2 values
hypothesis: MG Rover has been bought by Airbus. premise: Airbus could site a design engineering centre in the Midlands region of the UK to take advantage of the availability of skilled engineering staff following the demise of MG Rover, the collapsed UK carmaker.
hypothesis: The Zambian government has ordered to plant potatoes. premise: Levy Mwanawasa, the President of Zambia died yesterday at age 59. He died in a Paris hospital in France. His death was intially announced by an anonymous family member. It was later confirmed on television by vice president Rupiah Banda. Mwanawase suffered a stroke while in Egypt in June of this year for an African Union summit, whereafter he was flown to France. His condition suddenly deteriorated on Monday.
hypothesis: The Mona Lisa is in France. premise: The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci from 1503-1506, hangs in Paris' Louvre Museum.
hypothesis: Moussaoui participated in the Sept. 11 attacks. premise: U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema accepted would-be hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui's guilty pleas on six charges of conspiracy laid against him for his plotting to participate in the Sept. 11 attacks . Moussaoui, who had to be restrained at one point during the trial in an Alexandria, Virginia courthouse, was polite and quiet during the day's appearance.
hypothesis: Insurance companies cover prescription drugs. premise: In 1997, insurance companies paid out $51.6 billion for prescription drugs.
hypothesis: Rich and poor nations crashed into a historic deal on Sunday. premise: Rich and poor nations struck a historic deal on Sunday to slash billions of dollars in farm subsidies, create more open industrial markets and revive stalled world trade talks that could boost global growth.
hypothesis: Greenpeace made a statement about yellow safety jackets. premise: Two Greenpeace protestors entered the CBI conference at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London and delayed a speech being made by the Prime Minister Tony Blair, in which he was expected to announce the consideration of further nuclear power stations to offset the increasing gas prices being experienced by industry in the UK. The protestors, wearing yellow safety jackets over business suits, climbed up into the ceiling rafters and held banners saying "NUCLEAR: WRONG ANSWER", and dropped 'radioactive confetti' onto the delegates down below. Greenpeace threatened to make noise and throw missiles at the Prime Minister should he make his speech.
hypothesis: Yuganskneftegaz cost US$ 27.5 billion. premise: The sale was made to pay Yukos' US$ 27.5 billion tax bill, Yuganskneftegaz was originally sold for US$9.4 billion to a little known company Baikalfinansgroup which was later bought by the Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft .
hypothesis: The automotive industry has seen advances in robotic metal cutting. premise: Strong competition in industries such as shipping has resulted in waves of investment in labour saving technology such as steel and aluminium cutting tools, processing machine and welding robots.
hypothesis: Britain angered Argentina. premise: Relations between Argentina and Britain were soured again last May when Britain decided to extend territorial waters to 200 miles around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
hypothesis: Three parties form a Dutch coalition government. premise: Last week, saw the fall of the Dutch right wing coalition government, made up of the Christian-democrats (CDA) led by Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, the right wing liberal party (VVD) and the so-called left-liberal D66.
hypothesis: The island gets water from collected rain. premise: Since the island also lacks wells, water has to be obtained from rain carefully collected in concrete cisterns.
hypothesis: Euro-Disney is an Entertainment Park. premise: Euro Disney is one of the most popular theme parks of USA.
hypothesis: The women's ten thousand metres champion is from Mozambique. premise: Elsewhere, Mozambique took its first ever Olympic gold medal when Maria Mutola won the women's eight-hundred metres, while the men's ten-thousand-metres went to the Ethiopian Haile Gebrselassie.
hypothesis: The jurisdiction of the case was queried by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. premise: The Prime Minister's Office and the Foreign Office had earlier purposely asserted that the case is strictly in the jurisdiction of the police and the justice system.
hypothesis: Gennaro Castaldo is 67 years old. premise: His latest release, Together Through Life, has reached the top spot 38 years and five months after his last chart-topper, New Morning, in 1970. The 67-year-old American singer-songwriter now holds the record for the longest gap between solo number one albums. It is Dylan's seventh UK number one, his 33rd studio album and his 53rd album, including compilations and soundtracks. He first reached number one with The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan released in 1964. HMV's Gennaro Castaldo said: "It's evident that Dylan is going through one of his zeitgeist moments, as a new generation of fans join his more established followers in appreciating his musical legacy."
