<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 418 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsod6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Context','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['context','variables']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'abstract', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 719 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['menu'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@243b6beb (expression: Item)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@157f2752 (expression: ToolBarElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_W2pt2t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'menu','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Menu','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@32707f (expression: Menu)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ToolItem','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Menu'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 0 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT--N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'EditAction','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['propertiesEditionElement','referenceableObject','eContainingFeature'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@b670feb (expression: EEFAction)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@25fbb6bc (expression: ReferenceableObject)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT-_d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6e459e (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'EditAction','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 23 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_JN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'modelName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6b4f6b13 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CreateModel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'lowerBound', 'valueBefore': '1', 'valueAfter': '0'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 21 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_I96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'CreateModel','ePackage':'EclipseActions','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['modelName','path','root','computedRoot','rootURI'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@230da81 (expression: EclipseAction)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@13fc19da (expression: ReferenceableObject)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_YDbpvt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'computedRoot','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EClass','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@121881d9 (expression: EClass)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'CreateModel','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EClass'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_YDbpwN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'rootURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3de93e10 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CreateModel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 2 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_At6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SetAttribute','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['value','eContainingFeature'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@70fb86d6 (expression: EditAction)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XfcLiN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1aa808ca (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SetAttribute','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 38 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_Ed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'projectName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@33a6f974 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CreateProject','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'lowerBound', 'valueBefore': '0', 'valueAfter': '1'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 40 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_Jt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'path','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@362d2d50 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CreateModel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'lowerBound', 'valueBefore': '0', 'valueAfter': '1'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 44 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_At6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SetAttribute','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eIDAttribute':'referenceName','eStructuralFeatures':['values','eContainingFeature','eContainingFeatureURI','computedEContainingFeature'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5e3f7531 (expression: EditAction)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_X86xz96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'computedEContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@530e7767 (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'SetAttribute','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_X86xzd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeatureURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6d999285 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SetAttribute','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 25 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_At6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SetAttribute','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eIDAttribute':'referenceName','eStructuralFeatures':['values','eContainingFeature','eContainingFeatureURI','computedEContainingFeature'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@259f2c4 (expression: EditAction)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_X86xzd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeatureURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@18328efb (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SetAttribute','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_X86xz96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'computedEContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@45beb787 (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'SetAttribute','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 18 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT--N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'EditAction','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['propertiesEditionElement','propertiesEditionElementURI','computedPropertiesEditionElement','referenceableObject'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@17f4ba3d (expression: EEFAction)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5ee2b516 (expression: ReferenceableObject)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_YDbpY96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'propertiesEditionElementURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@20dc1127 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'EditAction','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_YDbpZd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'computedPropertiesEditionElement','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'PropertiesEditionElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@71091a10 (expression: PropertiesEditionElement)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'EditAction','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'PropertiesEditionElement'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 6 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_C96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SetReference','ePackage':'EEFActions','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['value','eContainingFeature'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1a37d358 (expression: EditAction)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_Xi2r-d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@47b9503d (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SetReference','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 4 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eLiterals'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EEnum', 'attributes': {'id': '_XgnQJt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SequenceType','defaultValue':'DETAILS_PAGE','ePackage':'modelingBot','serializable':'true','eLiterals':['DETAILS_PAGE','WIZARD','PROPERTIES_VIEW']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EEnumLiteral', 'attributes': {'id': '_XgnQKd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'PROPERTIES_VIEW','value':'2','instance':'PROPERTIES_VIEW','literal':'PROPERTIES_VIEW','eEnum':'SequenceType'}}" e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eLiterals'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EEnumLiteral', 'attributes': {'id': '_XgnQJ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'DETAILS_PAGE','value':'0','instance':'DETAILS_PAGE','literal':'DETAILS_PAGE','eEnum':'SequenceType'}}" e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eLiterals'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EEnumLiteral', 'attributes': {'id': '_XgnQKN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'WIZARD','value':'1','instance':'WIZARD','literal':'WIZARD','eEnum':'SequenceType'}}" e [/INST] 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT-4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'modelingBot','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/eef/mbot/1.0.0','nsPrefix':'eef-mbot','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@20e29679','eClassifiers':['Scenario','Action','Sequence','Wizard','DocumentedElement','ModelingBot','DetailsPage','PropertiesView','Processing','SequenceType'],'eSubpackages':['EEFActions','EclipseActions']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 27 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XfcLgt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'eContainingFeature','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EStructuralFeature','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@ba0d934 (expression: EStructuralFeature)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Add','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'EStructuralFeature'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributeName': 'lowerBound', 'valueBefore': '1', 'valueAfter': '0'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 46 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XcT_Ed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'projectName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5e1730f4 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CreateProject','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'lowerBound', 'valueBefore': '1', 'valueAfter': '0'}" $$ </s>