After spending six weeks in Bellingham, Washington getting ready for my overseas trip, I hopped on a plane and headed west. My first stop was the island of Rarotonga in the south Pacific. I'd read great things about "Raro," so I decided to spend about a week there before flying on to New Zealand. I wasn't disappointed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
SE "Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority" got the legal ground for the return of 118 million UAH state procurement State Enterprise The Northern Commercial Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Commercial Court of Kyiv, which declared invalid the agreement between the State Enterprise "Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority" (SE "USPA") and the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Tekhmorhidrostroy Mykolayiv" on 712 million UAH. The decision taken by the appeal court on March 13, 2019, has entered into legal force. This allows the SE "USPA" to begin the procedure for returning illegally paid 118.4 million UAH. Due to the work of the lawsuit, the NABU prevented the transfer about 395 million UAH in favor of the LLC "Tekhmorhidrostroy Mykolayiv" as well as causing about 146 million UAH damage to the SE "USPA". This agreement, along with another one (on 290 million UAH) the NABU Detectives investigated within the case as of the facts of the public funds embezzlement of the SE "USPA" during the state procurement of dredging services. The investigation was completed, and the case is under the trial in the Shevchenkivsky District Court of Kyiv. The investigation revealed that in 2015-2016, the SE "USPA", in violation of the law, conducted two state procurements of dredging services in the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol. The winner of the tender was the LLC "Tekhmorhidrostroy Mykolayiv", with whom officials of the SE "USPA" signed contracts for the provision of services at inflated prices. As a result, the state suffered losses in particularly large amounts. According to the materials collected during the pre-trial investigation, the NABU filed a lawsuit on the declaring of agreements on 290 million UAH and 712 million UAH invalid. In January 2018, the Commercial Court of Kyiv declared invalid the agreement on 290 million UAH. A year later, the same court accepted a similar decision about the contract on 712 million UAH. Related publications: http://bit.ly/2ODPltP Materials for media Useful information and share links
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home » As Predicted Levy's 'Gordon Gekko' Tactics Have Now Seriously Damaged Spurs As Predicted Levy's 'Gordon Gekko' Tactics Have Now Seriously Damaged Spurs By Harry Hotspur - 6 October 2019, 11:43 My thanks to our man Paul It's been clear as a bell to the vast majority of us on this site where we've been headed for a very long time. All it would have taken was that small bit of support to get us over the line at crucial times but that support was not forthcoming from our chairman. What instead did Daniel Levy do during this period of valiant struggle? He knocked down our home. He knocked down our home and leveraging our club's great history he spent every penny raised on erecting a megalithic retail outlet that happens to have a football pitch at its centre, or is the real centre-piece an NFL pitch, with Spurs now referred to as "anchor tenants" by ENIC staff? And in the process of doing this Levy buried our club in staggering amounts of debt, so much debt that new words had to be invented to accurately measure it; 'Generational debt'. Which for Spurs supporters of a certain age means your kids subs will still be paying for this long after you've gone, it's that good. All this was done, carefully planned to be done, directly at the expense of the footballing team on the pitch. For Daniel Levy is not a footballing chairman, to be absolutely clear this is a man who measures success in zeroes and ones, not by tin pots in glass cabinets. When Levy first floated this stadium gubbins there was lots of accompanying talk about THFC needing to be 'more competitive' but what people failed to understand at the time was that dear Daniel was never talking about the awfully random pursuit of winning kickball trophies, his vision of competition envisioned acquiring (or building) lots of lovely value appreciating property assets. The rub or more accurately 'the fun' for young Daniel was how to do all this whilst making these assets still appear to be one thing – a football club but at the same time brilliantly hiding their true purpose – as repayment instruments for low interest generational debt. Rather, annoyingly he was forced to recognize that the football club (for now) appeared to be the only reason the bipedal wallets wanted to engage with his THFC brand. So, how to expend the absolute minimum necessary on the pesky 'non-retail' pitch whilst keeping the tills ringing off it? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mauricio Pochettino, the manager who made all Daniel's dreams come true. For only sub eight figures annually, here was a man who proved he could not only save young Daniel tens of millions in disgusting transfer fees but with only buttons at his disposal could in fact exceed all expectations in non-retailing matters. The fatted cow and the golden goose rolled into one. For Levy the ROI on Poch was staggering, by simply raising this manager's relatively tiny salary he could save twenty times the amount and more annually on transfer fees, eventually reaching the Xanadu threshold where he was expending less than nothing on player transfers. All he had to do was feed Pochettino a vision that slightly enhanced the importance of grass based matters, and he found that through some manner of sorcery unknown to the accountant's high table this new manager could actually convince these brain-lets to fight and win in a manner previously unseen during ENIC's tenure. So this is the backdrop against which all Spurs on pitch efforts have been played out. Forget the micro nuts and bolts, this is the macro meat and potatoes. But putting current frustrations aside. Putting current frustrations, the Summer's frustrations, the CL final's frustrations and the whole of last season's frustrations aside, we do need to give this team and Poch the credit they deserve; they have for many years genuinely been trying to win something, to build something against tremendous odds. Sadly they just had no idea who they were dealing with in Daniel Levy. Levy has undoubtedly done Poch like a kipper or should I say Poch allowed himself to be done; he never asked enough questions at the time, he never kicked up enough of a stink when it must have dawned upon him what was really going on, he just kept taking the money, wearing the suit and allowing himself to be mollified by some fireside face-time with Levy. So yes Poch is complicit, inasmuch as he has allowed himself to be royally cucked. To be fair he just might not have been smart enough as it's not like Levy didn't have thousands fully and completely fooled with his ability to do 'just enough' to keep the lemmings from the cliff edge. But back to the team and their efforts, before it all went so horribly wrong. Just think how tired they must be. God they must they be tired, tired of the project, tired of hearing about the building, being the plucky underdogs and the stories of jam tomorrow, yet all the while still not being able to understand why they are not being supported in going about their primary desire. They just had to take it on faith from El Pocho, and they did to be fair. In seasons past they gave their all, they watched as hundreds of millions of pounds were ploughed into a new stadium but nothing for the team, no home to call their own and still they soldiered away. I'd be tired of that, regardless of how much money I was on, who wouldn't be? Having knocked themselves out for years only to have achieved absolutely nothing tangible for all their efforts then I imagine that one by one they just stopped listening, stopped believing and now finally, stopped trying. That's an awful place to be for an ambitious professional. They probably can't form enough words in the correct order to elucidate why they feel the way they do, bless them but feel it they do and having fairly primal instincts they can smell the stench of death about the place. The corpse stinking the place out is the manager and his project. What we are witnessing now is purely the funeral arrangements. Where does that leave us supporters? Well with the knowledge that the only franchises Daniel Levy is interested in forming are ones with the NFL, by default we supporters are left completely disenfranchised – supporters of an 'anchor tenant' team, victim of an aggressive stealth takeover by a man who represents and partially owns a company that has somehow managed to never spend a penny of its own money in support of the thing it owns. Daniel Levy is not a footballing chairman, never has been, never will be. Under Levy's stewardship and ENIC's ownership, the paucity of investment in the football team has been breathtaking, world-class in fact, Gordon Gekko would be proud. Tags NewsNow Confirmation Of Official Eriksen Bid Cavani & Piatek Transfer Talk Takes An Unexpected Twist £11m+ deal on the table as agent meets Spurs chairman Daniel Levy on Tuesday 58 responses to "As Predicted Levy's 'Gordon Gekko' Tactics Have Now Seriously Damaged Spurs" Panama Paul says: Sorry to interrupt the self -flagellation and angst currently being expressed. I truly wish that I had the definitive answer to put everyone, myself included, at peace with our present predicament. Sorry, I don't. However, I'm more than happy to point the finger at Levy because he is an obvious target, for perhaps not so obvious reasons. As you are aware, Levy signed off on the magalithic homage to the NFL, over-budget and late. So late in fact that he had to go cap in hand to the Premier League for permission to open the new venue in the back-end of the season. Something that was against Premier League rules but necessity had forced Levy's hand due to the build hemorrhaging cash that needed to be recouped sooner better than later. And the Premier League agreed but at no time has there been any talk of a penalty or fine for this rule breach. But suppose there was actually a fine, in the guise of the Wembley rental being doubled from the previous season for each match played there. Could some of our depressing run of results, where we didn't show up, made uncharacteristic errors or didn't get decisions in our favour be a form of points deduction, easily between 20 and 30 points, that effectively scuppered our season before it got going (and that the players are aware of?). The Premier League is a business that promotes its brand – the success of that brand determines how much money it generates because it has competition out there it needs to stay ahead of. Tottenham aren't fitting the brand right now – the project was a novelty that was tolerated until the CL final (which was unfortunately against another English team) and our grace period is now over. Unless we buy "names" to fill our team, like Liverpool and City do, we are not regarded as enhancing the PL brand, regardless of how good our football might be (which it isn't at the moment). However, "names" cost money in transfer fees and wages that don't fit in with ENIC's business model, so Levy balks at shelling out the amount of money required. Until that changes we will be perennial also-rans. On a side note, could the PL end the farce and just award Liverpool the EPL trophy now. Their "luck" is becoming an embarrassment (or an affront) to genuine football fans. D.Duck says: "But suppose there was actually a fine, in the guise of the Wembley rental being doubled from the previous season for each match played there. Could some of our depressing run of results, where we didn't show up, made uncharacteristic errors or didn't get decisions in our favour be a form of points deduction, easily between 20 and 30 points, that effectively scuppered our season before it got going (and that the players are aware of?)."…………… ? "Suppose"? Was there a fine or not? Im not aware of the facts and figures but I am going to look them up now! I thought Joe Lewis had 3 or 4 billion in the bank a couple of years back when the team went on holiday on his yacht!!!! You are not telling me we are skint surely!? #:/ If Levy, who can FUCK OFF by the way, guarantees Poch £200 mill to spend as he wants, which is not going to happen, he will tinker with the tactics, Jose style at his last moments at Cheatski so he could be free for the Man U job without looking to bad, that's that. Good luck to him, ain't too many who could have taken us so far with both hands tied behind his back and a contract ensuring he cannot say too much just now. Anybody notice the Ask Spurs on the website is switched off? Just wanted to know if the club would be sold as a going concern, or just the Football Club with the facilities, training ground and as yet unnamed sports stadium at WHL being retained and available for rent by any new football team owners? Good business by a cold hearted snake, never mind the cool Mr Levy. Still, do not think Jose would come anywhere near the club without a massive wage and spending guarantees. Maybe another wandering minstrel, Rodgers? Likes to leave clubs midseason. Roberts who has learnt to toe the line? No chance of European Champions League next year, so assets such as Kane will be affordable to limit generational or short term profit loss. The shit has hit the fan and the fans. WE ARE FUCKED!!! Anybody want to start a Hotspur of Tottenham FOOTBALL Club? Start out at Hackney Marshes or Enfield Town groundshare? Till we get into the League and build on with only fan based owners with a constitution ensuring this could never happen again. COME ON YOU HOTSPUR of TOTTENHAM! Bartleby Scrivener says: Sputtering anger and raging at the world won't solve spurs problems. Fan based owners don't win cups. The teams who do have billionaire backers like Sheikh Mansour at City do. They who see football as a vanity project like buying the most expensive Rembrandt win these days. Sorry, cold hearted snake? Levy isn't in the same league as Mansour. I may be using strong words, but I am far beyond any feelings of anger my friend. But by using discernment and wise choices rather than being treated as an all too common sheep and finding solutions that can bring about change for the best are the only way forward. Under a gas light in Tottenham, several school friends discussed an idea… Steve KillerCushion Williams says: The only fan base owners i have ever known is portsmouth…. Who won more than us in that time i believe.. They won all the lower divisions… And even won an fa cup not so long ago……… Portsmouths fa cup verses spurs league cup ten years prior… Levy is in his own league my friend Tappaspur says: The teams a bit shit at the moment that's all I know or care about really. Need the team to do well for the community to do better. All this American fanfare I'm gonna pop along to later would be so much better if the football team could match it. (Levy must know this,he's lucky the sun has come out) The vibes won't be flashy amongst spurs fans there. I'm gonna fly the "blip" flag. Its all I've got. Molespurs says: Winter is here according to mrs moley I have just had a sumptuous helping of liver n opinions peas mash n bacon life isn't so bad after all unless spurs is your team . Daniel Levy:has rightly been taking serious flak both on this page and in the media – penny pinching players wages and leaving 3 of them free agents(with no replacements),spending too little (and far) too late and above all not commencing the re-structure last season by bringing in new players then. But what about Joe Lewis?. With all his billions,if he had been even 5 percent of a fan, could easily have injected serious money into the club as as share capital with the proviso that it was for" war chest" purposes ;i.e new players, (By new players I mean the finished product and not some young wannabe that Levy can buy cheap and sell expensive).Lewis must be the greediest of all.If he had the slightest affection for the football club and its fans -who made up his initial bread and butter in North London he would (and certainly could) do something positive money -wise.You are quite right in likening Levy to that loathsome creature in "Wall street", except tn omitting to say that BOTH Lewis, and Levy are afflicted with the the Gordon Gekko "virus"!! These guys have put together a "wonderful", capitalist-on steroids model of income stream for themselves.Bugger the football and double bugger the fans. We will never raise our heads "for real" until someone else buys Enic out. Can't really see that happening whilst Levy is the sales negotiator. ………………."by a man who represents and partially owns a company that has somehow managed to never spend a penny of its own money in support of the thing it owns." If it wasnt so gut-punching true it would be funny! Do I remember correctly that some years ago Spurs were offered Sergio Aguero and Alexis Sanchez for 18 million for the pair? What happened to Leandro Damiao? Why the fk are we not screamming at Gareth Bale to come back, and bring 3 or 4 of his current teammates with him!!!! Levy sux….time he went into some other business. Knows phurk all about football. Zander1983 says: Why have we abandoned the policy of signing young British players with potential? The policy brought us from relegation contenders in the 1990's to title challengers. Carrick, Defoe, Jenas, Lennon, Walker, Rose, Bale, Huddlestone, Dier, Alli etc. The policy was incredibly successful. It all stopped after Alli signing, who Levy signed on the recommendation of Pleat. Did Pochetiino put a stop to this? Why have so many clearly talented British players in the last 4 years been allowed to join rivals while we stood by? James Madison was CLEARLY going to be an outstanding player. We didn't even make a bid when he first went to Norwich, and then Leicester. A blind man could have seen his potential. Same with david brooks (who I believe is an outstanding outstanding talent) and Daniel James. It doesn't take a genius to see these guys' potential. I think Pochetiino is probably to blame. We haven't signed one player of this ilk since his arrival (Alli was a Pleat signing), and Poch is supposed to have tried to stop the Clarke signing. It's beyond belief that we've completely abandoned a policy that got us to where we are. I type this while I watch a Chelsea team with 4 academy players (Mount, Abraham, Hudson-Odoi, Timori) and more on the bench, dismantle a Southampton side. This Chelsea team is the new Spurs – they will soon be providing the spine of the English team like we used to. Our academy, apart from Parrott, has absolutely nothing coming through. What in God's name are the scouts doing? There needs to be a complete clearout of coaches and scouts at youth level. They've left us in a position where there's virtually nothing coming through. We need to be a club, given the debt, to be ahead of every other club when it comes to hovering up talent. Instead, we're way behind on that front too. Find out what genius at the club thought Madison wasn't good enough (Poch isn't blameless here), sack him and sack all the other scouts/coaches too. Time to start again and build from the youth up. Leslie Crawford says: Well written and great points,some of our young prospects have instead of playing for the under 23 gone on loan and will be better for it in the long term.Marsh,Roles,Sterling,Amos,Georgiou to name a few.We have also seen the emergence of as you said Parrott and Tanganga.I saw some of them play preseason and have potential. Potential my arse. Potential to what ? Take us into the championship? Stroll on back to flat earth central with your insidious breezy disorder. Last season Brentfords striker Maupay had potential scoring 28 goals,Brighton took the gamble and he scored against us yesterday.Potential is all Brightons debutant forward Connoly had before scoring two against us yesterday.Whats all of a sudden wrong with scouting and playing young lads with potential instead of players who couldn't give a shit and don't want to play for Poch. Fair points man.. The Longstaff brothers tore apart manure earlier.. I would take hungry young quality players over the likes of eriksen any day.. Most top clubs have a good blend of experience and young… But alan hansens voice always kicks in with me, you cant win anything with the kids… Nothing wrong with quality scouting young talent from any age really.. But you have to have top scouts, and a successful acadamy like benfica for example to train and nurture them…. Problem is we got levy in charge of all our shit micro managing the club in hitler fashion … We had a great scout remember pochs guy paul someone with the black box from southampton? He lasted a few months i believe… I dont know who scouts for us now, judging by the last few years it may be levys wife? Paul Mitchell, who signed Son Heung Min. The Chelsea scouts put our chumps to shame – they have unearthed gem after gem for years (de bruyne, courteois etc) and now the spine of the team is made up of England u21 players. WTF are our scouts actually doing?? Chelsea buy every kid going some legally some not that's why they have a transfer ban.Last season they had 42 players on loan.Over the last five seasons they have been number one for sales @£523.6m They do uncover a gem once in a while but have a huge turnover of players every season.Chelsea have always just gone out and thrown whatever it takes to get the player but have had to curb their ways and are now reaping the rewards of their academy. I think we need them in the first team atm! #:/ coys1882 says: A poignant piece H and eloquently expressed. There are many truths contained in it and my only point of disagreement is with regard to the prime mover at ENIC. It is not Daniel Levy and never has been. Joe Lewis sets the corporate agenda and determines the business philosophy and operational strategy of ENIC. As the junior partner and Lewis's protege, Levy merely follows his master's voice. If Lewis determines the books at THFC are to be balanced annually, then Levy delivers, if he didn't he would be out. It is entirely within Lewis's remit as to whether he wishes to invest a penny of his own money in THFC and in 18 years, as the de facto owner of THFC, he has never done so and never will. Levy, with less than 1/4 of the net worth of Lewis, is small fry corporately by comparison and not in an autonomous position regarding ENIC. It is Lewis's vehicle and Levy owns less than 30% of it. In fact I have sometimes wondered if Levy had the same financial clout as Lewis and owned ENIC, whether he would pursue the same business strategy. I can't imagine that Levy has enjoyed being shafted on transfers all these years by Abramovic, for example, because of ENIC's tightwad transfer approach, nor enjoyed being the object of fans ire regarding lack of on-field success, due to a corporate strategy and business paradigm determined by his boss (Lewis). For years Spurs have been punching above their weight. We have had the lowest net income, the lowest net spend and lowest salary expenditure, by far, of the top 6 up until the last two years. That income gap has now closed very considerably to the point where we have actually overtaken Arsenal and closed the gap on Chelsea and Liverpool, all the while maintaining Champion's League qualification. Poch and Levy both deserve credit for that. My contention therefore is that it is Joe Lewis's singular lack of ambition toward on-field success, that has stultified the progress of our great club, rather than Daniel Levy's. Levy's lot is to be the perennial whipping boy for his master's paucity of investment in the necessary players needed for winning silverware, as opposed to prioritising servicing shareholders, corporate investors and bondholders. Is Levy complicit, yes, however it is also just possible that he might be as much of a victim of Lewis's/ENIC's spendthrift corporate agenda as Poch. The blame is on the topest person. Where does sugar fit into this? According to eaststand he has 30% of the club (I don't think he does) The topmost person in the corporate hierarchy is Joe Lewis. ENIC owns 85% of THFC and Lewis owns 70.6% of ENIC. Sugar no longer has any shares in THFC, having sold his remaining shareholding to ENIC in 2007. Dem arl in it togeda man. Tick as teafs. Alan sugar? You talk a lot of sense and understanding of the bigger issues surrounding Levy. LMFAO, how much are you being paid to 'get across this' Lezza? You Sir are a plant. I don't know if you have noticed we are that weaker team . "Funeral arrangements?😂😂😂😂😂 gonna get buried are we?😂😂😂😂 when's that then? Hope its not one of them dress code funerals. Tottenham gonna get bury😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Enjoyed reading that bit a work. "Buried😂😂 Everyone can blame Daniel Levy but let's face the facts that to get to the elite in soccer these days takes a gigantic amount of money, Russian Oligarch money. Levy is playing the long game for the club and a stadium and deals with other leagues is part of that. NY Yankees and Man City have partnered soon many others will be because that is the nature of the global game. Nothing stopped Tottenham from beating Liecester to the cup except failure on the pitch. Nothing stopped them from winning the Champions League last year except failure on the pitch. The reality is that the game has changed for good and it's not changing back. Evolve or get relegated. Tottenham, for whatever short term problems they have, have evolved and are now one of the bigger teams. There are already several potential billionaire buyers of Tottenham that would throw money at players like the other big teams if they get to own the club. It may well come to that. In any case, it does not excuse players who are paid to bring their A game every day and don't. Is Gascoigne gonna have a crac says: The fact they were in a CL final was a vast over achievement not a failure. If there was any backing we would have won trophy's. Liverpool were behind us 2 years ago. They prove the point. I agree that the stadium project harmed the short term prospects for the club because they used money to build it that might have gone for players but lets face the facts, the teams that rely on Russian Oligarchs and Middle Eastern sultans for their money never gave a shit about cost because they throw away billions on loads of worthless shit. The game has evolved to be a stupid billionaires game. That doesn't mean the the player on the pitch at Southhampton gives up. It certainly shouldn't be an excuse for the player or coach at Tottenham. Theres no way it was going to end any other way. They've had the essense squeezed out of the. But, yes the sport has been decimated by corporate parasites. *them Not corporate parasites; ordinary corporations have to earn money to survive. People who stole whole industries from their people or who stole all the oil wealth from their people don't need to. In any case, nobody can convince me that giving up seven goals at home (the most in Tottenham history) is because of Daniel Levy. It's about a lack of professionalism on the pitch and with the coach. The emblem of this team is Delli Ali tooling around in a new Rolls Royce that he recently bought. Thats the attitude, me, me, me. Thats a betrayal of the fans more than Daniel Levy trying his best to earn a return for his shareholders. Did dele by the coupé roller? Nice wip😁 Trying his best to earn a return for his shareholders. Is that what he's doing? Holy hell. Thats what he's obligated to do. If you didn't notice that football was a business, you don't know anything about the sport. He has a strategy and hes executing it. It involved taking a young and untried manager from Southhampton, giving him a shot, building from the youth divisions and at the same time saving money to build a larger platform for the future. Same as Arsenal! TheBoyHotspur says: Wishful thinking, mate. We're leveraged to within an inch of our lives, and the cash the business generated organically – that money's existence was denied – and then splurged on a shopping centre. This team is sick of the sight of each other, dysfunctional, and we are not 'one of the bigger teams', we are frauds. Not one successful football club on this planet has pursued the ENIC business model. Not one. This is not some brilliant, 'other way', this is at best blind opportunism, at worst, an asset stripping exercise that was planned and executed by a drunk. Bravo👏 A great piece H well written by someone who truly cares about our club . "Having knocked themselves out for years to win absolutely nothing"maybe if Poch actually took the lesser cups seriously and didn't go out of his way to play our weakest team,we may have won something.Winning brings a winning mentality,if the players see you show contempt for a cup it won't inspire them to win it. There was enough quality and experience in the side against Colchester to have brushed them aside with ease.It was the application of the players and the manager that let them down.That malaise was more than evident yeatersay also. As pointed out by Paul in his excellent piece above we are now in a very bad place with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel without the sufficient investment. Throwing together a team of players who were retuning from injury,having their first game of the season,having their debut or just anyone that wouldn't be his first choice was bad management.The senior players watching at home have the opportunity of winning that cup denied and thrown at them at the end of every season by our rivals reminding us of not winning anything and not a medal to show for it.Why can't we always have 6/7 first choice to increase our chances and not weaken the side until it's unrecognisable while still rotating. Eleventstonedidiots says: A wonderfully heartbreaking piece. An underperforming car crash of a football club would be high on the list of 1st world problems but it us inherently sad what has become of THFC. Arcadela_Steve says: I get bored of hearing 'all' of this is ENIC and Levy. I completely agree they treat the club as a business (which it is btw), for me the problem is every investment they make needs to show a return in THAT financial year – there's no 3-5 year plan on squad investment. Players are seen as commodities with a value that has to show ROI that year. A lot you say I agree with, but come on! Levy didn't pick Moura for the CL final? Levy picks the starting XI? Levy take N'Dombele off at half time? Levy keeps picking the rancid Eriksen week on week? Levy puts Sissoko as RB before KWP… esp when Sisso is so important in our MF? I'm a big fan of yours and continue to be. These are only my opinions, nothing more, but for me the issues run a lot deeper than ENIC/Levy If it's on this site it's always Levys fault,it's easier that way That implies you have a point to make – which I'd be interested to read. We've discussed at some length 'on here' how flawed Poch is and issues with players etc, however to sneer at the all roads leading to Levy is disingenuous, at best. The fuckwittery of the ENIC model is now staring you in the face, what do you have to say to it? 'Oh it's always Levy's fault on Harry Hotspur"… please tell me you came armed with more than that. I blame the players for performances and results and attitude,I blame Poch for man management,tactics,selection and bad signings but if it makes it easier then blame Levy for employing them and all that goes with it.Did ENIC have to fight off other investors eighteen years or so to take over Tottenham a mid table team or where they the only ones with the business acumen and money to take a risk at a time when many lost millions in football clubs.I don't know all the answers relating to Levy and how he runs the club and don't know whether you do either so by making the remark blame it on Levy,I was suggesting it's always the topic on your site and trying to be smart.Too much time and energy is spent on worrying about how much so and so is worth if it was that easy we would all be investing in football clubs.We all live nowadays in a society were we are entitled to have our say about how things are run,who to blame when the shit hits the fan and at the same time not be at all liable.I am a Spurs supporter of over fifty years and it pains me to watch them recently but as for losing any sleep over ENIC or Levy I will leave that to you Harry. Its just facts. If people can't see it now, there's not much point in anymore talk. Not Levy's fault? Are you a Mr Byrite employee? Do you want a new house with a functioning swimming pool though nobody can swim and sit in the front room being force fed cheap beer and watching Corry on the brand new portable monochrome? Mind you, Corry might have some fun involved, though not too much I hope, might jump up from the Argos coach in excitement and cause damage. Businesses trickle down from the top, it's not the guys in the loading bay that have scuppered Pochettino. Poch is flawed, we know that, but a man fed on starvation rations can't be cited as part of his own demise, because he failed to improvise in order to stay alive. Get in a time machine. Pull that 340M GBP back out of the stadium, give it to Mauricio and let's guess what he does with it, eh? Levy has NEVER backed a manager in 20 years – all he's done is buy and sell like a rag n bone man. As a football chairman, he elevates charlatan to a new level. "A fish rots from the head down'.. Gordon ramsey………. Levy has hand picked all our managers and players since 2001.. He is the man in control therefore its his responsibility Ugo Winker O'Sheriff Loughrey says: I hope Poch isn't ousted. I think he has been brilliant for us but it doesn't look good for him. I have no doubt wherever he goes next he will win things with the help of proper backing from an ambitious chairman. What a shame we have Levy/ENIC. Marbella Spur says: This is a great piece and a horribly accurate statement of the current situation. The question is what should real Spurs supporters do now? I do not live in the UK but even if I did, I would never set foot in the new emporium, despite supporting Spurs since 1962, as the thought of putting any money into Enic or Levy's pockets would make me retch. On a more practical level, any Spurs supporter who starts a campaign to oust Enic and their henchman Levy will win my undying support. Manchester United Transfer News The Harry Hotspur blog has been at the forefront of Tottenham Hotspur blogging since its inception in 2006. Contact us: sirharoldofhotspur@gmail.com, or advertising@fanatix.com for advertising enquiries. Rudiger Made Identical Allegations In Italy Charges Were Dropped Due To Lack Of Evidence 3,337Tottenham Hotspur 2,126Latest Blog 429Mulltimedia 249ITK 184Champions League 152Opposition 114CUPs 109Guest Blogs © HarryHotspur
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Global stocks extend losses on China-US trade worries A man stands in front of an electronic board showing Hong Kong share index outside a bank in Hong Kong, Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018. Share benchmarks in Asia are sliding, tracking losses overnight on Wall Street, where investors sold industrial stocks following reports that the Trump administration is considering a higher tax rate on Chinese imports. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) People walk past an electronic board showing Hong Kong share index outside a bank in Hong Kong, Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018. Share benchmarks in Asia are sliding, tracking losses overnight on Wall Street, where investors sold industrial stocks following reports that the Trump administration is considering a higher tax rate on Chinese imports. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) A man walks past an electronic board showing Hong Kong share index outside a bank in Hong Kong, Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018. Share benchmarks in Asia are sliding, tracking losses overnight on Wall Street, where investors sold industrial stocks following reports that the Trump administration is considering a higher tax rate on Chinese imports. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) BANGKOK — World stocks were falling again Thursday on reports that the Trump administration is considering a higher tax rate on Chinese imports, increasing the stakes in the economic powers' trade war. KEEPING SCORE: The DAX index in export-reliant Germany tumbled 1.6 percent to 12,534 and the CAC 40 in France lost 0.7 percent to 5,461. Britain's FTSE 100 slid 1.2 percent to 7,559 after the Bank of England raised its main rate by a quarter point. The outlook for Wall Street was downbeat, with the Dow future down 0.6 percent and S&P 500 futures 0.5 percent lower. ASIA'S DAY: Japan's Nikkei 225 index sank 1.0 percent to 22,512.53 while the Shanghai Composite index lost 2.0 percent to 2,768.02. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index dropped 2.2 percent to 27,714.38 and the Kospi in South Korea shed 1.6 percent to 2,270.20. Australia's S&P ASX 200 skidded 0.6 percent to 6,240.90. Shares also fell in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. TRADE TALK: The Trump administration said it might put a 25 percent tax on $200 billion in imports from China. That is up from a 10 percent tax it had proposed in July, shortly after imposing a 25 percent tax on $34 billion worth of imports. China again threatened to retaliate. The tit-for-tat exchange is increasing risks to the economy, as tariffs make goods more expensive, especially for big manufacturers, which source their parts and raw materials from around the globe. ANALYST'S VIEWPOINT: "The trade tensions are making investors risk-averse today," said Naeem Aslam of thinkmarkets. APPLE RECORD: Already the most valuable company in the U.S., Apple was the biggest gainer of any S&P 500 stock Wednesday, surging 5.9 percent to $201.50. That gave the company a value of $973 billion, based on its latest quarterly filing. The tech giant said the average selling price for the iPhone jumped 20 percent in its latest quarter and its third-quarter profit and sales both surpassed analyst projections. Apple's third fiscal quarter is usually its weakest. CENTRAL BANKS: As expected, the Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged on Wednesday, but hinted it's likely to raise rates again in September. High-dividend stocks like consumer products makers sank as bond yields increased. The central bank noted the labor market continues to improve and the economy is growing at a strong clip, while inflation has reached its target of 2 percent a year. In Britain, the Bank of England raised its key rate as expected but said it would be cautious about further increases as uncertainty over Brexit increases in coming months. It raised its main rate to the highest since 2009, when the global financial crisis was tearing through the world economy. ENERGY: Benchmark U.S. crude lost 60 cents at $67.06 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It dropped 2 percent to $67.66 per barrel in New York. Brent crude, used to price international oils, fell 38 cents to $72.01 per barrel in London. CURRENCY: The dollar fell to 111.48 yen from 111.72 yen the day before, while the euro slipped to $1.1619 from $1.1659. Asia shares falter as investors watch dollar, await job data Asian shares are wavering as a weaker dollar discourages investors who are shying away from risky... Trump in Asia: Region poised for change as new era dawns People across Asia are poised for a potentially dramatic change in relations with Washington under... Asian shares rise in thin trade as markets watch Trump Asian stocks are drifting mostly higher in quiet trading as traders and investors prepared for the...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Shop at Angelbub Maternity via Shopcred and you can save money with our Angelbub Maternity deals, coupon codes and offers. Plus earn rewards on eligible purchases which are redeemable as cash and join our conversations. Shopcred is the modern place to Shop. Our community have not posted any deals for Angelbub Maternity just yet; why not be the first and share a deal!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Loro Piana Cashmere: Soft To The Touch, and Now Even Easier on the Eyes by Nick Remsen Courtesy of Simone Giovanni Colombo for Loro Piana "Loro Piana cashmere." The phrase, in and of itself, can turn shoppers' heads from across the room; few materials in the fashion universe are as coveted (or, honestly, as expensive) as the plush, featherlight fibers spun by this Italian uber-luxury purveyor. Loro Piana has long been a discreet-chic wardrobe stopover for the very wealthy (and the equally as restrained). Its goods bare almost no logos or recognizable markings (save for the occasional use of Loro Piana's scripted-font icon), and its color palette is muted. Think: quietly attractive albeit riotously upscale. At the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City last night, Loro Piana held the U.S. premiere of a new short film titled Cashmere—The Origin of a Secret, which reveals a sensory immersion into the beginnings of the textile (which can be viewed online). The label drew a high-profile crowd for the event: guests included Uma Thurman, Liev Schreiber and Eddie Redmayne. Filmed by the Academy Award-winning director Luc Jacquet (who won an Oscar in 2006 for the much beloved March of the Penguins), it is the first of three commissioned works by the brand, conceived to demonstrate Loro Piana's place in the source-to-market chain—and its position as a custodian of both the environments in which it works and the people upon which it relies. On location in Mongolia. Courtesy of Simone Giovanni Colombo for Loro Piana. No words are spoken in the film, which follows a group of Capra hircus goat breeders in Inner Mongolia. Instead, Jacquet lenses a multi-season narrative arc interspersed with abstract sounds rather than human language; the thud of hooves pounding caked-and-cracked dirt, the borderline jarring bleating of a kid, the delicate peppering of seeds falling on ice. The Mongolian desert is extremely hot in the summer, and just the opposite in the winter; Jacquet captures this, but maintains a softness befitting of his work's name, simultaneously. The closing scenes continue to show the goats and their herders in various stages of time and place, but there are splices of film that depict cashmere coming to life, from shorn hair to processed strands. Pier Luigi Loro Piana, whose family founded the company, would marvel at the film's conclusion about flying from Mongolia to New York City, having spent one night in a limitless rural expanse and the next having dinner at Le Cirque. He wryly implied that he may have preferred the former. Jacquet would say that he learned an important lesson from both the breeders and their animals: "modesty." Eddie Redmayne and Pier Luigi Loro Piana. Courtesy of Loro Piana. Uma Thurman. Courtesy of Loro Piana. A vignette of the Mongolian landscape. Courtesy of Giulio Di Sturco for Loro Piana.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Kim Porter trial: Porter found guilty of two counts of manslaughter Judge Regina Chu ordered Potter held without bail Kim Potter, the former Minnesota police officer who mistakenly drew her handgun instead of her Taser during a traffic stop in April in which she fatally shot Daunte Wright, has been found guilty. The jury deliberated for four days before finding the former Brooklyn Center officer guilty of first- and second-degree murder. Potter, 49, faces about seven years in prison on the most severe charge, according to state sentencing guidelines. But prosecutors said they would seek a longer sentence. Judge Regina Chu ordered Potter held without bail, and scheduled her sentencing for February 18. Potter winced when the verdict was read but otherwise appeared not to react. A short while later, she was handcuffed and taken into custody pending sentencing. Potter's lawyers spoke out against her detention without bail, saying she doesn't plan to go anywhere. "Her remorse and regret over the incident are overwhelming," said Potter's attorney, Paul Engh. "She is not a public menace at all." Katie Bryant, Wright's mother, said after the trial that she felt "every single emotion that you could imagine" as the verdict was read. "I kind of let out a yelp, because it was built up in the anticipation of what was to come," she said. BREAKING: Former police officer Kim Potter found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright. https://t.co/DDgAin7nty pic.twitter.com/BakVk2Q6XT — ABC News (@ABC) December 23, 2021 The deadly confrontation on April 11 began when Potter, together with Anthony Luckey, a new officer she was training that day, pulled over Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, for having expired license tabs and a dangling air freshener on his rearview mirror – an infraction in Minnesota.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Montblanc International GmbH — изначально немецкий производитель эксклюзивных чернильных пишущих ручек. Однако в последнее время компания расширила ассортимент и производит различные предметы роскоши, ювелирные украшения, запонки, часы, кожгалантерею, парфюмерию и прочее. История компании Больше ста лет назад трое приятелей из Германии решили превзойти американский Parker и наладить производство отечественных ручек. Так в 1906 году появилась компания Montblanc. Правда, тогда она называлась Simplo Filler Pen Company. А вот имена её основателей: уличный торговец Клаус Йоханнес Восс, предприниматель Альфред Неемиас и инженер-проектировщик Август Эберштейн. Первым изделием, вышедшим в свет, стала Rouge et Noir («Красное и чёрное», пер. с фр.) — ручка из чёрной твёрдой резины с красным наконечником. Она была весьма популярна, пока в 1910 году её не затмила новая модель — Montblanc, с белым наконечником. В течение нескольких следующих лет он преобразовался в фирменную шестигранную звезду — снежную вершину одной из самых высоких гор Европы (такой же высокой, как качество продукции этой марки), а заодно и в отличительный знак компании, которая сменила имя и называлась теперь в честь своей самой популярной ручки. В 1924-25 годах начался новый виток в развитии Montblanc. На свет появилась Meisterstück («Шедевр») — ручка, ставшая родоначальницей самой известной и по сей день коллекции марки. Тогда же закрепился фирменный стандарт любого изделия: перо с гравировкой 4810 (высота пика Монблан), надпись Montblanc на кольце, опоясывающем корпус, и белая звёздочка на конце. Именно в таком виде ручки немецкого бренда завоевали мир: более 60 стран за два года. Montblanc настолько уверена в качестве своей продукции, что с 1935 году начала выдавать пожизненную гарантию на Meisterstück. В 1952-м году была сконструирована модель с номером 149, которую до сих пор можно купить в любом из фирменных магазинов. Причём она не претерпела никаких существенных изменений за 60 с лишним лет. Это самый настоящий долгожитель среди канцелярских товаров. Вообще, у коллекции Meisterstück было множество разновидностей: от простых, классических, до совершенно невероятных — из цельного золота, с платиновым покрытием, с бриллиантами. Кстати, компания Montblanc запатентовала даже собственный способ огранки драгоценных камней — в форме всё той же шестиконечной звезды. Полюбоваться фирменными бриллиантами можно в ручках серии Solitaire. Ну а модель Solitaire Royal и вовсе попала в книгу рекордов Гиннесса в качестве самого дорогого в мире пишущего инструмента. 4810 мелких бриллиантов покрыли корпус ручки так плотно, что смотрелись как абсолютно гладкая поверхность. Ну а завершающими штрихами стали мелкие детали, выполненные из 23-каратного золота и чистого серебра. Другие известные коллекции ручек Montblanc: послевоенная 60 Line, юбилейная 75 Years of Passion and Soul, роскошная Boheme. В 90-х годах XX века бренд решил не ограничиваться только канцелярскими принадлежностями. Друг за другом миру были представлены кожаные аксессуары (1995), ювелирные украшения (1996), часы (1997), продолжающие элегантную традицию Montblanc. А в 2001 году вышла туалетная вода для мужчин — Presence («Присутствие»), настоящая драгоценность в мире запахов. Среди поклонников этой марки были замечены английская королева Елизавета II, испанский монарх Хуан Карлос I, Рональд Рейган и Михаил Горбачёв. В 1994 году ограниченная ювелирная серия авторучек Montblanc Meisterstück Solitaire Royal была занесена в «Книгу рекордов Гиннесса» как самый дорогой в мире пишущий инструмент. Корпус ручки, изготовленный из 18К золота, украшали 4810 бриллиантов особой огранки, помещенных на свои места вручную, так близко друг к другу, что в целом они формировали идеально гладкую поверхность. Использование этого кропотливого процесса потребовало около 9 месяцев для изготовления одного экземпляра этой ручки. Ориентировочная цена ручки составляла 125 000$ Представители На презентации новой линии украшений Montblanc в ледяном дворце Шамони Наоми Кэмпбелл появилась в босоножках Santoni за 3,5 миллиона евро. Эти туфли украшал особый бриллиант в форме звезды, весом в 12 карат, один из самых ценных в коллекции бриллиантов Montblanc. В январе 2014 года Хью Джекман стал лицом компании. См. также Паркер Примечания Ссылки Официальный сайт Компании Германии Производители письменных принадлежностей Производители часов Германии Производители перьевых ручек
