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''Sarika'' golpeó el domingo el norte de las Filipinas, donde dejó dos muertos y obligó a 150 mil personas a desplazarse. AP / ARCHIVO El país asiático espera el evento que alcanza vientos de hasta 165 kilómetros por hora HANOI, VIETNAM (18/OCT/2016).- Vietnam está preparándose para la llegada del tifón ''Sarika'' en momentos en que la cifra de fallecimientos debido a las inundaciones provocadas por las lluvias en el centro del país se elevó a 31. El tifón con vientos sostenidos máximos de 165 kilómetros por hora y ráfagas de hasta 200, se desplaza hacia el norte de Vietnam a 15 kilómetros por hora, indicó este martes el centro meteorológico nacional. El gobierno ha exhortado a los barcos y a otros navíos a que permanezcan fuera de la ruta del meteoro en el mar de la China Meridional y a que busquen refugio. También instó a las autoridades locales a que estén listas para evacuar a la gente de las áreas de alto riesgo. ''Sarika'', que lleva el nombre de un pájaro cantor en Camboya, golpeó el domingo el norte de las Filipinas, donde dejó dos muertos y obligó a 150 mil personas a desplazarse. MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Vietnam se prepara ante llegada del tifón 'Sarika'
vietnam, fenomenos naturales, ciclones, desastres naturales, informador
Watch the Final Presidential Debate at These Viewing Parties Across Houston We've white-knuckled our way through two presidential debates, but the end is nigh: This Wednesday, at 8 p.m., the third and final debate of the 2016 presidential election will start. (And then we still have about three more weeks to get through before we'll actually find out who the nation's next president will be, but at this point, let's just take this election one day at a time.) Sure, it's technically your civic duty to watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump argue over their positions – but more importantly, missing this last debate means you'll also miss out on understanding the wave of Twitter memes, late night comedy rants and Saturday Night Live sketches guaranteed to follow what might be the craziest debate yet. We're here to make sure that doesn't happen to you, as we've found Houston debate watching parties you can attend no matter where you live in the city or which candidate you support. We've broken down the viewing parties into two categories, non-partisan events hosted by a seemingly neutral venue – though we make no promises, since it's practically impossible not to have an opinion on this election – and partisan events, which are clearly hosted by either a candidate or a local chapter of a political party. Check them out below. Non-partisan: Rec Room Debate watching at the Rec Room, a live performance space in downtown Houston, is not a spectator sport. The event's preview page promises drinking games – our suggestion: drink whenever you mentally count down the days left till the election – and debate-themed bingo. There will also be live fact-checking, since that seems to be a disturbingly necessary service of watching any political event this year. Axelrad Beer Garden For Houstonians who feel their heart rate spike during every debate and can't help but start looking for the nearest exits, Midtown's Axelrad Beer Garden might the most casual, least stress-inducing place to watch. Not only is the bar outside, but beer, cocktails, pizza and a food truck will be available. Plus, you can order in pizza while you enjoy New Orleans jazz musician Kermit Ruffins' pre-debate performance, which will start at 5 p.m. Alamo Drafthouse Give into the belief that this election can't really be happening and imagine that this debate is nothing more than a dystopian movie by watching the debate on the big screen at the Alamo Drafthouse's Mason Park and Vintage Park locations. While the 8 p.m. show is technically free, you must “hold your seat” by buying a $5 voucher for food and beverages. Partisan: For Democrats (or anyone supporting Hillary Clinton)… Want to be surrounded by people who will boo, hiss and likely make fun of Donald Trump's spray tan this Wednesday? You have two options: Both the Gage Lounge, a Midtown bar, and Harold's in the Heights, a restaurant that serves southern and Creole food in – where else? – the Heights, have debate watching parties listed on Clinton's website. While the Gage Lounge party is an official campaign event and starts at 6 p.m., the viewing party at Harold's is hosted by the Democrats of the Houston Heights, Precinct 59, and starts at 7 p.m. For Republicans… Thanks to the Harris County Republican Party, Houston Republicans have two very, very different options when it comes to debate viewing parties this week. If you're looking to get your rowdy, would-be cowboy on, check out the watching party at Rebels Honky Tonk, which will open at 7 p.m. especially for the event. There will be a cash bar, and light appetizers will be served. However, if going to a bar with a mechanical bull sounds like a recipe for wanton sin to you, the northwest club of the HCRP will host a viewing in the Stone Chapel of northwest Houston's Lanier Theological Library. That party also starts at 7 p.m. Related Locations Sponsor Content
Watch the Final Presidential Debate at These Viewing Parties Across Houston
president, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Trump, Clinton, presidential debates, debate, presidential debate, 2016 election, election
Carter Sherman
Houston Press
Khloe Kardashian has labelled U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump “cruel” after he allegedly called her a “fat piglet”. The 32-year-old reality star is the latest famous face to have fallen victim to the Republican’s offensive comments, with the politician allegedly taking aim at Khloe when she appeared on his U.S. TV show Celebrity Apprentice back in 2009. Staffers on the program came forward last week and told the Huffington Post that Trump had said: “Why don’t we fire Khloe? She is a fat piglet. Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?” As she promoted her new denim line Good American on Monday, Khloe insisted that while Trump’s remarks are below the belt, she isn’t letting them get her down. “I didn’t think he was saying those things about me,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “But he says those comments about a lot of women - really derogatory things. Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country.” Trump isn’t the first star to criticize Khloe, and she is sure he won’t be the last. However, she has built up a strong exterior to ensure that she doesn’t get upset when she’s targeted. “It’s not cool or appropriate for any person, male or female, to judge someone by their looks,” she said. “I find it really cruel. It’s wild. I’m a tough cookie, so something he said - that’s not gonna bother me. “Ninety per cent of the time, (criticism) doesn’t bother me. I’m not sure why. I think I’m just in my own world. But I believe that’s why (those incidents) happen to me, because I can take it. If that’s what it takes to get even just this little group of people to realise how shady and bad and negative that one person is, I can take it.” Khloe opened up about her experience on Celebrity Apprentice earlier this year, admitting to TV host Chelsea Handler that she “hated every minute” of working with Trump on the show. “I didn’t care to do Celebrity Apprentice,” she said. “My mom made me do it. I hated every minute of it. I was put in situations I would never be in in real life.”
Khloe Kardashian responds to Donald Trump's 'fat piglet' remark
Edmonton Sun
Las acusaciones rusas tienen lugar dos días después que la UE aumentara la presión sobre Moscú por su papel en Siria. AP / ARCHIVO El gobierno belga contacta al embajador ruso luego de que éste le acusara de matar a seis civiles BRUSELAS, BÉLGICA (19/OCT/2016).- El gobierno belga anunció su intención de convocar este miércoles al embajador ruso en Bruselas para expresar su malestar por las acusaciones de Moscú sobre un bombardeo de la aviación belga contra civiles cerca de la ciudad siria de Alepo, en el marco de la coalición antiyihadista dirigida por Estados Unidos. "Estamos contactando con el embajador. El objetivo es convocarlo hoy mismo, si su agenda se lo permite", aseguró el portavoz del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores belga, Didier Vanderhasselt. Éste negó además cualquier responsabilidad de Bélgica en estos bombardeos. El ministerio de Defensa belga "también estableció contactos para hacer llegar el mensaje de que Bélgica no tiene ninguna responsabilidad en estos ataques". El gobierno belga lamenta además que "las informaciones [facilitadas por Moscú] no hayan sido verificadas antes de hacerlas públicas", agregó el portavoz. El ministerio de Defensa ruso acusó horas antes a Bélgica de haber matado a seis civiles en la localidad siria de Hasajek, en un bombardeo "que destruyó dos viviendas". "Dos F-16 de la aviación belga fueron detectados en esa zona en el momento" del bombardeo, precisó. Una portavoz del ministerio de Defensa belga negó a continuación la presencia de cazas en la región. "No estuvimos implicados en el ataque mencionado", dijo la portavoz del ministerio Laurence Mortier. Las acusaciones rusas tienen lugar dos días después que la Unión Europea (UE) aumentara la presión sobre Moscú por su papel en el conflicto en Siria, al advertir que los bombardeos rusos y sirios contra sectores rebeldes de Alepo (este) "podrían constituir crímenes de guerra". Moscú anunció el martes que las fuerzas aéreas rusas y sirias suspendían sus bombardeos contra Alepo para allanar el camino hacia una tregua de ocho horas el jueves en la otrora capital económica siria, donde continúan los intensos combates terrestres. PARÍS, FRANCIA (18/OCT/2016).- El Tribunal Administrativo de Lille validó el desmantelamiento previsto del campamento conocido como la ''jungla de Calais'', donde miles de inmigrantes malviven a la espera de poder llegar de forma clandestina al Reino Unido. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Bélgica convoca a Rusia por bombardeo a civiles en Alepo
rusia, siria, belgica, bombardeos, defensa, estados unidos, rebeldes, civiles, ataques, acusaciones, union europea, sanciones, informador
MADRID — A 62-year-old Spanish woman has given birth to a healthy girl and encourages women in their later years to imitate her if they want to. Lina Alvarez left the Lucus Augusti Hospital in the northwestern city of Lugo on Tuesday with her third child in her arms, saying she felt wonderful. She said baby Lina, born Oct. 10, was in perfect health. The 2.4-kilogram (5.3-pound) Lina was born by cesarean section. Alvarez’s first child, now 27, was born with cerebral palsy. Her second child is now 10. Her second and third pregnancies were through in-vitro fertilization treatment. Alvarez, a doctor, said that women who are well enough to have a baby in their later years shouldn’t be afraid to do so, adding that they should let nature, not gynecologists decide.
Never too old: Spanish woman, 62, gives birth to 3rd child
Edmonton Sun
Due studenti morti a Urbino per una fuga di gas Due studenti universitari sono stati trovati senza vita stamane poco dopo le 11 in un appartamento di via delle Stallacce a Urbino, in pieno centro storico. La causa: fuoruscita di monossido di carbonio. Una terza persona, una pensionata di 76 anni, è stata portata in ospedale perché trovata svenuta in casa. La donna abita nel piano superiore a quello dei ragazzi trovati senza vita. I vigili del fuoco erano stati chiamati proprio perché l’anziana non rispondeva al citofono. Una volta entrati l’hanno soccorsa. Ma poi pompieri i hanno cercato di capire da dove provenisse la perdita di gas e constatato che arrivava dal piano sottostante hanno avuto l’autorizzazione ad abbattere la porta per entrare visto che non rispondeva nessuno. All’interno, la scoperta della tragedia. Sul posto, carabinieri, polizia municipale e vigili del fuoco.
Due studenti morti a Urbino per una fuga di gas
PYONGYANG, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic Of — Pyongyang’s newly opened zoo has a new star: Azalea, the smoking chimpanzee. According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favourite leisure spot in the North Korean capital since it re-opened in July, the 19-year-old female chimpanzee, whose name in Korean is “Dallae,” smokes about a pack a day. Dallae is short for azalea. They insist, however, she doesn’t inhale. Thrown a lighter by a zoo trainer, the chimpanzee lights her own cigarettes. If a lighter isn’t available, she can light up from lit cigarette if one is tossed her way. Though such a sight would draw outrage in many other locales, it seemed to delight visitors who roared with laughter on Wednesday as the chimpanzee, one of two at the zoo, sat puffing away as her trainer egged her on. The trainer also prompted her to touch her nose, bow thank you and do a simple dance. The zoo is pulling in thousands of visitors a day with a slew of attractions ranging from such typical fare as elephants, giraffes, penguins and monkeys to a high-tech natural history museum with displays showing the origins of the solar system and the evolution of life on Earth. Another of the most popular attractions that might come as a surprise to foreign visitors is the dog pavilion, which has everything from German shepherds to Shih Tsus. The zoo also has performances featuring other animals trained to do tricks, including a monkey that slam dunks basketballs, dogs trained to appear as though they can do addition on subtraction on an abacus and doves that fly around and land on a woman skating on an indoor stage. Renovations for the new zoo began in 2014, as part of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s efforts to create more modern and impressive structures and leisure centres around the capital. The zoo actually dates back to 1959, when Kim Il Sung, the nation’s first leader and the grandfather of Kim Jong Un, ordered it built on the outskirts of the city. According to its official history, the zoo started off with only 50 badgers.
Smoking chimp a star at North Korean zoo
Edmonton Sun
Hillary Clinton has taken the swear jar concept to a whole new level. The U.S. Democratic presidential candidate revealed her campaign's latest fundraising tool on Twitter Tuesday night: An app that allows supporters to automatically donate to the Clinton campaign every time her opponent, Donald Trump, tweets. "Show Donald that his unhinged rhetoric comes at a cost. Sign up to donate to Hillary's campaign every time Donald tweets," the webpage, Troll Trump, explains. If you agree to, "tell Donald why you're sick of his schtick," you have the option of a $3, $5 or $20 daily donation limit. You can also set your own amount. Users can also customize their own letter to Trump. The default letter reads, "Hey Donald, I pledge to donate [amount] to Hillary's campaign every time you tweet because I'm sick and tired of your hateful comments about the American people. Happy tweeting!"
Trump tweets now mean money for Clinton campaign
Postmedia Network
Edmonton Sun
Scotland hasn't been the happiest of hunting grounds for the Bundesliga giants over the years. Gladbach's heaviest European defeats both occurred on Scottish soil and, although times have changed since, Andre Schubert's side arrive in Glasgow knowing they are in for a game after the Hoops' performance in the thrilling draw with Manchester City. It's gearing up to be a cracker in paradise. And here are just some of the talking points ahead of the game. Glad to be Bach? Borussia's heaviest ever defeat in Europe came in Glasgow 56 years ago when they were scudded 8-0 by a Ralph Brand-inspired Rangers in the Cup Winners' Cup quarter final. And it didn't get much better for the Germans when they visited Scotland 21 years later to face Dundee United in the UEFA Cup - losing 5-0 to Jim McLean's side. In 1987 they returned to Tayside and at least left with a goalless draw. But United stunned The Foals 2-0 in the return as they stormed all the way to the UEFA Cup final. Gladbach also visited Glasgow in 1986 when they drew 1-1 at Ibrox in the UEFA Cup and in 1973 when they were beaten 3-2 by Rangers in the Cup Winners' Cup quarter final. At their peak Borussia enjoyed sustained success in the 1970s, losing to Liverpool in two European finals and a semi-final and winning two UEFA Cups before another final defeat to Frankfurt in 1980. They made their debut in the Champions League group stages last season, taking five points from a group featuring Manchester City, Juventus and Sevilla. So what about the here and now? There's no doubt that Andre Schubert's side possess a threat but will their agony on Scottish soil continue at Parkhead? Rodgers V Schubert Borussia boss Schubert is not one of the more recognisable figures in German football and the 45-year-old is only in his first full season in charge at Borussia. He was promoted from the Borussia U'23 side at the start of last season when Lucien Favre departed after a poor start. Schubert took the club to fourth, gaining qualification to the Champions League for a second successive season. Schubert likes his side to be fluid and capable of adapting to different scenarios. Typical of German sides they are a well-drilled unit. Playing 3/5/2 Borussia's main threat is in attack and features a number of promising youngsters, including Chelsea loanee Andreas Christensen and Liverpool target Mahmoud Dahoud alongside Eden Hazard's younger brother Thorsten. However, with the former and latter both out injured, Borussia don't have their troubles to seek. Brendan Rodgers is also in the midst of a second Champions League campaign as a manager having previously led Liverpool's failed attempt to qualify from the group stages in 2014-15. Rodgers' approach to European ties has been a breath of fresh air for Celtic fans with the Manchester City match last time out the perfect example of the positivity flowing through this Celtic side. Playing on the front foot and pressing high up the park with ammunition supplied from both wings, Celtic possess no shortage of threat on their own turf. Crunch time Although the relentless action of Manchester City's visit to Parkhead will long live in the memory, and the great Barcelona are still to make their return to the east end of Glasgow, Celtic's double header against the Germans will define their European campaign. Neither team have given up hope of qualifying for the last 16 after only two games but the next two matches will decide whether Celtic are still in with a chance, fighting for a Europa League place or staring an early exit in the face. Champions League home wins over the likes of Shakhtar Donetsk, Benfica, Spartak Moscow and Copenhagen have helped Celtic progress beyond Christmas at some level in recent years but a goalless draw at home to Aalborg proved fatal on another occasion. Off to a flier Celtic have long been known for making whirlwind starts to matches, but it is not that simple in the Champions League. However, their lightning start against City - when Moussa Dembele netted inside three minutes - set the tone for their performance. Another positive opening spell would maintain the acclaimed Parkhead atmosphere and give Celtic further momentum. Case for the defence? Neither side look particularly secure at the back. But who will Brendan Rodgers choose to keep the Germans at bay? Kolo Toure looks certain to return after being rested for the bulk of Saturday's 2-0 victory over Motherwell but Rodgers has options for his partner. Erik Sviatchenko is desperate to retain his European role following the 3-3 draw with Manchester City but Jozo Simunovic is pushing for his Champions League debut after making five domestic appearances since recovering from a knee injury. Keeping it clean at the back could be the key if Celtic are to secure a crucial three points.
Celtic clash brings Borussia's awful record in Scotland back into focus - five talking points ahead of Champions League crunch - Daily Record
Football News
Record Sport Online
A Lewes man has been jailed for four years and a half years after pleading guilty to a string of offences. Described by police as 'a prolific thief', John Paul Healey, 35, of Crisp Road, admitted to a number of offences when he appeared at Lewes Crown Court on Monday, October 10. He pleaded guilty to seven counts of handling stolen goods, two counts of burglary dwelling, one count of attempted burglary dwelling and one count of possessing cannabis, a Class B controlled drug. He has been jailed for four years and six months and ordered to pay £170 victim compensation. Don’t miss out on all the latest breaking news where you live. Here are four ways you can be sure you’ll be amongst the first to know what’s going on. 1) Make our website your homepage at 2) Like our Facebook page at 3) Follow us on Twitter @sussex_express 4) Register with us by clicking on ‘sign in’ (top right corner). You can then receive our daily newsletter AND add your point of view to stories that you read here. And do share with your family and friends - so they don’t miss out! The Sussex Express - always the first with your local news. Be part of it.
Lewes man jailed for burglary
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Huw Oxburgh
Sussex Express,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
A man has died following a car crash near Bathgate. The incident took place at the Boghead Roundabout last night when an Audi A4 collided with a Ford Fiesta. Police have confirmed a 69 year-old man died at the scene. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police in West Lothian are investigating following a fatal road traffic collision on the A801 near Bathgate. “The incident happened around 5pm on Sunday, October 16, at the Boghead Roundabout when an Audi A4 collided with a Ford Fiesta. “The 69-year-old male driver of the Audi A4 sustained fatal injuries and sadly passed away at the scene. The man and woman within the Ford Fiesta were treated for minor injuries. “Enquiries are currently ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101.”
Motorist killed in car crash near Bathgate
Edinburgh,Edinburgh,disaster and accident
Edinburgh Evening News,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Donald Trump is using some bad blood in the Obama family to his advantage for the third and final U.S. presidential debate. Malik Obama, the president's half-brother from Kenya who currently lives in Washington, D.C., will be a special guest at Wednesday's debate in Las Vegas, according to reports. Malik apparently hasn't been happy with his brother's leadership and is not a fan of Hillary Clinton, according to the New York Daily News. He announced in July he would be voting for Trump in the November election. "He appeals to me and also I think that he is down to earth and he speaks from the heart and he is not trying to be politically correct," he told Reuters in July. "He's just straight-forward." Malik, who is three years older than Barack, told the New York Post that he hasn't seen his brother since August 2015. "I went to the White House to say hello. I paid a courtesy call," he told the Post. "But it wasn't a very warm and loving reception. As usual, it was a hands-off kind of thing, very businesslike, very formal." Trump also invited Pat Smith, the mother of a man who died in the 2012 Benghazi attack to the debate, according to the Washington Post. Smith, a vocal critic of Clinton, also made a speech at the Republican National Convention in July. It's unclear if there will be other surprise guests at the debate, but it is likely. Last week Trump held a surprise press conference with several women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault just hours before the second debate.
Obama’s brother will be Trump’s special guest at final debate: Reports
Postmedia Network
Edmonton Sun
From Minnesota’s Northwoods comes a searing portrayal of a female soldier who, after returning from Afghanistan, struggles to deal with the crippling effects of PTSD. Kerasotes Showplace ICON Theatre at West End Oct 19th All Day Oct 20th All Day Oct 21st All Day $12 per screening; $50 for 5-pack pass “It’s a story ripe to be told,” says Remy Auberjonois, an actor best known for roles in Mad Men and Weeds. He's making his directorial debut with Blood Stripe. “There is coverage of this issue out there," he continues, "but you don’t hear about it from a female soldier’s perspective.” Starring his wife, Minnesota-born actress Kate Nowlin, as Sarge, the film highlights the difficulties returning veterans often face while attempting to reintegrate into society. In one scene, Sarge mows the lawn in the middle of the night. In another, a welcome home party becomes overwhelming. Knowing the significant wait there will be to receive treatment at the VA, she instead escapes to a camp on Lake Vermilion, where she used to go as a child. “The lake is really a character in the film,” says Auberjonois. “My wife and I have spent a lot of time up there, and it’s one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever been. But what happens when you bring this mindset that doesn’t allow you to enjoy it?” With slow, sweeping nighttime shots and the serenity pierced only by the call of a loon, the darkness becomes a metaphor for PTSD. Is there something lurking beneath these quiet, calm waters? The movie was shot near Cook, Minnesota on an incredibly tight schedule over three weeks in August and September 2014 (“We got extremely lucky with the weather,” Auberjonois recalls). The filmmakers have no familial connections to the military, but got the idea for Blood Stripe while reading an article in the local newspaper about a female soldier who had lost her husband in the war. They had a female marine on set as a production assistant, and have heard from many in the military who have seen the film. “We wanted to make the movie as authentically as possible to honor those who have served,” says Auberjonois. “I remember one screening where an audience member came up to me and said, ‘I’m a vet, and you’ve really got something there.’” Auberjonois also hopes that the film reaches non-military audiences. “As a nation, we really don’t understand what members of the military have gone through, so we haven’t come to terms with issues like PTSD," he continues. "With the communal process of getting together, having to shut off your phone for a couple of hours, and watching this film, perhaps we can feel some sense of impact and responsibility.” Blood Stripe has its midwest premiere at the Twin Cities Film Fest this Wednesday, October 19. There is an additional screening on Friday, October 28. Remy Auberjonois is also currently playing Colonel Brandon in the Guthrie Theater’s production of Sense and Sensibility through October 29.   Comments Kerasotes Showplace ICON Theatre at West End Oct 19th All Day Oct 20th All Day Oct 21st All Day $12 per screening; $50 for 5-pack pass
'Blood Stripe' tells the powerful story of one woman's struggle with post-war PTSD | City Pages
Minneapolis news, Minnesota news, Minneapolis events, Minnesota events, Minneapolis City Pages
Sarah Johnson
City Pages
Las 21 jóvenes de Chibok liberadas la semana pasada, serán educadas en el extranjero. AP / ARCHIVO El gobierno de Nigeria está negociando la liberación de 83 jóvenes de Chibok; otras 100 están poco dispuestas ABUYA, NIGERIA (18/OCT/2016).- El gobierno de Nigeria está negociando la liberación de 83 de las niñas de Chibok capturadas en un secuestro masivo hace dos años y medio, indicó un líder comunitario en el país, pero más de otras 100 jóvenes parecen poco dispuestas a volver a casa. Las chicas reacias podrían haber sido radicalizadas por Boko Haram o sentirse avergonzadas porque se casaron con extremistas y tuvieron hijos, explicó Pogu Bitrus, presidente de la Asociación de Desarrollo de Chibok. Las 21 jóvenes de Chibok liberadas la semana pasada, en la primera liberación negociada entre el gobierno de Nigeria y el grupo armado, deben ser educadas en el extranjero porque probablemente enfrentarán un estigma en Nigeria, señaló Bitrus. Unas 276 escolares fueron secuestradas en abril de 2014 de una escuela en Chibok, en el nordeste del país. Docenas escaparon al principio y unas pocas murieron en cautividad. MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Cien niñas quieren quedarse con Boko Haram
boko haram, secuestros, nigeria, niñas, ONU, mujeres, chibok, borno, sambisa, secuestros, grupo islamita, rescate, secuestros, el informador
Writen by ΣΤΟΧΟΣ 3:24 μ.μ. - 0 Comments Ο ένας από τους δύο νεκρούς ήταν πιλότος της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας σε ελικόπτερα Super Puma και καταγόταν από το Μάνεσι Καλαβρύτων το οποίο βυθίστηκε στο πένθος. Όπως αναφέρει το, πρόκειται για τον 32χρονο Σωτήρη Αντωνόπουλο, ο οποίος λάτρευε τα αεροπλάνα, ήταν έμπειρος πιλότος και υπηρετούσε στην 384η Μοίρα Έρευνας και Διάσωσης ως πιλότος ελικοπτέρων Super Puma. Ωστόσο, παρά τις πολλές ώρες πτήσεων που είχε στο ενεργητικό του, η μοίρα είχε άλλα σχέδια και έμελλε να βρει τραγικό θάνατο στον τόπο καταγωγής του. Τα συντρίμμια του εκπαιδευτικού αεροσκάφους εντόπισε 3χλμ βόρεια του χιονοδρομικού κέντρου των Καλαβρύτων ένα ελικόπτερο ΑΒ-205 της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας, ενώ στις 12:13 ο μηχανικός του ελικοπτέρου, που κατέβηκε στο σημείο, εντόπισε απανθρακωμένους τους δύο πιλότους. Σύμφωνα με τις πρώτες πληροφορίες προκλήθηκε πυρκαγιά με αποτέλεσμα την πτώση του Τσέσνα ωστόσο περαιτέρω διερεύνηση για τα αίτια του δυστυχήματος πραγματοποιούν οι αρμόδιες αρχές. Υπενθυμίζεται ότι το μοιραίο αεροσκάφος αγνοούταν από την Κυριακή το απόγευμα, όταν έχασε την επικοινωνία με τον Πύργο Ελέγχου Ανδραβίδας. Στις 18:18 το κέντρο ελέγχου περιοχής Αθηνών κήρυξε το αεροσκάφος σε κατάσταση αβεβαιότητας και στις 18:31 σε φάση κινδύνου, δίνοντας εντολή για την έναρξη της επιχείρησης έρευνας και διάσωσης η οποία διήρκησε μέχρι και σήμερα το πρωί οπότε και βρέθηκαν τα συντρίμμια του αεροσκάφους. Το βιογραφικό του 32χρονου κυβερνήτη Πλούσιο ήταν το βιογραφικό του άτυχου πιλότου, Σωτήρη Αντωνόπουλου: 2015 – 2016 Tuna Pilot, Hansen Helicopters 2014–2015 Aerobatic instructor, 3fly, Bad Voslau 2011-2015 Instructor & C.G.I, Dekeleia F/C 2011-2013 Instructor, Maveric Aviation Megara Gr 2010–2011 Instructor, Mesogeion F/C Tatoi Gr 2008 Parachuter’s Pilot, Megara F/C, Gr 2007 – 2015 Co-pil AS-332, H.A.F Elefsis AFB Gr 2006 – 2007 T-2 C/E Buckeye P/O, 362 SQN Kalamata AFB Gr Civil Aviation Licenses 2013 ATPL Bridge Course 2013 IR(A) 2013 AOPA UK Competition Aerobatic, Intermediate, Standard, Basic 2011 Flight Instructor Helicopters 2011 Cirrus Transition Course 2010 Flight Instructor Ultralight airplanes 2010 Robinson Safety Course 2010 CPL/ME/FI(A) 2009 CPL(H) 2007 PPL(H) 2002 PPL(A) Military Aviation Licenses 2013 Air Accident Investigation School, Dekeleia AFB 2010 Advanced Maritime Survivor Course, Kalamata AFB,Gr 2010 Emergency Underwater Escape School (Helo Dunker), Hellenic Navy, Kotroni, Gr 2008 I.R (H) 2008 MCC 2008 Helicopter , Elefsis AB 2008 AS-332 Super Puma Pilot’s School 2008 Emergency Underwater Escape School (Helo Dunker),La Spezia, It 2007 CRM 2007 Flight physiology 2007 Bombardment & Dogfighting Training, T-2C/E Buckeye 2006 SMS course 2005 Advanced Training School on T-2C/E Buckeye 2004 Basic Training T-6A 2003 Maritime Survivor Course, Kalamata AFB, Gr 2003 Primary Training, T-41D Education 2013 British Aerobatics Academy Competition Course 2013 Scotflight Aerobatics Standard Course 2013 Superior Air– ATPL Bridge Course 2013 Superior Air- IR(A) 2012 Superior Air- FI(H) 2009 Superior Air- CPL/ME/FI(A) 2008 Aeroservices – CPL(H) 2009 Promoted 1st Lt. 2002 – 2006 H.A.F Academy – Graduated -2nd Lt 2000 – 2007 Dekeleia F/C, PPL(A) & PPL(H), T/R R-22 and R-44 1999 – 2002 1st High School, Amarousion, Athens 1998 – 1999 1st Gymnasium Amarousion, Athens 1996 – 1999 5th Gymnasium Amarousion, Athens 1993 – 1996 10th Primary School Amarousion, Athens 1990 – 1993 4th Primary School Amarousion, Athens loading...
