The Family Guy is a Good Sitcom !
It took me a long while to get into the Family Guy but I like it now . I love Alex Borstein ( better known for her roles on Mad-TV ) as the voice of the mother and Mila Kunis as the voice of the daughter . I don't understand why Stewie has a British accent and acts older than he actually is on the show but it makes for an interesting change . Like when Stewie was believed to be possessed by the devil when his parents joined a right wing church , they move to Texas where Stewie is now a girl and appears in a girls ' beauty pageant . I like the fact that the best sitcoms today are animated because there is not so much political factors involved . You can easily replace the voices than the actors maybe that's why sitcoms are becoming more animated .
A Great Film for Adult and Kids !
I was a bit surprised that the film was not entirely animated . No , I did not read the book . The boy actor is fine here as is Joanna Lumley OBE and Miriam Margolyes OBE as his despicable aunts , Spiker and Sponge , who get custody of him as a child . They really are deliciously evil in their roles and they look like they are having a ball at it too . I thought the story was quite interesting with the animation and live action . The film is good for both adults and children as well as family can view it together . I thought the costumes of Spike and Sponge were hilarious . You could not tell that Spiker also plays half of Absolutely fabulous from this role . The make-up , the costumes , and visual effects are worth watching and it's good to watch this film .
Love him or hate him or both , he's great !
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations is a rare show that combines both traveling and restaurants which happen to be two of my favorite things . This travel channel show goes all over the map literally judging by the locations listed here . He was recently in Chicago . Since Bourdain is bred New Yorker but raised in urban Jersey , he doesn't put Chicago down at all . He always praises locations like Chicago . For example , he goes to China and claims that he could spend an eternity trying to show the various , unique cooking styles of the Chinese . He was quite complimentary and enjoyed his visit in China just as he does everywhere . He meets with friends and goes to the off the tourist track to find the restaurants where there are usually local charms . You won't find them to have valet parking or formal attire . Anthony shows the culture and the cuisine in his travels whether it's Jersey , New York , Chicago , China , or elsewhere . I have enjoyed watching him and his friends chow down on a variety of foods .
One of Vanessa Redgrave's best performances !
Vanessa Redgrave who should be awarded Dame Commander of the British Empire if it was up to me but she declined damehood in 1999 and even regrets accepting the C . B . E . in 1967 . She gives one of her best and memorable performances as the legendary dancer , Isadora Duncan . It is a long and memorable movie . THe best lover in my opinion is the foreign piano lover who is described first by Isadora as " hideous and revolting . " When they finally share a carriage ride , she begins to recognize his inner beauty of another artist . Isadora's life is also tragic with the loss of her two children in a dreadful car accident . This film is really Vanessa Redgrave's vehicle . She drives smoothly from beginning to end . American actress , Cynthia Harris , does a good job in a featured role in this film . So does Jason Robards and others who bring the life to this wonderful creature .
Loved this movie !
This was one collaboration that drew attention . Lesbian film director Dorothy Arzner and film actress Katharine Hepburn . For God sakes , both women wore pants in town when it was seen as scandalous . Anyway , the legendary Kate plays a female aviator much like Amelia Earhart who falls in love with a married man known as Christopher Strong or Sir since he is titled . I loved the old black and white films especially since I think they provide so much more than today's films . Anyway , Kate's character and Strong have an affair . I love the scene where she wears that silly costume . Kate's role as the other woman could have been scandalous back then if it wasn't so obvious to the Strong family . Billie Burke better known as Glinda , the good witch in the Wizard of Oz , plays Lady Strong . I loved Katharine Hepburn and I think a lot of people did whether they were colleagues , friends , relatives , or whatever . I think she would become the other woman in the Spencer Tracy relationship in reality . Oh well , the film is worth watching if just for that costume .
Hollywood's Jane Eyre !
The elder Jane Eyre is played by Oscar Winner , Joan Fontaine . She is quite brilliant as the governess who grew abused by relatives and later abused at Lowood Institution for Orphaned girls like herself . She was rebellion who would spend ten painful years under the dictatorship of Brocklehurst . She had wonderful thoughts of school only to be dismayed by the obvious abusive nature of the headmaster . Jane was the rebellious girl . The young actress who plays does a great job . The cast includes Orson Welles as Edward Rochester , the lord of the Thornfield estate , Sara Allgood as housekeeper Bessie with her abusive aunt Mrs . Reed played by the wonderful Agnes Moorhead . I believe there was a young Elizabeth Taylor playing Helen , Jane's only best friend at Lowood who helped make the horrid conditions less horrid . Jane Eyre's early years were painful enough and she would grow up to become eligible to teach at the very institution that she spent ten horrible long years in pain and misery . Welles and Fontaine are memorable as Rochester and Jane .
A Christmas to Remember !
When a relative sends something to remind Mama Harper about Christmases of the past , the Harpers weren't expecting an actual living goose as the Christmas meal named something . I know it was a male name . The problem is that the family grows attached to the pet goose except for Mama who must do the unthinkable and just when you think you know Mama Harper . You're wrong and the Christmas Meal isn't what the family was expecting neither nor they were expecting a goose . I would have liked to have seen Aunt Effie played by the wonderful Dorothy Van make a guest appearance . She should have been a regular in this series . The episode was surprisingly aired after the Christmas holidays and the show was winding down and needed some ideas . The goose was quite a surprise and I just trying to remember his name . It was Langley ? Wasn't it ? I don't remember . I just know that I couldn't do it .
Dame Maggie Smith Rules this Film !
Dame Maggie Smith plays a successful British author who travels on train with a group of unsuspecting passengers . She befriends a young girl named Aimee . I love Maggie Smith and her performance was one of her best roles in years . She plays a classy , elegant author who lives very well in Umbria . Tragedy occurs when the train explodes leaving her , Timothy Spall , Chris Cooper , Aimee , and an older gentleman besides herself as survivors . She decides to bring them to her home in Umbria , Italy where she gets to know them . Sadly , Aimee's life is not all what it seems . One of the younger men loses his love and another man has a secret . They all have secrets but the movie is based on William Trevor's novella who is one of Britain's best known authors . Anyway , the filming , the art direction , and the acting is pretty decent considering the script is a bit weak .
Welcome back !
In Plain Sight is now common among the new cable and even network . They have shortened their season from the usual 22 to 13 episodes . The down side is the longer the wait makes you want to look elsewhere . Mary Shannon and her partner , Marshall , are back in tow . They work well as a team . If Mary Shannon didn't look attractive , would the men tolerate her as much ? Probably not , she's tough and you have to be working in a man's world with men mostly . At home , she is really the masculine authority in her household with her mother , Jinx , played well by Lesley Ann Warren and her troublesome sister , Brandi . No wonder , she prefers her job that allows her to get away with such impossible behavior . Now if I had acted that way , I would be fired immediately but I don't . As a woman , I have to conform and worry that inappropriate behavior won't get me fired especially now . I see Mary McCormack's face everywhere from the train to New York City , the posters on the wall , and the New York Times . I like Mary McCormack and always have . I wish her well in her success and know that it won't go to her head . Despite that she plays a tough talking government agent , she remains feminine in nature with her emotions . She had a tough season last year at home and at work . I'm not one for cop shows anymore . There too many of them and they are all beginning to look alike after awhile . In Plain Sight is a little different because of Mary's tough character who shows she's boss . That's every woman's fantasy in a way in a men's world . She doesn't take being mistreated . For women , it's an hour to escape and allow ourselves to live vicariously through her .
And a must see
To those who have not followed the Anne Marie Fahey Murder case . You are missing out one of the saddest yet complicated murder of all . The murderer is popular Delaware attorney , Tom Capano and the victim is the Delaware Governor's Scheduling Secretary , Anne Marie Fahey . Their relationship was a well-kept secret until her disappearance and murder . She wanted to leave him but he just wouldn't let her go so easily . On the other hand , he had a mistress and a wife and four daughters . Where did he find the time to have two mistresses and a domestic family life ? Besides , the case is extremely complicated and fascinating for a four hour mini series . While the actress who plays Ms . Fahey does a fine job , she does not have her dark long hair . His other mistress is definitely more attractive than the actual woman . Mark Harmon is better looking and does an Emmy award winning performance as Tom Capano . It would be better with actual Delaware and Philadelphia locations . With Ann Rule's executive producing , she adds accuracy to Anne Marie's characteristic of organization and her personal battle with an eating disorder . These bits of information might be overlooked by any other executive producer or director . If you have not read the book , it is well worth it . Ann Rule is a fascinating storyteller of true crime . It is ironic that Mark Harmon plays Tom Capano . He also played Ann Rule's former friend and subject , Ted Bundy in an another book adaptation many years ago . He was brilliant then and now . He does an above average job with an amazing story . Even President CLinton offered his assistance in the Anne Marie Fahey case . And now , the former Governor Tom Carper is now the United States Senator for Delaware who defeated longtime , popular incumbent Senator Richard Roth in the November 2000 election . IF you don't think the movie is interesting , then the read Rule's book .
Not so Perfect !
Okay , the premise is that Deputy Mayor Laura Fitzgerald played by the wonderful Gwen Taylor ( who should be honored by the Queen ) and the town mayor played by the wonderful Rudolph Walker OBE decide that Flatby should secede from the United Kingdom and form their own country . The plot sounds a ludicrous and silly but the show's writers and cast make the show worthwhile to watch . It's filmed on location in Essex , England and casting Taylor and Walker in key roles like Laura and Winston help enhance the show's appeal . There is no such thing as a perfect state and all governments ( big or small ) learn that in the deadly game of politics . There are absurdities like the Flatby tours and souvenirs of the city who wants to be different from other cities . It's still fun to watch pros like Taylor and Walker .
Makes you want to pack up and move to Hawaii ?
Magnum P . I . is about the closest thing I have in connection with Hawaii . I recall a couple who left New Jersey in 1995 with a dream to live in Honolulu , Hawaii . I'm sure Hawaii is a paradise to visit but they have problems just like everywhere else . It is an expensive place to live so is where I live , New Jersey . This show is escapism and a combination of intelligence and brotherhood . Tom Magnum played wonderfully by Tom Selleck who has since moved back to Southern California and created his own paradise by having a ranch with wife and daughter beside him . Besides the rumors of his sexual orientation are just that unproven rumors . ANyway , he's a gun-toting Republican so everybody's off base . Had Magnum P . I . settled down with any woman in particular , I think it would have spoiled the dynamic of the show . There was a great sense of brotherhood among the cast members who are all male , John Hillerman who played the butler or owner whatever you want to believe about this true identity was always a great joy to watch . Funny , he's not British but from Texas . Larry Manetti and Roger E . Mosley played the bar owner and helicopter pilot and friend to Magnum . They knew each other from Vietnam which deepens their relationship with each other in a platonic way . Yes , there were girls and only British resident Agatha was a regular but that was the point . If Tom had settled down during the show , the show would have been over . Anyway , this series was a great and I despise when Hollywood takes a good series and recasts with them anybody less than the original . Tom can still play Magnum and the rest of the cast can still come back . DUring the final season of the show , Tom threw the best wrap parties , gave raises to the cast and crew , and expensive gifts from his bonus for staying one year .
A Superior but Flawed ARtistic Film !
Andy Garcia gives an award winning performance as Italian Jewish artist , Amedeo Modigliani , in this film about his tragic life . He was madly in love with a French Catholic woman , Jeanne , whose father made it impossible for them to be together . Regardless , Jeanne would sacrifice custody of their own daughter in order to be with him . She just couldn't live without him . The supporting cast is quite good with Miriam Margolyes OBE playing Gertrude Stein ( where was Alice B . Toklas ? ) in this film . The film was filmed on location in Paris . Pablo Picasso , Jean Cocteau and other famed artists of that period were also portrayed but my main problem with this film was the lack of clarity in this film . It's a worthy effort but it could have done a little better .
Odd Title but entertaining !
I agree it's entertaining . Peter Falk as Columbo is always entertaining and even in this one . It's an odd title though from his others . Don't miss Jamie Lee Curtis as the uptight waitress and the great British actress , Samantha ( I forget her last name ) as the unhappy spending wife of the prime suspect . It takes place at a club house for the geniuses of SOuthern California and the prime suspect is a genius who kills his partner genius rather than lose his fortune . Of course , the smarter the prime suspect in Columbos , the harder it is catch them or at least we think so . Anyway , Columbo does his best job to make sure he catches his man or woman . Of course , this episode is not one of my personal favorites but it's always worth watching again .
A genius of an episode !
I guess Columbo episodes were getting harder to contrive . Again , this episode deals with food . Louis Jourdan has the prime suspect role as a popular chef of a cooking show . Peter Falk's real life wife Shera Danese plays Jourdan's girlfriend . Jonathan Demme is the director which I didn't know . Some of America's great directors like Jonathan Demme has directed Columbo episodes even Steven Spielberg . This episode is entertaining . I love watching Columbo playing with his chief suspects and the restaurant community . One of the best assets about Columbo is that even though it's mostly set in Los Angeles , California . There is always a mix of people involved whether celebrities , restaurant , authors , and other kinds of people . We see another side of Los Angeles that we don't often get to see . We just assume of Hollywood . There is more to Los Angeles than Hollywood and COlumbo shows us that .
Good but not as good as the first !
I loved the Airplane movie and am glad that there was sequel . While this film is not as good as the original , it still holds up to the similar cast of characters . Rather than flying to an airport , the flight is headed to the moon . In this instance , Hays and Hagerty are back again . Then there is a trial from the previous flight . In this sequel , we reunite with Lloyd Bridges , Stephen Stucker who played Johnny , William Shatner as the man on the moon running the place like Captain Kirk . The film is worthy enough but not as nearly funny or brilliant as it's original but it's always worth to watch the cast again . We miss them after all these years .
The House of Eliot is simply irresistible !
I remember when A & E aired this series on Sunday evenings . Oh how I envied being in London , anyway Stella Gonet and Louise Lombard are both stars of this series as two sisters who operate a fashion business in London , England . A terrific supporting cast like Victoria Alcock , Cathy Murphy , and others help support the leading actresses . Of course , the creators of the show was Dame Eileen Atkins and Jean Marsh better known for Upstairs , Downstairs . Anyway , the story is quite soap opera at times but it is irresistible too . They are true to the time period as possible they can . They opened the doors much like other British series . Sadly , the show only lasted three seasons which is not that unusual in British programming . Unfortunately , a series season ranges from 6-10 episodes a season . Oh my , the British soaps air about four or five times a week .
Still Worth Watching !
Lorraine Hansberry's play is forever being produced whether on stage in it's original drama or in a musical . A Raisin in the Sun is a theatrical classic . It stars Sean Combs in the leading male role that Sidney Poitier immortalized in the film with Ruby Dee . In this version , Phylicia Rashad plays the family matriarch and Audra McDonald plays Ruby Dee's character . Those two performances are stellar and they both won Tony Awards for their performances on Broadway . The television film version is equally worth watching but it's too long at times . John Stamos plays the man who wants them not to move into their neighborhood . The film version is for today's audiences but it's too long despite it being faithful to the original .
An okay movie of the week !
Linda Lavin gives an exceptional heartwarming performance in a typical television Holocaust film of the week . Her Lena is portrayed admirably by Ms . Lavin . The children were well-acted and performed also admirably . Since reading the book , I have gained a little knowledge more as to the conditions to postwar Poland . The film itself should be seen and book should be read to gain further understanding about the Holocaust . There is nothing really special about this film except Lavin can do more than play television's Alice . I hope this book and movie can inspire teachers to help students understand the subject a lot better than some other movies or books .
All About Erica !
According to TV Guide , the tribute to the great Ruth Warrick was set for May 13 , 2005 but I only got a lame will reading from this episode . I stopped watching All My Children years ago because it was really the Susan Lucci show . Nowadays , the show is going to the dogs literally . It focuses too much on the young people of Pine Valley . I remember the early eighties when Ruth Warrick and other cast members like Kay Campbell , Louis Edmonds , Julia Barr , David Canary , and Eileen Herlie all had some storyline going now . Those who survive are destined to be placed in the background like Michael Knight . The show is only a shell of what it used to be . I sent several letters and applications for Eileen Herlie to get a British National Honor like Dame but I would have settled for the typical M . B . E . ( Member of the Order of the British Empire ) . I sent several envelopes to cast members with an application inside . I never heard from one cast member or anybody interested in honoring Eileen Herlie from her native country . It angers me because I know from the past that somebody in their eighties like her and Ruth Warrick don't have much time left . I even sent the same applications to soap publications . Still no response from anybody . Does anybody care about somebody like Eileen Herlie ? Before Anna Lee , I made several attempts to get another honor from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth but it failed because I didn't do it sooner than later . Eileen should have an M . B . E . like Anna Lee who was awarded in 1982 . Eileen has been on just as long as some of the recipients from Coronation Street . Still , I wanted to see Ruth's tribute but for some reason , I didn't . Maybe I wasn't supposed too , maybe this is why I am writing this piece . I will never say the writing was ever excellent . It never held the same appeal as Douglas Marland or William J . Bell's story lines . The acting has always been either wonderful comedic and truly over the top . Still I hope All My Children fans will remember what it was like for those characters like Phoebe Wallingford , Myrtle Fargate , and others that you don't have to be young to have appeal . You have to depth and that comes from years of experience .
Steele steals the scenes !
The casting of Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele , private investigator , and Stephanie Zimbalist as Laura Holt , the private investigator who conjured up the name in order to get her business moving . After all , a woman private investigator did not fare well in the world . Remington Steele pops up and there is obvious chemistry between the two characters . Steele is charismatic , charming , and seductive while Holt is more straight and lacks a sense of humor at times . There is no question that Steele steals the scenery right out from under her . Anyway , the two cast mates do have chemistry . The addition of Doris Roberts before she was known as Marie Boyle on Everybody Loves Raymond gave her a supporting role . This show was light but not as a feather nor dark or too serious . It had a comedy and drama mixed in together which was why it worked for 5 seasons in the golden age of television .
One Day a Time !
This show was a revolutionary in the women's movement . Bonnie Franklin played red head divorcée and mother of two teenage daughters who moves from Loganport , Indiana to the big city of Indianapolis . Her daughters are played by the wonderful , Valerie Bertinelli , and Mackenzie Phillips . They played Barbara and Julie . Remember Schneider who frequented the apartment as the building handyman . Nan Fabray who played Ann's mother . I loved Richard Masur as Ann's first boyfriend after her divorce . I thought he should have stayed on but it wouldn't work if Ann remarried so soon after the divorce papers were inked . I remember Shelley Fabares on the show as one of her co-workers as well as Mary Louise Wilson as a cocktail waitress neighbor . It was one of the few shows that I could recall was set in Indianapolis . I thought the show was well-written most of the time and the acting was worthy of the Emmys it received . They don't make shows like this . I remember the apartment layout most of all . Despite Phillips ' substance problems , Valerie was truly a star in the making . The show grew and evolved and was well-loved by its audience .
Great Performances by Watros & Roberts !
Eric Roberts ( yes , Julia's brother ) stars in this episode of Fear Itself with Emmy winner Cynthia Watros . They both give excellent performances as people haunted by their past and their connections to each other . Without spoiling the plot , Roberts plays Harry , a private investigator who is hired by Watros character Mary to investigate the house which appears empty at first . This hour is about the supernatural and how a house can possess a life of it's own . I won't spoil the plot but I did enjoy it in part because of Roberts and Watros characters . Roberts ' Harry is quite a well-developed character with a haunted past and skeletons in the closet . Watros ' Mary is equally the same .
A Chilling Wedding Scenario !
A young bride is getting married . She receives a note from the priest via a woman who entered the church before the ceremony . It reads that the person you may be marrying is a serial killer . Despite her doubts , she goes through with the wedding ceremony at the church . Her brother has yet to appear . Her husband's parents died under a cloud of mystery . She begins to wonder why the woman would leave such a horrendous note . Her new husband makes a confession but it is not until the end which we know the truth about the mystery woman , the note , and who it was for . It was kind of great moment but it ended too soon without an explanation as to why it happened . I thought it was chilling and original and the kind of series that I looked forward to seeing again on television . I haven't been than interested in a television show in a long time that kept me up so late in a long time .
A Classic Children's Story Brought to Life !
