I am thinking about wearing a suit to the party tonight.
I think a sweater would be fine.
Dress informally.
do not dress informally.
I read the library's collection of this author. I wonder how many book she has authored.
Actually her last few ones are not included in this collection.
There are more books written by the author.
There aren't more books written by the author.
My boss keeps asking me to work over time and I have always said no as I dont want to jeopardize my studies.
I wouldn't give in if I were you.
You should not work overtime.
You should work overtime.
What is keeping Kevin. He promised that he would come at 2'o clock and it is 2.30 now.
It is so typical of him. Is n't it. Just watch , he would be here in five minutes with some stupid excuse.
Kevin is often late.
Kevin is not often late.
Are these all books for your history course?
A lot of these are optional. You know me. When I do something I give 200%.
No. I plan to read more than what is required.
No. I do not plan to read more than what is required.
Lets go for a movie after dinner?
That is quite tempting. But there is a tennis test tomorrow and I need to practise for some time tonight.
I can't come for a movie after dinner.
I can come for a movie after dinner.
I just go this car and already it is falling apart.
What is the big deal? Falling off part is better than needing an engine like mine does.
I have got a bigger problem than you.
I haven't got a bigger problem than you.
I think I will run down to the book store and pickup a few things.
Sally is expecting us at 4.00. and it is almost that now.
There is not enough time to go to the book store.
There is enough time to go to the book store.
Hey! Congratulations on your new job.
Thanks! It is just a short walk from home and the working hours are flexible. I hope the pay was as good as everything else.
I would like a higher salary.
I wouldn't like a higher salary.
Do you know anyone who is driving to the conference at Boston next week?
Pete is. And I think he has room for one more person.
Try to get a ride with Pete.
do not try to get a ride with Pete.
I heard that you are using the newspaper in the political science class. I wonder if you can pass it on to me.
I always leave it at the library.
I dont have the newspaper to give you.
I have the newspaper to give you.
I have noticed that you have not been getting alone with your room mate lately.
You got it right. It will take some time to solve.
I am upset with my room mate.
I am not upset with my room mate.
How could you finish that book with 1000 pages?
Once I started it I couldn't put it down.
The book is very interesting.
The book is not very interesting.
I heard that you underwent an operation during the spring break. How are you now?
Thanks for asking. It was difficult in the beginning. But finally I am on my foot again.
I am better now.
I am not better now.
What about sone tennis this weekend?
That would be great. I had been sitting in front of the computer for a long time.
I would like to get some exercise over the weekend.
I wouldn't like to get some exercise over the weekend.
Have you read the article in newspaper about a new wonder drug?
I read an article about medical research being on the verge of a medical breakthough.
An important new medical treatment may be available soon.
An important new medical treatment may not be available soon.
Where were you?
I am sorry. I think I just lost the track of the time.
I am sorry for being late.
I am not sorry for being late.
You cant take the camera inside. You can keep it with me and take it back after the concert.
Please be careful with it. It elongs to my room mate and she will never forgive if something happens to it.
I am concerned about keeping the camera with you.
I am not concerned about keeping the camera with you.
I think you should run for class president.
I am taking six courses now and working on a parttime job and thats about all I can hadle right now.
I am too busy to run for class president.
I am not too busy to run for class president.
It would be great if you could join us for lunch tomorrow.
My bother is going to Chicago tomorrow and I promised to give him a ride to the airport.
I can not accept your invitation.
I can accept your invitation.
My brother sent me some books. But they never came.
Well. you just moved in to a new dormitory. He probably sent them out before he had your new address.
The books were sent to the wrong place.
The books weren't sent to the wrong place.
Excuse me. Do you have the time?
Actually I am not positive. But I think it is past noon.
It is approximately 12'O clock.
It is not approximately 12'O clock.
My dinner looks kind of funny?
Then why can't you call the waiter to order something else.
Dont eat the served dinner.
Eat the served dinner.
Did you pick Mary from the airport?
We circled the airport for 40 hours before her flight arrived.