Εφημερίδα "Στόχος" - Stoxos newspaper…9F%25CE%25A4.JPG
10 Best Hikes in Metro Phoenix From mysteries of lost gold and trails leading to bits of history left behind, to summit views that will take your breath away, metro Phoenix is brimming with places to explore. You'll find streams, beautiful canyons, waterfalls, and spectacular views of the city and surrounding desert beauty. You'll find all that and more hiking these, the 10 best trails the Valley has to offer. Piestewa Circumference – Freedom Trail #302 Distance: 3.8 miles round trip Level Of Difficulty: Moderate Average Time: 1 to 2 hours While Piestewa Peak is widely known for its ever-popular Summit Trail, the lesser-known Freedom Trail offers a closer look at and a more intimate experience with the desert landscape. Threaded around the base of the peak, this area holds some of the most abundant variety of desert flora in the preserve. Even better, part of this trail syncs up with the Nature Trail, which offers informational plaques detailing various flora. The trail begins at the north end of the park and will immediately take you across a dry, rocky creek bed, before meeting up with the Freedom Trail Loop. Because this is a circumference hike, you can choose to take either direction. Something to consider, however, is whether you would like a steep climb at the beginning of your hike. If not, take a right at the intersection. At just under four miles, there are some mild elevation gains throughout the hike that typically conclude alongside one of several memorial benches. These are nice opportunities to stop and take in your surroundings: the Phoenix skyline, the peaks around you, or the splendor of a close encounter with some fantastic desert terrain. Picketpost Mountain Distance: 4.3 miles round trip Level Of Difficulty: Difficult Average Time: 3 to 4 hours At just under 2,000 feet of elevation gain, this summit hike is one that will keep you coming back for more. It offers a brief jaunt on the Arizona Trail before ascending a series of switchbacks that, in less than one mile, have you looking down toward the Valley floor from 2,800 feet. From here, the trail gets a bit technical as it bends, hugging the cliff walls and crossing precarious ledges before entering a narrow ravine. This section will definitely test your courage (stay focused and just breathe!), and it should be taken with caution. From the ravine, the trail begins an upward set of switchbacks and some fun boulder-hopping to the upper plateau and finally the summit. Be sure to stop and take in your surroundings as you ascend — it is amazing how quickly the views change. At 4,375 feet, the panorama is nothing less than incredible, from the neighboring Superstition Mountains to Four Peaks and Weaver’s Needle. Not to mention that on a clear day, you'll have a great view of the Catalina Mountains, just north of Tucson. Did we forget to mention that there is a mailbox on top of the mountain? It's a unique trail register for sure, but you’ve probably already heard about that. Tom’s Thumb Distance: 4 miles round trip Level Of Difficulty: Moderate Average Time: 3 hours Located in the more secluded northern section of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Tom’s Thumb sits at 140 feet and can be seen throughout most of Scottsdale and the East Valley. Fun fact: This local landmark, previously called "the dork" by local climbers, has since been named for a patriarch of the climbing scene here in Phoenix, Tom Kreuser. But not to worry, you don't need to be a climber to enjoy the sheer wonder of this jutting protrusion. Within the first half-mile, you'll ascend a steep series of switchbacks. The views are amazing and help in keeping the mind off the work you are putting in. You can look forward to stunning views of Bartlett Lake, Four Peaks, and the Cave Creek Mountains. At the one-mile marker, you are sitting at an impressive 3,680 feet. About a half-mile later, you’ll reach the saddle for another set of outstanding views. Then there's one more half-mile to the ridgeline and a proper view of Tom’s Thumb and its awe-inspiring proportions. Camelback Mountain's Echo Canyon Trail Distance: 2.3 miles round trip Level Of Difficulty: Difficult Average Time: 2 hours Camelback Mountain should be hiked at least once in your life. Whether you live here or are just visiting the Valley, this summit hike offers some of the most sought-after panoramic views of Phoenix. Located in the middle of the city, this 1,264-foot climb is an intense taste of wilderness tucked within suburban limits, one that is sure to take your breath away in more ways than one. That said, throughout much of this hike you will endure sections of scrambling and stair stepping. If this makes you a little skittish, know that handrails have been put in place for assistance if needed. At just under a mile, a false summit comes into view. Now while this may seem like a nasty trick after the cardio you've been putting in, the true summit is mere steps from this, and you will soon be atop the highest peak in Phoenix. Take it in, catch your breath, and enjoy the sights of metro Phoenix — from downtown and South Mountain to Four Peaks, the Superstition Mountains, and Chase Field. This is an absolutely outstanding approach to seeing the entire city. Upcoming Events Hieroglyphic Trail Distance: 3 miles Level Of Difficulty: Easy Average Time: 1.5 hours This short hike offers spectacular views of the magnificent Superstition Wilderness Area, as well as a prehistoric collection of Hohokam petroglyphs. Located at the base of the Superstition Mountains, this hike is perfect for beginner hikers, families, or anyone looking for a fun, easy hike. The trailhead is shared with the Lost Goldmine Trail, but make your way up a small hill and you will find two wooden signs marking where the trail forks. Stay left and continue toward the mountain. At around a half-mile, South Mountain, Camelback Mountain, and Sombrero Butte will come into view. Continue another half-mile, and you will be entering Hieroglyphic Canyon; keep along this trail and within about five to 10 minutes you will reach a large rocky area with several small pools of water and scores of Hohokam petroglyphs. You may be wondering why this is not called the Petroglyphs Trail. It seems a misunderstanding on behalf of early miners and settlers is to blame. Hohokams inhabited Central Arizona approximately 800 years ago, leaving behind large numbers of petroglyphs that early settlers mistook as Egyptian hieroglyphics. Thus, your Hieroglyphic Trail. Next Page Sponsor Content
10 Best Hikes in Metro Phoenix
best phoenix hikes, difficult phoenix hikes, easy phoenix hiking trails, beginner phoenix hikes, best arizona hikes, camelback mountain, toms thumb hike, piestewa peak hike, Boyce Thompson Arboretum;Hikes;Trails;Hiking;South Mountain;Camelback Mountain;Peistewa Peak;McDowell Sonoran Preserve;Nature;Wilderness;Canyon;Flora;Petroglyphs;Hieroglyphs;Summit;Peak;Cave Creek;Tonto National Forest;Boyce Thompson Arboretum;Education;Exhibit;Gold;Mystery;Lost Dutchman;Mine;Reavis Falls;Waterf
Sara Palmer
Phoenix New Times
Tavern+Bowl: Microbrewery and Bowling Alley to Open at Westgate in Glendale In early 2017, Glendale will get its first microbrewery in the form of Tavern+Bowl, a Southern California-based upscale bowling alley that will open its first Arizona location at Westgate Entertainment District. Located adjacent to Yard House, the 18,243 square-foot bowling alley and full-service restaurant will also include the on-site Good Bad Ugly Brewing Co., which produces the company's proprietary GBU beer. Expected to open in March, the concept will feature 12 state-of-the-art bowling lanes, a full-service restaurant, billiards tables, shuffleboard, a large outdoor patio overlooking Fountain Park, and an indoor/outdoor bar with roll-up garage doors. Tavern+Bowl currently has four California locations throughout San Diego County and Orange County. For more information, check the Tavern+Bowl website.  Sponsor Content
Tavern+Bowl: Microbrewery and Bowling Alley to Open at Westgate in Glendale
Tavern+Bowl Glendale, Tavern+Bowl Arizona, new restaurants Westgate, bowling alley Glendale, things to do Glendale, things to do Westgate
Lauren Saria
Phoenix New Times
La policía empleó gases lacrimógenos y detuvo al menos a 23 manifestantes cuando éstos se tornaron violentos. EFE / M. Cristino Al menos tres estudiantes son hospitalizados luego de ser embestidos varias veces por un agente MANILA, FILIPINAS (19/OCT/2016).- Un furgón de la policía filipina embistió el miércoles contra un grupo de manifestantes, dejando varios heridos en una protesta contra Estados Unidos ante la embajada estadounidense en Manila que se tornó violenta. Al menos tres estudiantes activistas tuvieron que ser trasladados al hospital tras ser atropellados por el furgón que manejaba un policía, dijo Renato Reyes, un líder de las protestas. El furgón embistió varias veces contra la gente, manejando de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrás después de que los manifestantes rodearan el vehículo y empezaran a golpearlo con bastones de madera que habían arrebatado a la policía. Ante una multitud horrorizada que incluía camarógrafos y fotógrafos, la camioneta cargó de pronto hacia atrás y después avanzó dos veces en un tramo de unos 20 metros, arremetiendo contra los manifestantes y derribando a algunos sobre la calle. Unos pocos fueron atropellados, aunque lograron levantarse después. Algunos gritaron sorprendidos, mientras que otros lanzaron piedras al furgón y gritaron improperios. Un portavoz de los inconformes llamó a los policías "marionetas de los imperialistas" a través de un altavoz. "No hay absolutamente ninguna justificación para eso", dijo Reyes sobre la violenta dispersión de los aproximadamente mil manifestantes. "A pesar de que el presidente prometió una política exterior independiente, las fuerzas policiales de Filipinas siguen actuando como los perros de presa de Estados Unidos". La policía empleó gases lacrimógenos y detuvo al menos a 23 manifestantes que rompieron un perímetro de la policía antimotines y arrojaron pintura roja contra los agentes y un sello del gobierno estadounidense en la entrada al complejo de la embajada, situada junto a la costa. Un camión de bomberos empleó las mangueras de agua para repeler a los manifestantes, pero la gente se hizo con la manguera y se enfrentó a los policías sobrepasados con rocas y pintura roja. Tras atravesar el perímetro policial, escribieron con pintura roja "tropas de Estados Unidos fuera ya" y otros lemas en la alta cerca de la embajada. Los manifestantes, entre los que había estudiantes, trabajadores y miembros de tribus, exigían el fin de la presencia de tropas estadounidenses de visita en el país y apoyaban la petición del presidente, Rodrigo Duterte, de aplicar una política exterior que no dependa de Estados Unidos, antiguo aliado del país. Los activistas procedían del gran colectivo de izquierdas Bayan (Nación), que organiza desde hace décadas protestas regulares contra Estados Unidos ante la embajada, la mayoría pacíficas. Duterte se encontraba de visita oficial en China, donde intentará reparar las relaciones bilaterales, afectadas durante el gobierno de su predecesor por disputas territoriales en el mar de la China Meridional. Duterte también intentará expandir el comercio y las inversiones bilaterales, así como solicitar financiamiento para cruciales proyectos de infraestructura. En medio de una tensa relación con Washington, Duterte ha intentado tender puentes con China y Rusia, lo que ha llevado incertidumbre a la larga alianza entre Filipinas y Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, los manifestantes también se oponían a los esfuerzos del presidente por acercarse a China. "Filipinas no recibirá dictados de otros, ya sean Estados Unidos o China", afirmaron en un comunicado. La Policía Nacional filipina no hizo declaraciones el miércoles en un primer momento. Los episodios violentos se produjeron en medio de un creciente escrutinio internacional sobre Duterte y la policía por su supuesto papel en la muerte de miles de sospechosos relacionados con las drogas, dentro de la campaña del presidente contra las drogas ilegales. PARÍS, FRANCIA (18/OCT/2016).- El Tribunal Administrativo de Lille validó el desmantelamiento previsto del campamento conocido como la ''jungla de Calais'', donde miles de inmigrantes malviven a la espera de poder llegar de forma clandestina al Reino Unido. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Policía filipina arrolla a manifestantes ante embajada de EU
filipinas, manifestaciones, estados unidos, duterte, inconformes, presencia, heridos, arrollados, informador
Patients are again being urged not to go to Wigan Infirmary’s A&E department unless it is a serious and life-threatening emergency. Hospital bosses are reminding people to seek treatment elsewhere if possible after another surge in demand for its services. People who do go to the A&E unit whose condition is not considered to be serious are warned it is “very likely” they will have to wait more than four hours to see a doctor. It is the latest appeal by Wrightington, Wigan And Leigh NHS Foundation Trust after an increase in the number of people attending A&E. Mary Fleming, director of operations, said: “Our message is simple – if you have a serious urgent medical emergency, go to A&E or dial 999. For everything else please seek out the most appropriate healthcare provider such as a GP or pharmacist. “Unnecessary attendances to our A&E prevent doctors and nurses from seeing and treating those patients who need urgent care quickly. In addition it is putting a huge strain on the hospital as a whole. “With the support of the public we can make sure that we are focusing the right level of attention on our very poorly patients who are suffering serious medical emergencies.” Alternative sources of treatment include the extended GP service, Leigh walk-in centre, pharmacists and the NHS 111 service.
Fresh appeal to stay away from busy Wigan A&E
Gaynor Clarke
Wigan Today,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
A robber bit a man as he tried to get his watch off his wrist in a robbery in Leeds city centre. Police have released CCTV of two men they want to trace following the robbery on Sovereign Street. The 42-year-old was walking along the street around 3am on Saturday, October 1, when he was approached by a man who grabbed him by the wrist. Another man then ran up from behind and pushed him to the floor causing grazing and bruising to his face. As they tried to get his watch from his wrist, the first suspect bit the victim on the finger. They eventually managed to get the watch, a silver Omega Seamaster with a black face, and ran off. PC Mick Parker, of Leeds District Crime Team, said: “This was a very distressing experience for the victim to be attacked and robbed in his way and we need to identify the men involved. The suspects are quite distinctive on the CCTV images shown and we would like to hear from anyone who recognises them or who saw them in the area. “The watch they stole is also a distinctive item and we would like to hear from anyone who has been offered such a watch for sale since the robbery.”
Leeds city centre robber bit victim as he tried to get his watch
Central Leeds,crime, law and justice
Yorkshire Post,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
A health alert has been issued in parts of the U.K. warning parents over an outbreak of a polio-type virus that can easily be spread through coughs and sneezes. Cases of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), which has no known cure or vaccine, have more than doubled in the last year. Linked to cases of very young children being left unable to walk, the virus can leave kids fighting to breathe or swallow. Although no cases have been confirmed in Northern Ireland, the public are advised to take good hygiene precautions when sneezing and coughing, wash their hands and avoid close contact with people with colds and flu-like illnesses. “The Public Health Agency is not aware of any cases of neurological illness due to enterovirus d68 in Northern Ireland at present. We will continue to monitor the situation,” said a Public Health Agency spokesperson. It is understood four young victims have been hospitalised in the UK, with a boy and primary-aged girl in the Edinburgh area in intensive care for more than a month. The outbreak follows one in Wales during the winter of 2014-15. Public Health England has now published a risk assessment stating the virus is associated with ‘polio-like’ neurological symptoms. Last year only 14 cases of EV-D68 were detected in the UK, but this year has already seen 38 lab-confirmed infections. Most young patients have been admitted to hospital with respiratory problems, with some suffering neurological issues. While doctors have been notified, affected families fear too little has been done to alert the public. One source, said: “There’s a real concern the spread of this virus isn’t being made public. “GPs need to know this virus is out there so they can recognise symptoms and make quick referrals. Symptoms seem to start with a sore throat but, within a day or so, they are left unable to breathe as their muscles stop working and they become floppy. “It’s a terrifying disease that leaves a lot of the children permanently paralysed. Health officials seem to be really keen this is kept secret but parents and doctors need to know.” NHS Lothian incident management team chair Dr Kate Templeton confirmed: “We have been investigating a possible cluster of patients infected with enterovirus D68. The patients are all now testing negative for the virus.” EV-D68 is linked to a phenomenon called acute flaccid paralysis that causes patients’ muscles to rapidly weaken. If the muscles needed to breathe fail, patients can die. Children are more vulnerable because they have not built up immunity to such viruses. An outbreak of EV-D68 in the US killed 14 people and infected 1,153 between August 2014 and January last year. Public Health England has confirmed the virus is circulating but said cases are in line with expected numbers. Many people who contract the virus only ever have mild cold-like symptoms and do not suffer paralysis. The public are advised to take good hygiene precautions to minimise the risk of infection.
WARNING: Children at risk from virus that can leave victims paralysed
Chris Page
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
TORONTO — Malignant tumours in the mouth and throat caused by the human papillomavirus have risen dramatically among men and could surpass the rate of HPV-induced cervical cancer in women, new statistics from the Canadian Cancer Society suggest. In a report released Wednesday, the organization said the incidence of HPV-related mouth and throat cancers jumped 56 per cent in males and 17 per cent in females between 1992 and 2012, the latest year for which statistics are available. An estimated 1,335 Canadian men and women were diagnosed with HPV-linked “oropharyngeal” cancers in 2012, and 372 died from the malignancies. They now represent about one-third of all HPV cancers in Canada, equal to the proportion of cervical cancer cases, said Leah Smith, the Canadian Cancer Society epidemiologist who helped author the report. Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Most sexually active men and women become infected with HPV at some point during their lifetime. Most people clear the virus in about two years, but in a small proportion of those infected, the virus persists and can later cause cancer. This year, almost 4,400 Canadian men and women will be diagnosed with an HPV cancer, including cervical, genital and anal cancers, and about 1,200 will die from their disease. “HPV is a virus that infects moist skin, namely oral and genital mucosa,” said Dr. Eduardo Franco, head of oncology at McGill University in Montreal and a world-renowned expert on the pathogen. “The oral cavity is particularly susceptible, the tissue around the tonsils and the base of the tongue.” Franco said research is increasingly pointing to “deep kissing” and oral sex as major culprits in HPV transmission. In a small proportion of those infected, mouth and throat cancers may develop years — even decades — later. “The fact that we’re seeing these things now is a reflection of ... the changes in sexual mores of the ’60s and ’70s, which eventually brought oral sex to be part of people’s lives,” he suggested. “It takes a long time for exposure of an agent to eventually develop into cancer, so much of what began in the ’60s and ’70s is rolling out now in terms of an increased risk of cancer.” Those cases could be dramatically reduced — in fact, eliminated — if both girls and boys were inoculated against the most dangerous strains of HPV before they become sexually active, stressed Franco. That’s a message Terry Patterson, 52, is eager to impart after going through treatment for throat cancer that was tied to infection with HPV-16, one of the most aggressive strains of the virus. In fall 2013, the father of four grown children had been feeling run down, his throat was persistently sore and glands in his neck were swollen. A biopsy confirmed a growth in his left tonsil was malignant. “I was astonished,” said Patterson, an insurance executive who considered himself fairly fit from recreational activities like running, cycling and playing hockey, despite being somewhat on the heavy side. What followed was 35 days of radiation treatment — five days a week for seven weeks — at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, each lasting about 45 minutes, as well as chemotherapy to prevent future recurrence of the tumour. “It was a nightmare,” Patterson said from his home in Waterloo, Ont. “It’s the worst thing I’ve ever been through. “My throat closed up so I couldn’t eat,” he said, explaining that for months all his nutrition came via a feeding tube inserted in his abdomen. “I lost 45 pounds and got third-degree burns from the radiation.” Patterson, who was recently told he is now cancer-free, encourages parents to have their children vaccinated against HPV. “I don’t want anyone to go through what I did.” There are now three vaccines available in Canada that can protect against infection from up to nine different strains of HPV. Girls aged nine and older can receive HPV inoculation through school-based programs in all provinces and territories. Six provinces — Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and P.E.I. — also provide HPV vaccination for boys starting at age nine. “When most people think about HPV, they think about women and cervical cancer, but this report showed that at least one in three HPV cancers occurs in males,” said Smith. “This is the first time we’ve had this information from Canada.” While females can have regular Pap tests to detect precancerous lesions in the cervix, there is no test for HPV-related cancers in the mouth and throat, so vaccination is the best way to prevent those diseases, said Franco, who along with the Canadian Cancer Society is urging all jurisdictions across the country to offer HPV vaccination to boys as well as girls. Still, Franco concedes the HPV vaccine can sometimes be a hard sell. “We’re talking about a vaccine that does not have any immediate need,” he said. “People don’t perceive HPV as an infection like hepatitis or another infectious disease that has an immediate need of control. “We’re talking about the downstream consequences of an infection that takes 20 to 30 years to happen. So people don’t perceive risk on the same basis, even though they fear cancer.” As well, Franco said the relatively small but vocal anti-vaccination movement has hurt Canadian and international public health efforts to get kids immunized — not just against HPV, but other childhood infectious diseases. “And people don’t like to talk about sex, a disease that comes from sex — and worst of all, a sexually transmitted infection that ends up causing cancer.”
HPV-related oral cancers spike in men: Canadian Cancer Society
Sheryl Ubelacker; THE CANADIAN PRESS
Edmonton Sun
Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor met and fell in love the old fashioned way: on reality TV, obviously. The Geordie Shore star has insisted that she and her man are still as loved up as ever - despite the rumours swirling that they had called it quits. Appearing on Loose Women today, the star addressed rumours they had grown apart following their whirlwind romance on CBB - and said they had just had an argument. “It’s tough because we live so far away with each other," she told the panel. “We had an argument and I deleted every single picture of him from Instagram. Now I'm like 'why did you that?' “We’re working through it.” Speaking of Lewis' five year plan, she added: "Things on the outside are just completely different. It's just back to basics for us. I haven't cared about anyone the way I care about Lewis. "I'm 100% in love with him." She also addressed her time on the MTV show, and said: "I think people have got Geordie Shore completely wrong. We don't go on there to have sex... I had sex on there, but with my boyfriend. "That is just what young people do!" Asked if she's truly herself in front of the cameras, she added: "Maybe in a way, yeah... you're always getting drunk and it does bring out a different side... we're not like that 100% of the time." And it comes after the loud Geordie Shore lass suggested that things are well and truly done between her and the former TOWIE star after she deleted every single image of him from her Instagram page. She then also sent out a cryptic tweet that read "Over before it begun", although it could be the pair's way of getting more column inches by pretending to have split up when they haven't really. Lewis told Star magazine just a couple of weeks ago about how difficult they were finding it being together in the real world. He said: "[The last time I upset someone was] when Marnie and I had just come out of the house and were still getting used to it. "It's been hard. On the outside, we've only been in a relationship for six weeks, and we've had to start from scratch." Meanwhile, Marnie is looking to future with a new job opportunity having popped up for the Newcastle native. Marnie took to Twitter last week to tell her fans about a top secret new job, before deleting the tweet within seconds. Sharing the good news with her 900K Twitter followers, the 24-year-old's tweet read: "I GOT THE JOB". Marnie added a series of smiley emojis as fans instantly reacted to the update, but moments later the tweet was deleted. Mirror Online have reached out to Marnie's reps but they're staying tight lipped on the matter, so this could be big news.
Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor are still 'in love' despite rumours of a split - Daily Record
Celebrity News
Record Reporter
Money spent on Hallowe’en is expected to soar above £300 million for the first time this year - thanks to millennials. People in Britain are forecast to spend £310 million on Hallowe’en in 2016 - up five per cent from £295m in 2015. And those aged 16 to 35 are expected to spend the most - with as many as half spending money on Hallowe’en, according to research by consumer analysts Mintel. Last year, 40 per cent of all Brits spent money on Hallowe’en, with six per cent spending £85 or more. Alice Goody, retail analyst at Mintel, said: “The value of the Hallowe’en market is set to rise in 2016, as retailers continue to dedicate more space in store to their seasonal ranges. “For Millennials who grew up celebrating Hallowe’en, this nostalgic event provides a good excuse for a party, driving retail spend on food and drink, as well as money on going out. “Capturing the imagination of these young consumers will be key to driving the growth of Hallowe’en, as not only are they buying more items and spending more on average than other generations, but the vast majority agree that they enjoy taking part in the event.” Last year the nation’s top five Hallowe’en activities were carving a pumpkin (13 per cent), watching a scary film (12 per cent), dressing up in fancy dress or facepaint (10 per cent), decorating the home or garden (nine per cent) and hosting or attending a party or dinner party (eight per cent). Women aged 16 to 24 and parents of children under five years of age proved that dressing up isn’t just for children, with 27 per cent of these consumers wore fancy dress or face paint for the occasion, compared to 10 per cent on average. Ms Goody added: “The popularity of pumpkin carving, dressing up and face paint creates an opportunity for retailers to tap into the desire for experiences by offering in-store Hallowe’en workshops, such as pumpkin-carving ideas or face painting tutorials.” Hot on the heels of Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night is the smallest autumn/winter event in the calendar, worth an estimated £52m in 2016. Just 23 per cent of consumers spent money on Bonfire Night in 2015, compared with four in ten for Hallowe’en. Ms Goody said: “Bonfire Night is a fairly insignificant event in terms of consumer spending as it falls just after Hallowe’en and as the pre-Christmas build-up starts. “There are greater opportunities for retailers in more rural areas, as our research finds that consumers in urban areas are much more inclined to attend an organised display.”
Britain to spend a frightening £310 million on Hallowe’en
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Phoenix New Times Seeks Part-Time Layout Editor Phoenix New Times has an immediate opening for a layout editor. This person will produce sophisticated and vibrant layouts for the print and online versions of the paper, produce and supervise interactive and multimedia features for, organize and manage digital assets, and assist and support the art director. Applicants must have intermediate-level experience in the usage of Adobe software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Muse) as well as Apple’s Final Cut Pro X (or any competitive NLE/motion graphics package) and an eye for good typography, photography, and illustration. Must have sophisticated design skills. Experience in photography, videography, and motion graphics is a plus. The successful candidate will possess excellent communication, organizational, and conceptual skills, and the ability to juggle several projects at once in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment. This candidate will also be a self-starter willing to take the lead, conceptualize innovative content, and be a key contributing member of the editorial team. Previous page layout, editorial design, and web/multimedia experience is preferred but not essential. This is a part-time position. Interested and qualified applicants should e-mail resume, online links or samples, and cover letter to No phone calls. Sponsor Content
Phoenix New Times Seeks Part-Time Layout Editor
media, journalism jobs, help wanted, phoenix jobs, design, layout editor
Amy Silverman
Phoenix New Times
Tres Leches Cafe Is Moving To a New Location If you've stopped by Tres Leches Cafe in recent days to grab a horchata-flavored iced latte, or maybe a grandota-sized Tres Aztecas cafe, you were probably disappointed to find that the popular Mexican-inspired coffee bar is no longer operating out of its usual nook inside Scott’s Generations Delicatessen in uptown Phoenix. No need to panic, though. You will soon be able to find the cafe's unique menu of coffee drinks and licuados at a new standalone location in the Grand Avenue Arts District. Tres Leches Cafe is currently in the process of moving into a historic home near the corner of 15th Avenue and Roosevelt Street, just across the parking lot from Treehouse Bakery and the Rodriguez Boxing Gym, among other businesses. No opening date has been set yet, according to owner ET Rivera, but he hopes to open the doors in about two weeks. A change of address isn't the only big change coming to Tres Leches. Rivera says the coffee bar will soon be expanding its hours to keep up with demand. The coffee bar, which was previously closed on Mondays, will be open seven days a week at the new location. Rivera says he expects the new hours to be 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Rivera has other exciting plans in the works for the new location, including a winter drink menu that will include twists on classic Mexican and Latin American hot drinks like cafe de olla, champurrado, arroz con leche, and a new creation called Hor'ale!, a sort of hot horchata drink infused with caffeine. For now, the location will mostly be a takeout operation, although there will be limited seating. Eventually, Rivera hopes to turn the outdoor patio area into the cafe's main dining room. He says he's got a breakfast and lunch menu in the works, and hopes to add a late-night dining menu in the future. Rivera says he's been trying to find a new location for his growing coffee bar for about six months, and the stars seemed to align when a friend mentioned he was putting up for rent a commercially zoned home near Grand Avenue. Enthusiasm for the new location is already palpable, according to Rivera. There's a "Coming Soon" banner hanging over the new location, and latte-seeking Tres Leches fans have already been knocking on the cafe's front door. For updates on the cafe's grand opening date, check out the Tres Leches Cafe Facebook page.   Sponsor Content
Tres Leches Cafe Is Moving To a New Location
Tres Leches Cafe, Tres Leches Cafe Phoenix, best coffee Phoenix, Mexican coffee Phoenix;Tres Leches Cafe;Grand Avenue Arts District;coffee;Mexican coffee
Patricia Escarcega
Phoenix New Times
Marvel superheroes are making a splash for a brave Alexandria boy. Aaron Hunter was overjoyed to see his favourite Marvel heroes making a splash in his Go Mad Jump For ROHHAD challenge. The six-year-old is one of only 100 people in the world diagnosed the life-limiting condition ROHHAD, which causes him to suffer devastating symptoms including such severe breathing difficulties that he almost died in his sleep. Aaron and his family set up the ROHHAD Association to raise funds needed to find a cure. The brave youngster launched the ice bucket-style challenge last year, calling on big-hearted folk to jump into a big muddy puddle and “go mad” for up to a minute while being filmed. Over 73,000 people viewed his original appeal and it even gained support from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who donned her wellies to take part in the challenge. Now the Avengers-mad boy has caught the attention of the cast of Marvel Universe Live and four cast members of the show took him up on his challenge and sent him a video last week. And the young superhero fan will have the chance to thank them in person when the show comes to Glasgow in January. Aaron’s mum Elisabeth said: “He was so happy watching it and has not stopped talking about it since. “Aaron watching the heroes do his puddle jump has made him so happy and that for us is just as important as trying to find a cure. “We want Aaron’s life to be filled with happy memories, love and laughter and he says the video that they sent him has made his year. “The team at Marvel Universe Live have been incredible and the support they have offered has just been amazing. “As well as doing his challenge, which was all he really wanted to happen, he has been invited along to watch the show in the Glasgow Hydro in January and he will have the opportunity to meet the heroes privately since large groups and crowds make him anxious. “They have been so supportive and understanding of Aaron and his health and we are so overwhelmed with the support for Aaron and his awareness campaign.” The Marvel show also pledged support to the charity by giving them 10 sets of VIP tickets for the Glasgow show to raffle to raise funds. Elisabeth added: “It was such an incredibly generous gift to the charity to help us raise much needed funds for research. “We were totally overwhelmed when they gave us the tickets. “As a family, charity and on behalf of all the families affected by ROHHAD we want to say a massive thank you to all of the team at Marvel Universe Live.” Tickets for the raffle cost £5 and winners can choose the show they wish to attend in January. Anyone who wants to enter the raffle can contact Elisabeth on 07917225276.
Marvel superheroes make splash for brave Alexandria boy - Daily Record
Local News
Carla Donald
Following an evening of rain in Denver and snow in the mountains, Colorado will be in a warming trend for the remainder of the week with mostly sunny skies, forecasters predict. It will be mostly sunny Wednesday, but the high will only climb to about 57 degrees, or 8 degrees lower than Tuesday’s high of 65 degrees, according to the National Weather Service in Boulder. Temperatures will plummet to below freezing Wednesday night to about 31 degrees, the NWS says. Rain fell sporadically in the Denver metro area, mostly in the western part of the Denver metro area and Boulder, said Todd Dankers, NWS meteorologist. Between 2 and 3 inches of snow fell in the mountains overnight, with as much as 5 inches falling in Keystone, Dankers said. “A little bit chilly today and tonight. We may get some frost and freezing conditions on the Eastern Plains,” he said. “Then it’s warming up. More Indian summer.” A south-southwest breeze will help temperatures rise to about 61 Thursday afternoon. Then on Friday the high will be back to above-normal temperatures into the 70s, where it will stay through the weekend, the NWS predicts. The projected highs will be 77 on Saturday, 76 on Sunday and 74 on Monday. The next chance for rain, which is considered slight, will be on Tuesday when the high temperature will peak at about 69 degrees, the NWS says.
