quite clear that they will not publish Team Bondi’s next game. Team Bondi are trying to find another publisher for their next title, but the relationship with Rockstar has been badly damaged – Brendan treats L.A. Noire like a success due to his vision but I think Rockstar are the ones who saved the project. They continued to sink money into LA Noire, and their marketing was fantastic. Without their continued support, Team Bondi would have gone under several years ago.” “Rockstar also made a huge contribution to the development; their producers were increasingly influential over the last two years of the game’s development, and overruled many of the insane decisions made by Team Bondi management. At a lower level, Rockstar also pitched in with programmers, animators, artists, QA,who first appears in Marvel UK’s Marvel Super-Heroes #387 in July 1982, only to be killed soon thereafter; 4: A republication and continuation of #2 who had his name changed to Miracleman, first appearing as such in Eclipse Comics’ Miracleman #1 in August 1985; 5: The Mike Moran who has a brief cameo appearance on the last page of Image’s Hellspawn #6 in February 2001, who was due to fully debut as Miracleman in Hellspawn #13, but never did; 6: There’s a possible sixth version, depending on what it is that Marvel Comics are planning for the version of Marvelman they appear to own – for the moment, this appears to be version #1, as listed here, but it’s possible they may create their own separate version of the character, based
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
take over from his predecessor, even picking up the numbering of the comic Captain Marvel was vacating. Actually, Marvelman was less created than adapted, an older character made over into a newer one by the utterance of a magic word, somewhere halfway between Shazam! and Kimota! – Shimota!, perhaps, or Kazam! The name was changed, the costume was changed, the magic word was changed, but underneath all that Marvelman was still much more like than unlike Captain Marvel. However, Fawcett Publications had not objected to Marvelman in the 1950s, apparently because they were complicit in his creation, according to Arnold Miller, so again the chance to claim that Captain Marvel had been copied may now have expired. Fawcett Publications no longer exists, with various bits having been boughtsides to suggest that Don Lawrence was one of those people. According to Don Lawrence, the material that Mick Anglo supplied, which was produced in his Gower Street Studio, was often not just drawn but also written by artists like himself, with Anglo overseeing the operation. So, at that point, who owned the copyright to Marvelman, and to the individual work produced? What everybody agrees on is that the Millers replaced Captain Marvel with Marvelman, starting with issue #25 in February 1954, using material supplied by Mick Anglo’s Gower Street Studio. All of the comics that Miller produced carried a standard copyright notice to the effect that all stories and illustrations were the copyright of the publisher. That publisher was L Miller, of course. Although there is not a specific
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
to end up owning the rights to a set of characters that was created at the behest of a publisher he was already doing work for on a work-for-hire basis, none of which other work is claimed as his. Fawcett, meanwhile, may or may not have had a hand in the creation of Marvelman, but they couldn’t exactly turn around and claim the character as their own, as that would mean they were acknowledging that they were in direct breach of their agreement not to publish any Captain Marvel material. It seems to me that, at that time, the only copyright notice that has any legal bearing on the character, and indeed the only one that actually existed, is the one claiming those rights for the publisher, Ldude." "RANDY:" "Show some respect." "Sorry." "We shouldn't have stayed." "Are you kidding?" "Dad, this is like the most bad-ass thing we've ever done together." " Yeah." " Thanks, Dad." "Divers found the victim's ID in a pocket." "Petty Officer Second Class Luke Grismer." ""Keep this item carefully."" "No one's touched the ear since we've been here." "I was quoting the instructions Vincent van Gogh gave to a prostitute when he handed her his severed right ear." "[SPEAKS IN FRENCH]" "What did he care?" "He cut it off." "Yeah, well, historians are now of the opinion that the ear could have been lost in a heated dispute between he and fellow painter Paul Gauguin." "I'm interested in the dispute someone had with our victim." "You got a cause
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
to get their stories straight yet." "KELSO:" "If this is about some reporter going through our quarters, we don't know anything." "And we don't care what Grismer told you." " Grismer's the one missing, right?" " So much for that." "Petty Officer Kelso, are you the leader of this little gang?" "Yeah, sure." "So what?" "So that makes you the lead suspect in the murder of Tyler Wilkes." "I told you." "We don't know anything." "But if the guy's dead," " we're not losing sleep, right?" "MEN:" "Right." "Wilkes was trying to embarrass the Navy with his story." "So you knew what the story was about?" " Don't you?" "GIBBS:" "Well, I got a good idea." "Drugs." "I'm not gonna let anyone smear the Navy." "GIBBS:" "I don'there?" "Come." "Let's go for a drive." "ELl:" "Someday you must give me a proper tour of your city." "Perhaps when it is warmer." "ZIVA:" "Where is your protection?" "They've usually given themselves away by now." "That is why they do not know I am in the country." "No one knows." "You're the director of Mossad, Abba." "That is impossible." "Ziva, nothing is impossible, only difficult." "Which makes this the stupidest thing you've ever done." "Which is saying something." "Don't you remember the last time you were here?" "Yes, you said sometimes life surprises you." "Surprise." "What is your business here?" "My daughter has made no effort to visit me in the last two years, so I must go to her." "I am here for you, Ziva." "How
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
what to tell him." "He wasn't supposed to know Eli David was in town." "No one was." "You know, if the wrong people found out what happened, this could be taken as a declaration of war." "Maybe that's what it is." "Israel, Iran." "U.S., Iran." "U.S., Israel." "Tony?" "We came as soon as we heard." "DUCKY:" "Oh." "Let's wait in the lobby." "Good idea." "[SIGHS]" "[CELL PHONE RINGING]" "[KEYPAD BEEPS]" "Leon?" "She's dead." "My wife is dead, Gibbs." "Ripped By mstoll"pixel = scale->getPixelIntForMeter(nmToMeter(radiusNm)); int numPoints = std::min(std::max(pixel / (fast ? 20 : 2), CIRCLE_MIN_POINTS), CIRCLE_MAX_POINTS); float radiusMeter = nmToMeter(radiusNm); int step = 360 / numPoints; int x1, y1, x2 = -1, y2 = -1; xtext = -1; ytext = -1; QVector<int> xtexts; QVector<int> ytexts; // Use north endpoint of radius as start position Pos startPoint = centerPos.endpoint(radiusMeter, 0); Pos p1 = startPoint; bool hidden1 = true, hidden2 = true; bool visible1 = wToS(p1, x1, y1, DEFAULT_WTOS_SIZE, &hidden1); bool ringVisible = false, lastVisible = false; LineString ellipse; // Draw ring segments and collect potential text positions for(int i = 0; i <= 360; i += step) { //
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "Github" ] }
Line segment from p1 to p2 Pos p2 = centerPos.endpoint(radiusMeter, i); bool visible2 = wToS(p2, x2, y2, DEFAULT_WTOS_SIZE, &hidden2); QRect rect(QPoint(x1, y1), QPoint(x2, y2)); rect = rect.normalized(); // Avoid points or flat rectangles (lines) rect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1); // Current line is visible (most likely) bool nowVisible = rect.intersects(vpRect); if(lastVisible || nowVisible) // Last line or this one are visible add coords ellipse.append(p1); if(lastVisible && !nowVisible) { // Not visible anymore draw previous line segment pt.x() : pt.x() - metrics.width(text)); pt.setY(topCorner ? pt.y() + metrics.ascent() : pt.y() - metrics.descent()); painter->drawText(pt, text); } } void MapPainter::drawCross(Marble::GeoPainter *painter, int x, int y, int size) { painter->drawLine(x, y - size, x, y + size); painter->drawLine(x - size, y, x + size, y); } void MapPainter::drawLineString(Marble::GeoPainter *painter, const atools::geo::LineString& linestring) { GeoDataLineString ls; ls.setTessellate(true); for(int i = 1; i < linestring.size(); i++) { // Avoid the straight line Marble draws for equal latitudes - needed to force GC path qreal correction = 0.; if(atools::almostEqual( - 1).getLatY(), correction = 0.000001; ls << GeoDataCoordinates( - 1).getLonX(), - 1).getLatY() - correction, 0, DEG)
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
arrow, float pos) { painter->translate(line.pointAt(pos)); painter->rotate(atools::geo::angleFromQt(line.angle())); painter->drawPolygon(arrow); painter->resetTransform(); } bool MapPainter::sortAirportFunction(const PaintAirportType& pap1, const PaintAirportType& pap2) { const OptionData& od = OptionData::instance(); // returns ​true if the first argument is less than (i.e. is ordered before) the second. // ">" puts true behind const map::MapAirport *ap1 = pap1.airport, *ap2 = pap2.airport; if(ap1->emptyDraw(od) == ap2->emptyDraw(od)) // Draw empty on bottom { if(ap1->waterOnly() == ap2->waterOnly()) // Then water { if(ap1->helipadOnly() == ap2->helipadOnly()) // Then heliports { if(ap1->softOnly() == ap2->softOnly()) // Soft airports { // if(ap1->ratingconst QPoint& lastPt = polyline.last(); // Last line or this one are visible add coords if(atools::geo::manhattanDistance(lastPt.x(), lastPt.y(), x2, y2) > TRACK_MIN_LINE_LENGTH) polyline.append(QPoint(x1, y1)); } else // Always add first visible point polyline.append(QPoint(x1, y1)); } if(visible1 && !visible2) { // Not visible anymore draw previous line
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
phase [@Majumdar-Ghosh; @Tonegawa-zigzag; @Okamoto-zigzag; @White-zigzag]. In the dimer phase, neighboring spins form a valence bond to gain the local magnetic energy, while the correlation among the valence bonds is weakened to suppress the effect of spin frustration. Another important ingredient in actual materials is $orbital$ degree of freedom, when electrons partially fill degenerate orbitals, as frequently observed in $d$- and $f$-electron compounds. In such a system, the interplay of spin and orbital degrees of freedom yields the possibility of orbital ordering. It is an intriguing issue to clarify the influence of orbital ordering on magnetic properties in geometrically frustrated systems. In fact, significance of $t_{\rm 2g}$-orbital degree of freedom has been discussed to understand the mechanism of two phase transitions in spinel vanadium oxides $A$V$_2$O$_4$ ($A$=Zn, Mg, and Cd)distortion is explicitly taken into account. It is a highly non-trivial issue whether such an orbital arrangement actually describes the low-energy physics of geometrically frustrated systems. In particular, it is quite important to clarify how the orbital-arranged background is intrinsically stabilized through the spin-orbital correlation even without the electron-lattice coupling. In this Letter, we investigate both ground- and excited-state properties of the $e_{\rm g}$-orbital degenerate Hubbard model on a ladder and a zigzag chain (see Fig. 1) by exploiting numerical techniques. In the ladder, ferro-orbital ordering occurs, but the spin correlation on the rung remains finite in a paramagnetic (PM) ground state. On the other hand, the zigzag chain is found to be decoupled to a double chain in the ground state, while in the first spin-excited state, we find
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
is emphasized here that the orbital arrangement is unchanged even in the spin-excited state. We envisage that the orbital degree of freedom spontaneously becomes “dead” in low-energy states to suppress the effect of spin frustration. Consider now the effect of $J$ on the spin-orbital structure in the PM ground state. It is useful to show the results for 8-site system with the periodic boundary condition obtained by the Lanczos method in addition to a few DMRG results for $N$=40. In Fig. 3(c), we depict the angle $\theta$ representing the orbital structure, where $\theta$ is the optimal angle taking the same value at all sites. In the ladder, $\theta$ decreases with the increase of $J$, indicating that the orbital shape is changed to further extend to the rung direction. Note thatthe spin-exchange interactions. For the zigzag chain described by the Hubbard model composed of 3$x^2$$-$$r^2$ orbital, since the orbital shape extends along the double chain, not along the zigzag path, the AFM exchange interaction along the $u$ direction $J_1$ should be much weaker than that along the $x$ direction $J_2$, estimated as $J_1/J_2$=$1/64^2$ [@note1]. Namely, the spin correlation on the zigzag path is reduced due to the spatial anisotropy of 3$x^2$$-$$r^2$ orbital. Thus, the zigzag chain is effectively regarded as a double-chain system of the $S$=1/2 AFM Heisenberg chain. Concerning the low-energy physics, it is intuitively expected that the spin gap should be extremely suppressed, since the spin gap decreases exponentially with the increase of $J_2/J_1$ in the gapped dimer phase in the zigzag spin chain [@White-zigzag]. On the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
Introduction {#s0010} ============ Although the term 'One Health' is fairly new, the concept has long been recognized nationally, regionally, and globally by many pioneers in public health and veterinary medicine. Since the 1800s, scientists have noted the similarity in disease processes among animals and humans, although human and animal medicines have been practiced separately until the twentieth century. In recent years, through the support of key individuals and vital events, the One Health concept has gained more recognition in the public health and animal health communities than ever before ([@bib3]; [@bib1]; [@bib12]; [@bib8]; [@bib4]; [@bib11]; [@bib7]). Background to One Health {#s0015} ======================== One Health is a conceptual extension of traditional public health thinking, approaches, and methodologies because it expands public health to link human, animal, and wildlife health with the environment to addressthe risks of global pandemics of emerging and reemerging diseases, such as Ebola and SARS. The Congo River/Forest Basin has been shown to be one of the 'hot spots' for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. For example, in the recent past in Uganda alone, there have been outbreaks of Ebola, yellow fever, and anthrax. The Health Alliance, an existing network of six schools of public health from six countries in this hot spot (Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia) worked to strengthen public health education and systems, including emergency preparedness and response. After collaborating across universities (with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) support) for 5 years, the Health Alliance, recognizing that 60% of new, emerging, or reemerging diseases have animal origins,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
regionally and globally. Recently, the unprecedented Ebola outbreak in West Africa triggered a crisis that, for a period, seemed to evade effective national and international response, with catastrophic results for human health and well-being, food security, and economic prosperity ([@bib10]). In 2005--06, facing the threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, most African countries established multisectoral committees to help address the threat. When that threat was under control worldwide -- and the disease-specific funding that supported these structures diminished or disappeared -- these committees disbanded. Recent outbreak experiences, especially with avian influenza, have spurred increasing recognition of the importance of an ongoing multisectorial effort to proactively address pandemic threats. A One Health approach has been internationally endorsed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), theavailable within the EPT program, OHCEA quickly became engaged with OHW strengthening in the participating countries. With the formation of OHCEA the total number of schools was expanded to 14 (7 being from the public health area and 7 from the veterinary area) spread into six countries from Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, DRC, and Rwanda. The US partners in the OHCEA network are the University of Minnesota and Tufts University as strategic partners. OHCEA became a registered legal entity in Uganda with a secretariat based in Kampala, Uganda, and worked with it to found Country Coordinating Committees, as well as complete OHCEA\'s initial scopes of work, including conducting a gap analysis in each participating country, finalizing reporting policies and procedures for a 10-year strategic plan, and mapping programmatic resources
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
develop appropriate training curricula for both preservice and in-service personnel. OHCEA Vision and Mission {#s0035} ======================== The OHCEA network plans to be a global leader in One Health, promoting sustainable health for prosperous communities, productive animals, and balanced ecosystems. To achieve this vision, OHCEA will conduct multidisciplinary research, training, and community service to drive continuous improvement of health and well-being of humans, animals, and ecosystems. Accordingly, the mission of the OHCEA is to drive transformational change for continuous improvement of health and well-being of humans, animals, and ecosystems through multidisciplinary research, training, and community service ([@bib7]). To become a global leader in One Health, OHCEA seeks to "expand the human resource base needed to detect and respond to potential pandemic disease outbreaks, and increase integration of animal, wildlife and human disease surveillanceinitiating the EPT program by USAID, which is supporting OHCEA to achieve its mission ([@bib13],[@bib14]; [@bib9]). Expected Impact {#s0040} =============== Tomorrow\'s health professionals must collaborate across disciplines and employ One Health approaches to produce simultaneous gains in human, domestic animal, wildlife, and environmental health. Using effective cross-disciplinary collaboration will also create the potential for a multiplier effect of the efficiency and effectiveness of health interventions. However, few academic or training institutions offer capacity building programs that truly cross disciplinary boundaries, and at present, no institution in the Congo Basin 'hot spot' region is addressing this critical lack of capacity in the public health workforce. Therefore, the Health Alliance served as an ideal platform for institutionalizing the One Health approach by forming the new OHCEA network with a mandate to be a global
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
medical journals and other peer publications. [^1]: *Source:* The information in this table has been adopted from Gibbs, E.P.J, Gibbs, P.J., 2012. The historical, present, and future role of veterinarians in One Health. US Fish & Wildlife Publications Paper 441; and Gibbs, E.P.J., 2014. The evolution of One Health: a decade of progress and challenges for the future. Vet. Rec. 174, 85--91. never let it show, for the faculty would see that in a negative way and that would affect my future in the diocese and may even prevent me from being ordained.The other guys here who have the same love for the Traditional Mass have the common attitude to go with the current flow, keep your heard down, smile, never let them know what you are thinking until you are ordained.Then it is safe to come out of the liturgical closet so to speak.Even writing that last sentence dismays me that I should say such a thing.So I ask myself:Do I want to spend three more years not being honest about who I am and what drives me?Will not this have a bad effect on me personally and if
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
the impact and substance of the message. It is as if the canvas on which the painting is being executed is so large and the subjects so numerous that one cannot quite make out what the painting is of. There is not enough “useful repetition” to allow the words to sink in deeply and remain in the heart, rather than passing in one ear and out the other. As a friend of mine likes to say, education involves cutting the groove many times until a lasting mark is left. The enormous contrast between the two is appreciated perhaps only by those who have regularly attended both forms of the Roman Rite over a long stretch of time. This past week, there were two announcements about pieces of literature that left theSimilarly, while sin has always been dogging our steps in every era, one could not have spoken prior to the Sexual Revolution of a veritable plague of vices against the sixth commandment, including the systematic and ever-earlier loss of innocence inflicted by Satan and his busy disciples on the children of our time. If ever an age needed a saint who models innocence of life and urges us to preserve it in chastity or recover it in penance and self-control, that age would be ours. The idea that the old liturgy was getting to be "irrelevant" and the new one is "relevant" is one of those superficial sayings that quickly withers under examination. In reality, it is quite otherwise: the old has such a rich content and durable structure
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
The operating system reported error 2148077575: The hash value is not correct. The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence. A failure exit code of 16389 was returned. The operating system reported error 2148077575: The hash value is not correct. After refreshing package's distribution point, operating system was still failing to install with same errors logged. Since there were no changes on SCCM, since last successful deployment of the same Windows 7 image, I tried to install the same image on other box. Windows 7 was successfully deployed using same task sequence on machin…Q: How to install Nvidia proprietary drivers on Debian 9 stretch - rc3 I've been trying to install Nvidia proprietary drivers on Debian 9 stretch - rc3. Without any success. Why did I installed testing Debian branch? Debian Jessie is kind of outdated for me. I am developing c++ programs on regular basis and I need c++14 / c++17 features (at least g++-6.3). Besides that stretch is in state of full freeze now. And I suspect it will be moved to the stable branch in the nearest future. Problem description: After installing the nvidia graphics card driver from non-free Debian repository (followed by laptop reboot), the system is trying to start, but this error occurs. What did I tried ? Everything that I could find with google. Nevertheless i can distinguish this: Method #1: Add
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
365 U.S. 514 (1961) EGAN v. CITY OF AURORA ET AL. No. 121. Supreme Court of United States. Decided March 6, 1961. ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT. Joseph Keig, Sr., Edwin R. Armstrong and Sol R. Friedman for petitioner. William C. Murphy for respondents. PER CURIAM. Petitioner, Mayor of the City of Aurora, brought this suit in the District Court against the City and certain of its officials for damages for deprivation of rights secured to him by the Constitution. He alleges unlawful action by the city and by individuals who are or who purport to be its officials (see 42 U. S. C. § 1983) and a conspiracy (see 42 U. S. C. § 1985). The District Court granted the motions to dismiss, 174 F. Supp.namespace gli{ namespace detail { template <typename vec_type> struct compute_transform_1d { typedef typename transform_func<vec_type>::type func_type; typedef texture1d::size_type size_type; typedef texture1d::extent_type extent_type; static void call(texture1d& Output, texture1d const& A, texture1d const& B, func_type Func) { GLI_ASSERT(all(equal(A.extent(), B.extent()))); GLI_ASSERT(A.levels() == B.levels()); GLI_ASSERT(A.size() == B.size()); for(size_type LevelIndex = 0, LevelCount = A.levels(); LevelIndex < LevelCount; ++LevelIndex) { extent_type const TexelCount(A.extent(LevelIndex)); extent_type TexelIndex(0); for(TexelIndex.x = 0; TexelIndex.x < TexelCount.x; ++TexelIndex.x) {<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LevelIndex, Func( A.load<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LevelIndex), B.load<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LevelIndex))); } } } }; template <typename vec_type> struct compute_transform_1d_array { typedef typename transform_func<vec_type>::type func_type; typedef texture1d_array::size_type size_type; typedef texture1d_array::extent_type extent_type; static void call(texture1d_array& Output, texture1d_array const& A, texture1d_array const& B, func_type Func) { GLI_ASSERT(all(equal(A.extent(), B.extent()))); GLI_ASSERT(A.layers() == B.layers()); GLI_ASSERT(A.levels() == B.levels()); GLI_ASSERT(A.size() == B.size()); for(size_type LayerIndex = 0, LayerCount = A.layers(); LayerIndex < LayerCount; ++LayerIndex) for(size_type LevelIndex = 0, LevelCount = A.levels(); LevelIndex < LevelCount; ++LevelIndex) { extent_type const TexelCount(A.extent(LevelIndex)); extent_type TexelIndex(0); for(TexelIndex.x = 0; TexelIndex.x < TexelCount.x; ++TexelIndex.x) {<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LayerIndex, LevelIndex, Func( A.load<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LayerIndex, LevelIndex), B.load<vec_type>(TexelIndex, LayerIndex, LevelIndex))); } } } }; template <typename vec_type> struct compute_transform_2d { typedef typename transform_func<vec_type>::type func_type; typedef texture2d::size_type size_type; typedef texture2d::extent_type extent_type; static void call(texture2d&
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Github" ] }
Some sensors and other components of spacecraft and aircraft must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures of about 77° K or less to function properly. A number of approaches are available to perform this cooling, including thermal contact to liquefied gases and cryogenic refrigerators, usually termed cryocoolers. The use of a liquefied gas is ordinarily limited to short-term missions. Cryocoolers typically function by the expansion of a gas, which absorbs heat from the surroundings. Intermediate temperatures in the cooled component may be reached using a single-stage expansion. To reach colder temperatures required for the operation of some sensors, such as about 40° K or less, a multiple-stage expansion cooler is often preferred. The present invention is concerned with applications requiring continuous cooling to such very low temperatures over extendedWendy said she heard the elder Wesley tell her husband to call 9-1-1. Wesley Jr. saw his father and stepbrother wrestling and McHone was holding a handgun. Wesley Jr. managed to disarm McHone but then when he returned to the phone, the wrestling resumed and then the two headed out of sight of him, up a hallway. His father returned about a minute later saying that his stepmother was "facedown out back." McHone reappeared carrying a shotgun, raising it into a firing position. His stepfather moved towards him and attempted to grab the gun, but McHone fired, throwing Wesley Sr. with such force that he hit and knocked down Wesley Jr. McHone and Wesley Jr. struggled again, with McHone cursing Wesley Jr. and crying, asking Wesley Jr. to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
It looks as if the ongoing encryption battle between the Department of Justice and Apple over a court order that would require the Cupertino firm to help the FBI unlock an iPhone belonging to San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook has come to an end. CNBC reports prosecutors have filed a motion asking the court to vacate the original order. From the court filing: The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on Farook’s iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc. mandated by Court’s Order Compelling Apple Inc. to Assist Agents in Search dated February 16, 2016. Accordingly, the government hereby requests that the Order Compelling Apple Inc. to Assist Agents in Search dated February 16, 2016 be vacated. Apple and the government were set to go head-to-headbuilding." "You're supposed to be working on the confidential." " Don't take on any more than that." " Why not?" "Why not?" "Why not?" "You remember Alan?" "Remember how much he tried to take on?" "Think about it." " Why aren't we on Jabberwocky?" " We need to be on it." "Oh, I thought we decided to go with aggressive." "All right, I give up." "I gotta tell you the truth." " There's no Jabberwocky." " Don't give me that crap!" "Too aggressive." "Felt it as soon as it came out." "I'm telling you, it doesn't exist." "I made it up." "Come on." "When my mom hears you didn't put us on it, she's gonna change the locks." "Guys, there's no such thing as..." "Wait, your mom knows
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
in 2013. In 2011, Rowe published Love, Wisdom, Motherhood (Allen & Unwin), a collection of her interviews with other Australian mothers on their experiences with motherhood. The book included interviews with the likes of Quentin Bryce, Lisa McCune, Wendy Harmer and Tina Arena. In April 2012, Rowe appeared as the narrator in the stage production of Side By Side By Sondheim at the Theatre Royal in Sydney as part of a gala concert featuring Ruthie Henshall. The gala was held to support White Ribbon Australia, a charity which seeks to raise awareness of violence against women. This was part of an ongoing tour, which had started in April 2011 at Sydney's Seymour Centre. 2013–2018: Studio 10 In September 2013, Rowe returned to Network Ten to co-host their new morning TV show Studior, -b = -r. Let a(u) = 7*u + g - 65. Calculate v(a(d)). 245*d**2 Let o(u) = -3*u**2. Let x(l) = 9 - 10 - l - 11 + 8. Calculate o(x(g)). -3*g**2 - 24*g - 48 Let q(d) = -265593816*d + 1 + 265593815*d - 1. Let j(v) = 527*v. Determine q(j(b)). -527*b Let h(g) = 19*g**2 + 7*g + 49. Let p(t) = 25*t**2 + 9*t + 63. Let k(q) = 9*h(q) - 7*p(q). Let r(m) = -5*m + 15. Calculate r(k(j)). 20*j**2 + 15 Let w(i) = 10*i + i - 55*i + 13*i. Let f(l) = -l - 71. Give f(w(d)). 31*d - 71 Let j(y) = 2*y + 194. Let p(g) = -759841*g. What is p(j(x))? -1519682*x - 147409154 Let j(h) be the third derivative of h**4/24 - h**2. Let r = -110 -
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "DM Mathematics" ] }
URL rewrite is something that is not easy to understand. As a developer, you may clearly know the structure, process and others of URL Rewrite. I have made several Magento Tutorials to get this job done, and today; I will share you materials of URL is {@linkplain #end ended}. * @throws IllegalStateException if no transaction is active for the current test * @see #isActive() * @see #isFlaggedForRollback() * @see #start() * @see #end() */ public static void flagForRollback() { setFlaggedForRollback(true); } /** * Flag the current test-managed transaction for <em>commit</em>. * <p>Invoking this method will <em>not</em> end the current transaction. * Rather, the value of this flag will be used to determine whether or not * the current test-managed transaction should be rolled back or committed * once it is {@linkplain #end ended}. * @throws IllegalStateException if no transaction is active for the current test * @see #isActive() * @see #isFlaggedForRollback() * @see #start() * @see #end() */ public static void flagForCommit() { setFlaggedForRollback(false); } /** * Start a new test-managed transaction. * <p>Only call this method if {@link #end}
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
import os import json import uuid import time import redis import asyncio import aioredis import pandas as pd from flask import Blueprint, request, make_response, jsonify, abort from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource, fields from .request_validators import SearchParamSchema from apis.utils import get_key with open("redis_config.json") as infile: redis_config = json.load(infile) redis_store = redis.StrictRedis(**redis_config) base_ns = Namespace("base", description="BASE API operations") search_param_schema = SearchParamSchema() search_query = base_ns.model("SearchQuery", {"q": fields.String(example='feminicide', inclination, monitor height (relative to the operator’s line of sight), distance, brightness, lack of arm and wrist support, chair design and support, and operator posture. Once the ergonomic risk factors have been identified, the ergonomist must identify possible changes (e.g., new or adjusted keyboard, monitor, chair) to improve comfort and safety. After the changes have been implemented, the worker should be re-evaluated to ensure that the modifications have achieved the ergonomic goals. Risk factors that are common to a group of workers can be addressed through either engineering or administrative controls. Engineering controls involve improving worker conditions by modifying tasks, adjusting movement patterns, redesigning workstations or tools, and providing protective equipment, as needed. Administrative controls include development and implementation of procedures and processes that can reduce risk such as job
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
} function UpdateFields(msg) { //$.Msg("UpdateFields ", msg); $('#Model').text = msg['model'] || ""; $('#Attach').text = msg['attach'] || ""; $('#Scale').text = msg['scale'].toFixed(2); $('#Pitch').text = msg['pitch'].toFixed(1);//table['pitch'] = parseFloat($('#Pitch').text) || 0.0; $('#Yaw').text = msg['yaw'].toFixed(1);//table['yaw'] = parseFloat($('#Yaw').text) || 0.0; $('#Roll').text = msg['roll'].toFixed(1);//table['roll'] = parseFloat($('#Roll').text) || 0.0; $('#XPos').text = msg['XPos'].toFixed(1);//table['XPos'] = parseFloat($('#XPos').text) || 0.0; $('#YPos').text = msg['YPos'].toFixed(1);//table['YPos'] = parseFloat($('#YPos').text) || 0.0; $('#ZPos').text = msg['ZPos'].toFixed(1);//table['ZPos'] = parseFloat($('#ZPos').text) || 0.0; UpdateAttachment(); } function ActivateAttachmentConfiguration(msg) { if (showing){ $("#AttachmentsPanel").visible = false; $("#CosmeticsPanel").visible = false; showing = false; } else{ if (!activated){ GameEvents.Subscribe( "dota_player_update_selected_unit", SelectUnitUpdated ); GameEvents.Subscribe( "attachment_cosmetic_list", CosmeticListUpdated ); Acute eosinophilic appendicitis: a radiologic-pathologic correlation. Inflammation of the appendix is one of the most common conditions requiring emergent surgical intervention. Computed tomography commonly demonstrates a dilated appendix with adjacent inflammation. Traditionally, luminal obstruction of the appendix has been thought to be the primary etiology of appendicitis. However, current evidence suggests that etiology of appendicitis is multifactorial and can involve a number of different pathogenic pathways. Here we present a case of acute eosinophilic appendicitis with radiologic-pathologic correlation from a hypersensitivity reaction pathway. Acute eosinophilic appendicitis may represent an early precursor to conventional acute suppurative (phlegmonous) appendicitis, or a variant form of acute appendicitis.
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instead of negative symptoms; and (5) same as model 4B except for the addition of a disorganized domain. The four- and five-factor models fit the data much better than simpler ones. Between the two four-factor models, M4B emerged as more appropriate than M4A. The five-factor solution (M5) displayed the best fit. In conclusion, our confirmatory factor analysis in a large sample of psychotic subjects indicated that the symptomatology of major psychoses is composed of the following five factors: mania, positive symptoms, disorganization, depression and negative symptoms.of your career brand. Acting as “your own Chief Executive Officer” (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use strategic management models and techniques for enhancing your skills portfolio. You will learn how to increase your human capital by developing and documenting high-demand marketable skills. After completing this course, you will be able to: - Implement business strategy and models and tools, such as benchmarking and SWOT analysis, for identifying and analyzing your competitive strengths and addressing competency gaps in a skill-based, competitive job selection context; - Understand evidence-based, data-driven skill assessment methodologies and techniques; - Select appropriate assessment tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your transferable skills; - Create your critical competency profile ("The Self-Assessment Grid for Evaluation, or SAGE") and use it
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
recognized by a certain $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$-1dta. Two 1dta’s $M_1$ and $M_2$ having the common $\Sigma$ and $V$ are said to be *(computationally) equivalent* if $L(M_1)=L(M_2)$. Notice that this equivalence relation satisfies basic properties, including reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. For two topological spaces $V_1$ and $V_2$ together with a map $f:V_1\to V_2$, $V_1$ is *homeomorphic* to $V_2$ by $f$ if (i) $f$ is a bijection (thus, $f$ is also *invertible*), (ii) $f$ is continuous, and (iii) the inverse map $f^{-1}$ is continuous. This function $f$ is particularly called a *homeomorphism*. Given two maps $B_1:V_1\to V_1$ and $B_2:V_2\to V_2$, $B_1$ is *homeomorphic* to $B_2$ via $f$ if, for any pair $v,w\in V_1$, $B_1(v)=w$ implies $B_2(f(v)) = f(w)$. Moreover, two pairs $(A_1,B_1)$ and $(A_2,B_2)$ of sets, $(A_1,B_1)$ is *homeomorphic* to $(A_2,B_2)$B_{2,{\$}}(f(v)) = f(v_{acc})$. Since $E_{1,acc}$ is homeomorphic to $E_{2,acc}$ via $f|E_{1,acc}$, it follows from $v_{acc}\in E_{1,acc}$ that $f(v_{acc})$ falls into $E_{2,acc}$. This leads to the conclusion that $x\in L(M_2)$. By a similar argument, we can deduce that $x\notin L(M_1)$ implies $x\notin L(M_2)$ using $E_{1,rej}$ and $E_{2,rej}$. Therefore, we establish the equality $L(M_1) = L(M_2)$. As a direct consequence of Lemma \[homeomorphic-equiv\], we can freely identify all 1dta’s that are homeomorphic to each other. Conventional Finite Automata are 1dta’s {#sec:1dta-characterize} --------------------------------------- Our topological-automata framework naturally extends the existing 1-way finite automata of various types. To support this observation, let us demonstrate that typical models of 1-way finite automata can be nicely fit into our framework. Such a demonstration exemplifies the usefulness of our formulation of topological automata. As concrete examples, we here consider only the
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v\in E_{acc}\}$ and $B^{-1}_{{\$}}(E_{rej}) = \{B_{{\$}}^{-1}(v)\mid v\in E_{rej}\}$, respectively. Since ${{\cal O}}$ is closed under inverse images of maps in ${{\cal B}}$, it follows that $(B^{-1}_{{\$}}(E_1),B^{-1}_{{\$}}(E_2))\in {{\cal O}}$ for any $(E_1,E_2)\in{{\cal O}}$. In particular, since $(E_{acc},E_{rej})\in{{\cal O}}$, we conclude that $(E'_{acc},E'_{rej})\in {{\cal O}}$. It is easy to show that $N$ correctly simulates $M$ on all inputs. Lemmas \[elimination-marker\]–\[right-endmarker\] seem to place a heavy restriction on an underlying automata base $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$. This makes the endmarker elimination so costly. in certain cases, however, the 1dta model with no use of endmarkers, dubbed as *markless 1dta’s*, has a clear advantage in considering the effects of topological features of 1dta’s. We will see such a case in Section \[sec:compare-properties\]. Closure Properties ------------------ Let us discuss *closure properties* of a language family $({{\cal V}},{{\calthat $|V\!/{\equiv}|$ is finite. Toward a contradiction, assume that $V\!/{\equiv}$ is an infinite set. We then take an infinite subset $S$ of $V$ such that any two distinct points in $S$ are topologically distinguishable. As a consequence, there must be an infinite number of open sets in $T_V$. This contradicts the finiteness of $T_V$. Therefore, $|V\!/{\equiv}|$ must be finite. For the subsequent argument, we set $m = |V\!/{\equiv}|$. We choose $m$ points $v_0,v_1,\ldots,v_{m-1}\in V$ satisfying $[v_i]\neq [v_j]$ for any distinct pair $i,j\in[0,m-1]_{{\mathbb{Z}}}$. We then define the desired 1dfa $N=(Q,\Sigma,\{{{|}\!\!\mathrm{c}},{\$}\},\delta,v_0,Q_{acc},Q_{rej})$ as follows. Let $Q=\{v_0,v_1,\ldots,v_{m-1}\}$ and define two subsets $Q_{acc}=\{v_i\mid i\in[m], [v_i]\cap E_{acc}\neq{\varnothing}\}$ and $Q_{rej}=\{v_i\mid i\in[m], [v_i]\cap E_{rej}\neq{\varnothing}\}$. The transition function $\delta:Q\times\check{\Sigma}\to Q$ is defined as follows: for any pair $i,j\in[m]$, $\delta(v_i,\sigma)=v_j$ iff there are points (not necessarily in $Q$) $w_i,w_j\in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
in ${{\cal V}}$. Finally, define ${{\cal O}}$ as $\{(L,\Sigma^*-L),(\{s_0\},\{s_1\}) \mid L\subseteq\Sigma^*,s_0,s_1\in\Sigma^{+},s_0\neq s_1,\Sigma\text{: alphabet}\}$. Let $L\subseteq \Sigma^*$ for an alphabet $\Sigma$ and set $V=\Sigma^*$. Since $T_V$ is a discrete topology, clearly $\{s_0\},\{s_1\}\in T_V$ and both $L$ and $\Sigma^*-L$ belong to $T_V$. Therefore, ${{\cal O}}$ is a set of *valid* observable pairs. Let $L$ be any language over an alphabet $\Sigma$. We want to construct a $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$-1dta $M$ that recognizes $L$. Firstly, let us consider the case where $M$ uses no endmarker. We set $V=\Sigma^*$, $v_0=\lambda$, $B_{\sigma}(v) =v\sigma$, where $v\sigma$ is the concatenation of $v$ and $\sigma$, $E_{acc}=L$, and $E_{rej}=\Sigma^*-L$. These definitions imply that, for any $x\in\Sigma^*$, $B_{x}(v_0)=x\in L$ iff $x\in E_{acc}$. Finally, we define $M$ to be $(\Sigma,V,\{B_{\sigma}\}_{\sigma\in\Sigma}, v_0,E_{acc},E_{rej})$. The construction of $M$ implies that $L=L(M)$. Next, wetopological concepts are described by “properties” of topologies. An example of such properties is the *Hausdorf separation axiom*. It is thus possible to compare the strengths of two different properties of topological spaces by evaluating the computational power of the corresponding topological automata. For our purpose, it is desirable to disregard the two endmarkers in a general treatment of properties of topological spaces because they are quite different in behaviors from other input symbols. Therefore, unlike the other sections, we intend to use “markless 1dta’s” (which have no endmarker, discussed in Section \[sec:elimination\]) throughout this section. Slim Topological Automata {#sec:normalization} ------------------------- To design finite automata, it is sometimes imperative to make them “small” enough. Such a requirement often gives rise to a notion of “minimal” finite automata. For instance, Ehrig and
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Firstly, we define ${{\cal B}}'$ to be the closure of $\{B_{x}\mid x\in\Sigma^*\}$ under multiplication $\circ$ discussed in Section \[sec:automata-base\]. We define $V_{M}= \{v_0, B(v_0) \mid B\in {{\cal B}}' \}$ with a *subspace topology* $T_{V_M}=\{A\cap V_{M}\mid A\in T_V\}$ induced from $T_{V}$. Notice that $(V_M,T_{V_M})$ and $(V,T_V)$ may be quite different in nature. We further set $\hat{{{\cal V}}}_{M}=\{V_{M}\}$. To define $\hat{{{\cal B}}}_M$, we need to restrict the domain of each map $B$ in ${{\cal B}}'$ onto $V_M$. Recall that such a restricted map is expressed as $B|V_M$. The desired $\hat{{{\cal B}}}_M$ is set to be the family of all maps $B|V_M$ induced from maps $B$ in ${{\cal B}}'$. Finally, we set $\hat{{{\cal O}}}_M$ to be $\{(E_{acc}\cap V_{M},E_{rej}\cap V_{M}) \}$. For each script $\tau\in\{acc,rej\}$, since $E_{\tau}$ is a clopen set, $E_{\tau}\capGiven a point $v\in A$, let $C_v =B(v)$. It then follows that $B^{-1}(C_v) = \bigcup_{z\in C_v}B^{-1}(z) = \{ w\in V\mid \exists z\in C_v[z\in B(w)]\}$, which equals $\{w\in V\mid \exists z\in V [z\in B(v)\cap B(w)]\}$. The last expression clearly indicates that $v\in B^{-1}(C_v)$. Hence, we conclude that $A\subseteq (B^{-1}\diamond B)(A)$. For the second claim, let $v\in A$ and set $D_v=B^{-1}(v)$. Note that $B(D_v) = \bigcup_{z\in D_v} B(z) = \{w\in V\mid \exists z\in D_v[w\in B(z)]\}$. Hence, $B(D_v)$ equals $\{w\in V\mid \exists z\in V[v\in B(z)\wedge w\in B(z)]\}$. From this expression, we conclude that $B(D_v)$ contains $v$. As a result, we obtain $A\subseteq (B\diamond B^{-1})(A)$. \(2) For any point $v\in A_1\cap B(A_2)$, we take another point $z\in A_2$ for which $z\in B(v)$. Since $z\in B(A_1)$, it follows that $z\in B(A_1)\cap A_2$. Therefore, we obtain
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which $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})\mbox{-}\mathrm{1DTA}\nsubseteq {\mathrm{REG}}$ and ${\mathrm{REG}}\nsubseteq ({{\cal V}}',{{\cal B}}',{{\cal O}}')\mbox{-}\mathrm{1DTA}$. 3. In Proposition \[Vietoris-topology\], we have shown how to simulate each 1nta by a computationally-equivalent 1dta. Find a more “succinct” description of $({{\cal V}}',{{\cal B}}',{{\cal O}}')$-1dta that is computationally equivalent to any given $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$-1nta. 4. The complexity classes ${\mathrm{DCFL}}$ and $\mathrm{MM\mbox{-}1QFA}$ are not closed under intersection. Find a necessary and sufficient condition of $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$ such that $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}}) \mbox{-}\mathrm{1DTA}$ is not closed under intersection. This contrasts Lemma \[closure-basics\](3). 5. Given an automata base $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})$ with “natural” topologies, characterize the language family $({{\cal V}},{{\cal B}},{{\cal O}})\mbox{-}\mathrm{1DTA}$ in terms of standard automata. 6. In Section \[sec:normalization\], we have discussed a type of “minimal” topological automata. Find ametric spaces. 9. In this paper, we have discussed only the case where any computation evolves *in linear fashion*. If we further expand our basic models using *nonlinear evolutions*, how do the corresponding one-way finite automata look like? [Gur91]{} A. Ambainis, M. Beaudry, M. Golovkins, A. Kikusts, M. Mercer, and D. Thérien. Algebraic results on quantum automata. Theory Comput. Syst. 39 (2006) 165–188. A. Ambainis and R. Freivalds. 1-way quantum finite automata: strengths, weaknesses, and generalizations. In: Proc. of the 39th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS’98), pp. 332–342 (1998) A. Ambainis, A. Kikusts, and M. Valdats. On the class of languages recognized by 1-way quantum finite automata. In: Proc. of the 18th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, Springer,
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vol. 2010, pp. 75–86 (2001) A. Ambainis and A. Yakaryilmaz. Automata and quantum computing. Available at (2015) S. Bozapalidis. Extending stochastic and quantum functions. Theory Comput. Sytems 36, 183–197 (2003) A. Brodsky and N. Pippenger. Characterizations of 1-way quantum finite automata. SIAM J. Comput. 31, 1456–1478 (2002) K. Chatterjee and N. Fijalkow. Topological, automata-theoretic and logical characterization of finitary languages. Technical report No. IST-2010-0002. See . H. Ehrig and W. Kühnel. Topological automata. RAIRO—Inf. Operational Research, R-3, 91, 73–91 (1974) R. Freivalds, M. Ozols, and L. Mančinska. Improved constructions of mixed state quantum automata. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 410 (2009) 1923–1931. J. A. Goguen. Discrete-time-machines in closed monoidal categories. Bull. American Math. Soc. 78 (1972) 777–783. J. Gruska. Quantum Computing. McGraw Hill (2000) J. Hopcroft and J. Ullman. An Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation.with quantum finite automata. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 568, 1–18 (2015) M. O. Rabin. Probabilistic automata. Inf. Control 6, 230–245 (1963) P. Turakainen. Generalized automata and stochastic languages. Proc. American Math. Soc., vol.21, pp.303–309 (1969) A. Yakaryilmaz and A. C. C. Say. Languages recognized by nondeterministic quantum finite automata. Quantum Inf. Comput. 10, 747–770 (2010) A. Yakaryilmaz and A. C. C. Say. Unbounded-error quantum computation with small space bounds. Inf. Comput. 11, 873–892 (2011) T. Yamakami. Feasible computability and resource bounded topology. Inf. Comput. 116, 214–230 (1995) T. Yamakami. Analysis of quantum functions. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14, 815–852 (2003) T. Yamakami. One-way reversible and quantum finite automata with advice. Inf. Comput. 239, 122–148 (2014) [^1]: An extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA
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1dta in which, at each step, the 1dta checks if, at each step, the current configuration falls into $E_{acc}\cup E_{rej}$. For a further discussion, refer to Section \[sec:discussion\]. [^7]: Unlike the standard definition, in accordance with our topological automata, we apply each stochastic matrix to column vectors *from the left*, not *from the right* as in the early literature. [^8]: It is also possible to relax this requirement of $B^{\diamond}_{{{|}\!\!\mathrm{c}}x{\$}}(v_0) \subseteq E_{rej}$ to $B^{\diamond}_{{{|}\!\!\mathrm{c}}x{\$}}(v_0)\cap E_{acc} = {\varnothing}$. Who uses our Learning Centers Testimonials Any salesperson who can't improve their sales by 20% with the Selling Essentials program probably shouldn't be in sales. Mark ChilnickKobalt Systems, Frederick, MD I wanted to share with you my take on the Selling Essentials sales modules. They're tremendous ... I don't like to read business books so the quick 7- to 9-minute format is perfect for me. Your programs make me think before I act. One sale paid for a year's training for our entire company ... really powerful stuff! Tara LoftusStealth Access Panels International Sales, Reading, PA I am very impressed! Perfectly framed the problem salespeople have … and illustrated the solution masterfully. The presentation approach is superb, engaging all of the senses to create learning that can be implemented immediately. Bill MerrowSynergy Sales & Marketing,
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I am always willing to discover new heights in my career. Myself Syed, from Chennai, India. My main objective on Elance is to deliver 100% high quality work in fast turnaround. I am determined to get my job done well and on time. My experience can help you with all of your administrative needs. Your works will be as valuable to me as to you!!! Hi there! My name is Ashley. I gained various experiences from my previous employers especially in data entry tasks. I am confident that I can be a big contribution to you as I am easy to learn, flexible and can work with minimal supervision. Looking forward on working with you. As a Customer Service Representative, I have been exposed to using help desks like Zendesk and Salesforce.Realist philosophy. However, while their work may support realist doctrine, it is not likely that they would have classified themselves as realists in this sense. Political realism believes that politics, like society, is governed by objective laws with roots in human nature. To improve society, it is first necessary to understand the laws by which society lives. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, persons will challenge them only at the risk of failure. Realism, believing as it does in the objectivity of the laws of politics, must also believe in the possibility of developing a rational theory that reflects, however imperfectly and one-sidedly, these objective laws. It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion—between what is true
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the Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia was willing to relinquish territory which was considered ethnically German in order to preserve its own integrity and sovereignty. Non-state actors In the 21st century, the status-quo of the international system is no longer monopolized by states alone. Rather, it is the presence of non-state actors, who autonomously act to implement unpredictable behaviour to the international system. Whether it is transnational corporations, liberation movements, non-governmental agencies, or international organizations, these entities have the potential to significantly influence the outcome of any international transaction. Additionally, this also includes the individual person as while the individual is what constitutes the states collective entity, the individual does have the potential to also create unpredicted behaviours. Al-Qaeda, as an example of a non-state actor, has significantly influenced the way statesas strong as our love of food. Join us as we feature new talent every three months, we’ll host each artist’s opening night when we introduce them and their masterpieces to our space and community.
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Q: NSMutable Array Property becomes null after function is exited I am trying take the values of an array of CLLocation's made from a JSON request and assign them to a property that is a NSMutable array. Here the relevant controller code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; //using a background thread to receive the json call so that the UI doesn't stall dispatch_async(directionQueue, ^{ NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:openMapURL]; [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(fetchedData:) withObject:data waitUntilDone:YES]; }); initWithLatitude:[[shapePoints objectAtIndex:i] floatValue] longitude:[[shapePoints objectAtIndex:i+1] floatValue] ]]; } //When I NSLog within the function, the array has the correct data. But in viewDidLoad //the array is null [self.coordinates initWithArray:locations copyItems:YES]; } How come this array become's null
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on Leader Tim Hudak to confess to his math errors in his Million Jobs Plan. The PC platform, which calls for the cutting of 100,000 positions from the public service, will push the province back into recession instead of creating jobs, she argue. Hudak countered his platform will put people to work and promised he would resign as premier if it failed. Hudak said he was the only leader on the stage being honest with Ontarians about the measures it would take to bring the provincial budget back into balance. The PC leader made a reference to an attack ad launched by the Ontario Provincial Police Association that accused him of planning to rip up their collective agreement. Hudak said he would proceed with a legislated two-year wage freeze that includes the police. Thesecured to the first end of the strap, the locking head including an end wall, an inner wall and side walls that define a strap accepting channel in the head, the strap accepting channel having a strap entry end and a strap exit end, the locking head further including a metal locking device receiving cavity adjacent to and open toward the strap exit end of the locking head that includes a recessed pocket; and inserting a metal locking device into the metal locking device receiving cavity and mounting one end of the locking device into the end wall of the locking head closely adjacent to the recessed pocket such that the recessed pocket is situated between the metal locking device and the strap accepting channel and a support
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interval collected patients with hard cataract and the highest score of the harm scale. Considering the 5 scores of the harm scale and the results of Tukey post-hoc test (3 subsets), we could see in [Fig 3](#pone.0186975.g003){ref-type="fig"} the peculiar distribution of our subgroups along the curve: subgroup I and II stood on the first steep line, whereas subgroup III stood on the second flat line. The curve of [Fig 3](#pone.0186975.g003){ref-type="fig"} resulted from the least square analysis approach as *ECL*% = *a* + (*b* − *a*) \* exp\[−exp(*c* \* *CDE*\#2)\]. ![Scatterplot of distribution of percentage of endothelial cell loss depending on the total phaco cumulative dissipated energy, according to the 5-score harm scale.\ The non-linear curve well describes the rising trend of endothelial cell loss for increasing cumulative dissipated energy tillpostoperatively. This study has been carried out with a sample of 50 patients. We did not enroll other people because the relationship between ECL% and the total CDE seemed to be well established. In future, we would like to enlarge the sample size in order to fine-tune the harm scale diminishing the dispersion of some values. In this pilot study, we applied our method to torsional phacoemulsification seeking for a connection between the rising trend of ECL% and postoperative BCVA for increasing scores of the harm scale. Of course, further studies are needed to better manage this innovative method of analysis aiming to a challenging prevision model linking the ECL% and CDE delivered in the anterior chamber. In conclusion, the harm scale is a very good strategy to estimate the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
{ if (this.oneC) return num; else return this.c.redMul(num); }; // Just for compatibility with Short curve EdwardsCurve.prototype.jpoint = function jpoint(x, y, z, t) { return this.point(x, y, z, t); }; EdwardsCurve.prototype.pointFromX = function pointFromX(x, odd) { x = new BN(x, 16); if (! x = x.toRed(; var x2 = x.redSqr(); var rhs = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(x2)); var lhs =; var y2 = rhs.redMul(lhs.redInvm()); var y = y2.redSqrt(); if (y.redSqr().redSub(y2).cmp( !== 0) throw new Error('invalid point'); var isOdd = y.fromRed().isOdd(); if (odd && !isOdd || !odd && isOdd) y = y.redNeg(); return this.point(x, y); }; EdwardsCurve.prototype.pointFromY = function pointFromY(y, odd) { y = new BN(y, 16); poll of voters in 7 cities with instant runoff voting found that voters reported friendlier campaigns and that RCV had majority support in all of the cities using it. ✖ Creates incentives for negative campaigning. When leading candidates know that many voters will ignore minor candidates because they can’t win, they can focus on one another and use attack ads to persuade voters to their side. Turning a voter off of a candidate is often cheaper than persuading them to vote for you. ✓ Allows full participation of military & overseas voters. NYC voters who are overseas for a military deployment or extended trip can rank their preferences on their initial ballot, so their votes are still counted in the case no one candidate receives 50% of the votes. ✖ Disenfranchises
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org.apache.maven.monitor < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.plugin < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.profiles < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.project < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.reporting < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.repository < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.rtinfo < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.settings < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.toolchain < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.usability < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.* < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.observers < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.repository < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.apache.maven.wagon.resource < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.codehaus.classworlds < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.codehaus.plexus.* < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds < plexus.core [DEBUG] Imported: org.codehaus.plexus.component < org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate (default-cli) [DEBUG] Style: Regular [DEBUG] Configuration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <archetypeArtifactId>${archetypeArtifactId}</archetypeArtifactId> <archetypeCatalog default-value="remote,local">${archetypeCatalog}</archetypeCatalog> <archetypeGroupId>${archetypeGroupId}</archetypeGroupId> <archetypeRepository>${archetypeRepository}</archetypeRepository> <archetypeVersion>${archetypeVersion}</archetypeVersion> <basedir default-value="${basedir}"/> <filter>${filter}</filter> <goals>${goals}</goals> <interactiveMode default-value="${settings.interactiveMode}">${interactiveMode}</interactiveMode> <localRepository default-value="${localRepository}"/> <remoteArtifactRepositories default-value="${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}"/> <session default-value="${session}"/> </configuration> [DEBUG] ======================================================================= [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate (default-cli) > generate-sources @ standalone-pom >>> [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate (default-cli) < generate-sources @ standalone-pom <<< [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom --- [DEBUG] Dependency collection stats: {ConflictMarker.analyzeTime=1, ConflictMarker.markTime=1, ConflictMarker.nodeCount=134, ConflictIdSorter.graphTime=0, ConflictIdSorter.topsortTime=1, ConflictIdSorter.conflictIdCount=60, ConflictIdSorter.conflictIdCycleCount=0, ConflictResolver.totalTime=6, ConflictResolver.conflictItemCount=125, DefaultDependencyCollector.collectTime=149, DefaultDependencyCollector.transformTime=10} [DEBUG] org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:jar:2.4: [DEBUG] org.apache.maven.archetype:archetype-catalog:jar:2.4:compile [DEBUG] org.apache.maven.archetype:archetype-descriptor:jar:2.4:compile [DEBUG] org.apache.maven.archetype:archetype-registry:jar:2.4:compile [DEBUG] org.apache.maven.archetype:archetype-common:jar:2.4:compile [DEBUG] net.sourceforge.jchardet:jchardet:jar:1.0:compile [DEBUG] org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.5.5:compile [DEBUG] dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile [DEBUG]
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initialization complete. [DEBUG] Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Literal [DEBUG] Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Macro [DEBUG] Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Parse [DEBUG] Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Include [DEBUG] Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Foreach [DEBUG] Created '20' parsers. [DEBUG] Velocimacro : initialization starting. [DEBUG] Velocimacro : allowInline = true : VMs can be defined inline in templates [DEBUG] Velocimacro : allowInlineToOverride = false : VMs defined inline may NOT replace previous VM definitions [DEBUG] Velocimacro : allowInlineLocal = false : VMs defined inline will be global in scope if allowed. [DEBUG] Velocimacro : autoload off : VM system will not automatically reload global library macros [DEBUG] Velocimacro : Velocimacro : initialization complete. [DEBUG] RuntimeInstance successfully initialized. [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate' with basic configurator --> [DEBUG] (f) archetypeCatalog = https://nexus.REDACTED_DOMAIN/content/repositories/REDACTED_ID/archetype-catalog.xml [DEBUG] (f) basedir = /Users/REDACTED_USER/git [DEBUG] (f) interactiveMode = true [DEBUG] (f) localRepository = There's something to burning in headphones, but it's difficult to measure--and some experts say it's all in your head. For more content become a premium member, subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our weekly podcast with Adam Savage! Burn-in, as it applies to televisions, is bad. Burn-in describes a form of image retention where the screen permanently retains an image even when it's no longer being displayed. Watch too much CNBC, and eventually the outline of that stock ticker is going to burn into the display. Burn-in as it applies to headphones, on the other hand, is good--according to some audiophiles, who swear that new cans need to be burned in for 40 or 100 or 200 hours before regular use. But not everyone agrees. "Please stop
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Fidelity, audio expert Tyll Hertsens tested two AKG Q701s, headphones infamous for needing long multi-hundred hour break-in periods. He burned in one pair of headphones for 90 hours, measuring and listening along the way. He left another pair pristine. The charts Hertsens made do show some change over time in the sounds produced by the headphones, but not enough to convince him that the burn-in process was responsible for those changes. Photo credit: Flickr user onigiri_chang via Creative Commons "While the data showed only very small differences, the data was clearly above the noise, and a general trend observable," he writes. "While, it seems to me, much of the change observed could easily be due to movement, especially in the frequencies above 5kHz, some changes seem more likely due towithdrawn and securities traded. After an account is opened, the correct 207 step takes place. The IA must reconcile its client account information with the custodian bank's information on a regular basis. If the IA had a different record of holdings than the record of the custodian 206, then the IA will see the inconsistency and notify the custodian 208. Account reconciliation can be done daily, weekly or monthly. This will depend upon how often the custodian bank makes the client's data available and how much time the IA has available to reconcile accounts. Presently the IA does not have information regarding a client's holdings at the custodian bank on a real time basis. The IA therefore does not know exactly what funds are available to be invested
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
step of pass orders to trader for execution 214, the PM creates a formal request for the trader. This formal request to execute an order passes all relevant trade details and all regulatory requirements. The trader should be able to execute and act upon the PM's request at anytime during trading hours. Under the step of execute order until complete 216, the trader then must decide how to execute this trade, either as a single order or combine this order with another identical order and create a block order. One factor the trader may identify in constructing the trade is the particular designated B/D requirements for each client. A client may specify that all of its trades or some percentage be directed to a specific B/D. Once the trader has subject.Target = target; subject.UseLocalValues = false; subject.MutateOnAxis = Vector3State.True; Assert.AreEqual(, target.transform.eulerAngles); Vector3 input = new Vector3(10f, 20f, 30f); subject.SetProperty(input); Assert.AreEqual(input.ToString(), target.transform.eulerAngles.ToString()); Object.DestroyImmediate(target); } [Test]
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Github" ] }
while Sale Sharks owner Brian Kennedy has also expressed an interest, but only if Murray’s consortium fails. ‘It’s obviously up to the administrators to evaluate any offers that come in, but I think they will have to crack on in terms of a decision,’ added Murray. ‘I would like to think we would get an answer next week and we are hopeful of being able to take control of the club. ‘Rangers needs to be saved in its current form and then plans can be put in place from there.’this offers access to almost all aspects of the protocol, it has not been designed for everyday use. The urllib package has a simpler interface, and it deals with everything that we are going to cover in this part. The third-party Requests package is a very popular alternative to urllib. It has an elegant interface and a powerful feature set, and it is a great tool for streamlining HTTP workflows. Application Programming Interface in Action When we talk about APIs in relation to Python, we usually refer to the classes and the functions that a module presents to us for interact action. In this part, we'll be talking about something different, that is, web APIs. A web API is a type of API that you interact with through the HTTP protocol. Nowadays,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
I swipe my key through the door scanner. It’s 9:35 p.m and I’m late. After not wanting to come at all, and deliberating the whole thing for over an hour in the shower, I’m finally here. I’m not really sure why, but what the hell. It can’t hurt, I suppose. I walk into the gym and take a look around. There are a few guys working out at the back, plus a girl on the treadmill. Great. He’s not even here. All that over-analysing for nothing Damn it. After making my way onto the treadmill I start walking. I turn up the speed and begin to walk faster. I suppose I’ll have to actually work out then. What an anticlimax. I spent over an hour psyching myself up to be here, and he doesn’t even show up. Fucking typical. All men piss me off. Oh well, it’s his loss. Turning up the speed, Iwe were walking around town near our hotel, we came across a restaurant called May Kaidee’s Vegetarian which offered cooking classes at a pretty reasonable price. We agreed to eat at the restaurant, and then to take the cooking class if we liked the food. Needless to say, we loved the food! We had super delicious Tom Kha, a coconut milk soup that is spicy, sweet and sour, and from that moment we knew we’d be learning how to cook there. Our first morning in Bangkok we set out exploring. It was hot, humid, and felt like there could be a thunderstorm at any minute. Our first order of business was finding something to eat. We were stoked because we both LOVE Thai food and were so ready to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
after Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said on Independence Day that Israel must prepare for the possibility of striking Iran's nuclear program on its own.Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi also responded to the Israeli comments, saying they were "worthless threats," the Islamic Republic News Agency reported."ˈThe Zionist regime is not so unwise as to commit suicide,ˈ" IRNA quoted Vahidi as saying.The Iranian defense minister said that Tehran was "prepared for a rapid reaction to any adventure by the Zionist regime."in R, however, they seem to be completely off grid, so I supposed something about the projection went wrong, but I have no idea what. I hope that somebody here can help me out! Loading in the raster stack named "texture" > print(texture) class : RasterStack dimensions : 8073, 7781, 62816013, 3 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers) resolution : 500, 500 (x, y) extent : 2635700, 6526200, 1385700, 5422200 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) crs : +proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs names : Clay_eu23, Sand_eu23, Silt_eu23 min values : 0, 0,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
2 33 Rocky shore Stockholm, Västervik, Blekinge 282 4 x 2 Open, sparsely vegetated coastal rocks and outcrops of the supralitoral. Exposed to infrequent seawater fluctuations and desiccation stress. Vegetation concentrated in soil-filled rock crevices (soil depth \< 20 cm). Variables of the environmental matrix were used to analyze effects on vegetation composition and species diversity in the habitats rocky shore, semi-natural grassland and coniferous forest. We consider livestock grazing as a relevant anthropogenic driver in semi-natural unfertilized grasslands in our study regions \[[@pone.0200191.ref007],[@pone.0200191.ref012]\]. To obtain an estimate of grazing history for grassland plots, we used the plant indicator system by Ekstam and Forshed \[[@pone.0200191.ref043]\], which is based on the species-specific response of grassland specialists to progressive succession after management abandonment. We translated their system into
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
landscape variables (cf. [Table 2](#pone.0200191.t002){ref-type="table"}). For univariate analyses of species diversity we used the two complementary proxies species richness and species evenness \[[@pone.0200191.ref032]\]. For species evenness we used the evenness index E~var~, proposed by Smith and Wilson \[[@pone.0200191.ref046]\], which describes the equality of species abundances in a community. Species evenness is independent of species richness and not biased with regard to minor and abundant species. Statistical analyses {#sec005} -------------------- For each habitat separately, all numerical explanatory variables were normalized by scaling between zero and one \[[@pone.0200191.ref047]\]. In case of correlated explanatory variables (r \> 0.6) within each environmental matrix of the respective habitat, the variable with greater ecological significance (based on personal decision) remained in the matrix for further analyses (see [S6 Table](#pone.0200191.s010){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). ### Vegetation composition {#sec006} We used partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA)rocky shore, via the semi-natural grassland with variable disturbance intensities, towards the relatively stable coniferous forest. The rocky shore model accounted for 18.9% ETV (TI = 4.85; F = 3.4; p ≤ 0.001), the semi-natural grassland model for 30.0% ETV (TI = 5.05; F = 2.6; p ≤ 0.001) and the coniferous forest model for 34.3% ETV (TI = 2.10; F = 3.6; p ≤ 0.001) in vegetation composition. The gradient lengths of the compositional data of the three habitats (rocky shore and semi-natural grassland = 4.3 SD; coniferous forest = 3.4 SD) indicated a higher local species turnover among rocky shore and semi-natural grassland plots than among coniferous forest plots. Except for topography, all environmental variable-sets, including region ([Table 3](#pone.0200191.t003){ref-type="table"}) had significant effects on the floristic composition
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
(25.4% EMV). Interestingly, despite a relatively strong effect of the surrounding landscape on rocky shore and grassland vegetation composition ([Fig 2](#pone.0200191.g002){ref-type="fig"}), there was no landscape effect on rocky shore species evenness and grassland species diversity in general. Discussion {#sec011} ========== Habitat-specific effects and contributions (H1) {#sec012} ----------------------------------------------- We expected that the effects of the environmental matrix on local vegetation composition and species diversity vary among rocky shore, semi-natural grassland and coniferous forest, i.e. are highly conditional on habitat identity. Our results indicate that local plant communities in contrasting habitats on Baltic archipelago islands are partly affected by the same and partly by different environmental drivers and their relative contribution is mainly habitat-specific. Unexpectedly, edaphic variables comprising soil fertility and soil morphology were highly consistent and powerful predictors of both local vegetation composition and speciesincrease of soil pH was strongly associated with higher species numbers and more equal dominance structures in both forest and grassland communities, but this was not evident for rocky shore species diversity. Changes in soil pH can have strong effects on nutrient availability, which additionally depends on nutrient input and water availability \[[@pone.0200191.ref062]\] and thus on the properties and abundances of certain habitats. For example, the effect of soil fertility on composition and dominance structures of plant communities along rocky shores were largely modified by inputs of phosphorous, probably caused by sea bird droppings, partly masking existing effects of soil pH. Additional avian inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen \[[@pone.0200191.ref063]--[@pone.0200191.ref065]\] are known to favor nutrient-demanding and competitive plant species \[[@pone.0200191.ref065]\], such as *Geranium robertianum* L., *Anthriscus sylvestris* (L.) Hoffm.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
considered key descriptors of species communities \[[@pone.0200191.ref082],[@pone.0200191.ref083]\]. Species richness is commonly used as a sole proxy to describe patterns of local species diversity \[[@pone.0200191.ref022],[@pone.0200191.ref024]\], but our data suggest that local diversity-environment relationships largely depend on the diversity proxy involved \[[@pone.0200191.ref032]\]. If both proxies share important environmental drivers, such as grazing history or soil fertility in semi-natural grasslands, the strength of the relationships are proxy-specific. Generally, changes in plant species diversity are very likely to have consequences for population dynamics, ecosystem functioning and invasibility of island plant communities \[[@pone.0200191.ref001],[@pone.0200191.ref002],[@pone.0200191.ref084]\], even more so in the light of global climate change \[[@pone.0200191.ref085]\]. We demonstrated, that species richness alone is an incomplete representation of species diversity in complex landscapes comprising many different habitats. Thus, our study explicitly stresses the necessity to include--- abstract: 'We highlight the impact of cluster-mass-dependent evolutionary rates upon the evolution of the cluster mass function during violent relaxation, that is, while clusters dynamically respond to the expulsion of their residual star-forming gas. Mass-dependent evolutionary rates arise when the mean volume density of cluster-forming regions is mass-dependent. In that case, even if the initial conditions are such that the cluster mass function at the end of violent relaxation has the same shape as the embedded-cluster mass function (i.e. infant weight-loss is mass-independent), the shape of the cluster mass function does change transiently [*during*]{} violent relaxation. In contrast, for cluster-forming regions of constant mean volume density, the cluster mass function shape is preserved all through violent relaxation since all clusters then evolve at the same mass-independent rate. On
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cluster-forming region (CFRg) of its residual star-forming gas, the mass fraction of stars bound to a cluster decreases steadily with time (infant weight-loss) until the cluster either reaches a new equilibrium, or is completely disrupted. This dynamical response of a cluster to gas expulsion is called violent relaxation. @bau07 express the bound mass fraction of stars, $F_b$, as a function of the CFRg star formation efficiency at the onset of gas expulsion, $SFE$, of the gas expulsion time-scale, $\tau_{gexp}/\tau_{cross}$, and of the impact of an external tidal field which they quantify through the ratio of the initial half-mass radius to the initial tidal radius of the embedded-cluster, $r_h/r_t$. That is: $$F_b = F_b (t/\tau_{cross},SFE,\tau_{gexp}/\tau_{cross}, r_h/r_t )\,, \label{eq:fb}$$ where $F_b$ is defined as the mass fraction of stars within thethe same total mass in star-forming gas (thus the same CFRg mass function normalization) and the same final bound fraction $F_{bound}$ (since all simulations are performed with identical $SFE$, $\tau_{gexp}/\tau_{cross}$ and $r_h/r_t\lesssim 0.01$; see Eq. \[eq:fb\]). ![[*Top panel:*]{} Cluster mass function in dependence of age and SFE (see key) for CFRgs with a constant mean surface density. In addition to lessening the cluster survival rate, a lower SFE is conducive to a greater slope change during violent relaxation. [*Bottom panel:*]{} Bound fraction $F_b$ in dependence of $m_{CFRg}$ for two ages and two SFEs. At an age of 50Myr, a lower SFE stengthens the contrast between the bound fractions at low and high masses (compare the blue vertical arrow, $SFE=0.34$, to the red one, $SFE=0.40$), hence the larger slope change at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
while, on a larger spatial scale, its external layers keep expanding. This explains straightforwardly why some Galactic massive star clusters as young as a few Myr are observed in virial equilibrium (e.g. Wd 1), while clusters with ages 10-60Myr still show a perturbed surface brightness profile at radii $>10$pc [e.g M82-F, NGC1569-A and NGC1705-1; see fig. 1 in @bas06]. Owing to their distance, clusters in starburst galaxies are often observed with large linear apertures, thereby highlighting the shells of unbound stars expanding on spatial scales $>10$pc. In contrast, observations of star clusters in the Galactic disc are often limited to their few central parsecs (see Sects \[ssec:ap2\] and \[ssec:arch\]). We now quantify how the size of the aperture affects the observed ratio of the dynamical and luminous masses of a cluster,(blue) area ignores the uncertainties affecting $M_{lum}$. Were they included, the error on $M_{dyn}/M_{lum}$ would be accordingly larger. In that respect, @gen11 derive $M_{lum} \simeq 0.49_{-0.05}^{+0.18} \times 10^5\,M_{\odot}$ for Wd 1 [a similar value was found by @bra08]. Combined to the $M_{dyn}$ estimate of @men09, this is suggestive of a higher ratio $M_{dyn}/M_{lum} \simeq 2$ (i.e. in Fig. \[fig:mdml\], the shaded areas rise by a factor of $\simeq 2$), even more compatible with explosive gas expulsion conditions. Here lies one more source of complication, however. In models, the stars used to derive the radial velocity dispersion $\sigma_{los}^2$ and the luminous mass estimate $M_{lum}$ are identical. In real observations, that may not be the case. To infer $M_{lum}$ and $M_{dyn}$ based on different observation sets, hence different fields-of-view, can only increase
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
an option can have a value that is different to the displayed text, so you can do: <option value="13.50">M</option> So now you you can remove the if..else blocks and just have: y.innerHTML = "$" + (x * a).toFixed(2); x will be a string, but multiplication will coerce it to a number. maker of financial management software, before returning in 2009. “With [3D Touch] it was only at the moment where we finally got a design experience that’s like, ‘Yes! This is what we want!’ that we [asked] how hard it’s going to be to make.” Meanwhile, former Apple UI prototyper May-Li Khoe explained a little more on Twitter: One of our first experiments for 3D touch was made with a stop animation of play-doh squishing. play < – > design. And, finally, former Apple prototyper Linda Dong, also on Twitter, is very proud of the work she and her former team did on the Apple Pencil, which works with the iPad Pro: Apple Pencil = the best stylus hands down. It was better than other styluses as a prototype.
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Evolution has designed the human body like a fortress with heavily guarded entrances. Our physical well-being relies on keeping pathogens and other detrimental substances at bay. While the facial apertures — mouth, nose, eyes, ears — and the anal and uro-genital openings have their own defenses, the epidermis constitutes the body’s main guardian against invasion, simply because it is so extensive in surface area and so interactive. Possessing at least half a dozen properties and strategies for repelling invaders, our skin stops a vast spectrum of unwanted agents. Lucky for us, the skin can also be convinced to pass beneficial things, such as drugs, directly into the body where they can be readily utilized with distinct advantages over other modes of delivery. (The mucosal membranes offer a similar entryway,for angina Estraderm and CombiPatch (Novartis) for menopausal symptoms Exelon (Novartis) for Alzheimer’s Catapres-TTS (Boehringer Ingelheim) for hypertension Duragesic (Janssen Pharmaceutica) for pain Lidoderm (Endo Pharmaceuticals) for pain relief Daytrana (Noven Therapeutics) for ADHD Neupro (Schwarz Pharma) for Parkinson’s sufferers Emsam (Bristol-Myers Squibb) for cases of major depressive disorder Oxytrol (Watson Pharma) for overactive bladder condition Even with all these applications, improvements are still being made to extend their remit further. Employing iontophoresis — the transmission of an electrical current across the epidermis to improve migration of drug molecules — is one such refinement. Travanti Medical’s IontoPatch family is a leader in the field, with four products that treat large and small areas, offer multiple wear times, and include a stronger dose. Its wearability is marked by its small, self-contained battery, requiring neither external charger nor controller, according to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
become a really interesting area. Because electronics have become so capable, you can not only deliver drugs but collect drugs and do analytical work [through the patches]. Patches could regulate the delivery of drugs and have different delivery cycles.” Tapemark also prides itself on its global reach, being certified in the EU and Asia, as well as North America. Secondary Packaging and Shipping Of course, no transdermal device, however wonderful, is of any real use until it reaches the patients, and Aesica is a firm that ensures such deliveries. Franz-Josef Kohlenberg, Operations Director, Monheim at Aesica, and Christian Gross, head of Packaging Technology and Artwork Services at Aesica, were kind enough to outline their work to us. Mr. Kohlenberg revealed, “In Monheim we have a packaging facility with 10 different packaging linesspend making a decision. These are pretty different areas, but they are all legit ways to use the word 'metacognition', as are the learning and teaching examples you mention. They're all 'thinking about thinking' in some sense. Actually if it comes to that I don't think there's a single clean and universally accepted definition for 'cognition' either. You recognize it when you see it, it's just a vibe sort of thing. Or, to put it more scientifically, 'cognitive' is a fuzzy category ala Rosch. Confidence/error tracking example: resource-rational example:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
talk about who... Sprint Cup series car owner Joe Falk said on Monday that he expects Elliott Sadler, Austin Dillon and C.E. Falk to be among those who will drive the No. 33 Chevrolet for his team in upcoming races.Joe Falk is purchasing the No. 33 team from legendary... Joey Logano had a shot to win the NASCAR championship last year. A flawed late pit stop cost him the chance, and he went into the offseason determined to get back into contention again. A win in the season-opening Daytona 500 on Sunday gave Logano the... — He was the one who barely made the Championship 4, and some questioned if he belonged in it at all. Yet there was Ryan Newman on the final restart Sunday with three laps to go duelingRaluca Croitoru: Immaterial Institute of Research and Experimentation Immaterial Institute of Research and Experimentation by Delaney Clark The fourth presenter of the Artistic Interventions in Finance panel was Raluca Croitoru. In her performance piece, she took the stage as representative of the Immaterial Institute of Research and Experimentation. By looking at different methods of recording transactions that developed throughout time, the research collective investigates the history of documenting financial transactions. She then expressed that the collective is immaterial, and their main productions are expeditions through space. Documentation of these experiments is translated to digital tours, as in the virtual reality of websites, or in paper tours, as in published zines or booklets, and for this presentation the audience would be given a tour through a thermal printer. Croitoru took us on an
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
adults they did find would share features with the other ASD individuals, including poor social integration; like the current generation, they'd be more likely to be male. They then set about an enormous undertaking: diagnosing a representative population of UK adults. As a first pass, they selected a population based on postal codes and employment statistics. With over 14,000 households identified, interviewers fanned out, ultimately completing over 7,000 interviews that provided a first level of screening for ASD diagnoses. From that pool, 850 individuals were chosen for a second, more in-depth interview; 630 people completed that, and the authors adjusted their data to take a failure to respond into account, leaving them with a population that was largely representative of the English population over 16 years of age. As theComparison of capsule endoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of polyps of the small intestine in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis or with Peutz-Jeghers' syndrome. We have conducted a study to compare the diagnostic yields of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and capsule endoscopy for the detection of small-bowel polyps in patients with inherited polyposis syndromes. MRI was performed in 20 patients, with either Peutz-Jeghers' syndrome (PJS; n = 4) or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP; n = 16), and capsule endoscopy was done the next day. The number, size, and location of polyps were analyzed. Overall, 448 polyps ranging from about 1 mm to 30 mm in size were detected in eight patients by capsule endoscopy, whereas with MRI only 24 polyps all bigger than 5 mm could
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
The Fate of the Furious Here we are, number eight in the impossible series. The one that started as cheesy car exploitation with surprising heart, and evolved into… the FAST AND THE FURIOUS series. The one that, I am happy to say, is still the longest running movie series that I like every installment of. (Second place is still DEATH WISH. I am now aware that RESIDENT EVIL comes close, but I don’t like the first one.) That is not to say that it can sustain forever. But only because fossil fuels will eventually run out. Inevitably, there has been a slight downward arc in quality since the untoppable back-to-back peaking of FAST FIVE and FURIOUS 6, but part FATE is still an immensely entertaining chapter in the ongoing soapback. They probly need to change up the status quo, and I’m sure they will. They made a point of reminding us that we don’t know who the hell Mr. Nobody is, which may mean some sort of revelation about that (before Paul Walker’s death he was going to turn out to be the father O’Conner never met). And now Dom will have to change diapers. The thing is, I actually do kinda think Dom could be a good dad if he abandoned all of his interests other than barbecues and praying. But I don’t want to see a movie about that. I don’t want him to have to create a special baby seat that won’t be crushed in his various car endeavors. I don’t want him to have to
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noodle character up as a live-in nanny for them. And teach Ramsey to fucking drive, for crying out loud. It can happen between films. But now the two most recent female characters (Ramsey and Cipher) aren’t drivers at all? I suspect Charlize will show back up in FNINE with a badass Lambo or something now that here cool plane is gone. Ramsey though, she’s gotta turn into an unhinged maniac on the streets. I find it to be super lame that her entire characterization is as an object for Tej and Roman to fight over and who also types really fast. I did love the joke at the end about her last name though, that was the biggest and best laugh in the movie. Now give her something tosome blowback.) • On that same note, I loved the cross-cutting between Statham and Johnson in the prison escape. It really showed the differences in their styles and in their appeal. I thought this was a big improvement on the way their fight in 7 was choreographed to make them both look like burly brawlers. Making no mystery of Statham’s comparatively unimpressive stature was a good call in this one. You’re not gonna outbeef Vin and The Rock on their own turf so it was smart to lean into his grace and speed. I never tire of watching that man move. • Words cannot express how much I love that Statham and Evans are playing the Shaw Brothers. I don’t even care that their accents are about as distinct from
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Dodge Charger graciously flies and glides through a massive explosion like Stallone, Dolph or Arnold regularly did in with their bodies back in the day. Like seriously dude the fact that Dom needed his American Muscle to really hurt the big bad and her nuclear sub too was symbolic as fuck and damn near put a tear in my eye. Chargers and Mustangs are as much the stars of the series as Vin himself so never fucking forget that. Point fucking taken :) Overall this was one of the best times at the movies I have had in a long time. The fact that it followed LOGAN which was one of the most emotional times I’ve had at a flick in a long time was poignant as hell. Godthe first three movies in the franchise: relatively relatable characters in silly cars getting involved in somewhat over-their head problems with gangsters. Number 4 as well, to an extent, though that was a bit joyless. But then they turn into invincible superheroes, saving the world in plots that – to me – are as convoluted and incomprehensible as a Steven Seagal Romanian vehicle, but with a 300 million dollar budget rather than $39.99. This movie seemed to me to be particularly mean spirited. Our heroes are now casual murderers. I can’t say I really understood who they were stealing the EMP from at the beginning, but how many security guards (or whoever) did Tej happily crush with his giant wrecking ball? And how many prison guards/prisoners must have died
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explodes. As far as Hans´death goes, he is not really dead. At the end of FURIOUS SIX, between the time Deckard calls Dom and the time the explosion happened, one of Deckards henchmen got Han out of the car and hid him away. The whole point of that was to fool Dom into thinking one of his was dead so he could feel what it would be like when one of your own is dead/in comatose. Somehwere in the comments somebody raised the possibility that Dom froze Han´s body in carbonite and then somebody said something like Han Seoul. I can´t find it again, but Jesus that is the funniest shit in a long time! Shoot, not only do we not see Deckard kill civilians at the start of 7, butthis time loop stable, repeating itself at regular three-film intervals, or are we perhaps dealing with a spiraling effect, which will continue in ever-tightening arcs until the 14th and 15th films are happening both concurrently with each other and with the cookout scene from the first movie? These questions would require a more in-depth understanding of quantum physics, relativity, and perhaps even string theory than I am capable of, so I’d like to bring this discussion home with one last question: What year does the F&F franchise think it’s happening in? Because clearly its timeline has long since branched off from ours. There will be years between installments in the real world but only weeks in the world of the movies, or they’ll stay trapped for years in a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
at 20 K along different directions under parallel polarization configuration and (b) perpendicular polarization configuration. The inset in (b) illustrates the definition of $\theta$, which is the angle between X’ (Y’) and X (Y). The black and blue dashed lines indicate two-phonon peaks with A$_1$ and E$_2$ symmetries, respectively. (c) Temperature dependence of the integrated intensity under the (XX) polarization configuration of the E$_{2g}$(2) mode at 143.8 cm$^{-1}$ (blue dots), as well as the two-phonon excitations at 83.4 cm$^{-1}$ (red squares) and 215.1 cm$^{-1}$ (green squares). The dashed lines indicate $T$ = 50 K and $T^*=150$ K. The data have been rescaled for better visualization. (d) Phonon density-of-states for each elements (dashed lines) and combined density-of-states (CDOS, represented by solid red lines) of KHgSb with the space group No. 186 structure.](figure_3){width="\columnwidth"} A possibleto air. In any case, the decomposition of KHgSb at relatively low temperature or under relatively moderate laser power further supports our assumption that the group No. 194 structure of KHgSb is unstable and prone to distortion. Robustness of hourglass electronic dispersion {#robustness_check} ============================================= ![\[Sfigure1\](Color online). (a) Bulk band structure and (b) (010) surface states of KHgSb with space group No. 186. (c) Average position of the Wannier centers obtained by Wilson-loop calculation of KHgSb with space group No. 186. (d) Close-up of the light green region in (c). The dark green part and the blue part show the band crossing and the gap, respectively. (e) Non-trivial (KHgSb with space group No. 194) and (f) trivial topologies of hourglass surface states illustrated in Ref. [@hourglass_nature]. (g) (010) surface topologies of KHgSb with
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
Congress as laws as well as grants; that *598 Congress intends no scramble between companies for the grasping of titles by priority of location, but that it is to be regarded as though title passes as of the date of the act, and to the company having priority of grant, and, therefore, that in the eye of the law it is now as though there never was a period of time during which any title to these lands was in the Southern Pacific. As said in the case of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway v. Kansas Pacific Railway, 97 U.S. 491, 497: "It is always to be borne in mind, in construing a Congressional grant, that the act by which it is made is a law as well asthough the lands granted to the Atlantic and Pacific had been identified in 1866, and title had then passed, and there never was a title of any kind vested in the Southern Pacific Company. And whatever of plausibility there might be in this suggestion of counsel, based upon the old common law rules in respect to the effect of a lack of identification upon attempted conveyances between private parties, it fails entirely because its map of definite location was not filed by the Southern Pacific Company until long after the filing by the Atlantic and Pacific Company. It is true that the bills of complaint in these cases allege that "said Southern Pacific Railroad Company accepted said grant, and on April 3, 1871, did designate the line of its
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been the practice of the Department in such cases, to formally withdraw them." As the act of July 27, 1866, the one before us, is in these respects exactly like that of the one before the court in that case, it must be held that here, as there, Congress provided for two separate matters; one the fixing of the general route, and the other the designation of the line of definite location; and an examination of the evidence shows that the map which *601 was filed on April 3, 1871, was simply one of general route, and therefore did not work a designation of the tracts of land to which the Southern Pacific's grant attached. As the map was filed within one month after the grant, it might bediagram designating the general route of said road, I herewith transmit a map showing thereon the line of route, as also the 20 and 30-mile limits of the grant, to the line of withdrawal for the Southern Pacific Railroad under the act of 1866, and you are hereby directed to withhold from sale or location, preëmption or homestead entry all the odd-numbered sections falling within those limits." Further, there is in evidence an exemplification of a diagram in the Land Office, showing the limits of the grant to the Atlantic and Pacific Company, with the intersecting limits of the grant to the Southern Pacific Company, on which diagram appear two lines, one traced in blue, and marked "branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad;" and the other in red, somewhat
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
other railroad. Congress had power to confer such authority and to make a grant for its execution. Surely Congress can make a grant of lands which it owns or claims to own at any time, if it annex a condition that the grant shall not affect or impair the rights of a previous grantee. It would, as it seems to me, be an extravagant and utterly unwarranted assertion to say that Congress, having made a grant for a railroad to run in one direction, is thereby prohibited from making another grant for a railroad to run in a different direction, if a condition is annexed that the second grant shall not affect or impair the rights of the first grantee. The questions, and the only questions for considerationPathological findings of two types of lymphoid malignancy in sheep inoculated with bovine leukemia virus. Different types of lymphoid malignancy were observed in two sheep inoculated with BLV-containing materials. Sheep 1 showed severe leukemic change in the peripheral blood and splenomegaly but lymphosarcoma in the lymph nodes was absent. Sheep 2 had lymphosarcoma in the lymph nodes and various organs. Neoplastic cells had B-cell marker in both cases and a few neoplastic cells contained intracytoplasmic IgM in sheep 2. It was presumed that B-cells might be transformed into neoplastic cells on the way of their differentiation. Some of neoplastic cells might have ability of immunoglobulin-production in sheep 2.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
higher affinity for SA than did the motif phage. Both classes of SA-binding phage failed to bind native and non-glycosylated forms of avidin, even though SA and avidin are structurally similar and both proteins possess extraordinary affinities for biotin. The polyclonal goat anti-mouse IgG Fc Ab preparation selected phage displaying sequences similar to a region of the mouse IgG Fc. Thus, a single immunodominant epitope on the mouse IgG Fc was identified. Furthermore, a second phage displaying peptides with no discernible sequence similarities to mouse IgG Fc was isolated. Thus, an M13 library displaying 38-aa peptides can yield phage with affinity for various targets. Finally, we have observed a biological bias against odd numbers of Cys residues in the displayed peptides.a large spacing between the components on the printed circuit board, such that the blast of hot air directed at one component from above will not flow over and melt the solder on the terminals of adjacent components. However, as the printed circuit board art advances, not only are the components themselves becoming increasingly smaller, but their proximity on the printed circuit board is also increasing. Thus, there is a need for a device which not only can provide a closely controlled and evenly distributed source of heat effective to melt the solder associated with the component terminals or printed substrate conductors during installation or removal of the electronic component relative thereto, but also one which can rapidly and precisely direct this controlled heat where desired, thereby minimizing
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solder at the terminals of the component. It is yet another object of the present invention to provide an improved nozzle structure in which the means for forming the conduit extending around the edge of the components is fabricated from a flexible material to facilitate sealing of the conduit forming means against the component and the substrate.= f. What is u(v(y))? 29*y Let s(d) = 2*d**2. Let v(z) = -2*z**2 - 2*z + 1. Let x(t) = 510*t**2 + 612*t - 306. Let l(m) = 612*v(m) + 2*x(m). Give l(s(w)). -816*w**4 Let b(i) = -25*i**2. Let w(h) = 777*h. What is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "DM Mathematics" ] }
be understood because cores lie at the stagnation points of convergent turbulent flows, where compression is at a maximum, and relative velocity differences are at a minimum. The apparent coherence may be due, at least in part, to an observational effect related to the length and concentration of the material contributing to the line. In our simulated cores, $\sigma_{\rm turb}$ often has its local maximum at small but finite offsets from the column density maximum, suggesting that the core is the dense region behind a shock. Such a configuration is often found in observations of nearby molecular cloud cores, and argues in favor of the gravoturbulent scenario of stellar birth as it is not expected in star-formation models based on magnetic mediation. and velocity structure of cores in numerical models of gravoturbulent molecular cloud evolution is the ability to resolve high density contrasts at arbitrary locations within the cloud. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH; see Benz 1990, Monaghan 1992) is probably the best method currently available for this purpose. The properties of our numerical scheme and resolution issues in the context of gravoturbulent fragmentation have been extensively discussed in Paper I (see also Klessen et al. 2000, or Klessen 2001). Once the density contrast in the center of a collapsing cloud core exceeds a density contrast of about $10^4$ a “sink” particle is created (Bate et al. 1995). It replaces the central high-density region and has the ability to accrete further infalling material while keeping track of mass and linear and angular momentum. However, the
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a larger number of cores that do not qualify as being coherent, and those that do are mostly transonic or supersonic. Thus, the LSD model compares better to observations than the SSD model because observed cores often appear quiescent and coherent. However, persuasive observational statistics is still lacking. This argues in favor of clouds and their cores being driven from large scales (see also the discussion in Ossenkopf & Mac Low 2002). To estimate the fraction of cores with subsonic velocities, Fig. \[histo:fig\] shows a histogram of the mean velocity dispersion inside the lowest contour (above half of the peak column density). For the whole core sample (models LSD and SSD combined) about 23$\,$% of all cores are quiescent in the strict sense (i.e. with $\sigma_{\rm turb} \le c_{\rm s}$), whilestimulating discussions during the elaboration of the present manuscript. We also thank our referee A. Goodman for insightful comments and suggestions. RSK acknowledges support by the Emmy Noether Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG: grant KL1358/1). JBP and EVS acknowledge support from CONACYT’s grants 27752-E and 36571-E respectively. This research has made use of NASA’s Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service. Alves, J., Lada, C. J., & Lada, E. A. 2001, , 409, 159 Andr[é]{}, P., Ward-Thompson, D., & Barsony, M. 2000. Protostars and Planets IV, ed, V. Mannings, A. Boss, & S. Russell (Tucson:Univ. Arizona Press), 59 Ballesteros-Paredes, J. 2003. In “From Observations to Self-Consistent Modeling of the Interstellar Medium”. Ed. M. Avillez & D. Breitschwerdt (Kluwer), in press. Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Hartmann, L., & V[' a]{}zquez-Semadeni, E.1999b, , 527, 285 Ballesteros-Paredes, J. & Mac Low, M. 2002, , 570, 734 Ballesteros-Paredes, J., V[' a]{}zquez-Semadeni, E.,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
brighten the life of your friend or relative. You can be sure that your loved one will be professionally cared throughout their time with us. To find out more about our Dementia care home close to St Leonards-On-Sea, make sure you get in contact with us.description for what was Karen Stone’s drink of choice. It is perhaps the only example I know of where a cocktail is used as a foreshadowing device in either literature of film. (In this case both since the film is based on the novella, also by Mr. Williams.) The biting gin, Campari, and vermouth fuse with a precision sense of style you would expect from an Italian sportscar. Like a Maserati, this cocktail is not for the ordinary. “Would you care for a Negroni?”, I asked this of my mother every afternoon after school while doing my best Vivian Leigh as Karen Stone impersonation. Mom would listen at her ironing board unamused before popping up silently (but rolling her eyes I’m sure) to make me an after school snack usually
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into glass filled with ice cubes and garnish with the orange slice. Enjoy overlooking a Roman sunset, spring or any other season. Watch out for moral decay. To be truthful, I don't know what “Sis. Boom. [blog!]" means either. The name implies something explosive just happened I suppose I would like it if each post would make made a small 'boom' in your day or at least a fizzle. Even though a recipe is included with every post I have a hard time calling this a "food blog" or even myself a "food blogger". “The Negroni’s initial flirting will be an all out date-rape by the third glass if you are not careful. Prolong the dating phase and don’t putspecs. That game was more a matter of cost-benefit analysis, working within his budget and a couple of specific requests. Interesting indoor activities help pass the time as winter reclaims March. This happens every year. We complain that the mild weather won't stick around, but 20 years ago these conditions would have looked like the beginning of April, not the beginning of March. The hard freezes after springlike warmth have pretty well wrecked the cross-country skiing, even in the nearby woods. This limits alternative training activities to things that are more boring, and therefore less likely. Despite the fact that I can literally feel that sitting on the couch is killing me, I still slouch in front of the computer, teasing my mind with little jabs of electronic stimulation. Old
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
friends, new friends, hopeful signs, terrifying trends, ads for diseases you, yes you, probably have... Back to the hunt for bike parts. Look at that: Specialized has multiple road models that list for $10,000. Way to grow the sport! When civilization collapses, where will we charge our electronic shifters? I know, I know: personal solar systems will continue to work, as long as you can find a place to soak up some sun in between attacks by various desperadoes unleashed by the apocalypse. And you'll be able to scrounge hydraulic fluid for the brakes for quite a few years before things have reverted to more medieval conditions. Brake pads, on the other hand... I've gotten out for a few fixed gear rides. The return to cold weather puts me backseen more than one rider on the side > of the road with broken 10-11 speed chains. As in, sprawled flat by the side of the road? :-) The one time I broke a chain (7-speed), I was standing up to power through an intersection from a dead stop (the light had just changed) so when my chain let go, I went down In. A. Heap! (But fortunately at very low speed, and no harm done except to self-esteem). I made it a point to carry a few spare links with me for years and years after that, though I've largely stopped that habit now since my commute is so short I can easily walk it. Shimano Hyperglide ushered in the golden age of the broken chain. The "special pin" has been
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I wholeheartedly agree that MB casts the 16 people with archetypes in mind, and he anticipates conflict (Frank and Brandon were not randomly placed together, IMHO... nor were John and Paschal, but in that case the desired result was not achieved). The cast must be created with a vision of how they will interact, and how they will behave. Unfortunately, a 20 minute (or however long it is) video made in your basement or backyard is not the same as a beach in the jungle (case in point: Stephanie from Thailand). It is here that the editing takes the front seat. The whole point of taking these 16 people and putting them in the Amazon for 39 days is to make a television show. However, there is a key differenceyou were joking about the Rudy the Warrior/Scholar thing. Very clear and well-thought out points, Howard! Like others here, I believe that MB selects contestants depending on what type of character he wants on the show. If that contestant doesn't evolve as the character he expected them to, then MB steps in with his creative editing to give his "character" the feel he was looking for. Then there are some contestants that don't require that much editing...i.e..Flo in TAR3. I have to say that the Bachelorette's finale was one of the best i've seen. But how boring would it be have been without the creative editing to make us think that the "most shocking ceremony" would actually be shocking this time! If we weren't aware the editing was going on, I see
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Q: How do I calculate angle from two coordinates? I'm working on a project with 3D based objects and manipulating them via my program. I currently have a textbox that allows me to put a heading in degrees and a button that will calculate the required values to make my main object change its heading. This is the code for that function: private void btnSetHeading_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.textBoxHeading.Text.Length == 0) return; float heading = (float)0; try { botched tax reform, rapidly soaring oil prices and steadily falling house prices, Brown began by seeking sanctuary once more in his school days. In a tantalising glimpse of the man that might have been, he spoke of the eye surgery that saved his sight at the age of 16 - but let slip that impressive though the NHS op to reattach his retina was, it was not the surgery that made the biggest impression on him so much as the booze trolley that came around the wards afterwards. "At the age of 16," the PM told the BBC, "when you know you've got a free health service and then when you're getting free beer, free Guinness and free wine, that's quite an amazing thing to happen." Later, Brown spoke to police
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
public void setCancelButtonHandler(ClickHandler cancelButtonHandler) { this.cancelButtonHandler = cancelButtonHandler; } @Override protected void onDraw() { super.onDraw(); build(); } public void build() { final ToolStrip toolStrip = new ToolStrip(); toolStrip.setWidth100(); //toolStrip.setExtraSpace(10); toolStrip.setMembersMargin(5); toolStrip.setLayoutMargin(5); toolStrip.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); IButton cancelButton = new EnhancedIButton(MSG.common_button_cancel()); of three chemicals to carry out an execution by lethal injection: sodium pentothal, a barbiturate sedative; pancuronium bromide, a neuromuscular blocking agent; and potassium chloride, which stops the heart. Cal.Penal Code § 3604. Cooper points to a number of alleged deficiencies in California's protocol, including that use of pancuronium bromide serves only to mask what intense suffering could be experienced in combination with the other chemicals that are used, that the combination of chemicals can fail to work properly, that differences in physical characteristics can affect how successfully the system performs, that administering a single five gram dose of pentothal as compared with a continuous intravenous drip creates the risk that the barbiturate will not preserve unconsciousness long enough, and that the personnel California uses are not adequately
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "FreeLaw" ] }
§ 18-1.3-102; Connecticut, Conn. Gen.Stat. § 54-100; Delaware, Del.Code Ann. tit. 11, § 4209(f); Florida, Fla. Stat. Ann. § 922.105; Georgia, Ga.Code Ann., § 17-10-38; Idaho, Idaho Code § 19-2716; Illinois, 725 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/119-5(a)(1); Indiana, Ind.Code Ann. § 35-38-6-1; Kansas, Kan. Stat. Ann. § 22-4001; Kentucky, Ky.Rev.Stat. Ann. § 431.220; Louisiana, La.Rev.Stat. Ann. § 15:569 B; Maryland, Md.Code Ann., Corr. Servs. § 3-905; Mississippi, Miss.Code Ann. 99-19-51; Missouri, Mo.Rev.Stat. § 546.720; Montana, Mont. Code Ann. § 46-19-103; Nevada, Nev.Rev. Stat. § 176.355 1; New Hampshire, N.H.Rev. Stat. Ann. § 630:5 XIII.; New Jersey, N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:49-2; New Mexico, N.M. Stat. Ann. § 31-14-11; New York, N.Y. Correct. Law § 658; North Carolina, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15-187; Ohio, Ohio Rev.Code Ann. § 2949.22;Introduction ============ Myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide \[[@b1]\]. Stem cell therapy has the potential to promote myocardial regeneration \[[@b2]\]. Autologous and allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been tested clinically, and most of the trials to date have reported safety but modest efficacy \[[@b3]\]. It has been proposed that the generation of 'off the shelf' allogeneic stem cells or their products may overcome the limitations of autologous cell therapy and improve the clinical outcome \[[@b4]\]. Endometrial stem cells (EnSCs) with MSC characteristics are isolated from menstrual blood \[[@b5], [@b6]\]. A unique feature of these cells is that they can be easily obtained by non-invasive procedures from healthy young women. The MSC characteristics of EnSCs also guarantee immunoprivilege in allogeneic hosts. EnSC may be
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Central" ] }
dialog set Configuration to "All Configurations". Under "Configuration Properties" click on "General". Ensure the "Excluded From Build" property is set to "No". Set the "Item Type" property to "Custom Build Tool" from the drop-down menu and click the "Apply" button so the "Custom Build Tool" property will appear. Click on "General" under the "Custom Build Tool" property. Set the "Command Line" property to: mc %(FullPath) Set the Description property to something like "Compiling Messages..." Set Outputs property to: %(Filename).rc;%(Filename).h;MSG0409.bin The file MSG00409.bin is from having the following line in LanguageNames = (English=0x409:MSG00409) There can be a bin file for each language you add to The nice part of listing them in the output is that it will be deleted when the project is cleaned. The only thing I'm not sure about is setting the "Execute Before" propertyA Rear Load Helper, for a Refuse Collection Company in Texas, Died When He Was Crushed by the Rear Wheels of a Refuse Collection Vehicle SUMMARY: On March 2, 1998, a 62-year-old rear load helper (the victim) died when he was crushed by the rear wheels of a refuse collection vehicle. The victim and the driver of the vehicle had been picking up trash along their assigned route. On the particular street where the incident occurred, there were only four locations where trash had to be picked up. The driver backed down the street as he was originally trained to do. One of these locations had an excessive amount of trash. The driver decided to reposition the vehicle so the rear of the vehicle was as close to the pile
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
a timid researcher with no confidence in himself. Kōji Ōkura as Kagachi, a man with a tendency to boast and who can't stop lying. Masako Nozawa as Hisui, an eccentric old woman who is prejudiced against Pokémon. Shoko Nakagawa (in her 12th consecutive guest star in Pokémon films) as Riku, Risa's younger brother who loves Pokémon. Kouichi Yamadera (in his 21st consecutive guest star in Pokémon films) as Mayor Oliver, Largo's father. The film's returning cast includes: Rica Matsumoto as Satoshi Ikue Ōtani as Satoshi's Pikachu Megumi Hayashibara as Musashi Shinichiro Miki as Kojiro Inuko Inuyama as Nyarth Unshō Ishizuka as Narrator Kunihiko Yuyama, who has directed many of the earlier Pokémon films, including last year's Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! , is returning as animation supervisor. Eiji Umehara (Grimoire of Zero, Beelzebub scriptwriter) and Aya Takaha are writingside grooving to achieve sufficient transverse tensile stress such that a reasonably flat fracture surface can be obtained. This invention improves upon the method of U.S. Pat. No. 4,567,774 by teaching the modifying of the stress field during the testing with the miniature specimen. This modifying of the stress field can be done mechanically, or by using a force field such as a magnetic field in order to produce stresses in preferred orientations in the material, or by causing a change in the stress field conditions by the means of the removal of material on the sides of the specimen. Since plane strain need not be achieved in fracture mode transition behavior testing, side notching of the specimen is the preferred approach since this is experimentally less complicated. The
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
two sides opposite to the notch to provide overlapping stress fields that include transverse stress components. Current test procedures require a minimum specimen thickness which cannot be satisfied in many cases. This serves to preclude use of miniature specimens. The advantage of the present invention is that specimens which are much smaller than those currently in use can be accurately tested. This enables testing of materials removed from in-service components in cases where it is not possible to remove enough material to meet current ASTM test requirements. The invention can also be used to provide additional nuclear pressure vessel surveillance data by cutting miniature specimens from the broken halves of full size charpy specimens. Another advantage of the method of the invention is that the method allows the modifyingComparing outcome scales for unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A prospective cohort study. Outcomes on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) are commonly used to guide and evaluate the management of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (uIA). However, the mRS is unlikely to measure all the relevant aspects of the clinical health of a patient. The current study therefore investigated the relationship between the mRS and additional measures of outcome. Between January 2011 and January 2016 patients with a new diagnosis of uIA were prospectively examined at referral and 12-month follow-up. Assessment included the Physical and Mental Component Scores of the Short Form 36 (SF-36), the computerized driver screening instrument DriveSafe (DS), and the mRS. Minimally Important Change (MIC) for each outcome measure was used to identify adverse outcomes for individual patients. A total
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
I thought should be common knowledge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently stressed that people should not kiss chickens. Yes, you read that correctly. The CDC says that salmonella can be spread to humans through direct and indirect contact with an animal, in this case particularly chickens. I love animals, but we all have our place on this earth, and I’ve never been one to have one in my face, unless it is being put there on the end of a fork. Even without a CDC warning I have always shied away from, even cringed at, kissing a pig or allowing a dog to lick may face. I grew up with farm dogs, and having seen what they eat, I am satisfied with a simple handshake whenI greet them. I raised pigs on outside lots and in confinement, and I’m sorry but I’m not kissing either end of a pig. Maybe I need to learn more about the cleanliness of a pig’s snout or a dog’s mouth. Nah, I plead ignorance in this case, and I’m comfortable staying that way.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
offering, touches on the personal, yet relatable, theme that surrounds the universal struggle of surviving mental health issues. Papa Roach teased fans late last year with the viral release of “Crooked Teeth”(LISTEN HERE), which is nearing 2M streams on Spotify. Featuring one of the album’s more unorthodox moments—the 808 bass drop into a metal breakdown, “Crooked Teeth” hit the online community, exciting fans all over the world who are expecting an album as dynamic as their classics INFEST and Getting Away with Murder. Papa Roach will be heading out on a Canadian tour with Sum 41 during April, followed by a handful of US festival dates. More dates will be announced soon via their website: 360-degree design is actually open all around, so the spark travels directly toward the air-fuel mix which boosts the burn. The end result is a faster flame kernel, a more complete combustion, extra performance capability and higher fuel consumption on your Dodge Ram 2500 Van 5.2L V8 with all engine serial nr.. All around the best designed plug for Dodge Ram 2500 Van 5.2L V8 with all engine serial nr. enthusiasts looking for a replacement spark plug; the latest technology used in our racing spark plug allows for increased fuel economy by as much as 5% by ensuring reliable combustion events all while delivering smooth engine operation, extra performance and driving characteristics over other spark plug electrode designs. Fact is, engines need a fully energized spark for a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
1 sparkplug but thinks he can do anything productive by coping with his own car repair? True enough plugs are highly priced but their worth the bucks. Free shipping made me connive the markup. little pep in low and mid range Plugs were delivered before I expected them to have and they went in easily and fit as it should. My car averages better and I saw a little pep in low and mid range, I don’t have heavy leg on the gas, so I cannot comment on high rev performance. Overall my 520i is more nimble with the premium plugs in. Yes, I’ll recommend this product. plugs improved my fuel mileage 360-deg performance plugs improved my fuel mileage moderately but I expected more. I live around a lot of steep hillsthe Ram 2500 Van 5.2L V8 with all engine serial nr., for some Car Truck SUV buyers it just isn't very practical. However, Dodge offers other great Car Truck SUV that provides a ton of utility with a healthy serving of low range power. When it comes down to making your Ram 2500 Van 5.2L V8 with all engine serial nr. competitive to even the newest Dodge models, magnum comes in picture. Providing you with tons of options to customize, style and upgrade your bone stock Car Truck SUV to your liking is our primary goal. Take a look around and place your order today for a reliable magnum performance spark plug. Not quite sure which option best fits your goals? Want to know more about working theory
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
national guidelines in Croatia for diagnosis and management of GDM are based on the recommendation of the International Association of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) and are in use since 2011 \[[@B10]\]. The same criteria for GDM diagnosis have been used worldwide ever since publication of the HAPO study in 2008 \[[@B11]\], culminating with publication of new WHO guidelines for diagnosis of GDM in 2013 \[[@B12]\]. Before that period, Croatian national guidelines for GDM diagnosis and management were using the 1999 WHO criteria \[[@B13]\]. Those two guidelines have not been compared regarding their efficacy, but a recently published report estimated that new criteria will increase two- to threefold the number of women diagnosed with GDM during pregnancy, with unclear benefits \[[@B14]\]. In order to assess the currentnewborns of women with GDM compared to newborns of women without GDM in 2010 but not in 2014. BMI before pregnancy was a significant predictor of low Apgar score in both years (*p* \< 0.001 in 2010 and *p* = 0.001 in 2014) while maternal age was not (*p* = 0.419 in 2010 and *p* = 0.337 in 2014). Children of women with higher BMI had a significantly higher chance to have low Apgar score compared to children of women with lower BMI in both years. By rise of BMI of 1 kg/m^2^ the chance of having low Apgar score increased for 1.5--6%. The chance of low Apgar score did not differ among women in different age groups in neither year. There was no difference concerning number of newborns
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
lowest forecast value of QNH for an altimeter setting region is called the "Regional Pressure Setting" and may be used to ensure safe terrain separation when cruising at lower altitudes. In some parts of the world a similar procedure is adopted and this is known as "Regional QNH" however this name has been modified to the above in the UK to avoid ambiguity. int left=x - imgWidth /2; int right=x + imgWidth / 2; Rect rect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); final Rect rect1 = new Rect(x - imgWidth /2 , y - imgWidth / 2 , bitmap.getWidth() , bitmap.getHeight()); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, rect, null); } the Arc is made according to the size of items The Result is shown like that But I want the image bitmap shown on top like that of rect. Red also want to large size of images or bitmap A: Solved by Specific Tab and Big Screen Tablets Change the X and Y coordination According to Angle if(tempAngle==0) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
obvious even when it's a chart. Gold followed it's normal trajectory after a crisis or event of that magnitude. There was no manipulation, it was an historical norm, you are one clueless idiot. 9/11 had very little to do with gold's trajectory. It slowly went up about $25/yr after 9/11. It was around 2006 when more and more savvy investors began to see the upcoming financial crisis that accelerated the rise in gold. It was becoming clear that quantitative easing was inevitable, that government would have to pick winners and losers, that the debt ceiling would have to rise higher and more frequently, etc. Our economic model is flawed. The markets will crash if they pull back on QE, but that can't go on forever. The debt will onlydecline through inflation or default, and both make gold more expensive. 9/11 had very little to do with gold's trajectory. It slowly went up about $25/yr after 9/11. It was around 2006 when more and more savvy investors began to see the upcoming financial crisis that accelerated the rise in gold. It was becoming clear that quantitative easing was inevitable, that government would have to pick winners and losers, that the debt ceiling would have to rise higher and more frequently, etc. Our economic model is flawed. The markets will crash if they pull back on QE, but that can't go on forever. The debt will only decline through inflation or default, and both make gold more expensive. I was talking about 2008 and the financial meltdown. edit. Ok, I see
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the core arc $L$ by a knotted arc $K_0$, we remove a neighborhood $V = S^1\times D^2$ of a small linking circle of $L$ and replace it by the exterior $E(K)$ of the knot $K$ (in such a way as to preserve the homology). Performing this operation in each normal tube $\theta\times[-1,1]\times D^2$, we have replaced $S^1\times V = S^1\times S^1\times D^2$ by $S^1\times E(K)$, in such a way that the boundary of the Seifert surface for $K$ is matched with the boundary of a normal disk $pt\times pt \times \partial D^2\subset S^1\times S^1\times D^2$. This construction is an instance of [*knot surgery*]{} using the torus $T$ given by the product of $c\subset \Sigma$ with the boundary of a (slightly smaller) normal disk. In a remarkable paper [@FSknot], Fintushelnbd(\Sigma) = Z$ and $E \setminus nbd(\Sigma')$, since both sides have nonvanishing $b^+$. We again conclude that $\Psi_Z \neq 0$. However, the adjunction inequality implies that the self-intersection of the surface $\Sigma'$ in the manifold $E$ is bounded above by $2g-2$, hence this argument works only if $\Sigma.\Sigma\geq 2-2g$. To prove (ii) above, we must calculate the twisted Heegaard Floer homology of the boundary $Y = \partial Z = \partial Z_K$ as a module over $R_Y = {\mathbb{Z}}[H^1(Y)]$. This boundary is a circle bundle over $\Sigma$, having degree $-n$ if $\Sigma.\Sigma = n$ (since $Y$ is oriented as the boundary of the complement). The Floer homology of circle bundles of large degree is reasonably straightforward to calculate using techniques due to [[Ozsváth and Szabó]{}]{}; in particular if $n=\Sigma.\Sigma <
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${{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_X$: 1. $[{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{K_+}}] = [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{K_-}}] + [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{K_0}}]$ 2. $[{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{L_+}}] = [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{L_-}}] + [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_{L_0}} \cdot(t^{1/2} - t^{-1/2})^2]$ Here as usual, $K_+$ denotes some one-component knot in a resolution tree for $K$, $K_-$ is the result of changing a positive to a negative crossing in $K_+$, and $K_0$ is the two-component link resulting from resolving the crossing. Likewise $L_+$ and $L_-$ are two-component links differing by a crossing change between strands on different components, and $L_0$ is the knot resulting from resolving the crossing (there is always a resolution tree for $K$ containing only one- and two-component links). The two relations above imply that if we define a formal series $\Theta_K(t)\in {\mathbb{F}}[[t]][t^{-1}]$ by letting $\Theta_K = [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_K}]/[{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X}]$ if $K$ has one component, and$\Theta_L = (t^{1/2} - t^{-1/2})^{-1} [{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X_L}]/[{{\mbox{\normalfont\gothfamily O}}}_{X}]$ if $L$ has two components, then $\Theta_K$ satisfies the same skein relation and normalization as the symmetric Alexander polynomial and the theorem follows (c.f. [@FSknot] or [@FSclay]). Property (1) above follows from the log transform formula given in Corollary \[logtransfcor\]. Indeed, let $c$ denote a smooth unknot linking the relevant crossing of $K_-$, so that $c$ is nullhomologous in the complement of $K\subset S^3$ and such that $K_+$ can be realized as the result of $+1$ Dehn surgery along $c$ (c.f. Figure \[crossingfig\](a)). ![In (a), $+1$-surgery on $c$ yields the knot $K_+$. If the two strands in the picture are on different components of $L_-$, then $s(L_-)$ is given by $0$-surgery on $L_0$ and $U$ in diagram (b). After also performing $0$-surgery
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
are no nontrivial rim tori and the statement follows. We can now give a relative version of the knot surgery formula for 4-manifolds with boundary. \[knotsurgthm\] Suppose $Z$ is a smooth 4-manifold with boundary $Y$, and assume that $T\subset Z$ is an embedded torus with the following properties: - $[T]$ is of infinite order in $H_2(Z;{\mathbb{Z}})$ - $[T]$ lies in $Im(H_2(Y;{\mathbb{Z}})\to H_2(Z;{\mathbb{Z}}))$ Fix a knot $K$ in $S^3$ and let $Z_K$ denote the result of a knot surgery operation applied to $Z$ along $T$. Let ${\mathfrak{s}}$ be a [[ ]{}]{}structure on $Z$ that is trivial in a neighborhood of $T$, i.e., $\langle c_1({\mathfrak{s}}), T\rangle = 0$. Then when $b^+(Z)\geq 1$ the (mod-2) relative [[Ozsváth-Szabó]{} ]{}invariant of $Z$ and $Z_K$ are related by $$\label{relknotsurgform} [\Psi_{Z_K,{\mathfrak{s}}_K}] = [\Delta_K(t) \cdot \Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{s}}}],$$ up toTo use this, note first that the $E_1$-term of the spectral sequence coming from the horizontal filtration of the full complex $CFK^\infty$ is given by $\widehat{HF}(Y,R_Y)\otimes {\mathbb{Z}}[U,U^{-1}] \cong {\mathbb{Z}}[U,U^{-1}]$, since the fully-twisted Floer homology of $Y = \#^{2g}S^1\times S^2$ is $\widehat{HF}(Y;R_Y) \cong {\mathbb{Z}}$, supported in degree $-g$. To expand a bit, the $E_1$ term is calculated by taking the homology of $CFK^\infty$ with respect to the “vertical” differentials, which in each column $\{i = const\}$ has the form $$\label{freeres} 0\to \Lambda^{2g}M\to \Lambda^{2g-1}M\to \cdots\to \Lambda^1M\to \Lambda^0M\to 0$$ (omitting the $U$-powers). Strictly speaking, this complex appears as the $E_1$ term of a “spectral subsequence” (coming from the $j$ filtration) calculating the homology of the column, i.e., the $\Lambda^{g+j}M$ are the homologies of the associated graded complexes in a fixed column, namely
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& \Lambda^0 & &&&&& Z_1 & {\mathbb{Z}}&& \\ \\ &\mbox{(a)}&&&&&&&\mbox{(b)} \end{array}$$ Since the original complex is exact except at the rightmost point, the complex above has vanishing homology except in the lowest degree, where the homology is a copy of $Z_1:=\Lambda^1M/{\mbox{im}}(\Lambda^2M\to \Lambda^1M) \cong \ker(\Lambda^0M\to {\mathbb{Z}})$, where the latter is the map arising when viewing as a free resolution of ${\mathbb{Z}}$. In other words, $Z_1$ is isomorphic to the augmentation ideal $\ker(R_Y\to {\mathbb{Z}})$. Now consider the $d_1$ differential in the spectral sequence, the horizontal differential. Clearly the only possible nontrivial differential maps ${\mathbb{Z}}\to Z_1$ in the row $j = -g+1$. This map is trivial: indeed, there is no nontrivial map of $R_Y$ modules from ${\mathbb{Z}}$ to the augmentation ideal, since the latter is contained in the free module $R_Y$. Since therehomology lies along the line $j=0$) and is equal to the syzygy module $Z_{g-i}$. From the structure of this $E_1$ term, it must be the case that the spectral sequence collapses at the $E_2$ stage: that is, the homology of the $E_1$ (horizontal) differential must equal $H_*(C\{j\geq 0\}) = {{\mathcal T}}_{-g}$. Hence, reading along the row $j =0$, the horizontal differentials give a sequence $$\label{Zseq} 0\lFrom Z_{2g} \lFrom^{\delta_{2g-1}} Z_{2g-1} \lFrom^{\delta_{2g-2}}\cdots\lFrom^{\delta_{2}} Z_2\lFrom^{\delta_1} Z_1 \lFrom^{\delta_0} {\mathbb{Z}}\lFrom 0$$ whose homology is ${\mathbb{Z}}$ for even-indexed terms and 0 for the others. Now consider the calculation of $H_*(C\{i\geq 0 \mbox{ and } j\geq k\})$, where by conjugation symmetry we may assume that $k \leq 0$. After taking the vertical homology, we have a “truncated” version of the complex just considered: for $i\geq g+k$ the homology
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
calculated by similar methods, though the argument that the spectral sequence for $HF^+$ collapses at the $E_2$ stage is slightly more complicated in this case. For the sake of completeness we state the result here, but since we will not need it in the sequel we omit the proof. For any $n\geq 2g-1$, the twisted Floer homology of the circle bundle $Y_n$ of degree $n$ over an orientable surface of genus $g\geq 1$ is given as an $R_Y$ module by $$\label{posdeganswer} HF^+(Y_n,{\mathfrak{s}}_k) \cong K_{g+|k|+1} \oplus {\mathbb{Z}}[U]/U^{r_k} \oplus {{\mathcal T}}_{-g-\tau_{n,k}}$$ for each $k = -g+1,\ldots,g-1$, while if $|k|>g-1$ then $HF^+(Y_n,{\mathfrak{s}}_k) \cong {{\mathcal T}}_{-g-\tau_{n,k}}$. Here $K_\ell$ is the $R_Y$-module given by $$K_\ell = \ker(\delta: Z_{\ell}\to Z_{\ell +1}),$$ and the factor $K_{g+|k|+1}$ above is supported in degree $|k|-1 - \tau_{n,k}$. Also, $r_k = \lfloor\frac{g-|k|}{2}\rfloor$,Floer homology in the relevant degree, this means that $\Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{k}}}$ pairs trivially with every member of $HF^+_{red}(Y_{2-2g},{\mathfrak{k}})$. But according to the fiber sum argument in the proof of Theorem \[nonvanthm\] (c.f. ), there must be an element of $HF^+_{red}(Y_{2-2g},{\mathfrak{k}})$ pairing nontrivially with $\Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{k}}}$. This contradiction implies that $F^-_{W,{\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_\pm}(\Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{k}}}) \neq 0$, i.e., at least one of $\alpha^+ = F^-_{W,{\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_+}(\Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{k}}})$ or $\alpha^- = F^-_{W,{\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_-}(\Psi_{Z,{\mathfrak{k}}})$ is a nonzero element of $HF^-(Y_{2g-1}, {\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_+)$ (resp. $HF^-(Y_{2g-1}, {\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_-)$). By the composition law, the element $\alpha^+$ is exactly the relative invariant for ${\widetilde{Z}}$ in the [[ ]{}]{}structure ${\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}}_+$, and similarly for $\alpha^-$. This proves the theorem, modulo the two points above. The two points deferred in the above proof follow from straightforward but somewhat laborious calculations in cohomology, combined with the structure of the Floer homology of
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symplectic 4-manifold $X$, then the resulting cobordism $S^3\to S^3$ has $d({\mathfrak{k}}) = 1$. Now suppose $\Sigma\subset X$ is a symplectic surface: then the adjunction formula says that $\langle c_1({\mathfrak{k}}), \Sigma\rangle = 2g-2-n$, where $n = \Sigma.\Sigma$ is the self-intersection of $\Sigma$. Let $N$ be a tubular neighborhood of $\Sigma$ in $X$ and ${\mathfrak{k}}_N$ the restriction of the canonical [[ ]{}]{}structure to $N$, so that $c_1({\mathfrak{k}}_N)$ is equal to $2g-2-n$ times the generator of $H^2(N;{\mathbb{Z}})$ (the generator being specified as the Kronecker dual of $[\Sigma]$). As a cohomology class whose restriction to $\partial N$ is torsion, the Chern class of ${\mathfrak{k}}_N$ has a well-defined square in rational cohomology, which is $$c_1^2({\mathfrak{k}}_N) = \frac{(2g-2-n)^2}{n}.$$ Assume that $n<0$, so that $\sigma(N) = -1$. We see $e(N\setminus B^4) = 1-2g$, from which it& \^[2g]{} & & s\_[n-1]{}(Aa) & & s\_[n]{},e& where on the factor ${\mathbb{Z}}\langle s_{n-1},a\rangle$, $C$ is represented in the given bases by the matrix $$C = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 1 \\ -1 & -n\end{array}\right].$$ Passing to cohomology, let us write $s_{n}^*, e^*$ for the basis of $H^2(M;{\mathbb{Z}})$ Kronecker dual to $s_{n},e\in H_2(M;{\mathbb{Z}})$, and similar for the other relevant groups. Since $s_{n}$ and $e$ are represented by symplectic surfaces, the adjunction formula quickly shows that the canonical class ${\widetilde{K}}= c_1({\tilde{{\mathfrak{k}}}})$ is $${\widetilde{K}}= (2g-2-n) s^*_{n} - e^*.$$ Applying the transpose $C^*$ of the homomorphism $C$, we have $$C^*({\widetilde{K}}) = (2g-1-n)s_{n-1}^* \oplus (2g-2)a^* \in H^2(D_{n-1})\oplus H^2(W),$$ and in particular the restriction of the canonical class to $W$ is ${\widetilde{K}}|_W = (2g-2)a^*$. \[restrlemma\] Let $\{{\mathfrak{s}}_k\}$, $k \in {\mathbb{Z}}/(n-1){\mathbb{Z}}$, resp. $\{{\mathfrak{t}}_\ell\}$, $\ell \in {\mathbb{Z}}/n{\mathbb{Z}}$, denote the
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Q: how to check if given variable is a collection of html elements? For example a type of data that getElementsByClassName or getElementsByTagName produces. A: use this code: var result = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (result && == "NodeList"){ // your code here ;) } or this could be more browser safe var result = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (result && getClassName(result) == "htmlcollection"){ // your code here ;) } function getClassName(obj){ return ({})\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase(); } When a salty player complains about being beaten by a lucky top deck or a one-in-eight Ragnaros shot, the insult they tend to throw around is: ‘Ugh, more like RNGstone’. RNG meaning random number generation. The suggestion being that winning at Hearthstone is mostly do with luck, and little to do with skill. (Which doesn’t explain why the best players are able to win much more consistently, of course.) So, given the seeming dislike of RNG, you might expect Blizzard to be steering clear of it with the first standalone card expansion. Instead, they’ve done the exact opposite, and doubled-down on randomness, chaos, and—at least so Blizzard hope—fun. I played four games here today at BlizzCon using new cards that will be included in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "OpenWebText2" ] }
established in the South after President Truman's 1949 order desegregating the United State military services.[citation needed] The need for integrated schools can be seen in the pattern of today's Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS).[citation needed] First administered by the military branches they served, the growing number of schools was soon transferred to civilian managers. Federal schools in the United States meant to serve the children of military and federal personnel were known as "Section 6 schools," and defined in federal directives as, "When a DoD-operated school is established on Federal property to provide a free public education for eligible children or, if not established on such property, the eligible child resides on such property." Overseas schools were often titled, "American Dependent Schools." They were staffed1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to a torque-transmitting, variably-flexible, corrugated insertion device. The invention also relates to a method for transmitting torque and variably flexing a corrugated insertion device. 2. Description of the Related Art Prior art insertion devices of this general type have been quite complicated, cumbersome and difficult to use. Such devices have a relatively large diameter, a limited maximum length, a limited transmission of torque and present obstacles to insertion of instruments.
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test was done for viremia, CK-MB, and one-way repeat measure ANOVA was done with orthogonal contrast (pre-infection vis-à-vis post-infection) using Tukey's *post hoc* test. Data were analyzed by GraphPad Prism 6.0. The value of p=0.05 or less was considered statistically significant. Results {#sec1-3} ======= The onset of pyrexia (\>103° F) on day 2 and foot lesions on day 3 indicates that the animals were infected with FMDV (O/R2/75). Pyrexia and lesions reached peak values on days 3 and 5 post-infection, whereas remission was observed on day 5 and 21-day post-infection, respectively ([Figure-1a](#F1){ref-type="fig"} and [b](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). ![Progress of clinical signs in calves experimentally infected with the foot-and-mouth disease virus. (a) Rectal temperature (mean±standard error of the mean \[SEM\]) during the course of acute foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection. The elevated temperature was observed onchanges have been reported in different species of animals \[[@ref10]-[@ref12]\], studies on time-dependent changes during the course of infection including the acute phase of the disease are not available. We also preferred to induce experimental infection as it is difficult to get different breeds of animals with similar age following natural infection in a specific geographical region. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the clinical, serum biochemical, and hematological responses during the course of experimental FMDV infection in Malnad Gidda, Hallikar (another Indian native breed), and Holstein Friesian crossbred calves. The onset of pyrexia started by day 1 in all the breeds, while peak pyrexia was observed on day 2 in Malnad Gidda and day 3 in Hallikar and crossbred HF. Peak lesions appeared on 5^th^ day in all breeds
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
while the healing of wound was early by 21 days post-infection in Malnad Gidda and Hallikar and 28 days in crossbred HF indicating Indian native breeds have better healing ability from infections. The serum biochemistry showed no significant change in total protein, albumin, and A: G ratio. This is in contrast to a significant decrease in serum total proteins observed after natural infection in the previous studies \[[@ref11]-[@ref13]\]. Furthermore, liver function was not affected as evidenced by unaltered AST, ALT, and GGT levels. However, normocreatinemia with increased BUN on days 3-7 was observed, which could be due to pre-renal azotemia caused by anorexia and dehydration, fever, increased catabolism, and tissue damage \[[@ref14]\]. Since the thyroid gland is one of the predilection sites of FMDV where viral replication and persistencethe Director, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar, for financial support and facilitating this work. We acknowledge the Science and Engineering Research Board of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Project\# EMR/2017/005231), for part of the financial support. Technical help provided by Dr. Shanmuganathan, Dr. Manikandan, and Dr. Ranjitha is sincerely appreciated. Competing Interests {#sec1-7} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Publisher's Note {#sec1-8} ================ Veterinary World remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published institutional affiliation.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Q: Practicing 2D Arrays I'm writing a script that will generate a square room within a larger map. The code looks like this: var mapSize = 10; var map = []; for (var x = 0; x < mapSize; x++) { map[x] = []; for (var y = 0; y < mapSize; y++) { map[x][y] = 0 }; }; //Make square room within map var roomSize = 3; var roomType = "Kitchen" var paintRoom = function(mapX, mapY) { for (var j = 0; j < roomSize; j++) { map[mapX + j][mapY] = roomType; map[mapX][mapY + j] = roomType; Free Templates FREE Certificate Templates FREE CERTIFICATE TEMPLATES Super High Resolution, Ready to Print, And Best of All Completely Free Download the complete mega-pack containing 20 templates in just a matter of seconds. In this free certificate template mega-pack, you’ll get: 20 completely different certificate templates Full layered PSD (photoshop) files for easy customization Simply input your text and away you go Valued at $40 a template (so for twenty that’s about $800 in graphics design work!) Also available to download in PNG or JPG format This free certificate template mega-pack contains 20 detailed, high resolution, ready to use professional certificate templates. You can move items, edit text, and customize everything. To have these created by a graphics designer (like the one we used) will cost you about $40 per certificate. You are getting all 20 of our templates for
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} public static CodegenExpression codegen(ExprCaseNodeForge forge, CodegenMethodScope codegenMethodScope, ExprForgeCodegenSymbol exprSymbol, CodegenClassScope codegenClassScope) { EPTypeClass evaluationType = forge.getEvaluationType() == null ? EPTypePremade.MAP.getEPType() : forge.getEvaluationType(); EPTypeClass compareType = (EPTypeClass) forge.getOptionalCompareExprNode().getForge().getEvaluationType(); CodegenMethod methodNode = codegenMethodScope.makeChild(evaluationType, ExprCaseNodeForgeEvalSyntax2.class, codegenClassScope); EPTypeClass checkResultType = compareType == null ? EPTypePremade.OBJECT.getEPType() : compareType; CodegenBlock block = methodNode.getBlock() .declareVar(checkResultType, "checkResult", forge.getOptionalCompareExprNode().getForge().evaluateCodegen(checkResultType, methodNode, exprSymbol, codegenClassScope)); int num = 0; for[Overlap syndrome of systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis presented a large demyelinating subcortical lesion mimicking brain tumor and high level of CSF antineuronal and serum anti-ribosomal P antibodies]. We reported a 50-year-old man with an overlap syndrome of dermatomyositis and SLE, whose magnetic resonance image of the brain showed a rapidly increasing large tumor-like focal lesion unequally enhanced by Gd-DTPA in the left frontal lobe. Its pathological finding by the brain biopsy was fibrinoid necrosis, inflammatory cell aggregation around blood vessels and many myelin-laden macrophages with central necrosis. Although many cases of blood vessel injury are reported in CNS lupus, in this case the brain lesion partly took reversible course and neural symptoms such as paresis were slight and the lesion well responded to steroid. Moreover we considered that
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Mr Watt were at various times registered treasurers of the Labour Party and therefore responsible for taking reasonable steps to check the identity of donors. The "primary evidence" for a prosecution were the Labour Party finance reports signed by the three men which wrongly identified the donors as someone other than Mr Abrahams, the CPS said. But "inconsistencies" in the evidence against the men meant it would not have been possible to prove they knew where the money came from. Repayment The evidence file was first passed to the CPS in June last year, but police were then asked to carry out additional inquiries. In a statement, Stephen O'Doherty, reviewing lawyer from the CPS Special Crime Division, said: "After taking advice from counsel and discussing the difficulties with the police I concluded thatQ: What's the meaning of the `...` parameter in a C function parameter list Possible Duplicate: C/C++: Passing variable number of arguments around According to the function declaration manner return-type function-name(parameter-list, ...) {body ...} Is the following code a kind of overloading? (in A_FILE.h) typedef VOID *FUNCTION(UINTN Number, ...); It seems that I could just pass one Number parameter, or more parameters into the FUNCTION function, so does the number of parameters depends on the function implementation? A: The ellipsis within a function declaration means that it will accept a number of arguments otherwise, variable parameters that are unknown at run-time, which by using the standard header file stdarg.h, the respective functions in that header file 'stdarg.h' can determine what each of the variable parameters are that makes up the argument passing into a function. Consider this
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
candidate Ross Perot, says that if the Republicans unite around another candidate as its nominee, “then none of the machinations of the campaign will matter. All the primary opponents will be forgotten and inconsequential to the general election.’’ Take 2008, he says. Hillary Clinton, the unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination, was not a factor in November. Four years later, one-time GOP primary polling leaders such as Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and Michele Bachmann had no impact on Mitt Romney’s race against Barack Obama. Russo says that even the big question – will Trump voters stick around if Trump leaves the race? – depends heavily on whom the GOP does nominate. If Trump crashes — which has seemed imminent for months now — he may be remembered only as a cautionaryin position by means of a support 21 interposed between the carriage and the capstan rest. A given tool 24 is placed on the capstan rest by a bite holder 23, and the tool 24 such as a bite, etc., is ordinarily positioned in such a manner that a cutting surface of the tool 24 is aligned with the plane of the center of the main spindle. Accordingly, when any given instruction for tool position is issued to the motor 16, it becomes possible to travel the tool 24 to a desired position in connection with the center 0 of the main spindle. However, in accordance with the above-described conventional numerical controlled lathe, when a mass production is carried out for workpieces having a simple shape or a non-circular machining
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
data up to Super Smash Con 2017. Table of contents 1A: Methodology 2A: Super Smash Bros 3A: Super Smash Bros. Melee 4A: Super Smash Bros. Brawl 5A: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U 6A: Project M 1B: Conclusion 2B: Sources 1A: METHODOLOGY I mainly took from ssbwiki for national results and limited my research to (mostly) national-level tournaments. The Smash 4 data compiling took an actual work schedule to finish, and that was for a year’s period. For the other games, I would be using bigger tournaments throughout multiple years. The basic methodology is shared from my Smash 4 database. I split tournaments into different “categories” depending on skill pools. These skill pools determine the number of players used, which determines the sliding scoring scale: Category 5 – Top 64 used. 1st = 16 points, 49th = 5 points. Category 4 –nor Armada meets Leffen or Hungrybox in bracket, where his Fox becomes a necessity, but it still demonstrates that Melee has a solid amount of diversity in playstyle and even its limited roster in spite of Fox’s common nature. This is mostly to emphasize that Melee sees a good amount of character playstyles and appearances despite the character numbers being similar to a game like Brawl, where a very limited cast had a stranglehold over the game. That aspect goes back to roster size. Meta Knight carries the same numbers despite the roster size increase, meaning he has the most definitive control over any character in their respective game. Even if he wasn’t winning every event, players would almost always have him in their pocket if need-be, and a massive
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
In the past, a tankwagon driver delivering to a list of customers would be provided with load tickets identifying the load number, the truck, the driver, the storage facility, the quantity and type/blend of product to be loaded into each truck compartment, the list of customer locations to which deliveries should be made, the location and description of each customer tank or tank inlet pipe, and the quantity and type/blend of petroleum product to be delivered into each customer tank. Retail petroleum stations usually use coded color markings painted on the cover of each underground storage tank. The markings are known by the transporter, to indicate the fuel type/blend to be put into each corresponding storage tank. The markings vary in color and shape, and may include, for example,retail outlets of the same franchisor or ownership. For example, since each driver is given several load tickets for delivery on each shift, it is possible that the driver will load the truck for the driver's second load of the day, as an example, and erroneously drive to the day's third retailer location. Although everything looks all right (in fact, it may look nearly identical to the intended location, including customer tank color-coding and numbering), the truck compartment assignments and corresponding retailer tank assignments are most likely to be wrong. In this case, the driver is likely to both create a product mix and be stopped from fully emptying the truck compartments. Customers that are wholesalers or end-users will more often have above-ground tanks that are not marked as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
; RUN: opt -objc-arc-contract -S < %s | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64" declare i8* @objc_retain(i8*) declare void @objc_release(i8*) declare i8* @objc_autorelease(i8*) declare i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8*) declare i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8*) declare void @use_pointer(i8*) declare i8* @returner() declare void @callee() ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test0( ; CHECK: call void @use_pointer(i8* %0) ; CHECK: } define void @test0(i8* %x) nounwind { entry: %0 = call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %x) nounwind call void @use_pointer(i8* %x) ret void } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1( ; CHECK: call void @use_pointer(i8* %0) ; CHECK: } define void @test1(i8* %x) nounwind { entry: %0 = call i8* @objc_autorelease(i8* %x) nounwind call void @use_pointer(i8* %x) ret void } ; Merge objc_retain and objc_autorelease into objc_retainAutorelease. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2( ; CHECK: tail call i8* @objc_retainAutorelease(i8* %x) [[NUW:#[0-9]+]] ; CHECK: } define void @test2(i8* %x) nounwind { entry: %0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %x) nounwind callthe most part, data across all EU member states. Significant progress has also recently been made on the thorny issue of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, with the Council of Ministers recently agreeing on a set of far reaching reforms here. The reforms will legally oblige video-on-demand providers to reserve 30%, of their commissioning budget for European works, to create a level playing field for traditional video broadcasters, as well as oblige companies like Twitter and Google to counter hate speech, speech that incentivises terrorism and speech that harms minors, by creating flagging mechanisms to facilitate better take down notification systems. Agreement has also been reached in the Commission on new rules pertaining to the cross-portability of content, so that from 2018 EU citizens will be able to access material
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }