2 values
A TEENAGER was repeatedly stabbed by a masked man in a busy area in broad daylight a year ago.
A TEENAGER was repeatedly stabbed by a masked man in a busy area in a well-lit room a year ago.
A teenager who admitted the new joy - riding offence of aggrevated vehicle taking has walked free from court at Cheltenham in Gloucestershire.
A teenager who admitted the new joy - riding offence of aggrevated vehicle taking has took a stroll without disturbance from court at Cheltenham in Gloucestershire.
At first, all was Christian sweetness and light.
At first, all was Christian sugary and nutritionally void food.
At first it is difficult to think of anything except apples and oranges!
At first it is difficult to think of anything except an incompatible equation!
At first— perhaps under the soothing influence of laudanum —; she had seemed grateful for, even to enjoy, the attention she received.
At first— perhaps under the spell of laudanum —; she had seemed grateful for, even to enjoy, the attention she received.
At first , police were not sure if he was also a victim or on the run from hitmen .
At first , police were not sure if he was also a victim or running with the hitmen .
At first , police were not sure if he was also a victim or on the run from hitmen .
At first , police were not sure if he was also a victim or searching for hitmen .
At its best, it extended the family circle and brought in new blood; it relayed vital personal information (too often dismissed as gossip) and offered an informal moot for exchanging opinions and information.
At its best, it extended the family circle and brought in donated blood; it relayed vital personal information (too often dismissed as gossip) and offered an informal moot for exchanging opinions and information.
At Junction 8 of the M8, turn onto the M73 going south.
At Junction 8 of the M8, turn onto the M73 becoming worse.
At least he was spared the knowledge that he'd given the doge's ring to a heartless little bitch who'd just taken him for a ride.’
At least he was spared the knowledge that he'd given the doge's ring to a heartless little bitch who'd just gave someone a ride
At least, on the face of it, it will be cheaper to buy your own camera than to use a bureau.
At least, Encountering, it will be cheaper to buy your own camera than to use a bureau.
At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , keeps tabs on me and rings me up the whole time .
At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , ignores my actions and rings me up the whole time .
At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , keeps tabs on me and rings me up the whole time .
At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , keeps my tab open and rings me up the whole time .
At Leeds, for example, not only are fans separated in this way, but a wedge - shaped piece of terracing at the corner of the visiting fans' terrace is designated a ‘ no - man's - land’, surrounded by high fencing, and kept empty.
At Leeds, for example, not only are fans separated in this way, but a wedge - shaped piece of terracing at the corner of the visiting fans' terrace is designated a ‘ a land that no one want to buy ’, surrounded by high fencing, and kept empty.
At McDiarmid Park on Saturday, the 22 year old made light of his excellent midweek showing for Scotland and played some football which was a delight to the eye.
At McDiarmid Park on Saturday, the 22 year old illuminated his excellent midweek showing for Scotland and played some football which was a delight to the eye.
At one time, Mr Jarvis the coalman paid a pretty penny just to park his waggons there.
At one time, Mr Jarvis the coalman paid a a shiny penny just to park his waggons there.
A tongue in cheek reminder to someone whose cheeks were bulging with bad manners.
A an odd manner reminder to someone whose cheeks were bulging with bad manners.
A Tory MP and a member of the Government Whips' Office, he, too, had fallen under the spell of the late Emma Kerr, but that was water under another bridge.
A Tory MP and a member of the Government Whips' Office, he, too, had fallen under the spell of the late Emma Kerr, but that was nothing important.
At present the Tate is only able to show about 1,000 works at any one time out of its 5,105 paintings and sculptures (plus 30,000 works on paper).
At present the Tate is only able to show about 1,000 works at any one time out of its 5,105 paintings and sculptures (plus 30,000 works in theory).
At present two thirds of all people admitted to Nottinghamshire's nursing homes go straight from hospital, and most are elderly.
At present two thirds of all people admitted to Nottinghamshire's nursing homes become a law-abiding person from hospital, and most are elderly.
At some time or other the twin siren songs of forward and backward integration have led most large companies to do everything for themselves from manufacturing their own plant and spares, sometimes even as far as owning their own retail outlets.
