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NOT_FRAUD | Thanks. Got it. Hope they will think carefully on VP. Will follow up on other items. |
FRAUD | 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--qzsoft_directmail_seperator-- |
FRAUD | "Pretoria (FCT)=20South Africa.=20 =20 =20 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL=20 Warm Greetings=20 I know you will be surprise to receive this letter from a total stranger =but do consider it a request from a reputable Attorney-At-Law in a serious =need of your assistance. I had to bring before you this proposal because I =sincerely hope you will be reliable to assist me.=20=20However my name is above stated and I am the personal Attorney to Mr. Faro=oq Ahmed a national (Citizen) of Malaysia who was working with Shell Petro=leum Development Company here in South Africa. Here in after shall be refer=red to as my Client.=20 Meanwhile on the 21-08-2005 my client and his family were involved in a =car accident along Pretoria Expressway while on their way to picnic and al=l the occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I= have made several enquiries to his Embassy here to locate any of my client=s Extended Relatives but all my effort to locate his relatives was abortiv=e and unsuccessful. So after these unsuccessful attempts I finally got you=r contact while I was on a random search.=20 I have contacted you to assist me in repatriating huge amount of money tha=t belongs to my death Client; the amount involved is US$14.7Million (Fourte=en Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars). I sincerely need your urgent as=sistance before it will be confisicated or declared unserviceable by the So=uth African Reserve Bank where this huge amount was deposited. The said ba=nk has issued me a notice to provide the next of Kin to the deceased or hav=e the fund confisicated by the end of this year. For the fact that I have =been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over a year now I seek you=r consent to present you as the Next of Kin to the Deceased since you come =from the same country with my client so that the proceeds of this account =can be paid to you.=20 Therefore on my receipt to your positive response we shall discuss on th=e modus operandi of the transaction/transfer. Note that I have all the nece=ssary information and legal strength required to back up for this claim. Al=l I need from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this transac=tion through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arran=gement that will protect us from any breach of the law.=20 Conclusively your contacts are very essential to facilitate communication= so endeavour to enclose your Telephone Mobile and fax numbers. Further d=iscussion/elaboration will commence as soon as I hear or read from you but= do not forget the absolute confidentiality and mutual trust required in th=is transaction. Kindly contact me on the above-specified channels of contac=t.=20Thanks and God Bless You.=20 Yours Truly=20 Barrister Fredrick Thambo=20(Attorney-At-Law & Public Notary)=20_________________________________________________________________News entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now!" |
FRAUD | receip of your mail indicating Interest. I want to assure you that=20there is no risk attached in this Transaction. You should also provide me= with=20your private telephone and fax Numbers for easier communication.George.N. Lawson-=20 |
NOT_FRAUD | Pls see note from rich. |
FRAUD | Dear Sir=2FMadam=2CI got your contact from an email directory and decided to contact you for assistance=2E I am the son of JOHNSON SAVIMBI the rebel leader in Angola who was short dead on the 25th of February=2C 2002=2C by the opposing Angolan Army=2EPLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS WEB PAGE FOR IT SAYS ALL=2Ehttp=3A=2F=2Fnews=2Ebbc=2Eco=2Euk=2Fhi=2Fenglish=2Fworld=2Fafrica=2Fnewsid=5F1839000=2F1839252=2EstmBefore the death of my father he deposited 16M =28Sixteen million dollars=29 with a security company in Europe as valuables=2E All the legal documents for the deposit are with my mother which my father gave to her for safe keeping=2E After the death of my father I and my family fled to South Africa where we are currently living=2E And we have been trying to fly to Europe but it has been difficult for us to get visas from Africa=2E So we want you to help us make claims of this fund =28$16m=29 in Europe as my family beneficiary and transfer the money to your account or any account of your choice before I and my family can get visas to fly down to your country so that we can share this money=2EMy family have agreed to give you 10%=2C which would be =28$1=2E6Million dollars=29 of this Money for your assistance=2C and 87% would be for us and the other 3% would be set aside for any expenses that we may incure during the course of this transaction=2E And part of our share of 87% would be invested in your country in any profitable business proposed by you=2E While a large part of our share will also be used to help charity organizations=2EWe have never met=2C but I want to trust you and please do not let us down when this fund finally gets into your account=2E Please if you are interested=3B get to me through my email address to enable me feed you with more details and all necessary documentations=2EPlease treat this as confidential=2EBest regards=2CJOHNSON SAVIMBI |
NOT_FRAUD | Mills Cheryl D <>Wednesday August 26 2009 5:30 AMHFw: Wheels-Up for OAS Mission in Honduras at 1858 Eastern |
NOT_FRAUD | Pls be sure I do letter to his wife and my friend Ronnie and add her to call list. |
FRAUD | Dear friendI am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously=2E I am asking for your assistance after getting your contact from a reliable source=2EI want to find out if it's possible for you to deal with individual as to investment=2E I came across your name and address and after praying over it=2C i decided to get across to you in respect of investment at my disposal=2EI will be so glad if you can allow me and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now=2EI will make my proposal well known if I am given the opportunity=2E I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you=2E Well I am PHIRI ABOA the only SON of MR=2E VINCENT ABOA=2C a diamond dealer from KENEMA in Sierra Leone=2E My father is now late=2Che died some months back during the last and current crisis in my country=28SierraLeone=29=2E He was Killed by the rebels for refusing to join and sponsor them=2Emain reason why I am contacting you now is to seek your assistance in the area of my future investment and also for a help hand over some huge amount of money in my possession=2E This money =28US$7 Million=29is deposited in a secuirty and finance company in Dakar=2CSenegal some years ago by my father and he made me the sole beneficiary =2E I am now asking you to stand on my behalf to claim the deposit from the security company and assist me on investing it as well in your country=2E I have made up my mind to offer you 25%of the total money and also map out 5% for any expensive that will be made during the transaction while the remaining will go into a productive investment=2EAs I have mention earlier I will make the procedure to this issue to be well know to you=2Cif I am given the opportunity to do so=2E Pls attach your direct and full information as you reply to this mail=2EThanks and remain bless=2EPHIRI ABOA=2E |
FRAUD | " =name is Barrister Gareth Jones a lawyer in the Chambers of Nabarro Nathans=on (Legal Practitioners) in London. I am writing this letter to you to int=imate you of a pending transaction I want to execute with you privately. A=nyway I got your contact through one of the Internet Reference Directories= in my Chambers. One of my valued clients - Mr. Antonio Montoya died togeth=er with his lovely wife Late Antonio Montoya died on the Flight 11 a Boei=ng 767-200 which was enroute to Los Angeles from Boston during the terror=ist attack on America back in 2001. =0D=0A=0D=0AI was his personal lawyer =and the Executor of his Will. There is no further traces of any of his nex=t-of-kin in his native Country. As his personal lawyer and Executor of his =Will I know late Antonio Montoya kept about GBP 9.2 million in the Vaults= of a bank here in London. This money had been taken to the bank late on =the evening of his departure to USA hence the money was only accepted an=d registered by the bank while it was kept in the Vault waiting for Montoy=a's return which was never to be.=0D=0A=0D=0A I have sinceconfirmed with =the bank that the money is still in the bank's vault. Ever since 2001 this = money has been in this account untouched! Nowhow do you come in and wh=at is your business with all this?=0D=0AI am sure this is the question you= would be asking me? =0D=0A=0D=0ASimple As the personal lawyer to late An=tonio Montoya and since vital document relating to this money is kept with =my Chambers I decided that I intimate you of this development with your = co-operation I can present you to bank as the Next-of-Kin to the late Ant=onio Montoya. =0D=0AAfter proper verification of this Claim by the bank th=is money will be transferred to your bank account hence you come in as the= Next-of-Kin to late Antonio Montoya. How do we do it? The document showi=ng that this money is kept in the bank's vault is kept in my Law Chambers.= =0D=0A=0D=0AI as the lawyer and Executor of late Antonio Montoya's Will/=Last Testament will put your name in this Will as the Beneficiary of this =money kept in the bank's vault. =0D=0AI will submit the Will/Last Testament= to the Bank to contact you and start processing transfer of this money to= your bank account according to the last wishes of my Client - late Mr. Mo=ntoya for further administration to other members of the family.=0D=0A=0D==0A I am the Executor of late Montoya's Will. All I need to do is to re-ma=ke the late Mr. Montoya's Will/Last Testament to include your name as the =beneficiary and submit same to the bank and introduce you the bank writes= you to confirm this then transfer process starts without delays.=0D=0A==0D=0AI am the Executor of this Will and the Bank knows it too.The mode of = sharing this money will be discussed when we agree to work together on thi=s transaction. What do you think about this? While I look forward to hear=ing from you soonabsolute confidentiality and secrecy remain very importan=t in this transaction. =0D=0A=0D=0AThank you and God bless you. =0D=0A==0D=0ABarrister Gareth Jones. =0D=0A=0D=0A" |
NOT_FRAUD | Margo 6amIsabelle 730Enjoy time with Glad she came. B6 |
NOT_FRAUD | He is clear and will be confirmed. Thank you and sorry for the fire drill. |
NOT_FRAUD | I've just asked the Specials to fax the draft to you in Chappaqua. You should be getting it shortly. Hopefully this is a start.Feedback welcome of course. |
NOT_FRAUD | I'm tPrrihh corn/ I've just received these message for some reason. I will get the memcon for this call and work to getpoints together for a followup call this weekend. |
NOT_FRAUD | "Pis read the following. I've followed this caseTorture on homefront cries out for justiceComments <http://www.suntimes.comews/marin/1734591CST-EDT-caro126.article>August 26 2009BY CAROL MARIN <> Sun-Times ColumnistThe feds can't -- just yet -- deport Michigan restaurateur Ibrahim Parlak to his native Turkey. But they are frighteninglycloser.And the irony screams out.Carol MannOn Monday the same day Eric Holder President Obama's attorney general announced he would appoint a specialcounsel to investigate whether torture was used by the CIA to extract confessions from foreign suspects a U.S. appealscourt at the behest of the U.S. government ruled that it didn't have a problem sending Parlak back to the country wherehe was tortured -- imprisoned for 17 months shocked with electrodes hung by his arms and sexually violated.A Turkish Kurd Parlak was granted political asylum in 1992. It was before our government got cozier with Turkey beforeit re-classified some of the Kurdish separatist movement as ""terrorist"" and before the attacks of Sept. 11. With 9/11Ibrahim Parlak's horror began anew.Suddenly he looked different to the newly created Department of Homeland Security and to the Justice Department'sImmigration courts. Instead of seeing a hard-working tax-paying Chamber of Commerce member who ran Cafe Gulistana small Middle Eastern restaurant in the resort town of Harbert Mich. tlie feds now saw an international menace.In 2004 the FBI grabbed Parlak and locked him up.If it hadn't been for a volunteer team of lawyers including a Reagan-appointed former U.S. attorney a former FBI anti-terrorism legal adviser and the bipartisan intervention of Michigan's Sen. Carl Levin a liberal Democrat and Rep. FredUpton a conservative Republican Parlak would still be in jail.Thanks to them this 47-year-old father of a 12-year-old girl is temporarily free. But just barely.The newest outrage is the 2-1 decision issued by Cincinnati's 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on the same day Holderlaunched his torture inquiry.B5The majority opinion was issued by two Bush appointees put on the bench after 9/11. Judge Julia Smith Gibbons andJudge Jeffrey Sutton upheld the Justice Department's Immigration courts ruling that Parlak failed to disclose hisrelationship to the now-labeled terrorist organization even though he was never proven to be a member.Let's remember something about our immigration courts. They are not independent. They work for whoever is theattorney general. And the past rulings against Parlak came under two now-controversial Bush appointees John Ashcroftand Alberto Gonzales.The fairness of immigration rulings has been ripped by none other than Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit Court ofAppeals one of the nation's most brilliant judges. By September of 2005 Posner noted ""a staggering 40 percent of the136 petitions"" had been reversed due to according to one ruling a willingness to ignore ""the most basic of facts.""Echoing Posner now is the dissenting judge on the Parlak appeal. Judge Boyce F. Martin a Carter appointee writes withboth clarity and conviction arguing the government's ""awesome power was used here to railroad a man out of ourcountry.""Like a surgeon Martin dissects the Justice Department's immigration courts and the majority opinion of his owncolleagues and ends by saying ""I remain hopeful nevertheless that this case is but a sad remnant of an era of paranoidoverzealous error-riddled and misguided anti-terrorism and immigration enforcement that has now gone by thewayside. It is just a shame that even if my hope proves true it is too late for Ibrahim Parlak.""Parlak's legal team will appeal.Meanwhile Holder like Ashcroft and Gonzales before him is the new boss of the immigration courts.As he investigates questions of U.S. torture abroad here's hoping Holder examines the ongoing domestic legal torture ofIbrahim Parlak." |
NOT_FRAUD | Westewelle cannot do call at 7:30.Holbrooke says he needs to talk to you |
FRAUD | ASSISTANCE REQUIRED FOR ACQUISITION OF REAL ESTATES=2EDear sir=2CI write to inform you of my desire to acquire estates or landed properties in your country on behalf of the Director of Contracts and Finance Allocation of the Federal Ministry of works and Housing in Nigeria=2E Considering his very strategic and influential position=2C he would want the transaction to be strictly as confidential as possible=2E He further wants his identity to remain undisclosed at least for now=2C until the completion of the transaction=2EHence our desire to have an overseas agent=2EI have therefore been directed to inquire if you would agree to act as our overseas agent in order to actualise this transaction=2E The deal in brief is that the funds with which to carry out our proposed investments in your country is presently in a coded account in the Nigerian apex bank and we need your assistance to transfer the funds to your country or any safe account outside your country in a convenient bank account that will be provided by you before we can put the funds into use=2E For this you shall be considered to have executed a contract for the ministry=2E The contract sum of which shall run into US$15=2E5Million of which your share shall be 30% if you agree to be our overseas agent=2E Your area of specialisation does not matter in this transaction=2C all that is required of you is a safe account and your willingness to assist us =2E As soon as payment is effected and the amount mentioned above is successfully transferred into your account=2C we intend to use o! ur own share in acquiring some estates abroad=2E For this too=2C you shall serve as our agent =2E It might interest you to note that last year=2C a similar transaction was carried out with one MR=2E CHIENCHEN YU of Taiwan but after securing the payment approvals=2C and payment effected=2C MR=2ECHIENCHEN YU changed his numbers and addresses=2C and was no where to be found on our getting to Taiwan=2E That was how we lost US$7=2E5Million=2E So this time around =2C I will be with you before the remmittance is made into your provided account to avoid future occurrence and allow trust to play a very minimal role until performance is seen=2E You are requested to communicate your acceptance or otherwise of this proposal=2C through email=2EAfter which we shall discuss in details the modalities for seeing this transaction through=2E If however=2C you are not disposed to assist=2C kindly destroy this letter in view of the confidentiality of the proposed transaction andinterest of the personalities involved=2E Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation=2EBest Regards=2CDr=2EBola Harry=2EPLEASE SEND YOUR REPLY TO=3A bolaharry1=40kukamail=2Ecom =3Cmailto=3Abolaharry1=40kukamail=2Ecom=3E |
NOT_FRAUD | "See hus analysis of where we are on EAS but also on the US Japan and Chinese urbanization and trade patterns..Nothing that new but valuable coming from him.The Australian - 19 Jun 10Embracing everyone from the US to India Greg Sheridan Foreign editorGEORGE Yeo Singapore's Foreign Minister is one of the most dazzlingly clever people you could meet in SoutheastAsia. Singapore is a society that notoriously produces hardheads in its strategic outlook. But Yeo combines Singapore'scharacteristic hard-headedness with a depth of historical understanding and context as well as a lively human sympathyfor the diversity of the region that surrounds him which I at any event find almost unique. I remember interviewinghim at the height of the East Asian economic crisis in 1997 and asking whether this crisis shattered the idea of Asia asthe growing centre of the global economy as numerous foolishly triumphalist Western commentators were thensuggesting. ""No it doesn't"" Yeo told me. ""At the most it might put back the forecasts by five or 10 years."" It moved thegraph a little to the right it didn't change the trends. On that Yeo was absolutely right.But it is also Yeo's ability to apply the insights of history to the real problems of Asia today which make him formidable.This week Yeo spent a few days in Australia and I caught up with him for one of those slightly mesmerising historicaltour de force conversations in which he specialises.It is no secret Singapore had the most serious reservations about Kevin Rudd's proposal to establish an Asia-PacificCommunity. The Prime Minister wanted the US India and Russia included in a regional body which could deal withstrategic issues as well as trade and economics. Singapore's hesitation over the Rudd proposal came because it thoughtthat the Association of Southeast Asian Nations of which it is a key member could be sidelined. I asked Yeo whether theregion was now clear on what it wanted its organisations to accomplish. ""We still need a lot more discussion"" he said.""The vision is going to change dramatically with the emergence of China and India on the global stage. Theconfiguration is evolving much faster than most of us would have preferred. But that's the reality we've got to workwith.We need a regional architecture which is able to accommodate the stresses. The single most important relationship isbetween the US and China. Increasingly the relationship between India and China is becoming more important. I thinkeventually a triangular relationship will decide the big issues of war and peace in Asia this century - the triangleconsisting of the US China and India.""Yeo saw Rudd and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith in Canberra and now describes Canberra and Singapore as being inharmony on the evolution of regional organisations. This is how he saw it having played out: ""When Prime Minister Ruddproposed the APC Dick Woolcott (Rudd's envoy) went round the region. He did not visit all countries. He made it quiteplain to some that only the big countries of ASEAN need to be involved. We talked among ourselves and quite soon theconclusion was reached that ASEAN was going to be sidelined. So there was an immediate blowback from the region.""To PM Rudd's credit he quickly clarified this that ASEAN is central to his conception of the APC and that that was hisvision from the very beginning. I said 'All of us in the region are very relieved to hear that'.""Separately we had (former Japanese) prime minister (Yukio) Hatoyama articulating his view of an East Asian regionapparently centred on China Japan and Korea. It created as you would expect a natural reaction in Southeast Asia. Thatgot us all thinking in the region. How to keep Russia and the US in the region in a way that's comfortable. For a long timewe've been thinking about China more recently about India."" Yeo pointed out that earlier regional organisations alsoevolved slowly in particular the East Asia Summit which includes Australia and New Zealand as well as ASEAN ChinaJapan South Korea and India. He said: ""It took us a long time to create the EAS structure. Some preferred it to be basedon the ASEAN plus three (China Japan Korea) harking back to (former Malaysian prime minister) Mahathir(Mohamad)'s East Asian caucus. ""Others felt that's too limiting. If it's just ASEAN plus three that may be a little lop-sidedbecause of the economic weight of the plus three. So we thought if we have India on one side and Australia and NewZealand to the south there's a certain natural equipoise.""Then it took many discussions. The Russians wanted to join the EAS but we felt this should not be rushed. Russia is tooimportant a country. There was some unhappiness from the Russians that we did not accommodate them in the EAS atthat time. (Former US) President (George W.) Bush did not want to join the EAS but he worried that the EAS mightexclude the US from the region. We told our American friends that it could not be purely an Asian thing becauseAustralia and New Zealand were in it. In any case countries like Singapore would never want an EAS to be exclusive.What would threaten us most is if the world developed into blocs.""So where do we end up today? ""When I met PM Rudd I thanked him for helping to catalyse the thinking of ASEAN. Sonow there are two possibilities either an EAS expanded for Russia and the US or a separate ASEAN plus eight (includingthe US and Russia) configuration. In fact I had a very interesting discussion with Prime Minister Rudd. I think in the endhe's happy to let ASEAN members decide and he doesn't want to interfere in our regional discussion.""So you can describe what Yeo outlines as either a win or a loss for Rudd. Whatever evolves nobody is going to call it theAsia-Pacific Community and no one is going to imagine that Rudd was its founder as everyone accepts that Bob Hawkefounded APEC in 1989. On the other hand it does seem as though it's very much more than likely that there will finallybe a regional organisation embracing everyone from the US to India which is able to discuss security. That is prettymuch Rudd's policy aim and as Yeo constructively puts it Rudd has influenced ASEAN thinking. Friends of Rudd candescribe it as the embodiment of his vision and fulfilment of his initiative. His enemies can say the APC came to nothingand was a failure in Australian diplomacy. Certainly Yeo casts it in a constructive light. There is only space to give thesmallest sampling of Yeo's prodigiously rich insights on other issues.On the US he said: ""Both Australia and Singapore feel it in our bones that the US will remain a great power for manydecades. It is a vast country always throwing up new ideas always on the boil. It has a sunny disposition. We inSingapore and Australia feel it in our bones that one way or another they will get out of their current difficulties.""On China I asked whether its political development was keeping pace with its growth in power financial and military soit could manage that new power in a way that was beneficial to everybody. Yeo stressed that he was sure Beijing'spreoccupations were internal and said: ""China is the No 1 trading partner for Japan Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Indiaand already No 2 for New Zealand and for all the countries (in Asia) the graph points in the same direction.""(The historical process) is high drama in China. It was historically because of the large rural peasantry that Maoismdeveloped as a different ideology from Bolshevism. China was 20 per cent urban. It's now 40 per cent urban and will goto 80 per cent or 90 per cent. The urbanisation of Europe was languid by comparison but look at Dickens or Victor Hugo.Look at the huge reaction in Europe to urbanisation and industrialisation. In China it's all compressed. If they succeedthey will be the greatest nation on Earth. The Chinese know they have to learn new tricks. The skills which brought themto power won't keep them in power.""He recalled that early in China's economic modernisation program it was fascinated by how Singapore as a mostlyChinese nation ran its society in such an orderly and effective manner combining rapid economic growth with socialorder and a respect for tradition. Then that interest seemed to wane. But now Chinese delegations are back again inlarge numbers fascinated particularly with how Singapore manages the politics of being a big and boomingcity. Mainland Chinese are even sitting in on politicians' electoral clinics in Singapore observing how real problems arerecognised integrated into the system and dealt with.I asked Yeo too whether he thought Japan could sustain the stabilising role it has played in Asia these past 60 years. Hereplied: ""Their politics now are a mess. Partly because they fit the pieces together so closely reconfiguring the pieces is-difficult. A lot of Japanese politics now is not about fitting the pieces together but pulling them apart.""The DP1 came to power determined to pull the pieces apart the Liberal Democratic Party from big business from thebureacracy. Never write Japan off. It takes a long time for them to change but when they do change they do it with afury and intensity that surprises everyone."" Japan has gone through profound periods of change in the past - the MeijiRestoration of the 19th century in which it decided to become a modern nation; or the pervasive change after WorldWar II in which it decided to embrace democracy and the role of the key US ally in the region. The fact that it is nowgrappling with change is no reason to think it cannot emerge again with a successful model.Yeo is an old old friend of Australia and in a sense a long-term champion of Australia's involvement in Southeast Asia.He has been a minister in the Singapore government for more than 20 years. He embodies a great deal of institutionalmemory and strategic continuity not just within Singapore but within the broader councils of the region.It's just a pity he doesn't visit us a bit more often." |
FRAUD | "Dear Sir I am Engr. Victor Chigoziem with the Engineering StoresDepartment of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and member of Tenders Board. We have urgent need for a trustworthy foreign contact person with whom we can carry out a successful business deal.Federal Government has voted the sum of US$1.86 Billion for Local Production of food crops. The Government has also considered the impact of the importation of some food items like Rice Beans Frozen Chicken and Turkeys and other food stuffs on the Nations Foreign Reserve and have banned the importation of the items that could be produced locally. As a result the ederal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources has been mandated to import Agricultural Equipments for supply to Local Farmers both at SUBSISTENT AND COMMERCIAL level to encourage them to produce enough food items for local consumption and for export to other African Countries. We have already startedawarding new contracts for supply of the equipments to successful bidders.We want you to submit to us immediately your complete company name address your name as President or Managing Director / CEO of the company our banking particulars:- (banks name address telephone fax and telex numbers.Your receiving number swift and routing numbers) with these informations we can get you properly registered as one of the contractors of FMANR who has already been awarded part of this contract for the sum of US$113.4 Million to supply some of the Agricultural Equipments parts of which we already have inour custody (stores). After receiving the above needed and stated information from you we will process all the documentation and submit them for immediate approvals and the Federal Government will pay 25% of US$113.4 Million into your nominated bank account in the name of your company as the beneficiary which is US$28.35M . In no time the remainingUS$85050000.00 Million shall be paid as balance payment or we together in agreement as partners will use another foreign firm's name that will carry out the supply of the remaining equipments as a sub-contractor to you in our documentation to receive this balance payment. We shall come to your country immediately this fund is in your account to share the US$28.35 Million. The sharing pattern should be negotiated by both parties concerned.However be rest assured that no risk is involved or any scandal in thefuture for we have done all our homework very well nobody will be hurt during and after this transaction. It may also please you to know that all the GOODS that cover the 25% payment are on record only us that are key members of the contract board committee has this knowledge and information.There is the serious need to keep this transaction secret and veryconfidential. To that effect I would require your private phone and fax numbers for easy and confidential communication. I await your immediate response to this Proposal. Meanwhile I look forward to establishing life long business relationship with you. The nature of your company or business does not necessarily have to be Agriculturally related but ownership of a company is a criterium for the project please contact me through my personal email address ( or ( Best regards Engr. VictorChigoziem Mail Get Your Free Private E-mail at" |
NOT_FRAUD | No I reached him. Thx. |
NOT_FRAUD | First I heard of this. |
NOT_FRAUD | "sbwhoeopSaturday February 13 2010 10:36 AMRe: also...Clemons posted this piece on his dinner with Petraeus (it's replete with a lot of punditry) but he told me more detail abouthis attitude and interest. Among other things Petraeus recounted a joke about Gates' speech at the Alfalfa Club dinnerthat Petraeus couldn't be there because he was in Iowa. Petraeus didn't tell that story to disdain the possibility. He smiledand watched closely for reaction from others. SFebruary 13 2010Steve CemonsPublisher of ""The Washington Note""../T1 • ""Pt r:1:°' t„ •. N (1 :(1 Jr) F*az.-.1--anracsounga.awarnrmacta=ava-_rmuacartatmott--=-0....-rmaamaxatiAmasm...u.cnromar...........r.nocura--uarni.m.rarcnt.r.trnmar.rarti:4.3resecono....riatvars:I recently had the opportunity to participate in a small dinner with CENTCOM Commander .General David Petraeus and his wife Holly. These sorts of discussions are nearly always off the record -- but the fact thatthey happened is not off limits.Petraeus was not in uniform but rather wore what looked to me to be a brand new perfectly tailored dark suit. I joked tohim that if I Twilt.--srgc that out of two dozen or so times I had seen Petraeus that this was the first time I'd seen him out ofuniform an ice cold shudder of fear would spread quickly through some political circles in DC.In August of 2007 I wroteoiece stating that folks should keep an eye out for the possibility that General Petraeus mightrun for President in 2012. In April 2008 Steven Lee Myers wrote a solid New York Times follow up titled ""TheGeneral"" referencing my earlier take.Recently legendary newsman Ai:nai4d de 13orchgave resuscitated the topic of an Eisenhoweresque future for thecounterinsurgency guru in his piece ""President ?etraeus7""Petraeus was recently named as one of Foreign Policy magazine's tip 100 ttzal thinkers and as U.S. News & WorldReports ""Washington Whispers"" notes he is going to be speaking in May 2010 at the annual American EnterpriseInstitute dinner receiving the Irving Kristol Award.In January 2010 Public Policy Pollin.q revealed that while Obama held a ten point lead over a potential wild card raceagainst Petraeus the General had some strengths. But the pollsters also noted that many in the American public justdidn't know enough yet about Petraeus to form an opinion:Finally our blog readers voted for David Petraeus as our wild card Republican this month and hisnumbers come out as a mixed bag. He has the largest deficit against Obama trailing 44-34. But at +13his net favorability is better than the President or any of the other Republicans we tested. The problem forhim is that the numbers break down 25/12- 63% of voters in the country don't know enough about him tohave formed an opinion. Who knows if Petraeus would actually have any interest in going into politics butif he did he would be introducing himself to many voters for the first time.President Obama himself according to what some of his aides have reported to me is quite taken with David Petraeusand respects his approach and thinking.Petraeus has also been respectful of the President -- although when pushed at a recent forum about how he might reactto a Presidential decision on Afghanistan that the General might not have liked Petraeus offered a cryptic rather thanclear response. (see above video)At the ""First Draft of History"" meeting sponsored by the Atlantic Monthly/Atlantic Media Group the Newseum and theAspen Institute; Petraeus when asked if he would support the President no matter what the result of the strategic reviewon Afghanistan responded that he ""would continue to give the President the best professional military advice he could.""Contrast that with Defense Secretary Robert Gates resoonOinato_the..saest.ipr.j. ""We will salute and execute [thePresident's] decisions faithfully and to the best of our ability.""But after spending an evening with General Petraeus and watching him closely for a number of years there is no way thatthis intelligent leader -- with whom I have some disagreements but respect -- could be comfortable with the Tea Partytakeover of the Republican political machine.There is always the possibility that a core of reasonable Republicans like Michael Bloomberg James Baker OlympiaSnowe Chuck Hegel Alan Simpson John Whitehead Peter Peterson Rita Hauser and others will try to rekindle classicRepublican sensibilities by fighting to re-hijack their party back in an Eisenhower-like campaign with Petraeus at the lead.Remember that Eisenhower clinched the Republican nomination by promising to be the President who though he knewwar would end the Korean War. Petraeus knows Afghanistan and Iraq -- and though it seems hard to envision today couldbe the kind of leader promising to end those wars if Obama proves unable to do so.But there is another option that intrigues me and seems more realistic than imagining the iconic David Petraeus runningfor President -- and that is his running for Vice President.I think Vice President Joe Biden has done an outstanding job and of all the big guns in the Obama White House Bidenhas done the best job of outperforming expectations. He had given President Obama much needed counsel not alwaystaken regrettably but counsel that Obama needed to show the American public he was getting. Biden has been the keyagent behind the scenes in moving Iraq's elections forward. He has scored a lot of wins -- not reported -- in thenuclear/WMD controls arena. Biden has worked with Gates in stabilizing an awkward and complex relationship withRussia -- and his counterpoints on the Afghanistan surge in my view remain compelling.But Biden is going to have to find a way to hold his spot in 2012 because others are going to be gunning for it.As I look at it now Hillary Clinton who has now said that she will not do more than one term as Secretary of State wouldbe a natural candidate for the Obama VP slot. Her franchise is not completely in the control of the Obama team yet butmoving Hillary closer to the White House (although her private home on Whitehaven Street is actually a couple of hundredfeet closer to the White House than the VP residence at the Naval Observatory) would finalize Obarna's takeover of all thekey political franchises in the Democratic Party -- starting with Daley's machine Deschle's machine Kennedy's machineEdwards' machine and then the Clintons'.But General David Petraeus in his business suit lurks out there. Obama seems to be concerned about looking like he isweak on national security. The Republicans -- at Cheney's constant goading (and now Sarah Palin's) -- seem to want tocontinue to play politics through fear-mongering.Obama could neutralize the possibility that he faces a Republican party challenge by David Petraeus by inviting theGeneral on to the 2012 ticket as a Democrat.Crazy? Perhaps.But inviting potential rivals into his tent is becoming a standard Obama trademark -- much as he did by appointingRepublican Governor of Utah and former G.W. Bush administration Deputy US Trade Representative Jon Huntsman serve as US Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.And get this we have just learned that David Petraeus has not voted since 2002 -- not because he doesn't care to vote --but reportedly because he wants to keep his eventual political options and political loyalties open.This is a soldier for whom all options are on the table and who is keeping his powder dry.My hunch is that whether Obama sticks with Vice President Biden or pivots to someone else Petraeus will be on the shortlist of those considered.-- Steve Clemons publishes the popular political blog The Washington Note." |
NOT_FRAUD | I'm meeting you at first stop.I told oscar to pack commencement robe unless u want to use barnards. We would have to take back to dc otherwise. |
NOT_FRAUD | Fyi before u talk to dai. |
NOT_FRAUD | The little things go a long way. Thanks for being in touch with him. |
NOT_FRAUD | Abedin Huma <>Sunday April 18 2010 6:21 PMRe: Tomorrowlatest is that nato will make decision tomorrow morning they don't want to cancel unless they have to and unless wehave other dates to offer. We talked about around poland in July for the alternative.Phil and I are connecting early tomorrow.My guess is it will be moved. |
FRAUD | "From:Frank JewellSmith & WilliamsonPrivate Banking ServicesRiding HouseExtensionLondon UkDear FriendI am Mr. Frank Jewell the accounting officer-in charge of the Privateinvestment section of the above named Finance house. I have decided tocontact you on a business Transfer that requires confidentiality trustand transparencywhere both of us have a lot to Benefit during myinvestigation and auditing in the Accounts section my department cameacross a huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person a foreignerwho died On January 7 2005 in a auto crash.This Fund has been dormant in his account in the private investmentdept without any claim to this fund in our custody either From his familyor relation. The said amount is (7.5 million pounds)which is about($15million US Dollars) As it might interest you to know I got your contactthrough international business enquiry and my search for a trust worthybusiness partner that can handle a business of this magnitude. Meanwhile allarrangement to put claim to this fund in Your name as the bonafide nextof kin to the deceasedAnd get the required approval to transfer thismoney to a foreign account have been put in place.While The next line of action to conclude this transaction In the next10 working days will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate yourinterest in this Transaction.I must also inform you that upon the completion ofthis Transaction you will be entitled to 40% of the total Sum asgratification for your role and assistance While the balance will be for me as theowner of the funds. Please you have been advised to keep this to your selfsince I am still in service and intend to Retire after I conclude thisproject.I will be monitoring the whole situation here until you confirm themoney in your account. Then immediately I shall come down to the country ofyour nominated account for subsequent sharing of the Funds according topercentages previously indicated and further investment.Please use this email address for security faithfullyMr. Frank Jewell_________________________________________________________________Get a FREE Web site company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live!" |
FRAUD | RS ATIYA MOHAMEED Dear=2EDirector It is my pleasure to write this mail to you and to say thanks for your effort in providing an opportunity to read my mail=2E I got your contact when i was making some searches in the internet=2E My name is Mrs Atiya Mohameed=2C a Liberian=2E I was until recently the wife of Mr=2E Ibrahim Mohameed who was the chief army officer to my country Libera=2E I am contacting you to seek your co-operation in investing $USD10=2EM in your company or your country=2Cs economy=2EMy husband made this money when he was on sit as the commander and chief army officer while Charles Taylor is the president of Liberia=2EDue to some religious and political problems =2C my husband was hijacked and brutally assasainated by the rebel leathers in Liberia=2EIt is worthy to note that during my husband's life time he used his position as a former chief aid to must have made this money in question=2EThis money was realised from the sales of gold and diamond =2Cwhich are the country's major resources and sources of income=2EAnd before his death =2Cmy husband was able to send this money via a Ghanian diplomatic contact to the country =2Cwhere it is currently secured with a security company as a FAMILY TREASURE and my name was used as the depositor in view of my husband=2Cs position as an insider in the government=2EAnd it was my husband=2Cs refusal to realise the money to former President Charles Taylor that resulted in the killing in February 2003=2ENow =2C that i have passed through the mourning ordeal for my husband I am thinking and planning the next step to take with respect to how and where to invest the money=2ESo my aim of sending this mail to you is to solicit your assistance in transfering this money to your country where it could be invested in a viable business for our mutual benefit=2E I am ready to enter into a joint venture with your company or we can open a new company with the money because i'm sure the money inside the box can establish a company of any type=2E I want to assure you that you will be highly rewarded for your assistance both in cash or in the joint venture=2EPlease reply to this mail=2C indicating your ability to handle this transaction so that i will give you details to enable us map out strategies for the implementation of this project=2E Best regards=2CMrs=2EAtiya Mohameed |
NOT_FRAUD | Blair just finished with BN. He wants to talk to both of you and is available from now on. |