hypothesis: Romano Prodi wins Italian primaries. premise: Centre-left voters in Italy have chosen Romano Prodi as the candidate who will challenge Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in next year's election. The former European Commission president and Italian PM won 73.5% of votes, according to partial results of primaries.
hypothesis: Organic fertilizers are used as soil enhancers. premise: Humic acids are complex organic molecules formed by the breakdown of organic matter in the soil. They are not considered to be fertilizers, but soil enhancers and improvers.
hypothesis: Marine vegetation is harvested. premise: A number of marine plants are harvested commercially in Nova Scotia.
hypothesis: The pilot had been attempting an emergency landing, after both engines failed. premise: The focus on the engines and the fuel, stems from the pilot's radio call, shortly before the crash.
hypothesis: The United Iraqi Alliance won more than two-thirds of the 3.3 million votes counted so far, the election commission said. premise: The United Iraqi Alliance, endorsed by Iraq's top Shiite clerics, captured more than two-thirds of the 3.3 million votes counted so far, the election commission said.
hypothesis: Burns surgeons approve Dr Wood's spray-on skin. premise: Dr Wood led a courageous and committed team in the fight to save 28 patients suffering from between two and 92 per cent body burns, deadly infections and delayed shock. As well as receiving much praise from both her own patients and the media, she also attracted controversy among other burns surgeons due to the fact that spray-on skin had not yet been subjected to clinical trials.
hypothesis: Syria has 30,000 soldiers in 60% of Lebanon, and Israel controls an area in the south of 850 square kms. premise: Israel controls an area of about 850 square kilometres in the south of the Lebanese Republic, while Syria has about 30 thousand soldiers over two thirds of the Lebanese territory.
hypothesis: The weather channel gives you information about the weather in the next few days. premise: For example, if you want to find out what the weather in your area will be like for the next five days, select the weather channel from the main multiscreen and you will find detailed forecasts and other weather news. Or if your team has been in action, you can read the top headlines for your chosen sport by keying in 300 on your handset - just as you would on Ceefax.
hypothesis: Beatrice and Benedict is an overture by Berlioz. premise: The program will include Falla's "Night in the Gardens of Spain," Ravel's Piano Concerto in G, Berlioz's Overture to "Beatrice and Benedict," and Roy Harris' Symphony No. 3.
hypothesis: The six U.S. soldiers were residents in Afghanistan. premise: Kabul - A roadside bomb that injured six U.S. soldiers in eastern Afghanistan, was followed by a blast near a Kabul police station, Monday, that hurt two police officers and a civilian.
hypothesis: Russians hold record for longest stay in space. premise: The longest mission which the Russian Salyuts supported was 63 days. The second generation Salyuts would fly missions much longer and would need to be resupplied from time to time.
hypothesis: Dr Ian Scott is married to Helen Clark. premise: Photographs published by the Investigate magazine and the newspaper Sunday Star Times has shown the Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark's husband, Peter Davis, being hugged and kissed by openly gay Auckland GP (General Practitioner) Dr. Ian Scott on election night 2005. The editor of Investigate, Ian Wishart, stated that at no time has Investigate ever suggested Davis is gay. Wishart said that he has "Been targeting Mr Davis for months and has appealed for readers to send him details of his private life. [My] article makes no homosexual inferences and is merely an attempt to background Davis ahead of reports to follow."
hypothesis: Jews and Christians pray as Muslims do. premise: Muslims are commanded not to take Jews or Christians for friends.
hypothesis: The Murray-Darling Basin is in Australia. premise: THE amount of water flowing into the stricken Murray River between January and March was the lowest for that quarter in the 117 years that records have been kept. An unprecedented drought has thrown the river system into decline, according to the guardian for the river. "We've had big droughts before and big floods before, but what we didn't have was climate change," said Rob Freeman, the chief executive of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
hypothesis: The pope talked about corruption in Africa during his visit in Angola. premise: Critics say last year's massive election victory was marred by fraud and corruption and that the pope must beware of allowing his visit, sponsored by the state, to be seen as legitimizing an authoritarian regime. The bishops in Angola twice have denounced the government for leaving its people mired in poverty while leaders enrich themselves off oil and diamonds. Since he arrived on Friday from Cameroon, the pope has met with dos Santos and spoken out against corruption in Africa, the continent with the fastest-growing Catholic population in the world.
hypothesis: 3.2 million Muslims live in Germany. premise: Muslims make up some 3.2 million of Germany's 82 million people, and Turks represent two thirds of the minority.
hypothesis: Dick Cheney was the Vice President of Bush. premise: WASHINGTON -- A newly declassified narrative of the Bush administration's advice to the CIA on harsh interrogations shows that the small group of Justice Department lawyers who wrote memos authorizing controversial interrogation techniques were operating not on their own but with direction from top administration officials, including then-Vice President Dick Cheney and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. At the same time, the narrative suggests that then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell were largely left out of the decision-making process.
hypothesis: Buda is located on the west bank of the Danube. premise: Budapest consists of two parts, Buda and Pest, which are situated on opposite sides of the river and connected by a series of bridges.
hypothesis: The Guantanamo prison is in Cuba. premise: WASHINGTON - A Pentagon report on Guantanamo prison ordered by President Barack Obama concludes conditions for inmates are in line with Geneva Conventions and other legal obligations, a US official said Friday. The report was due to be delivered to the White House by Saturday as part of a landmark executive order issued by Obama last month mandating the closure of the "war on terror" detention camp. The official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity, said the review conducted by Admiral Patrick Walsh found that detainees were treated humanely, in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and other laws recognized by the United States.
hypothesis: Air Force is an organisation based in Southern California. premise: Christoffer's family was identified only as an Air Force family living in Southern California.
hypothesis: Draft experts draft eight international players. premise: Draft experts say as many as eight U.S. high school prospects could be taken in the first round of the two-round draft, as well as up to eight international players.
hypothesis: Rozsa Hill lies north of Castle Hill. premise: Rozsa ( Rose ) Hill , the third hill near the river, lies north of Castle Hill.
hypothesis: Gavin Newsom is a politician of San Francisco. premise: Self-sufficiency has been turned into a formal public awareness campaign in San Francisco, by Mayor Gavin Newsom.
hypothesis: Canada participates in the G8 summit. premise: The G8 summit, held June 8-10, brought together leaders of the world's major industrial democracies, including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, European Union and United States.
hypothesis: Rolf Ekeus is a Swedish diplomat. premise: Rolf Ekeus the Swedish diplomat who chairs the commission said that while Baghdad had been cooperative in helping his panel establish procedures for monitoring and verifying the weapons destruction it is unclear how the Iraqis will react once the system is in operation .
hypothesis: Three parties form a Dutch coalition government. premise: This coalition took seven months to form, the longest deadlock in Dutch history. It occurred only after negotiations between the CDA and the PvdA failed, first over tax issues, then over the issue of abortion.
hypothesis: Robert Mugabe was born in Zimbabwe. premise: Xingwana called on established farmers to form partnerships with new landowners and to transfer skills to new farmers, to ensure productive use of transferred lands. One criticism of the programme is that some of the transferred farms have fallen in production due to the inexperience and lack of capital among the new owners. The government has rejected comparisons of the programme with that initiated in Zimbabwe under President Robert Mugabe.
hypothesis: Britain has maintained an arm embargo. premise: Military ties between the two countries have been governed officially by an arms embargo imposed by Britain on Argentina.
hypothesis: The Auburn High School Athletic Hall of Fame has ten members. premise: The Auburn High School Athletic Hall of Fame recently introduced its Class of 2005 which includes 10 members.
hypothesis: After the resignation of six pro-Syrian ministers a deep political crises started in Lebanon. premise: Gemayel's assassination is almost certain to deepen the political crisis in Lebanon, which started after the resignation of six pro-Syrian ministers, two from Hezbollah, hours after all-party round table talks collapsed.
hypothesis: Earthquakes have the potential to generate a tsunami. premise: One year on from the Indian Ocean tsunami, the world's grief and compassion returned to the tsunami-battered coastlines of the Indian Ocean, where at least 216,000 people lost their lives. Under a clear sky and before a gentle sea, the world commemorated those who lost their lives, in one of the worst natural disasters that the modern world has experienced.
hypothesis: Ruth hit 714 home runs in his lifetime. premise: Joe Friday wore badge No. 714-in honor of the number of home runs Ruth hit in his career.
hypothesis: The Taliban is the rebels' employer. premise: Mufti Latifullah Hakimi, the spokesman for the Taliban rebels, claimed responsibility for the blast, but said that the insurgents had planted the bomb to target the Afghan police.
hypothesis: Joseph Wilson worked for CIA. premise: Mr Fitzgerald revealed he was one of several top officials who told Mr Libby in June 2003 that Valerie Plame, wife of the former ambassador Joseph Wilson, worked for the CIA.
hypothesis: African polio outbreak feared premise: World health officials warned yesterday that West Africa and Central Africa were on the verge of the worst polio outbreak in years, stemming from the refusal of a single state in northern Nigeria to vaccinate children against the disease.
hypothesis: Tolkien wrote the fantasy epic called "Lord of the Rings". premise: New Zealand film director Peter Jackson is to make a 264-million-New Zealand-dollar (133 million U.S. dollars) trilogy based on Tolkien's fantasy classic "Lord of The Rings," the local TV station reported Tuesday evening.
hypothesis: Jader Barbalho is the Senate President. premise: The PMDB is also the party led by Senator Jader Barbalho, the recently elected Senate President heaped with serious corruption charges.
hypothesis: Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaah was a student at Victoria University in 1999. premise: The New Zealand Maori Queen, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu died on Tuesday at 5.32 p.m. (NZST) following a long illness. She was 75 years old. The Maori Queen holds no constitutional function in New Zealand, but Dame Te Atairangikaahu was an avid supporter of cultural and sporting events; the 40th anniversary of her coronation was celebrated in May. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Waikato University in 1973, and an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Victoria University in 1999. She was one of the first inductees of the Order of New Zealand when it was established in 1987.
hypothesis: General Dynamics loses $374m. premise: General Dynamics, the maker of land combat systems, warships and Gulfstream business jets, reported net earnings of $374m in the third quarter, or $1.84 per share.
hypothesis: Olson is a member of the Fed board. premise: Olson, 62, previously worked as a partner at Ernst & Young LLP, as a Minnesota bank president and as a congressional aide, before joining the Fed board in 2001, to serve a term ending in 2010.
hypothesis: California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793 are laws against ultraviolent video games. premise: In 2005, Leland Yee, a California State Senator (in District 8 which includes the western half of San Francisco and most of San Mateo County), Speaker pro Tempore of the Assembly (D-San Francisco/Daly City), introduced California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793 which barred "ultra-violent" video games from minors under the age of eighteen in California and mandated the application of ESRB ratings for video games. "California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793" were commonly called the "ultraviolent video games bills" or simply "video game ban" bills. Bill 1792 banned the sales of such video games while Bill 1793 required signs explaining the regulations on said games to be placed where such were sold. Both bills were passed by the Assembly and signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger into law (AB 1179) on October 7, 2005.
hypothesis: The Australian Prime Minister is called John Howard. premise: On Sunday Memoirs: 1939-1993 a memoir written by former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney will be released. The 1,152 page tome outlines Mulroney's version of events during his time as prime minister. CTV will broadcast a documentary on Brian Mulroney on the eve of his book launch. In addition, the network plans to air Triumph & Treachery: The Brian Mulroney Story on Sunday, CTV says the 90-minute special will be the most complete interview the former prime minister has ever given and his first comprehensive interview since leaving office in 1993. The Quebec French language TVA network will air a similar documentary exclusively in French later that night.
