15 values
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, would you mind ordering me a coffee from Starbucks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, no problem. Which Starbucks do you want me to place the order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one in downtown Trenton.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 27, "text": "downtown Trenton", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I'll do that right away. What do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm thinking a salted caramel mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 35, "text": "salted caramel mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Salted caramel mocha latte or frappacinno?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Salted caramel mocha latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 41, "text": "frappacinno", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take a frappacinno.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "frappacinno", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. What size do you want.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I don't think so. Feel free to get something for yourself and put it on my account.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, thank you. Do you want whipped cream in your coffee.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 42, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Yes", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And do you want extra caramel or no?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 29, "text": "want extra caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 29, "text": "extra caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I should be good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, sounds good. And you want me to place that order now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, as soon as you can please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, no problem. I'll call it in now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make sure they put it under my name.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually, can you pick it up for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd get it myself but I'm not sure what time I'm getting out of this meeting.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, no problem. I can pick it up shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, remember to have them put it on my account.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay will do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant, I need to get my car serviced today, can you help me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, which company would you like to use today and what is the problem with your car please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you interact directly with Intelligent Car Solutions please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 56, "text": "Intelligent Car Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, I am seeking to connect with that company's AI, hold on please, now connected, procceed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell their AI, I have a 2013 Toyota Prius, can they service this car?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 28, "text": "2013", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 41, "text": "Toyota Prius", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, all Toyota cars can be serviced by Intelligent Auto Solutions, what is your problem?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "Toyota", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 70, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant, can you ask if they can repair my back left light - the bulb is no longer working properly.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 101, "text": "repair my back left light - the bulb is no longer working properly", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 102, "text": "my back left light - the bulb is no longer working properly.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, checking - that repair will be no problem. What else do you require sir?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the cost to fix my back light please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 37, "text": "fix my back light", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, for the new light bulb and to be installed it will cost $21.95", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 51, "text": "new light bulb and to be installed", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok Assistant, that is fine, are you able to check and see their schedule to find a time to go in for this repair?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, I am able to speak to the AI and find out their available times.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to go in tomorrow, when is the earliest open spot?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 30, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excuse me Sir, but tomorrow they are fully booked but the following day at 10 AM is an open spot, does this work for you.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 27, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 71, "text": "following day", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "10 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes Assistant, please make the booking for me and confirm when you have finished, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, you are now confirmed for 10 AM, in two days for now to repair you back light at Intelligent Auto Solutions at 10 AM,, should I send this appointment to your email?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 40, "text": "10 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 86, "text": "repair you back light", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 116, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you Assistant, yes please send me an email with all these details. Now I have never been to this repair shop, what is the address please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Sir, the address is 12 main Street in Newnan, GA by the cross street of 12th Street and Main Street, should I program your Routing App on this phone with the details?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 103, "text": "12 main Street in Newnan, GA by the cross street of 12th Street and Main Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that will be incredible, so it will be there when I need it in 2 days. Ok, thank you Assistant for setup this appointment, you may close down now till I need you again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir, as always a pleasure to be of service, powering down.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey set me up for a repair day at Intelligent Auto Solution", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 59, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solution", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Give me you car make and model and year", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a ford F150", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 18, "text": "ford F150", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tell me what the issues are", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have something going on with my engine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 40, "text": "I have something going on with my engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 40, "text": "engine", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is this stopping you from driving", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No it just makes so much noise and is hard to turn my truck on and off", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 70, "text": "much noise and is hard to turn my truck on and off", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 70, "text": "noise and is hard to turn my truck on and off", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK what day will you like to come in", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking today if possible", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We only have the time of 8:45pm open for today", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "8:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thats not going to work for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok we have Monday at 4pm and 7pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "Monday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I can come at the 4pm time", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I can book that give me you name and number", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Phill 345 8564", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Phill", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I have you done for Monday at 4pm Phil and there will be a charge of 50 dollars", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "Monday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 47, "text": "Phil", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is tht for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "WE have to do a base charge of 50 to look for the truck then give out another totaly for other charges, if thats ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thats fine then", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok see you then and have a good day", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok thank you", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to order some pizza", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what pizza restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Joeys Pizzaeria!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Joeys Pizzaeria", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "that works for me, i know where that is", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what type of pizzas do you want to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a couple pizzas", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "couple pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what are they?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "a small pizza with chicken on it and a small with bacon and ziti on it", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 26, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 55, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 64, "text": "ziti", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "great i will order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay let me know", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "unfortunately they are out of ziti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "ziti", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay can u get pepparoni instead", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 24, "text": "pepparoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "so you want a small pizza with chicken and a small pizza with bacon and pepparoni?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "small", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 67, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 81, "text": "pepparoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes that works for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "i am ordering them right now", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they are ordered and willbe ready in 25 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you're welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A friend and I want to go see a movie out where she lives in canton. Will you order us done tickets please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "A friend and I", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 67, "text": "canton", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course! What movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That new Alita looks really good, let's go with that.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "Alita", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes it does! Do you have a theater in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Not really, I don't know what's out there", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not a problem, I'll take a look. Do you have any requirements for the theater?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah since we don't get together too often I want to be able to relax, so someplace with alcohol and comfortable seating.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds great. Give me just a second.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Of course, take your time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok so I've found one theater in that area that meets your requirements. What day do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We were planning Saturday night. Do they have anything available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes actually they have a 6 or 9 pm showing. Would you like either of those?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 26, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "9 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes 9 sounds perfect.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 5, "text": "9", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok great. And how many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just two please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok and any preordered concessions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No we'll probably just take care of that when we get there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok then you're all set. The tickets will be in your email shortly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok great. Thanks so much.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey assistant, I want to have dinner at a restaurant today.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One that is rated 4 or more stars, and the cuisine is European.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about price level from 1 to 5", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Price level at 4", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I could suggest to you Restaurant Daniel in NYC", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 40, "text": "Restaurant Daniel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 40, "text": "Daniel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "NYC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the price level", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Level 4", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is it fancy enough for a date?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes it is fine dining", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, book a table for me for 7PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 33, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are no tables available at 7PM, I can do 8PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 36, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 50, "text": "8PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay sounds, good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people will there be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 people", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And do you want to sit indoors or outdoors?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 42, "text": "outdoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to sit indoors", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 21, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I have booked a table for you for 8PM tonight indoors for 2 people", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "8PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "indoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 65, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you very much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an espresso from Starbucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 24, "text": "espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What location? The last order was on 1st Street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 47, "text": "1st Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 48, "text": "1st Street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, 1st street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "1st street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 16, "text": "1st street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmed. Do you want a doppio, quad, triple or solo?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "doppio", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "quad", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 45, "text": "triple", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "solo", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Quad", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Quad", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmed. Would you like to add extra milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 43, "text": "extra milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmed. Would you like to add extra cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 44, "text": "add extra cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 44, "text": "extra cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmed. Would you like to add sugar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "add sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Confirmed. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, have them put that into a regular size coffee cup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That is not available for the quad size. Would you like to change the order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "quad", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Change it to a triple.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "triple", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You want the triple instead of the quad?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "triple", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "quad", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want it with extra cream, no milk, sugar and in a regular coffee cup?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 31, "text": "extra cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "no milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 41, "text": "no milk,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It is confirmed, one triple espresso, sugar, cream, no milk in a regular coffee cup. Anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "It is confirmed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 36, "text": "triple espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 43, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 50, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "no milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 72, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Order completed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Order completed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Order completed.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, Can I get a Starbucks Caramel Brulée Latte, please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 46, "text": "Caramel Brulée Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, what size Caramel Brulée Latte would you like to order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 36, "text": "Caramel Brulée Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Um, maybe a Venti.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, so one Venti Caramel Brulée Latte. What kind of milk would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 37, "text": "Caramel Brulée Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do they have Almond milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 24, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, Almond milk is available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 16, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, let's do that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want any sweeteners?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I want Stevia in it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "Stevia", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, now just to confirm: You'd like to order a Venti Caramel Brulée Latte with Almond milk and Stevia, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 52, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 73, "text": "Caramel Brulée Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 90, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "Stevia", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Sorry, but it looks like that beverage is not currently available. Would you like to change your order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Um, could I ge a Caramel Macchiato instead then?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 34, "text": "Caramel Macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I'll update your order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Your order has been placed and your total comes to $5.50.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 30, "text": "Your order has been placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool. When is it going to be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be ready in approximately 10 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good to me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Can I help you with anything else today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope. Thanks!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, My air conditioner in my 2017 Honda Civic isnt working, please make me an appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 58, "text": "My air conditioner in my 2017 Honda Civic isnt working", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 45, "text": "Honda Civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 119, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 120, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What date would you like to drop off your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please schedule for TODAY", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "TODAY", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I see the autoshop has an opening for tomorrow afternoon. You can drop off your car tonight for tomorrow's appointment. Would you like me to schedule?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 57, "text": "afternoon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 118, "text": "tomorrow's appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 105, "text": "tomorrow'", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. It is 101 degees outside. I will die in my car. Please schedule an appointment for today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 92, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I am looking here and they do offer rush jobs for $100 fee. Would you be interested in the upcharge?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please schedule.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, they have a 2pm appointment today. Would that work for oyu?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "2pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 37, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please schedule", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. What name and phone number do you want me to use for the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sarah Smoth 914-555-3453", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Sarah Smoth", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I was able to schedule you in. Remember there is a $100 fee.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much, where do i park the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They say to drop off the car and walk in the office and hand them the keys.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great thank you i will do that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You're the best assistant ever. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please give me a recap of the appointment, i totally forgot what you said. THe heat is getting to me. I can't remember.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're taking your 2017 Honda civic to Intelligent Auto because your air conditioner isnt working. appointment is today at 2pm. Dont forget the $100 fee. Bring the key to the office.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 35, "text": "Honda civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "Intelligent Auto", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 97, "text": "your air conditioner isnt working", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 97, "text": "air conditioner isnt working", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 119, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 123, "end_index": 126, "text": "2pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. My face. It's so hot.... i can't breathe.. omg... my vision is blurry. I hope i make it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll run you over a bottle of cold water. Please be safe. Its hot out there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm pulled over on Main Street. Please hurry...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "On my way. I;m bringing you a note about what we spoke about. as a reminder, You're taking your 2017 Honda civic to Intelligent Auto because your air conditioner isnt working. appointment is today at 2pm. Dont forget the $100 fee. Bring the key to the office.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 100, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 101, "end_index": 112, "text": "Honda civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 132, "text": "Intelligent Auto", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 141, "end_index": 175, "text": "your air conditioner isnt working.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 146, "end_index": 175, "text": "air conditioner isnt working.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 191, "end_index": 196, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 200, "end_index": 203, "text": "2pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 200, "end_index": 204, "text": "2pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Jim, please go to Starbucks and place and order. I need it ASAP! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which Starbucks should I visit?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Visit the one on Herndon and Fowler. The one we always go to, Jim!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 35, "text": "Herndon and Fowler", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Could you give me the address?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do you really need me to give you an address? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I forget which one it is. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Its the same one I always tell you to go to. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Here, I googled a few. Is it the one with this address: 1845 Herndon Ave F, Clovis, CA 93611.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 92, "text": "1845 Herndon Ave F, Clovis, CA 93611", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes dude. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just making sure, gosh.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do you remember what to get?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need a Iced Black and White Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 35, "text": "Iced Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande, the same size we always get. Jeez I'm not sure why you're having issues", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay grande it is. Sorry, I'm air headed today. Do you want whip cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 11, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 70, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do I ever ask for whip cream?!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 28, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct. No whip cream. Grande. Got it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 22, "text": "No whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I think so.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make sure you call the order in. They usually get busy and I need the drink now!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have the phone number? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, you will have to google that yourself. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I have just placed your order. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cool. Did you get the right thing?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. We ordered a grande Iced Black and White Mocha with no Whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 24, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 51, "text": "Iced Black and White Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 73, "text": "no Whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just received the text to pick it up. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You should already be on your way! Hurry UP!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay okay I'm going!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi would like to order a coffee from Starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What location would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "455 N 3rd St #100, Phoenix, AZ 85004", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 36, "text": "455 N 3rd St #100, Phoenix, AZ 85004", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of coffee do you want to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order an espresso", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What type of espresso would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 21, "text": "espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A Cafe Americano", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "A Cafe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 16, "text": "Cafe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a tall 12 ounce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "tall 12 ounce", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like sugar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes two packets", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want any flavors added?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like vanilla", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like whipped cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 30, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want anything else with your order such as a muffin?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like a blueberry muffin", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok the total of your order is $6.99", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok please place the order with my visa credit card", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your drink is on order at the Starbucks located at 455 N 3rd St #100, Phoenix, AZ 85004", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "Your drink is on order", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 87, "text": "455 N 3rd St #100, Phoenix, AZ 85004", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, this is Jamie Doe. My car is having problems. It needs to be looked at.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 21, "text": "Jamie Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry to hear that. What is wrong with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fluid is leaking. It started today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Fluid is leaking", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where do you want to go for the repair?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I like Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 33, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, sure. How does 8 am tomorrow morning sound?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 25, "text": "8 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 42, "text": "tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would really like to bring it in sooner. This issue worries me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, does 7 pm this evening sound better?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "7 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, definitely.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, please give me your contact number to use for them.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "555-666-7777.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And the make, model and year of the vehicle.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Volvo C30 2010", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Volvo C30", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, to reiterate: Jamie Doe, 555-666-7777, Volvo C30 2010.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 29, "text": "Jamie Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "Volvo C30", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 59, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're appointment is set. 7 pm tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 31, "text": "7 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Also, the fee for inspection is $140.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tnanks. Bye now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need an Uber ride this evening.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where will you need the ride to be from and where to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need the ride to pick me up at at Miami Airport concourse d and take me to 1940 Arthur St.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 61, "text": "Miami Airport concourse d", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 91, "text": "1940 Arthur St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 92, "text": "1940 Arthur St.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there a specific type of ride that you need. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, Im fine with just UberX.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "UberX.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time do you need to have the ride ready for you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ASAP would be great for me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "ASAP", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have two options for you. You have UberX for 20 minutes or UberPool that will be 15 mins.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 57, "text": "20 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 69, "text": "UberPool", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 90, "text": "15 mins", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll take UberX as I have a couple people with me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "couple", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 49, "text": "couple people with me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I found something that will suit your needs. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is great. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to use the gift card that you have on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, use that card and the debit card if need be. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The gift card was used and it was sufficient. You still have a balance on it. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have booked your UberX for Miami Airport to 1940 Madison St.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 42, "text": "Miami Airport", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 61, "text": "1940 Madison St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Arrival time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Its now 19 minutes out from you. Will that be it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 18, "text": "19 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it will. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your ride is 19 minutes out and you can check for updates on your phone app.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 23, "text": "19 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 27, "text": "19 minutes out", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to order a carryout pizza from Papa John's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 53, "text": "Papa John's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which store do you want to pick it up from.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one at 76th and North Oak.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 29, "text": "76th and North Oak", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to customize one or just get a signature pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 58, "text": "signature pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What kinds have a lot of meat?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have a BBQ Meats, a The Works and one called The Meats.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 21, "text": "BBQ Meats", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "The Works", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 59, "text": "The Meats", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What does The Meats have on it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "The Meats", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It has pepperoni, sausage, beef, bacon and Canadian bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 31, "text": "beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 38, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 57, "text": "Canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about The Works?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 20, "text": "The Works", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That one comes with pepperoni, Canadian bacon, spicy Italian sausage, onions, green peppers, mushrooms and black olives.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 29, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 45, "text": "Canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 68, "text": "spicy Italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 76, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 91, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 102, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 107, "end_index": 119, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That one sounds good!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, The Works, what size would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 13, "text": "The Works", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The biggest one they have.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "biggest", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The extra large only comes with original crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 15, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 46, "text": "original crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Original crust is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Original crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The site allows me to adjust the amount of cheese or sauce they put on it, if you'd like.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 49, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 58, "text": "sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, the standard amounts are fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I'll order an extra large, standard crust, The Meats pizza, do you want anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 45, "text": "standard crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 62, "text": "The Meats pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, go ahead and order it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, the order went through and it says it will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thanks!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm looking for a fancy sort of place with a decent budget serving exquisite Italian food.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sir, we have a premium price to reserve and the food is 100% organic as well as artisan bread rolls to go with each of our pasta dishes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can't we work something special for me, a table of four to sit at a table located near the window.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "four", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 97, "text": "table located near the window", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'd be happy to oblige your request sir but you must pay the premium price.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much are we talking for this premium price?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The premium price is a necessary $40.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't know man seems kind of pricey for the quality of food you have available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sure we can comply at a mutual price sir.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, we'll be there at 4:00 for the $15 premium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "4:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sir we cannot let you pay the premium at such a low price.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, let's go for $17.50 at the same time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sir $20 is the lowest I'm willing to go for the premium.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's doable sir I'll be there tomorrow at 4:00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 48, "text": "4:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have come to a minor inconvenience as due to the fact the tables are completely filled by 4:00 tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 67, "text": "tables", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 97, "text": "4:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well that is definitely a slight trouble.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are we able to compromise at Wednesday at 4:00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 46, "text": "4:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds great to me I can't wait to eat some Italian food.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright sir we will be waiting for your arrival.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you get me tickets for the movie US?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 39, "text": "US", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where do you want to see the movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Look for something in Garden Grove, CA my friend lives over there, so I want to get something close to her location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 38, "text": "Garden Grove, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I found a Regal Cinema in Garden Grove.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "Regal Cinema", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "Garden Grove", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, try to get me tickets for an 8pm showing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 39, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that in standard viewing or do you want to see it in Imax?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 27, "text": "standard viewing", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 60, "text": "Imax", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to see it in Imax.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 24, "text": "Imax", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Actually, they don't have an Imax showing for that movie.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "Imax", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine, just get me the standard viewing at 8pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "standard", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 45, "text": "standard viewing", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 52, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's for two people?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, two tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 9, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't have any showing at 8pm the closest is 7pm and 9:30pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 34, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 64, "text": "9:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I won't make it at 7pm and at 9:30 the movie will end to late. How long is the movie?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "9:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The movie is 2 hours and 1 minute long.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 38, "text": "2 hours and 1 minute long", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.duration.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Try another location.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, there's the Regency in Westminster that is showing the movie at 8:20pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "Regency", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 40, "text": "Regency in Westminster", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 40, "text": "Westminster", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 76, "text": "8:20pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, that's pretty close to Garden Grove. Order me those tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 42, "text": "Garden Grove.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I just completed the transaction.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, do I pick up the tickets at the box office?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Actually, they will be sent to your cell phone via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, even better, Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, enjoy the movie!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order a 2 topping pizza tonight", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 35, "text": "2 topping pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. To start what size would you like", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a large pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. What type of sauce would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want bbq sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "bbq sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, our only choices are marinara and garlic white sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 59, "text": "garlic white sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take marinara.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 20, "text": "marinara", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the first topping you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like pepperoni.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 22, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir. And your second topping?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like extra cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 25, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need any style of crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What options are there for crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For crust you can have stuffed, or normal", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "stuffed", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "normal", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take normal crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "normal", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 24, "text": "normal crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to add another item?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you. Complete my order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You ordered a large pizza with marinara sauce, pepperoni, extra cheese, and regular crust. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 45, "text": "marinara sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 70, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 89, "text": "regular crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is complete and will be ready to pick up in about 25 minutes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "Your order is complete", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is a good Italian restaurant downtown?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What star rating do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Minimum four stars.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is Esthers Kitchen and Vito's Italian Cafe", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 24, "text": "Esthers Kitchen", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 48, "text": "Vito's Italian Cafe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What time does Esther's close?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 23, "text": "Esther's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Esther's closes at 11 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Esther's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lets go with Esthers. Can you please see if there is a reservation available for this Friday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "Esthers", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Checking. Sorry, Esther's does not have any availability for Friday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "Esther's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about Saturday?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people in your party?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Checking. There is availability at 5 and 6 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 36, "text": "5", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 42, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 45, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please place a reservation for 6 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 32, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want a booth or table?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "a booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Table.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to sit outdoors?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 30, "text": "outdoors", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I have Esther's for four people, at 6 pm, indoor table, is this correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 19, "text": "Esther's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 28, "text": "four", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "6 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 58, "text": "indoor table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Placing now.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me a Lyft please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to be picked up and what is your destination?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm going to Santa Barbara Bowl from Loreto Plaza", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 31, "text": "Santa Barbara Bowl", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 49, "text": "Loreto Plaza", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it, you'd like to be picked up at Loreto Plaza and go to the Santa Barbara Bowl, is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 50, "text": "Loreto Plaza", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 83, "text": "the Santa Barbara Bowl", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 83, "text": "Santa Barbara Bowl", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "how many passengers will there be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "just me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "just me", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what type of Lyft ride would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "please make it a Lyft XL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will make it a Lyft XL. What time would you like to be picked up?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to be picked up immediately.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok unfortunately Lyft XL will not be available for this trip, would like to select another ride type?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What ride types are available for this trip?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is a regular Lyft ride type available at this time", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 23, "text": "regular Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, just do that then.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have made a request for a regular Lyft to pick you up at Loreto plaza now, would you like anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 40, "text": "regular Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 71, "text": "Loreto plaza", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how much will it be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The ride estimate for this trip is $10-$12", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "$10-$12", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok that sounds fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your Lyft is on the way and can check status of the ride on your phone.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you please call Starbucks and place a coffee order for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Absolutely, I would be happy to. Which Starbucks would you like me to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like it from the one at 25615 US-290.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "25615 US-290", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 45, "text": "25615 US-290.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like me to get for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an iced Vanilla Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "iced Vanilla Latte.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 34, "text": "iced Vanilla Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size did you want me to get for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please order the Grande size.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you want me to get the coconut milk instead of the regular 2%?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 39, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 65, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually, can you make it almond milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 37, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm on the phone with Starbucks and they are currently out of almond milk. Do you want to try something else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 73, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, that's fine. Just ask for the coconut milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 46, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. I will have them change it for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Actually, I've changed my mind. Can you tell them to erase that order and make it a Grande Iced White Chocolate Mocha instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 90, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 117, "text": "Iced White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 117, "text": "White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you still want the coconut milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 34, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. Also, tell them no whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 45, "text": "no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I have a Grande Iced White Chocolate Mocha with coconut milk and no whipped cream.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 19, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 46, "text": "Iced White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 46, "text": "White Chocolate Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 64, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 85, "text": "no whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! Perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it! They said it will be ready in 5 minutes. Just to confirm, this is the Starbucks at 25615 US-290.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 103, "text": "25615 US-290", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much for the help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. The receipt is being texted to your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wonderful! Thanks again. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello! I'd like to buy two tickets to see Hellboy in Howell NJ at 10:10pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 49, "text": "Hellboy", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 62, "text": "Howell NJ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 73, "text": "10:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would that be Xscape Theaters in Howell NJ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 29, "text": "Xscape Theaters", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "Howell NJ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that would be correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry Sir. I see that Hellboy at the Xscape Theaters in Howell NJ is sold out. Is there another showing you would like me to check?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "Hellboy", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 56, "text": "Xscape Theaters", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 69, "text": "Howell NJ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Are there any available tickets for the 7:10 showing", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "7:10", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see. It's saying that show is also sold out. Would you like to see another movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Lets try SHAZAM! at 10:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "SHAZAM", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 30, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "This is at the Xscape Theaters in Howell NJ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 30, "text": "Xscape Theaters", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 43, "text": "Howell NJ", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry it's showing that the 10:30 showing of SHAZAM! is also sold out. Would you like me to check another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 37, "text": "10:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 55, "text": "SHAZAM", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Please try the 8:30 showing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 24, "text": "8:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am seeing that showing is also sold out. Would you like me to try another showing or another movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are there any movies playing after 10pm that aren't sold out.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm showing that only Dumbo playing at 10:05 is currently not sold out.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 44, "text": "10:05", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah I don't really want to see that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. I don't think I'll be seeing a movie tonight after all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry Sir. In the future try buying tickets online on our website to avoid sell outs.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you for the tip. You have a nice night.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you. You have a nice night as well!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to order a Lyft ride", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, where are you headed?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm headed to the Skyline Restaurant LLC, Veterans Highway, Levittown, PA, USA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 78, "text": "the Skyline Restaurant LLC, Veterans Highway, Levittown, PA, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 78, "text": "Skyline Restaurant LLC, Veterans Highway, Levittown, PA, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds like a nice evening. Where will you be departing from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Citizens Bank Park, Citizens Bank Way, Philadelphia, PA, USA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 60, "text": "Citizens Bank Park, Citizens Bank Way, Philadelphia, PA, USA", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what type of ride would you like to take? Will it be shared or personal?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 65, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 77, "text": "personal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It will be shared.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, that will be between $36-$40. Will that be okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "$36-$40", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, that seems a bit pricey. Is there anything lower?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That is about the lowest, but the personal ride is just a few dollars more if you'd like.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 42, "text": "personal", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, I think I'll go for the shared ride.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 36, "text": "shared", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, that sounds good. Do you have an account with Lyft already?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, then I can arrange all the details for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just give me one minute.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure thing.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the ride details will show up in your mobile phone app after I booked it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds wonderful.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you ready to book the Lyft shared ride from Citizens Bank Park to Skyline Restaurant LLC?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 66, "text": "Citizens Bank Park", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 92, "text": "Skyline Restaurant LLC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, I've booked it and your ride is on the way. You can check status on your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 49, "text": "I've booked it and your ride is on the way", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks! Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good morning Renee. I would like for you to make reservations for 5 couples at Linos.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 75, "text": "5 couples", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 84, "text": "Linos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It would be my pleasure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to book a private room for 5 couples on Friday at 6:00 p.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 35, "text": "private room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "5 couples", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 71, "text": "Friday at 6:00 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 72, "text": "6:00 p.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I will call Linos and reserve your table.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "Linos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Mr. John Doe, I called LInos and they will not have a private room table available until 7:30 p.m. on Friday night.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 12, "text": "John Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "LInos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 66, "text": "private room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 72, "text": "private room table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 114, "text": "until 7:30 p.m. on Friday night", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 98, "text": "7:30 p.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I think that will be okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will call them back and reserve that space for you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me go over the details again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a table for 5 couples in a private room for Friday night at 7:30pm,", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 34, "text": "5 couples", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 52, "text": "private room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 79, "text": "Friday night at 7:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 79, "text": "7:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I have it now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, I am trying to do something extra special for my close friends. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I understand. Is there anything else. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, could you ask if I could bring a cake in for the celebration.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I sure will.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Mr. John Doe, I called Linos and reserved you a table in a private room for five couples for you on Friday night at 7:30 p.m. I also asked about you bringing in a cake for your celebration and they said you can bring in a cake.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 12, "text": "John Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "Linos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 53, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 71, "text": "private room", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 88, "text": "five couples", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 124, "text": "Friday night at 7:30 p.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 116, "end_index": 125, "text": "7:30 p.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What would I do without you Renee. Thank you so much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you Mr. John Doe. You are so welcome. Enjoy your time with your friends. Have a great day.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "John Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for all of your help and you have a great day too.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, is this the on the road assistance? I need to set an appointment with the Intelligent Auto Solutions for my car.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 107, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hello! Sure, it is. I am happy to help you with this!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "May I have your name and phone number.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's Sue Miller and the phone number is 356-987-9988.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Sue Miller", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Awesome! Thank you for that information.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No problem. Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make, model and year of your car and the issue at hand?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 2017 GMC Terrain. I think the oil is leaking.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "GMC Terrain", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 51, "text": "I think the oil is leaking", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 52, "text": "oil is leaking.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for the information and I am sorry to hear that your oil is leaking.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 77, "text": "oil is leaking", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks, would you be able to set up an appointment for me tomorrow at 11 in the morning?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 66, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 87, "text": "11 in the morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check and see what available time we have. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, take your time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Upon checking, it looks like 11 a.m. is not available. Is 10:30 a.m. okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 35, "text": "11 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 67, "text": "10:30 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 68, "text": "10:30 a.m.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah! I think that time will work too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! Give me a few seconds to book your appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Already! You're all set. I have booked an appointment for you at 10:30 in the morning. If the service is not covered, there will be a minimum fee for this service.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 53, "text": "You're all set. I have booked an appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 85, "text": "10:30 in the morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Not a problem. I just want my car fixed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thank you! That's all I need.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to book a reservation at a restaurant.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Which day and restaurant are you looking into?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is Olive Garden around 8 PM on Valentine's Day available?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 15, "text": "Olive Garden", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 46, "text": "8 PM on Valentine's Day", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No tables are available at Olive Garden at that time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 39, "text": "Olive Garden", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about noon?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, you can book a table for noon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "noon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 34, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are there any booths available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "booths", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, there are not any booths available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "booths", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about a corner table?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 24, "text": "corner table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, corner tables are available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 18, "text": "corner tables", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like a corner table then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 23, "text": "corner table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people are this reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do any accommodations need to be made for either person?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a peanut allergy.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I will make note of that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Could you also place some flowers at the table before we arrive?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, that can be done.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright, that is all. Please book the table.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, your reservation is set for noon on Valentine's Day.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 22, "text": "Alright, your reservat", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 41, "text": "noon", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’m looking for a restaurant that’s by the water and has outdoor seating.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 72, "text": "outdoor seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In what area? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, anywhere between Santa Monica and Malibu.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 44, "text": "between Santa Monica and Malibu", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 33, "text": "Santa Monica", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "Malibu", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. What kind of food are you interested in eating?