NOT_FRAUD | 7:45 am PHONE CALL w/PHILIPPE *Private Residence8:30 am DEPART Private Residence *En route NBC Studio8:50 am ARRIVE NBC Studio9:00 am TAPED INTERVIEW w/NBC MEET THE PRESS' DAVID GREGORY9:20 am NBC Studio9:25 am DEPART NBC Studio *En route State Department9:40 am ARRIVE State Department9:55 am RECEPTION TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE USA10:20 am PAVILLION AT THE 2010 SHANGHAI WORLD EXPOBenjamin Franklin Room 8th Floor10:30 am BILATERAL w/KUWAITI DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER/FOREIGN11:00 am MINISTER DR MOHAMMAD SABAH AL-SALEM AL SABAFISecretary's Conference Room *Official photo in East Hall preceding.11:00 am PRESS PRE-BRIEF11:05 am Secretary's Office11:05 am JOINT PRESS AVAILABILITY w/QATARI PRIME MINISTER AND11:20 am FM DR MOHAMMAD al-SARAH al-SALEM AL SARAH Treaty Room11:30 am OFFICE TIME12:45 pm Secretary's Office12:45 pm PRE-BRIEF MEETING1:15 pm Secretary's Office1:15 pm BILATERAL w/SPAMSH FM MIGUEL ANGEL MORATINOS1:45 pm Secretary's Conference Room *Camera Spray in Treaty Room preceding.2:00 pm ONE-ON-ONE MEETING w/AFGHAN PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR2:30 pm ASHRAF GRAM Secretary's Office2:50 pm VIDEOS (4)3:05 pm George Marshall Room 76 Floor3:10 pm 152ND FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER ORIENTATION CLASS3:25 pm SWEARING-IN CEREMONY Dean Acheson Auditorium First Floor3:30 pm OFFICE TIME4:15 pm Secretary's Office4:20 pm DEPART State Department *En route Washington National Airport4:40 pm ARRIVE Washington National Airport5:00 pm DEPART Washington National Airport via US Airways Shuttle #2180En route New York NY6:25 pm ARRIVE LaGuardia Airport6:35 pm DEPART LaGuardia Airport *En route Private Residence ##4 |
NOT_FRAUD | Who do I congratulate at weekly meeting Monday on securing agreement? |
NOT_FRAUD | I have been monitoring the wikipedia situation and working with the R team to try and be as prepared as we can.I am heading to Indonesia on Monday for the opening of the new American Center and then to Malaysia where amongother things I plan to work with Paul Jones on the English language initiative.I will be traveling all day Monday so unfortunately out of touch for about 18 hours. I will be in contact with my office assoon as I land and can always cut the trip short if necessary although under the circumstances I think it is important tokeep to our schedules.As we have discussed one of the main drivers of our PD strategy is to ensure we have strong relations in all sectors tohelp us weather the invitable storms in our relationships and at this point it looks like we have a hurricane on thehorizon.Take care and look forward to seeing you when we both get back.Jm |
FRAUD | "Solicitors Corporate & Property Consultants.South Africa.Dear SirI hope this meets you in good well. My name is Sizu Zamba (Esq). a legal =practitioner and Attorney to late Mr. Ziya Bazhayev who died in the plane =crash of Yak-40 jetliner on March 9 2000. You may follow the Link below to =read about the Plane Crash my client lost his life: & http:/ late client was an influential wealthy businessman a Russian Contractor =in my Country and a Russian big time Oil dealer and the Principal owner of =Oil Alliance Company and he left behind a deposit of Twelve Million Two =Hundred Thousand United States Dollar ($12200000.00USD) in his domiciliary =bank account in a commercial bank here in South Africa. Which is one of the =main reasons it has been very important to locate his next of kin. I have =employed every method to locate any of my clients extended relatives but this =exercise has proved unsuccessful.After the death of my client his bankers contacted me as his Attorney to =provide his next of kin who should inherit his fortune. The director of =remittance of his bank adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his =next of kin for the payment of this money or forfeit the money to the bank as =an abandoned Estate. The bankers had planned to invoke a clause in the =property Act to confiscate the funds after the expiration of a period given =to me.I am convinced that you may be able to act in locus for my late client as his =next of kin I therefore decided to contact you with these facts before me. =By virtue of my brief and my closeness to the deceased I am very much aware =of my client's financial standing and the bank account he operates here in my =country.I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to =present you as the next of kin of my deceased client and the sole beneficiary =of his estate so that you are be paid the funds left in his bank account =hence I contacted you. I seek your consent to present you as the Next of Kin; =the bank needs only the facts as presented legally. The rest is between you =and I and with my guide we can have the money paid into your account once =this is done we shall both share the funds. 50% to me and 40% to you while =10% should be for Expenses or Taxes as may be required. I shall assemble all =the necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up our claim. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through I =guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will =protect you from any Breach of law. Please get in touch with me.Best Regards" |
NOT_FRAUD | Call sheet on its way.Steinberg has cleared45 |
NOT_FRAUD | Mills Cheryl D <>Monday April 27 2009 2:19 PMHFW.CV Apr09.doc |
NOT_FRAUD | Yes I have a copy. |
NOT_FRAUD | H < >Sunday Jul26 2009 7:53 AM'preineRe: QuestionsThx. I meant budget question to refer to overall budget. Can you get that for me? |
FRAUD | "#45 Rue Grand YorfDAKAR SENEGAL.Assalamaulakum.My Dear FriendCompliments of the day.I did like to send to you the best wishes of good health and success in your pursuits particularly through my proposal as contained in this letter. After due deliberation with my sonI decided to forward to you this business proposal we want you to assist us .I will give you more information. As to this regard as soon as you reply.I am Mrs.Estelle Mamadou . I am contacting you with the hope that you will be of great assistance to me I currently have within my reach the sum of 7.3 million U.S dollars cash which I intend to use for investment purposes.I therefore personally appeal to you seriously and religiously for your urgent assistance to move this money in to your country where I believe it will be safe since I cannot leave the country due to the restriction of movement imposed on the members of my family by the Senegal Government.This money came as a result of a payback contract deal between my husband and a Russian firm in our country.The Russian partners returned my husbands share .Presently the Government has intensified their probe in to my husbands financial resources which has led to the freezing of all our accounts local and foreign the revoking of all our business licences and the arrest of my First son.In view of this I want to acted very fast to withdraw this money from one of our finance houses before it will be closed down.My husband deposited the money in a finance firm for safe keeping . No record is known about this fund by the government because there is no documentation showing that we have such funds.Further more my elder son have been in detention in the last four years following the death of my late husband for charges of State organized murder and corrupt practices. he was just been released by the Supreme Court after the president brokered a deal with my family regarding his freedom. and he is still under interrogation about my late husband's assets and some vital documents.Due to the current situation in the country and government attitude to my familyI cannot make use of this money within thus I seek your help in transferring this funds out for investment than leaving the fund here and to invest the money to profit my family Bearing in mind that you may assist me.l have decided to part with 25% of the total sum.I am seriously considering to settle down abroad in a friendly atmosphere like yours as soon as this fund get into your account so that I can start all over again if only you wish. I shall ask my son Mohammade to come over to your country to liaise with you. If this proposal satisfies you. please do not let me out to the security as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence.Please kindly reply by return mail and please include your personal telephone and fax numbers. Conclusivelywe have decided part with 25% of the total sum. of the total sum10% will be for expenses incurred during thecause of this transaction while 65% is to be held on trust by you until we can decide on a suitable business investment in your country subsequent to our free movement by the Senegal Government.I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith.Your URGENT response is needed.Regards and God Bless you.Mrs.Estelle Mamadou ._________________________________________________________________D�couvrez Windows Live Messenger : le futur de MSN Messenger !" |
NOT_FRAUD | Just found out you are of course in P'burg trying to herd cats. See you back in DC. |
FRAUD | "Magnum Funds25 Maiden Lane Covent Garden London WC2E 7JSHelloDo accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal eth=ics.I will introduce myself as Mr.Robbin Kuuk a staff in the accounts manage=mentsection of the above firm here in the United Kingdom. One of our accounts with holding balance of =A315000000(Fifteen Million=British Pounds) has been dormant and has not been operated for the pastfour (4) years. >From my investigations and confirmations the owner of this account a fo=reignerby name Kurt Kahle died in July 2000 and since then nobody has done any=thingas regards the claiming of this money because he has no family members wh=oare aware of the existence of neither the account nor the funds. I have secretly discussed this matter with a senior official of this comp=anyand we have agreed to find a reliable foreign partner to deal with. We th=uspropose to do business with you standing in as the next of kin of thesefunds from the deceased and funds released to you after due processes hav=ebeen followed. This transaction is totally free of risk and troubles as the fund is legi=timateand does not originate from drug money laundry terrorism or any otherillegal act. On receipt of your response I will furnish you with detailed=clarification as it relates to this mutual benefit transaction. I look fo=rwardto hearing from you as soon as possible if you are interested. Regards Mr.Robbin Kuuk" |
NOT_FRAUD | Aftachments: DiplomacyChapter10 24 10 final 3 pm.doc; Development_Chapter_10_22_10 CLEAN.doc;QDDR_Chapter 3_Crisis_Conflictand_Instability_102210_final clean.doc; Workingsmarter 10 24 10 final.doc; DiplomacyChapter10 24 10 final 3 pm.doc;Development_Chapter 10_22_10 CLEAN.doc; QDDR_Chapter 3_Crisis_Conflictand_Instability_102210_final clean.doc; Working smarter 10 24 10final.docWith prodigious efforts by your entire team (Jeanne Dana and Ed Meier worked very hard with Pat and his people overthe past week on the last chapter in addition to Bill Karen both Jim and Don Steinberg and others at both State andUSAID) greatly aided by spectacular thinking and all-night editing from Jake here are a much improved four chapters.Among other things the 4th chapter now showcases much of the great work jack and his team have already done.In the final report we will have1.An introductory 1-2 page letter from you2. An exec summary (10-15 pp that can be read in lieu of entire doc)3. An introduction framing the chapters in terms of leading thru civilian power;4. A chapter on the global trends and policies driving our assessment of the capabilities we need (written but not yetedited):5. the attached 4 chapters;6. a final chapter on the National Security Budget;7. A conclusion.With the edits/cuts this week we are on track to come in some 5000-10000 words shorter than the QDR.We're working this week on roll-out strategies of every kind as well as further revisions to fill holes and respond to yourand other comments.Happy reading!AM |
FRAUD | "FROM RICHARD AND JanetDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANETFROM RICHARD AND me on .richard64sanko@yahoo.itDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANET Please reply me viarichard64sanko@yahoo.itFROM RICHARD AND JanetDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANETFROM RICHARD AND me on .richard64sanko@yahoo.itDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANET Please reply me viarichard64sanko@yahoo.itFROM RICHARD AND JanetDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANETFROM RICHARD AND me on .richard64sanko@yahoo.itDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANET Please reply me viarichard64sanko@yahoo.itFROM RICHARD AND JanetDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANETFROM RICHARD AND me on .richard64sanko@yahoo.itDear sirI am Sanko Richard the only son of late former Director of finance Dr=20Johnson Sanko of Sierra-Leone diamond and mining corporation.I must confess my agitation is real and my words is my bond in this=20proposal.My late father diverted this money meant for purchase of ammunition for =my=20country during the peak of disastrous civil war in my country now he ha=s=20deposited the money with BANK here in Abidjan where I am residing under=20political Assylum with my younger sister Janeth.For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account th=e=20said amount is twenty four million United States dollars. I am compensati=ng=20you with 15% of the total money amountnow all my hope is banked on you a=nd=20I really wants to invest this money in your country were their is stabil=ityof Governmentpolitical and economic welfare.Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a=20joke. My late father Dr johnso n sanko gave me the deposit slip issued to==20him by the Bank on the date of deposit for you to be clarify because I =do=20not expose my self to anybody I see I believe that you are able to keep=20this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life=it=20is important.Please write me immediately after you must have gone through my message f=ill=20free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15% of the=20total money amount and in case of any other necessary expenses you might==20incure I am resolving to give you an addition of 5% during this=20transaction.N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investment=20opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when= it=20is transferred to your account personally I am interested in estate=20management and hotel business please advise me.And promise me and my younger sister to be our guardian considering our=20situation and not to betray us.Please we waiting to hear from you.thanks and God bless you.Yours trulyRichard AND JANET Please reply me" |
