stringlengths 39
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stringlengths 11
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float32 58.5
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float32 0.13
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float64 18.1
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float64 1.25
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wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000200.wav | 3.919 | Armand felt a total stranger in his own native city. | 74.541809 | 45.515976 | 44.854851 | 56.672318 | 15.019628 | ɑɹmʌnd fɛlt ʌ toʊtʌl stɹeɪndʒɜ˞ ɪn hɪz oʊn neɪtɪv sɪti. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000201.wav | 12.48 | Whether in this wrangle he risked the life of the child King or not mattered to him not at all. It was de Batz who was to get the reward, and whose welfare and prosperity mattered more than the most precious life in Europe. | 82.843391 | 42.394554 | 43.502483 | 59.081894 | 17.337862 | wɛðɜ˞ ɪn ðɪs ɹæŋɡʌl hi ɹɪskt ðʌ laɪf ʌv ðʌ tʃaɪld kɪŋ ɔɹ nɑt mætɜ˞d tu hɪm nɑt æt ɔl. ɪt wɑz di bæts hu wɑz tu ɡɛt ðʌ ɹɪwɔɹd, ʌnd huz wɛlfɛɹ ʌnd pɹɑspɛɹʌti mætɜ˞d mɔɹ ðæn ðʌ moʊst pɹɛʃʌs laɪf ɪn jʊɹʌp. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000202.wav | 16.439 | WIDELY DIVERGENT AIMS This was Armand S. Just's first visit to Paris since that memorable day when first he decided to sever his connection from the Republican party, of which he and his beautiful sister Marguerite had at one time been amongst the most noble, most enthusiastic followers. | 74.182594 | 40.059402 | 45.463558 | 56.512871 | 19.052462 | waɪdli daɪvɜ˞dʒʌnt eɪmz ðɪs wɑz ɑɹmʌnd ɛs. dʒʌst'ɛs fɜ˞st vɪzɪt tu pɛɹɪs sɪns ðæt mɛmɜ˞ʌbʌl deɪ wɛn fɜ˞st hi dɪsaɪdɪd tu sɛvɜ˞ hɪz kʌnɛkʃʌn fɹʌm ðʌ ɹɪpʌblɪkʌn pɑɹti, ʌv wɪtʃ hi ʌnd hɪz bjutʌfʌl sɪstɜ˞ mɑɹɡɜ˞it hæd æt wʌn taɪm bɪn ʌmʌŋst ðʌ moʊst noʊbʌl, moʊst ɪnθuziæstɪk fɑloʊɜ˞z. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000203.wav | 16.159 | Therefore, when the curtain rose at last on the first act of Moliere's witty comedy, St. Just turned deliberately towards the stage and tried to interest himself in the wordy quarrel between Philinte and Alceste. But this attitude on the part of the younger man did not seem to suit his newly found friend. | 79.420761 | 53.051342 | 40.769802 | 58.560654 | 16.98474 | ðɛɹfɔɹ, wɛn ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn ɹoʊz æt læst ɑn ðʌ fɜ˞st ækt ʌv moʊljɛɹ'ɛs wɪti kɑmʌdi, stɹit. dʒʌst tɜ˞nd dɪlɪbɜ˞ʌtli tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ steɪdʒ ʌnd tɹaɪd tu ɪntɹʌst hɪmsɛlf ɪn ðʌ wɜ˞di kwɔɹʌl bɪtwin ʌnd . bʌt ðɪs ætʌtud ɑn ðʌ pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ jʌŋɡɜ˞ mæn dɪd nɑt sim tu sut hɪz nuli faʊnd fɹɛnd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000204.wav | 29.599 | An air of grim loneliness seemed to hang over her despite the crowds that thronged her streets; the men whom he was wont to meet in public places fifteen months ago friends and political allies were no longer to be seen; strange faces surrounded him on every side sullen, glowering faces, all wearing a certain air of horrified surprise and of vague, terrified wonder, as if life had become one awful puzzle, the answer to which must be found in the brief interval between the swift passages of death. | 78.102257 | 44.00037 | 42.620438 | 55.126904 | 16.243479 | æn ɛɹ ʌv ɡɹɪm loʊnlinʌs simd tu hæŋ oʊvɜ˞ hɜ˞ dɪspaɪt ðʌ kɹaʊdz ðæt θɹɔŋd hɜ˞ stɹits; ðʌ mɛn hum hi wɑz woʊnt tu mit ɪn pʌblɪk pleɪsʌz fɪftin mʌnθs ʌɡoʊ fɹɛndz ʌnd pʌlɪtʌkʌl ælaɪz wɜ˞ noʊ lɔŋɡɜ˞ tu bi sin; stɹeɪndʒ feɪsʌz sɜ˞aʊndɪd hɪm ɑn ɛvɜ˞i saɪd sʌlʌn, ɡlaʊɜ˞ɪŋ feɪsʌz, ɔl wɛɹɪŋ ʌ sɜ˞tʌn ɛɹ ʌv hɔɹʌfaɪd sɜ˞pɹaɪz ʌnd ʌv veɪɡ, tɛɹʌfaɪd wʌndɜ˞, æz ɪf laɪf hæd bɪkʌm wʌn ɑfʌl pʌzʌl, ðʌ ænsɜ˞ tu wɪtʃ mʌst bi faʊnd ɪn ðʌ bɹif ɪntɜ˞vʌl bɪtwin ðʌ swɪft pæsʌdʒʌz ʌv dɛθ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000205.wav | 17.359 | "Yet you work with foreign money!" "That is another matter. I cannot get money in France, so I get it where I can; but I can arrange for the escape of Louis XVII from the Temple Prison, and to us Royalists of France should belong the honour and glory of having saved our King." | 96.431648 | 65.254272 | 44.275368 | 49.412308 | 14.845235 | "jɛt ju wɜ˞k wɪð fɔɹʌn mʌni!" "ðæt ɪz ʌnʌðɜ˞ mætɜ˞. aɪ kænɑt ɡɛt mʌni ɪn fɹæns, soʊ aɪ ɡɛt ɪt wɛɹ aɪ kæn; bʌt aɪ kæn ɜ˞eɪndʒ fɔɹ ðʌ ɪskeɪp ʌv luɪs fɹʌm ðʌ tɛmpʌl pɹɪzʌn, ʌnd tu ʌs ʌv fɹæns ʃʊd bɪlɔŋ ðʌ ɑnɜ˞ ʌnd ɡlɔɹi ʌv hævɪŋ seɪvd aʊɜ˞ kɪŋ." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000206.wav | 12.879 | Instinctively he seemed to be searching for a familiar face, some one who would come to him out of that merry past which he had spent with Marguerite in their pretty apartment in the Rue St. Honore. For an hour he wandered thus and met no one whom he knew. | 94.974136 | 61.252075 | 42.150536 | 58.487366 | 18.018543 | ɪnstɪŋktɪvli hi simd tu bi sɜ˞tʃɪŋ fɔɹ ʌ fʌmɪljɜ˞ feɪs, sʌm wʌn hu wʊd kʌm tu hɪm aʊt ʌv ðæt mɛɹi pæst wɪtʃ hi hæd spɛnt wɪð mɑɹɡɜ˞it ɪn ðɛɹ pɹɪti ʌpɑɹtmʌnt ɪn ðʌ ɹu stɹit. ɑnɜ˞. fɔɹ æn aʊɜ˞ hi wɑndɜ˞d ðʌs ʌnd mɛt noʊ wʌn hum hi nu. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000207.wav | 16.44 | "The Scarlet Pimpernel," he said, "cares naught for your political aims. The work of mercy that he does, he does for justice and for humanity." "And for sport," said de Batz with a sneer, "so I've been told." "He is English," assented St. Just, "and as such will never own to sentiment. | 78.301338 | 39.720425 | 42.174568 | 57.636086 | 15.818693 | "ðʌ skɑɹlʌt ," hi sɛd, "kɛɹz nɔt fɔɹ jɔɹ pʌlɪtʌkʌl eɪmz. ðʌ wɜ˞k ʌv mɜ˞si ðæt hi dʌz, hi dʌz fɔɹ dʒʌstʌs ʌnd fɔɹ hjumænɪti." "ʌnd fɔɹ spɔɹt," sɛd di bæts wɪð ʌ snɪɹ, "soʊ aɪ'vi bɪn toʊld." "hi ɪz ɪŋɡlɪʃ," stɹit. dʒʌst, "ʌnd æz sʌtʃ wɪl nɛvɜ˞ oʊn tu sɛntʌmʌnt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000208.wav | 6.239 | At last, in the beginning of '94 he persuaded Blakeney to allow him to join the next expedition to France. | 71.769196 | 39.294353 | 42.641941 | 57.670998 | 16.05942 | æt læst, ɪn ðʌ bɪɡɪnɪŋ ʌv ' hi pɜ˞sweɪdɪd bleɪkni tu ʌlaʊ hɪm tu dʒɔɪn ðʌ nɛkst ɛkspʌdɪʃʌn tu fɹæns. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000209.wav | 8.64 | "At one time he was in love with my sister. I thank God that she never cared for him." "They say that he herds with the wolves because of this disappointment," said de Batz. | 99.618614 | 63.210865 | 36.99115 | 56.210297 | 20.090026 | "æt wʌn taɪm hi wɑz ɪn lʌv wɪð maɪ sɪstɜ˞. aɪ θæŋk ɡɑd ðæt ʃi nɛvɜ˞ kɛɹd fɔɹ hɪm." "ðeɪ seɪ ðæt hi hɜ˞dz wɪð ðʌ wʊlvz bɪkɔz ʌv ðɪs dɪsʌpɔɪntmʌnt," sɛd di bæts. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000210.wav | 3 | The circumstances had become very different of late. | 90.833496 | 85.203781 | 46.219746 | 42.616081 | 17.387447 | ðʌ sɜ˞kʌmstænsʌz hæd bɪkʌm vɛɹi dɪfɜ˞ʌnt ʌv leɪt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000211.wav | 28.56 | His vapourings had always been amusing, but Armand now gave him credit for more seriousness of purpose; and though the chief had warned him against picking up acquaintances in Paris, the young man felt that that restriction would certainly not apply to a man like de Batz, whose hot partisanship of the Royalist cause and hare brained schemes for its restoration must make him at one with the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Armand accepted the other's cordial invitation. He, too, felt that he would indeed be safer from observation in a crowded theatre than in the streets. | 93.7789 | 60.356228 | 37.470501 | 53.808968 | 17.961637 | hɪz hæd ɔlweɪz bɪn ʌmjuzɪŋ, bʌt ɑɹmʌnd naʊ ɡeɪv hɪm kɹɛdʌt fɔɹ mɔɹ sɪɹiʌsnʌs ʌv pɜ˞pʌs; ʌnd ðoʊ ðʌ tʃif hæd wɔɹnd hɪm ʌɡɛnst pɪkɪŋ ʌp ʌkweɪntʌnsɪz ɪn pɛɹɪs, ðʌ jʌŋ mæn fɛlt ðæt ðæt ɹistɹɪkʃʌn wʊd sɜ˞tʌnli nɑt ʌplaɪ tu ʌ mæn laɪk di bæts, huz hɑt pɑɹtʌzʌnʃɪp ʌv ðʌ ɹɔɪʌlɪst kɑz ʌnd hɛɹ bɹeɪnd skimz fɔɹ ɪts ɹɛstɜ˞eɪʃʌn mʌst meɪk hɪm æt wʌn wɪð ðʌ liɡ ʌv ðʌ skɑɹlʌt . ɑɹmʌnd æksɛptɪd ðʌ ʌðɜ˞'ɛs kɔɹdʒʌl ɪnvɪteɪʃʌn. hi, tu, fɛlt ðæt hi wʊd ɪndid bi seɪfɜ˞ fɹʌm ɑbzɜ˞veɪʃʌn ɪn ʌ kɹaʊdʌd θiʌtɜ˞ ðæn ɪn ðʌ stɹits. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000212.wav | 26.24 | The circumstances had become very different of late. At first the impenetrable mystery which had surrounded the personality of the chief had been a full measure of safety, but now one tiny corner of that veil of mystery had been lifted by two rough pairs of hands at least; Chauvelin, ex ambassador at the English Court, was no longer in any doubt as to the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel, whilst Collot d'Herbois had seen him at Boulogne, and had there been effectually foiled by him. | 80.482941 | 51.738926 | 44.524475 | 54.777233 | 15.861357 | ðʌ sɜ˞kʌmstænsʌz hæd bɪkʌm vɛɹi dɪfɜ˞ʌnt ʌv leɪt. æt fɜ˞st ðʌ ɪmpɛnʌtɹʌbʌl mɪstɜ˞i wɪtʃ hæd sɜ˞aʊndɪd ðʌ pɜ˞sʌnælɪti ʌv ðʌ tʃif hæd bɪn ʌ fʊl mɛʒɜ˞ ʌv seɪfti, bʌt naʊ wʌn taɪni kɔɹnɜ˞ ʌv ðæt veɪl ʌv mɪstɜ˞i hæd bɪn lɪftʌd baɪ tu ɹʌf pɛɹz ʌv hændz æt list; , ɛks æmbæsʌdɜ˞ æt ðʌ ɪŋɡlɪʃ kɔɹt, wɑz noʊ lɔŋɡɜ˞ ɪn ɛni daʊt æz tu ðʌ aɪdɛntɪti ʌv ðʌ skɑɹlʌt , waɪlst di' hæd sin hɪm æt , ʌnd hæd ðɛɹ bɪn fɔɪld baɪ hɪm. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000213.wav | 25.719 | Then at the first movement of St. Just towards him he was ready in an instant to re open the subject under discussion. With a quick nod of his head he called his young friend's attention back to the men in the auditorium. "Your good cousin Antoine St. Just is hand and glove with Robespierre now," he said. "When you left Paris more than a year ago you could afford to despise him as an empty headed windbag; now, if you desire to remain in France, you will have to fear him as a power and a menace." | 92.717522 | 56.036522 | 37.606831 | 57.655029 | 17.536697 | ðɛn æt ðʌ fɜ˞st muvmʌnt ʌv stɹit. dʒʌst tʌwɔɹdz hɪm hi wɑz ɹɛdi ɪn æn ɪnstʌnt tu ɹeɪ oʊpʌn ðʌ sʌbdʒɛkt ʌndɜ˞ dɪskʌʃʌn. wɪð ʌ kwɪk nɑd ʌv hɪz hɛd hi kɔld hɪz jʌŋ fɹɛnd'ɛs ʌtɛnʃʌn bæk tu ðʌ mɛn ɪn ðʌ ɔdʌtɔɹiʌm. "jɔɹ ɡʊd kʌzʌn ɑntwɑn stɹit. dʒʌst ɪz hænd ʌnd ɡlʌv wɪð naʊ," hi sɛd. "wɛn ju lɛft pɛɹɪs mɔɹ ðæn ʌ jɪɹ ʌɡoʊ ju kʊd ʌfɔɹd tu dɪspaɪz hɪm æz æn ɛmpti hɛdʌd ; naʊ, ɪf ju dɪzaɪɜ˞ tu ɹɪmeɪn ɪn fɹæns, ju wɪl hæv tu fɪɹ hɪm æz ʌ paʊɜ˞ ʌnd ʌ mɛnʌs." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000214.wav | 23.359 | The voice, of a smooth, oily timbre, as if the owner kept it well greased for purposes of amiable speech, was like an echo of the past, when jolly, irresponsible Baron de Batz, erst while officer of the Guard in the service of the late King, and since then known to be the most inveterate conspirator for the restoration of the monarchy, used to amuse Marguerite by his vapid, senseless plans for the overthrow of the newly risen power of the people. | 101.072144 | 61.948822 | 35.739265 | 55.736515 | 18.165785 | ðʌ vɔɪs, ʌv ʌ smuð, ɔɪli tɪmbɜ˞, æz ɪf ðʌ oʊnɜ˞ kɛpt ɪt wɛl ɡɹist fɔɹ pɜ˞pʌsʌz ʌv eɪmiʌbʌl spitʃ, wɑz laɪk æn ɛkoʊ ʌv ðʌ pæst, wɛn dʒɑli, ɪɹʌspɑnsʌbʌl bæɹʌn di bæts, waɪl ɔfʌsɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ ɡɑɹd ɪn ðʌ sɜ˞vʌs ʌv ðʌ leɪt kɪŋ, ʌnd sɪns ðɛn noʊn tu bi ðʌ moʊst ɪnvɛtɜ˞ʌt kʌnspɪɹʌtɜ˞ fɔɹ ðʌ ɹɛstɜ˞eɪʃʌn ʌv ðʌ mɑnɑɹki, juzd tu ʌmjuz mɑɹɡɜ˞it baɪ hɪz væpɪd, sɛnslʌs plænz fɔɹ ðʌ oʊvɜ˞θɹoʊ ʌv ðʌ nuli ɹɪzʌn paʊɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ pipʌl. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000215.wav | 23.839 | Armand's secession from his party into the ranks of the emigres had singled him out for special reprisals, if and whenever he could be got hold of, and both brother and sister had an unusually bitter enemy in their cousin Antoine St. Just once an aspirant to Marguerite's hand, and now a servile adherent and imitator of Robespierre, whose ferocious cruelty he tried to emulate with a view to ingratiating himself with the most powerful man of the day. | 97.697227 | 52.210148 | 41.605354 | 50.487457 | 18.435259 | ɑɹmʌnd'ɛs sɪsɛʃʌn fɹʌm hɪz pɑɹti ɪntu ðʌ ɹæŋks ʌv ðʌ ɛmʌɡɹeɪz hæd sɪŋɡʌld hɪm aʊt fɔɹ spɛʃʌl ɹɪpɹaɪzʌlz, ɪf ʌnd wɛnɛvɜ˞ hi kʊd bi ɡɑt hoʊld ʌv, ʌnd boʊθ bɹʌðɜ˞ ʌnd sɪstɜ˞ hæd æn ʌnjuʒuʌli bɪtɜ˞ ɛnʌmi ɪn ðɛɹ kʌzʌn ɑntwɑn stɹit. dʒʌst wʌns æn æspɜ˞ʌnt tu mɑɹɡɜ˞it'ɛs hænd, ʌnd naʊ ʌ sɜ˞vʌl ʌdhɪɹʌnt ʌnd ɪmʌteɪtɜ˞ ʌv , huz fɜ˞oʊʃʌs kɹulti hi tɹaɪd tu ɛmjʌleɪt wɪð ʌ vju tu ɪŋɡɹeɪʃieɪtɪŋ hɪmsɛlf wɪð ðʌ moʊst paʊɜ˞fʌl mæn ʌv ðʌ deɪ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000216.wav | 16.239 | Yes! on the whole we might easily say that she was exquisite, even though we did not admit that she was beautiful. Painter David has made a sketch of her; we have all seen it at the Musee Carnavalet, and all wondered why that charming, if irregular, little face made such an impression of sadness. | 97.971428 | 68.907196 | 38.619915 | 52.247761 | 17.5978 | jɛs! ɑn ðʌ hoʊl wi maɪt izʌli seɪ ðæt ʃi wɑz ɛkskwʌzʌt, ivɪn ðoʊ wi dɪd nɑt ʌdmɪt ðæt ʃi wɑz bjutʌfʌl. peɪntɜ˞ deɪvɪd hæz meɪd ʌ skɛtʃ ʌv hɜ˞; wi hæv ɔl sin ɪt æt ðʌ mjuzi , ʌnd ɔl wʌndɜ˞d waɪ ðæt tʃɑɹmɪŋ, ɪf ɪɹɛɡjʌlɜ˞, lɪtʌl feɪs meɪd sʌtʃ æn ɪmpɹɛʃʌn ʌv sædnʌs. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000217.wav | 20.039 | Men had changed with the times. How terribly they had changed! Personal safety had become a fetish with most a goal so difficult to attain that it had to be fought for and striven for, even at the expense of humanity and of self respect. Selfishness the mere, cold blooded insistence for self advancement ruled supreme. | 107.271309 | 57.273857 | 47.212852 | 45.096695 | 15.447927 | mɛn hæd tʃeɪndʒd wɪð ðʌ taɪmz. haʊ tɛɹʌbli ðeɪ hæd tʃeɪndʒd! pɜ˞sɪnʌl seɪfti hæd bɪkʌm ʌ fɛtɪʃ wɪð moʊst ʌ ɡoʊl soʊ dɪfʌkʌlt tu ʌteɪn ðæt ɪt hæd tu bi fɔt fɔɹ ʌnd stɹɪvʌn fɔɹ, ivɪn æt ðʌ ɪkspɛns ʌv hjumænɪti ʌnd ʌv sɛlf ɹɪspɛkt. sɛlfɪʃnʌs ðʌ mɪɹ, koʊld blʌdɪd ɪnsɪstʌns fɔɹ sɛlf ʌdvænsmʌnt ɹuld sʌpɹim. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000218.wav | 19.04 | There are five acts in "Le Misanthrope," during which Celimene is almost constantly on the stage. At the end of the fourth act de Batz said casually to his friend: "I have the honour of personal acquaintanceship with Mlle. Lange. An you care for an introduction to her, we can go round to the green room after the play." Did prudence then whisper, "Desist"? | 98.656174 | 72.856644 | 36.54866 | 53.740673 | 17.592593 | ðɛɹ ɑɹ faɪv ækts ɪn "lʌ mɪsʌnθɹoʊp," dʊɹɪŋ wɪtʃ sɛlɪmin ɪz ɔlmoʊst kɑnstʌntli ɑn ðʌ steɪdʒ. æt ðʌ ɛnd ʌv ðʌ fɔɹθ ækt di bæts sɛd kæʒʌwʌli tu hɪz fɹɛnd: "aɪ hæv ðʌ ɑnɜ˞ ʌv pɜ˞sɪnʌl ʌkweɪntʌnsʃɪp wɪð . læŋ. æn ju kɛɹ fɔɹ æn ɪntɹʌdʌkʃʌn tu hɜ˞, wi kæn ɡoʊ ɹaʊnd tu ðʌ ɡɹin ɹum æftɜ˞ ðʌ pleɪ." dɪd pɹudʌns ðɛn wɪspɜ˞, "dɪsɪst"? |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000219.wav | 14.36 | It was an exquisite voice that had spoken a voice mellow and tender, with deep tones in it that betrayed latent power. The voice had caused Armand to look, the lips that spoke forged the first tiny link of that chain which riveted him forever after to the speaker. | 94.358665 | 58.909786 | 41.50404 | 55.606998 | 18.054418 | ɪt wɑz æn ɛkskwʌzʌt vɔɪs ðæt hæd spoʊkʌn ʌ vɔɪs mɛloʊ ʌnd tɛndɜ˞, wɪð dip toʊnz ɪn ɪt ðæt bɪtɹeɪd leɪtʌnt paʊɜ˞. ðʌ vɔɪs hæd kɑzd ɑɹmʌnd tu lʊk, ðʌ lɪps ðæt spoʊk fɔɹdʒd ðʌ fɜ˞st taɪni lɪŋk ʌv ðæt tʃeɪn wɪtʃ ɹɪvʌtɪd hɪm fɜ˞ɛvɜ˞ æftɜ˞ tu ðʌ spikɜ˞. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000220.wav | 8.239 | The most precious life in Europe even was only to be saved if its price went to swell the pockets of de Batz, or to further his future ambitions. | 91.007179 | 48.913773 | 41.045139 | 59.104282 | 16.879174 | ðʌ moʊst pɹɛʃʌs laɪf ɪn jʊɹʌp ivɪn wɑz oʊnli tu bi seɪvd ɪf ɪts pɹaɪs wɛnt tu swɛl ðʌ pɑkʌts ʌv di bæts, ɔɹ tu fɜ˞ðɜ˞ hɪz fjutʃɜ˞ æmbɪʃʌnz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000221.wav | 10.839 | Times had indeed changed an entire nation. St. Just felt as sickened with this self seeking Royalist as he did with the savage brutes who struck to right or left for their own delectation. | 105.268837 | 60.890743 | 50.064491 | 58.638016 | 15.045575 | taɪmz hæd ɪndid tʃeɪndʒd æn ɪntaɪɜ˞ neɪʃʌn. stɹit. dʒʌst fɛlt æz sɪkʌnd wɪð ðɪs sɛlf sikɪŋ ɹɔɪʌlɪst æz hi dɪd wɪð ðʌ sævʌdʒ hu stɹʌk tu ɹaɪt ɔɹ lɛft fɔɹ ðɛɹ oʊn . |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000222.wav | 6.199 | Too late did he realise how wise had been the dictum which had warned him against making or renewing friendships in France. | 86.449379 | 49.188732 | 41.952671 | 58.223907 | 18.08457 | tu leɪt dɪd hi ɹiʌlaɪz haʊ waɪz hæd bɪn ðʌ dɪktʌm wɪtʃ hæd wɔɹnd hɪm ʌɡɛnst meɪkɪŋ ɔɹ ɹɪnuɪŋ fɹɛndʃɪps ɪn fɹæns. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000223.wav | 11.4 | De Batz, surfeited with foreign money, used it firstly to ensure his own immunity, scattering it to right and left to still the ambition of the Public Prosecutor or to satisfy the greed of innumerable spies. | 112.849754 | 67.355171 | 40.746532 | 57.548473 | 16.737348 | di bæts, wɪð fɔɹʌn mʌni, juzd ɪt fɜ˞stli tu ɛnʃʊɹ hɪz oʊn ɪmjunʌti, skætɜ˞ɪŋ ɪt tu ɹaɪt ʌnd lɛft tu stɪl ðʌ æmbɪʃʌn ʌv ðʌ pʌblɪk pɹɑsɪkjutɜ˞ ɔɹ tu sætʌsfaɪ ðʌ ɡɹid ʌv ɪnumɜ˞ʌbʌl spaɪz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000224.wav | 11.92 | She was not very tall, but eminently graceful, with a small, oval face and slender, almost childlike figure, which appeared still more so above the wide hoops and draped panniers of the fashions of Moliere's time. | 94.632759 | 57.737015 | 42.587353 | 57.298103 | 16.283706 | ʃi wɑz nɑt vɛɹi tɔl, bʌt ɛmʌnʌntli ɡɹeɪsfʌl, wɪð ʌ smɔl, oʊvʌl feɪs ʌnd slɛndɜ˞, ɔlmoʊst tʃaɪldlaɪk fɪɡjɜ˞, wɪtʃ ʌpɪɹd stɪl mɔɹ soʊ ʌbʌv ðʌ waɪd hups ʌnd dɹeɪpt ʌv ðʌ fæʃʌnz ʌv moʊljɛɹ'ɛs taɪm. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000225.wav | 10.12 | That impression, however, he desired to deepen, and whilst Armand was worrying his brain to find a plausible excuse for going away, de Batz was racking his to find one for keeping him here. | 93.282631 | 52.936993 | 39.590427 | 48.823719 | 19.017599 | ðæt ɪmpɹɛʃʌn, haʊɛvɜ˞, hi dɪzaɪɜ˞d tu dipʌn, ʌnd waɪlst ɑɹmʌnd wɑz wɜ˞iɪŋ hɪz bɹeɪn tu faɪnd ʌ plɔzʌbʌl ɪkskjus fɔɹ ɡoʊɪŋ ʌweɪ, di bæts wɑz ɹækɪŋ hɪz tu faɪnd wʌn fɔɹ kipɪŋ hɪm hiɹ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000226.wav | 13.04 | He was meditating immediate flight back to his lodgings, with a hope of finding there a word for him from the chief a word to remind him that men did live nowadays who had other aims besides their own advancement other ideals besides the deification of self. | 101.243324 | 58.816212 | 42.983303 | 53.448105 | 18.65285 | hi wɑz mɛdʌteɪtɪŋ ɪmidiʌt flaɪt bæk tu hɪz lɑdʒɪŋz, wɪð ʌ hoʊp ʌv faɪndɪŋ ðɛɹ ʌ wɜ˞d fɔɹ hɪm fɹʌm ðʌ tʃif ʌ wɜ˞d tu ɹimaɪnd hɪm ðæt mɛn dɪd laɪv naʊʌdeɪz hu hæd ʌðɜ˞ eɪmz bɪsaɪdz ðɛɹ oʊn ʌdvænsmʌnt ʌðɜ˞ aɪdilz bɪsaɪdz ðʌ diʌfʌkeɪʃʌn ʌv sɛlf. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000227.wav | 6.88 | "She has a perfect voice it was exquisite melody to the ear," replied Armand. "I was conscious of little else." | 63.540543 | 22.867611 | 52.014095 | 54.837963 | 15.142415 | "ʃi hæz ʌ pɜ˞fɛkt vɔɪs ɪt wɑz ɛkskwʌzʌt mɛlʌdi tu ðʌ iɹ," ɹɪplaɪd ɑɹmʌnd. "aɪ wɑz kɑnʃʌs ʌv lɪtʌl ɛls." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000228.wav | 11.119 | There, no doubt, the matter would have ended: a young man fascinated by a pretty woman on the stage 'tis a small matter, and one from which there doth not often spring a weary trail of tragic circumstances. | 109.547813 | 62.179962 | 33.409504 | 52.087978 | 17.111336 | ðɛɹ, noʊ daʊt, ðʌ mætɜ˞ wʊd hæv ɛndʌd: ʌ jʌŋ mæn fæsʌneɪtʌd baɪ ʌ pɹɪti wʊmʌn ɑn ðʌ steɪdʒ 'tɪz ʌ smɔl mætɜ˞, ʌnd wʌn fɹʌm wɪtʃ ðɛɹ dɔθ nɑt ɔfʌn spɹɪŋ ʌ wɪɹi tɹeɪl ʌv tɹædʒɪk sɜ˞kʌmstænsʌz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000229.wav | 14.24 | The excuse hovered on his lips, de Batz reluctantly was preparing to bid him good bye, when Celimene, speaking common place words enough in answer to her quarrelsome lover, caused him to drop the hand which he was holding out to his friend and to turn back towards the stage. | 110.539108 | 64.148369 | 43.588032 | 57.726452 | 17.995694 | ðʌ ɪkskjus hʌvɜ˞d ɑn hɪz lɪps, di bæts ɹɪlʌktʌntli wɑz pɹipɛɹɪŋ tu bɪd hɪm ɡʊd baɪ, wɛn sɛlɪmin, spikɪŋ kɑmʌn pleɪs wɜ˞dz ɪnʌf ɪn ænsɜ˞ tu hɜ˞ kwɔɹʌlsʌm lʌvɜ˞, kɑzd hɪm tu dɹɑp ðʌ hænd wɪtʃ hi wɑz hoʊldɪŋ aʊt tu hɪz fɹɛnd ʌnd tu tɜ˞n bæk tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ steɪdʒ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000230.wav | 15.519 | "She has a perfect voice it was exquisite melody to the ear," replied Armand. "I was conscious of little else." "She is a beautiful woman, nevertheless," continued de Batz with a smile. "During the next act, my good St. Just, I would suggest that you open your eyes as well as your ears." | 82.29744 | 53.638111 | 45.021519 | 48.889023 | 17.539193 | "ʃi hæz ʌ pɜ˞fɛkt vɔɪs ɪt wɑz ɛkskwʌzʌt mɛlʌdi tu ðʌ iɹ," ɹɪplaɪd ɑɹmʌnd. "aɪ wɑz kɑnʃʌs ʌv lɪtʌl ɛls." "ʃi ɪz ʌ bjutʌfʌl wʊmʌn, nɛvɜ˞ðʌlɛs," kʌntɪnjud di bæts wɪð ʌ smaɪl. "dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ nɛkst ækt, maɪ ɡʊd stɹit. dʒʌst, aɪ wʊd sʌdʒɛst ðæt ju oʊpʌn jɔɹ aɪz æz wɛl æz jɔɹ ɪɹz." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000231.wav | 18.68 | Measured by certain standards, she certainly was not so, for her mouth was not small, and her nose anything but classical in outline. But the eyes were brown, and they had that half veiled look in them shaded with long lashes that seemed to make a perpetual tender appeal to the masculine heart: the lips, too, were full and moist, and the teeth dazzling white. | 87.533096 | 53.051907 | 44.066944 | 57.080444 | 17.520595 | mɛʒɜ˞d baɪ sɜ˞tʌn stændɜ˞dz, ʃi sɜ˞tʌnli wɑz nɑt soʊ, fɔɹ hɜ˞ maʊθ wɑz nɑt smɔl, ʌnd hɜ˞ noʊz ɛniθɪŋ bʌt klæsɪkʌl ɪn aʊtlaɪn. bʌt ðʌ aɪz wɜ˞ bɹaʊn, ʌnd ðeɪ hæd ðæt hæf veɪld lʊk ɪn ðɛm ʃeɪdɪd wɪð lɔŋ læʃɪz ðæt simd tu meɪk ʌ pɜ˞pɛtʃuʌl tɛndɜ˞ ʌpil tu ðʌ mæskjʌlʌn hɑɹt: ðʌ lɪps, tu, wɜ˞ fʊl ʌnd mɔɪst, ʌnd ðʌ tiθ dæzʌlɪŋ waɪt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000232.wav | 10.8 | De Batz vexed and impatient had not by any means finished with his friend yet. He thought that his specious arguments delivered with boundless conviction had made some impression on the mind of the young man. | 96.750778 | 61.042088 | 45.023869 | 55.449062 | 18.204444 | di bæts vɛkst ʌnd ɪmpeɪʃʌnt hæd nɑt baɪ ɛni minz fɪnɪʃt wɪð hɪz fɹɛnd jɛt. hi θɔt ðæt hɪz spiʃʌs ɑɹɡjʌmʌnts dɪlɪvɜ˞d wɪð baʊndlʌs kʌnvɪkʃʌn hæd meɪd sʌm ɪmpɹɛʃʌn ɑn ðʌ maɪnd ʌv ðʌ jʌŋ mæn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000233.wav | 16.639 | Then it was that the wayward demon Chance intervened. Had St. Just risen but two minutes earlier, had his active mind suggested the desired excuse more readily, who knows what unspeakable sorrow, what heartrending misery, what terrible shame might have been spared both him and those for whom he cared? | 105.7826 | 60.436661 | 43.702942 | 53.8559 | 16.16708 | ðɛn ɪt wɑz ðæt ðʌ weɪwɜ˞d dimʌn tʃæns ɪntɜ˞vind. hæd stɹit. dʒʌst ɹɪzʌn bʌt tu mɪnʌts ɜ˞liɜ˞, hæd hɪz æktɪv maɪnd sʌdʒɛstɪd ðʌ dɪzaɪɜ˞d ɪkskjus mɔɹ ɹɛdʌli, hu noʊz wʌt ʌnspikʌbʌl sɑɹoʊ, wʌt mɪzɜ˞i, wʌt tɛɹʌbʌl ʃeɪm maɪt hæv bɪn spɛɹd boʊθ hɪm ʌnd ðoʊz fɔɹ hum hi kɛɹd? |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000234.wav | 30.28 | De Batz, surfeited with foreign money, used it firstly to ensure his own immunity, scattering it to right and left to still the ambition of the Public Prosecutor or to satisfy the greed of innumerable spies. What was left over he used for the purpose of pitting the bloodthirsty demagogues one against the other, making of the National Assembly a gigantic bear den, wherein wild beasts could rend one another limb from limb. In the meanwhile, what cared he he said it himself whether hundreds of innocent martyrs perished miserably and uselessly? | 107.349701 | 62.489212 | 42.71666 | 56.149864 | 15.888352 | di bæts, wɪð fɔɹʌn mʌni, juzd ɪt fɜ˞stli tu ɛnʃʊɹ hɪz oʊn ɪmjunʌti, skætɜ˞ɪŋ ɪt tu ɹaɪt ʌnd lɛft tu stɪl ðʌ æmbɪʃʌn ʌv ðʌ pʌblɪk pɹɑsɪkjutɜ˞ ɔɹ tu sætʌsfaɪ ðʌ ɡɹid ʌv ɪnumɜ˞ʌbʌl spaɪz. wʌt wɑz lɛft oʊvɜ˞ hi juzd fɔɹ ðʌ pɜ˞pʌs ʌv pɪtɪŋ ðʌ blʌdθɜ˞sti dɛmʌɡɑɡz wʌn ʌɡɛnst ðʌ ʌðɜ˞, meɪkɪŋ ʌv ðʌ næʃʌnʌl ʌsɛmbli ʌ dʒaɪɡæntɪk bɛɹ dɛn, wɛɹɪn waɪld bists kʊd wʌn ʌnʌðɜ˞ lɪm fɹʌm lɪm. ɪn ðʌ minwaɪl, wʌt kɛɹd hi hi sɛd ɪt hɪmsɛlf wɛðɜ˞ hʌndɹʌdz ʌv ɪnʌsʌnt mɑɹtɜ˞z pɛɹɪʃt mɪzɜ˞ʌbli ʌnd ? |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000235.wav | 7.079 | Mechanically almost he sat down again, and leaning both elbows on the edge of the box, he rested his chin in his hand, and listened. | 83.636894 | 52.510494 | 42.715343 | 59.616047 | 17.395916 | mʌkænɪkli ɔlmoʊst hi sæt daʊn ʌɡɛn, ʌnd linɪŋ boʊθ ɛlboʊz ɑn ðʌ ɛdʒ ʌv ðʌ bɑks, hi ɹɛstʌd hɪz tʃɪn ɪn hɪz hænd, ʌnd lɪsʌnd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000236.wav | 10.36 | It is difficult to say if such a thing really exists as love at first sight. Poets and romancists will have us believe that it does; idealists swear by it as being the only true love worthy of the name. | 106.257072 | 65.004036 | 50.253788 | 56.213421 | 17.267599 | ɪt ɪz dɪfʌkʌlt tu seɪ ɪf sʌtʃ ʌ θɪŋ ɹɪli ɪɡzɪsts æz lʌv æt fɜ˞st saɪt. poʊʌts ʌnd wɪl hæv ʌs bɪliv ðæt ɪt dʌz; aɪdilɪsts swɛɹ baɪ ɪt æz biɪŋ ðʌ oʊnli tɹu lʌv wɜ˞ði ʌv ðʌ neɪm. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000237.wav | 19.399 | The curtain was being slowly drawn up on the second act, and disclosed Alceste in wrathful conversation with Celimene. Alceste's opening speech is short. Whilst the actor spoke it Armand had his back to the stage; with hand outstretched, he was murmuring what he hoped would prove a polite excuse for thus leaving his amiable host while the entertainment had only just begun. | 106.372475 | 59.187244 | 38.569439 | 52.771965 | 17.646091 | ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn wɑz biɪŋ sloʊli dɹɔn ʌp ɑn ðʌ sɛkʌnd ækt, ʌnd dɪskloʊzd ɪn kɑnvɜ˞seɪʃʌn wɪð sɛlɪmin. 'ɛs oʊpʌnɪŋ spitʃ ɪz ʃɔɹt. waɪlst ðʌ æktɜ˞ spoʊk ɪt ɑɹmʌnd hæd hɪz bæk tu ðʌ steɪdʒ; wɪð hænd aʊtstɹɛtʃt, hi wɑz mɜ˞mɜ˞ɪŋ wʌt hi hoʊpt wʊd pɹuv ʌ pʌlaɪt ɪkskjus fɔɹ ðʌs livɪŋ hɪz eɪmiʌbʌl hoʊst waɪl ðʌ ɛntɜ˞teɪnmʌnt hæd oʊnli dʒʌst bɪɡʌn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000238.wav | 7.64 | Did prudence then whisper, "Desist"? Did loyalty to the leader murmur, "Obey"? It were indeed difficult to say. | 83.77903 | 48.179409 | 36.13216 | 56.354649 | 13.665106 | dɪd pɹudʌns ðɛn wɪspɜ˞, "dɪsɪst"? dɪd lɔɪʌlti tu ðʌ lidɜ˞ mɜ˞mɜ˞, "oʊbeɪ"? ɪt wɜ˞ ɪndid dɪfʌkʌlt tu seɪ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000239.wav | 13.079 | Now de Batz was a man who never allowed an opportunity to slip by, if that opportunity led towards the furtherance of his own desires. He did not want to lose sight of Armand just yet, and here the good demon Chance had given him an opportunity for obtaining what he wanted. | 105.398972 | 83.822044 | 39.948128 | 53.170227 | 19.804062 | naʊ di bæts wɑz ʌ mæn hu nɛvɜ˞ ʌlaʊd æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti tu slɪp baɪ, ɪf ðæt ɑpɜ˞tunʌti lɛd tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ fɜ˞θɜ˞ʌns ʌv hɪz oʊn dɪzaɪɜ˞z. hi dɪd nɑt wɑnt tu luz saɪt ʌv ɑɹmʌnd dʒʌst jɛt, ʌnd hiɹ ðʌ ɡʊd dimʌn tʃæns hæd ɡɪvʌn hɪm æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti fɔɹ ʌbteɪnɪŋ wʌt hi wɔntɪd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000240.wav | 30.32 | Now de Batz was a man who never allowed an opportunity to slip by, if that opportunity led towards the furtherance of his own desires. He did not want to lose sight of Armand just yet, and here the good demon Chance had given him an opportunity for obtaining what he wanted. He waited quietly until the fall of the curtain at the end of Act II.; then, as Armand, with a sigh of delight, leaned back in his chair, and closing his eyes appeared to be living the last half hour all over again, de Batz remarked with well assumed indifference: "Mlle. Lange is a promising young actress. Do you not think so, my friend?" | 121.77227 | 98.890472 | 42.633289 | 54.665546 | 18.477275 | naʊ di bæts wɑz ʌ mæn hu nɛvɜ˞ ʌlaʊd æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti tu slɪp baɪ, ɪf ðæt ɑpɜ˞tunʌti lɛd tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ fɜ˞θɜ˞ʌns ʌv hɪz oʊn dɪzaɪɜ˞z. hi dɪd nɑt wɑnt tu luz saɪt ʌv ɑɹmʌnd dʒʌst jɛt, ʌnd hiɹ ðʌ ɡʊd dimʌn tʃæns hæd ɡɪvʌn hɪm æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti fɔɹ ʌbteɪnɪŋ wʌt hi wɔntɪd. hi weɪtɪd kwaɪʌtli ʌntɪl ðʌ fɔl ʌv ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn æt ðʌ ɛnd ʌv ækt .; ðɛn, æz ɑɹmʌnd, wɪð ʌ saɪ ʌv dɪlaɪt, lind bæk ɪn hɪz tʃɛɹ, ʌnd kloʊzɪŋ hɪz aɪz ʌpɪɹd tu bi lɪvɪŋ ðʌ læst hæf aʊɜ˞ ɔl oʊvɜ˞ ʌɡɛn, di bæts ɹɪmɑɹkt wɪð wɛl ʌsumd ɪndɪfɜ˞ʌns: ". læŋ ɪz ʌ pɹɑmʌsɪŋ jʌŋ æktɹʌs. du ju nɑt θɪŋk soʊ, maɪ fɹɛnd?" |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000241.wav | 12.2 | Armand, who had a passion for music, would have worshipped at the shrine of Mlle. Lange's perfect voice until the curtain came down on the last act, had not his friend de Batz seen the keen enchantment which the actress had produced on the young enthusiast. | 99.157967 | 61.724632 | 41.476292 | 57.177296 | 18.942847 | ɑɹmʌnd, hu hæd ʌ pæʃʌn fɔɹ mjuzɪk, wʊd hæv wɜ˞ʃʌpt æt ðʌ ʃɹaɪn ʌv . læŋ'ɛs pɜ˞fɛkt vɔɪs ʌntɪl ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn keɪm daʊn ɑn ðʌ læst ækt, hæd nɑt hɪz fɹɛnd di bæts sin ðʌ kin ɛntʃæntmʌnt wɪtʃ ðʌ æktɹʌs hæd pɹʌdust ɑn ðʌ jʌŋ ɛnθuziæst. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000242.wav | 11.72 | I do not know if I am prepared to admit their theory with regard to Armand St. Just. Mlle. Lange's exquisite voice certainly had charmed him to the extent of making him forget his mistrust of de Batz and his desire to get away. | 91.649727 | 56.976925 | 39.992126 | 51.158081 | 18.890506 | aɪ du nɑt noʊ ɪf aɪ æm pɹipɛɹd tu ʌdmɪt ðɛɹ θɪɹi wɪð ɹɪɡɑɹd tu ɑɹmʌnd stɹit. dʒʌst. . læŋ'ɛs ɛkskwʌzʌt vɔɪs sɜ˞tʌnli hæd tʃɑɹmd hɪm tu ðʌ ɪkstɛnt ʌv meɪkɪŋ hɪm fɜ˞ɡɛt hɪz mɪstɹʌst ʌv di bæts ʌnd hɪz dɪzaɪɜ˞ tu ɡɛt ʌweɪ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000243.wav | 17.36 | Mechanically almost he sat down again, and leaning both elbows on the edge of the box, he rested his chin in his hand, and listened. The words which the late M. de Moliere puts into the mouth of Celimene are trite and flippant enough, yet every time that Mlle. Lange's lips moved Armand watched her, entranced. | 109.029793 | 67.554337 | 41.445335 | 58.509308 | 16.496655 | mʌkænɪkli ɔlmoʊst hi sæt daʊn ʌɡɛn, ʌnd linɪŋ boʊθ ɛlboʊz ɑn ðʌ ɛdʒ ʌv ðʌ bɑks, hi ɹɛstʌd hɪz tʃɪn ɪn hɪz hænd, ʌnd lɪsʌnd. ðʌ wɜ˞dz wɪtʃ ðʌ leɪt ɛm. di moʊljɛɹ pʊts ɪntu ðʌ maʊθ ʌv sɛlɪmin ɑɹ tɹaɪt ʌnd flɪpʌnt ɪnʌf, jɛt ɛvɜ˞i taɪm ðæt . læŋ'ɛs lɪps muvd ɑɹmʌnd wɑtʃt hɜ˞, ɪntɹænst. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000244.wav | 11.72 | The curtain had descended on the first act, and traditionally, as the works of M. de Moliere demanded it, the three knocks were heard again without any interval. St. Just rose ready with a pretext for parting with his friend. | 108.636826 | 65.045372 | 42.263084 | 59.316727 | 18.300654 | ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn hæd dɪsɛndʌd ɑn ðʌ fɜ˞st ækt, ʌnd tɹʌdɪʃʌnʌli, æz ðʌ wɜ˞ks ʌv ɛm. di moʊljɛɹ dɪmændʌd ɪt, ðʌ θɹi nɑks wɜ˞ hɜ˞d ʌɡɛn wɪθaʊt ɛni ɪntɜ˞vʌl. stɹit. dʒʌst ɹoʊz ɹɛdi wɪð ʌ pɹitɛkst fɔɹ pɑɹtɪŋ wɪð hɪz fɹɛnd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000245.wav | 5.959 | Armand did as he was bidden. The whole appearance of Mlle. Lange seemed in harmony with her voice. | 97.841873 | 58.733109 | 45.294888 | 48.526459 | 13.804714 | ɑɹmʌnd dɪd æz hi wɑz bɪdɪn. ðʌ hoʊl ʌpɪɹʌns ʌv . læŋ simd ɪn hɑɹmʌni wɪð hɜ˞ vɔɪs. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000246.wav | 5.72 | They were the necessary food whereby the Revolution was to be satiated and de Batz' schemes enabled to mature. | 121.957275 | 72.84726 | 52.874786 | 48.182663 | 18.058295 | ðeɪ wɜ˞ ðʌ nɛsʌsɛɹi fud wɛɹbaɪ ðʌ ɹɛvʌluʃʌn wɑz tu bi seɪʃieɪtɪd ʌnd di bæts' skimz ɛneɪbʌld tu mʌtʃʊɹ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000247.wav | 19.04 | He thanked de Batz warmly, and during the last half hour, while the misanthropical lover spurned repentant Celimene, he was conscious of a curious sensation of impatience, a tingling of his nerves, a wild, mad longing to hear those full moist lips pronounce his name, and have those large brown eyes throw their half veiled look into his own. | 87.466194 | 53.508747 | 45.107559 | 56.173996 | 16.931217 | hi θæŋkt di bæts wɔɹmli, ʌnd dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ læst hæf aʊɜ˞, waɪl ðʌ lʌvɜ˞ spɜ˞nd ɹɪpɛntʌnt sɛlɪmin, hi wɑz kɑnʃʌs ʌv ʌ kjʊɹiʌs sɛnseɪʃʌn ʌv ɪmpeɪʃʌns, ʌ tɪŋɡʌlɪŋ ʌv hɪz nɜ˞vz, ʌ waɪld, mæd lɔŋɪŋ tu hiɹ ðoʊz fʊl mɔɪst lɪps pɹʌnaʊns hɪz neɪm, ʌnd hæv ðoʊz lɑɹdʒ bɹaʊn aɪz θɹoʊ ðɛɹ hæf veɪld lʊk ɪntu hɪz oʊn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000248.wav | 13.519 | Did loyalty to the leader murmur, "Obey"? It were indeed difficult to say. Armand St. Just was not five and twenty, and Mlle. Lange's melodious voice spoke louder than the whisperings of prudence or even than the call of duty. | 87.311676 | 54.086067 | 42.23584 | 56.049728 | 15.074724 | dɪd lɔɪʌlti tu ðʌ lidɜ˞ mɜ˞mɜ˞, "oʊbeɪ"? ɪt wɜ˞ ɪndid dɪfʌkʌlt tu seɪ. ɑɹmʌnd stɹit. dʒʌst wɑz nɑt faɪv ʌnd twɛnti, ʌnd . læŋ'ɛs mʌloʊdiʌs vɔɪs spoʊk laʊdɜ˞ ðæn ðʌ ʌv pɹudʌns ɔɹ ivɪn ðæn ðʌ kɔl ʌv duti. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000249.wav | 6.68 | THE DEMON CHANCE St. Just would have given much to be back in his lonely squalid lodgings now. | 79.787506 | 49.459015 | 52.028782 | 48.282005 | 17.975309 | ðʌ dimʌn tʃæns stɹit. dʒʌst wʊd hæv ɡɪvʌn mʌtʃ tu bi bæk ɪn hɪz loʊnli skwɑlʌd lɑdʒɪŋz naʊ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000250.wav | 3.359 | Whether she was beautiful or not the young man hardly knew. | 96.401352 | 61.293175 | 59.151558 | 58.834034 | 14.889261 | wɛðɜ˞ ʃi wɑz bjutʌfʌl ɔɹ nɑt ðʌ jʌŋ mæn hɑɹdli nu. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000251.wav | 4.679 | Those two minutes did he but know it decided the whole course of his future life. | 92.982918 | 49.935883 | 31.017221 | 53.744907 | 16.47279 | ðoʊz tu mɪnʌts dɪd hi bʌt noʊ ɪt dɪsaɪdɪd ðʌ hoʊl kɔɹs ʌv hɪz fjutʃɜ˞ laɪf. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000252.wav | 16.519 | Soon after this she dismissed her two visitors. De Batz, well content with the result of this evening's entertainment, wore an urbane, bland smile on his rubicund face. Armand, somewhat serious and not a little in love, made the hand kiss with which he took his leave last as long as he could. | 78.982407 | 48.055641 | 45.621441 | 54.721615 | 16.009308 | sun æftɜ˞ ðɪs ʃi dɪsmɪst hɜ˞ tu vɪzɪtɜ˞z. di bæts, wɛl kɑntɛnt wɪð ðʌ ɹɪzʌlt ʌv ðɪs ivnɪŋ'ɛs ɛntɜ˞teɪnmʌnt, wɔɹ æn ɜ˞beɪn, blænd smaɪl ɑn hɪz feɪs. ɑɹmʌnd, sʌmwʌt sɪɹiʌs ʌnd nɑt ʌ lɪtʌl ɪn lʌv, meɪd ðʌ hænd kɪs wɪð wɪtʃ hi tʊk hɪz liv læst æz lɔŋ æz hi kʊd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000253.wav | 8.04 | But they would not take my life for his, I am afraid," she concluded, smiling through her tears. "My life is of no value in comparison with his." | 67.689468 | 27.350613 | 37.846584 | 47.676716 | 19.335768 | bʌt ðeɪ wʊd nɑt teɪk maɪ laɪf fɔɹ hɪz, aɪ æm ʌfɹeɪd," ʃi kʌnkludʌd, smaɪlɪŋ θɹu hɜ˞ tɛɹz. "maɪ laɪf ɪz ʌv noʊ vælju ɪn kʌmpɛɹʌsʌn wɪð hɪz." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000254.wav | 18.24 | De Batz without a word led the way back towards the stage. Here, by the dim light of tallow candles fixed in sconces against the surrounding walls, the scene shifters were busy moving drop scenes, back cloths and wings, and paid no heed to the two men who strolled slowly up and down silently, each wrapped in his own thoughts. | 71.613663 | 34.821392 | 42.483269 | 50.786278 | 16.044724 | di bæts wɪθaʊt ʌ wɜ˞d lɛd ðʌ weɪ bæk tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ steɪdʒ. hiɹ, baɪ ðʌ dɪm laɪt ʌv tæloʊ kændʌlz fɪkst ɪn skɑnsɪz ʌɡɛnst ðʌ sɜ˞aʊndɪŋ wɔlz, ðʌ sin wɜ˞ bɪzi muvɪŋ dɹɑp sinz, bæk klɔθs ʌnd wɪŋz, ʌnd peɪd noʊ hid tu ðʌ tu mɛn hu stɹoʊld sloʊli ʌp ʌnd daʊn saɪlʌntli, itʃ ɹæpt ɪn hɪz oʊn θɔts. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000255.wav | 8.92 | "Come into my dressing room," she said. "I must not tarry here any longer, for they will be putting out the lights. But I have a room to myself, and we can talk there quite agreeably." | 65.491508 | 26.693296 | 51.130119 | 59.475658 | 18.26875 | "kʌm ɪntu maɪ dɹɛsɪŋ ɹum," ʃi sɛd. "aɪ mʌst nɑt tɛɹi hiɹ ɛni lɔŋɡɜ˞, fɔɹ ðeɪ wɪl bi pʌtɪŋ aʊt ðʌ laɪts. bʌt aɪ hæv ʌ ɹum tu maɪsɛlf, ʌnd wi kæn tɔk ðɛɹ kwaɪt ." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000256.wav | 17.84 | But oh sometimes I feel that I would gladly die if only that poor little child martyr were restored to those who love him and given back once more to joy and happiness. But they would not take my life for his, I am afraid," she concluded, smiling through her tears. "My life is of no value in comparison with his." | 78.28495 | 44.03632 | 45.509838 | 51.193501 | 17.453473 | bʌt oʊ sʌmtaɪmz aɪ fil ðæt aɪ wʊd ɡlædli daɪ ɪf oʊnli ðæt puɹ lɪtʌl tʃaɪld mɑɹtɜ˞ wɜ˞ ɹɪstɔɹd tu ðoʊz hu lʌv hɪm ʌnd ɡɪvʌn bæk wʌns mɔɹ tu dʒɔɪ ʌnd hæpinʌs. bʌt ðeɪ wʊd nɑt teɪk maɪ laɪf fɔɹ hɪz, aɪ æm ʌfɹeɪd," ʃi kʌnkludʌd, smaɪlɪŋ θɹu hɜ˞ tɛɹz. "maɪ laɪf ɪz ʌv noʊ vælju ɪn kʌmpɛɹʌsʌn wɪð hɪz." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000257.wav | 14.4 | From the green room a separate foyer and exit led directly out into the street. Gradually the sound of many voices, the loud laughter and occasional snatches of song which for the past half hour had proceeded from that part of the house, became more subdued and more rare. | 78.221016 | 39.585392 | 38.407578 | 58.149612 | 18.044841 | fɹʌm ðʌ ɡɹin ɹum ʌ sɛpɜ˞eɪt fɔɪɜ˞ ʌnd ɛɡzɪt lɛd dɜ˞ɛktli aʊt ɪntu ðʌ stɹit. ɡɹædʒuʌli ðʌ saʊnd ʌv mɛni vɔɪsʌz, ðʌ laʊd læftɜ˞ ʌnd ʌkeɪʒʌnʌl snætʃɪz ʌv sɔŋ wɪtʃ fɔɹ ðʌ pæst hæf aʊɜ˞ hæd pɹʌsidɪd fɹʌm ðæt pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ haʊs, bɪkeɪm mɔɹ sʌbdud ʌnd mɔɹ ɹɛɹ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000258.wav | 20.88 | There!" she added, turning with a mock air of hopelessness towards de Batz, "am I not a most unlucky woman? For the past two years I have used my best endeavours to catch sight of that interesting Scarlet Pimpernel; here do I meet monsieur, who actually knows him (so he says), and he is so ungallant that he even refuses to satisfy the first cravings of my just curiosity." | 81.210205 | 57.636196 | 43.0536 | 56.457375 | 16.369686 | ðɛɹ!" ʃi ædʌd, tɜ˞nɪŋ wɪð ʌ mɑk ɛɹ ʌv hoʊplʌsnʌs tʌwɔɹdz di bæts, "æm aɪ nɑt ʌ moʊst ʌnlʌki wʊmʌn? fɔɹ ðʌ pæst tu jɪɹz aɪ hæv juzd maɪ bɛst tu kætʃ saɪt ʌv ðæt ɪntɹʌstɪŋ skɑɹlʌt ; hiɹ du aɪ mit mʌsjɜ˞, hu æktʃuʌli noʊz hɪm (soʊ hi sɛz), ʌnd hi ɪz soʊ ðæt hi ivɪn ɹʌfjuzʌz tu sætʌsfaɪ ðʌ fɜ˞st kɹeɪvɪŋz ʌv maɪ dʒʌst kjʊɹiɑsʌti." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000259.wav | 8.639 | He was not anxious about his own safety; but the words of de Batz had impressed themselves upon his mind: "Heron and his spies we have always with us." | 89.623062 | 46.650806 | 37.459473 | 53.423542 | 17.889588 | hi wɑz nɑt æŋkʃʌs ʌbaʊt hɪz oʊn seɪfti; bʌt ðʌ wɜ˞dz ʌv di bæts hæd ɪmpɹɛst ðɛmsɛlvz ʌpɑn hɪz maɪnd: "hɛɹʌn ʌnd hɪz spaɪz wi hæv ɔlweɪz wɪð ʌs." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000260.wav | 19.799 | Armand walked with his hands buried in his breeches pockets, his head bent forward on his chest; but every now and again he threw quick, apprehensive glances round him whenever a firm step echoed along the empty stage or a voice rang clearly through the now deserted theatre. "Are we wise to wait here?" he asked, speaking to himself rather than to his companion. | 72.381996 | 36.503994 | 41.303757 | 56.119816 | 17.160818 | ɑɹmʌnd wɔkt wɪð hɪz hændz bɛɹid ɪn hɪz bɹitʃɪz pɑkʌts, hɪz hɛd bɛnt fɔɹwɜ˞d ɑn hɪz tʃɛst; bʌt ɛvɜ˞i naʊ ʌnd ʌɡɛn hi θɹu kwɪk, æpɹɪhɛnsɪv ɡlænsɪz ɹaʊnd hɪm wɛnɛvɜ˞ ʌ fɜ˞m stɛp ɛkoʊd ʌlɔŋ ðʌ ɛmpti steɪdʒ ɔɹ ʌ vɔɪs ɹæŋ klɪɹli θɹu ðʌ naʊ dɪzɜ˞tɪd θiʌtɜ˞. "ɑɹ wi waɪz tu weɪt hiɹ?" hi æskt, spikɪŋ tu hɪmsɛlf ɹæðɜ˞ ðæn tu hɪz kʌmpænjʌn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000261.wav | 12.279 | "How romantic!" she said, and she looked straight at Armand. "Tell me, monsieur, is your ideal a woman or a man?" His look answered her, even before he boldly spoke the two words: "A woman." | 76.496193 | 51.928524 | 48.153538 | 59.349754 | 16.203704 | "haʊ ɹoʊmæntɪk!" ʃi sɛd, ʌnd ʃi lʊkt stɹeɪt æt ɑɹmʌnd. "tɛl mi, mʌsjɜ˞, ɪz jɔɹ aɪdil ʌ wʊmʌn ɔɹ ʌ mæn?" hɪz lʊk ænsɜ˞d hɜ˞, ivɪn bɪfɔɹ hi boʊldli spoʊk ðʌ tu wɜ˞dz: "ʌ wʊmʌn." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000262.wav | 12.559 | But though she spoke so airily and with her accustomed gaiety, it was easily perceived that even on this childish mind the dangers which beset every one these days had already imprinted their mark of suspicion and of caution. | 73.002663 | 42.055027 | 40.991615 | 49.996754 | 15.982788 | bʌt ðoʊ ʃi spoʊk soʊ ʌnd wɪð hɜ˞ ʌkʌstʌmd , ɪt wɑz izʌli pɜ˞sivd ðæt ivɪn ɑn ðɪs tʃaɪldɪʃ maɪnd ðʌ deɪndʒɜ˞z wɪtʃ bɪsɛt ɛvɜ˞i wʌn ðiz deɪz hæd ɔlɹɛdi ɪmpɹɪntɪd ðɛɹ mɑɹk ʌv sʌspɪʃʌn ʌnd ʌv kɑʃʌn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000263.wav | 19.839 | "Come into my dressing room," she said. "I must not tarry here any longer, for they will be putting out the lights. But I have a room to myself, and we can talk there quite agreeably." She led the way across the stage towards the wooden stairs. Armand, who during this brief colloquy between his friend and the young girl had kept discreetly in the background, felt undecided what to do. | 66.751488 | 29.310619 | 47.685745 | 57.368664 | 18.233618 | "kʌm ɪntu maɪ dɹɛsɪŋ ɹum," ʃi sɛd. "aɪ mʌst nɑt tɛɹi hiɹ ɛni lɔŋɡɜ˞, fɔɹ ðeɪ wɪl bi pʌtɪŋ aʊt ðʌ laɪts. bʌt aɪ hæv ʌ ɹum tu maɪsɛlf, ʌnd wi kæn tɔk ðɛɹ kwaɪt ." ʃi lɛd ðʌ weɪ ʌkɹɔs ðʌ steɪdʒ tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ wʊdʌn stɛɹz. ɑɹmʌnd, hu dʊɹɪŋ ðɪs bɹif kɑlʌkwi bɪtwin hɪz fɹɛnd ʌnd ðʌ jʌŋ ɡɜ˞l hæd kɛpt dɪskɹitli ɪn ðʌ bækɡɹaʊnd, fɛlt ʌndɪsaɪdɪd wʌt tu du. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000264.wav | 17.519 | She had the sheaf of narcissi still in her arms, and the door of her tiny dressing room being open, she ran straight in and threw the flowers down in a confused, sweet scented mass upon the small table that stood at one end of the room, littered with pots and bottles, letters, mirrors, powder puffs, silk stockings, and cambric handkerchiefs. | 81.540817 | 46.12801 | 35.520172 | 52.908516 | 16.816817 | ʃi hæd ðʌ ʃif ʌv stɪl ɪn hɜ˞ ɑɹmz, ʌnd ðʌ dɔɹ ʌv hɜ˞ taɪni dɹɛsɪŋ ɹum biɪŋ oʊpʌn, ʃi ɹæn stɹeɪt ɪn ʌnd θɹu ðʌ flaʊɜ˞z daʊn ɪn ʌ kʌnfjuzd, swit sɛntɪd mæs ʌpɑn ðʌ smɔl teɪbʌl ðæt stʊd æt wʌn ɛnd ʌv ðʌ ɹum, lɪtɜ˞d wɪð pɑts ʌnd bɑtʌlz, lɛtɜ˞z, mɪɹɜ˞z, paʊdɜ˞ pʌfs, sɪlk stɑkɪŋz, ʌnd hæŋkɜ˞tʃʌfs. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000265.wav | 20.64 | She took a deep draught of sweet, intoxicating scent from the narcissi, and his gaze once more brought blushes to her cheeks. De Batz' good humoured laugh helped her to hide this unwonted access of confusion. "That was well turned, friend Armand," he said lightly; "but I assure you, mademoiselle, that before I brought him here to night his ideal was a man." | 76.791206 | 46.970669 | 47.529106 | 58.729843 | 14.643404 | ʃi tʊk ʌ dip dɹæft ʌv swit, ɪntɑksɪkeɪtɪŋ sɛnt fɹʌm ðʌ , ʌnd hɪz ɡeɪz wʌns mɔɹ bɹɔt blʌʃʌz tu hɜ˞ tʃiks. di bæts' ɡʊd læf hɛlpt hɜ˞ tu haɪd ðɪs æksɛs ʌv kʌnfjuʒʌn. "ðæt wɑz wɛl tɜ˞nd, fɹɛnd ɑɹmʌnd," hi sɛd laɪtli; "bʌt aɪ ʌʃʊɹ ju, mædʌmʌzɛl, ðæt bɪfɔɹ aɪ bɹɔt hɪm hiɹ tu naɪt hɪz aɪdil wɑz ʌ mæn." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000266.wav | 19.879 | "You were so surrounded in the green room, mademoiselle," he said courteously, "I did not venture to press in among the crowd of your admirers. Yet I had the great wish to present my respectful congratulations in person." "Ah! c'est ce cher de Batz!" exclaimed mademoiselle gaily, in that exquisitely rippling voice of hers. "And where in the world do you spring from, my friend? | 84.227837 | 58.548893 | 45.268181 | 58.663845 | 17.974618 | "ju wɜ˞ soʊ sɜ˞aʊndɪd ɪn ðʌ ɡɹin ɹum, mædʌmʌzɛl," hi sɛd , "aɪ dɪd nɑt vɛntʃɜ˞ tu pɹɛs ɪn ʌmʌŋ ðʌ kɹaʊd ʌv jɔɹ ʌdmaɪɹɜ˞z. jɛt aɪ hæd ðʌ ɡɹeɪt wɪʃ tu pɹɛzʌnt maɪ ɹɪspɛktfʌl kʌnɡɹætʃʌleɪʃʌnz ɪn pɜ˞sʌn." "ɑ! si'ɛst sii ʃɛɹ di bæts!" ɪkskleɪmd mædʌmʌzɛl ɡeɪli, ɪn ðæt ɛkskwɪzɪtli ɹɪpʌlɪŋ vɔɪs ʌv hɜ˞z. "ʌnd wɛɹ ɪn ðʌ wɜ˞ld du ju spɹɪŋ fɹʌm, maɪ fɹɛnd? |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000267.wav | 8.2 | "I am very fond of England," he said lamely; "my sister is married to an Englishman, and I myself have taken up my permanent residence there." | 81.30748 | 46.621342 | 44.434036 | 54.97662 | 17.765088 | "aɪ æm vɛɹi fɑnd ʌv ɪŋɡlʌnd," hi sɛd leɪmli; "maɪ sɪstɜ˞ ɪz mɛɹid tu æn ɪŋɡlɪʃmʌn, ʌnd aɪ maɪsɛlf hæv teɪkʌn ʌp maɪ pɜ˞mʌnʌnt ɹɛzɪdʌns ðɛɹ." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000268.wav | 18.799 | "A man!" she exclaimed, with a contemptuous little pout. "Who was it?" "I know no other name for him but that of a small, insignificant flower the Scarlet Pimpernel," replied de Batz. "The Scarlet Pimpernel!" she ejaculated, dropping the flowers suddenly, and gazing on Armand with wide, wondering eyes. | 85.489822 | 56.469357 | 41.748695 | 50.957367 | 13.883902 | "ʌ mæn!" ʃi ɪkskleɪmd, wɪð ʌ kʌntɛmptʃuʌs lɪtʌl paʊt. "hu wɑz ɪt?" "aɪ noʊ noʊ ʌðɜ˞ neɪm fɔɹ hɪm bʌt ðæt ʌv ʌ smɔl, ɪnsɪɡnjɪfɪkʌnt flaʊɜ˞ ðʌ skɑɹlʌt ," ɹɪplaɪd di bæts. "ðʌ skɑɹlʌt !" ʃi , dɹɑpɪŋ ðʌ flaʊɜ˞z sʌdʌnli, ʌnd ɡeɪzɪŋ ɑn ɑɹmʌnd wɪð waɪd, wʌndɜ˞ɪŋ aɪz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000269.wav | 17.399 | The older man cast a hasty glance through the open door. The crowd did not suit his purpose, and he dragged his companion hurriedly away from the contemplation of Mlle. Lange, sitting in a far corner of the room, surrounded by an admiring throng, and by innumerable floral tributes offered to her beauty and to her success. | 73.812492 | 36.586765 | 43.173725 | 58.348007 | 18.016776 | ðʌ oʊldɜ˞ mæn kæst ʌ heɪsti ɡlæns θɹu ðʌ oʊpʌn dɔɹ. ðʌ kɹaʊd dɪd nɑt sut hɪz pɜ˞pʌs, ʌnd hi dɹæɡd hɪz kʌmpænjʌn hɜ˞idli ʌweɪ fɹʌm ðʌ kɑntʌmpleɪʃʌn ʌv . læŋ, sɪtɪŋ ɪn ʌ fɑɹ kɔɹnɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ ɹum, sɜ˞aʊndɪd baɪ æn ædmaɪɹɪŋ θɹɔŋ, ʌnd baɪ ɪnumɜ˞ʌbʌl flɔɹʌl tɹɪbjuts ɔfɜ˞d tu hɜ˞ bjuti ʌnd tu hɜ˞ sʌksɛs. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000270.wav | 18.88 | De Batz did not watch Mlle. Lange beyond casting impatient looks in the direction of the crowd that prevented her leaving the green room. He did watch Armand, however noted his eager look, his brisk and alert movements, the obvious glances of admiration which he cast in the direction of the young actress, and this seemed to afford him a considerable amount of contentment. | 70.456863 | 34.31105 | 47.248032 | 49.206753 | 18.349862 | di bæts dɪd nɑt wɑtʃ . læŋ bɪɑnd kæstɪŋ ɪmpeɪʃʌnt lʊks ɪn ðʌ dɜ˞ɛkʃʌn ʌv ðʌ kɹaʊd ðæt pɹɪvɛntɪd hɜ˞ livɪŋ ðʌ ɡɹin ɹum. hi dɪd wɑtʃ ɑɹmʌnd, haʊɛvɜ˞ noʊtʌd hɪz iɡɜ˞ lʊk, hɪz bɹɪsk ʌnd ʌlɜ˞t muvmʌnts, ðʌ ɑbviʌs ɡlænsɪz ʌv ædmɜ˞eɪʃʌn wɪtʃ hi kæst ɪn ðʌ dɜ˞ɛkʃʌn ʌv ðʌ jʌŋ æktɹʌs, ʌnd ðɪs simd tu ʌfɔɹd hɪm ʌ kʌnsɪdɜ˞ʌbʌl ʌmaʊnt ʌv kʌntɛntmʌnt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000271.wav | 19.239 | Again he felt that if only he could have been alone with mademoiselle he could have told her all about the Scarlet Pimpernel, knowing that in her he would find a ready listener, a helping and a loving heart; but as it was he merely replied tamely enough: "Yes, mademoiselle, I do know him." "You have seen him?" she queried eagerly; "spoken to him?" "Yes." | 82.175385 | 48.381344 | 35.920151 | 53.983109 | 16.010396 | ʌɡɛn hi fɛlt ðæt ɪf oʊnli hi kʊd hæv bɪn ʌloʊn wɪð mædʌmʌzɛl hi kʊd hæv toʊld hɜ˞ ɔl ʌbaʊt ðʌ skɑɹlʌt , noʊɪŋ ðæt ɪn hɜ˞ hi wʊd faɪnd ʌ ɹɛdi lɪsʌnɜ˞, ʌ hɛlpɪŋ ʌnd ʌ lʌvɪŋ hɑɹt; bʌt æz ɪt wɑz hi mɪɹli ɹɪplaɪd ɪnʌf: "jɛs, mædʌmʌzɛl, aɪ du noʊ hɪm." "ju hæv sin hɪm?" ʃi kwɪɹid iɡɜ˞li; "spoʊkʌn tu hɪm?" "jɛs." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000272.wav | 19.6 | Armand, who during this brief colloquy between his friend and the young girl had kept discreetly in the background, felt undecided what to do. But at a peremptory sign from de Batz he, too, turned in the wake of the gay little lady, who ran swiftly up the rickety steps, humming snatches of popular songs the while, and not turning to see if indeed the two men were following her. | 67.930336 | 31.328648 | 44.190262 | 58.186165 | 18.117148 | ɑɹmʌnd, hu dʊɹɪŋ ðɪs bɹif kɑlʌkwi bɪtwin hɪz fɹɛnd ʌnd ðʌ jʌŋ ɡɜ˞l hæd kɛpt dɪskɹitli ɪn ðʌ bækɡɹaʊnd, fɛlt ʌndɪsaɪdɪd wʌt tu du. bʌt æt ʌ pɜ˞ɛmptɜ˞i saɪn fɹʌm di bæts hi, tu, tɜ˞nd ɪn ðʌ weɪk ʌv ðʌ ɡeɪ lɪtʌl leɪdi, hu ɹæn swɪftli ʌp ðʌ ɹɪkʌti stɛps, hʌmɪŋ snætʃɪz ʌv pɑpjʌlɜ˞ sɔŋz ðʌ waɪl, ʌnd nɑt tɜ˞nɪŋ tu si ɪf ɪndid ðʌ tu mɛn wɜ˞ fɑloʊɪŋ hɜ˞. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000273.wav | 19.76 | "Citizen St. Just will tell you nothing now, mademoiselle," rejoined de Batz with his good humoured laugh; "it is my presence, I assure you, which is setting a seal upon his lips. He is, believe me, aching to confide in you, to share in your enthusiasm, and to see your beautiful eyes glowing in response to his ardour when he describes to you the exploits of that prince of heroes. | 77.162941 | 45.945095 | 44.159306 | 51.452248 | 17.112571 | "sɪtʌzʌn stɹit. dʒʌst wɪl tɛl ju nʌθɪŋ naʊ, mædʌmʌzɛl," ɹidʒɔɪnd di bæts wɪð hɪz ɡʊd læf; "ɪt ɪz maɪ pɹɛzʌns, aɪ ʌʃʊɹ ju, wɪtʃ ɪz sɛtɪŋ ʌ sil ʌpɑn hɪz lɪps. hi ɪz, bɪliv mi, eɪkɪŋ tu kʌnfaɪd ɪn ju, tu ʃɛɹ ɪn jɔɹ ɪnθuziæzʌm, ʌnd tu si jɔɹ bjutʌfʌl aɪz ɡloʊɪŋ ɪn ɹɪspɑns tu hɪz wɛn hi dɪskɹaɪbz tu ju ðʌ ɛksplɔɪts ʌv ðæt pɹɪns ʌv hɪɹoʊz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000274.wav | 14.6 | She said nothing more about the Scarlet Pimpernel or about England just then, but after awhile she began talking of more indifferent subjects: the state of the weather, the price of food, the discomforts of her own house, now that the servants had been put on perfect equality with their masters. | 81.363602 | 47.504478 | 40.543385 | 57.835182 | 17.347558 | ʃi sɛd nʌθɪŋ mɔɹ ʌbaʊt ðʌ skɑɹlʌt ɔɹ ʌbaʊt ɪŋɡlʌnd dʒʌst ðɛn, bʌt æftɜ˞ ʌwaɪl ʃi bɪɡæn tɔkɪŋ ʌv mɔɹ ɪndɪfɹʌnt sʌbdʒɪkts: ðʌ steɪt ʌv ðʌ wɛðɜ˞, ðʌ pɹaɪs ʌv fud, ðʌ ʌv hɜ˞ oʊn haʊs, naʊ ðæt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnts hæd bɪn pʊt ɑn pɜ˞fɛkt ɪkwɑlʌti wɪð ðɛɹ mæstɜ˞z. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000275.wav | 18.2 | Armand was smiling again. He was yielding himself up wholly to the charm which emanated from this young girl's entire being, from her gaiety and her unaffectedness, her enthusiasm, and that obvious artistic temperament which caused her to feel every sensation with superlative keenness and thoroughness. "What is he like?" she insisted. | 83.520386 | 47.293568 | 41.227322 | 59.412075 | 15.721844 | ɑɹmʌnd wɑz smaɪlɪŋ ʌɡɛn. hi wɑz jildɪŋ hɪmsɛlf ʌp hoʊli tu ðʌ tʃɑɹm wɪtʃ ɛmʌneɪtɪd fɹʌm ðɪs jʌŋ ɡɜ˞l'ɛs ɪntaɪɜ˞ biɪŋ, fɹʌm hɜ˞ ʌnd hɜ˞ , hɜ˞ ɪnθuziæzʌm, ʌnd ðæt ɑbviʌs ɑɹtɪstɪk tɛmpɹʌmʌnt wɪtʃ kɑzd hɜ˞ tu fil ɛvɜ˞i sɛnseɪʃʌn wɪð sʊpɜ˞lʌtɪv ʌnd θɜ˞oʊnʌs. "wʌt ɪz hi laɪk?" ʃi ɪnsɪstʌd. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000276.wav | 14.359 | Armand soon gathered that the burning questions of the day, the horrors of massacres, the raging turmoil of politics, had not affected her very deeply as yet. She had not troubled her pretty head very much about the social and humanitarian aspect of the present seething revolution. | 74.397957 | 40.934322 | 43.494884 | 57.533833 | 18.196078 | ɑɹmʌnd sun ɡæðɜ˞d ðæt ðʌ bɜ˞nɪŋ kwɛstʃʌnz ʌv ðʌ deɪ, ðʌ hɔɹɜ˞z ʌv mæsɪkɜ˞z, ðʌ ɹeɪdʒɪŋ tɜ˞mɔɪl ʌv pɑlʌtɪks, hæd nɑt ʌfɛktɪd hɜ˞ vɛɹi dipli æz jɛt. ʃi hæd nɑt tɹʌbʌld hɜ˞ pɹɪti hɛd vɛɹi mʌtʃ ʌbaʊt ðʌ soʊʃʌl ʌnd hjumænʌtɛɹiʌn æspɛkt ʌv ðʌ pɹɛzʌnt siðɪŋ ɹɛvʌluʃʌn. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000277.wav | 15.119 | "Bah!" she retorted lightly, even though her full lips trembled now as she spoke and belied her very words. "You need have no fear whilst you are in this part of the house. It is an understood thing that the Committee of General Security does not send its spies behind the curtain of a theatre. | 75.660629 | 38.738922 | 38.590069 | 57.619118 | 17.931092 | "bɑ!" ʃi ɹitɔɹtɪd laɪtli, ivɪn ðoʊ hɜ˞ fʊl lɪps tɹɛmbʌld naʊ æz ʃi spoʊk ʌnd bɪlaɪd hɜ˞ vɛɹi wɜ˞dz. "ju nid hæv noʊ fɪɹ waɪlst ju ɑɹ ɪn ðɪs pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ haʊs. ɪt ɪz æn ʌndɜ˞stʊd θɪŋ ðæt ðʌ kʌmɪti ʌv dʒɛnɜ˞ʌl sɪkjʊɹʌti dʌz nɑt sɛnd ɪts spaɪz bɪhaɪnd ðʌ kɜ˞tʌn ʌv ʌ θiʌtɜ˞. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000278.wav | 14 | We are a nation of heroes, too, monsieur," she added with a pretty, proud toss of the head; "we can appreciate bravery and resource, and we love the mystery that surrounds the personality of your Scarlet Pimpernel. But since you know him, monsieur, tell me what is he like?" | 81.36869 | 55.065922 | 38.713047 | 57.204247 | 17.084394 | wi ɑɹ ʌ neɪʃʌn ʌv hɪɹoʊz, tu, mʌsjɜ˞," ʃi ædʌd wɪð ʌ pɹɪti, pɹaʊd tɔs ʌv ðʌ hɛd; "wi kæn ʌpɹiʃieɪt bɹeɪvɜ˞i ʌnd ɹisɔɹs, ʌnd wi lʌv ðʌ mɪstɜ˞i ðæt sɜ˞aʊndz ðʌ pɜ˞sʌnælɪti ʌv jɔɹ skɑɹlʌt . bʌt sɪns ju noʊ hɪm, mʌsjɜ˞, tɛl mi wʌt ɪz hi laɪk?" |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000279.wav | 12.48 | "You will come and see me again, citizen St. Just?" she asked after that preliminary leave taking. "At your service, mademoiselle," he replied with alacrity. "How long do you stay in Paris?" "I may be called away at any time." | 68.623352 | 34.794136 | 50.720543 | 55.817871 | 16.919761 | "ju wɪl kʌm ʌnd si mi ʌɡɛn, sɪtʌzʌn stɹit. dʒʌst?" ʃi æskt æftɜ˞ ðæt pɹɪlɪmʌnɛɹi liv teɪkɪŋ. "æt jɔɹ sɜ˞vʌs, mædʌmʌzɛl," hi ɹɪplaɪd wɪð ʌlækɹʌti. "haʊ lɔŋ du ju steɪ ɪn pɛɹɪs?" "aɪ meɪ bi kɔld ʌweɪ æt ɛni taɪm." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000280.wav | 8.72 | "Tell me all about England," she reiterated, settling herself down among the cushions like a spoilt child who is about to listen to an oft told favourite story. | 62.105766 | 19.165819 | 38.050041 | 59.64156 | 17.031204 | "tɛl mi ɔl ʌbaʊt ɪŋɡlʌnd," ʃi ɹiɪtɜ˞eɪtɪd, sɛtʌlɪŋ hɜ˞sɛlf daʊn ʌmʌŋ ðʌ kʊʃʌnz laɪk ʌ tʃaɪld hu ɪz ʌbaʊt tu lɪsʌn tu æn ɔft toʊld feɪvɜ˞ɪt stɔɹi. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000281.wav | 14.959 | Mademoiselle made no comment on this that is to say, no audible comment but she buried the whole of her face for a few seconds among the flowers, and Armand from amongst those flowers caught sight of a pair of very bright brown eyes which shone on him with a puzzled look. | 71.200371 | 38.574387 | 48.646481 | 48.388977 | 16.700337 | mædʌmʌzɛl meɪd noʊ kɑmɛnt ɑn ðɪs ðæt ɪz tu seɪ, noʊ ɑdʌbʌl kɑmɛnt bʌt ʃi bɛɹid ðʌ hoʊl ʌv hɜ˞ feɪs fɔɹ ʌ fju sɛkʌndz ʌmʌŋ ðʌ flaʊɜ˞z, ʌnd ɑɹmʌnd fɹʌm ʌmʌŋst ðoʊz flaʊɜ˞z kɑt saɪt ʌv ʌ pɛɹ ʌv vɛɹi bɹaɪt bɹaʊn aɪz wɪtʃ ʃoʊn ɑn hɪm wɪð ʌ pʌzʌld lʊk. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000282.wav | 11.72 | In her arms she held a huge sheaf of sweet scented narcissi, the spoils of some favoured spot far away in the South. Armand thought that never in his life had he seen anything so winsome or so charming. | 73.417366 | 38.915283 | 44.081276 | 55.701397 | 14.515957 | ɪn hɜ˞ ɑɹmz ʃi hɛld ʌ hjudʒ ʃif ʌv swit sɛntɪd , ðʌ spɔɪlz ʌv sʌm spɑt fɑɹ ʌweɪ ɪn ðʌ saʊθ. ɑɹmʌnd θɔt ðæt nɛvɜ˞ ɪn hɪz laɪf hæd hi sin ɛniθɪŋ soʊ wɪnsʌm ɔɹ soʊ tʃɑɹmɪŋ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000283.wav | 10.399 | Armand was vexed that de Batz was sitting there. He felt he could have told this dainty little lady quite a good deal about England if only his pompous, fat friend would have had the good sense to go away. | 65.931244 | 26.750597 | 41.613777 | 59.107349 | 18.481848 | ɑɹmʌnd wɑz vɛkst ðæt di bæts wɑz sɪtɪŋ ðɛɹ. hi fɛlt hi kʊd hæv toʊld ðɪs deɪnti lɪtʌl leɪdi kwaɪt ʌ ɡʊd dil ʌbaʊt ɪŋɡlʌnd ɪf oʊnli hɪz pɑmpʌs, fæt fɹɛnd wʊd hæv hæd ðʌ ɡʊd sɛns tu ɡoʊ ʌweɪ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000284.wav | 10.959 | One by one the friends of the artists were leaving the theatre, after having paid the usual banal compliments to those whom they favoured, or presented the accustomed offering of flowers to the brightest star of the night. | 89.700539 | 52.415394 | 41.891712 | 51.460056 | 17.887857 | wʌn baɪ wʌn ðʌ fɹɛndz ʌv ðʌ ɑɹtɪsts wɜ˞ livɪŋ ðʌ θiʌtɜ˞, æftɜ˞ hævɪŋ peɪd ðʌ juʒʌwʌl bʌnɑl kɑmplʌmɛnts tu ðoʊz hum ðeɪ , ɔɹ pɹizɛntɪd ðʌ ʌkʌstʌmd ɔfɜ˞ɪŋ ʌv flaʊɜ˞z tu ðʌ bɹaɪtʌst stɑɹ ʌv ðʌ naɪt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000285.wav | 10.36 | "Hush sh sh!" he whispered, holding her small bemittened hand in his, and putting one finger to his lips with an urgent entreaty for discretion; "not my name, I beg of you, fair one." | 73.586586 | 35.090359 | 44.656124 | 59.708702 | 15.757356 | "hʌʃ ʃ ʃ!" hi wɪspɜ˞d, hoʊldɪŋ hɜ˞ smɔl hænd ɪn hɪz, ʌnd pʌtɪŋ wʌn fɪŋɡɜ˞ tu hɪz lɪps wɪð æn ɜ˞dʒʌnt ɛntɹiti fɔɹ dɪskɹɛʃʌn; "nɑt maɪ neɪm, aɪ bɛɡ ʌv ju, fɛɹ wʌn." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000286.wav | 18.08 | She came face to face with Armand, and gave a sudden little gasp of terror. It was not good these days to come on any loiterer unawares. But already de Batz had quickly joined his friend, and his smooth, pleasant voice, and podgy, beringed hand extended towards Mlle. Lange, were sufficient to reassure her. | 77.150375 | 38.121574 | 37.171375 | 57.989338 | 14.829129 | ʃi keɪm feɪs tu feɪs wɪð ɑɹmʌnd, ʌnd ɡeɪv ʌ sʌdʌn lɪtʌl ɡæsp ʌv tɛɹɜ˞. ɪt wɑz nɑt ɡʊd ðiz deɪz tu kʌm ɑn ɛni ʌnʌwɛɹz. bʌt ɔlɹɛdi di bæts hæd kwɪkli dʒɔɪnd hɪz fɹɛnd, ʌnd hɪz smuð, plɛzʌnt vɔɪs, ʌnd , hænd ɪkstɛndʌd tʌwɔɹdz . læŋ, wɜ˞ sʌfɪʃʌnt tu ɹiʌʃʊɹ hɜ˞. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000287.wav | 14.32 | "How tiresome and pedantic!" she said, with a shrug of her pretty shoulders and a moue of discontent. "And, oh! how ungallant! You have learnt ugly, English ways, monsieur; for there, I am told, men hold their womenkind in very scant esteem. | 80.576576 | 52.181553 | 44.324745 | 57.177353 | 14.465409 | "haʊ taɪɜ˞sʌm ʌnd pʌdæntɪk!" ʃi sɛd, wɪð ʌ ʃɹʌɡ ʌv hɜ˞ pɹɪti ʃoʊldɜ˞z ʌnd ʌ mu ʌv dɪskʌntɛnt. "ʌnd, oʊ! haʊ ! ju hæv lɜ˞nt ʌɡli, ɪŋɡlɪʃ weɪz, mʌsjɜ˞; fɔɹ ðɛɹ, aɪ æm toʊld, mɛn hoʊld ðɛɹ ɪn vɛɹi skænt ʌstim. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000288.wav | 17.72 | The terrors of the guillotine affected her a little, but somewhat vaguely still. She had not realised that any dangers could assail her whilst she worked for the artistic delectation of the public. It was not that she did not understand what went on around her, but that her artistic temperament and her environment had kept her aloof from it all. | 74.26239 | 47.424187 | 43.713638 | 46.051102 | 17.772063 | ðʌ tɛɹɜ˞z ʌv ðʌ ɡɪlʌtin ʌfɛktɪd hɜ˞ ʌ lɪtʌl, bʌt sʌmwʌt veɪɡli stɪl. ʃi hæd nɑt ɹiʌlaɪzd ðæt ɛni deɪndʒɜ˞z kʊd ʌseɪl hɜ˞ waɪlst ʃi wɜ˞kt fɔɹ ðʌ ɑɹtɪstɪk ʌv ðʌ pʌblɪk. ɪt wɑz nɑt ðæt ʃi dɪd nɑt ʌndɜ˞stænd wʌt wɛnt ɑn ɜ˞aʊnd hɜ˞, bʌt ðæt hɜ˞ ɑɹtɪstɪk tɛmpɹʌmʌnt ʌnd hɜ˞ ɪnvaɪɹʌnmʌnt hæd kɛpt hɜ˞ ʌluf fɹʌm ɪt ɔl. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000289.wav | 14.359 | She did not really wish to think about it at all. An artiste to her finger tips, she was spending her young life in earnest work, striving to attain perfection in her art, absorbed in study during the day, and in the expression of what she had learnt in the evenings. | 76.654999 | 40.82737 | 44.227489 | 57.763153 | 16.931217 | ʃi dɪd nɑt ɹɪli wɪʃ tu θɪŋk ʌbaʊt ɪt æt ɔl. æn tu hɜ˞ fɪŋɡɜ˞ tɪps, ʃi wɑz spɛndɪŋ hɜ˞ jʌŋ laɪf ɪn ɜ˞nɪst wɜ˞k, stɹaɪvɪŋ tu ʌteɪn pɜ˞fɛkʃʌn ɪn hɜ˞ ɑɹt, ʌbzɔɹbd ɪn stʌdi dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ deɪ, ʌnd ɪn ðʌ ɪkspɹɛʃʌn ʌv wʌt ʃi hæd lɜ˞nt ɪn ðʌ ivnɪŋz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000290.wav | 13.08 | To him the very name of his leader was almost a sacred one; he was one of those enthusiastic devotees who only care to name the idol of their dreams with bated breath, and only in the ears of those who would understand and sympathise. | 78.000496 | 43.774826 | 43.107895 | 59.649078 | 16.057348 | tu hɪm ðʌ vɛɹi neɪm ʌv hɪz lidɜ˞ wɑz ɔlmoʊst ʌ seɪkɹʌd wʌn; hi wɑz wʌn ʌv ðoʊz ɪnθuziæstɪk dɛvʌtiz hu oʊnli kɛɹ tu neɪm ðʌ aɪdʌl ʌv ðɛɹ dɹimz wɪð beɪtɪd bɹɛθ, ʌnd oʊnli ɪn ðʌ ɪɹz ʌv ðoʊz hu wʊd ʌndɜ˞stænd ʌnd . |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000291.wav | 29.72 | "And do you know him, monsieur?" He was frowning despite himself, despite the delight which he felt at sitting so close to this charming little lady, and feeling that in a measure his presence and his personality interested her. But he felt irritated with de Batz, and angered at what he considered the latter's indiscretion. To him the very name of his leader was almost a sacred one; he was one of those enthusiastic devotees who only care to name the idol of their dreams with bated breath, and only in the ears of those who would understand and sympathise. | 83.461777 | 49.812107 | 46.162041 | 57.26297 | 17.407195 | "ʌnd du ju noʊ hɪm, mʌsjɜ˞?" hi wɑz fɹaʊnɪŋ dɪspaɪt hɪmsɛlf, dɪspaɪt ðʌ dɪlaɪt wɪtʃ hi fɛlt æt sɪtɪŋ soʊ kloʊs tu ðɪs tʃɑɹmɪŋ lɪtʌl leɪdi, ʌnd filɪŋ ðæt ɪn ʌ mɛʒɜ˞ hɪz pɹɛzʌns ʌnd hɪz pɜ˞sʌnælɪti ɪntɹʌstɪd hɜ˞. bʌt hi fɛlt ɪɹʌteɪtʌd wɪð di bæts, ʌnd æŋɡɜ˞d æt wʌt hi kʌnsɪdɜ˞d ðʌ lætɜ˞'ɛs ɪndɪskɹɛʃʌn. tu hɪm ðʌ vɛɹi neɪm ʌv hɪz lidɜ˞ wɑz ɔlmoʊst ʌ seɪkɹʌd wʌn; hi wɑz wʌn ʌv ðoʊz ɪnθuziæstɪk dɛvʌtiz hu oʊnli kɛɹ tu neɪm ðʌ aɪdʌl ʌv ðɛɹ dɹimz wɪð beɪtɪd bɹɛθ, ʌnd oʊnli ɪn ðʌ ɪɹz ʌv ðoʊz hu wʊd ʌndɜ˞stænd ʌnd . |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000292.wav | 16.64 | As it was, he felt unusually timid and gauche, not quite knowing what to say, a fact which seemed to amuse Mlle. Lange not a little. "I am very fond of England," he said lamely; "my sister is married to an Englishman, and I myself have taken up my permanent residence there." | 84.589668 | 49.706161 | 41.527031 | 55.823063 | 16.282097 | æz ɪt wɑz, hi fɛlt ʌnjuʒuʌli tɪmɪd ʌnd ɡoʊʃ, nɑt kwaɪt noʊɪŋ wʌt tu seɪ, ʌ fækt wɪtʃ simd tu ʌmjuz . læŋ nɑt ʌ lɪtʌl. "aɪ æm vɛɹi fɑnd ʌv ɪŋɡlʌnd," hi sɛd leɪmli; "maɪ sɪstɜ˞ ɪz mɛɹid tu æn ɪŋɡlɪʃmʌn, ʌnd aɪ maɪsɛlf hæv teɪkʌn ʌp maɪ pɜ˞mʌnʌnt ɹɛzɪdʌns ðɛɹ." |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000293.wav | 17.04 | "In England?" she exclaimed. "Oh! do tell me all about England. I would love to go there. Perhaps I may have to go some day. Oh! do sit down, de Batz," she continued, talking rather volubly, even as a delicate blush heightened the colour in her cheeks under the look of obvious admiration from Armand St. Just's expressive eyes. | 78.335121 | 48.079632 | 44.879059 | 55.918346 | 17.90185 | "ɪn ɪŋɡlʌnd?" ʃi ɪkskleɪmd. "oʊ! du tɛl mi ɔl ʌbaʊt ɪŋɡlʌnd. aɪ wʊd lʌv tu ɡoʊ ðɛɹ. pɜ˞hæps aɪ meɪ hæv tu ɡoʊ sʌm deɪ. oʊ! du sɪt daʊn, di bæts," ʃi kʌntɪnjud, tɔkɪŋ ɹæðɜ˞ , ivɪn æz ʌ dɛlʌkʌt blʌʃ haɪtʌnd ðʌ kʌlɜ˞ ɪn hɜ˞ tʃiks ʌndɜ˞ ðʌ lʊk ʌv ɑbviʌs ædmɜ˞eɪʃʌn fɹʌm ɑɹmʌnd stɹit. dʒʌst'ɛs ɪkspɹɛsɪv aɪz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000294.wav | 12.32 | "Oh! do tell me all about him. You know quite a number of us in France have the greatest possible admiration for your national hero. We know, of course, that he is an enemy of our Government but, oh! we feel that he is not an enemy of France because of that. | 73.529007 | 44.284115 | 46.579597 | 57.585243 | 19.72569 | "oʊ! du tɛl mi ɔl ʌbaʊt hɪm. ju noʊ kwaɪt ʌ nʌmbɜ˞ ʌv ʌs ɪn fɹæns hæv ðʌ ɡɹeɪtʌst pɑsʌbʌl ædmɜ˞eɪʃʌn fɔɹ jɔɹ næʃʌnʌl hɪɹoʊ. wi noʊ, ʌv kɔɹs, ðæt hi ɪz æn ɛnʌmi ʌv aʊɜ˞ ɡʌvɜ˞mʌnt bʌt, oʊ! wi fil ðæt hi ɪz nɑt æn ɛnʌmi ʌv fɹæns bɪkɔz ʌv ðæt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000295.wav | 8.08 | The words sounded empty and meaningless, but his eyes, as they took final leave of her, spoke the gratitude and the joy which he felt. | 70.34317 | 36.989037 | 46.062508 | 39.197105 | 17.272249 | ðʌ wɜ˞dz saʊndɪd ɛmpti ʌnd minɪŋlʌs, bʌt hɪz aɪz, æz ðeɪ tʊk faɪnʌl liv ʌv hɜ˞, spoʊk ðʌ ɡɹætʌtud ʌnd ðʌ dʒɔɪ wɪtʃ hi fɛlt. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000296.wav | 19.599 | "Not at liberty to tell me!" she exclaimed; "but monsieur, if I command you " "At risk of falling forever under the ban of your displeasure, mademoiselle, I would still remain silent on that subject." She gazed on him with obvious astonishment. It was quite an unusual thing for this spoilt darling of an admiring public to be thus openly thwarted in her whims. | 85.321335 | 55.8713 | 39.280106 | 53.645668 | 16.9458 | "nɑt æt lɪbɜ˞ti tu tɛl mi!" ʃi ɪkskleɪmd; "bʌt mʌsjɜ˞, ɪf aɪ kʌmænd ju " "æt ɹɪsk ʌv fɑlɪŋ fɜ˞ɛvɜ˞ ʌndɜ˞ ðʌ bæn ʌv jɔɹ dɪsplɛʒɜ˞, mædʌmʌzɛl, aɪ wʊd stɪl ɹɪmeɪn saɪlʌnt ɑn ðæt sʌbdʒɛkt." ʃi ɡeɪzd ɑn hɪm wɪð ɑbviʌs ʌstɑnɪʃmʌnt. ɪt wɑz kwaɪt æn ʌnjuʒuʌl θɪŋ fɔɹ ðɪs dɑɹlɪŋ ʌv æn ædmaɪɹɪŋ pʌblɪk tu bi ðʌs oʊpʌnli θwɔɹtɪd ɪn hɜ˞ wɪmz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000297.wav | 18.24 | While de Batz did as he was told, she turned to Armand and said with a pretty tone of interrogation in her melodious voice: "Monsieur?" "St. Just, at your service, mademoiselle," said Armand, bowing very low in the most approved style obtaining at the English Court. "St. Just?" she repeated, a look of puzzlement in her brown eyes. | 68.72686 | 27.031322 | 41.4767 | 57.600029 | 17.174211 | waɪl di bæts dɪd æz hi wɑz toʊld, ʃi tɜ˞nd tu ɑɹmʌnd ʌnd sɛd wɪð ʌ pɹɪti toʊn ʌv ɪntɛɹʌɡeɪʃʌn ɪn hɜ˞ mʌloʊdiʌs vɔɪs: "mʌsjɜ˞?" "stɹit. dʒʌst, æt jɔɹ sɜ˞vʌs, mædʌmʌzɛl," sɛd ɑɹmʌnd, boʊɪŋ vɛɹi loʊ ɪn ðʌ moʊst ʌpɹuvd staɪl ʌbteɪnɪŋ æt ðʌ ɪŋɡlɪʃ kɔɹt. "stɹit. dʒʌst?" ʃi ɹɪpitɪd, ʌ lʊk ʌv pʌzʌlmʌnt ɪn hɜ˞ bɹaʊn aɪz. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000298.wav | 14.16 | She was still dressed in the ridiculous hoops and panniers pertaining to her part, and the powdered peruke hid the charm of her own hair; the costume gave a certain stilted air to her unaffected personality, which, by this very sense of contrast, was essentially fascinating. | 71.131767 | 32.424477 | 40.539955 | 56.142651 | 16.880766 | ʃi wɑz stɪl dɹɛst ɪn ðʌ ɹɪdɪkjʌlʌs hups ʌnd pɜ˞teɪnɪŋ tu hɜ˞ pɑɹt, ʌnd ðʌ paʊdɜ˞d hɪd ðʌ tʃɑɹm ʌv hɜ˞ oʊn hɛɹ; ðʌ kɑstum ɡeɪv ʌ sɜ˞tʌn stɪltɪd ɛɹ tu hɜ˞ ʌnʌfɛktɪd pɜ˞sʌnælɪti, wɪtʃ, baɪ ðɪs vɛɹi sɛns ʌv kɑntɹæst, wɑz ɛsɛnʃʌli fæsʌneɪtɪŋ. |
wav/EN_F00000_B00000_S00001_W000299.wav | 14.239 | Then she turned and faced the two men, a merry look of unalterable gaiety dancing in her eyes. "Shut the door, mon ami," she said to de Batz, "and after that sit down where you can, so long as it is not on my most precious pot of unguent or a box of costliest powder." | 94.117844 | 58.713974 | 35.937824 | 59.675682 | 16.90091 | ðɛn ʃi tɜ˞nd ʌnd feɪst ðʌ tu mɛn, ʌ mɛɹi lʊk ʌv ʌnɔltɜ˞ʌbʌl dænsɪŋ ɪn hɜ˞ aɪz. "ʃʌt ðʌ dɔɹ, moʊn ɑmi," ʃi sɛd tu di bæts, "ʌnd æftɜ˞ ðæt sɪt daʊn wɛɹ ju kæn, soʊ lɔŋ æz ɪt ɪz nɑt ɑn maɪ moʊst pɹɛʃʌs pɑt ʌv ɔɹ ʌ bɑks ʌv kɔstliɪst paʊdɜ˞." |
Subsets and Splits