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The biggest agent of insecurity in Afghanistan is foreign intervention
Translated by Abdul Hassib Rahimi
Younus Qanooni the chief of the lower house of this country asserted,” we titled in France that the biggest and the best agent of the insecurity and invigoration of terrorist in Afghanistan is the foreign intervention in the interior affairs of this country. Based on the report of parliament reporter of Rah-e Nijaat news agency, Younus Qanooni the chief of lower house attended in the session of lower house after his six day trip which he had to France and he cleared in the continuation of his speeches that the intervention of foreign countries in the interior affairs of this country and terrorist and narcotics are two sides of one coin means that terrorist invigorate foreign interventions in this country and foreign intervention invigorate the terrorist and cultivation of narcotics in this country. The basic ways of the annihilation of narcotics and annihilation of terrorists from this country is this that the international community help us to disrupt foreign intervention from this country. He whom explained the result of his trip to France asserted,” our offer from the mentioned country was this that this country help us in the disruption of foreign interventions from this country as the active member of united nation of Europe and we are pleasure that the chief of national soviet of this country appreciated our proposal based on this offer of us. He added,” we drafted, if the international community want to continue the action which they started from Afghanistan and if they don’t want this country to be the nest and house of terrorists and traffickers of narcotics so the best way of ousting from the mentioned problems is this that international community don’t leave us alone in our activities in this country. The exchanges have been brought on the environment codes which including about 9 sections and about 82 articles. It is mentionable while lower house argue on this theme that argues on the important themes like security and stability in the country rid with out any result.
Some arms and ammunitions arrested in Ghor
Translated By Abdul Hassib Rahimi
About more than ten arms and some diverse kind of ammunition discovered by the security officials of Ghor province. Mean while of the declaration of the mentioned theme Shah Jahan Noori the commander of the provincial head quarter of the mentioned province said,” the security force of this province succeed to discover about two arm cashes in a refurbishing operation which they did in the mentioned province. He added,” this amount of arms including about more than 30 diverse varieties of arms and arrested from Tolak and Dowlat yar regions of this province. Based on the assertions of the commander of the provincial head quarter of the mentioned province,” we arrested some arms from the traffickers of narcotics in another refurbishing operation which we did in this province. He added,” they utilized for insecurity from the mentioned arms in this province which these arms arrested from inefficient person in the mentioned region of this province. The commander of the provincial head quarter of Ghor added,” the agents means the subjects of this case are under the prosecution of the national police of this region. Like wise he informed that the former Mujahidin of this region submitted their arms to the local government of this region and he said,” the former leaders and local commanders of this region submitted their arms which they had in their hand to DAYAC process of this region. This is in the time that some of Taliban and opponents of government joint to DAYAC process and peace consolidation process in this province and they renounce from the opposition with the central government of this country and some leaders and commanders of Taliban were in the rang of them as well.
The bridge of Ghazni power apparatus exposed to exploitation
Translated by Abdul Hassib Rahimi
The bridge of Ghazni power apparatus has been inaugurated by the governor of Ghazni and exposed to the exploitation of people of this region means that the people of this region can exploit from the mentioned bridge after this time. Hakimullah Ghazni Wal the mayor of the mentioned province said,” the mentioned bridge which has the length of about more than 35m and weight of about more than 12m has been erected by the consumer of about more than 178 thousand American dollars by the fiscal cooperation of USAID which the construction work of this bridge preceded by Ghulam Nabi Yaqubi construction company for about more than three months means that the construction work of the mentioned bridge complete within three months. Mean while of assertion of hope the mayor of the mentioned province said,” the construction of this bridge decreased from the problems of people in this region. It is mentionable that about more than three big bridges destructed in the track of floods in Sulatan River in the mentioned province which after this incident it is the first bridge that the construction work of it completed mean this is the first bridge that has been reconstructed in this province after the mentioned incident. In spit of all these residents of this province want more attention of government officials in the reconstruction of other bridges in this province.
Providing construction goad for the harbouring affairs of Afghanistan.
Translated by Abdul Hassib Rahimi
The high commissioner of united nation in the harbouring section provides the construction materials of about more than 4300 houses which about more than 30000 returnees can blight from the mentioned aids of united nation. Based on the report of Rah-e Nijaat reporter, mean while of the declaration of this program Mr. Halem Sediq the spokesperson of UNAMA office in this country said in a news conference,” in spit of security concerns in the south and east of this country the high commissioner of united nation in harbouring affairs earmark about more than 740 house in about four districts of Kandahar province and about more than 300 house in some districts of Helmand province by the cooperation of ministry of returnees and refugees of Afghanistan. Like wise he added,” the construction work of about more than 850 houses have been completed in the current years in the east south regions of this country in Khost and Paktia, this is the time that construction work is in progress on about more than 2100 house for the refugees of the mentioned regions. The high commissioner of united nation has provided about more than 18000 houses in the current year and cooperate construction goads in this field in Afghanistan. The work of housing has been completed about more than 50 % and it hoped that it will be completed up to the end of the current year in this country.
Academic researches centre of country inaugurated in Kabul
Translated by Abdul Hassib Rahimi
The academic researches centre of Afghanistan has been inaugurated in the library of Kabul varsity. The academic researches centre of this country founded in Pishawar of Pakistan in 1989 and by this centre they exposed the bonds and files and other academic sources of this country to the disposal of researchers and experts and tourists, scholars and professors to utilize from the mentioned bonds and academic sources of this country in their programs based on the academic researches. Gul Mohammad Gulzai the chief of the academic researches of this country said,” in spit of about more than 37 thousand book addition, some magazines, news papers, hearing and seeing goads and the division plot of this country has been collected in this centre. He added,” the bonds of this centre has been carried to Kabul within about more than one year by the cooperation of Nansi Doopri the archaeologist who has activities in the country right now. Based on the assertions of him,” this centre is an important and valuable centre for the students of varsities, teachers in all around the country and researchers which this centre is ready to serve academic and cultural services for the people who are fond of this centre. He asserted,” the mentioned centre made small libraries in the districts and schools of this country and this centre purchased those relics and historical books which have been looted during the war from this country.
Where do the terrorist source located
Translated by Abdul Hassib Rahimi
It seems after about more than five year s that foreigner and the international community lost the routs of the straggling against terrorist and they lost the targets that were the sources of straggling against terrorist in this country and based on this agent the unsuccessful actions of them prove day by day means that this agent prove that the international community failed in the straggling against terrorist. In the time that most of the diplomatic persons of southern countries say that the sources of terrorist is Pakistan and also Hamed Karzai the president of Islamic republic government of Afghanistan many times in his discourse mentioned that the sources of terrorists are in the out side the borders of this country. But they never paid crucial attention to this theme in the country. So based on this agent the people of Afghanistan and the international coalition force are the victims of terrorist operations and attacks in this country And a big challenge can sensate in front of security, stability, peace and democracy in the country by the re advent of Taliban in the political arena of this country. Lake of loyalty of Pakistani leaders in the field of straggling against terrorists, lie of Musharaf the president of Pakistan in this field, providing of security situation for the leaders and commanders of Taliban in the frame of agreement with the tribesmen of region, are the agents that has been invigorated the power of Taliban in the recent months in the region. It seems that the doubt on the terrorists sources don’t have any result despite that is mistake and submitting of the battle field to Taliban. This theme must clear in the tripartite session which is resolved to hold in America between presidents of Afghanistan, America and Pakistan that where are the terrorist sources and why Pakistan hasn’t materialized its pledges which she gave for international community and Afghanistan government.
An interview with Mir Ahmad Joyanda Kabul province representative in lower house:
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
An interview with Mir Ahmad Joyanda Kabul province representative in lower house: Rasaana: Mr. Joyanda, could you tell us the reasons of the increase insecurity? Mr. Joyanda: when we are speaking of security therefore no other subjects is as important as security and in my opinion the security has two perspectives, internal and external. Regarding the external the terrorism which is imported outside the borders its main bases are outside the country in some of countries in the region and this is the main reason of insecurity. After the fall of Taliban the people thought that the Taliban have no more place in the country and in the society but regarding to some economical and historical relation with some of the neighbouring countries that they search their interests in the continuation of insecurity in Afghanistan and this is the main issue to be prosecuted, the Durand line which has been remained unsolved within long time between Afghanistan and Pakistan and some political circles in neighbouring countries that they think to have Afghanistan under influence and these circles are mainly in Pakistan that they search their stability in disability of Afghanistan and if there is not a stable government in Afghanistan therefore they can have good markets in Afghanistan and they want to show the world that they have influence over Afghanistan and that the Afghan dispute can never be solved without their participation. Even there is a double-range policy in Pakistan government against Afghanistan. From one hand they claim that they are in the first line of battle against the terrorism and on the other hand we observe hundreds of Medrasa (religious schools in Pakistan and the existence of right-radical parties along the eastern borders of Afghanistan that in some tribal parts even the Pakistani government does not have control and the Pakistani government is following two goals there. To distablize Afghanistan and get privileges from western countries especially America claiming that if we do not cooperate Afghanistan will not be secured and on the other hand to show to the world that even now the Islamism exists in Pakistan and the international community should fight the terrorism. But the the internal perspective of the insecurity, there are a number elements, from one hand we did not take advantage of the opportunity that the international community is presently in Afghanistan and naturally when in certain places the rehabilitation activities are not done and in contrary there is the administrative corruption the people will get away from the government. These elements help in increase of insecurity and the negative policy of the government regarding the appointment of wrong doing rulers in provincial departments is not a real policy of the government. Therefore we should find out all about the internal elements of insecurity in order to have a clear and clean government. We should have sympathetic rulers to be sincere to the government and the people. Rassana: in attention to the modern equipments of the foreign forces especially America, can not they assure the security or they do not want to ensure the security? Mr. Joyanda: no, they want to restore security because their presence for a long time is a necessity. But there is one thing very important and that is the cultural sensitivity. Sorrowfully the American and international forces who are busy doing the military operations in Afghanistan they do not work in collaboration to the provincial councils, local councils and the Afghan National Army and this is the reason that instead their operation is to be positively it proves negatively. Because they start military operations without the Afghan forces participation.
Society and law
translated by H. Stanikzai
Creating hypocrisy in order to govern is an old custom Certain people still make attempts to create hypocrisy in their country and in other countries to extend their rule or to govern. They search their safety when others are in danger and or they try to make others to accept this is day if is not day and or night that it is not night, but they don’t know that this is the twenty-first century and even the uneducated and ill-educated people also know such tricks which they are using to cheat the communities and individuals. Some people try to pretend that they are our friends and they act as if they are friends and they think that no one knows about their secret plans but they don’t know that everyone has one face and if someone is pretending to have two faces then he/she is called a double-faced character. If someone calls someone else as a brother and uses the pious word of brother for him in very big meetings in front of journalists and press media but secretly they sing agreements with the enemies of jour country, they give refuge to terrorists, they equip them with weapons and explosives and then they send them to our country for devastation and terrorist action and they train them how to fight and run. Such people or parties don’t know the meaning of brotherhood because under this pious name they create hypocrisy and they continue their existence somehow. They relate the Taliban to the Pashtoon tribe that this act from one had inflame the enmity among the Afghan tribes and on the other hand they want to get rid of responsibility of what they are doing with their double-range policies in the region. The Pakistani authorities tell the thief to steal and they tell the house lord to be cautious and not be slept. This is not sympathy or sharing with the grieves of others not responsibility in a joint combat of the international community. Today the international communities have lent hand one to another to swipe out terrorism from the world they have to our 30-years war stricken country to direct it towards civilization and rehabilitation, to ensure the security, to build schools in it and to torture the country with the lights of education but this is the extremely rudeness that certain so-called brothers on one hand are engaged in war against terrorism with the international community and lends hand to Afghanistan to secure our country but behind the curtains is increasing the security and is doing wrong deeds and is helping the terrorists, training the terrorists and sending them to our country for destruction of schools, clinics and hospital.
Basic action against terrorism and insecurity
translated by Hamid Stanikzai
Basic action against terrorism and insecurity Action against terrorism and administrative are the government obligations to take steps by the help of the international community and the Afghan people to ensure the everlasting wish of the people. Today, what are of great concerns for our nation is the increase of insecurity and continuation of bribery and administrative corruption and drug. Some the experts term the elements of insecurity as the continuation of corruption, bribery, kidnap, armed thefts and armed robberies in villages and districts. The other element is the continuation of terror and destructive activities in some provinces that the terrorists are trained outside the country, they are trained, armed and sent back to do the distructive actions and they escape back beyond the eastern provinces to Pakistan During the interim administration and transitional government although the non-implementation of law, bribery, grabbing and looting the public, individual and government properties existed but as we were at the beginning and we were hopeful the future to have a selective government, parliament and the Taliban were already defeated. But the people of Afghanistan selected a president with millions of Dollars help of America nad after a year there was the parliamentary elections, not only the bribery and administrative corruption and drug smuggling were not swiped out but they continued and increased. In addition, the enemy has become stronger, wrong deeds such as bribery, illegal works have doubled and even unidentified armed groups have been increased even in some noth-eastern cities that it raises question against the DAIAC activities in there. The experience shows that in the former time these elements also helped in strengthening the opposition of the governments in Afghanistan. In attention to the experience of passed five years and a with a glance to the historyof Afghanistan, the government should clarified from such elements.
The stance of Pakistan in combat against terrorism is clear
Translated by: H. Stanikzai
The stance of Pakistan in combat against terrorism is clear Mr. George W. Bush after meetings with the leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, eh termed the both leaders to be brave and he said that both of the countries had the similar stance in action against terrorism. According to reports from white house, the tripartite negotiation will be hold on Wednesday. After the talks with the white house officials, Musharaf disclosed that after the 11 September attacks Pakistan was threatened by America that if Pakistan don’t take part in war against terrorism will be bombarded. The message was sent by the deputy foreign minister of America. The experts believe that Pakistan has not been honest in combat against terrorism with the international community and Afghanistan and during the passed five years Pakistan has never played a serious role in action against terrorism. Any time Pakistan has wanted to take part in combat against terrorism in an artificial military operations it has always threatened the leaders of Pashtoon tribes to kill their freedom feelings. According to the released prisoners from Guantanamo tens of tribal Pashtoons who were captured only because having turban and beard and had been handed over to America that during the investigations it was proved that they have never been guilty and that they never had relations with Taliban and Al-Qaeida. The statements of Musharaf with the media based of the America threats to cooperate with the international community to combat against terrorism clarifies the rightful stance of Afghanistan and no doubt is remained that Pakistan was and is supporting the terrorism.
Islam rejects suicide attacks
Translated by: H. Stanikzai
The suicide attacks take place when the policy of a government or state proves to fail then it carries out suicide attacks that in the result mostly a large number of civilians lose lives. Suicide attacks started after world war two and spread in a short span of time everywhere. During the Taliban the phenomenon was imported to our country that in the result hundreds of people are killed. We wanted to have heard the opinion of the Islamic scholars and Islamic researchers. Mohammad Reza Zaki an instructor in Jame-aei Islam religious school and the member of the council of Shiiat scholars told about the history of suicide attacks: the suicide attacks used to be carry out in the countries of the region but was increase 50-60 years before the second world war till the unhumanitarian deed opened way to Afghanistan during the Russian invasion to Afghanistan but less cases occurred at that time. The suicide attacks are not legitimate in Islam, this is right that Islam has the issue of Jihad but when someone burst himself and he kill some others too is quite illegitimate in Islam. In my opinion the suicide attacks has been enhanced after the black era of Taliban and the coming of the westerns to Afghanistan. The Quraan says that “do not kill yourselves with your own hands, let others to react”. The religion of Islam rejects the suicide attacks, we also condemn these attacks in which a lot of sinless people die. A. Hamieed Mohammadi scholar and researcher of the holy Quraan told about the history of Islam: suicide attacks does not go long back, this a problem that in the recent years has been occurred especially was spread out to most parts of the world after the 11 September events. Suicide attacks are carried out by those who proclaim to be Muslims but in fact their practices are not like the others. The Islamic Sharia rejects suicide attacks and the phenomenon is oozing from Pakistan because this country does not want Afghanistan to be build and welfare.
The role of ISAF in rehabilitation
Translated by: H. Stanikzai
The role of ISAF in rehabilitation The stationed forces of ISAF in Farah have said that they will take part in the rehabilitation of the province. Before this ISAF had accomplished some rehabilitation projects and they have taken part in preparation of life facilities for Farah people, but the new promise of ISAF has a specific importance. As the terrorists were defeated in Kandahar and Helmand therefore the terrorist attacks and operations have been raised and meanwhile the ISAF forces declare their readiness to take an active in the rehabilitation of the province. These all shows that no kind of terrorist action can break the initiative of these forces and another point of importance is that the commander of ISAF in the province has declared that the rehabilitation activities will be extended to villages and this is what which is of great importance and the third important point is that in the work of rehabilitation consultation will take place with the elders and well-known personalities of the province. We welcome this initiative of ISAF forces in Farah province and we term it as an important step in the progress of this back warded and poor province. We propose that the stationed international forces should also follow up the initiative of ISAF forces in Farah and they should accomplish rehabilitation projects in their related areas. The experience of passed five years show that only military operations are not adequate in bringing peace and against the terrorism a large economic line should also be created as much as the people get rid of poverty and there are changes in their life the much the people will cut off with terrorism and they will join the national building process
Female prisoners are of great sympathy
translated by: H. Stanikzai
In the current month the civil society of women of the lower house and the president of the Human Rights commission visited the female section of Pol-e Charkhi jail. Saeima Khogyani the president of the lower house women society and the commission of human rights met with the women imprisoned in Pol-e Charkhi jail and she talked with the prisoners about the attitude of police and jail authorities and the practice of new jail regulation. A woman said that she was imprisoned since two years because she was accused of escape from house and her husband was also imprisoned because he is accused of making the attempt to kill his wife. Tens of women are imprisoned like me without any accusations, she hoped to be freed from the jail According to the commander of Pol-e Charkhi 500 women are imprisoned in the jail accused of different allegations and crimes. Sorrowfully, we should confess that that conditions of the jails are very bad and those accused of slight crimes once they are brought to the jail then for months and even for years the spend in the jail and no one review their case and they are waiting that if once any high ranking government convoy or Red Crescent representative once turn up to the jail and they are asked for their conditions. Or if they are forgave according to the decree of the president. We are really concerned about the prisoners especially the female prisoners. We that the files of these prisoners are revised and if their crimes are slight should freed. This is of a great grieve for us that a mother is going to the prison with her children and the children tolerate those bad conditions that the mother has accepted. From one hand there are no health services in the jail and on the other hand for their children the conditions are not tolerable for their children. The children need entertainment, healthy brought up and education that these facilities are not possible for children in the jail. We ask all the international institutions to help us in our jails for bringing corrections and reforms in it and professional training ground especially for women prisoners should be paved.