NOT_FRAUD | Will do. |
NOT_FRAUD | Was trying to call out to you.There are troops in there from camp leguene deploying to afghanistan. Will want pictures etc with you.51 |
FRAUD | "MR.FAN JEN-LIANG.SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITEDUK BRANCH65 CORNHILL LONDON EC3V 3NPUNITED KINGDOM.GreetingsI would not have used this medium (Internet) but I choose to reach youthrough it because it is the fastestsurest and most secured medium ofcommunication. Howeverthis correspondence is un-official and privateandit should be treated as such. I also guarantee you that this transactionis risk free from all what you may think of.I am Mr.Fan Jen-Liangan account officer with SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BANKLIMITED (London Branch) I am contacting you based on trust andconfidentiality that will be attached to this transaction.The Managementand the Legal department of our BANK (SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED UK)in a recent meetingrecommended that the account of one of my latecustomer and branch depositor MR. YUGUANG ZHENGshould be declareddormantconfisticated and the depositor's fund sent to the Bank Treasuryaccording to UK Banking and financial law.The depositorYUGUANG ZHENG died in world trade centre and was one of thevictims of the september 112001 incident that befall the United State ofAmericaever since his death the bank has made series of efforts tocontact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success youcan confirm through this site: ZHENG is an account holder in my branch he owns a dollaraccount with the sum of US$8.3M (Eight Millionthree Hundred ThousandUnited States Dollars Only) deposited in a Secret account with my branch.In fact since his death in 2001 no next of kin of the Dollar accountholder nor any his relative has shown up to claim his money this isbecause he has the account as a secret account and he left all thedocuments for the deposit with me.Having waited since 2001I am now fully convinced that no one would turnup to claim his money before the bank stipulated collection deadline andthis is where I am interested and why I want to present you now to my bankas the relation of the deceasedI will use my position here in the bankand I will give you the relevant documents and contacts to file in theclaim application and then effect the approvals for the transfer of themoney to your nominated bank account I will be the one to provide thevital documents for the claims of the money and then advise you exactlyhow we should handle it.Please include your telephone/fax number/ Home Address when replying thismail and I will give you more information as soon as you indicate yourwillingness to assist in this transaction.I will use my position to get all internal documentations to back up theclaims.Do not be bothered that you are not related in any way to him as Iam in position to afix your name as the next of kin.The whole Procedures will last only 7 working days to get the fundretrieved successfully without trace even in future. After the transfer ofthe money we shall share the money 60-40that is I will have 60% whileyou will have 40%.I await your urgent response to this mail.Reply to my Private or call me on my direct telephone:44-7031915718.Remain blessedMR.FAN JEN-LIANG.SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITEDUK(London Branch)Private Email:fanjenliang@terrapins.comDirect Telephone:44-7031915718." |
NOT_FRAUD | 21 |
NOT_FRAUD | FYI. Israelis spinning up a storm starting with plane briefing on the way over. |
FRAUD | "MANCHESTER (WA) 20515 Greetings As you read this I don't want you to feel sorry forme because I believe everyone will die someday. Myname is Mr.CAMPBELL WILLIAM from NEW ZEALAND I havebeen diagnosed with esophageal cancer which wasdiscovered very late due to my laxity in carrying formy health. It has defiled all forms of medicine andright now I have only about a few months to liveaccording to medical experts. I have since lost my power of speech and can onlymanage to write now as that has been the only way Iam able to communicate. I have not particularly livedmy life so well as I never really cared for anyonenot even myself but my business. Though I am veryrich I was never generous I was always hostile topeople and only focus on my business as that is theonly thing I cared for But now I regret all this as I now know that there ismore to life than just wanting to have or make all themoney in the world. I believe when God gives me asecond chance to come to this world I would live mylife a different way from how I have lived it. Nowthat I know my time is near I have willed and givenmost of my properties and assets to my immediate andextended family members and as well as a few closefriends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul andso I have decided to give alms to charityorganizations as I want this to be one of the lastgood deeds I did on earth. So far I have distributedmoney to some charity organizations in UK Brazil andIreland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badlyI cannot do this my self any more. I once askedmembers of my family to close one of my accounts anddonate the money which I have there to charityorganization in Bulgaria and South Africa theyrefused and kept the money to themselves. Hence I do not trust them anymore as they seem notto be contented with what I have left for them. Thelast of my money which only few of them knows of isthe huge cash deposit that I have with my Bank inABIDJAN. I will want you to help me collect thisdeposit and dispatched it to charity organizations.waiting for reply. Regards MR Campbell William ____________________________________________________________________________________________D�couvrez le blog Yahoo! Mail : derni�res nouveaut�s astuces conseils.. et vos r�actions !" |
NOT_FRAUD | I meant after 1:30. Thx |
NOT_FRAUD | Sounds good. |
NOT_FRAUD | Agree - it we also have folks who need hosp care for a period; there are several things like this we should consider Sentvia BlackBerry by AT&T |
NOT_FRAUD | B6i would adviseB5B6Cheryl Mills<RELEASE IN PART B5B6 |
FRAUD | "<DIV>BARR.PAUL RICHARD (esq)<BR>Terry waya Chambers<BR>409 Nortonburg<BR>AccraGhana-West Africa.<BR>Reply to:<FONT color=#0000ff><BR></FONT>Telephone +233-246149832<BR> <BR>Attn:<BR> <BR>Compliments of the day to you.I must solicit your confidentiality and assure you that I am contacting you in good faith and this proposal will be of mutual benefit.</DIV> <DIV><BR>I am Barr.PAUL (Esq.) a legal practitioner. My client who was a member board of trustees SPDC London was killed with his entire family in a fatal accidentsparing none of their lives some years ago.Before his death I assisted him in the deposit of some funds with a Security Company for safekeeping.The funds have remained unclaimed since his death and such unclaimed funds are appropriated and returned to the treasury as a matter of policy Considering the lack of success in my bid to locate any of his relatives for over a year now I hereby solicit your consent to enable me present you as the Next of Kin to my deceased client. I am contacting you for two reasons. Firstly you both have the same last name which makes the claim most credible Secondly I strongly believe that the Security Company does not deserve to inherit the funds These reasons led to my resolve to claim the funds.</DIV> <DIV><BR>That was why I contacted youWith your permission I will proceed to establish you as the next of kin/Beneficiary to my late client. As soon as this is done you will then give instructions to the Security Company to transfer the deposited funds into another account you will provide after which we shall then share the funds upon agreed terms.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> Finally I demand that you keep this transaction confidential till we complete the deal and also confirm that the funds have been transferred into any nominated bank account of ours. I would want you to furnish me with the following informations which will assist me in this claim</DIV> <DIV><BR>1FULL NAME</DIV> <DIV><BR>2CONTACT ADDRESS</DIV> <DIV><BR>3TELEPHONE AND FAX</DIV> <DIV><BR>4OCCUPATION.<BR>These information will assist me to secure the necessary papers in your name When I receive your response I will provide you with further details.<BR>I await your reply</DIV> <DIV><BR>BARR.PAUL RICHARD {Esq.}.<BR>Accra Ghana-West Africa.<BR>Reply to:<FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></DIV> <DIV>Telephone +233-24-6149832<BR>barrister paul chambers paul </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> <HR SIZE=1> Like being first? Check out the <A href=""**"">all-new Yahoo! Mail</A> today.</DIV> <DIV> <HR SIZE=1> Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick easy and free. <A href=""*"">Do it now...</A></DIV> <DIV> <HR SIZE=1> Try the <A href=""**"">all-new Yahoo! Mail</A> . ""The New Version is radically easier to use"" � The Wall Street Journal</DIV><p> <hr size=1> Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick easy and free. <a href=""*"">Do it now...</a><p>  <hr size=1> ""My Verdict: <a href=""**"">The new Yahoo! Mail</a> is far superior..."" � The Wall Street Journal.--0-1094618079-1154916264=:45373--" |
NOT_FRAUD | Can I call you in 30? Several items. |
FRAUD | "<DIV id=3DRTEContent>Hello</DIV><DIV>My name is Mrs.Jennifer Wilson I am a dying woman who had decided to d=onate what I have to you. I am 59 years old and was diagnosed for <BR>cance=r about 2 years agoimmediately after the death of my husband who had left= me everything he worked for.I have been touched by God to donate from what= I have inherited from <BR>my late husband to the you for the good work of =Godrather than allow my relatives to use my husband's hard earned funds un=godly.I have asked God to forgive me all my sins and i believe he has= <BR>because He is a merciful God. I will be going in for an operationand =i pray that i survive the operation. I have decided to WILL/donate the sum =of $1500000(One million five <BR>hundred thousand dollars) to you for the= good work of the lord and to help the motherlessless privileged and also= for the assistance <BR>of the widows.At the moment I cannot take any telep=hone calls due to the fact that my relatives are around me and i have been= restricted by my <BR>doctor from taking telephone calls because i deserve =all thee rest i can get.PresentlyI have informed my lawyer about my decisi=on in <BR>WILLING this fund to you.I wish you all the best and may the good= Lord bless you abundantly and please use the funds well and always extend= the good work to <BR>others. Kindly Contact my lawyer through this email a=ddress >(<A href=3D"""" target=3D_blank><FONT color=3D#003399><U></U></FONT></A> you are interested in carrying out this <B=R>taskso that he can arrange the release of the funds ($1500000.00) to y=ou.My lawyer's name is Brown Walter.</DIV>" |
NOT_FRAUD | May 7 2010For: Hillary |
NOT_FRAUD | "Below is McC's statement and some early articles:McC Statement:I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistakereflecting poor judgment and should never have happened.Throughout my career I have lived by the principles of personal honorand professional integrity. What is reflected in this article falls farshort of that standard.I have enormous respect and admiration for President Obama and hisnational security team and for the civilian leaders and troops fightingthis war and I remain committed to ensuring its successful outcome.Aides to U.S. general in Afghanistan slam Obama:report20 mins agoWASHINGTON (Reuters) — Aides to the top U.S. general in Afghanistan insulted some of President Barack Obama's closest adviserscalling one a ""clown"" and another a ""wounded animal"" in an article to be published Friday in Rolling Stone magazine.The article also quotes an aide describing the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal's""disappointment"" with his initial one-on-one meeting with Obama last year.Quoting all the McChrystal aides anonymously the article portrays a split between the U.S. military and Obama's advisers at anextremely sensitive moment for the Pentagon which is fending off criticism of its strategy to turn around the nearly nine-year-oldAfghan war.The Pentagon had no immediate comment about the article which has been brought to the attention of senior officials.It quotes a member of McChrystal's team making jokes about Vice President Joe Biden who was seen as critical of the general'sefforts to escalate the conflict and who had favored a more limited counter-terrorism approach.""Biden?"" the aide was quoted as saying. ""Did you say: Bite me?""Another aide called White House National Security Adviser Jim Jones a retired four star general a ""clown"" who was ""stuck in 1985.""It quoted an adviser to McChrystal dismissing an early meeting with Obama as a ""10-minute photo op.""""Obama clearly didn't know anything about him who he was. The boss was pretty disappointed"" the adviser told the magazine.McChrystal a famous workaholic said to sleep just four hours a day was brought into Afghanistan a year ago after his predecessorwas pushed out.The article portrays his teams as disapproving of the Obama administration with the exception of Secretary of State Hillary Clintonwho backed McCrystal's request for additional troops in Afghanistan.Some of the strongest criticism was reserved for Richard Holbrooke Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.""The boss says he's like a wounded animal"" a member of the general's team is quoted as saying. ""Holbrooke keeps hearing rumorsthat he's going to get fired so that makes him dangerous.""McChrystal was quoted as saying he felt ""betrayed"" by the leak of a classified cable from U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan KarlEikenberry last year. The cable raised doubts about sending more troops to shore up an Afghan government already lacking incredibility.""I like Karl I've known him for years but they'd never said anything like that to us before"" McChrystal was quoted as saying in thearticle.""Here's one that covers his flank for the history books. Now if we fail they can say 'I told you so.""