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Prime Rib and Lobster ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Now, when you say by the water, does that mean by the ocean? Or would you consider a babbling brook?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 85, "end_index": 99, "text": "babbling brook", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A babbling brook! That sounds different. What restaurant is that?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 16, "text": "babbling brook", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Seven Chakras in Malibu.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 17, "text": "The Seven Chakras", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 17, "text": "Seven Chakras", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 27, "text": "Malibu", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "Malibu.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I’ve heard about that place and always wanted to go there. It’s supposed to look like a fairyland.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that where you want to dine?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd love it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What date would you like to book a table for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about tonight?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I’m sorry, there’s nothing available tonight. Actually, there’s usually a 2 week wait for reservations but a cancellation has just freed a table for tomorrow night at seven o’clock. Would you like to reserve it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 149, "end_index": 180, "text": "tomorrow night at seven o’clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 167, "end_index": 180, "text": "seven o’clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Definitely!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! How many people will be in your party?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Four of us.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Four", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Does anyone have any food allergies?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh gosh. No one’s ever asked me that before but it’s a great question because my sister can’t eat gluten.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Then I’ll make a note that one diner can’t have gluten.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Now let me verify your reservation. That’s dinner for four on Wednesday, March 6th, at 7 o’clock seated outside overlooking the brook, and one dinner cannot have gluten? Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 58, "text": "four", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 96, "text": "Wednesday, March 6th, at 7 o’clock", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 111, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 123, "text": "outside overlooking", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, but we'll only need 3 chairs at the table because my sister’s in a wheelchair. Actually, we'll only need two chairs because I'll also need a highchair.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 26, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 33, "text": "3 chairs", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 110, "end_index": 120, "text": "two chairs", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 146, "end_index": 155, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. I’ll make a note of that so the restaurant will be prepared for your arrival. Is there anything else I may help you with? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that’s everything.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Then I hope everyone enjoys their meal. Good night.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Does PizzaWay deliver pizzas?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 13, "text": "PizzaWay", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 28, "text": "PizzaWay deliver pizzas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "yes, PizzaWaydelivers pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 13, "text": "PizzaWay", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 27, "text": "PizzaWaydelivers pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I would like to order 2 medium pizzas from PizzaWay for delivery.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "PizzaWay", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 68, "text": "PizzaWay for delivery", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. what's the first one?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thin crust, with italian sausage and black olives. No tomato sauce. Extra cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 32, "text": "italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 50, "text": "black olives.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 49, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 66, "text": "No tomato sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 80, "text": "Extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Do you want any sides with that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you , no.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. The second pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "For the second one I'd like a medium pepperoni, with extra cheese and canadian bacon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 36, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 46, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 65, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 84, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Go it. Would you like any sides?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, but actually let's remove the canadian bacon from the second pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 48, "text": "canadian bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Got it. So the second pizza just has pepperoni and extra cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 50, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 67, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct. Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Got it. So your order is for two medium pizzas, one with pepperoni and extra cheese, and the other, a thin crust with italian sausage, black olives and no tomato sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 43, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 70, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 88, "text": "extra cheese,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 87, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 116, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 122, "end_index": 137, "text": "italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 139, "end_index": 151, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 156, "end_index": 171, "text": "no tomato sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct. Thankyou.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Got it. Would you like anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thankyou.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, Got it. So your total comes to $12.99 plus a delivery fee of $3.00", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. Thankyou.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be there in about 45 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok. thank you. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to place an order for pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, let's start with the size you want", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Medium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of topping do you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ham and Pineapple", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 17, "text": "Pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of crust", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Original thick crust", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "Original thick crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of cheese do you like", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cheddar cheese", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Cheddar cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When do you want to pick it up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "25 min from now", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Very good. I have a medium ham and pineapple pizza with cheddar cheese. Is there anything else you would like to order?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 30, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 50, "text": "ham and pineapple pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 44, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 70, "text": "cheddar cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Your total is $12. Do you have any coupons?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No worries, your order will be ready in 25 min.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome. Your confirmation number ABC.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'm looking for a place in Midtown that has good tacos.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I found Tacos A Go Go, Cyclone, and Saint Daine's.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 21, "text": "Tacos A Go Go", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 30, "text": "Cyclone", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "Saint Daine's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you book a table for 4 outside at Tacos A Go Go for 5:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 26, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 51, "text": "Tacos A Go Go", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 60, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tacos A Go Go does not have outside seating.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Tacos A Go Go", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 43, "text": "outside seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, indoor is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 10, "text": "indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The do not have any tables available at 5:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 45, "text": "5:30.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, then could you check for an outdoor table at Saint Danes for 5:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 45, "text": "outdoor table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 60, "text": "Saint Danes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 69, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They have availability. What is the name and number for the reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mike Jones 281-330-8004", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Mike Jones", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you Mr Jones. One moment please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 18, "text": "Mr Jones", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "Mr Jones.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have confirmed a patio table for 4 people at 5:30pm at Saint Dane's for Mike Jones.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "patio table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 36, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 53, "text": "5:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 69, "text": "Saint Dane's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 74, "end_index": 84, "text": "Mike Jones", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds great, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You should receive a text confirmation shortly. Would you like me to send you directions to Saint Danes?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 92, "end_index": 103, "text": "Saint Danes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that was it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, enjoy your dinner.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need to order a pizza please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Where from and what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lets order it from Sam's Pizza in Alma, MI. I'd like a large pepperoni pizza with green olives.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "Sam's Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 38, "text": "Alma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 42, "text": "Alma, MI", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 60, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 76, "text": "pepperoni pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 95, "text": "green olives.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 94, "text": "green olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Let me put in that order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like they don't have any green olives. Is there something else you'd like instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 43, "text": "green olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 44, "text": "green olives.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about black olives instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me try that order instead.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Looks like we can do that! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your large pepperoni pizza with black olives will be ready to go in about 25 minutes for you to pick up.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 26, "text": "pepperoni pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 44, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wonderful!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You should get a receipt for your order on your cell phone soon.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Have a wonderful day!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You too!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Goodbye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like you to get me a drink from starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay are you talking about the closest one off dawson rd?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 56, "text": "off dawson rd", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "dawson rd", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's closest i don't want to have you all around town", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm Really longing for a Caffe mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "Caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay Size", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A grande will work", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 8, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "okay are you trying to watch anything diet wise?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes i'm keeping an eye on my calories ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay they offer the type of mild you would like if you have any in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was advised on getting whole milk but i know there are better options. Calories wise", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 35, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah there are the 2% has less calories", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 21, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm 2% is not what i had in mind anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 7, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The coconut and almond milks are both less than the 2% \"calories wise\"", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "coconut", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 22, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "almond milks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 54, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will go with almond since i have had it before", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok almond milk anything on the coffe", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 14, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "do they offer whip cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 24, "text": "whip cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They do offer whipped cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 27, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would also like whipped cream on mine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "With whipped cream the total fat goes up by a moderate amount", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 18, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yeah i thought about that i actually do want the whipped cream however", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 62, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok the whipped cream is added", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 20, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok what is the general price range for a Caffe mocha?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 52, "text": "Caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will a tall Caffe mocha work ? It seems they are only showing that version", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "Caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes i will estimate around that total", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For a tall Caffe Mocha the price is 3.45", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 10, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "Caffe Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Im guessing with specific milk and whipped cream the price would vary but not too much", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 30, "text": "specific milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 48, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Right that sounds reasonable", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thats pretty much my order thank you as always", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok i will be back soon with your drink", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My car isn't acting right. Call a mechanic for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll find mechanics in the area.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about Intelligent Auto Solutions?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 36, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, they have the best commercials.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's your name?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Philip Roth jr.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "Philip Roth jr", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What number would you like to leave?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "911 555 7890", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what's wrong with the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The engine is making a knocking sound. Like someone knocking on a engine instead of a door", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 90, "text": "The engine is making a knocking sound. Like someone knocking on a engine instead of a door", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 38, "text": "engine is making a knocking sound.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I'll let them know..", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll wait.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 1995 Geo Metro", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "1995", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 21, "text": "Geo Metro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll let them know that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What do they say?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You should bring it by this followinf tuesday", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "it's more urgent. I need to be seen to immediately.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll see if they can see you sooner.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tell them it's an emergency", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They can have you bring it by at 2:30 this afternoon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 52, "text": "2:30 this afternoon", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 53, "text": "2:30 this afternoon.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, go to Intelligent Auto Solutions at 2:300. I'll call to remind you. have a good day.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 37, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 45, "text": "2:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "2:300", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to go to Chicago city hall", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "I would like to go", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 39, "text": "Chicago city hall", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "12PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "12PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many passengers?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "3", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like large SUV?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "large SUV?", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any luggage?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, two small bags", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like a male or female driver?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Female please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "ok. Your car will be arriving at 12pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "12pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How can I recognize the driver/car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Its a white Toyota Highlander with registration code ABC12345", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. What is the name of my driver?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Angela", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. How would you like to pay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Credit card from my account", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The one ending with **4545?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I was wondering how can I report issue with my ride if experience any?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Please open the reservation on your app and select report complaint", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How much will this trip cost me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "$26", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "$26", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to leave any tip?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you for choosing UBER. Have a safe trip", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey man you busy?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No not at all what’s up? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Need some pizzas for the meeting ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh good plan ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah can you put a carry out order in ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem where from ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Papa Johns", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Papa Johns", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yep, you got it ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sweet", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What can I get for you ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I just need 2 larges on cheese one pepperoni both with extra cheese", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "larges", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 44, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 67, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright gimme a second ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I don’t see the option for extra cheese", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 39, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 39, "text": "cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You sure ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah it’s not on here, want me to call?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that’s okay just leave it off ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You sure ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah it’s okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I’ll be ready in 25 minutes ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks again ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You got it ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, could you please order me a car right now? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, where are you at and to where are you going?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm at the AMC Waterfront 22 in Homestead. I need to get to the downtown for my dinner reservation.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 41, "text": "AMC Waterfront 22 in Homestead", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 72, "text": "downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, could you remind me where your dinner reservation is again please?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's at the Capital Grille on Fifth Avenue.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 42, "text": "Capital Grille on Fifth Avenue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh, that's right. I'm sorry about that. How many people are with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There are six of us that need to get to the Capital Grille.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 13, "text": "six", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "six of us", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 58, "text": "Capital Grille", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you prefer UberX, UberXL, or UberPREMIUM?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 46, "text": "UberPREMIUM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There are too many of us for UberX, so what is the price for UberXL?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "UberX", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 67, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "UberXL is estimated to cost $24.04.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "UberXL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 34, "text": "$24.04", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about UberPREMIUM?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "UberPREMIUM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "UberPREMIUM costs approximately $30.30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "UberPREMIUM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 38, "text": "$30.30", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's not much of a price difference. What do you recommend?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You should go with UberPREMIUM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 30, "text": "UberPREMIUM", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you make sure the car is an SUV or minivan that can fit all 6 of us?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "SUV", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 65, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course I will.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. What's the total again?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be about $30.30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "$30.30", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, go ahead and book it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your car is on the way and you can check its status on your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you! We will be waiting.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a drink from starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, what starbucks would you like to order it from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 46, "text": "Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 47, "text": "Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what drink would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Cinnamon shortbread frapp.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 34, "text": "Cinnamon shortbread frapp", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok want size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want whipped cream on that?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of milk would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, is there anything else.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get it without cinnamon on top?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 29, "text": "without cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, when would you like it ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "As soon as possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and charge your account?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can get?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that is all", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, it should be ready for pick up soon.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need to get tickets for Glass.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "Glass", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where would you like to watch this?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm out of town but on my way back so let's say AMC Classic Vincennes 8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 71, "text": "AMC Classic Vincennes 8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 72, "text": "AMC Classic Vincennes 8.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would be good for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The later the better.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The last showing is at 7:20. Is that too early?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "7:20", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect. Cutting it close but perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many tickets did you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm taking a friend so two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Very good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Are there any extra charges for this like 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 44, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, it's a 2D showing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 13, "text": "2D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the final ticket cost then?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Two tickets would be $11.98.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 27, "text": "$11.98", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Don't I have a discount there on Tuesdays?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That you do so the tickets will actually come out to $10.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 56, "text": "$10", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Excellent. Can you confirm this for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I've arranged for two tickets to see Glass at 7:20 pm at AMC Showplace VIncennes 8 for $10. Is that correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "Glass", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 53, "text": "7:20 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 82, "text": "AMC Showplace VIncennes 8", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 90, "text": "$10", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it is.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Details will be texted to your phone. Have a nice evening at the movies.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi there, I want to make a reservation at Blue Duck Tavern", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 58, "text": "Blue Duck Tavern", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, any particular day?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Next Thursday please, at 7:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 29, "text": "Next Thursday please, at 7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check if there's anything available. How many people is this for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any special requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No not really.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, it looks like there aren't any tables available. Is there another time that works for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, what about 6:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 21, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, looks like 6:30 is fully booked too.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no! What times are available then?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are reservations available at 5:00 PM, 9:45 PM, and 10:00 PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "5:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "9:45 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 66, "text": "10:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "None of those really work for me. Are there any similar restaurants nearby?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Kinship is nearby and it serves similar food for about the same price. It has good reviews too.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Kinship", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh that sounds good! Can you make a reservation for me at Kinship?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 65, "text": "Kinship", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Same time and same number of people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yup!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, it looks like there's a table available at 7:30 next Thursday for two. Should I reserve it for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 67, "text": "7:30 next Thursday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 75, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your table is booked. You should be getting a confirmation email soon.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "Your table is booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thanks!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order the Caffe Latte from Starbucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 33, "text": "Caffe Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What location would you like to order this drink from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to have the coffee sent from the Starbucks on 201 Powell St in San Francisco, California", "segments": [ { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 97, "text": "201 Powell St in San Francisco, California", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good, what size would you like your drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande should work", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like any milk added?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% milk should be fine", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like whipped cream, honey, or anything else added?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Some whipped cream would be great", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 18, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any other questions?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is the calories in the drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "190 calories", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about the total fat?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "7g total fat", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much sugar is in the drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "18g of sugar", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, that should be it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your drink is on order at Starbucks 201 Powell St and should be ready for pickup shortly", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "201 Powell St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, the receipt will be sent as a text message to your mobile device, goodbye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I want to order a drink from Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can help with that. Do you know the location will is for", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need it to be at the Starbucks in studio city.