The flight arrived late.
The flight did not arrive late.
I am not quite happy here. Do you think I should fill in the survey ?
It is people like you whom we can aim to target for improvement.
I am the only one who opted out of the biology field trip. I think walking in a swamp is any fun.
But your classmates will learn something which you dont know.
I think there is a good reason to go to the field trip.
I do not think there is a good reason to go to the field trip.
What are you watching?
Some boring comedy show. But the channel says news will be on in a few minutes.
I am waiting for the news to come.
I am not waiting for the news to come.
Do you have copy of the course outline with you?
I dont have any with me. But I have a few in the office.
You can pick the copy from the office.
You can't pick the copy from the office.
How was Johnson's presentation?
The topic he has chosen last time was much more interesting.
The presentation was not very interesting.
The presentation was very interesting.
Do you mean the girl by the fire?
The girl with a torch.
Is your work exciting?
it is important.
Could I have some money, to buy a new belt?
I know you want one.
Do you know where the bus stop is?
Actually I am pretty new to this area.
Did you hear, the weather report says we are going to get atleast a foot of snow tomorrow.
I cannot wait to go outside and play in it.
I am pleased about the weather report.
I am not pleased about the weather report.
Growing up we never had a TV. So even now I am not used to watching it much.
Well it is something like reading. Some thing are really good and some others are a real wate of time. You will have to pick and choose.
It is important to select television programs carefully.
It is not important to select television programs carefully.
Do you love eating that?
It is one of my favourite meals.
I love this hat. And look, it is for sale?
But it does not look much for you.
It does not suit you.
It suits you.
That shirt looks cool. You must have bought it on a vacation.
You are really close. My sister bought it for me.
It was purchased during a trip.
It wasn't purchased during a trip.
So your company is not moving to the westcoast after all.
I have been looking for other employment opportunities here anyway.
I hope to keep working where I live now.
I do not hope to keep working where I live now.
We have got an hour before the next class. Would you like to get something to eat here?
I can join you for a quick sandwich . But I need to run some errand afterwards.
I can stay only for a short while.
I can't stay only for a short while.
When is the grabage pickup here?
It is on Wednesdays. But I always put the cans on Tuesday night. So I dont miss the trucks in the morning.
Put the garbage out the night before pickup.
do not put the garbage out the night before pickup.
Why did not you take the introductory maths course? I thought it is mandatory.
I have taken a similar course in the highschool. They said it is enough.
The introductory maths course is not mandatory.
The introductory maths course is mandatory.
Excuse me. Where is the nearest payphone.
The nearest one is in the library. But it would have closed by now. The next nearest one is in the students centre.
Use the payphone in the students centre.
do not use the payphone in the students centre.
Heard that everyone should bring some food item to the picnic. I am planning to bring salad. Any idea how many people are there?
Dont need to worry. That has already been taken care of.
You dont have to bring any food item.
You have to bring any food item.
I am still not sue about which tie to wear to the interview. How about this red one?
May be you should consider wearing a different one.
I dont recommend the red tie.
I recommend the red tie.
Do you know anyone who can take care of my cat this weekend?
My sister loves animals and she lives a couple of blocks away from here.
You can ask my sister to take care of your cat.
You can't ask my sister to take care of your cat.
How is the new poster at the cafeteria?
The poster it good. But it does not suit the colours of the cafeteria.
The poster looks bad in the cafeteria.
The poster doesn't look bad in the cafeteria.
Where is the report?
It was coming alone but the computer is not working.
The report can be finished only after fixing the computer.
The report can't be finished only after fixing the computer.
Look. We are almost out of gas. We better stop at the next gas station.
If we stop now we would be late for the class.
It is not a suitable time to go to the gas station.
It is a suitable time to go to the gas station.
Do you sell calculators?
We are all sold out. We wont probably have any more in for a few weeks.
Yes. But we dont have any calculators to sell now.
Yes. But we do notnt have any calculators to sell now.
Can you sit with me to have a look at these outlines?
I am tied up at this moment.