hypothesis: The Constitution Party includes Max Riekse among its members. premise: In March, Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Max Riekse, one of the candidates for the Constitution Party nomination for the 2008 United States presidential election. With the Constitution Party's national convention underway this weekend, we spoke with him one last time before he either becomes his party's candidate or loses. Riekse is a retired decorated Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army who served in both the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. He is also a former public school teacher and Assistant Professor of Military Science at Western Michigan University. He has a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of South Florida as well as two M.A.s, one in Political Science and International Relations, the other in Education and History. Both are from Western Michigan University.
hypothesis: Jennie Beavers Stewart is a share-holder of Carolina Analytical Laboratory. premise: According to NC Articles of Organization, the members of LLC company are H. Nelson Beavers, III, H. Chester Beavers and Jennie Beavers Stewart.
hypothesis: The Counts of Holland supported the Holy See. premise: The Counts of Holland and Geldern, between whose territories the lands of the Bishops of Utrecht lay, also sought to acquire influence over the filling of the episcopal see. This often led to disputes and consequently the Holy See frequently interfered in the election.
hypothesis: The FBI is Alberto Gonzales' employer. premise: Last month, the FBI's Washington Field Office began an internal recruitment drive to staff a new anti-obscenity squad. The job of the new squad would be to gather evidence against the "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography, and would require eight agents, a supervisor and assorted support help. The squad would not be concerned with child pornography, but instead focus on pornography that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults. The squad would target bestiality, urination, defecation, and sadomasochistic behavior, which have a high rate of conviction in jury trials. The initiative is described as "one of the top priorities" of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, as well as FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III. Gonzales has said that "adult pornography is a threat to families and children."
hypothesis: The transfer of power took place in Baghdad. premise: Iraq became a sovereign country Monday morning, but only a dozen officials were present at the transfer of power ceremony in the heavily guarded Green Zone of Baghdad. Bremer handed over legal documents that were accepted by Iraq's interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.
hypothesis: Kessler's team interviewed more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries. premise: Kessler's team conducted 60,643 face-to-face interviews with adults in 14 countries.
hypothesis: The introduction of the euro has been opposed. premise: The result in Denmark shows that people are fundamentally opposed to joining the euro.
hypothesis: All charges of anti-competitive staff poaching were later dismissed. premise: An initial bid to prevent seven former employees of GM from working for Volkswagen for 12 months was thrown out by a Frankfurt court.
hypothesis: The current President of Honduras is Manuel Zelaya. premise: The current President of Brazilian Central Bank, Henrique Meirelles, is accused of financial fraud among other accusations.
hypothesis: Romulus is found southwest of Detroit. premise: The plant, located in Romulus, near Wayne, is about 15 miles southwest of Detroit. Initial reports stated that a single explosion in a chemical tank was the cause of the fire. The cause of this explosion has not yet been determined. Detroit ABC affiliate WXYZ confirmed that all employees made it out of the plant before the explosion occurred, and that HAZMAT teams were on the scene of the fire. Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans announced that no injuries ere reported in the initial explosion. However, approximately 32 people were treated for breathing problems at nearby Oakwood Annapolis Hospital, due to the subsequent fire.
hypothesis: Hotel Rosengarten is a completely clothing-free hotel. premise: It will be the most German of combinations: nudity and beach towels. After decades of sunbathing and camping in the buff, the legions of Teutonic naturists are about to get their very own holiday heaven — a completely clothing-free hotel. The Hotel Rosengarten, in the aptly named Black Forest town of Freudenstadt ("Town of Joys"), will mark a new frontier for the homeland of Freikörperkultur (FKK), meaning "free body culture". A handful of German hotels have accommodated naturists up to now, but the management at Rosengarten plan to take a hardline anti-apparel stance.
hypothesis: Swift died in 1745. premise: Paralysis was followed by aphasia, and after acute pain, followed by a long period of apathy, from which death relieved Swift in October 1745.
hypothesis: An attempt on Andres Pastrana's life was carried out using a powerful bomb. premise: A powerful bomb, hidden in a truck, exploded outside the headquarters of Colombia's secret police, Wednesday, causing severe damage, Bogota mayor Andres Pastrana said.
hypothesis: Álvaro Marcelo García Linera belongs to the republican party. premise: Vice-President Álvaro Marcelo García Linera, a principal author of the draft constitution, hailed Sunday's referendum results, saying, "this will be an egalitarian Bolivia, a Bolivia that leaves behind a dark, colonial, racist past." Linera, however, has acknowledged that the government has provoked deep divisions and faces vehement oppositions from many of the traditional elite, coming from many mixed-race people in the fertile eastern lowlands which rejected the draft charter. "I am not saying there will be no more conflict, there will be tensions for a while, I say a decade ... but we will have built a state on three principles: the economy under state control, equality, and the territorial decentralization of power," he said. The new constitution was rejected in four opposition-controlled regions: the tropical lowlands of Pando, Santa Cruz, Tarija and Beni, which contain most of Bolivia's natural gas production and are responsible for most of its agricultural output.
hypothesis: Nelson Beaver is staff at Carolina Analytical Laboratories. premise: Nelson Beavers is a co-owner of the current company, Carolina Analytical Laboratories LLC. and has ownership/employment history with Woodson-Tenent and Eurofin.
hypothesis: The Falklands War took place in 1982. premise: Argentina was still obsessed with the Falkland islands even in 1994, 12 years after its defeat in the 74-day war with Britain.
hypothesis: Cardinal Law returns from Rome with plans to stay in Boston. premise: US Catholic bishops are all but unanimous in believing that Cardinal Law must leave Boston for the good of the church.
hypothesis: Saudi Arabia was boosting its own production. premise: Saudi Arabia was boosting its production.
hypothesis: The four Jordanian hostages, kidnapped about a week ago, were freed. premise: Six hostages in Iraq were freed.
hypothesis: Washington is pressing Iraq's leaders to end weeks of political deadlock and to form a new government as soon as possible, US officials say. premise: Shiite and Kurdish political leaders continued talks, on Monday, on forming a new government, saying they expected a full cabinet to be announced within a day or two.
hypothesis: Councilman Pierce owns a car. premise: Councilman Pierce said he was advised that the car belonged to James Clark, 68, an acquaintance of the Jones family.
hypothesis: Sunshine Coast Regional Council accepted McDonald's Australia development plans. premise: The development application for a McDonald's restaurant at Minyama, on Queensland's Sunshine Coast in Australia, has been rejected by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. "We knocked back a Hungry Jack's on Nicklin Way because of the nuisance code," said divisional councilor Chris Thompson. "We already have a 24-hour McDonald's at Mooloolaba, only one kilometre away, and there are already [anti-social] issues at that site."
hypothesis: Mr. Roughan is a member of the Armed Offenders Squad. premise: Mr Roughan claims that children from the age of nine and up are drinking late at night. "You don't know what the hell's going to happen." Mr Nant has apologised to the affected, inconvenienced residents. New Zealand Post state they are going to continue to monitor the situation, however and also have on-going discussion with the local council and police "to make sure we're abreast of any developments in the area." The gang violence/activity New Zealand Post are referring to is, on the previous Thursday the Armed Offenders Squad was called out where they raided three homes following a shooting, eight people were arrested, and a large number of firearms were seized. Despite post not being delivered, newspapers were still being delivered, waste collection was still happening, and electricity meter readers were also going around house to house, checking the meters.
hypothesis: 11 judges in the Yugoslavia war tribunal were sworn in at the World court. premise: The United Nations last night elected eight judges for the international war crimes tribunal that will try those accused of murders and other atrocities in former Yugoslavia since 1991.
hypothesis: Hubble is a Space telescope. premise: The Hubble is a scientific workhorse in the prime of its life. It is also the privileged photographer of the universe. Whether the images are of solar systems at birth, galaxies colliding, or the death throes of a star in supernova, Hubble's photos reveal both the ferocity and tranquillity of our universe.
hypothesis: National pension systems currently adopted in Europe are in difficulties. premise: The papers presented show that all European countries are experiencing rapidly aging populations that will cause sharp increases in the cost of retirement income over the next several decades.
hypothesis: Cristiani killed six Jesuits. premise: He said that "there is evidence that Cristiani was involved in the murder of the six Jesuit priests" which occurred on 16 November in San Salvador.
