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Bon-Bon,Derpy Hooves,Doctor Whooves,Lyra,Trixie,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Putting the Pieces Back Together
After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind.
<p>After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind, and her life starts taking turns that she would have never imagined.</p><p>Putting the Pieces Back together is a sequel to The Kindness of Strangers, which can be found here: <a href="/story/389/The-Kindness-of-Strangers" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Chapter 7 Sweet Apple Acres. The Doctor stood at the edge of the gigantic apple farm, nearly a kilometre out of the Ponyville town limits. The Doctor was amazed that two ponies were able to work the entirety of it. The Doctor also noted that it was probably easier than other large farms he’d seen. Equestria was heavily climate controlled. It had likely never even occurred to the ponies of Sweet Apple Acres that the growing season could go wrong at all. The Doctor found himself scoffing at the way the ponies controlled their world. Just because you could do something didn’t always mean that you should. He was biased of course, the reasons were obvious. They’d farmed where he’d come from, but despite the wonders of his people’s technology, they didn’t need to control the weather. He’d seen micromanagement destroy whole worlds before. Eventually it was going to turn around and bite these ponies. The Doctor shook his thoughts off and made his way along the dirt road to Sweet Apple Acres, entering the property close to the barn. Two ponies were standing near the barn, doing some miscellaneous midday chores, the younger of the two, a dark orange mare wearing a hat that the Doctor thought was cool, looked up at him and smiled. “Well howdy stranger!” Applejack said, greeting him warmly. The Doctor knew this was Applejack because he was here to see her. The earth pony slowly hobbled over to him, the Doctor noticed her bad hind leg. “Welcome to Sweet Apple Arces! Ah don’t think Ah seen ya ‘round before. I’m Applejack! That’s my brother, Big Macintosh, an’ my cousin Braeburn’s ‘round here somewheres...” “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Doctor Blacksmith,” the Doctor said with a smile. “Doctor? What’s a Doctor doin’ here?” Applejack asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “I’m setting up a practice. Just in from Canterlot, wanted to see the sights,” the Doctor said. Applejack looked at the Doctor with suspicion. “Did an all black pegasus pony doctor from the Royal Hospital put ya up ta this?” The Doctor knew who she was talking about. It had been the pony doctor who had been in charge of Rainbow Dash’s case before it had been thrust upon the Doctor. “I know of Doctor Nightsinger, mostly by reputation, I haven’t actually met him myself.” Applejack either believed him, or was backing off in response to the glowering looks being given to her by Big Macintosh, plus a yellow earth pony that had appeared from around the corner, clad in a leather vest and hat that was almost as cool as Applejack’s. The Doctor figured this was the Braeburn that she had mentioned earlier. She smiled, and lifted her hat off her head, there was a small red apple sitting under it. “Apple?” she offered. “Oh thank you! I love apples!” the Doctor said. He had never actually tried an apple before, so he couldn’t be sure. But everypony seemed to eat them, so they had to have been good. Right? “Huh, maybe you’re not so bad after all,” Applejack said with a chuckle. The Doctor took a bite of the apple. He promptly spit it out. “Ew! I hate apples!” He realised quickly that this had not been a good choice of actions. Applejack deadpanned him. “Big Macintosh? Please escort our guest off mah property before ah resort to violence.” Big Macintosh sighed and walked with the Doctor to the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. “You’re here for her aren’t you?” Big Macintosh asked. “To help her, yes, I told the truth when I said Nightsinger didn’t send me.” “Ah know,” Big Macintosh said. Clearly, the doctor realised, this pony was smarter than he let on by his simple farmer’s lifestyle. He instantly respected Big Macintosh; He’d reminded him of himself. “Ah appreciate it even if Applejack don’t. She’s stubborn and ain’t gonna listen though. I need to get back, make sure she doesn’t sneak off tryin’ to buck trees with that bad leg o’ hers,” Big Macintosh gave the Doctor a polite nod before turning around and walking back. “Ah see ya sneakin’ off Applejack!” The red earth pony shouted. … The Doctor returned the next day. Applejack was sitting in front of the barn staring at an apple, the Doctor cast his shadow on her causing her to look up at him, giving him a nasty scowl and asked what he wanted. “It’s important to you, being useful isn’t it?” the Doctor asked, sitting down opposite from her. “What’s it ta ya?” Applejack asked, not taking her eyes off the apple. “I haven’t lived in this town very long Applejack, but I noticed something very quickly upon arriving in it. There is no happiness in the air.” “Ah don’t follow,” Applejack said, taking her eyes off the apple and looking the Doctor in the face. “Ponyville is dying. The town’s spirit is broken because the pillars of the community are gone. I’m talking about you and your friends. You’re the livelihood of this place. You make it what it is, and now that you’re all gone...” Applejack frowned, looking down at the apple again. “It is... important to me, I mean, feeling useful. Ah’m an ‘ard worker, that’s just what Ah do, an’ then Ah broke mah damned leg. Cast been off for a month, but Ah can’t hardly use it. Big Macintosh says if Ah try an’ buck a tree it’s jus’ gonna break again. Deep down, Ah know he’s right, but that don’t mean Ah’m willin’ ta be sidelined.” Off into the distance, she spotted Braeburn bucking an apple tree, she sighed sadly and guiltily. “Braeburn’s a good colt, he’d do anythin’ ta help his kin, but he’s got his own farm ta look after out west, an’ here Ah am takin’ him ‘way from it.” Applejack looked at the visitor oddly. “Why am Ah even tellin’ ya this?” The Doctor shrugged. “Probably because it’s eating at you inside, and the last pony you want to tell is Braeburn or Big Macintosh. You don’t exactly have any other choices but me.” He offered her a smile, and was very pleased to see that she returned it, even if it was ever so slight. “You trying to help with that bad leg will just make you feel more useless when you have to go through another cast. Sometimes Applejack, our greatest strength is knowing our limits.” “Ya’ll sound just like Big Macintosh.” Applejack said with a small chuckle. “I knew I liked that pony.” … Applejack seemed to take their conversation to heart. The Doctor had come back to watch her for an hour or two every day for the last week, she had taken over the tasks on the farm that required the least amount of exertion. She stopped trying to sneak off into the apple orchards, but that didn’t keep Big Macintosh and Braeburn from keeping an eye on her. Eventually the two stopped watching and Applejack continued her good behaviours. The Doctor smiled. She’d learned the lesson that she needed, in order to be able to help others, you had to help yourself first. His work here was done. ... Tracking down Rarity had not been an easy task for Trixie. In truth it had been impossible for her on her own to obtain Rarity's large stack of room transfers, discharge papers, and admittance forms. She'd used the Doctor's position at the Royal Hospital to get them. It had led to other issues with hospital staff who didn't want to give them over, once again, saved by the Doctor, who had been able to get the papers by showing a small card in a leather holder that identified him as the King of Belgium. Trixie didn't know what Belgium was, and a night of browsing Twilight's library came up empty. When asking the Doctor about it he merely smirked and avoided the question. Trixie supposed in the long run that it didn't matter, as "the King of Belgium" had obtained all the papers she needed. This led Trixie to where she was now, In front of Carousel Boutique, the shop in Ponyille in which Rarity lived and worked at. Everypony in town had been under the impression that Rarity had not returned, and Trixie now understood why. The shop looked as if nopony had been inside for nearly two months. Trixie had been forced to track down Sweetie Bell, Rarity's younger sister, staying with friends for the time being, to confirm if Rarity was here or not. After much coercion, Sweetie Bell gave up the information Trixie had been after, and learning she had been sworn to secrecy, not even telling her best friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, names of fillies that Trixie was not familiar with. Trixie pushed open the shop's door, Surprised to find that it was unlocked. Did anypony actually use the locks that came with the doors on their homes? Trixie did remember that Derpy had told her that she had been locked out by her landlord for not paying her rent, but even before that, she'd made use of the lock frequently after she caught two mischievous colts trying to steal her mailbag from her flat as a prank. Trixie suspected that the colts had not intended to return it, which was required for it to be a "harmless" prank, but rather a mean spirited attempt to get the Pegasus down. If it had bothered her, Trixie didn't see it. Derpy hid her emotions well. "Hello?" Trixie called out. "We're closed!" a frightened high pitched voice cried from the corner. Rarity, of course. Trixie did not leave. It wasn't an option. She saw the White unicorn sulking in the corner, sobbing quietly. Rarity sighed. "I guess it was only a matter of time before you figured out I was here Twilight." "I'm not Twilight," Trixie said plainly. Rarity whipped her head around to look, any faster and she would have broken her own neck. "You?" Rarity asked in astonishment. She remembered her. "What are you doing here?" good question. Trixie admitted, she didn't know how she was going to help, when she'd been to see Twilight Sparkle, at least then she knew something about what was wrong. "Well?" Rarity asked again. Trixie renewed her resolve. "I'm here to help you." "Why?" "Because it's the right thing to do." Trixie said. Rarity stood up and turned to face her. Trixie discovered that all the hair on her right flank was gone, and her skin was covered in scars. "Can you help this?" Trixie did her best to stifle her surprise. What had happened to Rarity did not look natural. "What happened?" "It was supposed to have healed by now! Doctor Nightsinger said it was a simple procedure. The healing would take place and the scars and my hair would heal on their own. But no, that stupid orderly..." Rarity was beginning to cry. "I can't go out like this, I'm a monster, and children would be scared of the ugly unicorn. Sweetie Bell would never hear the end of it." Trixie didn't think it was that bad. But Rarity had probably convinced herself that it was far worse than it actually was. Trixie looked at it. It was a minor healing spell that had gone wrong. The unicorn who cast this clearly didn't know what they were doing. Trixie was specialised in illusionary magic, but this was still something that she could have done, and done right. She removed her hat and her horn began to glow, she waved it over Rarity's wounded flank, the scars began to shrink, and the hair began to grow back to its appropriate length. Rarity had her eyes shut the entire time; she opened them the moment that Trixie had finished. She gasped, looking at her mended flank with awe. Rarity dashed over to mirror, admiring her in it. "I'm beautiful again!" "Trixie thinks you didn't look hideous even before using her magic." Rarity smiled at the azure unicorn. "Why did you help me?" she asked. Trixie searched her brain for a good answer. She didn't want to explain the Doctor and his box, or his plan. Rarity wouldn't believe it. Trixie would not have believed it herself had it not appeared in front of her. “It was the right thing to do,” Trixie said with a small smile. Rarity returned it. “Thank you. Oh now I have a lot of work to do! I have to get ready for my grand reopening!” Rarity said. “Oh my not a lot of time! I have next to nothing prepared for the winter!” “I’ll get out of your way.” Trixie said, as she politely withdrew herself. She was smiling brightly; she’d given Rarity her confidence back. “Oof!” Trixie grunted in surprise, she’d walked into somepony on her way out not paying attention. She looked up to find a pitch black unicorn stallion with an equally black mane, dark amber eyes looking back at her. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” The black unicorn said. “No no, it was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going,” Trixie said apologetically. “Neither was I,” the Unicorn said with a shrug. Trixie looked over the unicorn, something seemed familiar about him, but Trixie couldn’t place where from. “Do... I know you?” “I don’t think so... I’m Nightshadow. I’m an Apothecary.” “Trixie. Master Illusionist.” Nightshadow smiled at Trixie, “I just got to town, so it’s nice to meet someone friendly right off the bat. I’ll be seeing you Trixie.” Trixie smiled as Nightshadow trotted off. Now that is a good looking stallion!
Bon-Bon,Derpy Hooves,Doctor Whooves,Lyra,Trixie,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Putting the Pieces Back Together
After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind.
<p>After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind, and her life starts taking turns that she would have never imagined.</p><p>Putting the Pieces Back together is a sequel to The Kindness of Strangers, which can be found here: <a href="/story/389/The-Kindness-of-Strangers" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Chapter 8 She wasn’t sure what had brought this on, Derpy Hooves had never been one to examine her life before in such great detail, but standing in the lobby of the Royal Hospital’s main building for the first time since being released had brought many emotions flooding back to her. She remembered how she’d felt about being in a coma. Life passing her by while there was nothing she could do about it. In the long run, she supposed it had been a positive experience; she’d made friends of Lyra and Bon-Bon, two ponies who disliked her before realising how much they actually appreciated her. Derpy had never actually had friends in Ponyville before that... or anywhere else for that matter. Derpy had long been a loner; her eyes had been the source of her problem. Her Amblyopia, lack of depth perception, and a general clumsiness had lead to many rumours ranging between that she was dim-witted, and severely mentally handicapped. Neither of which were true, while she wasn’t the smartest pony in the world, dim-witted was far from the truth. In fact, Derpy had acted as if she was mentally handicapped at one point, going over the top as possible trying to make a point. Though in retrospect it had been an awful idea, ponies saw what they wanted to see. Now here she was trotting through the Royal Hospital lost in thoughts when she’d discovered that she’s accidentally bumped into somepony. Derpy jumped back in surprise. Standing before her was a pitch black pony with an equally black mane, amber eyes not unlike her own. She recognised this pony. “Doctor Nightcaller?” she asked. The pony smiled. “Actually, no. Nightcaller is my sibling. I’m Doctor Nightsinger. It’s good to see you again Miss Hooves.” Derpy looked confused, Nightsinger chuckled. “You were my patient for a short while when you were in a coma.” He explained. Derpy took a good look over Doctor Nightsinger, giving her more questions than answers. “But... how can Doctor Nightcaller be your brother when he’s an earth pony, and you’re a pegasus?” Derpy asked, noting wings tucked under Nightsinger’s medical coat. “That would be because Nightcaller is a pegasus who had the misfortune to be born without wings.” Derpy had heard of this, wingless pegasi were the rarest birth defect known to the pegasus pony, supposedly the chances of it happening were 1 in 10,000. They were often mistaken as earth ponies in ground based towns. But in truth they had every other pegasus ability, including being able to stand on clouds. Mind you it was a mite useless, because without wings, a wingless pegasi couldn’t get to a cloud anyway. They could however walk across Cloudsdale, though this was more dangerous than not, as holes in the city were quite common. Without wings it was a death trap. “Oh...” Derpy said quietly to herself. “Is there anything I can help you with Miss Hooves?” Nightsinger asked. “Oh! No, I’m quite all right, I wouldn’t want to take away from your busy schedule,” Derpy said, snapping out of her thoughts. “All right,” Nightsinger said with a smile. “But if something does come up, go to a nurse’s station and ask them to page me.” “I will,” Derpy promised. The two parted ways and Derpy advanced towards her goal. … Pinkie Pie was lying in a hospital bed; her eyes shut tight, her mouth full of breathing tubes and a magical machine measuring brain, heart, and respiratory activity at her side. This was why Derpy had chosen her; she too, was in a coma. According to information that the Doctor had gathered from three fillies he’d met. Pinkie Pie’s brain had been fired by having high ampere electrical current (which the fillies had mistaken for voltage as many young ones did,) but had run off saying something about getting their cutie marks before the Doctor had been able to get much more remotely useful. That was of course assuming that the fillies’ information was right at all. Derpy sat down on a bench next to Pinkie Pie’s bed. “Hello Pinkie Pie, how are you?” Derpy asked, not exactly expecting a response, so she was not surprised when she didn’t get one. “I know what you’re thinking, ‘Derpy? When did you get out of the hospital?’ It was two weeks ago, do try to remember, because I’ve been pestered with that question by everypony,” Derpy found herself smiling at her own joke. “I know what you’re going through, you know? I’ve been in this state too. I got lucky; I was in it a relatively short amount of time... I really hope you wake up soon. You’re young and full of life! You can’t let it just pass you by!” Pinkie Pie breathed at her. Derpy frowned, not at Pinkie Pie, but at herself. This was silly; she didn’t know what she was doing. Pinkie Pie couldn’t hear her and she was wasting her time. Or at least that’s what she thought, Pinkie Pie twitched. Derpy’s eyes grew wide in shock, had something she said done that? “Pinkie Pie?” She twitched again. As far a Derpy could tell, Pinkie Pie wasn’t actually awake, just that she was responding, she looked over to the magical monitor, Pinkie Pie’s brain activity had skyrocketed. This had to be good, right? Derpy dashed out of the room towards the nearest nurse’s station and asked them to page Doctor Nightsinger. The pitch black pegasus quickly made his way to Pinkie Pie’s room, giving her a look over. “Is it good?” Derpy asked, noting the brain activity. “I’m... not sure?” Nightsinger said. Derpy frowned at this statement. She wanted Pinkie Pie to wake up more than anything. The two pegasi noted as the monitor showed that Pinkie Pie’s brain activity had begun to lower. “NO!” Derpy shouted. “You can’t go! Not when we’re so close!” Pinkie Pie gave no response, her brain activity continued to lower. Derpy watched as the machine ticked closer and closer to zero, tears were forming in Derpy’s eyes. It wasn’t fair! Everypony needed Pinkie Pie back! “She’s going,” Nightsinger said. Pinkie Pie’s brain activity went to zero. She was brain dead. “I’ll give you a few minutes.” Pinkie Pie was still breathing, but that was because the machines were keeping her going. Doctor Nightsinger backed out giving Derpy some time alone with Pinkie. Derpy was in tears, an hour passed, two, and she only stopped crying when she ran out of tears. The lights began to flicker. Derpy looked up and began to hear something, a muted warbling sound and a light ticking noise that sounded extremely familiar. Derpy did not have long to wait to figure out what it was. From under the door, a small cloud of black smoke poured in through the cracks. Derpy panicked, it was smaller, but it acted exactly like the cloud that she had seen in the future. It hovered up above Pinkie Pies bed, and despite the fact that it didn’t have a face, Derpy was sure it was looking directly at her. The smoke tore it’s interest away from Derpy, looking at the brain dead Pinkie Pie, it began to envelope her. Derpy panicked again, she wanted to swing at it, make it go away, but something was keeping her legs from moving. After a few moments, Derpy saw that the monitor was showing an increase in brain activity. Derpy’s eyes widened and the smoke drifted away from the bed ridden earth pony. “You... you helped her?” Derpy asked the smoke, not exactly expecting an answer. The cloud seemed to look back at her, but then did a hundred and eighty degree turn and zipped away under the door. Pinkie Pie began to stir; she opened her eyes, and looked over at Derpy. “Two weeks huh?” the earth pony said weakly. “Glad to see you’re all okie dokie lokie!” … Doctor Nightsinger was amazed to say the least when he walked back inside Pinkie Pie’s room to find not only Derpy, but an aware Pinkie Pie, sitting up and talking with her. “Hi!” Pinkie Pie said. Derpy was smiling brightly. She didn’t know what exactly had happened, but she was glad to have Pinkie Pie back. … Pinkie Pie and Derpy returned to Ponyville to find that everyone else had returned as well, at the Ponyville Library, Trixie and the Doctor were in the process of hanging party decorations when Derpy and Pinkie Pie walked in. “Are you throwing a party for me!?” Pinkie Pie gasped loudly. “Not jus’ you sugarcube, all o’ us!” Applejack said as she stepped inside the Library after Pinkie Pie. Already gathered were Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, the Doctor, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, (Rainbow Dash had seemed to have regained slight control of her wings, as they were no longer drooping to the side.) Applejack, Braeburn, and Big Macintosh had walked in behind Derpy and Pinkie Pie, not to mention the few other town ponies who had been hanging about outside. Pinkie Pie was smiling brightly at the “Welcome Back” banner that Trixie had just hung with her magic. “I don’t know about everypony else, but it’s been way too long since we had a party. So let’s get this PAR-TAY started!” … Derpy was having a wonderful time; she was an uncommon sight at parties, maybe only going to two or three thrown by Pinkie Pie in her entire life. The hard times were over. They’d brought the town’s life blood back into the fold, but Derpy was still troubled by what she had seen. The image of the entire Everfree forest burning to the ground did not sit well with her, and the black smoke... She was less sure of the smoke now than ever. When she had first seen it in the future, it was trying to hurt her, the Doctor, and Trixie, but it helped Pinkie Pie... maybe there was some misunderstanding? Derpy was sitting outside on a bench, night had fallen, and the moon shone bright. “Beautiful isn’t it?” the Doctor said as he joined Derpy outside. “I’ve been thinking about things,” Derpy said, explaining why she wasn’t at the party. The Doctor smiled at her. “Well we do have a lot to think about, don’t we?” Derpy nodded in affirmation. “I have to go away for a while,” the Doctor said plainly. Derpy looked at him, her mouth falling open. “Just a small while,” he said reassuringly. “What about the black smoke? What about Everfree forest?” Derpy asked. “I messed up when I went forward in time with you. Instead of taking you a week into the future, I took you a few months...” the Doctor explained. “Don’t worry Derpy Hooves. I promise you that I will be back in time to deal with whatever caused that to happen, and if I’m running late, it’s because I can’t get my box to go where I want it to.” The Doctor smiled at Derpy warmly and reassuringly. “I will never abandon you.” Derpy knew his words to be true; she would be seeing this crazy pony again. “Goodbye Derpy. Keep Trixie in line,” he said with a wink, and walked off to where he’d left his box. Derpy smiled again. She knew she had nothing to worry about... except for the way her fridge was going to smell when she got back into her flat. She heard the box whine as it disappeared from the town. Only to have it reappear in front of her seconds later. The Doctor poked his head out of the door. “By the way, I have a gift from Derpy Hooves five years in the future!” He tossed her a saddlebag, inside was the rent money she owed her landlord, plus enough to cover her for the next month. The Doctor smiled and shut the door, disappearing again from the town. Derpy smiled, she had a letter to send.
Bon-Bon,Derpy Hooves,Doctor Whooves,Lyra,Trixie,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Putting the Pieces Back Together
After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind.
<p>After being terribly injured by an explosion in the post office, Derpy Hooves is released from the Royal Hospital in Canterlot, however Ponyville is not the same, quiet little town that she left behind, and her life starts taking turns that she would have never imagined.</p><p>Putting the Pieces Back together is a sequel to The Kindness of Strangers, which can be found here: <a href="/story/389/The-Kindness-of-Strangers" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Epilogue “Late,” The pitch black unicorn said as a pegasus landed in front of him. “I was busy doing what needed to be done Nightshadow,” Nightsinger said as he folded his wings inward. “It was your idea that I did after all.” “My my, arguing as we always do, don’t we brothers?” another voice said as he stepped out of the darkness. Nightcaller eyed the other two ponies before him. “It has been far too long since we were together, my brothers, let’s not spend the night arguing.” Each of the three pitch black, amber eyed ponies nodded in agreement. “Besides, we have much to celebrate; the age old enemy is finally dead!” Nightsinger said with a morbid cheerfulness. “Indeed he is. Serves him right, he should have known better. Every tyrant is always disposed of.” Nightshadow said. “While the death of order is something to celebrate, we have other things to do. More important things, we can celebrate when this world is consumed in chaos once again.” Nightcaller said. “Come my brothers, we have much work to do.”
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
He stood by Luna's side for millenia, until that fateful night. Now, he desires revenge.
<p>The first of the proud Pegasus race, Nimbus stood by Luna's side for countless millenia. As a trusted adviser, and a friend.</p><p>One fateful night, however, everything changed. Alone and lost, he lived on for only one thing... And now, one thousand years later, he just might get it.</p><p>Inspired by the song 'Luna' by Eurobeat Brony.</p>
Inspired by the song 'Luna' by Eurobeat Brony. Celestia... Use the name. Hidden far from sight, in the depths of the Everfree forest, lay the ruins of an aging castle. The centuries of rain and weather having reduced its once magnificent walls to rubble. Great halls lay bare, empty of the hundreds that had lived and worked so many generations ago. Gardens overgrown with all manner of plant life, wild and untamed, freed from the tender care of gardeners. I have to use it, use the pain. Use the memories. Resting along the northern side of the Courtyard lay the barracks, a flickering torch within the only light source, illuminating a lone pegasus stallion. His black coat shone with sweat, running down and dripping off the two curved blades attached to his wing tips. A vicious snarl plastered itself across his muzzle, teeth bared as he glared down the log, a thick chain attaching it to the last remaining rafter above. Dozens of similar targets were scattered around the room, deep gashes in some, others lying broken in two. Celestia..... --- Warmth. The first thing he felt was the soft warmth of a bright warm day. The sound of flowing water nearby interrupting the empty void. The touch of grass tickling his stomach. "Did... Did I do it?" a soft, gentle voice spoke from just in front of him. Unfamiliar muscles twitched, slowly opening his eyelids to the sunlight, the vibrant colours of the world around him temporarily blinding him. Peering back at him, was a young purple filly, her teal eyes full of curiosity, horn softly glowing. "I did it? I did it. I DID IT!" The curiosity on her face turned to shock, and the quiet foal opened her lungs, wings buzzing in excitement "'TIA! 'TIA COME LOOK! I DID IT! I MADE ONE!" --- His wing flickered, droplets of perspiration spraying the wood as the steel found its mark, burying deep. Celestia. --- Much of the day had consisted of the pegasus being checked for deformities, and beginning the slow process of learning to walk. To the mirth of the little alicorn, his timing between steps had taken many hours to perfect, the taste of dirt becoming quite familiar. As the sun dipped down to the horizon, both ponies rested in the cooling field, watching the beautiful display of oranges and reds. After some time of silence, the young filly turned to the stallion, pointing to herself. "I'm called Luna, can you say that? Lu...Na" Mustering up his courage, the black pegasus slowly formed the sounds in his throat. The feeling was weird, alien. "Loo... Nar" He heard Luna's breath catch in her throat, the excitement in her face that had slowly diminished over the day building again. “And your name is Nimbus. Nim... Bus” “Nimm... boos” he croaked A high pitched squeal next to him was the only warning he received before a bundle of excited filly launched itself into him, knocking him to his side. Something he had gotten used to in the short time he’d known her. "You can talk!" she gushed, tears of joy streaking her face. --- He twisted his body, and the other wing sprung into action. The wicked blade followed its counterpart, lodging itself into the log on the opposite side. CELESTIA! --- "Come on Nimbus, bet you can't catch me!" Luna challenged as she galloped over the cloud, her black pegasus friend close behind, hooves kicking up the once undisturbed surface. The entire day had been one long game, darting through forests, soaring though the skies, laughing without care. Hunger forgotten to the giggling pair, as was common for the many weeks previous, ever since she'd animated him from the soil. --- He leapt. Strong stomach muscles curled in, before powerful haunches rocketed his rear hooves out. The inverted buck kick slammed into the target, both daggers burrowing deep trenches into its surface as they pulled free. The building around him groaned as the chain snapped taut, cleanly slicing though its supporting rafter. Launched through the air, the log came to rest embedded in the far wall, showering the area with stone shards. CELESTIA! --- The long trek back to the castle was nearly over, its shimmering walls and towers visible in the bright moonlight, standing regal above the vast Everfree City, capital of Equestria. Tucked securely under his left wing sat a moonflower, purple center giving way to gorgeous blues along the edges. It reminded him of Luna. A sigh escaped his lips. She'd been acting strange, distant, even towards him. And it caused him no end of worry. In the thousands of years he'd known Luna, he'd never seen the cold that now shone though her eyes. Gazing up at the star filled sky, he gave a silent wish to have her old self back. The happy, love filled filly. Maybe the flower would work as a gift? A sudden explosion ripped his attention back to the massive castle. The ground rumbled under his hooves, the black of night rearing back as a sphere of fire erupted from the western tower, soaring high into the air. The wooden roof covering Luna's room incinerated instantly, the tower itself knocked from its foundations by the shockwave. As the structure tumbled, a strange black bubble burst from within, only visible against the twinkling stars. "No..." The moonflower fluttered to the cold ground, left forgotten as fear and shock gripped him, voice little more than a whisper "Please no." Far above, the two orbs tore through the sky, moving erratically as if jostling for position, looking for any advantage over the other. Celestia moved first, driving her protective field into the bubble surrounding Luna. Lightning streaked across the horizon, the earth splitting into craters when the errant bolts impacted the soil. --- "CELESTIA!" A long, drawn out snarl ripped from his throat, throwing himself towards the log, quick beats from his wings propelling him forwards. The wooden target flashed briefly before his eyes, taking the form of a pure white mare, eyes filled with the wisdom of millennia, a soft smile bending her mouth. --- The fight between the two goddesses had lasted less than a minute, but the damage was irreversible. The castle lay in ruins, the grounds surrounding the walls destroyed, vast chasms sunk into the earth, and the air itself crackled with unstable magical energies. Even after the battle, undetonated spells still hung suspended mid flight, and the earth shook from after shocks. Hoards of ponies ran through the streets, fleeing the sisters wrath. Nimbus knew he was risking his life, gingerly trotting through the main gate, but the worry ate at him. He could make out two muffled voices coming from the courtyard, amongst the sounds of evacuating ponies. Unable to make out individual words, he crept closer, avoiding a glowing spell embedded into the stones. Bolts of electricity arced from the unstable spell’s core, leaving scorch marks in their wake. Reaching the vast archway that lead to the courtyard, it became clear the voices were having a heated argument, both rapidly increasing in volume. Volume far beyond what moral throats could produce. Waves of vibrations shook loose rubble. Pain lanced through his head, his eardrums screaming. Slumping against the massive arch, he got his first view of the sisters, the only ones left in the courtyard. Both mares were bloodied, deep gashes across their sides, burns and melted fur spread along their skin. From their stances, it was obvious Luna had come out second best, propped up against a fallen statue, left eye swollen shut and a trickle of blood streaking from her lips. Celestia was not in much better shape, shaky legs held her up, a missing ear, breath coming in ragged gasps. Six strange circular stones floated around her, free from any magical glow, seemingly defying gravity on their own. --- His hoofs' impact sent a jolt though his body to his flank, the force of his right foreleg cleaving though the mares temple, continuing into the wall behind. Blood splattering across his face, searing and burning into his eyes. The pain was welcomed with open hooves, it's what drove him, kept him moving, training. --- The argument between the two living Goddesses reached its peak, the raw force collapsing more of the damaged walls. He was whimpering like a foal now, the throbbing in his head unbearable, panic rising in his chest as Celestia finally reared back. "ENOUGH!" Wings extended with a wild fury in her eyes, the elder sisters horn shone, washing the courtyard with pure light. The six stones vibrated violently, adding a loud whine to the chorus of sound. The previously still air, now whipped up into a frenzy, buffeted him with small stones. Ducking his head, cowering behind his hooves to shield it, he could barely make out the prone form of Luna. The younger alicorn’s face was a mess of emotions, anger giving way to fear, to panic and back to anger. Staggering to her feet, only to tumble back to the earth, she watched with defiant eyes as her opponent’s horn blasted searing light over her broken body. It lasted a single instant, the howling winds returning to its still calm, the night reclaiming its place amongst the ruins. Luna was gone --- Luna... "Why? Why'd you do it?" It was barely a whisper, a common question he'd asked over so many years, now directed at the mangled face before him. How could you have done that to your own sister? He knew he'd never get an answer, not now. He'd hidden himself after the fight, terrified of being found. If she could do that to her own flesh and blood, why not knock off Luna’s companion too, loose ends and all? No, his only chance had been to remain unseen. He’d seen the guards she’d sent after him, searching through the debris. He knew they were searching for him, to take him to Celestia. A thump from behind him jerked Numbus from his thoughts, the face of Celestia returning to the dull brown log impaled with his hoof. Behind him, the two halves of the rafter that once held his targets now rested on the floor. Its last support finally gone, the wooden roof bowed dangerously, the entire building groaning under its own weight. "Oh horseapples." A quick glance over to his living corner showed a pile of rubble had already fallen over his bed and saddlebags, trapping them firmly beneath. Ripping his leg from the wall, Nimbus leapt for the entrance with a curse, narrowly avoiding a spear of wood crashing down as the building collapsed around him. * * * Resting on the cool grass of the courtyard, the dust covered pegasus watched the old barracks finally give into age, joining the rest of the castle in its ruin. It'd been his home since he'd come out of hiding, and the only place that had survived the battle intact. While he’d known it wouldn’t last forever, it still hurt to see it go. And it would take hours to dig his equipment out. Sighing, Nimbus rolled onto his back, staring up at the night sky, tossing his wingblades to the ground. Watching the stars, looking at the moon, thinking of Luna, and of his 'siblings'. She'd only told him bits and pieces about how they’d created ponykind, but just enough to know the two sisters had not been prepared for it. Neither would even speak of the first few attempts, immediately changing the topic with a shudder. The first real breakthough had been by Celestia. A brown female earth pony she'd christened Terra, to represent the solid foundations of a new civilization, stabilized on the backs of immensely strong, dependable workers. A proud apple adorned her flank, showing the earth pony way to care for and use the land for the betterment of all. She was brain dead, lacked a tail and a leg, and had accelerated aging, in her grave within 3 seasons. The second was a joint effort between them both, its magical nature requiring both their power. An effort that produced a dazzling white unicorn stallion, his cutie mark quickly showing up in the form of an atom. They named him Nova, in the hopes he'll bring a burst of magical sciences, and to lead the pursuit of knowledge that would assist all creatures, great and small. He was albino, blind in one eye, and insane. He died within 4 weeks by his own hoof, trying to work out if his internal organs were fireproof. They weren't. And finally a pure black male pegasus. Black eyes, mane, and tail. Not a drop of colour. He was created by Luna. She'd called him Nimbus, to symbolize pegasi mastery over the sky and everything contained within, molding the weather and clouds to provide bountiful crops and cooling rains. He was deaf in his left ear, never had a cutie mark and suffered from vivid hallucinations. He was gifted with eternal life, however, and had never aged a day. Luna claimed it was a mistake she’d made, scared with what happened to Terra and going to far in the opposite direction. But he had his suspicions to the contrary. It always amused him that despite all this, the three were put down in legend, songs written about them, tales told about their exploits that shaped the future of pony kind. How Terra had moved mountains for farming, Nova had studied the stars to guide all ponies, and Nimbus had driven back entire coastal storm fronts alone. Nimbus laughed, dry and without mirth, arching his back and waving his hooves in the air like a carnival announcer. "Witness the beginnings of the glorious pony race. A vegetable, a suicidal loon, and a blank-flank. See the feats they performed. Drooling, combusting, and arguing with thin air" He mocked. "Come and see the great and beloved Cel... estia...?" He trailed off as he blinked. A new, brighter glow cast shadows along the walls surrounding him, a soft crackling noises reaching his ears. Rolling to one side, he glanced over towards the new light source. "Oh no... " The wooden roof of the destroyed barracks were wrapped in flame, billowing out in great tongues. "No. Not my bags, anything but..." Leaping to his hooves, he galloped towards the inferno, only the painful heat on his coat keeping him from diving in head first. Panic began taking hold, his voice raising to a scream "No, oh Goddess NO!" Everything he owned were in those bags, his food, books, medical supplies and - "Even your little gift" A white alicorn appeared, her sun cutie mark bright against the roaring fire, sparkling mane and tail whipped up by an otherworldly wind. Casually strolling though the flames, she slowly moved towards Nimbus, a sneer across her face. "Poor little Luna, such a thoughtful gift. So sad she never received it" Holding up one gold encrusted hoof , the mare peered at the small purple and blue moonflower she held. "So carefully pressed and stored for all these years, kept as a memento of a better time. It's just a pity to see it..." She turned her hoof, sending the flower fluttering to the fire, turning to ash before it landed "...burn." Nimbus could only stumble backwards, staring in horror as the remains were lifted by the heat, scattering in the breeze. "What's wrong, my dear Nimbus?" She crooned, slowly advancing on the trembling stallion, stepping out of the flames "Did you not want to see me? And now that I’m here, you cower? Very well, then join your precious Luna.” Celestia's wings extended, carrying her over the destroyed barracks, horn flaring with powerful magics. Great tentacles of fire wrapped in a magical sheath rose from the inferno. The glowing lances streaked towards him from every direction, and he ducked, flinging his wings up to cover his face. It took several seconds of silence for Nimbus to uncover his eyes, peering out from under his wings. The night had reclaimed the yard. Only the roaring flames broke the dark, illuminating the now empty yard. Falling back to the ground, he stared blankly at the stars, too shaken to move further from the sweltering heat source. “I hate hallucinations” * * * Weaving though the blackened remains of the barracks, it was apparent the fire had spared nothing. Even the steel armor and weapons housed inside were destroyed, misshapen and useless. But the faint glimmer of hope that something, anything, of his gear would have survived pushed him onwards. Much of it was worthless, old maps and bits of food. But some things were irreplaceable. His hooves black and charred from the few still glowing embers, he finally reached his destination. His living corner. It didn’t take long to shift though the coals covering the area, but his efforts quickly proved fruitless. Like the rest of the building, the saddlebags were unsalvageable, crumbling away when touched. Nimbus’s shoulders slumped, feelings of defeat and hopelessness worrying at him. The terrifying vision had reminded him of the gravity of what he’d sworn to do. Sworn on that one night so long ago. It was a fools quest. Attacking the most powerful pony in Equestria? Might as well waltz into the dungeons himself. Or a shallow grave. Soft steps brought Nimbus from his thoughts, a single teal eye shyly peeking though the entrance of the destroyed barracks. The hidden figure let out a gasp, eye darting around at the area, before zeroing in on the saddlebags. “Wh... What happened?” Luna asked, stepping in though the doorway. Nimbus was trapped, he’d never been able to bring himself to lie to her. Sparing a glance for the crumbling bags, he stared shamefully at his hooves, feeling much like a scolded colt “I... uh, there was an accident.” Luna’s voice wavered, eyes glistening. “But, you promised. Promised you’d keep it safe. To remember. You PROMISED!” “I’m so sorry Lu - LUNA!? Wait!” Nimbus’s yell fell on deaf ears, the mare already fleeing into the night, trailing soft sobs behind her. “I’M SORRY, COME BACK!” Leaping to his hooves, Nimbus moved to follow, but a whispering in his ear held his steps “Shame on you, Nimbus” The sound seemed to come from all directions. A soft mares voice, almost sultry, but surprisingly cold. “Breaking a dear friend’s trust like that? She must be so very disappointed in you.” Nimbus’s eyes opened wide, darting around the dark, searching for the source of the voice. “Who’s there? How do you know my name?” “Just an old ally of your dear Luna, and I’ve been watching you for a very long time” A dry chuckle left chills down his spin. “A very long time indeed. I watched you hide in the bushes like a foal. I watched you make your silly little ‘oath’. And am still watching you break it today.” By now, Nimbus had backed himself into a corner. Wincing as his leg brushed against a glowing ember, he called back out at the voice “But I didn’t bre-” “Oh, but you did. Always telling yourself ‘One more day, one more week’. You don’t even know how long its been, do you? In two days time, it will have been a thousand years, little Nimbus. A thousand years of lies.” Nimbus’s mouth worked, opening and closing, trying to muster words to defend himself with. But nothing would come. The voice was right. Giving up, he slouched, eyes closed. When he finally spoke, it was hardly more than a whisper “What do you want?” Even without a face, the pegasus could almost hear the presence grin. “I just wish to help you. I too desire revenge. During the fight, Celestia stripped me of my magic and banished me to the moon. However, my prison is weakening, my magic returning. And after so long, I will soon be free.” Help? Revenge? Nimbus perked up upon hearing those words, curiosity overriding fear. “But why me?” In front of the stallion, a transparent appendage rose from the ground, black as night and twinkling with millions of stars. Like a mother comforting her child, it rubbed against his cheek, cold and unpleasant to the touch. The voice became softer, sweeter. “My, my, my. You are full of questions, aren’t you? Isn’t it obvious? Because I need your help.” --- “But why me?” Turning, Luna faced Nimbus, giving a warm smile. She towered over the pegasus, her mane black as night and twinkling with millions of stars. Like a mother comforting her child, she raised a hoof to his cheek, cool and pleasant to the touch. “My, my, my. You are full of questions, aren’t you? Isn’t it obvious? Because I need your help.” --- He shook his head, trying to clear the sudden dizzy spell, nearly knocking himself off his hooves. Where did that come from? Straightening up and forcing back the churning in his stomach, Nimbus stared into the darkness, eyes slightly glazed. “What cou-” A second tendril reached up, the pair gently holding his head, interrupting him. He could feel the presence peering into his eyes as it gave a soft sigh. “Your endless questions are getting us nowhere, my friend. Don’t you trust me?” --- “What cou-” Luna’s second forehoof reached up, the pair gently holding his head, interrupting him. He could see her peering into his eyes as she gave a soft sigh. “Your endless questions are getting us nowhere, my friend. Don’t you trust me?” --- If not for the hooves of Luna holding him up, he’d have fallen, the world spinning around him violently. Her face graced with a wise and loving smile, patently waiting for him to regain his balance. He’d do anything for her. “I’ll help you.” Luna’s smile widened, reaching almost ear to ear. Bringing up her right hoof, she pressed it gently to the fur on his forehead, brushing away the grim accumulated there from the nights woes. “Then just relax, my little pony.” The face in front of him was no longer motherly and warm, but growing twisted, a cruel grin breaking across her features. The gentle comforting pressure on his forehead gave way to searing pain as the hoof pushed into Nimbus’s head, white hot and scalding with every twist. * * * From atop her lunar prison, a figure stood high upon a barren mountain. Her mane and tail a swirling eddy of stars and nebula, wings outstretched and horn aglow. Beads of sweat rolled down her face, collecting dust and grit from her dark coat. Delving into a pony’s memories was taxing, and the vast distances involved strained her abilities to their fullest. From her perch, she could hear the prone pegasus’s screams of agony and watch as the pathetic thing writhed over the ash covered floor. The starry appendage embedded in his forehead thickened and throbbed, refusing to release its searing grasp. It had been far too long since Nightmare Moon had last felt the thrill of causing pain, and manipulating ponies had always been so simple. So delicious. Cause them to doubt their self worth, then give them a means to ‘fix’ it, and they’re putty in your grasp. But this one had been too simple, too easy. No satisfaction. A simple nudge of his already cracked mind, and his hallucinations took over, giving himself over to her in a moment of weakness. Broken toys are not much fun, after all. “But like everything broken, it can still be useful.” Two more coiling snake like arms rose from the ground, lunging down though tear stricken eyes. Moulding, changing, producing a new wonderful chorus of squeals. “You just need to break it a little. Bit. More.”
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
He stood by Luna's side for millenia, until that fateful night. Now, he desires revenge.
<p>The first of the proud Pegasus race, Nimbus stood by Luna's side for countless millenia. As a trusted adviser, and a friend.</p><p>One fateful night, however, everything changed. Alone and lost, he lived on for only one thing... And now, one thousand years later, he just might get it.</p><p>Inspired by the song 'Luna' by Eurobeat Brony.</p>
“Nimbus? Would you come here please?” The pegasus jumped slightly, the sudden break in the silence startling him. He glanced over to where she stood, staring out into her night sky from her bedchamber balcony. Free from her normal attire of ceremonial breastplate and slippers, Luna's ethereal mane and tail swirled, filled with an endless expanse of stars. She watched as Everfree City slept, thousands of her subjects resting from work and play. Next to the fireplace, and relaxed in it's warm glow, Nimbus lay reading. It had been a passion of his, one of many that he'd been forced to push to the side. The Royal Court swallowed much of his time, more so than usual, leaving little for relaxation. Gently closing the pages, Nimbus stood, stretching out a few cramps. “Sure. What’s up?” She turned to him as he stepped alongside her, letting out a long sigh “Have I done something wrong?” Nimbus froze, blinking, gazing up towards the regal pony, briefly awed again how tall she'd grown. Luna’s face held a worried expression, looking to him almost expectantly. Catching his confused look, she arched a hoof out into the night, towards the city surrounding the castle, far below the tower. “To my subjects. Have I slighted them in some manner?” Now he really was confused. “Not that I know of. What makes you think you did?” Looking back out into the night, she watched the last few flickering lights contained in Everfree City. Giving a quick shake of her head, Luna turned, moving back into the warmth. “Just a passing thought. Pay it no mind.” --- Consciousness returned slowly to Nimbus, the dream fading. With its passing came the pain. Every twitch brought agonizing jolts, harsh reminders of the previous night. Memories of the smoky limbs grasping, tearing at him. Not at his flesh, but inside. In his mind. And the laughter. At times it would be calm, collected. Others it would be maniacal, insane, twisted. Whatever it did to him, it enjoyed. Forcing back these less than pleasant thoughts, he slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the glare of the morning sun. The black pegasus quickly found himself lying just outside the forest, by a small dirt path that lead back into the treeline, towards the ruins of Everfree Castle. He had faint recollections of this once being a mighty highway connecting Everfree City to the rest of Equestria, years of neglect reducing it to its current state. Slowly stumbling to his hooves, he stared wide eyed at the lands before him. It had been so long since he’d seen the world like this. Fresh green grass covered rolling hills, nothing like the sickly brown covering the forest’s floor. Animals ran around with little care for predators. Everything so bright and sunny, vibrant colours as far as the eye could see. It was wondrous. Off in the distance, building up around the ruined highway, sat a fair sized town, one that hadn’t existed when he last traveled the road. He could make out shapes moving though the buildings. Ponies. Dozens of them. Walking to work, to school. The pegasus's heart sank. An entire town has been built. It really has been that long. He paused, his mind still sluggish from the unexpected sleep. Slowly putting the pieces together. But... If I can see ponies, then somepony could see... Oh Goddess! Turning, Nimbus flared his wings, ready to propel himself back into the comforts of the shadows. Instead a searing heat ran up his back, and his wings fell limp, useless against his sides. Giving up on flight, he broke into a panicked gallop, only to find himself muzzle first in the dirt. They’ll see me they’ll tell Celestia then she’ll find me and kill me gotta hide! It took several more attempts, but he managed to painfully drag himself under the canopy, back into the shadows. Collapsed against the base of a tree, he whimpered pathetically, scared and alone. Breathing hurt. Everything hurt. It had brought him here. Other than some vague notion of revenge, he had no idea why. It said it needed him, but he was just a pegasus. He huffed as frustration overrode his fear "It's the same reason I never tried myself. It said it would help me, but I -" “That I did, my little pony, and unlike some I could mention, I keep to my word.” It was that mares voice again, still as cold and cruel as the first time. That invisible presence that had attacked him. No longer a disembodied voice, it echoed within his mind, bringing painful chills to his aching muscles. Whatever calm he'd recovered was shattered, the screaming agony of earlier flashing though his head. That laughter... Dark limbs erupted from the forest floor, encircling him, tearing though wood and bush. Each bore a razor edge, cleaving the area around the terrified stallion. Stretching out to their full length, towering over a dozen feet, they doubled back on themselves, holding their blades inches from carving the panicked pony. Eyes wide, he stared at the two tips hovering before his eyes. He couldn’t speak or move, fear holding him, trapped. The voice sighed, frustration evident in its tone. “Seems I failed in fully controlling those hallucinations. No matter..." A second chill flowed though his body, stronger this time, breaking him from his stupor. The smoke filled tendrils around him became formless, floating without shape towards the sky, eventually dissolving into thin air. The forest around him returned to it’s unaltered state, as though undisturbed by the chaos. “Perfect. This should serve me well. Now, have you quite finished?” Nimbus curled up tighter against the trunk. He didn't want to be there. "I'm finished." He whispered. "Wonderful. You have seen your destination. You are to enter the nearby town, Ponyville, and -" "WHAT?! I... I can't go THERE! There.... There's ponies there and they'll see me and -" The voice's presence, once cold, flared up. Scorching heat streaked through his veins, washing his body with fresh pain. His body unfurled, limbs contorting violently. It took everything he had not to scream, still fearing being overheard. "I do not appreciate being interrupted, little pony. It is either this, or become my entertainment. And I do not think you wish for the later!" As suddenly as it began, the heat vanished. His legs and wings collapsed to the ground, the faintest of twitches the only sign of life. This couldn't be happening. This had to just be a nightmare. It had claimed to be Luna's ally, but she wouldn't have associated herself with this thing. She couldn't have. Taking his silence as consent, it continued. "As much fun as this is, I have other matters to attend to. Enter Ponyville's Town Hall. Hide backstage. Do so before the break of tomorrows dawn. As suddenly as it had appeared, the voice vanished, bringing a blunt end to the conversation. Leaving a broken, sniffling pony behind. --- "I need to see the Princess!" "But the Princess does not need to see YOU!" "This is a dire situation, and a matter of urgency!" "And I beg to differ!" The volatile argument echoed down the hallway, both stallions standing outside the doors to Luna's bedchambers, the posted guards looking on in amusement. Just another blasted petty noble, demanding time from Luna. Too many of them for his liking, each thinking their own personal brand of petty whims important. Usually turned away by Celestia, they naturally try to latch onto the next best thing. Wait for the Night Court and try again. This one was particularly determined, having hounded Nimbus from the Throne room. Hadn't even bothered to wait until court opened. The purple unicorn continued, trying to push his case. The same one he tried from the very beginning. "I don't think you understand. My sister is currently -" "In debt to the tune of fifteen hundred bits because she decided she needed that necklace, I am aware. You've told me as such five times." And in increasingly irritating tones, at that. "What do you wish the Princess to do? Magic up the bits? A hand out from the treasury? Order the debt voided?" The noble just grinned, sarcasm lost on the dolt. "The later sounds rather good, we will ta -" "Get out of my sight before I have the guards arrest you! I am sure they will be most interested in why you are near the Royal chambers without permission!" The nearby door creaked open, a half asleep face poking out from the crack. "Nimbus? What is going on?" Luna asked with a noticeable slur. Her head swung around, just catching sight of the fleeing end of a tail. "And who was that?" Nimbus took deep breaths, calming himself. He was glad to be rid of both the noble and that absurd accent he was expected to put on. How the sisters kept it up, he didn't know. "Just an idiot trying to get money from you. He already got told to 'go away' by Celestia, and it took the threat of being arrested to get rid of him." Luna sighed, giving a small shake of her head. She almost looked depressed, even the glow from her mane seemed dimmed. "And of my schedule for tonight?" Whipping out a small clipboard from under one wing, the pegasus balanced the board on one hoof, quickly flipping through it. "Alright, well... We have a diplomatic request from the Griffin Kingdom, and a petition. The griffins want you to convince Celestia to side with them in a land dispute with a pony settlement... and the petitioners are a pony settlement... requesting you to convince Celestia to side with them against the griffins in a land dispute." A situation that was surprisingly common. What little light remained in Luna's expression faded "Always Celestia." She muttered, half to herself. A strained smile forced its way across her face "Very well. I will take the first in one hour." --- The black pegasus had been sitting there for hours, at the very edge of the forest, watching the town. Ponyville apparently. The closest he'd been to civilization for so long. A thousand years if the voice was correct. He'd made trips to the area often enough, 'this plan' or 'that plan' swirling through his head, preparing leave and enact revenge. But whenever he caught sight of sunlight, he'd turned and fled before he managed to even glimpsed the outside world. Could Celestia see everything caught within the daylight? Would ponies recognise him? Nimbus sighed, fear rolling his stomach. But this was what he wanted. Revenge. And the first step towards that goal would be to leave the Everfree. Easier said than done... Rising to his hooves, Nimbus took the first step. One single hoof out of the forest. Waves of nausea slapped him as the noon sun touched his coat, little voices dancing through his head. Run. Get safe. Celestia is coming. She knows. She's here. "I can see you, little pony!" He recoiled, jerking his hoof back into the cool shadows of the canopy. The voices quieted, dimming to a murmuring buzz at the back of his mind. Every single attempt, the same result. He knew he had to keep trying though. Possible death being preferable to assured torture. The pain from his previous encounters with the voice had dulled, down from a raging inferno to a light ache, but they still acted as a solid reminder. Closing his eyes, he slowly let out another stuttered whimper, backing up slightly. He bent low, readying himself. I have to do this. I have to do this! Do it! DO IT! The black pegasus sprang forward, launching himself into a run. Blind and without direction, he galloped into the light, screaming as if struck. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, barely feeling the soil beneath him. It lasted but a scant few seconds, uneven ground catching his hoof, sending him rolling heavily to the ground. Nimbus lay there, his back resting on hard packed earth. Heart straining against his ribs, breath coming in laboured pants. The heat on his coat unpleasantly warm after years of the forest's chill. Did I do it? Opening his eyes, blinking rapidly against the glare, he found himself outside. Out of the forest and into the light, in the ditch running alongside the road. Again. Once more the voices spoke. Whispering about Celestia, how she'd find him, catch him, kill him. How her guards were patrolling around the edge of the forest, waiting for a glimpse of him, to grab and bring him to his knees before the Princess. But they weren't there. Nopony was. The field was empty. Not a soul in sight. She wasn't sitting outside, ready to strike. Those guards weren't prowling, ready to capture him. So many centuries hiding, fearful to so much as step beyond the coiled, knotted branches. All for naught. He couldn't help it. He laughed. --- Nimbus sighed, boredom having long set in. Staring at a closed double door had, once again, failed to prove interesting. And the young female unicorn standing with him was too busy fumbling around with a dozen levitating documents, seemingly attempting, and failing, to get some semblance of order out of them. He was rather surprised at her presence, Celestia normally accompanied by a much older mare. And of course the guards, being guards, where their usual boring, un-chatty selves. And his clipboard had been checked and re-checked and double re-checked. Luna had insisted this private meeting wouldn't be long, but after the half hour mark, he was beginning to worry. They only had 10 minutes to get ready for a Zebra diplomat, and the current one did not like being kept waiting. Rather surly .The previous had been a happy, almost motherly mare. Easy to get along with, and flowing with advice, but quick to scold if you took her ire. "Whadaya think they're talking about?" The unicorn finally spoke, having apparently given up on her paperwork. She was quite easy on the eyes, light orange mane and tail with a rust coloured coat, a scroll and quill adorning her flank. A very common themed cutie mark amongst the higher ranked politicians. Surprisingly young for the position however, as well as lacking the formal speech that demanded respect. "Probably something rather personal, and not for our ears. I take it you are Ruby Star's replacement?" He replied, grateful for something other to do than sit and worry. She grinned, beaming with pride. That's something that will eventually be driven out when the monotony gets her. "Yep! Got sworn in today. Oh, I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm the Princesses Personal Adviser now! My names Unity! What's yours?" Bowing, he introduced himself. "I am Nimbus, Princess Luna's Second-in-Command, and Personal Adviser. I beg your pardon for asking, but you seem quite young for such a position?" Somehow, her grin just stretched further. "I know! I barely believe it myself, but -" The massive doors exploded open, causing both ponies to jump, scattering his clipboard and her papers. From within, a very irate Luna emerged, heavy hoof falls containing none of her usual grace. Pausing at the entrance, she whipped her head around, glaring over her shoulder. "This is not over Celestia. We WILL be discussing this later." With that, she swept down the hall, leaving two ponies behind to gather their shattered wits. Nimbus knew something was bothering her, something big. But all attempts to get her to open up over the last week had thus far failed. This time though, if her wrath was anything to go by, he'd be hearing about it in the morning before bed. Probably in amongst various curses and expletives. But at least he might know what was going on. --- Nimbus violently shook his head, trying to clear the haze these strange impromptu flashbacks brought. He didn't know exactly what was causing them, but he could hazard a guess his vocal 'friend' was involved. Luna never actually did tell him what was wrong. For the remainder of the night she'd been a bit curt with those around her, but nothing too out of the ordinary. And other than a quick dismissal when they'd arrived to their respective bedchambers, his door across the hall from hers, nothing was said between them. Redirecting his mind to the more current situation, he peered back out from his hiding place. A bush next to a shop provided a nice shadow for his black coat to meld into, and gave a good view over the town square. And the Town Hall. Or at least that's what he surmised the massive circular building in the middle of town to be, constantly bustling with activity. Ponies bringing swaths of cloth and silk, then leaving empty hoofed. Ponies. So many ponies. It seemed the entire population was out and about. What could have been a 10 minute walk from the forest to the center of town, had taken upwards of two hours. Constantly darting behind bushes, edging around building corners. While he'd dispelled his, admittedly foalish, fear of guards ready to behead him, he still couldn't let himself be seen. His rather unique colouring and lack of cutie mark would garner too much attention. Then there could be problems. And now, so close to his goal, he found himself stuck against a wall. A wall consisting of dozens of ponies as they milled about in the square. Each one working at various tasks. Sighing, Nimbus rested his chin on his forehooves. 'So far, yet so close', I think the saying went? Guess I'm going to have to wait until nightfall. He had wanted to get in before then, and out of the open. Dawn had been the cutoff, and he knew he was well hidden, but a chance encounter with a pony poking their head in could easily ruin everything. 'Beggars can't be choosy' though. Just as he began settling himself in for a long wait, a high pitched mares voice rung through the air. "Come'on everypony! BIIIIIG party in the library! And EVERYPONY'S invited!" The resulting cheer and clopping of hooves vibrated the ground beneath his stomach, chattering his teeth together painfully. Over the din, Nimbus could barely make out the word 'pinky' and 'party'. Whatever that meant. Before the noise had time to dull, the ponies before him whipped themselves up into a flurry of activity, each attempting to finish their respective job in record time. Already a few had left, breaking into a full gallop off towards a massive tree, apparently eager to get to the announced party. Soon, in under ten minutes, the pegasus was left looking at a completely empty yard as the last pony ran off. After the hustle and bustle present not long ago, the deathly silence felt rather unnerving. He didn't waste any time contemplating his sudden lucky break. Flaring his wings, and giving a few final glances around for witnesses, Nimbus flung himself across the square. A quick pause at the open double doors to glance in, checking for any ponies still inside, and he slipped inside the empty structure. Before him, the hall interior looked as impressive as any royal ball he'd attended. Massive banners and tapestries hung from the ceiling and balconies high above his head, red carpet cutting a straight line from the entrance to the far side. Gems as tall as a pony were embedded into large patterned disks holding elegant ribbon aloft as it streaked across the walls. Each of the massive jewels catching the rays of the sun coming from the huge arched windows under the roof, reflecting the light around the area. It had all the appearance of a talented, professional touch. What took his eye though, was the largest balcony, directly across from the doors, a red curtain with a pull rope draped across it. Strong wing beats carried him up over it's railing, and through the heavy fabric. It parted easily, showing a small room with few furnishings, a table with cushions and some potted plants. The sun shining in through a large window gave the area a warm glow. A small indoor garden set into a flat, raised stone slab at the back of the room could provide some cover. Or at least the best he could hope for in this place. Squeezing in between the cold stone and the wooden back wall, he settled down for a long rest, the emotional toll of the day catching up to him all at once. Nothing more to do but wait til dawn. Maybe then he would find out what that voice had in store. --- She was smiling. And as she smiled, so did he. Never leaving her side through-out the Summer Sun Ball, he'd been keeping a close eye on Luna. After all the loud arguments between her and her sister in the weeks past, he had been worried about her. So far though, clean sailing. An easy smile planted itself on her face, and had remained there since her waking. Seeing Luna finally beginning to relax improved his own mood immensely. Talking to the pompous fools that usually attended events such as these didn't leave him with murderous thoughts for once. Still, some ponies went out of their way to bring them back. "I say, are you even listening to me?" The sudden change in the previously droning voice of the lime unicorn before him jolted Nimbus from his thoughts. "I... I beg your pardon, my mind must have slipped. What was it you were saying?" "Well I guess I'll forgive you. Not everypony can have as sharp a mind as I. And I'm sure your age must be catching up with you." An crack about age to an immortal. Classy. "As I was saying, my family controls the thirty largest farms in northern Equestria, and holds substantial sway with the councils and ..." He stopped listening as the unicorn resumed his monotone listing of his families 'virtues'. Ponies like this were dime a dozen. Never interested in an actual conversation, any reply from them carefully crafted to have something to do with their holdings, number of employees, or political power. Giving a quick glance back at Luna, whom he stood next to as she chatted to a gathering of overdressed mares, he happily noted the smile was still there. A little strained, but who's wouldn't be while talking to these idiots. "... and of course I declined. I'm a stallion of high status, and anything of the sort is far beneath my station." He had to get Luna away from these ponies before they managed to break her good mood. Or his. "I'm sure you are. However, I do believe I require some refreshments. If you would be so kind as to excuse me." Before any objections could be voiced, Nimbus quickly turned to Luna, clearing his throat to catch her attention. "Your Majesty, do you require anything? A drink, or bite to eat?" The relief on Luna's face held an amusing contrast to the equal amounts of anger from the group surrounding her. "Oh, yes. I do believe I just might come with you, though. Stretch my legs a bit." Turning back to her admirers she briefly nodded her head. "Please, excuse us." Finally free from being bombarded with ponies stating how superior they regarded themselves, Nimbus took a moment to look around the Grand Hall of Everfree Castle. Massive cloth banners hung from the roofs and walls, depicting crests from the various minor royal families, mixed in the the usual sun and moon motif. Hundreds of ponies milled around, usually in pairs or threes, quietly chatting. Waiters and servants weaving through as they tended to their duties, holding platters of nibbles. Vast tables filled with food and drink. Even the night outside was particularly bright, Luna going beyond even her norm for her sisters celebration. Majestic as always, and boring as ever. As the black pegasus guided Luna over to one of the refreshment tables, he spoke, dropping the haughty accent. "So what was that group after?" She sighed, her gaze fixated firmly on the floor tiles, the already strained smile flagging further. "Oh, they were just inquiring about Celestia's schedule tonight. And... if I could obtain them an audience." And there goes the rest of her smile. Alright, enough is enough. I've danced around this long enough. Reaching up to her chin with a hoof, Nimbus angled her head to look her in the eyes. Taking a deep breath, steadying his nerves. "Luna. What's going on?" "Wh... What do you mean?" She replied, a sudden forced grin forming quickly. He shook his head. "Nope. Not happening. Not this time. I'm your friend, and I've tried to respect your privacy about this. But it's gone on for too long." Holding her head still, he glared at her, emphasizing each word. "What's. Going. On." As he looked her in the eyes, a sudden change came over her. Any of the normal warmth she held for him vanished, an almost sneering glare planting itself firmly on her features. "You over step your bounds, Nimbus. This is not for you." He had to be strong. "Now hold on here -" Jerking her head from his grip, she turned, throwing her words over her shoulder as she purposefully walked back towards the crowded floor. "I believe you still have some duties to be taken care of tonight. Something concerning the Night Guard at the City Gates. See to it." "But Luna, this is important -" A quick flick of her head brought a single eye to bare down on Nimbus, cold as ice, interrupting him. "This is not an option, I've given you an order, and you will obey." Luna paused, a hardness flashing behind her steely gaze. "Besides. The issue will, soon, no longer be a problem. This WILL be resolved tonight." --- The pegasus jerked awake, driving his head painfully into the stone slab. A groan and muttered curses passed his lips before his mind caught up. Freezing in place, he weathered the painful throbbing in his forehead, listening for movement. Nothing. Nopony around to hear him. Rubbing his eyes, Nimbus barely registered the damp streaks down his cheeks. He'd only seen Luna glare like that a few times, a visage of hatred. Once had been to a murderer, somepony who'd broken into an inn and killed four guests as they slept. The worst of the worst. And yet she had used it on him. Then the last words Luna had spoken to him. Laced with scorn, like he was an insect, worthless. And his chance to apologise stolen from him. To simply say he was sorry for prying. All because of that monster. A hoof quickly knocked freshly forming tears from his eyelids, clearing his wavering eyesight. He'd cried too much over it already. Besides which, it wouldn't help the current situation. A quick look to the window above him showed it to be well into the night, Luna's moon just beginning to dip itself below the horizon, getting ready for the sun. Nimbus's slumber had been long, but the dreams prevented it from being restful. " - is for you to wait up here to be announced." A mare's voice? Nimbus checked his position, squirming further behind the garden. "The curtains will part and that will be your cue. If it pleases you of course, Your Highness." 'Your Highness'? A second feminine voice spoke, and Nimbus could almost hearing the warm, motherly smile. "Thank you, that will be fine." He knew that voice. It was her. Celestia. She was there. The real one, not just some trick of the mind. Just on the other side of the stone. Almost close enough to touch. After all this time, hiding, training his body and mind, she was finally close enough to enact revenge on. Soft hoofsteps signaled the departure of the unknown pony. Nopony stood between him and his target. And Nimbus couldn't move. His breath caught in his throat, terrified of causing the slightest peep. All of her power and magic far exceeded anything he could ever dream of achieving. And she wanted him dead. He had just walked himself into her grasp. "Punctual as always, isn't she. As you can see, I have brought her to you. Now, strike her. I will do the rest." The now familiar voice spoke, sounding all too proud of itself. Nimbus would have jumped at the sudden appearance if his muscles hadn't already locked themselves in place. It paused, waiting. When nothing happened, it continued, agitation apparent in its tone. "What are you waiting for? I said I will assist you, but you have to move first!" He couldn't respond. Not here, with Celestia so close. With each passing moment, he could sense a swelling anger. "You COWARD! How can you hide like this?! She killed Luna! And yet you still hesitate?! You swore on your LIFE!" I did. "She doesn't know you are here! Just one touch, and it will all be over." Nimbus lifted his head, finally releasing his breath, slowly, to avoid disturbing the mare. Just touch her, just need one touch. Gathering what little wits remained, the black pegasus crept closer to the edge of the stone slab, ear twitching as it picked up the soft sound of a tapping hoof. Wings unfurled, muscles tensed. * * * Celestia rapped her hoof against the wooden floor, the nervousness returning now that she was alone. This was it. Tonight was the night. After so long, her dear sister would return. Glancing back to the window, she watched the dying light of the moon as it began to sink below the horizon. Every night, she'd watch it in its lazy voyage across the night's sky and ask, 'What if?'. What if she'd paid more attention. What if she'd listened. What if she'd not used the Elements. She sighed. It was far too late to still be contemplating these questions, only what lay ahead mattered. And she was ready. With either words or spell if necessary. Hopefully she would not have to resort to violence, but that option had to remain open. Luna had already lashed out once, and who could know what a millenia of solitude would do to a pony. Though should she fail, or fall, Celestia still had a contingency in motion. She had sent Twilight to Ponyville ahead of her own arrival, under the guise of 'checking on preparations'. In truth it had been to force her to meet with the other Bearers, ponies with the power to fully unlock the Elements. Something she herself had been unable to do on that fateful night. She detested the idea of tricking her student like that, but had little choice. An order to make friends would result in the bookish unicorn merely acting like a friend, treating it with a detached aloofness born from years of continuous study. The Elements required a ponies intent, and cared little for simple action. Beyond the drapes covering the small backroom, the din of a hundred ponies softened, and the Mayor's voice spoke up. Practiced from years of public speeches, her voice carried impeccably even through the heavy cloth. "Fillies and gentlecolts. As Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The crowd erupted, loud whistling and stamping of hooves shaking the building. Celestia smiled. The sound of cheering, happy ponies always raised her spirits from what ever melancholy might have taken her heart. Taking a deep breath, she brought herself up to full height, chuckling quietly to herself. "I need to stop worrying. Everything will go smoothly." Without warning, something smashed into the back of Celestia's head, a lancing pain rocketing through her. A heavy weight collapsing against her back followed the stunning blow, knocking her from her hooves. As she slumped against the wooden floor, and slid to a painful stop, a telltale tingling washed over her body. Magic. Powerful magic. "Smoothly for me, I can assure you, dear sister. Sweet dreams, both of you." A strange voice echoed through her mind, the world around her fading. "Have oh so very sweet dreams!"
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
He stood by Luna's side for millenia, until that fateful night. Now, he desires revenge.
<p>The first of the proud Pegasus race, Nimbus stood by Luna's side for countless millenia. As a trusted adviser, and a friend.</p><p>One fateful night, however, everything changed. Alone and lost, he lived on for only one thing... And now, one thousand years later, he just might get it.</p><p>Inspired by the song 'Luna' by Eurobeat Brony.</p>
Nightmare Moon stood over the sleeping pair, a smirk strung across her lips, watching the little black pegasus as he hung over the white alicorn. Both slumbering, trapped together in a world of the colt's making, and pretty as a picture. Neither would wake until she was ready, and by then it would be too late. It had been so simple. A Mental Entrapment spell cast on the colt, goad him into hitting Celestia, and she was quickly and efficiently taken out of the picture. The little fool had only ever been meant as a distraction, and never in all her wildest dreams would she have expected him to actually succeed. Not that she minded, of course. That pegasus though. Oh, he'd been perfect. An endless hate for the monarch, an unstable mind, and one of the few ponies who resided amongst the wild magics of the Everfree Forest. Anywhere else and Celestia might have detected her presence, and the last thing Nightmare needed was for an overly cautious Princess finding her hoofprints. "Ex-Princess now." She reminded herself. "I'm in charge. Princess Nightmare Moon. Hmm... no, Queen Nightmare Moon." A fitting title for a new, glorious reign. From beyond the thick curtains separating the backroom and the hall, the obnoxiously loud mare continued with her little speech. "And now, it is my great honour to introduce to you the ruler of our land. The very pony who gives us the sun and the moon, each and every day. The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria. Princess Celestia!" "Looks like somepony is going to have to correct her." The dark mare murmured, her body fading into a glittery, smokey haze. Peering back at the two slumbering ponies, she allowed a small wisp of cloud to break off from her. Softly floating over to the duo, it condensed around them, holding them firmly within it's grasp. I will deal with you two later, she chuckled, watching as it lifted them out and through the open window, floating off into the night. While slightly worried about using so much power on the pegasus, she deemed it a satisfactory low risk. One could not rule while locked in combat, after all. Best to let the minion deal with it. Besides, she still retained enough magic to deal with any would be challengers. * * * Nimbus was trapped. He could feel it. Surrounded by an inky black from all directions, a void unbroken even against his body, his coat blending in perfectly. "Hello?" He whispered. "Anypony out there?" When nopony answered, the black pegasus gingerly stood, a surprisingly difficult task on the strangely soft surface. It was almost as though he was floating, and even with four hooves firmly planted he could feel it move and sway. Everything about this place gave a general sense of unease... it just wasn't right. What happened? Where am I? Wracking his brain for the answers brought up frustratingly little. Much of the previous day was blurred, as though watching through a fog. Vague notions of leaving somewhere with trees, a place with lots of ponies, and striking something. Something large, and white. The black pegasus's heart sank. Celestia. I hit Celestia. Oh Goddess, I actually hit her. Nimbus peered back out into the endless dark. She must have killed him. Is this what dying looked like? "Hello?!" He called out, louder now. If there was life after death, or whatever it could be called, shouldn't something happen? "Hey! Anypony out there?!" Again, other than the sound of his own increasingly panicked breathing, nothing. Not even an echo. "HEY!" Nimbus screamed. Silence. That damned voice, it was probably working for Celestia. She must have known all along and hadn’t been satisfied with just taking Luna from him. She'd watched him. Played with him. Then tricked him into coming to her for a grand finale. Nimbus collapsed, his legs refusing the hold him any longer, a dampness wetting his cheeks. Celestia had finally won. She'd killed Luna, and now she'd grown bored and killed him. And now he was lost, confused and alone. A muffled thump and groan nearby shook him from his sorrow, his ears jumping to full alertness, puffy eyes wide and darting. The dark hid something. Something close. Images of demonic creatures and unknown beasts rolled through his mind, each larger than the last. He could barely contain the scream lodged in his throat. It's too dark! I need a light! Instantly the black void flashed to a brilliant white, blinding him, bringing from him a groan of discomfort. The sound copied just in-front of Nimbus, the creature seemingly as blinded as he. He stumbled backwards, the uneven and still unseen ground catching his steps. He had to get away. It was going to kill him. With blood stained teeth and gory talons and vicious beady red eyes and... and... Oh, Luna. Instinct roared to life, the need to survive pushing aside any logic about the situation. He was blinded by the searing light, and something was going to eat him. Nimbus spun, quickly throwing himself forwards in a gallop. Closer to running through water, the surface gripped and pulled at his legs, tripping him. Having sent him face first to the ground, the spongy material enveloped around his muzzle to the back of his head, thankfully muffling a yelp. "Oh Heavens. What happened? Where am I?" Celestia’s voice muttered, sounding confused and disorientated. Oh No. No... no... no. Why was she here? She must have followed him, obviously not content with simply killing him. Even death couldn't save him from her. He had to run... to get away from her. A choked sob escaped him, lost in the gooey nothingness. He wanted away from this place, to curl up with a warm fire. To forget anything had happened in the past few days, all the pain and fear. He just wanted to go home. Suddenly, the soft surface beneath Nimbus's hooves firmed, the harsh glare of the light cut from his vision. His flailing became panicked pushes against grassy, solid dirt as he attempted to free his trapped head from it's new earth prison, wings beating frantically. A gasp from the Princess told him that more than just his tiny cage had changed. "What is going on?!" Frustration was laced throughout her voice, a most unusual sound coming from her. "Oh! Oh dear. I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there. Are you alright?" The sound and vibration of heavy hooves reached his ears as Celestia's concerned voice approached. Ignoring the howls of protest from his neck, the pegasus pulled harder, tears again welling in his eyes. "Calm down, I'll help you." Nimbus screamed wordlessly in reply. With a warm glow that brought light to the dark hole, a magical grip pulled back the dirt. Without the soil's resistance, a final tug flung the black stallion backwards, almost colliding with the alicorn's chest. Landing heavily on his back, he looked up into the familiar face of Celestia, split with an amused smile as it hung upside down in his vision. The dank, starless night of the Everfree framed her white coat. "There. Now isn't that..." Her grin died, eyes growing wide, shocked. "N... Nimbus? Is that you? I... where... What happened to you?!" she stammered, her usually stoic expression shattered. He simply stared, breath catching itself in his throat. "I was worried sick! I had the Guards scouring the castle for months looking!" She berated him, her face flickering from relief to anger. "We thought you had died! Where were you?!" The terrified pegasus's mouth worked, unable to bring forth any words as the monarch sat, glaring as she awaited an answer. Every fiber of his being told him to lash out, hopefully buying himself enough time to escape. But his limbs remained locked, steadfast against his wishes. Slowly, Celestia's face lost its heat, the beginnings of concern showing as she looked into his petrified eyes. "Nimbus? Are you..." She closed her eyes, touching a hoof to her forehead, and breathed deeply. "Okay... I'm sorry, I was just frustrated. We can discuss this afterwards, but for now we must hurry." As Nimbus watched, a gold covered hoof reached down towards him. He recoiled from it, as though it were a snake. He could never let his guard down, not for a second. Not around her. The involuntary movement was just enough to finally shake him from his stupor. "Get away from me." He breathed, the whisper barely audible to his own ears. Celestia blinked, her hoof freezing as he shied away from her touch. "I beg your pardon?" "Get away from me!" He screamed, the lump in his throat vanishing. A confused noise had barely passed the stunned alicorn’s lips before he lashed out. A black hoof flicked up, catching the unaware pony solidly across the nose. The dull silence of the ruins split with a resounding crack, throwing her head back. Scrambling to his hooves, Nimbus quickly spotted Celestia crumpled on the ground in a groaning mess of legs and wings. Finally free from her reach, he glanced around. Everfree Castle's courtyard surrounded him, its weather torn walls and familiar overgrown plant life lightly illuminated in the moonlight. Even the barracks had been returned to it's former glory, sturdy and as strong as he'd remembered it. His home for a thousand year, all before the recent happenings. He was pulled from his reminiscing by a pained grunt from Celestia. While he'd been sightseeing, she'd managed to right herself, slowly beginning to stand. Her legs trembled, and a trickle of blood streaked from one nostril, her eyes wide, uncertain. "Nimbus?" She probed, cautiously. Nimbus stared at the mare, trying to calm his racing mind, quickly backing away. He was dead, and yet she was here with him. And, somehow, he had hurt her. Did she die along with him? Had she lost her power? Or was she playing with him again? One thing he always had to remind himself about her, was that she was a master at manipulation, able to convince anypony to do her bidding. And each and every time, they would come out thinking it had been their own idea. "What's wrong Nimbus?" She asked carefully, a final heave pushing her upright, her legs slowing their shaking. "What is going on?" Possibly she was still enjoying her game. Giving a sense of hope, then crushing it under hoof. He might have already been dead, but nopony could really know the limits of what Celestia was capable of. "Please, speak to me." Celestia said, taking a few steps closer before wiping her nose clean with a foreleg, bright crimson staining the white coat. While terrified at finally facing down the massive alicorn, the new red streak across her leg gave a surge of hope. If she can bleed... Nimbus bodily turned to face his foe, wings flared, stance wide, even breathing, just as he'd practiced. Aggressive, ready to move. Nothing to lose. Celestia's eyes widened, startled at his outright hostility, clearly expecting him to lay down and submit. One leg raised itself in a natural defensive stance, brushing the blood against her chest. "Nimbus! What has gotten into you!?" He replied with a snarl, his wings launching him through the night with an echoing snap, hooves outstretched towards his enemy. "For Luna!" * * * Nightmare groaned inwardly. This was not what she had expected. She was supposed to swoop in, remove Celestia, scare her new subjects and rule forever more. Not playing hideaway while attempting parlor tricks! 'Still had enough magic to deal with challengers' her rump. It was that purple unicorn. That one little foal. Celestia's prized student. Little Miss Know-It-All alone knew who Nightmare was, and she alone knew of the Elements. Even convinced five others to accompany her. Two earth ponies, two pegasi, and another unicorn. Worst of all, she was powerful. Powerful enough that as soon as the dark alicorn had entered the Town Hall, she could feel it. So much so that in Nightmare's current shape, a direct confrontation would go poorly. Oh, she could retrieve her power from that foolish pegasus, and crush her like the pathetic insect she was, but doing so could easily cause the release of Celestia. And whatever problems she would have with the little unicorn paled in comparison to Celestia herself. The six of them together were amusing enough, at the very least. From her vantage point, floating through the trees as a sparkling mist, she watched the spectacle unfold. A few magical lights directed at the trees, creating faces in the gnarled bark, had them screaming in abject fear. Grown ponies, squealing like little fillies! If she had a solid form, Nightmare Moon would have given herself away from laughter. She was shaken from her amusement when somepony actually did burst out giggling. "Hee hee hahahaha! Hahahaha!" The pink earth pony laughed, making various ridiculous faces at the trees, drawing shocked looks from all present. The five followers may not have been a threat, but that one's voice could have been used as a weapon. Ever since she'd began following them, the earth pony's constant chatter and inane babbling had been grating her nerves thin. "Pinkie! What are you doing!? RUN!" Twilight screamed after her. Pinkie simply shook her head, grinning ear to ear. "Oh girls, don't you see?" She replied, tapping her hooves to a beat only she could hear. "When I was a little filly, and the sun was going dooooooown!" ... What? "The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frooooooown!" No. No singing. Why is she singing!? "I'd hide under my pillow, at what I thought I'd saw!" ARRGHH! Pinkie's voice dug into her mind like pin pricks, amplifying her already increased irritation over being held at bay by a mere unicorn. Dropping her magical grip on the lights, allowing them to flicker and die one by one, Nightmare fled deeper into the dark forest. All to escape that accursed singing. That voice could start a war. * * * "Where are you?! Come out!" Nimbus bellowed, his voice seemingly amplified by the stark silence of the forest. He'd been thrashing around for several minutes looking for her, ever since she'd fled the castle into the outlying forest. The Everfree was just as she'd remembered, gnarled roots and constricting vines, the plants choking the life from the ground. All of it born from wild magics so long ago. Propped up against a tree, Celestia fought to control her gasped panting, finally having a moment of peace. Everything about this night had gone horribly wrong. One moment steeling herself for the arrival of her sister, the next fleeing from a fanatical ghost, one she had long thought dead. Guess I can't really call him a ghost. She thought, bringing up a hoof to lightly brush her cheek, wincing as it touched one of several bruises. Sighing, Celestia willed herself to relax, to hopefully sort out the crazy happenstance. She had no idea why he'd turned on her in such a fashion. This... this creature was out for blood, growing more and more frantic and insane as time went on. That wasn't the Nimbus she remembered. He'd always been a polite, if overly headstrong, pony. Loyal, and a steadfast friend to her sister. Ever since Luna had created him, so long ago. The alicorn's eyes widened as she stared into the perpetual dark of the Everfree, pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. He had always favored Luna, following her almost like a foal would it's mother. Watched over her, tried to be as protective as he could. And he'd vanished the day Celestia had banished her sister to the moon. He hadn’t died that night. He must have blamed her and fled. "I know you're out there! I know you can hear me!" Celestia grimaced at the sound of more crashing and the enraged pegasus's screaming. Whatever the case might be, she still had to keep survival as a priority. Only through luck had she gotten this brief respite. Her magic would not come to her, and the robustness she'd taken for granted had failed her. The Goddess felt... mortal. And it terrified her. She strongly suspected Luna to have been behind it, though she really must have changed for the worse to have gone this far. The snap of a breaking branch was Celestia's only warning as her advisory resumed his attack. A hoof found the back of her head, throwing her across the ground. Tumbling end over end, with a insane pegasus latched onto her, she bucked and kicked blindly. Blunt teeth latched onto her hide, pulling and heaving, leaving welts and cuts in their wake. Eventually, one of Celestia's flailing hooves struck flesh, sending her attacker sprawling. Free from the shifting weight of Nimbus, the alicorn rolled to her hooves. The pegasus before her groaned, slowly standing. A bright red mark almost glowed through the coat on his forehead. After a few moments of swaying, and a hoof held to his head to steady himself, his lips split with a grin. A most unpleasant grin. "Found you." The black pony hissed, circling the alicorn in a slow, deliberate arc, his eyes locked to her's. Celestia turned with his movement, never allowing him to leave her sight. Diplomacy was her only option now, his smaller body giving the agility and speed to prevail in hoof to hoof combat. His black coat blending in with the night didn't help matters either. "Nimbus, please. Stop this. I'm sure if we sit down-" "Oh no. No, no, no." He slightly shook his head, chuckling. "I know you. So very well. All your little tricks. I'm not going to fall for them." He threw himself above and to the side, launching into the air, darting and weaving towards her. Losing him in the pitch black of the canopy's shadow, Celestia could do little to track the pegasus until it was too late, only able to make out his rear hooves moments before they connected. The now familiar pain lanced through her face, the force of the blow knocking her back to the ground. "I've watched you." Nimbus snarled from behind her. "I know just how easily you make ponies dance. So no, we're not going to play that game." A muffled thump of a wing beat reached the white alicorn's ears, as did the soft rustle of feathers in flight soaring overhead. Still dazed from the previous buck kick, she could offer no resistance as four hooves landed solidly into her unprotected ribs, knocking the wind from her abused lungs. Coughing and gasping, Celestia lay against the cold grass, desperately trying to regain her breath as Nimbus hopped off her fallen body. Long moments ticked away. "Why did you do it?" A barely audible whisper came, somewhere to Celestia's left. "She looked up to you. Adored you. You were her big sister." A confirmation to her theories. Luna's banishment was the root of the problem. "And don't lie to me." "Lun... Luna tried to... bring an eternal night. Refused to lower the moon. Then... she attacked me!" She gasped, barely able to force the words out, ribs flaring in pain with each ragged movement. "I had no choice!" He sighed, soft hoof falls approaching her prone body, coming to a halt by her head. A soft hoof brushed against her neck, stroking through the white coat. "Is that right?" Nimbus asked, almost directly into her ear. From the corner of her vision, she could see his facial features soften, bringing a guarded hope to Celestia's chest. Perhaps his madness was calming. Fighting against the strain and swelling, the ageless mare nodded slowly, not wishing to disturb her lungs with speech more than necessary. "That is a pity." He whispered. Slowly, the almost wistful touch grew, pressing down until it scraped across the alicorns skin. It hovered briefly over her throat, before suddenly slamming downwards, cutting off a choked cry as her air way became constricted. She bucked as well as she could, lying on her side, but her already exhausted and ragged body lacked the power to do much but weakly squirm. "I told you not to lie." * * * Nightmare Moon was tired. Tired of being weak, tired of humiliating herself with these petty tricks, tired of these irritating ponies. And tired of HER. "Whoa!" Yes, you blasted little unicorn, 'Whoa'. The rag tag collection of ponies had finally made it to their destination, despite their new Queen's wishes. The Everfree Castle. Or the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, as it now seemed to be called. Still as ruined as it had been when she had come to collect her living tool. Filing in through one of the few still standing doors left in the ruins, the colourful little group stood inside a massive room, one quite familiar to the dark alicorn. "Come on Twilight, isn't this what you been waitin' for?" Asked the orange earth pony, looking up in awe at the massive object that stood in prominence within the otherwise empty chamber. Why one would speak while afflicted with that sad commoners drawl, Nightmare Moon would never know. Considering the apples on her Cutie Mark and the stetson on her head, she's probably proud of it. "The Elements of Harmony! We've found them!" All six of them stared up at the display before them. A giant pedestal with five arms, vines encroaching around its form. Each limb holding at it's end, in small divots, a large engraved stone ball. Its surface displayed the wear and tear of the ages, exposed under the night sky, the room's roof having collapsed untold centuries ago. Impressive as always, and the one thing Nightmare could not allow to be used. But as with everything this night, to leap in would be folly. Just had to wait... Kicking up dust and dirt, the two pegasi fluttered up to each runed sphere, picking up and setting them haphazardly on the solid rock floor. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy if she wasn't mistaken. "Careful... Careful." Ordered Twilight, keeping a close watch. The shrill voiced pink pony hopped up beside her. "One, two, three, four... uh, there's only five!" Congratulations, filly, you can count. "Where's the sixth?!" Demanded Rainbow Dash. Everything about the blue filly a pony could ever need to know, encased within a name. Rainbow for a mane and tail, loud and fast in personality. Twilight leaned down, intently studying the markings across the stones surfaces. "The book said, 'When the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed'" "What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked. Her horn glowing a soft purple aura, the purple unicorn closed her eyes. "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back! I don't know what will happen." "Come on now, ya'll. She needs to concentrate." One by one, the rest of the group filed out of the room back into the chilled air of the night, leaving the teacher's pet behind. Silently, the Nightmare peeked from around a crumbling wall. She would have grinned if she had a mouth. Opportunity! After one last glance at the five other ponies now milling outside the door, the swirling mist darted in through the crack, swooping down upon the Elements. How could they use the Elements... without having the Elements? Quickly, but with care to remain silent, the new Queen spread her form over the stones. Concentrating on a nearby tower, she began gathering magic. One more spell! Just one more! Her magic fumbled and clambered into a teleportation spell, slowly but surely. The Nightmare had taxed herself far too much that night. But the end was so close. Just a touch more. A horrifying scraping echoed throughout the chamber. One single moment of distraction in her efforts to finish the spell and she'd nudged one of the blasted stones, rolling it against the rough flooring. The lavender unicorn whipped her head up at the sound, eyes flying open in panic. And screamed. She had to get out of there. Throwing all pretenses of stealth out the window, Nightmare Moon ripped the elements from the floor, caught within a tornado formed from her sparkling body. Hopefully out of reach of Twilight. Finally, the last charge of magic lay itself over her teleportation spell. With a sizzling crack of energy, and a most satisfyingly mortified gasp of "The Elements!" from a particular purple little nuisance, she vanished. As the blinding flash from her sudden arrival faded, Nightmare Moon found herself standing upon a slightly raised platform, facing the remains of a massive arched window. As decrepit as the rest of the ruined castle, vines and cracks ran through the walls, slightly obscured by the smoke from her unstable teleportation. Allowing herself to return to her solid form, she had to fight down the desire to dance. She'd made it! The Elements were in her control! Nothing could stand in her way! A sudden coughing drew her attention from her reveling. Spinning around, she peered out into the billows of smoke as they cleared, hoping to catch a glimpse of the presence. Eventually the cloud dissipated enough to find the source of the cough. A lone purple figure lay on the cold stone floor. * * * He could feel the muscles in her neck shifting beneath his hooves, pitifully attempting to free themselves. Nimbus could only grin. The vibration of blood pumping through the little vessels, the desperate gaping of her mouth, her bulging eyes and blue tinted skin! It amused him! Made him feel alive! Made him feel... vibrant! He was in control. After so long of Celestia playing with him. Mocking him. Laughing at him. Watching him. Now who was the one wallowing in the dirt like a insect?! Now who's scared?! Not him! Not anymore! Never again! * * * Nightmare Moon's steel shod hooves came crashing down upon the hard stone, shattering the physical representation of the Elements of Harmony into broken chunks of rock. The foalish unicorn had had her little moment of defiance, charging the dark mare in a unicorn jousting stance. Even going so far as to humiliate her, teleporting behind the alicorn and leaving her goring air. But what strength she had in her eyes died as the shards tumbled the floor. The new Queen could almost taste her helplessness. "You little foal. Thinking you could defeat ME?! Now you will never see your Princess, or your sun! The night. Shall last. FOREVER!" Nightmare moon screamed, unfurling her vast wings and bringing her ethereal mane to bare, brewing it into a violent storm that circled above. Pure euphoria pumped through her body, and she cackled, laughing as her foe's face fell further into despair. Voices from the staircase brought her back down to Equestria, the figures of five ponies coming into view as they rounded the corner. Nightmare Moon simply glared daggers, her brief duel with the brat must have lead them there. Not that it mattered, the Elements were reduced to dust around her hooves. A airy gasp from Twilight caught her attention, the little unicorn smirking infuriatingly. Obviously something had snapped in her mortal brain. They really were ever so fragile. "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony, just like that?" What? "Well you’re wrong! Because the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony, are right HERE!" While Nightmare Moons attention had been taken by the purple filly, her 'friend’s' had taken position behind her, fanning out. Each with a determined look on their faces. What? A chill ran down the Goddesses spine as around her hooves, the shattered pieces of the destroyed stones shifted, each lit with a faint inner glow. No longer content to lay there, the shards rose into the air, surrounding the dark mare. "What?!" "Applejack, the Spirit of Honesty! Fluttershy, the Spirit of Kindness! Pinkie Pie, the Spirit of Laughter! Rarity, the Spirit of Generosity! And Rainbow Dash, the Spirit of Loyalty!" As each pony was referenced, a group of shards would separate from the rest and begin orbiting the pony in question. "The Spirits of these five ponies got us through everything you threw at us!" No, no no no no NO NO NO! Wait... "You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" Nightmare Moon cried out, desperately clutching at anything. Anything that could cause the terror to recede from her breast. This couldn't be happening! Not NOW! "But it did. A different kind of spark." Turning from the alicorn, Twilight faced the rest of the mortals. "I felt it the very moment I realised how happy I was to hear you. To see you. How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realised that you all. Are my FRIENDS!" From above Twilight, a new runed stone materialised. Memories of that very stone, the catalyst for the Elements power, orbiting Celestia so long ago froze the dark alicorn in place. The shear pain it caused her. Even the light coming from it in it's inert state felt like fire across her face, and she cringed behind a wing to shield herself. "You see Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element. The Element of... MAGIC!" It was sappy, mushy trash, enough to make the Nightmare retch. But fear had taken hold of her. Everything she'd planned and millennium of waiting was burning down around her. A flash of light ripped through the night, bright as the sun, again forcing Nightmare Moon to shield herself behind a scorched wing. When she finally peeked around it, the orbiting shards had condensed into golden necklaces, adorning each pony. A gem, symbolizing their individual Cutie Marks, shone brightly with inner fire. And atop the purple unicorns head sat a gold Tiara, a purple gem in the shape of a six pointed star embellishing it's crown. The dark mare could almost taste the raw power coming from it, and it had only just started building the spell. An unfathomable rage swept over Nightmare Moon. She would NOT be stopped by these pathetic wretches! If they wished to play with the big ponies, then they would play with a big pony! They would play with a Goddess! Reaching out with her consciousness, she quickly located her pegasus minion Nimbus, still draped across her 'sister'. His body teemed with her dark magics, almost bursting with it. With but a thought and a tug, she ripped her power from his body, disrupting the spell binding his and Celestia's minds. The sleeping Goddess would wake, but a far more pressing issue was at hoof. It roiled over her like a tsunami, a wave of pure power. She felt alive, her ethereal mane lashing with renewed vigor. Unbeatable and unstoppable. As a true Goddess should. Quickly turning her attention back to the mortals before her, she brought all of her power to dwell within her horn, awaiting her will. Already the Elements spell had reached it's apex, two vibrant rainbow's coiling themselves like serpents around the now levitating forms of six ponies. The focus of the spell shone like the sun between the six, making it impossible to make out anything other than silhouettes. Before she could ready her attack upon the upstarts, the twin rainbows launched themselves into the air, twisting around each other like a dance. Reaching the roof of the room, they altered their path, aiming directly for the alicorn's breast. Startled by the swift movement, Nightmare Moon resigned herself to ignoring the ponies, her revenge for their defiance would have to wait. An attack of that magnitude would destroy her completely should it strike. Locking her slitted pupils onto the incoming twin beams, the Goddess let loose her terrible power. Waves of dark magics lashed forth from her horn tip, blasting against the incoming harmonized energy, splitting it in twain. What little hope was gained from the sight, was just as quickly dashed as the multitude of colours swarmed in, absorbing everything the dark Queen threw out. Closer it pressed, paying little attention to the raw power of a divine being. With a last burst of speed, the beams rammed into Nightmare Moons chest, shrugging aside her armor like paper. Her magic crumpled to nothing as an agony like she'd never could have imagined lanced through her. She could feel it shredding through her body, through her soul. Tearing and gouging. It continued for what felt like hours, tears of agony sweeping down her face. but eventually the torture ended. Briefly aware of herself falling to the ground, she lay there, struggling to breath. A swift, blissful dark swept over Nightmare Moon, and she slumbered. * * * Celestia couldn't breath, her lungs having been struggling for oxygen for far too long. She longed for the comfort of unconsciousness, but its sweet release refused to come. Before she could once more wordless cry for mercy, the owner of the hooves on her neck screamed and reared back. The sudden rush of air into her system sent her mind spinning and like a drug addict, she consumed it with relish, great heaving gasps making her chest convulse. After several moments, she dragged her head through the grass, the white mare attempting to catch a glimpse of what had attacked her assailant. Oh my Stars. The vision was one of a nightmare. The skin of Nimbus's face hung in strips, exposing the flesh and bone underneath. The very muscles seemed to be melting, dripping to the grass in bloodied chunks. The horrifying effect slowly worked it's way down the neck and across his chest and torso, as an inequine scream tore from his lips. It was as though nothing was left inside of him to hold his body together. Turning from the gruesome sight, Celestia's stomach heaved, though nothing was present to regurgitate. Covering her ears with her hooves did nothing, the demonic wailing rebounding through her skull, howling in tortured agony. Only partly aware of her surroundings, the Goddess vaguely noticed the trees encircling them growing faint, as though vanishing from reality. Chirping of birds and rustling of leaves in the wind replaced screaming. The lands around her fell to an impenetrable blackness, the aches and pains her body had suffered faded to nothing, and a new weight pressed down lightly on her side. Attempting to look at what was trying to pin her down failed, the all encompassing dark giving up no clues as to its origin. Reflexively attempting to close her eyes to think brought no movement of her eyelids, and in a stroke of genus, opened them. Dirt and patches of grass surrounded her, tree's holding a thin canopy above, lit in the soft glow of the moon. A quick glance showed her to be in a wooded area, however with no landmarks to speak of, she wasn't quite sure which one. Celestia's head jerked, suddenly remembering the strange weight on her side. A black pegasus lay there, still and cold. No longer shredded and dripping, his unblemished face stared back. Worried, the princess freed a wing to lay it over him, feeling for any movement of breathing. Nothing. Not even a fading sign of a pony’s natural magic. Everything was simply gone. Sighing and moving carefully, Celestia stood, laying Nimbus's limp body to the ground. Leaning down, she gently nudged his head into a more natural position, softly whispering into an unhearing ear, tears glistening unshed in her eyes. "I'm sorry my old friend. I am so... so sorry." Standing once more, and spreading her massive wings, Celestia took to the sky. After one last glance back to commit the location to memory, she let her magic flow through her horn, quickly vanishing in a flash of white. There would be time to figure out where she had been later. But for now, her little ponies needed her. A/N: Not happy with this chapter, but throwing it up anyway. Sick to death of looking at it. On a second note, does anyone know why the first chapter has 500~ views, yet the second has 1500~?
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
He stood by Luna's side for millenia, until that fateful night. Now, he desires revenge.
<p>The first of the proud Pegasus race, Nimbus stood by Luna's side for countless millenia. As a trusted adviser, and a friend.</p><p>One fateful night, however, everything changed. Alone and lost, he lived on for only one thing... And now, one thousand years later, he just might get it.</p><p>Inspired by the song 'Luna' by Eurobeat Brony.</p>
It was not the reunion Celestia had imagined. Above the Royal Gardens, almost hidden amongst the canopy, the stars shone brightly, a stark contrast to their Mistress's sorrow. In the soft glow of the moon, she watched the smaller form of her sister lying amongst the grass, head buried between her hooves. Before her sat a single gravestone, white marble with etchings of obsidian, carved with painstaking care into flowing letters. The ancient mare had dreamt of this day, to welcome her only sister back with an open heart, and to no longer feel the regret of banishing one she loved so dearly. For so long she had wished for nothing more than to hold her in her hooves again. But now? She merely watched the pony from a distance, each heave of the dark body bringing more moisture to the white mare's eyes, each cry cutting like a knife. As much as she wished to run to her, to comfort her, and tell her everything would be alright, she couldn't. Not yet. This was her time to mourn. * * * Luna's tears had long run dry, the coat on her cheeks matted, as she hollowly stared at the grave stone before her. Framed by the full moon's light, she could see each carving, each letter, as clear as day. When she had wrapped herself within Nightmare Moon, the younger Alicorn had felt naught but anger and an unstoppable pride. Nothing mattered but her night sky, and those little ponies would worship it's majesty or they would pay dearly. When she woke upon being struck by the Elements, her beloved sister standing before her with a hoof extended in friendship, her heart swelled with joy. She felt hope for the future, and for eventual forgiveness from her little ponies. When she recalled her actions that night... Another sob wracked her body as images once again flowed unbidden into her mind. The black pegasus writhing on the ground in agony as she tore into his mind, molding it to her desires. Forcing more magic into his body than any mortal could withstand, pushing aside his very lifeforce as dark energy took control. And then ripping that power, the only thing keeping his heart beating, from him without care. All to put her sister to sleep. It was her fault. She'd killed him, and there was nothing she could do to bring him back. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, her voice catching on those two simple words, repeated without end. He'd always been there for her, throughout the entirety of recorded history, and for as long as Luna could remember. Jokes, pranks and tantrums all. A rock to share in her joy, and her pain. Luna's head drooped, resting her chin on the newly upturned soil beneath her. The grave had been empty of a body for one thousand years, sitting alone in Celestia's private garden. A tribute to a stallion that had never, until now, actually died. Hoof falls approached from behind, but the Night Princess didn't bother looking. She knew it would be her sister. Her wonderful, dear sister, who had never killed a friend in cold blood as though he was nothing more than an insect to be used... A gentle wing draped itself over her body as a fresh wave of tears spilled from her eyelids, rolling down her cheeks to water the earth. Silence reigned for many minutes, both ponies just basking in the comfort of one another. "You weren't yourself, Luna." Celestia softly whispered, breaking the muted night. "It was still me, sister. I hurt him. I'm the one who killed him. I can... I can still hear him screaming," she replied, muffled by the wet ground. "He didn't deserve this." A gentle nudge from the white mare's snout brought her head up, to peer into her older sisters own tear rimmed eyes. "I know he didn't. No pony does." Drawing closer, she entwined her neck with Luna's, holding her new smaller frame to her. "You never meant for any of this to happen. I'm sure he would have understood." Sniffles turned to sobs, which in turn became a tortured wail, as the youngest sister darkened the elder's coat with her sorrow. Firm white hooves held her close to the warm chest, Celestia's soft voice whispering in Luna's ear. "I know he would." A/N: Finally finished this story, hope you enjoyed my first ever, of any kind, fiction. Not going to bother with getting a reviewer for the epilogue, it's too short, so have fun with that. Just glad the whole things done with. And I still hate writing the start of chapters. They never come out right.
Main 6,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Lost on Earth
<p>After Twilight screws up a spell (again? you think shed be good at this thing) The mane 6 are transported to Earth, Without sufficient magical power to get back, the 6 must find their way in this mixed up world.</p>
Lost on Earth, Chapter 1: The screw up Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbowdash and Pinkie Pie make their way towards the library, apparently Twilight has something she wants to show them. "Ooooh i wonder if shes throwing a PARTY! But why wouldnt she tell me? Im great at throwing partys!" "Ah dont think this is a party, sugarcube. Besides, when was the last time Twi' hosted a party?" "Oh yeah. But that just makes the surprise even MORE exciting! weee!" "Darling, please. Do calm down, whatever it is I'm sure she'd like it to be a surprise. So maybe stop trying to guess?" "Well maybe she has something AWESOME to show us! like some tips to make my rain-boom 20% cooler!" "Umm... Dash I don't.. think twilight is that kind of pony.... And she did call all of us... Remember? "Oh right." Once the five reach the library, Twilight opens the door before they even knock, as if shes been waiting there the whole day. "Come in come in! I have something really cool to show you! I hope you all kept your Schedules free today?" A chorus of "yes" and "yep" replied. "Good, now i bet you wanna know why i asked you here! Well, I've been reading, as usual, and i came across a spell that could transport us to Canterlot in an instant!" Rarity, confused spoke "just canterlot? Why i guess thats good but why did we need to free our schedule? I can hire a pegasus chariot to get us there in minutes." "yes but this can take us anywhere, rather then Canterlot! i just chose Canterlot because its close and i know ponies there, so if something goes wrong we aren't stuck in the mud." "Ooh can we go to Manehatten? Oh the lights, the glamour!" Pinkie suddenly rose from the others "I got an idea! Why don't we go to Fillydelphia? I heard they're throwing a HUGE party!" "Girls, girls, i think canterlot is a safer option, maybe another time we can go to Manehatten or Fillydelphia, but for now we should just stick to a place we know." Twilight rummaged around for a few seconds before producing a diamond from the drawers. "Diamonds amplify magical energy, so if Rarity can help channel a small amount of magical energy through it, we should be able to get there without any problems at all" "Alright dear, if you think it will help." "Of course, now everypony get in a circle!" As the group get into a circle formation, twilight starts charging the diamond with her horn. Rarity joins in from the other side of the circle. "Alrighty everypony, think of canterlots central area and dont stop thinking about it, otherwise things could go wrong" The diamond glows brighter and brighter the more magic put into it. So much so, that nopony can look at it without squinting. Suddenly, a certain baby dragon wakes up and sees a bright glow from the main room. Walking over to the banister, his eyes widen as he sees a certain crystal floating in the center of the ponies. His stomach growls, and he leaps off the edge, mouth gaping. "Alright girls, here we go- AAAH!" Twilight screamed as spike leaped off the edge, biting and swallowing half of the diamond. Magic burst from the diamond, and pierced each of the ponies. The last words heard in the room was "SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE" A flash occured, leaving spike by himself, only to question the darkness "what did i do?" _________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight opened her eyes, none of the other ponies were awake. Looking around, their location was definatly not canterlot, in fact, was it even Equestria? The leaves weren't the same shape as the ones in equestria, the clouds seemed to be unorganised and messy, and well. they're in a forest. The others start to wake up, one by one. "Ugh, where the hay are we sugarcube? This does not look like canterlot. Or Equestria for that matter" Rainbow dash piped up from the others mumbles and groans "Pfft, whichever ponies job it was to keep the sky clean, they sure did a pretty terrible job at it. Watch this, i can do better" "Rainbow, wait!" Too late, Rainbow went soaring into the sky, but instead of the clouds bursting, she went straight through them. She couldn't even stand on them, as soon as she furled her wings up, she went straight to the ground. "What the- Why didn't you tell me i couldn't buck clouds before?" "Because i didn't know rainbow, and if i knew i would have said something" "Well whatever, i saw a small clearing about 200 meters to the east. maybe well find something there" As the gang head towards the supposed clearing, Twilight inspects their surroundings more. Each tree was much taller then those of the everfree forest, and there where no dangerous animals in sight. Once they reach the clearing, they all simultaneously gasp There, in front of them, was a run down old shack, with a rusted metal object in front of it. On the top of the shack was a bent metal object, not rusted, but covered in cobwebs. Twilight searches the perimeter for anypony to talk to, when she notices two tracks in the dirt. One is of a small hoof, the other she has not seen before, but it looks like an oval shape with notches in it, the tracks leading from the rusted object to the front door. Twilight opened the door to the shack and peered inside, There was a television, a refrigerator, a bookshelf(with numerous books on it), and several doors to other rooms. One thing she noticed was a bright blue blanket with stars and the moon imprinted on it, She shook off the dust and read what was on it. “Little Neil. My little astronaut” Whoever this Neil was, his mother must have loved him very much. Something caught Twilight's eye, when she picked it up, it was a dark blue feather! "It couldn't possibly be.... could it?" Looking around the area, she surveyed a dusty book, labelled "Electronics for dummies" Twilight's instincts took over, and she begun reading. The book was amazing! how electricity could be generated from certain chemicals, and then transferred through other materials to produce lights, sound, and reactions! "Twi. Would you mind telling me where we are?" Twilight turned around, and remembered she wasn't in the library anymore. "Sugarcube, I think its time to look for some other pony." Twilight nods, and turns her head towards the book shelf, a particular book catches her eye. "Girls, I don't think were in Equestria anymore" "Why not?" Twilight levitates the book from the shelf and places it on a bench Everybody gasps at the title. Earth Encyclopedia
Applejack,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Diamond Tiara,Fluttershy,Granny Smith,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Silver Spoon,Spike,Crossover,Comedy,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Amber the Unicorn series
<p>You've never had so much random in your entire life. Join Amber on her adventures as she fights and discovers many things.</p>
Amber the Unicorn: "Bloomberg's Bad Romance" It was a hot, sunny day on Sweet Apple Acres. Amber, the orange, brown-maned unicorn was just resting under an apple tree (which wasn't just a tree, as we'll soon find out) after a long, busy day of resting when she saw Spike running towards her. The pony got on her hooves at the strange sight. "He looks relaxed", she thought. - Hey Spike - she stomped the ground as she greeted him. - What's up, you jumping chupacabra? - Amber, I... - he panted, exhausted from the long run - I love my 3D glasses. They're exciting. "Is he talking about these glasses? Wow", thought the pony. She was fascinated and intrigued at the same time. - I'm so glad to hear this - Amber smiled at him. - Have you heard about the cucumbers? - Cucumbers? The shy ones or the evil ones? - the little dragon frowned. - The shy ones - explained the unicorn. - I heard they took over Canterlot and trapped Celestia in a cage for elephants... I also wonder why has Luna turned into a parasprite... It looks like Fluttershade's at it again. The purple dragon didn't reply. He started break-dancing instead. Seeing that, Amber crossed her eyes and used magic to pick Spike up and put him on the top of Bloomberg's - the tree she was sleeping under - branches. - HEE HEE! - Bloomberg giggled. - What the hell am I looking at? - his bass voice was loud, deep and strong. - Dude, that's not how you spell 'tea pot' - Spike shrugged. - Spike... I love you as much as I love my lady pumpkins - the tree said loudly, but softly, suddenly falling in a romantic mood. - D'awwwww! - Silverspoon, who suddenly fell from the sky, almost shed tears of joy while watching that heartwarming scene. Bloomberg sighed deeply. However, Amber, who's been watching all this with great interest, didn't seem pleased. - Spike, you dirty narwhal! - she yelled. - Back off from my husband! Then her anger turned into sorrow. She rounded her arms around Bloomberg’s trunk, sobbing loudly. - Bloomie, my darling!... - she whispered through tears. - But how?... HOW?!... How could you betray me like that... The tree suddenly jumped, making Amber flinch with astonishment. Meanwhile, somewhere in Cloudstale, Rainbow Dash was dancing can-can, but that's a different story. - AW YEHAW BABOONS! - Spike shouted joyfully, swinging his hands in all possible directions while falling down from the tree. He landed with a huge crash. A huge bruise appeared on his head. - Ooooh, maaan, isn't that a sexy bruise I've got! - the dragon started intensively kissing the bruise with passion. Suddenly, he felt a painful jab on his back. He turned his head around. It was Bloomberg, with his branches akimbo, poking him. He seemed upset. - Sorry, Bergie. I think I've got a new, prettier lover - the purple dragon winked, grinning. - Ouuuuuuuoooooo! - yelled the tree with uncontrolled fury. - ARRARRRGH! You're doomed! You're all doomed! - That's nice! - Silverspoon noticed. Bloomberg started dancing flamenco, expressing his hate towards ponies and dragons. - Ready for a Pokémon battle, you weakling? - Amber challenged the naughty tree. - NAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR! NAAAHRRRR! The tree's desperate scream was so loud that it disorganized the rules of time and space and opened a portal to the future. It caused the moon to crash onto Earth. An apocalypse began, but unfortunately, Spike, Silverspoon and Amber didn't have the pleasure to see it as they all were already banished to Mars. They all became ornithologists and started a new life on a new colony on a new planet. (Everyone: Awwww! Is this how it all finished? It can't be! Me: Don't worry, there's more to come, but until then -) THE END
Applejack,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Diamond Tiara,Fluttershy,Granny Smith,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Silver Spoon,Spike,Crossover,Comedy,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Amber the Unicorn series
<p>You've never had so much random in your entire life. Join Amber on her adventures as she fights and discovers many things.</p>
Amber the Unicorn 2: "Guns Are Dangerous" Amber the orange unicorn was sitting on a bench in the Equestrian National Park, resting after a long, busy day of resting. Regaining energy through sitting and lying is a hard work and serious business, after all. The bench she was sitting on was located under the shadows of trees, hiding from the burning rays of sun, as for it was a hot day of summer. For a long time, the pony was staring blankly at the ground, not noticing a very obvious fact - the fact that Fluttershy sat next to her about ten minutes ago. After a few moments, she got a weird feeling of being stalked. Finally deciding to turn her head around, she saw the yellow pegasus next to her, which really surprised and scared the unicorn. - Don't you ever startle me like that again, Flutterbutter! - she said loudly, facing Fluttershy. - Oooh, and I like frogs, by the way. - 'sup Amber, umm-umm, I just wanted to, you know, ummie-ummie, ask if you could answer, ummc-ummc, my question! - the pegasus was shouting, but it didn't really impress Amber. She has experienced worse things in her life that pink-maned ponies trying to creep you off. - I think I coul-- - I am dangerous! Fear me! Will you fear me, Amber? You're going to FEAR ME! Fear me. Please do, Amber. - I think I got it, but... - the unicorn hestitated for a while, fishing for a right question - where are the turtles?! Fluttershy's eyes widened. An icy-cold shiver of horror went through her spine. She calmed down and sneezed before answering. - Well I don't exactly know, but I think they are-- She didn't finish the sentence, because a meteor shower interrupted their conversation. SWOOSH! SWOOSH SWOOSH! The huge, fiery space rocks started falling down everywhere around them. The ground shattered under this great power. Amber didn't really notice this. She has experienced stanger things already. What has surprised her, however, was a loud laughter coming from the sky. She stood up and started intensively thinking about that sound in order to identify it, when out of fucking nowhere, Applejack appeared. The earth pony seemed to enjoy the beautiful scenery of rocks falling down and fire. - Howdy, Amber! Howdy, Fluttahsha! Such a nice day we're havin'! - her voice was hard to hear among the roars of wild animals gathering around them. A lion jumped out of the bushes. - Hey there, Applejack! Do you recognize that sound! The laughter! Do you recognize it! - Amber had to shout in order to make her voice recognizable, as the roars and shatters were getting louder. Some of the words were still very unclear, though. - Cannot hear ya, I'm asleep! ZZZZZZZZ! - AJ suddenly lay on the ground, snoozing peacefully. A big hen fell from the tree. Fluttershy picked it up and put it on sleeping Applejack. The hen transformed into a blanket; a talking blanket. "Kitchens are awesome", it whispered. But then, something amazing happened. High above the clouds, above the treetops, was Granny Smith on an aeroplane. But she wasn't alone. There was something weird about this sight. She was holding a gun. A gun that was about a hundred times bigger than herself. It shot meteors... or were they meteors? - Ah-ha! Granny Smith! I always knew YOU were the one behind it ALL! - Fluttershy yelled, looking up. - Haha, are ya seriously thinkin' ya can stop me, mah lil' filly? - Granny shot a meteor from the gun, but the ponies managed to dodge it. - Amber! Let's fire the power of friendship! - shouted the yellow pegasus. Amber obeyed. BAZAPP! A huge thunder, formed by the magic of friendship, hit Granny's plane. It burst into pieces and fell down, but the evil Granny didn't. - Ha! ha! Ah was prepared for that kinds o' situations! - she yelled, taking out a jetpack from her backpack and putting it on. Then, suddenly, Applejack woke up. The earth pony gasped and started running around with panic as she saw what's going on. - GRANNY!!! Ah told ya not to play with Papa's gun collection! Now look at what ya did! Granny Smith looked around. In fact, yes, she caused a fine destruction. - Uhh... She saw trees burning and wild animals running around with fear. - Ehhh... She saw the ground shattering and Celestia firing thunders all over Equestria in despair. - Well, actually... She saw ponies screaming and houses collapsing. - Okay, sugarcube, ah really didn't know playing around with guns and meteors would cause so much trouble... I cannot see so well, ya know... And then, an army of buffalos started rampaging the town. "FREE THE SALADS!", they shouted. Most of them were carrying ancient columns on their backs. - I need some serious fish! I need fish, and I mean it! - shouted Rainbow Dash. - Dashie, would you please kindly stop singing that annoying song. I'll just delete princess Luna from our database. - 'kay. Amber started eating her mobile phone, because when you're bored, there isn't any way of entertaining yourself other than eating mobile phones, preferably with sugar. --- MEANWHILE, IN ANOTHER PONIVERSE - Wzbzorg, wzabna zongg tanzga? - Bzorgz bzz ubzatnozbs! --- Applejack acquired a magnet. - Hey Fluttahsha, look at mah new magnet! - Is it a little critter? - No, you are, Fluttah! - Are you a tree? And then, out of nowhere, Gilda sings a song! She started playing the drums. And Amber likes when Gilda plays drums. The melody fills her nostrills and she can see it. Sweetie Belle got banished to Venus, but there are no free cutie marks on Venus, so she just sat down and teleported to another reality. THE END
Applejack,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Diamond Tiara,Fluttershy,Granny Smith,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Silver Spoon,Spike,Crossover,Comedy,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Amber the Unicorn series
<p>You've never had so much random in your entire life. Join Amber on her adventures as she fights and discovers many things.</p>
Amber the Unicorn 3: "It's an All New World We Live in" Amber the orange, brown-maned unicorn was just resting in her own house after a long, busy day of resting when she heard some powerful banging on the door. Not waiting for an answer, the Cutie Mark Crusaders dashed inside. They were all holding teddy bears and a few other plushies and mascots. - Cutie Mark Crusaders Teddy Bear Tasters in Other Ponies' Houses! - they shouted together. With these words, they started munching on the plushies. They were biting their ears and limbs and ripping them off just to make them end up in their mouths. Leather and feathers, which were used to stuff the mascots, were now floating all over the house. - Awww! Yummy! - noticed Sweetie Belle. - Awww! Really tasty! - announced Applebloom. - Ewww! Yuck! - Scootaloo spitted out a few pieces of a stuffed rabbit. Amber was smiling at the fillies, watching them ruin her house. But then, they heard a few loud crashes. It was Feraligatr using Hydro Pump to break all the windows in their home. After he was done, he entered the house with a smug look on his face. He was holding a Magikarp in his hands. - Why don't you go and collect some internet cameras! - Amber told him. - Raaaah! - Feraligatr stomped and started gathering energy to use Solar Beam. - Oh you sillyferaligatrilly, water-types like you can't use Solar Beam! - Amber laughed. But he did. The attack was so powerful that it destroyed the roof and ceiling. Feraligatr and Magikarp exchanged looks. "Ready?", whispered the alligator-like Pokemon. "Ready!", replied the fish-like one. Magikarp opened his mouth as wide as he could. After a few seconds of preparations, it let out the most powerful, the most amazing and great Roar of Time which sent them to a different dimension as fast as you can blink. Amber and the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked around. There was nothing there, just huge piles of flying potatoes. - Narrr! It's the eighth time I get teleported to another world this week! - Amber yelled. - Do you know where I can find a trolleybus here? I must hit Equestria with a trolleybus. That's the only solve to this problem... Wait, there are only potatoes there? I'll take care of them, then. She used her unicorn magic to create a huge bus. The pony picked it up and started attacking the flying potatoes. - Apple, Sweetie, Scoot! You gotta help me! - she shouted. The Crusaders started fighting, each one her own way. Applebloom was tearing the nasty vegetables apart with her wolverine claws, which have just grew on her hooves. Sweetie Belle was slashing the flying potatoes with her saber-like teeth. "Can I evolve into a saber-toothed tiger?", she thought. Scootaloo was just standing in one place, not moving, and using her telekinic powers to destroy all the enemies. But then, all the aggresive flying potatoes stopped fighting back and began programming computers while rapping: - Imma a panda, yo, but I wanna be a butcher, I wanna be a lavenda, yo, oh look here come our badgers! Imma potato, yo, but I wanna be a butcher... Applebloom expressed her disgust through becoming a vacuum cleaner. - Sorry, girls. Being a vacuum cleaner, I cannot jump like a pig anymore. Scootaloo ate a squirrel. Diamond Tiara, who was flying around, landed next to Amber. - PASTAAAAH! GIVE ME THE PASTAAAAA! - she roared, causing the ground to shake violently. - PASTAAAAAAAH! - Well I ran out of pasta, but I can give you a shiny new vacuum cleaner - said the orange unicorn, pointing her dirty hoof at Applebloom. - Since there's no pasta, vacuum cleaners will do - Diamond sighed. - Oh nom nom nom! - she started munching on Applebloom with delight. - In return, I can teleport you back to Ponyville. Diamond Tiara kept his promise. Amber was back to Equestria in all time at all. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, however, all turned into hedgehogs in deep sorrow. THE END
Applejack,Cutie Mark Crusaders,Diamond Tiara,Fluttershy,Granny Smith,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Silver Spoon,Spike,Crossover,Comedy,Random,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Amber the Unicorn series
<p>You've never had so much random in your entire life. Join Amber on her adventures as she fights and discovers many things.</p>
Amber the Unicorn 4: "Somewhere" Amber the unicorn was just chilling in Tutankhamon's sarcophagus in ancient Greece in the year 93 B.C. after a long, busy day of resting. There was, however, something that bothered her. - How did I get there? THE END
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Prolog In Equestria, a land of ponies, there is the great Queen, and her Sister, both of whom rule the Day and Night respectively. Some time ago, they changed from the four legged talking ponies, into those who walked on two legs, their fore hooves, transformed into hands with fingers, and since that day, they have began to evolve their very way of life. Now most ponies are very social, and love to make new friends. So a company that was well known for their entertainment devices, created an omni device, called the “Bayland Beyond”, often shorten to “Bay-B”. A social device able to connect all of Equestria, without any need of lines, or face to face contact. Friendships bloomed all over, and ponies who may never have met, became closer then friends they had near by. Since most ponies were social, it did not mean all were, and some are reclusive. Not because they are antisocial, but simply because they cannot pry themselves from their books. Twilight Sparkle, the current student of the Queen Celestia, is such a pony. She is a gifted Unicorn, that Celestia took under her wings, to teach the ways of magick that only the Great Queen knew. She was a great student, and learned quickly, but her thirst for knowledge, and desire to learn, has made her a shut in. This concerned the Queen greatly as she knew that, although Twilight would become a great Unicorn, she would ultimately be less of a pony if she did not gain life lessons. She needed to get out into the world, and experience things, that not even the best books, could ever teach. She needed to experience the joys of laughter, the pain of sorrow. What it was like to share loves, and to experience first hoof, what it meant to live. She could learn all the magick in the libraries, but she could only live through... The Magick of Friendship Twilight's Pony Tale Part 1 Chapter 1 Twilight Sparkle, a violet unicorn, with deep purple hair, with as streak of lighter purple besides a magenta one. dressed in her student cloths, almost robe liken to that of wizards, but far less baggy and covering. It was more like a vest over her normal clothing. She stood before her Queen and mentor, pleading with her. "But why? Am I failing? I will study harder, I do not want to learn from anypony else!" Celestia, dressed in her royal garments, white with golden sun armor she always presented herself in in public with, as well as any royal matters. Looking on her student, and smiled to attempt to reassure her, that she was not being punished. "No, no, my most faithful student. This is no act of detention, it is a new lesson you must experience" "I will read anything, I just do not wish to leave here" She was nearly in tears, she had not been away from Canterlot, much less Celestia, since she began her lessons years ago. "The fact you keep your muzzle glued to those books, is why I am sending you off" She stepped closer, putting her fore hoof onto Twilight's shoulder. "You need to make friends, to experience the aspects of social life" "Then I will spend more time with Queen Luna’s student Harmony Spirit, or any of the other ponies around here" She was sounding more desperate. Celestia walked farther away, feeling a bit disappointed in herself. "I should have put her into the world sooner, now she is bound tighter then her tomes" She thought to herself. "Canterlot, is a wonderful place, full of great ponies, but it is not the life experience you need to be a whole pony" She turned toward Twilight. "This place is too sterile, and pure. Life is not, as sad as it maybe. But the conflicts in life, also gives rise to things unexpected, that balance out the bad, and often, out weighs them" She paced a bit, as she could tell Twilight was still not allowing herself to embrace this study. "As I young Princess, I traveled this country, even beyond, but my travels made me grow, and I am thankful for it. One place really blossomed my growth. Ponyville, and over the years, it's held onto the values that it was founded on" She stopped, and looked at her student. "Ponyville Tech, will not only continue your lessons, but also give you the opportunities to grow heart and soul" Twilight looked down, still not welcoming this big change in her life. "I will of course... do as you wish..." "Do not take it so hard, treat this as the new assignment. Like when I've had you out on field lessons. Learn the meaning of being a friend, and what it is to have friends. What life is like for those not within the walls of a castle. Take notes, and report back to me. Use that Bay-B I gave you" She pulled a purple and green device out of her pocket. "This? But it's just a toy" The Queen laughed gently. "No, that is a device for socializing. I gave it too you to hopefully expand your world. I am surprised you do not know how it works, did you not read the manual?" Twilight pocketed it, and curled her ears back in embarrassment. "Well.. I have been busy with other studies..." "To think, you passed up a chance to read on something wholly new" She smiled, and came to her again. "You will be fine without me down the hall, and you will gain confidence in yourself as well" *** No longer in the robe, now dressed in just her casual wear, a sleeveless hoodie, plain shirt, and shorts. she rode in the private chariot from Canterlot to Ponyville. Celestia had watched over Twilight for so long, she was like a mother, and so such privileges as this ride, came with being the Queen's "daughter". Also, the full tuition in the college, and set up with a dorm, and having the allowance to spend to live in her home for the next couple years. She decided to land outside the town limits, so not to draw attention. She grabbed her saddle bag. She had only a few needs with her, her other effects would come to her dorm room later. She was kind of hoping her things would already be there, but she was not sure if it would be so. With her bag in hoof, and set around her hips, she thanked the Strong Pegasus, who pulled the cart through the sky. She lifted her hand, and looked at it. "I forgot my late" She turned back, but the chariot was gone. "Oh mare, I hope they have coffee at least" She looked toward the town, seeing some activity from her spot. "Celestia said it was a more rural town" She walked toward the town, and as she neared, it grew bigger, and she saw more life. It was nothing like the markets back home, but not the one pony town she imagined either. The buildings were modern, but with old fashion touch. Every where there was development, looked like it was made to accommodated nature, more than the folks here. She saw many shops, and ponies who did not seem much unlike her. It made her feel a little easier, but she still could not handle the social aspect just yet. She looked around, too nervous to ask for a coffee shop. In her scan, she noticed a few things she had not given much thought too. There was mostly Earth ponies, but saw some Pegasus, and one or two Unicorns. She also spotted a couple other creatures. Young dragons, Antrhoids, and a few other species from outside Equestria’s boarders. Some she could not place. “Seems Ponyville is more lively then I thought it would be” As she was thinking to herself, she spotted a place that seem to be just what she was looking for. "Apple Cider's: Farm Fresh Food, and drinks" She read, and on the window read "Cafe open" She trotted in, and the place looked like a diner, but also had the elements of a coffee shop. "Wow, maybe I can get a latte or something" A sign she spotted said to seat herself, and wait for service. So she obeyed. She found an open booth, and set up some of her books on the table, with plenty of room to work. She pulled out two books, a "Guide to Ponyville" and "History of Ponyville" Before she could look into either, an Orange coloured pony came up to her. Dressed in work appropriate cloths, with an apron over with the store logo and name. Hair braided, both mane and tail. "Well How do miss" She said, and Twilight nearly jumped, and looked over. "H-hello..." "I'm Applejack, and I'll be waiting on y'all today" She had a charming southern accent, and a welcoming smile. "Say, you don't seem too familiar, you new to these parts?" "Yes... I'm Twilight Sparkle, I came from Canterlot, to attend college here" "A pleasure make'n you acquaintance miss Twilight" She said. "Canterlot huh? Go figure. I'd imagine them castle schools would be much nicer then this one here" "Well, I would not know, I was privately taught, but they decided that I should seek some unique lessons here. You do not happen to be attending there too?" Applejack shook her head. "Na, I finished my lessons in high school. I enjoyed where I was in life, so no need to go out getting more learning. I like working the farm, and the shop here. Family owned for many generations" She pointed to the counter, at a red stallion, who was working back in the kitchen. "That's my older brother, Big Macintosh, or Mac if y'all like. He don't mind too much" She then pointed at a little filly trotting around with some food. "That there is my lil'sis Apple Bloom. And Granny Smith is about some place. She don't move to fast no more, but still likes to keep active" "A nice family" Twilight was not too sure what to say. "Thank ya, we may not run one of those big companies, or dressing ponies in the latest styles, but we be keep'n everypony fed, and happy" She paused. "Oh my, I completely forgot. What can I get y'all?" "oh yeah, well, what do you have in the way of latte, or coffee?" "How about I whip y'all up an Applejava, guarantee y'all love it. Best we have, accord’n to me. Course I'm not much for that stuff. I like teas or Cider for hot drinks" She started to trot off. "I'll be back sugar cube" she said with a wink. "Uh..ok..." She figured best not to argue with her. So she returned her attention to the books. "Wonder if all the ponies here are so friendly?" She asked out loud, to no pony, but one heard. "Mostly. Kinda sickening at times" A voice came. Twilight looked around, till she heard a sound behind her. A blue Pegasus with a wild spiked rainbow mane, propped up on the back of the booth seat. "So, from Canterlot? Names Rainbow Dash" Twilight looked at her funny. "You were listening to us?" "Yeah, bad habit, really have to stop it some time" She said so uncaring. "So is all of Canterlot a castle, or just the Queen's place?" The violet unicorn was a bit annoyed. "Well, the whole place is part of the castle, but as far as looks, only the Castle it self is-" Rainbow cut her off. "Ever see the Wonder Bolts? I'm going to be one some day" "really?" Twilight replied with little interest. "Everfree yeah, but I have to deal with school first. They only take graduates into their ranks" Twilight was about to shrug her off, but caught what she said. "Wait, you are going to college too?" "Yeah, it's ok... for school" "Could you show me around?" She became more hopeful. Rainbow turned around, and disappeared from view. "Sorry Sparks, but I'm a second year. Also, with all t he junk I have to do with school, and around town. I have no time too. You should get a Freshman aid when you set everything up, so don't worry too much about it" Twilight thought about it. "Also," Rainbow went on. "Should also get a roommate, if you are dorm'n. I imagine you are, being so far out of town. They could help you too, well, as much as a another new student can. Heh" She went back into thinking. "I've met two ponies so far, and probably meeting two more, at least" She said to herself. "Hey?" Twilight jumped, as Rainbow Dash sat across from her. "Day Dreaming?" She laughed. "Guess we both have our heads in the clouds" She pulled out a device, and put it on the table. "I like you Twilight, can't wait to hang out with you some more. Let's sync, so we can keep in touch" "Sync?" "Yeah, you have a Bay-B right? What pony doesn't?" Twilight pulled out hers, and looked at it. "I do not know much about these things..." Rainbow grabbed it. "Wicked, a Dragon, that's a pretty rare one, for some pony who doesn't know much about em" She started to mess with it. "See?" She showed her the screen, showing a swirling pattern with "Awaiting friend" Twilight took it back "Just do not hit anything" She picked up hers, and was about to hit something on it, when Applejack returned. "Here y'all go Twilight" She looked over at Rainbow Dash. "When did y'all sneak in?" "Sneak? Ha! Way you pay attention, I could blast through, and you wouldn't notice. Surprised Sparks here even got service" "Why you trouble maker, y'all are lucky we don't refuse service, to even the most annoying customers" Rainbow leaned over the table. "That's might neighborly of ya, Jackie" She said in a mock accent liken to Apple's. "Told y'all, not to call me that!" Trying to defuse the situation, Twilight changed the subject. "So, you have a Bay-B too, Applejack? She looked at her, and pulled one out. "Sure as shoot'n" "Hey now, I'm syncing with her!" Rainbow protested. "Oh yeah?" Rainbow stood up, and they placed both on the table. Twilight scooted over to the corner of the booth. "Ready slow poke?" Apple said. "Just try to beat me, Earthy" They glanced over at Twilight. "Call it" She blinked. "Call what?" "Draw" She paused. "Uh...draw?" Both jumped at their devices, and hit the sync buttons. Twilight's own beeped. she looked at it, not seeing both them watching her. "You both are in my list now" "But who is first?!" Rainbow grabbed it, and looked at it, and groaned. "Damn it!" "Ha, showed y'all. You can fly around all ya want, but none can sync like me" Rainbow looked at the join time. "So close, how'd this even know?" She looked at it again. "Celestia?" "Yeah, she is my mentor... why?" Apple looked at Rainbow, then Twilight, and Rainbow burst into laughter. "The Queen? Yeah right!" "What? She is my mentor, she gave this thing to me" She started to get self conscious. She looked at Apple. "Why is is so funny?" "I'm not doubt'n ya sweetie, just not too many consort with the Queen. The fact you came from Canterlot to learn here, when you were learn'n from her, it is hard to believe... for some" She glared at Rainbow. "It's true, she wanted me to make friends, that is why she sent me here" She lowered her head, feeling like a lair, made her feel almost as bad as hearing she would be apart from her mentor. "Don't fret Twilight, I believe ya" She was not so convinced. Apple sat beside her, and hugged her. "Common now, if'n y'all say she's is, then I believe it. Friends believe in friends" Twilight smiled, hugging back, a bit mousy. Rainbow stopped laughing, and sat back across form them. "It is hard to believe, but what ever Right? You are a riot Twilight" "Y'all be nice to her" Applejack said getting back up. "I have ta get back to it, cannot give y'all all the attention now" She winked. "Mossy on there" Rainbow said, as she walked away. "Jackie" She snickered, till a muffin got her in the head. "Hey! You wanna do this?!" "Still haven't learned not to tangle with me?" The two butted head, and growled at each other. They stood, forehead to forehead, for a moment, till gravity seem to give way. They were both hoisted in the air by a red stallion Twilight saw earlier behind the counter. "Do y'all have ta do this every day?" He looked at Applejack first. "Little Sister?" She looked ashamed, and down. "Sorry..." He then looked at Rainbow, who was all scrunched up in a pout. "Rainbow?" "Yeah, sorry..." Twilight watched them, as Big Macintosh put them back down. They shook fore hooves, not looking at each other. "Stop it" The big stallion said, when they started to grip tighter and arm wrestle in the air. She could not help but giggle, and subconsciously picked up the cup. She had yet to tried it yet, and was not expecting the taste. "Oh my, that is wonderful" She blurted out, and then covered her muzzle. A moment later, a little filly came over. Filling in for Apple, since she and Rainbow were put in time out. "Like that I hear" She said. Twilight laughed nervously. "Yeah... I did not realize it was not my normal drink" "Let me guess, Applejava?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah, she gets that a lot. Though she doesn't make it for just any one y'know?" "Really?" She looked at it. "How come?" "It's a specialty of hers. She gathers the best apples we all have. She gives it to only her closest friends. A might emphasis on 'Give'" Twilight looked at her weird. "She does not charge for it" As an answer, the younger filly nodded. "Really? But we just met, why is she giving me this?" Apple Bloom shrugged. "She likes y'all already. She is mighty easy to get along with, and she likes to make friends. I say this is the fastest she's given a friend she specialty" Something bleeped, and Twilight looked at her Bay-B. "Oh darn, I'm late!" She quickly gathered her books, and bag, and moved to get out of the booth, and stopped. "So wait, I don't have to pay? What about a tip?" She pulled out a book. "It says 15% is customary, but 20% is nice... but any percent of nothing is zero..." Apple Bloom grabbed her arm, and pulled out of the seat. "Now git, don't worry about that stuff. I recall y'all said you are late" "Oh right... uh... Thank her for me" "Scoot!" *** Twilight Sparkle walked onto the campus, and looked around. "A good sized school" She thought. See spotted the line. "Guessing that is the place" She moved to the line, looking at her Bay-B for the time. "Mare I wish I come here sooner" "Oh, wouldn't matter hon" The pony before her said, still turned away. "Of course, I was late too" She was messing with something. "I stopped by earlier, and saw it was pretty long, so I left help out at the shop I'm working at" "I see" She sipped her java. "Well, at least it was not a waste" "Pardon?" The pony turned around. She was a unicorn, with violet hair that flowed from her head like a stream, getting darker where it curled up like a gentle wave. She was all white, and dressed in some dress Twilight had never seen before. It was very pretty, and unique. "Oh my, another unicorn!" "Yeah?" Twilight was a bit nervous at the response. "There are so few here in little old Ponyville, that makes us like sisters!" She hugged to her. "c'est magnifique! I'm so glade to meet you... oh uh, what is your name dear?" "Twilight Sparkle..." She was a little put off by her, she was as friendly as Applejack, but more enthusiastic. "I am Rarity, in name and style" she laughed, letting Twilight go. "Oh dear, this will be good. I was hoping to find some unicorn friends here. So what is your specialty?" "Specialty?" She was a bit confused by the question. "Yes yes, the unicorn specialty? I am a designer, and my abilities are perfectly suited to my gift for fashion" "Oh, yes, well. I actually do not have a special ability, I can just do magick. Transformations, modifications, spells, that type of thing" "Pfft" They heard, and looked over to see a blue pony, wearing something like Twilight's training robes. "Your specialty is magic? I dare say you make me laugh" "Who are you?" Rarity asked, not taking to this unicorn at all like she did Twilight. "I am Trixie, the most powerful magic user of all Ponydom!" She whipped up a sparkling storm around her. "You can claim your gift is magick, but compared to Trixie, you may as well be just an Earth pony" Rarity scoffed. "You don't impress me, but do keep talking, so when the line grows, you'll be far behind us" Trixie laughed. "I have long been done with this. Commoner" She disappeared. "Good riddens" Rarity said, looking back at Twilight. "Some ponies huh?" She changed the topic. "So, where are you from Twilight? I've never seen you in Ponyville" "Oh, Canterlot. Ce..."She stopped recalling the last time she was mentioned. "My mentor thought it would be good for me to get some culture" "Canterlot!" She said most excitedly. “I knew you were special" She seem to sparkle, making Twilight wonder if she had that as one of her magick abilities. “I should have known. you have an air that speaks of the upbringing of a pony from the Queendom capitol" “Home schooled?” She recovered a bit from her excitement. “My my, that must be nice. Private lessons, and never having to worry about out shinning any pony else with your looks? Oh it makes me jealous to think of” "Really?" She felt a bit embraced. "Oh yes, say, let's sync our Bay-Bs. This horrid line is so long, and we should be connected any ways" She pulled out hers, it was one like Twilight's. She did likewise. "Oh, again, I should have expected no less. A Dragon model. I love the green and purple colours, it's oh so lovely" "Thanks, it was a gift from my mentor" "Such a great teacher, with wonderful taste" She smiled so purely, it was warming. Twilight looked down a bit, despite the smile. "Yeah..." Memories of Celestia still seem to be too sore, was only one day, she was wondering how she would survive. "Oh now, don't be upset. You have a friend here, and I'll not let you be a mope" Twilight smiled at Rarity's kindness. They synced their devices, and they made a sound Twilight had not heard, a sound that excited the other unicorn. "You see, we are sisters!" "Huh?" She looked at the screen. "Soul friends?" "Yes yes, did you not know? These wonderful toys rate friendships, based on the info you put into it. When two match, you are destined to be friends. But our codes also matched, so that means we are truly inseparable!" Rarity hugged to her again, this time Twilight hugged back a bit. "Oh I can't wait to spend time with you, we are going to be the best of friends, you and I" *** After a long time in the line, only the ever draining Applejava, and Rarity to get her through. Twilight felt pretty close to Rarity after a long chat with the unicorn. She found herself reflecting on her day as she headed toward the dorms. She found the dorms, and walked in, looking around. They had a small desk set up in a little lobby, and a couple doors and some stairs. She went up to the desk, and saw a pony sitting facing away. "Pardon me?" He turned, and looked at her. "Oh, hello" He was bit overly friendly in his tone. "How can I help you hon?" "Is this a co-ed dorm?" Twilight asked, a bit worried. New place was one thing, but if she was stuck with a stallion, she would be a lot to deal with. "Oh no, I'm just helping out here" He giggled a bit. She signed relieved. "Well, I'm looking for my aid. I know I'm really late, the registration took longer then I thought. They said that my aid would be here" She pulled out the papers. He looked them over, and turned away, pulling out his Bay-B. When he was done, he turned back. "Luckily, she is still around. She'll be in, just one moment" "Thank you" She went and sat down, and sighed. "What a busy day. So many new faces, and so much to learn" She paused. "I hope I can handle this," She closed her eyes for a moment. "Being alone now... well" She smiled a bit. "I guess not really" Thoughts of the ponies she met still played in her head. She heard the door open, and opened her eyes and looked in the direction. A Yellow pegasus came into the room, with light pink hair, and soft blue eyes. She looked uneasy, as she came up to Twilight. "Um... Hi... I'm Fluttershh...." "Huh?" Twilight asked, looking at her funny. "Flut...t... oh my..." She whimpered. Twilight's Bay-B went off. She pulled it out, and the Pegasus seem to brighten up. "Oh my, is that a Bay-B Dwagon?" "Y-yes?" She stopped from looking at what set it off. "I've never seen a Bay-B dragon model before. Those are really nice, and rare. I love these devices" She pulled out hers. "Mine is only a Bay-B Bunny, but it's still pretty neat" "That is nice..." She looked around. "So uh, you were going to help me with getting all situated?" "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm very bad at meeting new ponies... uh. I'm Fluttershy" She sounded less nervous now, the little device was becoming an ice breaker. Twilight laughed nervously. "Yeah well, before today, I did not really have any friends, or know that many ponies" "Really? That is terrible, oh, but you have made some friends though?" She nodded. "Yeah, I did meet some. It's been a really busy day, and been so more active then I have ever been before" She sighed a bit, expressing her weariness. "Oh, well, I guess you'd like to get things done as fast as possible, so you can get settled in. I'm sorry" She picked up on the subtle, but telling hint. "I am the one who was running late" Fluttershy sat down, and pulled out some papers. "Well, we should really get things set up" She smiled softly. *** "Well, here you are" Fluttershy said, as they came up to the door to her dorm. She hooved over the key card. "I think your new roommate is home. Her name is..." She looked at her notes "Oh my, I can't find the papers on that..." "It is alright. I just hope she is quiet, I'm very tired and need to get some sleep" She was long past her energy form the java, and was looking more worn too display how wiped out she was. "Oh poor thing, should get you to bed right away" Twilight laughed nervously. "I will get right on that. Thanks for everything, was really informative" "Of course, is my duties to help the 1st years. Well, good night" She smiled softly, and bowed a bit, before turning away. "Night" As Fluttershy trotted away, Twilight opened the door. The door did not move though, and she forced it open. It was not easy, but she managed to pull some reserves of energy, and was rewarded by falling forward into the room. "Ow" She rolled over, and looked up into the starry blue eyes of a nearly completely pink pony. "uh...." "Oh! Hi! Gee, you sure have a funny way of coming into a room, can I try that?" She skipped out the door, and closed it. "What the?" The door opened, and Twilight quickly rolled out of the way, as the pink pony crashed like she had, moments before. "Well, that is not as fun as I thought, but still fun!" She gasped. "I haven't seen you in Ponyville before! You are new?" "Yes, my name is Twi-ay-eeelihhhht" She found it hard to speak, as the pink earth pony squeezed her. "Oh my gosh, that means you need a party, and some candies. You made any friends? I can get you to know every pony! We can have so much fun. I love when new ponies come to town!" She let go, and started to rummage through some of the huge mess in the room. Twilight stood up and stumbled back, trying to get her breath. "Oh, I'm Pinkie Pie" She popped out of a mound, with some silly antenna on her head. "Nice to meet you Tw-eye-lihhht" She giggled. "That's a silly name. I like it" "Actually," She sat on the bed across from the bulk of the mess. "It is just Twilight Sparkle" "Oh, well, that's good too" She disappeared again. “You need to make a ton of friends, cause it's just so wonderful to have friends. You do have some, right?" "Yes, I have made a few" She looked, but saw no sign of the bouncy pony. "That's good, cause I'd be so sad to think that any pony is without friends" She popped out, and started to prance around the floor. "Yes yes yes yes!" She held out a Bay-B "Now we can sync, and be friends for sure!" Twilight sighed, and pulled out hers "I am so tired, so if we make it quick. I would really like to get some sleep" She did not like coming off so rude, but with fading might, she was loosing any spare effort to be polite. "Oh, I understand" She took the device. "I'll just do it for you so you can..." She looked over, and saw Twilight passed out. "Aw, she is all tuckered out" She undressed her a bit, so she did not sleep in all her cloths. “Hmm, I wonder why she doesn’t have anything to wear?” She asked herself, as she rummaged through the bag Twilight had with her. A knock came at her door, and Pinkie covered the nearly bare unicorn, and went to the door. “Hellooooo?” She nearly sang. “Hiya!” The pony on the other side said. A greyish blue pegasus, with blond hair, and golden eyes stood there with a cart behind her. “I believe this is the room of...” She looked at a card. “Twilight Sparkle” “Yes, well, partly yes, see it’s my room too” Pinkie stated. She stepped aside. “I have a delivery of luggage. It’s a strange delivery, but I don’t question the mail, just get it through” After a moment, the luggage was inside the room, and the mailmare was leaving. “Thank you Ditzy!” Now with some cloths, Pinkie finished what she started. She set Twilight back into bed, and covered her up. "There we go" Pinkie sat on her own bed, and looked around. "Wow, I made such a mess" She looked down at the two Bay-Bs. She synced them, and set hers down, getting up to put Twilight's down by her. She stopped, and looked at it. "Oooh, idea"