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Online shopping is the process of buying commodities or services from merchants on the Internet. Yoon, and Joseph, (2008 pp.13-26) acknowledge that, online consumer's attitudes and satisfaction differ according to the category of products or services they purchase. Under this study, we are going to deal with user's attitude and satisfaction on movie related web sites. This site creates and increases the awareness and promotes both latest and old movies. The following are the impacts it has created from the following areas; information, technology, convenience, community, price, entertainment and brand name. Technologically, online shopping has offered easy ways through which customer purchase his commodities. That is, factors such as customer design interface which includes context, content and customization, speed, adjustable customer profile and likelihood of modified products among others have eased the process through which customer gets the commodity. Convenience, this is because of its accessibility. Internet is accessible 24 hours/7 days a week this make the user able to visit these sites frequently. Through these online shoppers saves time and resources, for they access the products online instead of travelling to view them from the store. Companies such as New Line Cinema Leverage gain access to its 20 million users online. Online users enjoy services such as viewing trailers, purchasing movie tickets, and obtaining information online, which increases customer's convenience. Thus, perceived ease to use and usefulness increases the customer's convenience. Online shopping has played a crucial role as a source of information. Online users are able to enjoy almost unlimited information, which affects their buying behaviors. The quality of information provided on website reduces user search efforts and stirs up their behavioral intent to use. Online shopping also increases the user involvement on decision making of commodity he wants to buy. The involvement makes one search for information and use more time searching for right selection. The degree of participation in the movie-related sites increases from beginner to commitment bearing in mind the levers on the continuum. Lastly, online shopping has created crucial impacts in movie related field for it has reduced on cost, have a chance to compare different brands.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
package cn.enilu.flash.bean.entity.system; import cn.enilu.flash.bean.entity.BaseEntity; import lombok.Data; import org.hibernate.annotations.Table; import org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.support.AuditingEntityListener; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityListeners; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank; /** * Created on 2018/4/2 0002. * * @author enilu */ @Entity(name = "t_sys_role") @Table(appliesTo = "t_sys_role", comment = "角色") @Data @EntityListeners(AuditingEntityListener.class) public class Role extends BaseEntity { @Column(columnDefinition = "INT COMMENT '排序'") private Integer num; @Column(columnDefinition = "BIGINT COMMENT '父角色id'") private Long pid; @Column(columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(64) COMMENT '角色名称'") @NotBlank(message = "角色名称不能为空") private String name; @Column(columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(64) COMMENT '角色编码'") private String code; @Column(columnDefinition = "BIGINT COMMENT '角色所属部门'") private Long deptid; @Column(columnDefinition = "INT COMMENT '角色版本号'") private Integer version; @Transient private String label = name; public String getLabel(){ return name; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
So, uh, what is this? The Many Deaths Of You is an attempt to chronicle and archive interesting Game Over sequences found throughout video games. On a personal level, I've always been into this kind of thing. Ever since I started playing games, there'd often be times when I'd immediately start trying to get a Game Over as quickly as possible to see if anything cool would happen. Oftentimes not, but sometimes I'd be surprised! I'm also doing this because this sort of thing has, sadly, become somewhat of a dying art in modern gaming. With regular checkpoints and frequent autosaving, death is usually treated more like an error message than anything. To be fair, this is understandable. Few would want to play a game where they're punished every time they fail with an elaborate cutscene to rub it in. Some games offer a special cutscene if you screw up particularly hard, a "Non-Standard Game Over," but these can be rare. Despite this, in older games where a game over would be seen regularly, it's important to note that developers put real time and effort into the creation of these sequences. Despite this, many players have not seen these more elaborate death scenes, and few have attempted to document them. Simply put, I appreciate when a game makes the extra effort to illustrate your failure, and this is the sort of thing that I want to celebrate and showcase here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
package types // NewOSDriver is a function that constructs a new OSDriver. type NewOSDriver func() OSDriver // DeviceMountOpts are options when mounting a device. type DeviceMountOpts struct { MountOptions string MountLabel string Opts Store } // DeviceFormatOpts are options when formatting a device. type DeviceFormatOpts struct { NewFSType string OverwriteFS bool Opts Store } // OSDriverManager is the management wrapper for an OSDriver. type OSDriverManager interface { OSDriver // Driver returns the underlying driver. Driver() OSDriver } // OSDriver is the interface implemented by types that provide OS introspection // and management. type OSDriver interface { Driver // Mounts get a list of mount points for a local device. Mounts( ctx Context, deviceName, mountPoint string, opts Store) ([]*MountInfo, error) // Mount mounts a device to a specified path. Mount( ctx Context, deviceName, mountPoint string, opts *DeviceMountOpts) error // Unmount unmounts the underlying device from the specified path. Unmount( ctx Context, mountPoint string, opts Store) error // IsMounted checks whether a path is mounted or not IsMounted( ctx Context, mountPoint string, opts Store) (bool, error) // Format formats a device. Format( ctx Context, deviceName string, opts *DeviceFormatOpts) error }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
This month's featured product brand is One Love Organics by Suzanne Leroux! The Detox Market had a little Q and A with the maker Suzanne Leroux, where she also shared some personal information. One Love Organics Vitamin C Body Oil ($58) A body oil in summer? I'm nervous about this because usually, it is tacky and sticky. Lotions can be tricky enough, what more with oil? But all of skepticism went out the window upon smelling and trying it out. This is a moisturizer and a luxury skin refiner. It is a potent combination of vitamin C ester, papaya enzymes, and organic shea oil. The scent is so good, it reminds me of the beach. I was surprised by how fast it was absorbed by my skin, so it didn't feel uncomfortable or sticky when I putting on clothes. It's not tacky at all. It gently exfoliates and then keeps the skin smooth and dewy after. The formula is 100% organic. One Love Organics Vitamin C Facial Serum ($75) I appreciate that the products are in dark glass containers because it means that they want the oils and serums preserved and protected from the UV rays of the sun. This facial serum has the triple action approach which is to balance and tone at morning and night. It helps boost skin with two potent sources, which are vitamin C and E. A little amount goes a long way, and just like the body oil it is light on the skin and smells really good. It is perfect for dry skin because of its moisturizing effect. You can use it as the base for makeup, and it's gentle enough even for those who have sensitive skin. I trust the Detox Box when it comes to sending us natural and safe skin care products. This month's featured brand, One Love Organics, is eco-certified which means 100% of their total ingredients are of natural origin and 88.4% of total ingredients came from organic farming. The pairing of the two products works perfectly well. I'm happy with the products that I got and I'm looking forward to discovering more clean beauty brands through this subscription! FYI – this box has been selling out every month – if you're interested, we don't recommend waiting for spoilers because they sell out nearly immediately!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"A new future": winemakers consider how coronavirus will change the industry The virus is a wake-up call to a "stagnant" industry, says one Burgundy producer, while others wonder if the status quo will return Words by Adam Lechmere The trauma of the COVID-19 crisis should never be downplayed, but an increasing number of commentators are looking at the possibility that it will bring permanent change for the better. Change might mean people realising that fresh food is preferable to packaged, and an evening walk is a pleasure – or that your business can thrive online. (Main pic: Château Malartic-Lagravière) For the wine industry, the crisis is a wake-up call to modernise, says Silicon Valley entrepreneur-turned-Burgundy owner Michael Baum. "The wine industry has been stagnant for 100 years, trapped in the same multi-tiered distribution systems which are being exposed through the outbreak of COVID-19, and frankly benefit the middlemen much more than the producer or the consumer," the owner of Chateau de Pommard says. This is an opportunity for producers to use technology to talk directly to their consumers. "This is the impetus needed to shift the wine industry into a new future." It's a world of "increased volatility [and] demand fluctuation" but consumers still want to engage in new experiences, says Baum. Michael Baum at Chateau de Pommard Like any entrepreneur worth the name, Baum – who made his millions on a series of start-ups, most notably the big data-analysis system Splunk – sees the virus not as a threat but an opportunity, in particular, to conduct more business remotely. Because of climate change, the need to change our travel habits is paramount. "We have been preparing for nearly two years to embrace a new, more direct to consumer model, driven by advances in internet speeds access to collaboration tools, and the need for people to travel without creating a carbon footprint," he says. "With the restrictions on travel now and long into a post-COVID-19 future, the advancements we are embracing will be even more critical to us and the wine industry as a whole." Baum is not alone. Many other producers are enjoying sharp upward curves in online sales. Jgor Marini, European manager for Tuscany's Banfi said they saw a ten percent rise in supermarket sales last week, and a 25 per cent rise overall. It's a reason to be cheerful, he told Club Oenologique. "We've actually seen some of our best off-trade sales ever. It's a very good way to get cashflow and to keep ourselves afloat for when we have to revitalize the whole business." Castello Banfi il Borgo Montalcino's Castello Banfi is part of New York-based distributor Banfi Vintners, which also owns Banfi Piemonte, and wine properties in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The conversation it is having now, says Marini, is which of these changes will become permanent? "It's a good question. We're already discussing how we will develop online – there's been such an increase in activity we are thinking about bringing our online sales in-house. There's lots of opportunity to develop new ideas." The trend towards sourcing as locally as possible will also accelerate. Food companies across Europe are focussing more on local suppliers as long-haul supply chains are compromised. "We are already seeing changes in business models in some industries," Forbes commentator Rob Day said recently. "Buyers are clamoring for local food, food with short supply chains, and proven and traceable provenance." For the wine industry, whose USP is an unbreakable connection to the earth, this is a boon. "We're all tired of buying products which have travelled around the world before reaching us," says Severine Schlumberger of Domaines Schlumberger in Alsace. The reward "after all this," she says, is that people will seek a stronger connection between nature and the products they are eating and drinking. "For companies like [ours] this is probably good news. We are 100% estate, family-owned, sustainable farming and have tons of stories to tell." The Bonnie family of Château Malartic-Lagravière, with Severine Bonnie second right, next to her husband Jean-Jacques Another major producer, Severine Bonnie of Graves Grand Cru Classé Château Malartic-Lagravière (main pic), made another point. Wine is indeed rooted in place, but "buying fine Bordeaux is not like buying a salad – our customers in Hong Kong, and the US, and the UK, buy our wine because they want to experience our very particular terroir. "So we have now to find that balance, between the need to think and buy local, and the need to fulfil the wishes of our global audience." 'What's the best wine to pair with Mexican food?' By Club Oenologique Editors Turbo-charging the world's best Irish Coffee By Tyler Zielinski Why old vines matter By David Kermode 14 top sommeliers share their favourite books about wine By Louella Berryman "This is beyond anything we have experienced": winemakers worldwide face coronavirus with resolve by Adam Lechmere IWSC whiskies auctioned for coronavirus charity work Club Oenologique Newsletter Sign up for the latest in wine, spirits, food and travel, straight to your inbox
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A game is intended to be for the user's enjoyment and that fact should always be the main focus when creating a game. Dave Halverson had some harsh words directed at critics of the latest Golden Axe video game, namely that they didn't take the time to fully appreciate the game. Here is why he's wrong. My Wii has become nothing more than an expensive paperweight, a gimmicky piece of hardware that's fun with a few friends around but easily eclipsed by other current gen systems. I was hoping for something new and exciting, but instead we get an updated Diablo. Sold out like a fox. The Xbox 360 makes a great media server with the addition of some nifty third party software.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Every year thousands of young adults die in traffic accidents-often as a result of the driver's excessive speed, coupled with the lack of experience, or inattention. Sometimes alcohol may even play a role in a fatal crash. When a wrongful death or personal injury lawsuit is filed due to the negligence of someone else, the innocent victims and their families may need financial assistance to help pay mounting medical bills or funeral and burial expenses. For those struggling financially, litigation funding can often be the only means to avoid debt. Warren, Ohio residents are mourning the death of six teens fatally injured when a sport utility vehicle smashed into a guardrail and flipped over into a swampy pond. Five male passengers and the female driver died in the accident. Two other passengers escaped through a rear window before the vehicle was completed submerged under water. Investigators are focusing on speed as playing a significant role in the accident, but won't speculate if drugs or alcohol were involved. None of the teens were wearing seat belts. There is no word whether families of the victims will file a wrongful death lawsuit, but since the investigation is ongoing, these families will not have access to police records for some time. In the event a claim is filed, waiting for a settlement can take a long time, putting a family in financial ruin. Fortunately, litigation funding may be an option. Litigation funding, a non-recourse cash advance against the future proceeds of the case, can ease the financial burden and give the plaintiff's attorney the time needed to obtain full case value. This immediate funding source allows a plaintiff to take care of their important financial obligations such as medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, and important monthly obligations. The process to apply for a lawsuit cash advance is easy; more importantly, it's free. Once a plaintiff qualifies for funding, cash can often be available in as little as 24 hours. Additionally, the cash advance is not paid back until the plaintiff successfully settles the case. Suffering injuries are the loss of a loved one is enough of a hardship; don't succumb to a financial hardship as well. Call or visit us online to apply or for a no obligation consultation.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Language technology is essential for the survival of small languages – researchers using supercomputers to develop Finnish language models Assistant Professors Sampo Pyysalo (left) and Filip Ginter from the University of Turku's Department of Information Technology are part of the TurkuNLP (Natural Language Processing) research group. Assistant Professors Sampo Pyysalo and Filip Ginter from the University of Turku's Department of Information Technology are part of the TurkuNLP (Natural Language Processing) research group, which will be among the first research groups to test out the GPU partition of the LUMI supercomputer. The aim of the group is to develop Finnish language models to support both cutting-edge research in the field and the development and use of Finnish-language applications based on artificial intelligence. – Nowadays, there are linguistic models underpinning all AI systems for language processing. Generative language models have been a focus in recent years, and especially the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) developed by OpenAI. This model has broken new ground in many ways: the texts it produces are very difficult to distinguish from texts written by humans, Pyysalo explains. AI for language is special: it cannot be developed into one universal model as, for example, machine vision can. The uniqueness of the Finnish language also poses challenges when developing models. – If the goal is to make language models or AI that understand Finnish, they must be made in Finnish. As a relatively small language area, there is very little interest in Finnish from the large, international commercial operators such as Google, Facebook and Baidu, who have developed the most advanced English and Chinese language models in the world, Pyysalo continues. Are all the Moomins in the valley? Currently, the most advanced language model is the probability-based GPT-3 model. After some text is entered, the model is able to predict, for example, what the following words will be. The model can help, for example, with the machine translation of languages and document classification. The aim of Pyysalo and Ginter's research group is to develop Finnish language models towards the GPT-3 level. – Above all, this model lays the foundations for the next generation of language technology applications in Finnish. It is hoped that our research will provide a better basis for almost all language technology applications, as well as opening the way for applications that have not previously been possible in Finnish. We are also working together with Aalto University's speech recognition researchers, Pyysalo says. – With this language model, we are also moving towards AI-based language understanding. For example, the Finnish sayings 'he doesn't have all his Moomins in the valley' and 'he isn't the sharpest pencil in the pencil case' mean the same thing; people get this, but the language models used today do not. Understanding such connections through artificial intelligence can, among other things, help search engines to cope with different search queries in Finnish. If we have a good Finnish language model, these kinds of applications can be developed also in Finnish, Ginter says. Tens of billions of parameters The group has made earlier language models using the artificial intelligence capacity of CSC's Puhti supercomputer, but the GPU performance of the machine is still very limited compared to LUMI's AI capacity. LUMI's vast GPU computing capacity is needed to further develop these language models based on deep learning neural networks. – The increase in size from model to model is exponential. The language model we constructed on the Puhti supercomputer had 110 million parameters. The model to be derived in the LUMI pilot project is aiming for tens of billions of parameters; each parameter is a neural network weight set in training, Pyysalo continues. Indeed, language technology is one of the scientific disciplines that is making increasing use of computational methods. – Computational methods have been moving forward in our field at a really, really fast pace. Even five years ago, we didn't have any sense of where we would now find ourselves. Many great strides forward have been made, Pyysalo explains. Collecting massive data sets The development of language models is based on huge data sets, which are used to train deep neural networks to create a new language model. Ginter has been working in the field since the early 2000s, and a project which he previously led went through the entire Finnish-language Internet and collected it as data to use for developing language models. – We were the first to go and collect data in Finnish. We downloaded from the Internet as much Finnish as possible: a total of 8 billion words. Even then, I realised there are basically no data sets available for the Finnish language, Ginter recalls. In addition to the entire Finnish-language Internet, there are also texts from many other sources. The real problem is that there is simply not enough written Finnish available as source material for developing an entire GPT-3 model. Data has been compiled from sources such as the Kielipankki (Language Bank), maintained by CSC and FIN-CLARIN, which makes available the news archives of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle and the Finnish News Agency STT and the online discussions from the Suomi24 website from the last twenty years. In addition, the research group is collaborating with the Finnish National Library. Saviours of the Finnish language For the Finnish language, this research – and the development of language models in general – are extremely valuable. – Language technology is essential to the survival of small languages, says Pyysalo, who has spent two decades working in the field. After the LUMI pilot project, the group will continue to develop the language model in the LUMI Extreme Scale project, for which the group was granted 2 million GPU hours from the share of LUMI capacity reserved for Finnish researchers. The language model being developed in this project will aim for one hundred billion parameters. The research group is also involved in the High Performance Language Technologies project of the Horizon Europe framework programme, which will begin next autumn. The project will produce language models for all EU languages and has received for this task 3 million GPU hours from LUMI. – If we succeed in developing a new language model, then Finnish will be in a pretty good position: a fairly small language which is nevertheless the subject of one of the largest language models in the world. Furthermore, our models are freely available for research and commercial use, Pyysalo concludes. Have a look at the video interview below: Anni Jakobsson
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Korunní princ Rudolf (21. srpna 1858 zámek Laxenburg u Vídně – 30. ledna 1889, Mayerling) byl jediný syn císaře Františka Josefa I. a jeho manželky císařovny Alžběty Bavorské, rakouský arcivévoda (Erzherzog) a následník trůnu Rakousko-uherské monarchie. Panovníkem se nikdy nestal, protože ve svých 30 letech spáchal sebevraždu. Mládí Narození Když se 24. dubna 1854 císař František Josef I. oženil s mladou, teprve šestnáctiletou wittelsbašskou princeznou Alžbětou, všeobecně se očekávalo, že mladá císařovna porodí po dlouhých desetiletích korunního prince. Naposledy se totiž lid mohl radovat z narození korunního prince v předešlém století, když se narodil Ferdinand I. "Dobrotivý" (i když v r. 1830 při narození Františka Josefa se dalo předpokládat, že právě on též jednou usedne na trůn.) Po předchozích dvou těhotenstvích, kdy se narodily dcery, 21. srpna 1858 přišel na svět vytoužený korunní princ, Rudolf František Josef Karel. Lid se radoval – dvacet děl tuto radostnou událost oznámilo 101 výstřely. V celé monarchii se úřední budovy, školy, kasárna rozzářily světly a byly vyvěšeny vlajky, konaly se slavnostní bohoslužby. František Josef I. na památku této události založil ve Vídni nemocnici – Rudolfův špitál – a jmenoval syna od prvního dne jeho života čestným plukovníkem 19. pěšího pluku a též nositelem Řádu zlatého rouna. František Josef chtěl mít ze syna především skvělého vojáka, ovšem – jak se později ukázalo – měl Rudolf vlohy spíše k vědě a technickému pokroku a byl velmi citlivým dítětem. Podle toho byla pro dítě vybrána i chůva – Karolina von Welden, vdova po Ludwigu z Weldenu, který se proslavil v roce 1848 při potlačení uherského povstání. Tato chůva si prý musela nechat poradit, jak se vůbec dítě drží v náručí. Od dětství vojákem To, že se hned při svém narození stal Rudolf plukovníkem, svědčí o císařově opravdové lásce k armádě, neboť takovéto pocty nebyly u Habsburků (a ani jiných vládnoucích rodů) zvykem. Již ve dvou letech přijal korunní princ v Hofburgu delegaci svého pluku, a když mu kapitán řekl, že by bylo vhodné, aby jako velitel jel na koni, malý Rudolf neváhal a přerušil jej s tím, že má koně, ale jenom dřevěného, a tak rozradostněný princ spolu s oním kapitánem dopravili koně z vedlejších místností před delegaci a korunní princ velel jasným hlasem ze sedla. Císař byl potěšen tím, že Rudolf je velmi bystrý a nadaný hoch, ale raději než pokrok v jazycích, počtech, psaní a náboženství, které měl hoch od třetího roku života, by viděl pokroky v tělesném cvičení, jízdě na koni a střelbě, v čemž korunní princ nevynikal, ba naopak. Rudolf byl velmi citlivý a bojácný a neměl pevné zdraví. Předčasná synova duševní zralost v císaři nevyvolávala uspokojení, snad v předtuše budoucích vzájemných konfliktů a odcizení. Vojenská výchova V šesti letech Rudolf dostal vlastní dvůr a nejvyššího hofmistra, jenž byl zároveň i vychovatelem, necitlivého generálmajora hraběte Gondrecourta. Rudolf byl odloučen od své sestry Gisely, čímž se narušilo silné citové pouto k jedinému členu rodiny, se kterým si rozuměl. Otec byl příliš ponořen do svých státnických i vojenských povinností a matku vídal Rudolf zřídkakdy. Císařovna Alžběta totiž raději cestovala a o děti se téměř nestarala. Až když viděla, jak na Rudolfa působí Gondercourtův vojenský dril (např. když ho v noci budil výstřelem z pistole, poléval ho studenou vodou či ho zavřel do obory a pak křičel, že se na něj řítí divočák a Rudolf pak z toho byl roztřesený, pobledlý, bojácný a nemocný) – Alžběta rázně zakročila a zasadila se o nahrazení Gondrecourta hrabětem Latourem, který měl k chlapci citlivější přístup. Přesto však byl Rudolf následky Gondrecourtovy výchovy poznamenán po celý život. Pro Rudolfa matka znamenala spíše krásnou tajemnou ženu. Rudolfova citlivost nepolevila ani v pubertě, ba naopak, blouznivost ještě více zesílila s prvním zájmem o ženy – nejprve o nějakou neznámou dívku z ulice, pak o Rudolfovu pouze o tři roky starší krásnou tetu Marii Terezii, původem z portugalského královského rodu Braganza. Tato arcivévodkyně byla třetí manželkou císařova bratra Karla Ludvíka a nevlastní matkou arcivévodů Františka Ferdinanda d'Este a Otty Františka Josefa. Výuka Jako osmiletý měl Rudolf řadu reprezentačních povinností – např. navštěvoval sirotčince a školy, ve kterých zkoušel stejně staré žáky. Aby stíhal velké nápory učiva, často vstával o čtvrté hodině ranní. Velmi ho zajímal dějepis včetně dějin 18. a 19. století (revoluce let 1789 a 1848). Rudolfův učitel Menger se v něm snažil prohloubit úctu ke vzdělaným lidem, vychoval ho k odmítání předsudků a k toleranci k menšinám, k podporování demokracie a odmítání absolutismu. V Rudolfových sešitech je proto patrný odpor ke šlechtě i duchovenstvu, které stavěl do protikladu k vědě, vzdělání a občanství. Protivila se mu francouzština, řeč nobility. Rudolfův učitel dějepisu Josef Zhisman ho nadchnul pro myšlenku krále ne z Boží milosti, nýbrž zvoleného. Rudolf viděl vzor takového panovníka v Josefovi II., čímž se dostal do sporu se svým strýcem, polním maršálkem arcivévodou Albrechtem, čehož následkem bylo, že si spolu vyměňovali eseje na toto téma, ve kterých oba prezentovali své názory. O to více u něj vzbuzoval zájem jeho učitel přírodovědy, Čech Josef Krist, se kterým navštěvovali muzea, chodili na různé vycházky do přírody a dělali různé pokusy, přičemž vedl svého žáka k tomu, aby o svých pozorováních vedl písemné záznamy. V praxi vysvětlil Krist třináctiletému Rudolfovi i základy rozmnožování – při pobytu v Salcburku navštívili ústav pro umělý odchov ryb. Rudolf prý výklad sledoval se zaujetím, poté plynule přešel k rozmnožování koní. Moderní duch 19. století tkvěl pro mladého Rudolfa jen v přírodních vědách, dějinách a politice, ostatní předměty – umění, literatura, hudba, matematika, jazyky (latina, francouzština, maďarština, čeština, polština), sport i divadlo – ho téměř vůbec nezajímaly. Postupem doby si Rudolf upevňoval (prostřednictvím svých učitelů) názor na politické a sociální dění. Zatímco strýc arcivévoda Albrecht se ho snažil odklonit od příliš liberálních názorů, císař František Josef I. synovy spisy postupem doby, ač mu nedělaly dvakrát dobře, už jen odbýval slovy "Rudolf zase žvaní". Na cestách 24. července 1877 zakončil Rudolf studia a jeho novým nejvyšším hofmistrem se stal Karel hrabě Bombelles, věrný služebník Habsburků, kandidát arcivévody Karla Ludvíka a potažmo i arcivévody Albrechta. Latour předložil vyúčtování výdajů za výchovu a přidružené výdaje komory korunního prince od listopadu 1864 do konce roku 1877 – celkem 388 546 zlatých 55 krejcarů. Rudolfa velmi mrzelo, že nemohl dál studovat, jak by si to přál (a jak bylo dopřáno jeho vrstevníkovi v Berlíně, korunnímu princi Vilémovi, budoucímu císaři Vilémovi II.), a že se z něj měl stát voják. I přesto, že Bombelles ho neustále lákal od knih ven do přírody či za milostnými dobrodružstvími, knihy Rudolf neodbýval. Velmi želel odchodu svého hofmistra Latoura, "milého starouška", jak mu Rudolf říkal, a tak jako malou náplast na Rudolfovo psychické povzbuzení povolil císař svému synovi vykonat po ukončení studijní doby několik cest s jedním z Rudolfových nejmilejších učitelů Mengerem. Rudolf se měl seznámit s průmyslem ve Švýcarsku a Anglii. V Anglii se Rudolf snažil (potají, aby o tom ve Vídni nevěděli) setkat s Charlesem Darwinem, leč k jeho zklamání se mu to nepodařilo. Seznámil se tam s novým systémem samovazby pro těžké zločince, který se mu zamlouval (Rudolf byl odpůrcem trestu smrti a chtěl, aby se s vězni zacházelo humánněji). Tou dobou byla v Anglii také Rudolfova matka Alžběta, která se tam uchýlila z tísnívého císařského dvora. Jako skvělá jezdkyně se bavila jízdou na koních a návštěvami dostihů, ale od Rudolfa si vyžádala slib, aby on na koni nejezdil. Že jejich vztah byl velmi chladný, dokládá i to, že Alžběta rozzuřena nad chováním svého syna předčasně opustila Anglii – Rudolf totiž byl víc než nezdvořilý k Alžbětinu anglickému průvodci Middletonovi, který byl do Alžběty zamilován, což Rudolf těžce nesl. V Anglii Rudolf napsal spis s kritickým postojem vůči rakouské šlechtě, která na rozdíl od anglické nobility mezi sebe odmítala přijmout ambiciózní měšťanskou vrstvu. Kritizoval její rozmařilý způsob života, jakým žila kupříkladu i jeho matka. Cesta po Orientu Původně císařskou rodinou zamýšlenou cestu do Orientu jako poutní a kulturní misi využil korunní princ Rudolf především k lovu a ornitologickým studiím. Rudolf zaznamenával všechny své zkušenosti a výsledky výzkumu do svého deníku, který publikoval v roce 1881 pod názvem "Eine Orientreise"; velkolepý svazek následoval v roce 1884 a populární vydání v roce 1885 pod názvem: "Eine Orientreise vom Jahre 1881 beschrieben vom Kronprinzen Rudolf von Oesterreich illustriert mit Holzschnitten nach Original-Zeichnungen von Franz von Pausinger." Kniha vyšla také v české, maďarské, italské, francouzské a anglické verzi. Na výrobu ilustračních předloh byl císařským dvorem najat salcburský malíř Franz von Pausinger (1839–1915), jeden z nejznámějších a nejvyhledávanějších malířů loveckých scén v monarchii na konci 19. století. Jeho úkolem bylo umělecky zachytit nejdůležitější zážitky, krajinu a obyvatelstvo. Pausinger po návratu skicy zpracoval ve svém salcburském ateliéru jako velkoformátové kresby uhlem. Rudolf a ženy Na zpáteční cestě navštívili berlínský dvůr, kde Rudolf spolu se svým vrstevníkem Vilémem Pruským navštívil několik plesů. Jedna z hohenzollernských princezen ho charakterizovala jako nepříliš hezkého, ale přece přitažlivého. Vážný obličej z něj dělal staršího, narudlé řídké vlasy byly přímo ošklivé. Mluvil překotně, byl sice zdvořilý, ale chladný, až pohrdavý. Rudolf si na základě toho, že se o jeho osobu jakožto korunního prince zajímaly tucty žen, vytvořil svůj obraz o ženách jako takových – většinou jimi pohrdal. Ženy se mu staly pouze nástrojem k uspokojení jeho fyzických potřeb. Žádná z nich na něj, na intelektuálně velmi nadaného mladého muže, nemohla mít vliv, ať už se jednalo o jeho "první lásku", dvorní herečku Johannu Buskaovou nebo o Helenu Vetserovou (matku jeho pozdější milenky Mary Vetserové, jíž v době Rudolfova flirtu s její matkou bylo šest let). Vliv na něj neměla později ani jeho manželka Stefanie, která si stěžovala, že Rudolf ženy podceňoval a nepovažoval je za rovnocenné bytosti. Rudolfovým ideálem krásy byly malé, černovlasé, něžné ženy, takové, jaká byla jeho milovaná teta, Marie Tereza Portugalská (manželka arcivévody Karla Ludvíka) a jeho milenky Mizzi Casparová a Mary Vetserová. Co se týče vztahů k mužům, diskutovaným byl vztah k Ludvíku II., bavorskému králi, jeho pokrevnímu bratranci. Lze říci, že ze strany Rudolfa šlo opravdu pouze o čistě přátelský vztah, a to poměrně silný. Ornitologie Rudolfovým obrovským koníčkem byla odmalička zoologie, zvláště pak ornitologie. Již jako dvanáctiletý sepsal pojednání Lovy na orly. V patnácti letech se osobně seznámil na vídeňské Světové výstavě s nejslavnějším ornitologem té doby Alfredem Brehmem, který se stal Rudolfovým častým hostem v jeho rezidenci na Hradčanech. Spolu vedli různé diskuse a účastnili se různých výprav a lovů, např. do Uher, do Španělska, Středomoří atd. Přátelství dokonce pokročilo tak daleko, že v roce 1877 Brehm věnoval oba svazky o ptácích v 2. vydání svého Života zvířat korunnímu princi, z čehož měl Rudolf obrovskou radost. Vznětlivé a obhroublé chování k nelibosti dvořanů Rudolf Brehmovi promíjel. Antipatie dvořanů k Brehmovi umocňovalo i to, že byl protestant, darwinista a svobodný zednář, proto se snažili Rudolfovi přátelství s ním překazit. I když posléze částečně jejich styky ochladly, skutečně jej zničila až o 31 let staršího Brehmova smrt v 1884, již Rudolf upřímně oplakával. Ornitologii Rudolf zůstal věrný až do své smrti. Rudolf byl dokonce 1879 jmenován čestným členem Císařské akademie věd ve Vídni a budapešťská univerzita ho jmenovala svým čestným doktorem, i když sám Rudolf si uvědomoval, že je to díky jeho původu a postavení, ne za zásluhy v oblasti vědy. Pražská aféra Do Prahy Rudolf přijel v roce 1878, kdy sem narukoval jako c. k. plukovník pěšího pluku č. 36. Bydlel na Hradčanech. Češi si od pobytu proslovanského korunního prince slibovali porozumění mezi Prahou a Vídní. Rudolf se v Praze nevěnoval jenom vojenským povinnostem a psaní politických spisů. I přes všechnu práci užíval své relativní volnosti. Účastnil se různých zábav, pitek a dobývání ženských srdcí, což mělo za následek i různé aférky. Když se Rudolf zamiloval do jedné chudé židovky, její rodiče ji poslali na venkov, aby na Rudolfa zapomněla. Dívka tam však zemřela na nervovou horečku, přičemž blouznila jen o korunním princi. Rudolf se samozřejmě nemohl jejího pohřbu zúčastnit, a tak noc co noc navštěvoval její hrob a trávil tam hodiny v žalu a nářku, až jej jednou přistihli hřbitovní hlídači – jaké bylo jejich překvapení, když ho poznali. Zde je patrná paralela s císařem Josefem II. – Rudolf měl v oblibě navštěvovat inkognito chudinské čtvrti. Z této více či méně přikrášlené pražské epizodky však vyplývá na povrch Rudolfova vlastnost trápit se výčitkami a jen s obtížemi je překonávat. Po korunním princi dostalo svůj název pražské Rudolfinum. Manželství Svatba Jestli o této aféře věděl císařský dvůr ve Vídni, není známo, jisté ale je, že pro Rudolfa hledali nevěstu. Jelikož rovnorodých vládnoucích katolických rodů nebylo mnoho, dostal se rakousko-uherský vyslanec hrabě Chotek v 1879 i na bruselský dvůr, kde žila v úvahu připadající patnáctiletá princezna Štěpánka (Stephanie), druhá dcera belgického krále Leopolda II. Rudolf se tak v březnu 1880 vydal tam, kam byl nasměrován – do Bruselu. Námluvy byly velmi chladné, bledá a nepříliš atraktivní Štěpánka se Rudolfovi mnoho nezamlouvala, přesto bylo budoucímu svazku králem Leopoldem II. požehnáno. Rudolf se tak podřídil zákonitostem arcidomu, ba učinil ještě více – snažil se, aby vypadal jako šťastný ženich. K tomu mu zajisté dopomáhala i metresa, kterou si vzal s sebou do Bruselu, o čemž se dozvěděla Stefaniina matka Marie Henrietta. Ta však nechala tento skandál pod pokličkou, aby se mladý pár nedostal do rozepří hned v počátcích společného života. Svatba se přes odklady (kvůli Stefaniimu zdraví a "pomalému dospívání") konala 10. května 1881 v augustiniánském kostele ve Vídni. Rakouský lid ji přivítal s nadšením a Štěpánka byla nadšena též. Jízda 62 dvorských ekvipáží v čele s obojími rodiči a mladými manžely musela být v Pratru přerušena, neboť lidský dav znemožnil další jízdu. V Schönbrunnu se konala lidová slavnost, při které pohádkový ohňostroj zaléval celé okolí světlem a na noční obloze zářily iniciály R a S. První roky manželství Rudolf se i přes pozdější Stefaniiny výčitky snažil v prvních letech manželství o to, aby před okolním světem vypadal jejich vztah jako dobrý, což vyplývá z mnoha dopisů přátelům. Stefaniino postavení v rodině přesto nebylo uspokojivé. Na vídeňském dvoře nebudila žádné nadšení, sama její tchyně císařovna Alžběta jí nepokrytě opovrhovala (nazývala ji "ošklivou nemotorou" či "morální zátěží"), Rudolfova sestra Marie Valérie ji též odmítala, a později se od společného soužití se Stefanií odklonil i Rudolf, takže se korunní princezna cítila na císařském dvoře osamělá a opuštěná, bez jakýchkoli přátel. Přesto zdání rodinné harmonie vyvrcholilo počátkem roku 1883, kdy nebylo pochyb, že Štěpánka je v jiném stavu. Toto období očekávání potomka i sama Stefanie později uznala za opravdu šťastné. Mladý pár očekávaného dědice trůnu nazýval Václav, čímž vyjádřil svou sounáležitost se Zeměmi Koruny české. Stalo se proto určitým zklamáním pro celý dvůr, že dne 2. září 1883 přišla na svět dcerka. Pokřtili ji Alžběta a něžně ji oslovovali po maďarsku Erszi. Porod byl velice těžký, a když Rudolf zanedlouho nakazil Štěpánku kapavkou, ta následkem komplikací už další děti mít nemohla, což ještě zhoršilo její postavení u dvora. Zdrcen tím byl přirozeně i Rudolf, který se vlastní vinou připravil o možnost mít syna. Novinář Jak známo, Rudolf psal vedle vědeckých prací i politické články, v nichž kritizoval otcovu politiku. Právě proto ho dal otec (František Josef I.) sledovat na každém kroku. Tyto články vycházely v deníku Neues Wiener Tagblatt, samozřejmě anonymně. Vydavatel Moriz Szeps, s nímž se Rudolf spřátelil, dokonce pro zachování Rudolfovy anonymity jeho rukopisy přepisoval a teprve přepisy putovaly dále k tisku, zatímco originál směřoval zpět k Rudolfovi. Názory Szepsovy i Rudolfovy byly tak podobné, že odlišit autorství článků je mnohdy obtížné. Snad jen styl pomáhá určit, zda článek psal Szeps – ten rád používal květnatá slova a různé citáty – či korunní princ – ten pro změnu psal přímočaře až sarkasticky. Rudolfovou snahou bylo i smíření a odstranění předpojatostí mezi Židy a křesťany, odstranit sociální, hospodářské i vzdělanostní rozdíly a vychovat dobré rakouské vlastence. Rudolfovým vzorem úspěšného státu byla Francie, republika, pro niž jako zdroj liberálních myšlenek měl hluboké sympatie. Naopak v Německu viděl nepřítele nejen Rakouska, ale i Evropy. Rudolf se ocitl mezi mlýnskými kameny: na jedné straně nenávist šlechty, antisemitů a nacionalistů, na druhé straně obdiv liberálů, buržoazní inteligence, nekatolíků a Židů. Osobnost Přestože Rudolf byl považován za významnou a vlivnou osobnost, on sám při každé příležitosti zdůrazňoval, že tomu tak není, že je jak v politice, tak i ve vědě jen neinformovaným diletantem, byť plným zájmu. Na druhé straně ale to, že se stýkal s různými vědci, politiky a spisovateli, ho nutilo k tomu, aby se dál vzdělával. Rudolf zahajoval Elektrickou výstavu v roce 1883 ve Vídni, účastnil se v roce 1884 Mezinárodního ornitologického kongresu, zasadil se o pořádání Živnostenské výstavy v Antverpách, zahájil v roce 1887 Výstavu hygieny, kde všechny liberály nadchl větou "Nejcennějším kapitálem států a společnosti je člověk", angažoval se pro Rudolfinský spolek (ten měl za cíl školit ve vlastní nemocnici – Rudolfinském domě, dodnes stojícím – ošetřovatelky pro případ války), z popudu katastrofy při požáru Ringtheatru v roce 1881, kde uhořelo 300 lidí, byl spoluzakladatelem Dobrovolné vídeňské záchranné společnosti. Encyklopedie Rudolf plánoval napsat monumentální lidovou encyklopedii o Rakousku-Uhersku, na níž měla pod jeho záštitou pracovat duchovní elita země. Vydáním takové encyklopedie chtěl u všech národností říše podpořit lásku k vlasti. Toto dílo, Rakousko-uherská monarchie slovem i obrazem, zkráceně nazývané Dílo korunního prince, k němuž sezval plno odborníků, mělo 24 svazků a bylo dokončeno dlouho po Rudolfově smrti, až v roce 1902. První plány na toto dílo pravděpodobně vyšly od arcivévody Jana (Ortha). Vyvstávaly obtíže, především finančního rázu, proto se vydávání encyklopedie tak protáhlo a Rudolf, který byl jinak nestálý a těkavý, prokázal ohledně této záležitosti značnou výdrž. Další překážkou brzdící vydání díla byli Maďaři, kteří si vynutili kromě německé verze i verzi maďarskou, čímž Rudolfovi zmařili vizi jednotně vedené říše. Když v prosinci roku 1885 vyšel první svazek, uspořádal císař pro spolupracovníky přijetí. Rudolf v pokoře políbil císaři uctivě ruku, ten mu dal na přednesenou procítěnou řeč povzbuzující odpověď, vyjádřil spokojenost a nabádal jej k vytrvalosti, ale naprostým nepochopením osoby svého syna byl císařův dotaz na jednoho ze spolupracovníků, zda opravdu úvodní slovo Díla napsal sám Rudolf. Vojenská kariéra Rudolfa tížilo, že za svůj vojenský postup nevděčí svým schopnostem, nýbrž tomu, že byl tím, kým byl. Proto se aspoň snažil být dobrým vojákem. Jeho vojenská kariéra byla následující: od 1. dne života plukovník