(Editing by Washington World Desk)Copyright © 2010 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.And from the WSJ:0 JUNE 21 2010 6:55 PM ETMcChrystal's Next Offensive?Relations between the U.S. military and civilians in the Obama administration have been tense since last year's three-month review of Afghan war strategy a state of affairsunlikely to be helped by a new profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal the overall commander in Afghanistan that will appear in Rolling Stone magazine on Friday.In the eight-page article released to reporters on Monday ahead of publication McChrystal appears to belittle Vice President Joe Biden and accuses Karl Eikenberry the U.S.ambassador to Kabul of undermining his war plan within the administration.Asked by the Rolling Stone reporter about what he now feels of the war strategy advocated by Biden last fall — fewer troops more drone attacks — the article reports thatMcChrystal and his aides attempted to come up with a good one-liner to dismiss the question. ""Are you asking about Vice President Biden?"" McChrystal reportedly jokes. ""Who'sthat?""Later in the article McChrystal turns more serious when asked about cables sent last fall to Washington by Eikenberry. The cables called into question the major troop increaseadvocated by McChrystal's team and the U.S.'s backing of Afghan President Hamid Karzai — views that the ambassador had not previously raised with McChrystal or his staff.""I like Karl I've known him for years but they'd never said anything like that to us before"" McChrystal is quoted as saying. ""Here's one that covers his flank for the historybooks. Now if we fail they can say 'I told you so.""The article titled ""The Runaway General"" has already caused nervousness inside the Pentagon where memories are still fresh of another blistering profile that got a topcommander in hot water: an August 2008 cover story in Esquire <hop:// > on Adm. William ""Fox"" Fallon then commander of all U.S.forces in the Middle East and Central Asia. The article eventually played a part in Fallon's resignation two years ago.In that Esquire piece however Fallon appeared to directly contradict White House policy on Iran and other parts of the Middle East; the Rolling Stone article makes no suchallegation but rather is full of jokey put-downs of important Washington players.Comments in the article attributed to anonymous McChrystal aides are particularly harsh towards some senior members of the Obama administration including National SecurityAdviser James Jones and other leading politicians like Sens. John Kerry (D. Mass.) and John McCain (R. Ariz). They also make some unflattering references toPresidentBarack Obama himself saying the president didn't seem to know who McChrystal was when he appointed him to run the war early last year.Only Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is portrayed as having strongly backed McChrystal's plan for Afghanistan is singled out for praise by the anonymous McChrystalaides.A spokesman for McChrystal did not immediately respond to a request for comment late Monday.Copyright 2008 Dow Jones & Company Inc. All Rights ReservedThis copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement<littp:// agreement.html> and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies please contact Dow Jones Reprints all-800-843-0008 or <htm://>Top US Afghan commander mocks Biden: report(AFP) — 1 hour agoWASHINGTON — The US commander in Afghanistan mocks the vice president and denounces a top diplomat in a magazine interview while his aidesspeak dismissively of President Barack Obama.Tensions between General Stanley McChrystal and the White House are on full display in an unflattering profile in Rolling Stone of the commander of USand NATO forces in the Afghan war.McChrystal jokes sarcastically about preparing to answer a question referring to Vice President Joe Biden known as a skeptic of the commander's warstrategy.""Are you asking about Vice President Biden?' McChrystal says with a laugh. 'Who's that?'"" the article quotes him as saying.""Biden?' suggests a top adviser. 'Did you say: Bite Me?""McChrystal tells the magazine that he felt ""betrayed"" by the US ambassador to Kabul Karl Eikenberry in a White House debate over war strategy last year.Referring to a leaked internal memo from Eikenberry that questioned McChrystal's request for more troops the commander suggested the ambassador hadtried to protect himself for history's sake.""I like Karl I've known him for years but they'd never said anything like that to us before"" McChrystal tells the magazine.""Here's one that covers his flank for the history books. Now if we fail they can say ?I told you so.""Eikenberry himself a former commander in Afghanisan had written to the White House saying Afghan President Hamid Karzai was an unreliable partnerand that a surge of troops could draw the United States into a open-ended quagmire.The article revisits the friction between the White House and the military last fall as Obama debated whether to grant McChrystal's request for tens ofthousands of reinforcements.Although Obama in the end granted most of what McChrystal asked for the strategy review was a difficult time the general tells the magazine.""I found that time painful"" McChrystal says. ""I was selling an unsellable position.""An unnamed adviser to McChrystal alleges the general came away unimpressed after a meeting with Obama in the Oval Office a year ago just after thepresident named him to take over in Afghanistan.""It was a 10-minute photo op"" the general's adviser says.""Obama clearly didn?t know anything about him who he was.. he didn?t seem very engaged.""The boss was pretty disappointed"" says the adviser.The profile titled ""The Runaway General"" portrays his aides as profane and intensely loyal to McChrystal while arguing the general has seized control overthe war on the military and diplomatic fronts.The four-star general also derides the hard-charging top US envoy to the region Richard Holbrooke and complains about a dinner with an unnamed Frenchminister during a visit to Paris.""Oh not another e-mail from Holbrooke"" McChrystal says looking at his messages on a mobile phone. ""I don't even want to open it.""In a hotel room in Paris getting ready for a dinner with a French official McChrystal says: ""How'd I get screwed into going to this dinner?""""The dinner comes with the position sir"" says his aide Colonel Charlie Flynn.""Hey Charlie"" McChrystal says ""does this come with the position?""McChrystal gives him the middle finger.Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved" |
NOT_FRAUD | Strobe Talbott <Thursday July 16 2009 7:26 AMRE: THANK YOU!Thanks Hillary. the speech turned out very very well. Devin represented the family and sent me a rave review a whileback. I missed the plug for the book but I thank you for that. More important I'm glad it was of some use as youprepare for a very important trip. I'll send you later an op-ed I'm working on about the climateonpro agenda withIndia pegged to your trip. Safe travels and thanks again for letting me kibitz on your good works. S. |
FRAUD | "We have received a payment credit instruction from the federal Government of Nigeria to credit your account with your full contract funds from the Nigerian reserve account with our bank. This is to notify you that your funds has been programmed for immediate release into your nominated account but we can not transfer this funds direct to your nominated bank account because we are having a little problem with International Monetary Fund (IMF) so our method of payment is by Diplomatic Courier Service which means your payment will be issued by DRAFT. Be inform that every arrangement regarding your cash payment through DRAFT has been made. Note that as soon as your DRAFT arrives your Country you are to pick-it up in our Embassy or High commission in your country. I want you to send your direct mobile phone and your international passport for identification at the Embassy or High commission in your country to me immediately so that as soon as the DRAFT arrive in your country th ey will call you immediately to notify you.The expenses you will have to incurr is the Diplomatic courier fee which is a secured way of securing your DRAFT from being lost on transit which $95 dollars only and note that the copy of the DRAFT will be sent to you via email attachment for you comfirmation. Yours SincerelyDr. Agu Johnson Chairman Payment Committee SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach schnell und kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! ** [] " |
NOT_FRAUD | Rahms assistant is asking for your email address. U want me to give him?RS |
FRAUD | BARRISTER BASIL EZE=2ENWOKES CHAMBERS=2ESUITE 109 OKON HOUSE MARINA VILAGOS-NIGERIA=2EE-MAIL=3A bakko=5Fbakko=40yahoo=2EcomDear friend=2CI am Barrister basil eze personal attorney to Mr=2EJeff Baroco=2C a national of your country=2C who used to work with Shell Development Company here in Nigeria herein after=2C shall be referred to me as my client=2E On the 21st of April 2001=2Cmy client=2C his wife and their three children were involved in a ghastly motor accident along Warri-Sagbama Express road=2EUnfortunately=2C all occupants of the vehicle lost their lives as the vehicle caught fire after the crash=2ESince then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives this has also proved unsuccessful=2E After these several unsuccessful attempts=2C I decided to track his lastname over the Internet=2C to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you=2EMy purpose of contacting you is to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client prior to his death before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged particularly=2C the CITY TRUST BANK where the deceased had an account valued at about US$12Million dollars=2E The bank had issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next thirty official working days=2ESince I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name=2Fsurname so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$12 million dollars can be paid to you and then we can share the money afterwards=2E I have all the necessary official and legal documents that can be used to back up the claim we may make=2E All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us inseeing this deal through=2E I guarantee that this will be executed underlegitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law=2EFor your sevices you will have 35% of the total sum=2C while 5% have been mapped out for the orphanage Homes=2EPlease get in touch with me by my email address no=3A bakko=5Fbakko=40yahoo=2EcomBest regards=2CBARRISTER BASIL EZE=2E |
NOT_FRAUD | Can we still get him confirmed today? |
FRAUD | " We were married for fiften years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only two weeks . Before his death we are happy husband and wife Christian family. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was a live he deposited the sum of ( USD $1.Million ) (One Million U.S. Dollars)in the privet security company here in Cote d'IvoireThis money still with the securyty company. Recently my Doctor told me that i have serious sickness which is Cadiac problem.The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to your church or individual that will utilize this money according to God's direction.I want your church to use this fund for orphanages widows propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to know that Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I don�t have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I don�t want my husband�s efforts to be used by self acclaimed Christians. I don�t want in a way that this money will be used ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this Fund. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the hand of the Lord Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my problems and I shall hold my peace. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my straint. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that Wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.Please do give urgent response to this mail without any delay. Hoping to hear from you Remain Blessed always. Yours Sister in Christ. Mrs Ramah Durlahb.__________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around " |
FRAUD | "FROM THE DESK OF MR IRU DUNU EDWINAUDITING AND ACCOUNTING MANEGER BANK OF AFRICA (B.O.A)OUAGADOUGOU-BURKINA FASO.Dear FriendI am the manager of auditing and accounting at the foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICA (B.O.A) here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of US$12m dollars (Twelve Million US dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our for eign customer (MR. ANDREAS SCHRANNER from Munich Germany) who died along with his entire family in Jully 2000 in a plane crash.For more informations about the crash you" |
NOT_FRAUD | We are reaching out. |
FRAUD | " =0DGod bless you and as you receive give God the glory.=0DMs Sharma Taylor.=0D=0D=0DExperience I-Phone Network !=0DStay in touch with I-Phone Network Email Online Shopping at www.i-phone.or=g and more." |
NOT_FRAUD | Yes--call me. |
NOT_FRAUD | Remind me to discuss this with you. |
FRAUD | "Dear SirI am Engr. Ugo Nzego with the Engineering Stores Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and member of Tenders Board. We have urgent need for a trustworthy foreign contact person with whom we can carry out a successful business deal.Federal Government has voted the sum of US$1.86 Billion for Local Production of food crops. The Government has also considered the impact of the importation of some food items like Rice Beans Frozen Chicken and Turkeys and other food stuffs on the Nations Foreign Reserve and have banned the importation of the items that could be produced locally. As a result the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources has been mandated to import Agricultural Equipments for supply to Local Farmers both at SUBSISTENT AND COMMERCIAL level to encourage them to produce enough food items for local consumption and for export to other African Countries. We have already started awarding new contracts for supply of the equipments to successful bidders.We want you to submit to us immediately your complete company name address your name as President or Managing Director / CEO of the company your banking particulars:- (banks name address telephonefax and telex numbers. Your receiving number swift and routing numbers) with these informations we can get you properly registered as one of the contractors of FMANR who has already been awarded part of this contract for the sum of US$113.4 Million to supply some of the Agricultural Equipments parts of which we already have in our custody (stores).After receiving the above needed and stated information from you we will process all the documentation and submit them for immediate approvals and the Federal Government will pay 25% of US$113.4 Million into your nominated bank account in the name of your company as the beneficiary which is US$28.35M . In no time the remaining US$85050000.00 Million shall be paid as balance payment or we together in agreement as partners will use another foreign firm's name that will carry out the supply of the remaining equipments as a sub-contractor to you in our documentation to receive this balance payment.We shall come to your country immediately this fund is in your account to share the US$28.35 Million. The sharing pattern should be negotiated by both parties concerned.However be rest assured that no risk is involved or any scandal in the future for we have done all our homework very well nobody will be hurt during and after this transaction. It may also please you to knowthat all the GOODS that cover the 25% payment are on record only us that are key members of the contract board committee has this knowledge and information. There is the serious need to keep this transactionsecret and very confidential. To that effect I would require your private phone and fax numbers for easy and confidential communication. I await your immediate response to this Proposal. Meanwhile I look forward to establishing life long business relationship with you.The nature of your company or business does not necessarily have to be Agriculturally related but ownership of a company is a criterium for the project.Please reply immediately through this fax number 234-9-2726567. As soon as I receive your fax I will call you on phone for detailed discussion.Best regardsEngr. Ugo Nzego." |