Fiona Fullerton is better known for her role as Alice in this production of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland . She rises to the occasion but my only complaint is that we always see Alice as a blonde . The cast is first rate which Dame Flora Robson OBE , Peter Sellers CBE , Sir Ralph Richardson CBE , Dudley Moore CBE , and a cast in costumes as caterpillars , mice , rabbits , and Queen of Spades . The film is really for children and adults who love Lewis Carroll's classic tale of Alice in Wonderland . John Barry OBE has provided the musical score for this film production . The film also has superior art direction , costumes , and a whimsical happy mood for it's audience . It is really Fiona who does justice to the role of Alice even in a first rate cast of actors and actresses .
Better without Rob Morrow !
Rob Morrow as the typical uptight Jewish New York City doctor gets relocated to Cicely , Alaska . The show was filmed around Seattle , Washington . While I love the beauty of Alaska , Morrow's role was nauseating , neurotic , and stereotypical . He hates his assignment . It's too far from everywhere , Seattle is the nearest city . What about Vancouver ? That's where they shoot Men in Trees now . Fortunately , the show's stellar supporting cast like Peg Phillips as the general store owner , Ruth Anne Miller was unforgettable , Cynthia Geary , John Corbett became a longtime Seattle resident , John Corbin , Janine Turner , and other cast members loved the locale of their show so much that they based themselves there . Who wouldn't love Seattle and the Snohomish Mountains or Alaska ? Now they can be seen on DVD , season by season . But for several seasons , Monday night was the place to be to curl and watch Northern Exposure .
Penelope Keith CBE OBE is the Queen of British Comedy !
I don't know why the High Sheriff of Surrey Penelope Keith CBE OBE is not considered the reigning queen of British comedy . She has more British comedies to her credit than anybody else that I know . In this show , she plays a minister of parliament better known as MP Jean Price . She gets elected and must battle the other politicians and the men's world that was normally parliament . The show had a brief run on my local PBS station and I haven't seen it since then . It was a good classic comedy with smart writing and brilliant acting with serious topics that concerned the ordinary Britons that she represents . I would want Jean Price as my representative for Parliament or my congressional representative in the United States Congress . She is smart and clever and knows it . She is married and her children are grown . The show should be available on DVD to enjoy for us all over again .
A Classic Dysfunctional Christmas Movie for any family
The Ref is truly a wonderful Christmas movie anyway . Sure , it could have better writing but not a better cast of actors like Glynis Johns , Judy Davis , Kevin Spacey , Christine Baranski , & Denis Leary . IF you want a dysfunctional Christmas movie , the Ref is pretty good entertainment . Denis'character gets stuck taking a constantly arguing couple hostage . When they get to their home , he pretends to be their marriage counselor . The laughs get only better with Glynis Johns ' Grandmother Rose as a female version of scrooge . I nominated Glynis Johns for a United Kingdom National Honour as Office of the British Empire . Glynis should have been given damehood by now and she is in her eighties so time is running out for the wonderful lady . She really does a superb job in her role as family matriarch . She is quite a match against Denis Leary .
Classic Hitchcock !
Dame Mae Witty gives a memorable performance as the old woman who goes missing . The rest of the cast is great with Margaret Lockwood as the woman she befriends on the train . Sir Michael Redgrave also is wonderful as the obvious love interest of Lockwood . The film is truly filled with Hitchcock's stamp all over it . He takes a simple story and makes us not only intriguing but entertaining as well . They remade the film again in 1978 more than 40 years after this film debuted in British cinema . This classic film should not be mixed up with that one . I enjoyed this film . It had its humorous moments . I think this film is really wonderful to watch without being too much . Nowadays filmmakers can take note by Hitchcock's genius and talent . You do not need grand special effects today to create a memorable film but great actors and decent writing . This film is a great film about a good old fashioned mystery without deterring the audience . This film is good old fashioned movie making at its best .
Who spoiled the roses ?
Mama Harper would love to win the Crystal Thorn Rose Award given by the local horticultural society in town . The roses in this episode have names by dainty Bess and something else . Mama Harper gets help and advice from the dozen time winner of the Crystal Thorn Award , May June Beasley , who is banned from ever competing . May June was quite a surprise guest appearance and I can still remember how she says that she waters her roses at sunrise and sunset and Mama's reaction to her rules of roses . When Iola's rose turned out to be a dainty Bess who she thinks is ruined by Thelma's roses , she doesn't want the flower anymore . When May June praises it as a winner , Thelma claims it as the Princess Thelma . While they are arguing over roses , Vinton and Naomi are having a marital spat and Bubba has a solution which solves all their problems .
Hey Hey , What's Happening ?
I have to say that I grew up on these reruns . I was surprised to see and remember how much I enjoyed the show during the recent TV Land marathon . The show was still groundbreaking too . I never understood why Mabel King who played Mama so beautifully left . I still remember Rerun , Dwayne , Raj , Dee , and Shirley as a happy group of people in working class Los Angeles , California . I'm not black but I can relate to the financial struggles that they held despite maintaining a happy suburban life . They provided many memorable moments for me over the weekend . It was nice to see Irene Cara in a guest appearance and Alice Ghostley and others too many to mention . The sitcom was probably criticized in its day but today , I can see it as a brilliant piece of realistic comedy touching on subjects tactfully and carefully like teenage pregnancy , marriage , divorce , single-parent home and of course , financial problems like all families share . I believe it was the first sitcom in my memory to feature divorce in a positive light rather than negative . Enjoy it !
Don't wreck the Harper house !
Thelma Harper is trying to salvage her family home that has brought many memories , pleasant and unpleasant , as well . While Bubba is researching the town founder James L . Ray , the neighborhood is getting exciting about their selling their homes and purchasing a lovely new home in a new development for a nice amount of money . We get to see Mayor Tutwiler again played by Alan Oppenheimer . While Thelma learns that her home might have a reason to exist after all , she has to stall the demolition crew from destroying her home including riding the wrecking ball . I am surprised that Beverly Archer who plays Iola Boylen wrote the episode and she does a terrific job of it . It is a memorable episode .
Mama conquers homelessness !
Mama Harper acts like the homeless choose their lifestyle in this episode where her grandson , Bubba , and his college friends are all going to protest for helping the homeless in Raytown . Mama Harper doesn't think it's her problem or anything she can do to help those who choose to live on the streets and in the shelters . But that all changes when Mama Harper doesn't have an identification on hand to persuade police officers that she does have a home and isn't one of the homeless . In this educational and effective episode , Mama confronts homelessness by being in a jail cell with a little girl and a woman who is wearing the same exact outfit as Mama herself on that day . She bumps into a surprise of a lifetime when she discovers a relative of hers in the cell with her . There are some funny moments in this episode especially how the police view Mama Harper as the trouble maker .
Don't Tell Fran !
Mama is always complaining about Naomi's two previous divorces before she married into her family . Anyway , Naomi discusses that her first marriage didn't count because they were young and her second husband , Leonard Oates , runs off out of town . In this episode , Leonard Oates returns with two and half million dollars and is now the worm king of Tallahassee , Florida . He is intent on bringing Naomi back with him . She convinces him that she has remarried to a wealthy man . But of course , Leonard has a way of sneaking back into her life one to many times . He tries to buy the family out from under her by giving them asteroids revenge video games from the 1980s . Naomi has to make a decision of whether to leave Raytown with rich Leonard who she could never say no too or stay living with Vint in her mother-in-law's house .
A Superior but Flawed Film Version !
I haven't read Somerset Maugham's novel entitled Theatre which the film was adapted into this film . While the film has a first rate cast , I kept thinking that the role of Julia Lambert could have been equally brilliantly played by Juliet Stevenson CBE who was playing Edie , Julia's long-time personal assistant . Miriam Margolyes OBE again plays a lesbian producer in this film who loves Julia almost as much as Julia loves herself . She is constantly followed by her old acting teacher played by Sir Michael Gambon . The film is about Julia who needs to find herself again . She finds love in a younger lover and wanted to consummate with an old friend who kindly tells her that he's playing for the other side . Jeremy Irons plays her husband and producer . The couple are quite a complement to each other . Julia retreats to visit her mother played by the divine Rosemary Harris and her Aunt Carrie played by Rita Tushingham . But still , Annette Bening does a superb job in making you feel for Julia Lambert .
the funniest British comedy of the 1990s
Brittas Empire is one of the funniest British comedies . My biggest regret is the relationship between Gordon and Laura , their unresolved feelings and mutual attraction . I would love for them to bring the show to America after Whitbury Leisure Center burns down . Gordon , Helen , Carol , and the children arrive in Los Angeles to run a run down hotel in Los Angeles , Brittas Hotel . In L . A . , they run into newly divorced Laura and her son . Imagine Brittas running an American Los Angeles hotel which is one step away from condemnation . Now , imagine Brittas Hotel as a potential sitcom , the laughs would be endless and it would be a hit . Most people don't get the brilliance of such humor . I loved the cast members like Gavin , Tim , Colin , his disrespectful secretary that I understand more and more . The show always made you laugh enough till you cried . I can't wait for the DVD to be shown in America .
Thanks a Heap !
In this episode , there is the friendly burglar who cleans up after himself when he's done at the house . He always leaves a message written on the wall like " thanks a heap . " In this episode , Mama visits Vint at the store to get new keys made because of all the burglaries in town . When they get burgled themselves , Mama begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together with help from Iola . They call each other Cagney and Lacey . It's cute , funny , and better than other episodes . I won't spoil who did it or why but it's funny since Vint gets blamed for all the crimes as the friendly burglar . Mama thinks it's the guy who was mean and tough on her in line for her keys while Iola has a different perspective of who it is when she offers her opinion .
It's time to pull the plug !
At first , I was thrilled to have watched Law & Order with it's sharp , sophisticated writing and it's New York City backdrop . But it's been 18 years since it's preview , I think now is the time to end the show . I can see stories repeating themselves with a different cast and a different circumstance . Law & Order like other shows have the run it's course at least 8 years ago . I am grateful that they hire some of New York City's actors and actresses along with it's cast and crew . But sadly , the show's legacy is that it's been on too long . The first years were great because it was new and fresh and now we are saying goodbye to beloved cast mates . I remember fondly seeing Jerry Orbach and Benjamin Bratt on the East 35th Street in New York City in October 1997 . They were warm , friendly and gracious to us onlookers . They posed for the camera and smiled at us while they were doing their job . It's one of my favorite memories of working in New York City was seeing them even though I was fired from my job that week . Law & Order is focused on the investigation and the trial but the show does it only in 40 minutes . It's not enough time for an actual investigation .