A bit cooler in Denver Wednesday but sunny skies are ahead
Kirk Mitchell
The Denver Post
Your Guide to Third Friday Art Shows in Metro Phoenix on October 21 Once again, metro Phoenix art galleries are offering up some pretty impressive exhibitions. You'll have to do at least a bit of planning ahead if you hope to hit them all during Third Friday on October 21. So we've got a list of new shows, and tips for making the rounds so you get the chance to enjoy your favorites, and then some. Consider tackling art galleries by region, starting with one of three staples of the metro Phoenix arts scene — Roosevelt Row, Grand Avenue, and the warehouse district. Here's a sampling of mostly new shows each has to offer this week. Roosevelt Row "The Presence of Absence" Constance McBride presents her final exhibition as a member of the Eye Lounge artist collective. It's filled with new works that address both the fragility of living and the tenacity to survive while exploring the layers of change that affect our bodies and being. See her works from 6 to 10 p.m. Find more information on the artist's website.  "Onloaded: Rubén Martel" Phoenix Institute of Contemporary Art presents works by California artist Rubén Martel, in collaboration with Tijuana, Mexico-based arts organizations. The exhibition, which is one of three opening in the shipping container galleries in Roosevelt Row, is curated by Arturo Lopéz Gonzáles and Ted G. Decker. Third Friday hours are 6 to 10 p.m. Get details on the phICA website.  "Tikkun Olam: To Heal the World" Robrt Pela (a longtime New Times contributor) curates this retrospective exhibition of works by Beth Ames Swartz, who has spent more than five decades exploring her interests in the natural world and the spiritual. Collectively, her body of work explores cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Third Friday hours are 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Arizona Jewish Historical Society. Learn more on the venue's website.  "Respite" Modified Arts presents a group show featuring five artists, including Christopher Colville, Kenosha Drucker, Nicholas Gutierrez, Zach Baltzly, and Daniel Mariotti — who work in diverse media including photography, drawing, painting, and printmaking. See their work between 6 and 9 p.m. on Third Friday. Find details on the Modified Arts website.  "Cact-Us: A Show About Growing Together" Shade Gallery at monOrchid presents the first solo exhibition by Jesse Perry, whose murals grace several building from Phoenix to Mesa. For Perry, the show is a celebration of "the beauty and humor of living in the Southwest." Third Friday hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Find more information on the monOrchid website.  Sponsor Content
Your Guide to Third Friday Art Shows in Metro Phoenix on October 21
downtown phoenix art, phoenix third friday, phoenix things to do, phoenix art museum, phoenix art shows, 9 the gallery phoenix, eric fischl gallery phoenix, icehouse phoenix, arizona jewish historical society
Lynn Trimble
Phoenix New Times
En los últimos 11 meses, los bombardeos rusos fueron responsables de la muerte de más de tres mil civiles, 763 fueron menores de edad. EFE / ARCHIVO El ministro británico considera que debe haber un alto el fuego a fin de detener la matanza en Alepo LONDRES, INGLATERRA (18/OCT/2016).- El ministro británico de Asuntos Exteriores, Boris Johnson, acusó hoy a Rusia de tener una actitud "implacable" y "brutal" en Siria, y recalcó que el Reino Unido seguirá presionando a ese país a través de sanciones. En una comparecencia en la Cámara de los Comunes, Johnson reiteró, como lo hizo el domingo, que no hay "suficiente apetito" en Europa para una intervención militar en el conflicto civil. El jefe de la diplomacia británica hizo estas afirmaciones después de que Rusia anunciase que habrá una "pausa humanitaria" en los bombardeos de Alepo este jueves para que los civiles y los rebeldes puedan abandonar esa ciudad siria. El ministro agregó que debe haber un alto el fuego "convincente y que dure" a fin de detener la matanza en Alepo. "Es correcto que el Reino Unido y la Federación Rusa sigan cooperando y participando en todas las áreas que son de interés común", subrayó el ministro. No obstante, afirmó que ante el "comportamiento implacable y brutal de Rusia en Ucrania y Siria", el Reino Unido tiene que "mantener la presión con sanciones". Según Johnson, en los últimos 11 meses, los bombardeos rusos fueron responsables de la muerte de más de tres mil civiles, de los que, añadió, 763 fueron menores. Johnson se reunió el domingo en Londres con el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, John Kerry, y ambos destacaron el compromiso de los dos países de apoyar una solución diplomática en Siria y el estudio de nuevas sanciones económicas para forzar una tregua. Tras esa reunión a la que también asistieron representantes de Alemania, Francia e Italia, Kerry y Johnson coincidieron en que existe un "acuerdo abrumador" para exigir a Rusia y el régimen sirio un cese de la violencia inmediato en Alepo y otras zonas del país. El titular del Foreign Office detalló el domingo que las principales herramientas a su alcance son nuevas sanciones económicas sobre el Gobierno de Bachar Al Asad y sus socios, así como llevar ante la justicia internacional a los culpables de crímenes de guerra. MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Johnson acusa a Rusia de actitud implacable y brutal en Siria
Boris Jhonson, ministro, gran bretaña, acusa, rusia, actitud implacable, sisria, alepo, alto al fuego.
A top legislative court at the heart of Poland's political turmoil and Europe's concern about the nation's rule of law ceremoniously marked its 30-year anniversary on Monday. Poland's beleaguered Constitutional Tribunal also received support from some European Union leaders during the observances in the northern city of Gdansk, the birthplace of the pro-democracy Solidarity freedom movement in 1980. Solidarity laid the groundwork for the constitutional court's creation, but the tribunal was established under communist-imposed martial law and was initially unable to act with complete independence. Its first verdict came in 1986. Defying the government on Monday, Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz invited the tribunal's judges to observe the anniversary after Poland's parliament cut the court's budget. The agenda included a conference on the role of the tribunal, which is charged with examining legislation for its constitutionality and can block provisions it finds illegal. "Every public servant, and I am one of them, stands up in the defense of a democratic rule of law," Adamowicz said. "If a government is failing in its mission and is not functioning correctly, then its other part, the local government, assumes its functions," he said. The ruling conservative Law and Justice party has passed legislation giving the government more control over the court and preventing judges from blocking government-proposed legislation. Alarmed, European Union leaders have expressed concern about Poland's adherence to democratic principles. A European human rights watchdog, the Venice Commission, has repeatedly criticized changes that the ruling party has made to the laws regulating the tribunal. Thousands of Poles have marched in protests against the 1-year-old government's actions. The president of the European Court of Justice, Koen Lenaerts, and Venice Commission President Gianni Buquicchio were among the 300 people attending the Gdansk meeting at the 14th century Artus Hall. Buquicchio said the tribunal has earned a reputation for independence and the government actions were an "attempt to make its work harder ... as a guardian of democracy, rule of law and human rights," None of Poland's ruling politicians accepted the invitation, Adamowicz said.
Polish court at heart of conflict marks 30th anniversary
The Associated Press
Karen Dike — a board member on the local group Our Health, Our Future, Our Longmont — asked the Longmont City Council on Tuesday to consider a one-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing. Dike said Longmont residents demand the council enact a moratorium because the oil and gas regulations that survived a lawsuit were written in 2012 and are now out of date. Longmont became embroiled in two separate lawsuits related to oil and gas or fracking. The city-enacted rules and regulations require an operation to be 750 feet from an occupied building. Citizens, who thought the city-enacted regulations didn’t go far enough, voted a ban on fracking within city limits into Longmont law in 2012. The industry sued Longmont on both measures. The city settled the oil and gas regulations lawsuit as part of a compromise between fracking activists and Gov. John Hickenlooper. Longmont took the fracking-ban lawsuit to the Colorado Supreme Court, where the judges ruled that Longmont has no right to ban the practice within city limits. Council members took no action and were mixed in their reaction to Dike’s request. Councilwoman Polly Christensen called the proposal an “interesting idea.” Councilman Gabe Santos said the state supreme court has already ruled on the issue. Councilwoman Bonnie Finley saw no need to update the city’s regulations. Councilman Jeff Moore said the city should deal with minor details in the regulations and Councilwoman Joan Peck said the city should examine its regulations to make sure they keep up with state standards.
Community group asks Longmont to enact one-year fracking moratorium
fracking;oil and gas
Karen Antonacci
The Denver Post
Global Art Philippines awards winners of 2016 national competition Jugglers, trapeze artists, acrobats and tightrope walkers made an appearance through colorful and whimsical drawings in the recently concluded 2016 Global Art Philippines National Competition organized by Global Art Philippines. Held at the SMX Aura in Taguig City, the annual competition was participated in by 200 students coming from all 12 branches of Global Art located in Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, General Santos and Pampanga. Anchored on the theme “The Wonderful World Of Circus,” the artworks featured creative expressions from the eyes of the young participants and their unique skills in drawing, painting, coloring and composing visual elements which are at the core of Global Art’s international art program. Established in 1999 with the objective of enhancing children’s learning disciplines so they will become more creative in their everyday lives, Global Art transforms the way students learn art through a progressive, age-appropriate curriculum designed around their individual abilities. The competition was divided into several categories. Winners per category were named as the “Best of the Best,” but only one was adjudged grand champion, 1st Runner up and 2nd Runner Up per category. Grand champions are Sofia Danielle Madriaga from Global Art Del Monte (Category A, 4 to 6 years old); Grace Merari Saw from Global Art Ortigas (Category B, 7 to 9 years old); Angeli Domini Lim from Global Art Davao, (Category C, 10 to 12 years old); and Marco Luis Gonzales from Global Art Makati (Category D, 13 years old and above). Aside from the title of Global Art Philippines champion, trophy and prizes, the winners will also represent Global Art Philippines to the Global Art International Level competition in Guang Zhou, China on December 3. Painting with confidence Category D champion Marco Luis Gonzales, 13, started with Global Art five years ago. He said that art enables him to express his emotions and learn other cultures. “Winning the competition means embracing a new challenge and I feel more confident because I know my teachers and family are at my back,” said Marco. For seven-year-old Sofia Danielle Madriaga, Category A champion, her love for art came naturally. Like any first-time participant, she was feeling anxious and was not expecting to win. “She tried joining for the first time and just wanted to enjoy the experience. The opportunity to showcase her ta­lent and winning is very rewarding,” beamed Sofia’s mom Rizie Madriaga. Meanwhile, Angeli Domini Lim, Category C champion, focus and discipline won it for her. “I practiced as much as I can before the competition. Winning at the national level made me more confident now.” Category B winner Grace Merari Saw prepared for the competition a month ahead by devoting two to four hours a week to practice. “I hoped to win but not as the grand champion. I thought I would only win the top artist,” Grace said. “The rewarding part is to be a part of the competition where the best students strived to win and I ended up winning the biggest prize. I feel more confident now knowing that when I try my best, there is always a chance.” Global Art Philippines accepts students as young as three years old. The multi-level programs allow each art enthusiast to learn at their own pace and use their own ideas to create an artwork. For further information and inquiries Like them on Facebook: or visit their website at
The circus came to town!
The Manila Times
A court has thrown out charges of attempted murder against a prominent Dungannon republican after the Public Prosecution Service withdrew from the case. David Jordan (45) was accused of trying to kill a Catholic PSNI officer in May 2008. The off-duty officer suffered serious leg injuries after a bomb detonated under his car near Castlederg as he drove to work in an attack later claimed by the Real IRA. The case against the 45-year-old was discontinued after the PPS withdrew the case during a hearing in Strabane last week. Mr Jordan was charged along with Omagh man Gavin Coyle last December, months after being released from Portlaoise Prison where he had served a sentence for possession of a gun. The charges against Mr Coyle remain in place.
Attempted murder charges dropped for prominent Dungannon republican
Local,conflicts, war and peace,crime, law and justice
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Lyons Town Administrator Victoria Simonsen and Town Clerk Debra Anthony returned to work Tuesday after being placed on temporary leave two weeks ago in light of a federal investigation, Mayor Connie Sullivan said in a statement. At an hours-long executive session following the regular meeting Monday night, the Board of Trustees formally agreed to have the pair reinstated, Sullivan said. Simonsen and Anthony were placed on temporary, paid administrative leave Oct. 5, a day after the Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development visited government offices seeking documents related to the town’s procurement of a flood-recovery-related contract with Front Range Land Solutions, owned by former Lyons employee Rosi Dennett. Sullivan said last week that the FBI and HUD found that the town did not misuse flood-recovery funds or personally benefit from the contract with Front Range Land Solutions and Rosi Dennett. Neither federal agency has been willing to comment on the case. Read the full story at
Lyons town administrator, clerk reinstated after federal investigation
Colorado floods 2013
Amelia Arvesen
The Denver Post
Ludwigshafen. Erst ein lauter Knall, dann hohe Flammen und eine riesige Rauchsäule. Eine Explosion bei BASF in Ludwigshafen schreckt die Menschen in der Rhein-Neckar-Region auf. Das ganze Ausmaß ist noch nicht klar, es wird befürchtet, dass mehrere Menschen ums Leben kamen. Zudem werden noch Personen vermisst, nach Angaben der Zeitung „Rheinpfalz“ werden acht Menschen vermisst. Die Feuerwehr hofft, den Brand bis abends einzudämmen. Es sind rund 100 Feuerwehrleute im Einsatz. Eine Umweltbelastung oder Gefährdung der Bevölkerung wurde von BASF auf einer Pressekonferenz ausgeschlossen. Auslöser der Explosion, so BASF, waren wohl Arbeiten an einer Rohrleitungs-Trasse. Vor der Explosion war nach Angaben des Unternehmens zunächst eine Versorgungsleitung in dem Hafengebiet in Brand geraten. Als die Feuerwehr zum Löschen eingetroffen sei, „kam es dann zu einer Explosion“, wie der Werksleiter für den BASF-Standort Ludwigshafen, Uwe Liebelt, am Montag sagte. Die genaue Ursache dafür sei noch unklar. Welche Stoffe in Brand gerieten oder explodierten, ist noch nicht klar. Im Landeshafen Nord werden nach Angaben der BASF brennbare Flüssigkeiten und unter Druck verflüssigte Gase umgeschlagen. Mit der Rohrleitungs-Trasse werden demnach Vorprodukte von Schiffen zu den Produktionsstätten transportiert. Mit der Rohrleitungs-Trasse werden Vorprodukte von Schiffen zu den Produktionsstätten transportiert. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurden nach der Explosion dem Unternehmen zufolge die zwei sogenannten Steamcracker sowie weitere Anlagen am Standort heruntergefahren. Dabei hätten sich Fackeln gebildet, weil Stoffe in Leitungen verbrannt werden müssten. Die Steamcracker sind dem Unternehmen zufolge das Herzstück des Werks, an dem eine ganze Reihe an chemischen Grundbausteinen für die Produktion entstehen. Der neuere der beiden aus dem Jahr 1980 hat eine Fläche von rund 64.000 Quadratmetern und ist damit so groß wie 13 Fußballfelder. Dort wird mit Hilfe von Dampf (englisch: steam) Rohbenzin aufgespalten (englisch: to crack). Das BASF-Werk in Ludwigshafen ist das größte zusammenhängende Chemieareal weltweit. Von RND/dpa/afp
Ludwigshafen – BASF: Wohl mehrere Tote bei Explosion – HAZ – Hannoversche Allgemeine
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
Edina's first official reaction to the arrest of Larnie Thomas was a defensive one. On Friday, as the internet reacted to the video of Thomas getting arrested for walking in the street, the city rushed out a statement explaining what happened around noon last Wednesday. In short: What happened was Thomas' fault, and the woman who filmed the incident was putting everyone there at risk. That woman, Janet Rowles, who is white, says explicitly she pulled over to film Thomas' interaction with a cop because she worried the 34-year-old Minneapolis man might be mistreated "because of his ethnicity." Rowles says she and other motorists were able to easily drive past Thomas, who had been forced into the roadway due to a sidewalk closure, because he was "literally walking down the white line that marks the shoulder." She tells a different story than the one the officer (and the city) had. In its statement, Edina said Thomas was walking "in the southbound lane of traffic," and the cop needed to pull over and speak to him due to "the risk to the safety of the public." Thomas was cited with disorderly conduct and failure to obey a traffic signal as a pedestrian, a crime that doesn't seem to be much of an issue for all the white folks jaywalking carefree in Minneapolis and St. Paul every day. On Sunday, Edina Mayor Jim Hovland struck a different tone in a statement addressing Thomas' arrest. Hovland says the cop was "following established protocol" in confronting Thomas. But that might not be a good thing. "[Edina] will review that protocol and determine how to better approach this type of incident with greater sensitivity in the future," Hovland said. The mayor says any such changes would be made with city officials working in concert with "other organizations." The Minneapolis NAACP was quick to seize on the arrest of Thomas, and the immediate defensive position the city took, as evidence of a systemic problem there. The activist group called for a six-point list of demands to be met, including the suspension without pay of officer Tim Olson, pending results of an independent investigation, and a formal apology from Mayor Hovland and Police Chief Dave Nelson to Thomas. Hovland's statement stopped short of apologizing, though the mayor observed that the pedestrian citations Thomas faced will be dropped. According to Hovland, Thomas was taken not to jail after the video ended, but was instead "driven to a nearby shopping mall at his request and released." Comments Related No grand jury for Jamar Clark's police shooting case Philando Castile police shooting might go to grand jury My white boyfriend pretends to be a black man in sex chat rooms. Should I call him out? MPD: Black people love us! St. Paul police roughly arrest black man sitting in skyway [VIDEO] Graphic video shows black man bleeding after police shooting in Falcon Heights [VIDEO] Free Stuff More from News Sponsor Content
Edina mayor says city 'will learn from' black man's arrest video | City Pages
Edina, Minnesota, racism, police racism, police discrimination, Minneapolis, police community relations, Larnie Thomas, Jim Hovland, Edina Police Chief Dave Nelson,
Mike Mullen
City Pages
Here's Everything We Know About the Blocks of Roosevelt Row Development Coming to Downtown Phoenix in 2017 Desert Viking is the latest real-estate development firm to stake a claim in downtown Phoenix's Roosevelt Row, an area that has been named one of the nation’s best neighborhoods and art districts. Desert Viking announced on October 19 plans for a revitalization project called The Blocks of Roosevelt Row. It's slated to open in fall 2017, according to Desert Viking principal Dan Noma Jr. The Arizona-based real-estate development firm has already completed several adaptive reuse projects in the Valley, including renovating more than a half-dozen buildings in historic downtown Chandler, and the historic Gold Spot building that's home to Pita Jungle and Lola Coffee on Roosevelt Street and Third Avenue. Roosevelt Row is bounded by Seventh Street and Seventh Avenue, roughly between Fillmore and Moreland streets. The Blocks project will transform two blocks along Roosevelt Street at Fifth and Sixth streets through new construction and adaptive reuse of properties it purchased from the Pappas family. The transformation will include adaptive reuse of the Flowers building, located on the southeast corner of Roosevelt and Fifth streets, plus expansion and renovation of several existing bungalows that, per Desert Viking, "preserves their character and charm." It's unclear at this point how current tenants, including Roosevelt Growhouse, will be affected while these changes are taking place, but Desert Viking says all current tenants have been invited to be part of the Blocks project. The bungalow that previously housed Think! Graphics, which caught fire in late August, will be torn down to make way for a new three-story building that will include retail, office, and gallery space. The end result will be a mixed-use development that includes restaurants, bars, a rooftop entertainment space, communal patios, market-style retail spaces, and creative office space. “The idea is to create a very cool, eclectic place where the community can collaborate and mingle with the local arts scene,” Noma says. The Flowers building, which has a mural by El Mac and Augustine Kofie, is home to Flowers Beer & Wine. Previous tenants, including Five15 Arts and Lotus Contemporary Art galleries, had to leave the building at the end of August so Desert Viking could undertake renovations. Five15 Arts plans to have space in the Blocks project, but the collective will hold exhibitions at Phoenix Center for the Arts in the interim. Lotus Contemporary Art moved to Scottsdale’s downtown arts district. It's likely that Flowers Beer & Wine will be able to stay in the building during renovations, says Niels Kreipke, Desert Viking founder and principal. “We’re inviting former tenants to return once we finish the new building behind Flowers,” Kreipke says. He expects that building to include at least eight art galleries, and says they’re already in discussions with possible tenants, but can’t reveal details until contracts are signed. Upcoming Events “We just felt that with everything going on in downtown Phoenix, somebody should step in and preserve the character of these two city blocks,” Kreipke says. Without sharing specific names, he praises the long-term efforts of people who've made Roosevelt Row a thriving destination. Those people include Kimber Lanning, founder of Local First Arizona, and several others. Lanning moved the Wurth House from one side of Roosevelt Street to another to save it from demolition, and she's working now on raising funds to renovate and repurpose the home. Several longtime Roosevelt Row artists and business owners worked for two years to create a Business Improvement District, which would be able to use extra taxes collected by the City to provide additional services beyond those the City provides. Often BIDs help fund safety and beautification measures that improve the area for residents, business owners, and visitors. But Roosevelt BID efforts are currently stalled, because of legislation signed by Governor Doug Ducey in January, which retroactively changes how BIDs get created and approved. Last month, the City of Phoenix actually sued the State of Arizona hoping to undo that legislation, or at least remove the retroactivity piece that affects Roosevelt Row. It’s one of many recent changes and controversies concerning Roosevelt Row. During spring 2015, Colorado-based Baron Properties began construction of its Linear and iLuminate multilevel apartment buildings near the intersection of Roosevelt and Third streets. Baron held its iLuminate grand opening on October 12. Baron faced community backlash after announcing its plans, which included demolishing two buildings. One building, located at 222 East Roosevelt Street, formerly housed the first gay drag bar in metro Phoenix, and was the site of murals by Lauren Lee and Ted DeGrazia. Earlier this year, Lee created an installation comprising three birds in flight for the west-facing exterior wall of iLuminate. In September, Baron Properties funded a $5,000 Baron Prize for the winning artwork in Artlink’s 2016 juried exhibition, for which monOrchid gallery owner Wayne Rainey submitted a large-scale photo of the buildings that were demolished. Other developers, including Phoenix-based Habitat Metro, headed by principal Timothy Sprague, have had more success integrating their developments into downtown Phoenix communities. Later this month, Habitat Metro opens its FOUND:RE Hotel, which promises to feature works by local artists and has its own in-house curator to plan rotating exhibitions for its dedicated gallery space. Related Locations Sponsor Content
Here's Everything We Know About the Blocks of Roosevelt Row Development Coming to Downtown Phoenix in 2017
roosevelt row news, downtown phoenix news, desert viking development, the blocks of roosevelt row, flowers building roosevelt row, roosevelt row changes
Lynn Trimble
Phoenix New Times
Phoenix Artist Tara Sharpe's 5 Creative Essentials Meet Tara Sharpe, painter, director, and friend to many. Sharpe started her creative career early. She entered art school at 12, attending and graduating from the Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida. Then, she was accepted to a summer residency for Fine Art at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Sharpe is known in Phoenix for her work with Artelshow (formerly ARTELPHX) – a project that saw temporary art installations installed throughout the Clarendon Hotel and other environments while she was the hotel's director of arts, media, community, and culture. Her work has been seen in local spots like {9} The Gallery, the Icehouse, and, currently, DeSoto Central Market. Previous displays were found in galleries across Arizona, West Palm Beach, South Haven, Michigan, and New York. Today, Sharpe is a full-time artist. She keeps a paint-speckled studio in her sunny, Melrose District home, surrounded by her work and the work of her fellow artists, her pups Portia and Ghillie, and, of course, her essentials. Diversified Experience Sharpe values her own diversified experience, although, she says, “I feel like when you describe yourself like that, it’s a little pretentious." But Sharpe has quite the resume. Her first job was working with Dennis Oppenheim as a curatorial assistant at the Eaton Fine Art gallery in West Palm Beach. She has also operated a boutique, was a hair stylist, once designed clothes, worked in hospitality, and is now, as you know, a full-time painter. She says her time at Eaton Fine Art has always stuck with her. “That’s when I realized you could create things in environments.” Risk In her career as an artist, and in life in general, Sharpe has taken many risks. That daring has led to moving to a city she loved, New York, and moving away from that city to the Valley. It’s also come in the form of starting her own projects, including Artelshow.  “I’ve taken the risks in the sense where I’ve always thought, ‘Well, what’s the worst that could happen?’” she says. Risk can also act as inspiration for her. “As a painter, I’ve always been influenced by expressionistic painters," she says. "I appreciate hyper-realism, but the things that really drive and inspire me are things that were done with a lot of expression and passion … and usually with a lot of movement, and quickly." That thinking has manifested itself into ideas like, "When you want to do something, go for it; don’t sit there and labor over every detail,” she says. “That’s never been my personality.” Household Supplies Sharpe doesn’t use a palette, or a palette knife for that matter, because she doesn’t use straight oil paints. She also creates the texture in her work solely with paint. “I build it up with speed,” she says. “I just keep doing coats of gesso, concentrating the layers in certain places.” Upcoming Events She mixes full cups of paint when getting to work, and all that paint has to be kept somewhere. In the past, Sharpe has used muffin containers to hold paint, and still does when using watercolors, but has moved on to two specific, well-loved containers: 5.3-ounce Chobani yogurt cups, and pint-size Talenti gelato containers. “The funny thing with containers is, a lot of people save containers for me, but I’m like a container snob,” she says. “I like containers that can stack within themselves, and if they have a lid, that’s awesome.” Sharpe also has somewhat of a signature, dripping or running look in her pieces. She mixes Liquin (she grew up using linseed oil, but it takes too long to dry) and a thinner in her paint to create this look. “If I didn’t have that kind of glide with the medium, I wouldn’t be able to paint like how I paint,” she says. Finally, Sharpe uses Popsicle sticks to stir paint, and uses them to apply small amounts of color to a piece. Next Page Sponsor Content
Phoenix Artist Tara Sharpe's 5 Creative Essentials
tara sharpe art, artel phx, artelshow phoenix, artel events phoenix, tara sharpe the clarendon, artist essentials, creative essentials
Lauren Cusimano
Phoenix New Times
Joe’s Midnight Run in Phoenix Serves Wood-Fired Food With A Side of Pop-Culture Nostalgia To really appreciate the appeal of Joe’s Midnight Run, a retro-styled restaurant and bar situated along Phoenix’s trendy Seventh Street corridor, it helps if you are a child of the ’80s or ’90s. It helps if you remember the parental furor over Garbage Pail Kids cards and Beastie Boys party anthems, the fateful saga of Tupac versus Biggie, and the first time you heard the thump of Run DMC’s “Walk This Way” or Snoop Dogg’s “Gin & Juice” blasting from the windows of a passing car. But even if you have no personal memory of these things, or there is simply no place in your heart for old-school hip hop or ’80s pop culture, odds are still good that you will manage to squeeze a good time out of Joe’s Midnight Run, a restaurant and bar of manifold appeal. If you don’t go for its quirky retro theme, or the stylish digs, or its recently debuted brunch menu, then you will probably go for something else on its eclectic New American menu of wood-fired fare, which is cleverly described by the kitchen as a “culinary remix.” Joe’s Midnight Run was named in honor of Joe’s Drive-Thru Liquor, the 24-hour neighborhood beer-and-spirit den that once operated in the same space. Owner Rick Cordova salvaged the ’60s-era building, with its good bones and clean lines, and transformed it into a midcentury-chic space replete with warm-wood tabletops, cushy half-booths, and attractive geometric steel partitions. Classic hip-hop lyrics have been stenciled onto its brick walls, giving the space a fun, funky edge that you won’t find at, say, your neighborhood Postino. The main dining room breezily transitions into a dog-friendly patio, where a TV plays ’80s and ’90s movie classics — on a recent night, Mrs. Doubtfire was screening — but the movie dialogue is mostly buried under a steady soundtrack of Tone Loc and A Tribe Called Quest. This is one of the louder patios in uptown, although it’s sedate enough on most nights to sustain the easy back-and-forth of small talk across the table. Service is memorable because it tends to be almost over-attentive, with servers swooping in to refill water glasses every few minutes. There’s a well-rounded wine and craft beer list, augmented by cocktails and beers that veer toward novelty. There’s a “Sunnyslope Iced Tea,” for example, a tall, ultra-sugary, curaçao-sluiced cocktail that’s a bright and unnatural shade of blue. And you can order a $4 King Cobra, the cold bottle served in a brown paper bag stamped with a portrait of Ice Cube. All good fun, but probably neither are destined to become your go-to drink order. The ’90s jams and 40-ouncers in paper bags — and the library of Garbage Pail Kids books that the restaurant uses as bill holders — might give the impression that Joe’s Midnight Run is not a serious place to eat. But executive chef Michael Goldsmith’s menu of globally inspired New American fare is notably ambitious. The expansive menu is divided between a dozen or so small plates (“Shorties”), and about a half-dozen entrees (“Biggies”). Notably, the kitchen has eschewed gas ranges in favor of the swelter and old-fashioned elbow grease of cooking with wood — all dishes are prepared over the open flame of a grill, or in the restaurant’s wood-fired oven (the kitchen uses almond and oak wood). So, as it turns out, the real action at Joe’s Midnight Run is not out on the boisterous patio, but around the open kitchen, where bar-style seating gives you a front-row seat. On any given night, a team of five or so bearded young dudes work the open flames at a somewhat manic pace, and the result of their smoke-tinged labor is often delicious. But there are also kinks in the restaurant’s apparatus — some more obvious than others. From the small plates menu, there’s a plate of roasted veggies featuring a couple of slightly withered, lightly charred asparagus stalks; a pair of roasted onion bulbs, swollen and bursting with mellow sweetness; some nicely seasoned fingerling potatoes, and a handful of stray cauliflower florets. A smoky but slightly flat romesco sauce is smeared on the side of the bowl, all of which roughly adds up to a dish of droopy, caramelized veggies: fine and good, but not very memorable. A plate of curried cauliflower is better, the florets charred to a nice dark crisp in places, and spiced up just enough to make the veggie pop with the scent of cumin. A sprinkling of currants and sliced almonds, plus ringlets of withered shallots, add measured notes of sweetness and crunch. A dish of grilled pulpo, meanwhile, is delicious. The thumb-sized hunks of octopus are pleasantly smoky and subtly seasoned with paprika oil. And a small plate of skirt steak is also very good. The steak is cooked to a careful medium-rare, lightly smoky and very juicy, and carved out into neat slices that are paired with a simple chimchurri sauce and grilled red peppers. The plate most likely to divide public opinion might be the restaurant’s cantina poutine, a Southwestern take on the north-of-the-border specialty. A generous serving of the wonderful house fries — thick, hot and crispy, and impeccably seasoned with flakes of salt and herbs — make up the base of the dish. The fries are topped with a thick, tomatoey gravy, which is nicely seasoned and mottled with a chunky, homemade Schreiner’s chorizo. The dish might not achieve the same level of indulgence of a traditional poutine, but it’s pretty irresistible in its own right. More adventurous eaters will appreciate the sweetbreads plate. The organ bits are lightly dredged in flour and sautéed in white wine, their juicy, creamy consistency given a much-needed blast of salt from capers. But the dish could be improved with more seasoning, and by giving the sweetbreads a more pronounced crisp. Some of the menu’s most satisfying plates are on the “Biggies” menu, where sandwiches and burgers tend to shine. The essential dish at Joe’s Midnight Run might be the Notorious B.I.G. burger, a monstrosity of a sandwich that seems destined to make a cameo someday on some Food Network show or other. It’s a tall order — quite literally, as the sandwich is about seven inches tall. It’s layered with a beefy patty, pulled pork, a heap of coleslaw, and a couple of extra-crunchy chicharrones, all held together by a wooden skewer. It’s as tasty as it is messy. An ahi tuna sandwich will seem somewhat tame by comparison, but it’s no less delicious. The lightly seared tuna steak is dressed in a bright, tangy basil aioli, and generously smothered in havarti cheese. Every bite ripples with wonderful tangy, citrus flavor. But the limitations of the kitchen are pushed in a pricey $24 oven-roasted foie gras dish. On a recent visit, the foie gras was significantly undercooked and very bitter. Still, there is always dessert. The thing to try at least once here is the remarkable house tart tatin, a sort of sticky, chewy, ultra-sweet apple puff pastry that simultaneously seems to stick to your teeth and dissolve on your tongue like cotton candy. It’s a dessert that embodies the sort of high-low culinary aesthetic at work at Joe’s Midnight Run — light and frivolous, but also interesting enough to make you want to come back for more. Joe’s Midnight Run 6101 North Seventh Street 480-459-4467 Hours: Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12 a.m. Roasted veggies $7 Cantina poutine $10 Notorious B.I.G. burger $14 Oven-roasted foie gras $24 Sponsor Content
Joe’s Midnight Run in Phoenix Serves Wood-Fired Food With A Side of Pop-Culture Nostalgia
Joes Midnight Run, best new restaurants Phoenix, hottest restaurants Phoenix, restaurants Uptown Phoenix, Uptown Phoenix, places to eat Central Phoenix
Patricia Escarcega
Phoenix New Times
WASHINGTON — Homebuilders pulled back on construction for a second straight month in September, with a plunge in apartments offsetting gains in single-family homes. Building activity was weak in all parts of the country except the Midwest. Construction tumbled 9 percent in September to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.05 million units, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. It was the slowest pace in 18 months. Construction had fallen 5.6 percent in August. The weakness last month reflected a 38 percent drop in construction of apartments, which overshadowed an 8.1 percent rise in single-family construction. Despite the two months of declines, home construction has been one of the bright spots in the economy this year. Builders have been scrambling to keep up with rising demand amid continued strong job gains and low mortgage rates. The September performance was weaker than expected. Analysts had been forecasting a rebound. But they noted that the smaller apartment segment of construction is often volatile from month to month. “Given the volatility of the multifamily sector, there is not enough in this report to suggest the steady uptrend in housing starts is changing yet,” economists at Contingent Macro Research said in a research note. Applications for building permits, a good sign of future activity, posted an increase of 6.3 percent in September. It was the biggest one-month gain since last November, pushing activity to an annual rate of 1.22 million units. By region of the country, construction starts rose 6.6 percent in the Midwest, the only region showing a gain. Construction fell 31.5 percent in the Northwest, 15.6 percent in the South and 4.4 percent in the West. A survey of builder sentiment on Tuesday showed that builders’ confidence about the future eased back a bit this month after surging to the highest level in nearly a year in September
U.S. home construction fell 9 percent in September
The Associated Press
The Denver Post
A Leeds film-maker is mixing with the Hollywood A-list after his movie was chosen to feature in a Los Angeles festival screening. Chris Hallas’s low-budget project Fate will be shown as part of the Cinematic Arts Film Festival in the Californian showbiz enclave of Beverly Hills. The 31-year-old, of Horsforth, wrote and directed the piece himself and it will now be included alongside films with larger budgets and professional backing. He spent just £5,000 on the shoot and roped in friends and family to act as film crew. “I was a little shocked when it was accepted! Film festivals have a crazy amount of entries and most of them have much larger budgets than ours did, so just to get accepted is a big deal. “I called in a lot of favours from friends, most of the crew worked for free which was a massive help in keeping the costs down. Something like this is a huge joint effort and it can’t be done without lots and lots of help.” Fate is a story about a chance meeting in a coffee queue that leads to an impromptu date, but the running time of just 15 minutes means Chris is keeping the remainder of the plot under wraps. “It’s quite frustrating for me because the ending is a massive talking point that I hope people will debate for hours, but I can’t discuss it without ruining the film for people.” The story is set in Leeds and filmed locally, with Bradford and Halifax also used for locations. Lead actress Claire Marlein, who stars alongside Tom Loone, is from York. “I love Yorkshire but whenever it’s portrayed on screen it always seems to be flatcaps and ferrets. I wanted to show it for the thriving modern place that it is. The film looks very stylish.” Locations include the Stanley and Audrey Burton Art Gallery at Leeds University and the Sociable Folk cafe-bar, near Wellington Street. Fate also features a track by Leeds band The Dunwells. “I had to liaise with their record company in America to sort out the rights which felt a bit daunting, but they were great. Their track really really adds to the film.” The Cinematic Arts Film Festival is in December and you can follow Fate’s progress on its Facebook page
Hollywood calls for Horsforth film-maker
Horsforth,Local,West Leeds,cinema
Grace Newton
Yorkshire Post,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
A man has been jailed for three years after causing a serious crash which left a Rotherfield grandmother with 'life-changing injuries'. Peter Jason Harris, 33, from Tunbridge Wells was jailed for three years after he pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving when he appeared at Lewes Crown Court on Monday, October 10. Before sentencing the court heard that Harris had been travelling northbound on the A26 at Heron's Ghyll when his silver Volkswagen Golf crossed onto the wrong side of the road while overtaking another vehicle at around 3.35pm on June 25 2015. While on the wrong side of the road he crashed into a red Nissan Note and caused another car - a Vauxhall Corsa - to swerve off the road to avoid the collision. The driver of the Vauxhall – a 67-year-old man from Uckfield – was taken to Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath with minor injuries while the Nissan driver, 70-year-old Margaret Pattenden from Rotherfield, suffered serious spinal injuries. She was airlifted to St George's Hospital in Tooting for emergency treatment and now requires a wheelchair as a result of her injuries. Following sentencing, Mrs Pattenden, a hairdresser who due to retire just eight days after the crash, said: “It’s been a real struggle and life has obviously changed from a very active one to one much more limited while I adjust to my injuries and continue my rehabilitation. “I do feel very lucky though to have had an amazing team of specialists around me; from the firemen, air ambulance crew and paramedics, to the spinal injury experts and therapists who have helped my recovery so far, and to my case manager who has been able to ensure I’ve had access to everything I need. “The crash obviously had a huge impact not just on me, but my family and friends too; everything was suddenly put on hold. But I am now just looking forward to moving on with life and enjoying my retirement.” Harris, of Scotts Way in Tunbridge Wells, was also injured in the crash and was later voluntarily interviewed and summonsed to court in connection with the incident. He was sentenced to three years in jail when he appeared at Lewes Crown Court last week and will be disqualified from driving for three years on his release from prison. PC Richard Hobbs, of the East Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: "The victim in this case suffered horrendous injuries; ones that she will have to live with for the rest of her life. Peter Harris drove his vehicle that day in a dangerous manner, he lost control, crossed onto the opposing carriageway and collided with two other vehicles. His actions, and the victim's injuries, were entirely avoidable. Harris was sentenced to three years imprisonment, however the victim will need life-long care and assistance. "We will continue to relentlessly pursue drivers who drive in a dangerous manner, and I hope that this sentence will act as a deterrent to those who flout the law. I would urge people to report dangerous drivers via Operation Crackdown by visiting" Following the trial, Mrs Pattenden's son Ian Pattenden, from East Grinstead, said: "We'd like to thank the emergency services and the hundreds of people involved in mum's care since 25 June 2015 "It really is a miracle that she didn't die that day and we're all grateful that she has been able to regain some quality of life, although she'll never be the same again and it wasn't the start to her retirement that any of us wanted. "All that can be said of the crime itself is that double white lines in the middle of main roads mean "do not cross” under any circumstances. "We hope to move on from this now and concentrate on getting mum finally settled back in her village and help her to have the best retirement possible, under the circumstances.” Mrs Pattenden's lawyers, Irwin Mitchell, said she was unable to return to her home and business where she had lived and worked for nearly 30 years due to the severity of her injuries. Irwin Mitchell say it used funds secured from Harris's insurance company to rent a flat to accommodate her and her 24-hour live-in carers, as well as an electric wheelchair and other equipment needed to make life her as comfortable as possible. Tracey Storey, one of the lawyers who represented Mrs Pattenden, said: “Prior to the accident, Margaret was a highly independent woman; she enjoyed a busy and active life, playing bowls, going on day trips and holidays and looking after the village’s hairstyles since the mid-1980s. “She had been looking forward to her retirement and spending time with her four-year-old grandson when she suffered these horrific injuries and their life-changing consequences. “We are now working to secure Margaret an adapted home close to friends and family where she can live as comfortably as possible and continue her rehabilitation.” Don’t miss out on all the latest breaking news where you live. Here are four ways you can be sure you’ll be amongst the first to know what’s going on. 1) Make our website your homepage at 2) Like our Facebook page at 3) Follow us on Twitter @sussex_express 4) Register with us by clicking on ‘sign in’ (top right corner). You can then receive our daily newsletter AND add your point of view to stories that you read here. And do share with your family and friends - so they don’t miss out! The Sussex Express - always the first with your local news. Be part of it.
Driver jailed after crash left Rotherfield grandmother with 'life-changing injuries'
Community,Local,crime, law and justice
Huw Oxburgh
Sussex Express,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
LOS ANGELES — Michael Jordan, Bugs Bunny and friends are returning to the court, and theaters, to mark the 20th anniversary of “Space Jam.” The 1996 basketball-themed adventure, which combined the real life Jordan with animated Looney Tunes characters, will be back on screens in select theaters for two days next month. Greenwood Village’s Fathom Events and Warner Bros. say the screenings will take place on Sunday, Nov. 13, and Wednesday, Nov. 16. Basketball greats Larry Bird, Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing also appear in the film, as does Bill Murray, who joins with Jordan to defeat a team of aliens.
Michael Jordan’s “Space Jam” returning to theaters
The Associated Press
The Denver Post
Staff at the Palmer Ridge High School student newspaper expected “significant reaction” when they endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president, but they’ve been surprised by the vitriol they’ve received. “Some of the stuff we’ve seen on Facebook is quite disgusting,” said Evan Ochsner, a Palmer Ridge senior and co-editor-in-chief. “There were a lot of personal attacks that seemed out of bounds. It almost borders on bullying.” Angry parents e-mailed the school and used social media to say last week’s editorial was inappropriate for a student publication, that Republican Donald Trump should have been given equal space, and that the paper’s staff should be suspended. They said newspaper adviser Tom Patrick was a “communist” and a “socialist.” They accused him of indoctrinating students and called for his job. Because of the volume of complaints, Patrick and the Palmer Ridge principal sent an e-mail to parents last Friday, saying that the political views expressed were an opinion of the nine-member editorial board and does not reflect any position held by the school or district. Some parents also questioned whether the student editorial only overstepped its bounds but also violated Lewis-Palmer School District 38 policies. But Julie Stephen, D-38 spokeswoman, said policies governing student publications allow for such opinions. Read the full story at
Colorado Springs area high school newspaper causes uproar by endorsing Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Colorado Springs Gazette
The Denver Post
The Big 12's university presidents and commissioner Bob Bowlsby are meeting in Dallas to discuss the possibility of adding teams to the conference. A news conference is planned for 5:30 p.m. Monday with Bowlsby and Oklahoma President David Boren. The Big 12 has been analyzing expansion options for the last three months, but it has made no commitment to adding to its 10 members and could stand pat. Big 12 officials held interviews in September with 11 potential new members: Air Force, BYU, Central Florida, Cincinnati, Colorado State, Connecticut, Houston, Rice, South Florida, SMU and Tulane. The Big 12 has been tossing around the idea of expansion for almost two years as it tries to find ways to increase revenue and improve the conference's chances to make the College Football Playoff. --- AP College Football Writer Ralph D. Russo in New York contributed to this report. --- Online: AP's college football website:
Expansion decision day? Big 12 leaders meeting in Dallas
FBC, Big 12 Expansion, 2cdc6e162a8c476789cf6dc22f03b067
Officials hope that Wednesday’s cooler temperatures and slack winds will aid firefighters in bringing to heel a 16,312-acre fire in Pueblo and Custer counties that has destroyed five homes and prompted evacuations. So far it remains at zero containment. “It’s a lot cooler and the winds have calmed down,” Gail Perez, spokeswoman for the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office, said. “It’s still dry, though. They are hoping to make a lot more progress today.” The Junkins fire burning near Westcliffe started early Monday morning apparently when gusting wind blew a metal outbuilding into a power line, according to the Pueblo County Joint Information Center. There have been no reports of injuries or deaths linked to the fire. The fire raced through acreage Monday in high winds but slowed dramatically Tuesday as winds calmed. By Tuesday evening, the fire had destroyed five homes and 13 outbuildings in Custer County and was 0 percent contained. No structures have so far been lost in Pueblo County. A type 1 fire team is scheduled to take over fire operations Wednesday morning. In Custer County, 175 properties have been evacuated and 70 more are on pre-evacuation notice. In Pueblo County, 82 properties were evacuated, 990 properties are on pre-evacuation in the Beulah area and 2,500 people have been told to be prepared to evacuate. Evacuation and pre-evacuation notices for Pueblo County residents in the area posted on Monday remain in effect. More than 100 animals — at least 67 large livestock and 36 small livestock — have been evacuated from the fire area and are being penned at the state fairgrounds in Pueblo, the Custer County Fairgrounds and Draper Ranch. The livestock includes horses, goats, rabbits and llamas.
Officials hope cooler, calmer weather helps them tame 16,000-acre Junkins fire
Colorado wildfires 2016;wildfires
Tom McGhee
The Denver Post
A three-mile stretch of U.S. 34 may have closed this week for permanent repairs to the flood-damaged roadway, but if Congress doesn’t appropriate more money to disaster relief, full project completion may be delayed 11 years. Larimer County Commissioners heard a presentation from Colorado Department of Transportation officials on Federal Highway Administration funding Tuesday morning, which as Commissioner Tom Donnelly put it, “causes us considerable concern.” Heather Paddock, CDOT flood recovery program engineer, said the “(emergency relief) program has $100 million annually, and so, depending on how many disasters happen nationwide, when we put in our annual request, we get pennies on the dollar.” The first phase of the project, which includes rock blasting between Loveland and Estes Park and closes the road between mile markers 77 (just east of Drake) to 80 (near Cedar Cove) until May 2017 has been fully funded and will continue on schedule. However, the other parts of the project will see delays if federal funding doesn’t come through. According to CDOT’s presentation, the second phase (from Drake to the Narrows) will see a four-year delay; the third phase (the Drake area) will see a six-year delay; and the fourth phase (Drake up) will see an 11-year delay. Read the full story on
U.S. 34 repair work could be delayed by up to 11 years
CDOT;Colorado floods 2013
The Loveland Reporter-Herald
The Denver Post
Veterinary Board Gives Cat-Killin' Brenham Vet Probation The Brenham veterinarian who killed a cat with a bow and arrow and posted gloating photos to Facebook in 2015 will not be allowed to practice for a year, followed by four years of monitored practice, the State Board of Veterinary Examiners ruled Tuesday. Kristen Lindsey, 32, claimed at the time that she thought the cat — which was on the property where she lived — was feral, but a couple later claimed it was their pet tabby, Tiger. "My first bow," Lindsey wrote beneath a photo of her holding up the cat by the arrow that had pierced its head. "The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it's head [sic]. Vet of the year award...gladly accepted." (Although she didn't win that award, she got the next-best thing — a nod in the Houston Press's 2015 "Turkeys of the Year" issue.) Unfortunately, she also got fired from the Washington Animal Clinic in Brenham. An Austin Grand jury later declined to indict her for animal cruelty. Upcoming Events University of Houston Cougars Football vs. Louisville Cardinals College Football Tickets Thu., Nov. 17, 7:00pm Rice University Owls Football vs. UTEP Miner Football Tickets Sat., Nov. 19, 11:00am SWAC Football Championship Tickets Sat., Dec. 3, 3:00pm Monster Jam Tickets Sat., Jan. 7, 7:00pm The veterinary board voted Tuesday to give Lindsey five years' probation, with four years probated. During that time, she'll have to be monitored by a supervising veterinarian approved by the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, according to board spokeswoman Loris Jones. The supervising vet will have to issue quarterly reports to the board, Jones added, and Lindsey is also required to obtain six hours of continuing education in animal welfare, in addition to the regularly required 17 hours annually. She has 30 days to appeal. The California-based Animal Legal Defense Fund criticized the decision, opining in a press release that Lindsey should have lost her license — a penalty the board initially sought. The ALDF stated that it is: "deeply disappointed by the Veterinary Board’s decision to only temporarily suspend Kristen Lindsey’s veterinary license. This slap on the wrist pales in comparison to the egregious felony cruelty that Ms. Lindsey committed against a defenseless cat. Allowing Ms. Lindsey to continue to practice veterinary medicine in the future puts animals in the community at great risk, and taints the good name of the trusted veterinary profession." Katie Jarl, Texas director of the Humane Society of the United States, echoed the sentiment, stating: "The heartless action of brutally hunting and killing a cat is not only cruel, but shocking given her profession. No one wants to believe that the very people entrusted to care for our animals would be capable of such a violent act. This punishment is a slap on the wrist for Lindsey and a slap in the face for those that have advocated for justice in this case." Lindsey, who described the cat in a February 2016 deposition as "a foul-smelling animal infested with fleas," declined to comment on the Board's decision. In her response to the Board's October 2015 complaint, Lindsey's attorney, Brian Bishop of Austin, argued that the cat had fought with Lindsey's "housecat probably four to five times, and at least two times during the week that Dr. Lindsey shot the cat." Also, "the cat had been defecating in and around Dr. Lindsey's horse feed buckets," and was not "friendly." Clearly, Bishop seemed to imply, the only rational solution was to kill the sucker. He explored what's known in American jurisprudence as the "doctrine of redneckery" (habeas foxworthyus) even further, claiming: "The Board...does not regulate offensiveness, bad social media judgment, or 'political correctness.' The Board also does not — or should not — 'take sides' in the culture war between animal rights/no-kill activists and 'pro-hunters'....[The decision] should not be influenced by the offensiveness of Dr. Lindsey's subsequent Facebook picture and postings or the volume or intensity of those who are from or live in a different culture." So there you go. Sponsor Content
Veterinary Board Gives Cat-Killin' Brenham Vet Probation
Kristen Lindsey, the Brenham veterinarian who sparked outrage after killing a cat and posting a photo on Facebook, was given probation by the state veterinary board Tuesday.
Craig Malisow
Houston Press
A new car would cost around P500,000 more if the proposed tax reform of the Duterte administration was passed into law, Camarines Sur Rep. Rolando Andaya warned on Monday. Andaya, one of the House Deputy Speakers, was referring to a provision of the tax reform program that imposes an excise tax of 40 percent of the net manufacturing importation price for cars priced over P1.1 million to P2.1 million–up from the existing excise tax rate of P112,00 plus the value in excess of P1.1 million for the bracket. “A [Toyota] Innova would cost P400,000 more, while a [Mitsubishi] Montero would cost P600,000 more. For a Pajero, you could pay P1 million more. So if you can purchase a car now before this [tax measure]is passed, the better,” he told reporters. The proposed tax measure also imposes a five percent of the net manufacturing/importation price as excise tax on cars priced P600,000 and below–a few notches more than the existing two percent. This would mean that a compact car worth P590,000 based on net manufacturing/importation price will be worth P619,000 or up from its old price of P601,800 (including the two percent of the net manufacturing/importation excise tax). Cars priced over P600,000 to P1.1 million, on the other hand, will incur a 20 percent excise tax instead of an existing income tax rate of P12,000 plus excess of P600,000 net price. Those priced over P2.1 million will have a 60 percent excise tax instead of the rate of P512,000 at present plus the value in excess of P2.1 million.
Cars to cost P500K more with tax reform
The Manila Times
Hace mes y medio Mariano Rajoy obtuvo el apoyo de 170 diputados, a seis de la mayoría absoluta, en el Parlamento. AFP / ARCHIVO Si para el 31 de octubre no se ha elegido presidente, España deberá ir a terceras elecciones en un año MADRID, ESPAÑA (18/OCT/2016).- Los socialistas españoles (PSOE) decidirán el domingo 23 en una reunión de su dirección si favorecen la reelección del conservador Mariano Rajoy como presidente del Gobierno, con división de posiciones dentro del partido, aunque crecen quienes respaldan esa vía. El Comité Federal del PSOE tendrá que decidir la posición ante la hipótesis de que Rajoy vaya al Congreso de los Diputados para ser investido jefe del Ejecutivo, en un calendario apretado, puesto que si para el 31 no se ha elegido presidente el Parlamento se disolverá y habrá nuevas elecciones legislativas, las terceras en un año. El rey consultará a los líderes de los partidos parlamentarios los próximos días 24 y 25 y al término hará público si encarga a uno de ellos presentarse como candidato a la investidura o no. La respuesta está en manos de los socialistas, que si el domingo optan por la abstención harán posible que Rajoy sea reelegido para un cargo al que accedió en diciembre de 2011, aunque desde hace diez meses tiene funciones limitadas, después de que el Congreso haya sido incapaz de elegir un jefe del Ejecutivo. El socialista Pedro Sánchez, en marzo, y el propio Rajoy, entre agosto y septiembre, lo intentaron sin éxito. Los socialistas están en plena crisis después de que Sánchez dimitiera de la secretaría general del PSOE el 1 de octubre ante el ataque de un fuerte sector crítico. Una comisión gestora ha tratado de poner paz en estas semanas y dar respuesta al bloqueo político español. El presidente de esa gestora, el veterano dirigente Javier Fernández, se reunió ese martes con parlamentarios socialistas y les recordó que hay dos opciones: "abstención o elecciones". Unos comicios a final de año, que nadie quiere, podrían perjudicar a los socialistas, que están a la baja en las encuestas. La mayoría de diputados y senadores del PSOE que hablaron en la reunión del grupo parlamentario se mostraron a favor de la abstención para facilitar la investidura de Rajoy y de que se acate la disciplina de voto. La mayor parte de las voces opuestas a respaldar la investidura de Rajoy proceden de antiguos colaboradores de Sánchez, aunque hoy uno de ellos, su "número dos", César Luena, dijo que acatará lo que decida el Comité Federal el domingo. Si Felipe VI propone un candidato - sólo se contempla la hipótesis de Rajoy - el debate y votación para la elección del nuevo jefe del Ejecutivo tendrá lugar en cuatro jornadas entre el 26 y el 31 de octubre. Hace mes y medio Mariano Rajoy obtuvo el apoyo de 170 diputados, a seis de la mayoría absoluta, aunque mantener esa cifra le bastaría para ser investido en una segunda votación, con mayoría simple, siempre que haya al menos once abstenciones entre quienes hasta ahora le han rechazado. MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
El PSOE decidirá este domingo si favorecen a Rajoy
rajoy, españa, investidura, psoe, decision, pedro sanchez, populismo, bloqueo politico, informador
Neu Wulmstorf. Bei der Frau handelt es nach Polizeiangaben vom Montag um eine Mitarbeiterin des Unternehmens. Sie räumte drei Drohanrufe ein, weil sie mit ihrer Arbeit unzufrieden sei, hieß es von den Ermittlern. Gegen eine weitere Firmenangestellte wird ermittelt. Am vergangenen Mittwoch hatte die Frau erstmals anonym bei der Polizei angerufen und gedroht, in der Firma würden mehrere Bomben hoch gehen. Der Betrieb wurde daraufhin geräumt, rund 300 Mitarbeiter mussten ihre Arbeitsplätze verlassen. Bei einer mehrstündigen Durchsuchung wurden Sprengstoffspürhunde eingesetzt, ohne dass verdächtige Gegenstände oder Substanzen gefunden wurden. Am darauffolgenden Tag ging bei der Polizei ein nahezu identischer Anruf ein. Die Polizei hatte inzwischen den ersten Anruf zu einer Telefonzelle in Buchholz zurückverfolgt, die überwacht wurde. Am Freitag gegen 6.30 Uhr setzte die Frau von der selben Stelle einen weiteren Drohanruf ab und wurde prompt auf frischer Tat ertappt und festgenommen. Nun könnten auf die 29-Jährige bis zu drei Jahre Haft wegen Störung des öffentlichen Friedens durch Androhung von Straftaten zukommen. dpa
Notfälle – Bombendrohungen gegen Fleischfabrik: 29-Jährige festgenommen – NP - Neue Presse
Neue Presse; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Neue Presse, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
HISD Principal Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Freak Accident Kills Woman It wasn't until the next morning, well after the crash, that Bertha Lazcano's family found out what happened to their mother and wife. The 58-year-old mother of four and grandmother of two was driving home on U.S. 290 the evening of September 11 when the truck in the lane next to her hit a construction barrier. The pickup went airborne and landed on top of Lazcano's Toyota Rav4, killing her instantly. “One of the most extenuating circumstances of this whole deal was that this family didn't even learn that they had lost the matriarch of their family until the early morning the next day,” said the family's attorney, John Ramsey. “That was hours after [the driver] was allowed to go home and sleep in his own bed that night.” The driver was 40-year-old Orlando Reyna, the principal at Houston ISD's Madison High School, who now faces a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Lazcano's family. Upcoming Events University of Houston Cougars Football vs. Louisville Cardinals College Football Tickets Thu., Nov. 17, 7:00pm Rice University Owls Football vs. UTEP Miner Football Tickets Sat., Nov. 19, 11:00am SWAC Football Championship Tickets Sat., Dec. 3, 3:00pm Monster Jam Tickets Sat., Jan. 7, 7:00pm Reyna told police that night that he was driving home from Brick House Tavern in the left lane at the time he hit the barrier — the kind lining an exit that only construction vehicles use to get to the construction site within the median. Reyna refused a breathalyzer test when police arrived, according to the lawsuit. Chris Tritico, who is representing Reyna on any potential criminal charges, said the assistant district attorney decided there was not enough probable cause for the officers to order a blood draw, because Reyna did not appear to show any signs of intoxication. And so he was free to go. Asked for Reyna's own account as to how the accident happened in the first place, Tritico said Reyna does not have any memory of how it happened because he sustained a head injury. Attorneys say the police investigation is ongoing and it is unclear for now what consequences, if any, Reyna will face for the accident. Which is exactly why Ramsey said Lazcano's family decided to file the lawsuit — for a sense of closure. Throughout her life, Lazcano and her husband had owned a commercial delivery service and she had been a truck driver. She had owned her own restaurant. She had been a travel agent. And through the hard work, she had put two children through college, with the younger two, ages 19 and 23, enrolled in college at the time she died. “She was the heart and soul of this family,” Ramsey said, “so this family has suffered an indescribable tragedy. I don't think they're ever going to be able to fill the void of Mrs. Lazcano leaving them so soon.” Sponsor Content
HISD Principal Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Freak Accident Kills Woman
freak accident, Madison High School, HISD, Houston Independent School District, Orlando Reyna, Bertha Lazcano
Meagan Flynn
Houston Press
Erdogan señala que Turquía sólo participará en operaciones donde no estén las milicias YPG, dado que Ankara las considera terroristas. AP / K. Ozer Basta con que se acepten las propuestas turcas para comenzar a luchar contra el EI "Ayer, los amigos americanos nos han dicho: 'Está bien, ustedes también pueden ayudarnos'", dijo el jefe del Estado, en un discurso en el que evaluó los avances del Ejército turco en su lucha contra el EI en el noroeste de Siria, recogido por la agencia semipública Anadolu. "Es algo que hemos dicho desde el principio. Basta con que ustedes nos digan 'sí' a nuestras propuestas. Porque nosotros entendemos de este asunto, en esta región. Ustedes aquí son extranjeros, no pueden entender de esto", dijo Erdogan, dirigiéndose a sus aliados. "Nosotros conocemos también todos los detalles históricos. Y ahora nos hemos puesto de acuerdo. Dijeron '¿Qué hacemos en Al Raqa?' Vengan, vamos juntos, si ustedes dicen que allí también hacemos una operación. Dado que Al Raqa es el centro del EI, nosotros también haremos junto a ustedes una operación en Al Raqa", dijo el mandatario. No precisó si el acuerdo alcanzado con Estados Unidos incluye un asalto a la 'capital' del Estado Islámico en Siria o se refiere a operaciones en la región noroccidental de Siria, donde la aviación norteamericana apoya la milicia sirio kurda Unidades de Protección del Pueblo (YPG) en su lucha contra los yihadistas. Erdogan siempre ha señalado que Turquía sólo participará en operaciones en las que no estén las milicias YPG, dado que Ankara las considera terroristas por sus estrechos vínculos con el proscrito Partido de Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK), la guerrilla kurda de Turquía. En su discurso de hoy, el presidente reiteró que las YPG deben retirarse de Manbech, una ciudad estratégica del EI al oeste del Éufrates que las milicias kurdas conquistaron en agosto, "porque allí el 95% de la población es árabe". MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Turquía colaborará con EU en operaciones antiyihadistas en Siria
turquía, colabora, estados unidos, milicias kurdas, estado islámico, siria, yihadismo.
