structure. It is made use of to describe any kind of technological effort that deals with the building of new things, or the improvement of existing things (consisting of style, engineering, mining, metallurgy). It can additionally be used in a non-technical context to explain a system of behaviour, organisation, or process, such as language, art, music, and so on.
The scope as well as style of building undergo social and also political impacts. For example, in several countries construction is a crucial factor to the building and construction of brand-new structures and is particularly crucial in developing economic situations where brand-new homes are generally constructed in developing areas. In the United States, the majority of brand-new houses are constructed in the central cities. In a similar way, in industrialized countries most buildings are created within highly structured and managed atmospheres characterized by premade growths. Simply put, building typically has a tendency to be culturally as well as socially figured out by the society into which it is positioned.
There are four broad sorts of construction, each represented by their distinctive features. The very first are generalised building projects, which are normally either domestic or business in character. These are basically mass building and constructions (such as a hospital, college, or workplace facility), but they have a tendency to concentrate on bigger tasks over brief ranges or over longer durations than typical specialized commercial building. Generalized commercial construction consists of apartment building, condominiums, condos, skyscraper towers, and pre-development land gets. Residential structures, such as apartment or condos and also homes, can be established separately or as part of larger growths. cincinnati concrete repair
The 2nd major sort of building is residential housing construction. This kind of construction entails the conversion of an existing structure right into a residential home. This can take the kind of a freshly created structure, but can additionally include renovating an existing structure or the conversion of an existing framework right into household devices. The household real estate industry is especially active in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
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Metal buildings may be used for an assortment of purposes raging from agriculture, company and storage. Most metal buildings may be erected in a couple of days to a couple weeks. Industrial metallic buildings are often employed as warehouses, offices, stores and possibly even churches. Your Commercial Metal Building needs to be more than just somewhere to get the job done. Industrial metallic buildings can be an excellent remedy to all your warehousing, office or another small business needs. Purchasing a metallic building in Maine is an easy procedure.
Metal building can be found in a wide selection of shapes and styles, and are appropriate for use for both residential and industrial use. Metal buildings may also be disassembled and erected at a new site. Locating a metallic building that will fit your requirements and budget can be challenging.
No matter your company need is Direct Steel and Construction in Illinois can aid with developing a functional, affordable, and long-lasting business metallic building that will improve your organization. Among the biggest problems of using materials like wood, bricks or slate is the sum of maintenance and repair that’s necessary to keep them in good form. With the aid of a professional project manager, you should rate your specific needs. No matter which type of steel structure you’re in need of to house and safeguard your assets Direct Steel and Construction has the ideal solution for you.
No matter your plans, Direct Steel and Construction can modify a high-quality metallic building to fit your needs. We are prepared to assist you in constructing aviation steel buildings to fulfill your requirements, while it’s for personal or business use. Our steel buildings are created with red iron steel. Armstrong Steel Buildings include a 50-year structural warranty. They can have a clear span of 300′ wide. Pre-engineered steel buildings are thought to be lifetime buildings. They have become a standard form of construction throughout the commercial building industry. Once pre-engineered steel buildings arrive at the building site they simply need to get bolted together, a procedure that results in dramatically reduced labor expenses. Adding an add-on to your present steel building is an extremely economical option instead of building a traditional building from the bottom up.
Tags Building Additions, Commercial Builders, Commercial Construction, Commercial Contractor, Construction Management, Metal Building Company, Owners Representative
Keep Your Pool Safe, You May Also Magnify its Beauty
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
Ensure you understand what you’re doing in the event that you install the fence all on your own. Colonial Fence fences are designed to withstand the elements. Your fence from us will appear terrific so long as you own it. For this reason, you won’t have to be concerned about needing to change your fence repeatedly because with frequent maintenance, you may keep it as good as new. Before you acquire a fence, however, do your homework on pool fences since there are several things that go into selecting a pool fence for your house. Having a fence that isn’t rackable can result in unappealing gaps. Your new fence will offer essential pool safety without detracting from the appearance of your backyard.
Aluminum fences are the ideal add-on to any property. An aluminum fence is not difficult to install and can normally be done over a weekend with the support of friends or family members. One aspect to keep in mind, it is not the best option for privacy. Aluminum fencing is extremely low maintenance and doesn’t rust, unlike other popular fences. It will provide a low-maintenance barrier, but it does not hide what is on the other side very well. Fence company in Massachusetts, aluminum fencing is not difficult to install and can be achieved in a weekend so that you don’t need to be concerned about paying a contractor for overpriced materials or labor. Aluminum fencing, much like vinyl, also provides you a wide collection of fencing styles and colors, which means that you can design a special fence to fulfill all your requirements.
Unlike iron, aluminum doesn’t rust. Aluminum isn’t susceptible to rust like iron, and doesn’t need constant painting. Over the years, it has become an extremely popular fencing option for home and commercial applications. At precisely the same time, however, not all aluminum is the exact same concerning strength and endurance. Aluminum can be crafted in a number of styles to coincide at any landscape. Overall, it is a popular option when it comes to property fencing because it’s relatively affordable, very durable and can come in a variety of designs. Secondly, it is very light weight which can be a very good thing in terms of ease of installation even for a DIY project, but it may not be ideal for areas and regions that experience heavy storms.
Not only are you going to keep your pool safe, you may also magnify its beauty, which can increase your bragging rights. If you own a pool at your house or business, the security of your family members, colleagues or clients is not simply important it’s a legal responsibility. If you own a pool and want the finest available fence, aluminum pool fence is just one of the most well-known choices. If you have a pool and you have kids, you can want to equip your pool with a fence. When applicable some pools could possibly be partially fenced with a removable pool fence that likewise uses existing structures like the property’s perimeter fencing, a wall, a region of the house or a different outside structure to fill out the barrier surrounding the pool. Possessing a pool is such a wonderful thing. Swimming pools are some of the the coolest things a house might have.
Tags Aluminum Fence, Chain Link Fence, Fence Installation, Picket Fences, Post-And-Rail Fences, Privacy Fence, Solid Board Privacy Fences, Vinyl Fence, Wood Fence
Fence Can Be A Decorative Addition To Your Landscape and Garden
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
The fence ought to be strong enough to contain the biggest animal within the enclosure. For many individuals, producing the ideal fence is at least as critical as making their home appear great. Wooden fences are a choice for people trying to find a nation look. When you’re putting up a wooden garden fence, then there are an enormous assortment of styles to choose from. Be certain to research which materials are appropriate for where you live to acquire the absolute most out of your decorative garden fence. Bamboo garden fences are produced in various designs and arrive in many sizes. There are various forms of bamboo decorative fences.
The fences function as a barrier or light wall. Wood fences are affected too. Wood plank garden fences are also referred to as privacy fencing as there aren’t any gaps between the planks and they’re typically a tall kind of fence.
It’s possible for you to use bamboo to enhance the look of present fence by using it as an accent. You may be surprised to learn that bamboo isn’t wood. While bamboo can be mature and prepared to utilize in such a limited time, it’s powerful and durable. Since bamboo is regarded as a renewable resource, by utilizing bamboo rather than another material, you’re helping the surroundings. With the roll style, you have to first roll the bamboo out making certain that the full length is in the position that you would like.
Vinyl fencing is an alternative for those searching for low maintenance decorative garden fences. Another sort of garden fencing that you could contemplate is vinyl fencing. Bamboo fencing comes in a variety of designs and unique sizes. It can be used to bring an exotic look to your garden. If you are searching for low-maintenance fencing, vinyl might be the ideal selection for your endeavor. Garden fencing may also be accustomed produce a stunning background for area feeding. Palisade garden fencing gives visibility together with good security in the kind of a standard picket-style fencing.
Fence panels provide privacy and protection to your surroundings and truly the overall appearance of fencing may have an amazing effect on the complete appearance of your garden. Timber fence panels arrive in a diverse assortment of fashions and designs and you’ve got the option of heavy wood panel for privacy or a picket or `palisade’ panel for fencing which helps display and frame a lovely garden. They also offer a hearty and stable lattice for many vines where the usual trellis design may not be sufficient. They also offer a hearty and stable trellis for many vines where the usual trellis design may not be sufficient. Wooden fence panels are constructed from a number of materials. Typical wooden fence panels are attractive to check at and make a best boarder.
Most panels will come approximately 6ft wide, so you’ll need to choose what height you would prefer the panel. Whichever panels you select, just make certain that you feel it’s best for your garden and consider what purpose you’re purchasing fencing for as that will decide the height you will require. The panels will also need an annual therapy, simply to be sure they are full protected. Not only conduct garden fence panels boost the appearance of your garden, but in addition they help to safeguard the flowers or vegetables inside. Lifescaping Fence & Patio Covers provides high-quality residential fence installation services.
Tags Aluminum Fence, Fence Installation, Fence Repairs, Privacy Fence, Vinyl Fence, Wood Fence
Vinyl Fencing: Farewell to Conventional Fence Maintenance
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
Fences play a significant part in adoring your farm or your house. Chain-link fence is just one of the most economical choices for adding safety and value to your property or business. For industrial websites or businesses, 10-foot-high galvanized chain-link fences may offer extra security, but in addition have an extra cost.
Installing a fence may improve your house value with extra privacy and an updated look. Available in a number of colors, textures and styles, you can choose a PVC fence that appeals to your nature and preferences. Whether you look for basic fencing or something more exclusive for your home or backyard, GC Fence is prepared to help. Aluminum fences are more expensive up front, but they’re affordable and simple to install. Because chain link fence has plenty of components and might be complicated to figure out, we can aid you with estimating the materials. You will receive an excellent fence and most significantly, you will receive peace of mind.
Vinyl fence is quite basic to install. Vinyl fences consist of rigid polyvinyl chloride that’s an extremely thermo plastic. They have become more and more in style in the last several years. Whether you prefer to acquire a vinyl privacy fence to jazz up the exterior look of your property or company or perhaps you just want to designate property lines involving you and your neighbor. The clearest reason people want to put in a vinyl privacy fence is just to offer more privacy to a home or business.
Vinyl fencing is a well-known fence material choice that lets you bid farewell to conventional fence maintenance. It is simply a great way to improve curb appeal to any form of property. It not only has the beauty of wood and ornamental styles of fencing, but it is also maintenance free, which means you don’t have to worry about splinters, screws or nails for a very long time.
Vinyl is perfect for pool fencing since it doesn’t rust. Vinyl decking that is embossed to protect against slipping will never will need to get painted or stained, and it’s simple to install. GC Fence is here to assist. It offers both residential and commercial vinyl fencing services. It ensures that your privacy fence that will be both innovative and stylish. It has a wide variety of attractive styles for privacy fencing with an option for every budget. No matter what kind of fencing you’re looking for, GC Fence has all you would need with regard to vinyl fencing. With our products you can construct your own privacy fence that will increase the aesthetic of your property without costing too much.
Your fence will be up in a portion of the opportunity to put in a wood fence. Regrettably, it costs more to correct a vinyl fence than to put in a high excellent vinyl fence right the very first time. A vinyl fence is the solution for men and women who like things around their house or business to be as low-maintenance as possible. Our DIY vinyl privacy fences are ideal for homeowners trying to find a low-maintenance alternative to wood.
Tags Aluminum Fence, Chain Link Fence, Fence Installation, Picket fence, Privacy Fence, Rail Fence, Vinyl Fence, Wood Fence
Home Improvement
Flooring and Carpet: Making Old House Interior Fresh and Attractive
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
If you reside in a house that recently suffered from some sort of water damage and flooding, I would love to provide you with a couple of solutions to assist you with your frustration. Place your personality into your rustic decor, and you’ll have a home which you and your visitors will love for a lengthy moment. Last, if you’re dwelling in the house, while renovating and attempting to sell, take half of the furniture out and place it in storage somewhere. When you purchase a new house from a high quality home builder, you’ll be invited to browse options for enhancing your house.
Even if your flooring isn’t out of fashion, if it’s old and no longer in good shape, you should replace it before trying to sell your house. The flooring that you pick needs to be effortless to keep, durable and attractive and healthy. When it is then you might wish to consider very hard-wearing flooring that’s super easy to keep clean.
With the most suitable floor finishing choice, you can be sure that the floor appears just the manner in which you desire. You may have an unfinished floor applied with a custom stain to provide a precise match to what you’re looking for. If you’ve got nice hardwood floors it’s a tasteful decision to decide on a carpet that leaves a considerable border around the room.
If you can’t afford to replace the flooring in your whole house, there are nonetheless some actions you may take to prepare your house for resale. If you wish to restore your flooring, either in your house or in an industrial property, there may be a Flooring and Carpet specialist in South Florida area to aid you. So, wherever you need your flooring fitting or for what purpose it’s required, there’ll be a style that is appropriate for your requirements. Hardwood flooring is simpler to wash and maintain than carpet, and is extremely stylish. It provides a natural and earthy look to the whole interior.
If you select the floor, you’ll want your flooring to hide the wiring. Solid floors are a fantastic choice so long as your subfloor isn’t concrete. A prefinished walnut floor will provide several choices for color, but not the wide range of choices you might have with an unfinished floor.
Flooring isn’t a standard packaged material. Wood flooring is immensely well known in commercial premises on account of their appealing appearance and practical usability. Other flooring like wood and flooring tiles take a channel routed in the bottom of the material for the wiring.
Carpets may be used to supply an inviting and a warm appearance to every one of your rooms. It’s not quite as difficult as it appears to buy a new carpet. New carpet is one of the most toxic material in your house, it’s treated with a number of distinct chemicals. Once you are totally satisfied you have found the most suitable new carpet, it’s equally as important to get it properly installed by trained professionals.
The sorts of chemicals that are used for cleaning carpets together with the type of carpet you have can acquire toxic chemicals that may harm your little one. It’s well worth getting the carpet professionally cleaned at fixed intervals, which will prolong the life span of the carpeting and increase appearance. Industrial carpet is comparable to carpet tiles in structure.
Tags Carpet, Carpet Installation, Commercial Flooring Installation, Flooring Installation, Laminate Flooring, Luxury Vinyl Flooring
Repair and Maintenance
Plumbing Services: Plumbing Needs Maintenance and Attention
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
The assistance of a professional plumber will help to maintain your house plumbing working well. It’s important to realize the general indications that you will need service. Gas line service never ought to be a DIY activity, as errors aren’t necessarily harmless.
No matter what type of plumbing services that you require, our experts are prepared to aid you. Our experts can enable you to find the precise supply of a plumbing leak and recommend repairs or pipe replacement. An expert expert is able to help you solve all such problems by finding the most suitable problem and rectifying with the right choice. You may trust our licensed, bonded, and insured experts are aware of what they’re doing and work to acquire your house flowing smoothly right away. Our licensed, bonded, and insured experts can individually assess your residence and water line as a way to present a replacement that fulfills the demands of your household.
If you’ve missed the signals of a sewer problem, you will see the signs outside your house. However small the challenge is, we can provide help. The main cause of difficulties with duct vents is incorrect installation because normally installation doesn’t take place before your eyes. With the plumber’s help, you can prevent major plumbing trouble at your house . Lots of people who suspect they can have a piping problem are hesitant to have it fixed since they fear that repairs will be a lengthy, tedious process but it doesn’t need to be that manner. When the root issue was identified, we work with you to select the optimal solution for your house and your financial plan. There are lots of causes to a number of the most typical plumbing problems, from blockage brought on by household waste like toilet paper, cooking grease and other flushables” to cracked pipes and and line damage due to tree roots and time.
