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"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * This Week on perl5-porters (23-29 September 2002)\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| This Week on perl5-porters (23-29 September 2002) |\n| posted by rafael on Monday September 30, @17:26 (summaries) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nThis was a nice week, with lots of discussion, on various interesting\ntopics. Read on for strange bugs, strange fixes, strange error messages,\nand as always, the ongoing efforts made to improve Perl 5.\n\nThis story continues at:\n\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jesse Keating wrote:\n\n> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:28:51 +0200\n> Matthias Saou <> wrote:\n> \n> # I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with\n> # DMA... although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default\n> # disabling it a few releases back :-/\n> \n> When I worked as a PC repair tech for a Computer store chain, I did\n> run across quite a few DVD drives that would lock up if DMA was\n> enabled. It's more of a chipset/drive problem than a Drive by itself.\n\nAnd my IBM Intellistation would lock up instantly .. now this is actually \nquite funny .. if DMA was enabled for the CD-ROM *and* you tried to access \na CD with Joliet extensions. Otherwise it worked just fine with DMA \nenabled :)\n\n-- \n\t- Panu -\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nRPM-List mailing list <>\n\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Announcing\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Announcing |\n| posted by ziggy on Tuesday October 01, @10:50 (groups) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]jbisbee writes \"The South Florida Perl Mongers group is announcing its\nfirst social meeting to be held at [1]The Duck Tavern in Boca Raton, FL\non Tuesday, October 15 at 7:30 PM. Please keep an eye on\n[2] for updated news and events concerning\\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n 2.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Headline Mailer\n\nAnnouncing\n posted by ziggy on Tuesday October 01, @10:50 (groups)\n\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Chris Wedgwood <>\nFrom: Bert\n\n01. I was so poor growing up... if I wasn't a boy... I'd have had\n nothing to play with.\n\n02. A girl phoned me the other day and said, \"Come on over; nobody's\n home.\" I went over. Nobody was home.\n\n03. During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the\n other night she called me from a hotel\n\n04. One day I came home early from work... I saw a guy jogging\n naked. I said to the guy, \"Hey buddy, why are you doing that?\" He\n said \"Because you came home early.\"\n\n05. It's been a rough day. I got up this morning... put a shirt on\n and button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle\n came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.\n\n06. I was such an ugly kid... When I played in the sandbox, the cat\n kept covering me up.\n\n07. I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and\n radio.\n\n08. I was such an ugly baby... My mother never breast fed me. She\n told me that she only liked me as a friend.\n\n09. I'm so ugly... My father carries around a picture of the kid who\n came with his wallet.\n\n10. When I was born, the doctor came into the waiting room and said to\n my father, \"I'm sorry. We did everything we could, but he pulled\n through.\"\n\n11. I'm so ugly... My mother had morning sickness... AFTER I was\n born.\n\n12. I remember the time that I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of\n my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.\n\n13. Once when I was lost, I saw a policeman, and asked him to help me\n find my parents. I said to him, \"Do you think we'll ever find\n them?\" He said,\"I don't know kid. There's so many places they can\n hide.\"\n\n14. My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.\n\n15. I'm so ugly... I worked in a pet shop, and people kept asking how\n big I'd get.\n\n16. I went to see my doctor. \"Doctor, every morning when I get up and\n I look in the mirror... I feel like throwing up; What's wrong\n with me?\" He said... \"I don't know but your eyesight is perfect.\"\n\n17. I went to the doctor because I'd swallowed a bottle of sleeping\n pills. My doctor told me to have a few drinks and get some rest.\n\n18. With my old man I got no respect. I asked him, \"How can I get my\n kite in the air?\" He told me to run off a cliff.\n\n19. Some dog I got. We call him Egypt because in every room he leaves\n a pyramid. His favorite bone is in my arm. Last night he went on\n the paper four times - three of those times I was reading it.\n\n20. One year they wanted to make me poster boy - for birth control.\n\n21. My uncle's dying wish was to have me sitting in his lap; he was in\n the electric chair.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Headline Mailer\n\nMailing List Judo movie available\n posted by gnat on Wednesday October 02, @12:47 (news)\n\n\nConference Presentation Judo movie available\n posted by gnat on Wednesday October 02, @18:56 (news)\n\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Mailing List Judo movie available\n * Conference Presentation Judo movie available\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Mailing List Judo movie available |\n| posted by gnat on Wednesday October 02, @12:47 (news) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]gnat writes \"Mark-Jason Dominus's [1]Mailing List Judo is now\navailable from Thanks to David Wheeler for recording Mark's\nsessions. Conference Presentation Judo will come later today ...\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Conference Presentation Judo movie available |\n| posted by gnat on Wednesday October 02, @18:56 (news) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]gnat writes \"Mark-Jason Dominus's [1]Conference Presentation Judo\npresentation is online at Thanks again to David Wheeler for\nrecording this at OSCON.\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Monty Solomon <>\n\n New $199 PC Doesn't Do Windows\n - Oct 2, 2002 03:53 PM (AP Online)\n -\n\nBy MATTHEW FORDAHL\nAP Technology Writer\n \n It's been about 20 years since a new Atari 400 or Commodore Vic\n20 could be had for less than $200. Even then, those relics were\nwell on their way from bargain bins to the dust bin of PC history.\n Since then, few if any new computers have sold for less than\n$200. Any that did were seriously outdated or inoperable.\n Now, in a challenge to established tech giants, several upstarts\nhave banded together to create a PC that retails for $199.86.\n It doesn't do Windows. In fact, it doesn't do a lot of things.\n The Microtel SYSMAR710, sold only at Wal-Mart's online store,\nruns on a Linux operating system variant called Lindows, which has\nbeen hyped as a new choice for consumers who want to break away\nfrom the Microsoft monopoly.\n\n...\n\n -\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Nev Dull <>\n\nA guy struck up a conversation with a young lady in a bar. After a half\ndozen drinks, he suggested they get their own bottle and retire to his\nmotel room, and she readily agreed. \"Say, how old are you, anyway?\" the\nguy asked.\n \"Thirteen,\" she replied with a shy smile. \n \"Thirteen? Thirteen!? My God, Girl! Get your clothes back on at\nonce and get the hell out of here! Are you crazy?\" he thundered.\n Pausing at the door as she left, the girl smiled. \"Superstitious,\nhuh?\"\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Nev Dull <>\nForwarded-by: Gary Bianconi <>\n\nThe History of Medicine:\n\n 2000 B.C. -- Here, eat this root.\n 1000 A.D. -- That root is heathen. Say this prayer.\n 1850 A.D. -- That prayer is superstition. Drink this potion.\n 1940 A.D. -- That potion is snake oil. Swallow this pill.\n 1985 A.D. -- That pill is ineffective. Take this antibiotic.\n 2000 A.D. -- That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Security hole found in the Safe module\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Security hole found in the Safe module |\n| posted by rafael on Sunday October 06, @06:21 (modules) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]rafael writes \"A security hole has been discovered in When a\nSafe compartment has already been used, there's no guarantee that it's\nsafe any longer, because there's a way for code executed within the Safe\ncompartment to alter its operation mask. (Thus, programs that use a Safe\ncompartment only once aren't affected by this bug.)\" Read below for the\nfixes...\n\nThis story continues at:\n\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Headline Mailer\n\nInstalling Perl 5.8.0 on Mac OS X 10.2\n posted by pudge on Thursday August 29, @15:03 (releases)\n\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n"