NOT_FRAUD | the Media.docx; 102809-BM-Democracy Assistance Dialogue.docx; 102809-BM-Foundation for the Future.doc; 102809-BM-Gender Institute.docMegan and Jake--Pls see the info from Melanne about the gender issues in the Forum. I'd like to include reference towork and way forward in my speech tomorrow. Thx. |
FRAUD | _____________________ Your Complete Address (Physical Address with Zip Code)__________________________ Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year):___________________ Direct Telephone/Mobile Number: _____________________________ Fax Number:_______________________________________ Complete the above and send back to me as soon as possible. Congratulations in advance. Thank you and I sincerely remain Yours faithfully MR KEN MAHINDER |
NOT_FRAUD | Below is a proposed statement to go out in an hour or so. Also did you see the Pakistanis arrested Adam Gadhan theAmerican al Qaeda spokesman?STATEMENT BY SECRETARY CLINTONIRAQI NATIONAL ELECTIONSI congratulate all the people of Iraq who participated in national elections today and over the past three days. There isno better rebuke to the violent extremists who seek to derail Iraq's progress. Our thoughts and prayers are with thefamilies who lost friends and loved ones and we salute the determination of the Iraqi people to reaffirm theircommitment to democracy and to charting their own future free of fear and intimidation.Thanks to the efforts of the Iraq High Electoral Commission and the Iraqi Security Forces which organized the voting andensured security at thousands of polling sites throughout the country Iraqi men and women from all parts of thecountry were able to go to the polls and choose their leaders freely.I also would like to commend Ambassador Hill General Odierno and all the U.S. civilian and military personnel whosupported this historic effort.Iraqis have chosen a new government to lead their country at a critical time. In the coming months we will worktogether with Iraqi leaders as our partnership continues its transition to a primarily civilian focus with the goal ofbuilding a long-term multidimensional relationship between our two nations - a relationship that will contribute tostability in the Middle East and growing peace and prosperity in Iraq.### |
NOT_FRAUD | Should we wait until you send me the cleaned up version? |
NOT_FRAUD | "Just tried emailing you but not sure it went through --Missed Shaun but talked to his COS a short while ago. She said there are still a few details to be worked out Monday.She ""wouldn't put a full stop on it"" though things are looking very good. Tomorrow will be a down day and they'llreconvene Monday to bang out last details and (hopefully) announce.I'll be in touch with other people in the morning and give you there reports.Will also check in with DecIan!" |
NOT_FRAUD | "Lowey to Remove Assistance for Afghanistan From Foreign Aid BillChairwoman Announces Oversight Hearings on Corruption in AfghanistanWASHINGTON — In light of two troubling news reports on corruption within the Afghan government CongresswomanNita Lowey (D-NY) Chairwoman of the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee today announcedshe is removing funding for Afghanistan beyond humanitarian aid from her 2011 bill scheduled for markup this week.""The alleged shipment of billions in donor funds out of Afghanistan and allegations of Afghan government insidersimpeding corruption investigations are outrageous"" said Lowey. ""I do not intend to appropriate one more dime forassistance to Afghanistan until I have confidence that U.S. taxpayer money is not being abused to line the pockets ofcorrupt Afghan government officials drug lords and terrorists. Furthermore the government of Afghanistan mustdemonstrate that corruption is being aggressively investigated and prosecuted.""Rampant corruption fosters the conditions that threaten the security of our troops and the stability of the Afghangovernment and economy.""The State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee will mark up its Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriations Act onWednesday June 30th. The subcommittee will not consider any bilateral assistance for the Afghan government otherthan lifesaving humanitarian aid at this time.Lowey also announced the Subcommittee will hold oversight hearings after the July 4th recess to get to the bottom ofthese allegations.""Too many Americans are suffering in this economy for us to put their hard-earned tax dollars into the hands ofcriminals overseas"" said Lowey. ""We will not commit billions more in taxpayer money for Afghanistan until there areassurances that such funds will be used for their intended purposes and that the government of Afghanistan is willingand able to root corruption within its ranks. U.S. taxpayers deserve nothing less.""" |
FRAUD | "Dear Sir/madamI have a client who would like to invest in your country and am currentl=yseeking for a reliable person to assist in facilitating the project sothis prompts me to contact you for possible interest.The total amount in question is US$9 Million (Nine Million United StatesDollars) and it is presently deposited in a security bank's vault. So myclient being a known political figure in Liberia handed me this projectand warned that he would want his name to remain a top secret.Subsequently you are to assist in the following areas:1) Assist in investing of the said Amount(2) Advise on lucrative areas of Investment(3) Assist also in purchase of Properties.If the proposal interest you please call or email me on telephone number+44 7787733565.So that we can arrange how to move the fund to yourcountry.For your effort and support in the transaction we have agreed to offeryou 15% of total sum of the fund (US$9Million) as your interest.I am waiting for your urgent response. Please reply.Thank you.GRATEFULLY TREAT AS URGENT.Mr.Talla Dou Azize.Financial Advicer.UK." |
FRAUD | From=3A Mrs Farah al-HashemiAddress=3A Chiang Rai hospital 31-12 Chiang Rai - Lampoon Rd=2C =2CChiang Rai Thailand Dearest Beloved=2CThank you for the attention beeing given to go through my mail=2EI amMrs=2EFarah al-Hashemi=2C The wife of iraq military finance corps Chief=2C whowas incharge of the payment of the military salary during his life servicetime =2E I am 58 years old=2C i am now receiving treatment in the hospital=2EIt's quite obvious that I won't live Longer according to my doctor as i am suferingfrom my kidney transplantillness=2Cthis is because my illness has gotten to a very bad stage=2EMy late husband died from the British and American attacks over mycountry =2Cand during the period of our marriage we had two male children Musa andIdris=2EAfter the death of my husband =2C I inherited some money which my latehusband deposited with a Security Finance Company in Thailand for safety=2EThe doctor has advised me that I may not live long=2C so I now decided tocontact you to assist my two sons to claim this money From where it was deposited andguide them for investment as you are a potential business man=2EMy family will be interested in doing business in your country=2Cthefore i would like to seek your assistance and help=2EI am interestedparticularly in properties =2C but your advise on other areas ofprivate sector would be highly appreciated=2C i am in believe that youwould be of great help in guiding my two sons to a sucessful explorationof the investment potentials of your country =2C which guarantees goodcapital returns and human security =2EAs a result of this=2C i can take you inconfidence bassically due of the source of the fund =2C herebybelieving that your assistance will be profitable to us=2EThe amount in question is USD$12 Million =2EI will appreciate yourwillingness to carry this transactions the gratification remark whichwill be determined as soon as i hear from you=2EAs i have maped out 20%=2Cfor your assistance and 5% would be used for the re-embursementof any expenses that is encurred during on the process of thistransaction =2ELastly=2C I honestly pray that this money when transferred to your countrywill be used for the said purpose of investing in the industry=2C becauseI have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Allah is vanityupon vanity=2EI await your urgent reply to enable me up-date you with more informationand how to proced=2EDo feel free to ask me any question if you wish to as my husbandsdeath has blocked every trace of this money from us=2Cthe documentationsrelating to the deposit of this fund are all intact with my first sonfor your verification =2EI await to hearing from you soonest=2EYours Sincerely=2EMrs Farah al-Hashemi |
NOT_FRAUD | Can we set up turkish fm call tomorrow? |
NOT_FRAUD | You'll be getting the draft of the joint communique - with carefully haggled language on detentions - in your booktonight. You'll also get a proposed Quartet statement on prox talks.Happy Mothers Day! |
FRAUD | ">From The Desk OfMr James Owusu.Dear FriendMy name is Mr James Owusu . I am the Regional Manager of Ghana west Africa Bank Ghana accra branch Ghana. I write you this proposal in good faith; I am married with two lovely children. I am a man of peace and have sincere respect for human feelings and opinions. I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit you and I. As the Regional Manager of Ghana west Africa Bank accra branch Ghana it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each business year.On the course of last year 2005 business report I discovered that the branch in which I am the Manager made 9.3million United States Dollars ($9300000.00) which my head office is not aware of and will never be aware of. I have placed this funds on what we call Escrow call account with no beneficiary. As an officer of this bank I cannot be directly connected to this money so my aim of contacting you is to assist me receive this money in your bank account and get 30% of the total funds as commission.There are practically no risks involved the transaction will be executed under a legitimatearrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law it will be simply a bank-to-bank transfer and all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of these funds who made the deposit with my branch so that my head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account under few working days. If you accept to work with me I will appreciate it very much as you are the first and the only person I am contacting for this transaction.send me an email as soon as you receive this message if you think so that we can go over the details.Thank you in advance and may God bless you and your family.SincerelyMr James Owusu._________________________________________________________________Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!" |
NOT_FRAUD | How can he not have time since the PC dropped? Also now that I'm not leaving until Friday I can do later on Thurs or Friam. |
FRAUD | Dear Beloveth=2EI am Mrs=2E Fatima Rasheed Khalifa a widow to Late Sheik Mohammed Rasheed Khalifa am 64years old =2EPresently i am suffering from long time cancer of the breast from all indications my condition is really deteriorating because of the unsuitable condition in my country that have denied me proper medical care=2EMy late husband was killed during the invasion of collition forces from American and Britain in Iraq and during the period of our marriage we couldn't produce any child=2C My late husband was very wealthy and after his death=2C I inherited all his business and wealthTherefore my desire now is to contribute part of this wealth forhumanitarian aid such as propagation in assisting the less-privileged and to use part of the fund to acquire a better medical treatment else where in Europe or AmericaI am willing to give out 20% of the sum to you for helping me toretrieve this money and transferring it to your account for the said purpose the deposited amount is $4=2E5 million united states dollars=2EPlease I want you to note that this fund is lying in a SecurityCompany=2EFor that i have also writtento a lawyer who will file application for the retrieving ofthe money on your name as the beneficiary=2C only if you promise to use this funds judiciary for the said purpose=2EYours regardsMrs Fatima Rasheed |
NOT_FRAUD | Good morning1. Cheryl is trying to reach you to follow-up on your weekend conversation.2. She's been w/o a computer all morning because hers malfunctioned and POEMS is still working to fix it.3. President Carter called and spoke with Cheryl this am. He asks to speak with you directly about his trips. Home#:Joanne LaszczychAssistant to Counselor and Chief of Staff Cheryl MillsDepartment of State2201 C Street N.W.Phone: 202-647-5548Fax: 202-736-4535 |
NOT_FRAUD | fyi |
FRAUD | " MR WILLIAM DRALLO BANQUE TOGOLAISE DE DEVELOPPEMENT. LOME-TOGOI AM THE MANAGER BILL AND EXCHANGE OF THE FOREIGNREMITTANCE DEPARTMENT OF BANQUE TOGOLAISE DEDEVELOPPEMENT.I am writing you following the impressive informationabout your profile through the website. Therefore Ibelieved that you shall posess the capability andreliability to champion this opportunity with me.In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of 14million US dollars (Fourteen million US dollars) inan account that belongs to one of our foreigncustomers who died along with his entire family inDecember2002 in a plane crash. Since we got the urglyinformation about his death we have been expectinghis next of Kin to come over and claim his moneybecause we can not release it unless somebody appliesfor it as next of Kin or relation to the deceased asindicated in our banking and financial policies butunfortunately we learnt that his supposed next of kinor relation died along side with him in the accidentleaving no body behind to claim the money.It istherefore upon this discovery that I and otherofficials in my department now decided to makethis business proposal to you and release the money toyou as the next of kin or relation to the deceased forsafety and subsequent disbursement since nobody iscoming for it and we dont want this money to go intothe Bank treasury as unclaimed bills. The Banking lawand guideline here stipulates that if such moneyremained unclaimed after five years the money will betransferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.The request for a foreigner as next of kin in thisbusiness is occasioned by the fact that the customerwas a foreigner and an indigene cannot stand as nextof kin to the deceased family.We agreed that 20% of this money will be for you asforeign partner in respect to the provision of aforeign account 5% will be set aside for expensesincurred during this transaction and 75 % would be forme and my colleagues. Thereafter I and my colleagueswill visit your country for disbursement according tothe percentages indicated.To enable the immediate transfer of this fund to youas arranged above you must apply first to the Bank asthe relation or next of kin to the deceased indicatingyour private telephone and fax numbers for easy andeffective communication and location wherethe money will be remitted.Upon receipt of your reply I will send to you by faxor e-mail the text of the application. I will not failto bring to your notice that this transaction is hitchfree and that you should not entertain any atom offear as all required arrangements have been made forthe transfer.You should contact me on my E-MAIL as soon as youreceive this letter. I decided to contact you as wehave products of interest in your part of the worldwhere we can invest our own percentage to avoidpeoples awareness as we are civil servants. With youracceptance and cooperation we can conclude thisoperation within ten working days. Please keep thisvery confidential.May God be with you.Yours faithfullyWilliam Drallo. __________________________________Do you Yahoo!?SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price." |
NOT_FRAUD | Ok. I can also talk after the Lavrov call. |
NOT_FRAUD | Senate may move to START tonight....after failed cloture votes....and before fy 11 budget and tax issues. |
FRAUD | Dear friend=2CGreetings to you=2EPlease pardon me for contacting you without any formal appointment or communication do consider my status as asylum seeker inDakar Senegal=2EI will like to seek your assistance in receiving and investing the sum of US$4=2E8M held in a holding finance company in europe=2EThe money was deposited by my late father who was killed last year by the rebels during the uprising in Abidjan-Cote d' Ivoire=2E He was until hissudden death a diamond =2Fcocoa dealer in Angola and Cote d' Ivoire whichis where he made his wealth=2E Me and my mother arrived Dakar few days ago and confirmed the validity of this deposit then decided to contact you forassistance in view of our present situations=2E We got your contact through the Internet data base while searching for my father's friends in your country=2EMore details will be given to you as soon as i hear from you=2EPlease includesome of your personal details for us to establish a good business and familyrelationship=2EI look forward to hearing from you Honestly yours=2CMiss=2C Joli Hamed=2E |
NOT_FRAUD | Abedin Huma <AbedinH©>Sunday May 16 2010 11:15 AMOscar FloresFw: Latest Version of Draft S. Testimony for START HearingClinton Testimony on the New START Treaty -- 5.16.10 DRAFT.docxOscar can u pis print for hrc to review? |
NOT_FRAUD | Talks.docI have not been able to get a psychology dinner set up but I have found the article that you read onthe difference an apology can make in the Middle East (coming in next email) and commissioned auseful paper from Louise Diamond an expert on psychology and negotiations who has done a lotof work between the Israels and the Palestinians herself (attached). It's about 5 pages; I really thinkit is worth a read. Finally on changing the frame to look forward I strongly recommend that youspend 8 minutes to look at a video produced by a Rand study called The Arc which proposes ahigh-speed road/rail project connecting the key cities in the West Bank and Gaza. It is a powerfulpowerful vision of what could be one that will play right into Bibi's emphasis on economic growth.For my money it would be worth a private 8 minutes screening. I will send the link in the nextemail.AMAnne-Marie SlaughterDirector of Policy PlanningU.S. Department of State(202) 647-2972 |
FRAUD | "URGENT BUSINESS TRANSFERI know that this will come to you as a surprise since we don't know eachother before. For the purpose of introduction I am MR JOB TUTU the chiefauditor of amalgamated bank of South Africa (ABSA). When I was goingthrough some old files in the record I discovered that there is an accountopened in this bank in 1980 and since 1990 nobody has operated on thisaccount again.The owner of this account is Mr. Smith B Andr�a's a foreigner/contractorand a miner at Kruger gold mining Pty. a geologist by profession who diedsince 1991. no other person knows about this account or any thingconcerning it and the account has no beneficiary and investigation on thisaccount proves to me that his company is not aware of this account and theamount involved is US$18.3M ( Eighteen Million Three Hundred ThousandUnited States Dollars Only).I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not beapproved to a local bank account here but can only be approved to anyforeign account because the money is in us dollars and the former owner ofthe account Mr. Smith B. Andr�a's is a foreigner too. So if you find thisproposal interested kindly indicate your interest by contacting me andalso send to me your private telephone and fax numbers for easy andconfidential communication. Please be inform that this transaction is risk free for all arrangementson how to transfer this money to your account has be made ready because Iwill use my positions to get all internal documentations to back up theclaims only waiting for your approval of agreement to assist me. And foryour personal assistance you will be given 25% of the total sum while 5%will be for expenses made by both parties during the transfer and 70% willbe use to establish a lucrative business/ investment for me in yourcountry through your assistance because I cannot bring one dollar back tomy country.Moreover I need your trust and confidentiality promising you will nottake advantage of the situation that makes you the beneficiary to thisaccount and hoping that you can be able to handle such amount of money instrict confident till I come over to your country for appropriatedisbursement and investment.I wait for your urgent response by Email Call or Fax. Thanks And God BlessYours Truly" |
NOT_FRAUD | Coming up in 10 minutes:Wexler at 1:30 PMIndyk at 2:00 PM### |
FRAUD | "Direct and private cell number +447024075280Direct and private Telephone + 448714749902Direct and private fax number + 448701310683Dear FriendI am Mr. T. smith deputy senior regional manager at Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance in Yorkshire. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On June 6 2000 Mr. Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for forty-eight months (being four years) valued at US$40000000.00 (forty Million Dollars) in my branch.Upon maturity I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his employers that Mr. Barry Kelly died from tsunami on his holidays in Thailand 26 December 2004. On further investigation I found out that he died without making a WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr. Barry Kelly did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US$40000000 has carefully been moved out of my bank to a security company for Safekeeping .No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to British Law at the expiration of (three) years the money will revert to the ownership of the British Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.Consequently my proposal is that I will like you to stand in as the owner of the money I deposited it in a security company in two trunk boxes though the security company does not know the contents of the boxes as I tagged them to be photographic materials for export. I am writing you because I as a public servant (Manager with the bank) I cannot operate a foreign account or have an account that is more than $1m.I want to present you as the owner of the boxes in the security company so you can be able to claim them with the help of my attorney. This is simple. I will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the Attorney will prepare the necessary documents which will put you in place as the as the owner of the boxes.The money will be moved out for us to share in the ratio of 70% for me and 30% for you. There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the Attorney and this will guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.If you are interested please reply immediately via my email address upon your response I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction.Please observe utmost confidentiality and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my share in (Buying of properties like houses hotels and doing charity works etc)Please do send me your private/mobile telephone fax number so that we can have a smooth communication.Awaiting your urgent reply ONLY via my email( )Thanks and regards.TONY SMITH" |
FRAUD | " YOUR IMMEDIATE CONTRACT PAYMENT . CONTRACT#:MAV/NNPC/FGN/MIN/009. Our records of outstanding contractors due for payment with the federalgovernment of Nigeria Your name and company was discovered as next on th=elist of the outstanding contractors who have not received theirpayments. I wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and will be rel=easedto you as soon as you respond to this letter. Also note that from my reco=rdin my file your outstanding contract payment is $15.7 million dollars(fif=teenmillion seven hundred thousand united states dollars). Please re-confirm to me if this is inline with what you have in your reco=rdand also re-confirm to me the followings.1) Your full name.2) Phone fax and mobile #.3) Company name position and address. 4) Profession age and marital status. As soon as this informations are received your payment will be made toyou in a certified bank draft from central bank of Nigeria and a copy wil=lbe given to you for you to take to your bank and confirm it. You must call me on my direct phone number as soon as you receive this le=tterfor a serious discussion with me and also get back to me at once. Tel:+234-8023041768 CONGRATULATIONS. RegardsPROF CHARLES SOLUDO.Executive Governor Central Bank Of Nigeria.(C.B.N)Tel:+234-8023041768" |
FRAUD | " Dear Sir It is my great pleasure to write you this letter onbehalf of my colleagues. Your information were givento me by a member of the South African ExportPromotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the BlackEconomic Empowerment Commission (Government)delegation on a trip to the United States during abilateral conference talk to encourage foreigninvestors. I have decided to seek a confidentialco-operation with you in execution of a deal hereunderfor the benefit of all parties and hope you will keepit confidential because of the nature of thisbusiness. Within the Department of Mining Resources where I workas the Director of Project Implementation withco-operation of two other top officials we have inour possession an overdue payment in US funds. The said funds represent certain percentage of thecontract value executed on behalf of my Ministry by aforeign contracting firm which we the officialsover-invoiced to the amount ofUS$41500000.00 (Forty One Million Five HundredThousand United States Dollars). Though the actualcontract cost has been paid to the originalcontractor leaving the excess balance unclaimed. The Government of the Republic of South Africa believethat private investment in general and foreign directinvestment in particular are the real engines forsustainable economic development for which reason ithas continued to encouraged investment in the keygrowth-oriented sector of Mining with sinceredetermination to pay foreign contractors all debtsowed to them so as to continue to enjoy closerelationship and mutually beneficial co-operationwith foreign governments and non-governmentalfinancial agencies. As a result we included our billsfor approvals with the co-operation of some officialsat the Department of Finance and the Reserve Bank ofSouth Africa (RBSA). We are seeking your assistance tobe the beneficiary of the unclaimed funds since weare not allowed to operate foreign account. Thechanging of beneficiary's information/ details andother forms of documentation upon application forclaim to reflect the contract money and its approvalswill be secured on behalf of your company or yourself. I have the authority of my colleagues involved topropose that should you be willing to assist us inthis transaction your share as compensation will be20% while my colleagues and I shall receive 70% andthe balance of 10% shall be used to reimburse allexpenditures taxes and miscellaneous expenses soincurred. It does not matter whether or not your company doescontract projects of the nature described here. Theassumption is that your company won the major contractand subcontracted it to other companies. More oftenthan not big trading companies and firms of unrelatedfields win major contracts and subcontract to morespecialized firms for execution. This business itself is 100% safe provided you treatit with utmost confidentiality. Also yourspecialization is not a hindrance to the successfulexecution of this mutual beneficiary transaction. Ihave reposed my confidence in you and hope that youwill not disappoint us. Kindly notify me for furtherdetails upon your acceptance of this proposal.Pls send all correspondence to RegardsEngr Paul O." |
NOT_FRAUD | do that this week. |