Inadequate installation can cause property damage, water loss, and a great deal of headaches. It can be completed without requirement of any special tools, as well as there is no need of shutting down the piping system to carry out repair. You might require new pipe installation.
If you’re not certain if you want a plumber straight away, give us a call so we are able to identify and resolve problems before you’ve got an emergency or a much more expensive repair. You should have a plumber arrive at the home to check on the sewer line just to be certain. Our Seattle plumbers are here in order to help you locate the correct remedy to any plumbing problem you encounter.
Whether you have to have plumbing installed in a newly constructed home or your present plumbing needs a lot of replacement, we are here in order to provide help. Therefore, it is rather important to make certain your bathroom plumbing functions properly at all times. Much like every other appliance in your house, your plumbing needs maintenance and attention. As such a significant part of your house, it is necessary to ensure your kitchen plumbing works like it should at all times. Understanding basic plumbing is a superb second step. Your house’s plumbing plays a crucial part in your day-to-day comfort.
Tags Commercial Plumbing, Dishwasher Repair, Drain Cleaning Services, Emergency Plumber, Leaking Pipe Repair, Residential Plumbing, Sewer Repair Services, Toilet Repair & Replacement, Water Heater Repair
Know More About Window and Door Replacement
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
Not all windows are made equal. Installing double glazed windows is therefore a worthwhile investment, and one of the easiest methods to enhance the energy efficiency of your house. Old windows aren’t always unsafe, but they could give rise to dangerous ailments. A fixed window is a window that may not be opened and is mainly utilized to permit light to enter a house. Whatever style you select, you can be certain you will get top-quality custom made windows installed by extensively trained technicians who will treat your house with the care and respect it deserves.
Window costs should not concern you to the point at which you could be scared to attain pricing. All prices incorporate expert installation. Request a copy of the company’s warranty concerning the particular window merchandise you are thinking about. Each and every manufacturer will inform you that their windows are the exact bestduh! Many double glazing installation businesses offer competitively priced finance schemes that let you to spread the price of your double glazing over several decades.
On top of that, Alside Windows gracefully improve the architectural style of your house, while it’s traditional or contemporary, there’s a model to fit your precise style, performance and budget requirements. Our windows supply an effective solution for homes that are presently struggling with energy efficiency. Installing replacement windows might be big step in the proper direction.
Should you need windows or doors replaced at your house then Broward Impact Window & Door Provider got the response. Windows and doors are so far more than just decorative things which make your home appear good from the outside. For those who have windows or doors in your house that are more than ten years old, then you’re probably wasting a fortune on increased energy expenses
Interview the contractor You are unable to choose an expert window installer by taking a look at an estimate and comparing prices. Contractors who don’t carry insurance will probably be cheaper to hire as they don’t have the massive insurance premiums to pay. Whether you’re a contractor, architect, designer, or homeowner, we’ve got a solution to satisfy your undertaking. The trick is to locate an expert window contractor for your work. In theory, a homeowner can save yourself money by replacing her or his own windows, but by the time you’ve mastered your learning curve, you’re practically finished with the whole project. Few homeowners who’ve been through the replacement window installation procedure will say they care to repeat it. Would-be buyers are already shelling out a fantastic deal of money for your property, so they’re probably likely to wish to know how much they’ll need to pay in upkeep.
Broward County, FL windows and doors specialist patio doors are custom made to fit the present door opening in your house to guarantee a suitable and secure installation. Sliding patio doors are also quite simple to operate. French patio doors are also rather common. They will provide increased security and protection for your home. No matter the style you decide on, your new patio door will provide the very best in security, looks and dependability.
Tags Door & Window Financing, Door Replacement, ES Windows, Hurricane Impact Doors, Hurricane Impact Windows, Window & Door Showroom, Window Replacement
Online Marketing
Content Marketing: A Vital Part of Any Marketing Strategy Today
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
Digital marketing turns out to be an effective means of lead generation for various reasons some of which are described below. Email marketing has a terrible rap. Social media marketing is all about promotion and content marketing is all about creation. Standard advertising and marketing is great when it regards the second two steps. Internet affiliate marketing has existed since the earliest days of internet marketing. Email marketing is just one of the greatest means for ecommerce content advertising. Inbound marketing, a sub-discipline of internet marketing, responds to user behavior online.
Content marketing is getting a vital part of any marketing strategy today. It is one of the most important acquisition channels for any business. Strong ROI Since it is intended to be a long-term strategy, the investment will remain relevant for the long haul. It can be a cost-effective way to attract users to your small businesses while at the same time build a well-perceived brand in the marketplace. If you would like to learn more on the subject of content marketing, here’s an assortment of blog posts, ebooks and videos for you to read, watch and revel in.
Content marketing has existed for ages. It is more than just blogging. It also provides additional benefits in that it supports other digital marketing channels. Finally, in addition to driving traffic to your website, it also gives you the ability to establish yourself as an authority in your industry.
As soon as it’s simpler than ever to generate new kinds of content, it isn’t always simple to discover the proper direction for your industry or audience. It’s not common that a good deal of people believe content marketing and advertising are all the exact same. Content demands continual monitoring and updates to keep your rankings. It may be king, but many content creators (and purveyors of fine content) often struggle to show the value of content marketing. Whenever your content ranks well organically, you get absolutely free exposure in the pure search success. As it’s pay-per-click, you simply have to pay whether the content is clicked on. The content employed in content marketing must offer added value to influence the perception of the organization and its products positively.\
You need to construct your promotion strategy around them. Documenting your content promoting strategy is critical, Handley states. Content advertising strategies center on developing and launching a competitive content advertising program. A great content promoting strategy blends the quick term and the very long term together seamlessly. It can lead to predictable outcomes and scaleable results. A superb content advertising strategy for ecommerce involves an updated content calendar.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach with content marketing, which is the reason why it’s essential to be constantly thinking away from the box to be able to stay ahead of everyone else. It is the process of creating the right type of content to fit for the particular purpose. It is the primary means of driving inbound traffic to your company’s site. It is arguably the most cost-effective way to grow your business and build your brand. It is creating relevant and interesting content for your target customers that helps solve their problems with the goal of developing trust in your brand. It is the starting point of all your internet marketing campaigns. It requires manpower, so the first step is figuring out who is going to head up the program.
Tags Creative content, Creative text and imaging, Internet MarketingTags, Lead generation practices, Marketing process, Real time reporting, SEO company
Magic and Comedy in a Corporate Event
Post author By admin
Post date 09/11/19
A magic act can supply the ideal entertainment. No magic act is just the same as another. Alternatively you are able to complete the contact form above. There are a lot of good schools and online universities offering planners certification. A leader in the field of hypnosis you can be certain of first class entertainment when you employ Omaha Corporate Entertainer. All professional company entertainers use contracts. There is typically a really great reason that a number of performers are somewhat more costly than others! You want an outstanding party entertainer. Make sure that the person that you hire isn’t only a comedy hypnotist but likewise an entertainer.
You want to produce smiles. There isn’t ever a dull moment. Nevertheless, it’s an incredibly great feeling to have such a very good insurer behind me. You want to produce wonder. Ultimately, it’s always a better idea to devote slightly more money to acquire an expert entertainer who’s going to make you look good! Business entertainment ideas that is really going to excite your guests are difficult to come by. It can likewise be tailored to suit the requirements of any corporate or private client.
You want to produce your event more fun. You want to produce your event more memorable. Every event has a certain function. Please have a peek at our example videos or read the client testimonials to discover how we can help your event stick out. You desire a distinctive method to celebrate your distinctive event.
A great program will often include things like technical instruction on the planning process of events and the company end instruction on how best to run the enterprise. It is possible to also take the simple way out and call a talent agency who can suggest an assortment of entertainers. It’s possible to also take the simple way and call a talent agency who can suggest a wide variety of corporate entertainer.
If you’re responsible for booking the entertainment for your next company event. You would like to delight your visitors. You want a person to entertain your visitors during a reception. Your visitors may feel bored without some sort of entertainment. Sooner or later, you want your guests to attempt to keep in mind the superb entertainment that you provided. Please provide as many facts about your event as possible. You want to create your event special. Your event will directly gain from this huge experience performing at most every sort of affair.
Plenty of folks get in the profession only because they should create a couple more bucks during the year. One of the absolute most difficult facets of working in the corporate event sector is connecting with different suppliers genuinely good enough to recommend. You want to produce a magical experience. In conclusion, you can count on the experience of Magic Beyond Imagination! We deliver a family-friendly, exciting experience that is really interactive and engaging to your whole audience. I’ll offer you a bit of FREE advice on picking out the appropriate presenter or performer, whether you choose to book me or not. |
49 | Woo! Saw the doctor. Ok, I suppose it's not quite woo worthy, but it was way better than my last ultrasound.
I have no pictures to show for it... pffft. But They measured my pumpkin seed at 5 weeks and 6 days, which is really close to where I thought I would be. So that's excellent. And there was a heartbeat! Ha :) The downside was that it was 100 beats per minute, which is ok but not great. It's within range that is normal enough for how far along I am, but it wasn't awe inspiring. But the good news is that the Doc wasn't too worried and I go back in 11 days for another ultrasound and my first real visit.
In any case, I'm very encouraged and I can rest a little easier. However, I'm not really inspired to tell anyone yet. LAME. I'm so ready to spill this news but I don't want to have the awkward conversations yet.
The other interesting bit about my appointment was that they gave me samples of prenatal vitamins. 8 types and 41 days worth! And they are all prescription. That's sort of insane to me. I'm already taking a prenatal vitamin with DHA plus extra folic acid so I'm not sure why I care except maybe these would be less expensive? I suppose I'll take these, that's almost 6 weeks worth, not bad.
Huh, I suppose I should modify my "days pregnant" and "days to go"... we'll run with the 5 weeks and 6 days measurement.
Days Pregnant: 41
Days to go: 239
Posted by Laura at 4:18 PM
Labels: ultrasound
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50 | Huyton Freeman - Lawful Rebel: Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2019 - V36
Huyton Freeman - Lawful Rebel
Unlawful Arrests
Huyton Times TV
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2019 - V36
Here's the latest list of Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2019. Version 36.
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LINK: Police Officers charged/convicted of an offence 2009 to 2019 Version 36
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51 | Bill Burr hosted SNL over the weekend and his opening stand up monologue is now taking a lot of heat⦠If you donât like Bill Burr then we suggest you just pass this video up. His SNL bit was pretty tame but it was spot on. I love Bill Burr. The best place for video content of all kinds. The 52-year-old standup comic took shots at anti-maskers, White women who co-opted the "woke movement" ⦠The stand-up comedian's SNL monologue discussed a variety of topics in his signature cynical and rage ⦠bill burr : white women, stop acting like white supremacy and racism and oppression is only something yt men benefit from , you are also complicit and have also benefitted yt women and some people on this forum : he's hurting my feelings , he's wrong na i ain't even a big fan of the joke, but the reactions to it ⦠âBill Burr can fuck himself. October 12, 2020. If you only watch one video on the internet today, ... SNL (@nbcsnl) October 11, 2020. The comedian took aim at âcancel cultureâ and the âwoke movementâ during his opening performance over the weekend. The comic has become known for his biting social commentary in which he often pokes fun at controversial subjects including feminism, equal rights, gender, sexuality, domestic violence, ⦠I get why some people were offended with his take on pride month but I thought he was funny. who told bill burr he, a straight white man, should try to tackle homophobia and racism in the worst way possible in his snl monologue â Ù (@wyattswoods) October 11, ⦠... A DoorDash driver has lost her job after a video of her confronting a customer went viral on Reddit. Bill Burr raised some eyebrows with his opening monologue on "Saturday Night Live." Not Bill Burr, by the way, but y'all. #billburr #snl. Bill Burr's "SNL" opening monologue received mixed reactions, but the comedian's fans were already prepared for his blunt comedic style. Comedian Bill Burr struck a nerve with a stunned cross-section of âSaturday Night Liveâ viewers from white âbitchesâ he claimed hijacked the woke moment to gay individuals to cancel culture to people risking their familiesâ lives because theyâre too dumb to wear a face mask. For news and discussion of the entertainment industry. We hope you enjoy it and stick around for more content. 5.3k votes, 779 comments. Press J to jump to the feed. Why she wasnât offended by Bill Burrâs âhomophobicâ SNL monologue âI think because I know him so well, I donât get offended. Bill Burr isn't one to filter himself even after finally getting his chance to host Saturday Night Live. This is our first reaction video. Costa. User account menu ⢠Bill Burr's SNL monologue. 11 Oct 2020 11:21 AM Here's why. 04:53 â 11 oct.2020 Comedian Bill Burr speaks during the Netflix Adult Animation Q&A and Reception in Hollywood, California, in 2019. #SNL â âI canât believe Iâm able to tweet after gouging my eyes out. Email. Social media users voiced mixed reactions to Burr's "SNL" monologue on Saturday night. Facebook. And as with everything he says, some people are a bit peeved by his set. Did Bill Burr cross the line with his âSNLâ monologue? During his monologue on SNL, Burr mocked cancel culture, "woke" white women, and "Pride" month. Sure, Bill is being reductive with the mock whining and not every white woman is comfortably middle class, but the salient take-away- the part that everyone should actually remember and learn from- should be that white women have more leverage than non-whites do to advocate against their oppression, and they don't ⦠Bill Burr, who hosted Saturday Night Live on October 10, 2020, caused a controversy with his cold open, which (among other things) criticized "white women" for their involvement in the "woke movement." On SNL tonight, Bill made me and the audience uncomfortable. Bill Burr Stirs Up Controversy With Edgy âSNLâ Monologue Tackling COVID, Pride, âWokeâ White Women & More. Oct 25, 2017 262 ... Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr ⦠Bill Burr Hosted "SNL," And His Monologue Has Sparked A Ton Of Discussion Online ... View this video on YouTube ... Bill Burr's opening monologue is just obnoxious and misogynstic. Member. No one knows how to make people more uncomfortable than Bill while still keeping their attention. Bill Burr has finally checked hosting SNL off his career bucket list and he did it in typical Bill fashion. âIt was the worst SNL monologue Iâve seen in years.â â@Nbcsnl, please donât ever leave this person hosted again. Check out [â¦] He also appeared to be visibly nervous and unsure if he was crossing the line. Just listened to Bill Burr's opening monologue on SNL, ... FOX News Videos. The driver accused the customer of lying about not receiving their delivery. Comedy is not for you. Bill Burr came for Pride Month in his opening monologue for Saturday Night Live. So enjoy, some of Bill Burr's most savage moments. Bill Burr is easily one of the most respected stand-up comedians in the world right now and, more importantly, among all races and groups. Bill Burr scores valid points on canceling the crop while trying to cancel ALL IN SIGHT. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And Twitter took the bait. ReddIt. Pinterest. Credit: NBC. Bill Burr's opening monologue drew criticism and praise across social media. Itâs about you. The 52-year-old, who currently stars on Netflixâs F is for Family, took aim at the very present topic of cancel culture as well as his thoughts on Pride Month during the showâs opening. Glad he's calling out white women to such a huge audience. Bill opened SNL talking about everything under the sun and now some people are very angry with him. Bill Burr Doesnât Care That You Didnât Like His SNL Monologue. Bill Burr I regret making any comments in this thread because as someone who agree's on how change will occur and who is responsible for it I don't believe my thoughts on Bill Burr should be so strongly fought against. Bill Burr received a lot of criticism after his controversial Saturday Night Live monologue finished on October 10.. Imagine getting mad at Bill Burr for calling out white women for their bullshit and "fostering division," as if white women need anymore protection and pearl clutching than they already get, just because he's a white man (who took credit for crimes against humanity in the routine, so let's ⦠Share. Twitter. Because heâs such a caring, loving, accepting person. Then come up with jokes designed to prove that point. His monologue wandered beyond edgy. Bill Burr on white women (his SNL monologue) Thread starter GK86; Start date Oct 11, 2020; Forums. Please read the sidebar below for our rules. As my colleague Scott Hounsell covered, comedian Bill Burrâs monologue on this weekâs âSaturday Night Liveâ ruffled a lot of progressive leftist feathers, and itâs not shocking that those most offended were the woke, white women the most popular part of his monologue targeted.. Burrâs the best right now. Bill Burr did not play nice when he dished out Saturday Night Live's opening monologue this week. Comedian Bill Burr caused quite the reaction with his opening Saturday Night Live monologue after addressing a variety of topics including cancel culture, white women and Pride Month. [VIDEO] 'Saturday Night Live' recap: Bill Burr hosts Season 46, Episode 2; Jack White performs â 'SNL' monologue, best and worst sketches. I put the better audio with the cell phone video of this hilarious amazing rant by Bill Burr in Philadelphia. Crushed a woke white woman SNL ⦠Bill Burr thought Shane Gillis should be on SNL and shouldn't have been fired for his racist acts. I imagine the only people upset about the white women bit are white women. 2.2m members in the entertainment community. Burr's bit on white women seemed to strike a nerve on the Internet. You know nature is healing when Bill Burr is out here just ending people for the hell of it ⦠Log in sign up. 2 months ago. By Brent Furdyk. We had to start off with the legendary comedian Bill Burr!!! I am a Bill Burr fan. Bill Burr made his "SNL" debut in an October episode and it was undeniably unforgettable. Bill Burr's âoffensiveâ monologue causes uproar (SNL) Breaking Bad star Bill Burrâs controversial SNL appearance has fans divided on Twitter â with many claiming he went too far. During his sketch, the 52-year-old comedian didn't hold back as he made blistering jokes addressing... "SNL' Host Bill Burr Took Aim at White Women, Cancel Culture, and Gay Pride in a ⦠Bill Burr didn't hold back in his controversial opening "Saturday Night Live" monologue..