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 47, "text": "studio city", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The location on Jeffery road?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "Jeffery road", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok What can I get you today", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need 4 grande coffees.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 8, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 23, "text": "grande coffees", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok will you need milk, skin milk, half and half, or no creamer?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 21, "text": "milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "skin milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "half and half", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I neeed two of those to come with regular milk. Then the other two to come with skin milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 11, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 46, "text": "regular milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 89, "text": "skin milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, and will these be hot or cold brew?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 27, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 40, "text": "cold brew", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need them all to be hot", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 25, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, will yo need to order anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes just one onion bagel with cream cheese.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, toasted or not?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Toasted.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, 4 grande coffees, 2 with skin milk and 2 with regular and a onion bagel with cream creese comes to 12.50. Will you be paying cash or credit", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 10, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 25, "text": "grande coffees", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 43, "text": "skin milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 62, "text": "regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 98, "text": "onion bagel with cream creese", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "i will pay cash", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "alright then your order shoudl be ready for pick up in 20mins from the Studio city locaiton", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 39, "text": "alright then your order shoudl be ready", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 91, "text": "Studio city locaiton", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 82, "text": "Studio city", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thank you", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello. I'd like to place an order from Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Which location would you like to order from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order from the location in Flower Mound off of Cross Timbers and Garden Ridge.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 89, "text": "Flower Mound off of Cross Timbers and Garden Ridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 89, "text": "Cross Timbers and Garden Ridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. What would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to order a Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 45, "text": "Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 46, "text": "Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Tall, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of milk do you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Coconut milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Coconut milk.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And would you like whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like they are out of coconut milk? Would another milk be okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 42, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'd be fine with almond milk instead.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 33, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I can make that happen.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So just to go over it again. You'd like one tall Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte with almond milk and whipped cream, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 48, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 74, "text": "Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 91, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 109, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 110, "text": "whipped cream,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I've placed your order.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 32, "text": "I've placed your order.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready shortly and the receipt is being sent to your mobile device via text.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome, thanks again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Have a great day!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, can you send a Lyft over to come pick me up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course. Where are you right now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm over at the Urth Cafe in Pasadena.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 37, "text": "the Urth Cafe in Pasadena", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 38, "text": "Urth Cafe in Pasadena.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, and where do you want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Arclight Cinema on Colorado Blvd.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 36, "text": "The Arclight Cinema on Colorado Blvd", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, I'll get some fare estimates up right now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like the cheapest option will be a shared ride, which will cost about 4 to 6 dollars. Another option is a Lyft XL at 8 to 10 dollars, or a Lyft Lux at 9 to 12 dollars.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 55, "text": "shared ride", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 93, "text": "4 to 6 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 115, "end_index": 122, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 126, "end_index": 141, "text": "8 to 10 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] }, { "start_index": 148, "end_index": 156, "text": "Lyft Lux", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 160, "end_index": 175, "text": "9 to 12 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's do the Lyft XL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll try booking one now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, but there's no Lyft XL's in the area at the moment. Would you like to wait, or choose another option?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 31, "text": "Lyft XL's", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll just go with the Lyft Lux.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 30, "text": "Lyft Lux", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, sorry about that. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's alright.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, a Lyft Lux is on their way over to you. They should be there in around 4 minutes. You can check their current location on your phone.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 16, "text": "Lyft Lux", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 86, "text": "4 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome, thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "My pleasure, is there anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, that's it. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a safe trip. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order me a pizza for pick up", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure which restaurant ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Happy joes", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Happy joes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what would you like ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A large half taco half buffalo chicken", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 17, "text": "half taco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 38, "text": "half buffalo chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 38, "text": "buffalo chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok looks like they are out of buffalo chicken u want a different topping", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 45, "text": "buffalo chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes let’s go with sausage", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I’ll get it ordered ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total is 25.59 should I charge it to the card on file ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok the pizza will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes do u want me to confirm all the details ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I’ve got 1 half taco half sausage pizza at happy joes that will be ready in 25 minutes cost is 25.59 charged to your card ending in 456..", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 42, "text": "half taco half sausage pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "half taco", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 36, "text": "half sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 56, "text": "happy joes", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds correct ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do u need anything else ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok running your card now ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok it’s approved you should have an email shortly with your receipt", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 67, "text": "Ok it’s approved you should have an email shortly with your receipt", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem would u like to right a review of my service today ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok have a great day and enjoy your pizza ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Would like to book a reservation at the Blue Boar.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 49, "text": "the Blue Boar", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 50, "text": "Blue Boar.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The Blue Boar in what state?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "The Blue Boar", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The Blue Boar of Anna, IL", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "The Blue Boar", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 25, "text": "of Anna, IL", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "Anna, IL", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay may I ask when do you need this reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:15pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "7:15pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay how many people will be attending?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 people.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What day would you like to make this reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Friday night please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to dine indoor/outdoor?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 29, "text": "indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 37, "text": "outdoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Indoor please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Preference of table?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Would like a booth table please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 24, "text": "booth table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any special requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes would like some champagne out a particular time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay anything else we could help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What are the price ranges?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The meals will range from $18 - $45.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thank you that will be all!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay reservation confirmed for 7:15 on Friday at the Blue Boar.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 62, "text": "Blue Boar", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I want to see The Best of Enemies, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 37, "text": "The Best of Enemies", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, where are you located?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm in San Diego.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "San Diego", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, that's San Diego, California, correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 32, "text": "San Diego, California", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks. What time would you like to see the movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there an evening show tonight?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "evening", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. There are showtimes at the AMC Mission Valley 20 tonight. Would you like to hear the specifics?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 53, "text": "AMC Mission Valley 20", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 61, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are showtimes at 6:45 and at 9:50.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "6:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "9:50", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, those are pretty far apart. I was hoping for something at more like 8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 73, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to look elsewhere?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, ok.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your movie is also playing at the AMC Fashion Valley 18 theater. Would you like to learn about the showtimes?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 63, "text": "AMC Fashion Valley 18 theater", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are showtimes at 6:00 and at 9:10.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "6:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "9:10", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 40, "text": "9:10.", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nah, those are still too far apart so it's going to be hard to get dinner beforehand.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to look elsewhere?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, the other theaters are too far away.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Can I help with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it. Thanks.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to schedule an appointment to have my 2015 Chevy Malibu towed to you to be serviced", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "2015", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 68, "text": "Chevy Malibu", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where are you towing from? And where would you like the vehicle towed to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am towing from 1234 Main Street and towing to 5678 Parkway", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what type of car is it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a 2015 Chevy Malibu.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "2015", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 25, "text": "Chevy Malibu", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the issue you are having?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The car stalls in traffic.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "The car stalls in traffic", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "The car stalls in traffic.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How long has this issue been going on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It just stalled today in traffic", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 32, "text": "stalled today in traffic", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is the car driveable?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The car is driveable but I do not want to take the chance.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a tow company that you would like to use?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there a particular company that you suggest??", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. I suggest Atlas Towing.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 27, "text": "Atlas Towing", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 28, "text": "Atlas Towing.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Do you have a time range that you anticipate having my car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You will be contacted after the diagnosis is made.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "If I need a rental car, are you able to set that up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If you need a rental, I can assist you with getting that set up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When can I expect to have the vehicle towed?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We can schedule you for tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 32, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 40, "text": "tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 53, "text": "morning at 10:00 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 53, "text": "10:00 a.m", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi! I would like to order some coffee from Starbucks on Lee St. in Des Plaines, IL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 82, "text": "Lee St. in Des Plaines, IL", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to order a Caffe Americano.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 39, "text": "Caffe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 40, "text": "Caffe Americano.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like it on?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the largest size that they have.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "largest", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 29, "text": "largest size", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are several topping options, would you like any?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like some whipped cream on top.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 39, "text": "some whipped cream on top.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 31, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything I should leave out?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like as little sugar as possible.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "little sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! And how many would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like just one of them, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that all for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like extra caffeine in it, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 27, "text": "extra caffeine", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I will have that done.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That would be all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order is being placed.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Your order is being placed", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please update me on it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your order will be available for pickup at the Starbucks on Lee St. and you will receive text messages for your receipt shortly.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 66, "text": "Lee St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 67, "text": "Lee St.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you so much!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am so happy to help.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you schedule an appointment for my car to get checked? I'm driving right now, and it's behaving oddly.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Do you have a mechanic in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I usually go to Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 47, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I see a few different shops under that name or with a similar name.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is on Jackson Ave. Should be the only one there. If you can access my contacts, the exact line to the mechanic is there.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 20, "text": "Jackson Ave", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ah, thanks. I see it now. When you do want to go?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "At the earliest possible appointment available today. I'm a bit paranoid.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 52, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an opening for 2:30 pm. How's that sound?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 31, "text": "2:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What time do they close?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "5 pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK, that time is good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What should I put as the issue?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It seems like my car is shifting out of all wheel drive. It's slow to accelerate and stops very abruptly.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 104, "text": "my car is shifting out of all wheel drive. It's slow to accelerate and stops very abruptly", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 55, "text": "shifting out of all wheel drive", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 105, "text": "slow to accelerate and stops very abruptly.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I know you have an Acura. What year and model name?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "Acura", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 25, "text": "Acura.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2012 MDX", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2012", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "MDX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Should I put your work or cell as the contact?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cell, 331-555-5555", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just to confirm the details, the appointment will be for 2:30 pm at Intelligent Auto Solutions. Anything else?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "2:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 94, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 95, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Add in a tire rotation if they have time.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will do. Appointment has been scheduled.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 40, "text": "Appointment has been scheduled.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi! Could you order coffee from Starbucks, please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 26, "text": "coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure! Which Starbucks branch would you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Starbucks at South Main Street, Graham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 38, "text": "South Main Street, Graham", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 39, "text": "South Main Street, Graham.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. What would you like me to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Today, I'm gonna have the caffe mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 38, "text": "caffe mocha.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 37, "text": "caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Awesome! Do you want the short, tall, grande or venti?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 30, "text": "short", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 53, "text": "short, tall, grande or venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 36, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 53, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let me see. Can you tell me how much calories does the venti have compared to tall size?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 60, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 82, "text": "tall", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just a moment, pls. Let me check for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like the venti has 450 calories while the tall size has 290 calories.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What's the serving size for the venti?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 37, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Venti will be 20 fluid ounces.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I'll have the venti then pls.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like milk added to it?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 19, "text": "milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh yes, I'll have Almond milk with it. I trying to avoid animal milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 68, "text": "animal milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 23, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes pls.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just to confirm I got it right. You want venti sized caffe mocha, with Almond milk and whipped cream to be ordered from Starbucks at South Main Street, Graham?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 46, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 52, "text": "venti sized", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 64, "text": "caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 82, "text": "Almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 87, "end_index": 100, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 120, "end_index": 159, "text": "Starbucks at South Main Street, Graham?", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 133, "end_index": 158, "text": "South Main Street, Graham", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, you got it right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your order of caffe mocha has been ordered and ready for pick up shortly. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 31, "text": "caffe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Awesome. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "hat's all. Thanks again.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Have a great day. Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You, too. Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi. Can you find me a fine dining restaurant that is near my place for tonight? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there a particular cuisine you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I prefer a restaurant that serves steak and has a good wine list.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I found 2 restaurants near your area. Morton's and Ruth's Chris.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 46, "text": "Morton's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 63, "text": "Ruth's Chris", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please get me a reservation for 2 at Ruth's Chris.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 49, "text": "Ruth's Chris", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would you like me to reserve your table?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Around 7 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Around 7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any other requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would prefer a booth.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Let me make a call and I'll get back to you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They are fully booked at the time you wanted. The next available time is at 8 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 80, "text": "8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine. Do they have a bar where we can wait?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, they do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One more thing. Inform them it is my wife's birthday and if they can do something special for her.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They actually give birthday celebrants a cake and sing for them. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's great. Let me know if you have confirmed our reservations.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "A booth for 2 is reserved under your name at 8 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 13, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "8 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks! Goodbye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. Enjoy your evening. Bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant can you order a ride for me?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, what kind of car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I like lyft, their prices are usually cheaper.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "cheaper", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many passengers?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and where are you now?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "On the corner of Pulaski and Montrose.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 37, "text": "On the corner of Pulaski and Montrose", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 37, "text": "corner of Pulaski and Montrose", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And where are you going?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yusho Noodles in Logan Square.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 29, "text": "Yusho Noodles in Logan Square", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 30, "text": "Yusho Noodles in Logan Square.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Let me check the app...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Of course.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hm, looks like if you want a Lyft it will be at least 20 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 64, "text": "20 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Darn, I need to get there sooner. Ok, please check Uber.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 32, "text": "sooner", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "Uber", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.uber_lyft" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. It looks like there's an Uber regular in about 5 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 43, "text": "Uber regular", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 62, "text": "5 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 63, "text": "5 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok you're all set, just be on the northwest corner of the street.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 17, "text": "you're all set", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.ride_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 65, "text": "northwest corner of the street.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can I be of any further assistance?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'll call later with other tasks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, enjoy your evening.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'm thinking I want to order pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds like a good idea.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, can you order me a couple pizzas from Pizza Hut?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 53, "text": "Pizza Hut", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, that's no problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2 large pizzas.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Any toppings?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want them both to be barbeque chicken.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 39, "text": "barbeque chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I'm going to order now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bad news. They don't have any chicken. Do you still want pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 37, "text": "chicken", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is your second choice?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get them with bacon and pineapple.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "bacon", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 33, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I got it. I'm going to order it now.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. It should be ready in about 20 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds great. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi would like to order a coffee from Starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I can help you with that. What type of coffee.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an espresso", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 24, "text": "espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok do you want sugar with that?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes two sugars", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 14, "text": "sugars", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 17, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like some cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like whipped cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 30, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want flavorings such as vanilla?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 38, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like caramel", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a Grande", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok let me try to place the order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I tried to place the order but they do not have caramel flavoring as they are out of stock. Would you like another flavor?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 58, "text": "caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I would like vanilla", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok let me place your order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok I can confirm that your drink is on order at the local store and will be ready for pickup shortly and that your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 44, "text": "Ok I can confirm that your drink is on order", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you very much", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi I wanna make a drink order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Where from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What can I get for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Caffe Americano", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 24, "text": "Caffe Americano", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like any cream or sugar or honey?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 42, "text": "cream or sugar or honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes sugar and maybe some whipped cream", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 38, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It seems that drink is not available actually", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can I get you another one?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I will have a Caffee Mocha", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 30, "text": "Caffee Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like the same honey and whipped cream?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "same honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay looks good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "when will it be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "In about fifteen minutes for pickup", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We have sent the info to your phone", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi I'm trying to get my car checked out at INtelligent auto solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 69, "text": "INtelligent auto solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing, can I get the make model and year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a 1997 Honda Civic", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 11, "text": "1997", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "Honda Civic", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what seems to be the issue today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Whenever I go above 60 mph there's a bit of rattling going on", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 61, "text": "Whenever I go above 60 mph there's a bit of rattling going on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 61, "text": "above 60 mph there's a bit of rattling going on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That could be one of many things, but a good idea to get it checked out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I'd like to get it checked out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what time is good for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like tomorrow morning if possible, the sooner the better.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 17, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tomorrow morning is available, how does 8am sound?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "Tomorrow morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 16, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "8am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, it may take a few hours, but hopefully you'll be able to pick it up in the afternoon", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The total cost of the appointment minus repairs would be $55", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's okay, I'll do whatever it takes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, do you know where the store is located at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I don't.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's on 9th and Broadway, their number is 702-131-4813", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 24, "text": "9th and Broadway", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Got it Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Was there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's all.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good day!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please start an order with the nearest Starbucks coffee store", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Starbucks Coffee order started for store location on Somerville Ave in Somerville, MA", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 85, "text": "Somerville Ave in Somerville, MA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you order a Cappucino?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 25, "text": "Cappucino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Cappucinno ordered. What size would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Cappucinno", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to add cream or milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "add 2% milk please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 11, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to add sugar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 27, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One teaspoon of sugar please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 21, "text": "One teaspoon of sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to add any flavor shots?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 38, "text": "flavor shots", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you you like to add anything else to the drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many would you like to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "One", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "One", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like the drink at the Somerville location?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 42, "text": "Somerville", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that all you want to order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "One venti cappucinno ordered at Starbucks Location in Somerville, MA. Receipt is texted to your phone and the drink will be ready in 15 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "One", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.num.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 20, "text": "cappucinno", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 68, "text": "Somerville, MA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a coffee drink from starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay which location do you want to pick it up from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on Kell W blvd please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "Kell W blvd", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, no problem. What would you like to drink?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the Iced vanilla bean coconutmilk Latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 52, "text": "Iced vanilla bean coconutmilk Latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright do you want to add any extra ingredients to that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like extra whipped cream on the top.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 32, "text": "extra whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is that all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I want a sprinkle of cinnamon on top as well.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 33, "text": "sprinkle of cinnamon", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would that be all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it will.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hmm it seems that they are out of coconut milk, would you want a different type of milk or drink?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 46, "text": "coconut milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mmm, do they have almond milk instead?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes they do.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay Ill take it with almond milk then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 33, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright and what size would you want that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A grande will be fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 8, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay sounds good. I have a grande iced vanilla bean coconutmilk latte with almond milk.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 33, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 69, "text": "iced vanilla bean coconutmilk latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 86, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright it should be ready shortly at the Kell w location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 48, "text": "Kell w", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 57, "text": "Kell w location", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to make a reservation for a Japanese restaurant for tonight", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the name of the restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "n/naka", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "n/naka", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would you like to make a reservation?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7 PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many will be coming to dinner?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any special requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to sit outside.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Unfortunately there are currently no reservations available for 7", "segments": [ { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 71, "text": "7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, what about 8?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 18, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That is also unavailable.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I think I'd like to make a reservation for Totoraku instead", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "Totoraku", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Totoraku has a reservation available for 2 at 7 with outside seating. Would you like me to confirm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "Totoraku", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 42, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 47, "text": "7", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 68, "text": "outside seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have completed you reservation for Totoraku for tonight at 7 PM for 2 people with outside seating.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 45, "text": "Totoraku", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 65, "text": "tonight at 7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 65, "text": "7 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 71, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 78, "text": "2 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 99, "text": "outside seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct, thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, have a nice dinner.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I'd like you to arrange tickets to see A Star Is Born for tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 60, "text": "A Star Is Born", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, in what city do you want to see it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In Matthews, North Carolina.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 27, "text": "In Matthews, North Carolina", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 3, "end_index": 28, "text": "Matthews, North Carolina.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sound goods. Will it just be you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'm taking a friend.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So, two tickets in total then?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 7, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 15, "text": "two tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's playing at the Cinemark. Will that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 28, "text": "the Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 28, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I love that theater and the prices are reasonable.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time were you planning on going?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Probably the latest showing possible.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The last showing is at 7PM. Will that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 26, "text": "7PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, that would be perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any special requests?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I'll just order some food after we get there but I can handle that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need to know the total price?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm sure I'll see it when you send the tickets to my phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll make sure you know. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope, I appreciate your help and am looking forward to the show! Have you seen it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, but let me know how it is!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will do. Thanks for your help!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Enjoy!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Have a great night and talk later. Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Donna", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes Turker?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 10, "text": "Turker", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to take Alexia out to dinner on the town. I want to go out Thursday evening. I want a cozy romantic atmosphere and something that is BYOB.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "Alexia", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which city do you want to dine in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Philadelphia.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Philadelphia", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright I've found Giorgio on Pine and Audrey Claire.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 34, "text": "Giorgio on Pine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 52, "text": "Audrey Claire", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which has better google reviews?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Giorgio on Pine by a half star. They serve Italian food and Audrey Claire serves Mediterranian.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Giorgio on Pine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 73, "text": "Audrey Claire", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Giorgio on Pine sounds lovely. Can you get us a table by the window?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Giorgio on Pine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 67, "text": "by the window", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Just the two of you? Are you celebrating anything special?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 18, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "We're actually celebrating our engagement anniversary. If you could include that in the reservation that would be great. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time would you like your reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:45", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me call them. Hold on one moment. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, there is not a window table available at 7:45, but it is available earlier in the evening at 7:00. Is that suitable or would you like another time?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 36, "text": "window table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 54, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 106, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:00 is fine. Please book it", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. I've booked you for 7:00 this Thursday evening at Giorgio's on Pine. I also mentioned that you are celebrating an anniversary.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 33, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 76, "text": "Giorgio's on Pine", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wonderful. Thank you for your help Donna. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course Turker, enjoy the meal! Make sure you let me know how it was!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 16, "text": "Turker", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Will do. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm looking for nuevo cuisine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Try 123 Front Street", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 19, "text": "123 Front Stree", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 20, "text": "123 Front Street", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, I'd like a reservation on April 5th ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:30 PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "7:30 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Fine, how many people ? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "reservations for 4 please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 18, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, we would like a booth", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Reservations for 4 at 7:30 PM on April 5th? and you want a booth?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 18, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "7:30 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 64, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry. All of our booths are in the Sky View room and that room has been reserved for that evening.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "booths", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine, but nothing near a window. ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 31, "text": "nothing near a window", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry sir, but all our best tables are near a window.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 52, "text": "near a window", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can we have a booth at Robert's at 7:30 PM on April 5th?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 19, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "Robert's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "7:30 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want me to check if we can fit you in at Roberts? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 55, "text": "Roberts", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. That would be great. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me check. Please hold a minute. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you ask who the chef is that night? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Certainly, sir. One moment. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for checking", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem. Chef Robert will be on duty on April 5th at Roberts.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 63, "text": "Roberts", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's great! Let's make reservations there then. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your reservation for 4 people at Roberts at 7:30 PM with a booth are confirmed. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 22, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 40, "text": "Roberts", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 51, "text": "7:30 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 64, "text": "booth", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks. You've been very helpful ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's my pleasure. Enjoy your evening. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to get me an appointment with Intelligent Auto Solution", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 66, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solution", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. What is the nature of the problem?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There is black smoke coming out of the back of my car.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 53, "text": "There is black smoke coming out of the back of my car", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is the make and model and year of the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It is a Dodge Charger. 2016.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 21, "text": "Dodge Charger", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "2016", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When do you like the appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need it as soon as possible.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 29, "text": "as soon as possible", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Can you bring the car in before 10am on Wednesday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 36, "text": "before 10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 49, "text": "Wednesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No that is no good. I need my car to get to work. I have to get it fixed sooner.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay there is an opening on Tuesday at 3pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "Tuesday", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "3pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This is urgent. Don't they have emergency appointments?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can see a opening tomorrow at 4pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 28, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take that. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. You are having an inspection on a 2015 Dodge Charger, tomorrow at 4pm,", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "2015", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 58, "text": "Dodge Charger", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 68, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 75, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. If there is a cancellation and an earlier slot opens can I change?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Changes may be made until 90 minutes before your appointment. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. How much will they charge for the inspection.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You will pay a flat fee of $50. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks. Set a reminder for this appointment", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Reminder set for tomorrow at 4pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 25, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "4pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, Bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Goodbye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there any way you could order a Lyft for me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 39, "text": "Lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I sure can where would you like it to pick you up and drop you off?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like it to pick me up at midlothian high school and drop me off at the Texas rangers baseball stadium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 55, "text": "midlothian high school", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 109, "text": "the Texas rangers baseball stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 109, "text": "Texas rangers baseball stadium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay sounds good. How many people will be with you on this ride?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There will be 6 including myself.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 15, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what type of vehicle would you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What kind do they have?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well for the amount of people that are going I would suggest XL,or Lux Black XL", "segments": [ { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 63, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 79, "text": "Lux Black XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay well it is my birthday so I guess I will go with the Lux Black XL.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 70, "text": "Lux Black XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "hmm, its seems that there are no Lux Black XL within your area.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 45, "text": "Lux Black XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thats fine ill just go with XL then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 35, "text": "XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, it is showing that the will be there within 10 minutes, does that work for you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 63, "text": "10 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 64, "text": "10 minutes,", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.duration.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that works.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright I have that set up for 6 people in a XL lyft vehicle.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 32, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 39, "text": "6 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "XL lyft", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much will it cost. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will range from $42 to $49 for the trip.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "$42", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "$42 to $49", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "$49", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay thats not bad.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay Ill have your receipt and info on the arrival of the driver sent to your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have fun. Good bye. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey! I just finished watching the game, and want to take myself and 5 friends to Starbucks, Can you order a car?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 77, "text": "myself and 5 friends", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 90, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can do that. What location are you at, and where do you want to be taken to ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I am at Coors Stadium, Denver Co, and we want to go to the Starbucks at California St, Denver, Co", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 32, "text": "Coors Stadium, Denver Co", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 33, "text": "Coors Stadium, Denver Co,", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 97, "text": "Starbucks at California St, Denver, Co", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok and that was for how many passengers?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need it for myself and 5 friends, so a total of 6.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 34, "text": "myself and 5 friends", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 51, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 52, "text": "6.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I do have several options available on Lyft.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you send a luxury car? Its my birthday, I feel like celebrating!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, and you are all ready? The driver will not need to wait?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes we are.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I do not see any Luxury Black cars available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 38, "text": "Luxury Black", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, do they have anything a little nicer, that will seat all of us?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I do show there is a Lyft XL that is a SUV, three rows of seating that will work.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 28, "text": "Lyft XL", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.type.ride.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hoe much will that be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have an estimate of between $8-10", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "$8-10", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is that per person?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, the total fare for the trip would be between $8 and $10 .", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 59, "text": "$8 and $10", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is great. Please set that up for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I have scheduled your Lyft ride for a total of 6 people from the Coors Stadium, Denver, Co to the Starbucks on California St, Denver, CO. Fare will be between $8 and $10 and the driver will meet you out front within 6 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 52, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 59, "text": "6 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.num.people.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 94, "text": "Coors Stadium, Denver, Co", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.location.from.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 140, "text": "Starbucks on California St, Denver, CO", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 102, "end_index": 141, "text": "Starbucks on California St, Denver, CO.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 163, "end_index": 173, "text": "$8 and $10", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" }, { "name": "uber_lyft.price.estimate.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 220, "end_index": 230, "text": "6 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 220, "end_index": 229, "text": "6 minutes", "annotations": [ { "name": "uber_lyft.time.pickup.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect! Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Enjoy your birthday! You can check the status of the ride, and see the vehicle, driver information right on your phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you place a Starbucks order for me and I'll pick it up when it's ready?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 25, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which location are you closest to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right now I am near the one on Kietzki and South Virginia.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 57, "text": "the one on Kietzki and South Virginia", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 57, "text": "Kietzki and South Virginia", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The one by the Wal Mart?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 23, "text": "The one by the Wal Mart", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 23, "text": "Wal Mart", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's the one!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. Which drink you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A caramel macchiato", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "A caramel macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what size", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Let's do Venti", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "Venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just regular 2% milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 15, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "2% milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you make it almond milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 22, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, is that all?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like an extra shot of espresso, two extra pumps of caramel and a pump of chocolate", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 38, "text": "an extra shot of espresso", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 90, "text": "extra shot of espresso, two extra pumps of caramel and a pump of chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 66, "text": "two extra pumps of caramel", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 90, "text": "a pump of chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hot, Iced, or Frappuccino?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Hot, Iced, or Frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 9, "text": "Iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 25, "text": "Frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, I didn't even think about that. I was going to get it hot. But, lets do a frapp.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 61, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 83, "text": "frapp", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, are you sure?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Absolutely", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I got a venti caramel macchiato frappuccino with almond milk, an extra shot, 2 extra caramel pumps and a pump of chocolate, is that all?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 52, "text": "caramel macchiato frappuccino", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 69, "text": "almond milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 64, "text": "almond", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 84, "text": "an extra shot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 131, "text": "an extra shot, 2 extra caramel pumps and a pump of chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 107, "text": "2 extra caramel pumps", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 112, "end_index": 131, "text": "a pump of chocolate", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's exactly right. No, that'll be all. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, the drink will be ready for pickup when you arrive.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 67, "text": "the drink will be ready for pickup when you arrive.", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You're the best!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm looking to make a reservation for an Indian restaurant in Seattle, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "Seattle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I can help you. There are two Indian restaurants in Seattle matching your request: Savannah's and Nawab.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 59, "text": "Seattle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 93, "text": "Savannah's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 103, "text": "Nawab", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd prefer the restaurant have an outdoor area and possibly live Indian music.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 41, "text": "outdoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 46, "text": "outdoor area", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nawab has live entertainment on Friday nights and Savannah's has an outdoor area.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Nawab", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 60, "text": "Savannah's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 75, "text": "outdoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 80, "text": "outdoor area", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Does Savannah's have entertainment on Saturday?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "Savannah's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Does Nawab have a bar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 10, "text": "Nawab", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, two.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 8, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to make a reservation at Nawab for two, next Friday at 8pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 39, "text": "Nawab", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 47, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 67, "text": "next Friday at 8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 67, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, there are no tables for two at 8. There is a table at 6, as well as one at 9:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 42, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 47, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 70, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 94, "text": "9:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Crap. Are there any available for four people at 8?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 38, "text": "four", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 50, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, there are no options for 8.