At some time or other the twin sound of an ambulance of forward and backward integration have led most large companies to do everything for themselves from manufacturing their own plant and spares, sometimes even as far as owning their own retail outlets.
Attempts to set up a national printers"union in Scotland date from 1836, but both the General Typographical Association of Scotland and its successor, the Northern District Board of the National Typographical Association, came to grief after only a few years.
Attempts to set up a national printers"union in Scotland date from 1836, but both the General Typographical Association of Scotland and its successor, the Northern District Board of the National Typographical Association, expressed condolences after only a few years.
At that moment, as she seriously considered calling - off the wedding, they made light of her fears and premonitions of the disaster which lay ahead.
At that moment, as she seriously considered calling - off the wedding, they illuminated her fears and premonitions of the disaster which lay ahead.
At that point Banana manager Keith Lambert instructed Luckwell to drop back and help with the chase and it was touch and go as the next group brought the gap down to three minutes on the finishing circuit at Rotherham.
At that point Banana manager Keith Lambert instructed Luckwell to drop back and help with the chase and it was swift as the next group brought the gap down to three minutes on the finishing circuit at Rotherham.
At that point the nurses would have said well, yes we can see the reasons because we're nearly doctors as well, and the administrator would have been left high and dry.
At that point the nurses would have said well, yes we can see the reasons because we're nearly doctors as well, and the administrator would have been left floating in dry air.
At that stage any pressure may be such a test for faith that the believer is faced with a choice : Give up or go back to square one .
At that stage any pressure may be such a test for faith that the believer is faced with a choice : Give up or go back to where one ended .
At the bar Victor was busily dispensing kick - start coffees and hair - of - the - dog cognacs to a huddle of regulars taking late breakfast or early lunch.
At the bar Victor was busily dispensing kick - start coffees and dog hair cognacs to a huddle of regulars taking late breakfast or early lunch.
At the County Ground, the wolves were on the prowl right from the word go.
At the County Ground, the wolves were on the prowl right from the green light.
At the end of Koch's discourse McFadyean took the floor, disagreed with the eminent doctor, and described his own research in which he was certain that infected cows' milk was responsible for tuberculosis in young children.
At the end of Koch's discourse McFadyean sat on the floor, disagreed with the eminent doctor, and described his own research in which he was certain that infected cows' milk was responsible for tuberculosis in young children.
At the end of the day, those who pay the piper must call the tune.
At the end of the day, those who pay the piper must sing the song.
At the family home of Saltwood Castle, near Folkestone, Kent, Mrs Clark added: ‘ Members of the Government decided to let Alan carry the can.
At the family home of Saltwood Castle, near Folkestone, Kent, Mrs Clark added: ‘ Members of the Government decided to let Alan keep the can safe.
At their makeshift camp in no - man's land in southern Lebanon, however, a leader of the 396 Palestinian deportees said Israel's offer of a phased return home was not acceptable.
At their makeshift camp in a land that no one want to buy in southern Lebanon, however, a leader of the 396 Palestinian deportees said Israel's offer of a phased return home was not acceptable.
At the most recent target for the Antipodian Don Quixote, who tilts not at windmills but at woodturners, and not wishing to turn a non - existent battle into a war of attrition, I can only wonder who Mike Darlow will focus his attentions on next!
At the most recent target for the Antipodian Don Quixote, who enthusiastically build windmills but at woodturners, and not wishing to turn a non - existent battle into a war of attrition, I can only wonder who Mike Darlow will focus his attentions on next!
At the OK Corral — as she preferred to call what some of its visitors termed her quim (the phrase struck her as useful after she'd seen the Western)— some men proved themselves and others came to grief, and both kinds had male competitors on their mind and wanted to outgun them.
At the OK Corral — as she preferred to call what some of its visitors termed her quim (the phrase struck her as useful after she'd seen the Western)— some men proved themselves and others expressed condolences, and both kinds had male competitors on their mind and wanted to outgun them.
At the other places, retreat of the sea and silting of shallow valleys and estuaries has left them almost literally high and dry, with their present situation completely divorced from their original siting.