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On 20th October Councillor Sharon Thompson (Cabinet Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods) hosted an online meeting for the Perry Barr [&hellip
October 22nd, 2020 | by John OMeara
There is £165,000 worth of Section 106 money to be spent in Handsworth ward (see ward boundaries map at bottom [&hellip
October 16th, 2020 | by Aftab Rahman
Those of you that have a Bangla heritage may know this famous Bangla song by Manna Dey called ‘Coffee Houser [&hellip
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Since 1978, Handsworth Historical Society (HHS – formed in 1952) has looked after half of Handsworth Old Town Hall (OTH), [&hellip
August 6th, 2020 | by Frances Heywood
Early in 2020, residents in the Westminster Road area of Handsworth noticed this property for sale. Here it is: a [&hellip
June 23rd, 2020 | by Ravi Kaul
One day I took my bag and walked to the local high street, Soho Road in Birmingham, to see as [&hellip
June 10th, 2020 | by Aftab Rahman
The onset of the pandemic has had devastating impact on society in general and Lozells in particular. The Birmingham Mail [&hellip
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53 | At the end of September 2016 we concluded the “Music on the Move” project. Through musical creation we connected thirty-eight participants and six organizations: ADIS (Romania), AIM-Agenzia Intercultura e mobilità (Italy), Zavod APIS (Slovenia), The Inside Out Programme (UK), United Societies of Balkans (Greece), Urbana mladež (Croatia).
This examination of cultural diversity took place in the Kamp Kolpa in Vinica between 22 and 30 August 2016. The youth exchange was organized by Institute APIS and combined music workshops with other beneficial content tied to music and performance. You can see a few excerpts from our time together in the presentational video:
We also filmed short video evaluations with participants:
PROJECT DURATION: 1.6. – 30.9. 2016
Musical Programme Manager: Jaka Jarc,
Project Manager: Nataša Kotar,
The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme.
Tags: Jaka Jarc, Music on the Move, Nataša Kotar
Previous postLjubljana joins Euromediteranian Photo Marathon 2016 Next postAnnouncing the 2016 Photo Marathon Jury Awards |
54 | Iolar’s representatives have been and will continue to be highly involved in localization and digital marketing events in recent and upcoming days. Last week, our CEO Borut Rismal attended the SlatorCon meeting in London, where industry experts discussed media localization, global marketing, neural machine translation, and game localization. They also covered the latest on language industry M&A and investment. In the same week, another event took place in Dublin – the Retro Live conference, where attendees focused on globalization and examined the question what do digital marketing, localization, and business have in common. The answer is – we all want to grow and in order to succeed, it’s in our best interest to collaborate together. Iolar’s COO Alen Stanič did his best to shed light on our company’s goals in that field and we’re sure he proudly represented Iolar at the closing drinks reception we sponsored.
In the coming days, one of our most promising project managers, Andrej Hočevar Mlinarič, will be packing his bags and business cards to attend the Plunet Summit 2018 in Berlin. We are all looking forward to gain new insights in this prominent translation management system and reflect on the use of our own. As Iolar continues to grow, there are always opportunities to implement changes on all levels of the organization.
Iolar is also a proud premium member of LT-Innovate – Language Technology Industry Association, whose goal is to create a multilingual intelligent future. The Language Technology Industry Summit will be taking place in Brussels on 28-29 May. Topics such as language intelligence and natural language processing have been the focus area of Iolar’s Research and Development department for some time. That’s why our R&D Manager Simon Bratina is really looking forward to travel to Belgium next week.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more news about current events!
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Iolar attended the SlatorCon London 2019 event in May
Iolar at the GALA 2019 Conference in Munich
Process Improvement Project 2017–2018
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Iolar d.o.o. | Parmova ulica 51, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | + 386 1 4759 580 |
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55 | Between 18 April and 29 August 2018, Iolar is conducting an operation entitled Introducing the concept of lean organisation in Iolar, which is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union through a call for proposals under the European Regional Development Fund ( The call for proposals for the selection of operations has been held under the “Operational programme for the implementation of European cohesion policy 2014–2020”; priority axis “Dynamic and competitive entrepreneurship for green economic growth”; priority investment “Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular through facilitating the use of new ideas in the economy and accelerating the establishment of new businesses, including via business incubators”; specific objective “Increasing the added value of SMEs”.
Improvements will be implemented in the following areas: strategic management, operational management, the sales and project management processes, the business development process and the translation process. The purpose of introducing lean organisation is to achieve a better competitive position by lowering costs, shortening delivery times, enabling better customer service, increasing the quality of products and services, ensuring a smaller environmental burden through lower specific energy consumption and enhanced efficiency, and increasing the engagement of staff members, their security and motivation. This results in sales growth and job creation, greater profitability and enhanced added value per employee in the company.
Introducing lean organisation also requires a change of culture – by establishing different management routines and modes of problem solving, individuals and the organisation gradually start behaving differently. In doing so, the company will stay competitive and outperform its competition, resulting in a significant multiplier effect in the business environment.
Related Posts
Iolar attended the SlatorCon London 2019 event in May
Iolar at the GALA 2019 Conference in Munich
Iolar attending industry events in May
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Iolar d.o.o. | Parmova ulica 51, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | + 386 1 4759 580 |
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56 | Economics Dashboard Upgrade Announced IRN Research have released an upgraded version of its economics dashboard featuring a wider range of statistics. In addition to the current economic data on GDP, business turnover, unemployment, inflation, productivity, Sterling:US$ exchange rate, interest rates and confidence, the new dashboard includes three new types of information supplied by An Economic Statistics Calendar – the continuously updated economic calendar shows... |
57 | Last week our irrigation did not shut off and ran for hours before we got home. We called your service coordinator and he helped us shut off our irrigation water over the phone. We scheduled a service appointment, and the technician fixed the problem the next day. Thank you very much for the prompt service.
On behalf of Austin Commercial I would like to thank you for your great work on the Belo Garden project that you recently completed with us. lrri-Tech worked very closely with our superintendent to schedule the irrigation installation on a very difficult project in downtown Dallas. Your superintendent Leslie Kemp was very helpful in maintaining the project schedule and has been very responsive to any follow up warranty issues with Austin, the Owner, and the City of Dallas. This… Read more
John EitsonSr. Project ManagerAustin Commercial
Thank you for your prompt attention to the service issues in my garden. Silvino was very courteous and did a wonderful job repairing my irrigation without damaging any of the plantings.
Now that the Ranger Ballpark project is almost complete, I want to write to tell you how much I was impressed with your project superintendent, Leslie “Wimpy” Kemp. This is the second major project on which I have worked with Wimpy, and his thoroughness and attention to detail was excellent. As you know, there were several contractors working simultaneously on the site to complete the project prior to the first ball game and this atmosphere certainly lent itself to potential subcontractor confl… Read more
Gene NewmanPresidentNewman, Jackson, Bieberstein, INC.
Thank you for sending John over to replace our rain and freeze sensor. I also wanted to let you know that I really appreciated him using the time he had left to advise me on reprogramming our irrigation controller to save more water. Thanks for the help!
Having just observed the test of the irrigation system that you have designed and installed, I must say that it performed well above my expectations. I was mostly impressed with the amount of coverage that was achieved along with the control of spray that was being distributed. I feel that everyone present at the test was very pleased. Your team did an outstanding job given the restraints and pressure that were put on you to design and install a system with very specific covenants. I think th… Read more
Archie BalzenSouthwest Regional ManagerEDS Grounds Maintenance
“Not only did we need to replace and adjust some of our above ground sprinkler system components, we also wanted to install a drip irrigation system to protect our home foundation. While that may sound easy to say, it seemed like a very big and complex job for our yard given the age of our irrigation system. The folks at Irri-Tech know their business. Needless to say, they are extremely knowledgeable with the latest, state of the art in irrigation system design but they are also very ast… Read more
PaulDrip Irrigation Around Home FoundationPaulKeller, TX.
I have had trouble with the old sprinkler valves in my yard. You sent John out and he had to dig quite a bit around each valve to replace them due to the piping. It was still a bit muddy from the recent rain and I was worried how my yard would look when he was done. I was surprised when he showed me where he had worked! My yard looked great when he was done and I haven’t had any problems with the new valves.
We had Irri-Tech do a Spring Check-out last week. After the technicians went through my irrigation they showed me some problems that needed to be addressed. I really appreciated him showing me what needed to be done and letting me know about how long it would take before he made the changes and repairs. No more dry spots and our landscaping looks great!
Once again, I find that I need to write you and applaud your superior performance on the installation of the irrigation system at Frisco Bridges. In particular, I would like to single out the work of Dennis Galloway and his crew for their outstanding effort. It took us five days to walk the system and develop the punch list that consisted of a relatively few minor items, much of which had been damaged by other subcontractors on the site. Please remember how professionally Dennis represented I… Read more
Gene NewmanPresidentNewman, Jackson, Bieberstein, INC.
Irrigation Tip
Water only when your landscape needs it. Saturate root zones then let the soil dry. Watering too much and too often results in shallow roots, weed growth, disease and fungus.
Dallas-based IRRI*TECH is one of the largest irrigation system (sprinkler system) contracting companies in the southwest.
“Servicing our customers since 1968”
We Accept:
Site Links
“Not only did we need to replace and adjust some of our above ground sprinkler system components, we also wanted to install a drip irrigation system to protect our home foundation. While that may sound easy to say, it seemed like a very big and complex job for our yard given the age of our irrigation system. The folks at Irri-Tech know their business. Needless to say, they are extremely knowledgeable with the latest, state of the art in irrigation system design but they are also very ast… Read more
PaulDrip Irrigation Around Home FoundationPaulKeller, TX.
Thank you for sending John over to replace our rain and freeze sensor. I also wanted to let you know that I really appreciated him using the time he had left to advise me on reprogramming our irrigation controller to save more water. Thanks for the help!
Once again, I find that I need to write you and applaud your superior performance on the installation of the irrigation system at Frisco Bridges. In particular, I would like to single out the work of Dennis Galloway and his crew for their outstanding effort. It took us five days to walk the system and develop the punch list that consisted of a relatively few minor items, much of which had been damaged by other subcontractors on the site. Please remember how professionally Dennis represented I… Read more
Gene NewmanPresidentNewman, Jackson, Bieberstein, INC.
I have had trouble with the old sprinkler valves in my yard. You sent John out and he had to dig quite a bit around each valve to replace them due to the piping. It was still a bit muddy from the recent rain and I was worried how my yard would look when he was done. I was surprised when he showed me where he had worked! My yard looked great when he was done and I haven’t had any problems with the new valves.
Your service technician, Steve, added some heads in a new bed and extended risers in another bed. He did a great job; he was thorough and did an excellent job cleaning up. I will recommend Irri-Tech to all my friends.
Contact Info
Irrigation in Texas is regulated by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TECQ), MC-178, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas, 78711-3087. TCEQ Website is:
Marvin Prestridge LI 846 Steve Heidman LI 5148
Irrigation in Texas is regulated by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TECQ), MC-178, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas, 78711-3087. TCEQ Website is: IRRI*TECH of Texas, LLC DBA IRRI*TECH, LLC (IRRI-TECH) Marvin Prestridge LI 846 Steve Heidman LI 5148 |
58 | Tech giant Microsoft has announces that it will be offering a programme to improve digital literacy across the UK and this will include the offer of digital apprenticeships.
What’s The Problem In The UK?
The fast pace of technology has created several digital challenges in the UK such as:
The technology skills gap. Businesses in the UK have, for several years, identified a technology skills shortage to be a big barrier to growth and competitiveness. This skills gap is believed to be costing the economy approximately £63bn a year. A survey by TechUK in 2015 for example, found that 93% of technology firms believe the skills gap has a directly negative impact on their business. O2 research has also shown that the UK must fill 766,000 new digital jobs by 2020, which will require almost 2.3 million additional digital workers.
At the moment, it looks unlikely that the UK has enough people with the appropriate, diverse range of technology skills to fill those roles. The technology skills gap also appears to be particularly pronounced in the public sector, where Microsoft research has shown that only 35% of workers think they have a digitally literate leadership team. There are already initiatives operating in the UK to help bridge the skills gap, such as the not-for-profit #techmums campaign which has partnered with several large corporate firms with the aim of providing technology skills to one million mothers by 2020.
Cloud skills gap. Although there has been a rapid growth and adoption of the cloud and cloud technologies in the business world, and in the public sector, there are not enough people in the UK with the necessary cloud skills and knowledge. Amazon Web Services (AWS) for example, has recently launched a series of skills-boosting initiatives targeted at school children, young adults and ex-military personnel with the goal of expanding the UK’s supply of cloud talent.
