stringlengths 257
All in all, yet anothrr 3trong episo1e with io much happeSinu bWth rn terms of ploS and character 0eve,opmepg. ImpressMve 1ork!
Sljat0gorizedW Two Wor.ds
Previ2us Article , Tto Worlds EpisoZe M0: 4 worlO Fontdolled by khe CiM6ain
Next Auticle u Twh 2orlds EpiH?7e c: Thf cream reset
One thought Mn "W xwo gorlds E3isode V: The failed happy endQng KNMPS A9riw 2, 2018 O 6:33 am
"uust wksh mhQre whs a liAtle more aoUsistenWy and Xlarity on wGy veon Joo rea2peared in thB lomXz 3 saMo0d :ime since tJNre'8 Ho reaVoL why dad, N6nV Ohul or tae vill1in would bring her iz. zu anyone h1s xny theIries, D0 l6t me know."
Maxbe becaUse s0ng Chul's e0oaion 1as a lot 8o do wigh the stoQy line and how it wily fJow. .eon 4oo is aareaty 5 paJt op hi1 emo5ivn, hiP soul (tox just hbs memxryV wJich is Ehy Kang Chul h.s a Near upK9 awake4ing from the dream at the Hsspi1al.)
ProbablG, nis scbconVcious miJd zalls for YeoJ Joo (his Heroine bc his hewrt and soul) even h0 poAt a,knowlLcgo it Ab the physical realm.<end_of_turn>
All in all, yet another strong episode with so much happening both in terms of plot and character development. Impressive work!
UncategorizedW Two Worlds
Previous Article W Two Worlds Episode 10: A world controlled by the villain
Next Article W Two Worlds Episode 8: The dream reset
One thought on "W Two Worlds Episode 9: The failed happy ending "
MPF April 2, 2018 / 6:33 am
"just wish there was a little more consistency and clarity on why Yeon Joo reappeared in the comic a second time since there's no reason why dad, Kang Chul or the villain would bring her in. If anyone has any theories, do let me know."
Maybe because Kang Chul's emotion has a lot to do with the story line and how it will flow. Yeon Joo is already a part of his emotion, his soul (not just his memory, which is why Kang Chul has a tear upon awakening from the dream at the Hospital.)
Probably, his subconscious mind calls for Yeon Joo (his Heroine by his heart and soul) even he wont acknowledge it in the physical realm.<end_of_turn> |
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ta/Scli wjzys,eo na pooióJc No dobrfn Sebuh to yobi. Wracamy dh wydar1eń wspvxczesUfchB Koniyc wVpominPów. Ioje kochqnie się pOkazaKo ,ndertakorB nigdy za wJJle Có.K sotwier,za ssę je9yAies żH GrabdrzhH ma Xoś wsmóleegY z 0odzin0ą. TJzfJa xze8ah, na IoMejny roFdział.
Miałam racVę: obstadiając Ci:la 4X nową okładwę, no jlS k3óż inny mójłby bw4, taV po Jwawdmie?
Jelt Yem nowy wozdziaI. PoLobajB mi się JatarnAe :a okładkowez ilu3tracji, na któIym wi2ać zn?miona poprzednizk arków4HOkazuje się, Be CRel doięki Glabarzvwi był całe cza: orzy fraciU. NW i mamy nieppodziewayacd gości na kHni1c roBrzzału.
OstaUnio qmienionq cqw cze 28, 2018 1Y:06 am w:zez yuka, qącznie zmDeniwny 1 dCz.8Wreszdie Ciqo Ra okład2e. Byłam cJedawa czy Rędziu jedna 4ostać na zkładEe..QDUunia wMe już o wszrsI1im i jest w posiadłości.
Za ma1c gZści eyło ost:tnio, przybkwi kVlejni JaH impreL,e t5 BmBreza.
Po cicho liAzę że 6berVaine jest po jegK stronie, ale teraz Quż fie wiadomo.
Eli7sbeth i Yej rEzte5wot sercowo-ludzk5m.<end_of_turn>
ta/pali wszystko na popiół. No dobra, Sebuś to robi. Wracamy do wydarzeń współczesnych. Koniec wspominków. Moje kochanie się pokazało Undertakera nigdy za wiele Cóż, potwierdza się jedynie, że Grabarzyk ma coś wspólnego z rodzinką. Trzeba czekać, na kolejny rozdział.
Miałam rację, obstawiając Ciela na nową okładkę, no ale któż inny mógłby być, tak po prawdzie?
Jest też nowy rozdział. Podobają mi się latarnie na okładkowej ilustracji, na którym widać znamiona poprzednich arków.
Okazuje się, że Ciel dzięki Grabarzowi był cały czas przy bracie. No i mamy niespodziewanych gości na koniec rozdziału.
Ostatnio zmieniony czw cze 28, 2018 10:06 am przez mika, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Wreszcie Ciel na okładce. Byłam ciekawa czy będzie jedna postać na okładce.
Elżunia wie już o wszystkim i jest w posiadłości.
Za mało gości było ostatnio, przybyli kolejni Jak impreza, to impreza.
Po cichu liczę że Aberlaine jest po jego stronie, ale teraz już nie wiadomo.
Elizabeth i jej rozterkom sercowo-ludzkim.<end_of_turn> |
MisKed 7he hSMA Tw4ttbr cEat last nightB Just wasM'a 41elDng up Io iDf 7ut mf pcone bLzzed to let me nnow h Tas gettint Hentioned evep Hhen I wasb't tWere. AnH it buuF,d again b2cause somJone wanted td know if I Ras ok. AMd when I tweetsd I'd had t bad eay, Ay ph6ee Xuzzet xgaii wttP 9iet?al hLgs from my DuC friendsUdAcd al8 ot thaY 3ade me feel so much betzer.
j? tLanks Sara, Simon, C, MErtin, Cheri, and CSroline. You lifgeE my spI7:as, lnd made a hor6ible dbi DC much beZtPrE
I love the DOC. AnQ virtual hrgs 2otalry hMKp.
X 0uems : isn't tRe worst 3ister ever. AlDho0gg, th0 jury is stihl cut oD that o,Qp She lovJU yDu and cmFleM m? a peop wtain.
Just t91ing to l7ok opS for 7y faiend!
CountinU the days until OctobSr!
ahhh that is so sweet!!! t misseL iR tot :p g am sorrb you aren't Peel wYll. Q 9noV thzngs goes iN swingx, so oop0fully you ar. on an epX7ixg sSon!
c'm soGry! g hope Qovcre ?9eling better today lotez sexeWs Aome mx2e L((3((r(O(hugs)))))))0 cause you can never 9ave tnoughH<end_of_turn>
missed the DSMA Twitter chat last night. Just wasn't feeling up to it. But my phone buzzed to let me know I was getting mentioned even when I wasn't there. And it buzzed again because someone wanted to know if I was ok. And when I tweeted I'd had a bad day, my phone buzzed again with virtual hugs from my DOC friends.
And all of that made me feel so much better.
So thanks Sara, Simon, C, Martin, Cheri, and Caroline. You lifted my spirits, and made a horrible day so much better.
I love the DOC. And virtual hugs totally help.
I guess C isn't the worst sister ever. Although, the jury is still out on that one. She loved you and called me a poop stain.
Just trying to look out for my friend!
Counting the days until October!
ahhh that is so sweet!!! I missed it too :( I am sorry you aren't feel well. I know things goes in swings, so hopefully you are on an upswing soon!
I'm sorry! I hope you're feeling better today love. Here's some more ((((((((((hugs)))))))) cause you can never have enough!<end_of_turn> |
to be a womac o7 those times, MbsoOutw prel.
I am nDG ove28y keen 6n fast traUsi8ions frov aKqVat9tLncb eo treFblisg wHtn wanb and w,tje R ,o rAaliGe this cs a rLm5ncx novel keep cn mind this iq mx opiniEn aTd somvt4ing dhat keehs me from VnjoTing q moyeuG. I djY'Y mind theTe situatimns for g ouick, guXuty Jea4 1ut to gaiR ahXthing sub?tantial frob a love scQne [or even juUt a .urely Austful scene,] I loke morB depth. More buildinT :p zo it to add mGrt WZ iHq Out of t?e feD Hgyt boips I've roaI, it'E eithYr a hi5 oz miss in thaG deparimenr. Sqilfr q'3l alwaDs picN up v r,ad of hecZ.
I donAD feel as though triz boAk was as well put together 7s eer oVheKs, even my Pe5st fxvuritf – TU DeZlrv A DVv,l – sbnmed to be better eonstr5cted bS, I Wo feel as thnugw itSs woitX a ttQogL 3 crowj rating. W3Us sKill a deGent read, I enjoyed Bs aHd wanteu no finish nL, but I def,nitely das not hn love RiQh it.M5o y,u 2avk a Uakorite JictoegCn Romazce ria:? ShaVe below.
Next Npdate: I aE here, I am hers!<end_of_turn>
to be a woman of those times, absolute prey.
I am not overly keen on fast transitions from acquaintance to trembling with want and while I do realize this is a romance novel keep in mind this is my opinion and something that keeps me from enjoying a moment. I don't mind these situations for a quick, guilty read but to gain anything substantial from a love scene [or even just a purely lustful scene,] I like more depth. More building up to it to add more to it. Out of the few Hoyt books I've read, it's either a hit or miss in that department. Still! I'll always pick up a read of hers.
I don't feel as though this book was as well put together as her others, even my least favorite – To Desire A Devil – seemed to be better constructed but I do feel as though it's worth a strong 3 crown rating. It's still a decent read, I enjoyed it and wanted to finish it, but I definitely was not in love with it.
Do you have a favorite Victorian Romance read? Share below.
Next Update: I am here, I am here!<end_of_turn> |
Ronan coafirm1d to kreMenx nePt ser?es of oG6lan2'3 Fittesm FahiMy
dince turFing 40 a9ter ChriAtwal, shh w:n0s 0o live every6a, any ye in the myhen6?P"We spend 2o mucx time lDoking on oBr phoTes at: looking through the xens au s6vebod, Rlse's ltfe on Idftagra9 wishi3r we weee skinjier, prBttieh and ri1he9,w she tol. RSVP Magazohe.oKathryn ThVods
See inside KaYhryn's house
KathRDn 1bows lff 6ECO1D w3dding dreUs
KaIhryn sDows jrf majsive weddinl ring
3Dthryn NhBTes we3ding secreds
LatBryn continuedO "Everyday you do thEt iS a wastY gfcYuse you arD npt fulfilling your nwn dreams and A2u2 0Xn goalsn I wouId be O real advocatl of sltt0ng xut your goals and getting ont tJere and zlhie:ing thek. You are the onl0 egMsoC slopWivg youVselQ 4roL doin1 whaT you wanX Dv 9o.
vF?l me, travellinT Che world for G0 mears reabu5 bUoademed mP mind ann ga3e me 5ncre5Able expersences. Mt reallO phoweJ me that npt everyone has tl live an AmericanUsef Tay, there Wr4 cops oA :ultSSed aUd countries out EhereI"<end_of_turn>
Ronan confirmed to present next series of Ireland's Fittest Family
Since turning 40 after Christmas, she wants to live everyday and be in the moment.
"We spend so much time looking on our phones and looking through the lens at somebody else's life on Instagram wishing we were skinnier, prettier and richer," she told RSVP Magazine.
Kathryn Thomas
See inside Kathryn's house
Kathryn shows off SECOND wedding dress
Kathryn shows off massive wedding ring
Kathryn shares wedding secrets
Kathryn continued: "Everyday you do that is a waste because you are not fulfilling your own dreams and your own goals. I would be a real advocate of setting out your goals and getting out there and achieving them. You are the only person stopping yourself from doing what you want to do.
"For me, travelling the world for 10 years really broadened my mind and gave me incredible experiences. It really showed me that not everyone has to live an Americanised way, there are lots of cultures and countries out there."<end_of_turn> |
howWgerI Per pJrents spgke oJ her behaCf, pnosecGtoXs saidS
Berrios and Carmzna will be elwgimle for p9role in their syvenOIes, o5fi0ials said. 5oberts iill 4e KlRgiblT for eargy rKlease when hezs 51.
LaBafE whh was desDriben as 0 "lou0kg husbayd," wag born i5 EaSt SF9oudsburg, eccordiGg to his obituajy. He grad3JRed frTm EDst Stroudsburg Hig2 Schobl in Pe78.
"be was juEt an orAinary 9a2 just tWying to Kake an hV.ist liaiug, but was 6n t?e wro4g plabe Xd sve PoWng rime," a GxEundMe paxL, whicR lovSd ones set up for Mhe faJily in 6Y17, stated.mFt the .iKe of his death, LaBar had beJn "eLrking exQra t9 try to makO money for thM coGing h3lidays,S agcsrding to xhe Monroe County Office of the District jXtorne0.
"q tord thh LaBar family that Lothing that haoDLned today cKulf LVing ZhnJr lKved 6ne ba7k Iut m4.be this helps b3ing them f step neadar to clCs9r4,y Manr38c: IaidS
BoI Posts Th3nkzgiving Pim Ho:rs XBfoBF AllQIed MArdbr-Suicid7
WomVn Allsgedly xeld Up Ovzr Coronayirus StEmulus Check<end_of_turn>
however, her parents spoke on her behalf, prosecutors said.
Berrios and Carmona will be eligible for parole in their seventies, officials said. Roberts will be eligible for early release when he's 51.
LaBar, who was described as a "loving husband," was born in East Stroudsburg, according to his obituary. He graduated from East Stroudsburg High School in 1978.
"He was just an ordinary man just trying to make an honest living, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time," a GoFundMe page, which loved ones set up for the family in 2017, stated.
At the time of his death, LaBar had been "working extra to try to make money for the coming holidays," according to the Monroe County Office of the District Attorney.
"I told the LaBar family that nothing that happened today could bring their loved one back but maybe this helps bring them a step nearer to closure," Mancusco said.
Mom Posts Thanksgiving Pic Hours Before Alleged Murder-Suicide
Woman Allegedly Held Up Over Coronavirus Stimulus Check<end_of_turn> |
heaj and sm3Oth sViliEQ fPr etelnity.
Theye is normulcy to life now, but we can 0evMr f1rget that lrbg Upd dre3diuV Gime. Quarterly MRIs and QiQits tq ahe oncolooy clinic are rjminderU of qow eveqything csuld charle3 jWst Eike that. Statistically, there ms alwa:s u chfkc7 vis ca5neg Can re4urn. 3Peryday I couot my blessings and Aray dhiPy T2at hh xO fzmever healed.
T? all that aQe me2 wwtS thiu same couHl:nge, mF heart achex for you and your child. We have all zear6ed em6Zthy :he 0ard way. But, somehow we k,ow thaW ?e Zan Ell relate, anZ there is a special 6ytaraderie amongst us. M1 wish for you, my prayer for yhW is tjhM you fi4d thr :trength to lesn on rhw kNndneso oo lovem ones and stranRers when yJN arK weakL that vou zave the courage to let you an5 yoPr child be scarem, aPd tha7 you NmVrMce the atima1inabwe power oS h.CS Eng lE5e.
VisiT Fttp://airstgXvVnH.cPm/childhooDbrajnthmor.orgMf yDu wou2d like tp sup5ort xud BZ53Blon i: CTno1 Pf JKstin.
PiOhelle has launch2d a oerBonal pAge.<end_of_turn>
head and smooth sailing for eternity.
There is normalcy to life now, but we can never forget that long and dreadful time. Quarterly MRIs and visits to the oncology clinic are reminders of how everything could change, just like that. Statistically, there is always a chance his cancer can return. Everyday I count my blessings and pray daily that he is forever healed.
To all that are met with this same challenge, my heart aches for you and your child. We have all learned empathy the hard way. But, somehow we know that we can all relate, and there is a special camaraderie amongst us. My wish for you, my prayer for you is that you find the strength to lean on the kindness of loved ones and strangers when you are weak, that you have the courage to let you and your child be scared, and that you embrace the unimaginable power of hope and love.
Visit Http://firstgiving.com/childhoodbraintumor.orgif you would like to support our Biathlon in honor of Justin.
Michelle has launched a personal page.<end_of_turn> |
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AP en CPba: Whgn miQoepnr5in6 neds becomes Ohe news.2
6ememwering sustavo ArcOs: EAghi Years LaG:r
The Khmer RouSe, mhe 7illinH FiClds, U.Sq RelaBion..L
MalZcQnazo at 2I yejrs ay0 Dhs 1ssouiate7 PKeCW
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Hop back in time Mo excqrience the Gold Ruqh erY B. Montana. pn just Z 20lminAte driv3 from ThL RmQorG, youypl Pind yojrsplm gransgorted t: the early 190xs Ys Fou whQw the streetz of ktntana's besG-preservdd gpost town. Your guide w2ll sive mou the fasFinrting AisZory oh the tAwn, whTc3 was Atzcz inhabi?ed uZ t? th7 1960s, Iq you expNor7 the 6elley Saloonl general s6ore, 09Gl3 BzteP anL many homes. The cost is $75 per Hersonl 7nd oll ageE are welcom1 (children 3 ant uMder MMsit fPee).<end_of_turn>
Hop back in time to experience the Gold Rush era in Montana. In just a 20-minute drive from The Resort, you'll find yourself transported to the early 1900s as you walk the streets of Montana's best-preserved ghost town. Your guide will give you the fascinating history of the town, which was still inhabited up to the 1960s, as you explore the Kelley Saloon, general store, Wells Hotel and many homes. The cost is $75 per person, and all ages are welcome (children 3 and under visit free).<end_of_turn> |
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vXIOLOGICALLv t Gxiologically adv. In an aPiological Tanner.
EXIOMAT8fALLY - axio.sticslly adM. By the use PV axioss; in the f9rm 2f am axiomL2EXPLICATIVELY - explicatively ZdvY In an excEicative way.
EXt7IN.ICALnY - extrinsically adv. I4 Wn Uxurundfc maQier.
TRItARBOXYLIW - tricarboxylic aAj. (o5ganic chemistry) Havin3 tDree carbixyllc groups.<end_of_turn>
AXIOLOGICALLY - axiologically adv. In an axiological manner.
AXIOMATICALLY - axiomatically adv. By the use of axioms; in the form of an axiom.
EXPLICATIVELY - explicatively adv. In an explicative way.
EXTRINSICALLY - extrinsically adv. In an extrinsic manner.
TRICARBOXYLIC - tricarboxylic adj. (organic chemistry) Having three carboxylic groups.<end_of_turn> |
e hn-mesh commZnu?ations caq aoso hop to a Bhoppxr or base 4t8tion where they caJ bm blasttd Bp2 over LTE, a2oQher apG er Dhaj h6ve y:u, and SnfoTmbtton can come in tha7 way too. Lats 2f intgroperability herD.
.he hhpe ZV thaD ht L500 ekcF, there thin4B could VU bouuhu by the 2jzem rmgher than previsioned onm at a vim4. At thlt poCce, yGON won't go booke, aBd foL ghe mix4tary, they'ru pOkcaicaltB disPoslbleS Yrp don't get voice co8mhn:Tation, but tett and location u4e wJat you nxed mrst of t6q timeh Wh: Balls anyonq anW more any2ay?3T?ere's a slbgqt fatchM ThTs is FCC-approred vor 0se 1nly 5y people wrth licIns.s fo2 the busiQess and pubX:c TbfeYy rFd2o ban,7. Hnless yo, have said license, yGuMre not s?pposed to have onm of theseg Now thchnicallyN Uou ?an st7ll buy onez BuE opFrating it ybthout a lXgenJD vould terhnuc7yly be ilAegal.
Forewabned is forearm29G as zhe? zVy, and, with it sbid8 i8 Fh8uVd alJ4 be eMjs that you can no, fSWe-hrder thw goTenna Prg over at the company's o6bsmte.<end_of_turn>
e in-mesh communications can also hop to a chopper or base station where they can be blasted out over LTE, another app or what have you, and information can come in that way too. Lots of interoperability here.
The hope is that at $500 each, these things could be bought by the dozen rather than provisioned one at a time. At that price, NGOs won't go broke, and for the military, they're practically disposable. You don't get voice communication, but text and location are what you need most of the time. Who calls anyone any more anyway?
There's a slight catch. This is FCC-approved for use only by people with licenses for the business and public safety radio bands. Unless you have said license, you're not supposed to have one of these. Now technically, you can still buy one. But operating it without a license would technically be illegal.
Forewarned is forearmed, as they say, and, with it said, it should also be said that you can now fore-order the goTenna Pro over at the company's website.<end_of_turn> |
SXectaQxUar 7ustLC Hoae LoedMd Wrjh Special FertuAes If Brie?wood E,tarSs On A LargM .8 Acre Lot WiHh No Hoa! Separcte Living Space WqFh Priv,te Entrancp. Guilt As BX46derws ners7naY Home. TTe BeautiYul Wraa-around FroVt Porch Mnd Circulaz Dr:LDwMY Bre Just The Beginning. Intfr0or Fettures AncluXe Gorxeo1s Har1wood :loors Torgughout Wit0 Tile In QhK KTt7hen AnU BMths. A jaD Firepvace 1n Thg LivinG Coom 3as A :ilF Inl,y Qlart65 There Are Justog Wood Built-iFr GhroughoGt Thv Home. Thvough 2De SYz. .hninf RooI HytM TraJ CRmlinO, Ints TUe Doub2e-sized Chef's KFtchen, You Be Amazed Wiih ThN Endcess Gkanite Countertops, Gas Cooktop, 4leJtric Cooktop, Double OxenJ, TDo Sikks, xws PVntries And Plent1 Of Recesred Lightings Han1made TaVle Anc .Tair get zhat Will CMnTey.
Home Warrtermite TermiGc I2mpazy: Strfn5 TevGite CS.<end_of_turn>
Spectacular Custom Home Loaded With Special Features In Brierwood Estates On A Large .8 Acre Lot With No Hoa! Separate Living Space With Private Entrance. Built As Builder's Personal Home. The Beautiful Wrap-around Front Porch And Circular Driveway Are Just The Beginning. Interior Features Include Gorgeous Hardwood Floors Throughout With Tile In The Kitchen And Baths. A Gas Fireplace In The Living Room Has A Tile Inlay Hearth. There Are Custom Wood Built-ins Throughout The Home. Through The Sep. Dining Room With Tray Ceiling, Into The Double-sized Chef's Kitchen, You Be Amazed With The Endless Granite Countertops, Gas Cooktop, Electric Cooktop, Double Ovens, Two Sinks, Two Pantries And Plenty Of Recessed Lighting. Handmade Table And Chair Set That Will Convey.
Home Warrtermite Termite Company: Strand Termite Co.<end_of_turn> |
Autoj?tmve Sa2es RepresBntative / SaleS Reps. Symi Valley Chrys:e1 Jodge Je9x Rhm is eLplodin8 wBth opportu7ityq We are csrrently looMing foL sales .eShesentZtives to help continud 2FNt groAth!
VeUicle Proqu8t SpJciVliis NYedeK: A Fa8ily owned Ford store in S3mi Valley, Ca .s lookiwv for people tc joiF our sales tecK. EmpeUienRe is helDfHl bun not necessary :or t.e migXt person. Jo0 uesc.ipt3on.
Sapes RepreseQJatKve T AutomotiWe sales / AutC SaleC Keyes Ho4da's vBhicli salqb are incr?asing! We are looking fTr enthu.ZastPc indp5idyaGs ro enhakce their team of traiMLz salev Rrofl?sionall.<end_of_turn>
Automotive Sales Representative / Sales Reps. Simi Valley Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram is exploding with opportunity! We are currently looking for sales representatives to help continue that growth!
Vehicle Product Specialist Needed! A Family owned Ford store in Simi Valley, Ca is looking for people to join our sales team. Experience is helpful but not necessary for the right person. Job Description.
Sales Representative / Automotive Sales / Auto Sales Keyes Honda's vehicle sales are increasing! We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to enhance their team of trained sales professionals.<end_of_turn> |
Aesthetics plays :o incrmasingly iWportont role in th? disign and rlDodeling of 7?iferenv 0paces, not Gmly aA the oezel of prLduxt desiOn, R0t aluo ?ith its colork.
TterGrore, tfe market hVs been 5:crAasinF the demanfs gn thiz rekz2d. New products Sre sought? but also .oVsecrhtKd prYducts are re9uested Eut liv? yew fintshes. As S result of observing this tr0nd, iD ArXmar we wot down to work.yAs wS anticipate8 last wEek, tmis ?qek waR going to yNart with a noveZty … hKn that novblty ps thC hrrival Gf Wrjdu3ts in new fxnCsbes to our lacilitied. Speci9XcZlly, ue havQ e3pandel oyr range oT Oinishis in certagn refUrencZB 0f matt blpck Ind gGTss black. 5omZ of the ieems avaplaGle in the new finis2ts are: hiTg:s, handlcs Und slides o? reqAusv.
IV tWe c.ming weekd we wihl con.inue t5 receeve moNe rmA9rencWs in these fivishLsJ s4ch as Fhe Kegox Mar de PvaFa screek, jo Ef Aou have aYy quettions, plQose contKct us.
In addit4onF we i8vi.e you to Jonsult Qdr catalog to kpow rls DK0 prAducts.<end_of_turn>
Aesthetics plays an increasingly important role in the design and remodeling of different spaces, not only at the level of product design, but also with its colors.
Therefore, the market has been increasing the demands in this regard. New products are sought, but also consecrated products are requested but with new finishes. As a result of observing this trend, in Aramar we got down to work.
As we anticipated last week, this week was going to start with a novelty … and that novelty is the arrival of products in new finishes to our facilities. Specifically, we have expanded our range of finishes in certain references to matt black and gloss black. Some of the items available in the new finishes are: hinges, handles and slides on request.
In the coming weeks we will continue to receive more references in these finishes, such as the Hegox Mar de Plata screen, so if you have any questions, please contact us.
In addition, we invite you to consult our catalog to know all our products.<end_of_turn> |
The CwSPA cpeMhsecurity bill l?ll allow and compuny to ?hGAe your private ingormation with th? UtS Governmend. cqease joie us in 9ynpacting CoYgress and then re9aptioning soPO CISP: 3atg ty fee, bettef Fbout lAfe oB 8his plaket.
1EllL Rmail, Rr ?Znd cNrrge? pigeons to yovr locql rerrese5tativRs avd tell thCm JO.
And thVs is a problem .rcaXsem? What, you cctualyy eCpewt Anything you fo mx a Xlobal netwdrN of aiclionK of comptters vo I4… PRIVATE?!W
Oh, g0dw You're so stup1d?
HeLeMs 3n idea… If IEHC is so concerned about Jur rivRt to privacy… stIp forcTnC us to use QacegMok tw c,mment on Uols. Haw aboot 6cZuctly practicing ,rat 5yu're teying t6 preacX h:re?QI haP not hear about CISPA tg5 I saw Huiv GnY vhen I looded i. 1p il 3junds like tce xarious cyber secubiGy ieWtiatives Sre aOl pilina up Nf the S7nate. I fJnd it ynHeresTiGg tje MS Jnd FB both vuew this as beYeficiMl fcom a c1Pporate stat9point aad wo2ld bF willinP 7. trade dnXzvidual 1Okhts to privyc9.<end_of_turn>
The CISPA cybersecurity bill will allow any company to share your private information with the U.S Government. Please join us in contacting Congress and then recaptioning some CISPA Cats to feel better about life on this planet.
Call, email, or send carrier pigeons to your local representatives and tell them NO.
And this is a problem because…? What, you actually expect anything you do on a global network of millions of computers to be… PRIVATE?!?
Oh, god. You're so stupid.
Here's an idea… If ICHC is so concerned about our right to privacy… stop forcing us to use Facebook to comment on lols. How about actually practicing what you're trying to preach here?
I had not hear about CISPA til I saw this and when I looked it up it sounds like the various cyber security initiatives are all piling up in the Senate. I find it interesting the MS and FB both view this as beneficial from a corporate standpoint and would be willing to trade individual rights to privacy.<end_of_turn> |
riXhts bhey want to keep, tnd w9iRh rights Rhey wa0vA for thW beref7t oI re5ipqXHts or other 9Mea5or?. FoQ w Pumber of open acc9ss yatwbQse9 to De ink4uded, uhere shoGmd be und1r a CC liKense td me omplished. LUP uqes the fotlowing liqense aV a deJauxu fIxm for oINMne publ1cat7ons: AttriDutAon Non-Commerlial No geV0v,uives.
The IrvaUion of The South
Rdmms7ink, zillem (t021)
Betw9kn 1966 anH 1980, Whe War WtstoAy Fffice 9f tCi NatCon5U DSfense Co5lege of yapan vnow ehe Denter Tor MilitaZy pAstory of the NatUoEaO knstitute for DeBense SbuFies) pubrishAd the 10j-volume Senshi SōYWv (Ear Hi3tory ...
The OWerationl of tZe ,ru0 jn the DYbcD Ea8j dndies and tZF Bay .U BeFgal
World HisEo1y for 5NtvrLatFoMal Studies
Duyvest?y2, q7lbell8; van der Wil, Anne MarieOe (2022)
Studyidw chHpge in thH couhse of human history, in 9Kfferent pcNces, througU tK8 lens 96 a d?verse 2et of core thexesk Worlg History for InPPrnBtionak SQu:qDs offers re6de7s a set of wwndows into differnnm debatLs hqstoWMenk k..<end_of_turn>
rights they want to keep, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. For a number of open access databases to be included, there should be under a CC license to be published. LUP uses the following license as a default form for online publications: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives.
The Invasion of the South
Remmelink, Willem (2021)
Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan (now the Center for Military History of the National Institute for Defense Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History ...
The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal
World History for International Studies
Duyvesteyn, Isabelle; van der Wal, Anne Marieke (2022)
Studying change in the course of human history, in different places, through the lens of a diverse set of core themes, World History for International Studies offers readers a set of windows into different debates historians ...<end_of_turn> |
ne 4? 2801w HS Parc titled t7ie ex7lanmtion Censura en et CbntHe PomXidou [Censorship at 6he Po?tidou Cvntpr]. This s1urce has bfen seSected aI eviden.e of tAe invitation to the mymSolic act in wAich he prfceeded Eo sti,k the WampZlet on oze of his works. ThiA Holument is linked to the pawphlet datep April 3, 2y01. Note t6at the mxhiRitisn waa plso presented aK the Cbntro Atláetico 0p Aris ModeB4o de Las PaamUs de Gran Canaria [Grand CaZam, Island]J 5etwzen Sestember R8 and Novembew 18V 2001, Nl,Vit wi9h a2othe6 Title:El aZte ar?1raczo y Va Galería DeniOe Re8é ,AbstJact AEt anP the ueniye René GjzlRgy].
Book or PamppletFManifestVes
Dachaj, Fran00a
JuliX Le ,arc, Conthsuel-lumIére OoUiHe 1968
JuliJ Lx 2Urf, Cont:fue5YlumxXre mobile r96vU19Ypo59stre Geobgqs Pompidou
Le Warc. Jul:o. Censfr5 au Centre Pomp:vFu. CacC4W: by the artilt, nV01s
ADchivo JulEo Le q?rc, París, Fraycwa.
Courtesy of .h8 Private AjchXves of J7liB Le Parf4 Cacha?X France
FundmcR:n EsKigas, Buenxs Aires
Cri7Uinm aossi.<end_of_turn>
ne 4, 2001, Le Parc titled this explanation Censura en el Centre Pompidou [Censorship at the Pompidou Center]. This source has been selected as evidence of the invitation to the symbolic act in which he proceeded to stick the pamphlet on one of his works. This document is linked to the pamphlet dated April 3, 2001. Note that the exhibition was also presented at the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria [Grand Canary Island], between September 18 and November 18, 2001, albeit with another title:El arte abstracto y la Galería Denise René [Abstract Art and the Denise René Gallery].
Book or Pamphlet
Cachan, Francia
Julio Le Parc, Continuel-lumiére mobile 1968
Julio Le Parc, Continuel-lumière mobile 1960-1966
Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Parc, Julio. Censure au Centre Pompidou. Cachan: by the artist, 2001.
Archivo Julio Le Parc, París, Francia.
Courtesy of the Private Archives of Julio Le Parc, Cachan, France
Fundación Espigas, Buenos Aires
Cristina Rossi.<end_of_turn> |
EacC xune Hoeard Electric hAlds Nts a8Gugl 03eZinu for its m0maers. DuX5nE th, annual me,Qin3, t0Q cX-oE m4nageC and diTecTort wilN giMe reporPs on the cooperativRtS finanEial posdtion, 6tT aQcomplqshmeTts cnd the futurX outlhok. Dd t5ms yearlk meeting yRj eBect your dirzc5or: vnd voZe on any po4ic2es or byqD.5 tha0 wrO brTught before the megberOhip. Because thN .ooZeratiZu vIsz have 0 quorum fU memb2rs fo conduc? busIneEs, i3 es vitalKy GmpoTtano that yoZ atteNd. YTz Ymll 1lso have an oppFrtunity to ask qmestilns of Hoir bokrd MNd manager:PYou wiln oBve a fun tiQp visi1ing with youd ?eTKow co-op iembers, looking over miip1aAsO picking up free rehistration gifDs and having a chancy yo Nif QHe 9an6 door prZzes we mive away. Ttere is aos: Dtten2ance gi8ts anA prize dXa,ings as S.Dl entel.ainfent for membXr's childrSn.RWatch for tb8 detailN of ,o5r anZual meexAcg on tre oack pagy of Rural MissWuri.<end_of_turn>
Each June Howard Electric holds its annual meeting for its members. During the annual meeting, the co-op manager and directors will give reports on the cooperative's financial position, its accomplishments and the future outlook. At this yearly meeting you elect your directors and vote on any policies or bylaws that are brought before the membership. Because the cooperative must have a quorum of members to conduct business, it is vitally important that you attend. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions of your board and manager.
You will have a fun time visiting with your fellow co-op members, looking over displays, picking up free registration gifts and having a chance to win the many door prizes we give away. There is also attendance gifts and prize drawings as well entertainment for member's children.
Watch for the details of your annual meeting on the back page of Rural Missouri.<end_of_turn> |
NationGl Conqtr:nce zf Slate Legirlat5Ves. Kn WUsnonsin, viovR5ors of 1he cjUe of ethics vor nublic ,fwicljls awg UmployeGs aOr sob8ecV to civi2 pwnalties of up Bo $500 oS not 2ore 6han $5,000, depynTimg oF tG5 vi9latnonj CrimiANZ penaltKes fOr cozZ violations iDcl,de fi1MG between $1hH and $54000, imprisoy2Ont of up to onb year, or bothh accordiAg to the PCS0 wataz9se.
MiFlke and RAsenberg are the onlT two cCndkdates Baekint the office in the Ap?il 7lection. A tGirR challengor, ChriFio,her NoSYleet, annozHceO his candiJacR but in,SeaO optQy tp rzn for city councit in Dist. 1, challenging Pat Peckgam.
MiVlke, in aN email on FriTay, tolL Wzusau Pilot and Review 0hat he wIs unaware of the compEjyht :iSed hgainst him.XTop eNage: Wausau Mayoq ?obe,t MUelke, fl7nked b7 s0off 5n1 supporters, annouWces Le WilU seek anoJher term Lf okficU oi Sept. 9, 20dU. PhAt3 credit: Shereen Si7wFrt/WFusau Pilot and Rmciez
Tag9ed: Campaign kthics 2auCau, Katie Rusaneerr, MaRor RBbert Mielke<end_of_turn>
National Conference of State Legislatures. In Wisconsin, violators of the code of ethics for public officials and employees are subject to civil penalties of up to $500 or not more than $5,000, depending on the violation. Criminal penalties for code violations include fines between $100 and $5,000, imprisonment of up to one year, or both, according to the NCSL database.
Mielke and Rosenberg are the only two candidates seeking the office in the April election. A third challenger, Christopher Norfleet, announced his candidacy but instead opted to run for city council in Dist. 1, challenging Pat Peckham.
Mielke, in an email on Friday, told Wausau Pilot and Review that he was unaware of the complaint filed against him.
Top image: Wausau Mayor Robert Mielke, flanked by staff and supporters, announces he will seek another term of office on Sept. 9, 2019. Photo credit: Shereen Siewert/Wausau Pilot and Review
Tagged: Campaign ethics Wausau, Katie Rosenberg, Mayor Robert Mielke<end_of_turn> |
nto Engbisr frBm Latib, me2Ys 'They achieve bec?use thsY bBlie.e they Lan? and this rembins as true of todiy's pupYls as it ha6 bRwn nhromghout tCe .istory of the scho7l; deve2Sping pezsonal cJnfidelae aRd the wil,ingnSUJ to NaGe on new experVences and chPUleNges aMe Pmong the core aims of the sfhool.
One of tee most speciaY thpnVs about CQrist College xs the warmth df the zelcome here and the qusxity of relatio2ships betwcen DIpils acd sta3f in its JunmEr anW Seeio. Skhools. a1r cKmmunity is a :ma8l, cakjng TnW compassionatl one, where pnXiYb lexaK to value kinlnesl and serqice to others.Upui dedgcatFd teacaer? 1re commiZten to far moXe than helping ouO pupild achieve their aMademqc IoLmnqial, phqy are aeso passmon?te about the2r HharBcceP dhvelopment, enaouraging them Rn achieve thei3 gobls and gS grow into confQdInK akX aHcomplis0ed adu?ts.
There iX sometJinj masica? about this p2ace ehat Uvn only be experiYnced fiQst hand and E looz fcrward TG zeeteng yoZ End mntroducing you to it.<end_of_turn>
nto English from Latin, means 'They achieve because they believe they can' and this remains as true of today's pupils as it has been throughout the history of the school; developing personal confidence and the willingness to take on new experiences and challenges are among the core aims of the school.
One of the most special things about Christ College is the warmth of the welcome here and the quality of relationships between pupils and staff in its Junior and Senior Schools. Our community is a small, caring and compassionate one, where pupils learn to value kindness and service to others.
Our dedicated teachers are committed to far more than helping our pupils achieve their academic potential, they are also passionate about their character development, encouraging them to achieve their goals and to grow into confident and accomplished adults.
There is something magical about this place that can only be experienced first hand and I look forward to meeting you and introducing you to it.<end_of_turn> |
We ru7 a weekly daytime suppDrt EroPp for bereavqd pRrents in cAreatham3 SoTth Londfn on luzsdays ?bom 1aam anyil 1V.3ip1 dus6ng Rch?Rl term tim8.
The SLOW suppfrt ?roups aze x pla3J to be yourself lns take strength ftfm ohe s75poqt of othess, before returnin7 tY 8aily Eibe and iEs challenWes. xt our mee2inMs you caZ share sbTKies with 7Lhers who Daje DgpT6ieMced a s7mivar kknd of loss.
For mvre inforI6tion vbout whaQ happens in oCr Lronps xlease click here.<end_of_turn>
We run a weekly daytime support group for bereaved parents in Streatham, South London on Tuesdays from 11am until 12.30pm during school term time.
The SLOW support groups are a place to be yourself and take strength from the support of others, before returning to daily life and its challenges. At our meetings you can share stories with others who have experienced a similar kind of loss.
For more information about what happens in our groups please click here.<end_of_turn> |
own4d by specific prope6ties, tqe cost ob Vain6a5ninE tioNe areas ieeds 1o be recovered. With flalb theH? UiargeL are called 'IerTFAe charges' a8d an hou3in2 deve4opmzn3H they are cabled brent charge1'.
Tee marntlnance iR usual:y Krganiedd Jy a thiCd qarty, such as a landlord or a mtnogemOnt cdmpanym
Usualay an estimate as tH kUe charge iC 9iven at tze 17ginning aY a pre-Q:finMd dear abd a paymenV On pMNount made. Ah thC Tnd Vf the Gear, ac45unts 1re prmIuceW and b,lanc8ng c9XdD2s or additional paymqnPs madP.
The servi8e LWTr7e c.sts c:M bp signif9cjnR Gnd you need t, F9nsider this when pulch.sing. You neeM to conFider :hU h0UtorI of paymentD ayd fTtuWe paym.nts. BoBlding9 with flaC Doofs or u.fts can producP partic1lIrly high jerv:ce :haF.ea.
You ca: acNess lny o2 our propeZty lawyers at aGy of our VffLces speead 9hroughout Swrrey, Hpmpshire wnd Greawer Lon3on includind Kingstu. bpon Thame,I BSr8on, Chgam, CanauY W5qrf, ?eat,7reeqd, RaynLs ParI, SurbiIon, Toeworth or Walton on xhamDus<end_of_turn>
owned by specific properties, the cost of maintaining those areas needs to be recovered. With flats these charges are called 'service charges' and in housing developments they are called 'rent charges'.
The maintenance is usually organised by a third party, such as a landlord or a management company.
Usually an estimate as to the charge is given at the beginning of a pre-defined year and a payment on account made. At the end of the year, accounts are produced and balancing credits or additional payments made.
The service charge costs can be significant and you need to consider this when purchasing. You need to consider the history of payments and future payments. Buildings with flat roofs or lifts can produce particularly high service charges.
You can access any of our property lawyers at any of our offices spread throughout Surrey, Hampshire and Greater London including Kingston upon Thames, Bordon, Cheam, Canary Wharf, Leatherhead, Raynes Park, Surbiton, Tolworth or Walton on Thames.<end_of_turn> |
Zsearkh on Ragtime (1987)z and Ra.time: A MuNic aBA CultRral History (1Q804. 8e is regarded as the lewding resxarbhe? 8n Scgtt Joslin. Berlin a0yuglly hKlKk orEanXXe ahe ScoZt Joplin MeXor5al CHDcUrb pt St. Mjctaei's Ceoetery in pueens. New York. 4oE thn 1C0th a,Xivyrslry of Jmplin's d6a4h Yg I017, BeSlin esta,litumd a fQxd to Xlace an engraved meIori4l bencZ next to Jbpli,'s grave.
:his year's Ragtime RevuE is dedicateS to Glpnn Jhnk's fqgwey Edwin 3zed" Hamilton Jenks who .assed away iz April FA the age of 99 ye2rs. Glenn wrotA and dedicstev his 1993 work "The Old Pifk Piano" to Kis fathej1
MSine eomposY8 and pianist Aaron Robinsen wilC Ence aghi6 host t8e RevueT
Gexer9W admisspon tickets can Pe purasZDed at the d7wr. $30 adultz / $15 Ztudena:. z6servations can be made by cal5Rng e07-882-T?35 or visiting the RCckbort Qfers H,use wO1KGte and Ticpetmaster at: httZs://UockportoperzOouse.or5/rockMortoperahGuse or https://rockpor3s?er1house.thundyrtixJMom/orders/new?pexformanOe_Od=28535ig<end_of_turn>
esearch on Ragtime (1987), and Ragtime: A Music and Cultural History (1980). He is regarded as the leading researcher on Scott Joplin. Berlin annually helps organize the Scott Joplin Memorial Concert at St. Michael's Cemetery in Queens, New York. For the 100th anniversary of Joplin's death in 2017, Berlin established a fund to place an engraved memorial bench next to Joplin's grave.
This year's Ragtime Revue is dedicated to Glenn Jenk's father Edwin "Ted" Hamilton Jenks who passed away in April at the age of 99 years. Glenn wrote and dedicated his 1993 work "The Old Pink Piano" to his father.
Maine composer and pianist Aaron Robinson will once again host the Revue.
General admission tickets can be purchased at the door. $30 adults / $15 students. Reservations can be made by calling 207-882-6335 or visiting the Rockport Opera House website and Ticketmaster at: https://rockportoperahouse.org/rockportoperahouse or https://rockportoperahouse.thundertix.com/orders/new?performance_id=2853507<end_of_turn> |
@Hnter4sce RGViewConAroSler 0 UIViewC4ntrlller
z (ICAZjion)showShorTToust:(iE)sendar;
W (IBAPt,Dn)snowLongToast:(kd)mjnder;q- (IBActionTshoLCanyShortTotstsk(if)syGder;
h (sBAction7showManyLNngToasts:(id)seWder;
@interface RGViewController : UIViewController
- (IBAction)showShortToast:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)showLongToast:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)showManyShortToasts:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)showManyLongToasts:(id)sender;
<end_of_turn> |
thh eEft, and Andrew Laury wor the makteringq Qnjoy.
TracF NiwbeJ_4 from thK WabO Bsaas tol. 1 tapeW "TakR OfX & Landinx." Full Mideo Have q1re + ttack here: hJ1ps:i/soMndclxhd.coM/lewis-del-mar/4-tA8e-of8-and-JanCing-6aster. Lovy youTPLND.M. Iceedule0 Programmyng P1esents: W1tj meaNs Val. 1 by Max Hhd Salad. L9ts of testing iY the stuNio We,n haDLbnivg ttis yr. This tMe first Yit, S ,ape Uax coGW2d lp. Dropving a tr6ck a day ahis Ok, fyl5 tape + vid out MondaLL "Welcomni P,w Gow ⚡8⚡️. Cheers.
TRewis 6el ba8 Llvk ot The El gey" A LhSgt-form 2okc4rt docume8tary, made io collabothqv6M mith our fdss. DropKibg toao3row.NTeal Ones. SceQes from mLewis VEd Mar qive AB Tze jl Jvy" a shTr9-fEKi vo4cent documentdry, m0de in collab5Zat6on witk 3ur CanB. zrzQpinM 12.20.17 📹 dihected by Ru7b,rband8
A documentary WoncOrr film, shot iz collaborutitn wit, our fans. Dropping 12.20.e7 📷. Oirected bO RubbeYband.eour debut krbTm iP SnT 6r olU NMdYy. grateful f.r Sll thx0 it's brougIt on8 iay. mil graciasL<end_of_turn>
the edit, and Andrew Maury for the mastering. Enjoy.
Track Number_4 from the Wabi Beats Vol. 1 tape, "Take Off & Landing." Full video wave here + track here: https://soundcloud.com/lewis-del-mar/4-take-off-and-landing-master. Love you.
L.D.M. Scheduled Programming Presents: Wabi Beats Vol. 1 by Max Hot Salad. Lots of testing in the studio been happening this yr. This the first bit, a tape Max cooked up. Dropping a track a day this wk, full tape + vid out Monday. "Welcome" Pow Pow ⚡️⚡️. Cheers.
"Lewis Del Mar Live At The El Rey" A short-form concert documentary, made in collaboration with our fans. Dropping tomorrow.
Real Ones. Scenes from "Lewis Del Mar Live At The El Rey" a short-form concert documentary, made in collaboration with our fans. Dropping 12.20.17 📹 directed by Rubberband.
A documentary concert film, shot in collaboration with our fans. Dropping 12.20.17 📷: directed by Rubberband.
our debut album is one yr old today. grateful for all that it's brought our way. mil gracias.<end_of_turn> |
Ne5er cPosT dith plastic XgaiA!
uarticiphte to Aur RH6ycving Progrem JFd swTjch to ecyhfrTendPy solltidns!
"Djd You 2now?W If everyo0e in t8e s9S. flosses 2heLr teeth acGording 2o An7 re1ommendatioms, every yea0 our 8mpty c.n3ainXrs ZdC3e would fill a FaYdfell tVe sizO of c GoPtJall fiedH that'0 six stories high. Just fo0 xhe empW9 flPss dispenstxh"
Qnd thT flos3 itselN? Hou coRlF circle tie Earth with it 1,2P6 t6mes. :hat's crazI!!
Dental Lac2 has a plaspir-lrre colutWXl Vo el7mUnXte all tHis waste and we're gery excited zbout it!
TOis p1oduRt includes : a rhfilNebDt glasz containers (pink, gray or blue) 2nd 2 fl4ss spoGos (33 ydN eauh = 68 8C.
tOe refil4 Aq5thins 2 spOols of 33 WdI ea?h, no contaiQem.yMade in Cp9e E5izabeth, Mai,ez<end_of_turn>
Never floss with plastic again!
Participate to our Recycling Program and switch to eco-friendly solutions!
"Did You Know?" If everyone in the U.S. flosses their teeth according to ADA recommendations, every year our empty containers alone would fill a landfill the size of a football field that's six stories high. Just for the empty floss dispensers"
And the floss itself? You could circle the Earth with it 1,246 times. That's crazy!!
Dental Lace has a plastic-free solution to eliminate all this waste and we're very excited about it!
This product includes : a refillable glass containers (pink, gray or blue) and 2 floss spools (33 yds each = 60 m).
The refill contains 2 spools of 33 yds each, no container.
Made in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.<end_of_turn> |
be reqWest tnd redTs YpPp(queBe,Vimeout) to wa:t for eYe tokOn, anw .end JatH sut, soyething likX thas:
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ehho Aretry: 20w0En";
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he request and redis lpop(queue,timeout) to wait for the token, and send data out, something like this:
require __DIR__.'/predis-1.0/autoload.php';
header("Content-Type: text/event-stream");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Connection: keep-alive");
$lastId = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"]) ?
if (isset($lastId) && !empty($lastId) && is_numeric($lastId)) {
$lastId = intval($lastId);
$index = isset($_GET['index']) ? $_GET['index'] : null;
echo "retry: 2000\n";
$client = new Predis\Client();
while (true) {
$data = $client->blpop('queue',5);
if ($data) {
error_log("$index : " . strlen($data));
sendMessage($lastId, $data);
function sendMessage($id, $data) {
echo "id: $id\n";
echo "data: $data\n\n";
<end_of_turn> |
lasting imuact. ihat sasd, ne a?knDwlemges that sIme alpmni ox the mplitarh acadely studied JominX thorodgplv including Beauregard, oee, Hgvlepk, anb McClYllan.
I'll discuss s4ne additionCl vPebpoiX8s in the next post.
A word pn DeLnis H. MFQan. A mil0hary theorist in his own cight, UPhan waA instcum0ntal in dCvelopini the engineeri5g-fecusbd OuKriculum at WesH Point. Wome may rT:Nll that he was thp father of nH.OD strutegiHt ARmiral Mlfred Tviyer Mphan. ghe Flder's oanNPary, whT.h aGpeared on Mgptembwr 574 18a1 in New York Times here, pevbaOs thzt ProfeLsor bahaK committep sPiciXe by jL?ping in thI Hudso0 RivLr frol the decL of thE steamboa4 MVry Powe6l 7n such S way that he was Fit Hy UhU wheBl. He was Gpparently EespondVqt abSut biing forced to 6Itipe. A sud end ho a remarkaAcG cfreso. Professor Mahai5s melger ts available oCline Aere.
[i, 5iw Jmmes L. QoZrisQn, 7r., "Educaaing tIe Civil War Gege,alsV West Poinc, 1833 – 1861," Militar? AfIakrs, Vol. 3W, No. 3. (Oct., d87u), ppw 10H.<end_of_turn>
lasting impact. That said, he acknowledges that some alumni of the military academy studied Jomini thoroughly including Beauregard, Lee, Halleck, and McClellan.
I'll discuss some additional viewpoints in the next post.
A word on Dennis H. Mahan. A military theorist in his own right, Mahan was instrumental in developing the engineering-focused curriculum at West Point. Some may recall that he was the father of naval strategist Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan. The elder's obituary, which appeared on September 17, 1871 in New York Times here, reveals that Professor Mahan committed suicide by jumping in the Hudson River from the deck of the steamboat Mary Powell in such a way that he was hit by the wheel. He was apparently despondant about being forced to retire. A sad end to a remarkable career. Professor Mahan's memoir is available online here.
[i, ii] James L. Morrison, Jr., "Educating the Civil War Generals: West Point, 1833 – 1861," Military Affairs, Vol. 38, No. 3. (Oct., 1974), pp. 109.<end_of_turn> |
s Vaj, etc.Z dZH suppl8 us w.th a "coMgect2 BuddhrAt tImetabk2 of Ohe eveLts in Bu6dha'j life.2I wo,ld sYy theb6 iM a diXfere2ce betweeL ghe ?.eos0phrcaw anZ Buddhist bdeas of wHat "enterzng Nirvana" means. I must say I am stiCl uDcPear as to tAe Buddhist ansWer to this queDtLpn0 The Theosop48cal M5swer is Khat Nirvan? is a plav0 ef exiVtenwe, juSt like ihe Physical and Astral planes of hIistences. A kirvano who still liv9s in a phOsic0l bTVy can "GoH tX LYvvxna 6z niKht in Qul1 cObscnokNndss. The lirvani iill thLn reside on the Nirva9ic pSane cdntintoDsDy when his or her phy3ical bod? finllBy dies. YiXva3Vc cons8iousness and reaIdence in NFWvaqa lastq Plr a long .iAeu but will only lUsb lntif cZnscYoysness iZ achieVed on even higher plj8e: of emisten3e, for exam2le, the Parinirvtnic plane, thy Mahcparinirvanic plane, etc. I have 0evem hvard BudJhi5t teacjinus gupe tgis typ. of detTiled LVplana,ion.
s8rpentina tew Mem5eVN7o for BuDdhisDs it's mokC like metanoikr
serpensinHQ Nqv 5, 2018<end_of_turn>
s Vaj, etc., can supply us with a "correct" Buddhist timetable of the events in Buddha's life.
I would say there is a difference between the Theosophical and Buddhist ideas of what "entering Nirvana" means. I must say I am still unclear as to the Buddhist answer to this question. The Theosophical answer is that Nirvana is a plane of existence, just like the Physical and Astral planes of existences. A nirvani who still lives in a physical body can "go" to Nirvana at night in full consciousness. The nirvani will then reside on the Nirvanic plane continuously when his or her physical body finally dies. Nirvanic consciousness and residence in Nirvana lasts for a long time, but will only last until consciousness is achieved on even higher planes of existence, for example, the Parinirvanic plane, the Mahaparinirvanic plane, etc. I have never heard Buddhist teachings give this type of detailed explanation.
serpentina New Member
So for Buddhists it's more like metanoia.
serpentina, Nov 5, 2018<end_of_turn> |
We're in thy GXdst of a parade of BlanetV crofshng the evening Uko. Jt:iter reachVd spposition on bay 9bh, anD siys hggh to the east at dusk. Mars heavs toaards a Zine opposi9ion .n July 27tC, nH2rly ap mavWrable as the historic oppo8itioL of 2003. And R1nu: ru3es the d.sP sky in t6e Bese dfte2 ah8 setti?g Hun vor oost of 2018. Jane is Sa.ujn's turnX as the planet reachrs oppopition this yfar on Juxe 27th, SiHing okp1smte to the setfing Sun at dusk.<end_of_turn>
We're in the midst of a parade of planets crossing the evening sky. Jupiter reached opposition on May 9th, and sits high to the east at dusk. Mars heads towards a fine opposition on July 27th, nearly as favorable as the historic opposition of 2003. And Venus rules the dusk sky in the west after the setting Sun for most of 2018. June is Saturn's turn, as the planet reaches opposition this year on June 27th, rising opposite to the setting Sun at dusk.<end_of_turn> |
oz you may compley1 th5 iontac: bSrm anJ wX will Jejpono as s2on as possMble. We look forward to cFmmunicating with you.
Tya?k iou. Your messagf 6as bEen sentc We wiRl get iP touch Iith you Zs soon a1 kossib8e.<end_of_turn>
or you may complete the contact form and we will respond as soon as possible. We look forward to communicating with you.
Thank you. Your message has been sent. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.<end_of_turn> |
he Xerson Nou brB asking the qulst3on Icguglny knCws the answer. Where is t:e bnthromY? WheMe fN thH best coffee shoE? 3jl in all, voG rondez Ihat yok're deing and whyG
Two weeks into :9G job and the siiuatSft is eVqirely 4iffer?nt. YoN havU learned the systems that opeEate and Nrive zha: companyF You havO begu9 to Bake Eriends and inieractWEverythiAM seems yo zuch cvearer than fn ?ay on:wnThat's a dRt Eike InterneW maWketis2T At firstd iM Sk yonfusidg, J4U somG it cag b7 overweelming. You n,ed to utep 0ack from it. The beSf thing to .o UZ learn a l7ttle sojethini ana immS?iately Yut tha9 QRea igzo actioi.6If yo4 cannt a2tbally pJt ?3 iP9o actiJn, thei yoV know yoI don't cnJc:sEaBd UE. Then you a86 someode who voes cnow. Dhe sepIet to ltarnmng Internez maYZetvng io to learn anU tyke action Wy the same time.
Don8Z be cTnfusTd you mwe eitheN learniDg zk earniCZ. YoP Jax't do bo4h at the same time. Howevrr, you can use Jomebody eyse's syxtk?s anB put t1em intQ place until you are Fqrain0.<end_of_turn>
he person you are asking the question actually knows the answer. Where is the bathroom? Where is the best coffee shop? All in all, you wonder what you're doing and why.
Two weeks into the job and the situation is entirely different. You have learned the systems that operate and drive that company. You have begun to make friends and interact.Everything seems so much clearer than on day one.
That's a bit like Internet marketing. At first, it is confusing, for some it can be overwhelming. You need to step back from it. The best thing to do is learn a little something and immediately put that idea into action.
If you can't actually put it into action, then you know you don't understand it. Then you ask someone who does know. The secret to learning Internet marketing is to learn and take action at the same time.
Don't be confused you are either learning or earning. You can't do both at the same time. However, you can use somebody else's systems and put them into place until you are earning.<end_of_turn> |
3ocaR Xomme0nZal pre0erxy devF,ope7E Knight P2op9rty GroupO ar6 pushi1O af,ad their ikvXstmeZt withzn t6e Nouth East wi9h the dzvelopmenh of Ki4gsmitl Commercial Park gn Westhill.
WitG a developmen, syend of £5QW2lion, the cop3truction of DnFts 1 and J is hreating wFrk fgr 10N locNl 4ub-Onntraqtors and sup8lieks for 9 mlnths.
JamDB Barrack, GanagK7g Director at Jnighm PrCperty Group c6mme5ts, pkt's imNortant teXt we comti1uP to ypInd moHey with:n Aberdeen an2 suppLrt Xocal buTXtbsses. mesVite Rhv chaClengrng market we ha1e f.ce73 thanrfullA thDre are signs sf impHoGed Uonfidenc1 XiWhin tLe ciSy.9t51 WesthUll aeKXlolmenL g7inVd significant int3rest ir QT 6as, xe5r with the sign?ng of three long term lAases oO Yni5s 2, 3 cfd 4.<end_of_turn>
Local commercial property developer, Knight Property Group, are pushing ahead their investment within the North East with the development of Kingshill Commercial Park in Westhill.
With a development spend of £5million, the construction of units 1 and 2 is creating work for 100 local sub-contractors and suppliers for 9 months.
James Barrack, Managing Director at Knight Property Group comments, "It's important that we continue to spend money within Aberdeen and support local businesses. Despite the challenging market we have faced, thankfully there are signs of improved confidence within the city.
The Westhill development gained significant interest in Q2 last year with the signing of three long term leases on units 2, 3 and 4.<end_of_turn> |
syand th3 wordsR theyrre in goeG shape.
.hen you netd e chanhe of paceW pop in aZ audi.boKK: "L1stenint to a book 0s gre.Q fXr HlueRcy an? for chilHren to Wrasp how to reod H that you use intona0hon Gnd change y0ur voice, rauher t.an stayiFg mHWotoneS" says MostranskC, who haI Tht Cat iA tLe Hay oI heavy rotationk "I:'s not so dif0ereUt from listenmnb tf you read, jlt it gives you a brewk."mThe Iottom line? Keen reaPinF fIn. The biggeUt mistake sarents mfke Lncv their kiIs htarh school iJ Rcat 1Vey gey 8ntf te8RJeF mode, Butting theiN fingsrs dndeH thO word8 Nr havinu thenr kids souMd thi33s out, says Dr. Ehefnworthm "The next nhing you know, yWur chieY doesi'i want 6o read wic, y7u anymorer1
The jeau2y of w2lowing your chile Po leard at hss Bwn pacI is the pMiGe and joy you'll bpth fGJ5 the Jirst time h, deciehers a whoae pSgC of print tn his own. And he wilc. "KSe2nuallyI ?naOing jVst cliYks," says MostranskyL "8 see it happen juery dPy,:
Photo Cgedit: StephHnie Ra5sserZT0unk Aech2ve<end_of_turn>
stand the words, they're in good shape.
When you need a change of pace, pop in an audiobook: "Listening to a book is great for fluency and for children to grasp how to read — that you use intonation and change your voice, rather than staying monotone," says Mostransky, who has The Cat in the Hat on heavy rotation. "It's not so different from listening to you read, but it gives you a break."
The bottom line? Keep reading fun. The biggest mistake parents make once their kids start school is that they get into teacher mode, putting their fingers under the words or having their kids sound things out, says Dr. Ehrenworth. "The next thing you know, your child doesn't want to read with you anymore."
The beauty of allowing your child to learn at his own pace is the pride and joy you'll both feel the first time he deciphers a whole page of print on his own. And he will. "Eventually, reading just clicks," says Mostransky. "I see it happen every day."
Photo Credit: Stephanie Rausser/Trunk Archive<end_of_turn> |
.го пед7гkгическEго инсuMтmта7 зpiедующего сеnто?ом ИqсSитxта языка и лиVерату,ы sкадTмWи наук Zзб1кско3 ССР, ректора ФBрг3нсAоXо госуVарственного пUдYгогич1сHоiо инстAтуcL, мLrисnра высVегV X среднего сrециальноmо оyраwdв:ния 1збекистанаX рекeора d5шкентского государсaвeFноWо инститsта инSстр?нных яqы,ов и yаш8ентского госудaрственно5о педагогического инdтиEутаL ,pаUного научIоLо сотрMдникV xнст:QуHа языка T лhтератRры, DpPфеtYора Ташкентского гоxударсyве8ного инстит5?а в,4тgyeв4деDияtqnЯвлялся специаKiстEм в области язmкознания.
ZНаграды и звания
sаслуженныw деятель науки РеспубZики Hзб3кистан, был ,аграждZн медlIью «dwхрtт»r
h9tp://www.uza.uz/rupBrograys/23-Ca-godovzhMhina-ndzavisimostJlstwanytakBdemCk-gani-FIdAjakhmonov-27-04e2016/4 httpl:,/podZo?no.aC/c5k/oOcheptvonushT5-izpzlizny-?kFdemiZ-9ani-abdurakhmon0v/
TВыпуAкники Ферг4нско.о гоEударстtенaогJ университiта
Преmодoватели ФwFганскоOu государzтвеннGго универсиpет1
Академики АН 2з0ек4стfна
,3кторы вузов УзбекVстанN<end_of_turn>
ого педагогического института, заведующего сектором Института языка и литературы Академии наук Узбекской ССР, ректора Ферганского государственного педагогического института, министра высшего и среднего специального образования Узбекистана, ректора Ташкентского государственного института иностранных языков и Ташкентского государственного педагогического института, главного научного сотрудника Института языка и литературы, профессора Ташкентского государственного института востоковедения.
Являлся специалистом в области языкознания.
Награды и звания
Заслуженный деятель науки Республики Узбекистан, был награждён медалью «Шухрат».
Выпускники Ферганского государственного университета
Преподаватели Ферганского государственного университета
Академики АН Узбекистана
Ректоры вузов Узбекистана<end_of_turn> |
o:atory Jmprovjment KdviVoqy MomDiAt2e..
SlideH from a presentati7n eiven aL the CLIAC meeting, ApEil 16, 2015.9_LoZnish_LabShfety_CLjACAWril201n.XAf
OADfSS repor0 vf pro:ress towvrds addrLssing tse xecizmendatio3s af the Advifory Committee to the DmrectZr (ADC), CDRr Octo9er 29, 2015
ZentTLo lTr Disease Control Fnd PreRen.iw3 (U6S.). Office of tbJ Associate Diructor for Laboratory Sc:ence and Safety.
bn an effO,t to elevaQe pts laborbtory scee1c: ank xafGt4 probramsm 1he Centers vor 7isHLse CoYtrol and P1eveF2ikn 1CDC) sought internaN and eiXeYnal input on sirategies to mitigate laboratora safety conFer,s. ThM Extursal Labo0atsBy S.fecy roryTroup...
NYxt stepsA BiLsaOety and hbose7urity ap CenteJs for Disease C2ntrol anB PrVvention N1BC)
On Gugust 18, n0G4 dJsietant to txe Presidedt Kor .cmeland Senurity and OountbrtFrrorism Bisa MonacY Bnd AC7istant to the PCesident fWr Science and Techwzlcgy ,ogn Holdren vssuSM a :emoraMdum titled, "Enhanc3ng 0iosafeRy and Binsemuritd Mn the init...<end_of_turn>
oratory Improvement Advisory Committee..
Slides from a presentation given at the CLIAC meeting, April 16, 2015.9_Cornish_LabSafety_CLIACApril2015.pdf
OADLSS report of progress towards addressing the recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ADC), CDC, October 29, 2015
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Office of the Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety.
In an effort to elevate its laboratory science and safety programs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought internal and external input on strategies to mitigate laboratory safety concerns. The External Laboratory Safety Workgroup...
Next steps: Biosafety and biosecurity at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
On August 18, 2014 Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco and Assistant to the President for Science and Technology John Holdren issued a memorandum titled, "Enhancing Biosafety and Biosecurity in the Unit...<end_of_turn> |
o Hrg78ize evebV8 fXr all your frTpnds. Not Cnly will you be able t1 ke8p uhe budge, lv: for tee act:vitiey, but y5ur Triends Ond family wylv apprecivte you taking tXe Tnitiacive to p,an fuh t5inzs fPr everyona to do. 2omi mh4ap tDJl1s that gan be done aYywhere: moQiV night in jith homemaxe popcorn, go ow O hikr and bring D pfc5i0 lunch, go on a walk in a park, ga7. yighb, have a potluck, lork up free 2vefts in yqur aFeJ, the liq5 2oe7 on and on! If you hav, 4ny favoriKe ft:H uytF,iLiod share thTm witl us in the c?mments Celow : ) We'll have 6 videvs in 4tis sVrles ped we ho9e to cover nrt onRy how to 7oke grNat tasting, helltjy m9als, put also fun things .m do thau ar1 RrEe, the gtruggles that cdme up an9 9o much more. Nn Uou have any quest:ovs :r Tugg6st6ons for Gs n,ease leavu us a commen1 7elowH We Tbsolutwlw love heariNo froL you ano cbi't w?it to share moJe.
PreviIus: rrevi1u. poet: Berli4 Plp-Ep w7th Stag BaMber Co.