At the other places, retreat of the sea and silting of shallow valleys and estuaries has left them almost literally floating in dry air, with their present situation completely divorced from their original siting.
At the same time, d the Tories are on their knees, some people, as I said earlier, I think it's just as relevant in this debate, seem to have lost their way and when you took, look at what they're proposing in terms of say, the er the fifty percent, the, the er M Ps, fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with, right, fifty percent of the vote, you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics, and that's where they're heading, and they're heading completely in the wrong direction because we're more in tune with what's going on in this country, the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think, believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government, the alternative road is to oblivion and it's not about modernizing, the people who're proposing this coalition politics aren't modernizers, they're Victorian politics, that's what they're about, they're about taking us back, back before we created the Party, before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically, they're going back to, let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals, the free trade Liberals, in the nineteenth century, that's where they're going back, that's not about modernization, real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling, and that understanding of what people actually want in this country, and that's why we're supporting the C E C proposals.
At the same time, d the Tories are on their knees, some people, as I said earlier, I think it's just as relevant in this debate, seem to have lost their way and when you took, look at what they're proposing in terms of say, the er the fifty percent, the, the er M Ps, fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with, right, fifty percent of the vote, you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you're seeing is the number of people who have acted like a ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics, and that's where they're heading, and they're heading completely in the wrong direction because we're more in tune with what's going on in this country, the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think, believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government, the alternative road is to oblivion and it's not about modernizing, the people who're proposing this coalition politics aren't modernizers, they're Victorian politics, that's what they're about, they're about taking us back, back before we created the Party, before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically, they're going back to, let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals, the free trade Liberals, in the nineteenth century, that's where they're going back, that's not about modernization, real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling, and that understanding of what people actually want in this country, and that's why we're supporting the C E C proposals.
At the same time it is my belief that while we were do doing the footings we can also the concrete to fall in line where we will erm put the main floor in .
At the same time it is my belief that while we were do doing the footings we can also the concrete to behave unsuitably where we will erm put the main floor in .
At this point an Englishman, Henry Bradbury (1831–60) put a cat among the pigeons.
At this point an Englishman, Henry Bradbury (1831–60) let the cat eat a lot of food.
Attractive , popular and smart , Veronica hovers in the orbit of the ‘ Heathers’ , a four - girl clique who rule the roost at Westerburgh High .
Attractive , popular and smart , Veronica hovers in the orbit of the ‘ Heathers’ , a four - girl clique who is in insufficient control at Westerburgh High .
August 28: Vickers Viscount of Bouraq Indonesia Airlines suffered engine trouble and caught fire on take - off from Banjarmasin Airport, Kalimantan Island.
August 28: Vickers Viscount of Bouraq Indonesia Airlines suffered engine trouble and became engulfed in flames on take - off from Banjarmasin Airport, Kalimantan Island.
Aunt Gertie was lying, awake, in the' hole - in - the - wall' bed.
Aunt Gertie was lying, awake, in debt - in - the - wall' bed.
Auspex Systems Inc, the Santa Clara, California network server company that struck up a deal with IBM recently (UX No 369), is said to be looking to expand its operations internationally, before going public, possibly by the end of the year.
Auspex Systems Inc, the Santa Clara, California network server company that struck up a deal with IBM recently (UX No 369), is said to be looking to expand its operations internationally, before being announced publicly, possibly by the end of the year.
Author Ian Fleming's original unpublished notes on his most famous creation are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby's on December 15.
Author Ian Fleming's original unpublished notes on his most famous creation are to change at London auctioneers Sotheby's on December 15.
Avatars of liberal capitalism like the United ~ States and the United ~ Kingdom continued to perform anemically in 2012, while many Asian countries, relying on various versions of dirigisme, have not only grown rapidly and steadily over the last several decades, but have also weathered recent economic storms with surprising grace.
Avatars of liberal capitalism like the United ~ States and the United ~ Kingdom continued to perform anemically in 2012, while many Asian countries, relying on various versions of dirigisme, have not only grown rapidly and steadily over the last several decades, but have also predicted the coming storm with surprising grace.
Award takes the biscuit
Award eats the last biscuit
A wave 10 feet high and 500 feet long can pack a punch of 400,000 pounds per linear foot of its crest.
A wave 10 feet high and 500 feet long can pack a small amount of 400,000 pounds per linear foot of its crest.
A well planned, well made kitchen that doesn't cost the earth.
A well planned, well made kitchen that doesn't put the earth in danger.
A WOMAN saved her guide dog from certain death by giving it the kiss of life.
A WOMAN saved her guide dog from certain death by giving it the life-changing kiss.
A woman who plotted to kill her husband walked free from court and is back together with the man she wanted dead.
A woman who plotted to kill her husband took a stroll without disturbance from court and is back together with the man she wanted dead.
A woman who would never walk free in the sunshine, serving a life - sentence where today child murderers are punished by countable years or even months.
A woman who would never take a stroll without disturbance in the sunshine, serving a life - sentence where today child murderers are punished by countable years or even months.
A worthwhile person is always confident: he does not feel uncertain about the effects of his actions or doubt his ability to do the right thing.
A worthwhile person is always confident: he does not feel uncertain about the effects of his actions or doubt his ability to turn right.
Axelrod recognized that Tit for Tat is not strictly an ESS, and he therefore coined the phrase' collectively stable strategy' to describe it.
Axelrod recognized that this for that is not strictly an ESS, and he therefore coined the phrase' collectively stable strategy' to describe it.
Aye but they've got it now, there's about eight copies out on the, all on the shelf gathering dust.
Aye but they've got it now, there's about eight copies out on the, all on the shelf sweeping up dust.
AZUMAH NELSON of Ghana retained his WBC super - feather title in Lake Tahoe but Calvin Grove went the distance after being floored in the first round.
AZUMAH NELSON of Ghana retained his WBC super - feather title in Lake Tahoe but Calvin Grove took a lot of time after being floored in the first round.
B-497: 퉌£ 7.95: Oxfam : 1995 Be my guest Explores some of the issues arising from the impact of tourism in Britain and around the world.
B-497: 퉌£ 7.95: Oxfam : 1995 go for it Explores some of the issues arising from the impact of tourism in Britain and around the world.
Baba Yaga started to cross it, but she sank, first up to her knees, then to her waist, then to her chin.
Baba Yaga started to cross it, but she sank, firstly to her knees, then to her waist, then to her chin.
Back at the lodge they tried to make light of the experience.
Back at the lodge they tried to illuminate the experience.
Back by the regatta, the picnic lunches are in full swing — with typical British stiff upper lip, everyone's eating outdoors and ignoring the less than summery weather.
Back by the regatta, the picnic lunches are at a swingset — with typical British stiff upper lip, everyone's eating outdoors and ignoring the less than summery weather.
BACK in pink paint
Bad deal on the face of it
Bad deal Encountering
Bad luck my friends — you are off there again, Meldreth is your journeys end, An ear to the teacher you must lend.
Bad luck my friends — you are off there again, Meldreth is your journeys end, An help deaf people.
Bajan Blues, owned by Dr Fitz Gillespie and trained by his son Pat, has won two point to points this year and is useful to say the least.
Bajan Blues, owned by Dr Fitz Gillespie and trained by his son Pat, has won two point to points this year and is useful so as to be brief and efficient.
Barak nodded then pushed the envelope into his pocket.
Barak nodded then went beyond established limits into his pocket.
Barlaston had most of the pressure in the second half but the opposition always looked dangerous on the break with both sides making light of the heavy weather conditions and playing some attractive football.
Barlaston had most of the pressure in the second half but the opposition always looked dangerous on the break with both sides illuminating the heavy weather conditions and playing some attractive football.
Barnett take a bow.
Barnett apologize.
Barricades were erected at the precise boundary of the two religious communities in an area of no - man's - land between a Catholic cathedral and a Protestant church, both rumoured to be threatened by attack.
Barricades were erected at the precise boundary of the two religious communities in an area of a land that no one want to buy between a Catholic cathedral and a Protestant church, both rumoured to be threatened by attack.
Based in the centre of Rhodes, close to all the activity, bars, restaurants and clubs, the Noufara is an ideal meeting place to have cocktails before painting the town red.
Based in the centre of Rhodes, close to all the activity, bars, restaurants and clubs, the Noufara is an ideal meeting place to have cocktails before vandalizing with red graffiti.
Bashing them over the head would be really tricky, take it from me.’
Bashing them over the head would be really tricky, take it away from me
Basically this means you cook with gas in a similar way to that of a kitchen gas hob.
Basically this means you make substantial progress in a similar way to that of a kitchen gas hob.
BA sues Virgin in tit - for - tat libel battle
BA sues Virgin in this for that libel battle
BATTLER: P.K. (Stephen Dorff) boxes clever
BATTLER: P.K. (Stephen Dorff) fight while thinking carefully
Batty , who watched Blackburn 's disappointing goalless home League Cup draw with third division Shrewsbury Tuesday night , added : ' I have enjoyed eight good years at Leeds but I can see that Blackburn intend to go places .
Batty , who watched Blackburn 's disappointing goalless home League Cup draw with third division Shrewsbury Tuesday night , added : ' I have enjoyed eight good years at Leeds but I can see that Blackburn intend to decline .
Batty , who watched Blackburn 's disappointing goalless home League Cup draw with third division Shrewsbury Tuesday night , added : ' I have enjoyed eight good years at Leeds but I can see that Blackburn intend to go places .
Batty , who watched Blackburn 's disappointing goalless home League Cup draw with third division Shrewsbury Tuesday night , added : ' I have enjoyed eight good years at Leeds but I can see that Blackburn intend to move backward .
Bearding the lion in his den just to ask about some knitting was a bad idea.
shaving the lion's mane just to ask about some knitting was a bad idea.
Because he will have to leave early to join up again with Australia, he feels he owes us runs from the word go.
Because he will have to leave early to join up again with Australia, he feels he owes us runs from the green light.
Because I mean, that, it, it costs the earth anyway, that damn stuff, it really does, with it, and it's a, well I, I did it on about eight hundred sheep so you know, my men are stuck in this for a day or two.
Because I mean, that, it, it puts the earth in danger anyway, that damn stuff, it really does, with it, and it's a, well I, I did it on about eight hundred sheep so you know, my men are stuck in this for a day or two.
Because I'm on a district executive committee at the moment and I don't, that name doesn't ring a bell
Because I'm on a district executive committee at the moment and I don't, that name doesn't ring a church bell
Because it, as you say, you hit the nail on the head there you've spent too much, they're on your back for spending too much.
Because it, as you say, you start building there you've spent too much, they're on your back for spending too much.
Because most of us have ignored non - European cultures in the past does not now mean that European and European / American culture have become less valid or that we must be tempted to rewrite history twisting facts to suit our present crisis of confidence.
Because most of us have ignored non - European cultures in the past does not now mean that European and European / American culture have become less valid or that we must be tempted to break another record twisting facts to suit our present crisis of confidence.
Because of the Bank Holiday, the hearing resumes at 2 pm instead of 10 am on Tuesday, when local authorities' barristers take the floor.
Because of the Bank Holiday, the hearing resumes at 2 pm instead of 10 am on Tuesday, when local authorities' barristers sit on the floor.
Because of the close links between the Rover LTA School at Bisham Abbey and Wycombe High School, such a schedule is permitted, although it may seem unusual, to say the least, to most schoolchildren.
Because of the close links between the Rover LTA School at Bisham Abbey and Wycombe High School, such a schedule is permitted, although it may seem unusual, so as to be brief and efficient, to most schoolchildren.
Because she has not been caught either, or not so blatantly that one has had to stop pretending to look the other way.
Because she has not been caught either, or not so blatantly that one has had to stop pretending to become shy.
Because there was a strike, because their own laboratories were idle, the high and the mighty of A area were prepare to squeeze in a visit from lowly Frederick Bissett of H3.
Because there was a strike, because their own laboratories were idle, the masculine of A area were prepare to squeeze in a visit from lowly Frederick Bissett of H3.
Because the Troodos ophiolite has been uplifted and eroded, a slice through successive layers of oceanic crust has been exposed, high and dry on the main hillsides of Cyprus.
Because the Troodos ophiolite has been uplifted and eroded, a slice through successive layers of oceanic crust has been exposed, floating in dry air on the main hillsides of Cyprus.
Because they can be seen to be playing ball and yet benefit.
Because they can be seen to be playing tennis and yet benefit.
because they must know what's gonna happen when they, you know, when the cows come home, they must know when the chickens come home to roost they must know what's gonna happen
because they must know what's gonna happen when they, you know, when the cows come home, they must know when the what the routines are they must know what's gonna happen
Because when the boredom begins to set in as you lie motionless under the sun, you can do your exercises then!
Because when the boredom begins to set in as you lie motionless that makes you warm, you can do your exercises then!
Because worries about a " widening Atlantic " gap have existed since the early 1970s, it is tempting to proceed as if transatlantic relations will remain on roughly the same wavelength as before.
Because worries about a " widening Atlantic " gap have existed since the early 1970s, it is tempting to proceed as if transatlantic relations will remain listening to the same radio frequency as before.
because you knew he meant business, and he would achieve his end
because you knew he thought everything could be a business, and he would achieve his end
Because you know what, they're up in the air aren't they?
Because you know what, they're flying through the air aren't they?
Before long football had given way to a different sport, and a surreal Bosch - like survey of the entire field showed all kinds of what my mother called hanky - panky in full swing.
Before long football had given way to a different sport, and a surreal Bosch - like survey of the entire field showed all kinds of what my mother called hanky - panky at a swingset.
Before she could make another move, his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible.
Before she could stand still, his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible.
Before she could make any further move he was by her side.
Before she could stand still he was by her side.
Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory.
Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in a well-lit room and escaped pillory.
Behind closed doors you will find a variety of shelves, drawers and pullout units, each carefully designed to function smoothly and silently without fuss.
in private you will find a variety of shelves, drawers and pullout units, each carefully designed to function smoothly and silently without fuss.
Behind them came the sound of shouting and cursing and, glancing back, Drimwort saw the lights of lanterns as the dwarfs spilled out into the gorge.
Behind them came the sound of shouting and cursing and, glancing back, Drimwort achieved a new understanding of lanterns as the dwarfs spilled out into the gorge.
Behind the scenes at its National Training Centre at Roland Garros, work is already underway to capitalise on France's magnificent Davis Cup victory over the United States in Lyon in December.
behind the scenery and stage area at its National Training Centre at Roland Garros, work is already underway to capitalise on France's magnificent Davis Cup victory over the United States in Lyon in December.
Beijing, on the other hand, has failed to make clear whether it is really willing to negotiate and may be waiting for the deadline to be dropped before making a move.
Beijing, on the other hand, has failed to make clear whether it is really willing to negotiate and may be waiting for the deadline to be dropped before standing still.
Being Mario, that brought to mind his mother crying back in the camps because there wasn't enough food to put on the table, and that led to considerations of the importance of the family in his life, of the value of tradition, thoughts of how Italian he was as well as American, of the kind of clean life America had offered, of his gratitude, of his feeling for his father who'd made this giant move at such cost to himself, who had suffered so long and who now saw some chance for his kids of bettering themselves.
Being Mario, that brought to mind his mother crying back in the camps because there wasn't enough food to put on the table, and that led to considerations of the importance of the family in his life, of the value of tradition, thoughts of how Italian he was as well as American, of the kind of clean life America had offered, of his gratitude, of his feeling for his father who'd stood still at such cost to himself, who had suffered so long and who now saw some chance for his kids of bettering themselves.
Belfast Telegraph Plan 82 could fit the bill because it covers 20 selections with a fine guarantee of at least seven 1 - 1 draws together if eight of your 20 selections end as 1 - 1 draws .
Belfast Telegraph Plan 82 could be unsuitable because it covers 20 selections with a fine guarantee of at least seven 1 - 1 draws together if eight of your 20 selections end as 1 - 1 draws .