The nation is dissatisfied with the terrorism
Translated by: H. Stanikzai
The nation is dissatisfied with the terrorism NATO forces say that they clarified Zheri and Panjwaei district from Taliban and the two districts were going towards rehabilitation. The forces say that when a region is cleaned up from the presence of Taliban then the rehabilitation work is accelerated there such as the reconstruction of schools, clinics and roads construction and help with the farmers during collecting the crops these all are what that will bring the people and the government together and instead it will create hate against the terrorist for the people not to take position as fortress in the people’s houses. NATO says that it had asked for one million Euros from Germany to help the farmers and the displaced people that the money along with more millions of Dollars will be spent in there. But the people claim that during the NATO and Taliban fighting they bore sever damages and they were not given enough time to move from their houses. If we pay an attention to the current conditions, the international community have not done such things in Afghanistan that the Afghans expected, now the people of Afghanistan are unhappy with the attitudes of NATO and Americans that the main reason is the hard stance of foreigners against the Afghan culture or that they did not know about the culture in Afghanistan and or they did not take care of it. Therefore how can NATO come out successfully from problems in Afghanistan? this is the job of the religious scholars to explain to the people that what are roots of Jihad and that of corruption and that what things are obligatory in Jihad and in what conditions the Jihad is legitimate. If the roots of corruption is in the government it should be halted if the terrorists are trained then NATO should ruin the nests of terrorism where they are trained, armed and send for terrorist acts inside Afghanistan.
the commissions of the upper house searched some of the issues
Translated by: H. Stanikzai
the commissions of the upper house searched some of the issues some the commissions of the upper house held sessions yesterday. Under Saadullah Abuaman the commission of telecommunication and networks the context of the understanding was prepared according to which the Roshan and AWCC telecommunications companies can do their activities. The commission of constitutional and legislative research under Mahboba Hoqoqmal the regulation of crimes of children was discussed. The commission of disabled affairs discussed the preparation of the international day of blinds under Nafisa Sultani, under Dr. Zelmai the commission of complaints discussed the issue of the resolution of the agriculture development bank by the finance ministry with the representative of finance ministry Mirdad Panjsheri. Panjsheri said that the agriculture development bank with over 50 years experience and an investment of $ 7,7 million has the legal prestige and they concluded to discuss the subject with finance ministry. Under Mohammad Sarwari the commission of internal affairs discussed the security and the block of Manogai district road in Kunar province by ISAF and as commonly the reports of the commissions will be presented in the next session of the upper house.
Britain rejected the unfair situation of its forces in Afghanistan
hamid safi
London: the ground commander of Britain forces rejected the disclosing publication based on weak implementation of air strike in Afghanistan, and critical situation of stationed Britain forces in Afghanistan. The NATO commander with rejecting of the letter contents announced all the Britain army branches are in good shape in Afghanistan and they are doing great. The Britain news papers published the letter of an army Britain commander and it was writing about weak implementation of air strike of Britain army in Afghanistan and it was demonstrated on confirmed needs of helicopters and pressure on ground forces. In the litter he wrote that the air strike of Britain is completely useless in Afghanistan and the Britain soldiers who are stationed in Hilmand are under very deep pressure. He also announced that defence ministry prevent from publication of exact number of casualties and damages of Britain forces in Afghanistan. The commander of Britain army in divulging of not having information based on exact death of Britain army in Afghanistan said that the exact amount is available in defence ministry and in the next week the exact amount of casualties will be submitted to me. Publication of an criticism letter of a Britain commander based on Britain army forces stationed in Afghanistan took place in the time when the defence minister of Britain admitted the conflict between Taliban and Britain army forces are more difficult than we expected.
Five people were killed in Khost based on land inheritance
hamid safi
Khost: in Ismail Khel district of khost province five people were killed in a conflict for inheriting the land. According to the Khost authorities, include one women four others were killed and tow were injured and the injured people were carried to hospital for cure. Security forces besieged the incident area and they are looking for criminals. Mean while there is another news in Alisheer district that three doubtful people were arrested, it is said from them police discovered RPGs, Kalashnikovs, hand bombs, full loaded cartons of bullets, radios, and some other materials.
NATO rejected stationing of Indian forces in Afghanistan
hamid safi
The civilian spokesman of NATO in Afghanistan rejected the news that NATO asked India for army soliders to station in Afghanistan. The spokesman in a meeting with reporters on Sunday asserted none information based on the issue that NATO asked India to station its army forces in Afghanistan. He asserted about the issue of stationing NATO member counties forces in Afghanistan and said, presence of these forces have army and political aims and he emphasised, stationing NATO forces in Afghanistan have political method which show the protection of all member countries from that country. The foreign press recently announced that the head advisor of NATO asked India for securing the situation in Afghanistan must stationed its forces in Afghanistan. The afghan experts believe stationing the Indian army into Afghanistan will cause for more conflict in the region because of previews harshness of India and Pakistan. Pakistani president in his trip to Afghanistan announced that Kabul is anxious from presence of political representative’s offices of India in the provinces near Pakistani border. The amount of India representatives in Afghanistan are four consulates and one embassy. Kabul government announced that it will not give permission to any country to use Afghanistan territory for army attacks.
130 kilo grammas drugs discovered from Balkh province
hamid safi
The police deputy struggling again drugs of Balkh province said, the workers for struggling again drugs of Balkh province, 1300 kilo grammas discovered from Balkh province. In a meeting with reporters he said, on this issue tow people were arrested and after completing the file will be submitted to legal sources. He asserted that the drugs were expertly on the spot in a car, the criminals intended to carry our the drugs from north to the west, in the current year 68 hectors land were used for planting popes that according to united nations announcement 60 percent it increased this year. The amount of harvest production for this amount of plantation announced approximately 1200 tons.
The British army causalities are higher than official numbers
hamid saif
London: a commander of British forces in the west province said the casualties of Britain forces are higher than official numbers in Afghanistan. According to the reportage of Independent News papers, the assertion of a Britain commander in Afghanistan published in British news paper. He wrote, the amount of the deaths which announced is wrong and there is not point of decreasing the causalities. According to official amounts 36 Britain soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, mean while these amount were 4 four people in the year of 2001 to 2005. 19 Britain soldiers were killed in the current month in Afghanistan. The designers of army want to station Britain army in the real cities like stationing in Kabul, but the Britain army stationed in Hilmand since May and they targeted by Taliban attacks. On the other side the Britain news paper reported, based on warnings of army commanders about lack of effects of NATO forces for struggling against Taliban, Britain puts under analysis for stationing more troops in Afghanistan.
President of America started a fresh private diplomacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan
hamid safi
London: Washington post wrote about disclosing of warning to Pakistan for army attacks on behalf of America after 11th September. The president of America yesterday started an fresh new private diplomacy for the aim of fixing the conflict connections between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This American news paper in its analysis wrote this diplomacy took place mean while the Taliban attacks are establishing new challenges for the Afghanistan government which tries to calm to the situation in Iraq. The author of this analysis warned the president of America met Pakistani president in the white house and this meeting took place mean while there are lots of discussions exists on this issue that American government after 11th September, warned Pakistan for bombarding. In the continuation of this analysis it is wrote it is resolved that the president of America will meet Hamid Karzai on Tuesday. In one turning strategic of natural American president decision it is resolved that three presidents will eat dinner on Wednesday evening in white house and this is the thing that the advisors of white house counts that better affords for establishing a long period connection between tow confederate in the fight of America against terrorisms. Certainly the foreign experts also counted this meeting in the title of some factors of anxiety of American government rather increasing harshness in Afghanistan and increasing movement of Taliban in Afghanistan that took place only five years of losing control from power with attack on Afghanistan in the leadership of America. The deputy of Asia programme in the international group of crisis about this issue said, the problem is that Pakistani president proofs that unlikely that he is a confederate with out any desire. And gained many helps from America and in security issues doesn’t step back. But a democrat for international connection committee divulged faith that his opinion American government is on the movement for the way to fix for reliability on these tow presidents.. He explained Pakistani president and the president of Afghanistan need to recognize officially. They must stop attacks on each other. We are in the situation to lose Afghanistan for the second times. He also asked for more attention of America and confederates of that for these problems.
Afghanistan needs more money for renovations
hamid safi
Washington: the president of Afghanistan emphasised from the 11th September terrorist attacks up to now the leader of alqaeeda was not in Afghanistan. Associated press reported, that Hamid Karzai the president of republic of Afghanistan said, from the 11th September terrorists attack up to now the leader of alqaeeda Osama bin laden was not in Afghanistan. Karzai divulging of not having information about Osama hidden places and said after the attacks of 11th September Osama bin laden never was in Afghanistan. Karzai in an interview with CNN said probably he is in Pakistan. In a answering question based on information organizations of France which published Osama bin laden death cause typhus disease in French news paper said, I don’t have any accurate information for that. Karzai also asked for more money from world society for registrar of in Afghanistan and he added, Afghanistan needs more money for renovations. Karzai in answered a question based on the money that expend in Iraq it was better to expend in Afghanistan said, 300 milliard dollars; if that much money was giving to us at least one year we could live in paradise. We need extremely money for renovations.
The American generals asked for defense minister resolve
hamid safi
A group of retired American generals emphasised for defence minister to get discharge and announced, the American soldiers sent for fighting with out well equipment facilities and the reality of these fights also kept hidden from common opinions. According to the reports of associated press, an American general in assertions in a democratic political committee yesterday and announced, I am sure that the defence minister and others for the fear that they will lose their protection in the fight in Iraq, did not announced the reality of the fight. Another retired American general in an assertion in this committee, with statement that the defence minister took weak strategy and said, the defence minister and his group must discharged from their posts other wise we will have weak decisions based on fighting issues in the next tow years. These assertions took place six weeks before of seventh November election and it is possible that the fight issues will be the head affairs.
The American helicopters patrolled 4 hours in Wazirristan
hamid safi
Miranshah-reports: Taliban attacked on a collation camp near the Durand line yesterday with heavy weapons and then the American helicopters flew and killed fewWaziristan Taliban. Helicopters patrolled in the area for 4 hours and then the American helicopters landed in their basis. Pakistan news didn’t mention about the helicopters which were patrolling in Waziristan and it is mentionable the Pakistan recently signed a peace of agreement and according to Pakistani authorities on of the articles from that agreement is that Taliban won’t go to Afghanistan for missions from the Waziristan area. The world society paid attention on this issue and America invited the governor of border to answer the questions on the issue.
District of Tagab exposed under bombing
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Minister of provincial Shora and some of the Kapisa province people say that due to bombardment of American troop in Tagap district of Kapisa province, local people are suffered from causalities and damages. But American troop with approving attack of apposition on them, rejects bombardment and causalities on defenceless people. This bombardment last day after that took place that government apposition attack on provincial team of America and interior security guards in area of Qorghal district of Tagap that during that one employee national security of Kapisa wounded. Colonel Abdul Jalil Shamal chef of security commanderate of Kapisa province with expressing of above mentioned statement about probable causalities of apposition showed his unawareness and said to Pazwak afghan news agency that due to bombardment, just one child was wounded but Anayatullah Kochi minister of provincial Shora of Kapisa province says that bombardment terminating in killing of 17 years old girl and wounded three persons (one woman, one child and one man). Kochi said to Pezwak afghan news agency, that government is obligate to measure against appositions, but showed his condolence in killing and wounding of defenceless people and wanted from government and American forces till prevent from killing of local people. Ahmad Wali 30 years old man resident of area with approving of causalities and wounding to people said that people in result of this bombardment also terminated causalities. He claimant that also bombardment occurred on Anar Dara area district of Taqap and during that one child and one woman were wounded. But Sars Arman Abdul Wahab Kohandi one of the authorities of security commanderate of Tagap district with rejection of people causality said that government forces were rested under siege in area of Anar Dara from side of appositions and they wanted air help from American troop that bombardment terminated in escaping of appositions. With this condition American troop approved the attack of appositions on them in district of Tagap, Kapisa province but they rejects the bombardment and causalities on defenceless people. Hamid one of the interpreters of spokesman of provincial reconstruction team of America residence in Bagram said to Pazwak afghan news agency that yesterday apposition attack on PRT troops of America in Tagap district and just helicopters were securing the security of PRT solders.
Dead bodies of foreign Taliban carry to Pakistan
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Dead bodies of two Tajik and 5 Pakistani that killed in Afghanistan, last day carried to border area of Wana south Wazirestan. Abdul Bari Mahsood, one of the residents of Wana in one telephone contact said to Pazwak afghan news agency that dead bodies of these 7 bodies. Last night transferred from via of secret ways to south Wazirestan. He said that from the numbers of these people two bodies of that are Tajik decent and 5 other bodies are Pakistani that have been killed during last fighting between Taliban and government forces. Mahsood also said that one of these killed bodies recognized that his name is Faroq Shah and is resident of Dara Ghondi of Wana and last night berried. In saying of qualified, Farooq Shah 25 years old boy related to tribe of Ahmad Zai wazir and since one year fought with help of local Taliban against government and foreign forces in Afghanistan. One of the government authorities of Wana that prevented from mentioning his name said to Pazwak afghan news agency that from total of killed bodies four people of them were resident of Charsada area border state and their dead bodies have carried there. Also qualified said that the number of wounded Taliban also carried to Wana area of south Wazirestan and they have started investigation about. Zafer Khan, local reporter in Wana in one telephone contact said to Pazwak afghan news agency that two tajik decent killed bodies are buried in Wan. Is says that the numbers of Chechnya’s, Arabics, Uzbiks and Chinese also in support from Taliban entered in the area and fight against government and foreign forces in Afghanistan, it is said that last week also 5 dead bodies of Taliban carried to north Wazirestan that have killed in Afghanistan. Dead bodies of these people in condition carried to Meranshah that afghan authorities have said several times that that destructives come from other side of border to Afghanistan, and Pakistan authorities rejects this claims.
Other suicide attacker in Khost province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
After that one suicide attack occurred in during high way of Kabul, security commander says that one other suicide attack attacker, riding in car entered in the city. Two suicide attack that they were in corolla car in white color, environs of 10:00 o clock morning, 25th Sept in 12km of city in Ismail Khel district of Khost province, locate in during high way of Kabul, exploded their car. Wali Jan, chef of Asmailkhel district said to Pazwak afghan news agency that in this attack, just two suicide attacker were killed and no other people got injury. Press office of minister of interior affair says that caravan of government and coalition forces were crossing this area it guesses that they might mistakenly exploded their car. This source said that both suicide attackers became into pieces and can’t recognize their nationality. Press office in saying from General Ayoub security commander said that they have received report that one other suicide attacker that was to do suicide attack by his car, entered in Khost city. Security commander said that they in all areas and important ways of Khost city, replaced police, have started serious investigation till prevent from occurring other suicide attack. After Kandhar province, Kabul and Helmand. Khost is one of the provinces that a lot number of suicide attack take place in current month. 6 suicide attack took place during current year in Khost province, the last suicide attack in Tani district of Mentioned province took place during buried ceremony of Hakem Taniwal killed governor of Paktiya province that 6 people killed in result of that 60 other people were wounded. Mullah Dadullah, one famous commander of Taliban some days before said to press media that in limit of 500 bodies have ready for accomplish of suicide attack. In starting of year till now including suicide attack in Khost, 66 suicide attack took place in different areas of country.
One suspect killer captured
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Security commander of Kabul province, informed from capturing of person that accuse in killing that occurred late at night in Da Sabz district of mentioned province. General Alisha Paktiyawal, director of fighting against criminal crime security commanderate of Kabul said to Pazwak afghan news agency, that this killing took place by Kalashnikov in Da Saz villages of Da Saz district. Paktiyawal said, that police after one hour from killing captured the killer during fleeing , in saying of qualified, that still murderer is under investigation and primary investigation shows that murder took place in result of private enimity. Paktiwal also said that accused killer, came from Pakistan and the killed person is resident of his village. But accused killer didn’t show to reporters. District of Da Sabaz almost locates in 20km northeast of Kabul city. Especial police fighting against criminal crime security commanderate of Kabul, last night also captured one person that accused in killing of 1 person and making injured of 3 person in area of second division of city.
Hamid Karzai: Bin Laden is not in Afghanistan
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan says that Osama Bin Laden is not in Afghanistan and he without of this to say about location of Osama Bin Laden Leader of Alqaida said, and location is unknown certainly before have seen in Pakistan. Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan with night news program of CNN network said: he after 11th Sept left Afghanistan and didn’t return again and we out his network from Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai republic minister in relation with probably dead of Osama Bin Ladin in Pakistan said that his government about this doesn’t have any reliable news in his disposal. Subject of probably place of Mullah Omer leader of Taliban and Osama Bin Laden Leader of Alqaida cause rapid discussion between republic ministers of Afghanistan and Afghanistan that both of them in sixty first margin sessions, public sessions of united nation spent much of their time in a critisim on each other. Some days before one France newspaper in a saying from intelligence source of Saudi Arabia has announced that Osama Bin Laden has killed due to Typhus sickness which he had but after governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and America expressed their unawareness about this statement.
One provincial Shora member of Ghazni province beat
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Ali Yawar Hosain Zada, one of the provincial Shora member of Ghazni province last day afternoon, was beaten by police. Hosain Zada said, that last day, he was in moving from provincial Shora toward quest house that was stopped by some unknown persons. He said to Pajhwok afghan news agency, that after some moment one police car came and rest qualified under beating. Hosaid Zada said that first one white colour colrolla stopped near me and after two men forcefully got me in the car that in this time one police car came as well and started beating me, he said that they may have intention of his kidnapping but in saying of qualified, didn’t success to this kidnapping and people and shopkeepers reach to place of accident that after captured four person in accusation of case. Wakel Kamyab, security director of Ghazni security commanderate province says that these police are people of reserve division commanderate and right now handed over for investigation to authorities of fighting against criminal crime. All members of provincial Shora desirous of complete investigation of case and say that this is the 3rd time that provincial Shora member treats. Engineer Marzia, director of provincial Shora of Ghazni province says that for safeing rights of provincial Shora members also will talk to high authorities.
The crises of the youth
A. H. Stanikzai
Firstly, in simple word we can say that the youth organizes the main part of the community that with the power of youth ability, cheeriness, freshness, brevity and initiative, they can change or they can be changed. Therefore the youth is the part of the community with a new vision and they look at the life and realities by a new perspective which is combined with new experience and a new horizon that this issue is of great importance and a fundamental one that an attention should be paid to the kind of ability of the youth and their role in social, political and cultural. Sorrowfully, there are less opportunities and ground paved to the youth to perform their abilities and always this sect of the society has been used as a force tool to get the power whether in politics, in economy and or in military. The youths themselves have been used to suppress the youths, the society, the government, the family, the guide and the instructor has always addressed the youths to be obedient and there has always been propagations to the youth to follow the thoughts of the ruling regime and the youths have had less ability to specify their stance in the society and to fund a bed for their recognition. Therefore, in order the youths to be recognized and to prove their place in the society it requires that the youths perform themselves and they should be prepared for that. This is not possible unless there is a fundamental change of thoughts and their psychological structure should be studied and in this field there are less researches and acknowledgements are there in the society therefore the youth are in crises regarding the foundemantal issues of their personalities and identities and in the lack of these the personalities of youths are considered to be deficient that the specifications are as the following: First speciality, been different: In fact the youths live differently from others in the society and they want to be the selectors in all fields such as way of thoughts, believe, choice, interests obedience and rejection and they want to have freedom and to experience and then to judge about the results. They want to find out why things are good by others’ thoughts? And they want act independently and the have the favour to think indifferently from others and then they experience what they had thought of. For the youth things are not defined the life of everyone is experience and thoughts. The youth having the brevity and extreme power can go forward by on any way they want, they can cross the border and change. Second speciality, not being in need and independent: The youth is eager to handle all the life issues and their responsibilities and want to act in lawful society of his/her own and also accepts all responsibilities of deeds and they want to act as an independent and needless character in his/her responsibilities and by their opinions this independency and needlessness very rational to them that this method in confrontation with life and realities and independence in experiences and judgements, moderateness and respect and facility to choose occupation all help the youths and their methods they have in life. As the youths are eager to be independent they need others to act as advisors in their life. Third speciality, freedom of thoughts and action: The freedom of thought and action is a significant and vital need, without freedom the life is impossible, therefore, in order that the youths are able to act responsibly and independently and for away from the violence of others, think of freedom is the first need in all aspects of life for the youth. In order to experience that such and such action is good or this and that thought or way of thought is wrong, it is a need for each youth to think, reason and experience. Therefore there are people who have the favour of being interested in variety, people who acts as the most of the masses act, experiences, values and thoughts of different types, that we can say that the membs of this community has the capacity of correspondence with those who think differently so undoubtedly they would have the ability of action against any events. Fourth speciality, looking to the future and being hopeful: The youth as they are young they study, learn and work to get salary and deposit wealth and they experience and they endeavour to get success in future, the history and passed time is not life for the youth because there is no freshness in them for the youth but the history is the start point of future for the youth, the world in which the youths are living in a quite new world.
One police officer killed with his bodyguard
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Due to explosion of one planted mine in near the road in district of Nadir Shah Kod of Khost province, one border police officer and one police killed. General Khalil, director of border police of mentioned province said to Pajwak afghan news agency that this explosion occurred at 2 o clock afternoon in during high way of Kabul-Khost in near of Pool Sayed Khel. He said that explosion took place on one border police car by remote control that in the result one border police officer killed and 8 border police were killed. In saying of Jeneral Khalel, car of police also completely damaged carried wounded police to Khost province hospital. Dr. Amen Shah Badsha Mangal, public health minister of Khost province said to Pajwak afghan news agency that brought up two dead bodies and 8 wounded to there. He said the health condition of three wounded police is bad and transferred them to coalition forces hospital in Khost province. Dr. Mangal said, that health conditioin of other wounded men are better. This explosion morning in a time occurred that in this way, one suicide attack also occurred that in saying of local authorities, two suicide attacker in one car have killed; but eye witnesses say that two American solders also wounded in this attack.
What will be discontinuation between Pakistan and tribal heads of Wazirestan
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Afghanistan is waiting for result of discontinuation, that finally signed between Pakistan government and tribal heads and fundamentalists. Above mentioned said by Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan in a interview with CNN network and announced that contemporaneous balance of harshness in Afghanistan has gone high and we are waiting and see that does this discontinuation that kind which was singed will be in one place or not. Also republic Islamic minister Hamid Karzai said to Network of N.B.C if world desirous of finishing of terrorism. Have to access to main cause of this problem. Hamid Karzai added, when I said let’s go to main source, it mean where terrorism exercises materials and money give to them and in a place that instigation to killing of Afghanistan and coalition forces, Doctors and Engineers.
Taliban: Osama Bin Laden is Alive
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Haji Mohammad Haneef spokesman of Taliban in a negotiation with IFP reporter have said that Leader of Alqaida Osama Bin Laden is alive. He says” although due to fighting condition we are not in strightly in contact with Bin Laden but his friends is in contact with us and from safety of Bin Laden deploy contradictory news. Source of white house in Washington and Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan denial this news. But Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan says in time which this news is right it will be benefit for peace and serenity of area.
Parliament, as point of hope for people is going to be shut
A. H. Stanikza note: first and second articles are taken from Negah-e Rooz weekly!
Parliament, as point of hope for people is going to be shut Those who released the slogans of nationa-building and they have adopted the slogans instead of actions and they frequently said that if you vote to us we will for the country and change your life and at last the parliamentary elections begin by the help of the international community and the presence of people was pale in comparing to the presidential elections in which approximately 90% of people participated despite the fact about 55%-60% people took part in parliamentary elections and they vote for their favourite candidate. The people hoped that according to their promises the candidates had before the election they would work for the people and country after a long time the third dynamic of the government (parliament) was organized and the people met the expectation of the organization of parliament. But their expectation to from this pillar of the government to correct the government, the legislatives, combat against administrative corruption, administrative reforms and the most important to extend the power of the government to all over the country were all the issues in the work agenda of the parliament. Sorrowfully, the parliament in its first examiniation to the people showed, during the voting for the candidate ministers of the Islamic state two of the proposed minister could not bring remarkable votes for the post of ministry in the result the representatives of the parliament divided into two part and then the subject was submitted to the president that it did not relate to president. The president referred the subject to the court and then a decision was made in favour of the government. Some of the parliament representatives showed sensitivity against some of the public media and that the media is the only bridge between the government and the people, their sensitivity was specifically expressed against the private Tolo TV channel that the law of media had issued the licence of activities to it. Few times, some pictures were released that some of the parliament members were busy doing some entertainments such as playing with pens, watches may be because they did not know about the subject or they did not have anything to say and some were slept. Then the photographer was made to go out of the parliament and the action of the representative was condemned by the private journalist unions. Now. There are reports that the most of the house members are mostly absent and this is in a situation that the security situation is going to be worse day by day. In this critical span of time the house members should think about the county and security not their private and personal life. If we compare the slogans and the campaign of the representatives during the elections and the situation presently there is much difference
Mosharaf: We should realize the different between Pushtons and Taliban
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
General Parwiz Mosharaf republic Islamic minister of Pakistan says that this hearsay is basically without basis that due to that title Quetta generally head quarter centre of Taliban. Republic minister of Pakistan expressed this statement in New York during ceremony of presenting his book under title of “line of fire” that is fresh came to Bazar and resolve in disposal of readers. Parwiz Mosharaf said meantime of his speaking we should realize the differentiate between Taliban and Pashtoon if all Pashtoon aupport from Taliban a vast fighting will be occur and in that condition will change to a public resistance. Republic minister of Pakistan once again denial that his government support from Taliban he said that we have no kind of apposition with government of Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan.
Do the wars, insecurities in some regions of the country have ethnical or Islamic aspects?
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Does General Parwez Musharaf the president of the Islamic republic government of Pakistan declared the insecurities, instabilities and war in some regions of this country specially in the south and east of the country emerge from the Pashtoon tribes movement whom live in the borders of the country in 14th of September in his discourse in Brussels in the gathering of members of foreign relations commission of united nation of Europe parliament in the mentioned country, and does he read all the members and the tribesmen of Pashtoons who live in this side and that side of the borders of this country as the follower of Taliban and opponents of the government means that the tribes who live in joint borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan and this side of border depend to this country and that side of border depend to Pakistan? So the mentioned assertion of Musharaf the president of Pakistan envisaged to a sever reaction of some political and social personalities mean political and social experts, to the reaction of the formed circles of Pashtoons of this country and some political and social and cultural factions and groups of Pakistan and also to the reaction of some Pashtoon followers faction in this region means that the action or assertions of Musharaf the president of the Islamic republic government of Pakistan envisaged to a crucial and sever and serious reaction of the mentioned sections and factions and tribes of this country and the mentioned region and sections and factions of Pakistan country and the mentioned people condemned the assertions of the mentioned president and the mentioned groups and factions greet this kind of assertions of the mentioned president as a quite wrong, with out any base means that the mentioned president don’t have the ability to prove what he asserted, far from the fact means that the mentioned assertions of this president is far from the social and political facts in the society and this is an accusation on the mentioned tribes that the mentioned president accused them as the followers of Taliban and opponents of government in his speeches, is inefficient means that the mentioned assertions of this president is quite inefficient means that this was like this that just there was an assertions from him neither this assertions have prove nor he cant prove them, and the mentioned groups read the assertions of him and menace full speeches and s said that the mentioned assertions of him cause that the crisis will be aggravated in this region means that terrorist, Taliban and the opponents of the government utilize from this opportunity and they will aggravate their activities, operations and suicide attacks in this region, like wise the mentioned groups of both country greet the assertions as big menace and despite for the elders and other members of Pashtoon tribes in this region. This kind of assertions of Musharaf the president of the Islamic republic government of Pakistan asserted in the situation in Brussels that he had wanted to introduce himself as the opposite person of crisis, war and terrorist operation in the region about three days before his assertions in the mentioned country which he had to Kabul and showed his faith and decision in the field of annihilation wars and operations from the region means straggling against terrorist in this region for his Afghani counter part means Hamed Karzai the president of the government of Afghanistan, in despite that some national and international political and social experts see to the speeches and assertions of the mentioned president with a doubt full eyes means that the mentioned people in the region and the world didn’t trust on the assertions of this president which he asserted in Kabul but the mentioned persons greet the trip of this president to Kabul and his acknowledges about the attend or existence of Taliban, terrorists, the groups who sabotage the country, armed groups, opponents of government groups in Pakistan and his acknowledge about the theme that these groups enter from the side of Pakistan and dismantle sabotage acts and terrorist operations in this country means Afghanistan as a well assertions means that the assertions and acknowledges that this president had in the mentioned fields was good and well assertion from the stance of political experts and they were in the prospect to see some scars from the promises of this president which gave in the mentioned field in pragmatic battle means that the mentioned groups were in the prospect that Musharaf will materialize his promises and decision which he gave and take in the mentioned field but unfortunately that contrary they found the news of the shock full assertions of Musharaf in Brussels from the international news. Like wise that it mentioned in the last publication of this news agency that there is double dealing in Pakistan means that in the policy of this country there is double dealing because the formal assertions of Pakistan government about the current situation of Afghanistan precede in other process and the acts of ISI in Pakistan is in another process means that the government of Pakistan assert something else about the situation of Afghanistan and straggling against Taliban and opponents of government in this country but the acts of ISI is some thing else in this field this is the time that the government of Pakistan speak about the annihilation of terrorist from this country but ISI invigorate them and pave the way for their destructive operations in Afghanistan, even some of the harsh groups and faction of Pakistan who have relation with Taliban and terrorists are the same idea with the ISI section of Pakistan means that they accord with the ISI section of this country and have same idea with ISI about the current situation of Afghanistan which the member of the mentioned faction in this country entered to Taliban and terrorist groups and they wage or participate to the destructive operations and terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and they enter to this land based in the target to homicide and do destructive operations and terrorist attacks in this country and they are fond to take the live of innocent people in this country. So based on the mentioned themes we can prove that president Musharaf didn’t observe transparency and faithfully in his speeches in the field of the current situation of Afghanistan and he wasn’t faithful in his promises in the mentioned field he wont be faithful in his promises in this field for Afghanistan or he doesn’t have sovereignty on his local government and state of Pakistan, from other side the last destructive, un base, and un properly assertions of Musharaf president of Pakistan in Brussels approach or even grafts the guesses and thoughts that some of eh people had about the assertions of Pakistani leaders in the field of straggling against terrorists in this country means that the people of both countries and the international community guessed that the assertions of the leaders of Pakistan are wrong and lie in the field of straggling against terrorist in the region and the last assertions of their president proved that the guesses of the people and the international community were right and also the mentioned assertions of this president prove this theme that the president of this country will expose to the menace and repression of ISI officials and some session and harsh groups of Pakistan. From other side the armed groups of Taliban and terrorist and opponents of Afghanistan government and some harsh and extremist groups claim in Pakistan that If Afghanistan were colonized by the international force led-US means that the mentioned groups in Pakistan claim that Afghanistan has been colonized from international force led-US and the Islamic and religious corruption increased in this country and they think that the holly war should start in this country. According to the assertion of the present witnesses, some of the ISI high ranks disguised and they fashioned them selves in the cloth of Taliban and they have roam in the religious and Islamic schools of this country and the preach for the students who are from Afghanistan and they study in the mentioned schools and they say for them that foreign troops and pagan force and power are magistrate in your country means in Afghanistan and the holly war is in bind on you, even the mentioned persons and leaders of ISI cry and yell and say that students! Afghanistan need you to share of holly war in this country means that Afghanistan need for holly war and they invite the students of the mentioned schools for holly war in this country an they say for them that lets jointly starts holly war in Afghanistan because hostiles and pagans colonized you country means Afghanistan. Flagrantly we can say that the officials and the members of ISI form about more than 50% of armed Taliban and terrorist and opponents of this country government and the rest part of them are those criminals who escaped from the other countries and some of them are those Afghans who deceived in the destructive preaches of them. The fact of this command is this that yesterday, today and many years the hostiles of security, stability, uplift, improvement and development don’t want Afghanistan to be a secure, improved, developed, stable, peaceful, united and uplifted based on some of the theme that are absurd and there are some problems among the mentioned person and Afghanistan that they couldn’t be able to find a good and fair solving way for them and they are so concern about the solving ways of them so they don’t want Afghanistan to be in the rang of other developed countries of the world by the accomplishing of such terrorist acts and operations means that the historic hostiles of this country invigorate the terrorist and Taliban and opponents of the government against Afghanistan based on the target that Afghanistan wont be able to improve and develop and will be in the rang of improved countries of the world, so the based on this pretext they have started the destructive and terrorist operations in this country and they bared their feet for the destruction of this country and they committed each kinds of crimes and guilt in this country and they didn’t spare each kind of crime and harsh acts before our country and the people of this country, because they oath that the should hinder the reconstruction, improvement, uplift, security, stability and peace in this country and create a deterrent in the way of the mentioned aspirations if this country and the people of this country. so based on this agent from one side they dismantled preaches against the attend of the international security assistant means ISAF and international coalition force and NATO in this country and they want to cross the minds of the people from the mentioned force and they want to menace the faith of the people of this country and those Afghans who live in abroad against the attend of the mentioned international force in this country and from other side they try to weak the spirit of the international community in the active attend of them in the reconstruction, rehabilitation, peace, security, and stability of this country by the sending of sabotage terrorist, Taliban and suicide bombers for the sabotage and destruction to this country means that they send misled Taliban and terrorist for sabotage and destruction to Afghanistan from the borders of this country to they will be able to debilitate the spirit of the international community in the field of their active attend in the improvement and reconstruction of this country and they want to hinder the social, military, political, sanitation, instructive activities of the international community in this country. So the martyr and Muslim and faithful nation of this country by the heed to the destructive acts and operations of the hostiles of this nation they wont let the hostiles of this nation to reach to their ominous and sinister targets which they have on this country which one of the most dangerous collusion of the hostile of this country is the tribal and ethnical and language bigotries which they create in this country which unfortunately Musharaf the president of the Islamic republic government of Pakistan drafted this theme in his recent discourse and the second conspiracy of the hostiles of this country is the conspiracy of hostile, live, honour, and country and they dismantle the theme of Islam and pagan in this country which the harsh factions and the groups of Pakistan want to materialize their ominous and sinister targets and wishes by the way of the mentioned preaches and they want to menace the mind of the people against the mentioned themes and propel them toward holly war in this country and on that time they would be able to accomplish of materialize their targets in this country which most of them are destructive targets of them in this country and by these ways they want to expose our country again to the disaster, backwardness, destruction, without dispensation and at last insecure and instable.