"Hi all,\n\napologies for the possible silly question (i don't think it is, but), \nbut is Eircom's aDSL service NAT'ed?\n\nand what implications would that have for VoIP? I know there are \ndifficulties with VoIP or connecting to clients connected to a NAT'ed \nnetwork from the internet wild (i.e. machines with static, real IPs)\n\nany help pointers would be helpful,\n\ncheers\n-- \nrgrds,\nBernard\n-- \nBernard Tyers * National Centre for Sensor Research * P:353-1-700-5273 *\nE: * W: * L:N117\n\n_______________________________________________\nIIU mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Rob Windsor <>\nForwarded-by: \"Shirley Baer\"\nForwarded-by: cjw59068\nForwarded-by: Joe & Allie Greenough\n\nThere were four buddies golfing and the first guy said, \"I had to\npromise my wife that I would paint the whole outside of the house\njust to go golfing.\"\n\nThe second guy said, \"I promised my wife that I would remodel the\nkitchen for her.\"\n\nThe third guy said, \"You guys have it easy! I promised my wife that\nI would build her a new deck.\" They continued to play the hole.\nThen the first guy said to the fourth guy, \"What did you have to\npromise your wife?\"\n\nThe fourth guy replied, \"I didn't promise anything.\" All the guys\nwere shocked, \"How did you do it?!\" He replied, \"It's simple. I\nset the alarm clock for 5:30. Then I poked my wife and asked, 'Golf\ncourse or intercourse?' And she said, 'Wear your sweater.'\"\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Headline Mailer\n\nThis Week on perl5-porters (30 September / 6 October 2002)\n posted by rafael on Monday October 07, @07:12 (summaries)\n\n\nRATS\n posted by KM on Monday October 07, @09:01 (news)\n\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * This Week on perl5-porters (30 September / 6 October 2002)\n * RATS\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| This Week on perl5-porters (30 September / 6 October 2002) |\n| posted by rafael on Monday October 07, @07:12 (summaries) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nIt was a busy week indeed, with long threads, interesting bugs, clever\nfixes, miscellaneous optimizations, some new ideas, a few jokes,\nmysterious failures, and, finally, a security hole. Read on.\n\nThis story continues at:\n\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| RATS |\n| posted by KM on Monday October 07, @09:01 (news) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nOdud writes \"RATS, the Rough Auditing Tool for Security, is a security\nauditing utility for C, C++, Python, Perl and PHP code. RATS scans source\ncode, finding potentially dangerous function calls. The goal of this\nproject is not to definitively find bugs. The current goal is to provide\na reasonable starting point for performing manual security audits.\nProduced by [0]Secure Software\" Uses a database so you can alter what you\nwant it to look for. Not a replacement for using stricture or your head\nbut is a good place to start some security auditing on your Perl.\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"\nForwarded-by: Nev Dull <>\nForwarded-by: Mike Olson <>\nForwarded-by: Jim Frew <>\nForwarded-by: \"Mark Mooney\" <>\nFrom: the \"Vent\", Scottsdale Tribune:\n\nFirst they sue the tobacco companies for giving them lung cancer,\nthen the fast food places for making them fat.\nGuess I can sue Budweiser for all the ugly women I've slept with.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Headline Mailer\n\nPassing the Parrot Pumpkin\n posted by KM on Tuesday October 08, @09:11 (parrot)\n\n\nThe Perl Journal On The Ropes\n posted by pudge on Tuesday October 08, @14:35 (links)\n\n\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Passing the Parrot Pumpkin\n * The Perl Journal On The Ropes\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Passing the Parrot Pumpkin |\n| posted by KM on Tuesday October 08, @09:11 (parrot) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]Dan writes \"After a good run, Jeff Goff, the current Parrot release\nmanager and Keeper of the Keys and Source, is passing on the hat. Let's\neveryone give a big welcome to Steve Fink, who's agreed to take up the\nposition.\" Thanks for the work Jeff... now Steve, get the whip cracking!\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| The Perl Journal On The Ropes |\n| posted by pudge on Tuesday October 08, @14:35 (links) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]rochlin writes \"Looks like The Perl Journal might not make it up for\nair after all. This blurb is on [1]their website. 'Time is running short\nand we need your help if The Perl Journal is to get another chance at\nbeing the real deal. As of a couple of minutes ago, we only have 881\nsubscriptions and the deadline is fast approaching. Please subscribe now.\nIt only costs 3 cents per day to get the best Perl coverage anywhere.'\"\nThey need 3,000 subscribers to move forward.\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * TPF October Newsletter\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| TPF October Newsletter |\n| posted by pudge on Tuesday October 08, @22:35 (links) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]delegatrix writes \"The October edition of the [1]Perl Foundation\nnewsletter has been posted. This newsletter includes an interview with\nWhite Camel winner Tim Maher.\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-23T16:50:42-05:00\n\n_Shelley Powers_: &#8220;I thought the stuff this weekend on FOAF was a joke[1]\n&#8212;a bunch of people playing with new toys. ... How does FOAF aid \naggregation? The author is included with each bit. Why do we need extraneous \nmaterial such as college, and who the author knows?&#8221; \n\n_Seth Russell_: &#8220;For example I wanted to know who _you_ were[2]. Only \nthing I had was your posts to this list. So i found \"\" in your \nemail address ... then i did a lot of reading over there. Still don't really \nknow who your are and what you are into, what projects you are working on, who \nyou know, and why you came here to run your mouth. But if there were a foaf \nbutton on the feed from this channel, well I just click on that and i'm totally \ninto your stuff.&#8221;\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 19:45:28 GMT\n\nJeremy Zawodny[1] who works at Yahoo Finance offers an RSS 0.91 feed for every \nstock. It's a beta feature. Here's the feed for Microsoft[2] and one for \nMarimba[3]. Thanks to Jon Udell[4] for the pointer. Nice. Jon also notes that \nMicrosoft doesn't show up too strong in the weblog world and describes[5] a \nconversation with John Montgomery about this. What a small world. John and I \ngot to know each other when we did the work on SOAP in the late 90s, and weblog \nsoftware is one of the major reasons we were interested in SOAP. So close, but \nso far. But it's never too late!\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-23T23:21:12-06:00\n\nFinally finished up (most of) TRAMP, my RDF interface for Python. (If you don't \nuse RDF or Python you can probably safely skip this entry.) \n\nNew in this version: RDF library abstraction (because rdflib's organization \ncurrently sucks), write values in addition to reading, and unit tests, all with \nthat old TRAMP flavor you've come to know and love. \n\n_But wait,_ it also comes with an entire page of explanation/advertisement[1] \nif you're not already convinced.\n\n\n\n RDF/XML got you down? Tired of having to go through contortions to deal \n with data? Want to write Python and be standards-compatible at the same \n time? Need a module to implement the psuedo-code you had on your slides? *\n TRAMP may or may not be the answer to these problems!*\n\n\n\nEnjoy, and get a free bonus prize if you can tell me[2] why it's called TRAMP.\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"Brendan Kehoe wrote:\n> As a workaround, the various distributions could use a GPG singature to verify \n> correctness of the file. Since the distributor's secret key is required to \n> create that signature, it would add a pretty significant step that would have \n> to be taken to make it possible to replace both a rpm or apt file and its \n> accompanying signature.