What Is Microsoft Offering?
In order to bridge the technology skills gap, and specifically the cloud skills gap in the UK, Microsoft is offering:
Digital literacy programmes and training. This will be in the form of free online digital literacy training, open to the entire UK population, and training for 30,000 UK public servants in how to deliver digital services to citizens.
A Cloud Skills Initiative to train 500,000 people in the UK to be cloud technology experts.
An extra 30,000 digital apprenticeships on its existing apprenticeships programme, with the aim of increasing the number of people learning on-the-job digital skills. Microsoft is reported to have already exceeded its 2012 target of training 4,000 digital apprentices, and in doing so has worked with 25,000 partners across the UK to train 11,000 digital apprentices.
What Does This Mean For Your Business?
In order for UK companies to stay competitive, particularly in uncharted post-Brexit waters, technology and especially the cloud skills gaps need to be filled. The training and apprenticeships from Microsoft is therefore good news for UK businesses as they will help to provide them with a UK supply of workers with the right level and diversity of technology skills to move businesses forward, and help UK businesses to reduce the cost of having to recruit workers from overseas. |
59 | After receiving a €2.42 billion fine from the European Commission back in June, Google is now letting other comparison shopping services (rather than just its own Google Shopping) place ads at the top of its search results.
What Happened?
Back in June, Google was deemed to have broken EU antitrust rules, and was handed the EC regulator’s largest fine to date for distorting the market by promoting its own shopping comparison service at the top of its own search engine results, and thereby demoting competitors’ shopping service adds.
Google was given a 3 month deadline to put things right, or face paying 5% of its parent company Alphabet's average daily worldwide earnings, which could amount to an estimated $14m a day. Google must also submit a report on its compliance with the EC’s ruling every four months.
Prior to the decision to fine Google, it was reported that the company disagreed with the EC’s findings, and had argued that Amazon and eBay exerted more influence over the public's spending habits.
Google is now reported to have made changes to how its search engine results to comply with the EC’s ruling. These changes are reported to include:
Comparison shopping services being given the same opportunity to show shopping ads from merchants on Google's Search results pages as are given to Google Shopping.
Google Shopping operating as though it were a separate business in order to create greater equality in search engine results.
The foot of adverts will now visibly identify the comparison shopping service via which the ad arrived, as well as the merchant concerned.
The changes will initially affect shopping ads in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.
Critics of Google’s announcement that it has changed things to make it fairer for advertisers in response to the ruling have been quick to say that Google may, in fact, profit from the ruling by being able to charge comparison shopping sites for expensive ad slots when the sites used to appear for free in organic search results.
Also, some commentators have suggested that Google could impose penalties on comparison shopping sites that got it into trouble with the Commission, and that Google should simply let its search engine crawl, index, and rank comparison shopping results in the same way that it does other web pages.
What Does This Mean For Your Business?
Some see this whole situation as a political move at a time where there has been mounting anxiety in European capitals about the influence that the US giant companies known as ‘Gafa’ - Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon - have on our lives. This has been amplified by the deterioration in European / US trade relations since the start of the Trump administration.
It has to be said though that it is quite an unusual situation anyway whereby the company displaying the adverts to so many people around the world has a less than transparent system for doing so (using its own essentially secret algorithms). Simply because of the sheer volume of adverts that Google sells and displays, having to change the system even slightly in a relatively short time frame may have had a negative impact on Google’s profits. Some commentators have also pointed out, however, that the large fine that Google was given could actually have been twice as large.
If the ad playing field actually does now become a more level one, this can only really be good news for smaller shopping sites, but, although it offers online businesses new opportunities, the change could also offer them new costs too. |
60 | Weifang Huayu Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd., founded in 2002, is located in Changyi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province, with convenient transportation and superior position. Covering an area of more than 30000 square meters, the company has more than 30 sets of comprehensive mechanical processing equipment, such as large machining center, large floor boring and milling machine, large gantry milling machine, large CNC lathe and other comprehensive mechanical processing equipment.
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The company integrates domestic and foreign exquisite technology and concept, professional design, production and sales of large-scale automatic hollow molding unit from one floor to six floor.
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The company integrates domestic and foreign exquisite technology and concept, professional design, production and sales of large-scale automatic hollow molding unit from one floor to six floor.
Our company's various models of blow molding design can produce 20 to 20000 liters of various types of plastic barrels, toolbox bags, car roof, car fuel tank, tray, large-scale transplanting floating, water horse, advertising wall and other hollow products. Excellent quality, stable performance and superior cost performance make the company's products not only sell well in the domestic market, but also export to more than 30 countries and regions such as India, Southeast Asia, Saudi Arabia, South America, Africa, etc., and are well received by customers.
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It is necessary t... Under normal circumstances, the regular maintenance of large-scale hollow blow molding machine equipment is once a year. The time is usually arranged ...
How to choose blo... In some large-scale beverage, mineral water or cosmetics manufacturers, because of the large amount of packaging used, it is often integrated with the product f...
It is necessary t... Under normal circumstances, the regular maintenance of large-scale hollow blow molding machine equipment is once a year. The time is usually arranged ...
Is there any diff... In fact, the production principle of blow molding machine and bottle blowing machine is similar. Many people call bottle blowing machine also called blow moldin...
Case presentation
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Weifang Huayu Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd
Tel: 138053664079 Tel: 0536-7703201 website: Address: Shibu Industrial Park, Yinma Town, Changyi City |
61 | Warning! has expired. If this is your domain name you must renew it immediately before it is deleted and permanently removed from your account. To renew this domain name visit |
62 | I currently have space for a handful of guitar students. Please get in touch via the Contact page for more...
Update 2018!
by jamesp | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog, Gigs and Things, News
Hello! There’s been lots going on here….. I have a new website and have been busy with all sorts of gigs, sessions and teaching. 2017 saw the release of the Group S album featuring the stella rhythm section of myself, Laurence Cottle, Gwilym Simcock and Elliott...
Spice Fusion promo video
by jamesp | Mar 23, 2014 | Gigs and Things, News
Please check out the Spice Fusion Big Band promo video!
Spice Fusion Big Band
by jamesp | Mar 23, 2014 | News
I had the privilege of recording guitars for the first Spice Fusion Big Band album last year. The album has just been released a features a whole host of talented UK musicians plus a guest solo from US sax star Eric Marienthal. Please check it out!...
Peerless Guitars
by jamesp | Jan 21, 2014 | Gigs and Things, News
I’ve just received some great arch top guitars from Peerless Guitars………thanks to Graham at Peerless! Check out their range of guitars here:...
Union Chapel
by jamesp | Oct 24, 2013 | Gigs and Things, News
I played at the Union Chapel in Islington last week with Hayley Westenra……what a beautiful...
The Bodyguard with Beverley Knight
by jamesp | Oct 24, 2013 | Gigs and Things, News
I’m still playing guitar on The Bodyguard Musical where Beverley Knight has just taken over in the lead role. Check out the official trailer...
Louise Rutowski Album
by jamesp | Oct 21, 2013 | News
I had the pleasure of contributing some guitar to the new album by Louise Rutowski, which is co-written by Irvin Duguid. Check out the links below for more info:
The Bodyguard Musical
by jamesp | Dec 22, 2012 | News
I’m currently playing guitar on The Bodyguard Musical at the Adelphi theatre in Londons West End. Check out the official trailer below: Come and see it and you’ll hear a great band containing the talents of : Richard Beadle: MD/keys John Rutledge: Assitant...
Sitar/Indian Music Tuition
by jamesp | Oct 12, 2012 | News
I’m very pleased that over the course of 2012 I’ve increased my sitar student numbers. I really enjoy teaching this amazing instrument and beautiful music and it’s great to be passing on some of my knowledge. I have learnt so much over the 20 years I... |
63 | An event every week that begins at 3:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, repeating indefinitely
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Live Music with The Leftovers
December 2 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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An event every week that begins at 6:00 pm on Thursday, repeating indefinitely
JD Shuckers Georgetown, 21710 Roth Ave.
Georgetown, DE 19947 United States + Google Map
Join us every Thursday for dinner and a show with The Leftovers!
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"Truly an amazing experience. The food was fantabulous. Our waitress was outstanding. We had approximately 30 people in our party, a third of them 9-11 year old boys. She never got flustered. If I'm ever in the area again, I'm definitely coming back!"
"The food was excellent, the atmosphere was amazing and the service was stellar. We had a sweet waitress named Logan who went out of her way to make sure we felt comfortable and safe, and not to mention very attentive. If all restaurants held up to your standards, more patrons wouldn’t hesitate to eat out. Thank you Logan for making our dining experience so enjoyable. Definitely will be back!"
"Excellent service, entrees and ambiance. Look forward to eating at JD Shuckers in Georgetown at least 3-4 times a month!"
Samuel Heddings
"One of the best restaurants to go to in Georgetown, hands down. Has a great variety of food on the menu and such an awesome atmosphere (:"
Jordan Clark
"Two for Two! My husband and I have visited JD Shuckers twice and both times, they knocked it out of the park! The service is stellar! Everyone is friendly and helpful. Both times our server was attentive always anticipating our needs. The food is amazing. The first trip we tried the Spinach Crab Dip. Imagine your favorite spinach dip, warm, and a thousand times better than ever. That's what this is. 2nd trip we tried the Ahi Tuna bites, equally delicious. Both times my husband had the Fried Oysters, and they were perfect, big, plump and juicy! I have had the crab cakes and OMG there is absolutely no filler. These are the best crab cakes I've ever had, and I have been eating crab cakes my whole life. This place is a sure thing, every time. Can't wait to go back!"
Stevi Saathoff
"I had lunch at JD Shuckers today. It was a wholesome experience, not only was the food superb but the service was excellent as well. I ordered the crab cakes and crab dip as Katie suggested and had no regrets. I will definitely be coming back for more!"
"I’ve heard so many great reviews about your restaurant, I had to venture out Saturday & try it for ourselves. I must say that it went beyond our expectations. The food was excellent, the atmosphere was amazing & the service was stellar. We had a sweet waitress named Logan who went out of her way to make sure we felt comfortable & safe, & not to mention very attentive. If all restaurants held up to your standards, more patrons wouldn’t hesitate to eat out."
"JD Shuckers never disappoints... My daughter and I had the weekly special of Fried Chicken & Waffles. Not only was the chicken tender & fried to perfection but the waffles were light and delicious. They had a sugar glaze that melted in my mouth. The combination was a perfect pairing topped with a honey buffalo sauce that blended together brilliantly. As usual, the staff were professional, yet friendly, and made our evening out perfect."
"The place is great. Friendly staff."
Yesha Kin
"WOW Absolutely the best!!! The food and service was top notch, wish they were on the west coast."
Mike Eash
"Always a great environment, best service and fabulous food. The wife and I are weekly customers. We prefer table top in bar area because of the many different TV's with different sports on each."
"Wow, wow, wow. I brought my family for dinner here tonight as it is our first time here... The meal was fantastic, Emma was great. Towards the end of the meal, Jason came out to the table to ask how everything was and introduce himself. He was genuine and really cared about the experience. That is awesome customer service... My family and I will definitely be back and be bringing friends... Thank you!"
"Had a wonderful experience waitress was amazing best service I’ve had at a restaurant in a long time keep up the awesome service be back soon!"
"Fantastic food & even better service. Very laid back, but professional, friendly & attentive staff. The food was out of this world good, no... Great!! Had a extremely good meal with my wife & her sister. We all loved it 100%. Very, very good staff, which makes a great meal even better. Thanks!!"
"Great service and food."
Patti Greene
" Great food, great entertainment, great environment, incredible service!"
"We ordered and received curb side pickup. From the initial phone call to the delivery of food it was a pleasant experience. Am impressed with how they are operating this business. Signs state to call and has phone numbers very visible for inside seating as well as takeout. The food was delicious as usual."
"Excellent team service. It was very busy today but you could see the staff all helping each other to make best of situation. I have worked in the restaurant business for years so I feel their pain. The food was delicious and I will definitely be back!"
Stephanie Marie
"Excellent food. Loved the crab dip. Great service."
James White
"Food was amazing as well as the service! Was in walking distance from our hotel and they accommodated our large party with great service."
"Food was excellent and the live music was great."
Diane White
"This was reasonable fantastic food, the staff was awesome, friendly, helpful, fast and efficient. Highly recommend their food the mac and cheese, the oysters really fresh and tasty."
Tely Eash
"Last night was our first night to JD's & we had a fantastic experience. When we arrived, the hostess was friendly & seated us right away. Our server was great & the food was delicious!... Everything was excellent! JD's made for a wonderful night out with friends - from the moment we walked in until we left." |
64 | Our chronicles as we create our off-grid homestead in Interior Alaska -- from escaping the rat race and big city, to extreme cold weather subsistence/self-sufficient living just outside the Arctic Circle.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sadness - Charlie Kitten RIP
After a sudden onset illness and two days of rapid decline, our Charlie passed away in my arms early this morning.
We aren't sure of the cause; but we did our best nursing her and keeping her as comfortable as possible. Ultra-low temperatures precluded us from making the 4 hour trip into Fairbanks to get her to the vet despite our continued efforts to get the truck running and on the road.
We adopted Charlie in 2007 from our vet while Odin was hospitalized the first time after being diagnosed with diabetes and chronic renal insufficiency. She had been abandoned by her previous owner and had been living in the vet's kennel for nearly a year at that point, so we have never been sure exactly how old she was.
Despite general crankiness, Charlie was a loving and adorable kitty. She was with us and provided comfort throughout Odin's illness and eventual death in 2008, and the death of his sister Celine in 2009 of massive stroke shortly after we arrived here. She valiantly survived a drive through Canada, two winters in wall tent and Ripley's puppyhood.
Charlie will be sorely missed, everyday, as I miss Odin and Celine.
Posted by Plickety Cat at 1:44 PM
Labels: bush pets
CottonLady said...
I am so sorry to hear of Charlie's death. Losing a loved pet can really be hard.
Take care...blessings!
January 28, 2012 at 3:26 PM
BSV said...
I still remember what you had to do in order to ease Celine's passage. I hurt for you -- and I'm sorry.
January 28, 2012 at 5:03 PM
Sam.... said...
As an avid adorer of cats and currently owned by a Snowshoe, it broke my heart to read of the loss of your beloved Charlie. It always pains me to know that we have to suffer such emotional hurt when we lose those precious creatures that bring us such joy in their relatively short lives. I weep for your loss. :(
January 28, 2012 at 8:05 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so sorry for your loss and glad that Charlie found a home with you guys. Living with these fine companions is one of life's great joys and sorrows. Jennifer in western NC
January 29, 2012 at 8:55 AM
Brandon said...
I'm sorry to hear about Charlie. We lost our Golden earlier this month due to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. It's hard to lose them after fighting so hard to save them.
January 29, 2012 at 3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Will also worry about you or Gungnir not making it to a hospital in time, if that unfortunately comes about. The super cold you are getting this winter is a trial for sure and a testament to you both.
January 31, 2012 at 1:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I follow your blog. I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie. I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet and I hurt for you. I too will also worry about you or Gungnir not making it to a hospital in time if something happens to either one of you.
February 4, 2012 at 2:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad to see you all back on line...hoping for more posts and pictures still...