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 30, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What about at Savannah's?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 24, "text": "Savannah's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an available table for two at 8 next Friday.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 35, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 40, "text": "8", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 53, "text": "8 next Friday.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Eh, that place is boring. I'll take the table for two at 9:30.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 61, "text": "9:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent, and the name it will be under?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Stark.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Stark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nawab, table for two at 8pm next Friday for Stark. Correct?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Nawab", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 27, "text": "8pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 39, "text": "8pm next Friday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Stark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Beep, thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Lanie, I would like pizza for dinner tonight.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to order from Earth, Wind and Flour?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 53, "text": "Earth, Wind and Flour", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. They have the best pizzas.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great. Please tell me what kind you would like.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a large deep dish with sausage, mushrooms and greenpeppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 30, "text": "deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 71, "text": "greenpeppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. That's a large deep dish with sausage, mushrooms and green peppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 22, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 32, "text": "deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 45, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 56, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 74, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 75, "text": "green peppers.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's right. Can you ask for extra cheese too.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 42, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. Checking for a large sausage with extra cheese, mushrooms and green peppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 25, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 51, "text": "extra cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 62, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 80, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. And would you find out when it would be ready for pick up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately, it appears that they are out of sausage and green peppers.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 54, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 72, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 73, "text": "green peppers.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, I definitely don't want a mushroom only pizza. Can you ask if they can do a Hawiian, with pineapple and ham?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 40, "text": "mushroom", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 89, "text": "Hawiian", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 82, "end_index": 90, "text": "Hawiian,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 105, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 97, "end_index": 105, "text": "ineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 110, "end_index": 113, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 111, "end_index": 114, "text": "am?", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. They have Hawaiian pizza, with pineapple and ham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 29, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 45, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect. What time can I pick it up? The kids are hungry.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order will be ready for pick up in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Would you please ask them to add three 16-oz. bottles of Fiji water to the order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. Confirming that you want a large deep dish Hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapple. You would also like 3 16 oz. bottles of Fiji water.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 37, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 47, "text": "deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 56, "text": "Hawaiian", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 62, "text": "Hawaiian pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 71, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 85, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is it o.k. to use your card on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. Please use that.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "O.k. Your large Hawiian Pizza and three 16 oz bottles of Fiji water will be ready for pick up in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 29, "text": "Hawiian Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Look up tickets for Us", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 22, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, where do you want to watch Us?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 33, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Look up showtimes for Us in Downey, CA.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 24, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 39, "text": "Downey, CA.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 38, "text": "Downey, CA", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok here are all the showtimes for Us playing in Downey tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 36, "text": "Us", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 54, "text": "Downey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Which theaters can I reserve seats in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You can reserve seats for Studio Movie Grill and Cinemark.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 44, "text": "Studio Movie Grill", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 57, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much are the tickets for Studio Movie Grill at 5 pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 47, "text": "Studio Movie Grill", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 55, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tickets for 5 pm showtime is $5.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 31, "text": "$5", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How much are the tickets for Cinemark at 4:50 PM ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 37, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 48, "text": "4:50 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tickets for 4:50 PM showtime is $5.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 19, "text": "4:50 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 34, "text": "$5", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, get me tickets for the 4:50 PM showtime at Cinemark.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 34, "text": "4:50 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, how many tickets would you like to reserve?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Get me 6 tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 8, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry there are not enough seats available at that time in Cinemark. There are a lot of seats available at Studio Movie Grill at 5PM or at the 6:10 PM showtime in Cinemark.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 71, "text": "Cinemark", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 72, "text": "Cinemark.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 111, "end_index": 129, "text": "Studio Movie Grill", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 133, "end_index": 136, "text": "5PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 147, "end_index": 154, "text": "6:10 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, can you get me 6 tickets for the 5PM showtime at Studio Movie Grill?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 20, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 40, "text": "5PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 71, "text": "Studio Movie Grill", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, please select which seats you would like.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok done. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, you'll receive the confirmation of the tickets via text.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I got them thanks. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great, enjoy the movie!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I was calling to order a very special pizza. Do you guys have any special deals today? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "We sure do, we have buy one topping get two free! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Wow, that sounds great. I was going to get sausage but now I'd also like pineapple.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 50, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 82, "text": "pineapple", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds yummy, what size would you like that pizza? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A smaller large kind of pizza?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 9, "text": "smaller", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 15, "text": "smaller large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you mean medium?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes! Sorry, I forgot what it was called!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're okay! What kind of crust would you prefer? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The thick kind?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 14, "text": "thick kind", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Of course, I know what you mean. Any sauce you'd like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hold on I have to ask my mother what they want. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, I'll wait!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "They said tomato sauce? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 22, "text": "tomato sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good, your pizza looks all ready to go in the oven. But now, where to send it to! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like it sent to 229 East Street. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it, your pizza should be there in 25 minutes or my name's not Sally! Would you like your receipt sent to your email? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright, I have your email confirmation set with your receipt. See you in 25 minutes or your money back!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks, see you then! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem! Have a good one!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey can I order some coffee.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "From where?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "From starbucks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of coffee would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mocha.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Medium.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like sugar or milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Give me some sugar.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like milk as well?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like it cold or hot?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 22, "text": "cold", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 29, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Cold.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Cold", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like ice on it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just a little ice.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 17, "text": "little ice", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "ice", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So you want a medium mocha coffee with sugar and a little ice?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 26, "text": "mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 33, "text": "mocha coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 44, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 61, "text": "little ice", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 61, "text": "ice", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That will be $4.50.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok that's fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No. That's it. Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I need you to order me a pizza from Dominos", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 48, "text": "Dominos", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would that be deep dish, or thin crust?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 23, "text": "deep dish", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 32, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thin crust", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and what toppings are you interested in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "pepperoni, olives, ham, and sausage", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "pepperoni", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 22, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 35, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they appear to be out of ham at this time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay, just leave that off then", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your receipt will be send via a text message", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 44, "text": "your receipt will be send via a text message", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay, send to 9315268467", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, would you like to pay for this via your saved method", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "This should be ready for you in about 25 minutes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds fine.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else today?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, put some soda in with it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is one two liter coke enough?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "yes, that'll be great too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done and done. Have a nice day.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Done", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation for Yakyudori on Convoy", "segments": [ { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 59, "text": "Yakyudori", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 69, "text": "Convoy", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, do you have a date in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can we do tomorrow night?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 24, "text": "tomorrow night", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unfortunately we are all booked", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about the day after?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, we are booked too.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, can you check the one on Mira Mesa for me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "Mira Mesa", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good news! We have availability for that location on both days!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Can we get 7pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 21, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "7pm? Sure. How many people are coming?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There will be five.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 18, "text": "five", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Five. Got it. Are their all adults?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Five", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, actually we have one kid", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So I assume we need kid's chair", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Right, thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you prefer sitting outside or inside?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 29, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 39, "text": "inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Definitely inside.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "inside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Last time you didn't have any beef left, can you save some for us?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, no problem!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you, see you then!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "See you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to place an order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. What would you to order? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A cheese pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 14, "text": "A cheese pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 15, "text": "cheese pizza.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Large.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any toppings? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Green peppers and onions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 13, "text": "Green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 24, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 25, "text": "onions.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry we do not offer green peppers. Would you like to add a different topping?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 39, "text": "green peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 40, "text": "green peppers.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would like to add ham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 28, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Would you like anything else? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that is all. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Will this be pickup or delivery? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pickup. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, to confirm your order, you would like a large cheese pizza with onions and ham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 62, "text": "cheese pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 74, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 82, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 83, "text": "ham.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. Your total is $17. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It will be ready for pickup in 25 minutes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome! ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey can you do me a favor a order me a pizza from Pats?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 44, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 54, "text": "Pats", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pats in Pt. Boro?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Pats", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 16, "text": "Pt. Boro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yup that's the one.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a Philly Special.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 23, "text": "Philly Special", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok so a Philly Special is peppers, onions, mushrooms and sausage right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 22, "text": "Philly Special", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "onions", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 52, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 64, "text": "sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's right but I'm not feeling mushrooms today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 48, "text": "not feeling mushrooms today", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 42, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok so you want a Philly Special minus the mushrooms", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 31, "text": "Philly Special", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 51, "text": "minus the mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 51, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that's right", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of style pizza do you want?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm feeling Grandma style today", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "Grandma style", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What size do you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Make it an extra large. I'm feeling quite hungry today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 22, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok great so that's an Extra Large Grandma Style Philly Special with no mushrooms?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 33, "text": "Extra Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 47, "text": "Grandma Style", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 62, "text": "Grandma Style Philly Special", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 62, "text": "Philly Special", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 80, "text": "with no mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 80, "text": "no mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 80, "text": "mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yup that's right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pick up or Delivery?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'll just go pick it up.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok great. I just called it in. They said it will be about 25 minutes and your order number is 33. Ayour receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 66, "text": "Ok great. I just called it in. They said it will be about 25 minut", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope that's all for now thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to buy tickets for Aquaman", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 39, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. Where do you want to watch it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like the closest place from my location", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The closest place is Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX 1102 N Muldoon Rd, Anchorage. Would like you like to make buy your tickets there?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 46, "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 75, "text": "1102 N Muldoon Rd, Anchorage", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How far away is it from my location exactly?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX is 1,9 miles away from your location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When is the soonest screening for Aquaman?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 41, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX has a screening of Aquaman at 3:30PM. Would you like to buy ticket for this session?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 25, "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 52, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 62, "text": "3:30PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, how long is the movie?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The movie is 143 min.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 20, "text": "143 min", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.duration.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.duration.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I would like all the schedule for today for this movie theater for Aquaman please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 78, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The screenings for today are: 3:30pm, 6:45pm and 10:00pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 36, "text": "3:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "6:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 56, "text": "10:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, I would like to buy 2 tickets for 6:45pm, how much would that cost me?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 25, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 33, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 44, "text": "6:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is it for 2 adults only?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 11, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, 2 adults, over 18.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 6, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The price for 2 adults would be $23.30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 15, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 22, "text": "2 adults", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 38, "text": "$23.30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "If I buy my tickets online do I have to pay fees?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "If you buy the tickets online, total, including fees and taxes would be $26 for 2 adults.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 75, "text": "$26", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 74, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 88, "text": "2 adults", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, is it possible to watch in 3D?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 33, "text": "3D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, 2D only.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 6, "text": "2D", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.type.screening.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, order 2 tickets for adults for this session please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 11, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 19, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, you should receive soon by text message the confirmation for 2 tickets for adult for Aquaman at 6:45pm at Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX 1102 N Muldoon Rd, Anchorage", "segments": [ { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 66, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 74, "text": "2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 96, "text": "Aquaman", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 106, "text": "6:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 110, "end_index": 135, "text": "Regal Tikahtnu IMAX & RPX", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 136, "end_index": 164, "text": "1102 N Muldoon Rd, Anchorage", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok, thank you!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Janna. Can you help me to order pizza please?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hi Boss. Yes, I am glad to help. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "There is Ah' Pizza , they make really good one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 18, "text": "Ah' Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is it the one in Harrison ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 25, "text": "in Harrison", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, right. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What pizza would you like me to order ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pizze di Montclair is one of my favorite .", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 18, "text": "Pizze di Montclair", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any additional toppings ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No they have all I want . Truffles, porcini mushrooms, Pecorino Sardo, and Parmigiano-Reggiano topped with grape tomatoes and wood-fired mushrooms .", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "Truffles", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 53, "text": "porcini mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 69, "text": "Pecorino Sardo", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 70, "text": "Pecorino Sardo,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 94, "text": "Parmigiano-Reggiano", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 107, "end_index": 121, "text": "grape tomatoes", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 126, "end_index": 146, "text": "wood-fired mushrooms", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 126, "end_index": 148, "text": "wood-fired mushrooms .", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds great . Is it a pick up or delivery?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I can pick it up , no problem.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I was about to place an order , but they are out of this pizza . Is there anything else I can order ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Too bad, i was telling my friend about this one . Let me see the menu .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Take your time Ms. Kakulya.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Mezza Luna sounds very nice, lets try this one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Mezza Luna", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great , anything else should I add?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This pizza is pretty complete . Half margherita with kalamata olives and half calzone with ricotta, mozzarella, crumbled wood-fired sausage, and roasted peppers , it has all I need .", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 47, "text": "Half margherita", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 68, "text": "kalamata olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 85, "text": "half calzone", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 91, "end_index": 98, "text": "ricotta", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 110, "text": "mozzarella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 112, "end_index": 139, "text": "crumbled wood-fired sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 145, "end_index": 160, "text": "roasted peppers", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nice. What is your payment method ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "They have my payment information, please use the credit card attached .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "All right , all set . In 25 minutes will be ready .", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "All right , all set", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nice. Thanks a lot .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome . Enjoy your dinner .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks .", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I'd like to find a movie to watch.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, where are you located?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Flint, Michigan", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "Flint, Michigan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, are you near Flint West 14?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 32, "text": "Flint West 14", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what movie did you want to see?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I was thinking Captain Marvel", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 29, "text": "Captain Marvel", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how many tickets?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "3 tickets", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "3", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "3 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And what time would you like to see it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "After 5pm today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "After 5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There are showings at 5:30 and 7:30 at Flint West 14.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 52, "text": "Flint West 14", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 53, "text": "Flint West 14.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I'll take the 5:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 24, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, one moment while I book your ticket.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but the 5:30 showing is full. Would you like to pick another showtime?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, the 7:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll book those tickets.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 29, "text": "Okay, I'll book those tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 29, "text": "I'll book those tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great, thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome, have a great day.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to order a coffee from starbucks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "where do you want to order your coffee at?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "at the starbucks next door to our office", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 40, "text": "starbucks next door to our office", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 40, "text": "next door to our office", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I know that one, what would you want to order", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "regular milk, extra whipped cream, addition of honey, blended with ice", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "regular milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 33, "text": "extra whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 52, "text": "addition of honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 52, "text": "honey", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "what flavor? just regular coffee", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "no, I want the pumpkin spice flavor, I had that last christmas, it was so tasty", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 36, "text": "pumpkin spice flavor,", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 35, "text": "pumpkin spice flavor", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sounds great, and the size you want", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "extra large, the largest one they have", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "extra large", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 28, "text": "largest one", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "anything else", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want some chocolate syrub on top of the whipped cream too", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 27, "text": "chocolate syrub", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 55, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "sounds delicious", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "let me know when the order is made", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I talked to them and they said they only have pumpkin flavor around winter holiday season", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 60, "text": "pumpkin flavor", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.reject" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "how sad, I guess a cafe mocha with extra whipped cream and chocolate syrub on top will do", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 29, "text": "cafe mocha", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 54, "text": "extra whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 74, "text": "chocolate syrub", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And you want that cold and blended", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "you got it", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "the drink order is made, it will be ready for pick up shortly, the receipt is being sent to your phone", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "you are welcome, enjoy your coffee", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey, I need to order pizza from Blaze in NYC.