\n\nCheck your local friendly Red Hat installation:\n\n[root@localhost up2date]# rpm --checksig zsh-4.0.2-2.src.rpm\nzsh-4.0.2-2.src.rpm: md5 gpg ok\n\nOf course, this is only as useful as, say, the gpg keys distributed with \nthe Kernel tarballs, i.e. if you don't actually bother checking the sig \nthen you are open to abuse. It's entirely possible that rpm can be \nconfigured to require good signatures, but I've not read that part of \nthe fine manual just yet.\n\nCheers,\nWaider.\n-- \ / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me\n\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 01:16:41 GMT\n\nHalley[1]: \"When is someone going to create _audio fonts_ for Christ's sake.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-23T00:51:21-06:00\n\nI've received an _incredibly kind invitation_; I sure hope I can take it! I \nfeel sort of bad though, because I think other people deserve it more than I \ndo. \n\nHm, the next few weeks are pretty crazy: \n\n*Thu 26:* Edward Tufte Course[1] and MSI[2] member's night, Chicago.\n*Fri 27:* OSCOM[3], Berkeley. Bookmobile launch[4], SF. _(Unlikely to attend.)_\n*SatSun:* Hoshana Rabba, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah. _(Jewish Holidays)_\n*30-Oct3:* OSXCON[5], Santa Clara. _(Need someplace to stay. Anyone?)_\n*Mon 7:* Bernstein's oral argument in crypto export case[6], San Francisco. _\n(Ditto.)_\n*Tues 8:* Bookmobile[7] arrives in D.C.\n*Wed 9:* Lessig's oral argument in Eldred case[8], D.C.\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n[6]\n[7]\n[8]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:24:12 GMT\n\nNY Times piece[1] on reporters with weblogs.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 1/1/1904; 12:00:00 AM\n\nPhil Wolff: Dave Winer books I'll buy[1]. _Sweet! _\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:25:14 GMT\n\nSheila Lennon was interviewed[1] for the Times piece.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nGreat article on a group of East Bay activists who rehab junk computers, using \nsemi-skilled volunteers who train other semi-skilled volunteers. The resulting \ncomputers are sent to the developing world for activist use. \n\n For the Amazonian villages where there's no electricity or where phone \n lines are scarce, the activists plan to set up free computer labs in the \n nearby cities. Many cities already have commercial Internet cafes, but they \n cost about a dollar per hour of use, Henshaw-Plath says, which is about a \n day's wage for most of the population. \n\n The IMC activists plan to ship off these computers to Guayaquil, Ecuador's \n main port city, by the end of September. Because none of the computers are \n being sold in Ecuador, and because they're being transferred from an \n American nonprofit to an Ecuadorian one, the activists won't be charged any \n international shipping duties on the computers. \"It's what you call real \n free trade,\" says Eddie Nix. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Markoffcharney!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nTonight on the Style Network's TV show \"Area,\" my house will be featured \nundergoing a Hawaiiana makeover. Watch it and meet Carla, my daughter, and me. \nIt'll play Monday at 9:30 pm ET. (If someone can tape it for me, I'd appreciate \nit, because my cable service doesn't get the Style channel. I'll send you a new \nT-shirt iron on of a girl and her pet slug. Email Link[1] \nDiscuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe good folks at ResearchBuzz have released a groovy Google API tool, \"The \nSuffix Census.\" Enter your search terms, and the census will tell you how many \nof the results are in .NET, .COM, .ORG, and other top-level domains. Link[1] \nDiscuss[2] (_via ResearchBuzz[3]_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nArticle about a scam expert who belives the mom who beat her child is a grifter \nbelonging to the Irish Travelers. The reason she beat up her little girl, he \nthinks, is becasue she was pissed that the kid blew her con at a toy store. \n\n Wright believes the beating happened for one of two reasons. \"The little \n girl gave away the scam to an employee or the mom was so ticked off at not \n getting refunds she took it out on the little girl.\" \n\nI don't know anything about the Irish Travelers, but I'm wondering if they are \ngetting a bad rap about being con-artists. This Irish Traveler FAQ[1] says \n\"some Travellers are con men, but, just like other Americans, most are not.\" \nLink[2] Discuss[3]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nCarny concessionaires have taken to selling deep-friend Twinkies, doing big \nbusiness with artery-clogging horripilations: \n\n In what may be the biggest setback for the war on fat since supersize \n fries, Americans are scarfing down thousands of the gooey, calorie-laden \n snack cakes at county fairs and restaurants across the country. \n\n \"We sold 26,000 Twinkies in 18 days. People drove for hours just to taste \n our Twinkie,\" said Rocky Mullen, who sells the deep-fried, cream-filled \n treats for $3 (U.S.) each at the Payallup Fair, 50 kilometres south of \n Seattle. \n\n As if Twinkies are not sweet enough already, vendors such as Mr. Mullen add \n chocolate or berry sauce and sprinkle powdered sugar on top... \n\n Hearing about Mr. Sell's invention, Hostess, the company that makes the \n 71-year-old snack, started promoting deep-fried Twinkies to state and \n county fairs, where a captive population of junk-food addicts began \n gobbling them up between pig races and tractor-pull competitions. \n\n How bad are they for your health? After deep-frying, a Twinkie packs an \n estimated 400 calories and 28 grams of fat. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"Thanks for the info AJ, I found \"weblog\" at \n which has some click-path \nreporting. It's simple, but works. Report generation takes a bit though, even \nwith dns resolution turned off..\n\nDonncha.\n\n\nOn Monday 07 October 2002 23:35, AJ McKee wrote:\n> Donncha,\n>\n> I've been using mod_usertrack for a good while now. I use in by default in\n> every vhost that I set up. I assign a cookie name and set the expiry for\n> about a year. I have to say it looks ok. A few things to note though. If a\n_______________________________________________\nWebdev mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:30:51 GMT\n\nSlashdot reports[1] that Amazon still wants to patent the Web.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 23:27:03 GMT\n\nNews.Com[1]: \" is hoping to use more than the honor system to protect \na payment method it established online last year.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 03:59:58 GMT\n\n\"rssflowersalignright\"I've gotten to know Phil Ringalda over the last few weeks \nin all the discussions about RSS 2.0, and I like him, and would like to work \nwith him in the future. I don't say that lightly. This evening he posted a note\n[1] on his weblog that he was giving up trying to get RDF to make sense inside \nRSS. As I read his essay I could feel two-plus years of exhaustion overwhelm \nme. I found myself writing a comment after his essay saying, among other things \n\"RSS is not a brilliant format. It is a compromise. It is for syndicating news \nfeeds. That's all it is for, for the 18,000th time.\" It's time for RDF to pack \nits bags and leave. RSS deserves some dignity, as does RDF. Emphatically, once \nand for all, they are not the same thing. Peace be with you RDF. Leave RSS \nalone. Thank you.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 1/1/1904; 12:00:00 AM\n\nGold Lake Mountain Resort[1] looks pretty gooood. Man there are a lot of cool \nrelaxing places to stay in Colorado. Keep the suggestions coming. \n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nJanis Ian, a brave and talented recording artist (and budding and talented \nscience fiction writer) has done a terrific interview with the Slashdot \ngroupmind about her views on the music industry. \n\n Seriously, diversity is something record companies can't afford anymore - \n not the majors, at any rate. I'd go to this article, posted at Linux \n Journal, which quotes a Newsweet article (July 15,2002) by Steven Levy \n saying \"So why are the record labels taking such a hard line? My guess is \n that it's all about protecting their Internet-challenged business model. \n Their profit comes from blockbuster artists. If the industry moved to a \n more varied ecology, independent labels and artists would thrive--to the \n detriment of the labels, which would have trouble rustling up the rubes to \n root for the next Britney. The smoking gun comes from testimony of an \n RIAA-backed economist who told the government fee panel that a dramatic \n shakeout in Webcasting is \"inevitable and desirable because it will bring \n about market consolidation.\" That's really it in a nutshell. \"Market \n consolidation\" means the less artists they have to promote, the less \n ultimate dollars they'll spend. The smaller the playlist, the greater the \n chance that audiences will buy something from that playlist alone - because \n that's all you'll be able to find out there. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 04:11:14 GMT\n\nEd Cone[1]: \"I told my grandmother goodbye.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 23:54:52 GMT\n\nPaul Everitt: Interop in the Bazaar[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 22:56:54 GMT\n\nCNN Headline News: To Blog or not to Blog[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