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The night was nearing it's end, the day was needed. So the Day Queen was starting her own ritual before starting the day's. She emerged from her bed chambers, dressed in her robe, and not at all prepared, but she was gifted with a natural grace, that even fresh from bed, she had looked presentable. She was not all that concerned to look less then her best around her trusted guards, and aids. She greeted them all, as she was nearly glowing, her white fur sparkling from the reflections of her magick imbued hair's own light. She made her way toward the chamber she spent much of her free time, what little she had. The personal study she could read tales of history and fiction. Some of which were written by both her, and her sister. Celestia was more of the historian with tales as the accounts of her long lost Guardians of Equestria, from a time when verging dangers required such heroes. Her sister Luna was more of a writer of the fiction. This room was also where she found great inspiration, when she had to create royal addresses, or make words with those outside the boarders of Equestria. She took her seat near an elegant fireplace, and with a glance of her lovely pink eyes, the fire started, casting a near haunting light. She opened up her book, one that told a history from one of the neighboring countries, and began to read a few pages. She always found, learning of new things, was a great way to ready for another day. After a chapter, she closed the book back, and looked over at her desk near the table, and reached from her Bay-B device. Looking it over, she saw a message on it. She could tell it was from Twilight Sparkle, her student afar, and smiled. "I hope her first day in Ponyville was well" She thought, and opened the message. She first noted the time it was sent. "That pony, she needs a book on getting some sleep" She laughed. Dear friends of Twilight, Hi, this isn't her, hehe. No, this is her new roommate, Pinkie Pie. Hi! If I don't know you, well, I hope we can meet, cause I love making friends, and meeting new faces. Oops, getting off the track... I'm throwing Twilight a surprise party! Celebrating her arrival to Ponyville, and our fair town's newest member. So come on! Join us in the Grand Hall this Friday, gonna have her show up around 6 or so, so be early so we can get ready! Gonna be so much fun! Oh, one more thing... This is important... DON'T TELL HER! Please? Cause that would ruin the surprise... hmm unsurprised party? That might be fun, maybe next time. OK, well, see you there. Love, Pinkie Pie <3 Celestia place the device down, and smiled. "Well, I suppose things have worked out better then I thought. My faithful student, I had hoped you woud take to this task, with your usual diligence" She laughed at the thought of her reclusive student, now faced with a social life she'd never imagined having before. The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New Chapter 2 "Twilight's Pony Tales Part 2" The dawn had come, and the sun was risen into the sky, as it had been made to by the Queen, for ages. All was as it had been, for the many times before. Life began, and daily activities started. The one difference, at least for one pony, was where she would find herself. Twilight awoke, long after the morning began. She had been so wiped out by the past day, that she needed the long sleep she had. Maybe some Pegasus lag was to blame too. When she sat up, she looked around, not fully aware of herself. She began to panic, till her mind caught up with her body. She placed a hoof on her chest, and signed. "Oh my..." She noticed something, the silky feel of her nightwear. "Wait a minute..." She looked around, the room was cleaner, though mostly just shoved over to the right side. She also noted her luggage sitting near her bed, but mostly, that her cloths from yesterday were on top of the bags, and not on her. Her ears went back in embarrassment, obviously Pinkie had dressed her, and though they were both mares, she had never been naked in front of another, much less, unconsciously. Most ponies did not find such things a big deal, but she was a bit self conscious, adding to her reclusive nature. She relaxed a bit, thinking about the gesture, and smiled. Her friend thought enough to get her out of the cloths she had been in all day, and even got her into bed properly, instead of the passed out way Twilight had that night. Adding to it all, brought her bags in, and setting them near her. Mostly, that Pinkie had to have stay up pretty late to move all her things so Twilight had at least half the room. She had seemed weird at first, but she also had to have a good nature. "Pinkie?" She called, since the bed of her room mate was covered, she was either out, or buried. "Are you here?" She saw some movement, and turned to look over easier. "That's a yes, I hope..." Was either the pink mare, or something was living in the mess. She heard the ring of the Bay-B, and so she reached over, and picked up the device. A message read "Yep" and Twilight sighed, and got up. Making her way to the pile, digging into it. After a few things, she found the smiling face of the crazy pony. "Hiya" "I see... you cleaned up..." Twilight said, looking around the mound. "A bit, but I kinda got sleepy, and well, I think it musta fell over" She made a face in thought. "Maybe my stuff was tired too?" Twilight and Pinkie spent a bit cleaning up the mess, and when it was done, Twilight decided to make her way to Apple Cider's. It was well into the afternoon, and she had not much energy after all she did this morning-ish. On the way, she was met up with one of her new friends. More accurately, she was ran into by her. With a thud, and shared sounds of pain. Twilight and Rainbow Dash laid on the ground. "Oops, sorry Sparks" Rainbow said, getting up first, only as an after thought, did she offered to help the other up. Twilight dusted off, once she was again vertical. "No, it's ok. I am sure I was not paying much attention either, I am not that awake right now" "I should save my new moves for outside town, it's too cramped here" The Unicorn studied the Pegasus. "Moves?" "Yeah, duh, I'm training to be a Wonder Bolt. I did mention that, I think I did... what ever. I am and while I was taking care of some stray clouds, figured I'd get in some new tricks" Twilight looked up, seeing the clear sky. "Looks fine now," She looked back down at the Pegasus "But you take care of clouds? Do not the unicorns do that? Canterlot, the unicorns control the weather" Rainbow scoffed. "Well this is Ponyville, we are more traditional. We don't have many magick users here anyways" Rainbow dash jumped into the air, and floated a bit. "Well, I have to bolt. More to do, fun, and work wise. Later Sparks" She shot off into the sky. "Sparks?" She shrugged, and kept on toward Apple Cider's, but she didn't get far. She was pulled into a shop. "What the?" "Twilight, darling" Rarity said, and she could swear the fellow unicorn was sparkling. Maybe she was, using her own magick to do so. "I just had to show you" She disappeared. "What?" Twilight tried to follow, but lost her when she slipped out of sight. "Rarity?" The other reappeared, holding something. "Isn't it absolutely beautiful? Oh I just had to make it, though it needs some work" She paused. Twilight looked over, as she was lost in though. "Well, it does look rather niiieek!" She was abruptly pulled behind a dressing curtain. "Rarity, wait... ahh!" Before she knew what happened, she was in front of a mirror looking at herself. It was a nice looking dress, but not that much in Twilight's taste. "Oh it is a thing of beauty... Hmmm... no no no" She started to summon some of her tools, and started to work on parts of the dress. "Oh now that I have your figure, I see" She was lost into her own little world, and Twilight stood there in a daze, slowly loosing her focus without her much needed caffeine. "So you made this?" She came too, and began to wonder. The longer she looked, the more impressed she was. "Oh yes, this is one of my originals. I was so inspired by our encounter yesterday, I rushed home and drew out the designs, and made an early start today" She never stopped working, she seemed to be a master of multitasking, as she never slowed in anything she did. "I was hoping to find you today, so I could do these little adjustments" Twilight lifted her arm, and looked at the detail. "You have a real talent" "Thank you dear, I've always had the horn for fashion, as it would happen" She sighed happily. "One day, I'll be a top designer, and all will know the name of Rarity" She looked over at a Pegasus who was putting something out. Twilight looked over at him. He was an older pony, but still brimming with life, and beauty of his own. He was a faded blue, with a blonde mane. Rarity looked back at her work, but Twilight's sight lingered. "He taught me much, once a great designer, but found the life took demanding. He likes to move at his own pace. Me, I can keep up. I've never had trouble with that" "So what is his name?" "Swanheart" She said with such respect, Twilight knew she really looked up to him. A personal hero, a true idol for her. Twilight was still in thought, when she felt a pulling on the dress. "Ahh! Rarity?!" The Unicorn paused, mid way of undressing her. "What?" "Can I undress myself, and in privet?" She looked over, she was in plain view of the shop. She had issues with being exposed, growing up in the capitol city, she had some of the etiquette. "It maybe ok for most, but I really do not want to be naked in public..." Rarity stood up, and stepped back. "Oh, yes, of course" She laughed a bit nervously. "Well, I get carried away. I was in the zone, as it t'wer" She paused. "Oh, but I do need to see your mark. I like to add that personal touch" They disappeared into the dressing stall, and when they came back out, Twilight was back in her cloths, and Rarity was carrying the dress. "Thank you dear, I shale incorporate the cutie mark" She thought a bit. "Maybe there?" "Oh, but I don't know if I could afford such a lovely dress" Rarity looked at her funny. "Afford? Oh dear, this isn't a commission. I did this as a gift, partly for the inspiration, and partly because of our friendship, the sisterhood we formed in that otherwise terrible line" She found herself a bit take aback, surprised by such kindness only after a day's time. "Oh you-" Rarity cut her off "No argument. Now you can come back in a few hours, I should have it ready" "I just wish I knew what I could wear this for, I've never been to a party, or anything like that to need such things" Rarity giggled, something that Twilight found strange. "I am sure you'll find something. We have a pony around here who has parties as often as a week ends" She moved over to a table, and set down the dress. "She is due for one, it's been a little bit since the last one" She stopped, obviously recalling something. "but again... maybe not" She shrugged. "Never know with her" Had she been more aware, she might have caught the odd behavior. Twilight moved toward her, and was noticeably slow in her motions. "Who is this party pony?" She gave a yawn. "Oh dear, you need some of that, what was it now? Apple mocha?" She shook her head, and started to move Twilight toward the door. "Oh what ever, you look worn out, and the day is hardly been. Now go, get some more of that liquid energy" "Ok ok, gee, I yawn and you get all worried" She smiled a bit. "I'll see you later, thank you so much" "Any time dear" Twilight left, and Rarity sighed. "Oh mare, that was close..." Twilight made her way to Apple Ciders, and headed in. The spot she had yesterday was open, and took the seat there. When she sat, she felt herself loose the little bit of steam she had, and she nearly slumped over in the booth. "Oh mare..." "Looks like that Rarity wasn't lying, when she said y'all was tired" The familiar voice of the country pony said, as she sat down a cup before the worn out Unicorn. She could smell the perfect brew of apples, creams and coffee. "You, are my favorite pony right now" Twilight said, taking the drink and having some to get her back up to talking. She made sure not to drink it too fast, no matter how bad she wanted too. Applejack sat across from her in the booth, and studied her friend. "Y'all didn't sleep well?" She was back up to speed, and sat up a bit more composed. "I did, but I just not use to doing so much activity, especially without some juice" She sipped some more. "This is the best magick any pony could produce" She smiled, getting one in return from the orange mare. She went on, relaxing a bit. "My room mate had a bit of a mess on her hooves, and so I helped her out, then ran into Rainbow Dash, well, was crashed into, then Rarity had me sized up for a dress" Applejack's smile went from gratitude, to knowing. "Seems y'all made a heep of friends, all in a day" She shifted out of the seat, and got up. "Well, enjoy that 'juice' I'll get y'all some eats" "Bu-" She tried to protest, but the others finger came up and waggled before Twilight "A body needs more then just some mud, gotta have something solid in y'all. With me, I'll make sure y'all are well taken care of" She moved on, without giving a chance for the other to say anything. Twilight smiled to herself, and pulled out her Bay-B's manual. "Well, looks like this will be as good as any time to study this thing" Some time had pasts as Twilight learned the device, and enjoyed a great meal. She doubted she could ever enjoy food outside this place again. She made ready to leave, and before she got far out of her seat, the orange pony returned. "Well, how'd y'all like it?" "It was wonderful, I think Canterlot needs to take some notes" "Shoot, that's mighty kind. Really all should go to Granny, she sure can make some scraps. Suppose something should be said about farm fresh too, don't think Canterlot gets too much in the right from the fields" She started to gather up the dishes, as Twilight started to pull out a wallet. "Hold there, won't have that" Twilight blinked, and was surprised. "What? Paying? but do I not owe you something, for the food at least?" Applejack gave her a wink. "I said, I'd always take care of y'all" She had all the dishes up, and stood face to face with Twilight. "How can you keep in business, if you give things away?" Applejack laughed softly. "Here in Ponyville, we do things for one another. We sell things, but we trade more than anything. Food for supplies, and that sort of thing. Sure places like Dressing Diamonds, where that Rarity works, sells their stuff, but services like ours works fine on trade" "But why have money here? Seems trade would be just fine" "Normally, sure, but when we get outsiders, we needed to adapt, or we'd start taking big hits in our supplies. Win loose kinda thing. We became a bit dependent on money, but we also now can get things from places like Canterlot" She held up her Bay-B "Win some, loose some" She gave a soft laugh. Twilight thought about it. "Really not a bad system. Local trade, with outside incomes. I feel bad though, I ca not offer anything to trade" Applejack put back her device, and took Twilight's hand in hers "Twi, having your friendship is a great return, keeping company with y'all, is a great payment worth some mud and victuals" Twilight could feel her ears flush, and she put them back embraced. "That is probably the nicest thing I have been told" "Tis nothing but the honest truth sugar cube" *** Twilight made her way back to the dorm, it was getting close to night, and wanted to get more settled into her room. Hoping Pinkie had not done anything to it. She was in really good spirits, with all that had gone on, so she was humming a bit to herself. She did not know the words, but recalled it was a song that Queen Luna's student use to sing when they studied. She use to find it annoying, but now she felt it was a great song. "Oh, uh.... excuse me?" She slowed to a stop, and looked over seeing the yellow Pegasus who called to her. "Oh, hi Fluttershy. How can I help you?" She snickered. "Guess it is funny, you are my student aid" The other smiled a bit, enjoying the joke, then she turned serious again. "Um, can you help me with something?" Twilight moved closer, and followed her around. "I'm a bit overwhelmed today, with my duties. I take care of animals around Ponyville, animal sitting, and so on. I just need some help to get finished before night comes" Twilight was happy to help. They were gathering some of the animals around a little care center, and Twilight picked up a little skunk. "This is safe, right?" She held it out. "Oh don't worry, animals are very nice, if you are kind to them. Respect them, and don't be afraid, and they'll react in kind" "Sure do love animals" Twilight said, as Fluttershy closed up a couple more crates. "Oh yes, they are great company, and I just love spending time with them" Fluttershy took the skunk, and placed it down. "He was getting antsy" "Oh... good thing you caught that, hate to been sprayed" The Pegasus watched the little critter walk off. "That's actually not so common as ponies think. It takes a lot out of them so it's a last resort. They'll usually give warning signs" "Warning huh? sounds good, so what are they? I rather get a rock thrown at me, then sprayed" Fluttershy giggled, and looked at her. "Well, I don't know about rocks, but they usually will hiss, or pat the ground" She got down on her fours, and started to pat the ground with her fore hooves. The sight made Twilight giggle, this in turn caused the other stop and look a bit confused. "I'm sorry, but that was so cute" "Oh my" She stood up, and hid a bit into her hair embraced. Twilight tried to find her face. "Oh, don't be offended. I was not trying to be mean, I just thought it looked cute" She squeaked. "Just not use to being... called cute..." "Aw, but I guess I can share with that. I never had friends till I came here" "Really?" She popped out of her hair, and looked at her. "Oh!" She looked at the dark sky, then pulled out her Bay-B. "Oh no, um... can you help me with one last thing?" She blinked, the sudden change in her, but just added to the cuteness of her personality. "I guess, I am a bit sleepy, but I think I can" "Oh, ok" They walked on toward the auditorium. They neared the door, and Twilight was a bit confused. "This animal related?" "Oh, uh... not really" She pushed open the door, it was dark inside, but Twilight walked in before Fluttershy. The lights went on, and Pinkie popped seemingly from no where. "Surprise!" She and all the others shouted Causing Twilight to jump back. "It's a party for you, with all your friends, and some new ones too be!" She pranced around, as Twilight took in all the ponies there. She was a bit teary eyed when it started to come together. "This... is for me...?" She looked at Pinkie, then spotted other faces she knew. "Of course" Rarity said, coming up holding the dress. "I think this is a fitting place to debut" She smiled. After a moment in the bathroom, she came out in the dress. It looked much nicer then before, it's shades of blues and starry patterns, really seem to match her. She found the cutie mark across her chest, seeming to control the other stars and designs. The party was well on, and many ponies came to introduce themselves. Thankfully, they did so with the help of one of the girls Twilight had already known. All in all, she met Pinkie's bosses at the Sweet shop, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and some of her friends like Ditzy Doo, the mail mare. Rarity introduced her to her boss and friend, Swanheart, since they had not really met when she saw him earlier. Rainbow Dash showed her to Gilda, though the latter did not stick around long after that. She seemed a bit antisocial, but Twilight did not care. Gryphons were that way, it seemed. She was feeling a bit tired, and a bit over overwhelmed by all the new faces, but with some Apple Java from Applejack, and so long as she stayed near her first friends here, it was doable to manage. A couple hours in, the party was slowing a bit any ways, so Twilight knew she could hold out till it was over. Pinkie was bouncing around, and noticed the door opening. She made her way over. "Hello?" She startled the pony outside a bit, at the sudden appearance. He seemed to have been knocking for a little bit. "I swore everpony was here...." She looked at him, he was dressed a bit fancy, even for the party, and whats more, he did not look familiar to her. "Say, who are you? I know all of Ponyville... Are you a new pony too?! You can come join-" "I'm sorry, but I'm just a messenger, here to deliver one to Miss Twilight Sparkle. Is she here?" "Yes yes, oh, uh...." She bounced off, leaving the stranger confused. She returned with Twilight, and pointed him out. "He said he has a message for you" "What?" Another voice came, over flew the blonde Pegasus. "Messages? That's my job!" Twilight looked at the Pegasus, then at the other. "Wait, I know you... you proceed...." She rushed past them, surprising them all. Ditzy glared at the other messenger, her eyes starting to go in different directions. The poor messenger felt uneasy. Outside, Pinkie followed after, and for once stopped dead, with all her energy fading. "Oh my mare..." Applejack looked around, and saw the door opened. Twilight and Pinkie were missing, and by the door was Ditzy Doo, and some stranger. "Hmm, that's odd" Couple others took notice of the sudden absence of both the guest of honor, and the host. They moved toward the door, and opened both so more could get out. All stopped in shock at what they saw. Pinkie was still a bit frozen in place, and Twilight was clinging onto a taller mare than any there. One everypony in Equestria knew. "Ho shit!" Rainbow Dash slipped out. "She does know Queen Celestia!" They all looked at the White royal, who even in the darkness of her Sister's doing, she shined like the sun she wielded. Her dress not that of her usual style, but more formal, and more suited for a party. She did not loose any regality, maybe gained more with such an attempt to fit in with her subjects. "Oh my Dearest Celestia, I can not believe you have come here" Twilight said, still hugging to her, and being hugged back. The two looking like mother and child. "But why did you come tonight?" She gave a soft and short laugh, knowing, and caring all at once. "My most faithful student, I was invited. How could I miss your party" All eyes, but Celestia and Twilight looked upon Pinkie. "I... uh..." She was rarely out of words. "Invited all her friends on the Bay-B" She laughed nervously. "I thank you for doing so, Pinkie Pie" The Queen said. She and Twilight broke the hug, and moved closer to the crowd. She studied the faces, taking notice of a couple, she gave a smile to Swanheart, to that he nodded. "I am pleased to see that Ponyville is still the lovely community it was when I made my stay here so long ago" She could feel her age with those words, thinking how long it was when she was like Twilight, still growing and learning. She turned toward the four ponies gathered nearest Twilight, the fifth of the core friends still a bit stuck in place. "I can tell of you four” she looked over at Pinkie “Five,” She corrected herself. “Are particularly important to my student” She turned toward the distant one of the five. "I had heard of the welcoming comity, but does not seem you've lived up to that" She smiled. "No energy tonight?" Pinkie blinked, then regained herself. "Oh, so sorry!" She started to bounce around, heading back inside, then quickly coming out again, with some balloons, and cake. "Here" She tied the balloons onto the bits of Royal armor, and hoofed over the cake slice. "Had I known, I'd have something for you done up. I don't want to steal Twilight's thunder, but if you like to stick around I can pull something together" "No no, that is ok, I cannot stay long" she looked at the cake. "This is a bit more like what I've heard of Ponyville's Party Pony" She paused, as Pinkie put a party hat over her horn, and a noise maker in her mouth. "Well... a lot more like it" She laughed, causing the noise maker to sound off with ever laugh, causing the Queen to laugh more, getting the others to start laughing along. The Queen did stick around a bit longer, no one wanted to bug her too much, and treated her more like one of the other ponies, than the Queen of their land. The party moved outside, as they watched the night sky glimmer. Soon they were joined by the other Queen of Equestria’s night. The younger dark coloured pony appeared just past the gathering, wearing her royal armor, not so formal as her sister. She was on duty, and had to keep her appearance. She was slow to approach the group, till another pony poofed into the group. All looked at the pair, they recognized Queen Luna, but not the lighter blue unicorn, with purple mane, and red glasses. "Oh, Sister" Celestia moved toward her. "What brings you here? And Harmony Spirit?" The unicorn greeted the Day Queen, and then moved over toward Twilight. "It's a bit late, for the Sun to be out... do you not think so?" She looked around, a bit timid to be out here. "Hiya Twilight!" The unicorn hugged her. "Having fun I see" "Hello Spirit" She hugged back "Yeah, it has been a crazy couple days" He let go, and stepped back. "So, sticking around long?" She looked at him. "Luna said you might be coming back soon, now that you've made friends like Celestia wanted" A couple heard the conversation, and turned toward it. "Not... that I'm trying to steal you back" He laughed nervously. The Queens came up to the group, and stood just behind the blue Unicorn. "I was going to let you know" Celestia began, then looked down at Harmony Spirit a bit sternly. "In my own way, but" She looked back up at Twilight. "If you wish, you can come back to Canterlot. I think you have learned a lot already" The crowd was quiet, Twilight's closer friends stepping closer, looking a bit afraid that she might go. "I..." She began, looking around. "I would love to come home..." She paused, looking at Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. "But I am not ready, I have much to learn here, and well" She turned back to her mentor. "New friends I would miss too much" Queen Celestia smiled knowingly. "I thought so, I actually hoped you would say that" She looked out at the ponies. "Friendship is a magickal thing, and it can be created in moments, but the more you get to experience it, the more you can enjoy it's wonder" She looked back at Twilight. "You have many friends here, and much to look forward too. Learn from them, and they will learn from you, and you will all grow as ponies" She stepped back, as Luna and Harmony moved away. "I must be off, to ready for the next day. Take care of my student" It went out to all of them, but five heard it most. They nodded, and Twilight ran up to the Queen. They embraced for a moment, and then parted. "I will miss you, but I will make sure to always send you messages" Twilight said. "I know you well enough, to know that" She smiled, standing with the other two. "Take care my Twilight Sparkle, you are in good hooves" The little blue unicorn's horn was glowing pink, and the three of them disappeared. Her closest friends came up to her, Applejack and Rarity hugging her, Pinkie jumped onto the three, and the Pegasus stood close by. Twilight had a tear in her eye, she found happiness she didn't know she was seeking. she felt more whole as a pony, then she ever did.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Chapter 3 Clash of the Unicorns It had been a couple week since Twilight came to Ponyville, and it was now time for the first day of college. Something she was looking forward too, since she stopped taking her lessons at Canterlot, she was starting feel she was slipping. With college, she would keep up with her studies, and hoped to avoid the feeling she had about being so far from her mentor. She was glad that she had her Bay-B too keep contact with her. She did feel right at home, no small part of that, because of her friends. With that feeling came her old habits of locking herself up in the room or library, when Pinkie Pie was around the dorm. The day went on without much to say, she received her classes, and spent the time getting use to the set up. Fluttershy was there to aid her through the process. The next couple days were rather simple, getting into the courses, and starting the college life. She had only one worry, that snooty Trixie, was in a couple of her classes. Just as when they first met, she made sure to be the one in the brightest light, and any time attention was diverted, she made sure it was never long. Twilight worried about the rest of the semester, if this is how it started. she decided to try and ignored the proud Unicorn, who's magick was more like her name implied, tricks. She avoided her the best she could in school, and classes, and for the most part it worked, but seemed every time Twilight was with Rarity, the bragging blue, would appear, to drive them both nuts. Suppose it was because only a hoof full of unicorns were in Ponyville, and fewer in the school, that it was Trixies way of being around familiar faces. She had a funny way to make friends, both Twilight and Rarity felt. The month was nearing it's end, with the first week of school, and Twilight received a message from her mentor. "My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, Your old friend, and fellow royal student, is going to be in Ponyville soon. He wished that he could come see you" This was a bit odd for her, she was never very friendly those years they grew up together, as Celestia and Luna's students. He always tried, but Twilight was more into her books than him. She wondered why he always felt they were friends. Guilt started to take her, when she thought of how now she enjoyed friendship, and all a long, she had a friend back home. It faded a bit, when she thought about it more. He always had friends, it was his way, always out and about, making friends with the citizens of Canterlot. The message said he'd be around in the week's end, but it was vague about when. *** Classes let out, and Twilight trotted happily out of the building, carrying her books and humming that same song she learned from Harmony Spirit, still wish she knew the words to it, but it did not stop her from enjoying it. She hoped that she would remember to ask him. She walked toward her favorite place, to get her favorite drink. A routine she had formed early on, only modified to fit in her schooling. On her way she saw Pinkie Pie, who seem to always be out of school before her. Not sure if she had a free period or not, but like to think the teacher just wanted her out as soon as possible. She was walking and laughing, along with another pony. A familiar one, and a unicorn. "Wait a minute..." She noticed the cloths, kind a like her style, the shirt, nothing special, a hooded sleeveless over shirt, and loose shorts that only made it down to the bend of his knees. She spotted the key features of this unicorn. Red glasses, just barely covering his eyes, if they were not partly down his muzzle, and the ankh necklace. Added to the blue coat, and violet mane and tale, she knew who it was that Pinkie seem to already be buddies with. He spotted her, and stopped. Pinkie took a moment to notice, and stopped and looked at him, then at her. "Hi Twilight!" She shouted, not very far from her. "Hello Pinkie," She took a moment, and looked at the other. "Hello Harmoneee~" She could not finish, he poofed and reappeared, clinging to her. Already she can see why he and Pinkie got along so quickly, and was glad Pinkie was not a Unicorn. "Twilight!" He continued to squeeze the life out of her. "I missed you!" "You know each other?" Pinkie did not take long to come bouncing up beside them. "Yes, I have known her pretty much all my life" He answered, and let her go, when she looked like she was about to pass out. She used him to keep herself up, gasping for air. "I... I... I wish you... you wouldn't do that..." He smiled innocently. "I sorry" After a moment, she regained herself, and took in a deep breath. "How did you meet Pinkie Pie so fast? Did you know her already?" "Oh, no. I just met her like two minutes ago" He smiled, going back in detail of the advent. -Pinkie was humming along, skipping a bit, thinking Pinkie thoughts, when she saw a bright flash of pink. "Oooh" She said, making haste to the source. Just in the middle of the street, a bit of smoke was fading, and a figure was crouching to the ground. Slowly, it lifted it's head, and looked upon the Pink pony with glowing green eyes. Frozen a bit, she watched as it stretched up to full height, standing glaring at her, looking like something from a scifi movie she saw once. "Hiya" She said, smiling. The figure was plain to see, and he smiled back. "Hi" "I'm Pinkie Pie, oh you are new here? What a cool entrance! I wanna try!" "Awesome! Oh, I'm Harmony Spirit. Let's do this!"- "So we spent a few minutes trying out the entrance he did. It was awesome, I was all like 'Come with me, if you wanna party'" Harmony started to laugh, and Twilight sighed. "I see things are still the same..." She paused a moment, and she thought about it. "Funny, how much they are alike... I do not think he is as bad... prolonged exposure, cannot be good though" She came out of her thoughts, and nearly jumped, as they both stared at her. "What?!" "You were off in space" Harmony said. "Ssshk, Pinkie Pie to Twilight, come in Twilight" "Horsedon, we have a problem... we're out of squeezie cheese" "NOOOOOO!" They both started to laugh, and Twilight rolled her eyes. "I have to get to Applejack's" She moved on toward the diner. Harmony appeared before her, not long into her march. "What?" She looked back, seeing Pinkie bounding away. "She had to go, but I'm here to spend time with you Twilight" He smiled, and to that, she smiled back. They both headed to Apple Cider's, and she trotted in, and took her spot. Harmony followed and sat across from her. "So, this is a Ponyville dinner? I heard they were simpler, but wow, it's so much more open, and homey" He looked around, at the decor, and some of the others around. As he was, Twilight wondered if she looked like such a... She pondered the term, not really sure what it was called when somepony was acting like Harmony was now. gawking, and showing that he is not from around here. "I will have to ask AJ, she knows a lot of terms" She said finally. When she looked up, he was gone. She quickly looked around, and found him looking at some old signs that were on one wall near the kitchen. He stepped back, and Twilight got up, knowing she would not get there in time, as Applejack came out of the kitchen, equally not paying attention as she carried a tray. The dinner was quiet, following the loud crash, and the yelp out of both ponies, one of surprise, the other out of pain, as some hot drinks poured on her. "Dang blast it! How'd hell am I suppose work when y'all not looking where your go'n?" she shouted, not even seeing who it was, she was too busy trying to get the hot liquid off her as best she could with only her hooves. Harmony jumped up quick, and offered his hoof to help her up. "I'm so sorry, I was just... oh it's no excuse, I should been paying attention" She calmed some, and looked up at him. "No, it's ok... it happens..." She paused, looking at him. She already had her hoof in his, and he was pulling her up. Something about him, seem to cause her to freeze up. She didn't even notice Twilight asking if she was ok. "AJ?!" She shouted, snapping the orange mare out of her trance. She looked at Twilight. "Oh... What?" "Are you ok?" She glared at Harmony. "You need to be more careful, stop acting like an... oh what ever the term is, but stop acting like an outsider" He hung his head, feeling bad as it was. "Now now Twi, it was an honest mistake. I wasn't paying too much attention neither" She looked at the other Unicorn again. "Are y'all ok?" "I'm ok, besides feeling bad I knocked you over" She waved it off. "Think nothing of it partner, be a lesson fer me, not to come out with a hot tray, and my eyes blocked" "Can I help at least, I can't just go on without making it up to you!" He nearly begged. "Well... not very neighborly, to have a new face about town, feel'n so low" She thought about that. "Say, who are y'all? Don't believe we've met" "I am, Harmony Spirit. Old friend of Twilight, and student of the Queen Luna" "Well well, seems Ponyville has two royal students now" She smiled. The two went on, and Twilight just shrugged and walked back to her booth. He always had an easy time making friends, even under the weirdest of circumstances. Most of the Unicorns of Canterlot were unaffected by his natural charm, though he always won them over eventually, but Earth and Pegasus seem to fall for him. A bit of a curse, he felt, for he was not even trying to trick ponies into friendship, just wanted to be friendly. Some time past, and Harmony was working with Applejack, to take orders, and do what ever he could make up for the incident. She again was starting to notice something between him, and her friend. She decided to let him go about with his personal mission, and so she got up, and headed out. She needed to get some things done any ways. *** Harmony Spirit had spent nearly the whole day at Apple Cider's yesterday. He found Twilight's dorm easily, thanks to Pinkie's help, and finished out that day there, till it was after hours. He could not stay there, but luckily, he thought ahead, and made arrangements with Big Macintosh. When Twilight saw him the next day, he seemed to be in even higher spirits. She wondered what had gone on over at Sweet Apple Acres, then decided not to think about it too much. It was getting late in the afternoon, and Harmony had met just about every pony that Twilight was closest too. After seeing him around all of the five closest of her new friends, she was seeing a connection between each of them, and him. Pinkies silliness, Applejacks honest nature, saw the same kindness as with Fluttershy, when they took care of her little charges. She imagined that he would even find similarities in Rarity and Rainbow Dash, was not so sure what it would be. After a bit of thought, she told herself, "It is just my mind projecting onto him their traits" because she felt guilty for pushing him away, and her mind wanted to make it seem that he and her had always been friends, and as close as she was now with the girls. All to keep her from feeling so bad that a pony that has been in her life for over half of it, was more a stranger, than friends she had in just a few weeks. Satisfied by it, she moved on. She actually forgot what she was doing, till he appeared before her, as he loved to do. Teleportation was his favorite spell. "Hiya Twilight" He greeted her, hugging to her. This time, she did hug back. "Hello Spirit" "What'cha doing today?" His eagerness to be around her, only worsen her self loathing. "Nothing much planned, I am just heading to the library to get some books for next week's lessons" He stuck his tongue out, and raspberried at the idea. "Let's have fun, what's there to do here?" She started to think about it, when she heard the sound of another unicorn using a teleportation spell, or at least sounded like one. It was immediately followed by a voice she was growing to hate. "What is this?!" She turned to look at the wizardly dressed Trixie, Harmony looked over with her. "Another foalish Unicorn dares enter the realm of the all mighty Trixie?!" She stormed closer, glaring at the male blue Unicorn. "Foalish indeed, and I suppose that you are another of Canterlot? You think yourself better than us in this little town?" "No" He said, a bit confused. "Do not listen to her Spirit, she's just a pain in the flank" She turned to speak to him, but in a way to show how little she cared that the new comer was here. He ignored her suggestion, and moved closer. "Hi, I'm Harmony Spirit" Trixie looked at him, and snuffed his warm greeting. "Don't dare talk to the Mighty Trixie as if you are equal" "How should I talk?" "As the peasant you are" She gave a mocking laugh. He gave his tongue another bit of daylight, and blew another raspberry. "What ever, if you are gonna be a poop, then I'll be on my way" He turned away, and trotted on. "Let's see the sights Twilight" "Ha, you make a fine pair, losers of Canterlot!" They ignored her, something she did not take well, so pressed on her verbal assault. "Is this how they raise the ponies in our capitol city? If your magick is as poor as Twilight, then I fail to see the wonder of the city" Harmony turned. "Twilight is a great magick user, was she inclined, she'd show you!" Trixie had a great sense on ponies, came with her calling. She could tell he was defensive of Twilight, she did not know it was any friend he was protective of, but that did not matter. She had a button. "Great? Ha, that is a laugh indeed. Trixie is the Great, and is far better then her. Her talents are not even on the level of a new born foal" He moved closer, as Twilight tried to stop him. "She is just trying to lure you into a duel. do not, it's not worth it" She tried to reason, having faced her once a few days ago when Twilight was having a poor day as it was. "So afraid is she, that I'll humiliate her again?" Harmony growled. "You best stop, or I'll show you what real magick is!" She started to laugh. "I doubt you could manage any better then she did" She was lying, for in their duel, Twilight proved far better in her magick. Harmony's horn started to shine a pink hue. "You want magick?" His tone was dangerous. "Please Spirit, stop, remember what happened last time you used magick in anger?" "I'm not mad, besides, I've gain control over that problem, Luna has taught me well" He turned to Trixie now. "And that will be demonstrated now" "Luna? You mean the Night Queen Luna?" This thought cause her to laugh even more. "First Twilight speaks of knowing Queen Celestia, and you think you know the Night Queen?" She was partly laughing through her words. "Are all from Canterlot so delusional?" "Don't have to believe me, but you'll regret crossing a Black Magick Pony!" He started to phase from his normal blue coat, to a ever darkening one, slowly turning into a shadow of himself. "Anything you can do, the Great Trixie can do, far better!" Her horn lit pink, and she too started to shape shift to a blackened version of herself, not as perfect as Harmony, but still was a shadow form. Twilight watched as they did their spell work, and was worried. She had not seen Harmony use his magick for a long time, not since a tragic incident that unleashed a darkness that lurked in him. With his Shadowed arms, he sent out a wave of blackness, that Trixie countered with her own, still not as strong looking as his, but it held against the attack. Like a Black Rainbow, he arched over, not looking at all like a pony any more, till he was in front of her. She dispersed herself, and reformed behind him. with a quick motion, he made a cutting arch, that should have slicer her in two, but she was not so whole to be effected. Twilight focused more on Harmony, as they continued to fight in their dark forms. she did not even notice others stopping and watching the morbid show of a long since Forbidden art. She felt out his energy, making sure it was his, and not the other that was deep inside. If it should take hold, this little bout would turn into a nightmare. After a few moments, they stopped their various shows of dark magick. "You hold your own well, but all you do it mimic. I see through your kind of magick" Shadow Harmony said, with a voice as frightening as his form. "It would be too easy to prove you so wrong" Shadow Trixie replied. They became two waves of blackness, and crashed against each other. Pushing, and pushing, trying to get the other to yield. "I am starting to believe that you are Queen Luna's student" "Why is that?" He was skeptical of how genuine she was. "Yes, only a student could be as much a looser as that master" She had no real face, but it was not too hard to tell, she had a wicked unseen smile. Something snapped inside Harmony, and Twilight felt it immediately. "NO!" She cried out, hoping to prevent it, but it was too late. The thing deep inside, found the door, ripped open by the attack on the one pony most dear to the male Unicorn. "You dare?!" He moved away, turning back to the shadowy figure, then all shadows faded away. Trixie reverted, but stay her shadowy self. "Have I struck a nerve? So sorry, I guess I'd be touchy about having her for a master, after all the evil she's done" Most knew the story by now, once long lost to time, only to a few was the tale of Nightmare Moon known. When she made her return a few years ago, most had not noticed, for it seemed over before the darkness spread through Equestria, and the Queendom was again ruled by two. The Day Queen, decided to unbanned the old stories, for she learned that covering the past, did nothing to prevent the repeat of it, only fueled it more. Queen Luna was not so evil, but Trixie was using it to throw Harmony off, little did she realize, she may have awaken something as bad as Nightmare Moon by doing so. Harmony stood still, eerily so, and Twilight ran up to him, and gripped him. "Spirit, Spirit, don't let it out!" But it was too late, the light in his eyes was gone, as with any colour. Not long, his eyes closed, a good sign, if not for the fact this was just part of what was too come. "What are you goning on about?" Trixie asked, changing to normal and coming closer. Twilight pushed her back, as she moved away. "Stay away from him!" She was in an aura of violet, and soon she disappeared. Trixie looked at the empty space, that once was occupied by Twilight, and then looked at her opponent, and suddenly, felt the weight of what she had done. For his horn was now nothing but a vapor mockery of it's former self, and he sprouted wings of a pegasus, but much larger then she had seen in any other. even Rainbow Dash's impressive span was a filly's by comparison. She could feel the rushing energy inside the pony "what is going on?" *** The Day Queen was making her way through the halls of her Castle home of Canterlot. In a few hours, her sister would wake, and she would prepare to yield her charge to that of Luna's own. Their ritual of Day and Night, was well practiced, and rarely interrupted, but she stumbled, causing her guards to halt in their march and turn inward to face their now kneeling Queen. "Your Majesty?!" One called, a veteran that had served longer then any other of her current court. He knelled down, aged, but still strong form moving close to hers. He was most trusted, for a number of reasons, one of them, being he reminded her of one of the greatest heroes of the past. He too was an Earth Pony, though he did not posses the impossible magick that the other of legend did. She looked at him, as he held to her, ready to lift her up with his never wavering strength. "I feel... a dark presence..." He studied her, and after their years together, knew it was not foreign, but was not who he was first thinking. "Who... who is it? Not the younger Queen?" He was uneasy to suspect her, for with the last few years, he had spent some time with Queen Luna, and knew she was nothing like the evil creature harbored in her. "No... but it is familiar to me" He helped her back, and they moved as one toward the Night Castle. It was not long, till they was in the darker halls of the Night Castle. The Queen of the Twilight Realm, was not so dark as her tastes might make her seem. Less time than it would normally, the two Queens were face to face. Both held deep concern, for the both knew what it was they felt. The fact was only further proven, when Twilight came rushing into the hall. She looked completely destroyed, almost as if she was the blame. She did feel partly so, because if she had been a better friend to him, maybe she could have stopped him before it was too late. *** Ponyville was in a panic, as many ponies and creatures were now running out the of the town. A tornado was whipping around, wrecking the nearest buildings, and in the middle, a Pegasus who looked asleep, yet was aloft, flying with no effort. His wings flapped, but so slowly, and effortlessly, that it was a mock to any of the fliers who knew what it took to be airborne. Only the transformed Harmony and one other stood in the epicenter of the terror. Still being as defiant, and stubborn, Trixie called at the monstrosity. "You think you've won?! You cannot beat the Great Trixie!" She shot out some spells, but it was no more then pebbles to a mountain at this point. It seemed otherwise, by her stance and refusal to move, but she was not in her choice, as he body was so frozen with fear at the sight of this creature, she could do nothing but put on her show. Soon a flash came, and Trixie turned her head enough to see Twilight, with not one, but both Queens of Equestria, and a small force of Guards. This seem to free her from the spot, and she moved out of the way as Celestia came closer with Luna near by. Twilight moved toward Trixie, as the Guards took up points around the tornado. "I feared he would fall again..." Celestia said, with a deep pain. "He is not lost!" Luna declared, looking from her student to Celestia "He can be saved..." The elder looked at her for a moment. "But how many times?" She started, but stopped, not wanting to lecture her, in public, or at such a time. The pointed needed to be said. "He is that vortex that swallowed countless lives and a city, and very nearly two... This is the second time since then, he has become the Sleeper..." "I will not give on him! He has made great progress!" She stood defiant, and despite her slight decrease of height to her sister, was not any less small. "This is not his fault, he was provoked" Twilight said, coming over to them, dragging Trixie. "She caused this, by striking his weakest points. His love for those close to him" They all looked at the blue unicorn, who crossed her arms, and looked away. Luna's gaze was most destructive. She wanted to grab her, and show her was the many years of Black Arts could be used at, but knew better than to fall prey to her emotions, something she tried to teach her student, she instead turned to him, now in the form they have dubbed "Sleeping Vortex" She knew what to do, but each time, it's effects seem to weaken, and she feared that if this did keep happening, she could not stir her student back from the void. With great focus, she began to shift her form, becoming less and less whole, and more like a specter. The other watched as she did so, only Celestia was not so surprised by it. As a ghostly form, she ascended and went into the tornado. She did not use her wings, or seemed effected by the roaring winds, and soon she was right before the sleeping pegasus. He was once the unicorn she treated like a son. In a way, he was. Adopted by her, when he was found lost, and had no memories or any one to care for him. She reached into his mind, with a visual act of her ghostly hands going into the head of the sleeping one, her eyes now closed, and her own mind focused on the work she now took on. The last time this happened, Twilight was too young to take the sight of all this, and was taken away by the guards. She now watched with heavy heart, at the sight of the Night Queen using an invasive spell. One that caused the other she worked on, to tremble of not the winds, but the surging in his mind. Twilight still felt a deep guilt that she could not hold him back from this, even as the true culprit stood by her, watching nearly as intensity as she was, she still felt no other was to blame. After a moment, the sleeping, once unicorn, reached up, and grabbed the arms of the Queen, and ripped them from his form. She shot her eyes open, and shock as she was now being held, not by her student, but the evil in him. Despite her form now, he held on as if she never went intangible. She soon was feeling the effects of the winds, and when he let her go, she was flung out of the vortex. Celestia and Twilight rushed over to where she would land, or rather crash, as she was still shocked by the fact her spell utterly failed. She laid in defeat, not daring to get up, as if the act was only more shame to her. "Luna, what... what happened?" The older sister asked, kneeling by her. "He is too deep, the evil has him trapped...." She sounded utterly tired, and weak. She, a master of the Dark arts that swallowed her once, and continue to plague her and the student, was no match for the one in him. She shifted, and then started to stand quickly, before her sister had time to offer help. "The only thing left..." She started toward the vortex again, walking slowly, as a new aura started to surround her, one more sinister and powerful then she should be capable of. Celestia knew it, and rushed over to her, grabbing her. "No! you would have us face two nightmares!" Luna, still bathed in blackened light, looked at her. "I can control her for a short time, long enough to stop him" With renewed urgency, the Day Queen tightened her grip. "What you plan is foalish! If it fails, then we would be at the mercy of a struggle of two monsters... without the Elements, I could not hope to stop either of you!" As they debited, they did not see Twilight rush past. She had enough of blaming herself, and decided to take her own action. When either Queen noticed the flash of magick, she was gone. "What was that?" Queen Celestia asked, looking toward the vortex, and then up. "Twilight?!" She called out, seeing her student now in the vortex, holding onto the figure inside. She was assaulted by the winds, but she would not loose her grip. She clung to him, pressing herself tightly to his form. She spoke, but it seemed swallowed by the rushing air. Trixie looked on from afar, despite her stance the whole time, and her attitude, she hid her guilt under neither. It crawled out slowly, and now as Twilight was put on the line, she trembled a bit. "Damn it..." She muttered, and she disappeared from the scene. The Two Queens looked on, confused on what they could do, Luna stopped her change, and Celestia released her. They only watched as their students now struggled. *** Harmony Spirit, stirred, and rolled over in his bed. He looked at the familiar sight of his massive collection of stuff dolls through hazy eyes, and after a moment, he shot up. Looking around, he saw the room he had in the Night Castle of Canterlot. "Did I just dream all that?" He asked himself, thinking back to what he could remember. He knew parts, but not the whole. He remembered Trixie, and how she was taunting him. Something he could care less about, but then she attacked Twilight, and even if she hardly spent time with him, he felt for her as he would any friend. With that meant, he would not stand for anypony hurting her. Then he remembered what sent him over, she started on his mentor, and dearest pony in his life, Luna. He could recall how his blood was boiling, and felt the sensation of something taking over him slowly as she went on and on till he was so blinded by his rage... no, was not his rage. He was mad, but not as mad as he ended up being. The darkness inside him, fanned the flames, without speaking a word. All so it could reclaim him. As it had. He could recall parts after, as he felt Luna's presence for a time, and then somepony else... Twilight. He could make out some words she had spoken to him. "Spirit... I know you are there..." He lost some of it, but when she came through again he heard it so clear, and when he recalled those words he knew it was not her voice, but her heart to his. "I wish that I had not been so stuck in my books, when we grew up... I wish I had spent more time with you, I now know the joy of friendship, and I want us to be friends, like you always tried to be... Please break from that demon in you, and come back to us" He lost the words, but could hear something, a faint sound, but it soon came clear to him, and at that moment, he lost any memories. That would follow after that, it must have been when his will won out. As the time before, when Luna saved him when he was so much younger, he lost all consciousness. He looked ahead, and thought about it all. "I thought I had this thing beat..." He spoke in his mind. He did not notice, before he started to recall the past, that there was a guard in his room, and they had left shortly after he sat up. So when a knock came to the door, he was not expecting to see the Queens and Twilight walk in. He looked over to them, and smiled. "Hiya..." He spoke weakly out loud, a bit tired still, from it all. Luna was first, she had to be, for none had a bond as strong as theirs. They shared a past, and a curse, that was nearly a mirror of one another. Not even Star Shadows, who nearly lived her very life, but he did not have his demons any more. She moved up, and embraced him so tight, he was near passing out again, but he fought it, as he held back. "I'm sorry... my Queen..." She slacked a bit, when he said that. He never addressed her so formally, he was the only other one, besides her sister, who called her simply by her name. Not with titles, or added words of respect, not that he lacked it. It bugged her a bit, but she knew why he did it. He felt a deeply regretful for what happened, he must have felt he lost her mutual feelings for him. "Do not... call me that..." She began, holding him close to her, as she whispered. "I will never stop caring about you, no matter what" He could feel a tear on his cheek, but he was not sure if it was his own, or hers. Very well was both. "Of course... Luna" He started out unsure, but when he spoke her name freed of rituals, he smiled. She let go, and stepped back, as Celestia and Twilight took up her sides. "I do not think Ponyville is as good for you, as it is for my student" The Queen tried to make the situation a bit lighter. "Glad to have you back to yourself Harmony Spirit" He gave her a smile, and she nodded, and turned, her sister turning with her. With a last look back from the younger, they left him with Twilight, who looked a bit afraid. "Do you remember anything?" She asked him, when she was sure to be alone. Not that she had anything to say that neither Queen could not hear. "Only parts" He said. "I do remember everything before transforming into the Sleeper, and not much after" She nodded, sitting on the bed, when he patted it as a hint for her too. They sat silent for a few moments, when he looked ahead, at the walls, adorned with various things, mostly toys, and figures of his varied interests. "You know..." He started, still looking away, but Twilight turned to look at him. "I grew up with you, since I had no memories before coming here. I've said I've known you my whole life, and it's true, cause I may not even have a life before. I could could be the demon inside the demon... or angel, that might be more fitting" He thought a bit more, before going on. "I can remember so much now, of growing up within the Castle, and spending time making friends with everypony I met. You were the only one who seem to avoid me" She sighed, looking down. "I know... I wish I had been closer to you..." "I might have a lot of ponies in my life, but I only have a few friends I consider close" He looked at her, but she did not see him. "You are one" She turned, seeing his smiling face, that one that even when she grew up, could not help but smile back at, even when she wanted nothing but to study. Now, was no exception. As she smiled, she asked "How can you say I am though? I feel I hardly even know a reason, since I spent such little time with you. Even when we were together, I never paid you much attention" "Well, you must have been paying attention, more than you think. You know that song that Luna sang to me when I was growing up, when she laid me down to bed" Twilight paused, and wondered what he meant, and recalled in that moment she was clinging to the Sleeper, all she could think about was that song he use to sing when he was happier than normal, one she had been humming more and more since she came to Ponyville. After a moment she felt an urge, and leaned over, and hugged to him. "So you did hear me?" He nodded, as he hugged her back. "Some of it, but the right parts I think. You saved me" She smiled, and sat back up. Then recalling something, she pulled out her Bay-B "Oh, the girls back in Ponyville sent their best wishes. They wanted to come, but we had already returned to Canterlot, by the time I filled them in" "What? Aw, that's so sweet" He shifted, and jumped out of bed, and Twilight covered her eyes. "Spirit, your naked" He turned, and blew her a raspberry. "You and those silly shames. I must return so I can let them know I'm ok!" "Please, put something on before you go..." Twilight asked, still covering her sight. "Only cause my dear friend asks" He smiled, though she could not see, she did smile back. "Ok" He threw on his sleeveless hoodie. She looked, and then covered her eyes again. "Not nearly enough!" Since that was all he threw on. "Too late!" His horn went pink, and he flashed in a teleportation spell. "HARMONY!" She called after him.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The day was beautiful, Rainbow Dash actually seemed to take charge this day, and not a cloud could be seen. Weather was less predictable here, than in Canterlot, as the Pagesus some times brought on rain or storms with no warning, just to keep things feeling natural. Something long lost to ponies, outside Everfree Forest. Ponyville was one of the places in Equestria that tried to rely less on magick and powers, and more on hard work, and traditions. Took Twilight some time to get use to these ways, but she also was fortunate that she was not one that needed to worry about doing much but study. She was on her way toward one pony that knew very well, the traditions and hard work it took to live as a Ponyvillian. Applejack and her family were all hard workers in some form or another. Be they farmers, or trader. All over Equestria, ponies knew the pride and quality that came from the Apple Family. Nearly everything about the family, was held in high regard by it's members. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 4 "Dark Horse" Twilight Sparkle, made her way down the streets of Ponyville. She acknowledged the greetings she received by friends, classmates, and other ponies that were just being friendly. Even though she had met them all in that party, neither she or most of them recalled each other too well. Ponies here were just friendly, to neighbors, or strangers. She was on her usual mission of getting some of Applejack's specialty, and as she moved through the doorway, and started toward her seat, she paused, seeing somepony else sitting there. She did not recognize him, not even a little bit. She decided he was either new here, or just one she could not recall. He faced away, all she could see from her position, was his coat was an off green, with a couple darken spots. He also had a dusty brown mane, that was loose and long. She noticed, that his hand and hooves were yellowish. He was an Earth pony, as far she could see, no wings or horn. Wore a brown leather-like jacket, and similar jeans, all looked well worn. He also had an old hat, much like Applejack's, hung up on the little pegs between booths. It may have been black at one point, but it too was faded. Despite it all, he did not look very old, not much older than her, maybe a bit younger than Big Macintosh. Thinking about that, she realized, he looked like he might be apart of the Apple family. He must have sensed her prolonged stare, and turned his head, looking right at her. She felt herself freeze up, getting stuck in his gaze. His eyes were red, but not like fire or blood, but like the sweetest apples. They were alluring, and hypnotic. Calling to her, if they were real apples, she would be driven to eat them, but as eyes, she could only be helpless in being trapped in their beams. She did not noticed that she was trotting toward him, till she looked down for a brief moment, seeing a bandana around his neck, black and marked with paisleys, looking like a bandit's. She stopped herself, and stood not far from him now. "Can I help ya ma'am?" He spoke in that same accent like the other Apples, and she was more assured that he was related to them. though his was slightly different, something almost dangerous about it. Maybe he was from a more Western part of the southern areas of Equestria that bred those with it. Like those in the newer settlement of Appleloosa She recovered herself, and shook her head. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just..." She turned inward for a moment "Becoming entranced" Then spoke aloud again. "I usually sit here, so was a bit surprised to see any pony else here" She then thought again "Good save" He started to raise, he was definitely like the older brother of her best friend, tall, but not so built, more slender. He looked like he could move like the wind, if so inclined. She could see that those yellow areas around his legs and arms, also had a spot on his chest. Only showing a bit through a black button up shirt. "My apologies miss, twas just wait'n on my ol pal Mac" It took her a moment, still a bit lost in thought. "Oh, no, you don't have to leave, I can sit some place else" He plucked the hat off the pegs, and smiled at her, that may have been his most dangerous trait so far. "I can respect one who's favors consistencies, some times in life, things are just so random, one needs the little things" He made a fancy motion with putting his hat back on, finished with gliding his fore finger and thumb along the brim, then giving a tip of the hat. "Ma'am" He walked off toward the front counter, taking an empty spot nearest to the kitchen window. Twilight thought it best not to linger, and took a seat, trying not to look over at him. She tried to clear her mind, bringing it back onto thoughts of school, when Applejack came over. She was not looking much better, she seemed worn out, and had a distance in her eyes. "AJ?" Twilight asked, noticing her just standing there, as if waiting for an order. After a moment, the other mare snapped too, and looked down. "Oh, sorry Twi, just a bit... off today" The Unicorn nodded. "I can tell, the notebook is flipped over" With a quick glance, she turned it over, and opened it. "Damn, I hate when he comes around" "Who is that?" Twilight had an idea, but felt the need to ask any ways. "My cousin, he's a bit of a shadow on the family" She gave up trying to cover up the apprehension she felt, and slid into the seat opposite of her friend, with as sigh. "He's been gone for some time, but now he's back around. He and my brother get along pretty well, but me and him, not so much" "So, what did he do, that has you so uneasy around him?" Applejack did not answer right away, as if thinking of the unnamed advent in her past. "Best just leave it at, we've got some history" She clearly did not want to go into it, so Twilight just left it alone. She was about to try and change topics, but the other mare went on. "His name, is Temptation, though some times calls himself Adams Apple. He and his sister live out in Everfree Forest, tells y'all much right there" She was not fully looking, but her eyes were on him as she spoke. "Their mother comes from our family, but she was bucked out before I was around. She was a real trouble maker. Everypony in the family called her by her new given name 'Poison Apple' for she brought nothing but ill" Twilight listened on, as the other told the tale. "Out in Everfree, they say she made contact with the witches said to live there, none of the good ones neither, na, the bad ones. ‘Bubble Bubble’ and that mess" She was starting to sound like a crazy mare, telling tall tales. "None know who she mated with to spawn Temptation, or his younger sister Candy Apple, but when she disappeared, they came to the farm, looking for answers. I was less than Bloom's age when they came, and I saw my parents want'n to get rid of them, but my big brother decided to take em in" "That must have went over well" Twilight decided to try and make it clear she was listening. "Oh it was a big deal, but Mac made some real sense. 'They haven't done nothing wrong, aside being born by her. Any Apple should be allowed to fulfill their duties to the family. Tradition says that any of our kin must work on the farm a year, before they can be sent out into the world on their own. That should mean even if they are being bucked out'" Twilight nodded, as she went on. "So with that, they decided to let them stay. Neither of them had any farm sense. He was too scrawny to be a workhorse, and she was too easy goin' to focus much on what we gave her. They never caused trouble, but they didn't work as much as they should have" She did not go on, leaning back into the booth, looking a bit more aggravated. "So... why did they leave?" Twilight was a little hesitant to ask, but her curiosity had the better of her. "It was for the best, they all finished their year on the farm, and decided to go into the Everfree forest" She got up, probably a mixture of, not wanting to go on, and needing to get back to work. Seemed to be more to them leaving, but she was not about to go into it. "I'll see y'all in a bit" "Ok Applejack..." She wanted to know more, but also did not wish to press her friend into a topic she was clearly uneasy on. She considers asking Big Macintosh, or maybe Apple Bloom, but she felt that would be rude to do so. Twilight stuck around for an hour or so, but Applejack was not too talkative, so after a while, she decided to head on out. She made sure to let her friend know, and was off. Outside, she made her way back home, to get onto her studied. She heard the sound of a Pegasus rocketing through the air, and knew it had to be Rainbow Dash. As much of a show off as she was, she made sure that even flying, gained her attention. She was no where near as bad as Trixie, in her need to be the best. Instead of bringing others down, she worked to make herself the best. The blue mare spotted Twilight, and did a loop, then sped toward the ground. The Unicorn covered her head, fearing a crash, but with a quick mid-air flip, Dash landed skillfully. "Yo Sparks" Twilight recovered, and looked at her. "Hello Dash, enjoying the day I see" "As always" She grinned. "What'cha up too? Already leaving Jackie?" "Yeah, she is in a bit of a funk, her cousin is in town" "Temptation? Oh damn..." She looked toward the shop. "How is she acting?" Rainbow Dash, being one of Applejack's oldest friends, was not surprising she knew something. "A bit distracted and distant" "Thought so..." "D... Do you know anything about why gets so worked up around him?" Twilight was hoping she did, but also feeling a little guilty for going behind her friend's back. "No," That came as a mix of relief, and disappointed. "She never talks about it, and he doesn't either. Also Mac doesn't seem to know anything either. What ever it is, it's strictly between them" She turned. "I gotta go, maybe I can get her into a better mood" She snickered. "Maybe not better, but at least outta this one. Later Sparks" Living up to her name, she dashed toward Apple Cider's. She was fast, land or air, but air was clearly her element. *** Twilight hoped to get her mind off the whole thing, and buried herself in studying. She spent the rest of the day, well into the night, reading her lessons. She realized the time, and went for her Bay-B, to check messages and get ready for bed. She rummaged her bag, but found nothing in there. "Oh no..." She looked around her pockets, and anything else she had today, thinking where she last saw it. "Cider's" She declared, recalling having it out for a brief moment before leaving. She got up, and threw on some simple cloths she could go out in. She looked over at Pinkie, who had fallen asleep some time ago. The sight made her wonder if they would be open, or anypony was around. She decided to try any ways, help to wear her out, so she could get some sleep. She always seemed to be more awake after a long cram, than any other time. She made her way down the main streets, and looked around. She never been out at night in Canterlot, and never so late here. There were very few faces in the town, some ponies, but mostly, other visitors and neighbors who moved to Ponyville from various places. She noticed the majority of these creatures, were the near demonic looking Gargoyles. She heard stories of these beings, who were stone in the day, and flesh at night. This was the first time she had seen them. Day or Night, the citizens seemed no different. Some greeted her, as she passed them, as if she was no different. She was feeling nervous, but it really felt the same as the day. Darker, and new faces, but the same in nearly every other way. She passed some shops she had seen open in the day, and felt more hopeful that AC's would be one too. She also noticed some places that she now recalled, never were open before. She was only a bit worried at the sight of a couple stores that were not there in the day. She would have to look into this another time, she was on a mission now. She came upon Apple Cider's, and found it was open. She hesitated, not sure herself to why, but she did. After a moment, she walked in, and looked around. It was far less busy, but there were still creatures and ponies here. She moved toward the counter to see if anypony she knew was around. She did not know who would be around, when the four of the family she knew, worked the days. Then she realized it, by the time a glossy red mare walked over. She reminded Twilight of Pinkie Pie, for as pink as she was, this pony was red, even her eyes were a deep maroon, almost brown. Like an apple stem. "How do Miss, what can I do ya fer?" She was clearly an Apple, she had the accent, the little freckles around her eyes, and she looked like the one she met earlier. She surely was Candy Apple. "Oh, yes. I was here earlier, and think I left my Bay-B here" "Baby? Sorry, but ain't no babies around here" She was clearly not serious, as she had a smile, an almost unsettling. "Oh well... uh" "I'm only foal'n y'all, sure are a serious one partner. Well I ain't so sure, but I can go look" "It's ok, Applejack might have it..." She tried to back out, but the other was not letting go so easy. "AJ? Y'all a friend a hers? I'ma sure she'd have put it around her some where" She looked around, then disappeared under the counter. Twilight tried to look over, too see where she went, but she popped back up before too long, startling her. "This'n?" She held it up. "Mighty fancy one here, y'all must be somethin' special" She laughed, in a way Twilight was not sure how to take. "No, I just... like the model" She decided to lie, to avoid staying too long. She was tired, and feeling a bit uneasy around her. Was not sure if it was just her, or because of Applejack's feelings. "Well, you look like you want to git, so I won't keep y'all" She smiled, and for the first time, it did not seem to hide anything. "Thank you... take care" The other winked, and Twilight moved away. She was not far, when she bumped into another pony. She started to apologize, then she stopped, looking into the Red eyes of Temptation. "Pardon me Ma'am" He simply said. He studied her a bit, and smiled. "I remember y'all, that mare from earlier" "Y...Yes, that was me" She laughed nervously. "Applejack's friend, if'n I'm right" She only nodded slowly. "Any friend of hers, is a friend of mine" "I hate to seem rude, but I must be going... I have school tomorrow" He nodded, and stepped aside. "I wouldn't want to keep y'all. Some time, y'all should stop by. I'd like to talk with y'all some time about Applejack. She won't say much to me, and I'd like to know how she is doin'" Twilight started for the door, and nodded. "Yeah, uh... I'll see about it... Well... night" "Ma'am" He had no hat on, but he dipped his head a bit. He, like Applejack, and any of the others, dressed for the shop, and not how they were on the street. She made it home, a bit more confused then before. Neither seemed as bad as Applejack made them, but she also felt something hidden in their smiles. She did not know how to treat his request either. One hoof, she could go, and maybe learn about what he and her have in secret, but the other hoof, she does not want to end up hurting AJ. She sat on her bed, watching Pinkie sleep. She was now half on the floor, half her face into the floor, legs over the bed. She wished she could live so worry free as the pink pony, she did not care who it was, she would be friends with anything. Making the best of any situation, and try to get everypony happy. "I am going to try, maybe I can help fix something that was broken long ago... Something I have no idea as to what it is..." She laid into her bed, and tried to get some sleep. *** The rest of the week went on as pretty much normal, Applejack seemed okay, since her cousin had not been around. Both of them were doing the nights at the shop, so she did not have to see them. She learned the much from Big Macintosh. Friday came, and so Twilight thought it was the right time to go out and talk with Temptation. She chose to wait till Applejack was sure to be gone, since she would have a problem with this meeting, and she only was hoping to help out her friend, not cause a problem. She saw those same creatures for before, not so scary as she recalled. They acted as any pony did, just most not ponies, and it was night. She made her way to Apple Cider's, passing one of those ghostly shops, that seem to only appear at night. She could see inside, and was shocked by the sight of ponies that looked long dead, and some seemed to be impossibly alive, or at least moving. She was doubting they were living. In a slight panic at the sight, after one looked her right in the eye, with the one it had left, she started to back down the path. She was paying attention, till she bumped into something. She could not move, afraid to look at what it could be. She felt fingers lightly grip her shoulder, and she yelped, and jumped away. She looked at what was there, and saw Temptation standing there. "Howdy Ma'am" He said, and she calmed her self a bit. The other creatures were looking at her, when they passed. "Y'all seem rather jumpy, what has y'all in a freight?" She hesitated, and dared a glance toward the shop. "I... I just saw... dead ponies..." He moved closer, looking with her at the ghostly store. "Ain't never seen them before? They are about the night most often" "I do not... usually go out at night..." She was starting to find a good reason why. Gargoyles, and beastly creatures, but zombies? Ghosts? In all the world, she never imagined they were real. "Really now, y'all seem to be a night type. Might be just the colours" He looked at her now, then turned. "Well they ain't nothin' like I'm sure y'all heard. Right nice folks, just a bit smelly some" He paused again, studying her, she saw, and looked a bit nervous. "Would a taken y'all for a Necromancer" "What? Me?.." She knew just what they were, rulers of death and life, and more often then not, some of the most evil creatures. Often too, creatures that have given their own lives away for the eternal unending existence of the dead they control. She was unsure of the zombies being “normal” but she started to wonder about Necromancers being all bad. "Black magick? Anything?" She shook her head quickly. "Hmm, well guess I'm slippin', usually can pick up on ponies" He turned more, heading toward Apple Cider's. Twilight hesitated, then followed. She sat at her spot, watching the others around the store, half fearing to see an undead come in. That started her to wonder if they ate normal things, or if they only ate flesh and brains like the stories always said. "Ma'am?" She nearly jumped hearing the male pony trying to get her attention. She did not notice him come up. She looked at him, clearing her mind of the zombies, and then calmed down. "Sorry, just lost in thought..." "Not a problem little Missy, but what can I do for y'all?" If anything, he was a good employee, more and more, she wondered what he did, that cause her friend to be so averted to him. "Oh, sorry, I am so use to AJ just bringing me things" She laughed a bit. She wondered too, if she should have a coffee so late. "Well actually, was hoping we could talk, when you had some time" "Well sure. Just give me a moment" He walked off, and was gone not for too long, when he came back with a couple cups, and sat across from her. "Hope y'all like coffee" He pulled over the creams from the end of the booth. "I make it pretty dark, but if'n you want, plenty of this stuff to tame it" "Thank you, I love coffee" She too a drink, and her eyes widened. "Oh Mare, that is strong" "If'n it's too much..." "No no, it is good, just been a bit since I have had full coffee. AJ always gives me her signature brew" He leaned back, taking a drink of his. "She is fond of y'all then. She doesn't give that one out to much" Twilight nodded. "How is my cousin? Like I said, and sure she must've told y'all, that she doesn't speak to me" "Yeah, she has said that... She has been doing well, I have only known her a few weeks now. Why not ask Big Macintosh? She said you two were friends" "True, but as a big brother my self, I know he'd never tell me the truth, if something was wrong" He slacked his posture a bit. "Do wish we all could talk again. Not much of the family cares fer me or my little sister, all account of our mother" "I do not know much about it, she did not wish to speak much of anything, just bits about you two coming to work for Sweet Apple Arches and how Big Mac stood for you two" He nodded. "Well, out mother was a pretty evil pony. She manipulated others, and tried to use her ways to gain control over the family. She was bucked out of the family, and she lived out in Everfree for a time. That's why me and Candy live there now, just more at home" He paused to take another drink. "The whole family thinks we all are just like her, or are bandits, or criminals. So me and her just stay away" He took another brief pause, changing the topic a bit. "Big Mac asked me to come by, cause they wanted to extend the hours here to all night, and knew we all were more night types. He knew I could hoof this place, and it'd still be in the family" "If it is just you and Candy?" Twilight asked, after a quick sip. "We have a couple other helping, same as the day. I'm no here every night either, but we're the ones running the night shift" There was a silence, Twilight was not sure what to think. It all seemed like he and his sister just had a bad situation, and none of it their fault. Still was one lingering doubt, and she hesitated to ask. "Bet y'all wondering, why she hates me?" He could read ponies pretty well, or he knew that was what was always in others minds who knew something was up between the two. "Well... I uh..." He shook his head. "Don't worry about it, but I cannot tell y'all, she and I swore to keep it between us. But it's something that will always keep us apart it seems. Something I'll regret as long as it does so" He started to get up. "I should get back to work" She could feel the sadness in him, and that he was about at the end of wanting to think of the past. "Ok," She was not quite so pleased that it ended there, but she respected their pact, and how he felt. "Was nice to talk to you Temptation" He laughed. "Y'all can call me Adams Apple, though I'll wear the other, it’s the name my mother gave me" He paused. "Don't believe I have y'all's name" "Oh, it's Twilight Sparkle" This made him laugh again. "Sure y'all ain't a night pony?" She shook her head, and smiled. "Nope, just a regular Unicorn" He nodded. "Well even'n Miss Twilight" "Night, Adams”
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Another day of college was down, and the studious purple unicorn mare made her way to her little dorm, to get started on her lessons. She made it home, and opened the door, finding Pinkie Pie there. Usually she was out and about, but she was rummaging through some cloths, and making hasty work of finding what it was she was after. Twilight paid little attention too it, she was always on the move, and was near equally up to one of her little games. So she toss her bag on the bed, after a quick greeting to her roommate, and she followed soon after the bag. She laid on the bed, and pulled out a book, and wasted no time getting into the chapter. Off hoof, she asked. "Do you ever relax?" The other just simple said "Nope" Pinkie was now into a uniform, something like an older style soda shop. Short sleeve shirt, of a light colour, simple pants, and an apron laid over it, of a deeper blue colour. It read "Sugar Cube Corner" Finished with a little square paper hat. "So what are you up too, today?" She asked, after she heard the rustling calmed a bit. Pinkie gave another short and quick answer of "Work" Twilight noticed the shortness, something unlike the pink one's normal self. "Work?" She asked, dropping the book down enough to look at her, as she was about out the door. "Yeppers. Gotta go! Bye!" "Hm..." Twilight put her book down, and sat alone in her room. She did so for a few moments, some how not feeling very much like studying. She was so use to the other mare being around when she studied, she now found it hard to focus without the little distraction. She retrieved her Bay-B, and started to look for something else to do. She first called up Rarity, but she replied. "Sorry dear, but we are very busy today. Swanheart needs me" "One down..." She thought, trying next Fluttershy, but she was not answering, so usually meant she was doing something animal related. She tried Rainbow Dash, but she was doing her practices, and she knew that Applejack was busy too. Apple Cider's was always busy after school. She nearly thought to call Harmony, but he was more than likely, asleep, being a Night student. "I use to love this, but now I do not know what to do with myself..." She thought, putting her device down, and laying back. "Maybe I should look into after school things?" The Magick of Friendship Chapter 5 Over Curricular Activity Pinkie Pie made her way into the shop, an older style Bakery, and soda shop. It was lined with candies, and sweets of all kinds, and a simple counter with clear sight to the spread of fountains, with just about every kind of drink on tap, at least ones not requiring i.d. to drink. They had all kinds of things, even mixes, where one could get a malt, or Egg Creams. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were happily in the past with their shop, and many younger, and older ponies alike, were just as happy here. Pinkie was in paradise. She had taken the job; one, out of passion for the candies she enjoyed, and the vast uses of the bakery for her parties. Two, for the need of her college course. She had a clear vision of her future, and it was to be the owner of her own company that provided entertainment, and joy. She was a real party pony, and this would ensure she could continue that life, and spread it through out Equestria. Driven by that, she also had a great business sense. This was the first day, toward a life time of her dream. This was the start of her true education in the field of working the business. She would start out doing what any pony would at the job, but she would learn everything it took to keep a place going, by working her way up to the top. She giggled at a mental image of her ruling the world, with sugar and baked goods. *** Rarity rushed about the designer shop Dressing Diamonds, owned by her friend, and mentor Swanheart. Today was busy, as some visitors had come, and wanted to get into the latest fashions, by the still great designer. Swanheart was well known, and once was at the top of the game, and every pony knew he was still the best, even if he gave it all up to come to this little town, and run a little simple shop. His young protege, was not always the pony of fashion she was now. He often would watch her work, thinking back to the times not so long ago that he found her. When a little Unicorn, who had not a friend in the world, who felt like an unloved child, bumped into him. She was carrying a little folder, and some pages fell free. As he helped her pick them up, he saw the designs she had made. From there, was a friendship bloomed, and a little filly, changed from an outcast, to a beautiful soul, that all would grow to love and admire. She had all his passion, and far more talent then he would admit he ever had. She did not need shaping, just direction, and in a few short years, she was his right hoof mare. She knew him better than any, and he knew her likewise. He admitted, if he was not so far into his life, he would court the young, rising star. He knew she felt very much the same, but they were pleased with their relationship as is. She needed some pony who could keep up with her, and despite his still youthful appearance, he could not fake his slowed trots so easily. She had protested going to school, since she knew the business, and learned everything any could hope to know from him. He insisted, that she needed more then just that. He warned her, that even if at the time, your passion seemed set, that one day, you may wish to change it. He had nothing but the fashion and designs, and now, when that no longer fulfilled his heart, he had nothing more to turn to. She entered late, but she was in college for him, and for her own good. She would learn more of her love, but she would also have a fall back into other studies, and one day, it may become useful. She trusted Swanheart, more than she may trust any soul. He was surely looking out for her, and would do anything to help her achieve her dream, to be the designer that would shape the world's views. *** Fluttershy spent her days, free of college needs and duties, out in the world of flora and fauna. She helped all over Ponyville, those whom had animal friends, and were in need. She was connected to them, far more then any other pony could be. She was learning her doctrine, and was going to help every little creature she could. The studies went farther, into even the more advanced races, she could easily go from veteran, to Doctor. Biological studies of species from around the world. Now, she was taking care of her own little animal friends. Some days she just needed to get away, and relax. In her home, a simple little cottage outside the town, unfortunately close to Everfree Forest, was just the place. Animals started to move toward this place, for she always took care of them. The dangers of the Forest, never seem to be as near as they really were. If karma was anything, hers shielded her from the risks of being so near this place. Here, was nothing of the modern world, save a few little things that living in this age required, such as power to her home. she only used it for her Bay-B, and a little radio. She was very in tuned with nature, and knew much of the little things that could be used to keep life well. Her parents help her with college funds, for they too respect the world they live in, and their little girl's dreams, and want her to be happy doing what she loves. She uses her work through college, and aid at the veterinary office to keep her little home with the needs of life. Fortunately, many of the ponies, have some love for the feral creatures that share their country. So repayment is easy through her skillful services. With her education, would come more opportunities to spread her care. She would one day, be able to heal the world... if not just her animal friends, but anything that needed it. *** Rainbow Dash rocketed through the sky, followed closely by her oldest friend, Gilda, the Gryphon. She was uncommon in these lands of ponies, for not so long ago, the world of Ponies was stuck in two wars. One from the Gryphon Empire, and since then, it's been hard for them to feel welcome here in Equestria. Gilda, however, remains, all because of her friend Dash. The untameable Pegasus, has a dream, one not share by Gilda, but at least respected. She hopes to become a Wonder Bolt, and wow the world with her skills. She would have long since joined their training camp, but they require a college education. So Dash finds herself in a situation of being forced to learn a trade, all for a dream. With out much interest, Dash did not know what to choose to major in. So she is pretty much just learning bits of everything, with a very hectic path, she made more work for herself. She and Gilda just manage to get by, and only they know why Gilda is even going at all. She has less reason to be there, but that is a secret of their own. Even though last year, both pretty much messed around, Dash had to struggle to pass, and Gilda seemed to have no trouble. Still only a low grade, but she passed. Dash still jokes with her, calling her the "Closet Egghead" If these two will make it through another year, much less to graduation, no pony knows. All that is known, is that Dash will one day stun the world with her skill. Till then, they fly through the air. Pulling stunts, and maneuvers, all trying to out do each other. A game they play to better each other. *** Applejack, a pony who enjoys the simplicity of life. Her family has been on the same course of generations. Farmers, cultivators of the world around them, shaping it into a land fertile and rich of life. All Equestria owes thanks to the needs of their lives, to this family, more so than any other. The young pony, who very nearly runs the family shop, second only to her Brother, is the very pride of what it is to be an Apple. She came out of high school, already doing what she wanted, and had nothing else to yearn for, than to be exactly where she was. She loves her work, and is filled with pride for her duties to the family. She worries about her younger sister, who is not so driven. She works hard, and does what ever is needed, but little Apple Bloom seems to be seeking something else in her life. She has yet to find her mark in this world, and so she may very well grow into something other then the mare expected of her, and nearly every colt and filly to ever be born into the line. Applejack will love her sister, no matter what, but is very worried about her future. Even at times like this, when Apple Cider's is full to it's rafters, with hungry ponies and creatures, she takes a moment to look at her sister. Her fears of her falling far from the tree, like the one that brought Temptation and Candy Apple into the world did, are soon washed away. She sees the determination and focus of the little filly. She could rule the world, if she put her mind to it. In a way, Applejack is glade she isn't so set into the life expected for her. She never regrets being where she is now, but AJ grew up feeling she had little choice, if she did not want to be the Apple she is now, or not. She would try not to force such onto her sister. *** The next day, Pinkie Pie came home, later than usual. Twilight should have been there, but she was gone. It did not really alarm her, she was probably at AJ's. So she just jumped into bed, and snuggled her pillow. She was not due at the Sugar Cube Corner today, as it was a part time job she started for her course in Busyness Management. Pinkie had big dreams of running her own place, and knew what it took, she just needed all the proper papers and credits to go along with it. So she took up Mr. and Mrs Cake’s offer to work at their store. She really enjoyed the place, being overly addicted to sweets, and her cheery attitude was a plus for customers. She rolled over, and looked at the ceiling, and thought to her self. "What to do?" She freed up her week before hoof, to be open to work any days, but now she was at a loss. She noticed a note on the desk, and rolled off the bed, falling to the floor, and popping up by the desk. Resting her chin onto it, as she read the message. -Dear Pinkie Pie To let you know, I've started to work at the library, and will not be home till late. So do not freak out, and send out a search party... again... I just needed something to do with myself, when every pony else seems too. I will see you tonight. --Twilight Sparkle Pinkie fell back to the floor, and laid there. "Hmm, sounds like she felt left out... alone... DESPERATE!" she spoke out loud. She rolled around, thinking. "Poor Twilight, we neglected her, and now she's reached out, and got a job..." She popped up, and stood in the middle of the room. "I know! I'll rally the troops!" She pulled out her Bay-B, and called up Rarity, she had nearly every pony in her books, more so now with the ones she found from Twilight's and from the party she had that second night for her new friend. "Hey!" She called out, when the other mare picked up. "Oh my, what is it?" She was alarmed by the shout, and annoyed by it equally. Pinkie told her about Twilight's job. "Oh.. well that's nice... I suppose..." She wasn't too sure why she was being told. "You know what this means?" "Not... really dear" Pinkie sighed. "She felt abandoned, and now needs to find something to keep her happy. We were too busy for her, she needed us, and we failed her." "I don't think it's that serious... But that is interesting. She called me yesterday, and was asking about spending time together. I was busy with the shop" "See see? I have my job now, you have your's, Applejack has her's, Fluttershy is busy most the time, and Rainbow Dash is all ways zip zip, zoooooom! Woo Woo WOOO! We need to make time for her!" Rarity was starting to see the logic, and that made her shiver a bit, understanding what Pinkie was getting at. "I guess we all could make something work" "Good, I'm gonna get the others in on it, we'll make sure she never feels abandoned!" She made good on it, and called up all those in Ponyville that were close to Twilight. *** A fresh week started, and Twilight was unaware of what had gone on in the last on. She came to Apple Cider's, and went in finding it about as busy as any after noon. She sat in her spot, and awaited the appearance of Applejack, but when she came, she did not from the back, but through the fount door, dressed in her off duty cloths. Partly rolled up, faded blue jeans, long sleeved flannel, that was rolled half up her arm, an old vest, and her tan cowboy hat. She sat across from Twilight, and smiled. "Howdy" "Uh, Hi... not working.. today?" The very idea of her friend taking a day off, was hard to imagine, she was here nearly every day, and those days she was not, she was at the farm. "Na, took some time, so I could spend it with y'all. We don't hang out much, beyond this old place. Heard y'all were working now" "Yeah, started to work at the Ponyville Grand Library. Keeps me busy, but not fully in yet. I had a trail week, and going to find out if they will keep me around" She laughed at her next thought. "Guess being the Queen's student, is not enough" Applejack laughed too, and after she went on. "So, what are y'all gonna do till then? I'm up for anything, been some time since I let myself have some fun" She relaxed into the seat a bit. "I was going to just come here, as I normally do, then head to the dorm and study" "Shoot Twi, need some fun in your life" She shot up, and grabbed her arm. "C'mon, let's go have some fun" She was pulled along, and quickly grabbed her bag. "Well, I was a bit hungry" "Y'all eat here all the time, lets go see some of the other eats around Ponyville" The two went out the door, and did not get far, before Rainbow Dash came swooping in. "Hey, what's up? "Was about to take Twilight out on a day of fun" Dash floated there, a bit surprised. "What? Without me? I am the pony who, if some pony's talent was fun, they'd have me on their butt! I'd have it, but my talent is being awesome, so kick ass thunder bolt" She started to pull her pants down to show it. Twilight stopped her. "That is ok! Do not need to show it" Mid pull, she looked at her funny. "Just my butt dude, nothing we ain't seen" "I have seen enough, rumps, for a good while, thanks..." In truth, she had only seen a few, but images of Harmony Spirit naked, popped in her head, causing her to shutter in embarrassment. Dash stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry. "What ever, Canterlot prude" "Hey now, she just ain't so use to the flow of things here" Applejack defended. "She's been here for how long? What she gonna do in the summer, when it's so hot that most of us go naked?" "Y'all go naked, most of us try to keep it respectable. Ain't nothing wrong with the pony body, but not all folks around here are so warm to the idea" Dash made a open close motion with her hand, and mocked AJ soundlessly, with her mouth, tongue hanging out. "Why you!" Twilight felt her hunger grow, and knew these two could go on for some time. "I am... gonna go find some food then..." She backed up, as they clearly did not hear her, and she headed toward another place she had seen before that was a quick little place. She would not get far when ran into Pinkie Pie. "Oh, uh hi..." She was nervous, cause she knew that Pinkie would try drawing her into talking, and she was getting too hungry to last much longer. She hugged to her. "Hiya! I was looking for you!" "Really?" "Yep, I wanted to see if you wanted to do something today?" It was not so uncommon that she would run into each of her friends, but when three were seeking her out, she started to sense something was up. "Well, I was--" She stopped, when she saw Rarity coming. "No, she could not be..." Pinkie turned to look, seeing Rarity, who had spotted them both, and was now galloping up to them "Twilight, dear, I was looking for you" Twilight's eye twitched. "Oooo, Twitchy eye, that means..." She was cut off, when Rarity caught up. "Oh Twilight, I was wondering if you'd mind coming by. I'd like to do some designs with you, and to, as they say 'hang out'" "Well... You see..." "Pardon me?" She heard from behind, and turned seeing Fluttershy. "I see you are a bit busy, but if you would like too, when you have time of course... If you liked some company, I'm free" Twilight receded into her mind. "Did I win some money? No, Ponvillians does not really care about money... is it something in the stars? What was my horoscope today? Expect all your friends to want you to starve to death?" "Hey Sparks?!" Rainbow Dash called. "Oh Mare, they are done fighting..." She said in her mind. Soon, she was surrounded by her five closest friends, and they were all going on about things they would like to do, or spending some time with her. All this, and her hunger, she could not take it. "Oh my MARE! I need space!" Her horn shined, and she teleported. Leaving the group looking around for her. Twilight appeared in the middle of the library, and looked around. A few faces turned to the bright flash, but otherwise paid no mind. She calmed herself, and sighed. "At least, I will be safe here" She spoke softly, and to her self any ways. She put a hand to her stomach, and winced, as it gurgled. "Oh... novas" she muttered, she was worse off now, then before. Magick took much effort, even simple spells, and that took energy, and she was running so very low. She moved to one of the tables, and sat down, laying her top half, on the table. She thought to herself. "I could hide here, but I can not eat in here... why are all the ponies so interested in me now? What in the world, did I do to become mare popularity?" She sighed again, followed by a grumble from her gut. "I am glad my friends like me, but this is simply too weird" After a moment, trying to pull from her reserves, she moved to sit up. she spotted Pinkie coming around a book case. "Oh no..." she thought, getting an image in her head of "Pinkie Pie + Library = Mayhem!!!" She made a move to dash out, but she was too drawn out, and collapsed. "Woah there, Twi" She heard Applejack's voice, then something slide under her, and soon gravity seem to loosen. She looked weakly at Aj, as she carried her out of the Library, saying "Have mercy..." *** The girls all came together, and talked to Twilight, over dinner. She was ravenous, and clearly showed it when she ate. They went over the whole thing, about how Pinkie Pie mistook the note as a cry for help, and how they all tried too hard, to fix their neglect of her. She reassured them, she felt nothing of the sort, that she just realized, every pony had something in their life, but her. She was not seeking attention, just more from her time here. She loves to read, as any pony knew, and she loves to share knowledge, so this was a great place to do both. She never felt abandoned by her friends. They accepted it, and made sure that they would try to make more time for her, and she promised to keep them in the know, so Pinkie did not take it the wrong way... again.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The Magick of Friendship chapter 6 An Apple A Day The trees that thrived all over the town, and parts of Ponyville, were beginning to turn their colours of Autumn. The winds had picked up a bit, and the chill was already starting to set in. Soon the running of the leaves would take place, and the preparations for Winter would come soon after. Some of the ponies, were still dressing as normal in the warmer months, but some of the other creatures, who lived and visited alike, were not so accustom to the cold, even though it was barely so. Twilight was one such creature. Canterlot was host to the best of Equestria, and that included the Unicorns. Though few places in this land were still influenced by nature's touch, the Capitol was one that was very far from her reach. The seasons there were more or less, the same. So the feel of cold in the air, was something rather foreign to the young mare. She traded her short sleeve hoodie, for a full sleeve, and much thicker one. She felt a bit silly at being one of the few who needed to already bundle up, but she was at least happy, she was not the only one. She watched the young dragons, far more covered, than she was. Most, were of the hottest regions of their land, easily told by their darker and more red colours. She also noted the coverings on their feet, something ponies had recently started to wear too. She did not feel all that cold in her hooves, but she figured, come the snow, she would need these "boots" she has heard of. After a brief trek through the chilled streets, she made her way into that old favorite, Apple Cider's. She would enjoy the warmth of the wonderful delights, all the more today. Twilight moved to her spot, and took off her hoodie, and hung it off the little pegs by the booth. She settled in, and pulled out one of her books. A new tome of historical events, she found when doing inventory at her Library. The book was once in the locked part of the storage, where several accounts had been placed under order of the Queen, many forgotten years ago. But such things were no longer done, for the reasoning, was to avoid the repeat of the actions within. Something that was destined to happen, with or without general knowledge that it had happened before. Twilight was curious, for the section was reinstated a few years ago, and yet these still laid in storage. It did not matter, she was now taking charge, and freed the lessons from their dusty prison. This book had caught her attention, for it told stories from around the time that her mentor's sister, had lost her way. She always wanted to know more about the event, but feared asking. Both Queens, Celestia and Luna, were pained by the memories. The index listed some interesting stories. "Fading Light by the Moon: A Hero’s stand" "Echoes of Thunder: The Last Guardian of Equestria" were two she was very interested in. She noticed the printing was dated long after the book banning on such tales, so she felt a bit naughty at the idea of having this. It was taboo at the time, and lost to the ages till now. She was starting to feel like a silly filly, giggling to her self, when she hear hoof falls stop by her. She looked up, expecting Applejack, but she then looked down, at the face of Apple Bloom, who clearly took offense at the act. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Expect'n my Sister, not little ol me" She said, matter-of-factually. "Well... yeah, but I did not mean--" The other put her hoof up. "She's a bit, indisposed... So gotta deal with me" She was clearly aggravated, not over the extra work, or anything other then her biggest button. She hated to be taken as a "little Filly" She felt herself taller and older than she was. In ways, she was more mature, but she also suffered from the childhood she was pushing away. So was easily distracted by things that she felt more important to her growth. She was a great pony, but too quick to grow up, and like any of the Apples, too proud to be belittled in any way. Twilight wondered if it was a family trait, or just something with the two mares, but they both did not listen to any other reason, when they had their minds set. Twilight knew to avoid going on about the topic, so she decided to skip it, and go onto what the youngest one said. "Where did she go? Not often she ever takes a day off" "Oh she is a about, but not much in the working mood" That shocked her even more, that mare did nothing but work. "Is she ok? Can I help?" Bloom leaned on the table. "Don't know, she ain't much for words. None of us could get anything outta her" She stood back up after a couple moments there. "Maybe look for that Dash. They may butt heads like two stubborn billies, but they are mighty tight" Twilight looked to the door, she usually came around in about this time. So she wondered if she should wait, or go look for her. "Ok, I think I will wait and see if she will come by" She decided after a little time. "Can I get y'all anything, in the mean time?" Twilight just shook her head slowly, she was more worried about her friend, then her own needs. With that, Bloom shrugged and moved off. She sat there for, what felt an eternity. She tried a few times to get into the book, but was too focused on AJ, then anything else. She hopped that Rainbow Dash knew what was wrong. It was a bit of time before Rainbow Dash nearly burst into the place, looking every bit of a star she thought she was. She quickly spotted Twilight, and turned her way. "Hey Sparks!" She was not a subtle pony, and today was no exception. She sat into the spot across from her friend, and settled in. "Ya hear the news?" Twilight cocked her head, and for a moment, forgetting about Applejack. "News?" "Yeah!" She toned down, and leaned closer to the other pony. "AJ's gotta a crush on some pony" She leaned back up, and had as smile that spoke volumes about how much she enjoyed the fact. Either it was for the fact her old friend finally found some pony, or simple the fact, Dash loved juicy stuff like this. The other mare was a bit off guard, and looks every bit as surprised as she was. "Really? how do you know? Who is it?" She was getting caught up in the mood of gossip, never truly dealing in it before. "Hehe, well, I ain't saying who, but AJ told me herself" She then became a bit smug. "I, of course, had my suspicions of who" Twilight calmed herself, and returned to her concerned, wondering now, if they were related. "Could that be why she is in a mood?" "'Mood'?" She slammed her fore hooves down, pushing up. "I told her... freak'n..." She moved out of the booth, and marched toward the counter. "Yo, Big Mac, AJ back there?" He looked at her a moment, and nodded. "Hey Jackie, what's with this 'mood' crap? You gonna hide back there now?" But nothing came back, so she stormed through the kitchen, and disappeared into the back. Macintosh did not stop her, he was use to their antics, also knew, if any pony could get Applejack out of a bad mood, it was Rainbow Dash. After a while, and a few noises, Rainbow returned to the front. She moved toward the booth, with her hair a bit ruffled, and she was smoothing it back out. She slammed back to her spot, and huffed. "What?" Twilight asked, coming off my anxious then she meant too. "She's being a big filly. She is all embraced by it all" She stuck out her tongue with a raspberry sound following. "Not a big deal, and no pony knows who it is, so" She let some air out, audibly, in a weary way. She looked at Twilight. "I'm not saying who, but common, you have to have an idea? She's flirts with them all the time" "'Flirt'? I do not think I know of that..." Rainbow looked at her funny. "You don't know... What the hell did you do in Canterlot? So what, you have some ritual, or something, for showing attraction? Dress formal, and go 'I say, I do find you rather fetching'?" She spoke in a mocking voice, like an upper class pony. Twilight was use to her jabs at the lifestyle, Dash imposed onto her. It was not completely unfounded, since she did live with the Queen, but still, she was very exaggerated in her takes on life in Canterlot. "No, but remember, I did not socialize too much" She would had sent a jab back, about "Perhaps if your head was not in the clouds, maybe you would remember such things" or something, but she was not very cleaver with such things, and less so, comfortable in playful insults. "Well, think about that friend of yours, Harmonica, or something" Twilight corrected her, "Harmony?" but she just waved it off. "Remember how he was acting? All clingy, and friendly, and all that junk? It's kinda like that" She tried to think about it, but she did not really see, cause he was always like that, with any pony. she made the point to Dash, who shrugged. "I don't know, look it up, and maybe you'll see who it is I'm talking about" She thought about it, and how Harmony and Applejack were acting, that day. Seemed a lot more then his normal behavior. "Is it Harmony?" "Not saying, gonna have to ask AJ" She grinned, in a way that was confusing. It gave no clues. *** Twilight was at her dorm, sitting at the desk, with her books out, and looking over them. She read from the dictionary/Thesaurus she had since she was little. It was always a big help. -Flirt V. Behave in a frivolously amorous way. N. A pony who flirts. Flirtation N. Flirtatious adj. -Frivolous adj. Not Serious; purely for or interested in pleasure. -Amorous adj. Showing sexual desire. She tried to consider the meanings. "So, flirting is showing interest, but in a joking way?" She thought about it more. But Flirting would not mean she had a crush... right? Or is this a reverse psychology thing?" "Flirting?!" Pinkie Pie jumped behind her, causing the other to startle, and jump from her seat, crashing to the ground, she shouted out "Pinkie?!" as her notes went flying. The Pink mare grabbed the notes, and looked at them. "Learning how to flirt? It's easy" She took on a different stance, looking at Twilight, who looked back at her funny, as the pink lids flashed. "Oh Twilight, you are looking nice today. Can I help you up sweetie pie?" Twilight paused, looking at her ever more oddly. "Wait... help?" "Yeah, you are on the floor" She giggled, returning to her normal self. "So... that can be used to flirt?" "Yeah, it's all in the delivery. Like if I wanted to do something for you, like helping you off the floor, I'd do it with a look of longing, or say it in such a way, maybe add some pet names. The eyes are key too, or eye. Not every pony has two, some have one, some have 8, well, that's more spiders. At least if they run with scissors, they have spares" She giggled more. Pinkie did help Twilight up, and they sat on her bed. "And some times, if some pony gives you more attention, then any other, that too could be flirting. Like if you were in a group, and they focused on you, more then any pony else" Something popped into her head, and she was starting to grasp the whole thing. "Or they are at work, and they always help you out first" "Yeah, like if I was at the Candy Shop, and you were there, I'd maybe do things to keep you around longer. Offer specials, or sample some of our things for free. Maybe even make something special" "But, is that not just being friendly?" Pinkie pointed at her eyes. "In the eyes, and the body language. Those are key" Twilight plopped back on the bed, back to being confused. "But how do you know it is serious? Not just playing, or just being the pony's personality? The definition makes it seem more like a game..." "Kinda is," Pinkie thought. "Used to break the ice, when meeting some pony new, that you get feelings for. Like you see some pony, and don't know em, and just feel like you need to talk to them. Shows interest, but doesn't come out too strong, and if it goes no where, nothing lost but time" "This is too confusing..." Pinkie just shrugged. "Best to try it out, and see it done, then to read about it. Kinda 'know it by doing' thing" A Moment passed, and the pink mare turned to her. "So, who's the lucky pony?" Twilight propped herself on her elbows. "What?" "Well, why are you so interested in learning this? If you want to know flirting, you must have some pony in mind. Or some pony you might think is sweet on you?" "Sweet on me?" She got the meaning, but was avoiding question at hoof. Her ears were folded back, telling of her embarrassment. She knew it was hopeless, Pinkie was far more persistent, than she was stubborn. "No, it's not me... I think some pony has a crush on me..." She felt a bit egotistical after saying it. Who was she to have any pony interested in her. She let out an "oof" when Pinkie dropped onto of her. "Oh oh, who?!" She squeezed her. "For the love of the Queens, tell meeee!" "I... I could not, not yet... I do not know for sure" Pinkie got up, and jumped out of the bed. "Let's go find out!" She pulled out a shirt, and wrapped it around her head, and posed like an odd ninja. "I'm good at this stuff, I can hide out, and watch for the signs" She jumped over her bed, and hid on the other side. "I'll be a shadow in shadows, hidden away like a... sneaky thing" Twilight sat up, and adjusted herself, where the other had caused her cloths to be a bit bunched. This was more for her to think, then to actually fix her appearance. "No, I have to go it alone" "Aaaaw!" *** The night was nearing, as the might of the sun was fading to await it's deserved rest. It was pretty cold now, and very fewer souls were out at this time. Between when the ponies and creatures of the day, where home or getting there, and those beings of the night were yet to be here. Twilight felt a lot more at ease in the night, though she still avoided looking into shops that should not be. She went right to Apple Cider's, and walked in. She was hoping her target was still here, she did not honestly know where Sweet Apple Arches was, she had yet to go, but Adams, or Candy should know. She spotted the glossy mare, cleaning some tables, and she moved up to her. "Excuse me, Candy?" The other turned. "Yes'em? How can I assist y'all?" "Is Applejack still around?" The other thumbed over her shoulder, pointing toward the kitchen. "Eeyup, she's out back take in some of the late deliveries" Twilight gave her thanks, and moved toward the location. On her way, she felt a little uneasy. She blamed it on the fact she was behind the counter. A lie to herself, she was really afraid this was all some misunderstanding, a joke by Rainbow Dash, and she was trotting right into it. She almost stopped herself, when she was about half way to the back door. She saw Adams Apple, moving some things around, but she did not see Applejack. She now wondered if Candy just pulled her leg, she was known too. She nearly turned away, when she heard something banging, outside the door. She passed Adams, who nodded, the way he always did, his charming eyes, did not grip her today, she was entranced on something else. It was a mixed feeling, but she still had to follow through. She popped her head out, and looked to find the mare. She was in the ally way, moving some crates around. Not even noticing the other walking into the ally. "Hello, Applejack" Twilight started. The other stopped, and looked. "Oh, howdy Twi... What brings y'all out so late?" She was either in a better mood, or hiding it. "I wanted to talk to you, about something" Applejack stopped all together, and replied at length. "Yeah?" She suspected something. Twilight became a lot more shy, almost to the point of looking more like the animal loving Pegasus, than herself. Her ears were back, and she could hardly breath. She did not know why, but she was terrified all the sudden. "Y'all ok sugar cube?" The yellow mare moved a bit closer. "I uh... was just th... thinking about the..." She took a big pause before the last word. "Rumor..." The other sighed deep, and sat onto some over turned crates. "That Rainbow Dash, ain't nothin faster in this world, then her, except that mouth" "She did not say, but..." She started with confidence, but lost it fast. "I was wondering..." She felt like time was crawling along, and she was the only thing at normal time. She watched Applejack, who still had her head a bit low. "Is it me?" The other slowly looked up at her, she said nothing, but her eyes told much. Twilight swallowed hard, for she knew then, she was indeed. She was excited, but also confused, and a bit afraid of it all. No pony had ever taking a liking to her, not like this, not even Harmony. Least that she had even noticed, he just liked friendship. "I told her, that I was feeling somethin..." She began, slowly. "But I wasn't sure, I wasn't at all smitten just yet... just a bit... interested" she looked away, her confidence, and pride, she wore like a fine suit, left her naked before the purple mare. "From day one, I liked y'all, was clear of that. I felt something with y'all, like I had found something I didn't even know I was missing. I didn't say nothing, cause I didn't want to rush into something, and get either one of us hurt" She looked back at Twilight, looking almost as afraid as she was before. "I didn't want to loose you all together" Twilight took a moment to think, she was good at that, and could use it to help her where she was not too good. Social situations like this. "I admit, I too felt something, but I was not sure what it was. I have never had a friend... well, that I acknowledged, and was not sure if it was just the java talking..." A bit of a pause and silence fell between them, both lost in thought, as they looked at each other. "I feel a pull toward you, like a star to a planet... every day, I try to make sure that I see you, and not just for the coffee... guess I never really thought much about it until now" Applejack looked down, not in disappointment or shame, she found it suddenly hard to look her in the eyes. Twilight went on, as she looked down. "It might be too soon to conclude anything... I do not know if it is just me, being so new to all this friendship and relationship stuff, or if it is real" The yellow mare looked up again, and stood up, some of her old confidence returning. She even smiled, like she usually does toward the other pony. "Well Miss Twilight, I think we should take all the time we need. Till then, just gonna have to accept y'all as my friend" They embraced each other, and held tight. "Either way, I am so happy to have you AJ" "Me too, Twi" *** Pinkie Pie was circling the room, pacing a rut in the floor as her hooves repeated the shape, over and over. she was unable to sit still, this much was normal, but the reason being was not. She wanted to know what had happened, Twilight left her with nothing but a mystery. Rainbow Dash liked to spread rumors, but Pinkie loved to know them all. Being in the know, was good for some pony who wished to have the kind of work she wished too. Knowing everything about clients, and situations, made it so much easier to fit events to them. Twilight came home, finding her room mate in her cycle. "Hello, Pinkie" She greeted, as she closed the door. "So?! What happened, what what?!!" She was frantic at this point. She was very near to loosing what little of "it" she had. "Nothing, just a misunderstanding" She lied, for now, the whole thing would remain between her and Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. She hoped the latter would keep her muzzle shut about it. Pinkie dropped to the floor. "Aaaw! Who was it?" "Sorry, cannot say" "But-" Twilight shook her head. "Do I know them?" She thought about it, and smiled. "Yes" "Ok... that narrows it down... Hey wait! I know every pony in Ponyville!!" Twilight laughed, and went to her bed. "Maybe you will find out," she thought to herself.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Autumn was in full swing, and the air was deeply chilled, as the trees turned their leaves into the colours, telling of their own preparation of the nearing long rest. Each day, more and more, it was becoming clear that winter was not far off. In Ponyville, they were near the time to gather the great harvest, but first would come the season of their celebration of the lives that once shared the world. It was not a time for sadness, but for joy. Those who once trotted with the ponies still living, were never truly gone, so long as they were remembered by the ones who remained behind. The citizens of Ponyville, all had their ways to go about this, and some took to quiet mourning, others readied great celebrations. Rarity took this time, to be the one to celebrate. She knew the season was ripe with those looking for ways to get their minds at ease, and seeking way to enjoy themselves. So each year, she would gather the friends she had, and some of the best customers of Dressing Diamonds, and put on a great party. She designed dresses, and suits, and all kinds of things, just for those who attended. It was a costly effort, both in materials, and in body. Those closest, would not be charged, but the others who either requested, or were just special customers, would pay, but not very much. It was more an admissions fee than for the clothing. She was nearly done with work, but had some ponies to go. The regulars, and other paying clients, came first, and were long finished, all the was left, was her friends. She thrived under dead lines so near, even if she seemed stressed, and over worked, she secretly enjoyed taking on the impossible. Swanheart had long come to rely on this, and admired her for it. In his prime, he was never as at ease with such as she was now. Rarity had a few names on her friend list, Twilight, of course, she was her "sister" after all. Pinkie Pie, despite how odd she was, she was a great help in this party effort. Fluttershy, she did not know her all that well, but she seemed important to Twilight, much as Rainbow Dash. They had their clashes over the years, but the pony had proven t be a loyal friend in times Rarity needed her. She found it odd, at times, that she did get along with the head strong Pegasus, even before Twilight came. She found it a bit odd there too, that she was close to her as well, but it might be due to their own common friend, Applejack. Rarity knew of her, and seen her at the diner, but she never really talked much to her. they both had younger sisters, and they were both friends. Applejack was very into her own work, something the Unicorn respected, but she also did not seem to have much an eye for fashion. Another pony on her list, was the always reliable, if not, very odd, Ditzy Doo. She was the one in charge of all the mail in Ponyville, and nothing came into the town, that was shipped or mailed, that did not go through her in the end. Rarity could not help but like the mare, for she just had a charm too her, that was hard to ignore. She had some designs ready for each of them, at least on paper, but only a couple she begun. She decided to go out, and deliver the invitations, the VIP passes for her friends. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 7 Down and Dirty Diamonds Rarity made her way through town, wrapped up in a stylish, but equally efficient design. She was nearly done with her VIP passes, and she made her way toward the farm, where the friend of both Rainbow and Twilight lived. She tried the diner, but her little sister said she was taking the day to ready the nearing harvests. She did not mind, trotting around was nothing to her. "Let the Pegasus fly, and lesser Unicorns teleport" She would say. "I enjoy a good stroll" She found the front gates of Sweet Apple Arches, an old fashioned wooden construct. It was not really for anything but show. She started down the path, it was a bit muddy, from the rains yesterday. More than once, she stuck her hoof into what seemed solid, but truly only a lying puddle. She quickly retracted the hoof, and shook it. Muttering "how gross" She made her way down the path, that seemed so much longer then it was, and looked around. She saw the barn, the vest rows of trees, the fields, and various other areas, but she had no farm sense, nor an idea where Applejack could be. For her fortune, the mare in question appeared from the side of the barn. She was in very dirty and worn cloths, and looked none too offended by her condition. She spotted the other, and waved and greeted. "Howdy, eh, Rarity" She recalled her name a bit harder than the other would have liked. Applejack had less reasons to think of the other pony, since she provided a service, she did not really need. "Afternoon Applejack, I was looking for you" She started to move forward, and stepped into something, she prayed was just more mud. She gave a shiver, thinking about designing some kind of hoof wear, that covered and protected them from the elements and various little things like that, but was in high style. There were boots for the cold, but not very pretty. "Me? What ever for? Apple Bloom causin’ trouble again, looking for her Cutie Mark?" "Oh no no, just wish to pass on this invitation to my party for the Day of Remembrance. Since you are such a close friend of our Twilight, as well as sister to my own sister's friend. I wanted to extend this to you" She held out the invitation. Applejack took it, and looked at it. "That's mighty neighborly of y'all, but not sure I could make it. I've so much to do around here 'n all" "Oh, but every pony is going to be out celebrating, I'm sure you could take a day off. I've planned to make some party styles for each of those at my little gathering" She was trying to convince her, she was not sure if it was because of Twilight, or because no pony had ever turned it down before. "Twilight is going to be there, and so will Rainbow Dash. Apple Bloom can come, Sweetie would enjoy her company. It'll be lots of fun" The other looked a bit troubled, and sighed. "Sorry sugar cube, but I just ain't much for this kind of thing. I just want to get my crops all done up before it's too late. If y'all want to invite my Brother, and sister, that is just fine" Rarity looked a bit wounded. "But, you couldn't possible want to miss out. No pony has ever turned down a Rarity affair" "Please don't push this, I just don't want to go..." She said more flatly. "Just ain't my thing" Rarity got a bit more defensive. "But why not? Is it me?" Applejack turned away, just a bit to not be facing her directly. "Not so much you, just I ain't into all that fashion mess. I'm a work horse, not a playful, or fashion pony" "Are you saying what I do isn't work? What I do is a lot of work!" She snapped. "I ain't try'n to say it ain't, just not for me, ok?" She spoke a little harsher now, matching the other pony's irritation. She did not want to fight, but she would not back down. Rarity got into a huff. "I should have figured that. Forget it" She turned away. "Told y'all not to push me, I tried to be civil, but y'all won't let well enough alone" "Civil? Ha, what do you know of it, wallowing in the mud" Just had completely lost her cool, and now was going in for full attack. Applejack was not one to take it though. "At least I put in an honest day's work, if'n the need came, for all ponies to do what they do best, at least mine would actually be needed. We'd all still be naked, if not for you snobby unicorns, and your shame" "We just know what it takes, to live smart in this world" The other just glared at her, and tossed the invitation to the ground, right into a pile of mud. "Y'all can stick that, where it don't shine. Maybe Twi's friend, but y'all ain't one of mine" She turned, and stormed off. Rarity watched her, and glared at her, before turning away. She did not bother picking up the paper, she just wanted to put as much distance between her and the other as she could. *** A couple days passed by, and Twilight was over at Dressing Diamonds, going over her design, and helping Rarity clean up a bit. She went for a trash barrel, and started to fill it with the various balls of paper Rarity left laying around her work space. Designs she found unfavorable. Twilight could not help but look at a few before tossing them out. She paused, looking at one, that seemed rather nice, and it was titled "Applejack's Dress" She looked at Rarity, who had been a bit off her normal mood the last couple days. She must have tossed it by mistake. It looked perfect. So she undid the bunched sheet, and laid it on the table, then returning to her cleaning. After a moment, she heard Rarity. "How did this get back here?!" Her voice followed by the crumpling of paper, and then the soft sound of it bouncing on the floor. "What is wrong?" Twilight picked it up, looking at it. It was the design again, she picked it up. "This design looks so nice" Rarity ripped it from her hooves, and squeezed it, like it was a life to be crushed away. "It's very existence, is what is wrong" She looked so angry, that Twilight was taken aback by it. she soften a bit, and tried to smile to assure her, that she was not the reason. "Dear, don't worry about this... just a problem I can avoid" "But, that is for Applejack, is she not coming?" Rarity flashed her anger again, but stopped herself from lashing out. "No, she isn't" She said flatly. Twilight looked at her funny, and then looked away. "Don't worry about it hon, some ponies just don't mix. Just cause they have a common factor, like friends, or the like, doesn't mean they can change the fact, they just don't mix" She turned away, and started working on something again. She was still had the design, it was in her hoof, but she placed it on the table, where she was working. Later that day, Twilight crept over, and took the ball, and stuck it into her pocket. Rarity should not miss it, since she tried to get rid of it, nearly three times. The purple unicorn felt she needed to fix this, she was not sure what happened, but she wanted to get it resolved. She made her way out of the shop, and went toward the Diner, hoping to find out something from the other pony. Inside, she found Apple Bloom. From her, learned the fact that her older sister was not there today, but at the farm working on the crops. So after a brief bit of direction gathering, she was again off. She made her way to the path for the farm, and stood outside it's gates. They were closed up, which seemed odd to Twilight, for they did not look like they would do much to keep anything in or out. She opened them, and made her way down the path. It was pretty solid, she noticed a couple holes, but paid no mind. Outside the barn, she stopped, and looked around, taking in the vast fields, and groves. It was a massive farm, and surely a great undertaking to keep in order. She noticed something looking half buried, next to her. She picked it up, and rubbed off some dried mud. "Rarity's invitation?" She knew something did happen between them, this was the confirmation. She studied the paper, as if it could speak of the events here, when Applejack came into sight. She had some tools, and looked worn. "Howdy" The Earth pony called, seeing her there. "Hello AJ" She was not sure how to play this. Go right into the trouble, or work into it. "What brings y'all here? Look'n to work?" She laughed, and Twilight joined in, if halfhearted. "No, I was just wondering what became of you. Seems you have been out of the Diner a lot these last weeks" She was now right in front of her, Twilight hid the invitation. "Well y'all know, it's been busy readying for the coming snow. Need all the stores we can get, so not to go hungry" She wiped her brow, despite the cold coming on each day, she easily worked herself into a heat. "I know y'all didn't worry much about that in Canterlot, some of my family works for the farms out that way, and they tell me, they have year round growth. Plants that ain't suppose to go on through out the year, do. Must be something" "Yeah, it is pretty... neat. But here has all the seasons, and guess traditions too. It's not such a unique thing, to celebrate the season, and the Day of Remembrance, but here it seems like a huge deal. Every pony has their own things going on" Twilight watched her friend, to see if she saw through her tactics. She seemed unaware of where she was going. "Even Rarity has a special she puts on, for a very select few" The name registered, and Applejack's ears twitched a bit. She was hiding her true reaction. "I was just wondering if she had come by yet, she was really excite about those she has on her list, and really put her love into her designs. Should see mine, looks beautiful" "Well..." She seemed a bit uneasy, and in thought. "Y'all know I ain't much for fancy parties, and all that" She was honest to a fault, so instead of confirming or breaking her code by lying, she avoided it. "Not sure how well I'd fit into it" "It's not really about the styles, Rarity is just doing that for her clients, and for friends, out of love and appreciation. The party is more to get ponies into a better mood, when thinking of the coming day for the dead, and to celebrate the season" Applejack looked away, she seemed heavy in thought, but Twilight tried not to bring mind to that. "I don't know..." Was all the Earth mare could say. "Well, if you change your mind, just talk to Rarity. I'm sure she will be happy to hear if you want to come" "Yeah..." She said weakly. "Oh!" Twilight said, pulling out the piece of paper. It was still partly covered in mud, and folded up. Twilight did it last minute, so not to give away she already knew. "Found this on the ground, did not have a chance to see what it was, but since it's here at your farm, betting it is yours, or some pony here" She hooved over the invitation, and without a brief far well, turned and trotted away. Applejack looked at it, and unfolded it. She read it out to herself. "Dear Applejack and Ponyville Family, you have been invited to the Dressing Diamonds celebration of the Day of Remembrance. To honor the hard workers of Ponyville who keep us going every year. You are both; friend of Twilight, one of my own dear friends, and one of the honoured workers. So I give this VIP invitation to you and your local family, to join us in celebration. Dress wear will be provided, and with luck, you all will love what I've come up with for you. So please let me know your answer, so I can get to work on your designs" When she finished, she lowered the paper, and sighed. She felt bad for what she said to her, even though Rarity had pressing her. She was the one who refused to even consider. She now saw why the other was trying so hard to get her to come. *** Not much later, it was starting to get late in the town, many of the little shops were closing up. Applejack made her way down the path, toward one such shop. She stood outside the elaborate entrance of Dressing Diamonds, much too much for her simple tastes. She slowly opened the door, and trotted inside. She looked around, and saw it was pretty quiet. She was hoping that they were not yet closed. Locking doors in Ponyville, was a rare thing, so not unheard of to have shops unlocked, even if no pony was inside. Rarity came out from back, and was mid sentence, when she spotted Applejack. "Sorry dear, but were are clo-" She stared at her, and resisted her urge to yell. Applejack, for the most part, looked timid. She clearly was not here for another fight, and was not going to allow herself to get into one, should the other be up for one. "What do you want?" She said bitterly. "To... apologize..." This did take the other aback, she did not expect it in the least. Especially since, there was no reason she knew of, to why the Earth pony would want too. She was just as guilty of being rude, and she knew she was first to strike. When Rarity did not reply, Applejack went on. "I decided, to take a look at this here invite" She held it up, as proof. "I should have at least considered it, but I was just out right... an ass about it. Here y'all were trying to do something for me, and my family, and I just thought it was some dress up party" She looked down, ears back. Rarity's temperature cooled, and she started to consider her own faults that day. "I should have explained it, instead of just assume you'd jump at the opportunity. I know that you are not one for, glits, and glamor. You are a what Earth ponies are born to be, practical, and focused. Working hard, and living simple, happy lives. That was why I wanted you to come, because you work so hard, so the rest of us don't have to be in the fields. I shutter at the thought of being in the mud, when not in a spa, but you wouldn't think to waste time in a spa" She moved closer, and stood before the other. "I shouldn't have said what I said, I'm sorry" Applejack looked up to her, and gave a weak smile. "I'm sorry too, just cause you don't break your back, reaping crops, and all that, doesn't mean, you don't put in an honest day's work" She looked at the invitation. "Is this still good?" She held it up again. Rarity took it, carefully, in just a couple fingers. "Well... it's a bit dirty, but I think it is. Though, not as dirty, if I had stuck it, where the sun don't shine" She snickered, causing the other to laugh too. After a hug, the two went back to Apple Ciders, and spent some time, getting to know one another better. Twilight showed up, not long after, and acted like she had no idea of the whole thing, but when Rarity saw the crumpled page that had the design she made, she knew what she had done. Both Applejack, and Rarity learned that it is good to have a friend, who cared enough for them each, to try to fix their problems. They also found, that two so different, can get along after all.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Though not common for her, Applejack relaxed into her chair. She was at home, and the crops were set, and the farm was ready for the nearing winter. Some things were still growing, but she had a couple weeks before they would be ready to harvest and store. So she did what she rarely does, took some time off. Between the shop, and the farm, and the party at Rarity's coming, she needed some time to unwind. She did not really know what to do with herself, so she sat there, thinking about the year, all that had gone on, and the bounty the farm yielded. It was indeed a good year, for the farm, and herself. She made a friend she did not know she was missing in her life, and she made a few through her. Though her cousin was back in town, and working at Apple Cider's, she did not care that much. Temptation was not a problem, being on the nights. She would avoid that bit of bad cider. After a moment, she started to nod off, and her hat was right over her face. she was so relaxed, she did not even notice the sound of hooves on the old boards of the house. Applejack was jarred awake, when something grabbed her arm, and her hat was removed. She flung open her eyes, and looked at Apple Bloom, who was doing the shaking. She also saw her two friends, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, the latter now wearing her hat. That irritated her a bit, but she was more concerned to their panic. "Y'all ok? What's wrong?" "AJ, you gotta take us out!" Bloom exclaimed. That is when the panic was revealed to be excitement. "Take y'all out? Where?" She looked at them all in turn, and stopped back on her sister. She looked like the filly she was, for one of the few times. She figured it was something to do with her cutie mark, since that is often the reason she actually seem to act her age, even if she was very serious about it. "To Canterlot's Mall of Equestria! Yay!!!" They all shouted. "What ever for?" then it hit her. "Oh no, again?" The Magick of Friendship chapter 8 Toy Run! Every now and then, the three, self named "Cutie Mark Crusaders" went out to the big city. They had a few ponies to take them, but this time it was Applejack's turn. The girls were into a show that had started recently, one they all fell in love with after one episode. It seem to have that effect on a few, but it did not stop there. The show was a remake of an existing line, once based on toys, and became a long running line. The newest incarnation, was new life into a series, and seemed to draw in more fans than ever before. Being a toy line originally, a new one was due, and it came out and sold out quickly. The girls had managed to get their hooves on most things, but now and then, they looked around to find the lost pieces. Applejack liked the idea, since it made her sister actually enjoy being a filly, instead of wanting to be all grown up. So she was now on her way to Canterlot, she asked Twilight if she would go, but she was held up in her schooling, and Library work, much the same with all the others. Only she was free from school, and could easily leave work. Applejack rode up front of the chariot, next to the unicorn, who made it lighter for the Pegasus who pulled it along in the sky. The three girls nearly bounced around in the back, making Applejack a bit nervous. She was not much for flying around, she liked being on the ground, but a quick flight was easier to manage, than a long trek, especially when Canterlot was easier to access by air. The Mall of Equestria was located farther down the mountain perched capitol, but still was pretty well up in the sky. When they landed, Applejack was still uneasy by the height of it. The others, did not seem to care. "Come on Applejack!" Her sister said. "Yeah, let's hurry!" Sweete Belle added. "Before it's too late!!" Scootaloo finished. The four made their way into the City, it was so vast, that it could hold the town of Ponyville in just the shopping district. The fact it was broken into districts, really proved that it was a massive city. It had a few ones, some bigger than others, and strategically placed. The Shopping one, was in prefect view of the Grand Castle above. Since it was the main attraction of the City, it was best to make sure it was seen from the busiest part. Other parts, like the ambassador's district, was set around the base of the mountain, making it nearest the Castle, on the lower raise, but also close to the other areas. Castle it self, was closed off by most areas, only few could freely move about the grounds. Ambassadors had the easiest access, but were also closely watched. Since the wars, the grounds were guarded in case another war came. Though it was a far off idea, since Equestria has long been the friend to the many of the other countries. Applejack felt a bit overwhelmed, by the size, the stores here, were so much larger, and flasher. More over, there were many more of the same type, than Ponyville had. It made one wonder how they felt with so much competition near. She spotted some of the local diners and food services, and wanted to take a look to see how the big city ponies did things. The girls were more interested in hitting the shops. It would have to wait, she would not dare leave them alone in the city. Risks were low, but still there. No matter how utopian, every culture had it's troubles. Seemed to just be a part of life, not everypony could sit easy in peace. Please some of the ponies, some of the time, but not all the ponies all the time. Their first stop, was "Toys 4 U" One of the biggest lines of toy stores. And so in they went. She looked around, as the girls dashed ahead. "Mighty large toy shop" she thought, as she trotted along. Seemed like it's own town, with signs pointing out where things were. She saw the direction that the three disappeared, and made her way there. It was a lot pinker than the rest, obviously to attract little fillies. Funny, she thought, because a few of the toys here, the biggest draws to little fillies, were collected by all ages, and all genders. She did not see much point in the collection of such things, but she also was not here to judge. She found the girls, already going over the aisle. She looked at the toys, little pony looking figures. Kind of off shaped, but it was style. She recalled when she was little, they had this line, and it was a bit more like the original ponies of Equestira, the four legged kind. These ones were the same, but in a different style. Looked more cartoonish, but a bit cuter. She picked up one, and looked at it. Was a Unicorn, by the horn, and it's colours seemed to look kind of like Twilight Sparkle. It was a lighter colour, and the hair was a bit off compared to her friend, but it still looked enough like her. Like the real one, it had a cutie mark, something these toys all had. Little marks, like real ponies, that gave individuality , and personality. It had a couple stars, and her name was "Constella Shine" Apple Bloom saw her looking at it, and came off. "Found one you like?" She looked a bit hopeful. Applajack, like her little sister, did not spent too much time enjoying herself. They shared that, and with that, both worried for the other. Bloom knew her sister did not really spend her filliehood, acting like one. In the few things that made the little Apple enjoy being so young, she was hoping her sister would find the same escape. "Na... just looked kinda like Twilight" She went to put it back, but felt hesitant. "Should get it, won't hurt" Applejack looked at her sister, and back to the toy. "No, what would I do with it? I don't think brushing it's mane, and pretending with it, is something a full grown mare should do" She paused, and looked at Apple Bloom, who seem to take that to heart, like she was now evaluating her own self. She feared she would ruin this for her, and quickly turned her statement around. "But you know?" she held it closer. "A mare has to know, when to relax, and enjoy the little things" She gave a fake smile, she hopped did not show in it's falsehood. The little Earth pony thought, and smiled. "Yer right" They both paused, when a stallion made his way through, excusing himself, to get to the shelf. "Pardon" They both moved, and looked at him. He was around Applejack’s age, and looked more like a fan of occult, and horror, than a little filly’s toy. He grabbed a couple, and smiled, trotting back out. "Even a grown Stallion knows" Apple Bloom said, giggling, causing Applejack to laugh a little. They went to a few other places, any where that had toys, and after a few hours, the girls had more for their own collections. Applejack just had the one, but it seemed enough for her. She did not see herself getting all obsessed over them, like her sister and friends, but she saw no harm in being so. Was all in fun, and what ever made ponies happy, was just fine. She decided to take the girls to one of the diners, and see what they were about. Afterwards, she did not really see anything that was so special, just bigger, and a little more fake than her own place, but she might just be biased on that. It was enjoyable, and after a long day, the four were ready to go home. It was getting dark, and the city was calming a bit, but as with Ponyville, it was not just a day city. With the Queen Luna taking over, the nocturnal creatures would be out. Far more kinds, and amount of them, than Ponyville had. The three fillies were in the back of the chariot, looking over their haul, and Applejack sat up with the Unicorn "driver" as before. Not the same group as the flight in. She was still a bit nervous with the flight, but she we feeling better after today. She was holding to the bag with her own toy, not even realizing she was doing so, protectively. She started the day with nothing to do, and was worried she would be bored, or felt the day a waste. After this trip, she was glad. Maybe not at first, when jarred awake. *** When the four got home to Ponyville, it was late, and so Applejack called ahead to let those who needed too, that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were safe, and with her. She decided to let them stay over as well. They were back at the farm house, and the fillies all galloped inside, and were playing around. It was late, sure, but they could have some time to enjoy themselves, especially when they would probably pass out soon enough. Applejack, on the other hoof, was worn out. She made her way to her room, and just reminded the three to not stay up too late. She knew better, that they would not really listen, but she still held onto the fact they had been going all day. Applejack changed out of her cloths, into a simple shirt, and loose pants. She saw little point in dressy night cloths, and so did not wear them. Warmer nights, would not even bother with anything at all. She put the bag on her dresser, and trotted a way to the bathroom. When she returned, she took out the box with the little pony toy, and sat on her bed, fighting to get the thing out. "Need to be a safe cracker" She muttered. After a few moments, she had it out, but the mane and tail looked a bit frizzled, due to the little plastic and tape they used to keep it presentable in the box. She picked up the little brush that it came with, and started to work the mane back into order, but it was proving not so effective. She moved out of bed, putting the wreckage of the box on the dresser, and grabbing her comb. She did not use it too often, her mane was too thick, but she had it from her fillihood, and kept it as a reminder of when her mother use to brush her mane and tail. Returning to her bed, she sat down, and started to work the little mane, with better results. She thought it a bit silly at first, but as the hair started to get into shape, she found herself enjoy it a bit. She then worked the tail, and took care to get it nice looking. She laid back, putting the brush and accessories on the stand beside her. She held the little pony, so much like her friend, looking over it. "What would Twilight think of this?" She thought to herself, laughing a bit. "Full grown mare, and I'm playing with toys? And actually having fun with it" She set it down, facing her by her bed. She turned out the lights, and settled into bed, looking at the little pony toy as she felt her eyes grow heavy. "G'night, little Twilight" She said, closing her eyes smiling.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Autumn was mid way, and the month was nearly over. The Last two days of the month, and first of the next, were all dedicated to celebrations. The first day was when the ponies came together, and had their Day of Remembrance. It lasted all three days, but it was the first that was truly for the memories of those lost. It was not unique to Ponyville, but here had many kinds of citizens, and so it was a bigger celebration than most other parts of Equestria. One of the few nights, that both day and night citizens mingled. Ponies, Dragons, Gargoyles, and many others. The undead though, seem to stay away. Some would be honored this night, but they felt it was not appropriate for them to be there. The second day, would be when the celebrations were truly started. Various parties, and occasions, held for the passed, and for the hard workers of Ponyville. Most of Equestria did the latter farther into the next month, but that was more a gathering of families, than a true testament to those who harvest the foods and needs of the ponies. The Final night, one of the towns or cities of Equestria held a show, one so grand, that it drew crowds from all over and the various lands beyond. This year, Ponyville hosted it. They had several acts, who all would "wow" the crowd, and show off the talents of the locals of Ponyville. This year, one act would be preformed by the self named "Great and Powerful Trixie" Though off stage she was not too liked, on stage, her shows were something to witness. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 9 Hit and Miss-Spell As with tradition, the creatures of Equestria, came from all over. The Day of Remembrance was into it's second day, and the parties and gatherings were being held. No part of Ponyville, or much of Equestria, was not out and enjoying themselves. Even the Queens were visiting the biggest celebrations, and made their way to Ponyville. It was a brief stay, but Celestia, made sure to spend some time with her student. She was already well into a conversation with Twilight, as they trotted along. "I see it has been eventful here" The radiant Queen spoke. "Oh yes, it has. I have had so much fun being here, I can not thank you enough for getting me out into the world" Twilight said, all excited, and nearly beaming with her own light. Queen Luna looked about, as she following them at a distance. She was still not so much for conversation, she did not know Twilight all that well, and the ponies here even less. She enjoyed the time out, but felt timid with so many faces after so many life times away. Where the Queens went, creatures of all kinds took notice, and made their respects. She wished that her own student was here, but Harmony Spirit was back home, watching over the Castle with Star Shadows. Both could hoof themselves in the duties, but this day was all celebration. So not much was need, but tending to the Sun and Moon. She sighed, as she trotted along. Looking up from the ground, looking at the two, Student and Master, enjoying each others company, and it only made her wish her own was here more. "Excuse me?" A little voice came, and Luna stopped, and looked down. A small pony, very young indeed, was standing there. "Hello little one" She knelt down, so she was closer. Luna was not as tall as her sister, but she was more so than most ponies, and to a little foal, she was a giant. "I just... wanted to say..." The little one was very nervous, and had trouble speaking, but Luna tried to show she was not gonna bite, with a gentle smile. It seemed to work, and the little filly eased, and hugged her. "Thank you, for visiting us, and bringing such beautiful nights to Ponyville" As quickly as she came, she galloped off, leaving Luna a bit surprised, but equally happy. She did not get to hear that often, and it really made her feel better. She stood back up, and looked over, seeing her sister and Twilight looking at her, smiling each. She flicked her ears back in embarrassment, and tried not to show it. "I uh..." She nervously fixed her hair. "It is always a pleasure to hear from those you watch over, that they appreciate it" Celestia said, in her caring manner. Luna just nodded, smiling, trying to hide it. It was short, but it was a nice visit, both Queens, and Twilight had a good time, but the two Royal Sisters had to be off to the next town. It was a good act, for them to show they did not lock themselves away from those who looked up to them. Events like this, were just such times they should be out and about. As they left, Twilight returned to her dorm, to get ready for Rarity's party. Knowing Applejack was going to be there, made her happier. She would go either way, but she wanted to see her friends all together, getting along. She made her way to the shop, she noticed several of the other ponies and creatures of Ponyville. They were making their own way to their parties, and just having their fun around town. This day, the last of the month, was one that also had the little fillies and colts, gathering candies, and masquerading as things other then themselves. The ritual, was something from another land, based on an old tradition. Twilight did not know it, but it was at least fun for the younger ones. She was at Dressing Diamonds, and noticed how it looked nothing like a store, but more of a smaller hall. Decorated to befit all the kinds of celebrations, even the idol and friend of Rarity, Swanheart, was done up to match. He was giving out the candies, and greeting the guest. "Hello, Miss Twilight, Rarity is in the back. Applejack had arrived a bit ago, and she is trying to help her with the custom dress" He could not help but laugh, Twilight found it hard to imagine her friend dressed up, and giggled too. "Thank you" She dipped her head, and went in. Looking around, she saw some faces she knew, but there were more she did not. Many of those who came from all over, from Rarity's invitations. She went to the back of the shop, where Rarity's studio was. She heard the sounds of struggles, and peered inside. "Blast it! Why do I gotta wear that thing?! Can't hardly breath" She heard Applejack first, and Rarity soon after. "Because, it is a corset, and it allows the body to fit into the dress I made for you, now hush, and suck it up!" "Tar nation!" She weezed, as Twilight trotted in. "Well, I never thought I would see this" She laughed. Applejack glared at her, trying to breath through her constricted diaphragm. "She is such a big foal, Rainbow Dash didn't complain nearly as much" Rarity stated, helping the Earth pony into the dress. It was earth tones, and looked like it may have been suitable to wear in the fields of the pony's farm. It was rather suiting for her, all be it more fancy than she would like. The sleeves were long, but rolled up, in a way that added to the style. The Skirt, was flowing, but not flashy, just enough to look good, but also be practical. The buttons were custom, to be little apples, and she even had a hat, much like her old one, but dresser, and still fresh with colour, with a fancy belt around crown, it too had an Apple, that was much like her cutie mark. The Brim had little designs etched into it. She had her usual loose braid, tightened, and even her tail was likewise. The mane that hung in front of her face, was curled and came down over a bit more. "This is the only time, I'm getting fancy..." She muttered. "I can hardly breath" Rarity waved her off. "Big Filly" Twilight laughed a bit at the two. "You two are so funny" They both looked at her, after staring each other down. "How so?" The asked together. "Oh, nothing" Not long ago, they had nothing in common, and for a time, were even at odds, but here they looked like old friends. Rarity once said that they just did not mix, but this moment seemed to be more then enough to prove otherwise. The three came out into the main hall, each in their dresses. Twilight's was something looking royal, with dark tones, and little glimmering stones, like stars, and gave off a feel of magick. A two piece, with the long flowing skirt, and a top that closed up from neckline to the waist, but went on going down and back around the skirt. It also had a hood, since it was some Twilight seem to have in most her styles, also added to the sorcerer robe style. The center of the bust was sown into the fabric, the style of her cutie mark. Rarity's was silky, and flowed like water off her form. It was sleeveless, and top half had all the right lines and support to accentuate herself. It was tastefully so, but any looking, would find themselves looking twice, to get a full view. Made to be subtle, but still draw attention. Not so much to steal the show, but just to make sure none, especially her clients, forget that she was a just as lovely, and appealing, as her designs. Maybe a night for honouring others, but did not hurt to still advertise for the future. She had her hair much as she always did, but bond the end of it, in the back, was clasped by a Diamond clip, and was slung over her shoulder. Rainbow Dash was over at one of the tables, messing with the food. She was dressed in something of simple colours, her mane and tail had enough colour, that a dress could easily be overwhelming to the eye. It was not as dressy as all the other styles, something streamline, and flattering. It was a shorter skirted dress, and sleeveless, and low cut neckline. Not so much as advertising as Rarity, but more to keep an active pony, cool. Her mane was tamed, and clipped toward the bottom. She wore a necklace, of a three coloured thunderbolt. Dash was busy chatting with some other Pegasus, who was dressed in a uniform. An air force pony. Despite both their fancy styles, neither seemed to be very classy. Laughing, and eating while talking, and making a bit of a mess. Rarity spotted Fluttershy over in a corner, looking to be trying to hide. She was dressed up too, much more Earthy looking than any pony else. Even Applejack's looked more city compared. Rarity used plants as inspiration, and it was more covering than the others as well. Some of the flowers, there were little butterflies. "Oh, hello" Fluttershy said, as the hostess came over. "Why are you over here? You look great" "I just.. don't do well in groups" She seem to shrink a bit. Rarity put an hoof on her shoulder. "Come on, tonight is a night to enjoy yourself, not hide a way" She moved behind her, and pushed her into the crowd. Fluttershy struggled to get back into the corner, but Rarity was too insistent. "Here!" She said, pushing her up to another pony. A tall Earth pony, who was dressed almost like shy Pegasus. "This is May Flower, one of the Royal gardeners. And this is Fluttershy, Ponyville's own little animal and planet expert" "Oh my..." Fluttershy muttered. "Hello" He smiled. Twilight was over with Applejack, watching Rarity playing match maker with the timid pony. "Poor Fluttershy" Twilight laughed softly. Applejack looked over at them, then back at Twilight. "Y'all don't look near as uncomfortable in your dresses as I am" She had been looking at all the others in the party. "That Rarity put me in this blasted thing, to get back at me" "She did not, it is a normal part of dresses. Pretty much ever mare has to where one" She looked around, to make sure no pony was looking at her. She undid a couple buttons, and showed her own. Applejack looked at it, and nodded. "It is not easy to be pretty" The Orange mare looked ahead. "Ain't that the turth. Why any pony goes through this, is well beyond my mind" "Go through what?" Pinkie popped up behind them, causing them both to jump. "Land sakes! Do y'all gotta do that?" "Do what?" Another voice said, causing them to jump again, as Ditzy Doo stood there. Twilight tried to get her breath. Pinkie and Ditzy looked alike, wearing what seemed like what dress and uniform had, if they had children. The Pink mare, was in something like her current job. An older fashion soda shop uniform, but made into a flowing dress. The grey Pegasus, was in a dark coloured uniform, something like a postal courier. Two of the strangest ponies in Ponyville, and most dedicated to their jobs. Was fitting they were dressed so. They also seem to be the only ones of Ponyville, that did not show off their Cutie Mark in their dresses. "What were you two talking about?" Ditzy asked, coming over by Pinkie. "Corsets" Applejack said bitterly. "Oh? How come?" Pinky asked. Twilight looked at her. "Cause, Applejack does not like wearing them" "Really?" Pinky thought. "I don't have to" She said, not so much to brag, just putting it out there. "You don't?" Applejack asked. "Why she get a way with it?" Pinky pulled up her front, showing her thin build. "Wouldn't do much" Ditsy nodded too, tapping her own stomach. "Me either" "Of course..." Twilight said, with a hint of jealousy. "Suppose, with that crop of energy y'all have, it's no wonder you ain't got nothing extra" Applejack said, not so jealous as Twilight, only thinking she wished she was so lucky to avoid this torture device. The party went on, and went pretty well. All of Rarities friends and clients were enjoying themselves. It was a complete success, even if Applejack kept complaining about the corset. Rarity found it funny, she was so uncomfortable in a corset, as Rarity herself would have been in the fields of the farm. Took some time, but the gathering broke up, and all the ponies went home, or to their temporary residence for the holiday. The month was now over, but one day was left to the Day of Remembrance. *** The third day of celebration came, and Ponyville was filled to its boarders with creatures from all over. This year was the one that the little town was host to the main attractions of the final day. The two Queens returned, now as guests for the grand show, and did not socialize as they would any other time. It was a time for the acts, not for the Royal Sisters. This time, Harmony Spirit, Luna's own student, was in attendance. Star Shadows had, remained behind to tend the day. He was not one for social gatherings, so he did not mind at all. For the first time, since she left Canterlot, Twilight was in her student robes, and sat with her mentor, as the shows went on. Her friends, had spots close to them, and watched on as the acts preformed. Local, and ponies from all over Equestria, were putting on shows. Magick acts, finest of the land. Daring stunts, and many kinds of performance. It was nearly a Talent show, for the variety of acts. Bands, and DJs, were aiding the acts, and putting on their own shows. One such, as Vinyl Scratch, or DJ Pon-3, as most called her. A White Unicorn, who's talent for spinning, really fed the moments for the performers, and herself. As the day grew on, it was nearing the time for the shows to come to an end. One final act was to perform, an act of magick, but one the was promised to be greater than any other seen. "The Great and Powerful Trixie!" The voice called out, one from the pony's own mouth. She took the stage, with no shame, and lacking no pride. This was moments she shined like no other, this was her element, to grab the crowd, and keep them entranced. She called up simple tricks, to draw them into her act, all a ploy to lull them into comfort, before she unleashed her greatest spell. Twilight, and few others who had to deal with her normally, had to admit, she was a show pony like few others, and she did have talent to back up her arrogance. Though they felt that it was unfortunate, since it justified her. "Now, my enthralled audience, I shale do, what few even dare to dream!" She stood in the spot light, she was far brighter, and needed nothing to draw attention. She was all that any pony thought of at the moment. "In this land of Equestria, are things, that even mighty dragons would think twice about challenging, but I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, can do things no other can. I can battle and tame the dreaded Ursa Major!" A collective gasp came from the audience, few muttered among themselves over the claim, and more were in doubt of such things. She smirked, and looked out at them, in a wide gaze. "I see you all are skeptical... well, I guessed such. It is hard to take it straight from the pony's mouth, but words are cheap..." She lifted her arms, horn aglow, and the stage was gone, and behind her, was a large cage, holding a beast that cause many to panic, and cry out in terror. A large bear shaped creature, wicked claws, each longer than a house, and teeth of equal intensity. The creature seemed unreal, for it looked to be made up of Night sky. Even Celestia and Luna looked on in shock. Either could stand against such a creature, but it was not easy. Here, this little unicorn, claimed she could do it, and would seem, with little effort. "Behold, the creature we all... well, excluding myself, Fear!" She snapped her fingers, and the cage was gone like the stage, but the monster remained. This renewed the fear in the audience, and she turned to them. "Calm yourselves, for this is no danger!" She turned to the creature, that was looking around, seeming to assess the situation, and it then looked at the crowd. Letting out a roar, one that shock not only physically, but the very soul. "Down creature! You are mine to command, and I command you cease this noise!" It looked at her, and then let our another roar, but she did not show fear. She stood against it, and summoned her magicks, and sent the beast back. It skidded, and looked a bit shocked and dazed. "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! I caught you once, and I will defeat you again!" It returned to its ferocity, and started toward her, but she again, pushed it back. The gathering, looked on, as a small pony, battled a creature that was the size of the elder dragons. They were mixed between fear and elation, for the show they witnessed. "My Queen?" Twilight turned to her mentor. "What do you think we should do?" She sat there, watching them battle, and waited a moment, thinking of her answer. "I do not think we should interfere. Not yet" she sensed something, and was not giving out what it was. "She put up a decent fight, against me," Harmony started. "Might have more power the either of us has seen" "Now!" Trixie called out. "I will imprison you again!" With a motion, she was alight in her magick, and soon the Ursa was too. "Yield beast!" She shouted, and a cage formed around it. It stood in the large construct, and looked around. Trixie landed, and turned a way, back toward the audience. "See, I have done it again! It is my-" She was cut off, as the beast roared, and the cage shattered. "What?!" With a quick turn, she tried to summon the spell again, but the beast batted her away. She flew a bit, and crashed into a near building. The audience began to panic, and make for any where but here. Celestia, and Luna looked on, with their students and their friends, still near. "We have to stop-" Twilight began, but Celestia moved before them, and did nothing else. The creature began to rampage, and strike at the buildings. Trixie stood up, looking nothing like an arrogant unicorn, but a defeated warrior after a long battle. "How could this fail?" She said to herself. "How?" With renewed energy, she summoned more of herself, and struck at the beast again. "YIELD!!!" But it did not, and kept destroying. Twilight did not want to wait for Trixie to finish, no way this was part of her act, since she was no longer even looking all powerful. She rushed past and charged into the battle, her horn now alight, and she summoned her own magicks to strike the beast. These were more effective, and caught its attention, signified, by a roar. She did not back down, and unleashed more spells on it. Fire, lights, summoning things to strike it. The whole was working, as it was looking to be wearing on the onslaught. It collapsed, but clearly not finished. Twilight took the moment to get her breath. As she was, she noticed something strange. She learned about these creatures once, and something about this one seemed wrong. She studied it close, looking it over, and saw something wrong in the constellations that made up it's body. "This is not an Ursa.. not a real one" She looked at Trixie, after her thoughts, and realized the truth. It was a powerful spell, one she had never been able to pull off, at such a scale. This was an illusion, a temporary trick, to create something solid, and nearly real, but it was just a spell, that could be undone. She refocused her magicks, and recalled the matrix of the spell work, to reverse it, she hoped that Trixie did not change the spell, or she would not be able to break it down. The false Ursa rose and resumed its attack, moving toward Twilight, who stood there, horn aglow, but eyes closed. It neared her, and raised its paw to strike her. As it racked the sky, closing on her, Trixie actually cried "Look out!" The paw would never reach, as it dissolved before it could finish the path. The whole beast followed after, and it was over in an instant. Twilight opened her eyes briefly, before collapsing to the ground. "Thank the Stars..." She muttered, as she was soon swarmed by many of those who were still by, mostly the ponies and creatures who made Ponyville their home. They made way for the Queens, and those who were close by them. Twilight was now in a circle of her friends and loved ones, as they made sure she had space. Applejack and Harmony were closest, propping her up. As she recovered, the other turned their attention to Trixie, who was still in shock. They surrounded her, after the trouble she caused, they were all justifiably angry with her. She backed up, but had no place to go. She was against the building that her own spell had flung her against. "You terror!" One shouted. "You are going to pay for this!" Another said. "If not for Twilight, we could all be out on our rears, with no homes. We could have been killed" Twilight recovered enough, to watch as the other unicorn was gripped in fear. The others looked almost bloodthirsty with rage. The Arrogant magick pony, looked like a child now. She had no pride, or arrogance, only fear and shame. The Great and Powerful Trixie, looked meek and sorrowful. Trixie may be a pain, but she was not trying to hurt anypony, and Twilight knew that deep inside, she also knows how a spell can go astray in an instant. Something started to burn in her, seeing her like this, one of the few ponies that shares in her unique gift of magick. She was now in trouble, even if it was self caused. Twilight regained her energy, and charged through the crowd, and stood between them and Trixie. Who looked at her oddly, wondering what the violet unicorn had planned. The Crowd was equally confused by the act as well. They are started up, shouting and calling names out. "STOP!" Twilight shouted. A Silence fell, and all eyes looked surprised toward her. "How can you all be so cruel?" She began. "Can you not see how scared she is, and how sorry she is? She has been a pain in the flank for everypony, but she has never gone out of her way to hurt anypony" She looked over the crowd. "But look at what she's done!" "I know that there are few Unicorns in this town, fewer who can summon magick as her or I. So you ponies do not know what it is like to try to control magick, especially on that scale of ours. One small mistake, could change a simple spell, into a disaster" They all seem to calm a bit, a couple others seem to agree with her. She could not tell if they were locals, or some of the visitors. She did not really care, she just wanted to turn the crowd. Twilight turned to Trixie, who still could not make sense of her sudden defense. "You are not without blame Trixie. You and I, we are both blessed with Magick as our special ability. That means we have to control our spells. You are a show off, and try to be too flashy. You need to focus more on-" "What ever" She snapped. "I messed up, no need to go on" She looked past Twilight at the crowd, and glared. "I will do better next time, and I will be more... careful... I guess" She brushed past Twilight, looking more angry than sorry now. Twilight watched her go, after she made it a few tails, a flash of light, and she was gone. *** Twilight was helping the others clean up the mess, tempers had cooled, and the ponies just wanted to put it all behind them. No pony really said anything, so the only sounds was the cleaning. Even some of those not of the town, were cleaning. The last day of Remembrance, and it was one to remember indeed. After it was done, Twilight trotted home. She was tired from everything, and needed a long rest. She paused a moment, thinking she heard something. She shrugged it off, and continued on. She heard it again, and stopped. "Hello?" Something moved in the shadows, of one of the allies. "You should be happy" Trixie said, coming into the light. "You are the student of Queen Celestia, a great magick user” She paused a brief moment. “Plus the whole town thinks you are a hero. Such glory" "I did not do it for glory. I do not use my magick to show off, or to get fame" Twilight said, with a hint of annoyance. Trixie scoffed. "Well lucky you, you don't have too" She trotted past Twilight, and stopped. "It has been a long day, can you be a pest later?" The violet mare, was not in much a mood, after everything, the other seemed to learn nothing. "Seriously, after all this, you are-" "Didn't come here to pester you Twilight Sparkle. I came to say... Thanks..." She looked surprised. "What?" "I messed up, and it would have been really bad if you hadn't been there. Being a good show pony, means always doing your best in the spot light. I push myself, and well... I failed today" She looked to the sky, looking at the stars. "Funny, when a star shines, it's light is taken for granted, but when it falls, everypony makes a fuss" She sighed. "But that is the way of those who are made into stars" She looked different now, she was not at all like herself, or a side any had seen. "You ok Trixie?" "I'm fine" She started to trot away. She watched her go, she felt funny. Twilight was use to Trixie being in her face, but never seen her so deep in thought. She wanted to follow her, and try to get more, but she felt it best to just leave it be for now. Maybe one day, she would break the unicorn's shell, and see what was inside her mind.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
When Twilight Sparkle was enrolled in the Povyville college, she was past the usual date for eligibility, but when the one enrolling you is the Queen of Equestria, it is hard for a simple school to refuse. By being entered late, she did not get to take the testing to see her levels. So after a semester, she finally took the aptitude test, and was found to be far more advanced than the first year courses. So with awarded credits, and some reworking, she was placed into higher classes for most of them. She was now in second, and some even third year. With new courses, she was now entering a more challenging semester, in ways she was yet to realize. The Magick of Friendship chapter 10 Darkwing Messenger Twilight was very excited, she would hope to learn more from the classes she was moved up in. She would also share a class with her friend Rainbow Dash, who was not so into the classes as the Unicorn was. She easily found the room for "History of Equestria" She felt a little confident that she was still advanced for this class, but she also felt that way in most her studies. The class was set up like most of the larger colleges, the history course was a big thing for Equestria since it was restored. Queen Celestia wished that all the ponies had a good grasp on the past. It was a key course for a general diploma, and an option for masters. She took a seat in one of the lower rows, so to be closer to the lessons. Twilight was well settled in by the time the bulk of the class came in, and before it was time for class to start. The teacher, a faded brown Earth stallion, went to close the door, as Dash and a Gryphon skirted being late. "Seems you two are getting better at telling time" He said, with littler humor. "Miracle can happen teach" Dash said, and made her way to the desk. The other did likewise, she looked even less enthused by this class than the Pegasus. Twilight recognized her, but could not really recall where. The Pegasus took a seat by her, and her friend by her. "Yo Sparks" Dash said, and Twilight greeted. "That is my main bird, Gilda" Twilight moved to look at her, and greet her, but she did not seem to care much more for it, than the class. "Yeah, cool" She said coldly. "Why we down so far?" She was asking the mare closest to her. Rainbow Dash turned to her. "Because, I wanted to sit by my bud Sparks" The teacher called attention to himself. "Today, will start on the bits we left off on. A review of the course so far, was the War of the Night Beasts. Much of our history has been lost, but bits and pieces have been gathered, and we know the war was a great struggle when Magick had become the main source of all things in Equestria..." Gilda grumbled, and Dash echoed her reaction. "What a bore" The Gryphon said. Twilight did not pay much attention to the two making jokes, locked back into her study mode. She was listening intently, she knew much of this already, but she liked the way he told the stories. "Hey Tulip" Gilda whispered, Twilight correcting her on the name before other went on. "Yeah, sure. You seem to like this learning junk, should let Me and Dash copy off ya. Help us out, we can help you out too" "G, don't bug her, she's my friend" Dash interjected. "Why I'm asking, what friends do, right?" "I could not do that, I would be robbing you both of the education you are here to get" Twilight replied. "Well, you see?" Gilda went on. "I don't do very well with learning here and now. I need time to go over things, but when you need the answers here and now, I fall behind. Dash, she is just lazy" She added the last part, caused her friend rolled her eyes as she was talking. The Unicorn seem to consider the facts. "Well..." "Don't do it, she is messing with you, she just doesn't want to listen" "Dash? You bitch, almost had her" "Told ya, she is a friend, don't screw with her" She jabbed a finger at her. They both glared at each other, and Twilight sank in her seat a bit, looking ahead. "Well" The teacher spoke, right at the three. "Seems another reminder from last semester, you two lacking in your attention span. I am surprised you have sat so close, and surprised at you miss Sparkle" His gaze focused on her. "I would have expect you would be more attentive, being an advanced student" He gave a sturdy glare at the two known trouble makers. "Try not to let these two get to you, we are in college after all. Queens help you, if I see notes being past around" A couple others around them, laughed and giggled at the comment. "Hey, don't sweat it teach, just me and G you have to worry about" Rainbow Dash defended, and the older stallion rolled his eyes. Gilda leaned back in her seat, something was on her mind, and it was not anything good. She was disappointed to loose a free ride, but she was also feeling something else, with the weight of her stare on Twilight. The class went on, with little interruption. When it was over, the teacher called Dash and Gilda over to talk. "Look you two, can we go one semester without your trouble? I try to be nice, but you both still slack off. I would not mind so much, if you did not draw others into the little trouble cloud you float on" "Hey, we passed last time" Dash said, Gilda was less than caring about the whole thing. "Made it through one year, and onto another one" "Yes, but you barely made it by. How you two goofed off, missed classes, and still managed to pass with semi-decent grades, I can not fathom. What are you gaining by being here? Why waste time and money, if you are not taking it serious?" "I'm going to get into the Wonder Bolts!" Dash declared. "Try to remember that, and maybe you will shape up. I have had a couple come through here, and they worked hard to get the best grades and pass with flying colours. Pardon the pun. You have potential Rainbow Dash, if you apply yourself. Leave the High school toughmare behind, and act like you are in college. I should not even be needing to say this" He paused. "I am only doing so, because I do care for my students. I teach, because it is what I love. So you must learn, so you can do what you love" His words seem to actually make a dent in the Pegasus. Gilda was less than impressed. "We done?" He looked at her, and sighed. "You have a lot of potential, and even could become the first Gryphon to pass college. Something-" She held up her clawed hand. "I'll behave, just enough with the lectures. Your class is out, and so am I" Dash watched her go, and followed after her. The teacher rubbed his head. "Like a bad High School drama" *** A couple days in, and the words of their teacher, Mr. Passage, still filled her mind. Dash felt she wanted to try harder, but Gilda was not going to be much help, so she went to Twilight. She tried to get Gilda to take Twilight's help too, but the Gryphon was becoming more distant. Dash could not see it, but Gilda had something against the Unicorn. She avoided her as much as she could. Dash just shrugged it off, and took lessons under her friend. "Oh mare, this sucks!" Rainbow Dash declared. They were in the Ponyville Grand Library, so Twilight tried to quiet her. "Sorry Sparks, but this junk is just boring" "It is not so hard, if you can related to it" Twilight explained. "That's the problem, I don't care about any of this. History is pointless" Twilight was trying to think of how to get her friend interested. "Well, if we do not know the past, we may repeat things, like the bad stuff" "Still don't care. Why do I need to know about the founding of Ponyville, or how ponies got to trotting on two legs?" "Well, what are you studying as your major?" "What ever, I just went in for a general knowledge thing, so I could get through easy, but now I'm stuck in courses I don't care about" Twilight was a bit surprised. "Not learning a trade? What if you do not get into the Wonder Bolts, or after if you do? Should have something to fall back on" "I'll be dead, my life is for being a Wonder Bolt. I'm gonna be the best flyer in Equestrian Hist..." She grumbled, causing Twilight to giggle. She did not want to learn it, but she wanted to go down in History. "Well, what about that? What about the early flyers of Equestria? I bet you could learn something from that. The first Pegasus, the first Wonder Bolts, even the War Time flyers" Dash thought about it. "Well, I guess there maybe something to learning that" Twilight smiled, and pulled out a book. "This has some good stories in it, around the era when Queen Luna was gone. I have not read it all yet, but sure it will be more help to you" She looked at her Bay-B, and saw the time. "We should go, the Library closes soon" Rainbow Dash nodded, and they gathered their things, and moved out of the building. They trotted a bit down the path, when Gilda swooped in. "Dash, there you are, where did you go?" She looked at Twilight, who waved, but she did not respond to it. "We were going to do some of our moves today, now it's too late!" "Sorry G, I was out with Sparks today, trying to get on this learning thing" The Gryphon did not like the fact she was with Twilight, and did not hide her annoyance too well. "What ever, lets go, maybe we can practice some things before it gets dark" She went to grab Rainbow Dash's arm, but she moved away. "Sorry G, I have to get home and work on this. Twilight gave me a book to look at with some of early Legends of Equestria. Might learn some new moves" She sounded more excited, but her friend was not. "What ever" She grumbled, and took off. It left both of them confused, but Dash shrugged it off. she knew Gilda well enough, that she was moody at times. *** Things started to improve, Rainbow Dash was getting better in her classes, and Twilight and her were getting to be closer. Though the same could not be said for Gilda, who seem to grow more distant, to even her friend. She was also slipping in her classes. Where Dash was showing up far more than she did before, Gilda was showing up less. Twilight had the feeling Gilda did not like her, but she also knew that she and Rainbow were very close, and did not want their relationship to end over her interference in the Pegasus' lessons. After class, she found Gilda, and waited until she could get a moment alone with her. She followed her, and when she was out in the open, and called her name. Upon hearing her name, the Gryphon turned, she knew it was not Dash, but she did not look surprised to see Twilight, she looked more mad than anything. "What?" "I thought I could talk to you, seems you are starting to fall back. If you like, I can help you. It worked for Rainbow Dash, maybe-" The Gryphon came up to her, and grabbed her shirt. "What is wrong?" Twilight was shocked by it, but tried to stay calm. "You! Dash and me, were perfect, till you came in, and started changing her. Now she does more reading than anything else" She deepened her stare. "I tolerate you, only because of Dash. So leave me alone, and you better stop filling her head with all this study crap too. I've known her longer than any one, and I won't let some fancy Unicorn, steal her a way. Our system worked, and we'd be out of school with little headache" "Steal? I'm not trying to-" "You want to be a book worm, go ahead. Leave Dash out of it, and do yourself a favor, and avoid me. Birds eat worms, and don't think I won't destroy you. Dash's friendship, can only save you for so long" She let Twilight go, not so much releasing her grip, and pushing her out of it. As Gilda stormed off, the Unicorn felt a bit teary eyed, she did not want to be trouble, but she feels she did something wrong. She finished school, and made straight for home. The encounter still weighing on her mind. She did not have work, and did not even stop by Apple Cider's. She came in, and went right to her bed, and laid there, face down, thinking about it all. "Hiya, Twila" Pinkie popped in, not long after, giving her little chance to recover. "What's wrong?" The pink mare moved over to her, and sat on the bed. "I had... a bad day..." She said, a bit muffled. Did not seem to hinder the other. She put her hand on Twilight's back, and rubbed it comfortingly. "Aw, wanna talk about it?" "Not really..." Pinkie thought, and stopped her rubbing. "Well, not going to be very helpful, if I don't know what happened" She shifted to lay beside her, and rested her chin on Twilight's head. "I can't read minds" "A talent Pinkie does not have. I was wondering if there was anything you could not do" Twilight said, coming off more harsh then she intended too, it did not seem to effect the other any though. "You can tell me, I'm good at secrets. I'm like a treasure chest of secrets" "I would believe that" Pinkie got off, and resumed sitting on the bed, and Twilight sat up too. She decided it would be easier to just tell her, and went over the events of the last few days. After she finished, Pinkie nodded. "That is one nasty birdy, she doesn't like anypony, except Rainbow Dash. Be a good idea, to leave her alone" "But what about Rainbow Dash? She wants me to stop talking to her too, I can not just stop talking to her" "Have to do what you feel is right, I would avoid Gilda though" Twilight thought about it, and nodded slowly. It was not really much help in her situation, but talking about it seemed to do her better. *** A few days went on, Rainbow Dash was getting better in school, and everything seemed to be going ok. It was not long till something came to a head, between Gryphon and Unicorn. Twilight was trotting down the hall, heading for her locker, when she saw Gilda in her path. She also noticed the other, and when she past, she made sure to bump into her. "Watch out Bookworm" Twilight paused, and something in her took hold. "Why don't you?" She let out, not sure where it came from. "What?” She turned. Twilight turned to face her as well. "I said, you should watch out. You bumped into me" She had this brewing in her for some time, the fact the bird was so rude to everypony, even those who only wanted to help, was too much. "I have done nothing to you, but try to be nice, and I'm sick of having to worry about myself around you" Gilda moved closer to her. "Better watch yourself, Dash can't save you, if you push me" "Do not need her too. I am not afraid of you, and not going to be afraid to spend time with her either. Get over, what ever it is that you have against me, cause I am not trying to steal her from you" She grabbed Twilight by the shirt, and pushed her to the lockers. A few were watching, some looking shocked that any would stand up to the known bully. "You sure love to talk, but don't know when to shut it. Good thing you like to learn, because I'm going to teach you something" Before she could make a move, Twilight's horn shined, and Gilda went flying across the hall to the wall. She recovered from the crash, and stood up with rage in her eyes. "You're dead!" Twilight did not move, and as the other came, an Officer grabbed her. "Well, seems we're back in Grade school. Starting fights again, this will be the last time Gilda" He looked at Twilight. "And you will have some explaining to do too" The whole thing became a big problem, more for Twilight, than the other involved. Given Gilda long list of trouble, and not being her first fight, she was out for the semester, making her have to take make up courses in the summer. Twilight, unfortunately for her, was in a similar situation. She was a special case, allowed after the registration period, and advanced late in the year, she was on a high standard, and so was also out for a couple weeks. She would have little trouble making it up, but the fact she was out of class for the time, was more of the punishment as it was intended. With the coming Winter break, she would be out till next year started. That was not the end of it for either of them, and Twilight was trotting home, when Gilda came across her. "I have a beating waiting for you" Twilight did not back down, and she declared she would keep her ground. She was not very skilled in fighting, but she knew defensive magick, and was able to keep herself from getting a worse beating, thanks to it. She took on Trixie’s false Ursa, she knew she could hoof the hot headed bird. Rainbow Dash swooped in, and pushed them apart. "What in Everfree is this?!" "Dash, help me kick her ass, she is using magick to keep me from beating her down" Rainbow Dash looked at her, then looked at Twilight. "What happened?" The Unicorn answered, going over the little bits. "So we both were restricted from entering the school" "And she got this semester take'n away. I have to do it all over in summer!" Dash stood there, not able to believe what was going on. "G, why do you always start crap? You're never getting out, if you keep this up" She sighed. "I can't believe, two of my friends, are fighting like this" "She is no friend, she wants you to forget about me!" Gilda said, pointing her finger at the other. "What? I just wanted us all to get along" "Liar!" "Stop it!" Dash shouted. "Why can't we just get over this?" She looked at Gilda. "We've been friends forever, and I'm also friends with Twilight. Can't you accept that?" "No, because she wants you to forget me. She lured you away with all the history crap, and now you spend your time with her, or in the books. When was the last time we hung out?" Rainbow Dash thought it over. Twilight moved closer. "You can not believe this? I would not try to keep you a way from your friends" "She's Canterlot, and a brat of the Queen. Can't trust those upper class royal types!" Dash looked very deep in thought, and looked up to Twilight. "I... know I've always had trouble with the High class, after what happened... but I want to believe Twilight isn't like that... but I have to trust Gilda" She looked at Twilight. "What?" Any could feel the pain in her voice. "I've known her most my life, and I'd trust her with it. You don’t know what I’ve gone through, and she’s been the only one I’ve had, not even family... I want us to be friends Twilight, but..." Twilight's eyes were welling up, and she looked a way. "No, do not say anything" She looked at Gilda, and glared through her tears. "Looks like you won, you wanted her to yourself, and you got it!" Her horn shown bright, and in a flash, she was gone. "Twilight..." Rainbow Dash said weakly. "Feh, who needs her. She would just do what those upper class ponies always do with us on the lower cut. Use us, and trick us" The Pegasus looked at Gilda, not sure what she just did. She felt she was partly wrong for doing it, but she could not turn her back on the one friend she had through everything. Her heart sank, as she thought about the pain she caused, but she had bad run in with the royal class before. And one time, that changed her whole life. She felt torn by the whole thing. *** Rainbow Dash tried to get a hold of Twilight, but she would not respond. She was not do back in school for a while yet, and so the only choice was to find her. She tried the Library, but no luck, and so she tried Apple Cider's. She trotted in, and looked toward the booth she usually was, but was not now. She spotted Applejack, and called out to her. "Hey, AJ?" The Orange mare turned, and glared at her. "Woah, what's that for?" "Y'all have to ask?" Dash paused, and knew she knew. "Well, I'm trying to find her" "So y'all can do more damage? How could y'all? Twilight is a sensitive pony, and done nothing to deserve that" "The hell? I just said I had to side with Gilda on it. I wasn’t trying to hurt her. If you only knew how hard it is to trust any pony from Canterlot, after what I've gone through" She jabbed a finger at her. "Where she is from, ain't the problem. The fact y'all took that damned Gryphon's side, is more the point. Y'all know that monster better than any of us, and should know she ain't worth trust'n to watch a hayseed, let alone telling the truth" "That is right, I do know her better than any pony, just cause you all see her as some monster, doesn't mean she is. She has been through a lot, and her and I have been through too much for me to just throw it a way on a little butting of heads! Would you have sided with a new friend, over one you've share a long history with?" Applejack snorted. "For one, I don't associate with low down snakes. If'n I did, I'd know all the shedding they do, ain't gonna change the fact they are still snakes. "What ever history y'all have, most be worth it, if you can destroy a poor mare's heart. She came here, and has grown so attached to all those here, and y'all were one she held close" She paused a moment. "She ain't been nothing but nice to us all, and done nothin' to suggest she would do any harm. Don't know what y'all have against the royal types, but what ever it is, Twilight isn't like that" "How do you know? Maybe she isn't so pure, maybe she is hiding something. Canterlotians are all stuck up, and snobby. Treating the rest of us in Ponyville, or even Cloudsdale, like we are lesser creatures!" Applejack studied her. "Of all ponies to be talk'n about being stuck up. Y'all are the biggest show off in Ponyville, and all you care about is being number one. Y'all act more like these supposed bad Royal types" She turned, finding it hard to look at her. "I knew y'all had bad judgment, being friends with that bird and all, but trying to drag down Twilight, to defend that vile Gryphon? It's a new in low. Y'all choose the Gryphon over Twilight, but I'm choosing Twilight" Rainbow Dash was a bit confused, all the rage and anger was gone for a moment. "Choosing her?" "Yeah, if'n y'all are gonna stay friends with her, then I ain't keep'n friendship with y'all. Y'all asked who I'd pick, well y'all are proving to be a snake, and even after all the years, I see the skin shed'n. I said it before, choose her over a snake" Dash was hit hard by that, nearly loosing her balance. "But-" Applejack turned completely. "Y'all made a huge mistake, and airn't own'n up to it. So, we'all are done" She started to trot away, as the other was still trying to process what had happened. "I won't buck you out, ain't the Apple way too, but I don't have to serve, or talk to y'all" She was nearly back to the kitchen, when it all sank into Rainbow. She clenched her fists, and shouted. "Fine!" And stormed out, nearly knocking over a dragon coming in. Out of sight, Applejack pressed her back to the wall, and covered her eyes in her arm. "Damn it Dash..."