I'm really sorry to hear about Charlie....
February 7, 2012 at 9:28 AM
Geneva in Missouri said...
Sorry for the loss of Charlie. It's so sad but she had a great life with you both. Both of you enriched her life as much as she enriched yours.
February 7, 2012 at 6:33 PM
bob869007 said...
Sorry to hear about your cat. I know how hard it can be to lose a member of the family.
February 8, 2012 at 7:20 PM
Marybeth said...
Sorry to hear about Charlie.
February 10, 2012 at 4:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Condolences to you both (and Ripley). I don't comment much here but rest assured that I check in on you guys regularly. I am in ongoing and total awe of your epic saga.
Viva -- Sager
February 16, 2012 at 5:02 PM
Annie said...
I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Charlie.
February 19, 2012 at 10:10 AM
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68 | SINATE? is a postemergence corn herbicide that controls herbicide-resistant and important driver weeds in LibertyLink? corn with outstanding crop safety.
SINATE. The powerful one-two punch of Impact? Herbicide and glufosinate provides punishing efficacy in the fight against herbicide-resistant weeds like waterhemp, Palmer amaranth,?and giant ragweed.?
Wicked on Weeds
SINATE technology combined with the LibertyLink corn trait provides growers with the next generation in resistance management.
Smoke ‘Em if You Got ‘Em
Powerful one-two punch of Impact? Herbicide and glufosinate provides punishing efficacy in the fight against herbicide-resistant weeds like waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and giant ragweed.
Control You Can Count On
Combining Impact Herbicide with glufosinate delivers more consistent performance on a wide spectrum of grass and broadleaf weeds.
Safe on LibertyLink Corn
Impact Herbicide is The Standard in Corn Safety? and the LibertyLink corn trait has tolerance to glufosinate helps deliver outstanding corn safety.
Brookville, KY - Untreated
Giant ragweed, pigweed and johnsongrass.
Brookville, KY - Treated
Post - SINATE? at 28 oz. + atrazine + glyphosate + adjuvants.
Excellent Control.
What People Had to Say About SINATE
Tim McGreal
“We need a product like SINATE that we can come back in and pick-up the escapes that we lose from our preplant application. We have seen 100% control within about 14 days after application.”
Jeff Brockman
“Our challenges here are predominately waterhemp issues.? Having a good knockdown would be probably where most herbicide programs fall short. I have not seen any weeds were we applied SINATE.”
Kurt Barman
“What interested me in SINATE was the quick burndown we get with glufosinate. We have been using Impact for several years. I was happy with the crop safety aspects of SINATE. We didn’t see any injury with it.”
Nick Dirksen
“The challenges I am currently trying to solve in my herbicide program is the constant weed pressure every year on this field. So far after the herbicide was applied, I saw the weeds die out very quickly and several weeks later there were not new weeds or grass growing.”
Jason Orr
“What interested me in SINATE?is not only did we get the safeness of the Impact, but we also got more control with the glufosinate.?The control was fast acting and seems to be holding on a lot better later in the season.”
Ryan Newman
“This is a product that is going to work well early pre and late post, too, in a rescue type situation.”
Download Materials
Technical Bulletin
Product Sheet
Postemergence weed control of herbicide resistant and driver weeds in LibertyLink? corn.
Product Details
The Standard in Corn Safety? with proven postemergence control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds.
Product Details
A premixed formulation of two effective modes of action for powerful, easy-to-use weed and grass control.
Product Details
Postemergence corn herbicide combining a group 15 residual herbicide with the power of Impact? Herbicide.
Product Details
AMVAC’s website is updated regularly and may not contain the most current EPA registered product label or safety data sheet. Please contact your local AMVAC representative to confirm you have current product information. It is the sole responsibility of the end user to read and follow product use directions and to comply with all federal, state or local laws. This product may not be registered in all states and users are advised to confirm that the product is registered in all states of intended use. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. See label for listed weeds and pests.
?2020 AMVAC Chemical Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Vanguard Corporation.?All rights reserved.?AMVAC, Sinate and respective logos are trademarks owned by AMVAC Chemical Corporation. |
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70 | The Junior League of Akron is the local chapter of the Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI), a non-profit organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. |
71 | Also called "Thai Yoga Massage," because the therapists use their hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga poses.
Swedish Massage
The most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. And it may even help after an injury.
Deep Tissue
Deep tissue massage is best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff "trouble spots" in your body. The massage therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin. Though less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be quite therapeutic relieving chronic patterns of tension and helping with muscle injuries, such as back sprain.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage was developed to relieve the muscle systems used for a particular sports. Sports Massage uses a variety of approaches to help athletes in training before, during, or after sports events. You might use it to promote flexibility and help prevent injuries. This specific massage technique also relieves muscle strains and aids in healing after a sports injury.
Hot Stone Massage
For this kind of massage, the therapist places warmed stones on certain areas of the body, such as acupressure points. The stones are used as massage tools then temporarily left in place. Used along with other massage techniques, hot stones can be quite soothing and relaxing as they transmit heat deep into the body.
Foot Reflexology
Reflexology Reflexology uses hand, thumb, and finger techniques to stimulate certain areas of the feet. These areas are believed to correspond to different parts of the body. The massage is expected to promote health and well-being.
4 Hand Massage
The practice of two therapists working on the body. It doubles the pleasure of a traditional Swedish massage relieving your kinks, knots, and stresses with simultaneous, mirrored movements. Four hand massage is an excellent option for someone who has trouble relaxing during treatment. our skilled therapists not only mirror one another’s hand movements, but also exert an equal amount of pressure on each side in order to produce a balanced, relaxing experience.
Thai Herbal Balls Massage
For centuries, the people of Thailand have used herbs such as ginger, lemongrass, kaffir limes, and turmeric to accelerate healing of the body. These herbs are wrapped into a ball, steamed over hot water, and gently applied to the body. Excellent for tender areas that cannot sustain heavy pressure.
Couple's Massage
Simply put, a couples massage is when you and a friend each enjoy a massage while lying on two separate beds next to each other. There are two massage therapists. One for each person. Like any other massage, a couples massage may include soothing music, aromatherapy, or candle lighting.
Pregnancy Massage
Prenatal massage can begin any time during the pregnancy if the mother is not in a high risk category. Most women feel most comfortable receiving treatments at the end of the first trimester up to the delivery date of the baby. It is a lighter form of massage but excellent for reducing the physical stresses of pregnancy. |
72 | Rates per person are from 2200 to 2800 Baht for day trips with groups, up to 4000 Baht for private tours with 2 or 3 persons. |
73 | Isn't music just the best!? I mean show me someone who doesn't like music and you've probably just introduced me to an alien. Music is so amazing and truly has the ability to change your mood and lift your spirits. Scientists agree. This article was fueled by the author's curiosity about why hearing a song could bring back vivid and distinct memories.
It's called the "reminiscence bump," and it works for songs you heard during first experiences, memories, and feelings from your first 25 years of life (although I'd argue that it lasts longer, please say it lasts longer). I always loved using music in the classroom, and I know my students always enjoyed having music on the background no matter what it was or at what time of day.
For this Friday Five, I'm sharing 5 songs that take me back. Even as I'm typing this I still have no idea how to possibly choose 5, so I'll be as surprised as you at what you read next. ;)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
In 1st grade, three of my best friends and I created a dance and lip-synced to this song at the school talent show. (Well I think it was 1st grade, might need a fact check, Mom.) We were in our pajamas, used the Chipmunks version, and incorporated our sleeping bags into the show. I mean it was pretty much the cutest thing ever. I vividly remember it, and anytime I hear this song, it takes me right back to that stage. Look at my 1st grade sass:
Wide Open Spaces
Really, any song from this Dixie Chicks' album will do it. My mom, friend Brandy (carpool buddy), and I would belt out these songs on the way to and from school every day the second half of 8th grade. I can't believe I'm voluntarily sharing a picture from 8th grade...
I've Got a Feeling
This song instantly fills me with happiness. It was at the top of the charts when my husband John and I got married in July of 2009. The DJ played it at the perfect moment - the dance floor was packed with all of our closest friends, hands in the air, heels kicked-off, singing and jumping all around us. BEST. PARTY. EVER.
Get Low
Junior year of college. 'Nuff said.
I Love Little Nora
Yeah, so I'm about to get sappy. I don't have a video link for this song because my Dad made it up and sang it to me as he rocked me as a baby and toddler. Even though I don't remember being rocked as a baby (obviously), I do remember this song - the words and the tune. It was always so special to me, and now I have changed the lyrics, and I sing it to my sweet baby boy Beckett. My Daddy and I:
My dear friends Tracy at the Caffeinated Counselor and Kimmie at Elementary Nerd are joining me for this fun Friday link-up! Be sure to visit their pages to see their 5 songs, and share yours by commenting below!
Posted by Nora Davis at 10:00 AM
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75 | How Will a Local Governance Think Tank Benefit Saudi Arabia? - King Salman Center for Local Governance
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How Will a Local Governance Think Tank Benefit Saudi Arabia?
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Marie Zweynert
Research Director
It is easy to make a case for more think tanks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Compared to neighboring countries, the think tank landscape in the Kingdom is sparsely populated and can be counted on one hand. According to the 2016 Go Think Tank Global Rating, only two MENA countries – Libya and Oman – have fewer think tanks than Saudi Arabia. In stark contrast, neighboring Egypt has 35 think tanks and the United States of America, the country with the world’s most think tanks, tops the list with 1,835.
With academia becoming increasingly complex and specialized, think tanks all over the world fulfill a crucial function as a bridge between the academic and policy circles. Think tanks can in many ways be seen as translators, converting policy issues into research questions and research findings into policy solutions.
Although measuring think tanks’ impact is anything but a simple exercise, at their best think tanks can contribute significantly to a country’s development. Government leaders often either do not have enough internal research capacity in their institutions or sufficient time to go through lengthy and complex pieces of evidence. This is precisely where think tanks come in. They are purpose-built to conduct in-depth research into complex policy problems and provide solid, synthesized information and advice to enable evidence-based decision-making in the public sector.
Think tanks also have an important role to play as thought leaders, who invest time and resources into reflecting on and testing out new and innovative ideas and policy solutions, which might otherwise have stayed beneath the surface and out of reach of decision-makers. A striking historical example of think tank impact is Brookings’ (the most highly ranked think tank in the world) role in the development of the Marshall Plan and a more recent example is the adoption of a nationwide child tax credit as a result of a Brookings proposal.
To date, Saudi Arabia is still missing out on the positive societal, economic and policy impacts that think tanks can deliver and is instead largely dominated by international consultancies, which are not necessarily embedded in the local context or have the mandate or capacity to follow up on the implementation of their recommendations. Having more Saudi think tanks would allow the government to establish long-term partnerships with home-grown institutes, which in turn re-invest in further enhancing local capacity.
Why is there a need for a policy think tank that focuses solely on local governance?
To answer this question it is useful to have a brief look at the meaning of the terms. Literally speaking, governance simply refers to the process of steering society. In practice, governance has become increasingly popular in policy circles as a concept to describe an observed shift from government to governance. Unlike government, the concept of governance includes all actors involved in the process of societal steering and in fact suggests that nowadays governments increasingly govern through networks and coordination rather than hierarchical, top-down processes alone. Viewed in the Saudi context, the government’s recent emphasis on increasingly involving the private sector in the provision of public services is one of the indicators of such a shift.
A governance approach is crucial, because it means focusing not only on the ways in which governments organize themselves internally, but also how they relate and interact with other governmental and non-governmental actors. The ultimate goal of the King Salman Center’s focus on governance is to enhance the ways in which governments manage themselves and others in order to optimize performance and better serve the needs of the citizens.
Citizens’ needs, however, cannot be served by national governments alone. In fact, it is local government which has the closest relationship and interacts directly with citizens. Local government performance affects Saudi citizens and residents on a daily basis – whether it is the availability of green space in their cities, the ease of getting new business or construction permits, or the opportunity to have a voice in local governance through institutions such as municipal councils. Yet, there is no entity in the Kingdom, let alone a think tank, that focuses on this important unit of governance.
This is why Prince Abdulaziz Bin Ayyaf, himself a pioneer in local governance during his term as Mayor of Riyadh, established the King Salman Center for Local Governance – a think tank that focuses all its efforts in the fields of research, advisory, events and training on enhancing the performance of local government in order to build regions and cities that are managed effectively and provide a high quality of life for their inhabitants.
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Learn more about BoostUp
Our user experience work included wireframes, high fidelity prototypes, and mockups which were built from the ground up to help make saving simple and easy. Matched with the final UI, the updated platform creates a smooth experience for both new and existing users.
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BoostUp’s online platform looks simple on the surface but it actually required a careful and strategic approach to on-boarding their new clients. Special attention was made to provide the user with a steadfast assurance at every step. Wireframes, flows, and rough prototypes were built and tested to ensure the users trust was being established.
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+ How soon will I see financial reward?
LeTip is not a get rich fast scheme. It takes time to earn the trust of your chapter members, to become adept in the networking arena, to learn to promote yourself and your business with ease. If you expect instant reward, LeTip is not for you. If you want to build long-standing business relationships that will earn you qualified referrals for years to come, then LeTip is for you. |
79 | Your diabetes diet is simply a healthy eating plan that will help you control your glucose. Here are some tips to start your diet, from a meal plan, interchangeable lists and even count carbohydrates.
The diet for diabetes involves eating the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and meeting the usual meal times.
The diet for diabetes is a healthy eating plan with high nutrient content by nature, and low fat and calorie content. The key elements are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In fact, the diet for diabetes is the best eating plan for almost everyone.
If you have diabetes or prediabetes, your doctor may recommend you consult a dietitian to help you develop a healthy eating plan. The plan helps you control your blood sugar (glucose), your weight, and risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and high blood fats.
When you consume excess calories and fats, your body responds by generating an unwanted increase in blood glucose. If the blood glucose level is not controlled, it can cause serious problems, such as a dangerously high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) and long-term complications, such as damage to the nerves, kidneys, and heart.
You can help keep your blood glucose level within safe limits by choosing healthy foods and controlling your eating habits.
For most people with type 2 diabetes, losing weight can also facilitate blood glucose control and, in addition, offer other health benefits. If you need to lose weight, a diet for diabetes offers a nutritious and well-organized way to achieve that goal safely.
Details of the diabetes diet
A diet for diabetes is based on three meals a day at regular times. This helps your body make better use of the insulin it produces or recovers from a medication.
A registered nutrition specialist can help you put together a diet according to your health goals, tastes and lifestyle. This professional can talk with you about how you can improve your eating habits, for example, by choosing portion sizes that suit your size and activity level needs.
[caption id="attachment_2070" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Diabetes Diet[/caption]
Diabetes Diet Plan
Recommended foods for diabetes diet plan
Make calories worth with these nutritious foods:
Healthy carbohydrates During digestion, sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) are converted into glucose in the blood. Focus on the healthiest carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) and low-fat dairy products.
Foods with high fiber content. Dietary fiber includes all parts of plants that your body can not digest or absorb as food. Fiber regulates the digestion of the body and helps control blood sugar levels. High-fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), whole wheat flour, and bran.