">>From the BBC website -\n\n Tuesday, 8 October, 2002, 09:43 GMT 10:43 UK \n\n Fake bank website cons victims\n \n West African criminals have used a fake version of a British bank's online\n service to milk victims of cash, say police. The fake site was used to squeeze\n more money out of people they had already hooked. \n \n The site has been shut down. But UK National Criminal Intelligence Service,\n (NCIS), said at least two Canadians had lost more than $100,000 after being\n taken in by the fake website. \n \n The scam behind the fake web domain was the familiar one that offers people a\n share of the huge sums of money they need moved out of various African\n nations. \n \n NCIS said the use of the web was helping the conmen hook victims that would\n otherwise spot the scam. \n \n Convincing site \n \n News of this latest scam was revealed by BBC Radio5Live. It found that an\n unclaimed web domain of a UK bank had been used by conmen to get more cash out\n their victims. \n\n A NCIS spokesman said the domain looked legitimate because it had \"the\" in\n front of the bank's name. \n \n \"I have seen the microsite myself and it's very sophisticated,\" said the NCIS\n spokesman. \"It's very convincing especially to people not very experienced\n online.\" \n \n Once the con was discovered it was quickly shut down. However, the people\n behind it have not been caught. \n \n NCIS does know that at least two people have lost more than $100,000. \n \n The bank involved has bought up the domain used in the con as well as many\n other permutations of its name to limit the chance it could happen again. \n\n Domain games \n \n Usually people are first hooked in to what has become known as Advanced Fee or\n 419 fraud by replying to an unsolicited fax or e-mail offering a share of any\n cash successfully moved out of Africa. \n \n The '419' refers to the part of the Nigerian penal code dealing with such\n crimes. \n \n Like any con, there is no money to be moved at all and instead anyone taking\n the bait is asked to pay increasingly large sums to supposedly bribe\n uncooperative officials and to smooth the passage of the cash. \n \n Although this con has been practiced for years, people still fall victim to\n it. \n \n NCIS estimates that up to five Americans are sitting in hotel lobbies in\n London everyday waiting to meet people connected with this con. \n \n Cutting edge fraud \n \n Often the conmen provide fake banking certificates to give the con an air of\n legitimacy. \n \n \n People tricked into clicking on fake sites\n \n But a spokesman for NCIS said fake or spoof websites are now being used in\n place of the certificates. \n \n \"To many people nowadays the cutting edge of banking technology is web\n technology,\" said the spokesman. \n \n One of the first groups of conmen to use this method set up a fake website\n that supposedly gave victims access to accounts held at the South African\n Reserve Bank, the country's national bank. \n \n Typically, victims are given a login name and password and are encouraged to\n visit the site so they can see that the cash they are getting a share of has\n been deposited in their name. \n \n But before they can get their hands on the cash, the victims are typically\n asked to hand over more of their own money to help the transfer go ahead. \n \n Once the South African police discovered the ruse they declared it a national\n priority crime and soon arrested the 18 people behind it. \n \n Modern gloss \n \n An briefing paper prepared by NCIS in August on organised crime noted that\n criminals were increasingly turning to the web to lure new victims and give\n old cons a modern gloss. \n \n The NCIS spokesman urged people who have fallen victim to 419 fraud to come\n forward and help it track down the perpetrators. He said in the last two\n months it had arrested 24 people overseas involved with this type of fraud. \n \n He said any e-mail, fax or letter making an offer that looks to good too be\n true, undoubtedly is. \n \n One of the first companies to fall victim to website spoofing was net payment\n service Paypal. \n \n Conmen set up a fake site and asked people to visit and re-enter their account\n and credit card details because Paypal had lost the information. \n \n The website link included in the e-mail looked legitimate but in fact directed\n people to a fake domain that gathered details for the conmen's personal use. \n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nSell a Home for Top $\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:11:28 GMT\n\nAfter posting my comment yesterday about next things[1] I want to do, I'm \nstarting to get job offers. Hey I wasn't expecting that. But I like it I like \nit. Especially in this stinkin economy. On the other hand can you imagine _me_ \nwith a job? \";->\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\n[IMG:] Jeff \nwrites: \"Goats with enormous testicles, and a life-sized cow sculpted from \nbutter. Pictures from Massachusett's Eastern States Expo this weekend. Anyone \nknow the purpose of those overgrown goat gonads?\" Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, \nJeff[3]!_) \n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:19:32 GMT\n\nShelley Powers raises[1] some interesting questions re whether RDF has a place \nin syndication. She says that RDF is trying to build a persistent database (aka \nthe Semantic Web) and RSS is trying to flow news that has a short lifespan. I \nhad not heard this point before. It's worth thinking about. \n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:34:18 GMT\n\nI've been hearing a lot about FOAF, which is an acronym for Friend Of A Friend. \nIt's an RDF-based file format that lets you walk a network of people who are \nfriends. It's a lot like a network of blogrolls[1]. \n\n[1]$85\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-23T16:11:02-05:00\n\nTrust me when I tell you that heavy medication and RDF do not mix. Here is a \nlist of things I intend to re-read once the fog lifts: \n\n- _Phil Ringnalda_: Using FOAF relationships[1] and Just say no to Trackback in \nindex.html[2]. \n- _Les Orchard_: Per-post comment RSS feed[3]. \n- _Phil Wainewright_: The bare necessities of RSS[4] and What to do about RDF\n[5]. The beginning of an RSS 2.0 best practices document. \n- _Jonathon Delacour_: Trying to score a goal[6]. &#8220;As the best and the \nbrightest focus on the possibilities of FOAF, I turned my attention to \nyesterday's news: RSS.&#8221; No, RSS will always be today's news. Get it? \nToday's newzzz... Never mind. \n- Comments on Ben Hammersley's Friend of a Friend[7]. Various ways to link to a \nFOAF file from an RSS feed. \n- _Nicholas Chase_: The Web's future: XHTML 2.0[8]. We're losing backward \ncompatibility, isn't that great? Well, he seems to think so. \n- mod_cc[9], a module for including copyright information in RDF documents such \nas RSS 1.0 feeds, and, I hope, FOAF files. \n- _Shelley Powers_: Who is your audience, and what are you trying to \naccomplish?[10] Addressing the growing identity crisis on the RSS-DEV mailing \nlist[11]. Also the comments on Shelley's article[12]. \n- _Ian Hickson_: Pingback 1.0[13]. &#8220;The best thing about this idea is \nthat unlike similar schemes like TrackBack, it is totally transparent to both \nusers.&#8221; \n- New software helps in building of accessible web sites[14]. A press release \nfor a new edition of LIFT[15], which I have never used. \n- Forget Mars bars, Twinkies now the deep-fried treat[16]. &#8220;The secret to \nmaking a deep-fried Twinkie, he says, is to place it in the fridge first to \ngive it more stability. He then rolls it in flour, covers it with batter ... \nand plunks it into the oil.&#8221; \n\n\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n[6]\n[7]\n[8]\n[9]\n[10]\n[11]\n[12]\n[13]\n[14]\n[15]\n[16]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nRobert L Forward, a giant of hard science fiction, has died at 70 of brain \ncancer. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Michael[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:19:16 GMT\n\nGoogle PR sends a message that they have a new News service[1]. Maybe I'm slow \nthis morning, or maybe I'm spoiled, but what's the big deal. I thought they \nalready had this. My personal aggregator[2] is better, it shows me what I'm \ninterested in, it's not one size fits all. Help me figure this out. I'm sure \nthere's something innovative here, I just don't see it.\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nJavawalk is a coffee-oriented walking-tour of San Francisco. \n\n Javawalk is a two-hour walk in the city center. We start at Union Square \n and wind through Chinatown, Jackson Square and North Beach, the city's \n Italian district. While we cover the city's coffee roots (much more \n significant than Seattle's!) and coffeehouse culture (think beatnik), we \n also spend some time on San Francisco's history, interesting and arcane \n trivia and stories the Javagirl has collected from many years of living in \n the city. Truly, some things could only happen in SF! Javawalk also makes a \n couple of stops at North Beach cafes for a quick java jolt. Since cool \n weather prevails here, we need coffee year-round in the city by the Bay. \n Lucky us! \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Paul!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:47:06 GMT\n\nNews.Com: Google search gets newsier[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-25T00:38:31-05:00\n\n_Anil Dash_: XML version 1.0[1]. &#8220;Why isn't there a way to syndicate my \nwords without butchering the way they look?&#8221; Several people protested \nlast week by changing their weblog templates to something like this[2]. Jason \nLevine has more links[3] to those involved. I spoke with one of the people who \nimplemented it, and she claims it wasn't a protest as such, more of an inside \njoke. Point taken: the entire point of an aggregator (and syndication in \ngeneral) is to make everyone's words look the same. Counterpoint: the default \nin most weblog systems is to only publish excerpts in RSS feeds; nobody's \nforcing you to publish full posts. This would probably be a good place to \ninsert a Zen quote about attachment, but my mind is too fuzzy to find it. \n\n_Timothy Appnel_: More FFKAR, RDF, and FOAF[4]. FFKAR is &#8220;the format \nformerly known as RSS&#8221;. Sam has already implemented it[5]. \n\n_Nicholas Avenell_: ESF[6]. &#8220;Are you also fed up with the continuing war \nbetween RSS 0.9* and 1.0 and 2.0 and whatever else they invent today? Me too. \nSo today I invented the Epistula Syndication Format. ESF. It isn't XML. It \nisn't RDF. It's just data.&#8221; Sam[7] would love it, then. But Movable Type \ndoesn't support outputting dates in Unix timestamp format[8], which could be an \nimpediment to mainstream acceptance. \n\n_Shelley Powers_: Consumer Rights and RSS[9]. &#8220;I'm not buying into RSS \n0.9x. I'm not buying into RSS 2.0. I'm not buying into RSS 1.0. I changed my \nRSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 templates to read the following:&#8221; \n\n *RSS not supported here* \n\n This weblog does not support RSS 0.9x, RSS 2.0, or RSS 1.0. If you wish to \n view entries, may I suggest that you visit the weblog, and save your fast \n skimming for the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. \n\nI'm sure this is some sort of DMCA violation or something, but here goes: \n\n import urllib, re; print \"\\n TITLE: Burningbird\n\n \\n\\n en-us\\n \\n\" + \"\\n\".join([\"TITLE: %s\n\n %s\" % t for t in re.compile(r'dc:title=\"(.*?)\"\\s*dc:identifier=\"(.*?)\"', \n re.DOTALL).findall(urllib.urlopen('').read())]) \n + \"\" \n\n\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n[6]\n[7]\n[8] tag formats\n[9]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 22:59:56 GMT\n\nBruce Loebrich[1] has scraped RSS feeds for Google news, and a RSS 2.0 success \nstory. In other words, it's okay to use the features in 2.0. We're doing it at \nUserLand and so is Bruce.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 18:41:50 GMT\n\nNews.Com[1]: \"Linux is a serious competitor,\" said Ballmer.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T22:05:32-05:00\n\n_Sam Ruby_: Stark raving mad[1]. \n\n This post was entered in Radio, extracted using a batch file via some \n UserTalk, parsed using Perl, cleaned up by tidy and a C program of my own \n design, transferred to intertwingly using scp, and then ssh triggers \n unpacking on the destination site, where a shell script takes over: invokes \n indexing using Jakarta's Lucene, and then a python script pings \n and \n\nTom Stoppard (_Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead_): \n\n Guildenstern: &#8220;A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man \n talking nonsense not to himself.&#8221;\n Rosencrantz: &#8220;Or just as mad.&#8221;\n Guildenstern: &#8220;Or just as mad.&#8221;\n Rosencrantz: &#8220;And he does both.&#8221;\n Guildenstern: &#8220;So there you are.&#8221;\n Rosencrantz: &#8220;Stark raving sane.&#8221; \n\n\n\n\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T05:32:00-0700\n\nThere are a few net innovations that have far greater ramifications than you \nwould, at first hearing, expect them to. Napster, at heart just IRC with a UI, \nwas one. Google News[1] is another. \n\nIn its first day, I've already noticed: \n\n- The front page changes its editorial stance depending on where the earth's \nterminator[2] is. So in the evening on the West Coast, Google News is lead by \nthe South China Morning Post, and various Asian english-language papers. By the \nlate evening, the BBC and European papers are kicking in. \n- The site may be created by algorithms - but what about the choice of sites? \nThe most arbitrary dividing line I see in Google's coverage is what is a news \nsite, and what isn't. Slashdot[3] is, for instance, as well as some very \nobscure[4] newspapers. What about Blues News[5] or Scripting News[6], though? \n- Big companies spend mucho money paying \"clipping services\" that send them \ncopies of any press coverage they receive. Clipping services are going to have \nto find some added value, very[7] very[8] quickly. \n\n[1]\n[2]\n The\nsunrise-sunset line dividing the day and night halves of the Moon or a\nplanet.\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n[6]\n[7]\n[8]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 03:07:06 GMT\n\nSam Ruby[1]: \"Yup, I'm a sick puppy.\" _Me too!_\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 03:14:24 GMT\n\nNote to self: Read the pingback spec[1]. Form opinion.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:35:25 GMT\n\nAaron Swartz[1]: \"If everyone is afraid to speak, who will defend our right to \ndownload?\" _I'm not afraid._\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
">I'd normally never buy this but the Xbox is Eur300 on IOL's shop, a very\n>large company are making a loss on it and:\n>\n>\n>\n>Mandrake has been released for it.\n\nisn't it ¤250 in Smyths?\n\ndon't forget to add to that the modchip, and the time to put it on.\n\n(/me thinks unless you want 3d graphics, is the way to go :))\n\nL.\n-- \nIrish Linux Users' Group:\n for (un)subscription information.\nList maintainer:\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 00:47:50 GMT\n\nDotcom Scoop[1]: \"CNET's is set to introduce a new program for its \ software portal. Beginning Sept. 30, software vendors will be \ncharged a fee to upload their wares. There is also a monthly-package to get \nbetter placement on the site.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:21:06 GMT\n\nIowa[1]: \"There was frost outside this morning!\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:21:41 GMT\n\nRay Ozzie: Software Platform Dynamics[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:10:18 GMT\n\nWired[1]: \"An urgent business proposition and requests for urgent assistance \nfrom a so-called Nigerian official were heeded by a Detroit bank secretary in \nthe latest example of how the ubiquitous e-mail scam actually works.\"\n\n[1],1367,55329,00.html\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 18:46:59 GMT\n\nScoble[1]: \"I'm just not that excited by much that Microsoft is doing.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:05:13 GMT\n\nNY Times[1]: \"Google's automated editors appeared to match the work of human \ncompetitors.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T20:38:57-05:00\n\n_Jeffrey Zeldman_: OS X Blues update[1]. \n\n A couple of intellectuals have pointed out parallels between the rigidity \n of OS X, which derives its power from Unix and XML, and the rules of \n standards-based web development, which also compels you to do things the \n right way instead of using five different non-standard hacks. The parallel \n is not without merit. Building web pages the right way is hard at first, \n but once you get it, you never want to go back. Regardless, we miss OS 9's \n flexibility and ease of use, and a metric ton of logic doesn't offset that \n feeling of loss. \n\n\n\n\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