Parliamentary groups are organizations that think about big objectives
A. H. Stanikzai note taken from Negah-e Rooz
Parliamentary groups are organizations that think about big objectives Hereby, now the parliament of Afghanistan has three groups called Isteqlal-e Millie, Nezarat-e Millie and Taraqi Khwah. After the parliament was organized and during its one year experience till a month before, all stances and positions were taken by the representative due to tribal, political, sectarian and…. Desires that still are continuing somehow. In each country, the parliaments are formed from one or many political fractions that while the parliament assists the government in some important issues through voting. The decisions are mostly taken based on the needs and national interests. Political desire is the first choice of a member of the house. The political desire of someone who has been candidate by a political party or has been selected individually is a question that creates the need of forming such fractions in the house As commonly, the parliamentary groups are called as parliamentary fractions that they collaborate on a specific issue, by putting aside all partial and small advantages and they have the same opinions over an issue such as independence, the rule of law, progress, to consolidate the values of the civil society. Parliamentary fractions exist in all parliaments of the countries of the world that each fraction is organized according to agreements to propagate the main issues. During this month three fractions were within short span of time were organized that the representative of each fraction will discuss issues for which the group was organized for.
do Musharaf and Bush give the security of Afghanistan to Karzai
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Again the prospect eye about more than millions Afghans and the people and the resident of this country is in the result of trip of Hamed Karzai the president of the Islamic republic government of Afghanistan to Washington and his attend in the tripartite session which holds among Bush the president of America and Musharaf the president of Pakistan and Hamed Karzai the president of Afghanistan in the mentioned country means that the people of this country prospect for the result of the mentioned session of them and the people of this country prospect and wait that can white house rescue the security, stability, peace, sovereignty, independence, legitimate and current situation of Afghanistan from the invasion and aggression Pakistan by the utilizing of the unique power which it has in the region And by quite inspiration we wish that George W Bush the president of America will realize the agony, desperation, helplessness and suffer of the people of this country and wish or want from General Parwez Musharaf the president of Pakistan to leave this country that they will be able to live in a secure situation of live and leave the children of this country to study and complete their education in this country means that leave us to find the opportunity to make a good and useful education system for the children of this country and don’t ignite the schools of this country that the futures of this country means children would be able to get education in their country, leave us to treat our ills of this country in this country means that leave us to improve the health services in this country up to the time that the ills of this country can be treated in this country in the time that right now most of these ills appeal to foreign countries for their treatment and leave us to live far from the gloom of gun like other countries means that leave us to improve our country and put this country in the rang of other countries of the world. But does white house sensate and realize the grief of the families of those martyrs who killed in the war of Panjway which has been done among the national army and the international coalition force stationed in this country and opponents of the government of this country? Can Musharaf sensate or touch the disasters which create in the track of suicide attacks in this country? Hamed Karzai isn’t the first leader or president of this country which have hope in the skirt of American and Pakistan leaders means that this isn’t the first president of this country that is hopeful from the leaders of America and Pakistan or rescue this country by the hope from the leaders of America and Pakistan but about more than thirty years before today Mohammad Dawood Khan the former president of this country wanted from Washington that it shouldn’t pave the way of disaster and insecurity in Afghanistan means that the mentioned former president of this country wished and wanted from America to pave the way of security and stability in this country and hinder from disaster in the mentioned country, that the Russia people wouldn’t be able to make Witname from this country as well means that Witname is a country which was the best follower Russia country on that time and Russia colonized that country so based on this the government of this country means Afghanistan didn’t want to be under the colony of Russia invasion and didn’t want to be the followers of this country so in this case the government of this country wanted help from Washington to cooperate this country in the mentioned field. But the political experts of the mentioned country preferred this theme that they should back track the mockery of Russia in Witname by the tears and suffer of this country people means that Russia country mocked America in Witname in the past times so this country was in the prospect to find an opportunity to avenge one self means back track the mockery of Russia to it self so based on this agent while Afghanistan wanted from this country so she found the opportunity and back tracked the mockery of Russia by the way of this country. Dr. Najeebullah the former president of this country had been entreated many times to Washington and Pakistan and wanted from them that they shouldn’t pave the way that foreign server and band servers find the opportunity to be magistrate on the dispensation of the people of this country, so we can say that where were the Washington which its ceremony was held in socialist jubilees and where Afghanistan that the smile of bullet and gun powder could be smile from the roads of this country means that the living situation and security situation and the country surface of Washington and Afghanistan was quite different from each other. What does Washington and Pakistan did in the time that, when the people of this country roam in their region the heads had been cut by the swards and stick hit in their heads and despotism got all the regions of this country means that despotism was magistrate in this country and the foreign intervention was profound in the interior affairs of this country, this was the time that racial killing had been started in Yakawlang, in the time that thousand people were killed in Dasht-e laily, in the time that natural killing has been started in north of the country, and when they chipped the innocent idols in Bamyan, and the time that hit the women by lash and exposed them to the server chain mean made them like servers of the men, means that what do Pakistan and Washington did in the time that there was Taliban regime in this country. Unfortunately as we urbanized to the traditions and rates of war and harshness that we annihilated and deleted all the solving ways of the problems from the way of peace, compromise and other ways means that we got habit with war and we never want something to be solved from the way of peace, compromise, negotiation and other solving ways in our live and always we want to fight with each other. We are hopeful that Musharaf and Bush appoint the dispensation of security, peace and stability in our nation because of this that we don’t have trust on our selves and on the government of this country, and we don’t have the trust on our selves to be preserve of national and general safety in this country. Nations take the decision of wat and peace in their country and in the limit circle of their nation, so which kind of unlucky we are that with out us all the people of the world have hand in the appointing of our dispensation in the country. Undoubtedly the white house and palace of George bush president of America and Musharaf the president of Pakistan will say to Hamed Karzai the president of Afghanistan that they will try for the du[lying of peace, security and stability of Afghanistan. The assertions that have been asserted many times within four past years in this country means that they are the pledges that the mentioned two president of two mentioned countries have been given to the president of this country many times for the president and the nation of this country. By full trust we can say that up to the time that we don’t create the quality to will be able to assume peace and approve security and stability in the country and don’t become trustable on the mentioned phenomena and don’t find the ability to assume that we want to live in a society with out harshness and war , insecurity and instability and we want improvement and uplift and security and stability and peace in our country up to that time, neither Bush president of America can supply security, stability and peace in our country nor Musharaf the president of Pakistan in this country.
NATO and Taliban and different claims about causalities.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
NATO and Taliban and the opponents of the government have the claim that they imposed heavy causalities for each other in their operations and war with each other which they have done in Uruzgan. It mentioned in a declaration that declared and attached to Pajwak Afghan news agency from the side of the press office NATO force in 26th of September that the combat in the mentioned province while occurred that Taliban and opponents of government attacked on the bases of Afghan national army and NATO force stationed in Dahroy district of the mentioned province with light guns which they had in their hands. It mentioned in this declaration that they took cooperation from their air force in this combat and in the consequence about 20 pugnacious members of Taliban and opponents of the government killed. According to the information of this declaration, about two NATO soldier and about more than seven soldiers from Afghan national army injured in the track of this combat. Declaration declared that the sanitation situation of injuries is good.
Will NATO come out successfully from the issue of insecurity in Afghanistan?
A. H. Stanikzai note: taken from Negah-e Rooz
Will NATO come out successfully from the issue of insecurity in Afghanistan? Now, the commanders of NATO in Afghanistan have come to conclusion that they are facing a big challenge. NATO mission is the first of its kind out of Europe. The success or failure of this organization in Afghanistan is related to the possibilities and policies of it regarding the security situation in Afghanistan and the needs of this society. The main question that lays in front of NATO is that what will be the elements of success for this organization to come out successfully from Afghanistan? General James Jonse the commander of NATO said some time before that, NATO forces are less from what could be needed and he called for more NATO forces to be sent to Afghanistan. therefore no NATO member countries except Holland showed readiness to send troops to Afghanistan in the south few provinces are out of control of the government. And this NATO only be encircled by the Taliban. The security situation of the country is worse than what the NATO authorities had predicted and to come out successfully from Afghan dispute has created a worry in the leadership of this organization. As is felt, the NATO member countries are not happy for their presence in Afghanistan and the only reason for the presence of this organization in Afghanistan is those promises that the leadership of NATO has given for the rehabilitation and ensuring the security in this country. And the only reason that the NATO member countries don’t want to send more forces to Afghanistan is that they don’t want their forces to be caught in the dispute. The action of the NATO member countries show that they are not hopeful for the continuation of activities of NATO in here. If the NATO member countries continue their stance not to sent more forces and equipments to Afghanistan, NATO will have less chance to come up successfully from Afghanstan.
Barbarized Taliban waged to crimes again
Translated by Abdul Hassib
One heavy explosion occurred in the road cross of provincial head quarter of Helmand province yesterday which has been done by Taliban and opponents of the central government. Based on the assertions of present witness in this incident most of civilian killed in the track of the mentioned incident in this region. The press office of the interior affairs of the country said to medias of the country yesterday,” the mentioned incident has been occurred in road cross of provincial head quarter of this province. This office of this ministry added,” the other details in the field of this incident will declare in the future by this office. But obaidullah one of the person who was present while this incident happened means present witness of this incident said to Pajwak Afghan news agency,” the mentioned incident occurred in the road cross where the presidency of Haj and consecration located in and there is a mosque as well in the mentioned road cross. He added,” there are injuries and kills in all around of this region and the national army, national police and foreign troops don’t let some one to reach to the venue of the mentioned incident. Based on the assertions of him,” most of the people came for the offering of their proposals for going to Haj in this year in the mentioned presidency and it is possible that majority part of the persons who killed in the track of this incident would be from the mentioned amount of the people in this region. Other details about this incident will declare in the future. Some the political experts of this region says,” the barbarian groups of Taliban and opponents of government wage to such action and operations based on the command of ISI of Pakistan means that these action originate from Pakistan and the acts of these groups shows that by no means they observe the religious rates or they don’t respect them and they wage to each kind of crime and acts based on the target to alienate the security and stability in this country.
The educational documents of those ministers that have not been reached to the parliament, should go aside from the ministries
A. H. Stanikzai
The educational documents of those ministers that have not been reached to the parliament, should go aside from the ministries Some of the representatives of the parliament in an interview with Cheragh said that according to the determination of the house those ministers who did not presented their educational documents during the confidential voting they had to send their documents to the ministry of higher education for evaluation within two months but nearly a month has been passed from the expiration of the specified period the educational documents of five ministers such as Urban Rehabilitation, finance, interior, foreign and education ministry. Mr. Moien Marastial the member of education and higher studies commission of the lower house said: if with 2-3 days the documents of these five ministers do not come we will offer the issue to the general assembly of the house because they work in the minister posts against the law and I think that they should resign or leave the ministers’ post. About the double-citizenship and educational documents issues of the ministers Mr. S. M. Rahim Oghalai the secretary of the house says that: the ministers should send their educational documents to the house and if they did not, their votes will be spoiled after the specified period is expired. A representative of the parliament told Cheragh that if the five ministers do not offer their documents we have collected 14 signatures to take the issue to the general assembly of the house. This is to be noted here that the issues of double-citizenship and educational documents caused a lot of arguments in the parliament during issuing confidential votes to the ministers and then in the result of a decision by the representative this group of ministers was given time to bring the documents within two months.
One suicide bomber exploded among friends
Translated by Abdul Hassib
One suicide bomber exploded among about more than six persons of his friend before he arrives to the point that was their target in Yousuf Khil district of Paktia province which the mentioned seven persons killed. Lieutenant colonel Abdul Baqi Nuristani the leader and the commander of the national police of the mentioned region said to Pajwak Afghan news agency yesterday,” the mentioned incident occurred in Jarkanay region of the mentioned district in this province. He added,” about seven armed members of Taliban and opponents of government killed in the track of one explosion which has been done by one of them means that from the amount of the mentioned seven persons one of them places explosive goads in his body and wanted to attack on governmental and foreign troops stationed in the mentioned region but fortunately that the explosive goads exploded before the time to reach to the target point of this region. According to the information of him,” the killed person and their arms are still in the scene of this incident in this region. One suicide bomber exploded his self in the Barmal district of this province in 20th of last month based in the fear that the national police of this region would be able to arrest him and he killed in the track of the mentioned explosion. One suicide attack occurred in Khost province as well last day morning that according to the primary information about this incident just the suicide bomber killed in the track of the mentioned incident in this province. The amount of the suicide attack has been reached to about more than 67 suicide attack including the mentioned attack in the current year in this country. the rang of the suicide attacks while increased in this country that the minister’s soviet of the country read the situation of security and stability as a satisfactory situation in this country last day.
One explosion of mine killed one NATO soldier and one Afghan child in Char Asyab region of Kabul city.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
About one Italy soldier led-NATO force and one afghan child lost their live means killed in the track of explosion of one mine which has been place under one small bridge in the mentioned region of Kabul city from Taliban and opponents of government in this region. This incident which occurred in around 9:30 of yesterday morning was controlling from a far way and about more than five NATO soldiers and five innocent Afghans injured in the track of the mentioned incident in this region. One spokesperson of NATO force from the press office of NATO force in Kabul said,” this incident while occurred that one NATO convoy was in patrolling in the mentioned region and the mentioned convoy of NATO force exposed to the target of this incident. According to other news, the straggling against terrorist office of interior ministry arrested about more than one mine of anti human, one mine of anti vehicle, two RPG rockets, about more than 45m second consumer lines (is a kind of line which ignite second by second and they use them in suicide attacks) which have been place for a suicide attack in Ozbin region depend to Surobi district of Kabul province in around 7 ‘o clock of yesterday morning. Mr Tajuddin the chief of the press office of the straggling against terrorism office of interior ministry said to Pajwak Afghan news agency yesterday,” no one arrested in accusation of this case and national police of this region started investigation and inquiry in this field.
In 18 mosques of Kabul city the ground has been paved for women to pray in the mosques
A. H. Stanikzai
In 18 mosques of Kabul city the ground has been paved for women to pray in the mosques The authorities of Haj pilgrimage says that in 18 congragational mosques of Kabul city ground has been paved for women to take part in congregational five times praying during the fasting month of Ramadhan. M. Sharif araobati the president of press of the ministry told Bkhtar News Agency, the ministry has paved ground for the pious women to do their praying in the mosques during the Ramadhan and get blessing. He added that the basic preparation have been done to ease the conditions in mosque for women. The mosques are such as Khaja Abdulah Ansari, Haji Mohammad Dad, Hazrat-e Uthman, Hazrat-e Ali, Imam-e Azam, Quba, Wazir Akbar Khan, Milad Alnabi, Haji Mir Ahmad, Nabawi, Ghawsulazam, Noorulhuda Kart-e Mamorin, Hazrat-e Yousof, Jamhoriat, a. Rahim Shakeri and Shams-e Tebrizi mosques.
Insecurity is the agent of slow returning of refugees in the country
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Insecurity, idleness and lake of houses read as the best problems of returnees and refugees in the country. The international refugees organization in Afghanistan declared,” the returning of Afghan refugees from the neighbouring countries decreased about more than 40% this year than other years in the country. According to the survey that the officials this organization did they declared and titled the insecurity and slow process of reconstruction and rehabilitation in some regions the country specially the south and east regions of this country as the best agents of this incident means decreasing of refuges returning back to their country. the international refuges organization says that about more than two millions of Afghan refugees are in Pakistan and about more than one millions of them are in Iran in the present time. Based on the assertions of the officials of this organization,” the mentioned refugees don’t return from the mentioned countries back to their country based on the diverse agents. According to some information and surveys Insecurity, instability, idleness and lake of houses read as the best problems of the mentioned refugees in Afghanistan. Adrian Adward one of the spokesperson of united nation organization in the field of refugees know the increasing of insecurity and instability as the best agent of the decreasing of about more than 40% returning of refugees back to their country. He says,” according to the last survey of this office about more than thousand Afghan refugees have been returned back to their country from Pakistan and Iran in the current year. Based on the assertions of him,” these amounts of refugees are less than the amount of those refugees, who returned to their country last year, About more than 100 thousands of Afghan refugees returned back to their country last year. Like wise the spokesperson of united nation says,” some of the mentioned refugees obligated to leave Afghanistan based on the problems of idleness and economy and went back to the foreign countries. Some of these people are searching works in the foreign countries right now and if they find job opportunity in there, they will travel back to the country that they find job opportunity. He says,” united nation has received about more than 40 millions of dollars from the relief organization of world for cooperation to Afghan poor families in this country. This cash spends on the supplying of drinking water, food services and sanitation services for them. About more than four millions of Afghan refuges have returned back to their country from the neighbouring countries of this country.
One women garden construct in Herat
Translated by Abdul Hassib
It resolved that one garden and one place for the entertainment of women construct in Herat on about more than 20 acres of land and by the consumer about more than 250 thousands of American dollars from the development budge of women affairs ministry of this country. Faria Anwary the general chief of the development budge of mobilization presidency of Herat women affairs presidency said to Pajwak Afghan news agency,” this place of entertainment construct beside of Takht-e Safar park in the mentioned province. She added,” according to the program and draft that we have for the construction of this park, this park will have all the facilities which is need like, playing things mean amenities, sport gymnasium and other facilities. In this time Sima Sher Mohammady the chief of women affairs presidency of this city said,” about more than 20 acres of lands has been earmarked for the construction of this park in the mentioned region of this city and it resolved that the construction of the mentioned park start after about two weeks. She added,” the construction work of the mentioned park will rid up to the end of 2007 and after that we would start to buy the equipments and other facilities and materials for this park. Rahila one of the residents of this city read the construction of the mentioned park as a positive step toward providing of entertainment opportunity for the women of this city and said,” Taliban negated this opportunity from the women of this country but the situation is better right now and the women of this country can utilize from parks and places for entertainment of themselves. Based on the assertions of chief of women affairs presidency of this province,” the historic park under the name of Gouhar Shad Bigum Women Park has been reconstructed by the fund of Afghan guardian office board in this city.
Is Musharaf confidence or threat for Afghanistan?
A. H. Stanikzai
Is Musharaf confidence or threat for Afghanistan? The insecurity is spreading out in the country day by day that a large number of our countrymen lost lives. The suicide attacks do not know border and everyday beside government officials and international coalition forces a large number of Afghans are killed. Obviously, the roots of the insecurity are outside the country but they develop here. The question raises here that how can we prevent such attacks a lot of steps have taken in this regard and practically the government has taken part in operations beside the international coalition forces that there have been heavy casualties to the civilians. Recently, the Pakistan president signed a cease fire agreement with Taliban that the treaty obviously shows that the Pakistani government and its opposition both are against Afghanistan. if we pay a deep attention to the treaty we find out the Pakistan does not want to be the witness of security in Afghanistan and during the passed few years the stationing and dispatching of Pakistani troops towards Afghan border was only a pretext and deceive and interpret the future of the relations of this country such as now and that of the passed. Another issue to be mentioned here that, Pakistan has always played a double-range policy since a long time. They once again clarified that Pakistan want to arrange the spread out attacks of Taliban together in Afghanistan in order to save the Taliban in Wazirestan from being engaged a lot and heavy casualties as well as Pakistan want to push the war inside Afghanistan. the most important point in the agreement is that Mullah Omar the old friend of Pakistan has played a key role in arranging the agreement and the Taliban of Wazirestan were made by Dadulah to sign the agreement. In our opinions, Afghanistan should not take the subject easy but it should take positive steps towards it. The international community should also pay attention to the double-range policy of Pakistan towards Afghanistan.
About 33% of Afghan children are bereaved from instruction.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
According to the last survey of safe the children organization of united nation about more than 43% of children are bereaved from instruction and education in the track of war in all over the world. It mentioned in this report that we can provide and pave the instructive and education ground for the mentioned children of the world by the heed to the fiscal cooperation and social services for them. Like wise it mentioned in this report that about more than 33% of children cant go to school and gain knowledge in diverse regions of Afghanistan in the time that this amount is about more than 22% in Iraq. It is fantastic that in spit of about more than three decades of war in Afghanistan the education situation of Afghanistan is better than Pakistan which is more rich than this country.
Violence against Afghan women is increasing
A. H. Stanikzai
Violence against Afghan women is increasing Human Rights activists in Samangan province in northern Afghanistan reported shocked news of women violence in the province. The department of women affairs of Samangan said that during few passed months there have been nearly 50 cases of rape, murder, misbehaviour and using power against women in the province. Hanifa Ashna the director of the women affairs department of the province said that recently in a new case a father and his son raped a young girl and then they killed her wildly in the remote district of Dara-e Soof. The reports say that the girl was one of the relatives of the father and son, and she was raped by them after she refused to marry the son. Mrs. Ashna says that only during the passed six months there have been nearly 50 cases of rape, misbehaviour and imposing force against women that most of the women committed suicide. She added that in more cases the women in villages are not allowed to report most cases to the police therefore it is difficult to present the exact statatics of violence cases in Afghanistan. Anyhow, the authorities of Samangan say that most of the elements of the cases are imprisoned and they will be punished. Although the residents of Samangan claims that the authorities were not able to punish the elements of such cases.
The incomes of Kabul international airport go to the finance ministry
A. H. Stanikzai
The incomes of Kabul international airport go to the finance ministry Ehsan Javid the minister of transportation and aviation in a private interview with Sada-ie-Afghan, pointed out to Kabul Air Port and said that the airport was very old and there is lack of modern equipment. He added that all the incomes of the airport go to the pocket of finance ministry. Mr. Javid said that: the total income of the airport is $ 2,5 million per month by taking the tax from the internal and external flights. He said that even 1Afg is not used for the airport. He confirmed that, despite the fact that Afghanistan is the member of the world aviation organization and according to its regulation all the income of the airport should be spent for the rehabilitation and equipment of the airport but the article is not practiced here. He said that we do not have the permission of spending $50 for the cleaning up of the airport but if a percentage of the incomes of the airport is spend to equip and rehabilitate the airport, the airport will have a new form. The minister said. He said that although, the whole incomes of the airport go to the finance ministry but the finance ministry never allocate a specify budget for the airport in other words giving the money to the ministry of finance is easy but taking the money from the ministry is difficult.
7 Pakistani death bodies sent to waziristan
hamid safi
Kabul: 5 pakistani death bodies were sent to waziristan and they died in a fight in Paktika province. According to the waziristan political authorities, the bodies were submitted to waziristan authorities yesterday, these people most probably belong to Juma Namankani commander, four of them were the residence of Charsada city and one of them was the residence of waziristan. The mentioned authorities said few injured also sent to waziristan from Afghanistan, and they are admitted in hospitals, but they did not mentioned about their exact injuries. This is not the first time that from paktika and khost provinces death bodies and injured sent to waziristan and other parts of the country.
Mullah Omar had key function in the waziristan agreement
hamid safi
Kabul + London: the daily telegraph news paper of London in its new edition wrote that Mullah Omar the leader of Taliban played a key functional roll in the agreement between Pakistan and waziristan Taliban. The tribal leaders in the west waziristan said Mullah Omar and Mullah Daduallah sent one of their reliable commander in the area to asked the local Taliban to sign the contract. According to the daily telegraph news paper Mullah Omar the leader of Taliban who rejected to submit Osama bin laden to American authorities after 11th September attacks and for his death 10 million dollars rewarded. Pakistan government in the current year signed a contract to stop fights in the areas. Telegraph news paper wrote, the tribal leaders of waziristan who are hosting Taliban and alqaaeda group for five years, in the positive answer for the government under the protection of America that finished the fight in waziristan, for stopping struggling against Pakistani forces agreed. The clear interference of Mullah Omar for signing the contract is a serious issue for Pakistani president in the meeting with his American fellows based on the area security and it is counted the main issue to discuss. Mean while the Pakistani authorities rejects these claims, Mullah Omar clearly brighten that this issue is for the benefit of Taliban. Mean while the president of Afghanistan in an interview with Week News said that Mullah Omar is living in the Kohita city of Pakistan and submitted his address and telephone number to Pakistani authorities but they did not measured on this issue. The president of Afghanistan who is currently in his official trip to America said that Osama bin laden the leader of Alqaeeda hided himself in Pakistan. According to the news Americans are protecting very seriously the caravan of Afghanistan president near white house the streets near the president’s hotel are closed to public. It is resolved that the presidents of America, Afghanistan and Pakistan will attend the session hosting by white house to discuss about the fight against terrorisms in Afghanistan.
Army of Germany is anxious based on its forces security stationed in Afghanistan
hamid safi
Berlin: a weekly magazine reported based on Germany anxious for security of its forces stationed in Afghanistan. The weekly magazine in its yesterday’s publication wrote, it is resolved that Germany will carry out its new patterned light built proof tanks to Mazar-e-Sharif before ending of the agreement to prevent the warnings during patrolling. The weekly news paper according to supporting document from defence ministry of Germany wrote unsatisfactory between local people of Afghanistan and danger for attacking to coalition forces increased. Mean while the leaders of drug smuggling help for insecurity and seriousness of the situation. The Focus weekly according to some documents of a solider in Germany wrote, Germany soldiers utilize from their force in the time that they risk of invasion of solders will be in occurrence. According to Focus weekly magazine it is resolved that the defending situation of Germany’s soldiers will take place before coming of the winter in Mazar-e-Sharif consolidated as the get secure from probability rocket attacks of Taliban.
Tony Blair defended for the participation of fight in Iraq and Afghanistan
hamid safi
London: prime minister of Britain in margin of worker annual conference in Manchester from his decision based on participation in Afghanistan and Iraq fights defended. In a margin ceremony of the conference which took place he answered the questions based on criminal claims of the fights said falling down of Sadam previous dictator of Iraq and destroying Taliban government in Afghanistan are his capital honour. According to the associated press prime minister of Britain said, fighting of NATO is more difficult than we expected but the struggling must continue. He added, this duty was more difficult than every one expected but I am not wondered from these difficulties. In an interview with BBC the prime minister of Britain emphasised our only reason to cooperate with NATO was that Taliban contemplated to enter the west areas of the country and we must remove them from these areas. In his interview rejected the claim of interior minister of Britain based on that Britain forces only have the protection and none fighting roll in the Hilmand province.
A commander of Hizb-e-Islamic were killed in Kapisa province
hamid safi
Kabul: A previews commander of Hizb-e-Islamic with his tow family members was killed. According to the security authorities of Kapisa province, the commander and his tow family members were killed last night during special prays of holly month of ramdan in the evenings. It is said, he was engaged to cooperate with the central government of Afghanistan. It is not clear that his previews enmity caused him to die or his friends killed them. According to news in an American bombing air strike a 17 years old girl died in Takab district. It is said that the governmental forces were besieged from Taliban and they asked for help from American army air strikes.
What is the new enmity?
hamid safi
Editorial: One of the deep points in the new movement of government’s opposition for rejection or admission the responsibility of destructive operations on behalf of Taliban forces. In the benefit of facility to total media and news papers when ever a destructive activity like suicide attack or bombings take place on behalf of Taliban forces, then the Taliban asserts the main title for opposition against government. In the recent days incidence took place which created a serious question in the people minds and this question is there any other armed enemy beside Taliban forces against Afghanistan government? If yes then who is it? The questions create because Taliban forces sometimes announce in the time of suicide attacks or destructive that the incident was not belonging to Taliban forces. When tow weeks ago in the funeral ceremony of Pakitka’s governor who was killed by a suicide attack of Taliban another suicide attacker came to the gathering and exploded himself, and Taliban claimed that they are not responsible for second incident. In this incident many people who attended the funeral ceremony died. In another incident the attackers attacked to an ordinary cal in Shorabak of Kandahar and shot many workers. In this incident also many ordinary civilian and none political died people died. Taliban again claimed that they are not responsible for doing that. The question is the Taliban are honest for their claims? One of the points which can involved with this issue is negative reflection that from this implementation creates in the people minds. When the attack takes place in the row of gathered people for the funeral ceremony it not acceptable for the people. The funeral ceremony is one of the customs of Islamic religion and people asked to gather in such a ceremonies. Attacks on the situations are not acceptable for afghan people. If the Taliban is doing these activities and Taliban for negative reflection of this activity in the people mind prevent to take responsibility the question creates that why Taliban did like that? If Taliban for lose and befits of people want to do something then why they don’t why they don’t find another ways rather than fighting with government? And why they don’t come to the government and the anti Muslims will not take benefit from? But if Taliban did not do that, and the suicide attack in funeral ceremony of Pakitan governor didn’t take place on behalf of Taliban, the questions creates that who is the second enemy who are doing this? And what is the aim of these activities? Is the aim is to weak the government? The aim is to struggle with the governmental authorities? Or the aim is to kill the undefendable people? And the most important thing is what these activities are for implemented? Probably this question is also consists that are these people who are doing these activities are the servant of foreigners?
Suicide attack killed 18 and injured 18 as well.
hamid safi
lashgarga: the suicide attack of Taliban in lashgarga central of Hilmand province killed 18 people. According to a French reporter, a suicide attacker exploded himself in base near the Masjid in lashgarga capital of Hilmand province while people gathered in there for taking decisions about how to go to Haj pilgrimage. NATO forces said the incident took place near the governor house of Hilmand province that probably the guards of the governor were targeted and there none of them faced any causality. In this incident 18 killed and 18 injured and among the death three police and three national army forces are as well. According to this report Taliban took responsibility of the suicide attack. On the other side a caravan of coalition forces in the leadership of America saved from a suicide attack in Khost city. The Paktya authorities also reported that six rebels were killed yesterday. ISAF forces yesterday night reported that from an air strike of coalition forces 20 Taliban fighters were killed in Uruzgun.
The prime minister of Australia defended from leaving its forces from Afghanistan.
hamid safi
Prime minister of Australia with taking decisions for defending its forces to not leave Afghanistan protected from the application of NATO based on increasing forces into insecurity areas of Afghanistan. According to the reporter of associated press, the prime minister of Australia from government decision based on exiting 25 air force soldiers and replacement of 400 engineers defended. Australia announced that 400 engineers for participating in the renovations projects will be sent to Afghanistan and on the contrary it will exit 250 air force soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. Australia has the most number of forces in Afghanistan based on none membership of the NATO forces. The prime minister in conference to the reporters said sending more troops are a good decision. On this issue the foreign minister of Australian in a conference in Brussels slated for its forces lack implementation in Afghanistan and said these measurements limit the choruses the fight against Taliban. Prime minister of Australia once again emphasised with his previews issue based on exiting American forces from Iraq will be a great mistake.
Killing of 19 innocent workers during the holy fast month in Kandahar province
hamid safi
With an attack of anti governmental forces 19 innocent workers of a private construction company died on 20th September in south of the country in Kandahar province. Workers were returning from their work in a bus and the faced a land mine and then following Taliban’s firings. The interior ministry authorities said: in the attack in Kandahar province 3 other workers were injured. This incident happened in Shorabak district of Kandahar province which has combine borders with Pakistan. The authorities of the area said that: the workers were working in a private construction company and had no connects with the government. In the same time, Afghanistan national police said that: 20 anti governments were killed in central areas of Uruzgan province. A police officer is also killed during the operation, but a spokes man of Taliban said that their fighters killed 14 police officers and he rejected Taliban’s casualties. These incidents happened during the time when President Hamid Karzai was busy in a meeting in Canada to take more military protections. Some days ago Parwaiz Musharaf president of Pakistan declared about insecurity in Afghanistan. In these last times suicide attacks have extended and even reached to the capital city of Afghanistan. In believe of some experts’ government and foreign forces and fail to stop the attacks. Some others believe that: politics is a Byzantine play of government and foreign experts. Combat with Taliban and terrorism created political fear and it shows Afghanistan in a scary way of getting down. This political fear have reached in a place that even government accused magazines and news papers for negative advertisements and wants from the news papers and magazines to make their advertisements less.
University girls were on strike in Balkh province
hamid safi
Tens of university girls were on strike on 7th June because they had objections on police aggression on girls’ hostel and they closed they internal door on authorities. These girls were over 100 girls and they said that: at midnight of 5th June 2 armed policemen, as the girls assertions they had drunk alcoholic beverages and they wanted to open the hostel’s door and transgression on girls. One of the girls who didn’t wanted her name to be cleared said: we were really scared, and we didn’t let them open the door. One of those policemen climbed on the wall of the hostel and tried to enter the hostel. The manager of Balkh University, head of security and other authorities gathered behind the door and wanted to end the strike, but girls had objections on Balkh university office. Head of Balkh security asserted that: we have arrested the policemen and sent the case to general authority. It’s the 3rd time that armed men wanted to enter the hostel at midnights and these violations have really scared girls who have come from different provinces in Balkh University.
NATO helps the people of Zhere and Panjwai districts of Kandahar province million dollars
hamid safi
This money spends on, renovation of streets, water system and making schools and hospitals. (NATO) Kabul: NATO authorities say: Panjwai district of Kandahar province which was in war over 2 weeks ago should be changed into a symbol of renovation in northern areas in Afghanistan. Mark Laity spokes man of unmilitary affairs of NATO in Kabul said to journalists: it’s thought that for Panjwai district we’ll spend million dollars. NATO authorities say: their forces will remain in Panjwai district for some unknown time to bring peace and security for ever. With the assertions of mark laity Germany has undertaken to spend one million euro for renovation of Panjwai district and maybe this undertaking will increase into 3 million euro. New Zealand also announced collaborating in this background. With sayings of Mr. Laity this money will be spent for renovation of streets, water system, building schools and hospitals also it’s spent on the people whose lands and homes are ruined during the war. In the same time spokesman of NATO said about the challenges that they are facing to complete these operations. With saying of Mr. Laity suicide attacks and bombings are the most important incidents which can make our operation difficult.