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 37, "text": "Blaze", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 44, "text": "NYC", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need one large pizza for an event. You can use my account.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What do you need on it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Black olives, classic red sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Black olive", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 12, "text": "Black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 31, "text": "classic red sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Cheese?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmmm, goat cheese.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 17, "text": "goat cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, the goat cheese is not available at this location.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 21, "text": "goat cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, dear. Mozzerella cheese is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 20, "text": "Mozzerella", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 27, "text": "Mozzerella cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you need anything else with that?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just the pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of crust?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "High rise dough.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 15, "text": "High rise dough", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "High rise dough.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No meat, right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "No meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No meat. Please read that back to me.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "No meat", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "One large high rise dough pizza from Blaze. Mozzerella cheese, black olives, classic sauce.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 9, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 25, "text": "high rise dough", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "Blaze", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 61, "text": "Mozzerella cheese", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 62, "text": "Mozzerella cheese,", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 74, "text": "black olive", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 75, "text": "black olives", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 77, "end_index": 90, "text": "classic sauce", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The order is complete and the pizza will be ready in 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 64, "text": "The order is complete and the pizza will be ready in 25 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay! Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be sent via text message, enjoy!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi i would like to buy a ticket for Dumbo", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "ticket", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.movie_ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "Dumbo", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "O.K. What time do you want to see?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "8:30", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "8:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, all tickets are sold out. We don't have seats available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What time are available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me see. Um...We have four seats available at 5:30 and 7:00.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "four", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 62, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Then, can I have two tickets at 7:00?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 20, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 36, "text": "7:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": " Sure. No problem. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "OK", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you a student or an adult ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A student ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have a student I.D. with you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Please give me your student card ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "O.K. Sure. Here it is. .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That would be $15 dollars.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "$15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 25, "text": "$15 dollars", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "15 bucks", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "15", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "15 bucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.price.ticket.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yep ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Here you go ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your tickets have been to our mobile phone via message", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 54, "text": "Your tickets have been to our mobile phone via message", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.ticket_booking.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I need to make an auto appointment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. Which shop do you prefer to take it to or would you like a suggestion?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like to take it to a Chevrolet dealership please", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 49, "text": "Chevrolet dealership", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I found Smicklas Chevrolet. It is 12 miles from you. Would that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 32, "text": "Smicklas Chevrolet", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there anything closer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I am seeing bob Howard Chevrolet in Edmond. It looks to be 5 miles away.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 37, "text": "bob Howard Chevrolet", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 37, "text": "Howard Chevrolet", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 47, "text": "Edmond", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds good ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to make an appointment for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes please", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What is wrong with the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I hear a rattle in the dash but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 73, "text": "I hear a rattle in the dash but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I might as well get my oil changed also.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 43, "text": "get my oil changed also", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 38, "text": "oil changed", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good. Which make and model of vehicle do you have? I ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I have a 2016 Cheverolet Suburban.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 13, "text": "2016", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 33, "text": "Cheverolet Suburban", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it. I found an appointment for tomorrow, April 9th at 9 am. Will that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 54, "text": "tomorrow, April 9th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 54, "text": "April 9th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 62, "text": "9 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes it will", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. I will book it for you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you. Do you know how much it will be?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The initial inspection will be $79. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thanks. I have your appointment confirmed for tomorrow, April 9th at 9 am. The initial fee is $79", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 65, "text": "tomorrow, April 9th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 65, "text": "April 9th", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 73, "text": "9 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Alex, how are you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hello Jake, everything's fine, how are you?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 10, "text": "Jake", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "All right, hey, I need a favor", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What do you need?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm having problems with my car right now", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need you to book an appointment for \"Intelligent Auto Solutions\"", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 65, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "When?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "NOW", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, let me talk to them", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, for now there is a small problem, they can not help you right now but tomorrow", "segments": [ { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 84, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "So what am I supposed to do?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well, they suggest that you leave your car at the establishment so that they fix it tomorrow and they will take you home", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 92, "text": "they fix it tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 92, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Seem right", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, leave it here, they need you to specify what the problem is", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Flat tire", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "Flat tire", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I already gave you the information of your credit card for the payment and your number to contact you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok thank you see you later", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, is this Jiffy Personal Assistant Service?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes it is. My name is Erica. How can I help you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh great! I have an account with you - member 334 - and I would like for you to arrange a restaurant reservation for me.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Certainly! What kind of restaurant are you interested in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well, I’m in New York City right now with my husband, and we would love a fabulous restaurant with a spectacular view of Manhattan. I prefer indoor, as it’s a bit chilly out at the moment.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 26, "text": "New York City", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 101, "end_index": 130, "text": "spectacular view of Manhattan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 141, "end_index": 147, "text": "indoor", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I think I have something in mind you would really like. There’s a restaurant called the Aviary on Columbus Circle that has a stunning view of the city and Central Park.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 94, "text": "the Aviary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 94, "text": "Aviary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 98, "end_index": 113, "text": "Columbus Circle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds wonderful! Can you get a reservation for 2 for tonight at 7pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 54, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 70, "end_index": 73, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Hang on. Let me work on that. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I’m sorry, but it seems like the Aviary is completely booked for tonight.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 39, "text": "the Aviary", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh what a shame! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I’m sorry about that. Can I make a different and perhaps unconventional suggestion?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure, I’m open to something different.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There’s a restaurant in Hoboken, New Jersey called Halifax. It has a really striking view of Manhattan, but from across the water. You might enjoy it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 43, "text": "Hoboken, New Jersey", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 58, "text": "Halifax", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 93, "end_index": 102, "text": "Manhattan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That sounds very interesting! I’m willing to try it out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, let me work on it.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I hope they have availability!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I have good news. They have availability, but it would be for 7:30 pm instead of 7 pm. Is that okay?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 66, "text": "7:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "7:30 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 81, "end_index": 85, "text": "7 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That’s fine. It’s not a big difference. I can’t wait to try it!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Great! I’ll confirm the reservation and text you the details!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "My pleasure!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to book dinner at an Italian restaurant.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What restaurant did you want, Mam?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like Giovanni's in Bloomington, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 19, "text": "Giovanni's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 34, "text": "Bloomington", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How many people and what day?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Two people on the 5th, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 3, "text": "Two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What time, mam?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to get in between 7 pm and 8 pm. And can we please be seated on the patio?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 29, "text": "7 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 38, "text": "8 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 80, "text": "the patio", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "patio", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me look that up, one moment.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Mam, the only time we have available is 5 pm nad there is no outside seating available.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "5 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 68, "text": "outside", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 76, "text": "outside seating", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you check the Downtown location for that day and time ?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 26, "text": "Downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Give me a moment, mam.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sure.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Mam? We can get you an outside table for two but not at that time. There is only seating after 10 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 36, "text": "an outside table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 44, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 89, "end_index": 100, "text": "after 10 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "10 pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's too late.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry mam, is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can you check Luce's downtown for that day and time? ", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "Luce's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 29, "text": "downtown", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Did you need a patio table?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 20, "text": "patio", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "patio table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "If it's available, yes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good news! We can get you a table for two at 8 pm on the 5th and we have one on the patio.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 33, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 41, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "8 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 89, "text": "the patio", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 89, "text": "patio", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Make that reservation, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello? I think I need to get my car fixed.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, you mean your old car from 2014?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 37, "text": "2014", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I only keep that for nostalgia. I mean the 2037 Tesla G6.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 51, "text": "2037", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 60, "text": "Tesla G6", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The new one? You just got that. Did you crash it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a self driving car, how could I possibly crash it? You crash one car...", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Very well, then what's wrong with it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It keeps pulling left on straights and then auto correcting.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 59, "text": "It keeps pulling left on straights and then auto correcting", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 59, "text": "pulling left on straights and then auto correcting", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I see. I can make an appointment for you tomorrow morning at Intelligent Auto Solutions.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 49, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 57, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 87, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yeah, make an appointment for Mike Robinson. Take the first one they have.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 43, "text": "Mike Robinson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Which phone number should I give them?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Give them 270-800-555-1234.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They don't accept Lunar numbers yet, sir.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "What is this, 2019?! Fine, 1-480-555-9999.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, you'll need to bring it by in the morning before 9:30am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 61, "text": "morning before 9:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 61, "text": "9:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's a self driving car. Can't it bring itself in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It can't sign itself in, sir.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "...Fine. Remind me to get hoverbus tickets.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Couldn't you send the car there and follow it in your old car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You want me to drive a petrol car? In 2037?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "2037", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "*sigh* Whichever way you decide to get there, you have to be at Intelligent Auto Solutions at 467 Notreal Lane at 9:30am. The fee for inspection will be $38.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 90, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 110, "text": "467 Notreal Lane", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 120, "text": "9:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's.. not bad actually. Thank you, I'll be at Intelligent Auto Solutions tomorrow.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 75, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 84, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need to schedule an an appointment for intelligent auto solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 67, "text": "intelligent auto solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Open appointment times tomorrow are 9AM 10 AM and 2PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 31, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 39, "text": "9AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 45, "text": "10 AM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 50, "end_index": 53, "text": "2PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need a time for today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Open times today are 3PM and 4PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 16, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 21, "end_index": 24, "text": "3PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "4PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I will take the 3PM time.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "3PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unable to set a 3PM time without a name and vehicle information", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 19, "text": "3PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The name is Jack Doggle", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 23, "text": "Jack Doggle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Jack Doggle for 3 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Jack Doggle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 20, "text": "3 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "THe make and model is 2010 Ford Explorer", "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 26, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 40, "text": "Ford Explorer", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Jack Doggle 2010 Ford Explorer for 3PM", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Jack Doggle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 16, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 30, "text": "Ford Explorer", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 38, "text": "3PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get a text conformation", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unable to confirm without verifying problem of car", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The car needs a tune up.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 23, "text": "tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Tune up is added.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "Tune up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get a confirmation of information given.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Unable to confirm without telephone number.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The telephone number is 123-456-7890", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Telephone number added.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Can I get a text notification of the information given", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Jack Doogle 123-456-7890. 2010 Ford Explorer 3PM today needs tune-up", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Jack Doogle", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "2010", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 44, "text": "Ford Explorer", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 48, "text": "3PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 54, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 68, "text": "tune-up", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank You.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi Jan. I'm looking for a fancy steak restaurant to book for my wife's birthday", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay - how fancy?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh, fancy - like suit and tie, evening dress, fancy", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay - any particular price range to target or avoid?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Medium to high - no real limit for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, there is a choice of a few. My recommendations are The English and Jeff Ruby's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 57, "end_index": 68, "text": "The English", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 73, "end_index": 84, "text": "Jeff Ruby's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay - does one have a better wine list than the other?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, The English has a far superior list.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 16, "text": "The English", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, let's look there please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, when is the reservation for?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I need it two weeks from tomorrow - Saturday.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay - any particular time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, 7:45 seating.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 9, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay - anything else I should know?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I want a two person table away from the kitchen - preferrably a corner", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 75, "text": "table away from the kitchen - preferrably a corner", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I called. The restaurant can't accomodate everything", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, what is the issue?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You can do 7:15 on Saturday or do the 7:45 but on Friday", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 27, "text": "7:15 on Saturday", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 42, "text": "7:45", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, the date is most important. I can make 7:15 work.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 49, "text": "7:15", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay - also, they can't guarantee the table location", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine, but please put in the request on my reservation anyway", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Done. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that is it.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Amanda, I'm having some issues with my car on my way to work today can you make me an appointment with the shop?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 70, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I absolutely can! Which shop do you prefer?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I went to Intelligent Auto Solutions last time and they did a wonderful job can you see if there are any openings today?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 36, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes i'll check online now also which car are you referring to? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Its the 2017 Lexus RX350", "segments": [ { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 12, "text": "2017", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 24, "text": "Lexus RX350", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh didn't you just get that serviced? ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes I did but for some reason its steering towards the right side and I might be due for an oil change anyway", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 109, "text": "its steering towards the right side and I might be due for an oil change anyway", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 34, "end_index": 102, "text": "steering towards the right side and I might be due for an oil change", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay i'll check online and see what availability they have and get back to you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Sounds good, Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just checked online and they had a couple of options for me", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "sure lets hear it!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The earliest appointment is tomorrow around 11:30am, they have a shuttle to take you to work after and pick you up when its done or you can get a loaner vehicle when you drop off the car.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 36, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 51, "text": "11:30am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I don't think i'll be able to make it in at that time, my meeting is at 11. Is there any other times available?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Not that I know of, let me ask them in the live chat to see what other options we have.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, I appreciate it. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "The chat representative asked if you had time to drop off the car today and pick up a loaner vehicle", "segments": [ { "start_index": 66, "end_index": 71, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I might, what time does the shop close?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They close at 7pm today", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 17, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 23, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh I have a meeting at 5:30 so that might cut it close, what other options do I have?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 27, "text": "5:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They said they can send someone out with a loaner car to drop it off at 5pm today and take your vehicle back would that work?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 72, "end_index": 75, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 76, "end_index": 81, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes that would be great. Give them my phone number and tell them to call me when they are nearby. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay I will", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh can you also ask what the charges would look like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I just asked and they said the car swap would be a courtesy, there is a 29.99 charge for an oil change or 54.99 for synthetic oil, and a road test / inspection is a standard 99.99.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay i'll go ahead with it and tell them to do the synthetic. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay everything is confirmed!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks again! ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hey Annie! Do you think you could call Starbucks and order a coffee for me to grab on the way in to the office?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 67, "text": "Starbucks and order a coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure thing! Which Starbucks do you want to stop at?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "Starbucks", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The one on Government Street in Mobile, Alabama.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 48, "text": "The one on Government Street in Mobile, Alabama.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 47, "text": "Government Street in Mobile, Alabama", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay! Do you have a specific drink in mind?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I do! I'm really craving a caramel cloud macchiato today.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 50, "text": "caramel cloud macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Oh that sounds good! Do you know what size you want?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Grande sounds pretty good.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Alright! What kind of milk do you want in it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2% is what I usually get.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay! Any extras?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Extra caramel on top!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 20, "text": "Extra caramel on top", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 21, "text": "Extra caramel on top!", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Got it! Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Nope! That's all. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay so that's a grande caramel cloud macchiato with 2% milk right?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 23, "text": "grande", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 47, "text": "caramel cloud macchiato", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 55, "text": "2%", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yep! You got it! Need my card information?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Nope! They've got card information on file.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It's on order at the store and should be ready in a bit!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 56, "text": "It's on order at the store and should be ready in a bit!", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.coffee_order.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great! Will they send me a receipt?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They should by text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay! I'll see you in a bit!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good! Bye", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thinking Chinese tonight", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How about Gourmet garden?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 24, "text": "Gourmet garden", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok, see if they have a table at 6", "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 28, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 33, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "thanks", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "6 is booked", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about 6:30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 14, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "how many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "let me check", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they do not have that available", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok, how about jing chuan?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 24, "text": "jing chuan", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Let me check", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "they have a 6 for 4", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 13, "text": "6", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 19, "text": "4", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "great", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "all booked", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "all booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "great thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "your welcome", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, Can you make reservations for me at Daniels Broiler in Bellevue?