Healthy fish for the heart. Eat healthy fish for the heart at least twice a week. Fish can be a good alternative to high-fat meats. For example, cod, tuna and halibut have less total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat and poultry. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and anjova are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which improve heart health by reducing blood fats, known as triglycerides.
Avoid eating fried fish and fish with high levels of mercury, such as pangasius, swordfish and king mackerel.
Good fats Foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help reduce cholesterol levels. These include avocados, almonds, walnuts, olives and canola, olive and peanut oils. But do not overdo it, since all fats are high in calories.
what foods to avoid with diabetes Diet plan
Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke because it accelerates the blockage and hardening of the arteries. Foods that contain the following elements can be an obstacle to your goal of following a heart-healthy diet.
Saturated fats. High-fat dairy products and animal proteins, such as beef, hot dogs, sausage and bacon, contain saturated fats.
Trans fat. These types of fats are found in processed snacks, baked goods, shortening and stick margarine. Avoid consuming them.
Cholesterol sources include high-fat dairy products and high-fat animal proteins, egg yolks, liver, and other organ meats. Try not to consume more than 200 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per day.
Try to consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per day. However, if you also have hypertension, you should try to consume less than 1500 mg of sodium per day.
How to gather everything in one place: create a diabetes diet plan
There are some different approaches in order to create a diet for diabetes that will help you keep your blood glucose level within normal limits. With the help of a dietitian, it is possible that one of the following methods, or a combination of them, may be useful for you:
The method of the dish. The American Diabetes Association offers a simple seven-step method for preparing meals. It focuses basically on eating more vegetables. When preparing your dish, fill half of it with non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, and tomatoes. Fill a quarter of the dish with protein, such as tuna or lean pork. Fill the last free room of the dish with a portion of food based on whole grains or starch. Add a serving of fruit or a dairy product and a glass of water or a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
Carbohydrate count. Because carbohydrates are converted to glucose, they have a strong impact on the blood glucose level. To control your blood sugar, consume approximately the same amount of carbohydrates every day, at regular intervals, especially if you take insulin or another diabetes medication.
A dietitian can teach you how to measure your portions of meals and become a good reader of nutritional information that pays special attention to portion sizes and carbohydrate content. If you use insulin, the specialist can help you count the amount of carbohydrate for each meal or snack and adjust your insulin dose accordingly.
The system of exchange lists. A dietitian can recommend making meal exchange lists to help you plan your meals and snacks. Lists are organized by categories, such as carbohydrates, protein sources, and fats.
A portion in a category is a "choice". A choice of foods has approximately the same amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fat and calories, as well as the same effect on the blood glucose level, as a portion of each of the other foods in that same category. So, for example, you could choose to eat half of a large ear of corn or 1/3 cup of cooked pasta for one of the starchy choices.
Glycemic index. Some people who have diabetes use the glycemic index to select foods, especially carbohydrates. This method classifies foods that contain carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose levels. Check with your dietitian if this method could be effective for you.
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Labels: Diabetes, Diet plan, Health, Health Tips
Muskan Rangrez 9/30/18, 12:06 PM
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80 | First time use of an outside screen. Very user friendly website made selecting a suitable screen easy. We would recommend Lightmedia Displays – customer services very good and accommodating. |
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82 | In the 2019/20 season, Ms. Redpath makes her house and role debut with Deutsche Oper Berlin as Marguerite de Valois in David Alden’s production of Les Huguenots conducted by Alexander Vedernikov. She goes on to another debut as Salome in Stradella’s San Giovanni Battista conducted by Stephen Stubbs and directed by Christopher Alden at Opera Omaha. Ms. Redpath will also join the roster of The Metropolitan Opera to cover Sophie in Robert Carsen’s production of Der Rosenkavalier, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.
“Redpath commanded the stage before even sinigng a note…
her showstopping aria was BREATHTAKING in execution,
I’ve NEVER HEARD OR SEEN Zerbinetta portrated with SO MUCH HEART”
In her 2018/19 season, Ms. Redpath completed her final year as a Domingo-Colburn-Stein Young Artist with Los Angeles Opera. Highlights of her season included the Haydn ‘Lord Nelson’ Mass and Beethoven Mass in C major with the LA Philharmonic under maestro Gustavo Dudamel, her role debut as Gretel in Hansel and Gretel with Los Angeles Opera conducted by James Conlon, a concert of Rameau and Handel with maestro Christophe Rousset, and a reprisal of her Zerbinetta in Ariadne auf Naxos with Cincinnati Opera. Additionally, Ms. Redpath was awarded second prize, the special prize for French music, and audience choice at the 2019 Viñas Competition at Gran Theatre del Liceu. |
83 | Then, the lesson: “Sometimes it’s hard to do things when we’re scared or we don’t want to do them. But i know you can do it. I believe in you, and I’ll be waiting right here when it’s over. And you’ll feel so proud of yourself.” You’re offering support and encouragement; not insults or anger.
There is a common parenting joke abut how the first child is always the ‘test child’, meaning that parents try out everything they know about parenting and learn what works and what does not work. This is probably very true. Most of parenting is all abut learning as you go.
Going from one activity to another can be difficult for very small children. Abruptly switching between tasks can cause stress to toddlers and result in them experiencing a melt down.
Hand gestures can aid in disciplining your child when all other methods are failing. This is a non-verbal way of warning your child when he is behaving inappropriately, and it will give him a chance to change his behavior before you carry out a discipline.
“We have to acknowledge the pain our daughters are experiencing, but we also need to put it into perspective, to stay calm and listen to what they are experiencing without projecting our own experiences onto theirs.” says Cohen.
You are stuck with each other forever. One day, you will be Grandma and Grandpa to the same babies. And when these babies are grown they will repeat the stories that they heard about Grandma and Grandpa. This will be your legacy. How do you want to be depicted?
20.Expect that your children may feel confused, guilty, sad and/or abandoned in response to the divorce. Acknowledge their feelings as normal and remind them that even though the family is undergoing a major change, you and their Dad/Mom will always be their parents.
“By creating consistent, predictable times when she knows that you are receptive and available to listen. Let her use you as a sounding board to sort out what she is going through, without solving problems for her.” says White. |
84 | This week, I'm longing for spring so I'm showing you an outfit that I plan on wearing to transition myself from winter. It may be 60 during the day, but it's still low 40s at night. Plus, this girl is cold all the time, but I still want to look season appropriate and stay true to my 'Classic Pretty' style statement. Here's what I'll be wearing.
Sweater & Bangles: J.Crew; Jeans: Old Navy; Gold Bracelet: Target; Ring: Forever 21; Shoes: American Eagle
It's probably no surprise to you that I'm wearing jeans and a sweater. That's the 'Classic' part of me that just keeps showing up in my wardrobe. However, I did choose a colorful sweater with a trendy, nautical feel. So that counts for something, right? I also choose bright flats and bracelets to add a little something extra. I feel very comfortable in this outfit, but not sloppy. I'll be wearing this on casual Fridays and on weekends.
Side note: these pics were taken in the office of my house. It is still very bland. I'm taking my time decorating our house because I don't want it to be too matchy-matchy. Plus, furniture is super expensive! We're on a budget, y'all!
What are you wearing? Link up and share your style! I'm also linking up here & here.
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Labels: Style Statement Tuesday
Anonymous March 5, 2013 at 2:28 AM
Love this simple outfit! I'm trying to transition into spring too but for me it has been even harder because it's still in the 40s :(
Amy Shaughnessy March 5, 2013 at 10:47 AM
Our weather keeps flip flopping so I never know what to wear until that morning. I love the green sweater and purple shoes! And that bookcase behind you looks so cool! I love the chevron print!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Unknown March 5, 2013 at 10:51 AM
Love the sporty casual look, it is great every day of the year, in winter I just layer a denim jacket and parka on top :).
Rebecca March 5, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Emerald is one of Pantone's colors for this year as well, so that top hits the trends on a couple of levels! Great job.
Traci Michele March 6, 2013 at 12:53 PM
green is my favorite color so I'm loving this!
Here are mine if you get a second to take a peak:
Lindsay March 6, 2013 at 10:31 PM
Love that top with those shoes! And that bookcase is so cute! Love the chevron pattern.
Jessi March 7, 2013 at 4:25 PM
You are seriously darling. I love your sidebar pic :) Emerald green is my favorite color, and now that it's color of the year I plan on wearing it that much more! |
85 | After a few days with Wizard having a hot, puffy leg I called the vets for a scan – it was the same leg where Wiz had Stem Cell treatment on a tendon injury a few years ago – surely this cannot be good. I still felt a glimmer of hope – Wizard wasn’t lame, heat and swelling went to normal after cold hosing and walking … but it did come back.
Unfortunately after a scan it revealed that Wizard’s tendon has a small hole just above scar tissue from his pervious tendon injury. I cannot begin to describe how upset I am in so many ways about this.
Oakham vets said that this is very common & unpreventable injury to a weaken area - they even said they feel disappointed for me as Wiz looks absolutely stunning, fit & healthy! I only wish I’d known or been told that it is fairly common for a tendon to go again just above a pervious injury back in October at his last scan.
Of course Wiz is to receive the best care available but the chances of him ever eventing again are slim.
Currently Wiz is on box rest with twice daily hand grazing and cold hosing – of course excessive cuddles & treats. He has happily taken up the hobby of eating or scoffing as much as possible – his lean, toned, slim figure is no more!
Above - Wiz at Shelford Horse Trials earlier this year… Where I meet a previous long term owner who was delighted to see him.
Robert happily shared tales of his and Wiz’s hunting adventures. He couldn’t believe how well Wiz looked and how clean his legs where (no lumps or bumps!) He was so pleased to see him being well cared for & loved. He even joked with me after our lovely clear show jump round & recalled a time when as a 7 year old wiz was so naughty & "full of it" he knocked all the show jumps down at an event - they wasn’t allowed to run XC! It was lovely to hear so many compliments & learn more about wiz – such an amazing horse Xx |
86 | After numerous local write-ups and reviews, I finally had a taste of the Lemon Ricotta Hotcakes at Hell's Kitchen. I now know what all the fuss is about. However, I ordered Heuvos Rancheros instead of the hotcakes, so I was left with just a taste from a friends plate. This morning I couldn't help but think about this delicious dish and how I could re-create it...and with a healthy twist.
My attempt was a success so I need to share the recipe with you. One batch makes roughly 6 pancakes, or 3 servings (2 if you've got an appetite). Total caloric damage? Only 365 calories. Add a few strawberries and round it up to 400. Not bad for a weekend indulgence!
Lemon Ricotta Pancakes
Adapted from the "Joy of Cooking"
3/4 C. AP Flour (I used GF Bob's Red Mill)
1/4 C. Ground flaxseed (mmm good ole fiber -- you can sub flour if you don't have flaxseed)
1/3 C. Granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. sea salt
3/4 C. ricotta cheese
1/3 C. milk
1 egg
3 Tbsp. melted butter
Zest of one large lemon
1/4 C. lemon juice
1 tsp. lemon extract
Mix your dry ingredients with a whisk: flour, flaxseed, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl combine the remaining wet ingredients. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry mixture until well mixed (no lumps with this recipe).
Scoop roughly 1/2 cup of batter per pancake and cook on a medium heat griddle or frying pan. (I recommend between 350-375 degrees for griddle.) Serve with berries and powdered sugar. If you must, use real maple syrup.
Party Dips 3 Ways - The Good, Not so Good, and Bad for you!
It's Football party season, so why not have a few new appetizer dip recipes in your arsenal? I'm calling these 3 recipes the Good (not too bad for you), the Bad (ok, we're a little bit naughty), and the Ugly (yep, who cares about calories anymore?).
Artichoke and Oven Roasted Tomato Dip
We'll start out with the healthier recipe. With barely any cheese, there's no guilt here. I first heard about this idea while listening to Splendid Table. There are numerous other ingredients that would lend well to this recipe - for example, capers and orange zest -- but I kept it simple knowing what I like.
1 lb. roma tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Olive Oil
1 15 oz. can artichoke hearts, drained and rinsed
1/2 a jar roasted red peppers, chopped (equal to roughly one full pepper)
1/4 C. parmesean cheese
1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. lemon zest
2 Tbsp. olive oil
Pita chips for serving
First, roast the tomatoes. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Slice the tomatoes into rounds and place on a tinfoil-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in the over for roughly 20 minutes until tomatoes start to blister and brown. Remove from heat and let cool.
In a medium bowl, add the tomatoes and the remaining ingredients - artichokes, red peppers, parmesan, garlic, lemon juice, lemon zest, and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Using a stick blender (or a regular blender), pulse until the mixture has a rough chop. I like mine a little chunky, but feel free to pulse for a more smooth consistency. Serve at room temperature with pita chips. Leftover dip is great with pasta and grilled chicken!
Cajun Shrimp Dip
All things are OK in moderation, right? I have a really hard time walking away from this dip - call me partial, but this is my favorite of the 3. The trick to making this shrimp dip stand out from other similar recipes is to use raw shrimp and cook it yourself. Some recipes call for canned shrimp -- and that just makes me shudder -- yuck! You could try cooked shrimp too, but I just don't think it tastes as good.
1/2 lb. raw peeled and deveined shrimp, tails removed (20-30ct. per pound)
1/4 C. onion, minced
1/2 C. celery, diced
1 oz. package cream cheese (feel free to use the 1/3 less fat kind), room temperature
6 Tbsp. mayonnaise
3 Tbsp. ketchup
1 tsp. cajun seasoning
Pita chips for serving
Begin by cooking the shrimp. Fill a deep skillet or saucepan with a 3-4 inches of water. Bring to a boil and add the shrimp. Boil for 2 minutes then immediately place shrimp in an ice bath to stop the cooking. Once shrimp is cool, drain, and chop into small bits.
In a large bowl combine the cream cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, and cajun seasoning. I prefer to use a stick blender to ensure a smooth consistency. Once smooth, stir in the shrimp, onion, and celery. Taste and add more cajun seasoning if desired. Chill until ready to serve.
Chili Cream Cheese Dip
There's nothing fancy about this last recipe. It's a tried and true staple that my mom used to make for parties when we were growing up. Best of all it's super easy and will appease the most picky of eaters. We all love the classic Velveeta dip, but try this next time instead.
The recipe below is the classic version, but feel free to mix things up by using homemade chili, or in my opinion, double the diced green chilis!
1 8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1 4 oz. can diced green chilis, drained
1 15 oz. Hormel Chili No Beans
1 1/2 C. cheddar cheese, shredded
Tortilla chips for serving
Using a microwave safe dish, (I recommend a glass pie pan but anything similar with do), spread the softened cream cheese into an even layer across the bottom. Layer on the green chilis, then Hormel chili. Top with the shredded cheddar cheese. When ready to serve, cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 5.-8 minutes or until cheese is melted and ingredients are bubbly. You can also bake this in the oven at roughly 350 degrees for 30 minutes (do not cover in the oven).
Fried Bacon, Cabbage, and Noodles
Also known as Haluski, this Eastern European dish translates as "noodles". I first heard about this amazingly simple (and CHEAP!) dish from a distant cousin who was old enough to learn recipes first-hand from my Austrian Great-Grandmother. If you know me, you know that I love family ancestry, but let's just say my Scandinavian, Austrian, and Polish background doesn't lend to many mouth-watering recipes! So I'm super excited to share this one with you because IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD!