Decision of Wolesi Jirga
hamid safi
Next Sunday authorities of security organizations must be invited to internal security commissions and defence affairs. Inviting them in commissions are commissions legal rights. Currently it’s early for interpellation said some of lawyers. Kabul: Wolesi Jirga members after four days decisions on security conditions in country decided that: next Sunday home minister, defence minister and head of national security must be invited to internal security commissions and defence affairs commissions and they should be asked about security conditions. Same like other days happened separated discussions on security conditions. Some lawyers again wanted security organizations authorities in general gathering of Wolesi Jirga. Dr. Ramazan Bashar Dost lawyer in Kabul stressed that: ministers should be invited in Wolesi Jirga for interpellation, but some other lawyers were opposite of doing this action and they thought inviting them is early now. Mr. Sayaf said: It’s the legal rights of commissions to invite ministers and authorities for interpellation. He asserted that commissions should use of their rights and ask questions from authorities. He added: after interpellation the result will be sent to general gathering and they will decide. M. Arif Noorzai who was in succession of Mr Qanoni head of Wolesi Jirga took vote about 2 themes. Theme 1: to invite security authorities in commissions for asking questions and theme 2: inviting authorities in general gathering for interpellation from them. After voting lawyers accepted to invite authorities in commissions for interpellation.
Taliban rejected the news of Osama’s dead
hamid safi
Yesterday Taliban rejected the assertions which were based on Osama disease or his dead and announced that he is alive and completely healthy. With assertions of a French journalist, an unknown person of Taliban said to al Arabia TV Network located in Dubai announced that: this news reached to us by a telephone which was done from Pakistan. A French news paper announced that: information apparatus of Arabia were informed that: Osama is dead due to typhus disease from 23rd august till 4th September, but America, Pakistan and Afghanistan’s authorities rejected this news.
In Ghazni, Hilmand and Zabul provinces 20 Taliban were killed
hamid safi
Ghazni: in Kera district of Ghazni, Hilmand and Zabul near Garmser district in a clash between Taliban and national police20 Taliban fighters were killed and 12were injured. The clash took place between Taliban and national police while national police officers were patrolling and faced lying in weight of Taliban. According to the security authorities of Ghazni a police car damaged in a bomb explosion and wounded 2 policemen. Hilmand security authorities said to the reporters that: a group of Taliban which was consisting of 7 persons were on the way to attack on Garmser district, but they faced the national security forces and all of them were killed in the incident. Zabul local authorities informed of killing4 Taliban in Shahjoy district and gun down 4 others. It is said a well known Taliban commander was among the arrested Taliban.
A group of Taliban which consisting of 25 Taliban fighters joined the peace consolidation process.
hamid safi
Kabul: in a meeting in Kabul 25 Taliban fighters joined the central government. The chief of national peace consolidation process in a speech said that: the anti government forces must hang up from fighting and they should join the renovation of the country. At the end of meeting people appreciated the ones who joined the peace consolidation process and they’ll be able to live and work in their districts without fear. One of the gunned down people asked for releasing his relatives, friends, and other innocent prisoners from Pulicharkhi jail. Chief of the national peace consolidation asserted his quick actions for releasing of the remaining prisoners.
The American helicopters patrolled 4 hours in Wazirristan
hamid safi
Miranshah-reports: Taliban attacked on a collation camp near the Durand line yesterday with heavy weapons and then the American helicopters flew and killed a few Taliban of Waziristan. Helicopters patrolled in the area for 4 hours and then the American helicopters landed in their basis. Pakistan news didn’t mention about the helicopters which were patrolling in Waziristan and it is mentionable that Pakistan recently signed a peace of agreement and according to Pakistani authorities; one of the articles from that agreement is that Taliban won’t go to Afghanistan for missions from Waziristan areas. The world society paid attention on this issue and America invited the governor of border to answer the questions on the issue.
Former Russian general said that: British people will escape from Afghanistan like Russian people
hamid safi
Moscow: general Aslant Ashif former commander of Russia who was associated to capture Afghanistan said to an English print news paper named sandy telegraph that: British people will escape from Afghanistan like us. He was injured in the war against afghan Mujahiddeen and said to this news paper that: they had a lot of fight in Afghanistan, especially British people who have fighting experience since 19th century. It’s unbelievable that they and NATO forces haven’t got any lesson of our and their experience in Afghanistan. With assertions of Ahsif: almost 15000 soldiers of Russia who had the influence in their hand in 1979 and were defending from communist regime were killed. Eventually Russians left Afghanistan with 100000 forces because of afghan Mujahiddeen who had protections from America.
Allocation of 50000$ for instructions of professional employs
hamid safi
Denmark’s government is going to allocate 50000$ for instructions of professional employs in Samangan and Badakhshan provinces. This morning a peace of agreement signed between administrative form commission and Denmark’s embassy. There for Denmark’s embassy is going to select 13 professional employs from Samangan and Badakhshan provinces for training in Anton institute of Malaysia for 2 weeks with 50000$ in October. In this conference the ambassador of Denmark and envoys of interior ministry and ministry of education were present. Ahmad Mushahed chief of administrative form commission said that: the commission is trying to take more protection from organizations to make the commissions better. It’s mentionable that: Denmark collaborated Afghanistan in aspect of ministry of education’s reform, making the educations better and preparing of studying kit.
Bosh: America is with Afghanistan: Karzai: we are thankful from incompetent helps of America
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Farhad Paikar from America: Chorj W-Bosh republic minister of America in a meeting with Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan once again mentioned from undertaking of his country with continuous helping with Afghanistan. He after his official meeting with Hamid Karzai yesterday Tuesday 26th Sept in white house of Washington with subscriber press conference with Hamid Karzai republic Islamic minister of Afghanistan said: “ we are with people of Afghanistan. Although have probability those people are also in Afghanistan that there is still question for them that American up to which limit undertakes with Afghanistan till Karzai help for your successes. I say that we are undertaking and we proud either that have fellow like you.” George Bosh emphasised that capturing and bring him to Justice is in profit of three countries, America, Afghanistan and Pakistan and we have subscriber profits. He said that I in meeting with Hamid Karzai and Parwiz Mosharaf found that one good coordination morale and harmony exist among us. And just the way is this till to subscriber aims which is creation of secure society and hopeful which in that not any quick power that can’t prevent from development and progression of people we access to that. He said that tomorrow will be the host of both republic ministers Pakistan and Afghanistan in white house. Bosh in speech to Hamid Karzai said: we know that Taliban and Alqaida is in plan of falling down of your government because that they know in the event that foundation leg of democracy is secured in you country, than there will be not place remain for terrorisms that more wont do that attack from that country to other places and they know menace the result of democracy for them. Republic minister Bosh mentioned that this is not the mistake of that that criticism operation of America in Iraq. Due to on another report from night broadcast of B.B.C, from one broadcasted statement from side office of spokesman of republic Minister of afghanista Hamid Karzai comes that, Mr. Karzai in meeting with Donald Ramsfild defence minister of united state of America once again emphasised on necessity in strengthening of security in Afghanistan. Spokesman office of republic minister of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai says that Mr. Karzai during lecture in one American economical base, called and said terrorisms the main enemy of Afghanistan that religious Madrasas in Pakistan, are not busy in religious teaching but they are busy in education of pessimism and suicide. Hamid Karzai republic minister of Afghanistan once again emphasised that succession in “fighting with terrorism” by the time we feel that paid to roots of terrorism.
Sending out of 25 afghan refugees from England
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
The out people carried by one flight from Hamburg city to Kabul. Reporter of Bakhtar agency informed in international airport of Kabul the sending people seems exhausted and angry. They are dissatiffied from this action of England government and called that against principle right. Ameer Mohammad Ameer resident of Bamyan province that presented in this gathering said: that passed 7 years in London but 4 months ago he captured from side of London police and put him in Harzwaz prison in spite of this that his refugee document of him reach to last step he sent out from London in condition that his wife and 4 years old son remain in Landon he said: that my problem is worthy of perception no one can feel to my justice. Ghazi Tula resident of Sorbi district of Kabul province have claim in spite of this that have document of immigration England police put him in prison for two months and finally sending him out. Ali Joma Hosaini resident of Jaghori district of Ghazni province said to reporter of Baghtar agency that not just police put me in the Jail for 17 months but gave all his money and documents and send him out. Noor Mohammad one other out person not just said from his being in Jail but also inform from his punishment in Jail. One authority of returning of refugee affair in relate to forcely sending out of 25 afghans from England said: interior ministry of England with sending out of those refugees do ambark that immigration excuses of them rejects ministry of refugee returning affair have signed agreement before with government of England on wilfully returning of refugees. But this agreement including that refugees that they have accept from side of England government.
Imprisonment of one Pakistani in crime of sale weapons
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
One Pakistani man in case of corrispirancy with one American ( he is Indian but he used to live in America) for recovering and selling rockets (stinger) to Taliban and Alqaida, yesterday condemned more than 18 years imprisonment. Syed Mostajab Shah that is 55 years old man he accept his sin in last march month in federal code. And accepted that tried to sale 5 ton hashesh and half ton heroin in exchange of cash money and four rockets stinger. He and other mentioned person have intention that sale mentioned materials to Taliban. Alyas Ali Indian ( but used to live in America) in respect of his participation in this corispinrancy in April last April month condemned in more than 5 years to imprisonment.
Explosion in Lashkarga kill 18 people
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Security forces of Helmand, knew the explosion of Lashkarga one suicide attack and said that in this attack 18 people were killed and 17 people were wounded. This explosion occurred at 4 o clock morning 26th of Sept in near of one security base of police in road cross of province position that cars of NATO forces were crossing from that. Haji Mohammad Din, spokesman of Helmand governor said to Pajwak afghan news agency, that killed people including one woman are 12 none military and 6 police. In saying of hims the wounded people are also police and local people.
National defence minister: Future and permanence of country is in dangerous
translated by Atif Mohmsandzai
National defence minister inform that Taliban closed religious Madrases and suddenly entered in place and due to this, last insecurities increase. General Abdul Abdul Rahim Wardak national defence minister that spoke in interior defensive affar security commission of Wolisi Jriga said, that in basis of intelligence news, informed from closing of some Madrases. But he said that they right now made less the numbers of their power and took them again. He although didn’t give information about some closed Madrases, but most of the time interior authorities of country, accused interior Madrases of Pakistan in urbanizing of terrorists and support of Taliban. National defence minister, also said that Taliban in two, three last years have gave good preparing; but he in last insecurities didn’t take unseen the shortage of security organs. He said that that none existence of trust, doubt and turpeth and none existent of unity are existent in all governmental and none-governmental organs and right now future and permanence of country is in dangerous he also said: in all over Afghanistan one crisis of none existent of trust is existent, we passed hard days but will success. Rahim Wardak also said that resolve to existent report of appositions that they will also continue their attack in winter and now a days they pressure on suicide attack and mine planting. National defence minister and Zarar Ahmad interior minister, on 26th Sept purpose of giving report about security issues and answer to questions of interior security affair commissions and defensive affair of Wolisi Jirga, invited to this commission. Zarar Ahmad Moqbal interior minister in his speech inform from completion of 11 vast crust in borders.
Hamid Karzai disapproval killing of director of women affair in Kandhar
Translated by Atif MOhmandzai
Republic minister of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, seriously disapproval the killing of Safia Ama Jan director of women affair in Kandhar. Safia Ama Jan last day morning in time gun downed from side of two motorcycle rider that she was in moving from her apartment in area of Merwise Meena 8th Sector of Kandhar city toward his office. In one announcement that last night published from side of press office of government presidency, comes that that enemies of country want to kill those people that work for peace and security of afghans. Announcement written from saying of Karzai: enemies Afghanistan should know that we have millions of bodies like Ama Jan that service to their people. Karzai from way of this announcement, expressed his condolence to family of Ama Jan. he to security organs of Kandhar instructed till capture the killers in soon time. Taliban took the responsibility of killing of Ama Jan. Qari Yousif Ahmadi, spokesman of Taliban last day said to Pajwak afghan news agency that Ama Jan was accused in spying to America.
Tradition effects on Afghan women
Translated by Abdul Hassib the name of magazine is Waqyat
A investigation base for the women and children rights searches based on the target of asses and explanation from the floated traditions in the country means that they search and try to make an investigation base for the rights of women and children and for the asses and explanation of women and children rights in the floated traditions of Afghanistan and also one three day conference from about 22-24 of November of 2004 has been held by the fiscal cooperation of UNIFAM and women leaders connect organization based on the target to find the solving ways of those problems which cause the violence from the women rights in the country under the title of traditions means that there are some problems that based on them men violate from the rights of women under the title of floated tradition in the country and this conference has been held based on this target to find the solving ways of these problems and annihilate harshness against women from this society. About more than 50 men and about more than 50 women took part in the mentioned conference that the mentioned amount of the men and women are from capital and provinces of Kabul and they participated in this conference in the delegation of their people of the country. the work of conference has been started by the recitation of some verses from holly Qurhan after wards meanwhile of welcoming and thanks from guest and the amount of the persons who participated in this conference Mrs Hangama Anwary the chief of the investigation base of women and children rights in the country spoke about the targets of this base and the targets of this conference and she spoke about the infrastructures and deadlines of this base for the understanding of people from the rights of women and children in the country. after wards Suraya the professional deputy of women affairs ministry of country spoke about the floated traditions in this country and the bad effects of the mentioned tradition on the rights of women and children in the society and she asserted,” like wise that it mentioned in the conference that some of the tradition in the Afghan society are harsh and despotism and they create discrimination in the society and the women of this society has been victimized of the mentioned traditions of this society many years. As I think that this is a big pace that some one tell women that the observing of such traditions aren’t part of your live in the time that such traditions have been floated from many years ago and even there weren’t any courage to slate on the mentioned traditions of this society means that we put a big pace and gave grit to our selves that we said to the women of this society that the observing of the mentioned traditions of this society isn’t the part of your live in this society. There are some traditions in the society of Afghanistan that are the approvals of the people of this society means that the people of this society like them which from the approval traditions of this society we can mentioned the name of these traditions which are like, patient visit means that there is a tradition of the people of this society that while some one become sick on that time friends and relatives of him come to their house and ask him or her from their illness and visit them, picnics and consolidation of relations means good relation among family and relatives means that one of the tradition of the people of this country is this that they are hospitable and they like guest so much, but in this amount there are some traditions which are boring and agonising either for the family or for the women and children of this country like giving bad means that there is a tradition among the people of this country specially in the provinces and villages of this country that when some one kill some one else by mistake or intentional so the one who committed this action that person must give bad means the sister or if he would be father they must to give his daughter for bad which this is the most worst tradition of this country and also from the bad traditions of this society one of them is obligated marry means that the engagement which is done based on the choice of father and mother which majority of them are the best agents of harshness among the families of this country. In the continuation of her speeches she said,” we must to try to heighten the cultural surface of this society up to the time that people should refute the illegal and bad traditions by their minds and they should dispel the mentioned traditions from their society. After wards Mr. Mohammad Farid Hamidi the member of independent Afghan human rights commission and the chief of the violence section of this ministry and chief of verification to complains department of this ministry spoke and said,” the relations and connections to the traditions of this society means that traditional relations of this society isn’t just the deterrent in the way of women improvement and uplift in this society, in spit that most of women have suffered from the mentioned traditions but overall the mentioned traditions of this society is the deterrent in the way of improving and development of this society and this country. government must to contemplate the mentioned traditions in the big plans of it infrastructures means the government of this country must to find the ways how to oust this society and how to rescue the women of this society at total all this society from the evil of the mentioned traditions in this country and they must to take special decisions in this field. Just legalizations can not solve the problems which are deterrents in the ways of courts means that just legalization cant solve the problems which are in the courts based on the cases of harshness against women. We can solve all these problems by the expansion of society and heighten of the understanding surface of people of this society. We must to contemplate the tradition of this society in our policy of education, political, and cultural policy of this country and it is possible to draft basic ways for the solving of this problems of this society and we will be able to have basic, crucial, and serious proposals for the future of this country by this way. In the conclusion of his speeches he added,” I hope that in this day that the conference of asses and explanation of traditions themes in the country we will be able to draft and offer some useful and without harm and other fruitless effects proposals for the bringing of reforms in the field of administrative reforms, justice reforms, supplying of codes sovereignty in this country and paving of the grounds that we will be able to move toward economical, political and social improvements by this way in its properly shape with out any effect in the society and we must to present fruitful and goods opinions in the field of the mentioned proposals of the people of this country in this conference. Fazel Ahmad Ma’anawy the former deputy of supreme court of this country was one of another persons who discoursed in this conference, in the continuation of his speeches he said,” the traditions which are float in this country and are opposite of Islam way and these problems are deterrent in the way of Islam means that are in the opposition with islam in this country are big deterrents in the way of improving, uplift, development of this society means that the mentioned traditions hinder the improving and development in this society and also there are some traditions in this country which acts in the opposition of women rights in this society means are the violators of women rights in this society, in the time that Islam is the first religion that had measures for the creation of women rights means that this religion has created the women rights we must to say that some disapproval speeches has been floated in the society of this country under the name of Islam and the people of this country abuse from the name of Islam and the violate from the women rights in this society. We have responsibility as the officials of the government to heed to traditions of this society and annihilate those traditions which are deterrents in the way of improving and development of this country and they are disapproval in the society and cause violation from the women rights in the Afghan society and invigorate approval traditions of this country. as an example he mentioned from the taking of attorney in the marriage contract rates means that it is a tradition of the people of this society that they take one person under the title of attorney in the delegation of boy and one person from the side of girl means as the delegation of girl in the marriage contract rates so he said,” in the time that girl would be present in the mentioned rates so the taking of delegation and attorney isn’t legal from the stance of Islam. Bringing of girls for examination in justice medicine and pregnancy hospitals is mass from the stance of Islam means some