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"text": "How many faces are in the image?",
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"index": null,
"text": "Show me all facial landmarks for each person",
"type": "text"
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"text": "Show me the mouth outer and eye left landmarks",
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"content": [
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"text": "Show me the eyebrow left and nose landmarks",
"type": "text"
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"text": "Show me the mouth inner, eyebrow left and eyebrow right landmarks",
"type": "text"
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"content": [
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"text": "Show me the eye right, mouth outer and eye left landmarks",
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"index": null,
"text": "Show me the jaw, mouth outer and eye left landmarks",
"type": "text"
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"role": "assistant"
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"text": null,
"type": "image"
"index": null,
"text": "Show me the relative positions of the eyes",
"type": "text"
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"content": [
"index": null,
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"text": null,
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"index": null,
"text": "Show me the relative positions of the eyebrows",
"type": "text"
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"content": [
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"role": "assistant"
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"content": [
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"type": "image"
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"text": "Show me the relative positions of the left eye and mouth",
"type": "text"
"role": "user"
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"type": "text"
"role": "assistant"
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"content": [
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"text": null,
"type": "image"
"index": null,
"text": "Show me the relative positions of the right eye and mouth",
"type": "text"
"role": "user"
"content": [
"index": null,
"text": "{\"faces\": [{\"face_index\": 0, \"eye_right\": [[230, 171], [244, 167], [251, 166], [259, 172], [253, 174], [245, 174]], \"mouth_outer\": [[242, 237], [256, 233], [274, 231], [283, 231], [291, 230], [299, 229], [298, 233], [296, 246], [288, 254], [281, 256], [272, 255], [255, 249]]}, {\"face_index\": 1, \"eye_right\": [[457, 369], [468, 365], [474, 364], [480, 368], [476, 370], [469, 371]], \"mouth_outer\": [[468, 418], [478, 414], [493, 413], [500, 412], [507, 411], [514, 410], [513, 413], [511, 424], [505, 431], [499, 433], [492, 433], [478, 428]]}, {\"face_index\": 2, \"eye_right\": [[640, 177], [651, 172], [658, 170], [666, 174], [661, 176], [653, 178]], \"mouth_outer\": [[661, 230], [672, 224], [687, 220], [695, 218], [702, 217], [710, 215], [711, 220], [709, 232], [703, 241], [696, 244], [688, 244], [673, 240]]}, {\"face_index\": 3, \"eye_right\": [[1272, 205], [1255, 202], [1247, 202], [1243, 210], [1248, 213], [1256, 213]], \"mouth_outer\": [[1252, 299], [1238, 294], [1222, 291], [1216, 291], [1210, 291], [1206, 294], [1212, 301], [1210, 309], [1215, 314], [1221, 314], [1228, 312], [1241, 306]]}]}",
"type": "text"
"role": "assistant"
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"content": [
"index": 0,
"text": null,
"type": "image"
"index": null,
"text": "What are the landmarks for the upper face?",
"type": "text"
"role": "user"
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