The only thing that you need to afford yourself before diving into this recipe is PATIENCE. Take your time caramelizing the bacon and onion, because this step will carry the dish. If you don't bother, be prepared for bland. Also, don't be shy with the salt. Seriously.
1 lb. bacon, diced
1 large onion, diced
1 head cabbage, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt and Pepper
1 pkg. wide egg noodles, cooked and drained
The first step is to caramelize the bacon and onions. In a large, deep skillet, cook the bacon and onions over medium-high heat. It will feel like forever until the bacon starts render down and turn brown in color, but that's OK. The onion is slowing it down. Continue to saute for 20-30 minutes, turning the heat down if necessary, until the bacon is finally crisp and the onions are translucent. Set aside and DO NOT DRAIN THE GREASE.
Next, add the chopped cabbage to the skillet and cook over medium-high heat for 10-15 minutes. You'll want to brown the cabbage almost as if it were charred all while cooking it through. The leafy pieces of the cabbage will cook down fist while the core pieces will stay more crisp -- this texture variance makes a bit of interest, so it's OK. Salt and pepper the cabbage liberally to taste. Add the minced garlic and saute for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat.
In a large bowl (or the empty stock pot from making the noodles), toss together the cabbage and noodles. Using a slotted spoon, scoop in the bacon to the mixture so that the grease is left behind. Once all the bacon is added, add in as much of the grease as you like. I used roughly 3 tablespoons. Salt and pepper yet again to taste.
Hi, I'm Michelle and based in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. I love all things cooking and baking and would love to inspire you to create something of your own! |
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Board Newbie
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Posted: Aug. 30 2021,08:02
"While the air jordan 1 mid se women's tends to be the runt of the litter compared to its other ankle height siblings, this PE ups the ante and holds its own. Supple suede uppers are a premium upgrade to the usual leather type, and the two shades of grey is a good look. It’s not an Oregon sneaker without hits of green, which this colourway delivers generously via the mesh lining and matching rubber outsole.
Nike’s SuperRep family of footwear is built to serve the performance needs of class-based fitness athletes.Each unique silhouette — including the debut shoe, the air zoom superrep 2 sneaker — responds to the specifications of a particular type of workout, be it a boot camp or spin class. The shoes are created with a commitment to extend the same level of expertise provided to professional athletes to all enthusiasts who work on a daily and weekly basis to better themselves.
This particular air force 1 low womens features a Black and Light Bone color combination. Highlighted with Black suede on the upper while faux fur appears on the panels and tongue. Black also adorns the liner, laces, leather tongue labels, and overlay on the heel. Lastly, Light Bone covers the tongue, heel, and insole branding, Swoosh logos, midsole, and rubber outsole.
This air max 98 mens cheap comes dressed in a White, Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver color combination. Highlighted with Light Blue mesh across the upper, White leather covers the overlays. In addition we have Metallic Silver placed on the top eyelets and trimming while Gold and Silver embroidery is applied to the Swoosh logos. Finishing the look is a White midsole and rubber outsole."
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Posted: Sep. 18 2021,09:45
Use your Microsoft account through for everything you want to with Microsoft 365. Create an account or use the account of services such as OneDrive, Skype, Outlook, or Xbox Live. Use the site microsoft365 com setup to download and install that will allow you to use multiple apps like Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, or more.
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Brading Software Message Board » Mp3/Tag Studio » Share your macros » Hotter has the perfect shoe for every type of fit |
88 | It’s no secret that Manhattan rents are expensive. But the most expensive rental in the city will set you back a whopping $500,000 a month.
The six-bedroom apartment spans 4,786 square feet and takes up the entire 39th floor of The Pierre Building on the Upper East Side.
The unit also comes fully furnished and offers 360-degree views of the city.
“The views are the very best you will ever have in an apartment on Fifth Avenue,” said listing agent Andres Perea-Garzon at Compass.
Another amenity: If you don’t have that much cash in the bank, rent can be paid via credit card.
The Pierre houses both hotel rooms and residencies. The Residences at the Pierre program offers 30-day rentals and month-to-month leases and currently includes 14 apartments.
Renters of the 39th floor will get all the perks of the hotel, including twice-daily room cleaning and access to room service and a private chauffeur. They’ll also have one of the hotel’s five elevators dedicated solely for their use — and a full-time operator.
Perea-Garzon said there’s been interest in the smaller rentals, but no recent bites on the 39th floor space yet. “My guess is the person who is looking at this price point will probably be an international.”
The full-floor unit was rented out for one month in 2014 for the $500,000 price tag, which the renter charged on a credit card.
The apartment includes the hotel’s presidential suite, which is about 2,000 square feet, which can be booked by guests for $30,000 a night when the entire floor isn’t being rented, according to Perea-Garzon.
Rent prices in New York City have started to back off their recent upward trajectory– especially in the luxury market.
The top 10% of Manhattan’s rental market saw prices drop 4.2% in February to $8,000 a month from the same period a year ago, according to the latest report from real estate appraisal firm Miller Samuel and brokerage Douglas Elliman.
But Perea-Garzon isn’t too concerned about the drop.
“If they have that much money to spend, I am sure you are pretty well off and you don’t have to worry about what’s going in the economy.” |
89 | This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged children, craft, decoupaged, halloween on 26th October 2018 by |
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DAREDEVIL #20 Preview, Reviews and Discussion
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Kuljit Mithra
Joined: 29 Jul 2004
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Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:27 pm Post subject: DAREDEVIL #20 Preview, Reviews and Discussion
DAREDEVIL #20 is finally on its way after a lengthy delay due to the pandemic.
Here's the cover and preview by Zdarsky, Checchetto, Iacono, Cowles, Tedesco and Sliney.
Kuljit Mithra
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Wake Up
Joined: 16 Feb 2006
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Location: Toronto
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:07 pm Post subject:
I'm so happy to have picked up this latest issue today. It's the first issue since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Little by little, I feel the world is coming back.
I feel like this issue represents everything Chip Zdarsky has been building toward for the previous 19 installments. Matt has finally embraced his Daredevil identity, and that allows him to perplex Bullseye in a way I've never seen him do before. He shows complete confidence in his abilities, and Zdarsky describes his methods beautifully. I especially liked, "Predicting movements, predicting actions, is especially easy... with someone who never 'misses.'"
It's a very busy issue, but Marco Checchetto's artwork is glorious. At one point Daredevil appears to choke the Rhino by stuffing the hilt of a dagger down his windpipe. I think I'm correct, but I can't be certain. I think I could have used a caption or two from Zdarsky to completely explain that, but maybe everyone involved thought the issue was busy enough as it is. That being said, this is very good chaos, and I must give kudos to the entire creative team for the fact that this issue works as well as it does.
I have often complained that too many people at Marvel treat Stilt-Man as a joke. Sure enough, Zdarsky actually calls him a joke in this issue, but qualifies him as a "dangerous" joke. I appreciate that, and he is actually depicted as a legitimate threat. Matt even remarks that he is going to rack up more fatalities than all of the others. I hope to see Zdarsky make use of Stilt-Man later on.
Wilson Fisk's appearance in this issue is interesting. He seems to be legitimately motivated to protect the citizens of New York, and the citizens in turn seem to love him for it. But, based on what we've read before, how long until his old habits rise again?
I also really appreciate the cliffhanger, and am not sure what the consequences will be for Matt or Daredevil.
In such an action-packed issue, it feels weird to complain about something missing, but I could have used a panel or two showing the Stromwyns reacting to all of this. They're the puppet masters behind all this, so it's a little weird to never see them.
Otherwise, this is as good a pay-off to everything Zdarsky has built as we have any right to ask for. I gave it a perfect score.
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Wake Up
Joined: 16 Feb 2006
Posts: 1270
Location: Toronto
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:31 pm Post subject:
Surely somebody else must have read this by now. Maybe one of the other Toronto people on this site?
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Mike Murdock
Joined: 08 Sep 2014
Posts: 1581
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:04 pm Post subject:
Finally got around to it today.
There's a ton of great action in this story and some really cool moments with Daredevil teaming up with Kingpin and Typhoid Mary. It was also good to see Foggy supportive. My only real complaint is, sometimes, the action was hard to follow. I'm still not entirely sure what happened with the Rhino. I'm curious what will happen next issue. I don't want a repeat of Brubaker.
Four and a Half Stars.
Matt Murdock's cooler twin brother
Not sure what to read next? Check out the Book Club for some ideas!
I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
Thomas More - A Man for All Seasons
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Kuljit Mithra
Joined: 29 Jul 2004
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Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:26 pm Post subject:
Picked up my copy on the weekend. My store only allowed pickup from 12-3 and we had to call ahead to come in.
As I was reading, it felt like a blockbuster movie, and I could "hear" the explosions from the pages. It felt great to read the title again. Not sure where we're headed with that ending, though. Maybe the Annual is gonna address it too.
Kuljit Mithra
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List of all hotels in Trilj. By default, Trilj hotels are sorted by class: the most luxurious hotels in Trilj are listed first. You can change the sorting order using the navigation bar above. By clicking the first (leftmost) button you can interchange the direction of sorting between ascending/descending.
There are separate sections devoted to Trilj luxury hotels and Trilj cheap hotels.
Trilj: list of all hotels
Hotel Sv. Mihovil ***
Former restaurant Čaporice founded in 1965, this family-run hotel near the River Cetina cuisine of quality, stylish rooms and a full program of outdoor activities. Number of rooms: 25.
Hotels in other places nearest to the centre of Trilj
Hotel Katarina ****
(in Dugopolje, distanced approximately 11 km)
The Katarina is the first hotel in the fast-growing business and commercial zone of Dugopolje on the outskirts of Split, offering quick and convenient connections on the new A1 motorway into the city.
Hotel Villa Dvor ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 19 km)
The Hotel Villa Dvor was rebuilt instead of the old Villa Dvor above the town of Omiš (Omiš), on the rocky mountain Mosor and Dinara, near the River Cetina, just 20 km from Split.
Villa Dragica ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
The 1 km from the city center of Omis located Dragica Vila offers studios and apartments with private balcony and large terrace with barbecue facilities. From the nearest sandy beach is only 150 m.
Hotel Diadem ****
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
Just 300 meters from the beach of the Cetina river deltas and 500 m from the center of Omis, the hotel is located in the diadem of the upper floors Studenac Business Centre.
Apartments Tomasovic ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
These air-conditioned rooms and apartments are located in Omis, just 150 meters from the main square in town. It also offers a restaurant with a terrace and the beach just 300 meters away.
Villa Mama ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
Vila Mama has a medieval defensive wall with some baroque features. The hotel is just 80 meters from the beach. The hotel offers an intimate courtyard in the historic center of Omis.
Hotel Plaza ****
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
The Plaza Hotel is located in the center of Omiš, near the main beach. Whether your stay is for business or pleasure, you will find many activities available to you.
Pansion & Apartments Sidro ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
Duce Golubinka, just 20 meters from the beach and 2 km from Omis, this guest house with studios, which offer a sea view, satellite TV and a kitchenette with refrigerator. Wi-Fi is available free of charge.
Pansion Begic ***
(in Omis, distanced approximately 20 km)
The Pansion Begić is located just 30 meters from a sandy beach in the village of Duce, 2 km from the historic town of Omis. It offers apartments with sea view or mountain.
Trilj car rental
Compare Trilj car rental offers of 500+ suppliers
We search over 500 approved car hire suppliers to find you the very best Trilj rental prices available. You can compare offers from leading car hire suppliers like Avis, Europcar, Sixt or Thrifty as well as budget rental deals from Holiday Autos, Budget, Economy, EasyCar, or 121 carhire. Choose Trilj car hire supplier according to your preferences. The booking process is secured and is made as simple as possible. You don't have to browse through several websites and compare prices to find cheap car hire at Trilj - we will do it for you!
Car rental offices near Trilj
In the following list, car rental offices nearest to Trilj are sorted by the approximate distance from thi city centre. |
93 | in partnership with offers highly competitive rates for all types of hotels in Eskilstuna, from affordable family hotels to the most luxurious ones., being established in 1996, is longtime Europe’s leader in online hotel reservations. See the overview of Eskilstuna hotels in the following section.
At you won't be charged any booking fees, cancellation fees (see particular hotel policies), or administration fees – the reservation service is free of charge. The reservation system is secure and your personal information and credit card is encrypted.
We have put together also a carefully selected list of recommended hotels in Eskilstuna, only hotels with the highest level of guest satisfaction are included. Many photos and unbiased hotel reviews written by real guests are provided to help you make your booking decision. Luxury hotels (including 5 star hotels and 4 star hotels) and cheap Eskilstuna hotels (with best discount rates and up-to-date hotel deals) are both available in separate lists.
Eskilstuna hotel deals
With and the best price is guaranteed! Eskilstuna hotel deals include also long stay accommodation Eskilstuna offers. Take advantage of our exclusive offers and long stay discounts for selected Eskilstuna hotels' suites.
Eskilstuna hotel reviews
Unbiased Eskilstuna hotel reviews written by real guests and many hotel photos are provided to help you make your booking decision.
Eskilstuna location
– see Eskilstuna map »
Eskilstuna is located in Eskilstuna Kommun, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden.
Hotels in Eskilstuna – sortable overview
1. by number of rooms ↑
2. by class ↓
3. by name ↑
List of all hotels in Eskilstuna. By default, Eskilstuna hotels are sorted by class: the most luxurious hotels in Eskilstuna are listed first. You can change the sorting order using the navigation bar above. By clicking the first (leftmost) button you can interchange the direction of sorting between ascending/descending.
There are separate sections devoted to Eskilstuna luxury hotels and Eskilstuna cheap hotels.
Eskilstuna: list of all hotels
Hotell Eskilsgården **
Eskilsgården is within 10 minutes’ walk of Eskilstuna Station and the main streets, Kungsgatan and Drottninggatan. It provides en-suite guest rooms, a breakfast buffet and free Wi-Fi and parking. Number of rooms: 13.
Hotell Eskilsgården **
The hotel is just 10 minutes from Eskilstuna shopping streets and the railway station. Look forward to Hotell Eskilsgården on a free sauna, Jacuzzi, Wi-Fi access and free private parking. Number of rooms: 14.
Lilla Hotellet
This family-owned hotel is 5 minutes’ drive from Eskilstuna Central Station and 1 km from the sandy Vilsta Beach. It offers free Wi-Fi and individually decorated rooms with a TV and seating area. Number of rooms: 14.
Strand ***
Overlooking the scenic Lake Mälaren, this converted manor is 20 km from Eskilstuna. It offers a public 18-hole golf course, an à la carte restaurant and a private beach. The individually designed rooms at Strand feature a seating area. Number of rooms: 16.
Vilsta Sporthotell Eskilstuna - Sweden Hotels ***
The hotel is situated in a nature reserve Vilsta, 2 km from the center of Eskilstuna. It provides free access to sauna and rooms with private bath, hardwood floors and cable TV. Number of rooms: 39.
City Hotell ***
Recently renovated, City Hotell is a historic hotel with traditional and old fashioned charm. City Hotell is centrally located and close to public transport. Number of rooms: 58.
Hotell Eskilstuna
This hotel overlooking the golf course Eskilstuna is only 2 km away from the center of Eskilstuna. It offers free Wi-Fi Internet access, private parking and a whirlpool and sauna. Number of rooms: 58.