of the people bring their wives for MD check to the hospitals and justice medicine hospitals when they get married, there isn’t any rate or code in Islam in this field and no one has the right to accomplish such an action means such an action is quite illegal from the stance of Islam religion, the positive and negative traditions must separate from each other means that the people of this country must to know the deference between positive and negative acts and traditions in this society, we must to have measures in the field of straggling against negative traditions and we must to have measures in the field of heighten of people awareness surface in this country by the way of families and by the way of tribal groups in this country and we must to legalize in this field and understand the people of this country means teach them in the field of their traditions, in the time that there are some coded in the field of traditional behaviour in the society but as I think they aren’t good useful for the people of this country means that the people of this country don’t materialize the mentioned codes in the society so we must to work on them that they should materialize the codes which are in the society. After wards Dr. Rangin Dadfar Espanta one of the teacher in Germany universities and assistant teacher in law faculty of Kabul university discoursed in this conference in a section of his discourse he said,” even in the improved and develop countries of the world women aren’t prosperous of equal rights with men and the violence isn’t just in the Islamic countries and the claim that the western countries have in the field of violation from women rights aren’t just about the Islamic countries and their slate in this field isn’t just on Islamic countries but this problem exist in all the countries of the world. He said about the harshness and despotism against women,” there is harshness against women in majority countries of the world for example we can mention the name of India; there are harshness and despotism against majority women in the mentioned country. In the continuation of his speeches he said,” harshness starts from the family and including schools, varsities and work area of one person means that when one person get habit with harshness and despotism in the family so the habit of that person would be with that person forever in every where. He said,” the people of this country must to know deference between habit and culture and traditions and he mentioned the name of eating food as an example and said,” eating of food is a kind of habit this means eating of food isn’t a culture or tradition and culture isn’t a solid phenomena and this phenomena is changeable and day by day it improves and develops and this phenomena isn’t in one situation means that it doesn’t improve for all the times it is possible that it would be backward as well and this phenomena can change the society of a country into big and small societies. The members of this conference expected from Mr. Qeyamuddin Kashaf the member of high soviet and chief of public security section of Supreme Court of this country to speak about the traditions and Islam in this country. Mr. Kashaf said,” traditions are either refuted or approval before God means that there are some traditions which are approval for God and also there are some traditions which are disapproval means illegal before God. The rates of Islam says that the right of women is three times more than the rights of men in the society, there isn’t some thing like this in the codes and the women rights of all the countries in all over the western world Islam gave good and useful and profound rights to the women of the society but no one materialize the rights of women in the society based on the stance of Islam, live burying of girls were floated in the past times before Islam means that the people of the world had had float before Islam that they bury their girls while they were alive but today this tradition is in another shape in this society. Don’t appointing of dowry for the girls, giving bad the tradition that mentioned in above, changing of girls are the alive burying of the girls in this society, Islam refutes such kinds traditions and these kinds of traditions are the opposite of Islam rates. Women have the rights to work and have job opportunities, women have the rights to trade and would be a trader, women have the right to invest in a society, and women have the rights in the time which they should be supported by men in the society. Islam religion gave a special right for women in the society. He added,” about more than 42% of women took part in the presidential election of this country and this was their rights that they might participate in such ceremonies and celebrations and such elections in the country. I convinced women on that time that they should go and register their names in presidential election of this country by the way of interviews and discourse which I had in the time that the presidential election was going to be held. Equal rights have been given for women in the constitution of this country. women are the flourish and bright creatures for men in the society and the rights of women are respectable for every one. Dr. Zakaria the member of justice reforms commission spoke about the traditions and its routs and said,” some of the countries in the world separated their traditions from Islam means that their traditions don’t have accord with the rates of Islam and they utilized from them instead of traditions and culture in the time that there weren’t codes in this field. But there are some traditions in this country in the present time which don’t have accord with the rates of Islam and even they are opposite of Islam but they materialize by the people of this society means that the people of this society materialize them in the time that the mentioned traditions don’t have relation with the rates of Islam in this society even they materialize them more than codes means that the people of this country materialize those traditions which are upper than codes of this country because there is codes in this society but there isn’t oversee for the accommodations of codes in this society. God created human as the best of his creatures and he created human based on the targets that the binds should be magistrate in the society means they should materialize those rates which are in bind on them in the society specially in Islam society and he gave disposal to human that what they want they can do. The target is this that there must be codes in this society and would be materialized in this society and we can say that by the implementation of codes tide creates in a society especially in this society. Her Excellency Amina Afzali one of the former member of human rights commission of this country and the current minister of juvenilities and information and culture ministry of this country (she was the mentioned minister in the time that this magazine published) spoke about the violence from the women rights in the society and said,” thanks from the asses and investigation from women and children rights commission that they hold such a conference, we must to say that there isn’t any problem in the field of reforming of the codes which are exist in this country right now, merely there are some imperfects in the codes of this country in this field that they must be reformed and accommodate in this society which by the accommodation of codes we can hinder from disapproval rates and traditions in the country. She mentioned from the amount of registered cases in the human rights commission that majority part of them are violation from the women rights and said,” the most important violation is obligated marry and this the most disapproval tradition of the people of this society if it asses from the stance of Islam, this tradition is an illegal tradition and this is quite opposite of Islam rates. She added,” about more than 66 cases of obligated marriages and about more than 100 cases of family harshness and despotism have been registered since start of this year in the human rights commission just in Kabul city. And also about more than 180 women waged to commit suicide in Herat province in last three months and about more than 100 cases of self born have been registered in the human rights commission of Herat province. And about more than 80 cases of women rights violation have been registered in the human rights commission of Nangarhar in the last three months and the mentioned cases shows that the violation from the women rights exist according to traditions in the diverse regions of this country and this society. Afterwards Mrs. Najia Zewary the delegation of UNIFOM office mentioned about the pledges of united nation which has been dismantled in all over the world for the annihilation of harshness and despotism against women. In the second day of this conference the agenda which appointed before the conference earmarked to the group works means that the groups should work on the mentioned agenda in this conference and the members of the mentioned conference scheduled all the traditions of this country and put them into a list and they separated the negative traditions of this country from the mentioned list and they argued on them up to the time that they will be able to find solving ways for the negative traditions of this society and they offered some ways for the annihilation of them. The work on the resolution did in the third day of the mentioned conference and some themes also created from the mentioned resolution that the members of the mentioned conference argued on them. Afterwards Hangama Anwary the chief of the mentioned commission introduced the book of BAD MASKAN DARD AWAR which has been published by this commission mean while that she assessed the result of the mentioned conference. The resolution recited by Nafisa Kabully member of this conference and the mentioned resolution has been ratified by the members of the mentioned commission and the mentioned resolution has about more than 10 articles and commission of Supreme Court and the members of the mentioned commission and the members of this conference signed at the foot note of this resolution. Some of merit certificates distributed from this commission for the members of this conference.
One teacher and one student of Khost varsity injured
Translated by Abdul Hassib
About one teacher and one student of Khost varsity injured in the track of explosion of one bomb in the building of this university. This incident occurred around 1:30 afternoon of yesterday in one administrative room of this varsity which some of the teachers attended in the mentioned room. Nasir Ahamad Roshan one of the students of the mentioned varsity said to Pajwak Afghan news agency,” the incident occurred in the department of Islamic law and trade section of this varsity. He added,” Mofati Rahman one of the teachers of religious law of this varsity, Muhalem Shah Nikyar one of the trade teachers of this varsity and one student of this varsity injured in this incident. Fayze Mohammad Fayze the chief of the mentioned varsity said,” the mentioned mine has been placed before the time that this incident occurred. He added,” the national police and the security force of this region besieged the building of this varsity and they started searching of students and rooms of this varsity. Meanwhile the confirmation of this incident the press office of the interior ministry of this country added.” About more than two students injured in the track of this incident. Based on the opinion of some students of this varsity,” the target of this incident was Mufati Rahman the teacher of the religious law department of this varsity. One of the students who avoid to tell his name said to Pajwak Afghan news agency reporter,” the incident occurred in the room which the mentioned teacher attended there means he sit there. He added,” the bomb placed under the sofa of the mentioned teacher, the mentioned teacher was one of the high ranks of the government in the Taliban regime which he joint last year to the government of this country by the way of national peace consolidation process of this country. Taliban menaced him many times and warmed him that we will kill you and one explosion occurred in front of his building as well. Mohammad Wali Noori the watch man doctor of civilian hospital of this region said to Pajwak Afghan news,” about one teacher and two students carried in this hospital.
Taliban: settlement of women employees in Kapisa
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Female employees of international organizations including of those women that work in part of national solidarity programs in Kapisa province. Due to publish of night-letters of unknown people, become settlement. Abdul Latif supervisor of presidency of revival and development of villages of Kapisa province said to Pajwak afghan news agency, in limit of hundred women that have activity in national solidarity projects in frame of international organization including Habitat organization in cause of publish of this night-letters, since three days they are not presenting to work. He said that this night-letters published in districts of first portion and second portion of Kohistan and in that have given warning to female employees that if they present to go work they will kill. In saying of him, night-letter published by the name of Hezb-e-Islami in leadership of Gulbodin Hekmatyar. These night-letters published after this that Qamar Gul member of national solidarity Shora at 15th August killed by some unknown people in first portion of Kohistan that in saying of colonel Mohammad Anwar security commander of that district, have probability that enemies of national solidarity process kill this woman. Farida employee of Habitat organization in part of national solidarity project in district of first portion of Kohistan said: it is about three days that gave us permission and said if women go to work. We will not be the responsible of them, they will by responsible by themselves.
Four person killed and 7 injured in a traffic incident
Translated by Abdul Hassib
About more than four persons killed and about more than seven persons injured in the track of one traffic incident which occurred in the highway which connects Kabul to Khost. Din Mohammad Darwesh the spokesperson of Paktia governor said yesterday to Pajwak Afghan news agency,” the mentioned traffic incident occurred in around five ‘o clock yesterday afternoon in the mentioned highway. He added,” a corolla car which moved from Gardez toward Kabul hit with another corolla car in Gandaw region of the mentioned highway. Based on the assertions of him,” about more than four persons killed and about more than seven persons injured in the track of this incident which all the persons who killed and injured were from the passengers of both cars. The spokesperson of the mentioned governor said,” from the amount of the persons who injured in this incident the sanitation situation of about four of them aren’t good and they carried to Kabul for treatment. Most of traffic incidents occur in the mentioned regions of this highway.
42kgr opium arrested in Kabul and Laghman
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The security force and national police of Kabul and Laghman arrest about more than 42 kgr opium from these two mentioned regions in their operations which they had in the mentioned regions and they arrested one doubtful person in the accusation of the trafficking of the mentioned opium in this region. General Ali Shah Paktiawal the principle of straggling against criminal cases of provincial head quarter of Kabul province said to Pajwak Afghan news agency reporter,” the security force and the national police of provincial head quarter of Kabul province arrested about more than 22kg opium from one house in the 8th terrain of Kabul province. He added,” the doubtful person has been arrested in the accusation of trafficking of the mentioned opium from this building in this region and the case of the mentioned person is under investigation and inquiry in this base means provincial head quarter of Kabul province. Like wise the security and the national police of Laghman province discovered and arrested about more than 20kgr opium from Surkhakan region of Qraghai district of this province last night from one car. Colonel Jahan Shah the chief and commander of national security of this region said to Pajwak Afghan news agency reporter,” the mentioned opium carried from Surubi district of Kabul province by a track. Based on the assertions of him,” the driver of the mentioned car succeed to escape from the hand of police and national security of this region, the mentioned car and opium carried to the national security organization of this region.
Suicide attack in Kandhar
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
One suicide attack occurred in 4th sector of Kandhar city in NATO forces that just end in killing of attacker. Press office of ministry of interior affair said to Pajwak afghan news agency, that this attack occurred in area of first two ways of 4th sector of city. The mentioned office said that in attack didn’t happen any causalities to NATO forces; but one none military in area that was busy in washing war, has wounded.
Farmer menace in the cultivation of poppy
Translated by Abdul Hassib
By the heed to the problem that most of the farmers of Herat envisage to the lake of water and they effected from drought in this region majority of them menaced and warned the government of this country that they will start poppy cultivation in this region if the government of this country doesn’t help them. Based on the report of Rah-e Nijaat reporter, meanwhile of the declaration of this theme Sayed Hussain Anwary the governor of this province added in a press conference,” the drought menace most of the regions of this city which this theme and problem in this region is conservative for farmers and government officials of this city. He hinted,” about more than 72% of farmers are envisaged in this problem in the mentioned region and the drought affected them in this region. He wanted and expected from the interior and international organizations to cooperate farmers of this region in the mentioned field up to the time that they will be able to solve the mentioned problems in this region and he emphasized that if the national and international organization don’t help the farmers of this region in the mentioned field this problem of them will increase in this region. He know the travel of farmers from other cities of this province to the capital of this province because of drought one of the other problems of farmers in this region and said,” if we and the government of this city don’t help farmer don’t heed to the problems of them in the field of drought so the travelling of them from the other cities of this province will create a big problem in this region. He mentioned from the districts of Surkhtan, Shindan, Khoshk Kokna and Robab Changy regions of this province as the regions which are expose to the danger of the mentioned problems in this region more than other regions of this province and said,” the farmers of the mentioned regions will effect from drought more than the farmers of other regions of this province. The governor of this city said about the warning and menace of framers in the field of poppy cultivation,” the farmers of this region warned in this field and we contemplated needed security bases for the hindering of their warning in this field but we must to see that how much we would be succeed in this field and how we will be able to hinder the mentioned measures of farmers in this region? It mentioned that some of the organizations presented to help the security and government officials this region in the mentioned field. But the governor of this region hinted,” I gave the report of this problem to the central government of this country and we wait for the measure of them in this field. It is mentionable that this problem isn’t just in this city but we received many reports from other provinces of this country in the field of turning face of farmers to the cultivation of poppy based on the problems of drought in the region and some complains from the lake of government official attention about them.
Lake of solving way for the prisoner of Herat
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Marya Bashiri the head of general attorney base of Herat said,” about more than 30% prisoners of this city are envisaged to the lake of decision on their case means that court of this city didn’t decide on the cases of them in this city. Bashiri who spoke among the reporters yesterday added,” according to the verdict of Hamed Karzai the president of this country those prisoners who passed the third court means supreme court and it proved that they are innocent they must to release from the prisons of this city. Based on the report of Rah-e Nijaat news agency reporter, she hinted,” the cases of those prisoners who passed the second court in this city has been attached to the general attorney base or Supreme Court of Kabul city for determining of their third court result means result of supreme court. About more than 30% prisoners of this base must wait for the verdict of the supreme court of Kabul city about the result of their supreme court up to the time that their dispensation would be determined from the general attorney base of Kabul city. She mentioned,” the cases of the criminal send to primary court at the first time and after the verdict of primary court and based on the choice of criminal their cases attach to the general attorney base or Supreme Court of this city. Meanwhile of confirmation of existence of some problems in the general attorney base of this city she said,” the cases attach from the provincial head quarter of this region to the general attorney base for distinguishing of the cases and about more than thousands criminal cases are under the investigations of officials of this base. This is in the time that there are about more than thousands prisoners in the prison of this city which including about more than 47% women.
One Christian become Muslim in Kabul province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Nekolay resident of Qazaqestan that came 8 months ago for work in Afghanistan, on 27th Sept imminent to holy religious of Islam. Qualified accept Islam religious in present of Namatullah Shahrani minister of Haj and consecration in Kabul. For qualified one copy of Holy Quarn, one prayer mate and Zamzam Water has given from side of Shahrani as gift. And selected his new name (Islam-o-Din). Islam-o-Din said to Pajwak afghan news agency, since 8 months I work as a director of subscriber construction company of Russian and Afghan in Kabul.
The educational bond of one minister hasn’t completed.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
In the continuation of the protests members of the ministry of education, ministry of high education and Islamic affairs commission of parliament based on the lake of confirmation of attorney about the educational bonds of ministers Sadeq Modaber the deputy of parliament delegation of president in the parliament affairs said,” the educational bond of one minister hasn’t completed yet. Based on the report of rah-e Nijaat news report, he spoke about the general session of national soviet of ministers in this week and he informed from the submitting of ministers educational bonds to the author commission of national soviet but he avoid to take the name of the minister that his educational bonds hasn’t completed yet. He also hinted,” the general session of ministers soviet argued on the joining of traffic presidency to the municipality of this city which they couldn’t be able to take a result from their discussions in this field and their discussion rid without any result in this week and resolved that they minister of economy, minister of interior affairs, minister of city development, minister of financial affairs and mayor must argue on this theme under the oversee of vice president and they should present the last decision to minister’s soviet in this field. In the next decision of ministers soviet they argue on the disbandment of government cooperative of this country and they appointed a special commission to asses the reclamation of government properties which has been given for the mentioned base and other bases of this country based on the factional compromises in the past time and present their last decision in this field for the ministers soviet of this country.
Some local commanders capture in Baghlan
translated by Atif MOhmandzai
Four local commander in Andarab area of Baghlan province, in accusation of armed fighting and killing of local people captured. Syed Akram Masomi governor of Baghlan said to Pajwak afghan news agency, that these commanders captured last day, but we can’t disclose their names. Masomi added that mentioned commanders area accuse in armed fighting between each other that in result of that till now, tens bodies from both side hostile and local people have killed. Governor of Baghlan said that they want to solve tribal fighting and area of commanders with people from way of tribal Jirga. In rest that people don’t contentment from this way, documents of commanders will be given to justice authorities. Andarab due to conflicts and tribal fighting is the insecurity district in Baghlan province. These commanders arrested after that that governor of Baghlan during his one week travel surveyed in 8 districts people’s problems and security condition and people have objected from these commanders. Although governor of Baghlan didn’t mentioned the name of these commanders, but one of the well-known personalities of Andarab district said to Pajwak afghan news agency, and named from them by the names of abudl Ghafor, Shah Mahmood, Mohammad Hosain and Mohammad Ghafor former commander of Hezb-e-Islami . Nasratullah 30 years old man resident of Bala-e-Sar of Andarab district said, these commanders several times have captured from side of government, but they released soon and again started to fighting. He claimed that I don’t think so that someone can object to government from this commanders, because they scare that maybe commander release and face their life with dangerous.
Accommodation of new system for paying salary for national police of this country
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Based on the report of the public information press office of joint security and primary base of Afghanistan, the new method and system will accommodate for the paying of salaries for the national police in Kandahar. It mentioned in this report,” by the approaching of fifth anniversary from the incident of 11th of September the national police continue to the development and uplift of national police spirit in the field of war and other security morals in Kandahar province which this big development include accommodation of individual system of paying salary for the security officials and national police of this region. Based on this report the mentioned system exposed to the confirmation of ministries of interior affairs and financial affairs of this country and this system will support from a special budge for the supplying of security and stability in the country. It is mentionable that the mentioned system has been accommodated in about more than 12 provinces of this country and this system starts in about more than 6 other provinces of the country in October.
Foreign troops stationed in Afghanistan aren’t adequate
Tranlsated by Abdul Hassib
Bin Clinton the former president of America said,” the foreign troops which are stationed in Afghanistan aren’t adequate for the supplying of stability and security in this country and profound troops must to attach to this country for the straggling against terrorist and annihilation of narcotic from this country. He added,” international community and foreign troops stationed in Afghanistan must to aggravate their straggling against narcotics and terrorist and annihilation of them from this country up to the time that they will be able to annihilate terrorist from all over the world. The mentioned high ranks of democratic faction of America and the former president of this country asserted this theme in a session in kingdom hall of England in 27th of September in London. He added,” there isn’t adequate troops for the straggling against terrorist and narcotics in Afghanistan and more troops must attach to this country. While he asserted this assertion that about more than 21 thousands led – US and about more than 20 thousands of soldier led-NATO are station in Afghanistan and they have activities in the field of security and reconstruction of this country. He also said,” international still have two important priority in Afghanistan which one of them is creation of good government in this country and the other is annihilation of terrorist from this country.
Childrn’s Rights in Afghanistan
A. H. Stanikzai
Today, the situation of Afghan children who labours is of most concern than any other time and needs an attention to be paid for. As it is observed today most of the children are busy working hard things which require power more than the power of child especially those who earn the loaf for the family. Most of these children who are under 12 work in very bad conditions against the accepted norms of children’s rights, they work in factories, carpet weaving factories, car repairing garages, selling on the streets, selling and smuggling drug, beggary and other examples. The occupation of children to various works which require more power than the children abilities are the shocking realities that threatens the future generations, as the children who labour with the vulnerable condition they have are exposed to danger more, because as the children are need of work can easily be sexually abused or they can be used physically and psychologically and mostly they are mobilized to do wrong things that may be the children themselves do not have any enthusiasm to do wrong. The article 49 of the constitutional bans to impose work on children and clarifies that: to impose work on children is banned, active participation in war and other disastrous situations that which threaten the public life, is thee obligation of each Afghan, to impose work on children is forbidden. But, still day by day the number of children who engaged in labour raises, and there are a number of reasons for the rising of the number such as war, insecurity, weak economy conditions, carelessness of the government and family these all has lent a hand to each other and has caused the children to do hard works. The occupation of children in bazaars without any safeguarding equipments, face the children with health problems, mental pressures, sexual abuse, habituation to drug deprivation from education and crimes, although the negative aspects of child labour is not felt in our society yet but in the future it will affect the economy of the country and the society badly negatively and it will create halters to the economy of the country and the government that undertake the international documents such as civil and political rights treaty, the treaty of economical, social and cultural rights and the convention of the rights of children. Still has not taken step towards accomplishing this in attention to the principals of the declarations, conventions and international norms to support the children, the carelessness of the government can be considered as an aggression of the government to the Human Rights. Therefore the magazine of Waqeiat in an attention to negative affects of children labour on the society stresses that the government and the INGOs and other international institutions should take appropreiate steps to ban the children labour unless the society will be faced with a serious threat.
The activities of the research institution of women and children’s rights
A. H. note: first and second articles are taken fro m Waqeiat Magazine
The activities of the research institution of women and children’s rights The most important works the research institution of women and children has done during the passed two months are as the following: Holding workshops: the institution, in the range of holding workshops to research the affects of negative customs and traditions, this time has held workshops in Bagrami districts of Kabul province and in Maidan Wardak that the main objectives of the workshops were to diagnose the affects of negative customs and traditions on women and children, the evaluation of the circumstances of legislative and justice organs in relation to the cases oozing from negative customs and searching the ways to reduce such traditions. Research project of having more than one marriage. The work of the research project of many marriages ended successfully, the report under “having more than one marriage in Afghanistan” printed in 72 pages and 1,000 volumes. The research project of escape from house: This project ahs also come to an end and its research report under the topic of “an overview on cases of escape from house” in 65 pages and 1,000 volumes was printed and were distributed to the related departments and individuals. HIV research project and human smuggling: This project was initiated by the request of United Nations Development Program for south Asia and its objective is the evaluation of the situation of Afghanistan regarding HIV cases and the linkage of these two problems one to another. In the report it has been endeavoured to study the existence principals and policies, the existence of mechanisms to combat against drug and human smuggling proposals and resolutions were presented, the report will soon be released. The project of the evaluation of affects of customs on women and children: This project has been initiated for the evaluation of the existed mechanisms for the solution of family conflicts in the different places of the country and to find the existed problems and solutions.
300 female police begin their service in Kabul, Kandahar, Balkh and Kundoz:
A. H. Stanikzai note: from Waqeiat magazine
300 female police begin their service in Kabul, Kandahar, Balkh and Kundoz: The United Nations Development Program in its statement of May 2006 declared that soon 300 female police will start their work in Kabul, Kndahar, Balkh and Kundoz. According to the understanding between the development and cooperation institution of Swiss and United Nations Development Program, Swiss agreed to donate $ 1,3 million for the Afghan interior ministry to train 300 female police to serve in Kabul, Kandahar, Balkh, Heart, Nangarhar and Kundoz. The understanding say that the money will spent for the training of woman police and their salaries in the coming two years. The goal of the donation of Swiss is for the training of female police and to defend the women rights in Afghanistan that presently 160 female police work in Afghanistan.
Family violence the base of permanent fear
A. H. Stanikzai note: from Waqeiat magazine
Family violence the base of permanent fear How to combat against family violation? How recognize violation before we are harmed? I want to say that physical violence and beating is just a small part of the mountain of violence. When we are speaking of violence between couples we desire to speak of what that we see, from those signs which are visible but violation in my opinion goes beyond this, the violence firstly, is a kind of relation of controlling, insult and control of an individual on another individual that sometimes the physical violation is also added to it but the main word is to the continuation of violence to make the woman to obey. I also wanted to address those who interfere from outside, the nurses, institutions, family members as well as neighbours and acquaintances that sometimes some women does not want to accept their proposed solutions they get upset and disappointed. They say “ they are self-harassers and they may like such kind of life” but these women should know that they have been trapped they are the misled victims that it is difficult for them to cut off with such relationships. After a physical suffer undoubtedly there is a strong mental violence but this is not taken in accountability. Are there men victims of violence among couples? Yes, there are men victims of violence there are different kinds of controllers among couples but in our community 98% of violence is created by men and there are few reasons for that: the first one is the tradition of controlling the female by male and even if our society is a modern one few generations are needed to change the way of thoughts. When a boy is experiencing violence in the family again he would repeat the violence by his turn. In contrary the girls is turned to be the victim. The girl is always called to be patient but the boy is going towards using power. Why the women are continuing such a life? Apparently, it seems that they have accepted the violence. We should accept that the progress of violence is gradual.
Samira, a child who thinks as elders
A. H. Stanikzai
Samira, a child who thinks as elders Samira Popal is a child that in the first days of growth and mental development has been desirous to learn from the late wonders of the humanity which has changed the page of life and that it has been able to turn the earth to a small village the letter, picture and voice do not have any distances in it. She doesn’t know about the hard life of the precious generation she may have know that she is the product of such a parent that has passed three decades of war and they lost at once what they had gathered in centuries. Samira is now six years old, the business of other members of the family has provoked her to be conducted in computer without knowing that this wondering invention of human has a lot more wondering specifications. She likes to press the button to turn on computer and to have a look at the family picture collections and her birthday pictures. She is able to watch the pictures by pressing the inter button and by the help of her memory she names everyone. She is preparing to go to school next year as there are three doctors among her family members and they have treated Samira and other family members many times, she also wishes to become a doctor in the future. She goes to kindergarten, she sing songs, and she tells stories about drawings, writing the alphabet and letters and digits. She has an excellent memory, she enjoy working in the house in order to help her mother. She also likes cartons and films of animals’ world. She hates the violence scenes of films and she has a special tolerant in choosing clothes and that how the colours match one to another. As there is no other child in the family therefore she always spends her time with elders therefore she thinks like elders and speaks like elders. As she sings epic songs and she sings them with enthusiasm, the habit shows that she has a great love to her people and coucntymen.
Former Afghan interior minister Ali Ahmad Jalali
A. H. Stanikzai
The failure of Afghanistan means the failure of NATO and American forces The late travel of the president to Washington will be affective on the defeat of Taliban and terrorism New York: Ali Ahamd Jalali said here that if the Afghan government fails the international community will be failed too. According to Jalali, Afghanistan has turned to the field of war against terrorism and this centre should be let alone in war against terrorism. He added the recently the activities of the Taliban has been geared up and they have made a great challenge to the Afghan government. He termed the late visit of president Karzai to Washington and meetings with president Bush and Musharaf and the tripartite meetings as to be useful and added that: this meeting will be affective in suppress of the Taliban and terrorists positively according to times dispatch internet website Jalali termed Afghanistan as the last field of combat during the cold war and the first field of combat against terrorism. He added that if the international community does not assist Afghanistan fully its future results will have very bad affects in the region and in international level. According to Jalali, Afghanistan has progressed significantly in rehabilitation and strengthening the economical bases.
Afghanistan will never become the field for terrorists to run over it
A. H. Stanikzai
The secretary general of NATO Shiefer has send an open envelop letter to a German magazine and has emphasized on the decision of NATO to fight against terrorism. He has clearly said that no one will be allowed to change Afghanistan to a field for the terrorism to run over it. This proves that NATO is steady on its promises to Afghanistan and the promises are clear in the bilateral declaration of both countries. The seconmd important point in Sheifer’s letter is that he has pointed out to those sources that terrorists are trained, financed and are fed there. Now no one can deny that terrorism does not have roots inside Afghanistan but the terrorism is imposed to Afghanistan beyond the borders and to remove this unrecognized phenomenon from Afghanistan the combat against terrorism should be accelerated outside the borders. NATO is handling the most difficult mission in unsecured regions of southern Afghanistan. NATO is an international military organization that has key role in international political and military deals. NATO should use its influence and step down those circles and forces who still support the terrorism ideologically and materially. In bringing pressures on the to those circles and and forces may be America and other countries involved in Afghanistan, consider some remarks and compels from the diplomatic and political interests point of view. But NATO does not need to pay attention to such considerations and it can bring pressures on the international supporters of terrorism. Now, this is time that the military and political leaders of NATO to come out to the field and take steps to distract the financial and feeding of terrorism.
Meeting was held about the circumstances of TV channels programs
A. H. Stanikzai
Meeting was held about the circumstances of TV channels programs The minister of culture and youths in the second meeting he had with private and government TV channels yesterday, according to the agenda he emphasized on the increase of domestic production and decrease of foreign programs. The minister A. K. Khuram said in the meeting that: the enhancement of art in the society needs artistic products, therefore the minister asked the TV channels to increase the domestic artistic and cultural productivity and decrease in foreign programs. Then the authorities of Ariana, Tolo, Aiena and national TV presented explanation about their programs, then the minister mentioned the initiatives and programs of TV cannels and said: the program of “Quraan star” of Afghan TV channel is appreciable, this program provoke the youths to memorize Quraan . The minister asked explanation from Tolo TV, that why it did not release the news of the start of the work of instruction of Kabul-Bamyan highway. The representative of Tolo TV said that the news ahs been released by the TV and he promised to bring a copy of it to the minister. The minister asked all the TV channels to release the news of the process of rehabilitation from all parts of the country and that they should mind the culture of people in their programs. The minister also asked the representative of Tolo TV to offer explanation about the complaints of Kabul civilians that the Tolo TV broadcast the Azen (praying call) ten minutes before the specified time.
Coalition reject Taliban’s claim
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Coalition forces rejected Taliban’s claim based on killing of their a lot of forces in Nuristan province and said that backwarded the attack of Taliban. Dr. Mohammad Hanif, one Taliban spokesman at 27th Sept in one telephone contact from unknown place said to Pazwak afghan news agency that last day their forces put under attack the coalition forces in Mandikul district of Kamdish. He claimed that killed 13 coalition solders in this attack and destroyed their vehicles as well. Dr. Hanif as well inform from killing of one their solder during this attack, but coalition forces knows this attack of Taliban without basis and said that one solder of them has not killed. Colonel Paul Fetzpatrik, spokesman of subscriber working forces of 76 of coalition forces said to Pajwok afghan news agency that last day in limit of 10 men from armed appositions put under attack the patrol caravan of coalition forces in Kamdish district of Nuristan province. He said that coalition forces as well attacked against and put the appositions under firing. That in he result they obligated to escape.
Killing of 8 warlord appositions
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
National defence ministry, informed from killing of 8 warlord apposition and capturing of 16 other bodies of them in Paktika province. General Zahir Azimi spokesman of national defence ministry at 27th Sept said to Pajwak afghan news agency that these people killed and captive in one subscriber operation with coalition forces. In saying of qualified, subsbriber operation forces of 2nd brigade of corps no 203 thunder and coalition in Jarkani area district of Yousif Khel of Paktika took place. He said that in this operation didn’t happen any causalities to solders of national army and coalition forces. Resolve to information of colonel Abdul Khaliq commander of 203 thunder corps, in this operation three Kalashnikovs, one Pica, two rocket thrower, one DTSHK, one Jeeb car and one apposition’s motorcycle also captured. Bur Pajwak afghan news agency about this claim with saying of Taliban didn’t agree, Azimi called the mentioned operation a part of “mountain fury” this operation started three weeks ago in Lugar, Ghazni, Khost, Pakitya and paktika provinces. Resolve to information of coalition forces and national defence ministry, from starting of “mountain fury” operation till now 41 persons of appositions have killed.
The large number of teacher, return to rural
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
A large number of teachers in village area of Baghlan province in cause of less salary they are busy in rural and this condition in studying system created deranging. Students have objection that most of their study period empty passed and they can’t complete their studying according to education programme but authorities of education presidency say, that excess of teachers, the large number of students also busy in agriculture season on planting and working. Ghulam Safdar student of 9th class Lica Khonjan school of province of Khonjan in condition that in studying time was standing out of school in front of on shop said to Pajwak afghan news agency, my study time is empty, out physic teacher is not here and went for planting of rice. In a condition that he was very touched, said that he passes 5km distance for coming to school. But most of the teachers are not present and passes most of their studying hours empty with teacher this student says: now it becomes last year and we didn’t finish half of the book and no one care on them. Baghlan is one the north provinces of the country and cultivation is profession of their people and interfering in studying system mostly occurs in spring and fall seasons that plants wheat and rice. Rice is the main product of Baghlan province and Baghlani rice is popular in level of country. Zakia Bashar Dost student of 10th class Lica Zareena district of central Baghlan says that their teachers especially in time of wheat and rice season don’t come to school and the subjects according to studying program is not comparing. She says if they object to authorities of education, teachers taking knot and will create difficulties in examination time to them. Bashar dost says: this condition caused that it is better to stay at home and we don’t go to school because that is useless, Mohammad Jamil Paikan teacher of this school causes teachers absenteeism is shortage of salary and says that teachers are obligated for doing cultivating and or find from one other lawful way subsistence. Mohammad Qasim one of the teachers that in Khanjan district of Baghlan province is busy in planting rice said if government give them enough salary, what will need they have that let the holy teaching filed and dong cultivating. Monthly salary of one teacher in way of median is about 1800 up to 3500 afghani. But Saifullah Qoyash education minister of Baghlan province in this that know shortage of salary cause existent of parts of education problems, says that during approaching cultivation in cause of this that all teachers and students are becomes busy in their cultivating working. 50 in 100 of their plans are not comparing. In saying of education minister of Baghlan province, more than 9 thousand male and female teacher in 304 schools are teaching more than from 260 thousand students male and female.