A Talented Cast of Strong Women !
I don't know why some shows get canceled . This show related to one of my co-workers when I worked at the supermarket about an overbearing mother-in-law played by the Oscar winner Eileen Heckart . Her daughters-in-law were played by Broadway professional veterans like Judith Ivey and Harriet Sansom Harris as well as soap veteran actress Charlotte Ross and Beth Broderick . The husbands were rarely shown because it was really a show centered around the relationships between the sisters-in-laws and their mother-in-law . The newest in-law was played by Charlotte Ross . Beth Broderick played the more sensual wife while Judith Ivey's character was Jewish and the oldest of all the Buchanan wives . Harriet Sansom Harris was divine as the snobby wife who is always a show stopper in any performance . Of course there was Eileen Heckart who can make a great entrance and say more with a facial expression than a thousand words .
Get in the Spirit
Mama Harper is upset because her husband's ornament went missing right before Christmas . Vint is scheduled to play Santa Claus at the Ray Mall on Christmas Eve . When he loses his voice , Mama has no other choice but take his role because she fits the costume . With her grandson , Bubba , taking pictures , Mama gets the Christmas spirit especially from all those children sitting on her lap and poor Dorrie who has a sob story . Of course , it's a Christmas episode and watching Mama Harper get in the spirit of Christmas is always memorable especially her playing Santa at the mall . Guest star , Myra Turley , is great and unforgettable as Maynard's impatient mother waiting for Santa Claus .
Mama Tackles Lolly Purdue !
Mama and Iola are tired of doing Lolly Purdue's administrated duties for the Church Ladies League . Lolly who was elected President is wonderfully and memorably played by Marge Redmond . Patrika Dabo is equally wonderful and memorable in her role as a fellow member of the church ladies league . When Mama and Iola decide to impeach Lolly , Mama and IOla invite two of the other members over to Mama's house . They discuss all of Lolly's missed appointments and opportunities but Lolly has a secret about why she does the things she does . I think this episode is quite effective and I won't spoil Lolly's reasons for her behavior but I have to say that she gave an effective performance in her role .
See how Mama handles obscene !
Naomi Harper is doing her best to win as most friendly checker at Food Circus where she works . She might be too friendly to receive such an award . Anyway with the good news , she receives obscene telephone calls asking for her . The family's happiness is short-lived with these interrupting phone calls . She doesn't know would be calling her with such filth . Of course , the family including Mama and Aunt Fran and even Vint criticize her manner of dressing and friendliness like she warranted such vile phone calls . Buzz and Sonja suggest that they record but they get the wrong button and out comes Willie Nelson's On the Road Again . While everybody is blaming Naomi for the phone calls , the caller appears to be turning the same filth on Mama , Aunt Fran , and Vint .
A funny episode !
Mama's Family has turn in a charming episode where Bubba sticks Mama's head on a sexy body and puts it on a poster to place around town for a senior citizens gathering . When she gets there with Iola , the men are old , hot , and sweaty for her attention . They want to do more than just dance with her and the senior women are upset with the poster and Mama's sexuality suggested . When Mama gets a look at the poster , she is shocked to see her head put on somebody else's body . The poster was supposed to encourage men to see that nice , senior women are still out there and available . I liked this episode and it made use of IOla and Bubba as well while Vint and Naomi are expecting their baby in the series . I think they were running out of ideas by this season but I still would watch again and again .
First Rate Cast but silly plot !
I don't get this film and why it's so great according to Siskel and Ebert or other critics . Maybe it's the style of filming that is both experimental and groundbreaking , all I found was that there was so much cursing and swearing and a weak plot . I love the scene where John Travolta dances with Uma Thurman . It's silly but memorable , probably the most memorable scene from the film . I think the film is disappointing because I preferred the spoofs from Saturday Night Live and Mad TV versions . This film is completely about life in Los Angeles . I liked the interaction between the two hit men played by Travolta and Samuel L . Jackson's characters . It seemed to be real . I don't understand the diner experience . I thought it was out of place . I think I have to watch it again and again to finally get it .
The only film version available !
George Orwell may have been a literary genius or a raving lunatic or both . This film version is dreary but so is life in the world of 1984 where everybody is watched , reported , and kept to a standard based on what higher powers think we should be . Winston Smith is an unlikely hero . He hates rats . He is working at making speech and language limited slowly by slowly . He hates his job . He falls in love but it's dangerous in a world where love is frowned upon . War is favored instead of love and hatred is preferred over romance . The world is a miserable existence for those like Winston who seeks to escape his mind from the controls of others . Orwell may have approved of this film version . I don't know because he died before it was even filmed . It's rather the last film and it was dedicated to Richard Burton CBE ( he wasn't knighted ) but should have been . He died after filming this movie . John Hurt CBE is a brilliant under-rated actor . This film version was used by me and many who were to read the novel for school .
Mama has a boyfriend !
When an old friend comes to the Harper house , it turns out that Mama Harper had a possible other suitor in her younger days . William Windom was cast perfectly as the other man . Mama is singing a new tune and gets dressed up for dinner leaving Aunt Fran , Vint and the kids at home . Naomi is not in this episode since she is at a seminar for supermarket cashiers . When Mama and her new boyfriend get to spend a weekend at a cabin like they did when they were younger , she and Woody recalled what separated them apart . Mama and Woody realized the truth about each other . Woody is quite a successful businessman and widower who owned frozen foods and would sell his business to place an investment on something called computers which was still new and fresh at the time .
Mama gets a Communist !
Our American government is trying to make friends with the old tough Soviet Union . In this episode , the government officials request Thelma and her family to spend a day with a communist named Olga who herself is a housekeeper . Karen Hensel who plays Olga , the proud Soviet , does a memorable and fantastic job in her role . At first , Olga is old school in the Soviet traditions . Olga is a professional cleaner and makes Thelma's cleanliness look like pigsty . They lay out the rug for her which she shakes out in front of them . Then she goes into the house and starts cleaning with the vacuum cleaner . She makes sure that the toast doesn't pop up out of the toaster . When Vint suggest that Olga's placed bugs to spy on them , Olga says that " when I clean , no bugs . " Olga lives alone and works as a cleaner . She's happy until the family gives her a make-over and she decides to defect after eating pre wrapped bologna and squeezing ketchup over it to make a sandwich . The Harpers are in trouble when she decides to defect .
Dr . Joyce Brothers pays a visit to Raytown !
Naomi is stressed over the fact that she and Vint's sexual life hasn't been as active as normal . When Dr . Joyce Brothers ' plane broke down and lands in Raytown , she gets to make an unexpected appearance on the Eddie Edwards ' local television show . She answers a phone call from Naomi who uses another name and she gives a fake name to Vint but she is so revealing that everybody in town knows who it is including Mama and even Vint and IOla . After ruining Mama's home life , she and the family go to the Raytown Airport to corner Dr . Joyce Brothers regarding whose to blame for Vint and Naomi's problems . Dr . Joyce Brothers offers suggestions to help their relationship and a book for Thelma . She offers sound unforgettable advice to Thelma about her own sex life .
Mama Wants to Be President !
When Thelma has to give up being President of the Church Ladies League , she decides to run again with Iola's help . In fact , Anne Haney who returns as Alberta Meechum , one of Thelma's nemesis , convinces Iola to run for President against Thelma pinning two best friends against each other . They decide to have a debate in which things get ugly between them not only costing each other an election and a friendship . Thelma and her family support her while Alberta is backing IOla for president . In the end , it turns out politics can get ugly and a friendship should be salvaged instead of permanently ruined by competition and politics . Another guest star is Doris Hess who plays Lally Purdue , one of the Church Ladies League .
Mama gets swindled !
When Mama wants a car , she goes after it with her mad money of about $1 , 000 saved up . She decides to go to a used car dealer played brilliantly by Fred Williard as Willy , the dealer was also a childhood friend of Vint's . He shows Mama , Vint , and Naomi around his used car lot referring his cars as his wayward children . Mama is definite that she wants a natural blue car since a relative had a blue car for years . When she gets the car , she decides to take Aunt Fran , Naomi , Vint , Buzz and Sonja for a ride but it never gets there . She bought a lemon and now wants her money back from Willy the Weasel . After she baked homemade oatmeal raisin cookies which Willy gobbled up so fast , Mama goes back for her money and she's not taking no for an answer .
Here's Your Dime , Spill It ?
Mama Thelma Harper has been accused of being forgetful while Naomi rescues a dog known as Old Lady from the parking lot at Food Circus . Since Mama doesn't care for dogs , Naomi , Vint , Iola , and Bubba pretend that the dog barking doesn't exist . So Mama thinks she's hearing things or going crazy by the sound the dog barking . Unaware of Old Lady's existence , the family now has an answering machine which Iola gave to them . It's funny how they each take turns leaving the message for the recording . The messages about how the Old Lady should be put to sleep or go to a home where she can run around and be sedated have Mama Harper on edge . They think the messages are for her and when food is disappearing from the kitchen table . Mama thinks she's going insane .
One of the better episodes !
Bubba Higgins enters his grandmother into a beauty contests for Grandmothers with Naomi's picture . When they mistake Naomi for a grandmother at the beauty pageant , Mama speaks up and makes a poor claim that her elbow is in the picture . Most of the episode is centered around the pageant episode . There is a lot of tap-dancing with some of the grandmothers . Don't forget Ken Berry is an accomplished tap dancer and choreographer . Of course , Mama has to answer the question that every woman dreads . Despite the contest , this episode is memorable because of the cast and the guest actresses who play other pageant contestants .
Mama Gets into the 1980s !
Mama Harper has a bank card which she has never really used . When Iola mistakenly takes her mail and delivers it after banking hours at the Harper house , Thelma has to go to the bank and deposit her pension check . The machine has a mind of it's own and Mama is losing patience with the machine itself . When the machine breaks down and issues money like crazy , Mama does what anybody would do and take the money home with her . She wonders what she should do with the money . Should she keep it or send it back to the bank who made the mistake in the first place . The episode is really about Mama's conscience and how would you handle the situation if it was you . Of course , bank machines or Automatic Teller Machines are as common now and everywhere that it has become a part of everyday life .
Good Night Beantown !
Boston is a great city but an hour is too short to even show it's highlights . I love Boston but an hour is too short . The story follows the horrific murder of a pregnant wife , Mrs . Stuart . Her husband shot his very pregnant wife and made it look to appear as if it was an incident on the poor side of town . The criminal didn't shoot the husband who was driving the car would have been the likely target in a carjacking and even take the car itself . An hour in Boston is like spending an hour on New York City . It's not enough time to grasp and understand it's rich history . The Stuart murder alone was enough to spend an hour on describing the husband's motives . There was no trial because Charles Stuart committed suicide .
Don't Mess with Sandler !
I am a big Saturday Night Live . It should come as no surprise that I love Adam Sandler and the cast . The rest of the cast includes the zany Lainie Kazan , Rob Schneider , and John Turturro . The cast is first rate about a Mossad Israeli Agent Zohan who longs to bring silky and smooth hair to the world . He secretly keeps a Paul Mitchell book beneath his armed weapons . He fakes his death against the Phantom played by the wonderful Turturro who becomes a national hero . Aside the middle eastern politics , he escapes to America in a dog carriage with Scrappy and Coco . His new name is Scrappy Coco and is from Australia and Nepal . He gets a job at a Palestinian owned hair salon and falls in love with a Palestinian owner , Dahlia , of course . I won't spoil the plot because it's more about Middle Eastern politics . On one side of the street , it's Israeli and the other is Palestinian while the greater enemy of a businessman seeks to develop the area and tries to tear the two groups apart . It's interesting , funny , and if it can only bring peace to the Middle East or a smile , it's worth while .
Thank God for Syndication !
I was devastated when they canceled Mama's Family on network television . About two and half-years later , it resurfaces in Syndication . Of course , there are major changes since Betty White who played snobby Ellen Harper Jackson and Rue McClanahan played Aunt Fran Crowley are no longer with the show . That's because they are on network in Golden Girls . Of course , Frances Crowley is killed off and Ellen is at a bridge game to miss the wedding . Mama Harper and her son , Vinton , and daughter-in-law Naomi remain with them in the house . We don't know about Buzz and Sonia , they are no longer on the show . I would assume the casting downsize might have had to do with the show's new premise . Since the producer Joe Hamilton has divorced Carol Burnett , Eunice is no longer in Raytown . She and Ed have moved to Florida leaving behind their son , Bubba , who is at reformatory school . On the same day as Aunt Fran's funeral , Bubba arrives thinking the food is all for him . Alan Kayser joined the show as Bubba and neighbor and old maid , Iola Boyland , is played by Beverly Archer who is also Mama's best friend . This show is not the show on network but it doesn't matter because I was so glad that Mama and her family came back on the air even in syndication .
Things You Wind Up ? How about Mama Harper ?
The Harper family gets an invitation thanks to Vinton to play on Family Feud with the original host Richard Dawson . Vinton carefully picks each family member for the show . Mama is resistant until it means that if her son wins , that they move out of her house . Vinton picks Mama , Naomi , Ellen , and his son Buzz to play on the game show . They play against a snobby Van Courtlandt family who appear so perfect that Ellen wishes that she was on their team . At first , the Harpers seem to be catching on but Mama Harper has apparently never saw the show to know the rules . You can imagine the ending if you watched the show . I liked the Van Courtlandts like Webster , the father and patriarch , played by Bernard Behrens , the wife Bunny played by television regular Georgeann JOhnson , and the children including Bonnie Urseth who was a regular also on television .
Thelma Fights Back Steaming Mad !
Naomi is taking a self-defense class and gets Aunt Fran and Sonja to join her there on the following night . When Thelma goes to bingo , she gets mugged at the bus stop . Traumatized , she returns home to Vint and Buzz who are making dinner . She calls the police but they are useless . Rather she goes to the self-defense class late and partners up with the best student who happens to be her daughter-in-law . I liked this episode with the women fighting back . It was like one of those special episodes that was popular in the time about women defending themselves . Crime happens even in fictitious Raytown . I love seeing Mama and the old lady at the bus stop after they have shopped at Niedermeyer and Mama says that her mother and her mother's mother all shopped at Niedermeyer's department store .
A Lovable Show !
Laverne and Shirley was one of my personal favorites growing up . Of course , we had reruns and repeats in those days . I loved Laverne and Shirley . They were the underdogs and perfectly suited as roommates and best friends . They were played brilliantly by Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams . Unfortunately , the show never recovered after Cindy Williams left to have her daughter and who could blame her . She was happily married to Bill Hudson , Kate's father , for twenty years with two children . Penny Marshall and the gang did their best to recover but never fully did . The reason and there are many that this show was so popular was the physical antics that Laverne and Shirley got into . I don't know if I preferred Milwaukee or Burbank but the supporting cast was top notch featuring Lenny and Sqiggy who could have had their own show . The delightful Carmine as the aspiring dancer . Elaine Joyce as the beautiful neighbor in Burbank . Betty Garrett and Al Molinaro as the landlady and Mr . Defazio . The show had plenty of it's moments too and great guest stars . It's certainly still a beloved show even in repeats .
Friends indeed !
Finally Iola has a new friend , Arlene Madison , played wonderfully by Mary Pat Gleason in this episode . While Iola has overspent her welcome at the Harper home , Thelma and the gang are relieved that Iola has somebody else to bother for a change . Sadly , Arlene is overwhelmed by Iola's total dedication and devotion to their friendship to the point of obsession . Iola just can't leave Arlene alone for a meal . In this episode , Thelma begins to learn the value of her friendship with Iola when she doesn't have her around anymore . Thelma invites Iola and Arlene over for tea and pastries at her home . When Thelma and Arlene are alone together with Iola out of the room , Arlene begs for Thelma's help in distancing herself from Iola .
For Teens of the 1990s !
I still can't believe that I haven't seen this show since it's cancellation . Corin Nemec was known for his role as Steven Stayner in a made for television film about the Stayner abduction and life . Corin displays his acting ability here to show his range can be comedy . The show only lasted a couple of seasons on Fox when it was innovative , new , and fresh . Now , I crave for shows like Parker Lewis Can't Lose to return again to television . His supporting cast wasn't forgettable neither but it was lightened side of adolescent life . Too bad , it hasn't come out on DVD . I bet it would be a hit all over again . I remember that it didn't have a studio audience which I thought was different from a sitcom standard .
Before there were the real Chefs !
You have to say that Lenny Henry CBE was always worth watching in this series about egotistical British chef of Jamaican descent who is the head chef at Château Anglais which is translated into Château England . The cast of supporting characters don't really hold up to Gareth Blackstock . Henry just steals the show from under them . Anyway his wife is played by a great actress . I loved Lola played by Elizabeth Bennett as the hungry hostess who devours food as well as comments on Blackstock's genius . This show is well written , acted , and directed with an inviting group of supporting players . Blackstock gets his jollies by being cruel , critical , and sometimes mean to his staff long before there was Simon Cowell , Gordon Ramsay , or anybody else . Blackstock seeks utter perfection in creating the finest cuisine to be matched by those listed in Michelin and Cuisine magazines . Sometimes being a genius can make others weary of your presence as if God entered the room . But in Blackstock's kitchen , he's the Godlike presence , demanding , and critical .
Better than ER at the time !
ER was satisfactory but Chicago Hope was superior with mature cast of characters played by a stellar cast of actors and actresses . I loved the relationship between Mandy Patinkin and Adam Arkin . It appeared to be doing fine until Peter MacNichol who played the lawyer Alan Birch left the show and joined Ally MacBeal . Roxanne Hart played a nurse who was married to Arkin's character . Hector Elizondo appeared to be the heart and soul of the show . Christine Lahti later joined the show but the show lost it when cast members like McNichol and Patinkin who chose to leave for other opportunities and spend more time with his family . When ER and Chicago Hope first came on , I have to say that Chicago Hope had a greater edge than it's sister show also set in Chicago but ER seemed more elementary and spent more time dealing with personal relationships . I think Chicago Hope tried to do both very well and it would have had the original cast stayed on board .
Just in time !
This movie was filmed around the time of the Rodney King riots that ripped South Central Los Angeles . Let's face it , the heart and soul of Los Angeles isn't Hollywood . It's the people like in this movie who try to make living , earnestly , honestly , and respectively . Sadly , this film is still realistic to the plight of urban problems . I spent a lot of time in one of the great urban cities of the East Coast and the problems of poverty , the lure of leading drug dealing lives is real and tempting , domestic violence , child abuse , gangs , etc . still exist and will exist much to the attempts of prevention or society ignoring their presence . Anyway , this film is truly about the heart and soul of a city of ten million Angelenos and the father's attempt to save his son from a life of crime , violence , death , and drugs in the city . It's not an easy battle .
Revolutionary if you think about !
Well , Columbo's case this time involves the wife , Cathy Goodland , who prefers other relationships to her lovesick husband . He takes up with a beautiful and attractive woman but only to talk about it . He and his rich uncle played by Ray Milland set up a kidnapping in order to get her attention . Even though there is money involved , Columbo knows something's wrong with his chief suspect who is an avid gardener . Ray Milland gives an excellent performance as the uncle . The rest of the cast appear satisfactory in my opinion . The story could have used more work but it is typical Columbo if you watch it enough times like I have over the years . An open marriage was hardly mentioned in the 1980s much less in the 1970s but it was there . The widow Goodland makes no excuses for her lifestyle . She doesn't have to explain to anybody else about her spending free time with attractive sailors who could be easily bought for the right price but it's all wrapped up in trust funds .
Great cast despite plot shortfalls !
Come on , you have to admit that this film has a good cast with Debra Winger , Robert Redford , Daryl Hannah , and others in supporting roles like Christine Baranski . I like the fact that it was shot in New York City and not on location somewhere . No offense , Toronto or Vancouver but the backdrop does a good job . Remembering a time when the twin towers was still alive and kicking downtown . I liked the combination of Winger and Redford even though they disliked each other on the set according to rumors . Daryl Hannah plays Chelsea who seeks her father's art from crooked businessmen . She does an adequate job and proves that she's not just a pretty face . Daryl always plays shy very well but in this case , Chelsea is not shy at all . She is a bit rebellious and a performance artist with a fascination for fire . She teams up with Winger's character and later with Redford in more ways than can be said to prove her innocence and get justice served .