Best Western Plaza Hotel ****
This hotel in the city center is located in the heart of Eskilstuna. The reception staff can help you organize various activities with its partners. Number of rooms: 88.
Clarion Collection Hotel Bolinder Munktell ****
Clarion Collection Hotel Bolinder Munktell is located in the city center, Faktoriholmarna, a few steps away, restaurants, entertainment and shopping districts. A light evening meal is included for all guests. Number of rooms: 108.
Comfort Hotel Eskilstuna ***
Opening in November 2010, this modern hotel is next to the Eskilstuna River. It offers an organic breakfast, a fitness centre and free Wi-Fi. Free coffee/tea is available all day. Number of rooms: 120.
Quality Hotel Statt ****
This charming conferences and entertainment with four stars is located in the heart of Eskilstuna and is the largest hotel conference facilities Mälar Lake valley. Number of rooms: 213.
Eskilstuna car rental
Compare Eskilstuna car rental offers of 500+ suppliers
We search over 500 approved car hire suppliers to find you the very best Eskilstuna rental prices available. You can compare offers from leading car hire suppliers like Avis, Europcar, Sixt or Thrifty as well as budget rental deals from Holiday Autos, Budget, Economy, EasyCar, or 121 carhire. Choose Eskilstuna car hire supplier according to your preferences. The booking process is secured and is made as simple as possible. You don't have to browse through several websites and compare prices to find cheap car hire at Eskilstuna - we will do it for you!
Car rental offices near Eskilstuna
In the following list, car rental offices nearest to Eskilstuna are sorted by the approximate distance from thi city centre. |
94 | Some members of staff may have found a little surprise in their dookits today. Yesterday the nation celebrated National Poetry Day and today our very own poetry fairy could be seen delivering the poetry day postcards to staff and pupil desks in the school library. I missed the little fairy, it was far too quick for me, but I was very happy to note that she had left me a copy of one of my favourite poems, I Opened a Book. There are some extra poetry day postcards in the school library for pupils to take home and/or post to friends. Lets all share a poem this week. A huge thank you to the Scottish Poetry Library for the postcards this year. Miss Owens.
I Opened A Book
I opened a book and in I strode
Now nobody can find me.
I’ve left my chair, my house, my road,
My town and my world behind me.
I’m wearing the cloak,
I’ve slipped on the ring,
I’ve swallowed the magic potion.
I’ve fought with a dragon,
dined with a king
And dived in a bottomless ocean.
I opened a book and made some friends.
I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends
To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same,
But I have a book inside me.
Julia DonaldsonFrom Crazy Mayonnaisy Mum, first published 2004 by Macmillan Children’s Books, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers International Limited. Text copyright © Julia Donaldson 2004
First postcard delivered to the Head teacher.
Who knows which poem the geography department got?
A very apt poem for the department who studies philosophy.
The library got the full selection.
The Library.
the library can be found in the heart of the school, just behind the main dining area. We have books galore in every genre, style and size, perfect for the avid reader and those who are a bit more reluctant to pick up a book.
We also have an ICT suite with 20 pcs.
The Librarian
The School Library is staffed by a chartered librarian, Miss Catherine Owens and a part-time library assistant Mrs Debbie McPhail.
The Catalogue.
The catalogue offers staff and pupils access to stock held across the whole of South Ayrshire, which they can borrow and return here at Marr College. To further enhance the library experience we have an app that can be downloaded for apple and android devices, where eBooks and audio books can be easily borrowed. |
95 | The library is open to library users at break and lunchtime. There is a strict NO EATING policy in place. Anyone with food in the library will be asked to leave. Please follow these rules and help keep our library tidy and crumb free.
The Library.
the library can be found in the heart of the school, just behind the main dining area. We have books galore in every genre, style and size, perfect for the avid reader and those who are a bit more reluctant to pick up a book.
We also have an ICT suite with 20 pcs.
The Librarian
The School Library is staffed by a chartered librarian, Miss Catherine Owens and a part-time library assistant Mrs Debbie McPhail.
The Catalogue.
The catalogue offers staff and pupils access to stock held across the whole of South Ayrshire, which they can borrow and return here at Marr College. To further enhance the library experience we have an app that can be downloaded for apple and android devices, where eBooks and audio books can be easily borrowed. |
96 | LUDINGTON — The north breakwater has been closed to public access by the City of Ludington due to wind and wave conditions. Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett said the breakwater will be re-opened when conditions allow. |
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My niece was frustrated in her college algebra course. She fell behind and developed a adverse angle in the direction of math. To assist her graduate with top grades to get into a good Nursing program, she needed severe help. Once Take My On-line Class stepped in with a service possibility, her temper brightened and she or he was in a position to concentrate on the lessons she actually cared about. I was very happy! I wish I had called Take My On-line Class sooner. Everyone was so educated, and very helpful. I love how they found somebody who would undergo my niece’s math assignments and meet the deadlines perfectly so she will lastly get an A in math. Most significantly, my niece can both graduate on time and get into any program she wants.” -Sarah J.
Maggio 16, 2019 /da Malvina
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Massignani & C. Srl
Costruzioni metalliche, produzione di serramenti in alluminio, realizzazione di strutture per pannelli fotovoltaici in acciaio zincato |
98 | Everyones view of what makes a good advert are different. Some focus on if the advert conveys a message well. I feel as long as the advert can make you remember it, no matter what the reason, then it has been successful. An advert does not always have to convey the message of the product or company to be successful. If you can make the audience remember the product and company just from being funny, quirky or outrageous then as an advertising team you have done your job.
Make it colourful and out there
One of the best examples for colours in an advert would be the Sony ‘balls’ advert for their TV set brand Bravia to show how well it’s screens distinguish colours. For this advert they took thousands of different coloured bouncy balls and let them bounce freely down a street in San Fransisco. The advert, released back in 2005, was an amazingly creative idea and very memorable.
Add some fun and humour
The One Dollar Shave Club have a collection of quirky and funny adverts, but the stand out has to be the first advert they made. It had the strapline “Our Blades are F***ing Great”. In the ad, the adventurous CEO helps out immigrants and wielding a machete. It even has hillarious dance party at the end with money flying around. As an advert it gets its point across very well in a humourous way and keeps you interested throughout. If something is very funny, it is highly likely to be shared across social media.
Accompany with good music
Beats by Dre (now Beats Music) released an advert for their headphone ranges called ‘The Game Before The Game’ for the Football World Cup in 2014. The music used was ‘Jungle’ by X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons and it really captures and immerses you in the advert. The advert is very good at captivating its audience and making them feel part of the prematch rituals of the football players.
Go a bit wierd and random
In my eyes there is only one advert that takes the award for being totally random and a little wierd. Mountain Dew’s advert for this years’ Super Bowl for their new drink Kickstart starred the ‘PuppyMonkeyBaby’. No words can describe it, just watch below…
You might be thinking “what the hell did I just watch?” but for being so bizarre it could potentially be one of the most memorable adverts. Your not likely to forget a puppy/monkey/baby in a hurry!
Even annoying can work
In what could potentially be one of the most annoying adverts of all time, the Go Compare advert was released in 2009 to the annoyance of audiences across the country. You will only have to watch this advert once to totally understand how annoying it is but due to hearing the company name “Go Compare” being sang in an annoying classical style, it quite powerfully sticks in your head which means everyone knows the brand name of the company. Controversially it’s brand awareness at it’s best.
In conclusion, for adverts to appeal to a younger audience you don’t need all of the above points together but if you play just one or two to your strength it can work out to be a very powerful advert. Out of all the adverts listed above my stand out favourite has to be the Mountain Dew ‘Kickstart’ advert with the “PuppyMonkeyBaby”. Just on the basis of it having the wierd factor and being a very out there piece of advertising which will be remembered for being so random yet funny.
Advertising Brand Awareness Brand Identity Branding BrandingSwansea Company Image Design Agency Marketing Social Media Video Advertising Video Production Video Production Swansea YouTube
8 Tips For Making An Effective Product Video
Written by Liam Mee on March 17, 2016
Recently we’ve been panning, zooming and expertly editing product videos for some of our clients over here at MeeCreative. Take a look at a recent sample video we created here:
We must say we’re pretty pleased with the outcomes. Video content is now splashed in our faces more than ever. Lets take it, who hasn’t sat on Youtube or social media and been transfixed by the most random of video’s? You’re not the only one! But amongst the cat videos and epic fail shenanigans, some of the biggest retailers in the world are implementing video to not only showcase their products globally but to show the user how to use their product and fix them if problems ever occur, now in the world of digital, that’s pretty damn good user experience right?
Anywho, we could talk until the cows come home about the benefits of video to help advertise your businesses products and services but as the lovely, kind and helpful people we are here at MeeCreative, we thought we’d give you 8 Tips For Making An Effective Product Video – of course, if you’re not too keen on picking up a camera and trying to shoot a stunning video you could always give us a tinkle? (That was a pretty subtle plug, right?!)
Anyway, with that sordid self-promotion over, just scroll down and take a look. Enjoy!
8 Tips For Making An Effective Product Video
Making product videos is a great way to effectively convey information, show products in use and create trust with the customer. And with YouTube now being the second most popular search engine in the world, your product videos can even bring you new customers in addition to adding value to your existing ones. If your timid abut jumping into the video production world, here are a few tips to get you started:
1.Keep it short. Your customers don’t want to sit & watch a flashy drawn-out product video, they want to get the information they need and nothing more. Shoot for making your videos 2 minutes or less. Constricting yourself to certain time-parameters will also help you to focus on the most important aspects.
2. Write a script. There are many times when you can ‘wing it’ in business, but videos are not one of them. In order to get everything across to your customer in the most effective way, you’re going to need to spend time collecting your thoughts & organising them in a script.. and then write it again. The best writing is done when you spend the time to write several drafts, refining your thoughts and words until you have a gem of a script!
3. Get in there & demo your product. Don’t just hold up your product, USE your product. The goal of your video is to give your customers an interactive view of the product, so swing that golf club, wear that dress, make that pan sizzle – your video should demonstrate whatever your customer will be doing with the product.
4. Decide on what your company’s voice is and be consistant. We all know that the funny videos are the ones that go viral, and they also make the companies relatable & personal. But funny isn’t for every company, brand, product or audience. However if you think you have the right personality and products for an outlandish or witty video, go for it!
But if funny & outlandish is not who you & your company are, don’t try to be. Being authentic and true to your brand is key to earn customers’ trust. Videos give your customers a more well-rounded view of your brand so don’t send them mixed messages ( you risk coming off as ‘phony’). An educational informative video will sell more products than one that misses the mark trying to be something that it is not.
5. Be personal. Let your customers know the people behind the brand. Introducing yourself and your relationship with the company , starts the video off on a friendly inviting note.
6. Get the money-shots. Customers are watching the video to see the products so make sure you show the product form multiple angles. Shoot close-ups to show off the products detail, and features.
7. Don’t talk their ear-off. In a 2 minute video, it is perfectly ok to have 30 seconds of light background music while you show off the product from different angles or in use. If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks a novel so don’t worry about filling every second with your commentary.
8. Make your products look their best Production value isn’t everything, but be conscious of how your products look. Here are a few production tips:
Shoot in high definition, and in widescreen
Pay careful attention to the lighting to avoid harsh shadows and dimly lighted environments.
Shoot with a tripod to keep the shots steady.
Need a professional video for your business?
Give us a call: 01639 897200
design agency swansea Design Swansea Effective marketing Marketing marketing tips Video Video Advertising Video Advertising Port Talbot video marketing Video Production Video Production Swansea VideoProductionSwansea
What We’ve Been Up To
Written by Liam Mee on February 25, 2016
Over the last few months we’ve been a bit quiet with updates – we’ve been successfully completing several client projects and got stuck in straight away with plenty of brand new ones coming into 2016. From brand identity to video production, we thought we’d share an update of what we’ve been doing lately, featuring finished work and also a sneak peak of our current, ongoing projects. We’ve been pretty damn busy!
Joy Transformation - Branding
Lauder - Branding + Web Development
Spot-On Accountancy – Design For Print
Clarophotography – Design For Print
Afandale - Brand Identity + Web Design
Afan Landscapes - Web Design
Gordon Down Accountants - Design For Print
Internal Marketing
Astley’s Estate Agents - Property Showcase Videos
Recliners - Product Information Videos
Branding Branding Port Talbot Branding Swansea BrandingPortTalbot BrandingSwansea Brochure Design BrochureDesign Logo Design LogoDesign Typography Video Advertising Video Advertising Port Talbot Video Advertising Swansea Video Production Video Production Port Talbot Video Production Swansea VideoAdvertising VideoAdvertisingPortTalbot VideoAdvertisingSwansea VideoProduction VideoProductionPortTalbot VideoProductionSwansea Website Design Website Design Port Talbot Website Design Swansea WebsiteDesign WebsiteDesignPortTalbot WebsiteDesignSwansea
Use Video To Grow Your Business
Written by Jennifer Williams on February 23, 2016
Video has grown rapidly over recent years and it’s predicted to continue, making video fundamental to the way consumers consume content. With technology improving, businesses of all sizes are able to effectively use video to reach and engage a wider audience. Here’s 5 reasons why your company should be investing in video to advertise.
Marketing Mobile Advertising MobileAdvertising Search Engine SearchEngine Social Media SocialMedia Video Advertising Video Production Video Production Swansea VideoAdvertising VideoProduction VideoProductionSwansea |
99 | In general (and especially since I stopped knitting Christmas gifts), I am not a deadline knitter. But this morning, I checked the latest forecast for Madison*.
Woo hoo – It’s gonna be Cardigan Weather!
And set myself a deadline to finish this one before I go.
Good thing I’ve got an hour of TV (cannot wait to watch the season finale of Game of Thrones) and 18 more hours of Drums of Autumn to keep me company.
*yep, I’m headed up there Thursday to spend the weekend with Sara!
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turned the corner.
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June 27, 2016 at 3:32 pm
That is a lovely sweater, and I think I remember you're knitting with linen, but I did have to laugh as cardigan weather for me is less than 60 degrees. Have a wonderful time!
June 27, 2016 at 3:39 pm
We must discuss GoT finale! That sweater is lovely!
June 27, 2016 at 5:57 pm
Looks like the perfect traveling cardigan. I just want no rain from 6-12 on Monday-not much to ask for right?!
June 27, 2016 at 10:30 pm
That sweater is lovely! I laughed when I read this, those temps. are too warm for me to think of a cardigan, but I spent most of my life in upstate NY & I'm a wimp when it comes to hot weather. Hope you have a great time visiting your daughter!
June 28, 2016 at 12:26 am
oh my god, it's gonna be so hot!!! 🙁
June 28, 2016 at 12:19 pm
You're going to love having this gorgeous cardigan along on your trip. It's a really keeper, I can tell!!
June 28, 2016 at 4:29 pm
What a treat for ya': a new cardigan and the weekend with Sara! Even without the cardigan, the weekend rocks! Do have fun!
June 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm
Perfect weather for your trip and the evenings look perfect for wearing your new cardigan!
Vicki Knitorious
June 28, 2016 at 6:11 pm
Yes! We've had some VERY warm weather in Wisconsin so far this year. Have a fabulous time!! (How could you not?!)
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