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The Magick of Friendship Chapter 11: Loving Ponies, Smitten Dragon Fluttershy made her way down the halls of the college, it was between classes, and so she needed to get to her locker for the next lesson's gathering of books and such things. She liked to travel light, and despite the distance she had to go for nearly each class, she felt it was better to use the locker. She was nearly there, when she spotted a figure outside hers. She hesitated, and came to a stop, ducking out of the way. "Oh my..." She said to herself, thinking about something that had been going on for a while now. She had been finding little notes in her locker, and now, she believed she knew who it was. She dared a look, as the figure fiddled in their pockets. He was a young dragon, by their species standards, he was merely a child, but he was into his adulthood, if he was a pony. Tall, and thin, not very defined in his build, maybe something due to his dragon age. His body was not really grown, since many were massive creatures. His body was purple, and he had several spines from tail to head, that were green. They was small in size, until about the back of his neck, where they grew and curved up, than over, ending in a long one above his brow. Looked like a Mohawk. His face was narrow, and head a bit oval, but all like a smaller version of the dragon he would be one day. His lower jaw line, and down his neck, and chest, was a lighter green than his spines, with the reptilian ridges of softer flesh than the scaled hide. He wore an open purple vest. by all accounts, he was very attractive, and with that vest, and dark not so tight, nor loose pants, that skirted over his four toed clawed feet, he was dressed to kill, along with his looks. If it was any other, Fluttershy would have been thrilled, but she had one problem, a fear of dragons. Though she had not been there, she had family who survived the Dragon wars, and she heard so many tales of their power, and danger. She needed to act, because she did not want to lead him on either, but she did not want to really confront him. He seemed to be taking his time, and was not expecting his attraction to show up. She slowly approached, and squeaked out "Excuse me?" He nearly jumped, and turned to her. He looked panicked, but calmed when he saw her. "Thank the Shapers, thought you were some one else" His voice was smooth, and fluid. He could do well in a profession needing an alluring voice, he had a knowledgeable sound. She was a bit confused, but decided to go on with her question. "Uh... why are you... at my locker?" "Yours?!" This seemed to surprise him. "Oh no, I thought this was some one else's" He put his clawed hand to his face, and rubbed his forehead. "Cinders" Fluttershy was relieved and also her heart sank a bit. All the time she was reading these messages, she was not the actual intended. He seem to sense her troubles, or maybe just felt bad he lead her on. "I'm sorry, you seem great, for the few seconds I've been here" He laughed uneasily. "I've just had my eyes on another... does explain why she never wrote back to me" "No... it's ok..." She looked away, rubbing her arm. "Kind of a relieve, cause I'm... I don't... I uh... Have some issues with... dragons" He voice grew lower as she went, nearly whispering the last word. He heard it fine though, what seemed like ears, the little three point frills on the side of his head, coloured like his softer areas, able to pick up that soft voice. "Really? Well, do not have to worry, my kind is not like the ones from those... bad times. Name's Spike" He held out his claw. She looked at it, shakily, and reached for it. His smile seem to sooth her, she was feeling less afraid of him. Was also starting to see the charm in his looks, and the sharp reptilian face. She was starting to wish she was this unknown pony, who had his attention. "I'm... Flutter...shy" She was a bit louder, but not much so. "Nice to meet ya" "So, who is it? That you are looking for? I won't tell them" She started to open her locker. "Well..." Now it was his turn to look timid. "She is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, with long curling mane, and tail, a pure white coat, like angel wings, and a look that could melt a stone heart" She opened the door, and started take some things out. "Well, sounds like somepony I know" She looked at him. "Not Rarity?" He nodded slowly, his little frill ears, folding down. He did not look so much like the charming young heart throb, as a little boy that he probably truly way by the dragon's description. She smiled a bit, thinking about it all. How cute he was, and wondering what Rarity would think, given her personality. She loved attention, when she found it good. "Well, you were close, hers is right there" She pointed at a locker not far away. Enough so, the numbers were similar to Fluttershy's. "Oh, you may want these back then" She pulled out a few little notes, most folded up like diamonds, others in little squares with animal paw prints on them. He took them, then looked at the square ones. "Thanks, but..." He pocketed them, and pulled out a couple square ones. He read one, and then looked at her. "These ones I didn't do" He gave her the ones he had out, then when through the others taking out all them. "I think that you do have an admirer" She folder her ears back, and receded into her hair a bit. "Oh my... really?" She looked at them, and smiled a bit. Spike put an arm around her, and smiled, returning to that charming dragon she first saw. "By that one I read, looks like they have quiet the crush on you. If not for Rarity, I might have to fight this one off" She made an eek, and receded more. He looked over, and yelped. "Oh cinders!" He backed up. "I'll see you around... bye!" He dashed off, leaving a confused Fluttershy to come out of her hair hole, and look toward his panic. She knew why he was so quick to run, the mare of his heart, was trotting her way toward her locker. She was looking every bit of a beauty, most saw of her. "Oh, Fluttershy, how are you today dear?" Despite her very being, the aura she gave off, and the way she seemed, and the reputation she had. Rarity was a kindhearted pony, who cared for all. She was a bit into herself, and enjoyed the finer things, but she was not cruel, or conceded like most of her class. "Hello Rarity, I am well. How are you?" "Lovely, but that is a given" She snickered. "Oh, don't you have class soon? It's very near the start of the next courses" Fluttershy gave a little "eep" and looked at the time. "Oh no no, I'm going to be late... oh my..." She jumped up, and started to fly down the hall. Rarity smiled, and continued on. *** The next day, Fluttershy came down the hall, and spotted Spike, this time at Rarity's locker, and was putting his notes in. He spotted her, and stopped. "Hi again" "Hello Spike, you are trying again I see" She kidded him she did not feel so afraid of dragons, least not him, not any more. she ran into him a couple times yesterday, and he seemed to be a great dragon. "Yeah, I got it right this time" She went her own, and opened it, finding a new note. "Oh" she muttered. It was square, so see knew it was from her own admirer. She read it, and smiled. These little things seem to bring her a bit of joy, just thinking some pony took a liking to her. She paused, and wondered. "Spike is a dragon... I wonder" She started getting images of potential suitors, but then they went from charming ones like Spike, to scarier ones. She nearly jumped, and Spike poked her arm. "Oh sorry, seemed a bit troubled. Your pen pal didn't break up with you, did they?" He looked genuinely concerned. "No, just something else..." She looked over. "You might want to hide" He turned and saw Rarity. "Cinders!" He tried to run, but crashed into Fluttershy. They fell, and in the time it took for them to get back up, it was too late. She was nearly upon them, so he hid behind his new pony friend. "Hello dear, who is that?" She cocked her head, to look around the other. "Oh, this is Spike" She said, grinning to herself. She did not play tricks, but this seemed like a good idea to be playful with her new friend. "He's almost as shy as I am" "Oh, well, he should not be. He looks rather cute, what I saw" She winked, when he peered around. She then turned to her locker, and opened it. She did not see the fear in Spike's face. "Oh my my, so many little notes. Is it Ponitines Day?" she giggled, holding up a big one, shaped like a long ruby. "How cute, they are all like little gems" Spike sucked in his lower lip, and frills folded tight in embarrassment. Fluttershy kept him hidden. "What does it say?" "Very much, but mostly, that these others, were in the wrong locker, and so might be a bit dated. I believe I have an admirer" She snickered. "It has been some time since I've had notes in my locker, seems kind of foalish for college" her tone was un-telling of her feelings. Spike's heart sank, reading into it as a bad thing. "But," His hope raised. "It is very charming, and cute. I hope to meet this one some day, he writes divinely" She had read a few in a short time. "Words alone, I believe I'm in love" She grabbed her things, and a few more notes, and closed the locker, smiling. "Really makes my day" She was genuine, as she spoke. "I know how you feel" She said, forgetting herself. "Oh my, I mean..." "Oh? Some pony else getting little missives?" She neared her, and winked. "Looks like we have some investigating to do. Let me know if you see any pony leaving these, and I'll tell you if I see who's doing the same for you" She grinned, and trotted along, reading another. Fluttershy heard a little giggle from her as she was down the hall. She turned to Spike, who was on the floor, sitting. "She... liked them... and she wants to meet me..." He said, looking a bit troubled. "You ok?" "Yeah... I just... never thought she would actually be interested... I hoped! but... wow" He really seemed to be like herself, very timid, at least when it came to Rarity. "You want me to lie, and say I have not seen who is putting them in her locker?" He looked up at her, again looked much younger. "Please, at least... for now" She smiled, and helped him up. "Ok, I promise to keep it between us" *** The week was nearly over, and Fluttershy still had no idea to her own admirer, but she had become close with Spike in the time. He was a very goodhearted dragon, with varying interests. He like to have that smooth, cool guy bravado, but he was a very deep thinker, and was pretty well read. He was becoming a master of the language of Equetria, a future as a writer, seemed his path. The quiet mare decided to introduce him to Twilight, since they two had much in common, and maybe by the time he was ready to talk to Rarity, he would have some courage from her own friends. The halls were clearing out, as the day was over, and Fluttershy found Spike by her locker. She greeted him, and received one in kind. She quickly deposited her things, taking only what was needed for home studies, and the two headed toward where she believed to find Twilight still lingering. Sure enough, the unicorn was in the Library, cleaning up a mess of books she had gathered. "Hello Twilight," As ever, Fluttershy spoke softly. "Busy day of learning?" "As always, and would not trade it. Though was more for Rainbow Dash, than myself today" She laughed, and noticed the dragon in tow. "Oh, who is this?" She turned, and introduced them, with a bit of back story. She left out the details of Rarity, by his request. Twilight seemed more curious. "Well, Spike, if Fluttershy likes you, then I should too" She smiled and studied his looks, and style, and wondered more what drew these two together. After the Applejack and Rarity incident, she long learned not to judge friendships. "So," Spike began, looking at some of the books. "You are interested in literary works?" She nodded. "Read any of the imported works? Like Gryphiam Sharpsbeak? It's from the Gryphon's era of creative works, and a bit hard to properly translate into Ponish, but they are worth a look" he laughed, at a thought in his head. He decided to share it. "They make less sense in Draconian" "Oh, so you enjoy writing? I admit, I have not seen much outside the domestic works" Fluttershy was already happy how fast they seem to get along, like they had always known one another. "Though Celestia had a good collection of works from all over" Twilight paused, and realized she mentioned the Queen. She tried not to speak much of her relationship with her in budding friendships. A few knew, because of both the party, and the celebration of the Day of Remembrance, but she still did not want to use it like an ice breaker. "You know the Queen? Well well, maybe you've seen my cousin. He is a Royal ambassador, actually one reason I know Ponish, and am here." He paused a moments, a bit hesitant to say what was coming next. "I'm actually the Third son of the Dragon King" Both Fluttershy and Twilight froze, such a revelation, and shock to learn. "Y... you're a Prince?" Twilight asked. He looked a bit embraced, and scratched the side of his scaled face. "Yeah... well.. it's not such a big deal. Third son, means if I was to ever be King, it would be ages away. Dad has many to go, and my oldest brother isn't even an ancient like my Sister" "Wow, Spike, that is something still. I'm Queen Celestia student, but not an heir to the thrown" "Please, don't make a big deal of it, I don't want it to be something to define me. Another reason I'm so far from home. I wanted to live a life free of being treated like a Prince" She nodded, thinking about how a couple ponies acted when she was found out in her own Royal connections. "I understand" Spike and Fluttershy helped clean up with Twilight, and they all headed to Apple Cider's. Twilight and Spike continued to act like they have know each other for years, something to their similar interests. Fluttershy was sure of that, but she was glad that they did get along so well. They arrived, and instead of Twilight's booth, they sat at one of the tables. The booth could hold at least four, but Spike's tail would have been an issue. So an open chair was needed. This spot was under Apple Bloom's care, and she made her way over to them. "Well, y'all try'n something new" She said, standing near Twilight. "And bringing friends" She looked at Fluttershy and then Spike, where she froze up a bit, an odd look in her eyes. Twilight looked at her, then at Spike, returning to her, when she spoke. "You ok?" She blinked a couple times, and resumed herself. "Yeah, yeah, just thinking about something. So what y'all have? I don't make that stuff my sister does, so don't be ask'n" She looked away, but kept Spike in the edge of her sight. Twilight helped them decide on some food, and Apple Bloom was off. Spike was pretty hard to figure out, he was not too into pony food. He had a taste for gems, and so it was not easy finding anything suitable. Twilight could not help notice, the little mare was keeping an eye on the dragon during the whole order. The Unicorn could not figure out what was in her mind. *** A couple days went, and was nearing the end of the week. The two ponies, and dragon, were becoming very close friends, but Spike was still not ready to confront Rarity. So he went on slipping notes in her locker. Fluttershy own interest, was taking a new turn. She actually wanted to set up a meeting with them, and she felt very nervous in doing so. After some thought, and pestering by Spike, she did decide too, only if he'd talk to Rarity. So the two set their dates, and prepared to meet them. Spike would be first, though it was not his choice. He was at the locker, about to put the note in, when Rarity came up on him. She came from a different path than normal, so caught him unaware. "Well, it is you" She said, causing him to jump. She giggled at him, but not meanly, only humored that he is so afraid of her and the feelings. "So you are the one giving me those lovely little letters?" He pressed up to the lockers, looking at her. His heart was rushing, and breath was hard. He was not ready, but he had no choice now. He nodded, weakly, but enough to make the unicorn go on. "Well, I must say, having a dragon's attraction, is very flattering. I know many seem to take a liking to me, but I just never would imagine, it would span species" She spoke thoughtful, she was not trying to sound pompous, but the sentence was not easy to make any other way. "You should not be so afraid of your feelings dear" She put her hand to his cheek, he was uneasy, but then started to relax. Her soft touch was soothing. "We should sit and talk some time" She smiled. *** The weekend came, and Fluttershy hid in a bush outside the Ponyville Gardens. She was to meet her admirer here, but she was so afraid of who it was. She knew from the notes, they was a very sweet and caring... what ever they could be. She was surprised she got the answer back. Leaving a little piece if paper in the locker, so if anyone was looking, they would see it. She was hoping it was not some pony being mean, when the answer to this meeting, was "yes" she was feeling like a little filly, with all this note passing, and secret meetings. Every pony, and creature that came by, she was hopeful, but also afraid it was them. She wanted to leave, but she could not be so mean. This one wanted to meet her, and had been leaving notes for some time now, that she would feel horrible if she stood them up. She actually started to cry, at the thought of some poor soul looking, but not finding who they were hoping to. Wiping her eyes, she stood up, and felt the courage to wait openly for them. Maybe they were hiding, equally afraid, and so, it could happen she would seem to have done that. No matter what, she would not hurt anything. Some courage drained away after a couple moments, she was thinking of hiding again when she saw a dark gray pony coming. His hair was a strong blue, and his eyes, behind glasses intended to aid the brown orbs see better. He wore a green hoodie, and blue jeans. He was bundled up for the cold. She knew it was him, because he was looking nervous, and darting his eyes around. He did not see her yet, she was angled behind a tree from his point of view. She pressed up to the tree, she felt her heart beat picking up. She was not sure what of this all, was causing it too. He trotted past, and stopped by the bush she was hiding in earlier, and she had confirmation now. He was just where she said to be, and he was looking around. She nearly jumped, when he slowly turned his head, and looked right at her. Both seem to freeze in their places. After a few moments past, he spoke. "H....hi. I'm glad you came. It's.... um.... great to finally meet you." She hid a bit into her hair, starting to wonder if she could handle this after all. "Oh uh... I... oh dear me..." She started to look very nervous. He flicked his ears back in a blush and kicks at the ground a little. "I'm uh.... I'm nervous too, this is my first time doing something.... like this." "Really?!" She said a bit surprised. "Oh.. I mean... just seems a pony like you would...." Ears go back in embarrassment. "have no trouble" The more she stood there, the more she was entranced by him. He slowly looks up at her and smiles. "Heh, it took enough courage to even start putting letters in your locker. I'm generally pretty shy by nature." She looked at his smile, and could feel herself melt. "I...I... I can't be so special... to need much courage" She looked away a bit, feeling a bit unworthy to have anypony in love with her, especially this one she found so charming. He blushed more and looked away in the other direction. "I think you're so gentle and're quite amazing." The heat in his ears rose as he spoke, could not believe he said all that. She played with her hair a bit "Really?.. I mean... I just enjoy animals, and want to keep them well" He tried to look at her again, and would nod "Well, I really admire that." Fluttershy looked at him "So... you like animals too?" "Oh yes, maybe you could teach me some things" He nods more and smiles again as he speaks, starting to get more relaxed as they talked. Her passion for animals over took her timid nature. "Oh yes, I'd love to show you what I can do! Just really takes a gentle hoof, and lots of love" His smile grows as he sees her more clearly now that she's perked up. "Well I do have lots of love." She blinked a couple times, seeing that smile again, returning her to her timid nature. "Oh dear..." His heart sinks a little from seeing her reaction "Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...." "Oh no... you didn't... I'm just use to... being around s-somepony... so... cute" she hid a bit in her hair, and her words trailed a bit getting softer, nearly whispering the last word. Getting nervous again and his ears burning in a blush. The insides of them, a deep red, and he kicks at the ground more "I've never been called cute before..." "Really?.. I'm... a bit surprised by that" She blinked a bit, she truly could not believe it. She noticed the time, seeing the shadows casting on some of the things on the ground. "Oh dear... Gardens are going close soon" She looks over at the entrance. He looks over to where she is and notices "Oh yeah, guess we'll have to leave soon." "It is too bad, the Garden is so lovely" She turns back to him, and smiles a bit, still very timid, but she was feeling less so as she spent time with him. He looks around at the Garden and nods, then smiles warmly back at her "Yes it is." "But getting to meet you after so long... was worth it" She paused, something crossing her mind. He looks toward the ground "I've been nervous about this all day, but I'm glad we finally got to meet." "Oh dear me... I never asked your name... I'm sorry" She looked a bit teary eyed, feeling so ashamed at herself for not being polite to one who actually wanted to be with her. He thinks too, realizing he did not know hers as well. "Heh, that's alright." Holding out a hoof "I'm Playful's yours?" She looks at it, and slowly puts her in his. "I'm uh... Flut...ter... s...shy..." Starts in a slow shaking motion "Fluttershy is it? That's a cute name, suits you very nicely." Her ears went tightly back, hiding her embarrassment. It only made it more apparent. "Oh dear... it's not... so special..." His tails sway back and forth "I think it fits you perfectly" "Eep" She notices the tails. "Oh, you have two? That is so cute" He turns around to show her, the split in it to show two tails "Been that way since birth" Fluttershy became fascinated. "Really? Never seen anything like it" She pauses, noticing how she was looking at his rear a bit more then the tails. She quickly stood back up, and hid into her hair, near completely. "Oh dear me..." He wiggles a little, swaying the tails more to show, giggling at her reaction "Hehe" Looking around again "We should really go, they're closing" She came out of her hair, and looked at the entrance, than looked back to him. "Yes, we should go" He starts to lead, walking next to her, letting his hoof take a gentle hold of one of hers. She did not resist, and held back to his. Looking a bit shy, but more so, lovingly at him. Turns his head to her, giving her a warm smile, happy with the outcome of their meeting. The Pegasus smiled back, turnings her head a bit, still feeling overwhelmed by the feelings she had. For the first time, being so close to another. And so the newborn lovers trotted off into the distance, ending another perfect day in Equestria. Even if it was just for them. She would later realize, the pony by her side, left paw prints, instead of hoof prints, as he trotted. He was practically born for her, in all he was. *** Spike trotted into Apple Cider's, he looked a bit down. He did not see the Blue Pegasus storming her way out, looking very mad. She pushed him aside, and he wondered what her problem was, but did not really care too much either. He was hoping to find Twilight, but she was not around. So he sat at a table, and just waited. Apple Bloom came up, she seemed to move a bit slow, but she did not avoid him. He did not really notice, he was lost in thought. "Hello... again" She said, a bit shaky. He looked over to her, and tried to compose himself. "Hi" He simply said. "Y'all ok?" Her unease faded for a moment. "Just... it's nothing. You don't want to listen to a stranger complain..." "Well, if'n it's about the food, or service here" She tried to make a joke, it did cause a small snort of laughter. "No, just my own problems" She seemed so much like her sister, as she hopped into the seat across from him. Seemed an Apple trait to take on others burdens. "Y'all can go on, I'll listen. Not much to do around here right now, least for the moment. Some air needs to clear, so I got the ears, if y'all got the time" She smiled, and received one back. "Ok, well, I'll skip the long winded stuff, and go right too it. I had a crush on somepony. After all the waiting, turns out, we just do not match up too well" She nodded, as he went on. "I fell for her, because of looks, and not because of her personality. Nothing wrong with her, but just isn't so much my type, as I thought she'd be" He sighed. "I wasn't much the type she was looking for either" "Well," Bloom started. "I can't say I know too much for all the love stuff, but I can figure how you feel" She paused a moment, thinking. "I've had my share of crushes, but nothin' ever truly went any where. Sucks being so young, and far more mature then those about y'all" Spike laughed a bit. "I can relate to that. I'm roughly your age, if you convert the dragon to pony age difference. So I feel a bit like that in college. I'm not really that old or mature for my pony age" With both of them sharing a common problem, it broke the ice, and had both of them talking. They sat and talked for a little bit, about feeling out of place, growing up, and doing things for themselves, not what every one else wants them too do. Apple Bloom got up, to go take care of some customers, and then came back with a bowl. "What's this?" Spike looked at it. Full of little stones. She flicked her ears back, and spoke a bit timidly. "Well... I heard y'all last time, about liking stones and all. So I went out and found some... in case you came back" He recognized that look, he had it so many times over Rarity, and now here was this pony, more alike him than the other could ever be. He smiled, and picked up one of the rocks. They were not rarer ones, like he preferred, but the fact she did this for him, made them far more precious than any other could be. "Thanks Apple Bloom, means a lot" She looked away, making her look adorable in her shyness. He did not know how rare it was, she acted this way. She always showed strength, and pride. "J...just Apple Family hospitality" She tried to cover it up. "Y... y'all like em? I got what I could find..." She did not look at him, but he smiled more any ways. "Better than sapphire" Maybe his dreams had fallen with Rarity, but here he found something else, in the real world that he felt was going to turn out better. It was almost a mirror, of her older sister and Twilight, when she came in. Apple Bloom gave the main of her attention toward Spike, as they sat and talked. In a short time, they started to build a relationship.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The last couple weeks had been eventful, friends lost, loves found. One of those loves, was of the young Dragon and filly. Spike had his eye on another, but found a better connection in Apple Bloom. At first, Applejack had no problem, she saw how they were, her sister would bring in gems just for the dragon, but she started to think, as her mind cleared of the recent incident with Rainbow Dash, she started to get worried about her sister with one twice her age, and outside their species. She tried not to be judgmental, but the idea of her sister with a dragon was unsettling. Applejack confronted her about it, but the fiery filly would not listen. She became stern, and put her hoof down. "Y'all are too young to be in a relationship, and y'all don't know well enough if'n you want to be with a dragon, of all creatures" "What he is? Shouldn't matter, and besides, since y'all gonna use it against him, he's also about my age, by their age" Bloom countered. "Ain't nothing wrong with him, and I am too old enough to know what I want. Just cause I ain't got no cutie mark, and am so small, every pony thinks I'm too young or little. Candy Apple understands me, Adams Apple does too, why can't any pony else?" The older mare's ears flicked at the mention of the two. "Y'all not suppose to be hang'n around those rotten bunch, y'all no idea who they are!" "Cause y'all ain't tell'n no pony, and because he respects you, he doesn't either. He cares about you, and us all too. I think y'all being a immature filly with Adams" "This isn't about me, it's about y'all. Stay a way those two, and I forbid y'all to be courting that dragon!" "Y'all ain't my mama!" She let it out, and regretted it. She covered her mouth, and Applejack stood silent, a shadow fell over her face by her hat. Making her eyes unreadable. "Applejack... I..." She turned a way. "I cannot deal with this, I just lost a long time friend, and now you are running around with lovey eyes on some dragon" She did not look at her, as she went on. "You have no idea what Big Macintosh and I go through to take care of y'all. That is why I say y'all are too young, you don't know how hard life is. “I let y'all have your fun, and pretty much do what ever y'all want, but when either of us try to set boundaries, y'all make a fit. Maybe I ain't mama, maybe I ain't got what it takes to raise a filly, but here I am... Doing it!" She turned, and looked at her. "Y'all will learn that life isn't just all games, and looking for cutie marks. Y'all wanna be treated like a full grown mare, then y'all gonna stay here and work, here, and Apple Cider's. Gonna put in full days, and see what it is you've been wanting so damn bad" Apple Bloom studied her, and looked down. "Maybe I don't know all the work you two do, but it ain't like I don't try to help out. I do a lot of work too... Y'all are willing to let me do more work, but not fall in love" She looked back up. "Ain't nothing wrong with Spike, he's a good g-" Applejack cut her off in a sharp tone. "I ain't hear'n no more of it, y'all will listen fer once! So long as it is me and Big Mac taking care of y'all, it's our rules!" Apple Bloom did not drop it, and shot back. "It ain’t ‘You and Big Mac’ It’s only you! I doubt he cares either. But y’all are so steadfast at being the head of our family. Y’all won’t have to take care of me, I'll be fine on my own!" She dashed out of the room, and soon out of the house. Applejack was stunned for a moment and then tried to follow, but she was gone. The fields were bare, but the land was vast, it was easy to loose sight of a small figure in the countless shapes. "Damn it..." ]Magick of Friendship chapter 12 Salvation in Temptation Apple Bloom galloped from the farms and orchard, and out past the boundary of her old life. She was young, but she was also far more mature than most gave her credit for, and she was tired of it. She wanted to go to Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo, but knew it would be the first place Applejack would look, and she needed some time away. She had a couple other friends, but neither would truly sympathies with her mistreatment. She knew it then, the one place she could go, one that Applejack would think last to look. She would hesitate to even look at all. Applejack got a hold of her brother, Twilight, and a couple others she could count on. She fought back the pain, when she thought about how much help Rainbow Dash would have been. Luckily, both Pinkie Pie, and Ditzy Doo came to the call. With their abilities to find any pony, her little sister was sure to be found. She did not know what to feel about this; one hoof, she was worried, and mad at herself for causing the little filly to run off. The other, she was even more enforced that she was still immature, and needed to grow up. Galloping away from a problem, was not the way to solve things. The longer it took, the more the first hoof was on her mind. "I wish mama was still here, this would never have happened..." She thought, as she was at Rarity's "Hello Applejack, Sweetie Belle is right here" She had received the message on her Bay-B about the whole thing, and made sure her little sister was there so her friend could talk to her. The little filly came out, looking nearly as worried as Applejack. She was one of Bloom's closest friends and obviously cared a lot for her, but also meant she did not know where she was. They all talked, Applejack, trying to get an idea where her sister would have gone. She knew many of her favorite spots to go, but Bloom was no foal. If she did not want to be found, she would not go to those obvious places. She had little luck, as did Fluttershy, who had went to talk with Scootaloo. Twilight looked all over Ponyville, Pinkie, and Ditzy looked farther past. She could not be very far, but was a slim chance. Big Macintosh stayed at Apple Ciders, hoping she might come there, and a few others, regulars, and friends, were keeping their eyes open for any sign of her too. Applejack returned home, and waited there, for word, or sign of her sister. With a loud thud, she slammed her head to the front door frame. She played it all over in her mind, trying to think of what she could have done differently. Their father, a strong and proud pony, leader of the Apples, and made all the hard choices. He always knew what best to do, and Applejack thought she had that trait too. She stood in the middle of the room, and took off her hat, his hat. She looked at it, her brother was suppose to be the one wearing it, he was the first in the family, and a stallion. He gave it too her, because he believed she was the one too next lead the family, and because the ribbon she wore, that their mother gave her, was due to be passed onto Apple Bloom. She had her cutie mark, and it was tradition that the youngest or with no mark, was to have it. She did not want to give it up, it was all that she had left of her mother, and she worried she would loose her mama forever without it. When Macintosh gave up his hat, so she could still carry a physical memory of their parents, she realized that it was not bows or hats, but they themselves, who carried on their parent's memories. She knew her mama would wanted for the bow to be passed on, as she had before. She put the hat down, doubting herself more and more, that she was not ready to be head of the family, and felt she shamed the memories of them both. Apple Bloom, was the last foal of their parents, and she neglected to take care of her, and now she was gone some where. Again, she replayed the fight, this time something of it struck her. "Temptation" She muttered. She thought it over, how Apple Bloom brought them up, and was in defense of those outcast Apples. She then realized, "If she was to go some where none would want too look, even if'n they thought too look, it would be his place in Everfree" The very last word sent a new terror in her. "If'n she is there, she went into that beast riddled Forest!" She did not grab the hat, or anything else, she dashed right out and headed straight for the Everfree Forest. *** In Everfree Forest, a land avoided by most of ponykind, few dared enter here. Since the time, long ago, when Nightmare Moon first struck and destroyed the Castle of the Royal Sisters. The land was changed forever; where most of Equestria was ruled by magick forces, Everfree existed on its own, with no need for outside influence. With that, the land was also where many of the dreaded creatures lived. It was once, a place where the Night Beasts lurked, now it was scattered with creatures of legends. The Cockatrice, whose gaze could turn any to stone, multi-headed Hydra, swamp creatures, who could devour ponies into their muck, deadly flowers, that poisoned, or even ate other creatures, the oversized insects, Dark Witches, who fell from the gentle path that normal witches walked, Sorcerers, and so many other dangers. If a pony was lost here, hope would be likewise. Applejack did not care for herself, she knew the risk, and wanted only to find her sister. Her cousins lived in their terrible place, and that only added to their crimes. No good pony would choose to live in a place so full of danger, and bad history. She hoped, despite her feelings about Temptation, that if her sister came here, she made it too him. He was the lesser evil at this point. This would be the first time she had ever been to his place, and honestly had not an idea what she was looking for. Figuring she would find the lost ruins of the Castle before finding him, but when she came upon a small hut, it looked a bit odd for a pony, even him. The hoof prints, and many of them, told her it had to be Temptation and Candy. What other pony could live in this Queen forsaken forest? She was hoping she did not just find a Centaur home. With a knock, she alerted the owner of her presence. Applejack heard a sound, and then hoof falls. A pair, not four, so was not a centaur. The mare was hopeful, although oddly so, till the door opened. There stood another mare, hardly dressed, and what she wore was not typical of the Equestrian breed. She was in a worn looking wrap, adorned with many kinds of jewels, bangles, rings in her ears and on her fingers, several rings around her neck, giving it a bit of a longer look. Also had a Mohawk mane, and did not look like a pony, but some strange creature. White with black stripes, or maybe black, with white? Applejack could not figure, did not much care. "Who this be, who give my door a knock. Do not get visitors, so this is a shock" She spoke in a foreign accent, one the orange pony did not know. "I was looking for somepony else," Applejack started slowly at first, still taking in the stranger. "Y'all know of any ponies who all live in this here Forest?" She nodded. "That I do, indeed I do. One Stallion, and a Mare too. Both Apples, but not of a tree, but they are friends of mine you see" The rhyming was a bit odd to her, but she still was not here to worry over little things. "Do y'all know if'n a little filly has been about? Maybe she's gone to their home?" With another nod, she pointed down a path. "I see things, with my sorcery and powers. A little filly was by, only ago a few hours. Follow this path, and you'll find the three. The little one you seek, that is where she'll be" She looked down the path, then to the strange pony like creature. "Thank you..." "Zecora. She'd welcome you back, any time Applejack" She gave a bow, and disappeared inside closing the door. Leaving the other wondering how she knew her name. On she went, with the strange Zecora behind, she followed the path hoping it was not some trap or trick. Applejack spotted the house, and nearly rushed to it, but stopped herself. She was worried about seeing Temptation, but was also concerned about Apple Bloom. She was torn, she knew where her sister was now, and she should be safe. Then she remembered why she personally had it out of the Stallion, and charged on to the steps leading to the door. With hard strikes, she knocked on the door, hearing the sound to hoof falls again, and waited to see who would answer. It was none other than Temptation. "Well, cousin, ain't expected to see y'all" He spoke as upbeat as he could, but the lingering doubt of this being a good visit, was in his voice. "Y'all have my sister?!" She was quick to shout, after all the years she had been at odds with him, Applejack had little control talking around him. "Have? I don't keep her. Nope, somethin' else be keep'n her here. She won't say" He turned, and moved a way, giving an inviting gesture. "Welcome to come in, but she seems might upset cousin" The reminder was not needed, but it did calm her temper some. She nodded and trotted in. His home was not too unlike her own; it was done up in a western style, a bit more poor, seeing how lived out here, one did not really bother with fancy styles. It was not much in the family’s style, any how. She did not take in too much, wanting to know where Bloom was, and Temptation lead her to there. Candy Apple saw her cousin, and stood up, Bloom saw her too, and stayed in place, looking more angry. Both of the cousins decided to leave the sisters alone. "Didn't think y'all come here..." Apple Bloom said, looking away. "I would go any where to find y'all, make'n sure y'all are ok. Near all of Ponyville is out and about... I was so worried" "Why? So y'all could boss me around more?!" Applejack lowered her head. "I don't try to boss y'all around, I try to take care of y'all... I'm not the best, I know that... I don't even deserve to lead out family, if'n I can't prevent my own sister from running away" The other noticed the lack of her hat; she usually took it off for work, but otherwise wore it proudly as a sign of leadership. "I worry so much about y'all Apple Bloom, about y'all growing up too fast, and not enjoying your time" She took a pause. "Maybe, I just keep treat'n y'all like a filly, cause I hope y'all never have to grow up, and face the troubles of adulthood. I was fast to grow up too, and though I’m happy with most things, I look back and wish I hadn’t been in such a rush” Apple Bloom was quiet for a moment, listening to her sister speak. She knew Applejack had nothing bad intended for her, and was doing her best. "I'm sorry I ran off. Guess I ain't so old yet, that I still run away from home" She gave a weak smile, Applejack tried to return it, but she was still embroiled with her own demons, feeling unfit to be the head. Apple Bloom stood up, and came to her sister. "I know y'all are doing yer best Applejack, heck, y'all are doing a might fine job at it. The Farm is doing better than it has in some time, least what I've heard from Granny and Big Mac. Apple Cider's is doing very well too. Maybe I didn't get to know Mama and Papa too well, but I bet they'd be proud of y'all" Applejack looked at her, tears in her eyes. "I know I’d be, and am mighty proud to have y'all as my sister" Bloom finished. Applejack leaned down, and the two sisters hugged for some time. "I guess, y'all are much more mature than I give y'all credit fer" Apple Bloom risked it, and asked. "So... can I see Spike?" She spoke slowly, and was worried she would ruin the moment, but Applejack did not get mad or anything. "If'n y'all like him so much, I guess then y'all know what y'all want" They did not stay long, Applejack still was not too comfortable around Temptation. Before they left, she did thank him for watching Apple Bloom. "It's what family does, cousin. Even if y'all don't much care for me, I'm still part of the family" She sighed, and nodded slowly. She did not linger, and the two were on their way back home. *** After the crisis, every pony returned to their lives, and things between the two Apple sisters had changed. Applejack did give her more work, but also did not try to hinder her chances to have fun. Bloom decided to go easy with her quest to grow up so fast. She never stopped seeking way to earn her mark, and the trio of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, would go on till they each had theirs.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The year was nearly over and the cold of the coming winter was strong, some felt that it was stronger than normal. The bitter chill in the wind, felt like some omen. The cursed land of Everfree, where much of Equestria feared and avoided, was gripped in early winter. It was leaking out to the nearby lands of Ponyville, and Fluttershy was first to feel the harshness of it. Quickly she aided the animals to their rest for the winter, or escaping from the chill. She was aided by some of her friends, as they came to help out with the sudden change. Though she was at the most risk of Everfree, with its cold breath on top of her now, they feared it would be too much for her to bare out in this open land. After much insisting, she was also given her own place to be in the early winter. Rarity was first to offer a place, but her mate Playful Paws was the more likely choice for her. "Something ain't right here" Applejack pointed out, almost needlessly. "This is a couple weeks too soon for the scheduled winter; Everfree ain't never blown up a storm like this before" They all looked to the now dead looking trees that were the border to the fearful land. Something was near the edge, and was watching them. It made a motion, with what looked to be its arm, and the wind kicked up and in the dust of the snow hid the escape of the figure. "What in the world was that?" Rarity asked, looking a bit scared. "I do not know, but it was using magick. Not any I have ever felt before" Twilight commented. Applejack seemed lost in thought. "AJ?" Spike asked, standing close by among the worried friends and citizens. She snapped too and looked at the Dragon, then all the rest. "It seemed a might familiar. The shape that is..." The Magick of Friendship Chapter 13: What did you see, there in Everfree? Twilight tried to get help from Canterlot to investigate this occurrence, but they saw it as Ponies jumping at shadows. Everfree Forest has so many legends, that a trick of the eyes could start the mind thinking. Even Queen Celestia was less than convinced it was anything. "Merely an early winter for that Nature ruled land and perhaps just one of the Witches playing a game with worried ponies" But Twilight knew some of the magick used by the witches. They were in tuned with nature, and thrived in Everfree. Good or bad, they all used the natural elements to do spell works. She thought about it, and it did feel something like their kind of magick, but she did not think that either; the kinder Witches would waste time with bringing early snow, or the Wicked ones would do so little as this, if they did anything against Ponykind. Something not heard of in ages. It was natural magick, but it was not witchcraft. She looked up more about those who worked in Nature. She found many types, but none seemed to fit. Druids seemed to keep to themselves, only tending to Nature's needs. Shaman were more able to use the magicks, but like the druids, were more into the working with Nature for the good, than using it for tricks or evil. Nymphs, and Spirits, Pixies, and Faeries, all seemed too out of place to be to blame. Twilight scanned all her books, going A-Z in all possible magick users. She spotted a couple things in her search, not of this case, but just interest that she would like to look into later. One was a Kelpie. A pony-like demon, that lured those foalish enough to get too near, to their deaths. It was in here, a book of magick creatures, for it is said to cast a spell on its victims. It seemed a rather weak way to include the creature. The next she would stop at was Unicorns. She found it strange that it showed; not only one that looked to be from long ago when they stood on fours. Looked like a goat cross breed; cloven hoofs, beard, and long thin tail with a puff on its end. Seemed there was another kind of Unicorn that lived outside Equestria, and did not use magick like the home grown kind. It was more of Magick, and many legends were about it. After a few moments getting lost in the idea of these foreign creatures, she went on through the book. She saw one thing toward the end, a VooDoo priest, but it was another that was not in Equestria. She closed the book, and signed. "What could it have been?" After much studying, she decided it was of those times that required action, not reading. *** Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, who really did not wish to be there, Playful Paws, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, who snuck along. They all gathered outside where Fluttershy's house once was, but now it was just a mound of snow. "Everfree has been busy" Spike pointed out. “Or rather, this mystery creature, to put it more accurately" Twilight corrected. "Can I... uh just stay... behind?" Fluttershy said meekly. Paws wrapped his arms around her, and it seemed to bring her out of her fear a little bit. "Don't y'all wanna know what ate your house?" Bloom asked. This cause the mare to receded back into her worry. "Oh my… Ate my house? I think I really should stay behind..." "I'll stay with you" Playful Paws said, holding her closer. She gave him a smile. Applejack took front, and stood before the blowing winds. "Anypony..." she paused, looking over to Spike. "Er, any one, not go'n in, stays behind. Rest of us, let's go!" With a few nods, the little group moved on. Lead by Applejack with Twilight close by, using her magick to feel out anything nearby. Apple Bloom, and Spike took the sides, incase Twilight did not see something in time. Rarity was in back, struggling to keep up. She was not properly dressed for a winter trek, though not completely unprepared. "This snow is horrid, even colder than pony grown verity" She stated with a slight whine in her tone. She stopped, and the others noticed and stopped too. "What are y'all doing?" Applejack asked, coming around to her. "Should've left that big ol bag behind with them two" She was in her full command mode, nothing was going to hold or stop them. "Well, if I had done that, then we wouldn't have these now" She pulled out some boots, but they were rather fancy looking, with style, and flair all too Rarity. She passed them out, though she did not make any for Apple Bloom, and never thought of dragon sized. "Sorry, I do not really have any for you two. Had I known...” She paused and thought a little. “Oh but I suppose, you might fit into Fluttershy's pair, Apple Bloom" She looked at them, and shook her head. "If'n Spike ain't got em, neither will I" He looked at her. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" "But Spike, y'all are a dragon, they don't like the cold much" Rarity took the time, to go over to Twilight. "Actually, if you can help me, I might be able to modify these. I had made em for... well, as an extra, incase, with Fluttershy's stallion and all" She was covering up the truth. She had made these ahead of time, when there was another Pegasus in the group of friends. She did not wish to bring up the bad memories for both Twilight and Applejack. She did not seem to catch the cover up. "Oh? What can I do?" As Spike and Bloom went on, Rarity and Twilight used their magicks to reshape the boots to fit the longer feet of the dragon, with room for the claws. It did not take too long, given Twilight’s magick, and Rarity’s vision. "Pardon us, but I think we've fixed the problem" Rarity said, and held up the new boots. "See, just a bit of in the field modification" With both satisfied, and the group more suited for this weather, they reformed their ranks and moved on deeper into the snowy landscape of Everfree. Even though Applejack had already been through it once not so long ago, the snow changed it so much it looked barely as it did then. After what seemed to take forever; they found a little hut, one that Applejack did recognized. It had a few hoof prints in the snow. "So she was active" She muttered. The others had no idea who it was, but the leading mare did, and she moved in. "Zecora?" She was knocking on the door, as Rarity, Twilight, Both Spike and Apple Bloom stood back. "Zecora?" Bloom muttered, recalling the name. She started to notice the area, and knew her cousin was not too far away. The door opened, and out stepped the black and white pony-like creature, wearing some more clothing than last time the Earth pony saw her. Only some simple material, to keep her from the cold that has claimed so much already. "Well well Applejack, I see you are back. Friends and you, what can Zecora do?" "Y'all bringing this winter into Equestria? I know y'all got some crazy hooky pocus, able to know my name, and all that" She was in a mixture of accusation, and trying not to be accusing. She cocked her head, a bit confused looking. "Snow, I do not know. I have done nothing, not one thing" Applejack let up a bit, but was not so convinced. She did not know this one too well. "A Zebra?" Twilight said in a burst of revelation. All eyes turned to her. "Now I know; you are a zebra, from a far off land..." She trailed off, as if more to say. "This is true, what you have said. You're studying serves you well, one so read" Zecora said, moving out to be more in the middle of the group. She seemed to have no fear of them, even though she was out numbered. "A land that practices VooDoo and very strange magick... Ones I don't recognize" The other nodded. "I do Voo Doo, and other magicks too" "Then, it must be y'all!" Applejack shouted. "Twi said she felt a strange magick a brew'n, and it wasn't one she's felt before. Who else here can do that? Also saw y'all out on the boarder earlier, watch'n us" The zebra turned and looked at the pony, her usual soft grin, fading a bit. "What do you say? that I have some game to play? You speak of snow, but tis the season for it to show. I have no power over the elements, or nature's will. If you are looking to blame, then this role I will not fill" "We're..." Twilight moved between the two. "Not blaming you, only looking for reasons. Equestria does not get snow till a bit later, and it is all coming out of Everfree" She took a moment, to look at Applejack. "If you can help us find what is causing this, it is starting to cause us problems for us" "I don't know how well I feel of this one. My cousin lives out here, and any pony like him, that chooses this Celestia forsaken place, ain't right" Applejack was no longer shouting, but still sounding very condemning. "So, I helped in your quest before. Now I am shunned? Now you find me to blame for the mess? I am stunned" Zecora had no smile, but a scowling look. "Don't y'all be eyeball'n me" "Applejack” She looked at her, than the other. “Zecora. Please?" Twilight tried to snuff out this. "Look, we do not know this land, or much about you, we are just a bit uneasy. If we all just think, we can sort this out" "Don't know how I feel about all this either" Spike whispered to Apple Bloom and Rarity. "I know. She is so weird, and what is with her fashion sense? Fluffy might be the season, but it looks like she took it off some creature" Rarity shuddered. "I don't know, she seems nice, maybe we should just give her a chance" Bloom defended. She stepped toward the other three. "Hey Applejack, we should give her a try. I bet she be a big help with her magick. Besides, I remember Adams Apple saying she's a might good neighbor" "Temptation?” Applejack over heard. “That settles it! I ain't trustin' no one that bad Apple approves!" She started to storm off. "But..." Twilight started. She was torn, because Applejack usually was right, but she also knew anything that had to do with her cousin makes her a bit blinded to the facts. Zecora looked at her, and spoke for her. "She is head strong and thick in it too. Despite how she is now, I see a future for you two" Twilight looked at her and put back her ears embraced, picking up her meaning. "Should go on now, you pony kind. For not here, the trouble you'll find" She spoke out for all to hear, and then went back into her hut. Now with Zecroa behind, a possible big help in this search. They all turned and followed after Applejack. "Hey sis, we gonna ask Adams Apple or Candy about this?" Bloom said, cutting the older mare off. "No!" She snapped. "We should try to get all the information we can" Twilight tried to reason. "I ain't deal'n with that crooked branch of my family!" "Then let me and Twilight go!" Bloom stomped her hoof. The orange pony looked her a moment. "Fine, but I ain't go'n near him" The two went off, leaving Rarity, Spike, and Applejack to wait. Applejack was pacing, still steaming over the whole thing. The other two did not have much to go on, when it came to why she was so mad. Rarity only knew little bits about the pony she not so long ago, she became friends with. And Spike knew even less, and only what little he knew was from Apple Bloom. Rarity looked to Spike. "I'm wondering why I came, I feel like I'm just a background pony in all this" Spike shrugged. "Safety in numbers?" Despite the time he spent falling over for her, when they had their date and did not work out. They did not share an awkward moment, for they both had come to the understanding that neither of them was truly right together. Rarity was more or less humoring him, though she had enjoyed those love notes. She nodded, and thought a bit. She was pretty bored. She worried about Fluttershy's problem, but not being a fighter like Applejack, or very versed in magick like Twilight, Rarity had little to offer in this. "I wonder what Pinkie Pie is up too?" "Don't think I've met her" "How long have you been in Ponyville?" She asked a bit surprised. "Came here, shortly before the start of the school year, why?" She thought about it. "Well, usually every pony meets her nearly as soon as they come to Ponyville" They went on, just killing time, till the two others returned. Applejack had cooled a bit, and was looking at some of the winter fauna. She did not like this place, any more than any pony else. It exists outside the magick that fuels all life in Equestria, and as a pony who makes her living being in charge of growing plants and trees, she felt a bit unnerved that they did not really need her. The two returned, and shared what they learned. A mysterious happening had been going on for a few days; something was using a strange magick to change the seasons in Everfree. A few days ago, it was hot as summer, then, it became cold as midwinter. Twilight was conducting the tale, and made sure to avoid any direct mention of her, but Zecora was working on a way to find the source of the trouble. She was not native to Ponyville, but knew that this land was not meant to change seasons on a daily basis. "So, they do not know what is going on, any more than we do" Twilight finished. "We're back to nothin'" Applejack sighed. They heard a sound, and from a path came the mysterious zebra. She looked a bit troubled. Applejack moved first, and was standing before her. "Look,” She began, after her pacing and thinking. “I'm sorry about earlier, just-" The other cut her off, with a raise of her fore hoof. "This is not the time, you must hurry. For your friends, will face its fury!" "Pardon?" She grabbed Applejack's arm, making her cry out "Hey?!" And the zebra started to pull her along. The others quickly followed. "What are y'all doing?" Zecora had a good grip, might be a good match of Applejack in a hoof wrestle. "No time, not time, must stop this crime!" She stopped fighting, and went along with it. Twilight noticed that it was the direction back to where Fluttershy and Playful Paws were, back to the formers snow covered home. After what seem less time than it took to get as far as they did, they were back out. Fluttershy looked over, from a little chair she dug out. "Oh, you are back" She softly spoke, seeming not as worried as before. Playful Paws poked his head from out behind a snow pony he was working on. "Danger is on its way, listen to what I say. Go now, run a way!" Zecora shouted, and pushed Applejack out of the forest, and the others followed. "Land Sakes, what are y'all doing?" She turned to look, and saw a rush of snow coming up to start blocking entry to Everfree. "Zecora!" She looked right at Applejack, and Twilight, who was now standing by the Earth pony. The Zebra looked far scarier, as she was being wrapped by magick forces. "An evil is in this land, and I will make my stand. Till this veil of snow comes down, stay safe in your town" "But, I can help!" Twilight said. "I'm a strong Unicorn!" She did not like to boast, but this moment called for it. She shook her head, and started to be lost in the thickening curtain of snow. "Stay in your place, only this I must face" Something was moving toward her, a black looking cloud that looked like it was made up of little things, squirming, and moving through the air. It was nearly upon the Zebra, when the snow was done forming a shield. "Zecora?!" Twilight called out, but she heard nothing back. They all stared at the wall. No pony knew what just happened, or what to do. Applejack slowly moved up to the wall, and put her hand on it. Was not clear what was on her mind, but she seemed very lost in thought. "Oh no!" Apple Bloom cried. "Adams, and Candy!" She ran up to the wall, and started to pound on it, with no effect. "No, they'll be in trouble, just like Zecora!" She had tears in her eyes, as she kept on hitting the solid ice and snow wall. Applejack did not say anything, and lowered her head. "Cannot let this be..." Twilight said, starting to pace. She was feeling out the magick, and found none in that cloud, but something was lingering around it. "Well," Rarity began. "That Zecora character seemed well in hoof with the situation, not to mention all those other strange magick users in Everfree. I'm sure they'll be able to beat this" She did not sound so convinced in her own words. She had her arm across her chest, holding to her other, with her head not fully lifted. She was trying to ease everypony's mind, but did not think it worked too well. Applejack shot her head up, looking to see how high the wall was. She backed up a good distance, and ran with all watching her. She was near the wall and jumped, but only got a short height up. She tried to dig into it, but the ice over it prevented even her hooves from making much of a scratch. She slid down, and moved back again. Again she ran at it once more, but instead of a jump, she leaned down and put her hands down, spinning her body as she slid on her palms. With a sound that could put fear into thunder, she bucked the wall. It had little effect. Small dents were left, and she fell to the ground rubbing her joints. The vibration sent a pain through her whole body. "Damn it..." She had struck some of the greatest trees in her farm, but in all her practiced years, never had she felt like she was bucked. The others said nothing; they all wanted to do much the same but could not. None knew much of the Zebra, but she had just put herself in risk to save them, and she could not have known much more of them than they of her. Fluttershy watched them trying to go back, and knew well enough it was very important to her friends to try and help this other she only briefly saw. She jumped up and flew, going to the top of the wall. As she neared the lip, a strong wind blew her back, sending her tumbling down. Playful Paws galloped and caught her in time, both falling to the ground but much more harmless than her fall would have been. Looking defeated, they all sat there, worrying, wondering what it all meant, and what would happen to those in Everfree. Twilight stopped, her horn lit up, and she disappeared. The others looked at the empty space, and realized she teleported into Everfree. She was not gone long, and she reappeared looking winded, and scared. She held her chest, panting for air as Applejack galloped up to her, supporting her as she stood. The others came in, and awaited her coming words. "N...nightmare..." They all felt a prickle of fear, assuming her next word. "Nightmare, it is a complete nightmare in there. The Trees, the land, it is all a twisted forms of themselves... all the beasts I have read about, and heard lived there, I saw so many..." "Zecora?" Applejack asked, but the other mare shock her head. "Wonder what happened to her?" "Ew, what is that?" Rarity asked, seeing something on Twilight. She panicked, and started to dust herself in a frantic manor. A little fluffy ball fell to the ground. They all looked at it, and tried to make sense of it. Whatever it was, is a clue to what was going on in Everfree. *** After the little puff sprouted wings and bug eyes, Twilight caught it and put it into a cage. She performed tests, feeding it things, finding little it would not eat. Each time, more would sprout from it. She had sent a warning to Queen Celestia, and she had put a team on trying to get back into Everfree. The risk of the Night Beasts was too great, and she now knew it was not ponies over reacting to an early winter. No word of success had come through, and it had been a few days since that one that one day that affected all the ponies in strange ways. Applejack and her little sister were still trying to find a way through, helping the efforts. As expected, Adams and Candy had not been seen. Rarity could not focus on her shop and so often came to Twilight, to see what was becoming of the strange bug. Fluttershy and Playful Paws went to the Library, and were helping Twilight too. Seeking any information about the bug, or anything related to the goings on. Spike had gone to his cousin and tried to get some help from the dragons, but they had a strong policy of staying out of foreign affairs. He hoped he could convince any of the dragons staying in the Canterlot Ambassador District to help, unofficially, but they too seemed bound to their code. It was bigger than one Zebra or two cousins; it was the safety of all Equestria at risk, but Zecora, and the two Apples was what drove the ponies, and dragon, first involved. "Ew, a Parasprite" Pinkie said, coming into the little lab Twilight set up. "Where did you find those?" "A what?" The other mare said in surprise, nearly dropping what she was doing. "Parasprite, nasty little things. Eat and eat, and eat, then pop out more and more and more, to eat and eat and eat, to pop-" Twilight stopped her. "They are a horrible pest, destroyed Grammy Pie's candy shop when she was about my age" "The facts that early business, and being a candy shop, runs in the family… is not a surprise. But that you know of these things, when no pony else does, is!" Twilight took hold of her. "Do you know what it means? Why they are in Everfree, or what is going on?!" She was desperate. "Going on?" "You do not know? About Everfree is locked a way behind ice so thick, they cannot be broken. Or that any who teleport into there, nearly go mad when they come back from the horrors they see?" She shook her head, quickly, and overly energetic. "Figures... This thing came out with me. What attracts them?" She shrugged, with Twilight no longer holding her. "I don't know. Only know that they eat and eat, and make more and more" Twilight put her fore hoof to her face. "There goes that..." "They like music. But if Everfree is blocked off, can't really put them anywhere. That is the only place they are safely out of the way. See the Parasprite is the preferred snack of the Magick Seeker Bats; they possess a strange amount of magick that satisfies the Bat's appetite. Not as much of a powerful source like a Unicorn, or something magickal, but enough to get them through the day. Ironically, the Parasrpite is attracted by the Magick Seeker Bat's scent. Why they produce so many, too keep their numbers up. Believed to be part of the once needed 'Nature's Balance' that keeps the Bats from devouring too much magickal creatures, and keeping the Parasprites going despite their fate" She waited till the other was done, and Twilight slowly removed her hoof, and looked at the pink pony. She spoke at length. "Where... did... you find.... that?" Her eye twitched. "In this book" she held it up. The Cover read "Myths and Legends of Everfree" "Where was that book?!" She looked over at the pile, and pointed to a little bit past the middle. "I think it was here? Or there… hmm" "But, I have gone through all these books, and did not even see that one!" "Pinkie Keen eyes" She smiled. She saved herself the mental aggravation, and just accepted the facts. "Ok, so they are fed on by Magick Seeker Bats?" "Yep" she opened the book. "Says here; The Magick Seeker Bats are drawn to large sources of magick, draining them of enough to fill the bat. It is usually not enough to do much harm to the source, unless in the case of the Parasprite, or creatures smaller than the bat, or of magick like Faeries, or pixies. It puts off a scent that attracts Parasprites, as they are the typical food of the bats, being more available than most other sources" "Well," Twilight started. "I guess it makes sense then. The cloud was either Parasprites seeking the bats, or the bats seeking Zecora. Or something like that. Does not really help the problem of getting back into Everfree" A pounding came to the door, and Twilight went to answer. Apple bloom was standing there, out of breath. "What is wrong?" The older asked the winded filly. "C...Candy Apple, she's back at the shop. She got out!" The news was a bit welcome, but she worried why Adams was not with her. They all rushed over, and came into Apple Cider's, and saw Candy looking nothing of herself. She was ragged, and worn. None of her usual, though off putting, demeanor. Her coat even seemed to have less gleam than normal. For the first time, Applejack was not acting mad or anything toward the other, she looked concerned and caring. She was bringing her a drink. "Candy, tell em" Apple Bloom said, as they were nearer. She nodded. "Well, y'all know how things are. Something came, and over took Everfree. It's not nearly the nightmare y'all think it is, but it ain't much better" She took a drink, gathering herself. "Them creatures are about, and it's all snow, and beasts now. Adams said he saw some of the witches fighting, but couldn't make out no clear winners. He sent me out, to try to find help, and he all stayed behind to try to fend em off" "How did you get out?" Twilight asked. "We have a little path, on the nights that Everfree is less then neighborly; we all can still git back and forth. Luckly, it ain't all froze up like I hear the rest of it is" She looked right at Applejack, who did not look away. "I know we all have a bit of a past cousin, but please..." Applejack did not wait; she stood up, and never looked away. "I might not like him, and I'm iffy on y'all... but y'all are family, and that means..." Candy joined in with her. "Apples Bunch together and never let each other fall"
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
A few days ago; Everfree began to shoot out snow, and devoured the lands around it. After a quick journey into the Forest, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Spike, found Zecora, a strange Zebra from another land. When she had no answers for them, about what was going on, they moved on to ask Applejack's cousin. By the time Twilight and Apple Bloom returned, Zecora came for them and forced them out of Everfree, right before a strange living cloud came on her and she sealed the Forest from the rest of Equestria with a magick wall of ice and snow. After many tried, nothing could break or go over, so Twilight tried to teleport; and when she returned, she told of how the land was now a Nightmare realm and the legendary Night Beasts were back. She also brought a strange mound of fluff that might be a clue to what is going on. The Parasprite, and a surprise lesson from Pinkie, plus the return of Candy Apple. A move into Everyfree is in works to save Zecora, Adams Apple, and possibly the whole of Equestria. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 14: The Snow Flies A team of royal guards were attempting various tests and attacks, to break through the impossible shield. As they found out, as Twilight and her friends had, flying and teleporting were useless. Queen Celestia trotted slowly to the wall, from where she was surveying the attempts. The others parted, as she stood near the wall. All eyes fell upon her as she raised her arms from her sides, and her glorious wings flung out behind her. The magickal mane stretched to toward the sun above. With no aid of her wings, she floated up toward the sky and from the right angle she was in the center of the sun. Arms, Legs, Wings, all pointed in six equally spaced parts of the circumference. Her horn pointed up. After a moment, the sky grew dimmer, not from clouds but the sun itself seemed to fuel into her. Her mane started to fade into the bleeding sun light. She lowered her head, aiming her horn down to the wall below, and energy formed at its tip. Shortly she blasted out a beam of purest Sunlight, the beam was focused, and like an arrow, shot the wall. The wall did not change, and the energy launched at it rebounded and shot right back at the Queen, much to her shock. She was sent flying, crashing to the ground, as wild energy flew off from the impact point. She lied there, unmoving, as the sky grew dimmer. Even her magickal mane was now normal hair, pooling around her in a pink sea. Her guards and any pony near rushed to her, keeping a distance as one of the high ranking guards kneels by her. "My Queen!" He called. She stirred, and sat up. "Well... that was impressive" The Queen, with some aid, got up to her hooves and stood there a moment as her mane slowly resumed its wondrous form. She slowly trotted to the wall again, placing her fore hoof to it. "How is it possible, that something could cast a spell so strong?" "It was not a strong spell, but a well-crafted counter. It is a simple spell to cast on something. Takes all magick assaults, and sends them back. Glad I choose to forgo using the full of the sun” The aforementioned orb was returning to normal, as she studied the wall. *** The small group made it through the tunnel that the two Apple cousins had made. It was Only Twilight, Applejack, Candy Apple, and Pinkie Pie. Rarity found out of the news, but felt she offered little to the cause, and Spike and Apple Bloom stayed back to tell Queen Celestia of the news. She wanted to charge in with her Student, but Twilight made a request that she stay out. If they did not return in a day's time, they could take the action needed. Fluttershy and Playful Paws watched over the entrance though neither felt they really could do much if anything came through, but it at least gave them something to do and in these times, idle minds wondered to danger thoughts. Twilight was first out of the passes that opened right near the little home of Adams and Candy Apple. She looked around, and noticed it was not as horrible as she recalled, but it still was not very good. She could see the land had become twisted, still blanketed in snow and few areas looked like some monstrous things had crashed through. The other joined her, and took in the scene. None found it much better than her. Even Pinkie was a little taken aback by the sight. "Granny Pie, use to sing me a song," She started. "About Giggling at the Ghosties," They looked at her. "But I don't think it would work too well at this..." They feared a song, but found they were more afraid that even Pinkie Pie could not make light of this. Twilight started to cast a spell, one that was mostly show, something she saw from Trixie. “A big flashy display” "What in Tar-nation, are y'all doing?" Applejack asked, looking around to see if any of the unseen dangers saw what she was doing. A little speck moved, and more and more moved, till a small group of them came into view. Little bats started flying around, a few Parasprites around them. Twilight stopped, and then cast a quick cage spell, and trapped one. As the others flew around her for a moment, they moved on, some feeding on the Parasprites. All that was left was the one she caught. "I caught one, a Magick Seeker Bat" She said, a bit excited. "Well and good, but why?" Applejack asked, looking at it. "It will lead us to whatever is the strongest source of active magick. If it is Zecora, or whatever is causing all this” They all looked at her in amazement, it was a good plan, though none really knew what would happen if they came upon the source of the trouble. With an easy spell to control minds, one that did not work very well on higher evolved minds, like most ponies or the like. It was pretty good on the simple minded creatures that lived on instinct, more than thought. With it, she commanded the Bat to seek, to find a source of great magick. It was easier than using her own spell, for her magick could be traced back easily, and she did not want to be surprised. After some time, they all stopped and took a break. The Bat was leading them some place, for it never deviated from its path as most would naturally if it felt a nearer source or just lost interest. What it was tracking was big, this Twilight knew with a mental probe as it repeated "Food, big food" She instructed it to take a break, it hesitated but did obey, coming back and landing on her shoulder. "Look like a Pirate" Pinkie Pie stated, giggling. It was the first time since being here she did, and it was more soothing to hear then any thought it would be. "Twilight, the Pirate, Twirate... or Pirlight? Magick Beard, the Unicorn scourge of the Seas" Was good that she was able to joke around again, and they all laughed some. Twilight suspected Pinkie was making a point to lighten the mood. She was smart and knew how to read ponies, and given her very nature, all this gloom was too much for her to stand by and allow. After a brief rest, they moved on again. Following a little Bat, whose sole purpose, was to be their guide. Twilight noticed that the whole time, Applejack and Candy Apple stayed very close. She took it as a good thing, for it seemed the crisis at least brought the two together again. Applejack was even looking protective of the other, as she would for Bloom, Big Macintosh, or Granny Smith. It was leading her to think to where Adams Apple was. They did not search the house, for Candy did say he went off to fight the creatures, but she was getting worried and she could see a bit of that concern in Candy's eyes. The Bat made a sudden stop, and started to flutter around in the air. Twilight read its mind. "Danger! Bad food!" It was crying out. And with no warning, a large hand gripped the bat. Twilight cried out for it as she had become a bit attached to it, and rushed forward casting a quick spell to force the hand open. She leapt onto it, and tried to manually do what the spell could not. She was rushed into the air, and saw just what she was fighting. It looked like a formation of ice, with disembodied limbs, and no legs to speak of, just a flow of snow keeping it up. It was three times her size, but she still fought it. She could feel the Magick that brought it to life, it was natural magick, but it was tainted with something like hatred. It felt familiar to her, but could not place it. "Twilight?!" Applejack shouted, not wasting time to rush the creature. She jumped onto it but fell through, with only the snow to grab onto. "Applejack!" Candy called. "Let me give you a boost!" She nodded, and galloped at her. Candy leaned down, getting into a squat. Applejack jumped onto her back, placing her hooves on her shoulders and the other used her legs. Candy’s were not as powerful as the Orange mare's but strong enough to get her enough air to jump off and make it to something solid. She gripped to the creature, and started to climb to its "head" "Y'all like messing with my friends?" She said at its shoulders, looking it dead in the eye holes. She turned, and with a fluid motion, she single kicked its head causing a massive crack that spread like shattering glass and sounded much the same. It was not long till it let go of the bat, and its whole hand fell from its magick bonds. With a thud, Twilight rolled off the limb, and scooped up the bat. Applejack was not done and jumped up; bring both hooves down, breaking the body of the beat. It was over much as it began, suddenly. The creature was nothing but ice and snow. Twilight would have dubbed it an Elemental, but it had no will and was not so much a spirit of snow, just something constructed of it. Naming would wait, as she was more concerned over the bat. Applejack dusted herself off, and trotted over to her. "Y'all ok?" Twilight nodded, but only answering for her. She was casting spells, nothing really in particular; she was hoping to feed the bat to heal it. "Come on, you will be ok" Twilight was not sure she was right, as it did not seem to take to the energy she was offering. The other two came to her, and looked on as she tried to save the bat. Neither Applejack, nor Candy really grasped why she was so worked up over the bat, but Pinkie seemed to understand, as she was a bit teary eyed. "Can't y'all git another one, partner?" Candy finally asked. "It... not the simple..." Twilight quietly replied. "Why? Was before" "He has been leading us this whole time!" She snapped looking at her with anger, mixed with sorrow. "If I had not forced him... he would not have been attacked” "Y'all do-" Applejack put a hoof on Candy’s shoulder, and stopped her. "Reminds me of Gummy" Pinkie said still looking as wounded by this as Twilight. "I had to give him up, he was too big" After a moment of trying, the magick was not helping, and the bat was fading. There was silence as Twilight held the creature to her, crying to herself. Now, not even Applejack or Candy was safe from the pain the mare felt. Something happened, and in a flash the bat was gone, but a little stone appeared and a rush of loose magick flooded the area and was being absorbed into it. Twilight could not help but drop the stone and fall backwards, they all took a step back as the colours surged and poured into the stone. With a second flash, the stone rose into the air and a sound of something shattering filled the area. A form appeared in the light now shooting out from the stone. When it was gone, a creature was hovering in the air. A Bat-like creature, more like a small Gargoyle than any other creature Twilight could think of. It was a little taller than a pony's head, and had much the same features of a bat in all its structure, but was lengthier, and almost attractive like an elf. Its wing span was three times its own height, and its ears were long and pointed. Twilight could sense the power it held; it was consumed in magick energies, and like the bat before, seem to feed on it. The creature looked at her, and then flew to her. She hesitated, not knowing what it would do, but it landed and watched her. She was about to attempt a mind reading spell, but it suddenly filled her mind with its voice. "I serve you, my master, my creator" She stared at it in shock. The others gathered around, looking at it. "What is that thing? You ok Twi?" Applejack asked, ready to move. "I do not know..." She answered, and then focused on the bat thing. "What are you? And what did you mean 'master'?" Again its voice was hers alone to hear. "I know nothing of what I am, but a servant for the one who gave birth to me. As I died in that primitive form, you fed me magick, and I was able to use it to take on my current form. My kind long to find such chances to be what we are truly meant to be" She nodded. "I see" "See what? The Bat thingy? I see it too" Pinkie said, poking it. The bat glanced at her, and she yipped. "Cannot hear... it? "Hear? Don't hear a thing" Applejack stated. Twilight looked down to the bat, and then back up. "I guess… he only speaks to me..." "This is too weird" Candy said. "And I've lived here for a good many years" They all heard a sound, and Twilight quickly stood, and they all turned to the sound. The bat creature flew up, and took perch on Twilight's shoulder. From the trees came a figure, looking very tired and worn. Their steps were weak, and each must have taken great effort. " were not suppose to... return. Your.... own deaths, you yearn?" Zecora stumbled, and fell. Applejack and Pinkie rushed and caught her before she hit the ground. Abandoning their original trek, the group went back to the house and set the weak Zebra up in a chair. Twilight did her best to try and heal her, but she was drained of many things and not all could be healed by spells. Her will was weak, and obviously lost some amount of blood. She tried to instruct her in some potion making, but Twilight did not take too much into that kind of healing. She was not good at making anything like that. Pinkie on the other hoof, rushed out and gathered what she could find and tried it herself. After both brew and magickal healing, Zecora was well enough to tell the tale. She had faced the Parasprite cloud, but it was not the cause of all the trouble. They were only drawn by her magick and the Magick Seeker Bats. After she made sure all of the Forest was locked up, Zecora sought out the source of the trouble and found many monsters were coming from nowhere. After much seeking, she found a single figure spreading vile magick in all directions. Using the natural flow of life in Everfree to spawn the creatures every pony was seeing. They were not real, much like the Ice Elemental they fought. Only constructs, to instill fear and prevent any from coming into the land. She told them she tried to fight the figure, but it was too strong for her kind of magick and force her into retreat. Another came and managed to save her, but they were separated and she knew not where he was now. Applejack and Candy knew it was Adams, he was the only other here who would save a pony. "The real creatures that are here for keeps, are all trapped in very deep sleeps" Zecora went on. "Only we three, the two Apples and me, are awake and free" Most had not taken notice of the world around them, as the scene began to change outside. The nightmarish landscape was changing back to normal. It was not complete, nor immediate. Candy took notice, for she was looking out the window hoping to see her brother. "Y'all see something?" The others stood up and took a look. With fresh eyes, they saw the change instantly. "Yeah, it is a bit different" Twilight confirmed, and they all took in the scenery. "Zecora?" Twilight turned to her. "Take us to this thing you found, and galloped from" She was hesitant, but nodded. The small group headed out into the forest, following the zebra as she made her way through. She clearly knew these lands, and not even with the odd changes still in effect did she faultier. The longer they went, the more things changed and soon they were near the area Zecora found the figure, and here were the lingering effects of whatever it was. All that stood here now was a pony, which was not so much dressed, as hosting an arrangement of flowers and vines. She looked like as if she was a statue, being still for a time long enough for the plants to claim her body as home. Her body was light brown, like wet mud. Her hind hooves and fore hooves, were green, fading into the brown partly up the limbs. Her mane and tail were a mixture of greens, like a canopy of tree leaves. Her eyes were sky blue, and looking deep into them, one felt like they were flying through them. "Is... that her?" Twilight asked as they stood a distance away, the other not seeming to take notice of them. She was busy laying her hooves onto parts of the land, pushing a way the taint. Zecora shook her head, and slowly moved forward. She seemed to sense something, as Twilight did too. She possessed a great amount of magick, natural magick that not even the greatest Shamans or Druids could dream to wield. "Danger..." The Gargoyle-bat creature said into Twilight's mind. She wanted to ask what he meant, but the figure turned and looked at them, finally acknowledging the group. "Greetings" She raised her arms wide in a gesture of invitation. She looked at them all, and smiled. It was soothing, but seemed to hide something. "If you are here to stop that which tainted this land, your worries are past" "You took care of it?" Twilight asked in disbelieve. She nodded, coming closer. Both Applejack and Candy Apple stepped back. Pinkie and Twilight stood their ground, as Zecora moved closer. "What you have done, the battle you won. It is hard for me to see, it's seem impossible to be" Zecora said, now not far from the other. "Your power is great, this I can feel. Tell me your name, so I know to whom I kneel" She finished, bowing to her. The other laughed, sounding like bird's singing. "I have many names, but to you ponies, I can be 'Nature's Love' I believe that is suitable to how your kind names each other. Please, do not feel the need to bow or kneel. I am simply a guardian of Nature. These few spots of land that are under the Great Mother's watch are mine to serve" She looked out at the others, as Zecora stood straight again. Twilight and Pinkie came closer, but the two cousins stayed back. The little creature took to the air, to keep its own distance. "Guardian? I did not know Nature had such things?" Twilight asked. "This land of ponies, has become one, like much of the Dragon lands, and some other areas in this world, that thrives upon the use of Magick. Though the Dragons are still very strong in Nature’s embrace. A time ago when this was part of the Royal Sister's Castle, it too was under magick, but that same source caused a great rift. When it was sealed, it drained away the magick here. Nature reclaimed this land, so it would not be a void. A dead land" Twilight nodded. "So, what was that thing that attacked this land?" "That too, was part of that legacy. A lingering specter of the lost magicks, it had been gathering for a time and finally came to life. It was helped by some of the evil magicks of those who live in this land. Since it is a natural realm, the magick has no place to flow but too the gathering of negativity. Good magicks would have done nothing, and the Seeker bats and their true forms, the Protectors" She pointed at the creature that Twilight had helped bring to life. "Are here to try and keep the magick from gathering as it did. But Protectors are the only ones that can truly do the task at… hoof. The larval forms seek only the Parasprites. It takes much to create a Protector, so few are around" "I see, but wait, I thought the Parasprites were food for the Seeker Bats, and..." Nature's Love laughed again. "The Parasprites are actually the cause of the dark magick. Enough magick gathered to realize the danger of the Seeker Bats, and so to prevent them from gathering the needed magick, created the Sprites to multiply rapidly and feed them weak magick. Enough to keep them satisfied, but too little to allow them to grow into maturity" "Ha, I knew they were bad!" Pinkie stated, feeling proud of her self. "Granny Pie was right" "Please," Twilight started. "You know so much of this land, and things we ponies can only assume. Come with me, and together we can gather the knowledge you have and teach Ponykind so much about Nature" The Guardian shook her head slowly. "I am sorry, but I cannot leave the realms of Nature. What knowledge I have, is not for me to share. I can only give out what I have. I must return to a more enriched environment of Nature. Combating the dark magick, and getting through that barrier of ice was much of a strain" She turned slightly. "Maybe one day, you all will learn a lesson of Nature" Something sounded dangerous in her words. She looked past the three nearest, and despite the distance, seem to lock eyes with Applejack who flinched. "Some hold a love for nature, even if they do not know it. They will be the ones who will first be granted the true love of Nature" She glanced at Twilight. "Others… May find it harder to receive it" Her departing words felt like both a blessing, and a warning. Applejack gritted her teeth. She took it as the latter. "Nature, maybe in primitive times, but we ponies can care for ourselves, and our lands just fine without it" The Guardian did not stop, nor showed she heard. Just went on, with each of her step leaving blooming flowers, and growing plants in the wake. The group returned back to the home of the Apple cousins, but Applejack waited outside as the others were inside. Twilight and Zecora were getting ready to take down the barrier and needed some rest, Zecora also needed to tell her of how to do it. "Nature... ha" Applejack muttered. "I'll accept magick, but nature can't compare to what I can do with my own two hooves" She gripped her firsts, as if to grasp her point. She heard a sound and looked over, seeing a figure coming from the trees. "Back again? Y'all want to try me? Could go for a scrap" "Not really Cousin" Adams Apple said, coming into view. He looked worn out, and tired. "Am a might bit surprised ta see y'all around this place" Applejack looked away. "Yeah, well... Candy came for help, and I won't be much of an Apple myself, if'n I didn't live up to the code" Adams smiled. "Thank you Applejack. Y'all don't like me, but Candy didn't do nothin' to y'all. Glad you didn't hold our problems against her" "Said, it was family code... y'all are..." She found it hard to say it. "...Family..." She fixed her hat. "Don't be gettin' no ideas now, I ain't still have'n much to do with y'all... but... glad y'all are both ok" This took him by surprise, and he did not really know what to say back. "Twilight don't know much about y'all, the real one" She moved closer to him, putting a hard finger onto his chest. "She seems to like y'all, if'n that'll change once she knows… I cannot say, but she is very accepting. So if'n you think I'm unforgiving about what happened, y'all ain't seen nothing if'n y’all hurt her" He studied her, and smiled, causing her glare to deepen. "Y'all love her" Applejack was stunned, and stepped back a bit. "How'd..." "Cousin, y'all are only so protective of family, and those y'all care about. Ain't many outside our family y'all do. Also, part of who I am, to be able to read emotions" He moved toward the door. "Y'all gonna tell her?" "She knows, we're... making sure it's real" She looked shyly to the ground. "I think it is. From what I've seen of her, and what I just saw... I can honestly say, it's real" He had his hoof on the knob, when he looked back and smiled at her. "Trust me on that" *** Twilight and Zecora took down the ice wall, Pinkie and Candy made their way back to town to let the others know how it all went. Twilight addressed Queen Celestia on the matters. She went over the mysterious pony they met, and how it all was just twisted magick gone astray. She decided that if these Protectors were the key in preventing further troubles, she would have some of her top Unicorns go and raise their own and train them to do what they were born for. Seeing the one that was still with Twilight, she could sense the creature was not a threat. Breeding more was not something dangerous, but they would be watched just in case. Zecora bidding her new friend farewell, returned to her home. Twilight stood outside Everfree, with the bat she had with her, and looked at him. "You should go back to your home too" He looked at her. "I must stay with my master and creator" "No, you do not. You are free to do as you please. I do not want to be your master, not in the way that you are a slave to me" He looked down, then at the Forest. After a moment, he looked at her again. "I am free? Do as I wish?" She nodded. "I wish to stay with you. You gave me life, but also take care of me. You used your magick to create me, if unknowing, but with it was the love you had for that little bat I was. You wanted to have me then... do you no longer?" His handsome little face looked sad, almost painfully so. She was stunned by his words, but she felt it was true. She had formed a love for the little bat when he was one, and even now wanted to keep him with her. "I do... I still love you and want to keep you, but as a friend not a pet or slave" "Master" He said, in a loving way. "No no, just call me Twilight. I am not your master" He nodded. "So, what is my name?" "What do you want?" He thought about it. "I would like you to name me, seems proper, since you gave life to me" After a few moments, something popped into her mind "Keese?" "Sounds familiar, but I like it" “Better than Batty or something, must assuredly” She looked around, and forgot there were still other ponies around. The others could not hear anything, but what she was saying. "Hehe... He only talks in my head...” She paused, realizing how that sounded. “That came out wrong... It is a telepathic kind of thing" She tried to defend herself, but they looked at her like she went mad. With a sigh, she turned and trotted off, Keese following behind her. "Why do you not just think back? I can hear your thoughts, as you can mine" “Now you tell me…”
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Winter set in at its normal time. After what happened in Everfree only a hoof-full of days ago, Twilight was a bit sick of snow already. She did not take to the cold very well, and found it hard to move around with the amount that was coming in. It was one of the few times she wished she was back in Canterlot. She imagined that it just took some getting use too, but even the ponies that lived through several winters in Ponyville found it just as annoying. The violet Unicorn was still out of school, thanks to the problems she had with Gilda, and now that the winter break was on she had even longer to wait till she could resume what she enjoyed most. Twilight took on more time at the Library, which was happy to have more of her. She brought order to the library, it had not seen in ages. Even found books thought long lost. Spike would come by at times to help her out, and let her know what was going on. They did not share any classes together, but they did take many of the same courses. Normally, the mare would check the weather too see what was going to happen today. She found a "new" book, and was too excited by it to remember her routine. Had she known, she would have stayed home as many of the others did. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 15: Lost in the storm, and the things found there After a good night's sleep, Twilight shot out of bed when she was aware enough to realize she was awake. She quickly made ready for the day, so she could get in some reading before she was due to work. Keese was still asleep, hanging from a shelf by her bed. After an hour, she noticed that her roommate was still asleep. She went over and tried to wake the pink mare, who rolled off the bed and was not even phased by the fall. "Pinkie?" Twilight called. "Pinkie?" She attempted again. "PINKIE?!" She shouted, and this finally stirred the pony. Keese snapped awake by the call, and looked around. He realized what was happening, and with a shrugged, went back to sleep. With a quick yawn, Pinkie shot up and looked around. "What did I miss?" "Class, if you do not hurry" The other thought about the words. "Oh! I'm not going today, you silly" "Me silly? I would trade places with you, if I could" She sighed, grabbing her book and getting her things ready to leave. "Where are you going?" Twilight paused, and looked over at her. "Work, you know I'm doing more hours at the Library" "Today?" Pinkie looked confused by it. "Yes, of course. A little snow is annoying, but not stopping me" She was dressing up into her warmest cloths. She did not really have much before she came here, but luckily she was dear friends with the most talented designer in Equestria. Making a sweater, or warmer cloths was foal's play for Rarity. "I'll see you later Pinkie Pie, take care of Keese" She scooped up her bag, and trotted out. "Later? More like way later" Pinkie said, getting back into bed. "She must be brave, to go out when a storm is coming. Faces an Ursa Major, and evil magick, and she now is taking on a Blizzard" She shook her head. "Calls me silly" *** Twilight made it to the Library, it was very quiet, the streets on the way had very few souls. She imagined today would be a good day to tackle the Third Wing; she was systematically working each of the areas. She kept a list of books missing, since she figured some where other parts of the library. It could be appalling to her, especially when she found a fiction novel in the Reference section. She noticed after an hour or two, not a single pony had shown up, not even the other employees. She just shrugged it off. Gave her more time to work, and not have to stop. It took her a week to get the first area of the Library cleaned up, it was not so bad. The second took much longer, even more, if she was still in school. With no interruptions, she vowed to get this one done in a day. It was better than the second, but not by much. It was getting past time for lunch, so she decided to break for a bit and get something quick. She moved back to the main area, and thought about it. "I'm the only pony here, who will watch the Library?" After a mental debate and the growling in her stomach chiming in, she decided to just leave a sign. It was pretty dead today, so she hoped it would stay that way till she got back. She went to the door and tried to open it, but it would not move. She double checked the locks and made another attempt, but nothing. She even made sure she was supposed to push not pull, but nothing explained the problem. Rubbing some of the frost off the window, all she saw was white. "Weird..." She muttered. Then attempted a teleportation, but she found herself in the middle of a snow bank outside where it should have been steps. She quickly reversed, and reappeared inside, taking some snow with her. "Oh no!" She quickly started to clean it up. After she finished, she sat at the front desk and thought. "What is going on?" She pulled out her Bay-B, and looked up the weather feed. "Snow is in full swing today, the Weather Pegasi are the only ones out today in Ponyville's biggest snow storm in a few years. Not even our own Ditzy Doo would be out in this one. This was an automated message from Knows News, as I am, like you all should be, at home" After the message, she noticed the single was very weak. It would be lucky to make any calls. She closed the device, and leaned back in her chair. "Oh great... The one time I forget to check the weather..." She dropped the device onto the desk, and rubbed her head. "This is a lesson, if I was going to write about this one I'd say: Dear Queen Celestia, I learned today; never forget to check the weather during the winter" She thought it over, as her stomach grumbled at her foalishness. "I guess that is why Pinkie did not go out... She could have told me!" She was angry for a short time, but she shook her head. "No, was not her fault..." Twilight gave thought to more teleporting, but she was too far from home and she recalled her teacher’s warnings. “Weather can affect spells” She did not know much of the area around here, so chances were she would only end up in more snow. Given her hunger, it was too risky to be porting all over in the snow. She looked at the daisies in a vase next to the desk lamp, and they started to look like a Five-star meal. "Dear Queen Celestia, Always bring snacks too..." Getting up and decided to go back to work, hoping it would get her mind off it all. *** "She what?!" Applejack shouted through the Bay-B's receiver, onto Pinkie's speaker. "What? I thought she was just being tough. After all she's been through this year, a little snow as she called it, isn't a big deal" "Y'all are more crazy than I knew! Letting a friend out into this!" Pinkie thought about it. "I did try to warn her, but she was just so insistent" The other mare sighed, was audible through the phone connections. Their phones barely had any signal, but stronger than it was deeper into Ponyville. "Sorry, it's just shocking to think she'd be so crazy to go out in this storm. She ain't from around these parts, and doesn't know what our storms are like" She nodded, even though Applejack couldn't see it. "It's ok, I'm worried too, but what can we do? We can't get out there, any more then she can" There was a silence, before Applejack spoke again. "I'll get her out" "Might want to bring some food, she doesn't take any with her to work. Probably starving" In the farm house, Applejack was already getting herself ready to attempt the weather. Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh looked at her. It was her brother to speak first. "Y'all cannot be serious. No one pony can handle this weather" She shot a look at him, and stormed up to him. He was taller by a good margin, but details like that never stopped her. "That a fact? Y'all doubting my abilities?" "Just say'n, this is mighty large fer y'all to take on. I think Twilight can manage one night in the Library" She jabbed her finger into his chest. He was not effect too much by it, given his build, but it was meant to drive her passion. "A friend of mine is stuck out in this, and y'all want me to stay here and twiddle my hooves? I'll get to her and I'll save her, and I'll do it alone!" She stomped past, and grabbed a bag she had set up with needs. "Big sis, common, y'all can't do this alone. What if y'all get stuck out there too?" Apple Bloom said, being genuine in her concern. Applejack stopped, and sighed. "Look, I ain't gonna sit by and let that poor mare starve for who knows how long, till some of this here snow is cleared away" She turned. "Trust your ol sister Applejack, I ain't let'n no snow stop me from getting to her" Her words had a passion that showed more than her concern for a friend. It showed them that if she was ever set on something that she could be talked out of, this was definitely not one of those times. The two of them stayed back to watch over things at the home, and Granny Smith. As Applejack pushed open the front door. She used all her might to force it, luckily the open fields allowed the snow to spread more so their home was not so buried as the town. At first, the travel was easy. For one use to doing so each year, but when she reached the town line where the homes, shops, and buildings huddled together, the snow here were like mountains. She pushed through, but could not get far. She moved back to where she started, and looked around. "Ah Ha!" She shouted, spotting a snow plow not too far away. Quickly she went to it. It was a simple machine, designed to allow the pushing to be increased greatly so that one pony could move snow banks. It was not meant for such a large job, but Applejack was not a city pony. She worked the fields, and pushed machines that most ponies could not. After she strapped into it, planted her hooves, and started to push the machine. It rolled slowly, but picked up speed as she moved toward the large bank. "Y'all gonna wish y'all stayed in them clouds" She taunted, and rammed the snow bank. It caused a violent jerk, and she would have flown out of the machine if she was not strapped in. "Tar Nation!" She made a dent, but it was not much. She tried to push it, but the snow did not yield. So she backed it up and made another running start, but it ended up the same. Angrily, she got herself out of it, stormed up to the mound, and punched it. Her first sank fast, and she nearly toppled into it. "Blasted thing! I can punch through it, but not plow?” After some more searching, she found a shovel and started at it again making a tunnel toward the library. She knew Ponyville, nearly as well as her own orchard. Even with the snow, she knew the way to the place her friend was stuck. The effort was great. Digging a path, making sure she did not get a cave in, and allowing her some opening behind in case she needed to get out. Her frosted breath came fast hard and heavy, as she dug through. She did not allow herself to rest, as she wanted to get there as soon as she could. "Gonna get y'all out Twi" She told herself, to keep her drive. It took her a couple hours and she was nearing the Library, and well past her limit. She stopped a moment, and propped herself on the shovel. She took in many breaths; the cold was bitter to her lungs and started to hurt to breathe, nearly as much as it did to even move. She coughed a couple times and nearly fell over, but her stubbornness was not going to allow her to stop here. With a fire in her eyes, she stood up and started at it again. Gritting her teeth, and ignoring all the signals her mind was receiving on the subject of the anguish she was in. Visions began to take her mind, ones from a time long ago. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been out in a storm like this. They were too foalish to listen to the warnings, and were both trapped in a cave. Applejack could tell Rainbow was getting sick, and knew she could not stay out in the cold. So she did much like she did now, and dug her way through the snow. She carried her friend on her back, and nearly crawled through the landscape till she found a house. It was the first time she met Fluttershy, and was the first time she had ever pushed her body to the point that she was so sick and weak after. Her family and friends wondered if she would make it. She pushed the memory away, as this was not the time to be thinking of her. Had she not been in so much pain and focused on the task at hoof, she might have considered the irony. Here she was; doing much as she did back then, for the same pony that was part of the reason her and Rainbow Dash were no longer friends. It was not Twilight's fault, but had she not become so important to Applejack, maybe she would not have lost a longtime friendship. All because the other pony had chosen to side with her own longtime friend, rather than see that the one in question, was the root problem. She shook her head, still thinking about the last couple months. "Ain't got time to waste on this" She thought, as she pushed on. *** Twilight slumped over a stack of books, looking weak and tried. She was past the point of hunger, where she was almost sick to even think of food. She was well worn from all her work and she did not realize that teleporting would drain so much out of her. It was a simple spell, and she had performed it countless times. Harmony used it more than trotting, and he never seemed so worn out by it. Again she recalled the warning about weather effecting magick, maybe it caused her to use more effort than she planned. She had little choice, and now here she was. "I really should have just conserved my energy" She thought, was beginning to miss Keese. He might absorb magick, but she found he could also offer some in a tight spot. It would have been nourishing since she was so tied to magick, would have help fight off some of her fatigue. She heard a loud thud, as it echo through the library. She put it off as one of her hastily stacked books falling over. But she heard more noises following it, and then the same loud thud. The second time she recognized it, as the large doors shutting. She never heard it so clearly, especially in the third wing, but pony bodies did muffle the sound some. After a moment she shifted and moved off the stack she was on, and made her way toward the front of the building. It took longer than she wanted it too, but she managed to get to the front and looked toward the door. It was still closed, but she noticed the bits of snow melting do to the heat off the candles. She looked down, and gasped. Applejack was sprawled out on the floor, looking almost dead covered in snow and a puddle forming around her. Twilight had no idea where the energy came from, but she darted to the other pony and rolled her over. She was alive, but very worn out. She quickly moved her away from the snow, and even started to strip off the warmer, but soaked cloths she had on. She stopped at the under cloths, luckily for her own shame they were dry. After some struggling, she managed to get the Earth pony to the fireplace. It was meant for ambiance so it was rarely used, but it also was far enough from the books that it was technically safe. With some logs still in it, she summoned enough of her reserved magick to spark a fire. With nothing else, Twilight used herself to blanket Applejack and keep her warm. Eternity seemed to go by, as Twilight feared for her friend. Seemed like endless waiting before a soft snort escaped the sleeping pony. She started to stir, and Twilight laid her down over her lap. Applejack slowly opened her eyes and in the haze, saw a face she knew but not the one she expected. The blue coat, and spiked wild mane, coloured like her name. "R...Rainbow... Dash?" She asked weakly. When the other, who was leaning over straightened a bit, she realized that the face she saw was only a memory. From when she was saved those years ago, in a situation that was too similar for her, and she started to tear up. "Applejack, what is wrong? It is me, Twilight Sparkle" She tried to get through, but the pony was too lost in the past. "Damn that mare..." She muttered, and after a few moments she wiped her eyes and saw Twilight. She shot up, but it was too much on her and she nearly fell forward. The other grabbed her before she did, and held onto her. "Land sakes... head rush" "You ok AJ?" She looked over, and weakly nodded. She was not too sure she was ok, but she shown enough weakness for today, as she barely made it here in her crazy rescue attempt. "I'm fine" With a pause, she rubbed her head and went on. "Y'all ok Twi?" "Me? I have been in here all day. How in all Equestria did you get here? The news feed said it was crazy to be out, even for Pegasi" Applejack spotted her bag, and reached for it. "T'was nothin' I've taken on worse..." she pulled it close, and opened it. "Besides, I needed to make sure my favorite customer was taken care of" She was getting back into her old self, and pulled out some little containers. "Hope y'all are hungry, cause soups on" Twilight cried at the sight of food. It was not much, just simple little things the other could carry, but like the flowers on the desk earlier that were looking like fine dining. This was a Queen's Feast. She had not intended too, but after the insistence Applejack ate with Twilight. It was meant for the other alone, but she had to admit she needed it nearly as bad. Maybe more, but she would not go that far. They stayed near the fire, nearly cuddling as they restored their strength. Applejack was explaining what she went through, not in so much detail, only the little things. She did not want to make it look like some grand rescue, when in fact; she nearly killed herself to get here. Twilight could sense she was down playing her actions, but did not care. She was not alone now, and she was fed. They both fell asleep, lying tightly together as they rested after a long day of hardships. *** The morning came, and a sliver of light made through the windows as the sun was coming up. Twilight was on top of Applejack, curled up on her. The orange mare awoke first, seeing the sight and she smiled at the other. Her ears pulled back, a bit embraced. She was not a very gentle type, but she recalled her mother brushing her mane, and the feeling it gave her. So she decided to try it on Twilight. With a few tries, she found the pace and pattern and had her fingers brushing the purple mane. It was a bit messy at first, but as she worked it resumed some of the keep Twilight usually had. Applejack found it odd how she enjoyed this, laying on the hard floor but feeling so comfortable with the pony on her. She had the image in her head, of that little pony toy she found, of how she had to fix its hair too. She tired to stop from a laugh, but her chest heaved with a quick snicker causing the other to shift. She stopped her combing, and hoped she did not wake her. After a few seconds, she found she did. "Mmm... don't stop..." Twilight softly said, nuzzling in the others chest. So Applejack obeyed, and resumed playing with the mane. Twilight was fully awake after a couple minutes, and was staring straight ahead at the burnt out fireplace. She did not really see it, her mind was more on the fact she never felt so happy. It seemed so long ago now; she just came to this town, and met all the ponies she now called friends. Applejack, she always felt so close too, but neither felt sure of their feelings. After last night, she was sure of herself, but was a bit afraid to ask if the other did too. "Twi?" Applejack asked, going over similar thoughts. Twilight looked up to her. "Y'all... hungry?" She avoided the question she wanted to ask. "I think we have a bit left, kinda went pig-like on it last night" Twilight moved her head back down and tightened her hold on Applejack, causing her to wonder about the Unicorn. "Y'all ok?" She sat up, and Applejack did likewise. They were side by side, as the orange pony looked with concern at her. "Applejack..." Twilight started. "You... remember how we...we were waiting to..." She was having more trouble in talking now, than she ever did. Applejack put her fore hoof gently onto Twilight's far cheek, and convinced her to look at her. "AJ, I..." She started to say, but was cut off when her friend moved in for a kiss. It was short and a bit surprising, but the best thing Twilight had ever felt. When the other pulled back, Twilight was left a bit wide eyed still in shock at the feelings it sent through her. Applejack smiled weakly, ears back in a mixture of her feelings, and worry she might have moved too soon. "Sorry Twi... I just-" She was cut off when Twilight repeated the action and kissed her back, but neither pulled back or hesitated. *** Most the day went by before any pony came to the Library to help get the two out. Big Macintosh had gathered some of the ponies he usually called on when it was time for Winter Wrap-up, and together they made a path to the Library. They did not bother to clear the streets, for the snow was still coming and was more too come. Thanks to Ditzy, the blizzard was on hold till Twilight and Applejack were safely home. Was a good thing Pinkie knew the odd Pegasus, for she sent the message out quickly. He made his way into the building, and saw them sitting by the fireplace. "Hey?" He called. "Y'all ok?" Applejack looked over, and nodded. He came closer, and noticed the mess. Containers and some of Applejack's cloths she wore into the storm, and a couple other pieces. He decided not to dwell on it. "So y'all ready to git?" His sister stood first, and helped Twilight up. Together they nodded to him, and the three started to pick up the mess. "I think..." Big Mac started, stopping himself from picking up something. "I'll let y'all have this one" Twilight picked it up and hooved the undergarment to Applejack, both of them in a bit of a blush. "Ooops" Was all she could get out. "Not gonna ask" After they picked it all up, they moved to the door and headed out into the cold. Applejack and Big Mac had something to wear, but Twilight's little hoodie, and what little she brought in yesterday, was not enough for the cold of today. Applejack kept close to her, and used her body to blanket her. "Will always take care of y'all Miss Twilight" She said, with a bit of a laugh in her tone. "That is mighty neighborly" Twilight said back, giggling a bit. "Took y'all long enough" Big Mac said as they all trotted along, the others had already gone, putting back the machinery they used. Making sure nothing would be buried and of no use, come the next snow. "Suppose, I have y'all's blessings in the matter?" Applejack asked, looking over to her big brother. "Eeyep" He gave her a big smile. "Maybe she'll tame y'all a bit, and stop y'all from crazy stunts like last night" His words were true, but he was not scolding her. He would have done the same for her, or Apple Bloom.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The year was nearing its end, and all the ponies were making ready for the new year. Winter was still in full, but the patterns formed for working around the weather made it seem like it was hardly there at all. After the early blizzard, the rest of the season would be a little easier. Time for old troubles and problems to be forgotten, and for Equestria to start anew. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 16: After the Storm Twilight made her way through the snow covered streets, on her way to the library. These last few days, she has cleaned nearly the whole place and reduced the lost book count from the dozens to a mere hoof full. The Owner loved having her, and wondered what they would do when she returned to her studies. Her relationship with Applejack has grown stronger with each passing day, and she could not for see it ever weakening. Most their friends found it surprising, in it not happened sooner. In the back of her mind, she wondered about Rainbow Dash. The fight they had still hurt her to think of, though it was not the Pegasus she fought, but Gilda. Dash had sided with the Gryphon, and even after hearing everything, still took her side. She learned that Rainbow Dash tried to find her, but when she crossed paths with Applejack, she found herself in another situation of “one or the other” She picked the other. She did not see much of either since, both being flyers, it was not too hard to miss. Twilight still wondered if Dash was keeping up in her studies, or if she and Gilda had given up all together. It seemed most logical; neither seemed very keen on school, or fit into the collage mentality. In the end, it did not matter now. Rainbow Dash, for some reason, felt she owed Gilda a great debt and was enough to cost her a few friendships. With a sigh, she shook her head and continued on. Twilight forced the thoughts out, replacing it with ones of Applejack. For one who not even a year ago yet had any friends, now had a love. Twilight was almost to her work, though she rarely felt it was a fitting description for it. She spotted something standings on the archway. When she was nearer, the Unicorn could make out the figure of Gilda. The gryphon stood cross armed, wearing a white heavy coat, and heavy winter pants. She was looking down with her sharp eyes, focused right at Twilight. "What does she want?" The mare thought to herself, returning the strong gaze. *** Applejack was in her shop early, after the incident in Everfree, she was a bit easier around her cousins. She and Candy Apple had the easiest time getting along, but she was still a bit unsure around Adams Apple. Applejack was making an attempt, but was not easy for her. She relieved them from their night shift, and started getting ready for the day. This early, they did not serve much of anything. It was when they were cleaning things that needed to down for a good time. The door was open, as it always was, but rarely did they see any pony come in. So when the little bell chimed, Applejack was a bit surprised. She assumed it was one of the two who just left, forgetting something. She came out front any ways, to make sure. "Y'all forget..." She started, than stopped herself. Her brow came down heavy, and her ears flung back in anger. Rainbow Dash stood there. She was in her bomber jacket, but added a scarf to her wardrobe, and thicker pants than her sportier ones. She did not look like she wanted a fight, but Applejack on the other hoof was ready too. It was one thing; when she and Twilight were friends, but now they were together. The memories of the hurt she endured because of this pony before her, was rekindled and hotter than ever. "Get out!" She shouted, taking the other a little by surprise, for Applejack never told any pony to leave the diner. Was Apple Family code to never do such. "AJ, we need to talk" She started; looking wounded, and spoke uneasily. "This can't go on" "Then y'all broke it off with that snake?" She did not give an answer, only looked away. "I ain't no mind reader, did y'all or not? Cause if'n y'all are still with that beast" "She's not a beast!" Rainbow Dash shot back, then calmed. "She's my friend... she's done a lot for me..." Applejack turned away. "Get out, I won't talk to y'all. Time has passed, but y'all are still haven't changed" "Please Applejack, give me a chance, I can tell you why... I miss what we had..." "Not enough to give up the bird" "Just let me-" "No! I ain't listening to a word" She stomped off into the kitchen. "I won't leave till you talk to me!" Dash shouted after her. "I'll stay outside. All day. All week!" She turned and went outside, standing by the door way. She pressed her back up to the wall, and waited. *** Gilda had landed, and was standing before Twilight now. "We have some unsettled issues" The pony did not back down, only stared back into her eyes. She was not going to be pushed around by her. "I figured, when Rainbow Dash trampled my heart, we were all done" Gilda scuffed. "You are so sensitive. Look that is why I'm here... She's been a wreck since then, she has tried to talk to you, but you won't listen. She's tried talking to that hayseed pony, but she won't listen either" "What do you expect? You attacked me, got me in trouble, and took one of my friends away! Isn't some little mare's tail, where everything magickally is happy after the day it through! I only was trying to help... both of you..." The gryphon looked away. "I know... I don't need help, Dash does. She has for most her life... I was always the one to do it" She paused a moment, obviously not use to talking like this. "I've had her back for as long as I can remember, and she's had mine. I can't say too much, but understand... she is all I have" When she looked back, the fire was gone, doused by the tears forming in the edges of her eyes. This sight knocked Twilight back, she did not know much of the gryphon, but knew she never let her guard down. She did not even know she could have a weak side, but she exposed it here, for her friend. "I..." She stuttered. "I do not know what to say..." "Talk to her. I always thought she'd need only me... I hoped for it, but she needs you and that other pony too. She doesn't need me..." She turned a bit; it was too hard for her to be like this in front of any one. Twilight moved closer, and put a hand on her shoulder. "She needs you, just as much as any pony else, not less. It is clear that she does, she let go of two friends to keep you" Gilda nodded weakly. "I need her... I have no one else, I lost them... I don't want to loose Dash too" "Just because she has friends, does not mean she will leave you. I bet even if you tried, you would find friendship too" She shook her head at the last part. "Ponies hate Gryphons, since the wars... I can't say it's not justified, but still. The Dragons did worse things, and they are welcomed" "To be fair, compared to a dragon, a gryphon seems like a small threat" Gilda laughed weakly. "True..." "Give us a chance. I was wiling to help you out. I was ready to tutor you, and wanted to make friends with you" "I don't really need tutoring, Dash does... did..." Twilight cocked her head. "Did? Did she drop out?" Gilda laughed again, with a bit more enthusiasm. "That crazy pony, she's actually passing her classes, with ease. Did a good job on her" "Then why not let me help you too?" "One, kicked out. Two, I don't need it. I'm a lot more read, than I let on. I know all this crap. I just choose to slack till the last. I've pulled Dash through to make sure she passes too. Maybe not fair on her, but she has a dream, and I won't let it die because of technicalities like education" Twilight was shocked from all she was learning from her. "Do you have a dream, or are you just in it for her?" Gilda looked at her, not with any emotions, but as if she could find the answer in her. She had it but needed to allow it time to come out, for her to share. She looked away again, before she started. "Not really, I'm in school... for another reason. I'm just helping Dash get through, as well" "Can you tell me? I have so many mysteries; I am starting to feel like a detective, trying to piece together some huge plot" She shook her head. "Maybe someday. Not now, but maybe someday. It's not just mine to tell. Dash has, as you might say, 'a Hoof' in this. Her past, is hers to talk about" She stretched her back out and her wings at the same time. "This is too early for me to be up, especially with no school. I'm glad we talked Twillit" "Twilight..." She mumbled. "Oh right, sorry. We... cool?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Though I am not really sure what that means though... Assuming good?" Gilda laughed, fully, with nothing holding her back. "It's good. Hopefully Dash and uh... what's her name, can make up too" "Applejack? I do not know... She's a bit stubborn" The other nodded. "As I've heard over the years, but if I know Dash, she's not one to give up on something she wants" *** The day went on long, customers came and went, and everything in Apple Cider's was fine. Outside, Rainbow Dash kept to her word and waited. It started to snow again, and she had to shake off the gathering powder. She was freezing, but would not move, not till Applejack spoke to her. She knew that Gilda went to see Twilight, and was hoping that they would patch things up. She would be next after Applejack, maybe Twilight would pass the word on. Given the time, she was getting doubtful. Either Gilda failed and as she feared, got into a worse fight with Twilight, or Twilight would not forgive her. Maybe she just did not have her Bay-B, or... She had to stop worrying over it. "She's still out there" Apple Bloom mentioned to Big Macintosh. "Eeyep..." He said softly. He knew better than any about the two mares at odds right now, and how Applejack and Rainbow Dash grew so close before. When the blue Pegasus first came here, she was accompanied by the gryphon, and looked almost soulless. Both looked vary worn out, something he never learned of. They started into the school with his sister, and eventually, Applejack and Rainbow Dash started to become friends. Till one day they got into a fight over something stupid, as they often did. It was around this time, that Rainbow Dash flew away into the cold winter. Applejack followed after, and despite the blizzard coming, she would not listen. She and Dash had some bet going, or something. Again, he did not know much on the details of it, but all he knew was that they were thought lost. A day later, Applejack came crawling back, carrying her friend. Making it to Fluttershy’s home, and both looked like they would die any moment. Applejack was much worse off. She was cold, worn out, and running on nothing but will alone. She was nearly lost, but Rainbow Dash stayed by her side, and maybe just that saved the little filly. She awoke to the sight of her friend's worried, but smiling face. From that day on, they were inseparable Gilda always seemed to be a problem between them. It was the only thing between them, that could ever break up such a friendship, and it seems to done nearly that. Big Mac looked out, seeing the shivering mare and frowned. "This has ta stop, they are being foals" He rarely stuck his muzzle into his sister's business. She was very smart and knew just what she was doing... most the time. Sometimes, she was just too stubborn. He went outside, and held out his coat. "Here, if'n y'all wait till Hell freezes over, y'all might not want ta yer self" Rainbow looked at him, and gave a soft smile. "No, I'm fine" He sighed. "Not many in this here world, who know Applejack so well. She is beyond stubborn, especially when she thinks she is right" She looked out ahead. "That's just it, she is right... to a point" Her words were a bit shaky from the cold she was trying to ignore. "I'm not giving up Gilda, and once she hears me out, she'll understand that" He lowered the coat, seeing it was hopeless, she was nearly as stubborn as the other mare she was waiting on. It was a battle of wills now. Would Dash give up, or AJ?" It was starting to get late, the snow stopped but with the sun dropping, it was getting colder. Rainbow Dash found it hard to keep her eyes open, standing around so long was one thing wearing her down, but the cold sucked her energy. She sneezed, snapping awake. "Uuuh" "Y'all gonna just stand there all night, huh?" She turned her head, and saw Applejack. "D-damn... r-right-t" She tried to smile, but it was too hard to form. Applejack set up a small part of the diner for the two to talk, with no interruptions and ease dropping. Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom would make sure no pony sat too close. When Rainbow Dash stopped shivering, after a few gulps of something hot, Applejack sat across from her and studied her. "So, y'all gonna convince me not to buck yer sorry flank outta here again?" She did not want to give away that she missed the other pony, and took up her usual defense. "You want the whole story? Why Gilda is so important? Or you want a basic idea?" The other was not speaking as brash as she usually did. "I don't know how long I can hold out, so better make it quick" Rainbow Dash sighed. Part of her wanted to finally give out the details, but both she and her once closest friend were alike in many things, and being right to the point was one. "Without going too far, she saved me. I never really told you why I came to Ponyville, but before I did, before I met you, she was all I had left. I was all she had too. You saved me once, around this time. It nearly killed you. We were friends for-, nearly forever after that. Gilda and I both suffered something great. It should have killed us too, or at least, destroy who we were. It did destroy me, but somehow, she stayed strong and pulled us through" The other mare thought about what she said. "So, y'all are saying, she isn't a full on snake" "She's not one at all!" Dash snapped. "You heard what I said, she lost everything but me, and given the fact ponies don't take too kindly to Gryphons, she had little to be happy about. She brought me back to life, and did it on her own. No pony would help her, and most just ignored her. So you can hopefully see why she doesn't treat any very well" Applejack took it in, but did not respond. "I know. It's not right. I've tried to get her to ease up, but she's just as stubborn as us. What happened with Twilight, was horrible. Gilda was wrong, and I even got her to finally see that. I wish it didn't happen, but given what all she has done for me, even if she was in the wrong, I couldn't turn my back on her. I'm all she has! If I took Twilight's side, I don't know what she would have done..." She was a bit teary eyed as she near the end. "I really don't want to think about it... losing her, after everything..." With a soft sound of thought, Applejack looked down, the words sinking in. She was seeing more about the Gryphon, and was seeing what she meant to Rainbow Dash. "I can... understand. Y'all weren't around when it happened, but I almost lost Apple Bloom. It was my fault, and it was stupid. I see in her, the last bits of my mama. I want so much to protect her, and all, but I'm too protective, and harsh... Maybe that's what Gilda and I share" Dash looked at her, hopeful she was starting to open up to the star of this conversation. "I can understand, I really can Dash... So maybe... I was wrong to be so quick to judge the situation, like I was when Bloom ran away. Y'all understand how I felt though, right? Y'all were the only one that knew my feelings about Twilight, and seeing her so hurt, in so much pain, I was so furious... I wanted to attack Gilda, I wanted to find her and beat the daylights outta her" Rainbow Dash ran her fingers in her mane. "I'm glad you didn't... Though, you don't usually hold back. Why did you?" "Because... Twilight said not too. She didn't want it to be worse, and she was hoping that maybe Gilda would come to her and try to fix things. Mare is a goodhearted pony, and wants all to get along and be happy. She's a bit out in the field though, thinkin' all plants can grow together" Dash looked down with her eyes. "A sad fact, that not every pony can just be happy..." "I wish I could live in Twi's world, where there is no pain or hurt" "Be easier than Pinkie's world, where it's all candies and giggles" Dash smiled, getting one out of Applejack. "You know?" She started again, thinking about what the other said not too long ago. "Gilda did kinda want to try and patch things up. She came to me not too long ago, and said she wanted to undo what happened and confessed to all she did to Twilight" "Did she now? Well, I guess she really ain't so bad, if'n she did that" "She probably already talked to Twilight too. I haven't heard anything, but I'm hoping they patched things up too... We are patched up right?" She looked a bit worried. Applejack smiled, and shook her head. "Y'all have to ask?" She laughed nervously. "Well, never know" They spent a good amount of time going over things since they stopped talking, that moment of their brake up; it seemed longer and longer ago. *** The problems between Gilda and Twilight were fine now, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were friends again. Dash still needed to fix things with her and Twilight. So she sought out the Unicorn, and found her leaving her work. When she started to say something, Twilight just clung to her tears in her eyes, as she was happy to have her back. After Applejack, she had expected some trouble, but was welcome to find Twilight was so willing to forgive her. She started to cry herself, thinking about how she could have ever said anything bad about her or think she was at fault in any way. They clung together for some time, both missing each other more than they thought. For such a short friendship, they were tighter than some who have known each other their whole lives.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Any reason to celebrate is all the reason needed for ponies to do so, and none more so than Pinkie Pie. For the winter holidays, she is Ponyville's best source of cheer. The time to join in the gathering of friends and family was nearing, as is the year's end. Where autumn had the days to remember those past, winter would be for those still with us. As Pinkie loved to shout when the first day begins, at the start of the New Year. "Let the old year's troubles stay in the past, and new friends and fun be found in this year!" The Magick of Friendship chapter 17: Friends for the Holidays Though close, the year was not done yet, and Pinkie Pie had much to set up. She used this time, to market herself and set up parties for those all over Ponyville. Normally, she would have her friend Ditzy Doo to help her. With the many letters and so much mail around this time, from ponies far and wide, which could not make it to their families, the wild eyed Pegasus was busy with her own duties. She did find help from Twilight and Keese, with Fluttershy and Playful Paws lending their hooves too. Spike also came to help. He did it more for Twilight, he was becoming like an assistant to her, when he was not spending time with Apple Bloom. As they were out and about, the others had their own duties. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, were making ready the farm for the Apple Family. It would be a time for them to return to the homestead, and join together as a family. Applejack even invited Adams Apple and Candy Apple, but they felt it was better to stay away. Not many in the family took to them any more then Applejack usually did, or use too. Rarity was planning a small family get together. Herself, and Sweetie Belle, would be entertaining her parents. She would also have Swanheart join them, his family was near the Dragon boards, and in these seasons could not be so far from the shop. Twilight wished to go back to Canterlot and see her parents and Queen Celestia, but for Celestia, she had much to do with the coming ceremonies. Her parents were also away for the seasons. She decided to join Pinkie and her family, at the biggest party in Ponyville. It was a gathering for those with no place to really be, or wanted to do more than just sit at home. Twilight would join Applejack, but a gathering like that was best to keep to family. Maybe one day she would be a part of it. Fluttershy and Playful Paws decided to stay home, and share their first holidays together. The Pegasus liked to keep things simple and quiet any ways, and Playful just loved to be around her. They would get a visit from some of their friends later in the day. Rainbow Dash and Gilda did not seem to care about any of it, they stayed to themselves and pretty much avoided any pony. With how busy every pony was, none took notice of their absence. *** Most the parties were set, so Pinkie took a break from them and welcomed her parents and sisters. Twilight had joined her later, and was talking with them about Pinkie's past. "It is so hard to believe" Twilight said. "Oh yeah, our little Pinkamena was not always a party pony" Her father said, sipping from a coffee cup. "Cannot tell you, how much joy it brought us seeing her smile like she did that first time. In those times, being happy was not something easily found" Twilight gave a nod, as her mother started. "Was the first time since Granny Pie past, that any of us truly smiled" She turned to Pinkie. "You have much of her spirit" "Aw, mom..." Pinkie giggled. "It is a very unique experience, being her roommate" Twilight laughed. "I was not very social growing up. Not till I moved here for collage. I had no friends, but made many fast, and Pinkie is definitely one of the best I have" Her father nodded. "It is good to hear she is doing well, thank you Miss Sparkle" her mother mirrored his feelings. Learning of Pinkie's past was shocking, seeing what kind of pony she was, but she figured was why she was so happy. If Twilight had grown up a rock farmer with so little to be hopeful for, she would cling to happiness and never let it go. In a way, Twilight does that with her friends. After some games and fun, the Pies headed for bed. Was not so late, but after a long travel they needed some rest. Pinkie had to start getting some more celebrations ready, and Twilight decided to head home for a bit. On her way, she thought about her friends more. She wished she could spend more time with them in this season, they were like family. Rarity called her a sister. She decided to see if she had some time for her. She moved through town, Rarity’s was nearly on the other side of the town than Pinkie and so Twilight would need to travel through. She was not surprised to find it was not very busy as it usually was. Some creatures had left already because of the winter, others more recently to be back home. Not all shared in this holiday in their lands, but since living here, they found it enjoyable or made their own take on it. Passing Apple Cider's she saw the rarely used closed sign hanging off the door; it was so uncommon there was not even a place to properly hang it. Out ahead, there was a large wagon and two ponies pulling it. Twilight moved closer, and recognized Big Mac, and soon saw the shape of Applejack's hat. "Afternoon" Twilight called out. They turned and looked. "Howdy" The stallion greeted. "Howdo Sugar cube?" Applejack said, adding a wink. They stopped, and the mare took off the yoke and embraced the unicorn with a kiss to finish. "What are you two up too?" Twilight asked, after they broke their hug. "Supplies. Apple Cider's gonna be down for a bit, and with all them ponies acome'n, gonna need some stuff. Nice thing own'n a diner; extra pots, and kitchen stuff for the mouths, and plenty of chairs for them flanks" Twilight nodded, and looked at the wagon. "You need help? That looks heavy" Applejack took a mocking pose of defense. "Y'all say'n I can't hoof it?" "Do have your brother with you" She smiled. Applejack snorted, still not really mad or being truly stubborn as she would any pony else. "I could do it myself, but two makes it go faster" Big Mac rolled his eyes. "I saw that" She spun her head around, glaring at him. "A'course y’all did" "Know?" She started, looking back at Twilight. "Y'all can still join us. Y'all are nearly family" Twilight shook her head. "No, that is fine. Might be a bit soon for me to get to know the whole family" She laughed nervously. "Ok Twi, but if'n you change yer mind" "Do not worry, if'n I do, I will let you know" She smiled. With another kiss, they parted and Twilight went onward toward Rarity. The hour was later than she had realized, but she was almost there. Looking up to the sky, it was then she saw that it was getting dark. "I wonder if I should still go?" She paused and noticed something, a bright colour in the clouds. "That... Rainbow Dash? I have not seen her for a while" She stopped, and thought. "Wonder what she is...” She paused for her coming pun with a giggle. “Up too?" After a moment she cast a spell on herself self, seemingly doing nothing, but Twilight teleported to the cloud bank. "Shit!" Rainbow Dash called out, not expecting the sudden appearance of Twilight. "How did you get up here?" "Teleportation" Dash stood up, and looked at her. "How are you standing up here?" "Cloud Walker, a spell made so Ponies can stand on clouds and move around like Pegasus. I suppose I could have given myself wings, but that would take a lot of magick and a couple Crimson Steer energy drinks" She laughed a bit, but the other pony did not get it. She coughed her way out of the laugh. "So, what are you doing?" She avoided explaining the energy drink’s slogan. With a sigh, Rainbow Dash lied back down. "Nothin'" "No plans for the Holidays?" "Just me and G, hang'n" Twilight moved a bit closer. "Not going to visit your family?" Dash winced at that, but shrugged it off for an answer. She could sense something more, but felt it was not right to push it. "What about Gilda? Does she have any plans?" The other mare rolled, and closed her eyes. "No. We're just going to spend it like we always do. Drunk, and alone" Gilda flew in and spotted Twilight in the clouds with Dash, she slowed and hid out of sight. "What is she doing up here?" She asked herself. She did not harbor bad feelings any more, but she was not easy around her just yet. "Why not join Pinkie and myself? We're having a big party, and her parents are coming. Be good for Gilda too. Be the first time since the whole thing, which we really hung out. Maybe she and I can start getting along" "Not sure she'd be interested either" "Give it a chance Rainbow Dash, I bet she would make a ton of new friends. I did when Pinkie did that party for me" The Pegasus looked at her. "That party WAS for you, this one isn't for G. I know you mean well, but common Sparks" "I do not see the problem. She opened up to me, and I gave her a chance. With you there, your friends will welcome her" She scoffed. "Please; G is one of those things about me, most my friends don't like. I don't care what any pony says, she's not a bad bird. Just moody, and protective. Gave her a bad rep, and not many ponies are too forgiving like you" Twilight looked beaten, and gave a sign to match. "At least think about it, talk to her about it. I will vouch for her, and I am sure Pinkie will just enjoy having another body in her party" Dash gave a sigh of her own. "Maybe" Was all she said. "I should go, I am not sure how long this Cloud Walker spell lasts" "Ha, hard to imagine you don't know about a spell" She paused, and caught on. Was Twilight finding a polite way to leave. She obviously realized that the Pegasus was not in the mood for company. "I'll see you around Twilight," She rolled back to look at her. "Glad we're back to being friends" "Me too" Twilight smiled, and teleported. Shortly after she left, Gilda "showed up" "Hey Dash, looking rested" She mocked, landing on the clouds and walking slowly toward the pony. "You know me" "Anything happen when I was gone?" She hid her knowledge of the conversation that had just gone on. She looked at her, studying her. She was wondering why she would ask that, she should have known better since nothing was really going on in the sky. "Nope" Gilda knew she was lying, she heard most of what they talked about, but didn't press it. "Thought so, sleeping all the time ain't gonna get much action" She sat down near Dash and let herself fall back on top of her, causing the mare to let out a groan as all air rushed out of her. "Damn it G!" The gryphon rested her head on her friend's stomach. "Well, if you're gonna be a lump in the cloud, might as well make use of ya" Dash reached down, and plucked a feather. "Ow! Ass" "Finch" Gilda rolled off and Dash tackled her, pinning her down. "Ha. Part lion? A little lion cub?" The griffin pushed her off, and pinned her down. "Who's laughing now? I've seen Mini ponies put up better fights" Dash struggled and started them both rolling, till they fell off the cloud. They did not have much time to stop their fall, and crashed to the ground laughing. "Ow, my ribs" The Pegasus said, still laughing. "Think I broke one" She coughed. Gilda sat up, and looked the other over. "You ok?" Dash tried to sit up, but felt a sharp pain. "Ow, shit... something is broke" The gryphon was not sure what to do, she never really took any lessons in medical but she knew enough. If it hurt to move, then best not too. She spotted a pony, and rushed over to him. He saw her coming at him, and panicked. "Oh mare!" He started to gallop, but Gilda grabbed him. "Dude, get some help!" "What?" He looked at her, not seeing any danger from her eyes, only concern. "My friend is hurt, go get a doctor... please?" He nodded, and galloped off. She returned to Rainbow's side, and did not leave. "This isn't a big deal, just need a moment... ack" She rubbed her side. Gilda looked over her, looking scared. Dash remembered that look from long ago. "G, I'm not going let a little pain get me, stop worrying" She tried not to look so concerned, but it didn't work. *** "But why?" Twilight asked the front desk at the Ponyville hospital. "I'm sorry, but only relatives can see her right now. Visiting hours are currently over, besides." "But... Can I at least know how she is? What happened?" The mare behind the desk shook her head slowly. "I am sorry, but information like that is only available to family members" Twilight sighed, and trotted a way taking a seat in the lobby. "What is wrong with this place? What would it hurt to have me see her?" Twilight sat for a while, not really paying any mind to time. "Y'all best let me up there!" She snapped out of her daze, and looked over to see Applejack shouting at the mare at the desk. "Miss please, only family can see her, and currently the visiting hou-" The other was not having that. "I don't care what's open or closed, she is damn near a sister ta me and I wanna see her!" "If you do not calm yourself, I'll be forced to call security" “The Queen’s own guard ain’t stop’n me, I'm seeing my friend!" "AJ" Twilight said, putting her hand on her shoulder. The Mare spun, and looked at her, first with fire, then turning to concern. "Twi..." They hugged, and Twilight trotted her back to the seats. "Ain't fair... I've known that mare fer a good part of my life, she's as much my sister as Apple Bloom" She slammed her fist on the armrest. "I know, I want to see her too, I want to know what happened. I just heard she fell, and had a sharp pain in her side" "I need to know what is wrong, I can't just sit here, and think of all this mess" Applejack said, looking down at the floor. "I am sure it is just a busted rib, something small. Little things can hurt" "And waiting, and not knowing... kills" They sat there for a while, neither saying anything. Twilight looked at the clock a few times, but Applejack just watched the floor. "I just got her back... I can't lose her again" Both of them shared the same thought. A figure moved behind them, and stopped. "Oh good, you got the messages" Gilda said. Twilight looked back to see her. "You sent them?" She looked as bad as they did, but she seemed to have more will to move around and talk. "Yeah, I figured you two should be first to know" She took a seat next to the unicorn; for the first time, not looking uneasy to be around them. Her concern was higher than her stigma. "...When she hit the ground she seemed fine, but after a couple seconds, she had pains and couldn't move" Applejack snapped back to reality, after hearing Gilda's story of the event. "Damn it!" She grabbed Gilda's collar. "Why didn't y'all get hurt, why Dash!" She stared into the Gryphon's eyes, with fire and misplaced rage. She only got concern and shame back. "I wish it was..." Gilda said getting teary eyed. This made the Earth pony relax her grip and lean back, losing all her rage. "I don't want to lose her, any more than you two" Applejack studied her eyes, and saw a reflection of her own worries. With no warning, she pulled Gilda into a hug and the two held tight as they let their tears out. Twilight watched them, and wiped her eyes. "Please be ok Dash" she muttered, looking a way. *** Gilda managed to convince the receptionist; that she was related to Rainbow Dash, saying she was adopted into the family. She had some pictures that showed her with the family, at a very early age. Twilight wanted to ask about the ponies in the picture, but knew now was not the time. After a few minutes she returned, and let the others know what was going on. "She has a broken rib. It was pressing into her lung, why she was coughing, and hurt so much. She should be out of surgery, and fine" She smiled at the last part and the other two mirrored it. "Land sakes, that's a load off. Good thing y'all are family" Applejack said, patting the gryphon's shoulder. "How soon can we see her?" Twilight asked. "They said I can see her as soon as she is out, but visitors have to wait till morning" She sighed. "I think I can get them to let one of you go instead, I think she'd like to see one of you more than me..." Twilight was going to say something, but Applejack spoke first. "No, you go. She's said it a many times that y'all are very important to her. She needs y'all more than either of us" Gilda looked at her surprised by her words, and deeply moved. She fought back the urge to cry, and nodded. As if sensing her uncertainty over Applejack's sudden change of heart toward the gryphon, the orange mare put a hand on the others shoulder. "Look, we have a mighty lot of bad crop between us. I ain't gonna lie, I still not too sure on y'all. After all the years, can y'all really blame me?" Gilda shook her head. "But one thing we share is our love of that head strong stubborn mare. If'n it was a race, I'd say I lost long before I started, when it came to being her closest friend. Maybe I come second, but not the point” She paused a moment. “I saw y'all in your raw moment and it showed me, yer not all bad. Maybe after all this, we can sit down and make some peace" Gilda was unsure. She just never felt very safe around ponies, but Twilight had proven she was not after her and Applejack was one of the few as dear to Rainbow Dash, as Gilda was. After some thought, she nodded. "Sounds... cool. We should, for Dash" Applejack nodded. "And for us too, never hurts to have more friends" She was again taken aback, growing up with ponies looking at her like a monster. She never imagined any would want anything to do with her, besides Rainbow Dash. She now stood before two, who both expressed that they would be willing to see past the monster she allowed herself to become and offer her friendship. "What are y'all wait'n for?" Applejack grabbed her, and started moving her toward the doors to the recovery rooms. "Go make sure she is ok, for all of us. Countin' on y'all Gilda" "Ok, ok, I'm going!" She mocked her usual harsh ton, but the smile was a giveaway. She went on through the doors, and Applejack stood on the other side for a time till Twilight came up to her. "Sorry Twi. I know y'all must want to go see her, but I felt she needed Gilda. I think she needed to be with Dash too" Twilight hugged her from behind. "You just beat me too it AJ" The Earth mare put a hand onto Twilight's arm around her. "I never imagined I'd do anything like that. I hate... hated... her once... Seeing her so destroyed, with none of that cocky attitude, or rudeness... after all I seen of that bird..." "I understand... believe me, and it was not the first time I have seen one of those in Ponyville who seems to have nothing good to them, show a side that makes you wonder if there is something more there" "Who else?" Applejack turned her head a bit, but could not really get Twilight in full view. She took a moment before answering. "Remember Trixie?" "Who could forget?" "I do not wish to speculate, but I have seen a glimpse of a side she keeps hidden" "First Gilda, and now Trixie? Makes y'all wonder about every pony, what if ponies like Pinkie ain't so nice? Maybe she is some evil mastermind, or has some dark past?" Twilight laughed at the idea of Pinkie being evil. Applejack join in, not being entirely serious. *** It took a few days but Rainbow Dash came out fine, bragging that she had ribs removed, and so she'd be lighter and faster. She even had a race with Gilda, as soon as she had the chance. Everypony was glade she had not changed, and she would not be slowed down. Gilda started to go back to being distant and cold, but she was not as mean or rude as she was before. She was not just yet ready to start spending time with the ponies, like they were old friends. She did share some time with Applejack, but it was not all that frequent. The holidays neared their end, with only the Year's End Celebration to go. Pinkie's family had gone back home, as many others did, it was often a time for the Town's ponies to gather and celebrate the year past and bring in the next. Though it was all Pinkie's planning, it was the Mayor's duty to host the occasion. She was gracefully aged; mane a silvery grey, and reading glasses that hung partly down her nose, with beads going down and around her neck. She was dressed in a suit of violet, simple but still one of Rarity's fine works. "Mares, and Stallions," She started, standing before the whole of Ponyville. "And our many, many species who call our beautiful town of Ponyville ‘home’" Given the verity of creatures who live here, this would have gone on till the next Year's End if she named each. "After a wonderful year of trails, scandals, new faces, and many wonderful times, personal, or public, most brought to us by our talented Pinkie Pie. We have come to the end of it, as our glorious Queen of Night ascends the Moon higher into the Midnight hour; we prepare to welcome the New Year. We shale watch as the Last Moon sets, and the First Sun arises. We take this time to let old grudges and petty problems, be forgotten. Allow new loves and friendships in their place. Enjoy the goods of the Past Year, and look forward to the ones from the coming" She drew forth a letter. "I have grand news as well. As we all know, the Cities and Towns of Equestria all are competing for special blessings from the Queens. It may be a friendly competition; one cannot help being excited when you learn that our fair town has been blessed as 'Most Diverse, and Welcoming Town or City in Equestria'" The crowd cheered out, it was no small term. Since the end of the Wars, and the forming of the United Races, for Lasting Peace and Prosperity; Equestria, one of the founding lands, has striven to ever be a country of just that, A Land of Peace and Prosperity for all to share in. Being a Diverse and Welcoming town, meant that Ponyville was the capitol of the ideals. It was a title that came and went, but few had held onto it as long as Ponyville or won it as many times. Every time it was a joyous occasion for the ponies and creature that made it home. "From her own words," The Mayor started again. "Ponyville has always maintained a high level of good will, and caring. The souls of this town have provided many things for all Equestria, from the talented trades and skillful supplies such as foods and goods, to the volunteers and citizens who go out of their way to make our Land a better place for Ponies and our Neighbors. With their noble motto 'Where some pony is always willing to lend a helping hoof' Ponyville has also received high praise from my dearest student, who I sent there to gain an education that cannot be taught in class, but learned from living in a place that will build character, teach good will, and show what it means to be a pony of Equestria. A town that truly shows all of the signs of our lost, but not absent Elements of Harmony; of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Charity, and Laughter. I give my highest Blessings to this Town, and its citizens - Queen Celestia" After the words of the Queen, and a small speech about the coming year, the citizens began to celebrate the Year's End. Rainbow Dash dragged Gilda along. "Common!" "No, I don't belong here!" She protested. "You belong, as much as any pony" "Yeah, pony..." Dash kept tugging, but paused at her retort. "You know what I mean! Besides, AJ and Sparks will want to see you here" Gilda hesitated in a comeback. "Maybe, but no one else" "Give... it... a... ...TRY!" She pushed Gilda, and she stumbled into another pony. "Damn it Dash..." She crashed to the ground, and picked herself up after a moment. She lifted her head, and came face to face with a pink pony. "Hi!" She said. She was smiling, both with her mouth and her eyes. Her ears were perked forward in a way, that if they had any way too, this is how they'd smile too. "Uh... Hello..." She said a bit uneasy, she knew of Pinkie Pie and was not so sure she was ready to deal with a pony like her. "Come on, let's get you up" She held out her hoof, after a moment Gilda took it and allowed her to help her up. She did not need the help, but Dash was watching her and she wanted to make the effort. She dusted herself off, when she was back up standing. "Thanks" "Gilda?" "That's the name" She said, in a bit of an uncaring tone. Rainbow Dash came over, and out her arm around Gilda. "G, this is Pinkie Pie, I think you know her. she's a bit crazy, but can be some fun... Hey, remember when we replaced Pierce's Balloons with lead ones?!" Shad asked excitedly. "YEAH! He couldn't pop 'em... Till her used his magick" She laughed, and Dash joined in. Gilda tried too, but came out weak. "Oh, right... uh Pierce, he's this Unicorn that goes around poking things. Usually popping balloons, and putting wholes in things. Doesn't do anything bad, but it's pretty weird and annoying. Pinkie and I thought it would be funny to use some Lead Balloons she bought, and see if we could pull one over on him... Didn't work too well" "Ok... guess had to be there" Gilda said. "Yo G, hang here with Pinkie, gonna find some drinks. Otta be some good stuff around" Dash said, and rushed off. Gilda watched her go, and then turned back to Pinkie. "So..." Pinkie started, looking a bit nervous. "Yeah?" Gilda studied her. "Uh... What's it like being a Gryphon?" She looked at the pony with an annoyed expression. "That's a stupid question. I don't know what it's like to be anything else" "Oh right... Well... What do you like to do?" "Writing a book?" "You like writing? I never would have guessed" The gryphon sighed. "No, that was a sarcastic question..." "I wasn't asking sarcastic" Pinkie looked at her funny "I meant me" "I know, you said you are writing a book, right? Or would it be left? Can you write a book right? Wouldn't that be redundant?" Gilda stood there looking at her for a moment, and then started to laugh. "What? The right book, or writing right? That are you writing? or Lefting? Mmm, if you are left hooved, would you be lefting? Maybe Wlefting, since you add a 'w' to right" Gilda laughed harder, causing Pinkie to start laughing too. "You know Gilda?" Pinkie asked, after they stopped laughing. She looked at her quizzically. "I heard a lot of things about you, and how mean you were. I've seen it first hoof too" "Yeah?" She started to get defensive. "But I think it was all a mistake. You seem like a good gryphon. Though never met another gryphon, but as far as I'm concerned, means gryphons are good" She looked at her, then turned her head a bit, fixing the feathers hung over her brow. "Thanks Pinkie... no idea what the means to hear" Pinkie hugged her, but Gilda hesitated. After a moment, maybe seeing no end till she did or because she truly wanted too, she hugged back. "You know, I've heard about you from Dash" "Yeah?!" She was excited. "She said you were a bit weird, but a fun pony to know" Pinkie grinned. "I am!" "Yes you are" Gilda laughed. "Also seem to hide a deeper insight. You act silly, but really you know what you are doing" "Oh?" She seemed to be confused, but also hiding something. "Yeah, maybe you are weird, but seems like a front" Pinkie looked serious, and smiled knowingly. "For such a tough girl, you seem pretty insightful too" Gilda shrugged. "I know stuff, doesn't mean I have to act like a total snob or lord it over everyone else" "Hehe, you know, that's how I feel. I like being seen as a weirdo, than some smarty" "No fun being a nerd" Gilda laughed, with Pinkie joining in. "Twilight not included" Pinkie added, and Gilda nodded in agreement. “So what gave it away?” “Body language and your eyes,” She started. “Could tell you were trying to get me to loosen up, and relax” “At least it worked” She smiled. "Say, when is your birthday? Or... hatchday? You hatch?" "Yeah, I was hatched. Why are you asking?" She pulled out her Bay-B, and pulled up a date book program. "Because, I have nearly every pony... er... one's in here. I try to do something for everybody in Ponyville. Some are harder than others. Each month, I post in school who all have one coming. I usually also have the first week of the next month" "Sounds cool, though I'm outta school for a while" Gilda was feeling an odd connection with this mare, and it was nice. Rainbow Dash came back, as they were still talking. "Yo, ain't got nothing around here stronger than mouthwash. Freak'n public celebration" She came up to them. "Pinkie, next year we need a private party so we can have some good drinks" "Punch is good... but not punches... They hurt" "You are so Random, Pinkie Pie" Gilda smiled, and Pinkie smiled with her. Rainbow Dash did not really know what they shared, but she smiled with them. Dash was happy seeing her oldest and dearest friend getting along with some of her other friends. It was the start of a new year, and things were looking up already. The assembled creatures gathered in the Center of town, awaiting the sign of Moon to shine out the light of the final moment of the year. They all called out, as the seconds neared the Midnight hour. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... And as the last number was chanted, the Moon turned a new colour, and cast out a bright rainbow of lights, lighting the night. All over Equestria, cries went out, as the New Year began. Friends, lovers, strangers, and all kinds, joined together for one purpose; the welcoming in of a New Year. *** Queen Luna stood at her Alter for this special ceremony arms raised. Beside her was her student, Harmony Spirit. On her other side was the Midnight blue Alicorn, with a mane of shadows, dressed in dark robes, like a cultist. His haunted Moon yellow eyes looked onto the sight of the real Moon. He wore no smile, but in his eyes they seemed to reflect his deeply buried joy. So in love was he, with the night and everything it brought. Queen Luna lowered her arms and turned, looking at her student then to Star Shadows. "Another wonderful year is on its way" She said. "Welcomed with arms wide open" Harmony said. Star Shadows stayed silent, just watching the sky. "You know, if you would like too,” Luna began. “Next year, you can do it as you had before, Star. I know how you enjoyed your duties in my absence" He turned, and shook his head. "As I am no longer Star Light, nor am I at liberty to enjoy the duties he once performed" "You worry too much. In a short time I was welcomed back, and you were too. You redeemed yourself, and I welcome your assistance. It is a new year. One of them, you should allow yourself to let go of your mistakes. It is what we celebrate this for. Ponies and creatures of all kinds come together, to forgive and forget” When it seemed he still did not accept her words, she went on. “Old hates and rivalries undone, and friendships forged. Allow yourself to be open to all options, even if you do not agree with others choices or opinions, if you are open minded and kind, you will find yourself with a whole new world of enjoyment" He nodded, but with little enthusiasm. "I was nothing till your Sister gave me all that I was, and I betrayed her..." "Let's not dwell on our pasts," Harmony started. "We all have dark sides. Make peace, and smile. I've done it, Luna has done it, and I'm sure there are those out there who have too. This year, will be a great year, if we all let ourselves enjoy it!" *** Gilda was with Dash but surrounded by her friends, and their friends. She allowed herself to smile, and enjoy this night. Did not matter if it was only for tonight, she felt she had some friends. Especially with the pink mare, who seem to stick close to her the rest of the night.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