Vom Fußball bis zur Life Kinetik: Der vor mehr als 90 Jahren gegründete Sportverein Wilkenburg bietet klassische Sportarten und moderne Lifestylesparten an. Die Zahl der Mitglieder ist seit zwei Jahren wieder leicht steigend und liegt aktuell bei 424. Die Fußballmannschaft der Herren wird 2014 für besonders faires Spiel in der Kreisliga ausgezeichnet. 24 Stunden lang Zugriff auf alle kostenpflichtigen Inhalte von für 24 Std. 30 Tage lang Zugriff auf alle kostenpflichtigen Inhalte von monatlich 12 Monate lang Zugriff auf alle kostenpflichtigen Inhalte von 24 Monate lang Zugriff auf alle kostenpflichtigen Inhalte von Unsere mobilen Produkte zum Paketpreis, jetzt bestellen. Die Bürger in Hemmingen haben bei der Kommunalwahl auch über ihren Stadtrat abgestimmt. Die Mitglieder im Überblick. In unserem Veranstaltungskalender finden Sie alle Veranstaltungen in Hemmingen und wissen immer, was los ist in Ihrer Nähe.mehr Leine-Nachrichten Fotostrecke Hemmingen: Bauhof feiert „Bis in die Puppen“ Lassen Sie sich auf den folgenden Seiten und in einer App davon überraschen, wie attraktiv Hemmingen ist und wie vielseitig seine Lebens-, Geschäfts- und Servicewelt.mehr Andreas Zimmer: Telefon: 0511 82079415 E-Mail:
Der SV Wilkenburg blickt auf eine mehr als 90-jährige Geschichte zurück – HAZ – Hannoversche Allgemeine
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
A man in his 20s has been taken to hospital after being stabbed in Belfast city centre around noon. Police are investigating an altercation in the Castle Street/King Street area of Belfast City Centre today. A PSNI spokesman said the man sustained 2 stab wounds to his body but his condition "is not described as life threatening". A woman, aged in her 20’s, sustained a punch to her face during the incident. Police are appealing to anyone who witnessed the altercation or anyone with any information that can assist with the investigation to contact detectives in Musgrave Police Station on 101 quoting reference number 482 of 17/10/16. Information can also be passed anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. A section of King Street has been closed while police conduct follow-up enquiries as part of the investigation.
Man stabbed in Belfast city centre
Site Home,crime, law and justice
Gemma Murray
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Miami Sports Executive Aaron Davidson to Plead Guilty in FIFA Bribery Case Aaron Davidson was once a brilliant American soccer exec, the man who co-founded the North American Soccer League, the original version of Miami FC and the reborn Fort Lauderdale Strikers. But behind the scenes, prosecutors say, he was also profiting handsomely — and illegally — from the beautiful game in the form of multimillion-dollar TV contracts won through outright bribery. Now the Brickell resident is reportedly set to plead guilty to the charges. Davidson has scheduled a change-of-plea hearing at 1 p.m. tomorrow in Brooklyn, federal court records show. His attorney didn't immediately respond to a message from New Times about the plea. The change of plea raises an obvious question: As prosecutors still work to trace the trails of corruption to the top of FIFA, soccer's international governing body, will Davidson offer to cooperate under his new plea? The Miamian worked closely with Jeffrey Webb, the former head of CONCACAF, the North American and Caribbean soccer federation. Webb, who was also charged in the case, in turn worked with the highest officials in FIFA, including former chief Sepp Blatter. Could Davidson's plea be another step toward marching up that line of command? When New Times profiled Davidson last year, some experts thought so. "You usually see these types of mass prosecutions in racketeering cases going after the Mob or big drug organizations," Scott Sundby, a University of Miami law professor and former federal prosecutor, said at the time. "You start with the soldiers, get them to turn on the people above them, and eventually, hopefully, you get all the way to the top." In all, Davidson is charged with orchestrating $5 million worth of bribes through Traffic Sports USA, a marketing firm he controlled. The firm was essentially a middleman for local TV rights to World Cup qualifying games. Prosecutors say Davidson paid hefty bribes to local officials in countries ranging from Costa Rica to Nicaragua to get those rights. The case was a stunning downfall for the Texas native. Davidson, who speaks five languages, cut an outsize figure in South Florida's soccer landscape, helping to start the Miami FC in 2006 and serving as the franchise's president before moving the club to Fort Lauderdale in 2011. (The current Miami FC, which started playing this year, has no relation to that club.) Davidson was also president of the NASL, the second-division league in which the teams played. He was charged in May 2015 in a bribery case that has now netted 17 guilty pleas from international soccer figures and businesses. Six others are awaiting trial in the case, which led to the ouster of longtime FIFA chief Sepp Blatter (who has not been charged himself.)  Sponsor Content
Miami Sports Executive Aaron Davidson to Plead Guilty in FIFA Bribery Case
Aaron Davidson, FIFA, NASL, Fort Laduerdale Strikers, Miami FC
Tim Elfrink
Miami New Times
The Ten Best Restaurants in Little Haiti What’s in a name has never been more important than when you’re exploring the neighborhoods of Little Haiti and Little River. Even for locals, the borderlines can become confusing, but the community of Little Haiti pulled together to keep its historic name. Nonetheless, the culturally rich, artistically talented, and resilient members of the Haitian community have created an area uniquely and beautifully theirs. One of the joys people find when visiting Little Haiti are the diverse menus on every corner. From griot to cheesesteaks to seafood, Little Haiti’s range of flavors is a gift to those willing to explore. Here are some of the tastiest eateries in Little Haiti. 10. Rail 71 Café Sandwiches, breakfast, and salads are some of the highlights at the new Rail 71 Café (7255 NE Fourth Ave., #111). Opened by a mother-and-son duo, the eatery offers choices such as the Rail sabich with grilled eggplant ($8.95) and the 71 tuna toast, made with albacore tuna ($10.75). The restaurant supports other local businesses by selling Zak the Baker bread and JoJo Tea. Rail 71 Café is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9. Chef Creole Chef Wilkinson Sejour was 22 years old when he opened the first Chef Creole, which now has multiple locations, including outposts in North Miami and Miami Gardens. In a competition-dense Haitian neighborhood, the chef and his string of eateries have paved their lane by mixing Haitian and Bahamian influences into a menu that ranges from conch salad to oxtail. The flagship in Little Haiti provides not only delicious meals but also the perfect ambiance for locals who enjoy the outside seating area.  8. Fiorito Brothers Cristian and Maximiliano Alvarez opened this charming Argentine restaurant in 2012. The wooden decor and interior design harks back to their hometown of Córdoba, but neighboring businesses such as Sweat Records, Churchill's Pub, and the local 7. Philly Grub Owner Mark Scharnitz has gained street cred in the Miami food scene since owning his first eatery, the Corner Muse, and running Hearts of Palm Catering, a company that shares a kitchen with Philly Grub. Philly Grub is the tasty local alternative to Subway or Publix subs. All of its sandwiches cost $7.76, and for less than $10, you can upgrade your meal to include chips and a drink. Don’t leave without ordering an Italian ice or the popular Philly cheesesteak with fresh shaved sirloin and a choice of "whiz" — provolone or American cheese — on Amoroso's bread. 6. Leela’s Restaurant Leela’s sits in the heart of Little Haiti, at 5650 NE Second Ave. It's a short walk from Churchill's, and the foot traffic in the area is heavy, especially on weekends. This family business serves traditional Haitian cuisine, and its authentically decorated interior blends in perfectly with neighboring pastel-colored businesses located by the Caribbean Marketplace. Be sure to visit this mom-and-pop for the tasty poulet (stewed chicken, market price) or tasso (fried goat, market price).  Sponsor Content
The Ten Best Restaurants in Little Haiti
Little Haiti, Little Haiti Miami, vegan pizza Miami, pizza Miami , Philly cheesesteak Miami, Haitian food Miami, Haitian cuisine Miami, Miami seafood
Christian Portilla
Miami New Times
By Beth Harris, The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Rich Hill never strayed from his mindset of pitching in the moment, even when he was far from the major leagues playing independent ball with the Long Island Ducks. Convinced there would be another opportunity to get back to the big leagues, he focused on executing pitches without worrying about his current circumstances. Fourteen months later, Hill allowed two hits over six innings to beat Cy Young Award winner Jake Arrieta and the Chicago Cubs 6-0 Tuesday, giving the Los Angeles Dodgers a 2-1 NL Championship Series lead. “It’s the biggest game of my career,” Hill said. “It’s just putting in the work, putting in the time, having a routine, persevere, all those things that you can say to sum up some kind of endurance or resiliency. For me, that’s all I’ve ever known is just work.” Rookie Corey Seager had three hits, including a go-ahead single in the third, and Yasmani Grandal hit a two-run homer in the fourth. After winning a big league-high 103 games during the regular season and sparking belief they could win the World Series for the first time since 1908, the Cubs have been shut out in consecutive games for the first time since May 2014, managing just six hits — five of them singles. Their 18 straight scoreless innings mark the longest postseason drought in franchise history, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. “More than anything, I think we need to get a couple runs and hits and runs early to try to get that kind of feeling back,” Cubs manager Joe Maddon said, “because, obviously, when you’re not scoring any runs, it makes it even more difficult in the dugout.” Hill, who made two starts in the independent Atlantic League in August 2015 before signing a minor league deal with Boston , struck out six and walked two. Joe Blanton, Grant Dayton and Kenley Jansen finished. Playing their 200th postseason game, the Dodgers posted consecutive shutouts for the first time. Julio Urias starts Game 4 for the Dodgers on Wednesday and at 20 years, 68 days will become the youngest starting pitcher in postseason history. John Lackey starts for the Cubs. “He’s not scared of the moment,” Seager said of Urias. “He’s not scared of anything.” Hill was acquired from Oakland along with Josh Reddick at the Aug. 1 trade deadline. The 36-year-old left-hander struggled with a blister on the middle finger of his pitching hand that landed him on the disabled list from mid-July to late August. The blister still bothered him in the final weeks of the regular season, and Dodgers manager Dave Roberts pulled him after seven perfect innings against Miami on Sept. 10, saying the team had to keep its focus on bigger goals in October. Hill was strong from the start against one of his former teams, retiring the side to open the game and later eight in a row. He’s given up one run in 23 innings over four home starts for the Dodgers, lowering his ERA to 0.39. “When he’s got that attitude out there, you can tell,” Dodgers first baseman Adrian Gonzalez said. “That’s when you know he’s rolling, that his pitches are working, and he’s doing what he wants to do out there.” Seager’s go-ahead single ended an 0-for-15 slide with runners in scoring position in postseason play. Grandal was 0 for 5 with three strikeouts against Arrieta in his career before he launched a 3-2 pitch into the right-field pavilion in the fourth for a 3-0 lead. Grandal drove in Reddick, who singled and stole second and third. “He’s been so good for the last couple years just because he doesn’t give in,” Grandal said of Arrieta. “He still made a really good pitch down in the zone. I was just lucky to put a swing on it and hit it out.” Justin Turner homered on the first pitch leading off the sixth to chase Arrieta, who gave up four runs and six hits in five innings. He dominated the Dodgers in his previous two starts against them, including a no-hitter at Dodger Stadium on Aug. 30, 2015. Los Angeles had gone 2 for 51 against him in two games. “It’s hard to go out there and pitch when your team is not scoring, so you try to be perfect. You can’t make any mistakes. If you give up one run, that can be it,” Cubs catcher Miguel Montero said. “He had one of his best stuff all year, to be honest.” Joc Pederson doubled in a run in the eighth and Grandal hit a run-scoring groundout . Maddon moved struggling Anthony Rizzo from third to the cleanup spot, and his broken-bat infield hit in the ninth made him 2 for 26 in the postseason. Addison Russell, dropped from fifth to seventh, is 1 for 24. Jason Heyward struck out as a pinch hitter and is 2 for 19. Chicago’s 3-4-5 hitters went 1 for 11 in the game and are 2 for 32 in the series without an RBI. Dexter Fowler’s two-out double in the eighth provided the Cubs’ first extra-base hit since their 8-4 win in the opener. “There’s no doubt here,” third baseman Kris Bryant said. “We certainly have all the belief in the world. It’s a powerful thing when you believe.” With a win Wednesday, the Dodgers could try to finish the series at home. “These guys won 100-some games. They’ve got the talent, so you can’t think ahead,” Grandal said. “If you think ahead, that’s when bad things happen.” SHUTOUT BLUES Four of Chicago’s eight shutouts this year have been against the Dodgers. KERSHAW Roberts hasn’t ruled out turning to Clayton Kershaw to pitch on three days’ rest in Game 5 on Thursday. Los Angeles has announced rookie Kenta Maeda as its starter. He’s given up seven earned runs in a combined seven innings of his two postseason starts. In last week’s five-game Division Series against Washington, Kershaw pitched in all three wins. He started Game 1 and Game 4, on three days’ rest and got his first big league save in Game 5. “The series circumstances will kind of dictate what decision we make,” Roberts said Tuesday. “Clayton feels good after Game 2. He’s prepared for anything that we have for him. He’s shown the ability to adjust his routine or regimen for whatever is best for our club.” UP NEXT Lackey is 8-5 with a 3.22 ERA in 24 postseason appearances. Urias will be the third consecutive left-hander to start for the Dodgers. He earned the victory over Washington in Game 5 of the NLDS with two scoreless innings.
Rich Hill outpitches Jame Arrieta; Dodgers beat Cubs for NLCS lead
The Associated Press
The Denver Post
Pura Organic Sangria Comes to Miami To most Miamians, ordering sangria usually means getting a glass of cheap wine mixed with chunks of fruit. And, some modern takes on this popular drink have gotten a little out of hand, says Maribel De Armas of M2Brands, Inc., the brand manager for Pura Organic Sangria that's made its way to the Magic City. According to De Armas, Pura is a "top-of-the-line" drink consisting of natural orange and lemon juice, natural cane sugar, and wine made from Monastrell grapes organically-grown in Jumilla, Spain. A 750 ml bottle retails between $10-12. Pura is also the "first" real organic sangria, De Armas says, and is certified as such in Spain. It's a feature that De Armas says will appeal to those seeking a healthier lifestyle. "In today's market, everyone's so health conscious and organic is such a big factor in people's lives." Sangria is considered to have its origins in Spain, although its exact birthplace isn't entirely clear. According to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol, people started added fruit to their wine in Spain shortly after the Roman Empire conquered the county a little more than two millennia ago. And the way it's enjoyed sounds an awful lot like how sangria is enjoyed in Miami. From the Encyclopedia: Whenever sangria began, it soon spread throughout Spain, eventually becoming as associated with Spain as beer is with Germany and tequila with Mexico. Sangria made with local wines [became] a part of daily life in many parts of Spain, served at gatherings of family and friends, at neighborhood picnics, and at the country's many wine bars. Sitting at nine percent alcohol-by-volume, De Armas suggests serving Pura by itself or on the rocks with a splash of club soda and a lemon slice. Like with other launches in Miami, there will be a slew of mixology events associated with Pura at local bars — but most likely not until starting in November, De Armas says. Although nothing has been planned yet, De Armas says to follow the Pura Sangria Facebook page, or visit the website at to keep up with events. If you don't feel like waiting for the launch, Pura is currently available in all Whole Foods Markets throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties. It's also available in 12 additional independent stores in the two counties, although a list wasn't immediately available. Related Locations Sponsor Content
Pura Organic Sangria Comes to Miami
Pura Organix Sangria, Whole Foods Markets
David Minsky
Miami New Times
Common Field Convening: Hundreds of Arts Experts Address Cultural and Community Issues in Miami Miami transforms into the flashy center of the art world each December for Art Basel. But this week, the city will morph into a more cerebral cultural hub. Common Field Convening, commencing in Little Haiti this Thursday, is a conference that brings together arts organization administrators, artists, activists, and community leaders to hold a conversation about the challenges the art world faces. Common Field Convening will consist of four days of panels, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. The panels include Art & Economics 101; Handling Controversy; Reflections on Power, Privilege, and Justice; and Gentrification — all issues especially relevant to Miami arts. The convening will bring together more than 350 arts organizers and individuals from across the United States and the world. Stephanie Sherman, codirector of Common Field, says, “We’re trying to create a convening where everyone has a voice. We have a smaller participation format. We’re trying to move away from spectacle. Participants will walk away with a new way of thinking and new practical tools. Through connection with others, people will find new skills.” Officially founded in 2014 after a startup grant from the Warhol Foundation, Common Field is an itinerant group that has made a network of artist-centered organizations across the nation. It aims to create a platform for arts organizations to support experimental, contemporary, and noncommercial artists and their work. For its second-annual convening, Common Field partnered with four Miami artist organizations: Bas Fisher Invitational, Cannonball, Dimensions Variable, and Locust Projects. Chana Sheldon, executive director of Locust Projects, says, “It’s a really great opportunity to put out there what is happening in Miami all year long, outside of Art Basel week. The arts organizations are doing this full-time, year-round. We have a commitment to the city and artists, so we want people to know about the Miami art scene outside of one time of the year.” Upcoming Events Miami has always been on the radar for Common Field. Sherman, who has been working with a Miami artist since 2009, says, “I’ve seen Miami go through a transition with gentrification. A lot of the arts organizations have evolved. Miami is a special alternative art world because of the tight-knit community, network of collectors, and international acclaim. Miami has an ecology of resources, and a lot of opportunities.” Sherman believes that many of the issues that trouble the art scene in Miami are also broader national issues. The theme for this year is “Arts Organizing in a Time of Accelerated Capitalism.” Sherman hopes to explore the solutions to difficult questions at the convening. “How can art be a moment of change and incite provocation? How are we operating in a scope of privilege? Do we work in the system or against it? How do we incorporate a response that feels appropriate to the current social and political challenges?,” says Sherman. “The convening is a place to exchange these kinds of ideas. Artists are a mobile and nomadic bunch, and they need to cope with an accelerated and capitalistic world. We’ll explore how to navigate the climate at the convening.” Common Field Convening. Thursday, October 20 - Sunday, October 23 at Little Haiti Cultural Center (212 NE 59th Terrace, Miami, FL 33137). Tickets start at $125. Visit . Related Location Sponsor Content
Common Field Convening: Hundreds of Arts Experts Address Cultural and Community Issues in Miami
common field, common field convening, bas fisher, locust projects, dimensions variable, cannonball miami, stephanie sherman, chana sheldon, little haiti cultural center
Minhae Shim Roth
Miami New Times
Miami Beach May Offer Paid Parental Leave Among modern, industrialized countries, the U.S. is pretty much alone in not forcing employers to give paid leave to new parents. But in the last year, a handful of local municipalities in South Florida have decided to give that benefit to their own workers. In February, Miami-Dade County approved six weeks of paid leave for new moms and dads. Six months later, the city of Doral approved a pilot program allowing for up to four weeks of paid leave. Now, the city of Miami Beach is poised to join their ranks: Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez has proposed an ordinance that would mirror the county's rules. "I've seen colleagues suffer when they give birth and have to be back in two weeks because they can't miss a paycheck," Rosen Gonzalez says. "We know that's such an important time." Upcoming Events The proposal, to be considered by the commission later today, would provide a city employee 100 percent of their wages for the first two weeks, 75 percent pay for the following two weeks, and 50 percent for the last two weeks. It would apply for all new parents — both mothers and fathers, including same-sex couples — who adopt, foster or bear a child. Employees have to work for the city for at least a year to be eligible. The city also made a minor change to clarify that only one leave period is allowed, regardless of the number of children entering a family. Rosen Gonzalez, who says she was lucky enough to be able to stay home when her three children were born, hopes the policy will help the city recruit talented workers. Private companies including Netflix, Ernst & Young, Amazon, Facebook, The Virgin Group, and, most recently, Chobani, have all rolled out paid parental leave. On its first reading, Rosen Gonzalez's proposal had unanimous support, she says. She believes it's a natural move for the commission. "This is a commission that raises the minimum wage and we ban Styrofoam, we don't want plastic bags," she says. "We're very progressive and enlightened, so I don't expect any opponents." Paid parental leave, passed by municipalities including Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Boston, has also been proposed by both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ("It's the only legislation I agree with Donald Trump on," Rosen Gonzalez says). Clinton wants to guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family leave, while Trump wants to give six weeks of paid maternity leave. Sponsor Content
Miami Beach May Offer Paid Parental Leave
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, miami beach, paid parental leave, donald trump, hillary clinton,;miami beach;kristen rosen gonzalez;paid parental leave
Brittany Shammas
Miami New Times
Santos avanza en las discusiones con sectores políticos y sociales para lograr un Acuerdo Nacional para ajustar el pacto con las FARC. NTX / ARCHIVO Advierten que de mantenerse el estado de incertidumbre habrá más víctimas BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA (19/OCT/2016).- El jefe negociador de las FARC, Ivan Márquez, advirtió que el proceso de paz puede pasar del "limbo al infierno" si se mantiene el actual estado de incertidumbre tras el rechazo al Acuerdo de Paz en el plebiscito del pasado dos de octubre. Márquez hizo esta advertencia en una entrevista con el canal Univision, en la que ratificó que las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) están comprometidas con el cese bilateral del fuego, que fue extendido hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2016.   "Prolongar este estado de indefinición del acuerdo final nos va a producir más muertos, más victimizaciones... esto tiene que ser en un lapso de tiempo no muy amplio, porque si no se nos muere este proceso, del limbo puede pasar al infierno y nosotros tenemos que salvar este proceso de paz", comentó Márquez.   Aseguró que están comprometidos con mantener el cese bilateral al fuego y sacar adelante el proceso de paz, pero señaló que tienen dificultades en materia económica para sostener a los integrantes de esa guerrilla en medio de la tregua.   "No hace mucho tiempo -dijo- tal vez algunos meses suspendimos las impuestaciones, esto nos está generando una situación económica que tenemos que discutir con el Gobierno".   "Creo que vamos a tener que recurrir a las organizaciones internacionales para poder sostener a este Ejército encapamentado en tregua", dijo el vocero de las FARC.   Márquez se comprometió a "hacer hasta lo imposible" por mantener el cese bilateral al fuego y para "salvar el acuerdo final firmado en Cartagena". "Renegociar el acuerdo es un asunto muy complejo... nos invertiría más años de negociación... renegociar sobre bases que no son propositivas nos va a dilatar esto en el tiempo y corremos el riesgo de que el proceso de paz termine mal", consideró.   El presidente Juan Manuel Santos avanza en las discusiones con distintos sectores políticos y sociales para lograr un Acuerdo Nacional para ajustar el pacto con las FARC, firmado el pasado 26 de octubre en Cartagena. MOSUL, IRAQ (17/OCT/2016).- Las fuerzas iraquíes, apoyadas por las kurdas y los aviones de la coalición internacional antiyihadista, avanzaron hacia la ciudad de Mosul, en el primer día de la gran ofensiva para expulsar de ella al grupo terrorista Estado Islámico. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Proceso de paz 'puede pasar del limbo al infierno': FARC
FARC, Colombia, mantienen acuerdo de paz, paz, apoyo, Juan Manuel Santos, desarme de las farc.
Rapper IndigoChildRick on III Points Debut: "I Was Connected With a Different Kind of Fan Base" This year's edition of III Point was notable for plenty of reasons, from narrowly dodging a hurricane to taking audiences on a VR trip to Mars. For rapper IndigoChildRick, though, it marked his first performance at the growing indie scene festival. “I think this one was exciting and different in the sense of the whole production. I feel like it was different in terms of production," he says. "The lights were super crazy. The crowd was different too because usually my shows are a different type of scene. So I was connected with a different kind of fan base.” True, the show had to change due to Hurricane Matthew's close call, including an LCD light display getting the axe. While some of the concertgoers may have been upset about the absence of a crazy light show, Rick wasn’t bothered at all. Besides, he’s used to being distracted by the diverse crowds that come though to his set. Being quite eclectic himself, Rick feels like he was able to connect with his die-hard fans who couldn’t help but roar when he performed songs like “The Show” and “Retribution.” Upcoming Events “I think it’s going to be about that energy, man. I feel they’re just going to feel it you know? When I get on a stage, my presence isn’t really like the average rapper. It’s not like that when I’m up there. I feel like they’ll see that and just flow off that energy.” Since he first captivated fans with his 2012 mixtape Indigo, Rick released a series of singles that have carefully meshed trap, R&B, and even rock together to form one unique sound that can’t be compared to any other young emcee in the game. He’s worked with his fellow South Florida counterparts Robb Bank$ and Pouya to create records that draws inspiration from their Dade county roots like “Hush Dat A$$.” Within the past year, he’s proven that his knack for switching his style up is impeccable thanks to tracks that stem from left field like “Machine.” After his street anthem “Back on the Block” turned up the heat in Miami over the summer, Rick says that he’s currently plotting out the blueprints for the official video for the single produced by IcyTwat. The adrenaline from his inaugural performance at III Points encouraged him to drop off his latest offering “Coogi,” which he produced himself. He’s also in the process of finishing up his next project Never Coming Down, which will be out “real, real, soon.” Along with his forthcoming project, IndigoChildRick, AKA Fabrick, is also a skilled designer with plans to drop his upcoming clothing line called Dream Mode. Before becoming enamored with making music, Rick had dreams of launching his own clothing line since he was very young. “I’ve just been so happy to do this, and it’s real cut-and-sown stuff. It’s not just printed on just a brand you can buy from the factory," he says. "Everything is custom made. So I’m really happy about the release.” He admits he’s not traditional when it comes to his fashion influences since he doesn’t look up to any specific designer. He goes off of certain things like shapes and geometrics that are very pleasing. “I’m such an art person that whatever translates into my mind, it turns into fashion or music or even a painting,” Rick says. “Anything can be an influence.” IndigoChildRick plans to release his Dream Mode clothing line within the next month just in time for the holiday season. As for his Never Coming Down project, no release date has been confirmed, however it's likely to drop in December. Sponsor Content
Rapper IndigoChildRick on III Points Debut: "I Was Connected With a Different Kind of Fan Base"
IndigoChildRick, iii Points, Never Back Down, Dream Mode
Tony Centeno
Miami New Times
WISHAW General Hospital has gone six months without hitting the government’s targeted waiting times. Health boards across Scotland must tend to 95 per cent of accident and emergency patients within four hours, however only 89.2 per cent of people were attended to in that time, latest figures show. The last time Wishaw General met the target was for the week ending April 17 when 95.6 per cent of patients were seen within four hours. It has been a tough six months for the under-fire hospital who have struggled to meet the target consistently since the figures started back in February 2015. Now Conservative MSP Graham Simpson has blasted the SNP for their failure to properly support the NHS. The Central Scotland MSP said: “While Nicola Sturgeon is whipping up the party faithful on independence, public services - run by the SNP - are failing. It’s deeply disappointing that waiting time targets are missed again. “The SNP need to get on with the day job but it is increasingly obvious that they aren’t up to it.” Motherwell and Wishaw MSP Clare Adamson said: “Although waiting times will fluctuate, we should be grateful to staff in our NHS who work so hard to deliver the highest standards of care. “We will always strive to assist further improvement in performance against key targets, and I am pleased that NHS Lanarkshire will receive an additional £869,710 injection of funding from the Scottish Government. “Tories like Graham Simpson display the worst sort of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness when they criticise the SNP on delivering quality local healthcare – when the Conservative-run NHS in England lags so far behind Scotland on A&E waiting times.” Marion Mark, Director of Hospital Services at Wishaw General Hospital, said: “We have seen an overall improvement in our unscheduled care performance compared with last year. "Our clinical and managerial staff will continue to work together to enhance our performance and to reduce waiting times for our patients. “The public can help us by ensuring they go to the most appropriate healthcare professional. There is a wide range of services available that can provide treatment without the need to visit A&E.”
Wishaw General Hospital goes six months without hitting waiting times target - Daily Record
Local News
Michael Temlett
After Billing Taxpayers $30K for Harvard Degree, Commissioner Wants to Ban Others From Doing So Last year, Commissioner Juan Zapata got caught using his $930,000 office budget to pay for a $30,000 master’s degree from Harvard. He justified it by saying his constituents would benefit from his continued education. That excuse didn't go over so well. Within days, Zapata was outed by reporter Erika Carrillo of Univision and subsequently returned the money. The case was sent to the county's Commission on Ethics & Public Trust for review. Upon closer investigation, however, the ethics board found that using taxpayer money to fund a fancy Ivy League degree technically wasn't against any formal policy. The revelation led the board to suggest new rules be passed to stop public officials from using their budgets to fund their schooling. This Tuesday, an ordinance that would curtail the practice will go before the county's board of commissioners for a first reading. The sponsor? None other than Juan Zapata, who tells New Times he's sponsoring the ordinance after reviewing the ethics board's decision. "The ethics report showed the deficiencies in the process," he said in an email. "My personal motivation was to prevent something like this from happening to somebody else in the future." The Harvard snafu was embarrassing for Zapata, who in turn blamed Mayor Carlos Gimenez's staff for leaking emails about the situation to the media. In July, Zapata announced he would not seek reelection. (He told New Times the incident had no bearing on his decision.) In his email, Zapata said he always intended to self-finance the degree. "It was always my intention to personally pay if I chose to do the full Masters program. At the time I was deciding on whether to do the Exec program or Masters," he wrote, referring to a Harvard training course in good government that other commissioners have taken. "The way I handled it allowed for it to appear improper, and in hindsight, I realize that the way I went about it was a mistake." Under the new proposed rules, commissioners could use their budgets to pay for seminars, conferences, and self-improvement courses, though any expense over $5,000 would have to be approved by the board of commissioners. For classes that result in a degree, commissioners would be directed to the county's tuition reimbursement program, which pays for half of all tuition costs. Sponsor Content
After Billing Taxpayers $30K for Harvard Degree, Commissioner Wants to Ban Others From Doing So
Juan Zapata, Harvard, degree, county commission, Miami Dade, ethics
Jessica Lipscomb
Miami New Times
The Alt-Right Is Not Joking I think it’s safe to say there will be college courses dedicated entirely to this election. Even the normally sedate folks over at FiveThirtyEight seem to be throwing their hands up in horror lately trying to understand what in the name of God is going on right now. We are truly beyond Thunderdome. There’s a prevalent, if silly, conspiracy theory that all this has been a big joke. Some people are convinced that on Election Day Donald Trump will take the stage and say, “I congratulate Hillary Clinton on her victory, and LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT!” That would indeed bring a comforting sense of normalcy to a world that currently makes about as much sense as a football bat, but it isn’t the truth. The alt-right is not joking. They want you to think they’re joking. When all this is said and done and Donald Trump is standing in the wreckage of the Republican Party like it’s the alternate ending of Army of Darkness, he’ll likely balm his pride by saying he never really meant any of it. He may even believe that. Upcoming Events After FiveThirtyEight did some thought experiments on what it would look like if only women or men voted this election, the hashtag #RepealThe19th started trending on Twitter. The 19th Amendment, in case you didn’t know, gave women the right to vote in the United States, though various road blocks kept them from being an equal force in politics until well into my lifetime (fun fact: the last state to ratify the 19th Amendment was Mississippi in 1984). But poke any of the folks using that hashtag on Twitter and they’ll tell you that they’re not serious. Lighten up, you liberal SJW, it’s just a joke! No one is actually talking about taking away women’s right to vote LOL! You know, except all those people who are totally not joking, but they’re the minority, right? Don’t count on it. I remember last year when the alt-right decided to start the hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII because The Force Awakens had a black man and a woman as main protagonists, and then they all did verily return to 4chan and Reddit to high-five each other over the “trick” they had played on the media. They honestly thought they had duped the world into believing there were racist and sexist Star Wars fans as if the rest of us hadn’t been dealing with casual bigots in geek circles our whole lives. That’s the thing about the alt-right; they’re babies. They think we can’t see them if they can’t see us. It’s why Donald Trump can’t stop lying about things we have inarguable proof are false. They can jump on a trending topic (or presidential campaign) and later claim that it was a hilarious put on, forgetting that that we see them the rest of the time saying the same vile stuff when it’s not a viral news story. Their parody of bigotry is fundamentally identical to an example of it, and they like to pretend that there’s a difference. When the alt-right tries to explain its awfulness away as a joke without meaning or impact, it’s basically gaslighting a nation. It’s that bully in school who cruelly tears people down under the guise of good-natured ribbing. It’s mean girl bullshit. Not that they are actually going to do anything like repeal a constitutional amendment. If Donald Trump and the alt-right have proven anything over this stygian death march of an election cycle it’s that whatever can’t be accomplished by yelling at people on the internet is way too much like work. That’s their safe space, that they aren’t going to put in the hours enacting their ideas so nothing matters, Just because they’re lazy, though, doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t be absolutely ecstatic if women became disenfranchised tomorrow. Trust me, I spend way too much of my time reading these sort of people’s blogs and Reddit threads, and they are jubilant over any single thing that will increase their privilege over another group. It’s a constant, recurring theme. The alt-right tries to sell their ideas as jokes the rest of us are just too PC to handle to continue normalizing their ideas as acceptable. It allows them to paint people who are properly and understandably outraged anyone would think repealing half the country’s population’s franchise in 2016 as joyless and uncool. Basically, it’s political negging. All it ends up doing is making us used to seeing people laugh at terrible things and not take them seriously. As Colossus once said, “it always begins as a joke.” Everyone assumed that Trump was joking when he began his run, that the fascist policy ideas were just performance art aimed at stirring up the Republican primary voters. Now I’ve got minority friends telling me they’re voting early or by mail in case Trump’s “poll watchers” decide get violent on Election Day. When this election is all over, the alt-right will still be there, and they’re going to wait for the next possible person of power willing to follow them down the rabbit hole of racist memes and conspiracy theories. They’ll spout their anti-Semitism and misogyny and ask, “Why so serious?” All in the hopes that one day they’ll be lucky, and that while everyone is busy writing them off as harmless clowns they’ll get in a position to do some real damage. The alt-right is joking exactly the way The Joker is joking when he does the pencil trick. In other words, not at all. Jef's collection of stories about vampires and drive-thru churches, The Rook Circle, is available now. Sponsor Content
The Alt-Right Is Not Joking
Donald Trump, FiveThirtyEight, Star Wars, Army of Darkness, Joker
Jef Rouner
Houston Press
Neymar will sign a three-year contract extension with Barcelona on Friday, a deal that will keep the Brazil forward with the Spanish club until 2021. Barcelona and Neymar had made the announcement of the agreement in July. The previous contract was to end in 2018. The new deal will run through June 2021, Barcelona said Monday. The club's announcement in July ended speculation that Neymar was unhappy in Spain and was looking to move to another club. Paris Saint-Germain was among the clubs reportedly trying to sign him. At the time, the club said the contract's buyout clause would be fixed at 200 million euros ($219 million) for the first year of the new contract, 222 million euros ($243 million) for the second, and 250 million euros ($274 million) for the final three years. Neymar has been with Barcelona since moving from Brazilian club Santos in 2013. He has scored 90 goals in 149 matches, including five goals in eight matches this season. A key player in Barcelona's potent attack along with Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez, Neymar helped the team win nine titles: two Spanish league titles, two Copa del Reys, two Spanish Super Cups, the Champions League, the European Super Cup, and the Club World Cup. The trio of attacking players scored 122 goals in the 2014-15 season and 131 goals last season, both record figures. Neymar and his father, who acts as his agent, are likely to face trial for fraud in Spain in a case into alleged irregularities regarding his transfer from Santos to Barcelona. A Brazilian investment group which was entitled to 40 percent of the transfer claims it received a smaller compensation than it should have because part of the fee was concealed. Barcelona also confirmed that defender Javier Mascherano will be staying with the club until 2019. That deal also had been announced in July.
Neymar to sign contract extension with Barcelona until 2021
The Associated Press
GREASE dripping down from a Chinese restaurant’s kitchen in to the shop below was one of a string of food hygiene offences which led to the owner being hit with a court bill of more than £14,000. Leeds City Council’s environmental team investigated the complaint about grease dripping from the kitchen at Sunrise Restaurant on Westgate, Wetherby, earlier this year. During the inspection, officers found that the premises were not kept clean or in good repair and condition. And they discovered no measures had been put in place to stop food being contaminated or steps taken to keep equipment clean in order to avoid a risk of food contamination. After pleading guilty to four food hygiene charges at Leeds Magistrates Court, restaurant owner Mr Kan Yau Lee was fined £13,000, with costs of £1,404 also awarded along with a victim surcharge of £120. Mr Lee was ordered to pay a total of £14,524. A Leeds City Council spokesman said: “This follows an investigation by members of Leeds City Council’s environmental team earlier this year after a complaint of grease dripping down into the shop below from the kitchen of the Sunrise Restaurant on Westgate.” Coun Lucinda Yeadon, Leeds City Council’s executive member for environment and sustainability, said: “Businesses have a requirement to make sure that their premises are clean and that food which is prepared is done so in an appropriate and hygienic way. “We will not hesitate to take action such as in this instance, when after an inspection it is found that a restaurant or shop owner fails to ensure that their premises meet the standards required and what the public should expect.” Leeds City Council regulates all food businesses in Leeds and environmental health officers regularly inspect restaurants, takeaways and shops to ensure they comply with strict food safety legislation. The outcome of these inspections is a rating based on the Food Standard Agency’s national food hygiene rating scheme. You can check ratings at Businesses can contact the food safety team at Leeds City Council for advice and residents can report any concerns on 0113 378 5900 or
Leeds restaurant owner fined thousands after grease dripped in to shop below
Local,North Leeds,West Yorkshire & The Dales
Mark Lavery
Yorkshire Post,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Ryanair has become the latest airline to warn over the impact of the plunging pound as it said its full-year profits are set to take a hit. The Irish carrier blamed an 18% fall in the value of sterling since the Brexit vote as it cut its annual earnings forecast by 5%. It said fares fell more than expected in the first half of its financial year - down 10% - and were now set to drop by up to 15% in the final six months as the Brexit-hit pound takes its toll. Ryanair expects full-year earnings of between h1.30 billion (£1.17bn) and h1.35bn (£1.22bn), down from the previous range of h1.38bn (£1.24bn) to h1.43bn (£1.28bn). It comes after rival easyJet revealed a £90 million sterling impact earlier this month, on top of at least £125m in lost profit after a combination of terror attacks as well as air traffic control strikes in France and political turmoil in Turkey. Ryanair and easyJet have also been slashing fares to boost demand. “The recent sharp decline in sterling post-Brexit - which accounts for approximately 26% of Ryanair’s full-year revenues - will weaken second-half yields by slightly more than we had originally expected,” said CEO Michael O’Leary. Ryanair said lower costs across the group were helping offset the impact of the pound and are set to fall by 3% excluding fuel over its full year. Lower fares also seem to be helping sales as the group edged up the full-year forecast for its load factor - a key measure of how well it fills its planes - to 94% and said it now expected to carry 119 million passengers, up 12% year on year. “While higher load factors, stronger traffic growth and better cost control will help to ameliorate these weaker revenues, it is prudent now to adjust full-year guidance,” added Mr O’Leary.”
Ryanair cuts earnings forecast as pound plunges
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Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Houston Ranked Worst in LGBTQ Equality Among State's Biggest Cities While Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin boast perfect scores of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign's new LGBTQ equality scorecard, Houston basically got a C-. The national civil rights organization graded dozens of major cities across the United States according to how fairly LGBTQ citizens are treated in city policies and ordinances, even if their respective states lack equal protections. Criteria included non-discrimination ordinance protections, employer benefits for LGBTQ people, available city services to help promote LGBTQ equality and support and fair enforcement of the law. Compared to Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin's perfection and San Antonio's 95, Houston scored only 71, coming in seventh place, below Plano. The fact that Houston doesn't have a non-discrimination ordinance cost the city big time, according to the scorecard, and so did the fact that transgender Houstonians who work for the city are not afforded any healthcare benefits. The Human Rights Campaign also docked Houston for not having a human rights commission. Meanwhile, Texas's other big cities all offer protections to their LGBTQ citizens through non-discrimination ordinances — and there haven't even been any reports of bogeymen dressed as women in bathrooms, believe it or not. Upcoming Events University of Houston Cougars Football vs. Louisville Cardinals College Football Tickets Thu., Nov. 17, 7:00pm Rice University Owls Football vs. UTEP Miner Football Tickets Sat., Nov. 19, 11:00am Houston Texans Travel Packages Sun., Jan. 1, 12:00am Monster Jam Tickets Sat., Jan. 7, 7:00pm "The fact that we lost [the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance] last year is the No. 1 cause," ACLU of Texas Executive Director Teri Burke said. "And I think the fact that it has been such a long fight in Houston is another. There have been a number of ballot measures over the years in Houston that have failed. We have this big, open, welcoming city. We three times elect the first lesbian mayor of a major city. And yet, on this issue, we can't get it." Burke said the repercussions of Houston voters' failure to vote for HERO are obvious, from the lack of protections from discrimination for people of all races, ages and ethnicities — not just LGBTQ Houstonians — to the economic blowback businesses face. As the Houston Business Journal reported, four "fairly large" companies told the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau president in November that they were concerned about what the defeat of HERO means for their businesses; as the Journal noted, if any one of those undisclosed companies decided not to host a convention in Houston, the city could have lost a "substantial amount of business opportunity." Pointing to the NCAA's decision to pull out of North Carolina because of it's anti-LGBTQ law, Burke said she doesn't think Houston will be hosting the Final Four any time soon unless it decides to vote for equality. "On the national stage, [not passing HERO] made us look like a city of hateful people," Burke said. "It's not who we are." Sponsor Content
Houston Ranked Worst in LGBTQ Equality Among State's Biggest Cities
HERO, non-discrimination ordinance, equal rights, LGBTQ equality
Meagan Flynn
Houston Press
Writen by ΣΤΟΧΟΣ 5:15 μ.μ. - 0 Comments Οι συγκρούσεις ξέσπασαν στην αγροτική φυλακή Μόντε Κρίστο στην Μπόα Βίστα πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας Ροράιμα, που συνορεύει με τη Βενεζουέλα, σύμφωνα με τον ειδησεογραφικό ιστότοπο G1. Η αστυνομία επενέβη τελικά για να τερματιστούν οι συγκρούσεις, κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων περίπου 100 συγγενείς φυλακισμένων κρατήθηκαν ως όμηροι. Οι συγκρούσεις ξέσπασαν το απόγευμα κατά τη διάρκεια του επισκεπτηρίου όταν κρατούμενοι σε μία πτέρυγα των φυλακών εισέβαλαν σε άλλη πτέρυγα. Οι άνδρες ήταν οπλισμένοι με μαχαίρια και ξύλα, όπως δήλωσε η σύζυγός ενός εκ των κρατούμενων που ήταν παρούσα. Οι στασιαστές ζητούσαν έναν δικαστή για να ακούσει τα αιτήματά τους, όμως επενέβησαν οι ειδικές δυνάμεις της αστυνομίας προκειμένου να αφεθούν ελεύθεροι οι όμηροι και να αποκατασταθεί η τάξη. Η Ζοάνα Μούρα επικεφαλής του συνδικάτου σωφρονιστικών υπαλλήλων της πολιτείας Ροράιμα είπε σε δηλώσεις της σε τοπική εφημερίδα ότι το συμβάν «είναι μια απόδειξη της έλλειψης ενδιαφέροντος από την πλευρά της πολιτειακής κυβέρνησης» προς το σωφρονιστικό σύστημα. Σύμφωνα με την ίδια, «δεν υπάρχει εξοπλισμός ασφαλείας, δεν υπάρχει επαρκές προσωπικό και οι σωφρονιστικοί υπάλλήλοι εργάζονται πέρα από τα όριά τους». Οι συγκρούσεις και οι εξεγέρσεις είναι συχνές στις υπερπλήρεις φυλακές της Βραζιλίας. Η Βραζιλία διαθέτει τον τέταρτο μεγαλύτερο αριθμό κρατούμενων μετά τις ΗΠΑ, την Κίνα και τη Ρωσία, σύμφωνα με έκθεση του υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης. Στο τέλος του 2014 συνολικά 622.000 άνθρωποι κρατούνταν στις φυλακές της χώρας. Πηγή: ΑΠΕ - ΜΠΕ loading...
Εφημερίδα "Στόχος" - Stoxos newspaper…JAIL_497_355.JPG
Mönchengladbach. Mit Ausnahme der Pokal-Partie beim SV Drochtersen hatte Christensen in dieser Saison in allen Pflichtspielen der Gladbacher über durchgespielt. © 2016 SID Fußball-Bundesligist Borussia Mönchengladbach muss bis auf Weiteres auf Innenverteidiger Andreas Christensen verzichten. Wie der Champions-League-Teilnehmer am Montag via Twitter bekannt gab, erlitt der 20-Jährige Däne im Ligaspiel am Samstag gegen den Hamburger SV (0:0) eine Verletzung in der Gesäßmuskulatur. Mönchengladbach. Mit Ausnahme der Pokal-Partie beim SV Drochtersen hatte Christensen in dieser Saison in allen Pflichtspielen der Gladbacher über durchgespielt. © 2016 SID Es war ein perfekter Nachmittag – darin waren sich fast alle einig, die die Einladung des TuS Altwarmbüchen angenommen hatten, beim 15. Volkslauf eine, zwei oder aber drei Runden um den See zu drehen. Zumal das Wetter für so einen Anlass nicht besser hätte sein können.
Fußball – Gladbach muss auf Christensen verzichten – HAZ – Hannoversche Allgemeine
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
“There’s no choice, we’re going to put on a show,” announced Chris Thile, the new host of A Prairie Home Companion, shortly before the season debut at St. Paul's Fitzgerald Theater. Saturday's sold-out show officially saw Thile take the reins of APHC from Garrison Keillor, who ended his 30-year-plus run as host in July and now maintains a role as executive producer. Throughout the two-hour variety program, Thile -- who's best known as frontman of bluegrass band the Punch Brothers -- proved to be a capable, talented replacement for the beloved Minnesota legend. He made clear he intends to carry on Keillor’s distinguished legacy, while also taking the venerable radio show to a new and younger audience. And what a way to kick off the new season, with Jack White making his first Twin Cities appearance since 2010, as well as neo-soul-pop band Lake Street Dive and comedian Maeve Higgins. It felt and sounded like a fresh new start for APHC, with modern echoes of the Grand Old Opry filling the theater as well as the airwaves, along with clever skits and fictional sponsorships that stayed true to the show’s original pastoral charms. Music takes on an even more prominent role in Prairie Home’s new iteration. Thile not only leads the in-house band (led by pianist/music director Richard Dworsky, fellow Punch Brothers Chris Eldridge and Paul Kowert, as well as Sarah Jarosz, Brittany Hass, and Ted Poor), but he also joined in with White and Lake Street Dive, adding to the communal, celebratory nature of the evening. The comedy portion (which will continue in future episodes) replaces Keillor’s “News From Lake Wobegon” monologues. And while Garrison’s measured, bucolic observations will always be missed, the laughs generated from Higgins’ standup set brought a welcomed bit of levity to the proceedings. But any time that you have Jack White’s name on your bill, the night is going to be about the music. And White delivered a stirring, four-song acoustic set that touched on a variety of eras and influences from throughout his celebrated career. White was flanked by Dominic Davis on bass, Lillie Mae Rische on fiddle, and Fats Kaplin on lap steel, with the entire crew sporting matching aluminum instruments that added an eye-catching touch to their spare stage setup. Things kicked off with the recently unearthed White Stripes track “City Lights,” which is featured on White’s new acoustic double-LP compilation. The group gave a knowing nod to the familiarity of the song’s melody by working a few bars of the classic French nursery rhyme “Frère Jacques” into the tune. A potent version of the Raconteurs’ “Carolina Drama” found Thile joining in the tightly wound musical fray, which took on a dusty barroom sing-along quality that resembled the traditional Irish tunes featured earlier in the show. White’s other two numbers were saved for the end of the show, with a surprising cover of the Tom T. Hall-penned Bobby Bare hit “(Margie’s At) The Lincoln Park Inn” spiritedly kicking off his second segment. White then brought out rising country star Margo Price -- whose debut album, Midwest Farmer’s Daughter, was released on White’s Third Man Records in March -- for their first-ever duet together on the White Stripes classic, “I’m Lonely (But I Ain’t That Lonely Yet).” It was a unique, delightful experience to see Jack White take part in a traditional variety radio show like A Prairie Home Companion, though the packed theater likely wanted more than the four songs the show’s format allows. The creative link between White and APHC was crystallized following the performance. Jack was a natural fit to launch the bold new direction of the show, his decidedly retro, workmanlike appeal perfectly suited to the program. Lake Street Dive added their own distinctive swing, delivering a trio of original tunes as well as a new-wave bebop take on Prince’s “When U Were Mine” that continued the affectionate musical tributes to the Purple One that have filled St. Paul this past week. Thile himself paid tribute to another Minnesota musical legend, doing a quick riff on Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” before declaring “Yeah, I’ll go literature on that” in response to the debate over Dylan’s recent Nobel Prize win. Music also drove much of the shorter, transitionary segments of the show. Thile celebrated the recent birthdays of music luminaries like Thelonious Monk (with a quick burst of “Epistrophy” led by Dworsky), John Prine (a brief run through of “Paradise”), and Paul Simon (a rollicking version of “Loves Me Like a Rock,” which Thile dedicated to his mother, who was in the audience). This quick-fire arrangement kept down time to a minimum, while also delivering songs that satisfied a wide array of music fans. Following the successful start of the new season of A Prairie Home Companion, it’s clear the show is going after a new generation of fans, all while preserving the rustic, down-home appeal for its core audience. In his debut at the Fitz, Thile proved to be a capable, affable, and incredibly talented host. He was able to charm the dedicated supporters of Keillor along with a new audience who are just discovering the musical and intellectual allure of the variety show. “It was a pleasure to spend my Saturday evening with you fine folks,” Thile said as he wrapped up the broadcast. “I look forward to many, many more.” Critic’s bias: Jack White being the musical guest certainly got my attention with this show, but I’ve always enjoyed my times at the stately Fitzgerald taking in APHC, and I’m rooting for Chris Thile to succeed in making this show his own, while honoring the legacy of Garrison Keillor. The crowd: There was a definite mix of younger Jack White fans and old-school Lake Wobegon lifers, which is precisely what the show’s organizers were hoping for. Comments More from Music Sponsor Content
'A Prairie Home Companion' 2.0: New host Chris Thile takes radio institution in exciting new direction | City Pages
Minneapolis news, Minnesota news, Minneapolis events, Minnesota events, Minneapolis City Pages
Erik Thompson
City Pages
Writen by ΣΤΟΧΟΣ 3:48 μ.μ. - 0 Comments - Μετά από 21 μέρες ανασκαφών, οι νέες έρευνες για τον μικρό Μπεν έφτασαν το τέλος τους - Η αστυνομία γνωρίζει μόνο πως το παιδί έχασε τη ζωή του κατά λάθος - Έχουν βρει αντικείμενο που του ανήκει, το επιβεβαίωσε η οικογένειά του - Δεν αποκαλύπτει η αστυνομία για τι αντικείμενο πρόκειται - "Ελπίζω να καεί στην κόλαση" λέει η Κέρι Νίνταμ για τον Κωνσταντίνο Μπάρκα, που φέρεται να είναι ο άνθρωπος που κατά λάθος σκότωσε τον Μπεν Ακόμη μια ελπίδα της οικογένειας του μικρού Μπεν Νίνταμ που σβήνει. Μετά από 21 μέρες ερευνών σε δυο τοποθεσίες στην Κω, η βρετανική αστυνομία δεν κατάφερε να βρει τα οστά του παιδιού που εξαφανίστηκε στις 24 Ιουλίου του 1991, ενώ έκανε διακοπές με την οικογένειά του στο νησί. Δεν βρήκαν που μπορεί να θάφτηκε ο μικρός Μπεν, δεν βρήκαν τα οστά του για να τα παραδώσουν στην οικογένειά του και να μπορέσουν κι εκείνοι μετά από 25 χρόνια να βάλουν μια "τελεία" στο δράμα τους. Σε συνέντευξη Τύπου που έδωσαν οι Βρετανοί αστυνομικοί που μετείχαν στις έρευνες, ανακοίνωσαν μόνο ότι πιστεύουν ότι ο μικρός Μπεν σκοτώθηκε κατά λάθος κοντά στη φάρμα. Ανακοίνωσαν επίσης ότι βρήκαν ένα αντικείμενο που ανήκε στο παιδί. Το επιβεβαίωσε και η οικογένειά του πως του ανήκει. Αλλά το τι είναι αυτό το αντικείμενο, η αστυνομία το κρατά επτασφράγιστο μυστικό. Το μόνο που έγινε γνωστό είναι πως το αντικείμενο αυτό βρέθηκε στη δεύτερη τοποθεσία που ερευνήθηκε. "Ελπίζω να καεί στην κόλαση" Η μητέρα του μικρού Μπεν, η Κέρι Νίνταμ βρέθηκε το Σαββατοκύριακο στην Κω για να επισκεφτεί το χώρο όπου γίνονταν οι έρευνες και κυρίως για να ευχαριστήσει τους Βρετανούς αστυνομικούς για τις προσπάθειες που έκαναν όλο αυτό το διάστημα για να βρουν τα οστά του γιου της. Για να της δώσουν ένα τέλος, έστω και το χειρότερο δυνατό. Δεν μπορούσε να κρύψει τα δάκρυα, την απόγνωση ούτε και την οργή της για τον άνθρωπο που λέγεται πως ίσως κατά λάθος να σκότωσε τον γιο της αλλά δεν μίλησε ποτέ. Ο Μπάρκας ήξερε είπε. «Ελπίζω να καίγεται στην κόλαση», πρόσθεσε. Όταν έφτασε στο σημείο όπου τις προηγούμενες μέρες γίνονταν οι έρευνες, δεν άντεξε. Και κατέρρευσε στην αγκαλιά της μητέρας και του πατέρα της που τη συνόδευαν. Επέστρεψε στο σημείο όπου πριν από 25 χρόνια χάθηκε ο μικρός Μπεν. Η αστυνομία πιστεύει πως το παιδί σκοτώθηκε, πως καταπλακώθηκε από μπάζα κατά τη διάρκεια χωματουργικών εργασιών που έκανε στο χωράφι εκείνη την ημέρα ο Κωνσταντίνος Μπάρκας. Αλλά τίποτα που να το αποδεικνύει δεν έχει βρεθεί. Με τα δάκρυα να κυλούν συνεχώς στο πρόσωπό της, η Κέρι Νίνταμ δεν μπορεί να πιστέψει πως απάντηση για το συνέβη στον Μπεν, δεν θα πάρει ούτε αυτή τη φορά. «Θα "έσκιζα" το νησί για να τον βρώ. Δεν μπορώ να πω αντίο μέχρι να μάθω που είναι» λέει η 43χρονη μητέρα. Και για ακόμη μια φορά απηύθυνε έκκληση σε όποιον ξέρει κάτι, να το πει. «Ξέρουν ότι έχει πεθάνει αλλά δεν μπορούν να τον βρουν» είπε λίγο αφού ευχαρίστησε τα μέλη της αστυνομίας του Νοτίου Γιορκσάιρ που πέρασαν τις προηγούμενες μέρες στην Κω αναζητώντας τον χαμένο της γιο. «Η αστυνομία είπε πως είναι ώρα να σταματήσουμε την έρευνα των τελευταίων 25 ετών. Έχουν δίκιο, αλλά δεν μπορώ να πω αντίο όταν ξέρω πως βρίσκεται κάπου στο νησί. Νιώθω ράκος. Δεν γίνεται να νιώσω χειρότερα απ’ ό,τι τώρα. Δεν έφυγε από την Κω, δεν τον πήρε κανείς, άρα είναι κάπου εδώ. Πιστεύουν πως είναι εδώ αλλά δεν μπορούν να ψάξουν τα χωράφια του καθενός ή τα σπίτια που χτίστηκαν τα τελευταία χρόνια. Θέλω να "σκίσω" το νησί για να τον βρώ. Κάποιος ξέρει που είναι. Για όνομα του Θεού, βοηθήστε με να τον βρώ. Ξέρουμε πως είναι νεκρός αλλά πρέπει να τον βρούμε. Δεν είναι εκεί που τον άφησα. Κάποιος ξέρει που είναι. Κάποιος άλλος τον έβαλε εκεί και δεν μπορώ να του πω αντίο μέχρι να μάθω ακριβώς που είναι. Σας παρακαλώ, αφήστε με να πω αντίο στον γιο μου. Δεν μπορώ να τον αφήσω εκεί, στο νησί. Πρέπει να τον βρώ. Να τον πάρω κάπου όπου θα βρει γαλήνη, όπου θα βρώ κι εγώ γαλήνη, όπου θα μπορώ να πενθήσω», είπε η Κέρι Νίνταμ, που αναζητούσε παρηγοριά στην αγκαλιά του πατέρα της Έντι και της μητέρας της Κριστίν. Οι γονείς της ήταν εκείνοι που πρόσεχαν τον Μπεν όταν εξαφανίστηκε εκείνο το μοιραίο μεσημέρι του Ιουλίου το 1991. «Είπα στον πατέρα μου πως δεν φταίει» είπε η Κέρι Νίνταμ. Αλλά ο πατέρας της δεν μπορεί να συγχωρήσει τον εαυτό του. «Με συγχωρείς, με συγχωρείς» είπε στην κόρη του, μη μπορώντας να αντέξει το γεγονός πως επέστρεψε στο σημείο όπου εξαφανίστηκε ο Μπεν. Η οικογένεια βρέθηκε στην Κω το Σαββατοκύριακο. Η Κέρι Νίνταμ δήλωσε ότι δεν πρόκειται να γυρίσει στο νησί αν δεν βρεθεί ο γιος της. Οι αστυνομικοί πιστεύουν πως ο Μπεν καταπλακώθηκε και σκοτώθηκε από εκσκαφέα τον οποίο χειριζόταν ο Κωνσταντίνος Μπάρκας, που πέθανε πέρυσι. Οι Βρετανοί αστυνομικοί πιστεύουν πως το άψυχο κορμάκι του Μπεν μεταφέρθηκε από το χωράφι στην περιοχή Ηρακλής, σε άλλη περιοχή. Αλλά μετά από εβδομάδες ερευνών και στα δυο σημεία, τίποτα δεν βρέθηκε. Η Κέρι Νίνταμ υποστήριξε πως από την ημέρα που ξεκίνησαν οι νέες έρευνες, προέκυψαν νέες πληροφορίες για τον Μπάρκα. «Άνθρωποι που ζούσαν στην περιοχή έρχονταν μέρα με την ημέρα και επιβεβαίωναν πως η δεύτερη περιοχή ερευνών ήταν εκεί όπου ο "Ντίνο" πάντα μετέφερε χώματα από τον Ηρακλή, αμέσως μετά την εξαφάνιση του Μπεν. Δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι από άλλη δουλειά γιατί μόνο σε εκείνο το σημείο εργαζόταν. Κάποιος πήρε το μυστικό στον τάφο του. Η αστυνομία το πιστεύει αυτό. Έχουν αρκετές πληροφορίες για να ξέρουν τι έγινε. Κάποιος άλλος έδωσε πληροφορίες, κάποιος που ήταν έφηβος και εργαζόταν για τον Ντίνο. Έμαθε για τον Μπεν και ρώτησε τον Ντίνο μερικές φορές και συνέχιζε να λέει "δεν είναι δυνατόν" αλλά μετά, το 2012, το ίδιο πρόσωπο ρώτησε ξανά τον Ντίνο και παραδέχτηκε "δεν ξέρω σίγουρα, αλλά ναι είναι πιθανό". Ο Ντίνος ήξερε. Ελπίζω να καίγεται στην κόλαση». Πηγή: Mirror loading...
Εφημερίδα "Στόχος" - Stoxos newspaper…kerryneedham.jpg
Wiesbaden. Zum ersten Mal seit 30 Jahren ist im vergangenen Jahr in Deutschland die sogenannte Geburtenziffer wieder auf den Wert von 1,5 je Frau gestiegen. „Wir haben eine Trendwende bei den Geburtenzahlen“, sagt Martin Bujard vom Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) in Wiesbaden. In 13 Bundesländern gab es mehr Geburten pro Frau als 2014. In Berlin blieb die Rate unverändert, in Brandenburg und Niedersachsen ging sie geringfügig zurück. Spitzenreiter war erneut Sachsen mit 1,59 Kindern pro Frau, Schlusslicht das Saarland (1,38). Allerdings: Selbst die durchschnittlich 1,50 Kinder pro Frau, die laut Statistischem Bundesamt 2015 erreicht wurden, reichen nicht, um das Schrumpfen der Bevölkerung aufzuhalten. Dafür wären rechnerisch 2,1 Kinder notwendig. Damit Paare mehr Kinder bekommen, muss nach Einschätzung von Fachleuten die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie noch besser werden. Aber nicht nur die. Bujard hält einen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandel für notwendig. Denn: „Im Vergleich zu Frankreich, Schweden oder den USA fehlt uns oft das dritte Kind“, sagt der Forschungsdirektor. „In Deutschland ist die Zwei-Kind-Norm dominierend.“ Einen Grund für den Anstieg der Geburtenrate sieht der Wissenschaftler in der Familienpolitik. Aber: „Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie muss stetig verbessert werden und in die Qualität der Kinderbetreuung investiert werden.“ Die Kinderzahl der Ausländerinnen (von 1,86 auf 1,95 pro Frau) habe 2015 wesentlich zum Anstieg der Geburtenrate in Deutschland beigetragen, stellen die Statistiker fest. Die deutschen Frauen kamen dagegen nur auf durchschnittlich 1,43 Kinder - nach 1,42 im Jahr zuvor. Sebastian Klüsener vom Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung in Rostock plädiert neben der Familienpolitik für „eine Willkommenskultur für Kinder“. „Viele Menschen in Deutschland würden gerne zwei Kinder bekommen. Insofern scheint eine Lücke zwischen der angestrebten und der erreichten Zahl zu bestehen.“ Harald Rost vom Staatsinstitut für Familienforschung an der Universität Bamberg nennt Gründe, warum viele Paare ihren Kinderwunsch hinausschieben: Lange Ausbildungszeiten, eine verlässliche Partnerschaft finden und die Herausforderung der beruflichen Mobilität. Viele wollten im Beruf erst einmal Fuß fassen, eine geeignete Wohnung finden, materiell einigermaßen abgesichert sein und „das Leben ein bisschen genossen haben“ bevor sie Eltern würden. „Jenseits der 30 klappt es dann bei vielen aber nicht mehr.“ Bei ein oder zwei Kindern ließen sich Beruf und Familie noch einigermaßen vereinbaren, sagt Rost. Bei drei oder vier Kindern sei dies jedoch sehr schwierig und bringe viele an ihre materiellen Grenzen. Dabei sieht Rost nicht nur Fortschritte in der Familienpolitik – Elterngeld und Ausbau der Kinderkrippen – sondern auch eine höhere Akzeptanz bei vielen Unternehmen, die sich um gute Fachkräfte bemühten. Der Soziologe hat zudem einen Bewusstseinswandel bei den Vätern ausgemacht. Viele wollten sich um ihre Kinder kümmern. „Das wird von den Frauen mittlerweile auch erwartet.“ Dazu komme ein Schneeballeffekt: Wenn Männer etwa sähen, dass andere Männer Elternzeit nähmen, wirke das als Vorbild. Eine andere Motivation: „Ihr eigener Vater hatte nie Zeit für sie. Das wollen sie anders machen.“ Von RND/dpa Wiesbaden
Statistische Bundesamt – Frauen in Deutschland bekommen mehr Babys – NP - Neue Presse
Neue Presse; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Neue Presse, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Monday marked a new chapter in the story of local television channel, UTV. UTV has gone through a complete re-branding and viewers caught their first glimpse of the new logo on Monday morning. It has also be revealed that UTV will be moving from its home of almost 60 years to state-of-the-art studios in Belfast in 2018. “As part of our significant investment in UTV news, we will be moving to new state-of-the-art premises in Belfast,” said Terry Brennan, Head of News at UTV. “This will happen in 2018, once suitable centrally-located premises are agreed, and will see our new HD studios become the most modern in Europe and fit for our future broadcasting requirements.” UTV started broadcasting from Belfast in 1959.
New chapter for UTV
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Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
LET’S face it, it was a far from picture-perfect weekend for Yorkshire sides. Yet do not let it be said that the cast list in our latest YP Team of the Week is not an impressive one. It has a distinctly South Yorkshire flavour, with the Steel City duo of Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United being particularly well represented in the 4-3-3 line-up we’ve plumped for.
Team of the Week: Who makes the YP’s latest starting XI?
Championship,Doncaster Rovers,Leeds United,Rotherham United,Sheffield United,Sheffield Wednesday
Leon Wobschall
Yorkshire Post,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
"Democracy Now" reporter Amy Goodman plans to plead not guilty to a riot charge stemming from her coverage of a protest against the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota. Prosecutor Ladd Erickson dismissed a criminal trespass charge against Goodman on Friday. Defense attorney Tom Dickson said Monday that Erickson told him prosecutors plan to charge her with engaging in riot. The charge hasn't been filed. Dickson says Goodman will plead not guilty and post bond in court Monday afternoon. Goodman reported on a clash between protesters and pipeline security at a construction site Sept. 3. Dickson maintains Goodman was doing her job. Erickson has said Goodman went beyond reporting by yelling at security guards. Opponents worry the pipeline will contaminate water supply and destroy cultural artifacts.
'Democracy Now' reporter to plead not guilty to riot charge
The Associated Press
Last week I discussed Biblical perspective on spanking and why it is essential to raising Godly children. It is through calling the attention and confronting your child of his/her sinfulness using the rod (combined with communication for balanced parenting) that paves the way to bring him or her to the cross. For me, spanking is the most effective way for our children to realize that they are sinners and that they need Jesus, whom they must come to for forgiveness, grace, restoration and empowerment. Today I will share with you the first time I used the rod on Gummy. Is this situation familiar to you, Parents: “Anak 1…. 2… Dont wait for me to reach 3…”? I am sure this is our default and poor attempt at making our children stop their misconduct. By counting and giving chances (the “3 strikes and you’re out” method). And once they’ve run out of chances, you either ask them to go to their room for time-out or you assert your authority in a very long and intense lecture often filled with threats (because really you don’t want to spank them). And although raising your voice should not be an option, you cannot help but get angry because, well, they’ve pushed your button, too. One day not so long ago, I found myself in a similar situation happening repeatedly. That time I was already halfway through “Shepherding A Child’s Heart” but still couldn’t “time” my spanking debut until I saw an opening and the Holy Spirit prompted me to enforce what I had been reading. The issue that time was about the use of cellphone. Gummy is only allowed to watch on weekends—Friday and Saturday. She can only watch YouTube videos of kids opening toys or play Tom’s World or Cooking Mama for a total of one hour per day. That weekend I felt she was trying her luck too much because when we were out and while I was busy talking to somebody she would interrupt to ask if she can play a bit more (I set an alarm always to see to it she hands back my phone when she’s consumed her time). Out of convenience I simply and repeatedly said, “Okay, okay 10 more minutes…” But of course, it was not just 10, it was 10 minutes x 6 and more. What’s more was that when we got home she told me that she has not yet watched the videos she really wanted. I took it as a go signal that I needed to intervene and call her attention about getting her way and obeying Mommy and not taking advantage of situations to ask for permission nor extensions. We went to the bedroom and I brought out the rod and she was horrified (that rod by the way I bought in church.) Before, I simply used a stick to threaten her that if she does not obey she will get spanked though I never did it. I did not have the heart. Panakot lang. She was close to trembling when she saw the little palo-palo (a mini version of what our lolas used when washing clothes before) and could not believe that Mommy will “hurt” her. I proceeded to explain what it was for and that her behavior that day called for Mommy to bring out the rod. Her conduct was unacceptable and I expressed that I will no longer tolerate it. I had to discipline her to correct it. I told her that when Mommy gives a rule, it must be obeyed without challenge, without excuse and without delay (those are the three criteria for true obedience, as per Tripp). It was a 15-minute struggle just getting her to pull down her undergarments so I can spank her bottom. Please note that you do not force them to show their bottom. I made sure to put her on my lap. Skin to skin. I lost count how many “Mummy I promise not to do it again” she said. She also refused to be spanked because it will hurt. I explained to her that it is more painful for Mommy and that it is not easy, but God is asking me to do it to when you disobey, because if you disobey Mommy, you disobey God. I have to obey God and discipline you when you disobey. During this whole discourse I kept calm and never sounded angry. I was pure objective and rationale. I had to be firm the whole time. And then finally the spank. Just one spank on her left buttock cheek. The yelp from a mix of pain and shock and the look on my beautiful and innocent daughter’s face, seeing that agony I knew I did the right thing. I know the pain I inflicted was enough for her to take her obedience seriously. I know she will remember that pain and every time she is be tempted to disobey, she will recall that and may think twice. True enough the next time I used the rod on her was over a month later. Immediately after the spank, I pulled up her underwear and pants and embraced her. I let her cry and I just comforted her until she hushed. Once your child’s cries quiet down that’s the time you may resume talking to reassure him or her of your love and ask why you disciplined them. At this point, the child’s heart is humbled and is prepared to submit to authority and receive instruction. Remember, the goal of discipline is to correct, not to punish. After consoling and explaining, we end with a prayer. She prays first for forgiveness of her disobedience and grace to not do it again. I do the same and pray for her, too. We embrace some more, kiss some more and leave the room just as close as we were, like nothing emotional and physical happened. Our sessions with the rod never affected our mother-and-daughter relationship negatively. It never caused distance between us, nor harbored feelings of bitterness nor anger. My parting verse for you today is from Proverbs 23:13-14: “Do not withhold discipline from a child. If you punish him with the rod he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.” Do not be afraid. Next week and for the final installment on spanking, I will give pointers on how to administer the rod in correcting behavior, dos and don’ts as well as common discipline mistakes.
My child’s first ‘rod encounter’
The Manila Times
A top councillor wants his own officials investigated over the horror show on Holmston Road. Peter Convery says the public deserves “proper answers” as the blame game erupts between South and East Ayrshire councils. Now there are calls for an independent probe to ask who knew what about the ill-fated project. Councillor Convery said: “We need to find out how the council managed to get itself into this mess. “Only by asking some pretty tough questions are we going to get proper answers. “We need a full root and branch review in order to restore public confidence.” Cllr Convery, who sits on a joint committee overseeing the Ayrshire Roads Alliance, insists he and his colleagues were in the dark over cycle lane plans. The Alliance – a partnership set up by East and South Ayrshire councils – is now at the centre of a bitter war of words between both local authorities. But Cllr Convery said: “Forget about the Roads Alliance – they are the people who put down the tarmac on our behalf. “What is unacceptable is that a project of this size was able to progress seemingly without anyone talking to each other. “There was also a pretty horrifying assumption made about using private land at Overmills for the next phase of this cycle lane. “That nobody thought to do the basic check on who owned that land is a real worry. “There are a huge number of questions to have come from this whole episode that go far beyond the design of a cycle lane.” READ MORE:
Councillor says public deserve "proper answers" over Holmston Road horror show - Daily Record
Local News
Stuart Wilson
PETER Andre has demanded that his ex Katie Price stop putting their children in the spotlight. The former couple have two kids together, Princess, 9, and Junior, 11, but they haven't always seen eye-to eye when it comes to parenting. And it's becoming apparent that Andre is growing particularly irritated with Price and wants her to keep the kids out of the celeb spotlight. Although it might now be easier said than done, given that both kids have made appearances on ITV's Loose Women this year alone, the Mysterious Girl singer has insisted that he would prefer that his children reach an age where they can decide for themselves before being thrust into the limelight. He told Now Magazine: "I want mine to stay kids for now and they can decide what they want when they're older. "I'm not a fan of kids being scheduled," he added. It seems like a sore point for Andre, who refused to comment when questioned whether he's happy about Princess and Junior "working". The TV star also went on to reveal that he's "not a big fan" of his children being anywhere near social media - which is a little awkward considering Price has rather loose rules in this area and has already set up Instagram accounts for them both. Price recently spoke out against her critics, and claimed that having her children on social media is a "business thing" and helps them book jobs. She said during an appearance on Loose Women: "I am no way a bad parent; I’ve got five beautiful, very well-mannered children. My kids have been brought up in the industry, now they’re being booked for jobs themselves. "Social media Is the future. I won’t allow them on Snapchat, Facebook etc. But all their friends are on Instagram... It’s a business thing. They can say what they like!" Meanwhile, Peter and his wife Emily MacDonagh are set to welcome their second child together soon , and the hunk has scheduled the next few months around the birth. "There's a date in my diary in November where I will not be more than an hour away from Ems at all times. "It's freaking me out - but in a good way," he added.
Peter Andre wants ex Katie Price to stop pushing kids Princess and Junior into the spotlight - Daily Record
Celebrity News
Record Reporter
Longtime Boulder outdoor retailer Neptune Mountaineering is facing eviction in the face of nearly $70,000 in back rent left unpaid by its parent company. A suit filed Friday in Boulder County District Court alleges that Texas-based Backwoods Retail,which purchased Neptune in 2013, has not paid rent since July 1, accruing $68,441 in debt. While a deal to pay the balance is in the works, inventory shortages at Neptune and other Backwoods properties have led employees and customers to believe that the family owned chain is struggling financially. W.W. Reynolds, which owns the space at 633 S. Broadway, filed suit through its subsidiary, Table Mesa Shopping Center Partnership LLC, seeking to evict Neptune. Backwoods owner Jennifer Mull said she was working with Reynolds on a payment schedule to bring the rent current. Read the full story on
Boulder’s Neptune Mountaineering faces eviction over $70K in unpaid rent
Shay Castle; Daily Camera
The Denver Post
IT was a meeting of champions when Gordon Shedden and Stuart Loudon got together at Tunnock’s to chew - not the fat - but the Carmel Wafer. Both are sponsored by Tunnock’s - Gordon has the Carmel Wafer on his helmet and the design of Stuart’s is based on the famous Tunnock’s teacake. Their meeting celebrated Flash’s recent success in winning the British Touring Cars title for the third time and for the second year running. It also marked Stuart’s triumph in the Mull Rally when he and driver John MacCrone grasped the laurels with ten seconds to spare. It was the second win for the pairing - they took top spot in 2013 - but it was a bittersweet moment for MacCrone. A year ago while competing in the rally, he was involved in a terrible crash which claimed the life of co-driver, Andy Mort. This year, Loudon, admitted it was an emotional moment as they crossed the finish and waited to see if they had won. Marshalls and other officials kept a respectful distance as MacCrone broke down and Stuart comforted him. Today, though, was a chance for two of Scotland’s winning sportsmen to get together and celebrate their triumphs. Gordon said: “I haven’t stopped since the win at Brands Hatch. It’s been brilliant and now we get to do it all over again next season.” Stuart added: “It was great to win at Mull although this time it was a lot different with horrendous weather and equipment breaking down. “Big John was brilliant. We didn’t talk about last year during the event at all and it was not until the end that it was clear how much it meant to him.” Tunnock’s marked Gordon’s BTCC championship win by presenting him with a very special cake. “It looks marvellous,” he said. “I’ll have a bit of that.”
Scots Motorsport champions get together to celebrate their wins - Daily Record
Maggie Barry
Writen by ΣΤΟΧΟΣ 4:24 μ.μ. - 0 Comments «Είμαστε στο νοσοκομείο, είναι πολύ χτυπημένος, δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω τι μας βρήκε», λέει η κόρη του στο Συντετριμμένη είναι η οικογένεια του 76χρονου οδηγού του τροχαίου δυστυχήματος στο Ωραιόκαστρο Θεσσαλονίκης. «Είμαστε στο νοσοκομείο, είναι πολύ χτυπημένος, δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω τι μας βρήκε», λέει στο η κόρη του 76χρονου οδηγού. Ο ηλικιωμένος οδηγός του αυτοκινήτου, μάρκας Mercedes, ο οποίος δέχτηκε την οργή των προσφύγων για το χθεσινοβραδινό τροχαίο δυστύχημα που σημειώθηκε έξω από το Κέντρο Φιλοξενίας προσφύγων «Φέσσα» στο Ωραιόκαστρο, βρίσκεται σε άσχημη κατάσταση, σύμφωνα με την οικογένειά του. Η οικογένεια του συνταξιούχου, πρώην επαγγελματία οδηγού σε βαριά οχήματα και δρομολόγια εξωτερικού, δεν μπορεί να πιστέψει τι έχει συμβεί και βρίσκονται στο πλάι του από την πρώτη στιγμή. «Είμαστε στο νοσοκομείο και δυστυχώς δεν μπορείτε να του μιλήσετε. Είναι πολύ χτυπημένος, είμαι η κόρη του δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω αυτό που μας βρήκε. Πρέπει να κλείσω γιατί βγαίνει ο γιατρός… Ευχαριστώ πολύ», είπε συντετριμμένη μιλώντας στο η κόρη του. Ο 76χρονος παρέσυρε με το αυτοκίνητό του τρεις πρόσφυγες, μία μητέρα με τα δύο της παιδιά, με αποτέλεσμα η γυναίκα και το αγοράκι να χάσουν τη ζωή τους. Το κοριτσάκι μεταφέρθηκε, με σοβαρά κατάγματα, στο Ιπποκράτειο νοσοκομείο, όπου -σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες- νοσηλεύεται εκτός κινδύνου. Ακολούθησε πανικός στο σημείο, καθώς εξαγριωμένοι πρόσφυγες έβαλαν φωτιά στο αυτοκίνητο και επιτέθηκαν κατά του οδηγού, ο οποίος γλίτωσε το λιντσάρισμα από τους πρόσφυγες την τελευταία στιγμή, όταν ένας ηλικιωμένος Σύρος μαζί με δύο ακόμη νεαρούς προσπάθησαν να κρατήσουν το μανιασμένο πλήθος μακριά από τον 76χρονο. loading...
Εφημερίδα "Στόχος" - Stoxos newspaper…B%25283%2529.jpg
THE Tartan Army have hit the Hotline to voice their anger over Gordon Strachan’s comments about Leigh Griffiths. The Scotland gaffer had claimed Griffiths was too wee to be making his starting line-up – with the Celtic striker responding by changing his Twitter name to “Shorty”. But the Scotland fans disagree and George Irvine, Windsor , said: “Strachan is going on about height when he wasn’t exactly the tallest player himself and he’s got Hanley starting with Christophe Berra sitting on the bench. No one said anything to Jinky Johnstone about his height. Griffiths is a far better option than Steven Fletcher.” Allan Docherty emailed : “Come on Gordon, get a grip. How tall is Messi, Jimmy Johnstone, Maloney and the rest of our wee guys, Scotland die hards? You as well. From a Gers fan that knows Griffiths will put them in the net.” Laurie McCall, Glasgow , said: “Strachan is running out of credible excuses for Scotland’s failures, Messi and Maradona weren’t big and height is no substitute for ability. Griffiths should be an automatic choice but even if he does play against England at Wembley, we will still be up against it.” Jimmy Findlay, Lennoxtown , said: “Strachan has not improved the Scotland team. I feel sorry for the fans who spend all that money to go and watch the team. Although, the way England are playing right now isn’t much better, so Scotland could get a result at Wembley.” John Adams, Arran , said: “The party is over already for Strachan and Scotland. I watch the players during the national anthem and they just seem to have a fear factor about them. The only points they will get from England is if the bus driver is booked from the police on the way back up the road.” Fans also voiced their disappointment after Monday’s bore 0-0 draw at Anfield between Liverpool and Manchester United. Jock Gray, Falkirk, said: “I was really disappointed. It was typical Mourinho tactics, he always played the same way with Chelsea and Liverpool were far too tentative. If Paul Pogba is in the top five players in the world then Chris Sutton is in the top five journalists in the world.” J Colven, Arbroath, emailed: “English football may be awash with money but it is not awash with entertaining football. You eagerly await Liverpool v Man U then what is served up is utter garbage.” The Celtic fans were in a confident mood ahead of their Champions league showdown with Borussia Monchengladbach. Chris McLeod, Ayr , said: “After that boring Anfield atmosphere, let’s get all the scarves up during You’ll Never Walk Alone against the Germans. I’m really looking forward to the game. What better way to get the crowd going than a bit of community singing.” Ian Grant, Falkirk added: “It’s the most confident I’ve been before a European game in a long, long time. I think Celtic will win 2-0, but write off the Germans at your pearl.” Meanwhile, the Old Firm fun and games are in full flow now ahead of Sunday’s Betfred Cup semi-final. Paddy Purcell, Longniddry said: “Daily Record punters are saying Celtic are favourites because of the result the last time they met, not so. They are favourites because Celtic at the moment have a far superior team.” Douglas Alexander, Kilmarnock said: “I hope Sunday will be a sunny day in Glasgow so that the Celtic fans can rewrite a famous song from 1957. Oh Hampden in the sun, Celtic seven Rangers one. Patrick Roberts did a dance, that left the Rangers in a trance.” Record Sport columnist Sutton again came in for some stick over his criticism of Rangers boss Mark Waburton. Edward Lowe emailed : “ Rangers must ban Sutton from Ibrox. BT have a contract with the SPFL not Rangers and they must deal with their employees who lack respect. I further suggest the police must talk to Chris before the Old Firm game before he causes a war.” However, Craig Gordon, Ayr, defended Sutton, emailing: “Warburton deserves to be pulled up for his constant moaning and winging, His team should be doing beter on the budget they have and Sutton is bang on about his incompitence.” Elsewhere, Jim Duffy’s Morton side recorded a fine 5-0 win away to Queen of the South at the weekend, and Isabella Livingston, Mount Florida said: “He is doing a fantastic job at Morton. All I can say is, well done gentleman Jim.” And finally, Alistair Cook, Greenock , wanted to pay tribute to the late Munster head coach Anthony Foley: “I just wanted to say how great a Munster player he was, as was his father Brendan, who was part of the historic Munster team that beat the All-Blacks in the 1970s.”
Strachan running out of credible excuses for his failures ... Messi and Maradona weren’t big so height is no substitute for ability - Hotline - Sports Hotline - Daily Record
Sports Hotline
Strachan running out of credible excuses for his failures ... Messi and Maradona weren’t big so height is no substitute for ability - Hotline - Sports Hotline
The Environmental Protection Agency has begun a weekslong cleanup at the site of an explosive industrial fire that forced about 300 people from their homes in Los Angeles County last spring. The EPA warned residents of Maywood on Monday that clearing out hazardous debris may send noxious odors into nearby neighborhoods. The June fire south of downtown Los Angeles destroyed two commercial buildings, including a metal-recycling plant containing 10,000 pounds of magnesium shavings. The magnesium erupted in fireball-like explosions when firefighters poured water on the flames. Crews had to use a dry chemical extinguishing agent. More than 40 homes had to be cleaned before residents returned. The EPA says crews are installing a "debris barrier" to block dust from reaching nearby homes during the cleanup, which could cost as much as $3 million.
EPA begins $3M cleanup at site of California magnesium fire
The Associated Press
Raffaele de Vita says it’s good to be home after the Italian signed a deal with Livingston for the remainder of the season. The 29-year-old began his professional career at the Lions in 2008 and won the Third Division and Second Division titles during his three year stint in West Lothian. And the attacker says he’s desperate to play his part in helping Livi return to the Championship. He said: “It’s all a bit surreal. I’ve got great memories of this place and it’s good to be back. “It’s almost like coming home to be honest. Livingston was the longest I’ve spent at a football club and it was my first experience as a first-team player. “When you live for three years in the same place, it stays with you. There’s a lot of positive memories from that time. “On top of that, we won two leagues and although there were some turbulent times with the Italians in charge, I think everyone associated with the club will remember those two seasons with a smile on their faces.” He added: “I have a lot of love for the fans and I care about this football club. If I didn’t have that, I wouldn’t have come back. “It’s massive to go to a place and know the fans appreciate you but I have to prove it on the pitch again and hopefully I can make the same impression as I did the first time. That’s certainly what I’m planning to do. “I had a chance to come back to Livingston and I wouldn’t have played for anyone else in this league to be honest. “I know the club isn’t meant to be in this league and I want to play my role in helping them get into the Championship.” De Vita was a free agent after leaving Ross County in the summer and says he initially tried his luck in his native Italy but wanted to remain in Scottish football, citing the professionalism of the game in this country. He commented: “My family and partner are still in Italy so I explored that option. “I trained with a team there but I couldn’t find the professionalism that made me stay in Scottish football for so long and wanted to remain in the game here. “Livingston making the decision to stay full-time in the summer was massive. “I think that will really pay off over the course of the season and come the cold weather in January I think the fans will be able to see the difference in a team that trains every day and one that doesn’t. “It was a big statement of intent from the club and I’m sure they wanted to show they were doing everything to get promotion straight away. “I’m missing minutes on the pitch but I’ve been training and am fit. I don’t think I’m that far behind everyone else, there’s maybe just a little but of rustiness but I’ll be fine. I just want to get back on the pitch.” Head coach David Hopkin praised the club’s board for pulling out all the stops to get the deal done, commenting: “I have to thank the board. We’ve been working on it for a few weeks and it’s a clear sign from them that their intentions are to get this club promoted. “They’re all Livi fans and they want what’s best for the club. “I’m delighted Raffa is here, he can play on the right, left, as a number 10 or as a striker. “He’s got great experience and has composure on the ball. He has that wee bit extra that can unlock defences, which is what we lacked against Queen’s Park and then Albion Rovers at the weekend. “He’s a terrific addition to the squad and is available for Saturday against Alloa.”
Livingston FC: Raffaele de Vita hails club's fans as he makes return to West Lothian - Daily Record
Local Sport
Callum Carson
200 Menschen haben sich für einen der Bauplätze im Kircher Vorfeld interessiert – nur 21 Familien kommen zum Zuge.© Frank Walter 30 Tage Zugriff auf alle Inhalte von 12 Monate Zugriff auf alle Inhalte von 24 Monate Zugriff auf alle Inhalte von Tipps und Termine: Was in Isernhagen und Umgebung los ist, steht in unserem Veranstaltungskalender.mehr Mehr als 24.000 Beiträge von Hobbyautoren aus der Region Hannover: So sieht die Bilanz unseres Mitmachportals für das vergangene Jahr aus. Sie kennen myheimat noch nicht? Schauen Sie doch mal rein!mehr
Auf die 21 Baugrundstücke im Kircher Vorfeld haben sich 200 Interessenten beworben – NP - Neue Presse
Neue Presse; Hannover; Niedersachsen; Germany
Neue Presse, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
As new online crime figures reveal £13 million was lost by people in Northern Ireland last year through fraud, including cybercrime, the internet safety organisation, Get Safe Online (GSO), is running three public events here this week to increase cyber awareness right across the community. A specially commissioned survey to mark Get Safe Online Day (Tuesday October 18) shows that 22 per cent of people in Northern Ireland said they had a limited understanding of the risks they face when going online but 94 per cent said they were somewhat or very concerned about their online safety and security. 94 per cent also said they felt online crime was as damaging, or more damaging, than physical crime. The online safety events – at Victoria Square in Belfast on Thursday, Foyleside shopping centre in Derry on Friday and at Sprucefield outside Lisburn on Saturday are being supported by the Police Service of Northern Ireland as part of the Organised Crime Task Force and a range of local partners including Retailers Against Crime, Ulster Bank, the Federation of Small Businesses, Trading Standards, cyber security group Cyphra and Invest NI. Visitors to the events will be able to: • Have phones, tablets and laptops checked for malware • Get email addresses scanned for security compromise It seems there is still a big education job to do GSO chief executive Tony Neate • Take a spin in the Kaspersky Formula 1 race simulator. Admission to the events is free at Victoria Square 10.30am-8.30pm on Thursday, at Foyleside 12 midday-7pm on Friday and Sprucefield 10am-6pm on Saturday. In the GSO survey, 50 per cent of people who said they had been a victim of cybercrime said they felt the matter was too trivial to report. In addition, 53 per cent said they felt there was nothing that could be done. GSO chief executive Tony Neate said: “We are delighted to be in Northern Ireland this week, working with our partners and providing advice and assistance on a broad range of issues including keeping children safe, protecting devices, shopping, finance, social media, business and fraud. “The fact that Northern Ireland lost £13 million to cyber criminals, and the UK lost nearly £11 billion last year, is frightening and highlights the need for each and every one of us to make sure we are taking our online safety seriously. It is clear from our survey that people are very concerned, and rightly so. “The fact that over half of people in Northern Ireland felt there was nothing that could have been done to stop them becoming a victim is alarming indeed – particularly when it’s so easy to protect yourself online. It seems there is still a big education job to do. Let’s not let cyber criminals get away with it anymore by ensuring that each and every one of us is updating the operating systems of our various devices and ensuring security software is always updated. What’s more, we all need to ensure that we have a different password for each online account we own and website we visit. Online safety needs to be part of our everyday routines.” Mr, Neate revealed anyone attending any of the three events will have the chance to win a pair of tickets to next year’s British Grand Prix. “Our online security partners Kaspersky are bringing over their Formula One simulator and the fastest lap recorded in Northern Ireland will win the lucky driver two tickets to next year’s British Grand Prix at Silverstone in July. A spin in the simulator will be free to anyone who avails of the advice on offer at our events. Kaspersky will also be offering trial protection packages for devices.” Detective Chief Inspector Dougie Grant, from PSNI Cyber Crime Centre, said: “The internet offers amazing opportunities to people but it also poses risks. It is estimated that over half of all crime now has a cyber footprint. The Police Service of Northern Ireland deals with more than 300 requests a month relating to cyber incidents. One in 10 people will be victims of a cyber crime. Nine out of 10 large organisations have reported suffering a cyber breach. We are working with partners to minimise these risks. At these pop up shops, we will have officers on hand to provide advice about child protection online and cyber investigation. Action Fraud will also have staff available to answer any questions and offer assistance to visitors. “We will have specialist advice for small businesses including the Cyber Essentials package designed to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber attacks. The events are being promoted on social media #cybersafeni and we really do believe these are events that can have a positive impact on people’s online experiences.” This year’s Get Safe Online Day is encouraging everyone to start making every day safer by following a few simple steps: • Review the passwords you use on your online accounts: Make sure they’re strong enough and that you’re not using the same ones for more than one account. Consider how you’re going to remember them all – such as using an online password safe. • Check your social media privacy settings. Make sure your information and updates are seen only by those you trust. • Update your operating system and software programs/apps on your computer, mobile phone and tablet if you’ve been prompted to do so. It takes only a few minutes and with your mobile devices, you can even do it while you’re asleep. • Back up your information – using the cloud is a great way to save all your documents, photos, music, emails and other irreplaceable files. • Check that your internet security software and apps are up to date and switched on. • If you have children, think about whether you’re doing enough to help ensure they’re staying safe online. • If you’ve lost money report it to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud reporting centre by calling 0300 123 20 40 or by visiting If you are a victim of online abuse or harassment, you should report it to your local police force. • Take a few minutes to read the expert, easy-to-follow, free advice on all of these and considerably more subjects at Get Safe Online is a public/private sector partnership supported by government and leading organisations in banking, retail, internet security and other sectors. It provides practical advice to anyone on how to protect themselves and their devices from online threats.
£13 million stolen in Northern Ireland cybercrime last year
computer crime
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Five Underrated Plays in the Texans' Comeback Against the Colts When I write on similar topics two days in a row, which happens a lot with the Texans during the NFL season, I at least try to mix up the way that I lead into a post on here. Variety is, after all, the spice of life. Also, recycling, while good for the environment in real life, can be construed as lazy in the writing world. However, today, two days removed from the Texans improbable season-saving 26-23 win over the Colts at NRG Stadium, is a day where I shall unapologetically lead off a post with the exact same embedded tweet that I used in yesterday's post, mostly because it's as beautiful as it is unlikely... That was the Texans' win probability, ONE PERCENT, when Houston called a mind numbing timeout with 4:56 to go in regulation on a 3rd down and 9 with the play cock nearly expiring and the game clock running, another bad clock management gaffe from a Bill O'Brien-coached offense that will get largely ignored because of the final outcome. On top of that improbable winning percentage, it had also been ten years since the Colts coughed up a second half lead on the road. TEN YEARS. And that streak was broken Sunday night by the Texans. The Texans, fortunately, converted that 3rd down out of the timeout, and after that third down conversion, there were a handful of other plays that will go unnoticed or perhaps understated in their magnitude. Upcoming Events University of Houston Cougars Football vs. Louisville Cardinals College Football Tickets Thu., Nov. 17, 7:00pm Rice University Owls Football vs. UTEP Miner Football Tickets Sat., Nov. 19, 11:00am Houston Texans Travel Packages Sun., Jan. 1, 12:00am Monster Jam Tickets Sat., Jan. 7, 7:00pm Any play that contributed to this win, by proxy, saved the Texans's 2016 season. I truly feel that to be the case, that if the Texans were to have gone on to lose that game, at home to a leaky division rival, we would have been veering into a territory where this city was ready to cash out on the head coach and quarterback. The last time the Texans were in that spot, 2013 happened. Thankfully, the Texans got the ship righted just in time, and as we go back and dissect the comeback, here are five plays that were absolutely crucial, with profound ripple effects. If you see any of the players involved in these plays out in public, you go up and give them a BIG KISS ON THE MOUTH, as Les Miles would say... (IF you're a girl) * 4th quarter, 3:57 to go HOUSTON 1st and 10, IND 25 yard line PLAY: DeAndre Hopkins 12-yard catch The aforementioned 3rd and 9 play out of the Texans's timeout was the first of four consecutive short pass plays to DeAndre Hopkins. This was the fourth and final one. The reason I cite this play is because of two encouraging things, aside from the chunk of yardage that got the Texans into the red zone to set up Lamar Miller's circus touchdown catch and run. First, Osweiler showed a nice ability to dance free of the clutter around the pocket and find Hopkins. Second, and perhaps more subtle, left tackle Duane Brown showed that his surgically repaired quad tendon is up to the task of defending bull rushes from the likes of Robert Mathis... Two plays later... * 4th quarter, 2:47 to go HOUSTON 3rd and 7, IND 10 yard line PLAY: Lamar Miller ten-yard touchdown catch  I know you're probably like "Hey Sean, how can you call a play on which the Texans scored a touchdown 'underrated'?" And that's a fair question. Here's what I'll say about this touchdown. First, purely from an analytical standpoint, Miller's crazy play making skills turn what would've been a do-or-die 4th and 4 into a touchdown that accomplished all of the following — 1. cut the Colts's lead in half, 2. gave the Texans and the fans still there in the building some degree of belief, 3. stopped a clock that was bleeding down painfully throughout the drive, which also... 4. kept the Texans's kickoff to the Colts on the right side of the two minute warning, which was necessary at that point, given the Texans only had two timeouts remaining. In other words, it effectively ensured the Texans the option to kick off to the Colts and not resort to an onside kick. Considering that losing this game could've sent the season into a death spiral, I don't think it's a reach to say that this play saved the Texans's season... Lamar Miller saves the season on this play. Someone needs to remake this using Tecmo Bowl graphics .. — Sean Pendergast (@SeanTPendergast) October 17, 2016 * 4th quarter, 2:28 to go INDIANAPOLIS 2nd and 8, IND 23 yard line PLAY: Erik Swoope false start penalty This was the drive where the Colts just needed a first down in order to ice the game, and on 2nd and 8, Swoope (a former basketball player from the University of Miami) flinched just a tad, drawing a five-yard flag. It was a serendipitous five yards for the Texans, when you consider that Swoope wouldn't have even been in the game if Colts starting TE Dwayne Allen hadn't left the game with a lower leg injury earlier Sunday night. Those five yards took handing off to Frank Gore out of the picture as a reasonable option to get the first down. On the very next play (2nd and 13), the Colts rolled Andrew Luck out to the right, WR T.Y. Hilton fell down on a crossing route and Texans safety Andre Hal was free to make a run at Luck and sacked him for a seven-yard loss. The next play, 3rd and 20, the Colts handed off to Gore for a one-yard loss to take the clock down to the two minute warning, before punting away. The difference between 2nd and 8 — still a running down — and 2nd and 13 was the key to that stop for the Texans, as it turned Gore, who had the first 100-yard game for a Colts running back in 55 games, into a non factor.  * 4th quarter, 0:31 to go INDIANAPOLIS 2nd and 8, IND 48 yard line PLAY: Bernardrick McKinney pressure on Andrew Luck After the Texans' tying touchdown, there were still 49 seconds remaining on the clock. After a short kickoff the Colts got the ball back, 1st and 10 at their own 32 yard line. After an 18-yard pass to Chester Rogers got the Colts to midfield, and a two-yard scramble by Luck for them into Texans territory, an Adam Vinatieri field goal attempt was looking like it could become a reality. On 2nd and 8, Luck dropped back to throw, and Texans inside linebacker Bernardrick McKinney, who's become a force as an extra pass rusher, got just enough heat on Luck to force a short throw to a wide open Hilton on a play that was originally ruled an 11-yard catch that would've set up the Colts with 1st and 10 at the Texans's 37 yard line. Instead, after a reply review showed the ball hitting the ground, the play was overturned and the Colts eventually punted the ball back to the Texans and regulation ended uneventfully.  * Overtime, 11:42 to go INDIANAPOLIS 4th and 7, IND 43 yard line PLAY: Tyler Ervin 17 yard punt return to HOU 33 yard line As well as the Texans had moved the ball during the frenetic fourth quarter comeback, moving the ball the length of the field to set up a game winning field goal attempt was not something that could be counted on. Field position was still going matter in overtime. Credit Ervin, whose return game has been suspect this season from both an explosiveness and decision making standpoint, for picking up a crucial 17 yards on a return of Pat McAfee's punt after the Colts's first and only possession in overtime. Ervin courageously opted to field the punt, made the first tackler miss, before eating up 17 yards worth of open field. It put the Texans in a spot where one big play — in this case, a 36-yard deep ball to Jaelen Strong — was able to put the Texans and kicker Nick Novak in business for the game-winning field goal. Again, to quote Les Miles... "WOW, WHAT A GAME!!!" Listen to Sean Pendergast on SportsRadio 610 from 2 to 6 p.m. weekdays. Also, follow him on Twitter at and like him on Facebook at Sponsor Content
Five Underrated Plays in the Texans' Comeback Against the Colts
Lamar Miller, Houston Texans, NFL, Indianapolis Colts, Brock Osweiler
Sean Pendergast
Houston Press
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will visit Colorado Springs and Grand Junction Tuesday as Coloradans begin receiving their general election ballots and as the latest poll shows state support for him slipping. The Republican candidate will speak during a rally at 1 p.m. at the Norris-Penrose Event Center in Colorado Springs. Doors open at 10 a.m., according to the campaign’s website. He then will fly into West Star Aviation in Grand Junction for a 3 p.m. rally at the airport, the website said. The campaign announced Monday that vice presidential candidate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will be in Durango on Wednesday for a noon event at the La Plata County Fairgrounds. Trump has held three rallies in the state since mid-September when polls showed him gaining on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. However, a poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University gave Clinton an eight-point edge against the Republican nominee in a four-way race, 45 percent to 37 percent. The candidates are scheduled for their final debate Wednesday night in Las Vegas. The candidates’ chances to sway Colorado voters are dwindling. On Monday, elections officials began mailing ballots to the state’s 3,125,300 active voters.
Donald Trump making two Colorado campaign stops Tuesday before final presidential debate
Donald Trump;Election 2016
Noelle Phillips
The Denver Post
Clown sightings reported across the country this fall have triggered police investigations, threatened schools and inspired attempted copycat crimes. Now, they’re spooking retailers — at least for the Halloween season. Target told ABC News that it is removing clown masks from its stores out of “sensitivity to the issue at hand,” the network reported Monday. “We had a few masks in stores, which we began to pull last week,” a spokesperson told ABC. “We also have edited down our assortment online. You'll still find clown masks there, but we made the decision to pull back on the number.” Target did not disclose whether clown mask sales had increased in recent months with the spike in reported sightings, ABC reported. But at least one retailer — Halloween Express — has seen a rise in clown mask sales, though spokesman Brad Butler told TheWrap that he was unsure why more of the most popular masks this year were clown-themed. “Scary clown masks have always been a popular Halloween mask,” Butler told the website. “As a retailer we try not to over-analyze why an item is selling better from one year to the next. Consumers can be fickle in that regard.” Clown sightings date back years, but the most recent set of appearances to draw national attention started with reports in South Carolina of children claiming clowns had tried to lure them into nearby woods. Sightings have also been reported in several other states, including North Carolina, Alabama and Georgia, and at least one school district in Connecticut has banned clown costumes for Halloween, PIX11 reported. Nor is Target the only business to acknowledge the ongoing trend of clown sightings. McDonald’s, the fast food giant, announced last week it would minimize the appearances of its clown mascot Ronald McDonald for the foreseeable future, “mindful of the current climate around clown sightings in communities,” a spokeswoman said, according to NBC News.
Clown crimes spook Target into removing some Halloween masks
clowns, clown sightings, target, clown costume, clown masks, target clown masks, clown masks target, where to buy clown mask, mcdonalds, ronald mcdonald
THE Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff has ordered the 125,000-strong military to use all available war materiel to finish off the terrorist Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). “Let us use all available tools of war in inflicting not just physical destruction but also in rendering a psychological blow against the ASG. Ensure their isolation from their local support system and make the communities resilient against the influence of terrorists,” Gen. Ricardo Visaya told military commanders during the 3rd Quarter Command Conference over the weekend at Tejeros Hall, Commissioned Officer’s Club at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City. He gave the order even as he said the AFP has gained significant headways through focused military operations against the ASG in their known lairs in Basilan and Sulu provinces in southern Philippines since President Rodrigo Duterte ordered in July the” total decimation” of the terror group. For the third quarter of the year, according to Visaya, AFP operations resulted in the neutralization of 130 ASG bandits, 102 of whom were killed, seven were apprehended and 21 surrendered. The figure included the death of key terrorists Mohammad Said, Jamiri Jawhari, Musanna Jamiri and Nelson and Braun Muktadil. The military also recovered and confiscated 165 fast boats that are being used as means of transportation by the ASG. This feat reduced the group’s mobility and ability to cross borders around the Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-tawi (Zambasulta) provinces. The AFP chief said he also wants to take advantage of a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Department of Transportation (DOTr) that empowers the military to enforce regulations on the use of high-speed watercraft, confiscate unregistered sea craft and dismantle illegally constructed piers and wharves. “This must be enforced not only in the Zambasulta area but throughout the country to significantly reduce enemy capabilities, further constrain their movement and deny staging areas for their atrocities,” Visaya added. “We need to hit the ASG harder. Our goal is the total defeat of the ASG and the destruction of its cells the soonest possible time,” he said. In an earlier presentation to Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, the military chief reported that at least 579 massive military operations have been conducted against the ASG that resulted in the killing of 56 jihadists, capture of 21 and surrender of 21 others since Duterte assumed office. According to Visaya, of the 579 operations, 426 were intended to finish off the ASG and its allied terrorist groups in the South. “The operations led to 54 armed engagements resulting in the neutralization of 94 ASG bandits killed, wounded, apprehended or surrendered,” he said in his presentation. A number of local terrorist groups are operating in Mindanao, notable among them are the ASG; the Maute group, which recently staged a daring jailbreak in Marawi City, freeing 23 detainees; and the Ansarul Khilafah in the Philippines or AKP.
Use all ‘tools of war’ vs Abu Sayyaf
The Manila Times
Many of us view Halloween as a time for fun, putting on costumes, trick-or-treating, and having theme parties. Americans, in particular, love Halloween. It is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas. Amid commercialism, the holiday has a rich and interesting history. Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve, has its origins from a Celtic festival for the dead called Samhain which means summer in Gaelic. This was a harvest festival which was held around end of October, and huge bonfires were set up, marking the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of a new one. Samhain is also thought to have been a time of communing with the dead. The Celts believed that it was a day when spirits of the dead would cross over to the other world and roam the streets and villages on this night. Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to appease the roaming spirits and ensure that next year’s crops would be plentiful. Christianity introduced to the Celts All Saints Day, a holiday similar but holier which was meant to honor saints and martyrs. Later on, All Saints Day was renamed “All Hallows Eve” and eventually shortened to “Hallowe’en.” The practice of trick-or-treating dates back to the custom of “souling” in Medieval England when poor people would knock on doors on the eve of November 1, asking for food in exchange for prayers for the dead. Playing pranks started to get dangerous in America in the ‘30s so parents and town leaders began to encourage dressing up and trick-or-treating as a safe alternative to doing pranks. The holiday became commercialized where the selection of costumes has gone beyond witches, ghouls, ghosts and monsters to include a child’s favorite superhero or fairytale character. Some kids may be arachnophobic, but did you know that if you see a spider on Halloween, it is believed to be the spirit of a loved one watching over you? Halloween may be viewed as a harmless and fun-filled day with loads of entertainment for their children, but some child psychologists and child development experts contend that while it may appeal to some children, the mental image and rituals involved may prove too extreme for the very young ones, and in some cases, even for those with a high threshold for fear. “Halloween is also difficult for young kids to understand—why would a person do something scary on purpose? Preschoolers are also creatures of habit, so fear is often the way they react to unpredictable and unexpected events,” says Dr. Peter Gillen a psychologist at Bradley Hospital in Rhode Island, USA. Gillen suggests that parents could offer alternative activities to distract from the scary aspects of the holiday such as carving the pumpkin or getting the candy ready. For children who are especially fearful, rather than making them go trick-or-treating, parents may want to have them assist with handing out candy instead, making them feel safer and more secure in their own home. When parents help their children confront their fears in a calm and assuring manner, their anxiety will naturally lessen and over time, they will be able to build confidence to face those fearful situations and to even learn to enjoy them. Halloween may seem like a very secular holiday, but there are distinctly Christian aspects to the holiday that are worth celebrating with the family. As the main purpose of this feast is to remember those who have died, we can teach our children to set aside a day to pray for a dearly departed loved one—a family member, a friend, even a beloved house pet. Several gated subdivisions around the metropolis have recently opened their doors to one day of trick-or-treating for less fortunate kids, and we can use this as a valuable teaching moment to instill in our children the virtue of generosity and sensitivity to others’ needs. Halloween can also be an avenue for creativity among older kids and teens. As parents, we all know that at a certain age, kids “dress to impress.” Encouraging them to come up with their own costumes for that much awaited Halloween party can bring out the creative juices of your child. So whether you view Halloween as a harmless day where children dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for candy, a day of useless spectacle of fright, or a special day to commemorate the souls of our dear departed, one thing is for sure … the tradition of Halloween is here to stay! Sources:,,
Halloween lessons for kids
The Manila Times
Half Off Oysters, Pumpkin Beer at O.H.S.O., and More This Week in Metro Phoenix Il Borro Wine Tasting With Salvatore Ferragamo at Brix Wines  Wednesday, October 19 Fashion meets wine on Wednesday in Carefree as the namesake and grandson of the venerable fashion house Salvatore Ferragamo appears at Brix Wines. The Ferragamo family made its name in the fashion world making designer shoes worn by the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie, but they're also now peddling wine from the family's Il Borro Winery in Tuscany. The tasting costs $15 per person and is from 5 to 9 p.m. — but Brix is expecting a large crowd, so you might want to get there early. Guests also can enjoy food from the Wandering Donkey Food Truck and live music. For more information, visit the event's Facebook page or Brix Wine's website. Buck &Rider Celebrates One Year Anniversary Thursday, October 20  Arcadia's Buck &Rider has been in business for a year, and the seafood restaurant is celebrating by offering half off all oysters on Thursday. Enjoy a selection of oysters from the East and West Coast that are flown in daily and can be paired with your choice of cocktail sauce, mignonette, cognac mustard sauce, Thai dipping sauce, or horseradish. This deal is good from 11 a.m. to close. For more information, visit the Facebook event or Buck &Rider's website. O.H.S.O. Pumpkin Beer Day Thursday, October 20  Phoenix, it's pumpkin season and O.H.S.O.'s three locations are celebrating the fall by offering more than 20 pumpkin beers on tap starting Thursday, October 20, and continuing through Sunday, October 23. Each location will have a slightly different pumpkin beer lineup. You might be able to sample Barrio Pumpkin Porter from Barrio Brewing, Peaceful Pumpkin Ale from Mudshark Brewing, or Pumpkin Springs Porter from Grand Canyon Brewing. Pints cost $6 or more. Three-ounce samplers cost from $1.50 to $2. O.H.S.O will fill beer growlers to go at all locations. For more information, visit the event's Facebook page or O.H.S.O.'s website. Five Dollar Chopped Pork Sandwich at Famous Dave's  All week  All four Valley Famous Dave's restaurants will be selling their Famous Georgia Chopped Pork Sandwich for $5 from Monday, October 17 through Thursday, October 20, in honor of October being National Pork Month. Diners will get the sandwich with a side choice and spicy hell-fire pickles. This offer is dine-in only. Not valid with any other discounts or coupons. Famous Dave's are open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information, visit Famous Dave's website.  Related Locations Sponsor Content
Half Off Oysters, Pumpkin Beer at O.H.S.O., and More This Week in Metro Phoenix
best things to eat and drink in Phoenix from Monday, October 17 to Thursday, October 20, pumpkin beer at O.H.S.O., buck and rider one year anniversary, $5 pork sandwich Famous Daves, Free Crepes The Crepe Club, Salvatore Ferragamo Brix Wines,
Teresa Traverse
Phoenix New Times
Comedian Hari Kondabolu's Secret Group Visit is the "Sad Kind of Pioneering" Hari Kondabolu’s got a unique perspective to share, and he’ll be bringing it to Houston for one night with The Secret Group. The former Totally Biased writer has spent the last “year and a half” developing his new album Mainstream American Comic and, according to him, he’s “happier with this one” than his first which “took [his] whole career to make.” On the first album Waiting for 2042, Kondabolu reflects: “I recorded that in Oakland after the Trayvon verdict came out, and they were still suffering from Oscar Grant’s murder. There’s a lot of that energy in the air, those people were protesting the day before. It doesn’t sound like a typical comedy album, it sounds like a rally, almost.” Comparing it to his current hour, the performer says “less screaming and cheering, and more me telling jokes that an audience responds to with laughter.” While Kondabolu’s act is certainly politically active, he dismisses the idea that he’s doing “activist comedy,” saying: “I would never call it that, because for me, it’s more observational. I don’t write stuff with the intent of educating people. I write with the intent of making [you] laugh and speaking my truth." “I think it’s less activism and more about people who haven’t historically had the chance to talk about certain things getting that chance. How many South Asian American voices who talk about political things were there before me? I don’t think there were any. It’s a sad kind of pioneering, [but] I haven’t existed before.” Upcoming Events Beyond stand-up, Konabolu is an avid podcaster, hosting Politically Re-Active alongside former boss and longtime friend W. Kamau Bell. "In Stand-up, you’re told to cut that fat - get to the joke as quickly as possible, so people’s attention spans don’t wander,” Kondabolu says, even though he cops to keeping his material “pretty fat and verbose.” In podcasting, the comic explains, the exact opposite is true. “The fats the best part! The fat stuff if the stuff people want to hear. There’s no audience to play to [so] you can just be yourself. It not like you paid a ticket and people are expecting a certain thing. You can be loose.” So far, the twosome have landed some choice guests in the realm of political media including MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Activist Shaun King, Pastor Michael McBride, Hip Hop Artist Jasiri X and Face the Nation host John Dickerson. “Me and Kamau can just be ourselves,” he reveals. “We talked about what we want to talk about, often with an incredible guest and there are moments to educate people. That’s something I could never do with stand-up. A podcast lets you be more thorough.” But for the 33-year-old New Yorker, live comedy will always be his first love. “I can’t imagine not doing it. It has the adrenaline rush, and the fact that you’re connecting with human beings. There’s the feeling of the crowd, tons of energy. When you’re on and every joke is crushing, or even when you have a tough crowd, and you have to be the escape artist – How do I get out this one alive? Podcasting is a little between those poles. It’s fun, but it’s a different kind of catharsis.” Usually he writes evergreen material, Kondabolu says. “I care about big issues, big issues that don’t go away. Even if the racist event was in the past, the lessons learned [are] probably still relevant. Colonialism, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to age well.” That said, the comic won’t rule out discussing the orange elephant in the room. “For this record, I felt like I had to acknowledge this weird election. Even though I recorded this in January, I had to put a couple of jokes in there, just because of the season.” The title of the album, for Kondabolu, is fairly literal. “I call the record Mainstream American Comic, and I guess I went for my version of mainstream electoral jokes.” While still early in his career, Kondabolu is in the comedy game for the long haul and is already thinking about where he fits into the grand tapestry of stand-ups. “It can be shocking dealing with something new,” he gleams. “Its like when you first heard Dick Gregory’s stuff from back in the day. Now it doesn’t sound so activisty or edgy, but keep in mind, he was the first black comic who got to play flat footed. He didn’t need to shuck and jive, he spoke to white audiences honestly and to their faces.” During his years on the road, the Queens native has even met a few of his heroes. “I got to work with Chris Rock, who executive produced Totally Biased – which was thrilling. Margeret Cho is the reason I wanted to do stand-up and Janeane Garafalo is a friend that time and time again has [helped me out]. Marc Maron was an early hero, partly because I grew up in New York and I’d see him at the Comedy Cellar, doing something truly different. Him and Todd Barry, they didn’t sounds like anything else around.” Kondabolu even names his favorite comic to be English born Stewart Lee, a big name across the pond with a smaller following in the States. “He’s absolutely thoughtful about structure. He does stand-up as a long from, thinking about the long game as opposed to each individual joke.” Hari Kondabolu’s performance is scheduled for 8 p.m.Saturday, October 22 at The Secret Group on 2101 Polk. For information, call 832-898-4688 or visit $20-24. Related Location Sponsor Content
Comedian Hari Kondabolu's Secret Group Visit is the "Sad Kind of Pioneering"
comedy, jokes, activism, political comedy, Houston comedy clubs, The Secret Group, Hari Kondabolu
Vic Shuttee
Houston Press
Removing part of a memorial shrine to a dead paramilitary could be a “long and complex process” – and may not even be demanded at all. Belfast City Council is looking into a newly built brick and concrete memorial plaza around a Housing Association gable wall in Belfast’s Hopewell Avenue. It is considering whether enforcement action, like ordering its removal, may be required under planning laws. The wall recently had a fresh mural of Stephen McKeag painted on it. McKeag was a member of Johnny Adair’s so-called C Company of the UDA/UFF and journalist Henry McDonald, co-author of a history of the UDA, has cited police sources as attributing “at least 12” deaths to him. When the News Letter reported on the memorial on September 26, the council said no permission was sought for any work. But although the paintwork mural is a “permitted development” which needs no consent, the plaza could breach planning rules. Asked last week if it had reached a decision on this yet, the council said that “an enforcement case has been opened”. This does not mean there has definitely been a breach of planning rules, but rather that the council is considering that as a possibility. The council added: “Enforcement action, should it be appropriate in this case, is often a long and complex process and lengthy periods of time can be involved before a case is satisfactorily resolved.” As well as looking in to the case of the McKeag tribute plaza, the News Letter has also investigated other aspects of the planning system for a news feature published in Monday’s paper. It includes the discovery that only a tiny fraction of alleged planning breaches (such as wrecking listed buildings) are ever pursued through the courts – and even fewer result in a meaningful fine – see full story here. In addition, it now looks like it will be May next year before an unauthorised industrial facility is finally demolished – 10 years after enforcement action was taken, and only as part of a deal allowing a new factory to be built in its stead.
‘Lengthy’ wait before planners act on UDA tribute – and they may not act at all
Local,conflicts, war and peace,crime, law and justice,politics
Belfast Newsletter,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
LOS ANGELES — Months before Derrick Rose took the stand to defend himself in the lawsuit claiming he and two buddies raped an ex-girlfriend while she was intoxicated, the NBA star was asked if he understood the word consent. “No. But can you tell me?” he asked at a deposition in June. Rose came to court last week with a much better grasp of the word that is central to the $21 million civil case, though his interpretation of the concept could prove costly. No one disputes Rose and his friends had sex with the woman in her apartment Aug. 27, 2013. The question is whether she consented — as the men claim — or whether she was too incapacitated to do so — as the ex-girlfiend says. There is no commonly accepted definition for consent, which is at the heart of a “patchwork quilt” of evolving laws on rape and sexual assault that in some cases require an affirmative agreement before sex, attorney Rebecca O’Connor said. “It is murky and I think that’s where we’re seeing a lot states try to clear the weeds, if you will, and take this on and make it clear,” said O’Connor, a vice president at the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. “It’s so complicated we can never just say it’s black and white.” Rape was once defined as intercourse with force against a woman’s will, said Matt Lyon, a law professor at Lincoln Memorial University. Reform efforts in some states led to rape being defined more by the non-consent of the victim than a use of force by the perpetrator. States such as California have gone steps further in deciding that consent can be withdrawn during sex and that a victim can be too incapacitated to agree to the act. “One of the big criticisms against the modernization is the ‘he said, she said,'” Lyon said. “It’s so easy when it’s clear there was force used, but here the woman may say it was rape though there’s no physical evidence of force or that it was done against her will.” That is the situation in the Rose case, where the woman said she blacked out and felt drugged after a night of drinking and hanging out at Rose’s Beverly Hills mansion. With no physical evidence, the case hinges as much on her credibility as that of the three men. The woman said she went home from Rose’s, vomited, and woke up around 3 a.m. to find Rose, Ryan Allen and Randall Hampton having sex with her against her will. Rose may have been tripped up by the word consent in his videotaped deposition, but he tried to recover at trial by defining it as both parties being in agreement. He also connected dots he felt outlined consent, including the woman’s racy texts that started 17 hours earlier saying he made her “horny.” “Maybe she sent suggestive texts or emails, but that doesn’t prove she consented to it at the time,” said Evan Lee, a law professor at the University of California, Hastings College of Law. “A woman may be willing to have sex 23 hours in the day, but if he has sex in that 24th hour when she’s not willing, then that’s rape if he knows she doesn’t want to.” Rose assumed consent based on their sexual history, the fact she had never denied him and because of sex acts she initiated with him and his friends at the Beverly Hills house earlier in the night, he testified. He and his friends all said the woman seemed sober and she willingly participated in sex. The Associated Press is not naming her because it generally does not identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault. The topic of consent and whether someone is too incapacitated to agree to sex have been part of a national discussion after allegations that Bill Cosby drugged and molested dozens of women over decades and after outrage over a six-month sentence for ex-Stanford swimmer Brock Turner, who sexually assaulted a passed-out woman. The topic has even crossed into the presidential campaign with a recording surfacing of Republican candidate Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women’s genitalia and several women accusing him of groping them. “People are starting to recognize that even if they didn’t fit whatever mythological circumstance people think needs to happen in order for it to be rape or sexual assault, that there is in fact that gray area where it’s still nonconsensual,” O’Connor said. “Even if you wore a skirt or you didn’t outwardly force someone off you, this may legally fall into the realm of sexual assault.”
She said, they said: Derrick Rose case boils down to consent
Derrick Rose;NBA
The Associated Press
The Denver Post
The Denver metro area will be sunny and breezy but feel more like autumn on Tuesday than it has the past several days. The high will climb to around 64 degrees, which is 13 degrees lower than Monday’s high of 77. The average temperature for Oct. 18 is 65 degrees, according to the National Weather Service in Boulder. It will be a little windy with south-southeast breezes between 7 to 15 mph and gusts up to 23 mph. There is a 20 percent chance of rain Tuesday night before midnight. The low temperature is expected to drop to 37 degrees. Expect the weather to be sunny and breezy again on Wednesday, with a high of about 57 degrees and winds gusting up to 24 mph, according to the NWS. Wednesday night temperatures are expected to drop below freezing at around 30 degrees. For the remainder of the week, temperatures will rebound under mostly sunny skies to 62 on Thursday, 74 on Friday and 76 on Saturday. Next week promises more sunshine with high temperatures in the lower-to-mid 70s.
Sunny skies and strong breezes bring autumn temperatures to Denver metro area
Kirk Mitchell
The Denver Post