No. I am busy now.
No. I am not busy now.
Are you taking another class. I thought you already have a degree in computer science.
Yes I do have. But the technology is changing and this is the best way to keep updated.
I am attending the class to update my skill.
I am not attending the class to update my skill.
Should I water your plants while you are away?
Thanks for the offer. But Mark already said that he will have an eye on them.
No. I have already arranged the plant care.
No. I haven't already arranged the plant care.
I should not have taken the biology course. The professor keeps on giving reading assignments.
That is what everyone says at forst. But the reading load will get lighter gradually. And you wont be sorry.
You will begin to appreciate the biology course.
You won't begin to appreciate the biology course.
I feel aweful.
Maybe you should try slowing down a little.
You would feel better if you get some rest.
You wouldn't feel better if you get some rest.
Are we still going for ice skating after work?
Ice skate, oh shoes, I thought I left something at home when I came here this morning.
I forgot to take the shoes.
I do not forget to take the shoes.
I an weeding out some old clothes from my Cupboard.
Why dont you put them in a bag for charity?
Make a donation of your old clothes.
do not make a donation of your old clothes.
Do you think you could lend me a few dollars until tomorrow? I left my wallet at home and I dont have enough money for lunch.
Why dont you just let me treat you?
I would like to pay for your lunch.
I wouldn't like to pay for your lunch.
Are you going to keep your part time job the next semest at the biology laboratory?
One semester as lab assistant is enough.
No. I am tired of the lab assistant job.
No. I am not tired of the lab assistant job.
How about getting your father a book on tape for a present?
He spends a lot of the time driving. He could listen to them on the way to work.
My father would fing book on tape convenient.
My father wouldn't fing book on tape convenient.
Are you coming with me to the exhibition today?
I made plans with Susan to go to the exhibition tomorrow afternoon.
Did you see my biology notebook. I am pretty sure I kept it at the desk and now I am not able to find them.
Did you try checking your book bag.
The books may be in your bag.
The books may not be in your bag.
This weather is unbelievable. I cant remember the last time we had such a warm winter. Is n't it great?
Not if you like to skii. Is n' t it?
I have not been able to skii much this winter.
I have been able to skii much this winter.
Can you give me the directions you gave last time?
Just forget that. Take me a pencil and paper.
I will give you new directions.
I won't give you new directions.
What do you make of this deans letter on late registration.
I could not make heads or tails of it myself.
I could not undersatnad the dean's letter.
I could undersatnad the dean's letter.
Do you think we should make a reservation at the restaurant?
That is a place which gets crowded only on weekends.
No. The restaurant won't be crowded.
No. The restaurant Nonen't be crowded.
I am disappointed to know that I will have to take a couple of courses before I can take my favourite history course.
You may get special permission from the professor.
Ask the professor to get special permission.
do not ask the professor to get special permission.
Losing the championship would have been a big disappointment for the basketball team.
They really played their hearts out.
They played well.
They did not play well.
Does he have problems with his acconting project?
He has been struggling with that from day one.
What do you say about a walk around green lake?
I have got to go to the computer lab.
I would like to go for a walk another time.
I wouldn't like to go for a walk another time.
You could join to help at the activity centre.
I dont have that much extra time.
No. I won't get time to help at the activity centre.
No. I Nonen't get time to help at the activity centre.
Can I put some music on? It helps me to relax while I am studying.
I am having a hard time concentrating on this chapter as it is.
No. The music with bother me.
No. The music with do not bother me.
I am hundred percentage sure that the company where I am interning would hire me?
There is a campus placement workshop next week. Many people got job through that. I think it would be good just in case.
Attend the campus placement interview.
do not attend the campus placement interview.
I washed this sweater according to the instructions in the label. Look what happened.
It may be a manufacture defect. We will get it exchanged.
I think the manufacturer would replace it.
I do not think the manufacturer would replace it.
I wonder if you would like to join my parents and me for dinner friday night?
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I accept your invitation.
I do not accept your invitation.
Can we sit together to clear some doubts about the history notes?