It Should Have Been Valerie's Oscar !
If the film was done right , Valerie Harper would be an Academy Award Nominee and probably the favorite for her role as Golda Meir , Israel's Prime Minister . She had performed the play with the same title in the National Tour while Tovah Feldshuh played her on Broadway and in New York City . Sadly , this film adaptation is just a taped version of the play itself since there were no changes made to the script . As a writer myself , I understand the writer's reasoning but I think the film would have gone much farther if Valerie Harper had a cast of supporting players and they had allowed her to breathe life in a legendary although controversial female leader . The filming with clips shown and Harper performing Meir alone on screen is not enough to gather an audience . For the theatre , the one woman ninety minute show was appropriate but for the film , the techniques do not do justice in emphasizing Meir's role in the world . While I understand the author's motives , I will respect his right to maintain the play as written but I do believe Harper was robbed of a chance at an Oscar herself for the role .
It was Working until the second season !
I remember watching the first season of Working on network television . The show was funny , satirical , well-written , and structured to become a success . What happened to it after the first season was a shame and an obvious disaster with cast members like Sarah Knowlton who was great as the Yale graduate working as a secretary . It brought much more truth to the working circumstances and environments that we live and work in . I still think the episode in which Fred Savage's character is believed to be gay after bringing an old college friend to his boss ' picnic . When they sing at the piano , you just couldn't help but laugh . I liked the annoying perky secretary and dark , pesimistic colleague too . I missed the funny guy with no work in the second season . I thought the changes were too much . I loved Yvonne Freeman's character as loyal company servant . Too true , it should have stayed as it was . I guess the network wanted to cancel the show so they botched it with terrible decisions and changes . Much like the Working premise itself , they got scared when they saw themselves on television !
One of my personal favorites !
This Columbo episode is one of the better and perhaps one of my personal favorites . The cast includes Rosemary's Baby John Cassavetes as the maestro , his wife played by Blythe Danner ( Gwyneth Paltrow's mom ) and his mother-in-law played by Myrna Loy ( one of America's greatest leading actresses in film of our time ) . Anyway I disagree with anybody who criticizes against this film . This episode is one of my favorites because you have an excellent cast who do a superb job in performing . I love watching Columbo with his beloved dog who he never names in the series . This time , the episode focuses in on classical music at the Hollywood Bowl , one of L . A . ' s attractions . Of course , Columbo becomes as interested in classical music as he does anything else involving a crime .
A satisfactory Columbo !
I can watch Columbo reruns all day . I find Peter Falk's portrayal as Columbo to be one of the best acts on television . There is a tremendous appeal to his character . He is fascinated by the littlest things and he knows who has done it . I wish all homicide detectives are like Columbo . In this one , a wealthy older man is killed to stop the Williamson City project of a small town . His two wives interact with each other more like friends than rivals . It is refreshing to see it happen on television during that time . Goldie , the first wife , still has a complicated relationship with a former husband of 20 + years . " We've been married for 22 years . We had no children . We got to know each other quite well " she tells Columbo . As a Columbo fan , I enjoy all the old episodes but I still watch the new ones . Anyhow , this should satisfy any Columbo fan .
Give Hank a Title Credit Like all The Other Cast Members !
I have to say I admire and love Ron Eldard's performance as Jim Dunbar , the homicide detective who goes blind in a deadly shooting match . He plays him beautifully with such depth and care . Ron Eldard is really an outstanding actor . He brings such charisma , heart , and love to this role . I was impressed with Marisol Nichols as his assigned partner . Women always get the shaft in the working world and are held back particularly in the police field . I was not impressed with Rena Sofer . I think they could have casted somebody better for that role . She does her best with the little lines she had last night . I was impressed and thrilled to see Guiding Light Alumni Frank Grillo played a fellow police detective Marty Russo . He really captures the character . Jim's guide dog Hank deserves to be recognized as an official cast member in the show's credits . Hank is loyal and faithful to Jim no matter what in their relationship . Jim's relationship with Hank is closer than Jim is with his wife who feels out of place in their relationship . I hope this show lasts longer than 13 episodes . I am personally upset that the show is taken place in New York City . Too many crime shows film and take place in New York . It would be nice for a cop show to be filmed elsewhere like Chicago , San Francisco , or Los Angeles . I am grateful for the show's usage of New York City for financial reasons and the opportunities for it's cast and crew . There are just too many shows about cops set in New York City . I can't watch Law & Order anymore and I never watched CSI . I prefer forensic shows like American Justice , City Confidential , and Cold Case Files all on A & E . Blind Justice should be about the relationship of a blind police detective and the people in his life .
Quite a Surprising Show ! It's good ! ! ! !
Okay , Aliens in America is not the greatest show but it is the first show that features the average white American family who invites a foreign exchange student to come and stay with them in America . What they don't know is that he is a Pakistani Muslim . At first , there are some moments where the mother ( played by the under-rated Amy Pietz from Caroline in the City ) who is really good in this role blows the lid when she sees her nerdy son and the student praying to Mecca . She's terrified of him becoming Muslim so she arranges him to go back to Islamabad . When she finds out that he's an orphan , she changes her mind because instead of referring him as that boy . He became a human being to her . The boy's sister has a relationship with an African American student and football player . Despite the low key beginning , I hope people do turn in with an open mind to the show because we need to educate ourselves about others who are different .
A Dark Comedy of Extremes !
This film is one of John Huston's best works before his death . His daughter Angelica Huston was awarded Best Supporting Actress Academy Award defeating Oprah Winfrey and Margaret Avery for the Color Purple . Despite her father , Angelica gives a magnificent memorable performance as Maerose Prizzi , a lover of Charley , played by then real-life lover Jack Nicholson in one of his best film roles . He plays mob assassin and falls in love with Kathleen Turner , not one of my favorite actresses then and now . She turns out to be a killer herself and their next job is to kill each other . Wiliam Hickey earned a Best Supporting Actor nomination for his performance as the Godfather . The film is dark comedy complimenting the Godfather saga . The film earned his eight Academy Award nominations . It has an all-star cast , great writing , and visually stunning scenery set in New York City .
Honeymoon for Three !
Vint and Naomi have never spent a honeymoon together or a night away . When Vint arranges for a night at a motel for both of them to celebrate their first anniversary , Thelma agrees to chaperone a sleepover for Sonja and her friends on the same night . Unfortunately plans changed when Aunt Effie calls in a panic asking for Thelma's help . Thelma takes a ride with Vint and Naomi to Effie's place in Ceciltown while Aunt Fran chaperones the sleepover . When Thelma and Effie have a fight , Thelma heads to the same motel that Vint and Naomi stay at which is also where she and Carl spent their honeymoon night together The place is turned into a pleasure palace with Vint dressed up as a bull and Naomi too . When the inn has no other rooms , they provide a rollaway bed for Mama to spend their romantic night in their room .
Partially Shot in my Hometown !
I remember when this film was being filmed in my hometown which seemed so long ago . Woody Allen and his crew came to my town for a couple of days and shot the diner scenes in South Amboy at this old fashioned diner . Unfortunately , the business was moved to New York but anyway I remember the newspaper that covered it . I never saw the film until years later . I recognized the diner and I remember eating there once . but besides that , the film is quite entertaining about life and wanting to live inside the movies . Jeff Daniels does a superb job in making us believe that a movie character can leave the screen . Of course , we know it's not possible . Mia Farrow does a superb job in the role as Cecilia , the unhappy waitress and wife . The story was well-written but not Woody's genius .
A Great Film for Kids !
Okay , See Spot Run is not an Oscar winning film nor Golden Globe awards . Okay , it's a fine film for kids really and that's the audience out there with parents and grandparents who take their kids and grandkids to the movie theater . See Spot Run is about a guy who gets a dog and kid played fantastically by Angus T . Jones ( he's also on Two and Half Men ) . JOnes is turning into one of the funniest kids that I have seen in a long time . He knows how to work well adults and animals . The film is about a single guy who inherits a stray dog and a kid whose mother is just gorgeous but she goes away leaving her kid with a stranger ( somebody call children services on this mother ) . Anyway , the kid and the dog bond as they do with the single guy . It's silly at times . There are no serious moments , you don't want any in this film . It would ruin the absolute silliness and fun of this movie .
It's cute and sometimes a little much at times !
How would BRidget JOnes write this in her diary about her life ? This film is a cute , comedic unrealistic commentary on women in their thirties like Bridget JOnes played beautifully by Texas American Renee Zellwegger . A role that could have been done by any British actress striving for her big break has been done by one of Hollywood's brightest rising stars . Renee can sure play British and she also plays Beatrix Potter . THe casting choice of her to play this very British role might be shocking but she manages to do this role without being Meryl Streep and being more a talent to watch out for . Bridget's parents are played by the underrated Gemma JOnes and Oscar Winner Jim Broadbent . Colin Firth and Hugh Grant play the men who seek to win Bridget's heart . Firth plays Darcy here and in the 1995 Pride and Prejudice television mini-series and Hugh Grant is famous for playing the lovable loser at love . The film was filmed mostly in London and England . Although you can't stand in any airport for JFK in NEw York City . Any way , the film is a lot of fun to watch and should be shown over the Christmas holiday season .
It's a must for Streep fans !
It may be one of Meryl Streep's most daring performances as a river rider . With Kevin Bacon as a sleazy robber and murderer . He is awfully good at being bad . Overall , the movie is a good thrill ride . It lacks swearing and the violence is minimal too . It's just so predictable but not unbearable . This is a Curtis Hanson film before L . A . Confidential . It's a good film because we see Meryl practice her sign language . Meryl never gives more than 100 percent even in this role as a woman . David Straitharn plays her husband from Boston in this film . He would later get nominated for his role in Good Night and Good Luck . Kevin Bacon is fun to watch as the evil robber and murderer . You will just have to wait and see the ending as predictable as it is . It's still a thrill ride .
An Excellent and Entertaining Civil Action !
Okay , I wasn't too keen on courtroom dramas . I only happened to come across this one by accident . I was really impressed but of course , I always get the end of the drama . The cast is first rate with Oscar nominee John Travolta , Emmy Winner Tony Shaloub as his colleague , Oscar nominee William H . Macy as his financial adviser , Kathy Bates has a tiny role at the very end , Kathleen Quinlan is always dynamic as the bereaved mother seeking justice for the death of her son , Sydney Pollack has a role as Jan's opponent . Jan is Travolta's character who is a Cornell educated attorney who seeks justice rather than reap it's financial rewards . This film came after Erin Brockovich but I think this is the more effective film . The characters and the actors who bring them alive are realistic about a Boston suburb of Woburn who loses 8 children after toxic dumping and hazardous wastes in the local river failed to implicate the true nature of it's affects and actions . You can't help but root for Jan who loses everything financially like his home , his business , and is in credited to debtors and the repose man like anybody else . He does it for justice and not much more .
A Family Film ! A Film of Inspiration !
I am giving this film an 8 because there were some parts that I didn't like especially how Akeelah made it to the top ten in the regional spelling bee and I won't ruin that for people who haven't seen it . First , there is a terrific cast . Keke Palmer plays Akeelah excellently with a power of older mature actors . Her character Akeelah lives in South Los Angeles with her widowed mother played by the wonderful and beautiful Angela Bassett . Akeelah's siblings are a sister who is a teenage mother , a brother who gets in trouble , and another brother who is in the air force . Akeelah is smart and studies words and how to spell them while other kids are getting in trouble . She has a best friend , Georgia , who is turned off by Akeelah's sudden fame . Her school principal is played by the wonderful Curtis Armstrong and her coach is a black college professor played by the wonderful Lawrence Fishburne . It's like the Karate Kid meets the spelling bee . Anyway , the kids who perform in this film as kids are terrific . What bothered me was the storyline and some unbelievable and unrealistic outcomes that is why I gave it an 8 . I watched this film on an airplane . For all it's worth , Akeelah is the kind of film that should have been shown on television than in the movies as a TV movie of the week . It's a great movie for family , students , and anybody who thinks that they need some inspiration .
A Faithful Television Adaptation !
Guests of the Nation is about the British soldiers in Ireland . Frank Converse , a gifted actor , does a superb job in the leading role as Barney Callahan , an Irishman torn between love of country and duty towards it . Oscar Winner Estelle Parsons is almost unrecognizable with a near perfect Irish accent as Kate O'Donnell who treats the British soldiers with respect despite their presence as unwelcome intruders in her country . This Broadway Archives is not necessarily shot inside a studio entirely . They appeared to have filmed elsewhere like in a cemetery probably not Ireland on their budget in the opening segments . The story about the Irish and the British is never told often enough . I found this Broadway Archives theater showcase to be another great example of why we need it again .
An Inside in Baltimore's World !
I have never been to Baltimore but I have done extensive research on the city itself . Anyway , this independent film is named after Baltimore's nickname , Charm City . The reason I picked up this film at Blockbuster because I was curious to see Baltimore as the backdrop . Anyway , the film is about three male characters who are inhabitants of this great American city going through tough times . I have to say what impressed me most about this film was the high quality and that it doesn't look like a studio film more like a reality series but it isn't . There is a story there when you can get through understanding what is being said and the local slang terms . Okay , I don't speak like they do and I never had or will but I did take the time to understand the actors who were playing these roles who took their jobs quite seriously . Okay , these are all unknown actors and actresses . Maybe that's why it seems like a reality series because they seem so real to us . I can't think of seeing them elsewhere . Anyway , I believe Derrick Thomas , the director , editor , and producer , behind this film could be the next John Singleton and Spike Lee . He captures the painful realism and reality of urban living . He depicts hot button topics like AIDS , drugs , and sexuality in urban America . I am surprised that nobody else has reviewed this film here .
Mr . Wizard's World was a Nick gem !
It's too bad that Nickelodeon doesn't show as much Canadian programming as it did in its origins . While Don Herbert was not a native Canadian , he was a science teacher turned television star . This show allowed science to be fun without being intimidating or turned off by boredom of science . Let's face it , I'm not into science or math but I do remember watching this show once in a while particularly early in the morning before I went to school . I don't remember if I ever learned anything but I do remember that it was filmed in Calgary and the experiments . It was probably better than the 1970s show . Don Herbert also known as Mr . Wizard has left us only last year but his legacy is that science doesn't always have to be boring and you can learn something or at least tried too .
The Kid from the Wrong Side of the Tracks Makes It !
Ralph Macchio became a teen idol from this film . He portrays a New Jersey teen who moves with his mom played by Randee Heller to Los Angeles , California for the sun , the beaches , and a new life . Anyway , he is the outsider who falls in love with Elisabeth Shue's character who comes from the right side of the tracks . Ironically Shue is also from New Jersey too while Ralph is from Long Island . Anyway , Ralph's character learns karate by a janitor / karate expert Pat Morita in an Oscar nominated role . Believe me , Pat's nomination was well-deserved even if he didn't win the award . Ralph's character learns to fight and defend himself and become a champion . Of course , the best scenes are with Morita and Macchio's characters bonding over learning techniques that are not traditional by any martial arts standards . It's one of those films that you can't help rooting for in the end .
Why it's still standing ?
Simple , it can be a very entertaining show . Mark Addy who is British plays Chicago Bill Miller . Mark is better known for his performances in The Fully Monty and the British comedy classic , The Thin Blue Line . Mark does a first rate job at making Bill Miller into a blue collar American every man . His co-star Jami Gertz better remembered for her roles in the 1980s films , The Lost Boys , and Sixteen Candles does an equally fantastic job at playing Judy Miller . They were the couple from high school who married and had children . I love watching Sally Struthers play Bill's mom . She's fabulous and under-rated as a performer . She can do more than just play whining Gloria from All in the Family . Anyway the plots don't do the talent justice for the family . It was a surprise hit because I think we just miss family comedies . I think the actors who play the children also do a fantastic job at making us believe in them . Overall , it's a good show but not great . It's writing could be stronger to make this cast shine .
Typical John Hughes ' Fare !
The comic pairing of JOhn Candy and Steve Martin could have been better . They get stuck together during their return trip to CHicago from New York . Their moments together shows their comic genius . The scene in the bed where they end up is quite classically funny without overdoing it like today's comedies . The bonding of these two men's characters show John Hughes who has a gift for telling stories better than most writers and directors today . The two men want to get home for Thanksgiving Dinner and everything that can go wrong does happen which is why they are together in the first place . It's not my favorite film of John Hughes because I think it's kind of sad and you will find out in the end but it's worth watching again and again to get the comic pairing of Martin and Candy . JOhn Candy was one of John Hughes ' favorite actors and he used him regularly in his films . John and Steve will leave you wanting more comedy than drama in this film and that's why I gave it an eight instead of a ten but it's still a tender story of friendship between two men .
Naomi dreams of flying !
Naomi Harper is an unhappy woman with her life especially her career . She has married the love of her life in clueless locksmith , Vinton Harper , and still lives with her mother-in-law and her wayward nephew , Bubba . She decides to take classes to become a flight attendant or flying waitress as Mama Harper calls it . In the meantime , Vint feels neglected by his wife's attention to her new career so Iola pays him more attention in getting him to fix up broken items in her home . Mama is all against Naomi becoming a flight attendant until she might be able to get a free trip to Hawaii as a relative of a flight attendant . Of course , Naomi has to pass the test which will determine if she can do more than be a supermarket checker .
Not Charlie's Angel Anymore !
I remember watching this show on CBS Monday nights before Kate and Allie and Newhart . I thought the show was great with Charlie's Angel , Kate Jackson , playing single mother , Amanda King , in the Washington D . C . area . Somehow , she manages to mingle with Bruce Boxleitner's character . He plays a Washington spy / agent for the FBI or was it CIA . I don't remember . I remember Beverly Garland playing Amanda's mom on the series . I thought this series had humor , great acting , and intelligence . The Scarecrow and Mrs . King should be out on DVD eventually . I think Kate proved that she was no more Charlie's Angel and this series displayed her acting abilities as well . I miss shows like this and it was set somewhere other than Los Angeles or New York . Maybe they never actually filmed in D . C . except for the regular shots , this show was always entertaining to watch for family hour .
You can love it or hate it but Erika Slezak is one of America's finest acting treasures !
Erika Slezak has won 6 Emmy awards for playing the same role . She beat Susan Lucci most of the those times . I don't think people understand her acting ability which I consider to be on par with the finest actors and actresses today like Dame Judi Dench , Vanessa Redgrave , and Julie Harris . She has played a multiple personality disorder as well as played Victoria Lord for 35 years with class , elegance , and style that most people would envy . While lots of actors and actresses have come and gone , Erika stayed on playing a role that did not define her personal life . As All My Children is about another Erica , One Life to Live has provided a place for Erika Slezak who is also the heart and soul of the show itself to grow . It's an amazing show because it really does the unthinkable , unimaginable , and the absurd too . I can't forget the others on the show like Robin Strasser who plays Dorian Lord , Philip Carey who plays cowboy Asa Buchanan , Robert S . Woods who plays his son Bo . Can you imagine having cowboys in Llanview , Pennsylvania ? but it work's with great actors and actresses . The absurd story lines are both entertaining and silly but even worth watching . If you like serious drama , this show is not for you . If you like fun entertainment , this is the show for you .
It will leave you tickled pink !
Poor Alexa Kenin who played Annie's best friend in the film . She was killed in real life and it's dedicated to her memory . Anyway , I love this film . Of course , it's by John Hughes ( master of teen angst comedies and dramas . ) Again , he picks a great cast like Jon Cryer to play Duckie , James Spader to play the creep , Molly Ringwald to play Annie , Annie Potts to play her strange older friend , Harry Dean Stanton who plays Annie's father , etc . John Hughes always knows how to explain the adolescent psyche . This film is about rich and poor kids living together . There is this shame in the poor students and the rich kids are just spoiled brats . As always , John provides a believable love triangle among Jon Cryer's Duckie , Molly Ringwald's character , and that guy who I forget his name . Anyway , they are all great . I just have one problem and that is the fact we never understand why the mother / wife left the family . Anyway , Gina Gershon has a small part in the film as well . Of course , it's about prom night which is an American ritual to all of us .
Disappointing Follow-Up
What is the relationship between sadistic cannibal serial killer Dr . Hannibal Lector and dedicated FBI agent , Clarice Starling . The change in actresses from Oscar Winner Jodi Foster to Oscar Nominee Julianne Moore was not that difficult to accept . Julianne is fantastic and more attractive than Foster in this role . She controls her accent . I loved the scenes at Union Station in Washington D . C . It is really one of my favorite train stations in the world surpassing Grand Central and Penn in New York . The casting is first rate with Gary Oldman as the vengeful Mason Verger who attempts to revenge Dr . Hannibal Lector in his own sadistic way . Well , I won't spoil anything by revealing any more but I love Ray Liotta in this film . The scenes in Florence , Italy were quite breathtaking but I wish Hannibal would face his fate rather than get away with his vicious crimes . Hannibal is a fictional character and Sir Anthony Hopkins as him does justice to the role . Nobody else could play Hannibal the Cannibal in quite the same fashion as Hopkins .
They're not so bad parents !
As somebody who always wanted to become an actress , I am now glad that my parents were never show business . I feel sorry for most of these families . I can see Jordan Moseley can become a child star herself . She is talented and cute enough . She seems to enjoy the business whether it's a guest appearance and makes the most of it . She is the only one of the six families that I have any hope for to succeed in this tough business . Now for the others , I feel sorry for Emily Tye at four years old to spend her free time in rehearsals , shopping , and practicing for the next competition . The tanning bothered me too . Doesn't her mother know about the possibility of skin cancer ? Emily appears unhappy doing all of this . She is the Jon Benet Ramsey . There is even physical similarities to Emily too . She has spent her short life in beauty pageants . That money could have been used for her college fund . The Tyes also have another son but he appears forgotten most of the time . For Jordan Barron and her family , I would recommend returning to Colorado and taking acting lessons out there . While I don't see any talent from Jordan , she should focus everything in her athleticism and pursuing college scholarships to study acting if she so desires . She was talking about making it big but her chances are impossible . She does not have the talent nor the natural drive to become an actress . I feel sorry for her and her mother . I think they should return home and pursue it locally rather than in Los Angeles . I feel sorry for Shane and his mother but not so much . His mother is older and has her own history of coaching dancers . I think his mother has genuine feelings about her son's abilities . His mother , Debbie , is also more mature and should be hired as somebody's manager too . I think no matter what happens to Shane , he will do fine . As for the Nutters , I have a lot to say and it's not pleasant . I feel sorry for Duncan Nutter . I don't think he realizes his mistakes but he has a wonderful wife , Cindy , who is a Saint to do all of this . If Duncan wants to become a stage actor with his kids , they can go back to Vermont and build a theatre on their property . After watching Bravo , I am sure people would like to meet them . The best stage actors in the world call their stage as their home . With his seven children , I think they would be better served if they returned home and built a stage to express their talents . Now , these are my suggestions for a better life . I don't think the Nutters are very happy in New York City . Cindy Nutter is a saint who tolerates Duncan Nutter so much that she must love him . After all , they have seven children . She enjoys teaching . Anyway , I watched the follow-up special and I was amused by it all . I don't think the families knew what they were getting into . The Nutters aren't so bad neither Jordan whose mother could be an actress herself and has made the way to management in her company . They didn't take themselves so seriously but I think we did . Oh well , they tried to make in the business . When I look at those who have made it , I can't believe they would let their daughters dress that way or let their sons to be pawns as well . At least these parents never forced so much on their kids . I mean at least they are encouraging them to pursue their dreams . Why shouldn't they aim to be the next Jessica Simpson ? Justin Timberlake ? etc . They make lots of money and look like they have a lot of fun being rich and famous . But I wish these families aimed at getting their kids studying the classics and singing the classics rather than the contemporary music today and drama today .
God , I miss the 1980s !
I love the 1980s . It was a great decade . This movie is clearly a great comedy with an all star cast featuring Divine Bette Midler as the kidnapped heiress Barbara Stone who we hate at first because she is one of the nastiest people alive at first down in the basement . She thinks her husband played by the multi-talented Danny DeVito , Sam Stone , has no interest in getting his wife back . In fact , the kidnapping was a big relief at first since he wanted to kill her . His mistress is played beautifully by Anita Morris . The kidnappers are a nice couple played by Judge Reinhold and Helen Slater . When you feel sorry for the kidnapper over the victim , then you have a hit comedy ? IT's filmed in Los Angeles . Ken Kessler is a guy who can't sell retail stereo equipment like most successful sellers . He doesn't have the conscience to sell overpriced equipment to a young struggling couple . He is one of the salesman that you would like-honest and reasonable . His partner SAndy Kessler is an aspiring fashion designer whose idea was stolen by Sam Stone who makes a fortune by robbing the designer . Anyway , it's a great comedy .
AL quits his job or meets his boss !
Al's boss , Gary , dies in a plane crash or somewhere where he turns up alive after all . Anyway , Al sent $300 worth of flowers to his boss ' family . Thinking that he would get so much as a thank you card , Gary's family sends all the flowers and baskets to a hospital . So Al is out of $300 and decides that if the boss doesn't come that he will quit much to his wife's disappointment . So for one day , he stays home . He decides to go back to work and has a plan in order for everybody to know that Al was met by his boss . Diana Bellamy who plays the first overweight woman who insulted Al revisits the store . The show was good to their guest stars because Bellamy would later have a role on the show's spin-off , Top of the Heap with Joe Bologna , Matt LeBlanc , and Joey Lauren Adams .
We Could Always Use the Facts of Life !
The Facts of Life was an unusual comedy series on NBC because it lasted so long and in different environments . First , Charlotte Rae became so famous for playing Mrs . Edna Garrett on Different Strokes that she earned her own show . The first season was set with a large cast of characters including one girl who had a boyfriend named Roger . Molly Ringwald was a cast member before she became a movie star . There was the blonde pretty girl but not Blair played by Lisa Welchel . Then there was chubby Natalie Greene played by Mindy Cohn and roller skating Tootie played by Kim Fields . Jo played by Nancy McKeon joined the cast later on . The show kept changing it's cast and it got better . They narrowed it down to four girls , Blair , Natalie , Tootie , and Josephine ( from the wrong side of the tracks ) . The cast got along better . I felt like I grew up with this show like many girls my age . Even when Mrs . Garrett left , she was replaced by Cloris Leachman . What a cast that included George Clooney at one time , Marj Dusay , Randee Heller , Alex Rocco , Mackenzie Astin , and others along the way .
A decent portrayal but lacks some emotion !
As somebody who takes interest in PAn Am 103's tragedy , I find this film plays around the publicly known events . If I had any say , I would have tried to focus on the human emotions of those who lost their relatives and friends in this crash . The film chronicles the events preceding the tragedy . I wished they would have made a conscious effort on examining the humans lost on 103 like on 9-11 . Pan Am 103 was really the beginning of a war on terrorism for us . Pan Am 103 was our first warning which we ignored foolishly . If we had paid more attention to the events preceding the tragedy , we could have prevented 9-11 . Pan Am 103 did not crash against a building but a small street in Lockerbie , Scotland . The residents there have never recovered emotionally neither have the families of Pan Am 103 . 15 years later , we're still asking what happened . I have to say it's first rate casting with Timothy West , Peter Boyle , and others . It seems terrible that nobody paid close attention and we all have to ask why we didn't pay any close attention now . It's still a good film about the tragedy . I think they should have showed the names of those lost on the darkest day of the year .
A great match for Shatner and Falk again
For Columbo fans , William Shatner plays the controlling Fielding Chase who kills a man who can separate him from his adoptive daughter played wonderfully by Molly Hagen . The key to solving the case is as fascinating as the actual murder . Columbo figures out who done it but how does he catch him . As in any Columbo feature , all the crimes are solved by one loose thread or link . It is nice to see Three's Company Richard Kline as his daughter's friend and literary agent . William Shatner plays Fielding Chase as the overly protective suffocating surrogate father to Molly Hagen's character in this film . It is a believable one and fun to watch anyway . Like I said , I will watch Columbo all the time . I am waiting for the Columbo Cable Channel .
You can't disturb God , he watching Knots Landing !
That's what somebody said when they wanted to talk to God . Anyway , Knots Landing had a lot more than Dallas did in the way of great characters . The cast was first rate starring Michele Lee , Joan Van Arks , Donna Mills , Julie Harris , Constance McCashin , William Devane , Nicolette Sheridan , etc . Who could forget Nicolette Sheridan and William Devane's characters playing cricket ? The female roles were equally strong as the male roles . I forget who played Michele Lee's husband . I loved Constance McCashin in her role . She was superb but her character died . The show was popular because it was character based and the writing was far better than the other sister soaps . The families on this show never appeared super-rich like their mother show , Dallas . Ted Shackelford plays a Ewing living in California . The fact that this show had a consistent following and guest stars including Alec Baldwin , Michelle Phillips , and many others proved that this show was a force to be reckon with .
Similar to the Australian Version !
I remember the episode of the Australian show , Kath and Kim , which this is based upon . Sandy Freckle is the same guy . He visits his best friend , Phil Knight , as he approaches his upcoming wedding but Sandy has eyes for Kath and loves to ridicule Phil's past as an overweight man . Kim is too busy driving her husband , Craig , nuts by going to the electronics store where he works and sitting on the chair watching talk shows . Craig's friend , Derrick , thinks Kim has him whipped so Derrick somehow winds up whipped by Kim himself . It's cute show and it's getting better in creating it's own identity . I hope it last because Molly Shannon ( who could use a better hairstyle ) and Selma Blair who is perfect as Kim are both quite faithful to the Australian version . The American version is set probably in Melbourne , Florida as the Australian show was set in Melbourne , Australia .
Not that Flaming Forties !
Buzz and Sonja need a gimmick or theme for their upcoming dance . Mama suggest the 1940s since the gymnasium was used as a USO Canteen and she was charge of the donut patrol . Anyway , the materials that have been collecting dust in the attic is slated to be sold at a rummage sale at the school . When the school dance hires a band called Medication , a punk band , Mama's dream of once again living in the 1940s and pantomiming to one of the Andrews Sisters with help from Naomi and Fran go up in smoke . When she realizes what she is about to lose with Aunt Fran , she goes to the dance and the band doesn't show up with good reason . They got arrested . Anyway Naomi and Vint are chaperoning the dance while whose chaperoning the chaperons is Mama's response .