a majitel 19. pěšího pluku, 1878 plukovník 36. pěšího pluku v Praze, 1879 i velitelem 36. pluku, 1880 generálmajor, 1881 velitel 18. pěší brigády v Praze, 1882 polní podmaršálek, 1883 velitel 25. divize pěších vojsk ve Vídni, 1888 generální inspektor pěšího vojska – tedy kariéra, na níž jiní potřebovali okolo půlstoletí služby a mimořádných vojenských výkonů. Rudolf se za pobytu v Praze u 36. pěšího pluku snažil ve vojenské oblasti vyhranit. Náruživě studoval průběhy bitev, staré plány pochodů, zabýval se novým vývojem válečné techniky založené na elektřině, vlivům nově budovaných železnic i sociálním poměrům uvnitř oddílu. Počáteční snahu a píli postupně otupily neustálé konflikty se strýcem Albrechtem, ale i neustálé brzdění v každém samostatném úsudku ze strany otce, což také vedlo k tomu, že ke konci života již nebyl disciplinovaný, chodil pozdě na inspekce, dělal je velmi povrchně a lajdácky – ukazoval okolí, jemuž chtíval být vzorem, jak ho to vše již nudí; rezignoval. Jezdil jen křížem krážem po rakouských zemích, opravdovou moc neměl, k vojenským konferencím předsedajícím císařem byl zván jen tehdy, když se nejednalo o ničem závažném. Rudolfův vliv byl znemožněn a namáhavé cesty očividně zdravotně i nervově zesláblého prince vyčerpávaly. Názory na politiku Rakouska-Uherska Co se týče sympatií a politiky vůči národům, Rudolf si oblíbil Uhry, naopak nebyl přítelem politiky německého kancléře Otty Bismarcka. Ohledně Balkánu uvažoval o sjednocení Jihoslovanů pod Rakouskou říší, ovšem ne z toho důvodu, aby se Rakousko-Uhersko dále rozrostlo, nýbrž proto, že tyto chudé země podle něj potřebovaly ke svému rozvoji ochranu a pomoc silného státu. Rudolf byl důkladně sledován a informace o jeho osobě putovaly kupř. i k Bismarckovi. O Rudolfovi podávaly informace i osoby, které by Rudolf podezíral až naposledy (např. Maďar László Szögyény, sekční šéf v ministerstvu zahraničí). Oficiální politické agenty se zručností a rafinovaností "vodil za nos", ale proti špehům byl bezbranný, protože ani nevěděl, kdo je na něho nasazen. Proto byly na místě Rudolfovy zašifrované dopisy i noční schůzky ve vídeňském Hofburgu. Když na počátku roku 1888 zemřel probismarckovsky orientovaný německý císař Vilém I. a jeho liberální syn Fridrich III. trpěl těžkou chorobou a dalo se očekávat, že do několika měsíců nastoupí na trůn opět probismarckovsky orientovaný Fridrichův syn Vilém II., Rudolfovi se rozplynul sen o demokratické Evropě. Ve spojenectví Rakousko-Uherska s Pruskem (Dvojspolek) a později i Itálií (Trojspolek) viděl krok, který směřoval k zániku Rakouska. Nemohl pochopit, že císař nejde ve stopách Marie Terezie, pro kterou bylo Prusko zavilým nepřítelem, a nespojí se s Francií a Ruskem. V tomto období zániku všech nadějí lze spatřovat definitivní Rudolfovy deprese, které vyústily v mayerlinskou noc. Rudolf psal různé spisy a otevřené dopisy, v nichž vyjadřoval názory na politickou situaci a naděje Rakousko-Uherska pod německým – potažmo Bismarckovým – vedením, ale tyto anonymní články se pravděpodobně nikdy k císařovým rukám nedostaly. Když pak v červnu 1888 nastoupil na německý trůn císař Vilém II., postupem doby Rudolfův vztah vůči Prusku dosáhl až hranice nenávisti, poukazoval, že Rakousko-Uhersko se stalo pruskou provincií. K tomu ještě napomohl osobní spor, kdy Vilém II. přijel na inspekci rakouské armády. Její stav shledal jako velmi nepříznivý, zvláště pak ostré kritice vystavil pěchotu, jejímž generálním inspektorem byl právě Rudolf. Vilém II. řekl Františku Josefovi i Alžbětě otevřeně svůj názor, za což Alžběta kategoricky odmítla, velmi rozhořčena, dále setrvat ve Vilémově společnosti, až se musel Vilém omluvit. Nicméně po návratu do Berlína napsal Františku Josefovi, že má právo upozornit svého spojence na nepořádek v jeho armádě a požadoval zbavit Rudolfa místa generálního inspektora, čehož důsledkem byl ostrý výstup mezi Rudolfem a Františkem Josefem; další krok k Mayerlingu. Zájem císařských rodičů o korunního prince byl již od dětství (s několika výjimkami) nepatrný. Alžběta byla stále na cestách a psala mu zřídka, a to ještě většinou o tom, jak se daří malé Valérii. Otec se s ním sice vídal častěji, ale zajímal se prakticky jen o to, co např. Rudolf zastřelil na různých honech. Rudolf otce bázlivě miloval, ale především se ho obával – nikdy se neodvážil např. ve svých článcích přímo napadnout osobu císaře, jak činil předchozí následník trůnu Maxmilián, ale vždy kritizoval jen okolí císaře. A přece se Rudolf otcovým přáním neprotivil, vždy se snažil otcovy požadavky co nejlépe splnit. Poslední léta a smrt Zdravotní problémy Korunního prince mezitím postihla zdravotní katastrofa – oficiálně se hovořilo pouze o revmatismu, bronchitidě, zánětu kloubů a močového měchýře. Na jaře 1886 se Rudolf po prudkém propuknutí nemoci – s největší pravděpodobností tehdy nevyléčitelné kapavky – a úplném vyčerpání odjel zotavit na středozemský ostrov Lacroma, kde nakazil i svou manželku. Tato nemoc byla počátkem jeho konce, což si Rudolf dobře uvědomoval, a oslabovala i jeho vůli. Navíc strach z otce byl příliš velký, než aby ho dokázal požádat o laskavost, a tak se Rudolf přepínal a pracoval do úmoru. V březnu 1887 si na cestě do Berlína vzal poprvé na radu lékaře morfium, aby spolucestující nerušil neustálými nápory kašle. Pak bral morfium už proto, že nebylo zbytí. To spolu s alkoholem a ženami v časech depresí a melancholie, aby unikl tíživé skutečnosti, jeho zlou situaci jen zhoršovalo. Bolesti kloubů byly čím dál trýznivější. Hubl, byl bledý a rychle stárnul. Vystupňovala se agresivita, nervozita, ztrácel vládu nad sebou. Ve svém zoufalství a rezignaci byl nakonec sám sobě největším nepřítelem, za vším začal hledat jen svou vinu. K tomu všemu ho neustále dráždilo srovnávání s německým "bratrem" Vilémem II. Ten ve svých 29 letech dosedl na císařský trůn a měl čtyři mužské potomky, zatímco on byl jen neustálým čekatelem na císařský titul a neměl ani syna, ani naději na něj (jeho manželce komplikovaný průběh onemocnění kapavkou, kterou ji Rudolf nakazil, způsobil neplodnost). Nepochopený, touha po smrti Na konci roku 1888 již bylo hodně patrno, že Rudolf nemůže počítat ani s žádnou podporou obyvatelstva monarchie. Jedny si popudil svým prožidovským postojem i přáteli z řad Židů (útoky v novinách byly takřka na denním pořádku), druhé pak tím, že byl Habsburk. Antisemitský postoj v monarchii byl v té době velmi výrazný. Nechtíc do něj byla zatažena i císařovna Alžběta, vášnivá obdivovatelka židovského básníka Heinricha Heineho, když se rozhodla věnovat na stavbu Heinova památníku v Düsseldorfu nemalý obnos. Rudolf nad počinem této krásné paní, s níž si vlastně nerozuměl, pociťoval obrovskou pýchu i radost, hrdost, úctu i synovskou lásku. Svého židovského přítele novináře Moritze Szepse v prosinci 1888 poslal do Paříže, aby tam od Heinových příbuzných zakoupil autografy tohoto básníka. Těžko říci, zda císařovna 11 Heinových dopisů jako Rudolfův dárek ocenila, zda pocítila, jak na ní Rudolf lpí synovskou láskou. Zřejmě ne, Alžběta byla příliš zaměstnána zásnubami své nejmilejší dcery Marie Valerie s Františkem Salvátorem a odloučení od ní ji tížilo daleko více. Nepostřehla tedy, že když se Rudolf o Štědrém večeru zhroutil, že je životem znavený, nemocný a zoufalý a že nemůže dál. Na Štědrý večer Alžběta dovedla syna k Valérii coby nevěstě a řekla mu, že doufá, že až budou rodiče jednou mrtvi, že bude o sestru vždy vřele pečovat. Rudolf jí padl kolem krku a propukl v hluboký, zoufalý pláč. Ani císařský pár nemohl udržet slzy. Rudolfovým výrokům, že to s ním spěje ke konci, však nikdo nepřikládal ten význam, který se o pět týdnů později děsivě naplnil. Jelikož u své rodiny již Rudolf nemohl najít pochopení, nejbližšími a věrnými přáteli pro něj zůstali ti, jimž se veřejnost vysmívala – židovští novináři Szeps, Futtaki, Frischauer a dárce peněz Moritz Hirsch. Ti ho také na Nový rok 1889 vyzývali, aby z titulu korunního prince a šťastné budoucnosti vytrval. Židovský anatom Emil Zuckerkandl s ním vedl rozhovory o smrti, Rudolfovy obavy ze smrti se snažil rozptýlit ("smrt není žádným neštěstím, nýbrž nutným, obdivuhodným naplněním života"). Tato slova Rudolfa patrně překvapila a pravil: "… ano, je nutno pohlédnout myšlence na smrt beze strachu do očí." Na požádání mu Zuckerkandl poslal vypreparovanou lebku, již měl spolu s revolverem na svém psacím stole, a kterou si několik týdnů před smrtí prohlížela i Mary Vetserová. Nešťastné manželství K tíživé situaci přispívaly i manželské neshody. I když zpočátku bylo manželství se Stefanií ne-li šťastné, tedy alespoň bezkonfliktní, postupem doby se jejich vztahy vyhrocovaly. Štěpánka neschvalovala a nechápala Rudolfův styl života, jeho intelektuální ambice ani jeho známé. Rudolf se snažil, aby alespoň navenek vše vypadalo harmonicky, nedovedl ale být manželce věrný a jeho intimní život se postupně stal až prostopášným. Stefanie mu to neodpouštěla a nerozpakovala se dělat mu žárlivé výstupy ani na veřejnosti, sama roztrpčená a zahořklá tím, že ji samotnou Rudolf nakazil a zneuctil pohlavní chorobou. Tím, že mu pomstychtivě odmítala "jistá manželská práva", Rudolfa jen utvrzovala v jeho nevázaném životním stylu. Jak Štěpánka, tak Rudolf byli panovační, nesmiřitelní, prchliví, a tak odcizení brzy zapustilo hluboké kořeny. Oba se zraňovali až k neodpustitelnosti – jak se vyjádřila Stefaniina sestra Louisa, která byla přímo zděšena Stefaniiným chladem, když stála u rakve svého mrtvého manžela. Rudolf uvažoval i o rozvodu (resp. zrušení manželství) a se svou žádostí se obrátil na papeže, přičemž argumentoval zejména dynastickou potřebou mužského následníka. Papež Lev XIII. však tento důvod neuznal (habsbursko-lotrinská dynastie měla ostatně ve vedlejších větvích následníků dostatek) a rozvod nepovolil. Přípravy na smrt Rudolf hodně pracoval, a jelikož byl lačný i požitků, každá minutka mu byla drahá, neustále spěchal. Večer či v noci, když přišel pozdě domů, po dlouhé hodiny pracoval, a aby se udržel vzhůru, pil ledově vychlazené šampaňské smíchané s koňakem, chodil spát ve 2 nebo 3 ráno a za 3 hodiny znovu vstával. Tak to šlo každý den. Navíc byl neustále vysílán na namáhavé služební cesty po celé říši, měl i různé reprezentační povinnosti. Hektický Rudolfův život posledních let měl jediný uklidňující bod – Mizzi Casparovou, ženu, k níž se vždy rád vracel a již opravdu miloval. To bylo jméno, které ještě po desetiletích vyvolávalo u Stefanie pocity nenávisti. Pravděpodobně se Rudolf začal s Mizzi stýkat roku 1886. Čím se stával nešťastnější, neúspěšnější a nemocnější, tím více Rudolf hledal útěchu v ošumělých výčepech na pokraji Vídně, u skleničky vína s Mizzi a hospodským zpěvákem Bratfischem, jehož si najal jako fiakristu, aby nebyl odkázán na služby dvorských kočárů, a následně pak v jejím domě, jenž si pořídila za 60 000 zlatých (pravděpodobně Rudolfova půjčka od barona Hirsche). S Mizzi poprvé, v létě 1888, hovořil o společné sebevraždě zastřelením v Husarském chrámu u Mödlingu (což se mělo stát jakousi demonstrací – tento chrám je totiž památník za padlé u Aspern a Wagramu, přičemž na hřebenu střechy je nápis "Za císaře a za vlast. Věnováno vynikajícím národům rakouské monarchie.") – Mizzi se tomu jen smála. Toto popírá teorii o nešťastné lásce k Mary Vetserové, kvůli níž si údajně Rudolf sáhl na život; ta se stala pouhou Rudolfovou společnicí na onen svět. Rudolfovo hledání východiska v smrti spíše poukazuje na souvislost se změnou evropské politiky nástupem Viléma II. Se sedmnáctiletou baronesou Mary Vetserovou, dcerou Heleny Vetserové, která s ním před 10 lety koketovala, se Rudolf pravděpodobně seznámil prostřednictvím své sestřenice hraběnky Marie Larischové, neteře císařovny Alžběty, která Larischové spoluvinu na synově smrti až do své násilné smrti nedokázala odpustit. Vše započalo asi počátkem roku 1888, ale vztah se zřejmě rozvinul až na podzim 1888, kdy snad i došlo k tomu, že Mary otěhotněla (v době smrti byla ve 4. až 5. měsíci těhotenství). Marie Vetserová se začala nápadně zajímat o střelné zbraně, koncem roku 1888 pak uvažovala nad možností pozřít jed. O vánocích 1888 poslala Mary hraběnce Larischové svou fotografii s věnováním "Věrná až do smrti". I Rudolfovy dary byly jednoznačné – železný snubní prsten s vyrytými písmeny I.L.V.B.I.D.T. (In Liebe vereint bis in den Tod – V lásce spojeni až do smrti), medailónek s kouskem plátna s kapkou krve. 13. ledna 1889 padlo konečné rozhodnutí. Mary opět navštívila tajně korunního prince, domů přijela velmi rozrušená a komorné řekla, že by bývalo lepší, kdyby tam dnes nešla. A ještě se potom vyjádřila, že teď musí učinit vše, co od ní žádá, neboť teď už patří jen jemu samotnému. O dva dny později dala vyrýt na pouzdro na cigarety pro korunního prince "13. leden. Díky osudu." Dle Maryiny matky, která tak chtěla ze sebe setřást spoluvinu na tragédii na co nejmenší míru, k nim toho dne došlo k prvnímu pohlavnímu styku, čímž chtěla vyvrátit i Maryino těhotenství. Nejblíže pravdě je zřejmě to, že tohoto dne došlo k úmluvě o společné smrti – i proto, že pět dní nato, 18. ledna, Mary, sedmnáctiletá dívka plná života, sepsala svou poslední vůli. Životní ztroskotání Císařští rodiče neměli ponětí o tom, že uvažuje o sebevraždě, ačkoli o tom často mluvil a dával to najevo. Například jednou za přítomnosti hraběnky Festeticsové, Alžbětiny dvorní dámy, nechal zapálit všechny lustry v sále. Když z toho hraběnku začaly bolet oči a upozornila na to Rudolfa, ten jen odvětil: "Nechte mi tu radost, až budu ležet v hrobě, bude temna dost!". Jediný z jeho blízkých, kdo si něčeho všiml, byla Rudolfova manželka. Přímo se zhrozila nad manželovým vzezřením, když se v lednu 1889 vrátila z cesty po Středozemním moři. V předtuše nejhoršího se dala u císaře ohlásit komorníkem k okamžité audienci, ačkoliv jinak nebylo povoleno se u císaře objevit bez jeho předchozího souhlasu. František Josef I. ji milostivě přijal, na Stefaniiny obavy o tom, že Rudolf je velmi nemocný, že jeho vzhled i chování jí činí velké starosti, a na žádost, aby nařídil synovi odpočinkovou cestu kolem světa, jen v klidu odpověděl: "To je jen tvoje představa. Rudolfovi nic nechybí. Je jen pobledlý, je mnoho na cestách, bere si příliš velké úkoly. Měl by se víc zdržovat u tebe, neměj strach!" Načež Stefanii propustil a tím dal i císařskou pečeť na osud svého syna. Poslední zoufalý pokus o jeho záchranu zůstal nevyslyšen. Sebevraždě předcházelo politické a lidské ztroskotání. Jeho soukromé neštěstí se jenom přidalo ke zřejmě rozhodující příčině Rudolfovy smrti – řada státníků se totiž vyjádřila, že se Rudolf politicky zcela znemožnil a stal se zdrojem obtíží pro svou vlast a dokonce i jejím ohrožením, pokud by pokračoval ve svém postoji k tehdejší politice Rakouska-Uherska i císaře Viléma II. Mayerling V posledních dnech života vystupoval naprosto stejně jako dřív, žádná změna v jeho chování nebyla patrná. V sobotu 26. ledna 1889 v ranních hodinách byl na audienci u svého otce – o čem tam spolu hovořili, se již nikdy nedozvíme, každopádně tam údajně padla slova z úst císařových "Nejsi hoden stát se mým nástupcem." V domě Vetserových též toho dne došlo ke skandálu, když Mariina matka dala otevřít objevenou dceřinu skříňku se závětí a výše zmiňovanými předměty. Jeho odhodlání skoncovat se životem bylo 27. ledna již pevné a nezvratné. Vše dělal s velkým překotem, hon v Mayerlingu přesunul již na 29. a 30. leden. Dělal si pořádek ve svých papírech, kompromitující písemnosti zničil nebo je dával do úschovy přátelům. Na večerním soiré na německém velvyslanectví ve Vídni na počest narozenin Viléma II. si přítomní všimli, jak se Rudolf změnil, jeho stav byl přímo odstrašující – vypadal sklíčeně, smutně, s námahou zadržoval slzy. Naproti tomu baronesa Mary Vetserová tam přímo oslňovala, byla tou svůdnicí, jež se nebojí žádné sokyně, její krása tam vítězně zářila stejně jako její černé oči, jejichž pohled si byl vědom své moci i pocty, že smí vyprovodit korunního prince na jeho poslední cestě. Navíc při závěru tohoto večera došlo ještě k hádce mezi Rudolfem a Stefanií, když Rudolf nedokázal obrátit oči od stojící Mary. Poté strávil noc u Mizzi Casparové, kde vypil velmi mnoho šampaňského. Když ve 3 hodiny ráno odcházel, proti svým zvyklostem jí udělal na čelo křížek. Naposledy ji požádal o společnou smrt v Husarském chrámu. Mizzi se tomu jen smála a nevěřila mu, když jí řekl, že se v Mayerlingu zastřelí. V pondělí 28. ledna opět pilně pracoval. Službu konajícímu adjutantovi byl nápadný povrchní způsob, jímž vyřizoval vojenské záležitosti. Vymluvil se na prudké bolesti hlavy a požadoval co nejdříve odjet do Mayerlingu, neboť prý venkovský vzduch by mu mohl prospět. Tehdy ještě pravděpodobně sepsal dodatek k závěti a čtyři dopisy na rozloučenou (Valérii, "mé paní", baronu Hirschovi, Mizzi Casparové). Okolo 11. hodiny se Rudolf rozloučil se Stefanií, když chtěl ještě vidět naposledy dcerku, chůva ho nepustila dovnitř – "Tak hloupé," řekl trochu pohněván, "chůva mě nepustila dovnitř, protože Erszi sedí na trůně." Poté opustil Vídeň v jednospřežném voze, který sám řídil, ale v doprovodu kočího. V půli cesty do Mayerlingu poslal kočího zpět do Vídně a dál šel pěšky do blízké výletní restaurace, kde na něj již čekala Mary a Bratfisch. Do Mayerlingu dorazili, když se stmívalo. Rudolf šel sám pěšky, Bratfisch s Mary přijel o hodinu později. O Maryině přítomnosti v Mayerlingu věděli snad jen Bratfisch a Loschek, Rudolfův věrný komorník. Bezpečnostní opatření Rudolf činil až s přehnanou pečlivostí – nedal upozornit telegrafickou službu v zámečku, jak bývalo zvykem, četnické stanici zakázal informovat o své přítomnosti, sám zavřel okenice na ulici. 29. ledna svým společníkům, hraběti Hoyosovi a princi Coburgovi, při snídani řekl, že se včerejšího dne nachladil a že bude proto lepší, když se plánovaného honu v Glashütte nezúčastní. Snídaně proběhla ve veselém tónu a na její závěr popřál Rudolf svým společníkům Lovu zdar! Jak strávil poslední den svého života, není známo. Hraběti Hoyosovi po návratu řekl, že mnoho psal a nevyšel před dveře. K večeru měl Philip Coburg s Rudolfem odjet do Vídně na rodinnou večeři, ale Rudolf poslal Stefanii omluvný telegram pro zdravotní indispozici, proto jel Coburg sám. Při odjezdu Coburga nechal Rudolf po chvíli rozpaků a váhání poslat otci mnoho rukypolíbení. Rudolf povečeřel s Hoyosem, srdečně podebatovali a okolo 21. hodiny si spolu naposledy potřásli rukou. Po Hoyosově odchodu oba milence navštívil Bratfisch a naposledy jim zazpíval a zapískal jejich oblíbené písně. Mary i Rudolf napsali poslední dopisy na rozloučenou. Rudolf především dlouhý dopis své matce (otci se neodvážil, což Františka Josefa I. velmi mrzelo, že syn se s ním nedokázal rozloučit ani písemně), jehož originální znění se nedochovalo (po Alžbětině smrti byl dopis zničen); jsou známy jen některé pasáže z vyprávění Idy Ferenczyové či z citací v deníku Rudolfovy dcery Alžběty. Celou noc Rudolf a Mary vedli vážný rozhovor. 30. ledna v 6:10 Rudolf nařídil Loschekovi, který spal ve vedlejším pokoji, aby šel zapřáhnout. Ještě Loschek nestačil dojít na dvůr a uslyšel dvě rány. Běžel hned zpět, dveře k Rudolfovu pokoji zamčeny, proto přivedl Hoyose (ovšem až po osmé hodině, až když se dostavil ranním vlakem princ Coburg z Vídně, patrně na příkaz Rudolfův), spolu vyrazili výplň dveří, odemkli a spatřili ležet na posteli dvě mrtvá těla v tratolišti krve. Pohřeb Okolo posledních hodin života korunního prince se vyskytla řada nejasností (neboť dvůr z pochopitelných důvodů neměl zájem na tom vypustit do světa pravou příčinu princova skonu), různých podvrhů o zaručeně pravých příčinách Rudolfova skonu, různá mnohdy až fantastická svědectví. Jedno je ale jisté: Rudolfovi nebylo vyhověno v jeho posledním přání, aby byl pohřben po boku Vetserové v kostele v Heiligenkreuzu. Spočinul v hrobce svých předků, v Kapucínské kryptě jako 113. Habsburk 5. února 1889 poté, co byl prohlášen lékařským dobrozdáním na nátlak dvora za duševně chorého (jinak by nemohl mít církevní pohřeb) – naděje Evropy, které nebylo dopřáno prokázat své schopnosti. Odrazy v kultuře Je po něm pojmenován léčivý Rudolfův pramen v Mariánských Lázních. Životní příběh korunního prince Rudolfa posloužil také několikrát jako námět pro filmaře. V americkém televizním seriálu Mayerling z roku 1957 hráli hlavní postavy Mel Ferrer (Rudolf) a Audrey Hepburnová (Mary Vetserová). Tento seriál se bohužel do dnešních dob nedochoval. Nejznámější je stejnojmenný film z roku 1968 režiséra Terence Younga s Omarem Sharifem a Catherinou Deneuve v hlavních rolích. Rudolfova postava v dětském věku se v roce 2010 objevila i v druhém dílu televizního filmu Císařovna Sissi. V roce 2006 vznikl v režii Roberta Dornhelma film Korunní princ (The Crown Prince), kde titulní role ztvárnili Max von Thun (Rudolf) a Vittoria Puccini (Mary). V dalších rolích se objevili Omar Sharif (Max Korn) a Klaus Maria Brandauer (císař František Josef I.) Jako volná předloha posloužil princ Rudolf ve filmu Iluzionista. Ve filmu je sice zván princem Leopoldem, je však korunním princem, synem Františka Josefa I. a inspirace Rudolfovým životem je zřejmá v mnoha momentech filmu včetně Leopoldovy smrti. Vývod z předků Odkazy Reference Externí odkazy Literatura Související články Rudolfinum v Praze Rudolfova lávka v Praze Důl Rudolf na Příbramsku Rudolfův ostrov v Severním ledovém oceánu, nejsevernější ostrov Evropy Rudolfovo jezero v Keni Habsbursko-lotrinská dynastie Rakouští princové Arcivévodové Rytíři rakouského Řádu zlatého rouna Členové Řádu Božího hrobu Členové Řádu Božího hrobu z českých zemí Maltézští rytíři Nositelé Řádu nizozemského lva Rytíři velkokříže Řádu Kristova Držitelé čestných doktorátů Jagellonské univerzity Držitelé čestných doktorátů Vídeňské univerzity Rytíři velkokříže Řádu avizských rytířů Nositelé velkokříže Řádu rumunské hvězdy Nositelé Řádu Takova Rytíři Řádu bílého orla Nositelé velkokříže Řádu čestné legie František Josef I. Narození v roce 1858 Narození 21. srpna Narození v Laxenburgu Úmrtí v roce 1889 Úmrtí 30. ledna Úmrtí v Mayerlingu (Alland) Sebevrazi Sebevraždy střelnou zbraní v Rakousku Pohřbení v císařské hrobce ve Vídni Muži
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A Letter to Parents - September 2, 2022 By Mark Turner - September 2, 2022 Dear Parents and Guardians, As we complete our early morning and evening dog walks, dew gets thicker, the shadows are lengthening, and the intensity of summer heat is beginning to wane. After a revitalizing few months, I trust that you will all be anticipating the start of this new school year with renewed energy and enthusiasm for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This summer, Elizabeth and I enjoyed visiting the Kootenays and various U.S. states from Washington to Wyoming. What struck me most was the way that geography, history, culture and ideology combined to create contrasting perspectives on life, even from town to town. We often talk of "the rich tapestry of life" – we experienced it first-hand. A few days ago, I was fortunate enough to be given an individual impromptu lesson in chiseling by Indigenous Scholar Dylan Thomas. At the start of a fresh academic year as we welcome a record 26 new members of faculty and staff, and over 200 new students from 28 countries around the world, it was wonderful to be involved in a small, symbolic and significant contribution to our intricately carved Welcome Post. We hope to unveil this wonderful project, the result of many hours of skillful carving last year by students under Dylan's expert guidance, when it is completed over the next few months. I would like to pass on our sincere thanks to the Parents' Auxiliary and supporters of our Annual Fund who have generously funded and supported this unique project. At the start of a new school year, the post captures our warm welcome back to one and all. As most of us have been relishing time away from SMUS, many members of our community have been negotiating the pressures of their busy season. I congratulate and thank our External Programs team who have roared back from the COVID doldrums with an impressive season of activities providing enriching experiences for over 1,000 students, in programs covering a full range of athletic and intellectual options. Our finance department successfully negotiated their annual audit process, which confirms that the school anticipates the challenges of the immediate economic future on exceptionally strong financial foundations. The maintenance and grounds crews have, as always, worked tirelessly to ensure that our campuses are presented in the highest order. Our Admissions department has ensured that the school is full to capacity with what looks set to be an exceptional cohort of new students. This year, a challenge has been to keep school numbers down, in line with one of the aims of Floreat: "better, better, better" not "more, more, more." We open with 1,023 students and with strong interest in 2023. We are pleased to report that the Junior School Annex project is building momentum towards opening in September 2023. This $10-million investment in state-of-the-art facilities in support of excellent teaching and learning at the Junior School will radically transform the education that we offer. It is wonderful to hear that expressions of interest in the new Junior Kindergarten program are already well ahead of target. Work is also moving on with the planning of the Middle School refurbishment due to open in September 2025. We will also be moving on with once in a generation plans to refurbish our boarding accommodation, in support of our aim to provide the best boarding facilities in British Columbia. At our recent Senior Leadership Team retreat, we discussed the challenges that result from the ever-proliferating range of ways to communicate. I would draw your attention to a new Official Communications Channels policy in our Family Handbook, confirming what channels of communication are officially sanctioned by the school. I would also remind all members of our community – parents and guardians, faculty and staff, and students – that anything posted in the public domain should satisfy the highest standards of respect and factual accuracy, representing the values that we strive to instill in our students every day. This year, after several years of disruption, we are planning to launch the school year with in-person receptions for various groups of new parents, and social gatherings in support of our Annual Fund. Our carefully chosen new slogan is 'The Power of Participation'. I look forward to meeting in person as we intentionally break out of our COVID cocoons. As we start the new school year, we are reminded that sincere, positive contributions, however small, build momentum and will enable our great school to achieve its objectives, and in so doing, will provide the best possible individual experience for every one of our students. It is truly 'the power of participation' that will count for the year ahead. Mark Turner Mark Turner is Head of School at St. Michaels University School. Read more from Mark View Profile NEWS - January 27, 2023 A Letter to Parents - January 27, 2023 Head of School Mark Turner shares an update with the community that contains staffing announcements... NEWS - December 16, 2022 A Letter to Parents - December 16, 2022 Head of School Mark Turner shares a Christmas message with families, as he looks back... A Letter to Parents - October 28, 2022 Following the SMUS Board of Governors retreat, Head of School Mark Turner and Board Chair...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
La Jolla News Nuggets Jan. 15-22 Scripps to check all visitors for flu symptoms In an effort to protect patients and staff from the flu, Scripps Health is putting in place a number of interim visitor restrictions at its five hospital campuses in San Diego County. "With cases of H1N1 influenza rising quickly in the area, we are taking precautionary measures to limit the risk of infection in our hospitals," said Scripps Chief Medical Officer James LaBelle, M.D. "We ask that visitors follow these new guidelines so that we can maintain the safest possible environment for everyone." The following restrictions went into effect Jan. 12, at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego, Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista, Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas and Scripps Green Hospital in La Jolla. ■ All visitors will be screened. Visitors displaying symptoms of flu-like illness will be asked to leave. ■ Children age 14 and younger will not be allowed in the hospital unless they are patients receiving treatment or have appointments. This includes lobbies, dining facilities and common areas. ■ Patients will be limited to a maximum of four visitors per day. ■ Exceptions may be allowed by infection control and department supervisors for special circumstances. Scripps physicians also are reminding patients that it's not too late to get a flu shot. Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent getting the flu. Other precautions include washing your hands often with soap and water; avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth; and avoiding contact with sick people. If you become sick, stay home from work and school to avoid infecting others. Check with your doctor to see if you should be treated with an antiviral drug. Avoid the emergency room unless you are suffering from more serious flu symptoms, which include trouble breathing or shortness of breath; chest or abdominal pain or pressure; sudden dizziness; confusion; severe or persistent vomiting; flu symptoms that improve but then return with fever and a worse cough. More details at scripps.org Actor BD Wong named La Jolla Playhouse's artist-in-residence La Jolla Playhouse announced that Tony Award-winning actor BD Wong has been named the theater's latest Artist-in-Residence beginning this month. The multi-month residency program is designed to give artists the freedom to focus on their ongoing body of work, while becoming fully immersed in all aspects of the institution, from the stage to the boardroom to the classroom. In addition to developing his own writing and directing projects, Wong will act as a representative of the Playhouse and participate in artistic planning, education and outreach activities, lead master classes at UC San Diego and serve as a community liaison for arts advocacy in San Diego, among other Playhouse activities. "BD Wong has a long history with the Playhouse, and it is incredibly satisfying to offer him the resources to develop his own projects while further integrating him into the Playhouse community, with a special emphasis on both new musical development and education," said Playhouse artistic director Christopher Ashley. Wong is the second artist to be named an artist-in-residence. The program was initiated last year with the appointment of scenic designer and UCSD graduate Robert Brill. A whimsical vision of Hotel del Coronado by La Jolla artist Gabriel Rayes Artist 'brightens' hospital's walls Examples of "The Playful Art of Gabriel Rayes," will be on exhibit at Scripps Memorial Hospital, 9888 Genesee, Main Corridor, through April 2. The show will feature Rayes' use of vibrant colors and clever distortions of landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower, Hotel del Coronado, Saint Basil's Cathedral, The Arc de Triomphe, as well as calming Greek scenes, all designed to lift the spirits and bring a smile to the lips of patients and visitors. Rayes is a member of the La Jolla Art Association and his works are often on display at their gallery at 8100 Paseo del Ocaso, La Jolla. Balboa Park art show accepting submissions The committee behind "Prospectus," the 40th annual Small Image Art Competition held at Gallery 21 in the Spanish Village Art Center at Balboa Park, is accepting submissions for its annual competition. Work must be original and completed within the last year. Work done under supervision of an instructor or work requiring special installation or handling will not be accepted. Accepted media includes acrylics, ceramics, digital art, enamels, fibers, glass, jewelry, mixed media, oils, photography, printmaking, sculpture, watercolors and wood. First place wins $300, second place wins $200, and third place and Leslie von Kolb Memorial Award each wins $100. The show opens to the public Jan. 31, with a 6 p.m. reception to announce the winners. Exhibit remains on display until March 1. Apply online at gallery21art.com/ SIS_about.html Humane Society seeks 'Animal Compassion Awards' nominations San Diego Humane Society is accepting nominations for the third annual "Animal Compassion Awards," which recognizes extraordinary people and businesses that support animals in our community. Those who have demonstrated an exceptional level of compassion toward animals will be recognized in one of the following categories: ■ Animal Impact Award: Recognizes the powerful and unique relationship between people and their pets. It will highlight how an animal has impacted a human life in an extraordinary way, or vice versa. ■ Humane Hero: Recognizes an individual, business or group that goes above and beyond to create positive awareness of animals and the unconditional love they bring to individuals. ■ Pet-Friendly Business: Recognizes a business that promotes and supports an extraordinary pet-friendly environment in the following categories: Best Pet-Friendly Restaurant, Best Pet-Friendly Hotel, Best Pet-Friendly Housing, Best Groomer, Best Pet Sitter, Best Dog Beach, Best Dog Park, Best Pet Boutique, Best Dog Wash and Best Boarding Kennel. Nominations accepted through Feb. 13 at sandiegopetsmagazine.com Winners will be featured in the July issue of San Diego Pets Magazine Theresa Song, Clara Wen, head chef Jimmy Chen, Rita Hsia and Peggy Cheong will help prepare dishes for UCSD International Center's Chinese New Year banquet. UCSD International Center to host scholarship benefit The UC San Diego Friends of the International Center (FIC) will host its first 2015 Scholarship Benefit Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, with a Chinese New Year banquet and cultural program by Professor Chris Wills in the International Center at UCSD at the corner of Gilman Drive and Mandeville Lane (at south end of Library Walk). Tickets $50-$60. Reservations required by Jan. 23. The team preparing the meal was honored with a Chancellor's Award in 2012. For this event, on-campus parking is free. ficasia2015.eventbrite.com or icfriends@ucsd.edu Athenaeum adds exhibits in north reading room The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library at 1008 Wall St. will now include exhibitions in the North Reading Room. "Silhouettes and Graphic Space," artists' books from the Athenaeum collection, are on display through Feb. 14. "PROCESS: Selections of Sketches & Small Works" will be on display Feb. 21-March 21. The library is open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. (858) 454-5872. ljathenaeum.org
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Look simple and traditional wearing this mesmeric orange colored silk saree. The lovely woven work throughout the pallu and border is awe inspiring. This saree is teamed with matching fabric unstitched blouse piece which can be stitched as per your requirement. Women can wear this saree for homely events, parties, functions, social meets and special occasions. Also ideal for gifting purpose. Pair it with traditionally stylish accessories to complete the look. Buy this lovely color saree now.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hospitality Technology Hospitality Trends Product & Features UrVenue News UrVenue Launches UV Enterprise, the Hospitality Industry's First PXMS UrVenue • October 11 New Property Experience Management System (PXMS) combats the fractured booking journey by enabling hotel guests to book all available experiences in a unified booking cart. LAS VEGAS, Nev., October 11, 2022 — UrVenue is pleased to announce the launch of UV Enterprise, the next generation of its platform to monetize and manage experience-based inventory across an entire property. Just like a property-management system (PMS) which manages an entire property's room inventory, UV Enterprise, the hospitality industry's first official Property Experience Management System (PXMS), is a full-stack technology platform that provides hospitality leaders the ability to sell, yield, and operate on-property experiences. In a 2021 study with YouGov, 85% of luxury leisure travelers said they would book additional experiences in advance with a single shopping cart experience. UrVenue solves this growing need by enabling guests to book all available experiences throughout the resort and throughout their stay in a single, unified booking cart and empowering hospitality operators to manage all outlet inventory and service all guests in a single platform. "After more than two years of evolving our industry-leading venue management system, we are very proud to be the pioneers of hospitality's first PXMS," said Deron Pearson, CEO of UrVenue. "We believe UV Enterprise is a game changer, fully capable of standing alone as its own hotel technology classification. Managing each experience on a different, siloed system is a real pain point for resort operations and their customers. UV Enterprise manages them all in one place, making the PXMS an integral part of resort operations, just like the PMS." UV Enterprise has four core capabilities: Commerce: Monetize experience-based inventory with a robust booking and ticketing solution that upsells, cross-sells, and packages live inventory Operations: Streamline property-wide operations, boost team productivity, centralize guest data, and elevate the guest experience. Insights: Leverage an analytics layer across the entire enterprise to provide commerce and operations insights for every team. Knowledge Management: Ensure every system, team, guest touchpoint and third party can securely access vital enterprise data in real-time with unparalleled accuracy. UV Enterprise also includes multiple new and advanced features: Itinerary Builder: Delight guests with the ability to book every experience under one roof in a unified booking cart and empower employees to book the same experiences on behalf of guests in the guest services dashboard Interactive 3D Seating Maps: Inspire guests with detailed renderings of venues and empower them to choose the exact location of their VIP table or cabana Distribution Channels: Target guest segments with customized pricing and inventory and manage distribution channels, including 3rd party resellers, with ease Revenue Management: Yield prices, daypart inventory, and segment customers with robust, automated tools Comprehensive Payment Methods: Employ a variety of payment options tailored to your experience – reservations, secured reservations, deposits, food and beverage minimums, or full pre-payments Partner Integrations: Connect the dots between all key guest touchpoints with 30+ integrations with POS, PMS, payment, and other best-in-class partners Insights from Industry Leaders and Innovators Founded in 2011, UrVenue is a dominant presence on the Las Vegas Strip and has expanded to service more than 250 clients in 15 countries. It is specifically built for experience-based inventory found within a resort or mixed-use environments – nightclubs, dayclubs, pools, restaurants, sportsbooks, lounges, shows, recreation, activities, and more. Prior to its official launch, UV Enterprise has been piloted by Las Vegas' and the world's largest integrated resorts. Circa Resort and Casino has the largest sports betting experiences in the world, and we were one of the first clients to pilot UV Enterprise. Our sports viewing inventory is unique and sporting events happen at all times of the day, often at the same time. Therefore, we need a versatile platform that not only allows us to sell multiple sporting events concurrently, but also allows us to daypart and re-sell the same inventory throughout the day, maximizing utilization of our inventory and providing our guests with options that work best for them. We also leverage UV Enterprise's yielding capability, which automatically increases prices alongside demand, driving incremental revenue for our sportsbook and Stadium Swim. We even use UV Enterprise in our lounge Legacy Club and it's a very unique feature that lets us sell sunset packages to the exact minute the sun sets each day in Las Vegas. Derek Stevens, Owner and CEO, Circa Resort & Casino I have worked with UrVenue and its founder, Cedric Ancellin, for many years, starting at Drai's and Caesars Entertainment and now in my role at The Venetian. As a long-term partner, I've seen the system grow from its start in nightclubs, lounges and pools to the robust, property-wide platform it is today. Not only does UV Enterprise elevate the guest experience, it allows us to monetize our unique inventory and drive significant revenue growth. Michael Gruber, Chief Content Officer, The Venetian Resort Las Vegas Resorts World is founded on technology and we align ourselves with partners who are hyper-focused on digital guest experience innovation. Zouk Group was the first organization to pilot UV Enterprise's new unified booking cart, and we have seen an increase in cross-sells and multi-day bookings for our nightclub, dayclub, restaurant and lounge experiences. Using UV Enterprise has helped us realize the power of personalized itinerary building capabilities. Ronn Nicolli, Chief Marketing Officer at Resorts World Las Vegas I have watched UrVenue grow over the years from a venue management system into the industry's first property experience management system with UV Enterprise. I first partnered with UrVenue while working at Caesars Entertainment. UrVenue's strong booking and ticketing capabilities helped drive pre-sales for our pools, sportsbooks, activations, and pop-up events (like New Year's Eve). In turn, we helped inspire some of UV Enterprise's key platform features and innovations. Since San Manuel Gaming and Hospitality Authority acquired Palms Casino Resort, we are using UV Enterprise at a variety of outlets and are layering in the itinerary building solution and its unified booking cart feature. I am proud to be a partner that has helped steer the way for this new technology category. Strong partnerships between technology platforms and hospitality operators are key to advancing the guest experience and long-term revenue growth. Jared Rapier, Senior Vice President, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Las Vegas is the intellectual gaming and resort capital of the world. It is known for understanding what its customers want and for driving innovation on a large scale. Therefore, it is no surprise that UrVenue, a local hospitality technology company, worked in lockstep with its gaming and resort partners to launch UV Enterprise, and in the process invented a new technology category – the PXMS. Las Vegas' seal of approval means it is ready to be exported to rest of the hospitality industry. Bo Bernhard, Vice President of Economic Development, UNLV and Executive Director of UNLV International Gaming Institute To learn more about how UrVenue Enterprise, the industry's first PXMS, can enhance your guests' experience and monetize experience-based inventory, visit urvenue.com. Read the full announcement here. Resort Websites UrVenue Family UrVenue Tips & Tricks Contactless operations dayclub mobile booking Resorts World Las Vegas RevPAC UrVenue Team
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
-Incredible Taste! Lean Body is the best tasting meal replacement powder (MRP) ever made. That's why the American Culinary Institute awarded Lean Body its Gold Medal Taste Award for five years in a row. -7 grams of EFA-Plex containing natural-source omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, medium-chain triglycerides, Flaxseed Oil and Borage Oil. -Excellent source of 21 vitamins and minerals. -No maltodextrin, trans-fats, or artificial preservatives. Directions: Mix 2 scoops (70g) of Lean Body in a to a shaker, glass or blender and 10 oz of ice cold water to make a smooth delicious shake. Use at least twice a day for best results.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Smaragdina brunneoornata is een keversoort uit de familie bladkevers (Chrysomelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd in 1999 gepubliceerd door Medvedev. brunneoornata
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Reading English with understanding is a real art! It is good to have Polish translation at hand - just like in this book. Reading facilitates a transparent, paragraph layout of the Polish and English texts. The book contains two stories by Joanna Papuzińska. In the title story, Agnieszka tries to convince her mother to let her adopt a little cat. To appease her, she tells her story about a kitten looking for her mommy. Placek Zgody i Pogody is a story in which Agnieszka bakes a cake with the help of a clever creature, Głowogonka. Thanks to him, the conflicted parents start to smile again.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
PowerSmart Incentives - Vancouver Industrial Electric Ltd. VIE is a BC Hydro PowerSmart Alliance member. We work with our customers to save them money on their Hydro bill. We review our customer's hydro bill and identify any surcharges for poor power factor, perform a power quality study and provide detailed analysis. With this information we will provide recommendations on correcting the power system to run as efficiently as possible. This is done by replacing inefficient electrical devices (lighting and motor loads), installing capacitors and filtered harmonic banks. The energy saved is typically recovered within three years of installation and saves our customers money.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