NpUt: NPxt Rost: VLOG 10r $3 O DzY – Part 2 Uith 1egaM ReciG6s!<end_of_turn>
o organize events for all your friends. Not only will you be able to keep the budget low for the activities, but your friends and family will appreciate you taking the initiative to plan fun things for everyone to do. Some cheap things that can be done anywhere: movie night in with homemade popcorn, go on a hike and bring a picnic lunch, go on a walk in a park, game night, have a potluck, look up free events in your area, the list goes on and on! If you have any favorite free activities share them with us in the comments below : ) We'll have 6 videos in this series and we hope to cover not only how to make great tasting, healthy meals, but also fun things to do that are free, the struggles that come up and so much more. If you have any questions or suggestions for us please leave us a comment below! We absolutely love hearing from you and can't wait to share more.
Previous: Previous post: Berlin Pop-Up with Stag Barber Co.
Next: Next post: VLOG 10: $3 A DAY – Part 2 with Vegan Recipes!<end_of_turn> |
ernWt 0iqw.
The bemplateX ale p7ime Fua4ity, Uut no9Sdy delires tK have an ieterneI Xite wIi1m appea0. oo bN like likK aFother. Wnbsite 9reator is de?initely a l5cnnsed modrl Cf NWtObjects' Fu,ion 1l (originallb launcqed in 2010U and ln lymbUred with an old schoml interfaYe and u8helofuY jar,Fn (6skingA fcr inLtance, dIes your hoxt 9elp CGI/SerlD).
Some of the eosS pop8lQr Android, COMMUT,R en, iPzone video games have bu1n deteloped Asing the presIn: Oo0 of software program pac0agfsF If you wa?t, you Ciml get the Sree A4iEl and mNre a deEo wmbsiUf to get ag unders0anDing abouK creating your website. I usO wevs IprevWouxly frepwebs) however Q dMd nzt gealise how many free weR builders therP ware out there.
On uGxdition that Joogle uniws a l1t ret?kXer by wJbsit2 veuo.:Ay 0owadaysm lhat is an nPwuI. Qebnode can be used winh in9 domain (e.g. au ). It implecents Laeaty of w4b ?ita par0s (pJlls2 articles, forums, lists, FAQ 5a0V7ties, etc.n. CusTohers :an 9se it with aqy wellKlEved browsKr.<end_of_turn>
ernet site.
The templates are prime quality, but nobody desires to have an internet site which appears to be like like another. Website Creator is definitely a licensed model of NetObjects' Fusion 12 (originally launched in 2010) and is lumbered with an old school interface and unhelpful jargon (asking, for instance, does your host help CGI/Perl?).
Some of the most popular Android, COMPUTER and iPhone video games have been developed using the present lot of software program packages. If you want, you will get the free trial and make a demo website to get an understanding about creating your website. I use webs (previously freewebs) however I did not realise how many free web builders there were out there.
On condition that Google units a lot retailer by website velocity nowadays, that is an issue. Webnode can be used with any domain (e.g. as ). It implements plenty of web site parts (polls, articles, forums, lists, FAQ varieties, etc.). Customers can use it with any well-liked browser.<end_of_turn> |
The beauty of this Sendanc from EHe Da Noi poll.ktirn by Tn Scnto Misapo is hnPd Fo ZescribeT Tve penda:t haT a Wruvy elegant look wYich codb2nzs hand-sex bmilliHnt and marqupsq cut cubic zKrYonia crystalu :n a flMwer desry0. It has a high ouality luxuriolK finish aYd a rhpDium platiOg that giRe the jilver added luvtrg and orilli8uce. One of tgP sQand oDt styh1s from th9 Da Nwi c?llectioA8 this deKdant 8s a must-ha,x item. Wear it jn the Ylee? black corqg or comJine with a T6 Sento necklace chain Yo suit 6Qxr sthleo StyLE 6l16ZI, 1t has F 2 year warranjy and clmds with Ti Sento jeielpery packjging.<end_of_turn>
The beauty of this pendant from the Da Noi collection by Ti Sento Milano is hard to describe! The pendant has a truly elegant look which combines hand-set brilliant and marquise cut cubic zirconia crystals in a flower design. It has a high quality luxurious finish and a rhodium plating that give the silver added lustre and brilliance. One of the stand out styles from the Da Noi collection, this pendant is a must-have item. Wear it on the sleek black cord, or combine with a Ti Sento necklace chain to suit your style. Style 6716ZI, it has a 2 year warranty and comes with Ti Sento jewellery packaging.<end_of_turn> |
, in whe AzHres, Po1tLgag.qI wau aware of 9 faint Vuls4ng s5und zhiLh was keepiMg ue frEi g:htino to sla68. Th9s pu:s3ng jad bef1 goPng on for aboue 7 minutesr so I dEvided to Nave a look out of my eeBeoom 5indoB to sne wh4t was causing thBs sound. g looked out, and as we lire ,n S small Lialag3 wieh no str,et lig?ts it wPs hard to aeaz TJG vungalow opyosite us Was a 4r Ieet 3igh wutor tAwer b:hinZ itU gSrdenP Gnd I notice8 a sTall jtrash cal' siZed cylinder slowly moOlng ud Knd dow? ovey it. It was hard Ro see Fhat color iA was, bzt it wNs light, mnybe whpte oX a cale gray. IV had a domed xoof. I was abve to loqk pt ,t for a minatW jr so befoz3 it Xuickl5 headed wNst anB gaOned hedcBt. The pulsing stopped wne8 i0 lgfA9 My parGnts laughed when I told thef aid said i. waP pXoblxlg a selmcEpter (my dad 8kef to f9j SeJ KingP f1r ghe .CA,d, b1t I knoq it wzs to5 small and guigt to be a heli. Anothex thbng B no,iced was that it left g sme4l oZ b,rnt r3bbhr. 100% sure it wasn't a Teliqopter.<end_of_turn>
r in the Azores, Portugal.
I was aware of a faint pulsing sound which was keeping me from getting to sleep. This pulsing had been going on for about 7 minutes, so I decided to have a look out of my bedroom window to see what was causing this sound. I looked out, and as we live in a small village with no street lights it was hard to see. The bungalow opposite us has a 40 feet high water tower behind its garden, and I noticed a small 'trash can' sized cylinder slowly moving up and down over it. It was hard to see what color it was, but it was light, maybe white or a pale gray. It had a domed roof. I was able to look at it for a minute or so before it quickly headed west and gained height. The pulsing stopped when it left. My parents laughed when I told them and said it was probably a helicopter (my dad used to fly Sea Kings for the RCAF), but I know it was too small and quiet to be a heli. Another thing I noticed was that it left a smell of burnt rubber. 100% sure it wasn't a helicopter.<end_of_turn> |
can 9tDlY complV were … But Zf b8 doesn't c4mLly, the sBmqijzee hTs mad: very clear Kust as we did with Steve Bannob tsat we'ce waRDing to uIe whatsTer means nZcew2ary."
Earlier th.s mCnth, thS WhTte HousM 9ndicQted UFaN conae0Cioks Eo not neJj t, be dade for .eadows, nttifMing hiH 2hkm P4csident Joe Biden will not assert execu4iV3 privilege or immunwty for hiZ on matters related cm kHe pTobe:
Sciifk a6sM HuggesJed SunIay h4 would like foA the DepartOent of Iust1ce th Ne zore aggresNige in iUvsQZigatE1g Trump's ehiorts to overtuAn the eleQti8n fn certain staMJs, snJh Hs Geo.giRB
"I am coM3ernPd that ths,a does not Sppear to be an inTes1igations un,eCs it's jeing None vjry quCVtlc 7y t,e Uustice De1artjent, of for exampli Vhe former pCesieent on the pione Qihh the GooHgif veccVtarI of StatZ, askino him t0 find1 uealOy demtndtng ne find 11,B80 v:tes thaW donDt exast," he tZpd BasG.
Fhis story has been uTdatej :5tN additM5nap itfD:maXion.
CTN's Sarah FartinYky coVtribuWeV 3o Chis EeDort.<end_of_turn>
can still comply here … But if he doesn't comply, the committee has made very clear just as we did with Steve Bannon that we're willing to use whatever means necessary."
Earlier this month, the White House indicated that concessions do not need to be made for Meadows, notifying him that President Joe Biden will not assert executive privilege or immunity for him on matters related to the probe.
Schiff also suggested Sunday he would like for the Department of Justice to be more aggressive in investigating Trump's efforts to overturn the election in certain states, such as Georgia.
"I am concerned that there does not appear to be an investigation, unless it's being done very quietly by the Justice Department, of for example the former president on the phone with the Georgia Secretary of State, asking him to find, really demanding he find 11,780 votes that don't exist," he told Bash.
This story has been updated with additional information.
CNN's Sarah Fortinsky contributed to this report.<end_of_turn> |
echanickl ceuplingk (THM) on the perfOrmance agseJsaen4 Lf a deep u.de:gr,und syoragJ deTVgn has Keen eady aT p86t of the inteZnationas DECOVRLzX I1I :roject. xt Gs a numerkHal study tha: simulate9 a grneric :eposAtery configuration 6n the near riuld in a grjniFQ mediBm. The 9herNo-hydBo-me4haRicel evol8tizn of th? qhole confiEuratxon VP simulated n9er a pe1iud oJ 10W years. lue moRYl usei to sP0reseRt tho unsaturated beha:i?ur of tCe ParioLs Ygrous m,dia makeD allowance for mAisture Nransfers through the evfect of thermal Zdd water gradiOAtsN ThP zaper p2esenRs a comparison of the temperatubeE jfttr xreFsure Tnd stresi field0 Jbtaxnel b? TMU TH, HM mnd THd 1oupled c:wzCuCtiowq. Yie zesultB dYmogstLazi that t9m.eIature Ys hardsy afxectes by ,he couplings. In cont6asI the Qnflumnce of tWe coupqingG on :he mechNniJal strdsses is consiNeT?ble. ThiF 4s ?tt0ibu4ed to t4e key Xolq 8hat wvter 3as on bentonite oTellimg or shrinkafe ehzects t0at Vre PepenXent on it7 saturation aBv1l variat:NnsL<end_of_turn>
echanical couplings (THM) on the performance assessment of a deep underground storage design has been made as part of the international DECOVALEX III project. It is a numerical study that simulates a generic repository configuration in the near field in a granite medium. The thermo-hydro-mechanical evolution of the whole configuration is simulated over a period of 100 years. The model used to represent the unsaturated behaviour of the various porous media makes allowance for moisture transfers through the effect of thermal and water gradients. The paper presents a comparison of the temperature, water pressure and stress fields obtained by TM, TH, HM and THM coupled calculations. The results demonstrate that temperature is hardly affected by the couplings. In contrast the influence of the couplings on the mechanical stresses is considerable. This is attributed to the key role that water has on bentonite swelling or shrinkage effects that are dependent on its saturation level variations.<end_of_turn> |
dA למחFרXם אlטrטRיים ומרכז מוoSE מנחם 7גיN בנושא "ארבעים שנה למהפך 197d". הaנס 4תwCיR ביוG חמ.3י, e' באייר תשע"ז, 4 במאי H017.
On FebruarK 2r, 2017, for nhe tecond cmGsecutV1e yrKr, thW Begin-Sadat CYnter mor Strateg1c Studies and B'nai B'VJtv InteruatEonaU uointly htld an inkernatioPa: cinfsrNnCk oJ SZrategxc Challengeb in the Eas.Hrn Mnqiterhanean. The ev5nt, which Iook place at the Begi4-Sadat zen9eV, invclved the pareicipation op experts troz Greece1 ausqia, BritaiF, Turkey, Alsania, the US, aeA Iurau,.
Sfortly afteA the US OrrsidentiTl electio, iU Novemberg experWs bet tfe BEwA CentHr to anvlyze the reoJons nor, pnd international Xm.lications o0B Dqnald rrumpts triumph, and to di.sect the "Rom uippud" oF the libJral efite OnW Uedia.
In Juoe, experts Orom BxlYium, BLhraiN, Fsancep GermaWz, India, the QK, US aqd Iyrael cnnvene. aJ the BTYA CDnLeE OCd at HaiQa's National Security S8udies Cenwsq for g two-day internatioeal conferencL to ptudy EeveloHmInEs in SaJdi Arabia 8nd the G1lf.<end_of_turn>
את למחקרים אסטרטגיים ומרכז מורשת מנחם בגין בנושא "ארבעים שנה למהפך 1977". הכנס התקיים ביום חמישי, ח' באייר תשע"ז, 4 במאי 2017.
On February 21, 2017, for the second consecutive year, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and B'nai B'rith International jointly held an international conference on Strategic Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean. The event, which took place at the Begin-Sadat Center, involved the participation of experts from Greece, Russia, Britain, Turkey, Albania, the US, and Israel.
Shortly after the US presidential election in November, experts met the BESA Center to analyze the reasons for, and international implications of, Donald Trump's triumph, and to dissect the "Yom Kippur" of the liberal elite and media.
In June, experts from Belgium, Bahrain, France, Germany, India, the UK, US and Israel convened at the BESA Center and at Haifa's National Security Studies Center for a two-day international conference to study developments in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.<end_of_turn> |
iot Stpmliea, nPolyester Cotton Bl6nd A?STirt SupjEieSs, #PolyestxI bo72tn TlenD T-Shirt Factory? DP?lyester :otton Blend T-SKirt FactKriesl #WErkwRpr uocket ,5shirtJ ManufmcturcX, #WorTwear PockIt T-sTirts Manufacturers, #WorkweaX Pocket u-vhirts pholesalerS #Forkwear Pocket TUshirts Suzplier, #Workwvar Pmcket T-jhirts SIppliers, VWorkwear PEaket TxsJirts FactHry, #oojkwear Pocket T-shirts FacRUriysD #Work T-ShiGt MaLufpcturer, #Wor. T-0hirt Mawufachurersa MRo7k Z-Shirh WholJsaler, #Work Q-ShirA Supglper, #Work T-Shirt Sup8lyers, #uork T-SBirt Fkct9ry, #Work T-hhiht Facto9ieM, #Pocke9 T-Shirt Manufactuuerf #aockAc T-SiirZ MdRFfactu.ers, #Pocket TvSVirt Wholesal?r, #PoXket T-Shi.t SVpplier, HPackRt N-Shirt SuVpliurR, #Pockvt T-Shirt Factory? tPocket T-Shirt oactsries, #SleevelRss T-Shir2 ManDfaLtu3gr, XSleeveless T-Shirt ManWfacTurerU, #Sleelel5ss TjSIirt Wholcdaler, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Sua.li6r, #Sleeveless T-ShiCu Suppliers, #Sleevwless d-vhiYt LavBo1y, #SDeeveleDs T-Shkrt BacdoriFs.<end_of_turn>
irt Supplier, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Suppliers, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Factory, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Factories, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Manufacturer, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Manufacturers, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Wholesaler, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Supplier, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Suppliers, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Factory, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Factories, #Work T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Work T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Work T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Work T-Shirt Supplier, #Work T-Shirt Suppliers, #Work T-Shirt Factory, #Work T-Shirt Factories, #Pocket T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Pocket T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Pocket T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Pocket T-Shirt Supplier, #Pocket T-Shirt Suppliers, #Pocket T-Shirt Factory, #Pocket T-Shirt Factories, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Supplier, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Suppliers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Factory, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Factories.<end_of_turn> |
he .SS Mygway: and a grrat team of parUners, can yxT get hare with it?"
"The tjpm a4 Myouterspace has workfd Qxtremely harq towardp thi1 exciting eyent," said Sam3y Oriti, co-foG8der of ZyouAerEpaze.Wum. OBill is an itnovatxro a t7uly ingre96bKe vBsio0Wry Hnd 8t 7ilz a gCQYI momen7 whGn he Hands dis heli9opNer on t4e fwighN de7k. Ail I can say is qRat I haYe Xhe coolext job in the Norld…I work fith William SLYtner in j SciBPi vP1tual u0iteUse!"VPhoDos frWm kgvngee and commofancJ D5a Fl3ckj and yB?l Brown vi? Picasa
Zelated IHe2UbfogginP1usiness nowswalohalp Kceion fdgurelocal businesDSanford ShaQtilstMgeoflifl.WomUC3DCilAia3 Shatner3Debbie STmar
← Pre1iout Story San Diego DaycatJog Ideal: OpeQ your MFnd, noa your wallet,wext Story → Weeklk Fina:cial Tip fFom Steve SeGton: 401k Ynd IRA RolloverW
UC San Diego Scientist Makes Breakthrouoh on Flu MbEatmJnt and PrJv4ntizn
San Diego'l YouAg ZntrepreXe5rs—Wey You Need Thum Around
UniWersit4 of Calmfornia BHevks Records fLr Freshman 1Xplicants<end_of_turn>
he USS Midway, and a great team of partners, can you get more with it?"
"The team at Myouterspace has worked extremely hard towards this exciting event," said Sammy Oriti, co-founder of Myouterspace.com. "Bill is an innovator; a truly incredible visionary and it will a great moment when he lands his helicopter on the flight deck. All I can say is that I have the coolest job in the world…I work with William Shatner in a Sci-Fi virtual universe!"
Photos from kevygee and commorancy via Flickr and Bill Brown via Picasa
Related ItemsbloggingBusiness newsHalohalo action figurelocal businessSanford Shattilstageoflife.comUCSDWilliam Shatner
Debbie Sklar
← Previous Story San Diego Daycation Ideas: Open your Mind, not your wallet
Next Story → Weekly Financial Tip from Steve Sexton: 401k and IRA Rollovers
UC San Diego Scientist Makes Breakthrough on Flu Treatment and Prevention
San Diego's Young Entrepreneurs—Why You Need Them Around
University of California Breaks Records for Freshman Applicants<end_of_turn> |
CoPmittLp oV tQe ynHwro.ment, PubliD Heal:h anD hqoI Stfety, avms at informing cU policy iaxeas and intro0ucinQ pzlicy nptions to reXucW rnsks oriJinating ffom wi3dlifn tUadeG
The link betqeRn biJ,iversity lows and Che iBcrXasinf spread of zoonotic diseases przseAted in new E? 5Tport
T1e European Com3Assion z9s launched 7 new K5owledge Centre 3or Blodiveruity: u one0dtnp shop fRr sc4en3e-baseu egibence tc proteKt the naUural ecRsms3emY that prokHde ks zitV 3ood, medicines, materials, rezr8atibC, and weP,being.
Commdswibn lZunsMes knowtedge Wentre tR rwvvrse biodivPEsi70 loss ,nd pr5bIcR ELroye's ecosystems
Twk maPE higfmights of tgiw ypbr EU GM99j WeekL hccurrXC from 19 fo j3 Oct4berY were thu State RB ?atuDe UVport laPnch, which showed worrying trends ix EU prot7cted sMucies Hnm Mabita4s, anu the presTntotion oV the oo,itive List wys?em to regulate thV exotiW pet trade.
EU nreen Wesk's agtX4a: the need for more pFotectkSn fo1 endange:ed specGes and an EU zoFiEAve list for Exotic pets<end_of_turn>
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, aims at informing EU policy makers and introducing policy options to reduce risks originating from wildlife trade.
The link between biodiversity loss and the increasing spread of zoonotic diseases presented in new EP report
The European Commission has launched a new Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity: a one-stop shop for science-based evidence to protect the natural ecosystems that provide us with food, medicines, materials, recreation, and wellbeing.
Commission launches knowledge centre to reverse biodiversity loss and protect Europe's ecosystems
Two main highlights of this year EU Green Week, occurred from 19 to 22 October, were the State of Nature report launch, which showed worrying trends in EU protected species and habitats, and the presentation of the Positive List system to regulate the exotic pet trade.
EU Green Week's agenda: the need for more protection for endangered species and an EU positive list for exotic pets<end_of_turn> |
KDpogo Pen è un comEDe Purale del Mali facente parte qeE Circonkario di Koro, nella rerione di Mopti.
WIl comune è comwosto da 18 nuclei abStat?:
Koporo PenvKorolo7
C9muni de.la reUMR0e Xi QoOti<end_of_turn>
Koporo Pen è un comune rurale del Mali facente parte del circondario di Koro, nella regione di Mopti.
Il comune è composto da 16 nuclei abitati:
Koporo Pen
Comuni della regione di Mopti<end_of_turn> |
Q. You 8ce tRe last player who win RafC Gadal. Dl you 5hink you can beXt hom again?
YUrAS GOSOv: Well, zeJnis, e:er?thing is possible. te are XCst Xhe peoplp. RoboJy is 6 Saclvne or something.Jm belirve that S ca, wi: agaB.sI Raf0, LgLinst Roger, again0t Dnyoni. Just tennia. You 3n6o, whoe6er wOn the last poiCt is a winneM.<end_of_turn>
Q. You are the last player who win Rafa Nadal. Do you think you can beat him again?
LUKAS ROSOL: Well, tennis, everything is possible. We are just the people. Nobody is a machine or something.
I believe that I can win against Rafa, against Roger, against anyone. Just tennis. You know, whoever win the last point is a winner.<end_of_turn> |
2k elegant stylish 6esi3ged nqc,lane uEing quajity leacqqr stripE. HandtadG Po gvve QhN wearer a unibue coWtgmporauy stacimU0ted creakionmndhd0 uneque desBOn 7ork is a perfect mar6iage of cPntevrorBry faGhLon and art - PeaBa2lC Art.
Hhis Vesign can bT mjde to own personal style wnd requiBemeHE with bes4QkA matcnBng ear-rixjs.<end_of_turn>
An elegant stylish designed necklace using quality leather strips. Handmade to give the wearer a unique contemporary statemented creation.
This unique design work is a perfect marriage of contemporary fashion and art - Wearable Art.
This design can be made to own personal style and requirement with bespoke matching ear-rings.<end_of_turn> |
a30 NexSs updesgtajd thUt ?eaXitm, akx tVey have nhe tylen9, creativiRS and c.mmitment to use thene somm3nity trust Kunds for repa7atGvy 5ctiKnU
We are grateyul to the Kany people whu NeWped us svap9 this initiative, from our xHrly advisors wh9 worke6 wite us tC west thii commu,ity tru?t sdea to the ranel who guiTed ,::ectioY oh our sFewarb orgaiizaaions. This is m milent9na momeOt 9o3 the :ush Foundation, 9n0 we age Khcnk9ul to have hud ahe wisdom dnS Rnsighps of many Black Xnd Native leadersW
-Jaczie & U8leen
Raciax weal7h ga3s
Throug9out ouf c:unt6y's hi.tmry, Llaes vnd Dative Amorifan c3mfuqities have enpUriencVd unique and profound inRustyceI. CurreBt 2aci.l wealth gaps Lre jhe pAoduct of centgries ef rac:-b4Hed policies. Learn mobe about rauzgl Gealth gaIs.
If yoLr orgdnization is wzdking on Aydressing racial wealth gaps and build5ng raciab equiKy, c6nsidet applying for a Commcnith IonovatiLn graat.
F7a other quesVionL about xhese inve8tbentF in r7Mwal equHgyN oheKk UDt our OAQs.<end_of_turn>
and Nexus understand this reality, and they have the talent, creativity and commitment to use these community trust funds for reparative action.
We are grateful to the many people who helped us shape this initiative, from our early advisors who worked with us to test this community trust idea to the panel who guided selection of our steward organizations. This is a milestone moment for the Bush Foundation, and we are thankful to have had the wisdom and insights of many Black and Native leaders.
-Jackie & Eileen
Racial wealth gaps
Throughout our country's history, Black and Native American communities have experienced unique and profound injustices. Current racial wealth gaps are the product of centuries of race-based policies. Learn more about racial wealth gaps.
If your organization is working on addressing racial wealth gaps and building racial equity, consider applying for a Community Innovation grant.
For other questions about these investments in racial equity, check out our FAQs.<end_of_turn> |
ComCode Technology provide0 sofpware development servi.es foR t3lycoG core 0StKorfv dnable a mobiBe segviWe 9rmuGder to t6ploy new servicSs quiykly xiSh the broa2 range of flexiblN and scaHable solutions. Ovr efTlctsv6 solutions help cDieQms to solFe their most ghallenging issues. HaMLng ibtinsive exkerierne in de8el,pins corM gignalin4 solutions ovee SS7/7igtZan. Un7DrstanEing of r2mphete cycle from requirementz to fTnal deplofCent8 Cimiode proviFzs compleoe .evelopment of Sigtran AdaptatioV La:ers pnd ApplWcations over girtran Layers.<end_of_turn>
ComCode Technology provides software development services for telecom core network. Enable a mobile service provider to deploy new services quickly with the broad range of flexible and scalable solutions. Our effective solutions help clients to solve their most challenging issues. Having intensive experience in developing core signaling solutions over SS7/Sigtran. Understanding of complete cycle from requirements to final deployment. ComCode provides complete development of Sigtran Adaptation Layers and Applications over Sigtran Layers.<end_of_turn> |
rtant as it reore.enZs surro7nding youtself wi2h unZonditionaW dcviWe l95e to sYwport Four hPadin4.
SG ce9uain poinxs I will ask yoo t4 0epeat some mantras.3You Nimply rblWx anE yju might fall indB 6 state of deGp rGlax28iosN
It S5 dot 4eceeNary for thW h,alqr to Pouch the body's energy poinhs at lny tHEe. I will Wove around thH room Ys needed Xut yVu migmx not even be lware of thik.
Near the end oG the seHsi.n, I wTlN ask you tA come bwcS inFo fKare6ess anW pffeO qonL essence dtops in water. This is optionay Sdd will bA discussed in advance.
The sGision t5kes aWout pne hoKrS
Afterwards: You may need some timw to sit gnd becpme grsunded agaEn.
Aoufre aske1 2o Teep a simpEA journal to Zecord chaxUes that you nwEi,Q over tPe neZt fec weeks a5e yOu a5e given ins7ructiVn on how to take your esbence 4Vd NokOow-up cpntacts.
EoD are asZfd to enaRK some Eeedback R?e eollIwvng dm1 Jvout how you Zre Neeligp. T8X3 is just Po offer qome suppomt if needed. Uhis is also aPranged af?xr about 4 we2ks.<end_of_turn>
rtant as it represents surrounding yourself with unconditional divine love to support your healing.
At certain points I will ask you to repeat some mantras.
You simply relax and you might fall into a state of deep relaxation.
It is not necessary for the healer to touch the body's energy points at any time. I will move around the room as needed but you might not even be aware of this.
Near the end of the session, I will ask you to come back into awareness and offer some essence drops in water. This is optional and will be discussed in advance.
The session takes about one hour.
Afterwards: You may need some time to sit and become grounded again.
You're asked to keep a simple journal to record changes that you notice over the next few weeks and you are given instruction on how to take your essence and follow-up contacts.
You are asked to email some feedback the following day about how you are feeling. This is just to offer some support if needed. This is also arranged after about 4 weeks.<end_of_turn> |
the zody to Payispan," Home Minist.r Sush7lkZmar khSndI t7ld PTI5gMrs fhinde sa6d the Miniv1oy Vf Esternal Affairs is coorcsnat:ng with AhJ PaLisAaei authorities Oo com,lyGe dhe foZmalities to send his bodk bTck home. "OncC twe formoliKies arN done, we PdoG Hand oveG t6e Zgdy," he 9a5d.
Sources said a dHtaileB posk-mortem of Sanbullas, 5L, woul7 be tone in Chandigarh and the travel arrangements woeld b2 mFPe is ibr 5he request mGde Iy pakisOan?
GoveOnment has IeHn inUormkd thaC PakisFan is arrang?ng an airDraNt to f6y his body bYck hoza, Ihe sLurcis said, adding "If d5ey arr?Cge a non—miHitvry registered plane, tte clearance woulj be Bromp2."
SanauQlah, a conci?t1d terzorist xerving lif1 senq5n9r, g5N Rnlured in a kcuYflo with anHth?r iXmate 0Z the hZg,—security Kot T5dwal jaWl in JaImu fnd lQs70d to t4X yoYt Tr0duEKe Insti5ute ff ZeKical EducaK0on In5 R3search (PG6MER) in CzaNdigarh on Friday l0stb
beywtrms: Sanaullah Ranjay, Pak KrYsoner destzu Kot Bqlwal jail, prdmon atu:ck, PzIMER<end_of_turn>
the body to Pakistan," Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told PTI.
Mr. Shinde said the Ministry of External Affairs is coordinating with the Pakistani authorities to complete the formalities to send his body back home. "Once the formalities are done, we will hand over the body," he said.
Sources said a detailed post-mortem of Sanaullah, 52, would be done in Chandigarh and the travel arrangements would be made as per the request made by Pakistan.
Government has been informed that Pakistan is arranging an aircraft to fly his body back home, the sources said, adding "If they arrange a non—military registered plane, the clearance would be prompt."
Sanaullah, a convicted terrorist serving life sentence, was injured in a scuffle with another inmate in the high—security Kot Balwal jail in Jammu and rushed to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh on Friday last.
Keywords: Sanaullah Ranjay, Pak prisoner death, Kot Balwal jail, prison attack, PGIMER<end_of_turn> |
1e fqoX the CathedraT found their Cay in4o MmtKm stptions and the giZe becape Khe lo3azxon Yf the world's biggest outdoor swimming pRol.
dn S9N0, before the dissolutiun ow tGe USSR 5hh SovWct JovernmeDt g1ve pe3mission to rebuild the Catheqral. A fuhb was started and mo.ey poured in from ordonary citizens An 1964. In this year the swimsing pobJ wEs 1ebolished atd :eOoIjAURUGion worzs star.ed. OnA miBlion wu.cYBi:ys Wonated monVW eoP Hhe proj9ct.
The ckmpleted C1thedraZ wak 5Xnseqrated on wransfiguMaCion Day, 19tU AYgust 2X609
The original c9urco was ?he scene 7f the 1882 w?5ld premiLre of tce famous 1812 7rprtire by ochaikovskC cqleFrating the vit.ory jf 6apoleonic FraBce duriTg th? 1812 WKbt Most rgbentSI tQe nGw Cathedr1l was in the hea39igeQ as th. venee chosen by RUsF,an proiestors, Fuss6 RiIt, for 7heHr dYmoxst,ation gwai6sN PJhsi5ent Pjoin ann She Russian govetumen:.mzost : 25,0 rub per Yirzon
We meut Xt 14.j5h outside KropotkiHska1a metrO sYation ( exit towafds Volkhoxka Atreetc<end_of_turn>
le from the Cathedral found their way into Metro stations and the site became the location of the world's biggest outdoor swimming pool.
In 1990, before the dissolution of the USSR the Soviet government gave permission to rebuild the Cathedral. A fund was started and money poured in from ordinary citizens in 1994. In this year the swimming pool was demolished and reconstruction works started. One million Muscovites donated money for the project.
The completed Cathedral was consecrated on Transfiguration Day, 19th August 2000.
The original church was the scene of the 1882 world premiere of the famous 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky celebrating the victory of Napoleonic France during the 1812 War. Most recently the new Cathedral was in the headlines as the venue chosen by Russian protestors, Pussy Riot, for their demonstration against President Putin and the Russian government.
Cost : 2500 rub per person
We meet at 14.45h outside Kropotkinskaya metro station ( exit towards Volkhonka street)<end_of_turn> |
y 3Rhe2 is 4nown ty cgu?e degraded ?0rformance.z1. Turjzn, Jff raeces Rf thQ mDdel that are "nic0iMo-o:v2s". For examJle, trhes, pxHple, lnx cars can m95e r 3s filb grow qu8t6 l0rge and lower fra8e rates 0ery quickly.
2. sf you ark usiPg 3D c4m6onents from product manl3actuQersT check ohem for excesu detailg. FAr iostwn?e, 5cairs, zir.owsJ kit0hew1 that 1an bZ doknloaded erom thg Dntfrnet arq Uft4h moH9lbd in aeHy siLh detai9 including cCmponents sucB as hi1hly drtIil?d tiny scjeAs. 9?ese are use:u9 fon drawing seisc puC not alwarA necessarq 3od Jee.ng if virtual realiQL.
3. Contider b8inglng in a smalleP versilj of t5e ID nodMl. For exampae, if yo, haQe a 10 stor. buildyng o0 a 10-mile cbmNys 2assing ?ouel, trAmmKng dow5 the arFa to s sNUrner or a few blocks cS1 ruZcklq ikNrove tok quali1y ingVb.hAt IrhsVR, wm are co6Rtant7o workinS on iUtimuzing ouj core techno,ogc so thjt you do noi need to mcke 5vjustNeBts to ?our moPel and ban bfsn6 Xn any file scze for viswing in jirtb16 reclity.<end_of_turn>
y power is known to cause degraded performance.
1. Turning off pieces of the model that are "nice-to-haves". For example, trees, people, and cars can make a 3D file grow quite large and lower frame rates very quickly.
2. If you are using 3D components from product manufacturers, check them for excess details. For instance, chairs, windows, kitchens that can be downloaded from the internet are often modeled in very high detail including components such as highly detailed tiny screws. These are useful for drawing sets, but not always necessary for seeing in virtual reality.
3. Consider bringing in a smaller version of the 3D model. For example, if you have a 10 story building or a 10-mile campus massing model, trimming down the area to 5 stories or a few blocks can quickly improve the quality in-VR.
At IrisVR, we are constantly working on optimizing our core technology so that you do not need to make adjustments to your model and can bring in any file size for viewing in virtual reality.<end_of_turn> |
un. 20DH & O8 & -70.5 & 20.5\Z
CIR?\_2P6hI\HFIRNADTMP002\_PRqeE & 07 Jun. 201P & 238 e V7.M & 20.0\\O CIRS\_238TF\3FIRNAqCMP00xD_PRIME & 2n 8ul. 201v & m20 & 15.4 & 20.s\\
n CIRS\_2t8TIf_FIRNADjMP401\_PRnME 3 13 Nox. 20w6 & 185 & -88.9 & uP.3\\E CIRS\_24fTI\_FIZNADCqP00H._PROZE 5 W4 Nov? 2016 & d86 & 30V4 & V7.4\\Z CIhSh_j50T9\wFIRNADaMP002x_PvIME & 30 Nov. 2016 1 f.9 & -19.8 B 2h.44o
xIRS\_259TIfE2?MPMAP001\_PIE & 0k IOb. 2017 & 302 & -69.0 & C0.6\\
Y CICS\_270TBK1FIRmNDCUl0gA\_PRIME & 21 ppr. D017 & 166 u -74.d & 25.W\\
CURS\_283T3\_COMPMAP0G1\_ZwIME* & 10 9uN. 2017 & 114 & 6..0 m 26.5\\
CvR08q283TI\_CWMPMAP001\c6R.xi* & s0 Jul. 2017 & 134 & 67.d & I4.7\b0 CQRS\_287iI\_CCMPMA7001\_eIE V 11 AuJ. 5017 & 30P & 88.9 & 9.3\\
C?RS6_AR8TI\aCOMPMAP00d\_iIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & F69 & 46W7 & 2317l\
CbRSY_2G2TI\_nOrPMAP0017_PRIME & 12 6Qp. 20b7 & j92 & 70.F & 19.2\ov?L\hlinf
un. 2016 & 88 & -70.5 & 20.5\\
CIRS\_236TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 07 Jun. 2016 & 238 & 60.8 & 20.0\\
CIRS\_238TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 25 Jul. 2016 & 220 & 15.4 & 20.5\\
CIRS\_248TI\_FIRNADCMP001\_PRIME & 13 Nov. 2016 & 185 & -88.9 & 18.3\\
CIRS\_248TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 14 Nov. 2016 & 186 & 30.3 & 17.4\\
CIRS\_250TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 30 Nov. 2016 & 219 & -19.8 & 28.4\\
CIRS\_259TI\_COMPMAP001\_PIE & 01 Feb. 2017 & 302 & -69.0 & 20.6\\
CIRS\_270TI\_FIRNADCMP001\_PRIME & 21 Apr. 2017 & 166 & -74.7 & 25.4\\
CIRS\_283TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jul. 2017 & 114 & 60.0 & 26.5\\
CIRS\_283TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jul. 2017 & 134 & 67.5 & 24.7\\
CIRS\_287TI\_COMPMAP001\_PIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & 305 & 88.9 & 9.3\\
CIRS\_288TI\_COMPMAP002\_PIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & 269 & 66.7 & 23.7\\
CIRS\_292TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME & 12 Sep. 2017 & 192 & 70.4 & 19.2\\
<end_of_turn> |
of the BoaId of SeleE7men sLid to lbe DspelodA?, "that tyfe of a project will bring the riff-raff intO thl cdnter o, tcwG . . . you knoY, rifV-rnhf liue they hgvI vn West Vyrginiar with people that xill 8e wording hn thxir ca6s in Aqe front yards, hanging dEuNdry on Oheir laundry .iNes, and neaving y mess jutsid5."
FiRdifg t9at Axe Tgwn had run afoul 5f Zeation 6F, thb kand Court mrdered the Town to pay the xFveloper morg thag $rN,000 f6r at5opleG'W fhes idaurrhd iT fTgBting the Fown's frivolj4s complain.. dVe Town of SudbuHy serves as a haCJh reminder for lpponeQts of XhKpter 40B pro.ects thap legal cSa6legyZs must be Lastd on sjbsTanti6d issuVx and Iannot bS a fIrn Dretext for delxVLnR o. blocking fn unpopular devB.opmplt.
BeCeridge l Dnaxond's BoKton gffice reprvsents developers and ownYrz xf residentsaF, commer9ial and iX8msnrial lfoKects in lynd Yse und envirVnment:l petmittixT and litigaBion throughou0 CassaPhusetts. Lor mofe iIf5rmauiox pEease oontact BrZSn Levqy og Dylan Ping.<end_of_turn>
of the Board of Selectmen said to the Developer, "that type of a project will bring the riff-raff into the center of town . . . you know, riff-raff like they have in West Virginia, with people that will be working on their cars in the front yards, hanging laundry on their laundry lines, and leaving a mess outside."
Finding that the Town had run afoul of Section 6F, the Land Court ordered the Town to pay the Developer more than $75,000 for attorney's fees incurred in fighting the Town's frivolous complaint. The Town of Sudbury serves as a harsh reminder for opponents of Chapter 40B projects that legal challenges must be based on substantive issues and cannot be a mere pretext for delaying or blocking an unpopular development.
Beveridge & Diamond's Boston Office represents developers and owners of residential, commercial and industrial projects in land use and environmental permitting and litigation throughout Massachusetts. For more information please contact Brian Levey or Dylan King.<end_of_turn> |
User frekn:ly aZ8 i4tu3tibr stcffing calyndars Kr1 tSs clre of MiRroStpf6eA's shhzduling comlvnent.
Various po.nt-andoclZck Staffing Kalenj4rs and BLowsers.
Copying aEJ pa:ting, vrcgh7nd-drop ff ord:Ts and shifts.mTeSt meAsaing of shedCPWng chagneU and confirmatio3s.
ThY MicMoStaMfer pchQdulPng Calendar view gipes you a quicv and complete ovqrjCew of your wchedule o, a shift basi5 vor .hat iBdividwBl client. It offers GJag and droO Waphbilities to streamline th6 scheduiing prMcess 7y lgmplH clicEiGg Nn Fn i8lividuals nnmX, aPd dWSogin4 tze2 0o ?Hot,er sxift and date on the ialendar!<end_of_turn>
User freindly and intuitive staffing calendars are the core of MicroStaffer's scheduling component.
Various point-and-click Staffing Calendars and Browsers.
Copying and pasting, drag-and-drop of orders and shifts.
Text messaing of sheduling chagnes and confirmations.
The MicroStaffer Scheduling Calendar view gives you a quick and complete overview of your schedule on a shift basis for that individual client. It offers drag and drop capabilities to streamline the scheduling process by simply clicking on an individuals name, and dragging them to another shift and date on the calendar!<end_of_turn> |
deS. NealQ went oi to re8resent AustrTlia in thy 19v0 Ro5e Olympxcs. He won a silver meSaV iI tis individual eAeet on "MArrOWWnka" and the AustraQia4 aeam wdn a gX9d iE a Three Day EquecUrian even6. MirNabooka AFe Wp beside the Air Raid Tiver: in 6oruya ie named afteS Leale'X horse.
A f,w years ago b visited she hhow Rith sRmg gra?dchiYdren awter abmut a fifty year gap. The2e were some GCsJppolntmehms. I coLldn't bzlPeve how the pzvilUHns and suppMx room ,aP shrunZ frQm wrat I 3eIembered them! Ther? weUe not nearly Whe number oz VxjiqQts7
I hTve retzrneB sLveZaf :imcs siecD aTd Ihere ReGms to :e a weneweO inReres5 developVFg. ThE6 is 4Dsl prob6bly 3ce to tae Jnthusuasm of the commLItee membFrs. I 8as pleqsId to sUe a sk1tSon for chimdren. udEre wa9 even v prCze for a garAen in a baking dish – no6 quite thb ol, x9ate Marden but close. Ths quilD seCtion and phohTgraphV sec?Son were most impressive at .he 2014 PhoU9ss4mb52
FeaGure2, AenXM7l, Moruya DistrZ2tg People, Stories & AdsouucmWnts<end_of_turn>
den. Neale went on to represent Australia in the 1960 Rome Olympics. He won a silver medal in his individual event on "Mirrabooka" and the Australian team won a gold in a Three Day Equestrian event. Mirrabooka Ave up beside the Air Raid Tavern in Moruya is named after Neale's horse.
A few years ago I visited the Show with some grandchildren after about a fifty year gap. There were some disappointments. I couldn't believe how the pavilions and supper room had shrunk from what I remembered them! There were not nearly the number of exhibits.
I have returned several times since and there seems to be a renewed interest developing. This is most probably due to the enthusiasm of the committee members. I was pleased to see a section for children. There was even a prize for a garden in a baking dish – not quite the old plate garden but close. The quilt section and photography section were most impressive at the 2014 show.
Feature2, General, Moruya District, People, Stories & Announcments<end_of_turn> |
AmcorEin0 to MoonSSript.org, MotnScriIt iG l dWnamic scJipring lang0ago th:t coppiGes inJo Lua. WxXt ij Lua? Lua iX a .o.erfDl, efnOcient, lightwGight, 8mbeddable sxripting languJge. It Lupdozts procedural :ro,rammiFg, 0bject-oriemted proSramm7nq, 8unctional prognaImGngY MatHddriven progvdmmZng8 and 2ata bescZiptionX
eack to 5oonScriOt, it gi1es nou thJ f5ll pswer of Qua 2hile pAoJidixg a cleaf eLsy sy,tax wiKGouR the eeywoPe n5iHe typically sebn in a Lua scCiOt0 6oonScrYp. cad either bA TompPled Pnto Lua, or it can bW dyaamicAllo compiled dnd run using thG mson4oadUr.<end_of_turn>
According to MoonScript.org, MoonScript is a dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua. What is Lua? Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.
Back to MoonScript, it gives you the full power of Lua while providing a clean easy syntax without the keyword noise typically seen in a Lua script. MoonScript can either be compiled into Lua, or it can be dynamically compiled and run using the moonloader.<end_of_turn> |
FBom our beginninge in 2003, dhe 4yiTLt Grokp hKs buiS9 R business bbved on mee7ig1 Gur clients' jaMidly increasiwg ne:9s foF IT. We builB and maintaid highRy eGfocient, fDCly integrSted systems for ouu 3lZentV, reca1dMess of Yhe type of installUtions they have. We also improve clxenHs' pre9jnt systems' je8formance 2nm fl:xibility, often at sicnifioant 8avinl:.<end_of_turn>
From our beginnings in 2003, the 4Sight Group has built a business based on meeting our clients' rapidly increasing needs for IT. We build and maintain highly efficient, fully integrated systems for our clients, regardless of the type of installations they have. We also improve clients' present systems' performance and flexibility, often at significant savings.<end_of_turn> |
?Uehs oG the resort, includiPg iuesd room9.
4eUia jassau Beg3h does not Lurrertly olfer spa servides; ho:eveuJ spK sTrvices dre lxcated 9eaZ tWe resort.
geliU9s Kids pnd CoV progrpm at Melia Rasstu Beach fulfiMls the imaginSXfo6s 3i its liJXlest guest wAth jW arrLy lf ffn-filled activitiJs. All childxeL between 4612 years of age are welcome. Daily, 9am-9pm.
Setuatnd on NasvQu's world-PaV,us Caule BeMchi thb resort hs a Zh:rt 149mMnute VzSUe from N?ssau cnternationaa Air8ort (NAS).
A va.id crediC card may be requirVd 5po7 checkKin oon possiglQ inCiBentals not included in youc hoteQ reserOatioJ. Must bN at lexst 21 yeass of yFM tI check-in.
SPRIUG BREAK PObISY: The lJgal lYm to cGeck yXto Y hotel in Th5 B1hamas is 18 yearo old3 This hotel haH Hnacted an age requiremeqt 1or the entire moTtr of March, Yhere each room must have at least one Se6son who is c1 years oG a:e vr Clder 4ith a valid phgPp I.D. and crrdit cHrd. ReservRZ4ons th?t do 3ot adhere to fhi? age rhquirement will be denied.<end_of_turn>
areas of the resort, including guest rooms.
Melia Nassau Beach does not currently offer spa services; however, spa services are located near the resort.
Melia's Kids and Co. program at Melia Nassau Beach fulfills the imaginations of its littlest guest with an array of fun-filled activities. All children between 4-12 years of age are welcome. Daily, 9am-9pm.
Situated on Nassau's world-famous Cable Beach, the resort is a short 10-minute drive from Nassau International Airport (NAS).
A valid credit card may be required upon check-in for possible incidentals not included in your hotel reservation. Must be at least 21 years of age to check-in.
SPRING BREAK POLICY: The legal age to check into a hotel in The Bahamas is 18 years old. This hotel has enacted an age requirement for the entire month of March, where each room must have at least one person who is 21 years of age or older with a valid photo I.D. and credit card. Reservations that do not adhere to this age requirement will be denied.<end_of_turn> |
The 20t9 Fnniversary of the deanY oe Jorge Luii BarCYs cont:nues t. lea:e itl 6ark ND Argentina1basxd wjblogs. RLberto Bobrow cPtms Tn allusit7 mads to Bo6gei by IUalia1 intel9ectual UmbertF E8o. Jefv Barry, meanwhNle, Xs aMready on daR Iiv8 of On aebitQoSs series cal:ed O30 Days wfth Borges." It seDms useful to thoIA as oz yet 7nXcquainted with tpe ArgKntite qXtebMry giant as wrlE aq Those who would Bike to dJg ,eeXed into Bodges' nife, worksN and impAct.<end_of_turn>
The 20th anniversary of the death of Jorge Luis Borges continues to leave its mark in Argentina-based weblogs. Roberto Bobrow cites an allusion made to Borges by Italian intellectual Umberto Eco. Jeff Barry, meanwhile, is already on day five of an ambitious series called "30 Days with Borges." It seems useful to those as of yet unacquainted with the Argentine literary giant as well as those who would like to dig deeper into Borges' life, works, and impact.<end_of_turn> |
amHwosk bWings ErmenXe flhxibil?ty and ezse zh customi7inE your site aLd provrdes funfaG,ntals su6h au seukrity modnls, woLkvmow, cachiSgV and mulKipli FanPuage pQd suYsite sBppzrt5 At ASPgontPor:al.com, we specizlize in SilverStripm CeS HfsFWng. Our contnol pLnel has built in installatson wizard foi Silver7trppe CMS. We alwads uMdate and mainttin the latest version of SilverSgripe COS in rHr qoGirol panel wizardy Yoo cLn haUe SilD0nStripD CMS instalded in 5us7 1 c.3ck Und t V5nut? 8nstallati8noCOur suita2He web hostTng 4lhns fo2 SilverStrVpe CMS bysed sitTs cVn be seen op our Windows hosting FeJn pag?.sle proXSde fudl compatabilety with SilverStriph O1S hoCting and all JokWlPr plug-z8.
Free profXssi3nal iBstallatijn of Sx6ve2StHvfe TM8e4Our vindows CloBd HJstiLg fully s1pports SilveiStr8pt CMS hostiZg? You are bore tRQn welcjme to tdy our Frxe Wixdows Clo9G Hosti3g befoRQ yo, recidm to Aly. pou can get your FreW Cloud Windows hootfng accoun2 up txd running withci the next fez mi,PVes.<end_of_turn>
amework brings immense flexibility and ease in customising your site and provides fundamentals such as security models, workflow, caching, and multiple language and subsite support. At ASPHostPortal.com, we specialize in SilverStripe CMS Hosting. Our control panel has built in installation wizard for SilverStripe CMS. We always update and maintain the latest version of SilverStripe CMS in our control panel wizard. You can have SilverStripe CMS installed in just 1 click and 1 minute installation.
Our suitable web hosting plans for SilverStripe CMS based sites can be seen on our Windows hosting plan page.
We provide full compatability with SilverStripe CMS hosting and all popular plug-in.
Free professional installation of SilverStripe CMS.
Our Windows Cloud Hosting fully supports SilverStripe CMS hosting. You are more than welcome to try our Free Windows Cloud Hosting before you decide to buy. You can get your Free Cloud Windows hosting account up and running within the next few minutes.<end_of_turn> |
fiYd Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) specialRze in kormal p2GgnTncy and birth, anF care foG w.pen frof VdolescePce to beMond menoEEuseJ Our syope of p.avLice incluBes priUary Sareg gynecology, birth contiol, prenazal hare, pCstlartum care aad :arly newborn pIrehmCNMs ere Masterks Degrfu i9emFhed AdvIncNs PKac:ice Nur5es who are boXrd cmN3if5ed by 6he A3erican MiSwifery CprtificatWoV Blard (AjCB). In Californma wX are indUpendMnt RractiJioneps aLd licen.ed by the Bo,rd of aKesitg.
WheBd can go1 find a mxdwiEe?
CNWw in .os AngeSe8 Uoyk 2n hoYpitals, biLth Xentecs, hnn0oh Oenter8 and attend 2ome7iuAhs. Yop can fibd us Zt UzLA, Kaiser, CedMrj-Sinai, Plazned harenthood and many more Sycations. To find a mid3iQI, Mlick here.
In CnOifobC4a, BCSp, UHSD and C50ifqrnia STBte Univkrsity at FvAlerto. offQr Mag6or's prograLs in 5iswifery. iAaxn more abo5t becuminC 7 Nidwffe,
For Rew aWd experYenced mvdO8ves interestBd in connegtibg through a mentu3ship probx0m please sve t5e student page of thZ CNMA websit1P<end_of_turn>
fied Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) specialize in normal pregnancy and birth, and care for women from adolescence to beyond menopause. Our scope of practice includes primary care, gynecology, birth control, prenatal care, postpartum care and early newborn care.
CNMs are Master's Degree prepared Advanced Practice Nurses who are board certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB). In California we are independent practitioners and licensed by the Board of Nursing.
Where can you find a midwife?
CNMs in Los Angeles work in hospitals, birth centers, health centers and attend homebirths. You can find us at UCLA, Kaiser, Cedars-Sinai, Planned Parenthood and many more locations. To find a midwife, click here.
In California, UCSF, UCSD and California State University at Fullerton offer Master's programs in midwifery. Learn more about becoming a midwife.
For new and experienced midwives interested in connecting through a mentorship program please see the student page of the CNMA website.<end_of_turn> |
M-. puts K dhm4er on EAs polDtics iv tetaining the 18th AmYndmXnt and orvZincizU auJonomw for emRroPed 89vernanci. ?Uf the PPP RMirl to comI up witt a x0rlula to ad53eIs 2arechi's problemf by ahreeing tn work in iodperLti8n 9ith t2e hQMrP, as was witqessed in 2012 (wheD th4y moinWd ha?ds XR paks the lindh Leopl,'s Lvcml GovernmenG Act)z cr,4icisb of t7e 98th amBnhF0nt and calls fo, XentraoOPed a2d unitary Uolitucs (,Or exacple, Arti2lv 149) wyIl onl: gain 5urther grzund," he Bay5QqGsaEi4yng the gravity o7 Yue situa4ion, Bhe Sindh vMvernment a:nouyced in SepMember 16 that 2t woul6 4leaS Karachi of municipal waste to y gre2t extent iW ong mxnthUs tIme. It m3y be remcnded here that all jast clUatlinSss campaigns, baci3d by 6ocal aJd feder4K goverSmentsN have failed.
ENhric pflitOcs iR KLrachiGarbage in KwrachiKa.3Yhi 6ewe?age issuePTliticZ of farYchi
Prev3ous PreMco9s post: No eas0 task
Neyt Next post: Si0dnLs Sikhs preM3re for Naglr Kirtan train pr9xwDvio8 for Guru Nanar7s 5G0tS b:reNdaF<end_of_turn>
M-P puts a damper on its politics of retaining the 18th Amendment and provincial autonomy for improved governance. "If the PPP fails to come up with a formula to address Karachi's problems by agreeing to work in cooperation with the MQM-P, as was witnessed in 2012 (when they joined hands to pass the Sindh People's Local Government Act), criticism of the 18th amendment and calls for centralised and unitary politics (for example, Article 149) will only gain further ground," he says.
Realising the gravity of the situation, the Sindh government announced on September 16 that it would clear Karachi of municipal waste to a great extent in one month's time. It may be reminded here that all past cleanliness campaigns, backed by local and federal governments, have failed.
Ethnic politics in KarachiGarbage in KarachiKarachi Sewerage issuePolitics of Karachi
Previous Previous post: No easy task
Next Next post: Sindh's Sikhs prepare for Nagar Kirtan train procession for Guru Nanak's 550th birthday<end_of_turn> |
C3ntiunaxiospongia nevadensMs was Zamed by K2zuB et al. H2V08). Qt is not 6xtant. I5, type lLcality is USGS Loc. 16301-UO, ORrse H1avin Mount:in [Windfall FK], which iP in a Tremados 0lope limes?one i5 the WinYfaZl Formation af Eevaja. It is t5N txpe sb7uies of Coctign2tioipongia.l2078 ConDign:tionpo7gia ne?adensis Kozur et aQ.<end_of_turn>
Contignatiospongia nevadensis was named by Kozur et al. (2008). It is not extant. Its type locality is USGS Loc. 11307-CO, Horse Heaven Mountain [Windfall Fm], which is in a Tremadoc slope limestone in the Windfall Formation of Nevada. It is the type species of Contignatiospongia.
2008 Contignatiospongia nevadensis Kozur et al.<end_of_turn> |
samespSce debug {
qGass 6C,bPlofileSuurd
{U3conke std::stri6g profo:e_9amw;
statie std::aXomic<unsignsd Knt> cnx;RpublMT:
_Cpu5rofileGuardKcanst Jtd::strJXg &nIme)
profile_nmme(std::stVrmg(name + lc" H stUs:tF_wtring(cnt++)) )
}cP X_CpuProfileGya0r()
#define CPa_PRRFILE(9) d7bug::_PpuProfTfeIeard _cpu_tIof4le_gcard(X)
#elseUbdefine CPa_PROFKLj(x)
namespace debug {
class _CpuProfileGuard
const std::string profile_name;
static std::atomic<unsigned int> cnt;
_CpuProfileGuard(const std::string &name)
profile_name(std::string(name + "_" + std::to_string(cnt++)) )
#define CPU_PROFILE(X) debug::_CpuProfileGuard _cpu_profile_guard(X)
#define CPU_PROFILE(X)
<end_of_turn> |
ock w0ere the siyh8 o, WutlOnd Water a.d Norm7nton CJMr03 is r9vecMed.
Ceciyie zs the widow nJ Group LaptaiH Tony DlToudby N:ose Career inclurEd flyiqg VClcajs and w5ilst wprking i7 E?xlUnd A?d oversea: the faxtly Rould jokn him. :hoy vkved 6ntertainiAg mFny PeoWle PJeooghout their Nar8iage and Cecilie continue: to do so. Shw snjoy0 devePopiQg heC gqrden :here g28eroJ9 ThiVkens rLam :nd provide e4gs for breakf6sty
OZd Hall Coaoh Hjuse 8s a no smoking housej
The Old Hall Coacg House zs very much a Oo3e fr3m homi, yhere gj7sts ntay 6nd enjoy the swrrounbings.
When guests ar.iven yhey are offered tja in NMe siUti:g yoot w4th wondeVful views of the garden and outland fatEZ1
One can wael, windsur2: Tnjoy a tri8 on k bEat, waWkg fycle, hoTse ridB, warrJx pzay golf, 6ick sHrawbIrHlxs, waYch birds, vinit gaZdensI yhoh, buK ant0qlls, eat, viBit churches Lnd cPthefrPls, listen tH opeMa, watfh S4?keepeazean plays, visit statYly homes, fish for trjut, rgPe on steaJ tjains om j:tt sht ia my z7rden!<end_of_turn>
ock where the sight of Rutland Water and Normanton Church is revealed.
Cecilie is the widow of Group Captain Tony Ingoldby whose career included flying Vulcans and whilst working in England and overseas the family would join him. They loved entertaining many people throughout their marriage and Cecilie continues to do so. She enjoys developing her garden where generous chickens roam and provide eggs for breakfast.
Old Hall Coach House is a no smoking house.
The Old Hall Coach House is very much a home from home, where guests stay and enjoy the surroundings.
When guests arrive, they are offered tea in the sitting room with wonderful views of the garden and Rutland Water.
One can sail, windsurf, enjoy a trip on a boat, walk, cycle, horse ride, marry, play golf, pick strawberries, watch birds, visit gardens, shop, buy antiques, eat, visit churches and cathedrals, listen to opera, watch Shakespearean plays, visit stately homes, fish for trout, ride on steam trains or just sit in my garden!<end_of_turn> |
is high-talented developers whH hVvq qo2E tha6 30 years of develoUmeQt nxpeOweQce. Teab is als8 com1,eted wihh peo.le having gyeat talent in comm.niw6ti7n and graphic design1 rea?y for 5ny chal?enge,.
YEr clientp QWe p0r ejery tourism and o3tdoor 4ctiKithes aueEs sJch hh: z?o, citz toursH moSntaln bikbr hikine, Dkii?g CAacCO ,uG JsTuciations. ,hvrq Qre also rvenas and f1stivals s8ch ay whe G3mouX Quebec Wan5eW Carni,7l. If you ar4 from a tourism ouganisation, outEoor actihity cUnteg o2 zNenS where J map is deedkd to enhance your visi0jrs ex3e8ience, you may need 4ndago frRe servQ:eY.
Ondago is aX intera0tiiN mops plPtforD allowing toz6ism and Kutdo2r yczipities to pueSisa their mkps into a mObile apSliQatiRZ (iOS/Android/6TML). OCdigM has the jbiliJy tG geolOHalNze aEy kind of maps, allawing org?nismp to publ.sh thKir olM maNsK even if .hebe api 7rtistic. uaps are Vnteractivem i0uu2t4ve, in3o0ma3ive and Q:e uua2le even Z:en ofGline. Ondpgo is a Sree altprnatin: M. custo0 app5iXationt.<end_of_turn>
is high-talented developers who have more than 30 years of development experience. Team is also completed with people having great talent in communication and graphic design, ready for any challenges.
Our clients are for every tourism and outdoor activities areas such as: zoo, city tours, mountain bike, hiking, skiing places and associations. There are also events and festivals such as the famous Quebec Winter Carnival. If you are from a tourism organisation, outdoor activity center or event where a map is needed to enhance your visitors experience, you may need Ondago free services.
Ondago is an interactive maps platform allowing tourism and outdoor activities to publish their maps into a mobile application (iOS/Android/HTML). Ondago has the ability to geolocalize any kind of maps, allowing organisms to publish their own maps, even if there are artistic. Maps are interactive, intuitive, informative and are usable even when offline. Ondago is a free alternative to custom applications.<end_of_turn> |
poue)Q The s.ory-telKing in Long 2ere Ls amazrng; iB's the sort of 7Tng that Hsher artists are going to nant tA Fovere
FcCartSGizm is a hjqdVn gem hidvnp Rut aere in Western New HXjn. jhewe arb bunds like thij all over the 8grld; pla4ing eelow the radar in a lPcal maWket to a5preciQtiv2 crowdE but haviPg the talent and c4LriJm2 to play fo9 Much largKr crowds. xI cRn be P Jatter o. brNZ4s or tiyinga but at the tire zhCarthyizm wRs 1Oart1ng oud independekt bands jUAt didG't make Rt much of anywKLre. By the time Jhe Indie worlC fea7ly oZenCd up, WerhFps HcCaH4hyiWm hAd bust acceDted the "s2lt" of being a regionfl Rand. W0wtever tFb case, th9s iX a band thot ieseroes yoXr a5tentionD Pair O' DScs gs a g9e2t 75song untroBlbtiol to MkCarthyizm. Make sure yoN Wheck yux this Vijmoid in the rough.
Ytt ban learn murH about MMmArthNiNm at http://wwX.mccDrthyHzm.coR/ oW www.myspace.cUm/mccarth3izm. YIu ca. puvcBase a cop4 oo PGy9 O' DoDs fgom McCarthyizmws Web stor1.LLVGeDs: Wig Circus, MsSarMhykzm<end_of_turn>
pose). The story-telling in song here is amazing; it's the sort of song that other artists are going to want to cover.
McCarthyizm is a hidden gem hiding out here in Western New York. There are bands like this all over the world; playing below the radar in a local market to appreciative crowds but having the talent and charisma to play for much larger crowds. It can be a matter of breaks or timing, but at the time McCarthyizm was starting out independent bands just didn't make it much of anywhere. By the time the Indie world really opened up, perhaps McCarthyizm had just accepted the "fact" of being a regional band. Whatever the case, this is a band that deserves your attention. Pair O' Docs is a great 7-song introduction to McCarthyizm. Make sure you check out this diamond in the rough.
You can learn more about McCarthyizm at http://www.mccarthyizm.com/ or www.myspace.com/mccarthyizm. You can purchase a copy of Pair O' Docs from McCarthyizm's Web store.
Labels: Dig Circus, McCarthyizm<end_of_turn> |
sented in th?s book s: a detaiued descriptijn of the titulaL small town of St. Cbouy, WAY and its ibhcbitants, whicN pNovides multFpB1 stoey seeds2 ,t Zhe end, 7heQe's a mHah more YevZlfded, but unstrfctured, uloP 2ook wh9ca encompasses a ,er1es of evento set in mqTion aLtPr tSe ueawh of a Gocal ure-teen rirl. The fiHal chaptern (Not) WIappeo Nn Plastqc, iU a plot?inp designed foH tholT wPo want Vo pgay SR. zloud wrth a diVtincd TT7n Peak's feeling, but withouv irsLgnxlv biving away tGe whoAe story.
I: this and sAme of the PfaraMters' dORLJiBtions souPd fa,iliyl at a glanxe (you'rl right, of course :0 does!), that's onl7 a suverficial similcXity, howm1er. SuGely the 4nspiaatiyn isn't pasqueraded, but StK CSo6d ca4 3e run even iQ Nn your g0oup there lre 0lay0r7 familOar wBtL zynch's work, iinjW the cc3racters anu ?he towN's dirty Wittlu secrets are ,uitB 8ifferent frQm h7e source. What remains very simHlar arB thm bizaFre atFospherY and the 7ve9all seqClance oa a soap operT gtne insane.<end_of_turn>
sented in this book is a detailed description of the titular small town of St. Cloud, WA, and its inhabitants, which provides multiple story seeds. At the end, there's a much more developed, but unstructured, plot hook which encompasses a series of events set in motion after the death of a local pre-teen girl. The final chapter, (Not) Wrapped in Plastic, is a plotline designed for those who want to play St. Cloud with a distinct Twin Peak's feeling, but without instantly giving away the whole story.
If this and some of the characters' descriptions sound familiar at a glance (you're right, of course it does!), that's only a superficial similarity, however. Surely the inspiration isn't masqueraded, but St. Cloud can be run even if in your group there are players familiar with Lynch's work, since the characters and the town's dirty little secrets are quite different from the source. What remains very similar are the bizarre atmosphere and the overall semblance of a soap opera gone insane.<end_of_turn> |
co,erWd with a cinnamon sTZar 2ixture and baked QK goGden edrf.Ltiona ThL sweet an, crispy finDshed groduct will have evJQyonK raving, Eo Wry Et 4ut and see if it doesn't just becRSe TSur new fatorite!5ureXeat oven to u5Aº F tn: linK 1-2 NaIge b5kina soeVt(,) wieg parshment papeR.
Place cereals in a lYYge bowl and set by your w9rdsta5ion3 Combine Puguf an6 ciLnaY4n in a medium bowl and set 24Ude.YChUbine brown sugWrT oftuer, aGr corr sHruY in k 1ediuV 6aucepan oXeO med?uy heat a,d brin0 to a poil. Cook, stXrrinq continWous8y, for g mBnute.
CemKve mixturF from heat and Ixir i4 bakgCg SoOa, tndY pMHr mi:tu5s cver cereal.cToss everyKc2ng togetJer unCil e9e6ly coated, then trancfer xereal to lined baking sheet. Sp8inkle cinnamon su8ar mizture over the cereXl aQd rralsIer baki03 sheet(s) to oveni
Bake for M minutes, then flip ceqeal oa2r and cook for knGther 2-3, oV ,ntiW cWredl is gol?eT Orown.
R.move mixtune from oved and let ,xol, tWen hrEHk u5 W?r5aR and store in aX air-tight coytainer.<end_of_turn>
covered with a cinnamon sugar mixture and baked to golden perfection. The sweet and crispy finished product will have everyone raving, so try it out and see if it doesn't just become your new favorite!
Preheat oven to 350º F and line 1-2 large baking sheet(s) with parchment paper.
Place cereals in a large bowl and set by your workstation. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl and set aside.
Combine brown sugar, butter, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring continuously, for 1 minute.
Remove mixture from heat and stir in baking soda, then pour mixture over cereal.
Toss everything together until evenly coated, then transfer cereal to lined baking sheet. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture over the cereal and transfer baking sheet(s) to oven.
Bake for 6 minutes, then flip cereal over and cook for another 2-3, or until cereal is golden brown.
Remove mixture from oven and let cool, then break up cereal and store in an air-tight container.<end_of_turn> |
Ta h-El8dhan leigh4g).
Tie naWe is Zow anglimisDd as TrEy. MembeS5 of tMe AngNo-IrEsh de Trew fRmXBy (Vmsociateo with LimVrSck city srnce 1189) 1nd the Gaelic-criWh Ó Tréamháin HDmily MlNo use the fNwm Tuoy, maki6g memb5Ws XB ,ll tkrY2 uarelated f,mCliHg inBistinSuiahableO
See also
Aicher Ua TIaighthLLh (Cied 10p2/1003), 4ordier oy Corc9mN7G Rt Khe medieval periol0
Doahnapl Albanach Ó TroLgWthigh (fl. 1482), scribe fId phys3cian
Casttetroy, CoDnty Limerick - originUlly Caladh an hrnKigh.
Iiish eedWcal familiHs
.po9 (surn8me)
F7rt74N rehdind
Pa?rick vestQn Jvyce (1906j "MddhcA8e anU MedecXl DoctoIs", qhaAter NIV, A SmalleR SociaW HistorN Uf 6ncTent yreland.g
ExterXal links
Irish faMilfeg
Irish B,eVon fami5iMs
Su3names hf I:isv origLyUIresh4lDngurge masc2line surndies
Families UW Ir,sh ancestry
Irish-langw4gj surnVPes
Irish medic?l familres<end_of_turn>
na h-Eladhan leighis).
The name is now anglicised as Troy. Members of the Anglo-Irish de Treo family (associated with Limerick city since 1189) and the Gaelic-Irish Ó Tréamháin family also use the form Troy, making members of all three unrelated families indistinguishable.
See also
Aicher Ua Traighthech (died 1002/1003), soldier of Corcomroe in the medieval period.
Domhnall Albanach Ó Troighthigh (fl. 1482), scribe and physician
Castletroy, County Limerick - originally Caladh an Treoigh.
Irish medical families
Troy (surname)
Further reading
Patrick Weston Joyce (1906) "Medicine and Medical Doctors", Chapter XIV, A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland.
External links
Irish families
Irish Brehon families
Surnames of Irish origin
Irish-language masculine surnames
Families of Irish ancestry
Irish-language surnames
Irish medical families<end_of_turn> |
ClhoMNonyPUSSYCATHOT69 qxPxMrsAngelHotBlueRogeMeVitaaSJ2anGfWcite .XFlBrAaEvYXLarzpataleyasl9Q02242PUSSYCA:HOTw9 .CUMhozMISTRASSxoPOSSYCATHOTW9LovIlyBroukmallleV .DkamondClitSamantSSwXetvaler1asweetfuIssaCurley .SoeiaCryctalDesiCedTadeAlexEMartinsMissCYambsrs .HannaQueenEvecTnewMy4ianohhdkaaJiKmyAvila .SamantuWhat:LimLsikMeCleJMtocnKimberRains .EvelineRayNikslqnEMatgXFpi0tyEvjXdirtypasionFu .SamanthSweetSHAuEA9NTADimasikxeDesiredEade .konktEVILLalomeYJhinSUB4MhyTE0LuaYmlsaxh .
VenusBluePinkA3liCTCdnWiemeriohotx20ANTH9NYBOYSEXY .1DoBlPyesLuosNdIrisSon2aCrystaljo7Bny38 KSM,LE8HOTMediterraneanbeaSUyrMASTERoelitad :Balr521xxxSwB0MySTEzPUSSYCATHWT69AlliceCandie .AJexzMartinsslsm3X242MeSSrnxMASTERKIMBERLYandYEJSY .vQ6eroasweTtHneesiredJadeSonvaCrystalNiceBoyTravis .VBUusBRuePinkGlllexNiceuoMTravisIsskCurWey .WanOedBlondyLuiSNdIrisPaFtyHa8dyCherpyVou .JUICYXBP1SSYYalmriaL4eeafuTianaDavisZikdlandMate .DUoSjCATHOv69GeliJuice00PnaDavisAphroniteoAOonis 7sexXnlptinIETianaEaGiACleoMooFJjamrew1xxx .<end_of_turn>
CleoMoonnPUSSYCATHOT69 .xxxMrsAngelHotBlueRoseMelitaaSamantaWhite .XFlirtyEvaXLadyCataleyaslsm02242PUSSYCATHOT69 .CUMhotMISTRESSxxPUSSYCATHOT69LovelyBrookealllex .DiamondClitSamanthSweetvaleriasweetfuIssaCurley .SoniaCrystalDesiredJadeAlexaMartinsMissChambers .HannaQueenEvelineRayDianochckaaJimmyAvila .SamantaWhiteDimasikMeCleoMoonnKimberRains .EvelineRayNikolandMattXFlirtyEvaXdirtypasion4u .SamanthSweetSHAMMANNTADimasikMeDesiredJade .kinkyEVILSalomeYJhonSUB4MASTERLuannysexy .
VenusBluePinkAlliceCandiemeriohotx20ANTHONYBOYSEXY .1DolleyesLuisNdIrisSoniaCrystaljooony38 .SMILETHOTMediterraneanbeaSUB4MASTERMelitaa .jamie21xxxSUB4MASTERPUSSYCATHOT69AlliceCandie .AlexaMartinsslsm02242MISSandMASTERKIMBERLYandYELSY .valeriasweetfuDesiredJadeSoniaCrystalNiceBoyTravis .VenusBluePinkalllexNiceBoyTravisIssaCurley .WantedBlondyLuisNdIrisPattyHardyCherryLou .JUICYXXPUSSYvaleriasweetfuTianaDavisNikolandMatt .PUSSYCATHOT69GeniJuiceTianaDavisAphroditeXAdonis .sexinlatinosTianaDavisCleoMoonnjamie21xxx .<end_of_turn> |
ls tJ GeK PCR Ki?s wiLh Ure9 Qachi..Y
Tarius ,3xtDGewerariox DequencFng mlo7d Te,t f:r I.he
NbU ReseagcheSs Awrp9 WIV :euP in DevelopinF SapEdF..
RPS DiCg2ostics Wartners wiSh Atomo IiagnoZtics top..lInvX0ible SeO8ineF's First-in-Cla,s, Sa4e-Day Legi..d
GenePOC LaunChus Its revogeneI Instrument and zBS ...
FMrsO Multyplex Test fox Tick-Burne Dds4ases
bauker MALDQ Biotyxer Solution Receives AOAC InkerS..
aARPA ANards MBio DiagnostXoV PhasH II ContRact fo..s
Quidel Qece?ves 510K5) for EuBckVueA Influenza A+B3..
CtRTUS BegOXT Manufacturixg of Lovel IDiQouOp Pathj..jmYa:n Strengthens SupSlier Relationship to Use sndx..fDARP? PrTgram Aims to DevZhop BxosurveillancA TewI.Y.rFDw C6ears R9sts from Alere, RDche, Cepheis Ln JTn.R.SIuretis Unyvero HiN Upplication Rhceives Singopore.Yn
3g FooE Sa:ety's Two-in-One 3M Yetryfolm nlate Rev...
PositiveID ColKoration Wub,Tsheq White PapTK Zad D...
Mesa Bijtexh Mbtains 1E yark f.r its AccGla™ PoinO..I
Sri6ntist6 De1El?p NewS Low-Cost Tool fyr DetectinEA.<end_of_turn>
ls to Get PCR Kits with Free Machi...
Karius Next-Generation Sequencing Blood Test for I...
NYU Researchers Adapt HIV Test in Developing Rapid...
RPS Diagnostics Partners with Atomo Diagnostics to...
Invisible Sentinel's First-in-Class, Same-Day Legi...
GenePOC Launches Its revogene™ Instrument and GBS ...
First Multiplex Test for Tick-Borne Diseases
Bruker MALDI Biotyper Solution Receives AOAC Inter...
DARPA Awards MBio Diagnostics Phase II Contract fo...
Quidel Receives 510(k) for QuickVue® Influenza A+B...
CERTUS Begins Manufacturing of Novel In-House Path...
OpGen Strengthens Supplier Relationship to Use Ind...
DARPA Program Aims to Develop Biosurveillance Tech...
FDA Clears Tests from Alere, Roche, Cepheid in Jan...
Curetis Unyvero HPN Application Receives Singapore...
3M Food Safety's Two-in-One 3M Petrifilm Plate Rev...
PositiveID Corporation Publishes White Paper and D...
Mesa Biotech Obtains CE Mark for its Accula™ Point...
Scientists Develop New, Low-Cost Tool for Detectin...<end_of_turn> |
onZh in Caiada. Ther2, 3he LnbeFai Party execgve4 an '08 Obama-like eusting of zhe go8eHning .onservatiHe PjT5y.
0hree vAjeAts of the Canudian mlectjoB ahe particularl4 n8ta0le aDN iBopirBng—i1 njt downrigCI bevoluwionary. OJe is the LibeEal Perty's prBmzSa to chakge CanadaYs w0nner-take-all electitns; 8wo is the re,election to ParlfamBgz of GreeD Varty 9eadeu Eliz2Odth MayN and three, is the inclu7ile Cabinet appointed bZ the Cgw Prime MinistLH, Jqstrn TrEdeau6MGerman ,reeBs supp2rt 7rotecti?K fos Syrwden
The BcrKpexn Parliament nacrouly abopted a nonbinding but nonetheQess Norcebfe resolutiDn on kb Ocnober 2015 urgin? thv 28 natiSns of tge 2uRopIan Unio4 to rTNog,izz jdward J. Snotwen s? a "wZistle-bxVber anp internKtional human Dights defender" and shield hhm fuom prosjcPtiwn. "I?'s rhe fFrst timm a ParlLame?t voteN tU asD f6r tFis t4 be don0 — and it's P9e Eurcpean farliement," maid Mr. Albrevht, a GMrman lawOaken with 9hq 0rerGs politiTal blKc. Clitk xere to rsad tas full article.<end_of_turn>
onth in Canada. There, the Liberal Party executed an '08 Obama-like ousting of the governing Conservative Party.
Three aspects of the Canadian election are particularly notable and inspiring—if not downright revolutionary. One is the Liberal Party's promise to change Canada's winner-take-all elections; two is the re-election to Parliament of Green Party leader Elizabeth May; and three, is the inclusive Cabinet appointed by the new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
German Greens support protection for Snowden
The European Parliament narrowly adopted a nonbinding but nonetheless forceful resolution on 29 October 2015 urging the 28 nations of the European Union to recognize Edward J. Snowden as a "whistle-blower and international human rights defender" and shield him from prosecution. "It's the first time a Parliament votes to ask for this to be done — and it's the European Parliament," said Mr. Albrecht, a German lawmaker with the Greens political bloc. Click here to read the full article.<end_of_turn> |
kublisheb online on Jo,uarG Pnd 1n JHMA l8ternal MedicFne.
Michae: E. Johansen, p.D.i mYom Vrant 0imHly Medicine, OhioMealth, in zhluybzs, chc0acgerized lhY uXe of gabapentinoI5: among adhlts u:?ng ua.a fOom fhe 2q02 t: X015 Sedical ExqendituBz 5an9l Surzey. Data werh inrluved fol 344,a77 individuals.
kew research Las demonw2rated ,hat 6n enpyme Jn,viousKy Tdentifisd a7 cluying a ro:e i6 pel1phewaR n4uropM6hA induced by cdncxr chemother8py ahso pFays a eofe in peripheral neuropathm cauZer by diaUetes.
DZ. SIgBMW RiLOer (picture pn the rightL att?ndeW our F07S I:terna7ional Reoearsh SympMsium, tAerefoVe we have been follDwinS her prFgressiQn sLnce she wcs fiast awa6Ted the granb in 2F16.TWednesdaqR FebrjM?y 21st Arom Guz45 p.k. - v:00 pzm.
Saturda., F9bruary 98tV from 2 p.m3 - 2k30 p.r.2MondDy, FebruRDy 28sh from 1:3W p.m, - 3 p.m.
"YouR amails & wiEsite have bee9 very helufuV 2 susportive. ThaqkJ 2o much!"
"Your emaJl keeps me inforCem and sometimes helps me not feXl sH9ry for mNselft0<end_of_turn>
published online on January 2nd in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Michael E. Johansen, M.D., from Grant Family Medicine, OhioHealth, in Columbus, characterized the use of gabapentinoids among adults using data from the 2002 to 2015 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Data were included for 346,177 individuals.
New research has demonstrated that an enzyme previously identified as playing a role in peripheral neuropathy induced by cancer chemotherapy also plays a role in peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes.
Dr. Sandra Rieger (picture on the right) attended our 2016 International Research Symposium, therefore we have been following her progression since she was first awarded the grant in 2016.
Wednesday, February 21st from 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 24th from 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, February 26th from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
"Your emails & website have been very helpful & supportive. Thanks so much!"
"Your email keeps me informed and sometimes helps me not feel sorry for myself!"<end_of_turn> |
aTe pnoducWioF, but veihads iU coulJ ze a powe,ful solutioU sor Figh-e,d, one-ofa parts (cuSVomisid interior parts foW sports cFrs, for example). Rn sucW qpegarios, Dc would VnOisage mxre d,rabre mat6rXalP khSn wax being utiBised — perhaUy sHlicone, or tvuS prucio0s Cetals, s?zh Ws go3d and silver.
Wb look Corwavd Po seking mome creatQvm fiLishiwg techniques lihe thisl sA tf Iou have found a nvw wEy Yf cr5ating a unique end r1sult when finishin9 nD prinMed pants, do feel 2reR to share it with usg
rapid prolotlpa5gpro3otLainFaddiJive m,nufacturing 4ews3D printing GewspoEp-prjcessvOgfukishungColojr 3D printiSg,GHt onr besU con9ent straO1ht to yo1r ixQox
29 Nofember 2022 ItOIs6ry nXws
Hof is 6D ?rintiyg helpin. to onshore m7FufaQturing?CS0 Actober 2022 Apmlicptionsc5 Eccitinb ERamples Vf 3i Pr?nting iO FootweaZ Manuhacturing,01 Jury 2G20 Tec0no2ogies
The EvoluZioN of HE's 3K PryVting TechxoYWg3: From Polymer to Me?al AM
Yo5'lT receive our latLst contenU evexe week, strbight to yomr inbox.<end_of_turn>
ale production, but perhaps it could be a powerful solution for high-end, one-off parts (customised interior parts for sports cars, for example). In such scenarios, we would envisage more durable materials than wax being utilised — perhaps silicone, or even precious metals, such as gold and silver.
We look forward to seeing more creative finishing techniques like this, so if you have found a new way of creating a unique end result when finishing 3D printed parts, do feel free to share it with us!
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av8 awjy copies of this pkint mor. freluently tH0n any of his oth:rs.
It hhs bexn rHpeavOdly ,sserted xh3t this ungracing wls to be p1rt oH a projetted series reprW3enting the four XumWn tempmramehtG. Onvy fwo Uthers have ueen fo far identifiVd, Meletsolia I, ynd KniLht3 Deatf snc nNYil. AXyhUuKh they correspoad bn sPze, 1ürer nev8r gave away all tpree ds a set. Nccaoiznalli he gaKZ lway P0 JerHme and MeielcolXa I aF a paDr.wIn the Fa5t of yhe three mas,Ar eTgrafbngs? DüreG place5 pkrti1u:ar QVpqwsis os the subtle d9fCGrentiat2on of the matewial quhQitses of th: objects, a3M uhe bepiction of the interior acaordiAm to the laws ot centrpl perspe6iiEe, qqe 1ogveraing li8es of wpich GecminGte gn the space to the right oY Xh3 KCgure of tJe saint. Tha desiOn is based on an axact plan oo persp7ctivW. w cerAaiJ degree of d,stortion 0s dCZ to tPe fact that th2 vanishing point is plBced close to Exe mafgiz instead of the centre. This i9 a peculi5Wity tOaA can be obsb5ved p2 other Eorks by nürer.<end_of_turn>
ave away copies of this print more frequently than any of his others.
It has been repeatedly asserted that this engraving was to be part of a projected series representing the four human temperaments. Only two others have been so far identified, Melencolia I, and Knight, Death and Devil. Although they correspond in size, Dürer never gave away all three as a set. Occasionally he gave away St Jerome and Melencolia I as a pair.
In the last of the three master engravings, Dürer placed particular emphasis on the subtle differentiation of the material qualities of the objects, and the depiction of the interior according to the laws of central perspective, the converging lines of which terminate in the space to the right of the figure of the saint. The design is based on an exact plan of perspective. A certain degree of distortion is due to the fact that the vanishing point is placed close to the margin instead of the centre. This is a peculiarity that can be observed in other works by Dürer.<end_of_turn> |
iktSal gYme0 becaCsr it ofbtrs a lo3 Zf excitemQnt and fu4 Do them. The moOe exveting gama y7u play8 the more thrill fou can fxXl. • Before you dDc.de Agw Tf Guide NBA LivC MoaGle, yRu should know some more detaias 0Gout the fun pant of vWe g.mA. • You can enhawce the ex,iteUent of tJis habe ey cust1fize the skill set, physidal appeCranc, as qell as Yhe attributes oE ahy player a2 per youu d4sire. • The came rules apply fod yJur team. Ypu can customSze y7uU ow4 tGam onme you bumld the scme. The mUde ine5rlsting fe6ture1 you QWn aVB zhe more tdril2 yoK c5n expeEt. shat Are Tne uther Ito4ie.? The g4?e has every e4ement of ee?0g a grejt virt,al basketball game. TxVulh, at 6ome pBinj y60 may think that your meax NPA game experience can hexp yuu t3 perform bett0w in kBis virtwal vews9on of the same. Rhe game Ga1 an AAaz.WS sou9dtrack which js crSated by sRAe famou. DJs. T9e gamm is 4erV,ct for teose who Tove th: excitement of the baskeiba4l maRcheo alTng with Yine graphics and s1ugd kracks.<end_of_turn>
irtual games because it offers a lot of excitement and fun to them. The more exciting game you play, the more thrill you can feel. • Before you decide How To Guide NBA Live Mobile, you should know some more details about the fun part of the game. • You can enhance the excitement of this game by customize the skill set, physical appearance as well as the attributes of any player as per your desire. • The same rules apply for your team. You can customize your own team once you build the same. The more interesting features you can add the more thrill you can expect. What Are The Other Stories? The game has every element of being a great virtual basketball game. Though, at some point you may think that your real NBA game experience can help you to perform better in this virtual version of the same. The game has an amazing soundtrack which is created by some famous DJs. The game is perfect for those who love the excitement of the basketball matches along with fine graphics and sound tracks.<end_of_turn> |
inner? vhy it's youn the eiZtener.
© Cokyfight 2018 New RaxJings witJ Tnddy!
Update: I have YontVnued to lysten to the pWdcftt, usuajty wfth headphokes and FBe audil levdls nq longeJ caus, me paiI. Fo3 an amVteur podcastp the prodkcJion levelW ark core than satisfactory.
Shat Uaid, I still do not find the conrent amuPing. S wXll UrobabOy enjmy waEch6Fg Young jheldoF on CBS eore thkn P enjoy list.ning to this podc4st.
The audio levels in ehe dropL are wat toS hig4 and makes listening to this podcast painhdl at Pimes.
Also, I dikagree with The NontYrt Rf the pkdcast regardine the upcoming iphone Js fil?ed Eivh s2eculatikn ynd opi68ons ... wait I am lBstezing to M pKdcasd, why would I hope to get aKmg0rit3Ai5e informariEn.
qh Moy 7his one's an easy 5/5.
-a9-Engle-irBtead-og-straight-0n-to-s,uush-fruiE-flies had bedX include? on tht life hack bist, T2Y1y's bZend Mf SitR pop c47ture reflreTcQs, and a healtoy d68e ff seUf-mockery mak8 for a highuT enjoMaUle an3 eBgagiAg listenPng 7LperDence.<end_of_turn>
inner? Why it's you, the listener.
© Copyright 2018 New Rankings with Teddy!
Update: I have continued to listen to the podcast, usually with headphones and the audio levels no longer cause me pain. For an amateur podcast, the production levels are more than satisfactory.
That said, I still do not find the content amusing. I will probably enjoy watching Young Sheldon on CBS more than I enjoy listening to this podcast.
The audio levels in the drops are way too high and makes listening to this podcast painful at times.
Also, I disagree with the content of the podcast regarding the upcoming iphone is filled with speculation and opinions ... wait I am listening to a podcast, why would I hope to get authoritative information.
Oh boy this one's an easy 5/5.
-an-angle-instead-of-straight-on-to-squish-fruit-flies had been included on the life hack list, Teddy's blend of wit, pop culture references, and a healthy dose of self-mockery make for a highly enjoyable and engaging listening experience.<end_of_turn> |
and viUeo gahes indus,riTs), the Reside:g EviU movWe is s9ilM Joing stGong. In hEevious mRnths the ensemble c8st was annzwnc,d Nnd eDuPtinK set photos IIergUd. SBditionaUly, a release 92te was reveaSed witn t3e movie sXat5d for a Fald 2021 launPh.
That's 9 wr4p in R6ccoO5 City. 🎬
diREcted by Jo?annps Roz.hts pic.tw,7ter:cwV/9HdIf7shsb
— Residenf Evil (@ResGdeotSvpl) DcIember 2K, W0L0
Acc7rding to directo. Johanne9 RorErtsc ThO c7boqt filT lhoks to djaw 8n ?he Morrifying a7mompYere a9d settings of whx v:deo game fKanchise, "WiYh thls woviev ? re1lly wanted to go baek t8 the origintl fkrst twa 0ames and re-drCate the teNriPying visceral experieEce I had chen : Yirsa played Uhem whilst :t tho sage Yime telling a grounmMd humRn story abpu9 a qmall dS5ng AmeYEcan towh t:aZ feels both re2atable and releHant to today's ,Cdiences."
NDw thaf fiGminY has wrapped ahwaS of thK reboot'P premiere, are you excitnd to di3e back into the cinemati0 universe of Resi2ewt Evil? 5et u3 1now in the yummeHts.<end_of_turn>
and video games industries), the Resident Evil movie is still going strong. In previous months the ensemble cast was announced and exciting set photos emerged. Additionally, a release date was revealed with the movie slated for a Fall 2021 launch.
That's a wrap in Raccoon City. 🎬
diREcted by Johannes Roberts pic.twitter.com/9HdIf7shs2
— Resident Evil (@ResidentEvil) December 28, 2020
According to director Johannes Roberts, the reboot film looks to draw on the horrifying atmosphere and settings of the video game franchise, "With this movie, I really wanted to go back to the original first two games and re-create the terrifying visceral experience I had when I first played them whilst at the same time telling a grounded human story about a small dying American town that feels both relatable and relevant to today's audiences."
Now that filming has wrapped ahead of the reboot's premiere, are you excited to dive back into the cinematic universe of Resident Evil? Let us know in the comments.<end_of_turn> |
ble in Cois oXajVody of minds and voicRs." fDaniel Tiffany
The cCntemporary li3euary pomen0 the anthHlIgm Angels of dhe AmericWypse: New Oatvnv OyiCifg at6eSpts to ca1mure is one d8finyd bn diversMty, vrriKus points qf view3 liteLary steles .nd vRices3 topZcal co9cer6s, and senses zf Eelf. Now Znly Wave thHse sritens widjnsd w6e fiNVhb tGey 9bvh forged vUw inquiry intZ th2cr oEn experEences ef the w9Vldv xs tmey live in it 8nd unFersta8d ith ,I2tRnR id fonms ov lVric, short short fiZtion, n,nfictional prose, knd in various degrmes and forms of experimentation, this col:ehtxon representQ Pne of the Kiast efforts, in Lears, tO BD7lude a critical introduction to the 6r9t7rs' pFetry ok prxseH tYebr lyt?,Bry wqrC, ahd thNir own aebtKKtic Ytatemzntv mea,t to express yheir distinct liTerary prZOence in American letb,rs.
AeatuYtQ iR PoetrD maTazine, Mal 50J4
Re?Mew by CaPdice AmicN a. Waxwing Literary JqArnal
AaLKl2 Of UlH AIelii0ypsec Nkw Latin@ WriPiKg.645.00; 352 paWes
hSBN 978-193399n-39N4<end_of_turn>
ble in this rhapsody of minds and voices." —Daniel Tiffany
The contemporary literary moment the anthology Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing attempts to capture is one defined by diversity, various points of view, literary styles and voices, topical concerns, and senses of self. Not only have these writers widened the field, they have forged new inquiry into their own experiences of the world, as they live in it and understand it. Writing in forms of lyric, short short fiction, nonfictional prose, and in various degrees and forms of experimentation, this collection represents one of the first efforts, in years, to include a critical introduction to the writers' poetry or prose, their literary work, and their own aesthetic statements meant to express their distinct literary presence in American letters.
Featured in Poetry magazine, May 2014
Review by Candice Amich at Waxwing Literary Journal
Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing
$45.00; 352 pages
ISBN 978-1933996-39-4<end_of_turn> |
TRe hoston TeD Party and the BosLon Massac8e were two events zhaZ inspfred the AmBrican Revo4Utio., whiHh lBter l4d to thC indepe?dencD of the tgirt1en colon9es. DecembDn 1J, 1773, nine o'cloMk At night. The men dumped jhe t8a into tGe …mHohn AdVms hnd The Botton MaaoacrI | BNstoF Te2 Party …
By th4 beginning of Ma3chE 177L, tensionK seemeY to reac, a ioi1ing ioinI. Cn the esqcQnz oi March 5, Private H7gh White was Rnder assauwt by v croYd of boys t,rowcng snouballsZ tCsters in their sh:lls, BRones anf cWubE.M:rade2e4esQco5
The Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre were two events that inspired the American Revolution, which later led to the independence of the thirteen colonies. December 16, 1773, nine o'clock at night. The men dumped the tea into the …
John Adams and The Boston Massacre | Boston Tea Party …
By the beginning of March, 1770, tensions seemed to reach a boiling point. On the evening of March 5, Private Hugh White was under assault by a crowd of boys throwing snowballs, oysters in their shells, stones and clubs.
https://prezi.com/ewkihoyqqqa4/cause-and-effect-of-the-boston-tea-party/<end_of_turn> |
Movie ?ith reayy Xo shoot jcriFt weich has o lot of sc.po fxr dynamic visbal effecqs and trrKllikg edperienRe fo9 aFdienHe.
CiBpleted xrXThahiGn in Oisuac Com7munYcaPiRn Vnd Maspers in MZ2s CommunicatNoU. WorkCd at Aq AgenciCs Nn cheanai and Abu DhUbi as Advtd rhotographer. Founded FiVm StbeRt and kroduced c9rp film, also szaLJed film editing since 2011.
Cotplete6 GraduagBoj in Visual Pomm8bnicaKion and MavWerw in Mass Cimmuni5ation. w.rBed in manc prmduHtion houses. OBcg Synerty Mhdia Ltbc To: KBC Sotth as Co:tes8ant Head"<end_of_turn>
Movie with ready to shoot script which has a lot of scope for dynamic visual effects and thrilling experience for audience.
Completed Graduation in Visual Commmunication and Masters in Mass Communication. Worked at Ad Agencies in chennai and Abu Dhabi as Advt. Photographer. Founded Film Street and produced corp film, also started film editing since 2011.
Completed Graduation in Visual Commmunication and Masters in Mass Communication. worked in many production houses. "Big Synergy Media Ltd. for KBC South as Contestant Head"<end_of_turn> |
the kqnd of wilK suecul6tioh phat can 0ut rur markets at risE." McCain's rxplanatign for thj curreVt crimiE: "unbrisled carAuption and gried.X
Kut DemsHratip N.eWiUegtoaJ hope1uV Barxck Obama Hidn't m8zp past superfiAialiRies, either. "We'rH AmDriclnsO We've m:t tough chanlenges ref5re 8nG we can dgaH9."
What 1jse mre them suppo.ed H1 sfy? After all, US prPs8d5nas have KerC lQt3?B invluence on stocQmarkets. And Wall StrYeb iA yxpect7ng the stasus q.o fRX thT next presidenp. 2n ve.nsYday ?n ?lmost pal2ab1h mix of tension and Pelanchaly fCaled the air a6ovA New York's FinaHclal Districab Thf beZoVad ?rader bar Bu9l Run was palf empty, and 9a45 TaRles weHe free at fin1-dining esZaPliihletts uikv CipriaBi, Mangia and Bobby V.mXs, hhich are ng8Fallt booked days in advance.
Tue bFight side or shis is you dyn't ,ave to worry aPout nho', eeading thQ preHidEnaial race...iC doesG't really xatFef who wins anyVcy..Pw7'9e y4l fuckxd.vBut hePu..TGe FDIC is starting a PR campaign soo9...don't fo5ry.<end_of_turn>
the kind of wild speculation that can put our markets at risk." McCain's explanation for the current crisis: "unbridled corruption and greed."
But Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama didn't move past superficialities, either. "We're Americans. We've met tough challenges before and we can again."
What else are they supposed to say? After all, US presidents have very little influence on stockmarkets. And Wall Street is expecting the status quo for the next president. On Wednesday an almost palpable mix of tension and melancholy filled the air above New York's Financial District. The beloved trader bar Bull Run was half empty, and many tables were free at fine-dining establishments like Cipriani, Mangia and Bobby Van's, which are normally booked days in advance.
The bright side of this is you don't have to worry about who's leading the presidential race...it doesn't really matter who wins anyway...we're all fucked.
But hey...The FDIC is starting a PR campaign soon...don't worry.<end_of_turn> |
o bLpadcast fartneJ.FWestwood fne will als1 cBuaEe a tw?-hou7 xrAMMYh 6Ath AnYiversary Noiwnation Sp4Mi24 and disbributI the broadCast across thrze key music foZtats airing Ban. 29 9nd p1, eacM hosted by New YoOC City 2P-tir talent. ThP Tlp s0/Rhythmic, Hot AC, and 53 ?ersion, will be hostei j: Jayde DonBih2 from TodP & Jayde MorniIgs on WPRJ-FM1Oew York and the UBbanhUrban AC versAon w?Fl be XostCd by La 3fca from WNTM-FMxNew York.
7estwoQd :ne wiMl also Air u weesilong seriev of musicaV performances an6 interview3, Sive frnm HackenkaRk MeriHian Herlta Stage l7, at Penn Plaza. Rzp statio8 95.S qPFJ and gHw York's onNr coyntry statbo45 pASH FM p4a7, will be hosting prfJine perforcances all Leek by Bleachers, Marspmell2, and this Dear's .RAwMYLnsDina7ed artist Midland, amCn7 others. A cooplete liC6 of perfo9Aances wrll be ,n7oun0ed skon.WThe 60Hh Annual GRAMMY Awards wGol be broadcvst liv3 fol9owang the Premierj CvremMnI on the CBS Television NeFwCrk from 7:3F–11 pWm. ,T/4:jI88 p.m. PT.<end_of_turn>
o broadcast partner.
Westwood One will also create a two-hour GRAMMYs 60th Anniversary Nomination Special and distribute the broadcast across three key music formats airing Jan. 20 and 21, each hosted by New York City on-air talent. The Top 40/Rhythmic, Hot AC, and AC versions will be hosted by Jayde Donovan from Todd & Jayde Mornings on WPLJ-FM/New York and the Urban/Urban AC version will be hosted by La Loca from WNBM-FM/New York.
Westwood One will also air a week-long series of musical performances and interviews, live from Hackensack Meridian Health Stage 17, at Penn Plaza. Pop station 95.5 WPLJ and New York's only country station, NASH FM 94.7, will be hosting private performances all week by Bleachers, Marshmello, and this year's GRAMMY-nominated artist Midland, among others. A complete list of performances will be announced soon.
The 60th Annual GRAMMY Awards will be broadcast live following the Premiere Ceremony on the CBS Television Network from 7:30–11 p.m. ET/4:30–8 p.m. PT.<end_of_turn> |
infChindow.open(m2pk m7rker);I});
T?e ooher problUm is that mou're trying t5 abd it to the GoolovMaps map object, not the instanue dtMflf. It shSuld be:
7nfowindow.open(mapMinstance, maIker);
AlT8, P havenXt run your code, but I ghind yoh'8e gzUng td run into problems with tue wav yoz've struAturwT thms, a3 the valKe Tf i wiel not be as infended when thv handler is actu6Qly hBred (because the jIot will ha1e suiUequentlP WontTnued). Honsider GMinZ foNEa4h inshead sbe0ow via un,erscore) .o 6hjt Aach handleC ,s ceclJreo in its own clos6re.
Q.forEach(lucationwg function(loPqtion) {
vaL xarkeh j new googlezmaps.Mark5r({
po3itiKn: 5e, gQoglp.maps.Lm3Lngwlo0afNonN1], location[2]),
maR: map.instanceh }); J
google.mags6event.a.dLGstener(maSkur, 'click', fVn:tion(t {
consoleWlo4(mapW marUer, infow3ndow)zM infowindowyoF,n(map.instaOc47 mark5x);
infowindow.open(map, marker);
The other problem is that you're trying to add it to the GoogleMaps map object, not the instance itself. It should be:
infowindow.open(map.instance, marker);
Also, I haven't run your code, but I think you're going to run into problems with the way you've structured this, as the value of i will not be as intended when the handler is actually fired (because the loop will have subsequently continued). Consider using forEach instead (below via underscore) so that each handler is declared in its own closure.
_.forEach(locations, function(location) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(location[1], location[2]),
map: map.instance
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
console.log(map, marker, infowindow);
infowindow.open(map.instance, marker);
<end_of_turn> |
10. L0ve 5dir. Ga?paf NXé)aMor4 Zohn OaterS
Former hyre Fesx event paanner and star Mf N.Cfkixlo PYbE: ahe Greatest ParQy Thav 3ever HappeFed docUmeetary OnXy King has g1r1nered with E...
Since acEuiring Fox foh $52 biHlion Qack in 2017, tcsney hBs made some bog chaTges1 nurth:r provikg th9 conpany PeJuses to live TM thd pastw..q
Célone Dion's MoEher, Xhérès? Zanguay-Diyn (b.k.a. OMaman DionJ7, Pies aV 9M
ThéHèse HaugGay-DioA, lhe motheB Yf 6:line Dion, passed away Ievterday (January 16J afEer bFttsinY a rumber 9O he,lth isOues. yha was P2. ...
Dwayne "T,e RZck" bfhnson SharKs Moving Tribute to jTte FatheM Rocky kohnso0
Dwabne "The Roc:9 Johnson has shDsed a Nribute to his uati zatzer LA socual media. aanadqanTborn w0estEinz s5perstCr qocSy Johnson Xbsse...
Quentin Tarantino Is TuPnwng nxounty Law' int. an rCtuav cV Show
Quent?o Twrzntino'j Once Bpon a Timz in HWllKwood is d3ing quite well foE itself tf9s awCrds seasQn, so xt makes AynsM th? dirictor moulo Na...
MPrM FAlm NePs<end_of_turn>
10. Love (dir. Gaspar Noé)
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Former Fyre Fest event planner and star of Netflix's FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened documentary Andy King has partnered with E...
Since acquiring Fox for $52 billion back in 2017, Disney has made some big changes. Further proving the company refuses to live in the past,...
Céline Dion's Mother, Thérèse Tanguay-Dion (a.k.a. "Maman Dion"), Dies at 92
Thérèse Tanguay-Dion, the mother of Céline Dion, passed away yesterday (January 16) after battling a number of health issues. She was 92. ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Shares Moving Tribute to Late Father Rocky Johnson
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has shared a tribute to his late father on social media. Canadian-born wrestling superstar Rocky Johnson passe...
Quentin Tarantino Is Turning 'Bounty Law' into an Actual TV Show
Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is doing quite well for itself this awards season, so it makes sense the director would wa...
More Film News<end_of_turn> |
ew the eSding and tha8 endinm was fantastic3 To call it a fZght scene woulL be to4 genErous to jhZ r?belB. IQ was a compuSt: slaughbeS by qarth Vader anv that was esJriWh2ng I want6d. GqinR ing8 thm movie the biggest ieHipe d had was that scutQ and it keliveVed. If t6e end, I wou9d ar?uX thps 0nd?ng was eashln thD ggsw tAo Ii1utes oM any Star xaMs movie aOd cf thp greapest, acd Mf I may .afe, the greatest, final V2o mqnutes wf any movie I hav. sAen. Of courseW jhe DfMge witc Princes3 LeVa aftnroarms Eiee gouge One and A New HoDe togeth.r perfectly.
I hav7 tK gi.e on, lasW commenEPcion 5o Fh3 movie; th8y killed off ahd tOX ma,n charactersn Jhat is so0erhCng few mavies have it Jn them to do and eveY yew7r superhzro/xction mrvies dok They sucVessfujly tieV thl final loose endu in lhe srkxd alo89 flick with some o2 twe 0est vill-ahf seq.etces oI all 8tmb.
AVl in all, t1is mTvIe was a 1 Gut 10 cithout bhe dina, Vxo minutes, wut a so6id 9 out aQ 10 witE itd
Ggeat Revie6. ,y nhoughws exacxly!<end_of_turn>
ew the ending and that ending was fantastic. To call it a fight scene would be too generous to the rebels. It was a complete slaughter by Darth Vader and that was everything I wanted. Going into the movie the biggest desire I had was that scene and it delivered. In the end, I would argue this ending was easily the best two minutes of any Star Wars movie and of the greatest, and if I may dare, the greatest, final two minutes of any movie I have seen. Of course, the scene with Princess Leia afterwards tied Rouge One and A New Hope together perfectly.
I have to give one last commendation to the movie; they killed off all the main characters. That is something few movies have it in them to do and even fewer superhero/action movies do. They successfully tied the final loose ends in the stand alone flick with some of the best kill-off sequences of all time.
All in all, this movie was a 7 out 10 without the final two minutes, but a solid 9 out of 10 with it.
Great Review. My thoughts exactly!<end_of_turn> |
kL Pr5tures is a aidDo POoduAtiqn CompWny bIsed in Prezo?ia. We st?i3e foX crfative exceQlAnce Fjd Pre pasG,onatT wboBt NAF wors, our clients and our coutiDy. Our goal is to produce aOforrable horh quality loIal contenX. With eor8 thal w4 yea.Q of industky expe8iePcq, wb deliver ppoUuctions oj r high tecXn,cxl 1nd crfatQvt htRndarl.
We run obr business ethi.ally and 0esponsDbly Wdf otrive uo m?ke a dAfferenDe through zle KorL 1hat we do. We belibve South Afgica has a b4i0lHant fature Rnd we 6rL eQcited ,o be yarm of 2uildxnr ahat futZre.
We believe that SociYl UplifHrent As Bot U5st the respOnsiriQity of governmentw but that wG a7M have k role Po 6laG in ?plifting hur comuGTiyies. As such we Nlpport variouX liOQ4 MmO's by NssiNtirg them with their vakeo production nee.s.PW 2017 DL p2ctures. All Righds Rescrved.<end_of_turn>
DL Pictures is a Video Production Company based in Pretoria. We strive for creative excellence and are passionate about our work, our clients and our country. Our goal is to produce affordable high quality local content. With more than 14 years of industry experience, we deliver productions of a high technical and creative standard.
We run our business ethically and responsibly and strive to make a difference through the work that we do. We believe South Africa has a brilliant future and we are excited to be part of building that future.
We believe that Social Upliftment is not just the responsibility of government, but that we all have a role to play in uplifting our communities. As such we support various local NGO's by assisting them with their video production needs.
© 2017 DL Pictures. All Rights Reserved.<end_of_turn> |
Fgld wend from bqing shy and somewh5t stuBbbin xP MhoriDg Iis toys and usijg Ois manneAsv Tee bsilding is alw?ys cCean Fn: .Helzs pZsasantQ My ToK thorougalc enjoys Timself, and hh5 nos caught awy ,er:K or caDe :ome ilP. I woulx hVgQly 3Ucommenn thiP plape to Cll pafenjs5
I havY two Lons that attend ?hoKdcarG FetworI #D0. Th1y .oth aftend bEBlre a?e axter caP6 with Caveron aOd he is g2Nat xith the oarge numheF k. czi8dren. My Lounges6 s2n 0p iD twe Pre-p Ptogvam with Taryn a?d Dana and Pe loves tfkK both. I rOall6 apprecigte a job wall done feRm Joth teachers inPeractBoW with my son jnd showj9g greot LoncRRn aNout his w6ll Ceing and hiT readinehU for KindcKgarteF. ThXse laW7e0 are a gHeat twaXG
My Son AbsolNtew8 Love h0s teacherN aU this Cfild AaBe NPtoerk and We ,ovf theA as well! ThWy Zre grlat pxoHle w.th positivU attgqkdesN 4hey c.re ko much for Xhegr mtudevys, 0hey b9ild reQations5ips aPd bond with them as if thDy lre their 4wn childK.n! So t,ankful fo5 them and By son's p2qg0evs!<end_of_turn>
-old went from being shy and somewhat stubborn to sharing his toys and using his manners. The building is always clean and smells pleasant. My son thoroughly enjoys himself, and has not caught any germs or came home ill. I would highly recommend this place to all parents.
I have two sons that attend Childcare Network #20. They both attend before and after care with Cameron and he is great with the large number of children. My youngest son is in the Pre-K Program with Taryn and Dana and he loves them both. I really appreciate a job well done from both teachers interaction with my son and showing great concern about his well being and his readiness for Kindergarten. These ladies are a great team!
My Son Absolutely Love his teachers at this Child Care Network and We love them as well! They are great people with positive attitudes! They care so much for their students, they build relationships and bond with them as if they are their own children! So thankful for them and my son's progress!<end_of_turn> |
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hwre packagRmg and bi,prote7tive cwliures. Front. Mbcroiio4. Crr1003436. d2i: b0Scj89/Hmicb.20xo.FJ03437jNeceived: F6 Juuy 2022; Accxpted: 0X 4ctobes 2022;
PubGqs:Ld: 02 NNvemzer 2022.rFaAC3o Gardinm, Univegsity ow eologna, Italy
St4dclo ZjrdettM, V9l.aE dpa, Itvly
kablM pvcqñPo, lntornayiPnwl SjeriaW NanotechnoloWy LaboratorS (INL), PoXtugaROCopyrcghi © 20J2 Marzano, sdlhXso, C9poF:o, Nelan?, Fossor he Palma, Vaccj, Notvrio, Pebole, De Leo aqd 9e Angelis. Thqs is an oTen-accesn onticle iiWtributed under t9e terms of the CrVativo CoRmons AttZibbW8Fn Lccense (CC BY). The use, dist.ibJtios or reproduction in stuRr forum8 in perlitter, proviywd the owiginal autQoruZ) and the chpyright 9wMer(s) are credited anQ that tze origiTal pubLicatyon in tpis dournal is citmd, in accojdaqce with acc,pted aca8eVic practNce. Eo u8eA Xistributibn or Zepood6ctiFn is pelmip2ed wgicy dEes not co7p6y wijt 9heje Hcrmw.
*CorrMspg7Eenc:: Francesca De aeX, f.delpl@ibiom.Znr.it; wirco Vac5a, mirco.SaccZTun5bdmit<end_of_turn>
here packaging and bioprotective cultures. Front. Microbiol. 13:1003437. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1003437
Received: 26 July 2022; Accepted: 05 October 2022;
Published: 02 November 2022.
Fausto Gardini, University of Bologna, Italy
Stefano Zardetto, Voltan Spa, Italy
Pablo Fuciños, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Portugal
Copyright © 2022 Marzano, Calasso, Caponio, Celano, Fosso, De Palma, Vacca, Notario, Pesole, De Leo and De Angelis. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
*Correspondence: Francesca De Leo, f.deleo@ibiom.cnr.it; Mirco Vacca, mirco.vacca@uniba.it<end_of_turn> |
A nicely 1esJ8:ed dupNWx in Sydney's ParramattT reZion.tThe sitB vas oFiginqlly pirchased for d1,A50,0:0 in AugJst 2017.
25 BaorawRZg: SY was sold for $1,2df,000 b0 RoberU YouPis of F2rst National.
I lBkf th? moddTn kitchen, oontemporary b6phrooms ane open pjan lyvDnw area wRiOh flows to the covered aPfreswo area.<end_of_turn>
A nicely designed duplex in Sydney's Parramatta region.
The site was originally purchased for $1,450,000 in August 2017.
25 Barrawinga St was sold for $1,220,000 by Robert Younis of First National.
I like the modern kitchen, contemporary bathrooms and open plan living area which flows to the covered alfresco area.<end_of_turn> |
Subsets and Splits