",2763,806744,00.html\n\nEvangelicals' threat to new archbishop\n\nDirect action threat over liberal views on sexuality\n\nStephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent\nTuesday October 8, 2002\nThe Guardian\n\nEvangelical fundamentalists last night stepped up their campaign to oust\nRowan Williams, the incoming Archbishop of Canterbury, before he even takes\nup his post, by threatening to take \"direct action\" against him.\nThe council of the Church Society, the Church of England's oldest\nevangelical body, joined a younger evangelical pressure group called Reform,\nwhich is also opposed to Dr Williams, in calling on him to recant his\nsupposedly liberal views on sexuality or stand down.\nFollowing an emergency meeting, the 167-year-old society, whose leaders met\nthe archbishop last week, proclaimed their continued opposition to his\nappointment and called on all Anglicans to spurn him.\nThe move is the latest stage of an increasingly aggressive attempt to\ndestabilise the new archbishop, whose leftwing political views are regarded\nwith deep suspicion by the conservative fringes of the evangelical movement.\nSome evangelicals object to Dr Williams's acknowledgement that he has\nordained a gay priest, something many bishops have done, and that those who\nhave sex outside marriage need not necessarily be spurned. The new\narchbishop has repeatedly assured them that he respects the canons of the\nchurch.\nNevertheless, the society said: \"It is clear that he prefers his private\njudgment to the voice of scripture, to the voice of tradition and to the\ncommon mind of the church. As such he can only be a focus of disunity.\n\"The council... called upon loyal Anglicans to pray specifically that Rowan\nWilliams would see the error in his teaching, change his views or stand\ndown,\" it said.\nThe society claimed to have drawn up an \"action plan,\" including calling on\nbishops and primates of the 70 million worldwide Anglican communion, of\nwhich archbishops of Canterbury are the leaders, to distance themselves from\nDr Williams's doctrinal and ethical position. It promised it would be\n\"taking steps towards appropriate direct action\".\nIt added that Dr Williams remained on the editorial board of a journal\ncalled Theology and Sexuality which, six months ago, published articles\nallegedly commending homosexual behaviour.\nDespite its claim, the society does not represent the common mind of the\nchurch. Dr Williams, currently Archbishop of Wales, was chosen by the crown\nappointments commission of church members, including evangelicals, and his\nappointment was endorsed by the prime minister and the Queen.\nHe is due to succeed George Carey, who retires this month, and will be\nformally enthroned at Canterbury cathedral in February.\nAsked what form direct action might take, the Rev George Curry, the\nsociety's chairman, said: \"Watch this space.\" Presumably it could involve a\nsmall minority of parishes repudiating the new archbishop and seeking\nalternative oversight or even demonstrations at services where Dr Williams\nis present.\nChurch of England bishops, who have hitherto largely kept their heads down\nduring the row, are meeting next week to discuss their response to the\nevangelical extremists' challenge, which appears to have grown in the\nabsence of a robust rebuttal.\nA letter by senior theologians in today's Guardian, however, repudiates the\nevangelicals' tactics, calling them unseemly and contrary to biblical\nteaching.\nOn the BBC's Thought for the Day yesterday, Angela Tilby, vice-principal of\nWestcott House, Cambridge, accused Dr Williams's opponents of presumption\nand blackmail. \"It is in fact a thoroughly aggressive way to behave. It is\nattempting to force an issue by emotional violence... manipulating to get\nyour way is often preferable to painstaking negotiation,\" she said.\nLast week, Dr Williams said he was deeply saddened. \"Matters of sexuality\nshould not have the priority or centrality that Reform and the Church\nSociety have tried to give them. The archbishop cannot withdraw his\nappointment since so many, including evangelicals, have urged him to take\nthe post... the archbishop believes it to be his duty under God.\"\n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nSell a Home with Ease!\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:53:42 GMT\n\nLooks like Google did a deal to index the NY Times. If you do this news search\n[1], and mouse over the link, you'll see there's a partner attribute on the \nURL, like the ones in our links[2]. What are the implications of this? Here's \none. Martin Nisenholtz may now have a _chance_ of winning his bet[3] with me. \n\";->\"\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:19:42 GMT\n\nLance Knobel[1] of Davos Newbies does a quick review of Tony Blair's case \nagainst Sadam Hussein.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nBarbie has been made over as a Bond girl: \n\n [IMG:] As James Bond, Ken \n has matured nicely with rooted hair, with slight silvering at his temples, \n wearing a midnight blue tuxedo, and authentic recreation of the classic tux \n by Brioni, the famed clothier. Linda Hemming, the award winning costume \n designer in charge of this year's James Bond film, outfits Barbie doll. She \n wears a blood red gown with a glittering gold lace overlay and a gauzy red \n shawl with a gold filigree design. Her gown is cut up the side to reveal \n lots of leg as well as not so discreet hip strap that anchors Barbie's cell \n phone. The set is slated for release in November, to coincide with the \n premiere of \"Die Another Day,\" the new James Bond film. Bond, James Bond, \n meet Barbie, just Barbie... \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks Derek!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nI've put up a page called \"12 Reasons to Pre-Order Down and Out in the Magic \nKingdom,\" with blurbs by twelve people telling you why they think you should \nbuy it. Here're the blurbers: \n\n- Bruce Sterling \n- Lawrence Lessig \n- Kelly Link \n- Mark Frauenfelder \n- Karl Schroeder \n- Rudy Rucker \n- Howard Rheingold \n- Douglas Rushkoff \n- Tim O'Reilly \n- Bruce Schneier \n- Gardner Dozois \n- Mitch Kapor \n\nAnd the blurbs are great, like this one: \n\n Wow! Disney imagineering meets nanotechnology, the reputation economy, and \n Ray Kurzweil's transhuman future. As much fun as Neal Stephenson's Snow \n Crash, and as packed with mind bending ideas about social changes cascading \n from the frontiers of science. \n\n Tim O'Reilly\n Publisher and Founder, O'Reilly and Associates \n\n(_NB: This used to be 13 reasons, but I just realized that I somehow ended up \nwith a phantom entry from Dan GIllmor, who, on closer examination, it appears I \nfailed to deliver a copy to, like a total idiot. My apologies, Dan_) Link[1] \nDiscuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nEFF is looking for a few good slogans! We're getting some banners made up to \nplace on P2P network clients, with slogans like, \"P2P Has a Posse.\" We need \nmore. Mail your suggestions to or post to the discuss link. Link\n[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nDVD Capture is an AppleScript for OS X that captures screen-grabs from DVDs. OS \nX normally disables screen-capture while the DVD player is running (even if it \nisn't visible!). I have some home movies on DVD that I'd love to get stills \nfrom, but I can't -- the DVD licensing board has forced Apple to break my \nhardware in such a way as to prevent me from doing something completely lawful, \nto make sure that I never, ever grab a frame out of _Police Academy n - 1_. \nNice to see that independent software authors are willing to un-break my gear \nfor me. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Patrick[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nGregor sez: \n\n ENRON Corp material assets go on the block 7 AM CT TOMORROW, Wednesday, \n 9/25. First on the list is the giant, steel, Enron \"E\" (Lot \"E\"), followed \n by tons of cool tech. 50 inch plasma panels, desktop LC Displays, boxes of \n Palm PDAs or Nokia cell phones, network stuff, wireless stuff, desktop \n computers, servers, monitors, printers, plotters, in both massive lots, and \n individually! Oh yeah, Enron trade-show trinkets too, by the cartload. \n\n The catch: You have to either go to Texas to pick up the stuff, or arrange \n with an approved 3rd party vendor (list provided on the web site) to have \n it picked, packed and shipped for you. \n\n Go! Register! Bid! Consume! \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Gregor!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe Horror Writers of America are hosting a charity auction on eBay to raise \nmoney for American literacy charities. \n\n Among the items up for auction: a rare softcover advance copy (bound \n galley) of Thomas Harris' The Silence of the Lambs issued by St. Martin's \n Press in 1988; the first U.S. hardcover edition of Clive Barker's The \n Damnation Game; and a bundle of limited-edition prints depicting scenes \n from Stephen King novels such as Carrie and The Shining. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1],1284,55319,00.html\n[2]\n\n\n"
",12374,806695,00.html\n\nWeevil pest warms to life in south-west London\n\nJames Meek, science correspondent\nTuesday October 8, 2002\nThe Guardian\n\nThey're chomping in Chelsea, Fulham and Pimlico, but despite their fancy\ntaste in London addresses they are neither posh nor particularly fussy: they\nare vine weevils and they want to eat your plants.\nTwo species of vine weevil previously unable to survive Britain's cold\nwinters have been discovered in south-west London, and one has also been\ndetected in Surrey, Cardiff and Edinburgh.\n\"This is probably the most serious new garden pest in recent memory,\" said\nMax Barclay, the curator of beetles at the Natural History Museum in London\nwho discovered the creatures in the UK.\nThe black vine weevil has long been native to Britain, causing enormous\ndamage to glossy leaved plants such as laurels. But the two new species,\notiorhynchus armadillo and otiorhynchus salicicola, not previously known\nnorth of Switzerland, are now prevalent in south London. \"It's very likely\nthese weevils have been introduced to Britain through imported ornamental\nplants from Italy,\" said Dr Barclay. \"It looks like they're here to stay.\"\nHe found otiorhynchus armadillo on the window of a Chelsea department store\nin 1998, but as the shop sold imported house plants, he assumed it was a\nmigrant. It has now quietly become the most common species of vine weevil in\nsouth-west London. The second invader is not so numerous, but has\nestablished itself firmly in the same area.\nApart from laurels, vine weevils attack bay, viburnum, ornamental ivy, and\ngrape vines. An early sign of trouble is that notches appear in leaves. The\nsoil-dwelling larvae bite the roots off below the surface.\nOne possible explanation for the invaders' successful colonisation of\nBritain is global warming. Earlier springs and milder winters are already a\nfact.\n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nSell a Home with Ease!\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe British government has invited the local equivalent of the RIAA to fund an \n\"anti-piracy\" post. As Charlie puts it, \"Mr Fox, here's the new set of \nhen-house keys you ordered.\" \n\n The UK music industry is to co-fund a new post at the Department for \n Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to act as a link with the government in the \n struggle with music piracy. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_via Charlie's Diary[3]_) \n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nMoller, a public company in Davis, California, has developed a flying car. \n\n [IMG:] Moller International \n has developed the first and only feasible, personally affordable, personal \n vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle the world has ever seen. \n\n You've always known it was just a matter of time before the world demanded \n some kind of flying machine which would replace the automobile. Of course, \n this machine would have to be capable of VTOL, be easy to maintain, cost \n effective and reliable. Well, we at Moller International believe we have \n come up with the solution. That solution is the volantor named M400 Skycar. \n \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Mark!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nStefan sez: \n\n A federal judge has determined that gas pipline manager El Paso did indeed \n limit natural gas supplies to California, resulting in ruinous prices, \n rolling blackouts, and smug Cato Institute flaks wagging their fingers at \n hot-tubbers and environmentalists. \n\n California was sitting on a juicy dotcom-era tax windfall before it all got \n sucked away by this phony crisis. \n\n If I were Gov. Davis, I'd sieze every private pipeline, powerline, and \n power plant and hold them hostage until the energy industry pays back every \n dime they extorted from the state. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Stefan[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\n[IMG:] Matt \"Warchalking\" Jones has \ncome up with a bio-dog for the latest Viridian Design Contest[1], called Von \nNeumann's Best Friend. Link[2] Discuss[3] (_Thanks, Matt[4]!_) \n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:48:40 GMT\n\nThanks to Jenny[1] for the pointer to this Yale Law article[2] about The \nWayback Machine removing articles about Scientology. \"While Lawmeme doesn't \nknow all the details of Scientology's request to the Internet Archive, \nespecially the extent of websites removed, we do know that the Internet Archive \nis blocking all archived versions of one of Scientology's leading critics and \nthe main target in the Google Affair,\"\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:59:11 GMT\n\nLiberation: Les jouebs, stars editoriales du Web[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:12:19 GMT\n\nJeremy Bowers[1]: \"None of the trackback mechanisms has reached the critical \nmass necessary to see the negative effects experienced in all other community \nmodels.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"\n\ changed:\n\n What |Removed |Added\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n CC| |spamassassin-\n | |\n AssignedTo|spamassassin- |spamassassin-\n | |\n\n\n\n------- Additional Comments From 2002-10-08 04:16 -------\nI'm gonna fix this one. I think the best solution will be to copy the modified \nrules to blib and install them from there. Then the rules files will be \nchanged on build time and not install time, too. \n\n\n\n------- You are receiving this mail because: -------\nYou are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.\nYou are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:49:00 GMT\n\nRay Ozzie[1]: \"How long before we see auto pingback generator spambots?\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA new KPMG study concludes that the RIAA and its member companies are hurting \nthemselves by focusing on cracking down on P2P sharing instead of figuring out \nways to earn a living with it. \n\n Media companies must put less emphasis on protecting digital content and \n instead find ways to make money from digital music and movies if they hope \n to beat back copyright pirates who threaten their businesses, according to \n a study released on Wednesday from KPMG... \n\n \"They complain about the Napsters,\" she said, referring to the bankrupt \n music swap site that was found to violate U.S. copyright laws. \"But why do \n the Napsters exist, because the marketplace wants them.\" \n\n Steel said that if the issue \"is not on boardroom table ... then that \n boardroom has problems.\" \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Michael!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nJust a reminder: I'm speaking at the University of Texas at Austin at 7PM this \nFriday -- giving a talk on Hollywood's legislative agenda, sponsored by \nEFF-Austin, ACTLab, and ACLU-Texas. Love to see you there! Link[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:18:04 GMT\n\n\"rssflowersalignright\"A productive thread[1] on RSS-DEV confronts the \nnegativeness about RSS 2.0[2] head-on. This will go someplace interesting. \n\nI left a big hint there in the way the blogChannel module[3] is designed, \npatterned after the Syndication module[4] designed by the RDF folk. In other \nwords, the place where they're expressing discomfort with RSS 2.0 is where they \ncan make it their own. Lead. Instead of feeling disempowered, be powerful. \n\nAt one point I saw clearly where the compromise between RSS 0.9x and 1.0 was. \nWe could have gotten there in early 2001, so instead we get there in late 2002. \nSo what, not a big deal. Think about how much better it will be _when we're all \nadvocating the same format._ Visualize peace. That's basically what I did when \nI did the 2.0 spec. I know it's hard to swallow, but swallow anyway. If I did \nit, you can too.\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nGreat piece on the pulp comic characters that appear in the new series of Alan \nMoore's _League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Tom Strong_ (thanks, Zed) funnybook. \nThese characters, like The Terror and The Fighting Yank, are in the public \ndomain because their original publishers didn't register (or renew, it's \nunclear) their copyright, which means that they've been granted a new lease on \nlife in _Tom Strong_. The article segues into a very good discussion of the \npublic domain. This was just Slashdotted, so it might be a little slow, but \nit's worth the wait. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_via /.[3]_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nBrian sez: Vocera Communications has developed what is essentially a Star Trek: \nTNG-style lapel communicator device that uses WiFi to transmit voice across \nnetworks. \n\n The Vocera Communications System consists of Vocera Server Software, \n residing on a customer premise server, and Vocera Communications Badges, \n which operate over a wireless LAN (802.11b). The badge - which weighs less \n than 2 ounces - includes a microphone and speaker, LCD readout to display \n text messages, and an 802.11b wireless radio. It can be clipped to a shirt \n pocket or collar, or worn on a lanyard. \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Brian[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:31:40 GMT\n\nDaypop[1] is back. _Ye-hi._\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"Nobel Honors 3 for Astrophysics Work \n\nTuesday October 8, 2002 12:00 PM\nSTOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) - Two Americans and a Japanese won the Nobel Prize in\nphysics Tuesday for using some of the most obscure particles and waves in\nnature to understand the workings of astronomy's grandest wonders.\nRiccardo Giacconi, 71, of the Associated Universities Inc. in Washington,\nD.C., will get half of the $1 million prize for his role in ``pioneering\ncontributions to astrophysics, which have led to the discovery of cosmic\nX-ray sources.''\nRaymond Davis, Jr., 87, of the University of Pennsylvania shares the other\nhalf of the prize with Japanese scientist Masatoshi Koshiba, 76, of the\nUniversity of Tokyo. The two men pioneered the construction of giant\nunderground chambers to detect neutrinos, elusive particles that stream from\nthe sun by the billion.\nNeutrinos offer an unparalleled view of the sun's inner workings because\nthey are produced in its heart by the same process that causes it to shine.\nIn fact, Davis' early experiments, performed during the 1960s in a South\nDakota gold mine, confirmed that the sun is powered by nuclear fusion.\nKoshiba won his share of the prize for his work at the Kamiokande neutrino\ndetector in Japan. That experiment confirmed and extended Davis' work, and\nalso discovered neutrinos coming from distant supernova explosions, some of\nthe brightest objects in the universe.\nThe Italian-born Giacconi, a U.S. citizen, was awarded half of the prize for\nbuilding the first X-ray telescopes that provided ``completely new - and\nsharp - images of the universe,'' the academy said.\nHis research laid the foundation for X-ray astronomy, which has led to the\ndiscovery of black holes and allowed researchers to peer deep into the\nhearts of the dusty young galaxies where stars are born.\nWhen academy officials reached Giacconi by phone at his home outside\nWashington, he said he was ``dumbstruck'' to learn of the prize. Koshiba\nalso was phoned at home in Tokyo, but the academy was still trying to reach\nDavis, spokesman Erling Norrby said.\nThis year's Nobel awards started Monday with the naming of Britons Sydney\nBrenner, 75, and Sir John E. Sulston, 60, and American H. Robert Horvitz,\n55, as winners of the medicine prize, selected by a committee at the\nKarolinska Institute.\nThe researchers shared it for discoveries about how genes regulate organ\ngrowth and a process of programmed cell deaths that shed light on how\nviruses and bacteria invade human cells, including in conditions such as\nAIDS, strokes, cancer and heart attacks.\nThe winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry will be named on Wednesday\nmorning and the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of\nAlfred Nobel later the same day.\nThe literature prize winner will be announced on Thursday, the Swedish\nAcademy said on Tuesday.\nThe winner of the coveted peace prize - the only one not awarded in Sweden -\nwill be announced Friday in Oslo, Norway.\nThe award committees make their decisions in deep secrecy and candidates are\nnot publicly revealed for 50 years.\nAlfred Nobel, the wealthy Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite who\nendowed the prizes left only vague guidelines for the selection committees.\nIn his will he said the prize being revealed on Tuesday should be given to\nthose who ``shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind'' and\n``shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field\nof physics.''\nThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which also chooses the chemistry and\neconomics winners, invited nominations from previous recipients and experts\nin the fields before cutting down its choices. Deliberations are conducted\nin strict secrecy.\nThe prizes are presented on Dec. 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death in\n1896, in Stockholm and in Oslo.\n---\nOn the Net:\nNobel site, \n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nPlan to Sell a Home?\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:49:48 GMT\n\nMixed news from yesterday's heart checkup. \n\nFirst, I went seven minutes on the treadmill. That was pretty good. My heart \nwas racing like it hadn't since I was in college. They also did an extensive \nultrasound on my carotid arteries[1], they're in the neck and supply my head \nwith blood. More good news there. They're clear, free of plaque, healthy, not \ndiseased[2]. So it appears I just have coronary artery disease, not general \nartery disease. That's good because there would be a risk of stroke if they \nwere sick, and not a whole lot they can do about it (as they can with the \nheart). \n\nNow there was some not-good news. A small part of my heart isn't working very \nwell. There are a few possible reasons for that, some fixable, some not. I \nasked the doctor, does this mean I'm going to die sooner, and he said no. Does \nit mean I have to restrict what I do, he said no. So what does it mean? Really \nnot much, other than I should watch, as before, for recurring symptoms, the \nones that brought me into the hospital in June. If they come back, we'll do an \nangiogram, and maybe an angioplasty, but the likelihood of another bypass \nbecause of this is small. That's quite a relief. I don't like the idea of part \nof my heart not working, but what can you do about it?\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:25:23 GMT\n\nJon Hanna, on the RSS-DEV list, says[1] that RSS, was \"not designed to be of \nany particular use to bloggers, aggregators, or metadata providers.\" This is \nnot true. Half of RSS 0.91 was scriptingNews format[2], which was totally \ndesigned to model a weblog in XML. \n\n[1]\n[2]$11\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 19:25:19 GMT\n\nEd Cone[1]: \"The House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual \nProperty will hold a hearing on 'Piracy of Intellectual Property on \nPeer-to-Peer Networks' at 9AM., Thursday, September 26, (2141 Rayburn House \nOffice Building). The Berman-Coble bill will be discussed. The hearings are \nopen to the press.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:34:49 GMT\n\nGreat email[1] from the RIAA's Hillary Rosen to execs at Yahoo, Real, AOL and \nMicrosoft, on how to crack down on the millions of Morpheus and Kazaa users. Is \nthis for real?\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:33:10 GMT\n\nWired[1]: \"Stronger ties between ISPs and file-trading companies could bolster \nKazaa's defenses.\"\n\n[1],1285,55356,00.html\n\n\n"