I have a report to make for tomorrow's class and I am running behind.
I am busy right now. We can clear the doubts sometime later.
I am not busy right now. We can clear the doubts sometime later.
Are you going to spend your vacation in New York this year?
Actually I have a different destination in mind.
No. I am planning to travel somewhere other than New York.
No. I am not planning to travel somewhere other than New York.
I cant believe how much similar you both look. Are you related?
People are always assuming that we are related.
No. We are not relatives.
No. We are relatives.
I was in line two hours today waiting to drop a class.
When I found that the line is snaking around the building I said No, I will come tomorrow.
I also wanted to drop a class.
I also did not want to drop a class.
Could you take a look at my printer. It does not seem to be working.
I can, after I set up this new one.
I can't help you right away.
I can help you right away.
Did you bring your blue and yellow sweater for me to wear to the game today? You know I like to wear school colours at the games.
Oh! I knew I forgot something at home.
The doctor said I have to cut down all the fatty food. All that I like.
So that explains your mood.
I understand why you seem unhappy.
I do not understand why you seem unhappy.
I bought the wrong math book. Here is the receipt. Can I get my money back?
Not after ten days. But you can exchange something for it.
No. It is too late to get a refund.
No. It is not too late to get a refund.
I am sorry bob, I would have invited you to have lunch with us. But we were in the middle of working on a math problem.
Oh! I understand. Anyway I could tell that you were working.
I did not expect to have lunch with you.
I expected to have lunch with you.
I prepared a speech for the election. I was wondering if you you wouldn't mind looking it over?
Hey! What are friends for?
Sure. I shall read the speech.
Sure. I None read the speech.
Are you planning for a trip to Florida this summer. It is only three hundred dollars.
Three hundred dollars. Do you think I just inherited a fortune?
I can't afford to spend that much.
I can afford to spend that much.
My watch got stuck again and I got a new battery.
Why dont you take it to smith Jewels. They can check it for you and they are pretty reasonable.
The jewellery store can probably repair your watch.
The jewellery store can't probably repair your watch.
We are planning to change the meeting from Monday to Tuesday.
It is all the same for me.
I am available either day.
I am not available either day.
We are planning to go to the beach after the class. Do you want to come?
I love to. But professor John wants to speak with me.
I can't come.
I can come.
Janet is worries about her grades.
But she is getting As ansd Bs. is not she?
Janet should not worry about her grades.
Janet should worry about her grades.
You look great after taking the exercise classes.
I never felt better in my life.
The excercise classes have improved my health.
The excercise classes haven't improved my health.
I had a hard time getting through this novel.
I know how you feel. It is hard to remember the names of 35 characters.
I also found the book to be difficult.
I also found the book to None difficult.
That is a long line. Do you think there would be any tickets left?
I got it. Lets now wind up and go to the second show.
We would go to a later show.
We wouldn't go to a later show.
Wonderful. You won the scolarship. Can you believe it?
It almost too good to be true.
No. I am surprised that I got the scholarship.
No. I am not surprised that I got the scholarship.
Why dont you wear that yellow shirt your sister gave you?
I love that shirt. But it is missing comprtments.
I can't wear it right now.
I can wear it right now.
Our football team did not play very well.
But atleast you won the game.
Your team won despite poor play.
Your team did not win despite poor play.
My doctor said I need to undergo a surgey to correct my injured knee.
Maybe you need a second opinion.
Ask another doctor about the problem.
do not ask another doctor about the problem.
I like to read a mistery novel in my break time.
I like nonfiction.
I do not read the same kinds of books as you.
I read the same kinds of books as you.
It is not going to snow again tomorrow. Is it? It was supposed to be warm all week.
If you go by the forcast that I have heard you would need to put your gloves and thermals the whole week.
The weather will continue to be cold.
The weather won't continue to be cold.
I dont know how it happens. But I have got two appointments during lunch tomorrow.
Why do not you make one a breakfast appointment.
Reschedule one appointment.
do not reschedule one appointment.