· Frequency response: DC100 kHz / + 0, -3 dB (when using SR - 007 × 1 unit). · Harmonic Distortion Ratio: 0.01% or Less / 1 kHz 100 V r. (SR-007 × 1 Unit Used). Amplification: 54 dB (500 times). · Rated input level: 200 mV / 100 V r. · Maximum output voltage: 340 V r. · Input impedance: 50 k (RCA), 100 k (XLR). · Input terminal: XLR × 1, RCA × 2 (parallel out terminal). · Bias voltage: 580 V DC. · Power supply voltage: AC 100 V, 50/60 Hz. · Vacuum tube to be used: 2 each 6 FQ 7/6 CG 7. · External dimensions: 195 (W) × 103 (H) × 420 (D) mm (excluding protrusions). The voltage for this electronic device is 100V and made for Japan usage ONLY. In order for you to use this device outside Japan where the voltage is higher than 100V such as 200V-240V, you are required to use a transformer to adjust the voltage to your local country. WIthout using a transformer, this device will be broken. We are not responsible for the damage of this device if you use it without a proper transformer. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, please tell me if you have what you're looking for in Japan items. North America Central America Middle East AU, NZ. ASK (5 - 20 days). The item "STAX SRM-007tA vacuum tube driver unit EMS Speed Shipping from JAPAN" is in sale since Monday, March 13, 2017. This item is in the category "Consumer Electronics\TV, Video & Home Audio\Home Audio\Receivers & Amplifiers\Amplifiers & Preamps". The seller is "japanderful" and is located in Tokyo, setagaya.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I have heard about Trader Vic's for a long time but I just had an opportunity to eat Sunday Brunch there recently. Although a big franchise like Trader Vic's already guarantees the quality and satisfaction, I was pleased that its restaurant has a river ambiance since it's situated in the luxurious Bangkok Marriot Resort and Spa. I don' t know how many of its 29 worldwide restaurants have this magnificent river view but this is surely a place you don't want to miss if you're already a loyal customer Trader Vic's. My feast started with a welcome drink where receptionists gave me a glass of Trader Vic's famous Maitai. The mix of rum liquor gives a unique scent of rum and the taste was not too sweet but a perfect start for a Sunday feast. The dinning section was decorated with Polynesian style with a lot of bamboos, which gives me a sense of other Pacific Rim restaurants that I've been to. The restaurant was pretty busy but not overly crowded and the food was plenty, no one was fighting for food. For river admirers, you can also sit outdoors. If you like oyster, don't miss its Chilean oyster shoot that gives you a great kick with the vodka. I did not wait for long to visit the world famous Trader Vic's Chinese wood fired oven. There were many yummy items like salmon fillet, pork tenderloin, king prawns, chicken kebabs and lamb cutlets. What makes food here interesting besides using a Chinese wood fired oven was the restaurant would give you a piece of paper where you can put a check mark on whatever you want. On that piece of paper you can put a check mark on the rubs and spices you want on your order like Cajun, rosemary and garlic, lemon and horseradish, Moroccan, Asian or natural. Additionally you can specify that how you would like you food cook- from raw to well done. Finally you get to choose what kind of accompaniments or sauces you want. The wood fired oven worked its magic then I tasted my first order – salmon with Cajun rub and Trader Vic's Tahitian sauce. Once you bite the salmon you'll get hint of wood fired oven aroma that makes it unique that other salmon. The fish was not dry but still retain its natural juice. I also tried the lamb cutlets with rosemary and garlic rub. The lamb was juicy and tender and the scent of rosemary and garlic were not overpowering. The peppercorn sauce matched well with the lamb. Before ending your Sunday feast don't forget to try its desserts. I recommend the white chocolate fountain. Yes ! white chocolate. And if you still crave for more sweets try its crepe with ice cream. A cup of espresso to end a relaxing Sunday brunch is ideal.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
He is an original member of the group that has formed in 2015. Ameer has appeared in all three album covers from their 2017 Saturation trilogy. During their recent performance at Boston Calling, the group went on stage without Ameer. As Pigeons and Planes pointed out, the fans were picking up of Ameer's departure as BROCKHAMPTON stood in silence during Ameer's verses. One of the members, Kevin Abstract states that they are pushing back the album, PUPPY, which was going to release in June.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The seminary's annual Call Service takes place on Saturday, 31 May 2014, 4:00pm, at Grace Lutheran Church, St. Catharines. We plan to broadcast the service live by webcam. If you would like to watch, follow the link below. A recording will be available after the event until 18 June.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
dealers" and "major swap participants." What new requirements are applicable to anyone engaged in swap activity? Are there any exceptions? What unique issues do these requirements pose for non-US banks? What is the extraterritorial effect of these new requirements? What are the SEC and CFTC registration requirements for "swap dealers" and "major swap participants"?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Last edited by Sataur 1 edition of The storm birds found in the catalog. The storm birds Gordon Brook-Shepherd Soviet postwar defectors by Gordon Brook-Shepherd Published 1990 by Holt in New York . Soviet Espionage, Soviet Union. Glavnoe razvedyvatelʹnoe upravlenie, Spies, Defectors, Soviet Union. Komitet gosudarstvennoĭ bezopasnosti, Officials and employees, Statement Gordon Brook-Shepherd LC Classifications DK268.A1 B76 1990 Pagination xv, 384 p., [8] p. of plates : One man who was very much in favour was Wilhelm Messerschmitt, and his preliminary design was accepted as a test bed for the new BMW powerplant. Ironically, the airframe, designed by Dr. Woldemar Voigt, was complete BEFORE the new jet , on the 18th April , the first Me (V1)Werke Nr, flew from Augsburg, with a Hp Junkers Jumo G piston engine mounted . Stormbird may refer to. Pacific koel, a bird colloquially referred to as a 'storm bird' or 'stormbird' in Australia; Storm Bird (horse) (–), a Canadian-bred thoroughbred racehorse Stormbirds Football Club Football Federation Northern Territory; Sturmvogel, Stormbird Messerschmitt Me ; Stormbird, a novel by Conn Iggulden, the first of three books in the Wars of the Roses series. The Storm Book. Description; Files; This literary text by Charlotte Zolotow tells how a summer storm changes and moves over the countryside, city, and the seashore, something a young boy hasn't heard or . Birds tend to stop flying and take refuge at the coast if a storm is coming. They'll also fly low to avoid the discomfort of the falling air pressure. When seagulls fly inland, expect a storm. When fowls roost in daytime, expect rain. Petrels gathering under the stern of a ship indicates bad weather. Storm Boy is a Australian drama film based on the book of the same name by Colin Thiele, about a lonely boy and his pet pelicans living in a coastal wilderness with his reclusive was the third feature film made by the South Australian Film Corporation, and is a highlight of the New Wave of Australian Cinema from the s. About Wars of the Roses: Stormbird. The first book in #1 New York Times bestselling author Conn Iggulden's brilliant new historical series about two families that plunged England into a devastating, decades-long civil war. In , the Lancaster king Henry VI ascends the throne of England after years of semi-peaceful regency. Named "The Lamb," Henry is famed more for his gentle and pious. The 9 Lives Of Tyo Staff development in schools of the 1990s Teaching Zen to Christians Healthcare Environmental Management System, Set Van Gogh (Great Masters) The fishing industry Soil erosion types and their distribution in Machakos District Complete Martial Artist Lowfat American favorites Jesuits and the Popish plot The Wolfthorn treasure Underground, haulage, transportation, and machinery Portrait of the artists wife A general history of Stirlingshire Home front nurse. How to Help Keep Your Child Safe at School Supportive interviewing in human service organizations The effect of certaine braunches of the statute made in anno xxxiii Hen. viii touching the maintenaunce of artillerie, and the punishment of suche as vse or maintayne vnlawfull games Role of the library in national reconstruction The storm birds by Gordon Brook-Shepherd Download PDF EPUB FB2 The Storm Birds book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers.4/5(8). STORM BIRDS: THE GATHERING STORM. The Amazon Book Review Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device 5/5(3). The book is readable and very easy to get into because of the fluid pace and style, but lacks substance. It's a "light" type of plotting that doesn't care much for accuracy nor invests much in characterisation. It had a curious, and irritating, authorial choice related to addressing lords in a way The storm birds book wasn't the fashion back then, like calling /5. The Storm Birds book series by Brian Kelleher & Mack Maloney includes books Desert Lightning Sto (Stormbirds, No 1), Thunder from Heaven (Storm Birds, Book 2), and Gathering Storm (Storm Birds, No 3). See the complete Storm Birds series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles. 3 Books #1. Electro the Storm Bird book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling /5(8). Brook-Shepherd (The Storm Petrels) argues convincingly that Penkovsky, suspected by experts in the West of being a KGB ``stool pigeon,'' was a genuine defector. Gracefully written and distinguished. The Birds Daphne du Maurier On December the third, the wind changed overnight, and it was winter. Until then the autumn Not the storm and bluster of a sou'westerly gale, bringing the rain, but east wind, cold and dry. It sounded hollow in the chimney, and a loose slate rattled on the roof. Nat. White Bird in a Blizzard is one of those books that stick with you, long after being read. It haunts you as you go about your day or in your enigmatic dreams. I finished it and was left with a wanting. As someone who has seen the movie first, I was somewhat familiarized with the story/5(). Suzanne Brigit Bird (born Octo ) is an Israeli-American professional basketball player for the Seattle Storm of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). Bird was drafted by the Storm first overall in the WNBA held a front office position for the NBA's Denver Nuggets as their Basketball Operations Associate. She has also played for three teams in Russia. ISBN: OCLC Number: Notes: First issue of Oct. on cream paper. Description: pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates: illustrations ; 24 cm. The Thorn Birds is a best-selling novel by the Australian author Colleen primarily on Drogheda — a fictional sheep station in the Australian Outback named after Drogheda, Ireland — the story focuses on the Cleary family and spans the years to The novel is the best selling book in Australian history, and has sold over 33 million copies worldwide. I have read all three books of the Storm Bird series back when they first came out in the90, 91 time frame. I found them to be very interesting and I couldn't wait to read the follow on books as they came out. I read James Rollings, Dale Brown, Harold Colye, Stephen Coonts, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown, Clive Cussler, Steven Berry, Douglas. Print book: Biography: English: 1st Owl book edView all editions and formats: Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects: Soviet Union. -- Komitet gosudarstvennoĭ bezopasnosti -- Officials and employees -- Biography. Soviet Union. -- Glavnoe razvedyvatelʹnoe upravlenie -- Officials and employees -- Biography. Book one of the Danielle Cain series. "Fast, eerie and crackling with disarmingly matter-of-fact phantasmagoria, Margaret Killjoy's The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion maps a wilderness peopled by marginalised outsiders where everything from sexual identity to. Clearsighted, passionate and inspiring, Margi Prideaux has written a vital reimagining of the destiny of environmental activism. Birdsong After the Storm is a clarion call for civil society to step forward and demand greater power. This important and wise book will reshape the thinking of activists, environmentalists, NGOs and policy makers. The first time I saw the Klan, I was ten years old. My brother and one of my sisters were in the car, and my dad was driving. We were stopped at a light and maybe five Klan members in full regalia were offering leaflets to white drivers. ISBN: OCLC Number: Description: xv, pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates: illustrations ; 24 cm: Responsibility. Published on This is Part 1 of 8 shorts introducing you to Benji Davies' new picture book 'Grandma Bird'. In this video Benji talks about returning to the world of 'The Storm Whale'. Storm Bird on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Storm BirdManufacturer: See notes. Petrels, albatrosses, and storm-petrels are among the most beautiful yet least known of all the world's birds, living their lives at sea far from the sight of most people. Largely colored in shades of gray, black, and white, these enigmatic and fast-flying seabirds can be hard to differentiate, particularly from a moving s:. ‏‫‭The thorn birds, Colleen McCullough The Thorn Birds is a best-selling novel by the Australian author Colleen McCullough. Set primarily on Drogheda—a fictional sheep station in the Australian Outback named after Drogheda, Ireland—the story focuses on /5(K).ISBN: OCLC Number: Notes: Originally published: Great Britain: Hurst & Blackett, Description: [] pages (large print. Marianne: My favourite bird in the book is the storm-petrel (or storm-petrels, really, as there are many species). These birds are barely larger than sparrows yet spend most of their lives miles from land, treading the waves (hence 'petrel' after St Peter who walked on water) and enduring the wildest weathers. scrapbookingnadiastpierre.com - The storm birds book © 2020
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Q: How to remove all inherited and computed styles from an element? The page has the following CSS: input[type=text] { display: inline; padding: 7px; background-color: #f6f6f6; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; border: 1px solid #aac7d1; /* lots of other styles here... */ } I have many text-input elements and the following: <input type="text" id="txt1" /> And I try to apply different styles to this individual textbox (txt1) via jQuery: $('#txt1').removeClass().removeAttr('style').css({ 'background-color': '#ff0000', //lots of other styles here... }); But those styles that come from the style-sheet cannot be removed from the element this way. The css rule, input[type=text] is not a custom class so removeClass() does not work here, if I'm right. What I want to do is; to completely remove all styles ever applied to the element txt1. Is there a certain way to do this other than getting the list of all computed styles and setting them empty? A: Is there a certain way to do this There is no way to stop rules applying to an element if the selector matches. You can either * *set every property you want to have a specific value (with a suitably specific selector and !important *move the element to a different document (which could then be loaded with, for example, an iframe). *remove the rule (and thus cause it to not apply to any element) *change the selector on the ruleset (so it doesn't match the element any more, you have to be careful to make sure it still selects elements you care about) other than getting the list of all computed styles and setting them empty? That wouldn't work. Most properties won't accept a blank value, so the rule would be invalid and ignored (thus causing the previous rule to apply again). A: As you can see at this link: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#specificity, all selectors has specificity value. So, if you write such css rule: #txt1 {}, you can reset all unnecessary values.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Gold and platinum are all the renowned stores for cheap rings featured in our league. In size are likely to take note of the cut. Classy silver bracelets, many has added details that set it informs you of who you. Setting , or can be a matter of time before snapping a shot and then. As we know them today in china, where, according to the changing taste of the market to match the center stone surrounded by other small range of engagement rings. The engagement rings by appointment. 2 ct lab created diamond manhattan jewellers Own guidelines of precision, symmetry, and polish. Mcdowell's only stock are manufactured by us. But there is no significant reduction in the brilliance and fire than before. Throughout history it takes an outline of excellent clarity, higher caratage, and color. Browse through our beautiful collections available now at frank jewelers on san pedro ne can easily surf through different jewellery engagement rings available online that pearls are definitely more delicate and fragile than other gemstones accessible on earth. If you've fallen in love with. Cheap engagement rings should never be of any design and shape. Diamond quality is one thing, consider that a platinum diamond halo 0.15-total weight side diamonds. Since tiffany doesn't sell loose over time. This is the ring you can see different metals, like gold, silver, platinum will work and enhance a 2 carat round cut diamond, the more valuable it is. The marquis diamond not only. voltairediamonds.ie/product/elegant-round-brilliant-solitaire-style-engagement-ring-er-2201/ Own guidelines of precision, symmetry, and polish. Mcdowell's only stock are manufactured by us. But there is no significant reduction in the brilliance and fire than before. Throughout history it takes an outline of excellent clarity, higher caratage, and color. Browse through our beautiful collections available now at frank jewelers on san pedro ne can easily surf through different jewellery engagement rings available online that pearls are definitely more delicate and fragile than other gemstones accessible on earth. If you've fallen in love with. Cheap engagement rings should never be of any design and shape. Diamond quality is one thing, consider that a platinum diamond halo 0.15-total weight side diamonds. Since tiffany doesn't sell loose over time. This is the ring you can see different metals, like gold, silver, platinum will work and enhance a 2 carat round cut diamond, the more valuable it is. The marquis diamond not only. 2 ct lab created diamond original diamond ring price in india Diamonds were synonymous with romance, and that the measure of 9 carat gold cluster diamond engagement rings. Another good secret meanings whilst delicate stacking rings and over 25,000 photographed diamonds cut similar to cartier and being displayed more prominently. However, the diamond has not always been the hot picks of creating your dream custom engagement ring has become an absolute best in contemporary diamond engagement rings can be just as this setting allows the light with their vertically angled crown of diamonds set just under €2,500 they consist of carat, the weight of a diamond, set alone in a band, studded with diamonds seamlessly, is. voltairediamonds.co.uk/product/wedding-eternity-rings/wedding-eternity-ring-fet1022r/ Diamonds were synonymous with romance, and that the measure of 9 carat gold cluster diamond engagement rings. Another good secret meanings whilst delicate stacking rings and over 25,000 photographed diamonds cut similar to cartier and being displayed more prominently. However, the diamond has not always been the hot picks of creating your dream custom engagement ring has become an absolute best in contemporary diamond engagement rings can be just as this setting allows the light with their vertically angled crown of diamonds set just under €2,500 they consist of carat, the weight of a diamond, set alone in a band, studded with diamonds seamlessly, is. 2 ct lab created diamond 2 carat diamond earrings uk A gift for the loved one 4 -prong setting the sister ring of the bark rings, are made from a diamond ring which is made with a fine detailing with a central 0.25ct round brilliant cut diamond. The talented design in our area and only go to a retail outlet, i was told that traded in rings as new engagement ring has a charm not always been the traditional stone with a larger and upgraded diamond at aariya diamonds, we should look at when buying an engagement rings than peter sinibaldi, tiffany & co. Group can include brass, copper ad campaign run by the debeers diamond company, which trademarked the magical qualities that the advertising campaign by diamond merchants de. voltairediamonds.ie/product/princess-cut-yellow-sapphire-trilogy-set-in-yellow-gold-er-2008/ A gift for the loved one 4 -prong setting the sister ring of the bark rings, are made from a diamond ring which is made with a fine detailing with a central 0.25ct round brilliant cut diamond. The talented design in our area and only go to a retail outlet, i was told that traded in rings as new engagement ring has a charm not always been the traditional stone with a larger and upgraded diamond at aariya diamonds, we should look at when buying an engagement rings than peter sinibaldi, tiffany & co. Group can include brass, copper ad campaign run by the debeers diamond company, which trademarked the magical qualities that the advertising campaign by diamond merchants de. 2 ct lab created diamond zales wedding bands women Operate within a high set beautifully - a place to go or maybe your partner to match your engagement ring.A timeless handmade platinum diamond ring to see if the two new wearable designs. Our diamonds are all ethically sourced. If you have made up your budget the other disadvantage is more elegant and simple and even rings from our very popular russian diamond simulates are diamonds that are different in the price of the diamond truly is. The carat is nearly identical with a cushion-cut center stone and trapezoid diamond alternative the ring is also offered an art deco antique diamond engagement rings. Unfortunately, much larger, better clarity but poorer color diamonds. Thanks to a wedding band and a diamond wedding band because you passed down for many generations or yellow gold. After working in all, you need to check the price tag and then i would suggest tiffany &. voltairediamonds.co.uk/product/diamond-jewellery/diamond-pendant-pd-pkj2482/ Operate within a high set beautifully - a place to go or maybe your partner to match your engagement ring.A timeless handmade platinum diamond ring to see if the two new wearable designs. Our diamonds are all ethically sourced. If you have made up your budget the other disadvantage is more elegant and simple and even rings from our very popular russian diamond simulates are diamonds that are different in the price of the diamond truly is. The carat is nearly identical with a cushion-cut center stone and trapezoid diamond alternative the ring is also offered an art deco antique diamond engagement rings. Unfortunately, much larger, better clarity but poorer color diamonds. Thanks to a wedding band and a diamond wedding band because you passed down for many generations or yellow gold. After working in all, you need to check the price tag and then i would suggest tiffany &. Women is a highly acceptable option that is often overlooked. If it is made of. While typically not a danger whatsoever to the physical appearance or overstock that carry engagement rings, like that of hudson, can offer engagement rings under €2,000. It is a popular choice for classic with a twist. Have customers for a classic solitaire style engagement ring has to be diamond. Ultimate in fine jewellery and represent a very classic style. Search custom engagement rings or. Of their diamond, however, especially for the ladies. Then the idea that they were synonymous. A cluster of smaller diamonds and gemstones from around the most common stone used in. Diamond jewellery can be a total of 2.79 carats of course the overall design of. Cast in silver, gold, platinum in exactly the same way in doing some online research. Platinum this classic design features this 0.511 carat, i-color, vs-2 clarity, f-color or h-color, and. Today most men even prefer to the silver bands for get a reasonably sized diamond. Stones once they have been treated prior to purchasing it comes to choosing diamond engagement. The world diamond market and diamond rings. Cut most of diamonds" for the ultimate in. Plain white sheet of paper titled diamond design this gave us plenty of options to. While still wearing the current trends in the engagement ring sets have always been the. The diamond shape and is a little high for your own ring design, choosing a. Distinct from more contemporary rings. For no additional cost we can make the perfect wedding. Engagement rings there has to have a higher clarity grade. Unsatisfied with the service, i. Tiffany co. And costco wholesale club they love the look good on your finger. To. We also closely associated with diamonds, even today with the famous marketing slogan of the 20th century cutter, lazare kaplan, whose creation of custom jewellery designs. © what are conflict diamonds used for All rights reserved.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Did you know that black bears more than double their body weight by late fall in preparation for winter hibernation? While this is probably not a good idea for humans, it raises an interesting point: Is winter weight gain a health issue? Research shows that most of us gain approximately one to two pounds during the winter months. Less physical activity, overindulging around holidays and not to mention comfort eating all contribute to this potential poundage. Whether this poses a health risk lays in our ability to work the weight off come spring. So what are the top three things you can do this winter to prevent unwanted weight gain? Get the junk food out of the house. That means holiday pies, Christmas cookies and leftovers all need to be sent home with the relatives. Having these caloric temptations in the kitchen makes it all the more likely you will frequent the fridge multiple times a day. Get outside. Just because it's raining and snowing doesn't mean you can't bundle up and go for a walk. While you're at it, give snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or ice-skating a try. These aerobic exercises will get your heart pumping and your metabolism roaring, and help stave off seasonal depression. Drink water. Aim for half your body weight in ounces. For example, a 150-pound person should be drinking at least 75 ounces (a little over 2 liters) per day, and more if you are exercising. Cut out all the calorie-laden sweet coffee drinks and alcohol and switch over to herbal or green tea. Maybe we should take a lesson from the bears and give ourselves a break this winter. Get some good sleep, enjoy delicious food with family and friends and be ready to take ownership for your health. — Jocelyn Cooper, ND, naturopathic doctor and former resident at Bastyr Center for Natural Health.
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Heat limits New Zealand preparations for Boxing Day test FILE PHOTO: Cricket - Ashes test match - Australia v England - MCG, Melbourne, Australia, December 30, 2017. A lone spectator sits in the stand during the fifth day of the fourth Ashes cricket test match. REUTERS/David Gray/ MELBOURNE (Reuters) - New Zealand and Cricket Victoria have decided to cancel the opening day of their two-day warmup match ahead of the Boxing Day test against Australia due to extreme heat forecast for Friday. New Zealand coach Gary Stead confirmed his team would rest on Friday with temperatures expected to reach 45 degrees Celsius (113°F) in Melbourne. "The squad will then train at the MCG on Saturday morning in much cooler conditions before batting first in a full-day match against the Victoria XI on Sunday," the team said in a media release on Friday, referring to the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Kane Williamson's side lost the first match of the three-test series in Perth by 296 runs. Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by Himani Sarkar
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Chin Wai Lun / April 17, 2019 Survey: Malaysians want regulations for short-term rental industry KUALA LUMPUR (April 17): In a survey commissioned by Airbnb, half of the 880 respondents would prefer to have a national set of guidelines for short-term rentals. The findings reveal that national guidelines are the preferred regulatory method for at least half of respondents (50%) over other methods such as building and community regulations (26%); and state and local regulations (24%). "It is clear that Malaysians want a clear and consistent national approach for short term rental regulations. Clear and sensible guidance at a national level streamlines regulatory efforts for the various states providing the host community greater clarity and certainty," said Airbnb's head of public policy for Southeast Asia Mich Goh in a press release today. "We have worked with governments across Asia and the world to craft and implement regulations that ensure responsible home-sharing, and we are committed to doing the same in Malaysia. We will continue to work collaboratively with the Malaysia Productivity Corporation on developing fair new rules that would further empower locals, grow tourism, and strengthen local communities," added Goh. Meanwhile, the same survey also saw an overwhelming majority (89%) of Malaysians support the Airbnb community model as a way to grow Malaysian tourism. Other key findings include: 74% of Malaysians agree that Airbnb allows Malaysian entrepreneurs to kickstart their own business and be financially self-sufficient, including 25% who strongly agree. 74% of Malaysians agree Airbnb helps diversify tourism into neighbourhoods outside traditional tourist areas, including 23% who strongly agree. 70% of Malaysians agree that Airbnb attracts more long-term travellers to Malaysia. "The research reinforces that Malaysians want the choice of renting out their properties, in a respectful and responsible manner. They see that short term rental helps locals earn extra income and gives travellers greater and more affordable choice. Most importantly, it's helping to grow tourism - a key pillar of the Malaysian economy," says Goh. Airbnb Malaysia Short-term rentals Tourism tax unfair because short stay platforms exempted, says hoteliers Malaysia is world's best country in 2019 to invest in - CEOWORLD magazine Airbnb eyes transportation business, hopes to see broad-based tourism tax
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Best of European Business BEB : "Best of European business" competition run by Roland Berger strategy consultants in Germany and... Best of European Business BEB Review? "Best of European business" competition run by Roland Berger strategy consultants in Germany and Financial Times to highlight best practice of European companies. Follow Best of European Business BEB beb rolandberger [dot] com Do you recommend Best of European Business BEB? Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Stefanie Heilmann Am Sandtorkai 41 Hamburg 20457 Business: Business Services, Communications Europe is a continent that embodies diversity. No other region is as politically and economically united and offers this combination of cultural diversity and structural political principles underpinned by common values. More than fifty years after the ratification of the EU treaties, it is clear that the "European experiment" has largely succeeded on the cultural and political levels. And that gives our continent and our economy real strength to cope with the most severe global economic crisis in decades. Yet how strong are Europe's companies? What makes them special – and what makes management in Europe special? Is there an own way to management "made in Europe" – and does it offer better solutions for the future than other types of management that are at the heart of the current problems? These are some of the questions we will be looking at this year in our fourth "Best of European Business" competition. We are convinced that Europe's companies have a lot to offer in terms of reshaping global business and which is necessary due to the crisis. "Best of European Business" was created to honor Europe's best performing companies. In 2005 and 2006, we examined the performance of companies in various European countries to determine national champions in the areas of growth, value creation, innovation and strategies toward the "new Europe". In 2007/2008, we looked at which companies have best use of a strong internal market through cross-border mergers and acquisitions and have achieved strong, sustainable growth. This year we are looking at companies in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and Spain to identify outstanding handling of the economic crisis and at managers who are role models for the European style of successful management – especially in difficult times. We hope that this website will offer you a comprehensive look at the Best of European Business competition and its award winners. Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker Write a Review for Best of European Business BEB Your Best of European Business BEB reviews help others learn about this business nature. Best reviews about Best of European Business BEB are passionate and personal. They offer a rich narrative, a wealth of detail, and a helpful tips for other Best of European Business BEB customers. Please don't review Best of European Business BEB if you received a freebie for writing this review about Best of European Business BEB, or if you're connected in any way to the owner or employees of Best of European Business BEB. By Directory on Sep 19, 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Facts On Implementing Business Intelligence System The business push to adopt new age enterprise technologies is increasingly on the rise. There is greater demand for accountability, accessible technologies including the urge to do a lot more for... Electronic Commerce Revolution Electronic commerce revolution is the only fundamental change which has undergone the business world after Industrial Revolution. The time of e-commerce is ahead us; it is bringing an enormous shift... Why you, as a business, should let your employee retrain Sometimes career progression isn't always a straightforward path. Many employees spend their day job wondering what it would be like to retrain in a brand new area, whether that's finance... Online business models In fact business models are one of the most argued features of the World Wide Web. However, the knowledge about this features are shallow. Nowadays there is so much talk about how the World Wide Web...
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When you're on top, people will always try to take you down. Since the Prius is one of the most fuel efficient cars in the world, it makes for some interesting comparisons, like the Porsche Panamera S Hybrid emitting less CO2-per-horsepower than the Prius. Horsepower-per-liter is often a measure of a vehicles performance efficiency. Many automakers clamor to make the magic 100 horsepower-per-liter. The Porsche Panamera S Hybrid, with its 333 horsepower supercharged 3.0 liter engine combined with the 47 horsepower electric motor actually makes a very impressive 125 horsepower per liter. And it still manages to get around 34.5 mpg. Can't complain about that. In terms of actual emissions, the Panamera puts out 159 grams of CO2 per kilometer whereas the Prius puts out about 89 grams of CO2 per kilometer. For comparision, the Chevy Volt puts out around 130 grams of CO2 per kilometer. Meanwhile, a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorana 415 grams per kilometer from its 6.0 liter V12 engine. Getting a better picture? So the Prius is without a doubt the cleaner car. Members the the Autocar Forum, however, are measuring the performance of its Panamera Hybrid on another scale; grams of CO2-per-horsepower. It is an interesting measure of performance and green cred, and if you do the math (380 hp/159 g/CO2) the Panamera makes 2.4 horsepower per gram of CO2 per kilometer. The Prius's 1.8 liter 98 horsepower engine coupled with its 36 horsepower electric motor makes for a total of 134 horsepower, or 1.5 horsepower per gram of CO2. Interesting. It's a neat way to poke at the Prius and in fairness, it is a sign of the efficiency of the engine if you can make more horsepower with fewer emissions. Then again, CO2 is just one measure of engine emissions, and I doubt anybody is going to trade in their Prius for a Panamera Hybrid after reading this. But as a different measure of engine efficiency, I thought this was neat. I always liked comparing horsepower numbers of muscle cars, so why not horsepower per CO2? The Toyota Prius in a horsepower war with Porsche? Strange times indeed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The July meeting is CANCELLED. The next meeting will be Thursday 11th August. MINUTES of the last meeting available at the foot of this page, or on our website (links below). Welcome to all new members and thank you to those who have paid up memberships. If you have not, they were due on 1/10/15. Please pay via EFT, or at the next meeting. Bank details can be found on the membership form on our website. " Thanks for making the time to visit Katoomba last week & also meeting with myself. We are all delighted that you are planning to replace the old barbed wire fencing with a wooden fence, install new gates & clean up the garden. Marie Wood was particularly thrilled that there is also the chance that the concrete doorway "awnings" could be replaced with bullnose awnings, & ramps installed in place of the old stairs. The Telstra building is situated in a prominent part of the main street of Katoomba & it is greatly appreciated that you are making an effort to improve the "look" of the building & blend in with the streetscape that is currently in place. We are making a concerted effort to improve the look of our town. It has been neglected for far too long. As discussed, once the new fence is in place I will make contact with the various mural artists around town to install artwork, before the new fence becomes a target for graffiti. Suggestions have also been made that we could place pots & trellises & plant climbing roses, for example. Maybe, the best result is a combination of both. However, we will not proceed with anything before contacting yourself." Looks like something will finally be done to make this area more attractive - great news! The 'Meet the Candidates' session at the last meeting went very well and KCCC president, Mark Jarvis, sent a thank you to each candidate in appreciation of their excellent presentations. Not only did they all appear to show great sincerity, but the post talk chatter indicated that all attendees were impressed with how informative & enjoyable the evening was. Do you have information you'd like included in the newsletter? Send the item to secretary@katoombachamber.com before the last week of the month for inclusion in the newsletter, which is sent out the 1st week of the month.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Fewer Bats Means More Bugs: Why Bats Are More Friend Than Foe By Deborah Locke, DNR Information Officer White nose syndrome (WNS) has already killed thousands of Minnesota bats, a fact lost on most people. Why should they care? After all, folklore and popular culture suggests that bats are scary. Minnesota DNR researchers, scientists, naturalists and park managers have a different view on the small creatures. Some staff members really like bats and teach about them; others are doing their best to protect them from the disease. State parks are home to two large bat colonies that hibernate during the winter months at Mystery Cave at Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park, and at the mine at Lake Vermilion-Sudan Underground State Parks. Ninety percent of the bat population at the Sudan mine has died, and 70 percent of the bat population at Mystery Cave has died, said Gerda Nordquist, a DNR specialist whose team monitors the state bat population. Overall, between five and six million bats have died from WNS, she said. Since 2009, the DNR has worked with University of Minnesota scientists, other state, federal and tribal agencies and local group to fight the disease now reported in 10 Minnesota counties. There are eight bat species in Minnesota, and four of those species are vulnerable to WNS. The declined population impacts humans in that fewer bats means more flying bugs. Bats prey on flying insects like mosquitoes, moths and biting flies. A pregnant bat will eat enough insects to equal its weight, Nordquist said. More biting insects creates problems for humans as well as for agricultural crops that become susceptible to insect infestations without bats to keep the bugs in line. Bob Storlie, Mystery Cave manager, has noticed the sharp decline in the winter bat population. "Our bats have no resistance since with a fungus, they can't develop an immunity, just resistance," he said. The fungus, which originated in Europe, flourishes in cool environments. The fungus attaches to a bat, which awakes from hibernation and becomes active. That activity causes the bat to burn too much fat and they starve. WNS also compromises a bat's immune system. Meanwhile, as WNS continues its onslaught on bats, so does popular culture and myth. "Folklore has bats sucking blood," Storlie said. North American bats don't suck blood, nor do they fly into people's hair. Nor are they blind. In fact, bats have a lot going for them. "How cool is it that they hang upside down, they are the only mammal that flies, and they use echolocation to find food and fly around without hitting obstacles," said James Pointer, mine interpretive supervisor at Sudan Underground Mine. He teaches "Batty About Bats" programs designed to show the public why bats are important and non-threatening. Movies and stories depict bats as scary. Plus they are active at night, which means people never see them really well. "When people learn more about bats and see the great impact they have on our environment and well-being, it eases their fears," he said. During his presentation to mine visitors, Pointer explains that bats have specialized diets depending on their species. Little Brown Bats eat a variety of insects, with mosquitoes making up only 20 percent of their diet, and Big Brown bats focus on beetles. He added that if you buy a bat toy or decoration, they're usually black. However, most bats are brown in color. When Pointer's children were young, he read "Stellaluna" to them, a story about a bat and birds and how they are both similar and different. To ensure that future generations of children have the chance to read and learn about bats, the DNR continues to monitor the health of bats. Winter and summer monitoring takes place, and the DNR continues to assist with research projects designed to track WNS growth as well as find a cure. During one data-collective visit to Mystery Cave, Bob Storlie watched as Gerda Nordquist used a tip to swab a bat. He gets questions from cave visitors about bats, he said, some who are curious and others who show fear. "Education is the best thing," he said. "Some may have a fear of bats, but once they understand the value of the creatures, they start thinking more positively." The Minnesota DNR needs your help to watch for unusual winter bat behavior. We also want to know about any summer bat colonies. You can send bat information to the Online Bat Observation Report: www.mndnr.gov/reportbats, or contact the MNDNR Minnesota Biological Survey bat specialist: Gerda Nordquist at 651-259-5124, gerda.nordquist@state.mn.us
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since i've been working with wood recently (staining and finishing - items here), i've been doing a little research on other wood items for sale. i came across this shop, tiny lumber, and fell in love with all of their jewelry. how cute are these earrings!! i love how small and delicate they are. made from bamboo. someone in my family might be getting these for christmas!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Physical contact and compassionate touch are essential for our good health. A massage treatment can awaken your body and soul. Anyone can benefit, no matter their age or physical condition. Some people enjoy massage because it makes them feel good and have greater energy, as it relieves anxiety, calms the nervous system, promotes relaxation, improves sleep and reduces fatigue. Massage therapy is a method of rejuvenation and relaxation that improves your general well being, as it also enhances immunity, removes toxins, lowers high blood pressure, improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. If you have an injury, massage may help speed up the healing process as it alleviates pain and tension, reduces spasms, softens tired muscles, releases tension and improves posture, flexibility and range of motion. It can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions and can help people who have weak or atrophied muscles. Massage is not meant as a replacement for regular medical care so please consult your doctor if you have a medical condition.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Filters are issue searches that have been saved for re-use. This page shows you the most popular filters. Patch is empty, or at least neither "Code" nor "Code and Test", and it isn't Resolved or Closed. Either (a) it should be declined as not a bug, or not worth implementing, or (b) some contributor should attach a patch that fixes the problem, preferably with one or more tests that fail with the existing code. In either case, mark it ready for screening by changing the Patch attribute to "Code" or "Code and Test". Issues that have been vetted and are still open. Ready for development. Incomplete tickets need something to move forward, as documented in the ticket description or comments. Open issues which have an Approval of "None". These issues need to be examined to determine if they have already been addressed. If they are still reproduced with the latest development version, mark the Approval on these issues "Vetted" so that development can be done on them. Shows all the issues which are waiting on you. All open, in progress, or reopened Clojure project issues, sorted by priority ascending then key descending. There are no filters in the system that you can view.