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 58, "text": "Daniels Broiler", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 70, "text": "Bellevue", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, what date and time would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This Friday the 29th at 5:00pm", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 30, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. For how many people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "4 plus one child.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 16, "text": "4 plus one child", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok great. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, we'll need a highchair too.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 27, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok got it. It looks like 5:00 pm is not available. Is there another time you would like to try?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 32, "text": "5:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "How about 6:00pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 16, "text": "6:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry that time is not available either. Is there another time you would like to try?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, please book the reservations for Anthonys Home Port in Edmonds.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 55, "text": "Anthonys Home Port", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 66, "text": "Edmonds", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. What date and time would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "This friday the 29th at 5:00 pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 31, "text": "5:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, for how many people?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "For 4 people plus one child.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 27, "text": "4 people plus one child", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok got it. Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, a highchair.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 16, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 17, "text": "highchair.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Your reservations have been booked for Anthonys Homeport in Edmonds, this Friday at 5:00 pm for 4 people and 1 child and a highchair.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 60, "text": "Anthonys Homeport", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 71, "text": "Edmonds", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 72, "text": "Edmonds,", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 95, "text": "Friday at 5:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 95, "text": "5:00 pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 100, "end_index": 120, "text": "4 people and 1 child", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 127, "end_index": 136, "text": "highchair", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 127, "end_index": 137, "text": "highchair.", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok. Good bye.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Bye Bye", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hello, I would like to buy tickets to A Dog's Way Home", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 54, "text": "A Dog's Way Home", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay no problem! Where are you planning to buy them from?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to purchase them in Amarillo, Texas!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 43, "text": "Amarillo, Texas!", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 42, "text": "Amarillo, Texas", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Excellent, which time is best for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm thinking about watching the one at 4:15 PM.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 46, "text": "4:15 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" }, { "name": "movie_ticket.time.start.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I forgot to ask, but which theater is this?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's the Cinemark Hollywood 16. Sorry for forgetting to mention.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 30, "text": "the Cinemark Hollywood 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 30, "text": "Cinemark Hollywood 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No worries, it was my fault as well. Will you be ordering 1 or 2 tickets?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 59, "text": "1", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 58, "end_index": 72, "text": "1 or 2 tickets", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 63, "end_index": 64, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2! 1 for both my girlfriend and I.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 1, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No problem, where do you want your reserved seating?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want seats G21 and G22.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Perfect. What's the movie about? (Optional)", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "It's about a dog getting lost I believe.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That sounds adorable, will you be wanting to watch another movie afterwards?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Possibly , but if I do, I'll purchase them myself while I'm there.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, just making sure. Would you like me to add funds to your account to purchase snacks?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, add 20 dollars, so I can buy popcorn and a drink for us.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes sir, no problem. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Not at all, thank you very much.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It was my pleasure sir, I've purchased the tickets and added funds to your movie account. Have a wonderful day!", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'd like to book an appointment for my car at Intelligent Auto Solutions", "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 72, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sounds good, what is the issue?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The engine warning light has been on", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 36, "text": "The engine warning light has been on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 36, "text": "engine warning light has been on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That's no good, what is the make of your car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Toyota", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Toyota", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Model?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Camry", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "And the year?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2014", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2014", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, and when would you like to bring it in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "7:30 am tomorrow morning", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 7, "text": "7:30 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 8, "end_index": 16, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 24, "text": "morning", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm afraid that time isn't available, but there is a slot for 9:00 am", "segments": [ { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 69, "text": "9:00 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That should be fine", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What's your name and number?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "John Doe, 123-456-7890", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 8, "text": "John Doe", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So to confirm, you want a 9:00 am appointment at Intelligent Auto Solutions for your 2014 Toyota Camry due to an engine light being on?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 30, "text": "9:00", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 33, "text": "9:00 am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 75, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 85, "end_index": 89, "text": "2014", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 102, "text": "Toyota Camry", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 113, "end_index": 134, "text": "engine light being on", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There's also a $65 inspection fee, is that ok?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, your appointment has been booked, have a good day!", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 36, "text": "your appointment has been booked", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hi, I need you to order me a pizza from Metro.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 45, "text": "Metro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I found two locations near you. Do you have a preference?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, Id like a pizza from the Metro on Horizon Ridge in Henderson", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "Metro", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 65, "text": "Horizon Ridge in Henderson", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 52, "text": "Horizon Ridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I would like a Specialty Gotham Pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 37, "text": "Specialty Gotham Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "a Large", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 7, "text": "Large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "and how many?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Just one large please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you have any special requests for your pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Instead of the ground beef I would like ham please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 26, "text": "ground beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 43, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, I can substitue the ham for the gound beef. Any other topping?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 27, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 46, "text": "gound beef", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that will be in thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, I have ordered you one large Gotham Pizza. I have added ham instead of ground pizza. This will be at the Metro Pizza on Horizon Ridge.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "large", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 33, "end_index": 45, "text": "Gotham Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 39, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 81, "text": "ground", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 120, "text": "Metro Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 124, "end_index": 137, "text": "Horizon Ridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect, sound right.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like anything else with your pizza?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, just the one pizza.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Your receipt will be sent to you via text on your mobile device.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for your help.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "May I assist you with anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "NO, goodbye for now. Thanks.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Assistant, I want to schedule an appointment with the mechanic to get my car checked out.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, which shop would you like to bring it to.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions in New York, NY.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 26, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 42, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions in New York, NY", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 42, "text": "New York, NY", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, and what type of car are you bringing in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "2014 Honda Accord", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "2014", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 17, "text": "Honda Accord", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What seems to be the issue with the car?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The brakes seem to make a screeching or scratching sound each time I brake.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 75, "text": "The brakes seem to make a screeching or scratching sound each time I brake.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 74, "text": "brakes seem to make a screeching or scratching sound each time I brake", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, appointment needed for a brake check. What day and time would you prefer?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "brake check", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there anything open for today around 10am?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 40, "end_index": 44, "text": "10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry, nothing is available for that time. I see a 1pm slot open or tomorrow at 10am.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 51, "end_index": 54, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 68, "end_index": 76, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 84, "text": "10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, tomorrow for 10am is fine.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 14, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 23, "text": "10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what is the contact info you would like to leave.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "You can put the name as David and phone number 123-456-7890", "segments": [ { "start_index": 24, "end_index": 29, "text": "David", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Ok, booking an appointment for brake check for tomorrow at 1pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 26, "text": "booking an appointment", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.appointment.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 42, "text": "brake check", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 55, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 62, "text": "1pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 63, "text": "1pm.", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "There is an inspection fee of $50. Would you like to charge that to your account on file?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, inspection fee will be charged and receipt will be sent to your email.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Appointment for brake check at Intelligent Auto Solutions, at 10am for tomorrow, has been booked. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 27, "text": "brake check", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 57, "text": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 66, "text": "10am", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 79, "text": "tomorrow", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That is all. Thanks.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Good bye.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "HI. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "How may I help you ?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Looking a reservation for this tomorrow?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, how many people/time/ and resturant please. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "13 people, 3:30pm and I want BBQ restaurant close by", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 2, "text": "13", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 9, "text": "13 people", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests" } ] }, { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 17, "text": "3:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay let me look up some hold on. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "ok.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "So we have. Lucilles Smokehouse, and Dickey's BBQ Pitt.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 31, "text": "Lucilles Smokehouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 55, "text": "Dickey's BBQ Pitt.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 54, "text": "Dickey's BBQ Pitt", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Ok good choices. Lets try Dickey's", "segments": [ { "start_index": 26, "end_index": 34, "text": "Dickey's", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, darn it there booked. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, let's try Lucilles Smokehouse.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 35, "text": "Lucilles Smokehouse", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 36, "text": "Lucilles Smokehouse.", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay there open to the reservation but want a deposit .", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no that's not good. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sorry. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well how much is it?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "For the deposit?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "50 dollar hold. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Oh no.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yeah sorry. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Well if i reduce the people in the party will that be better. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "No, its going to be the same price.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Want to try another place. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Are you sure. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 26, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 27, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Well if I can be of help let me know.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 28, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Alright. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 29, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Have a good one. ", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Where should I take my boyfriend for his birthday dinner in Boston?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 66, "text": "Boston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of food would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want high-end food, from any country is okay. No Indian.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What neighborhood would you like the restaurant to be in?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Hmm, what about something in Cambridge?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 38, "text": "Cambridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, looking in Cambridge. How about Sarma?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 17, "end_index": 26, "text": "Cambridge", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 43, "text": "Sarma", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's not quite right. Do you have something more traditionally American?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What about Cafe du Pays? It was voted best new restaurant in Boston last year.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 23, "text": "Cafe du Pays", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 67, "text": "Boston", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Perfect! Do they have any reservations available for March?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, there are reservations in March starting at 5pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 52, "text": "5pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great. Can I get a table for two at 6:30pm on March 31?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 32, "text": "two", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.num.guests.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 42, "text": "6:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like to sit at a table or bar?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 39, "text": "bar", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Table, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Table", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.type.seating.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "It looks like there are no reservations free for 6:30 on March 31. Can you do 6pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.reject" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 81, "text": "6pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Is there a 6:30 slot free on Saturday, March 30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 15, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes. Would you like me to make a reservation for 6:30 on Saturday, March 30?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 49, "end_index": 53, "text": "6:30", "annotations": [ { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" }, { "name": "restaurant_reservation.time.reservation.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please! Can you add any notes for the restaurant?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, what would you like them to know?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please alert them that one of the guests has a tree nut allergy.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure. You are confirmed for your reservation. Should I email you the details?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please. Thanks!", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You are welcome.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "My brakes are making strange noises, I think I need to go to the auto repair shop.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 35, "text": "My brakes are making strange noises", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] }, { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 35, "text": "making strange noises", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Would you like me to schedule an appointment?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I would like to go to \"intelligent Auto Solutions\".", "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 54, "text": "intelligent Auto Solutions", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I will go on their site to book and keep you on the phone.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Okay, it is for a nissan leaf", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 29, "text": "nissan leaf", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Yes, I know. What day would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Later on today actually.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "today", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, what time?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Around 3pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Around 3pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 7, "end_index": 10, "text": "3pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm sorry, but that's not available.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "hmm..Maybe 7pm?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 11, "end_index": 14, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I see 7pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 15, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" }, { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Good", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "By the way, what year is your vehicle?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "A 2015", "segments": [ { "start_index": 2, "end_index": 6, "text": "2015", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" }, { "name": "auto_repair.year.vehicle.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Also can you be a bit more specific with the issue?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "When I make turns my car makes a screeching noise, I think its the brakes but not fully sure", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 92, "text": "I make turns my car makes a screeching noise, I think its the brakes but not fully sure", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 49, "text": "makes a screeching noise", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.reason.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I am booking with your card on file.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "okay, good.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, your are all set for tonight at 7pm.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 41, "text": "tonight at 7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 41, "text": "7pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "auto_repair.time.appt.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thank you", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, that's it. Thank you.", "segments": [] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm hungry. I'd like to get a pizza from Stuft Pizza.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 35, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] }, { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 52, "text": "Stuft Pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What kind of pizza would you like?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 13, "end_index": 18, "text": "pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_ordering" } ] } ] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want to get the Hawaiian Delite, but with Italian sausage instead of ham.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 18, "end_index": 33, "text": "Hawaiian Delite", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 59, "text": "Italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 71, "end_index": 74, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size pizza would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Medium, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 6, "text": "Medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Thick crust or thin crust?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "Thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 11, "text": "Thick crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 25, "text": "thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 19, "text": "thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thin crust, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 4, "text": "Thin", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] }, { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 10, "text": "Thin crust", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, will that complete your order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, please call it in.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm on the line with them, and they said that they're out of Italian sausage, and can only put ham on the Hawaiian Delite.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 76, "text": "Italian sausage", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 98, "text": "ham", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping" } ] }, { "start_index": 106, "end_index": 121, "text": "Hawaiian Delite", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "In that case, I'll get a medium Everything pizza with a thick crust.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 31, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 42, "text": "Everything", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 32, "end_index": 48, "text": "Everything pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 61, "text": "thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'll let them know you changed your order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Great.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, they just let me know that they also don't have bacon bits.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 52, "end_index": 62, "text": "bacon bits", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.topping.reject" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Since they don't have 2 items that are supposed to be on the Everything, ask them if they'll give me a discount on it.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 71, "text": "Everything", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK, they're willing to give you $1 off. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's fine. Please place the order.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Just to confirm, you're ordering a medium Everything pizza, thick crust, with $1 off.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 41, "text": "medium", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 52, "text": "Everything", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 58, "text": "Everything pizza", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "thick", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" }, { "name": "pizza_ordering.type.crust.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's correct. ", "segments": [] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Pickup or delivery?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Pickup, please.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Do you want to charge it to your account, or will you pay for it upon pickup?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Please have it charged to my account.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "OK. The total is $16.99. The receipt will be sent to your cell phone via text message.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 24, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Fine. When will it be ready?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 25, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "That completes your order. The pizza will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 82, "text": "The pizza will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes.", "annotations": [ { "name": "pizza_ordering.pizza_order.accept" } ] } ] } ]
[ { "index": 0, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm on my way to Starbucks. Can you order me a coffee to pick up?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 1, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Sure, which one do you want to go to?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 2, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I'm in Brooklyn, heading toward the one in Williamsburg.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 55, "text": "Williamsburg", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 3, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I'm looking up the address. The one at 154 N 7th St?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 51, "text": "154 N 7th St", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 4, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's the one. I'll be there in 5 or 10 minutes.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 5, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay. What would you like me to order?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 6, "speaker": "USER", "text": "I want a latte.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 14, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 7, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "What size would you like?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 8, "speaker": "USER", "text": "The big one.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 7, "text": "big", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] } ] }, { "index": 9, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, one venti latte. What kind of milk?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 9, "text": "one", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink" } ] }, { "start_index": 16, "end_index": 21, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 10, "speaker": "USER", "text": "With whole milk, please.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 5, "end_index": 15, "text": "whole milk", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.type.milk.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 11, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Any flavor in that latte?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 19, "end_index": 24, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 12, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, I want vanilla syrup.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 25, "text": "vanilla syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 13, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "I am guessing you don;t need sugar, then.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 34, "text": "sugar", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] } ] }, { "index": 14, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, it'll be sweet enough with the vanilla.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 35, "end_index": 42, "text": "vanilla", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 15, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Anything else?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 16, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Yes, can you have them put whipped cream on top.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 40, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 17, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, I'll tell them. I know you like iced coffee. Is this hot?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 49, "text": "iced coffee", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 59, "end_index": 62, "text": "hot", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 18, "speaker": "USER", "text": "Thanks for mentioning that. I would like it iced.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 48, "text": "iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 19, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "Okay, to confirm, it's a venti iced latte with vanilla syrup and whipped cream, no sweetener.", "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 30, "text": "venti", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.size.drink.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 35, "text": "iced", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 31, "end_index": 41, "text": "iced latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 41, "text": "latte", "annotations": [ { "name": "" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 60, "text": "vanilla syrup", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 65, "end_index": 78, "text": "whipped cream", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" }, { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 80, "end_index": 92, "text": "no sweetener", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference.accept" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 92, "text": "sweetener", "annotations": [ { "name": "coffee_ordering.preference" } ] } ] }, { "index": 20, "speaker": "USER", "text": "That's perfect. Will it be ready when I get there?", "segments": [] }, { "index": 21, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "They say 5 to 8 minutes, at the Starbucks on 7th Street in Brooklyn. You want me to use the Amex?", "segments": [ { "start_index": 45, "end_index": 67, "text": "7th Street in Brooklyn", "annotations": [ { "name": "" }, { "name": "" } ] } ] }, { "index": 22, "speaker": "USER", "text": "No, I have an account. I'll pay with my phone. Thank you.", "segments": [] }, { "index": 23, "speaker": "ASSISTANT", "text": "You're welcome. See you later. Bye.", "segments": [] } ]