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Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh my god, something. We can't win this. Laji. I'm down roof to you. You know what? Stop it's different. You're going to put some of my stringle. You're caught in the palm window and then you'll think it's a catch. Where's my mirror? It must be about to rip out. Got him, or a prop. You must defend it. 謝謝歡迎經濟不管裡內無聊 Oh, he's in lock, man. That's about the bed. I think that's about the bed. Ah, 4th place at the fuser near a bomb. Destroy it. to I left there because they drove me and I heard from on the roof. We're gonna go Dr. Tucci at that. That's why I left We just need this next one. No way I haven't walked in out even like droning. Damn, we're just good. Come on. Jim, let's go. We can't go up a body over there. If we have 5-5 in there, they have that control. So listen, listen, we can give a body up for a minute and a half worth of time, bro. That's perfectly fine, but we cannot give up more than one body for it. of one I think we just shoot games to get out, bro. I mean, bro, I think we're in a first place. I think one of you guys starts actually I'm not gonna lie bro, they might be stream-sighting, I'm gonna say late but if you sit, oil pit you could kill them walking out. That's the day for it. You guys should look for lounge campers and something like this. Shooting zero camp and they were lying on there so much. Happy set up. You can all set up. Someone who used to bail on Bond or had to... How did you make a thing for Dicta? They have a lot of camera. How about a garage door shut at an open radio? now you see me now you go that one prep during changing legs you draw me out he draw me out I've got shit on. I thought you were still holding that bro. You all all coming up? Yeah, that's my fault. I thought like... That is that nice... Nice, good, nice good. Or you try to give it up bro. I'll just go back to the full back. He knows I'm there. Oh, probably. I mean, I realized that's a bigger ash too. It's a punks of mirrors. on top of the room. But this is perfect, bro. In very time, bro. I'll check you all the way down by the on-bike. On-bike. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I need to get this floor at your doorstep. You could still meet the windows, even if they're not castles for the campfire as my shit. I'm out of the way. I'm saying like next time. It's fine. Yeah go ahead and get y'all out there. I got the game on you. I haven't even opened up the windows yet. Frankly, you can do the night sure thing. You don't have time. Yeah. Are they inside? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think you can do it for you? Yeah, they're in CC for sure. They're gonna have a break there. They're gonna have a big CC right now. Go do what? Jack, go do what? I'll be fine, I'll be fine. That's it for... See if we're under. It's full one. Yeah, I can do that. I can set that up. They got the new jimmer. Good. Get on the watch out. No one's going to run. I'm going to run. I'm going to run. I'm gonna put it right there. I'm gonna spin. I'm gonna stay live here. They probably can't. Game on master door. Game on master door. All right there. No one's on it. Hey, man, it's sitting there. Hey, now it's time I came out of time. I came out of time. There's one. I got the gun. More, more. Yo, Jiki, if I might go one, block her if you want to. I don't want to block her, huh? Me, sir. So I'm gonna have like, clean my door. All right, ready to leave it for? I win this, I win this, I win this. All my mirrors, all my mirrors, all my mirrors, all my mirrors, all my mirrors, all my mirrors. Yeah, on your mirror. I think I should have gone. They were both windows, but they could hop in CC Go in there, just give it up here, it's an item there Yeah, I can go, I'm running close, please don't be found Oh my window, I'm gonna sound call on it I think that's how it goes I'm gonna jump over there. This is a place I have found. I'm gonna jump over there. I don't want to break the fence. I don't want to break it to you. Watch it on, man. It's con.
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm just gonna get the kill off from below. They got the kill off from below. Do you have another one? They're in Raptors, too. They're in Raptors. then few at that on might sale four I can't see him but I'm leaving. I forgot the wall. One go below, one go below. You're looking straight at your head. You can't see him. He's got a whole bunch of my knee not. He's got a whole bunch of my knee not. I can't see him. I can't see him. He's just holding it. I can't see him. I can't see him. This is my first round. No, I can't make you one of the 20s. I got him. Rattie, I T I T I T. 920. Rattie, I got him. Auto betcha mat alma Turn my 20 feet, you get to me in case I literally want I can't find any chance I want to go on your 90s. Turn my 20 What's on me? What's on me? What's on me? Yo, what's on me? Bro, I'm gonna stay there. I'm gonna stay there. I'm gonna stay there. That's on me. I'm gonna stay there. Bro, look at this. I should have come to where I sold. Yeah, so we're not I took it to play. That's the play. I've stopped shooting bro. I like. It's so fucking Discussing like I feel like corrupt just literally didn't join and just went straight downstairs You guys will go up again, but I've had a preset Yeah, I'm not gonna I can be the word in play, but I can to be a member of the outweigh who were you a touch on the well i was all i mean they didn't get any of the alcams you should look you run it i mean they got it yeah they I mean, no, they got one of them. I don't know where you put the other one. They did have a queue. I was literally sitting on the garage. Oh, just reaching from below. Just trying to spawn in my face. I was on his IQ pistol. Kill me through the floor. Throw back here to the bottom. Kill me through the fucking chair. I'm alive. I'm alive. N I had a and then I had one like gardener To one aqua You should not put one aqua, don't put it on the side Yeah Yeah, if I want to top it right up at the door I think that's a good one Oh shit. I don't know. This is an easy impact trick right here. He just those bolted H.E. Yo, if this IQ is too low again, can someone roam and kill this guy? I can probably make a hole too. I can make a hole so you can probably go through the floor. Swapping back up. I like trying to blow the wall, but like, where are you thinking you're gonna come in for a bomb? I've been located by a lot of people. I can't even hop on cams. Yo, if you're gonna hop on cams, feelin' the heart. Bein' it, boss. He's in the low. He just caught in the bomb. Let's go to the generator here, bro. I mean. Getting the watch out. There somebody again I think they forgot the apes wall. hit the that у насình wonders someone come quick close bluer now where the hell i'm in there Yeah, they have my door open but I don't know if he's out there just like just like just float around I'll call if I hear nothing. They've been my blood still haven't got a my key I've written shotgun. I'll be able to... Did they get the cross-boy yet, something? They're trying to get the bellcage right now. That's what the score is. Okay, tomorrow is my zombies, cause I'm in. I only have my eyes. That's not good. Fucking. I did He said you were a fling. Do you want a fling? We're done. And you think I should? Yeah, I mean, I can't get a certificate on there. You're going to have to tear down two Berkets though. One minute left. way i own if
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege How's my blue I think? Yeah, I'll be in the blue. Where's the mirror at? There is a car, yeah. of I can't even watch the walk-in, I don't know, not to do. I'm the only zombie, I can be the only one. There's all the way. They're going below, they're going in my bottom blue. Give me another one right there. I can drop a break-in, but they're gonna hear me. I'll pick Litz. You're in control, in control. I have a fuse, I have a fuse. Oh my door, he's gonna walk in my room. He's gonna use you to play close to the door. Litz is bottom aqua, Blitz is bottom aqua Franklin. Err. Ha, dumbass. Put that laser away. Hahaha. He's walking my door. I'm going to take my move to the door. He hit me. Kill the guy. Nice! I'm standing. Let's go! Yo Han bro! Three, three. Let's go. Let's what I'm talking about. You make a put down your damn mirror you bought Rose pocketing a mirror Last stop and I'm looking graduation Man when I got a kill someone said congratulations. Yeah, I can bro Chat it's just like you guys see my death bro. It's a lot of pull shape, bro I'm not gonna lie I love the blue tape Actually, I'm gonna I'm like No, I'm gonna wait hold on I'll talk in a second. It's I don't want you know I said who lasers that turn around? They're down, they're down, they're down, they're down. Did anyone blow up? Dude, is there even a point in me getting the bottom walls or no? They got the hat, they got the hat. They're downstairs with the boat. Is there an appointment to get the bottom wall? I think you're the only one that's going to be the last one. I think you should. My car breaches and help us run clear, bro. Yeah. Take the ram instead of the ass here. That is a thorn. They are like the thorns like SMG. They have a visual leasing for sure. Yeah, we do like we have to focus top down here guys. Jingsy open up the bottom garage hall with buck hard breach I want everyone going upstairs to downstairs, okay? Yo, yo, yo. No random side quests in the middle floor, please. Nathan, you need to fly on the roof and start pinging about games on this out of the house. Hey, the bottom ground walls need a part of our green shards on it. Quick, we get these documents. You can shoot it from the window if you can. Watch me like... I'm on the body. We shouldn't need you. We should have a dog. Yeah, that's all I thought. I thought I thought I'd do that. I'll take a picture. I'll take a picture. Okay. I just need that gun. At least recharge. All right, are we to get this? Walk the pipe. He walked the block. I land. Can you give him my black damn lobby? Walk the block, right there. I got the new channel too, so we gotta be careful about it. We gotta get him first. You might play a game, I might play a game. Yeah. I see the video scanner, but I don't hear him playing. No freaking, flicking. I'm walking up out. It's just a boss. He's hiding over there. How do I move that head? I'm on the ground. I think I already know just thinking. I don't know. I think I ran away. This is like an aqua. Oh my god. He's flanking gardener. It's a flanking garden. That's go. I'm worried about it. Is there anyone down there? He ran down. He could be in storage. One there was one storage Okay, one right here one right here I'm actually waiting he still has no He's right, he's taking those holes, Jason. That's fair, I almost didn't sort it out. I probably might keep the time, either. So we bro like these bout cans are gonna fuck us bro Hey, well then so does our IQ bro because we can't like have it nobody pushing over there pushing garage. I got a free kill. That's when you guys just wait. What it really should be right it's it's case number. Ping number. cams, medium-sickness, puttron into the building, take some guard inside, me and jigsie game. I then take guard inside. That's a lot of work. That means there's nobody like me. Oh, like, I mean, but the first thing is before we enter, I mean, If something's calling that's fine, but I'd be called this kid is so cracked out cams on us for while we're in So it's a matter of it was a three 3 and like grow that means like Yeah, I did wait I did not wait it was on me background was on everything but it's on us right here because I'm not gonna let lobby Just like have like a free literally I don't like Aqua. I always do. They're gonna have a buck again. Let me talk when they go downstairs, right?
No Highlight
Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege So doable simple if these are to the T2. Yeah simple. Oh Oh, shit good shit Franklin. How did you say I am a perimeter of I'm beginning I got a floor as drone Naded and pushed by three people downstairs, bro, and I killed fucking two of them other kids just ran away Yeah, what if we ran this? My 27 bunker I'm gonna kill him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, stop it, you're gonna stop it. You're gonna get it. I got it, I got it, I got it. You got it, Urban. You getting a meeting house Christian? Yeah yeah yeah yeah we paid. The way I killed the planners was kind of weird. Yeah, you are perfect. Back down. That's the case. What the hell? Did he show the sidebound? Yeah, that side's gone. We're located in bomb. That side's good on that guy. Are you like, we've gone... I'm glad it takes a lot of time. Did they shoot the site balcony that I had the last one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm flipping the building. I'm flippin' up. Yeah, ready to engage. Back in right away. Fuckin' busy. I think it's a backside. I don't get why I do that. I'm going to go to him, Jeezy. Do not play peeks with it. You use stop it. I got one push, sir. If we get the second push, then they have to do back side. I got their side cam. I got their side cam. We need to get the second. They have a floor as we get in. Push around, push around. They're gonna floor the kitchen. I think I heard it, like I think I heard it. Yeah, yeah, he got the mujama. Walking him back to his room. I'm gonna see you next time. Thank you. I'm gonna get the glitch on, please. Just careful, fucking girl. I hear him on the top. I hear him on the top for him. Flora's coming in, I think. Flora's, Flora's he's gonna get my... Yeah, right, he's gonna get the list. I think he got it. Is it having to be a kid? He's having got the help. No, no, no. They hacked the note back there. Alright, impact it, just in case. Just hit it in shooting, they don't need it. Push on them, getting made in! I got it, they got it, they got one there. Get the hackin' something. I don't know, bunker! Yo close bunker close bunker. I need you to watch my back there is like actively. Hey look at that. I'm watching on that. I'm doing that. Nice nice nice. X-3 is for why he described me someone hold back sir so many so good. They look at hatchet. They haven't got hatchet. I freezer can I freeze in bunker you guys need to help him no one is for me dead another one another bunker hold back I can't watch back since when I'm just stuck in the crib. Nice case, sir. Exters. Another elbow? One elbow remaining. Elbow, elbow. Yeah, I know, but I know, but I heard a bit of fan. It should be weak. I hit him a couple times. And I'll blow. And take this to the Greatest. GAYSES! No, K-SID is so nasty. K-SID is so nasty. Come on. Great hole is good shit guys. Wait, it's gonna come on. Bro, 607. Oh, try not to be a bit too loud. I'm getting grim, trash. Yeah, it's pretty funny. I said I forecasted a little girl. We don't have to worry about that, so I didn't know. They don't have to worry about that, so I didn't know. That's bro, when they get a hatch, they're like a loss, bro. They're just doing a grim, which is like, it can work. But like, they got a big club. Cool. Cool. I saw like every kill, bro. Oh, bro. I probably would have killed you in the over chair. Yeah, I don't know how a case and killed that guy back stairs. You body shot in case anything. I don't know. He's on it's feet. That's why bro if that guy wasn't around I don't know bro because that guy was going like Mom really can't fucking get up there Let's go yeah, Jank see you I'm gonna put my my you put a new top white and he can't flourish it. I'm gonna put my I'm gonna put my moose You more up though. Yeah, I can do that Great love! Yeah! I can't run out of fire. I'm gonna die. I can't burn. 4-5. I'm gonna throw a lead. I'm gonna throw a lead. I.- and Instead because someone being rejected
Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege if you're trying to push say we don't write it we use it on you know what start up jammer kind of cut on him. Look down at me, Rome. Alright, alright, do that, do that. Let's shout down to Rome. Yeah, we got to get back to it. Let's get active. I'm gonna go give me those koyos on the room. Yeah, thank you. Yep. Let's go. When this game's seven-three bro, get NA map three when the fucking tournament. Go beat our decks, let's go, let's do this shit. Do this shit, wow, mama, I don't bother too. I've unlocked the fucking room, we got this shit. Secure the plug. here case and that's what I got a fucking good feeling about this man blue walls are we are we are we gonna make a ship a wall make a ship a wall did the bloomers the internet it worked last time I don't know how to do that. I don't know. I don't know. We didn't. No, we broke. I don't even know how to turn up for God. We were like, we just started to be. I don't know what for God. 마키트리퍼링 Wilson! I got this shift cam. I'm running. I think Gratzware Gratzware. Walk in, already walked in. Already walked in? Did you see it? I think so. I'm here. You're alone, Gizmo. I'm up here, but not like I should do. I'm gonna main, I'm gonna main. What the hell is this? I'm gonna hit push-up on in secret here. I'm gonna die. Go! He's in the- he's in the- he's in the wake- one-eighths fever, one-eighths fever, one-eighths top-grudge. Oh, he's like one-eighths fever. Two of them. There's two ones close and one's in garage. Don't on the garage, peek in the hole. on the garage we can look house tour alright bye for him yeah I know the thing yo like you're trying to help you but there was two of them at least 40 you're on the grouse campsite? I can't bus you, not kill him bro second on the grouse campsite I'm here. Who's the one, Broom? Oh, man, I don't know. He's the one. Me and a Blychey break. He could be like not here. I'll now go. Watch your gc there. I think you have flank. Okay. Is this her? I don't. I'm dead friend. You're not baby. He's not run. You're not. I got that. Stairs, stairs, stairs. Oh my god. I got that. But he's going oh my god I'm so far going blue bar going blue sound call I Really sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. He's on IQ scanner Thank you. help you. like So fucking You're fucking seven oh these kids, right? I got a broom. If you see the shot, I just hit on that kid, bro. I just... No, Franklin's big dick. Come on, let's go. Bro, let's go bro like I did ask a CS70 Fuck come on bro Bro, I said I 150 now. What's that? No, Loki the ping is actually not that It's not like you're lagging. Where did I get it? Both. Nothing about me. I don't notice it like whenever I'm playing, but like whenever I throw something, that's all I tell my life. That's what I said though. That's what I said though. Can you still mute the windows? Yes, yes, yes, yes. From the Army's spread. I can feel it from my side, Franklin. So what? Just a moment. I just like my side. I'm just gonna expect the way you play a little bit because you can't swing like You have to be careful with what you're seeing. You got fucking to let Okay. Do you see a friend's leg? He made Kettles the main wall. I think he was the wall for a second. Thank you. I think he's the wall. Yeah. If I get shit on I guess it's enough. I think I actually get a good idea.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ah, can I get the other one? Don't be near me, you got the blue gear. I don't see Vulcan. Yeah, get more Hashinxy. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't see that. Jack, did I not? Did I not? No, no, no, no, you did not. You did not. Can you burn bottom main for me please so I can get this mirror? I have a mark to which I'm gonna wait. Yeah, I'm about to. I can't get them here. I can't get them here. I got them here. They're not killed me. Of course. He missed it too. I can't get them here. Thank you guys, man. I'm sorry. We're supposed to be fresh, just criminal. In the hallway, we're in the crossing hallway. Don't shoot! basking just the bar wire bombs beam,ghanem squared behind the big ¿N division 4 Thi lefti? Lasty word church they both were church. Hey wait wait wait wait wait wait Oh back in all I think I can't on the church single right here yeah you can just drop you can drop with one here. Is there a blue rotate? I'm dead if you think. We have poly cam though, Mingo. We have poly cam. You can just play with him there. You can just play there. Let's go, Butter. No, Butter. No, Butter. I'm gonna put it down on one more. Church left side church left side church. Left side church. 10. No. No. We have been eliminated. Bro, what is that like left side church? Left side church. Left side church. What do you want to call this? I mean, I'm the same, right? I down the other kid. Can't really call that anything else, but I wouldn't call that. I mean, I'm the same, bro. You guys can't, like, you can't, like, say. That's my fault then, I mean I still know what that means, right? I honestly don't think that's the whole thing. It's good, it's good, this is the room. We just died in CC4s, bro. I mean, that's fucking... It's just random. Yeah, it's just random. 4s that they're throwing and killing us with. Yeah. Not random, bro. You're trying to get the mirror. I would talk about James. I locked that man in the emergency. You can see the emergency forward. Every time I walk down the main entrance, I get that mirror. I just took him a very brah. I did it. I dodged C4 from him. That's what I'm saying. How do you get C4 from that brah? It hit the top of the door and it killed me and I was literally through the bar double too Oh my goodness. When the show goes. It's jam right? Yeah, that's jam. That's it. I'm trying to hit you on thermite and I'm going to hit you. Yeah, I'm gonna hack that thing right away. excerpt am going to happen located and the I'm not gonna walk right away, but I'm definitely not walking. What the mountain,urn the landmaid! A really bigやむななななななな! I can't kill him now, I'm right on weight, not yet, not yet. I can't kill him now, I'm on weight. Wait, like, I'm stuck in somebody's arm. I'm hacking that movie. Get what I've been. That the garage wall, the garage in the wall. I'm hacking that movie. I'm hacking it. I'm hacking it. I know she's hacked. Gotcha. You can want more. The main missed pageboard Top ready! Top ready Nintendo adapter I'm going to... Okay, free, refrag, at least, dude. I'm like... I'm flourishing still. Yeah, I'm souped out, dude. In better, there's two people over there, bro. It's been a bad war for fun, I guess. Come on. Get around back. Oh, that's a screw. You probably come back up like you're very flunky then.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege on Yeah, you specifics, because most of all, you know, again, a bomb like helocated ends of it. And then, yeah, he should, end might be mutier than that, plus a last one. You mean he hacked the Garage game? I'm going. I'm going... I'm not gonna walk right away, but I'm definitely not walking. Planting bottom ranks I have bad health I can't kill him now, I'm right on weight, not yet, not yet. I can't kill him now, I'm on weight. Wait, like, I'm stuck in somebody's arm. I'm hacking that movie. Get what I've been. That the garage wall, the garage in the wall. I'm hacking that movie. I'm hacking it. I'm hacking it. I know she's hacked. Gotcha. You can want more. best The bottom間 왜 Yoına wonder Free railing field Boke brothers 2 people over there, bro It's really fun for me Come on. Get around back. Oh, that's a screw. You probably come back up like you're very flunky then. Yeah, that might flank this round. If you get chickoo's here, no. He's muted. I don't think she's in as of all the loud flank cam. I mean, I have flank cam. You're gonna sleep under the hood? I'm gonna freak out, I'm gonna shoot you again. No, he's just raining, raining, raining. Under the lodge he has. Learning logic. I'm gonna go you a lot of you. I have a lot of you can't for a piece. He's going so well. I want Flarge on. I'm gonna get them located and we'll get them to lose. I want to double up logic, but I want to get like In the middle of sight , punk One more gun. Double-living gun. Double-living gun. One main, one main. Waiting Ireland. stuff th from the the and I'll probably be right back. Down to one friendly. Rand on main. Rand on main. Good, 50 seconds remaining. 10 seconds left. is Yeah, y'all are just like I know that I know that I know that you're the only place If I can just plan a plan and then... Yeah, yeah, like just one person... I know you should have planned, but like... Did we know where he was before you could have planned? I thought that was like... Everybody said he was top-mini, you guys literally said he's top-mini... I don't know if he was. But, Jason, or not Jason, you're winning down the air, bro. I mean, stop. It was a 1v2 and I just, I try to get the kill. I mean, yeah. Thank God, stop it, plus. Holy fuck, thank God. Holy shit, holy shit. We won the round though, I'm not going to bitch about it. I get to know where we win this, but we win down. Oi, Max about to crate dead. I think they're up, I think they're up, I think they're up, I think they're up. They're up again, yeah, cause we fucking suck at attacking them. Are they? Are we sure? Yeah, they're up bro. Yes, they're like we're out. Okay, is there going to one down because they're going to one down stairs or they go seven seven? So you okay, so I know you like to go on the garage break but like if you Wait a second, I can walk up red until I can. I have to hack the ship first. If you want to walk up red. Listen, bro, you're trying to blend that. Me, bro, you literally just ran in without saying anything, bro. Yeah, I click you, told me to. You're playing or you're fagging something? Insert your intent seconds. Like I've got, I've got, I've got, you're telling me to flourish shit and then you're running in the room. No, I mean, stop it, you couldn't run in, I had to hack this shit. Bro, nobody's, bro, what bro? You said I should be a refrag at least. You didn't even tell me anything. You know you're not the number there, man. There's three people over there. I'm passing you four. Stop it.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $50,000 Console Pro League Tournament 🏆 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege You hear Casey? What's my two club? Even playing good on club all day bro. The pink should be an excuse. I know it's gonna be shitty sometimes bro You guys are gonna go step bro, but don't let it chalk you That's right- Mine's going from like one thirty to one fifty. That's what. That's like what's up, is not. I'm not cut out for Europe. I'm not. These guys got it man. It's fucking nine in the morning for them. Due to 145 paint, Chara 145 paint, Chara 145 paint, For those ofraliPC and sweatr What's your thing? I usually get like 70 to 80 ping. Mingo, what about yours? About the same. That's good. Is Mystic used to? Yeah, but he is a little bit harping on us, I think. Fuck. Chat, 150? No, no, I don't know. man, chat of no boys, boys, I don't know. 150! Yep. Alright, are you ready? Get this shit. Is anyone in here ever played an EU game in a tournament? Nope. Stop it, guys. I wanted you to turn them in with their French It begins to actually I dropped 25 kills. Oh at least these guys are on like 40 at least I don't like Yeah, well because like north Europe it like a lot of you players peeing bad on it. How does Florida get the highest ping bro? The borders like the worst state to live in if you play siege bro because like you get you only get good ping on scus But it's barely good ping and then you get shipping on central you're shipping on east Holy fuck, Kaisen's got Dan Near 100. I saw him was got like 120. Bro, this is gonna be interesting. Right, jinks, we were playing bunkers. That shit is delayed. You could say Yeah, I killed stop and behind a wall Oh, that's yo That's why they use like, making kills behind Wallsberg. Like, we should be able to do that now. Yeah, the quick peek. Sorry, hey, start quick peeking them. Quick peek, all the fucking use, bro. We got to win 7-4 and then we'll get to win a coin toss. Yep. Or we're getting 7-0, Franklin. Or we're running like a cool little 7-0. Don't think you're healthy, l but go by yourself. Very good. Great.ello sentai. ... Applause my<|km|> lol Also thanks for watching to be on the stream. It's not you it's gonna affect the way you guys play a little bit, bro But the ping is really not gonna be your friend. I think is on me. I mean actually no if you're trying to push say we don't write it we use it on you know what start up jammer kind of cut on him. Look down at me, Rome. Alright, alright, do that, do that. Let's shout down to Rome. Yeah, we got to get back to it. Let's get active. I'm gonna go give me those koyos on the room. Yeah, thank you. Yep. Let's go. When this game's seven-three bro, get NA map three when the fucking tournament. Go beat our decks, let's go, let's do this shit. Do this shit, wow, mama, I don't bother too. I've unlocked the fucking room, we got this shit. Secure the plug. here case and that's what I got a fucking good feeling about this man blue walls are we are we are we gonna make a ship a wall make a ship a wall did the bloomers the internet it worked last time I don't know how to do that. I don't know. I don't know. We didn't. No, we broke. I don't even know how to turn up for God. We were like, we just started to be. I don't know what for God. 아 감사합니다. Bazsh discussing 주�״웍 Okay, lets launch the door! I got this shift cam. But fall down into me and land back one more round? I can watch rotsore! Ok watchin Mitis.
No Highlight
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm like Bahrain that's the worst c4 I've ever seen Finger my vagina down Barry?! WHAT?! I thought they ran away. I didn't know they doubled up. I am a view bot. Yo, man, just have us. We need some moderation in here. Have us. The people that are saying that they're a view bot, time them out bro. That's not how view body works. You don't say your view, my moths are doing it. You don't say your view bot. Josh! Josh, think of the five gifts in it. My controller felt okay. Lucky is three four I've ever seen. Lucky a C4 I've ever seen. Mid clip, not impressed. Like I'm just not impressed bro. I'm not impressed. Are you smelling your monitor or something? Jesus Murphy. How rocked in are you dude? Wait, was that guy Zim? Bro, fuck Zim players man Was that guy Zim bro? Nice clips are already freezing. AAAAAAAA! How are the clips already freezing? Nice, bro. Hey, Chad, somebody bend me over. Having done clips in four days? They're already freezing, bro. This is insane. Finally a clip, bro. Thank you. Sir next week in the day That man needs to be imprisoned! What?! Give me his gamer tag! Give me one and a half! game or tag and you're just right back into the round like nothing happened. We just witnessed rainbow six siege missionary position. Am I the only one that's right now he's right back into the realm like nothing happened this is wrecked yo this is a wrecked clip bro This is it! So we not drowin' in? I've been coaching this game for years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years. To drone Right you just gotta run away. Okay. See for Oh my god, you have to play. That's the whole clip. That's the entire clip. You getting lucky. That's the whole clip. The entire cleverest you getting lucky. Why does my face can't look like this? Why did the spit move down it like that? Okay, so if someone's edging to this, they definitely just finished right then and there. Why is the camera fuzzy? Hi-bye! Why is it so? Okay, it's working. Thanks for the clip, man. You're giving a wall bang. Thank you. Brother, you are a not nath okay that's not a risk at hell no that's literally harassment dude that is the first this thing from Riz. That is the worst snapchat I've ever seen. If I was sent that snapchat, I would throw my phone into a fucking... Cinder block wall, okay, that's not it is no it isn't chat. He's not chill That's not a risk bro. No, it isn't trust me next given it 1 in 10 ban. Yeah, this 1 in 10 ban is really young. You guys can never let shit go. Next, give it a day! The flipped vTeet ji here learned flap Oh, it's Michael and Franklin. Where's the clip at, dude? What are you? is a sky on LSD what's going on
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege You're literally shooting at random cars. I reloaded! Chill out, I- Drag me get the fuck out of the way dude! No kids is safe! No auto会! lamps Okay, that answers that question. He was definitely on LSD. Or maybe just my... I don't what were you do yo guys this is the clips I'm talking about bro This is exactly the clips I'm talking about right on the snow you made the name of you Xbox account pay right in yo hi guys there's no way you made the name of the Xbox account pay right in there's no fucking way O in eight may Didn't even go over 8 Where's your face cam it's right here Bad rain Good flashbang! Jump in there! Interesting. So we just entered the battle. field. this information, that was kind of a bar. Was to grab a hard breaching charge and place it on the bottom of a marble floor. I'm not kicking my can anymore. Roundhouse! Hello! Am I the only one seeing this shit? Sending hate from LA! They're not gonna... guy. Sending hate for Miss again you guys are so fucking weird bro. What the great day to- if you grab that reaching charge one more fucking time and scottis my witness I will literally contact every dev well I can't do that I can't abuse power I'll get you back You banned from my stream though. Put the breaching charge away! You made direct eye contact with a Legion Mind and said, hmm, that would feel good on my foot! Why are we sprinting into a lesion my donkey? This guy's so shit on so many different levels. This guy is so- There's no way he can kill. You out of my- So all the people you need to worry about, you shot the guy with a name tag above him? Say whore watching Rip O' T Ну WAIT, SHARE yeain 0.0 out of 10. Worst clip of the century. Nothing like me. That looks nothing like me. You took an image of my face. Added 300 to my cheeks and then literally just crudely pasted my face over a fat spider-man with a mick-dove BOOM! What a fucking band this guy. Shadow! I can't do this. Coffee, shut your bitch ass up. Coffee, I know you're not saying shit right now. Shut your bitch ass up. Pass up, a coffee. Next clip. One in 10, Kendrick. So you don't even know how to troll. The point of this clip is that you can't get a drink. of the joke is it's supposed to rhyme with the KD. It's supposed to be 1 and 10 band or 1 and 10 can. It's not 1 and 10 can dream. It's supposed to rhyme, guys. That's the point. One in ten dealing. You're not listening! Felt off, you felt off, LVU-batter. You know, I'm about to lose my shit in this joint. Guys, understand how to troll. Okay, so listen, he just statured your clash. It's the only operator in the game that counters clash. You need to back the Fuck up because Fatcher just disabled your class for the next 20 seconds. Back up. Oh cool. Fatcher just did a line of Cain before playing top glenches rainbow six each and he's not joining the corner. Give me his gamer tag You just you repeat it
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yeah, that guy's nasty. I'm not even gonna hold you this guy's nasty. This guy's nasty sending hate from Texas Okay, that's not how people kill communicate with each other chat. You say sending love and then the place you're at. You don't send, you don't Okay My viewers are not mother. I don't fucking feel bad! Look, I do not, okay. This is just... No, my viewers are not bots and I spilled coffee. Oh, somebody just... There's coffee on my fucking setup! MY GOD! Welcome to this episode of Cleaning with Jixie! Today we saw... build some coffee on our desk here. Let's clean it up. We got coffee on the desk. ...Mallega Reddagua! ya çağıracağım........ I got a new desk. Yes, Chad, I got a new desk. Alright. So today we got a good old fashioned coffee stain here. Similar to that of a diarrhea stain. Very wet, very brown. So we got a lot of coffee here. First rotation we're gonna do here is, we're gonna make sure this keyboard is all good here. As you can see, we got some coffee stains on the keyboard. Oh my fucking. Yep, it's fucked. Oh my god, I just bought this today. Alright, well the keyboard is beyond repair. Let's save the desk here. There is a lid at the back. My keyboard just became a coffee grinder and T minus three seconds. Why is it oozing and goosing like that? I Don't know what to do. Do I? I just get a towel bro, paper towels aren't cutting it. Do I just get a fucking towel? I don't know what the fuck to do man. MAURIOT TELLS MAU! Try to fight these giants. Ooh, you hate that part. You know. Alright, the towel's working. So this towel probably needs to be washed. Alright, now let's get the keyboard. Thank you, sir. All right. Back to the street. Miner set back for a major company. back. Milders set back for a major comeback. Hi kids, do you like violence? What a to see me stick 9 in snails to be one of my islands trying to copy me into exactly like I did trying to say I didn't give fucked up worst of my life is my brains dead I'm trying to get my head straight, but I can't figure out which face girl I want to impregnate and Dr. Dray said slim shady you were basic wise your face man you wasted. Well since age 12 I felt like a cage elf. Shout out Marshall Maths! But back to the point that caused the entire coffee spill. I don't view but, okay. Never have. never will. I don't even know how to work a PC. Let alone do that. No. Oh, wait. But you guys know why I'm on Intelligent. I don't know how to do that shit, bro. All right back into this bitch So turn around, face down, around, around, around. She said, cause I didn't need somebody. So tell me that I somebody. a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la, a la la. Got that a-mo, credit, got that file me on. Chunker time. I don't have that. Chunksy, junksy. Next give it to the day! GTA! Oh, that's PUBG. Oh my god, he's getting jobbed. GG's! Does this game have aim assist? That was the best Stay my vevrc. BANG! BANG! Are you cheating? No. BANG! BANG! No.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege this has to be a stage clip. There's no way. I refuse to believe those are two real human beings. In fact, lip wasn't stage and those guys were genuinely wanting wanting? I am at a loss for words. I'm better than you. No he's not. Yo if that wasn't staged amount of loss for words. No, that's not best lip of day. No, that isn't. That is not better. Just a little bit of day. Sending love from Colorado. Thank you, man. Chad, are you guys excited for FamMail on 8? Be honest. Don't know what we got to the 8. Don't know what we got. Hi guys, um, actually I've had his first name basis here Jerry when we're doing fan mail Jerry put the fan mail up you box in the uh pen message. Can you do that Jerry? Can you do that Jerry? Seven years ago? I'm sorry how did he get a kill he how did he get a kill No the fuck, no the fuck. and there seek me deepment will Thank you. 배전!! 머리 시�inken. 요� fin Best clip of 2024 That is the best clip of 2024 What What the fuck just happened? When is 4cent? Cause I don't know what that is. ME STUP! Sending hate from Belgium. Okay. How about sending love from Belgium, dude? Why do you have to send hate? Nai fittipadaredejay Nai Chi tuneddejay Good job, Valkyrie. Fucking idiot. You're dead. Yep, you're dead. 100% you're dead. 100% you're dead. Friendly last operator's standing. This is the best position you could have done right here. Behind you! scope in bro scope in What I'm for remaining right Right right there right there! A WHAT?! That was solid. 8.3 out of 10. 8.3 out of 10, easily 8.3 out of 10, easily 8.3 out of 10. Wow, that was a good clip. genuinely a good glib. Sending dick pick from Texas. No, bro. Don't do that. Do not. Do not send that. Guys, just send love. Do not send a Johnson pick, bro. Hi guys just typed sending love equals band. Okay, Hi guys. Okay, Hi guys. Sending hate from Saturn, no human being can live on Saturn, so I know you're lying. Shit, you guys know I'm actually very studious. And I'm like intelligent. There's no human beings that live on Saturn. Fun fact. The only planet that human beings could have a tent is Mars. Besides Earth. The only planet that human beings could have it is Mars. Y'all did probably not know that bro. That's what I'm saying. I'm a very intelligent person, you just kind of listen to me. Y'all didn't probably not know that. Cap. Chad? That's literally the reality of the situation. They found out that they were in the same place. Water on Mars guys it was a game breaking thing when it happened they literally found water on Mars I'm... Okay, so let me tell you why I know you're a low rank. Let's look at how fast my brain functions. You're using an MP5K in a pistol on mute.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege one second left and he peeks there's no way right like it hey Chad am I crazy or is there no way There's no way right there's no fucking way right? There's literally no fucking way That's just insane. Like, I must be insane, dude. I don't know. I must actually be insane. ¡Me gusta y que me detallen! Stop masturbating and remote exchange! Why are you mad? masturbating in Tom Clancy's rainbow six seeds why This is my chat, bro. This is what my chat does on a on a Tuesday night. This is what they do on a two Dude, well, my I just start hopping on that dick doing a full split. Shout out low-way. This is brain rot. Yeah, no, this is actually brain rot. This is brain rot. And pole system recording for browsers. We're done. Nope, we're fucking done. Get the- Dude, I'm telling you right now- Out of context picture. Moist riddicles did not not in my ass. That picture is out of context, dude. Moist critical did not I'm taking a breath I don't care it no no fucking I'm done lying Yes, I'm ripping a watermelon vape In my bathroom, do something about it. I don't care. Fuck it, fate break. ◀️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Woo! I'm reading chat right now. No, I'm not doing cocaine! I will do lines of snow in a bathroom guys. Yeah guys, I don't do cocaine. A little bit of a new slash there. Yeah, I don't do cocaine. Anyone typing W-Bold should be time to. Thank you for the out of context voice critical picture. So chat this was for a sponsored video with StarForge systems. I did not get fucked in the ass by Moe's critical. Just he couldn't have been taken more out of context, bro. That's all that is. Why was I making that face? though I don't I really wasn't helping the cause here like why did I I could I could have made any face other than that I don't know all right I was a little whole I'm not gonna lie. What's critical is a pretty muscular man. I was a little bit horny. th 9th fight these giants oh you hate that part Charum, femurrate, femurrate, femurrate, femurrate and then we're gaming all night. Yes bro, I'm actually gaming all night bro. Look, Chad, this weekend I streamed for 20 hours. Are you guys ready? Are you proud of me, yes or no? Or is it fraudulent and doesn't count because it was a tournament stream? Let me know, chat. Is it fraudulent? Do tournament streams not count? No fraud 18 shut up fat pig. What has it been 18 hours and 20 bro? Aside from two hours, what's the actual difference bro? I stream for 18 hours in two days bro. Be appreciative bro. Yeah, so these clips just really are clicking right now. Like I can't click them, so what do I do? I can't click the clip.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege the coolest thing I've ever seen. That guy has a better headset than me, I think. Yo, that was actually not expecting that. That guy has a better headset than me. That guy literally has a better headset than me. I'm not even going to lie to you. Cut more clips if you got a fan now baby! No window the window the site window he's punching the sun No one heard that no one heard You are dog shit! How did you not hear him smacking the sight window? Brother, what even the clip here, man? Okay, so you send me a clip of you getting... WORKING! We're done. No, no, we're done. No, we're fucking done. No. We're fucking done. No no no no no. We are fucking done. boys were done that's it that was the last straw we're done right then in there no sir no sir the show must not go on what the What the fuck was that picture? What was that picture? That ass! Holy shit! next give it a day wait this guy looks really good cracked wait this guy looks really cracked what was that what the fuck was that This is endgame huh? Grain! Wait this guy looks really good! Holy shit! This guy looks really good! Cracked! GERAME! GERAME! GERAME! You just blew ball to everyone watching. No one knows if you won or lost that- FUCK YOU, dude! No one knows if you won or lost the game! Not a soul! Let's go see what Chatsang loaded up here. Smash, wood, wood, wood, smash! wood. Hi, if I said it. Yep, okay. I have a really had moderator and you're setting the worst example I've ever seen, dude. See you. Seriously Jerry Jerry are you fucking serious bro? Be Stone Cold Steve Austin serious right now Jerry. I know it's pink. Oh guys. I've told you a thousand The tip of my penis is burgundy slash maroon red. It's not pink. And then the rod is like a pale white because I I can't really tan my penis. Dude, I'm a firm believer in pissing outdoors, pissing in nature, pissing whatever you get the chance. And just really letting your Johnson get that tan line seriously proof okay Okay, so this 15 seconds seconds on the clock and we're droning? Where's the sense of urgency here, dude? There's no sense of urgency. You gotta go. You gotta go. You gotta go. Yep, you lost. Wait, he just hit a nosecuff. Okay. Go to the local 7-Eleven and buy three scratch off tickets. You're gonna walk out of there with $50,000. That was a headshot. But if that was me it would have missed every bullet but because it's you okay Because it's you it works that makes sense dude Because it's you it works Okay, yeah, sure. Sure, why not? Yep, sure. Okay. One in ten pen! Did I just react to this guy?! I literally remember that guy 20 minutes ago. When are you reacting to clips right now? Where's my 20 piece mcnugget? 2 and 16 Hot Tub Stream when, yeah. When is fan mail? React slower and harder. Do hate. We're not doing hate mail bro. No, we're doing fan mail bro Jada in one minute. We're doing supportive wholesome uplifting heartwarming That's what we're doing. Okay? We haven't done fan mail in like 10 days. That's what the fuck we're doing. That's actually exactly what we're doing. That's actually exactly what we're doing.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege got a fan mail coming in from whatever this guy's name is. Something in this bag. What is? Yeah, this is the craziest this is the craziest air freshener I've ever been sent Yeah, this is I'm not even gonna show it. I'm not even gonna show it. This is the crazy nut. Oh Next Rambo today, let's just say that now, actually now. What the fuck was that? Oh, there's a- There's no titties here. Yo, this is an insane, but yo, this is insane. this is insane damn man I'm not even dude up next out today. Hope you enjoy this from B Like and Share. 준비 시작~! ご視聴ありがとうございました I need you. Here. And I'll put it here today. Okay. That is the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth! Why? No, oh my god. Next minute. I'm out of the day! Okay, I'm grateful and I'm appreciative But why did you specifically pick mute? I'm not a shotgun crutch chat. I... Mute is my favorite operator, not because I'm a shotgun crutch because I like his ability. I don't really understand how this is supposed to work though. Peel me? So I'm assuming you peel it. Oh, there's like a plug! Is this gonna slide up or something? Prodice to some light up I'm so fucking confused right now. Can you guys see that girl? Gr일�non It changes colors. Okay, I'm not a shotgun crutch but thank you, man. Thank you, that's valid. Not a shotgun crushed out. Thank you though, brother. Not a shotgun crushed out, okay? We got a shirt here. Okay, chat listen. God that shirt reeks chat listen why would I ever wear this? this in public. This is terrifying, dude. People would be literally shitting pants if I wore that in public. That is a terrifying shirt. on all fronts. You don't announce to people that your horny via shirt.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Can't you tell me I fucking can't, old dude? Who the fuck is manufacturing that? Oh my god. Who in their right mind is manufacturing? that? I'm sorry. before it I'll say it again I'm not in the Illuminati! Why am I the old like yo yo why do I have to say this? I'm not in the Illuminati bro, Zim started this shit bro. This was Zim's doing and you guys ran with it and didn't question it at all. It's Zim, he's mentally on his... Enj! Yo, bro, this is fucking insane. Charmadaim! Next fan mail today! Yes. Oh my god. Yes. I'll be right back with your hooter's order. Wait, Jenna, I have apps. Hold on. Jenna actually has a six-pack. Jenna, look at this. Wait, wait, Chad, no hold on. Yo. You have to actually have a six pack. Oh my god. I have underwear on, we're good. Um. Dude, this is such a buff! Bro, this can make your ass look so fat. This is literally such a buff. Alright, let me, I'm gonna sit down. Bro, that's such a buff. Do they need a nerf that? Bro, that's actually a nerf that. Dude that is to get nerfed. Booty shorts are overpowered bro. Wow bro booty shorts are overpowered bro. The courts are actually fucking overpowered. I'm out of here to get a lie. Next man, Melda. Oh, it's my flip-flops. next time I was with you today you know yeah let's go It's Josh! I know that package all too fucking well. Josh, enjoy your band. Is this gonna send me a keyboard? I mean thank you bro, but I'm not setting that up right now. Don't say out ungrateful. I'll actually use that keyboard. Do not say I'll run grateful. I'll actually use that keyboard. Genuinely. Dear Junko, pop my name is Anthony. I have been a long time viewer. I know you get swamp ass from sitting in that chair all day. So I decided to send you some undies. Let me know if you want to see me. they fit or if you need a bigger size. się
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege about five minutes here. Call them. Can't call them. Zim's banned on Twitch. Don't want to call him anyway, if I can fucking unhins Zim told you guys I'm in the aluminum and Audi and you guys believed it об desarrollах очень любива от I'm stronger. I'm smart. I'm better. Can't do that. Can't cut off the lights. Okay, go. Cut off the lights, I got them leaving. Oh, like that. Oh, like that. SHIT ON! SHIT ON! NO! I think I hear you walking up. You don't think I hear you walking up? I fucking got it. I do this shit for my mother and my little brother too. So, Zenti, when you're walking... Walk me, that's the only route you're getting. That's the only route you're getting. I don't care. I'm only analyzing why I'm better than you. If you're walking up on the player who is literally known for having the best eardrums in the history of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and not expecting to get prefired into absolute oblivion, you must be smoking. Motherfucking crack rock dude. You must literally be smoking crack rock. This is a five-o-sweep trust trust and believe that This is a five-o-sweep Chat saying delayed reaction. Delayed reaction? Delayed reaction. What, like it took him a second to like react? And people are saying cash app doesn't work on PC. Yeah, bro, this guy's caught Yo, I'm hearing cash app doesn't work on PC. So hey, I'm hearing cash app doesn't work on PC Tell the full story, bro. Tell the truth right now. What's the story? Zenti, you said you said 1000. your phone down 30 seconds later. And then you say you have the money on PC. So, pass that doesn't work on PC. So, you're caught in a lot. Oh, double what? I just got money. I was game I'll show the game. I'll show the game. You never even set money. I did. I never said too money, bro. No, I was trying to scare you. No... No... No... No... Chai! Chai! What are you doing? What are you doing? Oh my god... I can't bro. That was a free thousand of my life child. What are you guys doing? What are you guys doing? Oh fuck up dude. Damn. Child bro. Fucking go over. I see you bitch. I see you bitch. Because see? Fucking go. All I know is red room, red. Get around. There you go. Don't call me your fucking do ya, do it 16 bus and 16 bus Trying to scam me out of a band? That's why you're so sad that you're in my video right? You never give him a portion, he was rented That was right, but I'm weak in you. That shit was right, dude. That shit was right, dude. Bitch. It's fucking go. She was right, dude, it's fucking. I'll give a fuck. I'm leaking a bitch! Look at you! Look at you! Better. Better, stronger, smarter. How are you? How are you not dead? How are you not dead? SHIT ON! BITCH! I can't bro, I can't I own your trash ass Zenti um the post was not granted You fucking take the back. That she was so rentless. But thank you for the smile. I'll buy semi-dads. Why would a high-buy send you a smile? He told me about that video. He told me about that video. He told me about that video. I don't know. I know everything about you, Jigsie. Go
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Appreciate it, Jay. Love you, man. John. downstairs trying to wall-band me from but I'll do you ever get sick of me? Yes, yeah, yeah. You gotta get sick of this eventually. I'm gonna run back into the... Never record every one of them! Ph runners go!! y'all are saying phone? It's the dokeby phone! That's not my real phone! Nah, that's great. I do that. Yeah. Huh? SHARRA! Fuck up. Oh no more drones have it. Uh-oh what would I ever do? Walk up rat. I think he's normal grudge Well now I know you're in a coffin Come on, come on up for it Shit the fuck is you? DOOOOOOO Did you I hate shot it shit DOOOOOOO You should have yo yo you should have never put up a thousand with me bro You should have did like a hundred or something bro This isn't even DoorDash funds right now. This is a fucking... I have without it. I mean, I could blow 10 bands without even thinking twice about it. I don't do a fuck. That might have been the last one. For the last four. Shit you've ever said dude you just flexed Responsible you that's true. Yeah, no, no cuz I never blowing 10 bands and just been happy about it No, no. I'm just saying if I could, I would. You chat with y'all are saying phone? It's my dope, he called you fucking idiots. That's not my real phone. Shut up! So So I hear you on the window I hear you crouch I'm at crop So simple chef. I said the one you like it you know Nope, nope your bills are your deals already know the way you guys already know the way mind still on the table Good try the if buys the avoid I bet that's the one. Oh, we have two separate lucrative deals. We have two of our own lucrative deals. We agreed to both. I don't watch him no more. What? We'll locate and diffuse a bomb. What did you say? Lupritiv is a word... Oh my fucking god. Lupritiv is a word in the webster's dictionary you idiot. Yeah, they didn't teach that in 9th grade. I had a job done the next year. Hi! Yeah, this motherfucker's something else. I have a lucrative is a very common word bro. I'm sure a lot of ninth graders. I don't rob out Stop using big words at me. Stop it. Stop it. Thank you. Why the stalks barking growl like? Your canals? Thank you. Is that not allowed or something? Roots always been allowed. No, Roots always don't start that. I'll speak this fucking game right now. Roots has always been allowed. We never- made that a roll shut up shut up dude or you talking to me all the way fucked up I'm gonna take the edge off. What do you mean? Nick are you okay? Never been better. Nick, what do you mean take the edge of the wall? What do you mean? What are you doing to me? Oh, but you're good. What the fuck up, dude? Can'ata. Shit How long you brother be honest? Such a goofy ass up, dude I don't know. What do you do because I saw me laying down? Oh you did actually. I thought you were. So drinking the beer was a horrible idea. Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm about to lose 1,000. Yeah. Yo, I don't even know what I'm doing. What am I actually doing? Like Joe, Jen, you're doing it. What the fuck was that play chick see Nick dial it back in and lock the fucking the old Nick I knew Did you decide to rhyme stop stop you try to rhyme that dude?
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm leaving the game. This game's made me. like an bent that hospital to You forgot who daddy is. Oh Hello, am I playing a spoi? Look at this shot. Oh my god. You're never I'm gonna have a break. Oh, the rotor? I'm gonna positive the last time I was boy. Just kidding me, just kidding me, boy. You're game is no win for a win, bro. One, four fucking come back. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He's got to play Warden now. Should I still play Ying anyways? Just to press him? Dude, even if they play Warden, he has to turn on those glasses, bro. And so does Brad can't celebrate. Let's go. I don't know how this run into you like, what am I playing? I always play like this against you for some reason. Like, recently, bro, I don't know what it is. I am boss Okay, he says it all man 1.7 to 1.2 That was the name my boy it was those fucking grenades i'm telling you make sure uh-ber not fucking therapy you don't know what it was Hey, all I said bro, well before grenades got nerfed I said if grenades got nerfed your Katie would drop avid I swear to god you remember when I said that you do remember when I said that right I said it was I know I know I did not know we're gonna drop point five the past shows that release I know No, no this was before I can't work notes came out. I said if there was no cooking needs and no dating for below your Katie would drop. That's what I said. You didn't listen cause you're a closed-minded, egotistical player. And what happened? Your Katie's been on the down and down? My Katie's been on the up and up. I've been going positive. of internaments that you would never go positive. I'm the best support player on this game, and you're not shit. There are getting that door. It's gonna cost you. There are getting that door. It's gonna cost you. Barricading that door is gonna fucking cost you baby. I wanna beat this! I really wouldn't! Schiss! I'm so fucking locked right now. Oh my god. I knew you'd hear me get on the drone too. You really you really want this band so bad, don't you this is way okay, but it's not even just about the band bro It's about the ego. It's about the pride. It's about all the I shot not doing your fucking face any yourself I'm lost for going one and ten. Is that the same shit? Look what happened to him and look what's happening to you bro I'm no good at a wall. It is about that NBA Junko is my best fucking error hands down NBA jump was my best era three positive Katie tournaments are in a row tournament MVP on Mirra and Thermite I'm winning tournament MVP was stopping on my team who Who the fuck is doing that bro? On Nira? Yes, it is on him, it was not on voice, don't even get that going. to more fucking rounds and I'm up a thousand bruh chat on god on my mother's life there's no script there's actually a thousand on this game I swear Add a gimbals to so it I can't about shit. Okay him any dislike I'm never going to about you're not gonna about say you said a thousand you're not gonna about I show the couch app transaction. It's called Photoshop but I... Okay. I'm gonna do it. 12 hours and a half is a boy. What was I thinking man? I don't know. I was fucking king at the game and I did it to myself. Yeah, you can't just be king at the game.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege оп move You're right! You're right, babe! GG, bro. GG, bro. Where's Ricky? I'll love Ricky. Where's Ricky? Where's Ricky? Yo, no way I go three for three. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No way I go three for three bro, no way, no way! He's in a game. He's in a game. Chad, I'm gonna be honest, bro. What a successful. Fucking night. I feel bad for him. Okay guys, let me just get real for three seconds here. Avid does not have a son. Avid does not have an x-wife. He's literally true. trolling bro. Vick Bands. Chad, have you decided on a song? Have you decided on an X-Wife bro? He's trolling bro. Shut up. joke. Oh, God, I'm not kidding. He said he'll leave if you go east. Wait, Ricky said he'll leave if I go east. Bat, tell him I said, tell him I said, I said back I'll go east right now. Tell him I will play him on east right now. I will go east right now for a thousand. Right now for a thousand. I will play Ricky for a thousand right now. If it's on East, if it's on East. I can still win though. I'm not gonna get saved. I'm not gonna get saved. If it's on East, I'm playing for a thousand of care. Yea, we got the shot! What's the thing What is it? What is he doing bro? I hate it so bad! You're actually a thompson, dude. Is anyone on the table with my mom? He's a master, man! Holy shit, dude! It's Ricky Duckett! I can break something. Wait, don't rickiam call again. Tell rickiam call again. My sound's glitch right now, it's gone. I Go go bird go bird. This side should be sweet. This fuck I'm gonna start below Channel gonna call Ricky tell Ricky. I'm gonna go down וןiste 16.000 I'm trying to make a band I'm not gonna lie bro. You know me. I'm not losing. He's playing me on east. Is he crazy? Tell him I'm calling him. That's crazy I'll play you on East for a thousand lock. I swear to God I'm I'm two for two right now I'm unbeatable. You're a beautiful right now. A thousand locked on East you'll be nine paying I'll be 70. You'll be nine paying I'll be 70. you should win easily. Do you know who I am? Thousand locks, honey. Let's go. You're 4-4 after your game on God, after your game. I'm going to play you. I'm going to eat for a bit. East East East, no cringe shit East East East You're ducking mingo bro mingo doesn't play out this time bro mingo's not on bro. Trust me mingo's literally not on Call to me look me go snarling. Wait, is he yeah, I'll wait your right. I'll wait your mango. I'll wait your mango I'll wait your mango We've seen enough wagers. Yo, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, join the party. Ryan, join the party. Ryan join the party! Ryan join the party! Ryan join the party! Not at all Ryan join the party! Ryan, join the party. I'm two for two, bro. I'm literally two for two. What do you want bro? Ran I mean I paid you your thousand right? Oh you didn't bear the fucking scam Okay, here we go. You better be got your thousand can we not clip farm? Farie and Farie and okay, ran did you know that you're not get your thousand? I got the 1000 for jumping in a lake. Yes, but uh, yep. Yep. You got a thousand for the 1000 for being a thousand. I can't at this good. I'm gonna leak the wait you want me to leak the sweet I am fucking right in right in right in there's no script right on God I'm right in you got paid a thousand dollars for jumping in a lake for two
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'll try to kill you no more. That shit though. I love how you added him to no more cause you know you used to. That shit's hot stance. Well yeah cause I'm a champ. Pre-added him to no more cause you knew you used to. You're a piece of shit brother. I didn't want to. I'm sorry for it and I'm sorry for it and I already apologize for it. I punch someone in the face and then apologize. Does it make it any better? Oh, what? Did you just... Oh, what? What? Ha-ha. What the fuck did that mean? If I punch someone in the face and let them all apologize does it make it better? No, I didn't punch you in the face I looked at you fucking stream three or four times you idiot Don't do it. You know better. You know better. No better, Ricky! You know better, you know better! We're stopping, we're the fucking stopping! We're the fucking stopping! We're the fucking stopping! Where's John? Reveyor! That's lucky! Heard him walk through the barricade debris and absolutely decapitated him. Nothing about that was lucky. I'm simply just the greatest to ever pick up an analog stick. That's it. Playing a fucking simple dog shit fucking clown. I only This kids trash eyes come on I mean the fucking mother fucker So Ricky you walk through the barricade and pre-firing your hat knowing you're gonna go behind the bat is locked. BADDIAR, CERO X, bro. That was mad luck. I told you not walk in that door. You know, you know not to walk in on daddy. Way brick you. You're on 9 ping, I'm on 50. Wait, Ricky, I'm 40 ping above you and stop it's not here. What's the excuse now? I'm 40 ping above you and stop it's not here. What's the excuse now? Are you gonna you gonna beg are you gonna beg me to join your tournament team? What's up, bro? What's good? Where's stomping that bro? Stop it's not here. You better be happy Happy about it. We're said to be happy about jobs not finished five seconds. You wouldn't find out. You actually think you're me you think you're me you might go oh my god. You actually yeah I want to go. Yeah I'm going, oh man, you got me. Fucking clown. My bad, I'm gonna hurt the guys. In the stream, let me see what operator. Nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I'm just kidding, bro. Damass Legion such an embarrassment this video game I can do. Cardinals are going to be at least any close left of the door. The coast will be there fast, man. al здrale Richie angle come on. They call it the Jinkie angle now bitch. The gingkunale bitch!!! Fuckup, punk Who's he's ready to try? Party tonight, those will be the best memories. Punka smoother! I'm so aware, bro. You're actually a loser, bro. Harsh negative actions some one Come on dog should ask her Fucking dog shit Come on yeah you're black it's a fuck off I knew you were gonna pop out
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Check your bomb! I'm confused by all four. Yeah, yeah, yeah, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Think I'll have him to eat. I'll be sure to scout the clown. Alright. Come on. Come on. Oh purpose for located a bomb. Protect it. my god just it's just like what do I do there like yes speakers of answer the LMG and he's on yep this only happens on east that literally only happens on open him Yeah, I'm sure I'm hoping you're not with peakers advantage and a think out on tea like I hope you're proud of yourself dude with no recoil I'm just nice. I hope you're proud. I mean, yeah, I'm cronus brown literally cronus brown Or you just hit a think a drownable surge, you fucking imbecile. That does- Wait are you stupid? You said you I'm like, you the me? You know that doesn't like give you no recoil anymore, right? You know that. Why don't you think I'm like- I know that and I'm on the Zim Matrix G. I'm not required Wow, Rick. You say you say Matrix you have such a high level sense of humor. You're fucking idiot. I'm Zim Matrix Brown Zim matrix dog should ask it bro can't even take you serious anymore absolutely no stop and no win! Stopping no problem. Fucking sick joke. Fucking terrible. 5 seconds. way away man. 4-1 come back on average. 4-1 come back on me. My chronicle is working. Is this your way of getting people to forgive me? or what? Yeah. Shit, I like that. I heard. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're so bad. Don't shout! Don't shout! I had a drone on you. I had a drone on you. I mean I'm your mouse. No, you always do my- Oh my god, it's over. Lock the fucking rally the fucking troops. Load the fucking come on! Yep, oh man. Way way way way way way way too confident way way too fucking fucking Fuck up. Fuck up. bro what do I go bro like I don't even think oil is gonna use that smoke hell yeah chat if I go smoke good luck I'll win this game Oh, wait, I can't do it. If I go smoke gridlock, I'll win this game. On God. If I go smoke gridlock, I'll win this game. On top of the game! You dumbass. Ford won't come back on avid, Ford won't come back on Richie. Clown, Zenti's trash ass, Clown, avid trash ass, Clown, Zenti's trash ass. I just want to hear it go for the night. She's typing ops nice. There's no one in my chat saying that. Someone said get on mute. and then my chat thinks my modder thinks spoil equals ban come on come read my chat, come read my chat alright you want me to put on emote only and I'm not streamfapping around I have a 50 second delay from the tawny, so it has to render. Please. Oh, what? I wasted my drone to see your eye. You know that right? You dumbass, what the fuck? It's a matter of you. The same f people just said smoke. Oh, I didn't even know you were smoke. Thomas, thanks for telling me you're up now. Another bar bar would have given away actually. Well, now it's going to be immodelness.
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Clown, clown, clown, get up, get up bitch! Every tournament Saturday, my dick is in your mouth! Every tournament Sunday, my dick is in your mouth! Every two of you, too, wait, you might take us in your mouth. Since you spawned into my game, I have owned you. And I always will. You are my bitch! HEEEACH! FOUR-TH-ONE, talk to way too much shit, talk to way too much shit, just like fucking that pussy ass loose. $1,000 down the fucking tubes. Thank you. Thank you. Keep talking. Keep talking. Mother fucking tubes, pussy. Keep talking. I'm almost done. down the mother fucking to this is a humbling experience you force me on the server where you have a 40 paying advantage because you're a fuck I didn't force you I said I'm I said I'll do it because it's out the I'll go to the left. I'll go to the right. Oh, shim, Siphon. God forbid we play out of the E. God forbid we play out of the E. equal thing. It's always got to be you on a 40-pink advantage, huh? I beat you on scotch plenty of times, see. What about central? 5v5 turn that's where you're like getting 7 out and crying you're fucking chat listening to a music 7 out of 7 out of 7 open my bitch ass you got seven on my trash ass. I'm a bitch right I'm trash right I said to know your bitch ass and when eight and one on me you can't do nothing. I didn't do nothing I first picked I have a four different rounds. I better be single-handedly want us that game. Okay, that's cap You guys are horrible. We could have subbed in a rock and we would have won. Give me this. I'm clearing now. That's a bit of a notice if anyone. And really yet again, these are just really bad. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I don't need to drop doing I don't need to drop you. I'm doing Yo Ricky you just said Grandperque is the loudest operator in rainbow six each and you can hear me sprint into a brick wall I want you to drop you immediately oh my god he's just up in like T-facts sharp at her mind or something oh Oh my god, this is why you got seven ode, bro. Holy shit, you're a joke. Thank you so much for the thousand dollars I appreciate it. Dog shit, delusional, egotistical clown. That. I should have lost that. I was literally blind and boring, how did you start your stupid house? No, it's because you shot that phone. What the fuck? You shot one bullet. What are you doing? It's a dry baby, bro. Cry. I'm gonna keep him a breach. What are you doing? I'm actually a bit more on... A fucking goat. A fucking goat. A swaper. Fucking clown. A fucking clown. A fucking clown. A fucking clown. That's the second main wall working. Don't give me that to location to our secure. I have to save it, I like that. ご視聴ありがとうございました Same push every time. 4-1 by the way, the lights were just too bright huh. I have balls on it. The stage was too big. It's much money on the line. Smoke number one. Scared to enter? Scared to enter, Ricky? ご視聴ありがとうございました
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege ッ России What you doing? All right, let me turn it off. Let me turn it off. BAM! BAM Xiang BAM Xiang BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM ご視聴ありがとうございました If you think, see I Ra. 蜜入られない I'm for his location bomb. You know what to do. 1.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5x4.5
Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Still no game sound. Nobody can hear what you do. That's aura. That was aura What is the main character? Oh my god but he's actually the main character. Oh my God, he's actually the main character. Best cup of the day. Best cup of the day. He's actually the main character. No no no pro pro pro. He is actually genuinely legitimately the main character. Got it. I'm coming in from CA. This is old, bro. This is out of my one point. Bro, who in the chat remembers the out of my 1.5 scope era? Great time to be alive man. Good ranko! La be arrego! What are we doing? I don't think anybody's out here, bro. Yeah, I don't... Are you M&K? Why does he look sim? Thank you for taking back the whole Hakeinsta. Listen to me, oh my god, listen to me, listen to me clear. Listen to me, come back to the window, he thinks he's safe because he's going to be a good guy. claim more on the door. Run through the door, prefire the claim more, and you'll have the freeest kill ever on the guy repending on the window. Do that exactly. You're the coolest person I've ever met. Oh my god it's Jason Bourne. 1がバレた How would you like to carry me to champion this season? I didn't even know that was a thing. I did not know you could dodge a claim or write hand on the Bible. I did not know that was a thing. Hello? Hello? sound still not working. I'm literally looking at my OBS sound bar and it's moving. If your sound isn't working, then we're going to have a look at the sound bar. your volume is on zero! Screen is black. Yo hi vice. You are setting an example for the Jerry, you're the head moderator, dude. This is the example you're setting. The screen's not black, I might as I can see it. Pay me can't hear the screen. There's coffee the second the second High-byes is right hand man nice, bro Facecam 2 perfect. Yo, I hate this fucking chat. What do you mean? Facecam 2 perfect. What the fuck? Does that even mean? Next minute, thank you. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Watch out! Go over here! Some of the worst things I've ever seen. Some of the worst things I've ever seen. Every more statements I have ever seen If you peek through this window sill right in front of you you will see an enemy combatant crouched Alright, it's time for retirement. I really did think someone was there. It's time for retirement. I could have swore somebody was that... Is that a jingsy charm? �리 This guy's nasty. This guy's nasty. This guy's nasty. I'm located. Disguised nasty! Oh my god! Left! Left, left, left, left! He heard it! He reacted to the sound on the left. Only champions could have heard that. This guy's champion, 100% this guy's champion! I would bet my life that this guy's champion! Come on he Pence. That's DX! I like how you're droning in a 5v1 that is pure passion. You're probably not fun at parties, but that is pure passion. Droning in a 5v1 is pure...
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege When is the flight stream? Okay. So you haven't listened to Jack Shit, have you? The flight stream was last month! Bro, me and Flight need to 2v2 every rank. That needs to happen. Chad, you guys think Flight would do good or bad on my team? Bro, we should do that Friday low key. Chad, do you guys think, do you guys think flight would do good or bad on my team and be completely honest? Not making it past cop. I'm not watching these clips. I hate these clips so much. Look at how big this is. Yo, if you play these fighter games, You're a fucking idiot! NEED YOU! PUNK MASS! PUNK MASS! PUNK MASS! PUNK MASS! PUNK MASS! It's just loud and brainwroth. I'm not watching that, bro. No, fuck that. Fuck that shit. Dragon, they give me the five gifts, sh- Dragon? They give me the five gifts and I appreciate it, my boy. Flight better than you. When is the first super stream dog? I I only do super streams, bro. Aside from a mean sketch got high one time And aside from the 34 times where I got absolutely hammered, I do sober streams all the time. Chats, you guys actually think that? Think I'm on weed right now? So Capcan, may I get you a MAAAAAAP! This is just such a low like low performing lobby here. No one in this lobby is above silver. I can just tell I'm the historia is Good rain! Bad rain! Thank you for the clip. Thank you so much for the clip. Appreciate that. Cores, think of it as a 5 GIFT! Dude chat, I don't do coke. Yo chat, I wanna- Bro, my Xbox isn't work man! Okay, you have way too much free time on your hands, dude. Bro, there's no way you guys are so... spending time doing this shit. How much time do you actually have on your hands, bro? GENUINALLY, dude. leak okay, I don't have a son Take it easy to give it a five gifted chat. We should do two V2 versus every rank with flight on Friday bro, and then we'll that 1v1 tournament on Thursday. Bro that is actually two banger streams. Bro me and flight could make it far bro don't sleep on me and fly its chemistry. I love that motherfucker. Don't sleep on me and flight's chemistry, bro. Do not sleep on that. Me and flight could that it has to make it far. I'm telling you. Mod 1v1 tournament win. Mikey, think of it as a 5-gift. Mikey! Flight would carry you. Not a make-up. it out of bronze. Sometimes I just like can I just read my chat. Yo you want to know what I scroll through all the time is a jinksy loyal son twitter. So those mother fuck yo I swear to God bro those mother fuckers are insane. Dude, dude, dude, dude, yo hell. Bro, Chad, am I wrong? Who in this Chad is in the Jinks and Royals Twitter community? There's gotta be some of you guys in there. She's sticking with the five gift today. That is the most insane Twitter community I've ever seen. She's taken with the five gift in it. Pro this is what the name of that Twitter Twitter community should be, Jinsy Complainers. I saw a poll in the Jinsy Lawyers Twitter tonight. It said, what is Jinsy gonna stream tonight? It gave three different options, and then the next one. the fourth option was no stream. Sixty percent of the votes were on no stream. Change the fucking community name to Jinxie complainers. I see per A. 18 hours a weekend and I'm still streaming tonight. They were right. Dog I'm streaming right now. Back down to Earth, Nicholas. One single killed in 14 rounds is Ram Bunkschis. Know your place, you division one, stop and writing for you, bonding bomb. And I'm still gonna watch his clip out of the kindness of my heart. It's not another kindness of my heart. Fuck this guy! My other message has haven't loaded, so here we go. Next, give it a day! Lá, lá, lá! Deve ser nele me combar, né?
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege on your left. By the sound of the grunting, it sounds like a male operator. I'm just going to guess it's a two-armor. I can't kill her. So I was wrong. But your aim is horrible. Good aim! I think you did. You got your kills just get out of there. Nice. Good discipline. Wait a- no. You're not leaving. They're gonna be looking for you now. You got your kills. Get out of there you ego-tistical twat! Should have ran me have a chance now they're on you bro now they're all over you. Yep should have ran me You have a chance Oh, yings on percussette. This is insane. This is fucking insane. No, this is fucking insane bro. How? No one shot a bullet at this guy. This guy probably thinks he's good too. Tsk, look at this. Yeah, I don't even know what else to say anymore man. I don't fucking view about guys come on Get our shit together here love the streams bro hate from Michigan. If you love the streams, why are you sitting here? This guy just said I love the streams hate for Michigan. This guy! If you love this... God, I wish this was beer. DIE, RAIN GO拜拜 whatsapp y'all doin Guan So are we playing the run around with like a chicken with our head cut off simulator? You're walking into a mirror, Iana. You realize that? that right? Okay I mean seriously what? This is a fucking shit, y'all. This is an actual- Okay, no, no, no, no. I'm not even gonna dare give you any score over a 3 out of 10, Jay. That is a lot of fun. Literally it. At least he didn't edit it. Was I 15 in that picture? By the way, anyone saying a smash should literally be in prison. I was 15 in that image? Look, look, look, look, look, listen, I was 15 in that picture guys. Why are you saying smash and I was 15. Alright, family out of eight minutes. Family out of eight minutes chat. fan mail here we got a lot of fucking fan mail here. Next give it a day! Jinxi! I'm no A A A I already know as soon as I look at that fucking statue as soon as he shows that statue There's gonna be the craziest shit ever. So this is what we call a damage control right now This is probably the ninth Minecraft sex clip. I've been sent in the last last year. We're damaged controlling. I just... yeah, we're done here. No, we're not. We're actually fucking done, bro. No, we're done. I'm not, hey, Chad, I can't look at Minecraft sex. all of a way the links in the 5 seconds. Please explain that to me, Jake. Mom, located by- Why did you put a C4 on the bathroom window? I'm so curious. Why no? I don't know why he did that, bro I'd like to formally apologize for everything I just said. You are my father.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I thought that clip was so good. 3 out of 10. 3 out of 10. The rake you're gonna make. You put Logan your car's off the fuck up dude Chad you guys know I'm a high like high level player bro. You all already know that Chad you guys already know I'm a high level player player. You guys already know that shit. Next give it a day! Next give it a day! Why did you throw the out of my bat high? Can it even reach? Dude, this guy is so good. a plat charm on bro this clip is gonna be so mad this guy's a plat charm dude This clip's gonna be so seetier. Why are you running through the breach? Wait, he's flat? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, he's flat? What? No fucking way. Um, I'm pretty sure that guy's the best plot I've ever seen. He just absolutely urinated on their foreheads, literally. He literally just urinated on their face. That's insane. That's actually insane. Bro, chat! Have y'all been fucking with the YouTube videos lately? Shall we be doing some offline bangers, bro? I'm not gonna lie. We did offline coaching today. We did the Fiverr video. We did the going undercover and gold Bad rain So your aim was good and then you randomly decided to start shooting at Asha's vagina. So right here your aim is good You're aiming at head level. That's good. And then you just wait it. vagina. How did we end up there? bad rain. good rain. Dude, that guy's a sniper in Narnia. You're basically in a 1v2 right now. Just don't peek the sniper. He's literally useless. No! A four last opportunity. One bullet, no! Nice reload! Bad aim! Berrain! Berrain! I like the saying go to lot. I really do. Good C4! Great C4! I'm giving this a set. I'm giving this a 7.3 out of 10. I'm giving this a 7.3 out of 10. 7.3 out of 10 easily hands down without a doubt. Does Bro think he's Pulse? Does Bro think he's pulse? Does Bro think he's pulse? I tap, I don't really like two more times. to live fly swear than fan mail. To have it, it's a five hour stream, bro. They're gonna be like two more clips I swear than fan mail. Late mail, no no it's not late, it's not late. So, Dr. B, I can tell you just strode in from Call of Duty and can you stroll back over to Call of Duty for me. You just full sprinted through the entire top floor of the map. without scoping in. SCOPE THE FUCK IN! I hate call of duty players so much scope in your gun now what the its from ¡Curre! ¡Curre! ¡Curre! improved
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I genuinely, why are people saying, Karim, I genuinely believe when he was in that gunfight. Someone literally walked into his room and started grabbing his analog sticks. His aim was that bad. And you fuckers are saying good name. You fuckers are saying good name Okay I'm about to fucking lose it bro. I'm seriously about to lose it. I'm not a speed clue I'm not a speed clone dude. We are two different streamers and two different people Jesus Are you ready for some fan mail, bro? It's been a minute. Are you ready for some fan mail, bro? It's been a minute. It's been a minute, man. I'm feeling muscular lately. Here's the one I jerk off with. Oh wait no it's this one there we go. Yeah dude I'm feeling muscular lately chat. I'm not even good at live bro I'm feeling muscular. Also, Chad, I keep itching my nose because my nose is itchy. I'm not on cocaine. You guys can stop saying coke break every time I stand up. I would greatly appreciate that. Please, thank you. Let's get a fan mail going here boys. Let's get some fucking fan mail going here. I'm fucking stoked Have no fan mail on 10 days I hate people looking at my bulge. I have no family of 10 days. I haven't done family in a warping. Resounding 10 fucking days Quick little piss break quick little piss break. I'm not doing good It's a piss break. I'm gonna be beating Jack. Ah! Remember you can work. ◀️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Oh Woo! Woo! Who in the- oh shit. Alright, let's go. We got a lot! That was probably not a good idea to drop that. Alright. Ain't a lot. A lot of fan mail here. A lot of fan mail here. I am not going to lie to you. We got a lot of fucking fan mail. here today boys ladies and gents have eyes put the have eyes put the pio box address as a Okay, until fan mail's over. Let's go. Let's get into some fan mail here, ladies and gents. First, I'm out of the night. Having done van melden literally 10 days. If you're going to die, drink a beer? Why not in the world up? The movie up with the little fact is? COO Kop World Cup? Mom, grab a beer! Get me a mansion right now! us u I'm kidding, you know, he's not talking to my mom like, how the mom was asleep. My mom would slap the fuck out of me.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege There we go. Bros. What is really in here good? Alright. Can you let me open? I'm better lose my fucking mind! ごひめてくるさではありません。 Mr. Jinksy, sorry we are just now getting your warranty claim. We just noticed you had been losing a lot lately, so we moved you up to top priority. Thank you for... ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました Let's destroy it. Let's completely smash the dismemberings. I need a hammer, a knife, and a half-job erection. I'll be back in 30. ◀️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ◀️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ◀️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ I've been wanting to get my hand on you for so fucking long. I've been wanting to get my hands on you for so fucking long. The hissick mouse and key whatever the fuck who gives a shit. Oh the amount of fucking times I've died to these M&K players. Let's go. Right here. Right here right now. Right here right now. Right here right here. fucking now. Set it up right here. Oh, it's absolutely gorgeous. Let's fucking destroy it. Why do my tips look big at this angle? How did it only the plastic brain? DUDE! I need to put it on something hard, bro. I need to put it on something hard. My peanut? Oh no this. Okay. Right here. Bro is it like impenetrable? This is fucking nuts. Oh, we're making progress. Wait, I have a desk right here. car We too first blood. We too first blood from you here. Come on a little bit more. And have it over warm.Excited... Man... What's suing you guys? 36 Struggles I'll take it a photo to... now Wait a minute It's familia So, don't be late Poo... Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Oh my god, yes, this is fucking amazing. BANG! This is fucking incredible. Alright, we need to keep clawing into it. Let's try this and... It's like an elbow here. That's... Oh my god!
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Look at that we see the We see the inner minds of it Come on. Little bit more. Just a little bit more. Just hold on for a little bit longer. Almost time. fucking awesome. Hear rattling around? Fuck every zim player. That's the best. I've ever gotten. Fuck every single simple player. Every single one of you. ونفضم ونفضم ونفضم ونفضم Thanks for having me out of the day! Mankie die Luffy zijn gorein? What the fuck? Yo, this is fucking sick! Do this like a... Big ass water jug. I'm actually gonna use this. Yo, that is fucking sick, bro. Dude, I just gotta clean it. That's awesome! KURRAIM! How would Luffy say KURRAIM? KURRAIM! That's good, that's good fucking Van Mel back to back to Anders. Not really sure what this is. A Shistie! Ladies and gentlemen, another Shistie! clipse 받아보는 아니고 왜默默 v. What the fuck is that? Open the keyboard, it's custom. How do you know it's custom? ご視聴ありがとうございました Wait, what is this? You're hanging in the plug this in. Bro, that's fucking sick. We gotta use that now that's actually sick. Thank you, sir All right, Chad couple 12,000 tor Cleode L Angst 3 of your calf is still on giant Add water. basket Open up, motherfucker! How the fuck is this underpants? 札幅を覆えるあとは Chad, I'm confused. How is this underpants? Back of the keyboard? What? What's on the back? Huh! Ha ha ha! Yo, that's so fucking wholesome. Okay, that's fucking wholesome. Bro, how did you guys even see that? I didn't even see that.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Is this even openable? Like DADDADS. Hi guys, how does instant underpants work? You know what I'm saying hi guys? Okay, we got it open ご視聴ありがとうございました Put water, put in water. ご視聴ありがとうございました I'm confused. What did I do wrong? Chad, what did I do wrong? next fam out of the day Trend pump Do to shirt up Okay, all right. Who the f? Okay. Who would use a shirt as a shirt? a comrag. Could you imagine sleeping in that? Who would use a shirt as a fucking comrag, dude? I already been set this. The fuck is this? A VORMAX? معا جدا ووف يع، وهذا؟ لا أعرفه ما؟ إنتها فيي This guy just sent me in his army. How do you work a butterfly knife? Does anybody know this might be really, I might have to slow down here. What do I do? Pull to the bottom. A legal to carry can't use it on stream. Okay. Thanks for the Azami. Next fan mail to the day! Dear Jinksy Hope, this gift inspires you to do more cooking streams. My girlfriend and I love your fan mail streams and clip reactions. Keep up the good streams from Craig and Carly. Nice couple there. What if this guy just... What the... Dude, what? W-Bulls! Dude, what? Okay. Alright, alright, alright. I'm taking off the hooters brawl. Chad, I'm taking off the hooters brawl. Chad, I'm taking off the hooters brawl. bro and I'm putting on this shirt. I'm taking off the hooters bro chat. Bウ enforcement references between Batman and Cole. That... Couple fan mail's left? Okay... This is like the 11th glizzy gobler shirt I've been sent Any more fan mail sit here Another shirt. Okay, it says Milo. Hunter and can we add the family along something wholesome please can we please
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Please? Let's just end the fan battle on something wholesome here guys, seriously. Where's my fucking... I already know what this is. Okay. See you guys next Friday. We're done! Oh my God, man! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Woo! Alright, champ. We're gaming. Finally, we're gaming, Chavu! Finally we're gaming. We're gaming, we're gaming, we're gaming. Walk over now. Right. I'll call the bell Drop it the price you know and they come daja daja daja da Dal tttttttttst yes Gamers rise! The Gamers must rise! Chat! We have not been done a like 1v1 stream in a fucking minute. Now, I want to do some wager stuff. I want to hit some licks. tonight I want to make some bread tonight I want to make some fucking dough tonight now first two people that counted my mind for the easiest wagers of my life senti and avid haven't play Zentian Months and the last time I played Avid I shit on him. Real shit bro. Tatt if all goes to plan and we win and we win Let's save you in two wagers tonight. We could walk out of here up $2,000, realistically. If all goes to plan, we could walk out of here up to grant. That's what we can control is how I play tonight. That's what we can control. Chat, now realistically, I should probably play Zen to you first as a orba. I should probably play Zenti first as a warm up. I could probably 1v2 Zenti, I'm not even gonna lie. But I don't know why. I should wager that chat you guys like I could 1v2's empty I mean he's beat me on 1v1's before but You guys like I get 1v2 to him like real shit. Let's see. Because Zenti was talking a lot of shit yesterday. Like a lot of shit yesterday. Zenti was fucking chatting yesterday where's this bitch at he's not on Zenti literally said he will 1v1 me tomorrow at this time and he's not on. So I don't want to play avid for a minute. for our abyss. Oh wait. What's going on? Hey, kids. Yo, so you just call me a warm-up? No, no, no, no, no, no. Did you just call me a warm-up? Is that just call me a warm-up? You know who I am Zenti Zenti listen bro here just listen yesterday. I'm gonna here's what I'm gonna do and And I'm gonna be generous and courteous because I'm on a piece of it. Hey, Jixie, hey, Jixie, hey, Jixie, look at my profile picture, Jixie, look at my profile picture. Hit the wizie. Look at my profile picture. I'm not a guy at profile picture. I'm out of your provapixir. Zenti! Zenti, listen up, bro. Listen up, ready? That's too easy. Zenti, listen up, ready? What bitch? You're gonna... Zenti, you have one chance. I'm going to give you one chance at peace and one chance at like freedom. All you got to do is just apologize for saying I'm going to be a little bit more honest. I'm carrying yesterday, bro. I wouldn't know I would never... Zenti! Zenti! Never apologize. So you're not taking the chance at a policy. You're not taking the chance at a policy. Absolutely not. I four owed you, Jigsama. One extra dime and then I... for you. You went to win 16 on stop and stack. For me in that stack, I'll do better than that. For me in that stack. Okay, so let's talk about, no, Zenty, let's talk about the last three tournaments. We're ahead of positive Katie, all can see it. Did you miss all three of us? Did you miss all three of us? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Great players welcome to 16. Great players welcome to 16. ZZ here.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm just not going to succeed. I'm going to go into it. ZZF But once the last time stop and play support, once the last time Mingo plays support, you don't Understand how this game works, bro. That's what I'm telling you you don't have no understanding about this game actually works Zenti wait let's see Let's lock bread. Let's actually lock bread. Oh God. Oh God. I'm sending one K right now. I'm sending one K I'm sending one K. I'm sending a bin. I'm sending a bin. Let's go, man. Wait, are you? I can't even tell if he's being serious or just acting out for the stream Is that your actual being serious bro or is that when I win? And then when I will I'm thinking back here on the night. No, babe. No, babe. Yo, senti. Sendi will not do it. No, no, no. Sendi will not do it. Sendi will not do it. Sendi will not do it. Oh, God. Cool. That's it. Here's, Zenti, here's what's gonna happen, alright? You little fucking ho-whats. Zenti, first and foremost, you strode out of bed this morning in an school academy uniform. What the school for seven hours and then hit the swimming pool for your swimming practice for three hours, isn't he? We're not doing any of this weird shit, bro. Zenti if you You're gonna say something to me? You're gonna say something to me, bro. That's it, plain and simple. You're not gonna say, I'm gonna be there, I'm gonna be there. Zenti, it's gonna be directly me or I'm kicking you out. the party. Do you understand? Set the band. Let's go over. Let's go. It's too easy. I don't see a band. Let's go. I literally set it. I'm checking the cat's app to see if I can get it. I've been gone a bander if I'm getting scammed. I guess you're getting scammed, I guess. Bro, why would you send a band? Dude, I already... Literally I already know someone's on your Time me on snapchat and show me your on your account. Thank you Never put up a band with me hell no someone's on his account Zetti, no, Zetti, we're not doing this. So, Zetti, you have never put up a thousand with me in your life. Why to make money? I really did enough for you for a while so you played all got to have confidence against you You're not good you went to 15 You came back no one listen okay cool cool cool cool if we're gonna put a thousand on this game We're doing Matt bands. I don't give a Fuck I'm not playing you on organ only map you could be that whatever Cafe shallay border no no or those are your five mats Cafe, Shalei. No, here, listen. Oregon Clubhouse. Border, Shalei Cafe, Band One Map. Cafe Cafe Cafe I've been organ band a map What's left what's left that's like a band oh What's left what's left? Lob, border and shall we? Band one. You got shall we? Shall we? Get shall we? Okay. Get shall we? Hi Elle! Hi Billion! I don't know what to play bro. Clubber, what's the name of this? Hurry up bitch! Clubber, plumber, plumber, plumber, plumber! I ban club, let's play boarder, let's go. That, oh god, that. I'm talking to my fucking son I'm talking to my fucking son I for oh Listen bitch, listen bitch, listen bitch you're not listening Zenti I swear to God I'm putting this on God if you are stream-slipping I am not even referring I'm running i'm running i mean that shirt I'm in the hole Jack therock fewer lists every three minutes until this game's over. We're playing to five as well. We're playing to five. We're playing to five. No sir, you're scared to make it seven. I'd be scared to. Okay, it's okay, it's okay. It's okay. Come on. Thousand locks. Realistically, you have a better chance of beating me if it's up to five. The longer the game goes on, the more the skill gap widens. I... Brother! Realistically, you have a... better chance of beating me to five this is actor you say bro this is literally oh come on bro let's get it going dude let's go bro Remember you're on nine ping whenever you're scussed so if you're not on nine ping we're doing that snapchat call if it's letting you know Wait, why don't we snapchat call to see someone's under your car right now why put up a thousand right? told you my phone is dead dude that's can be oh my god he's not on my plane no no no no no no no no no no I'm not doing it so I'm not doing it's zenty I swear to hell I don't listen listen let me talk let me talk I don't I'm not scussed. Senty, senty. All I'm requesting, look, look, senty, senty. I've played you a hundred times. I've been there for a while.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I don't know where I live. I don't know where you're back. You're always trying to dog. You're always trying to dog. You're always trying to dog. I don't know where you're back. I don't know where you're back. I don't know where you're back. I don't know where you're back. I don't know where you're back. I just want you to prove that you're on your account so I can lock a thousand right now. Just prove you're on your account. 20 you know I have like a 80% win rate against you and you have like a 20% win rate against me Why would you put up a thousand why now why right now would you put up a We did I not broke did I worry today I did not explain it. Charbs, you're fucking a phone! Before I lose my fucking mind! Charge it, let's go! Okay, okay, hold on, let me get it, let me get it, hold on. Whoa wait my chat's right oh my god your caught how did you send money if your phone stat how did you send money if your phone stat Oh my god, you're actually... You have someone on your account! Someone's... you're laughing! No, no! Someone's on his account! Oh my god, I bet you I know who it is too. I bet you know who it is. I bet you know who it is too. Wait my chat support. Why are you silent? He's gonna go. Custom game wait mic playing with Jay hold on if lose not on Jay's to wait Zenti how'd you send money if no no you actually got caught someone's on your kite you fucking weird out I'm so smart. I'm so no no wait if lose not playing with Jay right now it's definitely Leo if lose not playing with Jay right now It's definitely Leo Oh no, Lewis playing with Jay. It's not blue. It's not blue. I don't know who it is Wait, Zenti, why are you quiet? Cat got your tongue? Zenti, yo, wait he's on Microsoft store. Whoa Why is there too a cat? the party and why are you on Microsoft's tour? Whoa whoa whoa, it's empty talk! It's empty all you gotta do is just come clean. Yo yo yo. Yeah just come clean. I'm calm. Why did you're all no? Why did oh? Oh, it was empty just switch to Microsoft store Why did oh? Oh, it's empty to switch to Microsoft store I just kicked it from the party. YouTube video and oh my god if he leaves the game chat I swear to God if he leaves the game yo zenti you're not answering my question I asked it 10 times how did you send the money if your phone was there? How did you send the money, Zenti? How did you send the money if your phone was dead, bro? This is really terrible. No, it was a computer. It was a computer. How else? You sent me cash out money through a computer no sane human it was ever done that I That's literally possible. I got it's possible. No Oh God is possible. Hold on No sane human being has ever done that, Zenti. No sane human being has ever done that. Wait, Zenti, just speak in Game Chat. I can figure it out right now speaking game chat you read it you know Zenti why can't we speak in game chat. Let's do it right now just speaking game chat prove it on the account Zenti He's silent. Oh this kid's actually trying to scam me out of a thousand Zenti Zenti why don't we just speak in game chat you prove you're on the account. We start the game Why can't we do that? Why can't we do that? Why can't we literally just have you speak in a game chat? He's silent real This is so disgustingly crazy that people actually try to scam me this often bro. Yo. Yo, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. So is that you know I want to get. Yes, I could hear you. What bro? So I know how to prove you're on the account right now. We both go to game chat you talking game chat. Are you down? Okay, I'll talk to game chat. I'll talk to game chat right now. You're all you down right now right now Ready yes, yes, yes, I'm gonna You gonna talk, yes, bro, yes, I'm talking, give you a shot. All right, all right. Ready? Go, go, go, go get him, chat. Yo, Yozetti. Oh, he's on the other team I can't hear. He's on the other team I can't hear. I didn't think about that. that. He's on the other team. He's on the other team. He has a he's probably on a face time. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, sent you. You're on the other team. You're on the other team. I can't hear you hear me bitch boy. You're on the other team. I can't hear you dumb fuck Yeah, I look at you. Yeah, probably it's probably it's probably not you on the I swear it's I guess it's not me. It's not making so many excuses. So you scared you to the back of this bad. Your millionaires scared you. How did you send money if none of them? We're not doing this. I Hey chat just keep this in the back of your mind, bro. That's all I'm gonna say. I see any You just said And then your phone died and my fucking trip is afraid of me am I stupid? It's the freedom you just said you said money than your phone died, bro. You can't be real. You actually can't be real Come to your out of it B.C. That's a right next to my first monitor. That's a B.C. What the fuck is this? A-SHAP on their PC. Bro, it', it's way easier, dude. Just way easier, bro. Just... Hash app even to have a website? You know, I have a weird feeling about this. I don't know, man. I just don't think this is you on the account.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I didn't even think it was you, but I know it's you because I have fucking lost you RV round. hg Wha Am gonna walk in Top of Nuprezino today Walking, walking bitch. Clip down, why do that Zenti? Bait and sweat and walking. Come in this time. do that you're not scared i can't take a band from you you're paying up to god you're You are paying up. I will literally take you to court if you don't pay me my money. I've never cared more about abandon my life. You're in the woods, Super X cheesiest www. Sne Everyone Jeffery 不管 him Don't We traded. We traded. What the fuck happened? Why happened? What happened? I- You know what happened? You took this shit to the end, you took it to the bottom of the race of it. You took this bottom of the race of it. You took this bottom of the race of it. Why are people saying you just clapped while playing? No, I'm not doing this shit. I'm not doing this shit. Fucking go yo yo, I'm about to actually lose bro. Oh, my was my mic. I was fucking go Chat give me the clip of him clapping, no no no, get me the fucking clip, get me the fucking clip right now. If there was a clip of this motherfucker clapping while playing, I'm leaving the game. Oh wait, wait, his phone charged. Oh yeah, you guys are right. Your phone charged, yeah. Oh, Zenti, it's been like 10 minutes. your phone's charged. Let's go. Your phone's charged. Let's do it. Come on. Let's face time. Why is the party silent? Why can't we face time? Zenta, you said your phone's charged. Yo, Zenti, dog shit scamming piece of shit. Where the fuck is the FaceTime called at? I'm about to call you on Snapchat bro. Pick up the fucking video. phone. Oh, I'm about to lose it. No, I'm about to actually lose it right now. Is empty? Why are you silent, bro? You said five minutes. It's been nine minutes. Pick up the fucking phone. phone. No, no, I'm about to snap on God, I'm about to snap. Is that deep. up the phone. Wait, Zenti, why won't you pick up the call? Why won't you talk in party, Chad? Yeah, this is so fucking 4K. This is the most 4K Ultra HD. D. Shit I've ever seen in my entire fucking life. This shit is literally 4k ultra pro high definition high resolution It doesn't get any more force Okay then this shit right here. Zenti it takes your phone 10 minutes to charge. What are you using the Samsung 2? What are you using bro? Are you using a fucking Nokia right now? How is your phone? I'm not imposing the game to the skipper place. Then we can say to your 10 minutes if you want to. You're picking up the fucking phone. If you called his phone and put it to voicemail, it'll show his phone is dead. The thing is, Zenti will never have my phone number. I'm calling him on Snapchat. I'll never in a million years get this kid my fucking phone number. number did he not send a band yep didn't send a band didn't send a band but I'm still taking a band you know if I win this game I I expect my band so Zendia were just not replying what's good your phone's not charged this is so fucking 4k this needs to be a YouTube video this is the most 4k scamming shit I've ever seen zenti why are you out of the mic. I'm gonna unpause the CP talks. I'll pursue this in court. I don't care. I'll actually pursue this. este got off fixed. Do the intro? Yeah, you're right. Look at the YouTube intro. YouTube, what's good guys? Today, we ran into a trash talker who never wins against me but for some reason today I wanted to bet a thousand dollars which I thought was suspect because he's never once wanted to do that but I I have the suspicion that he was actually not on his account, that he hired a top-sim champion to plan his account. And when I confront him about that, he got really defensive. And then I said, okay, just FaceTime me, improve your playing on your account. And he said his phone died. Then he said, give him 10 minutes. It's been about 12 minutes and he's not picking up the phone. So.
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I have a lawyer and let's do this. This is so far on YouTube it's insane. This is actually the most insane shit you've ever had. Don's empty hands down. Zetty, this is hands down the most cringy shit you've ever done. Keep the bomb protected. Can't take into insertion. How am I still winning bro? How am I still winning? Down to five seconds. Really water, really soft spot, low medication secure. So, Zenti, we're still not gonna be on the mic. All right, sounds good, bro. de Coolzundi Deceme 1000, let's get out of here. I know you can hear me a little fucking weed. Oh he's back! Wait did your phone charge sent you? I know I got no no no no you got me trying to do that with this. Yes my phone is on fire. So wait, so wait, wait, why do you keep your phone charging or not? Yes, yes, yes. On God's sake. Yes, yes, yes. It's been charging for 15 minutes. Keep making excuses bitch. Keep making excuses. I don't get it. your bitch, but your show five bitch when I prove you wrong it's gonna be a bitch. I wouldn't pick that! What are the fuck I want bitch? I'm fucking daddy I don't remember what trash can I've slimmedouchcебub tom Joppa, did the price of you know what? I've been located by all of you. your so shit you're my bitch you're my bitch no oh my god you're horrible nah nah nah Alright, so Zendy, let's do the call. Just prove you're on the account. Let's do the call. Alright, fine. I'm calling you right now. Calling you pick up. Let's go pick up. He's not picking up. Zenty, why'd your mic go silent? And why are you not picking, yeah, this kid is. Yo, this is getting so fucking sus. Zenty. Pick up the fucking phone, dude! Calling on snap is crazy. Do you actually think I would give this fucking loser my bro? Sent you pick up Pick up bro! Zenti pick up! He's not picking up. He's actually not gonna pick up. Leave and play Richie. Bro, Ricky's my son. You didn't pick up twice, yeah. I mean, dude, yeah. Like at least get on the mic when he's calling me. He's calling me. Oh my god. He's calling me. Yo Turn on your turn on your camera Oh shit it is him. Oh wait it was actually, kill it was actually. Chad was actually him the whole time. You're actually a fucking idiot. You're an idiot, bro. I started yelling at my mom to the mother and dad. I got grounded because of you. Fuck you. We'll eat him. I'm gonna leave you the whole time. You can't do a whole fucking time, damn it. We just wasted my time. You just wasted my time being. Bro, I swear to god, you couldn't have been any more sasno bro. more sus. I said your phone died. Okay, so my phone can't die, though. How much can you do? My phone died, dude. You're my bad, bro. Fucking idiot. Tata. You're still a piece of shit, but I still expect a thousand. So I could have skipped a thousand. You still? No, no. You're not going to get a thousand. You know you owe me a thousand if I won this game. Wait, so so you'll pay up if I win you'll pay up if I On dot I'll pay up if you want or you're gonna scare me like Ryan
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Literally only a thousand you know that the if I win this game and I don't get my thousand It's gonna be a problem because you did not pay up front So jigsie we're gonna act like you don't owe me like a good four thousand dollars You're gonna act like that. You only $4,000 in the middle of my life. I do not owe you. When I 4 owed you? When I 4 owed you? No listen, when I 4 owed you, it was literally beating me. $100,000, you can never give me that thousand, never give me that thousand, never. It's all cool though bro, we know what you do for content, do you fake your content bro? Like John dumbass. We you fake your content Anything for the content bro Millie Mayor taking me to fucking thousand dollars bro be carrying It's been a long time since 2019. Get me fucking pussy, man. So out of touch with your ass bitch. You disgust her. Maybe more to lose more than some. Fuck you decreasing You have no idea what I'm cucking up right now. Literally no clue. Push to the bush, push to the bush. You're such an idiot, you're so ass, you're so ass. Yes. Bracky's nice big boat. No, nope nope nope. Weirdo ass fucking loser. Definitely. Shit. I have no drones, bro. This is literally my only plan. Iímh Don't! SHIT! Oh, give me my... Oh, give me my... Oh, give me my... Don't! SHIT! Oh, give me my... My money, bitch! Give me my bread! Come on. I'm beating everybody tonight. No one's beating me tonight. No one's beating me tonight. No one's beating me tonight. Literally nobody. Not a soul. Not a fucking soul. So he laughed the bar. He raged with the party. Oh, if I don't get paid. Oh my god. paid because if I lost and he didn't put up money up front what would happen? Pay senti. Pay senti. Yosenti. You're actually such a big news. You're a prick. If I don't get my thousand, if I don't get my thousand, it's a problem. No, listen. I'll give you the thousand under one condition. Thank you tomorrow fucking morning bro tomorrow fucking morning about to give my bread bro I'm not fucking with the badass if I don't give my bread tomorrow fucking Morning, you will be in court with me Because if I don't pay a thousand I get cancer you can just run out with the money you put up a You're... you put up a thousand here. On stream, we got the vod and everything. If I don't get my fucking bread, it's over. Finish this game. 20 times better than this loser. Hey, Zetty, you know the conditions, bro. You did a wager? You're not a wager? You did a wager? You're not getting out of this fucking wager. I hate to break it to you brother. I hate to fucking break it to you. No. I'm not locked... I'm out locked... I'm not locked... I'm out locked... Missionorientation Felios I'm not locked... I'm not locked... I'm not locked... I'm not locked... I'm not locked... I'm not locked... I'm not locked... His ego is so out of touch. You guys literally said pay Ryan for a month straight because he won a round of rainbow six seeds and then what I mean pay him another thousand because he jumped in a lake for two seconds and I pay them! This motherfucker bet a thousand with the intention of only winning. If he lost he was gonna run out of the party. I'm dead ass gonna tweak. I don't get my bread, bro. I'm dead ass gonna tweak. I'm dead ass gonna Keep on the entire game not the route the rules were still the same the rules were still the same Guys Ryan already got paid. That's my point right in already got paid Ryan over I'm not losing this fucking game
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm not just a hell man. Zeddy, so am I getting my thousand for cash? I prefer fail. I told you the condition sucks. I fucking, I'm about to fuck five. Thank you my sister. I'm really about a tweak right now. I'm seriously about a fucking tweak. You're about to locate and abuse a bomb. Oh, I'm about to tweak that. No! $1,000 for jumping in a lake for one second and Zenti can't get me. Oh, Zenti's literally actually scamming. He's actually scamming. right now. This kid is genuinely scamming. Jet like literally. He was not ever gonna pay up bro. How does no one see how this is weird? I haven't talked to this kid in a month, bro. And, wow. Nothing has changed, bro. You're looking at the bomb. It's gonna peak me loser. Scamming creep. I wouldn't beat this. I really wouldn't. I'm the king of this game. I wouldn't pick that, Auntie. Stay in the sack of shit. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. No, it's so... It's like I'm predicting it and I'm in! I'm predicting it and I'm in! I'm better than you. You don't like this, you're better enough. I'm just gonna shoot you at your point. It's gone, bro. Give me my one- Wait, wait, oh wait! Hold on no, let's lock that in you said give me your one Okay, right? So if I'm okay, you're getting okay, right if you win this game Absolutely, absolutely so if I win this game I'm getting Wait wait so if I of course of course, of course, but that right the fuck now high five. Oh Fuck clip that right the fuck now so if you win this game okay under one condition no we're not doing that shit again yo yo he just said it he just said it he just said it he just said it no he just said it He just fucking said it. He just said it. Everyone heard that. Everyone fucking heard that. Everyone heard that. Can I have legal grounds actually here? Do I have any legal grounds? Genuinely. Do I have any legal grounds? like actually no 10 seconds he's scamming me bro like five seconds to insert Getting scammed by a grown-ass man, dude. I can't do this shit. I can't do this shit. Hey, hey bro, hey bro, at least Abby would pay up, bro Abby's never scam bro I'm adding this game. I'm adding this game. I don't care. GG easy. GG Give me my money! Give me my money bitch! Oh ho ho ho! Give me my money bitch! Doo! Give me my money bitch! No! I'm not paid Payday here, here's the catch up. Here's the catch up right here. Mooted. Here's that catch up. Oh My god, this feels amazing Dollaro Diana pence next! who's next? next!
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Jynxzi | I LIKE PENIS | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Who's next? And coffee's saying, Zenty, don't pay shit. So just got done with uh It's got done with the unfortunate yeah, yeah, and we both know I'm not getting shit So it's fine here's what I will say about you have it at least I know I can go to court I got my lawyers on his ass. I'm a beyond. I don't think we have any legal grounds there. There was no contra no no no no listen listen I got legal grounds up look look. Oh bus is kneecaps open. No Oh, you can't say that. Yo, you can't. NGTA. Oh, NGTA. Oh, NGTA. NGTA. Yeah, NGTA. NGTA. Oh, yes. Holy shit. Yo hold on, hold on, wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, wait a minute, so I have it, I'm gonna give you a hug. give you about 15 seconds here to think about what direction you want to take this game because we both, let's be honest. We both. Good better now. Okay, but look here's the thing bro. Here's the thing. I'm never doing I'm never doing any wager again, bro If I don't have the band up front so this 338 I paid you I pay you a band I understand I'm just saying bro. I literally just got scammed and I want to avoid that So thank you bro if you actually send a band there should be 1300 in my cash Yeah. We should be 13. Oh, I just sent it. Oh, Junksy. Cardi PMP. Oh, where the fuck that is. That's easy. Let me. It was the answer. Whoa. Wait, what you actually sent it to? Yeah, I'm booping that out and not so listen this is going to be where we're all like, I mean I gotta come up with something I'm not losing there's no option to lose here. Oh my god. Yo, yo, well I'm coming out I'm a big tourist tonight. Oh shit. All right, hold on, one second. Yo, wait, are we locking? No, no, no, lock in, no, lock in. No, no, I actually locked in. They all lose those fucking pranks. Fuck, that was my door dash once a week. Damn. Oh no, I just sent my door dash once for the fucking month. Oh no! Oh no! I forgot to lose weight. Fuck. You have water to keep it in the water. Water, I don't spend a thousand dollars and an hour on this. Okay, water, stop talking to me. Thank you. It's out of the funny water. There's nothing's funny. I'll go out of here because I really hurt my feelings for you. An hour, nigga. An hour? Look, baby. Look, man. Shut up now. Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Or landal two six two six two okay, but not bad not bad I'm a I'm gonna be back. I'm gonna be back in 10 seconds. I got you Also, no chat this ain't right You're giant. All right, deal. Guess I'm sorry. Yeah, you guys ain't out there. too easy, not gonna affect me. I don't care. You know what? It's how we say it! He said that we're gonna take another extra 15% when you win. Your dumbass fuck. I didn't... I didn't get 15% I didn't get anything. It was supposed to be a stunt. I didn't get any money here. Let's just do this off the top. I don't even know why I went through with this shit. I didn't get nothing. Let's do this off the top. Off the top off the dome. Let's get this ripped off. There's nobody's on the wall. You're gonna let me say it sentence, okay? You're smiling Are you in my street? Get out get out Right now I am right now right now right now right now get out right now get out right now. I'm gonna sit you a band What do I benefit look if I'm in the view of the dust mob. Let me lay the ground rules. Please Let me lay the ground rules. A. Any and all streets ready? I'll sleep on the ground but I... Sorry, I was... Shut the fuck up! Dude, that's shut up! Shut up. Rule number one, if I catch wind that you are in the stream, you are getting refunded your money and I'm leaving the game. It's plain and simple what I could all you can take but you can take them on you get if I if I'm a I've I slip back done cool. I bought my right up the show right now part number two And this is my God is this important chat. There's no script swear to God this motherfucker actually sent a thousand if he wins I'm sending him two thousand if I went I'm walking out
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Our bottom of the barrel champion players. I think we could beat every rank. Hey, if you think of the five gifted laser, think of the switch runs and the script should, T-man, think of the switch runs and the script should, So look at this cop I got from fan mail pretty wholesome shut up sending hate from the united kingdom react harder We haven't even started doing clashes What do you mean react harder delivery with the 10 gift delivery? They can put a 10 gift in an all of you brother. Thank you sir. What do you think of the product? I'm so appreciate it my boy. TP the prime sub. Ace the prime sub. Jerry already man. Let's get the stream cranked. Yo, appreciate it. If you guys want the Jinksy Charm as always, I'm gonna click that link, somewhere in the widget, so I'm gonna switch. If you have that blue crown next to you, maybe you can top it for free with Twitch Buy. Let's get it, let's go. If y'all wanna get in these 2D Fives. Pfft. Stick around in the switch. We may have y'all want to get in these two be fives a pme st D money think of the five gifted working with a day Berkeley with a day chat. I'm sorry. I was late, bro. Late and fat. I'm a you bought you're a three months sub your literally a three month Garfield Santa Clip I thought Garfield retired I thought Garfield retired I'm tired. What is this game? What?! Dirty diaper! What did the baby just turn green? Whoa! Put the bat down! No.. O spic ji He's drowning! Stop hitting him! This is the weirdest game I've ever had. This is literally the weirdest game I've ever seen. No, don't do it. Did the baby just shut himself in there? Alright we're off the cliff, we're off the cliff. What is happening bro? What do you mean BAMED? No, it's my chip talk up no my no it didn't know it didn't bro chat. It's literally a video game bro You guys know that wasn't really real right Jesus Murphy man, you guys know that isn't real bro the name. Guys that's not a real clip bro. Check phone. Oh shit yeah yeah yeah. Ciao. Oh my god. We're giving away a PC. Do not forget. We're giving away a PC chat. Hold on. Chat. Chat, you guys remember when you told me to get a PC? give away a star forage we are giving away a star forage we are giving away a star forage so i'm about to beat it out right now i'm about to beat it out right now narrow law Alright, one second, let me do this. Yes, Shobber, give it away at PC. No scam, scammer! Scammer! Guys, no! We are actually giving away a PC bro Chetaly got to do is like reach wheat and click that link that's it bro I'm about to put it on Twitter right now. We are giving away a star forage, but we're giving away one star forage. Um, I'm tweeting it right now. I'm tweeting it right now. I am all I With the air and I came back All right, let me let me tweet this out All right, it's on the twos It's on the Twitter. It's on the Twitter. We are giving away a PC. Yes, we are giving away a PC. I'm not a scammer I'm not gonna not give away the PC me and Starfords are giving away a PC go I can't wait to see you in the next video. We good! Okay! Sorry for the free PC offer, man. MY BAD! Did you just send me a ticket? Om мы serion klip? Ber mindre! I see why you're in TDM. Your aim is never getting warmed up. WHAT?!
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Τότε bin yachts! sedan Hey! What's going on today? Hands down, what's going on today? Stop been waiting, no he's not. We're playing at 8. Stop it, he's not waiting. Shut up! Stop it, stop waiting, bro! Stop it, stop waiting! Reloading! Next game on the day! so we're not droning no punches xgick DROAD DROVE YOU DOGGE! It's 4-3 over time match point! And you're not drawing That name oh my god that name oh my god that name Hor Ni oliliaramme. LithSave! Ladies and gentlemen, this guy spamming Lean. Not Codine Pro-Mathesine, I'm talking about leaning in rainbow succession. Walk up the staircase. Oh my god. Oh my god. There's nothing on the stairs. There's no barbire. No nothing go There's no barbire on the stairs go go go You shot your own gadget. You shot your own gadget in the heat of the moment. And Pulse is on the Yerkeset, so he just didn't hear you shoot. And Echo is currently... Yep, edging, nice! This is a terrible clip. This has got to be like copper bro. This has got to be like copper. Um, he's platt. Okay. Platinum jar, okay. Yep, that's a plat. Wait, this is... This is a plot! This is a plot! Oh, this is a plot! This is a plot! You see it out of me, combat it! and you start shooting a Cinder Block wall. That's not the platinum I remember. The platinum I remember was three, four years ago when you had to get a five-stack to get in the plaque. Tom Glancy's rainbow 60 to be soft Montreal. I need ranks 2.0 removed not tomorrow not next week Tonight! Rank 2.0 is killing the competitive integrity of this game. If this young man is a platinum player, we have lost all the hope! for the humanity of Rainbow Six Siege of this guy's flat. He literally just shot a Cinder Block wall. Don't have knockers. I do not I do not have milkers. Okay. That is yet again a severe Addited image. Okay? Severely I'm editing it. That's really all there is to it. Severely I'm editing it. Why why why why why why why why? This guy's just sending wise. How about a clip? We're reacting to clips right now. How about a clip? Mod him now! USA thank you for the 5 gift Thank you breath Okay the sky Hey! He's using mute! Oh my god! The Jinksy Charm, comboed with black ice on mute shotgun? Ooh, this could be a high high! This could be a high rank, boys. I'm sorry sir, what did the wooden cabinet do to you? Why did you just give it a mic-tice- an uppercut. I'm so curious. What did the wooden cabinet do to you? Have you ever heard of stealth? Now they all know your exact location, dude! This is a zero out of 10 clip. This is a zero out of 10 clip. Hands down without a doubt. வந்து வந்து வந்து burned disapp�ையில்லின் Please怖 wrath wrathவத Abs Object
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh he's not joining you. Thermite is probably 11 Miller lights deep right now. Thermite, why would you not check the back? Afroom style! Cover form. It's gotta be cover! Never mind. This is not copper. This is cobblestone. There is no way in God's green earth a single player in the city. This lobby has even achieved level 50 yet. Beryng! Wow! I actually genuinely... you gonna have no words sir? Here's my words, you're not good. Wow, wow, wow, this is horrible. This is actual to brain rock right here. This is rainbow 16 brain rock So frenzy it's a shotgun not a sniper rifle This guy's 47 feet away from your face hole. Why would we put it out the shotgun here? Someone didn't for me, please sending hate from organ just gifted 10 subs Okay, there's no way that is your Twitch user. Yo, this is the, there's no way that's your Twitch user name. Frenzy, that was a horrible clip. Zero. out of ten. You found my 2007 Easter picture. No, no, no. Oh, no, you did it. Why is my chat saying wood? was five. No, no, no, no, no, no, this a a this this must not go on. How did you find this picture? This is like 16 years old. Why is Chad saying I'm Britt? Okay. Chad, I was 6 bro. I was 6. You know what? Hey, no, no, no. I'm out, you know, frenzy, you know, frenzy. frenzy, give me your twitch username real quick. No reason. No reason at all, frenzy. I'm not gonna ban you, nothing bro. Just give me your twitch user name really fast, alright man? Like very, very, very quick. Oh, there's this guy. Which username? Alright, yep. Permanent band on frenzy. Yep permanent ban on frenzy. 2007 Easter picture is just absolutely insane. 2007 Easter picture is absolutely insane. Wash, junk, oh chat I'm washed, wash tonight. I am going to have stop in a Jansport backpack he's gonna get carried so much he's gonna get carried so much he's gonna be in my duffy I'm going to carry stomping tonight trust me. I promise I'm gonna carry stomping y'all are gonna say cat bro that's fine i promise i'm gonna carry it next give it a day good rain Oh my god it's phase pommage. He actually has it. He actually has it. p� PEOPLE y ¡Fairy Miss! Correim Correim Correim Correim Excellent name, really good clip. Now, no. Prove the WHAT?! It's so clearly a facewob, dude! Jesus Murphy. I'm getting, yo. How? I'm getting a mug. One moment, chat. I'm getting a mug. I'm about to throw this coffee in a mug here. Gentlemen, I'll be back in 15. Do not say get. Back in 15 seconds. ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh, you know you love me, you know I care. I am a view bot.
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Squad wiped. You need to go right now. Go! Help him! Help your teammate! Go! Get! I just got a facial. Go! I kinda like this angle. I kinda like this angle. One friendly remaining. I kinda like this angle. I kinda like this angle. Oh my god this guy's actually champion. Ranting! One on four remaining. What a clamp. What a clamp. He's got a grab that a fuser. Remember, your six feet away from the diffuser has to push you and get this diffuser. Your solace. If he does plan that if you can utilize your soda scanner to see his exact whereabouts and coordinates. Walk it up on your whole way. Walking up on your whole way. Walking up on your whole- Wow. I might give this guy a clip of the day. I might give this guy a clip of the day. A clip of the day! That was a good clip that was a really good clip. I am not going to hold you right now. That is a good clip Now give it a day Thanks for watching! Why do you not drown? Can someone in this chat drone tonight? Dang it! Alright, just thought I got like... Cushing Grenaded, IRL! You have left your own father. Oh my god. Oh my god. Ah, there's your aims, man. Mac. Yeah, there's your aims, man. Your aim smear it is bro. It's mere it's mere aim. It's mediocre Me rain. I don't know chat. This is mere aim ... T- give me the back! Barre! Your aim is just a media- wait, frenzy! This is the guy from earlier! This was literally the guy from earlier, literally. This is the guy from 10 minutes ago. Am I tweaking? Chad, I'm not tweaking, right? I'm not tweaking. itt Or hey, think of it in the 50 didn't I ban this guy? I could have swore I banned this guy Or hey, thank you for the 75 gift I love you bro. How is he back? Cause I want a different account. I want a different account. I'm a young prodigy. Mute Shotgun boy. Chadda, realistically. Look, me and Stopping 2B5 in every rank. 25 minutes. Just give a prediction right now. What rank will we lose at? You guys wanna know my prediction? There's not going to be a loss. Me and Stumpet are the greatest duo in the history of Tom Glancy's Rainbow Six Seed. He's LeBron James, I'm Michael Jordan, okay? We're the copper, okay? Guys, we're not going to lose that copper dude. You guys, you're realize me and stop it are both high octane gamers right? y'all realize that right? pre-stop and carry. No. Stop it's not gonna carry me. Yo, Mick Lovin. Um, did you buy any chance? I don't know. Maybe send a clip Where is your thank you, bro? यंडि क्या हvi खशवी चिदा கअर इन This is not how you breach charge in Rainbow Six Siege. You cannot fit through, oh my fucking. Instead of playing Maverick, just play Ash, bro. This is not a breaching shit. This is the furthest rank from champion. That is not how you make... Oh my god.
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yeah, main wall's open, main wall's open. Yeah, fucking balkham's everywhere. I shot one. Oh, I told you. No, bitch, I'm that dog! Nice Ricky! Come on! I'm the best cop. Oh, no! I'm the best cop! Oh, I got it. I'm the best cop! I'm the best cop! The Defense. That's me, Ricky. On the sand. That's me. It was a Freebie. It was a Freebie. We've been set up. Y'all gonna say you say you say you're saying you're saying you're going to get on God. No, so we're set to hell up. That's me. What do you want to go here here with this? That you want me to go ahead? Yeah, oh my god, yes, but then go down you fat ass shadow Long got this so no kids getting me that I don't care about so so what's up, you'll be just out Yo so much that the fuck up pussy come on That's me, that's me, that's me Come on. A W background. So grab an ass. Yep. We're dialed. Come on. Secure the area. Keep the bombs. Use the effects for this. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna find one like a zombie. Yep. 10 seconds left. We're gonna go to the south, you like? I'll do all this setup. I heard her. 5 seconds. Yes. I think cop is moving on this one first. Located a bomb. Plan your decision. Yep, boy. Op 4 is located a bomb. Get that thing. Well, reinforce. ... And she's set! Feel like the f***ing monkey yet great block snow wonderful now I'm gonna be shot at. Nice. Nice, Ricky! Come on. Come on, Ricky! fucking trash. drop down office he's not on this anymore he dropped down yep vanakunda va, voy conozco cannot Pandak 10 on cannon. Out. Don't even tap on the shot, it! Minutes 20, Rick! Come on. Big window still! Patience, patience. No wrong or big one now. Do you have a soldered, uh, mal? You have a mal and soldered right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. On me on me! On me! God, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. I got him good. I got him good, I got him good. One big window, one piano double. Deep. Yeah, he's like upside down. Q c i bay y ahí vamos voy a adoptar a t« agatau agatau Fuck that! Nice! Come on, Chimsy! So big, so big! Come on! Come on! What the fuck is losin' it? I'm f- Oh Brother good name. Oh my god. Oh my god. You're just mom and my hands eyes cold right now Holy shit. I'm in the North Pole What happened? Why so quiet in here? What's going on coppers? Tomato come on. It's dead side of them here. You got one now. One big Mac please. Oh my fucking guy. One order of fries. Yeah, bro. Don't work there so I can't find my car like I'm seriously about to snap Do this is good chat. I don't work at McDonald's. I have no other way We have explaining nice answers. Come on, wonder what? Me and Ricky are fucking locked. We're doing the impossible tonight. We're beating every rank in Rainbow City. It's good to see it. Starting at copper and at candy. Come on. 5 seconds to go. Let's go, Ritchie. Great round, brother. No fuck up. No fuck up. From the attack. Are they down? Are they down? I had to turn my heater off. I'll check down. Check down. Check down. Check down. Okay, okay, assume they're up assume they're up yep not down not down not down not down Okay, nothing but time here. We're good I'm gonna go for like, just yeah. Yeah, let me do something. I'm gonna do like this type of shit, but not all that. I'm gonna do it on like, I'm gonna do it on like,
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm gonna do this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do that. That should be a fucking freebie. Just work these pics one at a time where you were talking. many times better than these guys. The only way they kill us is those like four of them. Going Here I might I might have a for you Captain's master bed. Got him. What's our Captain's here? Master bed? Two master bed? ... ... ... ... ... Are you one this, you one this, you one this? Well, I checked that door. What the fuck? 80s are way ne'er 3D. I'm not nice! Come on! Doc was inside! On top down! What's up, Doc? Bathroom, Bathroom, Doc? It's a closet rotate to Bathroom and drink some. One ping. Counts there. Just so I heard this. Are they both side? uh... if you want to give me a thank you for what this bro god i hate this class it up Get on my hands. Sound call me? Yeah. Yeah. Still. Not exactly on it but like close. Ils at bomb. Batham doc. He's inside. Batham doc. Yep. You're good. Boss. I got calls for you. Master, push him up, master. He's IV now. That's going back to the door of the shot. Bathamdota shotty, bathamdota shotty crouch. No! No, no, no! You got you, you got you, you got you! He's a master, I got bomb. Please Ricky call for me if you can't. thatта where You're such a pussy come on soda what happened? Pros don't fake don't you know on it I like that I like that Come on, wait, Jynksey, I'll brag. Jynksey, I'll brag. Wait, last time again, hell no. I hate it, that's last time. Come on, Mickey, come on. Good cops, my boy. Good shit, bro. You know I got you chat if y'all want it yo if y'all want to get in the bronze game, bro Like I said go to the twitch chat type of game attack the twitch chat. We're not losing bro Like what the fuck? I think that was perfect. Ricky, I did ask you to name that operator today because it just gives us so much intel, bro. Yeah, I plan out in the game. Yeah, I know your first time. That's what we fucking need, bruh. That's what we fucking need, bruh. We're not using these kids. You know we're not. Come on. Fucking mad dog trash ass kid. Mad dog, what are you doing? What are you doing mad dog? This is why you're coming. I'm fighting up rather yaggy fight you have to talk in so much shooting you on that first shot what the fuck is going down You get a pin drop and he's got the M4D. I'm on Go! I love this patch, you're the only mother fucker that matches my patch on this game. You're the only mother fucker that matches that I've been in this game. Come on bro! Come on bro! Let's go. Watch out for this. euros mother I don't know what I meant. I'm not sure. No fuck up, Sturkey. No fuck up. We got this. Matty, Matty, Matty, sover in lion. Mati Lion Solo. Really? Okay. Join us later. One big window! One big window! One big window! One K I think! What? Yup. I'm not a kid. Shit to us. Calm. Going K? I'm getting shot. Bathroom in bathroom! there went fate
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yo is everyone in this audience the way about like oh my god No, we're just big fans. Oh my god. I'm not gonna take this off. I like that look at that Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, cuz if they go I'll get that I'll get that triple. Yeah, I got like a strat to do I'm gonna text you. I'm gonna text you. Wait, we're that last member of the month. Yeah, yeah Oh, I got it, man, I'll be getting my clothes. It's pastin' it, it's pastin' it. Of course, bro, I tell ya' him. I'm goin' rockin'. I'm gonna need text of me. Hehehe. Thanks, thanks, thanks. I took number. Hey, I can do insertion. What's the clock? Every round, bro. yeah, every round here, every round here, these kids are idiots, they'll have no idea yep, that's a bad record Ricky, that's so rude that's tag, that PC, that PC no, that's so PC That was quite rude, Richie. Better go get some of them. Richie, that was rude. My bad, bro, my bad. Kind of mean. Yeah. Wait, how do I turn noties off? How do I turn notifications off? Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it bro. Hey, figure it out. I'm not gonna hit it. Come on bro. We're locked Ricky. We're not helping. Let's go. Come on. I might have to meet this guy. I'm not controlling. Always, yeah, I'm like one step away from you to him. Sorry. Oh, he up top on the roof. For sure. Yep. I didn't pick it up, don't pick it. I'm in, I'm in. Oh, here. Okay. Blocking Ricky. Yo, don't we get any drones or not? Three, two, one. Have a good night. I'm on the camp. Nobody, nobody faces. Nobody faces. Nobody who car. Attack on. Never rush paddler. the case Watch a bridge. It's still here. No, no, pieces. Yep. Crosher here. I live everybody I live everybody throw her throw her I swear Come on, John. Come on! Come on! Bases. Ashka, slam, by Janksy. Bases. Okay, I'll let. Oh, no, it's not big trouble. Nice! One-by-one! Come on! I'm not ready! Yeah! I'm here! I'm here! What the fuck you do? Good shot oh my god good shot on you come on bro Oh, I think we're not losing bro. No, no How can I not actually not losing? We're actually not losing come on Yo yo team me up with Ricky is actually fun bro. What the fuck? I've now I've never done this before. It's nice to not be enemies for one night Okay want this site I kind of like this site or we got try we try yeah yeah or we got this one dude I think this one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm going this one we get try it when I experiment experiment now they banned my mirror so much different shit this time yeah yeah kitchen kitchen kitchen we're all kitchen all right all right secure the bomb do you see I think you're Oh just insurance ay Keep an eye out for our poor detective interaction bomb. I'm scared to bomb you. I'm not a middle floor. I found the bomb. Can you shut the fuck up? Shut up! Shoot! He faults everyone. Tacky. Excuse me. Installera den� sak �ีselefektiska informärtrack旗. Utavastlegt. Come on Nice nice big There's zero, there's zero lion Who come out? We're on in. Nice air, camp, bro. Once by A site, A site. I have a play. Come on. You do you, bro. You have been spotted. Die! Die! They have like... They have... They have... Be control over the shore. Yeah, they have... is 13 on all right
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege That's right. Well listen we win the defense is broke that us yo. I'm sick and tired of these motherfuckers asin that wall I'm doing best bro. I'm fucking doing this. I'm tired of motherfuckers asin that wall God damn METCH! WHAT?! Wake up, wake up, come on. I don't know, I know. It's just like bro. We gotta win this round. Yo, if we just, yo we've lost every attack. And they've lost every attack if we keep that rhythm will win four three bro. Mm-hmm. Protect the bomb. It's a fucking crazy game right now. I gotta get my war back right now man! Come on, climb, climb, Jinks he's back. Get ready to engage. And sandwich. And shoot it. All right, well, I knew the wall. So only way they get it is if they have a thature or something like that. Yeah. I'm doing like three years on it. So now get the shit. I'll get the fuck out of here. I can't talk. Beepers, yeah, and our cars. Don't secure it! Don't secure it! On the reach, it's A's calculated. Oh my God! Just get it on that kid, pop bastard. Tay!!) long referrals I'm gonna tell you where he is though, I'm good, I'm good. C-C-C-C-C, I'm gonna give up, uh... Maybe, I'm gonna walk up, maybe, I'm gonna walk up. They can't even get the wall, they know what to do, bro! They don't know what to do. Let's take office on me. Yep. They're finnetic office. Now do you do? Alright, the track went off. Oh, I got six! He's in my mouth. still dark illuminated did much on the Athamas and I've been 90 cam. No, I just got double 10. I just got double 10. Oh, bro, my kid. I don't know what to do right there. I mean I got daymost tracked. I killed the daymost And then I got refragged auto refragged. I just think I don't know if angry was the play. I think I should play more aggressive. I think I should just try to get those bros. Dude, I'm just in a 1v5. i'm getting like quick peeked it's alright i'm gonna go jackal i'm gonna fucking track this kid's cc kill him come on positive mindset I don't know what the fuck to do when I'm in that scenario bro. It's like they just know where I am It's hard. It's hard. It's like I don't know that's like another round where I'm just like in a 1v fucking five And they just know that That was my bob. I would just like fuck too. Fuck. I mean they played it like perfectly So it's a 2v5 in order to play up. Yeah going day-moses like next level patch in a month Yeah, that's not. That's what you're like. Five seconds. We should have made a plan. I'm gonna be honest. I have to locate and appeal the bomb. Come on. Come on Ricky, come on. Run out of fucking gold man, come on! Around, how many near sea? You can hear me amtheologin. I heard 190, I heard 190. These kids are so good, bro. That ass, bro. I'm Jimmy T.C. What are we thinking here? I have a ram. I can ram the melt too. Half wall. I have a drug to see in winter. Yeah, yeah. I'll just workpicks there. They're all in sight, bro. Hold on. Let me check. I know. Top metal, rock, reason sight. We're my top metal. I'm getting an impact below. Oh, this kid's soul is so he can see my jackal. No fucking shot. Wait, did he hit the goats? I don't know. NOT BEEED BEED is car Go player, yep. Go player. Okay. He's a gold buyer. Yeah. He's a gold. Yep. For sure dude. For sure!
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege bro oh my god I've never seen you can't fit through that trust me you can't fit Oh my god, he just gave him a shlog. You get through that! Grunt. I just... Seriously, man? How much free time do you actually have on your hands? Gently. All right severely out of context chat, okay severely out of context. That's not what it looked like on a day-to-day basis Okay, that's a severely out of context image. I was probably pretty bricked up in this moment. Give me that PC, yo dog, it's a randomized just give away. I'm not just going to give you the PC. You got to go on Twitter and compete. Okay? Four-hour streamer. You guys realize Daily 4-hour streams is actually quite impressive. That's quite good. Look, bro, look at it like this. How much does an average person work in a work week? Generally. Look bro, alright ready? I've seen four hours a day. This just shows you I'm not a part timer. Nah, okay, hold on. average work here chat isn't it here look I just think okay I'm a part-time streamer right watch this ready I'll prove to you right now that I'm not a part-time streamer average work week By hours Look, so I stream... The average work week is... ...38.5%. That works out to 7.7. Okay, so I'm a little, all right. I'm a little off of it. Oh, all right. So, okay, hold on. Look. All right, well that was humbling. Okay, listen. I'm a little bit off of it though. Chat, seriously, I streamed four hours a day, average worker, it works seven hours a day. I'm only three hours off. I'm really not a part-timer. actually sit down and genuinely think about it. I'm only three. Yeah, all right. Well, that didn't go as planned. I'm gonna be honest. I thought the average work week was like five hours a day. I genuinely thought that was out of the way. average work week. I'm not gonna lie bro. Chat, am I like? Am I out of touch with reality? Look, bro, look here. Am I out of touch with reality? Look. Obviously chat. My job is a blessing. OK. You know what I'm saying, chat. Obviously my job is a blessing, okay? I'm not out of touch with reality. I'm very grateful for my job. Um, yeah, man. I'm not out of the job. touch with reality bro sending hate from Oklahoma can you guys stop bro send love from states don't send hate from states bro can you guys please just Send some love here. Industry plant, here we go. Dog I've been swimming for five years! And this guy's saying he's a bot like yo, there is literally yo. Why do my messages not thank you, bro? Finally a message load sending Love from London. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Thank you for the bobbin support from London Hate from sending hate from India. Okay, sending hate from Michigan Sending neutral feelings from Germany. I'm not even kidding. That's what that guy just said. Oh a diamond char. Okay, diamond char, okay. Wait, they broke the barbed wire. Oh my God. If they wouldn't have broken this barbed wire, You would have been hornswackled because he broke the bar bar you can walk through it and make no sound koń táy kunt Oh! Oh! Oh! Last operator standing! Decent range! I have to expect more from a diamond, I'm gonna be honest. I was expecting more. Yeah! This is kind of mediocre for diamond. If you are glad I'd be impressed but I don't love this clip I really don't Did you just get a face shot and still to got the kill? Okay, that was impressive. 4.3 out of 10.
No Highlight
Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 10 clip for a diamond 4.3 out of 10 ease on a 4.3 out of 10 that's a very fair ranking stop and wait no he's not bro stop it why do I talk about fucking stop is getting on at eight love from view bot three thousand and thirty two you're not even champion hourly coke break in 20 minutes by the way coffee I don't do coke okay coffee kay waiting you're gonna Guys, me and Stopper are playing at 8. He's not waiting at 742, we're playing at 8. Got to go to the... rust clip Someone's in that base. He just shot the door. Dude! You have a bunch of rockets. He's shooting food. And to be able to bat an inside that face, he just said to Apple, I swear to God, he just said to Apple. Oh, that was you, I think. I don't know. I'm not good at rust. the door, the door, the door, the door. On the door. Wow, actually good rain. Are they gonna respawn though? you got a loop now right? For all of that you took BEAMS! You did all of that You did all about to take two cans of beans. Oh, fuck no, dude. You did all about to take two cans of beans. There's no fucking way. Wow! What a... What an anti-climatic clip. Seriously, bro. He did all of the... that to take two cans of beans bro. Sending hate from New Hampshire, sending mixed emotions from Ireland. sending love from Uganda. Guys! Love from Florida. Thank you Damien. W. Damien in the chat. Thank you Damien. Thank you, sir Yes, lad Okay Dude dude dude chat chat realistically bro actually bro what country are y'all from I'll start up from America I'm from America. Where are y'all watching from? Where y'all are actually watching from? That is FUUCK you. Okay, that's not even a response. is literally not even a response. That is literally not a fucking response dude. High-by said shut up. Ang yw'n credu m If he scores, he acts as real. I'm from Scotland. Is that good? God, I'm coming in from Kaser! mu bad alright that What is this angle? You can see the breach from this door. I'm using this next tournament Saturday. I'm using this next tournament Saturday. Oh my God. You can see. The sky's a demon! The sky's actually- No, the sky's a demon! The sky's a demon! I haven't learned an angle from a clip in so long. DROAD! Nice! actually a dog. No this guy's actually a deep. Oh. This guy's. Lansing. Lansing. Lansing. Shit. Shit. Very good clip that was an actual decent limit look like you knew what you were doing, bro Caiser get off my TICK! Gaser, can you...? It's like I want one... Have a Sban, Kaser.
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Kaser, I literally said your clip was good, bro. I'm a bot. I'm a view bot purchased by Jigsie. Okay. Chat what logical view botter would purchase view bots in the next video? have them say they were view box that doesn't even make any remote sense that literally makes no sense. dude. BOT FROM DEN MARK! I'M A BOT FROM DEN MARK! Okay. Sending hate from Jupiter! That's okay. You can't even have a tint Jupiter dude. I've done my research bro. You literally can't even have a tint you Jupiter I've lit it like dude You guys realize I'm actually a studious educated man, right? You cannot have a dent, uh, Jupiter. That's literally like a fact. Why Where you lay? Oh, dish. My bad. I was nine minutes late. I was not. Dish. My bad, bro. I was nine minutes late. I'm so sorry, dish. You guys want to know why I was late bro? Do you guys actually want to know why I was late? I had diarrhea fresh out of the shower. I drank a tub of coffee. And it all came right out. It literally looked like some soup. Next, give it a try. Is he playing Blitz? This is gonna be a low rank. Hey, this is gonna be a low rank. That's all I'm gonna say. This is gonna be a low rank 5 seconds Like this is gonna be a bad rank dude I'm gonna have to use it. Jynxie Charm, love to see that. Missed seven bullets on a stationary camera, all right? Yo, this shield above is at yo you can reload behind shields dude like that's actually insane That is actually insane To be continued I don't know if you noticed or not, but there's fire on the wall. on your feet! He stood there for three seconds. He's on 60 health. He literally could not have stood there any longer. Guys, there's fire back on the ground! from the door this literally fire good right Really good, I am. Okay, he's on the bomb. I would not pick that with the pistol. I would not do- Loading back! Am I watching James Bond right now? We'll be right back. He dropped the hatch, plant, plant, he dropped the hatch, plant, plant while you can, he dropped nice. Why is mom seeing the bathroom? You're drowning dog every good thing you just did went right out the fucking window Inside! What is there to possibly drone? I thought none. I thought you should drone some door. work just said that. Yes, you should drone. Not when you're already in the objective, dude. Not when you're already in the objective. Torre esta fue el ingenuated subitario Merry time JSINGING Bad name all around bad name all around horrible name all around Excuse me Oh he's got the shoulder. Okay that guy's him. I mean you guys definitely won the round so good shit on that front. Okay, I don't... Chad, that's not how I look, man. Nine minutes, Chad! Nine minutes! and me and stomping are going to do the impossible. The never before done. And yes, how I'm saying me and stomping. Because realistically, bro, I think I could carry stomping tonight. Realistically.
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I think I can actually genuinely legitimately carry stop it tonight. I'm not even going to hold you. I think tonight is my night to prove that I'm not carried by stop it. Okay. Like, subscribe to watch a son of a bitch You take into the lead you know that he's not gonna be denied until he's attacked and he's buzzing all around the ice Oh What is their team name? Oh my My God! Dude NHL kind of looks fun bro. I kind of want to play this game Oh My god Yeah, that guy definitely has a concussion wow I just uh chat um that would be like a workers rights violation if I was seven years old working out of McDonald's. So clearly that's how it is. McDonald's would get in the lot of trouble for that. guys so no one in 10 balzy chat I went one in 10 in a tournament one time and you guys haven't let it go since bro yes I went one in 10 to turn I'm a human being. Take these and pet your dad. Let's just look to you right in the heart Bro, this is the old organ dude They should have never reworked the battle. 5 seconds to go. Welcome to Tom Klappesys Rainbow Six Siege. Have you attempted leading? I can already tell this guy came right from Call of Duty. He hasn't leaned one fucking time. Yep, hasn't leaned you again. How do you not lean in a 34 second clip not even one time dude? How how does that occur? What is my dog barking at? Am I being robbed? My dog's been barking for 30 minutes straight. Can you guys hear that? What is my dog barking at genuinely? Okay. ほうが No more barking, Jasmine! Jesus, Martyr! ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � ご視聴ありがとうございました Woo! Woo! That's good, right? And that's some good right. Ben, anybody typing? Yeah! And there is some good rain. Next cover- It's just me and my guitar playing it song. Then you could try it, stand in my heart, it's already gone. And you could tell something is wrong, and leave me alone. Clip of the millennium. clip of the minute clip of the decade. Gotta have come in from the rope. His gamer tag is the Lord Chanka and he's playing to Chanka. Wait. Bisguys!
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh my god you're cooking with this strategy. There's a mirror to your right and a sh- what you actually can't do. Oh, you're the worst video game player I've ever seen. Wait, hold on. How much health? How much health is capital? Ok never mind, I don't miss old siege. I do not miss- Watch this back frame by frame. Frame by fucking frame. Frame by fucking frame watch this back. porridge GOODまた下期 He just shot jackal 77 times. What? So was Caputio on B book!? Or something how do he not die No No, no, no, no that's acting actually broken is my dog still barking. Chad, I'm about to give her a treat or something. I don't know what to do. She's never barking at this eye. She's always asleep at the salad. You guys can hear her barking. She had to sit like, is it loud loud or like kind of loud or sort of loud or not really loud? Oh Oh my god, it's almost eight, let's go. Two minutes chat, two minutes chat, two minutes chat. Two minutes chat. Two minutes chat two minutes chat. I'm telling you man me and stop are gonna make it for tonight. We're gonna make it to the grand finale. I already know. I already know right into the grand finale. Hi guys, you want to do every game up to? 4 or 5 probably 4 or so we have like eight ranks to get through. How many ranks are in siege? Copper, bronze, silver, gold, plat, emerald, diamond, champion, right? right chat? Shut up for, okay. Let me call Hi-Vice and let me call Stopping. IT'S DOOOOOICE! Have you guys get the coppers in here? Get the coppers in here, brother? Let's go, Chad. Two champions versus two champions. Five of every rank. I'm actually nah, I'm actually fucking pumped. I'm not even gonna hold you. I am not even gonna hold you I'm fucking pumped. Let me call somebody. stopping. Let me call Mr. Stoppin. Chad, we're making it far, bruh. I'm telling you to do it. We're making it far, bruh. I'm telling you to do it. I'm gonna call Stoppin right now. song. I guess I'm not calling stop and I'm calling Drake. I don't stop it. We said 8 p.m. Sharp! Stop and waiting, I'm literally calling him. Shadow, Stomach doesn't play, should we get Richie? Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. Okay um... Where's stomping at bro? Wait, my teammate built on me? Wait, no wait... Jack, who would be a better teammate? Stompin' or Richie, run a pull! Who do you guys want me to team up with? Stop on a richy run-up poll right now. By the way, man, if y'all want to get in these games, type your gamer tag in the Twitch chat. At the start of the game. every game we're starting off with copper. Run a pool, who would be a better teammate? Stop it or Richie? Bro, stop it or we're playing bro. Stop and revenge you who would be a better teammate stop and stop replying bro Ali al-Prajee. Janna, pre-Jinksy procording the worst players to grace the face of the earth in order to boost his discussion. I don't know how I can invite me to the party. Watch the sassiness and watch the tone. It's can you invite me to the party? Hi, guys. Watch the sassiness and watch the tone. Let's leave that. Let's leave that attitude at the door. Okay, okay, have ice, we'll leave that attitude at the door. Yo, have ice, can we watch the attitude maybe? Shucks.
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege job, bitch. I'm sorry. We'll buy you to the game. Well, um, stop it's not here. So what do I, I just got like, stop it just drink. Oh, great. Stop it's not here to carry you. You're gonna cry about it? I could call Richie maybe? Let me call Richie. Stop it only plays with you when you pay him in tournaments. I don't pay him. Yo Richie, you try to 2v5 every week. right now right now right now because stoppers gonna play but he's just AFK Yeah, you can be like 10 minutes max how no dude Come on bro three minutes. I've never seen up with ring Ricky chat bro Ricky three minutes bro three minutes get the fuck on bro come on Chad yo Stop and get on stop and get on but he's not it on bro. I said 8 p.m. EST sharp He said bet he's probably sleeping bro Stop and doesn't know you. Stop and doesn't care. I'm not watching that. Leaving the stream. Stompin's not joining just really go one and ten yo hi Stopping already agreed to playing bro. That's the frustration he agreed to playing and he's asleep. Hi guys, instead of clip farming, maybe get the coppers in the lobby. You absolute doofus. Cool. I'm the lighten the propellers right now. No, no, no. They better be coffers, they better be coffers. Okay, you have the lobby set up, right? Go ahead and give you a host, right? Yep. Oh, have us, nice KD, man. Good job. So who's who did you like pay to get diamond realm holy shit? I guess I'm like the best player in the world I'll meet your champ. Don't worry. I'll meet your champ. Oh wait you won't get there daddy something. Oh No, no, we're definitely gonna champ me and Richie can easily get the champ route me and Richie get easily get Bronses Listen up bronzes me and Richie can't look here. No. No. No. No. No bronzes me and Richie can easily get the champ Hey, thanks for being a hater though high vise. I appreciate that I mean I'll be surprised if the stream hits two hours at this rate. Bro the stream's got to hit two hours bro. We're gonna hit champion bro. I've been told you this. Oh. I'll see about that. I'm calling Ricky again. Where is Ricky, bro? Chad, I've never teamed up with Ricky before. This is interesting. I don't know how this is going to go. I really don't know how this is gonna go. Read subs I will. I just need to get Ricky on. You know what? Yeah, let's read subs and fodder, man. Let's read subs and fodder, man. You'll appreciate the new suburbs, appreciate the new followers! You'll appreciate everybody coming into the Twitch stream, Jopper Defado, SC, Think of it the Faudero, Gabriel, Think of it the Faudero, Flow, Think of it the Faudero, Chaz, Think of it the Faudero, I don't even know think of the barro. I don't even know think of the barro. I'm sending with the barro KKK with the barro. Prehistoric think of the barro. I didn't think it was your wallet and I'm holding the bottle. Who just skipped it? Who just skipped it? Jack! Jack with the 25 gift! JAAAAAAK! W Jack, I don't get it. out exams and products begins working to the primes up northeast of all schools Coast gotta you so much. Pichi to the barrow, Kendall to the barrow, Rain to the barrow, Lil Guy to the 5, Guestsher, Lupi to the Prime sub, Master Thank you for the five gift. It's a master. Master, the five gift and I love you brother. Thank you sir. I need to refresh this because it's freezing. Cardinal DeGa-DeGa-Devaldo, who just kept in five? Kobe with the five gifts, did it? Coby? Kobe, they could have five gifts in my brother's house. I love you so much baby. I love you my boy Stop and can't care okay Guys me and Ricky are beating every rent And I'm getting followed about it nice, bro. I'm getting followed about it by slim shady. Oh My god chat. I did not do that. That was this well Oh my fucking... Oh my fucking god. Chad, oh my god bro. That's not me bro, that's some loser. Guys, you realize I can't control that, right? Of course, leaked. Why would I do that, chat? Why would I even do that?
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Why the fuck would I fude bot or photo bot? Have firms. Thank you for the five gift. judo Since it's Ricky do you want it on central? Sure, yeah, central's five. I bet. Central's five. or do it on Eastaxle, do it on East. And then I'll start to give... Okay, just do the first game of the... Ah, dude, have I said, relax! Senfelsa... Central's not even bad bro actually alright good we're doing this okay Ricky's I call the shots around here you're richy you ready? I'm inviting you We have to beat we have to make history tonight, bro. We have to do this shit. I've been sending him the script. Oh, shit. How about you shut the fuck up. Ricky, Ricky, I'm inviting you. I'm inviting you. Join up. You're Ricky we've never really teamed up before broke so we just need love and positivity and we can do this We need love and positivity Chad is this a bad idea beyond us? Ricky come on! Let's make history man! Come on, bro. Let's go. Hi guys. Do you want to get you want to get them in the party? What are you guys like chat? So we have high by semi-discreet Stop stop Ricky. There's no yo look. I don't script my fucking streams dude listen Jack should we realistically chat? I want you guys to be honest with me should we realistically get should we invite the enemies to the party yes or no we could do this for every rank what do you guys want to do run a poll should we invite the enemies to the party Should we invite the enemies to the party? What do you guys think we should do? Should we invite the enemies to the party vote on this pool same party or different parties vote on this pool Same party or different parties We all say in same party bet. I like that. Okay. Hi guys get all them in the party every game. Okay Easy, or any worse. Ricky, out of my cheek, bro. All right. All right, but are they on the lot right now? No, no, no, no, no, no. Ricky, we're doing central for the first game, but if you want to do everything, game on like scuss or is let me know i'm glad i'm down for you i'm no no no we don't have to do east because you like lag a little yeah i mean i think that's what will be valid yeah yeah yeah because what's your ping on central but we know that's what we're doing I need to lock in bro. Like 50 to 60. Well I'm not even gonna lie bro, even the copper game. It's like not even gonna be easy because there's five of them. But like, you know what I'm saying bro? Hey let's him bro. I'm not losing a night out. I'm not losing on that bro. Everything here's the thing bro. Every game is up to four so we can't have any four shadows. Oh yeah. No mistakes bro. It's just like fucking face at BL1. Yeah. Everything counts. What's good my copper brother? What's the brother? Join the uh, okay. Yeah, you guys too scared You're a sketch clone bro, damn! Who's day, who's day? Alright, nope, this guy's fucking muted. Yo, um, lucky, join up! I'm gonna go get the Poppers how y'all boys doing man how y'all boys doing? You're pretty good over here brother. Yo, what's up? What's up gridlock? Okay, oh shit. Okay, I'm not built like gridlock dude Yo Archie talk really quick Mad dog talk really quick What's up? You guys all sound alike, what the fuck? Yeah, are you guys like brothers? You guys fucking clowns? You guys sound like exactly like each other bro? Are you guys like brothers? Stick together brothers. Oh shit. You'll have I guys might know something I'm I still start the game until I tell you to okay Just for this I mean I'm last I'm a pretty bro. You're Highbyes come on bro. Hey, we're gonna seven oh you highbyes up you're Ricky. You're not the main Seven oh okay, I'm not gonna be this is back for Ricky. You want a team tonight? But am I a team? It's for Oh a team man. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. I know, I know, I know. You've done the team. I know. I know. The matter of you. Sorry, Ricky, there's gonna be no toxicity. or animosity between us tonight Ricky. We've never really teamed up so this is a yeah yeah This is like our you know, we just got to break through the beef here and just really come together as well Where brother's not bruh? Come on. Let's go. Hey bro, I got turned. A mad dog clicked down on the left stick and also can we delve into your stats right here? Okay, let's start with everything everything so my dog you're gonna push down on your left stick and it's gonna switch your team TTV I am God you're gonna push down on your left stick until it splits your team okay. Oh My the fuck Don't try to progress this lobby forward. Please. Let me do this And I get a big neck. Yo, all right, all right, listen. No type of try to do. See, it'll be a part-time streamer. My god! Listen, I've seen 40. hours this week. Eight hours stream Saturday, 10 hours stream Sunday. I'm not no part-time fucking streamer. Should I ask coppers?
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Jynxzi | Jynxzi & ST0MPN vs 5 of EVERY RANK | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ricky, you can talk when you're first choice brother. Am I last chancey? Yes, you're up. No, I'm coming, I'm coming. Ricky, you're not. Yo, NBA bro, yo, NBA. Hey, hey names, I'm in bro. And names that NBA solo boards names actually jigsie my name's not NBA Sorry, check. Oh sorry. I'm coming right now You know what I said? Of course the coppers are all trolling. Shadow and make a tick-tock. Shadow, remember, it's one of these to do this all the time. We have to do this for this specific... for this specific stream. This is a Banger stream, Chad. If you didn't get in the copper game, you could still get in the bronze game. Wait till the copper game ends. Type your game or tag it in the switch, Chad. Let's go. Alright, I'm making a TikTok chat. You guys ready? Chad, this is a throwback, but I haven't done this in a minute. Ready, Chad? two champions. Okay well yeah I was championed before. Versus five coppers! tune in to the line. No, what the f- Re-wrote it. it. We're 2v5ing every rank tonight. To Ren to the live. Let's watch it back We're 2v5 in every rank tonight. 2, lane. 2,5. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect, perfect. I'm championed before. Perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect. Chad, I'm gonna hit champion this season. I'm not washed. I just been solo, Q and bruh. Alright perfect perfect perfect perfect let's go shout out are you ready? We're to jail to not came back I'm going to say that she loves me. She didn't want the best food. All right, you all ready? Let's go. Two champions, first five coppers. Run the predictions mods. Let's get it. Let's go. How about we're good to go to a different map every game do a different map every game start a softball I come on. I'm out of breath. Yeah This kid's gonna piece me the fuck off Let me do my YouTube intro. YouTube Family! What is good? Good gamers, to much people's request, we're doing what we've never done before. Can two champions survive? successfully 2v5 every single I've been chanting the last 13 seasons I'm just so do it right now Back to what I'm saying. Can two champions successfully 2v5 every single rank in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six? seed starting at copper going all the way until we lose. I think me and Ricky we've never teamed up before but I think we've... We have what it takes to make it very far in this. All we have to do is just have chemistry, support, positivity. We can do this never before done. Never before accomplished, Jinxie, X, Richie, let's get it, let's go. Alright, let's meet the accomplish here. So, Coopers, why is it that y'all feelin' like that? that you're in copper. Watching my gameplay does not make you a copper bro. I've actually heard the opposite dude I'm not gonna turn you into a copper bro. I'm actually a decent player. You can learn a lot of shit for me but I I wanted him and when it's my fucker, it was a one time occurrence! I went one in ten, yo listen. I went one in ten one time. I'm not one in ten bed. It was a one time occurrence, bro. That's all it is I'm not one in ten bed. Oh guys are actually gonna piss me off. No, these guys are genuinely gonna piss me off. Got it. I'm gonna snap. I'm literally about to snap. and uh... you know what you're gonna be come on come on bro come on let's do what's never been done before ever let's do it let's do the impossible we do it all by the way
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Not the Fortnite sex, just the OG Fortnite thing. The OG Fortnite was dope. I don't watch Fortnite sex. Okay. Jada, I could have framed that better. carbonized milk There's no fucking first off I'm tall of in sketch This is insane. I don't work at McDonald's. I really don't know what else to say. I don't fucking work there dude! symphony and thought I put a It's just not the same man. I didn't know this was gonna take an emotional turn. Can we get some Fs in the chat? Thank you man, this is Hulsam. Thanks man. Now this is wholesome. Progressively getting less wholesome. The rat is jinksy the blueest. OOF Yi Spinf Get the-fuck! Get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out! GET ME OUT! WAST THAT! Holy shit! Okay. Hand me, think of the branch of. Chunko brother Alamadridh. Chunko brother Alamadridh. Madrid, Vinicius Jr. Jaramadrida, chat. Real Madrid is probably most likely going to win. champion's league, bro. Real Madrid is probably going to win champion's league, bro. Chad, am I ever wrong about any predictions? Glory Hunter. I'm not a glory hunter. You'll right hand Chef Chow bitch ass up. I'm not a glory hunter. I told you I make glorified Massey Dick Rider. I was a Barcelona fan until Messi left Barcelona. Now I'm an Inter Miami fan, I guess. You know what I'm saying? I'm a Messi dick rider bro. Messi's not on Barcelona, so I can cheer for Real Madrid, bro. Call like Glory Hunting. You know what? Fuck it. I'm Glory Hunting. I'm an American who watches soccer, bro. What other option do I have? You want me to watch the MLS Ryan? You want me to watch the fucking Orlando Lions? No bro, yes, Americans glory hot in soccer bro. We have the worst shocker in the world, bro. What is this clip? Like genuinely? I just got done like, flabbergh my gums and what am I clicking on? Okay, this guy thinks he's spoilt. Oh wait, I'm playing with spoils and I didn't remember that. That'll be it. That'd be fun. I don't think I've ever played this point. Badding! Wait, why is this guy kind of disgusting? Why is this guy kind of nasty? Why is my vagina soaking wet? What's up Rex um Would you like to join the rank stack or maybe the tournament stack? Let me know brother Yeah, join the tournament stack actually That guy's nasty chat. I actually like that guy's not that guy literally to sit like four one taps That guy to sit like four one taps bro React, react, react, react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react reactions react react react react react react react react react react react react reaction react react react react react react react react react reaction reaction react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react react reactions react react react react react react react react reaction react reaction react react react react is your mainairs are super partners and roots. theyonders look into your team rockin
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege React, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, how about the cl- Thank you, God damn Wat langwege is dit? Manche, dit is eicef pro longe. Oh, dit is gar niet. French. Susur, quiet, dech-charsement, this is French. It's gotta be. J'adore my right! J'adore my right! I've got this but it's not any sekop stamina The lines in your vein are confused I好了! Die, my child!!! Excuse me, sir! Left!!! Okay, he's diamond. Yep, nevermind. This guy's valid. Okay, he's valid. Okay, this guy's about it. No, he's getting tracked by demos. He might actually be dead here. plus qu'un d'apports d'apports éliminés et si on va être ici Back a bit of day, hands down. What the fuck is this cock? Dude, I mean, like that had you taken like 25 minutes. and it's easily 25 minutes. There's no way that didn't take... No, that's like an hour probably, bro. This guy centered his entire class of clans base around someone shitting on a toilet. make it 3v5 or 7 right because we're beating this challenge once and for all tonight Chad I'm telling you bro I promise we're beating this challenge once and for all tonight Good reign! W. J.C. Charm as well! Jalan menemukan tempat ema! Gerryibi mawee Di situ Hier Finger Jalan barking Damn this guy's nuts Go- Okay Yo y'all are actually sending decent clips to Ray Deras I was three. Why is the entire chat just saying smash? I was three! WHAT THE FUCK?! Yow, yow. MY MOUTH ARE SEAING SP- I was to be rough. NO, YOU GUYS ALL NEED TO BE IN PRISON. I WAS LITTLE RELATIONAL. How is that someone's profile picture? Gamer, think of it as a farrow? You guys might actually be the most fucked up chatter on this. on Twitter. That has help, help, junko someone's droning me. Oh my god, I think that's a deal now. No, that's actually a drone. Unless someone has a really wide asshole. Next give it a day So who the fuck is this young man? And where can I get his gamer tag? D-C-Z-O-R-A This is all I would advise you to not. Play Fortnite through a KANAKA! KAH! How did you not hear this guy gliding, bro? Could you imagine that guy on siege? You have no shield! Is this TDM or something? something? Okay, your name's terrible. So we not building? Okay, no. Why are you not building, Ralph? Oh no, how no you clipped this! You clipped this! I would love to see your day to day aim. Oh my god, I'd love to see it. There is no way you clipped this See this is one fortnight lost me bro right here bro. What the fuck am I watching? There's a new day
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege next giveaway today five years ago OG Fortnite Oh Chad, by the way, Mother's Day is coming up. Make sure you guys get your mom something nice for Mother's Day. I think I'm going golfing with my mom on Mother's Day, but I got to figure out what present I want to get her. Chad! What present are y'all getting your mother for mother's day? Let me know in the chat. Fuck you. Okay. I mean, I'm trying to like spark a dialogue here. Really dude? Fat, fat, fat, fat, diddy-waiting. I can't ask my child anything bro. I literally Yo, dude, straight up, bro. Get her a Porsche. Don't be weird. Bro, straight up. Yo, straight up, I ask you guys like a simple question. What are you? getting your mom for Mother's Day. I see five people type fat. One person said fuck you. Coffee said it. Okay. So I can tell. You are fucking horse cock at fortnight. You're on builder pro and this shit does not look professional at all This is builder semi pro dude. This guy's horse I can't be the only one seeing how bad this guy is at building right? Good rain though really good I see you, boy! What the fuck was that? What the fuck was that? What was that? Not at all. What was genuinely what was Fuck man! GET THE FUCK! Hope you liked it. Oh my god. There's no way people actually react to the U-bot guy. So you can't even call me Jynxie. I'm actually curious, bro. If you guys saw me in public, what would you say to me? Genuinely curious. Actually curious. Wedding. Okay. fat fat fat your fat fat okay that's what you guys would say Ben outside of this door. I believe it is a gang and an ace. If I were you I would throw a C4 close of the door. It's going to blow up the ace charge and then I would hold a pixel beacon head, chop them. Oh my god he's doing what I would do. Oh my god he's doing it. Oh my god he's doing it. Good thing! Good! Wait this guy's fucking nasty. Wait this guy's gross. Thank God that's over. Inside! Good ring! And then you blew ball me so we don't even know if you clutch or not you just fully blew balled us dude You look fatter in person. What? Where's the fatter? K-so. Thank you for the three month of subbing assignments. I don't know where K-so is. He's probably home, bro. I don't know. Wipe it out. The fuck wrong with y'all? I'd smack you up boy. where fat okay let me teach you how to hoop wait this is your mix Oh shit. This is actually your mixtape NB. Pix. day A-A-A-Sher. Goofy A-A-Sher. Wedding shirt. Wedding. Who's wedding? Yacht Harder. Okay. This isn't a picture day shirt, Ralph. This is just a shirt. Beach Day A-shirt. Okay. What is this mode? Oh my god, I remember this mode. Why is everyone- wait, you're on one- health out of 650 wait this guy's absolutely on one hb holy shit what
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm not choke this game bro do not choke a five or two because that would be catastrophic dude real shit That would be absolutely catastrophic sentencing. I think you're never. I think you're not. I don't care. I'll paint 40 locals in your area to go to them and go to the next to the Wi-Fi. I don't care about. Are you serious? Yup. 40 locals right now i have connections everywhere bitch you know how i have connections everywhere you're not in the mob but we don't have connections uh... uh... don't ask me why ho Wait, I'm not liking it even more. Okay, I'll send this out of the fucking mob. Can we go on with the game bro? Damn. So happy, nice gun was hit! I don't want some! Evan, nice job dude! I'm not doing it! I pre-changed it. Let's go, bro. I gotta just go to the open shop, go to S&C. Thank you, man! Hell no! If you buy that shagel, peel it for me! The best guys in the game, no dicks, sir. Yeah, the most cosmetic head down to the item, sautbre. Jixie Chow is going to see you in the camera. Listen to him. You're gonna get to it. It's so kind of. I can't see it cuz of black wine but it's pretty calm. Cocky shit. You're gonna get to it. Stop. Stop. Yeah, yeah Two minutes in one time soon I'm doing a six on the clock. I'm trying to play in the character that I'm just nobody I guess I'm gonna play a good guy. I bring out a hero sent him might know sent you one. Zenty's IQ. Zenty's IQ. He can literally hard counter-advent its DG. All Zenty has to do is click RB, find Avent's pulse Canter and its GG's. It's fucking GG's. They're ass GG's. Oh my god. Zenti fucking one. I have to put it in the name. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Oh my god, what are you doing? You are so dumb. Is that your son of a health? Nice C4, nice C4, nice C4, nice C4, nice C4. 10DS 70 health. health. Zentie is going to take over the site. Zentie might be able to plant. Zentie might be able to plant. Abysguer to walk up to Main Sears. It's okay though. I've walked I'm chasing you through the wall. Wallhack, street to one dead. Senty's gonna win this game. Avid lost sight control. Avid lost. i've been out of the internet i know you're exact or it's right now like like no bullshit i have it all my mother's life i know exactly where you are right now what a grenade What a grenade from sentient run run at it. Run It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. means the attacker, Unfortunately, I'm not over with LoD comment ம Do you remember? Yeah, I got something. Yeah, yeah, what's up, man? Listen, I'm officially at the today. What's it is, mate? It's a late age, a 33. I'm quitting siege. I'm doing it. Damn dude, chill the fuck. I was cronus. No, no, no, I was cronus whole season. Wait, what? I was cronus for... I admit it. You know what? Catch me. Hey catch me catch me Zendi I have actually someone else who's a kid passionate no I have the king this I have someone else for you to play, brother. You've never played before. If I had anybody, you'd like to spoil your shit in on spoil right now. No, no, I have somebody for you to play. Let me see if he's on. Please, please pick up, Richie. Please pick up. Please pick up, Richie. How the fuck did Zenty just win? That was actually an upside down game. That was actually an upset bro. Ricky's an attorney? Oh okay, okay. Wait, I mean I could play Zenti. Yo, Zenti! Zenti, you better not play mechixi! I'm gonna take two bears off your ass! Huh, what on bitches calling me? Yo Richie! Yo, what's good, Cox Rucker? I have someone for you to play bro. Yeah, well look, this guy's saying he's the king of Council. Wait, hold on. Hold on. I'll tell you what I'm saying. What do you say? Richie, this guy right now is saying he's the king of control. He just beat avid. 64 You be I've been cute that dog should ask it who is it bro? Who is it? Just join the party bro damn join the party that won't fuck All right, bye bye. Chat, this game's gonna hit. DM, think I'm gonna hit your water. This game's gonna hit chat. I'm gonna piss real quick. Run the predictions. Zanty vs Richie. 14 run the predictions granny granny with the 25 gifted W. Brandy in the chat Granny the 25 gift that I fucking love you dead ass Don't be ready. Don't be ready, let's get it.
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � Okay, this one we want to hit. Yeah, this one. This one we want is going to be fucking hit, bro. Run the predictions, mods. This one we want to get ahead. Oh my god. Oh my god. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � best we're all right HAHAHAHAHAHA Granny with another 25 gift chain W Granny in the chat Okay, this one we want might actually be funniest Fuck Bb think of it as your water Ears thinking of the prime sub AD think of the prime zibb think of it as your water Alright Zenti I got somebody for you to play bro Yeah, you better not play me jixie. Both of you guys both listen both of you guys are Proving who's down the king. Oh, you haven't blocked Oh I keep on saying, actually, I'm a shroom. What, bro? What, bro? Talk, talk, that's what. Listen, yo yo yo, Ritty, unblocked, un-mute 10- Oh, I don't know. I hear him. I hear him. I hear him. I hear him. Look at the wall. Look at the wall. All right. Can I give it in? Hold on, hold on. Can I give it in? Wait. Who is this? I don't even know who you are, bro. You're a fucking dirt random bro. You go in. Who the fuck are you? Oh, Zenti! You fucking dog shit kid! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! You sit and rake your fingers, you're going on. You be the dog shit trailer, punch right out. You have it. You lack anything to go about. You lack a vehicle, private queue. You fucking dog shit, kid bro. You fucking show you punk stuff. You fucking bomb. You fucking horrible kids. No wins. No earnings bro. No earnings are fucking a scratch to the game I'm a fucking god. I'm a fucking king. I'm a dog you kid. I'm a fucking dog you. The fuck out of it. Can I get a word off? Fucking sister bitch. Whoa! No! Zenti, fuck them up. No. Hold on. All right, first off is that Pombra. No. Second, let me give an introduction. Both of you guys are claiming to be the King of Consul. Ricky claims to be the King of Consul. Zenti is now the P.S. King of P.S. Yep, so Zenti's playing the lead is the King of Console. Ricky's playing the lead is the King of PlayStation. Let's get you guys in a game. You guys have never played the game. before. Come on. Oh my. Richie, what are you talking about? What are your thoughts on Zenti, Richie? I don't even know what this fucking dog should ask for. And make it! Who is this kid bro? Do chat! You're nothing, you're nothing, you're nothing! You're nothing bro! You're nothing bro! You're nothing bro! Back shut the fuck up, put you up there! I got to become honest with you, no one is zero-faceted with your face at all. How last, Polly? Zero-electric faces. I own your blast. Fuck you, go, bro. Zero faces at all. Even... It kicks you as more face than your ass. Oh yeah! Oh yeah, I do say it. Oh yeah, whole ass boy, let's go, bro. I think I have like seven or eight faces. It's nothing crazy, but you know, seven or eight faces. Yup. 7 or 8 post tested face no no We were to that were protested so like five or six minutes. I guess it was two and then you you you you are assembled Avengers Sky on sim like everybody look that's besides the point bro Richie where you at? He got nervous. He got nervous. You have to get a bottle of water. You have to get a bottle of water is how I say so fucking nervous. Oh, so if you could remove your microphone from your esophagus and then join the game, that'd be great, bro. That'd be awesome, bro. How did we get a fucking water? Travis game is gonna hit. Run the prediction bonds! Lock in your predictions. Let's go. Lock in your predictions. I'm getting a water. LOL
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm on my mind. Is that it? J-Do you all think has more motion between Zenti and Richie? It's gotta be Richie bro. Richie definitely has more. more motion. Oh my balls stick right now. Oh god they do. I'm so sweaty. We chaps for the blast. Barreimati, Barreimati, Barreimati, wait Ricky's a fucking frog. Bad fucking aim, Ricky. Oh my god, Ricky's a frog. I don't give a fuck what anybody's saying. It says, Ritee is absolutely afraid, effective immediately. That was the worst day I've ever seen. Bob. I wore a I know. I just know Richie. I know you're one, dude. Come on, bro. It could be the end of Richie's era. The thing is, Senty's on 5-8 years of magnetic. Richie years of magnetic. Senty doubled back though. The thing is bro. senties on 5hp so Ricky could hypothetically twitch drone senti right now Richie with all the pressure in the world a lot of people consider richie to be if If not the best player on PlayStation, the second best player on PlayStation, he's currently losing to an Xbox Diamond. This might be the biggest upset of the month. Richie gonna walk up now. Rikis in sight. Come on. No, he's not coming back. He's not coming back. No, it's okay. Come back. Come back. Come back. I guess I'm streaming, I guess I'm streaming, I'm only taking what? 6 rounds? I only took you 6 rounds? You might come back. I only took you 6 rounds. I only took you 6 rounds. You might come back. I'm not even allowed to. Okay, though he might come back. Okay, but you're not coming back for she. But now let me come back. You're shaking bro. You're shaking your aim is very shaky. This would be a crazy comeback. I've been on was on all day. This would be a crazy come back. Stick that fucking game, hope. You're not the man I was on all day. I don't know, bro. Yo, if I'm giving a prediction right now, I'm saying Richie wins. this shit i'm not gonna lie richi's gonna win this round on maloosey and then he's gonna win the last round richi's gonna win this game six five bro it's just too big of an upside bro zenty's highest ranking You sleep in a bunk bed and fucking disgraceful bastard. You upkeep shooting stuffin' keep reading chat bitch. I'm reading my chat like why? I was boy. Woo! I don't think you live in a bunk. You live in a bunk. Is the bunk bed thing even true? Those empty guests are now. We don't know. What? What? How does he masturbate? How? Wait, it's actually it was real the entire time This was real the bottom buck I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck What if there she goes to the top bunk? They gotta go for fuck! Yes, I think we're gonna bunk beds so what bro? So fucking what dude? I'm gonna give a fuck! I'll fuck any bitch on a bunk bed. The fuck? That's a stream sign! That's gotta be a stream sign! You included bitch! That's... gotta be ricky lost. No ricky's 5 health. It's actually gg's. Ricky lost. Zancy doesn't even know that he put ricky on 5 hp. Ricky actually just fucking lost. Oh my god. Oh my god. Wait, Ricky lost, bro. No Ricky dead ass just lost. No No. No No No. New York, ho ho ho. Come on, bro. Sancti just shot him to the floor. Chai, I don't even know if it's a stream slime, because that is a very common like wall bang. It directly lines up with the kid's door. A minute thirty on the clock, if I'm sent to you, the first order of business is getting her to these malucas and he did not do that. He wasted his ash chart. He's gonna have to walk in and absorb this malucy charge. At least drone the door and see where the malucy is empty. Bro, it's empty. Look, it's richy. This will be too quiet. Regents upset I've had a glitchy. Why is it so quiet? Why is it so quiet? So lucky. This kid is robbing me. This kid is robbing me through the door, bro. No. No, no, no, this kid just... Nah, he's walled, baby. He has to begin the round to make me one, bro. That is so fucking fun. Play me for a thousand, with Jikshin Middleman. Play me for a thousand, Jikshin Middleman. I'm on my mother playing me for a thousand right now I'm on my mother playing me for a thousand right now Fucking cringe at stream cyber bro Cringed at stream cyber bro So cringe bro 24,000, 24,000, 24,000, 24,000, 24,000, 24,000, 24,000 dollars right now. So you can play me for $1,000. 24,000 dollars. I got it. I was playing for a thousand, I made a lot of money. I made a thousand, I made a thousand. Everything I love, I play for a band right now. Jinksy, check your cash up.
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yes sir Hold on Jeff most guy I'm chilling. Bye. I'm gonna see what's on the wall and where All right, where my drone's gonna fly back into my fucking face. It's a kid. It's a kid It was a kid you did well Fault clás pretty shut can be shitting to come out know are that are sure that were Americans that wasское karma guess Yeah, oh never mind. Okay, this is I want to know You got it. You need me now one moment. I sketch Okay, alright, you know what? That's fine. You guys got this. I got the wall shot go get it go get it! Get the wall shot! In bathroom. Shad we can win this bro or carry might be dead but we could win this shit yeah God I'm gonna get on site windows and just creep up nice SHOW! COME ON! 2-2, do you have a drone? I have a drone. I have a drone. I have a drone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. Okay. I'm gonna know what you see, brother. Sorry. I need some type of noise to cut this off. I'm out of junk, hold on. It's pointed on my prep! Got him on there, I'm on there. Alright! Okay. I don't see anyone you guys can probably plant no? Yo. Wait, no one's in bathroom. Interesting. That's a vigil. Careful. I got you. I got you, John. I want to let you die. Trust me. Go in, master. Go in, master. Go in. Go in, master. Alright, I'll let you die. Friendly. Got you. Damn it. That's down the hall. That's down the hall. Mating. t five five I'm a failure. I'm just a fine. failure. I'm sorry guys that was my that was my chance. That's all good. I'm sorry, I got you killed bro I said I wouldn't let you die and I let you die, that's on me. I did not know there was a guy in the hallway and a guy in the door. It's gotta be better, that's all. It's just gotta be better. I'm sorry guys, I swear I'll play better from now on. Secure the area, keep the room. Can we get the hatches? Yeah yeah. I'm out of the bed. I'm out of ammo. I'm going to need you. I'm going to set up the sights with a mirror. I'm gonna send a shot. Work! 4 out of yet located bomb. Alright, let's see, let's see. I believe this is an end of the bad and answering garage right now. The wrong weapon? Uh, no, this is the right weapon. I must not know who the fuck I am. Alright, we're solid, we're solid. Do you see anything up there, junko? No. They're like entering Thirds' lore, bro. I don't know what the fuck I'm playing against. Okay, okay. Ingar, no. I'll hold mains for a little bit. What'd they do? I'm holding a boss to you. I think there's two more that dropped. Really? I'm pretty sure. It's just a stop-the-bars. Okay, okay, okay. I'm gonna send it. We have the case. No! He was going to arrive! Better job, better job man. He's better job secret. I sold on God. I sold he's running baby two baby steps two Then I'm gonna see all the pink coin secret right there job. Yes, right there. Nobody wants you to slip that Yeah, two two two that's called secret and that's around right that secret stairs. Um, I don't know what the drops Oil I'm not doing that unless you guys got this shit. Oh this guy's peeking the it's working the picture
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege on the walk-in it's gg's you guys win this guys wait they don't even have the bomb we're good we're pelling on my window what's repounding yet I'm just gonna hide here. I don't think that's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm holding you push up here. I'm calling the archives walk-in try to get ready to shoot the battle being on the window shot is gonna He's about to vault into the window Two all kinds I think I'm red-pinging out of even care there's ten seconds Hey! Tamply. KEEP WAVE, ROTHER! For real though, where am I? You know? Take the server or no? ja Oh, Lee, okay, okay. I see you. We're good here. happens I've died to What's the word I'm looking for? Oh shit three different rounds. Absolute bullshit. Three rounds, bro. This is our round right here. I think they're the same side, let me see. Yeah, same side, same side. Ooh, they got a mirror this time on the wall. Yeah, they got a mirror and let me charm on it. Oh, life we can breach that wall. Fuck, what party I want to get? You guys want to do East Rail? I'm going to go for the archives. Yeah, I love that from you. Yep. Just comps. I'm going to go on a nice there. Let me check. Oh yeah. I'm gonna go to my good No one You're easy-sclair Don't set your catwalk Floating Drown me in Okay Eh, I couldn't take it I'm calling now I'm out of ammo. Shot come here get this wall. Köserser zur säsningen men skän Kom ihop för om jag har spärr ohhhh that was pretty good drone. Shows on the long angle. Shows. You could probably play there like all around. It's like the most powerful position ever. I could take the fuser off you too. No one's close. No one office? Stop two! Two, two, two, two, three! Nice! Nice! Nice round! Off-miss, no, sorry, he's on the desk in front of you guys close archives. Brickside, yeah. He's fighting with them now. I don't know, I just wanna know. Come on! Let's fucking go! Good round, bro. Good calm, split. Good kill, sharp, two two. We're not as good as fucking self-proclaimed. man. Let's go. Bro, honestly bro, this game could have been a fucking forum. Let's get bathroom. Let's get bathroom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Michael Lee Sin here Frost what do you think? I think. Errr, yeah, Frost is good, yeah. I could have gone though, like, window jump-ins and shit. Yep. Spoil you have 12 kills right now? Yeah, I've been going at it. I've been flying Shit, I like that. I like the bomb. I have a shotgun on Frost. I repeat, I do not have a shotgun on Frost. Boy, you have to make all the rotates. Got it, I got it. Pro, this is my PC shit. Is it possible if you drop 20 to this game? Oh, this. Oh, he's gonna. Bro, if we go 3-3, I mean, I didn't want to say that, but if we do go to this game, 3-3 you can ride up to 1-8. But if we lose then it's like yeah. They're outside the site window. They're trying to have a punshit. shield into shield yeah yep I think I have arm raised I think they're above us. I'll see you in a minute. Bye, bad.
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh My god, oh daddy. Oh Ray it's okay. It's what you got it. Uh, bathroom friendly last operator We've been playing this game since you were a leffin. Yes, sir Took the lunchbox to school waited seven hours just to get back to your PCs you can play this game's point. Nice! Standing on the Seattle, he's on A-Bon. 2 on A-bomb, 2 of these are... okay. Fenrir is on my yaro. Yeah. Docs on the A-bomb? It's with the other guys. The other guy's on the other side I think. I think I heard him... wine. Yeah, wine. I like on the beer cans. Yep. Another one, another one, another one. I'm rapping. You're not one. You're not one. I'm talking either up, they're up, they're up. They're both at. Nice point! I wonder where the saw thing is. That's him, that other guy got healed. Last one was by the A-bomb rotate, could be anywhere. That one's drawn right? Yeah. With our fender. Guys there. Oh he's nasty. Oh this guy's nasty. Oh he saw you cross it. Oh the three fires as well. Bro, that's a gold on pic- Holy shit, that guy would be fucking diamond on Xbox. He just fucking annihilated you. Haaaaaa We know that's on me man. That's on me. I died first. I was like provoking the sky to peak me and my god did he peak me? Holy shit Oh, shit, who is who? So, I'm a big relation here. I need to do better, like I need to do better, bro. I need to do better. Come on. Good try, boy. That ass. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Got it. Five seconds to do it. You got two jumps. Bob located by off board. maybe <|da|> grounds Woot hur, sæm, at du shoulder! They're going above. Oh yeah, this guy's going above. Is there someone on your kitchen with them? I'll tell you. there is, so I don't hear anybody right now. Yep, yep. Yeah, they're growing above. Gonna be hard. Run into them, come to the right now. Right enough to my kitchen window right now. I'm getting drawn. So I'm gonna shock drones me We're gonna have to make a fly. I'm getting like triple drone. Yeah, I'm done. We're pounding shroud on the door. we want if if and death if if and if on the server store. One's above the screen. I'm a drone. Nice. Nice. I've got one. I've got one. You could have backed out, but he'd want to see it. No, there's a little sea. I'm gonna see oh my god he can he walked under it It's a good check it's a no kitchen or no bathroom bathroom throw right there. Yep right there That's it that's it that's it that's to be due I've been spot about this day, man. Try to find him. You can watch my service. Yeah, yeah, shot. Your service is good. Your service is good. Both of them. Both of them. Try to roll, bang his way. Good! On the siabla? What the f**k? He doesn't even know we know. Shout out to MOVE ITS too much to my hair. Yep, can I hear it? The fissures down here, I'm just gonna wait for them to drop and get it. Bro, he's waiting for you to flank right now, boy. He's like waiting for you to flank up the stairs. He's just staring at it. Walking down. Yeah, he's heading to the staircase now. Not caught up I'm just waiting Don't peek that trap. Don't even peek it. I can call when he walks up. I can call when he gets close. On the door, standing on the center, walking up, walking up, walking up, walking up, walking up. Good try, he's lit! Gotta be in back! Hit a goo, hit a goo, hit two goo! God he's low. Hit two goo!
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I don't really stop whenever we lose, but we haven't lost yet, so I think we're gonna go to distance Oh, okay, yeah, don't say that. After this it's fucking amerald. We're like already almost done Yeah, it's not the bend I'm over. Come on. Let's go. Yeah. I might wish garage with a boss C. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, it sounds good. so So, it's not his birthday? It's his birthday? Deras? Yo, I think it's Casual's birthday. I got you guys. I'm called him. Hopefully he picks up. you You're a little good bro? Yo, kids happy birthday man! I appreciate you man, I appreciate you man. Happy birthday man. How old are you now like 40? I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm getting, I'm getting. Happy birthday man, it's all I wanted to say. Yes, sir. It's all on man. All right, thanks for reminding me chat. So I am back Okay, so you have yeah, too right hallway and one slanking drop. Did you get my drone up there? Uh, yep. Oh wait, I can make the play. Two reds and one red. So restate us I think. Yeah, anyway. Yeah, one is playing plus two PCs now. Biggs is playing on the piece on the left side by the outside. All right, by JL side or whatever Nice, but shit once on your left summer. No, Tim come on. Nice injured. I do a ratio for my mom I can call again. Hold on, hold on. Oh my god. We have to be server side, right? We have to go out. Yeah, he's on the road. He's on the door. Wait, what is this guy doing? He's just standing there. He's walking in. 1 Kardashians 2 WE BELIEVA You got this? I can see if they push this your hallway on the right. Sighter, sighter, push in the hallway. Pushing around, pushing around, behind you, behind you, behind you. No, I thought. But I'm really fat. Wait, he doesn't have time, huh? He doesn't have time. No way he has enough time. Yes! There's no way! It's all... It's all... It's all... It's... Let's go! Oh My God fucking go. Let's fucking go good show. it really dude I didn't know it was on my window like that fast bro. No, he he he he he he run here But I you hit that you hit cavera I saw and I was forced away and cavera is a one arm or I've never seen anything like that That's crazy because earlier this This game, the boss G1 shot, so I don't understand what the state of the boss G is right now. I'm gonna still give it another world up. You'll know where you're at. Yeah. 4-0 Plats, bro. That's a state. Dude, nice assaibments. Dude, Jack, how do we go fourth or... No, how do we go three, three with goals? And then we go 4R with blast. Someone make it make sense bro, please make it make sense. Secure the bombs. They're out, honestly. Hello. Okay, take it back. Beautiful round, boys. Okay, five seconds to insertion. Yes, sir. Take it going. I found locations arctic here. Like we're doing it man. I think tonight's the night. Exactly. did . to recognize it into the end if if Oh yeah, I got the fenders actually right in here. Oh yeah. Did you get up there? Yeah. No, but not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Yo, he was on the marble staircase, he just absolutely shit on. me bro like I took a gun fight for no reason. I'm sorry man I'm trying to be cool. You guys got it bro you guys are fucking kings of this shit.
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yes sir. Her pulse are burnt. I have like no useful guns. I'm so stupid. How do I get there if you want this? Good job! Good job! Fuck! Movement so clean, boy! Yeah, you like it? Yeah, yeah, it's pretty clean. Alright, that runs on me. I'll take the ball and play with that. Move and smooth. You wanna trap Zeus? That might be tank well we're we're attacking now. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, sure Let's just win this shit. I mean, they're probably gonna go down. Yeah Yeah, yo, I have no idea how but well Well my like new I was in garage last round. There was no cams, no nothing bro. Either these slow walked in everything. Like no barbed, nothing, he just knew. He was like fully ADS and me. I just shit on him. Browdy no bruh the fast he just chooses when it like works and when it doesn't Brown it's actually the one-shot can have a weird So when this game right now Let's go, guys. Let's go, baby. Let's go. I might check downstairs. Yeah, I might check downstairs. They're not upstairs? They're not main lobby They're downstairs downstairs now okay word yeah yeah I'm actually gonna drop the back here like I'm gonna look for the the vault drop I'd be, I'd be curious if can you guys grab the bomb? So I don't lose it. Yeah, thank you. Anything garage, drink some. It's free shroud just a clash. Oh no, it's a side clash. It's a side clash. The diffuser has been secured. I might be able to know what I'm going to eat in peace though. You draw to it. Yeah, yeah, it's a clash. It's a clash. Okay Sure, what do you have as your like throwable? I'm gonna flash this guy. Yeah, I'm gonna make a hole in this watch out. I'm gonna hold right here. Got found. Bro, I don't know what we should push. I don't know if this is the place where I think we should get. Yo, do snipers break hatches? That's what I mean, that's what I mean. Wait, where? That's what I mean. That's what I mean. There you go. Wow, there's one in... One is an A-bomb. I'm gonna call him, make a fucking player. Ooh, that's just an idiot saying what? his . glass of I guess you're just like you must be so funny parties man. Oh my god you must be a bar party to my that's much fun. Okay. This guy's just so much fun. Spoiled you remember like three hours ago when I was like yeah bro the shields are like don't worry about it. But you actually got a good rid of it next game. We actually got to get rid of it. Holy fuck. Yeah I would rather play a mirror nine times out of ten than that bro. It takes no skill. He just knows Where we are and we can we go somewhere else maybe? Yeah, it's up to you it's up to you. We could go upstairs. I don't think we've tried that yet We're starting to like kind of choke this game. You're not trying to open it Yeah, go with yeah, yeah go open go open go open. I'll go I think open my biggest frost a really oh frost melt melt Good smells great here child. Yeah, all right. We got it in the sprue of we're attacking the last round against the clover I'm just gonna look around a little bit. You have to see if I can impact you. Fuck you. Like an impact or something here? Yeah, thank you, Sean. Bomb location, contact. BAT exponentially is playingane The coin mobile cover. Loading you, man. Hey, man. Alright, the MiStoff says, wait in. Twitch showing on me. Watch out, you didn't shot. What's fucking Twitch drone is that bro? You they have a twitcher on the site shroud unless you shot it I got it okay nice you guys get over there Yeah, there's pretty yeah, yeah, wonderful no sepida Oh they just trying to jump in through one window? No, yo, in this drone fucking die please. What the hell? Yeah, I'm pretty sure...
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Wedding shirt. Yo Krieger, you're a six month sub saying wedding shirt. This is not a wedding shirt. It's called wearing something stylish. Shroud dropped you know he didn't bro lose weight best streamer. Thanks man Try this in turny back Turn the strap. Still finnig of a turd water. Big chunky, thinking of a prime. Fiddy, thinking of a turd water. Leads all thinking of a prime shop. Yo chat, what do I do when my Xbox messages don't load? Try to just like retire like what do I do? Next week, but a day! coming in from bullets. Oh my god bro peeking This window is so fucking OP because whenever they breach they have their back turned to you. Okay your aim is a little bit concerning. Okay, your gamer time is donut, dawn 98, it all checks out. I have a bad feeling about this. Right! Way to react to the sound cue, Kate. What the fuck was that? All of the composure you had went right out the goddamn window! Okay, so Thermite has the diffuser so you could hype a thing. just camp on this window all around wait till they grab the diffuser then peak and make about it there was an enemy combat and pushing that hallway What have I got not? He's resin. I'm going to replay the sound to you if you don't hear this. Stop now and get on Roblox. This goes for anyone in the stream. If you don't hear this this Rez quits each. If you didn't hear that quit right there, one of them is gonna be 20 HP. If you didn't hear that Rez quits each. Just stop now while you're ahead who heard it be honest Left right there literally right there Enemy about it is full sprinting right on top of your penis. That was the guy that was knocked. Okay, so let me get one thing straight and abundantly straight. If I ever see you reload with 24 bullets again, I will permanently fucking ban you from Twitch channel. You just reloaded with 24 bullets. Do you want me to crash out in this joint? What if an enemy combatant was watching you right now? there you'd be down! Good rainbow though. I'm not impressed bro I'm not impressed with the clip. 3 out of 10 3.1 out of 10 React harder Yo, yo, telling me to react harder is not a real thing. What do you guys think I am, bro? Just your puppet? Who's wedding? Oh, I'm out of fuck. I didn't go to a goddamn wedding! God, you're going to from T.T. What the f? Roblox. Das instance ist das motiviert. You're just climbing through up. What? What the fuck was that? Okay, K so did not eat the earth guys seriously come on come on guys K so did not eat the earth React sober. Dog, you guys realize every stream I do is a sober stream? Like what do you mean React sober? You guys just think I'm on like liquor right now? CUP! CUP! Come on, bot guy, you sonny. Pfft. Wedding? Yo, you guys just keep typing wedding. I did not go to a wedding bro seriously real shit Yo, if I have to tell you guys this shit again, bands are rolling out. I did not I know it's hard to believe that I have a shirt in my closet that isn't like a shitty shirt, bro.
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm all any and all jinks each arm privileges until you stop aiming at crouch level. We're gonna keep it that way That was horrible that was fucking That was one of the worst clips I have ever bared witness to Day not like us day not like us Soky blankets think of the switch price Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! What are you aiming at? Oh my god, this is a good angle. Why are we changing it? Whoa, why are we playing Pokemon Ash catch him? You had a good angle and you took it and wiped your ass with it. Why are we doing random shit now? You had a good angle! Okay now that's too tight. angle because even if you see somebody on that angle you're not even going to be able to shoot through it. Which happens, we got theForbidden Rung�, don't be mad how much we are and it's this time for theчuuun запz beneficial calling somebody and collect lists too. because and Good thing! There's an enemy combatant on your right. Why are you looking at a castle barricade? On your right. Thank you right there. Like I'm so fucking cracked And make about it. Before winning right through that door frame. Proding. He's now on your left? He left. Nobody's there anymore. Beautiful reaction to that sound cue or you didn't react to that sound cue. Oh my god. It's progressively getting worse They haven't opened up any castle barricades This round is technically still very free! Oh my god, that's the best angle you've held. Holy shit, that's the best handle you've held. Barring! Chalk it! Barring! Good rain! 5 seconds left. did you kind of suck, bro, I'm gonna be honest. It progressively got worse 2.3 out of 10. I mean, Chad, what do we say here? Gotta be 2.3 out of 10. 10. I'll go to Roger with the tier one, Jack with the prime, lazy with the prime. It progressively got worse. I'm not even gonna lie. Alright chat, it's warm up time. Look bro, shroud and spoi are getting on in an hour. I have an hour to warm up bro, on paper? That's like two games. That's two games now chat. I'm gonna give you guys some options of what you guys want to see bro We could do ranked we could do you versus the rank you deserve or we could do one v1's bro. Let me know One V1s would probably be a good warm up. We have them one V1s in a minute. But you versus the rank you deserve is when we pull people in from chat and they play against each other. kind of want to do one of the ones. J.C. your shirt is inside it out. No, it's not. Oh my god. No, it isn't, no, it isn't. Wait, is it? I don't even know. know. Wedding. Sign out of your other accounts. What does that even do though? No coke breaks yet. Question mark. Well coffee there's never been a coke break because I don't do coke. I mean you're so fucking weird coffee You'll Paul ended up gifting 100 I didn't even see the other 50 Paul fucking love you you big dick bitch wait Paul just sent a message right now oh my god I love you Jingsie Hold on, what did he say? They not like us. I Love you. Jinks. I love you. I got back to playing our second game. because of your streams I just wanted to give something back. Stay the way you are, don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains. A, W Paul on the fucking chat. W Paul to the chat. Chat, let's do some wealthy ones.
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I I'm not gonna talk to you about this. I'm not gonna talk to you about this. Look, look, look, look. Okay, first off, let's not make this about money, bro. Let's make this a civil war. Hold on. What map do y'all want to play? And what a map do y'all want to play to? Whatever it's pussy, whatever, whatever pussy. Oh shit. Holy shit! Yo, all right YovertTION not cookincitoass Yep, okay, okay, do y'all want to play this five six or seven bro? What do y'all want to play to? It's a He's seven seven seven seven seven seven seven fuck okay we're gonna do it just six that's fair yeah haven't I've just just a life reminder you're 32 in a moment bomb you fucking your your your generate you're not you're not you live in a home with the t-shirt and uh... like you're No leaking, no leaking, no! No, you're gonna leak. No names, no leaking, no names. No, no, no, you're gonna leak, buddy. You're gonna leak. No names, come on. 1991 I play winner yes or no all right up to six. I'm inviting you all right I'll be on the day and there's video proof of that out there on…. Give me a code name I guess I don't know bro someone in the chat just said it's true. I'm Latisha No, you're not Get this game. I'm sorry to break it to you bro. Ever Like 1.0 ever since Nate's got nerfed bro. You're your ass. I'm sorry, bro You play with four eagles every day. You play with four eagles every day. Yeah. I'm sure I do, Browns. Your code is rich. Literally streamed every day but okay My bad demon I literally Just like a demon's every day I swear Okay, first off I feel like I'm legit I'm legit I feel like zendy sleeping in a bunk bed is a low Bro and that shouldn't be information that we say to the stream that's I don't give a fuck you He literally said my house. He said my house, bro. He said my house. Yeah, but what I'm saying is leave the mobile home out of this. Leave the teacher out of this. Leave the bunk bed out of this. I have it if you put too much. side bunk bed side to side it's bigger than your mobile home average my best your beach bro fucking go back and walk me in I'm gonna put it in this fucking place. Fuckin' girl. No Mati, I have what are you gonna do, man? Send to ye, uh, far-processed, Mati, man. Far-processed, behind the Mati, man. Uh, avid- a bitch and he just hides behind the shield. He's just a bitch, bro. He's just a bitch, bro. Look at my kitty. He has a strike jacket. I guess I was gonna be how ass boy how ass boy I've never lost you damn my life right Yep, yep, yep, yep, oh What you're doing, but what you're doing, that cone is gone. Oh, no cronies! No cronies, no cronies, no cronies! Shut up, nigga, my fingers just quit, nigga, shut up. Oh, where is boy? advocate. You see my set up of 5 to 1 because you get to like your head type of draw. What it's up to 6 to 5 to 1. 6 to 1. Okay, I didn't know fucking go bro. Say someone then. I've it's currently posted up in the McDonald's fucking parking lot bro. I'm not losing this game come on bro. I'm not. He's using the meh- I'm using the local Starbucks Wi-Fi right now. I'm not using the shit. Oh, come on, bro. Fuck you going, dude. Hey, I'm gonna let my gameplay speak for a sec. Is that a simp? I'm actually about to pick up my pants, bro. This might be the house. This won't be one not happening in months, bro. I'm actually about to pick up my pants. I guess No, here he goes with this shit. No, no He did not verbal bad, but Lucy know the fuck he did it, bro. He did not verbal bad, but Lucy never No, you're not. No, you're not. I guess you are. I guess you are bitch. You're not gonna. I bet you, but man's in my cash I'm just gonna get up from you. It's like throwing a thousand dollars at the river, but you're spending it all on doing more dashed dude you're just gonna get bigger but yeah you're not getting that money dude I'm receiving that bear man he didn't even deny it
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Hold on, let me call Zenti. This is gonna be good. Chat just trust me. Just let me cook with this one. Yo, Zenti! Hey, you want a 1v1 avid? Uh, do you want a 5 minutes? 5 minutes? 5 minutes? Okay, but Zenti, here's the thing. No, it's gotta be like 3 minutes. Zenti, as soon as you... you join the party just fucking press him. Since you got mad on your time bro, 5 minutes okay? 3 minutes, 3 minutes. Yo Abbott he'll be here in like three minutes bro. Alright Don't just don't worry about who it is bro. Don't worry about who it is bro What about who it is? I don't know who it is but it's straight bro. Bro what? You don't know who it is bro? You haven't played this person like actual months bro. Like Jen? You win months literal months. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Why do you sound so sassy, bro? Is everything good? Because you're finna piss me off. I'm not trying to be mysterious bro. Jack, we need to do a pack opening stream once I get champion bro. I literally have dude you have a do I have aura by the way this is gonna sound weird. Oh no you're fat Oh This won't be most good to be good at sell bro. I'm not even gonna lie. This won't be most good to be good at sell Jack from the predictions want Zenti versus Abid. Run the fucking predictions. Write the fuck now. Chad, I don't need to warm up, bro. I'm gonna carry Spoi and I'm gonna carry Shroud. Trust me. I'm gonna carry this boy and I'm gonna carry this route. Trust me. Oh wait, I need to call Hi-Vice. This is actually important. Hold on Jerry, you're calling you right now. BEEP! BEEP! Yo! Yo Jerry! Um, first off, how you doing man? I don't give a fuck. Yo Jerry, um, I'm kidding, how you been? I mean I was better before I saw Jinx, you know my phone both good, but Okay, um Hi guys me shroud and split our three V Fiving every rank are you confident you could get legit ranks in or are we going to get scammed? You're gonna get scammed But the cops at least. No, but okay, but here's the thing, bro. Wait. Honestly, bro, me, Floyd and Shroud, even if there are a couple smurfs, we will win. Bro because look look at it like this right high-bys I have the game sense I'm the IGL I'm the carry of the team Spoi has the aim Shroud has the aim, bro, but at the end of the day, I'm the carrier of the team. I'm the heart of the team. I'm the brains of the... That's holding them down. No, I'm the brains of this operation. I didn't go to no damn wedding bro. This is the style of shirt dude get the fuck up my phone have us bro got the biggest ego okay like dude you guys don't actually think that I think I'm better than spoi right guys I know I'm not better than this boy. BOOK UP THE BIGgest ECO! There's no way you took that serious. Genuinely. Bro, there's not one sane individual about things I'm better than a PC pro. Let alone probably one of the best PC pros. Pre-Cheer Leading. I'm not going to cheerlead chat. I'm actually gonna pull my weight today and we're gonna get through this challenge. I'm not gonna be cheerleading. Okay, Ab, he's about to join up right now. Alright man. Ahhhhh. Yo I wonder yes idea your ass where I was hot you're You suck you let your head down and see the floor you're insecure little What up, man? Stop it back Kadol. Just run back to before running up. Fuck, dude. Don't ever let the fuck down. It's Kick Solomberman's appointment, head bounce. B gör importantly. Otherwise, Bei 들드, he just came to Orford, and thencs ultimate. I Hold on we're not putting a thousand on this. We're not doing that and Zenti's promoting his style I can't look when I putting a thousand on this Yeah, what things look we're not putting a thousand on this off the rip. I'm tearing that bandaid off You all can play for a happy me older some shit. No, first. I'm the first. I'm the crown as me No, that doesn't hit bands on this shit No, sent you a thousand my fuck got a thousand right now. Is it the simple? No, all right? What do you all want to play to brosin?
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh, last boy. Oh my god. Get cover my face. I have it, my big daddy. I have it, no, hell, no. Hell, no. Yes. I'm going out. I'm going out. There's two of us. What Are you having less time now? I WISH You can probably see the Chem out We can see the Ching Cheng Do you know it? If avid loses this game, this is the downfall of avid bro. I know. I was trying to promote my twitch. I'll kick it out the party right now. I'll kick it off or down the hall. I was just... Why is that your twitch? It's fucking garbage. That's a shameless log. No, we're not doing that. Why does everybody just use my stream after you guys get your best friend out of this? Every time so we're twins the parade And now my mic's glitching bro and I Boy, how has boy not a shove a dick in my ass? I Can't hear shit. I can't see shit. My mic is glitched Keep crying bitch. I'm back. I'm like, hoes bitch. First off, a couple things we need to clarify. What was he? Stream avid, take it easy. Stream sniping is out though goddamn window. Hey, see ya. That's a honor. I know. If you do, I'm just letting you know. If I catch wind that one of you guys is streaming time, it gets automatic, just qualification, and future suspension from any and all future 1v1. Events tournaments or No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no! There is no one's food supply. There's no stream sniping. Yeah, how are we? How are we? How are we? How are we fucking? Y'all are both stream sniping. Fucking, I don't care. I'm just trolling away. You know you can't do that. We won't! I'm not gonna do that. I'll keep trying, I'm not gonna play, why, if Zidzie's in a viewer list, I'll get a free win. I'll probably shoot him. Okay, so nobody's stream's life. Y'all, hey! I have you are so fucking petty sometimes bro. You literally said that you're gonna swing flip and then said you're mass manipulating brah I say not I never said that I'm not taking it ever. I don't get petty cares, bro Don't say that bottom another man, please Motherfucker is so stupid my god I'll get out of the panic here. Yeah, you're standing in a mobile home the rest of your life. You're so dumb now I'm gonna move it now bitch. You alright? Yo, how the fuck is that? If you are not doing this, I promise I'm doing it. Oh I'm in that shit. Oh I'm in that shit. I'm gonna take my band with me too. Have I seen title do that avid cube or senti what is avid laughing at Oh my god, the old zenty almost wallbanged him. Why did zenty look like that? I'm trying to do some shit about a bitch. Do some shit about a bitch. Oh, he's coming out. I'm gonna lock right now. Oh shit. Oh shit. That ring. That ring. That ring. You're so razz, I fucking hate you, I fucking hate you. You can't even do that. But I'm talking about that rule after this round. You can't come off sound. You can't do that. I mean that's your bitch. I mean that's your auntie's dad play it down. Too easy I didn't really listen to please Oh my god bro look at this lucky ass kill look at that All right We had another rule broken am I just being blatantly disappointed tonight? Yeah, I'm on your side. He cry baby as bitch. Okay, okay, Zenti Zenti who is your whole ass talk? Zenti you can't cut off sound to win rounds bro. You've known that for a year now you can't do that. That's up. I Fuck it We can't even pay this out. No, right? I find paid out no mods pay out whoever wins I Am Breaking every rule we have and you want this you can pay out Okay, so why would you refund that means put a people voted against me that means they get their points Oh, with me. I mean sorry, they just the people that voted on Zenti didn't know he was going to wipe his ass with the rule book it's not that hard on the sand but that show is never discussed we know it's a no-streetest but we never said no-streetest we never said no-streetest we did not say that we want to say that You guys are stupid as fuck I'm making noises I'm way better than this before Yeah, how ass boy I can't Fucking go
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I've been playing the couch with everyone. I'll lose it here stupid ass. You're fucking stupid ass. I'll lose it to you bitch. Yo, send to me. I'm not gonna be unstable. Do it right now, bitch. Gun the tech, come on. Haven't I walked through the breach here? Oh, ass, boy, come on. Haven't I just walked through the breach here? Senti playing all the way back. What a camera from senti. Oh my god. What a camera from senti. What a fucking camera from senti senti to go for a wall bank and i have to rotate back to the piece i'm a king of this game there's a lot of fucking king stop is not the king rich is not the king on the fucking king jimsy is definitely not the king The top 100 of course I'm the fucking king of this game top 50 and shit Sentin currently beating avid this could be one of the greatest upsets we've ever seen as a char. It's 3 to 2 right now. Senty has the lead. The main breach is open. Senty might start walking through the breach. No, I'm gonna pick some merchant pick some merchant can't beat me on a pixel sensey. I don't know why you peaked me bruh It's just really easy, bro. She's really easy. Oh My mic unplugged wait that's cronus let's get a cronus check on abdq Let's get a cronus check. I like this. That's cronus. No, we've done we've done use all avenues all the This is G Merch Money on the Chronus. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, that's Chronus. That's Chronus the shit. I'm gonna fuck that's Chronus. Hell no. I guess I've done multiple Chronus crimes I know your ship is up in bitch. We've done a multiple I'm not going to burn their account. I should have rid of this I'm not in the show. He's about it. Fucking Coney's as big I hate you bro. I'm not winning this game. What is this? What is this? I'm going to win. No, Jigsie Sun, what is this? What is this? Sun, what is this? Underneath this operator. Under my Sun is not responding to any. I'm fine right now. I'm fine. I'm fine. We can't find a microphone for these things. It's just not responding. Okay. I just want to find some bitches Xbox. Thank you. I'm back. What is the game up to 6? The game is up to 6. Also, Zenti, we've done multiple cronists checks on Abbott. These fast flying colors is not cronists. Yup, and then I'll be back. Check out the other... Thank you. So, yep, yep, yep. Abuse the rest of his SSG merch to pay off. Jinks to say that shit. Yeah, I can't breath. Ah, that's not really... How are you gonna use his money to... Hey, him back! No, I can't bro. How was it? That's not what happened, that's far from the truth. I guess that's not what happened, bitch. Two minutes, five seconds, come on, I expected better from you. bitch. Is that the only thing I can see? Avid on the floor. We are joking with me. I'm just still there. Found him to the chopper. Oh, I was boy. gonna throw his full reds, throw it up the main stairs. You need to walk. No, I'm not on him. I'm in the street. What are you gonna do about it, bitch? I'll control his slippery. He can't do this. That wig what? Oh, last but not yet. What is that? Did anyone else hear that excuse? Whoa, what? Did it by attackers? Avid gonna floor as one of the MalooCs. Are you pre-firing? So if Avid can get all Ravs' MalooCs, he might be. So I have to keep those questions. He might be fucking chilling. I'm not even gonna hold you. If Avid can get all three of these fucking molasses... Another flora has drone coming out of avid here. Oh he's actually gonna opt to get that side wall. I like that play from avid. He's gonna walk in off that. You're nervous, avid. I'm gonna walk in. I'm not gonna have the explosion. That's so smart. Why did he want me? She's gonna call me after this, Bage. Uh uh uh. She's not gonna call you Dada anymore. She's gonna call me Dada. Bage. back... Oh my god, the Mourusi. The Mourusi just came in and clutched for a senti. Holy shit. Holy shit, the Mourusi just came in and clutched for a senti. It's a slip-through, bro. Come on, have it. Why are you playing so scary, bitch? Minififteen on the clock, avid's holding a crazy angle looking at Big Window. You're nothing without Big Beach. You're nothing without a Cronus. You fucking suck, bitch. Oh my god. Yes, I can do that. Zenty just cut off sound yet again. I bet it. Oh. Another rule break from Zenty. I've its insight but he can't plant if he plants since he's going to push up on him. He can't plant this diffuser. I've its going to have to make some sort of a plan. on to Zendee. 45 seconds of clock now. Mordelucis are going off. Zendee barely missing avid shoulder. 3-3 now. Avid gonna lay down. Zendee! I'm gonna get you so weird, you're so weird on guard That name, Evan! What? Oh my god, that name! That's just fucking... Oh my god, that name! Averging song! I can't really get my hands on it. I can't really get my hands on it. I swear to God, man. I swear to God, man. I swear to God, man. I swear to God, man. Oh my God. Oh, last boy.
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm playing with everything you're supposed to be. You're not gonna have to have to have my pink beard to hit. I got a hundred of five bro. Like, I'll actually look at my pink beard. Wait, why is your pink beard? I don't know why is my best why is it in 120? Hell yeah, I'm stressing you yeah Last a goddamn felony you're you're not stressing him bro, okay? I don't give a no stop Zenti you're not just stop trolling for two seconds. I have it. Why are you like? bra yeah yo why am i lagging don't fuck i don't fucking know Look, fuckin' time, I'm done asking. What kind of question is that? There's nothing we can do about your lag, bro. So what are you omitted to your lag? You're crying in my ear about you. Nick, Nick look at my pink Nick that was you 10 seconds ago bro was it not okay Exactly so stop fucking crying Nick it was an answer I did not answer bro i didn't need to answer to it i wanted to know why i was like but i don't need to answer to it i'm just like hypothetically saying why am i like you protect your life i'm saying the out loud Yo, I've admit to this. You're not letting me fuck this. I'm asking you to say I'm like, If you ever ask me to excuse me, I'm gonna excuse you. Yeah, I'm gonna forgive you. I'm gonna forgive you. Whatever, bro, I don't care. Yep. You've been making excuses for the hell Just why without keeping the squ worst out N-Now I feel I askç Get so we're wrong the whole fucking hell I was on scussed that's why Yo, he's very scussed this motherfucker south of the loose. He knows how moved and he knows what's up. Put me on scussed You didn't move you didn't move yeah, I guess you motherfuckin so weird bro. He can't take a loss bro I've been genuinely gonna fuck my mom. That's where you live that. Oh The most toxic cat I can microst bigger than your mobile home bitch. Don't ever compare yourself to me as a man. I fucking owe you bitch. Not a man, isn't he? Don't be strong. He's thrown. No, last point. Uh, swimming is actually pretty honorable. That's sort of fuck up. I mean fucking cheeksy shut yo fat ass. Oh gosh, fuck up. You know nothing about that woman, how? She's making fun of Zendi for swimming and I'm defending our eye whatever. You're shaking, David. You're shaking, bitch. This one K is wine. How the fuck am I talking? Give me my bread. How the fuck is Zenti winning? It's actually the craziest upshot I've ever seen. Bomb located by a duck. Zenti's in. المزالتي labble Oh Look at my feet bro. Look at my feet. I can't keep crying bitch. Maybe buy this might be the upset of the center I can't you this might be the upset i took the G falscham shorter have last hold can Hartford also it right american 33 make sureeli take whatever i'm like Fuck defiant about how the fuck is that How the fuck is average I'm trying to lose the con-h. Might alright, not even putting in anymore. Yeah. Change your name to Zemchi, you saw it after this bro. Zemchi, I don't know how to do it. You don't even have to send me the bread. Just can I continue? Don't leave it to some of the bread. Just turn your into that and I'll go. I'll be there. Senty was pretty bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. No way senty be too much of a... I mean, Nick already sent you like 80k, so I mean I don't know why you need $10 bro. I don't know why you need $10, oh that's not figures flimsy. Nevermind. They ran out, but that money... I don't have the location of a bomb. 10 seconds left. It's not, I'm not so money-bear, I'm not a gen. Vi conditioner, at den er mere succ amellem, som tid i slukket. Dem másjoner ned. Bare ryremlin. Great thank you This is math point could we see a potential upset a last piece of crap and brought see that I'm not even gonna lie, bro. His aim is so bad right now. Your aim is just worse, bro. That's all I should. Yes. I haven't played this in my... I haven't played this in my... I hate to break it to you, I hate to talk to you. I'm gonna down his third Maruti keep just not that's why I'm sorry Oh my god come back come back It's a good come back I'm gonna 100% No, you gotta lucky prefirates, okay bro, it's okay The combat of the Sanctuary I'm calm, I'm think I'm think I'm the post
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege phone already it could me doèceNew Fuck it go. Damn I missed the toxic 1v1 streams damn. Here peak don't look to that second one I do it you don't do it, bro. Don't fucking do it. How? How ass boy? Keep playing support for stopping. How to better Katie than stopping and I'm on Saturday one. How to better Katie than stopping on Saturday one. Slowing your words. Your fucking scared of me bitch. How to better Katie? How does shit on your gun? Sent you to shoot Richie's drone. Richie definitely the heavy favorite going into this game. You never know though, bro. Sent you could easily go on a run here. Richie definitely the heavy favorite. but but senti could go on a run. Is that the gets rid of Richie has one drone left. One drone is all Richie has. no no can't do that bro can't do that can't do that that's But why would we get back on the chart? I feel like a fucking freak, bro. But it's empty doing what is it? I'll take your spotted 30 I'll take your spotted 3 Wait, then the Loki looks decent right now. What the fuck am I watching? Rikki is gonna ash open that breach stop in him. Stop in him. You need a new teammate this guy fucking sucks. He blows dicking. Let's go You could hear it too, Santa's actually in his head. Bad wall bang from Richie. Santa might actually be in his head. Clock's running richy. Clock's running ho. And I'm on a rich angle. This is the- this is the 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- Oh, oh my god. Riki looks cracked right now. Riki looks cracked. I'm not even gonna lie. He's a little bit more than I am. He does! Oh my god he has a little bit more than I am. Come on! You don't shit ass kid! Come on bro! You are nothing! You are a hot guy! You're fucking part of my puzzle! You cock-socking love a fucker! I'm a ship of warfrogs, just lie down! I cannot get one, you cannot get one! No, this motherfucker! about to fall out of my fucking chair I know you're nervous that hole around I don't know if your griffin's actually funny as fuck without a I just be spoils today bro. I'm gonna fuck me. What is my style of the fuck we get? What is that? I'm gonna be spoils today. I'm gonna be spoils. You're actually so funny bro. Oh Last boy the best support on console you're you're just grace to Italy breath you're just Scrake the fucking it always come on bro. You're just great. Come on. Come on. Come on. Fuck are you bro. What are you? Fucking daddy. That's what I am. This is just like a those There's no way this- You're gonna change your name to ZT-C2 after avid. That's what you're gonna change your name to, hope. There's no other way this 1v1 could have went than this bro. Is that an T-droning master bedroom? Ricky's running around looking for something to do. I see you, Richard. You bit it's 40 seconds on clock. I see you. It's time to get a shoot down the main entrance door frame. Andy hops back onto his camera here. So I'm just gonna start to walk up the main staircase. It's gonna shoot top main camera. And bottom main cam now sense you gonna Move out his problem Come on bro You're so bad bro You're so fucking bad What? What? Fuckin' dog should ask it, but am I not gonna kill the Michael game? What? You're not killin' me the whole game. Oh fuck bro. Rickie did you just spit on to your microphone dude? Oh yeah, I've sped out right now and right now it's fucking forehead. I'm about to lose to a guy that I'm about to lose to a guy that works out little scissors, bro This is bad. That looks at a little bit of work a little. I watch out I'm sorry about that. It was two weeks of work I was looking for. Yeah, bro. I'm so... Oh, put on God. I worked out a little Jesus. Wait, Ricky, dad asked, I didn't know about your come up. It was actually a little... Yeah, he worked out a little Jesus, dude. I don't know how to get in my body's coldest I've never worked out those scissors Who wrote that? I love scissors, bro I'm gonna get fucking cheese actually like good as fuck bro ricky this like I don't know right now ricky the earth those seasons actually good as hell I'm not even gonna lie I'm not not and I never worked at this is yeah I never even
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I don't even have those in New York. I don't even think they have those dealers in New York. You were scrubbing toilets at last. What should you do with that? We know you work at McDonald's, Junk Sir. Okay. I'll tell you my daddy. Yeah, that's not my background story in any regard. Did it meet you? Didn't meet daddy chat did not meet daddy. I went on a cameo around got see he told me everything Okay, yeah doomed is even facture water accurate at all. What do you want? What do you want, Auntie? What do you want, bro? Trying to go up the Jengsy Swampy? Oh, yeah. Dude, Ricky's accent when he's yelling is actually funny. The whoever called that shit the jinky-smoppy. I taught him that shit. I taught him that shit. The fuck? What the fuck do you think you were? I taught him that shit, ho. Impress some trap. I know your ass trembling. You're trembling, bitch. You had a lucky ass prefire. You did the same thing every time. I promise you, I promise you're not one in a shed bitch. Ricky might be able to make a play here. Ricky goes through the brief hour, can't connect. Don't be pervade, shoot him, I'm ready to move, but this is... But this is... Die! Come on! SETTI! You are so dog shit bro! You are so fucking bad bro! Holy shit, you are fucking hard, why do you keep challenging that bro? That's my angle. It's gonna go part two, bitch. He's giving me that child. No fucking dumb ass kid bro. Don't we put a 10-T-T just give him that 8 inch Italian inch long. Yo, yo, no. Give me the fuck out of this party. That ass, bro. No, like actually what is Zenti saying right now bro Highlanders empty skylanders bro. Oh, he's not done. Bro. This is not done. I don't care if she's not over bro This is not over to the world. Guy Landers bro, you challenge the best people. Why are you swinging that bro? Like genuine, you have Malucca. This is not the best on the whole. I'll let you guys clear on the question. Fucking game on the King of Cons, on the King of Coins. So you're like, king of console but you're swinging in front of your utility, bro. That doesn't even make sense Yo, yo, who's talking to y'all? How fast, bro? Who's talking to the whole ass? Why does your coach keep volume high? Okay, hey, this could actually I could actually pursue this in court none of this is factually backed up in any regard bro he's just screaming diddy like none of this is even leaked no nothing's leaked bro none of this is real do that I don't even say it! Tell me, how do I know? Fuckin' fuck man, shut the fuck up. You're the king of little seasons, but... That fucker talking to me. Auntie, already topped me? Good to recharge that side wall so we can move in and out of master bedroom in the top main staircase free of Now run into trophies empty in master bedroom That's a bad room. Richie on the Maloo scene. Richie just do a smiley face? Why did he draw a smiley face? Why did Gritty just draw a smiley face? This grace the fucking Italy bitch. How ass. That's boy, come on, come on, Ricky. Senties close breach. If Ricky hears this, senties dead. If Ricky hears Zenti close breach, Zenti is dead. Ricky's gonna be able to prefire him. I'm busted. With no issue whatsoever. Senty still cholding outside of the world in the closet Do you know when the four down the clock sent his insight there's a mule say at his feet He's gonna have to do something about this mule say at Where you at, Richie? Come on. It's time to get a roll. It's Richie. You're right, Richie. You're right, Richie. You're right. It's not gonna be rich. Richie's doing exactly what he's doing. He's drawing, he's swinging up! If Sentry wants to win this game, he's going to have to start clawing back right now. If he gets down 4-0, this game is basically over. Senty gonna walk through the breach now there is that little status fee he sees it shoots the movie Runs back a little bit Ricky might just wall bang this Ricky wisewinking You're scared, you're shivering. You're shaking. You're shaking, you're shaking. You're shaking, you're shaking, you're shaking, you're shaking, you're shaking. That's rule breaking. Ricky's an addict. That dude's walking up to this walk up up bitchy So fucking friends you're talking to Mike stop doing that stop doing that stop doing that Stop talking to Mike for sound cues. Stop talking to Mike during sound cues. You fucking dog should ask him. Stop yelling in the mic during sound. Jack, should I? DQ's empty for cutting off sound. He knows it's a dead end. It's not allowed. Good ass fucking kid. 20 past it bro. Hey chat, watch how mad Ricky's about to get. Good rain, senti, good rain. Fucking fucking dr. You actually suck, bro. Oh, last boy. Can't hear nothing, bro. Can't hear nothing. That's not a rule. That's not a rule. That's not a rule. You actually suck, bro. Oh, last boy.
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Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm not going to talk about those seizures. I'm not going to talk about those seizures. What do you do? How will you do? How will you do? How will you talk about your father? How will you talk about your father? No idea what the fuck you are bro You know He said that fucking scene, Jinks is shot. Keep off on the one moon. One B1 moon. Keep off on the box, suckin' loser. Waffle and ass bitch. Yo, Ricky's actually getting pissed as fuck. This is peak. He'll ask back for week's progress, bro. VACRO, I'll be back for the char every day.erなので at the rafting time. He'll ask, bitch. I could buy your whole fucking ancestry, bro. Don't fucking have to do like that again, bitch. Oh, yeah, you're always about money, bro, with these guys. Why do these guys... R6 guys always making about bread bro damn Ricky on the ram senti on the goy-o read chat dumbass I am Zenti false-winging. Yo, Zenti's gonna get a blast head shot. You can do it with the poioe. I guarantee you. You can do this one. It's over. I promise you it's over. That was actually smart. Don't give me this one. actually if you're gonna start ramming shit don't do that actually gonna get a blast headshot i can fucking feel that bro It's that he's gonna get a blast ass headshot. I can already fucking tell bro now. I can already tell Ricky's gonna be so pissed. Goyo is like the best operator in the game for bullshit headshots. Oh, why is that you walking up Ricky nose? Why is that you walking up bro? If Ricky's driving If Ricky drone's empty it's actually GG's. Ricky's yet to drone's empty though. Setties playing close haddock. Ricky going to go to the other side. just帡 Drone left he's gonna have to make this one worthwhile. He knows that he's not in addict. He knows he's not an addict off of that drone Senty wise lins right back into it. Ricky has no drones left Zentsie got rid of both of Ricky Strong's Ricky has no way of moving forward. He's gonna throw out a flash I There's no high-by script bro not this shit Yo, I'm not even gonna hold you said you look locked as far I'm not even gonna walk this shit Give me that round, I'll just give it a round This is more than this to game This is a legacy game Reaching this is a legacy game I don't need a king of fucking console, hope. Yo, Zendi is actually so far out of touch with reality. It's actually impressive, huh? Yeah. GK they give me the prime stuff ZenTi genuinely thinks in his brain I'm not kidding bro No the people that know ZenTi know bro He genuinely thinks he's the best player in the world. He is so far out of touch with reality. It's insane. Look at this guy, bro. Dude, this game's just... This is fucking crazy. This would be another upset win for Zenti, bro. I feel like most people have their points on happened and most people have their points on richy Is at the end of winning both games that'd be impressive? We'll find the right to watch it. King of PlayStation? You're the King of PlayStation? Make ol' fuckin' old your ass. Make those way better than you. Make those way better than you, the fuck? I would agree to that. I would agree. Casual. Zantigo's for the wall bank can't correct. Two minutes fifteen seconds on the clock here. Zantigo on the bug. Richie on the Maruti. Zenti what an angle what an angle from Zenti oh my god what an angle If I was empty, I would go back to that hole. You can probably catch Ricky off guard now. Ricky reinforced every wall off. Zenti's not going to be able to get through sight unless he walks into the door and eats that, but we'll see. I think Ricky won this round. He just played Chatterbrow. Look, Zenti has to walk through the door. Get in the Marusi. Shoot the Marusi and then you can aty Gens Ch hopefully bschy omg bro i throw u wha bro Thanks for watching!
No Highlight
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I don't want a richie. I don't want fucking richie. This Italian bitch can be spoilt. Fuck you go, bro. How last? Um, since your since when did you get good? When the fuck did this shit happen? Since when did that do nana nana? Hello? Zanty on the Goyo Richie on the Block. This game was 3-0 for Richie. Oh my god, he's pissing down his lag. I told you not to throw. Richie is pissing down his fucking lag right now. You can be one in the silver for you, bro. You can be one round in the silver for you, bro. Come on, bro. I'm gonna locate and defuse a bomb. Oh, as boy, come on. Zanty on the goiyo, Richie on the buck. Chat team it up with spoi and shroud after this game bro 3-3 right now Ricky jumping up on main entrance We're gonna walk through trophy. I'm playing my goals. I'm playing my goals. Do something about that. No, I had back. No, I had back. Let's play bro. Let's play. Come on. Let's dance bitch. Come on, Zendi requesting to get along. Please. You don't. It's got a gluel on the main gate as well. Well played from Zendi. I'm not going to lie. Zendi's playing lights out right now. Ricky got to start to drone through games. He's two minutes ten seconds on the clock here. Ricky's got nothing but time. Zenty Storazic oil on that trophy door. Walk in if I was rich, I would buck open that side at a quall. That's exactly what it's gonna do. right here right now that is my type of play yet another goil goes off from Zenti Zenti only has one unactivated goil weapon What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that? P.P.P. Oh, no, that was the luckiest kill of all time. Yeah, it's too easy, bro. The luckiest kilowatt time. That's so bad. Yeah, it's so bad. What the fuck is happening tonight? No, no, no, real shit. I would have never in a million years thought that something was gonna be avid. Let's go. Ritchie in the same night There's a new king! There's a new king! Oh! That same manager! My God! There's no... That same manager! I'll board you! I told you that's a gamey one bitch! I told you that's a gamey one, Richie! You gave me one, there's a no-a-blocking way out, bro. What the f**k? How is senti doing this shit, bro? Deras! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yo! The OGs know how crazy of an opsepsis. Bro, his center's highest rank is Diamond. Browthasky. Prozente's highest rank ever is diamond and he just beat avid 6 to 4 and now he's beating Richie 4 to 3. Hi guys, no I will not. Take a heart you don't want to lose him. No, stop texting me. No. Yo, have I just done you do that shit bro? Come on! Let's move script! Rikki, gotta get rid of one of senti That's the one drone from it. Senties inside. Senties inside. Why is that? Where did he get this aura from? Where did sentie? Hey what? You just want to die! You just want to die! No bro, this kid is actually a fucking freak bro! This kid is actually a freak bro! What the fuck are you doing bro? And this kid just ran inside bro? And this kid just ran inside? Oh? This kid just fucking ran inside bro? I hate Ricky's actually a fraud. Rob this entire time. Ricky, you were a rob this whole time. This kid just re-end in sight, bro. What the hell is that? Rob this whole time? How did he... How did this kid- wait wait, how did this kid get into turkeys? Oh, like this kid is turkeys. What the fuck? Oh, that image is turkeys. Oh, that image is turkeys. What the fuck? Holy shit. You're just playing like a fucking moron that's working. This is a new era, how? Fucking moira. Hmm. Yeah. Come on, bro. Well, Ricky, I think it's not the only mistake in here. If I could jump in... and intervene for a moment. I think the reason why you rushed top white was because you heard of making a rotation on the attic wall, right? That can be left before it's or here. Yup. So I don't really know if it's loud or not. I think he just outplayed it, but I'm not gonna hold you. I'll play you. And he fucked it. So it sounded like he just fucked it, but he walked it off of it. After that. I'm sorry, after I come back, play me for bread. Oh, really? Really? Really? I'm talking about bread. I'm talking about the ones that were the best. I'm so, that I suddenly play with bread online. Whoa! He made it to Jesus! No richy's accent to get it. I'll put you back to it. Jesus, I got them. Let's not have gone any better now. I'm not gonna play anyone in this party for a thousand. Let's not have gone any better now. Let's not have gone any better now. You can't put up a thousand bids.
No Highlight
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I don't know that kid was downstairs. All right, we need a hard breacher here. I can go, um, I'll play. I'll play. We've got enter through, um, enter through CC. And ace like those two walls, you wanna talk about? They're gonna have them muted. Somebody can bring in peace. I can go fatcher or something, Vicki, you want me to? I need to locate a bomb. Vicki, you wanna talk about? Yee-ee. We here. I'll show you. I'll show you. That's right. This is what I used to do with like stomping and mingoing them all the time on this site specifically Because every team plays up top bro. We just enter CC We'll breach this And then we'll ace through it. You know what I'm talking about like these two walls here like the two ones not these beyond this wall. Yeah My season CC Okay, lock the fucking bro. We can bring this game back on idea on पे गर ने सामी I'm gonna rotate, make it a jail rotate, I have a jail rotate. I know that will mine. I have a cam in this. I have a cam in this. Yo, we're gonna need one person out. I'm gonna make a map full in that wall. Yo, somebody enter east. Enter east bro. I'm gonna drone. I'm gonna drone east Me and corrupt are gonna work front door. I'm gonna make a map. He's those castles. Wait. What why front door? Oh, that's a lot of stuff. I like that a lot, but okay. Go on by the drone, use it to somebody wants to enter. No, they shot my camera. What the fuck? Did you die? What the gamers? Vic, you're not walking there yet. I'm gonna fucking. Vic, okay listen. They just deny all my syrup. Vic, no one's in jail. I can't shoot. I'm gonna float, I'm gonna float. Oh my, I need you to get on my nerves. I can I'm gonna do it. No bro. I mean yeah no one jail right now but there's a fucking protein. I want to use one to use one to use the whole mind. We have vent for now. I'm gonna say I'm gonna tell you. Oh no. I know, I don't want die grabbing it now. Yeah, it's open. It's open. I put it in any camera. If you can't hold me real quick, I'm about to grab it. If you so, we're going to double the end of it. No, the rotate. Did you say he ran he ran he ran I'm grabbing the piece of dipping grab it. He's a divin. I could try to crush work up on that guy I'm gonna get inside with y'all bomb and go main door at this three. Hey, do they know your excitement? We're trying to come to the window. We're trying to open the castle's load. Where do I enter from bro? Where? Castles and seas. I don't know. Damn. I'm gonna drop Cuts in touch. Yeah! Insert! I'm gonna try to trade the trade. I still was custom. You're gonna drop Cuts in touch? He wasn't CC. He's above his load. Nice and after. Luo Mole No one I think there's a rotate rather they can just run and jail whenever they're there. No as soon as you said it I walked in and he literally I mean I traded it but it didn't really yeah Jamesy, Vic and DJ, you guys need to work together, join each other in whatever if me and Corrupt have a play We're just gonna comment because it seems like plays are working right now. We're doing alright found it all mis chapter We take CC from the window and open the mineral free. Listen, if we do ease, we're going to have to keep our fireboss. We can't just walk in tellers and having dives. early because they fucking so much set up. Yeah, my team always imported that round. I'm not gonna just a shoot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that round with comms 100%. We need to take our time and visit. We have to take our time on our side. That was the only attack we'll be like actually fucking woke up. We're gonna make the play corrupt. Big dick bitch. I mean while you guys work CC I'll just blow everything up on east Yep, that's the point make them like this coffee has me left a ring pick. I'm not a team so much. I'm not at my ass I'm getting you killed with comms bro like that's how locked in I'm back My the way bro like I feel the coffee ripping out the door. Oh my god. Oh my god ripping up the security or might run out. Oh, I'm gonna decapitate this motherfucker. He did the instant and Casada instant. These guys are such zero acts of holy fuck. So this guy in jail bro Come on bro, I mean zero x I think this is good. Oh my god. I think this is good. I'm going to go down the mountain. Oh my god. Oh, hell no. I Know about you closer close to your door somebody go this guy pick walk up. He's jail now jail crowds on my png Jail pick I think you just cry Bro he rocked through jail no one jail no one jail he might come back in though He's in jail jail no Yes! Nice! Once in break, once in break as well. What the fuck? He plays like e-spalping. Okay, anything from there? I don't know if you guys are good. It's possible.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege What do y'all want to do? Talk! Archive, Archive. Archive's door, okay. I have a catwalk camp. Archive's door. Hold on, hold on, let me see. Let me see if that's the part. Hold on. There's a mutant, there's a mutant spang in there. Okay, so forget about that. You know what that's up. Still tick east though. Are you guys taking out all this? We know, we know. Crap some me yellow, grab some me yellow, grab some me yellow! Got some of y'all. Got some of y'all. Run, man, man. Running break. Bro, we got to walk that guy down and not prefire him. He ran break. Relax, bro. Relax. He just w- Where? Where? He's lost on the wall, he's on the wall, he's on the triple and he has one pump me bro I'm gonna give you a triple camp I'm gonna get you to pick up slow down. I'm gonna get you to pick up. Get on the snout. Give him a triple camera now Get him a triple camera. He's got it. He's got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. I mean if you're already out you're dead I don't think there are any out of walks out the trip would punch my shit I got this one. I found a swing and find it. One stick. One stick. He's on the stairs. criminal opinion. can we get this nighties... can we get this nighties ship still still yeah he is your, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly. I'm looking Can we get this 90 they're gonna try swinging okay nice Chill chill chill drone the last one You're on the last day. Everybody be, everybody be, everybody be, everybody be, Gc has a cam, Gc has a cam, I'm on the drone, I'm on the drone. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Not for him! I'm in East! Not for him! Or for him! Die for him! Die for him! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back! We're back in this hall, come on bro! 6-6! It was 2-2-6! That was good, I think. That was good, I think. That was good, I think. Come on bro, like we're the best team! If this fucking tarnay! Come on! It's fucking cool man. Yo I love Twitch, I'm like the cringiest droner ever and I have four of them dude. I love this shit. I can't believe you walked down his one put me Let's go come on, Vic. Let's go, Vic wait, you days back. That's right. We told you did get off for us. He's five I don't know. Whoa. Okay DJ, just play that. That's been the problem though, the entire stint of our team bro. Like DJ just on floor. DJ, just hop that in one tree. I'm not going to lie. Flores is like a satisfying gun. That's ASMR. I just want to add that workshop. So should we open up the Armory wall and then like clear the guys out of the Armory and half full? Yes, okay. Let's do A.C. We could do the site plant actually I'm gonna do like oh They can't play the vert Hey Drake, they're not slow. Come on, Mick, come on. Insert your 10 seconds back in. I'm gonna go Osa. I'm gonna put Osa shield on that shit. Let's go, walking. We did not come back from 2-6, the fucking bottle it! Let's go! Yo, these guys have ran out, every defensive round. Do not die, please. just bait. I'm gonna hold my deck. Yeah I'm gonna hold my Johnson real quick. Yeah I'm baiting. I'm gonna hold. I'm gonna hold. in our guy they have a fucking frost you're all up there you're all up there you're all up there that's out of the door that's out of the door Can you see us respond? Yep. We are finish, FOC ! So, I'm here, I caught one now. Look for these bad camps. Open Amy wall-corrupted Blind Pokémon angular! Open 1stинnd You can make a play, okay? One bottom at a one's bottom at a one's block. That's a show, huh? You like it flying easy that ass? Get on my East Camer quick! Did he need the gamers left? No, he's the gamers left at the bottom. He's the gamers left at the bottom. the door. I have a drone. Watch your camera. Watch your camera. He's a dead. He's a dead. How about a walk in? We don't know what happened. We need you to come to our need. We got our need. Do you have an MP? No, he's got an aid. He's back in aid or he could have been an aid. I don't have any more drones, Crab. Do you have an aid? I mean, they could be CC, careful, they could be CC. Okay, listen, they were in the same tech CC. Yeah, we... About to walk in CC. Careful, one careful, one careful. I've pulled up, careful, look. You went like sandwich. I'll cover you. I'm in CC. I'm in CC. I'll cover you dead. Nice. I'll hold you tight middle. Okay, can we get another body up top? I can go main door. ¡También! ¡También! ¡También! ¡Bien! ¡Bien! ¡Bien! ¡Bien! ¿Puedes verlo? ¿Sí? ¿Ya que te lo han dado? ¡No, no, no! I don't have a smart eye on you, bro. Someone has to have a drone. Who's bro? Okay, it's Archives. What do you mean? He just probably means it. Okay, I got it. I'm dirty. Oh my god. from under the hatch. Someone's on! Dead! Nice try to die. Last time you're gonna be in the space. Jo, you want to go to work on metal when we try to go for a plant?
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Come on I have a goon east and I have a BP looking up my poppy side of the east What are you going around here? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's a good one. My life's just flickered. God, I got a power out of it. Woo! It's flickered again! What do I mean? Stranger thing? I need to fix this light. Holy shit, this is bad. I'm on these steps. All of my east yet. Oh, they're working. Better walk in. Are they in pass? You're probably on sub-e's. I'm gonna make them back up somewhere else. You think they... you could call the... I can jump out and get him so just wait a minute. Yo, in my pass! It sounds like... Help you, I can help you, I can help you! What's that, whoo, where's that whoo? In my passport! Now my east has been... Well in my passport and on my east I got pens, bro. I want to go for the lights a light and I rush to hate this fucking game I got the restrike, I got the restrike just to go. I have a 90k, you can't remember. I'll be here, I'll be here. I'm gonna see here. Dude, they're not in 90 yet. DJ, if you're feeling aggro, you can walk up 90. I Això Break, break do-a-bal BRDJI! Think you walk up, eh, no, no, not to your thing? Say no I'm here, this is a Curryinn. Don't I'm DJ? That's not just how This would have been? In that 90 malder say that's a 90 malder say That's probably half the reward of it Hi eyes very이에요 Don't worry, don't worry. Try her up. Yeah. Gamers have to play. Everyone stay alive. I'm gonna use triple three. Gamers have to black at the hatch. Don't worry guys. far so i'm just gonna pause in gamers you got the shit everybody wait i'm shounen site I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I knew you were there. I was going to fall, bro. How did THAT get along? I had a cam because he was a little bit of a man. I had a cam because he was a little bit of a man. I had a cam because he was a little bit of a man. moving different stairs one HP like 40 health probably Paul guys you guys are chilling. Don't worry, you're good. Do you remember headed out trees with you? No. You remember heading to Soducking right now? How many times does it look like it's not game? Maybe it's. It might be because it's kiddin' like, What's shooting?みたいな guy to say that. Right? It's something like that. You're right? I have implanted rooms. The blue lobby. If they go for that plundering, you can impact that single wall on bathroom as well. Drop to drop down by noise. Comment on how準備 up the dreamy Have no, no... ... same week and 10 and 14Look at the number 2 I don't think it's a joke. I don't think it's a joke! I don't think it's a joke! I don't think it's a joke! Come on! What a fucking combat. Oh my god. I love all of you guys two and seven Kevin nine. Oh my god DJ let's work DJ come on bro one and seven to seven and eighty day I like that shit I like that shit boy. Yeah fuck Flores bro the problem of Flores is you spend the first two minutes It's getting hatches are getting utility bro like that's a problem Yo good shit all day that game went exactly as expected holy shit find the new hobby dude two six bro damn your horrible Holly. Holly, realistically bro, you're probably out like $5,000 and just entry fees in 2024. bro you will not win a tournament bro alright alright let me watch stopping now let's watch stumpin baby let's see where stopping Let's see where's stopping that let's see where's stopping that let's see where's stopping that Totally bro, dude, they loot yeah, it's gonna roll a closer bitch Did they lose map 1? You're not real. Yo did saunpin lose map 1? Yo did saunpin lose map 1? No clue. Someone said I'm a cheater. shot they were losing my child be spamming if they lost my one my child be like spamming it then wait for sanki did lose I think they did i think they did stop and lost stop and lost stop and loss what i think it has a power to face they definitely lost ha ha ha ha bro you know what a good like a gunfighting He turns his head to the side and is the funniest shit I've ever seen, bro. Whenever Aiden's locked any tilts his head like 37 degrees left, bro. Stop and lost map one time.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege to booey? Oh my god. Yeah they did lose, they did lose. Holy shit. Come on boys. Come on. No attack it. Orga we need three three. Don't be in English. We're not shit. Let's get it. Let's fucking go yo we have the best yang no, I'm the number two yang in the all-time car rankings and gamers is the number one yang in the Power rankings We have the number one and two yang on his team bro like gg face it yo are we gonna have time after this or no not really i have no probably not right or we're like 30 minutes late yeah Yeah, all right, we were at 30 minutes. Yeah, we like burnt a re- well not me. It was just me But I was listening to Kendrick Lamar. So I don't take any of it back Let's check out my mentor I'm not a fan. Knock? What do you do? Monty, Monty, Monty, Monty, Monty, Monty. Fuck, let them play knock, bro. I'm about to piss. Yo, can y'all pause timer for like, literally five set, my chair broke. Oh my god. oh my what the fuck how did it already break when did this happen i just wave them in top I just played an entire best of my chairbroke, my second chairbro. You know I'm eating a good Frank Grant now bro, we're not losing. Oh what? What in the bank? Okay, wasn't familiar with your game my fault. Yo pause timer my chair collapsed That part now? Pause the fuck out of that ch- My chair collapsed! WHAT?! AGAIN! I'm bringing it to that. Mom, I broke my chair! Yeah, this deck is not depressing. I love it bro. Bro, it's zero depression at all, bear. It's fucking flow. It's fucking. Yo, I don't know what it is bro, but the J and me Bro gamers, I watched the volume of your IQ XO cargo a pistol and that two people one man was called they could save you saw that they were like he's fucking back you see sir we're not enough. Shout out Monday Mike. He will never die. That's share one Never die. That chair's gonna outlive all of us. LATS FUCKING GO BABY! Probably a safety hazard, first time streaming with this chair. By probably a safety hazard, there's like definitely a safety hazard. I'm gonna go piss and then let's get this game going. I can't actually, I cannot believe my chair is collapsed. That's actually fucking wild. That is dead ass wild. I'm about to piss, I'm about to piss, bro. ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました ご視聴ありがとうございました 하하하 하하하 아, 아閒 nighttime You know you're lock at the fucking bro. RIP like real shit. Lock at the fucking. No, our grim players no longer. No, that was a stability check, bro. We're winning this. We don't get shot, bro. I'm not losing this fucking tournament. Fuck every single mother fucker team. Mother fucking team in this tournament, bro. I feel like running through all day. I want to run through a standard ball. No way we're losing fuck richy fuck eight and tax fuck Skype fuck stop me to win this game Cheers lab why isn't it got it?
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege And then the one guy was walking up and down to one that was all they did Wait to her Yeah, we're shooting at the Grim T2. Nope T1, T1, T1, you walk down. I'm just gonna hold on. Yeah, here I show. I heard someone. One of these guys punched the top meat the highway window. No, you didn't never mind Yeah, he was playing top freezer he's playing top freezer. It's not break it. Yo, can I answer T3 or what? Yeah, you can't you can't you can't you Yeah, you good this guy's on T1 stairs. He ran down he ran down Yeah, one's playing in the cockpit What one looks weaker guys like can we get these hatches first and see what's up Yeah, which ones which ones I'm mirror again The meeting one probably in the freezer. Yo, can you just show the one I got it? No Freeze! Yep, great wall of fucking kind of got him up here. Fuck, bro, he killed me. Where? No one's hollow. One highway, one freeze. He was freezer. I should have killed him, bros. These lock might walk up freezer. You should this, should this. One shot! Aimers! I'm going to walk up my trees. I'm going to cross it. Can I drone and can you all wait? Hold on, I'm out of drone sight. Hurry, hurry. I'm out of drone straight, I'm out of drone highway and shit! No one's crossless, no one's single-singles there! No one's pillar! I'm gonna rotate! You're gonna make it, I'm gonna make it! Yeah, yeah, yeah! You're already trying to kill the skyline. You're gonna have a camp still. You're still, still, still, still. Still, still, still, just drop it, go, drop it, go, kill the guy highway. Yeah, we gotta kill these guys. Is it side now, inside all the VP? I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-Iback You're disvolving me Go! Dead! To be one, left! Left watch the floor, please! Oh god, do not play much! Do not play much! He was, he was, I have to help him. He was breathing, don't go in. Don't go in. Run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, run away! Yeah! No GIMMA! Let's not get go! Goddemy games are fucking attractive. Good shit, baby! Come on, two douchers attached, we're floating! Come on Even though controllers only on console that's PC come on bro Yo Ask clowns to do seven of them. Let's fucking work. I can't lie to you. You got fucking boom. Oh, I did He like swung my icon as soon as I dropped And my my hallway was so smoked off one of you guys smoked off my hallway never fucking warden I wouldn't be able to kill highway any I was gonna start smoke bangin just shooting to smoke Warden was evox We can't reach our barbages figured out. I'm on third, I'm on third, I'm on third, I'm on third. If they're up, yeah they're up, they're up, they're up. Listen, I'm gonna eat you. the attic walls from trophy, okay? That's gonna be our play. We're gonna just blood deep into attic and get the main breach. We might be able to play it or if there's something up. We kinda... I like that of all gamers. They have a keyboard on Mastery and the trophy shield here. Okay, we've got the mode down these keyboards. Yeah, I'm gonna get it. No, the LMG. You can just need it too. Yo, does it give our 4 shot or 5 shot it Where are these zombies coming together? Open ground, open ground. One's up, sir, on the left, the key is on the left. The bomb is on the right. I got it. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. I'm looking on your z- Nothing meeting? I knocked him. I'm taking it in check! Get the fuck up here, you know it. i Kesel we gotta keep our safety DJ, climb down! DJ, you've been made from your jammer! climb down! I'm missing a car! Go, CCCC! CROP! C! I I'm bottom white though. There. Then he should be up and it should be up. Oh, he's fucking shower tall bro. Dude, I pulled my hamstring! I haven't yelled out long in a while. What? He saw a shadow, DJ. He's stuck left. Sock left trophy. Could be dig now. Alright, right now.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Open the door. He's gonna sming you. For sure. For sure. For sure. For sure. He's right here. Right here. Waiting for you to open the door. He's right here. Walking down a little bit. A little bit. Walking back. if yes if I'm going to join up towards the window. The reinforce security. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I could ace up the freezer hatch. They're going to zombie and secure. That's a good idea. I'm meeting, meeting Slaire. There's zombies inside. I'm meeting Slaire. I'm meeting Slaire. I'm meeting Slaire. Freaking here. I'm out of drones. I'm meeting you. Said joining the kitchen rather. Wait, see another teacher, one for his stuff. I missed one of you, he's hard left at the freezer door. So come, uh, fuck. No one kitsch, we're good here. No roaming at all. So no security? No T2 rotate either? I have a drone security! Yo! She won! All right, go! She won! She won! Where you go? I don't know. Probably ran down. You ran up T2, T2, T2. Shady ran up T2? Yeah, T2, T2, T2, T2. Yeah, T2, T2, T2, T2. Yeah, T2, T2, T2, T2, T2, T2. I'm on HP. He's one. He's one. He's one. He's one. He's one. He's one. That is that. He's one. Shit on! Loser! Hemi again! Oh no! Mees with mees with mees! Yo, Rhett, yo, he's still me! I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out dead. Nice, 3v1, 4v1s. Everybody bait, everybody bait. Fix him free. That's not a lot of you, Rote. this villain of I think spotted It's the BPS account Yes, 20 free's I have a deep freeze. Where's the beep, he bro? Nah, can I do that? No. Yo listen he's gonna be close on that door because he's not on the head hole. Shhh. Yeah let's go. Let's go. See where you're so good. Yo, yo, yo, yo, fuck that, fuck that, fuck that. Yo, Vic, what in God's good name are you doing, bro? It's a 4v1, three of your teammates are upstairs. and you ran out of time first one dead Vic I don't give a flying for doodle cake bro. You need to push with your team bro. We have a 4v1 bro damn I saw you run out That's the head-holes, Vic. I saw you, bro. I don't know why I said fordude, okay. It doesn't matter, though, bro. Stay the fuck alive. K-R-I-N! Let's go, bro. Five of one of these guys. I was almost as self-intensive. you in a lost momentum? I need to locate a bomb. I mean, I knew gamers was winning that. Oh, hell no. Dude, that was my meeting. Okay, third-might, Osa, let's get a big time. Yo, why do we get an ace that just so much is garage? Yeah, ace, yeah, I got that. Mmm, I'm so calm. Gamers. Come on, you're on the same wavelength Let's go Yo, do y'all want a greater is it kind of pointless here. I like gritting green. I'm not gonna lie like gritting I'm like Yo, you want to go you want to go through my an albogrid? One you got what you say go through my go through my go through my go through my go I'm gonna grid up griefs they can't play make off of it And then I'll fucking play make off of it And I'll grid the flank and shit yoo Wow. Get the top wall first. Amar! You're in my sight Jack We're walking off that. Yep. D3's clear. D2 clear. Trying in. He go down the slope. He went down. He down. He got a trailer. There's feet holes left side of the... the main wall by the way. Never in this back into an idea Yo, whatever you do do not bait here try to make a play I'm gonna just go full of top and hopefully gamers gonna pick gamers probably will get a kill Listen Nice gamers! My 131 camera. No, this guy's probably in the Mk1 brown. No, no, no. Once and answer. Fuck enough, get behind the camera here. M weg cornering across the testify side of cover, C. Congratulation behind!
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I think we should just play bunker. Yeah, it's bunker. I have boy over this bunker. This is just a really bunker man. I'm gonna do three goios on the fucking plant. as well. Yeah. Down the 10. Back to the side. Defore you explain. Five seconds. Five seconds. Three. Five seconds. Let's go! End this shit! Come on! Dead! Alright! Greater Dead Dead Yeah. Yeah. Shoot you out, shoot you out. That's kids. Do not let this guy get my goios, please. Trying to get some proper smoke Is that a drone bottom quiet? in the shallow insecurity can have They're just beating. Joining a boy, joining a boy. Down in! On top of you, our top big, right? Ash below. Yeah, he's going to have to load. Don't die! Nice chiccy! Absolutely! I can help you! I'm gonna die. I'm gonna move, move, move. I'm pro. No, security door, security door, security door, security door, security door, on a pixel. Yo, one master! one trove i became a your walk up that guy think you did yeah we're good you'll three goios on platinum out bro three two trove No one top main one chip Entry white the ENTER you'll enter showers the entrance showers he's about to be up here drone of Bating, you're on my yow on my yow! What the f**k is this? What the f**k is this? You know me, man, you're on my yow, f**k! What the f**k? Swing that guy gamers. Yep gamers. Oh my God! Still not fight! Still not fight! Back up fight! One big one fight! One big one fight! One big one fight! One big one fight! Yo, yo, yo! I'm running away running away running away running away You're gonna have to win some white stuff, but can you pick his white? Yes, we're gonna go to the guy white, bro. Never mind. He's a lot of money again He thinks someone flanked him. Oh, he's back up top. Top, I think, top, I think. You can see him from the far end, though, dude. I don't remember that. I said, chop it off. What did you say? I said, go! Go go go go go go go go go go 20 seconds he's in he's already in He's so fucking caught baby Bro good series. God bless get us in quarters. Mash go gamers. Go show you That's beautiful in it. All right, so how long does that? I'm just going to be. Well, I know. Just depends on the way we do. You guys got to put the mine, bro. We literally burnt like 30. We're going to be like, yeah, we're going to buy the crackheads, bro. Is anyone streaming that good? Jim in them? Alright, man. I got you. I got a call. Listen, you're gonna have to go to the bathroom. I do, I do. Yo, we stopped putting them in the wall. SMAP 1, bro. I'm calling right now. Call right now. I can't get that mirror. Stay in the big wall, please. I'm going to stay serving. Chat stop. Open them, we're lost, map 1. He'll drop you. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Chad, whose perspective should I watch? Sky? Skydivated. You're gonna die plan, nah, deep up. Nah. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. Hi, guys, can you tell me when the game's out here? Are you ready to run in? Close, right, close, right. I killed the pit-clutch elevator. Don't think I can push the elevator. Go to the garage! Bomb me, bomb me! Good job, Addy. 2B3! Oh my god, I mean one down one down one friendly off the right Close what would it drive the gear? Yo imagine stop and fucking loses Or he can place us. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Sorry, I popped him on the fucker. He smoked it off in the cool sprint, but he knew what I was doing. Yo, this could this could be funny as hell bro. You got to play against next let me see Skate I like the beard man
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'm rushing in the middle of the odd 5. Wait, he's watching plank. Wow! 3-4-3-4. C-4-6. I'm server door. I'm server door. Walking down the steps. He's in server holding an angle with us. Stop and so dad. Stop and so dad color Is that the future? What is the hunt? Bah Kings Noth! Bad rain, stopping! What? In long辛! Have you girlfriend with dollars? Yeah! He's in your open place. Alert? blосс 10 20 19 hour , anybody of what Pls Coronavirus 1 That was almost crazy. All right, Sammy all right, all right, Sammy's gonna be crazy. Sammy's gonna be cr- yo yo This kid was prone and I was gonna start gonna play all right semi is gonna be crazy. Oh My god Oh my god. Oh my god. one mirror shut no do not open the hatches do not open up the hatches oh my god you Holy shit and I'm still in the middle of the night. Zogge chat. Zogge chat. It's Zogge chat. It's Zogge chat. Are you beating stopping? If he can make it, bro, if he can make it to 70s, he's 5-3 and I was bots with bombs. He's 5-3 right now with fucking bombs! Yeah, they're gonna try and plant right here on the mirror. And bomb locations. You ain't dead. They're gonna need this not the mirror and the grenade. Bucking. Cool. I'm only supposed to have garage in a lot. Five through, let's go. You're the smirk in your own. He's joining the back here. Got you, no, Sky, keep the camera on now. I got your house. You know. Push up, come to your left or keep right. Got it, I got it, I got it. Do you have a shotgun or no? You can pop the house and drop it over here. Stay still, I'm lucky, I'm lucky to count. I'm not gonna die. Sky might be dead here. No, Sky's good, he has the Hats, Bob. Sky's fine, Sky's fine, Sky's fine. I don't know where to. Got a guy there, he's behind you. Got a guy there, he's behind you. Don't die there. They have holes here, holes in your rock, and the s-hole is in loan. Don't know how you can put those. You're good, but you're not that good for this. I don't know how much he means open down with guys. No! Can't really help. Okay, Sky! Sky, you don't have to get another pick, bro. He can drop. I'm out of there. I'm out of there. I got a kill and drop well played by sky Go get em back on Over, no more Stay now right? Oh my god Is this Jegis Viberrampa, shit don't make a shit, dude here's a boss Where do we killed? where'd he kill us dear? Stoppins in like uh... Stoppins in the security hall then? My job LD Wow, that's first pick. Bro, it really does look like stuff. I'm gonna win Wow
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege one Yo run a poll right now who's winning between me and sop and tonight run a poll right fucking now who's winning between me and sop and tonight Who's winning between me and stop tonight run up all right now Run that shit I'll just laugh and know what the fuck. Run it, run it, run it, run it! Go ahead. Dude, it's like my control brakes are greasy A I played the power on the left, I'm showing on the right. I spiced off the new song! Yeah. Eaker's body. What's the name of it? What's the name of it? I don't use like 70 FW2. Yeah, right. I had the word of settings, but Vic has fucking plays in Perl. Ciao, what's the name of it? What's the name of it? Take a place in Perl. Oh, yeah, it's for that Perl. Yeah. Like actually like Yes, oh if you dropped it two days ago Run a pool! Run a pool! Who's winning? Me or Stoppin? I'm not playing it, let's not play it and win. It pulls up to control recoil. No, you see his accurate eyes. We're done with the tech. We'll be trying. We'll be trying. QX, they give me the prime shot. Chuck, they give me the cheer water. Finest, they give me the prime. Say I'm they give me the cheer water. But they give me the prime shot. You're not making it to semi's alright! it Alright my mods are it running the pole. Let's see Turner, I think I'm gonna sure wanted it. We'll see you thing would've bought the prime base the forbidden brand King the limits you wanna it's a close bowl everybody bow everybody bow Who wants some of us, Junko? That's not for like, probably two hours. Jingsie for stop it will probably be like two hours What do you say Bobby comes up now? You got shit on, Brad. Don't play me, Brad. He's on ink on me! I'm on the down there. He's on 8th am, just fine. You know how to sight windows right on that? You don't know. Okay. You know, can I get a D-go right here bro? Thanks. Let's talk about that. there you go. Marble Marble. I'm not going to get it. You Come on Oh, I didn't pick it up. Perring, stop it. you to be for to be three sample my olmas Zombie 3,iliters onun spotOG Yeah Yeah, not where oh my god I love you, dude. Oh my god, dude. What is he doing? oh my god That was weird, bro. It looked like you could actually get that off, though. Not gonna get it. YOLO V6 4! Stop it, my loo! Oh, wow, no! Stopping my axelty dead ass loose! They're only up two rounds, bro! If this game goes 6-6, top of them are actually gonna lose because they're gonna have no momentum going into OT. And they're gonna be on defense. Yo, if this game goes 6-6, it's actually fucking good.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege a lot of dugout about Skyt's POV or this is Richie. Wait, is NAXE you so you guys have- Where the fuck is Skyt's POV- oh here we go, here we go. You know we have to play in there to be honest, bro. Damn stop. I got a kill I'm gonna stop us be able to eat skyd's like He doesn't play as aggressive as Noppen. He's not in plays with so much aggression. Like, not enough utilities. Not enough utilities. Up and start there. that uh... wow we're gonna win main breach from uh... stop it gonna win it's a 5v3 So fuck, I wanna go out of here. Wait, stop it's dead! Woooow! Stop it's dead! I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck. Aiden's flat's close breach! They might sell this fucking round! Wade, Aiden got a kill. What's that sound, Q? I don't know. Aiden's dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh my god. 2v2. hold wants on the wonder Oh my god! What we once got? Probably K. Down? if it was a bad I believe in the void. Let's try that, bro. Oh my god, bro. Oh my god! No way stop the loses! No fucking thing. I get it. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM Fucking phone bro. There's no audio on it either. Imagine stopping gets first rounded. 6-5 Bro big stop at his 6-5 right now 6 watching They just sold so this is catastrophic that was a 5v3 bro Stompens charge Yo, if it goes OT stomping them are gonna be back on defense and the other team has all the attacking momentum right now You'll be right you're gonna look at 65% chance they win this game, but brother's like a 35% chance they lose This is actually fucking wild Yeah, if they do if they're gonna win it's gonna be this round right here, bro If it goes OT at 50 50, I'm not gonna buy If they hit their Solar Land. You know I'm stopping this round like I will piss my pants laughing everybody watch this shit. I will literally piss my pants laughing No way they lose. This game was 6-3, Jack. I'm not having a great force, but... Your game bro, our pants are made yet. Was it just one mirror wall? They need reinforce. Yeah, okay, X thank you for the cheer one. I love you baby lockers to what the law closest to All right, round it. Bomb locations are secured. That's a good bow cam. I like that. Someone said Skype era. I guess all reinforce this has. 1 on the red dead guy, I'm gonna be a star star brother. 8 Matty papi You have nothing on marble walk down Bar about it. No way stop the loses. No way stop the loses No way sapper loses. No way sapper loses. Toy, think of the five gifts. W toy. No way. They should be like. trying to clear me right now. I guarantee you there's going to be a clear thing in a second. I put my body in like archives so I think I'm roaming fucking shinside. Oh my god, I saw this fucking fuck. Bro, if stop and lose this, oh my god. This is map 3. If stomping loses they are out of the tournament. 6-5 they shot one of his dog camps. Or they stop making him. That's how any of his dog camps. It's not about trying to make a play. You should watch the marble drops, you should go play some more Alice.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Go down, go down, go down, go down, go down. Oh my god, I love you guys. Good shot Eli! And this game... Oh, come on. I'm so stressed over now. 10 kev okay the bar is that real kids are down down down I think we're two for two Let's get him in the water. Let's get him in the sea. Yup, yup, yup, yup. Bro, we win this B03 we play stop and bro, like come the fuck on win this field Fuckin' work. Yo, David's about to drop a 20? And Vic? Yo, two twos. I was not That's gonna be Ram Bunk's ass. Sounds like it, bro. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. Get a pan. 7上 a ritmo Hop4 has yet located bomb. I think there's a camera right out right here. No, they only shot a street game again. We shot in no camera. I'm gonna come assist you. de Meeting hatches open. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Do they know you're up there, Junk's here now? Yeah. I sure was the latest part. Yeah, they are. huh but Okay. Okay. Can I get someone else to please, Meribur? Yeah. Thank you. It's just Annie. I put the enough to take it back side. The money done! They take it out! They already got him. They got him. No, they didn't get meaning. They didn't not get meaning. They didn't not get meaning. Can I get meeting? Ooh! Oh! I'm sorry! He can't take part of the marries though, that's nice. Come on you guys say nice job, thank you guys. Nice job, thank you. Thanks man. I got this mirror. Do you have it before? I just want to smoke out the mirror. Nice! And this, and this. Do we have anything back there? With the melee? No! I'm coming, I'm coming, you gotta wait a second. No, it's muted, I'm good actually. Wait, you just mute stop, ask. Wait, he's like the... It's like a whole new thing in the freezer. How much? I want to steep freeze, so that's pretty fine. It's just on the stairs. Alright. There's a proper camp. My job. No, no, no. Inputator, inputator, for sure. Couch walking up. Defeat close. Close, spread. Got me, got me. Dead. That's... Wasn't choppy, boss. Shut up. How much does B U honestly get, mate? Is that a job this long? Is that a walk time, mate? Nah, he's gonna go freeze. Come to me, they're gonna be me. I'm gonna teach you. You actually teach me. DAAAAAAARGH! You'll pick me up, pick me up, I'll pick you up. I'm gonna get you on me. Don't! I fucking love you guys man you got your 38 we are do oh Yo, this team is fucking gross. Oh my god. Oh! Yeah Thanks! That's got faith. Fuck the... Oh. Alright, that shit was lucky, bro. You got lucky. You flagged pussy. Lucky fly, lucky fly. No, they actually did that in that plane three times. That's kind of crazy.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 저거... 몇 respirator? Stop it's next! STOP IT'S NEXT! Alright, get him in his, make sure windows are clean, one to go. Yeah. John Cooz on that already. Yup. Sorry. th ke Can you grill back up the wall like the walk up the new wall is muted. I mean, band is said No key the setup Yeah, they have a fastman freezer. They're not fastmen, a shield. And freezer. The guy in bitch is slow. Bandit's slow. He's bitch, quick. The big alpha white can't do, hold on her Planting buffer I'm sitting on your white can't buy nothing, I'm sitting on your can New it, so much smarter than you, Dark It might be coming away It's a little scanner. Yo, top white! Two bathrooms! You got you! He's getting razzin' bathroom! Getting razz! Jumped over! Guy in bathroom, 20 hell! What in the... I don't know why I got the shit on battle board. I have no clue where I just died from. Have a shield. Yeah, where I'm at? Yeah. Maybe C1. I think that might be video C1. That guy has to run. On my bitch! On my bitch! On my bitch! Yeah, got it, got it, got it, got it! I did that, I did that, I did that! EWD! Once on that freezer shield! Once on that freezer shield! I can hate it! Yo, D-freeze, D-freeze, D-freeze! D-freeze! On this thing, on this thing, on this thing, if you saw him, he's on this thing! So, well, that's you, he shot the cammy sh**! I'm going to shut the can. One stack, one deep freeze. Wait, let me just slow. I can't reload. Don't de-freeze! Don't de-freeze! See you soon! He knows I know! I got this shield. It should be gone. I don't know. He shot the camera, but he could be still be decreased. Still on the shield. Still on the shield. Cocked all the reinforcement. Cocked all the reinforcement. That is not a problem. Last of the decrease. Lé, eu, que te amago a mim! Que te amago a mim! C'mon! C'mon! Estou! A dor e chefe a mamãe! Are not I my liberto? Yeah everyone. Let's go! Let's go the angry sharks are swimming in my head. Let's work. Lot to prove tonight. Lot to prove Let's work Come on bro. We're actually playing so well. I know, I know. Our attacks are like better than our defenses. This is getting scary. I just walked up out of the house and put my nuts on his fucking hair follicles. That's how you gotta play this game sometimes. No you tell just better at the game own that for odd Fiddle dropped red I know they brought the video again They have like you, they have like a bomb to do something Yeah You know they have you till see us this time they like shotguns the whole thing. Imagine that OG ship the Mewchocken. Insertion in 5 seconds. Yo, why do people stop doing that by the way? It's just because the meta change with the zombie? Or why do people stop playing CS with Mewchocken? That's all anybody did in like face it Just get on the windows and kill him just drop the hatch and kill him. I mean that's always been a thing That's always gonna thing people still do I don't know why I think it's just cuz I don't know Right swear and face it like everybody did that shit. There's like these. Yeah, I know I've never I've never lived in there ever. Yeah, take a death drop. The other thing is you'd have to reinforce that half because if they ash the hatch or whenever a bucket you'll fall. I can kill the guy in the middle. Yes, I can kill the guy in the middle. I think it's on the hatch right now. I like the shoving in the saddle. It could be tick it. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, thank you. No, he's not on the hatch. No, no, no, he's shakos, that's where he is. Alright, let's get a look at the ball. Got it! Get the ball, please. Yep, got it. They have a freeze to shoot again. Anything bitch funny? Nobody ticket? Nobody ticket? Nobody piano? Nobody bitch nobody take it nobody be out nobody bitch Vic I need your MP on the wall now I need your MP on the wall, but damn that's pretty good again. Yeah, I'm
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege king I'll tell Linda. Joining new. Swapping mags. Got a drone right? You're pushing on our way? Nope. You good? Ahhhhh! You missed? We're gonna get this here. It was good. I just showed you guys the top. What are they doing? What are they doing guys? prises on I'm not right coming. I'm not right coming. I'm not ready. Yep. Freebie that Are they in piano? Do we know? Not sure They got the freebie top red top red top red walkin' in CS in CS Chopped red top red top red I think I can calm down. No why why Vic I had a cam on it. I'm playing in your head. Top right, top right. Nice! Yes, yes, yes! J-N-S! Crowd J-N-S! Crowd J-N-S! Crowd's right here! Crowd's on the skylobe! Crowd's on the skylobe! Walk it up under! The white window. Nobody top right right now nobody top right right now like He was just on the just be advised on a more important location once in Seattle. He's crazy Crouch on the shadow. Crouch on the shadow. Crouch on the shadow. No, okay. Yeah. Say one of, say one of, say one though. Crouch on the shadow. Swing it, swing it again. I'm ready. You standing right here. Oh my god, what the fuck? What's the right just step? You didn't even know where? Oh, it's upstairs, one's bitch. They don't have any bird. Drop red IQ just drop red Three of them are upstairs, bro. I Never ever it everyone might be able to walk I have a red car. No, that was there. You want to walk up red? It's guy's NCS. I have a top red car. He's NCS. I have a top red car. He's NCS. sir Don't jump up down, stay up! Right there, right there, Vic. Down to 15 seconds. Let him grab it, Robins, chill. Can you run away now, Vic? Not now though, but I think he's gonna drop half He's just white That's why he's gonna go as white, here as white Yep Go on, do your laundry, laundry, laundry Yeah, I'm gonna take a long stay up Go, go, go, go, go, go Fire, please Go! Fire, please He's one each piece one each. Go go. That's fucking go Don't bro come on Val cams or what? No, you Val cams or what? Big ol' shit! Just letting him grab that shit and not dying for that. Just let him grab it. Like even if he grabs it, the round still chalks for them, bro. They're gonna drop right into corrupt. Laura, now we can go back. I mean these guys... I have no brain. They did not know how to play that shit. Let's go. Go cocktail with like Maloocee Mute, well my, zombie. I got me, I got me. I like stockpile, well my, yo, can we? Wait, I'm gonna be your spanger. I'm like... You go ahead. Yeah, that's fine. I guess Warden shot me. Yo, the auto wants to stop in series quarters? Braw, I cannot wait to go to the team. They're like shitting on the second. Oh my god, we're actually gonna play style good. What's happening bruh? It's fucking happening When you say shitting on what do you mean by constant score? I Have a port to all right Jake Seaver stop it after this game no and That's a little bit of a fight. I can see it where it's at. We should probably get some holes like a razor or something. I don't know how we want to see it. Got that one. Jam it up, boy. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Sweet Night Tuner I can't get a cam inside cocktail, look for it, look for it. Wait, oh my god, reinforce pal, somebody reinforce pal, from the other side. Goof, goof, goof, goof. Yeah, get back in that. We've got him. Sorry, sorry. Alright we have someone C1, they're gonna be you gamers. C1? God the shield is so glad I can play with me. I can play with me. Let me know. Okay, try removing the mechanisms. Check it out. I'm just checking.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yeah, look me to play. I'm not gonna lie. Yep. I don't even know what it is. and it was on me jumping. leg hair into my employees right now I'm going to take it. Swapping mag! 5 seconds in counting. Oh. Okay. I'm gonna go for the top. Get ready for my collection. We're good, we're good. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good one. Now Open the Political D — Watch An Experience Agreed, Crash the Wall Yea I wouldn't play Trink I could have stayed with him cleansing Don't you jump. I like dick! I got wallpick. Ouch,� side Na.. Open the cocktail window. por favor Dienst ... the I'm really out. Out of BP, facing White Girls, you get that? King-C. King-C, King-C, King-C. Once in Heaven, Heaven. Oh my god he's a job pillar, he's gonna walk in the safe, he's gonna walk in the safe. That's Castle I think. No, it's dead, it's dead. 3-3, I think. Oh, I guess. I guess. No, I'm down. One friendly operator remain. No, no, you're dead. des K divide全hing! Yeah, I mean we've only tried it one time. All right, so yeah. Well, let's not run out of steam. We're gonna play this mapping and we gotta get better. Yeah. I mean, we should go the best side, at least more than once. Let's get it. Walks up to my door and fucking wall bangs me. Good idea. Jesus brown protect the bomb I will watch you down the shot it I don't have this. Oh. We're gonna think. I'm gonna fight. Wait, why you on tape for what wall? Oh! I'm gonna see if I could do it. Take it with that thing. We'll both. Let me see it out. Because every room in that there itself. Not very good. But every room in that there's a lot of room. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, goof, goof, goof, goof. Didn't have to take it. Now make holes here. We need to shield here as well. You can just shoot here. Be down in five seconds. Yeah, I'm putting the freezer to. You want to protect your bombs from being confused by our four? Gove was here and then yep. he v m YOU WILL KATHRY RARE! rat There's a drone to the drone home, bro. Here you get it. Still there. and , all They're turning out a bar, turning out a bar. Yeah. St. Cocktogs are coming. Don't on the piano too. I'm off the check, actually. Got these rooms. They're sharing. Drunk back to the roadside. Can you impact it? Can you see? I already impacted both.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege This is actually not a stock but I will win HP off-road on cons single. I'm gonna just repel and get You're lucky, Krupp, when you get that wall, I'm just gonna sit there and watch. We're good to you, bro. Alright, bro. Let me know if you want me to get it. Thank you guys! Like probably higher than usual cuz cuz on what's it called if they're just gonna walk out on me if it's love Yeah, like if they're close bomb I don't think I should reach that's why we have to impact it you know what I'm gonna catch him camp just in case these dorks go for that C4 but oh they're launching here? That's just so default. It's a BOOMZ room! Vick, I love you, bruh. We're not moving this fucking turning, man. Fuck, no. Fuck no go for broke. They put a mell and block wire on me. So let's do something similar and I'm just taking it. You don't need it. He's first let me know. But... I'm gonna get plat off rip I want you to float and garage again if you have a cam yeah you give five seconds before emission that but and bottom here I don't know what I'm talking about. Bam bruh. Plat open! Thank you, brother. What do we know about that? What do we know about that? I don't think there's nothing. Yo, top red! Top red, man! I'm just good. Top red, Doc! I have no red bro. I think these longer whenever corrupt. Oh my god. You want to support everyone though? He's back from now. He knows I know corrupt up ran up man You're in that main! Come on, I'm coming, I'm coming! This dog's mind is still stuck red! Ducks stuck red! Almost cast as well. No. Safe. out of things Do you know where it comes? Run, run, run, run, all the way around! And secret! Swung my window, bro! Yeah, hold my door, hold my door, hold my door Holding, holding Beck, I think you fled I'll log you with blitz, bro. I'll flank him. i sleep there I'm gonna go into the house, I'm gonna go into the house. Go to the house, I'm gonna go into the house. 我!]字幕中稱行 I knew he was going to be in there out of the tunnel this time. Was just close on duty. thin , Tell the admin oh my god he did a good Let's spot. Wooo! Hello, Edmund! Hello, Edmund! I'm calling the fucking admonity of a flying fuck. calling that admin oh my god call the fuck out of the admin pick up I pick up the phone, Abyn. Administrator, pick up the phone. Please pick up the phone. Please pick up the, yo! Oh! Yo, Admin! Um, these guys did a glitch spot in a 1v3 scenario. It was a winnable round. Do we get the round? It was the bad spot on Clubhouse. I mean, if it's a glitch or an x-play, it's a replay. Oh, it's a round replay. Yeah.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Oh Left cache, left cache No one's in cache! You guys need to take that like 8-7 Right in clear, nobody in I'm just putting on nobody in cash Look instantly bro, they just hold my door on the condor on the condor on the condor. I'm trying to get to the zom again DJ I have no thermos on the jumpouts yet. Okay, let's go I have a flankam, I have a flankam, I have a flankam, I have a flankam. We can see. You can see. Can you hold my jump up? Drop it, slimmers. Yo, I might like move this cam too. Where? And who was that? See you soon Lodge? Yeah, there's the mayor's fellow. Talks 1 HP jam? Get down to him. it's James apostate Nice one of the matches dead. You need to watch me. One's crashing. One was thinking red, see ya. C'est ça là. On intriguingait. Ça va de respected... allé ride, c'est réservé. and to Yeah, I don't know. They're just hitting some shots on us. Like I guess something out there. Bro, we didn't even know anything in two of us died bro, like we just kind of died. I mean I died opening blood. I literally just keep swinging that back on. I'm gonna go get the condor, bro. I'm like, we should have one more as to make that shit, I think. Oh my God, don't even pause, bro. Are we host? No, they're host. I don't even fucking balls let this kid keep crashing. Yo, this is easy come back not gonna lie. We did it earlier today. It's a little bit too late. Yeah, no, we had a 6-2 which is probably even harder. Yeah, it is even harder. We come back bro just don't sell him literally don't sell around you bro come on. Let's run the red ops is when let's do everything With two burrows up you can't trick into you know K tube K tube K tube K2, K2. Is that the play? You trying to do that? K2 with a mirror. I'm just going to go to the screen. I can't see anything. Oh, they're going to be in the stream anyway. I'm up. I have a 53 second delay. I think we just run it. Yo, I don't think you can stop K2 even with a FATURE unless you have a Maverick. Yeah, K2 can't be stopped only by Maverick. FATURE doesn't stop it. There are five on this one they go maverick for a K2 Alright let's go Fuck it. Protect the bombs. Ben, she's ready to go! Wapping back! смс I don't think we roam yeah You're gonna roam like she can't and expose the fact that we're roaming. Yeah, we're not roaming. We're not going to fly in. Greatest comeback ever right now, bro. Increased surveillance on bomb, on four heads of the user. Yo, prioritize the Moto hatch, Blue is not important. You're gonna cage too many half to make sure it's Moto. So, we're gonna... Alright, go ahead. Did my foot higher man breakout my new room plays like goddamn19 I'll play it actually, fuck it. Be low! I could play the main mirror, so I won't get it. Alright, you wanna play it? you playing here Oh, why would he run back down? Yeah, this kid is not real. It's on the very bottom, hey. What was that? I don't care.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I'll see you in a second. See you soon. Yeah. Bye, guys. Bye, guys. We need to get more. We need to get some more, guys. We need to get any ashes. You'll get some more of our ashes. Who got who got who got some ass from I'm gonna go fuck the they run in So they're going to go, yo, yo, move a mell on the moto drop bro, I'm not gonna lie. That shit is like awesome They might just ram it and drop it. Oh, shit. Is the blue-edged reinforce? I know. No. Where's someone else going for me? Oh, I have to blue you. I'll wait. I'm going to get a single hatch. Yeah, are you guys dead? That one hatch? Like, hello? Whoa, what's this? Oh, just happened. I'm gonna 3000 thing. I'm good. Beautiful. I need that. Did I keep playing somewhere else? Do you think this is good dig from the ground. I don't think it's worth it to go inside there, I know, but I see not the back of that. What? You can come back up down there. You can see the top of my head on dirt. I'm gonna jump you on the flash. That's the dirt. He's walking inside. I'm worried. Oh, all friendly is whirling. I'm not even really mad about it to be honest. then jakby stop and bro. I need something. I need him. I just played with a team of players who didn't reinforce a hatch. HA ! WAAAAA ! I needed to stop him... Better... bad. I need something real, real, real bad. Wow, how many stopping in here? I need him. Okay. pick up bro yo yo i'm sorry bro i can't win without you Like no content shit no clip farming shit, or I can't win without you bro How does he had three teeth no four teammates not reinforce I'm so happy! That was a HATCH! You're a fast-houch, bro. Yo, stop it. Can we run it on Saturday? Uh, we'll see. Nope. Stop it, please, bro. Uh, yeah, we'll see. Bro, please, like... I love you bro. Please I'm sorry man. I don't know what I'm doing. I'll delete all the tiktok shit I promise. I'm sorry man. You wanted to play me so bad you lost it, Jin? Bro, we were up map one and then we fuck it out! Now you look so cast man I don't know, King. Please let me back in, bro. Stopping, like, I need to be back in that team, bro. Like, please, man. It's been like, what's in? You, like just you bro, it doesn't matter who the other three are bro. Please man. Jay Lewis Square. Whoa, whoa, no, no, me, you mystic Franklin Mingo. It doesn't grow as long as you're there, bro. We'll win. Stop and please, bro. Next Saturday. Yeah, we'll see. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � And I'm all fine now! Another tournament lost, man. I played three tournaments without stopping. I've lost all fucking three.
Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege I already know someone on the other team is gonna say something wild because they're on a plate Stop it. I'll see your trash ass in semi finals. Fuck you. Stop it todo buneo nk vritsu nk nk vritsu nk vritsu nk vritsu Weet ik wel wat je voorkomtjeer. J-Fish, ik wil het twintwijkjevkomtjeer. IK, ik wil het jevkomtjeer. SF, ik wil de warro. 1,2,1. Thank you, Devano! Sid the Stadigan! Thank you for the cheer one, subscribe to Sid the Stadigan! You big dick bitch! Mr. Hype, thank you for the switch, subscribe to Sid the Stadigan! Talk to you again, think of it as your one, subscribe to Sid the Stadigan! Self thinker to once a crusade chat of my dick is actually remarkably average chat Chattano was like researching penis sizes this morning cuz I was bored. I got I think the measuring tape out and everything and I actually came to the conclusion that my dick is relatively remarkably average. My dick actually leans more towards the below average side. The thing I like about my dick though is the width bro it's not thick and it's not skinny it's right in the middle that's my favorite thing about my penis. Jack I can't be the only one who just looks out there penis all the time and I It's not weird bro, Chad, you guys know what I'm talking about. But I look at my penis for like incredibly long periods of time. Pre-think of it, you wanna fish, think of it, Bobo? That's it. وillo tyl ص 같ورتலے دери�کلú ضرت نげên Dwider⭐ Global, the Witcher 1 Johnny the Githubaro, Bunch, Bunny the Githubaro, Waldo the Witcher 1, Jordan the Githubram, Nick the Witcher 1, I'm switching, sorry, I'm switching. Switching service. Let's fucking go! Did you think about a 5 gift? Talk about teaching about my part? Learn to survive. I carry my top. Did you think about it? You want it? I don't know what you want, Mateo, I think I want it. Take it and I think I'm going to prime James the Vompo, Pam the Vompo, Jamar the Vompo. Oh. What were you searching? I've looked up average penis size. M4 the curvature wanted, called and they give you the 5, gifted, strizy, they give you the primes, up slager, they give you the curvature Y'all know I'm Bato, I'm a Sla-a-r I'm on wrong fucking ready bro. I'm fucking ready. I'm fucking ready today's the goddamn day Called him, they were the five Give it to the callin' Thank you for the 5gifted sir Thank you sir Thank you sir No trip is crazy God we won't I wanted to get tripped but tripped couldn't play. Enough bullshit enough small talk. It's fucking tournament, mother fucking Sunday. Biggest tournament in console history, let's go. Biggest tournament in console history, dead ass. I'm not even trolling. Let's go lock the fucking we might get jing see first stop it today after all Yo, post-timer post-timer post-timer post-timer post-timer All right, are y'all good now? All right, I think my check wait they got around Yeah, why don't I don't get why they have around we joined into I'm like that's what I have a 50 I have a 50 my second the light. I'm 51 53 seconds the light They like took a picture of the timer and everything. Oh, it's all I got. I'm good to go. I'm good to go. As long as my jacket here, y'all wait, talk real quick. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they can hear you. What's fucking go? Hey, let's go. Let's go right out of the gate Let's fucking go right here, baby Gamers! Yo Gamers! Gamers! To be bro, talk to the... No, we need gamers. Is gamers not on the mic? Do that. Bro, there. Hey, it's a bad start. Dude, we're off to a shitty start. We're off to a shitty start. We've lost around because I was singing Kendrick Lamarbro, really? Yo, gameers yo, gameers game on gameers game on gameers game on come on gamers come on You're the king of this Say boy! I don't know now! It's working! Let's go! We are fucking 7-1 in this team then 7-1 in them! 14 fucking 1! You know, you guys are gonna play the main mirror or the office mirror? I'll play whatever I'll play CC so someone play the main mirror so I kind of want to play the office mirror I'm not gonna hold it Yeah, you played off the point. Who's gonna play the main... Crap! Err, you guys? Yeah, well... That doesn't matter, fuck it. I'm saying one of y'all play the main mirror, but... They might just run up on like I Put your foot underneath I think it went to office I don't see this picture on a market
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege y'all come up! sorry sorry come on man so we spent back on rea and just plunker with caden like Bro, I like the bad thing about the game. Let me let him show our badger. Yo yo yo, let me hide in a fucking corner, bro. Try to do all the shit for me. Let me hide in a corner so I don't know if we have a fucking cave. I'm just gonna literally hide in all the hatches. Hell yeah, yeah, let's cate the hatches. They won't be able to get them. Oh god, they won't be able to get them. Cate the hatches? Uh, pop the workshop hatch so rumors have like an escape box. And then just have like two people upstairs Kate. I'm Katie and I just don't know God. I need a roto here if or it's supposed to make it or corrupt or What's happening need to go next trying to reduce 1.6 hit by Result. So this can的勝遍? That's you. Brendan, do you want a bullet? Yes.chts! Here it comes. Who would have got the bullet? Who would use that? I don't think you saw me. Yeah, I did. I got the drone, I don't think I saw you. Make the road case. Yeah. I need for 6W. Honestly upstairs is not a big deal. So I'm going to shoot a couple of times. I think we should just... Alright get the hatch bro! Somebody get the hatch! Somebody get the hatch! Oh god you gotta get the hatch! Hell yeah, I'm fucking locked right now, okay, alright Shot up inside I went over the dog at the DMR. Are you able to get the archives hatched? I can open it. No, you should reinforce it. That's our follow up video. We can't really play up here with that. I thought we were probably workshop ads. I'll go EAR, okay. Bro, I think you guys just give up, Vert, like whenever you want to. It's easy and then just let them just be lost. There's not pushing anywhere. But not 90, not 90. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go, go, go, go. Yo, you can fall off whenever you want, bro. You don't have to die up there. They're not gonna get the hatches, trust me. I know how shit these guys are. And... and... see you see us. You're gonna enter archives probably I've looked a weird as I'm a loose you know I'm trading Oh, it's ours! Oh, I've east and under camp, and I have to do what we can. Yeah. Oh, one C-C-1. It's a hibb. He didn't throw me what a clown. Hey, Tony厲害, Momo NE. They can only just hop through the windows. They haven't used to like us, okay? They shut the 90 cam so I can't... We have nothing on the map. I love this operator. Listen, the army hatch is open, so they could just drop the closet. You could just refortomate. I'm going to be dead. I'm going to be dead. Nice! Come on, gamers! say I'll discipline DJ you fucking bot oh my god It's half of the game right just be in he just be in big one you gotta I'm gonna go there! You're a low-key stop shooting, might just cross-walk into sight. Peek me a little sack of shit. There's no mulee-see. I'm the winner What 30 health 30 health 30 health 30 health to be one I'm gonna operate a remaining Is a Malta 20p inside 15 seconds You're so good! GAME ON! We must have never again never again. David you would have. DJ take 60% of the blame. I'll take 20%. Vick will take 10%. All right. All right. DJ you're the first in that peak fuck! you. Sorry, I saw ten. I know I saw a bro. You'll get a water and come back and into the one-view on bare. You'll go on just run like traps. Just run like traps. Yeah. Barbar, bro. Okay, guys. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. We can go. There you go. Okay, we have barboard. What is it? Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. Barbar. I'm not playing CC bro. I don't think we should play CC You have no idea. I'm only a Rooney bro. Bro! Play this off. Yo! Why the fuck do we not just bring an azami with like a Arunian and azami? We got to hold that shit every round. Oh we're clowns. I don't even realize he was fucking up bro. Bro, because we didn't play as a zombie, I didn't think the zombie was banned. I wasn't a zombie but I just keep getting drilled and drilled.
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege What? Catwalk? He's coming from the roof for him bro. Is a guy in there? Bro, who the fuck plays Catwalk man? You know you scooby scooby scooby scooby Bro you want to kill the guy scooby bro? You want to kill the guy scooby? You want to kill the guy scooby? I mean I'm not bad but like this guy is also a scooby You have a camel to scoop that call that out. He's still there. Yeah, I got it. He's still there, bro. Did y'all shoot up on both sides of Easter? Yeah, I think that's in the 90s. I got those good. That's good. Yeah, I need to do this. What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? I'm just hopped out there. I mean, this. I think that's me but like guys on catwalk bro, but we have tea to team it up that window bro. Listen, listen, we just said we're gonna do army. They have literally fucking great all China. I thought we said we were doing east and also what have killed the guys? He would have killed the guy's scoop. He don't could be called and everything. There's just a guy catwalk looking at Vic. And we have two teammates outside the catwalk, wouldn't it? That's fine, that's fine, that's fine. Yeah. They can't play like that on the downstairs side. So we're just going to have a full clear and just play very... So. Boop. That was boring. Like... We know what he's located by players the bar one border. Yeah, this is the only map these kids alive. They're not bathroom. They're vans. their van their van they're not bad for you yeah yeah I find above ncc that was you to your attention okay we just need to get in the building and then we'll be Like what's the fucking leak, man? They double reinforce army, they're gonna have cameras in army. CC doors open. I say we do, we take CC and we take Army. I say one person goes east just for cuts. And then... Bye, dude, I can do it. Should be final. You're throwing it. Don't come in to see? You're like you're the lock-in-on to see the game, right? I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm gonna breach the hatches with Ying. But I need I need y'all to get the Valcans in check I'll be like the last time And I think they're like hosting can be upstairs. Okay I have to see yang armory and kill him. Watch my ex-wing corruptor. Rangron CC, guys. Yo, this wall's muted. Yes, I'll kill CC. Yes, I'll kill CC. Nope, nope. Jail, Jail, Jail, Jail, Maussey Jail with a commando, he has to rotate, he has to rotate. Don't push him yet, Maussey Jail with a commando, he has to rotate. He's alone? I don't know, I haven't seen him. somebody else in cc but someone's upstairs with him though because he has rotates I'm out of drone breakin' There's four of us, we all have to go Don't get me call, Loki I'm about to shoot up an army door and yin these motherfuckers, somebody else to walk behind me somebody should I'm not gonna lie okay I'm about to get half what you want me to call this is you know what I mean he's can't walk once can't walk once can't walk Hold that, did you? I'm getting him. He's in here. Is he still still jailed? Are you going gamers? I know, he's far from me. going to see for it. So there's nobody here. I'm behind the wall. I can't play a game on a hard beach. but I was gonna use all my hatches. Infant, infant, infant! Ehh, that's the matter. Let's go up the hill, I'm gonna go and cut some of the track I'm not doing it Nice, well my dead nice That's what I'm gonna call I'm gonna see for the whole thing in costumes maybe Yeah, you gonna like amd jing see off yeah crap the money. Yeah, yeah, still so standing standing on the channel dad Guys I'm on front door can we make a play here? the bone up top he's the one that was going to have a bird on you guys if you guys run through side going to have to run deep they're going to have a bird everywhere I think yeah they have a bird There's plant work crop standing. There's like no other way. Is it a hat stuff? I mean, there's a lot of... I can't find that. I'm gonna find... Oh my... It's like, right now, honestly, this is probably the easiest part right here. If you're playing like, behind this. Oh my god. I'm trying to wave through. They're about to melt there. I don't sound above. He was talking right on that softball. He's 1 HP you could take the one and bottom guy I don't know when I go running on a hard beach bro, we just show we're gonna take our meeting I'm pretty sure there's a common sight as well. How do you event? Bro really? That would have been everywhere I go. I can just hear him above me and follow him. Bro and I'm not gonna live row there's like vert on the whole site. It was a 3.2 You guys should have just like pushed those guys like from three different spots
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yeah, it's positive 3v3. Yeah, he's in the middle of the way. I'm not going to break, break, break half wall. Yep, but he has a castle in front of him. Is there a right to him? Yes, yes, yes. He has to wait. One's found, one's gone. I'm going to play. I'm going to floor his house. You guys smoke that castle. Yeah, we could. I can need around the door. If you... It will take me to the public. Ah. I'm gonna sit on the security camera. Yeah. Alright, I will. I think I'm just throwing this stuff. I'm just throwing this stuff. I'm just throwing this stuff. I'm just throwing this stuff. Can we have a drone? all I have is a security drone. You're so much, you're so much. Nice. One dead ass. I'm going to play helpful. I'm playing helpful. Stay up on 20 helpful. No. Stay up on 20 helpful. Bobo, it's 75 Let's go! Come on! Oh my... Gamer's baby! Bring this back! Bring this fucking back! Good shit! Get it! Hey, my Well bring the ship back bro damn bro. Come on DJ wake up you British Fuck What do you want me to do? I'm sorry, I love DJ. Let's go to the store. You gotta get off the floor as well. Should be everything just bad be happy. Yeah No, no, no, no, I scared us to go to the U-Pair queue. To be fair, I did kinda, I made that guy push out a break. He's got so pretty. To be fair, I'm- فsamaan bro. Is he gonna fly around with Vayne with thisrin? Me and Vic got that faturaid thatNIE burnsins Install face. So, I'm sure our guy wants me. What are we doing main wall? Yeah, let's do main wall should I still go do it? Did you want to play eating? You'll never go yo gamers you should play eating or something I don't know I'm on fucking floating on IQ this our We kind of need a gun. Yo our arm is on Army has holes on it. So what are we trying to do like we could still take it. I don't mind I'm just saying. Yeah, I was out of there. It's the same side, bro. They're putting mal... Ah, yeah. No, you didn't do this. Yeah, you didn't do this. You didn't do this, guys. Yeah, let's do ease brother. I think we're gonna have one. I got ACES, Scooball. Listen, listen, listen, wait, let me just, I'm just gonna have a mirror. They don't have an e-smear up, bro. Yeah, they're just running. Do EAST. They don't have a fucking e-smear up. Okay, you're gonna have to go shoot out that east door. Yeah, I'm looking both sides. I'll shoot them both sides. Give me a second Well, drumming fucking east bro. I'll take her in a yeah, hold on there as I'm eating it off But that's problems at first, that's crazy bad. So if my gutter or if my real problem is good probably I'm going to blow in again but can you still not shoot there? Hmm, first. You also want to play. Right? Trapin' at 3PZ and now I'm going to let seekers watch the Fullyம in, I'm going directly, Starloud I You Yes, yes, yes, he's shoving his head on it he's shoving his head on it I'm not you you flip I'm gonna get all my loose cams, and pick, get all my loose cams I'm gonna get all my loose cams Relax guys, we got two minutes Listen, listen, listen, come up, go to about the match He has his back to it Mike is walking, he's not on anymore. He's running, he's running. Hold on. Cut. Maybe you could get the shit off the metal. That'll give them something to worry about. See for. Someone worked to see for. Okay wait for cut to get them shut off now, okay? One in Bakery. I'm not a woken. I'm not a woken. Get in my camp. In Bakery somewhere. I he's not on the DJ can you make this DJ towards the door? I'm going to be a Ashwood Ashwood, guys, you got to You guys go Archive's door? Is that a play? Like, I can knock a door there Wait, what's it a fuser? I'm reloading my LMG, I'm reloading. No, no, no, no, no. I'll go up top. I think you guys can pinch from ARCHEI's office. No, no, no, no, no. 되ées effic carrots I'm going to walk a metal. He's hard left at that wall. Jinks he's hard left. You got a need him or something maybe? No, I'm going to need him. invariably into itself Bro With me with me, did you? Okay, I think you could walk in on that 99 I'll be break I have a break am it doesn't sound like it Rupsen armor 90 It'll be definitely 90 bro Bring this back Oh god damn it all floor is bro like god So I'm not even gonna lie bro I'm not gonna lie bro No, they can goose like
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Jynxzi | 🏆 $100,000 CONSOLE PRO LEAGUE TOURNEY 🏆 !ads | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Yeah, hold it hold it You round down you're under oh guys about to get the his he's gonna play Shala yo One bunker one back shares one hash two bunker one back shares one ass. Yeah You want me to get them they have a two I'm gonna get the free scratcher Damn it Mira. No, the laundry. No, the laundry. Okay, we're doing, we're doing freezer main. Yo, Goof-Tavius. Get the laundry hatch, bro. I was gonna use the mirror, bro. there's some here where does that cause a lot of go go go go go go go go stop me mag Thanks for watching see you next time! 1 engine, 1 engine, 2v2 is engine closet, or like roti, roti alright, here we go Oh he's holding you from like nice nice yeah Yeah I'm gonna grab my bomb if you can grab on me. Yeah Just stay alive, I literally just stay alive Swing, get aggro. Don't push it out. No, no. Go all the way back to the room. You can see this bomb from freezer. You have a camera. You can throw maybe. I can't watch a highway, I can watch a highway, just watch what's in. Highest. Just a minute. Go to the windows fuck me in my vagina baby. Come on, that's what you do boy Someone sounds like these guys are so shit Yo gamers when you tell me to keep my gun up when I can mathematically equate that he's 37 meters away from me And I'm shooting my last two grims. Shut yo bitch out Like real shit. You feel me gamers? Like that's the type of way to like the most tonight bro. Like if you're in my way I'm punching you in the fucking face. I feel like Kobe is a real man. I'm ready to work bro. I'll punch a pile of gasol in the face if I have to bro. I'm here. Come on man. Woo! God, I love this game. Holy shit. All right, I'll be up or down, up or down. Down, down, down, down. Downward. Vick you're so damn I looked at him and had so much aura and so much composure and so much awareness and such good crosshair placement and such good positioning. God I love you Victor Bans. Let's go! Thank you King. Thank you, King. This is a talented set of individuals here. Woo! 10 seconds before insertion. You're not fucking losing today, bro. 5 seconds. Gamers game on gamers game on gamers Yo, where did they start off with the wrong? Come on. It was all this mid-tier shit. They like ghosted it, add it, rotate, didn't play there, and then was Z. Now it's about it. And now it's all the rum and rum. And then the one guy was walking up and down to one that was all they did Wait to her Yeah, we're shooting at the Grim T2. Nope T1, T1, T1, you walk down. I'm just gonna hold on. Yeah, here I show. I heard someone. One of these guys punched the top meat the highway window. No, you didn't never mind Yeah, he was playing top freezer he's playing top freezer. It's not break it. Yo, can I answer T3 or what? Yeah, you can't you can't you can't you Yeah, you good this guy's on T1 stairs. He ran down he ran down Yeah, one's playing in the cockpit What one looks weaker guys like can we get these hatches first and see what's up Yeah, which ones which ones I'm mirror again The meeting one probably in the freezer. Yo, can you just show the one I got it? No Freeze! Yep, great wall of fucking kind of got him up here. Fuck, bro, he killed me. Where? No one's hollow. One highway, one freeze. He was freezer. I should have killed him, bros. These lock might walk up freezer. You should this, should this. One shot! Aimers! I'm going to walk up my trees. I'm going to cross it. Can I drone and can you all wait? Hold on, I'm out of drone sight. Hurry, hurry. I'm out of drone straight, I'm out of drone highway and shit! No one's crossless, no one's single-singles there! No one's pillar! I'm gonna rotate! You're gonna make it, I'm gonna make it! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
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