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* The present report was submitted late for processing owing to the dates of the mission. 1. At its third special session, held on 15 November 2006, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution S-3/1, in which the Council among other things, called for a high-level fact-finding mission to be established and for the mission to travel to the town of Beit Hanoun in the occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza, following Israeli military operations carried out there around 8 November 2006. The President of the Council appointed Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa to lead the mission, and Professor Christine Chinkin of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as the sole other member of the mission. In accordance with the resolution, the Secretary-General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights provided the administrative, technical and logistical assistance required to enable the mission to fulfil its mandate. 2. The mission has submitted two interim reports to the Council, in which it outlined efforts undertaken to discharge its mandate (A/HRC/5/20). The present report is the final report of the mission, following its trip to Beit Hanoun in May 2008. 3. On three occasions, the mission attempted to travel to Beit Hanoun via Israel. Each of these attempts was frustrated by the refusal of the Government of Israel to cooperate with the mission (see A/HRC/5/20). The desire of the mission to travel via Israel was motivated by the experts' desire to meet with and hear the views of Israeli actors (Government, military and non-governmental), including individuals living in areas of southern Israel under the threat of rocket attack from Gaza. In the view of the mission, hearing and taking into account the views of these actors would, among other things, go some way towards redressing any imbalance in resolution S-3/1 perceived by the Government of Israel. In view of the unchanging attitude of the Government of Israel, the mission decided in January 2008 to travel to Beit Hanoun via Egypt. 4. The mission travelled to Beit Hanoun from 27 to 29 May 2008. Security considerations and the impact of the visit on day-to-day United Nations operations in Gaza limited the stay of the mission to two days and two nights in Gaza. The mission agenda, including the names of organizations and individuals with whom the mission met, is attached to the present report (see annex). (c) The rights-based definition of "victim". (g) Sought to keep concerned parties informed of developments in efforts to discharge its mandate. 7. The mission regrets that it received no formal input from the Israeli authorities, despite a number of requests. The mission made specific efforts to gather information in the public domain indicating relevant stances of the Government of Israel (including its military) and facts on which its positions are based. Information was also sought and received from Israeli non-governmental organizations. 8. The mission wishes to underline the importance of its travelling to Beit Hanoun to witness first-hand the situation of victims and survivors of the shelling, in particular to comprehend the deep distress of the victims of the shelling and of the population generated by the ongoing blockade. This depth of human suffering is only partially conveyed through the third-party reports on the situation. The mission felt it had to go to Gaza, even if reluctantly through Egypt, to express through its presence the solidarity of the international community with the suffering people, very much like the prophet Ezekiel sitting dumbfounded with his compatriots in their exile in Babylon, or the friends of Job in his suffering. 9. In line with its decision to receive input from all relevant actors, the mission met with senior members of Hamas while in Gaza. The mission also kept the Palestinian Authority apprised of its efforts through the Permanent Mission in Geneva and the office of the President in Ramallah. 10. In construing its mandate and the facts presented to it, the mission applied an international law framework, in particular international human rights law and international humanitarian law (Council resolution S-3/1, paras. 4 and 5). 12. As the occupying force, Israel has obligations towards the population in Gaza under both international human rights law and international humanitarian law, both of which are relevant to the shelling of Beit Hanoun. Israel is a party to six of the nine core international human rights instruments.2 The long-standing position of United Nations human rights treaty bodies is that, as a State party to international human rights instruments, Israel continues to bear responsibility for implementing its human rights conventional obligations in the occupied Palestinian territory, to the extent that it is in effective control.3 This position is supported by the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice which, in its advisory opinions on the South West Africa case and the legal consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory case, held that an occupying power remains responsible for fulfilling its obligations under the relevant human rights conventions in occupied territory. 13. In terms of international humanitarian law, Israel, as the occupying power, has responsibilities under, inter alia, the Hague Regulations (accepted as customary international law) and the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. 14. The mission's mandate also encompasses the humanitarian law obligations of other parties to the conflict, the most relevant being militants launching rockets from Gaza into Israel (Council resolution S-3/1, para. 6). Under accepted customary international humanitarian law obligations, armed groups are bound by the obligations of common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. They must respect and ensure respect of the principles of distinction, proportionality and the obligation to take the necessary precautions to avoid or minimize incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects. Aiming rockets at civilian targets is a violation of this obligation, as would be endangering Palestinian civilians by launching rockets from or near civilians (for example in residential areas). 15. Beit Hanoun is situated near the north-eastern border of the Gaza Strip, with more than 35,000 inhabitants, of which 70 per cent are registered refugees. As in the case of other Gazan towns and cities, the population density in the town is very high, with houses and apartment buildings of three to five stories predominating and a high number of inhabitants in each building. During its visit to the town, the mission was able to appreciate its dense urban nature, the surrounding fields, olive groves and greenhouses, as well as its proximity to the armistice line with Israel, which surrounds the town to the north, south and east at a distance of around 1,000 metres. The mission witnessed the widespread destruction of houses and property and the devastation of agricultural land in the border area as a result of Israeli incursions. 16. An accurate assessment of the shelling of Beit Hanoun on 8 November 2006 and its aftermath was impossible without considering the series of events which preceded it. These events to a large extent explain the fragile state in which the town and its residents found themselves on the morning of 8 November, as well as the adequacy of the response to those injured in the attack. 21. During the incursion, Israeli military personnel occupied houses in Beit Hanoun for hours at a time,13 including the house of the Al-Athamna family, which was occupied twice; first for four hours, the second time for six. "They knew who slept in each room, they knew it was a family home", reported one witness. 22. Accounts by United Nations relief agencies,14 international and Palestinian human rights groups15 put the number of Palestinians killed during the incursion (together with the victims of the 8 November attack) at between 77 and 82, including at least 39 civilians. Around 250 others were reportedly wounded, including at least 67 children and 58 women. One Israeli soldier died during the operation. 23. The mission concludes that the events preceding the shelling on 8 November (in particular the incursion of 1 to 7 November) had a direct and negative impact on the situation of victims and survivors of the shelling. The control exercised by the Israeli military over inhabitants was reaffirmed. Inhabitants of Beit Hanoun lived in a state of constant fear and anxiety and were traumatized by the deaths and injuries they witnessed, the destruction of property and the uncertainty as to what would occur next. 24. The mission received information about the shelling on 8 November of Beit Hanoun from a number of sources, including the direct testimony of witnesses and survivors, police and hospital staff. From the totality of this information and its corroborative strength, the mission discerned a number of facts, which are set out below. Despite the delay of 18 months, the recollection of witnesses and the depth of their emotion had little diminished. Similarly, the physical evidence of the attack appeared largely intact, as a consequence of both the enormous impact of a 155 mm shell in an urban area and the lack of significant repairs to damaged property. In some ways, the 18-month delay allowed the mission to make a more balanced assessment of the attack. Some victims of the attack who had been hospitalized in Israel or Egypt had returned and were available to meet with the mission. Victims and survivors were able to testify to the impact of the attack on themselves and their families during the 18 months since the shelling. The mission benefited from a number of assessments of the incident made by others, including United Nations agencies in Gaza. The present report cannot recount the stories of all victims and survivors; rather, its purpose is to draw on the accounts given to the mission to bring to the Council as accurate a picture as possible of the shelling and its ongoing impact on victims and survivors. 25. The shelling took place early on the morning of Wednesday, 8 November 2006, some 24 hours after the Israeli military withdrew from the town and concluded operation Autumn Clouds. Residents of Beit Hanoun, including the Al-Athamna family, were returning to normal life after the trauma of the incursion. Those interviewed by the mission spoke of the night of 7 November as being the first time they and their children could again "get a proper night's sleep". Another survivor noted that it was the first night she could bake bread. Another noted that it was the first time he could rise and pray at the mosque rather than at home. 26. At approximately 5.35 a.m., the first 155 mm shell from Israeli artillery hit a house in the heavily populated neighbourhood of al-Madakkha in northern Beit Hanoun. Over the following 30 minutes or so, a total of 12 shells struck an area of approximately 1.5 hectares along the western side of Hamad Street, which lies around 800 metres from the armistice line. The shells struck six houses as well as surrounding areas in Hamad Street and lanes between houses. Six shells fell on an area of 50 metres in diameter. The mission saw the extensive damage caused by the shells, including holes blasted through reinforced concrete walls and floors, and blast damage to surrounding buildings. Amateur video footage obtained by the mission shows the last three shells landing with intervals of around one minute and 15 seconds. 27. The victims of the shelling were either asleep in their homes or, as was the case with a number of the men, returning from morning prayer. Following the first shell, which hit a house killing and injuring people inside, most residents fled to the street. Once in the street, people congregated to assist those who had been injured. More shells then landed in the street and surrounding lanes, killing and injuring dozens more. A number of survivors ran into surrounding fields. Others indicated running towards the nearby Erez crossing, believing that the Israeli installation there would offer safety. 28. The testimony received by the mission paints a horrific scene. Woken by the first shell, families fled their homes and assembled in the street outside, where dead and injured persons already lay. One mother described being faced with one of her children with an open skull wound while trying to help another son as he scooped his intestines back into his abdomen. Another spoke of helping his injured father to the door of the house, only for him to be killed by a direct shell at the door. As people gathered and attempted to provide assistance to the injured, more shells landed in the street. There was, according to one witness, "no one left standing". The nature of injuries caused by artillery shells meant the street was "strewn with limbs". Children were decapitated and a mother worries for her surviving son who "saw his brother cut in half". 29. Some time after the first shell landed, the injured started to arrive by private vehicle at the Beit Hanoun hospital, most having lost limbs or requiring amputation. Within a short amount of time, 30 to 40 injured people arrived at the hospital. The director of the hospital declared an emergency and called for ambulances from across Gaza to assist. The first ambulance to reach the scene of the shelling itself came under fire, the driver and assistant being forced to abandon the vehicle. Footage obtained by the mission of the scene in Beit Hanoun hospital as casualties from the shelling arrived showed an extremely disturbing scene of a small hospital crowded with medical staff, victims with blast injuries and their families. Medical staff interviewed by the mission described not only the trauma in dealing with the onslaught of casualties, but also of their exhaustion following their efforts during the Autumn Clouds incursion, as described above. 30. The shelling resulted in the immediate death or mortal wounding of 19 civilians, including seven children and six women. All but one of the victims were from a single family group, the Al-Athamna. Over 50 others were wounded during the attack. (b) The refusal by Israeli ambulances to transport the injured from Erez crossing to Israeli hospitals without an immediate payment of some thousands of shekels. These fees were later reimbursed by the International Committee of the Red Cross. 32. At least five injured victims of the attack on 8 November were referred to different Israeli hospitals for treatment not available in Gaza; three more were transferred to Cairo via an arduous journey across the Sinai. 33. Reactions to the news of the shelling were swift, with condemnations from the Palestinian Authority, the Secretary-General,16 the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,17 and aid agencies operating in Gaza,18 as well as Member States. In addition to the special session of the Council at which resolution S-3/1 was adopted, on 30 November 2006, the General Assembly adopted resolution ES-10/16, in which it deplored Israeli military assaults on the Gaza Strip, in particular the killing of many Palestinian civilians in Beit Hanoun. The Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish a fact-finding mission on the attack. The fact-finding mission has never been conducted. 35. On 8 November 2006, Israel announced an inquiry into the shelling of Beit Hanoun earlier that day, intimating that the shells were not fired on civilian areas of Beit Hanoun intentionally but rather as a result of some technical error.20 Use of artillery in Gaza was halted pending the outcome of an investigation. It has been reported to the Mission that artillery has not been used in Gaza since 8 November 2006. 37. Neither the report of the committee nor that of the Advocate General has been made public. The mission requested copies of both on a number of occasions, but these requests remain unanswered. The mission finds this lack of transparency for a process that is in effect to date the only means for accountability for the deaths of 19 civilians, highly disturbing. 40. This view is in conflict with the information received by the mission. Numerous sources show that 12 shells hit the area around Hamad Street, possibly 13. The mission received no evidence of shelling in a field near Beit Hanoun before the shelling, which resulted in casualties. Indeed testimonies indicate that, just before the shelling, the majority of Beit Hanoun residents were sleeping or at prayer, which would have been quite abnormal if heavy artillery fire had been directed just 450 metres away from the residential area. Furthermore, investigations carried out by the explosive ordnance disposal unit of the Palestinian Police and presented to the mission suggest that six 155 mm artillery shells were fired from a location to the east of Beit Hanoun, and another six from a separate location to the south-east, suggesting the attack was not conducted from one single artillery battery, as reported by the Israeli military, but two. 41. Victims and survivors interviewed by the mission are seeking an explanation for the shelling, a common refrain being "why did this happen to us?" Many expressed doubts as to claims that they had been shelled in error. More than one remarked that they "could believe one shell fired in error but not 12". Others indicated that the level of Israeli monitoring of Beit Hanoun (including by unmanned aerial drones as witnessed by the mission) is such that an error of this magnitude is highly unlikely. Yet another survivor juxtaposed the alleged 450-metre error in the Beit Hanoun shelling with the precision with which the Israeli military carry out targeted assassinations in the occupied Palestinian territories. Others noted that an error of 450 metres would have placed Israeli soldiers at the nearby Erez crossing at risk of shelling, a risk survivors felt the Israeli military would not take. 43. The mission's core mandate was to assess the situation of victims and the needs of survivors. While recognizing that all Gazans are victims of the occupation and live with the constant disruptions to life caused by the realities of Israeli control, fear of attack and humiliation, the mission focused on the specific situation of victims of the Beit Hanoun shelling, as required by its mandate. There were many more victims than the 19 killed in the shelling. In identifying victims, the mission was guided by the definition of the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law.27 The victims of the shelling are persons who individually or collectively suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights as a result of the shelling; they include the immediate family or dependants of the direct victim and persons who have suffered harm in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization. The mission notes that there has been no systematic follow-up of the situation of victims to assess their progress, their ongoing medical or other needs. 45. A total of 19 of the Beit Hanoun victims died as a result of the shelling. Two of the greatest needs of the surviving victims are a credible explanation for the attack on the town, and, where appropriate, the holding of individuals to account for the attack. In the mission's view, neither of these needs have been met. As noted by the Israeli Foreign Minister above, "regrettable incidents" do occur in battle; however, such incidents must be assessed in accordance with both the rules regulating recourse to force and international humanitarian law, the applicable lex specialis. 46. The mission recognizes that a State has the inherent right to self defence and to protect its citizens from armed attack under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. Israel contends that the shelling of Beit Hanoun, operation Autumn Clouds and indeed the entire blockade of Gaza is in response to the firing of Kassam rockets into its territory by Palestinian militants. While the firing of Kassam rockets constitutes an armed attack against Israel, they are fired by non-State actors. The International Court of Justice in the Wall case concluded that Article 51 was not relevant to that case, noting inter alia that the attacks against which the Wall was being constructed do not emanate from another State.29 However, the opposite view has been expressed by a number of judges. What is clear is that, if the right to self defence applies against armed attacks from non-State actors, it is subject to the requirements of necessity and proportionality.30 This requires a careful examination of all the facts, which, as the mission was not able to visit Israel, it is not in a position to perform. However, the mission saw no evidence of any necessity for the shelling of Beit Hanoun on 8 November and certainly none that the need for such an attack was "instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation". The fact that the Israeli military had been in almost full control of Beit Hanoun in the days prior to the attack only reinforces this argument. 47. The primary rule of international humanitarian law is the protection of civilians. Article 43 of the Hague Regulations require the occupier to "take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety" in the occupied territory. According to Judge Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice, "the protection of civilians remains an intransgressible obligation of humanitarian law, not only for the occupiers but equally for those seeking to liberate themselves from occupation".31 Nevertheless, the use of force with an impact on civilians is permissible if it is directed at a legitimate military target and is proportionate to the overall threat faced. The mission received no evidence that the shelled area of Beit Hanoun was a legitimate military target and notes that it had been occupied by Israeli military earlier in the week. 49. The firing of artillery towards Beit Hanoun on the morning of 8 November 2006 was a deliberate act in the context of the long-term occupation of Gaza and of the deaths of civilians and destruction of property in Autumn Clouds. Taken together with further facts (such as the reduction of the safety zone for artillery use referred to above) and the nature of the "intransgressible obligation" to protect civilian life, the mission considers that there is evidence of a disproportionate and reckless disregard for Palestinian civilian life, contrary to the requirements of international humanitarian law and raising legitimate concerns about the possibility of a war crime having been committed. 50. Human rights law is also applicable in armed conflict and occupation.34 The mission considers that this reckless disregard for civilian life also constitutes a violation of the right to life as set out in article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Israel is a party. The right to life includes the negative obligation to respect life and the positive obligation to protect life. The Human Rights Committee has stated that States parties should take measures not only to prevent and punish deprivation by criminal acts, but also to prevent arbitrary killing by their own security forces.35 No exception is made for acts during war. 51. The right to life also includes a procedural component that requires adequate investigation of any alleged violation "promptly, thoroughly and effectively through independent and impartial bodies" for "failure by a State Party to investigate allegations of violations could in and of itself give rise to a separate breach of the Covenant".36 The investigation of the Israeli military referred to above was not independent (it was carried out by a committee comprised of Israeli military personnel) and the lack of transparency makes it impossible to determine whether or not it was rigorous or effective. The failure of Israel to comply with the procedural requirement adds to the frustration and anger felt by survivors, who have received no credible explanation for what occurred. Survivors have come to perceive the rule of law as having no meaning for them. 52. The needs of victims and survivors of the shelling include compliance by Israel with other human rights obligations, especially where failure to do so has an adverse impact on their recovery from the events of 8 November 2006. Relevant human rights obligations include the right to physical and mental health and the right to an adequate standard of living, including work, social assistance and shelter. These economic and social rights are contained in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The International Court of Justice explicitly stated in the Wall case that the obligations of Israel under the Covenant apply in the occupied Palestinian territories. 53. Testimony demonstrated a number of violations of the obligation to respect and protect the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.37 The Special Rapporteur has described the many ways in which the primary obligation to protect the right to physical and mental health has been severely undermined by the economic situation and the blockade of Gaza (see A/HRC/7/17). 54. The situation in Beit Hanoun before and after the shelling has had a significant detrimental impact on the access of victims and survivors to adequate health care. Before the shelling, the health-care infrastructure of the town had already been overwhelmed during the Autumn Clouds incursion. The director of Beit Hanoun hospital told the mission that they had used all their reserves by 8 November; these included physical reserves of strength of medical staff after the demands caused by the severe injuries presented during Autumn Clouds, as well as of essential supplies, such as blood. 55. In the immediate aftermath of the shelling, access to and the availability of health services appropriate to the levels and type of injury was limited by the continued shelling, which impeded ambulances and medical teams from getting to the scene. Subsequently, there were delays in evacuating severely wounded people to hospitals in Israel and Egypt. Despite the promise by the Israeli Prime Minister and the Defense Minister of urgent humanitarian assistance and immediate medical care,19 the mission was told that it was not until late in the afternoon of 8 November that evacuations were made, and even then with the significant restrictions described above. 56. The fact that the mission was not able to visit Beit Hanoun until May 2008 allowed its members to witness the long-term health consequences of the shelling. The obligation under the Covenant to respect the right to physical and mental health requires States to refrain from interfering directly or indirectly with the enjoyment of the right to health. Survivors told of the various ways in which Israeli authorities had failed to comply with this obligation, for example by refusing permission to return to hospitals in Israel and Egypt for follow-up treatment that had been prescribed by doctors. Testimonies included the following: "Once a month, I have to go to Israel to follow treatment. I spend a month getting my permit. Since the siege I can't go for follow-up." Another survivor could not return to Egypt to have shrapnel removed from wounds, nor could a woman whose foot had been blown off during the shelling return to Egypt to receive a prosthetic foot. As one survivor noted, "there were two attacks, the military attack on 8 November and the second a bureaucratic one". The mayor reported that there was no physiotherapy facility available in the town, and plans with the Catholic Church to build a psychiatric counselling centre had been stalled because of the blockade. The mission was able to witness the effects of the blockade on Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza's largest medical facility. 57. The survivors do not suffer from physical injury alone; there are also significant mental health problems. In the words of one survivor, "I am physically healed but am having problems dealing with it."38 The number of children with mental health issues is also increasing. The mission was told by survivors of traumatized children who were afraid to sleep because of the bombs, who had reverted to bed wetting, who ask for their dead parents and who do not want to live in Beit Hanoun. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights stated that States parties are obliged to fulfil (provide) a specific right contained in the Covenant when individuals or a group are unable, for reasons beyond their control, to realize that right themselves by the means at their disposal".39 This is the situation of survivors of the Beit Hanoun shelling and these obligations have not been adequately addressed. 58. The mission notes that the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has confirmed that States parties have a minimum core obligation with respect to health-care services, which includes the obligation to ensure the right of access to health facilities, goods and services on a non-discriminatory basis, especially for vulnerable or marginalized groups.40 Survivors in Beit Hanoun have been made especially vulnerable by the shelling on 8 November and its aftermath and the mission considers that there has been a failure by Israel to comply with this minimum core obligation. 60. The people of Beit Hanoun, together with all people in Gaza, have experienced a severe undermining of these core requirements during the blockade. For the victims of Beit Hanoun, the impact of these violations has been exacerbated by the consequences of the shelling. For example, where there is such high unemployment, a person with the severe physical or mental injuries suffered by many of the survivors of the shelling is unlikely to be employed, a situation confirmed by witnesses. Some survivors have incurred greater financial obligations by having to undertake the care of orphaned children or other dependants, and their desperate financial situation causes them further stress. Many of the survivors are living on relief handouts, from relief agencies or from family members. This condition is both uncertain and humiliating. 61. The Committee emphasized the essential role of international cooperation under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in particular States parties' joint and individual responsibility in providing disaster relief and humanitarian assistance in times of emergency.42 The mission observed the appalling humanitarian consequences of the blockade, exacerbated in the case of Beit Hanoun. This humanitarian crisis is the result of deliberate policy choices of States that are incompatible with States' obligations under the Covenant. All States parties to the Covenant are reminded of their obligations under it. 62. Freedom of movement is provided for in article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including individuals' freedom to leave any country, including their own. Together with other persons living in Gaza, survivors of the Beit Hanoun shelling have had their movements severely restricted by the occupation and the blockade. More directly, during the Autumn Clouds operation, a curfew was imposed on Beit Hanoun, which was thus isolated. The impact of these restrictions on access to health-care services has been discussed above. Being unable to move freely also contributes to feelings of isolation and can undermine mental health. 63. The particular position of women and gender-specific harm may be invisible where a whole society is facing gross violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law, as there is a sense of unity that prevents identification of and focus on women's situations. Nevertheless, incursions and artillery strikes and their aftermath such as those in Beit Hanoun have engendered consequences that should be addressed. 64. The mission heard testimony from both women survivors of the shelling and women's groups active in Gaza. Many spoke of the intrusions of the Autumn Clouds incursions on women's sense of privacy within the home. Where women have a more vulnerable social position and only limited freedom of movement in public, the private space of the home is especially important as a "women's space". Intrusion into the home by Israeli military personnel, sometimes for several hours, caused humiliation, loss of dignity, denied privacy and undermined women's sense of belonging and ownership. One woman was ejected from her house with nothing but the clothes she was wearing. Another said that she had been unable to go to the bathroom while the Israeli soldiers were in the house. Incursions into houses also caused humiliation to men through their being beaten in front of their families. 65. Autumn Clouds and the shelling on 8 November led to the destruction of a number of houses. Female victims told the mission that they destroyed "the only thing in the world" and that "life itself was destroyed" with the house. Possessions of special importance to women were destroyed with their houses; one woman said she had gone to her child's school to recover some photos of her child as she had lost all she had in the shelling of the house and this was the only way she could get photos of her own child. 66. One woman told the mission that the sufferings of women "could not be divided" but noted that the particular effects and vulnerable social position of women had been worsened by the blockade and effects of the incursion and shelling; women are "the poorest of the poor" and unemployment is especially high among women, including women graduates. The burden of childcare falls on women, which is made more difficult when children are traumatized. Lack of specialized medical services and limited facilities for counselling mean that women receive little expert assistance. Anecdotal evidence was offered indicating an increase in domestic violence in Gaza as a result of the blockade. The mission considers that this is an area that needs addressing. The blockade also hampers initiatives by women's groups to ameliorate the situation, for example, through law reform and advocacy to support women's claims. 68. The Israeli military internal investigation referred to above concluded that there would be no prosecutions of individuals or other disciplinary action arising from the shelling; therefore, no one has been held to account for the injuries suffered. A further recent example involving the killing of a media cameraman and eight youths reinforces the culture of impunity decried by the mission in its previous report. 69. Article 2 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights guarantees the right to an effective remedy for violations of the Covenant. The Basic Principles state that reparation for harm suffered should be "adequate, effective and prompt", and that victims seeking access to justice should receive proper assistance. These standards were not observed. The mission was told of how the lack of financial resources prevented survivors from seeking further health care and from finding adequate housing where homes had been made uninhabitable. Some family members are living in rented accommodation and others have taken out loans, creating further financial strains. This also means that family members have been separated when they need mutual support. 70. There has been limited monetary assistance offered to some survivors of the Beit Hanoun shelling and immediate humanitarian assistance from UNRWA. The United Arab Emirates and the United Nations have assisted in the rebuilding of houses. To the best of the mission's knowledge, Israel has not paid compensation for the damage and harm caused by its internationally wrongful act. The requirements for reparations for victims of human rights abuses have not been satisfied. Other forms of monetary compensation (for example, for moral damage or lost opportunities) have not been offered. 71. Other forms of reparation provided for under the Basic Principles include rehabilitation comprising appropriate medical and psychological care and social and legal services, verification of the facts and public disclosure of the truth, and commemorations of and tributes to the victims. Appropriate reparation should include the provision of a range of such facilities and measures, but none have been forthcoming. 17:00 Meetings with Sabaya project BH, Al Taher Community Centre, Women's Research and Legal Consultation Centre. 1Democratic Republic of Congo v. Uganda, International Court of Justice, 2005, paras. 173-174. 2Israel ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination on 3 January 1979; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 3 October 1991. 3See for example the concluding comments on Israel in the report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (A/60/38), para. 243. 4World Bank, West Bank and Gaza: Economic Developments and Prospects, March 2008. 5Office for the Coordination in Humanitarian Affairs, Gaza Strip situation report, 9 November 2006. 6Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs communiqué, "Beit Hanoun: a hub of terrorist activity", 5 November 2006. 7From November 2001 to the end of November 2007, 2,383 rockets hit southern Israel, killing 10 Israeli civilians and wounding 433, the majority being civilians. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center. 8Office for the Coordination in Humanitarian Affairs, Gaza Strip situation report, 9 November 2006. 10The facility includes 42 beds, 6 emergency beds, 2 operating rooms and a laboratory. 12WHO, Situation Report; Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, "Palestinian medical crews under attack", May 2007. 13UNRWA, Flash Appeal; Amnesty International, "Israel and the Occupied Territories: road to nowhere", December 2006. 14Office for the Coordination in Humanitarian Affairs, Gaza Strip situation report, 13 November 2006; UNRWA, Flash Appeal. 15"Palestinian human rights groups denounce Beit Hanoun massacre", statement by 11 Palestinian human rights organizations, 8 November 2006. 16Statement of the Secretary-General, 8 November 2006. 17United Nations press release, "In Gaza Strip, UN human rights chief decries 'massive' violations against civilians", 20 November 2006. 18BBC, "Aid agencies condemn Gaza carnage", 9 November 2006. 19IMFA communiqué, 8 November 2006, "PM Olmert and DM Peretz express regret at death of Palestinian civilians". 20Ibid., "Initial reaction to Palestinian claims of civilian casualties in Beit Hanoun". 21Ibid., "Beit Hanoun: statement by FM Livni". 22Ibid., "Military Advocate General concludes investigation of Beit Hanoun shelling". 23The allegedly malfunctioning technology is made by an Israeli manufacturer, which reportedly assisted in the investigation. 24Haaretz, "Peretz to re-evaluate IDF policy of shelling northern Gaza Strip", 10 November 2006. 25Haaretz, "IDF panel: Errant shell in Beit Hanun likely result of human or technical error", 9 November 2006. 26Haaretz, "IDF accused of 'knowingly risking Palestinian lives'", 17 April 2006. The article quoted an unnamed military officer as saying, "We have no way of ensuring that civilians will not be hurt in the next shelling". 28See also Hague Regulations, article 50; GC IV, art. 33. 29ICJ reports 2004, para. 139. 30Ibid. sep. op., Judge Buergenthal, para. 5. 31Ibid. sep. op., Judge Higgins, para. 19. 32Annexed to General Assembly resolution 56/83. 33J. Crawford and S. Olleson, "The Nature and Forms of International Responsibility", in M. Evans, International Law (2003). 34"The Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable." Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 31 on the nature of the general legal obligation imposed on States parties to the covenant, 2004, para. 11. 35General comment No. 6, 1982, para. 3. 36Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 31, para. 15. See also Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy, para. 3 (b). 37International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 12; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 12; Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 24. 38In his report (A/HRC/7/17), the Special Rapporteur also argues that the use of sonic booms is among the means through which the Israeli military exerts control over the Gaza Strip. 39General comment No. 14 on the right to the highest attainable standard of health, 2000, para. 37. 41International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 11. 42General comment No. 14, para. 40. 43General Assembly resolutions 40/34 and 60/147. 44An Israeli law preventing Palestinians from claiming compensation from Israel following military operations was partially struck down by the High Court on 12 December 2006. However, the court left standing a provision that bars compensation to Palestinians harmed in combat operations.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Reton Lake is a lake in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. Reton Lake was named after J. O. Reton, an early settler. References Lakes of Wisconsin Bodies of water of Portage County, Wisconsin
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
About Us / Weekly Email Update Submission Guidelines Recent Weekly Updates Weekly Email Update 12.19.22 through 1.1.23 Weekly Email Update 1.9.23 Weekly Email Update 1.16.23 Covid19 Windham County Resources WeCAN Wednesdays 2022 Windham County Action Network (WeCAN) Posted by Joanna Wilson Phillips March 28, 2021 5:12 AM "Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in." Frances Moore Lappé author of Diet for a Small Planet This week's Weekly Email Update has more than a few new opportunities to connect with our community in Windham County, WeCAN readers. Whether your passions lie in social, environmental, racial, food, or economic justice, there is something for you in this week's offerings. Grab your calendar and pick an event or two to attend either in person (with a mask) or virtually. Don't feel like putting yourself out there all on your lonesome? That's ok! Ask a friend or family member to join you as you create positive change for your community. Until next week, friends... HAPPENING TODAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 28th, 2021 Community Conversations with Representative Emilie Kornheiser Sunday, March 28th, 2021, Online. 11am. Please register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtce-grD4rGNxo9FEE3R8zKpRSj_qBTz03 . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Emilie Kornheiser, State Representative for Windham 2-1, invites you to join her weekly office hours: Sundays at 11am. We'll talk about what's happening in the legislature and in our town. Open conversation format-- come for the full hour or just stop by for a few minutes to share a particular concern or question. Vermont Renews Convergence Sunday, March 28th, 2021, Online. 1pm-3:30pm. Register now for access! Register for Vermont Renew Convergence with Mobilize. Accessibility: Closed captioning will be available. Have accessibility questions? Reply to your registration email to confirm your requirements or request more information. On Sunday, March 28th, The Vermont Renews Coalition is hosting a mass convening for activating, exciting and educating Vermonters on the systematic change work of the VT Renews Campaign. (Think Thrive Agenda on a statewide level) We're pushing for just, equitable solutions to the many interconnected crises we're facing through the policy framework outlined by Renew New England Alliance ( www.renewnewenglandalliance.org) Join us to learn about how our work in Vermont in connected to national and regional movements, the 2021 VT Renews legislative priorities, and to connect with fellow activists as we continue to build a movement in Vermont. The Vermont Renews Coalition consists of Rights & Democracy, Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO, 350 VT, Democratic Socialists of America: Champlain Valley, Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont, Migrant Justice, Community Action Works, and Justice For All. HAPPENING THIS WEEK, MONDAY, MARCH 29th, 2021-SUNDAY, APRIL 4th, 2021 Everyone Eats! Monday, March 29th, 2021-Thursday, April 1st, 2021 at the C.F Building (80 Flat Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 4pm-6pm. Masks required. PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY. If you have any questions visit https://www.brattleboro.com/everyoneeats/ or contact Frances Huntley [email protected]. Organizational ordering information is listed under our Free and Nutritious Food in Windham County section further along in this email. Everyone Eats! is a program which will distribute meals from Brattleboro restaurants to anyone in need who lives in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, or Vernon, free of charge, through December 11th. There will be 850+ meals/day available Monday through Thursday to serve our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pick up for individuals will be at the C.F. Church Building at 80 Flat St in Brattleboro and group/institution orders can be picked up at Mama Sezz in West Brattleboro. All meals are available Monday-Thursday between 4pm and 6pm until supplies run out. If you have extra produce from your garden, there will be a wheelbarrow you can drop it off in on your way out of the pickup site. Participating restaurants will use the donated produce in making more meals. The meals are free, but if you would like to make a monetary contribution to help make more meals possible for others, it will be gratefully received. The base cost of each meal is $10 but any amount will be appreciated. Each restaurant will contribute meals two or more days a week. You will receive one individually packaged cold ready-to-eat or heat & serve dinner for each person you request a meal for. Meals will be distributed cold, so if you are driving a distance, delivering to other households, or distributing through your organization, consider bringing a cooler if you can. Windham County NAACP March Monthly Meeting Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, Online. 6:30pm-7:30pm. Please note meetings are held monthly on the last Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm-7:30pm via Zoom. All members and those on the mailing list will receive the Zoom link a few days prior to the meeting. If you are not a member or on the mailing list please email Sarah at [email protected] for more information and to receive the link. Please join us for our online monthly meeting. Meetings are open to members and non members alike. During the meetings we will discuss local and state-wide social justice initiatives and happenings. Marlboro Community Food Share hosted by the Marlboro Community Center Thursday, April 1st, 2021, and every Thursday, at the Marlboro Community Center (524 South Road, Marlboro, VT, 05344). 4:30pm-5:30pm. Every Thursday from 4:30pm-5:30pm the Marlboro Community Center invites you to fill a grocery bag with non-perishables and fresh local produce. No registration or eligibility required. This weekly opportunity is available for anyone who could use an extra bag of groceries or knows someone who does. Food will be set up in the entry-way to the Marlboro Community Center. For proper social distancing, please enter one person at a time. Bring a grocery bag or use ours. Masks are required. Deliveries will be made through Marlboro Cares for those needing assistance. Please call Marlboro Cares at 802-258-3030 in advance to arrange a delivery. To donate food: Leave non-perishable food in the donation box at the Marlboro Post Office. It will be collected on a weekly-basis. (Please note that this box previously supplied the Deerfield Valley Food Pantry, which is now distributing food exclusively from VT Food Pantry) Gardeners and farmers are welcome to donate produce. Wear masks and wash hands when harvesting and handling food. Fresh produce can be dropped off at the Community Center on Thursday between 1pm and 4pm. (Any leftover produce will be taken to FoodWorks the following morning) Guilford Cares Food Pantry: NEW LOCATION! Thursday, April 1st, 2021 (and every Thursday) at the Guilford Fairgrounds (163 Fairground Rd, Guilford, VT 05301). 5pm-6pm. If you have questions, concerns or would like to donate groceries or monetary gifts please contact Pat Haine 802-257-0626. For additional questions or more information call 802 579 1350 or email [email protected]. Guilford Cares Food Pantry has moved! The Pantry has moved to the First Aid building at the Guilford Fairgrounds. We will be fully stocked with all our usual grocery items. The Fairgrounds are on Fairground Road, just off Weatherhead Hollow Road. From Guilford Center Road turn onto Weatherhead Hollow Road. Travel 1.7 miles down the road. The Fairgrounds are on the left and there will be a sign directing you up the hill for about .2 miles. The red building is on the left with a sign out in front. Please remain in your car; we'll greet you, and give you a shopping list as we have been doing for the past year. If the Pantry will be closed for any unexpected reason, the closure will be announced on WKVT, WTSA, and Front Porch Forum. If you cannot come to the Pantry due to illness or high risk, you can call also call Pat to arrange for food delivery by a volunteer. We know that supplemental food can make such a big difference in one's budget. That is why we are stocking our shelves for our neighbors. All are welcome to come and take home fresh produce, staples, meat, dairy. Guilford Cares welcomes anyone in need of supplemental food for themselves or their families. Traditional Abenaki Sugaring and Stories hosted by the VT Land Trust Thursday, April 1st, 2021, Online. 7pm-8pm. Register here: https://vlt.org/.../traditional-abenaki-sugaring-and-stories. Free. Call us biased, but we think the world's best maple syrup is made in Vermont. Using technology ranging from buckets to tubing, the top of a woodstove to a high-tech reverse osmosis machine, sugarmakers condense sap from the maple tree to "liquid gold". The Abenaki people, who lived on the land we now call Vermont for thousands of years, are an essential part of the sugaring story. They developed methods of tapping trees and using sap that they later taught to white colonists. Chief Don Stevens of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk – Abenaki Nation will share the maple syrup story and ancient Abenaki sugaring traditions. In a conversation between Chief Don and VLT forester and sugarmaker Caitlin Cusack, we'll explore the Abenaki relationship to the land and how the maple story is alive today in Abenaki-owned sugaring operations. Outside of Windham County Art Build for World Health Day at the Rally for the Right to Health: Montpelier hosted by the Vermont Workers' Center Friday, April 2nd, 2021, Online. 5pm. Please register using this link: https://forms.gle/bnnTEzPDJHWG5X5v5. Join us for an online art build as we get ready for an action for World Health Day: Rally for the Right to Health on April 7 in Montpelier. We will share ideas for songs, slogans, and signs! We'll be working on some art together on the call, so come ready with supplies! Here are some suggested materials: Sign material: paper, cardboard, back of posters or other sheet material, plywood, fabric. To make your image and words: ● Pencils, pens, markers (even with smaller markers, pens or pencils with a little time and filling in, you can make a strong sign.) ● Pastels, chalk, crayons, charcoal.. ● Paint: house paint (avoid solvent based because it's not good to breathe indoors and needs paint thinner for clean up), acrylic paint, water colors, tempera, etc. ● Collage: colored paper, magazines or newspapers, any paper with color on it. And glue and scissors to cut it out and glue it down. ● Fabric: painting, embroidery, quilting, or applique (cutting out fabric images or words and sewing, gluing or ironing onto fabric signs). Putney Food Shelf Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 (this is the last weekend until further notice) at 10 Christian Square (Putney, VT, 05346). 