hypothesis: Bosch lives in Venezuela. premise: Bosch was found innocent in Venezuela of the bombing charges for a third time Aug. 7.
hypothesis: Christopher Reeve had an accident. premise: Christopher Reeve, an actor and director who became an inspiration worldwide after being paralyzed in a horse riding accident, died Sunday of heart failure.
hypothesis: Zerich bought oil from Iraq during the embargo. premise: In all, Zerich bought $422 million worth of oil from Iraq, according to the Volcker committee. In the early 1990s after the Soviet Union collapsed, Rich quickly became the most powerful trader there.
hypothesis: The Gulf of Aden is located along the northern coast of Somalia. premise: An American-owned tugboat from Italy along with its 16 member crew was hijacked around 11 am EST on Saturday in the Gulf of Aden. The Italian Ambassador, Pierandrea Magistrati, confirmed that "there is a boat that has been hijacked, I believe by Somali pirates." Additionally, Shona Lowe, a spokeswoman at NATO's Northwood maritime command center reported that the Italian-flagged tugboat was hijacked this morning off of Somalia's northern coast. Lowe also confirmed that Italian government officials along with the company that owned the tugboat were trying to secure the release of the crew, ten of which were Italians.
hypothesis: Zhao is an American citizen. premise: Zhao was arrested at 1:45 p.m. EST without resistance on charges of disorderly conduct; other more serious charges could be filed. However, Allen Doody of U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has indicated plans to deport Zhao back to Australia within a few days without charges. "We do not plan to charge him," Doody said. Zhao is dual-nationality Chinese-Australian, who entered the US legally on his Australian passport less than a week ago.
hypothesis: What really irks Frye and other doctors of homeopathy, however, is that homeopathic remedies are not supposed to be used like medical drugs. premise: Frye says, that he (a homeopathy expert) and Iris Bell recently studied homeopathic treatment of fibromyalgia. A new analysis - comparing published studies of homeopathic drugs to matched, randomly selected studies of medical drugs - suggests that these apparent homeopathic drug effects are merely placebo effects.
hypothesis: Paolo Maldini plays for Reggina. premise: A.C. Milan is in second place with 13 points, after two first-half goals from captain Paolo Maldini earned them a 2-1 victory over Reggina.
hypothesis: Marlowe was arrested by Italian authorities. premise: There is no way Marlowe could legally leave Italy, especially after an arrest warrant has been issued for him by the authorities. Assisted by Zaleshoff, he succeeds in making his escape from Milan.
hypothesis: A pro-women amendment was rejected by the National Assembly of Kuwait. premise: On May 17, 2005, the National Assembly of Kuwait passed, by a majority of 35 to 23 (with 1 abstention), an amendment to its electoral law that would allow women to vote and to stand as parliamentary candidates.
hypothesis: A local banker bids for Bank Antonveneta. premise: The Bank of Italy, the ultimate arbiter of Italian banking mergers, has been engulfed by scandal since police wire taps revealed Fazio and his wife advised a local banker in a bid for Bank Antonveneta against Dutch bank ABN AMRO.
hypothesis: Argentina lifted restrictions on British imports. premise: Argentina announced that it has decided to lift financial and trade restrictions on imports from Britain that were imposed during the 1982 Falklands conflict.
hypothesis: Maglev is commercially used. premise: Two weeks ago, China became the first nation to operate a maglev railway commercially, when officials inaugurated a 30-kilometer-long line between downtown Shanghai and the city's airport.
hypothesis: Police issued John Wadham's statement after lawyers for the de Menezes family met with the complaints commission, demanding more information about the killing. premise: The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is trying to reassure lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes that the inquiry is still on track.
hypothesis: Dam building prevents life-threatening situations. premise: The optimal style of dam building is specific to the particular macroproject, the nature of the geophysical worksite (Anon., 2005) as well as social uncertainty, the undertaking management organizations experience, the operational complexities of many kinds of construction machinery and worker nationalities, the macroprojects situational geography and the logistics of its required compositional materials.
hypothesis: The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. premise: The ivory ban was imposed by CITES in 1989 after a wave of poaching across Africa saw elephant numbers fall from an estimated 1.3 million to a few hundred thousand.