A few days had pasted since the End of the Year party. On that night Gilda felt like she was one of the girls, but she was feeding off the excitement all shared in that night. Afterwards, she reverted to being a bit of a shut in. She did talk more to some of the ponies, but not very often. Pinkie Pie seemed to be relentless; she loved having friends, and would not give up on Gilda. It both annoyed and challenged the Gryphon, for Pinkie was the only one who seemed unafraid of any danger Gilda could possess to her. Seeing her friendship possibilities opening, it started to make her feel funny. So she started to spend more time with Dash, possibly afraid that she would drift from her. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 18: There, when you have fallen furthest Gilda and Rainbow Dash were alone in the Pegasus’ cloud top home, just spending a lazy afternoon together, as they often did when neither felt like doing much else. Up here, few bothered them, and made it easy for them to relax. Something more than what they had talked about, seemed to be on the Gryphon's mind, and she did not seem willing to speak of it. Normally, Dash was not too keen to pick up on this, but she knew Gilda too well. When she was not looking at her or being distant with her oldest friend, something was wrong. "Yo G, what's up?" The Gryphon looked at her, and then away. "Nothin' Why you asking?" "I know this, you are hiding something. Tell me!" Dash was lying on her back in a cloud bed, then rolled to her side. She almost looked like a pin up, since she was not in much but her bomber jacket. Dash and Gilda did not really care about staying "respectable" So when they were not forced, they often strutted partly, if dressed at all. Gilda was still in her street cloths, being cold as it was still winter. The Pegasus was a bit more use to it than her friend. Rainbow Dash’s changed position did not seem to improve Gilda's far away attitude. "It's nothing! Damn" With focused gaze, the Pegasus glared at her till the other felt the weight and looked at her. "Not going to drop it... are you?" Dash only raised her eyebrow as answer enough. "Fine..." She stood up from the little chair, and looked at the window, or rather the hole in the cloud. "Dash, we've known each other longer than pretty much anyone else, not counting Fire" The pony seemed to have mixed feelings, hearing the name. "I... don't know how to say this. I don't have a way with words, like Twilight" She turned back, looking at her friend, the only one who has always been there for her. Until recently, she was the only friend she's had. "I..." She took a paused, looking a way again. "What?! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Rainbow pestered. "I love you damn it!" She shouted out, but not the way she wanted to say it. Dash forced her breath through closed lips, making a sound like passing gas. "That all? I love ya too G, you know that. We are like birds of a feather... don't hit me for the lame pun" "Not like friends, or flight sisters! I mean... deeper than that. Don't make me sound stupid with that 'like you like you' crap" This made the other shift her position and sit up a bit, surprised by this news. "You sure?" Was all she could think to say. "I think after so many years I'd know!" Those were not the words Gilda was hoping to hear. "Ok, ok, it's not a problem G, but... I don't know..." She looked down, thinking. "I'm not ready for that" Gilda's eyes narrowed a bit. "For what?" "Relationships, damn. It's what we're talking about right?" She paused, and thought. "I don't think I'm ready to be in one, I'm too focused on my goals. I need to stay on track, so I can become a Wonder Bolt" "So, that is your answer. You rather be a Wonder Bolt?" "Not 'rather', I just need to achieve that first before I can do anything else. I've spent nearly two years in Collage taking classes I didn't really give a crap about, all so I could graduate and go to the Training camp. Also, you should keep focused on your own goals. Dating and all that, would distract us both" Gilda turned away again, looking back out at nothing particular. "Fine, whatever... forget... I said anything..." Her voice was breaking up a bit, as she fought it. "G, I-" Dash tried to save the moment, but Gilda was not accepting it. "No, it's over. Moving on!" She snapped and stormed out. The Gryphon moved to the edge of the cloud, hesitating a moment before she shot into the sky. Rainbow Dash came out, just to see her go. She wanted to go after her, but something stopped her. She just let out a deep sigh. Gilda flew for awhile, till she felt too drained to go on. Landing on a ledge of an old building, she managed to stand and took a few steps inside. When there was no light of day coming through, she sat and balled up into herself, wanting to hide from the world. She bared herself and confessed something she had felt for some time now. She reserved herself for so long, but with everything in the last few weeks; from making peace with Twilight, and earning new friends because of her stupid move that put Dash in the hospital, and even after the party for the end of the year. All the new emotions brought on by letting her guard down and making friends, allowed her heart to feel. The Gryphon longed for love, but never knew it. Dash was the perfect choice; she knew all about her, and was almost just like her. But unlike the Gryphon, the Pegasus had a bigger goal in mind and was working to achieve it. She had to work hard, where Gilda just had something to prove and it was not really a challenge for her to see it through. Moments past, till she heard a sound and pulled her head out of her arms and looked over. Pinkie Pie was coming up the steps, holding some random looking objects. "Oh great..." Gilda muttered lowering her head back down, hoping the uninvited guest would turn away or not see her. Pinkie did notice the other, and stopped. "Oh, hi" Her upbeat and chipper voice, cut like an icy wind. "I... want to be alone..." She replied flatly. Pinkie did not hesitate and came closer, rather than leaving. "Why would you want that? Everypony wants to be with somepony else" Gilda cringed at that. "Wanna talk?" She set down the items, and moved closer still. She was being cautious, with reason. "Look, we may be kind of friends now, but I'm not really all that interested in talking to any one, not right now..." Pinkie was not so easily deterred, and she moved in front of the other. "Should let it out, I'm a good listener, even if I talk a lot" The Gryphon glared at her, but such warnings did not phase the pony. She was coming to admire her for that, not letting anything stop her from what she wanted. "I'm going to fly a way now, and you are going to drop this" She went to get up, and Pinkie put a fore hoof on her shoulder. "You know, I am very persistent and I can follow any pony, or even a Gryphon" She gave a grin that seem to reassure that she could. "I've chased down Rainbow Dash a couple times, so don't think-" "Don't say that name..." She cut off, batting the hoof a way, causing Pinkie to blink in confusion. Everyone knew that no two were closer than "Dash" and "G" "What happened?" Seeing little choice, Gilda decided to just stop fighting, and talk. She relaxed back to sitting. "I have a bit of a problem with her" The pony settled in next to her. "Oh? What kind?" "Romantic..." The words came out before she even thought them. Instead of covering up her slip, she went on. She bared herself once today; why not try for strike two? "I've known her all my life, and thought me and her had something... I was wrong. All she cares about is those damn Wonder Bolts" "I don't think that is all, she is just super focused on it. Why not just be there and help her along, so when she gets in, you and her could be together" Gilda scoffed. "What makes you think she'd want me? She basically said she didn't. Besides, once she is a Wonder Bolt, she'll have any one she could want" Pinkie shrugged, she was not going to lie or pretend she knew. "Not sure, kinda seemed obvious. You and her, maybe she won't, but at least you can stay friends. Would suck, to have one little thing, ruin a life time of friendship" She studied the pink mare; she had seen some of this insight from her before. Of all the ponies, despite this, she never imagined she would be getting sound help form Pinkie "I just... I have no one any more... Not since my brother died, I've felt so alone. Dash has been by my side, and always there... how could I love anyone else? Who else?" She felt herself breaking down, a fear of being alone starting to set in. She embraced herself, holding tightly. She fought them before, but now her tears started to come out freely. She had these fears a long time ago, and suppressed their memories. Her world crumbled once, with the death of her brother. It happened again, when nearly all else she held dear was gone. Now she felt that last part of her happiness, was going to be gone as well. Pinkie frowned and put her arms around the Griffin, pulling the other to her. "Don't worry, you'll find some pony... or one, I guess. Don't want to limit you now" She gave a soft giggle, one that Gilda actually felt herself share in it. "You won't be alone, Rainbow Dash still cares about you, and now you have more friends too. After the party, you showed a lot of us you are not so bad. Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy... well she is afraid of you still, but that's just her, being her. Rarity likes you, and I like you too” She paused a moment, with a name smile. “Honestly though, not very hard to get me to like any p- one." Gilda looked off, thinking about it all. She did have to admit, she was not alone. Her closest friend maybe did not want a relationship like that, but did not mean she wanted to cut things off completely. She felt oddly at ease in the others embrace, a comfort she has not felt in a long time. Dash and her were always so defensive of their feelings, she did not get any tenderness. "Why," Pinkie started up again, causing the other to look at her. "I bet you'd find, who'd share your feelings. Oh Mare. It's hard not saying ‘pony’" She giggled. Gilda studied her. "You think so?" She felt so vulnerable right now, nothing like herself. Even the once painfully upbeat voice of this pony, was sounding like music. “Oh yeah, ages of saying ‘every pony’, ‘some pony’, not easy to change” “I meant finding someone” Pinkie gave her famous smile, and looked right at her. "Of course, just need to show more that side of you I saw at the Year's End party. It's an attractive side" Gilda blinked at the comment, she had never heard those words used on her. Little tufts of feathers came up around her mouth, in the show of embarrassment for avian. She grabbed her own chest, as her heart was starting to race. The more she studied the pony, her smile, and the brightness of her eyes, her caring, and the very air around her. Gilda did not understand it, or why she was feeling funny. She looked away, then back at the pony again. She did not know what was going on. "You ok?" Pinkie leaned closer, trying to see anything. She could not think, she only reacted, and soon Gilda found herself giving what was the Gryphon equivalent to kissing. A soft bite on the others cheek. The edge of her beak, where flesh met, was pressed beside Pinkie's lips. Gilda was just as surprised by the act as the pony was, who looked wide eyed for a moment. Even as they both realized what was going on, neither pulled away. After a moment, Gilda let go and they sat there staring off into space, both wondering if it had happened at all. "Wow... that's a Griffin kiss" Pinkie said, coming out of her trance. She looked at Gilda, who seemed ashamed by it. "Pinkie... I..." She stood up, and ran into a leap. "I'm sorry" She called back, as she darted off. Pinkie slowly rose up, and looked toward where the other flew. She rubbed her cheek tenderly. It did not really hurt, but it left something more behind than pain or a mark. *** Gilda flew frantically, trying to find some place to hide. She repeated the scene over and over, trying to make sense of it. "Why did I do that? Why?!" Her thoughts shouted. After a long flight, she came to a cave on top of a mountain that looked over Ponyville. She could have flown out of the land, but she felt compelled to stay. Inside the cave, she stumbled to a stop and threw herself against the wall, back pressed to it. "What is wrong with me? Am I so desperate, that any one that seems to like me I throw myself on?" She started to doubt herself more, wondering if she loved Rainbow Dash at all or if it was just their history. She hardly knew Pinkie. She seemed nice, caring, and even challenged her in ways no one else had dared too, but she could not be in love. Not after so short a time on talking terms, and a few kind words. A Vision of Pinkie came to her, and she felt her heart race again. She clenched her chest, trying to stop the frantic beats. "Why do I feel like this? I... I didn't even feel this way around Dash..." She more and more, felt the love she thought they had was only one of convenience not true. She equally wondered why she felt for Pinkie Pie, what should have been for the Pegasus. She clenched her eyes and tried to stop the tears, those painfully confusing tears, from flowing. It made no sense, love at first sight, and instant romances. Nothing but foalish stories... right? "Gilda?" She heard a voice in the back of her mind. "Gilda?" It called again, clearer and identifiable. It was Pinkie. Now she was haunting her mind. "Gilda? What are you doing?" She jumped when she realized that it was not a memory, but reality. The Pink mare was there, here and now. "How the-" Pinkie came closer, and smiled, that smile that made her heart skip a beat. "Silly, if you want to play 'Hide and Seek' should try farther outside Ponyville for it to be a challenge for me" Gilda calmed herself, and sat back to the wall. "Why... why did you come? After that..." Pinkie cocked her head. "Why not? You didn't do anything bad, just a... I've heard the term before..." She was snapping her fingers, as if it would help her recall. "Spike told me... Love bite?" She smiled reassuringly. It made Gilda only be drawn more to her, but still did not know why she was at all. "Are you ok?" She looked away, it was hard too, for some reason she wanted to keep her eyes on her. She fought looking back. "I'm confused... I thought I loved Dash, but I don't think it was... now... now I think I've fallen for you... but I don't know why" "Fallen Gryphon? Hmm, could be a story title" She giggled, then turned more serious. "Some times, it's hard to understand our hearts" She said, coming closer. "My body does random things, and I don't know why, but it can predict events. Been called ‘Pinkie Sense’" She sat by Gilda, who still had to fight herself from looking. "Did you mean it? The Love bite? Did you feel something inside you?" Gilda opened her eyes, still gazing away. "Yes..." She felt a hand on hers, and looked at the pink tone covering her bird like claws. It was smaller, but seemed to pin hers there. She followed the arm attached, and looked into the pony’s eyes. She looked more serious, than she thought possible of her. "You felt something and well..." Pinkie took the others clawed hand, and placed it over her pony chest. "You know what this means, when my heart is doing this?" Gilda looked down, as if she could see the rapidly beating heart. She could only feel under her fingers and palm, and shook her head to answer. "Darn, cause I don't either. Hehe... but, it's a new feeling and I have an idea though... I think I might be in love too" Gilda stared deep into the others eyes; she played games and knew how to read a lie, but the heart, their hearts, didn't lie, and neither did the locked eyes. "Maybe it doesn't make sense, but love doesn't need years to grow, it can take moments. Look at Twilight and Applejack. Maybe it took them time to admit it, but they've always loved each other from day one" Pinkie smiled again, and Gilda found herself mirroring it. "We can wait, if you like. See if it's-" She was cut off, and Gilda pulled Pinkie's forehead to hers. She wished she had lips, since it would have been so much easier for her to show how she felt. They both just closed their eyes, and felt the warmth between them. Somehow it felt right, so oddly so. Had things still been the same, she would not even look at the pony, but now she was wondering how she ever was apart from her. "You know something?" Pinkie started, Gilda moved to look at her as she slowly opened her eyes. "I remember when you and Rainbow Dash came here. I tried to make friends with you two, but you pushed me a way. She was willing, but you seemed defensive" Gilda studied her, and felt overwhelming shock when she recalled it all. Long ago; they came to Ponyville, in hopes to find a place to start over. After losing everything, they had no home or hope, but this town was known for having countless lives of all breeds. Still, Gilda was not very welcoming to new friends. She wanted to keep herself and Rainbow Dash safe from any pain. She remembered a Pink pony that Dash seemed to take too, but Gilda felt oddly about her. She was a threat to her and she made it clear, she wanted the pink pony gone. It was only the start of what she did. She terrorized any who came close to Dash, even an old friend of hers who happen to live here now. Like Fluttershy. The pink mare always seemed to take everything Gilda threw at her, and came back for more. Not for abuse, but hoping for friendship. It was at a party, when things really turned. The pink pony tried to make peace, but Gilda still would not have it, and after a display of her true self at the time, she left the party and ruined her chances of being friends with anyone in the town. Dash stayed behind, and made friends and later came for her. A deal was made; that she would try to be less mean, and the others would not bug her. Though over those years, she did not keep too true to her end as the ponies had. "It was you..." Gilda said, laying her back to the wall again. "I can't believe it... I forgot about all that... but you remembered..." She became teary eyed. "How could you want to be around me?" Pinkie took her claw and held it tight, surprisingly so for a little mare. "Because, friends forgive friends" She smiled, showing she was fully honest. Gilda could not look at her now, with these memories restored. "I'm a monster..." Pinkie pulled her from the wall, and held tightly to her. "No, you were..." Gilda clung tightly to her. "Pinkie... I... I want to tell you something..." "You can tell me anything. I'm good at keeping secrets" "I just hope Dash won't be mad. It's something we've both kept to ourselves since it happened, and we left Cloudsdale. Maybe if you know, I won't feel so bad cause you'll know why I acted that way..." *** Gilda returned to the cloud home of her oldest friend, she was a bit worried on how Dash would be feeling, but she could not avoid her. They lived together, and she needed to know. She stepped inside, and looked around. "Yo, Dash!" She called. Rainbow Dash came out, still only in her jacket. She did not leave, but looked like she was troubled. "G?" "Glade you dressed up and searched for me" She said at first, but regretted it. "Dash... I'm sorry I left like that..." The mare trotted up to her, still looking forlorn. "I figured you needed some time" She answered, without sarcasm. "Sorry I shot you down... I can't say I've changed my mind on it but I should have dealt with it better" She hugged to the Griffin. "I can't lose you Gilda..." Gilda hugged back. "You won't... When we lost everything, I promised I'd always protect you" She went quiet for a moment. "Maybe that is why I was thought we had something more" "We could, maybe... I don't know" Rainbow Dash looked away. "I just don't know what I want, besides the obvious" "Take your time, really... But I can't wait any more though" They broke the hug, and Rainbow Dash looked at her. "Don't worry Dash. I ain't leaving, but..." She looked away, as if the far wall was holding her words. "In a few short days, I've finally found ponies that treat me like you and your family always did... maybe I'm rushing into it, but I've spent like half my life being with no one but you. Not that it's bad, but now my heart aches for more..." Dash sat in a chair, and looked at her. "So... what'cha gonna do? Not horse around with every pony you can I hope" She gave a laugh, she was not purely serious, but did not toss the notion completely out. Gilda was strange, and she could easily fall into that. The Gryphon snorted a short laugh, "You crazy?" She looked at her, giving her a knowing look. "I'm still iffy on those ponies, takes more than a clawfull to change years of bitterness" She changed back to her serious tone. "I am gonna start opening up though and I've..." Dash leaned forward. "What?" She muttered something, no longer looking at the other. "What?" But the other did not speak much louder. "Damn it, you finch, speak up!" "I'm seeing someone, ok?!" The pony sat back, and thought it over. "Don't waste time, damn. Thought I was fast. Who is it?" "Uh..." "Oh come one, you’re getting like Fluttershy... is it Fluttershy? Wait... she's seeing that weird cat pony" Gilda rolled her eyes, and took a seat. "You know em... and gonna laugh at me" "Hmm. Fluttershy is taken, Twilight and Applejack are together. Rarity is kinda like me where she is too focused on her own thing... hmm... Only leaves Big M, Pinkie Pie, Derpy, Trixie... but you only really met Pinkie, as far as I know. You’re seeing Big Mac?" "A town full of mares and after I tried for you, you pick a stallion?" "Well, he does get around from what I've heard. About every mare in town either wants him, or claims to been with em" Gilda settled into the seat. "I can't ask cause AJ would buck my ass, but am curious how true it is... Hey! You're not getting off that easy!" "That's what she said" Gilda laughed and Dash would have, and fought doing so. She was on a mission. "Tell me who?" She shook her head. "Damn it, tell me!" "Make me" Gilda stuck her tongue out. "What are you, a hatchling? You sure gone soft on me" "What?" Dash nodded. "Oh yeah, old G wouldn't be afraid of nothin'" "I Ain't!" "You are" Gilda growled, and stood up. "It's Pinkie Pie!" The smile and humor in Rainbow Dash bled away, replaced by complete shock. "P-P-Pinkie?" Though she was not close enough, Gilda wiped her face as if spat on. "Yes, and next time, less drool" She sat back down in a sulking posture, looking a way. "Dude, that is crazy. Of all ponies... I guess Derpy would be worse, but damn" "Yeah, whatever" "Common G, Pinkie Pie? That mare is so random, and weird. Sure, she can pull some good pranks, and I like her and all, but to date her? I'd go out of my mind, but I bet she can be pretty wild in the hay" Gilda glared at her. "Ok ok, damn. It's kinda hard to see you two together, just doesn't make sense" "And what would?" She asked feeling a bit insulted. "Easy, I'm not trying to start anything, just say'n. I've known you most my life, I've kinda known Pinkie for a while, it's all square peg, round hole" Gilda relaxed. "I know... When I flew from here, I wanted to be left alone. But she found me, by mistake, and some reason I just opened up. She listened, she understood, and she cared. Even after I stupidly gave her a love bite, she didn't even flinch or nothin'. She accepted it, and even came after me when I flew away from her" Rainbow Dash watched, as her friend showed her rare side. A side that seem to be showing more often since the string of incidents in the last few weeks, she always had a wall up and took it down for very few. Dash was realizing if Pinkie got to see this side, it was pretty serious between them. "I thought I was just throwing myself at her," She started again. "She was just what I needed, after what I said to you. We sat and talked for a good while, and I think... she IS what I need for my life" Gilda looked at her with complete seriousness. "You ponies haven't seen a side of her she's shown me twice. She is a lot deeper, and more thought out than most think. Sure, she has her dreams of business, but it's not luck she can pull off what she does. Did ya know she was a Rock farmer? How's that work?" Dash nodded, more at the whole not the last question. "I guess you and her have something then. No pony better to get friends with" "What do you think, about me and her?" "What can I? Gonna do what you want no matter what" She joked. "It's sounds good G, looks like you found somepony else to deal with your shit" Gilda throw a pillow at her, as the mare started to laugh. "You are such an ass" Dash shrugged. "What can I say?" "I told her..." The other mare looked serious. "Told her... what?" Gilda hesitated. "About... what happened" "What?!" She stood up quickly, but after a moment past she sat back down looking heavy in thought. "She won't tell, she promised. I just... I needed her to know..." "I just, didn't want anypony to know. I wanted that all to be behind us" Gilda looked down. "I know, but... after all the years, it's been so heavy on my mind. I needed to let it out, if I was ever going to change... Also, so she knew why I've been the way I have been. I told her not to make a big deal about it, just keep it to herself. I trust she will" Rainbow looked up. "I suppose, it was bound to happen. I wonder... if I should tell AJ, or Sparks... They are the closest thing to family I have... anymore" "That is your call. It's more your deal then mine, so it's all on you" The Pegasus nodded. *** Pinkie came home, and opened the door of her dorm room. She looked over to Twilight, who was lying in bed reading. "Hi" She greeted, getting the same in response. Pinkie sat on her bed, and started to do something on her Bay-B. After a few moments of silence, Twilight dropped her book, looking at the other. "Oh, you are still here" "Hmm?" Pinkie said, looking up. "Beer?" "You ok?" The pink mare looked around. "Me? Yeah, why?" "I wonder, you've been in here for several minutes and said only 'hi'. Usually say something about your day or what is going on" "Oh... right. I was just thinking" Twilight rolled to her side. "Are you going to tell me? Do not usually have to prod you to talk" Pinkie gave a weak laugh. "I just... learned something... I can't tell you though. I promised not to share it... I shouldn't even have said this much..." The other mare sat up. "Oh? Now you have to, because it is going to drive me nuts" Pinkie shook her head. "No, no. I can't, it would break the vow I made to my... to uh... a friend" Twilight studied her, trying to read her. Pinkie looked back, and covered her head. "No! No mind reading!" "I would not use that on you. You are acting strange, even for you. What is wrong? Can you tell me anything?" Twilight looked very concerned for her. "You won't be freaked out if I tell you something?" "Kind of hard to promise on that, not knowing the thing we are talking about. If you told me you were really a stallion, I might be a little freaked. I mean, I have known you this whole time, and you are not a mare? Be pretty odd... then again, given your nature, it would not be such a shock in the grand scheme" She paused and shuttered. “But then again, you have seen me naked...” Pinkie looked at her funny, and sighed. "Ok, well... I'm seeing someone" "Wait... what? It is Ditzy?" She seemed a bit shocked, then excited. "I can see that, you two are pretty close. Imagine the possibilities. You could deliver invitations to parties at a record speed. Ditzy Pie? Or Pinkie Doo?" "Twilight?" She snapped out of her imagination, and looked at Pinkie. "You're starting to sound like me... No it's not Ditzy Doo, although the idea isn't too bad. You wouldn't guess, in a Moon Mare's age" "Do not think I could, you know all of Ponyville and the choices are endless. I could see if that Dr. Whooves has some kind of match maker device, to help narrow it down..." Pinkie rubbed her head. "Ok, I'll just tell you" Twilight leaned in, from her seat at her own bed. "It's... Gilda..." She was not ashamed, but nervous how her friends would take this news. "GILDA?!" "The Legend of..." Keese’s ear twitched. He was sleeping till now. Twilight was leaning, and fell forward. Pinkie Pie looked down at her. The other pony sat up on the floor, and rubbed her nose. "You cannot be serious. I know she has changed, and we are all trying to make friends, but dating? Wait... I thought... you know? Rainbow Dash and her were a couple. The way she acted, and sounded, made it seem like they were" "Dashy didn't want a relationship at this time, wants to be focused on her goals" "The old Gilda, might blame me for that..." Twilight muttered, playing back all she has seen of the Gryphon. Good memories have been made, but bad are hard to forget. "So how did it happen?" Pinkie thought about it all. "Well... it's wasn't by chance that I found her up in one of the old towers from the Ponyville former castle" "Former Castle?" Twilight sat back onto her bed, and looked at her. "Oh yeah. When the Earth ponies came to this land, they had their own Castle for the Lord of Ponyville. It was before we moved to a Mayor system. She wasn't a very nice Lord, and even fought against the Royals. Kinda funny Gilda ran, er... flew there, since she was a lot like that corrupted Lord. Was even the Tower she made her last stand against the revolting ponies" "Really?" Twilight and Pinkie forgot the point of this topic, and were lost in the history lesson. "I'll have to ask Mr. Passage about this one" Pinkie nodded. "Any who; I saw Gilda zoom past, and she looked a bit troubled. All the time I've seen her, she has never flown sloppy like that. So I decided to go investigate, but I figured it would be hard for me to just show up on her account. So I grabbed some junk lying around, and acted like I was just there for something else. Glad she didn't ask, or I would have been found out" She laughed. "It is hard to figure you out some times Pinkie, you act so silly but then you do acts like that, with so much thought" Pinkie only gave her a silly smile. "She needed a friend, and well, I was around. We talked at the celebration, and I liked what I saw. She really seemed to be changing, or opening up to us. To be honest, she has always fascinated me. Even when she first came to Ponyville with Dashy, and acted so rude" Twilight nodded, thinking about the meaning. "Kind of like how I was interested in Applejack?" "Yeah, cept AJ wasn't a meany" Pinkie looked toward the small window of their dorm room. "I'm glad she's different than she was in those early days, I hate not being able to bring happiness to everyone in Ponyville, and she always eluded me" "So, you really just wanted to make her happy? Just because it is something you do?" "Make it sound so cold Twilight" She looked oddly serious. "I didn't grow up very happy, not till one day when I saw my first rainbow and found my love of celebration and spreading joy. Maybe it's a bit selfish that I want everyone happy, but it's not like it's a bad thing" Twilight started to think about Star Shadows, the pony who took Luna's place for several ages and fell to his own demons. He never seems happy, nor seems to want to be happy. Self-punishment for his betrayal to Queen Celestia, and the Night he loved so dearly. "Not everyone... wants to be happy" She said slowly. Pinkie looked at her, and then a way. "I... don't want to believe that... but I guess it's true. Gilda wasn't one of those. I could tell she didn't want to be the mean Gryphon she was. I know too, because of what she told me. It wasn't her fault. It was what life threw at her" Twilight nodded. "Well, I guess so. Queen Luna became Nightmare Moon, because of the lack of love from ponies. She was treated poorly, and just snapped. Star Light too, he felt the same neglect she did and tried to use his powers to change that and became Star Shadows" "Don't think I know him" "It was long ago, but he took Queen Luna's place for a good many centuries. Seemed the night was cursed, till the last few ages when more Night creatures and ponies started showing up. Now the Night is as active as Day. Love is what anyone really needs to keep happy. Friends, family, or mates" Pinkie nodded in agreement. "But Pinkie, are you sure about her? Are you just going along with it because it is what she needs, or are you really in love with her? Cannot just use yourself to make others happy" "To give laughter, I'd give my very being" She looked even more serious, and seemed to have a light in her eyes. "But, it’s not just that. What she felt for me, was just what I felt for her. I look back, and think about how many times I tried to be friends and how many times she shot me down, and even hurt me... physically and in my heart... it wasn't just my nature to make everyone happy, it was my heart wanting her. Don't ask me why, I still don't know why I want her so bad" "Maybe, it is simple chemistry. She is typically so opposite you, that it draws you to her. You are so genuinely nice and caring, that she is drawn to you. I can only guess that based on the little hints I've gathered, that she has a troubled history with little to no pony that cared about her" "Pretty close" Pinkie said, standing up. "I do know this; she has seen this side of me that you've now seen. She understands it, and welcomes it. I feel most ponies can't accept me serious. I don't like to be, but it's nice to have someone who I can be with, and not wonder in the back of my mind 'Are they wondering when I'm gonna do something stupid?' It's a curse I share with Ditzy Doo” She paused a moment. “She doesn't mind being called Derpy, but it's a name given because every pony thinks she is just some silly mare, who delivers mail. "I think that is why I was attracted to Gilda. She doesn't care if I'm silly, or serious. I mean, she didn't care for much of anything, but because she is so open about who she is she could accept me for me" Twilight nodded, and then stood. Trotting to her, she put her fore hoof on the other’s shoulder. "Maybe that is true about Gilda" She paused. "Pinkie, I admit, it is hard to see you this way. That is because we all love seeing you smile, and keeping us all in good spirits. You give us strength, like when I lost Rainbow Dash. You kept me going the whole time. That was one of the hardest things I have dealt with, and you were the one who had me smiling. You are like the embodiment of Laughter and joy, in a way it hurts to see you any other way" Pinkie nodded slowly. "I am glad that I can do that for you, and everyone, but even clowns need to cry" Twilight hugged her. "And when you do, you know I will be right here" She hugged back. "Thanks Twilight" After a brief moment, she spoke again. "I bet this will completely freak out every pony else" She laughed, resuming some of her normal personality. "Oh I know, I'll throw a party and break the news then. How can any pony let silly news, ruin a party?" "There is the good old Pinkie" Twilight smiled. "I hate to be too serious, too long. Silliness reset" She stuck her tongue out, and made beeping sounds.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Winter neared its end and the big Winter Wrap up Celebration was to start, as ponies were making ready for the thaw. Some; warming themselves up for a new year of hard work, others preparing their shops for the next season of fair, and the rest helped clean up the town. Every soul who called themselves a Ponyvillian was busy in this time of the year. Rarity had a shop filled with the garb of winter weather, and now must make ready for the warmer seasons coming and clear out her winter selection. It was one of the biggest sales for the shop, setting up the feel for the rest of the year. The work was hard enough, but her mentor and dearest friend Swanheart, received an urgent message to come home for the health of a relative. The sale would have to be led by Rarity alone, with only the two other designers and tailors to back her up. She loved to shine under pressure, but she never knew when it was too much till it was far more so. The Magick of Friendship chapter 19: Diamond in the Rough "Are you certain?" Swanheart asked Rarity, not looking at her as he packed his bags. Rather plain looking for one in the fashion world, but despite all his accolades, he found himself less into the flashy side of being a designer. "Oh of course dear, I've hooved this shop many times. What is one little sale?" She waved him off even though he could not see her gesture, finishing with a laugh to prove how little she felt the pressure. Rarity had run the store many times in the past, it was practically hers. She had even dealt with big sales before, but Swanheart was always near or one of the other designers. He only had two others, and one was sick. Rarity was down to herself and Mend. He was not much of a designer, only had a gift for sowing. They had many styles ready, but the production was going to be the hard part with just the two. "You have proven yourself countless times to be the one to take on my legacy, but I have never left you with so much to do. Clearing out the old, bringing in the new, and getting all the displays up, and making the shop just so? Oh my little diamond, I worry you'll be overwhelmed. I certainly would be" He did turn now, looking at her with a deep concern. He also held a look, one usually held by a lover. Rarity hated when he looked at her so. It made her ears burn, and her heart skip. They both had a deep love for one another, but they both agreed that it was too much to risk that which they have worked so hard to gain. If their love should fall to ruin, their lives would be wrecked. They needed one another more as partners and friends, than mates. The reason they gave others, was the age gap. It did not matter to them, but it was easier for others to grasp. "Do not worry dear" She recovered some of her composure. "I can take care of things. My friends can help in the decor, and I am sure Mend and I can deal with the work. It is mostly finished, only some little things to do" She lied, and Swanheart knew she was. They needed a whole store of new cloths and fashion wear, and she had only enough to fill one rack with several more needing to be ready in a few days. He sighed and came to her, giving her a hug. They both embraced, longer than a simple fair well. "I know you are best under pressure, but do not allow yourself to crack" She gave a nod. "Do not worry about me. I will shine on, as I always do" "Shine on, you crazy Diamond" Were his parting words, as he made his way to see his family. *** For the next couple days Rarity sealed herself in the shop, making a request to all her friends to not disturb her for the importance of her work. Most respected her wishes, busy anyhow with Winter Wrap Up, but Twilight could not keep away. She was a bit worried about her friend. The violet Unicorn made her way through the shop toward the back room. On the way she noticed that the inside of the store was looking to be in partial construction, half set up, and half torn down. A bit chaotic, compared to the cleanliness and order it usually had. Twilight peered around the door that leads to the shop Rarity liked to work, and saw her hovering over the sowing machine. Hearing the chi-chi-chi sound of the machine running threat through the materials, faster than pony hooves could. The machine had a bit of an advantage as Twilight knew after reading up on the workings, that the machine used two threads to make a seem. The Unicorn wondered the best way to get her attention without startling her, if Rarity missed a stitch because of her she would feel awful, even if Rarity might not show how much it would make her mad. Rarity stopped to move the fabric, so Twilight used it to knock on the door frame. Rarity's ears perked and turned back, her head moved after. She looked to be quite worn out, mane all frizzled, and she had many bit of tailor stuffs draped and poked into her. She looked like a pin cushion after a sowing box blew up. "Twilight, dear" She said, at least sounding herself. She slowly stood, finding it hard to do so. "Oh my flank..." She muttered. "What brings you here?" She entered the room fully, and held up a drink. "I figured that you could use some energy, after such a long stint in the shop" Rarity laughed it off. "Oh, it is nothing to me dear" She took the cup, and drank a bit. "But it is much appreciated. Sorry I've ousted every pony, but I must get this done... It is nice to see another soul, after looking at nothing but thread and fiber" "Can you use any help?" "No, no, I am fine. Our other tailor is busy mass producing all the designs, we should be up and ready in a couple days" She smiled. "Yes, we are doing just fine" "Rarity! Rarity!" Cried out a voice, one of the mare's little sister. She galloped into the room, looking very excited. "I got the position in the next play!" "Oh? That is wonderful!" She said, not with any hesitation or falseness. She knew that Sweetie Belle has wanted to do design work for Ponyville plays for many years. It was a little thing ponies in her school could do to get extra credit. "Yeah, yeah, and it's gonna be awesome! We are doing 'Escape from Midnight Castle', that story of the evil beast who takes Ponies and make them into monsters so he can take over the world! Or something like that. I forget, but the sets and costumes are gonna be awesome! Apple Bloom is getting Spike to play in the role of the baby dragon too" "Really?" Twilight asked with a giggle. "Hard to picture Spike as a baby dragon" Rarity thought about it. "Well, sounds fitting" Twilight thought a bit of the story, recalling some of it. Some ponies were playing around when a group of dragons-like monsters attacked, trying to steal away the ponies, but thanks to the brave efforts of their friends, the fiends were defended off. They would strike again, and manage to capture four. One of the ponies flew off to find help, and came across a strange creature of another world, or something like that. Sweetie broke her train of thought. "Trying to find somepony to play the human" Twilight rubbed her head. "I wonder where they came up with that story? I mean, who thought up a creature called 'human'? They look like ponies do now, or those Anthroids that inspired Unicorns to turn ponies into these forms, but they need clothing and tools and stuff in order to survive. Seems like a crazy world they would be from" The sisters looked at her, and thought about it. Sweetie Belle did not spend much time on it, and was quick to move on. "Don't know, but it's gonna be cool!" She was smiling so hard she had to rubber her cheeks. "Gonna get all kinds of ponies to be in it. Twilight, wanna play the pony named Constella? Your colours are a bit off, but think you'd be perfect! Applejack gonna play a role too, cause a pony is named Apple Brandy looks just like her! It's awesome, like so many of those characters were based on you all" "Uh, well, I guess I could... I've never been in a play" She looked very nervous. "But I would think, being from long ago, we would be more 'based' on them" "You can do it! All your friends will be there! Gonna be AWESOME!" She whipped her body around, and looked at Rarity. "Oh, can you help me out? I gonna need a lot of help making the costumes, and who better than Equstria's number one designer?! Be a Cutiemark Crusader's production, featuring designs by Rarity! Music by DJ PON-3" "You've asked Vinyl?" Rarity asked, studying her sister. "Well... no, but if you're on board, she'll do it for sure!" "Should not abuse my connections, we have them because we know we would not take advantage of them" Sweetie nodded understandingly, least Rarity hopped that was what it meant. "So will ya help with the designs and stuff?" Rarity looked at her piles of unmade fabrics. "Well..." She looked back, seeing her sister playing the pout card. "Oh Sweetie, you cheat" She said, and then muttered. "Why did I teach her that?" "Please sister? I can't do it without you" "Ok..." Twilight looked at her as the little fill bounced around, and galloped out the door. "Rarity? What about all this?" She indicated to all the work she still had, and was well aware of. "As Applejack would say, 'Family comes first'" She picked up some blank pages. "I can do it. I'm nearly done with all this any ways" She lied through a smile. "If you need help, I do not know sowing, but Fluttershy knows some things. She has told me befor. Maybe-" Rarity cut her off, raising her tired hoof. "No no, I can do this. It is a task of Dressing Diamond's employees to be ready for the sale, and a duty as a sister to help out mine" *** A few days past since Rarity took on the added work of Sweetie Belle’s play, the sale was in a couple days and the play that weekend, and she was beyond overwhelmed and over worked. Rarity sat slumped in an Apple Cider's booth, as Twilight stood by patting her on the back. "Come on Rarity, you can do it. You have Fluttershy, and I have always heard how great you are under pressure" She tried to build her confidence, but was not doing very well. "I cannot hoof this much! I have to get the shop ready for our big Spring sale, or else we will be thrown off for the season maybe even longer! I also cannot simply let down my own sister! She has the opportunity to put on the Spring Play!" She cried out. "If only Swanheart was still here, but his family needed him..." "Yo, what's wrong with Rarity?" Rainbow Dash came in, with Gilda in tow. "Couldn't hear her?" Gilda said, sitting down across from her. "I could hear her from outside" Rarity peered up glaring at the Gryphon, she had not spent as much time with her as the some of the others. "Rarity needs to set up shop, finish some designs, and get everything set for the big sale. She also needs to help out Sweetie with that play" "Why doesn't she just pull out of the play? Mean it's only a silly thing" Dash asked. "That we've both been pulled into" Gilda added. "I could not allow her to do that!" Rarity sat up. "She has wanted to do a play for years, and now she has her chance to put one together. She will also get extra credit, and be a little star of her school. What kind of sister would I be, if I failed her in this moment?" Applejack came up and took the orders from the two new comers. She already tried to help Rarity, but she was a field sower not a cloth one. She left with a sigh, feeling bad she could not aid her friend now. Dash scratched her head. "Then, put off the sale?" "I could not do that either, we need this sale to pay for the season and besides, the ponies are coming from all over to be here. One cannot push back such an annual affair" "You sound pretty damn screwed" Rarity slammed her head onto the table. "Y'all gonna do damage do'n that" Applejack said, bringing drinks for Rainbow Dash and Gilda. "And I ain't talk'n about my table" Rarity did not respond. "Try to stop her next time Twi" She finished, looking concerned. "Why not ask Flutter? She can sow, and she's helped you before" Rainbow Dash went on, trying to give options. Rarity muffled something, not lifting her head to speak. So Twilight took over. "Fluttershy is helping, but all the work that she needs requires more hooves than that. She needs about two others, but none of the other ponies are very skilled for the level she needs, in either project" "The shop has a high standard, and I cannot allow my sister to be victim of subpar talents" Rarity rolled to one side, to speak clearly. "Tried every one? And I mean, every ONE?" Gilda asked, stressing the last word. "What do you mean?" Twilight replied. "Said 'everypony' I know your kind uses that to group everyone together but do you mean it, or do you mean just ponies? You all know a few other species after all" Rarity thought about it. "I suppose I had not thought of that. Hmm" She sat up, gathering names in her head. "Well, of the ones I know; I do not know if they are capable. I mean, Spike really does not strike me for the dress maker type" "Well, sometimes folks don't show all their talents" Gilda said, drinking her hard cider. "Don't suppose you know anyone?" "At least one who has done some work, not professional but think they could manage" Rarity threw herself across the table, gripping the other’s shirt and looked up at the Griffin with begging eyes. "Who?!" Her voice was scratchy and deep, as she whined from deep in her throat. Gilda looked down at her and calmly took another drink. "Me" They all went silent, even Rainbow Dash looked at her funny. "When in Everyfree, did you learn?!" "Picked it up, I get bored and found sowing to be interesting. Made this jacket, hell I've fixed your crap. Ever wonder why your cloths get all torn up and are fixed? Ain't no damn fairy" "You know me, I never cared enough to notice. If it ain't stinky or rags, I'll put it on. If it is, I still might" She laughed. “You ever gonna replace that patch by the way?” “No” Dash looked very serious about it. Rarity clung to Gilda. "Please say you are telling the truth" "I am. She ruins more cloths than Parasrpites, least What Pinkie tells me when I've talked about it" *** Rarity was still down one body but with the aid of Gilda, who turned out to be very skilled, she was able to pick up a lot of slack. She had all the shop's master designs done, and let Mend and Gilda have run of doing the mass production. Pinkie was doing the decorations in the shop as well as the ones in the play, she promised not to use anything crazy and follow Rarity's designs. The over worked unicorn made her way to the play house where a rehearsal was scheduled for that afternoon. They had most the costumes made between Rarity and Sweetie Belle, though Apple Bloom seemed more capable with the design work. Despite all the work and little help available, everything was turning out. Twilight and Applejack; the former already set with her lines but needed more stage time, and latter was just the opposite. They helped Rarity carry the costumes and materials over, as they had the time to do so. The Production was small, at least for the costumes that needed to be made. There were a number of extras for some big dragon type scene, those proved more difficult to pull off. Spike kept on being a bit too picky on their look, as the resident dragon. Rarity found herself missing that short time he was tripping over himself to please her, he was far less of a pain then. Twilight had offered to use her magick to change pony's colours, but being an Earth Pony play they felt it was not in tradition. It would be a pain for Twilight; her role as a pony named Constella, her coat was a between pink and violet, her hair would be the true trick for Twilight. Where hers was dark purple, Constella was white with a purple stripe like Twilight's own magenta. Lightening her coat was an easy trick, with the right materials, but fading her deep purple mane to white was pretty hard. She wanted to respect the Earth Pony ways, so she did not use magick. She could not figure out why Applejack looked at her funny each time she saw the mare in her new colours. She had no idea that her love had a little pony toy that was a newer version of the same character she played now, with "Shine" added to her name. Applejack's role was much easier to get into. Apple Brandy was not much different than herself. Found it a bit odd she was one of a couple ponies in this who either had a clone, or was not too far off from their character. Spike was dead on, aside from his age. Rarity went on helping the other ponies in their costumes. She spotted Apple Bloom, the only one of their little trio actually acting in the play. Scootaloo was more interested in pyrotechnics. Rarity was a bit nervous, not recalling too many explosions in the original play that she remembered but easily recalling too many accounts of the little pegasus blowing something up. It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, so it was lucky they had not made it into some futuristic space battle or something over the top. The Apple filly was now purple coated, was a faded kind of to the tint of grey with a pink mane. She was playing the role of one of the few young fillies in the act, Ember. Was odd too; since she tried so hard to act older that she would take on a role like that, but it hit her when she noticed that her and Spike were doing lines together. She had recalled it now from when she saw the play before, it had seemed like Ember and Spike seem to become close in the prison scene. Young love she figured, that filly saw it and wanted to keep her dragon to herself. Rarity giggled weakly to herself, in her place the unicorn would act just so if one she loved was playing a role opposite to her own. She looked around, seeking out Rainbow Dash. She agreed to the show but the whole time acted a bit indifferent to being in the play. Her role was a leading one and suited her perfectly, Sky Fire. She was flashy, feared nothing, and was willing to do whatever it took for her friends. It was a hero's role, and one perfect for a pony who loved to be number one. Rarity turned around a corner, and headed to the main dressing area. She could hear some voices in the mare stalls and put down her stack of costumes, heading back to the door. "Come on Dash" She heard Gilda first. She thought it odd, since she swore Gilda was back at the shop. "I'll do it. I promised I would, but doesn't mean I gotta like it" This time it was Dash, more clearly coming through. Rarity peered in seeing Dash hunched over the sink, with her Bay-B sitting by her. "Can't believe you agreed to it if you feel so shitty about doing the role, better not back out. I've busted my liony ass for everypony. All your friends have" "I know G... It's just so hard to think about her. It's like they are the same pony, Sky Fire and-" She stopped, hearing Rarity coming in. "Can't even say her name Dash? I know she left us but-" Dash shushed her. "Rarity, what's up?" She said loud enough for Gilda to hear. "Heard you talking, wanted to make sure you are ok" She looked genuinely concerned. Dash turned back to the mirror, to make sure she was in order. "Yeah I'm fine, stage fright or something..." Tossing the idea of the mare being any kind of afraid out of hoof, she pressed on. "I heard a bit of what you two were talking about" "Don't worry, I'm still working" Gilda said not so much guilty she was not, but to try to divert the topic. It was not working. "It's ok Gilda, I trust you are" She spoke honestly, it surprised her too. She turned concern toward the one here in the room. "Rainbow Dash, if you do not wish to do this, I'm sure I can get Sweetie to find somepony else" "No, it's fine. We have only a week, and I promised Scootaloo. I won't break my word" She grabbed her Bay-B and started for the door, looking ahead with fire in her eyes. "I won't abandon those who need me" Rarity watched her storm out, and sighed. She glanced at herself in the mirror, her curly mane, straighten a bit and a solid shade of purple in place of her two toned. She was already set for her part as Glory. She did rather like the name, but her taste was not much for the Unicorn playing her. The Pink bow in her tail was simply appalling. The pony in the mirror was not looking at herself, as she was hoping to see the lingering reflections of her friend. She looked deeply affected by something, but she did not know what nor seemed any other pony close to her was willing to talk about it. Outside Pinkie, now hardly looking herself in the yellowish orange coat and blue mane. Her mane itself was even different, looking almost tame. How, in all the years Rarity has tried to calm it, she managed too now the unicorn could not even guess. To finish the transformation, Pinkie had a white spot on her nose. Rarity had to admit, she looked rather charming in her role of Bubbles. Rarity was hoping the once pink mare could tell her something, since she and Gilda were now together, and she seemed to be in the loop. The mare just shook her head, saying that she had "Pinkie Swore" not to tell. The last hope was Fluttershy. She heard that they lived in Cloudsdale together. Rarity was glad she did not have Fluttershy's role of Melody. The off shade of blue was one thing, but the green mane would be too much for Rarity to take. She turned out to be a dead end despite the fact Rainbow Dash helped her out once when they were fillies, they never really spent time together and before she moved to Ponyville Dash seemed fine. The dress rehearsal was nearly ready, and Rarity was out of time. Gilda came in looking about the same, as she ever did. Besides the blond dyed feathers, refusing to wear a wig, and dressed like Applejack might have in something of a farmer. It was fitting she play the role of Megan the human girl, being the only other species in the play besides Spike. It was also fitting, like Spike and Ember, Megan and Sky Fire had a bond in the story. They were two different species, and close friends. The assembled players were; Megan, Spike, Constella, Ember, Bubbles, Melody, Sky Fire, Apple Brandy, and Glory. Roles filled by the circle of friends. There was Bow-Tie, an Earth pony with a blue coat and darker pink mane, with more than one yellow bow-tie in her mane and tail. Spun Sugar, a role Pinkie should have taken for their colours were nearly the same. There was also Moondancer, a white unicorn with a fiery red mane. Rarity wished she had that role, she thought about changing her mane to red after seeing the mare in the role. There were more, but mostly background and filling roles of the nameless in the roles of background ponies, and the flocks of dragons that would come into the play a couple times. Sweetie Belle had wanted to get Big Macintosh for the lead villain, Tirac, but he seemed uninterested. The idea of turning his sister into a monster and having his youngest sister dragged off to a cell was not something he wished to even pretend. The role would be filled by an actual Centaur. Adams Apple caught wind of the play, and when Apple Bloom asked him he was more than willing to help. Though Centaurs and Ponies do not get along, Adams' had a friend in one and they were willing to help in the play. The centaur-like creature that he played was frightening and dangerous, claiming the four ponies for his chariot to bring about darkness to the land and rule over a twisted reality. He would find that Ember, one of the four caught, was too small and sent her to prison and punished his minion Scorpan for failing a second time in getting him the needed four. Adams Apple would take the role of Scorpan. Would take some work, since he had no wings and despite the uneasy feelings Applejack still held, he was not at all scary. He played it well, and even in the moment when Tirac mutated the three ponies into monstrous creatures a fate to befall the fourth pony, he would show his reluctance toward this whole evil plot but would go on to obey his lord by going out to capture the last pony. This would also show his underline good by saving the human girl from falling to her death. His final moment, after the defeat of Tirac, he would return to the charming King, a role far more suited as many felt for the pony of Everfree. After rehearsal, they all were instructed by their young director to keep in role as much as possible. "Live the role, be the pony you are in this play... er.. what ever you are!" Rarity had to break that, even though she felt Glory was not too different, so she had little problem. Gilda was off putting, being so different than her usual self. She was bold and strong willed, but not at all rude or harsh. Adopting the role so easily, seemed to put Rarity and most of the ponies off most, those who have not spent so much time with the changing Gryphon. The sale came and Rarity threw herself into that for the couple days it went on. Gilda moved to working on the Play finishing up the work there. The cast was set, the lines learned, and nearly all the props and sets were ready. Everything went fine for her sale and how Rarity cleaned up, and managed herself through it after being worked non-stop for two weeks, no one knew. Some of that good old Unicorn magick, and Applejack's "Buck'n strong Apple Energy Juice" She would accredit her friends for coming together and keeping her going. Like her sister; Sweetie Belle's big project went over well, the whole cast worked perfectly and much of Ponyville was impressed by the story they have all seen many times before but never with such a diverse cast. With all the attention she earned, it went without saying that Sweetie earned much extra credit and praise. The one drawback, as the three young fillies would find... They came out of the dressing room after inspecting their flanks and being disappointed. "Darn it, no cutie marks!" Scootaloo remarked. "What's next?" Apple Bloom asked, and all three of them wondering what to try next for their marks.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
Rainbow Dash was looking rather depressed lately, following the play. She was not talkative, and was evasive toward all her friends. Gilda remembered seeing this from her when Applejack, Twilight, and Dash had split as friends. She knew the reason for it this time, as she had felt a bit of it herself. The play stirred a part of the past up, and it was affecting Dash badly. Only Pinkie Pie knew what the two had gone through so many years ago. The only one of their new friends in on that which could knock the wind out of the highest flyers in Ponyville's wings. The Magick of Friendship Chapter 20: Fire in the Sky Gilda had managed to get her friend to go out to Apple Cider's to actually socialize, it took a lot of muscle and effort but she won out over the stubborn mare. Thanks to some help from her own mare, Pinkie. Dash hunched in the booth, as Gilda and Pinkie sat across from her. Gilda was balling up some napkins and flicking them at the pegasus. This caused the pink pony beside her to giggle, only encouraging her to do it more. It was not the time to cuddle Dash, Gilda felt she needed something to snap her out of it and some annoyance would do it, with luck. She grew an evil smile after she found a wicked idea, and knew Pinkie would love to join in. Outside, Twilight, Keese and Spike were coming to the diner when something caught the dragon's eye. "Is that Raibow Dash?" The figure was shadowy from the sun behind, but had some looks like the mentioned mare. It came in closer, and landed a few tails away. It was a pink pegasus pony, and she dressed in something like a uniform though very loosely worn and a few years out dated. An open light pink jacket with deep blue shoulders and a pair of blue Thunder bolts over her heart. Under the coat, was a blue zip up top that hung low on her neck and chest. She had a loosely worn yellow scarf, hanging evenly around her neck. Blue pants came down most her legs, cut off by leg guards on the lower section of the limbs in a deeper blue than the rest, with two straps holding them in place. The look finished off with a pair of gloves in the same shade, fingerless. While her coat was a pinkish hue, not so much like that of Pinkie Pie, but a faded shade. Her mane and tail long and wild, were both lighter blue than her clothing. She seemed to be looking around for something, as she scanned the area. Her strong purple eyes fell onto Twilight, and she called out. "HEY!" Twilight pointed at herself, and the other nodded. So she took it as a sign to go to her. She did not get very far, before the other started talking again. "Hey Babe, you know a pegasus in this town named Rainbow Dash?" "Babe?" Twilight asked herself. "Yes," She said aloud. "I do, she is one of my best friends" She took a step toward Twilight, and pumped her fist in the air. "Radical! Where can I find her?" "Can I ask who is seeking her?" She was feeling a little nervous of this new pony, and was not about to throw Dash into some trouble. The other slapped a heavy hoof onto Twilight's shoulder. "Chill, it's cool, I ain't after her or nothing. Like, I don't wanna ruin the surprise, you know?" She grinned at Twilight. "So let's just say, ‘I'm a blast from her past'" She laughed at her own words, Twilight did not see the humor, but gave a weak laugh attempt. "Well I can go get her, she should be over at Apple Cider's, Gilda said she--" The other cut her off, as her ears perked at the mention of Gilda. "No way! Major! G?!" She seemed excited. "Awesome to the max! Was like hoping that old finch was still flying with Rain. Wicked!" The Unicorn was studying the other as she did not seem to act very mature, especially since she seemed to be a good few years older. Her dialect seemed to be the only thing aged about her. "Yeah... I will go see if she will come out..." She made her way to Apple Cider's, glancing back a couple times at the other who was cracking jokes with Spike. She felt a bit bad for the dragon, leaving him with the strange pony. Inside; Rainbow Dash had slumped down onto the table laying there as a pile of little paper balls and various things were piled on top of her. "I see your pepper, and raise a creamer" Pinkie said, as she and Gilda had started a game. "What..." She came up pausing in her speech, seeing the sight. "...are you two doing?" Twilight asked, stopping just beyond the booth. Spike was coming in, getting away with Keese on his shoulder. The Protector still only spoke to Twilight, but she was hoping that he would warm up to others. It was not a magick thing, but his choice. "Try'n to piss Dash off so she'd get out of this funk" Gilda said, plopping a couple more creamers on the structure. Not even looking at it. She had a big grin on her face, mirrored by Pinkie Pie. Twilight was starting to wonder who was becoming more like whom, as she rubbed her head. "Well, somepony wants to see you Rainbow. Said something about being 'A blast from your past'" "Don't care" Dash said flatly, very buried. "I said I would come get you" She took on a look of concern holding up her hooves, a display lost on the other pony who could not see if she cared. "Looks like you lied. We can't be all good" Twilight concerned deepened, she decided to try some of that attitude that she, the Gryphon, and the mysterious mare all had. "Come on, maybe she's look'n to race ya Rain" Gilda whipped her head to look at Twilight, and Dash flung her eyes open wide. "Uh... what? Not me?" Twilight panicked not sure why they were staring at her, getting very nervous. "Rain..." Dash said. She sat up all the stuff falling off her and everywhere. "Why did you say that? You've never called me just 'Rain'" She was looking dangerously serious. "Just... what the pegasus outside called you, thought it sounded kind of... radical?" Dash shot out of her seat, and rushed past her to the exit. Gilda quickly did the same grabbing Twilight on her way. "Only one who's called her that" She said, as she hurried her along. “Only one you’d get such an old term from, either” By the time they were outside, they could hear Dash yelling. "How dare you come back here, after leaving us alone!" She seemed not very far from giving the other one of her strongest strikes. "We needed you, and you abandoned us!" "Rain, chill, I didn't abandon you" The other lost much of her good spirits and was now trying to calm Dash down. Tears were in the blue pony’s eyes now. "Then what do you call it? Me and Gilda were all alone, lost everything, and the one pony left in our lives just goes off on some stupid adventure. I use to look up to you Firefly” She looked down, fist tight. “That carefree attitude, and do what you want life! You have to take responsibilities, no matter how much you want to do it your own way!" "Rain-" She tried to speak, but Dash cut her off. "No! Don't call me that, only my sister can call me that and she was gone with the rest of the family" The other grabbed her. "DASH!! Listen damn it! I had a reason to leave, I knew you two totally would take care of your selves" Rainbow Dash broke out of the hold. "You two were tough, even then" Twilight noticed Gilda was not nearly as angry as Dash was, but she was just as upset. Pinkie seemed to understand it too, and was holding the gryphon close to her. "I couldn't stand thinking they were all gone Dash, I couldn't accept it! You snapped, and Gilda was devastated. It was hellacious, I couldn't leave things like that, I had to find them. There was one missing and I knew that more than us three survived..." Dash turned away, looking to the ground. "I was there, I saw the bodies..." "You count them?" She tried to look her back in the eyes. She whipped around. "Count them?! How morbid are you?! Our Family was gone, and you want to practice your counting?!" The other grumbled. "Dash... you're upset, I can feel that. I would totally be... if I didn't know. But listen to me, I-" Dash cut her off again, having a shorter fuse with her. "Why? Gone for nearly half my life and return now? Want a heroes' welcome?" The other clenched her firsts. "Rainbow Dash! Stop being such a brat, and listen to me! We're not the only ones left!" She stopped for a moment. "What do you mean?" Dash looked at her with suspicion. "I told you, there was one body short” She relaxed, seeing her sister finally listening. “I left to find them, find her... Thanks to the help of some of the investigators” She paused, thinking back on the events. “It hurt to pick through our home and family’s ashes, but it had to be done Dash. I didn't want you to go through it, and I didn't want you to have hope for a chance that may not even like be there. You know?" She looked to be in a lot of pain in her mind, reliving what she spoke of. "I found out who it was that was missing. I've been on the hunt for her for all this time, I found her Dash... I found our little sister..." She was now getting teary eyed, trying to smile through the pain. Gilda broke out in tears with them at the revelation. Pinkie gasped with Twilight, Keese, and Spike still in the dark. "Y-you found... She's alive?!" Dash cried out. "Firefly... I'm so sorry... I didn't know you... you should have told me!" She grabbed the other pegasus, holding her by the shoulders shaking her as she trembled herself. "Told us" Gilda said, now moving closer to them. The one clearly now called Firefly, looked at her. "G... you..." She seemed to gain a new sadness in her eyes and weakening smile. "You look so much like your Brother did" The gryphon stumbled in her steps, being knocked back by the reminder. "Damn it Fire..." She looked away. "I'm sorry, but you know what he meant to me. Seeing you now... I'm sorry" Dash did not let them have the moment, and gripped her older sister's coat tighter. "Where is she?!" *** The three winged ones, minus Keese, took off. Twilight and the others opted to stay behind, as the moment belonged to them. Firefly led on, with Dash and Gilda very close behind. Though they wanted to be reunited with their lost past, none of them could move fast as they could normally, too much weighed on their hearts and minds. They started to descend; the two following had found it odd that she was not going into the clouds, but as they neared their destination they found why. They were getting closer to Everfree, but more precisely, they were going toward Fluttershy's house. Firefly answered the unasked question. "I was so blown away to find your little friend Fluttershy was out here. I heard you two had gone to Ponyville, and so I like came here to find you" She paused shortly, as they neared the ground. "I found her first, and it was pretty good, considering. She was so stoked to watch her for me" They landed just beyond the little bridge that arched over a small stream. "That pony of hers is totally cute, and funny. Paw, or something like that" Dash nodded, as they moved toward the house. She was not really paying attention as a piece of her about to come back, when she never thought she would ever see her again. The resident knew they were there, and came out to greet them. "Hello" She looked at Gilda and coward a bit. "Relax, I ain't here to bite ya" She tried to reassure, but was not too successful. Gilda knew she would have to prove to her someday she was changed, and though the pegasus had seen a better side of the gryphon. Like Pinkie before, Gilda did something pretty mean to her too. She hoped to find some way to undo that. Dash moved closer. "Where is she?" Any other day, Gilda might have made the crack about "You are sure in a hurry today, more than usual" Fluttershy nodded toward the house, and out stepped Playful Paws. "Damn, you changed" Gilda joked this time, feeling the need to lighten the mood in some way. "Funny" He said with a smile, moving aside gently pushing a little filly out into the open. She was in ragged looking cloths, and looking even more timid than Fluttershy. Her coat was a cloudy blue-white, and her hair was clear sign she was related to Dash. Not as bright as the older mare, but was a rainbow of colours. The oddest features were her wings, as they were bandaged up. The little pegasus looked up with eyes a bit distant, seeing her sisters and Gilda seem to bring her back from where ever she was. "Ra-RayRay?" She softly asked. "CC!" Rainbow Dash cried out galloping to her, and scooping her up into a tight hug. "I... I can't believe it..." She was bawling out now, collapsing to the ground on her knees holding her little sister close. The others all looked on, watching the two hug so tight. They did not care what was going on around them, they were reunited and that was all they cared for. No one there could hold back the tears from the moment. Seeing a pony that seemed to care for so little and was rash and harsh at times, reunited with one of the few things she deeply cared for. Gilda wanted to join them for she cared nearly as much for the filly as the pegasus does, but she was not related to her so it did not feel right too. The scene caused memories flooded her mind of her own brother, which had been a long time now since he was gone. Firefly could sense her pains and share in some herself. Gilda looked so much like her brother, and with all the emotions, was hard not to think of him. She loved both Gilda and her brother so she put her arms around the Gryphon, and pulled her close with no resistance. "I miss him too Gilda..." Fluttershy and Playful Paws looked on the two groups, feeling all the weight of their sorrow. Little did they know, that none of them ever true allowed themselves to grieve over the events long ago. Fluttershy did not really know about what happen till Firefly came to her door. She had gone to Ponyville, around the time of the incident so she never learned of her lost history. *** The ponies gathered at Apple Cider's. AJ closed it off for one of the few times so the Pegasus could go on uninterrupted. Rainbow Dash had gathered her closest friends, and some of theirs. In all it was herself, Gilda, Firefly and Cloud Chaser. Outside the Cloudsdale family was Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy and Playful Paws, Spike, Apple Bloom, and Rarity, the ponies closest to those who lived in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie had joined them she already knew the tale but wanted to be there for Gilda. Dash felt like she was putting on another play with all the audience. "Ok, this ain't some little mare's tale. Hard enough doing this in front of you all, but you ponies... and dragon” She added for Spike. “Need to know, since you all have become important to me in some way" "There is this move, I've only managed to do once" She paused. "Then again after what happened, I could never bring myself to do it again. I called it a 'Sonic Rainboom' and when I pulled it of the first time... So much happened that day, I defended Fluttershy," She motioned to the pegasus. "I discovered how much I love to race and how badly I want to win, and even my got Cutie Mark" For a moment she was excited, recalling all the good things she had nearly forgotten about. The reasons she had forgotten then also came back, and darkened her mood again. "It was such a great day, I was so happy but when I raced home to tell my family..." -Many years ago, in the clouds around Cloudsdale- A blue Pegasus filly flew toward the cloudy home where her family would be, she was looking proud and so happy. Her whole world changed, her cutie mark, the awesome move, and no longer would she be called "Rainbow Crash" after blowing those boys a way. When she made it there she found it was gone, only a trail of smoke leading down to the ground. Her mood changed to confusion as she flew down to investigate, only to find the burning remains of the home, ruined and hardly recognizable. There was a small gryphon in the wreckage, trying to find anything but she stopped and looked at her friend tears in her eyes. "Dash... you're alive!" She cried out. "Gilda... w-what happened?" She found it hard to move, taking it all in. The gryphon came over, and hugged to her. "I don't know, there was a huge boom and this rainbow wave, and shortly after that was some strange pony. I think it was a unicorn. It had a horn, but its eyes were glowing not its horn” Recalling it all, her breath started to pick up, as the emotions built. She fought them back, so she could finish. “Next I knew, the cloud blew up and a fire started. It destroyed the cloud, and sent everything down here. I've tried finding any one, but so far..." Her words became harder to say. "I've... only..." She lost her control and cried hard into her friend's chest, the other was still in shock and stood there. "Everyone is dead..." Gilda finally got out, if barely audible. Rainbow Dash looked onto the ashes of her home, her family; she lost all her feelings, and was standing there as gone as her family. She had risen to the top only to have it all crash down on her. A filly hardly old enough to deal with the death of a pet, now stood with her only friend, the only one left in the world with the knowledge that she had no one left. Gilda was not any better off as her brother had died not many years ago, he and the Pegasus family was all she had, since they escaped to Ponyville. The Gryphon Wars had torn much of their Empire apart, and she lost her family long before she even had memories to remember. She was able to go on because of the support of the family she had here, but now she had nothing but the pony she cried on, just as she was all that the filly had now. -Back in Apple Cider's- "I learned that Firefly hadn't been home, and she came to find me but I was completely gone at that point. I guess she went home, and found it all..." Dash finished, she looking distant. Firefly looked at her and then the others. "I first found what happened, and searched the rubble for anypony, but I found only..." She paused a moment. "What was left... So bogus. But three were missing, Dash, G, and Cloud" She looked at the littlest of the surviving sisters. "I don't know how but she wasn't there, and so I left Rain and G and made a crazy journey to find Cloud Chaser. I don't know what happened that day, our home totally destroyed, family killed, and somehow Cloud was sent miles away. She was at some hellacious orphanage when I found her and as you can see, her wings are a totally messed up. She hasn't really told me why" The little filly looked away. She, like all there, had tears in her eyes. Hers were a mixture of it all, and her own unique pains. Rainbow Dash hugged to her. "We're all sisters, and we've lost so much," Firefly started. "But we have each other now" Twilight and Applejack moved closer, the latter putting her arm around the former. All the others were quiet. "You all have us too" Twilight pointed out, after a moment. "Maybe it does not replace what was taken... but we still love you Dash and Gilda" Pinkie nodded at that. "And you two are equally welcome" She said, to include the younger and older sisters. *** In the days after her return Firefly seem to take on her normal personality; something like Rainbow Dash but in ways, worse. With her heavily dated collection of words, she seemed a bit lost in the era she grew up in. She was far more free spirited, and wild. She had managed to pull several pegasus in racing her. Was like seeing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie combined, giving the image Pinkie with wings having no limits to her range. Rainbow Dash seemed to change too; she was focused on her youngest sister, spending all her time with the filly and she even managed to help her learn to fly again. The story behind her wings was kept between them, but the lessons seem to bond the two sisters again. Cloud Chaser even was showing a new side. She started to spend time with Fluttershy, finding a kindred spirit in her. They shared a love for animals, and was not long till the little one started to warm up to others. Becoming quick friends with Spike, who helped her get to know Apple Bloom. She was still nearly as shy as her new Fluttershy, but not so bad. The time together with the other pegasus was therapeutic for her. Whatever went on in the time lost had shattered her world and the gentle hooves of the yellow pegasus, and the kind nature of her mate Playful Paws, really seem to bring her back. Seeing her little sister brought back to life, in a couple ways and being constantly pestered by her older sister, Dash started getting back to herself as well. Firefly was worse than Rainbow Dash had ever been in challenging Gilda to a race. She drove the gryphon crazy at times, and she would escape to Pinkie Pie's room. At times it would be a bit awkward for Twilight, who would find her escape in spending more time with Applejack in her shop or at home. Thanks to just two new members of the town, much had changed. In addition to Gilda being around more in avoiding Firefly's need for a challenge, she was starting to change. It could be because of the older Pegasus, maybe because of her time with Pinkie Pie, or because a part of her past was now fixed. Only the three sisters knew what Gilda was like before, but maybe this is who she was before fate forced her to become strong enough for two and take on the world. Twilight mused at the facts; when they first met, the Gryphon would sooner have bitten her head off than say a word to her. Now, she had become not only a friend to all the ponies, but even showed a gentle side. Cloud Chaser had made her and Rainbow Dash help with some animal sitting for Fluttershy. The picture was too perfect of the two "bad ass" girls of Ponyville, passed out with baby animals crawling all over them as they slept sitting up, completely worn out by the work in it all. The Unicorn not so long ago the newest member of the town; was also glad that one of the many mysteries she has come to be in the middle of, was finally solved. She was still waiting to see what would come of the ones with Trixie who had been rather scares as of late, ever since the Day of Remembrance. Was also the lingering mystery between Applejack and Adams Apple, they were seemingly getting more comfortable around one another, but Applejack still had some reservations toward him. She would settle for the happiness happening now, and let those things come to pass in time. Was not long before she would have been here a whole year, and she has experienced so much in that time. She liked to think she had grown a lot as well, no longer the little sheltered pony from Canterlot who did not wish to socialize. Still though, when Firefly streaked past her this morning, in both the meanings of speed and nudity, she realized she still had some things she was not yet ready to be so lax on. To programed by Canterlot sense of “shame” Maybe someday, but not today. She just covered her eyes.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
"DUDES" Firefly shouted nearly causing both Rainbow Dash and Gilda, to go deaf. "For Queen sake, what?!" Dash shouted back. Firefly slammed down a poster on the kitchen table causing the plates to rattle, that the other two were eating off for their afternoon breakfast. "Check it! The Iron Pony is coming up!" "So?" Gilda asked, annoyed by the sudden outburst. It was too early in the afternoon for all this, and none of them were very early starts when they could help it. "So?! It's a radical chance for us to totally show off! Think about it; the three bad sisters of Cloudsdale, totally blowing away the competition" "You and Dash are the flashy ones, I don't think Cloud Chaser is gonna want to compete" "Not her dude, she is like way too young to enter. You! Duh" Gilda snorted a laugh. "Me?" Firefly nodded her head. "No way, I'm not a flashy type either" Dash went on eating, taking the moment to try and finish. She knew the older mare was not yet done. "I thought you were Eagle and Lion, not chicken and house cat. Cock-a-puss!" Gilda growled and jumped at Firefly, who rocketed back laughing as she did so. "Damn it, I thought you forgot that!" Firefly stuck her tongue out. "Wicked funnier when Brom did it, but still works on you" "Gonna kill you!" She leaped over the table, Dash grabbing her bowl so it was not flung with the rest. She casually watched as her sister and best friend, raced through the house. She dropped her bowl to the floor, and stood up. No pony accused them of being the most clean, or concerned in the matter. "Yo G?!" Gilda was in the other room and peered around the corner to look at her. "What?" "Let's do it, been too damn slow around here" She started to stretch, waking up her body. "Sure" The gryphon easily agreed. Firefly jumped into the room. "What? Just like that? So lame..." Gilda pounced on her when she found the opening. "Ha! I'm going to pluck each of your feathers, and make you look like when you had the molting problem" "I knew that would get you" Dash grinned, a bit of revenge for herself too. "Save some for me" Firefly had been flying both of them crazy, but they did enjoy it. Felt like everything was getting back to normal. The Magick of Friendship chapter 21 A Wing and being fair Signups for the Iron Pony was still a few days away; Firefly and Rainbow Dash went right into training, Gilda watched them sometimes remembering a much younger pair of sisters just as they are now. Pulling tricks and trying to outdo each other, laughing and loving every minute of it. Gilda was not as skilled as they were, she knew it, but they would never allow her to think it. To them, she was just as good as they were. Not better, neither could admit any was better. Cloud Chaser came out of the house, seeing Gilda near the edge of the clouds. She trotted up to her, and looked out to see the streaks of colours that trailed the two older pegasi. "Back to their old tricks" She smiled. Seemed ages since she saw the sight of them like this, like Gilda after the accident that took a way her world, it was nothing but pain and hardship. Ponyville was her home now with her three sisters, Gilda being the third of her older sisters. "Yeah..." Was all the gryphon could get out, she was a bit lost in thought. "Not looking forward to the Iron pony thingy?" Gilda snickered. "Squirt, you and me, we're not thrill seekers. Iron Pony is a lot of challenges of physical, mental, and just gifted abilities. I can do some of them, but I'm not an athlete like they are" She motioned out toward them. The other nodded. "I heard Apple Bloom tried getting her sister to do it, but she didn't want to either" "Give it time. With one 'Yo Jackie, get yer butt in this thing' from Dash and she'll be there" "Really? She's just as bad as Ray Ray and Fire?" She looked down at the pegasus who looked so much like Dash when they last had a whole family. "You haven't really spent much time with Dash's new friends?" "Na. I've made some of my own already from school. AB, and Belle, and a couple others too like Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friend Spike" Gilda thought, and she really did not know much about the ponies beyond the ones closest to Dash, Pinkie, and Twilight. "Isn't there another one, some little Pegasus?" "Oh, Scootaloo? She's... weird" "Weird huh? Think she was up here a couple times. Can't fly, right?" Cloud nodded. "Not yet or something. She doesn't seem to like me. I tried to talk to her, but seems like after I said I was Ray Ray's sister, she wouldn't talk to me" The older of the two nodded, and made an "Mmmhmm" sound through her beak. She figured Scootaloo was jealous, she knew that much of the filly. Remembering her more now that she thought of it, the filly was a lot like her idol. A tad bit too obsessive though, again, much like her idol. "Oh well" Cloud Chaser said. "I've got AB, and Belle, and Fluttershy, and Playful Paws, and all them" She looked up at Gilda, who was back at looking at the other two. "You have a lot of friends too? Like all those ponies that were there when Rainbow and Firefly talked about what happened?" "Not sure. I've tried to be nicer, and they seem to be ok with me now" "Now?" The little pony was confused. She had spent most her time around the new faces, but has not yet heard much of the goings on of the past years. Gilda did not answer right off thinking it over for a moment. "After what happened and Firefly was gone on her hunt for you, we left Cloudsdale. Dash wasn't much herself, and I didn't know what to do. I tried Canterlot. Being the Royal city and all, figured, 'hey, maybe they can help two who just lost it all'" Gilda scoffed. "They looked at me, and acted like I was some freak. The Gryphon Wars left a big scar on our relations" She paused a moment. "Luckily, Dash remembered Fluttershy, and how she went to Ponyville. It wasn't much better here. It was alright for her, but me, I was still the freak" The last part seemed to hit Cloud a bit more than the rest did. She nodded very slowly, and understandingly. "It's not fun, being outcast" "Changes you" Gilda added, continuing her story. "I became a lot colder, and tougher. I basically shut out the world, all but Dash" "So this whole time you've only had my sister to talk to?" She looked off not at the other two, but in a new direction. Looking back at all the years she was outcast, when in the last few months she was feeling more like one of the ponies, it was hard to bare. Knowing it was somewhat self-brought on "Pretty much" She finished. Cloud seemed to be hurt by that fact too. She faced some terrible things when she was at the Carrot Top Orphanage, things she had yet to speak of. "I'm sorry Gilda" She hugged to her leg, sparking a bit of sadness in the Gryphon as tears started to form. She leaned down, and hugged the little pegasus tight. "It's ok Cloud Chaser, things are better now. I have you and Firefly back" She smiled, causing one from the other. "What about the others?" The filly asked, after they parted. "I'm not sure, I'm really not. Like I said; I'm trying, but after so long of being distrusting of any of the. It is hard to let any of them close. Sure it is the same with them" She fixed her forelock of feathers as she paused. "I feel safe with Twilight, she seems to be cool. She is a nerd, but a cool one. Then Applejack, she probably has the most to hate me for..." She recalled that moment in their history with deep regret. "I caused her and Dash to break up as friends. They are very close, and I know she didn't like me before" She paused a moment. "We had a moment, but I don't really know if she is cool with me or doing it for Dash" "Pinkie Pie?" Cloud asked, knowing the bond between them. Gilda could not stop from smiling. She had such a short time with her, but just the thought of her made her feel better. It is still something no pony could fully figure out, but they are happy together and in the end, that is all the matters. "Guess that's a good sign" The other giggled. "Heh, yeah" She looked a bit nervous. Cloud hoisted up a set of bags, a cross of saddle bags and fanny pack, and buckled them onto her waist. "I'm going to go to Fluttershy's" She paused. "She likes you too" This confused Gilda, Fluttershy always seemed afraid of her even after the times she has helped her out. "She does. Says that you are really good with the baby animals" She adjusted her bags. "Well, see you G" "Later squirt" She watched the other leap off the cloud, and fly away. Before she was very far Dash and Firefly started doing circles around her, probably bugging her to fly with them. She smiled, thinking about her parting words about Fluttershy. "G come on, gotta get some training in!" Dash called out. "Y'know, most of the mix species competition is on the ground?!" Gilda said back. The two sisters hovered there looking at her, then themselves, then returning to her. "So?!" They both said. "Still the same" She muttered, taking flight. *** Sign up day was here, and many ponies gathered to do so for the biggest event in Equestria. Gilda was surprised and over whelmed by the turn out. Not so much that Olymponia was full of potential competitors since it was held for all of Equestria, but the sheer number of ponies. They were to be several preliminaries, to cut down these numbers. She was also surprised, as she was the only non-pony there. These facts made her feel a bit uneasy, starting to wonder if she should be here at all. "Dash, this isn't right. I'm a Gryphon, this is a Pony thing. Look at the name, and look at this crowd" Dash scoffed. "Just means nothing else has tried. It's for all Equestria, and we have many species. You'll just prove them that anything can compete" "Totally!" Firefly said, pushing them along. "I don’t like this" Gilda grumbled. "They'll totally let you in, chill and quit being a whiny finch" Fire said. They made their way to the sign up tables each going to sign in. "Sorry, she cannot compete" One of the ponies there said, as Gilda went to put her name in. Fire and Dash both slammed their front hooves on the table. "The Hell she can't!" Gilda sighed, and looked away. "It’s cool guys, I didn't want too" "Why can't she?" Dash demanded to know, hearing Gilda or not, she was mad about it. "'Iron Pony', it's in the name. We only allow Ponies into this, not even Pony-like creatures like Minataurs, Centaurs, Donkeys, Mules, Zebras, or whatever else. It's a Pony competition" "Centaur shit, hellacious, that's what it is. You're just afraid to allow a real competitor into this!" Firefly snapped. "Don't be such a preppy ditz!" Gilda tried to pull them away. "It's fine!" "No it ain't!" Dash looked at her, then at the pony at the table. "It's speciest!" By now a few eyes were looking, only making it worse for Gilda. "Typical Gryphon hater" Firefly did not seem to share that feeling at first, not having dealt with much as they had, but she could see the point. Gryphon wars had left a lingering grudge toward them, mostly only the older ponies felt it any more. "Look," He huffed, pulling out a book. "This is the list of rules for these games. Right here, clearly states 'Only ponies can enter the competition, be they fit and able'" "This thing is outdated" Dash grabbed it, and looked it over. "Ha, see" She threw it down, and pointed out. "Not only does it still say crap about four legs, but also mentions that Unicorns and Pegasus are not allowed in. Gonna turn me down?" "That is an old rule; it states that if they are sponsored, they are allowed in. Since then it has been an unwritten rule that they are sponsored, since they are clearly Equestrian citizens. Part of that rule was so only Equstrians could compete, and around that time--" Dash cut him off. "Yeah, yeah, the first Pegasus were not consider Equestrians, and the Unicorns had detached from the country. I freak'n take History class" “She is a citizen. She's lived in Cloudsdale, and then Ponyville for more than half her life. She goes to Ponyville Tech. I'll sponsor her, and so will my sister!" Firefly nodded. "Totally" "Not so easy if you are going to make this a big deal, then we'll need the old fashion way to do it. Get Cloudsdale or Ponyville to sign a sheet, and if you get a large percent of the populous of your town to sign it with the head of the town's seal, then yes" "We'll be back!" Rainbow announced. "Have three days, before signups are closed and preliminaries start" They took off and headed back to Ponyville, a long flight but nothing for them. "Don't need to do this, it's stupid" Gilda said, flying between them. "It is stupid, not letting you in cause of some dated rule" Dash argued. "It's totally bogus" Firefly said. Gilda grumbled. "I've said I didn't want to join any ways, can drop here and nothing bad will happen to me or anyone else" "Where is that G I use to know, who'd not let something like this stop her, the G who was ready for any challenge?" Dash tried to get her into it. "She moved to Ponyville, and became an ass. Now there is only me, just trying to stay out of every pony's way" Dash stopped, forcing Gilda too. Firefly circled back, not noticing till a little later. "Gilda, come on. We've gone through rough stuff, but things are different. Look at me, I'm back to normal. Fired up by the challenge and ready to show off" "Normal?" She questioned. "Hardly different than before" Gilda pointed out. "When was the last time I took on a competition?" She looked so serious, was almost too much to see. The gryphon thought about it and other than small things with friends, or ponies who challenged her she had not done much but flying solo. "Come on G, I want to try to let all the shit behind us. Fire is back, Cloud is back, and we have friends. Let's ring it all in, by beating the saddles off those Ponies" Gilda looked down then back up, with determination. "Right. Let's show them all!" "Everfree yeah!" Dash shouted then rocketed off, leaving her trademark rainbow trail. Firefly smiled at Gilda, and followed after. Gilda stayed a bit, and thought more on what all she said. "You have friends, I'm not so sure how many ponies are going to sign for me..." She did not want to cause them to wonder or worry, so she rocketed off after them. *** Gilda was not too surprised that Twilight was ready to help out. She made her way to the Mayor’s office, and spoke to her personally. She had started to become friends with her, so getting her to start the sponsorship was no problem. The first day, was poor. The names they had earned were all the friends, relations, and such. Couple extended friends too, like Playful Paws' friend Dodgy Dice, or Rarity's fellow employees like Mend and Pearl Two. Pinkie had a fit being fifth on the list, but with the Pegasus Sisters and Twilight first to know, she did not get the top spot. She had Ditzy Doo, and her little filly Dinky to sign. None were too sure with such an old rule, if fillies and colts could sign but was not going to stop the team on this mission. With a hoof full of names, it was a far cry from the hundreds of citizens. Gilda was feeling doubtful that it would even happen. Maybe a hundred and she was feeling generous with that hope. *** Gilda was training alone in a gym, as Dash and all the others were trying to gather names. She felt it a bit pointless to train, but working out at least took her mind off it. She knew the events, and since the competitions began, many were added and many discontinued. It once had about a hundred events, but it has been slimmed down a bit. Still stretching over the course of a week, it was no easy thing to take part in. She did find it odd how as she passed ponies or they passed her, some would wish her luck. Confused that they would even talk to her, let alone wish her luck. She began to think about, how if this many ponies were well wishing she might have a shot at getting in. Originally she was only doing it for Dash and Fire then she wanted out, but now she actually was feeling excited at the chance of competing. Her awkward replies of "thanks" turned into a smile, and full "Thank you" even striking small conversations. For the first time, she was feeling like she was not such an outcast, feeling like she was doing something her brother would have done. He was the first Gryphon to go through school, and graduate. He wanted to prove Gryphons were not the monsters they had been in war times, and could be one of the ponies. Being the first non-pony in the Iron Pony Games made her feel that same joy he showed, every time he talked about bringing a new honor to the Gryphons. Reminded her why she was in college, so she could complete his dream. She would not screw around anymore, that is when she was allowed back. Now, she was attempting to do what he might not even have. She would make her own name for her kind, to be in the Iron Pony Games. Hoping to win anything past getting in was foalish, since ponies had trained all their lives for this. Being first in was enough. If she could not make it this time, she would try again next time. She had a dream of her own now, and she nearly cried thinking of how much pride Brom would have in her now. It has been far too long, since she had good reasons to remember him. After all that she did today, she felt it was time to go home. She was getting too lost in thought over it all, and could not focus enough to train. Gilda made her way toward Apple Cider's no longer feeling that awkwardness of being around ponies and happily, no longer getting odd looks. Thinking of the honor she would bring, she was feeling a pride for her people she never truly had before. Not since she and her brother fled shortly after the end of the war. She was very young, and had nothing but him. Till he made friends with a wild Pegasus, and she give them friends and a new family. When she made her way into Apple Cider's, she found Applejack and Twilight sitting at the latter's usual booth. The former spotted her, and waved her over. "Well afternoon" Applejack greeted. "Hi, Applejack" She turned her head to look at the other. "Twilight" "Hello" "So, y'all look might bit worked. Train'n?" Applejack continued to lead the conversation. Gilda nodded. "Been at the gym, if I do manage to get into this Iron Pony thing I want to be ready. Be pretty stupid to make a fuss and not even get far" She did not want to show how excited she had become over it, trying to sound as calm and cool as she usually would. "It's a good idea to be prepared" Twilight added. Applejack got up, and let Gilda sit down. "Yeah, but I'm not holding my breath. I know a lot of you guys are trying to help and I am grateful, but how many ponies are going to sign to help a Gryphon, especially me?" "I'd figure a few" Applejack said with a smirk, as Twilight pulled out a stack of papers. "What's that?" Gilda looked at it, a bit confused. It was a good amount of papers, could not possibly be the signatures. "Just a ton-o-names" Gilda looked at them seeing what, if anything did, fit to Applejack's description. "No way! Look at all these names... didn't just copy them did ya?" She looked at Twilight, and Applejack. "Nope, been at it all day and we have all gathered enough names to getting you sponsored" Twilight said, smiling at the fact. Applejack put her arm around Gilda. "Y'all fret'n over nothin'. Y'all have a nasty past with the folks here in Ponyville, but if you learn anything of us it's that we are good folk, and willing to help out one of our own. Even if'n they acted like a bad seed at first" Gilda looked at her feeling overwhelmed, she felt confident that she had a shot but too see it all on paper and with the pony's words, she could not believe it all. "One of... your own?" She looked up at them. "Of course, been here longer than Twi has and she's as much of a Ponyvillian as any of us" Twilight smiled both to her lover, and at the gryphon. "Well she's been a pretty model citizen. I've been nothing but an ass, how can you all just forget all that?" She felt herself getting a bit mad, not at them but herself. "How can I deserve this kindness?" Applejack shook her head. "Now a few months ago, I'd sooner spit in yer eye than look at ya. Cause you were an ‘Ass’. I even told Rainbow, you were a low down snake and no matter how often a snake sheds its skin it's still a snake" Gilda looked down at the table, her words were pretty true. Harsh, but at the time they were said she deserved them. "But, y'all proved me wrong. You care for Rainbow, you cared enough to get out of yerself long enough to fix what you helped ruin. Maybe all of Ponyville hasn't seen the new you, but enough of us have and know why you were like you were" She nodded slowly, listening to the pony's words. She still did not feel she had any rights to a second chance. "Some of us have are reasons for accepting you now, and giving you a chance, maybe the play fer some. Seeing you playing Megan, we all saw you could be a decent Gryphon. Me, and maybe Twilight too" Her ears perked up, hearing her name. "Seeing you after Rainbow Dash's accident, what I saw told me more than all the junk y'all have done over the years" "It is true. That night, you really showed us that you were more than just a tough girl. One who wanting nothing more than to be angry and selfish" Twilight started. "It hurt a lot when Rainbow Dash chose you over me, and losing a friend for so long. It hurt as well, thinking of how much I wanted to help you and you just attacked me and kept Rainbow Dash to yourself. Before I ever knew what had happened before you two came here, I saw something of who you were with you at the hospital when you were willing to give up the chance to see your friend, your only one at that time, to the two ponies who you seem to think were stealing her from you. I knew then and there that you were not this monster you were acting to be, was something more" Gilda was silent, this all was truly too much for her to take. Everything was changing so fast. She nudged Applejack, who let go of her and moved out of the seat. Gilda stood up, and moved back from the ponies. "I can't deal with this... all this kindness every pony is showing me now..." "Simmer down sugar cube; it's not a bad thing er nothin'. We do care about y'all" Applejack tried to get near her, trying to reassure her. Hearing the pony say "Sugar cube" Was the final straw. She knew she reserved that for ponies she liked, and even if she slipped it she did not show she regretted it. "I can't... I... I feel like this is some dream... and I'm gonna wake up, and I'm going to lose all this!" She was tearing up, as Twilight started to shift from her seat. "Please... just..." She did not know what she wanted to say. "Just, leave me alone" She ran out the door and once in the open, shot into the sky. Applejack and Twilight came after her, but she was long gone. "What happened? I thought she would have been so happy to see how much we all care?" Twilight said, looking very upset. Applejack put her arm around her. "She needs time Twi. We should talk to Dash and Firefly, and see what they think. They know her better than us" The other nodded. "Think we should tell Pinkie?" "Knowing that mare, she knows" She gave a soft smile, one Twilight tried to match but she was feeling too upset by what just happened. *** "Why did I run?!" Gilda shouted at herself in the same abandoned cave she and Pinkie had fallen for each other in. Was a safe place to get a way, where she could yell and beat on things without any worries. "I was so happy and was looking forward to it all..." She pressed her back to the wall. "Why do I always fight any happiness in my life? First when I moved here, then with Twilight, now this..." Gilda slumped, dropping to the floor and covered herself in her wings. She wanted to hide from the world. Finally she had friends. Finally she was feeling welcome in a Pony town. Finally she was feeling more happiness, than pain. "Maybe, you are afraid you will lose it all?" A voice said, causing her to spread her wings and look around. She knew who it was, and sighed. "Did they tell you?" "They?" Pinkie came into view, looking puzzled. "Who? Tell me what?" "Why are you here then?" She was feeling too angry with herself she could not fight being rude, even to the one soul in this world she felt closer too than even Dash. "Twitchy, twitchy-twitch" Pinkie trotted up to her, and leaned down. She took the Gryphon's claw, and pressed it to her chest. "My heart, it was hurting. I knew the one who lives there must be in pain" Gilda's eye watered again, she felt guilty for even having a single soul care for her, this one more so than any. In these moments Pinkie was so different than her usual silly self, a deep caring mind hid under her untamed mane. Gilda was one of very few who knew or saw this. "I've gone through some rough stuff too, and thought I would never be truly happy again. I was so depressed in my younger years" "You're not that old..." "Hush, I'm in a moment" She did not seem or sound so, but Gilda knew she was being playful when saying that. "One day, I saw something that re-awoke something in me I thought I lost. I found the happiness I needed. I found myself that day. I know Gryphons don't have cutie marks, but if you did. I think you'd find yours soon" "Why?" She looked confused, not really understanding the whole concept. Pinkie just smiled at her, to say that she wanted Gilda to figure it out. "Because..." Gilda tried thinking, pulling her claw back to her lap. "I made friends?" "Maybe..." "What?" She snapped, and Pinkie just plucked a feather from her wing. "OW!" "You know; if you had only one feather, you couldn't fly?" "Duh" "We need many feathers, if we are to fly. You've struggled so long with only a hoof..." She paused, looking at her fore hoof then at Gilda's clawed hand. "Or clawful. I think you might be afraid of having full wings to fly higher than you ever have flown" "I have all of my feathers! But that one now..." She paused. "Oh...Wait..." Pinkie put it into her mane, and smiled at her more. "Macaroni" Ignoring the random comment, Gilda grasped the concept. "I've been alone for so long with only Dash beside me, and now... I don't have to be... It's not just Dash any more... I have friends... I have a lot of friends?" She looked down. "And more... willing to... to be my friends..." "I like my feather thing better, but yeah. Friends are there for you, and help you, and keep you in the air. The more you have, the higher you can go. The Magick of Friendship" She giggled, "Lame Pinkie, but..." She smiled, wiping the tears a way. "You always know how to cheer me up. Not to get as lame as you, but Love is Magick" "Oh puke. I deal with sugar and sweets all day, I don't need an overload" She laughed, causing Gilda to join in. Pinkie was rubbing off onto the Gryphon, as was Gilda to the mare. “Confound these ponies, drive me to friendship” Gilda said, getting up. *** Twilight was talking to Queen Celestia over their Bay-B's, filling her in on the goings on in Ponyville. They had all the names they needed, and more. Nearly the whole of the city was willing to lend their support for the once bitter citizen. "Does sound very interesting, you know, I believe Harmony has a friend going into it too" The Queen said, sounding if something else was coming to her. "You know? This reminds me of another Gryphon who was first to go to school in Equestria, and made it to collage" There was a pause, after Twilight asked her "Oh? Do you remember their name?" Twilight could hear odd sounds on the other end, Celestia liked to spend her free time in the study she had. Only she and very select few others knew of it or could get to it. A Queen had to get a way. She was probably going through her collection of history. Twilight had seen it a couple times, but could only read a few books. It was a little tease for her so she would be motivated to learn more, Celestia did not realize at the time with whom she was dealing with. "Ah, here we are" Finally came. "Equestrian firsts... It had to have been around the Gryphon Wars so narrows it down a bit, not much has gone on since then" She was more talking so Twilight knew what she was doing. "Here it is," She did not bother reading the various events she skimmed over to get there. "Around eleven years ago, the first Gryphon to go through Equestrian school, a resident of Cloudsdale named Bromwin. Finished his years in School, and was admitted into Hayvard after..." She trailed off. "After? After what?" "He apparently came down with a rare illness over that summer, and died before he could actually go to college. His admittance into Hayvard was an honorary one in light of his death, and great achievements he had made. Was a pretty big moment, it was one of the first times since the wars that the Gryphons had come to Equestria in peace" She sounded a lot sadder now, recalling more not in the book. "I remember it now. I met with the Emperor, and we held a special ceremony over the death of a great asset to both our lands. Though all the countries had already formed the United Races for Lasting Peace and Prosperity, his actions to that point now fully known to the Gryphons, brought us to a new peace between us. Still took time for the bitterness many older ponies felt to start to fade" "That is pretty amazing. I was around then and under your tutelage. Why do I not remember any of this?" "For the same reason I forgot about it..." Was a long pause, long enough Twilight nearly asked for her to continue. "Nightmare Moon returned... not too long after that" Twilight nodded to herself. "Yes... that was a strong reason" Recalling that day, one of the worst she had seen. Only a few rivaled it; when the Shadows of Eternal Twilight attacked, and when Harmony changed for the first time, compared to it. "Says here; he had a sister who was given a tuition to any collage she choose to go to, if she followed in his paw steps" They both paused. "It must be her" Came from Twilight. She was seeing some of why Gilda was acting odd now; it must be causing her to recall her brother. She mentioned having one before, but never elaborated on what happened. If he was first into college, it made sense why she was now trying to finish it. Also, if she was making this history as a first, it had to make her think of him. Twilight was happy that she did not mess something up and push her friend away, but sad for her if this is the cause of what happened at Apple Cider's. "I have to find her. She ran off earlier, and I think I know why" Twilight said. *** Twilight did find Gilda, long after Pinkie did her magick. With some talking, she confessed her fears. Both Twilight and Applejack assured her, that she had nothing to worry about. The gryphon, not so long ago was the bane for much of Ponyville, was now a celebrated citizen. She would make a new name for the town by entering, and if she made it into the Iron Pony she would boost Ponyville that much more. If she won any metals, well, that was more than Gilda even hoped for. Either way, Ponyville would be set to win the highest praise from the Queens yet again. This was not the sole reason; it was just in Ponyvillian nature to help others. The sign up final day was tomorrow, and with her friends backing her, her new home backing her, and the spirit of her brother pushing her on, she was ready to show all of Equestria what she could do.
Harmony Spirit
Big Macintosh,Cutie Mark Crusaders,DJ P0N-3,Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Granny Smith,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New
Retelling of Equestria from a different past and Universe, with some parallel events.
<p>&quot;Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn.&quot; </p><p>Little things to remember:<br/>- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on. <br/>- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.<br/>- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as &quot;Hoof(ves)&quot; in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.<br/>- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)<br/>- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from &quot;The Looking Glass Wars&quot; Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe<br/>- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.<br/>- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)<br/>- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.<br/>- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.</p><p>I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.</p><p>Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:</p><p>This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.</p><p>This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.</p><p>Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011<br/>My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981<br/>Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010<br/>Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.</p>
The third day for the sign ups came, and Gilda was feeling confident if not a bit nervous at being the first non-pony in the competition. With her friends cheering her on, or pulling her along as with Dash and Firefly, she did not care. She was starting to feel like herself again, the one she was long ago when life was as happy as it was starting to be again. Dash sought out the pony that gave them trouble last time, nearly threw the sponsorship at him. "See?!" He looked at her with surprise, then down at the sheet skeptical. "Well I have to admit, I'm a bit stunned by this" He seemed ready to pull out some other ruling to prevent the entrance of the gryphon. The ponies were prepared for such. Twilight had learned that dragons had a special talent of sending messages to each other and with it, had Spike’s cousin in Canterlot send over a Royal proclamation. "And, if that is not enough for you" She said stepping up placing the scroll before him, with more care than Dash had shown. "Read this" He looked at her funny, and then opened the note. "This... cannot be real" He said, with a mix of shock and doubt. "Look at the seal. It is official from both Queen Celestia of the Day and Queen Luna of the Night, declaring that the sister of one of Equestria's great citizens be allowed into these games" "I can read that. But how is it that a Gryphon and some ponies of a small town, can get the Queen's backing?" "Simple" Spike said, joining in the little trip to add his own royal weight to the argument if it became so needed. He hoped it would not be, for he did not enjoy flaunting his lineage. "She is the Student of Queen Celestia" "And who are you? Not planning to enter too, are you?" He was starting get suspicious of them all. "Spike Greenspine, son of Lord Dracomire Greenspine II" He held up his own royal documents. Many were now looking at the group, over hearing the conversation going on. The stallion was nearly knocked out of his chair seeing this all. "Well... I suppose, if there was any reason to deny her, it would have been overruled... by three Rulers" "Agreed" Another pony came up from behind the sign up one, and became their focus. She was dressed fair more formal than the other, wearing an official badge of the Comity of Iron Pony Judges. "We were told of this and it would seem that it has come to pass, the first non-pony to come to the Iron Pony games. I must say, it is an honour to see this day" She was an older mare, though she fought the ravages of it off well. "May I be first to congratulate you on this achievement, and hopefully one that will open up these games to more races of our world" She held out her hoof, and Gilda took it firmly. "Hey, I'm here to prove myself. Gonna show you ponies just what we Gryphons can do, in fair competition” Gilda said, showing her tough side again. She softened it by adding. “I am honoured to be a part of pony history" The Magick of Friendship Chapter 22: Storm before the Calm The Preliminaries were held and when the final group was gathered for the true games, Firefly, Rainbow Dash, and Gilda made it through with ease. Princess Celestia made an appearance, as she did each year to watch. This time however, she came to announce the history in the making. "Citizens of Equestria and guests from our neighboring lands, this year will mark a true beginning of something and the end of another. This is the first time that a non-pony has made it not only into the competition, but also into the Games” She took a bit of a pause, as a story was ready to unfold. “Not since the start of these games during a darker time in our history, when the Earth ponies were caught in a civil war between the Pegasus and Unicorn. When they needed these games to ease their worries and give them something to distract them. These games started the end of those wars, as the athletic Pegasus saw these games as a challenge, and the high classed Unicorn saw it as something of title and privilege to enter those simple games. The ponies then were not so ready to accept these new faces, and so they had to prove themselves but gaining favor from the Earth towns. These started the friendships that would spread to the rest of the cities and towns of Pegasus and Unicorn, and soon as the three stood against each other in friendly competitions and not conflict and they all saw that they were not separated by their differences but their own short sightedness. These early ponies learned the differences only keep apart if we allow them too” With another pause, the Queen smiled greater at the future she saw. “I know that we who share this world together have long stopped the wars, but not all the unease. Here we are again, with a new face coming into our competition and setting a new page in our history. A Gryphon who I look forward to see compete” Gilda was so nervous standing up by the Queen, but hid it with her pride and determination. "Gilda has been one of our own, for a number of years now. She is a true sign of how despite any disputes of the past, one can be as loved and welcomed as any other into our fair land as we had learned to accept ourselves. And this would go for any of the others who formed our United Races for Lasting Peace and Prosperity. Her home of Ponyville, nearly unanimously agreed to sponsor her. Not even in the ages ago, when the Pegasus and Unicorns needed such, had any received so near a complete town's backing" The crowed gave their reaction to the speech, as the Queen took a brief pause. There were members of various other lands watching on, writing or recording the messages here to share back in their home lands. "As it marks the end of the Species barrier on our humble Iron Pony, is too marks an end to the Games" The gathering was in shock, wondering what this news meant. "After this year," She regained their attention. "The Iron Pony Games are no more. They are to be replaced, by a new competition of our World’s races. The World Games, where each time it's held will be set in a new land to help inspire more unity between all peoples and creatures. The best of each land will come together and win glory for their home lands and honour to the meaning of living harmoniously with all life" Two figures made their way to the area that the Queen was speaking. A large Dragon who looked every bit as regal and mighty, as the fierce King of Dragons should. Spike looked on beside Twilight, in as much shock as her. She, as most ponies, had never seen a fully grown dragon. The ones in the war were young and smaller. They could easily swallow a pony in a bite, but their King could take a clawful just as easily. Fortunately, the dragons showed little interested in ponies that way even in the war. Much smaller but no less impressive, a Gryphon flew in adorned in Warrior armour and metals, all showing his glorious victories in battle. He was aged, but no less weak. Lord Friedrich Karl Galstov, Emperor of the Gryphons. He made his move toward Gilda, and placed a heavy claw onto her shoulder. "The Empire is honoured by having you. May you bring glory to your home and homelands" He spoke in a very hard voice tempered by years of wars and might that the Gryphons lived by, and loud enough for the crowd to hear. They cheered for her. Not many knew of the Gryphon ways, but any words with such praise made by any ruler was truly a great reward worthy of cries. She gripped the arm on her shoulder, and stared deep into his eyes. It had been a long time since she practiced the Gryphon ways, but she remembered them well. “Show only strength, and pride” She thought, and then spoke with the same dedication. "The Honour is being so blessed by our Glorious Emperor. To prove my own against worthy opponents in a field, not of war, but of Honour and Glory" As the Emperor nodded and they released each other, they turned their attention out to the assembled creatures as Queen Celestia resumed her speech. "I hope this is only the first of many meetings of the rulers of our lands, to ring in the start of the Games and a new era of harmony for all. Doing now when what the games had before, and unite us all. "So without any further ado; let the final Iron Pony Games begin and let it, and those competing, go down in history as it sets the stage for The World Games!" With a nod to the Dragon King, Celestia stepped aside. In a show that once was her place, the King bellowed out flames into the large torch. This marked that the Games were on, though the true games did not start till tomorrow. Today would be mostly shows done by select participants and celebrities of the games. A cry went out of joy and hope for the future. Peace had not been scares, but these games would ensure that it would never be threatened again. *** The Games would open in another day, now was time for celebration. Rainbow Dash, Firefly, and Gilda, all joined their friends in a local pub. Minus Spike, who decided to pay a visit to his father. It had been nearly a year since he saw him last. Twilight decide to pass on meeting the King, she was a bit nervous of such a creature. Applejack and Rarity made the trip to Olymponia, the little sisters of the two would be under Big Macintosh’s watch till they all came to see the games tomorrow. Fluttershy and Playful Paws would as be joining them then. They spent a few hours having fun, though was not the same without Pinkie. She wanted to come, but had to finish some things back home. After a few rounds, Dash and Firefly were pretty near wasted with the older of the two far more so. She had less control than Dash, and was already having trouble standing. Twilight was surprised when she was hugged from behind. "Twilight!" The voice of the hugger cried out, and she knew it right away. "Harmony!" She turned and hugged him back. She had come a long way from the mare that use to avoid much contact of any kind. When they broke, she turned slightly to her friends. "Remember most of these girls I hope" "Who could forget?" He went on calling their names and giving each a hug, but stopped at Firefly and Gilda. "Not too sure now…" He laughed nervously. Gilda was not so wasted as the other, and held out her claw. "Name's Gilda, old friend of Dash" He took it, and shook it firm. "Oh yeah, you're the one that made history today! That is so awesome" "Ain't no thang" She tried to play it off. "But a Gryphon wing?" She looked at him funny. "Nothing… Who's the one on the floor?" They looked at Firefly, who was lying on her side poking a bottle. "That lush is Firefly, Dash's older sister" He nodded, laughing. "She seems fun. Hey! You mares wanna meet my friend in the Games, guess your competition Gilda" He looked around, trying to spot them. "He said he'd be around here, just look for a hot looking white Pegasus with red mane. If you get lost in his Blue eyes, I warned ya" Harmony laughed. "A 'special' friend?" Twilight asked, knowing other royal student's history of dating and playing around. Most Unicorns pretty much kept to themselves, quiet, and bit stuck up. Came from the main cities that were home to majority of the species, but Harmony was about as far from a typical Unicorn as they came. Why most found him easy to get along with. He took on a more serious expression, one not very suiting to him. "No, he is too special to be some one-nighter" He resumed his almost Pinkie-like silliness, when he spotted his friend. "There he is!" He dashed off into the crowd. "One-nighter?" Rarity asked. "Don't ask..." Was all Twilight said slouching a bit into her seat, the effects of her drinks starting to take hold of her. Gilda seemed to be more interested. "He only chases Stallions or he go for Mares?" The three sober enough too, looked at her. "What? It's a party, besides Pinkie was... never mind..." She looked away, taking a drink. Before any could wonder, Harmony returned pulling a white stallion with him dressed in baggy pants and a simple shirt with a flight jacket over. He wore tags, showing his service in the Air Force. He was a little older than Harmony seemed, but not very much. He looked very shy, nearly fighting the Unicorn. "Common Zero!" Rarity looked him over, seeming a bit interested. She was growing fond of the white coated, red mane ponies. He nearly tripped, as Firefly had started to crawl around and was now in the path of the two. In an attempt to save himself, his wings spread and flapped enough to right himself. The girls all took notice of his impressive wing span one far greater than most, nearly any Pegasus. Even Dash, who was not quite at the point of crawling on the floor drunk, even took notice. She was a bit of an angry drunk, instead of getting impressed she became a bit envious. "This is ZeroG Stormwing. Told you he was hot" Harmony said with a wink, he was as flirtatious as any mare around his age. Despite the fact he was not one, did not stop him from acting it. His friend covered himself in his wings. "He's a bit shy" The unicorn went on, going into his wings. "Come out, they won't bite" He peeked out, and looked at Gilda. "You're not a biter right?" "Depends" She said friskily. "Hi" Zero said, still a little nervous toward the others. He came out of his wings, and sat down next to Twilight. She seemed least threatening also reminded him a bit of Harmony, so he felt a little easier by her. He was trying not to watch the drunken pink pegasus on the floor. Harmony took a quick seat on the other side of his Pegasus friend surrounding him by Unicorns, as Twilight turned to Zero. "So, you and Harmony do it?" She was now fully suffering from a few too much to drink, and her inhibitions had faded. Harmony flashed a look of shock at her, never seeing this side of her. Zero paused at the outburst, blinking a couple times in shock. " what?" he asked looking over to Harmony, his eyes asking "what is she talking about" Gilda could not stop herself from laughing, taking another drink after the fit calmed. She gave a quick look to Dash, seeing if she was laughing but the pegasus seemed more distant as she was looking away. Harmony patted Zero on the back. "Eh... never mind that, and No" He directed the last at Twilight. Applejack looked over at Rarity, who seemed to still be given the new pony eyes. "Smitten, partner?" Rarity snapped out of her trance, and looked at the earth mare and composed herself. "Oh... I was just thinking, designs and all. He would make a fine model" She looked back, repeating herself with more passion. "A fine model..." Her interest in the white and red combination made her toyed with the idea of giving herself such, but she found she enjoyed it on others more. She enjoyed a bit of window shopping, and Zero was one she liked the sight of. Zero sensed something, and looked over catching the white unicorn’s gaze. He gave a little smile to her. He looked around seeing each of the drinks and tried to get the bar keeper's attention, and as he leaned over the counter his wings relax and open wider again. The act caused both Harmony and Rarity to giggle in unison; they both shared an interest in the view. Zero's call went unnoticed, as the pub was a bit busy with the crowds from the preliminaries today. Gilda decided to start some kind of topic, since every other pony seemed too drunk or horny. Ironically, the latter were all Unicorns. Applejack was hard to judge, but she seemed a bit tipsy. Gilda knew that she could make “em” strong, but not sure she could take “em” strong. "So, Zero you are in the Air Force?" Zero sat down in the seat, waiting to try for the keeper's attention later. He looked over to Gilda "Yeah I am, been in the AF for 5 years now" he replied. "Early start huh? Don't seem that old to me" Twilight burped. "Oh my... I see stars...Aries?” Zero glanced over, but ignored the burping unicorn. "Got in through the school, after graduation" he said, trying to recall. The wasted Unicorn started grasping at dots before her eyes that were not there, magick and alcohol causing an odd effect. Zero leaned over the counter again trying to get the barkeeper's attention again, as he leaned his jacket and t-shirt lifted up exposing his coat and a black marking not part of his cutie mark. Rarity noticed it, taking a long look. Harmony spotted her looking and almost looking protective, maybe jealous. As a Mare came over at Zero's call. "Yeah?" "Can I get a large soda please, and whatever they want" he said pointing to the rest of the group. Gilda gestured for the same she had been having all night, Harmony called for a mojito. Applejack stopped Twilight from raising her hoof, and declined herself. They were nearly ready to go. Rarity decided on something lighter, she was not so into the effects of too much drinks. After the others made their own requests Gilda looked at Twilight saying, "Sad thing, she's had only two" As she started to lie onto the table. "I bet this would be a good place too-" Applejack shot up, and grabbed the pony cutting her off. "Ok there Sugar Cube, think that is last call fer y'all" She helped her up, and moved her out. "Night all" "Oh you naughty pony" Twilight said, leaning into Applejack. “All for yourself?” The other folded her ears back hiding her embarrassment, a rare sight on the Earth pony. Zero looked over to Twilight, as she was stumbling all over "She really is a light weight huh?" he said "Good night" Said to Applejack as they moved passed him. He sipped his drink, after the keeper returned with the orders. Harmony watched them leave, bidding his fair well as did Rarity and Gilda. Rainbow Dash was still keeping to herself. "Didn't even know she drank" the lighter blue unicorn remarked. "Not too well it seems" Gilda said, moving closer. "So, it tough, being a flyer in the force?" She resumed the conversation she had started. Zero sipped again "Oh it is tough, the training is the hardest but once you get your scroll and your wings it’s all worth it" he said with a smile, trying to be friendly. No one had realized, but Gilda was keeping the topic of interest to the Pegasus so he would feel more at ease. She had picked up a few psychology tricks from Pinkie, and could tell the pony needed it. "I think," Rarity started, coming closer. "It has given you a fine shape, maybe someday you could allow me the use of it" She giggled, clearly codes in her words. "For some sportier designs” She tried to cover them. “Swanheart has been wishing a new summer line for the fashionable and active" She leaned closer, whispering in his ear. "I'd like to see what that mark was under your shirt" Zero's ear twitched as she whispered to him, feeling a flush in them never having this kind of attention before. His wings perked up, as did his tail. Harmony hid his feelings at Zero's attention from Rarity, by smiling. The smile was real, since he enjoyed the fact his friend was finding more friends, but he was also interested in him. Fighting himself, for he knew he had a couple others he could court and it would be selfish. He did not wish to steal any chances from his friend, since his shyness seemed to make it hard for him to get close to many. Rarity straightened, and finished her last drink in a long, slow, and seductive drain. Keeping her eyes on Zero "I shale call it a night myself. One need's her beauty sleep" she put her hand onto Zero's shoulder. "Hope to see more of you around" She winked. "Was nice to see you again Harmony" Zero smiled to Rarity again "I am sure you will. Sleep well Ms" He could sense she was hinting to him to join her and as her eyes were on his, he moved them slightly to indicate he was going to stick around here. With a nod, she showed she understood, and turned and trotted out. "Night" Harmony said simply, watching her depart. "Later Rarity" Gilda said. Rainbow Dash gave a brief wave. As Rarity headed out, she was looking back at Zero. Zero waves to her while giving her a little nod, before turning back to Gilda "So Gilda is it? How long have you known the others?" "A Good question, don't remember you around when I last visited" Harmony added. "I've been around, as long as the moody one over there" she pointed at Dash. "But I wasn't the best citizen of Ponyville" Zero gave a look over to the blue pegasus "Is she always this sociable?" he asked then looked back to Gilda "Oh what happened?" "Eh, she is toasted. She gets moody when she’s had too much" She looked around. "Huh?" She asked, noticing the lack of the oldest of the group. "Where did Firefly go?” She shrugged, not very concerned. “Any ways, I was a jerk. To put is simply. Took some time but I finally came around, and well, now I'm one of the girls" Last part, she seemed to grow a stronger smile finally believing it herself. Zero nods as he sipped his soft drink "Glade all things worked out for ya" He too looks around "Where did the other one go?" Something fell onto Harmony, and he looks at it seeing a coat. Soon some shouts went out, cheering and whooping. Zero looked around for the noises "What was that?" he asked. Dash's ears perk and she stood up, grabbing the coat then disappeared in the crowd. "Hmm" Gilda sounds, taking a drink. "Ok....she’s had a little too much" She said sipping again. "Firefly has not changed" "Who is that any ways?" Harmony asked, turning from watching Dash trot off. "Firefly? A loooong story. In short, Dash's older sister" "I see" He looked back toward the rest. "Who is this FireFly?" Zero asked with keen interest "That one you tripped over. She is like Dash, but older and wilder" "Interesting, man Harm you sure know a lot of interesting ponies" he looks a Gilda "and gryphons" "Well, first time I've met her or Firefly. But you are definitely in that category too Zero" "Thank you Harm" Zero says with a bit of a blush forming, his ears start to pull back to hide it. "Interesting?" Gilda asked. "Oh yeah! He's like the fastest flyer I've seen. Tell her" Harmony nudged Zero. Zero blushes more, ears tightly back as he was nudged "Well..." he started think "Apparently a fast flyer" He says sipping his drink nervously. "Go on Zero!" Harmony was getting more insistent. "Yeah, come on" Gilda smirked. "It’’s not something I like to talk about..." Zero sips his drink again looking down at the counter. "Well? Shouldn't leave gryphons waiting" Gilda laughed Zero looks at her "Ok… I had to rescue somepony, went so fast I couldn’t believe it....I saved them....but that’s when the problems started" Dash started on her way back, after taking Firefly to their room. She stopped, picking up the conversation going on and waited just out of sight. "Not only did I save the pony... but I hurt them going too fast... I don’t know why I was cursed with these things, nothing but trouble." he sighs "I could of done nothing... but that would of been far worse if I didn’t" Gilda nodded. "Sounds serious, but not doing anything is way worse when you know you could at least try" "The problem with saving that pony was not for lack of trying, I was moving too fast to slow down in time. I hit them; hurting them badly, perhaps permanently" Taking a sip of his drink "Since then I’ve tried to avoid the lime light. I don’t want the attention, and it’s bad enough I was hailed a hero. I just wanted out. I found a program to get me from the school to the Air Force. For a time it was nice. Treated like one of the others, but that was until somepony noticed me..." "Yeah, but hey earned you attention of the Wonder Bolts" Harmony pointed out. Unseen, Dash's ears perked. "That’s one of the problems... I don’t like the attention... they have asked me to join so many times... I... have to find a way to turn them down" Gilda seemed amused by the fact. "Thought it was the dream of all Pegasus, to be a Bolt" "Maybe, but it’s not mine" "Why?!" A voice shouted behind them. Gilda was first to spot the source, muttering an "Oh boy" Dash stood not far from them. "You think you are so much better than the rest of us, with those freak wings?!" "Dash, you're wasted, don-" Gilda got up to try to stop her, but the Pegasus pushed her back. "It’s ok I can hoof this" Zero said, turning to Dash "No I don’t think I’m much better than anypony else, and yes your right they are freak wings. But do you think for one second I asked for this? No. I can’t help the way I was born. These wings make me special, just like your rainbow mane dose. I never asked to be a hero it was being in the right place at the right time. I’m sorry if that upsets you" He paused, hoping to find some way to cool her fire. "But I have heard a lot about the famous Rainbow Dash, you are a lot of young fliers inspiration to be the best" He finished, than sat back down. "Feh, no Pegasus in their right mind would turn down the Bolts," His attempt seemed to fall on deaf ears. "Unless they think they are better. Don't try to foal me! I'm going to show you, and when I buck your ass in the games, than the Bolts will beg me to join them!" Gilda grabbed her, and started to drag her off. "Time for little ponies to sleep it off" Gilda turned to the two stallions. "Sorry guys. She is a mean drunk. Don't take it to heart Zero. Laters" "Wow... I had a crush on her for a long time. She is gonna have a mega hang over in the morning” He paused, looking at the bar top. “If she wants my place in the Bolts she is welcome to it" “I don't know,” Harmony started, think about the times he has talked to her. Not as often as Applejack, or some of Twilight’s other new friends. “She seemed easier to talk to when I saw her before. Must be the booze, why I like Mojitos. Light, and limy" Harmony said, finishing it off. Zero looks at his cola soft drink "I don’t drink alcohol, never liked it" "Me either, but this is so light. I just like the Lime" The other snickered a bit. “You are just too cute for words" He said, as he checked the time "It is getting late maybe we too should call it a night, seems all the fun has died down" "Yeah, big day coming" He hugged to the other. "Harm, I’m thinking of pulling out of the contest tomorrow." "You can't!” He panicked. “I think you'll enjoy it. What better way to work those wings out, than against some of the best in Equestria?" His motives were more than that, he knew the pegasus was shy, and needed more than other Air Force officers to hang out with. Zero showed what he had, could open some doors for him. Harmony loved attention and friendship, so it seemed perfect for him. The white pegasus was not so much the same in that attitude of "more the merrier" and wanted more to just have a few good friends, than too much attention. "That’s just it...if I do compete and would be something I don’t want" "What about the mares? Like Rarity?" Zero pauses, and thinking about her watching him after the little moment they had earlier. "Well... not sure" He tried to hide his smile. Harmony Winks. "You should do it, if not for me, for her. I bet she would love to do some special designs with the winner" Zero looked over to Harmony looking at him with a raised brow "The games are a big competition, how do you know I’m any good?" Harmony patted his friend on the back. "You got in today, out of countless others. I think you can do just as good as any other, if you try" He looks down sighing "They are all gonna expect the big hero to win....I just don’t want to upset everypony there...." "It's all for fun, after today's big announcement. All the players are gonna put their very best into this game, The Last Iron Pony Competition. Besides, been some time since that rescue. Can't pass up being in the last games, if not now, you will regret it later. If not being Luna's student, and cause of my trouble with my magick, I'd enter" "You think they would have forgotten about me, it would be nice to just walk into a room and not have anypony care who I was again" Zero was not so convinced. Harmony sighs, looking a bit beaten. "I can't make you, but I think it would be nice for you. Can stretch your wings and not have to worry, cause it's a competition. Push yourself against the best in Equestria" Zero looked at himself in the mirror behind the bar. He smiled and nodded "Ok I will do it, you will be there right?" "Of course, I wouldn't miss seeing you in action" He blushed at the comment "I will do my best" Harmony smiles and hugs to him, getting one back. After a couple moments letting the topic fall away, Harmony brought up one from a bit earlier. "I still think you have a good shot at Rarity" Despite his earlier self, he now seemed willing to set his friend up on a date. "She is a very goodhearted pony, might come off a bit into herself, but more to her than that" He giggled, and Nudged the other pony. "You'd be cute together" Zero looked at Harmony "How many of those have you had?" He pointed at the nearly empty glass. "Only one. Why? "Oh just wondering, you seem to keep wanting to hook me up with somepony" He laughed, causing the other to join him. *** Later on after talking to Applejack, whom of the girls, Harmony was closest to besides Twilight. Harmony knew just what spurred the anger in the blue Pegasus. Given the facts; of how she had pushed so hard to be in the Wonder Bolts, finding an easy way in. It was no wonder, given the chances Zero had, and passed it up. He shared the fact Zero was planning to back out, but Applejack stressed that it might do more harm than good. She knew Dash pretty well and when she had a challenge, she would not leave it be. He assured her that Zero would stay in, but he shared all this with the male pegasus any ways. Zero questioned himself, if he should give it his best or allow Dash to beat him. The morning of the Games, had the Wonder Bolts putting on the opening ceremonies. The contestants all stood in their groups, and Zero happened to be near Rainbow Dash. Close enough to see her reactions. When the Bolts first flew out, she looked almost like a filly. Getting excited, watching with foal eyes. She glanced over feeling the others gaze, and her expression turned neutral. She did not seem as mad as she was last night, but not very happy either. After the opening, and another speech by the Queen of the Day, the contests began. The first round of games as tradition had it, was the hurtle jumps. A game matched by the Pegasus with the Ring Track, and the Unicorns with the Target Maze. Since the pegasus rounds were not yet up, Zero made his way to the locker rooms to get ready. On his way, he was bumped by a fast talking white Earth stallion with a short mane, nearly as red as his own. "I must watch my trots, yes watch my trots. If I do not, I will get in an accident and my father would not like me getting in an accident, he would not AH!" He paused, and gave a bow. "Iappologiesandoffermybesttoyouinthegames" "Uh... Thank you. Good luck as well" Zero was a bit confused by the speed of his words, almost as if he was so rushed he could not even slow down to take normal breaths. He noticed the marking on the back of his uniform of his town Marefune, and the Cutie Mark on his arm; A yellow sharp looking number 5, with a red equally sharp looking M behind. He recalled that before, an Earth pony said to be the greatest racer and able to get out of even the tightest jams. "Mach 5" His name came after a moment. Not long after the other passed, another Earth pony came by and nodded at Zero. His face was covered in a dark mask, with goggles and an “X” above them. He wore a tight white suit for the games, but unlike all the others it only had an “M” Almost like Mach 5’s on the chest. He was a mysterious looking one, but Zero remembered hearing rumors about a “Shooting Star” who seemed to always show up around Mach 5, just when things seemed their worst. After the two strange encounters, Zero moved on and went to the locker to get into his own suit for the games. He decided to wear the colours of his Unit in the Air Force. He trotted his way to his locker opening up the door, finding inside a photo of his unit of pegasus with the words written "Good luck ZeroG!" He grew a little smile, as he started getting his cloths in order. Most the ponies used community locker rooms, Zero was a bit shy but he did not feel he was so special to need a private one. Though he nearly wished he had chosen one, when he was half way into dressing and spotted Rainbow Dash making her way toward him. He attempted to hide in his wings quickly getting into his suit, but the act failed. Dash grabbed his wing, and pulled it away to expose him. He yelped in surprise, and looked a bit shy. "Oh, that is studdly" She sarcastically said. "Look, I ain't here to fight or nothing. I'm..." she paused. "Sorry about the Pub last night" He looked at her oddly, not sure if she was being honest. A few rumors have gone around about her, and one was her unshakable mind. Once she was set on something, she did not take it back. "I get to be mean, as G told you. So yeah, best of luck and junk. No hard feelings?" She held out her fore hoof. Zero looked at it, and took a moment before gripping it in his. Once he did, she held tight, and leaned in. "I want a good run in these games, I remember you, the Pegasus with the large wings. Don't disappoint me. You think I'm a mean when drunk, you ain't seen me when I feel cheated" He wanted to fight her hold, but decided against it. "Don't hold nothing back either, cause I won't. When I win, and show the Wonder Bolts that I am better than you, I will be that much closer to my dream" "I would give you the offer if I could, I don't like attention and all-" She cut him off. "I really don't care. You will be my ticket in. I've started to like history and am doing better in collage, but if I can get out of school now and still have a shot at the Bolts, I'm gonna take it" She let him go, and stood back. She looked him over and smirked, than trotted off. He was not sure what her smile meant but it seemed to get to him a bit, with everything that had just happened and everything over the course of his life. "Ever pony wants to prove how good they are, or think beating me will make them some super star" He started to think. "It's either picking on me for my wings, or challenging me" A bit of him started to boil, having finally neared the end of a long fuse. "I will show her, and them all. Want to see what these freak wings can do?" He quickly put on his Iron Pony uniform, and headed out of the lockers, to do some warm up. He was a very cool headed stallion, and did not let much get to him or get mad easily, but now he was done sitting back being picked on.
DJ P0N-3,Original Character,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Music Shop
<p>Vinyl Scratch goes back through memory lane and visits some old friends.</p>
Vinyl walked into the dusty old music store, the broken bell over the doorway ringing with a dying persistence. The air suddenly became musty, filling the DJ’s nose too suddenly for her sinuses to handle. She sneezed, blowing clouds of dirt into the air. It hung in the air briefly, before adhering to her shades. The unicorn sighed. “I guess this place is still sticking to me.” Her horn illuminated the dark room as she lifted the glasses, perching them on top of her mane. She looked around, seeing piles of music books and instruments hanging on the walls. An old piano with chipped keys sat in the back of the room, with a faded sign declaring that customers should not play without permission. There was a wood table, grey with age, a cracked cello leaning against it and a lyre with broken strings on top of it. Shelves filled with starter books lined the left wall. Brass instruments sat in opened cases, only their top halves exposed to the decay of the years. A sad nostalgia filled her heart, bringing a tear to her eye and a smile to her face. Vinyl walked over to the front desk. There was an old earth pony sleeping, his pool of drool nearly surrounding his head. His mane was frizzled and pale, his fur grey and stringy. Vinyl reached over and tapped the desk bell, which let out a distinctive whine. The old pony moved his head upward slowly, the neck bones cracking loudly as he did. He squinted, but he didn’t need perfect eyesight to recognize the pony’s spiky blue mane. He coughed as he spoke in his deep voice; “Now there’s a filly I haven’t seen in a while.” The nag smiled, his cringing as he did the verification of his age. Vinyl patted the head of the elderly stallion, feeling cobwebs in his mane. “I’m no filly, Mr. Baritone Jones. I’m a grown up mare.” The old pony let out a weak laugh. “Nobody’s called me Baritone Jones in years. Not since we broke up the band.” There was sorrow in the pony’s blue eyes as he longed for his past years. Vinyl Scratch giggled as her old mentor reminisced about his youth. This elderly, frail shell of a pony taught her everything about music. Rhythm, melodies, harmonies, everything that Vinyl used when she got behind those turntables came from this pony, and it was more than she could ever repay. “Oh, you should have seen me back in those days. I was tearing up that dance floor with that Smith girl. The Twist, the Jitterbug, the Lindy Hop, we did them all. People were cheering out name every club we went to, saying, ‘Hey everyone, it’s good old Baritone Jones! Hey Barry, we got this funky new record for you and your girl! What do you mean, she’s out ‘applebuckin’?’ Oh Vivian, what I wouldn’t give to have those dancing days back.” “It’s Vinyl, Barry. Not Vivian,” the unicorn insisted. Baritone gave the mare a smirk. “It wasn’t always.” The two laughed; the kind of laugh only old friends could share. In those happy seconds, years flew by. Years of Vinyl coming in after school to a happy face and a world of sound. Years of her having jam sessions with the other girls, driving the neighbors insane. Years of their beautiful beats and millions of melodies filling the afternoon town. Those years were Vinyl’s fillyhood, and they were times she would treasure for her entire life. Barry removed his glasses, wiping them down with a dusty handkerchief. “I suppose you’re looking for the decks?” Vinyl frowned, water gathering in her eyes. “I wanted to play them one last time. I heard that the shop was…you know…” “Condemned?” Mr. Jones said, accepting the fate of his shop. The word brought a burning rage to Vinyl’s heart. How could they? How could they just tear down her memories? What gave them the right to destroy a part of her life? This shop was the only joy in her childhood. It was the only escape she had from her bullies. From her mother. From herself. Can they do this? No! No, they can’t. They won’t! I won’t let them tear down my shop!” Vinyl shouted, not realizing quite when her internal monologue turned into a fervent yell. Baritone could do nothing more than grin at her. “It’s my shop too, Vinyl.” The unicorn buried her head in Barry’s chest, her teardrops streaming through his grey hair. The old stallion sighed, patting Vinyl’s head. “Hey, now, watch where you stick that horn.” The young mare lifted her head, her spiky blue mane even messier than before. She sniffed and blinked, looking up at her teacher’s calm eyes. “You know where they are. Go let it out.” Vinyl let go of her old mentor, a stray drop hanging on to her chin. She forced a smile, nodding. Her legs felt weak as she stumbled toward the far left end of the shop. A black door stood there, scratched and worn. At about a filly’s height, there was an etching on the door. It read “DJ Pon-3’s booth” Vinyl had to bite her lip to stop her eyes from watering up more. This was it. She pushed the door open. The room was extremely well-kept, compared to the rest of the shop. It was the kind of perfect cleaning only Mr. Jones could do. The air became clear again. The carpet was its original tan instead of the dirty monotone of the rest of the shop. At the far end of the room was a shelf full of dusted gramophone records. In front of it sat two turntables and a microphone. Vinyl walked, her legs somehow strengthened by the sight of her first instrument. She stepped behind the decks, feeling the indents in the carpet where she always stood. She placed one hoof on the loaded disks, the using the other to adjust the sliders. She gave the records a spin, the whirring bringing a natural joy. This is where she belonged. It didn’t matter what the bullies said. What her mother said. What anypony said. These decks were her home. She lowered her glasses and sent energy through her horn, moving the stylus into position. Here we go. A steady bass beat came from the speakers, sending vibrations through her chest. Vinyl naturally began to bob her head. She moved one slider up, and melody came in. It was the sound of a beautiful lyre, playing in G major pentatonic scales up and down. Then high hat came, setting up offbeat eighth notes. She stopped her hooves, feeling dents on the wood below. She brought in snare, lighting up the rhythm. Then harmony; it was the sound of a powerful, deep cello singing out just below the lyre. Then cymbals came in, which crashed at the end of every measure. Her body rocked back and forth, the familiar beat shaking her entire body. The sound was overwhelming, ringing through the other instruments of the shop. The bodies of the guitars, the brass of the French horns, and the framework of the store itself shook to the beat of the music. And Vinyl just couldn’t get enough of it. This was it. This is how she discovered what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. This is the feeling she wanted every day of her life. Just stomping to the beat, blowing the music as loud as it would go, and making everypony in the area dance until they dropped from exhaustion was all she ever wanted. She wanted noise. Beautiful, harmonious, rocks-every-bone-in-your-body noise. Filling the shop, the town, the entire world. Just noise. After what felt like hours of music, DJ Pon-3 turned the volume down. She moved the sliders, and removed the stylus. The records stopped spinning. The speakers became silent. The store fell quiet. Vinyl patted the decks. One last session, just her and the tables, was like saying goodbye to an old friend. The decks were rooted to the shop; the construction workers would tear it down along with the rest of the shop. Leaving now was like leaving her childhood behind, saying farewell to everything that kept her happy in those early years. But it was time. She was a full grown mare now. Mr. Jones grinned at her as she walked out of the room. He coughed, a spurt of blood flying with it. The carpet all around him was damp with red. His knees were shaky, and his wheezes became faster every second. The old stallion had been dancing, and it had cost him the only thing he had left to pay. “Well, then?” he asked. Vinyl felt like she would start crying again. But no. No more tears. Not tonight. “Yeah. I just needed to I let it out.” The teacher and the student embraced. One shaky with sorrow, the other with death. Tears and blood went down Vinyl’s bleached-white back, Barry’s handkerchief just barely able to wipe them down. “I don’t have much longer, Vinyl,” the old pony whispered, starting to lie down. “Should I-” “Don’t call the hospital. I want to make sure I die with my shop.” Vinyl could do nothing more than grin at him. He had gotten what he wanted: one last dance. One last song. One last visit from his greatest success. “Goodbye, Mr. Jones,” she whispered, letting go of her old friend. “Goodbye, Vinyl Scratch.” The stallion was curled up, pale and cold, but smiling. The unicorn stood up, struggling not to drop a tear as she tried to remember the mortuary’s address. As sad as she was, this is what she needed. She needed to say goodbye to her past. She needed to set it free, so she could be free as well. Vinyl Scratch walked out of the music shop. It was time to grow up.
Adventure,Alternate Universe,Crossover
Mortal Stallions
What is a world like when cities move on treads and eat eachother for resources?
<p>A great Traction City begins the chase with a smaller one, eager at the chance of fueling its starving engines. Resources on the Great Hunting Ground that once was Equestria have grown so scarce that mobile cities have begun to devour each other for much-needed supplies to survive, a practice known as Municipal Darwinism.<br />William, a unicorn and apprentice navigator, is tasked with discovering the motives of an approaching city to save his own. However, when a mysterious Sarah causes their airship to crash, Will and Sarah find themselves alone in the Out Country. As they trek back to the city, the sinister plans of Trottingham&#39;s leaders begins to unfold&#8230;<br /><br />Artwork by Christian Bravery<br />Mortal Engines written by Philip Reeve</p>
PART ONE 1 - The Great Hunting Ground IT WAS A DARK rainy evening in spring, the city of Trottingham was traveling along the edges of a mountain seeking a trade cluster beyond. In previous years Trottingham would have laughed at such an idea, for trading clusters are easy prey to catch. Going after them was much less entertaining than crossing Equestria for richer cities; everypony enjoyed the ventures to the Frozen North and the battles in the Capital Valley to the west. But the times were dragging on, and prey was getting scarce. Reports of traitor cities were making headlines all across Equestria, and Trottingham could feel hungry eyes watching it from the shadows, which quickly got the city to go into hiding. For ten years it had been hiding, crawling through the far eastern Rustwater Marsh and venturing around the neighboring mountains. Trottingham, a city that once proudly showcased its riches and capabilities, was now in the corner of the world where nothing would find it. For ten years it had eaten tiny static towns and even itself to survive, sacrificing many beautiful parks and grande monuments to keep the treads moving. However, Trottingham excelled in technology, greatly improving its strength and agility. The lord mayor had been pleased at the recent breakthroughs, so much so that he commenced the reconstruction of the Observatory on the top tier. In addition, he had the navigators plot a safe route to a trading cluster a few thousand kilometers due west. Lord Mayor Magnus Crome - a short, plump, grey stallion with a short black mane and matching tail - realized the importance of the day. Ever since the Big Tilt, he had wanted to avenge his poor town. He had finally hit his goal: Trottingham was never stronger, even if it didn't look so. The city had grown to five tiers in the style of a wedding cake; maybe not the most appealing tiers with dead gardens and ruined waterfalls dotting the streets, but any smaller city would fear its size. The lower tiers had been covered with scrap metal armor which covered everything down to the cities jaw. This "jaw" was actually a jagged hole that had been torn apart for spare parts. This opening was surrounded by the equally rusted and worn caterpillar treads that kept the city aloft. Even though it looked horrid, Magnus Crome was sure it was twice the city it was ten years earlier. The Navigators were plotting the course and the Engineers were working to keep the city moving. Crome was finally pleased with the mechanics of his city. He paused at the though. Was it really his city? Did he own the mechanical miracle, or did he simply light the path for the ponies who lived on it? Of course he owned Trottingham! He had achieved things the old mayor wouldn't even think of. Before Magnus Crome took the wheel, Trottingham was a petty merchant city roaming Equestria. It was Crome who had built its frightening reputation and had rebuilt itself as a city worthy of any challenge. If Trottingham wasn't Lord Mayor Magnus Crome's city, it wasn't anyponies. Content with the answer, the mayor turned and walked off towards the old academy. Trottingham looked like it had a hard time surviving the ten years of isolation. Static towns and tiny traction villages hardly did anything. By the latter years of the decade, the mayor had ordered parts of the city to be turned into fuel. Empty homes, trees and bushes from parks, old airships, and - thanks to the Engineering Committee - even trash had been salvaged to keep Trottingham big and mobile. Trottingham was sluggish and rusty in its movements. Even still, it was a surprise to see a city following from the western horizon. The city was dark at first, but as the sun rose, it revealed a glimmering black traction city matching the size of Trottingham. Panic began to start as the predator picked up speed and the dots that were airships took flight. William felt the deck plates of the old Navigators Academy start to shake. The colt recognized the familiar feeling of Trottingham's engines picking up speed. He had lived on the city since birth, and he knew every sound and movement the machinery could make. Judging the vibrations, William could tell the city was picking up a lot of speed; such speed could mean only one thing: there was a city nearby. William wasn't the only one who came to that conclusion; the lecture hall burst into discussion. The entirety of the Navigators Committee - save the pair directing Trottingham - had been gathered in the lecture hall to assist in forming the path to get the traction city safely to the Trade Cluster due North-East. The Navigator Head and Officials occupied the central platform while the surrounding seats were half-full with the Apprentice Navigators, all of them voicing their thoughts on the sudden increase in speed. "Hey Lightning, I hope the Mayor doesn't change plans because of a city. I'd hate to have wasted four hours of sleep of nothing." A pony close to William spoke to a friend. "Like hay he would, Derek! My dad says the Mayor wouldn't change direction even if the anti-tractionists walled us off. In fact, I think the Officials are discussing how to get through them right now." Lightning replied. "Don't you think they'd just get Will. With his unicorn magic, he could take down any size of a city." He pointed at William who had sat at the rear of the room, alone. "Magic!" A nearby pony broke in. "Don't be stupid. Remember the stories about the last time unicorns cast spells? I'd rather live to become an airship pilot." "How did I forget?" Lightning recalled, "We wouldn't want a unicorn destroying the world again." The trio glared at William who tried hiding behind the desk. The room was full of ponies; they were all identical in most ways. They all wore the Navigator's uniform of a navy-blue jacket with golden outlines along the seams that extended the length of their body. The wearers dutie mark was left uncovered by the uniform: all Navigators bore a 'white six-pointed star in a full black circle within a navy blue diamond' icon on their flank. The Historian Committee says that dutie marks used to portray one's special talent in life, but, whether or not it was true, they were now used to denote which social department one belonged to. And, even though William wore the jacket and bore the Navigator's dutie mark, he did not feel like one: he was a unicorn. William hated unicorns. It wasn't because he always got picked on for being one, nor was it because unicorns somehow became the blame for everything bad since his ancestors cast that bad spell. It was because he was the only living one he knew. His parents died when sky pirates collapsed an upper tier of the city, an event known as the Big Tilt, and he hadn't known of any others. He faced dozens earth ponies and pegasus daily. The earth ponies occupied eighty percent of the cities population and committees, the pegasus were traveling merchants or mailmares. Never had William come across another unicorn; he was alone against a world that hated him. "Hold up guys. That was no simple spell that destroyed the world." A different pony spoke up this time. The dark pule pony, known as Night Star, was the closest pony William had to a friend. "Don't you think it'd be unfair if I blamed you for trapping us on moving cities?" "You're starting to sound like one of the anti-tractionists. What's wrong with traction cities?" Lightning sneered. "I just prefer to live on solid ground and be able to get fresh food. Scrap plates and canned food is not what I want to live off of forever." "She is an anti-tractionist!" Gasped Lightning. "I better go tell the mayor." Derek said with heavy sarcasm. But when Derek abruptly stood up, he caught the attention of everypony in the room, even the Head Navigator on the central platform below. William didn't think it could get worse, knowing that everypony would assume it was his fault (whatever 'it' was), but he was frightened when the Mayor walked into the room. The short, plump, grey stallion noticed all the staring almost immediately. "Am I interrupting something, Sid?" Mayor Magnus Crome asked the Head Navigator with his usual deep, stern voice. "Not at all, Mayor." Was the dry reply. Taking the hint, Derek instantly sat himself down. Not many of the elder Navigators were happy with the Lord Mayor. For ten years he had them navigate rough cliff-sides or wander the treacherous Rustwater Marsh; a marsh that had trapped enough cities to turn the water a rustic orange. Before then, Trottingham was well traveled, often going up to the Icy North, or treading close to the anti-tractionist's Shield Wall to the far East. The Navigators missed the adventure. "Good. I have brought some news for the class." He announced, and without asking, spoke his piece, "As you have no doubt heard, my city of Trottingham has already garnered a predator city. Coming from the Western horizon, the city appears to be identical in size. I have decided to send a small scouting party to find out the motives of this predator before we exchange fire." The Apprentice Navigators stirred up a commotion. William knew that the Lord Mayor would only come to tell the Navigators this news in person if he needed to hire one of them. The Lord Mayor cleared his throat, instantly quieting the room. "I have need of one of the Apprentices, the rest will be needed to continue to plot a course. Not only will this serve as a promotion, but it will also serve as a final piloting test. I assume you all wish to finally receive such an honour." Commotion broke out once more, but was quickly quietened. "However, I already have the pony worthy of the task." The Mayor walked to the bottom of the platform and removed his pair of glasses and wiped them on his shirt. The room remained in silence; everypony anxiously awaiting the lucky pony. "The pony I have picked to join Valerian in this scouting is William." One of the Officials approached William. The face he wore was concerning, his tone no better. "William?" He hardly waited for a response, "Mr. Valerian would like to see you."
Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Ultimate Mare
<p>[Crossover with Ultraman] Darkness has returned to the land of Equestria. A hero comes from another planet. Will Friendship over come this problem once more.</p>
The Ultimate Mare chapter 1. --------- “What do you mean by that??” “Its exactly what it means!!” “But I’m the Strongest on this planet!! Second only to you, Zero!” “No!!! You are the weakest amongst us!!” “The Weakest!! I’ll SHOW YOU THE WEAKEST!!” “Bring it! Kizuna!” The two heroes of light began to clash with one another. --------Intro song: Take Me Higher *English version* The small little unicorn let out the largest yawn. Looking about the room the purple little filly started to smack her lips, the sun’s rays began to flood through the window of her tree home. She looked over and saw that her little protégé was still sound asleep, bundled in his blanket. It was okay with her, after the long night they had, he deserved it. It started a week ago. While during her magical routine, the Princess of the moon, Luna, discovered oddities with the stars as she made her way across the sky. Upon hearing about this Princess Celestia was dumbfounded. Never once in her life time, and being near immortal at that, had she heard of such things about the other “suns“. According to her younger sister the stars in the sky began moving around, many of them coming closer to one another. Like scared animals. The eldest sister began research on the very matter at hand. Being the Sun Princess’ faithful student, letting her know of the situation and allowing her to assist in the research was such an easy task. Over the past few days Twilight Sparkle had spent the most of her time in trying to help her teacher into figuring what is going on with the stars. She was even allowed access to the royal archives. Poor Spike, each and every night the baby dragon stood up with her to try and aid her. Though she would always find the small creature asleep within the first few hours, she was happy that he would try his hardest. She smiled, her eyes followed the shadow on the ground to the window. “Oh no! Its already noon!” Seeing the Princess’ sun so high up, she realized that the library should of already been open. Twilight had no more time to lounge around, she quickly hopped out of her bed. She hoofed it down the stairs, mess and all. She was shocked at what she found, as she made it to the open doors. “Please, do be careful!” A white coated pony lead one of the ponies out of the store, apparently one of the customers. “Also do not forget, to have it back by the due date!” The white unicorn smiled, the earth pony nodded as he left the tree with the book. The female unicorn turned as her magic shut the door, her eyes caught a glimpse of the purple pony. The purple haired unicorn gave a warm smile. “Good morning, Twilight Sparkle!” The diamond marked pony greeted as she started gracefully walking toward her friend. “Oh! Um, good morning Rarity!” The purple unicorn finally said, realizing the surprising visitor in her tree house. “Not to sound rude, or anything, but what are you doing here?” She asked as she made her way to the kitchen. “It is of no big deal, Twilight!” Rarity said following her other unicorn friend. “Poor spike came to me the other day.” She watched as the star marked pony began to fix her something to her up. “He told me that you had been keeping yourself up most of the night, with your important study.” “Really?” Twilight questioned as she fixed herself something hot to drink. “Why yes!” Rarity exclaimed. “He asked me that because he wouldn’t be able to keep up with you, if that I would come in and look after the library until you awake.” She continued watching Twilight coming to the table with her drink. “He told me if I did this, that he would come with me to gather jewels for my designs next time. For free.” “Wow, I really owe Spike big time for this!” Twilight smiled looking at the door that leads to where the sleeping baby dragon was sleeping. “Thanks, Rarity.” the purple pony smiled. “Do not worry about it, Darling!” The diamond marked unicorn smiled. “I would of done it for free, if asked.” “Thanks.” “Doesn’t mean I won’t take Spike on his offer.” The white unicorn grinned, you could almost see the diamonds in her eyes. The purple unicorn just smiled, seeing her usual holder of the element of generosity. “Now if you do not mind dear, I do need to get back to my own boutique.” The diamond friend said, following the other unicorn out of the kitchen. “Of course.” Twilight smiled, leading her friend to the front on her home. “Thank you for your help today!” Opening the door to see the white unicorn out. “It is of no problem.” Rarity smiled making her way out of the door. “But Twilight dear,” said turning back to her friend. “If you need any kind of help, please just ask. Just try not to overdo it.” she said with a friendly smile. “Thanks. Will do Rarity.” Twilight smiled at the pony in front of her. They exchanged final words between one another, before the white pony made her leave. The purple pony used her magic to shut the door behind herself. The star marked pony looked about the library. Seeing that she was the only one in the mane room for the moment, she released a large yawn as her body tried to throw away the tiredness. Her noise echoed through the tree, but the dragon upstairs was still sound asleep. “Alright, its time to get started.” with that said, she went over to the book she was reading the night before. ==== Celestia was there in her throne, with unmoving motion. Her eyes were closed, her mind was no longer of Equestria. In this position she could see all in her land, nothing was out of her sight. She even saw that her faithful student, after her long night, had already awoken and started studying once more. At this moment, The sun’s eyes and the princess’ eyes were one and the same like her sister and the moon. Anything that the light touched she could see, their was nothing in the world she couldn’t lay her eyes upon during the day. All of the pony of Equestria was under her gaze, nothing could escape her mind sight. But at this time, her eyes are not meant to be checking in on her ponies. Her mind eyes were looking into the other direction, away from Equestria. The sun’s eyes were focused toward the light of the other suns that were far away. Luna’s last sight got her worried, the other “suns” odd abnormalities, began to get to her. Her eyes have been staring for the past hours. She was determined to use all her hours to find out what was going to happen. She continued to take in every detail of the endless darkness. ==== “Why, Howdy there Sugar cube!” The hat wearer called out to her pony friend. “Whatcha doin out here for?” she questioned as her star marked friend made her way toward her apple booth. “Hey there Applejack!” The unicorn walked up to the fellow earth pony. “I was just coming out so that I could get a bite to eat.” as if on queue a large growl began to echo out of her stomach. Twilight gave a large smile, hoping her friend would forgive such a noise. A few hours had gone by since she woke up, she left Spike in charge so she could get something to eat. Also, secretly, something for Spike as a thank you present. “Wow, you sure do sound mighty hungry.” Applejack returned with an ‘awkward moment’ smile. “I know what you need,” bending behind her cart. “This will fill yawl up.” the apple marked pony placed a large, shiny, juicy looking apple. “And of course its free on the barn.” “Thanks AJ,” Still a little embarrassed over her uncalled-for noise. The apple sure did look delicious. She reached down to take a bite out of the big juicy orb. Twilight’s teeth started to rattle, her body lurched backwards. The wind came out of nowhere, the earth pony having to keep hold of her hat to make sure it didn’t blow away. Everything began to calm down, everything settling into place just as it started. “Hey Twilight, Hey Applejack.” The rainbow haired pony said, her wings flapping in the air. A huge grin was plastered on her face at what she did, rubbing the apple in her hoof against her chest. “Oh, hey Rainbow Dash,” The star marked pony said, a little disappointed. She couldn’t help but feel more hungry as she looked at the spot that once held her lunch. “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack said bending back under the table. “I hope yawl be planning to pay for that apple.” the orange pony said placing another apple for her hungry unicorn friend. “Aw, come on Applejack. Could I please just have this one on the house.” The blue Pegasi gave her friend a big smile. Applejack’s face was unmoving, her decision was final. “Fine.” Rainbow Dash huffed, the sound of bits hitting the table sealing the transaction. “Thank you kindly, Dash!” Thanked the hat wearing pony putting away the recently earned money. “Lets try this again” she said turning to her star marked friend. “Here you go Twilight.” Applejack moved the apple to her friend. “Thanks,” Twilight nodded, never one to turn down her friend’s offer. Closing her eyes, she bit down onto it, hoping to savor every bit that would soon enter her hollow gullet. Something was off on the apple. “Hey Twilight!” The purple unicorn eyes snapped open. Her eyes were welcomed by another pair of eyes that had big grin plastered across her face. She looked down to see that her mouth had latched itself onto the pink pony’s snout. “Um, hey there Pinkie,” Twilight nervously said, removing her teeth from her friend’s nose. “Um, How long have you been there?” “Oh silly Twilight, I’ve been here the whole time.” She said, watching her friend with just the huge smile. “Um, really?” Twilight gave her a very confused look, which the pink earth pony just stood there unaffected. The unicorn looked over at the apple farmer for some answers. AJ stood there, being dumbfounded as her on how the heck she got there. “Well okay then. If you don’t mind, I have…” “mmm, Applejack this is really delicious.” The two ponies looked at the random party pony. Pinkie Pie was just eating away. Twilight was sadden as she looked around the pink pony, it was what she was expected. AJ was dumbfounded seeing that the apple she placed for Twilight was missing and replaced with bits. “Well That’s okay Sugar Cube,” The blond pony said, coming back to her senses, once more bending behind her family’s booth. “Third times a charm.” Applejack placed another apple for her friend. The purple unicorn did not react right away. She looked at her sides to see both of her friends, that were busy away eating the apples that were meant for her. They had two other friends that were left, but those friends wouldn’t take her apple away from her. With a smile Twilight went to take a bite of her apple. “Twitch - a - Twitch!” Twilight heard her pink friend, but she didn’t care what was going to happen. She would let any frog hit her, she would let gummy bite her all day, she would even let Ditzy Doo drop luggage on her. All the pony wanted right now was to eat. The ground began to quake. === Princes Celestia’s eyes snapped open from the quake. Whatever hit Equestria, it was blind to even her mind’s eyes. The sun’s light couldn’t lay its sight on whatever it was. As if the light itself was trying to keep it out of its sight. “Princess Celestia what do you wish for us to do” one of her guards came in, no doubt in his mind that she knows what had just happened. Celestia looked outside, seeing the smoke coming from the impact. “Please go out with your men and check the situation.” “Yes, Princess” the armored pony said, leaving her majesty as he did as he was told. The royal pony sat at her throne, there was something else she just couldn’t put her hoof on it. Celestia felt like their was something else to be seen. She closed her physical eyes. === “Well this sure is a fine mess,” The apple marked pony looked about seeing her cart fallen over, all of its contents spilled out on the ground. “Hey you alright Twilight!” looking down at her friend. “Yeah, I’m alright,” The purple unicorn said, nearly in tears. She laid there on her stomach, looking at what could have been. The apple she was going to eat had fallen into a mud puddle. “That Was Fun!” Pinkie pie’s body started to settle from bouncing during the quake. Everypony just rolled their eyes at the crazy pony. “Oh my gosh, is everypony okay!” they turned to see a diamond marked pony running towards them. “Hey there Rarity.” flapping her wings, the rainbow Pegasi obviously unaffected from the shock/ “What do you guys think that was all about?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking in the direction of the black lifting smoke. Just beyond the Everfree Forest. “I don’ know, but…” AJ wasn’t able to finish her line as the wind blew again. All ponies in ponyville looked into the sky, at a great speed a group of white armored colts were heading towards the mountain. “Princess Celestia’s guards!!” it hit Twilight in that instance. “Everypony, I will be right back.” she decided to ignore her stomach, this was a serious situation. She started heading towards the commotion. “Hold on right this minute, Twilight Sparkle!” The purple unicorn stopped in her tracks, turning her head to the other horned pony. “What did I tell you this morning?” Rarity said coming closer. “Ah, Rarity!” Twilight began to recall on their earlier conversation. The purple pony was brought back to the real world, as she felt the nuzzling of her friend. “If you need any kind of help, please just ask. Don’t over do it!” The white unicorn said, pulling her face away from the star marked pony. “Right, Sorry.” Twilight apologized. As if on queue her other pony friends were standing behind Rarity, ready to go with her. “Thanks everyone.” she said turning around to face the mountain. “Aw man!” everypony turned to look at the rainbow haired friend. “Fluttershy!” She said out loud, almost forgetting their last friend. “Look. I’m going to go see if Fluttershy is alright, and we’ll meet up with you ponies later.” “Right,” Twilight smiled. “We will meet up with you two then.” “Right, Be back ten seconds flat!” with a “Rodger” motion, Rainbow Dash disappeared in a rainbow flash. The rest of the ponies headed to the mountain. === “Oh, no! Please come back!” The yellow Pegasi was trying to keep her animals under control. The quake had awaken all of her patients, all of them started to make a ruckus out of confusion. “Please, calm down everyone!” The butterfly marked pony said, trying her best not to step on the little critters on the floor. “FLUTTERSHY!” the shy little pony hit the ceiling from the unexpected noise. As she calmed down she looked towards the door to her little cottage. Standing there was her friend from the clouds. “Um, hey Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy said, her heart was beating a little faster, but it was tolerable. Her focus on her friend was cut short as she saw one of her patients trying to make a run for the door. The yellow Pegasi use all of her strength to lunge herself forward to not let the little animal get hurt. She fell near the blue pony’s feet. “Um, You need help Fluttershy.” The rainbow marked pony asked, looking down at her friend. The other pony lifted her head to look at her friend, the little mouse dangling gently in her teeth. Fluttershy could only give a shy filled nod at her embarrassing position. --- “Thank you, Dash!” the two Pegasus finished getting the animals back to bed. Many had already fallen asleep, after spending what little energy they had. Some were still active, but enough for Fluttershy wouldn’t have to worry. “Its no problem Fluttershy!” Rainbow smiled at her long friend. Then her eyes snapped as she remembered what she was suppose to do. “Fluttershy, we have to get going!” She said, realizing that she was already late to her promised time. “We need to meet the others.” “I’m, ..uh, sorry Dash.” The yellow Pegasi denied her friend. “But I need to stay here, in case these little critters need some help.” she began to make sure her animals had no injuries on them. “Aw, man.” Rainbow Dash face hoofed, she saw this reply coming from a mile away. She already said she and Fluttershy were going to meet the others. She needed to figure out a way to get the yellow Pegasi to come with. The rainbow marked pony knew of a way. “Wait!” Rainbow Dash said aloud, causing the shy pony to jump. “What if the animals outside needs your help.” she watched the yellow Pegasi began to take that in. It didn’t take long to decide. “Um… Alright.” Fluttershy remembered she had a responsibility to all animals in Equestria. “Angel!” she said, turning to the rabbit that was eating a carrot. “Would you mind look after everything here for a bit.” The rabbit sat up, for a moment just stared at the two ponies with a grouchy expression. After a second the rabbit nodded as he went back to his carrot. The two Pegasus were off. === The four ponies had made it to the mountain. They followed the air borne guards, so that they made it to an estimated location so they could begin their own investigations. “Oh my, Why does it always have to be such dirty places.” Rarity said, investigating every spot so that she didn’t get her mane dirty. “Why can’t anything happen in a nice clean place.” she said looking at a mossy rock, that turned out to have eyes. “Would yawl stop being such a little filly?” The blond pony said, tracking her hoofs through another mud pile. “I mean, not even…” “What are you trying to say Applejack?!” the white unicorn stopping in her tracks, staring right at her friend. The two ponies began to bicker with one another. “Will you two please be quiet.” the two ponies did as they were told, falling silent. Twilight was using her horn to locate anything out of place on both a physical plain and a magical one. She needed peace and quiet, and her friends weren’t helping with this. “I think I got something.” she said, something coming into her mind’s eye. That was until it hit her. “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!!” Twilight picked herself up, she lost her magic connection. She and the other two just watched the pink pony bounce around them. “I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait. Its going to be so cool!” Pinkie Pie continued, with a huge grin on her face. “Now, what in tar nation?” “Pinkie whats going to happen?” Twilight asked, worried because of what happened the last time Pinkie was expecting something. Pinkie Pie fell onto her flank, everypony just watched her as she gave an “ooo” face. “I have no idea!” all ponies sighed and face hoofed, at the random party pony. “Hey guys!” in a flashy blur a blue Pegasus pony arrived, making her grand appearance. “Looks like we got here right on time!” she said seeing everypony’s face hoof. “Welcome back, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight smiled, looking away from the “ooo”ing pony. “Wait, ‘We’?” she asked, all of them with a confusing look. “What do you guys mean?” the blue Pegasi asked, just flapping above them. “I went to get Fluttershy, remember--” She turned to show them, but her facial expression was blank. Her yellow friend was not with her. “HERE IT COMES!” everypony turned to look at the pink pony. Pinkie Pie was just a “Twitch - a - Twitch”-ing, bouncing around them. A flash of light came from the sky. === “Are you okay little one.” Fluttershy said, helping a young deer that had fallen. The yellow Pegasi had broken herself away from Rainbow Dash to help the poor little critter. The shy little pony was already making her way to another animal. “Are you poor little creatures okay?” she said, nuzzling the small ferrets that had curled up in fear. “Hush now! Its alright!” she said in a sweet tone, the ferrets began to uncoiling themselves. “Alright, go to your family little guys.” She smiled, the little animals reached up giving her a little lick, before running off into the forest. The yellow pony smiled, but noticed that her shadow began to grow around her. Turning around quickly, what she saw caused her to let out a yelp. Some form of what looked like a comet was coming in her direction. The comet it self was interesting in that she could see right through it. Fluttershy’s flight response began to kick in, she didn’t need to be told once that it was going to be dangerous here. With her wings out she began to fly out of the area. Something stopped her in mid-flight. The sounds of little chirps caught her yellow ears. Her pink hair was thrown around as she tried to search for the source of the sound. She looked down to see what she feared. In the path of the “comet” a nest was laying there, several little baby birds crying out for someone to help them. Fluttershy didn’t even think about it. She was a pony that was suppose to help out all animals of Equestria. Her body lurched itself quickly down to the surface, she was not as fast as Rainbow but she was quick none the less, in this kind of situation. As she touchdown she quickly picked up the nest in her hooves. She looked back to see the oncoming comet. It was too late, she wouldn’t be fast enough. If she were like Rainbow Dash she would have been gone already. The light was etching closer to the ground. The yellow Pegasi did the only thing she could do. She placed the nest on the ground, as she tried to cover it with her own body. Her wings spread out to give what little protection to the birds she could offer. She could feel the light flood all around her. All she could do was let out a large scream as her body tensed trying to protect the baby birds. To her it felt like time froze forever in that flash of light. After that there was nothing. === Celestia’s eyes flashed open, sweat dripping down her face. Whatever the second thing was she didn’t see until its light reached the ground. Unlike the other object, this Light had blended into her sun’s light, causing her to not see it. All she could do was watch what had happen. She looked out side the window of her thrown, the last image still lingering in her mind. The light, as it appeared, disappeared. The only thing that was in the area was a small nest of birds, each one unharmed, all just chirping away happily. Celestia felt her hooves, as she placed her head down. Her faithful student’s, Twilight Sparkle, friend had disappeared from her vision.
Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Ultimate Mare
<p>[Crossover with Ultraman] Darkness has returned to the land of Equestria. A hero comes from another planet. Will Friendship over come this problem once more.</p>
The Ultimate Mare: chapter 2 === Light began to flood her vision as her eyes began to open up. Her body was unmoving. She had no feeling in her body, the only kind of sense close to feeling was that her body was laying against something. Something that was hard, yet soft. Fluttershy’s vision finally came into focus. Though as soon as it did, she wished it didn’t return. With out the control of her body, the butterfly marked pony could only lay there as a blinding light stung every little feeling she had remaining. It took over her vision, she could feel tears drift down her face. Something else began to come into her vision. A very large figure was standing there, the figure’s face could not be made out by the light emitting from behind him. Fluttershy felt like she should be scared out of mind at this sight, but there was another part that said it was okay. The large figure was holding her in its hand, she felt some sort of comfort in this position. She began to wonder if this was how those little critters felt when she rocked them to sleep. The yellow pony wished she had enough energy just to let out a small smile. A second large hand hovered over her tiny body. The figure in front of her disappeared, as her vision returned to nothing. === The sounds of birds in the morning brought her from slumber. Fluttershy’s eyes gradually opened as she awoke. Lifting her body into a sitting position her eyes were greeted by the sight of her birds on her bed stand just singing their song. A smile spread over her face as she tried to remember her dream. She couldn’t remember her dream, she sat there confused. The Pegasi tried to rack her brain, but she couldn’t make out an image. Though she couldn’t remember, but she felt like she should be happy. The butterfly mark pony let a smile on her face. She turned her head around to see the sun shining into her room, it was a beautiful start to this day. “I said GET BACK HERE!!” the yellow pony jumped at the sound of a large crash from the main room. The shy Pegasi froze there in place, every possible situation went through her mind. She was trying to decide whether to jump out the window or hide under her bed. She was scared. “Its all okay…” The butterfly-marked pony’s mind began to wonder. Where had that voice came from? It was a stranger to her, but yet familiar. It was very soothing, like in away her mother use to calm her down when she was younger. It was a warm voice. Before she even realized it, her body had already moved from her pallet. She was heading to the door, Fluttershy’s heart began to pound as she reached out. “Um… I-is somepony there?” The shy pony leaned her head through the door, the sound of another large crash echoed In the room. “Oh! Fluttershy!” The yellow Pegasus’ eyes began to travel as she opened the door further to the familiar voice. A purple baby dragon was standing over one of her sleeping patients, a very disgruntled rabbit has being held upside down in the dragon’s hand. The dragon had a huge grin on his face. “Um… hello there, Spike.” Fluttershy sighed seeing that it was just a friend, completely ignoring Angel Bunny kicking the young dragon with its one free paw. “Not to be mean by asking, but what are you doing here?” she asked, with a confidence look. “I-if you don’t mind, th-that is.” she quickly returned to her normal posture, hoping not to not offend her friend. “Its…ow… one sec.” after a failed attempt at recapturing the rabbit, the young creature gave up and returned its attention to the yellow Pegasi. “You’ve been out for a few days, and today is our day to look after your animals for you.” he leapt once more, attempting to grab that stupid rabbit. He failed. “Out? A few Days? Our?” Fluttershy asked with a confusing expression. She jumped as another crashing sound came from the kitchen. She turned her head in time to see the door swing open. The yellow Pegasi jumped as the door slammed against the wall. “Dagnabbit!” a hat wearing pony hit the floor hard with a thud, another mouse just escaping her hooves. “Ah’ve wrestled me many gators, Hog tied a bull, and bested Big Mac.” the apple-marked pony said, her expression sadden. “Why can’t Ah catch not even one of you little…” The blond mane pony eyes widen as she saw the figure of somepony standing in front of her. A smile grew across farm pony’s face. “Do you need any help Applejack?” the yellow Pegasi stood over her defeated apple bucking friend, the mouse was sitting all nestled in her pink hair. “SUGARCUBE!!” Applejack latched onto her friend, hooves wrapping around the sky pony’s neck. The orange pony started to nuzzle against her friend’s neck. Her eyes snapped up so that she could give a glare to the varmint that was just causing her problems. The mouse was just smiling at her. “U-um, Applejack??” “Right!” The hat wearing pony removed herself off of her friend. “Sorry ‘bout that there, Fluttershy.” AJ said, trying to regain her posture in front of her friend. “What is going on?” Fluttershy asked, looking back between her two friends. “You’ve been out cold for the past few days Fluttershy.” answered the purple dragon. “What?” Fluttershy squeaked. “Yawl been out cold since we found yawl.” Applejack continued. The apple bucker told her friend they had spent hours looking for her in the mountains after her separation from Rainbow Dash. It was surprising that they found her dead to the world just on the outskirts of Ponyville that night. The five of them had brought her back home. “Really!!” Fluttershy shocked at this new revelation. She began to look around, she was worried about the animals. “We’ve all been taking turns taking looking after your little critters these past few days.” The apple farmer could see the worry in the shy little pony‘s eyes. Fluttershy looked back at her with a soft smile on her face. “Of course, one of us couldn’t even handle the forest animals…” spoke up Spike, a grin started spreading across his face of scales. “Its not MY fault!!” The blond pony defended. “Its…Its, Its those pesky varmints.” Applejack tried to excuse herself. The truth was, for whatever reasons, Fluttershy’s animals didn’t seem to like her. She may have been good with her farm animals, but these little critters was a totally different story. “Thanks!” Fluttershy gave her friend a soft smile. It made her feel good that her friends would make time in their busy schedule just to help her out. “Its no pro--” A rumbling sound interrupted the conversation, the sound began to echo throughout the ground home. Spike burst into a laughing fit. The yellow Pegasi lowered her head down, a shade of red began to spread across her face. Thinking of her friends taking care of her animals made her remember she’s been out for days, remembering that made her remember she hadn’t eaten in those days. She was hungry, very hungry. Applejack let out a soft laugh under her breath. “That’s okay Sugar cube!” She nuzzled against the pink haired, deep red faced, pony. “How about ah treat y‘all! As a good morning breakfast.” She smiled down at her friend. “Th-Thanks!” Fluttershy’s stomach let out a large growl in acceptance. The two ponies and the baby dragon made their way outside the morning light shining brightly. It was a nice day. Something in that light was there, just watching. === The princess sighed, the pony had awaken. She awoke that day to find that the pony that disappeared from her sight was in her cottage. According to Twilight Sparkle’s report, she and her other friends found her out cold during the night in Ponyville. The Princess of the sun would of said something, but she feared that she would cause unneeded worry. During these past few days Celestia had been using her mind’s eyes too look after her little pony. It had kept a heavy strain on her body, physical body and her mind’s body. Now the small pony was awake, her heart was at ease. She would of question the pony on the situation, but the princess figured she wouldn’t remember of anything The white Alicorn smiled. The Pegasi will be okay, she was with friends now. Now the Princess needed to rest, the strain of the past few days were taking its turn. She closed her eyes hoping to rest. She had an important meeting coming up. === Bl-blurp! Blurp! It was spreading, whatever it was. It was some kind of puddle, but yet like a lake. Bl-blurp! It was crawling, making its way through the mountains. It was heading towards the dark forest. Looking into the “puddle“, it was very deep. Bubbles from wherever are coming to the surface. It was an empty blackness. It was looking for something. A large scaly creature began to walk towards it. The large dragon was in a need to quench his thirst. === “Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh!!” The Pegasi flew through the air, giddy as a little school girl. “I can’t wait!” She exclaimed, clutching the piece of paper to her chest. “Oh Dear Rainbow Dash! Whats gotten into you this morning!” The Pineville’s dress designer was taking a stroll when she noticed her friend was a little more active then usual. “Its just the most awesome thing ever!!” Rainbow Dash landed just right in front of the white unicorn. “Ohmygosh!!” she “gleed” shoving the paper into rarity’s face. “Well, let us take a look.” Rarity said, putting off the blue pony’s rudeness as her being a little too excited. “ ‘We are pleased to announce the 42nd annual All-fliers profession---” “THE WONDERBOLTS ARE GOING TO BE THERE!!” Dash shouted, bringing the poster back to her embrace. “Its going to be SO AMAZE---” “WILL YOU GIRLS QUIET DOWN!!” The two ponies turned to the window in the tree. “SOME OF US ARE STILL TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP!!” The purple unicorn screamed from her bedroom window. She didn’t mean to be yelling, but ever since they found Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle has been cutting her sleep even more to find something in her books to help her friend wake up. “Sorry!” The two ponies whispered, the sound of the windows slamming echoed through the air. “Its going to be so awesome!” The blue pony squealed, but a little bit softer then earlier. “That’s good and all darling.” Rarity smiled, but her facial expression grimed. “But what of poor, little Fluttershy?” “Oh, yeah…” The flier fell to the ground, Dash was so excited she had forgotten her friend. “HEY EVERYPONY!!” “Applejack!” The two ponies turned their heads to the earth pony. The blond pony was coming into view, as if coming to answer Rarity’s question. “Look who decided to wake up!” The apple marked pony smiled taking a step to the side. Behind her was standing a yellow Pegasi, her mouth was full of apples. Though the pink haired pony was pigging out like no tomorrow, she was still graceful. “Fluttershy!!” Rarity and Rainbow Dash galloped towards their friends, each happy to see their friend awake and well. “Good Morning!” the yellow Pegasi gracefully gulping down another apple type substance, Fluttershy gave her friends a gentle smile. “ ‘Good Morning!’” Rainbow dash held herself from pouncing her friend. “I think you ow us a little bit more then that.’” She joked nuzzling her friend agianst her neck. “I’m sorry.” “Well, I’ll say that you are sorry.” Everypony turned to the diamond marked pony. “I mean Fluttershy, look at your hair. It is such a mess.” She said looking over the long hair of the Pegasi. “This is what you get when you miss our weekly spa treatment.” she let out a sigh. “I guess we will have to go an couple of times this week. You know, to make up for it. All on me of course Darling, my treat.” she smiled to her friend. “Thanks!” “Do you remember anything that happened?” Rainbow asked. “No… I don’t think so.” She answered. On the way there she had been wondering exactly what had happened. All she could remember was a bright light. She felt bad that her friends were worried and that she had no answers for them. “Well that’s okay Fluttershy,” Rarity comforted her friend. “The main thing is that you are alright now.” “Thanks.” The butterfly marked pony smiled. She has such caring friend. “HEY TWILIGHT SPARKLE!! GET DOWN HERE!!” The young Dragon called out from the apple bucker’s back. “I SAID!!” Twilight screamed, slamming her windows open. “KEEP IT QUIET DOWN--!” She stopped mid-sentence, the yellow pony catching her glimpse. “Fluttershy!! I’ll be right down.” she quickly shut the windows and headed back down her tree. “I-is she o-okay?” Fluttershy asked, hiding behind the white coated unicorn. “Oh yes, she is quite fine. Just a little… sleep deprived, that’s all.” “O-oh, really?” The yellow Pegasi lowered her head, she had a feeling her friend was keeping herself up for her sake. She was happy her friend cared, but she didn’t want to be a bother to her health. “Aw, no need to fret about it Sugar cube!” the hat wearing pony said. “She’s alright.” “Well, alright.” the yellow Pegasi smiled. She was still a little bit worried of her friend. “Hey Fluttershy!!” all ponies jumped. “I see your doing oh so much better.” they turned to see the town’s random party pony. “Of course you were asleep the last time I saw you, so anything would be better than that. Right? Well maybe not anything, Cause some things could be worse then that. Yet some things are better then that, but there are things better then better then that.” Pinkie Pie began to ponder her question. “So what is it, Something, Something that is better or is--” “PINKIE PIE!!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Yes.” The pink earth pony smiled, just openly staring at her friend. The thought she was pondering was clear out of her mind. Rainbow Dash face-hoofed. “Hey Pinkie Pie.” The Pegasi smiled. “Yes I’m feeling much better. Thank you” she said turning back to the other ponies. “Hi!” Fluttershy turned her head back towards the party pony. She was looking right at her, just staring with her Pinkie Pie “ooo”-ing stare. “Um, Hey” the yellow Pegasi said nervously. “Are you doing okay?” she asked. “YEP!” the Pie just sat there, just looking at her. “Okay!” The butterfly marked pony smiled. “Hey everypony!” all ponies turned their heads to the upcoming purple unicorn that was trotting up to them. “Sorry about that Fluttershy.” Twilight apologized. “Its okay Twilight.” She smiled. Fluttershy could see from her the bags that had been forming under the purple pony’s eyes. Fluttershy sighed, her friend definitely haven’t been keeping her sleep in check. -- The ponies began to talk amongst themselves inside the library. They let Fluttershy in on what had happen over the past few days, they also gave her notes on what happened to them while taking care of her animals. Before long Spike was bored and left the fillies to fill his empty belly. “Ah, so Ms. Mouse was able to make a full recovery?” the white unicorn smiled at her, Fluttershy smiled happy to hear the good news. “The birdies also made a recovery” the bubbly earth pony piped up. “Really?” “Yep!” Pinkie smiled. “I threw them all a “Congratulation of Feeling Better” party. It was so much fun,” she continued. “and Gummy had so much fun playing with all animals.” she told them how her pet started to latch onto all the other animals. “Well, um… that’s good, I think.” “I threw the rest of the animals a “Get Well Soon, So That We Can Party Again” party.” the balloon marked pony smiled. “We had so much fun in Fluttershy’s home.” All the ponies sighed at the pink mare. A couple of them began to question how exactly did Fluttershy stay out during the whole time. “Thanks everypony.” the yellow Pegasi nodded her head. She had some really great friends. “Its no problem Fluttershy.” Twilight smiled. “We would do it any time. We really are Fr--” “TWILIGHT!!” “What is it Spike??” The purple unicorn jumped out of her seat at the sound of her dragon. “Quickly, look out side!” The baby dragon came rushing out of the kitchen. All ponies made their way to the nearest window to see what Spike was talking about. As they looked, they were in shock. Coming from the mountain near the Everfree was a black smoke. The black smoke was heading towards Ponyville. The color of the black felt really sickening, it seemed itself was very toxic. It felt somewhat familiar, in more then one way. “D-do you think its another dragon sleeping.” Rainbow Dash nervously asked, remembering the last time they saw a black smoke like this. “Ah don’t know Sugar cube.” Applejack answered. “But it sure feels that way.” “What do you think Twilight dear?” Rarity looked over to her friend. “To be honest, I’m not exactly sure!” the star marked pony asked. “But I think so!” she was worried, the smoke was coming from the same mountain they were on a few days ago. “I think he needs to get his lungs checked out!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Ding… All ponies looked at the door. The bell had rung, but there was not a single pony that was standing anywhere near the door. Instead there was one pony less that should have been in the room. The five of them ran for the door. Fluttershy just continued to look at the mountain, she came outside to get a closer look. It was smoke that was definitely from a dragon. She was scared, dragons were most terrifying creatures in the world to her. Her mind was telling her to run home and hide under her bed. Her body was about to take her mind up on that offer. There was something else. Something that was different. Her heart was pounding hard, but not like it does when she was scared. That black smoke felt different from what it should have been. Fluttershy didn’t know why or how she knew. She just did. “Um, Hey Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said, as she and the other ponies walked up behind their friend. “Are you O--” Fluttershy started to walk off, but then broke off into a gallop. With a couple of flaps with her wings, she began to fly off… towards the direction of the smoke. “Whats… whats gotten into that pony!” AJ was shocked, that wasn’t the way Fluttershy would of acted… especially to a dragon. “We need to go after her.” Dash was already taken flight. “SPIKE, I NEED YOU TO STAY HERE AND LOOK AFTER EVERYTHING!” Twilight called out. Everypony galloped off to their friend that already disappeared from their sight. “What did you say Twi--?” But Spike was too late, the girls were already gone. === “Um, Hello!” Fluttershy called out, softly. She had no idea what had came over her, but now she was in the mountain. She was scared again, the idea that a dragon would come at her from anywhere frightened her. There was still something that told her to keep moving forward. That she would be safe. “I-is anyone out there!” she softly said, hoping to get anyone’s attention. Chi… A sound, familiar sound echoed through her ears. She heard it recently, but she couldn’t remember when. She walked towards the sound. Chir… It was getting louder as she got closer. An image was coming to her mind, she was beginning to remember what it was. A smile began to spread across her face. Chirp… It was a nest of little birds and a mama bird was feeding them. It was no ordinary nest as Fluttershy began to remember. Her memories from a few days ago were coming back to her. “Hey little birdies, I see you’re doing okay!” Fluttershy smiled at the little animals. She didn’t remember everything about that day, but she remembered seeing the birds from the air. “I’m glad you found your mommy.” She smiled bringing herself just a bit closer. Grrrr… Fluttershy’s head snapped up, she recognized that kind of rumbling. Fear began to fill her body, she could smell the smoky air. It was close. “I-I think it would be best… I-if you and your little babies were to leave.” The yellow Pegasi turned to the mother. The bird just looked at the larger creature in confusion. “Please!” Fluttershy softly begged. The mother bird nodded. “Oh, Thank you. Thank you.” The Pegasi said galloping off into another direction. The sound of baby birds chirped as they saw that their savior was alive and well. -- Grrrr… Fluttershy had been contemplating in her mind about the situation. If it was a dragon what would she do? What would the dragon do if it saw her? She wanted to run. Grrrr… She stood still, her body just froze in place. She just came into the clearing in the mountain, she saw what she knew that she would find. The butterfly marked pony did not know how to react to what she was looking at. It was a dragon, but it wasn’t a threat. In fact it self seemed that it was threatened. It was breathing heavily, as if whatever it is was infecting it body. Its eyes were closed, his body trying to fight off whatever infection he was happening. Another thing was, this dragon was familiar. “Are-Are you okay… M-Mr. Dragon, sir!” she said carefully nudging a little towards the red creature. She got a little closer, she was standing right to the side of his snout. The red dragon’s eyes snapped open, causing the yellow Pegasi to jump into the air. His scaly expression began to soften. “Ah, its… you… the yell-oh… Pegasus.” It tried to speak, but it was hurting. He was breathing heavily. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy saw the pain in its eyes as she softly landed in front of him. “Its… just a little… I can handle it!” The dragon tried to say with a confident smile. “You are not okay!” The Pegasi said, just a little more sternly this time. “Are… your friends… with you??” The dragon asked “What about the… Rainbow one???” he tried to laugh. “No they are not with me.” “Good… I don’t think I… could handle… another of her kicks.” He began to chuckle, but it only ended in a cough. More black smoke came from his mouth. “What happened?” she asked, noticing some kind of black liquid flowing out of his mouth. “I… was trying… a new water hole… that must of came from… the recent storms!” His breath was getting heavier. Something in his body was having a reaction to the winged pony. “What can I do for you?” Fluttershy questioned, she couldn’t just let this creature suffer. “No… I need you to leave… go find your friends…” His chest, he started clutching his chest. Something was about to happen. “B-But…. I…” “Leave…” His body started to pick itself up. “NOW!!!!!!!” He let out probably the largest roar he ever let out. The Pegasi was scared, she ran back into the woods. His body was changing. Fluttershy watched in horror. The dragon’s body was going under some sort of transformation. The dragon began to grow, out side of the dragon’s maximum size. Its wings retracted into his body. The red dragon screamed in pain. Tusks began to dig itself out of its out of its mouth, just parallel to the growing fangs. The body of the dragon began to bulk up as its hind legs were forced to bend backwards. Its neck began to shrink as his transformation came to a stop. The butterfly marked pony couldn’t believe what she was looking at. The dragon’s scream began to ring through out her head. The enlarged beast was now going out of control. The new dragon began to stomp around, it was destroying anything that was getting in its path. Fluttershy couldn’t move, what she was feeling right now wasn’t like anything she felt before. If she was scared of the dragon before, then what was it that she was feeling right now. “Why??” The yellow Pegasi squeaked. Unfortunate for her it was all that was needed. The new dragon snapped its head to the ground below, right at her. He was staring at her, with its now pure black eyes. She still couldn’t move, her hooves were shaking. All she could do was sit there as something began to move in its body, towards its mouth. Fluttershy just watched as the monster let out a beam of pure energy. She was incapable to move out of the way, all she could do was to shut her eyes. Boom. “Fluttershy… are you… alright!” Fluttershy’s eyes snapped open at the unison of two voices. Her sight was welcomed by the sight of two unicorns falling to the ground. Both spent of their magic. “Fluttershy!” her head snapped turning to see two earth ponies running towards her. “Are you okay Sugar cube?” Applejack asked, a worried look on her face. “I… I don’t” Fluttershy stuttered as she looked at the area around her. The trees and the ground around her had been burnt to a crisp, save from what little was circling her and the two defeated unicorns. The yellow Pegasi let out a heavy breath as her mind put two and two together. Tears were forming in her eyes. “The-they protected me!” she just stared blankly at her fallen friends. Twilight must of at the last minute saved her with some kind of defensive spell. Looking down at Rarity, she must of used what magic she could to back up her friend. They both risked their lives to protect her. “Sugar cube!” the Pegasi was brought back to her other friend. “Are you okay!?!” Applejack was worried, Fluttershy could tell that her apple bucker friend was scared as well. “W-where is… Rainbow Dash!!” Fluttershy spoke. Her breathing was getting heavier. “She’s over there” the two pairs of eyes were brought to attention as the Pink pony pointed to the sky. The monster was striking the air. A small trail of rainbow was flying all around the creature. The dragon tried to swat at it, but it was just barely able to dodge it. “HOW DARE YOU HARM MY FRIENDS!!” The blue Pegasus’s eyes were filled with tears. She was flying all over the monster. It may have been larger then life but dash was able to out match it in speed, if only by a little bit. “We… we need to leave…” The image of the dragon’s agony started to replay in Fluttershy’s mind. “We can’t handle this… we need… we need the Princess’s” She tried to speak. “Ah don’t know if that will even help Fluttershy!!” Applejack just stared at the creature as it was released another blast on the rainbow it was fighting. Fluttershy was terrified now. If these were the words of honesty, then what was going to happen to them. Their attention was brought back, as a scream came from the air. Rainbow was stricken, but still flying. They could tell Dash was losing steam fast. “Hang on there Rainbow Dash, We’re a coming!!” Applejack shouted, running down below heading towards the monsters feet. Fluttershy was paralyzed, she wasn’t able to breath right. Right now, if she was scared that the love of her friends would snap her out of it. If she wouldn’t even move to check on the unicorns, then what was she feeling. Was this true fear? “Hey there Fluttershy!!” The yellow Pegasi could barely move her head to look at her pink mare friend. “Don’t worry about it!!” She said with a smile. “We’ll go hold him off. Why don’t you go and “get” help?” She said with a wink, Pinkie Pie then started bouncing down towards the apple bucker. The yellow Pegasi couldn’t believe it. Two friends are knocked out, the other three are facing the monster. What was she doing? Nothing. That wasn’t what a friend would do. She wasn’t a true friend. Her heart was trembling, she watched the rainbow blue get stricken once more. She saw at the ground, the trees shaking and falling over on the monsters feet. That must have been Applejacks doing. “ ‘Why don’t you go and get help!!’” Pinkie’s words began to rang through her head. That’s right, that’s what she could do. She could get help, she could go and get the Royal Princess’s. She could feel strength returning to her legs, it was a good plan. She ran into the opposite direction away from the dragon. -- She was running, she was running as far as her legs could carry. She could hear the monster’s loud roar, she could feel the creature’s loud footsteps shake the ground. She was going to get help, she was going to return. But she wasn’t. She was scared, she was running away. That thing scared her, that was the truth. There was something else about it she didn’t like. Something that truly terrified her. Her mind and heart was telling her not to get close to it. “Are you just going to run away??” Yes, yes that was what she was going to do. Through the trees, she could of sworn something was following her. In the light that broke through the tree, there was something. “Will you just let that dragon suffer? Will you let it burn down everything?” … Yes… that’s what she decided to do. It wasn’t something she could of handle, but she wouldn’t be able to return back there. The image seemed of gotten closer to her. “Are you going to let it kill all animals? Those birds?” Her speed decreased, the image of those birds in the nest began to play into her mind. The thing in the light was almost on top of her. “What about your friends? Will you let them perish?” She stopped in her tracks, Was Fluttershy really going to let her friends perish. Her thought began to return to earlier that day when they were all together, just a little bit after her reawakening. “Well!!” The image in the light floated down behind her, waiting for her response. “I… I want to… protect my FRIENDS!!” She said, the fear in her heart was gone. She closed her eyes as a bright light covered her body. “Good! I’m glad I was directed towards you.” === “Dagnabbit!!” Applejack let out her breath. “This is almost as rough as Fluttershy’s animals.” She tried to joke, it hurt to joke. The dragon had knocked over the trees she had been working on, causing them to fall over on top of her. She had just pulled herself out of from underneath a trunk. “Hey it’s dark??” Applejack looked over. “Where did everypony go?” In a pile of trees, the party pony was upside down, her head deep in the pile. Pinkie’s legs were trying to run in mid-air. “Hang on Sugar Cube!” AJ smiled. Even in a moment where the world would end, Pinkie Pie would still be Pinkie Pie. “What is that all you got!!” Dash called out to the monster as it swiped at her again. She was running out of steam, and she knew it. She just smiled at the thought, if she was going to be part of the Wonder Bolts… things like this are the best. SLAP!! The sound echoed through the air, the pony below just stared in horror. The dragon had its hands clasped together, its prize in its hand. It opened its hands, revealing the wounded blue Pegasi. The reflection of the hurt rainbow gleamed in its black eyes. With a swift snap its claws closed down on its victim. The monster riled up, its arm pulled back. It was going to use all its strength in this one movement. Its target was the big ball of fire in the sky. With one fast motion and a snap of its wrist, Rainbow Dash was launched into the air. All Applejack could do was watch in shock, Pinkie Pie was… Pinkie Pie. The scream of the blue Pegasi could be heard as the black dot disappeared in the sky. The dragon monster was happy, it was his first victory of that moment. Though that didn’t last long as it laid its mutated eyes on the ponies below. “We got to get out of here Sugar Cube!” AJ popped the party pony out of her prison. The dragon was heading their way. “This is gonna be so fun to watch!” Pinkie said, bouncing around like the maniac like she was. The stomping of the monster grew closer. “What in tar nation girl!” The blond pony tried to calm her friend, finding it as a fail. “We need to leave N--!!” the ground stopped shaking, AJ looked up to see that the monster had turned its head away. Its attention was to somewhere else. Towards the sun. The apple bucker let her energetic friend go, her eyes traveled up near the sun. It was small, but it was a black dot. “Dash!!” AJ smiled, her friend wasn’t put down that easily. Her smile grew as the dot grew bigger. Her smile faded, the dot grew even bigger. Too big. Whatever it was coming down bigger and faster. The apple bucker quickly grabbed a hold of her hyperactive friend and tried to cover themselves to the impact. She closed her eyes, Pinkie Pie was watching around the corner. The ground rumbled like it hadn’t before. What seemed like hours was only a few seconds. The apple marked pony was scared of what she would see, but she saw the party pony bouncing watching in excitement. “Its Here! Its Here!” the blond pony was curious. Apple Jack took a look around the rock. What she saw shocked her. It was another giant creature, just like the dragon. It had fallen onto one knee, its hands, like monkey hands, cushioning its fall. It was holding its balled hand out to the side, its glowing eyes aimed at the dragon. It was some kind of silver giant. The creature stood on both two of its legs. It held out its balled fist to the monster, releasing its grip on the prize inside. Her eyes began to open. She saw the person that saved her. She was laying in its palm, its protective palm. Rainbow Dash’s eyes snapped open. Her body flung herself into a standing position in the silver man’s hand. She began to look around to see where she was. Flying into the air, she turned around to see something she didn’t want to see. The dragon was releasing another energy blast. Boom… Rainbow Dash was in total shock at what she just saw. Particles of energy was glistening in the light. The silver man that was standing behind her had summoned a type of shielding with its hands. The rainbow marked pony just flapped there in amazement. The giant placed his arms down to his side. His glowing eyes never left the monster in front of him. It was no problem at all for it to step away from the Pegasi. The two giants began a star down. The dragon let out a terrifying roar. Ultraman was ready for battle.
Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Ultimate Mare
<p>[Crossover with Ultraman] Darkness has returned to the land of Equestria. A hero comes from another planet. Will Friendship over come this problem once more.</p>
The Ultimate Mare: chapter 3 === “Hey!!” The situation around finally began to sink in. “Wait just a minute!!” Rainbow Dash’s wings came back to life, her body taking off. Towards the silver giant. “HOW. DARE. YOU!!” she was now floating just in front of the silver man at eye level, she was mad. “How Dare you show me off!!!” The Pegasus’ wings were spread wide, trying to draw its gaze to her. “You think you just are so awesome, don’t you??” The silver giant didn’t pay any attention to the young flyer, his eyes glued to the enemy in front of him. “Are you listening??” The rainbow marked pony started jabbing the creature between his eyes. “Quite ignoring me!!” she raised both front hooves into the air, ready to get his attention one way or another. “…” Ultraman’s large hand covered the blue Pegasi, pressing down against the small creature. The rainbow mane could feel the air rise against her, she wasn’t going to be able to fly out of the giant’s palm. She could see the ground was coming up quickly. Dash closed her eyes tightly hoping for it to be quick. “Hey Dashy!!” The blue Pegasus’ eyes snapped open. “What are you doing up there? you silly filly!” Pinkie Pie was just a few feet away from her face, smiling away. The Pegasi looked above her to see that the large hand had already left her “THAT’S IT!” Rainbow Dash was steaming. “NO MORE MISSES NICE DASH!!” She wasn’t just about to be left mane-handled like that. The blue Pegasi took off, but was stopped by the pulling of her tail. “Hold on there Sugar Cube!” the apple bucker piped holding her friend in her teeth. “As much as Ah would like to see yawl try to take BOTH of them on. Ah think yawl should calm down.” Applejack pulled back on her friend. “What do you mean by that!” Rainbow’s wings started to slow, still keeping her in flight. “Ah mean look at them!” AJ spit out the rainbow tail. Dash returned her attention to the giant creatures. The silver man had not moved from its kneeling position, its hand still hovering over them. Keeping them out of the dragon‘s sight. “So, do you think it’s on our side Applejack?” “Ah don’t know, but I sure hope so!” the earth pony was not exactly sure what to believe at this point. “But Ah don’t think it’s a good idea to stand around here!” “Why not??” “Cause Ah think we about to have a giant rodeo showdown on our hooves!” She took a look back at the towering creatures. “Ah think it be a better idea to return back to Fluttershy and get us all out of here.” Rainbow Dash nodded. As much as she wanted to take both goliaths down, she needed to make sure her friends were okay. Both ponies gave one last look at their savior before galloping to their friends. Pinkie Pie looked up to the silver giant. “GOOD LUCK!!” she said with her bubbly attitude, her legs started to bounce after her friends. ------- “Step one. Make sure everyone is safe…” Kizuna thought to himself, the ponies running off catching the corner of his eyes. “Check!” the light in his eyes returned to the monster in front of him. He was waiting for it to make the first move. The dragon let off a massive roar, it had waited long enough. The ground beneath it as it charged towards its new challenger. From this position Ultraman used its footing to propel himself forward. Both giants were bringing this into close range. The red monster lifted its claw to strike down on its enemies head. Kizuna used its increased speed to get a great jump over the creature, flipping over the large creature. On the way over he grabbed the dragon’s arm bringing it down with him. Landing Ultraman used the weight of gravity to smash the arm onto his shoulder. The dragon let out a roar of pain, but it only fueled its need to survive. It swung its arm away from the silver man, but using the momentum to increase the force of its tail. Kizuna saw the tail coming, he didn’t budge. Feeling his feet grind against the rumble of the ground he caught the tail between his elbow and his hand. With swift movement Kizuna grabbed the tail with both hands. Spinning with his strength he picked up the kaijin by the tail, aiming to hammer it into the ground. It caused its tail some pain, but the dragon was able to turn its body in mid air landing on its feet. The red monster slammed its tail into the ground as it was released from its enemy’s grip. The dragon propelled itself forward into the air into a massive double kick. Kizuna saw this coming. Using his hand as placement he propelled himself at the monster with a kick of his own. The two kicks clashed with one another, equal to each other in power. The two giants were forced back, rolling against the ground they already had little handling on. They both landed on their knees looking back at one another. “The sun… like I thought its affecting my power!” Kizuna thought, looking at the blazing ball of fire in the sky. “I don’t know my limit on this planet.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I need to finish this quickly!” He brought his attention to the monster that was preparing to launch its attack. Dragon launched its beam, the force of this one caused it to recoil back. This increased red beam was headed straight at the Ultra. Ultraman brought his arms into a cross-like position. With swift movement his arms shot up in a in a 45 degree angle and with it brought a mirror of pure energy that began to absorb the beam. As a couple seconds of this happening the beam faded. Particles of left over energy glistened in the sunlight in front of Ultra. --- “Whoa! That was kinda cool!” Rainbow Dash stood there, her wings erect. “Though I’m cooler.” She nodded to herself in agreement, wings returning to her sides. 20 percent more cooler to be exact. The three ponies made it back to the clearing where they left their three friends at. Save for that one was missing. “Where’s Fluttershy!” Applejack asked, looking about the area. “I told her to ‘GO and Get help!’” Pinkie Pie answered, a smile spread across her face. “Well okay then…” The sound of a grunt came from the ground behind her. “Twilight!” “Where…am I?” the purple unicorn’s mind was spinning. “Wait… What happened?” The color in Twilight’s face faded, the destruction of the surrounded area “Please…Darling,” the white unicorn beside her moaned. “Will you keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep…” Rarity was out of it, her mind making up whatever excuse it could come up with the situation. “Take a look for yourself Twilight!” Twilights head was grabbed from behind on her face. “Its really cool!” her head was turned by the pink party pony to see the giant creatures that was going at one another. --- The Dragon’s head returned to place only to be on the receiving end of the second part of the double kick. It tried to retaliate, but it only double over as the silver warrior elbowed him in the stomach. Ultraman was winning. Using the kaijin’s head as a stepping stone, Kizuna was able to get behind the monster. Grabbing from behind, he forced the monster into a standing position. The monster was placed into a choke hold and arm lock from behind. Even in this position Ultra was able to get a great leap off the ground. He began to fly off into the sky with the monster in its grasp. They continued to go higher until they weren’t even a speck to those on ground level. The Dragon monster wasn’t about to let it end like this, with its free arm it began to slam it against the temple of its adversary. The monster had too much length on its arm to dodge, the silver warrior was forced to let go. The red creature began to fall back to the ground. Ultraman wasn’t able to keep flight as grip began to wrap themselves around his ankles. He felt his body being flung forward below the monster before he was able to catch the air. Not for long. Kizuna’s head snapped back as his face met with the dragon’s head. He fell even further, the heat around him began to build up. He felt something grab him around the waist. The Dragon was squeezing the hero of light with everything it had, it was going for a suicide move. The silver man began smashing his fists into the back of the kaijin, he was throwing his knees as hard as he could. The dragon grunted, but he would not budge. The heat was building up, the clouds began to run by them as they both continued to fall. The scales of the monster was making it so that the weak attacks Ultraman was performing to have no effect. Kizuna went for the next best thing, shooting out his hand. The dragon roared in pain, finally losing its grip. It roared as it held its face where its eye was gorged. The silver warrior took the chance and using the kaijin as footing, he shot them both from each other. Making sure he wasn’t within grabbing distance. They were getting closer to the ground. Kizuna could feel the light of the sun hit his back. He slowly brought his arms to the front of himself, both glowing like the sun behind him. He brought them up to form an “X” in front of his body. The monster was still in pain, but its body began to glow bright red. Energy began to build up around its mouth, focusing into its throat. The Black eyed beast let out a roar releasing the beam that was held back. SHU-AAA!!! The silver giant released a beam himself from its crossed arms. The two energy beams clashed with one another, each struggling to overpower the other one. BOOM! The explosion erupted the sky, clouds were blown away. The ground was coming up quick, the kaijin turned around to break its fall. the dust cloud of the explosion began to swirl.. The dust erupted as the silver giant came out spinning downward. It slammed itself into the dragon, the both of spinning out. Both of them heading for the ground. Miles. Yards. Feet. The ground erupted from the shock. The dust began to come up from the earth. The sound from the impact echoed through the forests. Kizuna landed onto the ground. Taking a step forward, it hit him. He fell to his knees, the shock of that move finally taking its toll on him. He kept his gaze forward at the dusk in front of him. His eyes glew brighter. It had taken massive damage on its body, but the kaijin was back on its feet. Its empty black eyes on its enemy. --- “Whoa!” Twilight’s head peaked around the tree. They took cover during the shockwave, but the dust was beginning to settle. The Dragon was standing there, its back towards them. “‘Whoa’ indeed darling” The recently awaken Rarity said covering behind the same tree. “Aw man, I wish Fluttershy could see this!” Rainbow Dash’s looked on, totally lost in the action. She heard Pinkie Pie giggling behind her, but threw it out of her mind. “It is very interesting indeed!” the purple unicorn thought to herself. What is that silver giant, she would need to do some research on it. --- Ultraman was breathing heavily, his body was feeling the shock. He was beginning to lose power. His eyes glew bright. The dragon was preparing another attack, energy began to flow through out its body. The ground began to rumble once more under the pressure. He was ready to release its blast. Kizuna reacted as fast as he could. Bringing his arms out of a cross he brought up a shield to protect himself. His body was feeling the pain of moving past what he could at the moment. He watched as the kaijin was ready to launch its attack… The dragon turned its back to the silver giant. “My Friends…” --- The ponies just stared in shock, the dragon monster turned on them in the midst of the battle. There wasn’t enough time for even Rainbow Dash to gather up everyone and get out. The kaijin released its blast on its victims. The ponies could only close their eyes, hoping their end will come soon. There was nothing Twilight slowly opened her eyes. The sound of a beeping noise rang through the air. --- Ultraman fell to his knees, his arms spread out as he covered the ponies below. The light on his chest began to flash red. Kizuna took the kaijin’s blast near point blank. “Why… I could of covered us all with a barrier.” Kizuna thought to himself. Why did he react like he did? Ultraman was hit once again with a blast. The dragon gave a grin as he watched what was happening in front of him. He brought his claw down onto the back of the silver hero. Why wasn’t it that he wouldn’t strike back? It wasn’t how he was taught. He was taught to never give up. It was the way of all Ultra. All he was doing was taking one shot to the back, one after another. Ultraman could feel the flashing red light get slower and slower. He was just there on his knees watching the ponies cowering under him. Save for one pony, one pony that wasn’t cowering with her eyes closed. It was a purple unicorn, she had fear in her eyes just watching. “Twilight…” A blind light began to fill through the area. The beeping sound died. As vision came back, those that was looking at the giant from another galaxy was looking with gaping mouth. The Silver giant was standing there, but instead it was a yellow giant. The yellow gave off an interesting aura around it, something… warm. Kizuna stood there, raising his hands to his face. His energy was restored. He had never taken a form other then the form that was just in. What kind of power did this form have. Why did it seem… familiar. The red kaijin roared. It went to strike the ultra from behind. As if he had eyes on the back of his head, The Ultra blocked the dragon with his arm, not budging an inch. His power was greater now. With a large grunt, it was like Kizuna released even more power. Light once again came from his body, it caused everypony to take a step back. The ponies stared at it in even more awe. Attached to the Ultra’s back were a pair of wings, like Princess Celestia’s wings, a pair of yellow angel wings. It took no time for Kizuna to act, spinning around, he was ready for round two. The wings of the yellow giant caused a great wind. The wind it self was strong enough to cause the dragon to lose its balance as he started to fall backwards. The kaijin was tired of this. He leapt forward to strike down the yellow warrior of light. Ultraman saw the attack coming. Bringing his hand up, instead of blocking the claw he used the strike on his hand to go with the flow of the attack. With a quick spin he was able to strike into the side of the beast, causing it to stumble back. The dragon stood up, ready to attack again. His body wouldn’t move. Something about the presence of this new fighter was causing his body to freeze up. It was like the light of its eyes were staring into its dark soul. It wasn’t going to let itself be defeated by some glare, this stare. It lunged once again. Once more, The ultra hero was able to redirect the flow and cause the kaijin pain once more. The dragon continued to attack the former silver giant, but each time it would fail. Even though the yellow hero was causing so much pain to the enemy, he was doing it gracefully. The dragon was tired of this. He charged up another blast in its throat. He was going to release it at point blank range, no way he could lose like that. He released all he had. Ultraman brought his hands up, they were glowing with energy. It was like he caught the energy in his hands, he tore the attack in his hands. The energy that was released began to glisten around him, the light of his body caused it to glisten even brighter. His hands begun to shine in a pink like aura. Bringing his hands back, he shoved them into the kaijin’s stomach. A pink butterfly mark appeared on the dragon’s chest. The dragon roared in pain, a burning sensation was coming from its chest. He swung his tail at the ultra, hoping to get some distance. Kizuna leapt into the air spinning over the tail, spinning into a kick. the ultra stuck at the dragon’s face as it returned to face him causing the dragon to spin once more. Returning to the ground the Ultra lowered its body spinning into a sweep, toppling over the unbalanced kaijin. His right hand glew pink as he stuck the dragon coming out of his spinning sweep. The Dragon roared, it was sent flying. A second mark appeared on its chest, causing even greater pain then the first. As it was launched into the air, it could only watch as a third attack was prepared in the yellow giant’s left hand. Ultraman brought his left hand behind his head. An aura of a pink butterfly wings surrounded his hand, it began to spin. Faster, faster, faster until it began creating a buzz saw sound that echoed through the air. With a swift flick, he threw the buzz-saw at the kaijin in the air. The dragon felt the attack enter its body, like a hot knife through butter. He could barely notice a third mark appear on its chest before it happened. Boom! The red kaijin blew up in the air. Ultraman brought him to a ready stance. The battle was over. The dust of the explosion began to clear up, a small figure fell out of it and hit the ground. Letting his wings catch the air he walked up to what had fallen out of the remains. It was a red dragon, one that wasn’t even the size of his foot. It was the same dragon that had became the dragon kaijin. It was now sleeping peaceful. “Shame!” Kizuna looked at his hand. “I guess I’m really not the strongest.” the words of his teacher echoed through his head. He looked down back to the sleeping dragon. “We must always fight against evil.” He repeated to himself. “Always be sure that evil is gone!” the rules of being a hero of light rang through his mind. He looked at the dragon, he had to make sure. He lifted his foot. He brought it down on… “NO!” Kizuna’s foot stopped just right before the sleeping dragon. “Don’t hurt him…” The yellow giant brought his foot back to where it was. He started taking a few feet back. The voice was ringing in his mind. “Please…” He grabbed hold of the side of his head. He began to stumble back away from the red dragon. He could feel the wings begin to retract into his shoulder blades. “Thank you!” The color faded from his body, he returned to being silver. The light on his chest turned from yellow to red as it began to beep again. He was stumbling everywhere, he needed to get out of there. With a swift grunt the silver warrior began to disappear in the sun light. He left the battle field, he left the sleeping dragon, he left the ponies he saved. -- “Well, um, that sure was… something.” Applejack said, turning back to others. Each of them had the same confusing look she had on her face. “Um, yeah!” Twilight agreed. She had no explanation for what had just happened. “Well I don’t know about you girls,” The white unicorn tried to change the subject. “But when that giant turned yellow, it was very beautiful.” Rarity imagined making an outfit like that, it would be very pretty. “It had a nice glow about it.” she smiled, the memory of the warmth it gave. “Yeah that was pretty awesome!” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean about the fighting, not the pretty.” she quickly said. “Ah think we should go find Fluttershy.” The apple bucker said, realizing their missing friend. It was weird, why did she forget that one of their friends wasn’t there. “Oh, don’t worry about it!” Pinkie Pie piped up, causing all ponies to look at her. “I’m sure she back at her house, we got our help after all.” She smiled at her friends. “Um, Right!” AJ smiled at the bubbly pony. Something didn’t feel right about that pony. “I think it will be best that if I contact Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, she needed to see if her teacher knew of what was happening. “Alright then,” Dash smiled. “I’m going to go check on Fluttershy!” she said, about ready to take off. “Ah’ll come with yawl.” The apple bucker said. “Well I need to check up on Sweetie Belle.” Rarity apologized, she really needed to check in with her sister. “Okay everypony!” Twilight said catching everypony’s attention. “Lets all meet up later.” “Okay!” all ponies went off to their destinations. Pinkie Pie just bounced along to wherever she was going, just humming a happy tune. === The door to the little ground house swung open. Her breathing was heavy, she was at a lost of balance. She stumbled into her living area crashing into a lampshade, hoping to find a wall to lean against. This caught the attention of a small little rabbit. “I’m sorry… Angel,” She found a wall, looking down at her little friend. “Do you think… you can, take care of the animals for awhile.” the usual arrogant rabbit was worried about the Pegasi, he just nodded. “Thank you!” She smiled, watching the rabbit running off. Fluttershy’s body was tired. It was mid-afternoon and she was tired. All she could remember was running, running and a voice. A warm voice. She wanted to go to bed, just to sleep off whatever she felt. The door to her room swung open, she smiled as she saw the bed. With uncomfortable steps, she tried to make her way to that soft haven. She placed her hoof on the bed, it was soft. She crawled into bed. Hoping to fall asleep. She took one last glance around the room before she closed her eyes. Her eyes sprung open, her sight locked onto her mirror. The mirror was placed right across the room at bed level. In the reflection she could still see the bed itself in the mirror. She did not see her reflection in the mirror, instead she saw a face. A silver face in the mirror. “I think its time to talk…” The yellow Pegasi fainted. -----
Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Ultimate Mare
<p>[Crossover with Ultraman] Darkness has returned to the land of Equestria. A hero comes from another planet. Will Friendship over come this problem once more.</p>
The Ultimate Mare chapter 4. === The sound of birds began to fill the fresh morning air, the smell of morning dew began to seep into the house. A yellow Pegasi that was tucked in her bed began to stir. With eyes beginning to take in the light, she raised her self into a sitting position. Taking in the setting she let out a soft smile. Her animals had gathered into her room, looking onward. The smile on her face faded, replaced by fear as her eyes traveled to the center of the room. Her little critters weren’t even looking into her direction. There it was, blended into the light, an image was sitting there a hand held out to a bird that was flapping over it. It was a silver being with yellow and blue accents across its body. It was sitting staring at the animals around him with his large, unmoving, but yet warm eyes. Fluttershy jumped, the eyes of the silver face turn to her. “Good morning.” Fluttershy leapt back under the covers. A few seconds had gone by before the yellow Pegasi dared to peak out from under her blanket. The being was still sitting there, watching her crawl from under the sheet. “W-wh-who are you?” she squeaked, just barely audible. “My name is Kizuna,” the silver man answered in a peaceful tone. “Ultraman Kizuna.” “U-Ultraman??” The yellow head peaked out further. “Yes, I come from a million miles away. From a distant planet in another galaxy.” “What?” This was a little too much for her to take in. “Um… What a-are you doing here??” Fluttershy asked the alien in front of her. “That is… if you don’t mind, that is.” “Its fine, you should know why…” Kizuna leaned back, recalling all the memories. There were no need for lie to this little pony. “It was a few weeks ago, back on…” === It was a few weeks ago back on Nebula planet M78, the Planet of Light. Many Ultras were about that day, off in all directions. The crystal buildings glistened in the light, their height making even the Ultras seem of regular size. The artificial light that fueled the planet seemed to shine even brighter that day. It was a truly a day of celebration. Graduation day were coming up in the Ultra academy. A school where young giants were taught to fight for the light. A school where they were taught how to face off against even the strongest of kaijins. To many, it was coming to their final days. To many, they were going to become full fledge heroes to combat the evil in the universe. All were excited for it to arrive. For one such Ultra, one was more excited then the others. Kizuna was truly thrilled about the upcoming event, maybe a little too excited. He kept his quiet as he made his way past the guards. In the hall of Ultra, common Ultras were never allowed unless of certain events. Though being what he was, Kizuna knew of all the good spots to sneak around. The meeting for who was going to pass and who wasn’t was being held. He needed to know if he was going to make it this year, or not. “Here he comes!” The young Ultra quickly hid his body making himself scarce. Peaking around the corner his eyes glew brighter at the sight. Many Ultras were gathered around the table in the middle of the room, many of which were legends of the planet of light. What really caught the silver man’s eyes wasn’t who was standing around, but what was coming from above. A ball of shinning light was descending from the ceiling. A figure began to form as it drew closer to the floor . All the silver warriors stood around watching the man descend upon them. “Welcome King!” one of the warriors bowed as the robbed warrior made touchdown. Many Ultras followed suit, each one bowing down to their royalty. Kizuna was in awe as it seemed every part of the room seemed to reflect the king’s light. “Thank you, Ken!” The king flicked his robe as he made his way to the head of the meeting table. “Now, Let us begin…” … “Have we all come to an agreement, then?” The horned ultra said looking about the room. “All in favor?” Ken asked once more. “AYE!!” “All appose?” the room fell quiet, but only long enough for recognition. “All right. Let’s move on to the next agenda on the list.” Nearly a couple of hours had gone by, Kizuna was beginning to feel it all in his knees. He had stayed in this one spot, listening to everything that was talked about. His ears burned at the moment they moved onto a new subject, anticipating for what it would be. “Let us now begin our decision on the upcoming academia graduation!” if he had exterior ears, Kizuna’s would of perked up. “Has all preparations been finished?” King’s eyes traveled down the table. “Yes!” “What about the graduates.” The god of ultra took on a serious tone as he laid his chin on his crossed hand. The Ultra behind the wall began to lean in closer, his grasp on the corner tightened. “Taro?” “Yes sir,” The red suited man stood up from his chair. “We have all came to the conclusion that all the young warriors shall graduate this year.” Kizuna’s eyes glew brighter. “All save for one.” Taro cleared his throat, the light in the eavesdropping Ultra’s eyes grew dim. “One that goes by the of Kizuna.” The said ultra could almost hear his heart, as it fell into the pit of his stomach. “Kizuna is it,” King rose its head as the information began to materialize in front of him. “This is definitely an interesting fellow!” he said, his eyes scanning through the article before him. “Yes he is,” another of the ultra brothers spoke up. “He is one of the strongest amongst his peers.” Ultraman Jack commented. “When it comes to his studies,” Taro continued. “He stands on the top of most.” “It seems he was even taken in by Zero, before he left.” The God ultra said, his eyes reaching another red body ultra. “Is this correct Sevens?” “Yes sir.” The father of Zero answered. “But he is missing something, something very important.” Ace quickly brought up. “That is why we have come to agreement that Kizuna shall not pass this year.” The first silver man to protect earth spoke up. Ultraman King took one last final look over the documents that floated in front of his face. “I agree as well,” he tore his gaze away from the dissipating glistens that once held the young Ultra’s information. “Kizuna shall be the only one, that shall not pass?” “AYE!” from every single hero. “Good, lets continue to the next subject at hand.” Kizuna was devastated, he could feel the door of his future slamming in his face one more. His grip on the corner began to tighten as he remembered everything that had happen. Five years, five years had he failed. He had study and pushed himself to the limit just to get this far, for nothing. Other Ultras, even ones who he thought were less deserving then him, had already left for their own stories. Many of which had already returned and told of their heroic deeds from across the galaxies. Not Kizuna, this was the sixth time he had failed. What was he missing? “Zero, I’ve come to you once more. Take me under your teachings!” “No, you are not ready!” He was even capable of getting Zero, son of the legendary Ultra Sevens, to train him. For months he had been put through a rigorous training method by possibly the strongest Ultra on the planet. Even then, he failed to graduate. He wanted to be the hero he needed to be. The hero he deserved to be. “We have lost sight of it.” Kizuna’s attention returned to the meeting of Ultras, his grip on the corner piece still tight. “We last saw it heading to the Galaxy of Z-79 OmnaStar.” the warrior “Hayata” finished. “Z-79 OmnaStar? We’ve lost contact with that sector long ago.” The robed king said, probably with a worried expression on his face. “This ‘Meteorite’ has already made its way through many galaxies. Its almost like it looking for something.” “You don’t think…?” The large horned ultra spoke up. “I do not know, Ken.” The king sighed. “But it did come from ‘There’.” The room fell silent, Kizuna’s eyes were glued to what King was saying. “What is it that we should do?” Ultraman Ace asked. “One of you in this room shall be assigned to the problem at hand.” King answered, his voice unmoving. “Do you agree Ken?” “As you say King.” The father of Ultra nodded. Kizuna had already taken off, this was the perfect time to prove himself to the others. He rushed off to prove that he truly deserved to bear the title of “The Hero of Light.” He left the room as he entered it, silent like the light that shines from the sun. What he didn’t take into account was the corner of the crystal wall that he was gripping onto. The crack on the edge. The one that was caused by his grip of anticipation and anger. What he didn’t notice was the chip in the wall. A shard of crystal fell to the ground with a soft sound. A sound that wouldn’t even cause an echo. A sound that wouldn’t even catch the attention of even of an earth deer. One of the Ultra’s head turned back to the noise. His eyes began to scan the area around where the sound came from, there was no sign of life. Ultraman King returned his attention to the other Ultras in the room. “The one that shall be assigned is…” … The silver man was standing there, the port was open. Laying in front of him was the platform where many legendary Ultras took flight from. From here Kizuna could see many others flying about during their day. This was the place where everything would begin. “Lets go!” Kizuna broke off into a run, racing to the edge. It was that final footing at the end that where he took off to the sky. He took off away from the planet of light to prove himself. === “…Then after that, I followed the meteorite here. To your planet…” The Ultra in the light’s eyes returned to the small Pegasi. Fluttershy was sitting there with a black expression. She had no idea what to make of the story. A planet filled with beings just like the one sitting in front of her, how could any pony believe that. Though there he was, looking right at her, there was no other possible way on Equestria. “…and that is how I came to you. And how you came to me.” Kizuna finished. “Wait, what do you mean by that?” her mind snapping back to attention, the butterfly marked pony looked back at the silver man in the light. “So you don’t remember yesterday.” Kizuna’s gaze met the young filly’s gaze. His large silver hand lifted to the Pegasus’s face. Fluttershy jumped back at the sudden movement. The see through hand just stopped inches away from her face. Her chest becoming heavy with each breath she held. Her head was thrown back, a flash of light erupted from those finger tips in front of her face, her vision was swept away. Everything from the day before began to flash back into her mind. Mr. Dragon, being sick from an unknown illness, changing into some hideous creature. Her heart pumping watching two of her friends fall while protecting her. She ran away scared for her life, leaving her friends to fight the dragon. She ran, she ran until she couldn’t run anymore. Until she heard a voice, it was this “Ultraman’s” voice. She remembered being enveloped by a white light. The memories did not stop there. She could remember the sound of a quiet pumping heart, so warm and peaceful. Was it her Heart? She remembered seeing the mutated Dragon, it was fighting someone. It was fighting her. She remembered the dragon about to fire a blast at her friends. “Twilight?” The Pegasi remembered being engulfed in a light. It was a warm light… Fluttershy’s head drooped down back into place, her hair covering her face. Dark circles on the bed sheet began to form, tears began to flow from the Pegasus’s eyes. She remembered everything from the day before. “W-why did you…?” She tried to speak, but the tears were affecting her voice. “Cause you asked me to.” Kizuna answered, letting the little creature cry. “You wanted to protect your friends. Doing that was a sim-” “No…” The silver man looked down at the Pegasi with a confused look. “That’s not what I mean.” “What?” “Why did you do it?” Fluttershy’s head snapped up, looking at Kizuna in the face. “Why did you do that to him? Why did you have to harm Mr. Dragon!!!” tears were streaming down her cheeks. “If I didn’t, then your friends…” the ultra was taken back by this sudden reaction. “But you took it to far…” the thought of her taking the dragon’s life was causing her pain. “If I didn’t, then your friends…” he tried to repeat himself, a little louder this time. “YOU were going to take away someone else’s life!!!” She stomped her hooves on to her mattress, her voice cracking up through her tears. “No matter how you look at it, its wrong. Taking away another’s life is even worse…” “IF I DIDN’T EVERYONE WOULD OF DIED!!” the room fell silent, the young mare looked up tears still flooding her eyes. “Darkness will never disappear in the world.” Kizuna said, his tone returning to normal. “If you do not fight it, no one will survive. The light of life will disappear.” the words from his studies came to his mind. “Why…” Fluttershy was having a real hard time taking this all in, her heart and lungs were pumping like her life depended on it. “Then W-why… Why did I have to be the one?” It wasn’t fair, There were so many other candidates. “Why did I have to fight?” “Because I cannot exist too long externally outside.” The man in the light answered. “My body can not live in your sun‘s presence for long, I need your body” “Why does it have to be me? Anypony else would of been so much better!” She didn’t want to force this on anyone else, but it was the truth, and she knew it. “Because I chose you!” “Why DID you choose me???” The room fell silent, the silver face just staring blankly. Fluttershy eyes flashed widely looking into Kizuna’s lights. “Wait,” fear began to rise into her voice. “W-Why d-did you choose me?” The Ultraman didn’t answer. He couldn’t answer such a question. It was a truth nobody wanted to know. More memories began to flood back into her mind. It was memories that she had forgotten, the memories of the day she fainted. She had left her hut with Rainbow Dash to meet the others, only to be separated from her. No, she wasn’t separated. She left the rainbow marked pony herself. She remembered helping injured animals, even a bird nest. What she remembered last was a ball of light that was falling. Heading towards her. She could remember the warmth as it slid into her back. Seeing the faces of the chirping birds that she had saved was the last memory she had. It then went into a bright light. The yellow Pegasus’ face was tilted back, her eyes glued to the ceiling above them. The memories were overwhelming her. Just the thought of it was doing such damage to her emotions. She didn’t know what or how to feel, she just let the tears drip down her cheeks. “D-did I…” she couldn’t even finish the thought. Silence fell between them, the sound of tears echoed through the room. All animals stood looking at their caretaker. “D-did I…” she looked at the silver man in the light. Her eyes were red, her face stained with tears. “Yes,” Kizuna turned his face away from the broken eyes. “You died that day. It was my fault.” He could hear the mare moving, it was too much for her. The young Pegasi was squeezing her face into her covers, trying to suffocate the screams she was letting out. All her animals were standing around her, all with a worried expression on their faces. The filly always had some form of grace to what ever she did, no matter the case. This was not one of those moments. She began to throw her body all over the pallet, releasing a scream each time she took in air. How could she be dead? She was alive right now. Wasn’t she? Her little Angel could only sit on the floor and watch her, he had no idea how to help. She released another scream, one that felt that came from the pit of her stomach. … Its been nearly an hour, Fluttershy’s tears continued to flow. She had her head buried in the pillow. Kizuna didn’t know what to do. This was his first time experiencing a situation like this. Did other Ultras go through this? He lifted his hand to touch the little Pegasi. He wanted to wipe away her tears and tell her it was okay. His hand reached to remove the pink hair that covered her face. His hand fell right through her hair, through her chin. The silver man, no matter how much he wanted to, would not be able to reassure her with his body. His body that was also her body. He just sat there listening to her sniffles. The yellow Pegasus’ body began to curl up into her pillow. Fluttershy had nothing left to give, there wasn’t anything to give that she was suppose to still have. She just wanted to lay there, maybe her body will dissolve. Maybe she will dissolve and rest in peace, she could even be used to feed her plants. No pony would miss her. Some pony may miss Fluttershy, but now the pony named Fluttershy was dead. What about her friends? “Young Pegasi,” Fluttershy ears perked up as her head began to slowly lift to the afternoon light. She was surprised, her head lifted even higher. The alien that was calling himself “Ultraman” was no longer sitting on the ground before her. He was standing straight up, his head nearly touching her ceiling. She watched as the light reflected off his body and glisten in front of her. “Look at this,” Kizuna turned as he started to walk to the rooms little window, the mare’s eyes just watching him. “Take a look outside.” stop just a bit before the open window. “What do *sniff* you mean?” Fluttershy began to rub her red eyes, looking at the man. “When the sun rises, do you know what that means?” He asked in a soft tone. The sound of the yellow Pegasi shuffling to see the man could be heard. “Well do you?” Fluttershy didn’t know what he was talking about, she brought her self closer to the edge of her bed. “When the sun rises, it means that the night hasn’t fully taken over.” He said, keeping his gaze out side. “It means the light will always have the chance to overcome the darkness of night.” He could hear a hoof from behind touch the ground. “I don’t understand.” Fluttershy began to take small steps off her bed as she walked around her animals. Her animals looked relieved. “It means that chances can always given, even when there are no more chances to give.” He reached his hand out to catch the breeze of the wind, all he received was a leaf falling through his arm. “My race was given a second chance, and we overcame that darkness.” he turned his head slightly to look at the Pegasi. “And now, so do you!” “I’m kind of confused.” Fluttershy looked up at the man, he gave a soft chuckle. “As long as I am in your body, your body and soul are staying connected,” His eyes traveled down the road from the little hut. “Soon your body and soul will be one once more,” he could see the smile that started spreading across the young creature’s face in the corner of his eye. “You will be alive once more.” “Really?” she smiled, perching her front hooves on to the window seal. “Yes,” he looked back down at the yellow Pegasi. “And until then, I ask you. Will you please fight with me.” he took on a slightly more serious tone. “I d-don‘t think I can!” she said, looking down at a rock in her garden below. “I can’t take another life.” “But you lost yours.” Kizuna brought up the situation. The butterfly marked pony looked at him with a confused look. “I…I …” Fluttershy didn’t know how to respond to that. “You should know how terrible it feels to lose your life.” “I d-don’t know.” “Take a look out there.” The Ultra pointed out to the path towards Ponyville. “Do you see that!” The Pegasus’ eyes followed the finger toward the direction it was pointing at. Her face broke into a smile as she saw five figures heading to her little hut. “My friends,” She was happy, her friends were coming to see her. “Do you want your friends to experience it,” Kizuna said in a soft tone, the pink mane pony looked back at the silver man. “Losing the one thing that is known as the greatest gift one could give.” he continued. “Trust me, second chances on those are not always given to everyone.” “Well… I” “Will you protect that gift, the gift that was given to you again.” he asked the Pegasi. Fluttershy looked back to the friends that were coming from Ponyville and back to Kizuna, then back to her friends again. “Fine…” she said with her normal tone. “I- I’ll do it.” “I thank you, I know you will be…” “But,” She said looking back at the man in the light. “I don’t want to take away another’s ‘Gift.’” he face became serious, this was the only way she would take the silver man’s offer. “I understand.” Kizuna looked back outside, his voice returning to its soft tone. “We will see about that. Hopefully it will never come to that.” “Thank you.” Fluttershy gave a soft smile through her pink mane. “That is all I ask for.” Silence fell between the two companions as they both enjoyed the light that shined through the window. “Fluttershy!!” The yellow Pegasus’ ears perked as she looked back outside. Her friends had now broken into a gallop to her cottage. Fluttershy gave a smile as she saw them, they were her friends. After a second a worried look took over her face as she looked up to the Ultraman. “Do not worry.” Kizuna said, looking out to the ponies that made their way to their friend. “No one other then you can see, hear, nor sense me.” he said turning his body, his back to the window. “Well, maybe except these animals.” Kizuna’s eyes scanned the room; birds, squirrels, rabbits, and chipmunks were all staring at the both of them. Fluttershy couldn’t help let out a little giggle at the sight. “Now go, your friends are waiting.” he said holding out his hand to the door. The yellow Pegasi nodded as she walked to the door. She reached for the door knob only to stop before grasping it. “My name is Fluttershy!” She turned her head back to the silver man. “ ‘Fluttershy’, I’ll be sure to remember that.” Kizuna nodded, watching the little Pegasi leave the room. He turned his head back to the ponies that were walking up to the door of the little ground cottage. … “HEY THERE FLUTTERSHY!!!” The pink pony was the first speak up as she saw their friend opening her door. “Hey,” she looked about the group to see that all five of her friends appeared. “Well Sugar Cube, yawl sure missed something yesterday.” Applejack said, happy to see her friend alright. “R-really! I-I’m sorry, I was so scared. I started running to get help, but I just ran away instead.” Fluttershy apologized. “I’m v-very sorry.” “Do not worry about it darling, I will admit it, it was a very terrifying situation indeed.” the white unicorn spoke up. “We do not blame you at all, Fluttershy.” Rarity gave a generous smile to her friend. “Thanks.” “But you should have been there Fluttershy!” The blue Pegasi began buzzing around her friend. “Another creature came out of nowhere and started a big fight with the dragon.” Rainbow Dash began retelling story, filling her Pegasi friend in on what happened from their point of view. “Really!” Fluttershy tried to give a great expression. “I-I’m sorry I missed it.” “Of course I could of taken them both on.” Dash nodded to herself in agreement. “What happened to Mr. Dragon?” Fluttershy may have been afraid of them, but she truly cared about all animals. Even those that scared her to death. “He is doing fine Fluttershy.” Twilight answered. “I had spoken with Princess Celestia, she said that she sent a group of Pegasus to take care of the area.” The purple unicorn continued. “One of the things they reported was that the dragon was awake and was back to his old self. He doesn‘t remember anything that happened while he was that monster.” “That’s good.” The yellow Pegasi let out a small smile. The memory of the agonizing transformation began to replay in her mind. There was no need to remember that, he was alright now. She continued to smile as her eyes traveled upward. Flying high above, her companion was floating above her. His eyes were watching them, making sure they were to be safe. She couldn’t help but to let out a smile as she saw the sunlight that passed through Kizuna’s body. “Fluttershy, are you okay?” the yellow Pegasi lowered her head down as she saw the Pinkie Pie looking at her. Pinkie Pie had her usual Pinkie keen face on. “Oh, its nothing.” Fluttershy let out a little giggle. “I was just thinking it was a beautiful day today.” as she said that all ponies looked up to the sky. The yellow Pegasi decided, there was no reason to tell them. There was no need to have them to worry for her. She loved her friends deeply. “Well, I believe yawl are right.” The apple bucker lowered her head to her Pegasi friend. “It is a pretty day.” “Yeah!” Dash agreed. “Indeed it is very beautiful out.” “Come on girls.” Fluttershy said, she walked by friends looking back. The others didn’t give any kind of resistance. They followed their friend back down the road to Ponyville. They were going of to enjoy this day. This new, beautiful day. === The Evergreen forest was a dangerous place, with dangerous creatures. Many of these creatures desired to make meals out of ponies. They hunger for that pony meat. One creature in particular was looking on the outskirts of the trees, just looking at the small town of tasty morsels. He was hungry, he wanted to eat everyone of those delectable creatures. He would start off with the young ones, licking his teeth after each bite. Move on to the colts next, the thicker meat filling his stomach. The last would be the mares, they would make a nice after dinner treat. There was only one problem. There was the one problem called the sun. The one that controls the sun would never allow him to taste that pony meat. He was not the strongest creature in the forest, he knew it. he wouldn’t stand a chance against Celestia. D-drip… D-drop… The manticore turned it’s head around, it was surprised at what it was looking. When he came to this spot there wasn’t a single puddle of water around to be found. That wasn’t what he was looking at. Behind him laid a small spring, a spring as clear as the sky above. He could look into it from there, but what he saw was nothing. The Manticore could see bubble coming from wherever they came from. Each bubble giving a dripping sound as it reached the surface. The black like colored surface. The monster of the forest got curious, it walked over to the spring. He looked into the water, his reflection looking back at him. The bubbles rippling the details of his body. The spring leapt at him. === Kizuna watched from a safe distance, the 6 mares were hanging out in such a beautiful day as it was. He tried to keep out of his partner’s sight, but every now and then the yellow Pegasi would give him a smile. He couldn’t help but to bright up around her. "A couple of lies aren't so bad." he continued his gaze on the mares.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely      Chapter 1 It was a hot summer night in Ponyville, and Luna’s moon was perfectly visible in the sky. A dark, cloaked figure roamed the quiescent streets, making almost no sound at all, while most ponies were lying in their beds, not suspecting a visitor had arrived, and even though they were a friendly town, the silent and stealthy traveler was somewhat different from everypony else. Twilight Sparkle was rushing to her library, not minding the loud noise she was making. She should be in bed, but had fallen asleep while reading in a grassy hill. The comfortable, moist grass had made her sluggish and, with the help of the soft musicality of her poems, the purple unicorn’s eyelids closed a couple of hours earlier. As she trotted she saw a cloaked equine in a bench, and for a brief moment she wondered why the hay Zecora was sleeping in a bench. As she drew closed it came to her that it wasn’t Zecora, but a pony, not much older than herself. Twilight stopped and watched as the unknown stallion breathed heavily, wondering what should be done in such a situation. In the past months she had learned much about friendship, but she was unaware of how to approach ponies who hadn’t been introduced to her. This was the main reason why she knew a lot about her friends, but very little about the other few residents of ponyville. However, she decided that this good deed would not depend on her familiarity with the individual in question. In fact, she decided, this would be a good opportunity to increase her very limited number of friends, not that she was dissatisfied with her current situation; far from it. “Hello… is everything alright?” The cloaked pony opened his eyes slowly and stretched his muscles as he rose. From an energetic hop, the stallion landed in front of Twilight - so close that the sudden invasion of her personal bubble made her feel extremely awkward. She could now see that he had a grey coat and dark blue eyes, which matched the cloudless night above them. The grey stallion stepped back, increasing their distance to a degree deemed appropriate. Both said nothing for a couple of seconds, so much that Twilight felt obliged to speak and break the tension. “Hi…. I’m Twilight Sparkle and you were sleeping, and since I haven’t seen you before I… suppose I wanted to ask you why, I mean, who are you? And why were you sleeping on that bench?” She added the last question clumsily. Not that the first part made much sense, the mare realized as a cheesy smile formed in her face. He showed no emotion, but answered politely in spite of just being awoken by a random and, apparently, not very eloquent unicorn. “Good evening, Miss Sparkle. Pleased to meet you. My name is Ash Cloud and I arrived a few hours ago. I fell asleep in this bench because… Well because I was sleepy and I couldn’t find a hotel or room for rent.” It was his turn to feel embarrassed, having been caught asleep in a public bench. “If you want you can spend the night with me” She blushed now harder than ever, after realizing how her words could be interpreted. Twilight hurried to rephrase her previous statement, as she avoided the piercing blue eyes. This, while noticing a mocking smirk in him, not much of an improvement to the emotionless face he had displayed since the moment they had met. “I mean, you can spend the night at my house, I have an extra bed and…” She stopped, simply because she couldn’t think of any more reasons and just added “You would be most welcome, I wouldn’t mind at all.” Ash Cloud closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled deeply.”I will gladly accept your invitation, Miss Sparkle. I might add that few would pity a complete stranger and invite them into their homes, and for that I am most grateful. Lead the way, if you will.” Twilight suddenly felt uneasy, just realizing she was welcoming a potentially dangerous pony into her house, but his formal speech helped her relax a little. The library wasn’t far and after a couple of minutes of semi-awkward silence they entered the large room filled with books, some in respective shelves, others wide open in the a nearby table and even a few in the floor. Ash was mildly surprised to see an owl picking up the fallen books, while a purple baby dragon snored audibly. Ash removed his black cloak, revealing neatly tucked wings along with his cutie mark - a pair of square black rimmed glasses. By the time he had placed his cloak in the hanger near the door, a pair of glasses identical to his cutie mark crashed against the floor. Twilight just looked at Ash as the stallion picked up his glasses and put them on, making him look slightly more intelligent and a lot more serious. “The room is upstairs, feel free to use the bed. I still have a couple of things to do before I go to bed.”She smiled, trying to make her guest feel welcome. “While I appreciate your generosity, Miss Sparkle, I fear I am nocturnal, and feel more energetic during the night. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t since the stores are open only when I sleep. But since I’ve started traveling my sleep has become regrettably irregular. So I would rather not go to bed yet. Don’t mind me, I promise not to disturb your work.” The Pegasus felt he had explained his situation clearly and gazed at the books, finally choosing one and picking it up, reading the back cover. Twilight was surprised and at the same time intrigued. This Pegasus was like nopony she had met before. Firstly, he had fallen asleep in a bench, when he could have chosen a far more comfortable cloud. Additionally, he wore a black cloak in a hot summer night. He spoke like a perfect gentlecolt, except when he had shown embarrassment. But what disturbed her most was his apparent lack of emotions, not speaking unless he was spoken to, impervious to the long deafening silences most ponies considered unbearable. She decided not to bother him anymore, and with a yawn realizes how sleepy she was, deciding to postpone her chores until morning. “Actually I think I’m going to bed now. You can get something from the kitchen if you feel hungry. Good night”. “Good night Miss Sparkle.” The way he spoke made her feel like he didn’t really care, it was just an automatic response. He was looking at the pages of a book he had just open, deeply focused in its content. “Please, just call me Twilight. Being called Miss Sparkle feels kinda weird.” She admitted, hoping this would make her guest more at ease. “Good night. Twilight.” As the pony said her name he looked at her, a small smile appearing in his face. “I promise not to disturb your sleep.” The unicorn worried slightly that the pegasus would have less than noble intentions, but since she had no reason to not trust him, she fell in a deep slumber in a matter of minutes.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 2 The Sun was still rising, but a certain number 1 assistant was already awake. Still, a few extra minutes in bed couldn’t hurt, right? When he finally decided to let go of his pillow, a he saw a gray pony was sleeping in the library, an open book before him. Spike was quite shocked to see somepony in the library, but knew that Twilight must have invited him. He hoped. Deciding against taking action himself, he slowly walked to the mare’s room. “Twilight, Twilight!” He whispered, shaking the unicorn’s coat. “What, Spike? Why are you whispering?” She didn’t open her eyes, enjoying what she knew to be her last moments in the cozy bed. “There’s a stallion sleeping in the library. And he can’t hear me, so… why am I whispering?" As soon as Spike had finished his sentence, he smacked his own forehead in frustration. Twilight sighted, wondering why she hadn’t predicted this would happen. “His name is Ash Cloud, and since he didn’t have a place to stay I invited him over. Don’t wake him up yet, not until breakfast is ready.” Spike lowered his head, knowing that he would have to cook almost twice as much as he was used to, but he was proud of the young mare. A few months ago she would have done almost anything in order to avoid social interaction and now, thanks to her friends, she had welcomed a complete stranger into her home. The old Twilight wouldn’t even notice if somepony needed her help, keeping a book glued to her snout pretty much at all times. The dragon prepared the meal with ease, being used to the morning ritual. Now all he needed to do was wake up their guest and call his owner, no doubt busy brushing her mane and tail.  Spike poked him a few times, but to little avail. He tried calling the stallion’s name, which seemed to help. When he finally accomplished his task, the pegasus looked at him with a very confused expression. Then it finally hit him. He was in Twilight’s Sparkle library, having fallen asleep only a couple of hours before, judging by the position of the sun in a nearby window. “Hi. I’m Spike, Twilight’s assistant. She told me to wake you up once the breakfast was ready. She should be coming down any minute now.” Ash Cloud yawned loudly. He was used to sleeping a lot more than just a couple of hours a day, but knew he would have to change his sleep schedule to a more appropriate one. After thanking Spike he walked slowly to the kitchen, waiting for her host before starting the meal. Twilight arrived not a minute later, levitating a scroll which she handed her assistant, giving him a look that was quickly understood. The two ponies greeted each other and started eating as Spike sent the scroll to Celestia. Ash had never seen a dragon send a letter that way, and while knowing that it could be considered rude to question his generous host, but he knew most ponies used to talk during meals, dreading the silence he had learned to prize over the years. “I guess that is a faster way to send mail than by regular mail, Miss, erm Twilight.” He had manager to correct his minor lapse in judgment, recalling the mare had requested being addressed as Twilight. “Unfortunately it only works if I want to send a scroll to Princess Celestia. I don’t think I told you but I’m her student. In fact the reason I’m living here in Ponyville is because she sent me here to study friendship.” While Ash would normally find it annoying being told so much about something he had barely asked, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Said laughter was met with surprise. Twilight had never seen the stallion laugh, the closest thing being the smirk he’d failed to hide when she had made a foal of herself. “Allow me to elucidate. While I have never met the Princess, I would expect her to be far too busy to care about a socially awkward filly, that can’t even make friends on her own.” He knew he had gone too far, and was ready to apologize when the mare interrupted him. “I’m not a filly! And yes, having friends was something I didn’t want or thought I needed, until I arrived on Ponyville, but I don’t regret how things have turned out. These past months have been the best in my life.” She smiled, acknowledging this for the first time. “May I inquire what have you discovered about friendship so far? While I have an interest in social interactions, I never had the means or the will to experience them so far.” The mare couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Such didn’t expect that somepony as civilized as Ash had trouble making friends. Not to mention he wasn’t hard on the eyes at all. She didn’t care about her friends looked like, but knew some did. “Then what about a compromise? I’ll, erm, show you my research about friendship if you tell me more about yourself. I just realized I know absolutely nothing about you.” She didn’t want to show it, but the fact that he was a lonely bookworm like she used to be made her want to help him. After all her life had been so much better since she had met her friends, so she wanted him to feel that happiness too. Ash didn’t know whether to accept or not. He was interested, but didn’t know if he wanted to share more about himself. He feared she had forgotten that he was travelling and had no intentions of staying for more than a couple of days, at most. But what did he have to lose? “Fine, if you are so interested. I was born in Cloudsdale. I have an interest in all science-related subjects, but I also like philosophy and, as you probably know, the study of social interactions.” Twilight facehoofed. That was not what she wanted to know at all. “I meant, what do you like doing? Why are you traveling? How was your foalhood? Something more personal than your place of birth and favorite subjects.” She was mildly annoyed at the way he didn’t share anything about himself. Whether he was doing it on purpose or not. “I apologize. I enjoy reading and gazing at the moon and stars. I decided it was time to leave my father’s house but haven’t found a place I wanted to stay in yet. My foalhood was…. Normal. Happy?” She gave up. If she wanted to know more about the secretive stallion, she would have to befriend him first. Something that benefitted them both, since it allowed him to learn more about “social interactions” firsthoof. “For now. Come on, I’ll show you what I learned.”She said while heading for the front door. Noticing how Ash Cloud was following her, stopping once they arrived at the door. “Where are we going?” Twilight was still getting used to communicating with somepony who didn’t talk unless he needed to, noticing how he resembled Big Mac in this particular aspect. “While studying friendship, I have discovered the only way to learn about it is actually making friends." She turned to the now visibly disturbed pony opening and closing his mouth, attempting to form the words that refused to leave his mouth. “When I said I wanted to see the results of your research, I didn’t mean I wanted you to introduce me to your friends!” “Since you came here, you might as well get to meet some of the locals. Besides, I have a friend that will love to meet you.” Ash knew that it was too late to turn back, slightly comforted by the fact that Twilight used to be in a situation somewhat similar to his own, with the exception that he couldn’t see himself actually enjoying having friends. But perhaps he just hadn’t met the right ponies yet. The pegasus refused to talk to Twilight for the short trip, but she knew better than to force him to talk. Knowing exactly what would happen in a few minutes she giggled, which didn’t make Ash any more comfortable with the whole situation. They arrived at a large building. “Here we are. Carousel Boutique.”      ------------------------ In Canterlot, Princess Celestia had just finished reading the scroll Twilight had sent her. She smiled to herself, knowing that whatever happened next, it was bound to teach her student some very important lessons on friendship. Perhaps even love, if she was lucky…
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 3 The door opened, displaying the cozy shop owned by Rarity. The shelves were full of the most varied kinds of fabrics. While the exterior clearly displayed the store as anything but humble, Ash Cloud wasn’t really prepared for such magnitude in the quiet and peaceful Ponyville. Twilight entered, making sure the stallion had followed her and that he wasn’t hiding behind her. Rarity had her back to the door, carefully sowing, while a white cat played with a button on the floor. Feeling a draft, she turned to face the pair, eyeing the grey pegasus from head to hoofs before addressing her close friend. “Good morning Twilight. I see you brought a friend along. My name is Rarity, pleasured to meet you.” Ash was pleased with the white unicorn. She had displayed the courtesy of introducing herself first and not asking for his. Her mane revealed that she, unlike Twilight, cared about her looks, but the store gave the impression that Rarity was a hard-working mare. “I am Ash Cloud, the pleasure is all mine.” He bowed slightly, wanting to make a good impression. This was the first friend of Twilight he had met and he hoped behaving in a socially acceptable way would let him off the hook earlier. After all, if Twilight was in Ponyville to make friends, she probably had lots of them, and Ash simply couldn’t be bothered to make acquaintances he would hopefully never meet again. “What brings you to my humble business, Mr. Cloud?” Rarity said, not hiding the fact that she was delighted to meet such a gentlecolt. However, she had no idea all he wanted to do was leave and never return. “Ash is new in Ponyville. He has been traveling, and since he didn’t have a place to stay I invited him to stay at the library.”Twilight interrupted, not wanting to feel excluded from the conversation. “We came here because the only clothing he has with him is an old cloak and I was sure this was something you would like to correct.” Celestia’s pupil knew this would prolong their visit. It took some time to get used to Rarity but it seemed Ash and she would get along nicely. But everything would not run as smoothly as Twilight had hoped. “While I appreciate your concern, I assure you a travelling pegasus needs nothing more than the last thing he has from his deceased mother.” Ash stressed every word on the end of his sentence, making sure they were understood perfectly. He knew that it was too late to change what had been said, but one could only make the best of the situation. At least now Twilight would think twice before bombarding him with questions. “And I don’t carry a suitcase, so I wouldn’t be able to carry them.” He stated, returning to his neutral and emotionally distant tone, as if he hadn’t lost control mere moments before. Twilight felt guilt rushing through her body. She knew he had left his father’s house, but he had never mentioned his mother. Now she was aware that the stallion was capable of expressing feelings, something she had questioned due to his calm demeanor. Rarity was unprepared for the sudden rage that had been visible for a moment in Ash’s eyes. She didn’t know if Twilight had seen it or even whether it had been her imagination but for a fraction of a second she could have sworn seeing the blue maned pony’s eyes change to a hateful glare. “Well, if a vest is out of the question, perhaps there is something I could do for you, Ash.” Rarity used the stallion’s first name for the first time, hoping that would defuse the awkward situation for which she felt partially responsible for. Ash Cloud looked at the fashionista, saying nothing for a moment, considering his choices carefully; aware that his next sentence would have a deep effect on the pony he didn’t wish to offend. After all, just because he hadn’t wanted to meet her did not mean he wanted to hurt her feelings. Over the years Cloud had learned that a mare’s feelings were something dangerous and should be handled with care. “I apologize for my rude words, Miss Rarity. I must also reveal the true reason of our intrusion. Twilight mentioned her studies on friendship and after I showed interest she offered me the opportunity to meet one of her closest friends. Now, if I may be so bold, I feel that it is I who should do something for you. Anything you require assistance with I’ll gladly help.” He no longer felt the desire to disappear. Bonding with Rarity had turned out to be fairly easily due to their similar nature, even if Rarity could be a bit more eccentric, especially when put under pressure. Perhaps if all of Twilight’s friends were like Rarity, he wouldn’t mind staying for a little while. Twilight couldn’t help but smile. She knew that it would have been the perfect occasion for Ash to feint offense and flee, never to be seen again. Now he had even offered to stick around, even if only because of his silly outburst.        ---------------------------------- Rarity had seized the chance to use Ash to finish a few vests for a client from Canterlot with roughly the same size. They had spent time chatting casually about the white mare’s work but no more questions were addressed to the stallion, who was now trying a green vest with blue stripes. “I honestly think it’s time for us to stop discussing my career, even if it is most glamorous. Since Twilight is introducing you to our group of friends I feel I should warn you that not all of them are like us. I fear they might take you as snobbish and unapproachable, should you insist on talking like the gentlecolt you are.” Rarity was genuinely worried about Ash meeting Applejack, who while friendly, was impatient most of the time. Not to mention Rainbow Dash, who would certainly challenge Ponyville’s most recent visitor to a race as soon as she laid her eyes on his wings. I’m sure there is nothing to worry about Rarity. They’re all very nice, all 4 of them. Even if one of them will probably drive you crazy.” Twilight said, tired of waiting for the rigorous unicorn to dismiss her volunteer worker. “I am quite surprised, Twilight. I was sure somepony who was studying friendship you would have a lot of friends.” “Let’s just say that I prefer a cozy group of close friends rather than a lot of ponies I hardly spend any time with. But I bet you can’t say the same for yourself. You must have had lots of friends while growing up, in whatever fancy school you were taught in.” Ash didn’t quite know how to respond. She had assumed so much about him, it was ridiculous. But he knew perfectly why she had said what she did. In her attempt to squeeze information out of him, she had made something up, expecting to be corrected. How could she help him make friends if she knew nothing about him? But he indulged her. “I did not have friends while I was a colt. Not that there was something wrong with me. I was homeschooled, so social interactions were restricted to say the least. You must have thought I attended a particular school because I am a gentlecolt. Know this, Twilight Sparkle, gentlecolts are born, not made. And it’s not something that can be passed from father to child. A gentlecolt is a well-mannered and considerate pony with high standards of proper behavior. I’ve known gentlecolts whose entire families were nothing short of simpleminded brutes.” This time, while his words had been harsh, he had managed to keep his cool. Twilight had no idea what to say, so she said nothing. In the meantime Rarity, who would soon be over with her preparations, managed to talk to her unicorn friend in private while the grey pony undressed. “Twi, I know you have his best interest at heart, but Ash will hardly be impressed with the likes of Applejack or Pinkie Pie. Perhaps it would be for the best if you just let him move on.” “I can’t. He’s so much like me before I knew all of you. I want him to know what’s like to have friends.” “I’ve seen how you look at him. If you let yourself become too attached to this stallion and he doesn’t stay, you’ll only be hurting yourself.” With that last piece of advice, Rarity left to check on Ash Cloud, who was ready to leave. “It has been a pleasure meeting you, Miss Rarity.” The stallion noticed how she didn’t mind at all being called Miss. “The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for your help. I sincerely hope to see you again in the near future.” With these last farewells the guests left the tall building, where Ash saw a pair of cyan eyes extremely close to his face. “A new pony! This calls for a PARTY!” And just like that the blue eyes vanished in a blur of pink, now far away heading towards Sugarcube Corner.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 4 “What the hay was THAT?” The stallion was completely speechless at the display of speed and utter randomness to say anything more. “That was Pinkie Pie, she is one of my close friends that I planned on introducing you to. She is probably planning you a welcome party to ponyville. It’ll be fun, trust me.” The mare giggled softly. She had hoped avoiding this encounter, but everything went better than expected. She was not sure whether Ash would decide to stay in Ponyville, but just in case he didn’t at least he would have a chance to attend one of Pinkie’s parties. “I…I’m…Wait. You were going to introduce me to that crazy mare? Are you out of your mind?” Few were the times Ash had ever been so shocked that it would drive him to stutter like a foal, but something started moving inside his brain. Twilight had mentioned 4 more friends, so Rarity, Pinkie Pie and 3 more. Moments ago nothing would have pleased him more than hear Twilight say he was free to go. Although after meeting Pinkie he wasn’t so sure anymore. Sure, it was a small group, so meeting them couldn’t be too troublesome. Still, what drove his curiosity was how much the three friends seemed so different and incompatible. “Yes, and I’m still going to. However we’ll have to leave that for last now, as I’m sure there will be a party in your honor this night. She might seem weird, but nobody parties like Pinkie Pie. The next pony I want you to meet is Applejack. She’s no Rarity, but I think you’ll get along nicely.”I hope. Twilight could have introduced Ash to Fluttershy first, since she had resembled the fashionista the most, but since he had already seen Pinkie Pie… Besides, now she wanted to know how he would react to Applejack. When they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres Applejack was surprisingly not working, taking a short break, chatting casually with her younger sister. As soon as they spotted their guests the apple sisters walked towards the couple. “Hi Applejack. This is Ash Cloud, a friend of mine.” Ash was surprised to see Twilight address him as a friend, but it seemed the word was used so commonly it hardly mattered. “A pleasure meeting ya. I’m Applejack, and this is my young sis, Apple Bloom.” She said, while shaking the Stallion’s hooves with a strength he couldn’t help but admire. Taking a moment to gaze at the orchard, Ash knew that while probably very distinct from Rarity, Applejack too was a hard-working mare, something that he could respect. “The pleasure is mine, Miss Applejack.” He knew that the farmer wouldn’t approve of being addressed as such, but manners were something that had always given him the upper hand when talking to mares. “Just Applejack is fine. We at Sweet Apple Acres like to keep things informal. You’ll never taste better apples, though. Care for some?” She now had an apple in her hoof, handing it to Ash. Tasting it, Ash was more worried about facing this new challenge. But as he swallowed it, a silly yet potent idea came to mind. Perhaps he could drop his shields and just have fun without pondering the results of his actions, being honest and carefree, for once. It was something he had never tried, and it was sure to make him get along with Applejack. Plus it would make Twilight happy.       ------------------------------------------------------ Apple Bloom saw her opportunity and silently retreated. She had been waiting for something like this to happen, so that she could meet the other cutie mark crusaders. She knew there would be consequences for not completing her morning chores, but she was glad to face them later rather than sooner.   -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight only now realized she hadn’t formulated a plan. She had no idea of what could be made in order to stay a bit longer, before Applejack had to start working again. She saw her chance to speak, dreading the idea of awkward silence. After all, she wanted Ash to meet Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash before Pinkie’s party. “Actually Applejack, Ash is currently travelling, and he could use some extra bits. Perhaps he could help a bit at the farm. Besides, I just remembered I have something I have to do right now. I’ll pick you up in an hour.” With that she teleported, leaving the two ponies alone. It wasn’t the best plan in the world. She had just left Ash completely alone with Applejack. The only thing the unicorn could do now was stay at the library. She was sure Ash Cloud wouldn’t leave Ponyville without his beloved cloak. The stallion’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe the nerve, the audacity of abandoning him. Not to mention if he wanted to get to know one of Twilight’s close friends a bit more he would have to work for it, a bit too literally for his taste. Nonetheless, it was true that he could use some extra bits. He should have taken more from his father’s house before leaving. At this point Applejack was looking around, as if she had lost something. “Well, since Apple Bloom’s missing, I guess I do have some chores for you. Nothing fancy though.” She didn’t usually employ ponies, especially pegasus, since their build tended to be less strong and robust compared to earth ponies. At least unicorns could pick up apples easily, using magic. “Thanks a bunch, I won’t let you down. Just tell me what I have to do.” The pegasus tried his best to come across as informal, allowing Applejack to be more at ease.      ---------------------------------------------- For almost an hour the ponies worked their hardest, but for someone who had never worked in a farm Cloud wasn’t doing such a bad job. He was motivated, as he discovered doing something as foreign as doing manual labor was actually fulfilling. At first he had dismissed Applejack as a simpleminded farmer, but now he saw it wasn’t so. They hardly spoke, but the skill she displayed while doing her chores had some kind of poetry in itself. Her abilities with the lasso, the powerful blows that accurately made the apples fall to the wooden baskets, was something that could never be substituted by the knowledge of mathematical principles. He had searched for meaning and truth in books, stars and the complexity of life itself, but it had never occurred to him that answers could be attained in a struggle for survival. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that just a bad crop could leave the entire Apple family starving for an entire year. He felt bad for judging the young farmer mare, and wanted to make it up to her, even though she had no knowledge of his thoughts. As soon as he finished his chores, he approached Applejack, who was bucking a tree. He wondered how to start a conversation. Wanting to know more about the mare, perhaps he could find what she had that he lacked. He had always lacked something important, but knew not what. Friends, love, purpose. Most ponies considered these things important, but he had never experienced them. Unfortunately they are not things one can find in books. Even love, something that his father had deprived him of. His mother died when he was very young, so he had no recollections of her. But something must have been wrong with her, in order to have married his father. He shook these thoughts from his head. Reliving the past time after time had never done him any good and certainly wouldn’t now. “So, is Apple Bloom your sister?” He was almost sure of the answer, but making small talk was something he had never attempted before, but avoided many times. “Yeah, she’s a handful, that one. Sometimes Ah kinda wish she were a colt, just so Big Macintosh would be the one to have to take care of her. Big Macintosh is mah big brother. He’s not much fun, but works well I suppose.” “Consider yourself lucky. I never had any siblings, so my colthood was kind of lonely.” He laughed lightly, for the first time since he arrived in Ponyville. He had shared something about himself to a pony he hardly knew, and had done so willingly. Twilight would be proud. Perhaps he could change, and be happy in a place where he would be accepted by everypony. Such a paradise was something he never had hoped to find. “Well, shoot. That’s mighty unlucky. Don’t worry, I’ll lend you mah sis whenever ya like.” Applejack joked, without stopping working. “I can see Twilight, must be here to pick you up. Here’s 10 bits for your work. And since you worked so hard, I’ll treat you and Twi to lunch.” Twilight could hardly believe her eyes. She had just seen Ash laugh. It was even more shocking than when she had made him lose his cool. Perhaps coming to Applejack so soon hadn’t been such a bad idea after all.   ------------------------------------------------------- Lunch at Sweet Apple Acres was delicious as always, Ash going out of his way to compliment every dish he tasted. Twilight had no idea why the sudden change in behavior, but somehow Applejack had managed a feat of magic even the most powerful magician in Ponyville couldn’t have ever hoped to achieve. Alas, the time for food and laugher must always come to an end. Soon Applejack would have to get back to work, and even though the farmer had tried to convince Ash to work some more, Twilight insisted they must leave. After all, they still had a couple of friends to visit. But before that a certain grey pegasus needed a bath.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 5 After being alone for so long I know no longer what to do. I have never required friends before. Not that life under my father’s roof would have enabled that. I have learned so much. In a sense I can see further than anypony else. The past, the present, and to an extent, the future itself. Perhaps I give myself much undeserved credit. The Royal family has access to information that I will never possess. Princess Celestia itself is older than any original copy of any book in existence. She made sure the ancient tomes information was preserved for posterity. That said, it is obvious that had she wanted to, she could have erased any kind of polemical history. A thousand years ago she banished her only sister to the moon. I can’t believe somepony in a sane state of mind would do that. And yet, in our peaceful times, she is the benevolent and caring mother of Equestria. She must have gone a long way. Perhaps I can change too. But do I want to? Twilight made sure I understood that her life is much better now that she has friends. Is that alone enough for me to want to have some of my own? When I left Carousel Boutique I was planning on leaving, never to return. But seeing Applejack has made me see that somehow I was not completely right. I always held myself higher than most, merely because of knowledge. I am aware that I closed my eyes. I just wanted to avoid any conflict with Applejack, and if I could make Twilight happy in the process, better yet. Have I seen just what I wanted to see? Sure, it made me happier than I have ever been for months now, but when have I become such a hedonist fool? To fool myself in this way is to meddle with the very purpose of my existence. Must I return to my colthood, trying to figure out the meaning of life? If there were such an easy answer life would be simpler. If I were to follow my biological goal I would be reduced to a breeding horse, and that is a future I must certainly do not wish for myself. I am in the void right now. I don’t know if anypony else feel like this, but I have now the same feeling I get when reading a book I have not yet finished, and am unaware of what I know, lost between past and future, two very certain extremes, that are joined in a very uncertain present. After meeting all of Twilight’s friends I am sure I will have the answer. Then I will act. His mind now in order, Ash departed from the hot water in the tub. The hot steam showed that he had been there for a considerable amount of time. While Twilight had insisted he took a bath after working at Sweet Apple Acres, he couldn’t help but assume it had little to do with his sweaty body and more to do with his emotional and muscular weariness. As he left the bathroom, now completely dry, he noticed Twilight reading a book, no doubt waiting for him to finish. “Are you feeling better now?”She was smiling, obviously pleased with something. “I must admit I have never felt this good in a while. So, who are we going to see next?”Ash inquired. “Fluttershy. She’s really shy, but I’m sure you’ll get along just fine. She likes to take care of small creatures. She’s really nice and caring.” Twilight was in her own way rewarding Ash, giving him some clues about the personality of Fluttershy. Before that she had always kept him in the dark, alone to face her friends. In a quite literal fashion when he had met Applejack. “Are you trying to set me up with her or something? Anyway, why are your friends all female? I didn’t take you for, er… you know.” Ash was now blushing. He kept quiet, waiting for the mare to fill the silence, although his words made her blush too. She was clearly stunned. “No, I am not a fillyfooler. Not that I have anything against it or anything, you know. But I guess I never really thought much about that. They were just the friends I made. In case you haven’t noticed there are a lot more mares than stallions in Ponyville, for some odd reason.” She smiled, only now noticing something that would hopefully put the grey stallion in his place. “Although I admit Applejack must have worked some kind of miracle on you. I didn’t consider you capable of using such an informal expression as set me up. And no, I don’t think Fluttershy would find you particularly enticing. Perhaps if you were a furry animal this would be your lucky day.” And so they strolled to Fluttershy’s, who was already waiting for them. Ash wasn’t sure how or when Twilight had warned her of their visit, but considering the time he had spent working for Applejack it couldn’t have been very difficult. This made Fluttershy the first pony actually expecting Ash, which made him a bit nervous. He didn’t know what she had been told about him. Twilight wouldn’t dare bad-mouth him to her friend, not that she was the type to anyway. And even if Fluttershy had heard something from Rarity or Applejack, he was sure none would have reasons to criticize his behavior. “Hello Twilight Sparkle. Hi Ash Cloud. Nice meeting you.” Ash noticed how her pink mane hid part of her face. She sure did seem shy. Feeling the need to put the yellow mare at ease her put on his best, most convincing smile and returned the greeting. “Hi Fluttershy. It’s very nice meeting you at last. I have heard many good things about you, you know.” “Oh, I’ve heard you’re really nice too.”She averted her gaze to Twilight, but didn’t say a word. The unicorn, who until now had been a mere observer, decided to intervene as poor Fluttershy seemed especially shy around stallions. “So, have you planed anything for us? If you haven’t don’t worry. You’re probably really busy taking care of critter and I promise we won’t take much of your time.” Twilight hadn’t made the same mistake of coming unprepared. She had told their guest that Ash merely wanted to make a few friends and that she could prepare something to make him more relaxed. “Well, I was going to feed the duckies in a lake nearby, so perhaps you want to join? Some people do it for fun too. If that’s okay with you, of course.” It was faint, but Ash managed to spot it. A sparkle in her eyes for a mere moment, just as she mentioned feeding ducks. He wasn’t too fond of animals, especially loud ones like dogs, but he didn’t consider himself a cat pony either. They were too arrogant, like they didn’t know who was the pet and who was the owner. Both guests welcomed the idea. In fact, Twilight was rather pleased with it, knowing that it was the perfect opportunity to truly convince Ash that friends were worth having. The blue maned pegasus was surprised at the reception they were given by the considerable large group of ducks, rounding Fluttershy while quacking impatiently. Fortunately they grew quieter once the trio began feeding them with bread. One of them, however, was not being particularly nice. It was a bigger than average, pushing and bullying the smaller ones in order to get most of the food. Ash noticed him before Twilight, who was busy levitating crumbs so that the ducks had to hop in order get their food. Fluttershy was also busy, and since the ducks were used to her she had more surrounding her. The grey pegasus decided it was time to teach the bully a lesson and deprived him of food whenever possible. This didn’t go as well as he had hoped, since said duck attacked him violently, biting relentlessly. This angered Ash more than it should, and for in a moment his mind was set. With a fast and strong movement he stomped on the duck, snapping his left wing. A sadistic grin on his snout, he was actually pleased with himself. “NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU BRUTE?” Fluttershy was now centimeters from him, glaring in a way the stallion thought impossible for such a tame pony. He was now absolutely terrified. A quick glance showed Twilight in pure panic. Any attempts to speak resulted only in repeated stammering.  After seconds that seemed like centuries, Fluttershy ceased her stare. She then picked up the wounded duck and carried it home, leaving Twilight and Ash alone with the ducks, who took Fluttershy’s departure as a sign that the meal was over, leaving for the water soon after. “What the buck were you thinking?” The enraged unicorn said once she gained full control of her shaking hooves. “That duck was stealing the food from the smaller ones. And he attacked me! I’m not the one you should blame.” Independently of how much Ash tried to explain his action his heart had sank upon seeing Fluttershy leave, unable to lift his own spirit. “It doesn’t matter what it did! It’s a duck, so he can’t think logically and he used his instincts. You can’t blame an irrational animal for their actions.” Ash knew perfectly the mare was right, but what disturbed him most was the wave of pleasure he had felt when that wing broke. “I’m going to apologize, if I explain maybe she…” “You will do no such thing!” The unicorn interrupted him, knowing that Fluttershy would take time to forgive him, even if she wasn’t one to foster bitterness towards anypony.   Guilt spoke louder than Twilight and in an instant Ash was high in the air, speeding in the cottage’s direction. He didn’t think, for once, and upon landing he didn’t know whether to knock on the door or not. He simply tapped it, opening it slightly. From his position he could see Fluttershy tending to the bird’s wound. The fast and swift movement clearly indicated that she had done this many times before. Ash waited for her to finish before coughing, indicating his presence. The pegasus mare turned quickly, visibly startled. Ash decided it would better for him to speak first. “I’m very sorry. I can explain. He was bullying the other ducks and he attacked me and…” He was unsure about what to say next, but Fluttershy didn’t give him time to think. “I want you to know I’m very disappointed in you Ash. The way Twilight Spoke about you I never thought you could do something like that. I know Duckglas can be a handful, but he just needs to be shown a little kindness. But if you really are sorry I won’t hold a grudge against you." It was highly inappropriate, especially considering he didn’t know the mare very well and the fact that minutes ago she was yelling at him, but he couldn’t help himself. In a flash he had closed the gap between them and hugged her tightly. She didn’t offer any resistance so he didn’t let go, merely whispering a soft “Thank you.” into her ear. None of them realized Twilight had arrived and upon seeing the couple hug, her jaw dropped. Confused and uncomfortable, she didn’t speak or move. When the two pegasi let each other go, they noticed Twilight and soon there were three ponies in a mildly awkward situation.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 6 “You got really lucky back there, I hope you realize that. I’ve seen Fluttershy stare down an adult dragon before and he didn’t even hurt anypony…Well, badly, at least.” “Since I am a rather charming stallion, perhaps it was my dashing good looks that stopped her from hurting me.” Ash joked, wondering since when had he become this cocky. “Yeah, sure. Anyway, there’s just one more pony I want you to meet before your party tonight. Considering her personality, it’s really fortunate you’re in such a good mood. But don’t expect your erm… dashing good looks to have much of an effect on her.” “Why wouldn’t they…. Ohhhh, I see. No problem, I have nothing against mares like that.” “Again, why is it you just go around assuming that sort of thing? What I meant was she is more the athletic type. So unless you can beat her in a race, I doubt she will show any interest.” Twilight didn’t dislike the new Ash. In fact she was proud of him, but she worried that he would do anything that could get himself hurt. Again. Before Ash had any chance to retort, he was hit by something moving relatively fast, knocking him down. When he recovered from the impact, he saw three little fillies on the ground and a blue scooter attached to a wooden box. He recognized the yellow filly as Apple Bloom, Applejack’s sister. “Ouch. I told you we were going too fast Scootaloo.” ´Moaned a white unicorn, massaging her head with a hoof. “Fillies, just what are you up to this time?” Inquired Twilight, helping the stallion next to her get on his hooves. “We were going to try and get our parasprite catchers cutie marks.” Scootaloo said with a mischievous grin in her face. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Parasprite Catchers. YAY!” The three fillies shouted in unison. “Wait just a second there. I don’t really follow. What is this nonsense talk about cutie marks?” The grey stallion was visibly confused, not knowing what was happening. “These three fillies are Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and you already know Apple Bloom. Actually Sweetie Belle is Rarity’s younger sister. They created this club where they go around trying all sort of crazy activities to help them find their cutie marks.” Explained the older mare. “But there is no way I am going to let you into the Everfree Forest, much less to capture a parasprite. Don’t you remember what happened the last time?” “See? I told you it was a bad idea.” “Who’s a chicken now, Apple Bloom? Besides, if capturing Parasprites is our special talent, we’ll never find it!” The orange filly argued. “I know. Let’s ask Twilight’s coltfriend how he got his cutie mark.” Suggested Sweetie Belle, causing the couple of older ponies to blush. “First of all Sweetie Belle, Ash and I are not a couple. And we are in a bit of a hurry. Besides, I doubt he wants to tell you the tale of how he got….” The purple mare was trying her best to come up with excuses in order to get away from the three little fillies and their awkward assumptions, which she feared would lead to very awkward questions.   “Nonsense, Twilight. I would love to share my story with these lovely curious ponies. I am sure they could learn a lot from it.” The stallion interrupted, stepping forward to better speak to his small audience. “I got my cutie mark when I around your age. My dad had grounded me because of something I did. When I was allowed to leave he noticed my cutie mark. And that’s how I got it.” He affirmed in a rather unenthusiastic manner, making sure the three youngsters could see his glasses-shaped cutie mark. “That’s it? So….. Your special talent is being locked in your room? Or being grounded?” Apple Bloom questioned, inclining her head slightly to her left. “That is the important part. I didn’t do anything different when I was in my room, but my cutie mark is here anyway. Even I don’t know what it means, but I don’t care. Getting a cutie mark won’t make you better ponies; it doesn’t change who you are or what you do in life. It’s just something silly, stuck to your flank forever.” This time he spoke like a wise stallion, a teacher of sorts. Scootaloo facehoofed, and both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom seemed disappointed. “Come on, girls, this won’t help us get our cutie marks.” As always, the young pegasus spoke first, picking up her scooter and leading the trio in the direction of their not-so-secret club house. Twilight was quite surprised to see that their disregard for his advice troubled Ash, even if he was trying his best not to show his emotion. “Don’t worry. They’ll understand someday that there are some things more important than getting their cutie marks. But at least they are having fun while they do it.” The mare’s advice did lift his spirit, but left him wondering if Twilight (and now him) were equally blind to life’s priorities. Perhaps making friends and having a good time wasn’t that important. Who was anypony to claim to understand the deep mysteries of life? Soon they arrived at a field, a single cloud hovering above them. Atop said cloud rested a blue mare, seemingly without a care in the world. But her calm state of mind was disturbed by somepony shouting her name, indubitably trying to get her attention. “What?” Said the slightly annoyed pegasus, looking down from her cloud to see Twilight Sparkle, her good friend, and a stallion she didn’t recognize. She descended in a fast yet strangely gracious manner, landing in front of the couple. “Hi Rainbow. Meet Ash, he’s new in Ponyville.  Also, Pinkie is throwing him a welcome party at Sugarcube Corner tonight.” Twilight was nervous. She knew this was possibly the last chance to turn Ash’s life for the better, but she needed Rainbow to achieve the good result her other friends did. Dash was friendly and all, but sometimes too competitive for her own good, which could turn into a major turn off for the stallion. “So, Rainbow Dash, Twilight told me you enjoy racing. Perhaps I could interest you in a friendly competition.” The stallion, while having no interest in sports or racing of any kind, decided it would be best for him to show interest if he were to explore each new acquaintance properly.   While Dash examined the grey pegasus wings Twilight’s jaw dropped. She was definitively not expecting a challenge coming from Ash. In fact, it frightened her a bit. A few hours ago his behavior had been so consistent, so predictable… Now she was unsure of how she felt about him. She clearly didn’t have any power over him at this stage. The sheer thought that his decisions were his and his alone made her feel strangely uneasy. She could lose him at this rate. Dash had very little on her mind, other than the race with the stallion. Sure, she had won a lot of races, especially against the less aerodynamic males, but a new challenger was something she never underestimated. Even if she always kept a confident look on her face. “You’re on! First one to get to Sweet Apple Acres and back wins. OnetwothreeGO!” Ash was certainly not used to this kind of behavior, but as soon as he saw the mare take off he followed suit. Even though he wasn’t in bad shape he couldn’t help but fall behind, the distance between both contestants increasing dramatically with each passing second. By the time Rainbow Dash arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, Ash was already coming back, surrendering in utter defeat. “Hey, what’s the matter with you? I said to Sweet Apple Acres and back, not give up halfway. At least you could have tried to finish the race.” Rainbow was a proud racer and she did not take kindly to those whom, when faced with adversity, turned back and gave up.   “You won. Even if I kept going, what was that going to achieve anyway? You’re the better pony, and I hope that, while I was not even close to a fitting challenger, you acknowledge my participation in an activity of your interest.” The formal way of speaking, instead of assuring Rainbow that he meant no disrespect, only made her give him a quizzical look. “Look, if you didn’t want to race you didn’t have to. I don’t know what you heard about me but I don’t challenge me if you can’t keep up. I’ll see you at the party, I guess.” With that she flew away, towards her cloud house. The couple just stared at the skies for a few moments before the male broke the silence. “You know you could have helped right? I had no idea she was going to react like that. Now I’ll have to say something at the party, aren’t I? At least none of the others were mad at me when we left. Maybe this was just a really bad idea.” Said the grey stallion, now obviously insecure over his most recent failure. And things were going rather well, at least according to him. “Don’t worry.” Assured the purple unicorn. “I’m sure she isn’t mad at you or anything. She just takes competition way too seriously. You should see her and Applejack. That’s when things can get really ugly.” “Well, I have met all of your friends, and we still have some time until the party. What should we do next?” “Hmm… I was meaning to ask you. What happened between you and Applejack? That was the first time I saw you act, well, normally. I mean, you were normal around Rarity, but socially friendly, instead of just polite.” “Well, I guess I just learned some things while I was working. And things just kind of evolved from there. I wonder what would have happened if I had met them in another order. Maybe I wouldn’t be sorry for leaving.” “That means you’re still going to leave? I was hoping you could stay. I mean, you’re not going anywhere in particular! Why can’t you just settle down and be with us?” By now Twilight was getting anxious. While her initial purpose was of saving Ash, she now really wanted him to stay, as much as she had wanted to stay in Ponyville after defeating Nightmare Moon. “See, I just don’t…. I mean…Hurgh.” He was getting frustrated from the amount of focus it was taking him to properly express himself in a way he couldn’t possibly be misunderstood. After exhaling deeply he finally spoke again. “I like it here. I really do, and I wish I could stay longer. But then what? I’d have to get a job and my own place. Not that if I keep travelling bits are going to start falling into from the sky, but it’s easier not having to deal with it. That was kind of my whole approach on life until now. If I don’t care and don’t get involved it’s impossible for me to get hurt. I just don’t know…. Yet.” With those words he began walking towards Ponyville, before Twilight stopped him with a firm hug. “I understand. But I won’t hurt you. Trust me.”
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 7 The night arrived soon enough, which contributed to Ash’s restlessness. The party wasn’t what bothered him, but the final decision that would come afterwards. There had been only one time where he was forced to make a drastic decision. It was the night he left his former home. But that choice had been simple. There was no future for him under his father. At that time he knew he would miss his books and small bedroom. But the possession he prized most was not his to leave behind. As long as he could gaze upon the full moon he wouldn’t miss any of it. The doubt as old as time, is it not? To be content with what you have achieved, or to set your eyes on the stars and never stop. Like an author that has writer’s block, he couldn’t move forward. But time has no concern for our trouble. “What are you thinking about, looking so deep?” Twilight nudged him lightly, relieving the dark silence between them. They hadn’t spoken much in the last couple of hours, only trading a few words when necessary. Things were pretty awkward since the stallion’s future had been discussed. “Nothing in particular.” He lied. “Are there going to be more ponies in this party, or just your private group?” He honestly wanted to know, but it wasn’t so important that it couldn’t have waited. It was just easier to avoid annoying questions. “Knowing Pinkie she probably invited most of Ponyville. Don’t worry, though. You won’t have to chit-chat with them all. At least it isn’t a surprise party.” She recalled the night that had started it all. It wasn’t a bad memory but it made her chest tighten. This was her last chance. Even from far away the couple could hear the loud music, accompanied by distant dancing and laughing. When they got closer it was clear that Sugarcube Corner was packed with multicolored ponies dancing and playing. Twilight had done this some times before, but every time Pinkie outdid herself. Ash was downright stunned. Ignoring the voice inside his brain that told him to analyze the other’s behavior carefully, becoming one with the crowd, he just stared. He could see a green unicorn and white earth pony with wrapped candy for a cutie mark dancing a few meters away. At his right a blond pegasus swallowed a whole muffin. “Hi! I’m Pinkie and Twilight told me you’re Ash and this is your super-most-welcoming-pinkie-pie-welcome-party!”The pink mare appeared out of nowhere as usual, which didn’t annoy Ash but made him acknowledge she was a force he did not want to upset.   “Hi Pinkie. Great party as usual. Our friend here is a bit shy, so perhaps you could go with him and make some introductions.” Twilight knew this was a big gamble, but if neither she nor her friends could make the stallion stay, perhaps somepony else would. This extra time would also grant her time to prepare for the final blow. After a couple of hours Ash was immensely tired. He had met more mares than he could count, along with about five stallions. There was something profoundly wrong with the gender ratio in this town. He had chatted a bit with Rarity and Applejack, and while seeing Rainbow he didn’t feel like talking to her just yet. He had meant to greet Fluttershy but she was busy with the birds that provided the music. After some time of games and shamefully clumsy dancing he heard somepony whispering on his ear. “Come with me.” A hoof pulled him sharply, leading him to the exit. When they arrived outside it was perfectly clear that Twilight had something important to say. They went around the corner so they wouldn’t be seen or heard. This, however, did not stop a certain blue pegasus mare from following them out of sheer curiosity. The unicorn opened her mouth, ready to speak. But she didn’t. Each just stared at the other for a while. Then something clicked inside the mare’s brain, allowing her to finally express herself openly. “Ash…. We have only met for a day, but what a day it was! It’s not like I feel we have met for years now, but I wish we had. This might seem rash, but I can’t imagine what it would be like not knowing you. I don’t know if you’ve decided yet, but perhaps this will help.” Now she was genuinely afraid. She stepped forward, closing the gap between them until it became inexistent. Ash didn’t close his eyes as she did. In fact his were wide open, displaying shock and confusion. Instead of breaking the link, he returned the kiss. It was his first time, but instinct quickly caught up. When they’re lips split he couldn’t look at her, ashamed of himself. In spite of this, Ash spoke first. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry. I don’t feel that way. At all. Sorry.” Not knowing how to best respond he just apologized repeatedly. Surely she would understand. “Then… then why?” The mare was shaking slightly, afraid of the answer. She now thought the best thing that could happen to her was the ground swallowing her whole. “It was instinct, I guess. I mean, it felt good, I don’t know. But what were you expecting? Certainly you understand that if I didn’t return your feelings I would leave. Wouldn’t it be better to leave things as they were?” “You know that I couldn’t just be friends with you. Not after today.”She was by now unable to breathe normally. Rainbow Dash observed as the purple mare's eyes filled with tears, the male distressed from the recent discussion. Ash couldn't bare it any longer. He knew he shouldn't, that anypony with a decent heart in his chest could never do it. But he did anyway. He turned around and left, the party as noisy as before. The ponies inside would freeze if they even suspected what was going around outside. Twilight couldn't move. Where could she go? Certainly not the party. And the library felt too lonely to even contemplate as a choice. The stallion had made a turn, so he wasn't visible anymore. Not to the lonely unicorn, that is. Rainbow dash was homing rapidly into the blue-maned pegasus. *CRASH* "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER, YOU MONSTER? AFTER ALL SHE DID FOR YOU. HOW CAN ANYPONY BE SO SELFISH AND HEARTLESS?" Dash was now sitting on top of him, who was lying in his back. Between each word a violent hoof met his face, his snout or his eyes. But Ash wasn't fighting back. No thought of self-preservation entered his mind. He felt tears dropping on his face, but he couldn't tell whether they were his or Rainbow's. He knew he was weeping, but not from pain. Pain was nothing compared to his emotional suffering. But how could he cry when he felt so hollow inside? He had turned away from the only pony that ever loved him like that. And worst of all, she could never see him again as he would rather die than set his eyes on her again. There he was, running away from his problems, as always. Eventually Rainbow got tired and gave up. There was nothing else she could do to him. Crushing his wings was usually the ultimate punishment for a pegasus, apart from death. But she wasn’t a murderer and such a poor flyer couldn’t possibly miss his wings very much, so she just left, disgusted. Twilight was now gone, so Ash took his time, standing up. He could feel his face swelling from the recent beating. It was time to leave, for good. Unfortunately his cloak was still at the library. But he wasn’t going back there, no way. For one, Twilight could be there, and even if she weren’t Spike would ask him about his swollen face. It was time to leave everything behind, even if that meant his own life. He had no idea how long it would be before he reached the closest town, and without bits or food it was bound to be an excruciating trip. Ash didn’t go far. Soon a figure much taller than him stood before him. They had never met before, but the wings and horn left no doubt in his mind. Celestia wouldn’t be happy about what just happened to her student. Nonetheless, such an immediate response caught the gray stallion off guard. “Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.” He spoke these words, but did not bow. In principle this would be a casual visit, as he had broken no laws. Politics never spiked his interest, so he also had very little reason to respect Celestia, since being born an alicorn required no knowledge or skill. “Ash Cloud. My most beloved student Twilight Sparkle has told me everything about what happened today. I won’t stop you from leaving, but I am interested in your justification.” There was no anger in her voice, only kindness, as expected from the perfectly benevolent ruler. “I have no answers for you, Celestia. And shouldn’t you be busy? I mean, if you have time to check on your student’s romantic interests, surely this kingdom must practically run itself!” His rudeness surprised the princess. She had not been spoken in such a way in several centuries. Ash had nothing to lose, so fake pleasantries would be a waste of his patience. As far he knew Twilight was a grown mare and could take care of her own problems. “You hurt my student, and you don’t expect me to defend her? Who do you take me for? She sent me many scrolls today, when she could get a few moments alone, I suspect. But can you really disappear from her life, knowing she loves you?” “Please. She doesn’t love me. She’s young and inexperienced. Obviously confusing her affection for somepony who feels the same pain she felt some time ago, for something deeper. Besides, I only met her last night. “Love can appear when and where you least expect it, my little pony. Don’t be so quick to judge her feelings…” “SHUT UP, YOU MULE! WHY CAN’T YOU ALL JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? ” Ash had never said something like that before and everypony would agree that insulting the goddess of the sun was not a bright thing to do. The princess sighed, patting her own forehead with her hoof. “I understand you are confused, but there is no need to punish Twilight and yourself further.” She offered a smile, hoping the stallion would make the right choice. “Sure, easy for you to say. But would have followed your advice a thousand years ago, when you imprisoned Luna? Actually, there is something I always wondered. The old pony tale said the stars would help in her escape, not that her banishment was temporary. You meant her to stay there forever didn’t you? You’re no less of a monster than I am.” “There are no monsters here. Just a pair of ponies that made some very bad decisions. But my mistakes do not justify yours. You can still return to her, make amends.” “Amends? I did nothing wrong. Why can’t I just leave?” “Because you don’t want to. It’s as simple as that really.” “But I do. All this time I was alone, not lonely. I don’t need to be around ponies, they are just annoying. Twilight was weak, becoming fragile due to her feelings. I AM NOT LIKE THAT. I AM NOT WEAK. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” He ran past Celestia, not caring in which direction he went. Ash Cloud never looked back. He galloped far away, trying not to think about how easily Celestia could reach him and, should she desire it, kill him. Or send him to the moon forever. Still, ponies that have nothing to lose do the strangest things, do they not? After he made sure he wasn’t being followed, a flapping of wings was heard, graceful but still pretty powerful. But despite his worries, it was not Celestia who landed facing him, but a darker, younger alicorn. Somepony he actually wanted to meet, that had inspired him for so many years. Princess Luna.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
Alone, not Lonely Chapter 8 Ash bowed for the first time in his life, as far as he could recall. Before him stood his idol, the ponyfication of the moon itself. The moon that, like him, was misunderstood by the scum that could never grasp their suffering. His heart was throbbing excitedly in his ribcage. As he lifted his head the royal alicorn spoke. “What have I done to deserve your praise that my sister did not?” Her voice had the same power as Celestia’s, but wasn’t warm, like the sun. Instead it was cool with a hint of darkness. The stallion wasn’t expecting that question. In fact, he had been so fast to bow that he ignored why the pony of the night had come to meet him personally. Celestia was fond of Twilight Sparkle, but the unicorn had never mentioned Luna. “Those who are unloved, as I was, can always expect my respect.” Ash himself wasn’t completely pleased with his choice of words, but what has been said can never be taken back. Not completely. “I was always loved. By my sister. Even though….” She paused momentarily, as if remembering a painful memory. “Even though the moon can never shine without the sun, and like the stars are suns too far away to light the day, she was always there for me. I was the one in the wrong. Without the sun the moon is nothing but a large, dark rock.” “Goddess of the Moon or not, you are not powerless without Celestia. And in spite of being before you is an honor, I believe you came to me for a reason…” This was getting awkward a bit too fast. He hadn’t expected Luna to be arrogant, but she just seemed too fragile. Luna coughed before speaking with a more confident tone. “My sister has told me about you. I also saw how you treated her. I came here because I wanted to, not because I was told. And I am here because you need me.” Ash was now gritting his teeth, a drop of sweat falling from his chin. “How dare you! I have never needed anypony. The moon helped me many times before, I cannot deny this fact. Nonetheless, I have never depended on another’s for direct guidance. My choices shall be mine and mine alone, along with their consequences.” “You are a fool. This pride will be end of you. Like me a thousand years ago, you were offered love and kindness, yet you are ready to throw it away. Why?” “Since I was a foal, I have been alone. My wretched father never did a thing for me. I had to learn everything on my own. I have always been alone. I don’t know how to be with others. There is nothing in Ponyville for me.” “This time I can prove you wrong.” Luna smiled, light emitting from her horn. A cloud took shape before them, an image beginning to form in its core. Twilight Sparkle was crying as she wrote in a piece of parchment. This one was too private to dictate to Spike. Still, old habits do not die and she spoke its contents out loud. “Dear Princess Celestia. Today I have discovered that sometimes ponies don’t want to be with you, and they will break your heart if need be. At times it’s best not to interfere. Some ponies don’t need friends. Your heart-broken student, Twilight Sparkle.”   The strange cloud dissipated, leaving the dark alicorn and the depressed pegasus alone under the stars. “I can’t force you to go back, but I promise you will always wonder if you don’t.” He knew he had no choice. There was no telling what would happen, but he had to set things straight. For Twilight. He owed her that, at least. “Thank you, Princess Luna.” After those words he turned to Ponyville, still visible thanks to the artificial lights inside ponies homes. There was a knocking in Ponyville’s library that startled Twilight Sparkle, but not loud enough to wake up the dormant dragon. She didn’t move. Whoever it was, it could wait until morning. The door opened nonetheless and Ash walked in, looking around. They stared at each other for a moment. Twilight looked at his bruised and swollen face with surprise and slight disgust. “What happened to your face?” She tried her best not to sound concerned, turning her head in order to clean the tears that had previously ran free from her face. "Rainbow Dash. Let's leave it at that. I don’t suppose you have a spell that could help?” He tried smiling, but the guilt stopped him. While she wasn’t an expert, Twilight knew a couple of healing spells. She approached Ash and began tending to his wounds.  The only thing that came out of his mouth was “I’m sorry”. “Why did you come back?” “I’ll just say that a couple of ponies advised me properly. I wasn’t planning to, to tell the truth. And I'm not staying. I just owed you a goodbye, that's all." The mare didn’t respond, but kept treating Ash’s wounds carefully. After she was done the tension of the unwanted farewell lingered in the air. “Do you really have to go?" She knew her pleas would be fruitless, but that wasn't going to stop her. “Yes. Not for my pride or for my comfort, but for myself." “Will you ever return?” “No.” The stallion said, hoping that his last statement was a lie. He got his cloak and walked alone into the starlit night, not knowing where he would wander into next. And in the library stood Twilight Sparkle, lonely, clinging to that last word of sorrow.   From the dark night he came, The solitary cloaked, And whom else to blame If his own tears he choked. Fair Rarity, with her dress Along with Applejack with her ability to impress, After meeting Poor and caring Fluttershy, Rainbow’s speed he could not deny. Pinkie's party was great, Celestia will always tolerate, Luna showed him his true heart, His choice was none from the start. Twilight is now alone, That is the fate of those who have grown. Her friend will ease the pain, But she will never forget his name.   THE END Author's note: First of all, thank you. Thank you for reading this. I hope you had as much fun as I had. I spent this last week thinking about this chapter, how it would go. The ending was decided before I had finished the first chapter, I always knew this would happen. But for a few days I felt the urge to have Ash stay in Ponyville for some time. I honestly didn't want this story to end. I even considered asking you, the readers, if I should end it or keep going. But it wouldn't be right. For those who tracked, favorited and commented: a thousand times thank you. It wasn't easy writing something like this in a language that isn't my own.You gave me strenght to see this through.
Comedy,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life
Alone, not Lonely
<p>When Twilight Sparkle finds a mysterious pony sleeping in a bench, she didn&#39;t expect him to be so different from everypony she knows. There is something about this polite, yet emotionless pony that may even change the way she sees friendship itself.</p>
I know what most of you wanted was a sequel. I’m very sorry, but I can’t write one now. I don’t know if I ever will. However, there is one thing I can give you. I can give you Ash Cloud. There is a lot of information about him that you don’t know. I am proud to say that everything he did had a reason, none of it was random. This is basically a chapter dedicated to explaining Ash, why he did this and that as well as his personality. It’s probably easier for you to read each chapter separately and then come back to this chapter. Alternatively you can open a new tab and read them both at the same time as this text won’t make a lot of sense if you fail to remember everything that happened.   Background: Ash is a pegasus born from a pegasus father and earth pony mother. His mother died when he was young, so he barely remembers her. After her death his father started drinking. He wasn’t a bad pony, he was just devastated due to his wife’s death. Even after he lost his job, he still managed to keep up his bad habit thanks to some savings and the life insurance. Sometimes he hit Ash, who was too young and weak to face his father. Due to this situation Ash often closed himself in his room, reading books he borrowed from the local library. He was also ashamed of his father and this prevented his from finding friends. Of course, the other fillies and colts wanted nothing to do with the son of the alcoholic stallion, who went to school bruised every couple of months. After a particularly bad fight with his father, Ash decided to grab as much money as he could and flee, leaving everything behind except for his mother’s old cloak, one he knew she wore when taking him play at the park during the winter. Chapter 1 This is probably not obvious, but when Ash tells Twilight he couldn’t find a place to stay he was insincere. The truth is he was short on money so he often had to sleep in the street. He only used money to buy food and the occasional room when he could find a particularly nasty but cheap place. At first he is also very polite because he learned that ponies were more likely to trust somepony that way. Not that he was brought up like this either, he simply read “How to speak like a proper gentlecolt”. Lacking any real friends he frequently read books on how to behave socially. Ash also mentions being nocturnal. In fact, that was more of an acquired habit as he preferred being awake when his father was asleep in order to avoid him. Chapter 2 In this chapter Twilight mentions being Celestia’s student for the first time. This is important because in spite of never meeting her, Ash has a strong opinion about her. I will explain better when they meet. This is one of the reasons he accepts Twilight’s friendship. Upon calling her a filly he was cut off before he could apologize. Don’t be mistaken, he wasn’t going to apologize because he felt remorse. After living with a violent drunk one learns to apologize over the smallest thing, one of Ash’s favorite tactics to get out of trouble. It always worked with teachers. The other defensive tactic is lying. He tells her that he was born in Cloudsdale. Since you now know his mother was an earth pony you see how this had to be a lie. After all, there was no reason to tell the truth. He also lies about having a happy foalhood because he is proud and dislikes it when others feel sorry for him. Chapter 3 In this chapter we finally learn something interesting about Ash. He got mad, but not enough to lose his carefully-crafted speech. He lost his cool and knows that actions always have consequences. Again, no remorse. It is also revealed to him that Twilight has only a handful of friends, which helped him make his mind. It’s in this chapter he decides to give them a chance instead of fleeing. This is convenient because he has left his cloak (including all of his money in one of the pockets) in the library. Fetching them now could be a problem since Spike would ask questions regarding Twilight. Again he uses a lie to avoid revealing more about his past. He was most certainly not homeschooled, but he did learn more at home because he spent most of his free time reading. You can still detect from the way he talks about gentlecolts that family bonds aren’t important to him. Guess why. Chapter 4 This is an important chapter for Ash, because it is the first time he lowers his shields and tries to be genuinely nice. Manual labor was something he would reject but he prefers to avoid conflict above all. There isn’t much to say about this chapter because Ash is actually himself. Chapter 5 The beginning of this chapter is Ash’s monologue, the first time he lets the reader into his own head. No major revelations there, except that he always concerned himself with his purpose. As you might recall, he doesn’t know the meaning of his own cutie mark. After the bath we see some failed attempts at humor regarding Twilight’s sexuality. His arrogance is also more visible in this short exchange of words. The next part is very important. Ash had always seen his father as a bully and used his own hatred for his dad in his attack. In this chapter we also see him fly for the first time. I can’t stress the importance of this enough. This is the first time Ash feels true remorse and forgets his dislike for his own wings (which reminded him of his father) and flies. He repents for his actions and is actually happy when he is forgiven. Chapter 6 Finally arrives the time when I tell you about Ash’s cutie mark. The story he tells the crusaders is mostly true apart from the fact that his dad didn’t punish him. He locked himself in order to escape his drunken father’s anger. The cutie mark represents his thirst for knowledge. It is true that Ash himself isn’t certain but he isn’t completely clueless. His encounter with Dash goes horribly simply because he has no interest in physical competition, only intellectual one. Also, he hadn’t flown in a long time so he could never hope to match Dash’s speed. In fact, in his opinion only brutes like his father cared about such trivial things. I must stress that he only proposed the challenge in order to be polite. And at last he is confronted by Twilight about staying in Ponyville. At this point he honestly doesn’t know what he should do. If things had gone perfectly at the part he would have probably stayed. Chapter 7 By know you understand Ash a lot better but it’s not over yet. The kiss is most likely the highlight of this chapter and some of you might wonder why he kissed Twilight back. He isn’t in love with her, but new experiences are something he doesn’t often refuse. Instinct played a part as well. He doesn’t want to leave but Twilight left him no other choice. When Dash assaults him he offers no resistance. Guilt plays only a small role in this. Being used beatings from his father increased his resistance to pain and he also knew Dash was in all probability stronger than he was. I should shed some light regarding his opinion on Celestia. He always loves the moon, his only companion. That alone was a reason to dislike the ruler who expelled the ponification of the moon and the night, regardless of motive. He also has no respect for somepony just because of status or strength and refuses to bow to Celestia for this reason. He would only bow to somepony who greatly surpassed his intellect. Celestia could, of course, but the topic at hand was far from intellectual. He does feel offended when Celestia patronizes him and for the first time he shows fury. And in this fury he shows his true colors. I won’t claim he was completely honest with himself, but what he strived to be (strong, independent, unemotional…) is quite clear. Chapter 8 It is easy to notice how differently he acts around Luna, somepony he respects and cares about. Of course he respects the night and the moon, not the actual pony but that isn’t very important. This is another chapter where not much is hidden. Interesting how honest he is when meeting his idol. His last apology to Twilight is also sincere. There you have it. I shared everything about Ash Cloud, even when he didn’t. He always felt a bit too real for a fictitious character but it helped a lot when writing.
Harmony Spirit
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Nightdreams and Daymare
<p>After her return, Princess Luna has taken back the night. Though it has been a thousand years, things seem the same, until she meets her new Commander of the Guard. Life in this new age seems much nicer, but still a bit slow. Nodding off, what will she find in her daydreams?</p><p>Princess Celestia has had a busy day after the Longest Day of the Year was cut short by the return of Nightmare Moon. She has her little sister back, and peace has returned. In her first night to herself, in a thousand years, will she find sleep easy? Or will there still be lingering nightmares?</p>
This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction. Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011 My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981 Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010 This story is set after the events in Episode 2 of Friendship is Magic. Rated TV 14 V: Intense Violent situations ---------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Nightdreams It all seemed like yesterday, when all the dark thoughts crept into her mind. "They shun you, it's been so long, but still they do not love the night, yet the day is worshiped!" She fought them each time, but they grew stronger, as she grew weak. The words first spoke only of "the others" but soon it directed it's rage toward her sister. "She is controlling you, you are the Moon, and she is the Sun. The Sun powers the moon, but the Moon can easily eclipse the Sun. Bring about a night, that will never end" Soon, the words became visions, horrible visions of such twisted desires. Not merely taking over the land, but consuming it in blackness, and punishing those who dared shun her before. Turning the land of Equestria into a nightmare. She was so young, so susceptible to her own sorrows, that it was only a matter of time, before she was herself, consumed by her very own nightmares. It was all a blur, as she remembered, was she was alone, crying, when all went black... vague images came to her, visions of a battle, and feelings of hatred, and wicked desires. Pain, and suffering, she battled for control. She had one weapon, that seemed to give her some power, but the young princess, was trapped in her own living Nightmare, and could do not much more, than keep her from having full power. What she now knew as the time that Nightmare Moon was sealed in the Moon, she was asleep, Princess Luna, imprisoned, in one who was imprisoned themselves. She had no concept of time here, only feeling the bitterness and rage growing with each moment. When things came to a head, and the Nightmare was free again, she felt the sensations all over again, reliving all those horrid dreams, and visions, of cruel intentions, and deeds. Princess Luna, was filled with regret and sorrow, as the Nightmare continued to act against her sister, and their once shared domain. As she used memories against a small group of heroes who charged into the cause to stop what she was. She wished for death, for than she would feel she would do no more harm. Only now, some Thousand years later, did she see, that all her pain and sadness, was foalish, and misplaced. She caused so much trouble, and was still causing it. A surge of energy filled her prison, and she nearly lost consciousness from it. When she opened her eyes, real eyes, she was startled awake. No longer imprisoned in her selfishness, she was back in the living world. She looked out at her saviors, six ponies, each embodying the spirits of the Elements. Her sister, her loving sister Celestia, was looking on her, not with the rage she should have, but with love. When she asked for forgiveness, Luna wanted to cry out her self anger, of how needed forgiveness, but didn't deserve it. But her sister's loving face, left her only wanting to be near her again, after so long. Life would return to normal, The six ponies would return home to their Ponyville, as celebrities, and her Sister Celestia would be welcomed back, surely, since they loved her so much. Luna did not believe any welcome was for her, but as the ponies showed her that she was indeed welcomed back, even if none knew her, it filled her with some hope and joy. The first night would come, and she was ready to pick up where she left off, and raise the moon as she had so long ago. She was nervous, but her sister came to her side, and added her in the task at hoof. Understandably, Princess Celestia was worn out, and needed her rest. So Princess Luna took on the night alone, feeling confident in her ability to do what she had always done. Her sister assured her, that she would find that life in Equestria, had changed much. That she would not find her nights so lonely any more, and would be embraced by all the ponies. The Princess of Night, a pony slightly taller than those of the rest of the land. Her coat was a blue like the Midnight sky, her mane a glistening blue. Her eyes, a icy blue, that held a light of the stars. She wore a crown of black, and a little chest piece of the same, with a crescent white moon. Each of her four hooves had glassy light blue shoes, that came only partly up from her hooves. Like her sister, Princess Luna was embodiment of the three species of Ponies. Body of an Earth, Wings of the Pegasus, and a Horn of a Unicorn. Her Cutie Mark was clear sign, she was the night. A white crescent moon, with a shadowy sky around it. She sat on a throne, it wasn't her own, that was lost in Everfree, in the now ruins, of the Castle of the Royal sisters. Canterlot would grow to take her in, as it did Princess Celestia when she needed the new castle. It was quiet, as much as she remembered it being before, but she wasn't worried. It was the first time back, and after such an eventful day, who would want to be up? She would surely be so tired herself, is she had not spent the last Thousand years asleep inside herself. She looked out at the guards, several strong looking stallions, well trained to keep watch for any risk. They were focused, and proud looking. If they felt her gaze, they paid no mind, or showed no sign. Till one came up, a white unicorn, with alicorn of ebony. He was adorned in unique armor, telling he was not simply a guard, but a higher ranking pony of the court. His was not simple gold, but a fine silver with gold accents. His chest plate, wore the crescent moon proudly, like Luna’s own. Like most guards, his armor should keep distinctions covered, such as Mane, and Cutie Marks, but the former was not held down by a helm. Another perk of his rank, he wore his mane long. A starlight yellow mane, that flowed off his head and neck, like water. "My Princess" He bowed, she found it so foreign to receive any such treatment, after so long. She bowed her head, a little rusty in the matters of Royal engagements. "I would like to welcome you back, some of forgotten the tale of our long lost Princess of Night, but my parents and their's, for many generations, have served the Night court. It was a tragedy to loose you, but a blessing to have you back" He smiled, genuinely. His words caused her to react in a blush, and looking away a bit timidly. "Thank you, your legacy is known to me. I do recall your ancestors, your line being so unique with the famed Black Alicorn. I am pleased to see one of such a noble line, is still with us. A Knight, of Nights" She smiled, hoping to give back the compliment. It did seem to work, as his kind smile, turned to one of pride, eyes lighting with the same energy. "Thank you my Princess, I hope to live up to what my family has place before me, and serve you as loyally" "What is the name I should call one, who surely will be my Right Hoof?" "Blackhorn" He paused. "Not the most cleaver, given I am the 13th to be given the name. Many call me Commander" She smiled at him, feeling a bit more confident. "Sir Blackhorn, I think sounds far nicer" The Unicorn was surprised, and looked embraced. "I am no Knight, my Princess" Luna shook her head. "When I can, I shale remedy that. Till that time, I wish to call you as such" He bowed deeper. "You honour me, my Princess. I will do anything, you would ask of me" "Anything?" She leaned closer, whispering. "Even take over Canterlot?" "Wh-" His eyes went wide, and he stepped back a bit. She laughed playfully. "I am sorry Sir Blackhorn, I was only joking. I can have a bit of a dark humor" She stood back up. "My apologies for that" She looked more serious. "I am only sorry, that you were not serious" He gave her a grin, then leaned closer. "I love a good joke my Princess" "You will make a fine Knight, a fine one indeed" She smiled back. Only the first night, and she had made a friend. It was already looking up for her. *** It was getting a bit later, and Commander Blackhorn had to go on his rounds. Putting it off for too long. Enjoying his time talking with Luna, as much as she had with him. He was much like his great... she wasn't sure how many "great" to add, but she knew it was probably more than enough to take too long, but he was much like the same line that was by her side all that time ago. Now alone again, she realized nothing had really gone on tonight. She tapped her hooves, thinking of what to do. She wondered if she could get a way with writing. She did love too before, and would some of those nights ago. She attempted to talk with her guards, but they were too well trained, giving short and quick answers, or responses. So she returned to her seat, and thought about things. Her mind was drifting, as she noticed something forming in the corner of the room. None of the others seem to see it. She Trotted toward it, as it grew more distinct. It was like a little cloud forming, made up of... Shadows! Luna jumped back, and looked at it more, as it kept forming. She turned to look and call her guards, but they were all passed out. Her head whipped back to the sight, now taking the shape of a pony. "How dare you enter my realm?!" She called, standing her ground to the figure forming in the misty shadows. "Your realm? My dear weaker self," The voice was like her own, but older, colder, and laced with contentment. "You lost that claim. It is our Sister's Realm, we only watch over it as she sleeps so peacefully" "No, this Night is mine! Mine to guard, watch, and it's citizens, who choose to be active, to serve!" Now fully formed, a mare that looked more like her sister. Longer muzzle, and taller, with a thin build. Her coat was black as her heart, and a mane of deep night sky, moving like shadows, flowing as if it was alive. Her cold blue eyes, were slits, like a reptile, and the colour was not limited to the iris, but the full orb. It seem to glow beyond the boarders of his lids. She was dressed in armor more like the guards, but dark blue cold steel, helm looked almost as Luna’s mane did, doming her head, leaving the muzzle free to wear her cruelest smile, or furious sneer. Everything about her, was a wicked version of the young Princess. Nightmare Moon trotted slowly around her. "Such foalish words. You are nothing but a pawn, your sister took you back, only because she was so worn from doing it all herself. She knew, once you were gone, that she needed you as her whipping mare" "Silence!" She closed her eyes tight. She knew better than any, the tools of this demon. Luna's head was compressed in the grip of a shadowy mane, squeezing her to the point of believing she would burst. "You dare be so insolent toward me?! I tried to help you, rescue you from that horrible life, you've trotted right back into! I sacrificed myself, so you would see what your sister would do when challenged by her own sister. This is my thanks? Demands of my obedience to a Thousand year old filly?!" "You have no power, you were destroyed!" "Was I now?" She released the Princess, taking slow trots away, toward the throne. Each hoof fall, seem to make the floor bleed shadows. They slowly crept out from their start, transforming the floor as this demon had done to Luna. She stopped at the steps, as the shadows spread, going up walls. The sleeping guards, became devoured by them, unprotected from them. Luna wished to help, but she couldn't get herself to move. Watching in horror, as the guards began to rot away, then come to some mock of life, standing up as animated corpses. The wicked mare had found her seat, while Luna was still recovering. "If I am so destroyed, how is it, I am here now? Hmm? Rasing the dead, and keeping you so well placed? You make a fine statue, think this time around, I will keep you apart from me, just so I can have you as a conversation piece" Luna struggled more, and found herself able to move, as she thought about the weapons she used. "Illusions! This is all in my head, all that I've gone through, my mind is play tricks on me" She started to move toward the other, who looked amused by her. "Maybe, maybe not, but know one thing... She replaced you" She said it so slowly, and cruel, it cut into Luna, she couldn't move any more. "Mmm, so true. That student of hers, you saw her. Twilight Sparkle. She became our sister's favorite. A replacement for us, since we were too free spirited. I hear this Twilight, is very obedient. I wonder how long till she is made the new Princess of the Night. One Celestia can control" The young mare's eye sealed, cemented by her tears. If anything, these words were true. She betrayed her sister, and so her sister found one who would never. Twilight was so loyal, and loving toward her sister, that she threw herself into harms way, to save her. "I wonder, do you think she will take all her friends, and use them to recreate the Elements of Harmony? She'd hold it over us, so we'd obey her. We should get her first, join me, and help me kill her. In her sleep, she can not stop us sleeping" Her plain, it sank in, not the idea of doing it, but the reason she wanted to strike in her slumber. All the suffering she was feeling, bled from the young Princess, and she stood with renewed focus, and determination. "Twilight was not my replacement! My sister saw her potential, and knew she would be the one to help destroy you! She may care for her, but she did not stop doing so for me. Even if I felt I deserved to be abandoned, returned to the Moon, to live out the rest of my long life a lone. She did not, she welcomed me back with no hesitation, and loved me no less than ever!" She made heavy beats of her hooves, as she stormed toward the throne. As Nightmare Moon had before, now Luna's trots caused the floor to cleanse, an effect that was quicken, as her Nightmare was loosing it's hold on her. "You used fear to weaken my sister then, her fear of what you would do upon returned, allowed you to claim her yesterday, and you are trying to twist my emotions as you had long ago. You have no power, but fear!" "You Foal!, I have more power than you know! I was going to allow you the chance to be with me, in my conquest of Equestria, but now, you will fall as all will!" She started to form her shadowy mane and tail around herself. "I will always be with you, and once your guard is down, you will be mine again!" She disappeared, and all returned to normal around her, even the decayed guards were alive and well. She stood at her steps, with the two near the throne, looking at her. "Are you ok Princess?" One asked. She climbed the steps, and took her seat. "I believe so, thank you" She had no idea what happened. Was it real, or illusion? Clearly parts were, since the ponies guarding her, were not victims of Necromancy. She closed her eyes, and sighed. "So she lingers inside me... or in this world... I do not know, but I won't let her take me" She thought to herself, the guards probably worried enough, without her speaking out loud to no pony. Looking at the sand timers, she knew the night was only partly over. She hoped the rest of it would be uneventful. As they use to be. A funny thought, it occurred to her after thinking it, that she was hoping for that. "My Princess?" A pony came in, she gave him her attention. "A visitor. A Twilight Sparkle" She looked at him curiously. "At this hour? Maybe my sister was right" She gave a soft laugh. "Allow her in" She was interested in the meeting, she was feeling more hopeful in the future, if she had made a friend in Blackhorn, learned that her own demon had no power over her, and even was getting a visitor. Things were truly looking up. A mare trotted into the room, a unicorn, with violet body, and dark purple mane, with a magenta stripe in the middle of the part the hung over her forehead, and the part the curled around her neck. Her eyes were deep purple, with a deep intelligence. Twilight bowed to the sister of her mentor. "Princess Luna, if I may say so? It is wonderful to have you back. I do not claim to know much of you before, only learning of the Elements of Harmony, and stories of the Mare in the Moon very recently. I was afraid of your return, but I suppose, that was Nightmare Moon, not you" Luna was a bit amused at how chatty and proper this pony was. She seemed very nice. “I came tonight, hoping we could become friends. I would have been here sooner, but given the events, I was worn out. I apologize if this is inconvenient" Luna smiled, coming down the steps. "Not at all, I understand. You could have come another time, if you so needed rest" She laughed. "I am pleased to see you, though I know little of what has gone on the last few years, I do know how dearly you are to my sister. To have your friendship, would mean much to me" Twilight smiled. "I am very happy to hear that" -Continue in "Daymares"-
Harmony Spirit
Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Nightdreams and Daymare
<p>After her return, Princess Luna has taken back the night. Though it has been a thousand years, things seem the same, until she meets her new Commander of the Guard. Life in this new age seems much nicer, but still a bit slow. Nodding off, what will she find in her daydreams?</p><p>Princess Celestia has had a busy day after the Longest Day of the Year was cut short by the return of Nightmare Moon. She has her little sister back, and peace has returned. In her first night to herself, in a thousand years, will she find sleep easy? Or will there still be lingering nightmares?</p>
This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction. Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011 My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981 Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010 This story is set after the events in Episode 2 of Friendship is Magic. Rated TV 14 V: Intense Violent situations ---------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Daymares With her sister restored, and her student's potential awoken, along with her new friends. Princess Celestia finished the day, with knowledge that all was well in Equestria. Luna was a bit uneasy about taking on her duties again, but with a bit of help, she was able to bring out the Night, with no problem. So much happened, and the Princess, once the solo leader of Equestria, was happily again, sharing her domain with her sister. The day would come, when Luna would see that this new land of Ponies, a thousand years after her tragic banishment, was very welcoming to the Night. The white coated mare of the Day, her mane four colours of light blue, seafoam green, stronger blue, and violet. It flow in the air, with no need for wind. A symbol of her magickal power. He soft Violet eyes, usually one covered by the flow of hair, looked over a book, as she read it. typically dressed in her golden armor, and crown. Her Cutie Mark, like her sister’s, was testament to her nature as the Day. She trotted lazily to her bed, and settled in. She finished a book, she had put off for too long. How she recalled all the details of the story, after so many years, she didn't know. Now she didn't need to rule both Dusk and Dawn, she could pick up more stories. There were many stories to read now, so many talented young ponies, making great tales. With it done, she recalled just why she stopped reading. When Luna lost her way, the story was too bitter. About much the same that she had went through. Friends, who lived and loved all they protected, till one fell to a dark path, and betrayed the other. It ended rather sad, but her and the story had a big difference. Luna didn't really betray her, only was a victim of the times, and now was well on her way to a bright future. She took that knowledge, and laid her head down. Bare of all her royal flair, and completely relaxed, she slept soundly, with such joy in her heart. "My dear sister is home. My faithful student is out in the world, making friends and learning the joys of life" She smiled to herself, feeling harmony returning to her mind and heart. *** Night started out nice enough, but soon, Princess Celestia was finding it hard to stay asleep. She tossed in her bed, and shifted. She couldn't fight a feeling of dread washing over her. She flung her eyes open, and sat up, panting heavily. She looked down at her sheets, and seemed still gripped in fright of her dreams. After a few moments, she looked around in the dark, seeing only her room. She sighed, and relaxed. "Maybe.. was not the best idea to read that book so soon after..." "You did always find those little stories, too much" A voice came to her, one she feared more than anything. She looked around again, summoning light to her room. She was alone, only her, and perhaps fatigue in form of a voice in her mind. "Foalish dear... sister" The last part was said with a deep spite, it raked over her mind. "Shadows cannot be seen in the light, not that you could see me, if I so chose to hide in the dark either" A soft low laugh followed the words. "This is nothing more than my worn thoughts, after a very long and eventful day" She shook her head. "Luna is free of you, and the Elements of Harmony destroyed you" The laugh turned fuller, and louder. "Really? Just as light banishes the dark, for it only to return, when Light fades?" Celestia jumped out of her bed. "You haven't?!" Allowing herself to become entangled in the fears of her own mind, at least she hoped that was all it was, in after thought. A powerful force, cause her to slam back into her bed. Confirming her fears, that it was not merely her own mind. She struggled, but she could not get up. At the same time, she noticed the room growing dimmer. "Oh no, the Sun will not rise. Stay in the sheets of your sweet slumber" Her tone grew darker, pitch black. "Sleeping sun, shale be so forever" "NO!" She flared her magick, and pushed away the shadows again. "I will not be beaten by a shade! My sister is back to me, and you have no powers any more, only threats!" "Foal!" All the light she caused, was faded back, and in a swirl, a figure appeared in the room. "I have a body still! You failed her again, dear sister... You left her be too soon. She had no chance against me reclaiming her. Maybe at first, but my plan worked in the end, as it will for my larger goals" What spoke, was much like herself. combination of each pony, Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn. She was as tall as the Princess, a bit more thin, and far darker. Being nearly opposite in every respect. Black coat, dark night sky magickal mane, and wicked blue cold glowing eyes. She was the twisted form of her sister Luna. Wearing blue armor that showed her readiness for battle, and her cruel mockery of the Royal style. Celestia's eyes watered, from the vileness spewing from the evil mare. True or not, the thought was too much. "!" She found the power to stand, and stood before the imposing dark form of her Sister. "You will not claim her again!" She felt a sudden rush, as if gravity released her. She slammed to the wall. Crying out in pain, as shadows tried to swallow her. She struggled, fighting every inch of her body, as it was claimed by darkness. Her mane of magick even seem to become tainted by blackness. "Dear sister... I beat you a thousand years ago, I beat you yesterday, and I'll do so again. Face it, the Sun recoils to the Night, and the Night only allows the day to return, because it just loves the look of fear, chasing you away" Celestia knew her twisted view was wrong, but she had to admit, this monster had a might that took the Elements to stop. Then she smiled, finding the power to push back the shadows. "You cannot win this time. The Elements of Harmony sealed you away, destroyed you once, and remain to do so again! They live on to be any time the need arises!" Nightmare Moon gripped Celestia in her shadow mane, looking very amused, laced with bitter hatred. She gave a dark grin, face to face with the Princess, and flung her through the walls of her room and several more of the Castle. She skidded to a halt, in the throne room. She was badly hurt, bleeding a bit from various cuts, and felt pain. She hadn't felt pain in ages, she forgot how bad it was to feel. Compared to the pain in her heart though, these bruises were nothing. She looked around, her guards were gone, and the throne was quiet, and dark. She struggled to stand, as Nightmare Moon calmly trotted into the room. She gazed around, slowly, and amused with herself. "I believe, this will make a fine new Throne of the Night. I will begin the destruction of all Joy and hope, from right here" She wasn't acting as if she was paying attention to her opponent, as she went on. "I will start with you, of course. Though it is already started, as your heart breaks in thought of how you failed your little, unprotected, weak sister" Celestia summoned out a pen, and note. "I... must..." She was stopped, crying out in pain as Nightmare stomped on her leg, causing her to fall. "Oh don't bother" She summoned her dark magick, and a figure came into the room, and fell lifeless to the ground. Very young purple dragon, with green spines, and frilled ears. It was Spike, he did not look beaten, but he showed no life, not even breath. "You're little instant messenger, has been crashed" "Sp-Spike? No... Who else have you-" Again, calling out in pain, as a stomp came to her wing. Causing her to collapse in all the pains she was enduring. Countless ages of magickal barriers, and having nothing to cause her harm, it was far more powerful now. Like the first time getting a cut, or bruising, it was heightened. "Here," The dark mare started, calling out a little object. "Take your crown, at least have some dignity, before your subjects, and your final moments" Nightmare moved back, dropping the crown to the ground. "Sub...jects? What do you mean?" She looked toward her, as she stopped, turning around. "I must thank you, this time, the one might against me, is now in my control" Celestia's eyes went wide. "You... didn't?!" Nightmare laughed. "Kill them? Absorb the six Elements of Harmony?" Celestia's tears grew stronger, as her words came through. "Oh stop, they still live. Such a feat, is not so easy for even me. No, that will come in time, but now..." Something moved behind her, a pair of eyes glowing with a tainted hue. A small figure moved to stand beside Nightmare Moon, look as an obedient and mindless minion to the wicked mare. "Hmm, what should I name my little friend? It is actually rather fitting for me already" Celestia tried to stand, but her leg was broken, he opposite wing too. She could only fall, crying out the name "Twilight!" "Yes, see how wicked that already sounds, when screamed in terror and pain?” She was deeply thrilled by the chance to hear it. “But Sparkle? Hmm, not too much" She looked at the Unicorn, who's colours seemed faded. A once violet coat, now almost grey. Her strong purple mane, with the magenta stripe, was blacker, with a pale stripe. Her eye over flowed with tainted energy, the same forcing her horn to light. She had a look completely blank, like a shadow of herself. Nightmare tapped her chin with her hoof. "Sparkle... Twilight Corruption... Eternal... Well, I will have time to rename my new solders" More eyes appeared, as they came from the shadows. The five ponies of Ponyville, who were closest to the young Unicorn. Once Orange and blonde Applejack, now almost brown, with pale mane. She looked like she had struggled, as she was stained in blood. The pure white, with two tone purple mane Rarity, was grey, and darkened lifeless mane. She seemed less harmed than the rest. Brightest in colours once, the blue coated mare, who’s mane foretold her name, Rainbow Dash, was sickly white, with each of the six shades being aged. Like Applejack, she looked like she had fought hard against monsters. Her wings looked almost broken. Fluttershy, her yellow coat, and light pink mane, now grey, dirty, and patchy. Mats of dirt, and blood, made her look nearly as bad as Dash and Applejack. The light of the group, a mare so pink, and joyful, was now darker, and her wild mane, flat and hanging with as little life as Pinkie Pie showed. All of the ponies were darker forms of themselves, eyes glowing the same way as Twilight, though not so powerful. Unlike Twilight, none seemed to have much life. "I do have a name for the group of them. The Elements of Chaos" She pointed toward each one. "Deceit, Selfishness, Betrayal, Rudeness, and Sorrow. Of course, Magick to enslave them all. A nice little collection to ruin all Harmony, and your student was a great help. She acted perfectly after my defeat. You all thought me destroyed, but I just took her" Celestia's eyes, wet with tears, and red in pain, were wide now, in shock of what was coming. "My hold on dear Luna was lost, but I took Twilight, and hide there, till the moment she let her guard down. All her friends loved her so much, when she came to each, begging for their help, they were ready to throw down their lives. And so they did, each specially had a death specially tailored to their personalities. The orange one, and blue pegasus, I had much fun with. Oh Necromancy, one of my favorite of the Night Arts" The princess looked away, she could not believe this. She used Twilight, to slay her own friends, and then... "Luna..." She spoke softly, looking back at Nightmare Moon. "Oh no, killing her would have ruined it all. As with Twilight here. Her magick and ties to the others, allowed their deaths, and for them to retained their Elements. They were far too strong willed alive. “I only reclaimed her, as I had this young foal. Her readiness for love, made it easy to foal her with Twilight. Just as the others were. You precious Student, trapped your precious sister. Oh that look of pure agony on your face, was well worth the Thousand years you trapped me in that cursed moon" Celestia summoned up all her might, and charged at Nightmare Moon, who only watched her. She had little momentum, with only three legs, and one wing, but she didn't care, she had to stop this demon. As she neared, Twilight moved in place, and unleashed a powerful blast of dark magick on her former mentor. Piercing her in the chest, even if it missed her heart, the sight was enough to do just the same to the Princess. The Princess crashed nearly back where she started, rolled and stopping herself with her good foreleg. She struggled, but she was loosing all hope, and her life was fading. Nightmare Moon was one thing, but Twilight, and all her friends? She couldn't do it. As the Nightmarish mare trotted to her, crushing the crown under her hoof, Celestia could no longer bare it all, she covered herself with her wing, trying to shield her from the horrors. "Sister?" A voice came, one that hurt to hear now. "Sister what is wrong?" Celestia couldn't look, even if the voice of her little sister caller her, she believed it was trick. She felt a gentle nudge. "Sister, wake up!" She went to remove her wing, but instead, opened her eyes, seeing a blurry image of her sister at first, but as the tears cleared, and sleep faded, she saw her. A young mare, much like her, with both wings and horn. Not too unlike her Nightmare, smaller, and lighter colours. More like the Night, and not shadows. "Luna?" She sat up, and studied her, hoping it was not another torment of Nightmare Moon. "Yes. Are you ok big sister? It is nearly time for the Sun to come up... it is the same time right?" She looked confused. Celestia's eyes, so wet with the terror she just faced, now seem to be cleansed in new tears of joy. It was only a nightmare. She patted the bed, a spot beside her. Luna climbed up, and laid beside her. Celestia put her wing over her, and hugged her to her. "Sorry to make you worry. I was having a bad dream" She tried to down play what she went through, but she was still trembling. "Bad dream? You mean... Nightmare..?" She was reluctant, but nodded. "Does not matter, because I have you back, and I know, that Night will never be something to fear, or dread" Luna nodded. "I won't let it control me again, cause I know if no pony else, my Big Sister loves me" She smiled to her, nuzzling Celestia nuzzled back. "Give it time my dear sister, you will find, more who will care for you too" "I did not have the chance to tell you what it was like inside Nightmare Moon," Luna started, looking ahead to the room. "It was like I was asleep, I was there, but not in control. I had some though, cause I could feel her intentions, and she wanted to get you as you slept, and remove the risk of you stopping her... she feared you big sister" She looked up into the other's eyes, her own, filled with a deep concern. Not of her sister, but of what she was talking about. "She was strong, was perfect match to your own power" She felt bad, saying that her own demon, was equal to her beloved sister. "My sweet sister," Celestia started, smiling a veiled smile. Hiding her memories and their pain. "She was stronger than me, surely you knew. It took the Elements to stop her, not me. The Elements were lost till my student, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends were born" Luna nodded, but stopped, and shook her head fast. "No no, maybe you did use them, but you didn't need too! Her power is nightmares, and she used that to make you fear her, and make you weaker" Celestia pulled her head back in revelation. Even in her dream, she recalled how when she had no fear of her, the power felt weak to her. "That is how I stopped her from hurting you sister, I used her weapon on her. She feared you so much, that I could force thoughts of her loosing to the light" Vague memories of that night so long ago, came to her, when Celestia decided that there was no choice, but to imprison the evil mare, how despite how she seemed to dominate the battle, she seemed to waver, even before the Elements were called into play. “If I had been stronger, I could have beat her myself. I allowed myself to fall to her fear, all the visions she put into my mind...” She started to look down, shivering in her memories. Celestia nuzzled to her sister, who gave it back in kind. "Oh my sweet sister... if only I knew then... I could have saved you from so much..." Luna kissed her check. "Don't be silly big sister, things happen for a reason. I did not enjoy what happened, but now I’m home, and free of her. I know how to resist her, should the Nightmare return...” She finished with a tone, marking that she had something else to say. Celestia thought about her words, and nodded. Knowing she too, could resist, if she attacked her mind again. Now believing the Nightmare was not gone, but her main weapon was. “There something else?” The elder sister asked, looking at her. “She... tried to attack me again... But I stopped her! I resisted her evil, and beat her back” She was proud of herself, knowing she was free now. “She attempted to attack me too, in my dreams. She has failed twice, and clearly has no power on us now” Celestia smiled. “I only wish you did not have to spend so long alone, when we could have beat her all a long” Luna nodded, wishing to share more of her experiences. “Being asleep inside Nightmare Moon, as she was trapped in the Moon, I did not have to feel lonely for those thousand years. She grew bitter, but I felt nothing" The older sister smiled, and pressed her head to the little mare. "I hope you will find I am not the only one to love you. Now that you are back, you can see Equestria has grown much in the time you were gone. I feel confident, you will be embraced, as the Ponies had done so in Ponyville" Luna nodded, and hopped off the bed. "It will still be hard to get use to this new world, I feel so scared..." She looked down. Celestia moved, made her way out of the bed, and trotted to her. "Give it time Dear sweet Luna, I am confident, the ponies of this age, will be very kind to you" She dressed herself, and made way, with her Sister beside her, to the place where she would bring on the Day. She tried to force a way those horrible dreams, but she knew now, all Nightmare Moon had, was fear. She endured the worst pain of her life, in those visions, but she now knew that the demon had no power over her. She had no power over her sister either, and that made her more confident in her hopes. She would make sure the word was spread to each of the Ponies of Harmony. Seeing her beside her again, it gave her a new value on her precious ones, and Luna was right. All things happen for a reason, even if they are terrible, they make way for something more to fill the wounds. After that nightmare, seeing her sister, seeing the real her. She would never let her go again, and would not allow her to feel hurt again. Also, she would make sure to see her student at any given chance. Twilight filled the void in her heart, but now, with that filled with Luna, she found that Twilight left her own. The Unicorn was like a daughter to her, and until the dream had shown her what it would be to loose her, Celestia could realize this fact now. A whole new day to start, with so many possibilities. A future that would bring good and bad, but the good would always be held onto, to over come the bad. -The End-
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Luna,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Midnight in the Heart of Equestria
Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.
<p>Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.</p><p>The third tale in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers.</p>
Chronology notes: Stop! You are reading the Third story in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers! Please read The Kindness of Strangers first! This story is the direct sequel to Putting the Pieces Back Together found here: Midnight in the Heart of Equestria Chapter 1 Blue Moon... Midnight, Luna was always awake at Midnight. The Alicorn didn’t need to sleep as much as other ponies, she could manage two or three hours every night, tops. The Night was her responsibility, and she needed to be awake for it, it was her duty to all pony kind. It was fortunate that she didn’t need to sleep much; otherwise it would have been during the day. The time when the ponies of Equestria were awake... or at least, that’s how it had been a thousand years ago. A thousand years ago, pony kind was afraid of the night, now, Luna had discovered that larger portions of the population were awake more during the night. Her night was appreciated in the modern era. Everything she was jealous of when she had refused to lower the moon that fateful day was no longer true, and it made her guilty that she had been so selfish about it, she wanted her night to get it’s due attention and respect. If she had only waited, she would have gotten it. Instead she had wasted a thousand years consumed in anger and jealousy. It would be midnight when she would hear a small voice nagging at her from the back of her mind. Poisoning her thoughts with rage, anger, and jealousy of her older sister, the voice of Nightmare Moon had nagged at her for years before it finally took over and sent Equestria into eternal darkness. Forcing Celestia to utilise as much of the Elements of Harmony that she could use to overpower her and send her to the moon. A thousand years of exile. A thousand years wasted. Luna knew that her sister had regretted sending her to the moon; she had confided in her that she wished she had come up with a better solution, but simply found that she hadn’t the time. Balance in the world needed to be restored, and she hadn’t the time to find something better. Though, now it seemed that Luna’s destiny was to be locked away. A thousand years in the moon, and now about to be two months in the Royal Hospital’s Psychiatric Ward. Luna agreed that she belonged here, she had attempted suicide when the Alicorn Overdrive invaded her mind and assaulted her with horrible images and terrifying thoughts that she could still remember, horrible things that could not be unseen. She was punished for lying to him, and now she was still suffering the consequences of it. She’d gotten better lately; she no longer needed the straight jacket that had held her close for nearly a month. Therapy was helping, Doctor Nightcaller, the pitch black earth pony with amber eyes was one of the best. Luna appreciated his help. She was beginning to get her life back together. Luna looked out her window to see her bright, beautiful full moon. She smiled, it was her creation, and she loved it dearly. The quiet night air was broken by a muted warble, and a faint ticking noise, causing Luna to jump. She recognised it and felt her heartbeat sky rocket; she was frightened because she knew what was coming. From underneath the door a plume of thick black smoke poured into the room, whirring and clicking as it moved towards her. Three pitch black ponies stepped from the smoke, one of each race, leaving no trace that there had ever been smoke at all. “I should have known,” Luna said. “It was so obvious, but I wanted to believe that it was coincidence, I want to believe you were helping me.” “Luna, my dear, we have always been helping you. We have always had your best interests at heart,” the leader, an earth pony, said. “Don’t lie to me Nightcaller!” Luna screamed at him. Nightcaller smiled at her. “I do not lie, my princess. I do not lie.” The three ponies galloped at her, returning to smoke and entering the younger princess’ body. Everything went dark, and Luna passed out. … “Tia...” Luna whined as her sister ushered her into the royal carriage. “Don’t you ‘Tia’ me little sister!” Celestia said with a smile. “You’re going. That’s that!” “Tia. They’re going to hate me.” Celestia looked at her younger sister warmly. “Luna I assure you, Twilight Sparkle is incapable of hate, and I am sure she is going to be very happy to see you again. You’ve been back for nearly a year and you need to make some friends!” Luna frowned at her as she stepped into the carriage. “You don’t have any friends.” Celestia was taken aback, surprised by her sister’s jab. “I have... lots of friends!” “Name one.” Celestia used her magic to jab one of the guards, causing him to move the carriage, sending Princess Luna off towards Ponyville. Luna scowled at her sister as she left. Not to misunderstand, Luna had nothing against making friends. She was afraid that Twilight Sparkle and her friends still had hard feelings over what she had done to them. Luna had barely forgiven herself. Let alone expecting anypony else to forgive her. Soon enough the carriage touched down, Luna exited and thanked the guards for the trip. Just as Luna had expected, nopony was there to meet her. She frowned, the carriage departed, there was still a chance to sneak back to Canterlot before nopony noticed she’d even come at all. Lost in her thoughts Luna didn’t see somepony bump into her. “Oh I’m so sorry!” the Pony, a colt’s voice called out. Luna turned to look at him, standing before her was an earth pony, his mane and coat were pitch black, and his eyes glowing amber. Clearly this pony recognised her for who she was, because he panicked and bowed. “Your highness! I am so very sorry, I wasn’t paying attention... I know that’s no excuse, but please forgive me.” “It’s okay,” Luna said softly. “What’s your name?” “My name is Nightcaller,” the earth pony said, offering another bow. Luna smiled at him. “You don’t have to do that. It’s nice to meet you Nightcaller.” No. Something was wrong with this situation. This wasn’t how it happened. “Your Highness,” another voice belonging to a filly called out. Luna looked up to see Twilight Sparkle and her friends, bowing before her. Luna looked around, finding earth pony from before had disappeared... but she was struggling to remember his name. “You really don’t have to do that,” Luna said gingerly kicking a rock that was on the ground next to her. “Hello your highness!” Twilight said with a beaming smile on her face. “Do you remember us? I’m Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.” Luna remembered them. “Hello... Um, will you excuse me? I need to...” She found her voice trailing off and she dashed off, the memory of the black earth pony was escaping from her mind, she couldn’t remember his name, or his face, all she remembered was that his coat was black. “Your highness?” Twilight Sparkle said from behind her. Luna turned around and looked at the Unicorn; she shut her eyes tightly and groaned slightly. She had completely forgotten the earth pony. “I can’t remember...” she mumbled to herself, not loud enough for Twilight to hear. Twilight looked at the Princess with confusion. “I’m sorry; I didn’t hear what you said.” Luna shut her eyes again, and spoke somewhat louder. “Why are you, of all ponies, talking to me? You have every reason to ignore me. You should hate me.” The fact that she’d even seen a black earth pony had completely left her now. “It’s okay. I don’t hate you. We don’t hate you! All my friends and I have been looking forward to seeing you! We didn’t get to know you very well and we want to be your friend! If you’ll let us,” Twilight said smiling at the shy mare before her. “You... you don’t really mean that, do you?” Luna asked worriedly. “I DO mean it. I want to be your friend, and I’m sure other ponies do to. So come on! Let’s be friends!” Luna thought about it for a moment. This was why she was here right? “Okay...” Twilight smiled brightly. “Great! Come on; let’s go find my other friends. They’re going to love you! I promise.” Luna smiled back at her. She had no memory that anything had even been bothering her.
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Luna,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Midnight in the Heart of Equestria
Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.
<p>Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.</p><p>The third tale in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers.</p>
Chapter 2 You saw me standing alone... Something was wrong. A moment ago, Princess Luna was walking with Twilight Sparkle to Sugarcube Corner; it was the middle of the day. Now it was early morning and she was standing on the outskirts of town watching the sun rise. Something was very, very wrong indeed. Luna looked around, and saw a pitch black earth pony near the tree line. Amber eyes looked out at her; she had nearly missed him in the low light of daybreak. “You!” Luna cried out to the earth pony, her voice filling with fear. “I remember you! I know who you are!” “Yes. Yes you do,” Nightcaller said as he trotted towards her. “And then you forgot.” Luna blinked; every feeling that something was wrong had washed away in an instant. “Oh hello! You startled me; I don’t see many ponies out at sunrise.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” the black earth pony said. “Please forgive me your highness.” “It’s... quite all right,” Luna said. “Have we met before? You seem very familiar.” “I don’t think so... I know you because you’re well... you, but I don’t think we’ve actually met in person,” the earth pony said. “My name is Nightcaller.” Luna smiled at the stallion before her. “Pleasure to meet you Nightcaller.” Nightcaller did not reply, as another voice, this one soft and meek filled the air. “Hello Princess Luna... Um, I’m not interrupting anything am I?” Princess Luna turned to look, Fluttershy, the shy, yellow coated pegasus was standing before her. “Hello Fluttershy, I’m just enjoying the sunrise,” Luna said. Wait. No. That didn’t sound right. Princess Luna was filled with a sort of Déjà vu. She felt like this had happened before, but it was different than it was supposed to be. Nightcaller had disappeared, but Luna was not concerned by this, when she looked away from him, she’d instantly forgotten his existence. “Are you all right Princess?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t know...” Luna said, unsure of what was happening. Then it hit her. It was far too early for Fluttershy to be here. Luna blinked again, and the sky was much brighter now, the sun had risen to the eight o’clock position. “Who is that pony?” Fluttershy asked looking out into the distance. Luna looked out into the distance. A single pitch black pony with an equally black mane and tail was walking towards them, a colt, no less. No more than 10 metres out. Neither Fluttershy, nor Luna had seen this pony before. Who was he? The colt walked up to the two mares, gave each a look and smiled. “Ponies! I made it...” he said before passing out on the ground at their hooves. Fluttershy’s jaw dropped. “Come on! We need to get him help! Help me carry him!” she cried out frantically. Luna had never seen the meek pegasus so excited... or had she? She was getting déjà vu again. Only this time she ignored it, this earth pony needed help, and she couldn’t just ignore somepony who had passed out at her hooves. Luna and Fluttershy picked him up and carried him off towards the Clinic. Luna blinked. She found herself in the ponyville clinic. The pitch black earth pony was awake, and speaking to an assembled group of Fluttershy and the rest of her friends. “My name is... uh... Nightcaller, that’s my name. Nightcaller, and well, I’ve been walking for the last two months... I seemed to have, misjudged the distance between here and my last stop, because... Well, I ran out of food eight days ago, and had the last drop of my water two days ago. I barely made it here. When I came across you two I had just reached the point where I couldn’t go any further... If you hadn't been there, I might have collapsed from exhaustion and died with no one knowing I was even out there.” Wrong! Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! Luna knew for sure now. This had happened before, but it had not happened like this. “WHO ARE YOU?” she screamed loudly at the bedridden earth pony, causing everypony in the room to jump in surprise. Nightcaller merely smiled at her. “You know.” Her memories came flooding back. She remembered now, she had met this pony before. He kept appearing where he didn’t belong. “You might call it a dream...” Nightcaller said, he reached out his hooves towards the closest pony next to his bed, Pinkie Pie, grabbing her head and with a twist, snapped her neck. “I prefer, however, to call it a nightmare.” Pinkie Pie’s body fell to the floor. The rest of her friends collapsed along with her, each of them dying from seemingly natural causes. “This is wrong... This is so, very, very wrong!” She cried out. “Yes it is,” Nightcaller said his voice rang with no emotion at all. “It’s wrong that you believed you’d escaped from us.” Black smoke filled the room, Nightshadow and Nightsinger appearing from it, they joined their brother as they marched over the corpses of Luna’s friends, backing her into a corner. “You’ve forgotten your own personal Nightmare. Now we’ve come to bring her back.” Nightcaller said, smiling coldly. Luna’s eyes widened. “No! You can’t do that!” Nightcaller could only chuckle. “Can’t we?” The trio galloped at her, returning to their form of black smoke and entering the night princess’ body. Luna felt it as her body began to change, she cried out in pain as she was becoming something that she’d hoped would never see the light of day, or, more accurately, the dark of night ever again. The cloud of black smoke lifted, Princess Luna was gone. Nightmare Moon had come again. “It feels so good to be back, doesn’t it?” A voice whispered to her. “Oh yes it does!” Nightmare Moon cackled. “And this night, these streets will flow with pony blood!” Princess Luna could only watch in horror. Her Nightmare was in full swing, and she could do nothing to stop it. She couldn’t wake up. The Clinic door’s burst open. The night had just fallen and many ponies were still out and about finishing up the day’s business. It was the last they would see. “It’s Nightmare Moon! Everypony run!” a green coated unicorn cried out, the ponies panicked and galloped away in random directions. Nightmare Moon charged the green unicorn, her longer legs caused her to close the distance. She lowered her head and speared the green pony with her horn. The first drops of blood had been spilled. Nightmare Moon cackled insanely as she felt the unicorn’s life fleeing her, soon enough the pony was dead and Nightmare Moon shook the body from her horn. There was far more than where this came from. “Lyra!” a crème coloured earth pony called out. Nightmare Moon turned her attention onto her. “And ponies say I show no mercy!” Nightmare Moon called out. “I’ll show you the mercy of not having to live without her!” Nightmare Moon charged the crème coloured pony, who didn’t even bother to make her death enjoyable by running. Nightmare Moon speared her as well, the crème coloured earth pony didn’t even whimper in pain. “Bah,” Nightmare Moon said as the earth ponies life ended. “How boring! At least she could have made it somewhat enjoyable by screaming in pain, or crying or something!” “It is of no consequence. There is more where that came from.” … Ponyville’s streets had become a river of blood. The town was burning and corpses were strewn about everywhere. Nightmare Moon was pleased with her handiwork. “Forget ruling an everlasting night! This is so much more fun!” Nightmare Moon chuckled to herself. “Aren’t you glad we came back to you?” The voice whispered to her. Princess Luna, from her introspective seat inside Nightmare Moon’s mind let out a scream of No! It however fell upon deaf ears. “Yes!” Nightmare Moon cried out with childish glee. “We promise what we will never leave you, ever again.”
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Luna,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Midnight in the Heart of Equestria
Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.
<p>Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.</p><p>The third tale in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers.</p>
Chapter 3 Without a Dream in My Heart... Luna awoke. Her eyes thrown open, screaming at the top of her lungs in fear. She went unheard. She was breathing heavily, but began to collect herself as she saw the familiar surroundings of her padded room. She had never been happier in her entire life to see herself locked in an insane asylum. A dream? More like a nightmare... but still just a nightmare. “Sorry. You don’t get to be that lucky.” Luna turned to her left in horror to see the three pitch black ponies. “Leave me alone! Please I just want to be left alone!” Luna sobbed. A cruel smile formed on Nightcaller’s face. He merely shook his head. “Why? Why are you doing this to me?” Luna was at the point of breaking, what she’d been forced to experience was too much for her to handle. “Why? I’ll tell you why. We made you, we nurtured you, we kept you safe for our thousand year exile on the moon.” Nightcaller leaned in close, dropping his voice to a mere whisper. “And you are not allowed to forget it.” “You lied to me! All those years you lied to me! You told me that everypony hated the night; you made me jealous of my sister! It’s your fault I was forced to go to the moon!” Luna screamed at it. “One ponies’ fact, is another ponies’ fiction.” Nightcaller said, brushing her off. “Everything you did before our exile... that was all you. You made choices. We didn’t force you to do anything.” “We did lie,” Nightsinger said. “We’re not going to pretend we didn’t, but you chose to listen to the little voice in the back of your head that you knew didn’t belong... So who’s really to blame for that?” “Truth, lies, good, evil, these are concepts, formed in the minds of ponies,” Nightshadow stated plainly. “They are fiction. All that is real are Order... and Chaos.” Nightcaller leaned in close. “I think our good princess is tired. We shan't keep you up then.” Nightcaller gave the Princess a kiss on her muzzle; she was disgusted by this and wanted it cut off. “Sweet dreams,” he said mockingly. The Siblings Nightmare returned to the cloud of smoke, whisking away under the door. Luna would not be sleeping that night. … Morning came, and Luna’s eyes were still as wide open as they had been. Her door opened, Nightcaller was standing before her, clad in his white medical coat. He was Doctor Nightcaller right now. “Good morning Princess!” He said cheerfully. “How are you this morning?” “Don’t play games with me,” Luna said coldly. “Whatever do you mean?” Doctor Nightcaller said stepping aside. “You have a visitor you know.” Celestia stepped into the room, smiling at her sister. Luna’s eyes widened, she had never been happier to see Celestia in her entire life. “Tia! Oh thank goodness you’re here!” “I’ll give you two a moment.” Doctor Nightcaller said with a wink towards Luna. “Thank you Doctor,” Celestia said. Nightcaller smiled and closed the door behind him. Luna sighed a sigh of relief. “You have to get me out of here! He’s not a doctor! He wants to kill us all!” Celestia looked at her sister with confusion. Luna didn’t notice and continued to speak. “They came last night! They came and they tortured me! They played with my mind, made me do horrible things! Please Tia! Please! You have to help me!” Luna had broken down into tears. “Luna...?” Celestia asked gently. “Have you stopped taking your medication?” Luna stopped crying. She looked up in horror; her own sister didn’t believe her. “You have to believe me! We’re not safe! Those three will kill us all!” “I...” Celestia trailed off, looking for the right words. “I want to believe you... I really do, but... You have to consider where we are when you’re saying them...” Unbelievable, her own sister didn’t believe her. Luna knew she had a point about the fact that she was saying these things while locked in a padded room in the psychiatric ward, but she didn’t care. This was her sister! “I’m sorry.” Celestia said, rising to her hooves. She crossed to the door, and lightly tapped on it a few times. Nightcaller opened the door, and Celestia looked back at her sister. “I’m so sorry.” Celestia said and she walked out of the room. “Don’t leave me!” Luna screamed at the top of her lungs. “They’ll kill us all! They’ll kill us all!”
Nightmare Moon,Original Character,Princess Luna,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Midnight in the Heart of Equestria
Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.
<p>Princess Luna is sent to Ponyville to make friends, however, she has the nagging feeling that things aren't going like they are supposed to.</p><p>The third tale in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers.</p>
Epilogue Without a Love of My Own... “Spike!” Twilight Sparkle called out to her assistant. “Would you please bring me a copy of Supernaturals?” “You got it! Supernaturals coming right up!” the baby dragon called out excitedly. The front door opened and Twilight looked up. Standing in the door was an all black unicorn stallion, his amber eyes looking right at her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. I can come back later if I’m disturbing you.” “Oh no!” Twilight reassured him. “I might live here, but this is still a public library... Just so happens hardly anypony else uses it.” The unicorn stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Twilight was sure that she hadn’t met him before. Which was odd, ponyville was a small town, everypony was at least acquainted with everypony else. “I don’t think we’ve met.” “I’m new in town,” the unicorn said. “My name is Nightshadow. I’m an apothecary... so I spend most of my time locked away studying and brewing things.” Twilight felt her heart begin to flutter, though she wasn’t sure why. “Oh... ha, I know what that’s like! When I’m on a studying binge I could go unseen for days at a time!” Twilight wasn’t sure why, but her response had come out extremely awkwardly. “I’m Twilight Sparkle... Is there anything I can help you find?” “Ah yes. There is an apothecary book called Supernaturals. I’m ashamed to say I don’t have one. Would you happen to have a copy of it?” “Um... yes! I do have one copy of it... I was just about to use it, would you maybe like to look at it with me?” Twilight said, mentally kicking herself for how dumb she was sounding. “I’d love to,” Nightshadow said with a smile. Spike returned with the book and the two unicorns spent the next few hours chatting. Supernaturals was never even opened.
Rainbow Dash,Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
First Date
<p>Set after the events of <i>Hop, Skip, and a Jump</i> and <i>Eggheads</i>, Rainbow Dash works up the courage to ask a certain violet pony out on a romantic excursion - but even after the hard part is over, can Rainbow Dash catch a break?</p>
Rainbow Dash didn’t quite know what she was doing here. Staring up at the imposing tree, she felt what mass amounts of bravery she had ebb away as she pushed herself to move one hoof forward. Planting a cyan horseshoe down, she closed her eyes hard - okay, that was one step. Just a few more and she’d be at the door. Then a simple push and she’d be inside. No big deal. She did this all the time. Sometimes she wouldn’t even use the door! It was easy. So what made today so different? As if on cue, Rainbow Dash saw a certain violet pony come out onto her balcony of the tree house. Twilight Sparkle come out to study a few weather effects for the day, but soon caught sight of the rainbow-maned mare down below. Trotting to the side of the railing, Twilight placed her fore-hooves on top of them and smiled down at her friend. “Hey Rainbow Dash! What brings you here today?” She asked idly, fully prepared to put off her research for her friends. Rainbow’s heart jumped a second, before she quelled it, quieting it by sheer force of will. “Oh, heh. Nothing much Twi-” He voice cracked a moment into a high squeak, causing Twilight’s eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. Regaining her composure, the mare continued as if that didn’t just happen. “Just coming on by to hang out and see what you’re up to. And you know, talk.” Twilight stared approvingly at the pony below. Lifting a hoof, she shrugged slightly as she slowly arced it over the balcony. “Well why didn’t you just fly up here?” She voiced, her tone filled with curiosity. The multicolored pony below mentally kicked herself, berating herself for her transparent tactics. She was being horridly conspicuous. Her wings shooting out, she gave a mighty flap and ended up standing on the railing, her wings outstretched for support. “That’s more like it,” Twilight smiled warmly, before moving towards the door. “So what’d you want to talk about?” The purple mare made no efforts to hinder her friend at all, knowing Dash lived for the moment. And if the moment wasn’t flying by, she didn’t want to be there. “Oh um,” Rainbow thought, her mind racing but coming up with nothing. “I just, you know. Talk.” Fluttering down to the part of the balcony a pony was actually supposed to be standing on, she sheepishly followed Twilight, hoping she wouldn’t look back. Twilight looked back. Catching sight of the pegasus’ expression, Twilight stopped cold as she raised an eyebrow. “You okay there, Dash? You look... strained.” Looking over her friend’s features, she was able to witness the mare’s roulette of facial expressions, including some wild gestures with her hooves as Rainbow attempted to find a response that wasn’t exceedingly awkward. She failed. Stamping her hoof down, Dash stared at the ground with a serious face as she finally chose to simply not look at Twilight a moment. “It’s nothing!” She cried out recklessly. Hesitating, Twilight’s eyebrow was starting to run the risk of flying off her face should she raise it further. “I mean, it- it is something.” Looking up at her friend, Rainbow’s intent was unreadable. “I mean, it could be something,” sighing, the signs of Rainbow’s frustrations melted and she merely fell back on her haunches - however she was not done. “Okay, I got a proposition for you.” Twilight nodded slowly - or she would have, but her neck was craned to the side a little too far and found that she couldn’t actually raise her head any higher from where it was, and quickly returned it to it’s natural position. At which point she finally nodded, allowing Rainbow Dash to continue. “Go ahead, Dash. I’m listening.” “Okay, so, I’ve been flying around, thinking to myself. Oh, and napping,” she said, her composure slowly returning, a cracked smile on her face. It put the unicorn in a state of unease, who was trying hard to uncover just what Dash was trying to get out. “And I was thinking about Applejack and Fluttershy, and how they’re all... y’know.” “Together, right. I was with Pinkie when she outed them,” Twilight claimed, rolling her eyes. Still, a smile returned to her face, recalling how happy it made her to see the ponies in question together. Something about just... clicked, about them. Mulling over the details, Twilight realized she hadn’t seen too much of them, only seeing Applejack when she was running the apple stand in town. She figured this must have meant things were going well for the new couple. Her mind started to tick, though, as she started to move from there. “Well, you remember the, um, party, right?” Rainbow choked out. It was unlike the proud Dash to falter in anything she tried for, unless it meant something truly personal to the mare - and suddenly Twilight’s expression changed, a moment of dawning falling on her face. ----- The party in question had almost all of Ponyville in attendance. Some had come out because it was another signature Pinkie Pie party. Others had come simply to see the new couple - a couple of mares, to be exact. Applejack and Fluttershy had been, albeit unceremoniously, outed by Pinkie Pie due to her insane power of ‘Pinkie Sense’, and the pink Earth pony had thrown a party in honor of the two to celebrate. While the two mares had gone around to their closest friends to tell them first, Pinkie took responsibility to let the rest of the town know - and it came out in droves to support the new couple. It was in this that Ponyville really started to take a look at itself. Before it was just standard practice to expect a mare and a stallion to be together. The idea of two ponies of a similar gender to be together wasn’t exactly looked down upon, per se, but it was rather unusual. However, between two ponies - an Earth pony and a Unicorn, most of the town had come to terms and accepted the idea on their own. But as a community, Pinkie’s party had opened up the prospect to center stage with Applejack and Fluttershy as the unlikely frontrunners. Alongside them Lyra and Bon-Bon, Ponyville’s well known mare couple, offered their support, and many ponies, some married with foals of their own, congratulated the new couple, hoping for a successful relationship. It was in this celebration that Rainbow Dash took the floor. Some of the ponies were used to the brash Dash behavior, but it was the next words that tended to shock many of those who were present. “Hey guys...” she started, looking around. Catching the eyes of Applejack and Fluttershy in the corner, the cyan pony smiled, lowering her head. “I have a confession to make here.” And so Rainbow Dash let the whole of Ponyville know that she liked mares, and she wouldn’t hide that aspect of herself from the world any longer. After this, some murmurings filtered through the crowd. So far, all the alternative ponies had come out in pairs - a lone pony who was out in the open was a new concept to them. As she stood in front of them, new judgements started to cross into the minds of the ponies present. “Awesome!” A voice cried out, before those present realized it belonged to four very distinct ponies. One, of course, was Pinkie Pie. The other three belonged to none other than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who quickly felt the need to accept the ultra-cool Rainbow Dash. Smiling down at the little fillies, they seemed to care nothing of it, AppleBloom even finding the fact Dash wanted to thank them a little confusing. “Y'all just admitted in front of everypony that you’re ready and willing to love another pony," AppleBloom began, "Now what kinda pony would I be if I didn’t approve of that?” From most ponies, this would have been more of a statement than a question, but Dash could see from the look in her eye that AppleBloom was serious in her quandary, her little head searching for an answer in the faces of the ponies in the crowd. Suddenly AppleBloom found herself wrapped up in Applejack’s hooves in a great big hug. “Oh AppleBloom, ya make yer big sister proud!” Applejack shouted, leaving the confused yellow filly to turn to her friends and shift her head to one side, garnering shrugs from the other two crusaders. Still, AppleBloom nuzzled against her big sister, happy to receive positive attention from her role model. Giggling slightly, Twilight strode forth to answer the yellow filly, “Well, a very silly pony, AppleBloom,” she answered. The filly in question wasn’t paying much attention any more, instead actively attempting to remove herself from her sister while the crowd was still watching. It didn’t matter much to Twilight, though, as she had truly meant it for the crowd of ponies gathered. “The silliest of ponies! Like me! But I’m not that kind of silly! I’m the kind of silly that likes balloons and pranks and oh Rainbow Dash I think that was so brave of you!” Pinkie Pie shouted, literally leaping out from the crowd. Her mane was covered in confectionery sugar and little pieces of dough were clinging to her visage, but it didn’t seem to alienate anypony. “I’m proud of you, Rainbow Dash!” She sang, her eyes twinkling as a new song started to form in her head. “We all are. Of you, of Applejack and Fluttershy, too,” Twilight agreed, looking out into the still listening crowd of ponies, their faces smiling in agreement. Any ideas against the prospect of ‘different’ ponies were fading from their minds as the friends stuck up for one another. “And I know I wouldn’t mind giving a mare a chance if the opportunity presented itself,” Twilight admitted, smiling softly. Rainbow’s eyes glistened slightly, looking over her friends. Even Rarity had stepped up, although she hadn’t said anything, support was written all over her face. “Thank you, everypony,” she breathed, seeing herself accepted for who she was. ----- Rainbow coughed awkwardly, trying to find a way to approach this. “Well, you see, I-I was thinking, Twilight,” she began. She wasn’t good with words, and her feet started to move in tandem against the wood floor in her nervousness. “About what you said at the party, and I was thinking.” she echoed. Twilight, at this point, had her eyes pointing straight up and a slight blush on her face. She had only just started to give romance any sort of research, and here was her friend trying her hardest to belt out a very difficult question. However, she stayed silent, hoping her friend could finish what she wanted to say and to have her victory. “And well, I was thinking, you know, because I was just so cool, you know.” Rainbow Dash, the rainbow maned pegasus who delivered the fantastic Sonic Rainboom, who single-hoofedly created the unifying explosion of energy that set off the events in which all her friend’s gained their cutie marks, was faltering. She hated it, it felt like losing. She hated losing. A fire stroked inside her at the thought of this, and suddenly she stomped her hoof, closing her eyes. “SO I WAS THINKING THAT WE COULD GO OUT ON A DATE SOMETIME!” Dash shouted, causing a number of birds to fly out of the branches overhead. While she had been expecting it, Twilight admitted to herself, she had not prepared herself for such an explosive delivery. As such, she couldn’t help but snicker a bit at Rainbow opened her eyes and realized what she was doing. Standing at full wingspan, the pegasus looked more like she was heading out to fight a manticore than tell someone she was interested. It was this realization that made the pegasus’ face turn a maddening red, and Twilight’s laughing wasn’t helping. “I mean because, you know, you mentioned you were interested in trying it out, and I thought I’d be nice and take you out. Because I’m awesome...” She almost squeaked a second time at this, but her voice only barely stumbled out of the gate. Twilight smiled, sitting on her haunches and looking Rainbow Dash in the eye. “I’d love to, Rainbow Dash.” “Really!?” Dash shouted, her legs kicking out from under her as she resumed the fighting pose. Again, she relented and tried to recompose herself. “I mean, awesome. Cool. I’ll uh, pick you up at seven or something. For our date.” The purple mare moved her mane slightly with a flick of her neck, and nodded warmly. “For our date, Dash.” ----- “Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh~!” Rainbow Dash paced around her hard-packed cloud home, looking wildly about as she thought of her impending date. With Twilight Sparkle. Personal student and assistant to Princess Celestia! Stomping her hoof, she shook her mane. “No. Twilight Sparkle, friend. My friend.” Even words as simple as these seemed to calm the pegasus, who started to take slow, deep breaths. Reflecting on the discussion that took place afterwords, Rainbow had been pretty quick to leave on some lazy excuse of ‘getting ready’. She was perfectly capable of going now, but she set a time for herself. She didn’t even know why - she hated being on a schedule. Crying out in frustration, Rainbow Dash fell backward on her soft cloud bed. Nuzzling up next to a small hump of clouds that served as her pillow, Rainbow Dash stared out her window at the afternoon sun. She had felt so assured this morning. Like it would go down so perfectly. And to be honest, it really had. She wasn’t rejected, put down lightly, or handled... none of that. She was accepted. Her proposal was accepted. Flailing her fore-hooves, Rainbow rolled around in her bed, grunting and sighing. “Why am I so nervous! I’m the coolest pony I know!” Standing up, she looked about her room. Even after everything had gone so well.... she still felt a strange sense of dread. Hopping off her bed and unto her cloud covered floor, she had long sense ignored the fact the consistency of the two different cloud-based surfaces was negligible at best. “I’m Rainbow Dash! Best Young Flyer! Junior Speedster! Sonic Rainboom- Uh.... -Er.” As far as titles go, ‘Sonic Rainboomer’ sounded a bit weak. Making a mental note to change the name up to be cooler, Rainbow Dash sighed. “And I’m going on a date with one of my best friends.” Out of all the things that had been going right, there was the fear that lay in her mind. If things didn’t work out, would she still be her friend? ----- Shooting down from the sky, the pegasus whipped around through rogue clouds as she rocketed down toward the Library, intent that, if anything, she would not be late for her date. Pulling up at the last possible second, Rainbow Dash stopped short just inches before the ground, retracting her wings as she simply popped her feet on the ground with a solid poomph. As she strode up to the door, she found it wholly easier to approach this time around, even raising a hoof to knock on the door like a real gentlepony, before it suddenly opened before she could make a single rap. “Oh darling, I didn’t know you’d be early!” A white unicorn called breezily. Rainbow Dash took a step backwards, her eyes darting from side to side. Had her date been swapped? Why was Rarity in front of her? At Twilight’s? At... Dash paused. What time was it, anyway? Giving Rarity a sidelong glance, she tore her eyes from the unicorn long enough to see a large clock mounted on the center of a tall tower off of city hall. Adorned on it’s proud features was the ironcast hands of the clock, which read simply: 6:30. A half an hour early. “Oh, well, uh,” Rainbow stammered. Quickly concluding that if Rarity knew that she was supposed to be here, then Twilight must have called her over, and if that was the case, then Rarity knew she was here for a date! At the realization the pegasus almost bolted off the scene, but her legs wouldn’t budge. “So, uh, Rarity. What are you doing here anyway?” “Me? Oh Rainbow Dash, I’m helping poor Twilight get ready for her big date, of course! It’s her first date simply ever and she wanted to look stunning, so of course she’d call upon me! I was working on an order for Hoity Toity but friendship comes first, you know...” Pausing, she looked over Rainbow’s features as she took stock of the pegasus. “Oh dear...” “What? What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked, looking about, even chancing a glance toward her wings and hooves. She didn’t see anything wrong herself, so she looked back at the white unicorn with a curious, if not indignant, stare. “Well, simply put my dear, you look so... plain!” Rarity tittered, shaking her mane. Walking out of the doorframe, Rarity’s horn glowed a moment as she shut the door silently behind her, barring Rainbow’s entrance. “I cannot stand by and let poor Twilight’s date be ruined by your rough mane. Now Rainbow Dash, I insist you come with me to my boutique so I can at least give you a proper cleaning - your mane is an absolute mess, dear.” Without another word, Rarity started walking toward her business, leaving a dumbstruck Rainbow Dash behind. “Coming, Rainbow?” The pegasus opened her mouth as if to retaliate, but turned her head back towards the balcony above. In the library held the unicorn she was going to be taking out tonight. The very first night this pony was going to go out. She had to make it special. “O-okay Rarity. Just this once.” “Of course, Rainbow Dash. It is, of course, important for you as well.” Rarity chimed, a victorious smirk dancing on her face as she trotted along. Rainbow Dash sighed as she clopped along behind, fairly uninterested in the idea of a pre-date makeover. ----- “And that’s...” Rarity grunted, attempting to remove her hoof from Rainbow’s mane. Freeing it from the tangled mess, she nearly fell backwards unto her designs, but was able to regain her ladylike composure before falling down. Clearing her throat, Rarity shook her mane. “...Why you should wash your mane everyday, Rainbow Dash. Tell me, if this evening was supposed to be magical and poor Twilight wanted to run a hoof through your hair, what would you have done?” She chided, levitating a bucket of warm water over to the cyan pegasus. The sensation of warm water sliding down her head and the back of her mane was nothing to the thoughts of Twilight lovingly running her hooves through Dash’s mane that was warming her thoughts. Rainbow Dash must of had a quite contented look, because as she came back to reality she found Rarity standing over her, her hooves working a shampoo into her hair. “And then Twilight asked me to borrow them for the night, and I simply had to let her - she looked so darling in them!” Rarity gasped lightly, a tragic look on her face before smiling at her own folly. Apparently Rarity had been talking for awhile, and Rainbow Dash had lost all track of time as the unicorn did her work. “I guess I gave that little surprise away.” “Huh? Sorry Rarity, I wasn’t actually listening. I was-” She cut herself off, trying to come up with a lie to cover the idea of what she was actually day-dreaming about. “Thinking of some sweet new tricks,” she blurted out a bit to quickly. However, Rarity seemed to accept this and set back to work, levitating another bucket of water over. “Well that’s for the best, my dear,” Rarity cooed, rinsing out Rainbow’s hair and setting to work with some conditioner. “Oh Rainbow Dash, your mane is simply gorgeous. You must stop by more often so I can get my hooves on it. The possibilities...!” It was apparent to Rainbow Dash that Rarity was more or less talking to herself at this point, and it didn’t really effect her at all until she felt the unicorn move on to her wings. The sudden, unexpected touch against her wings caused them to pop out unexpectedly as Rainbow whipped her head forward, some excess conditioner spraying forward and creating a long white line of gel debris parallel to where she sat. Rarity’s face contorted into a look of unease, looking about the small mess. “Well, I guess I’ll warn you next time I wish to relax your wings.” Rainbow Dash looked back defensively, her wings snapping back to her sides. “My wings are relaxed enough as is, thanks!” As she complained, a sopping heavy piece of her mane slapped against her snout, the oily mixture feeling strange across her face. The interruption was sudden and ended the pegasus’ train of thought rather quickly, and Rarity could only look on and smile. “Alright, Dash, I promise I won’t touch your wings without permission, but I must wash out that product before it stays on your skin much longer. It could cause a breakout if it lasts much longer on your face.” The white unicorn levitated Rainbow’s locks to the side as she pushed the pegasus back on her side, bringing over the last and final buckets over, drowning the cyan mare in multiple cascades of water, proceeding to wipe her face a little with a wet rag. "Pleh! I could have done that that part myself, thanks!” Rainbow reached a hoof up to protect her face from the detail oriented pony, who pouted slightly at the continued rejection of her work. Rolling to her hooves, Rainbow stood back up, her mane dripping with water that rained on the floor. As she peered about, she caught sight of the clock tower from the boutique's window as its minute hand moved over the 11, causing her gut to drop. “Oh no! I’m going to be late!” Rainbow suddenly shouted, only to feel Rarity snatch her tail in her mouth ala Applejack. Slowly turning her head, Dash glared over to the unicorn with the tail in her mouth. “Seriously, ponies need to stop doing that. I hadn’t even taken off yet.” Spitting out the offending tail, Rarity looked quite disheveled at the prospect of holding Rainbow’s tail in her mouth, and was currently making quite a show about it, sputtering and sticking her tongue out, causing the rainbow maned pony to simply roll her eyes. Still, it didn’t take long for Rarity to regain her composure long enough to levitate a few towels over. “Now Rainbow, you’re still horridly wet and flying at high speed while wet will inevitably stick a whole manner of different things to your mane - like dirt and bugs and Celestia knows what else!” Rarity continued to chatter on as Dash felt herself roughed up by the towels that dug into her hair, intent on drying every last bit of the pegasus. Her horn glowing brightly, Rarity suddenly dismissed the towels and levitated a comb and brush, quickly styling Rainbow’s normally tattered mane into a smooth, curvy hairstyle. “Ah...” Rarity finally gasped, letting the utensils drop to the floor as she sat down. Obviously tired, Rainbow Dash realized she had probably gone through similar work with Twilight, and Rarity wasn’t exactly known for her great feats of magic. “And there you are, darling. I think you’re right as rain enough to simply sweep that unicorn off her feet.” Smiling, Dash caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her coat looked just a little brighter, and her mane had calmed into an appealing curve, styled out just above her eyes. She really did look beautiful. Rainbow Dash sheepishly smiled at Rarity, grateful for her friend's work. “Thank you Rarity.” “Oh, don’t mention it. I just wanted to make your date... how do you say it, ‘twenty percent cooler’?” Laughing to herself, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in response, but a smile still hovered on her face. It wasn’t very long at all before she felt herself herded toward the door, Rarity prodding her to get a move on. “Go on, darling! You mustn’t keep the poor mare waiting! Oh, dear, I almost forgot,” she paused a moment before her horn glowed one last time. As Rainbow looked about, she saw two golden lightning bolt earrings coming her way from Rarity’s work bench. “I almost forgot to give you these, my dear. I picked them up on a visit to an old friend out in Hoofington. I’d have thought I'd to give them to you as a present for your first big makeover... and I guess here we are,” as she talked, the unicorn set about placing the earrings unto Rainbow Dash, letting them sit comfortably alongside her face. “There,” she sighed, completely exhausted. The pegasus looked at what she could have the earrings, before looking back toward the purple maned pony, a question on her mind. “When did you think I was ever going to come here for a makeover?” Rainbow asked, legitimately interested. Laughing, Rarity didn’t answer but instead gestured toward the clock tower, where the minute hand threatened to hit the twelve which adorned the very top of the clock. Sensing that time was of the essence, Rainbow Dash gave one last rushed thank you and goodbye and sped off toward Twilight Sparkle’s library, her hooves hitting the ground right outside the door. As she raised a hoof and rapped once against the door, the clock toward hit seven o’ clock exactly. And the door opened.
Rainbow Dash,Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
First Date
<p>Set after the events of <i>Hop, Skip, and a Jump</i> and <i>Eggheads</i>, Rainbow Dash works up the courage to ask a certain violet pony out on a romantic excursion - but even after the hard part is over, can Rainbow Dash catch a break?</p>
"Well hello there, young lady," a brown Earth pony was looking down at the rainbow-maned mare, whose expression was, as it stood, completely dumbfounded. Sizing up the pegasus, the stallion swiftly stepped to the side, sensing Rainbow's need to have him strictly out of her way. "My apologies, Ms. Dash," he said. Rainbow blinked, slowly registering that the unknown stallion probably recognized her as Ponyville's premier weather pony. Regardless, Rainbow Dash mustered her courage and stood tall, her hair bouncing as she moved. Her eyes unfocused as some of it fell gracefully along her vision. Dash made a mental note that she was really unused to her mane even moving without gale force winds. "Uh, thank you?" She tried, before violently shaking her head as she cleared her words in her mind. "I mean! Uh, n-no problem," she stammered out. Thank you? He didn't do anything worth thanking! Except he did get out of her way quickly enough, so that was nice of him. Still though, she was so not being cool right now. Giving him a sidelong glace, Rainbow Dash pushed past him swiftly and into the Library, her mind blank for anything else to say towards the unexpected interruption. Closing the door behind her, she exhaled long and hard, leaving the brown pony with a blank look and an awkward silence. Staring at the closed door, Rainbow tried to understand what was with all the ponies at the library today. Just what was up with Twilight's library all of a sudden? Ponies were coming in now more than ever to converse with the violet mare, and Dash was about to go into a mental tirade before the realization hit her. This was a library after all. Ponies were allowed to read books. Although, she relented, it was rather late. "Phew, I thought he'd never leave!" The voice of her friend, Twilight Sparkle, reverberated behind her. Turning about, Dash couldn't see hide nor hair of her date. Stepping out from behind a pile of books, Rainbow Dash mentally and physically gaped as the form of her friend came into view. And what a form it was. "Oh! Rainbow Dash! You're here!" She smiled. She smiled brilliantly. Rarity had spent no expense on highlighting every intimate detail of Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes popped, but only subtly. They would catch your eye in a crowd, her deep purple eyes being so easy to get lost in. Twilight's entire body had been brushed to perfection, and her mane was pristine. Even her telltale natural pink highlight fell free from her darker mane, accenting her coloration perfectly. But what caught Rainbow's tongue was the simple, yet elegant dress which adorned the unicorn. Rarity had simply hit gold with this one. It didn't so much as cover her date as it was more akin to a shawl than a dress, freeing Twilight's body to move about without restriction. For a time, Rainbow was speechless, just taking in every intimate detail she could of her friend. It wasn't very long before Twilight's blush started to redden madly and she averted her gaze. "Rainbow...!" She breathed, almost too embarrassed to speak up. Rainbow snapped out of her stupor and she shook her mane violently, unconsciously causing it to flow beautifully between it's colors. Twilight's eyes caught it and turned back, her own purple orbs being drawn in. Framed by the golden lightning bolt earrings, Twilight had a difficult time tearing her vision from Rainbow's rose-colored eyes. Her own cyan features starting to change into a cherry red, Dash coughed nervously. "Gee, Twilight, you look awesome," she complimented, trotting over to her friend. "You look great too, Dash. You really cleaned up your mane - it's beautiful!" At her own admission, the red in their faces that had been disappearing halted it's retreat from Twilight's cheeks, causing Rainbow Dash to submit a matching rose-colored pair. "I-iiiit was Rarity's doing. I don't know anything about that kind of stuff," the pegasus confessed, waving her hoof like it wasn't a big deal, her face and demeanor completely contradicting the motion. "I just wanted to look good for ou-" Rainbow's voice cracked, causing Twilight to smile and steal a giggle. Undeterred, Rainbow finished her statement. "Your first date," she smiled, giving off an air of confidence. Twilight walked up to her friend and nudged her playfully. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. It means a lot coming from you." Twilight moved toward the door, pushing it open. To the pegasus' relief, there was no surprise pony awaiting the pair on the other side for the first time today. Racing after her date, Rainbow felt a twang of awkwardness every time she tried to refer to Twilight as such. Date felt so... artificial. Twilight was her friend. Her good friend. Twilight Sparkle wasn't a date. She would be more than just a date. "So what did you have in mind, Dash?" Twilight asked expectantly, tearing Rainbow from her thoughts. The question utterly confused the cyan mare. A plan? A plan for the date? Mentally cursing herself for using that term again, the pegasus felt an icy crawl along her skin as she realized that she had completely spaced on just what they were going to do. Dash had been so focused on just how she was going to ask the mare out, never even entertaining the idea of what they'd do if they did! Twilight noticed the silenced and soon looked back to Dash, who had the most quizzical expression littered on her face. "You... didn't have anything organized?" She asked, her eyes faltering backward slowly. Sensing the danger in her silence, Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out. "Of course I do!" She lied. "I asked you, didn't I? I totally have a plan," the pegasus boasted, her mind moving a mile a minute. The feeling was a lot like back when she preformed a Sonic Rainboom. That unknowing rush as she came across that barrier, the thrill of not knowing what the next moment would hold for her... and she started to feel nervous - would she rebound off of it? She may have pulled it off... but her track record of fails verses successes were so low that Rainbow Dash quickly stopped the comparison completely. However, Twilight seemed pleased enough in the answer, continuing along the streets of Ponyville. As the sun was casting it's late afternoon rays, Rainbow Dash silently tried so very hard to come up with something for the ponies to do together, her eyes stuck on the grass as she trotted along. What was it that she heard Applejack say at the party? Something about the hills? And candy? No, that wasn't right, that was Pinkie Pie. That mare was always about the candy, like she had some bottomless stomach for sweets. Rainbow's eyes lit up as it hit her - her stomach! Food! Looking up, she saw her first boon - the simple restaurant that Twilight had visited shortly after visiting Ponyville. It was here Rainbow protected her from being rained on. Sure, she only did so because she was trying to butter up the unicorn to cough up that golden ticket she held unto, but even back then she really didn't want her friend to be rained on. As they were about to pass, Rainbow stopped and held a hoof out. "Ah, wait! We're here! First stop, some dinner!" She exclaimed, a bit loudly. Pushing open a small gate that led towards the restaurant. Rainbow considered eating outside, but the tables were facing the sunset, and the glare from Celestia's final rays would be too obtrusive for the date. As Rainbow cursed herself again, Twilight halted and turned back around, her eyes tracking the cyan hoof toward the establishment. "Oh," Twilight mentioned, obviously mulling over some detail in her head. "Oh that's right, my books mentioned that dinner was a custom for dates..." She continued, causing Rainbow to playfully roll her eyes. "Come on Twilight, I thought you didn't read into that kind of friendship!" Rainbow teased, the purple mare blushing slightly. "Well, after Applejack and Fluttershy... I wanted to look into it more. It was so nice seeing them together," Twilight admitted, nosing the door open as she continued. "I wanted an idea of what it would feel like, to be with some special pony, that... well I guess I went overboard with the research." "Overboard?" Dash echoed, before cracking into a smile. When it came to books on romance, she could only guess the amount of detail they all went into, but the idea of Twilight cracking open a book labeled Mares Romancing Mares: A Filly's Guide to Same Sex Relationships was too funny for her to contain, and she started laughing, her locks of multicolored hair waving gently at every giggle. Twilight, on the other hoof, looked on in slight wonder as Rainbow continued, unsure of what to make of it. Looking at the maître d', she gave an awkward smile as Dash started to compose herself. "I'm sorry, Twilight," she choked out, rubbing a hoof across her eyes, smiling all the way. "I got the funniest thought and I couldn't contain myself." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What was it?" She asked, genuinely interested. Rainbow froze, before her face cracked into an awkward smile. "Oh, um, nothing too much, you know," she explained away, but the purple mare didn't buy it. "Come on, Dash, that sure didn't sound like nothing," she pressed, putting a hoof up against Dash's shoulder. Dash's eyes immediately glued themselves to the end of the purple hoof, slowly trailing up and into the eyes of the lavender mare. "Oh, well," she muttered under her breath, her mind slowly drawing a blank as she stared into those brilliant orbs. Dash started to feel a bit weak in the knees, and Twilight averted her eyes, Dash instead focusing on to that beautiful mane against her will and better judgment. From there she quieted off, so much that the unicorn had to look back at Rainbow, locking eyes again. She didn't hold the gaze very long, trying hard not to betray her own feelings. "I was... just imagining you - c-covered in books, you know," she trailed, smiling at the real image of what she imagined. It was a keeper. "I'm surprised it took you that long to imagine me in an avalanche of books," Twilight said simply, before looking towards the increasingly impatient pony who waited on their command. "Not exactly what a meant..." Rainbow whispered under her breath as she ordered the table for them. "Oh, um, two please," she smiled sheepishly, receiving a sigh and a 'right this way' from the colt. "I guess what's more surprising is the comedy of me being crushed," Twilight chided, continuing her thought. Despite obviously unintending to, Rainbow felt bad about the lie even more that it painted her in a bad light. She just didn't want to embarrass her friend. Not to mention the pegasus didn't exactly want to admit she had spent the last week going over every single chapter of that same book she pictured Twilight engrossed with. Taking their seats, Twilight ordered daisy juice cut with spring water, while Rainbow ordered something that sounded delightfully fruity. The two mares slowly got over any initial awkwardness as they simultaneously scanned and hid behind their menus. However, it didn't stop Twilight from quickly choosing something and placing the menu down. The action surprised Dash. "Oh, what're you getting, Twi?" Rainbow asked, looking over the menu. Some of the names she simply didn't understand. A lot of these names mentioned something about sea creatures, but she found her way to normal food before long. "Just a daisy sandwich..." Twilight said, looking about the restaurant, her eyes finally coming to rest on Rainbow Dash, who had a positively incredulous expression on her face. "Uh, is that bad?" "A daisy sandwich? I've never seen you eat anything else," the cyan pegasus concluded, shaking her mane a bit. "Come on, Twi, it's on me. Please get something special," she pleaded, wanting her da-friend to get something to remember. Twilight sighed, slightly exasperated at the thought of looking through the menu again, but did as she was bidden. As it turned out, Twilight didn't exactly order anything else, really ever. She had developed a rather menial taste selection, and Dash had expected differently of her. After they placed their order, they got into the discussion of food. "So wait, outside of hay fries, you don't eat anything else?" Rainbow gasped. "Don't you read, like, cook books? Live in Canterlot with all those fancy chefs and stuff?" Chuckling, Twilight shook her mane. "No, I really don't read anything that doesn't immediately pertain to my studies. And I only ate fancy things with the Princess." Twilight put a hoof up to her chin as she recalled the foods that were often displayed in front of her. "There were so many things to choose from, I felt really overwhelmed by it all, all the time. I guess Princess Celestia saw uncomfortable I was with it all and soon we just ate daisy sandwiches all the time." Rainbow got lost in the image of the Princess merely deigning to eat such a fillyhood snack all the time were her prized pupil. Adorable. Twilight, however, continued. "Besides, I tried cooking once and... well, my mom had to order a new set of pans." Rainbow let out a snerk, but Twilight pressed on, putting her head in her hooves. "And new flooring. The ceiling had to be completely repainted." Exploding with laughter really wasn't possible, that much ponykind was sure of. In their time with Pinkie Pie, the mane six knew it simply wasn't possible. And yet Rainbow Dash just couldn't contain her merriment and certainly made her attempt to do so as she fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. Twilight, as well as just about every patron in the restaurant stared in a confused manner as the cyan mare burst out laughing. Giggling slightly, Twilight made no attempt to match the pegasus' guffaws, but she was thankful Dash was such a good friend, as such laughter from anypony else might of made her feel horrid about it. Climbing back up to her hooves and sitting back at the table, Rainbow wiped off visible tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry Twilight, but you always keep... saying things that are just funny. You're a riot!" The pegasus's wings stretched out a bit, stabilizing the pony. The look on Twilight's face was a mixture of amusement and another emotion Dash couldn't put her hoof on. Knowing she should drop it, the cyan mare took a sip of her drink, flinching a bit as the hard flavor hit. "Whoo...!" She snapped back, her wings shooting out again in reaction. "That was stronger than I thought it was gonna be!" She chuckled, causing Twilight to look at her drink a moment. "I guess I could have gotten something a little stronger, myself," she breathed, realizing her lightly flavored water was simply not up to snuff for a date. Rainbow shook her mane, once again batting her face with her now freely flowing hair. The normally snappy and crude pony was now finding out why Rarity was always so graceful when it came to her movements - the brash Rainbow mane was continually blocking her view. Blowing away softly wafting strands from her vision, Rainbow threatened the strands with promise of scissors and a second trip to Rarity's should they dare conflict with her unfiltered awesomeness again. Twilight looked up, smiling softly as Rainbow 'played' with her hair. "How often do you really care for your mane, Dash?" "Oh, not too often - it's an awesome mane, I know, but I normally don't have much time between weather patrol, practice, and napping!" Dash said, somehow taking pride in all three. This elicited another giggle from Twilight, which fed into her ego well. "Oh, I got some totally awesome new tricks in mind, too. And some of them are actually developed to take clouds out with them! Two jobs in one!" Hitting a hoof to her chest, the cyan pegasus looked a sight - a beautiful mane, striking earrings... and a personality that didn't seem to flow with it at all. Still, Twilight clapped her hooves together, and soon they were served their food. ----- The last rays of sunlight danced over the mountains in the west, falling over two ponies near Sweet Apple Acres who were walking under the apple orchards. This idea belonged to Twilight, who had quietly gathered that Dash wasn't one for planning, and suggested a walk through Applejack's farm - something Fluttershy had gone on for hours during one of Twilight's visits. As they trotted along, Twilight couldn't help but keep an eye out for the other two mares, wondering if she even wanted to run into her friends. Part of her wished to see them by the sheer magic of coincidence... but she rather liked being here, spending time with Dash, and only Dash. "Hey Twi, wanna Apple?" Rainbow asked, looking above them at all the glorious red fruit. Twilight was plenty satisfied with her dinner, and politely declined. Dash nodded, unsure of what else to do. The pony was starting to get nervous again. Walking through the orchard was beautiful, but it was lost on the cyan mare as she berated herself for not coming up with anything interesting after the restaurant. For the past hour, the two ponies had toured some of the outskirts of Ponyville together, side by side, just simply seeing what there was to see that couldn't be seen from the sky. Still though, she was still with her date... so that had to count for something. As the two walked on, they started heading up a hill where single young tree stood. It was too young to properly hang any apples, but that was just fine - it had filled out a large number of leaves even in it's young age, as if it knew that it was filling in some important roots. Twilight approached the tree, smiling up at it. "Hello, there, junior," she called to the tree, her eyes sparkling in the sunset. Rainbow looked upon Bloomburg Jr., recalling the trip to Appleoosa quite well. The memories of her friend Little Strongheart caused her to smile, realizing that she just might be Strongheart soon, the way buffalo grew. "Hey Dash, look," Twilight's soft voice broke her out of her trance, and Dash looked from Twilight, following her hoof out towards the sun. The large sphere of orange and red finally descended the final meters across the horizon, bringing an end to Celestia's day. Dash suddenly felt a weight hit her side, as Twilight Sparkle leaned her head against Dash's neck. Emotions welled up inside Rainbow, those of anxiety, fear, surprise... but the sheer elation of it blocked all that out. Carefully leaning her head on top of Twilight's, and being careful not to poke herself on the purple horn, Rainbow's head came to rest over the purple mare's. The two stayed like that for awhile. It was a surprise for Rainbow when the unicorn that leaned against her shuffled her hooves a bit, as she had grown quite comfortable in their current position. Raising her head off of Dash, Twilight smelled the air. The time of day was twilight, her own namesake, and the pony in question seemed content. Opening her eyes, she turned to Dash, her eyes twinkling. "Thank you, Rainbow." Dash raised an eyebrow, shaking her mane incredulously. "For what? I didn't do anything spectacular. I paid for dinner and we... walked. I made a mess out of something special for you!" The words came so quickly out of her mouth that as she soon put a hoof against her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that out loud. She hadn't even meant to think it. "I mean...." She trailed. No, there was no saving it. Her non-load bearing hoof dug at the ground sheepishly, but she felt a small sensation along her neck as Twilight nuzzled her gently. "No, Rainbow. It was perfect," she said, turning her body as the moon came more into view across the Swayback Mountains to the east. Rainbow turned her head slightly, confused at how such a normal night could be anything close to perfect. Twilight caught her glance and smiled, lowering her head. "I'm not a very... romantic pony, Dash. Big gestures like you read in books or fantasize in filly school just don't... appeal to me, like they would a pony like Pinkie Pie, or Rarity." "But... just walking Twi?" Rainbow asked, a small, soft smile breaking her visage. The mare nodded slowly. "Walking and talking, simply... simply being together with somepony special." A blush rose into Twilight's cheeks again, prompting the pegasus to finally turn her body around and lean closer to her friend. Twilight again moved to look her friend in the eyes, her beautiful, rose colored eyes. "And right now, Rainbow Dash, you're the most special pony to me." Shifting slightly, Twilight's leaned against her friend, feeling the body warmth of her pegasus friend as Dash quietly lifted her wing up and around Twilight. "So... for me, this was a perfect first date." She smiled as she closed her eyes. "For both of us." Dash gave a sheepish smile as Twilight made mention of Dash's own dating history, or more distinctly, her lack of one. She had generally kept her romantic life a secret, but it didn't surprise her that even with Twilight's lack of social norms, she could see that Dash was just as new at this as she was. "Twilight," she breathed, relishing in the moment. Her eyes drifted to Luna's night, a shimmering example of even though a thousand years could have left her out of practice, the princess could still deliver on her special talent. Her special talent. Looking over at her cutie mark, she gave it a brief look before turning her head back. She loved flying. She loved racing. She loved the sensations of going fast, the idea of winning, the feeling of winning... Twilight was so different from her. She was well-read, smart, at times cunning and, as Fluttershy mentioned once regarding Philamina, fairly ruthless when it came fixing a problem. They were so different. Sighing wistfully, she wondered what that meant. Opposites attract? There really couldn't be that many things the two ponies shared in common, but their different lifestyles could lead to long and varied discussions... but Rainbow wasn't much of a talker. She found that she had taken a deep breath somewhere along the line, and exhaled deeply and slowly, causing Twilight to move her attention off from the night. "Rainbow? Is something wrong?" Rainbow tilted her head slightly, gazing at her friend. "I... think there is," she sighed. "Well, spit it out," Twilight said bluntly, a laugh playing out. It was one of the few times Rainbow had heard her laugh blatantly throughout the night. It calmed her. "Well, Twilight. I had a lot of fun tonight, but... I'm actually a little worried. I mean, awesomely worried. As awesome a worry can be, anyway," Rainbow rambled, trying to put off the subject as the purple pony elicited an eyeroll. "I was just... thinking. This is our first date," she cringed. She hated that term. "And I was wondering..." "If we'd do another?" Twilight asked, putting a hoof to her chin. "Or... if this is our only one?" She let slide. Rainbow looked pained to hear her say it, but it was the worry on her mind. Was there enough there? "Rainbow..." She trailed, sighing. She made no effort to remove herself from the pegasus' side, and closed her eyes contentedly. "I think... no matter what. No matter what, I don't regret tonight," she said softly. Rainbow smiled, her wing pulling Twilight closer to her. "I... Yeah. Yeah Twilight. I don't think I'll regret it either. Our first time out." Twilight smiled. Somehow, as the next words fell out of the mare's mouth, it didn't feel wrong. It didn't feel artificial, either. Out of the unicorn's mouth, it almost felt affirming. "Our first date." ----- Rainbow Dash landed in the Library, a saddlebag across her back, each side filled with different odds and ends. "Twilight!" She called, stamping her hoof down. "Everypony is waiting for you! What's the hold up?" The rainbow-maned mare shook her head, her mane longer than it used to be in the back, but the wild bangs that used to adorn her forehead were cut back slightly, no longer covering her eyes now that they were actually cared for. Rainbow scoffed slightly as she waited - everypony always thought she was the one who was always late. Sighing, she tapped a hoof against the ground as the sounds of stumbling emanated from above. Twilight Sparkle popped her head out the study, looking slightly confused before her expression changed to that of dawning. "It's noon already!?" She cried, her head disappearing back into her room, where sounds of shuffling and general chaos trickled out from. Sighing, the pegasus closed her eyes and shook her head. "It's only eleven, but you gotta be there early so we don't mess up! We're walking down the aisle together and I don't want to hold everything up by you not knowing which hoof to lead with!" She said, the other pony bounding our of her study. Across her own back was a pair of saddlebags, but unlike Rainbow's they were a bit less thrown together. "Sorry! Sorry, I lost track of time and I forgot about the light rehearsal completely!" Twilight confessed, walking down the set of stairs below and pushing the door out into Ponyville. Rainbow Dash shook her head and bolted off the balcony and rejoined the unicorn below. "Oh, I hope Fluttershy will forgive me...!" Rainbow Dash laughed to herself as she shook her mane. "Well, I don't think you'll be that late seeing that it's me who came and got you. I had a feeling you'd be off looking up something in your magic books. Besides, nopony will care once you're side-by-side with this awesome pony!" Twilight sighed and shook her head, rolling her eyes at Rainbow Dash. "Really, can we stow the pride a little for now? This isn't your day. We're just there to offer our support," she chided playfully. "I can't believe neither of us got chosen to be Mare of Honor. Not like the Dash would be caught dead with that kind of title," she muttered stubbornly, before getting a slight noogie from Twilight. "Hey, come on, I just washed that!" Rainbow cried mockingly, whipping her newly washed mane away from Twilight. Laughing at the pegasus, Twilight's eyes sparkled slightly. "And here I thought you only washed your hair for dates." "This is a date! Just not my date," Rainbow defended, before Twilight's horn glowed, unsnapping Rainbow's saddlebags and revealing Rarity's wrinkled work. "Not yet, anyway." "While your hair is nice, I don't think the Mare of Honor will be thrilled that one of the Bridesmaids will be walking down the aisle with one of her dresses wrinkled like this," she teased, before magically pulling the dress taunt and working on ironing out the wrinkles. "Really, Rainbow Dash, don't you know how to fold a dress at all?" "No," Rainbow answered bluntly, earning her a hard look from the unicorn. "Don't give me that, I'm sure you only know because you read it in some book!" The pegasus stuck her tongue out at the mare, the two reaching Sweet Apple Acres. The apple blossoms rained down everywhere today, the various pink and white petals flowing around the air. It was simply perfect for the day it was going to be. However, one such petal landed on Rainbow's tongue as it hung out and stuck to it. Rainbow's expression changed to one of curiosity as she decided now was as good of time as any to test it how the petal tasted. Chewing and swallowing, she shrugged at the flavor, causing Twilight to merely laugh at Rainbow's antics as they approached a congregation of ponies, white tents pitched everywhere to provide the wedding parties with some privacy before the big moment. Twilight and Rainbow Dash met with Rarity, the flustered dressmaker having taken the reigns of wedding planer along with the sacred duty of Mare of Honor, and she was positively running herself ragged. At this point the two knew they had to go their separate ways - Rainbow had to attend to the bride, while Twilight, entertainingly enough, was chosen as a groomspony. Pausing slightly, Twilight laid the dress gently along Rainbow's backside, smiling gently. "You know, Rainbow, I don't think it will be too long before we're both up there one day." Blushing, Rainbow nodded. "I know. I know I love to race sometimes, but I don't mind not being the first one up there. I'm busy with the Wonderbolts some time out of the year, but ever since our first date, I knew I'd want to be up there someday." Twilight nodded slowly. She smiled warmly at the memory of more than a year ago. "No regrets?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "You sound as if you want a second date with the Dash! Not that I blame you," she boasted, before shaking her mane. "Nah, Twilight. Regretting isn't my thing. Besides, I think tall, dark, and handsome wouldn't be very happy with you if you went out with me again!" Dash poked Twilight's side with a hoof, forcing a maddeningly red blush to radiate from the purple mare's face. "Still though, Twi. No regrets here," she said, giving the clear answer Twilight fished for. The unicorn's face softened, breaking out into a smile. "No regrets. Alright, Dash. See you at the ceremony!" Twilight said, heading towards Applejack's house. Rainbow Dash smiled, nodding her head. As she trotted to Fluttershy's room, she stuck out a hoof. "See ya!" As she went, the cyan pegasus blinked away a single tear, glancing back as Twilight turned a corner around a white tent. Looking down at the blossom covered ground below, the Wonderbolt ignored the crowds of ponies around her as she forced her hooves forward toward her friend's tent. No regrets at all.
Mima Hijacks a Fanfic.
<p>More Touhou than Pony, but I thought I might as well post this here.<br /><br />This trainwreck of a fanfic.<br /><br />That Mima Hijacked.<br /><br />Oh Celestia this is a terrible idea.<br /><br />Additional tags: [Touhou] [Crack Pairing]</p>
~~~Abandonded Hakurei Shrine (PC-98)~~~ "...What.  No seriously, what was that.  I can not put it into words how I feel about this." Mima had just finished reading "Double Rainbow [Director's Cut]" and was completely flabbergasted at what she had read. Mima was in Old Gensokyo, the PC-98 one, and was rather lonely, since everyone she really knew had gone the New Gensokyo, Yukari's Gensokyo.  Yuuka, Reimu, even her former pupil, Marisa had left.  However, she did manage (somehow) to find a computer, and slowly began to explore the internet over the years.  Her lastest fandom she picked up was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  She was, like everyone else, a bit skeptical at first, but soon came to love the show, and the fan created stuff. "It makes NO sense... and yet... I love it.  Rainbow Dash with Rainbow Dash AND Rainbow Dash?  Oh man, that's crazy." Mima said to nothing, the only other person she knew that was still her, Shinki, was busy running Makai. Then Mima got an idea.  "Wait a second... if the bronies are willing to ship Rainbow Dash with herself twice... why hasn't anyone done that our own Ms. Shipped-with-everything?"  She had to find a way to make this happen, but first, she had to get into the New Gensokyo.  But how? This would be the part of the story where Yukari would pop out of one of her gaps and do something to advance the plot, but this wasn't Yukari's Gensokyo.  This was the Old Gensokyo.  Her Gensokyo.  Mima focused her vast power to open a portal between the two Gensokyos, but even with her magic it was very tiring and difficult. ~~~Yukari's Home~~~ Yukari was taking a quick, three day nap when she felt something out of place.  Someone was trying to get into Gensokyo.  She saw a portal slowly begin to open in her house.  She could have easily closed it, right there and then, but she thought, "Meh, this might be interesting."  The portal opened up fully, and Mima quickly floated through. "Oh, I don't believe we've met... officially, anyway.  But that's not the point, the point is, what are you doing here, Mima?" "Me?  Well, Yukari, I'm here for one... maybe two things tops." "You've come back to be in the new Touhou game?" "No, well, maybe, not sure yet." "Then, do tell, why ARE you here before me?" "I'm here... to ship Marisa with herself!  TWICE!" "...What." "Long story... actually, why don't I show you." The two of them went on to Equestria Daily, searched up Double Rainbow, and Mima showed Yukari the fanfic that started this whole thing in the first place. "What the...  I'm at a loss for words..." "See?  That's why we gotta do it with Marisa!" "Ok, I like fooling around as the next youkai, but even I think this is a trifle..." "So, you want the ponies to have crazier shipping than Touhou?" "...Let's do this." ~~~Outside Marisa's Home~~~ The gap youkai and the evil spirit arrived just outside of Marisa's house in the Forest of Magic.  They had already planned what to do and everything.  Mima would first lure Marisa out of her house, then Yukari and Mima would use their powers to clone Marisa twice, and then the rest should fall into place easily. "Ok, here I go.  Marisa!  Come out, come out!  It's me, Mima!" Marisa came running out the door, as planned.  "M-Mima-sama?  Master Mima?" "Now, Yukari!" The two of them combined their powers to turn one Marisa into three. "It worked!  Yes! Now I-" "Woah... there's three of me!" "Awesome, now we can do three times the awesome things!" "Alright, I'll head to Alice's, you head to Patchouli's, and you can head to Reimu's" "Right" The three Marisa's then flew off in different directions. "Wait, you're supposed to make out with each other!" "Well, that was unexpected to say the least.  Maybe you taught your student to be a bit 'too' diligent." "So now what am I supposed to do?  Fly around and chase down three Marisas?" "That would be one way to do it." "But really, I don't want to.  It's just too hard and I don't like it that way." "In that case, I have another idea.  You just need to write them all back together." "And how do I do that?  Even in here, that wouldn't work." "You'll just need to do it on the other side of the fourth wall." "Ah... I see what your talking about, mind giving me a lift there then?" "No problem, but just leave my character alone." "I've read, like, three hundred fanfictions at home, I think I can do this." "Very well, just jump in this gap."  Yukari opened a gap to what looked like someone's room.  At the computer, there was a young man typing up the story they were in.  Mima jumped on in and was ready to take over this fanfic. ~~~Author's Room~~~ Mima was now in the room where the story- "Hey, human, move out of the way." Is... is that really Mima? "Sorry, kid, but I need to take over this story NOW." Gah!  Cripes, okay, go ahead, just don't hurt me! Alright, I'm in control now, the human ran upstairs,f reaking out the whole way.  Man, that's hilarious.  Right, now let's get back to buisness, I think I'll start with the Marisa at Alice's house. ~~~Alice's Home~~~ Although Marisa was having a pleasent chat with Alice, her mind began to wander over to the other Marisas, and started thinking of all the things they could do to each other. "Is everything alright, Marisa?" "Oh, yeah, everything's alright, Ze~.  It's just... for some reason, I'm thinking about my clones." "Since when do you have clones?" "Since a few minutes ago." "Oh... well, maybe you should call them over and we could have some... fun." Wait, that's not supposed to happen.  Uh... "Oh, uh, what type of fun did you have in mind, Alice?" "Oh, we could hav-" CUPCAKES! "-e cupcakes.  Wait, why di-" ALICE WANTS TO TURN MARISA INTO CUPCAKES! "-d... ah never mind, Marisa, want to help me make... cupcakes?"  Alice now had a somewhat vicious, and partly confused look on her face. "Uhm, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I gue-" RUN MARISA!  IT'S A TRAP! "-ss I'll run from your trap.  Wait, why would t-" RUN! "-his... this.. this is mytimetorunseeyabye!"  And Marisa flew off back towards her house for safety, and maybe to see the other Marisas. ...Okay phew, one down, two to go.  Shame, I actually like MariAri, but now is not the time for that.  Let's go after the one in the Scarlet Devil Mansion now. ~~~Scarlet Devil Mansion Library~~~ Marisa was pocketing a few books, although she claimed she was only borrowing them.  She managed to fill half her bag when Patchouli showed up. "THIEF!!!" "Aww crap, time to book it out of here." Patchouli had activated a spellcard, one of her best, Sun Sign [Royal Flare]. Wait, Royal Flare?  Crap, that's hard to capture, and I need all of the Marisas un-torched.  Uh... Let's see... The difficult pattern slowly began to surrond Marisa, when suddenly... the bullets fizzled out. "Wait, that's not supposed to happen, I'm in good health today and had a go-" NO YOU DIDN'T!  YOU ARE SICK, PATCHY, REALLY SICK! "-od br... ooohhh... suddenly I don't feel so good..." "Oh Patchouli?  Are you okay?  Maybe I should come back another time." "Not until you *cough cough* give back my books." "But I'm only bo-" LEAVE THE BOOKS AND JUST FLY HOME FOR MAKEOUTS "rrowing... you know what, I'll leave them here, I suddenly don't want them anymore." And with that Marisa flew home, leaving the books behind, and heading towards where the other Marisas will be. "Not wanting the books? *cough* Something's not right here..." And now, off to the Hakurei shrine. ~~~Hakurei Shrine (Windows)~~~ "...and then I flew over here to ask you what you can do about this." Crap, Marisa's asking about fixing the clones. "Hmm, so which one of you is the original?" "Uh... I don't know, Ze~." "You don't know which one is the real Marisa?" "I think we're all the real Marisa, just there's three of us now. I bet if you ask the other two, they'd sa-" THAT THIS IS THE REAL MARISA! "-y that I'm the real Marisa.  Wait, no, no they wouldn't." YES THEY WOULD NOW HURRY AND GO HOME SO I CAN ACTUALLY WRITE THE SAUCY STUFF! "...weird... part of me says they WOULD say that.  Anyway, I have to go now, something about sauce." "O...K?  See you later, Marisa."  Marisa then took off for her house where the other two would be waiting for her. "...I bet Yukari is behind this somehow." Oh crap. "I should ask her about this." OH CRAP! Think, Mima, think... how to distract Reimu... uh.. AHA! Suddenly, when Reimu was about to leave for Yukari, money started raining into her donation box! "...Dammit Yukari..." CRAP! It didn't work! "I SUPPOSE someone will have to use this... and the shrine IS looking like it could use a touch-up." OH MY WORD IT ACTUALLY WORKED!  Phew.  Now, onto the fun part. ~~~Marisa's Home~~~ Back at Marisa's house, the three Marisa's reunited inside and started having some tea. "So, then I felt like I had to come back here." "Me two, It was like something was kinda guiding me back." "Same here, maybe it was some sort of fate like thing." "Nah, that's stupid." "Yeah, why would fate try to push us together?" BECUASE I'M TRYING TO SHIP YOU THREE, THAT'S WHY! "YOu hear that?" "I think so." "Do we listen to the voice or ignore it?" LISTEN TO MIMA!  GET NAKED AND MAKEOUT! "T-The voice told us to get naked..." "And Makeout..." "Listen to Mima... where is Mima anyway?" "Last time we saw her, she was with Yukari and she did this to me, er, us." "Well, why?" "She said something about shipping us." "What, Marisa and Marisa and Marisa?  That's just crazy." "Where would Mima get an idea like that?" "Actually, remember that one fanfic I, er, we read?" "The one with the Rainbow Dash clones?" "Yeah that one.  I think she's trying to cause that to happen." "Wait, you mean..." Yes. "She wants us to..." YES! "Take over Gensokyo?" YE- Wait what? "I think that's what she wants." NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT! "Hold up, now the voice is saying not to take over Gensokyo." "Ugh, this is getting nowhere fast." ~~~Author's Room~~~ Dammit Dammit DAMMIT!  Why aren't they making out yet?  I'm in control and they're still not listening. "Okay, you've had your fun, and I bore of this... disaster." Yukari?  Wait no, I'm not done yet! "Yes you are, it's time to let the author fix your mess." But he caused the clones in the firs- "Doesn't matter, now you are going back to your Genoskyo, I'm un-cloning Marisa, and the author is coming back and will finish this story." ...Can you at least tell him to ship Rainbow Dash and Marisa... "...Fine"   Okay, let me check over what happened with my sto- HOLY COW, that's a bit of a train wreck, I'll try to fix this mess. ~~~Marisa's Home~~~ The three Marisa's were talking about what the voice was telling them to do, and all in all, ended up sitting around doing nothing, untill there was a knock at the door. One of the Marisa's answered the door. "Hello? Oh, hey Yukari." "Hey Marisa... or at leats one of them.  Can you call the other two of you over here?" "Uh, sure.  HEY OTHER MARISAS, YUKARI WANTS TO SEE ALL OF US!"  The other two Marisa's joined the first Marisa and Yukari began fixing the mess that Mima and herself caused.  The three returned to one. "There we go, Marisa, back to normal.  But there is one other thing to do.  I promised Mima that I would." "Promised Mima what?"  Yukari opened a gap out flew a light blue pegasus pony with rainbow mane and tail. "Woah, hey, what the?  This isn't Ponyville." "I'll leave the rest to the author.  The real one."  She laughed rather robustly as she walked away through a gap. Yukari's last few words echoed as she left. "Just tell me when your finished. Fufufufu." "Finish what?  Ah, dammit Yukari." "So... am I stuck here until you finish... whatever your supposed to finish?" "I think so, uh..." "I'm Rainbow Dash." "Name's Marisa, Ze~." "So..." "Wanna Makeout?" "Sure, why not?" ~~~Abandonded Hakurei Shrine (PC-98)~~~ Mima was back at the shrine, on the computer, now waiting for a certain fanfic that she partly wrote to show up. "...Hope he remembered to ship those two.  What would it be called... MariDash?  RainbowMari? Hmm..." ~THE END~
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Of Harmony & Discord
<p>When a dark power that once threaten to end all Equestria starts to stir. It is up to Twilight Sparkle and Friends to master the Elements Of Harmony and seal back the power of discord.</p>
Of Harmony & Discord Chapter 1: The Watcher Concept and Story by Kanamu “Okay Pinkie I just need two more books from that shelf over there.” As Twilight Sparkle pointed up towards a shelf high up on the massive royal library bookcase. “Okey Dokey Lokey Twilight!” Pinkie would say her trademark phrase as she kept her hoofs firm on the ladder reaching up for the set of books that Twilight wanted. The whole day had started like others for the most part for twilight and that was with an idea for a spell she just had to get down, her quest for learning the spell had her searching most her own collection for a book that could help, but her lack of any books to help lead her to seeking out more information at the royal library in Canterlot for the spell. However with Spike and Owlowisciou back in ponyville tending to the library and working on the chore’s and most her friends busy she wasn’t left with much options in who to bring though with Pinkie Pie Offering to come along she took her chances with the pink party pony. “Twitchy Tail!” As Pinkie felt her tail twitch suddenly. “What was that pinkie?, I didn’t hear you” Twilight would say looking through one of a book not noticing the obvious sign to look out above. Just then Pinkie lost her balance slightly as a bunch of books from the shelf's would fall directly on to Twilight covering her in a mountain of books. “Twilight! are you okay.” Regaining her balance Pinkie quickly made her way down the ladder over to the mountain of books with Twilight buried in them. The books rustled a bit as Twilight forced her body out of the pile. “Just dandy Pinkie a little louder warning would help next time.” Pinkie Laughed. “Oh silly you should be more careful, remember Twilight twitchy tail” The pink earth pony said with a smile. Twilight would just place a hoof against her face giving her head a shake. “Anyway lets hurry and put all this back, after that noise I won’t be surprised if the guards come down to see what all of the ruckus is about” “Okey Dokey Lokey” Pinkie responded as she moved her hoof to pick up a dusty and very old looking book. As she did a picture slipped out sliding on to the ground. “Whoops” Pinkie moved down to pick the picture up letting out she let out a cute squeal. “Aww this is so cute!!!” Twilight mad her way over intrigued to what the squeal was for. “Whats going on Pinkie Pie?” As Twilight looked down at the picture she saw quite a sight, the picture had a group of alicorn ponies, two fillies in the picture stood out however. One filly had a snow white mane that seemed to almost glow as her hair seem to be colored in bright and pastel like colors and the other filly had a midnight blue mane as her hair was a blue violet. “Hey Twilight you never told me the Princess Celestia had picture of her and Princess Luna as filly’s their sooooo cute!” Pinkie exclaimed brightly. “I had no idea the princess had these pictures, she never told me anything about them....” As Twilight looked she couldn’t help but be a but fascinated by the picture, she didn’t even know of any other alicorn except for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but here in this picture was a group of them. “Okay Pinkie Pie lets put this back now, peering into the princess’s private things aren’t something I wanna make a habit of” Taking the picture Pinkie Pie slid it back into the book she had found as the two quickly went back to work at making sure everything was how it was before they came ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the skies above Ponyville what seemed to be a pegasus pony would to make her descent, her body was covered by a thick and arcane cloak that covered most her features. It didn’t take long before she gave her wings a few more hard flaps as her feet easily touched down on the ground, near to the center of town. It was already dusk Ponyville and most ponies were no longer walking the streets but inside eating dinner or starting to turn in for the night. “It seems I’ve come at the perfect time, most the residents are inside.” As the strange pony let out a sigh. “I wouldn’t want to make a scene here, not before I find what I’m looking for.” A hoof moved up as she lowered the head of the cloak on her head. Her features could now clearly be seen as the sea green pony’s mane was long and raven black, her eyes a soft gentle red and her cutie mark was a telescope covered in mist. The one thing that set her apart was her horn and wings and the fact that she had them both made would be sure to make her stand out from every other pony. “Okay a simple fix is all that is required an elementary spell at best” The Mystery pony started to weave a spell as her horn gave off a glow and spark that spread to her entire body before fading. Though it looked like the spell didn’t change anything about her. It changed how those perceive her, when others looked at her now they would see her a a simple unicorn. However physically she hadn’t changed at all, the spell its self was a advance one but quite basic to her. The spell however did have a flaw and could be undone if she was harmed severely or if a powerful magic disrupted her. With her disguise in place she made her way to the residence of Twilight Sparkle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the treehouse library laughter and a slew of conversation came from the windows. “Its mighty kind of ya Twilight to invite us over for dinner tonight, nothing like grub with friends to help end a busy day” A hungry Applejack would compliment Twilight before biting into an apple and taking a noisy slurp her bowl of vegetable stew. “Applejack must you eat so sloppy, I swear your table manners are quite appalling” The condescending tone from Rarity directed towards the orange earth pony. “Why don’t yall just hush now Rarity and eat” Applejack commented before going back to wait she was doing. “Oh no you really must thank Pinkie Pie it was mostly her who wanted to do this” Twilight smiled pointing a hoof a Pinkie who was quickly going through cupcake after cupcake. Pinkie then through her hands up in the air excitedly. “Well I was like we should all totally eat together and Twilight was like, its so sudden and I was like nonsense everyone will love it and I was right isn’t this great?!” Taking a breath as she grabbed another cupcake biting into it. “Yeah no one makes a dinner party quite like you pinkie” Applejack took another slurp of her soup. “So Rarity you you mention that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are gonna be a little late?” As Twilight took a drink from the cup that she had lifted with her magic. “Oh yes dear, to help end this dry weather we’ve been having lately a big storm is being called in, Fluttershy is helping move the birds in the area to a safe spot to avoid the storm and Rainbow Dash is helping to prepare the storm with Cloudsdale’s Pegasi. “That there storm is just what we need, its been dryer then salt lately.” Applejack would look out the window. “If we get anymore of this weather I reckon some of are trees won’t make it to harvest.” “I’m sure Rainbow Dash and the Cloudsdale’s pegasi will have everything sorted out” Twilight reassured her. A knocking would suddenly be heard on the door to the library’s door faint but loud enough to be heard over the talking. “Oh that must be them now!” Twilight would use her magic the door knob turning and the door opening. “Hey guys you.....” In the door way the mysterious pony would walk in softly. “Ah my dear, you must be Twilight Sparkle and I see Rarity, Applejack as well as Pinkie Pie are with you as well, this saves me a bit of trouble” She said in a mysterious tone her intentions still unknown to the four. In an instant Applejack would move in front of her friends. “I don’t know who you are or what yall want here but if ya thinking about starting trouble you better move along” “Hold on Applejack, lets at least see what she wants” Twilight interjected. “What is your name and how is it that you know all our names?” Twilight asked the mysterious pony. “Goodness me, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself, do forgive me it is such a bad habit of mines.” As she moved her teeth to undo the cloak hood. Her mane was free to the air again as her red eyes would stay fixed on them. “You can call me Aura Sight or Aura if you prefer” “Wow Aura what a cool name, does that mean your all glowly and stuff can you walk through walls, I tried walking through a wall once but boy did I sure learn a lesson that day!” Pinkie would rant about something that all four ponies in the room couldn't figure out quite where she was going with it all “ I was saying.., I am what you call a watcher and I have reason to believe that you all as well as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have the Elements Of Harmony with in you all?” “Psst Twilight” Applejack would pull the purple pony head close to her own to whisper. “I don’t think we should be giving information to this here Aura Sight Character, who knows what she is up to?” “Applejack I can see your concerned, but I don’t sense anything bad from this pony, I know it sounds weird but I don’t think she’s hear to harm us or anything. I think we should try to see what she wants before we jump to conclusions” Twilight said in a whisper to her friend. “Well okay Twilight only cause I trust ya decisions.” Applejack would finally back down. Twilight cleared her throat as she looked up at the raven pony. “Yes your correct me and my friends do have the Elements Of Harmony but what exactly does that have to do with you and what is a watcher?” Aura smiled as she was glad that after so long her skills were as sharp as ever. “It is a lengthy explanation do you mind if I take a seat, I’ll tell you all everything you wanna know I assure you that” “Okay then you can sit here” Twilight would point to a cushion pad at the one of the table ends, before returning to her own seat next to pinkie as Applejack returned to hers. Aura made her way over to the cushion as she took a seat gently. “Okay then first I'll explain to you all what a Watcher is and what a Watcher does.” Clearing her throat she went on. “A Watcher is an alicorn that has a job of watching Equestria for threats that may very well being the end to all of Equestria as we know it” As she said that the expected grim faces of the four was something to be expected. “As well also watch over the Elements Of Harmony to assure they don’t fall into he hoofs of those that might abuse the power they have” “My reason for being here is very dire and I do wish it was on better terms that we meet each other.” She said her ears dropping a bit. “You the seal around a dark power has been weaken, eventually this dark power will bring equestria to the brink of destruction as it did a millennia ago. Twilight looked as though it weren’t true none of her books spoke of anything like this whatever it was. “But the only two alicorn are Princess Celestia and Luna?” Applejack would add on. “And honey I don’ mean to burst ya bubble but you seem like a alicorn to me” “Oh yes I’ve casted a spell on myself, I’d rather not have the populace become suspicious to me it is a written rule that our true alicorn form only be shown to the ruler and those wielders of the Elements Of Harmony” Concentrating for a moment her horn gave off a glow that spread to her body, as the six would easily see the wings as well as the horn on her head, though her stature stayed equal to the ponies before her. Any doubt about story seem to slip away as Aura showed her true form. “I knew it!, I sensed a spell I just couldn’t figure out just what it was, so it was you all along?” Twilight looked as the spell was new to her as a spell that twisted others perceptions seemed quite advanced. “Well yes ponies with high magical power tend to be able to see through the disguise after a while, I must prepare the ingredients for a more potent spell” “Oh you must teach me that one I can just think of the uses” Rarity seemed enamoured by the spell on first sight. “Perhaps, however my reason for coming here isn’t just to inform you of this but it is to train you all to be able to truly use the elements you’ve been blessed with, to combat the threat that is to come.” “Training but I thought we’ve already done mastered them” Applejack replied Aura gave her head a shake. “What you did the first time was just you all unconsciously using the power, however you need to learn how to manipulate it with your will. That’s why I will stay in this village and oversee the process” “Wow we totally need to throw you a party then, if your staying, no way we can have a new pony stay in town and not throw her a super awesome party!” As Pinkie Pie already seemed to have dozens of potential idea’s of how the party for Aura Sight would go. “Umm oh thank you Pinkie Pie” Aura said as the pink ponies demeanor was very infectious she had to admit. “I have to know what exactly is this power your speaking of that is a risk of being unsealed, is it really that dangerous?” Twilight seemed intrigued on what exactly could be so threatening. Aura would gently cast a spell as she created a projection of the element of harmony stones on the table. “As you know the Elements Of Harmony represent the good and bright intentions that exist in all ponies, well for every good and bright intentions their is bad and darker intentions. These intentions are elements as well but they are called the Elements Of Discord.” As Aura explained she casted a spell changing the projected stones on the table to black stones with different engravings in them. “These elements when there unleashed on the world fully will plunge all of equestria into discord and darkness eventually destroying everything in there wake..., they are called Immorality,Cruelty,Fear,Greed,Betrayal and the sixth is the one that binds the other five together and it is Chaos” “To reseal these elements you all must be able to unlock the true powers of harmony that is the only way” Twilight would look as it was hard to believe but then again the elements themselves were myths as well and this Aura Sight seemed serious about this and her knowledge seem to be spot on. “Okay but shouldn’t we inform Princess Celestia about this?” Aura nodded. “Do not worry I already plan to see the princess after this, It has been a long time after all and I’m sure she wants to know about this” “Our decision is still a bit hard to make but once we talk to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy we should have our answer” Twilight looked to Aura as it seem the young mare was still debating the decisions on this. “Very well I shall talk with Princess Celestia and Luna and return tomorrow, please try to consider it” With that Aura Sight would stand on all fours reapplying the spell though keeping her wings while hiding her horn. “Thank you for the hospitality Miss Twilight Sparkle” She said as she would give her wings a flap taking flight into the night sky. Twilight sighed turning to everyone. “Well everyone what do you think about this, I don’t think she is lying about the elements she seems to know more then most books I have, also if she is going to see the Princess Celestia then this must be serious” “Even though she is mysterious, I reckon she cares about us ponies her eyes don’t look like ones that would trick a pony” Applejack seem to roll an apple on the table her mind in thought also on what these elements required them to master. “Well I simply can’t let Equestria be destroyed, think of all the designs ponies won’t be able to see and I refused to yield from some tacky black stones. Rarity smiled. “Besides that Aura Sight dresses well I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cloak that interesting I must take a look at it when she returns. “Oh guys what do you think, white balloons for that whole aura thing or maybe green and black” She said excitedly. “Oh we definitely can trust her guys, shes a really cool pony even if she is all whooo and oh I’m super mysterious” As pinkie grabbed an apron and acting like it was a cloak while being mysterious. Everyone would let out a laugh at the antics as it seemed to pierce the tension in the room. “Well we have to tell Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy about all this and see what they say, after all there input is important to” Twilight nodded. “Okay then ponies lets get some rest will talk more about this in he morning.”
Unfair Shipping [Remastered Compilation]
Everypony is in love, and nopony can help it...
<p>When Twilight discovers that two of her friends are going out with each other, she must come to terms with their preferences or else risk losing them as friends. But little does she know that in the shadows of another world lurks a puppet master controlling their actions for his own entertainment!<br /><br />AS OF AUGUST 8TH, 2011, I AM RE-WRITING THIS FIC FROM SCRATCH. IF THE LAST TIME YOU READ IT WAS BEFORE THEN, PLEASE START FROM THE BEGINNING. IT&#39;S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.</p>
It was a typical party at Sugarcube Corner. Nopony needed a reason to celebrate. Pinkie Pie, as both a party-thrower and a force of nature, was the only reason to party that anypony would ever need. The awesome snacks, cool music, and fun games would be there whether we were or not. No point in letting that effort go to waste. So we partied. And you know what? The only word which accurately described the evening was "fun". Well, for the first half anyway. At around ten o' clock that night, I noticed Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash duck out of the party. Dash said they'd barely be gone a few minutes, so I paid them no mind. The party went on, and it was business as usual for a while. But when a full fifteen minutes passed and they weren't back yet, I decided to go check on them. I wandered out onto the half-foyer that led to the storefront of the bakery. Just as I was rounding the corner,  I stopped in my tracks and reeled back out of sight. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were right there, but I wasn't expecting what I saw. They were kissing. I didn't know much about romance, and much less about that side of romance, but I knew if I was them I wouldn't want to be seen. I struggled to stifle my breathing and let my presence there remain undetected. It's none of my business, I thought to myself, it's a personal choice right? They're both entitled to their preferences. Who am I to judge? Thoughts swam around in my mind and made themselves at home there. I had always somewhat suspected Dash, with her tomcolt-ish attitude and all, but it had never even occurred to me that Fluttershy might walk the other side as well. My thoughts were silenced for a moment when they began to talk. "This is so wrong," I heard Dash say, "I don't even know why-" "It's okay," said Fluttershy, "I feel it, too.'s still a bit weird." "Yeah." "But I'm sure we'll get used to it." "Yeah, probably. Feelings don't lie, right? Come on, we should get back." They made their way up the stairs. I began to panic. I won't make it back to the party without them noticing me. There wasn't any place close for me to hide. A split second later, a thought occurred to me. I took a deep breath, and stepped out from behind the corner to meet them. Dash jumped back a pace and attempted to hide her astonishment by offering a weak smile. Fluttershy's only response was a squeak. "Please tell me you didn't hear any of that," Dash said edgily. "Any of what? I didn't hear anything," I said, putting on a sly grin, "Come on, the party's waiting!" They both smiled, relieved. From that limited interaction I could tell they both understood. I wouldn't tell anypony. In fact, I was pretending not to know. I wasn't entirely comfortable with their choices, as I had never had much contact with ponies whose preferences differed from the norm, but they were my friends, and I respected them. I'd learn to be comfortable with it. When we re-joined the party, everything picked up as though nothing had happened, and the word that best described the night was, once again, "fun".
Unfair Shipping [Remastered Compilation]
Everypony is in love, and nopony can help it...
<p>When Twilight discovers that two of her friends are going out with each other, she must come to terms with their preferences or else risk losing them as friends. But little does she know that in the shadows of another world lurks a puppet master controlling their actions for his own entertainment!<br /><br />AS OF AUGUST 8TH, 2011, I AM RE-WRITING THIS FIC FROM SCRATCH. IF THE LAST TIME YOU READ IT WAS BEFORE THEN, PLEASE START FROM THE BEGINNING. IT&#39;S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.</p>
I lay awake in bed for several hours after the party. I racked my brain to try to comprehend what had happened. It was one thing for me to pretend to accept the choice Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had made, but for me to actually accept it, I needed to first understand it. I was like a lot of ponies - I tended to fear what I didn't understand. I decided to start from the beginning. So they were both...experimenting? And if so, when did this start? What made their fondness for each other transcend ordinary friendship? I thought back to what I knew about them. The first thing that came to mind was when they first met in flight school. Rainbow Dash had stood up for Fluttershy. When I thought about it, that seemed like a reasonable place to start out - that would be a point where Fluttershy may have started to admire Dash. That admiration could have led to...what would you call it...a mare-crush? Then another thought occurred to me. Why did Dash stand up for Fluttershy in the first place? Could it be that Dash had felt some attraction to Fluttershy from the start? I pushed all those thoughts from my mind. It wouldn't do me any good to think through something I didn't even grasp the concept of. Unless somepony spelled it out for me, I'd probably never understand how a mare could be attracted to another mare. Trying to understand would only serve to make me more confused. On top of that, a simpler solution presented itself - just ask them. It's not like they were alien life forms just because I found out something about them I didn't know before. They were the same as ever. The same Rainbow Dash I had always known. The same Fluttershy I had always known. They hadn't changed. I had just learned something new about them, is all. Then and there I resolved to ask them the next morning. With that in mind, I turned over and drifted off to sleep... The next morning, I was woken by a sharp knocking at the front door of the Ponyville Library. Hastily getting up, I quickly shook out my mane so it would at least look mildly respectable. I blinked a few times to clear away any residual drowsiness, and then opened the door. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stood there, smiling hesitantly. Dash stepped forward. "Hey, Twilight, uh...can we talk?" As the meaning of her words dawned on me, I tried to suppress a huge grin. This proved difficult, however, so I raised a hoof to my mouth and pretended to be yawning. Truthfully, I was absolutely ecstatic. They were both here, wanting to talk. Given the circumstances, they clearly wanted to talk about the events from the previous night's party. In other words, not only did I not have to go through the awkwardness of asking them, but I'd be guaranteed to get the answers I was looking for. I invited them inside with little hesitation. "Would you like anything? Coffee? Tea?" "I could probably go for some coffee," Rainbow Dash said as she worked out a kink in her neck and took a seat on the floor. "I'm fine...thank you, though..." was all Fluttershy had to say. I wandered off to the kitchen to get some water boiling. But as I prepared the coffee, thoughts consumed my mind again. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seemed exactly the same as before. With every passing moment it became clearer that I was the one who had changed. A moment later, I brought back a coffee for Rainbow Dash, and a strong brew of Zebrican Chai for myself. "So you wanted to talk?" I said, sounding a bit more excited than was probably prudent. "Er-yeah,, you know about us now, then?" "Yep!" I said, still forcing back a grin. "Well...we kind of need your advice." My heart sank. That was the one thing I wasn't prepared for. I was in no position to be giving answers; I was the one looking for answers. It was my fault, though. In my self-centered search for understanding I had completely overlooked that perhaps they themselves didn't understand what was going on. At that point, helping them was the least I could do . "Sure, go ahead." "Well, it's like this...see, we actually don't know what's going on." Upon hearing this I missed a step and nearly lost my balance. I was expecting something slightly more concrete. "It started kind of without warning. About a week ago I woke up, and Fluttershy was all I could think about. It was weird, really weird. So I decided to stop by the meadow, just to talk. I was pretty confident, I knew doing something brave like this would be pretty cool-" "In other words, she was terrified," Fluttershy interjected with a grin. "Was not! Anyway, at first I just wanted to talk, but then I found out Fluttershy had been thinking about the same thing." "So we took it slow," Fluttershy contributed, "at first we were just hanging out more. Yesterday was really when it all became official." "Yeah...but now that we're to this point..." Dash paused, looking rather introspective, " seems like the emotions aren't real. There's no rhyme or reason to it, it's like the thought was just suddenly there one day, and it turned into a tangible emotion." " idea," I said softly. I didn't realize at first that I had said it out loud. "What?" Dash inquired, and with a sigh, I decided to expound on my thought. "An idea is the most resilient parasite. Once an idea has found it's way into your mind, there's no getting rid of it. My guess is that both of you happened upon the idea simultaneously. Was there any time prior to a week ago that the two of you were together and were perhaps exposed to something that might trigger this idea to take hold?" "...I can't think of anything." "No, nothing." "Hm," I hated to admit that I was completely stumped, "I don't know if I can be of too much more help, then. There's really just not enough information for me to draw any further conclusions. For now, I'd suggest not worrying about it too much. I'm not entirely familiar with how, er...this kind of supposed to work," I hoped my wording wasn't as tactless as I thought it was, "but I think you should stick to what your emotions have to say. They may seem foreign, but in no way does that make them 'not real'. So I guess what I'm trying to say is...go for it." Dash lowered her head for a moment, then looked back up to me, smiling. "Thanks, Twilight. That helps." A short pause. Dash stretched, then yawned, then after a moment stretched again. "Well...I think we should probably get going. Thanks again for all your help." Dash flitted outside rather nonchalantly. Fluttershy stayed back a moment, and said, smiling warmly, "Thank you, Twilight." And then she left as well. With a sigh, I turned to my tea and took a sip. The thoughts began to swirl again. It didn't matter to me anymore; I didn't really care what their preferences were, it just bothered me that I didn't know why... It felt horrible to not understand my friends.
Unfair Shipping [Remastered Compilation]
Everypony is in love, and nopony can help it...
<p>When Twilight discovers that two of her friends are going out with each other, she must come to terms with their preferences or else risk losing them as friends. But little does she know that in the shadows of another world lurks a puppet master controlling their actions for his own entertainment!<br /><br />AS OF AUGUST 8TH, 2011, I AM RE-WRITING THIS FIC FROM SCRATCH. IF THE LAST TIME YOU READ IT WAS BEFORE THEN, PLEASE START FROM THE BEGINNING. IT&#39;S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.</p>
Why can't I understand? I frowned. Why can't I just see their reasons, accept it, and move on? My brow furrowed, I closed my eyes and tried to force the questions to leave me alone. I couldn't help that I wanted to understand. For the better half of my life, it had been my job to learn how to understand. I was Princess Celestia's star student. Her only student in the last couple hundred years. She chose me. I was the ace apprentice, the studious pupil who never failed to find the roots of a problem and unravel every element of it until complete understanding was achieved. So why, why, was I getting hung up on something as simple as this? Not only did I feel like a horrible student, I felt like a horrible friend. For a moment I wished I could just un-see what had happened between Dash and Fluttershy. I felt like this new found knowledge was making me respect them less, not because I didn't appreciate their choices but because I just couldn't understand. There are some things you just can't explain. My own words to Celestia. A harsh bitterness filled my heart as I realized I hadn't learned a thing about friendship; no matter how many moral-filled messages I sent to the princess, I wasn't learning any of the lessons I had shared. But this last pondering brought about a new thought. Those words to Celestia were from when I was struggling with Pinkie Pie's "Pinkie Senses". I couldn't understand that, either. Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie. The social pony, the one who understood social interaction better than I ever would. I know everypony, and I mean every pony in Ponyville! I didn't doubt in the slightest that she would know something about taking a gallop on the...I cut this thought off. I was being stupid. Finding all these ways new and creative terms for the topic was just idiotic of me. "LESBIAN!" I shouted to myself. I felt better for a moment. But then, with a sudden sinking feeling I looked around. Spike was no where in sight. I breathed a sigh of relief, but then questioned, for a moment, where he might be. I soon dropped the query and returned to my thoughts. Pinkie, as the social one, would be able to tell me anything I needed to know about homosexuality...the what, the who, and with any luck, the why. Without delay, I ran to Sugarcube Corner to mention the situation to Pinkie Pie. I knew if anypony would be able to keep our conversation a secret, it would be her. And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Pinkie would be able to shed some light on the subject. In fact, I wouldn't have put it past her to know about Dash and Fluttershy already.... Despite the previous night's festivities, Sugarcube Corner was already tidied up and back in working order. The soft, welcoming aroma of freshly baked pastries had already waged war against and overthrown the thick, sugary scent of punch and candy that one expected to still lurk in the air. Ringing the bell at the counter, I glanced around. Right on cue, Pinkie Pie came bouncing out of the kitchen and up to the counter. With a goofy grin and the typical squeak in her voice she greeted me. "Something wrong, Twilight? You look all topsy-turvy!" "Pinkie...there's something I need to talk to you about." "Oh, it's about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, isn't it?" For the record, I so called that one. "Yeah." "You figured it out at the party, yesterday? When they left to go have some fun on their own?" "Um...yeah. But how did you...?" "Well I thought it was kind of obvious. You went looking for them after they left, so you couldn't have known then. But you know now, so that must have been when you found out. I was right, then?" "Er...yeah," I felt rather stupid. But that wasn't Pinkie's fault, I was actually being a bit stupid, "anyway, I was wondering what your thoughts were on all of this." "My thoughts? I think it's super-duper spectacular! Come on, Twilight, the only thought that wants to be thoughted...wait, thoughted...thinked? Anyway - all you need to think about is how happy you are for them! They're able to admit their feelings, and that's something that deserves to be felt happy about!" Pinkie's way with words never failed to amuse me. I mulled over the statement and tried to make sense of it; the end result was half of my brain understanding completely, and the other half giving up completely. I decided to just respond. "I do feel happy for them, know me. I don't quite understand, and that bothers me." "I don't get it either, Twilight, but there are some things that just can't be explained." Well I know that, was a thought that remained unsaid. "Just...something about what they told me has me thinking. Dash said that until a week ago neither of them had had any feelings towards each other. Yet something happened a week ago, something that must have made both of them think about it, because they both started having the feelings even though neither of them knew the other was thinking the same thing. Something must have happened to trigger the thoughts for both of them." "Isn't it obvious, Twilight?" "What?" "Twilight, they got it from each other!" I stared at Pinkie, dumbfounded. "You remember the spark? The one that gave you the Element of Magic?" "Yeah." "Love has one, too, I've heard! It's like, you see a pony, and you know it's them, they're the one! Like, love at first sight, sort of? I'm not entirely sure how it works, but anyway, sometimes two ponies can get that spark for each other at the same time. Or something like that." I suspected Pinkie had something genuine to say, but I was barely able to follow. "'re saying...?" "I'm saying there's nothing weird about them getting the feeling at the same time! It may be a bit uncommon, but stranger things than this have turned out to be commonplace!" I still wasn't completely following, but I thought I got the gist. "I have some thinking to do. Thanks for your help, I appreciate the input." I returned home. When the door to the library had closed completely, I sank to my front knees and let out a yell of frustration. "You too, huh?" came a familiar voice from the other side of the room. Spike, my assistant and good friend, sat at the table moping, or rather brooding, over something which, it seemed, greatly upset him. And so, for the first time that day, I was able to cast aside my own worries and show compassion towards another.
Unfair Shipping [Remastered Compilation]
Everypony is in love, and nopony can help it...
<p>When Twilight discovers that two of her friends are going out with each other, she must come to terms with their preferences or else risk losing them as friends. But little does she know that in the shadows of another world lurks a puppet master controlling their actions for his own entertainment!<br /><br />AS OF AUGUST 8TH, 2011, I AM RE-WRITING THIS FIC FROM SCRATCH. IF THE LAST TIME YOU READ IT WAS BEFORE THEN, PLEASE START FROM THE BEGINNING. IT&#39;S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.</p>
"What's wrong, Spike?" I asked calmly. "Nothing...I don't really want to talk about it..." "That bad, huh? Here, hang on a second, I'll be right back." After a few moments in the kitchen, I brought out a fresh cup of Chamomile tea for Spike. "Here," I said patiently. He slowly reached for it, and said, without looking up, "thanks." He took a sip, and sighed. "I lost my chance," he said to me. He paused a moment, then, sensing I was puzzled by his vagueness, he added, "with Rarity, I mean. I missed my opportunity. She's already going out with somepony." I frowned, but tried to keep a positive attitude. I opened my mouth to respond, but Spike continued. "It's funny, though...I don't think it would have worked out anyway..." "Wh...why not?" This comment worried me for some reason. "Maybe I should start from the beginning...I spent the day helping out at Rarity's know, being her mobile pincushion...and when she finished the dress she was tailoring, she tried it on and asked me how it looked. Well...I tried to say it looked beautiful, but my thoughts slipped out and I told her she looked beautiful... "Now to her that was probably just another compliment, but in my mind I had just confessed everything, so my words turned to soup and the rest of the thoughts followed out my mouth. I told the whole truth, starting with the crush and ending with the question 'will you go out with me'. "At this point, I expected her to reject me completely. But instead, she smiled at me kindly and told me she was already seeing somepony...hearing this, I drew up my last bit of confidence and asked her who the lucky stallion was...but what she did next surprised me..." I cocked my head and with a quizzical expression, asked "what did she do?" "...she laughed, not at my question but rather, it seemed, at herself. And then she told me; the 'stallion' was actually a mare. She said it might just be her way of coping with her disappointment at Prince Blueblood, but that it seemed right, and that they felt comfortable around each other. The only thing I can't remember now is the name. I want to call her Colgate, but that doesn't sound right..." I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but a thought occurred to me and on a whim I inquired. "When did they start seeing each other?" "I think she said it was about a week ago...why?" "No reason," I lied. There was something weird going on, I was sure of it. It was one thing when the question just came down to how I viewed sexual preferences, but this was different. There was no arguing with the fact of the matter: about a week ago, three of my friends had become attracted to other ponies of the same gender despite having no previous inclination towards homosexuality. It couldn't just be coincidence. Something happened a week ago, and I needed to find out what. "Spike...would you mind taking a note for me? To the princess?" "Sure, I'll drop all of the issues in my life right now and help you," as he finished his sentence, I saw his eyes turn from blind malice into sheer remorse, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that...but I'm still not quite back on my feet, you understand..." "Spike, I think you should know that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are going out with each other." Spike thought it over, and after drawing some mental conclusions, responded "yeah, so?" "They started seeing each other about a week ago." I saw the gears turning as Spike mulled over this last statement, and after a moment it clicked for him. "So you're saying something's up?" "Yeah. And I'm thinking the Princess may know something about it. Or at the least, she'll be able to provide assistance. Either way, I need to find out what happened a week ago to trigger this change." "Alright, well...hang on," Spike retrieved a scroll and a freshly inked quill, "go ahead." " 'Dear Princess Celestia...' " It was about an hour before we received a reply. Much to our surprise, it wasn't in the typical beige parchment with a gold seal, but rather an indigo-colored papyrus of some sort. The seal was silver. Spike opened the letter and read aloud: Twilight Sparkle, my elder sister is currently away from Canterlot for reasons I am not at liberty to divulge. However, I would like to assist you in this matter, as I have received accounts of similar occurrences in other areas, all originating about a week ago. There is no doubt in my my mind that some outside force is causing this change and I would very much like to find the root of this issue in case it has the potential to affect other aspects of Equestrian society. It may very well be that if this outside force is able to influence sexual orientation it may just as easily affect other mental aspects of the personality, and perhaps even modify the world itself. We literally have no clue as to the extent of this anomaly's range of influence. If you and your friends wish to investigate this matter, I invite you to use the Canterlot Royal Library for research. Send a reply as soon as you can stating the number of ponies who will be joining you, and I will charter a transport chariot to fly you here. Signed, Princess Luna "So who all will be coming with?" Spike asked. "I'd like all my friends to help out here, but...I'll have to talk to them first." "Maybe now's a good time to get on that," Spike grinned eagerly. With a sigh, I took up Spike on my back and set out. "Sweet Apple Acres will be our first stop." "Why's that?" "Well, Applejack's the only pony who doesn't know about any of this yet." "Then wouldn't it be better to start with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, to make sure they're okay with word getting out? I mean, just a thought. With Applejack's southern upbringing, you never know how she'll react to something like this." I pondered this option for a moment. "That's actually a good idea, and probably the most respectful choice in this situation. Plus, with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash on board, it might be easier to tell the others." "So...where would we find them?" "I'd guess Fluttershy's place. The two of them are probably still hanging out right now, and Fluttershy is afraid of heights so Rainbow's place would probably be out of the question... "So Fluttershy's place, then?" "Yep, sounds like a plan!" And with that, we started off towards the meadow. We were barely out the door of the library, however, when a blur of pink bounced at us. In an instant Pinkie Pie's muzzle was right in my face and in all the confusion of her scattered approach only one sentence reached my ears intact. "We need to talk, now!" With a sigh, I turned back and invited her inside the library; and for the third time that day I'd find myself boiling water for tea...
The Quest for the Friendship Stones
<p>Rainbow Dash has gotta collect the friendship stones but what happens when she doesn&#39;t find them though tune in to</p>
Rainbow Dash strode into the room, her mane flapping in the wind. Applejack immediately dropped her guitar, her eyes lighting up, just like in one my Japanese animes! She galloped over to Dash, licking her on the side of the face. Dash looked forward, a hardened-steel look about her face. "Oh Dash, you came back!" Applejack exclaimed. "Shut up baby, the Dash always comes back," Rainbow Dash said, mustering her manliest voice. It wasn't particularly manly. "Dash... are we gonna do... THAT again?" Applejack asked mischievously. "I told you to shut up baby. It's time to dash. Applejack grab my tail." Applejack sunk her teeth into Dash's rainbow-coloured tail, eyes darting back up to the extremely manly and not gay pony's face. Dash immediately sprung into action, rocketing upwards through the roof of Applejack's home. Wood swirled around the pair, forming a flying wood elemental that raised its palm and gave Rainbow Dash a good slap. Dash wasn't in the mood for this horseshit, and promptly whipped her tail around at the elemental, using Applejack like a flail. Applejack collided with the very big golem who is large, nearly releasing her grasp on Dash's tail. The elemental cried out in pain, wood shavings spewing forth from its gross mouth. Dash grinned loudly. Don't ask questions. "You picked the wrong filly to mess with, big ugly dude who I don't like!" Dash roared, doing three cartwheels in the air, spinning directly at the golem guy who is really scary yipes!! The elemental made of woody bits gasped real loud and tried to move out of the way of the Death Pony Spin, but he couldn't manage it in time. The Death Pony Spin collided with the golem and it exploded into a lot of wood and shards, and also an entire house. Dash grinned and an explosion shot out of her mouth and into the air in front of them. Applejack's eyes lit up, and she tried to say something to Dash. "Ommf mf ffm!" she said happily. Dash rolled her eyes, rocketing off in the direction of Twilight's house. A rainbow followed behind them, except that this rainbow was friendship coloured. I told you not to ask any fucking questions kid, what, you want a fat fucking lip? Get outta here with that mess. So anyway they flew to Twilight's house and Rainbow Dash landed in front of it, Twilight's house I mean is where she landed. Rainbow Dash charged at the front door, head lowered, then whipped around at the last minute, using Applejack's body to smash open the door. It exploded inwards in a shower of splinters and for some reason sparkles. Twilight groaned, dropping the book she had been reading. "For the love of Celestia, this again, Rainbow?" Twilight asked, obviously exasperated. "TWILIGHT WE HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED A MAGICAL MISSION FROM... UH, CELESTIA, AND WE NEED YOUR SPARKLES TO HELP US," Rainbow Dash bellowed. "Do you have to yell, Rainbow? This is a library, you kn-" "TWILIGHT SPARKLE I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS HORSEPLAY, WE ARE HORSES, SO THAT'S A FUNNY JOKE. PLEASE GRAB ONTO MY TAIL." "I'm not in the mood, Rainbow. Cut it out." "TWILIGHT GRAB MY TAIL." "No, Rainbow." "IT IS AN ORDER FROM QUEEN CELESTIA." "I didn't get a message from her, Rainbow. Go play somewhere else," Twilight sighed, using her magic to pick her book back up. Rainbow Dash's face contorted into a look of pure, blood-dripping terror. To be precise, blood started dripping from her eyes. She bolted at Twilight's table, flipping it over with two hooves and snarling loudly like a rabid dog. Applejack flopped about helplessly, still attached to Dash's tail. The book still floated lazily in front of Twilight's face, and she stared directly into Dash's eyes. "TWILIGHT SPARKLER IF YOU DO NOT COME WITH ME I WILL BE FORCED TO LOVE AND TOLERATE THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF YOU!" Twilight rolled her eyes, taking hold of Rainbow Dash's tail with a single hoof. No use in fighting it. Rainbow Dash took off through the roof of Twilight's tree house, then careened back down, creating a second hole, then out the door. They flew like ravens and also ponies I guess towards Fluttershy's house. "Twilight we have to get all the ponies together and find all the lost friendship stones, and that is our mission from Princess Celestia and if you had just let me explain earlier maybe there wouldn't be three holes in your house right now do you understand me," Rainbow Dash said, no longer bellowing. Twilight was unable to respond, the wind whipping at her face so hard that the face almost came off, but phew thank goodness her face didn't come off. Rainbow Dash did a flip. Rainbow Dash did another flip into the next paragraph and they arrived at Fluttershy's house. The three ponies landed on the ground, safe and sound. And then a crater happened underneath them and Rainbow Dash flew out of it and into Fluttershy's house window. Fluttershy spun around three times with a loud gasp. "FLUTTERSHY YOU HAVE TO COME WITH US ALL THE ANIMALS ARE IN TROUBLE BECAUSE THE FRIENDSHIP STONES ARE DEAD AND YOU HAVE TO HELP SAVE THEM," Rainbow Dash said as she crashed into the back wall of Fluttershy's home, shattering at least 3 pots and 2 dreams. The other ponies remained firmly latched onto Dash's tail. Fluttershy cringed, her eyes widening in horror. "D..Dash, what the..." Fluttershy stammered, and Dash trotted over to her, jamming a hoof in her mouth. "Listen, shut the hell up and listen to me, you have to grab onto my tail now." "But why..?" "DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!" Dash yelled, flicking her tail. Twilight and Applejack crashed into the ground. "You better do what she says, sugarcube," Applejack said, temporarily releasing her vice grip on Dash's tail. She chomped back down on it, grinding her teeth slightly over the fine fur. Twilight merely groaned. Fluttershy bit her lower lip hard, unsure of what to do. Dash whipped her mane around, and her mane fell on top of Fluttershy's head. She squeaked quietly. "Fluttershy do you like my mane isn't it nice." "Um... y..yes, I suppose it's... nice." "My mane is literally the most beautiful in all of Equestria and now you are going to grab onto my tail. Deal with it." Fluttershy sighed, trotting slowly behind Rainbow Dash and grabbing a hold of her tail gingerly with her mouth. Almost immediately Rainbow Dash created 13 sonic rainbooms inside Fluttershy's house, reducing it to a pile of rubble. She flew away while spindashing through the air towards Pinkie Pie's bakery or wherever the fuck she lives, I can't be assed to check these things. Rainbow Dash spun like a drill into the roof of the bakery, twirling her tail around to give the other ponies something fun to do while Rainbow Dash was busy piercing the heavens, except instead of the heavens it was the roof of a bakery. Pinkie Pie started scrambling around the main room of the bakery, trying to take down all the decorations before Dash broke through the roof. She leapt up to grab the giant banner, balling it up as quickly as she could. Rainbow Dash finally broke through, landing gently on the floor. The ponies on her tail fell to the floor with a thud, having stopped spinning. "Pinkie Pie my love I need your help please come with me," Rainbow Dash said as her tongue snaked out of her mouth and towards Pinkie Pie. Pinkie's face lit up as Dash's tongue lapped all over her face. "Oh, Dash! You know I'd help you with ANYTHING!" she giggled, bouncing up and down as she nuzzled Dash's tongue. She bounded over to Dash, whose tongue slowly retracted as Pinkie Pie approached and their muzzled mashed together in a sloppy kiss. The other ponies stared in awe, still somewhat dizzy from their 'ride.' Pinkie Pie broke the kiss and licked Dash on the nose. "PINKIE PIE GRAB MY TAIL." Pinkie Pie bounced over to Dash's tail, grabbing a hold with her teeth, a broad grin on her face. She looked at the other ponies. Applejack bit down on Dash's tail without hesitation, while Twilight and Fluttershy did so with a bit of reluctance. Spike materialized in the room and then disappeared, so the writer can claim he was in the story and get an extra tag on the blog. This is the last time I'm going to tell your fucking ass to not ask questions. Rainbow Dash trotted lazily out of the front door of the bakery, nudging it open with her snout. Then an explosion happened beneath her which launched her directly at Rarity's boutique, which also exploded twice but it wasn't harmed because it was a love explosion. Rainbow Dash burped and then called out to Rarity from outside the dress shop. "RARITY GET YOUR FLANK OUT HERE THERE IS A FASHION EMERGENCY I GUESS I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS," she bellowed. Inside the dress shop, Rarity sighed, trotting outside, her glasses still laid on her snout. "What is it THIS time, dear?" Rarity said, as Rainbow Dash scooped her up on her back, because Rainbow Dash is really strong and handsome beautiful and there wasn't any more room on her tail for ponies. Rarity yelped in surprise as Rainbow Dash took off to the heavens, leaving behind a puddle of rainbow-coloured goop. And so it was that Rainbow Dash gathered up all the ponies that matter and flew away into the sunset to retrieve all of the Friendship Stones. Will they be bad enough dudes to be able to defeat the final boss and achieve the legendary Super Saiyan 5? See you next time.
The Quest for the Friendship Stones
<p>Rainbow Dash has gotta collect the friendship stones but what happens when she doesn&#39;t find them though tune in to</p>
FRIENDSHIP STONES 0.5 the Wreckoning is at hands         Today in Ponyville there were radishes. But instead of there being radishes, there weren’t any today. Where were the radishes? I can’t find the radishes, he said. I can’t find them, where are the rassihe? radishes* So then Rianbow Dash was camed out to find the radish. Here’s raibnow         “I’m Rainbow Dash. Where are the radishes?” She asked where they were to the store keeper. “I dont know. Where’s the radishes?” asked the store keeper. She didn’t know where any of them were at. Where are they? So rainbow dash decided she was going to get more of the radish.         Rainbow Dahs decides to get more ponies for helping her get the radish stones. “Help Twilight Sparkle!” She called out to Twiligth Sparkle. Help me find the”” radishes” she asked. So Twilight Sparkler came out of her tree and said “Rainbow Dash I will help you find the radished. Let’s go.” and so they went there.         Then Rainbow was going to find the other ponies when suddenlyed a Pinker Pie appears. pinkie pie what are you doing here asked rainbow. “HEllo rianbow dash. Let’s find more radishes for a cheaper price than in Ponyville. But radishes” said Pinkie Pie. and so they left this paragraph and to the next one. woooooooosh         hello rarity would you like to find the friendship stones but dash we cant find them yet that is for the second one well okay how about the radisjhes for the ponyes ville okay let’s find radishes and so there they go, off they go this shit sucks         Fluttershy was next to come onto the list,to find the radishes. Rainbow Dash walked to her house and kicked into the door with her hoofs. “FLUTTERSHY get your QUIET out here and COME ON” she screamed at the top of all her lungs. Fluttershy was real scared and made a squeaking sound and the other ponies went “AWWw” but rainbow dash just got REAL ANGRY and started breaking all the shit in Fluttershy’s house.         “YELLOWQUIET I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS WE HAVE TO GET MORE RADISHES UHGHH I LOVE RADISHES SO MUCH COME THE FUCK ON” and so fluttershy was with them now. brb         okay im back sorry so anyway i guess there’s one more pony left. oh yeah it’s applejack. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle and the other guys were walked towards Applejack’s Farm. then a HYDRA APPEARED!!! OH MY FREAKING GODsh!! HELP!! screamed the ponies. I WILL SAVE THEM thought Rainbow Dash. She was so cool and awesome and decided that I will help those ponies. Watch this         Rainbow Dash lifted herself onto her hind legs and yelled to the skies “HELP ME PLANETS” and they did. Down from heavens came a big robot suit for rainbow dash shaped like a pony, except a robot. She was really happy and jumped up real high to get inside the robot suit where she could control the robot. Then she used the hoofes of the robot to smash the hYdra into the barn where Applejack was. The hydra died.         I forgot the point of this story was to get some radishes, sorry. I promise that the story will be more focused from this point onward. Rainbow Dash trotted up to Applejack’s barn, freshly destroyed from her previous silly antics. She had a sheepish look about her face as she prodded Applejack with her snout. AJ sprang up almost immediately, whipping her head around to search for the intruder.         “WHO’S THERE APPLES APPLES APPLES,” bellowed Applejack. It seemed this silly pony was still a bit dazed from the hydra incident! Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but chuckle.         “Oh AJ, you’re such a silly pony!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.         “APPLES APPLES APPLES,” was the only reply.         whatever, the ponies got together and they went away to go to a different place with radishes, fuck that shit was stupid. i dont know where they fuckin go... stalliongrad? really? that’s a real place? no, fuck that shit, they go to Radishtown. yeah, that’s a real funny fuckin name, right? real original? fuck you. sorry that wasnt nice         the ponies make they’re way to Radishville. they had to find more radish for poniesville before the entire town was destruction from no radishes. And so the ponies walked to the Super Market and went inside of it. Pinkie Pie got into a cart and pushed herself into an aisle far away from the rest of ponies bye bye pinker pie see you later they all said. Pinkie Pie, your so random! hAhAhAhAhAhA they laughtered. bye pinkie         The rest of the ponies went around the giant store it was HUGE like the inside of a volcano. But they found a pony who worked there and asked him, “Excuse me, where are they?” and he pointed for the radishes, because that is the only thing they sold at this store (SURPRISE!!!!!!!!). Rainbow Dash gobbled up as many radishes as she could fit inside of her belly and put one under Applejack’s hat so they could bring them back to the ponies of Ponnyfille. Also Twilight Sparkle used her magic to help.         Pinkie Pie was moving through the ground like a gopher, displacing the tiles of the Super Shop with her weird shaped head. She popped up underneath the group of ponies screaming “H̨̉̉̓ͬͨȄ̷͗́̑Y̜̞ͥ̽̈́̓̏ͫ ̵̱͖̘͓̍͒̈́͌̓ͮG̛̼̣͔ͨ͂ͭͅȔ̸̩͚̱̖̥͈͈͂ͣ͌̌Y͋̂ͤ̓̚S̫̮̺̣̝̜͔̽̈͘ ̷̹̻̝͖̱͉̊͑ͣ̾ͫW̥̺̺̪̗̙̥͆ͫ͒ͬͦH͕̩̓̉Ä̺͕̙̱́ͨͮ̔̔̅̌T̩͗̄͊̚’̝̝̟̘̐̎͗ͫͤ̆S̳͍̫ͮͥ͛ͅ ͉͙̖̳͇͙̆͆͗̾̚G̻̋̉̈́ͦ̇O̩͓͇͔̍͋̈ͮ̍I̪̖̦̞̤̐̀͡N̵̺̖̖G̵̮͉̟͍̩̰͋͗̅ͫ͊̈ ̝̈́ͧͪ̈́͢O͕͗ͥ̓ͮ͡N͔̻̬̫̭͚̈̓ͪ̈́ͥͅ ͚́H̩̖̤̜̟̼ͮ̔ͭͬ̅̚ͅĚ̵̥͎̀R̶̦̜̹̭̞̓̇͆ͦͣ̔̅E̹͕͇̗͠ ̱̦̻̤̂ͣ̕EͬV͓͚͙͔͆ͦͣ̀̔̃ͅE̻͍̭͓̓̑̎͊̈ͦR͇͉̹̱͈͇̮͋̂͗ͥͥ͝Y̪̳͌̽͊ͨ͢G͇͚͖̖̽ͣ̉ͫ͆̔̔͡U̬̣͓̳͜Y̱̑͂̒ͥͣͪͪ͡S̢̘̜̜͎̠̜͈ͦ̆̃͒͒̄” Pinkie Pie grinned real loud at the ponies and everyone was laughed at Pinka pie. your random pinkie pig “he He He he he”         Rainbow Dash got real serious look on face. And screamed to all the ponies “HEY everybody grab my FR*CKING tail right the H*CK NOW okay” and everybody did it without asking any stupid questions like “why” or “but will we even all fit” like come on guys seriously just bite her tail fucking hell So then all the ponies grabed the Ponytail of rainbow dash and Rainbows SKYROCKET out of the store with fervor. She can fly with her wings so she did it even with a lot of turnips in her stomache. As they blasted off towards the place where most of the cool ponies were (it’s Ponyville, dunkass), Rianbow dash took a time to reflect upon this story. She thought about all the fun times she had. There weren’t any funny times rainbow dash landed and with a abig BOOM!!!!!!!!!! she let all the ponies leave this place. but she asked appplejack to stay because she still had a radish underneath her hat. they slowly, like in a movie real slow, into the shop from earlier before where they did not have the radishes. and rianbow desh let out a big burp and there go the plums. EVERYWHERE there are radishes now, stop burping radish into my store!!!!!! yelled the store keeper. help i cant stop thought rainbow. i cant stop bleching all the radishes. it was like a sea of them. Suddenly she stopped and it was okay though. There were gross radishes and nice radishes everywhere but it was revealed. Applejack still has the turnip underneath her brown hat. “LAND SAKES YA’LL APPLES APPLES APPLES” she said as she took it from the hat and ate it. Everybody was laughing about it, haha! What a great ending. Thanks for reading my fan fictions. I hope you enjoyed it? please comment rate and subscribe!!
The Quest for the Friendship Stones
<p>Rainbow Dash has gotta collect the friendship stones but what happens when she doesn&#39;t find them though tune in to</p>
ATHORS NOTE: Thanks for watching my story , my name is :POULTRON: and I am moderation team on Fimfictor. Welcome to watching my story and I hope that today, you enjoy it. Please enjoy, thanks for listening to my story. Bye. Pinkie Pie spun the record with her snout nose and then decided to not spin the record any more times. Then all the ponies in the room were like Hey why did you stop" spinning that record". you pinkie pony god dangit." And pinkie Pie responded to them "I am a DJ. I can do what I feel like," so the ponies danced anyway, tanks pinkie pie for the beats. "Welcome To My Story" by Pouoron. Today Twilight Sparkle opened her book and said, "I'm going to cast the spell." She looked at the book and said "I'm gonna cast the spell, today." So she opened the book with her magic hands and said "SPELL: CAST!!!!!!!!" and the spell was casted. But suddenly there was a problem, and she was at a concert though. She looked around and said, why am I here, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm going to cast the spell today."" But on the stage there was Final Scratch and Blocktavia. They were spinning the beats hella hard and said "I'm going to cast the spell" and then they made out with each other's faces. Twilight Sparkler was in awesome, of the fillies on the stage and she said, "Woah..." Thanks for listening to my story. Fallout Equestria should falled out of a bridge. Little Pipple was walking through the park when she heard a noise, "is that the fallout" she think.Then suddenly EQUESTRIA CAME crashing down upon the bridge and smacked littlepipe Off of the bridge, "HELP ME!!!" She thought but it wastoo late, she had guns. -By Twilight Spark, Poultron.
The Lunar Sanction
<p>Princess Luna returns to Equestria and attempts to integrate herself back into normal pony life, but not everyone is so eager to see her come under the sway of the magic of friendship.<br /><br /><hr /><br />Based on characters created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro, copyright their respective owners.</p>
Long, long ago, past years without number, began the night. Where once there had been only darkness in the absence of the sun, now there was light. Not the stark light of day, the harsh glare of that brilliant orb, but the soft glow of the moon. The symphony of the stars. A hundred billion tiny points of hope, shining out a promise that the old fears, the primal terrors of the dark, would never again be allowed to seize those hours when the sun had run its course. And she had thought it was all for naught. ~~~~~ Two figures stood on a darkened balcony, high in the branches of a tree house. A dim red lantern illuminated them from below as they took turns peering through a telescope. One unrolled a parchment, angling it toward the light, trying not to stare into the beam directly and ruin her night vision. "I can't even begin to imagine how long it must have taken you to create all this, Your Highness. And without the help of a telescope, or reference books, or anything. You even put stars up there that are too faint to see with the naked eye!" The larger pony turned her head from the eyepiece, her coat a sea of deep blue despite the rosy light from the lamp at their feet. "I'd like to be able to say I had the luxury of taking my time, but honestly in the beginning I was a little hasty about the whole thing. "I'll admit I was rather glad to learn about the invention of telescopes. For the longest time it seemed that half my work would go forever unseen. I didn't intend to make so many of the stars so dim, but I really didn't have the hang of things, and in my rush… Well, I'm happy to let it be said that I did it on purpose, nowadays," she smiled. "I certainly never would have guessed," Twilight Sparkle chuckled. She had started to feel recently as though she was getting slightly more of a handle on Princess Luna's sense of humor. It was a relief after the first few nerve-wracking visits. She hadn't been sure whether she should agree with the Princess's self deprecating comments, or laugh, or leap to her defense. On more than one occasion she had been tempted to just hide under the nearest table and hope that the living goddess would forget she was in the room. Princess Celestia had asked Twilight to help her sister readjust to modern pony life, and although she had been initially nervous, if there was one thing Twilight could do it was to rise to a challenge on behalf of her beloved mentor. After a while, she had found herself looking forward to Princess Luna's visits. It was nice to have somepony else nearby occasionally who wasn't busy running their own business, or bouncing around partying, or sleeping half the day. It also didn't hurt that the Princess never seemed to be tired at night. Stargazing was one of Twilight's favorite activities outside of a book, and it was refreshing to have a companion who didn't spend most of the evening trying to stifle a yawn. "Do you think we could see the Apple Core Nebula at this time of night?" she asked, glancing back at her parchment. "Oh, I should think so. The weather patrol seems to have been well in control of the cloud situation today. It's not too far above the horizon yet, but it should be over the trees at least." Princess Luna stepped aside as Twilight peered through the small spotting scope and aligned the instrument above the tree line to the east. "There's the Fox… Now a little to the south east, and... There, that should do it." Twilight moved her eye to the main scope. A faint orange glow filled the eyepiece, and a few scattered stars were visible, but little else. She fiddled with the focus for a moment, but the view stubbornly remained orange. "Oh." "What is it, Twilight?" "I … I can't really see much of anything. There's too much light coming from the town. We'll have to wait until later when it's risen a bit further I think," she sighed. "Shame, that's one of Applejack's favorites. It's hard enough to get my friends to stay up and go stargazing with me already, I don't want to have to compete with the streetlights for their attention too. If she can't see the Apple Core until after midnight, I'm not sure I'll be able to convince her to stay awake." "I wouldn't worry overly. I'm sure they enjoy your company just as much as they do the view." Luna smiled, but Twilight thought she detected a note of sadness. "Is something bothering you, Princess?" "Oh, it's nothing really." "I'd like to help if I can. You can talk to me." She worried briefly whether she was being too forward, and glanced down at her hooves. "That is, if you'd like." "You are a kind soul, Twilight Sparkle. I suppose I have had to rely on myself for so long, I'm in the habit of just quietly dealing with whatever comes my way." Luna paused for a moment, seeming to gather her thoughts. "It was wonderful to find on my return that the ponies had invented ways to make themselves comfortable in the night. That they tend to stay out later and spend more time in my domain. But you're quite right; it is a shame that the same inventions might detract from their enjoyment of the night sky." "I wish you could have seen the crowd that gathered to watch the centennial meteor shower. Everypony had a wonderful time. I think you would have been proud." "Thank you Twilight. I think I would have liked that very much." As she spoke, a cool wind blew through the tree's upper branches and Twilight shivered. "Oh, you're cold, poor dear. Shall we head inside and have something to eat?" "That sounds good. We should try to be quiet though, Spike is fast asleep." "Of course." Princess Luna stooped, lifted the telescope's dew covers from the deck, and nudged them carefully into place. Twilight's horn glowed softly for a moment as she swung open the patio door, rolled up her star maps, and collected the lamp from the floor. The pair stepped inside and made their way softly downstairs to the kitchen, closing the door so that they could talk without disturbing the slumbering dragon. Twilight retrieved a tray of cupcakes from her pantry, and brewed a pot of mint tea. They ate in silence for a moment, enjoying the fluffy desserts and sipping their tea slowly while it cooled. "I received a letter from your friend Rarity a few days ago, asking me to visit her here in Ponyville," the Princess said, taking a dainty bite of cupcake. "You did?" Twilight swallowed, surprised. "Yes. Apparently she has something she wants to show me. I'm not sure what, though; she was rather cryptic about the whole thing. Not that I mind, of course. If anything I'm a little intrigued. Very few ponies take the time to write to me, outside of formal invitations and government matters." "I hope she's not going to try to get you to endorse a new fashion line, or something." Princess Luna laughed softly. "Would that be such a bad thing? It would be nice to get a fresh view of the trends these days. You should have seen the look on my sister's face when I showed her what I was intending to wear to the gala." "Well, that wasn't long after you got back. Nopony would have judged you." "After Celestia's reaction, I wouldn't be so sure. It was enough to make me want to hide in my room all night!" "I wondered why I didn't see you there." "Oh, I made a brief appearance, but I only really came out long enough to get a few canapés and some punch before dashing back behind the nearest pillar." The Princess chuckled to herself, and shook her head. "Crinolines going out of fashion. Who knew?" ~~~~~ It was quiet. The night would shortly be making way for Celestia's sun. The trees of the Everfree Forrest stood unmoving in the last rays of moonlight. A shadow emerged from the wood and crept up the hillside to the rocky outcropping above. It paused for a moment, as if casting about in search of something. Then, just as silently as it had arrived, it slipped out of sight beneath a large flat boulder, and disappeared into the deeper shadows of the cave beyond. Letting his eyes adjust to the cave's dim interior, the messenger pulled back the hood of his cloak. A flicker of firelight was visible ahead, and he made his way toward it. Eventually he could make out a pair of eyes, glittering in the darkness on the other side of the fire. He stopped, and dropped to one knee. "Our plans are in motion, my Lady." A low, silken voice came in reply, seemingly from all around. "Excellent. My agents inform me that the Pretender will be visiting her little pets once more before the end of the week. See to it that she finds them less … accommodating … upon her return." "As you will." The messenger stood, and backed away from the fire. Only once he had turned and was almost out of the cave did he realize that he had felt no warmth upon his face, smelled no smoke. He shivered a little, raised his hood, and stepped out into the first light of dawn. Birds were beginning to sing in the tops of the trees. The sound brought him no comfort.
The Lunar Sanction
<p>Princess Luna returns to Equestria and attempts to integrate herself back into normal pony life, but not everyone is so eager to see her come under the sway of the magic of friendship.<br /><br /><hr /><br />Based on characters created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro, copyright their respective owners.</p>
Twilight sat at her desk, poring over a stack of hastily taken notes. She had woken slightly later than usual after a night of astronomy and conversation with Princess Luna, but she now found herself with a head full of ideas. "We just need to alter the design of the street lamps so that more of the light shines on the ground, instead of going up into the sky," she mused. "That would be more efficient too, it's wasted up there anyway. But the lamps were only installed a few months ago. How am I going to convince the Mayor to spend more money so soon?" She was pulled from her reverie by an urgent knocking at the front door. "Spike? Spike, can you get that?" The knocking continued. "Oh," she thought to herself, "did he go to the store earlier and I just didn't notice? I bet that's him coming back with the groceries for tonight." She stood, and trotted towards the door, opening it with her magic. "You know Spike, you could just put one of the bags down instead of standing there knocking all… Oh." Princess Luna stood in the doorway, looking a little flustered. "Hello Twilight. May I come inside please?" "Erm, good afternoon Princess," Twilight said, trying not to look too surprised. "I mean, of course, come in, please. I'm sorry, I thought you were… Never mind. Can I help you with something?" "I hope so," Luna began, stepping inside and quickly shutting the door behind herself. "It's about that letter. I'm, well, I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but is there any chance you might come with me to visit Rarity this afternoon?" "Rarity? Sure. Is something the matter? Does she need our help? She seemed pleased when I told her you would be stopping by, but she didn't mention anything wrong." "Oh, no, no I'm sure she's quite alright. It's just that…" Luna looked down at her feet. "I'm a little nervous." Twilight blinked, then grinned. "You know I almost thought you were serious there for a minute your Highness." Luna looked up, blushing, and turned back towards the door. "Forgive me, Twilight. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have bothered you." "Wait, wait, you are serious? I'm sorry, please don't go. I thought you were kidding. I guess I don't have such a handle on your sense of humor yet after all." "Why would I joke about such a thing?" "Well, you are the Moon Princess after all. I mean really, what in all of Equestria would be scary about a dress shop?" "You're right," Luna said, hanging her head once more. "I suppose I am being silly." "No, that's not what I mean at all. Ugh, I'm making such a mess of this." Twilight rubbed her eyes, and indicated a nearby sofa. "Please sit down your Highness. Let's talk it over. I just want to understand." "Very well." Luna reluctantly sat at one end of the couch, but looked no more comfortable for it. Twilight took the other end, turning to face her. "I really didn't mean you were being silly, I promise. I just thought a pony as powerful and wise as you couldn't possibly be scared of visiting Rarity. I assumed you were pulling my leg. Like that time you tried to convince me you were afraid of the dark, remember?" Luna seemed to brighten just a little at this. "Yes, yes I suppose that was quite a good one. But I assure you, I don't feel all that wise right now." "Can we start again? What is it about visiting Rarity that has you so upset?" "It's just… How should I put this?" Luna thought for a moment. "It's ponies. It's just ponies." "What?" "Twilight, try to remember that I've been alone on the moon, stuck in what I thought would be an unending nightmare, for the past thousand years. I've been back for a few months now, true, but even so it's not been long by comparison. And what have I done in that time? Essentially, I've buried myself in books trying to catch up on a millennium of missed history and civics. I've spent time with you, certainly, and enjoyed myself a great deal. But other than you and my sister, I've barely spoken to anypony." "I guess you seemed a little skittish around me at first, but you loosened up so quickly. I thought you got over your shyness." "You're quite right, it didn't take me long to warm up to you. But you're not like other ponies. You live in a library, for one thing; you know how much I missed being around books. You have a thirst for knowledge. You're the only pony so far who hasn't looked at me as though I had three heads when I used an abacus." "Well I wanted to know how it worked!" "Exactly," Luna nodded. "That's  it exactly. You and I are in many ways kindred spirits, Twilight Sparkle. You are a scholar. We have the same curiosity about the way the world works. At some level I understand you. And I don't feel as though I have to explain myself to you, or make excuses at every turn, because you understand certain things about me too. Once I realized that, I stopped worrying so much when I was around you. "But other ponies just don't seem to see me in the same light," Luna sighed. "They bow and scrape, or they give me blank looks when I ask for help with mundane modern devices. Some have even put two and two together about Nightmare Moon. The way they look at me… And I just know they whisper about me behind closed doors. Sometimes I don't blame them." "But Rarity's not like that. Not at all. She would never have invited you here if she was afraid of you, and she knows as well as I do that you weren't at fault for what happened at the summer sun celebration. She was there." "Believe me when I say I haven't forgotten that. I know that I owe all six of you a debt of gratitude, one that I will likely never be able to repay. But still, she's not like you and me. What will I even say to her? What will I do if she starts discussing modern fashion, and I have no idea what she's talking about? What if she thinks my tastes are outdated and prudish? I just don't know whether I can bring myself to walk into so much uncertainty." "You can, Princess, and you will. I know it," Twilight said, with a sudden glint in her eye. "And do you know why? Because I was in exactly the same place not so long ago." "You, Twilight?" "Yes. You remember I told you all about growing up as Princess Celestia's star pupil? How I spent my days and nights studying in Canterlot ever since I was a young filly?" "Of course." "Well how do you think I came to be living here in Ponyville all of a sudden?" "My sister sent you on a mission, as I understand it. She knew I," Luna hesitated. "She knew that Nightmare Moon would return. And she knew that you could save me." "Yes. She knew that I must harness the Elements of Harmony," Twilight smiled. "She knew that I, the bookish loner with no time for socializing, would have to wield the magic of friendship. A magic that I knew absolutely nothing about. A magic embodied by five strange, crazy ponies, who I didn't understand, and at first I wasn't really interested in understanding. Five strange, crazy, wonderful ponies who took the time to teach me what it meant to be friends.  To teach me what I had been missing all those years." Twilight's eyes shone as she continued, "Five wonderful ponies who I love more than anything else in this world, and who I literally trust with my life on a pretty regular basis." Luna was quiet for a moment, and then nodded. "I think I understand." "Good. I promise you your Highness, you needn't fear Rarity, or any of the others. I'll be right there by your side for as long as you need me to be. But more importantly, I know they'll treat you with all the respect and understanding that they gave me back then when I was first learning about friendship." "Can you be so sure?" "I'm very sure. Because they know," Twilight said, looking the Princess in the eye, "that you're my friend too." Luna opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again. Then the tears came. ~~~~~ Twilight opened the front door of the library, and almost walked into Spike trying to balance several shopping bags as he reached up for the door knocker. "Twilight! How did you know I was here?" "Oh, hello Spike. Just a lucky guess." Twilight winked at Luna. "Princess Luna and I were just heading out for a little while. We shouldn't be too long." "Hi Princess Luna!" Spike grinned and peered around Twilight's legs, almost dropping a bag. "Whoops! That one's got the eggs in it. Don't want to have to clear that mess up... Again…" Luna smiled back at the baby dragon. "I'll let you ladies get on with your day. Ponyville's premiere picnic provider has work to do!" "Have fun, Spike. And thank you!" Twilight called after him, as he trotted off towards the kitchen. Luna followed Twilight outside, and closed the door. "He certainly seems like a helpful little fellow." "Spike's my number one assistant, that's for sure. He can be a bit much sometimes, but I'd be lost without him." Luna looked at Twilight as they walked. "Forgive me," she said quietly. "I don't know what came over me back there." "It's quite alright, Princess," Twilight assured her. "You really needn't keep apologizing. A little cry once in a while can do a pony good." "I don't think I would have called it little," Luna smiled weakly. "But you're right, I do feel better for it. In any case, thank you. I really didn't mean to be so emotional, but I think I've let myself get wound up a trifle tight about visiting Rarity today. And then when you said… Well, I think it was relief, more than anything. I just felt like you lifted a weight from me, and I let my mask slip a little. I truly hope it wasn't an imposition." "Princess, you don't have to wear a mask around me. If you want to that's your business, but don't feel as though I expect it of you. Friends don't need each other to be anything but themselves." "I suppose you're right. Thank you, Twilight. I'm a bit overwhelmed, truth be told. It's felt like a very long time since anypony reached out to me for any reason other than duty. Besides my sister, of course. I believe I have some mental adjustment to do." "I understand, your Highness." Luna stopped walking. "I hope I'm not being too presumptuous, but would you be willing to do me one other small favor?" "Of course. Name it." "Would you think it too bold… That is, would you mind terribly if I asked you to call me simply 'Luna'? I really think I would feel a lot more comfortable, and it's a great deal more, well, friendly. Don't you think?" "Are you sure that's OK? I mean thank you, and I would love to, but I don't want to get in trouble or anything. I can't imagine calling Princess Celestia just 'Celestia'. It makes my mane stand on end even to think about it." Luna smiled. "Technically you would be obeying a royal request. I think that trumps protocol. And if anypony ever says anything about it, feel free to point them in my direction." "In that case, thank you, I will. Luna." "Oh Twilight," Luna giggled a little and bounced on the spot. "It sounds so strange coming from somepony other than Celestia! I love it! Thank you so much." Twilight laughed, delighted to see the Princess in improved spirits. "You're very welcome. I can't promise not to slip now and then, but I'll do my best." "Oh, that's a very good point. For goodness' sake, trust your instincts; don't forget yourself and go addressing my sister as 'Celestia' without her honorifics. That would get terribly messy." Luna winked theatrically, and started walking again towards Rarity's boutique. Twilight laughed, and trotted alongside. "Are you kidding? I wouldn’t dare! She'd banish me from Equestria. Or lock me in a dungeon. Or banish me, and then lock me in a dungeon in the place that she banished me to!" ~~~~~ They were still laughing when Twilight knocked at Rarity's door, and a sing-song voice answered from inside. "Come in! It's open." Luna stopped short, the laughter dying in her throat. "Remember what I said. You'll be just fine," Twilight reassured her, opening the door. The interior of Rarity's boutique was bright and airy. A semicircle of mannequins stood to attention by one wall, draped with various fabrics in different stages of assembly. An immaculately coiffed white unicorn appeared at the top of the stairs, a pair of red half-spectacles perched jauntily on the end of her muzzle. "Princess Luna!" she said, trotting down to the main shop floor. "Welcome, welcome. I'm so very glad you could make it. Oh, and Twilight too, what a pleasant surprise!" "Hello Rarity," Twilight smiled, and stepped aside to make way for the princess. Luna swallowed audibly. "Good afternoon, Rarity. Oh, forgive me, may I call you Rarity? How rude of me. I shouldn't presume," she blushed. "Of course, your Highness." "Thank you." Luna blinked, and seemed to be waiting for somepony else to say something. Rarity looked from the princess, to Twilight, and back. She cleared her throat. "Well then! Shall we begin?" "Begin what, exactly?" Twilight asked. "Why the fitting, of course!" Rarity's horn glowed briefly, as she moved an empty mannequin to the middle of the room. "I noticed you at the Gala, your Highness. I was simply mortified on your behalf. No wonder you decided to make an early exit! I was almost envious of your escape really, once that lummox Blueblood started showing his true colors. But I digress. "So I said to myself," she continued, apparently unaware of the princess's deepening blush, "Rarity, darling, you must save this poor soul from such a crime against fashion. You simply must!" She levitated several bolts of dark fabric from a nearby shelf. "Now I'll admit, the color work in your ensemble was sound. Whoever put it together had a good eye for matching the shade of the fabric with your hair and coat. Some of the finer details were quaint, if a little dated. But the shape! My goodness, you looked almost as though you had stepped right out of one of Twilight's dusty old books." Luna looked almost as though she was trying to become invisible. Rarity seemed not to notice, however, as she concentrated on draping a swathe of dark blue silk over the mannequin. "May I ask, your Highness, who it was that designed your outfit? It didn't look like anypony's work I'm aware of." "Well actually," Princess Luna began, almost inaudibly quiet, "I made it myself." Rarity froze. "You did? Oh goodness, I don't mean to offend your Highness. Truly I don't. But you looked so awkward and out of place, I felt that it was my duty to offer you some sartorial guidance. I can completely understand how you might feel a little out of touch with today's couture." Luna simply stared at the floor. Twilight broke the silence. "Rarity, I'm pretty sure the gown you saw was more than a thousand years old. Right Luna?" Rarity cocked an eyebrow questioningly at Twilight and mouthed "Luna?", but the purple unicorn continued on. "I would think when it was made it was the very height of good taste. And now it's an antique too, don't forget." "A thousand years? But how?" Rarity looked thoughtful. "Fabric so delicate should have turned to dust long before now. Hmm. Clearly you're a better seamstress than I had thought, your Highness. Forgive me, I simply wanted to help. Would you allow me to show you what I had in mind? Let me make it up to you. Please." Luna looked up, still red, but nodded. "Splendid. As I said, I was quite taken with the overall color scheme, so I've kept that largely unchanged. I also borrowed the idea of the scallops in the hem of your train - like adorable little crescent moons…" Twilight allowed her mind to wander, as Rarity's design began to take shape on the mannequin. She had considered making some excuse to get the princess out of there when Rarity initially launched into her critique. But eventually Luna seemed to begin relaxing, albeit slowly, as Rarity focused more on praising the parts of the old dress that she liked and had decided to incorporate. If Luna had designed and made a gown herself, Twilight mused, she must have known a thing or two about fashion before her exile. Perhaps there was hope that these two might find some more common ground after all. Half an hour or so later, Twilight realized she was looking at the rough form of an entire garment on the mannequin. Rarity had pinned most of the gown's major components together, and was walking the princess through some of the details as she took measurements. The outfit was dominated by dark blue tones to complement Luna's coat and mane, with mostly silver details, as in the old dress. Rarity had also added hints of a rich orange in the hem of the train, and a matching carnelian necklace. Twilight found herself reminded of the last rays of sunset against the beginnings of a night sky. "… and then here, the line over the haunch is still demure but more confident. It leaves enough to the imagination, but at the same time it gives the imagination a little something to work with." "Yes, I can see that," Luna nodded. "Things have definitely changed in the last thousand years, but I think I understand where you are heading. It's rather more showy than anypony would have dared when I made that old gown, but one must move with the times. I might have to wear it around the castle a little before I attend any more formal events, though. Just to get a feel for it, you understand." "Oh quite, your Highness. But trust me, you'll look fabulous." "Thank you Rarity. And thank you for your generosity. You weren't the only pony to see me at the gala, but you've been the first to offer any practical advice about my predicament. Then on top of that you put so much effort into coming up with a new design. I am truly grateful." "You're welcome, of course, Princess. I'm so glad that you like my vision for the new dress." "I do. And I know you weren't trying to be unkind earlier, please forgive my unfortunate reaction. I think perhaps I'm still a little sensitive about being so out of touch." "Nonsense, darling. You have an excellent eye for…" Rarity gasped, clapped a hoof to her mouth, and hurriedly curtsied. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your Highness." Luna looked at Twilight, who was standing impassive, waiting to see how the princess would react. She looked back at Rarity, the white unicorn's head still bowed. Then she smiled, and finally let out a ringing peal of laughter. "Please stand up. You haven't offended me." Rarity stood and shook her head, her face now redder than Luna's had been. "I really did just call you 'darling' didn't I, your Highness? Good grief, whatever must you think? Oh Rarity, you are a silly filly." "Let's just call it even, shall we?" Luna said, still chuckling to herself. "I won't tell anypony about it, if you promise to keep the designer of my old gown a secret too. Do we have an agreement?" She winked at Rarity, who blinked, and then smiled. "I believe we do, your Highness. I believe we do." ~~~~~ The sun was well on its way toward the western tree line by the time Luna and Twilight left the boutique and started walking back towards the library tree. Rarity had spent an hour or so looking over recent fashion magazines with Luna, explaining some of the finer points of modern trends. Twilight was happy to see the two of them starting to get along, and Luna for her part proved to be an enthusiastic student. She had also taken the time to sketch some period clothing for Rarity, who seemed interested in the possibility of incorporating retro elements into her own designs. "Well," Twilight said, "I think all in all that went pretty well." "Thank you for coming with me, Twilight. I'm glad you were there. I hope you weren't too bored while Rarity and I talked shop." "Oh please, with the number of times she's waited for me to finish reading a book or talking about some academic subject she doesn't care about, I think it's only fair." "Well your patience is appreciated, nonetheless. We should probably start getting ready to leave soon, if we're going to make it out of town before sundown. It doesn't really matter where I am when I raise the moon, but I prefer not to have too public an audience. Doing it here in the square might seem a little ostentatious." "I understand. We'll pick up some blankets and the picnic back at the library, and be on our way." Luna nodded. "Yes, it shouldn't be too hard to find a suitable spot in the countryside. I just need a fairly clear view of the sky." "Would you mind If I watched?" Luna paused. "It's been a long time since anypony but my sister saw me at work. But…" She nodded. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. Yes, that would be fine. Although I can't promise it will be particularly exciting." "I'm sure you'll be magnificent," Twilight said as they continued towards the library. They found Spike tidying the kitchen, with a small hamper and a pair of fluffy blankets waiting on the table. "Almost ready for a cozy evening under the stars, ladies." Twilight took a peek inside the hamper. She was greeted with an aroma of herbs, and spiced apples. "This smells delicious." "You've got sandwiches, cookies, and some fresh apple pastries from Sugar Cube Corner. If you can wait a minute, I'll whip up some cocoa and you'll be all set." Luna stepped forward. "Thank you Spike. You've worked very hard." "Aww shucks, it's nothing your Highness. All part of the job. Now, where'd I put that milk?" "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!" Twilight put a hoof to her forehead. "The telescope! That would have been pretty embarrassing. Would you excuse me for a moment Luna?" Spike stopped, looked at Twilight quizzically, shook his head, and went back to searching for the milk. "Of course. Spike and I can manage for a few minutes I'm sure." "OK, I'll be right back." Twilight headed out to the tree's upper balcony, picked up a wooden case from a nearby shelf, and stepped out onto the deck. She opened the case, setting it in front of her, and moved around it to the telescope. The instrument was securely held in a swivel mount on the balcony's railing, but by loosening a couple of bolts Twilight was able to slide the tube out of its clamps. She set it gently in the case beside a neatly folded wooden tripod, and was about to close the lid when she noticed that the dew cover was sitting on the deck a few feet away. "Well that's odd," she said to herself. "I could have sworn Princess Luna put that back last night. I hope it hasn't got a bunch of leaves and dirt on the objective." She took the scope out again, removed the other cap, and held it up to a portion of the sky. Peering into the eyepiece, she sighed. "Oh great. That's just perfect." Against the blue background was a large red smudge. She span the scope around, and gave it a gentle tap with the lens pointed downward. Nothing came out. Lowering it again, she peered inside the objective, and gasped, blinking to make sure she wasn't seeing things. There, painted on the surface of the lens in crude red letters, were two words: LUNA LOVER "What the…?" She sat heavily, cradling the vandalized instrument close to her body. "Why would somepony do that? This is a delicate piece of scientific equipment! This just makes no sense!" Spike's voice called up from the kitchen, "Twilight, are you OK? We heard a thump." "Yes, I'm fine!" she answered, snapping back to reality. "I just knocked a few books over. I'll pick them up, don't worry." She thought she heard Spike muttering something about there being a first time for everything, but she wasn't going to pay him too much attention at that moment. Her horn glowed, and she closed the patio doors as quietly as she could. "Who would do this? Why would anypony want to upset me? Maybe it's just Rainbow Dash or Pinkie playing a joke. No, no, they wouldn't do anything so mean. Oh Celestia, what if Luna sees this? She'll be so upset!" She stood, and paced back and forth. "OK, priorities Twilight. Priorities. I'll just have to make up an excuse, and we'll take one of the smaller telescopes tonight. It'll be fine. Then I can fix this one later, and start figuring the whole mess out." She slid the scope back into its rings, tightened the bolts, and replaced the lens caps. Then she carried the case down to her room, took out the large wooden tripod, and replaced it with the smaller scope and tripod next to her bed. A few moments later she reappeared in the kitchen, with the case floating behind her. "OK, I'm all set. The big scope seems to have gotten stuck in its mounting up there, but I've got a smaller one that should work just fine." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Luna said. "Can I help at all?" "No, no, it's fine thank you," Twilight said hurriedly. "I guess it's just got a little dirt or something in the screws. I'll look at it later. We really should get going." "I suppose you're right. Thank you again Spike, for making us supper, and for the chat." "Any time, Princess. Have fun out there tonight. I think I'm gonna make the most of the peace and quiet, and take a pre-bedtime nap." ~~~~~ Two figures crouched in a large bush, watching a pair of ponies walk away from the library and onto the road leading out of town. "Well, that didn't do much," the larger one said. His companion raised the hood of a cloak about himself and began to back out of the bush, as the ponies they were observing disappeared around a bend in the road. "Don't worry yourself," he replied. "We are just getting started."
Voyages in the Moonlight Realm
<p>My first self-contained fic, written for the #MLP-WTG week two theme.<br /><br />Please feel free to leave constructive criticism and comments. I am doing this to learn and to improve, and I value all considered input.<br /><br />Thank you.<br /><br /><hr /><br />Based on characters created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro, copyright their respective owners.</p>
It was a bright clear morning, and Twilight Sparkle sat at a shaded table outside Sugarcube Corner, looking at the pastry levitating before her face. "You know, these things are kinda weird when you stop to think about it." "I know!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie from the chair opposite. "And I should know, I make 'em, after all." "That you certainly do," Twilight agreed, turning the confection end-over-end. "The way the top of the pastry horn curls around into itself, you'd think there wouldn't be any way to fit the cream inside. But there it is." "Oh there's a trick to it all right!" Pinkie said. "But it's a super duper trade secret! Mr and Mrs Cake would be ever so upset if I told anypony how we do it. They'd probably fire me. Forever!" "Well, we certainly wouldn't want that, would we?" Twilight smiled, opening her mouth to take a bite of the delicious-looking glazed donut. A brief flash of light behind her made Twilight glance back over her shoulder. She turned. She guessed that the flash must have been a reflection of the setting sun in one of the tiny windows, far below. The view from the cliff top where she stood was quite breathtaking. Ponyville was spread out like a tiny jeweled map beneath her. Looking out toward the horizon, past the Everfree Forest, she could even make out the gleaming spires of Canterlot in the far distance. She felt as though she could almost reach out her hooves and wrap the whole of Equestria in a loving embrace, just as the last warm rays of the sun seemed to be doing now. "Whoo-ee! Quite a climb, ain't it?" Applejack rose into view, her wings beating rhythmically as she cleared the last few inches and settled lightly by Twilight's side. "Worth it for the view tho'. I love it up here. Feels like I have a mite more room to think, ya know?" "I know just what you mean," Twilight said. "I feel just the same way when I look at the stars on a clear night. I feel as though I'm just a tiny speck in a great big world. A sprinkle on a cosmic donut." "I prefer to think of it as a crumb o' sugar on a cosmic apple fritter, but I take your meanin'." Applejack chuckled. Twilight tore her eyes away from the beautiful view, and gazed at the orange and blonde pegasus beside her. "I'm very glad we could share this moment. We don't get enough time to just talk, you and I." "Well that's hardly my fault now, is it?" Applejack bristled. "What? Wait, I didn't mean…" "Ohhh no, now don't you go tryin' to backpeddle on me. Not now the truth is comin' out." "Applejack! Please, I just meant…" "I know very well what you mean! It's those darn books o' yours, ain't it? Fillin' your head with all that nonsense about science this, and history that. It's no wonder there ain't no room in there for honest hard workin' ponies like the rest of us!" "But…" "No buts! That's an end to it. I don't want to hear another word out o' you, Twilight Sparkle. Not now, not ever." Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "Y - you mean," she stammered. "I mean 'goodbye' is what I mean. Land's sakes, what do I have to say to get through that fuggy brain o' yours?" Twilight couldn't take any more. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she put her head down and ran. She raced down the street as far and as fast as her legs would take her. She didn't care where she was going, she turned left and right at alleyways and intersections whenever it felt right, letting her instincts guide her. It only mattered that she was running away. Only ever away. Pony Joe was standing on the sidewalk, locking up his storefront. Twilight barely saw him in time to stop her headlong sprint. "Whoa there! Easy, Twilight! Where are you off to in such a tearing hurry?" "Oh, Joe! I'm so glad I caught you. I'm late! I can't believe I'm late, and I haven't even picked up the donuts yet." She glanced at the clock tower in the nearby square. Ten minutes before five. There was still time. Barely, but there was still time. "You said you'd be here before five. It's almost six! I sold 'em already." "What?" Twilight looked back at the clock. Five minutes before six. "But that means…" She paused. "Wait. Wait, hold on. This makes no sense." She looked away from the clock, and looked back again. Two o'clock. She froze. "This means… This means I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming! I can't believe I've done it!" Pony Joe grinned. "Well good for you Twilight," he exclaimed, slowly fading and turning grey. "No! Wait!" Twilight gasped. "I can't wake up, not now… OK, keep calm, keep calm, there were instructions for this." She concentrated, took a deep breath, and began to spin. She span, as fast as she could manage, until everything around her was a blur. She imagined with all her might the familiar street where she had just been standing. The cobblestones beneath her hooves, the smells of Canterlot, Pony Joe's face. She remembered, and she willed herself there. Gradually she stopped her spinning. Pony Joe was looking back at her, right there on the sidewalk. She could hardly contain her excitement. "This is so amazing! I'm dreaming, and yet I know it! That means I should be able to…" She concentrated again, and hopped a few inches in the air. She hung there, floating gently. "YES!" Pony Joe waved, as she began to glide slowly upward towards the clock tower. "Hmm, I wonder how fast I can go?" She tried to speed up, but it felt almost as though she was swimming. She experimentally flapped her hind hooves up and down, and found that it helped a little, but she was still only gliding along at a fast walking pace. "Oh well, I guess I can work on that. Now let's see…" Her eyes took in the city she knew so well, albeit from an angle she had never quite experienced before. She stepped lightly onto the roof of the clock tower, perching next to the weather vane. "If this works the way the books say, I should be able to control most aspects of the dream world." She thought of Fluttershy, standing on the roof behind her. She turned. Fluttershy was there, smiling. "OK, so that works. I wonder if I can control what she does, too?" She concentrated again. Fluttershy took a deep breath, filling her lungs, and yelled down at the crowded square, "I AM FLUTTERSHY AND I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL PONIES! LOOK UPON ME AND DESPAIR!" As her words echoed around the city, Fluttershy simply stood there, still smiling benignly. "Ohhhkay. Yep, that works too," Twilight laughed to herself. "Alright Fluttershy, thanks for your help. I'll seeya around!" She began to spin once more. This time she thought of the night sky. The beautiful, star-filled, velvety night, and a quiet hilltop from which she might enjoy it. "No, wait. Dream big, Twilight. Even better." She changed her mental image, removed the hill, and imagined floating up in the sky itself, amongst the stars. She stopped spinning. She stared. Everywhere she looked, tiny points of light shone back at her, all the colors of the rainbow. Galaxies hung as if painted on fabric just out of reach. Nebulae drifted, cloud-like, their gossamer threads fading away into nothingness at the limits of her vision. "Oh my Celestia," she breathed, "I could get used to this." "Strange that you should invoke my fair sister at this particular moment," a soft, amused voice came from behind her. Startled, she revolved in place and gasped as she came face to face with Princess Luna. Not the filly she had seen a few months before at the ruins of the Summer Palace, but a creature of heart stopping power and majesty. Her coat was the same rich midnight blue that Twilight had known, but she was now easily Celestia's equal in size. Her mane and tail were floating waves of deep blackness, like holes cut out of the fabric of reality. Innumerable tiny points of silver floated within, more dazzling even than the stars in which the two ponies now drifted. And then there were her eyes. Her kind, mischievous, ancient eyes. Twilight could scarcely look into them, and yet when she dared, she could not look away. Two brilliant cerulean orbs, flecked with silver and gold, and reflecting every star around them like a million dancing fireflies. "Welcome to my realm, Twilight Sparkle," the Princess smiled. "I am glad to find you here, although I will confess I am impressed that you have come so soon. I did not expect you for a few years yet." "I… You expected me?" "Why yes. I know that you have been experimenting with all the different forms of magic, under my sister's guidance. It's only natural that you would eventually find yourself here. But it's rare that one should make it this far on a first journey." "This is just my own imagination talking, isn't it?" "Come now, you have the tools, you saw for yourself. You are a scientist, are you not? Try a little experiment. You will not offend me." Twilight understood. She concentrated hard, as she had with Fluttershy, and tried to imagine the Princess performing one of Applejack's line dances. Luna did not dance. But at least she laughed. "Oh good, very good. Thank you for not attempting anything more embarrassing. Your concern for my dignity is appreciated." "It's really you?" "In the flesh. Or not, " the Princess chuckled. "But yes, you are talking to me, and I to you. Do you understand where you are?" "Well, I'm definitely still dreaming. I would imagine I'm physically still at home in bed. Or at least I hope so." "Have no fear, you are quite safe. Your corporeal form is indeed safely tucked up under your covers in Ponyville. But your mind, Twilight. Your mind is free. You have entered the Dream Lands, a place older than Equestria certainly, and perhaps even older than the world upon which Equestria sits. My realm. "Ponies come here each night when they sleep, but they rarely stray far. They may dream that they are floating amongst the stars, but they never venture far from the fringes of this world, merely peeking in from the outside. "A select few, however, can learn to harness the dream, as you have. To control it. To explore. There is much for you to learn here, and there are dangers to be sure, but I keep a watchful eye over all my subjects." "You mean like nightmares?" Twilight ventured. "In a manner of speaking. Most of what ponies call nightmares are simply facets of their own imaginations, their subconscious minds toying with their worldly fears. But from time to time they will face true peril here, and in those moments I am with them." "You can't save someone from a regular bad dream, then?" "I could, but why would I? After all, without our fears, what are we? If I stopped a pony from experiencing a nightmare about failure, might she not lose her resolve in life? Might she not lose her motivation to strive for difficult goals, if she was not occasionally presented with the unpleasant alternative? "No, I do not interfere with the mundane. But you have likely experienced my influence from time to time. You recall a dream of falling, for example?" "The ones where you wake up just as you're about to hit the ground?" "The same. Who do you suppose wakes you? You wouldn't want to stick around to see how the landing plays out, I can assure you." Twilight shivered. "In that case, thank you." "You are quite welcome. Now come, there is something I would like you to see." Princess Luna reached out a hoof, and touched Twilight lightly on her shoulder. The view shifted, and Twilight found herself standing in a vast room, stretching away into the distance in all directions. And in all directions were books. Shelves upon shelves, row upon row, books beyond number. She wondered briefly whether perhaps the Night Goddess had taken her to her own personal heaven. "This is the dream library," Luna explained. "Every volume you see here contains the dreams of a single being, and every single being that has ever dreamed has a book. Including you." "So all the dreams I will ever have are here, written down, waiting for me to have them?" "Not the ones you are yet to have. But all the dreams you have had in the past, yes. The books are written as you experience each dream. Including this one." "Can I see?" "That's a large part of why I brought you here, yes," Luna said. "Imagine a familiar old book. Something time-worn, large but comforting. Perhaps a meaningful book from your childhood. Something associated with a good memory." Twilight thought for a moment. "Hmmm. Yes. My mother's old recipe book. It was one of the first books I ever learned to read. I still remember her handwriting, and the heavy pages. She used to read along with me when I was just a little filly, as she cooked dinner or baked cookies. I would try to help, but I think I mostly just got in the way. She seemed to love every moment, all the same." "I'm sure she did. It sounds perfect. Hold a picture of that book in your mind. Feel its weight. Smell the paper." "Alright." Twilight imagined the old black book, its pages dog-eared and well read, the cover slightly blotched with flour. There was a soft pop, and a flash, and floating before her was the old cookbook. But in place of the flour and the handwritten label was a neat silver inscription: The Dreams of Twilight Sparkle, Pony of Equestria. "Very well done, Twilight. That is your dream journal. It will record every dream for you, and you may come here to review it whenever you like. Simply will yourself here, as you were doing in Canterlot, and call forth the book. You should find it useful in your studies, and at the very least it will likely kindle some fond memories." Twilight held the book with reverence. "It sounds like a really useful thing to have on hand, if I'm going to learn about dream magic!" She opened it and fanned through the pages, turning to the last one with writing on it. Sure enough, words were appearing neatly on the page. "Best not to try to follow along in real time, dear. It can get a bit self-referential that way." Twilight turned back a few pages. She had a brief pang of regret as she saw her conversation with Applejack, but then realized that her friend had been flying all along. "Wings? Really? Why didn't I notice that at the time?" "You'll learn to pick up on discrepancies like that in due course, but to most ponies, realizing that they are dreaming will make them wake up. Ignoring all the strange things that are different in dreams is almost a necessity for a good night's sleep. You'll be surprised what your mind can get away with behind your back sometimes," the Princess smiled. Twilight thought for a moment. "I have a question. Can I read anybody's dreams here? That seems a little, well, invasive." "You are quite right. An individual's dreams are their most private and intimate possessions. They are not to be treated lightly. I am glad that you seem to understand that already. You would technically be capable of reading whatever you wished, but I trust you to resist that temptation. "And bear in mind," Luna added with a wink, "that I am aware of everything that transpires in my realm." Twilight blushed. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you." "As I said, I trust you. But even family are forbidden from intruding upon each other's thoughts." Luna began walking towards one side of the library. "There are exceptions, however." The Princess indicated a nearby shelf, carved more ornately than the rest, and in a lighter wood. "These volumes are edited versions of the dream journals belonging to important individuals, intended for the benefit of students such as yourself. I compile them personally, and only ever once the dreamer has passed from this world. You are free to examine any of these when you wish. You might find a few names you have heard, and undoubtedly a few you have not. All of them contain valuable lessons. "But now, alas, it is approaching time for us to take our leave. I have other business to attend to, and your night has almost run its course. There is one more thing that I would like to show you, before you go. Or, rather, something that I would like to give you. A gift, of sorts." Twilight blinked "A gift? In a dream?" "Yes," Luna said. "I hope you will visit me from time to time. You seem a very promising student, and while I do not wish to usurp my sister as your teacher, I would enjoy showing you more of my realm, and its workings. I would like you to have this." There was another soft pop and flash, and a dark blue book floated in the air between them. "This is a work of my own. Please read it when you have the time. It should answer some questions for you, and provide a few ideas for further areas of study. I hope you enjoy it." "Thank you, Princess. I'm sure I will." Luna smiled. "Good night, Twilight Sparkle. Thank you for spending time with me this evening. I hope I'll see you again soon." The room began to brighten, and Twilight found herself trying to shield her eyes from the growing radiance all around. "Must I leave already? I've hardly even begun to explore!" Luna's voice seemed distant, and strangely nasal. "What?" Twilight couldn't see anything at all now, the bright light washing away the walls and shelves alike. "I've barely even arrived, and there's so much to see, so much to read!" she called, with a hint of desperation. A voice came again, familiar, but no longer Luna's. "Twilight, what are you talking about?" She blinked blearily, starting to adjust to the morning light flowing in through a nearby window, and found herself looking at the green and purple visage of her dragon assistant. "Spike, what are you doing in the dream library?" "Dream library?" Spike said, with a puzzled look. "Boy Twilight, I know you love books and all, but sometimes I think you take it a bit far. Anyway, breakfast is ready. Come on down when you've woken up properly." He trotted away down the stairs, and it dawned on Twilight that she was in her own bed. She groaned softly. "Oh wow, that was quite a dream. I can't believe I actually achieved lucidity there. I wonder whether any of that Luna stuff was for real, or…" She sighed, and rolled over in bed, but sat up with a start when her horn bumped against something solid on the pillow beside her. It was a dark blue book. She lifted it, and turned it so that she could see the front cover. In flowing silver script, she read: Voyages in the Moonlight Realm: A Dreamer's Guide by Luna
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
Before you ask, this fanfiction is written from my perspective, and Justin/jay(jay is his nickname) speaks first. “Mind reminding me why the hell we are here again?” Justin leaned back on a chair. “Reseach paper... Did you really forget already?” I sighed, he was always lazy when it came to these sort of things. “no, i just felt like being reminded.” the snarky tone was followed up by a similarly snarky grin “And you wonder why you are failing, Jay.” eyerolls ensued “Hah, im failing because i dont find myself able to care about this hellhole.” he gave a wide gesture to the surrounding books that filled up the school library “You should care about your education, would you rather be earning 60 grand a year or work at a mcdonalds for a living? Pfft, look i sound like your teacher” I said, trying to improve his work ethic “i dont know, free fast food sounds nice...” “you’ll get tired of it eventually” “you would be surprised.” I stopped and turned to the looming bookshelves, pulling out a few books and placing them on a trolly. Justin let out an audible groan in protest, drooping his shoulders to emphasize his disinterest “Ugh, do you really expect me to read these? i mean seriously. ‘The history of the greek civilization.’ What a snore.” He pretended to fall asleep. “Hey, sorry if i care about my mates future.” “That’s very noble of you, i thank you for that, but i honestly dont care about this project, nor will i ever.” He screws up a piece of paper and throws it into a nearby bin, pretending to play basketball I sighed heavily, wicked ideas circulating my mind. “Hey Justin, catch” I threw a 2 thousand page encyclopedia at him. he turned just in time to be catch the full weight of the blow directly in the face. the book pushed him back into the shelves where his head met the horizontal metal bars with a loud ‘thunk’ “Ow! you ass, that hurt!” he yelled out, rubbing the back of his head where it had made contact with the metal. i smiled sheepishly and took back the heavy book. he did not hide his anger as we continued our walk down the halls of the library. Moments later, an evil smile painted on his face, before i even had time to react, he snatched up a book off the cart and slams it against the back of my head, a few seconds later, we were both rolling on the floor laughing. A few moments of gathering our stuff together, Jay and I both head to a free table to start studying. But to no surprise, Jay fell asleep. “I’m not even going to bother waking him up.” After 20 minutes of mind numbing reading and writing, I got up to stretch my legs, after I walked around the shelves a bit, looking for interesting titles, i made my way back to the table. Justin was awake, and staring blankly at something. “Hey jay, what’re you lookin at?” I questioned, waving my hand infront of his face. I didn't get a reply, he just raised his hand and pointed forward. There, infront of us, was a large light bluey glowing vortex. I stood back, something like this wasn't an everyday occurance, that's for sure. The anomaly felt like it was pulling me towards it, resisting the urge, i tried to pull justin back, but to no avail. He was starting to walk towards it. I couldn't stop him, i tried as hard as i could, but we were already past the event horizon. Our feet lifted off the ground, I tried grabbing a pole, but it wasn't tied to anything, and lifted off the ground with me. “GOD DAMNIT JAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” I screamed as we were both sucked into the vortex. The vortex was something you wouldn't believe, unless you had witnessed it first hand. But sadly, i wasn't one for movement, and passed out due to the inertia of the situation I awoke moments later, i never carry a watch with me, so i didn't know the time. I lifted myself to my feet, and walked over to Justin. “hey, jay, wake up you lazy shit.” I shoved him a little with my leg “heh, shut the hell up dude...” i extended a hand to help him up but he slapped it away. “does your head hurt too?” “Just a bit, ive never been one for bumpy rides.” I chuckled softly. Turning around, we both saw endless miles of forest.After a few minutes of walking, we saw what appeared to be a figure in the darkness. “Hey, who is that?” I squinted, i had to wear glasses, so my eyesight was pretty terrible. “how the hell would i know?” “Oi, you? Where are we?” i shouted out to the figure in the shadows The figure just darted away, leaving us both confused. Cautiously walking further, we both looked at our surroundings. Everything seemed too... perfect.. The skies were clear as day, and there was no noise or pollution at all. Suddenly, several more of the figures appeared around us. “Hey, who are you?” Justin span his upper body around, worried expression on his face. each figure stepped in turn, into the light. revealing seven horses, except each was a different colour. and not your average horse colour either “pfft, nothing to worry about Rem, just a few horses that's all.” “why do they have horns?” A bolt of electricity shot out from each of the horns, answering our question, but at the same time, striking us down. As we both passed out, i could have swore that one of them spoke the words “take them to the castle” _________________________________________________________________________________________ I woke up to the sound of arguing, unsure of what just happened or what was going on. “But they tried to-” A mysterious figure questioned “I KNOW what they tried, but we have to bring them before her before we do anything, it was her personal orders” “ugh, fine” I was picked up by my feet and hands, I couldn't look at either because i was hogtied and was too weak to lift my head up. I look to the side, and see two horses wearing armor carrying Jay, also hogtied. Something about him seemed different, but it was too dark to see. and i didn't want to waste any time questioning what was going on. We were brought to a throne room, untied, and thrown on the carpet. I stood up, weakly, and was forced to hunch over because of the pain in my backside. I looked forward to see a blood soaked horse, larger then the rest, with a horn and wings, wearing a crown. But also covered in blood. i assumed this was the main figure of authority. She cocked an eyebrow when i stood up, and after a few seconds passed, began to spoke. “Answer me this, do you know where you are?” Answering truthfully, i couldn't deny. “No your highness.” “Ah, and you knew i was princess because...?” Princess! that was it. “You are wearing a crown, miss, and on a throne in a castle” “I suppose so. Now, what is your name?” Her horn glowed dimly after she asked the question “Remy, miss. now may i ask why i am here? I haven't done anything wrong.” “Yes, of course, you tell no lies as far as i can tell. Guards, escort him to the courtyard, and bring his companion in.” The next few minutes were agonizing on the mind. Who is this princess, why can these ponies talk? where was he? It seemed centuries before the doors finally opened once more, as the guards escorted Justin out. Without looking at eachother, they just sat on a bench silent for a few minutes, before Justin finally broke the silence “she was covered in blood” “yeah, i don't know why,” “period?” “oh haha, very mature jay.” “Hey, just trying to lighten up the situation, no need to get so... hoarse about it!” we both laughed in unison. even if the joke was terrible. Hours passed, Jay and i both confused, eventually we decided to take a walk, but when we tried to walk off, a guard just gave us a weird look, before stopping us and saying we need to stay there. Eventually, the princess walked out of the room, and greeted us, saying we were free to go. She offered to transport us to a town called “ponyville” which she seemed to have some sort of attachment to. We had no choice but to accept, seeing as she was a princess, and we had no idea where we were. We waited for a few minutes, and 2 winged horses strapped to a chariot rolled around the corner. “Pimpin with style” Jay nudged me, chuckling. We climbed onto the chariot, and in a few short moments, it was in the air. Marvelling at the splendor of the area around us, we gasped in turn. Everything was perfect. There was nothing wrong, no cars, no powerlines streaming everywhere, it was the perfect world, a world without pollution. Once the chariot landed, we thanked the winged horses and went to find the nearest inn, The princess gave us both 100 bits each, the currency of the land. The inn keeper was kind, and gave us our own rooms, and said we could pay in the morning. but like everybody else, he gave us weird looks, as if we did something wrong. “I guess these horses haven't seen humans before” “No shit.” That night we both slept soundly. Especially without the noises of the big city. _________________________________________________________________________________________ I woke up in the morning and knocked on the wall to wake up Justin, i picked up my jacket with the edge of my fist and pulled it over, not even bothering with the sleeves. I picked up my bag with my arm and slung it over my shoulder. I put on my glasses and almost fell on the floor, still weak from the night before. pushing the door open with my foot i took a few steps outside, hearing my own footsteps quite loudly “strange, i don't remember putting my shoes on.” I walk over to Justin’s door, and give it a kick. The door opens, revealing a yellow horse with familiar looking hair. “oh sorry i think i have the wrong room” “You sure do you jackass” And then it hit me. “Jay?” “Wait, how the fuck did you know my-.... Remy? what the shit, you're a horse!” I looked down at myself, and fell down in shock, The sound i heard was my own hooves hitting the floorboards, and it wasn't a fist that draped my jacket over my shoulders, it was another pair of hooves. “Alright, what did you put in our drinks jay.” “I’m not a druggie dude.” “Just makin sure...” After we got over the confusion, we walked downstairs and paid the Innkeeper, 5 bits for the first night. Walking outside, every horse in sight stopped and stared at us. “Did we do something wrong?” “What makes you think that?” “Do i need to point it out?” After walking around the town, everyone stopping what they’re doing and looking at us, except for one pony, a minty blue coloured one with a horn, and a lyre on its flank, who just smiled at us. Moments later, they were greeted by a white horned horse with purple curly hair. “Oh you poor dears. That clothing is absolutely horrid! You must come with me right away to fix it up!” “err, that's alright miss i think well just..” “NONSENSE! I cannot ignore a pony who is in such desperate need for fashion help!” “Miss, i assure you-” “i wont have any of that, now come with me” I had had it with this horse, she just wouldn't leave us alone. “MISS! please! I don't want a fashion makeover!” “well if you INSIST i mean i was just trying to be generous but nooooo...” She walks off, sulking. Justin just gave me a look and shook his head. I was never one to care about my looks. After wandering around a while longer, we came across a large tree that seemed to be converted into a building, with “Library” engraved on a stone outside. Justin gave me another look, this time, worry on his face. “I don't think we should be studying, what with whatever is going on.” “Relax, i think that the more we know about wherever we are, the better well become accustomed to it.” The only reply was a groan. Opening the door and walking in, a bell rang. I searched through the shelves and found a book labelled “Equestrian history” With find the book that i needed, i leaned against a bookshelf and begun reading. It all sounded like something from a little girls TV show. But i decided to accept it and move on. After i finished the most important parts, i put the book back and looked around the shelves a little more. A voice sounded from the other side of the room. “Can i... help you?” Said a purple-green dragon with yet ANOTHER weird look on his face. “Im fine, thanks.” “great, now there are talking dragons, what next.” i mumbled to myself. Looking across the room, i saw Justin transfixed on a comic book. Typical. After a little more research, another horse walked into the room “Hey, i haven't seen you before, whats your name.” “Im Remy, and my starwad companion is argy- i mean Justin.” I said, cracking a small joke related to one of the videogames he plays often. He returned with an angry stare “Nice to meet you, I’m Twilight Sparkle. Im the librarian.” The air produces a small green flame, and is soon replaced by a small scroll with a wax seal on it. Unfurling the scroll, Twilight’s eyes widen, and soon replaced by a semi-serious look. “Hm. I see. You two better come with me.” She motions towards the door she came out of. Not really having a choice, we walked into the room, Twilight’s serious look replaced with confusion, like everyone else.” On entering the room, Twilight shuts the door. “look, If what the princess tells me is correct, then you two aren’t from around here. And, if you really didn't try to kill her, i have reason to trust you. “Kill her? Is that why she was covered in blood?” “Yes, but currently i believe that you, Remy, have more sense then that to kill anypony. And justin is too stupid to pull something like that off.” “hey!” “Anyway, i guess i’m the only pony to ask, but why do you walk on two legs?” “What do you mean, we always walk like this” “and you didn't notice everypony else walks on four?” “nope.” “Well anyway, im guessing everypony has been giving you weird looks, if you want to stop that, just walk on all fours. okay?” “ugh, okay.” “and take off your pants” “WHAT?” “What is with you, seriously” Her horn glowed and removed our pants. we looked at eachother, blushing and after seeing nothing, removed the thought from our minds and turned our attention to our flanks Mine was imprinted with a scroll and a quill, while Justin had an apple. “Before you ask, those are your cutie marks, each appears when you discover your special talent. but seeing as you two probably weren’t ponies since you were born, it was probably immediate.” I gave justin a huge grin after punching his flank “i.. used to live on an apple orchard...” he blushed. “Look, you two will want to blend in as much as possible. so try to stay out of trouble, and walk on all fours. If you want to ask anything, feel free to ask me.” she opened the door and motioned her head outside. After thanking her, we walked back towards the Inn. This time, no pony at all gave us any weird looks, except that same white mare with the purple hair. “This will take some time getting used to jay.” “Jay?” I turned my head and saw jay walking towards a building with a huge muffin on the roof labelled “sugarcube corner” I groaned. “This will be a long day”
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
A bell rang loudly as Justin and I entered sugarcube corner. The smell of sugar and sweets wafted through the air. I sighed as Justin took his time browsing through the selection of varying cakes and baked goods. I looked over to him and he was almost drooling over the pastries. He rung a bell and a cheery “CoooMMMiiiinG” came from the rafters. Within moments, a pink horse with poofy pink hair hopped down the staircase. “Now how can i help you two fine gentlecolts?” The pink pony asked. “Yeah, ill have a dozen-” I jabbed him in the thigh “HALF a dozen cupcakes, with extra sprinkles” “Coming right up!” The pink horse disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes, and came out later with 6 steaming hot cupcakes. “That’ll be 7 bits!” The horse tried to talk through gritted teeth, before turning the tray on its side to pour the cupcakes into a paper bag. Justin handed over the bits before grabbing the bag in his teeth, trying to thank the pink horse through a closed mouth. As we turned to leave, the pink horse chimed “HEY you’re new in town arn’t you! I KNOW! We should throw a PARTY!” Groaning, i replied “Of course, but maybe some other time, we have.... plans.” I tried to crack a smile, but all that came out was a small grin. The horse narrowed her eyes and stared at me. “okie. dokie. loki.” It seemed like she was staring at my very soul. After exiting the store(and enduring the creepiest thing in my life, except for being turned into a horse), we headed back to the inn. Upon entering, we found our belongings outside the door, with each door locked. It turns out that the Innkeeper had given our rooms away. Without even bothering to question why(we had enough on our minds), we walked towards the library. “She did say if we ever needed to know something, ask her” Jason pointed out. “Sure but i don't think she has 2 spare beds” I said, rolling my eyes. Once we reached the library, we found Twilight waiting by the door with a huge smile on her face. “Hello boys, i see the Innkeeper has already taken care of your things!” I was silent in shock, while i could see the rage being pent up inside Justin. “You didn't!?” Jay almost shouted “Yep! Oh, wait right here!” Twilight disappeared into the library “Hey rem, i seriously doubt that this “twilight” is one of the good guys, if you get what im saying” he whispered into my ear. “Calm down dude, im sure she had a reason.” Trying to remove his suggestion from my head. Moments later, she happily trotted outside, horn glowing. She gave us a wink and levitated a set of keys towards us. I shot Justin a “Told you so” look and thanked her very much. “It was a gift from princess Celestia!” she happily announced. Leading us to our newly owned house, Justin was sulking, he doesn't like being proven wrong. When we go to our house, Twilight stopped walking and let us open the door. As soon as we inched the door open just a little bit, streamers fell from the ceiling, and many horses were inside, shouting “surprise!” Needless to say, we were surprised. Until a certain pink horse bounced out of the crowd “Hey you two! I was thinking ‘hey, who doesn't like parties!’ so i threw you a party! look! even your friend lyra is here!” “Who?” we both asked at the same time “Duh, the bluey green pony that smiled at you today!” she pointed towards a horse that was sitting on a chair. like a human. I looked slightly to the left and see Justin pigging out on the snacks table, just like him. I mingled with the guests at the party, apparently they prefer being called “ponies” over “horses” Hours passed, and almost all the guests had gone home, except for twilight, the pink pony, and four others. Twilight whispered something to them and each came up to us, introducing themselves, starting with the pink one. “Heya! My names Pinkie pie, of course you should know that since i threw this party! but you’re new in town, so you probably don't! Did you enjoy the party? didya didya?” “yes. thank you” Pinkie pie bounded away, while an orange one trotted over with a basket of apples. After setting the apples onto the ground, she introduced herself “Howdy, Ah’m applejack. I run sweet apple acres alongside my big brother and granny smith. Ah don't know why, but ah like you two. Here’s a little housewarmin’ present” she pushed the basket over with her hoof. Not wanting to be rude(as Justin was still pigging out at the snack table, i don't even know how he managed it) I picked up the basket in my teeth and gave her a nod and a muffled “thanks”, before placing the basket on the kitchen table. I turn around and saw a light blue mare with wings looking me right in the face. Surprised, i gave a small yell and fell backwards “Hey, Im rainbow dash, im the fastest flier in all of Equestria!” She proved her point by flying around the house twice, not hitting a single thing, but messing up some of the party favors. while she was flying around, A purple-haired unicorn that I had met earlier in the day came up to me. “Oh, its you again, Im Rarity, and please, if you really need any... changes.. in your attire please call me as soon as you can! oh, and here.” She opened a box she had brought with her, producing a hoodie more fit for ponies. “Its not my BEST work, but I thought its better then nothing” “thank you very much miss Rarity, i appreciate it” “Oh it was nothing” Looking over at Justin again, i saw that he had moved from the snacks table to the couch, rubbing his stomach in pain. I chuckled. I look back and rainbow dash was arguing with twilight. something about ‘ruining peoples houses when showing off’. I almost didn't notice a small butter-yellow pegasus shying away from me. “Excuse me” i say, kneeling down on my front two legs “And what’s your name, beautiful” The pegasus blushes, before squeaking and darting out the door. “Thats fluttershy, shes well.... shy” Twilight interrupted. “I can tell.” i replied with a laugh “Well, you two seem fine for now, I guess we’ll be leaving. oh, and i left a small gift on each of your beds.” She winked, and left with the others. I jabbed Justin with my hoof, signalling him to go to sleep. He picked himself up at dragged his body up the staircase towards his bedroom. I went into mine, I heard a “HELL YES!” from the other room, and when i look on my bed, i found a “Ponies for dummies. written by Twilight Sparkle for Remy” “awesome” _____________________________________________________________________________ I wasn't tired at all, despite the party. I sat up all night reading Twilight’s explanation of Equestria and its inhabitants. It sure was nice of her to write this book for me. Turns out there’s three types of ponies. Unicorns, who can use magic, earth ponies, who are stronger, and pegasi, which can fly. Everything fascinated me. i couldn't contain my thirst for knowledge. I found the sun rising before i even felt the slightest bit tired. I was still transfixed on the book when i heard the “ting” of a rock hitting the window. I looked outside to find the butter-yellow pegasus “fluttershy” staring at the ground, scratching at the dirt with her hoof. I snuck past Justin’s door(which isn't easy when you have hooves) and exited the house. When i reached fluttershy, she was still shying away, but didn't run away this time. She looked at me, blushed and said “I.. think your cute too...” and with that, she sped away as fast as her wings could take her. I also found i was blushing myself. I turn around and heard snickering. Looking up, i saw that Justin was looking out the window with the widest grin you could imagine. “oooohhh i think your cute too remy mwah mwah mwah. oohhh lets be partners mwah mwah” he mocked. I picked up a rock and threw it at his face. He was still mocking me and didn't see it, so it landed square between the eyes. He yelled, and fell out of the window. landing on a bush below his window. I walked over and kicked him in the gut before walking back inside, laughing all the way, Not seeing a small butter-yellow figure, smiling from a tree. A while later Justin had recovered and had come inside, with a bandage on his face. “So Jay, what do you want for breakfast.” “i want bacon and eggs.” “All we have is apples and those cupcakes, and besides, they don't have bacon in Equestria” “WHAT” “Ponies are herbivores jay, they don't eat meat.” “Then lets go get our own bacon. I saw some pigs the other day” I pause, make sure i have his attention, and present that we infact were ponies. “ugh fine, just throw me one of those apples” He was still reading his comic book, the present left by twilight the night before, when i threw the apple at him, he caught it, but with his face, hitting in the exact location as the rock. “AH WHAT THE FUCK? what was that for?” “You said throw it at you” i smirked “I didn't mean- ugh!” He placed his hoof to the bandage on his face “Whatever, just eat your apple and be quiet” He quieted down, but continued to mumble to himself. I asked how many bits Justin had left, but he just gave me a stare, before telling me to go fuck myself. I had 95 bits, and needed to go grocery shopping, and thank twilight for the book. I strapped on my backpack(which still wasn't easy with hooves, and opening it was even harder) and headed out. The town wasn't as busy as it was the day before, but still had ponies here and there. As i headed towards the market area, i saw a familiar pony, Lyra, her name was, waving at me. I waved back. When i reached the market area, i was greeted by Applejack, running the stall for sweet apple acres. I thanked her properly for the apples, and agreed to buy some apple fritters, 4 bits for a dozen. After saying goodbye to applejack, i bought carrots, one bag for 6 bits, 2 bags of hay, 1 bit per bag, 2 loafs of bread, 3 bits for both, and some baking supplies for 10 bits. all adding up to 28 bits. Applejack offered to help carry the bags back to my house, leaving her sister Applebloom to run the stall(probably not the best idea, from what i saw). When we got back, i thanked her and went inside, Justin was pretending to be passed out from hunger on the couch. I plated up two apple fritters and a hay and carrot sandwich each, and he got up and began eating. “You know, this isn't too bad.” Justin said, gulping another mouthful of the sandwich. I was still thinking about what happened earlier, with fluttershy. It was the first time that I’d been called cute(by a girl anyway *shudder*). Normally I’d be ecstatic, but she was a pony, and i was just a human trapped in a ponies body. I nibbled on the food, Justin was right, it tasted good. But i couldn't get my mind off that one singular thing. After we both finished, i washed the plates and went back upstairs to read. When i opened the door however, it was a small shock to me. On top of the book twilight gave to me, was a picture of fluttershy, with a butter-yellow feather ontop. I smiled, placed them both in my backpack, and resumed reading. However, it was difficult with the thoughts that plagued my mind. One chapter, however, spoke out to me in my current mental state. It was titled “Feelings”.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
I looked at the cover of the book. Even though it was blank, except for words, I was amazed at everything the book had taught me, and i had Twilight to thank for it. It was the afternoon, and I had just finished making Justin and I lunch. After washing the dishes, and cleaning up, i went outside to collect the mail from the local mailmare. Nothing much, just fliers for local business, yet another party invitation from Pinkie Pie, and a letter for Justin. I walked inside, spinning Justin’s letter through the air at him like a ninja star. He caught it in his mouth, and proceeded to tear it open. “Awesome, my subscription to DJ-Pon3 has been received!” He was pumping his hooves in the air mouthing a silent ‘YES!’ I laughed a little, and put the invitation on the pile. That was the eleventh invitation we had received in the past 2 days, apparently every pony in the town wanted us at their parties. I proceeded to sit down and doze off, only to be woken by a large knock on the door. I sluggishly dragged myself to the door and opened it up, Two royal guardponies and twilight sparkle were standing there, twilight with a stern look on her face. “I’m afraid you two will have to come with me” She said it as if we weren’t friends. “What is it this time, twilight?” I questioned, i didn't really want to be dragged out of the house for no reason. “There has been another assassination attempt against the princess, and you two are the main suspects.” She sounded serious. I was very shocked to hear this, as i had seen the princess days beforehand, covered in blood. “Hang on, ill go get Justin” I walked upstairs to go wake up Justin, they didn't follow me, i guess they didn't need to. I opened the door to his room, and saw him lying on the bed, facing away from me, listening to music with his MP3 player. I walk over to him and yank out the headphones with full force. He screamed a little and fell off the bed. Twilight suddenly appeared next to me “Hey whats taking so lo- PFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHHAHHA” She fell on the floor laughing. Justin quickly got up and walked over to the door. “So whats the problem?” he asks, trying to sound more manly then usual. “You two will need to come with us, don't worry your house will be left as it is. and if it isn't you, then you will be reimbursed.” She stated, sounding more official then usual “We will give you 2 minutes to pack your things, before we will need you to get on the chariot to canterlot. Justin didn't question her, and packed MP3, some food and his spare jacket. I grab my backpack, and place twilight’s book in it, along with the picture of fluttershy and her feather. When we reached the exit to the house, each guardpony searched our bags for any weapons at all, and when they found none, they returned them. Twilight however, spotted Fluttershy’s photo and feather and questioned it. “Where did you get these?” Twilight asked, sounding like she was accusing my of something. “Fluttershy gave them to me..” I blushed. Twilight narrowed her eyes and frowned “If i find out that you did anything to her-” She was interrupted by a yelling from the distance. “NOOOOOOOOO!” Fluttershy burst from the bushes, tackling Twilight with full force, pinning her to the ground. “I wont let you take him away” her eyes were almost tearing up. “Fluttershy, please.” Her horn glows as she levitates Fluttershy off. “I don't want to do this as much as you, but if its to help save princess Celestia’s life, i haven't got a choice.” “Twilight.. I know he didn't do it, i just know!” Fluttershy was shouting, one thing that twilight didn't even think was possible. “He.... He wouldn't.... COULDN'T!” She was in tears now, I didn't know that she cared that much for me. I was almost in tears myself. After a few seconds of silence, save for the sound of tears hitting the ground, Twilight finally motioned for the guards to take us onto the chariot, while she stayed behind to comfort Fluttershy. I picked up my bag and threw twilight an earth encyclopedia, which i had previously signed as a thank you for the equestrian version twilight wrote. She caught it using her magic and gave me a nod. I dropped a tear as the pegasus ponies fly us towards canterlot. _____________________________________________________________________________ Once the chariot landed in canterlot, Justin was left outside while i was forcefully taken to the princesses court, for the second time. There, the princess was sitting once more on her throne, She was not covered in blood, but had a large gash on the side of her face. Her look wasn't of malice, anger, hate nor concern. It was a look of confusion. She spoke. “Why must you two mock me, in these times of fear and concern?” Her voice was not as caring as it was last time. “E-excuse me princess, but whatever do you mean? And, may i ask, why is there a huge gash mark on the side of your face?” I questioned, hoping it would not lead to either of our punishments. “The last time we spoke, you both said you had no idea of any assassination ploys. But as you can see from my face, I’m questioning the validity of that statement.” Her voice becoming stern. “Princess, I assure you we both have had nothing to do with any assassination attempts.” “Oh really, then how is it that you so quickly found about our ways?” “That would be thanks to the effort of a miss ‘Twilight Sparkle’” I reached into my backpack and brought out the book she had so carefully written. The princess took the book and sent out a letter, within moments another letter appeared with a puff of green flames. Once she read the letter, her stern face was replaced with one of a caring, benevolent ruler. “I am truly sorry for this, and for any pain it has caused you. I will ask my guards to-” She was interrupted as Justin burst into the room “HE’S DEAD!” He shouted while mumbling inane words to himself. Me and princess celestia were both stunned in shock, before she broke the silence between us “Who’s dead?” her voice was very worried. “I don't know, but i think the guards said that his name was “Silver Shield” His voice became more worrying by the second. “What... happened...?” Celestia was unusually worried. Justin didn't reply, but instead rose his hoof to a stained glass window close to celestia’s throne. We both turned our heads to see a spear, twice the size of a pony, piercing the window and a guard’s head, I was trying as hard as i can not to throw up. Princess Celestia had soundproofed the room so nopony could listen in, which is why we didn't notice straight away. Justin broke the scary silence. “Red.. Unicorn.. like in the forest when we arrived Rem...” he was shuddering enough to shake even the sturdiest table. “Red unicorn?” Celestia had a surprised look on her face “This is worse then i thought. Did you get a look at his flank?” “Yes... It was a black hood with a knife in the background” “Oh no.. Stone wall?” Celestia called one of her guards “Yes princess?” A grey pony wearing golden armor revealed himself “Call the royal glass-blowers, i need shatter proof glass installed.” Stone wall took one look at the scene and nodded. Princess Celestia once again apologized to us and her horn glowed. A flash of light, and we were back at our house, with a basket of muffins with an apology letter ribboned to the top. We looked at each other and with a solemn nod, i grabbed the basket and we went inside. ______________________________________________________________________________ I couldn't sleep that night, the images of both fluttershy crying, and a guards bleeding head haunted me. If that guard wasn't standing there at that exact moment, Celestia would be dead. My mind went back to fluttershy, she was so worried... about me... Did she even know my name? I didn't even care anymore, all that mattered to me right now was that she was safe. As the thoughts of the guard left my mind, and fluttershy replaced them, i fell asleep just as the sun was coming up. I awoke around midday, after getting no nights rest whatsoever. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling for a while. I got up, put on my hoodie, and went downstairs, Justin was still asleep. I ate one of the apples in the fridge and went to go sit on the couch. But to my surprise, the couch was already taken. Fluttershy was sleeping on the couch hugging the encyclopedia i gave twilight when we left. I couldn't wake her up, it didn't feel right. I lay next to her and gave her a little nuzzle. Then i fell asleep next to my very first love. I woke up again, this time it was only around an hour later, with fluttershy still by my side. I pulled an extra blanket from the cupboards and draped it over her. I made two sandwiches, and put one on a plate next to Fluttershy’s head. After i finished mine, i headed out. I had to talk to Twilight. When i reached the library, it was empty(like usual, for a library anyway.). Twilight was busy reading more books. I knocked on the door frame to let her know that i was here. She jumped and almost screamed. I laughed. “Oh, its you. I take it that the meeting went better then expected?” “Actually no, she almost got assassinated. again.” I was confused, as i thought the princess told her everything. “WHAT? You didn't?” “No. A red unicorn with a black hood+knife cutie mark tried to launch a spear at her head, they didn't succeed, but they killed a guard by the name of “Silver shield” in the process.” Twilight was horrified, but eventually pulled herself together, eager to change the subject. “So what can i do for you?” “Im here to give you this” i retrieved the encyclopedia from my backpack, and hand it over. She took it and read the title. Her eyes immediately widened as she used her magic to re-shelf all the books thrown around the library. She placed the encyclopedia on a small pedestal and opened it up. “Oh boy you would have no idea how long i was waiting for fluttershy to hand it over, you know... She seems to like you.” She winked, I just blushed. “She really cares for you, more then any of her animals..” her eyes painted with sadness as she starts to read, starting from the anatomy of a human. I couldn't think of a reply, i just sat there in silence before turning for the door. “Oh, and Remy?”she asks. I turn my head “Don’t worry about Celestia, shes the princess. I’m sure she can handle herself.” She smiled. I left, but princess Celestia was the last thing on my mind. _____________________________________________________________________________ I got home, Justin was still asleep, Fluttershy was gone, the blanket returned to the cupboard, the sandwich eaten. There was a thank you note on the desk with 3 hearts drawn on it. She really was a kind mare. I smiled to myself, it was very nice of her to wait there until i woke up. I found myself blushing. After a few minutes, Justin came downstairs, finally. I fixed him up some food and after, we went around town for a while. I got a job at Sofas and Quills, hired by a pony by the name of Davenport. We needed the bits, as the amount the princess gave to us was not enough to sustain us for an extended period of time. Afterwards, we went to sugarcube corner, so Justin could stock up on more baked goods. I bought Justin another comic book and told him to go home, because i had to do something. He was more then happy to, rather then be dragged around town all day. I arrived at Fluttershy’s hut around half an hour later. The sun was setting and the animals were going into their coops. I knocked on the door, only to be greeted by a hulk-grade hug, and a crying pony. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but i guessed that it was what happened the night before. I hugged her back and held her for a while, embracing the moment. When she finally calmed down, she let me inside and we both sat down on her couch. All her animals were outside(even her pet rabbit, angel) because she didn't want them to hear her cry. She explained to me, with tears in her eyes, that seeing me being taken away was one of the worst things that has ever happened to her. even worse then when she was bullied in cloudsdale. Feelings i didn't even know existed in me unlocked. I felt pity, and sadness. I hugged her harder then she had hugged me. The sun set as we held each other in our arms.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
I was laying next to fluttershy as she slept, there was a pool of our collected tears on the floor. The sun had set and all the animals slept, except the nocturnal ones. Listening to her reminded me of the time i was bullied back in primary school. I didn't know it back then, but i was being taken advantage of by the people who i thought were my friends. And seeing fluttershy made those horrible memories seem like a bad dream. Once i was able to pull myself together, i got up and left her house. Of course i didn't want to leave but Justin was still waiting at our house, no doubt waiting for dinner. On my way home i could swear i saw something watching me. Like a pair of scarlet eyes, constantly in contact with my body. I was cautious, after what happened at the castle i shuddered to think of the same thing happening to me. Something was wrong, and i could sense it. I got to the house and Justin was literally slumped in front of the door, pretending to have died of hunger. He jumped up once he heard me coming, and immediately went inside, before i could even say hi. When i got inside he didn't even question where i was, all that came from his mouth was “Im hungry” “Fine, ill cook something up, luckily ONE of us bothered to go get cooking supplies.” I shot him a look before grabbing some ingredients from the cupboard. “Fine, but you could have come home sooner, its already night!” He was complaining now, i was trying my best not to slap him. “How many times do i have to explain this Jay, The sun and the moon periodically move according to the princess sisters. its only 6 pm.” I pointed to a clock mounted to a wall, indicating it was in fact 6 pm. It was only met with a groan as i continued to prepare. I decided on a carrot and apple stew, using hay for the broth. Once it was done i dished up two bowls, i was about to pour a third, but remembered that fluttershy wasn't here anymore. I placed the third bowl back, and sat down to eat. As i bent down to sip, i noticed Justin with a huge grin. “So, you find ya’self a girlfriend eh?” He said in a mocking tone. “As a matter of fact, yes. better then you’ve ever done” I smirked, turning his mockery around was one of my favourite things. He shut up and turned a nice shade of red. I finished my stew and placed the bowl in the sink, as i bent down to turn the taps, i heard the sounds of a window breaking, and something pass just over my neck. I quickly turned around to see Justin with his mouth gaping wide open, and a small dart with a glass casing lodged in the table. A purple liquid was seeping out of the end of the needle. I quickly tackled Justin and dragged him upstairs, as several more identical needles pierced the windows, aiming for us. We got upstairs and closed our bedroom windows, trying to keep us out of any line of fire. Neither of us knew what was going on, but i had a hunch it was something to do with those scarlet eyes i saw earlier. I poked my head slightly above the windowsill, looking for those scarlet eyes i saw earlier in the night. I found them, just under a tree, Our eyes met, and as soon as they did, the scarlet eyes opened wider before running away. “I think were safe for now.” I whispered quietly to Justin “Woah im feelin’ kinda woozy” He fell to the floor, i inspected him and found one of the darts had been lodged in his neck. Shitscared, i check his pulse, it was regular, and so was his breathing. He had just fallen asleep. I sigh and drag him to his bed, placing the covers over him before returning to my own bed. Hoping that we would be safe. And i was right. I woke up in the morning, earlier then usual. The windows had been repaired (courtesy of the mailmare who ordered replacements while delivering the morning mail), The house wasn't even locked. and nothing was moved or touched. Even the dishes were done(I still haven't figured out who by). Everything was peaceful and calm. Justin literally rolled down the stairs, still under the effect of the serum that was in the needle. He opened his mouth to talk but all that came out was “oapjoeejwfagnakmfkmmmm” as he slobbered over the floor. I grabbed his tail and dragged him to the clinic to find some form of antidote. I don't think he appreciated being dragged along the stone and dirt, as he was screaming half the time. Once we got to the clinic, i dumped him infront of the counter and told the deskpony what was wrong, she said she’d call a toxin specialist. When he arrived, he pulled a needle and a jar out of his bag, and injected Justin with the antidote. After a few minutes of stumbling about, he was finally able to stand on all fours again. “Ugh. finally, now Rem, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT!?” she shouted “Hush!” the deskpony shushed, “There are foals in the room!” “sorry.” He jabbed my side and told me to come outside. I obliged. Once we got outside he continued. “Seriously, that was completely unnecessary, i was scared shitless” “whatever do you mean?” I replied innocently “Don’t be a smart ass. You dragged me along the ground by my tail. through ROCKS and dirt!” “youll live.” “UGH!” he threw up his hooves in frustration and ran back to the house. I eventually caught up, but infront of our house. He had stopped and i thought it was to wait for me, but instead i saw why he was so silent. The house was trashed. The window panes broken, the drawers pulled out, the fridge raided, the only thing that remained was my backpack, which still had everything inside. I didn't bother to question why they left it alone, because i knew Justin didn't know. The only thing that remained was a large knife in the table that was piercing a note. I picked up the note and read it aloud “We have kidnapped your girlfriend, if you ever wish to see her again, bring princess Celestia ALONE to the castle of the old pony sisters at midnight.” I was shaking like an earthquake. They had fluttershy, what could i do? I cant just BRING the princess somewhere, and that would be getting her assassinated, which would be worse then... i didn't want to think about it. The first thing i thought of was going to Twilight, who else could know what to do in a situation like this? she does read a lot of books. I sped to Twilight’s as fast as i could, ignoring whatever Justin was yelling behind me. When i got there, i didn't bother to knock, i bucked open the door and ran inside. Twilight, still halfway through the earth encyclopedia(it was a big book.), yelped and threw a book at me with her magic in surprise. I didn't bother to waste time with talking, i just ran up and threw the kidnappers note onto the pedestal she was reading off. She read the note and her eyes widened “We have to contact princess celestia right away! SPIKE!” she shouted. “what is it twilight?” a familiar baby dragon walked out of his room “Prepare to send a message to the princess, i need this to be sent as soon as possible!” She started speaking aloud the contents of the letter as spike wrote them down. “Dear princess celestia, It has come to my attention that a group of ponies, most likely your assailants, have kidnapped one of my dearest friends Fluttershy, who is also the bearer of the Element of Kindness, I have enclosed the letter received by Remy, which seems to request your alone presence at the castle of the two pony sisters. It is no doubt a trap. Please be careful and reply as soon as possible. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle” Spike tied the note and letter with the royal seal and with a breath of fire, it disappeared. Moments later, there was a puff of smoke, and a message fell through the air, Twilight quickly unravelled it and read aloud “Dear Twilight sparkle, this is bad news indeed. If what the message reads is correct, then i am afraid there is little i can do, seeing as i am the main target, and barely being safe in my own castle, it would be unwise to venture into the everfree. However, i can offer you some assistance. I shall send four guards to assist you, Please bring the other elements of harmony to the castle of the pony sisters, If they really do have fluttershy, then the elements of harmony would be your best choice of defence. I am sincerely sorry for not being able to assist you personally, but due to my own safety and the safety of the kingdom i cannot. Your mentor, Princess Celestia” I sighed “Great, now what” “Well, we need to check to see if they actually have fluttershy, there would be no sense in endangering ourselves if there wasn't a reason for it.” She closes the encyclopedia(with a bookmark in it), and we go to Fluttershy’s house. Upon arrival, the scene seems normal, nothing out of place, broken, or anything. But when we open the door, it was almost as bad as my house. There were scratches everywhere from fluttershy trying to hold onto the floor and other objects when being dragged, there were those strange darts in various places, her fridge was also raided. A rage built up inside me, i could not control my anger. I was so angry with how they treated her, a lady, just mercilessly dragged around and drugged. I screamed ferociously in anger and kicked a chair nearby as hard as i could, it went flying through the air and smashed through a window. I turned to see the window that i smashed, only to see a red pony with crimson eyes staring at me through the window. Our eyes locked, and i sprinted through the door, chasing this red pony. Twilight saw what was happening and also helped, trying to trip the pony up with her magic, it helped, but only a bit. Eventually the red pony tripped on a large stone and skidded across the ground, possibly taking off a bit of skin in the process. I leaped on top of her and pinned her to the ground, knowing where all the joints are in a pony, it wasn't that hard. “Please!” she pleaded “Let me go... I was just curious, is all..” “Then why did you try to put me and my friend to sleep last night?” I was furious.. “I.. didn't have a choice.. they made me do it..” I normally wouldn't have believed her, but since she did leave us alone after i saw her, it did make her story more believable. I eased up on her arms, but still didn't let her go. I needed to find out what happened to fluttershy and why they were trying to ‘off’ Celestia. I stared at her longer, and noticed her cutie mark. It was a black hood with a knife in the background. But she wasn't a unicorn, and she didn't seem like the kind of pony to kill anyone. I rubbed the cutie mark with my elbow, and it came off. It must have been some sort of cult symbol. “Why are you doing this?” I questioned, seeing the fear in the mares eyes. “The assassins.. they... They have my family..."
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
“Your family? But why would assassins want your family?” I released my grip on her, she didn't run, but was prepared to. “My family has housed the plans for Canterlot for generations. I didn't know why anypony would want them until the syndicate took my family..” Twilight caught up to us, surprised to see that the pony had stopped running. “Hey, what gives? why aren’t you stopping her from running away?” she asked, as if she WANTED to throw this pony in jail, or worse. “The assassins have more then fluttershy, twilight.” I gave her a worrying look. She understood. “They said that if i ever wanted to see them again, i had to help with what they were doing” “Well if we are going to save them both, we are going to need a few things..” I explain the plan to them both, and once again to the other four bearers of the elements of harmony. After collecting the supplies, i followed twilight towards the old castle of the pony sisters. “So, i never found out. What was your name again?” I asked the red mare, trying to be friendly and lighten the dark mood. The mare stopped. And with hesitation, turned her head and forced out the words. “My.. my name is Crimson..” She turned her head back towards the trail ahead. And continued her walk. “Alright. were here.” twilight said “Everypony get into position.” Crimson and the other 5 ponies hid behind rubble and trees. Twilights horn glowed and levitated a lifelike lookalike Celestia doll from the bushes. Rarity did a great job putting it together and making it look realistic. Twilight made the doll walk just as if it was the real celestia, looking regal. I walked into the castle remenants, with the celestia doll trailing behind. As if on cue, four ponies wearing hoods leaped down from above. One of them carrying a large Hessian sack. One of them removed his hood. It was a red pony with a unicorn horn. His voice broke the darkness. “Wise choice, sir. Now if you’ll leave us alone, you can have your girlfriend back.” He lifts up a hoof, and the assassin carrying the sack empties it, a crying fluttershy covered in bruises tumbles out. I did my best to contain my anger for them hurting fluttershy, i picked her up, as she was too weak to walk, and made my way out of the ruins. When i reached where twilight was hiding, i placed fluttershy on the ground while twilight did the best to use her healing magic. When that didn't work, i placed ointment on her bruises and did my best to comfort her. “Fluttershy, are you alright?” I hugged her, she stopped crying and opened her eyes. her face immediately was painted with a relieved smile and tackled me to the ground in a monster hug. “Dont ever leave again” was the only words she could manage. i smiled and hugged her back. After explaining the plan to her, i looked out and saw the doll celestia surrounded by assassins. each holding a weapon. The red unicorn walked out amongst the group, and spoke. “Princess celestia, you are hereby tried by the dark syndicate for banishing our bloodline over three hundred years ago. How do you plea?” Silence was met by the question, as it was only a doll. “Fine, then the jury hereby finds you..” he stopped as the rest of the assassins shouted “GUILTY” and each weapon pierced the dolls throat. Fluff spills out, and a chorus of gasps rises from the circle. The head of the doll falls off, and the entire thing slumps to the ground. “ITSA FAKE!” the red unicorn shouted “that’s our cue girls!” twilight motioned each of the ponies as they put on their necklaces, and twilight put on her crown. she turned to fluttershy. “are you going to be alright to do this? it can always wait until another time.” “N.... No.... Im.. fine..” She puts the necklace on and struggles to lift herself to her feet. “Fluttershy..” i interrupted “you don't have to do this..” i placed my hoof on her shoulder “I.. have to..” “If you say so..” I stood back, not wanting to cause any disturbance. Each of the six ponies walked out of their hiding places, in full sight of the assassins. One of them threw a spear at twilight, but it snapped in midair. A spark connected each of the six, as they rose from the ground. Their jewellery lit up, as light filled the area, as it had once before. A rainbow shot out from twilight, connecting her, rainbow dash, rarity, applejack, and fluttershy in turn. The rainbow closed in on the circle of assassins, then finally shot out and encased each one in a bright glow of the color spectrum. Yells and screams were heard as the hot rainbow lifted each of the ponies off the ground, and shot them into the vacuum of space, never to be seen again. The elements of harmony did what i read in the book, Purified. And these ponies were nothing but corrupt thoughts and ideas. The six lowered to the ground, their jewellery dimmed. A chorus of cheers rose up from them, as they gave each other a hug. I saw Crimson starting to walk away. “Hey Crimson, where are you going?” i asked, she stopped. “Im going home, now that the assassins are gone, i don't have a chance to find my parents. I was never shown their hideout, so i don't know where they are.” She starts to walk away again, but is interrupted by a familiar voice. “Crimson?” The red mare turned around, her eyes widening and a smile slapped on her face. There, in front of her, was two ponies, one red, the other a greeny brown. Crimson ran towards the two and gave them a large hug. I could only assume they were her parents. Tears were streaming down her smiling face. “I missed you so much... where did they take you?” she asked her parents “Im not sure, the last thing i remember was a unicorns magic surrounding me, now im here” her mother answered. Her father just nodded in agreement. Twilight walked up to the trio and answered “Brainwashing, i haven't seen it myself, but it could be the reason their bloodline was banished. it is a very evil magic to practice.” I left them alone to their reunion, and walked over to fluttershy. “You alright?” “I’m feeling much better. Thank you” she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her, i was so worried before, but now that the threat was gone, i hadn’t any more reason to worry. the love of my life was back, and no longer harmed. Her bruises were gone, a work done by the purifying magic of the elements of harmony. Fluttershy kissed me on the neck, i blushed. even if it wasn't on the lips i hadn’t been kissed before, save for my mother. I kissed her back. embracing the moment. I heard giggling and saw rainbow dash on the ground, laughing her flank off. Fluttershy shot her a glare and she immediately shut up. I looked over and see a few guardponies that twilight called for cleaning up the robes and weapons of the assassins. Good riddance i say. Twilight and the gang were waiting for rarity to stop crying over the celestia doll being destroyed(it took her a while to make it). I let go of fluttershy and gave her a nuzzle. she blushed. After a few moments of staring into eachothers eyes, we finally got a hold of ourselves and joined the others. After small conversations about what just happened, We start walking back to ponyville, i turn around to see Crimson walk away with her family. Her fake cutie mark now replaced with blueprints and a compass. I smile and walk away with the others. When we got back to ponyville, my houses door was open, everything had been repaired, and some ponies wearing hard hats walked out carrying boxes of tools and materials. Princess luna was acting as the foreman. I walked up to her and asked what was going on, “We are rebuilding your house, after some nutcase burnt it down.” “oh ok.. wait WHAT?” Me and the other ponies gasped, until Luna explained further “Some moron left the stove running with what seemed to be hay, apples, and carrots in a pot.” i facehoofed. “Justin” A yellow colt poked his head around the corner of the house “YES?” I pointed a hoof at the house with an angry glare “Ohhhh yeaaaah, you werent around and i got hungry, so i thought i would try cooking!” “you fell asleep didn't you” “yes.” I sighed and walked in. Luckily i always carry my backpack around, that was something i didn't want to lose. The house looked pretty much the same, except it wasn't destroyed. I asked Twilight to send a message to Celestia to tell her that the assassins were taken care of. She nodded and went back to the library, with the other ponies following behind. Fluttershy stayed with me and Justin, as her house was still a wreck, and she was slightly traumatised by what happened earlier. I cooked us all up a meal, including Luna(who left shortly after, thanking us and returning to canterlot). I told Justin what happened, he had no initial reaction, but offered to wash up(i was actually surprised by this). I went to my room, only to find that fluttershy had taken residence in my bed, and she was fast asleep. She looked cute when she was sleeping. I got under the covers and fell asleep. ______________________________________________________________________________ I woke up the next morning holding fluttershy with her head on my shoulder. Nothing happened, but i was sure glad to wake up next to her then by myself. I lay there for who knows how long before finally being woken up by Justin opening the door. He poked his head in “Psst, hey Rem, Breakfast maybe?” After what had apparently been his fault last time, i didn't want to take any chances(he could probably ruin cereal). I carefully left the room, so i didn't wake fluttershy. I got downstairs and pulled out a box of “Apple-Os”. Justin had gone shopping and already refilled the cupboards with food(if it was a good idea or not, ill have no idea.) I poured two bowls of cereal for both of us, and set them on the table. Midway through eating my cereal, Justin smiled. “So, i see you two.. you know.. had a little fun.” he gave me a nudge I turned bright red “No, Justin, we didn't.. ugh..” I just stopped bothering and started eating my cereal again. A few minutes after we both finish, i was reading a book i borrowed from the library, it was more about the elements of harmony. I was curious to know more about these symbols of magnificent power. I got about halfway through the book when fluttershy walked down the stairs. “Hey. You want something to eat?” i ask, glad that she was finally awake. “Im... fine thanks...” she was still tired, and i wasn't surprised. she spent the entire night tossing and turning and talking in her sleep. she lay down on the couch and started to snooze. Justin was out of the house, something about being bored and looking for something to do. I heard a knock on the door, expecting Justin, it was someone completely different. It was Princess Celestia! She thanked me for helping with the effort to stop the assassins. and asked to come inside. Not wanting to be rude, i let her in and made some tea. “So, you came up with the plan to stop the assassins, correct?” she levitated the cup to her mouth, taking a sip. “Yes, your highness.” “well it was a good idea. and i thank you very much for taking care of the problem. It was a pain not even being able to even eat without worrying about poison.” she laughed. “Of course princess, that would have been very inconvenient.” “Ah yes.. now what was i here for? AH yes!” she gave a little whistle, and a familiar red mare walked through the door. “Crimson!” i said “How good to see you!” I greeted her, closing the door when she was inside. “Now is there something i can do for you two?” “Yes. actually. there is something you might want to know” Princess celestia placed her tea on the table Crimson took that as her cue and spoke up “I have a way to return you back to your planet!” she cheerily said. I look behind them and see Fluttershy, awake on the couch, her eyes tearing up. The first tear hit the floor as she ran out of the house.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
I looked out of the window. Fluttershy was running back to her house, a trail of tears left in her wake. As much as I’d like to go after her, i had to find out what Crimson had found. “So, about that way to get back to earth..” “Ah, right.” Crimson pulled out a blueprint from her saddlebag, and unfurled it on the table. “You see, when the assassins brought you here, they needed a scapegoat, they left behind their ritual site. Which has all the necessary symbols and items and whatnot. If we can replicate the levels of magic, we SHOULD be able to reproduce the same type of portal to get you back to your planet.”She passes her hoof over the blueprints, pointing out each sequence needed. Princess celestia arose from her chair. “And if we use the purifying magic of the elements of harmony, we should be able to return you both to your normal forms” She gets up, and heads for the door. “Thank you for the tea. Ill be sure to show up when you are departing.” The princess walks out, and flies back to canterlot. I turn to Crimson “Now if youll excuse me, i think i should go. Could you wait for Justin and tell him when he gets back?” She nods, and i sprint out the door after Fluttershy. I ignored the ponies looking at me, i had to catch up to Fluttershy. I couldn't stand seeing her in tears, and i couldn't let her bawl her eyes out knowing i was part of the cause. I get to her house, following the evaporating trail of teardrops. The door was shut, and the entire place was still a wreck. I peered in the window and saw fluttershy bunched up on the floor, in a pool of tears. I knocked on the door, she only told me to go away. Like hell i was going to. I bucked open the door, and walked inside. Fluttershy didn't even look up. I lay down to comfort her, she cried even harder. I grabbed her head in my hooves and lifted her face to mine. staring her straight in the eyes. “Fluttershy. you know i wouldn't do anything to hurt you.” trying to calm her down. “But i already have a home. and i cant stay. Would your animals like it if you took them from their nests one day, and never let them go back?” She shook her head slightly. “I love you fluttershy, but this cant work if we live on different planets.” I let her head down, and walked out. trying not to look back. The walk back home was the hardest I’ve ever had to endure. When i got home, Justin was waiting eagerly in the living room, for both going back to earth, and lunch. I swear if something ever happened to me, this guy would starve. After lunch, I went to the library to check on twilight and explain what was going on. When i got there, she was just finishing up on the encyclopedia. She closed the book and began asking me as many questions i answered as many as i could before i could finally get a proper word in. “Twilight!” she stopped as she was about to ask another question. “I need to know if you and the other elements of harmony could accompany me and Justin tonight, in the everfree forest.” “Well i guess we could, but why do you need us to go in there? Rarity is still pretty torn up about the celestia doll.” I explain the plan, she agrees but a tone of reluctance in her voice. After thanking her for agreeing, i walk around town, saying goodbye to lyra, and any other of the ponies i recognized from the party a few days beforehand. I decided to have one last party before we left, so i dropped by sugarcube corner. and asked pinkie pie. She said she could set up a party faster then you could say “rainbow dash in a cup cake”. I got home, Justin was listening to his Ipod while lying on the couch. “Sup nigz.” he greeted me. “Nothing, mind helping me pack?” “pack what? we don't own anything.” “Oh yeah.” I didn't really know how to occupy my time, i didn't have an ipod and there wasn't really much to do in ponyville when you spent your life growing up surrounded by technology. So i spent countless hours, staring at the sky. I watched the pegasus ponies, arranging the clouds. It was something a human could marvel at. the way that the winged horses flew around with grace, and placing each cloud as the town needed. Sure would be something to miss. I gave up looking at the sky. It did get boring after the first few hours. I left the house again, and made my way to the markets. I guessed i should spend the bits before they became useless. I bought 4 dozen fritters, a basket of apples, a few cakes, a bag of cup cakes from pinkie, and some misc vegetables. If i was going to have a going away party, i wanted to get good foods to enjoy the moment. When i got home to drop off the food, Justin shoved a poster in my face. It was a flier for a pony named “bon-bon” singing at the local concert hall. “I heard her voice was like silk bro! we can’t pass this up.” “Hey i didn't know you were one for classical music Jay.” I pointed to a part of the poster pointing out that Lyra was performing the background tune “I don’t know who you are anymore... Of course i like classical music! i love it! just because Dj Pon-3 doesn’t mean i don’t like the older stuff too!” “Alright then. When is it?” “I... uh...” he began frantically searching through the writing until he spotted it. he turned it around and pointed out 5:00 p.m. “it should be long enough to span the time between now and our ‘trip’ later.” “Alrighty then. its about..” i look at the wall clock “4:30 now, anything you need to do before we get there?” he looked around the room, everything was cleaned and ready for us to leave. he simply shrugged in reply. “alright then. Lets go.” We left the house, on our way to the concert hall we saw a few ponies we recognized. Lyra was one of them, along with twilight and rarity. When we got to the hall, we waited for the show to begin. When the show began, i saw many of the ponies enjoying the sounds. but i only had fluttershy on my mind. I wasn't sure if i did the right thing, or traumatised her by leading her on, only to tell her i had to leave. I just wanted to say that i was sorry. I caught a few notes, but fluttershy quickly found her way back into my mind. Before i even knew it, the show was over. I spent the entire time thinking about what i did to fluttershy and what could happen. The thought of her killing herself somehow crawled its way into my mind, i quickly dispersed these thoughts. If i thought about that any longer i would probably go down that road myself. The walk home was silent. We had to get ready to leave. I stopped by the library on the way and let twilight know to send a letter to Celestia that we were ready. Once we were home, i packed any extra clothes i had, and kept a few things as mementos. Justin just packed his DJ-Pon3 albums and ipod. Once everything was packed, i followed Crimson’s instructions to get to the ritual site. It was a long path, and we almost got attacked by a manticore. But we got there safely, as princess Celestia and the other six arrived shortly after(including fluttershy) Celestias horn glowed, and the symbols on the ground started to spin faster and faster, until eventually it became nothing but a red pulsating circle on the ground. The symbols rose into the air, then a spark caused each of the symbols to link together, spinning fast enough to create a portal like effect. Celestia’s voice rose from the whir of the portal. “Alright, is everypony ready?” The six each nodded their heads “Alright then, could you all please put your respective necklace or tiara on?” They all did as asked. She motioned for one of us to come forward, Jay walked towards the princess first. ‘Please step in the middle.” she pointed towards a circle the six elements had made. He stepped into the middle, before stopping, and pulling a pair of jeans from his bag, and puts them on. He motioned for twilight to start.(not actually knowing how it worked). Twilight’s horn lit up, and a spark connected the six once again. After a few moments, A rainbow shot from each of the ponies, and surrounded Justin, he stood up on his hind legs as energy left his body. After a few moments of blinding light, I opened my eyes and saw that Justin was once again, a human. “Awesome, Cmon Rem, your turn!” He beckoned me forward. I looked at the portal, it was swirling faster then before. I looked at the six ponies, each looking at me like they had something to do. Except Fluttershy. She wasn't looking at all, she didn't want to look at me anymore. it would only leave her more heartbroken. I sighed. “I cant.” “What? why not?” Justin questioned as if i was a madman. “I cant go back to earth, Justin.” “Why the hell not?” “I have a life here, and ive met the girl of my dreams.” Fluttershy opened her eyes and stopped crying. “All i have back on earth is you, Justin. Equestria has given me somebody to live for.” Justin sighs, nods, and turns to celestia. “Do you think you could keep the portal open for a few more minutes?” “I will try, but you must hurry, i cant keep it up for long.” Justin jumps through the portal, after a few minutes, a letter comes through the portal with the words “Close it.” written on it. Celestia cancels her magic, and the portal closes. I walk over and open the letter, Inside is a picture of me and Justin, both human, posing together for the photo. On the back is written “Dont ever forget the times we had. -Your best friend, Justin” A tear drops from my eye. This was probably the last time ill ever see Justin again. I turn around and Fluttershy is standing right behind me. Before i can say anything she wraps her arms around me and gives me a huge kiss on the lips. Celestia walks up to me, whispers something in my ear and hands me a box. I get down on three knees. “Fluttershy... Will you marry me?”
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
The day of the wedding was bright and sunny, thanks to rainbow dash. Everypony was attending, even Luna and Celestia. I was dressed in a formal white suit, made by Rarity. Fluttershy was wearing her gala dress. She looked beautiful as she walked down the aisle. Even with a small veil covering her face. She reached the podium, and stood by my side. Then the ceremony began. I took a side glance at the audience, everypony was paying attention. Except for rainbow dash, who was sleeping. i chuckled inside and focused my attention back to the priest who was almost finishing up. “And now, if anypony has a reason why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” This was gladly met with silence. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” I picked up a gemmed bracelet , which acted as the wedding ring, from Applebloom, who was acting as the ring-bearer. I fastened it onto Fluttershy’s hoof. “You may now kiss the bride.” Nine months later, we found ourselves in the emergency room. “Congradulations. Its a beautiful baby colt.” The doctor wrapped the foal in a towel and handed him to fluttershy. He was a light brown pegasus with dirty blonde hair that had pink tips. When we finally got home, i placed the child into a crib. “So. what should we name him” Fluttershy asked. I picked up a photo frame, a tear in my eye. Fluttershy nodded as i placed it next to his crib. “Welcome home. Justin.” ______________________________________________________________________________ “Dad, why is my name Justin, why cant it be cool like the other ponies? everyone makes fun of me for it at school.” “Well son,” i picked up the photo frame “Let me tell you a story.”
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Spike,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A team effort
<p>After a day of studying in the library, Remy and Justin are transported to Equestria by a vortex and their own curiosity.<br/>After being ambushed, and framed for attempted assassination, the pair must find their way in this new world. Unfamiliar to everything around them</p><br/><p>Both characters use our real names and nicknames. Writing this has been a team effort with me and shameonapony.</p>
i have received comments over the time saying that the pacing between Fluttershy and my character was much too fast. As such, i have decided to make numerous chapters. Pretty much entirely shipping. This current chapter is based during chapter two. after the events of the house party. I walked around town after buying the groceries. Yesterday had been long and tiring, and I needed to relax. I came across a restaurant run by a 'hoity toidy', I asked for a glass of water and the menu. After a sip of water and a quick glance at the menu, I sat and waited at the table for the waiter, it was a busy day and there were many other customers to be served. "Oh.. Umm... Is it alright if I sit here? I mean, if somepony else is, I'll just go..." I looked up and saw Fluttershy blushing, and scratching the ground with her hoof. "Of course. Here's the menu if you're hungry." I passed her the menu, she shied away. "I.. Uhh.. Don't have any money right now.." "It's fine, ill pay. I insist" I lifted my bag of bits onto the table "Oh, you don't have to.. If you don't want to..." She sat down and read through the menu. After she was done I waved the waiter over. "Could I get a daisy and carrot sandwich? extra daisy's please." "And for you, madam? The waiter asked "Oh..... Umm... I'll just have what he's having..." "Of course. I'll be back in a moment." and with that, the waiter walked inside. The next few moments were kind of awkward. It was a battle of our own minds, Fluttershy looked at me, while I looked at her, after a few tense seconds, she forced her eyes shut, leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Needless to say, I was surprised. My eyes widened, she turned a bright red and looked at the ground. I blushed as well, but soon started grinning "You could have said something, you silly filly." I chuckled, Fluttershy blushed even more. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the waiter came over and gave us our food. I gave him the bits to pay for it, and a little extra as a tip. I dug into it, absolutely starving, it was delicious. After I finished eating, I noticed Fluttershy hadn't eaten any of her sandwich. "What's wrong?" I asked, a bit worried that I might have upset her. "Oh.. I... I'm not really hungry..." "Then why did you..." Then it hit me. She didn't come over because she was hungry... I was still thinking about this, but didn't notice her starting to tear up, after the brief realisation, I looked over to her, noticing a small tear come from her face, she was trying not to cry. "Are you alright?" I asked. I shouldn't have said that, because as soon as I did she ran off. I facehoofed. "stupid. stupid. stupid. stupid..." After what happened before, I tried to find Fluttershy, afraid that I had upset her. I wasn't able to locate her, but I was given a few dirty looks by some ponies nearby the restaurant. I hung my head in shame, hoping it wasn't my fault she was crying. I started walking back to my house, on the way passing a few locations I hoped she'd be, she wasn't at any of them. As I passed Carousel boutique, I heard a voice "Hey, you." I turned my head to look at the voice "Yeah, you. Are you Remy?" I nodded my head in response. "You might want to come over here..." A orange filly pegasus poked her head out of the bushes. "come on!" I walked over to the bushes, and saw three fillies surrounding Fluttershy, who was crying softly. The orange filly spoke up again "we found her like this while trying to get our cutie marks for exploring! Something seems to have upset her, but she doesn't want to talk about it..." "I see. Could you girls leave us alone for a while?" "Of course mister!" the three chimed, then bounded off. I knelt down next to Fluttershy. "Is it my fault you are crying?" I asked in a soft voice. She nodded. "Do you want me to leave?" she shook her head. Well I was stumped, it was my fault but she didn't want me gone? I was confused to say the least. She had stopped crying, but now was just looking at the ground with sore red eyes. Trying to make her feel better, I nuzzled her neck, something I probably wouldn't have thought of doing if I was still on Earth. This made her smile just a little, but she still remained silent. "Look I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, I didn't mean to..." "N-No..." Fluttershy finally spoke "I'm.. Just a bit...." "Shy?" "Y-Yes... I've never really... Had a.. umm..." "Crush?" "um.. yes.. before.." "Listen, I'm sorry for making you cry, but that was just bit sudden." I lay down next to her. 'I've also never had a crush before... But I think i can start here." We both smiled at each-other and enjoyed a few quiet minutes to ourselves. After I coaxed Fluttershy to go home and rest, I headed towards the market to continue with my day. It wasn't easy to get that yellow pegasus out of my head, It was the first time I was kissed by a girl, and she wasn't even human. I thought about her for the rest of the day, and those thoughts showed no signs of slowing. Just being near her felt... Right... Like it was meant to happen. I'd only been in Equestria for one day, and I'd already been to a party, had somepony kiss me, made the same pony cry, and fallen in love, all in one day. It was a bit much for me to handle. So after I got the groceries, I went home, and made some food for Justin, then went back upstairs to read. Inside, on top of the book Twilight had wrote for me, was a yellow feather and a picture of Fluttershy, the window was open. I closed the window, took the feather and photo in hooves and smiled, then placed them both in my backpack. I opened the book to a chapter titled 'Feelings' and began reading. Twilight must not have been too sure about humans, as I was already aware of much that was in this chapter. It described some things I was not aware of, such as 'wing-boners'. Pegasi wings unfurl themselves and stiffen in moments of excitement or fear. I didn't know that, but I'm glad I found that out. After i finished the chapter, I pulled the picture of Fluttershy out from my bag, looked at it for a while and went to sleep.
Main 6,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Forbidden Love
<p>This is a Love Story between two different kind of People/Ponies. A story between a boy who got crossed over from his world to Equestria, As he tries adjust to to this kind of lifestyle. He falls inlove...</p>
I've always had somewhat of a hard life style growing up. Family was never stable. Friendships where never stable. Nothing was easy. Well, that was. Not the case until this happened... It was about 7:30 PM. I was watching Television. Trying hard to relax after a hard day of work trying to keep my family afloat from poverty. I suddenly get a Text message from one of my close friend, Ryan. "Hey man, you got to check this out," Ryan said. "What are you talking about, bro," I said annoyingly. "Okay, Well. Before I tell you. You have to promise me you won't judge me or anything," He said. "Alright, fine. What is it?" I replied. "Well, there is this show on TV called "'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' and it's the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life," Ryan said nervously. ".....I think I've lost all respect for you," I responded surprised. "You need to check this out now. Look it up on YouTube. You won't regret it. You'll become the part of the alliance, you'll be a brony," Ryan exclaimed. I was surprised at the term "brony". I had no idea what that was. It sounded painful, but anyway. I went upstairs I logged onto my laptop. I searched it on Youtube. I barely typed "M" and there it was. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episode 1" I thought to myself that this going to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever done. I finished the first Episode thinking "Oh my god, this is not bad" I continued watching the second episode, then the third, then the forth. I was captivated. I have seen so much beauty. I found myself watching for hours on end. The beauty of this show is incredible. I spend the day watching the whole season 1. I was in tears when I reached the last episode. I wanted it to last forever. I have never loved anything more in my life. I know that sounds really odd coming from a 15 year old kid. I replied to my friend. "You're right. I love that show. I am a brony. Thank you," I said graciously. "I. TOLD. YOU. Its amazing show!" Ryan replied. "It's so captivating. I'll talk to you bro. I gotta get some sleep," I said. I feel asleep. I was happy for one time in my life. I know it sounds awful and ridiculous that you are a teenager and you seek happiness from a children's show. But I did. For once in my pathetic life, I was happy. I went to bed happy. Not in tears. I suddenly woke up in a terrible sweat. I didn't know where I was, or who I has. I was terribly scared. I seemed to be on a mountain with greenest grass I have ever seen in my life. Everything slowed down. I saw beautiful flowers and the bluest of skies. I was rubbing my eyes and head trying to wake from a dream I thought I was in. It was no dream. Everything was real. But, it was so beautiful. I didn't want to get up. I was in a trance from all the beauty I was in. I finally gathered enough strength to get up and look at my surroundings more closely. I walked own this hill, which felt like a mountain to me. I saw this sign. I could barley make it out. "Wilcoime t0 p0NiEViL......wait......WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!?" There was no way I was actually in Equestria or Ponyville. I rubbed my eyes hoping that I would wake up. I didn't. Every step I took was 100% real. I began walking down the road that had the sign "Welcome to Ponyville". Everything was so familiar. Everything like it was on the show. I felt an unbelievable sense of love. I saw the ponies. And when I did. It was the most amazing feeling ever. But there was only thing wrong. I was in Human Form. I was suddenly looked at in the strangest looks possibly. That feeling of love quickly became fear. My first instinct was to hide. But before I could. I heard an oh so familiar voice. "WELL, WHO ARE YOU" I knew this voice. I turned around and It was Pinkie Pie. I looked at her face and her curly mane. I couldn't help but smile. "I-uh-It's a long story. I don't even know." I said with a shaky voice. "Well, You gotta know where you are from, silly head!" She said in her hilarious voice. "Okay, I went to my bed. I laid down and I went to sleep. The next thing you know I'm in Ponyville," I replied "OH MY, We better Talk to-" "Twilight?" I cut her off. "Why yes! How did you know that! You silly billy head!" she said. "Lucky guess, I suppose" I said shyly. We started walking down to Twilight's house, I was so scared and nervous. Everyone still looking at me. Or everypony I should say. Pinkie Pie as always was walking down with me humming a delightful tune. But then she started talking which I was most scared of doing. "So, you don't know what happened or why you are hear?" She asked. "No, I am a little scared," I said while my voice cracked. "Ofcourse You'd be! I'd be scared If I didn't wake up in my cozy little bed as always!" She exclaimed. We finally got to her house which felt like an eternity. It was beginning to get dark outside. But then we got to the foot or hoof of her door step. Pinkie Pie opened the door and made a HUGE announcement. "HEY EVERYONE. WE GOT A VISITOR," She yelled. They where all their. All the Ponies. I thought I was in heaven. It was everyone. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, AppleJack, and Pinkie Pie ofcourse. "Oh my. Who are you and what are you doing here. You must be scared as anything!" Twilight asked. "I honestly don't know. I was trying to go to sleep in my bed, then when I went to sleep. I woke up on a hill outside of Ponyville!" I exclaimed. I began to further explain what happened. They believed me. I was really shocked. But then. I saw this most majestic, the most adventurous, and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. It was. Rainbow Dash.
Main 6,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Forbidden Love
<p>This is a Love Story between two different kind of People/Ponies. A story between a boy who got crossed over from his world to Equestria, As he tries adjust to to this kind of lifestyle. He falls inlove...</p>
She was even more beautiful in person. I couldn't get my eyes off of her. Her beautiful purple eyes. Her beautiful Mane. It was too much for my eyes to handle. "Ugh excuse me?" Twilight asked. "Oh yes? I'm sorry" I said "What is your name" Twilight said. "My name is Keith. I'm sorry I'm really scared." I said in a panic. "That's ok. Don't worry. You are safe here," Fluttershy said in her little voice. "Thank you, It means a lot" I said. My stomach startled rumbling very loud and obnoxiously. I haven't eaten in what felt a lifetime. "Welp, It sounds like you are hungry! Can I interest you in some apple fritters?" AppleJack said. On any normal day I would refuse but I was so hungry I couldn't deny some food. "You are more than welcome to stay at my house, for the night," Twilight asked so generously. It amazed me how much these ponies where so nice to a stranger. Or a HUMAN stranger. Even though I felt like a freeloader accepting the offer. I did anyway. I personally thanked every pony for there generosity. "Thank you all for everything, I know this is odd to except someone you never met into your home" I tried to sound grateful. "It's no problem!" They all said Simultaneously. Even though I was tired as anything. All I could think about was how beautiful Rainbow Dash was. Hey eyes shined like the ocean at night. Her Mane was something out of this world. As I lay on that couch I tried to sleep but I kept thinking about her. I doubt she'll ever feel the same way. But I feel the need to try... It was about 7:00 AM when The Roasters woke me. It felt very nice to wake up in such harmony. "Well Good morning Keith!" Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy said to me. "Oh hello girls. Whats new?" I asked. "Time for Breakfast," They said. We ate some apples and some lettuce. The Lettuce surprised me, but I ate it anyway. We talked about where I came from. My troubled past and my troubling family. They had so many questions. It felt like an interview. They where so understanding. So much Love. "Well whatever the situation is, we are glad to have you in Ponyville," Fluttershy said and smiled at me. "Agreed!" They said. I had a feeling that me and Fluttershy would have a good friend connection. Which I thought was good because shes honest and loyal. After we got done eating breakfast. They took me around to see the town. Which I've already seen but it was a nice. "So is it really liked that in your world, Keith?" Rainbow Dash asked me. I was nervous to reply, I didn't want to say the wrong thing. "Yeah It was. But I'm glad to be with you guys for the time being!" I smiled at her and she smiled back. I don't think I'll ever forget that smile. It was so beautiful. "Oh I have to make, whatever you're wearing, into something better or cleaner!" Rarity exclaimed. I nodded and I told her that it would be nice. After this crazy day of being in Ponyville, I tried to calm down and relax and to take a nap. I ended up sleeping through the day and night. I woke up to my second day in Ponyville, it was roughly around 9 AM, Everypony was at work. AppleJack was working at her Apple Orchard. Twilight was working on some new Magic. Rarity was sewing together a dress. Pinkie Pie was just being the happy girl she is. Fluttershy was singing to her bids. I saw a glance of a rainbow and I knew it was her clearing the clouds. "How are doing today, Keith," Fluttershy said in a cute tone. "I'm doing alright. What about you?" I replied. "I'm quite fine. Listen I got to tell you something." She said. "Uhm-uh. What do you mean Fluttershy?" I said. The fears in my head why circling around my brain. I thought to my self that maybe they wanted nothing to with me. Maybe they all secretly hate me. "I know that you like Rainbow Dash-Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone," "WHHAAA-How did you find out? I didn't tell anyone," I squealed. "It's just they way you look at her. You look at her like you love her, I find it very cute," Fluttershy said quietly so no one would hear. "Please don't tell her, If anyone finds out that I have this attraction to her. They'll hate me," I said nervously. Fluttershy looked around her to see if anyone was near her. "No they won't. I think you guys would be adorable together, I know since you're of Human form. But it's cute," She said. "You have no idea what that means to me," I smiled at her. I gave her a hug which was a little odd but I really didn't care. But suddenly I heard someone yelling my name. "KEEEEEIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHH" It said. I turned around and it was Twilight, Rarity, and AppleJack. "I just got a letter from Princess Celestia-She wants to meet you" Twilight said. "Oh...alright then. When will she be here," I said nervously "In about an hour," Rarity said. I began to panic. What will she do to me I thought. She always seemed so nice in the show. But maybe she wants me a human to leave soon as possible. But, I don't want to leave. I loved this place. I loved staying at Twilight's library. Everything was so happy. I don't want to leave... AppleJack pulled me Aside. "Don't ya be worried my friend, Princess Celestia is the nicest Princess you'll ever dang meet!" She said. "That makes me feel better. Than you so much," I said while smiling. We where all where waiting patiently for Princess Celestia's visit. I went to take a bath and tried to look at nice as I could. We where all waiting outside of AJ's apple orchard. Apple Trees as far as the eye can see. The trees looked like to reach out to the horizon. "You're not nervous are you?" Rainbow Dash said, "I honestly don't know," I said. Her eyes are so captivating. I wanted to look at them forever. She looked like an angel with her wings. I couldn't help but smile. "Their she is!" Pinkie Pie yelled. They all started cheering. She graciously came down to the ground. Everypony went bananas. She walked up to me' and she smiled. "Uhm-My-my-my-uhh" I stuttered. "Relax my child, Now. Why are you here?" She said calmly. "I don't know. I was going asleep in my human world, and I woke up at the hill outside of Ponyville,Your Majesty." I answered. "Whoa, That seems very odd. Well. Do you plan on staying here?" She asked. Everypony looked at me like they where trying to stay please stay here. "I most definitely like to-" "Than it's settled, You are by royal decree. A citizen of Ponyville," "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" They all screamed. "On one condition. You are to work and follow every rule that everypony else follows" She said. I agreed. We walked back to my house. I decided I wanted to assist help with animals with Fluttershy. The reason is that she is so nice and they pay is decent. We all went to bed. I decided to sleep at Fluttershy's mainly because It was an easy commute to work. "Hey Fluttershy, I'm going to tell Rainbow Dash tomorrow," I said while half asleep. "Do it. I'll help if you want," She asked. "I appreciate the offer, I really do. But I need to do this by myself." I replied trying not to sound mean. Daylight broke about 6:00 AM. It was beautiful. No cloud in the sky. The beautiful Spring air circled around the house. I walked about the front door. Feeling a little Nervous. I walked down the dirt path to the town. I saw her flying oh so majestically like an angel. "Hey Rainbow Dash! Can I talk to you?" She shot down from the clouds. "Hey dude, What up?" She asked "I'm not totally sure how to start this. I'm just going to say this. I find you beautiful in every single way possible. Every time you smile, I smile. Everything about you is fantastic. I know I've only been in town for only 2 days. But in those two days I couldn't stop thinking about you. Your eyes are something beautiful that I can not describe in words. I love you with all of my heart. I know you don't feel the same. But I just CAN'T stop thinking about you. The way you fly is unheard of. You're like a cinema. I could watch you for hours, Like I said know you don't feel the same way, but I just had to tell you how I felt," I explained. Rainbow Dash, My Love, she flied away. Like she didn't even care... I have never felt more heartbreak in my entire life. I dragged myself back to Fluttershy's in tears. I tripped over myself infront of the door. "Oh my Keith! What happened! Are you alright. Let me get us some tea to talk over," Flutter said worried. "I can't show my face back there ever again! I just don't want to be alive anymore. This one girl who is the most beautiful thing in the world just Ran away from me," I cried. I through my body on the couch. I didn't want get up. Fluttershy came to me with some tea with what appeared to be peppermint. I took the cup. I sat up and I told her what happened. "Oh my goodness! She did that. I'm so sorry," Fluttershy said "I- Can't believe it. The person or pony I have ever loved. Ran from me. I love her! Why does this happen to me," I screamed. Fluttershy gave me the biggest hug I ever thought possible. I went into the guest bedroom. I again throw myself again the bed. I stayed in there for 2 days. Only getting up to shower. I haven't eaten at all. I couldn't stop thinking about her. On the 4th day I was in Ponyville, Fluttershy woke m up. "Hey-uhm, Keith-you got to-uhm......Keith?" Fluttershy said. "Ughh, what can I help you with, Fluttershy?" I said annoyed. "Keith, Princess Celestia is coming back to Ponyville, She apparently has a big announcement to make, You got to get up. She'll be here in 3 hours!" Fluttershy said. "Okay, Thank you Fluttershy. Thank for everything lately," I smiled at her. I got up and took a nice warm bubbly bath while Fluttershy helped with the animals. I really didn't want to go to town for fear of embarrassment. I wonder if Rainbow Dash told everyone. Just the thought of that made me consider becoming a hermit for the rest of my life. It was time for everypony to meet in the courtyard, I was hoping I wouldn't see Rainbow Dash after I told my feelings out to her the other day. "Don't worry Keith, Everything is going to be fine," Fluttershy assured. After a while of waiting for the Princess. She finally came down to the ground. Everypony circled her. Her announcement that she was increasing pay for apple farmers and dress designers. Ofcourse AppleJack and Rarity both jumped up and and high-fived each other. After the ceremony ended I heard a voice. "Hey Keith...." A voice said "What!? Who's there?" I said frightened. It was Rainbow Dash. "Oh-uh-Hey, Look I sorry about-" Before I finished my sentence. She KISSED me. It was short and to the point. I was happy and confused. "We can't let anyone know, we just can't," She said As soon as I tried to say anything she flow off. I went back to Fluttershy's house with the biggest smile on my face. "Well, Well, Well. I see what you did there," Fluttershy said as she blushed. "Wait what-....Did you see!?" I said frantically. "Ofcourse I did! It was so cute," She said. "Please don't tell anyone. I mean I know you won't I'm Just scared," I said. "Don't worry, Now go get some sleep," "Okay" The whole time I was trying to sleep. I was thinking about her. Her beautiful eyes and mane. I tried closing my eyes to fall asleep when I heard someone outside my window... "Pssssst.Pssssssssssssssssst," The voice heard. It was Rainbow Dash. She was standing out there in the dark. "Hey can you let me in? I gotta talk to you!" She said. I went down stairs to open the door as quietly as I could. I let her in and we sat on my bed. "Listen, I know you are very confused and so am I, But what you told me the other day really got into my heart-" Rainbow Said. "If you wanna have a legit Relationship I understand, I mean I know I'm a human and all-" "Nah, It's not that at all, Having feelings for a human is not exactly, ya know. Normal," She said. "I understand, but why did you run away from me so quickly?" I said "I panicked, I've ALWAYS had feelings for you Keith, It's just a little hard right now," She said while blushing. "We can make this work, I promised, I've been reading about a spell that turns people from Earth into Equestrian ponies," I replied, "That would make things a lot easier. But I'd Love you no matter what you are," Rainbow exclaimed. "I love you and I want us to be happy together with each other as the same species," I said while grinning. "You don't have to. That's a huge sacrifice," She said. "I know. It's a sacrifice I want to make. For us. For our Love." I said as compassionately as I could. She kissed me again. I couldn't help but blush and kiss her back. "But tomorrow we have to talk to Twilight," I said. "I'll come with you, but for tonight. Could I possibly stay with you for the night and snuggle with you while you sleep?" She asked so adorably. I kissed her and said. "I love you"
Main 6,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Forbidden Love
<p>This is a Love Story between two different kind of People/Ponies. A story between a boy who got crossed over from his world to Equestria, As he tries adjust to to this kind of lifestyle. He falls inlove...</p>
Rainbow Dash awoke in my arms in about 5:30 AM. I had to unfortunately make sure she wasn't there when Fluttershy woke up. Me and Rainbow are suppose to talk to Twilight today about that spell. I am little nervous. My possible day as a human, but It'll be worth it for her. "How did you sleep?" Fluttershy asked. "Okay, I've made a huge decision, I need your opinion Fluttershy, you seem to be good in these situations," I asked. "Sure, what's on your mind?" She asked kindly. "I saw Rainbow Dash last night, and I want to be a pony, so I can be with her. I was reading a few books a day ago and It said that Ponies can only Marry other Ponies," I exclaimed. "Does that mean, You're going to ask her to your...." Fluttershy tries to contain happiness, "MARRY HER!!??!!" Fluttershy cried out. "Yes, Fluttershy. I want to be with her til the day I die. I love her with all my heart," I told her with a tear shed down my face. "OH MY GOSH, I'M SO EXCITED." Fluttershy "Thank you so much, I was wondering do you think you can come with me to pick out a Wedding hoof-ring for Rainbow Dash?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Ofcourse I WILL!" Fluttershy said while getting her coat to leave. Fluttershy and I left the house to go to Rarity's boutique to pick on a hoof ring fro Rainbow Dash. We walk in the Store and Rarity's working on a dress. "Hey Rarity, We need a Ring for or special friend." Fluttershy said gently. "What for? Is it for Keith?" She asked. "Well Yes and No. It is for Keith. But It is also for someone else," Fluttershy stated. "Well, why does he need it?" She annoyingly asked. "I am asking Rainbow Dash's hoof in Marriage..." I said interrupting. Rarity dropped everything she was working on and showed us her place of the boutique where she kept the rings. I decided I wanted one for her than had her her name next mine with a rainbow around it. Myself and Fluttershy went to meet Rainbow Dash at Twilight's, she was waiting there talking about how much great is everything is going, We got to her house. "Hey Twilight, We and Rainbow Dash have to tell you something..." I announced. "We are together!"We announced "OH. MY. GOODNESS." Everyone in the room screamed. "THAT'S ADORABLE" They shouted. "Now Twilight, Have you been looking at that spell I asked you to look at." I said. I asked Twilight a day ago if there was a spell that could turn Humans into Ponies. "Yes I have," She said. "Do you think you are ready to preform it?" I asked nervously. "Ready as I'll ever be" She replies. "Hey Rainbow" I said. "I Love you," I said. "I love you too," She replies to me and blushes. "Alright, Everyone step back." Twilight says focused. All I remember was a beam of light come directly at me. It felt like I was in a trance or a daze. It felt amazing. Like this was the place or the decision that was meant happen. I remember being putting done by a huge amount of love. I Immediately felt something hugging me. It was Rainbow Dash. I opened my eyes. I was a Pony. Not only a Pony. I was a PEGASUS. I hate a white coat. Dark brown mane. With a heart with an arrow through it that said "K + RBD" "Keith, are you alright?" She asked "I'm fine beautiful, I love you," I replied. "YOU LOOK FABULOUS," Rarity shouted. I than blushed. I went up to Rainbow Dash and kissed her than got down on two hooves. Then I pulled out the Hoof Ring that I got for her. "Rainbow Dash, Will you marry me," The room went silent for a second and everyone held there breath. "Yes! Oh my gosh Yes!" She yelled. Everyone rejoiced in such happiness. It was a great Celebration. It's a weird thought to only been in Equestria for little under a week and marry a beautiful girl. We decided to get married The Apple Orchards. We had Pinkie Pie as a our Justice of the Peace. "Now Keith, Do you take Rainbow Dash as you wedded wife?" "I do" "Now Rainbow Dash, Do you take Keith to be your wedded Husband" "I do" as she says with a tear coming down her face. We had a gorgeous reception at Pinkie Pies house, It was amazing. It lasted for the entire night. Everything was perfect, I was so much happier. Life was amazing. I had a beautiful wife, and friends who care about me. That's all I ever wanted...
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Spike,Trixie,Zecora,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
In her Hooves.
<p>This fic takes place the year after Boast Busters. <br/>Twilight's parents have retired and moved to a nearby town. However, before Twilight gets to visit her parents for the first time since moving to Ponyville, Trixie shows up, determined to get her revenge for the loss of her title, her career and her home. Blaming Twilight, she forces the librarian into a magic duel. However something goes wrong, and Twilight and Trixie are forced to understand the other better, when they end up switching bodies; and lives...</p>
In Her Hooves Author’s note: I had a rule about reading and writing Fanfiction. DON’T. Then I discovered MLP: Friendship is Magic, the greatest cartoon in the history of cartoons despite the fact it is made up of a cast of multicoloured ponies. (why has my manliness forsaken meeee) I fell in love with the characters, the world itself, the stories, the animation, and more importantly, its fan base of extremely talented people. 80% of the fanfics I’ve read for this fandom, have been well written and effective and so, screw it. I’m bucking my trend like AJ bucks apples and joining the herd! Also this is not a shipping fic nor is it grimdark (thank Celestia for the latter). Chapter One 'Oh not this dream again...' The stage was set, and ready for one of the most important performances in the young Unicorn’s life. She could hear the murmurs of the crowd from behind the thick purple curtains, which were holding the warmth of her nervous breath. She wasn’t sure that she liked what she was hearing; various mixes of “What’s she doing here,” “ How dare she show her face around here again.” “Talentless hack!” “Ah think that lyin’, o’erglorified, show-boater should try another town to scam!” and her personal favourite; “Twilight can do so much better.” That last one made her shake, but she couldn’t figure out what was making her do it. Nerves? Rage? Sorrow? Fear? Last time she had heard that pony’s name was while she was galloping away from this town at full speed trying to escape what she had just seen. She had heard stories saying the Ursa’s (minor or… otherwise.) could not be defeated, by anything, they were a force of more than nature. Massive bears, the size of mansions, or bigger that glowed as if they were made of starlight. They were impossible to face, no matter how Great or Powerful she thought she was. The unicorn mage, Trixie held an impressive glower that could burn holes through the curtain she was concealed behind. “It was supposed to be impossible,” the words replayed bitterly through her head. Clearly it was not. The unicorn who’s name was on the audience’s tongue almost as much as hers, Twilight Sparkle, a violet unicorn of close to the same age as the mare ready to perform today, two streaks through her mane, one pinkish and one a lighter violet than the rest of her dark purple hair. She knew very little of this… this usurper, but she knew one thing. Twilight was greater and more powerful than Trixie could ever be. For Twilight had done the impossible, broken the unbreakable. She fought the un-fightable Ursa Minor, and through her incomprehensible magic, she had won. Despite all of her bravado, the Great and Powerful Trixie, was nothing but a lie, in comparison to this magical mare. But today that was going to change. She was going to prove her ability this time, with none of her audience‘s patience to waste, no time to squander, she was going to split those purple curtains open and blast out her entire magical arsenal right away. No boasting, no stories of things that never happened. It was her job as a performer to show off all that she could show, and Celestia damn it, she was going to do just that. She had to be the best. She had to be. Failure was not an option, she couldn’t go back a weakling. She couldn’t. She magically pushed the purple curtains aside, imaging that they were her fears of the lavender, magical powerhouse, being set to her sides. She was done being afraid of what Twilight Sparkle could do. She would make this happen. She let a barrage of illusionary fireworks come out from all directions, even exploding at the heart of her. She had spent so many bits to repair her traveling abode, and to restore her costume in her possession, she couldn’t afford real fireworks anymore. “This is way more impressive anyway, THIS is pure magic, and if they can’t appreciate this than they aren’t worth my time in the first place,” Trixie, trying to comfort herself with her thoughts, her stage fright beginning to become apparent to herself. She proceeded to perform more and more impressive tricks, using herself as the test subject of many of them instead of humiliating others. She even included some minor transformation and teleportation, adding something to her own physique, and then teleporting and appearing in almost the same location, completely restored of any magical abnormality she might have created for herself. This was exhausting, because both transformation and teleportation were two of the most tasking things a mage could perform, and even though the changes were miniscule; colour changes, special hooves like Princess Celestia‘s, changing her cutie mark, making her eyes look like that of a fierce dragon, even humiliating changes, like facial hair and a stubby pigs tail, and it was all to get a reaction out of this audience. She had to slow to a halt, to regain her lost energy, this was too much for her. As she stood on the stage, trying to catch her breath, she noticed that it was the only thing she heard. No applause, no “ooohs” or “aaaahhs,” and no laughs at her own expense after she had embarrassed herself like she had. Just a silence, that chilled her to the bone. She started to console herself internally again, “maybe they expect more, or maybe they’re just in shock of it all. Yes that must be it. I the Great and Powerful Trixie have shaken them to their core!” Still after what felt like hours to Trixie (which was only twenty seconds of real time) there was no reaction, of any kind from the audience. The Great and Powerful Trixie was starting to feel less Great and Powerful by the second, and she wished she could disappear or that the quiet would just vanish and be vanquished by noise of any kind. However, a small idea formed in her crafty mind, and she began to realize she had forgotten something. She had never apologised for her previous actions. While she herself felt there was nothing to be sorry for, she read the accusing glares of the audience well. They expected it, and as much as Trixie didn’t want to give it to them, it was her duty as a performer to give the audience what they wanted. After all, lying to her viewers wasn’t uncommon in her performances, and this one had to be no exception. Besides, she was lying to make them feel better (though it was really more for herself) so it was a good lie. It was acting. “To all those out there who I have humiliated, or angered with my recent actions, and deceits, I, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE…” she began, breaking away from her sorrowful tone to put emphasis on her stage name, “would like to apo-” She was interrupted by a cyan pegasus with a multicoloured mane. Trixie remembered the pony as one of her bold, intrepid challengers last time she came here. “I’m sorry! I think I might have misheard you!” Her tone was mocking, “The Great and Powerful who? I think you got Twilight’s name wrong!” Laughter filled the once silent air, and Trixie immediately regretted wishing the silence away. She looked through the audience, colts and mares of all different colours and sizes, laughed at her, cruelly, loudly, and without mercy. Her eyes scanned for anypony who wasn’t joining in with the twisted festivities, and as soon as she found one she found that she wished she hadn’t. Twilight Sparkle, glared menacingly at the blue unicorn, a glowing horn and look of dead seriousness on her face. Trixie gulped. What had she done to create that kind of a reaction from the magical scholar? More importantly what was this reaction going to lead to? The Great and Powerful Trixie, who was cowering and looking quite weak, wanted to flee, but she found that she couldn’t muster up the strength, magically or physically. Her legs felt like jelly, and her horn felt like it was being forced downward with enormous pressure. In fact, was it shrinking? It seemed to be pushed down inside her skull, by an intense magical force, which she could do less and less against with each passing second that her magic was being repressed. Once her horn was completely gone, she felt the magic was effecting her body. She started to grow, larger and thicker by the minute, her fur becoming more shaggy, her hooves being replaced by paws with sharp claws on them, her tail becoming a stubby little poof of hair and… was she translucent? Once she looked down at the ponies below her, miniscule in comparison, like insects, all backing up from the stage that had been crushed by Trixie’s sitting rump, with the exception of the unicorn who seemed to glow with magic, she realized what she had become. She at this moment was the Ursa minor that was vanquished by Twilight’s power not so long ago. She shot a pleading gaze at her purple tormenter, hoping that this nightmare would end. Her response was a vicious glare, accentuated by glowing white eyes that flashed with even more intense magic, a shockwave bursting at her horn, knocking everypony off their hooves. This was followed by the ponies crying, while getting back up; “Defeat the Ursa!” “Give it a good flank-kicking!!” “Make it rue the day it ever came to Ponyville!” Trixie started to cry, no doubt only being heard as a bloodthirsty roar by the masses who hungered for her demise. “What is going on here?” Her terrified mind went at a mile a minute trying to come up with answers for the possibilities of her helpless situation, but she came up empty, “why is Twilight doing this?!” She felt the magic take hold of her gargantuan body, this time letting it control her as she felt there was no point in resisting anymore, and slowly experienced the sensation of the transformation as the spell shrank her down again. Trixie’s hopes were momentarily raised as she felt she might be returning to her original form. But as she shrank and shrank, she noticed that any physical changes that were occurring did not seem to be indicating turning back into her old self. In fact, she was keeping the same body shape as the Ursa! Her hooves-turned-paws dulled their claws and mutated, becoming flat, with what seemed to be ornamental stitching being the only thing to determine claw from claw, her fur stopped glowing, it proceeded to turn from blue to brown, and it became fluffy, as opposed to sleek and shaggy. She continued to shrink down and down, and down, smaller than the smallest filly in the audience. She heard the laughter and the cheers as the magician, the now Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle, levitated the former performer - turned Ursa - turned teddy bear, off the crushed remains of the stage and magically catapulted the newly created Trixie-Teddy out into the audience. She was caught by somepony, though she did not see who. Her vision swam, as suddenly she found herself in a whole different place, in a whole other time, in a completely point of view. Familiar blue hooves; her own, but much smaller, held the toy bear that she had just been forcefully transformed into. Trixie, in spite of the traumatic experience she had just felt, seemed to forget all of it, and put her undivided attention upon the stuffed creature. Her youthful innocence that was lost so long ago came back and flooded through her very essence. She started to play with the teddy bear, with her hooves, happiness came to her with every shake and spin she gave it. The serious adult inside of her gave in to the tide of this flood of youthful exuberance and playfulness. Trixie let the inner child take over. She had an idea! The most super fantastic idea that had ever come to her optimistic, little filly mind! She should use her magic to play with it! Holding the bear telekinetically, she started to make it dance in the air, controlling its arms and its legs, she made seem lifelike. She danced with it, all the while keeping her concentration on the bear, her magical connection to it fragile due to her youth. She didn’t care how loud her hooves were on the floorboards, nor did she hear another set of hooves stomp up the staircase to greet her… The teddy bear was yanked from her magical grip, and in that one second which it took for that to happen, Trixie went from feeling a symphony of joy, to a cacophonous spiral of fear and confusion. She looked up at the figure, an earth pony with an icy blue mane, and a tan-furred body stood, a giant to her, his large hoof situated on the stuffed animal‘s belly. The smell of alcohol lingered on him, and his eyes had dark rings underneath them, only accentuating the look of anger upon his face. “What… did I tell you about usin’ magic, you stupid kid…” His deep voice, slurring from intoxication and filled with venom reverberated throughout the walls. It’s echo’s all seemed to bounce back straight to Trixie. He shifted his hoof, so that it was situated upon the bear’s legs, and bent down to grasp the head of it with his teeth. He reared his head up and with a ripping of fabric, and a grunt, Trixie’s teddy’s head was torn off its shoulders. That was just too much for the little blue filly to handle, and she let out a piercing wail. She tried to yell at him, but the words were incomprehensible due to her heavy sobs. The earth pony, with a swift flick of his head, tossed the decapitated head of the plush toy into a nearby wastebasket. “SHUT IT” He screamed raising his front hoof. Trixie, terrified by the noise, and by the stallion’s actions, fell silent, hoping to not receive anymore of his wrath. It didn’t help. The hoof swung down at her, and she was struck across the room, landing in a heap of unread books, and discarded toys. The earth pony walked away, gutturally muttering something inaudible, leaving her to sob. Trixie woke up, drenched in cold sweat and shaking with fear (although she’d never admit it.) A small cry escaped her normally bravado filled mouth, and it echoed through the stone chambers of her current location. Trixie, while knowing where she was, still looked around to confirm her whereabouts. No wagon, no home, no possesions; those had been destroyed by the Ursa. It was a dark gloomy ruins within an ancient forest. There were very little carvings, or statues, with the exception of the six short pillars (one in the center being larger and thicker than the other five) that waited at the more ruined part, the entrance. Trixie was situated in the more, intact part of the ancient castle, luckily for her, as the Everfree forest was not exactly the safest place to be. Even she was aware of the great dangers within it’s green walls, despite not being the most personally in tune pony in existence, and she knew that as great and powerful as she might be, she might not be safe. However, despite how frightening the creatures might be, there was nothing that scared her more than the unfathomable power of Twilight Sparkle. With the exception of that earth pony from her dreams. This was why she was here, in the most dangerous place in all of Equestria. The Everfree forest was the perfect place to defeat one’s fears. The Great and Powerful Trixie surveyed her current living quarters. Targets were drawn on the wall, logs were chopped, and evidence of fires and extremely accurate burns were strewn across the floors and walls of the ruins. This and the forest around her, was her training grounds. For she planned to defeat Twilight Sparkle, on the one year anniversary of her subsequent shame, but she knew, as much as she did not want to admit it, that she had to be stronger. She was supposed to be the best. And while she wasn’t at this moment, today she would be. Her reunion with Twilight, was today. She began her training regiment, leaving the protection of the ruins, to go outside, practicing her magic on various trees shrubbery, slicing and burning, and shooting, and throwing. She needed to master everything related to combat. While the Great and Powerful Trixie found her dream degrading and humiliating, it motivated her. She had to be the best. She had to be. She had to be. She had to be the best. She had to be. She could never let that stallion… “Gah, what should I tell them about first? Should I talk about the defeat of Nightmare Moon? No, that’s not a very good indicator of what my life in Ponyville has been like.” The purple unicorn, thought aloud, pacing through her wooden library, levitating objects and organizing them into bags. She was panicking, trying to think of what to say. “Ah! What about that one time with Pinkie’s birthd- no, they have to get to know her better for that story to have any effect. I could tell them about the Rainboom, but I don’t want to paint Rarity in a bad light. Ooh maybe I can tell them about Fluttershy’s experience with the dragon! That’s a good…” “What on earth are you talking about Twilight?” A raspy male voice came from an adjacent room, sounding strained. A small purple dragon, with green spines on his back, was carrying books and materials, that were much to heavy for him. “I want to tell my family about my adventures in Ponyville since I left them in Canterlot, but I’m not sure what to one to start with. I’m so excited to see them again! Ah! I can’t even think straight, and that’s saying something for me.” Twilight was positively giddy, yet worried at the same time. “Right,” Spike responded, putting the items on a table with a minor bit of difficulty. “So your parents are moving to the town nearby, Hoofington?” “Yeah” Twilight said with a small smile. They could be so considerate. The only reason they weren’t moving into Ponyville was to give their daughter some space. They wanted her to become her own mare. “They’ve done a lot of work for Celestia, and the city of Canterlot for most of their lives, but, now it’s time to retire. Oh, I haven’t been this excited since the Gala!” She clapped her hooves together, brandishing a huge smile. Spike couldn’t help but laugh. Twilight might be a reserved, self-controlled, bookworm most of the time, but when she got excited, it was like she was a whole other pony. She was all over the place right now, and most of the time, she was a very organized, focused creature. Twilight continued to pace, beginning another long ramble. “Now, I know I’m not supposed to visit yet, I still have two days to wait, but its never too early to be prepared, right Spike? Gah! I need more time to think of what to tell them. Will they like my friends? Oh I hope they don’t find Pinkie to be a bit much. No wait, of course they will! She’s Pinkie, even I find it hard to deal with her, at times, but I can’t tell her to tone it down for them, she might be offended, and I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I said that. Oh I hope that Rarity (at the mention of the white unicorn’s name, Spike almost seemed to melt, a dreamy expression on his face.) doesn’t find any fault in my parent’s fashion sense, it would be terrible if she dragged them for another one of her makeovers! I cou… I’m over-analysing this, aren’t I Spike? …Spike?” She looked toward the dragon, who was proceeding to look at himself in the mirror mumbling things like “well hellooo, Rarity!” “So, I was thinking, you me, dinner, tonight?” and the disappointed; “no that‘ll never work.” He was styling his scales, with worry that it wouldn‘t be good enough for his crush. He tried to walk smoothly in front of the mirror, a swagger in his step, but he tripped over his own tail. “Rats. Rarity will never go for me like this.” It was Twilight’s turn to laugh now, with a small giggle. she knew of his crush on her friend for a long time, but she didn’t realize that simply mentioning Rarity’s name would make Spike act this way. Spike shot her a glare. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know my feelings were a joke. Anything else about me you want to laugh at?” His voice was accusing, and filled with anger. “Whoa now Spike! I didn’t mean to laugh, and even if I did, your feelings for her are nothing to laugh at.” Twilight began sincerely, “You just have to admit that, THAT was really funny to watch.” Spike crossed his arms, and snorted, a bit of smoke coming from his nostrils. Twilight sighed. He could be so stubborn at times. “You know Spike. I don’t think I need you right now. If you wanted to go and see Rarity, now would be the time.” Her voice spoke of the obvious hint. “Whoa, I could never-, I mean I’m not ready yet! What do I say, should I wear that tie she made me? I don’t think it’s a good idea, what if she says no?! Oh that’s a bad idea, I can’t do it Twi, I CAN’T DO IT!” He yelled, surprising Twilight with his sudden outburst. “Alright, if that’s the way you feel Spike.” Twilight replied, trying not to smile at how similarly he was reacting in comparison to her when faced with a social dilemma. “But you know how busy she gets at times. I bet she’d appreciate it if she had a pair of dexterous claws right now.” “Dexter-what? And no she wouldn’t, they’d look terrible on…” Twilight gave him a look that said, “Really?” “Ohhhhhhhhhh, you mean she’d appreciate my help.” A nod. “That might help me to get on her good side, and then maybe… maybe she’d say yes if I asked her! That’s a great idea Twi! Much better than that moustache idea you had.” “Uhhhh wasn’t that your…” “Can’t talk, gotta go woo Rarity!” And just like that, Spike was gone. Twilight looked at the door, a little flabbergasted. She made a note to research romantic relationships later on, they seemed confusing to her. Everypony seemed to act so irrationally when it came to them. “Oh well,” she said, dismissing the idea, “Packing comes first.” She seemed to be a bit more focused on what she needed to concentrate on now, her conversation with Spike had distracted her enough that her overly active mind had forgotten her worst case scenarios. Twilight hummed a little taking things in and out of the suitcase, occasionally mumbling something to the extent of, “Oh I’m definitely going to need this,” “No this takes up to much space, I need to find something better,” and in the case of a black book with a red apple in sompony‘s hooves, “Ugh what was I thinking reading this garbage?” Her door opened again. Absentmindedly, Twilight gave a small, “I’m sorry I’ll be ready to help you in a second, please browse the library to see if we have what you need.” No response. That was weird. Twilight looked up from her packing, and gasped. An azure unicorn, with an icy blue mane was standing in the doorway. A cutie mark of a waving wand, with a blue crescent of sparkles trailing behind it was on this pony’s flank. She looked ragged, and bruised, her mane was unkempt, and a bit longer then Twilight remembered. She looked exhausted, but her the look on her face said otherwise. Twilight was taken aback by the look of pure hatred in the street performer’s eyes. After a while of silence, other than the door slamming behind the angry blue unicorn, Twilight tried to break the silence by saying, “T-Trixie! Its certainly… been a while. How… uhhh, how are you?” Trixie’s stare answered the question. It only got more intense. Twilight stepped back a bit. The look on the librarian’s face gave it away. She was wondering what she had done to deserve such a look. Such hatred. Trixie’s temper flared. “How dare she act so innocent?!” the magician wondered. More silence. She finally got the will to speak, the words just dripping, loudly, from her mouth, like poison from a snake’s fang. And like that fang, venom was all that these words contained. “You. Ruined. Trixie’s. Life.”
Fallout Equestria: Lonely Roads
A story set in the equestrian wasteland, following the story of Racket, a young earth colt growing in the wastes, finding out the world isn't as nice a place as he thinks.
<p>Stuck in caravan camp, a young earth colt wants nothing more than to see the world beyond the walls. But as he grows up in the unforgiving wastes, and gets caught up in a conflict that threatens the future, will the wasteland break him like so many others before?<br /><br />A side story/spin-off of Fallout: Equestria.</p>
Fallout Equestria: Lonely Roads Prologue: Tales of the Wastes     So. This is me.   Bit disappointing to tell you the truth. Can't complain though, kinda knew what I got myself into.   Being a trader out in the wastes... Well, it ain't easy I can tell you that. You learn real quick that there’s only two types of people, those who’ll take your caps, and those who'd rather shoot you in the head   Out there is harsh. There ain’t many creatures who take too kindly to ponies. The others probably see them as their next meal. They aren’t the worst of it though, not by a long shot. Folks out there who would rather kill you or enslave you then try to do right. They’re either the craziest ponies out there or the sanest, take your pick.   Not to mention radiation or Taint. Actually, I probably should mention them. Both'll kill you, and that's if you're lucky, otherwise... Well, let’s just say there's worse things in the wasteland than just dieing.   Still, you gotta be a whole different kind of crazy to think that picking through ruins, packing a load of valuables in a wagon and trotting off through the wastes to make a few caps is the best idea in the world.   Yeah, that would be folks like me. Mr Crazy, right here, guilty as charged.   You got people trying to steal from you, shoot you, rip you off or stab you in the back. And that’s before you’ve even left town.   But if we don’t do it, no one will. Might be laughing now, but wait until you’re half starving to death, out of ammo and raiders come knocking at your door.   We ain’t heroes, not when it’s business. But compared to what else you can find out there, we’re better than most.   It’s a tough deal, sure. Of those who make it, there are always those who fall by the wayside, left for scavengers and then forgotten to the wastes. Deaths happen all the time in the wasteland, but you just gotta press on and hope that your number ain't the one coming up today.   So, that’s the wasteland. Big, barren and dangerous to a ‘t’. Or is that a ‘d’?   Uh, hang on a sec.   Oh yeah, name’s Racket, the noisy type, not the bat. Wasteland raised, through and through, and definitely not the most fun, I can tell you. Can't say it was the best life ever either, but from the things I've seen, and the people I met, I wouldn't have given it up for the world.   So come in, sit down, and I'll tell you where it all started...
Fallout Equestria: Lonely Roads
A story set in the equestrian wasteland, following the story of Racket, a young earth colt growing in the wastes, finding out the world isn't as nice a place as he thinks.
<p>Stuck in caravan camp, a young earth colt wants nothing more than to see the world beyond the walls. But as he grows up in the unforgiving wastes, and gets caught up in a conflict that threatens the future, will the wasteland break him like so many others before?<br /><br />A side story/spin-off of Fallout: Equestria.</p>
Chapter 1: Impressionable Minds “YOU TOUCH IT, YOU BUY IT. We take cash or credit.” They say that every pony has a special talent. Something that makes them belong. Course, finding out what, is another thing entirely.   There's not much to do in a trading camp in the middle of the desert. The most interesting views you can get inside four huge walls amounts to a herd of brahmin, or a bunch of clouds. None are very interesting, and watching either gets boring pretty quickly. Trust me, I've tried.   If you have the caps, you can do some trading, maybe buy something entertaining. The key word here being 'if'. I can't remember the last time I had any money to buy something other than what I needed for food.   No surprise people don't stick around long. Usually they stop by to stock up on food and water and then head off in whichever direction they feel like.   Me? No such luxury.   It wasn't so bad for the first couple of years. I was small, and the camp was large, so I got to exploring everywhere I could. It was fun, for a while. Then I grew up a bit more and the world got all that much smaller. Most days would end up with a good session of brick counting. Almost as exhilarating as watching clouds.   Add to that the fact there was no other foals in the camp, and you might start to see why I wasn't exactly happy with being stuck in the same place year on year. Still, it didn't mean I couldn't get creative.   ***   High, very high. Very very high. I looked down at the ground again and shut my eyes. Very very much too high.   The ground stretched out before me, shifting and swirling, threatening to swallow me up. I put my hooves over my eyes and whimpered.   The tower I was sitting on gave a small creak as it moved slightly in the wind. I held to the railings for dear life.   This was a stupid idea in every sense of the word. Any idea involving an extremely high place always had to be a stupid idea. Though considering who had thought up the idea I guess that didn't say a lot about me either.   It was such a simple plan. Get a rope between the tower and the wall, attach self to rope, step off, and slide to freedom. I had been fine until just after step two. That was when I had looked down and saw tiny dots moving around below me. My mind had pretty much refused to cooperate after that.   I slowly opened my eyes. No panicking, that was a good start. Then I tried standing up. The world swam before my eyes and I collapsed to the ground with my hooves over my head. Too high.   I opened my eyes. That was still okay. Instead of standing, I tried crawling slowly towards the edge, my harness clinking in response. It put together hastily with straps of leather and bits of scrap left lying around. Only now did I remind myself how stupid that was.   I looked below me and then immediately wished I hadn't. Below me was the camp, with ant-sized dots moving bustling around. Small herds of tiny brahmin faintly mooing. Ponies talking and yelling.   Then there was me, high above them all, about to do something incredibly stupid. I hoped they wouldn’t notice.   I stood up, determined to make at least one step towards the edge. My head lifted up and my gaze followed to the view over the walls. The horizon stretched out for miles and miles, with small mountains and hills in the distance. Wind swept up huge clouds of dust and sand, making new dunes and erasing evidence of any previous travellers.   The sight gave me the courage I needed. I closed my eyes and ran. The floor fell away beneath my hooves as I fell forward.   The line above me jerked as it took my weight. The tower creaked in protest, and I could feel my harness strain as a slid down the line. At first, it was like a gentle slide, but very quickly, I built up speed. I strained to open my eyes as the wind blew past me and I saw the wall racing towards me very, very quickly.   It grew closer, and closer. Fear took over as my body seized up, unable even to scream. Even so, as the edge of the wall approached, I could see my target getting nearer and nearer. Outside. That was where I was going.   There was an awful twanging sound.   I started falling.   That was probably when the screaming started.   My body unfroze itself and began flailing wildly. Now the ground rushed up to meet me, and it seemed to be moving even faster than the wall. I closed my eyes. Maybe it would just go away.   I felt the wind rushing by me as I tumbled through the air.   There was a loud thump.   After about 5 minutes, I realised I was still breathing.   As I opened one eye, I could also confirm I was still able to see. I also found that my other eye was still working. The dull grey sky was still above me. I reached out with one of my hooves. That was still working too. So did the rest of my limbs.   I looked down at the large pile of hay I was sitting on. I could see brahmin a little ways off mooing to themselves. I lay back down and looked back up to the sky. Then I just broke out laughing.   “I’m not dead!” I shouted, to no one in particular. The feeling of relief at not being dead was amazing, enough to put a stupid grin on my face. I rolled off my pile of hay and immediately stepped in some brahmin dung.   I stopped smiling.   ***   “Fifty caps.”   Around the camp, there were ponies of all kinds were milling about. Some were making their way through various stalls and stores, looking through the goods on display, or shouting at each other about prices. Others were sitting around tables or at a bar, eating campfire cooked food, swapping increasingly unbelievable stories in the hope of a free drink. A few were loading up crates and barrel into carts, or saddling up brahmin with even more bags, preparing for a long trek across the wastes.   And right in front of me, a grey earth pony looked down at me with some disapproval.   "Uh, kid. It's just a hammer, nothing special about it."   I looked down at the pieces of clutter scattered around me. Bits of metal, spent spark batteries and scrap cable made up most of my not-so-fantastic inventory. There was also a hammer, which did indeed look pretty normal.   "Ah, but ya see," I said, lifting up the hammer between my hooves. "Could a regular hammer do this?"   I swung the hammer down on a large rock and smashed into it. Cracks formed along the point of impact and then spread rapidly across the entirety of the rock, splitting it in half and revealing a small cache of glittering gems inside.   "Magical gem finding hammer," I said again as the earth pony's eyes widened slightly. "Only fifty caps."   He coughed and looked away, trying very hard to keep a straight face. I was no expert on reading people, but I didn't need to be to tell he was really bad at it.   "Nice tool, I suppose," he said looking back at me. "But it doesn't look too new. Still, I suppose I could take it for thirty caps."   "Forty-five" I said, almost immediately, which also apparently caught him off guard. He drew back slightly, but recovered.   "Thirty-five, no higher."   "Forty."   “Real smart little kid aren’t you?” He proceeded to make a big deal about thinking about it, complete with a hoof under his chin. I mentally rolled my eyes.   "And a couple of pieces of scrap, last offer."   With a triumphant flourish, the pony handed the caps over and walked away, hammer in mouth, leaving me considerably richer than I had been several minutes ago. I took a guess that the amount of smashed rocks around camp would go up quite a bit.   Forty caps wasn’t an awful lot, relatively. But when you're a young colt who hasn't eaten anything in the past few days, forty caps opens up a whole range of delicious food options. Delicious still being relative, of course.   Still, one advantage of being younger was that food portions were also proportionally a lot bigger. A good brahmin steak would probably last a day or two. Provided it didn’t grow legs and run away, which actually happened a lot more than I cared to think about.   I picked up the two halves of the rock that had been the victim to my earlier demonstration. The gems in the centre glittered, and as I reached out and tapped them they made a hollow plastic noise. I took out a tube of Wonderglue and carefully stuck the pieces of rock together again, the cracks fading together.   Another advantage I had found, as I stuffed the 'rock' back in my saddlebags, was that other ponies seemed to think that being young meant were somehow more honest.   I stuck my helmet back on my head, a round metal dome with various straps and clips hanging off the side. It was also far too big for me. The world went dark for a few seconds before I flicked up out of my face. I pulled myself up on my hooves, yawning and stretching as I did so and looked around. There were the stalls, still brimming with business. Brahmin pens took up a bit more of the space and sets of brick buildings, barracks and a saloon made up the rest of it.   All nicely packaged up in a set of concrete walls, complete with a big signed label emblazoned with 'Happy Tails Caravan Camp’ in massive red lettering. One of the biggest and safest trade hubs in the desert for miles.   And it was so boring. Nothing ever happened. Caravans went in and out, goods exchanged hooves, and more and more ponies just came and left.   I took a few steps forward and made my way towards food. My legs disagreed with my plan, and I rolled over onto the floor. I waved my legs feebly in the air. The zip line incident from earlier had been pretty draining. Add that to the hunger, and walking might really be pushing it.   I gave up and laid back on the ground, staring up at the sky. Grey clouds stretched in all directions, as far as I could see, the missing ceiling to an otherwise complete cell. Small holes appeared and disappeared as the clouds swirled slowly around. I pulled my helmet down and closed my eyes. The mess hall was really far away after all. Dinner could probably wait a few more hours or so.   Tap, tap, tap.   Or maybe not.   Someone tapped me on the head again. I groaned and shuffled slightly, attempting to convey 'leave me alone' in as few words as possible.   "Hey, you stay like that any longer and people might start selling you as radigator meat."   The voice came from above,. I lifted up my helmet and the face of a unicorn mare looking down at me blotted out the sky.   "Hello Racket," she said, smiling as she loomed over me.   There weren’t many good things about living in the camp, but the unicorn standing over me was one of them. Her name was Aqua Bloom, she was a caravan merchant, the normal kind who sold things for caps. I had met her, or more accurately, she had found me, as I was testing whether whatever they put in the brahmin troughs was edible.   As it turns out, it was, but unfortunately, it also caused me throw up a lot. Aqua had come over, cleaned me up and sat me in front of a large bowl of cactus mash. She had refused any sort of payment, saying that she just “couldn’t stand to see children suffering”. I had told her I could look after myself, she had just waved a hoof and told me that I could count it as a favour to be repaid. I didn’t think she would ever collect on it. She was the kindest pony I had ever met. She was also staring down at me, expecting a reply   "Hi Aqua," I replied. Or at least I tried to; it sounded a lot closer to 'hmmammhm'. Apparently, the bits of my face that dealt with taking had already taken the opportunity to go to sleep, and they weren't very happy about being woken up.   Either she understood me, or she just thought it was funny, but Aqua giggled at it all the same. My face started to heat up slightly. I coughed and tried looking away.   "Sorry," she said, with her hoof in front of her mouth, still trying to hide a smile. She shook her head, flicking strands of her white mane out of her eyes as she composed herself. "Just wanted to know why you're taking a nap right out here on the dirt. Your dad forget to pay the rent again?" She tried to pass it off as a joke, but it sounded strained.   She looked around the hub, scanning the groups of ponies. "Where is he anyway?"   I opened my mouth, but instead of words, there was just a loud rumbling noise that I was pretty sure came from me. Aqua smiled again as I shifted around.   "Well, I guess I won't be getting anything out of you until we put some food in you.” She grinned and offered a hoof out to me. "Let's get you something to eat, I'm sure your dad would appreciate it."   She caught sight of my expression and added, “Well, maybe.”   She lifted me up, and after a few seconds to make sure I wasn’t going to fall over again, we set off towards mess hall. Or ‘big tent that smelt worse than brahmin crap’, as I called it.   We talked as we trotted along, me about nothing in particular and especially not about zip lines, and her talking about her travels in the wastes. She did most of the talking, and I listened intently, hanging on to every word.   “We used to roll out east,” she said. “Plenty of stuff I could tell you about out there, the Manehattan ruins, the ‘high class’ ponies in Tenpony Tower, there’s even a bunch of ponies still in the Core, some good trade there I can tell you.”   “Still… It wasn’t the best place for a caravan. I heard that the west got off pretty light in comparison. Didn’t see anything there to prove them wrong.” Her smile faded slightly as she went on. “Course, we still have our own problem don’t we? Talk about something going on over the river, and the slavers are getting more active as well…”   I turned to look at her as she trailed off. Her mouth was still smiling, but there was a pained look on her face. For a while, we didn’t say anything. Sometimes she’d talk about it more, but most of the time just the mention of slavers was enough to cause the same sad expression to appear.   The silence let my mind wander and do some thinking. I kind of envied Aqua in a way, being able to travel to so many places, and see so many things. But then again, if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t know anything about outside. I probably would have ended up going crazy too.   She was the one of few in the camp that seemed to actually care about other ponies, and that was saying something. Whenever her caravan passed by, she would come and stop by for a while. I didn’t know what she thought of me, but I just enjoyed being around her, doing simple things like talking or walking together.   Not to mention her long white mane and blue coat, which made her look kinda… Pretty. Aqua turned to find the sight of me desperately trying to shove my entire head into my helmet.   "Get any redder and I could sell as an apple.” She held out a hoof and helped me up again.   “Radigator bait and apples,” I said. “What else are ya plannin’ to sell me as?”   “Oh, I could probably think up a bunch of other things,” she said, giving me an evil look complete with slightly unnerving grin. She managed to hold it for about a second before we both broke out laughing. A couple of ponies stopped and stared at us. I didn't care.   “Y’know,” she went on after we had both calmed down. “It’s too bad I can’t bring you anywhere, I think you’d really like it out there. We even have a little filly and her family coming along for the journey.”   I just nodded. Wasn’t much I could do. The camp and its walls were the only life I had. Beyond that, all I knew of the outside from were stories and whatever tattered books I could get my hooves on. I was stuck in almost every sense of the word. The walls that kept the wastes out, also kept me in. And I was sick to death of it.   The closest I had ever been, apart from that earlier adventure, was just a few steps away from the main gate. The desert stretched out in front of me, hills, rocks and the horizon in the distance. That was just before my dad had grabbed me and dragged me kicking and screaming back to the barracks. After that, he had made sure that the guards knew that I wasn’t even the observation towers were off-limit. He didn’t even give me a reason. Just that it was ‘for my own safety’.   Screw safety. I was getting out whether my dad liked it or not.   Speaking of my dad…   We were walking by the saloon when the door burst open and a group of ponies fell through the doorway, kicking and yelling at each other. A grey blue stallion struggled to the top first and drove his hoof into a unicorn’s stomach. He crumpled to the ground just as a bottle-wielding pony took a swing at where he had been standing. Losing his balance, he got a swift kick in the side. He stood up looking pleased with himself. That probably made the shovel to the back of the head even more surprising.   A grey unicorn at the bottom of the pile had levitated it up again for a second blow when the earth pony, apparently unfazed by the attack, wrenched from his telekinetic grasp and smashed it against the back of his head. He too fell over, joining the other three on the floor.   The grey pony reached down and picked up a straw hat that one of them had been wearing.   "An' that's why," he said, his words slurring together slightly. "Ya don't touch mah hat."   Then he staggered a few steps, threw up and fell over on the ground.   A shining example of ponykind. It almost made my want to laugh.   A minute or two later camp guards came over to disperse the crowd, while the others hauled the unconscious ponies away. The grey stallion with the hat was sitting up and looking around with a dazed expression and a rather contented grin on his face.   Aqua was wrapping some of his wounds with bandages, and trying to get him to drink a healing potion. I was just sitting down and pretending very hard to ignore him.   "Ya look just like mah kid y'know? He's almost looks, exactly like ya."   He wasn't making it easy.   Aqua carefully tied off the last bandages and instead set about trying to shake some sense into him.   "Slate, that is your son."   "Oh. Right." Expressions of puzzlement and confusion flashed across his face, until recognition finally dawned, albeit extremely slowly. "Oh! Hey Racket!" He waved a hoof at me while grinning like a maniac.   "Hi, Dad." That was all I could say. I just hung my head as Aqua tried to force the potion bottle into his mouth again. He dodged and weaved around it, until she just sighed and gave up. For a heavy drinker, he didn't really appreciate drinking very much.   "He'll need a trip to the infirmary, but otherwise he'll be just fine," she said, giving me a weak smile. "Honestly, I'm more surprised he doesn't have concussion right about now".   I looked him over again. Messy dark brown mane and tail and dark blue eyes. It was like looking in a mirror. If that mirror added about forty years. And then changed all the colours around. And then swapped our hats around. Actually, probably not the best analogy.   He did look slightly dazed though, smiling at anything and everything. Now was as good a chance as any. Time for Plan A.   "Hey, dad?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.   "Wha?" he replied, his eyes drifting until they focused on me. Or partly on me at least. "Oh, hi Racket. Would ya mind telling this unicorn to buzz off?"   "Dad, that's Aqua. You know her."   "Oh, righ'. Hiya!" He gave Aqua a grin and a wave. She sighed and gave a small wave in reply. I just sighed.   "I'm gonna get him something for the bruises, just sit tight and look after him okay?"   I nodded as Aqua walked off. That just left my dad and me.   "Pretty l'il gal ain't she?"   "What?"   "Looks a bit old for you though." He just sat and grinned his manic grin at me.   "Anyway," I said, trying to bring the conversation back to normality. "I just wanted to talk about me getting out of cam-"   "No."   I blinked. His expression had changed from grinning idiot to dead serious in less than a second.   He shook his head. "I've tol' you before, you can't go out there."   "B-But dad, if I stay here, I'll..." Um. My mind grasped at concepts and plucked one out of the muddles mess of ideas in my head. "I'll never get my cutie mark!"   "Too dangerous. 'Sides there's plenty of work to do here, you'll fin' what your talent is in good time."   "I've already tried everything!" Sincerity was easy. Mostly because it was true.   He stared at me for a while, his face still. Eventually he lowered his head, eyes covered by his hat. "Fin' then," he muttered. "What would you do if you got out?"   That was easy. "I would, uhh." My mind drew a blank. "I would..." I trailed off. I had stayed up all of last night, poring over a magazine about talking. But as much as I tried, whatever I had picked up seemed to have suddenly evaporated from my memory.   "Do... Things?" I said eventually, giving him a sheepish grin.   "Things?" He shook his head in response. "Sorry kid, no can do."   Damn it. So much for that.   "It's for ya safety," he said, as he rose to his feet slowly. "The wastes ain't a playground. Maybe when you're older kid, jus' not now."   I just sat there with my head down. I should have guessed nothing I said would change his mind. He just wanted me safe. Tired, hungry and near crazy from boredom, but safe. Screw safety.   After a while, Aqua came back and took him to the infirmary, my dad back to his normal state of slightly crazy drunk. That left me sitting outside with nothing but broken pieces of door for company.   On the bright side, at least I could go get some dinner now.   "Hey, you there," came a gruff voice from behind me.   I turned to see the saloon's owner what's-his-face looking down at me.   That wasn’t actually his name, but he was definitely looking at me, and he definitely didn't look very happy.   "You're Slate's kid right?"   I nodded glumly. Any conversation involving my dad usually didn't end well.   "Yeah, well”, he flipped open a notebook and scanned through it.  “He said you'd pick up his tab."   My mouth hung open.   "Five, ten… Yeah, twenty caps for the drinks." His gaze moved to the pieces of wood scattered on the ground.   "That'll be twenty for the door as well."   I didn't bother arguing as I handed over the caps. It wasn't worth it.   ***   A few hours later and forty caps lighter, I dragged myself around the camp for the umpteenth time. Light was fading, and some ponies had already packed up for the night. That didn’t include me of course, a bed at the barracks cost at least fifteen caps a night. Not exactly wallet breaking, but when you're broke you're broke.   It felt like I had a dark cloud hanging over my head. I looked up just to make sure. Nope, just regular clouds. Damn.   I managed to reach the cattle pens before I collapsed, stomach growling like a sick brahmin. Hah, despite it all I could still make some jokes. Take that world.   Crawling up to the feeding troughs, I glanced inside, looking for anything remotely edible, violent sickness or not. There was nothing. Not even a chewed up carrot. Well, that was that then. I flopped back on the ground, and closed my eyes. Sleep was marginally more preferable to gnawing hunger.   "You're going to get them all killed!"   Okay, no sleep for me either.   I got up, just in time to see a door slam open and a red unicorn mare dressed in leather armour storm out of the building.   "Spark, be reasonable..." Another unicorn mare appeared at the doorway, grey with a brushed back white mane.   Spark cut her off, rounding on her. "No, Glass, you be reasonable! Your stupid delivery is going to kill them all!"   "It's Miss Looking Glass to you," she said, adjusting a set of glasses perched on her nose. "And just remember that it was your sister who agreed to it." The grey unicorn turned away and shut the door behind her.   "Damn it!" A bucket slammed into a nearby wall as Spark decided to start ripping apart her surroundings. I yelped and jumped behind a trough as signs and posts followed, along with anything not nailed down. By the time she had calmed down, it looked like someone had set off a bomb. Then another one.   I peeked over the edge of the trough and saw her breathing heavily in the centre of the destruction.   She really didn’t seem in the best mood. I tried my best to sneak away. That’s when my stomach decided to rumble loudly.   "Who's that!?" Spark snapped around, levitating a pistol at my hiding place. "You've got five seconds before I start firing, and I'll warn you right now I am pissed off!"   It was a choice between bullets, or a really angry mare. It wasn't much of a choice. I crawled out slowly from behind my hiding place and moved into the soft lamplight. It took her a few steps with her gun still trained on me before she deemed me not a threat. The look of abject terror I had probably helped as well.   "Ugh, you. I could've guessed." She sighed as she holstered the pistol. I felt myself start to breathe again. No one ever seemed happy to see me.   "Word of advice kid, don't sneak up on me." Spark turned around and started to walk off. I tagged along behind her. It wasn't as if I had anything else to do.   Spark was the head of security in camp. That meant she dealt with my dad on a day-to-day basis. I was somewhat of a lesser concern, but since she was also Aqua's sister, I got 'extra special supervision' whenever she was around. Less for protection against me, but rather the amount of trouble I seemed to attract. Considering my day, I didn't really blame her.   "What was all the shouting about?" I asked, moving up alongside her.   "Nothing."   "Nothing? You almost shot me!"   She waved a hoof dismissively. "I meant, nothing a kid like you should be worrying about."   "But she was talking your sis wasn't she?" The look I got back told me I should probably stop prying any further. I gulped and got back to silently walking.   "Oh, what the hell. It's not like you won't hear it from her later. 'Sides I need to vent a bit."   With the cracking of what had been a signpost a few minutes ago underhoof, I agreed with her.   "The annual caravan journey out east is coming up tomorrow. You know about that right?"   I nodded. It was one of the biggest events in the year, fifty or more wagons loaded with supplies heading off on a long trek across the desert. The east was apparently in bad shape, something to do with it being the main target of most of the war bombs. I didn't know much about it, but from what I heard, there had been explosions and fire everywhere. Sounded cool to me.   Spark continued talking. "Yeah, well, standard procedure, we send out part of the camp guard to go along with them, they get there and make it back and everyone is happy. Sometimes we got people who wait a little on personal deliveries just to join up. That's fine, ain't much effort to protect a couple more wagons."   "But Looking Glass, in her infinite freaking wisdom decided to delay all this years deliveries to today. Said it was for efficiency." The way her eyes blazed, I feared she might start destroying things again. Thankfully, she just sighed and continued. "Nah, she just wanted to scrape every last cap she could. So now we've got over twice as many wagons to protect and hardly enough guards. As if we didn't need to be a more attractive target for raiders."   "Maybe I wouldn't have minded. I mean anyone stupid enough to go along with it deserves everything that happens to them. But then Aqua turns up and says she wants to tag along her own wagon."   "Now I've got her life hanging on it, and Glass won't even let my assign anymore guards. Instead she brings in the freaking freelancers. I swear, half of them don't even know which end of a gun the bullets come out of."   "So yeah, I'm not really a happy pony right now." She hung her head and gave a deep sigh. "Oh yeah, and I'm sorry for almost shooting you."   Hardly anyone was around by now, the camp was dark, and the only real light was the soft orange glow given off by the burning oil lamps. We walked behind the back of one of the administrative buildings. It was the quickest way back to the guard barracks. I was almost glad to see night come. At least it would be easier to get some sleep.  Hunger problems notwithstanding.   It also meant I didn't notice Spark had stopped walking until I bumped into her. From the way she stood stock still, she had either noticed something wrong, or had suddenly turned into stone. I was inclined to believe the former, if only because I could hear her breathing.   "We're being followed," she whispered to me. "Stick close and follow my lead."   She started walking again. I fought off the urge to look behind me and kept close alongside her.   Fear of the unknown. That's what they say is what you're truly afraid of. I didn't know who 'they' were, but they were at least partly right. My hair prickled, along with the gnawing sense of unease. I sped up my walk.   Suddenly, Spark jumped backwards. There was a sickening cracking sound and then a pony crying out in pain. I turned and saw a grey pony lying on the ground, hooves over a bloodied face. Next to him was a knife, along with Spark, pointing her gun at his head.   "All right knife boy, why the hell are you following us?"   "Fugoff" he replied. It sounded like he'd bitten his tongue. Looking at the knife, I guessed it was probably more than bitten.   All that earned him was a swift kick in the nether regions, eliciting another load cry.   "Ahm herfur th' kid!" he shouted as Spark raised her leg again. The colt pointed at me. She lowered her hoof and turned to me instead.   "Know this guy do you?"   I shook my head. To be fair, I hardly knew any ponies around the camp. Still, he did look familiar...   "He sol me aghahar!"   "Aghahar?"   Aghahar? Ahahar, A hahar... A hammer? Wait...   "Oh right!" I said, raising a hoof. "He's the guy I sold that fake hammer too."   "Ah newit!" the grey pony shouted. "Geth him!" Two ponies jumped out in front of us, one holding a large sledgehammer in his mouth and the other levitating a cattle prod.   Oh. Woops.   "What th-" Spark was cut off as the grey pony smacked the pistol out of her grip. It clattered off somewhere in the darkness as the other two charged at us. He got a hoof to the stomach for his trouble.   "Get down!" Spark shouted at me as she ripped a nearby lamp off the wall with her magic. I didn't hear her. All I noticed were the two ponies charging towards me. My brain screamed at me to move, but my body refused to move. I saw a wall rushing up towards me.   The sledgehammer pony reached her first, and took a swing. Dodging to the right, she brought the lantern round into his head as he threw himself off balance. There was loud crack as the glass smashed against his head. Sledgehammer pony went down with a thud.   I blinked. Everything had gone dark, the lamp not in any condition to be working anymore. A shout came from the dark.   "Hey, kid, you still okay?" came Spark's voice.   Well, if you counted scared stiff as being okay, then yeah sure!   "Hold on..." A light flared in front of me and Spark appeared, slightly in front of me.   "Can't see a damn thing, or the rest of them." She turned her head and the light from her horn swept around. "Gah!"   I watched as Spark leapt into the path of the cattle prod. She fell onto the floor, twitching slightlyThe the unicorn turned to face me, bringing the prod around for a second swing.   Something snapped inside me, breaking whatever paralysis had taken over me.   I started to run, closing the distance between me and the unicorn. He swung the cattle prod round, just as I threw myself at him. I felt the cattle prod brush against my side. The shock travelled across my body, muscles started contracting involuntarily. It didn't matter, I didn't need them anymore.   The look on the unicorns face as I slammed into him, helmet first, must have been quite a sight. Unfortunately for me, all I heard was a loud thud, and then another as I hit the ground.   My mouth tasted dirt. Dirt didn't taste very nice. Why did I taste dirt?   I lifted my head. Oh right, I'm on the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spark getting shakily to her feet. That was good. Then my head throbbed and blackness started to creep into the edges of my vision.  That was probably not so good. There was a dull buzzing sound in my ears as I felt myself slipping away.   The last thing I felt was a searing pain across my head, as I sank into darkness.   ***   "Blink please.”   I blinked. Light shone into my eyes as a unicorn flashed a small light in front of my face.   “Look left.”   I’d woken up in the infirmary, head still slightly sore. Aqua had been there, as well as Spark, the former fussing about whether I was okay, and the latter seemingly indifferent about it.   “Now right”   After I’d blacked out, Spark had rounded up the ones who had attacked us and managed to get them locked up ‘pending further investigation’. Seeing as how parts of her mane still refused to lay down straight, I was guessing it would probably be a long time coming.   “And blink”   I blinked. The unicorn floated the torch away from my eyes as I rubbed them.   “No signs of concussion, you’ll be thankful to know. Knowing who you’ve got as a father though, I wouldn’t be surprised.” She dismissed me and turned to look at Spark instead. “I don’t suppose I’ll be finding out about how you two got these injuries at all?”   “No.”   The nurse just shook her head and sighed.   “No, I didn’t expect so. Look, I need the beds for the late night drunks. You’re fine, so if you don’t mind…”   That’s how we ended outside. The night had settled, cold air sweeping through the camp, the only light coming from the small number of lamps casting their orange glow. I heard Spark come up next to me and give a small cough.   “You gonna get into any more trouble tonight?” she asked as she sat down next to me. “Or am I gonna have to lock you up to?”   “Dunno,” I said with a grin. “Are you gonna get your mane any more spiky?” I guessed from the look that I got back that she probably wasn’t.   “You just concentrate on not selling people anymore ‘magical’ items, got it?” I nodded as well as I could with her muzzle pressed up against mine. “Good. Well, then, I’m going off to get the guards ready.” She drew away as I managed to start breathing again. I watched her walking away, and then as she turned back towards me.   “Oh, and... Thanks kid,” she said, staring at the ground. Then slightly louder and with a smirk continued, “Nice way to use your head.”   I winced as a flash of pain streaked across my head as she turned away and walked off.   I shivered, partly from the cold, and partly from the sudden loneliness. This was replaced by a sudden warmth as someone put their hooves around me.   “You did well today Racket, or at least, that’s what I heard,” Aqua said as she pulled me closer. I felt my face start to burn. “I need to go get ready for tomorrow, but I promise I’ll see you again soon, okay?” She gave me a small smile. I couldn’t manage to look at her back.   “Yeah... Okay...” I murmured in reply. She smiled at me again, and then walked off towards the rows of wagons.   I watched as she walked away, the warmth fading more quickly that I would have liked. That just left me sitting outside by myself. It seemed to be happening a lot lately.   There wasn’t much I could do apart from head back to the barracks. Today had certainly been Interesting. Ponies trying to kill me was certainly a bad point, not to mention losing all my caps. My dad... Well that was just him being him. Good points were being with Aqua, and also Spark, who probably ended up disliking me less.   My mind rambled on until I reached the large half cylinders that made up the barracks. The doors weren’t an option for me, they charged caps for bed and entry, and I was somehow running low. I moved round to the back of the building instead. A few boxes and barrels, nothing out of the ordinary, but they were my only way inside. I clambered up a pile of boxes and quietly opened a small window, rectangular and flat and just big enough for me to squeeze through.   I squeezed through and climbed down the stack of boxes on the other side. Or at least I should have. Instead, I fell and landed with a thud on the floor. The pain was a good reminder to look where I was going as I shifted the boxes stacked just to the right of the window.   Moving through the darkness, I fumbled around the walls until my hoof hit the light switch. A ceiling lap flickered a few times and then grew slowly, casting a yellow glow on the room. A stack of shelves on my left held various pieces of scrap machinery and a row of old looking books, while bits of metal and tools lay cluttered on the floor. There was a mattress curled up in the corner, complete with a rather patchy blanket and pillow. Home sweet cupboard.   It wasn't much but it was mine. Well mostly mine, at least no one knew I was here. The only door had rusted shut long ago, leaving a hidden, if not completely comfortable living space. It was small, but some small paintings of deserts and landscapes helped it feel bigger. It was a comforting place.   I shucked off my saddlebags and tipped the contents onto the floor. The amount of clutter on the floor grew quite substantially. I moved the clutter into somewhat similar piles and then stretched out on the mattress. It felt good to lie down after what happened today. I curled up and pulled the blanket over me, sleep was very welcome.   ***   Bzzt, Bzzt.   Ugh, hold on.   Bzzt, Bzzt.   Alarm, right, gotta turn that off.   Bzzt, bz- click.   Silence. Much better. Now... Why's it still dark?   I tugged off the blanket and stood up. It was indeed still dark outside.   "Stupid clock!” I shouted at the inanimate object. A hand popped off as I moved it in my hooves. I guessed it didn't help that it was held together with duct tape.   I just sighed. Well, since I was up I figured I should get something done. I shifted the piles of junk on the floor. List, list... Ah, here we go. Number one, get caps. Yeah that didn't really go so well. Next point, get food. Not going to happen too soon. Third point, collect materials. I looked around at the piles of clutter around me. At least there wasn't a shortage of that. Some piles seemed to have actually grown while I was asleep.   The last thing on the list said, 'read second note'. After searching on the floor for a few more minutes, I found it tacked onto the wall instead.   "Find weapon?" I read out loud. Why would I need that? I racked my brain for answers. The rest of the list was pretty incomprehensible, probably due to lack of decent writing tools. The only reason I could think of needing to get a weapon would be...   My thoughts drifted to my earlier escape attempt, and also to the journey over to the east. That was happening today wasn't it?   Something sparked inside my brain. Oh, right! I couldn't believe I had forgotten, though staring around at how many notes I had made, I suspected that I probably had done.   I spun to look at the window. The first signs of light were beginning to creep through the darkness. I was going to have to work quickly.   A few minutes of gathering provided me with a set of junk that was in a somewhat usable condition. A rusted paint gun in the corner grabbed my eye. I gripped it and waved it around a bit. It seemed fairly stable and the mechanisms were all there, now all it needed was a few additions. I grabbed a screwdriver in my mouth and got to work.   ***   I clambered out of the window a couple of minutes later, saddlebags in tow. The plan was very simple, get on a wagon, hide, and I'd finally be out of here within the hour. I’d packed my bags, though not with as many supplies as I had hoped. Honestly, I was more concerned about getting out.   I crept around, peeking around buildings, making my way towards the wagon area. It was early dawn, but there were still a number of ponies getting prepared for the trip.   And some guards it seemed, Spark must not have given the whole 'stay behind' speech much thought. I moved to the holding pens just next to the wagons where there were still some cattle, asleep thankfully.   "Moo, I say."   Okay, mostly asleep then. I turned around to find a two-headed creature staring down at me. Well, half-staring, the other head seemed more preoccupied with chewing on something.   "Don’t see many ponies out this time of morning, how're you doing?" the head that was focused on me said.   "Shh!" I replied, trying to focus on the movements of the camp guards.   "Well that's mighty rude now ain't it? Ain't that just rude Herbert?" The other head, presumably named Herbert continued chewing, apparently oblivious to the conversation.   "Just shush, I'm trying to be quiet!"   "Hey, who's out there?" The voice had come from one of the guards over by the wagons. I yelped and tried to hide behind one of the feeding troughs.   "Young people today, no manners at all." The brahmin continued unabated. "I mean when I was just a calf, ponies used to greet me with at least a hello and they didn't just load me up with bags without asking, and...   "Shh, you're gonna blow my cover!" The head continued its rant, ignoring my attempts to make it be quiet. As I peeked out from behind my hiding place, I saw a couple of unicorn guards getting closer, horns glowing in the faint morning light.   "... And they make us walk for so long without a break, it's not as if we don't get tired, and some of them even use muzzles! Can you even imagine the indignity…"   The brahmin seemed to be completely ignoring me now. As much as it was annoying, I surprised myself when I pulled out my modified paint gun and pulled the trigger. There was a small twanging sound and a dart flew through the air and sailed over the Brahmin. Another twang and the second dart hit it on the side.   "And another thing, I really don't... See why... Oo-er..."   It collapsed on the ground in a sprawl, heads flopping to both sides. At least one of them was snoring faintly as the sleeping draught did its work. The good news was that meant my new dart gun worked. The bad news was that I was I only had a couple of darts left and I hadn't even left yet. That, and the guards were still getting closer.   I held my breath as the guard came right up next to my hiding spot. Faint light swept around the pens, and then again.   "Nothing here, just the cattle," said one voice.   "Yeah? Then what do you think spooked 'em?" said another.   "How the hell am I supposed to know? Look let's just get back before the boss chews us out for leaving our post."   The light swept around for the final time, and then faded. The sound of hooves walking away was accompanied by the return of my breathing. Crisis averted, for now at least, but I still needed to get over to the wagons.   I looked around again, trying to take in all the details. The large wall and gate was to my left, while the rest of the camp stretched out back to the right. The holding area was directly opposite from where I was, with a dirt trail in between them, but it was being patrolled by several guards. Failing sudden powers of invisibility that meant the direct route was out of the question.   Ponies were still loading crates and barrels onto wagons. I also noticed a small pile of Sunrise Sarsaparilla crates, stacked up the wall next to me. I moved up next to them and prized open the lid. The top crate was empty, save for a few bottles. There was an obvious plan here. Still, my stomach was doing somersaults at the mere thought of it.   The outside is so near, a little voice in my head said. It’s right there, just climb inside.   I couldn’t. Or maybe I could. It was the only way. But I might get noticed. But maybe that didn’t matter.   I must have spent ages, just standing there, hoof holding the lid of that crate. I could have probably spent ages more, if the sound of hoof steps getting nearer hadn't caused me to stop arguing with myself.   I leapt inside and brought the lid back down over me. It was dark, cramped. I hardly had enough room to move my legs. My heart was pounding, partially from fear, but mostly from the feeling of the crate pushing into me. My breathing quickened. The sides of the crate seemed to shrink.   Then came something worse than being stuck in a small space. Being stuck in a small space and being thrown around. Something that I suspected the pony that lifted me didn't know. There was a minute of shaking and floating, followed by a sharp throw and a thump.   Then I was alone. Muffled sounds still floated in through the wooden panels, along with bumps of items being loaded, but they all felt so distant. The waiting was agonising, I didn't dare open the lid of the crate for fear of being found, but any longer and I would probably scream.   Then there was a bump, and then a creak of a wheel as it turned underneath. The relatively smooth ride continued for a while, and then gave way to harsher ground, rattling the crates and making me all too aware of the panels still around me.   Carefully, I lifted myself up, the crates lid creaking in response. From the crack in the box, I could see the dirt being kicked up behind the wagon, and the massive gate of the camp behind us.   Gradually, the image shrunk before me, leaving me with a view of the world around me. Desert stretched out for miles around, mountains and cliffs towered off into the distance, and the clouds seemed even higher than before.   It was amazing. There were no other words for the world beyond the walls.   The shock of the outside was quickly replaced by a sudden sense of tiredness. Not sleeping for more than an hour can apparently do that to you. I clambered out of the crate and sprawled out over whatever space was left and closed my eyes.   I’d made it. A smile crept across my face, before the darkness of sleep washed over me.   Footnote: New Trait: Claustrophobia – You have a fear of enclosed spaced. Being indoors causes you to work less effectively, but you excel in wide-open spaces.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chronology notes: Stop! You are reading the Fourth story in the series started by The Kindness of Strangers! Please read The Kindness of Strangers first! The second part of the story is Putting the Pieces Back Together found here: This story is the direct sequel to Midnight in the Heart of Equestria found here: Tomorrow is Always a New Day Chapter 1 Twilight Sparkle yawned loudly as she opened her eyes, the sun was shining in and she looked out her window to find that it was morning. She smiled; she had a lot to smile about these days. Things were finally on the up and up for her. The usual crises that plagued Ponyville had subsided for some time, and things began to look as if she would finally be able to live the quiet life one would expect from living in a small town. Ponyville had been a magnet for trouble since she’d first arrived here nearly two years ago. Tomorrow was officially the first day of winter; however Cloudsdale wouldn’t start pumping out snow until the first of December. Twilight for one was ready for the fun that winter weather brought with it, and after everything she and her friends had been through the last few months... they needed it. Almost all of them were living back at home now, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, still in Canterlot working to regain full control of her wings, Twilight was a little sad that she wouldn’t be seeing as much of her Pegasus friend this winter as she had the last, but then her and the others could always find some excuse to pop up to Canterlot and check in. “Twilight Sparkle! I’ve made breakfast!” Twilight smiled and got up from bed, trotting down stairs to find that Pinkie Pie had set the table for breakfast. Pinkie Pie had been living with Twilight for the last couple of days since returning from Canterlot. When Sugarcube Corner blew up in late October, it left Pinkie homeless. Mister and Misuses Cake had moved out of town, opting to stay with friends until the winter passed before starting the reconstruction of the town bakery. Everypony had been a little disappointed in that, but Sugarcube Corner had picked a bad time to blow up. Was there ever a good time? Twilight asked herself as she sat down; she quickly decided that there wasn’t. “What did you make?” Twilight asked. “Eggs! Plus some of these grasses I found in your refrigerator,” Pinkie said. “I’ve never seen any of them before. Where did you get them?” Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie’s labours; she recognised the grasses from her walkabout in the Mohoofie desert, the last of the bit gathered by Roy Melbourne, the kindly kangaroo who’d saved her from dying of thirst. “Out west,” Twilight said giving a simple answer. “It’s too bad there isn’t any more. They’re super yummy!” Pinkie said with a mouthful of grass. “We should go out there sometime and get some more!” “I’m not going out to the Mohoofie desert again, at least not without five days worth of food, and a decalitre of water!” Twilight chuckled and ate her breakfast in peace. ... Pinkie Pie departed from the Library soon after breakfast, skipping along to run errands. Twilight had to admit, she had no idea what Pinkie Pie did with her day now that her job and livelihood had been destroyed, but as Twilight thought about it, she figured that she didn’t know what Pinkie had done with herself even before the destruction of Sugarcube Corner. Twilight had been keeping an eye on her friend; she’d arguably been affected the most out of all of them by what had happened that day in late October. It was a miracle that she even alive. Let alone the fact that there seemed to be no side effects from the high amperage electric current that she’d subjected herself to in order to save everyponies lives from Overdrive. The Alicorn that had made himself the highest authority in Ponyville before Pinkie used the superconductor coils she’d constructed in Sugarcube Corner’s basement, under the direction of the fragmented consciousness of Monty Ulhan, the earth pony colt who’d sacrificed himself not once, but twice to save Ponyville from certain destruction. Twilight felt a pang of guilt in her heart, thinking of Monty always brought up bad feelings about his very preventable death. She shrugged it off, it was in the past, she’d moved on, but she’d be a terrible pony if she’d just forgotten it completely. There was a knock at the door. Good, Twilight needed a distraction; she went over and opened the top half of the Libraries door. She smirked when she discovered who had knocked. “It’s a public library Nightshadow.” Standing in the doorway was the town’s Apothecary. Nightshadow, the all black unicorn with glowing amber eyes that Twilight found to be the most gentile she’d ever seen. “I just didn’t want to barge in and interrupt anything,” Nightshadow said, giving her a mild shrug. Twilight liked this about him; he was a lot like her in some respects. He was shy, clearly introverted, and a bookworm dedicated to the study of the world around him. They were a lot alike, with many of their interests overlapping. Lately, they’d been studying illusionary magic together. Twilight wasn’t exactly the foremost expert on illusionary magic in Ponyville, no that title belonged to Trixie. Twilight had knowledge of many kinds of magic, Arcane, Elemental, Illusionary, and so on. But she wasn’t an expert at any of them. Most ponies specialised in one school of magic, like Trixie had with Illusionary Magic. Twilight was not specialised in any of them, instead knowing a broad variety of basic and intermediate level magic from each of the three major schools. Twilight wasn’t sure why Nightshadow had come to her about Illusionary magic, but she was willing to help all the same. Nightshadow yawned; he quickly stuffed his hoof in his mouth trying to stifle it, but to no avail. “My apologies, I had a rather late night last night. Up well past midnight,” Nightshadow offered up an explanation. “Working on some special project?” Twilight asked. The black unicorn cocked his head slightly, giving a nod in affirmation. “Yes, I suppose you could say that... Anyway, I can’t stay and chat. I received an urgent letter from my brother in Canterlot this morning, so I’m leaving town for a while...” Nightshadow’s voice trailed off a bit. “I guess I just didn’t want to leave without... you know, saying goodbye to you.” Even under his thick black coat, Twilight Sparkle could tell he was blushing. She was too, but she hadn’t the faintest idea why. Her heart was beginning to flutter as it usually did when he talked to her. Both of them were embarrassed by the situation, so Twilight did her best to get their conversation back to being less awkward. “When will you be coming back?” “Don’t know. My brother is a doctor in Canterlot, and needs help with a patient. Apparently, they’ve exhausted all other forms of treatment with this one, and now they’re trying alternatives... Well, that’s what I do! Alternatives...” Nightshadow smiled at her. Twilight smiled back, the two waved their goodbyes, and Nightshadow trotted off around the corner. Pinkie Pie poked her head through the still open front door, smiling at Twilight brightly. “You like him!” “I... I do not!” Twilight blushed. Pinkie Pie frowned, not believing her for a second. “Okay... maybe a little.” Twilight said giving in slightly. Pinkie kept staring. “Okay! Okay! Yes! I do! I do!” Twilight said admitting it fully. Pinkie smiled at her. “See? Now was that so hard? Have you two been out on a date yet?” Twilight was caught off guard by her friend’s question. “What! Pinkie Pie, I don’t even think he likes me like that!” Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow and shook her head slightly. “Right, Suuureee he doesn’t,” she said sarcastically. “You need to ask him out! Obviously he’s too much like you to have the guts to do it himself, so you gotta!” “He’s going out of town for a while to help his brother with something. I couldn’t if I wanted to.” Twilight explained. “Who’s his brother?” Pinkie Pie asked. “He didn’t say actually... I didn’t ask either.” Twilight said. “Boo!” Pinkie Pie said, sticking her tongue out. “Well I gotta get back to errands! Bye Bye Twi!” Pinkie skipped off down the street again, doing whatever Pinkie Pie does. Twilight merely sighed. “Pinkie Pie, you are so random!”
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 2 Nightshadow had made his way up the mountain towards the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot. He’d been to Canterlot only few times over the course of his unnaturally long life, and was pleased to find that extremely little had changed since the thousand year exile on the moon. Things had been different then, much different, but as the rest of the country had changed around it, Canterlot stayed pretty much the same. After all, there wasn’t really much more space to build anything without carving into the mountainside, which would be disastrous as any part of the city above the digging would collapse onto everything lower. Nightshadow’s own chaotic tendencies were excited by the idea, but as much as he’d have liked to see it, there would be no way to manipulate even the weakest of minds to do it. He’d arrived where he needed to be, just in time it seemed as Nightsinger appeared from a dark corner. “You had better have an extremely good reason to pull me away from Ponyville during the day. Could it have not waited until Nightfall?” Nightshadow asked. Every milligram of meekness that he’d exhibited in Ponyville had washed away. “It could not. One of my patients is taking too long to recover, everything I tried to accelerate the process has failed,” Nightsinger said. “What’s wrong Nightsinger? Have more important things to do? Clearly, you didn’t inherit our patience.” Nightshadow said mockingly. “Patience has nothing to do with it my brother,” Nightsinger said, shrugging off the insult. “Nightcaller has instructed me that this one needs to be well, and well soon, in order to carry out a task that will be given to her. I would not have called you here if I didn’t absolutely need it.” “Very well. Show me to her.” ... Rainbow Dash stretched her wings out, flapping them gently, she was absolutely beaming. “Better start getting wax on yourself now Spitfire, it’s not going to be long before these babies help me wipe the floor with you!” “Clever,” Spitfire chuckled. “You’ve come a long way Rainbow. You should be proud of yourself.” “Let’s be honest here, when am I ever not proud of myself?” Rainbow asked with a grin. Spitfire laughed, giving the young Pegasus a smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow kiddo.” And with that, Spitfire departed from view. Rainbow Dash looked back at her wings, gently flapping them. “Not long now...” “Perhaps, even sooner than you think?” Rainbow looked up to find a black Pegasus, clad in a medical coat, standing with an equally black unicorn. “Heya Doc! What’s up?” Rainbow Dash said giving Doctor Nightsinger a polite wave. “I have some bad news, and some good news,” Doctor Nightsinger said with a reassuring smile. Rainbow Dash frowned. “Can I get the good news first?” “You wouldn’t have a clue what I was talking about if I did it that way,” Doctor Nightsinger said with a polite shrug. “The bad news is that you aren’t getting any better with your current line of treatment. I’m afraid we’ve pretty much passed its point of usefulness.” Rainbow’s heart sank. “What’s the good news?” “The good news is that my colleague from the Royal Apothecary society has developed an experimental new treatment that will heal you faster than you ever thought possible!” Rainbow’s spirit’s soared. “How fast is fast?” “Fast as in you’d go to sleep and wake up the next morning with full use of your wings,” the Unicorn said. Rainbow’s mouth popped wide open. “Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh! Sign me up!” She squealed in excitement. Imagine! She could be flying again tomorrow morning! Nightsinger smiled. “I’ll leave you alone with Nightshadow here; he’ll explain to you the procedure. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” The black Pegasus gave her a smile and departed from the room. The unicorn that had been introduced as Nightshadow sat down. He pulled a standard five centilitre vial from his saddlebag with his magic, it was filled with a green liquid the likes of which Rainbow Dash had never seen before. “This is the treatment. All you have to do is drink it, you will find yourself falling asleep, and then you will dream,” Nightshadow explained to her. “That’s it?” Rainbow Dash asked, it almost sounded too good to be true. “That’s it. Small warning, the dream that you have while under the influence of this potion will be more vivid and realistic than any you have ever had in the past. It’ll look and feel exactly like you’re awake... Your dream could be about anything! Which unfortunately means it may also become a nightmare... Worse still, if it does become a nightmare, it’ll be one that you can’t wake up from until it’s over.” Rainbow Dash gulped nervously, she didn’t like the sound of that, but the more she thought about it, the more she supposed that it would still be worth it. Besides, it would still be just a dream. Dreams can’t hurt you. “I can also give you something that’ll keep you lucid while you’re dreaming, You’ll have total control over what your dream happens to be. You’d be able to change the world around with a single thought!” Rainbow liked that idea a lot. She knew exactly what she’d dream about if she could have control over it. “It won’t last the entire night unfortunately. Only about eight hours, you need to be asleep for twelve.” Still worth it. “I’ll go that route,” Rainbow said. Nightshadow smiled at her, “I thought you would.” He pulled another vial, this one far smaller than the healing potion and glided it over to her. Rainbow took it, it was filled with a murky white substance that was somewhere in-between a liquid and a solid. She drank the entire vial. “Ew! That’s disgusting!” Rainbow called out, the potion had been horrifically bitter. “Potions aren’t exactly known for their taste,” Nightshadow said with a small shrug, he passed the second vial to Rainbow Dash, and she drank it in one gulp. “Yuck!” Rainbow exclaimed, this one tasted even worse. “How do you expect anypony to be able to drink this stuff?” “Because it works!” Nightshadow said. Rainbow felt herself becoming very drowsy, she set her head down on her pillow and gently drifted off to sleep. ... Rainbow opened her eyes; she was standing in the middle of a field outside Ponyville. She looked back at her wings with glee. She spread them and leapt into the air. Her wings flapping at high speed as she soared through the clear skies. Oh how she missed this! Rainbow Dash pulled several loops, accompanied by several barrel rolls, high speed turns, and a good number of other aerial manoeuvres what weren’t even possible to pull off in the real world. Here in this dream world, she could do anything she wanted to do! Off in the distance, Rainbow Dash discovered another flyer coming into view, another Pegasus? No... The colours weren’t right to be a pony... It was a Gryphon. “Gilda?” Rainbow Dash called out. The Gryphon stopped and hovered in midair a couple dozen metres from her, giving her a wave. “What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked. “I should think it obvious,” Gilda said with a smirk. “I’m here because you want me to be here.” Rainbow Dash was a little confused by this, she didn’t think she’d had any desire to see Gilda again... But here she was. She was in full control of this dream, so clearly she did. And then it hit her. “I’ve missed you Gilda,” Rainbow Dash had never really realised it until this point, but she did. Gilda had been her best friend when they were kids, but after the way Gilda had treated her friends in Ponyville last year... Well Rainbow Dash hadn’t actually gotten around to dealing with how she felt. “I missed you too dweeb,” Gilda said, smiling playfully at her. “I’d be careful where you go with this, you in full control is going to lead me to saying everything you want to hear, whether or not it’s actually true.” Rainbow Dash looked a Gilda in confusion, why in the world had she said that? “That’s the, underused, rational part of your brain talking,” Gilda explained. “It’s trying to keep you from setting yourself up for disappointment.” Rainbow sighed. “This isn’t nearly as fun as I thought it was going to be.” Gilda smiled at her, closing in and giving Rainbow Dash a hug. “C’mon dweeb, no tears! Hey, bet I can beat you to Canterlot and back!” Rainbow Dash grinned. “As if! You’re on!” The Pegasus and Gryphon took off at high speed. Rainbow Dash had no intention on losing, forgetting entirely that it was her dream and that it was impossible for her not to win. Rainbow Dash flew faster and faster, faster than she’d ever had in the longest time, she could feel it as her body had accelerated well past 700 kilometres per hour. Gilda was no slouch either; the duo rounded Canterlot and was zooming back towards their starting point. The sky turned red. Both Pegasus and Gryphon looked up to see what was going on. The sky seemed to be filled with fire, a long bright trail followed by a column of smoke, a meteorite? Rainbow didn’t remember asking for this. The meteorite slammed into the ground at their starting point, sending a shockwave through the air that forced both Pegasus and Gryphon to stop in their tracks or get thrown about by it. Rainbow Dash and Gilda landed by the impact crater left by the falling meteorite, it turned out to be a small metal sphere with strange writing printed all over it. “The stuff that Apothecary gave you must be wearing off,” Gilda said. Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda in confusion, how would she know about that? “We’re in your head dummy. I know everything you do.” Gilda explained. Dash hadn’t even needed to ask. “Listen, if that stuff is wearing off, then I’m probably not going to be around much longer... even if I do stay, I’m not likely to be very helpful. Whatever happens, you can make it through this. Don’t get your hopes up...” With a blink of an eye, Gilda was gone. Don’t get my hopes up on patching things up with the real you... I got it. Rainbow Dash thought to herself, she frowned, she’d never realised just how much she’d missed the gryphon until now, even if she hadn’t turned out to be the nicest creature on the planet. Rainbow Dash turned her attention back to the metal bit that landed in front of her, she climbed down into the crater. She raised her hoof and gave the metal ball a prod. The ball turned pitch black and exploded into a cloud of smoke, the cloud roared at her, making a loud angry ticking noise as it moved. Rainbow Dash panicked and took off running. She tried to fly, but when she flapped her wings she found that they just harmlessly fell to the side as they had when they were paralysed. The black smoke went after her, she heard the ticking noise as it got louder and louder, she turned back to see that the black smoke could outpace her on foot, and without her wings there was no way to get away. The Pegasus tripped, where she scattered to the ground. She turned over on her back and watched as the black smoke reared up, howling and crashing down upon her. She knew nothing more. ... Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs. Doctor Nightsinger burst into the room, fearing the worst. Rainbow was panting heavily. She looked around to find that everything was okay. Just a dream... More like a nightmare. “Your friend wasn’t kidding.” Rainbow Dash said between breaths. ... Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but smile as she flapped her wings in the courtyard of the Royal Hospital, they felt stronger than ever, and she was ready for her first flight since being injured. She leapt into the air, flapping her wings and climbing to a height of 10 metres. Doctor Nightsinger had joined her. “How does it feel?” “I feel fantastic! My wings! Oh how I missed them!” Rainbow said. She looked down to see Spitfire standing in the courtyard looking up at her. She smiled to the bright yellow Pegasus and gave her a wave. Spitfire joined them. “You look great kiddo. How do you feel?” Spitfire asked. “I’m fantastic! You ready for that race Spitfire?” Rainbow asked, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve been ready for weeks. The better question is, are you?” Rainbow Dash looked over at her doctor, he nodded approvingly. She was ready to go home. “Heck yeah! You, me, first one to Ponyville!” Rainbow Dash said, Spitfire agreed and the two pegasi dashed off at high speed towards home. Rainbow Dash had completely forgotten her nightmare, but even more sinisterly, she had forgotten who had caused it.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 3 Rainbow Dash touched down in the centre of town, Spitfire lagging just behind her. “Ha! Told ya!” Rainbow Dash said grinning. “Well I did always know you were something special,” Spitfire said with a chuckle, causing Rainbow Dash to turn a bright pink. Spitfire gave her a hug in accomplishment, smiling brightly at how far the young Pegasus had come. “I’ll see you ‘round kiddo, we’ll have to do this again sometime!” “Heck yeah! I mean, if you can stand another whopping!” Rainbow said with a wink. Spitfire merely chuckled, leaping into the air, and giving the young Pegasus a wave goodbye. Rainbow waved back, and the yellow Pegasus disappeared from view. Pinkie Pie came skipping around the corner, stopping when she saw who was standing in the town square. “Dashie!” She cried out, leaping forward and tackle-hugging the young Pegasus. Dash was brought down to the ground, but didn’t care, she hugged Pinkie Pie back. Just as glad to see Pinkie as Pinkie was to see her. “Oh my gosh! Do you know what this means!?” Pinkie Pie asked excitedly. “That you’re going to throw me a welcome back party?” Rainbow Dash asked, figuring that she knew the answer. “Well duh!” Pinkie said. “Come on!” Pinkie Pie grabbed Rainbow Dash, carrying her off towards the Ponyville Library. Despite Rainbow’s objections to being carried. ... Nopony was really sure how she did it. But Pinkie Pie had only forced them to wait outside for like, two minutes, at the most. When she finally let them come in, the Library was covered in party decorations and a banner that said: “Welcome Home Rainbow Da” “Sorry about the banner! I ran out of room,” Pinkie said explaining. Rainbow didn’t care. She was just happy to be back home with her friends. “Hit it Spike!” Pinkie called out to the baby dragon that was standing at the turntable. But as he reached to lift the needle onto the record, he burped, and a magical fire brought a sealed letter from Princess Celestia. Twilight frowned; this always seemed to happen at the most inopportune times. The lavender unicorn crossed over to the scroll, picking it up and reading it. “I’m sorry everypony. But we’re going to have to cut this short.” Twilight said with a frown, showing the others the letter. My faithful student Twilight Sparkle: I have a task that I need you to accomplish, earlier this month, we received reports that Gryphons have moved into the Hoofson bay area, in direct violation of our treaty with the Twin Gryphon Kingdoms. As you should know, I attempted to solve the issue with diplomacy, sending Ambassador Lightdew to speak with the Hoofson bay Gryphons. As far as I can tell, Lightdew never arrived, and I sent a small detachment of the pegasi guard to investigate. They too, have gone missing. And so here I ask of you, my most capable, and trusted confidant to travel to the Hoofson bay and discover the fate of Lightdew and the pegasi guard who went after her. I understand that your friend Rainbow Dash is a foremost expert on Gryphons, and I would ask that you take her with you; her knowledge of Gryphon culture would be of great use to you. Gryphons are natural predators Twilight Sparkle, please be careful. -Princess Celestia Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash, who merely grinned at her. “When do we leave?”” Twilight smiled at her friend. “Thank you Rainbow Dash. Go and pack enough food and warm clothes to last you for a couple weeks. We’ll need to travel light. We’ve got a long walk ahead of us.” Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. “Walk? WALK? Egghead, if we walk to the Hoofson bay, it’ll take us a month! I can fly us there in a few hours!” Twilight nodded in affirmation. “Yes, yes you can Rainbow. Ambassador Lightdew and the pegasi guard flew too... Look what happened to them.” Rainbow frowned and looked at her wings. I just got these back... ... Rainbow Dash and Twilight met back up at the edge of town, each of them had packed two weeks’ worth of food, enough for them both to get to Manehattan, where they could resupply and follow the Hoofson River up into the bay area. They each bid their goodbyes to their friends, and departed at a good trot. “Twilight... I’m not sure how useful I’m going to be, I’ve only known one Gryphon in my entire life.” Rainbow Dash explained as she trotted alongside her unicorn friend. “You’ll be fine Rainbow. You know more than I do. There was only one book on Gryphons in the Library, I brought it with me, but I haven’t had a chance to look in it yet.” Twilight said with a shrug. The two mares continued on for a better part of the day, before coming into a fork in the road. To their surprise, another pony was trotting along the road that met with theirs, a pure white unicorn with a blue mane, wearing a pair of goggles and sporting a quaver quite mark. “Hi there!” the unicorn mare said politely as she trotted alongside Twilight and Rainbow Dash. After a few minutes, of walking together, Twilight turned to the other Unicorn. “Are you... following us?” Twilight asked. “Nope,” the mare said with a grin. “I just happen to be going the same direction as you. The name’s Vinyl Scratch, by the way. Though you might have heard of me as DJ Pon-3.” Twilight didn’t recognise the name, but Rainbow Dash did. Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “No way! I thought you looked familiar! I just didn’t want to say anything... This is so AWESOME!” “I tend to have that affect on ponies.” Vinyl Scratch said. “So tell me, what are two mares doing walking north north east on a heading of twelve degrees?” Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to explain, but Twilight shushed her, they had been asked to keep their business confidential. Twilight checked her compass and discovered that they were in fact travelling on the exact heading that Vinyl had talked about. Twilight looked at the mare and discovered she didn’t have one. “I could ask you the same question... and I could also ask how you know where we’re going.” “I’m good at that kind of stuff man. Real good, only place worth going north north east on this road is Manehattan. Not to mention you seem to be carrying a lot of cold weather and camping gear. Don’t take a genius to figure out that you aren’t planning to stay in the city.” Vinyl said with a grin. “I’m going to the Hoofson bay.” “Us too!” Rainbow blurted out, causing Twilight to facehoof. “Far out!” Vinyl said, grin still on her face. “You want to camp with us come nightfall?” Rainbow asked excitedly, Twilight facehoofed again. “Sure thing! Walkin’ the roads is always more fun in groups!” Vinyl said. The trio walked along the road for a couple more hours, Rainbow engaging in casual conversation with Vinyl Scratch. Twilight kept eyeing their new travelling companion with suspicion. They just happen to come across somepony else that happens to be going to the same place that they were? Too convenient. Rainbow didn’t share Twilight’s suspicions. Nightfall came, and they set up camp alongside the road. Twilight got a fire started and the three ponies sat around it, glad for the warmth. “So Vinyl? How come you’re going to the Hoofson bay?” Rainbow asked excitedly. “’Cause I can!” Vinyl said grinning. “Vinyl Scratch is a free spirit! I decide I want to do something, and then I go do it! Best part is that my job lets me set my own hours and I got plenty of money to do it. Regardless of how ridiculous it may or may not be!” “That’s so awesome!” Rainbow said, squealing like a fangirl, which to be honest, she kind of was. Twilight was not impressed. “Rainbow, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?” Rainbow nodded and the two ponies got up and went behind Twilight’s tent. “What are you doing Rainbow! You know how important this Gryphon problem is! We were asked to keep it quiet and several times you’ve almost given it away to somepony you don’t even KNOW! I don’t trust this pony. Her story is a little too convenient. She just happens to be going to the Hoofson bay, where we’re going to deal with the problem of Gryphon occupiers?!” “Gryphons are occupying the Hoofson bay?” Vinyl Scratch called out from the camp fire. Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked back to see the goggle-clad unicorn still sitting by the fire, grinning at them. “I tried not to listen, I really did, but I can’t help it. I got really good hearing!” “And you have the nerve to yell at me for almost giving it away!” Rainbow Dash said with mild annoyance. “You just gave it away entirely!” Twilight frowned, mentally kicking herself. “I’m sorry Rainbow, you’re right.” “If it makes you feel any better, you’ve got every right to be suspicious... My friends have always described me as... a little out there.” Vinyl said, still grinning like a madpony. “I can assure you. Vinyl Scratch had nothing sinister planned for ya. I’ve seen things, pretty much everything Equestria’s got to offer. So I figured it was time to take a look outside it.” “So why are you walking to the Hoofson bay in November? You could have flown in!” Twilight said. “Why are YOU walking to the Hoofson bay in November? You could have flown in.” Vinyl said, turning their question around on them. She had a point. Twilight wanted to walk because everyone else who’d flown in went missing. Vinyl Scratch was walking for fun. “I want to help you guys with your Gryphon problem,” Vinyl declared. “We’re both going to the same place, and let’s be honest; I really don’t have anything better to do when I get there.” Rainbow looked at Twilight, Twilight looked at Rainbow. Vinyl Scratch looked at both of them. “All right,” Twilight finally agreed. Vinyl Scratch grinned brightly at them. “Cool!”
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 4 The trio got up at the crack of dawn, packing up their camp and setting off for Manehattan. Twilight wanted to get as close to the Hoofson bay as possible before the weather started to take a turn for the worse. It was the final day of November. At midnight tonight, they could expect Cloudsdale and the other pegasi cities around Equestria to start pumping out snow. Manehattan was still a two week walk from their present position. Something of which Rainbow Dash had to remind her of, as they wouldn’t get very far before snow hit. Vinyl Scratch seemed unworried, laughing inwardly as the two other ponies argued with each other. “Chill out everypony. We’re all friends here,” Vinyl had to remind them. Twilight looked at her fellow unicorn and sighed. “I’m just stressed out... by things...” “What things?” Vinyl asked. Twilight muttered slightly that it was something she didn’t want to talk about, and with that, the white unicorn dropped the subject. Vinyl Scratch wasn’t one to pry. In truth, Twilight was still bothered by what had happened in the end of October. Sugarcube Corner exploded, her friend Montana Ulhan’s suicide, Princess Luna being locked in an insane asylum, to name a few. Twilight had stopped blaming herself for these things happening... but that didn’t mean that she was over them. She shut her eyes, and the image of Monty Ulhan’s body hanging by his neck from the ceiling of his flat returned to her, just as vivid as the day it had happened. No, she would likely be haunted by that image for the rest of her natural life. It wasn’t something you could just forget. The most unlikely unicorn had helped her accept that it wasn’t her fault, Trixie, of all ponies, but there was nothing that could make her forget. Rainbow Dash was flying several dozen metres in the air looking for a good spot to camp for the night. The first snow of December would be a heavy one. And they needed a place to sleep at where they wouldn’t find themselves buried under a tonne of snow come morning. Vinyl Scratch was doing her best to make conversation with Twilight, but the lavender unicorn was clearly lost her thoughts, unable to give answers more than an “uh huh” or “yes.” “It’s a good thing that you’re paying attention you know. There's always the threat of an attack by say, a dragon. The kind that eats the sun once every 30 days. It's a nuisance, but what can you expect from reptiles? Did I mention that my nose is on fire? And that I have 15 wild badgers living in my saddlebags?” Vinyl said. Twilight had started paying attention, and took to glaring at the odd unicorn pony next to her. Vinyl grinned at her. “I’m sorry, would you prefer ferrets?” ... Rainbow Dash was happy to be in the air. She could see so much from up here. And even though it was still very far away, she could see the Manehattan skyline from here. She was slightly annoyed, because she could fly there in a couple of hours. But no, they were walking. Rainbow looked down to see Vinyl trying to make conversation with the egghead, but not making any progress with it. Come on egghead! Open up a little! Rainbow Dash wanted to yell it at her, but chose not to. She was somewhat worried that Vinyl was getting the impression that Twilight and Rainbow didn’t like each other that much, which was far from the truth. Twilight was one of her best friends, and honestly, was the reason that she had even become friends with the others at all. Before Twilight had shown up in Ponyville, she was acquainted with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, sure. But Rainbow wouldn’t have gone so far to call them friends, but when Twilight showed up and the six of them ventured into the Everfree forest together, that was when each of them started becoming friends. Truth of the matter was she owed Twilight. Rainbow shook her head, she was getting distracted. She needed to find a place nearby where they could set up camp, preferably sooner rather than later. First snow of the winter season was always a doozy. She spotted a clearing three kilometres up the road and five hundred metres into a small wooded area. Even the heaviest snow fall wouldn’t burry them alive there. Rainbow returned to the ground and relayed the spot she’d discovered to the two Unicorns. “It’s gonna be super-cold tonight. Cloudsdale kind of over does it on December first,” Rainbow admitted. “I got ideas on how we can stay warm,” Vinyl said grinning madly. Rainbow blushed. It went right over Twilight’s head. “I’ve thought ahead, and brushed up on a spell that’ll keep our tents warm on the inside,” Twilight said proudly. “My way would have been more fun,” Vinyl said, her grin got even wider and Rainbow did her best not to show that she was blushing. The trio made their way into the clearing and quickly erected camp. Twilight got a fire going and the trio sat down for dinner. Neither Rainbow nor Twilight could cook worth a damn. Vinyl Scratch surprised them by taking a few from what each of them had and whipped up something that she refused to tell them the name of, stating that it was “her personal specialty, and they didn’t need to know anymore than that.” Rainbow had been somewhat hesitant to try it, considering that it had been prepared by the mischievous unicorn, but ended up giving in after Vinyl took her first bite. “Vinyl, may I ask you a personal question?” Twilight asked her. “My favourite kind!” Vinyl said grinning. “What made you want to go to the Hoofson Bay?” Twilight asked. Vinyl smirked, setting her meal down. “Have you ever woken up one morning and asked yourself ‘what the hell am I doing with my life?’” Twilight and Rainbow were both caught off guard by Vinyl, who smirked again and continued her story. “Suffice it to say, I’ve been a successful pony. I’ve got money, a job I love doing, and plenty of free time to do as I damn well please. Not going to lie to ya. Most of my adult life’s been oriented to hedonistic desires, the usual routine with me was wake up at six, in the PM, go to some club, party, get horribly drunk, go home with some random mare and/or stallion that I didn’t know the name of, ride the magic until six in the AM, and wash, rinse, and repeat. Do that for a couple years, and then one day you wake up and ask yourself, ‘Vinyl, there’s got to be more to this.’ Sure enough, same exact day, I run into a black earth pony on the street, and he says to me. ‘Yes Vinyl Scratch, there is more. Look to the north and you’ll find it.’ I’m pretty sure he was one something, but then again I was too. The more I thought about it, the more I thought he was onto something. So here I am. I been places, but the one place I’ve never been is north, the Hoofson bay. Ought to check it out ya dig?” Twilight and Rainbow’s mouths were hanging wide open at Vinyl’s story, surprised to hear that ponies actually lived like that in the big cities. “Are you crazy?” Twilight found herself asking without thinking, she snapped her hooves over her mouth as the words left her tongue. “Indubitably!” Vinyl said grinning. ... Night fell, and each of the ponies drifted off to sleep, in the distance, watching closely was an all black earth pony, amber eyes shining brightly. He watched as the fire Twilight Sparkle had built several hours before burned out. Snow was falling, Nightcaller was watching. “Take a photograph. It’ll last longer,” A disembodied voice said from the darkness. “Don’t be ridiculous. Our memory outclasses every photograph ever taken Nightshadow.” Nightshadow glided out of the darkness, appearing in a wisp of smoke next to his brother. “Your presence is not required here Nightshadow. Why have you come?” Nightcaller asked. “The Rainbow one has forgotten her nightmare. I intended for her to remember it,” Nightshadow said confidently. “Do not lie to me brother. You may be the master of deceit, but I know your mind intimately. You came for her,” Nightcaller said. “Now you are the one being ridiculous,” Nightshadow scoffed. “Whatever you say, brother, whatever you say.” Nightcaller said mockingly. The two Siblings Nightmare stood watching the camp; they were long gone by the time morning came.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 5 Twilight Sparkle had been right about one thing, snow had made the trio’s journey to Manehattan much more difficult. Ordinarily, somepony would keep the roads that connected the cities together clear, but nopony had been out to do it yet, considering that it had just started snowing several hours prior. Twilight was more annoyed at their slower pace than both Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch put together. Although when she thought about it, Vinyl didn’t look the slightest bit annoyed, in fact she seemed to be enjoying herself, and every time Twilight looked at her she was still grinning like a madpony. Twilight thought Pinkie Pie was out there. Vinyl Scratch made Pinkie look tame. She also decided at this point that the two of them must never meet, or their collective insanity would rip a hole in the fabric of reality. Twilight found herself smiling at her own joke. “You know something? I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you smile,” Vinyl said grinning at her. “You should do it more often. You’ve got a cute smile!” Twilight thanked her, not realising what Vinyl was doing. Causing Rainbow Dash to facehoof, the egghead really needed to stop being so naive. Later Rainbow made it a point to speak to Vinyl privately, asking her to lay off Twilight when she clearly wasn’t getting it. “Aww, but I’m having so much fun!” Vinyl whined playfully. “You just want her all to yourself don’t you?” Rainbow turned a bright red upon hearing this, causing Vinyl to laugh. “Chill out! I’m just playing with ya!” Rainbow had begun to agree with Twilight on one thing. She was worse than Pinkie Pie. The days rolled into weeks, Rainbow Dash and Twilight had become well acclimated to Vinyl’s kookiness, they were glad to have her along for the ride, knowing full well that the trip would not have quite as... interesting, without her. They were nearing the end of the first leg of their journey. They stopped for the night, had dinner, and spent a few hours telling stories. The sun had finally set when Twilight let out a loud yawn. “I’m beat! I think I’m going to go to bed, I’ll see you girls in the morning,” Twilight said, she rose to her hooves and trotted off into her tent. Vinyl watched. Rainbow Dash prodded her with her hoof after Twilight went inside. “Would you stop doing that?” Vinyl looked at her and grinned. “Oh come on! It’s not like you haven’t looked!” Rainbow blushed. “I don’t swing that way!” Vinyl smirked at her. “Yeah, sure, that’s what I told myself at first too.” Rainbow’s face turned an even brighter red, not form embarrassment, but from anger. “Why does everypony think that?!” Vinyl’s grin rapidly faded. “Whoa, hey I’m sorry I...” Rainbow cut her off. “I don’t care what everypony says! I. Am. Not. Into. Mares! Everypony back home thinks I don’t hear them talking about me. Gossiping behind my back! ‘Oh! I heard that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are secretly dating!’ and ‘I heard she was with Applejack!’ and ‘Rainbow can deny it all she wants, but we know the truth!’ I don’t know if you can tell Vinyl, but I. HATE. Gossip!” “Rainbow, I...” Vinyl tried again, but was quickly cut off again. “And you! You think what you’re doing is just harmless fun, well it’s not! Do you hear me Vinyl? It’s NOT!” Rainbow was really laying it into her, years of stifled rage were pouring from her mouth. “I’ve heard the same thing since I was a filly. ‘Rainbow Dash and that Gryphon are so cute together, they act like they can’t stand each other, but we know they’re totally into each other!’ and ‘she’s got a crush on Fluttershy! You can totally tell how protective she is of her.’ Well I’m tired of hearing it, and I don’t need it from you! You get me?” Vinyl nodded, afraid that if she did anything else Rainbow would start yelling again. She didn’t instead she got to her hooves and stormed off into the trees. Vinyl felt horribly guilty, she rose to her hooves and went over to Twilight’s tent. “Twilight? Can I talk to you?” ... Rainbow Dash sat down on a fallen log, her face buried in her hooves, tears flowing freely. Her rant had brought years of buried emotions to the surface, emotions that she’d never dealt with properly were all swimming around in her head. “Rainbow?” Dash turned around to see Vinyl standing behind her, Rainbow Dash realised that Vinyl looked incredibly different without that grin on her face. “What do you want?” Vinyl frowned at her. “I wanted to say, I’m sorry.” Vinyl sat down next to her. “I was just... being me, and sometimes just being me upsets somepony. I don’t mean to do it, it just happens.” Vinyl lifted her goggles of her head with magic, tossing them to the ground, this was the first time Rainbow had seen her without them. She kept them shut, but Rainbow could tell that she was crying too. “You and Twilight are the first real friends I’ve had in a really, really long time. I am so sorry,” Vinyl said. Tears were dripping from her eye lashes onto the snow covered ground. “I just don’t want you to hate me for what I said.” Rainbow Dash put her hoof around Vinyl’s shoulder, causing the unicorn to open her eyes and look at Rainbow. She gasped a little in surprise; the Unicorn’s eyes were blood red. Vinyl frowned at her, she slid out from under Rainbow Dash’s leg, picking up her goggles and putting them back over her eyes. “I think I’m going to go. I’ve done enough damage,” Vinyl said. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, she’d just hurt her. “Vinyl, wait!” She called out. “It’s not you.” Vinyl stopped and turned back around to face Rainbow. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that... I’ve just got a lot of feelings from fillyhood that I haven’t dealt with in a really long time. I was in the wrong, not you!” Rainbow said. She got to her hooves and went over to the Unicorn. “I’m sorry I went off on you like that. You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t have to leave! I don’t want you to leave! Please don’t.” Vinyl raised her goggles up and wiped away more tears that had formed in her eyes. “I won’t. I promise I’ll stop making passes at you and Twilight too.” “Don’t promise that! You said yourself, it was just you being you, don’t stop being you!” Rainbow said with a smile. Vinyl smiled back at the Pegasus and the two ponies joined each other in an embrace. “Oh Rainbow!” Vinyl said in a seductive voice. “You’re so warm and soft...” “Knock it off,” Rainbow said sternly. Both ponies looked at each other and burst out laughing. ... Morning came and the trio packed up their gear for what seemed like the thousandth time, and soon enough. The trio arrived at the edge of Manehattan. Just in time too, as they had eaten the last of their food that morning. Vinyl led the group to her flat in the downtown area, they entered it to find a roomy, and very expensive looking one room flat. “I thought you said you lived in Canterlot?” Rainbow asked her. “One problem with having lots of money is that you tend to have a lot of stuff that you don’t need,” Vinyl said with a shrug. “I’ve also got a flat in Fillydelphia. Though I’m probably going to be dumping that and probably this one too... Actually I might be getting rid of my one in Canterlot too. I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.” Vinyl looked back at her friends and grinned. “I’m thinking about moonlighting as a hermit.” “Vinyl you are so weird!”Rainbow said with a chuckle. “Just figuring those out now are ya?” The trio spent the night here, each of them grateful to have a proper night’s sleep in a warm bed. Tomorrow would be a long day of gathering supplies, and setting out for a place that was totally alien to them. They would be going out of Equestria for the first time in their entire lives.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 6 They spent less than a day in Manehattan, just enough to gather a few weeks worth of food, and once again, the trio of friends set out, walking along the Hoofson River towards the Equestrian border. Nopony lived in the Hoofson bay area, so there wasn’t exactly a road to follow. Worse still, the Hoofson River had frozen over and several centimetres of snow covered it. It didn’t exactly give them an easy trail to follow. Rainbow had been relegated to the ground. Twilight didn’t want her flying at all for this leg of their journey; for fear that whatever happened to Ambassador Lightdew and the pegasi guard would happen to her. Twilight hadn’t realised this, but it had been equal to telling a unicorn that she wasn’t allowed to use magic, nevertheless, Rainbow understood that Twilight had done it because she wanted to keep Rainbow safe, and while the stubborn Pegasus was slightly annoyed, she didn’t make an argument about it. As it turned out, Vinyl’s strange sense of direction proved incredibly useful. Twilight and Rainbow Dash had almost walked into the river several times, and while the top was iced over, a quick probing proved that it was only a couple millimetres thick. Not enough to hold their weight, and if they did fall in, the strong currents would have carried them off. Two days of following the river later, they discovered, to Twilight’s major annoyance that the Hoofson River abruptly ended, and a quick check of a book later, that the Hoofson River and the Hoofson bay were not connected to each other in the slightest, rather they needed to follow another river, The St. Germain, in order to make their way into the Hoofson Bay Area. Twilight’s book impressed upon the ponies that the Hoofson Bay Area was actually much larger than they anticipated. The actual bay itself was nearly 1500 kilometres long, but what was considered the bay area stretched a 4000 kilometre radius from the centre of the bay itself. Twilight had known that the Hoofson Bay Area was big, but not that big. Needless to say, upon learning this fact, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had become slightly discouraged by their task ahead, if they were going to find the Gryphons at all it would be nothing short of a miracle. Vinyl was of course unworried, as she almost always was; both Rainbow and Twilight weren’t sure how she could remain so positive in the face of a nearly impossible task. “You girls just need to chill; we’ll worry about it when we get there,” Vinyl said when asked about it. They took Vinyl’s advice to heart. ... It took them a week to reach the St. Germain River; they turned to the Northeast and followed it for as far as they could, where they eventually reached a crossing point built by parties unknown. The St. Germain was the northern most border of Equestria, why there was a bridge over it when the Hoofson Bay Area was designated uninhabited neutral territory between the Co-principality of Equestria and the Twin Gryphon Kingdoms, they could not say. It worried Twilight slightly, but Vinyl reassured her that she was worrying too much, and to quote, ‘needed to chill out.’ The bridge over the St. Germain turned out to be a Celestia-send, while there wasn’t a road leading to it from the Equestrian side, there was on the Hoofson Bay Area side, and once again, this worried Twilight. Her mind drifted back to a time long ago, or at least, what seemed like a long time ago, but was actually in the order of two months, to her walkabout in the Mohoofie Desert, and her encounter with the kangaroo bounty hunter, Roy Melbourne. “You know, I’ve got nothing against ponies... But ever since coming here, it seems like everybody doesn’t even know that there’s a world outside your borders.” That’s what Roy Melbourne had said to her, and Twilight was beginning to see what he meant by it. She’d never known anypony who’d even been outside Equestria before, and she was starting to wonder why that was. “Well, here we are,” Vinyl said. “We’re about to take our first steps out of Equestria for the first time... ever. Kind of exciting isn’t it?” Twilight found herself more worried than anything else. She had no idea what to expect outside Equestria, but she stiffened her resolve, and the trio stepped across the bridge, out of Equestria and into the Hoofson Bay Area. Twilight felt her bones chill. The moment they stepped of the bridge, they felt the temperature drop twenty degrees. “What the...?” Twilight exclaimed as an icy wind chilled her, her teeth began to chatter and she instinctively recoiled back onto the bridge. The temperature rose twenty degrees and the wind died. Twilight was more than confused at this point. She stood less than a metre from the Equestrian border, how could the weather possibly be that different a metre away? Vinyl and Rainbow Dash joined her, instantly noticing it too. “We better put on warmer clothes,” Rainbow said. ... The trio crossed again, noticing the change in the weather instantly, they were more prepared for it this time, and found themselves not as cold. Experimentation with the temperature would discover that the Equestrian side of the St. Germain held at 273 Kelvin. While the Hoofson Bay side was at 250 Kelvin. If she’d had her say, Twilight would have stayed and tried to figure out why that was, but, oddly, Vinyl that reminded her they had more important things to deal with. Twilight gave in and the trio marched onward along the road laid before them towards their goal. Of course, they had no way of knowing for sure that this road would even lead them to wherever they needed to be, and despite Vinyl’s reassurances that she “had a good feeling about it,” Twilight had gone back to worrying. In truth, they had no idea where the Gryphons even were, and Vinyl’s assurances that either the ponies would find the Gryphons... or that the Gryphons would find them didn’t help. They set up camp for the night, discovering that the temperature had dropped another 10 kelvin. It was unnaturally cold, even Rainbow Dash, who was more resistant to cold weather than the two unicorns, a pegasi trait that was needed for their line of work, found it to be mind numbingly cold. Worse still, they quickly discovered that Twilight’s warming spell wasn’t as effective as it used to be. Twilight had wondered if her magic had weakened since leaving Equestria, but eventually dismissed it, finding it preposterous and accounted it to the fact that it was nearly 35 Kelvin colder than the last time she’d used it. The trio realised that freezing to death had just become a real possibility, and resorted to sharing a single tent as to not need to spread out the effect of the spell. One could tell it was serious when Vinyl didn’t make a joke about the three mares sharing a tent, like she had the first night they started travelling together. Morning came, and the three mares awoke to discover that none of them had frozen to death in the cold of the previous night. They spent several minutes embracing each other, thanking Celestia that they had survived. Twilight unzipped the tent and stepped outside, only to discover that an extremely sharp looking blade was pointed in her face. “Um... Girls? Looks like we have visitors.”
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 7 “All right, everybody out of the tent.” Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch, and Rainbow Dash slowly made their way out into the open air. They froze; partially because of how cold it was, but mostly because there was a Gryphon pointing a weapon at them. Twilight was more interested in the weapon, she knew what it was, but she’d only seen one before. The Gryphon was holding a rifle, its long barrel lined with an extremely sharp looking blade which protruded several centimetres out, so that the weapon could easily be used for shooting, slashing, or stabbing. There was a gap between the barrel and blade on the forward part where a Gryphon could grip without worrying about the blade cutting into them. The stock had a handle that protruded down, allowing for another grip where the Gryphon could easily pull the hair trigger. Out of the right side, a small metal bolt extruded, Twilight knew this was how the weapon was operated, because the firearm she had seen before, the one belonging to Roy Melbourne, operated in exactly the same manner. The Gryphon was floating in the air flapping its wings, Twilight realised that this was the only way such a weapon could be operated, as Gryphons were normally quadrupedal like ponies were. Meaning this weapon had to be used when flying. Twilight had been focusing on the Gryphon’s weapon. However, Rainbow Dash was more interested in its owner. “Gilda?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The Gryphon looked over at the Pegasus in surprise, but did not lower her weapon. “Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow nodded in affirmation, smiling at the Gryphon. Gilda scowled at her, raising the gryphon rifle above her head and smashing Rainbow in the face with the back end, knocking her unconscious. “Pick her up,” Gilda said coldly. Vinyl lifted Rainbow with her magic and set her down gently on her back. Blood trickled down from the pegasus’ stained rainbow coloured mane and onto the ground. “March.” Twilight and Vinyl certainly had little choice, they started walking. They didn’t ask where they were going they had a feeling that Gilda would... point them in the right direction. They walked nearly an hour in what Twilight guessed was somewhere in the northerly spectrum, She wanted to ask Vinyl, who’s freaky accurate sense of direction would know, but instead, she had a more important question that she wanted to risk asking. “Do you want me to carry her for a while?” Vinyl shook her head. “Unicorns aren’t exactly known for their strength.” “You’re a unicorn too, Vinyl.” “I’m abnormal,” Vinyl said. Twilight was somewhat surprised when her companion didn’t grin at her, as she normally would have upon making a statement such as this. “NO TALKING!” Gilda roared at them, brandishing her rifle in their general direction. The two unicorn mares remained silent. ... They walked for several hours. Vinyl was still carrying Rainbow Dash on her back, and showed no signs of tiring. Rainbow Dash did have the advantage of being both a Pegasus and a mare. Pegasi were lightly built to give them an advantage of manoeuvrability, not to mention that mares of all three races were smaller and lighter than their stallion counterparts. But even with this, Vinyl still had to have had some ungodly amount of endurance in order to have continued to carry her as far as she had. Twilight would have been lucky to have gotten a 20 metres carrying Rainbow. Vinyl had to have carried her 20 kilometres. Twilight was tired. They’d made a much brisker pace than they did crossing countryside when they were still in Equestria, but even if Gilda wouldn’t have been there to maim her for complaining about it, she wouldn’t have anyway, because she knew that Vinyl had it so much harder. Eventually they stopped, Twilight found themselves in the middle of a camp of some twenty gryphons. “Look what I found!” Gilda called out triumphantly. “Good for you Lance Bombardier!” one of the other gryphons called out. Twilight and Vinyl could tell that this gryphon was being sarcastic. Twilight guessed that “Lance Bombardier” was Gilda’s title. “Make yourself useful Gilda. Go stick ‘em in the holding pen,” another gryphon called out. “Yes sergeant!” Gilda called back, pointing her weapon at the ponies again and they marched again, this time only a short distance to a small fenced in area. Gilda forced them inside, shutting the door behind them and leaving without another word. Vinyl lifted Rainbow off her back, gently setting her down on the ground, and subsequently collapsed from exhaustion. ... She heard a creek flowing. That can’t be, they’d all be frozen over. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes; she looked around and found grass. She was lying in the middle of a field, the sun shining brightly over her head. What in the name of...? Humming, she heard humming, Rainbow perked her head up. She wasn’t in any old field. She was in the one just across from Fluttershy’s cottage. She could see it! She looked around and saw the familiar yellow Pegasus, holding a watering can in her mouth and allowing it to drain on several flowers at her hooves. “I don’t get it,” Rainbow said aloud, half talking to Fluttershy, half talking to herself. Fluttershy jumped little in surprise, typical Fluttershy, the meek Pegasus was afraid of her own shadow, let alone a sudden word from a pony who she probably thought was asleep. Fluttershy looked over to Rainbow Dash, she opened her mouth to speak, causing her to drop the watering can, and was frightened by the noise it made, she squeaked, but otherwise quickly regained her composure. “Oh good! You’re awake! I was afraid that you’d sleep all day... although I suppose that would have been all right if it was what you wanted to do...” Fluttershy said, her voice trailing off. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and got to her hooves, she felt a splitting pain, and clutched her head. “Oh... my, Rainbow, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked as she made her way over. She gasped. “Rainbow... you’re bleeding!” Rainbow was, she felt the warm sticky blood and found herself gulping. Fluttershy was deathly afraid of blood. She could tell that the meek Pegasus was nervous, but was surprised to see Fluttershy fight through it. “Come on. We’re going to get that nice and bandaged up!” Fluttershy said reassuringly. The two pegasi crossed the field to Fluttershy’s cottage, quickly bandaging Rainbow’s head before Fluttershy fainted from looking at it. “What happened Rainbow? You weren’t bleeding when you went to sleep,” Fluttershy asked her. Rainbow wasn’t sure. The last thing she remembered was setting camp with Vinyl and Twilight the night before. “I don’t know... Last thing I remember was being at the Hoofson Bay...” Rainbow said. Fluttershy looked at her friend nervously. “Um... Rainbow? That was like, four months ago.” Rainbow didn’t believe it, how could she just not remember four months passing? Although, she did suppose it would explain the lack of snow if it was spring now. “I need to find Vinyl and Twilight,” Rainbow said. “Who?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “How could you NOT know who that is!? Twilight is our friend!” “I know who Twilight is!” Fluttershy squeaked, she’d been assertive towards Rainbow, but had surprised herself by doing it. “Who’s Vinyl?” And then a realisation hit her, maybe Vinyl didn’t come back with them? “Doesn’t matter right now, we need to go see Twilight.” ... Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash knocked on the door to the Ponyville Library. The door opened and Twilight was standing in the opening, she smiled at her friends, but gasped in surprise when looking at Dash. “Rainbow! What happened to your head!?” “I don’t know,” Rainbow shrugged. “Twilight, I need your help, where is Vinyl?” Twilight looked at her oddly. “What?” Rainbow facehoofed, which had turned out to be a poor choice of action, because it sent a throb of searing pain through her head, she ignored it. “Please tell me you know who Vinyl Scratch is.” Twilight gave her a deadpanned look. “Of course I do Rainbow, don’t be ridiculous... I just don’t know where she is. I haven’t seen her in months. Neither have you, to the best of my knowledge.” Twilight stepped out of the doorway, ushering the two ponies inside. They discovered they weren’t the only visitors to the Library. Sitting in a corner was an all black unicorn stallion with amber eyes, which for some reason looked very familiar to Rainbow Dash, but she couldn’t place him. “Oh... my, I’m sorry, we didn’t know you had a guest Twilight.” Fluttershy said. The black unicorn rose to his hooves. “Oh, don’t worry about me, I was actually just leaving. I’ll see you tomorrow Twilight?” Twilight smiled at the other unicorn. “Of course,” and with a polite smile to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, he departed from the Library. “Who was that?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight’s face turned bright red. “Oh... that’s, um, Nightshadow, we’re kind of... together.” “What?” Rainbow Dash asked in surprise, “Since when?!” “It’s been about... oh, five months?” Twilight said, embarrassment still filling her face. “What?” Rainbow Dash said again. “Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?!” Did you know?” Rainbow said, looking to Fluttershy, who quietly shook her head no. “Oh... well, um, we’re not like... official or anything. It’s just that, well, I’m not seeing anypony, and neither is he... and we do spend a lot of time together... maybe I’m being presumptuous but...” Twilight’s voice trailed off again, causing Rainbow to facehoof, sending another round of pain through her. “Fluttershy? Don’t let me do that again.” Rainbow was even more confused now than she had been back at Fluttershy’s cottage. Something wasn’t right here, and she intended to get to the bottom of it.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 8 “I’m worried about Rainbow Dash.” Vinyl Scratch looked up from her task, to find Twilight looking over their friend, still unconscious. “I am too. Which is why we need to finish before nightfall, otherwise she’s going to freeze to death,” Vinyl said grimly. The Gryphons had left the three ponies largely unsupervised, originally they figured it for an act of stupidity, but on finding that the metal cage that they had been placed in was a magic dampener, they discovered that the Gryphons were much brighter than they appeared to be. A magic dampener couldn’t cancel out magic completely, but it could limit its uses to more every day, mundane things. Simple telekinesis functioned normally, it was the most basic kind of magic, and against their cage, the most useless. Which is why the two unicorns didn’t bother trying to escape, even if they did escape, where would they escape to? The Equestrian boarder was 50 kilometres from this camp, and there would be no way to outpace gryphons while trying to carry Rainbow Dash, though the more Vinyl thought about it, there would have been no way to outpace gryphons even if Rainbow Dash was awake, obviously, leaving her behind had never been an option, but the fact that even having her wouldn’t make a difference cemented their choice in place. Instead, they were using their combined force to bring as much snow as they possibly could into the cage. The unicorns focused on survival, something that they had barely done the night prior, they knew that if they were left out in the cold overnight, they would perish, Gilda had forced them to leave all of their equipment behind except for the cold weather clothes that they had been wearing. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do. They were building shelter, an igloo. It would still be cold tonight, but what made the cold so bad was the wind. It had been -20 degrees Celsius the night before, but the wind had made it feel closer to -50. Keep the wind of their backs, -20 was something they could handle. At least, that’s what Vinyl kept telling herself. She looked back over to Twilight; she could tell that the lavender unicorn was discouraged by their situation. Maybe she’d been counting on her to keep the mood light, as she had for several weeks past, but Vinyl felt that her usual antics, while amusing, were completely inappropriate. This was a matter of life or death. Now wasn’t the time to be cracking jokes. She tried to think of one anyway, and found herself unable to come up with anything. She wasn’t sure when she’d ever not been able to make a joke no matter the situation, but here it was. The funny thing about it was, Vinyl didn’t even need to be here. She didn’t have to come along with Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. Hell, she’d just happened along them walking down a road in the middle of nowhere, complete coincidence. No. Vinyl shook those thoughts from her mind, they weren’t helping. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were her friends. She followed them here because she was their friend. Friends don’t let friends go it alone. Friends. Vinyl Scratch had never actually had friends. She’d known ponies that called her a friend, but these had never actually been real friends. These were ponies that hung around her for the parties and various illicit substances that Vinyl’s lifestyle was generally known for. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were real friends. Vinyl closed her eyes for a moment, though Twilight couldn’t see that her eyes were closed because of her goggles, making it look like the DJ Unicorn was staring off blankly into space, and she thought back to her old life. ... “We’re going to be late!” Okay, maybe Vinyl had lied a bit. They had never been close, but Octavia definitely had been a friend. “Just give me a moment! I’m almost ready,” Vinyl called out. “It doesn’t matter! You’re just going to get there, find somepony to go home with, and whatever you’re doing is going to get undone in five seconds!” Octavia called back. Vinyl missed Octavia; she was ever the realist, hooves on the ground, earth pony who was frankly, Vinyl Scratch’s equal and opposite. “I’m done!” Vinyl called out, she exited her flat’s washroom clad in a bright red club dress and her trademark goggles. “That dress would match your eyes if you’d ditch the stupid goggles!” Octavia called out with a smirk. “Don’t be hatin’ on my goggles now,” Vinyl said with a grin. “Celestia help me I will take that cello of yours and beat you over the head with it.” Octavia smirked, knowing full well her friend would never actually destroy her livelihood. Octavia being the first cello in the Manehattan City Orchestra, her cello was to her what a turntable was to Vinyl. This was part of the reason why they were friends, they were artists. They got each other. The two mares departed from Vinyl’s flat, making their way down the streets of Manehattan. “What do you know about Crash?” Octavia asked her. “What’s that?” Vinyl asked, knowing full well what she was talking about. Octavia deadpanned her. “Don’t give me that. I need you to promise me you’re going to stay away from that garbage.” “Yes mum!” Vinyl said, grinning at her. “Vinyl I mean it. You’ve already proven that you don’t have the greatest sense of self control in Equestria,” Octavia said. Understatement of the year award goes to Octavia for this one, Vinyl had remembered herself thinking. “The last thing I want is for you to go down that path.” “C’mon O, trust me! I’ll be fine,” Vinyl said with a grin. “Trust you? Always, trust the 30 crash dealers that are inevitably going to be here? Not a chance.” Vinyl had loved that about her. Octavia had been a good friend, she cared, and she looked out for her friends. Vinyl missed her; Octavia’s rant had been too late. Vinyl was already addicted to crash. What had taken her so long to get ready was the fact that she had been dusting up. Crash was a green powder substance that was commonly taken by inhaling it, usually through the nose. Vinyl had been introduced to it several weeks prior to this particular night. What wasn’t to like? When she was on crash, she felt amazing, though outwardly she didn’t act any different. She’d always been weird. Octavia didn’t need to know, she was just being overprotective. At least, that’s what Vinyl had thought at the time. The duo arrived at the club, try as she might, Vinyl wasn’t able to remember the name, but she did remember how she felt. Crash highs didn’t last long. Vinyl would need to excuse herself for another one soon. She was quick to down a couple hard apple ciders in order to have an excuse to use the washroom. This had proven to be a mistake, as she had not only needed her fix, her binge drinking had sent her right on the path to drunken debauchery. Oh how hard it was to dust up when you could barely see straight. Vinyl had excused herself, she’d also damned herself while she’d been at it. Octavia was a suspicious pony, always wanting to check on her to make sure she wasn’t doing anything wrong. Though now that Vinyl thought about it, she probably just wanted to make sure her friend wasn’t dying, cold and alone on the floor of a Manehattan club washroom. Naturally, Octavia had walked in just as Vinyl was attempting to dust up. “You know, I really shouldn’t be surprised, but here I am, surprised anyway,” Octavia said sadly. “You worry too much O. I got this!” Vinyl had said. She realised now that she had been trying to convince herself just as much as she had Octavia. “No you don’t, Vinyl. You’re an addict.” “I am NOT an addict! I... I can quit anytime I want,” Cheesy. Vinyl Scratch was suppose to be the witty one. Vinyl barely remembered the rest. What she did know was that she had kicked Octavia squarely in the jaw when she tried to take away her stash, she’d had to go to the hospital for that. She hadn’t seen Octavia since that night, the scuff up between the two had planted her in the hospital as well, (different one as to avoid altercations.) She’d been forced to detox from crash, she’d gotten off it. She hadn’t wanted to at the time, but now she knew that it had been for the best. Vinyl also fully acknowledged that her problem was far worse than what she’d remembered. Drugs tended to distort your view of reality. She missed Octavia. She missed her friend, she wanted to go back, find her, make amends, but she was scared, very scared that Octavia would forgive her. What Vinyl had done had been completely unacceptable. She needed to hold herself accountable for that. The last thing she ever wanted was to be forgiven.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 9 Pop! It was morning and the strange noise threw Twilight Sparkle and Vinyl Scratch from their sleep, they jumped to their hooves in surprise, which turned out to be a poor choice of action, considering that the inside of their igloo only rose about half a metre at the most. Their hasty awakening collapsed the igloo, burying the three ponies under some twenty kilograms of snow. Panic set in. They needed to dig their way out, and fast, otherwise death by suffocation would be inevitable. Vinyl and Twilight frantically attempted to dig, making little progress; they hit each other several times by accident until Vinyl finally poked a hoof through the top. She pulled her head out and gasped a breath of air. She felt relieved and horrified at the same time. She could breathe; two gryphons were sitting outside their cage, laughing at them, Gilda and another one that had been previously identified as “sergeant.” Vinyl pulled herself out of the snow, and continued to dig into it, digging until she felt Rainbow Dash’s head, clearing away the snow and allowing the still unconscious Pegasus to breathe, something she was still doing. Twilight pulled herself out as well, clearing away the snow around their fallen friend. They’d narrowly escaped a horrible death, and not by much. The two gryphons were still laughing. “What is going on here?! Sergeant Ironfeathers! Explain yourself!” an authoritative voice boomed. “Just having some fun with the ponyfolk sir!” Ironfeathers said. “Sergeant I expected better from you. This is NOT how we treat prisoners. You’re dismissed and both of you can expect formal reprimands in your permanent files.” The authoritative gryphon said. Gilda and Ironfeathers stopped laughing, marching away in silence. Vinyl looked over at this new gryphon as she walked over to the cage and unlocked the door. “I’m very sorry for this, I expect better from soldiers under my command,” The female gryphon said, she entered the cage and helped Vinyl and Twilight clear the snow off their friends. “Damn them,” she said as she got a look at Rainbow Dash. “How long as she been like this?” “Better part of two days,” Vinyl said, not sure how she felt about this seemingly kind gryphon. “She needs medical attention,” Twilight said pleading for any help that would be given. “I tend to agree, I’ll have my medical staff give her the best care we can... They don’t exactly know anything about ponies, but it’s better than her being left out in the cold.” Vinyl nodded, picking up Rainbow Dash and carrying her to the gryphon’s infirmary, following the kind gryphon that helped them. Vinyl set Rainbow down on a bed inside, and turned to look at the gryphon. She clearly had some kind of authority in the camp. The ponies guessed that she was the one in charge. The trio went back outside, and the gryphon turned to look at them. “I’m lef-tennant Razorwing, Third Artillery Brigade. I’m in charge of this garrison.” “I’m Twilight Sparkle, this is my friend Vinyl Scratch, our other friend is Rainbow Dash,” Twilight explained. “Um, what’s Artillery?” The gryphon lieutenant smiled. “I’ll show you,” she turned her head upward looking to a gryphon that was flying above them. “Bombardier Iorntalon? Spot me a target! Anything that’s not us.” “aye aye sir!” the airborne gryphon called out, picking up a pair of binoculars from around his neck and looking around the landscape with them, clearly he found something that he wanted, and called out to two gryphons near a large, irregular shaped metal object, of which neither pony had a clue of what it could be. “Fire mission! Grid two-three-two-three, Fire!” Neither unicorn understood. One of the strange metal objects erupted in smoke; an extremely loud explosion from them sent the two ponies to the ground in surprise. Twilight figured out what they were quickly, they were guns. Really big, really loud guns, they put the gryphon’s rifles, of which she already thought were very dangerous to shame. The gryphon lieutenant didn’t even flinch. “You hit anything Iorntalon?” “Just some bridge over some river that nobody’s using.” Twilight frowned; they’d clearly destroyed the bridge that they’d used to cross the S. Germain. “What was that?” Vinyl asked, returning to her hooves. “That, my little ponies, was the Quick Fire 26 Pounder,” Razorwing said with a smile. “Standard field gun of the Twin Royal Armies.” ... Rainbow Dash perked her head up. She could have sworn that she’d heard a soft explosion somewhere in the distance. “Did anypony else hear that?” Rainbow asked. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at her confusedly. “Hear what Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked her. Rainbow looked out the window into the countryside, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “Maybe I’m just hearing things...” Rainbow said with a sigh. “I’ve got stuff I need to take care of. I’ll see you girls later.” Rainbow exited the Library, looking down the high street to find Sugarcube Corner standing on the lot in which it belonged. Rainbow did a double take when she saw it; she’d been so used to it not being there. She figured, what the hay, and decided to stop by and check the place out. She entered; it was mostly empty, save for a single grey coloured Pegasus buying a Muffin from Mister Cake. Derpy looked at Rainbow Dash as she walked in, jolting her head to the side, trying to silently communicate for Rainbow Dash to join her while Mr. Cake wasn’t looking. Rainbow understood and sat down with her. Derpy casually ate her blueberry muffin in several bites, after finishing the entire thing; she leaned in close to Rainbow and whispered to her. “You’re not supposed to be here.” Rainbow Dash gave Derpy an odd look, the wall-eyed Pegasus had always been known to be the odd one out in Ponyville... but something inside Rainbow Dash told her that Derpy was onto something. “I... I think I know,” Rainbow Dash said. “I just... I’m not sure what to do.” Derpy smiled at her. “I’ll help you. Meet me later at the place.” Derpy got up and walked out of the sweet shop. Well, Rainbow thought to herself, that was useful. Meet me later at the place. Rainbow Dash was sure that was the single vaguest statement that she had ever heard in her entire life. Rainbow Dash exited the sweet shop, discovering that there was a single cloud in the sky over Ponyville, it annoyed Rainbow Dash to no end that somepony left it there, she wasn’t the only weather pony in Ponyville, but clearly she was the only one able to do the job right. She spread her wings and flew up to the cloud, but found herself not dissipating it. Instead, she found a scroll of parchment sticking out of it. That was odd too; paper shouldn’t be able to do that. She picked it up and unrolled it. Face east. When it comes, we must have our backs to it so it thinks no one is paying attention. Well that didn’t make sense either. No, she took that back, it did. The Alicorn that called himself Overdrive used to sit on a cloud facing east all day when he was still alive... Did he write this? What did they need to have their backs to? Now Rainbow had more questions than answers, and she was growing frustrated because she knew that no one could answer them. She kicked the cloud, causing it to dissipate. For what it was worth, the skies were clear, unfortunately, it was the only thing that was. Rainbow flew back to the ground; she tucked the note in a safe place until she needed it later, if at all. Rainbow Dash looked down the high street to find Derpy Hooves was trotting at a good pace down it. Rainbow decided to follow her, figuring that she might be going to the place wherever that was. She followed Derpy several hundred metres down the road to the outskirts of Ponyville. The walleyed Pegasus stopped walking, sitting down in the middle of the open field. She spotted Rainbow coming towards her and waved. “This is the place?! We’re in the middle of nowhere!” Rainbow cried out in annoyance. “Uh huh!” Derpy said with a smile. “The place is far away from Ponyville where nopony can hear anything.” Rainbow wasn’t sure why, but that statement made her feel extremely uneasy. She shook the feeling away, this was Derpy Hooves, quite easily the most friendly Pegasus in Ponyville. Why in the world would she have any reason to be uneasy around her? “You’re not supposed to be here,” Derpy said. “You need to be somewhere else.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Once again, thank you for being ever so helpful Derpy,” she said, her voice brimming with sarcasm. “And just where am I supposed to be?” “Not here.” This was getting her nowhere. “Is somepony playing a joke on me? Because you’ve never been this useless before!” Derpy frowned at her. “Do you want my help or not?” Rainbow Dash merely sighed. “Yes. I do, if you can help, please, do.” Derpy’s smile returned. “There is something else you need to learn before you go.” Rainbow Dash sighed again. “Yes?” “Close your eyes,” Derpy commanded. Rainbow Dash was getting fed up with the grey Pegasus, but humoured her by shutting her eyes tight. She felt a sharp pain in her flank; she opened her eyes and let out a scream in pain. Jaunting from her side was a long knife that had been planted through her left wing. She looked at Derpy, who was grinning mischievously at her. “Don’t. Trust.” Rainbow began gasping for air, and fell over onto her side, her eyes began to close and she felt the life slipping away from her. Then... there was nothing.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 10 They were no longer caged, yes, but Twilight Sparkle and Vinyl Scratch found that they were nowhere close to being free. Lieutenant Razorwing was kind, for a gryphon, she had given orders to those under her command that the ponies were to be treated with respect, but should they try to leave the camp, Rainbow Dash would be shot, shortly followed by themselves. The camp was home to some twenty odd Gryphons, conversations with Razorwing revealed that this was half of what they were supposed to have. Everyone else had been lost as a casualty. “A casualty?” Twilight asked. “Of war? You know?” Razorwing asked. Both Twilight Sparkle and Vinyl Scratch were completely unaware that the Twin Gryphon Kingdoms were at war with the Commonwealth of South Island, and apparently had been for two or three years at this point. Razorwing scowled at their ignorance. “Gods damn the ponies. Don’t know anything going on outside their precious borders.” Twilight now understood the reason that Gryphons had occupied the Hoofson Bay Area. They were mining for resources, cutting down the trees for lumber, gathering fish for food. In fact, several settlements scattered the area. The Hoofson Bay was home to nearly a thousand gryphons. Not counting soldiers, of whose numbers Razorwing refused to give them, on the count that they might be spies for the kangaroos. Razorwing also told them of a kangaroo armoured cavalry regiment, belonging to the South Islander’s twentieth corps, had slipped into the bay several months ago, and took to launching hit and run attacks on gryphon encampments. She called them the Winter Rats, liking them to an infestation of vermin that they just couldn’t get rid of. Twilight forced her to stop several times, asking her to explain what an “armoured cavalry regiment” and “the twentieth corps” was, causing the gryphon to become extremely annoyed with the ponies ignorance. After several days of living in the gryphon’s encampment, Razorwing began refusing to even speak to the ponies at all; she had been getting tired of having to explain everything to them, even things that gryphon children would know. In a few short days, Twilight had learned many things that she could never have in Equestria. Such as what “armoured cavalry” and “artillery” was. She’d been allowed to look through the few books that were lying around the camp; however, she was extremely disappointed to discover that she couldn’t read any of them. While the spoken languages of the gryphons and ponies were very similar, gryphon writings used a completely different alphabet, of which she was unfamiliar. To make matters worse, Rainbow Dash had still not regained consciousness, forcing the gryphons to slide a feeding tube down her throat. Despite no longer being civil with them, Razorwing had not rescinded her orders to treat the ponies with respect. Twilight had a nagging suspicion that this would not always be the case. She and Vinyl knew that if they did not come up with some kind of plan soon, either Razorwing would get fed up with them, then order their deaths, or the kangaroos would show up and they’d get caught in the crossfire. Vinyl spent most of her days thinking and keeping watch over Rainbow Dash. There was no reason why Rainbow had been out this long. She was asleep, but nothing they did could get her to come out of it. They needed her awake if they were going to escape. ... Rainbow Dash threw open her eyes, gasping in terror. She looked around; she was inside her house, lying on her bed. A quick inspection of her flank revealed that she had not even been wounded. Oh thank Celestia! It was just a dream! Rainbow Dash rose to her hooves and entered her washroom. To her horror, the bandage that Fluttershy had wrapped on her head was still there. Likewise, tucked under her wing was the note she’d found in the cloud. What in the name of Equestria...? Rainbow didn’t understand what was happening to her. Worst of all, she was incredibly hungry, she couldn’t think straight when her mind was so focused on food. She ate several meals worth of food... but none of it seemed to help. Rainbow didn’t understand. Then out of the blue, she started having trouble swallowing, and instantly felt full. No rhyme or reason, it just happened. Rainbow refused to leave her home. The world had stopped making sense to her, and if she went out there, she knew it would continue to make less and less sense. A knock came at the door, she ignored it. Nothing good could come from answering that door, she figured, another knock, this time, followed by a voice. “Rainbow Dash! Ah know yer in there! Get out ‘ere!” the voice belonged to Applejack. Wonderful the world was now so broken that Applejack could actually knock on the door to her cloud castle without falling, not to mention the effort it would have taken for her to actually get to the door at all. “Rainbow! If ya don’t come out, ah’m gonna knock it down!” Applejack called again. Fine. Whatever. Rainbow thought to herself, she went over and opened her door. She was a little surprised to see that Applejack was actually not standing on her doorstep; rather Derpy Hooves was struggling to hold her up so that she could knock. “There ya are! Ah was worried sick about ya when ya’ll didn’t show up at the farm this mornin’ what were ya’ll thinkin’ worrin’ me like that!?” Applejack said. Rainbow didn’t remember ever talking to Applejack about helping her on the farm today. Then again, she didn’t actually know what the date was, or if it even mattered in this world that she had deemed had gone crazy. “’Ello? Equestria ta Rainbow Dash! Come in Rainbow Dash!” Applejack said. Rainbow shook her head; she’d gotten caught in a lull of thought and had neglected to say anything. “Yeah... I’ll be over in a little bit, give me a few minutes to get ready,” Rainbow said. “Okay. Derpy, ya’ll can put me down now,” Applejack said. “Oh thank Celestia!” Derpy cried out in an exasperated voice, she lowered the orange earth pony to the ground. “I don’t want to sound rude Miss Applejack... but you are really REALLY heavy!” Rainbow shut the door. She really didn’t have anything to do; she just didn’t want to be around Derpy right now... She figured it had been just a dream... but how could she be sure? ... Pom pom pom! Twilight and Vinyl burst from the camp’s infirmary to find that two gryphons were crewing one of the smaller guns in camp. Pom pom pom! The gun fired in another burst, pointed at the air. Twilight and Vinyl looked up to see that a large metal looking bird was flying overhead. Twilight remembered that Razorwing had called this gun an “autocannon” and its main use was shooting down kangaroo aircraft. The metal looking bird must have been one of these aircraft. Twilight found it to be an odd sight. When Razorwing said aircraft, she’d thought hot air balloon. Pom pom pom! Pom pom pom! Twilight came up with a plan. She her horn began to glow and she flashed a bright beam of light into the sky. The Gryphons were far too busy to notice; otherwise they might have done something to her. She could only hope that the kangaroo operating the metal bird had seen it and would send help their way. No such luck, an autocannon round struck the metal bird, sending it diving towards the ground, exploding several hundred metres above the surface. Twilight frowned. The kangaroo was dead, and so was their best chance for help. ... Pom pom pom! Pom pom pom! Pom pom pom! Pom pom pom! Rainbow Dash perked her head up. She threw open her front door. The sound she’d heard had been faint. But she was sure that she’d heard it this time. Nothing in the country side indicated that anything had happened at all. Rainbow Dash frowned, she wasn’t sure if she was hearing things or not, whatever it had been, it was frustrating her to no end. ... Night fell. Twilight was even more discouraged than she had been before. Worse still, Vinyl was starting to show signs of giving up hope. The white unicorn had been the one to remain chipper the longest, but it seemed that a lack of real options on a course of action had started to affect her too. Twilight was sure that she was going to die here, either at the talons of the gryphons, or possibly her own hooves. She shook that thought from her mind. No, they weren’t that desperate yet. A twig snapped behind her. She shot her head around, crouched behind her was a kangaroo, clad in a leather jacket and a goggled helmet, he was carrying a type of firearm that Twilight had never seen before. It was a sort of short cylinder shape, with a long metal rod sticking out of the front. He put a finger to his mouth and shushed her, waving her over. Twilight approached the kangaroo slowly. He continued to wave her closer. “I got your signal before my bird got hit,” the kangaroo said. Clearly he had been the operator of the metal bird she’d seen earlier. “I was able to bail out and call for help. My boys are going to be here tomorrow morning.” The kangaroo handed her a small firework. “Set that off at dawn. Then take everybody you care about and run for cover. Got it?” Twilight nodded. “Why are you helping us?” The kangaroo smiled. “’Cause we’re the good guys!” He disappeared into the darkness shortly after that. Twilight was quick to hide the firework somewhere the gryphons wouldn’t find it. She hoped he had been telling the truth.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 11 Dawn. Not a lot of time. Then again, the sooner they escaped the better. Razorwing had become more frustrated with the ponies than anything else; their personal safety was in danger. If the kangaroos were really going to help them, then they couldn’t get here sooner. The problem was Rainbow Dash. She was still unconscious. Twilight had snuck into the infirmary, the gryphons had made the mistake of leaving her unguarded... or either they figured they just didn’t need to. Rainbow had been strapped down to the table, if she woke up, she wasn’t going anywhere. “Rainbow?” Twilight asked of her friend, to which she received no reply other than breathing. “Rainbow... I don’t know what’s wrong, but we really need you to wake up!” Twilight frowned, no response. “I need you to wake up!” In her frustration Twilight brought a hoof down onto the pegasus’ side. It had an effect. Just not the one Twilight expected. ... Rainbow Dash’s mind was in a haze. She’d completely forgotten what she was supposed to be doing. Nothing in this world made sense anymore. She made it to Twilight’s Library on her journey to... wherever she was supposed to be going, before stopping and sitting on the ground in despair. She didn’t see the point in continuing further, her mind had made the irrational decision that she was going to spend the rest of her life in this spot. She wasn’t going to move for anypony. “Nightshadow... I, OH! Hello!” Rainbow Dash looked up from her spot to discover that the Library window was open. Twilight had a guest, it seemed. “I don’t know Nightshadow... I mean, I don’t really know what to... oh!” Twilight’s voice said. “That’s the beauty of it. You don’t have to do anything... All you have to do is lie back... and relax,” this voice, clearly belonged to Twilight’s visitor, Nightshadow, the unicorn stallion that she had met the other day. Wait a minute. Rainbow Dash said to herself. They’re not... They were. Rainbow Dash heard Twilight groaning loudly. She knew what was going on. “Why am I hearing this?!” Rainbow Dash screamed at the top of her lungs. The inside of the library went silent. Rainbow looked up to discover that Twilight had crossed over to the open window, and was looking down at her, an extremely embarrassed look had formed on her face. “Oh... Hi Rainbow Dash! What are you doing down there?” Twilight asked her. Rainbow sighed. “Contemplating hanging myself after what I just heard.” Rainbow kicked herself mentally, she realised how insensitive that remark had been. Twilight looked horrified. Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it anymore, she dashed off at full speed, not even bothering to fly. She ran a few hundred metres towards the outskirts of town and stopped. Why continue? There wasn’t a point. She dropped to the ground, lying down, defeated, on the grass. This would be her new spot. “Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash turned around to look at her. Obviously, she had departed from the library in a rush, her mane was messy, and her tail tangled. “Go away,” Rainbow Dash just sighed at her. “I’m sorry for taking you away from... you know.” Twilight frowned and lied down next to her. “Nightshadow agreed that helping a friend is more important than... that,” she was blushing heavily at the slightest mention. “But that’s not important now, you have my undivided attention.” Rainbow sighed, she related to her what she remembered, how the world had stopped making sense, and she related the story of meeting Derpy in Sugarcube Corner, rounding out with her stabbing which seemed to have not happened. She showed Twilight the note she’d found in the cloud, for some reason, she still had it on her. She related her feelings of apathy about the world. She told Twilight that she wanted to die. The world had become so wrong, and she no longer wanted a part of it. Twilight didn’t say anything; instead, she just gave her friend a hug. Rainbow returned it. She smiled and whispered into Twilight’s ear. “You smell like him.” Twilight turned bright red in embarrassment. Rainbow Dash laughed, and she smiled at her friend. She felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her back. Life was returning to Rainbow Dash, she felt happy again. It was so small, so insignificant, but it was better than the depression she’d been experiencing. “Rainbow?” Twilight asked. “Yeah?” Rainbow replied. “Rainbow... I don’t know what’s wrong, but we really need you to wake up!” Twilight said. “Huh?” Rainbow asked. Oh wonderful, she was having a good moment, but the world was making it weird again. An exasperated expression formed on Twilight’s face, one of panic. “I need you to wake up!” without another word, Twilight gave her a hard kick in her flank. The world turned to white, and Rainbow Dash saw nothing more. ... Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened, something felt wrong. She couldn’t breathe! There was something in her mouth and she was choking on it. Twilight was panicking; she bit down on Rainbow’s feeding tube and slowly pulled it out of Rainbow’s mouth until it cleared. Rainbow took a good breath of fresh air. “What did you kick me for?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight threw herself around Rainbow in a hug. “Oh thank Celestia! You’re okay! We’ve been worried sick about you!” Rainbow remembered. Gilda! She had hit her! “We need to get out of here.” Twilight said, she used her magic to start undoing the straps that held Rainbow to the table. “Where is that gryphon!?” Rainbow Dash said, hate seething in her voice. “I’m going to return her the favour!” Twilight stopped undoing the straps and ever so softly, she whispered. “Rainbow? I need you to trust me right now. We have more important things to worry about than revenge. If we don’t leave, right now, we’re going to die. You, me, and Vinyl are all going to die if we don’t get out of here. Do you understand?” Rainbow understood, Twilight had basically said the same thing three times. She agreed, but made no promises that she wouldn’t go after Gilda if she saw her. Twilight didn’t have time to argue, the sun was coming up, and she hurriedly undid the rest of Rainbow’s straps. Pop! Vinyl had just set off the firework. Time to go! Twilight and Rainbow Dash burst through the door of the Infirmary, only to find that their progress was impeded. Gilda and Lieutenant Razorwing were standing just outside the door, Gilda was pointing her rifle at them, Razorwing held a smaller, claw-held version of it, but despite being smaller, Razorwing’s weapon looked just as, if not more menacing. There was dried blood on hers. “My little ponies... Going somewhere?” Razorwing sneered at them with a sort of playful malevolence. “I think it’s time you joined your ambassador in an unmarked grave. Would you not agree Lance-Bombardier?” Gilda smiled cruelly at the question. “Permission to personally take care of the pegaus, sir?” “Granted.” The mare’s spirits sunk. Rainbow Dash’s ear twitched. She heard something, something the likes of which she had never heard before. The gryphons heard it too. Through the trees, a large sloped metal box on tracked wheels burst from cover at high speed, a smaller box on top it rotated towards the gryphons, Rainbow Dash recognised the danger from it and tackled Twilight to the ground. The operators took this a sign, and a large flash was seen, followed by a cracking sound that definitely belonged to a firearm, but fired much faster than the ones they had seen before. Gilda ducked, but Razorwing was caught in the fire, ripping her to pieces and splattering blood all over them. Gilda panicked, dropping her rifle and fleeing into the forest. These were tanks. The rest of the gryphon camp leapt into action. Gryphons crewed the autocannon, swinging it around and trying to take shots at the Kangaroo tanks that had burst from the tree line. Vinyl Scratch ran to the fallen ponies, she ushered to them that they needed to move, and quickly. Rainbow nodded, she looked down her right flank, disgusted to see that she was covered in gore that had once been Razorwing. Not the time to think about it. The trio of ponies took off towards the tree line. The tank that had saved them from Razorwing manoeuvred through the camp and fired its main gun at the autocannon. Vinyl and Twilight noted that it acted much like the QF 26 pounder that they had been shown upon their arrival, but obviously on a much smaller scale. The shell from the tank gun stuck the autocannon’s crew seating, turning the gryphons into piles of gore, and causing the autocannon to swing wildly, still firing off in random directions. To Twilight and Vinyl’s horror, the autocannon had swung around and fired into a small cave in the mountain side that had never really been something for them to pay attention to. But what they did know of the cave was that was where the gryphons kept the ammunition for the 26 pounders. They had seen several gryphons caring ammo to and from it the last several days. “Run!” Vinyl screamed. They did not want to be around that when that autocannon shell actually hit something. They did not have long to wait. The Kangaroo tanks had clearly taken notice of the danger and had already driven backwards at full speed trying to get away from it. The ponies had just turned to run when the mountain exploded. ... Applejack was in the middle of her afternoon chores at Sweet Apple Acres, sweeping out the stalls in the barn. “Applejack!” Big Macintosh called out to her. Applejack set down her broom and went outside to find that Big Macintosh, Braeburn, and Apple Bloom were looking off at the northern sky. Applejack looked on in horror; there was a large cloud of billowing smoke that had to be several hundred kilometres high. “Big Macintosh? What am ah lookin’ at?” Big Macintosh looked at his sister. “Ah don’ know. Whatever it is, it’s big, and its real high up if we can see it from here.” ... Twilight was lying face down in the snow, she poked her head up in confusion, she turned around and looked back at the mountain, smoke billowed from the top of it, and small particles of dirt and dust were falling from the sky. The Gryphons must have kept the ammunition deep inside the mountain. It was still standing, but it had thrown the snow off, burying the Gryphon encampment under several tonnes of snow. Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash were lying beside her, the shockwave from the explosion had thrown them a hundred or so metres from the camp, they were lucky to have landed on soft snow, and missed all the trees around them, if they had hit one they’d surely all be dead. Vinyl and Rainbow perked their heads up. “We’re never doing this. Ever again,” Rainbow Dash moaned, slightly sore from the landing. “Spoil sport,” Vinyl said grinning at her. Twilight smiled, not realising how much she’d missed the white unicorn’s insane grinning. They were all alive, a little sore, but alive. Twilight barely noticed the Kangaroo tank as it approached them from behind, stopping several metres from where they lay. The top hatch popped open and a kangaroo poked his head out. Twilight almost mistook him for Roy Melbourne; the kindly kangaroo she’d met in the Mohoofie Desert, except this Kangaroo was much younger looking. “Well lookie here! You all right down there little ponies?” the kangaroo said. Yes, Twilight was sure that they were going to be just fine.
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Chapter 12 Twilight was glad to finally be heading back home. Her only regret was not being able to actually accomplish the goal they had been sent out to achieve. Six kangaroo light tanks with bulldozers attached to them had unburied the headquarters building at the gryphon camp, and Twilight found the proof that she needed. Ambassador Lightdew and the pegasi guards that went after her were all dead. The ambassador’s chariot had been shot up by the autocannon team, there weren’t enough pieces left to recover. Twilight was glad she’d insisted on walking, otherwise they would have suffered the same fate. Now they were lying on the back of a Kangaroo M3 Light tank, (whatever that meant,) driving down the mountain towards the St. Germain River, chatting with the tank’s commander, Sergeant Tebbs. Rainbow Dash was flying above them leading the way, the tank’s driver, a kangaroo called Corporal McNair couldn’t see Rainbow Dash from inside the tank, so occasionally, when Rainbow changed direction, Tebbs would pop back inside and give McNair a new heading. As it turned out, they had Tebbs’ crew to thank for more than just giving them a ride. The tank they were riding on had been the one that had cut down Razorwing; it was also the same one that had sent the autocannon to shoot off wildly. The road ended at where the Bridge they had crossed over from Equestria was. Twilight had forgotten that the gryphons had destroyed it. Rainbow Dash stopped moving, landing on the ground next to the tank. Sergeant Tebbs looked over at the bridge, “Well damn! Gryphons went and blew that bridge to pieces... good riddance if I do say so myself.” Twilight and Vinyl were more than a little confused, causing Tebbs to back up and explain. Unlike Razorwing, Sergeant Tebbs was genuinely kind, rather than just pretending to be to extract information. “When we put this road in, that bridge was already there. Every time the work crew got close to it, someone would start panicking, and have to be taken back to camp. Something was really weird about it. It was almost like it was trying to keep anybody from using it... but it was a ruddy bridge! Why put it up if you didn’t want anybody using it?” Twilight and Vinyl shrugged. The bridge hadn’t been like that with them. “Hold on a moment!” Tebbs said cheerfully, he popped his head back inside, only to come out a few seconds later. “Hold on tight!” The M3 light tank accelerated to full throttle, ramping down the embankment, and up and over the other side in 10 seconds flat, the ice had cracked under the weight, but didn’t break up until after they were already across. The St. Germain had been about 30 metres wide, so it was quite the accomplishment. Twilight understood now why Rainbow Dash liked going fast. It was fun. The tank continued onward, Sergeant Tebbs had made it perfectly clear that he was going to drive them back to Ponyville, saying that it didn’t feel right for him to let them walk all the way back in the freezing cold weather. Twilight had tried to explain to him that it wasn’t as cold on the Equestrian side of the St. Germain, but he didn’t believe them, saying it didn’t make sense. Twilight didn’t argue with him on that, because it truly didn’t make sense. Tebbs noticed the difference in the temperature instantly. He looked at Twilight to explain, but she merely shrugged at him. She didn’t understand it either. Twilight was actually kind of glad that Sergeant Tebbs had insisted on driving them back, instead of taking several weeks, it would be almost a day and a half before they got back to Ponyville. They drove on, stopping for the night in the spot they had stopped at just before making their way into Manehattan. Taking care to bypass the city all together, the last thing Twilight wanted was to cause a panic for the ponies of Manehattan, Twilight had personally thought that the kangaroo tank had been somewhat scary looking when she’d first seen it, Tebbs explained that this was a light tank, and really wasn’t all that scary in the terms of capability. “Now, you want to see something scary, have a run in with a heavy tank battalion,” Tebbs said around the campfire. Twilight, Vinyl, and Rainbow Dash had since become introduced to the Kangaroo crew of the tank they were riding on; Sergeant Tebbs was the one in charge, obviously, and Corporal McNair was the driver, Lance-Corporal Vickers was the gunner, and Trooper Willoughby had the job description of co-driver, but in actuality, he spent most of his time working the radio. “Sergeant Tebbs? May I ask you a question?” Twilight asked him. “You can, on one condition, you have to stop with this ‘Sergeant Tebbs’ nonsense. You, Twilight Spackle, can call me Percy.” Twilight giggled slightly, from her point of view, “Percy Tebbs” was a funny sounding name. Though she figured she probably shouldn’t be laughing, their accents made her name sound funny too. “How do you know how to speak Equestrian?” Twilight asked. Tebbs looked at her funny. “Equestrian? I just thought you knew how to speak Wallish. I mean, we’re speaking Wallish right now! Nobody in South Island has spoken anything but Wallish in nearly two hundred years... Well I take that back, the Wallabies are still speaking wallaroo, but that’s it.” That couldn’t be a coincidence... or maybe it could? The ponies of Equestria and the gryphons of the Twin Gryphon Kingdoms spoke languages that were similar with each other, the written language was different, but maybe the Kangaroo’s Wallish language was the same way. Tebb’s ears twitched in thought, he hopped up from his seat and climbed into the tank, returning later with a rather large book that Twilight had never seen before. “A Complete History of the Kingdom of United Welara, 1170 SE Edition.” Twilight said reading the cover. She had certainly never heard of this book. “You can have it, that book is dime-a-dozen back home. That edition is thirty years old at this point, but there really isn’t much of a difference between the 1170 edition and the 1200 edition,” Tebbs said. Twilight thanked the kangaroo for his generosity, tucking it into her bag; she would make time to read it later. Fortunately with this one, it was actually printed in a language she was able to read. Clearly there was some kind of connection between Equestrian and Wallish. This book would explain it, but it was rather lengthy, and she didn’t want to seem rude to try and go off and read it right now. Soon afterwards, the group turned in. Tomorrow would finish their trip to Ponyville. ... They only stopped occasionally, the kangaroos had come prepared. Strapped to the side of the tank were six large cans of fuel, or “petrol” as they preferred to call it. Willoughby had just emptied the third can into the fuel tank, the last one they’d need to get to Ponyville, leaving another three for the drive back, and an hour afterwards, the tank had finally pulled into Ponyville, stopping in the centre of town and killing the engine, and causing a huge commotion among the towns ponies, They had never seen anything like the tank before, and were naturally afraid of it. Twilight figured that considering what she had seen the tank do, it had the capability to be very dangerous, but fortunately, the kangaroo crew were friends. “Calm down everypony!” Rainbow Dash said as she landed next to the tank. Twilight and Vinyl hopped off, and from the crew compartment hatch, Sergeant Tebbs waved at them. “It was a pleasure driving you home!” he said. Twilight and Vinyl waved back, thanking the Kangaroo crew for all they had done for them. Tebbs smiled. “Start her up McNair!” The tank’s engine, rather than making the normal idling sound they had gotten used to, made a new one. Crunch! Sputter Sputter Sputter. “Shut it off! Shut it off!” Tebbs called out. “Oh bloody hell!” Tebbs hopped out and opened up the engine compartment, black smoke billowed out from the engine, causing Tebbs to yell out several of his more... colourful expletives. “Moronic grease monkies!” Tebbs yelled out in frustration. He had previously explained that “Grease Monkey” was slang for a mechanic who kept their tanks running. “Bastards! When I find the idiot who was supposed to do preventative maintenance on this thing...” Tebbs turned around and explained. “Our tanks were built to operate in a warmer climate, so they need a lot of work on them to make sure they don’t break down at the worst times.” Tebbs unstrapped the third can of fuel. “Not to mention that this ain’t even the right fuel for this model! We need 65 grade, this is 54... It CAN run on 54, but it builds up this sort of gunk that clogs the engine, it sits for even a minute in cold weather and it hardens. I’m going to have to rip out the engine block, take it apart and build it again from the ground up!” Tebbs gave a polite smile to the ponies of Ponyville. “Well, looks like you’re stuck with us a while.” “It could have been worse,” Twilight added with a small chuckle. “We could have gotten a ride home from gryphons...”
DJ P0N-3,Gilda,Original Character,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tomorrow is Always a New Day
Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.
<p>Change is coming to Equestria. After Gryphons move into the Hoofson Bay Area (deemed neutral territory by prior treaty) Princess Celestia sends a trusted ambassador to negotiate, however when the ambassador goes missing, things begin to spiral out of control.</p><p>The fourth in a series of stories starting from The Kindness of Strangers</p>
Epilogue Gilda had stopped running. She figured she was far enough away now. She’d heard the mountain explode; their ammo storage must have gone up in flames she’d told herself. Adrenalin had worn off at this point, she was dead tired. Then the reality of her situation set in. She had deserted in battle. She would be killed for that! Being executed for cowardice was not how she wanted to be remembered, but then, another thought came to her. All her comrades were dead. She was the only survivor! That meant she could tell the story however she wanted, and nobody would come along and give a different account of events. Gilda felt better about this, she could paint herself as a hero! Yes! She thought to herself, Lieutenant Razorwing had been injured and she pulled her to safety. She began rehearsing to herself. Then the kangaroos shot their ammo storage, and the shockwave from the blast threw her and the Lieutenant clear of the fight. Killing everyone else, Lieutenant Razorwing eventually succumbed to her wounds, leaving Gilda the only survivor. Yes! That would totally work! Gilda felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, she wasn’t going to die! She wasn’t going to die. In the distance, she heard a loud howling noise, followed by a faint ticking sound that was slowly beginning to get louder, and it was coming right towards her! Ticka-Ticka-Ticka-Ticka-Ticka-Ticka-Ticka! Through the trees a cloud of thick black smoke poured into view, it seemed to have a mind of its own, and it was coming towards her, the cloud stopped moving a few steps from her, where it seemed to evaporate, but in its place, where three ponies as if they had stepped out from darkness. The first one was an earth pony, the second, a Pegasus, and the third was a unicorn. Each of them was a pitch black colour, with amber eyes that seemed to look through her. “Gilda Griffon,” the earth pony said. “We are very disappointed in you.” “What? Who...? Who are you?” Gilda asked, her voice trembling in fear. “Irrelevant,” The Pegasus said. “We know what you plan to do. You plan to lie to make yourself look good in the eyes of your fellows. You will tell the truth.” “But... I can’t!” Gilda said. “They’ll kill me if I tell them the truth!” “Gilda, Gilda, Gilda... What do you think we will do to you if you don’t tell the truth?” the Unicorn said. “We’re giving you a choice. Either you tell the truth, and be executed for cowardice. Or you lie, and then we hunt you down, and make you wish you had been killed.” “There isn’t anything you can do to me that’s worse than death,” Gilda said. “I’ll take my chances.” “Oh Gilda...” the Earth pony said. “We hate to be the one to tell you this... but you are dead wrong.” The ponies turned back into smoke, charging at Gilda. She screamed and knew nothing more.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Rarity,Sweetie Belle,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Challenges of Love--Part One: Rarity's Tale
Rarity endures heartache through her element.
<p>Rarity leaves on a trip for Baltimare to visit her family for the holiday season of Gift Giving Day. Problems with too many ponies needing her services and a disappointed sister are the least of her concerns. She stumbles on a world of lonely orphans and reconnects with an old friend from her middle school days, who seems to be in some trouble of his own. Although her heart of generosity urges her to try and help where she can, Rarity could find that being all things to all ponies might come with a cost to her well-being and happiness. Meanwhile, Rarity is troubled over her friend's suppressed anger towards her, and her own inability to sort out her feelings for two ponies and one dragon. And just who or what is the strange new pony that has entered Rarity's life? Twilight is fascinated, but Spike isn't so sure.</p><p>Edit: 07/06/12 Reboot 2.0 underway. It has a new plot, new location, and a few new characters. A brand new spin also needs a brand new cover art, so I chose one I felt better represented the story's overall sadness.</p>
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic The Challenges of Love Part One: Rarity's Tale Rated: PG Themes: Implied adult conduct and other serious elements by Mario Rodgers aka pmcollectorboy Author's note: Contains non-canon parents A Charming Stranger Quivering in an envelope of blue light, two tiny yellow stubs of paper floated in wavering, swirling patterns in front of a pair of icy blue eyes. A harried white unicorn galloped in a frenzy, struggling to maintain her breath and her concentration on the tickets that hovered alongside her as she weaved through dense crowds of ponies, all bustling about in different directions as they all went about their separate lives. A train's whistle pierced the winter air from the distance, its high-pitched shriek rising above the din of city life. Rarity swallowed a lump as she felt her heart labor even harder in her chest. She pressed on, shoving ponies aside as she made her way towards the source of the noise, her hooves pounding the hard concrete surface of the Canterlot avenue which wound towards Platform Four. The snow-colored unicorn feared her mode of transportation would soon depart without her, and so she rushed along frantically to make her scheduled departure, not giving a second thought to the possible consequences of her mad dash. A lime green mare went down to the pavement as Rarity muscled past, the mare's chapeau tumbling away like a leaf in the wind. As the mare lifted her head, she fixed a steely gaze on Rarity and wrinkled her nose. "Terribly sorry!" Rarity exclaimed with a huff as her sprint took her away from the wronged mare. She inhaled sharply and then released a harsh, ragged breath, a short wisp of icy condensation tumbling from her mouth as she focused her attention straight ahead once more. The unicorn felt a nagging dry spot in her mouth that she had difficulty getting rid of. Across her back lay a pair of saddle bags, with each laden with supplies and materials that would be crucial for her next project. "One side, please! Out of the way! I have to catch that train!" she exclaimed as she weaved through the crowd and created a path through the chaotic masses. With a forceful stomp of her left legs, Rarity flexed and surged to the right to sidestep a couple of lovers locked in an impassioned kiss. She then swerved back left and pushed her way through a particularly dense crowd of ponies. When she emerged on the other side, she spotted the boarding platform and the locomotive hissing steam, but before Rarity could celebrate her victory, a couple of swiftly moving stallions knocked her off balance, taking her by surprise from just outside her peripheral vision. Before she knew what had happened, she felt the harsh thud of the freshly plowed pavement slam her ribs. When she shook the dizziness from her head, she found herself on her left side and spotted her saddle bags arcing up in the air and then hitting the platform, sliding away from her and scattering her precious goods. "Oh! Oh no!" Rarity said, dismay in her voice. "Watch where you're going!" one of the stallions bellowed as he hurried along. Rarity coughed out a snoutful of dust she had inhaled when she hit the pavement, and as she struggled to her feet, her left side throbbing, she gazed at the train station's circular analog clock mounted on a brass fixture high above the boarding platform. The large clock ticked past 11:00, and she gasped in realization that the train would pulling out and heading to Ponyville in just four minutes. The blow had been rough, but Rarity eventually made it to her feet. She took a few seconds to steady herself, her calf muscles weakened and shaky. With a low, sorrowful sigh and a press of her lips into a pout, she glanced around for her items, hoping to find them close by and in easy reach. Instead, she spied her spool of Neighpon silk thread underneath a light post a good distance away, the luxurious item dangerously close to being kicked into the railroad tracks. Her ruffles and beads dangled from the deeper branches of a bush that lay third in a row of bushes. Her cuttings of satin and taffeta fabric gathered dust on the pavement as the crowd milled about them, trotting past a hair's breadth away from trampling the precious goods to shreds. A gasp escaped her lips when she realized the precarious spots her items were in. Frantic, she reached out with a hoof, as if to indicate to the indifferent crowd to cease its chaotic motions. "No! Be careful! Those items are expensive!" She zipped her gaze from item to item, her nerves brought almost to the point of fraying as she struggled to decide upon which item to rescue first. The random passers-by trotting past here and there rendered keeping an eye on her items difficult, let alone rushing forward to snatch them. Seizing on a thought, she steeled herself enough to call upon her magic, and she tossed her head high in the air, the elegant, purple coils in her mane bouncing once as she closed her eyes. However, her belongings being scattered as far and wide as they were, she found erecting levitation fields around them very difficult. Connecting with every single piece of her things proved almost impossible. A few beads wobbled in the air in one place. A piece of fabric hovered weakly in another place. Try as Rarity might, she couldn't find any cohesion in her magic. The magical blue light around her white horn died as she allowed her connection to fizzle out with a sickly pop. Behind her, the Friendship Express belched smoke and hissed steam, looming like some noisy metal beast and occupying her mind with the pressures of her travel plans and the upcoming holiday with her family, which she had to make on time. Her holiday plans also called for her to finish her project, which required the materials so important to the gifted fashionista, the same materials that lay strewn about. With a sigh, Rarity hung her head low, feeling decidedly weak and unglamorous. She spotted a gap in the crowd and with some effort, found her swath of taffeta fabric again. She primed her leg muscles to dart out and collect her things the mundane, magicless way. However, just as she was about to do so, her materials became wrapped in an aura of a different color and levitated over to her. She stopped and let her jaw hang slightly open as she wondered about her items floating before her, captured by a magic bubble of a new hue. First came her saddle bags, which situated themselves across her back. Next came her materials, which settled into her bags. Finally, she saw her tickets float over to her, wrapped in an envelope of brown magic. A small smile came to her lips as she reached out and connected with her own magic, replacing the brown aura around the tickets with her own blue bubble of light. As Rarity glanced around, trying to find her would-be rescuer, the crowd in front of her suddenly parted, with several ponies sporting slack jaws as they stepped away. She looked up the center of the parting in the crowd, and a strange creature slowly strolled up, giving her an amiable, toothy smile. Her own jaw dropped slightly as she watched the creature approach. She became filled with mild curiosity as she turned her thoughts over and over in her head on what to make of her new friend. Rarity had never seen such an animal before. It appeared to be much like a unicorn pony but with slightly different features. Its coat shimmered with an iridescent blue while its mane, although a simple brown color, flowed around the face and neck in a delightfully graceful way, much like the way Fluttershy's mane did, but somehow in a masculine fashion. As the creature got closer, she could tell that it was male. His mane bore a couple streaks of fire red, and this same streak pattern went down along the length of his neck. His face held features like a regular unicorn stallion, but his muzzle was slightly more elongated, and his eyes were a fascinating almond shape, with a vibrant, shifting array of colors for the irises. The horn, instead of spiraling in a conical shape like a regular unicorn, rose up from the center of the forehead in a single unbroken structure, which curved backwards slightly. His tail had slightly less hair than most ponies and had a longer base, reminding her more of the tail of a golden retriever than the tail of a pony. When the strange creature approached within conversation distance, he bowed his head momentarily and then looked up again. The amiable smile came again, and Rarity found herself nearly at a swoon as her concentration became lost in the dazzling, multi-colored eyes. The mouth opened, and her friend spoke, the words gliding out like silk. "Good morning. Are you okay there, Miss...?" "Miss Rarity, please," Rarity said as she brought a hoof up to conceal a touch of blushing. "I, uh, I..." "You have a train to catch. Yes. Don't allow me to delay you any further. I just wanted to ensure that you were fine." Rarity nodded, her thoughts still stolen by her companion's exotic beauty. "Um... Yes. Yes I am fine, and all my things are here," she said when her presence of mind returned. "Thank you once again. If you'll excuse me?" Rarity gave her own bow before turning to head towards the train. A small line had formed at the door of one of the train's cars, but it wasn't long before she made her way to the front. The conductor nodded and touched his hat as Rarity approached. "Hello there, ma'am. May I see your tickets please?" the middle-aged brown unicorn said. "Oh. Yes of course." Rarity levitated the tickets held in her magic bubble closer to the conductor. The conductor squinted his eyes and leaned forward as he eyed the paper stubs. Then, raising an eyebrow, he turned back to Rarity. "Ma'am? These don't seem to be the correct tickets." Rarity's eyes widened and her jaw fell slack, and for a moment she couldn't be sure if she had heard the conductor correctly. "What?!" After a quick glance at the tickets floating there, the mistake made itself evident, and Rarity's cheeks burned with embarrassment. She had accidentally brought out the train tickets for her trip from Ponyville to her family's hometown in Baltimare, tickets which she had bought in advance of coming to Canterlot. Upon realizing that she could've misplaced her proper tickets, Rarity started to grow frantic. "No! I know my tickets are here! Just give me moment to look for them!" The fashion pony stuffed the Ponyville tickets into her saddle bags and, in a frenzy, she sorted through her items, shoving them aside and rifling through side pockets as her fear grew. "I know they're in here! Give me a moment!" she exclaimed, her voice shaking as her search became more sporadic. In a burst of anger and frustration, Rarity intensified her magic's power, yanking the saddle bags closer to her neck to allow her a better view. She levitated the items out of her bags one by one, her eyes darting from one article to the next as they presented themselves. "Ma'am? Ma'am!" the conductor exclaimed, waving a front hoof at Rarity to get her attention. "This train is almost boarded to capacity! I need to serve my other customers and get underway on time! Now if you'd like, there's another train bound for Ponyville leaving here from Platform Six in exactly two hours time. That should give you enough time to find your tickets." Rarity shook her head as she placed her items back in her bags. As she situated her satchels across her back once more, she gazed up at the conductor with tears filling her eyes. "I need to catch this train so that I can make the final train ride from Ponyville to Baltimare and arrive by next morning. Please. My family is counting on me to be there." The features on the conductor's face softened a little, his lips curling down into a frown and his eyes becoming sympathetic, but he still shook his head. "Please step out of the line," he muttered. "Conductor. Please allow me to offer my tickets as a replacement for the lady's misplaced ones." A set of tickets hovered over to the conductor's head from behind Rarity, the tickets wrapped in the same brown magical bubble of light she had seen when her strange friend came to her assistance. She glanced behind and saw her strange and exotic rescuer approach from across the boarding platform. The conductor gazed at the tickets, nodded in confirmation, and levitated his ticket puncher to snip holes into them. "You're clear to board, ma'am," the conductor said with a touch of his hat. Rarity glanced first at the conductor and then at her friend. She felt a flush come to her cheeks as embarrassment set in, embarrassment that somepony had to inconvenience himself just for her sake. While not adverse to seeking assistance like her farmer friend Applejack tended to be, Rarity often felt out of sorts with the idea of somepony doing something for her when she couldn't reciprocate in kind. The fact that his actions were the result of her mistakes made her embarrassment even worse. With the heat of guilt filling her heart, Rarity shook her head. "I couldn't possibly take your tickets if it meant you had to miss your ride." "Miss Rarity, please. I implore you to accept my offer. Please board the train," the stranger urged. "But what about...?" The dark blue unicorn raised up a front hoof, silencing her. "It'll be fine, Miss Rarity. I will find some way to reach my destination," he said softly. A quivering smile came to her, a bittersweet mix of sadness and gratitude welling inside her, freeing tears that couldn't quite find the power to fall. She wondered about this strange, beautiful unicorn of shimmering dark blue fur, about what caused him to show such kindness to a pony he had met just a few minutes ago. Reaching out with her magic, and working around her hesitation, she latched onto the punched ticket and boarded the train. Rarity wasted no time in finding a seat. She secured one several rows towards the rear from where she entered the train's car and threw her saddle bags next to her before tearing them open to search through them one more time. It still didn't sit right with her that her new friend had to sacrifice material goods and convenience on her account and would be out his train ride, possibly disrupting whatever plans he had. She wouldn't be able to look herself in the mirror knowing that even the slightest possibility existed he would miss something important. She felt the right thing to do would be to continue to search for her original tickets and offer it to her friend before the train got underway. Her items levitated out of her saddle bags, just as before. She gave them all cursory glances, parting article from article and sifting through any nook and fold in her fabrics. The last item to float out was her stack of business cards, which flew apart in a shower of reinforced paper when a passenger shuffling down the aisle and carrying a large burden of travel bags brushed against the stack. Rarity reacted quickly and snared the cards in her magic field. As she brought her cards together and realigned them, she spotted a tiny slip of yellow paper peeking out from underneath one. Encouraged, she divided the stack and brought the yellow paper closer for a better examination. Her Ponyville tickets were already separated from the rest of her items in another bubble of magical light. She knew these had to be her proper tickets. A quick glance at the locations confirmed her hunch. A rush of excitement forced a cry of triumph from her throat, and she threw open the window next to her seat in a flourish, sticking her head through the opening and into the cold winter air. Perhaps it was not too late. She spotted the conductor making his way towards the front cabin. Not sparing a moment, she stuck a hoof out and waved frantically, trying to attract his attention. "Yoohoo! Mister conductor! Over here!" The unicorn stopped in his tracks and glanced at Rarity. He looked exhausted, if his posture and slow steps were anything to go by, and Rarity wondered if he grew fatigued from his shift or if he started to get fed up with her. Nevertheless, he touched the tip of his hat. "May I help you, miss?" "Conductor! Where did my friend go? You remember that charming dark blue unicorn?" "I believe he went to go stand in line to purchase a set of tickets for the other train out of Canterlot. This train is about ready to get underway, so he won't be able to catch it." Rarity floated her tickets out the window and presented them to the conductor. "Oh but mister conductor... I've found my old tickets! See? Could you be a dear and find my strange friend and give these to him in place of him buying another set? He was so kind to me, and I would greatly appreciate it." She granted a pearly smile, hoping to disarm him enough with her charms to set him at ease. The conductor glared at her for several tense seconds, but Rarity never dropped her smile. He then lowered his head, defeated, and plucked the tickets from Rarity's magic field, taking it along with him. It wasn't long before she saw the dark stallion approaching the train, following the conductor through the crowd from the rear of the boarding platform. He paused briefly around the middle and lifted his head, smiling when he met Rarity's gaze and giving her a vigorous wave. She pulled her head back through the window, closed it tight, and took a few moments to rearrange her things inside her saddle bags. She then placed them under her seat while her friend made his way towards the train car's entrance. "All aboard!" came the shrill call of the conductor. The train whistled its own shrill call, as if to answer back. Satisfied, the white unicorn settle back in her seat, enjoying the plush, soft velour of the cushions. Outside, the Canterlot citizens trotted about in the cold, their breaths escaping as white wisps, their bodies embraced by cashmere sweaters or luxurious scarfs woven with llama wool. There was little doubt in Rarity's mind that many of them went about with their plans for the upcoming holiday, either completing their shopping or perhaps, like Rarity, traveling by train to visit family members in other lands. She didn't envy them for the cold they felt. She lost herself in the caress of central heating and comfort. A loud, metallic thunk and her body lurching forward in her seat brought her attention to the forward motion of the train, and she opened her eyes to gaze back out of the window, the temporary daydream now over. A gentle, rhythmic noise reached her ears from outside the car, and as she enjoyed her view of the beauty of Canterlot and its citizens and culture, the buildings and ponies outside her window moved sideways along her field of vision. The train steamed towards Ponyville, her hometown. The sound of stepping hooves behind her came to her ears, and Rarity turned her attention from the window to the aisle going down the middle of the train car. Standing before her was her strange friend. "You made it!" Rarity squeaked in delight. A friendly smile parted his lips, and she couldn't help but smile back. Her friend nodded politely. "I certainly did, and now it is I who must thank YOU for your kindess." He then tilted his head toward the empty spot in the train seat. "May I join you, Miss Rarity? All the other chairs in this car seem to be nearly full." The familiar, warm feeling of blushing came to her cheeks again, and she nodded meekly. "Yes. Yes you may join me. Oh! One moment. Please allow me to sit on the outside." "Of course." Her companion stepped backward as she reached under her seat and retrieved her bags, gripping the strap with her teeth before placing the bags across her back. Then, using small and ginger steps, she sidled out of her chair and into the aisle. At that moment, the train rounded a corner, Rarity lost her footing and found herself tumbling forward. "Whoa. Careful there," her companion whispered as he stepped forward to catch her. The blush on her cheeks burned even hotter than before, and she brought a hoof up to conceal her embarrassment as stepped away from her friend's strong embrace. When she had found her own footing again, she allowed her friend to step away from the aisle and take a seat. With her friend situated comfortably, she took her place on the outside seat. Rarity slid her bags down to the floor once more and looked back at her companion. "Please forgive me. I would like to thank you properly, but I never did receive your name." "Why certainly, Miss Rarity. Where are my manners? My name is Dusk Seed. I am very pleased to meet you." There came another smile and a small bow as Rarity acknowledge the salutations of the pony sitting across from her. "I am very pleased to meet you as well, Dusk Seed. Thank you once again for being so kind to me and for assisting me back at the train station." "Oh it was no trouble at all. It was entirely my pleasure." Rarity grew more comfortable with her new friend, and as they conversed, she developed a desire to know a little bit more about him. "I hope you don't think me rude, but I must say that I couldn't help but notice you don't have a cutie mark. I'm really curious to know what sort of a pony you are." After a pause where Dusk Seed gave her a look of discomfiture, Rarity hastily waved a hoof at him and added a quick and awkward amendment. "Not that I'm troubled by you or anything!" She bit her lower lip and glanced away, fearful that she may have said something to upset him. There was a slight period of silence between them, and this did little to ease Rarity's anxiety. The bothersome pause was soon interrupted, however, not by Dusk Seed or even herself, but by a pair of passers-by entering the car from the rear door and complaining noisily as they went along. "Can you beLIEVE it, Dandy Lion? We paid for a first class ticket, and the porter loaded our bags and boarded us all the way in the back in third class!" "Yes. Such an inconvenience. I believe first class is towards the front." The indignant interlopers were two earth pony Canterlot residents. The mare, the one called Dandy Lion, wore an ushanka and a thick winter coat with plush, oversized cuffs. Her fur had the color of lilacs and her mane, what little Rarity could see under the large hat, seemed to be canary yellow. The male, a silver colored stallion, bore both of the couple's saddlebags and sported a cashmere vest with a donegal jacket. The two spoke with the typical, nasal Canterlot accent, although Dandy Lion sounded like she was still working on the last notes of a Manechester dialect. The two passed Rarity and Dusk Seed swiftly, heading towards the front of the car. As they reached the center, the male stopped, turned around and backtracked, pausing just in front of her as he eyed her through his spectacles. It took a couple moments before Dandy Lion realized she had been walking alone. When the realization finally registered, she whirled around and stomped her right front hoof in anger. Rarity, however, could only continue to look up at the curious socialite. "May I help...?" Rarity began. "You're Rarity the unicorn!" the silver stallion exclaimed. She blinked, slightly unnerved by his strange glaring and uncertain about whether she was supposed to know him. Canterlot socialites could be tricky to deal with. Many were just all flash and money, but a select few wielded enough power to elevate or ruin a pony such as Rarity. With their fickleness in mind, Rarity had to approach her words very carefully. Searching her brain for her many tools and tricks, she settled on flattering deference. The trick lay in not utilizing too much of it and upsetting the wife. "Why I must thank you for noticing. It is quite obvious that a stallion with such an exquisite taste in winter wear should possess such a keen eye for quality, and I DO try to offer quality. I must say, however, that it appears your lovely companion has such a bold and varied attitude towards fashion that I'd wager she's seen it all, but I'm hoping that with her extraordinary grace and sense of sophistication that she could find something about about my work enticing." As Rarity delivered flatteries and smiles to the Canterlot citizen, she used the distraction to spot his cutie mark and come up with some idea of his identity. Suddenly it clicked. "Mister Prism Sketch. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope you'll excuse me, but I am currently in the middle of..." "Oh but Miss Rarity! Your reputation precedes you. I have heard so much of your work, and I am in a bit of a bind that requires your flourish. You see..." Suitably miffed, Dandy Lion trotted noisily over to her husband, her frown becoming more pronounced. She leaned over and whispered in his ear but did a rather poor job of concealing her words or the bite of her intentions. "Come on, Prism. Why are we associating with these rustics? And just look at her companion! Let's be on our way, already." Rarity parted her lips as a gasp escaped. Dandy Lion's eyes shifted first to Rarity and then slightly behind her to where Dusk Seed sat. Even though Rarity's gaze was still on Prism Sketch, she felt Dusk Seed pull away from where his coat made contact with hers, and she also heard the sounds of a pony shifting about uncomfortably behind her. After a few moments, Prism Sketch moved his head to the side and noticed his wife in her untoward state. He then turned back to Rarity. "I'll be in touch with you. Do you have business card I can keep?" "I... Well sure," Rarity sputtered. She levitated her bag and pulled out her cards, peeling one off and handing it to Prism, who grabbed it and stuffed it one of his saddle bags. "I will be contacting you," Prism said. "I look forward to doing business with you. I won't accept no for an answer!" As the Canterlot stallion got dragged away by his ever suffering wife, Rarity tried to call after him, to little effect. "But I...!" she exclaimed. The sound of a closing door was her only response. Rarity pulled her lips into a pout. It wasn't quite the meeting she had expected. While she knew that she should always be ready to promote herself and show off her skills to the upper crust of Canterlot, Rarity had other engagements, and she was disappointed she couldn't express this to Prism Sketch. "Well that didn't go like I wanted." She then turned towards Dusk Seed. "I must apologize for the strange interruption. I hope it didn't make you feel upset. My career sometimes places me in the path of the well-to-do, but I fear Prism Sketch may ask me to undertake a project for him at a time when I simply can't offer my services to anypony." "You don't have to apologize, Miss Rarity. I tend to attract the odd stare here and there. I'm slowly getting used to it, but you're the first pony who's ever shown me any kindness. For that, I am grateful to you." She brought her right front hoof up to her mouth, coyly covering up her growing smile and doing her best to hide her embarrassment over being flattered and her reddening cheeks. "If you don't mind my asking, why is it that you can not offer your services to that strange stallion?" Dusk Seed continued. Rarity shook her head. "I don't mind at all. I have other engagements. I'm closing my store early so that I may honor these engagements, but I'm worried Prism Sketch may not be aware of this. If he commissions me for a project, it'll have to wait until after the holiday." She gave a quiet sigh. Dusk Seed turned his head to watch the hills and the trees, all blanketed with snow, roll by the window for a moment or two. He kept his watch of the countryside as he continued his conversation with his friend. "You speak of, pardon me, a holiday?" he asked, throwing in a questioning inflection. "What is this holiday?" He reconnected eye contact with her. Another jolt of surprise hit Rarity, and she jerked her neck back slightly as she furrowed her eyebrows. "I beg your pardon? You've never heard of Gift Giving Day?" He slowly shook his head. "I'm not from around here. Would you be so kind as to tell me what it's like?" Rarity tapped a front hoof to her chin as she thought. "Well... It is what it sounds like, but ponies on Gift Giving Day typically hold parties and festivals and sing songs and go out shopping. It's a very lively holiday, and in the evening on Gift Giving Day itself, we all exchange gifts to show how much we care about each other." He seemed to mull on his thoughts a bit as he considered her words. "That sounds wonderful. I would like to learn more." "I would be happy to teach you more, but for now, I hope you'll excuse me. I'm going to retire to my cabin so that I can get started on my dress project for my sister. I've got a six hour train ride ahead of me, and I need to use that time wisely. Have a good day." As Rarity got up, took her bags and headed towards the rear door of the train car, she heard Dusk Seed call after her. "Before you go, Miss Rarity, would you join me for lunch sometime?" She stopped and smiled. The delicate mare thought she detected a hint of eagerness in her friend's voice. This charmed her, but she allowed herself a careful pause. She couldn't be sure if there were any deeper intentions in his request. After a few seconds, however, she decided that lunch was a perfectly reasonable expectation and that accepting his invitation was the polite thing to do. She turned her head over her shoulder and granted him a cheerful smile. "Lunch would be just fine. Shall we meet at the dining car around three?" Dusk Seed nodded. "I would like that just fine." Rarity closed her eyes and lifted her head as joy welled in her heart. She then continued on her way towards her designated sleeping cabin. * * * A screech of metal grinding against metal sent an uncomfortable surge of tingling through Rarity's teeth, a surge all too familiar to any teacher who had scratched a piece of chalk against the board just so, and she steadied herself in her chair as several tons of train came to a slow but shuddering stop. The shriek of a whistle pierced the air, followed by the sound of steam being evacuated. When Rarity finally disembarked the train, she took the time to stop and bid a good day to Dusk Seed. Before she went on her way, however, Dusk Seed pulled Rarity aside and draped a hoof around her shoulder, keeping her within whispering distance. "Miss Rarity," Dusk Seed said, keeping his voice low. "This Gift Giving Day you mentioned... You said it was to exchange gifts between ponies who love each other?" The mare nodded. "I did indeed." "What about between friends? Or ponies who trust each other?" A broad smile parted Rarity's lips and that familiar feeling of joy filled her heart once more. She became eager to know where Dusk Seed was headed with his words, and she gained reassurance and a sense of wonder at the feeling of his steady, strong hoofs wrapped around her shoulders. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed. "Well I trust you, Miss Rarity. In fact, I think... Yes! You ARE my friend!" The dark, iridescent unicorn took a step away from their embrace. "I want you to have this. It is yours now." Rarity watched as Dusk Seed reached up with a hoof and brushed back several strands of hair. His whole left ear became revealed, and she gasped upon spotting the shimmering treasure that had been hidden by his mane. Fastened to his ear lay a diamond studded earring, the gem cut to a simple round brilliance, the pavillion hidden in the notch of the jewelry itself. She found herself dazzled by how perfect the facets seemed and at the polish which allowed the right amount of light to catch the diamond's inner mirrors, returning the illusion of a shiny, magnificent star to the eye. The fashion pony with the penchant for gemstones figured the diamond to be around two carats, the perfect size for an earring. She found herself captivated in doe-eyed adoration by the gem's sheer beauty. As enamored as she was by it, though, her better nature eventually took over, and she found herself resisting once more. "What a beautiful and generous gift," she breathed with a smile. "I... I couldn't take that, but..." "It is my gift to give to you. Please take it." Rarity swallowed hard, drawn to the diamond yet again. Dusk Seed must've seen the eagerness in her eyes, for he levitated the diamond earring off of his ear and moved it over to where Rarity stood, gently fixing the jewelry to her right ear. Rarity struggled to maintain her composure as a fine mist of tears came to her eyes, driven there by the sudden welling of joy and gratitude. She wiped her eyes for a bit and then brought her right front hoof up to her ear, feeling for her new present. A smile parted her lips, and she threw her front hooves around Dusk Seed's neck. "Oh thank you! Thank you very much!" Rarity squealed with joy as she squeezed her friend's neck with an eager passion. "You're very welcome," Dusk Seed said, returning the hug. After the embrace ended, the white mare held out her friend at one leg length. "Where will you go from here in Ponyville? Are you here to visit or stay?" Rarity's voice took an eager rise in intonation when she asked her friend if he was staying. "I will be walking from here and staying in a cabin at the edge of the woods. I'm actually not certain if I am staying here in Ponyville, but while I'm here, I assure you that I will not be far away." Rarity's smile faded somewhat, but she kept her polite air, trying not seem disappointed. "I hope you will stay here in Ponyville. I think you will love it. What will you do while you're here?" "For the moment, I am here to visit my family. I might also explore more of Ponyville and see some of its citizens." The smile came back in full. "Oh you're visiting family too? I as well am visiting family!" Rarity then paused as she thought a bit. "I wish there was some way we could keep in contact with each other while I'm away with MY family." She clicked her teeth as she furrowed her brows in thought. "My parents would absolutely KILL me if they knew I gave away their address, but..." In a flash of blue light, her right saddle bag worked itself open, and she levitated out a pencil and a small scrap of paper. A forgotten moment of inspiration had eased the resourceful fashionista into the habit of carrying around writing materials whenever she made outings, just in case an eye-catching configuration of color and curves gave her cause to jot down ideas or illustrations. She scribbled down two sets of numbers and letters. It didn't turn out to be her best cursive, but her excitement came close to ruining her concentration. Stifling a small giggle, Rarity folded the paper in half and passed it over to her friend. "The top address is my parents' house. The bottom one is my own house. It is called Carousel Boutique, and I make dresses there. You can't miss it. It is probably one of the most unique buildings in all of Ponyville. However, for the duration of the holiday season until the eve of Gift Giving Day, I will be staying at my parents' place for vacation. Do write me, if it so pleases you." Almost out of habit, Rarity coyly lifted her right front leg, keeping it bent in a ladylike manner, and batted her eyes. She had done this flirtatious move so many times that she often went unaware she was doing it. She caught herself in time, however, and upon seeing Dusk Seed's reddening cheeks, she lowered her hoof and backed away a single step. Her friend continued to smile, and when she saw his pearly whites, it set her heart back at ease. Dusk Seed transferred the slip of paper to his own magic field and nodded. The dark blue unicorn didn't possess his own travel bags, but around his shoulders hung a coin purse. It seemed to be made of soft purple velvet, with a drawstring made of golden fibers. On one side of the pouch, stitched in shiny, silver threads, appeared an emblem or a regalia of some kind. A closer inspection revealed to Rarity that the emblem resembled two crossed unicorn horns, one red and one purple. She tilted her head in wonder at the emblem but then brushed the thought aside as Dusk Seed stuffed the note into his coin pouch before looking up with a smile. "I thank you kindly, Miss Rarity. Will we be going our separate ways, now?" "Oh don't be silly," Rarity said with a small hoof gesture. "I've still got a little time before I have to catch my other train. I should introduce you to my friends. Or at least one of them. If you're going to be seeing all Ponyville has to offer, you'll probably be needing a guide, and I can think of nopony better suited for the job than my good friend Twilight Sparkle." She turned to head away from the train but paused in midstep to glance back at Dusk Seed, coyly tilting her head in the direction of her travel as if offering an invitation. "Would you like to escort me while I tell you all about them?" The dark blue unicorn bowed low. "It would be my pleasure." * * * The trip to Ponyville from the train station was pleasant but hardly uneventful. Rarity explained that they were headed towards the town's library, and Dusk Seed learned a great deal about her friends. As they walked through the snow covered streets, however, Dusk Seed couldn't help but notice that a few of the locals stared at him as they passed by. Dusk Seed, out of respect for Rarity, surmised that they were just curious about his unique features and weren't trying to be rude. His conjectures did little to relieve his unease, however. "I seem to be attracting some attention," he remarked as he glanced around pensively. Rarity gave her surroundings a scan, much as he did, and did indeed notice a few ponies here and there muttering amongst themselves and staring at her friend. With a look over her shoulder to where her friend followed her, she saw that he no longer possessed the vibrant smile he had when they stepped off the train. She did her best to diffuse his unhappiness with her own smile. "They've probably just never seen a pony with such strikingly handsome features as yours," she crooned. The corner of Dusk Seed's lips turned up slightly, and Rarity saw the briefest flash of teeth from a modest, reserved smile. There also came a blush on his cheeks, which against the deep, iridescent blue of his fur, came back as an intriguing purple. Her friend pressed his lower lip into his teeth momentarily before looking back at her to speak. "Miss Rarity? Would I be too bold if I asked a favor of you?" Rarity paused and turned around to face her friend. She felt rather surprised that he would seem so hesitant to ask something of her after all the kindness she had shown him. "That wouldn't be too bold at all. I would be glad to do something for you. Just name it." He smiled and bowed. "I would greatly appreciate it if you made me some kind of coat with a cowl, please." "I would be glad to make you a coat. I will make it very warm and oh so fashionable." She gasped, and her eyes widened in delight as her mind turned over ideas. "Ooh! I've got so many ideas! So many different fabrics and colors I can think of! I hope I have time to sketch out a couple designs." "Please make it simple." Rarity blinked and tilted her head. "I beg your pardon?" Dusk Seed turned his head to the side, giving his fur a brief look. Then he returned his attention to Rarity. "All I seem to be doing is attracting attention." "Well in MY opinion, that's not a bad thing." "Plain is fine, please milady," he said with another bow. Rarity couldn't resist such an act of courtesy. She drew great pleasure in knowing she had found such a delightfully charming friend and could only marvel at how lucky she was. With a smile, she nodded her approval and continued on her way towards the library. After a quick jaunt through town, they came upon the library. As the two friends approached, Dusk Seed's jaw dropped slightly, caught by surprise at the sight of a library built into a large tree. He remarked to Rarity how he had never seen such a thing before, with its windows set into the trunk and the branches, to which she remarked that it was unique to Ponyville. Rarity approached the door, a simple wooden half oval with a picture of a lit candle stick and an old fashioned courting candle holder and drip. Before she entered, she turned around and motioned towards Dusk Seed with a hoof. "Perhaps you should wait over there for a tiny bit while I go in," Rarity insisted. The dark blue unicorn raised an eyebrow. Considering the few stares here and there that he had received, Dusk Seed figured that prudence was being asked for. While he trusted Rarity's judgment, he hoped her friends were as kind and understanding as she. Reluctantly, he backed away from the door a few steps. Rarity nodded towards Dusk Seed and then turned back towards the library's door. Raising her hoof, she proceeded to knock a few times before slowly opening the door to stick her head in. "Hello?" she called. "Are you home, Twilight?" As she walked inside, stepping through the threshold a few steps, all she saw was Spike the baby dragon, pacing around on the floor in the middle of the main study and looking decidedly upset. "Hello, Spike? Is Twilight home?" "Wah!" Spike had nearly tripped over his own feet while in mid-pace. He whirled around to face Rarity, granting her an awkward, crooked smile. "Oh," he said with a small wave. "H-hey there, Rarity. You startled me. I didn't notice you coming in." The unicorn trotted closer to the dragon and ran a hoof through the stubby green spines on his head. "My apologies, Spike. It was not my intention to startle you. Would you be so kind as to fetch Twilight for me?" Spike paused and tapped an index claw against his chin as he looked up slightly. "Well I'm sorry, Rarity, but Twilight isn't here right now. I think she's out with Fluttershy collecting moonglow bugs for the upcoming festival." She pulled her lips forward into a pout. "Oh well that's a shame. I really don't have the time to go track down my friends, either. I have to finish up this dress for Sweetie Belle and get going on my family visit." "What do you need her for, Rarity?" Rarity looked down at Spike and smiled. "Well, Spike, I needed her to show my new friend around Ponyville. And by the way, Spike, I couldn't help but notice you pacing around, looking like you got caught with your claws in the cookie jar, so to speak." Upon hearing this, Spike gasped, took a couple steps away from Rarity, clasped his arms behind his back and traced circles in the floor with a toe. "Well... You see, Rarity..." The two of them heard a creak, and Rarity glanced over her shoulder to see the door slowly being pushed open. In the door frame stood Dusk Seed. "I beg your pardon, Miss Rarity, but I'm afraid I couldn't wait that much longer. I don't mean to seem impatient, but it was rather cold out there." She brought a hoof up to her mouth, which hung open as embarrassment took hold again. "Oh goodness me. I am so terribly sorry. I did not mean to be so discourteous to you. Please come in." With Rarity's apology and upon receiving her permission to enter, Dusk Seed walked through the library door and closed it. He immediately became grateful for the warmth. Spike weaved his head to the left and right. With the way Rarity had been standing while she talked to him, he couldn't see who had just walked through the door. However, just on the outside of Rarity's flank, he caught glimpses of a dazzling, almost shimmering deep blue. The little dragon was just about to get it into his head to walk around Rarity when, almost as if she knew to satisfy his curiosity, she stepped to the side to let whomever was behind her pass through. "Who's your new friend, Rari--WHOA NELLY!" Spike wheeled backward, almost tripping over himself. After he had regained his balance, he gazed at the newcomer with a slack-jawed look. Spike was half in awe at the stranger's dazzling color and shimmering quality and half in bewilderment at his exotic and unusual features. The dragon shifted his eyes left and right, working his field of vision from the top of the stranger's form to his very feet. Spike noted to himself that at least the stranger had hooves, but upon going back to his fur coat and his almond eyes, which almost seemed to have its own rainbow trapped inside, he couldn't help but become mesmerized. It almost seemed to Spike like he was staring at the deepest part of the ocean just by looking at the stranger's fur. Upon seeing the baby dragon's reaction, Dusk Seed shuffled slightly and took a couple steps back towards the door. He tried his best to keep up a smile but found difficulty in maintaining eye contact with the dragon. Rarity didn't seem angry or upset, however. Indeed, she seemed calm, granting the dragon a considerate, caring smile. She slowly trotted over and bent down to place her mouth near one of the dragon's ears. "Spike," she whispered. "Now that's not polite." She then lifted her head and stepped to the side, pointing backwards at Dusk Seed. "This is Dusk Seed, Spike. Please do not stare because he's a little self-conscious about his image. Now if Twilight isn't here, would YOU like to show my new friend around town?" Spike shied away from Rarity and went back to floor gazing. "I'm sorry, Rarity." Then as he looked up again, he continued, "And I'm afraid not. I promised Twilight that I'd stay here so that I can help out when she comes back." "Oh what a shame." Dusk Seed trotted closer and held out a hoof. "It's okay, Miss Rarity. Some other time, perhaps. Spike, is it? I am very pleased to meet you, and I must say that I'm charmed to have met my first baby dragon ever." With his delivery in place, he bowed low once more. The handful of years Spike remembered of Canterlot took hold like a training regimen of etiquette, and he gave his own bow, a short, shaky bow but a bow all the same. "Isn't he a gentlecolt?" Rarity whispered as she leaned in close towards Spike. Spike could only gaze up at her, a tiny hint of suspicion growing in him. "Miss Rarity? If you'll excuse me, I think I'll take my leave now." Rarity turned her attention back towards Dusk Seed and nodded. "Yes of course. I should get started for home, as well. I need to put the finishing touches on this dress and then catch my next train towards my family's home town." She saw her friend out of Twilight's house. She stood in the doorway for a bit, watching him walk away before turning left and disappearing down the road. She felt her cheeks becoming warm again, and she brought a hoof up to her face, rubbing her right cheek as if to tell it to cease. After a few moments, she turned her head and looked back over her shoulder, giving Spike a nod. "Tell Twilight I stopped by. Would you, darling?" she said with a chipper squeak in her voice. As she raised a leg to step out of the door and make her way home, she heard Spike rush forward and call her name, a sense of urgency evident in his voice. "Wait! Rarity!" She stopped and lowered leg, staying where she was at the threshold and closing the door with her magic. She then slowly turned around and tilted her head at the young dragon. He had stopped just a few paces away from her and now had his two index claws pressed together end to end, twisting and fidgeting them around each other. "Please don't go yet, Rarity." Rarity considered Spike's expression. The dragon seemed to be on the verge of tears, and he had his lower lip quivering underneath his teeth. Despite keeping up the appearance of cordial indifference, Rarity had grown rather fond of Spike, and it broke her heart to see him upset. Judging by how hard he tried to keep his emotions in check, Rarity surmised that something had been deeply troubling him. "You're leaving for your holiday. Aren't you, Rarity?" To this, she nodded. "Indeed I am. Is something troubling you, Spike?" "I broke it," came a tiny, scratchy squeak of a response. Rarity's jaw dropped. Out of all the words in the Equestrian language, "broken" was Rarity's least favorite. However, just to be absolutely sure of Spike's words, she decided to press the issue some more. "I beg your pardon?" she asked. Spike reached up and wiped away a tear that had threatened to bring more of its companions along. "Th-the special jewel encrusted, mithril inlaid, magic catadioptric telescope you helped make for Twilight. Sh-she was so fond of it and she was going to use it for the upcoming festival about how Gift Giving Day came about. I-I was messing around with it a bit and I knew I shouldn't have but I did anyway and... and..." He sat down on the ground and drew his knees close to his face, hiding his eyes as he sniffled. Rarity found she had to bite her lips as well to keep her composure, and she ran a hoof through his spines once more. Carefully she tucked the hoof behind his knees to gently lift his face out of its hiding spot. He tried to resist at first but eventually yielded to her touch. His eyes glistened with big, moist tears. These tears she gently brushed away as they came. "Let's see the damage," she said, as softly as possible to ease the repentant dragon. Spike nodded and wiped away the last of his tears. He led her towards the back of the library where Twilight's laundry room was situated. He made his way over to a small basket that had been conspicuously inverted. Removing the basket revealed a pile of sheets. Spike tossed the basket to the side, and it gave a hollow, plastic clatter as it wobbled in a clockwise motion on the floor. He then carefully pulled up the linens on the floor, and Rarity's ears detected the sounds of clinking, both of a metallic and glass nature. Bits and pieces of a small telescope landed unceremoniously on the tile. Rarity furrowed her eyebrows. "Spike. This is a terrible hiding spot to cover up your indiscretion." "You've got to help me, Rarity!" Spike exclaimed, rather loudly. Before Rarity knew it, Spike was on his knees in front of her, clasping his hands together in a pleading way. The unicorn was immediately put off by Spike's unbecoming display of groveling. She wrapped the dragon in a levitation field, lifted a hoof up and gently eased him away. She then glanced down at the scene of the crime. Twilight had to help Rarity with the more technical aspects of the telescope, but Rarity knew a wreck when she saw one. The telescope was just as much an objet d'art to her as it was an item of scientific endeavors to Twilight. The reflective mirrors were pulverized to bits. The same could be said about the lens. The casing had been bent in several spots, rendering it unsalvagable. However, Rarity's heart lifted when she saw that all the gems had survived, as well as the eyepiece with the single enhancing gem that had given the telescope a slight magical property. She also wondered if she could peel the mithril inlays away from the polished mahogany casing. She knew it would definitely save a lot of time, effort and money if she could salvage the second rarest metal in the entire world. "So would it be correct of me to assume that you would like to me to craft another one just like this without Twilight's knowledge?" Rarity asked as she turned her attention back towards Spike. The dragon only found the strength to nod once. "Spike. You DO realize that the first one required my seeking Twilight's advice and knowledge of telescope parts, gear ratios, and precision instrumentation. Don't forget the amount of time and cost of materials I had to invest in creating the original. There's ALSO the simple fact that I have a holiday engagement that I must attend to after I finish this dress for Sweetie Belle. I simply can't spare the time." Rarity heard sniffling again, and as she stared into the young dragon's eyes again, she saw streams of tears falling from them and off the sides of his tiny snout. "I understand, Rarity," Spike said through his sobs. Rarity's heart seemed to rage at her as she continued to watch Spike in his current state. It was something in his words, in the way he said "I understand" that hurt her, and she started to regret to her actions. "Oh Spikey-Wikey," Rarity said, her voice low and shaky. These intimate moments between herself and her favorite dragon sometimes gave Rarity pause to consider the nature of their relationship. Life was a big charade for Rarity, a series of masks that she wore well. Around Spike, she often acted amusingly patronizing, putting on acts of treacly sentimentality but trying to be inconspicuous about her feelings for him. She couldn't decide half the time if she saw herself more like a mother or the doting older sister when she delivered her pink tinted words. The increasing frequency of these intimate moments, however, alarmed Rarity. She felt protective of Spike, in a way that was different from Twilight's protectiveness of him. Platonicity was the barrier she erected, time and again, to quell a seed of something in her heart that she feared was really there, ready to grow if given the chance. Even as she lifted her hoof to massage Spike's head spines again, she willed herself not to cry in front of him. "I'll you what, Spike. You have to promise me that you'll tell Twilight the truth of what happened because I need her help in crafting the telescope again. In return for your promise, I will try to carve out a new casing for the telescope while I'm away on vacation and see about shopping around for telescope parts. I won't make any guarantees, but with any luck, I'll have something I can put together when I come back." Slowly, Spike calmed down, and as he looked up at Rarity, the edges of his lips crept up ever so slightly into the meekest flash of a smile. He then dried his eyes and wrapped his short arms around her neck. Rarity returned the hug and then instructed him on what he should do. Spike searched throughout the library and brought over a small sack and some cloth pieces for Rarity. She recovered the gems that studded the shell of the ruined telescope and placed them inside the sack. With the cloth pieces, she wrapped up the telescope's eyepiece after she undid the screw keeping it attached to the gear mechanism. Then, peering into the ruined, hollow tube, she squealed with delight upon discovering the gearwork could be saved. Licking her lips, she carefully focused her magic, pushing and prodding around the inside of the telescope to find a connection with the intricate structure. She eventually latched on and withdrew the gears from the telescope. She placed the gears in their own separate cloth piece. The final task for Rarity was in peeling the mithril inlays from the outside. She had laced the outside of the telescope with a network of long threads of the beautiful metal. Peeling it away would prove tricky, as the metal tended to be inflexible unless it was heated. Rarity tried tugging on the inlays with her magic, but the precious metal wouldn't budge. After a few rounds of tugging, she gave up on retrieving the metal. "Well that's a shame," she said as she lowered the telescope back to the floor. She then shifted the focus of her magic and gathered up the small sack and the cloth pieces, placing these inside her saddle bags. "But other than the mithril, I've got everything I need. Thank you, Spike. I'll be taking my leave, now. I'd advise you to clean up this mess and tell Twilight the truth." Rarity closed the flaps of her saddle bags and turned to exit the laundry room. Spike scampered closely after her, bounding along like a puppy dog. "I can find more mithril for you, Rarity!" he exclaimed, his intonation lifted up a few notes by his eagerness. Rarity smiled and stopped. She turned around to face him and found herself having to struggle against becoming enamored by his face, with his eager doe eyes and toothy smile. Reaching down, she gave him another hug. "That's very thoughtful of you, Spike, and I'm very grateful. But mithril is kind of hard to find, and monsters tend to be attracted to it in many of the caves that have it. I am fine, Spike. I'll just try something else. Brass is very fashionable." "Oh but Rarity!" the dragon pleaded. The white unicorn held up a hoof, and Spike fell silent. "Spike. Just wait here and help out Twilight and the others with the upcoming festival. Now I must take my leave. Please be a good dragon while I'm gone." "Okay, Rarity," Spike said softly, his eyes downcast. Then, looking up as she passed by him, he said, "May I escort you out of the door?" "Oh Spike, you sweetheart. Of course you may!" A broad, cheery smile came to Spike, and he bounded ahead of Rarity as she walked, opening the front door for her and bowing low as he did so. A great feeling of joy, driven by the unicorn's love of chivalry, propelled her past the open door with a spring in her step, and she had to stifle a squeak of delight as she trotted past the young dragon. She took two steps into the crisp snow before she heard her name being called again, the quake of anxiety jittering the words of the young dragon saying them. "R-Rarity?" The white unicorn smiled and turned around to face the young dragon. "Yes Spike?" "Will you be joining us for the festival on Gift Giving Day?" Rarity closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. "I will try my level best, but I can't make any guarantees." She then reopened her eyes. "Was there something else?" "Well..." Spike kicked at a spot on the floor. "After Gift Giving Day, I mean if you're not b-busy and anything, do you think we c-could... c-can we...?" Spike closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and stood with his arms held stiff by his side as his words came tumbling out. "I've been studying a little dragon magic and I've been practicing and getting really good at it and there's this trick I wanted to show you. Could you join me in the park sometime?" Rarity smiled and nodded. "Day after Gift Giving Day in the park it is, then. Shall we say three in the afternoon?" A shy smile crept up into Spike's lips, reflecting the glimmer of some kind of hidden victory rising up within him. "I-I'd like that, Rarity." She closed her eyes with a smile, confident in her act of charity, and then continued on her way. * * * After the crunch of snow and the squeak of the door's hinges had passed from her hearing and into the cold air, complete silence greeted Rarity as she stared through the threshold into the showroom before her. The Carousel Boutique was almost somber in its organization. She remembered yesterday's mess, with streamers and balloons tossed about her house and hanging upon various catching points like vines in a garden, all reminiscent of a good time. Pinkie Pie had thrown Rarity a special "Congratulations On Selling Your Tenth Dress In A Week" party. Ten dresses. Rarity had to chuckle at the thought. That was more than a dress and a half a day, and all of them had been hoof-crafted originals. The number of dresses itself wasn't special. A busy week for Rarity would've seen her selling close to thirty. The dresses she had been crafting throughout the week were all extremely elaborate projects that had eaten up a lot of her time and money. They were most of the reasons she had been so stressed out over her schedule as of late. She also dreaded closing out her ledger and locking up her store. A sigh, visible in the cold air as a white wisp, escaped Rarity's lips. "Ten dresses. Plus one more, I'd wager." On the floor across the threshold, Rarity spotted a tiny slip of paper. It bore the seal of Prism Sketch, the Canterlot citizen she had bumped into on the train. She levitated it into the air and brought it with her as she got out of the cold and closed the front door behind her. Finding her letter opener located on her work desk, she extracted the letter from the envelope and began reading. Dear Rarity, I have come to you so that I can commission your expertise for a project that is of some importance to me and my colleagues. You are probably aware of the businesses I deal with. I own several large and powerful companies all across Equestria, but my main skill is owning and financing several venues that I use for public and private functions. I have offered up one of my venues for use to an auction house. It seems the princess of Romanea, Princess Edelweiss Glimmervale, is set to be married any time soon. She has commissioned the auction house to sell most of her dress collections, for which she is famous throughout Equestria, in preparation for her new life, as is the custom of her country. The proceeds will go to charity. Unfortunately, the good princess has seen fit to go through a preliminary examination of the auction plans and has expressed great displeasure over it and the decor. On top of all these troubles, the main fashion designer in charge of creating outfits for all those attending the auction seems to have quit in a fit of disgust. To cut straight to the point, I am absolutely certain that you will fit the bill. The auctioneer is a good friend of mine and is almost close to tears over this whole mess, and I myself am worried that my venue may never be used again. I implore you to use your skills to assist me. The auction requires ten suits and ten dresses. Three mares and one stallion want custom outfits, and I have included the details of what they want on the next part of this letter. You will be doing a great service if you agree to do this for me, and not the least of which is saving an auction event that would be for a worthy cause. The auction takes place two days after Gift Giving Day. Please respond with a letter as soon as possible. Sincerely, Prism Sketch The letter fell to the floor, released from the levitation field as Rarity suddenly felt defeated. "Well. Ten suits and ten dresses, with four of them being custom projects." The unicorn then looked at the saddle bags on her back. "I still have to do some trimmming and adjusting for Sweetie Belle's dress. And Dusk Seed wants me to make him a coat. Spike wants me to help create a new telescope for Twilight. I also still have to close out my ledger. Oh dear." Rarity's voice went up an octave as she bemoaned her current affairs. "How did I ever find myself in this predicament?!" Twenty feet in front of her stood a dress form, a ponyquin as Sweetie Belle sometimes called it. It possessed the proportions of a filly and was much smaller than her regular dress forms. She stared at it intently, as if expecting it to answer. All she heard was a tiny "mew". "Opal!" Rarity exclaimed as she looked to the ground and spotted her white Persian. "Well, Opal. What should I do?" The cat said nothing. She only sat there on the floor, paws pulled close together, looking up at her owner. Rarity looked back up at the dress form. "Too many ponies want me. But I guess I should do first things first. Time to get to work." A flash of blue enveloped Rarity's horn. The dress that had been stuffed in her saddle bag levitated out and wrapped itself around the dress form. She then extracted pins, scissors, seam rippers, and other assorted tools from her tool box. Licking her lips, she got to work.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Original Character,Rarity,Sweetie Belle,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Challenges of Love--Part One: Rarity's Tale
Rarity endures heartache through her element.
<p>Rarity leaves on a trip for Baltimare to visit her family for the holiday season of Gift Giving Day. Problems with too many ponies needing her services and a disappointed sister are the least of her concerns. She stumbles on a world of lonely orphans and reconnects with an old friend from her middle school days, who seems to be in some trouble of his own. Although her heart of generosity urges her to try and help where she can, Rarity could find that being all things to all ponies might come with a cost to her well-being and happiness. Meanwhile, Rarity is troubled over her friend's suppressed anger towards her, and her own inability to sort out her feelings for two ponies and one dragon. And just who or what is the strange new pony that has entered Rarity's life? Twilight is fascinated, but Spike isn't so sure.</p><p>Edit: 07/06/12 Reboot 2.0 underway. It has a new plot, new location, and a few new characters. A brand new spin also needs a brand new cover art, so I chose one I felt better represented the story's overall sadness.</p>
Miracles In Jars One dress. One cat. Two gifts. A coin purse. One pounding headache. These were the things that burdened Rarity as she hurried to clear up her shop and close it for the holidays. Recent events had left her feeling stretched rather thin and pressed for time. Closing out her ledger took longer than she had anticipated, and she discovered she had been left with not as much disposable income as she would've liked, which had soured her mood somewhat. Her desires for Gift Giving Day, the things she longed to get her family and friends, and the kind of shopping experience she preferred tended to head into the realms of the the exorbitant. With beads of sweat pooling on her temple, she gave the clock on her wall a glance as she hurriedly stuffed Prism Sketch's letter and a sketch pad inside one of her saddle bags. There was barely any time left for her to catch her evening train out of Ponyville and towards Baltimare. On her back, propped up against the edge of one of the saddle bags for support, lay her pet carrier. Opalescence purred inside the small compartment, curled up inside the soft depths of her pet bed. The tiny creature had a date with Fluttershy. With her heart beating loudly in her ears from her frazzled nerves, Rarity made a dash for the door, pausing momentarily to erect a sign at a window, a sign to indicate to her customers that she was no longer open for business. Upon doing that, she then threw open her front door in a bubble of magic and stepped out into brisk cold. She heard her boots crunching down into the soft snow as she turned around and closed the door. She then turned towards her rear again with the hope of making her way down her walkway, only to bump into another pony. "Oof! Oh I'm so terribly sorry!" Rarity exclaimed as she steadied herself. As she looked up, she spotted who had bumped into her. "Prism Sketch!" She felt all her nerve and half of her will to keep her composure in front of him drain away. "I-I what are y-you doing here?" she stammered, not even sure where her words were going. The stallion in front of her carefully looked himself over, brushing out any stray fibers on his carefully groomed jacket. Behind her, Opal let her owner know how indignant she was over being tossed about by reaching out with her claws through the pet carrier's window and soundly yanking on Rarity's hair. "Ow! Opal!" "I must apologize, Rarity," Prism Sketch began when he was satisfied with the state of his jacket. "I know I said I'd wait for you to reply in a letter, but the good princess is being absolutely stubborn, and I am simply at my wits end. I looked up the address on your business card and came to you discuss plans for outfitting the auction event." Rarity trotted in place, her mind working at a feverish pace, and she glanced at the western sky, noting the sun sinking low into the horizon as Ponyville's lamps blazed to life. After a jumble of uncoordinated thoughts, she returned her gaze at Prism Sketch and shook her head. "I am sorry, Prism Sketch, but as I was trying to tell you on the train, I have other engagements, one involving my family, and simply can not spare the time to take on a project. I am desperately short on time and hurrying to catch my train, which I must make to avoid disappointing my family." Rarity bowed, short and quickly. "Please excuse me. I HAVE to go!" Prism Sketch shook his head and frowned. "How discouraging. Then why, pray tell, were you building up this magnificent sales pitch if you weren't available for your services?!" The tone in his voice had been steadily increasing in volume and harshness as he spoke, signifying anger. "I... But... You..." the fashionista stammered. "I will simply look elsewhere, then, and will tell the princess and the auctioneer and all the attendees that you are disappointingly unreliable." He clicked his teeth. "It's a shame. I have already told the princess so much about you." Rarity had her lower lip tucked deeply into her upper teeth, struggling to suppress it from quivering. She was slowly being reduced to tears from the terrible dressing down Prism Sketch was giving her. Fearing some vague repercussion to her status and losing a valuable opportunity, she stretched out her right front hoof. "Wait! No!" she cried. Prism Sketch halted his departure, turned around, and raised an eyebrow. "Please, Prism Sketch. We're both reasonable ponies." Rarity struggled to collect her nerves and return the smoothness in her voice but failing badly. "It is terribly important for me to catch my train, bu-but I've got sketches! Yes! Sketches! A-and I promise you I will work on the outfits while I'm away on my vacation!" The stallion wrinkled his nose and looked Rarity up and down, his eyes partially narrowed into a glare of doubt. "Hmm," he said with a nod. "You have ten minutes to show me your plans." Rarity's lower lip dropped slightly. "Show you my plans? But I..." She then regarded the serious expression and slumped, completely defeated. "Very well." She turned around, head hung low, and magically turned the handle on her front door once more. * * * Spike busied himself with a broom, sweeping away the broken remains of the magical telescope, muttering to himself as he worked the handle from side to side, pushing the bits and pieces into a small dust pan. He then dumped the shards of glass, dented metal, and broken bits of the wooden casing into a small trash can in the kitchen. Despite the memory of his misdeed still fresh in his mind, he couldn't quite puzzle out various apologies he could be saying, the different ways he could be broaching the situation and smoothing over Twilight, or even the different ways she could react, should his negotiation skills fail him. In the young dragon's mind, the telescope had actually been placed on the back burner, and he had of late been preoccupied with another matter entirely. There was something he remembered as he thought back to when Rarity had visited the library. "She thinks I didn't see that shiny diamond earring there?" the dragon fumed as he reached down and pulled out the trash can's inner lining. "It's not even Gift Giving Day, yet. I bet she got that diamond from that Dusk Seed or whatever his name is. Well I'll show him." Spike dragged the trash bag out of the kitchen and into the living room. As he headed for the front door to dump the trash bag, and its incriminating evidence outside, the door quickly swung open as Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy stepped in from out of the cold. "Spike!" Twilight called. The suddenness of Twilight's entry startled Spike suitably that he lost his grip on the trash bag and dropped it on the floor. He stiffened when he heard the harsh clinking of the broken telescope bits hitting the hardwood, a frantic fear growing inside him that the lavender unicorn might suspect his misdeed. Hastily, he gathered up the the ends of the trash bag and pulled them closer together. "Yes, Twilight?" Spike answered back as both Twilight and Fluttershy took a few moments to stomp snow out of their boots. After Twilight finished tapping the snow out of her boots onto the mat, she closed the door and looked up at the baby dragon. "It's the weirdest thing. The whole town is a buzz about a strange new unicorn that shimmers with blue fur. We get creatures from other races all the time passing through Ponyville. Minotaurs. Griffons. Even the odd phoenix. But this unicorn seems to have caused quite a stir. Anyway. Taking out the trash?" Spike nodded his head, hoping he didn't seem too conspicuous as he tied up the edges of the trash bag. "Uh... Yeah. Oh you must be talking about Dusk Seed. He's a new... Well I wouldn't call him a unicorn. I actually don't know what he is." Spike looked up at the ceiling as he tapped his chin in thought. "Do you remember that one book? Uh... Something guide to rare creatures?" "Hang on, Spike," Twilight said as she hung up her coat, put away her boots, and headed towards her book shelves. Fluttershy looked up from where she was stepping out of her own boots. "Hmm. Well it's certainly very interesting about this new, uh, whatever he is," she whispered as she kept her head low. "But Spike... How do you know his name?" Spike waved an arm dismissively. "Meh. He came around here a while ago. I think he's Rarity's new friend. Personally I think he's kinda odd looking, but I remember he had really bright, rainbow-colored eyes and fur that changed shades as he moved. I don't...uh..." He cut off the rest of his words with a cough. "You don't what, Spike?" Twilight asked as she stood on the middle rung of the ladder, never taking her eyes off her row of books as she slowly panned around for the book she wanted. "Nothing!" he hurriedly exclaimed, clutching the trash bag closer to himself. "He was pretty polite, though," he said in a whisper. Fluttershy quietly blushed and hid next to the door frame, keeping her head pulled close to her shoulders and looking like she'd rather be somewhere else. "Um... Oh dear. Rarity has a new friend? And it's the one the whole town is talking about? Wow. That's... nice. I hope she doesn't introduce me." Fluttershy had been growing steadily quieter as she talked. Twilight never heard Fluttershy, however, for she gave an exclamation of triumph from where she stood underneath one of her bookcases. "I found it!" Both Spike and Fluttershy glanced over their shoulders, watching Twilight snatch a book in her levitation field and tow it over to her work desk. Spike dropped the trash bag and scampered over to where Twilight had situated herself. "Extra-dimensional Creatures and Other Rare Races of Equestria," Spike said as he read the title of the book. "Now tell me again what Rarity's friend looked like, and please be as specific as possible," Twilight said as she opened the book and flipped through the pages. "Oh wait. Nevermind." The studious bookworm tapped the surface of a page with her hoof. "Is that it?" As Twilight withdrew her hoof, Spike glanced at the page. "A creature with a horn like a unicorn's. Faint mottled patterns on the coat resembling fish scales. And ir... ir..." Spike furrowed his brow ridge as he struggled to read the tricky word on the page. "Iridescent," Twilight finished. "It means to change color slightly as your viewpoint changes. So..." Twilight glanced at the page as Fluttershy made her way over to look over Twilight's shoulder as well. "Rarity's new friend is a kirin." "A what?" Spike asked, eyeballing the illustration. "A kirin. It's a kind of eastern unicorn, traditionally from a small island out in the ocean somewhere. They are said to be somewhat gifted with magic but little else is known about them. Their attractive, multi-colored, shiny eyes are said to possess bewitching properties but this is so far just a rumor. Another legend goes that kirins are spirits of luck and can change the luck of those they let into their lives, although it isn't known whether a particular kirin is a spirit of bad luck or good luck. Once again, though, this is only a rumor." Twilight shifted out of her "reading" voice and adopted her normal speaking voice. "Hmm. Yeah I don't particularly buy into that luck nonsense, either, but I'd like to know more about this Dusk Seed character and about kirins. He sounds intriguing." Spike crossed his arms and frowned. "Hmph! Well if you'll excuse me, I have some trash to take out!" he exclaimed in a sour tone. As the young dragon headed back to his trash bag, the library's front door swung open again. In the doorway stood a white unicorn in a royal purple winter coat, a pet carrier balanced on the small of her back. Twilight looked up from her book and smiled. "Hello there, Rarity? How are you do...?" "Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed as she rushed forward and closed the door behind her with her magic. "I am so sorry to be short with you, but I am running really late!" Twilight regarded Rarity's outward appearance, using it to judge her state of mind. Her fashion friend seemed haggard. Rarity's mane had a few hairs out of place, and her eyes were slightly bloodshot, but Twilight dared not ask if she had been crying. Twilight's smile shrank somewhat, but she still tried to give an optimistic grin. "Is something wrong, Rarity?" Twilight asked. Rarity shook her head and approached Twilight and Fluttershy, crossing the room with speed and seeming purpose in her step. "I need a couple favors so that I can get underway on my trip!" Rarity levitated her pet carrier off of her back and placed it on the floor. She then pulled out from her saddle bag a plain brown jerkin, lined with wool and sporting a cape and cowl by way of a clasp at the collar. "Twilight. This coat is for a friend of mine. His name is Dusk Seed. He's kind of shy, but I told him that you could show him around town, so he might come back." She turned towards Fluttershy. "Fluttershy. Could you please watch Opal while I'm gone?" The yellow pegasus nodded. "Certainly. I would be glad to do..." Rarity then turned back towards Twilight, her words coming quicker than her friends' ability to give their own. "Oh! A couple more things, Twilight, before I go. Um... I'm not sure how to put this." "What is it, Rarity?" Rarity bit her lower lip as she glanced back and forth between the ground and the saddle bags on Twilight's back. A faint blue-ish glimmer could be seen underneath the flaps. "I...need..." She inhaled sharply and delivered her words all at once, remembering how pressed for time she was. "I need your moonglow bugs!" Twilight balked. "What? Our moonglow bugs?" She turned her head towards her saddle bag. "How many?" "How many do you have?" Rarity asked, rubbing the back of her neck to ease her embarrassment. "About a dozen or so." Twilight looked back up at Rarity, who couldn't quite look her straight in the eyes. Rarity's eyes started to wander again, first to the ceiling and then to the bookshelf. "Um... All of them." She then noted the time on a cuckoo clock next to the bookshelf and wrinkled her nose, growing increasingly anxious. Twilight's eyes widened. "All of them?! But Rarity! These bugs are going to be used for the festival, and they're pretty rare and hard to catch! I can't spare these!" "Oh but Twilight..." "I said no!" Rarity immediately fell quiet as she pulled her lips into a sorrowful purse. She crossed her two front legs as she glanced at the floor, the beginnings of tears heading towards the brim of her eyes. Spike frowned and approached Twilight, which only Rarity could see, but she shook her head, as slowly and as small as possible to avoid attracting either Twilight's or Fluttershy's notice. Spike saw it, grumbled and walked away to head back to his trash bag. "So..." Rarity began as she tried to put some cheer in her voice. "What's so special about these moonglow bugs, anyway?" she asked as she moved her muzzle closer to Twilight's saddle bags. Twilight levitated the flap of a saddle bag upwards. A small glass container then floated out of the bag and hovered closer to Rarity's eyes. The container was spherical on the bottom and possessed a short glass neck, which ended in a cork stopper at the lip. Cradling the round portion was a mesh of rope, which ended a kind of handle, also made of rope. Rarity squinted as she looked inside the container. "They're so tiny," Rarity said. Rarity knew that the bugs glowed and that they were attractive, which was why she wanted to use them in her upcoming projects. However, as she stared at them, it dawned on her just how inadequate any word used to describe them were. They resembled small butterflies, but more than that, Rarity felt like she was watching tiny stars, a small, portable galaxy in a jar. They radiated light, some red, some blue, and some yellow. The tiny bugs stayed still at the bottom of the glass container, their auras of light slowly pulsating like heartbeats. The more she watched them, the more captivated by their beauty she became, and the more she wanted them. "They're sleeping," Twilight said. Rarity lifted her head away from the container to look back at Twilight. "Sleeping?" "When they transform from glowworms, they spend a month or so being awake for only three hours a day, usually right around midnight, and three hours more during the full moon. Then after that month is up, they come alive, and for a whole week they never sleep, blazing a blinding white light, no matter which color they were born with. During the whole week, they mate, and on the final day the female fixes herself to a tree. The male spends the entire twenty four hours of the final day keeping the female alive and fed, not caring for his own health, while the female lays her eggs. Then..." "Then?" Rarity urged. "They die." Rarity gasped at these words. "It is said that couples extinguish their lights at the same time. There's a link between the moonglow bugs and Gift Giving Day, but it's a bit long and complicated to explain. The answer will be there in the pageant." The white unicorn remained silent as she reflected on the words and the story of the moonglow bugs. "That sounds... So romantic," she said with a melancholy sigh. "Um..." She went back to glancing around the room. "Was there something else you needed?" "Romanea..." Rarity whispered. "I beg your pardon?" Rarity snapped to attention, banishing whatever thoughts had preoccupied her and coming back to the realization that she had to leave on her trip in a hurry. "Oh! Nothing, Twilight. I'll just head on my trip." She turned around and headed towards the door, placing one hoof in front of the other in a slow, sad beat. "Alone." She lowered her head as she neared the door. "And empty-hoofed." Unseen to Rarity, Spike had been watching Rarity's march towards the front door from the back door where the outdoor trash can was situated. Spike had asked Twilight to relocate it after the baby dragon had had an embarrassing run in with a citizen whose curiosity over a box of magazines was all too short-lived. Twilight could only agree, if the experiment on the twentieth of August had anything to say about it, which considering the amount of mouths it had sprouted, it probably could've, in several different languages. The dragon still clutched the trash bag close to his chest, but upon watching the fashion unicorn slink away, he felt compelled to sniffle. He reached up and wiped his eyes, which proved to be an unwise move, as his index claw had touched something with hot sauce on it. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaugh!" the tiny dragon bellowed. "Spike?" Rarity stopped in her tracks and snapped her head backwards, just in time to see the poor thing doubled over and clutching at his eyes as he hopped up and down. Thinking quickly, she dropped her saddle bags and doffed her coat before rushing forward, snatching up Spike and placing him on her back. "Oh my Spikey Wikey! Don't you worry. Rarity will get you cleaned up." She headed upstairs to the bathroom, darted in, and promptly locked the door. "Hey!" Twilight called up towards the top of the stairs. She then turned towards Fluttershy. "How does she know where my bathroom is?" * * * Baby blue and light pink candles lit up a sea of vanilla frosting. Sweetie Belle inhaled briefly and could smell the sweet aroma. Underneath the candles on the first cake layer, similarly colored icing formed words and symbols that should've made her happy. One symbol was an eighth note with a pink heart in place of the note head. Above the notes were the words "Happy Birthday, Sweetie Belle". Sweetie Belle was anything but; the gesture of the cake felt somewhat empty to her. The fact that the symbols reminded her of her absent cutie mark didn't do much to improve her mood. She counted the candles. They numbered ten. Sweetie Belle was now ten years old. Earlier her mother had told her she was officially a "big filly". While Sweetie Belle didn't have her two best friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo over at her party, she was surrounded by a loving family, and she was ten years old. The atmosphere came alive with festivities, from the colors and patterns on the gift-wrapped boxes, from the curly ribbons on the end of white balloons, and from the cheerful songs being sung by loving family members. Her mother was there. Her father was there. A couple aunts were there. Her big sister's favorite cousin, a young stallion named Thoughtful Gift, was there. Her family members were all there for her, celebrating this event because she knew they cared. By all rights, it was as a picture perfect scene of a lively birthday party as any other. "Happy birthday to you!" came the last notes of the song. A middle-aged mare unicorn with a coat the color of peach stared at Sweetie Belle with shimmery, expectant eyes, a smile on her face. The young white filly merely stared at the cake in front of her in the center of the dinner table. Then she glanced over her shoulder back at the doorway. "Come on, sweetheart. Make a wish," said the mare, her mother. "Yeah, pumpkin. Blow out the candles. I hope it's a good wish," said an orange stallion earth pony on Sweetie Belle's other side. Sweetie Belle turned her head from her mother to her father and than back to her mother again. Their smiles were broad. Their pride was sincere. They all seemed so happy. However, her heart wasn't into smiling. Somepony was missing from the party. "Where's Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked, her voice almost a whisper. The smiles on her mother's and father's face faded away, and they gave each other glances. The mother then looked back at Sweetie Belle and reached out to gently touch her on the shoulder. "Sweetie Belle. I... Maybe Rarity is running late." Sweetie Belle gave the door another look, almost expecting it to open any time now. "She promised she'd be here on time for my birthday. I can't start without her." "Sweetie Belle, please. Try to have a good birthday. Gift Giving Day is coming up soo..." "I want Rarity!" Sweetie Belle furiously pounded the table, causing her paper plate to flip upside-down and fall to the floor. Sweetie Belle's mother frowned and wrinkled her nose. "Sweetie Belle! You're acting like a..." The father frantically waved a hoof at his wife. "Halo Gem? Don't go there." Halo Gem pulled her lips into a tight, angry line. She then drew closer to Sweetie Belle's ear and whispered a few stern words into it. When her mother had pulled away, Sweetie Belle looked around at the party guests. Her family looked at her expectantly, some with faces of unbridled happiness, and some who looked like their nerves were on the verge of fracturing. She regarded her aunt Lacey Belle, who pasted on a smile so forced in its breadth as to look like it was made of the bottom half of a clown mask. Sweetie Belle then considered her mother's words, and even though she didn't feel her birthday party was complete without her sister Rarity, she also felt she should be considerate of the rest of her family and ease the emotional strain on some of them. Sweetie Belle looked back at her mother and nodded. "Okay, mommy. I'll try to have a good birthday." Halo Gem ran a hoof through Sweetie Belle's mane and placed another paper plate in front of her. "There's a good girl." The young filly gazed at the candles once more. Ten tiny points of flame danced and flickered before her, as if to wave to her and join in the celebration. She pondered the significance of blowing them out. She could wish for Rarity to show up on time, or she could wish for her cutie mark. However, the more she thought about the candles, and the simple idea of snuffing something into non-existence to fulfill one's own desires, the more she didn't expect either of these wishes to come true. Did candle flames appreciate being blown out for wants so improbable, or did they prefer giving themselves up for the usual material gifts? She even wondered if the thing to do at the moment was just to let the candles burn themselves out to the wick. That was sure to leave a sticky mess on the surface of the frosting, however. Then, hoping against hope, she finally latched onto a wish and inhaled deeply. 'My wish is for my big sister Rarity to have more time so that she wouldn't be stressed all the time and so that she can have more time for me and... for her to find a nice boyfriend who makes her happy!' Sweetie Belle secretly hoped that whatever or whoever was listening didn't punish her for making her wish complex. A puff of air escaped her lips, and the flames vanished, replaced by ten rising wisps of smoke. "Hooray!" her mother exclaimed as she levitated the cutting knife. Sweetie Belle didn't feel pride upon completing her mother's request, and she also wondered how she would know if her wish came true. As the cake was carved up and served, however, she did her best to disguise her sadness and accepted her offering. She cheerlessly picked up the paper plate with her cake on top, excused herself from the table, and sauntered over to a closet in the living room, locking herself in it before wolfing down the cake slice. After she had devoured the treat, she felt like a good belch would cheer her up, which was a philosophy Apple Bloom had told her always worked after a good snack. It wasn't a belch that escaped her lips, though, but a sob. As tears escaped her eyes and fell off her cheeks to ruin her favorite bunny slippers, the sobbing turned into a case of the hiccups, which caused Sweetie Belle to grow flustered and flush at her cheeks. Frantic to get her hiccups under control, she darted out of the closet and back into the kitchen to discover her mother levitating a glass of punch over to her, as if her mother had already foreseen her predicament and prepared the drink early. Sweetie Belle eagerly grasped the crystalline demitasse with her two front hooves and slugged back the purple liquid. When she had finished and was certain her hiccups had ceased, she hugged her mother across the chest. Halo Gem rubbed the top of Sweetie Belle's head. "My you're getting so big. I remember when your hugs only came up to my knees." Sweetie Belle groaned into her mother's fur. "Are you not having fun?" The filly gazed up to look into her mother's eyes and slowly shook her head. Her mother then moved her hoof from the top of Sweetie Belle's head to her right cheek, stroking it gently. Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, a thrilling wave of tingling rush over her from the snout to her hooves, and she breathed in as she enjoyed the tender moment. "They're starting the games and the music in the living room. Why don't you go join them and have some fun?" "I don't really feel like it, mommy," Sweetie Belle replied. "Would you like to open presents?" her mom asked, a hint of eagerness in her voice. The filly pulled away from her mother's embrace and thought for a bit before she replied, "Um... I think I want to wait for Rarity before I open presents." Her mother brought a hoof up to her chin. "Hmm. I'll tell you what. You seem really stressed out, and I can't force for you to enjoy your own birthday if you're not up to it. Why don't you go out and unwind a bit in the snow?" "But Rarity promised she'd... I mean..." Sweetie Belle clamped her mouth shut when she caught her mother's glare. "That sounds like a good idea. Thank you, mommy." Halo Gem hugged her daughter once more. "Go put on your coat. And bring Thoughtful Gift along with you. You'll need adult supervision." Sweetie Belle furrowed her eyebrows as she glared at her mother, discouraged by the suggestion. "How is that unwinding? And Thoughtful Gift is only seventeen. He isn't an adult." "Neither are you. Now don't argue." "Yes, mother," she groaned. Sweetie Belle headed towards the parlor as her mother made her way in the direction of the living room to fetch Thoughtful Gift, a young unicorn stallion who was related by way of one of her father's sisters and who was also unusual in being one of the few males in all of Equestria colored pink. She opened up the coat room and retrieved her coat, jumping up and yanking it off the hanger. Plopping her flank on the floor, she draped the coat across her back as two pairs of pink, fetlocked hooves appeared next to her. Slipping one front leg into its respective coat sleeve, and then the other, she fidgeted and struggled and eventually secured the apparel, a bright purple outer wear bedecked in Rarity's gems, around her body. As zipped up the front nice and snug and all the way to the top, she looked up and spotted Thoughtful Gift giving her a broad smile. "Ready to go, kiddo?" he exclaimed. Thoughtful Gift's voice rang like wind chimes inside Sweetie Belle's head. It often seemed to the young filly like a cross between an early puberty colt and a mezzo soprano. "Just a moment." Halo Gem approached from the hallway. The mother levitated a bright red scarf over to Sweetie Belle, wrapping it around her daughter's neck as she ran another loving stroke through Sweetie's mulberry, cloud-shaped mane. "Now you're ready." Over by the door frame, Sweetie Belle's snow boots lay in the perfect formation for her to leap in, providing a swift way to secure them to her hooves. Her mother opened the door for the both of them, and Sweetie Belle and Thoughtful Gift made their way out into the cold. "Don't wander too far. And watch out for strangers. Just stay near the park. And don't be too late. One hour. No more." "Yes, mommy," Sweetie Belle said with a sigh. The door closed behind them, and Sweetie Belle shuffled through snow deep enough to cover her ankles, with Thoughtful Gift following closely behind. She then made her way to the sidewalk just in front of her house, which had been plowed, and as such made her walking easier. She still shuffled along slowly. Even though she enjoyed the snow, she couldn't bring herself to lift up her spirits and run along and play in nature's white blanket. Rarity's broken promise of being there for Sweetie Belle still ravaged her mind, tying her heart in knots and weighing down her legs through a loss of will. Merely thinking about how her big sister failed to show up for such an important event in Sweetie Belle's life, especially after the elder swore to the younger that she wouldn't miss the celebration for anything, was enough to sour her mood on doing anything fun in the snow. Even as she walked towards the park, hearing the laughter of fillies and colts her age and carols sung in anticipation of the upcoming holiday, she grumbled to herself, nursing her bruised pride. "So I hear you're not enjoying your own birthday," came a voice behind her, pulling her from her mental chewing out. "Huh?" She glanced back as she walked along and spotted Thoughtful Gift. "I wish I had a better tenth birthday. Know what I got for MY tenth birthday?" He paused for a response but was only treated to a blank stare from his cousin. "I got a needlework set, a rag doll, and a flank-kicking from some of my classmates." "No offense, Thoughtful Gift, but I'm not in the mood to hear your colthood drama. I didn't even want anypony to tag along." "Um... No worries. You won't even know I'm there. Let's just head to the park, and I'll sit quietly and do some needlework." Sweetie Belle shrugged and continued on her way down the sidewalk. Winter Lake Park was situated close by. Her parents had carefully chosen the location of their house because it was practically within a stone's throw of the park. It provided a picturesque and convenient place to play for Sweetie Belle and her few cousins and was located in a safe neighborhood. The park was readily in view down the main cross street near her home, the wrought iron fence marking the borders as she got near. The tall iron bars of the fence, electric lamps that lined the avenue, and barren ash trees were already decked out in holiday flair. Tinsel and streamers of red and green and vines of light bulbs had been strung up here and there. She imagined that the trees had been dressed up by her sister, with the electric lights as the parts of the dress and the patches of snow in the branches as the shoulder pads. Sweetie Belle had to chuckle at that thought. The two approached the park's opening and entered. No gate provided the way in. The park merely had a place where one end of the wrought iron fence stopped and then continued on fifteen or so feet from the other side. Thoughtful Gift sought out a bench to sit down on and work on his needlework creation while Sweetie Belle looked around. The park was a mix of serenity and joyful activity. The trees here were a mix of ash and elms, and many were dressed up in holiday lights, same as the trees near the street. Several fillies and colts were here, either running around each other and throwing snow balls or playing catch with a ball or glide disk. Sweetie Belle regarded the happily playing children and the festive scene as she considered her recent behavior. Suddenly, something occurred to her. She had been born a week before Gift Giving Day and had been blessed to experience not one but two holidays where she received gifts, with each day being roughly within the same time frame. This happened to her every year, year after year. Her mother also could've easily banished her to her room for this morning's outburst. Instead, she had given Sweetie Belle a stern warning and offered her a chance to wind down outside. With that revelation, Sweetie Belle's anger melted. Perhaps it was the holiday charm or the amusing, slightly off key warblings of school fillies and colts singing holiday songs, but she eventually came to recognize that she had been ungrateful. Her birthday wasn't the same without Rarity, but she couldn't remember a time when she had had one that was terrible. As she looked around the park, she spotted a three level, circular stone fountain, its water since banished by the cold. Nearby, a colt with athletic legs playfully ran around an older stallion, kicking snow at him before running away, both all smiles and laughter. Sweetie Belle guessed that they were an older and younger brother, getting exercise and having fun. Watching the two made her pine for Rarity even more, but she no longer felt sad. Instead, she smiled bittersweetly and headed towards the fountain. The filly stopped briefly when she got halfway to the fountain and glanced back at Thoughtful Gift. He still sat on the bench, curiously only half aware as he glanced up to wave before going back to his arts and crafts. She shrugged and continued on her way towards the granite structure. The fountain had been arranged as a series of three, flat and shallow, circular disks, with the smallest on top and the largest on the bottom. The central hub going up through each of the disks terminated in a small sphere, where the water would've tumbled out through a groove circling near the sphere's bottom. On top of the sphere, three different stone ponies posed playfully, one for each of the three pony types. As she made her way towards the fountain, she passed by a blue earth pony colt curiously looking through a garbage can underneath one of the park's trees. At first she kept walking, if rather cautiously, occasionally stopping only briefly to eyeball the strange boy rummaging through the trash can. However, the more she walked and watched the colt out of the corner of her eyes, the more the boy and his activities bothered her. She whirled to face him. "Hey! What are you doing there?!" The young pony became startled and backed away from the garbage can, staring at Sweetie Belle with wild, fearful eyes. He slowly took a couple steps rearward, still looking at her with cursory glances. After a moment, though, he turned around and proceeded to run. "Wait!" she exclaimed, reaching out with a hoof. Despite her best efforts, the boy continued running towards the far side of the park, away from her. Sweetie Belle made a grunt of disapproval, looked over to where Thoughtful Gift sat and then back over to the running boy. She shook her head and made the choice to give chase, realizing the consequences of ditching her appointed guardian. The colt's mad flight took her past park benches, the lake underneath a grove of elms, and out the entrance on the other side from where she came in. Snow and bushes whirled by her in a blur of white. She didn't stop to notice where she ran or the signs of the streets she passed. Her focus was completely on the boy. As the chase continued, she saw him falter and trip a bit as the roads became less maintained and lumpier with piled snow. He turned down a side alley and tripped over a battered wooden crate. The colt hit the ground on his backside hard and tumbled backwards on the snow before coming to rest up against a wall. Sweetie Belle skidded to a halt to avoid a collision, kicking up some of the snow. The boy quickly got up and frantically looked around. When he saw that he had nowhere to go, as the alley provided no exit, he shot a gaze back over at Sweetie Belle. The whites of his eyes were blood shot. His baby blue fur coat held smudges of dirt in places. He seemed jittery to Sweetie Belle and couldn't keep his body from fidgeting as he looked her up and down with rabbitlike motions in his head, his eyes wide and telling of the fear within him. Sweetie Belle kept her distance when she saw his emotional state. She took one step backwards as she held up a hoof between herself and him, hoping to put him a little at ease. "Why were you chasing me?" the boy squeaked. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought it was kind of weird for a kid to be looking through a trash can. I thought you were up to no good." "So you weren't after me to take me back to my brother?" She cocked her head to the side, puzzled by his question. "Um... No?" As she looked at the strange earth pony boy some more, she slowly grew sorrowful and empathetic for him, mostly from how scared and dirty he looked. She braved one step closer towards him but kept her posture as low and non-threatening as possible. "Are you a runaway?" The boy remained silent for a while, shrinking back a bit and looking at the snow around his hooves. He gave a small patch of snow a kick. He then lifted his gaze back towards Sweetie Belle and nodded. "Yeah." The filly bit her lower lip and fidgeted herself. She glanced around a bit, an unease growing inside her. She realized that she had placed herself in an unfamiliar area. Not wanting to make an emotionally tense situation worse, she swallowed her fear to the best of her ability and turned her attention back to the young boy before her. "What's your name?" "What's yours?" "Sweetie Belle," she replied. The boy still remained silent, but Sweetie Belle saw that at least he no longer fidgeted around. "Well I told you my name. You're still not going to give me yours?" The boy bit his lower lip. "Well... It's..." Sweetie Belle suddenly heard a noise behind her, like the sound of the wooden crate being kicked over. It made a lot of noise, like it had been kicked with tremendous force. A glass bottle shattered, and the sound of a wooden plank cracking in two reached her ears. The colt suddenly sprang at her, catching her by surprise and knocking her off her feet, as a piece of wood flew by both of their heads. They landed in a heap, with him on top of her. "Are you okay?" the colt asked as he rolled off her. Sweetie Belle rubbed her head and then looked at the colt. "Um... Yeah. Why did you do that?" "You almost got hit in the head with that piece of wood." She shook the dizziness from her and got up to her feet, giving the small, eight inch plank a glare. "Where did THAT come from?" The two children suddenly heard laughter behind them. However, it wasn't playful laughter. What they heard sounded more like mischievous laughter. They both turned their heads and spotted a couple well groomed unicorn colts having fun by kicking crates and garbage cans and aiming the odd snowball or soda bottle at the neighbors' mailboxes. One colt was short and stocky and sported a lopsided hairstyle that placed the entire bangs over his left eye. The other was tall and lanky but possessed long, muscular back legs. His hair style was slick with styling gel and swept back cleanly. The short one used his unicorn magic to hurt snow balls at mailboxes, putting huge dents in them. The tall one seemed to prefer using his back legs to kick over crates. He caused his mischief by raising his back legs as high as possible and launching them out at the same time, almost like Applejack during her applebucking. Sweetie Belle and her new friend heard that same annoying, "trouble is my middle name" kind of laughter once more. Her friend gave her a worried look. She bit her lip when she saw his jaw tremble, and his legs started shaking with such terrible force that she half wondered if he was going to wet himself right in front of her. "These aren't friends of yours?" she asked. He released a low, quivering groan before swallowing hard and forcing the words out. "Far from it. These two are from uptown. But it looks like they haven't seen us yet. Get behind me." Sweetie Belle obliged him and ducked behind his body as he turned around and faced the trouble-makers. She peeked out from around his bright yellow tail every now and then, trying hard to stifle her curiosity. It seemed odd to her that her new friend suddenly now decided to play knight, especially since he seemed to be more terrified than she was. "Sapphire Dreams." Sweetie Belle lifted up her head and blinked in surprise. "What?" "That's my name." "Why are you telling me this now?" His head turned around, and he gave a small flash of a smile on one corner of his mouth. "Just in case we don't survive this?" Sweetie Belle groaned and hid her face in her front hooves. "I'm already overdue for returning back home to my birthday party, and on top of that, I left my cousin back at the park, completely and utterly clueless. Ugh! I'm going to get grounded for a week!" Sapphire Dreams waved a hoof backwards, motioning to her while still keeping his eye on the bullies. "Well keep it down so they don't hear us. That's the only way out of this alley. We'll just have to wait for them to go..." "Hey look who it is!" shouted the tall unicorn. "Away," Sapphire Dreams finished. The shorter one looked up from his activities and turned around, making eye contact with Sapphire Dreams. The unicorn bully took one step forward. "Oh yeah! It's that Main Street baby who thinks he's part of that gang of other babies!" The two then proceeded to snort and chuckle. "Hey Grasshopper," said the short one. "Yeah, Rhubarb?" the tall one replied. "Let's have some fun with this little baby." The one called Grasshopper curled his lips up into a terrible smile, and this sent a wave of chills throughout Sapphire's small body. He gave a small peep of fright when he saw the two bullies start to amble over slowly. He could see the intent in their eyes, the glint of the love of trouble and violence flashing in their orbs. Their legs lifted up side by side, the bullies acting in unison, before stomping down into the snow, each step being deliberately placed for the greatest menace as they drew the bullies closer. Sapphire Dreams backed up as far as he could, fearing the moment they decided to drop the swagger and simply rush him. His nerves firing at full flight mode, he jumped a couple inches when he felt something tug on his tail. He turned around and spotted Sweetie Belle peeking her head from behind a plank in the wooden fence that had been pried sideways. "Hey Sapphire!" she whispered. "Get down here. I found this hole in the fence that we can squeeze through. Hurry before they catch you!" Sapphire didn't have to be told twice. Not wasting a single moment, he crouched down closer to the ground and crammed his head through the hole. The other side of the hole was up against the brick of the neighboring house, so it proved to be a tight fit. He wriggled his shoulders this way and that as he slowly squeezed through. Panicking over the fear that his back legs would be grabbed by the bullies who would then yank him back through, he reached out with a hoof at Sweetie Belle. She took the hint and grabbed his front legs, yanking backwards to assist his transit of the hole. His backside cleared the hole with a messy scraping sound, and just in the nick of time, as Grasshopper appeared on the opposite side and reached out to grab only air. Sapphire Dreams stumbled forward a couple steps but found his balance again and turned the stumble into a run. He glanced sideways at Sweetie Belle as she ran too, giving her a triumphant smile. "Yahoo!" he exclaimed as they ran along, placing much needed distance between themselves and the bullies. "Yahoo!" Sweetie Belle echoed, leaping up as far as her short legs could jump. Running with this strange boy in the snow and barely escaping a pummeling at the hooves of bullies gave Sweetie Belle a thrill of exhilaration. She felt wonderful and alive, and most of all, she was sharing a sensation with somepony else, a pony she could call a friend. It was the same kind of thrill she got whenever she would go on another crusade for cutie marks with her friends, except with them, she didn't care much for putting her body in harm's way doing many of Scootaloo's suggested schemes that often seemed more fit for stunt ponies. However, running along with this boy by her side and humiliating a group of stronger ponies by leaving them in the dust somehow felt strangely wonderful. After a few minutes of galloping at a brisk pace, Sapphire Dreams glanced backwards and eventually slowed to a gentle walk. Sweetie Belle followed his example when she saw that she had overshot him. The two made their way over to a picket fence and collapsed against it as they struggled to catch their breath. "Whew. That was... a wild ride, but I'm glad we're safe now," Sweetie Belle said as she huffed, trying hard not to prop herself up by leaning against the shoulders of her newfound friend. "I haven't... been that scared since the time my friends and I almost got turned to stone." "Huh?" Sapphire Dreams asked, fixing a playful gaze on her before giving himself one last sharp inhale to steady his lungs. "Um. Nothing. So now that everything's back to normal, shall we introduce ourselves to each other the proper way?" She held out a hoof. "My name is Sweetie Belle." Her friend eyed her hoof briefly before slowly taking it in both his front hooves and shaking it up and down. "I'm Sapphire Dreams. I'm please to meet yo-ouch." His normal speaking voice had suddenly turned into an exclamation of pain. "What's wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked. The boy looked at his right flank and winced at the sight of what was there. A nasty but shallow gash, two inches long, had appeared on the surface. The bleeding wasn't profuse or messy but still flowed easily and stained his coat a purple-red. "It kinda stings." Sweetie Belle wrinkled her nose when she spotted the blood. "Well we need to get that patched up. Where's home for you?" Sapphire Dreams balked and pulled away from her, his eyes flashing nervousness once more. "I... It's... Far." "Hmm. Well then you'll have to come home with me, and I'll patch you up there." "Would your mama allow that?" She smiled and waved a dismissive gesture at him. "Oh it'll be fine. Come on!" She got up from the fence and her smile diminished as she looked around. She realized that she didn't recognize her surroundings. "Oh. Wait. Um..." The neighborhood appeared to be much like the the one her parents' home was located, upper scale middle class with adequately spaced, two story houses painted with bright colors. She glanced up at a sign to get the name of the street. When getting recognition of a familiar street failed, she looked around for landmarks or a grove of trees with unique features she might have remembered. She darted up a road and then back down towards another, working up her nerves more and more as she ran around. Her heart started beating loudly in her ears when she gave up her made dash, arriving at the conclusion that the neighborhood looked too much like hers but with none of the streets she recognized. "I think I'm lost," she muttered as she looked at Sapphire Dreams. "Well, uh..." The colt looked around briefly. "Maybe if we walk around, we might see something that'll help jog your memory of where we are." "Don't you know where the park is from here at least?" "Well... Not really." Sweetie Belle groaned and shook her head. "Nevermind. It's fine. Let's just start walking, then." However, trying to find their way around proved to be unnecessary, as Sweetie Belle heard a voice call her name from behind. "Sweetie Belle!" the voice exclaimed. Sweetie Belle snapped her head back over her shoulder and looked around. She eventually spotted a pink form amongst the expanse of white down the street behind her. "Sweetie Belle!" the voice called again. "Thoughtful Gift?" the filly said, squinting into the distance in the hopes of getting more detail of the approaching form. "Who is she? Your cousin?" Sweetie Belle turned her head back towards Sapphire Dreams and wrinkled her nose. "HE is my cousin. That's Thoughtful Gift." The pink stallion approached within conversation distance. Sweetie Belle could only stare in disbelief, her jaw slightly dropped. "How did you find us?" Thoughtful Gift roughly tousled Sweetie Belle's mane, smiling as he did so. "You forgot my special talent. I'm empathic, remember? I just followed your stress lines. Now if you promise not to tell your mother I accidentally let you out of my sight, I won't tell her you ran away from me." "Deal. But can Sapphire Dreams come with us? He needs a bandage on his flank. I just hope mommy doesn't pry into how he got cut." Her cousin raised a hoof and pointed at her attire. "Or how you ripped a hole in your scarf and knocked out several of the gems Rarity embedded in your winter coat." Despairing, Sweetie Belle sat down in the snow, dragging her front hooves across her face as she groaned loudly. "I am so busted." Thoughtful Gift shook his head. "Your anxiety is giving me a headache. We'll think of excuses later. Let's just get out of the snow and get back to your birthday party."
Original Character,Human,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
First Pony View
Some dreams you might never want to end… …but what happens when the dream really doesn't?
<p>Have you ever had a dream that just seemed so <i>real</i>, that it was impossible to say for certain that it was even a dream at all? A dream that, despite all of its impossibilities, seemed to re-write your entire perception of reality, re-writing your sense of what—and indeed, <i>who</i>—you are? Accepting change is hard enough as it is. But when you're a <span style="color:#808000">somebody</span> who wakes up as a <span style="color:#6495ED">somepony</span>, how do you cope with the impact such a drastic change has on your mind and body? With changes like these, it must surely just be a lucid dream—albeit a suspiciously <i>accurate one</i>—just brimming with potential and ripe for exploration. So you might as well suck it up and make the most of these distressingly…unusual circumstances, and seize this <span style="color:#008000">psychological adventure</span> before you wake up and the dream ends.<br/>After all, this couldn't possibly be real, so the dream must come to an end eventually…right?</p>
Author's note(s): Big thanks goes to Sebiale for proofreading, editing and a whole lot of help in general :) A second thanks goes for paper pony for the title image and illustrations. First Pony View A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan fic By Suomibrony Chapter 1 Pony In The Mirror I was brought out from sleep against my own accord. I felt numb. I'd woken up with a numb arm before, but this was different; even my fingers and toes were insensible. Opening my eyes, I pulled my hand up to my face. The room was dark, but I saw the faint outline of an unfamiliar appendage. Before I knew it, I had tumbled off my bed in a jittery panic and was lying down on my left side. My legs and arms refused to behave like they were supposed to as I tried to get up. All I could do was stare fearfully into the near-complete darkness. Soon, my senses started to tell me more about my own body. No fingers, no toes, a furry hide, pointy ears, and hair along my neck. Then, I flicked a muscle that was at the end of my back. In disbelief, I did it again. My mind was quick to inform me that it was a tail. For minutes, I lay motionlessly in complete dismay, the odd sensation of my form disquieting me. Every move I made reminded me of what I had become. Every thought in my head revolved around the same questions: 'How?' and 'Why?' Frantically, I conjured an answer: lucid dreaming. It was the only explanation that made sense. A normal dream was a movie, and a lucid dream was a video game. With that concept in my mind, my apprehension diminished, and I became a tad happy. I was in a dream that was under my control. Maybe I wouldn't have called it a dream come true, but the possibility to experience myself as something non-human fascinated me. Tugging and stretching my limbs, I got a feel for how they worked. After a brief moment of trying to pinch the correct nerve in my head, I successfully turned one ear. The other ear was wedged between my head and the floor and protested my command by sending me a flinch-worthy signal of minor discomfort. I had already discovered the proper muscle to control my tail, and I exercised it a few times in order to familiarize myself with it. As I was laying totally flat on my left side, I began to gingerly bend my body to get a feel for my coat. It wasn't rough, as I had expected, but soft, like a hairy but smooth fabric. Knowing what I was infatuated with, I thought I knew what I had become—a pony. Not aware of how soon I'd wake up, I decided to act. I pulled my left foreleg and raised my back so that I could place the limb underneath me. It didn’t go as planned, and I slipped back onto my side. Trying a different approach, I rolled over, folding my legs underneath me as I did so. Carefully yet steadily, I extended my forelegs in harmony, aligning my hooves to the floor as I levered myself to a sitting stance. Although I couldn't see my hind legs, I was aware they were level on the floor on either side of me. I knew the posture I held was natural for a pony, but the nerve signals from all four of my new appendages were confusing. Coming up onto all fours was trouble-free, although I did so nervously, and my legs were unsteady once I was standing. While waiting for my nerves to settle, I mused at the odd sensation of standing on hooves: it was almost as if I was hovering but somehow still touching the floor. I gently dragged a hoof and felt the weak friction hinder its movement. My mind tried to make sense of the feeling but only became more perplexed. The only visible light came from the sun beyond my almost-sealed window, but a wall-mounted lamp that was above my bed tempted me. I contemplated briefly how to place myself perpendicular to the soft plateau to my left. Slowly lifting one leg at a time, I began to turn myself. When my back refused to curve, it dawned on me I had only moved my forelegs. Taking another moment to focus, I trepidly sidestepped with my hind legs to the right until my back was straight again. With that checkpoint passed, I congratulated myself with a smile and braced myself for the next stage. With my right forehoof on the bed, I pressed down to test how far the mattress would budge and then quickly raised my left foreleg onto it as well. Only then did I realize I'd have to somehow jump the rest of myself onto the bed as well. Alarms rang in my head as I realized I was in a situation I didn't quite know how to solve. I dared not back away as I wasn't sure how to do so without stumbling into a slump. Pain would end my lucid dream, so my foremost worry was to avoid harming myself. Following a moment of decision making, I presumed I could push myself up onto the mattress. I slid my forelegs forwards until they were level on the mattress and my chest and barrel rested on the fabric. Pushing with my hind legs, I glided across the bed until I came to a halt when my forehooves touched the wall. The light switch was so close yet so far. If I had my real form, it could've been accomplished in a second. By now, several minutes have been wasted, and I was only halfway there. I tried to lift my hind leg up onto the bed, but it refused to behave like a human leg. I wasn't exactly sure how equine anatomy worked, and I couldn’t persuade my new knee to land on the bed. Realizing that I couldn't pull myself up to the bed, I was left with two options: jump up onto the bed, or attempt to wobble in the darkness to the ceiling-lamp switch. Of course, said switch was by the door. Both seemed impossible to reach, but I had no other alternatives. Opting for the closer goal, I constructed a sequence in my head: I'd coil my hind legs, launch my back end off the floor, and then immediately twist my body sideways while pulling up my rear limbs. Simultaneously, I'd do my best to draw my forelegs to a vertical stance and elevate myself into the air. It would not be graceful, but I'd be one step closer to my goal. I rehearsed the plan a couple of times in my mind and silently counted to three. It was all over in a second, and I was back where I started—in my bed, my left flank resting on the haphazardly folded blanket I had kicked off myself during my scrambling. Rising up onto my hooves would prove to be difficult, I surmised, as the bed was soft and would be a less stable support for me than the solid floor. However, now I faced another problem: I had to actually touch the switch to turn on the lamp. With hands, it'd be easy to run my fingers along the cord and locate the switch. But in this new form, my alternatives were to fumble for it with either my hoof or my mouth. I oriented myself to a prone position, but knowing how unreliable the bed was as a stable surface, I was unwilling to stand up. With my head placed against the wall, I began to shunt myself forward with my hind legs. It was strange to feel the fur tickling the side of my head—so unlike the prickly stubble I was used to. Before I could delve deeper into studying the differences, however, my cheek met the elusive cord. Clamping my teeth on the bitter-flavored plastic cord, I began my search for the switch. Bliss coursed in my veins when I found the little protruding part that would bring forth illumination to the dimmed dreamscape. As a precaution, I closed my eyes to shield my vision from the soon-to-come brightness. With the piece of plastic in my teeth, I gently dropped my head and felt the switch move in response. My eyes opened a few seconds later, and I released the cord to examine myself in the new light. My coat color was a plain white—I was fine with that—but twitching the muscle at my croup, I became miffed to see twin lines of bright pink adorning my bronze-brown tail. As much as I tried to concentrate on visualizing another color in its place, they remained pink. This obviously meant I had the same color in my mane. Although I was grateful for being self-aware in a dream, I mentally filed a nasty complaint at my subconscious for the poor color choice. Dismissing the embarrassing fact of my hair colors, I began to think on what to do next. Reaching the bed had been a time-consuming mission, but I wasn't about to stay there and call it a day. Traces of the cord's taste still lingered in my mouth as I planned how to get off my bed and back onto the floor, although the mere thought made me nervous. Exercising the utmost care, I shifted on my bed to bring my forelegs to the edge of the mattress. Slipping my forelegs over the soft cliff and down onto the floor, I transferred my weight to my forehooves. Realizing it might not be so hard to get off the bed after all, my nervousness decreased to a minor alertness. Little by little, I started to pull myself off the furniture. Following a few more seconds of observing my hind legs slide off the bed and come down onto the floor individually, I was again on all four hooves. It was strange to see the beige lit room from the height of about one meter. I felt short, like a child with four hooved legs and a tail. I scanned my humble bedroom in mild bewilderment. Behind me was the bed, and in front of me was my black armchair. In front of the chair and placed up against the blinded window was a brown, wooden desk with a big LCD television on it. The wall before me was lined with white cabinets. Opposite of the window was the exit door. To the right of the exit was a basic bureau with assorted papers, magazines, and cables messily scattered over it. Looking back at the desk, I saw an old office chair and my brand new laptop perpendicular to the TV. A thought occurred to me as I was contemplating my next objective: this dream was unusually real. I saw details around the room that matched exactly how it had been the last evening: the pile of games on the desk, the carelessly thrown magazine on the bureau, and my clothes on the armchair's backrest. Nothing was out of place. Lifting a hoof, I stomped the floor, producing a muted thud. My eyebrows arched in thought as I noticed I was able to feel the minor sensation of the impact. It was not pain, but a slight discomfort. ‘How convincing can a dream be?’ I pondered, recalling several normal dreams that had fooled me into taking their surreal absurdity for granted. With a new wariness, I kept myself vigilant for any traces of my subconscious trying to trick me. I was a detective on the hunt to expose all the forgeries and errors in the vivid dreamscape. To reach the door would most likely be an easier task than my last mission; all I had to do was to master my quadrupedal form. As I glanced back at my hind legs, I stopped to stare at my flank. How I'd failed to pay attention until now was lost to me. I was briefly disappointed when I saw no cutie mark, though I soon smirked at myself; ‘Blank flank,’ I thought. Setting out to reach the hallway beyond my room proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated on four hooves, and I struggled to keep my balance. A crippled starfish could have outpaced me, but I kept on tottering resolutely until my face met the door. Putting my teeth on the handle, I tilted my head until the latch clacked, then pulled my head back and the door opened. Alas, my celebration was short-lived as I had failed to take into account my proximity to the tall rectangle and was now an obstruction in its opening path. Swallowing my steel-flavored saliva, I looked over at my trailing end, watching it retreat before I remembered my forelegs. Trying to rouse my forelegs into action, one of my hind legs slipped, and my stability began to falter. I nearly panicked before regaining my balance. If I had collapsed, I would've most likely injured myself and brought my unique dream to an end. I screwed my eyes shut for a second and wordlessly chided myself. At least the door was now slightly ajar, presenting me with a new opportunity beyond. With a nudge of my muzzle, the door gently swung open, the handle bumping the wall with a dull thud. I immediately set my eyes on the next goal: the bathroom door opposite my bedroom. It was another door I'd have to pull open, although I was now wiser from my recent hurdle and possessed a great confidence that I'd solve this puzzle with flying colors. The trip to the door was short but not without a few missteps, though I was getting the hang of my four-hoof drive configuration. The only mirror in my humble apartment was beyond the very door I stared at. Another taste of steel later, the door was open. I felt proud as I reversed from the door without incident. Stepping over the small threshold to the bathroom, I swung my head to the left, nudging the light switch. The lamps flickered indecisively for a second before agreeing to produce their fluorescent light. It was a small bathroom, walled and floored with white tile, with a toilet and sink. There was a shower along the left wall, and on the right was a washing machine. Finishing my cursory glance of the familiar space, I realized the floor, while not terribly grimy, was specked with snaking smudges. I looked down at my hooves and imagined all the kinds of residue that would adhere to them and eventually find their way into my food. As quick as I was to grimace, I was just as quick to discard the thought since I assumed I wouldn't have to eat during my dream. Above the sink was the mirror, although from my current location, I was unable to catch my own reflection. As I was planning how to place my forelegs on the sink and crane my neck to peer at myself, a small nagging thought that had remained at the back of my head strode forth. It told me something ridiculous, something that I wanted to scoff at and shoo away. Frustratingly, it was insistent and soon twisted my confident smile into a concerned frown. I cast my eyes at my tail, which it flashed its bronze and bright pink back at me. I turned my head away from the sight, and a chill traveled up my spine. Hesitantly, I conjured a sentence and delivered it to my vocal chords, the air in my lungs nabbing it as the sentence was granted permission to leave. “I am having a lucid dream.” Immediately, a strange feeling of nervousness emerged in me, and moisture seeped onto my skin. As great fun as a lucid dream could be, this was already the second issue that irked me. I concentrated my mind on altering the imaginary reality and sent another wave of air through my mouth. “I am not—” I stopped mid-sentence as I realized the statement would be a lie. A mere moment ago, I was eager to see my own mirror image, but now, I'd come to resent the thought. I silently cursed at my own subconscious for dropping a joke like this on me. Or rather, in me. Retreating back out to the hallway, I unthinkingly lowered myself to a sitting position. I glowered at the far wall of the bathroom for no cause but to have a target for my eyes while my mind seethed turbulently. The unpleasant thought stood inside my mind, a smug expression on its hypothetical visage. I brought a hoof to my forehead and grimaced, releasing an aggravated groan that did nothing to help overcome the current issue. However, considering I was in a dream that could end at any second, I did my best to relax rather than waste precious time on furious idling. Gathering some courage and tranquility, I decided to continue my quest. A few timid but determined steps later, I was at the sink. The mirror above it was mocking me with its mere presence; I gave it a stern stare in hopes of scaring it into submission. Lunging upwards, I slammed my forelegs down on the sink edges. Glaring down at the steel and pale porcelain, the last of my reservations slowly spiraled into the drain. Putting on the most daunting expression I could muster, I lifted my head to confront the reflective glass. A messy forelock of bronze and pink surrounded a jutting keratin spire, below which the reflection of a pair of green eyes on a white canvas gave an intimidating but ineffective stare. For a moment, we were interlocked in a silent but eventless battle. “Oh, really funny, ha-ha!” the unicorn eventually taunted me, causing me to wince. My eyes screwed shut, and my lips withdrew to expose my teeth, though I soon reopened my eyes to see my opponent had a mutual expression. An inexplicable sensation of defeat and acceptance sank into me, and my rival appeared to resign with a sigh. “I guess it has to be like this, then,” she said dejectedly. Sadly, I had to concur.
Original Character,Human,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
First Pony View
Some dreams you might never want to end… …but what happens when the dream really doesn't?
<p>Have you ever had a dream that just seemed so <i>real</i>, that it was impossible to say for certain that it was even a dream at all? A dream that, despite all of its impossibilities, seemed to re-write your entire perception of reality, re-writing your sense of what—and indeed, <i>who</i>—you are? Accepting change is hard enough as it is. But when you're a <span style="color:#808000">somebody</span> who wakes up as a <span style="color:#6495ED">somepony</span>, how do you cope with the impact such a drastic change has on your mind and body? With changes like these, it must surely just be a lucid dream—albeit a suspiciously <i>accurate one</i>—just brimming with potential and ripe for exploration. So you might as well suck it up and make the most of these distressingly…unusual circumstances, and seize this <span style="color:#008000">psychological adventure</span> before you wake up and the dream ends.<br/>After all, this couldn't possibly be real, so the dream must come to an end eventually…right?</p>
Author's Note(s): This chapter's animation is by TimeImpact. Big thanks to him! First Pony View A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan fic By Suomibrony Chapter 2 Control Yourself I stared at the white sink gloomily, struggling to prevent myself from collapsing down onto the floor. My breaths were heavy, and with each exhale came a long pause—even my lungs were dispirited. I hesitantly lifted my head and saw a being whose expression was the very picture of misery. When I bit my lip, she bit her lip, and when my ears fell, so did hers as well. She mimicked my every move: simultaneously and flawlessly. Before me was not a second pony but my own mirror image. Those emerald eyes, that white fur, and that unkempt, pink-striped bronze mane were mine. Even as I literally faced the facts, I stubbornly tried to dismiss them. Coming to terms with being a pony was much easier than what I now faced. I cheerlessly filed a second complaint at my subconscious. I pondered my adventure, the shock of the change. I had been prideful of managing to adapt to it so far, but now, none of that pride remained. I contemplated withdrawing my forelegs and letting my jaw smash against the sink to end my lucid dream, but my desire to continue convinced me to abandon the idea. Trying to see the positives over the negatives, I decided to at least try to enjoy the false reality, despite the dismaying setback. As long as no attention was drawn to the uncomfortable truth, I'd do fine. I declared my home door to be inoperable and myself mute before coming down onto all four legs, the pitapat of my hooves announcing the end of the interaction with my reflection. My head became heavy and my legs sluggish as I set my way out from the white-tiled room. I came to a rest in the hallway and further reasoned with myself. I was still in a lucid fantasy world, experiencing something that would be otherwise impossible. I was just as insistent on carrying on through the unique situation as I was on disregarding my lesson from the mirror. Trying to fixate on other matters, I raised my hoof and began to examine it. Excluding the couple of centimeters before the underside as well as the underside itself, my hoof was coated in soft and short fur. As my knowledge of equine anatomy was poor, I assumed a hoof was of the same organic material a fingernail was composed of. Pivoting and swiveling the joints, tapping two hooves lightly together, and brushing my fur, I became entranced. After a minute of experimenting, it dawned on me that my appendage had some similarities with a human arm as it allowed me to perform, to a limited degree, human-like actions. It occurred to me that hooves were essentially an equine's nails. The thought of walking on nails sprung to mind a hilarious image of a human, tall on his legs and arms, moving sneakily on his fingers and toes while a xylophone rapidly plinked an appropriate leitmotif for him. I smiled for a full second before I involuntarily pictured my own mirror image smiling, and my little joy vanished as soon as it had come. Ignoring myself was proving to be harder than I had expected. I absently glanced to the left and right in the hallway. At the left end was the door to the outside, and on the opposite end of the hallway was the doorway to the kitchen. To the left of it, at a ninety degree angle, was the doorway to my fairly spacious but underused living room. All of my important possessions were in my bedroom; the living room had only a pair of armchairs, a low table, and a sofa. If the living room seemed to be disused, then the adjoining balcony certainly was. I preferred the captivating world of games and the Internet over what I considered to be vain and wasteful sunbathing. Coupled with the fact that my neighbors were known smokers, I had no good reasons to venture to the balcony. While I sat idly, I began to toy with my tail, hearing it brush the floor and walls. Its mere existence awoke my curiosity and I looked behind myself to see it move about, only to have its bright pink highlights harshly remind me of what I was trying to ignore. A sliver of irritation gave me the courage to move, and I set out to close the bathroom door. I was intent on not venturing in there again until the end of my illusion. The door was fully open, but I was able to place my foreleg between it and the wall. In a fit of anger, I gave the door a brisk push that brought it shut with a satisfying slam. Suddenly, something remarkable dawned on me: I had made a few steps and turns unthinkingly and without sliding and slipping like I was on ice. Earlier, in my bedroom, I had been focused on moving each leg with extreme care and had serious balance issues. I glanced at my four legs in awe before I returned my attention to the short hallway. I set my sights on the home door and cleared my mind. Soon, I sensed my legs moving me forward and my body turning and swaying slightly. My short progress quickly came to a halt when my muzzle gently contacted the wooden blockade that was the door. I glanced over my shoulder, then performed a flawless 180-degree turn. I flushed away my thoughts and commanded my body to the kitchen. The soft sounds my hooves produced rebounded off the white-painted, wood-paneled walls and into my ears, creating a minimalistic background music for my journey. I covered the mere 10 meters effortlessly, but it was too early to congratulate myself. Once more, I emptied my mind, and I crossed the short distance to the living room. At the doorway, I stopped and examined the room. Two pale green armchairs were side by side with their backs facing me. Against the opposite wall from me was a dark blue sofa adorned by red, irregular shapes resembling palm leaves. Two crimson red pillows rested on the sofa, abandoned there by me months ago. Between the three pieces of furniture was a dark brown, square-shaped wooden table. To the right of these, separated by about 3 meters of vacant space, was a wide window and a brown door to the balcony. A quick glance outside told me it was an average morning with a few clouds dotting the sky. I mentally drew a course through the room in the shape of a figure-8 around the table and armchairs. With my plan laid out, I began my trial. Focusing on following the course's imaginary guidance line, I kept my mind blank. However, my quadruped gait soon evoked me to research the reports sent by my body and legs, but they only dumbfounded me. Eventually, I came to a halt by the balcony-side of the table. I had traversed the course for an entire minute without fail. As incredible as it was, there was still one little thing I desired to do before I'd rejoice. I oriented my tail towards the balcony door and started to walk backwards. With great joy, I observed myself backpedal gracefully a few meters before I had to stop lest I bump into the door. With the final trial complete, a powerful sensation of success and elation launched me onto my hind legs, then poured to my grinning mouth, to my outstretched forelegs... “Yesss! I learned to walk!” ...And to my vocal chords. My cheerful and confident mood flipped to shocked disbelief as I came down onto my hooves with a dull thud; I had completely forgotten my unmanly predicament. For a few seconds, I was absolutely discomposed before my mouth took the initiative to act independently and rolled out words in a vexed tone. “Fine! I admit it! I'm a fil—!” An eye-shutting grimace silenced my errant voice, but it was too late; the damage had been done. The tense situation defused, my ears dropped, and my vision fell to the uninteresting floor. I had tried to stubbornly deny the obvious reality, and now, that conflict had come to a dramatic end. There was no reason for me to deceive myself any longer. My outbound breath stopped in my throat for a second—so I could choke back my tears—before it brought the admission forth as a somber whisper: “I'm a filly.” I hoped crossing that threshold would bring me immediate peace, but I was wrong. ‘I'm a filly, I'm a filly, I'm a filly, I'm a filly,’ my mind tormented me by continuously playing the audio record of my voice. I looked at myself and saw invisible writing all over my body. It was tattooed on my legs, sprayed across my back and adorned my flanks. It shimmered in my tail, coursed in my veins and flickered in my vision. Why had I refused to acknowledge the obvious? I had shunned it away instead. If I had only been reasonable from the start, I would've understood that a pony's a pony and that gender was irrelevant. I could've shrugged it off, maybe even joked about it, but something in me fought adamantly against all logic. It managed only to postpone the inevitable truth. When the revelation finally bounded back, it came with a such a great momentum that not only did it shatter my delusion of being a stallion, but it also created a disheartening shock wave in its wake. It was converging around my heart and threatened to break my tears out of the confines of my eyes. I had already endured one unavoidable loss, but I wouldn't allow my emotions to defeat me. With all of my strength, I held firm, stopping my tears from falling. With the internal battle over, I reflected on my dream. One of my sincerest wishes had been to experience a lucid dream, but now, I felt an urge to ram my head into a wall and end the wish-gone-bad. However, I didn't desire to close the dream on a such sad note, and regrettably, I had to accept that I controlled a fictional, female character in a fictional reality, observing the events from a first-person view. Just like in a video game . . . Most likely due to my plummeting mood, I had unthinkingly come down onto my haunches. I presumed I was adapting to my four-legged form, and I questioned which one would cease first: my lucid dream or the novelty of my equine body? With my admission fresh in my memory, I seriously believed the latter. Trying to ward off my pervasive gloom, I performed one uneventful lap around the imaginary figure-8 circuit before I came down to a sitting stance again. I let out a heavy sigh when I realized I was unable to feel any pleasure for mastering the ability that had initially been difficult but was now mundane. Ironically, the prospect of becoming depressed in a dream managed to amuse me, if only slightly. I knew the ultimate fail-safe was to injure myself, but I had upgraded my resolution to obstinacy. Despite my low spirits, I'd push forward, no matter what! Recalling one lone but important detail I had observed in my mirror image, I raised my hoof to search my head. My eyes rolled up in their sockets, but I saw only the blurry colors of my forelock. Regardless, in a few seconds, my appendage met the horn, and the nerve endings in my head told me that the keratin spire was being gently disturbed. My melancholic mood took a back seat as my concern strode forth. I lowered my hoof to the center of my view, raised another, and tapped them together, producing a muted clop. I noted I felt the light impact in both appendages. In fact, I could feel the ambient temperature, my own breaths, and the pressure I put on my haunches. I licked my tongue over my teeth and lips, swung my tail, and rotated my ears. My joined hooves separated and timorously descended to the floor as I processed my latest discovery. Just when I was slowly overcoming my gender, something worse announced itself. My lucid dream's precise replication of the details and nuances of the real world could be explained only with an alarmingly short summary: it wasn't a dream to begin with! Unwilling to dwell on something so terrifying, I quickly banished the frightening thought and returned my attention to the horn I sported. I hoped, since I was an unicorn, that I held the capacity to manipulate things with my mind. I was more than curious to try. I placed myself a few meters from the sofa and locked my eyes on one of the crimson red pillows. With no idea how telekinesis would work, I stared at it, expecting it to rise or roll, but that brought no discernible result. I tried to provoke a possible muscle in my head, but my horn was unresponsive, and the test subject remained static. I began to stare intensely at the stubborn object, silently threatening it with harm if it dared to disobey me. To my frustration, it did. On the verge of forfeiting, I gave my ability one more chance. I closed my eyes and drew a mental picture of the room, thinking the pillow would move when I had no direct visual of it. I envisioned myself reaching out for the inanimate rebel and throwing it into the air in agitation. I drew in a terrified expression and small flailing arms for the mental image of the pillow as it screamed upwards, eventually smashing into the ceiling and bounding back towards the floor. I gasped and my eyes sprung open when something struck my back. In a fraction of a second, I instinctively performed an about-face to locate my assailant. My jaw fell open when I spotted the culprit: it was the crimson red pillow. My eyes wanted to leap out of their sockets when a quick inspection of my sofa confirmed my assumption. A few seconds later and one drool-drying wipe later, I had shut both my eyes and mouth, imagining the living space in my mind once more. I pictured the pillow rolling towards my legs. The soft contact confirmed my success, and I began to toy with the fluffy object. I lifted it off the floor and rolled it over my back, then suspended it above myself and pretended it was a yo-yo. I was surprised how easy it was to use once I had learned to activate my magic. Slowly, my imaginary picture of the room faded to darkness, and I began to practice my newfound skill by thought alone. I was able to squeeze the pillow, tell its position in the room, and judge its orientation relative to the room. I could even see and feel the room and its furniture without vision or touch. It was just as perplexing as it was amazing. Delighted with my ability to manipulate the small object, I decided to move up the food chain, as it were, and thought of the sofa. To my surprise, I could barely lift it and lost my concentration quickly; the deep thump of the sofa's return to the floor startled my eyelids open. I oriented myself to face the sofa, closed my eyes, and tried again, but it levitated only a little before my invisible arms gave out. None of my muscles were aching, but my panting told me I could've just as well tried to lift the sofa with my body. I tried to lift an armchair, but it was almost as difficult as the sofa, and I released it back to the floor once my body began to release sweat onto my back. With the limits of my telekinesis known, I wanted something else—something lighter—to test my telekinesis on. Looking for more ideas, I made my way back to the bedroom where I spotted two green pillows on my similarly colored bed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on lifting the two fluffy rectangles. Strangely, I was disappointed when they obeyed without a struggle. Colliding them together and dancing them around the room was amusing, though the amusement soon waned, and I let the pillows crash. The lamp above the bed was still on and became my next target; the tiny switch was eager to follow my order. Running out of ideas, I arbitrarily left the dim lighting of the bedroom and back to the living room, where I sat down by the window. Gazing through the wide glass pane over the balcony, I pondered if being a pegasus could've been more fun: soaring through the air, diving through the streets at high speed, and admiring the world serenely from above. It made my imagination go wild, and a strong sensation of elation brought a smile to my face. I wished for wings to grow on my back as I envisioned myself leaping up to the freedom of the sky from my balcony. My wide smile evolved to a euphoric grin. Alas, an inspection of my wingless back returned me to earth, and my glee escaped along with a single disappointed sigh. I consoled myself with the fact I was not an earth pony. Impulsively, I floated the crimson pillow erratically around the room for a moment before placing it back on the sofa. The brief play, however, made me realize that I wasn't able to manipulate objects unless I had my eyes closed. Doubting my hasty deduction, I dropped my eyelids and I picked the square object effortlessly. Uncovering my eyes, I watched as my telekinetic control over the fluffy object lost its vigor. A few more tries later, my only progress had been increasing my agitation. I launched the pillow downwards as fast as I could. It came down onto the sofa with a muted and dissatisfying thud. I assumed that I had learned only the basics of telekinesis. Teaching myself advanced techniques might've been possible if I knew how, and I was willing to allocate my limited dreamtime to it. ‘Speaking of time . . . ’ Curious, I set course for the nearest clock. My legs brought me to the kitchen doorway where I cast a look at the square room, noting that the overhead cupboards were out of my reach due to my reduced stature. I mourned the loss with a sigh, but I was quick to remind myself that this was not a permanent change. With the stealthy paranoia caught and restrained, I continued my survey of the room. In front of me was a window and a plain wooden table. The left wall was bare of anything but a light-blue tapestry. To my immediate right was a brown cabinet containing cleaning tools and other assorted things related to maintaining my home. Further along the wall was the pure white dishwasher followed by two steel sinks. The far right wall featured a kitchen stove, floor-level cupboards, and the fridge-freezer. Between the two kitchen appliances was the microwave that had heated its first food sometime in the early ’90s. In other words, my kitchen was very boring. Observing the green symbols on my ancient microwave, I read its concise message: 9:37. My patience was rewarded with a single digit increase to the clock, from where I started a silent count. I missed the final score by 3 seconds, but it confirmed that my dream was amazingly accurate. Too accurate, and with that, my paranoia got a hold on me. Absolutely nothing was out of place or wrong in the realm but myself! Not only was I scared of being forever a pony, but I was also scared of being discovered and becoming the center of attention for the entire world. My fear ran deeper than that, though, because I was certain I'd end up in a lab where I'd be reduced to a test animal for unethical scientists and endure inconceivable horrors up to my untimely death. Probably beyond as well. The vision of my carcass being dissected almost made me scream. Desperately needing proof of being in a dream, I faced the window and forcibly set my mind and eyes into examination mode, hoping to spot a visible error in the world beyond my home. I peered at the world from my 6th-floor apartment. I could see a forest from the left spilling across and over to the right of my view, where another 8-floor apartment building resided. Directly below was a gravel path meandering up to another identical grey construct about 150 meters beyond my own, obstructing the view of the meadow and the city beyond it. A lone street curved from the right beyond the closer building and disappeared behind the farther one. Several cars, including my own, were parked on the lot by the inner side of the road. The sky was home to several puffy clouds drifting gracefully over my location. I illustrated an imaginary map and compass in my head and calculated that they were heading northeast. A brief gust slammed against the window; it creaked a negative reply to the air's query for entry. Observing the tranquil and realistic dreamscape through the transparent pane, I became aware of my translucent reflection. As I stared directly into large, green-rimmed black pupils that conveyed pure fear, I pondered on the impossible and how I'd survive if it was true. ‘Could I live in isolation forever? Could it be possible to have food delivered to my home? From where and how would I earn money to sustain myself? What about my relatives, my friends and neighbors? What would happen if they were to discover me? How would they react? What if they turned against me? What if I'd have to leave? Where could I go?’ As I bombarded myself with questions I hoped I'd never have to answer, a low and fluctuating noise from the outside entered my ears. I knew helicopters passed over my home daily, and I had never been bothered by them, except now the droning song of its rotors brought me only more stress. Ever since I had woken up, I had feared that my dream was all but real. That fear had now grown more powerful and was crushing my quickly weakening hope. I wanted to resist, to fight back, but every sign had told me I had never been in a fantasy. There would be no failsafe, no escape by injuring myself. I was trapped in brutal and unforgiving reality. My breaths became rapid and shallow, and I trembled like a leaf; I was at the onset of a panic attack. Just as I expected—or rather, dreaded—the helicopter flew into view, passing diagonally from the above right towards the far left—from north to south. I was apprehensively watching it distance itself from me when my vision registered a shape appear from the top right of the far apartment. My initial thought told me it was a bird that had left from a balcony on the opposite side of the building. While the location of its takeoff may have been arguably correct, it took me only a second to properly identify the winged fauna. I simultaneously crushed my fright and scored an impressive goal against my subconscious. An immense sensation of relief flushed the panic out of my body as I tracked the being speedily depart towards the east, over the forest, and beyond my view. It was a pegasus.