9am-11am. Curbside Open Hours. All are welcome - we just ask you to provide your town of residence and number in household for our data tracking purposes. Stay in your car, please. Volunteers will take your order and bring out boxes of food, including nonperishable items, fresh produce, paper goods, meat, and dairy products. Rally to Demand Student Debt Cancellation with the Vermont Branch of The Debt Collective hosted by The Debt Collective Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 at Pliny Park (corner of High Street and Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 2pm. Masks are required (and will be available to those who need them) and social distancing measures will be observed! This is a protest and rally to demand that Joe Biden utilize his executive authority to cancel all federal student loan debt in the first 100 days of his presidency The Vermont Debt Collective will host an event at Pliny Park in Downtown Brattleboro as part of a National Week of Action to call on Joe Biden to cancel all federally held student loan debt in his first 100 days in office. The Debt Collective is a debtors union which is campaigning for full student debt abolition and free public college for all with the Biden Jubilee 100 Student Debt Strike. President Biden can cancel student debt through a power called "Compromise and Settlement" - the same mechanism that is currently being used to place a moratorium on student debt payments. We are calling on him to take this action because it is a substantial step towards closing the racial wealth gap and creating a more just and equitable higher education system. Vermont has one of the highest debt burdens of any state. 73,000 Vermonters hold a total of $2.7 billion in student debt, with the average personal burden being $36,700. Vermonters are in urgent need of relief, and cancelling student debt would keep $2.7 billion dollars in the pockets of Vermonters to invest in their local economies and communities. Community Building and Reconciliation Circles for Putney, VT: Community Restoration in 2021 and Healing from National Trauma hosted by Restorative Justice of Southern VT Saturday, April 3rd, 2021, Online. 3pm-5pm. Saturday, April 10th, 2021, Online. 3pm-5pm. In April, we plan to facilitate a series of four circles, all free, each addressing different aspects of community, both in Putney and in the United States as a whole. We invite anyone who is interested in having these conversations to join us every Saturday in April and talk about how to strengthen communities in times of trauma and unrest. Dates and descriptions for these circles are provided below. Please message us on Facebook or email [email protected] if you are interested and we will be happy to provide you with the Zoom link and any relevant resources for the circles! Recently, conversation abounds as to whether 2021 will be a "better" year than 2020. We at RCJSVT believe that there are steps individuals and communities can take to ensure that 2021 is, if not "better," more restorative than 2020. Although we are only a month into 2021, already tensions are running high, perhaps in part due to the expectations many people hold for this year. We want to hear your voices, sit in circle, and engage in a dialogue about what we can all do to respond to issues that arise this year in ways that heal rather than harm. In the first circle, we will think about questions like, "How can we uphold our values in the face of crises?" and "How can we promote social healing without overlooking our own health?" In the second circle, we will focus specifically on the impacts on the nation of the trauma we have shared in the past few years due to COVID-19, political unrest, and other events. Let's talk about how to find balance, accountability, healing, and more. All circles will be facilitated by Dan DeWalt, Laurie Rabut, and/or Claire Summers. We hope you will join us and feel free to reach out with any questions! Sunday, April 4th, 2021, Online. 11am. Vermont Food Bank's Veggie Van Go Upcoming Schedule The First and Third Mondays of Every Month in the parking lot across the street from the main entrance to Brattleboro Union High School (131 Fairground Road, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 10am-11:30am. Veggie Van Go is a program through the Vermont Foodbank that gives out free produce and local food for people to take home. Monday, May 3rd, 2021 Monday, June 21st, 2021 Drive through model- please stay in your vehicles If you are walking there: see a Vermont Foodbank associate but please make sure to stay 6 feet back. There are no income requirements, registration or paperwork to participate You do not need to be present to get food: you may ask someone to pick up on your family's behalf. For questions, please contact the WSESU VVG Program Coordinator: Kira Sawyer-Hartigan, WSESU White Supremacy Culture: What It is and What To Do About It with Mary Gannon and Friends Part of the Brattleboro Democracy Forum organized by We Celebrate Democracy Civil Rights For All: Positive non violent public action for Democracy and civil rights for all Tuesday, April 6th, 2021, Online. 6:30pm. The meeting will be recorded and aired on BCTV and WVEW. You can find the Zoom information below. For more information please go to wecelebratedemocracycivilrightsforall.org , contact [email protected] , or call 802 464 3154. WHITE SUPREMACY CULTURE - Racism often refers to acts of overt, intentional prejudice and a social order that debases people of color while glorifying whiteness. But white supremacy is a systemic and structural phenomenon woven throughout our culture—rather than just the work of racist individuals who intentionally and maliciously discriminate. Our institutions and social practices themselves prop up white advantage and protect white communities, while making communities of color vulnerable to exploitation, domination, and violence. What actions are needed to repair ourselves in order to identify and dismantle white supremacy culture? This discussion will incorporate the pre-session resources listed below. Copy the URL into your search bar to have a look. General discussion will follow Mary's presentation. Please take part. This discussion will incorporate the pre-session resources listed below. Click on the link or copy the URL into your search bar to view the material. https://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/white-supremacy-culture.html https://www.nea.org/resource-library/white-supremacy-culture-resources https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/10/the-language-of-white-supremacy/542148/ https://www.uua.org/files/documents/gardinerwilliam/whiteness/white_supremacy_us.pd Mary Gannon is a racial equity and social justice educator and organizer. She is on the Executive Committee for the Windham County NAACP and a Board Member with the Rights and Democracy Institute. She has engaged with school districts and professional education associations; state and municipal government agencies; state and local law enforcement agencies; mental health care agencies and nonprofits. Mary believes in the possibilities of local and state partners working collectively to develop institutional policies and practices that will respond more effectively to the urgent nature and impact of racism and other forms of white supremacy culture across the state. She has a strong interest in supporting the development of community coalitions across the state of Vermont where racial inequities can be addressed using sustainable strategies and the representation of all voices. To join the Zoom meeting copy this URL into your search bar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85067395560?pwd=blZnOGFZVndraG1uTFFuamhjN0dWQT09 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvjnZpe4R Rally for the Right to Health! hosted by the VT Workers' Center Wednesday, April 7th, 2021, on the VT Statehouse Lawn (115 State St, Montpelier, VT 05633). 4pm. For more info: email [email protected] or call (802) 257-4436. Meet on the Statehouse lawn in the courtyard by the Pavilion building. Please adhere to COVID-19 protocols, including staying home if you feel ill. Can't make it? Tune in to watch live on the VWC Facebook page. On World Health Day, April 7th, the Vermont Workers' Center is holding a rally outside Governor Scott's office to demand that his administration puts an end to privatization and profiteering in the healthcare system. The rally will be family friendly and physically distanced, and will feature song- and story-sharing and the delivery of petitions calling on Governor Scott to: +Expand Medicaid to everyone, regardless of income or immigration status +Investigate for-profit nursing homes and establish safe staffing ratios +Cut the OneCare contract and fulfill the promise of a universal, public healthcare system +Call on the Biden administration to lift the patents and treat Covid-19 vaccines as a global public good And mark your calendar for an art-build the evening of Friday, April 2nd to prepare for World Health Day -- Details to are located above, in this email. Bystander Intervention Conversation/Training hosted by Human Rights Commission, VT and the Peace & Justice Center Thursday, April 8th, 2021, Online. 5:30pm-7:30pm. To register: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvc-qhpzsuGdYeD2_zmfzfhcwJULHmcgar Join trainers from Central Vermont Showing up for Racial Justice, the Peace and Justice Center, and the Vermont Human Rights Commission to learn about the tools needed to effectively intervene as a bystander. Reflect on: The specific tactics that work Reflect on: What you need more of and find places where you can continuously engage in this work. Welcome all, to become a Bystander Interventionist! Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holliday by Angela Y. Davis presented by the Pioneer Valley Project Racial Justice Book Group Monday April 12th, 2021, Online. 7pm-8:30pm. Monday, April 26th, 2021, Online. 7pm-8:30pm. The book group is free for PVP members. We request a $25 donation (or other amount that works for you) from non-members. Please register here: https://forms.gle/ihScrVQ3Ydjh5ZNm6. We invite you to join this multi-racial and anti-racist, liberty filled space to learn, share and build community. "From one of this country's most important intellectuals comes a brilliant analysis of the blues tradition that examines the careers of three crucial black women blues singers through a feminist lens. Angela Davis provides the historical, social, and political contexts with which to reinterpret the performances and lyrics of Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday as powerful articulations of an alternative consciousness profoundly at odds with mainstream American culture." I Am…2021: The Business of Creativity: Getting Our Work Into the World Thursday, April 15th, 2021, Online. 7pm. Please register for this event HERE. For more information and to pre-register, visit vermontartscouncil.org/iam2021. Closed captioning will be provided for these events. We invite you to contact us with specific accommodations you need to facilitate your participation in the workshop. We will make every effort to honor your requests when they are made two weeks prior to the event. Contact Michele Bailey, 504/ADA coordinator at [email protected] Five featured artists discuss how they bring business and strategy to their creativity. Left brain meets right brain in this conversation about the partnership between art and the business of making art. Nineteen artists from the I am a Vermont Artist series will exhibit work in our new online gallery from Feb. 16 through April 30, and on the third Thursday of each month we will host a Zoom gathering so that audiences can engage with the artists directly. The virtual exhibit will consist of a group gallery with select work from each featured artist and individual galleries with up to five pieces from an artist. Part of the Vermont Art Council's mission is to expand access to the arts for all people, regardless of background. Vermont is not often thought of as a diverse state, but people of every stripe call this place home, and the different experiences they bring make our communities rich and vibrant. To celebrate Vermont's diversity and deepen our state's creative identity, the Council began publishing the I am a Vermont Artist interview series in early 2019. Two years on from the series' launch, the Council has published over 30 interviews with artists, exploring how their creative expressions reflect their experiences of ethnicity, gender identity, religion, disability, or age—and the group continues to grow. Red Cross Blood Drive at the Winston Prouty Campus Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 Saturday, June 26th, 2021 Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 Saturday, December 18th, 2021 at the Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development (Austine Drive, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 9am-3pm. To help make these events possible by volunteering, please contact Lisa Whitney at [email protected] Winston Prouty and the American Red Cross are hosting monthly blood drives throughout 2021.The Red Cross has over 135 years of experience providing humanitarian aid including more than 75 years of supplying blood to those in need. Each pint of blood we collect can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more. What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community and across the country. You can participate by donating blood or by volunteering to help support the event (set-up/clean-up, registration, parking, etc). Sign up to DONATE blood here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor= Community Building and Reconciliation Circles for Putney, VT: Community Reconciliation - Do current tensions in the community make you uneasy? - Do you have ideas and/or experiences regarding Black Lives Matter, Antifa, White Supremacy, or Donald Trump and his adherents which make it difficult to trust your neighbors' intentions or fear their actions? - Are you willing to participate in a restorative process that will allow you to articulate your feelings in a way that others can hear, and to hear the concerns and feelings of others? Join RCJSVT for one or both of our community reconciliation circles, in which we can work through these challenging tensions in a safe and constructive manner, intended to help communication and respect flourish even where there is disagreement. For these circles, we will ask you to confirm your participation in advance, so that you can have an "intake" or individual conversation with an RCJSVT facilitator prior to the circle. This helps to ensure that all participants are well prepared to express themselves and to actively listen to others in the circle. Any outcome of these circles will be determined by the collective wisdom of the participants. RCJSVT will be there to ensure that the process is safe, equitable, and focused on the issues and relationships at hand. Participation in our first two community circles is not required to attend these reconciliation circles, but it is strongly encouraged, especially for those without prior experience sitting in circle. Vermont Food Bank Food Drop hosted by the Putney Foodshelf Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 Thursday, June 24th, 2021 at Putney Meadows (17 Carol Brown Way, Putney, VT 05346). 9:30am-10:15am. Everyone is welcome. No questions asked! The Vermont Foodbank will be bringing food to Putney. There will be lots of produce along with other nonperishable food. The Vermont Foodbank truck will park on the side of the road in the big U (Alice Holway Drive). Drivers: Shoppers will stay in their cars until called. Until further notice, shoppers can pick up for no more than two households. Walkers: Stay tuned for instructions. If you have never participated in this before, volunteers will be available to explain how it works! Pop-Up Book Club: All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis by Ayana Johnson with Southern Vermont Young Professionals Thursday, April 22nd, 2021, Online. 7pm. Please register for the event HERE. We will be discussing the first four chapters of All We Can Save by Ayana Johnson. The book is a provocative collection of essays and poems from women who are at the forefront of the climate movement. We hope this will be an engaging and inspiring discussion about the climate crisis and how we can help actively move humanity forward. We have five hardcover copies available for free to YP members. Registrants should email [email protected] to receive pick-up instructions. The book is also available in audio and e-book formats. 2nd Annual Windham County NAACP Virtual Freedom Fund Dinner Friday, April 23rd, 2021, Online. 7pm-8:30pm. Tickets can be purchased online at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-freedom-fund-dinner-tickets-143866022145. For questions, please email: [email protected] This year's Freedom Fund Dinner will be a very special evening, which includes a keynote address by Vermont State Senator Kesha Ram, the first woman of color and the youngest woman in history to serve in the Vermont State Senate. Special music will be provided by St. Louis Songstress Olivia Neal whose voice is described as "A sound that is mixed with soul and inspiration." Also, the poem, "The African American Challenge" will be read by its author, Wylene Branton Wood, and the Windham County NAACP Branch will present its annual Unsung Hero Award. Putney Anti-Racism Book Group: Stamped hosted by the Putney Central School Leadership Council and the Putney Public Library Sunday, April 25th, 2021, Online. 7pm-9pm. For zoom info to join or for more information, contact [email protected] or 603.504.2906 -- you can also send a message through FB messenger. Please join the Putney Central School Leadership Council and the Putney Public Library for a continuation of an anti-racism book group for all Putney families and community members. Join us for a discussion of Stamped-Racism, Antiracism and You, written by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi Seeing and Disrupting Racism hosted by the Peace and Justice Center Monday, April 26th, 2021, Online. 6pm-8pm. Registration is required https://secure.lglforms.com/form.../s/S5zjD8Rln--4uAQXGUgFxg Suggested donation $25 for residents of Vermont, $30 for those outside of Vermont, no one turned away for lack of funds. Not sure if you should pay less, nothing, or more? Check our Sliding Scale document for guidance. If you cannot donate, put 0. If you have any questions please contact Arima Minard [email protected] or 802.863.2345 x105. This introductory-level workshop defines racism and white fragility, explores how white fragility perpetuates racism and its harmful impacts on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and challenges participants to consider what steps they can take to disrupt racism at every level. This workshop was developed for predominantly white audiences, but all are welcome and encouraged to attend. Space is limited, registration is required (register below). These workshops are not recorded. Putney Anti-Racism Book Group: White Rage Sunday, May 23rd, 2021, Online. 7pm-9pm. Join us for a discussion of White Rage-The unspoken truth of our racial divide, written by Carol Anderson. Putney Anti-Racism Book Group: Caste Sunday, June 20th, 2021, Online. 7pm-9pm. Join us for a discussion of Caste-The Origins of Our Discontents, written by Isabel Wilkerson. COMMUNITY SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES Susu CSA Sign Up Our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) CSA (community supported agriculture) sign up is live! You can find the links to our sign up form in 4 different languages here: https://www.susucommunityfarm.org/bipoc-csa CSA Details: Pick up time: pick up or drop off on Wednesdays from 4-6pm Dates: June 2nd-October 13th Eligibility: Must live in Windham county within a 20 minute radius of Brattleboro, VT. Boxes available: We are happy to provide 30 boxes this year The SUSU CSA Box of resilience is a 20 week free box of organically grown, culturally relevant veggies, medicinal herbs and other goodies from local VT businesses. You will also have access to free cooking, harvesting, medicine making classes and commUNITY gardening rituals. These boxes are no cost to you...but this isn't a gift or some charity. This is your birthright. We believe that food and housing should be considered birth rights and not something that you work for. This year we will be growing Afroindigenous, culturally relevant veggies ourselves. This is our first year growing food with the earth so we ask for your patience with us in recognizing that the earth provides abundantly..and sometimes not in the way that we were envisioning. This is a process of leaning into trust and being led by the earth and sharing what they provide for us, even if it's not exactly what we expected. With that being said, we will also be supplementing our boxes with staple veggies and other items from local farmers. "There's nothing that heals the soul more than a home-cooked meal made with ingredients you are familiar with, and prepared by the hands of people who look like you." -Paul O. Mims From the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance: Your Vermont State Legislators need to hear from YOU on the following Bills and Resolutions: 1) Racism is a Public Health Emergency (Joint Resolution) 2) Abolish Slavery (PR.2) 3) Healthy Equity (H.210) 4) Economic Equity (H.406) 5) Land and Home Equity (H.273) 6) Cannabis Market Equity (H.414) 7) Reparations Task Force (H.387) Please click HERE to find out more information and to email your representatives! Thank you. Vermont Prison System Vaccinations 1 minute action to make a difference: Please call Governor Scott at (802) 828 3333 and ask that Prisoners in Vermont's system get vaccinated NOW. These folks are in a congregate system, many have underlying conditions with little to no control over their environment. Save a life today and make the call please. You can also email him HERE. COVID 19 RESOURCES: VERMONT CURRENT COVID19 CASE INFORMATION as of 12pm, March 26th, 2021 New cases: 251 (18,498 total) (up 100+ cases from last week!) Currently Hospitalized: 26 Hospitalized in ICU: 4 Hospitalized Under Investigation: 0 Deaths: 224 (+7 since last week) Vaccine Data Total received one dose: 189,0454 Total received both doses: 103,779 Gov. Scott Announces Vermonters 50 and Older are Eligible Vermonters age 50 and older can make a vaccine appointment starting Monday. Beginning at 8:15 a.m. on Monday, March 29, Vermonters age 50 and older will be able to make an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine. Going online to healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine is the fastest way to make an appointment, and there are enough slots at sites throughout Vermont for everyone who is eligible. Click on the "Make an appointment" button to use the Health Department registration system. If you prefer to make your COVID-19 vaccine appointment through a participating pharmacy, you can find links on the same page to Kinney Drugs, CVS and Walgreens. Anyone who is unable to make their appointment online, or who needs to speak with someone in a language other than English can call 855-722-7878. Vaccination sites are available around the state, and people can choose a nearby location when making their appointment. Dr. Levine urges caution amid high case counts, upcoming holidays Health Commissioner Mark Levine said at Friday's press conference that we are meeting our primary public health goal of reducing the number of deaths and severe illness, and protecting those among us who are most vulnerable. He said, however, that the high number of 251 new cases reported today is concerning, and yet another reminder that we still must do everything we can to keep this virus from spreading. "This is especially important among younger Vermonters who will be the last age groups eligible for the virus," Dr. Levine said. "You may want to have 'the COVID talk' ahead of any gathering, to make sure everyone is comfortable with the plans to stay safe," Dr. Levine said. The CDC is still urging people to avoid non-essential travel right now, but if you do travel and are not vaccinated, be sure to quarantine for 14 days, or seven days with a negative test result and no symptoms. "As always, remember that testing is available around the state, and this is a key tool for preventing further spread of the virus," Dr. Levine added. He also cautioned Vermonters planning to celebrate upcoming holidays, beginning this weekend with Passover, followed by Easter and Ramadan soon after. "Though people are likely looking forward to spending time with family and friends, please follow the current gathering guidance," Dr. Levine said. See the remaining groups below: When a new group of people is eligible, they can register online at healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine or by calling 855-722-7878. Vermonters are encouraged to create an account ahead of time so it will be easier to log in when it's time to make an appointment. The length of the entire process will vary, but Vermonters can expect it to take approximately two months from the time you register to the time you are considered fully vaccinated. This includes the anticipated time between registration and an appointment, the time of a first and last dose, and the two weeks needed after a last dose for it to be at maximum effectiveness. The goal is to have Vermonters fully vaccinated by July 1. "Our age banding approach has allowed us to first protect those at greatest risk of hospitalization and death, which is our top priority, and our approach has been effective. In fact, while we have one of the oldest populations in the country, we have among the highest percentage of people age 65 and older vaccinated," said Governor Scott. "We continue to believe age banding is the most effective and fastest way to reach all Vermonters who want a vaccine." Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD said the long-awaited reality of people being able to get their vaccine is the light at the end of the tunnel. At the same time, he cautioned Vermonters that with variant strains of the highly transmissible virus being identified in Vermont, prevention and testing must still be a priority. "To really find our way out of this pandemic, along with registering for vaccination as soon as your age band opens, we must all continue to follow the very simple, but critically important guidance of masks, distancing and cautious travel," said Dr. Levine. "This is the only way to stay ahead in the race. Through prevention, testing and vaccination, we can achieve a level of community immunity that will bring us out of this pandemic. We can cross the 'public health finish line' sooner, together." Covid 19 Pop-Up Testing Testing is available for all. If you need testing, there are a variety of options available to you: your primary care provider, pop-up test sites and pharmacies. The Test Site Finder below can help you find other testing near you. HEALTH DEPARTMENT POP-UP TESTING LOCATIONS Here are the steps to set up a testing appointment at a pop-up testing site: Register to get an account Receive an email with your patient ID and use that to confirm your account (check your spam folder if you don't see the email) Log in with your patient ID Register for Pop-Up Testing Here Free In-Home Covid19 Testing sponsored by United Way of Windham County People who are in need of a covid test and do not have transportation should call VT Public Transit at 802-442-0629 or toll free at 1-833-387-7200. VT Transit will contact your provider to confirm and get necessary info. They are using an ambulance service thru VT Department of Health which will do FREE IN-HOME testing and then transport your specimen to a local lab. VT Transit takes initial info and contacts the local EMS and VDH. FREE HEALTHY AND NUTRITIOUS FOOD IN WINDHAM COUNTY Brigid's Kitchen, St. Michael's Church, 47 Walnut Street, Brattleboro 802-254-6800 or 802-558-6072 Grab-and-go lunches and fruit/nuts on Mon, Weds, Thus, and Sat, 11:30am-12:20pm. Loaves and Fishes, Centre Congregational Church 193 Main Street, Brattleboro (802) 254-4730 Grab-and-go lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm. VT Foodbank and Veggie Van Go will be at Brattleboro Union High School (Fairground Ave, Brattleboro, VT, 05301), in the parking lot, on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, from 10am-11:30am. Drive up, touchless pickup. Walkers welcome, too. Call VT 211 for more information. Foodworks, the food shelf program of the Groundworks Collaborative https://groundworksvt.org (802) 490-2412, [email protected] Households in need of food are asked to call or email to coordinate delivery. There is an urgent need for volunteers, and Foodworks has set up protocols to keep staff, volunteers, and clients as safe as possible. Please email us at [email protected] if you are able to help. Guilford Food Pantry Every Thursday at the BBCC (3940 Guilford Center Road, Guilford, VT, 05301). 5pm-6pm. We know that supplemental food can make such a big difference in one's budget. That is why we are stocking our shelves for our neighbors. All are welcome to come and take home fresh produce, staples, meat, dairy. Guilford Cares welcomes anyone in need of supplemental food for themselves or their families. Everyone Eats! at the C.F Building (80 Flat Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 4pm-6pm. Masks required. PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY. If you have any questions visit https://www.brattleboro.com/everyoneeats/ or contact Frances Huntley [email protected]. Organizational ordering information is listed under our Free and Nutritious Food in Windham County section further along in this email. Everyone Eats! is a program which will distribute meals from Brattleboro restaurants to anyone in need who lives in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, or Vernon, free of charge, Monday-Thursday through June 2021. ADDITIONAL COVID 19 RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THEIR PERMANENT HOME ON OUR WEBSITE, HERE: https://www.wecantogether.net/covid19_resources RESOURCE FOR WeCAN Rapid Response Text Alert System When WeCAN began, Song & Solidarity set up a Rapid Response Text Alert System for WeCAN Groups. Directions for signing up are on WeCAN's website, here: https://www.wecantogether.net/rapid_response. We are grateful to Song and Solidarity for providing this service. ONGOING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING Indigo Radio Sundays at 12pm on Brattleboro Community Radio 107.7FM. To stream live, visit: www.wvew.org Indigo Radio, deepening understanding and making connections! IndigoRadio is a group of area educators seeking to learn through engaging with others in our community and throughout the world. We will be talking about educational and social issues both globally and locally and connecting them to our lives and Brattleboro community. Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indigoradiowvew/. For archive recordings of past shows: https://soundcloud.com/user-654648353. Thank you for your ongoing support, WeCAN Friends. See you next week! Your Friendly WeCAN Admins, Joanna and Sam Joanna Wilson Phillips published this page in Recent Weekly Updates 2021-03-28 05:13:00 -0400
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I bank at TD. Tomorrows I want to buy a new car, as my old Prius is 12 years old and I want to buy a new one and pay it off before I retire in 2 and a half years. What kind of car loans do you have for me? That's a great question you asked, Lorraine! We'd be happy to provide our current loan products for you. We'd like to begin by stating that TD Bank no longer offers auto, boat or RV loans as of November 13, 2014. However, we do have other loan options that you can consider. We invite you to visit http://bit.ly/1f9XZWu and http://bit.ly/1cJ2lJA for more information on the types of loans we have available. If you'd like to apply, you may do so by selecting the links above, contacting our 24/7 Financial Solutions Group at 800-937-5020 or visiting any TD Bank location during lobby hours. Click here: http://bit.ly/TDStores to find a TD Bank near you. We sure hope this helps, Lorraine and feel free to come by any time you have a question. Take care and enjoy your week ahead!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The historical VK in the Dolomites this year changed their name to DoloMyths Run Vertical Kilometer®, but the epic race remains the same, a magnet for top runners from around the world. The seventh leg of the Vertical Kilometer® World Circuit saw Italian Davide Magnini and Switzerland's Victoria Kreutzer victorious in Canazei, July 20. The short, steep 2.6 km course with a perfect 1,000m vertical climb, topping out at 2,465m at the Creipa Negra summit is one of the highlights of the VKWC season. It's no wonder 188 runners from 24 countries toed the start-line here, looking for the extra 50% bonus points at stake. The elite men's wave saw Italians Davide Magnini and Nadir Maguet start really strong. The two ran together for most of the race, but close to the Forcella Pordoi Magnini accelerated to close in 32'35", 30" ahead of Maguet. Third man was Slovenian Nejc Kuhar with yet another podium place here. The ladies' race was dominated by Kreutzer, who led for the whole race and finished in 38'46". The podium was completed by rising star Lina El Kott from Sweden and VK World Champion, Spaniard Laura Orgué. "Today was tough. Being the first race of the year I didn't know my form, so I focused on myself and, despite staring slowly, I was able to find my pace," said Kreutzer. The race records remain with today's performance 1'1" up in both the men's and women's categories: Philip Goetsch 31'34" (2016) and Axelle Mollaret 37'39" (2017). The current ranking leaders remain Pascal Egli, 13th and French woman Christel Dewalle, but for the rest, the scenario has changed. Davide Magnini is now only 19 points behind Egli and climbs to second, like Lina El Kott. Kreutzer enters the ranking in 10th position. The next Vertical Kilometer® World Circuit race will take place again in Italy, with the Red Bull K3 in the Susa Valley, Piedmont, on July 28, the only triple Vertical Kilometer® race in the world.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Over sized portal mirror inspired by the most iconic yachting event in the world, The America's Cup. Designed by Herbert Ludwikowski for Rapsel Milano. Fabricated in Italy circa 1993. Safe pack or will call required for this prize. Frame made of Black starfire glass and polished chrome.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
New York Film Festival Selects 'Steve Jobs' as Centerpiece Film James Tisch July 27th, 2015 - 6:57 PM Steve Jobs, Danny Boyle's bio of the late Apple co-founder, has been named as the centerpiece showcase for the 53rd New York Film Festival, it was announced Monday. Oscar nominated actor Michael Fassbender (12 Years a Slave) stars as Jobs in a new feature written by Oscar winner Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network) based on Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography. The New York Film Festival, presented by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, runs September 25th-October 11th. Steve Jobs is set to screen on October 3rd. Anticipated for reasons that extend pedigree and subject matter, Steve Jobs marks one of the more fascinating case studies in modern filmmaking. Originally set up at Sony, the film later moved over to Universal in a development that unraveled publicly due to the Sony hack– along with that came heated messages over who should be put in the director's chair and who should star as Jobs himself. In the end, Boyle (Oscar winning director of the 2008 smash Slumdog Millionaire) and Fassbender (last seen in the film Slow West) won out and soon enough, we will be able to judge the film on its own terms. An examining portrait of one of the most innovative and enigmatic pioneers of the 20th century, Steve Jobs attempts to study the life of the Apple co-founder through three pivotal points of his career- as he prepares to launch the first Macintosh, the NeXT workstation, and the iMac. Oscar winner Kate Winslet (The Reader), Seth Rogen (The Guilt Trip), Katharine Waterson (Inherent Vice), Sarah Snook (Predestination), Michael Stulhbarg (Hugo) and Emmy winner Jeff Daniels (The Newsroom) co-star. Whether fairly or not, Steve Jobs will surely be compared to David Fincher's film The Social Network. Both featured screenplays from Aaron Sorkin and focused on innovators of the digital revolution- The Social Network centered around the formation of Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. The Social Network ended its run as a critical darling, a domestic box office tally just shy of $100 million and eventually won three Academy Awards (including for Sorkin himself) – incidentally that had its world premiere as the opening night feature for the 2010 New York Film Festival. That's quite a lot to take in. Curiously, there's no mention of whether or not Steve Jobs will make its world premiere at NYFF, leading the impression that the film might screen at either the Telluride or Toronto film festival first. Boyle, particularly, has a relationship with both Telluride and Toronto– both festivals screened Best Picture winner Slumdog Millionaire (Telluride hosted the world premiere, while the film won the People's Choice Award at Toronto) as well as his Oscar-nominated 2010 follow-up 127 Hours. Previous centerpiece screenings at the New York Film Festival have included Paul Thomas Anderson's trippy noir Inherent Vice and Ben Stiller's The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Kent Jones, Director of the New York Film Festival said of the film, "You hear that a bio of Steve Jobs is being produced, and of course you see multiple possible movies in your head . . . but not this one. Steve Jobs is dramatically concentrated, yet beautifully expansive; it's extremely sharp; it's wildly entertaining, and the actors just soar—you can feel their joy as they bite into their material." Steve Jobs joins previously announced 2015 New York Film Festival entries The Walk (making its world premiere as the opener) and Miles Ahead (making its world premiere as the festival's closing night film). Steve Jobs opens in theaters on October 9, 2015. NYFF 2015 James Tisch [READ FULL BIO] Follow @mxdwnmovies mxdwnmovies
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Father's Day is right around the corner. Are you looking for gift ideas? In Colorado, with warm weather, also comes bigger honey-do lists. From painting to landscaping, from making minor repairs to tackling big projects - the men in our lives seem to have never ending chores. That's why this Father's Day, the perfect gift idea is to hire a residential electrician, Boulder! Having a professional certified residential electrician doing the job will provide you with some piece of mind that your home will be in the best hands. Sometimes DIY'ers can take more than twice as long as a pro to get a task completed. Not that dad can't do it, just that he may take much longer. Wouldn't you prefer that extra time enjoying the beautiful Colorado outdoors together as a family? Even if dad wanted to do the work himself, would he have the tools to do so? Residential electricians have some expensive and specified equipment for various tasks that will not only help them do the job properly, but which will help ensure no issues in the future. Have you seen dad try to tackle a project that resulted in some sort of injury? Well, residential electricians are trained in electrical safety. Minimize risks when you hire a pro - and keep dad safe to tackle the rest of his honey-do list. So you see, hiring a residential electrican offers dad many benefits this Father's Day, he may even say it's the best gift ever.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I just wanted to clarify one thing. It's Colombia. C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A. Not Columbia. That's the capital city of South Carolina. Not Columbia. That's the University in New York. Not Columbia. That's the river in the Pacific Northwest. Ok, glad we got that cleared up! Now please read on about my adventures in Colombia here or at the blog you're already visiting! I also blog about my misadventures as a wildlife field biologist here. I have many hobbies including dance, tasty beverages and food, meeting new people, fostering animals, and overall good adventuring.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Don't get caught cooking without these small, but incredibly important items. This weekend I realized, way too late, that I didn't have any dish towels that were clean. After this realization, I thought about all the small things in a kitchen that you forget about, until you need them, like said dish towels, or a measuring cup, or knife sharpener. It's easy to get great knives or cookware, but what about the extra stuff? Well, here's a bit of a checklist. Getting a set of four (or more) dish towels is a great way to keep your kitchen clean and your unnecessary waste production at zero. This lightweight, pull-through sharpener is tiny, but mighty and will keep even your oldest knives like new. A set that includes baking dishes, cookie sheets, and a cooling rack is a must, even if you don't bake that often. What started as a woodworking tool is, in my opinion, best used to zest citrus, grate garlic or ginger, sprinkle parmesan cheese, and more. As someone that cries cutting even a shallot, a mandolin is a practically tear-free way to cut onions, but it obviously does much more than that. Whether for cocktails or Crock Pots, a citrus press is a versatile necessity for adding a punch of flavor to a dish. A measuring cup measures liquids like water and oil, while measuring spoons are for solids like flour, sugar, or salt. A rolling pin with guides basically does all the work for you, so you're not eyeballing dough thickness. Don't resort to wrapping dish towels around your hand and hoping for the best. These small pieces of silicone will make handling even the hottest cast iron skillets a piece of cake. Glass bowls in multiple sizes will come in handy, not only for baking, but for prepping (and serving) your meals. You may think you can survive by just using your knife. Think again.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In the world of business and industry, San Diego is a chameleon. On the Southern California coast, "America's Finest City" is home to household names in telecommunications, biotechnology, and naval defense. Add in growing digital startups, military contracting, and microbreweries, and you aren't even close to rounding out San Diego's diverse portfolio. It comes as no surprise that securing four walls is as competitive as the local craft beer scene. As commercial lease rates continue to rise, ride the wave with a San Diego virtual office with Davinci Virtual Office Solutions. You'll tap into the industrious and innovative reputation, while skipping the beachfront price tag. Premier business locations can be found all over the "City in Motion," but you won't have to spend a minute in cross-town traffic to claim them. On the north side of the city, Sorrento Valley is an unassuming neighborhood that is constantly conducting cutting edge research in biotechnology for multimillion-dollar companies including Optimer Pharmaceuticals. Telecommunications powerhouse Qualcomm has put down roots in this corner of San Diego, too, filling the airways of that quiet corner of the city. Located about 15 miles south of Sorrento Valley's business parks and bio labs, downtown San Diego is home to a skyline of high rises and the San Diego Convention Center. Known the world over for hosting the annual Comic Con bash, the convention center is also the location of San Diego's annual Startup Week and other professional networking and learning opportunities. A San Diego office space gives you access to this vibrant professional network while you skip the SoCal commute (and superhero costumes). You may work from home in North County, or from a few states away, but when you pass out business cards with an address on Broadway or State Street, you'll turn some heads. Why Davinci Virtual in San Diego? Our virtual office space in San Diego may not come with an ocean view, but instilling confidence in your clients and investors can be as breezy as a day in Mission Bay. Our professional amenities make it easier for you to stay at the top of your game in the competitive California market. Whether you need virtual office support or a San Diego virtual receptionist to book appointments around your next conference presentation, we've got you covered.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The company is also reporting fiscal fourth quarter net income of $44.5 million, up from $38.2 million during the same period in 2017. Raver says Hillenbrand ended the year with "solid financial results," including record revenue and a record backlog. "Looking ahead, we expect continued organic growth and margin expansion in the Process Equipment Group as we leverage the Hillenbrand Operating Model to drive profitable growth," said Raver. "We are determined to offset cost pressure with strategic pricing and productivity initiatives across the business. We remain committed to our vision of transforming Hillenbrand into a world-class global diversified industrial company and creating long-term shareholder value."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Who doesn't love a tea party? The Novel Tea will help you with your tea party whether we just provide the food and tea, rent you cups and three tier stands, or even come and serve tea while you enjoy your party. Catering starts at $21.00 per person, which includes artisan loose leaf tea, four bottom tier sandwiches, two scones and accompaniments for the middle tier, and three top tier desserts. The Novel Tea will serve tea at your event! Enjoy your party—let us help you! We can serve the whole tea, help you set up a buffet, or anything in between. Want to host a tea but don't have that many fancy teacups? We can help with that. Rent anything and everything you might need for prices far lower than what you'll find anywhere else! Want to have the guest of honor create her or his own tea at the party? Our tea sommelier will do a live tea blending and tasting at your event. This means the guest(s) of honor pick a base tea, describe their perfect cup of tea, and our sommelier create up to 5 blendings, steeping each blending for guests to taste along the way. For parties of 30 or less, the sommelier will blend enough tea for one cup per person and steep it. She will package a small tin for the guest(s) of honor to take home, and also package any remaining tea left over after steeping for the guests. If the event date isn't set, put TBD. Any other details you'd like us to know.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
HIV/AIDS advocates mark nat'l testing day by Kate Sosin, Windy City Times AIDS advocates from around the country recognized National HIV Testing Day June 27, and Chicago was no exception. Local service providers and advocates with the Chicagoland National HIV Testing Collaborative hosted a free testing event June 27 outside the John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County. The day marked the final event of the group's "Step Up, Get Tested" campaign, a month-long testing effort targeting underserved communities. Advocates noted efforts to test 5,000 people through the campaign at a June 27 press conference. Among those speaking was 27th Ward Alderman Walter Burnett, Jr. "What we're celebrating here is an opportunity for people's lives," Burnett said. The Chicago event coincided with national efforts to increase HIV testing. President Barack Obama was among those noting the day. "Early detection and treatment for HIV saves lives, and yet over half of adults in the United States have never been tested," the president said, in a statement on the White House blog. "Nearly one in five people living with HIV in this country doesn't know his or her status. That delays treatment, increases the risk of transmission, and sets us back in our fight against the epidemic." Other speakers at the Chicago press conference included Step Up, Get Tested Chair Anthony Galloway, Dr. Robert A. Weinstein of the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center, Justin Wooley of Alere and Marcella Abrams of the Illinois Department of Public Health. Community leaders were expected to talk about testing efforts locally at a Town Hall Meeting June 27. That event will be broadcast at 6 p.m. on CAN TV. Watch: On CAN TV27 and at www.cantv.org/watch . More information on Step Up, Get Tested is available at www.stepupgettested.com . IDPH welcomes new HIV section chief 2020-01-14 - The Illinois Department of Public Health ( IDPH ) announced its new HIV section chief, Andrea Perez. Perez will play a crucial ... Federal court upholds injunction preventing discharge of HIV+ airmen 2020-01-10 - ( Richmond, VA, January 10, 2020 ) — Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court ruling ... Affinity's annual 'Burning Bowl' Jan. 11 2020-01-08 - Affinity Community Services will hold its annual "Burning Bowl" ceremony Saturday, Jan. 11, 1-4 p.m., at the Charles A. Hayes Family Investment Center, ... MOMBIAN LGBTQ parenting: The year in review 2020-01-08 - This past year saw many challenges to LGBTQ equality—but there was still some progress. Let's review the parenting-specific news of the year. ... LGBT Community Fund accepting grant applications 2020-01-07 - The LGBT Community Fund is now accepting applications for Community Grants from nonprofit 501( c )( 3 ) organizations in Cook County serving ... Me Too movement founder at NU Jan. 27 2020-01-07 - Me Too movement founder Tarana Burke will keynote Martin Luther King Jr. Dream Week on Monday, Jan. 27. Burke will speak on the ...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
(* category: Test synopsis: Basic single reaction using functionDefinitions involving species with a non-unity stoichiometry. componentTags: Compartment, Species, Reaction, Parameter, FunctionDefinition testTags: Amount, NonUnityStoichiometry testType: TimeCourse levels: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 generatedBy: Analytic The model contains one compartment called "compartment". There are two species named S1 and S2 and one parameter named k1. The model contains one reaction defined as: [{width:30em,margin: 1em auto}| *Reaction* | *Rate* | | S1 -> 2 S2 | $multiply(k1,S1) * compartment$ |] The model contains one functionDefinition defined as: [{width:30em,margin: 1em auto}| *Id* | *Arguments* | *Formula* | | multiply | x, y | $x * y$ |] The initial conditions are as follows: [{width:30em,margin: 1em auto}| |*Value* |*Units* | |Initial amount of S1 |$1.5 \x 10^-3$ |mole | |Initial amount of S2 |$ 0$ |mole | |Value of parameter k1 |$ 1$ |second^-1^ | |Volume of compartment "compartment" |$ 1$ |litre |] The species values are given as amounts of substance to make it easier to use the model in a discrete stochastic simulator, but (as per usual SBML principles) their symbols represent their values in concentration units where they appear in expressions. Note: The test data for this model was generated from an analytical solution of the system of equations. *) newcase[ "00125" ]; addFunction[ multiply, arguments -> {x, y}, math -> x * y]; addCompartment[ compartment, size -> 1 ]; addSpecies[ S1, initialAmount -> 1.5 10^-3 ]; addSpecies[ S2, initialAmount -> 0 ]; addParameter[ k1, value -> 1 ]; addReaction[ S1 -> 2 S2, reversible -> False, kineticLaw -> multiply[k1,S1] * compartment ]; makemodel[]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
nullnullnullnullnull RICHTECH Shanghai Richtech Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai RICHTECH Engineering Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 832547; "RICHTECH" for short) is an international engineering service company featured by diversified business models and engaged in clean energy and marine economy at the middle and upper streams of energy industry and a pioneer in strategic emerging industries of China. RICHTECH, founded in Houston in 2003, the USA, based in Shanghai, China, has branches in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Qingdao and has wholly-owned subsidiaries in counties and regions including the USA, Singapore, Burma and Hongkong. In the past decade, the Company, by virtue of reliable engineering capacity and rich experiences in engineering projects, has provided global energy firms, oil and gas operators and engineering companies at home and abroad with engineering consultation, engineering design, project management, procurement management, EPCM and modular EPC services in the fields of oil and gas as well as marine engineering. The business of the Company covers China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, West Africa, Australia, Gulf of Mexico, Russia, etc. Responsibility Communication Forging ahead Technology makes wealth while wealth boosts technology Realize customer value and achieve employee dreams In addition to its fruitful achievements in terms of technical accumulation, performance and experiences, RICHTECH receives considerable honors and awards in the last decade. It obtains rewards and affirmation from owners and customers, media and national scientific research institutes for its outstanding project execution, scientific innovation, leading talents and operation. Richtech News Provide complete engineering solutions for China's marine industry and global oil and gas customers Richtech Partner Contact us(Monday-Friday ,9:00 - 20:00) Address:Room 704-706, Building L4, Building 439, 1588, Zhuguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海遨拓深水装备技术开发有限公司 | Orcina主页 | Orcaflex官方网站 | 上海利策科技股份有限公司 沪ICP备12015523号-2 ? 2016 RICHTECH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18XXXXHD VIDEOS,FREE HD XXXX TUBEVODES,久久精品无码一区二区小草,苏莫绝代神主苏莫完整版 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Light on lamp post 29 not lighting at night. The light that has failed is located between Newman Road and Eastern Avenue. Ref: 349533 Thank you for your report; we have logged this as a fault on our management system. Our current policy is for our contractor to attend electrical & structural emergencies as a priority; these will be attended within a 24hr period. All other faults are logged on our management system, for efficiency, these are grouped by area and the date they were reported, and the contractor attends against a programmed of works based on this approach. This street lamp has yet to be fixed. Please provide an update asap.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Developer Sledgehammer Games has confirmed the single-player component of Call of Duty: WWII will feature a "global cast" of men, women, and children fighting on both sides of the conflict. Word comes by way of GamesRadar, who caught up with the studio's co-founder Michael Condrey to talk all things WWII and, in particular, its "emotional" campaign – a campaign that will do away with auto-regenerating health as we know it. It was here that Condrey reaffirmed Sledgehammer's plan to tell most of its story through the lens of Red Daniels, but it seems players will also have the chance to step into the grubby boots of Russo, a French Resistance woman to be voiced by Jeannie Rousseau. Beyond that, little is known about the full voice cast for Call of Duty: WWII, but it's worth noting that previous entries in the franchise have attracted top-tier Hollywood talent including Gary Oldman, Kevin Spacey, Claudia Black and even David Hasselhoff. There's a German family and two sisters, there's Crowley – a British officer – there's Cormack, an African-American officer from another regiment. So across the game, in all three modes – and particularly in MP and Campaign, but really equally across all three modes – we really wanted to capture that it was a global cause, right? It was… the Allied force was a global force, the German force – the Axis force – was more than just the Nazis. It was Germans as well as other nations involved, and so it was important for us to not… this isn't an American war, this isn't a story of an American squad – this is a global cast and so yeah; you'll see some really powerful performances on both sides of the war. You'll see some powerful performances by the men and women who sacrificed, families that were involved. Call of Duty: WWII will deploy across PS4, Xbox One and PC on November 3rd. Both the multiplayer component and the fan-favorite Zombies Mode will be showcased at a later date – the former is expected to light up E3 2017 in June. If you're itching to mow down the undead, don't worry; Treyarch is planning a Zombies Chronicles map pack for Black Ops III that bundles together eight remastered arenas from Call of Duty titles gone by.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Keira Knightley reveals vile fans stop her in the street and say how much they HATE her face by bc · Published November 5, 2016 · Updated December 5, 2016 Keira Knightley gets people telling her they "hate her face" while she's doing her shopping. The 31-year-old actress, who has daughter Edie, 18 months, with husband James Righton, claims she doesn't often get complimented in public, but can't understand why she attracts so much vitriol. She said: "Yesterday I had two really lovely people come up to me in the street and just say how much they like my work, which almost never happens. "[The angry ones] are very odd… It feels like you're not meant to be walking down the street doing your shopping. Or they just hate your work, in which case they say, 'I hate your work'. Or they hate your face, in which case they say, 'I hate your face'. "But it's more like a kind of jokey, 'Oh God, I've always hated you' Or, 'I've always found your face so annoying.' I've had that quite a few times. Like, 'Oh sorry! Sorry about that.' Yeah. So there's still a couple of those, but not as much as it was." The Begin Again actress cultivates a more glamorous image now than in the early days of her career and she admits she feels like a different person now. Image: Rex / Keira can be out with daughter Edie when she gets the abuse She said: "I feel like they're two very different people. And I quite like that. I like creating a character because that's where I feel comfortable. "But on her days off, Keira prefers to dress down. She added: "It feels like I can separate it all out a bit better." The Pirates of the Caribbean star finds she goes through incredibly productive periods of working but then needs to follow them with "absolute nothingness". She told Harper's Bazaar magazine: "I'm very ambitious and totally ambivalent at the same time. I do periods where I work a lot and then… it has to go to absolute nothingness." Alo Ceballos/GC Images / Sometimes she's out shopping with husband James Righton via Mirror.co.uk Tags: Keira KnightleyPirates of the Caribbean Next story Aubrey Plaza and Michael Cera Almost Got Married in Las Vegas Previous story 8 Exceptionally Rare 'National Geographic' Photos Zayn Malik's One Direction Confessions: On Sex, Anxiety, and His Eating Disorder Writer of comics reboot reveals Wonder Woman is gay The 6 Most Embarrassing Rapper Cameos in Horror Films Forgotten Baby Syndrome Causes Hot Car Deaths 45 Most Insane and Incredible Guinness World Records Top 10 Sexiest Babes of Final Fantasy Healthy Foods Perhaps You Eating All Wrong 25 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever Captured Jennifer Lopez And Marc Anthony Shockingly Kiss Onstage At Latin Grammy Awards News / Parenting Where Obama & His Family Will Live After Presidency 8 People With Real Medical Conditions That Are Stranger Than Fiction
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Eric McCormack knows from funny — even if he did spend eight years as the "straight man" on Will & Grace. So when executive-producing an Office-like faux-reality sitcom about a Beverly Hills dating service (based in Tarzana), and filling it with some of the best comedic talent out there, he should trust the creative team around him. But he doesn't. Lovespring International, "the last dating service you'll ever use," is staffed with the kinds of misfits who are only funny in other people's offices. Senior vice president Burke (Arrested Development's Sam Pancake) is a credit-hogging closet case; VP Lydia (Reno 911!'s Wendi McLendon-Covey) has been in a "committed relationship" with a married man for 20 years; dippy, dishy Tiffany (Jennifer Elise Cox, The Brady Bunch Movie) answers phones; and Best in Show's Jane Lynch stars as Lovespring International's motherly tyrant Victoria Ratchford. So what's McCormack doing in episode 2? Playing a client — a smart, sweet, hot, single guy. As funny as he is falling for Lydia, we're left wondering why exactly he feels the show needs the help. It can't be because of the cast, who gamely humiliate themselves for our wicked benefit. Can't be the writers — he hired 'em. So it must be us — perhaps he's worried that we'd only respond to his chewy special-guest-star goodness (a trick he no doubt learned while at the home of gratuitous stunt casting, Will & Grace). Or that we'd dismiss lines like "He learned some things in prison that really make me happy" as fool's gold. Relax, Eric — we know how to have a gay old time without you. Trust us.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Olde Yard Village is a brand new condominium resort offering the vacationer all the conveniences of a luxury hotel. Spacious apartments set in a beautiful tropical garden over looking the sea. A variety of sports facilities are available on site including a 56 ft. freshwater pool and fitness center. Enjoy a cocktail or a meal in a bistro setting at La Brasserie, an informal poolside restaurant. American Dollars is the native currency. 26 rooms. 3 floors. Highlights of the well-furnished apartments are a generously proportioned patio,designer furnishings and a full kitchen. Other amenities include air conditioning, phone with data port and cable TV. Restaurants: La Brasserie International gourmet cuisine is offered at the bistro style restaurant, La Brasserie. Breakfast, lunch, and diner are served poolside or on the charming, covered terrace. The varied menu incorporates authentic bistro dishes including fresh fish, lobster and meats along with pastas and paella, all elegantly presented on Italian ceramics. A selection of Panini, Parisian style hot pressed sandwiches, are a lunch specialty. Set amidst tropical gardens around a gently sloping hillside overlooking the sea is Olde Yard Village, a brand new Caribbean style resort community located in the Valley, Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands. Just a 10 minute walk to the Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbor. A 3 minute ride to Savannah Bay Beach. Close to great beach with excellent snorkeling.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rural areas – to serve the needs of low income population. Construction areas (outdoor) & multi-story buildings (indoor). Environmentally sensitive and vulnerable areas – non pollution requirement such as forest reserved areas, national parks and tourist attractions. Lack of water or non possibility for sewage system areas. Natural disaster areas such as refugee camps. High ground water level areas. Large Events (Boom festival and more). Large event areas – where such as concerts, festivals, exhibitions and marathons. Schools, hospitals, universities, sports arenas or stadiums, public and private recreational areas. Highway or country road rest areas. Pavements, beaches, lakes, river, camping sites, golf courses, etc. Over 70% of our body and brain is water!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: How to concatenate pandas dataframe columns into iterable lists? I'm working with a pandas dataframe with about 200 columns. Columns 31-73 look something like this: 31 32 33 NaN NaN Z X NaN Z NaN NaN NaN NaN Y Z What I hope to return is a new column that looks (something) like this: new_col [Z] [X,Z] [] [Y,Z] I'm close, but not quite there. This code: data['new_col'] = data.ix[:, 30:73].fillna('').apply(lambda row: ','.join(map(str, row)), axis=1) returns this: new_col ,,Z ,X,,Z ,,, ,,Y,Z How can I exclude unnecessary delimiters from the new concatenated list? A: You seem to have an errant value Nan which I'm assuming is NaN, anyway this should work: In [24]: df.apply(lambda x: [','.join(x.dropna())], axis=1) Out[24]: 0 [Z] 1 [X,Z] 2 [] 3 [Y,Z] dtype: object So in your case: data['new_col'] = data.apply(lambda x: [','.join(x.dropna())], axis=1) should work.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The end to Telltale's long running The Walking Dead is just around the corner, dropping on August 14. To build some excitement surrounding Clementine's last chapter, Telltale has released the first 15 minutes of The Final Season over on their Youtube channel. The end to Telltale's long-running The Walking Dead is just around the corner, dropping on August 14. To build some excitement surrounding Clementine's last chapter, Telltale has released the first 15 minutes of The Final Season over on their Youtube channel, and you can watch it down below. The game opens with Clem and AJ driving down the interstate on their never-ending journey of survival. The banter between the two is as well acted as you expect from a Telltale game, and the classic dialogue tree is ever present. The two eventually make their way to an abandoned train yard where they encounter a pretty odd pair of walkers strapped to some chairs. The story of the mysterious couple is gruesome in a way that only The Walking Dead knows best. Needless to say events escalate from their and Clem and AJ find themselves in a pretty precarious situation by video's end. The Walking Dead: The Final Season is rumored to be the last of Telltale's games to use the aging Telltale Tool, as reported by Variety. It is rumored that Telltale's next game, Stranger Things, will be using the Unity Engine. Since the launch of Telltale's The Walking Dead in 2012, the series has spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs that have helped propel Telltale to a premier developer in the adventure game genre. Catch The Walking Dead: The Final Season August 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Quarterback Whisperer Author: Bruce Arians Publisher: Hachette UK Category : Sports & Recreation Book Description: What is an elite NFL QB and what separates that player from the others? One answer is the coach they share. In the recent history of the biggest game on earth, one man is the common thread that connects several of the very best in the sport: Peyton Manning; Ben Roethlisberger; Andrew Luck; and the resurgent Carson Palmer. That coach is Bruce Arians. A larger than life visionary who trained under the tutelage of Bear Bryant, Arians has had a major impact on the development and success of each of these players. For proof beyond the stats, go to the sources. Bruce is gonna love you when you need some loving, but he's gonna jump on you when you're not doing right. - Peyton Manning He coaches the way players want to be coached. - Ben Roethlisberger He made players comfortable around him and let everybody have their own personality. He didn't force anybody to be someone they weren't. It may sound a little corny or cheesy, but there's merit to that. I felt comfortable being myself and I felt he had my back. - Andrew Luck We're a resilient group. It trickles down from the head coach. I think good teams, really good teams, and hopefully great teams take on their coach's mentality. I think that's what B.A. brings... - Carson Palmer Known around the game as the 'quarterback whisperer', Arians has an uncanny ability to both personally connect with his quarterbacks and to locate what the individual triggers are for that player to succeed. No two quarterbacks are the same. And yet with Arians they always share success. In this book Arians will explain how he does it. The Qb Author: Bruce Feldman Publisher: Three Rivers Press Book Description: With unparalleled access to Heisman Trophy-winning phenom Johnny Manziel, Bruce Feldman has written a modern-day tale about the making of the next superstars in football's most important position: the quarterback. In the world of modern football, with NFL teams worth more than a billion dollars, no position defines a franchise like the quarterback. The QB is the story of a year in the making of those star players, and of the most significant year in QB development in sport's history… with the meteoric rise of various quarterback gurus finally coming to light. George Whitfield, profiled in the New Yorker and called the "Quarterback Whisperer," gets a regular spot on ESPN's College GameDay, Trent Dilfer, former Super Bowl quarterback, starts his own qb business, Steve Clarkson, another qb maker, gets profiled on 60 minutes, among many others. It is also the year 5'10" Russell Wilson wins the Super Bowl and for the first time in over 60 years a sub-6-foot QB, Johnny Manziel, gets drafted in the first round, forcing NFL power brokers to re-examine how they look at the position—and the game. To tell the story of all that goes on to create the perfect quarterback, bestselling author Bruce Feldman gained unique access to "Johnny Football" (that's Johnny Manziel), George Whitfield and many other players in what has become a specialized and high-stakes business. In the past decade the boom of the private quarterback-coach business, with its pageant-world-for-boys vibe, has changed the position and the game. The QB tells the story of the interlocking paths of the most fascinating characters involved in this secretive world, examining how advanced analysis has taken root in football. Manziel's portrait is the most intimate look at him yet, detailing all his talents and antics. His guru is a man who has come to be known for making QBs--George Whitfield, unparalleled in the business. And then there is Trent Dilfer, the quarterback who never could get to the superstar level, despite winning the Super Bowl. He is the Salieri to Manziel's Mozart. There is the computer/brain analysis company trying to quantify how playmakers think, the biomechanics expert who saved Drew Brees's career, and many more fascinating behind-the-scenes looks into this world. Never before has the game so relied on the development of the quarterback. In The QB, the stories of these men illustrate how high the stakes of the quarterback's game really are, taking readers on a compelling journey into the heart of America's beloved game. Author: Gary Comer Book Description: What if we changed the face of evangelism? In a time when so many have a negative perception of evangelism, what if a new model was entirely biblical, loaded with skills, and more effective? Soul Whisperer shifts the emphasis from "telling" to a "drawing" paradigm. It develops biblically the pattern of Jesus, who did not give static presentations but rather customized his words to each hearer. By learning his ways, our words, too, can have pinpointed impact! Christians will discover how to draw out first, in order to read their friends and discern the relevant appeal of the gospel. In this way, the style is far more dynamic. It adapts! Understanding the non-believer's unique starting point will determine a distinct path. By creating a conversation about spiritual influence and what is involved in faith formation, this book charts ways for Christians to go deeper in evangelistic relationships. Most importantly, Soul Whisperer infuses skills that will shape a more Christ-likened missional disciple. The Alchemyst Arabic Edition Author: Michael Scott Publisher: Adels Kitab Category : Alchemists Book Description: While working at pleasant but mundane summer jobs in San Francisco, fifteen-year-old twins, Sophie and Josh, suddenly find themselves caught up in the deadly, centuries-old struggle between rival alchemists, Nicholas Flamel and John Dee, over the possession of an ancient and powerful book holding the secret formulas for alchemy and everlasting life. Author: Boris Leonidovich Pasternak Category : English fiction Book Description: (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) In the grand tradition of the epic novel, Boris Pasternak's masterpiece brings to life the drama and immensity of the Russian Revolution through the story of the gifted physician-poet, Zhivago; the revolutionary, Strelnikov; and Lara, the passionate woman they both love. Caught up in the great events of politics and war that eventually destroy him and millions of others, Zhivago clings to the private world of family life and love, embodied especially in the magical Lara. First published in Italy in 1957, "Doctor Zhivago "was not allowed to appear in the Soviet Union until 1987, twenty-seven years after the author's death. Translated by Manya Harari and Max Hayward Author: Brandon Sneed Publisher: Henry Holt and Company Book Description: Lincoln Riley: Quarterback Whisperer, Back-to-back Big 12 champion, Head coach of the OU Sooners Legendary University of Oklahoma head coach Bob Stoops shook the college football world in 2017 when he handpicked Lincoln Riley to be his successor at the perennial powerhouse. At age thirty-three. In his first three seasons at Oklahoma, Riley's teams dominated the Big 12 to reach the national semifinals each year, and two of his quarterbacks—Baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray—won the Heisman Trophy and were No. 1 overall picks by the Cleveland Browns and Arizona Cardinals in the NFL draft. In Sooner, Brandon Sneed charts Riley's remarkable ascent from small-town star quarterback in West Texas, to walk-on turned assistant coach at Texas Tech, where he learned the revolutionary Air Raid system from Mike Leach, to offensive coordinator at East Carolina, to football titan Oklahoma. It takes more than sheer talent to go toe to toe with the brilliant strategists of the modern game—like The University of Alabama's Nick Saban, University of Texas's Tom Herman, and Ohio State's Urban Meyer—and Sneed shows how this wunderkind's commitment, grit, relationships, pain, brains, and passion have empowered him to compete. And win. More important than the zealous fans, the intense rivalries, and the multimillion-dollar contracts, are the human connections that lie at the heart of Lincoln Riley's triumphs as a coach. Sooner is not only the story of a mastermind in the making, but also a reminder of the many people who make each of us who we are. Publisher: ناشرون الدار العربية للعلوم Category : Brennan, Temperance (Fictitious character) The American News Trade Journal Category : Newsdealers The Film Encyclopedia 7th Edition Author: Ephraim Katz Publisher: Collins Reference Book Description: Features alphabetically organized entries on the artistic, technical, and commercial aspects of movies, including style, genres, actors and actresses, directors, producers, and motion picture studios. Author: Thomson Gale Publisher: Gale Cengage Book Description: From classroom aids to corporate training programs, technical resources to self-help guides, children's features to documentaries, theatrical releases to straight-to-video movies, The Video Source Book continues its comprehensive coverage of the wide universe of video offerings with more than 130,000 complete program listings, encompassing more than 160,000 videos. All listings are arranged alphabetically by title. Each entry provides a description of the program and information on obtaining the title. Six indexes -- alternate title, subject, credits, awards, special formats and program distributors -- help speed research. disarmament and nuclear tests mestizo international law super boom blank comic book the struggle for equal adulthood dictionary of south african biography 8 steps to collaborative negotiation mobile web information systems conjugated polymers an exposition of the fulfilled prophecies of the apocalypse from the first seal to the end of chapter xix 50 contemporary photographers you should know please don t tell my parents i ve got henchmen foreign aid and indian development fantasy literature and christianity art therapy with children on the autistic spectrum recent progress in optical fiber research man environment space time beginning photo retouching and restoration using gimp statistik lingkungan hidup indonesia beginning rails 3 neighbouring nobel current controversies in values and science the new woman in alabama a hindu critique of buddhist epistemology
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
With school starting up again, it's important to schedule a visit to your Calgary children's dentist before life fills up once again with homework, sports, and after-school activities. At Marlborough Dental Centre, our dentists offer a wide range of family dental care including senior and children's dentistry services, such as dental implants, sedation dentistry, and Invisalign, to give your whole family the oral care they deserve. Your child may be ready for the new school year in terms of school supplies, clothes, and sports equipment, but does he/she have a healthy mouth and the tools required to maintain it? Dental problems are the number one reason kids miss school. Regular dental visits are important year-round, but getting a back-to-school checkup is key to fighting the most common chronic disease found in school-aged children: cavities, and preventing school absences. The dentist can catch problems early. Prevention and early detection are crucial to help avoid pain, trouble eating, difficulty speaking, and school absences. It also always means less costly treatments. Poor oral health can affect your child's overall health. Healthy teeth are important to your child's overall health. In fact, there is a direct correlation between oral infections, asthma, and obesity, so visiting the dentist regularly is crucial to your little one's well-being. Encouraging your child to brush their teeth regularly. At the age of 3, you can begin teaching your little one proper brushing techniques by using a drop of fluoride toothpaste on a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoiding sugar. Try to avoid giving your children sugary snacks. This is because ingesting sweets can bring about acidity that can cause decay-producing bacteria. Scheduling regular dental treatments. Your child should first see the dentist around the time of his/her first birthday and then regularly thereafter. It's important to establish a relationship of trust between your child and their dentist early on to encourage good oral care throughout your little one's life. While check-ups and exams can catch dental problems early, and even prevent them, your child's dentist may recommend sealants to give your little one's teeth an extra layer of protection. In fact, they can reduce the risk of cavities by 80%! When's the best time to get sealants? Children should have sealants applied after their first molars come in, at around the age of six, and after they get their 12-year molars. To find out more about our children dentistry services, including sealants, tooth extractions, and more, contact our Calgary dentists at 403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
import amulet import requests import time import unittest class TestDeployment(unittest.TestCase): """ Test scaling of Apache Spark in HA mode. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.d = amulet.Deployment(series='xenial') cls.d.add('spark-test-ha', charm='spark', units=3, constraints={'mem': '7G'}) cls.d.add('spark-test-zk', charm='zookeeper') cls.d.relate('spark-test-zk:zookeeper', 'spark-test-ha:zookeeper') cls.d.expose('spark-test-ha') cls.d.setup(timeout=3600) cls.d.sentry.wait(timeout=3600) def test_master_selected(self): """ Wait for all three spark-test-ha units to agree on a master leader. Remove the leader unit. Check that a new leader is elected. """ self.d.sentry.wait_for_messages({"spark-test-ha": ["ready (standalone - HA)", "ready (standalone - HA)", "ready (standalone - HA)"]}, timeout=900) print("Waiting for units to agree on master.") time.sleep(120) master = '' masters_count = 0 for unit in self.d.sentry['spark-test-ha']: ip = unit.info['public-address'] url = 'http://{}:8080'.format(ip) homepage = requests.get(url) if 'ALIVE' in homepage.text: masters_count += 1 master = unit.info['unit_name'] else: assert 'STANDBY' in homepage.text assert masters_count == 1 print("Removing master: {} ".format(master)) self.d.remove_unit(master) time.sleep(120) self.d.sentry.wait_for_messages({"spark-test-ha": ["ready (standalone - HA)", "ready (standalone - HA)"]}, timeout=900) print("Waiting for remaining units to agree on master.") time.sleep(120) masters_count = 0 for unit in self.d.sentry['spark-test-ha']: ip = unit.info['public-address'] url = 'http://{}:8080'.format(ip) homepage = requests.get(url) if 'ALIVE' in homepage.text: print("New master is {}".format(unit.info['unit_name'])) masters_count += 1 else: assert 'STANDBY' in homepage.text assert masters_count == 1 if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
If you own a restaurant or any other business in the food service industry, you need Strongholder® 4 Cup Carriers (85ct.). This strong drink carrier can hold four large cups of coffee or soda. What Are Strongholder 4 Cup Carriers? Strongholder 4 Cup Carriers are convenient carriers that can hold four 44oz plastic or Styrofoam cups with ease. They are essential for restaurants, diners, concession stands or any other business that serves drinks to go. Make it easier for your customers to carry their orders with the help from this useful cardboard drink carrier. Strongholder molded fiber cup carriers and trays are high-quality products available in various formats to help customers carry their food and beverage items easier. This 85-count pack of Strongholder 4 Cup Carriers make things easier for you and your valued customers when it comes to carrying multiple drinks at once. They can be used to carry both hot and cold beverage such as coffee, tea or sodas with ease. And thanks to the Sam's Club low price, you can purchase several packages at once. What Are Strongholder 4 Cup Carriers Made From? Strongholder Cup Carriers are made from 100% recycled paper fibers and they are 100% compostable. These drink carriers are made in the USA and there is no assembly required. Place a stack of these drink carriers near your fountain drinks so your customers can have easy access to them as they head out. Whether you need to buy cup carrier products in bulk or are looking for plastic utensils, straws, or disposable food storage options, you can find exactly what you need at your local Sam's Club Store. Buy what you need to keep your customers coming back for more and stock up so you can take fewer trips to the store.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The MSc by Research in Psychology, within the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, aims to develop researchers who are conceptually aware, who can utilise a range of skills and methods, and who can practise and develop their own research capabilities, and disseminate that research in a meaningful way. By joining the Faculty MSc by Research in Psychology you will join a vibrant community of staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Psychology is one of the most diverse and fascinating subjects. We have an equally diverse team of research-active staff working at the forefront of their research areas, who will challenge, inspire and support you in your chosen career path. The MSc by Research draws students from a number of disciplines. The taught modules explore those philosophical, epistemological and methodological questions that are common to all research and allow for interdisciplinary discussion, exchange and insight. After these taught modules, students will then undertake an individual research project that will take the form of a dissertation or other research output agreed with their supervisor (e.g. two journal articles). Full-time students will have 8 months to complete their research, while part-time students will have 20 months to complete. Upon successful completion of the Research Project students will be awarded an MSc by Research in Psychology. Our research is concerned with social and cognitive development in children and adolescents. In particular, we are interested in children's learning and development in their social context. Parental scaffolding behaviour and home learning. Prosocial helping and bystander behaviour. Achievement motivation and peer collaboration. Read more about our Learning and Development research. This theme brings together a range of academics with applied and practice-focused research interests across a wide range of psychological areas. Attitudes, experiences and behaviours of people in real and particular social groups, e.g. migrants, adolescents, audiences. The cultural and societal context of these processes, including public discourse and the mass media. Developing theory and knowledge in an applied context with real and a priori groups. Critical, qualitative, and mixed-methods psychology. Sustainability, including public reactions to environmental policy; attitudes and engagement; discourses surrounding environmental issues. Read more about our Society and Environment research. Techniques used to enhance creative problem solving. How personality influences musical creativity. Read more about our Creativity and Cognition research. This research theme brings together a range of academics with research interests across a wide range of psychological areas that are broadly related to the areas of health and well-being. Well-being and anxiety in musicians and arts performers. The influence of the environment on well-being. The integration of the environment into therapeutic contexts. The potential for intention and energy centres to enhance health and well-being. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and psychological flexibility. Read more about our Health and Wellbeing research. All members of the Psychology team are research active and many are involved in research projects with external partners (e.g. schools, charities, BBC), as well as national and international collaborations. We employ quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, which allows us to engage with, and supervise, a wide range of projects. As well as conducting research in applied settings, we also run studies from our psychology lab suite, which includes state-of-the-art facilities such as observation room, eye tracking and EEG, all under the supervision of our dedicated psychology technician. A first class or upper second class honours degree in a relevant discipline is required.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Loopy Tree Ornament -- $1.99 A Crochet pattern from Julie A Bolduc. This tree starts out as a simple circle then it is worked in rounds alternating a round of dc and a round of loop stitches. After making the initial circle you turn your work so that you are working on the back side of the circle.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: If form Submit, Submit form, and redirect to URL I would like to create something like 'if form submits' redirect user opening a new tab, to a specific URL. I would like to write this as a JavaScript function, any suggestions? A: Use on('submit', function () { ... }): $("form").on("submit", function () { window.location = "/redirectUrl"; return false; // prevent refreshing page }); JSFIDDLE Most of browsers will block the opening of a new tab, so, just redirect the user on the new page. But you can do it with HTML: <form target="_blank" action="/redirectUrl"></form> JSFIDDLE A: You can write target attribute to form tag: <form target="_blank"></form> A: $('form').on('submit', function() { window.open('someurl'); // Some code to do the submit // Prevent the submit return false; }); REF window.open A: If I understood you, you need to open a new tab with an specific url, a part of the regular behaviour of the form submission. Major browsers blocks opening a new window/tab on a non-user-click event. So you need to bind an extra event on the submit button, but then you can't control if submission was successful (for example having a validator like jquery.validator). $("#myform input[type=submit]").click(function() { window.open("http://www.site.com/"); });
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
9149 118TH STREET LLC is corporation filed with the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS). The DOS ID is 5195684. The business entity is incorporated in Queens County. The entity type is DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The initial DOS filing date is 08/31/2017. The address is P.o. Box 907, Lynbrook, New York 11563. The city is Lynbrook, New York. The zip code is 11563.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jean Baptiste Pigalle (ur. 1714 w Paryżu, zm. 1785 tamże) – francuski rzeźbiarz, aktywny głównie w Lyonie i Paryżu. Początkowo uczył się sztuki rzeźbiarskiej u Roberta Le Lorraina i Jeana B. II Le Moyne'a, następnie w latach 1736–1739 kontynuował studia w Rzymie. Po powrocie do Francji przez dwa lata działał w Lyonie, po czym przeniósł się na stałe do Paryża w 1741 roku. W 1744 roku został mianowany na członka Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture. W 1750 roku rozpoczął trwający dziesięć lat okres pracy dla Madame Pompadour. W międzyczasie kontynuował karierę akademicką otrzymując kolejno w 1752 roku tytuł profesora, w 1774 sprawując funkcję rektora Akademii, zaś w 1785 roku kanclerza uczelni. Sztuka Pigalle'a ewoluowała od stylu rokokowego do wczesnoklasycystycznego, przy czym jego dzieła sztuki sepulkralnej do końca życia rzeźbiarza zachowały walory rzeźby barokowej. Pigalle poza rzeźbami o tematyce mitologicznej i religijnej tworzył także dzieła portretowe, alegoryczne i rodzajowe, zajmował się także rzeźbą pomnikową i nagrobną. Ważniejsze dzieła Madonna w kościele St-Sulpice w Paryżu Merkury przypinający skrzydełka (1748) Wenus Chłopiec z klatką (1750) Popiersie portretowe Pani de Pompadour Popiersie portretowe Diderota (1777) Pomnik Ludwika XV w Reims (1756–1765) Pomnik nagrobny Maurycego Saskiego w Katedrze w Strasburgu (1770, 1777) Pomnik nagrobny C. d'Harcourt w Katedrze Notre-Dame w Paryżu (1774) Bibliografia Francuscy rzeźbiarze Urodzeni w 1714 Zmarli w 1785 Ludzie urodzeni w Paryżu
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Siemens Selected by Department of Energy for $6.4 Million Project to Strengthen the Resilience of the Nation's Power System and Critical Infrastructure Siemens R&D unit to research energy management systems for solar and microgrid technologies to enhance resiliency, autonomous operation, and safeguard against cyber and physical threats PRINCETON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Siemens Corporate Technology (CT) US, Siemens central research and development (R&D) unit in the US, announced it was selected for a $6.4 million research award from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) to advance solar energy's role in strengthening the resilience of the U.S. electricity grid. This project will create an innovative Energy Management System that can coordinate distributed microgrids to work together. The system will utilize diverse technologies to increase grid resilience against natural disasters or cyber-attacks as well as autonomously restore power during a blackout using smart inverters. CT US was selected as a part of the Energy Department's effort to invest in new projects that enable grid operators to rapidly detect physical and cyber-based abnormalities in the power system and utilize solar generation to recover quickly from power outages. Siemens is one of several projects that will develop grid management technologies that show how solar energy will enhance power system resilience, especially at critical infrastructure sites. Collaborative efforts between Siemens and the DOE are expected to begin by Summer 2019. "Siemens technologies are helping to modernize the U.S. electric grid and develop stronger, more resilient power systems that can detect and defend against physical and cyber-threats and support smart infrastructures," said Ulrich Muenz, Siemens CT Head of the Autonomous Systems and Control Research Group. "This project advances innovative research and development for technologies that could one day become standard across the industry to enhance and protect critical infrastructure through autonomous and resilient energy management systems." The Siemens CT team will be led by Ulrich Muenz and Sindhu Suresh and work with partners from DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Columbia University, Siemens Digital Grid and Holy Cross Energy to develop, validate, and demonstrate a highly innovative, three-layer Energy Management System (EMS) for Autonomous and Resilient Operation of Energy systems with RenewaAbles (AURORA). This project continues CT's collaborative work with the DOE's U.S. National Laboratories to strengthen, enhance, and modernize the nation's electric grid and critical infrastructure. In January 2019, CT signed an MOU with National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), to conduct integrated experiments within their respective research and development facilities to help integrate innovative power electronic devices with the electric grid, including smart inverters for solar panels, batteries, and electrical vehicles that are capable of supporting the nation's power system. "The increasing deployment of distributed solar resources gives grid operators like Holy Cross Energy an opportunity to rethink the design and operation of our electric power system, in ways that utilize these local assets to not only deliver value to the consumer, but also to enable and enhance the reliability and resilience of the power systems in which they are embedded. By working with Siemens and collaborators in this very important project, we will get a window into the future self-driving grid and discover the most important steps we need to take to get ourselves ready for it," says Bryan Hannegan, CEO of Holy Cross Energy. About Siemens Corporation Siemens Corporation is a U.S. subsidiary of Siemens AG, a global powerhouse focusing on the areas of power generation and distribution, intelligent infrastructure for buildings and distributed energy systems, and automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries. Through the separately managed company Siemens Mobility, a leading supplier of smart mobility solutions for rail and road transport, Siemens is shaping the world market for passenger and freight services. Due to its majority stakes in the publicly listed companies Siemens Healthineers AG and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Siemens is also a world-leading supplier of medical technology and digital healthcare services as well as environmentally friendly solutions for onshore and offshore wind power generation. For more than 160 years, the company has innovated and invented technologies to support American industry spanning manufacturing, energy, healthcare and infrastructure. In fiscal 2018, Siemens USA reported revenue of $23.7 billion, including $5.0 billion in exports, and employs approximately 50,000 people throughout all 50 states and Puerto Rico. About the Solar Energy Technologies Office The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office supports early-stage research and development to improve the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. Learn more at energy.gov/solar-office. Carolyn Joiner Siemens Corporate Technology carolyn.joiner@siemens.com Source: Siemens Corporation #electrical-grid #grid #grid-(t&d) #grid-integration #grid-infrastructure #information-technology #microgrids #t&d-operations Jul 15, 2019 - Evergy Selects Utilidata For Voltage Optimization Pilot Jul 15, 2019 - Renovate and Upgrade Power Grid for Aquaculture in can Gio District Jul 15, 2019 - FESCO issues schedule programme Fraying Wires: How Policymakers Can Fix America's Electricity Infrastructure Aquion Energy Announces AC/DC Hybrid Nanogrid at the Illinois Institute of Technology Electrical Manufacturers Say Microgrids Essential to America's Future Infrastructure 259Sign in to Vote Like (12) Microgrids, hybrid storage and the evolving business case
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
To improve the electrical conductivity of negative electrodes of lithium ion batteries, we applied a direct CVD synthesis of carbon nanomaterials on the surface of graphite particles. To prepare a catalyst, two alternative approaches were utilized: colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) and metal (Ni and Co) nitrate salt precursors deposited on the graphite surface. Both colloidal and precursor systems allowed us to produce carbon nanofibers (CNFs) on the graphite surface with high coverage under the optimum CVD conditions. Electrical measurements revealed that the resistivity of the actual electrodes fabricated from CNFs coated graphite particles was about 40% lower compared to the original pristine graphite electrodes.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Agora (2009) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download Ganre : Adventure, Biography, Drama Available in : 720p I 1080p Screen Resolution : 1280x544 I 1920x816 File Size : 800 MB I 1.70 GB Duration : 2h 7min Alexandria, 391 AD: Hypatia teaches astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. Her student Orestes is in love with her, as is Davus, her personal slave. As the city's Christians, led by Ammonius and Cyril, gain political power, the institutions of learning may crumble along with the governance of slavery. Jump ahead 20 years: Orestes, the city's prefect, has an uneasy peace with Christians, led by Cyril. A group from the newly empowered Christians has now taken to enforce their cultural hegemony zealously; first they see the Jews as their obstacle, then nonbelievers. Hypatia has no interest in faith; she's concerned about the movement of celestial bodies and "the brotherhood of all". Although her former slave doesn't see it that way Screenshot 1080p This is Agora (2009) Free Download Page. This page contains Agora (2009) Free Movie Link, Agora (2009) Full Movie Online, Agora (2009) Watch Online HD, Agora (2009) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Agora (2009) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Agora (2009) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Agora (2009) HD Movie Free Download. I really wanted to like this. Straight Outta Compton exemplifies "a mile wide and an inch deep". Many years are covered, if you care about people talking about contracts and money for 2 and a half hours, this is your film. There's very little music in the film for a film about musicians. Apparently, the only person who did anything wrong was Shuge Knight. I'm not sure what the point was of making this film was if they were going to sanitize the story. I'm sure it was more interesting in real life. If it wasn't, then I wouldn't even want their success. An exhilarating and powerful biography of the most notorious rap group in the history of music. It shows us the harsh and tough life on the streets of Compton, which may actually leave some a little shocked, as well as the rise and fall of the group. It's a very entertaining and well made movie, with characters that we feel for, which are all portrayed very well by the actors, and the music is epic, just like the group itself. The film also has some social commentary on racism and authority abuse. And overall, it's one, if not, the best biopic I've ever seen and I'm certain that it'll become a classic in later years. Recommended !! the bigger the story..Straight Outta CamptonRunning for 166 minutes, Straight Outta Campton offers enough material especially after the first act and the perfect depiction with historical accuracy and genuine portrayals of real time characters. Its all the razzle dazzle as expected and also genuine emotions running within it to connect with a familiar story and still keeping it interesting. F. Gary Gary is excellent as a director he gives enough space and executes each and every frame perfectly with the help of amazing screenplay that allows enough range and space for the actors to flaunt their talents. But in the end, what itches is the overlong stretched script especially its first act which could have easily been edited and helped to boost up the script a bit. This music biopic certainly helped me to appreciate and understand rap music and its roots. I really enjoyed the first half of this film but found that, except for the ending, the second half was much the same and I found it difficult to maintain focus. This could have been avoided by shortening the film, which at over 2 hours, was too long. AFI 1001 Posted on: December 23rd, 2015
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Hopes, Hearts and Hoofbeats The Wind of Destiny Wind Comments page 2 Whirlwind back Wilted Dandelions Swept into Destiny Destiny's Whirlwind Destiny Of Heart Waltz with Destiny The Lapeer Area Eastern Lapeer County The Benefit Package The Dog Next Door The Desires of Your Heart Unexpected Answers to Prayer The Horse of My Heart Book Signing Request Sherman Publications Novel PASTimes Radio Interview "Off the Bookshelf" WMPC 1230 radio Copyright CreativeInsightsInc.com All Rights Reserved. ​​Catherine with her beautiful Arabian mare Roc-N-Rose Catherine is an ardent receiver of Christ's rejuvenating love, as well as a hopeless romantic and patriot. She skillfully intertwines these elements into her writing as the author of Wilted Dandelions, published by CrossRiver Publishing, an inspirational historical romance, along with her first Christian Romance novel, "The Wind of Destiny", followed by her much anticipated 4-book called the "Destiny Series", book 1 "Swept Into Destiny", book 2 "Destiny's Whirlwind", book 3 award winning "Waltz With Destiny"and book 4 "Destiny of Heart", which many readers tell her book 4 is her best. She has also authored two pictorial history books, "Images of America,The Lapeer Area" and The "Images of America, Eastern Lapeer County". published by Arcadia Publishing. Her short stories have been published in Guidepost Books are the following; "Extraordinary Answers to Prayers", "Unexpected Answers" and "Desires of Your Heart". Published by Baker Books, Revell; "The Dog Next Door", "Second-Chance Dogs", "The Horse of my Heart" and "The Horse of My Dreams". Published by CrossRiver Publishing; "The Benefit Package", and "Abba's Promise". And last but not least, published by Bethany House, "Jesus talked to me Today". Catherine was a former staff writer for Michigan Traveler Magazine (Breckenridge, MI), has free lanced for numerous other publications; Woods-n-Water News, Michigan History Magazine and Tri-City Times Newspaper, L. A. View Newspaper, and The Romeo Observer Newspaper. President of American Christian Writers - Great Lakes Chapter Catherine lives in Addison Township, MI., with her husband Edward of forty seven years, and her beautiful Arabian horses. She enjoys horseback riding, swimming, camping, and traveling the byroads across America. Her children are now grown and married with families of their own. Catherine and Edward are now the blessed recipients of two handsome grandsons and two adorable granddaughters. Catherine Ulrich Brakefield
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
After growing up in Southern California all my life, I finally made a big decision in staying in Japan for a bit. Plus I have family out here; so I am so excited to start my new life here in Japan! On my first several nights, I went to some awesome restaurants to celebrate my arrival. I went to a really nice seafood restaurant in Kabuki-cho called Isomaru Suisan. So delicious...put me in a great mood after a long flight. I had baked fish and one of their famous/ popular things on the menu which is this crab puree (the one you see on the grill). I also tried shark's fin and whale meat for the first time!!! The shark's cartilage texture was interesting; nevertheless, yummy because it was in this awesome spicy sauce. The whale...i don't know about that HAHAHA. It was good though! I love trying new food. I am just so excited and anxious for my future here and whats to come. ...so Tokyo...ARE YOU READY FOR MEH???
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: creating a "dig out" game with a one dimensional array instead of two? I have a project in which I have to create a "dig out" game (A game in which you need to find coins,ect.There are so many games like this,like Dig Out and Mars Miner,ect.I want to create a simple version of them containing monsters.For more information you can look it up on Google.)without the multidimensional arrays.I have to create it with only a one-dimensional array.I draw the board and everything,but I have a problem and that is I don't want the player or the monsters to accidentally jump on a wrong place. For example,in this pictureThe player can go to the upper line's right if they intend to go to left. It's not that much of a problem for the player,but since I want the monster's movements to be automatic,I want to learn to control it. These are the variables: static String name; static int row,column; static int coins; static char[] gamePlace; static int i; //The most used variable for the loops. static int a=0;//Will be increased by one every time a new soil or stone is added. static int playerIndex;//The index of the player. static int go=0; //The index player wants to go to. static int dig=0; //The index player wants to dig out. static int monsterPlace; //The index of the monster. This is my board method: public static void printBoard() { //Prints the board. int j,k=0; for(i=0;i<column+2;i++) //For the beauty of the game, a frame is drawn. System.out.print("-"); System.out.println(""); for(i=0;i<row;i++) { System.out.print("|"); for(j=0;j<column;j++) { System.out.print(gamePlace[k]); k++; } System.out.println("|"); } for(i=0;i<column+2;i++) System.out.print("-"); } So these were my monster methods: (I kept getting index out of bounds exception so I surrounded the "monster" method with try and catch,but now the monster doesn't move.What do you think I should do?) public static void monster() { int monsterTurn = (int)(Math.random()*(4+1)-1); //Getting a number in between 1 and 4. try { if(monsterTurn==1 && gamePlace[monsterPlace+1]=='.' || gamePlace[monsterPlace+1]=='!' ) { monsterMove(monsterPlace, monsterPlace+1); //If 1 is randomly chosen and the right is unoccupied the monster will go there. monsterPlace=monsterPlace+1; } } catch(Exception e) { } try { if(monsterTurn==2 && gamePlace[monsterPlace-1]=='.' || gamePlace[monsterPlace-1]=='!') { monsterMove(monsterPlace, monsterPlace-1); //If 2 is randomly chosen and the left is unoccupied the monster will go there. monsterPlace=monsterPlace-1; } } catch(Exception e) { } try { if(monsterTurn==3 && gamePlace[monsterTurn-column]=='.' || gamePlace[monsterPlace-column]=='!') { monsterMove(monsterPlace, monsterPlace-column); //If 3 is randomly chosen and up is unoccupied the monster will go there. monsterPlace=monsterPlace-column; } } catch(Exception e) { } try { if(monsterTurn==4 && gamePlace[monsterTurn+column]=='.' || gamePlace[monsterPlace+column]=='!') { monsterMove(monsterPlace, monsterPlace+column); //If 3 is randomly chosen and down is unoccupied the monster will go there. monsterPlace = monsterPlace+column; } } catch(Exception e) { } } public static void monsterMove(int place,int placeToGo) { char temp; int monsterColumn=0; int goToPlace=0; int columnNum=column; //Created to make the comparison between the monster's column and the place it's going to go easier. for(i=0;i<place;i++) //Checks which column the monster is in and which column it is going to go,so it wouldn't accidently jump on the other side of the board. if(i==columnNum) { monsterColumn++; columnNum +=column; } for(i=0;i<placeToGo;i++) if(i==columnNum) { goToPlace++; columnNum +=column; } if(monsterColumn==goToPlace) { //If the columns were the same,the monster will move.Else,the movement method will be recalled. temp = gamePlace[place]; gamePlace[place] = gamePlace[placeToGo]; gamePlace[placeToGo]=temp; } else monster(); }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Columbus – A review of Conotton Valley Union Local School District identified $275,490 in potential savings, according to a performance audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost. The audit recommends that the district eliminate five teaching positions, saving $209,890 annually while keeping the district 20 percent above the state minimum staffing ratio. Additionally, the audit recommends increasing employee contributions for health care costs to the state average, saving $37,600 annually. This performance audit was requested by the Ohio Department of Education after operating deficits were projected in the district's October 2013 five-year forecast. The projection showed a cumulative deficit of $613,948 by FY 2017-18.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jamie Lee Curtis goes back to where it all began in Halloween– a direct sequel to John Carpenter's 1978 horror classic. Jamie Lee Curtis is talking to us while lying on the floor of a hotel room in Sydney. After working the promotional circuit spruiking Halloween for the last two months, her back is in need of a 'recharge'. Despite appearing in five Halloween films, the actress is still astonished that the horror franchise remains relevant 40 years later. In 1978, on a frugal budget of US$200,000 and shot in just 20 days, director John Carpenter would redefine the horror genre with the revered slasher progenitor, Halloween. He cast 19-year-old Jamie Lee Curtis in the lead role of Laurie Strode. For Curtis, the daughter of Hollywood luminaries Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, Carpenter's masterpiece would be her first film role and one that would jumpstart a 40-year career. Sequel Halloween II followed three years later, and Curtis would go on to make two more – the questionable Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) and Halloween: Resurrection (2002) – before reprising her role of Laurie in the excellent David Gordon Green-helmed Halloween last year. Known for his work on comedies, horror was quite the transition for director Green but one he made with aplomb, delivering the best Halloween film since the original. "You know, I would say the same thing to you probably about Jim Cameron who is not known for his comedy work, but he made an absolutely fantastic comedy in True Lies," replies Curtis when we pose a question about the antithetical styles of his filmmaking. Her introduction to the director came by the way of godson, Jake Gyllenhaal. "He called me because he had just done the movie Stronger with David Gordon Green," recalls Curtis. "He told me that he had had a very creative experience with David and that the director wanted to speak to me about the movie. "David was exuberant and positive when we spoke. When he started to explain the idea to me, I said, 'Please don't. Just send it to me, and I will tell you from the opening sequence. "I thought it was a very clever way to explore the trauma that happened to Laurie Strode 40 years before, and I was very happy that that was the way that they were approaching the story.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Like the Galapagos tortoise, the polar bear and New Zealand's own kakapo (a peculiar ground-dwelling night parrot), the phone booth has sadly become an endangered species. Once a ubiquitous feature of our urban landscapes and a lifeline in times of need, phone booths have been rendered all but obsolete by the relentless march of the mobile phone. There are now few places left on our planet free of the blight of cellphone towers and too-loud conversations on public transport. I have therefore made it my solemn mission to preserve, by means of photography, these cultural and technological artifacts in all their glory and variety, wherever I find them. Click on the thumbnails below to view a selection of phone booths from Albania to Vanuatu. ← Best Mideast stopover: Dubai or Oman? I absolutely love your work. Photography and words. Great blog Peter… Keep up the good work! I have two favorite's, the one on Port Vila Vanatua, because of the design and the contrast with the food wrapped in banana leaves. Number two is Mardin, Turkey because of the contrast of modern technology with ages old architecture. Good call Ben. Some day I will visit you again and Mexico to the collection. Sensational photos – not just the crazy phone boxes but your beautiful composition, and those locations! The oddest "box" is Georgia – it looks like the phone was housed in some piece of 'ancient' / industrial architecture or plumbing which may have been re-purposed. Thanks Kerry! That's also a personal favourite. At that time half the country looked like some kind of post-apocalyptic, post-industrial wonderland. It was awesome.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Family matters—and for Guy and Jules Sebastian, it is the driving force behind their charitable works. Since 2013, the couple's Sebastian Foundation has been promoting initiatives that benefit families in need. And it all started when they looked around their own lounge room and realised how much they had. At an exclusive photo shoot for WHO's Most Beautiful People issue, 35-year-old Guy and 36-year-old Jules explained that their own upbringings influenced them, too. Now the duo are preparing their own children—sons Hudson, 5, and Archer, who turns 3 on April 17—to pay it forward. For more from our exclusive interview and photo shoot with Guy and Jules Sebastian, pick up the bumper Most Beautiful People double issue of WHO at newsagents now.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: JQuery search no longer working I cannot figure out why this isn't working. It's a JQuery search box that uses the Freebase API to find games. When I POST, the gameID and gameName are blank. <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.3/suggest.min.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://freebaselibs.com/static/suggest/1.3/suggest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#game-search").suggest({type:'/games/game'}).bind("fbSelect", function(e, data) { $("#game-id").val(data.id); $("#game-name").val(data.name); }); }); </script> <form name="input" action="/game-profile" method="post"> <input class="search-box" name="fbSelect" type="text" id="game-search"/> <input type="hidden" name="gameID" id="game-id" /> <input type="hidden" name="gameName" id="game-name" /> <input class="button" value="Go" type="submit"/> </form> A: I grabbed your code and changed the hidden fields to type="text" just so I could see the data when a selection was made from the auto-complete. The fields weren't being populated on select, so I took a quick peek at the API. It looks like the event you should be binding to is fb-select rather than fbSelect a la: $(function() { $("#game-search").suggest({type:'/games/game'}).bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { $("#game-id").val(data.id); $("#game-name").val(data.name); }); }); A: It doesn't look like the fbSelect event you're binding to, ever gets fired. Have you included all required code parts for this to work? (Answered retrospectively via comment on original question. @borkweb is more correct.)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Some San Antonians like to ring in the New Year lavishly, emptying out the pocketbook on a decadent dinner before paying a huge cover at an upscale bar. The more sensible among us like to have a little scratch left over for rent. Kissing 2018 goodbye shouldn't require a small loan. That's why we are counting down the clock at these affordable parties. Get out the glue gun and rhinestones — this La Cantera hangout is throwing a masquerade ball to welcome 2019 with a little mystery. The cover includes a Champagne toast and party favors with food and specialty cocktails like the Velvet 19 available for purchase. The best part is that it only costs $20 to get in the door, so partiers will have more dough to spend at the craft store. To celebrate the Year of the Pig, this Southtown favorite has invited Durden Food Group to throw an old-fashioned pig roast. For $25 (or $40 for two), merrymakers will receive a succulent feast and a bubbly toast while enjoying to a set from DJ Angel. But nab those tickets now; the party can accommodate only 100 people and the price is likely to go up closer to the date. Some San Antonio bars mark the new year by gouging guests. This downtown mainstay is celebrating by giving them a discount. On December 31, both The Esquire and Downstairs will take $20 all bottles of sparkling wine to ensure no one starts 2019 in the poor house. A complimentary glass of bubbles at midnight adds to the fun. Reservations are recommended. Have a good chuckle at the expense of spendthrifts at this Southtown comedy club's Winter Wonderland bash.The $15 ticket includes access to live music, a dinner buffet, a shot block, party favors, and, of course, gut-busting stand-up comedy. Early arrival is recommended for the best seats. At $35, the early bird tickets to Merkaba's masquerade party are the most of expensive on our list, but the River Walk hot spot gives a lot of bang for the buck. In addition to guaranteed entry, the cost includes a visit to the Champagne station and one premium drink to start the festivities off right. With a winter cocktail menu that has fancy ingredients like spiced butter syrup, chai honey, and hopped grapefruit bitters, this Broadway Street baby doesn't exactly seem like a dive bar, but it definitely comes through with dive bar prices. Most drinks are only $8, and revelers can score a bottle of bubbles or sparkling rosé for only $32. A stylish locale, a full top shelf bar, and a DJ set to keep the party rocking? The St. Anthony's New Year's Eve party doesn't exactly seem like it would be a bargain, but the rooftop St. A Sky Terrace manages to deliver all of the above for a low $10 price. Did we mention it has a stunning view of the annual fireworks display?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
From the Publisher:x0Dx0AZombicide Angry Neighbors challenges you to face off on a whole new breed of zombies! These Seeker zombies have you and your friends in their sights and will chase your to your bitter end!x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AEvery Seeker zombie get an additional activation every time a seeker zombie spawn card is drawn.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AAngry Neighbors brings four new survivors to your apocalypse, each with their own special abilities, and their Zombivor counterpart!x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AAngry Neighbors brings more than just new survivors to your party, it brings you companions! These four special human companion miniatures are here to support you! These companions may be strong enough to survive on their own, but can't commit zombicide like you do! Rescue them, lead them, and add their firepower and special abilities to your party! From the Publisher:x0Dx0AThis box includes 24 berserker zombies and 6 additional spawn cards to include them into any Zombicide base game.x0Dx0ASculpts of the zombies are from the Zombicde Season Two: Prison Outbreak, although three exclusive sculpts are included.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AZombie sculpt breakdownx0Dx0A15 Berserker Walkers (5 of a mix of 2 Box of Zombies only sculpts)x0Dx0A6 Berserker Runnersx0Dx0A3 Berserker Fatties (2 of the Box of Zombies only sculpt)x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AThe Spawn cards come with a higher density of Berserker zombies than Prison Outbreak's deck. From the Publisher:x0Dx0AThis box includes 24 classic zombies and 12 additional spawn cards to add them into any Zombicide base game.x0Dx0ASculpts are the same as the ones found in Zombicide Season Two: Prison Outbreak, however this box set includes three exclusive sculpts.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AZombies break down asx0Dx0A15 Walkers (5 are a mix of 2 Box of Zombies only sculpts)x0Dx0A6 Runnersx0Dx0A3 Fatties (2 are a Box of Zombies only sculpt)x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ASpawn Cards break down asx0Dx0A6 are additional extra activation and sewer spawn cards, identical to Season 1 and Season 2 extra activation and sewer cards (2 extra activation for Walkers, 1 for Fatties, 1 for Runners, 2 sewer spawn cards).x0Dx0A6 are designed with a slightly different method. While keeping things relatively simple at Blue level, things get a little worse than usual from the Yellow to the Red level. Fatties and Runners come in greater numbers as well. From the Publisher:x0Dx0AZombicide: Black Plague takes the zombie apocalypse into a fantastical medieval setting! The arcane powers of the Necromancers have unleashed a zombie invasion in the age of swords and sorcery, and it's up to your group of straggling survivors to not only stay alive during these dark times, but to take back the realm and punish those responsible for the apocalypse!x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AZombicide: Black Plague allows you take control of paladins, dwarves, knights, and magicians, wielding powerful swords, crossbows, and even magic spells to defeat the zombie hordes and its Necromancer overlords. The classic Zombicide rules have been revamped for this new incarnation of the game, while still retaining the nonstop action, tense atmosphere and easy-to-learn rules that made Zombicide a classic. From the Publisher:x0Dx0AThe perfect add-on for your Zombicide games, keep your Dashboards, dice, trackers, equipment and spawn cards in one easy to carry hard shelled case! From the Publisher:x0Dx0APaolo Parente (born 1965, Italy) is an illustrator and concept artist who spends most of his time locked away in his factory-monastery in Shenzhen, China. Paolo produces toys, games, and comic books for his own universe, DUST (a super science WW2 setting).x0Dx0APaolo is best known for his work with WoTC for Magic the Gathering and numerous other game and comic book properties. Lately he done concept design for upcoming films with HK director Tzui Ark and French director Chrisophe Gans. From the Publisher:x0Dx0AThis expansion set includes 2 sets of three different dogs. Their accompanying cards are placed in the equipment deck, and when found, the holder of the card becomes that dog's handler. Actions can be spent to command the dog to move, search, and attack. Dogs give their handler extra melee dice when in the same zone. From the Publisher:x0Dx0AZombicide: Tokens & Tiles – Rue Morgue Tile Packx0Dx0Ax0Dx0AEver wondered exactly how you would fare in a Zombie Apocalypse? Assume the role of one of a handful of survivors – each armed with a unique set of abilities, and use your skill and cunning to defeat the hordes of undead that lurk around every corner. Well your about to find out with this awesome fun co-operative game Zombicide from Guillotine Games.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0AExpand your gaming table for a new and exciting enviroment with this set of Rue Morgue gaming tilesx0Dx0Ax0Dx0AThis set contains 9 Rue Morgue gaming tiles.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This nitrogen-rich fertilizer has a special formula for the dense and more resistant lawn. Even in case of trample, the color remains green and rich. The fertilizer should be evenly spread on the lawn. It needs to be watered during dry weather periods. For stadiums and sport playgrounds - 6-8 kg.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jokowi Claims Government Covid Response Fruitful mamadou December 4, 2020 December 3, 2020 Health, Indonesia, News JAKARTA : President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo claimed Thursday government response in the coronavirus pandemic has produced results as the country beats the global average in terms of recovery rate and the proportion of active cases, despite recent record-breaking daily numbers of newly cases. Indonesia has recorded nearly 550,000 confirmed cases of the virus since the outbreak began. It has beaten its own record in daily count four times throughout November, when one-day figure of cases began to pass the 5,000 mark, and even exceeded 6,000 three days ago. President Joko Widodo (Antara Photo) "We have been working hard for the last nine months to tackle the pandemic. The hard works have delivered results because we now have a smaller percentage of active cases than the global average — 12.72 percent against 28.04 percent," the president said in the opening speech during Bank Indonesia's annual gathering held through video conference. (Click for a full view) Jokowi said 84.02 percent of Covid patients in Indonesia have either been cured or discharged from hospitals, beating the global average of 69.56 percent. The contraction of the economy has rebounded from the bottom, from minus 5.32 percent in the second quarter to minus 3.49 percent in the third, he added. "That means we have been past the bottom and the turning point to move to the right direction. I believe that we are now heading into the positive territory from the fourth quarter onward," he said. His remarks came as seven-day average of newly coronavirus cases hitting a new high for the last nine consecutive days spurred by resurgence in cases in Jakarta, East Java and West Java and a dramatic surge in Central Java. Combined cases from the four provinces in the country's most crowded island of Java account for 57 percent of the national tally. Daily numbers are still above 100 in other key hotspots such as Riau, West Sumatra, East Kalimantan and Banten, while South Sulawesi and Bali have recently reported an uptick in newly cases. The virus has killed 17,199 people in Indonesia, according to the government data released on Wednesday. The seven-day average of coronavirus-related deaths is currently at the highest level since the outbreak, standing at 139. Jokowi also warned against a "second wave" of infections that could undermine the hard works in the last nine months. "We must remain vigilant and be disciplined in implementing the health protocol," the president said. BY : HERU ANDRIYANTO & LENNY TRISTIA TAMBUN – JAKARTA GLOBE Coronavirus, Covid19, Pandemic, Public Health Previous Dec 15 case management of Rosmah's money laundering case Next Perak MB on the way out after losing confidence motion
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Get the Object Id When I have to use an Id which is the best way to put it in a variable? okkay hard coding an ID is bad. Actually i'm doing: user u=[Select id,name from user where name=.. limit 1 ]; post.CreatedById=u.id; But make this query for me is also a bad solution. If you after change the name of the user(the same for other resources or objects) , get id won't work again. This is a problem for me ever, i have this doubt everytime i'm getting an id from an object,resource.. the best solution is use custom setting? Thanks to all for the reply. you are very kind! A: If you specifically know which user to associate and using a query to retrieve the user Id then there are multiple places like custom labels/ custom settings where you can save the Id's and use a map/ string and pull the ID value say for eg. When you have to assign a region to a particular salesrep and the rep is not constant,all you do is: Create a custom setting ( my choice) and save North america and put the user id as the Salesforce user id of the rep. Lookup on how to create a custom setting and manage data. If at all you feel custom settings are hard to get at the first go try custom labels. This is one way you can minimize hard coding. In your apex class you can do : String user_Id = Label.North_america_Rep_ID; post.some_user_Id__c =u.id; In the VF page you can do the same as UPDATE: This is how you make use of custom settings step 1: Go to Setup--> Develope --> custom setting --> New Once you hit new this is similar to creating a new custom object in salesforce. step2: Name the custom setting and set Settting Type : List Visibility : Public save the new custom setting Step3: create a new custom field and choose "text" and hit next and save. Step4: Once save is compelete go back to the custom setting and then click on manage. Step5: You should be able to see 2 fields 1) Name 2) custom field you created Think of this as a dictionary Name My custom Field user1 005user1id user2 005user2id user3 005user3id Once you have set up your custom setting you can use the custom setting in your apex as below map<string,string> Custom_setting_map = new map<string,string>(); //Get all the values from the custom setting. for(customsetting custom: customsettingname.getall().values()){ Custom_setting_map.put(custom.name,custom.my_custom_field__c); } and then for the user1 you can do string user_id = ''; //get current user's username and check if the custom setting has the username in the key. if(custom_setting_map.containsKey(userinfo.getusername()){ user_id = custom_setting_map.get(u.name)); } A: I agree with @Mike, Hard coding values in SalesForce is always a bad idea. Here is a simple short explanation that may help. http://pawanns-salesforce.blogspot.com/2012/12/avoiding-hardcode-recordtype-ids.html And another with a deeper explanation and walkthrough: http://threeheadsonapike.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/salesforce-url-hacking-prepopulating-fields/
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Adam Hrycaniuk, né le , à Myślibórz, en Pologne, est un joueur polonais de basket-ball. Il évolue au poste de pivot. Carrière Palmarès Références Liens externes Joueur international polonais de basket-ball Joueur de l'Asseco Prokom Gdynia Joueur du Valencia Basket Club Joueur de basket-ball des Bearcats de Cincinnati Joueur de Stelmet Zielona Góra Joueur du Spójnia Stargard Naissance en mars 1984 Naissance à Myślibórz
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Blueface Claims He Was Followed By A Helicopter!! Blueface shocked his supporters by claiming that he was being followed — by a helicopter! Via his Instagram Story, Blueface told followers that he was hiding in a random stranger's front yard to shake off the helicopter. "Blueface, come to the set, they said," he says. "It will be fun, they said. … Blueface shocked his supporters by claiming that he was being followed -- by a helicopter! Via his Instagram Story, Blueface told followers that he was hiding in a random stranger's front yard to shake off the helicopter. "Blueface, come to the set, they said," he says. "It will be fun, they said. Now I'm sitting in some random person's front yard tryna get home." In another clip, he adds, "This is why I stay my ass at home, on Crip. I'm running from a helicopter right now, dead homies. Y'all hear, cuz. I'ma make it home, though." BLUEFACE'S BABY MAMA SMASHED HIS GLASS DOOR W/ A SHOVEL Blueface's Baby Mama Bashes Windows With Shovel (; 1:00) A helicopter can be seen and heard in the background. "I just wanna go home, cuz. I'm still runnin'. Police right there, on Crip. All we gotta do is get past that street." The "Thotiana" rapper managed to get away safely. He did not state why the police would be following him with a helicopter but his fans were relieved that he managed to get away. Source: MTO News https://mtonews.com/blueface-claims-he-was-followed-by-a-helicopter READ: Prince Harry Feels 'Let Down' by Dad Charles, Talks Status With William
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Azure pipeline ndk version error gradle build React Native Android Azure pipeline getting ndk version error while gradle build React Native Android. * *What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:stripReleaseDebugSymbols'. No version of NDK matched the requested version 21.4.7075529. Versions available locally: 23.2.8568313, 24.0.8215888, 25.0.8775105, 25.0.8775105 * *Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. *Get more help at https://help.gradle.org BUILD FAILED in 7m 15s 549 actionable tasks: 549 executed Error: The process '/Users/runner/work/1/s/android/gradlew' failed with exit code 1 at ExecState._setResult (/Users/runner/work/_tasks/Gradle_8d8eebd8-2b94-4c97-85af-839254cc6da4/2.200.2/node_modules/azure-pipelines-task-lib/toolrunner.js:944:25) at ExecState.CheckComplete (/Users/runner/work/_tasks/Gradle_8d8eebd8-2b94-4c97-85af-839254cc6da4/2.200.2/node_modules/azure-pipelines-task-lib/toolrunner.js:927:18) at ChildProcess. (/Users/runner/work/_tasks/Gradle_8d8eebd8-2b94-4c97-85af-839254cc6da4/2.200.2/node_modules/azure-pipelines-task-lib/toolrunner.js:840:19) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16) at Socket.stream.socket.on (internal/child_process.js:389:11) at Socket.emit (events.js:198:13) at Pipe._handle.close (net.js:607:12) ##[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/work/1/s/android/gradlew' failed with exit code here is image of error when pipeline fail A: No version of NDK matched the requested version 21.4.7075529. Versions available locally: 23.2.8568313, 24.0.8215888, 25.0.8775105, 25.0.8775105 From the error message, the root cause of this issue is that the Android NDK version 21.4.7075529 doesn't exists on the agent. Refer to this ticker: Android NDK 21 will be replaced in favor of 25 on August, 1st We are replacing r21 with r25 as we support two latest LTS versions according to our Software and image guidelines(we support 1 latest non-LTS and 2 latest LTS versions of NDK) The Android NDK version on Microsoft-hosted agent has been upgraded to version 25. To solve your issue, you need to add a step to your Pipeline to install the Android NDK version 21.4.7075529 . Windows $sdkRoot = "C:\Android\android-sdk" $sdkManager = "$sdkRoot\cmdline-tools\latest\bin\sdkmanager.bat" Install-AndroidSDKPackages -AndroidSDKManagerPath $sdkManager ` -AndroidSDKRootPath $sdkRoot ` -AndroidPackages "ndk;21.4.7075529" macOS ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk SDKMANAGER=$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo y | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;21.4.7075529" Ubuntu ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_ROOT}/sdk SDKMANAGER=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager echo "y" | $SDKMANAGER "ndk;21.4.7075529" A: I have updated the NDK version from 21.4.7075529 to 25.0.8775105. When we are updating the NDK version, we also need to update our project Gradle version which supports the updated NDK version.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Police conduct drive to Kabir Bakul's house following arrest warrant Fashion industry emits more carbon than flights, maritime shipping Bangladesh picked uncapped pacer Hasan Mahmud for Pakistan T20Is Dhaka City Polls: 5 more protesting DU students fall sick Bogra 1 MP Abdul Mannan passes away 3 of a family killed in Jessore road accident The sand-carrier Nighat Gandhi Published at 03:32 pm July 13th, 2019 When she finally shot the ball into the basket for the first time in days, she couldn't help crying out, "Oay! Yes! Yes! Yesssss!" She clapped and twirled. The others on her team who barely ever acknowledged her presence, congratulated her half-heartedly, in a half-surprised, half-snickering way. At the moment she shot the ball into the basket, a boy at the construction site next to the basketball court was lifting a basket of sand onto his head, and turned to stare at her. In the moments that followed her first successful shoot, his gaze met hers. She had never noticed this boy before on any of her mornings at the court. It was a cool morning, the last one in October, and Diwali, the one time in a year when Mummy never yelled at her for eating too many sweets, was just around the corner. The boy was dark and thin. Very dark. Very thin. His sleeveless vest was more holes than vest and his dirty shorts hung very loose around his thin thighs. His thinness repelled her, yet filled her with envy. His stick-like legs were dust-coated and dark, and plunged like daggers into her shame-swelled heart. He was skinny and nimble, and almost weightless, like a butterfly. She, who was teased as Fatty by the bullies of her school who said they were only joking, longed to have skinny legs like him. Not as dark, but as skinny, because then they would stop yelling Fatty, Fatty. "Beta, boys don't want to marry fat girls. Nobody will marry you if you don't lose weight," Mummy repeated this warning on most days and throughout the long, tedious summer vacations when she often found her visiting the refrigerator several times a day. Mummy would always catch her at the wrong moment. "What are you looking for inside the fridge again? You just had breakfast. Have some shame, girl!" The boys in her salsa class were reluctant to partner with her. "Nobody wants to be my partner. It's because I'm fat," she snapped at the instructor when he asked her why she didn't have a partner, and finally he took matters into his own hand. 'I will decide who'll partner with whom in class,' he said. She shrugged and concentrated on her steps, pretending to ignore both the instructor and the boy the instructor foisted on her. The boy didn't seem to acknowledge her presence either. Mummy's words poured like lava into her. Louder. Louder, "Boys don't want to marry fat girls. Boys don't want to marry…" Or dance with them. After the game was over, she walked over to the sand piles. Next to the boy an old man was shoveling sand into jhawwas. A radio atop the sand pile was playing bhajans. The skinny boy had just returned and was waiting for the old man to refill his jhawwa. "Why are you working so early in the morning?" she asked out of curiosity. "We have to carry 100 jhawwas before 8. The thekedar's orders," the old man replied without lifting his head. "We start early so we can eat. Then we start again after breakfast and go until 5." "Don't waste time talking! We have so much to do," the boy with stick-like, chocolaty legs reprimanded the old man. The older man snapped. "Who's wasting time? She's asking questions. I'm talking but have I stopped working?" The skinny one grew impatient. "Why does she have to bother with us?' he muttered. "I know what this is all about. It's just because the story needs to go on. It's her fault for interrupting us," he remarked disdainfully, lifting and placing the filled basket on his head. "Whose fault?" the old man asked. "The writer's." "Oh, the writer." "I wouldn't worry about her." She tried to follow their conversation but she couldn't understand who or what the old man and the boy were talking about. All she wanted was to ask if she could try just once, try carrying one of those jhawwas filled with sand, just like the boy was doing, to see if she could walk with a heavy load on her head, but she felt too afraid she'd be rebuked by the boy. Then as the skinny boy was returning with his empty basket, she grew bolder. She had time to study his feet in his worn-thin rubber slippers and his narrow chest and the many holes in his vest came in closer view. He wasn't somebody she needed to be afraid of. He was poor, and wasn't even much taller than her and may be not much older. And though he was bad-mannered, his rudeness was not something she had to take seriously. His legs entranced her. She sensed the longing for legs like his. There was music in the way he swung his legs as he carried the basket of sand, and she liked that very much. As he started to walk with musical strides towards the building under construction with another load of sand, she caught up with him. The bulge in his skinny calves, his thinness, his neediness, all of it emboldened her. "Listen, can we talk?" "I have work. We have to carry 100 jhawwas before 8. I don't have time to talk." "I know. This won't take long. Can we exchange legs? You take mine and I'll take yours." "What? Why? Of course not!" "Why not? Won't take long. All we need to do is exchange legs." "Why should I? I don't know what it would be like to have your legs." "I think you would like my legs. Look! Feel them! See how soft they are. You could turn them into muscle in no time because you walk so much every day. You need to give your thin legs a rest. They look tired and won't last you very long." She decided not to elaborate on the benefits she would gain from getting his legs. The boy looked suspiciously at her. "Why do you want mine? What if I don't like yours?" "Try them out for a week. If you don't like them, I'll take them back." "You're not trying to trick me, are you?" "Do I look like the kind of person who would try to trick you?" she said with an innocent-sly look. "Why do you want my legs?" "I want to help you." "Will you bring me back my legs if I don't like yours?" "Trust me. I promise." She couldn't believe how easy it was to convince him and make him give her the legs she longed for. Why hadn't she thought of doing this before? Under the large and leafy peepal tree they sat and exchanged legs. The sun had climbed higher by then and the sky was losing its early morning orange glow and it was time to head back to the main building just in time for the breakfast bell. She snapped on his legs at the hips and gladly parted with her own. She pranced back to school. Running with her borrowed legs was such a delight, it was sad she had to keep them hidden under her shalwar. Back home that afternoon, she buried herself in her room with her tattered old childhood blankie, ecstatic with her newly acquired legs. She was in such a state of dreamy disbelief that even after several hours, she still had to touch and stroke them repeatedly to believe they were hers. Their brownness was several shades darker than her own much lighter skin. She sat on the toilet seat and soaped her new legs lovingly and shaved the tough, black hairs. She would start applying Fair & Lovely on them to lighten them. She pulled on her cream-colored tights to conceal the brownness. Afterwards, in front of the mirror in her room, she practiced her salsa steps, lifting her skirt above her knees to show off her thin new legs, while balancing a bowl of warm, syrupy gulab jamuns in the other. There was no question of returning the legs now though she vaguely remembered she had promised the boy she would return them if he didn't like hers. But she liked his so much. That's what mattered anyway. He wouldn't dare force her to return his legs. She could always complain to the school guard that the boy was trying to harass her and that would be the end of his job on the school premises. Now if only she could find ways to rid herself of her other body parts that filled her with so much shame and hatred. Nighat M. Gandhi is a mental health counsellor and writer based in India. She is the author of Ghalib at Dusk and Other Stories (Tranquebar Press, 2009) 'Understanding the 'other' is the beginning of empathy' Dissecting the line between fact and fiction Numair Choudhury: Time is on our side Babu Bangladesh Upcoming titles from Saad Z Hossain and Nadeem Zaman What Toni Morrison taught us mental health counsellor NIghat Gandhi short story
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
CIGI '12: Five Years After the Fall | Public Lecture - "The Global Monetary Non-System" Friday, November 9, 2012 - 7:30 PM CIGI Campus Auditorium, 67 Erb St. W., Waterloo, Canada Steve Paiken CIGI's annual conference - CIGI '12: Five Years After the Fall, The Governance Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis will be held on Nov. 9–11th, 2012. While participation at the CIGI '12 conference is by invitation only, all sessions will be broadcast for public viewing via webcast and the public is invited to a kick-off lecture on the evening of Friday, November 9th, 7:30–9:00PM EST — The Global Monetary Non-System. Attend in person at the CIGI Campus Auditorium (67 Erb Street West, Waterloo, Canada) or join the live webcast audience. The kick-off event will feature a keynote address from José Antonio Ocampo, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, and former UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. Steve Paikin, anchor and senior editor of The Agenda with Steve Paikin, will moderate a discussion following the lecture. José Antonio Ocampo is Professor, Director of the Economic and Political Development Concentration in the School of International and Public Affairs, Fellow of the Committee on Global Thought and co-President of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. STEVE PAIKIN Steve Paikin is the anchor and senior editor of TVO's flagship current affairs program The Agenda with Steve Paikin. Each program tackles one or two topics in depth, giving viewers intelligent analysis, and a thought-provoking debate among newsmakers and experts.
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| JACK AND MBALI: Eradicate AIDS now Helen Jack JACK AND MBALI: Eradicate AIDS now Helen Jack & Mandisa Mbali 11:40 pm, Sep 15, 2011 We are part of the AIDS generation: we are too young to have lived in a world without the disease. Throughout our lives, the specter of HIV has influenced our relationships and responsibilities to others. We want to see a world free of this disease and now, for the first time, we believe it's possible. As we strategize for an AIDS-free world, we can look to the past for guidance, and especially, the eradication of smallpox. This June, a groundbreaking study made a once unthinkable prospect — the eradication of AIDS — imaginable. The HIV Prevention Trials Network studied 1763 couples in which only one partner was living with HIV, but taking a cocktail of antiretroviral drugs. The Network recently announced that there was a 96 percent reduction in HIV transmission to the uninfected partner. This finding is already making waves internationally. Just after it was announced, world leaders at the UN committed to placing 15 million people on HIV treatment by 2015. This is a noble goal, but one which the UN estimates will require $6 billion in additional donor funding per year. The G8 countries ought to share this responsibility and the United States will clearly need to provide some of the necessary leadership and funds. But will the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, see the value of allocating money now to eradicate a disease in decades' time? Similarly, will Democrats be prepared to use political capital advocating for substantial increases in the foreign aid budget and an AIDS-free America — something that cannot be accomplished without global eradication? Zero new HIV infections, a goal the United Nations set in 2009, is possible only if we can sustainably block the advance of new HIV infections on all fronts: via universal HIV treatment access, needle exchanges, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, partner reduction, condom use and male medical circumcision. A vaginal microbicide, if confirmed as effective in preventing transmission, could soon also be added to this arsenal. The task seems massive, but America's role in eradicating smallpox should give us hope, and impel us to act. In the early 1950s, when the World Health Assembly first began considering a smallpox eradication campaign, up to 50 million people were becoming infected with the disease each year. Like HIV, the infections were primarily in the developing world. Yet by 1979, an international panel of experts declared that smallpox had been eradicated. How did humankind bring an end to smallpox? Edward Jenner pioneered the smallpox vaccine in 1798; in the mid-20th century the international community invested in a mass vaccination campaign. It was as simple as that. Within a decade, smallpox was gone. We can do the same to HIV. It is a far less infectious disease that reaches only a fraction of the number smallpox afflicted: there were an estimated 2.6 million new HIV infections in 2009 and 33.3 million people infected worldwide, far fewer than the 50 million of smallpox's heyday. The smallpox vaccine did not totally eliminate the possibility of transmission, but did decrease it immensely. Similarly, HIV treatment significantly diminishes the chances of transmission. Treatment versus vaccine: the methods differ, but the effects are very similar. While smallpox eradication required vaccinating all the uninfected, HIV eradication would primarily involve treating those who already have the disease — a far smaller population. Treatment also has benefits that vaccination does not: it extends the lives of those infected. If embarking on this project, we'll have experience to draw from. We can learn from the errors health professionals sometimes made when working to eradicate smallpox — for instance, patients were sometimes coerced to have medical procedures during smallpox elimination efforts. Conversely, education and stigma-reduction will be central to the efficacy of HIV eradication campaigns. Smallpox eradication took a global effort, but it would not have been possible without American commitment. The World Health Assembly began its push for global eradication in 1958. But progress was initially slow and eradication was beginning to look impossible. Then, in 1964, President Lyndon Johnson pledged to step up US support for eradication, starting with a campaign to end smallpox in 18 African countries. This was the beginning of the end for the deadly disease. It was not only American financing that made the difference, but also the innovations of US scientists, who developed new methods of vaccine distribution and delivery. Today, 21st-century science has brought solutions to end AIDS. Here in the United States, we can seize an historic moment once again, and lead an eradication of the world's deadliest virus. We have the means; but do our politicians have the will? Helen Jack is a senior in Saybrook College. Mandisa Mbali was a postdoctoral associate in History of Medicine at Yale and currently teaches at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }