1 value
@Override public boolean visit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock block) { String from = block.getFrom().toString(); for (String tableName : targetTableNames) { // 在tableName后加上“.”,定位表名,防止定位到子串 // 例如:esd包括了es StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tableName); sb.append("."); String tableNamePoint = sb.toString(); // 不包含当前的tableName,就结束当前循环 if(!from.contains(tableNamePoint)) { continue; } TableAddNumberEnum tableAddNumberEnum = targetTableFirstContainsMap.get(tableName); List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> sqlSelectQueryBlocks = blockMap.computeIfAbsent(tableName, k -> new LinkedList<>()); if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.ZERO)) { sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block); targetTableFirstContainsMap.put(tableName, TableAddNumberEnum.ONE); continue; } if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.ONE)) { sqlSelectQueryBlocks.remove(0); sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block); targetTableFirstContainsMap.put(tableName, TableAddNumberEnum.TWO); continue; } if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.TWO)) { sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block); } } return true; }
@Test public void testVisit() { ConditionAddVisitor visitor = createConditionAddVisitor(); String sql = getSql(); SQLStatementParser parser = SQLParserUtils.createSQLStatementParser(sql, JdbcConstants.MYSQL); SQLSelectStatement stmt = (SQLSelectStatement) parser.parseStatement(); stmt.accept(visitor); Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> aliasMap = visitor.getBlockMap(); List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> lsBlocks = aliasMap.get("ls"); List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> esBlocks = aliasMap.get("es"); if(lsBlocks != null && !lsBlocks.isEmpty()) { for (MySqlSelectQueryBlock block : lsBlocks) { block.addCondition(" = 0"); } } if(esBlocks != null && !esBlocks.isEmpty()) { for (MySqlSelectQueryBlock block : esBlocks) { block.addCondition(" = 0"); } } System.out.println(stmt.toString()); }
[ "toString", "getFrom", "append", "toString", "contains", "get", "computeIfAbsent", "equals", "add", "put", "equals", "remove", "add", "put", "equals", "add" ]
[ "createConditionAddVisitor", "getSql", "createSQLStatementParser", "parseStatement", "accept", "getBlockMap", "get", "get", "isEmpty", "addCondition", "isEmpty", "addCondition", "println", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ConditionAddVisitorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private List<String> targetTableNames;\nprivate Map<String, TableAddNumberEnum> targetTableFirstContainsMap = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> blockMap = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "ConditionAddVisitor extends MySqlASTVisitorAdapter", "method_signatures": "public ConditionAddVisitor(List<String> targetTableNames)\n@Override public boolean visit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock block)\npublic Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> getBlockMap()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: conditionhelper-core/src/main/java/com/qhx/conditionhelper/core/parser/druid/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ConditionAddVisitor extends MySqlASTVisitorAdapter\n\nclass_fields: private List<String> targetTableNames;\nprivate Map<String, TableAddNumberEnum> targetTableFirstContainsMap = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> blockMap = new HashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public ConditionAddVisitor(List<String> targetTableNames)\n@Override public boolean visit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock block)\npublic Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> getBlockMap()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ConditionAddVisitorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file conditionhelper-core/src/main/java/com/qhx/conditionhelper/core/parser/druid/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean visit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock block) {\n String from = block.getFrom().toString();\n for (String tableName : targetTableNames) {\n // 在tableName后加上“.”,定位表名,防止定位到子串\n // 例如:esd包括了es\n StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tableName);\n sb.append(\".\");\n String tableNamePoint = sb.toString();\n\n // 不包含当前的tableName,就结束当前循环\n if(!from.contains(tableNamePoint)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n TableAddNumberEnum tableAddNumberEnum = targetTableFirstContainsMap.get(tableName);\n List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> sqlSelectQueryBlocks = blockMap.computeIfAbsent(tableName, k -> new LinkedList<>());\n\n if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.ZERO)) {\n sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block);\n targetTableFirstContainsMap.put(tableName, TableAddNumberEnum.ONE);\n continue;\n }\n if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.ONE)) {\n sqlSelectQueryBlocks.remove(0);\n sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block);\n targetTableFirstContainsMap.put(tableName, TableAddNumberEnum.TWO);\n continue;\n }\n if(tableAddNumberEnum.equals(TableAddNumberEnum.TWO)) {\n sqlSelectQueryBlocks.add(block);\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n conditionhelper-core/src/test/java/com/qhx/conditionhelper/core/parser/druid/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testVisit() {\n ConditionAddVisitor visitor = createConditionAddVisitor();\n\n String sql = getSql();\n\n SQLStatementParser parser = SQLParserUtils.createSQLStatementParser(sql, JdbcConstants.MYSQL);\n SQLSelectStatement stmt = (SQLSelectStatement) parser.parseStatement();\n stmt.accept(visitor);\n\n Map<String, List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock>> aliasMap = visitor.getBlockMap();\n List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> lsBlocks = aliasMap.get(\"ls\");\n List<MySqlSelectQueryBlock> esBlocks = aliasMap.get(\"es\");\n if(lsBlocks != null && !lsBlocks.isEmpty()) {\n for (MySqlSelectQueryBlock block : lsBlocks) {\n block.addCondition(\" = 0\");\n }\n }\n if(esBlocks != null && !esBlocks.isEmpty()) {\n for (MySqlSelectQueryBlock block : esBlocks) {\n block.addCondition(\" = 0\");\n }\n }\n System.out.println(stmt.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties) { Map<String, String> properties = mergeContextMaps(eventProperties); if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { try { /* * -- let's compose an JSON object, then chop off the outermost * curly braces */ ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>> oc = JSON.std.composeString().startObject(); for (Entry<String, String> p: properties.entrySet()) { if (!exclusions.contains(p.getKey())) { oc.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } } String result = oc.end().finish().trim(); appendTo.append(result.substring(1, result.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { /* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */ LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPropertiesConverter.class).error("Conversion failed ", ex); } } }
@Test public void singleExplicitEntry() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Map<String, String> explicitFields = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("explicit key", "explicit value"); } }; converter.convert(sb, explicitFields); assertThat(unmarshal(sb), hasEntry("explicit key", "explicit value")); }
[ "mergeContextMaps", "isEmpty", "startObject", "composeString", "entrySet", "contains", "getKey", "put", "getKey", "getValue", "trim", "finish", "end", "append", "substring", "length", "error", "getLogger" ]
[ "put", "convert", "assertThat", "unmarshal", "hasEntry" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultPropertiesConverter converter;", "class_name": "DefaultPropertiesConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Set<String> exclusions = new HashSet<String>();", "class_name": "DefaultPropertiesConverter", "method_signatures": "public DefaultPropertiesConverter()\npublic void setExclusions(List<String> exclusionList)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties)\nprivate Map<String, String> mergeContextMaps(Map<String, String> eventMap)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultPropertiesConverter\n\nclass_fields: private final Set<String> exclusions = new HashSet<String>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultPropertiesConverter()\npublic void setExclusions(List<String> exclusionList)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties)\nprivate Map<String, String> mergeContextMaps(Map<String, String> eventMap)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultPropertiesConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultPropertiesConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties) {\n Map<String, String> properties = mergeContextMaps(eventProperties);\n if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n /*\n * -- let's compose an JSON object, then chop off the outermost\n * curly braces\n */\n ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>> oc = JSON.std.composeString().startObject();\n for (Entry<String, String> p: properties.entrySet()) {\n if (!exclusions.contains(p.getKey())) {\n oc.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue());\n }\n }\n String result = oc.end().finish().trim();\n appendTo.append(result.substring(1, result.length() - 1));\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n /* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */\n LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPropertiesConverter.class).error(\"Conversion failed \", ex);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n cf-java-logging-support-core/src/test/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void singleExplicitEntry() throws Exception {\n\t\tStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();\n\t\t@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n\t\tMap<String, String> explicitFields = new HashMap<String, String>() {\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tput(\"explicit key\", \"explicit value\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconverter.convert(sb, explicitFields);\n\n\t\tassertThat(unmarshal(sb), hasEntry(\"explicit key\", \"explicit value\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void connect() { trezor.connect(); isTrezorValid = true; }
@Test public void testConnect() throws Exception { // Arrange ByteString sessionId = TrezorClients.newSessionId(); BlockingTrezorClient testObject = TrezorClients.newBlockingSocketInstance( "localhost", 3000, sessionId ); TrezorEmulator emulator = TrezorEmulator.newDefaultTrezorEmulator(); emulator.start(); // Act testObject.connect(); // Assert // Expect a result within a short time // Verify that the device connected TrezorEvent event1 = testObject.getTrezorEventQueue().poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertThat(event1).isNotNull(); assertThat(event1.protocolMessageType().isPresent()).isFalse(); assertThat(event1.eventType()).isEqualTo(TrezorEventType.DEVICE_CONNECTED); // Verify that the data was read in correctly TrezorEvent event2 = testObject.getTrezorEventQueue().poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertThat(event2).isNotNull(); assertThat(event2.protocolMessageType().isPresent()).isTrue(); assertThat(event2.protocolMessageType().get()).isEqualTo(MessageType.SUCCESS); testObject.close(); }
[ "connect" ]
[ "newSessionId", "newBlockingSocketInstance", "newDefaultTrezorEmulator", "start", "connect", "poll", "getTrezorEventQueue", "isNotNull", "assertThat", "isFalse", "assertThat", "isPresent", "protocolMessageType", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "eventType", "poll", "getTrezorEventQueue", "isNotNull", "assertThat", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isPresent", "protocolMessageType", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "get", "protocolMessageType", "close" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "BlockingTrezorClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockingTrezorClient.class);\nprivate static final int MIN_ENTROPY = 256;\nprivate final Trezor trezor;\nprivate boolean isTrezorValid = false;\nprivate BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> trezorEventQueue;\nprivate ExecutorService trezorEventExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();\nprivate boolean isSessionIdValid = true;\nprivate final ByteString sessionId;\nprivate final SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();", "class_name": "BlockingTrezorClient implements TrezorClient", "method_signatures": "protected BlockingTrezorClient(Trezor trezor, ByteString sessionId)\n@Override public void connect()\n@Override public void close()\npublic TrezorEvent ping()\npublic TrezorEvent initialize()\npublic TrezorEvent getUUID()\npublic TrezorEvent optAck(char[] oneTimePassword)\npublic TrezorEvent optCancel()\npublic TrezorEvent pinAck(char[] pin)\npublic TrezorEvent pinCancel()\npublic TrezorEvent getEntropy()\npublic TrezorEvent setMaxFeeKb(long satoshisPerKb)\npublic TrezorEvent getMasterPublicKey()\npublic TrezorEvent getAddress(int index, int value)\npublic TrezorEvent loadDevice(\n TrezorMessage.Algorithm algorithm,\n char[] seed,\n boolean useOtp,\n byte[] pin,\n boolean useSpv)\npublic TrezorEvent resetDevice(\n byte[] entropy)\npublic Optional<Transaction> signTx(Transaction tx)\npublic void secureErase(char[] value)\npublic void secureErase(byte[] value)\nprivate TrezorEvent sendDefaultBlockingMessage(Message trezorMessage)\nprivate TrezorEvent sendBlockingMessage(Message trezorMessage, int duration, TimeUnit timeUnit)\nprivate void handleTrezorEvent(TrezorEvent event)\npublic byte[] newEntropy(int size)\n@Override public BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> getTrezorEventQueue()\n@Override public void setTrezorEventQueue(BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> trezorEventQueue)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trezorj-core/src/main/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/clients/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BlockingTrezorClient implements TrezorClient\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockingTrezorClient.class);\nprivate static final int MIN_ENTROPY = 256;\nprivate final Trezor trezor;\nprivate boolean isTrezorValid = false;\nprivate BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> trezorEventQueue;\nprivate ExecutorService trezorEventExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();\nprivate boolean isSessionIdValid = true;\nprivate final ByteString sessionId;\nprivate final SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();\n\nmethod_signatures: protected BlockingTrezorClient(Trezor trezor, ByteString sessionId)\n@Override public void connect()\n@Override public void close()\npublic TrezorEvent ping()\npublic TrezorEvent initialize()\npublic TrezorEvent getUUID()\npublic TrezorEvent optAck(char[] oneTimePassword)\npublic TrezorEvent optCancel()\npublic TrezorEvent pinAck(char[] pin)\npublic TrezorEvent pinCancel()\npublic TrezorEvent getEntropy()\npublic TrezorEvent setMaxFeeKb(long satoshisPerKb)\npublic TrezorEvent getMasterPublicKey()\npublic TrezorEvent getAddress(int index, int value)\npublic TrezorEvent loadDevice(\n TrezorMessage.Algorithm algorithm,\n char[] seed,\n boolean useOtp,\n byte[] pin,\n boolean useSpv)\npublic TrezorEvent resetDevice(\n byte[] entropy)\npublic Optional<Transaction> signTx(Transaction tx)\npublic void secureErase(char[] value)\npublic void secureErase(byte[] value)\nprivate TrezorEvent sendDefaultBlockingMessage(Message trezorMessage)\nprivate TrezorEvent sendBlockingMessage(Message trezorMessage, int duration, TimeUnit timeUnit)\nprivate void handleTrezorEvent(TrezorEvent event)\npublic byte[] newEntropy(int size)\n@Override public BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> getTrezorEventQueue()\n@Override public void setTrezorEventQueue(BlockingQueue<TrezorEvent> trezorEventQueue)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BlockingTrezorClientTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trezorj-core/src/main/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/clients/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void connect() {\n trezor.connect();\n isTrezorValid = true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trezorj-core/src/test/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/clients/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testConnect() throws Exception {\n\n // Arrange\n ByteString sessionId = TrezorClients.newSessionId();\n\n BlockingTrezorClient testObject = TrezorClients.newBlockingSocketInstance(\n \"localhost\",\n 3000,\n sessionId\n );\n\n TrezorEmulator emulator = TrezorEmulator.newDefaultTrezorEmulator();\n emulator.start();\n\n // Act\n testObject.connect();\n\n // Assert\n // Expect a result within a short time\n\n // Verify that the device connected\n TrezorEvent event1 = testObject.getTrezorEventQueue().poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n assertThat(event1).isNotNull();\n assertThat(event1.protocolMessageType().isPresent()).isFalse();\n assertThat(event1.eventType()).isEqualTo(TrezorEventType.DEVICE_CONNECTED);\n\n // Verify that the data was read in correctly\n TrezorEvent event2 = testObject.getTrezorEventQueue().poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n assertThat(event2).isNotNull();\n assertThat(event2.protocolMessageType().isPresent()).isTrue();\n assertThat(event2.protocolMessageType().get()).isEqualTo(MessageType.SUCCESS);\n\n testObject.close();\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static TrezorMessage.TxInput newTxInput(Transaction tx, int index) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx, "Transaction must be present"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(index, tx.getInputs().size(), "TransactionInput not present at index " + index); // Input index is valid TransactionInput txInput = tx.getInput(index); TrezorMessage.TxInput.Builder builder = TrezorMessage.TxInput.newBuilder(); builder.setIndex(index); // Fill in the input addresses long prevIndex = txInput.getOutpoint().getIndex(); byte[] prevHash = txInput.getOutpoint().getHash().getBytes(); // In Bitcoinj "nanocoins" are Satoshis long satoshiAmount = txInput.getConnectedOutput().getValue().longValue(); builder.setAmount(satoshiAmount); try { byte[] scriptSig = txInput.getScriptSig().toString().getBytes(); builder.setScriptSig(ByteString.copyFrom(scriptSig)); builder.setPrevIndex((int) prevIndex); builder.setPrevHash(ByteString.copyFrom(prevHash)); builder.addAddressN(0); builder.addAddressN(index); return; } catch (ScriptException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
@Test public void testNewTxInput() throws Exception { // Arrange Address ourReceivingAddress = FakeTransactions.getElectrumAddressN(new int[] {0,0}); Address ourChangeAddress = FakeTransactions.getElectrumAddressN(new int[] {0,1}); Address random2Address = FakeTransactions.asMainNetAddress("1MKw8vWxvBnaBcrL2yXvZceqyRMoeG2kRn"); // Build a fake transaction Transaction tx = FakeTransactions.newMainNetFakeTx( ourReceivingAddress, ourChangeAddress, random2Address, BigInteger.TEN, BigInteger.ONE ); byte[] expectedPrevHash = new byte[] {-37, 34, -99, 85, -58, 79, 11, -8, 14, 64, 35, -18, 54, 14, -46, -43, -91, -66, 98, -68, 117, 99, 67, 49, -63, 86, -77, -75, -115, -122, 69, -43}; byte[] expectedScriptSig = new byte[] {}; // Act TrezorMessage.TxInput txInput = TrezorMessageUtils.newTxInput(tx, 0); // Assert assertThat(txInput.getAmount()).isEqualTo(BigInteger.TEN.longValue()); assertThat(txInput.getPrevHash().toByteArray()).isEqualTo(expectedPrevHash); assertThat(txInput.getPrevIndex()).isEqualTo(0); assertThat(txInput.getScriptSig().toByteArray()).isEqualTo(expectedScriptSig); }
[ "checkNotNull", "checkElementIndex", "size", "getInputs", "getInput", "newBuilder", "setIndex", "getIndex", "getOutpoint", "getBytes", "getHash", "getOutpoint", "longValue", "getValue", "getConnectedOutput", "setAmount", "getBytes", "toString", "getScriptSig", "setScriptSig", "copyFrom", "setPrevIndex", "setPrevHash", "copyFrom", "addAddressN", "addAddressN", "build" ]
[ "getElectrumAddressN", "getElectrumAddressN", "asMainNetAddress", "newMainNetFakeTx", "newTxInput", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getAmount", "longValue", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "toByteArray", "getPrevHash", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getPrevIndex", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "toByteArray", "getScriptSig" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TrezorMessageUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrezorMessageUtils.class);", "class_name": "TrezorMessageUtils", "method_signatures": "private TrezorMessageUtils()\npublic static void writeMessage(Message message, DataOutputStream out)\npublic static TrezorMessage.TxInput newTxInput(Transaction tx, int index)\npublic static TrezorMessage.TxOutput newTxOutput(Transaction tx, int index)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trezorj-core/src/main/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TrezorMessageUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrezorMessageUtils.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: private TrezorMessageUtils()\npublic static void writeMessage(Message message, DataOutputStream out)\npublic static TrezorMessage.TxInput newTxInput(Transaction tx, int index)\npublic static TrezorMessage.TxOutput newTxOutput(Transaction tx, int index)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TrezorMessageUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trezorj-core/src/main/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static TrezorMessage.TxInput newTxInput(Transaction tx, int index) {\n\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx, \"Transaction must be present\");\n Preconditions.checkElementIndex(index, tx.getInputs().size(), \"TransactionInput not present at index \" + index);\n\n // Input index is valid\n TransactionInput txInput = tx.getInput(index);\n TrezorMessage.TxInput.Builder builder = TrezorMessage.TxInput.newBuilder();\n builder.setIndex(index);\n\n // Fill in the input addresses\n long prevIndex = txInput.getOutpoint().getIndex();\n byte[] prevHash = txInput.getOutpoint().getHash().getBytes();\n\n // In Bitcoinj \"nanocoins\" are Satoshis\n long satoshiAmount = txInput.getConnectedOutput().getValue().longValue();\n builder.setAmount(satoshiAmount);\n\n try {\n byte[] scriptSig = txInput.getScriptSig().toString().getBytes();\n builder.setScriptSig(ByteString.copyFrom(scriptSig));\n\n builder.setPrevIndex((int) prevIndex);\n builder.setPrevHash(ByteString.copyFrom(prevHash));\n\n builder.addAddressN(0);\n builder.addAddressN(index);\n\n return;\n\n } catch (ScriptException e) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(e);\n }\n\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trezorj-core/src/test/java/uk/co/bsol/trezorj/core/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNewTxInput() throws Exception {\n\n // Arrange\n Address ourReceivingAddress = FakeTransactions.getElectrumAddressN(new int[] {0,0});\n Address ourChangeAddress = FakeTransactions.getElectrumAddressN(new int[] {0,1});\n Address random2Address = FakeTransactions.asMainNetAddress(\"1MKw8vWxvBnaBcrL2yXvZceqyRMoeG2kRn\");\n\n // Build a fake transaction\n Transaction tx = FakeTransactions.newMainNetFakeTx(\n ourReceivingAddress,\n ourChangeAddress,\n random2Address,\n BigInteger.TEN,\n BigInteger.ONE\n );\n\n byte[] expectedPrevHash = new byte[] {-37, 34, -99, 85, -58, 79, 11, -8, 14, 64, 35, -18, 54, 14, -46, -43, -91, -66, 98, -68, 117, 99, 67, 49, -63, 86, -77, -75, -115, -122, 69, -43};\n byte[] expectedScriptSig = new byte[] {};\n\n // Act\n TrezorMessage.TxInput txInput = TrezorMessageUtils.newTxInput(tx, 0);\n\n // Assert\n assertThat(txInput.getAmount()).isEqualTo(BigInteger.TEN.longValue());\n\n assertThat(txInput.getPrevHash().toByteArray()).isEqualTo(expectedPrevHash);\n assertThat(txInput.getPrevIndex()).isEqualTo(0);\n assertThat(txInput.getScriptSig().toByteArray()).isEqualTo(expectedScriptSig);\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap, Object... arguments) { if (customFieldKeyNames.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<String, CustomField> customFields = getRegisteredCustomFields(arguments); Map<String, String> mdcCustomFields = getRegisteredMdcCustomFields(mdcPropertiesMap); if (!customFields.isEmpty() || !mdcCustomFields.isEmpty()) { try { ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc = startJson(appendTo); addCustomFields(oc, customFields, mdcCustomFields); finishJson(oc, appendTo); } catch (Exception ex) { /* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */ LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultCustomFieldsConverter.class).error("Conversion failed ", ex); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void argumentsTakePrecendenceOverMdc() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Map<String, String> mdcFields = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put(CUSTOM_KEY_0, CUSTOM_VALUE_0); put(CUSTOM_KEY_1, CUSTOM_VALUE_1); } }; converter.convert(sb, mdcFields, customField(CUSTOM_KEY_0, "preferred value")); assertThat(unmarshalCustomFields(sb), containsInAnyOrder(hasCustomField(CUSTOM_KEY_0, "preferred value", 0), hasCustomField(CUSTOM_KEY_1, CUSTOM_VALUE_1, 1))); }
[ "isEmpty", "getRegisteredCustomFields", "getRegisteredMdcCustomFields", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "startJson", "addCustomFields", "finishJson", "error", "getLogger" ]
[ "put", "put", "convert", "customField", "assertThat", "unmarshalCustomFields", "containsInAnyOrder", "hasCustomField", "hasCustomField" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CUSTOM_KEY_0 = \"custom_key_0\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_VALUE_0 = \"custom_value_0\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_KEY_1 = \"custom_key_1\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_VALUE_1 = \"custom_value_1\";\nprivate static final String UNREGISTERED_KEY = \"unregistered_key\";\nprivate static final String UNREGISTERED_VALUE = \"unregistered_value\";\nprivate static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultCustomFieldsConverter converter;", "class_name": "DefaultCustomFieldsConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String fieldName = null;\nprivate boolean embed = true;\nprivate List<String> customFieldKeyNames;", "class_name": "DefaultCustomFieldsConverter", "method_signatures": "public void setFieldName(String fieldName)\npublic void setCustomFieldKeyNames(List<String> customFieldKeyNames)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap, Object... arguments)\nprivate Map<String, String> getRegisteredMdcCustomFields(Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap)\nprivate Map<String, CustomField> getRegisteredCustomFields(Object... arguments)\nprivate ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> startJson(StringBuilder appendTo)\nprivate void addCustomFields(ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc,\n\t\t\tMap<String, CustomField> customFields, Map<String, String> mdcCustomFields)\nprivate void finishJson(ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc, StringBuilder appendTo)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultCustomFieldsConverter\n\nclass_fields: private String fieldName = null;\nprivate boolean embed = true;\nprivate List<String> customFieldKeyNames;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void setFieldName(String fieldName)\npublic void setCustomFieldKeyNames(List<String> customFieldKeyNames)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap, Object... arguments)\nprivate Map<String, String> getRegisteredMdcCustomFields(Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap)\nprivate Map<String, CustomField> getRegisteredCustomFields(Object... arguments)\nprivate ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> startJson(StringBuilder appendTo)\nprivate void addCustomFields(ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc,\n\t\t\tMap<String, CustomField> customFields, Map<String, String> mdcCustomFields)\nprivate void finishJson(ArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc, StringBuilder appendTo)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultCustomFieldsConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CUSTOM_KEY_0 = \"custom_key_0\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_VALUE_0 = \"custom_value_0\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_KEY_1 = \"custom_key_1\";\nprivate static final String CUSTOM_VALUE_1 = \"custom_value_1\";\nprivate static final String UNREGISTERED_KEY = \"unregistered_key\";\nprivate static final String UNREGISTERED_VALUE = \"unregistered_value\";\nprivate static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultCustomFieldsConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> mdcPropertiesMap, Object... arguments) {\n\t\tif (customFieldKeyNames.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tMap<String, CustomField> customFields = getRegisteredCustomFields(arguments);\n\t\tMap<String, String> mdcCustomFields = getRegisteredMdcCustomFields(mdcPropertiesMap);\n\t\tif (!customFields.isEmpty() || !mdcCustomFields.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tArrayComposer<ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>>> oc = startJson(appendTo);\n\t\t\t\taddCustomFields(oc, customFields, mdcCustomFields);\n\t\t\t\tfinishJson(oc, appendTo);\n\t\t\t} catch (Exception ex) {\n\t\t\t\t/* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */\n\t\t\t\tLoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultCustomFieldsConverter.class).error(\"Conversion failed \", ex);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n cf-java-logging-support-core/src/test/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@Test\n\tpublic void argumentsTakePrecendenceOverMdc() throws Exception {\n\t\tStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();\n\n\t\t@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n\t\tMap<String, String> mdcFields = new HashMap<String, String>() {\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tput(CUSTOM_KEY_0, CUSTOM_VALUE_0);\n\t\t\t\tput(CUSTOM_KEY_1, CUSTOM_VALUE_1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tconverter.convert(sb, mdcFields, customField(CUSTOM_KEY_0, \"preferred value\"));\n\n\t\tassertThat(unmarshalCustomFields(sb), containsInAnyOrder(hasCustomField(CUSTOM_KEY_0, \"preferred value\", 0),\n\t\t\t\thasCustomField(CUSTOM_KEY_1, CUSTOM_VALUE_1, 1)));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll, Comparator<? super T> comp) { if (coll == null || coll.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<? extends T> nullFiltered = filter(coll, notNull()); if (nullFiltered.isEmpty()) return null; else return Collections.max(nullFiltered, comp); }
@Test public void maxNullSafeShouldReturnNullIfTheInputCollectionIsNull() { assertThat(maxNullSafe((Collection<String>) null)).isNull(); assertThat(Collections3.maxNullSafe(null, null)).isNull(); }
[ "isEmpty", "filter", "notNull", "isEmpty", "max" ]
[ "isNull", "assertThat", "maxNullSafe", "isNull", "assertThat", "maxNullSafe" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Collections3Test" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Collections3", "method_signatures": "private Collections3()\npublic static Pair<Collection<E>, Collection<E>> partition(Collection<E> unpartitioned,\n Predicate<? super E> predicate)\npublic static Optional<T> findFirstInstanceOf(Collection<? super T> coll, Class<T> cls)\npublic static T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll, Comparator<? super T> comp)\npublic static T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: softwaremill-util/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/common/util/collect/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Collections3\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private Collections3()\npublic static Pair<Collection<E>, Collection<E>> partition(Collection<E> unpartitioned,\n Predicate<? super E> predicate)\npublic static Optional<T> findFirstInstanceOf(Collection<? super T> coll, Class<T> cls)\npublic static T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll, Comparator<? super T> comp)\npublic static T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: Collections3Test\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file softwaremill-util/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/common/util/collect/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> T maxNullSafe(Collection<? extends T> coll, Comparator<? super T> comp) {\n if (coll == null || coll.isEmpty())\n return null;\n\n Collection<? extends T> nullFiltered = filter(coll, notNull());\n if (nullFiltered.isEmpty())\n return null;\n else\n return Collections.max(nullFiltered, comp);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n softwaremill-util/src/test/java/com/softwaremill/common/util/collect/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void maxNullSafeShouldReturnNullIfTheInputCollectionIsNull() {\n assertThat(maxNullSafe((Collection<String>) null)).isNull();\n assertThat(Collections3.maxNullSafe(null, null)).isNull();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues) { if (null == element) throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("element"); for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) { if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals( && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label)) propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]); } }
@Test(expected = ClassCastException.class) public void shouldFailTryingToAttachPropertiesWithCardinalityNonStringKey() { final Element mockElement = mock(Vertex.class); ElementHelper.attachProperties(mockElement, VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, "test", 123, 321, "test"); }
[ "argumentCanNotBeNull", "equals", "equals", "property" ]
[ "mock", "attachProperties" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues) {\n if (null == element)\n throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull(\"element\");\n\n for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) {\n if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals( && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label))\n propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = ClassCastException.class)\n public void shouldFailTryingToAttachPropertiesWithCardinalityNonStringKey() {\n final Element mockElement = mock(Vertex.class);\n ElementHelper.attachProperties(mockElement, VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, \"test\", 123, 321, \"test\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void export(Handler handler) throws IOException { if (!mDir.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("not a directory"); for (String fileName : mDir.list()) { exportFile(fileName, new FileInputStream(new File(mDir, fileName)), handler); } }
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void reportsErrorOnUsingNullHandler() throws Exception { File dir = mock(File.class); when(dir.isDirectory()).thenReturn(true); new DirectoryExporter(dir).export(null); }
[ "isDirectory", "list", "exportFile" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "isDirectory", "export" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PREFIX = \"tw4a\";\nprivate static final String SUFFIX = DirectoryExporterTest.class.getSimpleName();\nprivate File mDir;\nprivate File[] mFiles;", "class_name": "DirectoryExporterTest implements DirectoryExporter.Handler" }
{ "class_fields": "private File mDir;", "class_name": "DirectoryExporter implements Exporter", "method_signatures": "public DirectoryExporter(File dir)\n@Override public void export(Handler handler)\nprivate void exportFile(String name, InputStream inputStream, Handler handler)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app/src/main/java/pl/rbolanowski/tw4a/backend/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DirectoryExporter implements Exporter\n\nclass_fields: private File mDir;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DirectoryExporter(File dir)\n@Override public void export(Handler handler)\nprivate void exportFile(String name, InputStream inputStream, Handler handler)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DirectoryExporterTest implements DirectoryExporter.Handler\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PREFIX = \"tw4a\";\nprivate static final String SUFFIX = DirectoryExporterTest.class.getSimpleName();\nprivate File mDir;\nprivate File[] mFiles;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app/src/main/java/pl/rbolanowski/tw4a/backend/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void export(Handler handler) throws IOException {\n if (!mDir.isDirectory()) throw new IOException(\"not a directory\");\n for (String fileName : mDir.list()) {\n exportFile(fileName, new FileInputStream(new File(mDir, fileName)), handler);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app/src/test/java/pl/rbolanowski/tw4a/backend/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)\n public void reportsErrorOnUsingNullHandler() throws Exception {\n File dir = mock(File.class);\n when(dir.isDirectory()).thenReturn(true);\n new DirectoryExporter(dir).export(null);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError { AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null); Bundle result; try { result = future.getResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuthFailureError("Error while retrieving auth token", e); } String authToken = null; if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) { if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) { Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT); throw new AuthFailureError(intent); } authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); } if (authToken == null) { throw new AuthFailureError("Got null auth token for type: " + mAuthTokenType); } return authToken; }
@Test(expected = AuthFailureError.class) public void missingAuthToken() throws Exception { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, "cooltype", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture); when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle); when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true); when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false); mAuthenticator.getAuthToken(); }
[ "getAuthToken", "getResult", "isDone", "isCancelled", "containsKey", "getParcelable", "getString" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getAuthToken", "thenReturn", "when", "getResult", "thenReturn", "when", "isDone", "thenReturn", "when", "isCancelled", "getAuthToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator", "method_signatures": "public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator\n\nclass_fields: private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n @Override\n public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError {\n AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount,\n mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null);\n Bundle result;\n try {\n result = future.getResult();\n } catch (Exception e) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Error while retrieving auth token\", e);\n }\n String authToken = null;\n if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) {\n if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) {\n Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT);\n throw new AuthFailureError(intent);\n }\n authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);\n }\n if (authToken == null) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Got null auth token for type: \" + mAuthTokenType);\n }\n\n return authToken;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = AuthFailureError.class)\n public void missingAuthToken() throws Exception {\n Bundle bundle = new Bundle();\n when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, \"cooltype\", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture);\n when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle);\n when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false);\n mAuthenticator.getAuthToken();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean string2Boolean(String str, boolean defaultValue) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { return true; } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { return false; } else { return defaultValue; } }
@Test public void testString2Boolean() { assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(null, false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("abc", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("truea", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("falsea", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("Truead", false)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("Truead", true)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("true", false)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("TRUE", false)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("True", false)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("TRUe", false)); assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("trUE", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("false", false)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("false", true)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("FALSE", true)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("FALSe", true)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("falsE", true)); assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean("faLSe", true)); }
[ "equalsIgnoreCase", "equalsIgnoreCase" ]
[ "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertTrue", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean", "assertFalse", "string2Boolean" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestTypeUtils" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final long KB = 1024;\npublic static final long MB = KB * KB;\npublic static final long GB = KB * MB;\npublic static final long TB = KB * GB;\npublic static final long PB = KB * TB;\npublic static final long SEC = 1000;\npublic static final long MIN = 60 * SEC;\npublic static final long HOUR = 60 * MIN;\npublic static final long DAY = 24 * HOUR;\npublic static final long WEEK = 7 * DAY;\npublic static final long MON = 30 * DAY;\npublic static final long QUAR = 3 * MON;\npublic static final long YEAR = 12 * MON;\nprivate static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TypeUtils.class);\nprivate static final String regex = \",(?=([^\\\"^']*\\\"[^\\\"^']*\\\")*[^\\\"^']*$)\";\nprivate static final Pattern SPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\n \"([0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?)\\\\s*(|K|M|G|T|P)B?\",\n Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);\nprivate static final Pattern TIME_PERIOD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\n \"([0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?)\\\\s*(|SEC|MIN|HOUR|DAY|WEEK|MON|QUAR|YEAR)\",\n Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);", "class_name": "TypeUtils", "method_signatures": "private TypeUtils()\npublic static int byteArray2Int(byte[] bytes)\npublic static long byteArray2Long(byte[] bytes)\npublic static byte[] int2ByteArray(int i)\npublic static byte[] long2ByteArray(long l)\npublic static String byteArray2Ipv4(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String byteArray2Ipv6(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String byteArray2Ip(byte[] bytes)\nprivate static int byte2IpInt(byte b)\npublic static List<String> csv2List(String line)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArrayV4(String ipv4)\nprivate static BigInteger ipv6toInt(String ipv6)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArrayV6(String ipv6)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArray(String ip)\npublic static String byteArray2HexString(byte[] byteArray)\npublic static String intArray2HexString(int[] intArray)\npublic static String longArray2HexString(int[] longArray)\npublic static String byteArray2Base64(byte[] value)\npublic static byte[] base642ByteArray(String base64Str)\npublic static String byte2HexString(byte b)\npublic static byte[] hexString2ByteArray(String input)\npublic static boolean string2Boolean(String str, boolean defaultValue)\npublic static int string2Int(String str, Radix radix, int defaultValue)\npublic static long string2Long(String str, Radix radix, long defaultValue)\npublic static float string2Float(String str, float defaultValue)\npublic static double string2Double(String str, double defaultValue)\npublic static long string2Size(String size, long defaultValue)\npublic static long string2TimePeriod(String timePeriod, long defaultValue)\npublic static boolean equals(T t1, T t2)\npublic static boolean maybeUpdate(T tar, T src)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: mx/core/mx-utils/src/main/java/org/mx/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TypeUtils\n\nclass_fields: public static final long KB = 1024;\npublic static final long MB = KB * KB;\npublic static final long GB = KB * MB;\npublic static final long TB = KB * GB;\npublic static final long PB = KB * TB;\npublic static final long SEC = 1000;\npublic static final long MIN = 60 * SEC;\npublic static final long HOUR = 60 * MIN;\npublic static final long DAY = 24 * HOUR;\npublic static final long WEEK = 7 * DAY;\npublic static final long MON = 30 * DAY;\npublic static final long QUAR = 3 * MON;\npublic static final long YEAR = 12 * MON;\nprivate static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TypeUtils.class);\nprivate static final String regex = \",(?=([^\\\"^']*\\\"[^\\\"^']*\\\")*[^\\\"^']*$)\";\nprivate static final Pattern SPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\n \"([0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?)\\\\s*(|K|M|G|T|P)B?\",\n Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);\nprivate static final Pattern TIME_PERIOD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\n \"([0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?)\\\\s*(|SEC|MIN|HOUR|DAY|WEEK|MON|QUAR|YEAR)\",\n Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);\n\nmethod_signatures: private TypeUtils()\npublic static int byteArray2Int(byte[] bytes)\npublic static long byteArray2Long(byte[] bytes)\npublic static byte[] int2ByteArray(int i)\npublic static byte[] long2ByteArray(long l)\npublic static String byteArray2Ipv4(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String byteArray2Ipv6(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String byteArray2Ip(byte[] bytes)\nprivate static int byte2IpInt(byte b)\npublic static List<String> csv2List(String line)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArrayV4(String ipv4)\nprivate static BigInteger ipv6toInt(String ipv6)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArrayV6(String ipv6)\npublic static byte[] Ip2byteArray(String ip)\npublic static String byteArray2HexString(byte[] byteArray)\npublic static String intArray2HexString(int[] intArray)\npublic static String longArray2HexString(int[] longArray)\npublic static String byteArray2Base64(byte[] value)\npublic static byte[] base642ByteArray(String base64Str)\npublic static String byte2HexString(byte b)\npublic static byte[] hexString2ByteArray(String input)\npublic static boolean string2Boolean(String str, boolean defaultValue)\npublic static int string2Int(String str, Radix radix, int defaultValue)\npublic static long string2Long(String str, Radix radix, long defaultValue)\npublic static float string2Float(String str, float defaultValue)\npublic static double string2Double(String str, double defaultValue)\npublic static long string2Size(String size, long defaultValue)\npublic static long string2TimePeriod(String timePeriod, long defaultValue)\npublic static boolean equals(T t1, T t2)\npublic static boolean maybeUpdate(T tar, T src)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestTypeUtils\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file mx/core/mx-utils/src/main/java/org/mx/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean string2Boolean(String str, boolean defaultValue) {\n if (\"true\".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {\n return true;\n } else if (\"false\".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n mx/core/mx-utils/src/test/java/org/mx/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testString2Boolean() {\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(null, false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"abc\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"truea\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"falsea\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"Truead\", false));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"Truead\", true));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"true\", false));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"TRUE\", false));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"True\", false));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"TRUe\", false));\n assertTrue(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"trUE\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"false\", false));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"false\", true));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"FALSE\", true));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"FALSe\", true));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"falsE\", true));\n assertFalse(TypeUtils.string2Boolean(\"faLSe\", true));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Matcher<Response> informational() { return new CustomMatcher<Response>("1xx (informational) family of responses") { @Override public boolean matches(Object o) { return (o instanceof Response) && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.INFORMATIONAL); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { Response response = (Response) item; provideDescription(response, description); } }; }
@Test public void informationalErrorMatcher() { Matcher<Response> informationalMatcher = HttpMatchers.informational(); Response response = mock(Response.class); Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class); when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType); when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.INFORMATIONAL); assertThat(response, is(informationalMatcher)); }
[ "getFamily", "getStatusInfo", "provideDescription" ]
[ "informational", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getStatusInfo", "thenReturn", "when", "getFamily", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchersTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchers", "method_signatures": "public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpMatchers\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpMatchersTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Matcher<Response> informational() {\n return new CustomMatcher<Response>(\"1xx (informational) family of responses\") {\n\n @Override\n public boolean matches(Object o) {\n return (o instanceof Response)\n && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.INFORMATIONAL);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) {\n Response response = (Response) item;\n provideDescription(response, description);\n }\n };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaxrsclient/src/test/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void informationalErrorMatcher() {\n Matcher<Response> informationalMatcher = HttpMatchers.informational();\n Response response = mock(Response.class);\n Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class);\n when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType);\n when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.INFORMATIONAL);\n assertThat(response, is(informationalMatcher));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError { AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null); Bundle result; try { result = future.getResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuthFailureError("Error while retrieving auth token", e); } String authToken = null; if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) { if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) { Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT); throw new AuthFailureError(intent); } authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); } if (authToken == null) { throw new AuthFailureError("Got null auth token for type: " + mAuthTokenType); } return authToken; }
@Test public void goodToken() throws Exception { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN, "monkey"); when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, "cooltype", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture); when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle); when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true); when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false); Assert.assertEquals("monkey", mAuthenticator.getAuthToken()); }
[ "getAuthToken", "getResult", "isDone", "isCancelled", "containsKey", "getParcelable", "getString" ]
[ "putString", "thenReturn", "when", "getAuthToken", "thenReturn", "when", "getResult", "thenReturn", "when", "isDone", "thenReturn", "when", "isCancelled", "assertEquals", "getAuthToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator", "method_signatures": "public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator\n\nclass_fields: private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n @Override\n public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError {\n AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount,\n mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null);\n Bundle result;\n try {\n result = future.getResult();\n } catch (Exception e) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Error while retrieving auth token\", e);\n }\n String authToken = null;\n if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) {\n if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) {\n Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT);\n throw new AuthFailureError(intent);\n }\n authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);\n }\n if (authToken == null) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Got null auth token for type: \" + mAuthTokenType);\n }\n\n return authToken;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void goodToken() throws Exception {\n Bundle bundle = new Bundle();\n bundle.putString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN, \"monkey\");\n when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, \"cooltype\", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture);\n when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle);\n when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false);\n Assert.assertEquals(\"monkey\", mAuthenticator.getAuthToken());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Matcher<Response> clientError() { return new CustomMatcher<Response>("4xx (client error) family of responses") { @Override public boolean matches(Object o) { return (o instanceof Response) && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.CLIENT_ERROR); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { Response response = (Response) item; provideDescription(response, description); } }; }
@Test public void clientErrorMatcher() { Matcher<Response> clientError = HttpMatchers.clientError(); Response response = mock(Response.class); Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class); when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType); when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.CLIENT_ERROR); assertThat(response, is(clientError)); }
[ "getFamily", "getStatusInfo", "provideDescription" ]
[ "clientError", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getStatusInfo", "thenReturn", "when", "getFamily", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchersTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchers", "method_signatures": "public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpMatchers\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpMatchersTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Matcher<Response> clientError() {\n return new CustomMatcher<Response>(\"4xx (client error) family of responses\") {\n\n @Override\n public boolean matches(Object o) {\n return (o instanceof Response)\n && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.CLIENT_ERROR);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) {\n Response response = (Response) item;\n provideDescription(response, description);\n }\n\n };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaxrsclient/src/test/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void clientErrorMatcher() {\n Matcher<Response> clientError = HttpMatchers.clientError();\n Response response = mock(Response.class);\n Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class);\n when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType);\n when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.CLIENT_ERROR);\n assertThat(response, is(clientError));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError { long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); while (true) { HttpResponse httpResponse = null; byte[] responseContents = null; Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap(); try { // Gather headers. Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry()); httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers); StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders()); // Handle cache validation. if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry(); if (entry == null) { return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null, responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus // the new ones from the response. // entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders); return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,, entry.responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check. if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity()); } else { // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a // no-content request. responseContents = new byte[0]; } // if the request is slow, log it. long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart; logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine); if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new IOException(); } return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("socket", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("connection", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad URL " + request.getUrl(), e); } catch (IOException e) { int statusCode; if (httpResponse != null) { statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { throw new NoConnectionError(e); } VolleyLog.e("Unexpected response code %d for %s", statusCode, request.getUrl()); NetworkResponse networkResponse; if (responseContents != null) { networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { attemptRetryOnException("auth", request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse)); } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) { // Don't retry other client errors. throw new ClientError(networkResponse); } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) { if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) { attemptRetryOnException("server", request, new ServerError(networkResponse)); } else { throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { // 3xx? No reason to retry. throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { attemptRetryOnException("network", request, new NetworkError()); } } } }
@Test public void noConnection() throws Exception { MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack(); mockHttpStack.setExceptionToThrow(new IOException()); BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack); Request<String> request = buildRequest(); request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy); doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); try { httpNetwork.performRequest(request); } catch (VolleyError e) { // expected } // should not retry when there is no connection verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); }
[ "elapsedRealtime", "emptyMap", "addCacheHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "performRequest", "getStatusLine", "getStatusCode", "convertHeaders", "getAllHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "elapsedRealtime", "putAll", "elapsedRealtime", "getEntity", "entityToBytes", "getEntity", "elapsedRealtime", "logSlowRequests", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException", "getUrl", "getStatusCode", "getStatusLine", "e", "getUrl", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "shouldRetryServerErrors", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException" ]
[ "setExceptionToThrow", "buildRequest", "setRetryPolicy", "retry", "when", "doThrow", "any", "performRequest", "retry", "verify", "never", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;", "class_name": "BasicNetworkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;", "class_name": "BasicNetwork implements Network", "method_signatures": "public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BasicNetwork implements Network\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BasicNetworkTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError {\n long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();\n while (true) {\n HttpResponse httpResponse = null;\n byte[] responseContents = null;\n Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap();\n try {\n // Gather headers.\n Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();\n addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry());\n httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers);\n StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine();\n int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();\n\n responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders());\n // Handle cache validation.\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {\n\n Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry();\n if (entry == null) {\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null,\n responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We\n // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus\n // the new ones from the response.\n //\n entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders);\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,,\n entry.responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check.\n if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) {\n responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity());\n } else {\n // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a\n // no-content request.\n responseContents = new byte[0];\n }\n\n // if the request is slow, log it.\n long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart;\n logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine);\n\n if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) {\n throw new IOException();\n }\n return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"socket\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"connection\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Bad URL \" + request.getUrl(), e);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n int statusCode;\n if (httpResponse != null) {\n statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();\n } else {\n throw new NoConnectionError(e);\n }\n VolleyLog.e(\"Unexpected response code %d for %s\", statusCode, request.getUrl());\n NetworkResponse networkResponse;\n if (responseContents != null) {\n networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents,\n responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ||\n statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"auth\",\n request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse));\n } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) {\n // Don't retry other client errors.\n throw new ClientError(networkResponse);\n } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) {\n if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"server\",\n request, new ServerError(networkResponse));\n } else {\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n // 3xx? No reason to retry.\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"network\", request, new NetworkError());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void noConnection() throws Exception {\n MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack();\n mockHttpStack.setExceptionToThrow(new IOException());\n BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack);\n Request<String> request = buildRequest();\n request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy);\n doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n try {\n httpNetwork.performRequest(request);\n } catch (VolleyError e) {\n // expected\n }\n // should not retry when there is no connection\n verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Matcher<Response> redirection() { return new CustomMatcher<Response>("3xx (redirection) family of responses") { @Override public boolean matches(Object o) { return (o instanceof Response) && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.REDIRECTION); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { Response response = (Response) item; provideDescription(response, description); } }; }
@Test public void redirectionErrorMatcher() { Matcher<Response> redirectionMatcher = HttpMatchers.redirection(); Response response = mock(Response.class); Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class); when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType); when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.REDIRECTION); assertThat(response, is(redirectionMatcher)); }
[ "getFamily", "getStatusInfo", "provideDescription" ]
[ "redirection", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getStatusInfo", "thenReturn", "when", "getFamily", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchersTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchers", "method_signatures": "public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpMatchers\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpMatchersTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Matcher<Response> redirection() {\n return new CustomMatcher<Response>(\"3xx (redirection) family of responses\") {\n\n @Override\n public boolean matches(Object o) {\n return (o instanceof Response)\n && (((Response) o).getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.REDIRECTION);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) {\n Response response = (Response) item;\n provideDescription(response, description);\n }\n\n };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaxrsclient/src/test/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void redirectionErrorMatcher() {\n Matcher<Response> redirectionMatcher = HttpMatchers.redirection();\n Response response = mock(Response.class);\n Response.StatusType statusType = mock(Response.StatusType.class);\n when(response.getStatusInfo()).thenReturn(statusType);\n when(statusType.getFamily()).thenReturn(Response.Status.Family.REDIRECTION);\n assertThat(response, is(redirectionMatcher));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError { long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); while (true) { HttpResponse httpResponse = null; byte[] responseContents = null; Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap(); try { // Gather headers. Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry()); httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers); StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders()); // Handle cache validation. if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry(); if (entry == null) { return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null, responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus // the new ones from the response. // entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders); return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,, entry.responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check. if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity()); } else { // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a // no-content request. responseContents = new byte[0]; } // if the request is slow, log it. long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart; logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine); if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new IOException(); } return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("socket", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("connection", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad URL " + request.getUrl(), e); } catch (IOException e) { int statusCode; if (httpResponse != null) { statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { throw new NoConnectionError(e); } VolleyLog.e("Unexpected response code %d for %s", statusCode, request.getUrl()); NetworkResponse networkResponse; if (responseContents != null) { networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { attemptRetryOnException("auth", request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse)); } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) { // Don't retry other client errors. throw new ClientError(networkResponse); } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) { if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) { attemptRetryOnException("server", request, new ServerError(networkResponse)); } else { throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { // 3xx? No reason to retry. throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { attemptRetryOnException("network", request, new NetworkError()); } } } }
@Test public void serverError_disableRetries() throws Exception { for (int i = 500; i <= 599; i++) { MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack(); BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse = new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1), i, ""); mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse); BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack); Request<String> request = buildRequest(); request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy); doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); try { httpNetwork.performRequest(request); } catch (VolleyError e) { // expected } // should not retry any 500 error w/ HTTP 500 retries turned off (the default). verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); reset(mMockRetryPolicy); } }
[ "elapsedRealtime", "emptyMap", "addCacheHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "performRequest", "getStatusLine", "getStatusCode", "convertHeaders", "getAllHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "elapsedRealtime", "putAll", "elapsedRealtime", "getEntity", "entityToBytes", "getEntity", "elapsedRealtime", "logSlowRequests", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException", "getUrl", "getStatusCode", "getStatusLine", "e", "getUrl", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "shouldRetryServerErrors", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException" ]
[ "setResponseToReturn", "buildRequest", "setRetryPolicy", "retry", "when", "doThrow", "any", "performRequest", "retry", "verify", "never", "any", "reset" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;", "class_name": "BasicNetworkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;", "class_name": "BasicNetwork implements Network", "method_signatures": "public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BasicNetwork implements Network\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BasicNetworkTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError {\n long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();\n while (true) {\n HttpResponse httpResponse = null;\n byte[] responseContents = null;\n Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap();\n try {\n // Gather headers.\n Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();\n addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry());\n httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers);\n StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine();\n int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();\n\n responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders());\n // Handle cache validation.\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {\n\n Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry();\n if (entry == null) {\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null,\n responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We\n // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus\n // the new ones from the response.\n //\n entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders);\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,,\n entry.responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check.\n if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) {\n responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity());\n } else {\n // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a\n // no-content request.\n responseContents = new byte[0];\n }\n\n // if the request is slow, log it.\n long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart;\n logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine);\n\n if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) {\n throw new IOException();\n }\n return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"socket\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"connection\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Bad URL \" + request.getUrl(), e);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n int statusCode;\n if (httpResponse != null) {\n statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();\n } else {\n throw new NoConnectionError(e);\n }\n VolleyLog.e(\"Unexpected response code %d for %s\", statusCode, request.getUrl());\n NetworkResponse networkResponse;\n if (responseContents != null) {\n networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents,\n responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ||\n statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"auth\",\n request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse));\n } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) {\n // Don't retry other client errors.\n throw new ClientError(networkResponse);\n } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) {\n if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"server\",\n request, new ServerError(networkResponse));\n } else {\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n // 3xx? No reason to retry.\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"network\", request, new NetworkError());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void serverError_disableRetries() throws Exception {\n for (int i = 500; i <= 599; i++) {\n MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack();\n BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse =\n new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion(\"HTTP\", 1, 1), i, \"\");\n mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse);\n BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack);\n Request<String> request = buildRequest();\n request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy);\n doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n try {\n httpNetwork.performRequest(request);\n } catch (VolleyError e) {\n // expected\n }\n // should not retry any 500 error w/ HTTP 500 retries turned off (the default).\n verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n reset(mMockRetryPolicy);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
private FormattedEntityId(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey, List<Object> kijiRowKey) { mRowKeyFormat = Preconditions.checkNotNull(format); Preconditions.checkArgument(format.getEncoding() == RowKeyEncoding.FORMATTED); Preconditions.checkNotNull(format.getSalt(), "Formatted entityIds may not specify a null 'salt' field in RowKeyFormat2."); mHBaseRowKey = hbaseRowKey; if (format.getSalt().getSuppressKeyMaterialization()) { mComponentValues = null; } else { mComponentValues = kijiRowKey; } }
@Test public void testFormattedEntityId() { final RowKeyFormat2 format = makeRowKeyFormat(); final FormattedEntityId formattedEntityId = makeId(format, "one", 1, 7L); byte[] hbaseRowKey = formattedEntityId.getHBaseRowKey(); assertNotNull(hbaseRowKey); FormattedEntityId testEntityId = FormattedEntityId.fromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey, format); final List<Object> actuals = testEntityId.getComponents(); assertEquals(format.getComponents().size(), actuals.size()); assertEquals("one", actuals.get(0)); assertEquals(1, actuals.get(1)); assertEquals(7L, actuals.get(2)); assertArrayEquals(formattedEntityId.getHBaseRowKey(), testEntityId.getHBaseRowKey()); }
[ "makeRowKeyFormat", "makeId", "getHBaseRowKey", "assertNotNull", "fromHBaseRowKey", "getComponents", "assertEquals", "size", "getComponents", "size", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "assertArrayEquals", "getHBaseRowKey", "getHBaseRowKey" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestFormattedEntityId.class);", "class_name": "TestFormattedEntityId extends KijiClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private byte[] mHBaseRowKey;\nprivate List<Object> mComponentValues;\nprivate RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat;\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FormattedEntityId.class);", "class_name": "FormattedEntityId extends EntityId", "method_signatures": "private static ComponentType getType(Object obj)\nstatic FormattedEntityId getEntityId(List<Object> kijiRowKey,\n RowKeyFormat2 format)\nstatic FormattedEntityId fromHBaseRowKey(byte[] hbaseRowKey, RowKeyFormat2 format)\nprivate static byte[] makeHbaseRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, List<Object> kijiRowKey)\n@Override public byte[] getHBaseRowKey()\nprivate static List<Object> makeKijiRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey)\nprivate FormattedEntityId(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey, List<Object> kijiRowKey)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T getComponentByIndex(int idx)\n@Override public List<Object> getComponents()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public String toShellString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FormattedEntityId extends EntityId\n\nclass_fields: private byte[] mHBaseRowKey;\nprivate List<Object> mComponentValues;\nprivate RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat;\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FormattedEntityId.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: private static ComponentType getType(Object obj)\nstatic FormattedEntityId getEntityId(List<Object> kijiRowKey,\n RowKeyFormat2 format)\nstatic FormattedEntityId fromHBaseRowKey(byte[] hbaseRowKey, RowKeyFormat2 format)\nprivate static byte[] makeHbaseRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, List<Object> kijiRowKey)\n@Override public byte[] getHBaseRowKey()\nprivate static List<Object> makeKijiRowKey(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey)\nprivate FormattedEntityId(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey, List<Object> kijiRowKey)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T getComponentByIndex(int idx)\n@Override public List<Object> getComponents()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public String toShellString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFormattedEntityId extends KijiClientTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestFormattedEntityId.class);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n private FormattedEntityId(RowKeyFormat2 format, byte[] hbaseRowKey, List<Object> kijiRowKey) {\n mRowKeyFormat = Preconditions.checkNotNull(format);\n Preconditions.checkArgument(format.getEncoding() == RowKeyEncoding.FORMATTED);\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(format.getSalt(),\n \"Formatted entityIds may not specify a null 'salt' field in RowKeyFormat2.\");\n mHBaseRowKey = hbaseRowKey;\n if (format.getSalt().getSuppressKeyMaterialization()) {\n mComponentValues = null;\n } else {\n mComponentValues = kijiRowKey;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFormattedEntityId() {\n final RowKeyFormat2 format = makeRowKeyFormat();\n final FormattedEntityId formattedEntityId = makeId(format, \"one\", 1, 7L);\n byte[] hbaseRowKey = formattedEntityId.getHBaseRowKey();\n assertNotNull(hbaseRowKey);\n\n FormattedEntityId testEntityId = FormattedEntityId.fromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey, format);\n final List<Object> actuals = testEntityId.getComponents();\n assertEquals(format.getComponents().size(), actuals.size());\n assertEquals(\"one\", actuals.get(0));\n assertEquals(1, actuals.get(1));\n assertEquals(7L, actuals.get(2));\n\n assertArrayEquals(formattedEntityId.getHBaseRowKey(), testEntityId.getHBaseRowKey());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static byte[] hash(String input) { try { return hash(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Test public void testHash() { assertArrayEquals(Hasher.hash("foo"), Hasher.hash("foo")); // 16 bytes = 128-bit MD5. assertEquals(16, Hasher.hash("bar").length); assertFalse(Arrays.equals(Hasher.hash("foo"), Hasher.hash("bar"))); }
[ "hash", "getBytes" ]
[ "assertArrayEquals", "hash", "hash", "assertEquals", "hash", "assertFalse", "equals", "hash", "hash" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestHasher.class);", "class_name": "TestHasher" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int HASH_SIZE_BYTES = 16;\nprivate static final String ALGORITHM = \"MD5\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> MESSAGE_DIGEST\n = new ThreadLocal<MessageDigest>() {\n @Override\n protected MessageDigest initialValue() {\n try {\n return MessageDigest.getInstance(ALGORITHM);\n } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n }\n };", "class_name": "Hasher", "method_signatures": "private Hasher()\npublic static byte[] hash(String input)\npublic static byte[] hash(byte[] input)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Hasher\n\nclass_fields: public static final int HASH_SIZE_BYTES = 16;\nprivate static final String ALGORITHM = \"MD5\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> MESSAGE_DIGEST\n = new ThreadLocal<MessageDigest>() {\n @Override\n protected MessageDigest initialValue() {\n try {\n return MessageDigest.getInstance(ALGORITHM);\n } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: private Hasher()\npublic static byte[] hash(String input)\npublic static byte[] hash(byte[] input)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestHasher\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestHasher.class);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static byte[] hash(String input) {\n try {\n return hash(input.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"));\n } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHash() {\n assertArrayEquals(Hasher.hash(\"foo\"), Hasher.hash(\"foo\"));\n\n // 16 bytes = 128-bit MD5.\n assertEquals(16, Hasher.hash(\"bar\").length);\n\n assertFalse(Arrays.equals(Hasher.hash(\"foo\"), Hasher.hash(\"bar\")));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> KijiResult<T> create( final EntityId entityId, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final Result unpagedRawResult, final HBaseKijiTable table, final KijiTableLayout layout, final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider ) throws IOException { final Collection<Column> columnRequests = dataRequest.getColumns(); final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange( dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); for (Column columnRequest : columnRequests) { if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) { pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } else { unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } } final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider = decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest); final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =; final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =; if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest); } final HBaseMaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult; if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { materializedKijiResult = HBaseMaterializedKijiResult.create( entityId, unpagedRequest, unpagedRawResult, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider); } else { materializedKijiResult = null; } final HBasePagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult; if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { pagedKijiResult = new HBasePagedKijiResult<T>( entityId, pagedRequest, table, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider); } else { pagedKijiResult = null; } if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return pagedKijiResult; } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return materializedKijiResult; } else { return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult); } }
@Test public void testNarrowView() throws Exception { final KijiColumnName familyColumn1 = KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, null); final KijiColumnName familyColumn2 = KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, null); final KijiColumnName column1 = PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE; final KijiColumnName column2 = PRIMITIVE_STRING; final KijiColumnName column3 = STRING_MAP_1; final KijiColumnName column4 = STRING_MAP_2; for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0)) { final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).withMaxVersions(100).add(familyColumn1)) .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).withMaxVersions(100).add(column3)) .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(column4)) .withTimeRange(2, 10) .build(); final KijiResult<Object> view = mReader.getResult(mTable.getEntityId(ROW), request); try { testViewGet(view.narrowView(PRIMITIVE_LONG), ImmutableList.<Entry<Long, ?>>of()); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet(); testViewGet(view.narrowView(column1), column1Entries); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet(); testViewGet(view.narrowView(column2), column2Entries); testViewGet(view.narrowView(familyColumn1), Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries)); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column3Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column3).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet(); testViewGet(view.narrowView(column3), column3Entries); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column4Entries = Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column4).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet(), 1); testViewGet(view.narrowView(column4), column4Entries); testViewGet(view.narrowView(familyColumn2), Iterables.concat(column3Entries, column4Entries)); } finally { view.close(); } } }
[ "getColumns", "builder", "builder", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "isPagingEnabled", "newColumnsDef", "newColumnsDef", "getDecoderProviderForRequest", "build", "build", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "create", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "create" ]
[ "create", "create", "of", "build", "withTimeRange", "addColumns", "addColumns", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "add", "withPageSize", "create", "getResult", "getEntityId", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "of", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "concat", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "limit", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "testViewGet", "narrowView", "concat", "close" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate HBaseKijiTable mTable;\nprivate HBaseKijiTableReader mReader;", "class_name": "TestHBaseKijiResult extends KijiClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HBaseKijiResult", "method_signatures": "public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\nprivate HBaseKijiResult()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HBaseKijiResult\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\nprivate HBaseKijiResult()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestHBaseKijiResult extends KijiClientTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate HBaseKijiTable mTable;\nprivate HBaseKijiTableReader mReader;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n ) throws IOException {\n final Collection<Column> columnRequests = dataRequest.getColumns();\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(\n dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(),\n dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n\n for (Column columnRequest : columnRequests) {\n if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) {\n pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n } else {\n unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n }\n }\n\n final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider =\n decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest);\n\n final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =;\n final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =;\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest);\n }\n\n final HBaseMaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult;\n if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n materializedKijiResult =\n HBaseMaterializedKijiResult.create(\n entityId,\n unpagedRequest,\n unpagedRawResult,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider);\n } else {\n materializedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n final HBasePagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult;\n if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n pagedKijiResult =\n new HBasePagedKijiResult<T>(\n entityId,\n pagedRequest,\n table,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider);\n } else {\n pagedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return pagedKijiResult;\n } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return materializedKijiResult;\n } else {\n return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNarrowView() throws Exception {\n final KijiColumnName familyColumn1 = KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, null);\n final KijiColumnName familyColumn2 = KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, null);\n\n final KijiColumnName column1 = PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE;\n final KijiColumnName column2 = PRIMITIVE_STRING;\n final KijiColumnName column3 = STRING_MAP_1;\n final KijiColumnName column4 = STRING_MAP_2;\n\n for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0)) {\n\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).withMaxVersions(100).add(familyColumn1))\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).withMaxVersions(100).add(column3))\n .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(column4))\n .withTimeRange(2, 10)\n .build();\n\n final KijiResult<Object> view = mReader.getResult(mTable.getEntityId(ROW), request);\n try {\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(PRIMITIVE_LONG), ImmutableList.<Entry<Long, ?>>of());\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet();\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(column1), column1Entries);\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet();\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(column2), column2Entries);\n\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(familyColumn1),\n Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries));\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column3Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column3).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet();\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(column3), column3Entries);\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column4Entries =\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column4).subMap(10L, false, 2L, true).entrySet(), 1);\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(column4), column4Entries);\n\n testViewGet(view.narrowView(familyColumn2),\n Iterables.concat(column3Entries, column4Entries));\n } finally {\n view.close();\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T extends Serializable> T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType) throws Exception { if (source == null || resultType == null) { return null; } // 转成List做统一处理 List<Serializable> sourceList = new ArrayList<Serializable>(); sourceList.add(source); List<T> result = mapList(sqlToyContext, sourceList, resultType); return result.get(0); }
@Test public void testPOTOVO() { StaffInfo staffInfo = new StaffInfo(); staffInfo.setStaffId("S2007"); staffInfo.setStaffCode("S2007"); staffInfo.setPost("MASTER"); staffInfo.setStaffName("测试员工9"); staffInfo.setSexType("M"); staffInfo.setEmail(""); staffInfo.setEntryDate(; staffInfo.setStatus(1); staffInfo.setOrganId("100007"); // staffInfoVO.setPhoto(FileUtil.readAsBytes("classpath:/mock/staff_photo.jpg")); staffInfo.setCountry("86"); SqlToyContext context = new SqlToyContext(); try { context.initialize(); StaffInfoVO staffInfoVO =, staffInfo, StaffInfoVO.class); System.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfoVO)); StaffInfo staffInfo1 =, staffInfoVO, StaffInfo.class); System.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfo1)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
[ "add", "mapList", "get" ]
[ "setStaffId", "setStaffCode", "setPost", "setStaffName", "setSexType", "setEmail", "setEntryDate", "now", "setStatus", "setOrganId", "setCountry", "initialize", "map", "println", "toJSONString", "map", "println", "toJSONString", "printStackTrace" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MapperUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapperUtils.class);\nprivate static Map<String, DTOEntityMapModel> dtoEntityMappCache = new HashMap<String, DTOEntityMapModel>();", "class_name": "MapperUtils", "method_signatures": "public static T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\npublic static List<T> mapList(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, List<Serializable> sourceList,\n\t\t\tClass<T> resultType)\nprivate static List invokeGetValues(List sourceList, Method[] getMethods)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel getDTOEntityMap(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class sourceClass, Class resultType)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2PO(Class dtoClass, Class pojoClass)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2DTO(Class pojoClass, Class dtoClass)\nprivate static List reflectListToBean(List datas, Class voClass, Method[] realMethods)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MapperUtils\n\nclass_fields: protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapperUtils.class);\nprivate static Map<String, DTOEntityMapModel> dtoEntityMappCache = new HashMap<String, DTOEntityMapModel>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\npublic static List<T> mapList(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, List<Serializable> sourceList,\n\t\t\tClass<T> resultType)\nprivate static List invokeGetValues(List sourceList, Method[] getMethods)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel getDTOEntityMap(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class sourceClass, Class resultType)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2PO(Class dtoClass, Class pojoClass)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2DTO(Class pojoClass, Class dtoClass)\nprivate static List reflectListToBean(List datas, Class voClass, Method[] realMethods)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MapperUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T extends Serializable> T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\n\t\t\tthrows Exception {\n\t\tif (source == null || resultType == null) {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// 转成List做统一处理\n\t\tList<Serializable> sourceList = new ArrayList<Serializable>();\n\t\tsourceList.add(source);\n\t\tList<T> result = mapList(sqlToyContext, sourceList, resultType);\n\t\treturn result.get(0);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/test/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testPOTOVO() {\n\t\tStaffInfo staffInfo = new StaffInfo();\n\t\tstaffInfo.setStaffId(\"S2007\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setStaffCode(\"S2007\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setPost(\"MASTER\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setStaffName(\"测试员工9\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setSexType(\"M\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setEmail(\"\");\n\t\tstaffInfo.setEntryDate(;\n\t\tstaffInfo.setStatus(1);\n\t\tstaffInfo.setOrganId(\"100007\");\n\t\t// staffInfoVO.setPhoto(FileUtil.readAsBytes(\"classpath:/mock/staff_photo.jpg\"));\n\t\tstaffInfo.setCountry(\"86\");\n\t\tSqlToyContext context = new SqlToyContext();\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tcontext.initialize();\n\t\t\tStaffInfoVO staffInfoVO =, staffInfo, StaffInfoVO.class);\n\t\t\tSystem.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfoVO));\n\t\t\tStaffInfo staffInfo1 =, staffInfoVO, StaffInfo.class);\n\t\t\tSystem.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfo1));\n\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n\t\t\t// TODO Auto-generated catch block\n\t\t\te.printStackTrace();\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions) throws ModuleDependencyException { for (ModuleDefinition def : moduleDefinitions.values()) { for (DependencyDefinition dep : def.getDependencies()) { checkSpecificDependency(def, dep, moduleDefinitions); } } }
@Test public void testDependenciesCanUseUpperBoundInfiniteRanges() throws Exception { final Map modules = buildModulesMapWithDependencyOn("1.0/*"); depChecker.checkDependencies(modules); // assert(no dependency failures) }
[ "values", "getDependencies", "checkSpecificDependency" ]
[ "buildModulesMapWithDependencyOn", "checkDependencies" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DependencyChecker depChecker;", "class_name": "DependencyCheckerImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DependencyCheckerImpl implements DependencyChecker", "method_signatures": "@Override public void checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)\n@Override public List<ModuleDefinition> sortByDependencyLevel(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)\nprotected void checkSpecificDependency(ModuleDefinition checkedModule, DependencyDefinition dependency, Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: magnolia-core/src/main/java/info/magnolia/module/model/reader/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DependencyCheckerImpl implements DependencyChecker\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)\n@Override public List<ModuleDefinition> sortByDependencyLevel(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)\nprotected void checkSpecificDependency(ModuleDefinition checkedModule, DependencyDefinition dependency, Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DependencyCheckerImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private DependencyChecker depChecker;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file magnolia-core/src/main/java/info/magnolia/module/model/reader/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition> moduleDefinitions) throws ModuleDependencyException {\n for (ModuleDefinition def : moduleDefinitions.values()) {\n for (DependencyDefinition dep : def.getDependencies()) {\n checkSpecificDependency(def, dep, moduleDefinitions);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n magnolia-core/src/test/java/info/magnolia/module/model/reader/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDependenciesCanUseUpperBoundInfiniteRanges() throws Exception {\n final Map modules = buildModulesMapWithDependencyOn(\"1.0/*\");\n depChecker.checkDependencies(modules);\n // assert(no dependency failures)\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public LayoutPatternBuilder suppressExceptions() { removeTrailingComma(); sb.append("%ex{0} "); sb.append(","); return this; }
@Test public void suppressExceptions() throws Exception { String pattern = new LayoutPatternBuilder().suppressExceptions().build(); assertThat(pattern, specificPart(is("%ex{0} "))); }
[ "removeTrailingComma", "append", "append" ]
[ "build", "suppressExceptions", "assertThat", "specificPart", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String COMMON_PREFIX = \"{ \\\"written_at\\\":\\\"%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX}{UTC}\\\",\\\"written_ts\\\":%tstamp\";\nprivate static final String COMMON_SUFFIX = \"}%n\";", "class_name": "LayoutPatternBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String COMMON_POSTFIX_PATTERN = \"}%n\";\nprivate final StringBuilder sb;", "class_name": "LayoutPatternBuilder", "method_signatures": "public LayoutPatternBuilder()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addRequestMetrics()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addBasicApplicationLogs()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addContextProperties(List<String> exclusions)\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addCustomFields(List<String> mdcKeyNames)\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addStacktraces()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder suppressExceptions()\nprivate StringBuilder appendQuoted(String key, String value)\nprivate StringBuilder appendUnquoted(String key, String value)\nprivate void appendParameters(List<String> parameters)\nprivate void removeTrailingComma()\npublic String build()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: cf-java-logging-support-log4j2/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/log4j2/layout/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LayoutPatternBuilder\n\nclass_fields: private static final String COMMON_POSTFIX_PATTERN = \"}%n\";\nprivate final StringBuilder sb;\n\nmethod_signatures: public LayoutPatternBuilder()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addRequestMetrics()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addBasicApplicationLogs()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addContextProperties(List<String> exclusions)\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addCustomFields(List<String> mdcKeyNames)\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder addStacktraces()\npublic LayoutPatternBuilder suppressExceptions()\nprivate StringBuilder appendQuoted(String key, String value)\nprivate StringBuilder appendUnquoted(String key, String value)\nprivate void appendParameters(List<String> parameters)\nprivate void removeTrailingComma()\npublic String build()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LayoutPatternBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String COMMON_PREFIX = \"{ \\\"written_at\\\":\\\"%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX}{UTC}\\\",\\\"written_ts\\\":%tstamp\";\nprivate static final String COMMON_SUFFIX = \"}%n\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file cf-java-logging-support-log4j2/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/log4j2/layout/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public LayoutPatternBuilder suppressExceptions() {\n\t\tremoveTrailingComma();\n\t\tsb.append(\"%ex{0} \");\n\t\tsb.append(\",\");\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n cf-java-logging-support-log4j2/src/test/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/log4j2/layout/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void suppressExceptions() throws Exception {\n\t\tString pattern = new LayoutPatternBuilder().suppressExceptions().build();\n\n\t\tassertThat(pattern, specificPart(is(\"%ex{0} \")));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static SqlToyConfig parseSagment(Object sqlSegment, String encoding, String dialect) throws Exception { Element elt = null; if (sqlSegment instanceof String) { Document doc = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse( new ByteArrayInputStream(((String) sqlSegment).getBytes(encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding))); elt = doc.getDocumentElement(); } else if (sqlSegment instanceof Element) { elt = (Element) sqlSegment; } if (elt == null) { logger.error("sqlSegment type must is String or org.w3c.dom.Element!"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("sqlSegment type must is String or org.w3c.dom.Element!"); } return parseSingleSql(elt, dialect); }
@Test public void testParseSegmentXML() { String sql = FileUtil.readFileAsStr("classpath:scripts/report.xml", "UTF-8"); try { SqlToyConfig result = SqlXMLConfigParse.parseSagment(sql, "utf-8", "mysql"); System.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(result)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
[ "parse", "newDocumentBuilder", "getBytes", "getDocumentElement", "error", "parseSingleSql" ]
[ "readFileAsStr", "parseSagment", "println", "toJSONString", "printStackTrace" ]
{ "class_fields": "protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlXMLConfigParseTest.class);", "class_name": "SqlXMLConfigParseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlXMLConfigParse.class);\nprivate final static Pattern ES_AGGS_PATTERN = Pattern\n\t\t\t.compile(\"(?i)\\\\W(\\\"|\\')(aggregations|aggs)(\\\"|\\')\\\\s*\\\\:\\\\s*\\\\{\");\nprivate final static Pattern MONGO_AGGS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\$group\\\\s*\\\\:\");\nprivate final static Pattern GROUP_BY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\Wgroup\\\\s+by\\\\W\");\nprivate static DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();\npublic static HashMap<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>() {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * \n\t\t */\n\t\tprivate static final long serialVersionUID = 1636155921862321269L;\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tput(\"[\", \"]\");\n\t\t}\n\t};", "class_name": "SqlXMLConfigParse", "method_signatures": "public static void parseXML(List xmlFiles, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> filesLastModifyMap,\n\t\t\tConcurrentHashMap<String, SqlToyConfig> cache, String encoding, String dialect)\npublic static void parseSingleFile(Object xmlFile, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> filesLastModifyMap,\n\t\t\tConcurrentHashMap<String, SqlToyConfig> cache, String encoding, String dialect, boolean isReload)\npublic static SqlToyConfig parseSagment(Object sqlSegment, String encoding, String dialect)\nprivate static String getElementPrefixName(Element sqlElement)\npublic static SqlToyConfig parseSingleSql(Element sqlElt, String dialect)\nprivate static void parseNoSql(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, Element sqlElt, String local)\npublic static void parseSecureMask(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList maskElts)\nprivate static String getAttrValue(Element elt, String attrName)\nprivate static void parseShardingDataSource(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList shardingDBNode)\nprivate static void parseShardingTables(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList shardingTables)\nprivate static void parseFilters(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList filterSet, int blankToNull, String local)\nprivate static void parseFilterElt(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, ParamFilterModel filterModel, Element filter,\n\t\t\tString local)\npublic static void parseTranslate(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList translates)\nprivate static void parseLink(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList linkNode, String local)\nprivate static void parseFormat(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList dfElts, NodeList nfElts)\nprivate static void parseCalculator(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, Element sqlElt, String local)\nprivate static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String reasource)\nprivate static String[] trimParams(String[] paramNames)\nprivate static String[] splitFields(String fields)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlXMLConfigParse\n\nclass_fields: protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlXMLConfigParse.class);\nprivate final static Pattern ES_AGGS_PATTERN = Pattern\n\t\t\t.compile(\"(?i)\\\\W(\\\"|\\')(aggregations|aggs)(\\\"|\\')\\\\s*\\\\:\\\\s*\\\\{\");\nprivate final static Pattern MONGO_AGGS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\$group\\\\s*\\\\:\");\nprivate final static Pattern GROUP_BY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\Wgroup\\\\s+by\\\\W\");\nprivate static DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();\npublic static HashMap<String, String> filters = new HashMap<String, String>() {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * \n\t\t */\n\t\tprivate static final long serialVersionUID = 1636155921862321269L;\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tput(\"[\", \"]\");\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\nmethod_signatures: public static void parseXML(List xmlFiles, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> filesLastModifyMap,\n\t\t\tConcurrentHashMap<String, SqlToyConfig> cache, String encoding, String dialect)\npublic static void parseSingleFile(Object xmlFile, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> filesLastModifyMap,\n\t\t\tConcurrentHashMap<String, SqlToyConfig> cache, String encoding, String dialect, boolean isReload)\npublic static SqlToyConfig parseSagment(Object sqlSegment, String encoding, String dialect)\nprivate static String getElementPrefixName(Element sqlElement)\npublic static SqlToyConfig parseSingleSql(Element sqlElt, String dialect)\nprivate static void parseNoSql(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, Element sqlElt, String local)\npublic static void parseSecureMask(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList maskElts)\nprivate static String getAttrValue(Element elt, String attrName)\nprivate static void parseShardingDataSource(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList shardingDBNode)\nprivate static void parseShardingTables(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList shardingTables)\nprivate static void parseFilters(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList filterSet, int blankToNull, String local)\nprivate static void parseFilterElt(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, ParamFilterModel filterModel, Element filter,\n\t\t\tString local)\npublic static void parseTranslate(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList translates)\nprivate static void parseLink(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList linkNode, String local)\nprivate static void parseFormat(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, NodeList dfElts, NodeList nfElts)\nprivate static void parseCalculator(SqlToyConfig sqlToyConfig, Element sqlElt, String local)\nprivate static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String reasource)\nprivate static String[] trimParams(String[] paramNames)\nprivate static String[] splitFields(String fields)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlXMLConfigParseTest\n\nclass_fields: protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlXMLConfigParseTest.class);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static SqlToyConfig parseSagment(Object sqlSegment, String encoding, String dialect) throws Exception {\n\t\tElement elt = null;\n\t\tif (sqlSegment instanceof String) {\n\t\t\tDocument doc = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew ByteArrayInputStream(((String) sqlSegment).getBytes(encoding == null ? \"UTF-8\" : encoding)));\n\t\t\telt = doc.getDocumentElement();\n\t\t} else if (sqlSegment instanceof Element) {\n\t\t\telt = (Element) sqlSegment;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (elt == null) {\n\t\t\tlogger.error(\"sqlSegment type must is String or org.w3c.dom.Element!\");\n\t\t\tthrow new IllegalArgumentException(\"sqlSegment type must is String or org.w3c.dom.Element!\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn parseSingleSql(elt, dialect);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/test/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testParseSegmentXML() {\n\t\tString sql = FileUtil.readFileAsStr(\"classpath:scripts/report.xml\", \"UTF-8\");\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tSqlToyConfig result = SqlXMLConfigParse.parseSagment(sql, \"utf-8\", \"mysql\");\n\t\t\tSystem.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(result));\n\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n\t\t\t// TODO Auto-generated catch block\n\t\t\te.printStackTrace();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) { Class<?> c = obj.getClass(); Class<?> pc = getClassProxy(c); Constructor<?> cons; try { cons = pc.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { InvocationHandler.class }); return (T) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { handler }); } catch (Exception e) { IllegalArgumentException ia = new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not create a new instance of the class " + pc.getName()); ia.initCause(e); throw ia; } }
@Test public void testVarArgs() { createProxy(new ClassWithVarArgsMethod()).sum(1.2, 3.0); assertEquals("sum = 4.2", buff.toString()); }
[ "getClass", "getClassProxy", "getConstructor", "newInstance", "getName", "initCause" ]
[ "sum", "createProxy", "assertEquals", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;", "class_name": "CompilingProxyFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Compiler compiler = new Compiler();\nprivate HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> proxyMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();\nprivate boolean useSystemJavaCompiler = true;", "class_name": "CompilingProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)\npublic void setUseSystemJavaCompiler(boolean useSystemJavaCompiler)\nprivate Compiler getCompiler()\npublic Class<?> getClassProxy(Class<?> c)\npublic HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> getProxyMap()\npublic static String getUniqueFieldName(Class<?> c, String preferredFieldName)\npublic static boolean hasField(Class<?> c, String fieldName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CompilingProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory\n\nclass_fields: private Compiler compiler = new Compiler();\nprivate HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> proxyMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();\nprivate boolean useSystemJavaCompiler = true;\n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)\npublic void setUseSystemJavaCompiler(boolean useSystemJavaCompiler)\nprivate Compiler getCompiler()\npublic Class<?> getClassProxy(Class<?> c)\npublic HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> getProxyMap()\npublic static String getUniqueFieldName(Class<?> c, String preferredFieldName)\npublic static boolean hasField(Class<?> c, String fieldName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CompilingProxyFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) {\n Class<?> c = obj.getClass();\n Class<?> pc = getClassProxy(c);\n Constructor<?> cons;\n try {\n cons = pc.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { InvocationHandler.class });\n return (T) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { handler });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n IllegalArgumentException ia = new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Could not create a new instance of the class \" +\n pc.getName());\n ia.initCause(e);\n throw ia;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n assertthrows/src/test/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testVarArgs() {\n createProxy(new ClassWithVarArgsMethod()).sum(1.2, 3.0);\n assertEquals(\"sum = 4.2\", buff.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { if (HttpServletRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass()) && HttpServletResponse.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass())) { doFilterRequest((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, chain); } else { chain.doFilter(request, response); } }
@Test public void testExplicitTenantId() throws IOException, ServletException { mockGetHeader(HttpHeaders.TENANT_ID, TENANT_ID); mockGetHeader(HttpHeaders.X_VCAP_REQUEST_ID, REQUEST_ID); FilterChain mockFilterChain = mock(FilterChain.class); new RequestLoggingFilter().doFilter(mockReq, mockResp, mockFilterChain); assertThat(getField(Fields.TENANT_ID), is(TENANT_ID)); }
[ "isAssignableFrom", "getClass", "isAssignableFrom", "getClass", "doFilterRequest", "doFilter" ]
[ "mockGetHeader", "mockGetHeader", "mock", "doFilter", "assertThat", "getField", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String REQUEST_ID = \"1234-56-7890-xxx\";\nprivate static final String CORRELATION_ID = \"xxx-56-7890-xxx\";\nprivate static final String TENANT_ID = \"tenant1\";\nprivate static final String REQUEST = \"/foobar\";\nprivate static final String QUERY_STRING = \"baz=bla\";\nprivate static final String FULL_REQUEST = REQUEST + \"?\" + QUERY_STRING;\nprivate static final String REMOTE_HOST = \"\";\nprivate static final String REFERER = \"\";\n@Rule\n\tpublic SystemOutRule systemOut = new SystemOutRule();\n@Rule\n\tpublic SystemErrRule systemErr = new SystemErrRule();\nprivate HttpServletRequest mockReq = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);\nprivate HttpServletResponse mockResp = mock(HttpServletResponse.class);\nprivate PrintWriter mockWriter = mock(PrintWriter.class);", "class_name": "RequestLoggingFilterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String LOG_PROVIDER = \"[SERVLET]\";\npublic static final String WRAP_RESPONSE_INIT_PARAM = \"wrapResponse\";\npublic static final String WRAP_REQUEST_INIT_PARAM = \"wrapRequest\";\nprivate boolean wrapResponse = true;\nprivate boolean wrapRequest = true;\nprivate DynLogEnvironment dynLogEnvironment;\nprivate DynamicLogLevelProcessor dynamicLogLevelProcessor;\nprivate RequestRecordFactory requestRecordFactory;", "class_name": "RequestLoggingFilter implements Filter", "method_signatures": "public RequestLoggingFilter()\nprivate static RequestRecordFactory createRequestRecordFactory()\n RequestLoggingFilter(RequestRecordFactory requestRecordFactory)\n@Override public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig)\n@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)\n@Override public void destroy()\nprivate void doFilterRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse, FilterChain chain)\nprivate void doFilter(FilterChain chain, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: cf-java-logging-support-servlet/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/servlet/filter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RequestLoggingFilter implements Filter\n\nclass_fields: public static final String LOG_PROVIDER = \"[SERVLET]\";\npublic static final String WRAP_RESPONSE_INIT_PARAM = \"wrapResponse\";\npublic static final String WRAP_REQUEST_INIT_PARAM = \"wrapRequest\";\nprivate boolean wrapResponse = true;\nprivate boolean wrapRequest = true;\nprivate DynLogEnvironment dynLogEnvironment;\nprivate DynamicLogLevelProcessor dynamicLogLevelProcessor;\nprivate RequestRecordFactory requestRecordFactory;\n\nmethod_signatures: public RequestLoggingFilter()\nprivate static RequestRecordFactory createRequestRecordFactory()\n RequestLoggingFilter(RequestRecordFactory requestRecordFactory)\n@Override public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig)\n@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)\n@Override public void destroy()\nprivate void doFilterRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse, FilterChain chain)\nprivate void doFilter(FilterChain chain, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RequestLoggingFilterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String REQUEST_ID = \"1234-56-7890-xxx\";\nprivate static final String CORRELATION_ID = \"xxx-56-7890-xxx\";\nprivate static final String TENANT_ID = \"tenant1\";\nprivate static final String REQUEST = \"/foobar\";\nprivate static final String QUERY_STRING = \"baz=bla\";\nprivate static final String FULL_REQUEST = REQUEST + \"?\" + QUERY_STRING;\nprivate static final String REMOTE_HOST = \"\";\nprivate static final String REFERER = \"\";\n@Rule\n\tpublic SystemOutRule systemOut = new SystemOutRule();\n@Rule\n\tpublic SystemErrRule systemErr = new SystemErrRule();\nprivate HttpServletRequest mockReq = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);\nprivate HttpServletResponse mockResp = mock(HttpServletResponse.class);\nprivate PrintWriter mockWriter = mock(PrintWriter.class);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file cf-java-logging-support-servlet/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/servlet/filter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)\n\t\t\tthrows IOException, ServletException {\n\t\tif (HttpServletRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass())\n\t\t\t\t&& HttpServletResponse.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass())) {\n\t\t\tdoFilterRequest((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, chain);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tchain.doFilter(request, response);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n cf-java-logging-support-servlet/src/test/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/servlet/filter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testExplicitTenantId() throws IOException, ServletException {\n\t\tmockGetHeader(HttpHeaders.TENANT_ID, TENANT_ID);\n\t\tmockGetHeader(HttpHeaders.X_VCAP_REQUEST_ID, REQUEST_ID);\n\t\tFilterChain mockFilterChain = mock(FilterChain.class);\n\t\tnew RequestLoggingFilter().doFilter(mockReq, mockResp, mockFilterChain);\n\t\tassertThat(getField(Fields.TENANT_ID), is(TENANT_ID));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (null == value) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyValueCanNotBeNull(); if (null == key) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeNull(); if (key.isEmpty()) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty(); if (Graph.Hidden.isHidden(key)) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeAHiddenKey(key); }
@Test public void shouldValidatePropertyAndNotAllowNullKey() { try { ElementHelper.validateProperty(null, "test"); fail("Should fail as property key cannot be null"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals(Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeNull().getMessage(), iae.getMessage()); } }
[ "propertyValueCanNotBeNull", "propertyKeyCanNotBeNull", "isEmpty", "propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty", "isHidden", "propertyKeyCanNotBeAHiddenKey" ]
[ "validateProperty", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "propertyKeyCanNotBeNull", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException {\n if (null == value)\n throw Property.Exceptions.propertyValueCanNotBeNull();\n if (null == key)\n throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeNull();\n if (key.isEmpty())\n throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty();\n if (Graph.Hidden.isHidden(key))\n throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeAHiddenKey(key);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldValidatePropertyAndNotAllowNullKey() {\n try {\n ElementHelper.validateProperty(null, \"test\");\n fail(\"Should fail as property key cannot be null\");\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {\n assertEquals(Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeNull().getMessage(), iae.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> KijiResult<T> create( final EntityId entityId, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final Result unpagedRawResult, final HBaseKijiTable table, final KijiTableLayout layout, final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider ) throws IOException { final Collection<Column> columnRequests = dataRequest.getColumns(); final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange( dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); for (Column columnRequest : columnRequests) { if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) { pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } else { unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } } final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider = decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest); final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =; final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =; if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest); } final HBaseMaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult; if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { materializedKijiResult = HBaseMaterializedKijiResult.create( entityId, unpagedRequest, unpagedRawResult, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider); } else { materializedKijiResult = null; } final HBasePagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult; if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { pagedKijiResult = new HBasePagedKijiResult<T>( entityId, pagedRequest, table, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider); } else { pagedKijiResult = null; } if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return pagedKijiResult; } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return materializedKijiResult; } else { return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult); } }
@Test public void testGetFamilyColumn() throws Exception { final Map<String, ? extends List<KijiColumnName>> families = ImmutableMap.of( PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, ImmutableList.of(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, PRIMITIVE_STRING), STRING_MAP_FAMILY, ImmutableList.of(STRING_MAP_1, STRING_MAP_2)); for (Entry<String, ? extends List<KijiColumnName>> family : families.entrySet()) { for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2, 10)) { final KijiColumnName familyColumn = KijiColumnName.create(family.getKey(), null); final KijiColumnName column1 = family.getValue().get(0); final KijiColumnName column2 = family.getValue().get(1); { // Single version | no timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(familyColumn)) .build(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries = Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column1).entrySet(), 1); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries = Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column2).entrySet(), 1); testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries)); } { // Single version | timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(familyColumn)) .withTimeRange(4, 6) .build(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries = Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries = Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1); testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries)); } { // Multiple versions | no timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef .create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .withMaxVersions(100) .add(familyColumn)) .build(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column1).entrySet(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column2).entrySet(); testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries)); } { // Multiple versions | timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef .create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .withMaxVersions(100) .add(familyColumn)) .withTimeRange(4, 6) .build(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(); final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries = ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(); testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries)); } } } }
[ "getColumns", "builder", "builder", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "isPagingEnabled", "newColumnsDef", "newColumnsDef", "getDecoderProviderForRequest", "build", "build", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "create", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "create" ]
[ "of", "of", "of", "entrySet", "of", "create", "getKey", "get", "getValue", "get", "getValue", "build", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withPageSize", "create", "limit", "entrySet", "get", "limit", "entrySet", "get", "testViewGet", "concat", "build", "withTimeRange", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withPageSize", "create", "limit", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "limit", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "concat", "build", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "entrySet", "get", "entrySet", "get", "testViewGet", "concat", "build", "withTimeRange", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "testViewGet", "concat" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate HBaseKijiTable mTable;\nprivate HBaseKijiTableReader mReader;", "class_name": "TestHBaseKijiResult extends KijiClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HBaseKijiResult", "method_signatures": "public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\nprivate HBaseKijiResult()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HBaseKijiResult\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\nprivate HBaseKijiResult()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestHBaseKijiResult extends KijiClientTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate HBaseKijiTable mTable;\nprivate HBaseKijiTableReader mReader;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final Result unpagedRawResult,\n final HBaseKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final HBaseColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n ) throws IOException {\n final Collection<Column> columnRequests = dataRequest.getColumns();\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(\n dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(),\n dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n\n for (Column columnRequest : columnRequests) {\n if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) {\n pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n } else {\n unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n }\n }\n\n final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider =\n decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest);\n\n final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =;\n final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =;\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest);\n }\n\n final HBaseMaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult;\n if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n materializedKijiResult =\n HBaseMaterializedKijiResult.create(\n entityId,\n unpagedRequest,\n unpagedRawResult,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider);\n } else {\n materializedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n final HBasePagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult;\n if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n pagedKijiResult =\n new HBasePagedKijiResult<T>(\n entityId,\n pagedRequest,\n table,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider);\n } else {\n pagedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return pagedKijiResult;\n } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return materializedKijiResult;\n } else {\n return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetFamilyColumn() throws Exception {\n final Map<String, ? extends List<KijiColumnName>> families =\n ImmutableMap.of(\n PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, ImmutableList.of(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, PRIMITIVE_STRING),\n STRING_MAP_FAMILY, ImmutableList.of(STRING_MAP_1, STRING_MAP_2));\n\n for (Entry<String, ? extends List<KijiColumnName>> family : families.entrySet()) {\n for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2, 10)) {\n\n final KijiColumnName familyColumn = KijiColumnName.create(family.getKey(), null);\n final KijiColumnName column1 = family.getValue().get(0);\n final KijiColumnName column2 = family.getValue().get(1);\n\n { // Single version | no timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(familyColumn))\n .build();\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries =\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column1).entrySet(), 1);\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries =\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column2).entrySet(), 1);\n\n testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries));\n }\n\n { // Single version | timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(ColumnsDef.create().withPageSize(pageSize).add(familyColumn))\n .withTimeRange(4, 6)\n .build();\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries =\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1);\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries =\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1);\n\n testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries));\n }\n\n { // Multiple versions | no timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef\n .create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .withMaxVersions(100)\n .add(familyColumn))\n .build();\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column1).entrySet();\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column2).entrySet();\n\n testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries));\n }\n\n { // Multiple versions | timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef\n .create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .withMaxVersions(100)\n .add(familyColumn))\n .withTimeRange(4, 6)\n .build();\n\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column1Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column1).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet();\n final Iterable<? extends Entry<Long, ?>> column2Entries =\n ROW_DATA.get(column2).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet();\n\n testViewGet(request, Iterables.concat(column1Entries, column2Entries));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
KijiTool getToolForName(String toolName) { KijiTool tool = null; // Iterate over available tools, searching for the one with // the same name as the supplied tool name argument. for (KijiTool candidate : Lookups.get(KijiTool.class)) { if (toolName.equals(candidate.getName())) { tool = candidate; break; } } return tool; }
@Test public void testGetMissingTool() { KijiTool tool = new KijiToolLauncher().getToolForName("this-tool/can't1`exist"); assertNull(tool); }
[ "get", "equals", "getName" ]
[ "getToolForName", "assertNull" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestKijiToolLauncher" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "KijiToolLauncher extends Configured", "method_signatures": "public int run(String[] args)\n KijiTool getToolForName(String toolName)\npublic int run(KijiTool tool, String[] args)\npublic static void main(String[] args)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KijiToolLauncher extends Configured\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public int run(String[] args)\n KijiTool getToolForName(String toolName)\npublic int run(KijiTool tool, String[] args)\npublic static void main(String[] args)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestKijiToolLauncher\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n KijiTool getToolForName(String toolName) {\n KijiTool tool = null;\n\n // Iterate over available tools, searching for the one with\n // the same name as the supplied tool name argument.\n for (KijiTool candidate : Lookups.get(KijiTool.class)) {\n if (toolName.equals(candidate.getName())) {\n tool = candidate;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return tool;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetMissingTool() {\n KijiTool tool = new KijiToolLauncher().getToolForName(\"this-tool/can't1`exist\");\n assertNull(tool);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag); final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout); if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) { // HBase row key specification final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()); final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec); return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey); } else { // Kiji row key specification final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX) ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()) : entityFlag; return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout); } }
@Test public void testNonNullFollowsNull() throws IOException { try { ToolUtils .createEntityIdFromUserInputs("['dummy', 'str1', 'str2', null, 5]", mFormattedLayout); fail("Should fail with EntityIdException."); } catch (EntityIdException eie) { assertEquals("Non null component follows null component", eie.getMessage()); } }
[ "checkNotNull", "getFactory", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseBytesFlag", "getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseKijiRowKey" ]
[ "createEntityIdFromUserInputs", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);", "class_name": "TestToolUtils" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";", "class_name": "ToolUtils", "method_signatures": "private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\n throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag);\n\n final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout);\n\n if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) {\n // HBase row key specification\n final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length());\n final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec);\n return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey);\n\n } else {\n // Kiji row key specification\n final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)\n ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length())\n : entityFlag;\n\n return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNonNullFollowsNull() throws IOException {\n\n try {\n ToolUtils\n .createEntityIdFromUserInputs(\"['dummy', 'str1', 'str2', null, 5]\", mFormattedLayout);\n fail(\"Should fail with EntityIdException.\");\n } catch (EntityIdException eie) {\n assertEquals(\"Non null component follows null component\", eie.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@POST public Response doThis(@FormParam("turns") @DefaultValue("2") int turns) throws DoThisException { log.debug("Request to doThis {} times", turns); if (turns > 100) throw new DoThisException("At max, 100 turns are allowed"); if (turns < 0) throw new DoThisException("Can't undo 'This'"); myService.doThis(turns); return Response.noContent().build(); }
@Test public void testDoThis() { /* * POST ?turns=i default 2 */ RestAssured.given() .param("turns", 1) .expect() .statusCode(204) .when() .post("/media-module"); RestAssured.given() .param("turns", 10) .expect() .statusCode(204) .when() .post("/media-module"); RestAssured.expect() .statusCode(204) .when() .post("/media-module"); RestAssured.given() .param("turns", 123) .expect() .statusCode(444) .when() .post("/media-module"); }
[ "debug", "doThis", "build", "noContent" ]
[ "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "param", "given", "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "param", "given", "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "param", "given" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static JettyMarmotta marmotta;", "class_name": "MyWebServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Inject\n private Logger log;\n@Inject\n private MyService myService;", "class_name": "MyWebService", "method_signatures": "@GET @Produces(\"text/plain; charset=utf8\") public Response hello(@QueryParam(\"name\") String name)\n@POST public Response doThis(@FormParam(\"turns\") @DefaultValue(\"2\") int turns)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: media/media-tutorial-module/src/main/java/org/apache/marmotta/extension/webservices/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MyWebService\n\nclass_fields: @Inject\n private Logger log;\n@Inject\n private MyService myService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @GET @Produces(\"text/plain; charset=utf8\") public Response hello(@QueryParam(\"name\") String name)\n@POST public Response doThis(@FormParam(\"turns\") @DefaultValue(\"2\") int turns)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MyWebServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static JettyMarmotta marmotta;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file media/media-tutorial-module/src/main/java/org/apache/marmotta/extension/webservices/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @POST\n public Response doThis(@FormParam(\"turns\") @DefaultValue(\"2\") int turns) throws DoThisException {\n log.debug(\"Request to doThis {} times\", turns);\n if (turns > 100) throw new DoThisException(\"At max, 100 turns are allowed\");\n if (turns < 0) throw new DoThisException(\"Can't undo 'This'\");\n\n myService.doThis(turns);\n return Response.noContent().build();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n media/media-tutorial-module/src/test/java/org/apache/marmotta/extension/webservices/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDoThis() {\n /*\n * POST ?turns=i default 2\n */\n RestAssured.given()\n .param(\"turns\", 1)\n .expect()\n .statusCode(204)\n .when()\n .post(\"/media-module\");\n\n RestAssured.given()\n .param(\"turns\", 10)\n .expect()\n .statusCode(204)\n .when()\n .post(\"/media-module\");\n\n RestAssured.expect()\n .statusCode(204)\n .when()\n .post(\"/media-module\");\n\n RestAssured.given()\n .param(\"turns\", 123)\n .expect()\n .statusCode(444)\n .when()\n .post(\"/media-module\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) { final Class<CompilerConfiguration> clazz = CompilerConfiguration.class; final List<Method> methods = Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods()); for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { final Method method = -> m.getName().equals("set" + entry.getKey())).findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Invalid setting [" + entry.getKey() + "] for CompilerConfiguration")); try { method.invoke(compilerConfiguration, entry.getValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } return compilerConfiguration; }
@Test public void shouldApplyConfigurationChanges() { final CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration(); assertEquals(10, configuration.getTolerance()); assertNull(configuration.getScriptBaseClass()); assertEquals(false, configuration.getDebug()); final ConfigurationCustomizerProvider provider = new ConfigurationCustomizerProvider( "Tolerance", 3, "ScriptBaseClass", "Something", "Debug", true); provider.applyCustomization(configuration); assertEquals(3, configuration.getTolerance()); assertEquals("Something", configuration.getScriptBaseClass()); assertEquals(true, configuration.getDebug()); }
[ "asList", "getMethods", "entrySet", "orElseThrow", "findFirst", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getName", "getKey", "getKey", "invoke", "getValue" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getTolerance", "assertNull", "getScriptBaseClass", "assertEquals", "getDebug", "applyCustomization", "assertEquals", "getTolerance", "assertEquals", "getScriptBaseClass", "assertEquals", "getDebug" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ConfigurationCustomizerProviderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Map<String,Object> properties;", "class_name": "ConfigurationCustomizerProvider implements CompilerCustomizerProvider", "method_signatures": "public ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Object... keyValues)\npublic ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Map<String,Object> keyValues)\npublic CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration)\n@Override public CompilationCustomizer create()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-groovy/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ConfigurationCustomizerProvider implements CompilerCustomizerProvider\n\nclass_fields: private final Map<String,Object> properties;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Object... keyValues)\npublic ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Map<String,Object> keyValues)\npublic CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration)\n@Override public CompilationCustomizer create()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ConfigurationCustomizerProviderTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-groovy/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) {\n final Class<CompilerConfiguration> clazz = CompilerConfiguration.class;\n final List<Method> methods = Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods());\n for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {\n final Method method = -> m.getName().equals(\"set\" + entry.getKey())).findFirst()\n .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(\"Invalid setting [\" + entry.getKey() + \"] for CompilerConfiguration\"));\n\n try {\n method.invoke(compilerConfiguration, entry.getValue());\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(ex);\n }\n }\n\n return compilerConfiguration;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-groovy/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldApplyConfigurationChanges() {\n final CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration();\n\n assertEquals(10, configuration.getTolerance());\n assertNull(configuration.getScriptBaseClass());\n assertEquals(false, configuration.getDebug());\n\n final ConfigurationCustomizerProvider provider = new ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(\n \"Tolerance\", 3,\n \"ScriptBaseClass\", \"Something\",\n \"Debug\", true);\n\n provider.applyCustomization(configuration);\n\n assertEquals(3, configuration.getTolerance());\n assertEquals(\"Something\", configuration.getScriptBaseClass());\n assertEquals(true, configuration.getDebug());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@GET @Produces("image/*") public Response GET(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo, @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) @DefaultValue(MediaType.WILDCARD) final String type, @HeaderParam(LdpWebService.HTTP_HEADER_PREFER) PreferHeader preferHeader, @QueryParam("xywh") Rectangle rectangle ) throws RepositoryException, IOException { String uri = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().build().toString(); if(rectangle != null) { //crop the image if necessary try { final BufferedImage image = imageService.getImage(uri, rectangle.getX(), rectangle.getY(), rectangle.getW(), rectangle.getH() ); final String mimetype = imageService.getMimeType(uri); log.debug("New image has size: {}x{}", image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); log.debug("image has mimetype: {}", mimetype); final StreamingOutput entity = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { final String format = mimetype.replaceFirst("^image/", ""); if (ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(format).hasNext()) { ImageIO.write(image, format, output); } else { throw new NoLogWebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } } }; return Response.ok().header("Content-Type", mimetype).entity(entity).build(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return super.GET(uriInfo, type, preferHeader); } } return super.GET(uriInfo, type, preferHeader); }
@Test public void testWorkflow() throws IOException, InterruptedException { byte[] img = Resources.toByteArray(Resources.getResource("lions.jpg")); Response response1 = RestAssured .given() .content(img) .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "image/jpeg") .expect() .statusCode(201) .when() .post(LdpWebService.PATH) .andReturn(); String resourceUri = response1.getHeader("Location"); Response response3 = RestAssured .given() .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "image/jpeg") .expect() .statusCode(200) .body(CoreMatchers.notNullValue()) .when() .get(resourceUri + "?xywh=333,354,135,115") .andReturn(); BufferedImage image =; draw(image); Assert.assertEquals(135, image.getWidth()); Assert.assertEquals(115, image.getHeight()); //add annotation Response response4 = RestAssured .given() .content(( "<> a <" + OA.Annotation + ">; " + "<" + OA.hasTarget + "> <" + resourceUri + "#xywh=333,354,135,115>; " + "<" + OA.hasBody + "> \"Lion\".").getBytes()) .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, RDFFormat.TURTLE.getDefaultMIMEType()) .expect() .statusCode(201) .when() .post(resourceUri.substring(0,resourceUri.length() - ".jpg".length())) .andReturn(); String annotationUri = response4.getHeader("Location"); Response response5 = RestAssured .given() .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, RDFFormat.TURTLE.getDefaultMIMEType()) .expect() .statusCode(200) .when() .get(annotationUri) .andReturn(); String result = response5.getBody().print(); Assert.assertTrue(result.contains("<> \"Lion\" .")); }
[ "toString", "build", "getAbsolutePathBuilder", "getImage", "getX", "getY", "getW", "getH", "getMimeType", "debug", "getWidth", "getHeight", "debug", "replaceFirst", "hasNext", "getImageWritersByFormatName", "write", "build", "entity", "header", "ok", "GET", "GET" ]
[ "toByteArray", "getResource", "andReturn", "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "header", "content", "given", "getHeader", "andReturn", "get", "when", "body", "statusCode", "expect", "header", "given", "notNullValue", "read", "asInputStream", "body", "draw", "assertEquals", "getWidth", "assertEquals", "getHeight", "andReturn", "post", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "header", "content", "given", "getBytes", "getDefaultMIMEType", "substring", "length", "length", "getHeader", "andReturn", "get", "when", "statusCode", "expect", "header", "given", "getDefaultMIMEType", "print", "getBody", "assertTrue", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static JettyMarmotta marmotta;", "class_name": "ImageWebserviceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n@Inject\n ImageService imageService;", "class_name": "ImageWebservice extends LdpWebService", "method_signatures": "@GET @Produces(\"image/*\") public Response GET(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo,\n @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) @DefaultValue(MediaType.WILDCARD) final String type,\n @HeaderParam(LdpWebService.HTTP_HEADER_PREFER) PreferHeader preferHeader,\n @QueryParam(\"xywh\") Rectangle rectangle\n )" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: media/media-tutorial-module/src/main/java/org/apache/marmotta/tutorial/webservice/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImageWebservice extends LdpWebService\n\nclass_fields: private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n@Inject\n ImageService imageService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @GET @Produces(\"image/*\") public Response GET(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo,\n @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) @DefaultValue(MediaType.WILDCARD) final String type,\n @HeaderParam(LdpWebService.HTTP_HEADER_PREFER) PreferHeader preferHeader,\n @QueryParam(\"xywh\") Rectangle rectangle\n )\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImageWebserviceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static JettyMarmotta marmotta;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file media/media-tutorial-module/src/main/java/org/apache/marmotta/tutorial/webservice/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @GET\n @Produces(\"image/*\")\n public Response GET(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo,\n @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) @DefaultValue(MediaType.WILDCARD) final String type,\n @HeaderParam(LdpWebService.HTTP_HEADER_PREFER) PreferHeader preferHeader,\n @QueryParam(\"xywh\") Rectangle rectangle\n ) throws RepositoryException, IOException {\n\n String uri = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().build().toString();\n\n if(rectangle != null) { //crop the image if necessary\n\n try {\n\n final BufferedImage image = imageService.getImage(uri,\n rectangle.getX(),\n rectangle.getY(),\n rectangle.getW(),\n rectangle.getH()\n );\n\n final String mimetype = imageService.getMimeType(uri);\n\n log.debug(\"New image has size: {}x{}\", image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());\n log.debug(\"image has mimetype: {}\", mimetype);\n\n\n\n final StreamingOutput entity = new StreamingOutput() {\n @Override\n public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {\n final String format = mimetype.replaceFirst(\"^image/\", \"\");\n if (ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(format).hasNext()) {\n ImageIO.write(image, format, output);\n } else {\n throw new NoLogWebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);\n }\n }\n };\n\n return Response.ok().header(\"Content-Type\", mimetype).entity(entity).build();\n\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {\n return super.GET(uriInfo, type, preferHeader);\n }\n\n }\n\n return super.GET(uriInfo, type, preferHeader);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n media/media-tutorial-module/src/test/java/org/apache/marmotta/tutorial/webservice/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testWorkflow() throws IOException, InterruptedException {\n\n byte[] img = Resources.toByteArray(Resources.getResource(\"lions.jpg\"));\n\n Response response1 = RestAssured\n .given()\n .content(img)\n .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, \"image/jpeg\")\n .expect()\n .statusCode(201)\n .when()\n .post(LdpWebService.PATH)\n .andReturn();\n\n String resourceUri = response1.getHeader(\"Location\");\n\n Response response3 = RestAssured\n .given()\n .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, \"image/jpeg\")\n .expect()\n .statusCode(200)\n .body(CoreMatchers.notNullValue())\n .when()\n .get(resourceUri + \"?xywh=333,354,135,115\")\n .andReturn();\n\n BufferedImage image =;\n\n draw(image);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(135, image.getWidth());\n Assert.assertEquals(115, image.getHeight());\n\n //add annotation\n Response response4 = RestAssured\n .given()\n .content((\n \"<> a <\" + OA.Annotation + \">; \" +\n \"<\" + OA.hasTarget + \"> <\" + resourceUri + \"#xywh=333,354,135,115>; \" +\n \"<\" + OA.hasBody + \"> \\\"Lion\\\".\").getBytes())\n .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, RDFFormat.TURTLE.getDefaultMIMEType())\n .expect()\n .statusCode(201)\n .when()\n .post(resourceUri.substring(0,resourceUri.length() - \".jpg\".length()))\n .andReturn();\n\n String annotationUri = response4.getHeader(\"Location\");\n\n Response response5 = RestAssured\n .given()\n .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, RDFFormat.TURTLE.getDefaultMIMEType())\n .expect()\n .statusCode(200)\n .when()\n .get(annotationUri)\n .andReturn();\n\n String result = response5.getBody().print();\n Assert.assertTrue(result.contains(\"<> \\\"Lion\\\" .\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) { final Class<CompilerConfiguration> clazz = CompilerConfiguration.class; final List<Method> methods = Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods()); for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { final Method method = -> m.getName().equals("set" + entry.getKey())).findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Invalid setting [" + entry.getKey() + "] for CompilerConfiguration")); try { method.invoke(compilerConfiguration, entry.getValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } return compilerConfiguration; }
@Test public void shouldThrowExceptionForNotFoundSetting() { final CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration(); try { final ConfigurationCustomizerProvider provider = new ConfigurationCustomizerProvider( "Tolerance", 3, "NotRealSettingThatWouldEverOccur2", new java.util.Date()); provider.applyCustomization(configuration); } catch (Exception ex) { assertThat(ex, instanceOf(IllegalStateException.class)); assertEquals("Invalid setting [NotRealSettingThatWouldEverOccur2] for CompilerConfiguration", ex.getMessage()); } }
[ "asList", "getMethods", "entrySet", "orElseThrow", "findFirst", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getName", "getKey", "getKey", "invoke", "getValue" ]
[ "applyCustomization", "assertThat", "instanceOf", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ConfigurationCustomizerProviderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Map<String,Object> properties;", "class_name": "ConfigurationCustomizerProvider implements CompilerCustomizerProvider", "method_signatures": "public ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Object... keyValues)\npublic ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Map<String,Object> keyValues)\npublic CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration)\n@Override public CompilationCustomizer create()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-groovy/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ConfigurationCustomizerProvider implements CompilerCustomizerProvider\n\nclass_fields: private final Map<String,Object> properties;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Object... keyValues)\npublic ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(final Map<String,Object> keyValues)\npublic CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration)\n@Override public CompilationCustomizer create()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ConfigurationCustomizerProviderTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-groovy/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public CompilerConfiguration applyCustomization(final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) {\n final Class<CompilerConfiguration> clazz = CompilerConfiguration.class;\n final List<Method> methods = Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods());\n for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {\n final Method method = -> m.getName().equals(\"set\" + entry.getKey())).findFirst()\n .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(\"Invalid setting [\" + entry.getKey() + \"] for CompilerConfiguration\"));\n\n try {\n method.invoke(compilerConfiguration, entry.getValue());\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(ex);\n }\n }\n\n return compilerConfiguration;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-groovy/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/groovy/jsr223/customizer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldThrowExceptionForNotFoundSetting() {\n final CompilerConfiguration configuration = new CompilerConfiguration();\n try {\n final ConfigurationCustomizerProvider provider = new ConfigurationCustomizerProvider(\n \"Tolerance\", 3,\n \"NotRealSettingThatWouldEverOccur2\", new java.util.Date());\n\n provider.applyCustomization(configuration);\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n assertThat(ex, instanceOf(IllegalStateException.class));\n assertEquals(\"Invalid setting [NotRealSettingThatWouldEverOccur2] for CompilerConfiguration\", ex.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public CapabilityProcessor getProcessor(JsonCapabilities caps) { return .filter(p -> p.accept(caps)) .findFirst() .orElse(new DummyCapabilityProcessor()); }
@Test public void testGetIEProcessor() throws Exception { JsonCapabilities ieCaps = buildJsonCapabilities(internetExplorer()); assertThat(factory.getProcessor(ieCaps), is(instanceOf(IECapabilityProcessor.class))); }
[ "orElse", "findFirst", "filter", "stream", "accept" ]
[ "buildJsonCapabilities", "internetExplorer", "assertThat", "getProcessor", "is", "instanceOf" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private CapabilityProcessorFactory factory;", "class_name": "CapabilityProcessorFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n @SuppressWarnings(\"MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection\")\n private List<CapabilityProcessor> processors;", "class_name": "CapabilityProcessorFactory", "method_signatures": "public CapabilityProcessor getProcessor(JsonCapabilities caps)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: proxy/src/main/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/caps/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CapabilityProcessorFactory\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n @SuppressWarnings(\"MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection\")\n private List<CapabilityProcessor> processors;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CapabilityProcessor getProcessor(JsonCapabilities caps)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CapabilityProcessorFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private CapabilityProcessorFactory factory;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file proxy/src/main/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/caps/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public CapabilityProcessor getProcessor(JsonCapabilities caps) {\n return\n .filter(p -> p.accept(caps))\n .findFirst()\n .orElse(new DummyCapabilityProcessor());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n proxy/src/test/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/caps/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetIEProcessor() throws Exception {\n JsonCapabilities ieCaps = buildJsonCapabilities(internetExplorer());\n assertThat(factory.getProcessor(ieCaps), is(instanceOf(IECapabilityProcessor.class)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int index = 0; final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded); while (index < bytes.length) { final byte data = bytes[index++]; if (data != '\\') { os.write(data); } else { if (index == bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final byte escaped = bytes[index++]; switch (escaped) { case '\\': { // Escaped backslash: os.write('\\'); break; } case 'x': { // Escaped byte in hexadecimal: if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2)); try { final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } os.write(decodedByte); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } index += 2; break; } default: throw new IOException(String.format("Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } } } return os.toByteArray(); }
@Test public void testDecodeRowKeyUnterminatedEscape() throws Exception { try { SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \\"); fail("An exception should have been thrown."); } catch (IOException ioe) { assertEquals("Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: 'this is a \\'.", ioe.getMessage()); } }
[ "toBytes", "write", "format", "write", "format", "toString", "copyOfRange", "parseInt", "format", "write", "format", "format", "toByteArray" ]
[ "decodeRowKey", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestSplitKeyFile" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SplitKeyFile", "method_signatures": "private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestSplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException {\n final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n int index = 0;\n final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded);\n while (index < bytes.length) {\n final byte data = bytes[index++];\n\n if (data != '\\\\') {\n os.write(data);\n } else {\n if (index == bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final byte escaped = bytes[index++];\n\n switch (escaped) {\n case '\\\\': {\n // Escaped backslash:\n os.write('\\\\');\n break;\n }\n case 'x': {\n // Escaped byte in hexadecimal:\n if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2));\n try {\n final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);\n if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n os.write(decodedByte);\n } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n index += 2;\n break;\n }\n default:\n throw new IOException(String.format(\"Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n }\n }\n return os.toByteArray();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDecodeRowKeyUnterminatedEscape() throws Exception {\n try {\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\\\\");\n fail(\"An exception should have been thrown.\");\n } catch (IOException ioe) {\n assertEquals(\"Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: 'this is a \\\\'.\", ioe.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) { Class<?> c = obj.getClass(); Class<?>[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can not create a proxy using the " + InterfaceProxyFactory.class.getSimpleName() + ", because the class " + c.getName() + " does not implement any interfaces"); } return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(c.getClassLoader(), interfaces, handler); }
@Test public void testObject() { new AssertThrows(new IllegalArgumentException( "Can not create a proxy using the InterfaceProxyFactory, " + "because the class java.lang.Object does not implement any interfaces")) { public void test() { createProxy(new Object()).equals(null); }}; }
[ "getClass", "getInterfaces", "getSimpleName", "getName", "newProxyInstance", "getClassLoader" ]
[ "equals", "createProxy" ]
{ "class_fields": "StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;", "class_name": "InterfaceProxyFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final InterfaceProxyFactory INSTANCE = new InterfaceProxyFactory();", "class_name": "InterfaceProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory", "method_signatures": "public static InterfaceProxyFactory getInstance()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: InterfaceProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory\n\nclass_fields: private static final InterfaceProxyFactory INSTANCE = new InterfaceProxyFactory();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static InterfaceProxyFactory getInstance()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: InterfaceProxyFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) {\n Class<?> c = obj.getClass();\n Class<?>[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces();\n if (interfaces.length == 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Can not create a proxy using the \" +\n InterfaceProxyFactory.class.getSimpleName() +\n \", because the class \" + c.getName() +\n \" does not implement any interfaces\");\n }\n return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(c.getClassLoader(), interfaces, handler);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n assertthrows/src/test/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testObject() {\n new AssertThrows(new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Can not create a proxy using the InterfaceProxyFactory, \" +\n \"because the class java.lang.Object does not implement any interfaces\")) {\n public void test() {\n createProxy(new Object()).equals(null);\n }};\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) { if (null == b || null == a) return false; if (a == b) return true; if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) || (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) || (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty))) return false; return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b); }
@Test public void shouldDeterminePropertiesAreNotEqualWhenElementsAreDifferent() { final Property mockPropertyA = mock(Property.class); final Property mockPropertyB = mock(Property.class); final Element mockElement = mock(Element.class); final Element mockElementDifferent = mock(Element.class); when(mockPropertyA.isPresent()).thenReturn(true); when(mockPropertyB.isPresent()).thenReturn(true); when(mockPropertyA.element()).thenReturn(mockElement); when(mockPropertyB.element()).thenReturn(mockElementDifferent); when(mockPropertyA.key()).thenReturn("k"); when(mockPropertyB.key()).thenReturn("k"); when(mockPropertyA.value()).thenReturn("v"); when(mockPropertyB.value()).thenReturn("v"); assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockPropertyA, mockPropertyB)); }
[ "haveEqualIds" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "isPresent", "thenReturn", "when", "isPresent", "thenReturn", "when", "element", "thenReturn", "when", "element", "thenReturn", "when", "key", "thenReturn", "when", "key", "thenReturn", "when", "value", "thenReturn", "when", "value", "assertFalse", "areEqual" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) {\n if (null == b || null == a)\n return false;\n\n if (a == b)\n return true;\n if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) ||\n (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) ||\n (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty)))\n return false;\n return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldDeterminePropertiesAreNotEqualWhenElementsAreDifferent() {\n final Property mockPropertyA = mock(Property.class);\n final Property mockPropertyB = mock(Property.class);\n final Element mockElement = mock(Element.class);\n final Element mockElementDifferent = mock(Element.class);\n when(mockPropertyA.isPresent()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mockPropertyB.isPresent()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mockPropertyA.element()).thenReturn(mockElement);\n when(mockPropertyB.element()).thenReturn(mockElementDifferent);\n when(mockPropertyA.key()).thenReturn(\"k\");\n when(mockPropertyB.key()).thenReturn(\"k\");\n when(mockPropertyA.value()).thenReturn(\"v\");\n when(mockPropertyB.value()).thenReturn(\"v\");\n\n assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockPropertyA, mockPropertyB));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) { Class<?> c = obj.getClass(); Class<?> pc = getClassProxy(c); Constructor<?> cons; try { cons = pc.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { InvocationHandler.class }); return (T) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { handler }); } catch (Exception e) { IllegalArgumentException ia = new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not create a new instance of the class " + pc.getName()); ia.initCause(e); throw ia; } }
@Test public void testProxyOnProxy() { final PublicStaticInnerClass x = createProxy(new PublicStaticInnerClass()); new AssertThrows() { public void test() { createProxy(x); }}; }
[ "getClass", "getClassProxy", "getConstructor", "newInstance", "getName", "initCause" ]
[ "createProxy", "createProxy" ]
{ "class_fields": "StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;", "class_name": "CompilingProxyFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Compiler compiler = new Compiler();\nprivate HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> proxyMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();\nprivate boolean useSystemJavaCompiler = true;", "class_name": "CompilingProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)\npublic void setUseSystemJavaCompiler(boolean useSystemJavaCompiler)\nprivate Compiler getCompiler()\npublic Class<?> getClassProxy(Class<?> c)\npublic HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> getProxyMap()\npublic static String getUniqueFieldName(Class<?> c, String preferredFieldName)\npublic static boolean hasField(Class<?> c, String fieldName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CompilingProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory\n\nclass_fields: private Compiler compiler = new Compiler();\nprivate HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> proxyMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();\nprivate boolean useSystemJavaCompiler = true;\n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler)\npublic void setUseSystemJavaCompiler(boolean useSystemJavaCompiler)\nprivate Compiler getCompiler()\npublic Class<?> getClassProxy(Class<?> c)\npublic HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> getProxyMap()\npublic static String getUniqueFieldName(Class<?> c, String preferredFieldName)\npublic static boolean hasField(Class<?> c, String fieldName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CompilingProxyFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();\nint methodCallCount;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file assertthrows/src/main/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public <T> T createProxy(T obj, final InvocationHandler handler) {\n Class<?> c = obj.getClass();\n Class<?> pc = getClassProxy(c);\n Constructor<?> cons;\n try {\n cons = pc.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { InvocationHandler.class });\n return (T) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { handler });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n IllegalArgumentException ia = new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Could not create a new instance of the class \" +\n pc.getName());\n ia.initCause(e);\n throw ia;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n assertthrows/src/test/java/org/junit/contrib/assertthrows/proxy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testProxyOnProxy() {\n final PublicStaticInnerClass x = createProxy(new PublicStaticInnerClass());\n new AssertThrows() { public void test() {\n createProxy(x);\n }};\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (null == other) { return false; } else if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof ProtocolVersion)) { return false; } ProtocolVersion otherVer = (ProtocolVersion) other; if (!checkEquality(mProtocol, otherVer.mProtocol)) { return false; } return getMajorVersion() == otherVer.getMajorVersion() && getMinorVersion() == otherVer.getMinorVersion() && getRevision() == otherVer.getRevision(); }
@Test public void testEquals() { ProtocolVersion pv1 = ProtocolVersion.parse("proto-1.2.3"); ProtocolVersion pv2 = ProtocolVersion.parse("proto-1.2.3"); assertTrue(pv1.equals(pv2)); assertTrue(pv2.equals(pv1)); assertEquals(pv1.hashCode(), pv2.hashCode()); assertEquals(0, pv1.compareTo(pv2)); assertEquals(0, pv2.compareTo(pv1)); // Required for our equals() method to imply the same hash code. assertEquals(0, Integer.valueOf(0).hashCode()); }
[ "checkEquality", "getMajorVersion", "getMajorVersion", "getMinorVersion", "getMinorVersion", "getRevision", "getRevision" ]
[ "parse", "parse", "assertTrue", "equals", "assertTrue", "equals", "assertEquals", "hashCode", "hashCode", "assertEquals", "compareTo", "assertEquals", "compareTo", "assertEquals", "hashCode", "valueOf" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestProtocolVersion" }
{ "class_fields": "private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;", "class_name": "ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>", "method_signatures": "private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>\n\nclass_fields: private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;\n\nmethod_signatures: private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestProtocolVersion\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object other) {\n if (null == other) {\n return false;\n } else if (this == other) {\n return true;\n } else if (!(other instanceof ProtocolVersion)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n ProtocolVersion otherVer = (ProtocolVersion) other;\n\n if (!checkEquality(mProtocol, otherVer.mProtocol)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return getMajorVersion() == otherVer.getMajorVersion()\n && getMinorVersion() == otherVer.getMinorVersion()\n && getRevision() == otherVer.getRevision();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEquals() {\n ProtocolVersion pv1 = ProtocolVersion.parse(\"proto-1.2.3\");\n ProtocolVersion pv2 = ProtocolVersion.parse(\"proto-1.2.3\");\n assertTrue(pv1.equals(pv2));\n assertTrue(pv2.equals(pv1));\n assertEquals(pv1.hashCode(), pv2.hashCode());\n assertEquals(0, pv1.compareTo(pv2));\n assertEquals(0, pv2.compareTo(pv1));\n\n // Required for our equals() method to imply the same hash code.\n assertEquals(0, Integer.valueOf(0).hashCode());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Iterator<Result> iterator() { return new Iterator<Result>() { private Result nextOne = null; @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (null == nextOne) { nextOne = one(); } return nextOne != null; } @Override public Result next() { if (null != nextOne || hasNext()) { final Result r = nextOne; nextOne = null; return r; } else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; }
@Test public void shouldIterate() throws Exception { final Iterator itty = resultSet.iterator(); final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); addToQueue(100, 1, true, true); while (itty.hasNext()) {; counter.incrementAndGet(); } assertEquals(100, counter.get()); }
[ "one", "hasNext" ]
[ "iterator", "addToQueue", "hasNext", "next", "incrementAndGet", "assertEquals", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private ResultSet resultSet;", "class_name": "ResultSetTest extends AbstractResultQueueTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ResultQueue resultQueue;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor;\nprivate final CompletableFuture<Void> readCompleted;", "class_name": "ResultSet implements Iterable<Result>", "method_signatures": "public ResultSet(final ResultQueue resultQueue, final ExecutorService executor,\n final CompletableFuture<Void> readCompleted)\npublic boolean allItemsAvailable()\npublic int getAvailableItemCount()\npublic Result one()\npublic CompletableFuture<List<Result>> some(final int items)\npublic CompletableFuture<List<Result>> all()\npublic Stream<Result> stream()\n@Override public Iterator<Result> iterator()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-driver/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/driver/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ResultSet implements Iterable<Result>\n\nclass_fields: private final ResultQueue resultQueue;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor;\nprivate final CompletableFuture<Void> readCompleted;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ResultSet(final ResultQueue resultQueue, final ExecutorService executor,\n final CompletableFuture<Void> readCompleted)\npublic boolean allItemsAvailable()\npublic int getAvailableItemCount()\npublic Result one()\npublic CompletableFuture<List<Result>> some(final int items)\npublic CompletableFuture<List<Result>> all()\npublic Stream<Result> stream()\n@Override public Iterator<Result> iterator()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ResultSetTest extends AbstractResultQueueTest\n\nclass_fields: private ResultSet resultSet;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-driver/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/driver/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Iterator<Result> iterator() {\n return new Iterator<Result>() {\n private Result nextOne = null;\n\n @Override\n public boolean hasNext() {\n if (null == nextOne) {\n nextOne = one();\n }\n return nextOne != null;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Result next() {\n if (null != nextOne || hasNext()) {\n final Result r = nextOne;\n nextOne = null;\n return r;\n } else\n throw new NoSuchElementException();\n }\n\n @Override\n public void remove() {\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException();\n }\n };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-driver/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/driver/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldIterate() throws Exception {\n final Iterator itty = resultSet.iterator();\n final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);\n\n addToQueue(100, 1, true, true);\n\n while (itty.hasNext()) {\n;\n counter.incrementAndGet();\n }\n\n assertEquals(100, counter.get());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected <T extends WithCount> T selectRandom(List<T> elements) { List<T> copies = new ArrayList<>(); for (T element : elements) { copies.addAll(nCopies(element.getCount(), element)); } shuffle(copies); return copies.get(0); }
@Test @SuppressWarnings("ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument") public void testRandomness() { int entriesCount = 5000000; int keysCount = 10; Host host1 = new Host("host_1", 4444, keysCount - 1); List<Host> hosts = new ArrayList<>(keysCount); hosts.add(host1); int i = keysCount; while (i --> 1) { hosts.add(newHost()); } HashMap<Host, Integer> appearances = new HashMap<>(keysCount, entriesCount / keysCount); RandomHostSelectionStrategy strategy = new RandomHostSelectionStrategy(); i = entriesCount; while (i-- > 0) { Host host = strategy.selectRandom(hosts); appearances.put(host, Optional.ofNullable(appearances.get(host)).orElse(0) + 1); } assertThat(appearances.remove(host1), isAround(entriesCount / 2)); for (int count : appearances.values()) { assertThat(count, isAround(entriesCount / 2 / (keysCount - 1))); } }
[ "addAll", "nCopies", "getCount", "shuffle", "get" ]
[ "add", "add", "newHost", "selectRandom", "put", "orElse", "ofNullable", "get", "assertThat", "remove", "isAround", "values", "assertThat", "isAround" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final double ALLOWED_DEVIATION = 0.01;", "class_name": "RandomHostSelectionStrategyTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "RandomHostSelectionStrategy implements HostSelectionStrategy", "method_signatures": "protected T selectRandom(List<T> elements)\n@Override public Region selectRegion(List<Region> allRegions, List<Region> unvisitedRegions)\n@Override public Host selectHost(List<Host> hosts)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: config/src/main/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RandomHostSelectionStrategy implements HostSelectionStrategy\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected T selectRandom(List<T> elements)\n@Override public Region selectRegion(List<Region> allRegions, List<Region> unvisitedRegions)\n@Override public Host selectHost(List<Host> hosts)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RandomHostSelectionStrategyTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final double ALLOWED_DEVIATION = 0.01;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file config/src/main/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected <T extends WithCount> T selectRandom(List<T> elements) {\n List<T> copies = new ArrayList<>();\n for (T element : elements) {\n copies.addAll(nCopies(element.getCount(), element));\n }\n shuffle(copies);\n return copies.get(0);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n config/src/test/java/ru/qatools/gridrouter/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n @SuppressWarnings(\"ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument\")\n public void testRandomness() {\n int entriesCount = 5000000;\n int keysCount = 10;\n\n Host host1 = new Host(\"host_1\", 4444, keysCount - 1);\n\n List<Host> hosts = new ArrayList<>(keysCount);\n hosts.add(host1);\n\n int i = keysCount;\n while (i --> 1) {\n hosts.add(newHost());\n }\n\n HashMap<Host, Integer> appearances = new HashMap<>(keysCount, entriesCount / keysCount);\n\n RandomHostSelectionStrategy strategy = new RandomHostSelectionStrategy();\n i = entriesCount;\n while (i-- > 0) {\n Host host = strategy.selectRandom(hosts);\n appearances.put(host, Optional.ofNullable(appearances.get(host)).orElse(0) + 1);\n }\n\n assertThat(appearances.remove(host1), isAround(entriesCount / 2));\n\n for (int count : appearances.values()) {\n assertThat(count, isAround(entriesCount / 2 / (keysCount - 1)));\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ColumnsDef newColumnsDef() { checkNotBuilt(); final ColumnsDef c = new ColumnsDef(); mColumnsDefs.add(c); return c; }
@Test public void testNoNegativePageSize() { KijiDataRequestBuilder builder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); try { builder.newColumnsDef().withPageSize(-5).addFamily("info"); fail("An exception should have been thrown."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals("Page size must be 0 (disabled) or positive, but got: null", iae.getMessage()); } }
[ "checkNotBuilt", "add" ]
[ "builder", "addFamily", "withPageSize", "newColumnsDef", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestKijiDataRequestBuilder" }
{ "class_fields": "private LinkedHashSet<ColumnsDef> mColumnsDefs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();\nprivate long mMinTimestamp = KConstants.BEGINNING_OF_TIME;\nprivate long mMaxTimestamp = KConstants.END_OF_TIME;\nprivate boolean mIsTimeRangeSet;\nprivate boolean mIsBuilt = false;", "class_name": "KijiDataRequestBuilder", "method_signatures": "KijiDataRequestBuilder()\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder withTimeRange(long minTimestamp, long maxTimestamp)\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef()\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef(KijiDataRequest.Column existingColumn)\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder addColumns(ColumnsDef def)\npublic KijiDataRequest build()\nprivate void checkNotBuilt()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KijiDataRequestBuilder\n\nclass_fields: private LinkedHashSet<ColumnsDef> mColumnsDefs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();\nprivate long mMinTimestamp = KConstants.BEGINNING_OF_TIME;\nprivate long mMaxTimestamp = KConstants.END_OF_TIME;\nprivate boolean mIsTimeRangeSet;\nprivate boolean mIsBuilt = false;\n\nmethod_signatures: KijiDataRequestBuilder()\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder withTimeRange(long minTimestamp, long maxTimestamp)\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef()\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef(KijiDataRequest.Column existingColumn)\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder addColumns(ColumnsDef def)\npublic KijiDataRequest build()\nprivate void checkNotBuilt()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestKijiDataRequestBuilder\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ColumnsDef newColumnsDef() {\n checkNotBuilt();\n final ColumnsDef c = new ColumnsDef();\n mColumnsDefs.add(c);\n return c;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNoNegativePageSize() {\n KijiDataRequestBuilder builder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n try {\n builder.newColumnsDef().withPageSize(-5).addFamily(\"info\");\n fail(\"An exception should have been thrown.\");\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {\n assertEquals(\"Page size must be 0 (disabled) or positive, but got: null\",\n iae.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues) { if (null == element) throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("element"); for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) { if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals( && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label)) propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]); } }
@Test public void shouldAttachPropertiesWithCardinalityButNotLabelsOrId() { final Vertex mockElement = mock(Vertex.class); ElementHelper.attachProperties(mockElement, VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, "test", 123,, 321, T.label, "friends"); verify(mockElement, times(1)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, "test", 123); verify(mockElement, times(0)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single,, 321); verify(mockElement, times(0)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, T.label.getAccessor(), "friends"); }
[ "argumentCanNotBeNull", "equals", "equals", "property" ]
[ "mock", "attachProperties", "property", "verify", "times", "property", "verify", "times", "getAccessor", "property", "verify", "times", "getAccessor" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues) {\n if (null == element)\n throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull(\"element\");\n\n for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) {\n if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals( && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label))\n propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldAttachPropertiesWithCardinalityButNotLabelsOrId() {\n final Vertex mockElement = mock(Vertex.class);\n ElementHelper.attachProperties(mockElement, VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, \"test\", 123,, 321, T.label, \"friends\");\n verify(mockElement, times(1)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, \"test\", 123);\n verify(mockElement, times(0)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single,, 321);\n verify(mockElement, times(0)).property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.single, T.label.getAccessor(), \"friends\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int index = 0; final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded); while (index < bytes.length) { final byte data = bytes[index++]; if (data != '\\') { os.write(data); } else { if (index == bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final byte escaped = bytes[index++]; switch (escaped) { case '\\': { // Escaped backslash: os.write('\\'); break; } case 'x': { // Escaped byte in hexadecimal: if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2)); try { final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } os.write(decodedByte); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } index += 2; break; } default: throw new IOException(String.format("Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } } } return os.toByteArray(); }
@Test public void testDecodeRowKey() throws Exception { assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("this is a \n key"), SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \n key")); assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("this is a \\ key"), SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \\\\ key")); assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("this is a \n key"), SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \\x0A key")); assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes("this is a \n key"), SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \\x0a key")); }
[ "toBytes", "write", "format", "write", "format", "toString", "copyOfRange", "parseInt", "format", "write", "format", "format", "toByteArray" ]
[ "assertArrayEquals", "toBytes", "decodeRowKey", "assertArrayEquals", "toBytes", "decodeRowKey", "assertArrayEquals", "toBytes", "decodeRowKey", "assertArrayEquals", "toBytes", "decodeRowKey" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestSplitKeyFile" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SplitKeyFile", "method_signatures": "private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestSplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException {\n final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n int index = 0;\n final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded);\n while (index < bytes.length) {\n final byte data = bytes[index++];\n\n if (data != '\\\\') {\n os.write(data);\n } else {\n if (index == bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final byte escaped = bytes[index++];\n\n switch (escaped) {\n case '\\\\': {\n // Escaped backslash:\n os.write('\\\\');\n break;\n }\n case 'x': {\n // Escaped byte in hexadecimal:\n if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2));\n try {\n final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);\n if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n os.write(decodedByte);\n } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n index += 2;\n break;\n }\n default:\n throw new IOException(String.format(\"Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n }\n }\n return os.toByteArray();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDecodeRowKey() throws Exception {\n assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(\"this is a \\n key\"),\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\n key\"));\n\n assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(\"this is a \\\\ key\"),\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\\\\\\\ key\"));\n\n assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(\"this is a \\n key\"),\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\\\x0A key\"));\n\n assertArrayEquals(Bytes.toBytes(\"this is a \\n key\"),\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\\\x0a key\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag); final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout); if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) { // HBase row key specification final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()); final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec); return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey); } else { // Kiji row key specification final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX) ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()) : entityFlag; return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout); } }
@Test public void testHBaseEIDtoFormattedEID() throws Exception { final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory((RowKeyFormat2) mFormattedLayout.getDesc().getKeysFormat()); final EntityId feid = factory.getEntityId("dummy", "str1", "str2", 5, 10); final EntityId hbeid = HBaseEntityId.fromHBaseRowKey(feid.getHBaseRowKey()); assertEquals(feid, ToolUtils.createEntityIdFromUserInputs(hbeid.toShellString(), mFormattedLayout)); }
[ "checkNotNull", "getFactory", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseBytesFlag", "getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseKijiRowKey" ]
[ "getFactory", "getKeysFormat", "getDesc", "getEntityId", "fromHBaseRowKey", "getHBaseRowKey", "assertEquals", "createEntityIdFromUserInputs", "toShellString" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);", "class_name": "TestToolUtils" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";", "class_name": "ToolUtils", "method_signatures": "private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\n throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag);\n\n final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout);\n\n if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) {\n // HBase row key specification\n final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length());\n final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec);\n return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey);\n\n } else {\n // Kiji row key specification\n final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)\n ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length())\n : entityFlag;\n\n return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHBaseEIDtoFormattedEID() throws Exception {\n final EntityIdFactory factory =\n EntityIdFactory.getFactory((RowKeyFormat2) mFormattedLayout.getDesc().getKeysFormat());\n final EntityId feid = factory.getEntityId(\"dummy\", \"str1\", \"str2\", 5, 10);\n final EntityId hbeid = HBaseEntityId.fromHBaseRowKey(feid.getHBaseRowKey());\n\n assertEquals(feid,\n ToolUtils.createEntityIdFromUserInputs(hbeid.toShellString(), mFormattedLayout));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value = "/createdEvent", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<String> publishCreatedEvent(@RequestBody(required = true) UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent, HttpServletResponse response) { log.debug("Adding User [{}] '{}'", userCreatedEvent.getId(), userCreatedEvent.getEmail()); CreateUserCommand command = new CreateUserCommand(userCreatedEvent.getId() , userCreatedEvent.getEmail(), userCreatedEvent.getFirstName(), userCreatedEvent.getLastName()); commandGateway.sendAndWait(command);"Added User [{}] '{}'", userCreatedEvent.getId(), userCreatedEvent.getEmail()); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED);// Set up the 201 CREATED response return new ResponseEntity<String>("true", HttpStatus.CREATED); }
@Test public void testAddWithGoodRequestParams() { // Arrange userEventController.commandGateway = gateway; //cheating a bit here, but mocking all the axon framework's beans is a pain. when(gateway.sendAndWait(any())).thenReturn(null); UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent = new UserCreatedEvent(); userCreatedEvent.setId(1L); userCreatedEvent.setEmail("Test Create User"); //Act userEventController.publishCreatedEvent(userCreatedEvent, mockHttpServletResponse); //Assert verify(gateway).sendAndWait(any()); assertTrue(mockHttpServletResponse.getStatus() == HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED); }
[ "debug", "getId", "getEmail", "getId", "getEmail", "getFirstName", "getLastName", "sendAndWait", "info", "getId", "getEmail", "setStatus" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "sendAndWait", "any", "setId", "setEmail", "publishCreatedEvent", "sendAndWait", "verify", "any", "assertTrue", "getStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "UserEventController userEventController;\nMockHttpServletResponse mockHttpServletResponse;\n@Mock\n CommandGateway gateway;", "class_name": "UserEventControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n public CommandGateway commandGateway;", "class_name": "UserEventController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"/createdEvent\", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<String> publishCreatedEvent(@RequestBody(required = true) UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent,\n HttpServletResponse response)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: microservices/eventstore/src/main/java/microservices4vaadin/eventstore/controller/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UserEventController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n public CommandGateway commandGateway;\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"/createdEvent\", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<String> publishCreatedEvent(@RequestBody(required = true) UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent,\n HttpServletResponse response)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UserEventControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: UserEventController userEventController;\nMockHttpServletResponse mockHttpServletResponse;\n@Mock\n CommandGateway gateway;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file microservices/eventstore/src/main/java/microservices4vaadin/eventstore/controller/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value = \"/createdEvent\", method = RequestMethod.POST)\n public ResponseEntity<String> publishCreatedEvent(@RequestBody(required = true) UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent,\n HttpServletResponse response) {\n\n log.debug(\"Adding User [{}] '{}'\", userCreatedEvent.getId(), userCreatedEvent.getEmail());\n CreateUserCommand command = new CreateUserCommand(userCreatedEvent.getId()\n , userCreatedEvent.getEmail(), userCreatedEvent.getFirstName(), userCreatedEvent.getLastName());\n commandGateway.sendAndWait(command);\n\"Added User [{}] '{}'\", userCreatedEvent.getId(), userCreatedEvent.getEmail());\n response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED);// Set up the 201 CREATED response\n return new ResponseEntity<String>(\"true\", HttpStatus.CREATED);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n microservices/eventstore/src/test/java/microservices4vaadin/eventstore/controller/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testAddWithGoodRequestParams() {\n // Arrange\n userEventController.commandGateway = gateway; //cheating a bit here, but mocking all the axon framework's beans is a pain.\n when(gateway.sendAndWait(any())).thenReturn(null);\n\n UserCreatedEvent userCreatedEvent = new UserCreatedEvent();\n userCreatedEvent.setId(1L);\n userCreatedEvent.setEmail(\"Test Create User\");\n //Act\n userEventController.publishCreatedEvent(userCreatedEvent, mockHttpServletResponse);\n\n //Assert\n verify(gateway).sendAndWait(any());\n assertTrue(mockHttpServletResponse.getStatus() == HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues) { final List list = Arrays.asList(keyValues); return IntStream.range(1, list.size()) .filter(i -> i % 2 != 0) .mapToObj(i -> Pair.with(list.get(i - 1).toString(), list.get(i))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
@Test public void shouldGetPairs() { final List<Pair<String, Object>> pairs = ElementHelper.asPairs("1", "this", "2", 6l, "3", "other", "4", 1); assertEquals(4, pairs.size()); assertEquals("1", pairs.get(0).getValue0()); assertEquals("this", pairs.get(0).getValue1()); assertEquals("2", pairs.get(1).getValue0()); assertEquals(6l, pairs.get(1).getValue1()); assertEquals("3", pairs.get(2).getValue0()); assertEquals("other", pairs.get(2).getValue1()); assertEquals("4", pairs.get(3).getValue0()); assertEquals(1, pairs.get(3).getValue1()); }
[ "asList", "collect", "mapToObj", "filter", "range", "size", "with", "toString", "get", "get", "toList" ]
[ "asPairs", "assertEquals", "size", "assertEquals", "getValue0", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue1", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue0", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue1", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue0", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue1", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue0", "get", "assertEquals", "getValue1", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues) {\n final List list = Arrays.asList(keyValues);\n return IntStream.range(1, list.size())\n .filter(i -> i % 2 != 0)\n .mapToObj(i -> Pair.with(list.get(i - 1).toString(), list.get(i)))\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldGetPairs() {\n final List<Pair<String, Object>> pairs = ElementHelper.asPairs(\"1\", \"this\", \"2\", 6l, \"3\", \"other\", \"4\", 1);\n assertEquals(4, pairs.size());\n assertEquals(\"1\", pairs.get(0).getValue0());\n assertEquals(\"this\", pairs.get(0).getValue1());\n assertEquals(\"2\", pairs.get(1).getValue0());\n assertEquals(6l, pairs.get(1).getValue1());\n assertEquals(\"3\", pairs.get(2).getValue0());\n assertEquals(\"other\", pairs.get(2).getValue1());\n assertEquals(\"4\", pairs.get(3).getValue0());\n assertEquals(1, pairs.get(3).getValue1());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) { if (null == b || null == a) return false; if (a == b) return true; if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) || (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) || (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty))) return false; return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b); }
@Test public void shouldDetermineVerticesAreNotEqual() { final Element mockVertexA = mock(Vertex.class); final Element mockVertexB = mock(Vertex.class); when("1"); when("2"); assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockVertexA, mockVertexB)); }
[ "haveEqualIds" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "id", "thenReturn", "when", "id", "assertFalse", "areEqual" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) {\n if (null == b || null == a)\n return false;\n\n if (a == b)\n return true;\n if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) ||\n (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) ||\n (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty)))\n return false;\n return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldDetermineVerticesAreNotEqual() {\n final Element mockVertexA = mock(Vertex.class);\n final Element mockVertexB = mock(Vertex.class);\n when(\"1\");\n when(\"2\");\n assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockVertexA, mockVertexB));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Health health() { Future<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus); try { return future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return Health.down() .withDetail("Interrupted while waiting for partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds") .build(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { return Health.down(ex).build(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { return Health.down().withDetail("Failed to retrieve partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds").build(); } }
@Test public void createsConsumerOnceWhenInvokedMultipleTimes() { final List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation( "group4-healthIndicator", partitions, false)); org.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC)) .willReturn(partitions);; Health health =; assertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UP); org.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer(); }
[ "submit", "get", "interrupt", "currentThread", "build", "withDetail", "down", "build", "down", "build", "withDetail", "down" ]
[ "partitions", "put", "willReturn", "given", "partitionsFor", "health", "health", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getStatus", "createConsumer", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Health health() {\n\t\tFuture<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\treturn future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (InterruptedException ex) {\n\t\t\tThread.currentThread().interrupt();\n\t\t\treturn Health.down()\n\t\t\t\t\t.withDetail(\"Interrupted while waiting for partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\")\n\t\t\t\t\;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (ExecutionException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down(ex).build();\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (TimeoutException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down().withDetail(\"Failed to retrieve partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\").build();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void createsConsumerOnceWhenInvokedMultipleTimes() {\n\t\tfinal List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation(\n\t\t\t\t\"group4-healthIndicator\", partitions, false));\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(partitions);\n\n\t\;\n\t\tHealth health =;\n\n\t\tassertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UP);\n\t\torg.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer();\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void shouldSumUpPartitionsLags() { Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets = new HashMap<>(); endOffsets.put(new TopicPartition(TEST_TOPIC, 0), 1000L); endOffsets.put(new TopicPartition(TEST_TOPIC, 1), 1000L); org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumer.endOffsets(ArgumentMatchers.anyCollection())) .willReturn(endOffsets); org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumer.committed(ArgumentMatchers.any(TopicPartition.class))) .willReturn(new OffsetAndMetadata(500)); List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0), new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation("group2-metrics", partitions, false)); org.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC)) .willReturn(partitions); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); assertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1); assertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group2-metrics").tag("topic", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value()) .isEqualTo(1000.0); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "put", "put", "willReturn", "given", "endOffsets", "anyCollection", "willReturn", "given", "committed", "any", "partitions", "put", "willReturn", "given", "partitionsFor", "bindTo", "hasSize", "assertThat", "getMeters", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void shouldSumUpPartitionsLags() {\n\t\tMap<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tendOffsets.put(new TopicPartition(TEST_TOPIC, 0), 1000L);\n\t\tendOffsets.put(new TopicPartition(TEST_TOPIC, 1), 1000L);\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumer.endOffsets(ArgumentMatchers.anyCollection()))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(endOffsets);\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumer.committed(ArgumentMatchers.any(TopicPartition.class)))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(new OffsetAndMetadata(500));\n\t\tList<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0),\n\t\t\t\tnew Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC,\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group2-metrics\", partitions, false));\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(partitions);\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group2-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.isEqualTo(1000.0);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void shouldIndicateFullLagForNotCommittedGroups() { List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation("group3-metrics", partitions, false)); org.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC)) .willReturn(partitions); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); assertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1); assertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group3-metrics").tag("topic", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value()) .isEqualTo(1000.0); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "partitions", "put", "willReturn", "given", "partitionsFor", "bindTo", "hasSize", "assertThat", "getMeters", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void shouldIndicateFullLagForNotCommittedGroups() {\n\t\tList<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC,\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group3-metrics\", partitions, false));\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(partitions);\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group3-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.isEqualTo(1000.0);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void shouldIndicateLag() { org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumer.committed(ArgumentMatchers.any(TopicPartition.class))) .willReturn(new OffsetAndMetadata(500)); List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation("group1-metrics", partitions, false)); org.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC)) .willReturn(partitions); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); assertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1); assertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group1-metrics").tag("topic", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value()) .isEqualTo(500.0); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "willReturn", "given", "committed", "any", "partitions", "put", "willReturn", "given", "partitionsFor", "bindTo", "hasSize", "assertThat", "getMeters", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void shouldIndicateLag() {\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumer.committed(ArgumentMatchers.any(TopicPartition.class)))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(new OffsetAndMetadata(500));\n\t\tList<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC,\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group1-metrics\", partitions, false));\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(partitions);\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).hasSize(1);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group1-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", TEST_TOPIC).gauge().value())\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.isEqualTo(500.0);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void shouldNotCalculateLagForProducerTopics() { List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation(null, partitions, false)); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); assertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).isEmpty(); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "partitions", "put", "bindTo", "isEmpty", "assertThat", "getMeters" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void shouldNotCalculateLagForProducerTopics() {\n\t\tList<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation(null, partitions, false));\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\t\tassertThat(meterRegistry.getMeters()).isEmpty();\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError { long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); while (true) { HttpResponse httpResponse = null; byte[] responseContents = null; Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap(); try { // Gather headers. Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry()); httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers); StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders()); // Handle cache validation. if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry(); if (entry == null) { return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null, responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus // the new ones from the response. // entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders); return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,, entry.responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check. if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity()); } else { // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a // no-content request. responseContents = new byte[0]; } // if the request is slow, log it. long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart; logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine); if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new IOException(); } return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("socket", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("connection", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad URL " + request.getUrl(), e); } catch (IOException e) { int statusCode; if (httpResponse != null) { statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { throw new NoConnectionError(e); } VolleyLog.e("Unexpected response code %d for %s", statusCode, request.getUrl()); NetworkResponse networkResponse; if (responseContents != null) { networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { attemptRetryOnException("auth", request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse)); } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) { // Don't retry other client errors. throw new ClientError(networkResponse); } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) { if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) { attemptRetryOnException("server", request, new ServerError(networkResponse)); } else { throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { // 3xx? No reason to retry. throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { attemptRetryOnException("network", request, new NetworkError()); } } } }
@Test public void connectTimeout() throws Exception { MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack(); mockHttpStack.setExceptionToThrow(new ConnectTimeoutException()); BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack); Request<String> request = buildRequest(); request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy); doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); try { httpNetwork.performRequest(request); } catch (VolleyError e) { // expected } // should retry connection timeouts verify(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(TimeoutError.class)); }
[ "elapsedRealtime", "emptyMap", "addCacheHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "performRequest", "getStatusLine", "getStatusCode", "convertHeaders", "getAllHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "elapsedRealtime", "putAll", "elapsedRealtime", "getEntity", "entityToBytes", "getEntity", "elapsedRealtime", "logSlowRequests", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException", "getUrl", "getStatusCode", "getStatusLine", "e", "getUrl", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "shouldRetryServerErrors", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException" ]
[ "setExceptionToThrow", "buildRequest", "setRetryPolicy", "retry", "when", "doThrow", "any", "performRequest", "retry", "verify", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;", "class_name": "BasicNetworkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;", "class_name": "BasicNetwork implements Network", "method_signatures": "public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BasicNetwork implements Network\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BasicNetworkTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError {\n long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();\n while (true) {\n HttpResponse httpResponse = null;\n byte[] responseContents = null;\n Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap();\n try {\n // Gather headers.\n Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();\n addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry());\n httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers);\n StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine();\n int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();\n\n responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders());\n // Handle cache validation.\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {\n\n Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry();\n if (entry == null) {\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null,\n responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We\n // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus\n // the new ones from the response.\n //\n entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders);\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,,\n entry.responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check.\n if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) {\n responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity());\n } else {\n // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a\n // no-content request.\n responseContents = new byte[0];\n }\n\n // if the request is slow, log it.\n long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart;\n logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine);\n\n if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) {\n throw new IOException();\n }\n return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"socket\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"connection\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Bad URL \" + request.getUrl(), e);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n int statusCode;\n if (httpResponse != null) {\n statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();\n } else {\n throw new NoConnectionError(e);\n }\n VolleyLog.e(\"Unexpected response code %d for %s\", statusCode, request.getUrl());\n NetworkResponse networkResponse;\n if (responseContents != null) {\n networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents,\n responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ||\n statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"auth\",\n request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse));\n } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) {\n // Don't retry other client errors.\n throw new ClientError(networkResponse);\n } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) {\n if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"server\",\n request, new ServerError(networkResponse));\n } else {\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n // 3xx? No reason to retry.\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"network\", request, new NetworkError());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void connectTimeout() throws Exception {\n MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack();\n mockHttpStack.setExceptionToThrow(new ConnectTimeoutException());\n BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack);\n Request<String> request = buildRequest();\n request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy);\n doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n try {\n httpNetwork.performRequest(request);\n } catch (VolleyError e) {\n // expected\n }\n // should retry connection timeouts\n verify(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(TimeoutError.class));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Matcher<Response> created() { final int statusCode = Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode(); return new CustomMatcher<Response>("created status (" + statusCode + ") with location header") { @Override public boolean matches(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Response)) { return false; } Response response = (Response) o; if (response.getStatus() == statusCode) { String header = response.getHeaderString("Location"); return (header != null); } else { return false; } } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { Response response = (Response) item; provideDescription(response, description); } }; }
@Test public void createdMatcher() { Matcher<Response> created = HttpMatchers.created(); Response response = mock(Response.class); when(response.getHeaderString("Location")).thenReturn("http://something"); when(response.getStatus()).thenReturn(201); assertThat(response, is(created)); }
[ "getStatusCode", "getStatus", "getHeaderString", "provideDescription" ]
[ "created", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getHeaderString", "thenReturn", "when", "getStatus", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchersTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HttpMatchers", "method_signatures": "public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpMatchers\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Matcher<Response> successful()\npublic static Matcher<Response> clientError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> redirection()\npublic static Matcher<Response> informational()\npublic static Matcher<Response> other()\npublic static Matcher<Response> noContent()\npublic static Matcher<Response> serverError()\npublic static Matcher<Response> created()\nstatic void provideDescription(Response response, Description description)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpMatchersTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaxrsclient/src/main/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Matcher<Response> created() {\n final int statusCode = Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode();\n return new CustomMatcher<Response>(\"created status (\" + statusCode + \") with location header\") {\n\n @Override\n public boolean matches(Object o) {\n if (!(o instanceof Response)) {\n return false;\n }\n Response response = (Response) o;\n if (response.getStatus() == statusCode) {\n String header = response.getHeaderString(\"Location\");\n return (header != null);\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) {\n Response response = (Response) item;\n provideDescription(response, description);\n }\n };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaxrsclient/src/test/java/com/airhacks/rulz/jaxrsclient/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createdMatcher() {\n Matcher<Response> created = HttpMatchers.created();\n Response response = mock(Response.class);\n when(response.getHeaderString(\"Location\")).thenReturn(\"http://something\");\n when(response.getStatus()).thenReturn(201);\n assertThat(response, is(created));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError { long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); while (true) { HttpResponse httpResponse = null; byte[] responseContents = null; Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap(); try { // Gather headers. Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry()); httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers); StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders()); // Handle cache validation. if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry(); if (entry == null) { return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null, responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus // the new ones from the response. // entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders); return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,, entry.responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check. if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity()); } else { // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a // no-content request. responseContents = new byte[0]; } // if the request is slow, log it. long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart; logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine); if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new IOException(); } return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("socket", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("connection", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad URL " + request.getUrl(), e); } catch (IOException e) { int statusCode; if (httpResponse != null) { statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { throw new NoConnectionError(e); } VolleyLog.e("Unexpected response code %d for %s", statusCode, request.getUrl()); NetworkResponse networkResponse; if (responseContents != null) { networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { attemptRetryOnException("auth", request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse)); } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) { // Don't retry other client errors. throw new ClientError(networkResponse); } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) { if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) { attemptRetryOnException("server", request, new ServerError(networkResponse)); } else { throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { // 3xx? No reason to retry. throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { attemptRetryOnException("network", request, new NetworkError()); } } } }
@Test public void redirect() throws Exception { for (int i = 300; i <= 399; i++) { MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack(); BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse = new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1), i, ""); mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse); BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack); Request<String> request = buildRequest(); request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy); doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); try { httpNetwork.performRequest(request); } catch (VolleyError e) { // expected } // should not retry 300 responses. verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); reset(mMockRetryPolicy); } }
[ "elapsedRealtime", "emptyMap", "addCacheHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "performRequest", "getStatusLine", "getStatusCode", "convertHeaders", "getAllHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "elapsedRealtime", "putAll", "elapsedRealtime", "getEntity", "entityToBytes", "getEntity", "elapsedRealtime", "logSlowRequests", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException", "getUrl", "getStatusCode", "getStatusLine", "e", "getUrl", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "shouldRetryServerErrors", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException" ]
[ "setResponseToReturn", "buildRequest", "setRetryPolicy", "retry", "when", "doThrow", "any", "performRequest", "retry", "verify", "never", "any", "reset" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;", "class_name": "BasicNetworkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;", "class_name": "BasicNetwork implements Network", "method_signatures": "public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BasicNetwork implements Network\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BasicNetworkTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError {\n long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();\n while (true) {\n HttpResponse httpResponse = null;\n byte[] responseContents = null;\n Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap();\n try {\n // Gather headers.\n Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();\n addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry());\n httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers);\n StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine();\n int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();\n\n responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders());\n // Handle cache validation.\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {\n\n Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry();\n if (entry == null) {\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null,\n responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We\n // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus\n // the new ones from the response.\n //\n entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders);\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,,\n entry.responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check.\n if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) {\n responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity());\n } else {\n // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a\n // no-content request.\n responseContents = new byte[0];\n }\n\n // if the request is slow, log it.\n long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart;\n logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine);\n\n if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) {\n throw new IOException();\n }\n return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"socket\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"connection\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Bad URL \" + request.getUrl(), e);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n int statusCode;\n if (httpResponse != null) {\n statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();\n } else {\n throw new NoConnectionError(e);\n }\n VolleyLog.e(\"Unexpected response code %d for %s\", statusCode, request.getUrl());\n NetworkResponse networkResponse;\n if (responseContents != null) {\n networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents,\n responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ||\n statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"auth\",\n request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse));\n } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) {\n // Don't retry other client errors.\n throw new ClientError(networkResponse);\n } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) {\n if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"server\",\n request, new ServerError(networkResponse));\n } else {\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n // 3xx? No reason to retry.\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"network\", request, new NetworkError());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void redirect() throws Exception {\n for (int i = 300; i <= 399; i++) {\n MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack();\n BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse =\n new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion(\"HTTP\", 1, 1), i, \"\");\n mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse);\n BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack);\n Request<String> request = buildRequest();\n request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy);\n doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n try {\n httpNetwork.performRequest(request);\n } catch (VolleyError e) {\n // expected\n }\n // should not retry 300 responses.\n verify(mMockRetryPolicy, never()).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n reset(mMockRetryPolicy);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError { AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null); Bundle result; try { result = future.getResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuthFailureError("Error while retrieving auth token", e); } String authToken = null; if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) { if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) { Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT); throw new AuthFailureError(intent); } authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); } if (authToken == null) { throw new AuthFailureError("Got null auth token for type: " + mAuthTokenType); } return authToken; }
@Test(expected = AuthFailureError.class) public void resultContainsIntent() throws Exception { Intent intent = new Intent(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT, intent); when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, "cooltype", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture); when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle); when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true); when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false); mAuthenticator.getAuthToken(); }
[ "getAuthToken", "getResult", "isDone", "isCancelled", "containsKey", "getParcelable", "getString" ]
[ "putParcelable", "thenReturn", "when", "getAuthToken", "thenReturn", "when", "getResult", "thenReturn", "when", "isDone", "thenReturn", "when", "isCancelled", "getAuthToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;", "class_name": "AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator", "method_signatures": "public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticator implements Authenticator\n\nclass_fields: private final AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate final Account mAccount;\nprivate final String mAuthTokenType;\nprivate final boolean mNotifyAuthFailure;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType)\npublic AndroidAuthenticator(Context context, Account account, String authTokenType,\n boolean notifyAuthFailure)\n AndroidAuthenticator(AccountManager accountManager, Account account,\n String authTokenType, boolean notifyAuthFailure)\npublic Account getAccount()\npublic String getAuthTokenType()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public String getAuthToken()\n@Override public void invalidateAuthToken(String authToken)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AndroidAuthenticatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AccountManager mAccountManager;\nprivate Account mAccount;\nprivate AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> mFuture;\nprivate AndroidAuthenticator mAuthenticator;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n @Override\n public String getAuthToken() throws AuthFailureError {\n AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount,\n mAuthTokenType, mNotifyAuthFailure, null, null);\n Bundle result;\n try {\n result = future.getResult();\n } catch (Exception e) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Error while retrieving auth token\", e);\n }\n String authToken = null;\n if (future.isDone() && !future.isCancelled()) {\n if (result.containsKey(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT)) {\n Intent intent = result.getParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT);\n throw new AuthFailureError(intent);\n }\n authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);\n }\n if (authToken == null) {\n throw new AuthFailureError(\"Got null auth token for type: \" + mAuthTokenType);\n }\n\n return authToken;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = AuthFailureError.class)\n public void resultContainsIntent() throws Exception {\n Intent intent = new Intent();\n Bundle bundle = new Bundle();\n bundle.putParcelable(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT, intent);\n when(mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, \"cooltype\", false, null, null)).thenReturn(mFuture);\n when(mFuture.getResult()).thenReturn(bundle);\n when(mFuture.isDone()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mFuture.isCancelled()).thenReturn(false);\n mAuthenticator.getAuthToken();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int index = 0; final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded); while (index < bytes.length) { final byte data = bytes[index++]; if (data != '\\') { os.write(data); } else { if (index == bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final byte escaped = bytes[index++]; switch (escaped) { case '\\': { // Escaped backslash: os.write('\\'); break; } case 'x': { // Escaped byte in hexadecimal: if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2)); try { final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } os.write(decodedByte); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException(String.format( "Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } index += 2; break; } default: throw new IOException(String.format("Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.", encoded)); } } } return os.toByteArray(); }
@Test public void testDecodeRowKeyInvalidHex() throws Exception { try { SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey("this is a \\x-6"); fail("An exception should have been thrown."); } catch (IOException ioe) { assertEquals("Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: 'this is a \\x-6'.", ioe.getMessage()); } }
[ "toBytes", "write", "format", "write", "format", "toString", "copyOfRange", "parseInt", "format", "write", "format", "format", "toByteArray" ]
[ "decodeRowKey", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestSplitKeyFile" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SplitKeyFile", "method_signatures": "private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private SplitKeyFile()\npublic static List<byte[]> decodeRegionSplitList(InputStream inputStream)\npublic static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestSplitKeyFile\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static byte[] decodeRowKey(String encoded) throws IOException {\n final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n int index = 0;\n final byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(encoded);\n while (index < bytes.length) {\n final byte data = bytes[index++];\n\n if (data != '\\\\') {\n os.write(data);\n } else {\n if (index == bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid trailing escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final byte escaped = bytes[index++];\n\n switch (escaped) {\n case '\\\\': {\n // Escaped backslash:\n os.write('\\\\');\n break;\n }\n case 'x': {\n // Escaped byte in hexadecimal:\n if (index + 1 >= bytes.length) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n final String hex = Bytes.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, index, index + 2));\n try {\n final int decodedByte = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);\n if ((decodedByte < 0) || (decodedByte > 255)) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n os.write(decodedByte);\n } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {\n throw new IOException(String.format(\n \"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n index += 2;\n break;\n }\n default:\n throw new IOException(String.format(\"Invalid escape in encoded row key: '%s'.\", encoded));\n }\n }\n }\n return os.toByteArray();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDecodeRowKeyInvalidHex() throws Exception {\n try {\n SplitKeyFile.decodeRowKey(\"this is a \\\\x-6\");\n fail(\"An exception should have been thrown.\");\n } catch (IOException ioe) {\n assertEquals(\"Invalid hexadecimal escape in encoded row key: 'this is a \\\\x-6'.\",\n ioe.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public List<ExportField> listRequiredFields() { List<ExportField> fields = new ArrayList<>(); fields.add(new ExportField(PROJECT_NAME, "Targeted project's name", "string", "The name of targeted project in SquashTM. Note that the project must be created before doing the import.")); fields.add(new ExportField(USER, "Targeted User's name", "string", "The name of the user whom will act as the creator of the requirements in SquashTM. Note that the user must exist before doing the import.")); return fields; }
@Test public void listRequiredFields() { // When List<ExportField> fields = this.sut.listRequiredFields(); // Then Assertions.assertThat(fields).hasSize(2); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0)).isNotNull(); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1)).isNotNull(); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getId()).isEqualTo(SquashExporter.PROJECT_NAME); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getName()).isEqualTo("Targeted project's name"); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getType()).isEqualTo("string"); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getDescription()).isNotBlank(); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getId()).isEqualTo(SquashExporter.USER); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getName()).isEqualTo("Targeted User's name"); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getType()).isEqualTo("string"); Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getDescription()).isNotBlank(); }
[ "add", "add" ]
[ "listRequiredFields", "hasSize", "assertThat", "isNotNull", "assertThat", "get", "isNotNull", "assertThat", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getId", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getName", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getType", "get", "isNotBlank", "assertThat", "getDescription", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getId", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getName", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getType", "get", "isNotBlank", "assertThat", "getDescription", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Spy\n private SquashExporter sut;", "class_name": "SquashExporterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String PROJECT_NAME = \"squash_project_name\";\nstatic final String USER = \"squash_user\";\nprivate static final Map<String,String> CRITICALITY_MAPPING = new HashMap<>();\nprivate static final String[] HEADERS = {\"ACTION\", \"PROJECT_ID\", \"PROJECT_NAME\", \"REQ_PATH\", \"REQ_NUM\", \"REQ_VERSION_NUM\", \"REQ_VERSION_NAME\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_CRITICALITY\", \"REQ_VERSION_CATEGORY\", \"REQ_VERSION_STATUS\", \"REQ_VERSION_DESCRIPTION\", \"REQ_VERSION_#_TC\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_#_ATTACHEMENT\", \"REQ_VERSION_CREATED_ON\", \"REQ_VERSION_CREATED_BY\", \"REQ_VERSION_LAST_MODIFIED_ON\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_LAST_MODIFIED_BY\", \"REQ_VERSION_MILESTONE\", \"REQ_VERSION_CUF_<code du cuf>\"};", "class_name": "SquashExporter extends Exporter", "method_signatures": "@Override public String getName()\n@Override public String getDescription()\n@Override public String getFormat()\n@Override public byte[] generate(List<FunctionalityDTO> functionalities, Map<String, String> requiredInfos)\n@Override public List<ExportField> listRequiredFields()\n void createHeaderRow(Sheet sheet)\n void addRowToSheet(Sheet sheet, int index, String projectName, String path, String comment, String criticity, Date creationDate, String username)\nprivate void addCellToRow(Row row, int position, String value)\nprivate void addCellToRow(Row row, int position, Date value)\nprivate String getFunctionalityPath(FunctionalityDTO functionality, List<FunctionalityDTO> functionalities)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/cartography/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SquashExporter extends Exporter\n\nclass_fields: static final String PROJECT_NAME = \"squash_project_name\";\nstatic final String USER = \"squash_user\";\nprivate static final Map<String,String> CRITICALITY_MAPPING = new HashMap<>();\nprivate static final String[] HEADERS = {\"ACTION\", \"PROJECT_ID\", \"PROJECT_NAME\", \"REQ_PATH\", \"REQ_NUM\", \"REQ_VERSION_NUM\", \"REQ_VERSION_NAME\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_CRITICALITY\", \"REQ_VERSION_CATEGORY\", \"REQ_VERSION_STATUS\", \"REQ_VERSION_DESCRIPTION\", \"REQ_VERSION_#_TC\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_#_ATTACHEMENT\", \"REQ_VERSION_CREATED_ON\", \"REQ_VERSION_CREATED_BY\", \"REQ_VERSION_LAST_MODIFIED_ON\",\n \"REQ_VERSION_LAST_MODIFIED_BY\", \"REQ_VERSION_MILESTONE\", \"REQ_VERSION_CUF_<code du cuf>\"};\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public String getName()\n@Override public String getDescription()\n@Override public String getFormat()\n@Override public byte[] generate(List<FunctionalityDTO> functionalities, Map<String, String> requiredInfos)\n@Override public List<ExportField> listRequiredFields()\n void createHeaderRow(Sheet sheet)\n void addRowToSheet(Sheet sheet, int index, String projectName, String path, String comment, String criticity, Date creationDate, String username)\nprivate void addCellToRow(Row row, int position, String value)\nprivate void addCellToRow(Row row, int position, Date value)\nprivate String getFunctionalityPath(FunctionalityDTO functionality, List<FunctionalityDTO> functionalities)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SquashExporterTest\n\nclass_fields: @Spy\n private SquashExporter sut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/cartography/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public List<ExportField> listRequiredFields() {\n List<ExportField> fields = new ArrayList<>();\n fields.add(new ExportField(PROJECT_NAME, \"Targeted project's name\", \"string\",\n \"The name of targeted project in SquashTM. Note that the project must be created before doing the import.\"));\n fields.add(new ExportField(USER, \"Targeted User's name\", \"string\",\n \"The name of the user whom will act as the creator of the requirements in SquashTM. Note that the user must exist before doing the import.\"));\n return fields;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/cartography/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void listRequiredFields() {\n // When\n List<ExportField> fields = this.sut.listRequiredFields();\n // Then\n Assertions.assertThat(fields).hasSize(2);\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0)).isNotNull();\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1)).isNotNull();\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getId()).isEqualTo(SquashExporter.PROJECT_NAME);\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getName()).isEqualTo(\"Targeted project's name\");\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getType()).isEqualTo(\"string\");\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(0).getDescription()).isNotBlank();\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getId()).isEqualTo(SquashExporter.USER);\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getName()).isEqualTo(\"Targeted User's name\");\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getType()).isEqualTo(\"string\");\n Assertions.assertThat(fields.get(1).getDescription()).isNotBlank();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public synchronized void setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion version) throws IOException { final State state = mState.get(); Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN, "Cannot set data version in SystemTable instance in state %s.", state); putValue(KEY_DATA_VERSION, Bytes.toBytes(version.toString())); }
@Test public void testSetDataVersion() throws IOException { final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); final HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(); final FakeHTable table = new FakeHTable("system", desc, conf, false, 0, true, true, null); final KijiURI uri = KijiURI.newBuilder("kiji://test/instance").build(); final HBaseSystemTable systemTable = new HBaseSystemTable(uri, table); systemTable.setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion.parse("kiji-100")); assertEquals(ProtocolVersion.parse("kiji-100"), systemTable.getDataVersion()); systemTable.close(); }
[ "get", "checkState", "putValue", "toBytes", "toString" ]
[ "create", "build", "newBuilder", "setDataVersion", "parse", "assertEquals", "parse", "getDataVersion", "close" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestHBaseSystemTable" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseSystemTable.class);\npublic static final String VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY = \"value\";\npublic static final String KEY_DATA_VERSION = \"data-version\";\npublic static final String SECURITY_PROTOCOL_VERSION = \"security-version\";\npublic static final String DEFAULTS_PROPERTIES_FILE =\n \"org/kiji/schema/\";\nprivate final KijiURI mURI;\nprivate final HTableInterface mTable;\nprivate AtomicReference<State> mState = new AtomicReference<State>(State.UNINITIALIZED);", "class_name": "HBaseSystemTable implements KijiSystemTable", "method_signatures": "public static HTableInterface newSystemTable(\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic HBaseSystemTable(\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic HBaseSystemTable(KijiURI uri, HTableInterface htable)\n@Override public synchronized ProtocolVersion getDataVersion()\n@Override public synchronized void setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion version)\n@Override public synchronized ProtocolVersion getSecurityVersion()\n@Override public synchronized void setSecurityVersion(ProtocolVersion version)\n@Override public KijiURI getKijiURI()\n@Override public synchronized void close()\n@Override public byte[] getValue(String key)\n@Override public void putValue(String key, byte[] value)\n@Override public CloseableIterable<SimpleEntry<String, byte[]>> getAll()\npublic static Map<String, String> loadPropertiesFromFileToMap(String resource)\nprotected void loadSystemTableProperties(Map<String, String> properties)\npublic static void install(\n HBaseAdmin admin,\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic static void install(\n HBaseAdmin admin,\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n Map<String, String> properties,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic static void uninstall(HBaseAdmin admin, KijiURI kijiURI)\n@Override public SystemTableBackup toBackup()\n@Override public void fromBackup(SystemTableBackup backup)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HBaseSystemTable implements KijiSystemTable\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseSystemTable.class);\npublic static final String VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY = \"value\";\npublic static final String KEY_DATA_VERSION = \"data-version\";\npublic static final String SECURITY_PROTOCOL_VERSION = \"security-version\";\npublic static final String DEFAULTS_PROPERTIES_FILE =\n \"org/kiji/schema/\";\nprivate final KijiURI mURI;\nprivate final HTableInterface mTable;\nprivate AtomicReference<State> mState = new AtomicReference<State>(State.UNINITIALIZED);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static HTableInterface newSystemTable(\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic HBaseSystemTable(\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic HBaseSystemTable(KijiURI uri, HTableInterface htable)\n@Override public synchronized ProtocolVersion getDataVersion()\n@Override public synchronized void setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion version)\n@Override public synchronized ProtocolVersion getSecurityVersion()\n@Override public synchronized void setSecurityVersion(ProtocolVersion version)\n@Override public KijiURI getKijiURI()\n@Override public synchronized void close()\n@Override public byte[] getValue(String key)\n@Override public void putValue(String key, byte[] value)\n@Override public CloseableIterable<SimpleEntry<String, byte[]>> getAll()\npublic static Map<String, String> loadPropertiesFromFileToMap(String resource)\nprotected void loadSystemTableProperties(Map<String, String> properties)\npublic static void install(\n HBaseAdmin admin,\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic static void install(\n HBaseAdmin admin,\n KijiURI kijiURI,\n Configuration conf,\n Map<String, String> properties,\n HTableInterfaceFactory factory)\npublic static void uninstall(HBaseAdmin admin, KijiURI kijiURI)\n@Override public SystemTableBackup toBackup()\n@Override public void fromBackup(SystemTableBackup backup)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestHBaseSystemTable\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public synchronized void setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion version) throws IOException {\n final State state = mState.get();\n Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,\n \"Cannot set data version in SystemTable instance in state %s.\", state);\n putValue(KEY_DATA_VERSION, Bytes.toBytes(version.toString()));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/hbase/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetDataVersion() throws IOException {\n final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();\n final HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor();\n final FakeHTable table = new FakeHTable(\"system\", desc, conf, false, 0, true, true, null);\n\n final KijiURI uri = KijiURI.newBuilder(\"kiji://test/instance\").build();\n final HBaseSystemTable systemTable = new HBaseSystemTable(uri, table);\n systemTable.setDataVersion(ProtocolVersion.parse(\"kiji-100\"));\n assertEquals(ProtocolVersion.parse(\"kiji-100\"), systemTable.getDataVersion());\n systemTable.close();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
SortedSet<Severity> getActiveSeverities(Execution execution) { final List<Severity> allSeverities = severityRepository.findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition(execution.getCycleDefinition().getProjectId()); SortedSet<Severity> activeSeverities = new TreeSet<>(new Severity.SeverityPositionComparator()); final Set<Run> runsToIncludeInQuality = getRunsToIncludeInQuality(execution); if (runsToIncludeInQuality.isEmpty()) { activeSeverities.addAll(allSeverities); } for (Run run : runsToIncludeInQuality) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(run.getSeverityTags()) || "all".equals(run.getSeverityTags())) { activeSeverities.addAll(allSeverities); } else { for (final String severityCode : run.getSeverityTags().split(Run.SEVERITY_TAGS_SEPARATOR)) { activeSeverities.add( .filter(s -> severityCode.equals(s.getCode())) .findFirst() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find severity \"" + severityCode + "\" in " + allSeverities))); } } } return activeSeverities; }
@Test public void getActiveSeverities_should_return_severity_ordered_by_position() { // GIVEN Execution execution = new Execution() .withCycleDefinition(new CycleDefinition().withProjectId(PROJECT_ID)) .withRuns(new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList( run() .withIncludeInThresholds(Boolean.TRUE) .withSeverityTags("3,2")))); when(severityRepository.findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition(PROJECT_ID)).thenReturn(Arrays.asList( new Severity().withCode("1").withPosition(2), new Severity().withCode("2").withPosition(1), new Severity().withCode("3").withPosition(3))); // WHEN SortedSet<Severity> activeSeverities = cut.getActiveSeverities(execution); // THEN assertThat("2", "3"); }
[ "findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition", "getProjectId", "getCycleDefinition", "getRunsToIncludeInQuality", "isEmpty", "addAll", "isEmpty", "getSeverityTags", "equals", "getSeverityTags", "addAll", "split", "getSeverityTags", "add", "orElseThrow", "findFirst", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getCode" ]
[ "withRuns", "withCycleDefinition", "withProjectId", "singletonList", "withSeverityTags", "withIncludeInThresholds", "run", "thenReturn", "when", "findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition", "asList", "withPosition", "withCode", "withPosition", "withCode", "withPosition", "withCode", "getActiveSeverities", "containsExactly", "assertThat", "map", "stream" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final long PROJECT_ID = 1;\n@Mock\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private SeverityRepository severityRepository;\n@Mock\n private SeverityMapper severityMapper;\n@InjectMocks\n private QualityService cut;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<List<QualitySeverityDTO>> qualitySeverityListArgument;\nprivate int lastId;", "class_name": "QualityServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final TypeReference<Map<String, QualityThreshold>> TYPE_REFERENCE_TO_MAP_STRING_QUALITY_THRESHOLD = new TypeReference<Map<String, QualityThreshold>>() {\n };\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityRepository severityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityMapper severityMapper;", "class_name": "QualityService", "method_signatures": "public void computeQuality(Execution execution)\n SortedSet<Severity> getActiveSeverities(Execution execution)\n QualitySeverityDTO computeQualityOfSeverity(Execution execution, Severity severity, QualityThreshold threshold)\n Set<Run> getRunsToIncludeInQuality(Execution execution)\n boolean isComplete(Execution execution)\n ScenarioCountDTO countScenariosOfSeverity(Set<Run> runs, Severity severity)\n void countScenario(ScenarioCountDTO counts, ExecutedScenario executedScenario)\n int getQualityPercentage(ScenarioCountDTO counts)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: QualityService\n\nclass_fields: static final TypeReference<Map<String, QualityThreshold>> TYPE_REFERENCE_TO_MAP_STRING_QUALITY_THRESHOLD = new TypeReference<Map<String, QualityThreshold>>() {\n };\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityRepository severityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityMapper severityMapper;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void computeQuality(Execution execution)\n SortedSet<Severity> getActiveSeverities(Execution execution)\n QualitySeverityDTO computeQualityOfSeverity(Execution execution, Severity severity, QualityThreshold threshold)\n Set<Run> getRunsToIncludeInQuality(Execution execution)\n boolean isComplete(Execution execution)\n ScenarioCountDTO countScenariosOfSeverity(Set<Run> runs, Severity severity)\n void countScenario(ScenarioCountDTO counts, ExecutedScenario executedScenario)\n int getQualityPercentage(ScenarioCountDTO counts)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: QualityServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final long PROJECT_ID = 1;\n@Mock\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private SeverityRepository severityRepository;\n@Mock\n private SeverityMapper severityMapper;\n@InjectMocks\n private QualityService cut;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<List<QualitySeverityDTO>> qualitySeverityListArgument;\nprivate int lastId;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n SortedSet<Severity> getActiveSeverities(Execution execution) {\n final List<Severity> allSeverities = severityRepository.findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition(execution.getCycleDefinition().getProjectId());\n\n SortedSet<Severity> activeSeverities = new TreeSet<>(new Severity.SeverityPositionComparator());\n final Set<Run> runsToIncludeInQuality = getRunsToIncludeInQuality(execution);\n if (runsToIncludeInQuality.isEmpty()) {\n activeSeverities.addAll(allSeverities);\n }\n for (Run run : runsToIncludeInQuality) {\n if (StringUtils.isEmpty(run.getSeverityTags()) || \"all\".equals(run.getSeverityTags())) {\n activeSeverities.addAll(allSeverities);\n } else {\n for (final String severityCode : run.getSeverityTags().split(Run.SEVERITY_TAGS_SEPARATOR)) {\n activeSeverities.add(\n .filter(s -> severityCode.equals(s.getCode()))\n .findFirst()\n .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot find severity \\\"\" + severityCode + \"\\\" in \" + allSeverities)));\n }\n }\n }\n\n return activeSeverities;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getActiveSeverities_should_return_severity_ordered_by_position() {\n // GIVEN\n Execution execution = new Execution()\n .withCycleDefinition(new CycleDefinition().withProjectId(PROJECT_ID))\n .withRuns(new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(\n run()\n .withIncludeInThresholds(Boolean.TRUE)\n .withSeverityTags(\"3,2\"))));\n when(severityRepository.findAllByProjectIdOrderByPosition(PROJECT_ID)).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(\n new Severity().withCode(\"1\").withPosition(2),\n new Severity().withCode(\"2\").withPosition(1),\n new Severity().withCode(\"3\").withPosition(3)));\n\n // WHEN\n SortedSet<Severity> activeSeverities = cut.getActiveSeverities(execution);\n\n // THEN\n assertThat(\"2\", \"3\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T extends Serializable> T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType) throws Exception { if (source == null || resultType == null) { return null; } // 转成List做统一处理 List<Serializable> sourceList = new ArrayList<Serializable>(); sourceList.add(source); List<T> result = mapList(sqlToyContext, sourceList, resultType); return result.get(0); }
@Test public void testVOToPO() { StaffInfoVO staffInfoVO = new StaffInfoVO(); staffInfoVO.setStaffId("S2007"); staffInfoVO.setStaffCode("S2007"); staffInfoVO.setPostType("MASTER"); staffInfoVO.setStaffName("测试员工9"); staffInfoVO.setSexType("M"); staffInfoVO.setEmail(""); staffInfoVO.setEntryDate(; staffInfoVO.setStatus(1); staffInfoVO.setOrganId("100007"); // staffInfoVO.setPhoto(FileUtil.readAsBytes("classpath:/mock/staff_photo.jpg")); staffInfoVO.setCountry("86"); SqlToyContext context = new SqlToyContext(); try { context.initialize(); StaffInfo staffInfo =, staffInfoVO, StaffInfo.class); System.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfo)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
[ "add", "mapList", "get" ]
[ "setStaffId", "setStaffCode", "setPostType", "setStaffName", "setSexType", "setEmail", "setEntryDate", "now", "setStatus", "setOrganId", "setCountry", "initialize", "map", "println", "toJSONString", "printStackTrace" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MapperUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapperUtils.class);\nprivate static Map<String, DTOEntityMapModel> dtoEntityMappCache = new HashMap<String, DTOEntityMapModel>();", "class_name": "MapperUtils", "method_signatures": "public static T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\npublic static List<T> mapList(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, List<Serializable> sourceList,\n\t\t\tClass<T> resultType)\nprivate static List invokeGetValues(List sourceList, Method[] getMethods)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel getDTOEntityMap(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class sourceClass, Class resultType)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2PO(Class dtoClass, Class pojoClass)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2DTO(Class pojoClass, Class dtoClass)\nprivate static List reflectListToBean(List datas, Class voClass, Method[] realMethods)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MapperUtils\n\nclass_fields: protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapperUtils.class);\nprivate static Map<String, DTOEntityMapModel> dtoEntityMappCache = new HashMap<String, DTOEntityMapModel>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\npublic static List<T> mapList(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, List<Serializable> sourceList,\n\t\t\tClass<T> resultType)\nprivate static List invokeGetValues(List sourceList, Method[] getMethods)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel getDTOEntityMap(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class sourceClass, Class resultType)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2PO(Class dtoClass, Class pojoClass)\nprivate static DTOEntityMapModel PO2DTO(Class pojoClass, Class dtoClass)\nprivate static List reflectListToBean(List datas, Class voClass, Method[] realMethods)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MapperUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T extends Serializable> T map(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Serializable source, Class<T> resultType)\n\t\t\tthrows Exception {\n\t\tif (source == null || resultType == null) {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// 转成List做统一处理\n\t\tList<Serializable> sourceList = new ArrayList<Serializable>();\n\t\tsourceList.add(source);\n\t\tList<T> result = mapList(sqlToyContext, sourceList, resultType);\n\t\treturn result.get(0);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/test/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testVOToPO() {\n\t\tStaffInfoVO staffInfoVO = new StaffInfoVO();\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setStaffId(\"S2007\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setStaffCode(\"S2007\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setPostType(\"MASTER\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setStaffName(\"测试员工9\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setSexType(\"M\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setEmail(\"\");\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setEntryDate(;\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setStatus(1);\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setOrganId(\"100007\");\n\t\t// staffInfoVO.setPhoto(FileUtil.readAsBytes(\"classpath:/mock/staff_photo.jpg\"));\n\t\tstaffInfoVO.setCountry(\"86\");\n\t\tSqlToyContext context = new SqlToyContext();\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tcontext.initialize();\n\t\t\tStaffInfo staffInfo =, staffInfoVO, StaffInfo.class);\n\t\t\tSystem.err.println(JSON.toJSONString(staffInfo));\n\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n\t\t\t// TODO Auto-generated catch block\n\t\t\te.printStackTrace();\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString) { Preconditions.checkArgument(null != verString, "verString may not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(!verString.isEmpty(), "verString may not be empty"); Preconditions.checkArgument(verString.charAt(0) != '-', "verString may not start with a dash"); String proto = null; int major = 0; int minor = 0; int rev = 0; int pos = 0; String numericPart = verString; if (!Character.isDigit(verString.charAt(pos))) { // Start by parsing a protocol name. Scan forward to the '-'. String[] nameParts = verString.split("-"); if (nameParts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("verString may contain at most one dash character, " + "separating the protocol name from the version number."); } proto = nameParts[0]; numericPart = nameParts[1]; // only use the string part after the '-' for ver numbers. } String[] verParts = numericPart.split("\\."); if (verParts.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version numbers may have at most three components."); } try { major = Integer.parseInt(verParts[0]); if (verParts.length > 1) { minor = Integer.parseInt(verParts[1]); } if (verParts.length > 2) { rev = Integer.parseInt(verParts[2]); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse numeric version info in " + verString); } if (major < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Major version number must be non-negative."); } if (minor < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minor version number must be non-negative."); } if (rev < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revision number must be non-negative."); } return new ProtocolVersion(verString, proto, major, minor, rev); }
@Test public void testNoDashInProto() { try { ProtocolVersion.parse("proto-col-1.2.3"); fail("Should fail with an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals("verString may contain at most one dash character, separating the protocol " + "name from the version number.", iae.getMessage()); } }
[ "checkArgument", "checkArgument", "isEmpty", "checkArgument", "charAt", "isDigit", "charAt", "split", "split", "parseInt", "parseInt", "parseInt" ]
[ "parse", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestProtocolVersion" }
{ "class_fields": "private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;", "class_name": "ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>", "method_signatures": "private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>\n\nclass_fields: private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;\n\nmethod_signatures: private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestProtocolVersion\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString) {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(null != verString, \"verString may not be null\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(!verString.isEmpty(), \"verString may not be empty\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(verString.charAt(0) != '-', \"verString may not start with a dash\");\n\n String proto = null;\n int major = 0;\n int minor = 0;\n int rev = 0;\n\n int pos = 0;\n String numericPart = verString;\n if (!Character.isDigit(verString.charAt(pos))) {\n // Start by parsing a protocol name. Scan forward to the '-'.\n String[] nameParts = verString.split(\"-\");\n if (nameParts.length != 2) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"verString may contain at most one dash character, \"\n + \"separating the protocol name from the version number.\");\n }\n\n proto = nameParts[0];\n numericPart = nameParts[1]; // only use the string part after the '-' for ver numbers.\n }\n\n String[] verParts = numericPart.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (verParts.length > 3) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Version numbers may have at most three components.\");\n }\n\n try {\n major = Integer.parseInt(verParts[0]);\n if (verParts.length > 1) {\n minor = Integer.parseInt(verParts[1]);\n }\n if (verParts.length > 2) {\n rev = Integer.parseInt(verParts[2]);\n }\n } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Could not parse numeric version info in \" + verString);\n }\n\n if (major < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Major version number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n if (minor < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Minor version number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n if (rev < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Revision number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n\n return new ProtocolVersion(verString, proto, major, minor, rev);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNoDashInProto() {\n try {\n ProtocolVersion.parse(\"proto-col-1.2.3\");\n fail(\"Should fail with an IllegalArgumentException\");\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {\n assertEquals(\"verString may contain at most one dash character, separating the protocol \"\n + \"name from the version number.\", iae.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> toDtos(Collection<Error> errors) { if (null == errors) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return .map(this::toDto) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
@Test public void toDtos_should_return_empty_list_on_empty_list() { // When List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> results = cut.toDtos(new ArrayList<>()); // Then Assertions.assertThat(results).isNotNull(); Assertions.assertThat(results).isEmpty(); }
[ "collect", "map", "stream", "toList" ]
[ "toDtos", "isNotNull", "assertThat", "isEmpty", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ProblemTransformer problemTransformer;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private ErrorTransformer cut;", "class_name": "ErrorTransformerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private ProblemTransformer problemTransformer;", "class_name": "ErrorTransformer", "method_signatures": "ErrorWithProblemsDTO toDto(Error error)\n List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> toDtos(Collection<Error> errors)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/transformer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ErrorTransformer\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private ProblemTransformer problemTransformer;\n\nmethod_signatures: ErrorWithProblemsDTO toDto(Error error)\n List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> toDtos(Collection<Error> errors)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ErrorTransformerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ProblemTransformer problemTransformer;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private ErrorTransformer cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/transformer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> toDtos(Collection<Error> errors) {\n if (null == errors) {\n return new ArrayList<>();\n }\n return\n .map(this::toDto)\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/transformer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void toDtos_should_return_empty_list_on_empty_list() {\n // When\n List<ErrorWithProblemsDTO> results = cut.toDtos(new ArrayList<>());\n // Then\n Assertions.assertThat(results).isNotNull();\n Assertions.assertThat(results).isEmpty();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String convertFieldsToColumns(EntityMeta entityMeta, String sql) { String key = entityMeta.getTableName() + sql; // 从缓存中直接获取,避免每次都处理提升效率 if (convertSqlMap.contains(key)) { return convertSqlMap.get(key); } String[] fields = entityMeta.getFieldsArray(); StringBuilder sqlBuff = new StringBuilder(); // 末尾补齐一位空白,便于后续取index时避免越界 String realSql = sql.concat(" "); int start = 0; int index; String preSql; String columnName; char preChar, tailChar; String varSql; boolean isBlank; // 转换sql中的对应 vo属性为具体表字段 for (String field : fields) { columnName = entityMeta.getColumnName(field); // 对象属性和表字段一致,无需处理 if (columnName != null && !columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(field)) { start = 0; // 定位匹配到field,判断匹配的前一位和后一位字符,前一位是:的属于条件,且都不能是字符和数字以及下划线 index = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(realSql, field, start); while (index != -1) { preSql = realSql.substring(start, index); isBlank = false; if (StringUtil.matches(preSql, "\\s$")) { isBlank = true; } varSql = preSql.trim(); // 首位字符不是数字(48~57)、(A-Z|a-z)字母(65~90,97~122)、下划线(95)、冒号(58) if (!varSql.equals("")) { preChar = varSql.charAt(varSql.length() - 1); } else { preChar = ' '; } tailChar = realSql.charAt(index + field.length()); // 非条件参数(58为冒号) if (((isBlank && preChar != 58) || (preChar > 58 && preChar < 65) || (preChar > 90 && preChar < 97 && preChar != 95) || preChar < 48 || preChar > 122) && ((tailChar > 58 && tailChar < 65) || (tailChar > 90 && tailChar < 97 && tailChar != 95) || tailChar < 48 || tailChar > 122)) { sqlBuff.append(preSql).append(columnName); start = index + field.length(); } index = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(realSql, field, index + field.length()); } if (start > 0) { sqlBuff.append(realSql.substring(start)); realSql = sqlBuff.toString(); sqlBuff.delete(0, sqlBuff.length()); } } } // 放入缓存 convertSqlMap.put(key, realSql); return realSql; }
@Test public void testConvertFieldsToCols() { String sql = "staffName,`sexType`,name,bizStaffName from table where #[t.staffName like ?] and sexType=:sexType"; EntityMeta entityMeta = new EntityMeta(); HashMap<String, FieldMeta> fieldsMeta = new HashMap<String, FieldMeta>(); FieldMeta staffMeta = new FieldMeta(); staffMeta.setFieldName("staffName"); staffMeta.setColumnName("STAFF_NAME"); fieldsMeta.put("staffname", staffMeta); FieldMeta bizStaffMeta = new FieldMeta(); bizStaffMeta.setFieldName("bizStaffName"); bizStaffMeta.setColumnName("BIZ_STAFF_NAME"); fieldsMeta.put("bizstaffname", bizStaffMeta); FieldMeta nameMeta = new FieldMeta(); nameMeta.setFieldName("name"); nameMeta.setColumnName("NAME"); fieldsMeta.put("name", nameMeta); FieldMeta sexMeta = new FieldMeta(); sexMeta.setFieldName("sexType"); sexMeta.setColumnName("SEX_TYPE"); fieldsMeta.put("sextype", sexMeta); entityMeta.setFieldsMeta(fieldsMeta); entityMeta.setFieldsArray(new String[] { "name", "staffName", "bizStaffName", "sexType" }); sql = SqlUtil.convertFieldsToColumns(entityMeta, sql); assertEquals(sql.trim(), "STAFF_NAME,`SEX_TYPE`,name,BIZ_STAFF_NAME from table where #[t.STAFF_NAME like ?] and SEX_TYPE=:sexType"); }
[ "getTableName", "contains", "get", "getFieldsArray", "concat", "getColumnName", "equalsIgnoreCase", "indexOfIgnoreCase", "substring", "matches", "trim", "equals", "charAt", "length", "charAt", "length", "append", "append", "length", "indexOfIgnoreCase", "length", "append", "substring", "toString", "delete", "length", "put" ]
[ "setFieldName", "setColumnName", "put", "setFieldName", "setColumnName", "put", "setFieldName", "setColumnName", "put", "setFieldName", "setColumnName", "put", "setFieldsMeta", "setFieldsArray", "convertFieldsToColumns", "assertEquals", "trim" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SqlUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlUtil.class);\npublic final static Pattern maskPattern = Pattern.compile(\"\\\\/\\\\*[^+!]\");\npublic static final Pattern ORDER_BY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\Worder\\\\s+by\\\\W\");\npublic static final Pattern UPCASE_ORDER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"\\\\WORder\\\\s+\");\npublic static final String SELECT_REGEX = \"select\\\\s+\";\npublic static final String FROM_REGEX = \"\\\\s+from[\\\\(\\\\s+]\";\npublic static final Pattern UNION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\W+union\\\\W+\");\nprivate static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> convertSqlMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();\nprivate static HashMap sqlCommentfilters = new HashMap();", "class_name": "SqlUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static String combineQueryInStr(Object conditions, Integer colIndex, String property, boolean isChar)\npublic static void setParamsValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst, Object[] params,\n\t\t\tInteger[] paramsType, int fromIndex)\nprivate static void setSqlServerParamsValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst,\n\t\t\tObject[] params, Integer[] paramsType, int fromIndex)\npublic static void setParamValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst, Object paramValue,\n\t\t\tint jdbcType, int paramIndex)\nprivate static List reflectResultToValueObject(ResultSet rs, Class voClass, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\nprivate static Object reflectResultRowToVOClass(ResultSet rs, String[] columnLabels, Method[] setMethods,\n\t\t\tString[] propTypes, Class voClass, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\nprivate static String[] getColumnLabels(ResultSetMetaData rsmd)\npublic static Object preparedStatementProcess(Object userData, PreparedStatement pst, ResultSet rs,\n\t\t\tPreparedStatementResultHandler preparedStatementResultHandler)\npublic static Object callableStatementProcess(Object userData, CallableStatement pst, ResultSet rs,\n\t\t\tCallableStatementResultHandler callableStatementResultHandler)\npublic static String clearMark(String sql)\npublic static Object loadByJdbcQuery(final String queryStr, final Object[] params, final Class voClass,\n\t\t\tfinal RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler, final Connection conn, final Integer dbType,\n\t\t\tfinal boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static List findByJdbcQuery(final String queryStr, final Object[] params, final Class voClass,\n\t\t\tfinal RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler, final Connection conn, final Integer dbType,\n\t\t\tfinal boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static List processResultSet(ResultSet rs, Class voClass, RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler,\n\t\t\tint startColIndex, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static Long batchUpdateByJdbc(final String updateSql, final Collection rowDatas, final int batchSize,\n\t\t\tfinal InsertRowCallbackHandler insertCallhandler, final Integer[] updateTypes, final Boolean autoCommit,\n\t\t\tfinal Connection conn, final Integer dbType)\npublic static boolean wrapTreeTableRoute(final TreeTableModel treeTableModel, Connection conn, final Integer dbType)\nprivate static void processNextLevel(final String updateLevelAndRoute, final String nextNodeQueryStr,\n\t\t\tfinal TreeTableModel treeTableModel, final HashMap pidsMap, List ids, final int nodeLevel, Connection conn,\n\t\t\tfinal int dbType)\npublic static void executeBatchSql(Connection conn, String sqlContent, Integer batchSize, Boolean autoCommit)\npublic static boolean hasOrderBy(String sql, boolean judgeUpcase)\npublic static String clobToString(Clob clob)\npublic static Long executeSql(final String executeSql, final Object[] params, final Integer[] paramsType,\n\t\t\tfinal Connection conn, final Integer dbType, final Boolean autoCommit)\npublic static Object convertIdValueType(Object idValue, String idType)\npublic static void close(Closeable... closeables)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable... closeables)\npublic static boolean hasUnion(String sql, boolean clearMistyChar)\npublic static String convertFieldsToColumns(EntityMeta entityMeta, String sql)\npublic static String wrapWhere(EntityMeta entityMeta)\npublic static String completionSql(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class entityClass, String sql)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlUtil\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlUtil.class);\npublic final static Pattern maskPattern = Pattern.compile(\"\\\\/\\\\*[^+!]\");\npublic static final Pattern ORDER_BY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\Worder\\\\s+by\\\\W\");\npublic static final Pattern UPCASE_ORDER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"\\\\WORder\\\\s+\");\npublic static final String SELECT_REGEX = \"select\\\\s+\";\npublic static final String FROM_REGEX = \"\\\\s+from[\\\\(\\\\s+]\";\npublic static final Pattern UNION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(?i)\\\\W+union\\\\W+\");\nprivate static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> convertSqlMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();\nprivate static HashMap sqlCommentfilters = new HashMap();\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static String combineQueryInStr(Object conditions, Integer colIndex, String property, boolean isChar)\npublic static void setParamsValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst, Object[] params,\n\t\t\tInteger[] paramsType, int fromIndex)\nprivate static void setSqlServerParamsValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst,\n\t\t\tObject[] params, Integer[] paramsType, int fromIndex)\npublic static void setParamValue(Connection conn, final Integer dbType, PreparedStatement pst, Object paramValue,\n\t\t\tint jdbcType, int paramIndex)\nprivate static List reflectResultToValueObject(ResultSet rs, Class voClass, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\nprivate static Object reflectResultRowToVOClass(ResultSet rs, String[] columnLabels, Method[] setMethods,\n\t\t\tString[] propTypes, Class voClass, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\nprivate static String[] getColumnLabels(ResultSetMetaData rsmd)\npublic static Object preparedStatementProcess(Object userData, PreparedStatement pst, ResultSet rs,\n\t\t\tPreparedStatementResultHandler preparedStatementResultHandler)\npublic static Object callableStatementProcess(Object userData, CallableStatement pst, ResultSet rs,\n\t\t\tCallableStatementResultHandler callableStatementResultHandler)\npublic static String clearMark(String sql)\npublic static Object loadByJdbcQuery(final String queryStr, final Object[] params, final Class voClass,\n\t\t\tfinal RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler, final Connection conn, final Integer dbType,\n\t\t\tfinal boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static List findByJdbcQuery(final String queryStr, final Object[] params, final Class voClass,\n\t\t\tfinal RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler, final Connection conn, final Integer dbType,\n\t\t\tfinal boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static List processResultSet(ResultSet rs, Class voClass, RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler,\n\t\t\tint startColIndex, boolean ignoreAllEmptySet)\npublic static Long batchUpdateByJdbc(final String updateSql, final Collection rowDatas, final int batchSize,\n\t\t\tfinal InsertRowCallbackHandler insertCallhandler, final Integer[] updateTypes, final Boolean autoCommit,\n\t\t\tfinal Connection conn, final Integer dbType)\npublic static boolean wrapTreeTableRoute(final TreeTableModel treeTableModel, Connection conn, final Integer dbType)\nprivate static void processNextLevel(final String updateLevelAndRoute, final String nextNodeQueryStr,\n\t\t\tfinal TreeTableModel treeTableModel, final HashMap pidsMap, List ids, final int nodeLevel, Connection conn,\n\t\t\tfinal int dbType)\npublic static void executeBatchSql(Connection conn, String sqlContent, Integer batchSize, Boolean autoCommit)\npublic static boolean hasOrderBy(String sql, boolean judgeUpcase)\npublic static String clobToString(Clob clob)\npublic static Long executeSql(final String executeSql, final Object[] params, final Integer[] paramsType,\n\t\t\tfinal Connection conn, final Integer dbType, final Boolean autoCommit)\npublic static Object convertIdValueType(Object idValue, String idType)\npublic static void close(Closeable... closeables)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable... closeables)\npublic static boolean hasUnion(String sql, boolean clearMistyChar)\npublic static String convertFieldsToColumns(EntityMeta entityMeta, String sql)\npublic static String wrapWhere(EntityMeta entityMeta)\npublic static String completionSql(SqlToyContext sqlToyContext, Class entityClass, String sql)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/main/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String convertFieldsToColumns(EntityMeta entityMeta, String sql) {\n\t\tString key = entityMeta.getTableName() + sql;\n\t\t// 从缓存中直接获取,避免每次都处理提升效率\n\t\tif (convertSqlMap.contains(key)) {\n\t\t\treturn convertSqlMap.get(key);\n\t\t}\n\t\tString[] fields = entityMeta.getFieldsArray();\n\t\tStringBuilder sqlBuff = new StringBuilder();\n\t\t// 末尾补齐一位空白,便于后续取index时避免越界\n\t\tString realSql = sql.concat(\" \");\n\t\tint start = 0;\n\t\tint index;\n\t\tString preSql;\n\t\tString columnName;\n\t\tchar preChar, tailChar;\n\t\tString varSql;\n\t\tboolean isBlank;\n\t\t// 转换sql中的对应 vo属性为具体表字段\n\t\tfor (String field : fields) {\n\t\t\tcolumnName = entityMeta.getColumnName(field);\n\t\t\t// 对象属性和表字段一致,无需处理\n\t\t\tif (columnName != null && !columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(field)) {\n\t\t\t\tstart = 0;\n\t\t\t\t// 定位匹配到field,判断匹配的前一位和后一位字符,前一位是:的属于条件,且都不能是字符和数字以及下划线\n\t\t\t\tindex = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(realSql, field, start);\n\t\t\t\twhile (index != -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tpreSql = realSql.substring(start, index);\n\t\t\t\t\tisBlank = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (StringUtil.matches(preSql, \"\\\\s$\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisBlank = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tvarSql = preSql.trim();\n\t\t\t\t\t// 首位字符不是数字(48~57)、(A-Z|a-z)字母(65~90,97~122)、下划线(95)、冒号(58)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!varSql.equals(\"\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpreChar = varSql.charAt(varSql.length() - 1);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpreChar = ' ';\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\ttailChar = realSql.charAt(index + field.length());\n\t\t\t\t\t// 非条件参数(58为冒号)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (((isBlank && preChar != 58) || (preChar > 58 && preChar < 65)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t|| (preChar > 90 && preChar < 97 && preChar != 95) || preChar < 48 || preChar > 122)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& ((tailChar > 58 && tailChar < 65) || (tailChar > 90 && tailChar < 97 && tailChar != 95)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t|| tailChar < 48 || tailChar > 122)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsqlBuff.append(preSql).append(columnName);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstart = index + field.length();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tindex = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(realSql, field, index + field.length());\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (start > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tsqlBuff.append(realSql.substring(start));\n\t\t\t\t\trealSql = sqlBuff.toString();\n\t\t\t\t\tsqlBuff.delete(0, sqlBuff.length());\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// 放入缓存\n\t\tconvertSqlMap.put(key, realSql);\n\t\treturn realSql;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n trunk/sqltoy-orm/src/test/java/org/sagacity/sqltoy/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvertFieldsToCols() {\n\t\tString sql = \"staffName,`sexType`,name,bizStaffName from table where #[t.staffName like ?] and sexType=:sexType\";\n\t\tEntityMeta entityMeta = new EntityMeta();\n\t\tHashMap<String, FieldMeta> fieldsMeta = new HashMap<String, FieldMeta>();\n\t\tFieldMeta staffMeta = new FieldMeta();\n\t\tstaffMeta.setFieldName(\"staffName\");\n\t\tstaffMeta.setColumnName(\"STAFF_NAME\");\n\t\tfieldsMeta.put(\"staffname\", staffMeta);\n\n\t\tFieldMeta bizStaffMeta = new FieldMeta();\n\t\tbizStaffMeta.setFieldName(\"bizStaffName\");\n\t\tbizStaffMeta.setColumnName(\"BIZ_STAFF_NAME\");\n\t\tfieldsMeta.put(\"bizstaffname\", bizStaffMeta);\n\n\t\tFieldMeta nameMeta = new FieldMeta();\n\t\tnameMeta.setFieldName(\"name\");\n\t\tnameMeta.setColumnName(\"NAME\");\n\t\tfieldsMeta.put(\"name\", nameMeta);\n\n\t\tFieldMeta sexMeta = new FieldMeta();\n\t\tsexMeta.setFieldName(\"sexType\");\n\t\tsexMeta.setColumnName(\"SEX_TYPE\");\n\t\tfieldsMeta.put(\"sextype\", sexMeta);\n\t\tentityMeta.setFieldsMeta(fieldsMeta);\n\t\tentityMeta.setFieldsArray(new String[] { \"name\", \"staffName\", \"bizStaffName\", \"sexType\" });\n\t\tsql = SqlUtil.convertFieldsToColumns(entityMeta, sql);\n\t\tassertEquals(sql.trim(),\n\t\t\t\t\"STAFF_NAME,`SEX_TYPE`,name,BIZ_STAFF_NAME from table where #[t.STAFF_NAME like ?] and SEX_TYPE=:sexType\");\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
private int registerSchema() throws IOException { final KijiSchemaTable table = mKiji.getSchemaTable(); final File file = new File(mRegisterFlag); final Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(file); final long id = table.getOrCreateSchemaId(schema); final String hash = table.getSchemaHash(schema).toString(); if (isInteractive()) { getPrintStream().print("Schema ID for the given schema is: "); } getPrintStream().println(id); if (isInteractive()) { getPrintStream().print("Schema hash for the given schema is: "); } getPrintStream().println(hash); return SUCCESS; }
@Test public void testRegisterSchema() throws Exception { assertEquals(BaseTool.SUCCESS, runTool(new SchemaTableTool(), getKiji().getURI().toString(), "--register=" + mFile.toString(), "--interactive=false" )); assertEquals(mSimpleSchema, mTable.getSchema(Long.parseLong(mToolOutputLines[0]))); }
[ "getSchemaTable", "parse", "getOrCreateSchemaId", "toString", "getSchemaHash", "isInteractive", "print", "getPrintStream", "println", "getPrintStream", "isInteractive", "print", "getPrintStream", "println", "getPrintStream" ]
[ "assertEquals", "runTool", "toString", "getURI", "getKiji", "toString", "assertEquals", "getSchema", "parseLong" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSchemaTableTool.class);\nprivate KijiSchemaTable mTable = null;\nprivate Schema mSimpleSchema = Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);\nprivate File mFile;", "class_name": "TestSchemaTableTool extends KijiToolTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaTableTool.class);\n@Flag(name=\"register\", usage=\"Path to a file containing a schema defintion \"\n + \"to add the given schema to the schema table and return it's UID and hash.\")\n private String mRegisterFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"lookup\", usage=\"Path to a file containing a schema defintion \"\n + \"to look up in the schema table and return it's UID and hash.\")\n private String mLookupFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"get-schema-by-id\", usage=\"ID of the schema to retrieve from the schema table.\")\n private Long mGetByIdFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"get-schema-by-hash\", usage=\"hash of the schema to retrieve from the schema table.\")\n private String mGetByHashFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"list\", usage=\"Set to true to list all the registered schemas in the kiji instance.\")\n private Boolean mListFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"output\", usage=\"Path to the file to write schema definitions retrieved from the \"\n + \"schema table (will overwrite if the file already exists, pending confirmation). \"\n + \"If not provided will output to standard out instead.\")\n private String mOutputFlag = null;\nprivate KijiURI mURI = null;\nprivate Kiji mKiji = null;", "class_name": "SchemaTableTool extends BaseTool", "method_signatures": "@Override public String getName()\n@Override public String getDescription()\n@Override public String getCategory()\n@Override protected void validateFlags()\nprivate boolean writeDefinitionToFile(Schema schema)\nprivate int registerSchema()\nprivate int lookupSchema()\nprivate int getById()\nprivate int getByHash()\nprivate int list()\n@Override protected int run(List<String> nonFlagArgs)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SchemaTableTool extends BaseTool\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaTableTool.class);\n@Flag(name=\"register\", usage=\"Path to a file containing a schema defintion \"\n + \"to add the given schema to the schema table and return it's UID and hash.\")\n private String mRegisterFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"lookup\", usage=\"Path to a file containing a schema defintion \"\n + \"to look up in the schema table and return it's UID and hash.\")\n private String mLookupFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"get-schema-by-id\", usage=\"ID of the schema to retrieve from the schema table.\")\n private Long mGetByIdFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"get-schema-by-hash\", usage=\"hash of the schema to retrieve from the schema table.\")\n private String mGetByHashFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"list\", usage=\"Set to true to list all the registered schemas in the kiji instance.\")\n private Boolean mListFlag = null;\n@Flag(name=\"output\", usage=\"Path to the file to write schema definitions retrieved from the \"\n + \"schema table (will overwrite if the file already exists, pending confirmation). \"\n + \"If not provided will output to standard out instead.\")\n private String mOutputFlag = null;\nprivate KijiURI mURI = null;\nprivate Kiji mKiji = null;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public String getName()\n@Override public String getDescription()\n@Override public String getCategory()\n@Override protected void validateFlags()\nprivate boolean writeDefinitionToFile(Schema schema)\nprivate int registerSchema()\nprivate int lookupSchema()\nprivate int getById()\nprivate int getByHash()\nprivate int list()\n@Override protected int run(List<String> nonFlagArgs)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestSchemaTableTool extends KijiToolTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSchemaTableTool.class);\nprivate KijiSchemaTable mTable = null;\nprivate Schema mSimpleSchema = Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);\nprivate File mFile;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n private int registerSchema() throws IOException {\n final KijiSchemaTable table = mKiji.getSchemaTable();\n final File file = new File(mRegisterFlag);\n final Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(file);\n final long id = table.getOrCreateSchemaId(schema);\n final String hash = table.getSchemaHash(schema).toString();\n if (isInteractive()) {\n getPrintStream().print(\"Schema ID for the given schema is: \");\n }\n getPrintStream().println(id);\n if (isInteractive()) {\n getPrintStream().print(\"Schema hash for the given schema is: \");\n }\n getPrintStream().println(hash);\n return SUCCESS;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRegisterSchema() throws Exception {\n assertEquals(BaseTool.SUCCESS, runTool(new SchemaTableTool(),\n getKiji().getURI().toString(),\n \"--register=\" + mFile.toString(),\n \"--interactive=false\"\n ));\n assertEquals(mSimpleSchema, mTable.getSchema(Long.parseLong(mToolOutputLines[0])));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Filter toHBaseFilter(Context context) throws IOException { // In the case that we have enough information to generate a prefix, we will // construct a PrefixFilter that is AND'ed with the RowFilter. This way, // when the scan passes the end of the prefix, it can end the filtering // process quickly. boolean addPrefixFilter = false; ByteArrayOutputStream prefixBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Define a regular expression that effectively creates a mask for the row // key based on the key format and the components passed in. Prefix hashes // are skipped over, and null components match any value. // ISO-8859-1 is used so that numerals map to valid characters // see // Use the embedded flag (?s) to turn on single-line mode; this makes the // '.' match on line terminators. The RegexStringComparator uses the DOTALL // flag during construction, but it does not use that flag upon // deserialization. This bug has been fixed in HBASE-5667, part of the 0.95 // release. StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder("(?s)^"); // ^ matches the beginning of the string if (null != mRowKeyFormat.getSalt()) { if (mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize() > 0) { // If all of the components included in the hash have been specified, // then match on the value of the hash Object[] prefixComponents = getNonNullPrefixComponents(mComponents, mRowKeyFormat.getRangeScanStartIndex()); if (prefixComponents.length == mRowKeyFormat.getRangeScanStartIndex()) { ByteArrayOutputStream tohash = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (Object component : prefixComponents) { byte[] componentBytes = toBytes(component); tohash.write(componentBytes, 0, componentBytes.length); } byte[] hashed = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hasher.hash(tohash.toByteArray()), 0, mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize()); for (byte hashedByte : hashed) { regex.append(String.format("\\x%02x", hashedByte & 0xFF)); } addPrefixFilter = true; // Write the hashed bytes to the prefix buffer prefixBytes.write(hashed, 0, hashed.length); } else { // match any character exactly 'hash size' number of times regex.append(".{").append(mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize()).append("}"); } } } // Only add to the prefix buffer until we hit a null component. We do this // here, because the prefix is going to expect to have 0x00 component // terminators, which we put in during this loop but not in the loop above. boolean hitNullComponent = false; for (int i = 0; i < mComponents.length; i++) { final Object component = mComponents[i]; switch (mRowKeyFormat.getComponents().get(i).getType()) { case INTEGER: if (null == component) { // null integers can be excluded entirely if there are just nulls at // the end of the EntityId, otherwise, match the correct number of // bytes regex.append("(.{").append(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT).append("})?"); hitNullComponent = true; } else { byte[] tempBytes = toBytes((Integer) component); // match each byte in the integer using a regex hex sequence for (byte tempByte : tempBytes) { regex.append(String.format("\\x%02x", tempByte & 0xFF)); } if (!hitNullComponent) { prefixBytes.write(tempBytes, 0, tempBytes.length); } } break; case LONG: if (null == component) { // null longs can be excluded entirely if there are just nulls at // the end of the EntityId, otherwise, match the correct number of // bytes regex.append("(.{").append(Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG).append("})?"); hitNullComponent = true; } else { byte[] tempBytes = toBytes((Long) component); // match each byte in the long using a regex hex sequence for (byte tempByte : tempBytes) { regex.append(String.format("\\x%02x", tempByte & 0xFF)); } if (!hitNullComponent) { prefixBytes.write(tempBytes, 0, tempBytes.length); } } break; case STRING: if (null == component) { // match any non-zero character at least once, followed by a zero // delimiter, or match nothing at all in case the component was at // the end of the EntityId and skipped entirely regex.append("([^\\x00]+\\x00)?"); hitNullComponent = true; } else { // FormattedEntityId converts a string component to UTF-8 bytes to // create the HBase key. RegexStringComparator will convert the // value it sees (ie, the HBase key) to a string using ISO-8859-1. // Therefore, we need to write ISO-8859-1 characters to our regex so // that the comparison happens correctly. byte[] utfBytes = toBytes((String) component); String isoString = new String(utfBytes, Charsets.ISO_8859_1); regex.append(isoString).append("\\x00"); if (!hitNullComponent) { prefixBytes.write(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.length); prefixBytes.write((byte) 0); } } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown component type: " + mRowKeyFormat.getComponents().get(i).getType()); } } regex.append("$"); // $ matches the end of the string final RowFilter regexRowFilter = SchemaPlatformBridge.get().createRowFilterFromRegex(CompareOp.EQUAL, regex.toString()); if (addPrefixFilter) { return new FilterList(new PrefixFilter(prefixBytes.toByteArray()), regexRowFilter); } return regexRowFilter; }
@Test public void testHashIsCalculatedWhenAllHashComponentsAreSpecified() throws Exception { final int hashLength = 2; RowKeyFormat2.Builder builder = RowKeyFormat2.newBuilder() .setEncoding(RowKeyEncoding.FORMATTED) .setSalt(new HashSpec(HashType.MD5, hashLength, false)) .setRangeScanStartIndex(1); List<RowKeyComponent> components = ImmutableList.of( new RowKeyComponent("id", INTEGER), // this one is included in the hash new RowKeyComponent("ts", LONG)); // this one is not builder.setComponents(components); RowKeyFormat2 rowKeyFormat =; EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(rowKeyFormat); FormattedEntityIdRowFilter filter = createFilter(rowKeyFormat, 100); Object[] componentValues = new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(100), Long.valueOf(900000L) }; runTest(rowKeyFormat, filter, factory, INCLUDE, componentValues); EntityId entityId = factory.getEntityId(componentValues); byte[] hbaseKey = entityId.getHBaseRowKey(); Filter hbaseFilter = filter.toHBaseFilter(null); // A row key with a different hash but the same first component should be // excluded by the filter. The hash is 0x9f0f hbaseKey[0] = (byte) 0x7F; hbaseKey[1] = (byte) 0xFF; boolean filtered = hbaseFilter.filterRowKey(hbaseKey, 0, hbaseKey.length); doInclusionAssert(rowKeyFormat, filter, entityId, hbaseFilter, hbaseKey, EXCLUDE); }
[ "getSalt", "getHashSize", "getSalt", "getNonNullPrefixComponents", "getRangeScanStartIndex", "getRangeScanStartIndex", "toBytes", "write", "copyOfRange", "hash", "toByteArray", "getHashSize", "getSalt", "append", "format", "write", "append", "append", "append", "getHashSize", "getSalt", "getType", "get", "getComponents", "append", "append", "append", "toBytes", "append", "format", "write", "append", "append", "append", "toBytes", "append", "format", "write", "append", "toBytes", "append", "append", "write", "write", "getType", "get", "getComponents", "append", "createRowFilterFromRegex", "get", "toString", "toByteArray" ]
[ "setRangeScanStartIndex", "setSalt", "setEncoding", "newBuilder", "of", "setComponents", "build", "getFactory", "createFilter", "valueOf", "valueOf", "runTest", "getEntityId", "getHBaseRowKey", "toHBaseFilter", "filterRowKey", "doInclusionAssert" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final boolean INCLUDE = false;\nprivate static final boolean EXCLUDE = true;\nprivate static final Random RANDOM = new Random(1001L);\nprivate static final RowKeyFormat2[] TEST_CASES = new RowKeyFormat2[] {\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, LONG),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, LONG),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, INTEGER),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER, INTEGER),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, LONG, LONG),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, LONG, LONG),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n };\nprivate final RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat = createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, LONG, STRING);\nprivate final EntityIdFactory mFactory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(mRowKeyFormat);", "class_name": "TestFormattedEntityIdRowFilter" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ROW_KEY_FORMAT_NODE = \"rowKeyFormat\";\nprivate static final String COMPONENTS_NODE = \"components\";\nprivate final RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat;\nprivate final Object[] mComponents;", "class_name": "FormattedEntityIdRowFilter extends KijiRowFilter", "method_signatures": "public FormattedEntityIdRowFilter(RowKeyFormat2 rowKeyFormat, Object... components)\n@Override public KijiDataRequest getDataRequest()\n@Override public Filter toHBaseFilter(Context context)\nprivate static Object[] getNonNullPrefixComponents(Object[] components, int rangeScanStartIndex)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Object component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(String component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Integer component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Long component)\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override protected JsonNode toJsonNode()\n@Override protected Class<? extends KijiRowFilterDeserializer> getDeserializerClass()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/filter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FormattedEntityIdRowFilter extends KijiRowFilter\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ROW_KEY_FORMAT_NODE = \"rowKeyFormat\";\nprivate static final String COMPONENTS_NODE = \"components\";\nprivate final RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat;\nprivate final Object[] mComponents;\n\nmethod_signatures: public FormattedEntityIdRowFilter(RowKeyFormat2 rowKeyFormat, Object... components)\n@Override public KijiDataRequest getDataRequest()\n@Override public Filter toHBaseFilter(Context context)\nprivate static Object[] getNonNullPrefixComponents(Object[] components, int rangeScanStartIndex)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Object component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(String component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Integer component)\nprivate static byte[] toBytes(Long component)\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override protected JsonNode toJsonNode()\n@Override protected Class<? extends KijiRowFilterDeserializer> getDeserializerClass()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFormattedEntityIdRowFilter\n\nclass_fields: private static final boolean INCLUDE = false;\nprivate static final boolean EXCLUDE = true;\nprivate static final Random RANDOM = new Random(1001L);\nprivate static final RowKeyFormat2[] TEST_CASES = new RowKeyFormat2[] {\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, LONG),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, LONG),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, INTEGER),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER, INTEGER),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, LONG, LONG),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, LONG, LONG),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n\n createRowKeyFormat(1, STRING, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n createRowKeyFormat(5, STRING, INTEGER, LONG, STRING),\n };\nprivate final RowKeyFormat2 mRowKeyFormat = createRowKeyFormat(1, INTEGER, LONG, STRING);\nprivate final EntityIdFactory mFactory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(mRowKeyFormat);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/filter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Filter toHBaseFilter(Context context) throws IOException {\n // In the case that we have enough information to generate a prefix, we will\n // construct a PrefixFilter that is AND'ed with the RowFilter. This way,\n // when the scan passes the end of the prefix, it can end the filtering\n // process quickly.\n boolean addPrefixFilter = false;\n ByteArrayOutputStream prefixBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n\n // Define a regular expression that effectively creates a mask for the row\n // key based on the key format and the components passed in. Prefix hashes\n // are skipped over, and null components match any value.\n // ISO-8859-1 is used so that numerals map to valid characters\n // see\n\n // Use the embedded flag (?s) to turn on single-line mode; this makes the\n // '.' match on line terminators. The RegexStringComparator uses the DOTALL\n // flag during construction, but it does not use that flag upon\n // deserialization. This bug has been fixed in HBASE-5667, part of the 0.95\n // release.\n StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(\"(?s)^\"); // ^ matches the beginning of the string\n if (null != mRowKeyFormat.getSalt()) {\n if (mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize() > 0) {\n // If all of the components included in the hash have been specified,\n // then match on the value of the hash\n Object[] prefixComponents =\n getNonNullPrefixComponents(mComponents, mRowKeyFormat.getRangeScanStartIndex());\n if (prefixComponents.length == mRowKeyFormat.getRangeScanStartIndex()) {\n ByteArrayOutputStream tohash = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n for (Object component : prefixComponents) {\n byte[] componentBytes = toBytes(component);\n tohash.write(componentBytes, 0, componentBytes.length);\n }\n byte[] hashed = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hasher.hash(tohash.toByteArray()), 0,\n mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize());\n for (byte hashedByte : hashed) {\n regex.append(String.format(\"\\\\x%02x\", hashedByte & 0xFF));\n }\n\n addPrefixFilter = true;\n // Write the hashed bytes to the prefix buffer\n prefixBytes.write(hashed, 0, hashed.length);\n } else {\n // match any character exactly 'hash size' number of times\n regex.append(\".{\").append(mRowKeyFormat.getSalt().getHashSize()).append(\"}\");\n }\n }\n }\n // Only add to the prefix buffer until we hit a null component. We do this\n // here, because the prefix is going to expect to have 0x00 component\n // terminators, which we put in during this loop but not in the loop above.\n boolean hitNullComponent = false;\n for (int i = 0; i < mComponents.length; i++) {\n final Object component = mComponents[i];\n switch (mRowKeyFormat.getComponents().get(i).getType()) {\n case INTEGER:\n if (null == component) {\n // null integers can be excluded entirely if there are just nulls at\n // the end of the EntityId, otherwise, match the correct number of\n // bytes\n regex.append(\"(.{\").append(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT).append(\"})?\");\n hitNullComponent = true;\n } else {\n byte[] tempBytes = toBytes((Integer) component);\n // match each byte in the integer using a regex hex sequence\n for (byte tempByte : tempBytes) {\n regex.append(String.format(\"\\\\x%02x\", tempByte & 0xFF));\n }\n if (!hitNullComponent) {\n prefixBytes.write(tempBytes, 0, tempBytes.length);\n }\n }\n break;\n case LONG:\n if (null == component) {\n // null longs can be excluded entirely if there are just nulls at\n // the end of the EntityId, otherwise, match the correct number of\n // bytes\n regex.append(\"(.{\").append(Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG).append(\"})?\");\n hitNullComponent = true;\n } else {\n byte[] tempBytes = toBytes((Long) component);\n // match each byte in the long using a regex hex sequence\n for (byte tempByte : tempBytes) {\n regex.append(String.format(\"\\\\x%02x\", tempByte & 0xFF));\n }\n if (!hitNullComponent) {\n prefixBytes.write(tempBytes, 0, tempBytes.length);\n }\n }\n break;\n case STRING:\n if (null == component) {\n // match any non-zero character at least once, followed by a zero\n // delimiter, or match nothing at all in case the component was at\n // the end of the EntityId and skipped entirely\n regex.append(\"([^\\\\x00]+\\\\x00)?\");\n hitNullComponent = true;\n } else {\n // FormattedEntityId converts a string component to UTF-8 bytes to\n // create the HBase key. RegexStringComparator will convert the\n // value it sees (ie, the HBase key) to a string using ISO-8859-1.\n // Therefore, we need to write ISO-8859-1 characters to our regex so\n // that the comparison happens correctly.\n byte[] utfBytes = toBytes((String) component);\n String isoString = new String(utfBytes, Charsets.ISO_8859_1);\n regex.append(isoString).append(\"\\\\x00\");\n if (!hitNullComponent) {\n prefixBytes.write(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.length);\n prefixBytes.write((byte) 0);\n }\n }\n break;\n default:\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Unknown component type: \"\n + mRowKeyFormat.getComponents().get(i).getType());\n }\n }\n regex.append(\"$\"); // $ matches the end of the string\n\n final RowFilter regexRowFilter =\n SchemaPlatformBridge.get().createRowFilterFromRegex(CompareOp.EQUAL, regex.toString());\n if (addPrefixFilter) {\n return new FilterList(new PrefixFilter(prefixBytes.toByteArray()), regexRowFilter);\n }\n return regexRowFilter;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/filter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHashIsCalculatedWhenAllHashComponentsAreSpecified() throws Exception {\n final int hashLength = 2;\n RowKeyFormat2.Builder builder = RowKeyFormat2.newBuilder()\n .setEncoding(RowKeyEncoding.FORMATTED)\n .setSalt(new HashSpec(HashType.MD5, hashLength, false))\n .setRangeScanStartIndex(1);\n\n List<RowKeyComponent> components = ImmutableList.of(\n new RowKeyComponent(\"id\", INTEGER), // this one is included in the hash\n new RowKeyComponent(\"ts\", LONG)); // this one is not\n builder.setComponents(components);\n RowKeyFormat2 rowKeyFormat =;\n\n EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(rowKeyFormat);\n FormattedEntityIdRowFilter filter = createFilter(rowKeyFormat, 100);\n Object[] componentValues = new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(100), Long.valueOf(900000L) };\n runTest(rowKeyFormat, filter, factory, INCLUDE, componentValues);\n\n EntityId entityId = factory.getEntityId(componentValues);\n byte[] hbaseKey = entityId.getHBaseRowKey();\n Filter hbaseFilter = filter.toHBaseFilter(null);\n\n // A row key with a different hash but the same first component should be\n // excluded by the filter. The hash is 0x9f0f\n hbaseKey[0] = (byte) 0x7F;\n hbaseKey[1] = (byte) 0xFF;\n boolean filtered = hbaseFilter.filterRowKey(hbaseKey, 0, hbaseKey.length);\n doInclusionAssert(rowKeyFormat, filter, entityId, hbaseFilter, hbaseKey, EXCLUDE);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties) { Map<String, String> properties = mergeContextMaps(eventProperties); if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { try { /* * -- let's compose an JSON object, then chop off the outermost * curly braces */ ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>> oc = JSON.std.composeString().startObject(); for (Entry<String, String> p: properties.entrySet()) { if (!exclusions.contains(p.getKey())) { oc.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } } String result = oc.end().finish().trim(); appendTo.append(result.substring(1, result.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { /* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */ LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPropertiesConverter.class).error("Conversion failed ", ex); } } }
@Test public void properlyEscapesKeys() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Map<String, String> explicitFields = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("explicit" + HACK_ATTEMPT, "explicit value"); } }; MDC.put("mdc" + HACK_ATTEMPT, "mdc value"); converter.convert(sb, explicitFields); assertThat(unmarshal(sb), allOf(hasEntry("mdc" + HACK_ATTEMPT, "mdc value"), hasEntry("explicit" + HACK_ATTEMPT, "explicit value"))); }
[ "mergeContextMaps", "isEmpty", "startObject", "composeString", "entrySet", "contains", "getKey", "put", "getKey", "getValue", "trim", "finish", "end", "append", "substring", "length", "error", "getLogger" ]
[ "put", "put", "convert", "assertThat", "unmarshal", "allOf", "hasEntry", "hasEntry" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultPropertiesConverter converter;", "class_name": "DefaultPropertiesConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Set<String> exclusions = new HashSet<String>();", "class_name": "DefaultPropertiesConverter", "method_signatures": "public DefaultPropertiesConverter()\npublic void setExclusions(List<String> exclusionList)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties)\nprivate Map<String, String> mergeContextMaps(Map<String, String> eventMap)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultPropertiesConverter\n\nclass_fields: private final Set<String> exclusions = new HashSet<String>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultPropertiesConverter()\npublic void setExclusions(List<String> exclusionList)\npublic void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties)\nprivate Map<String, String> mergeContextMaps(Map<String, String> eventMap)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultPropertiesConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String HACK_ATTEMPT = \"}{:\\\",\\\"\";\nprivate DefaultPropertiesConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file cf-java-logging-support-core/src/main/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void convert(StringBuilder appendTo, Map<String, String> eventProperties) {\n Map<String, String> properties = mergeContextMaps(eventProperties);\n if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n /*\n * -- let's compose an JSON object, then chop off the outermost\n * curly braces\n */\n ObjectComposer<JSONComposer<String>> oc = JSON.std.composeString().startObject();\n for (Entry<String, String> p: properties.entrySet()) {\n if (!exclusions.contains(p.getKey())) {\n oc.put(p.getKey(), p.getValue());\n }\n }\n String result = oc.end().finish().trim();\n appendTo.append(result.substring(1, result.length() - 1));\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n /* -- avoids substitute logger warnings on startup -- */\n LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPropertiesConverter.class).error(\"Conversion failed \", ex);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n cf-java-logging-support-core/src/test/java/com/sap/hcp/cf/logging/common/converter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void properlyEscapesKeys() throws Exception {\n\t\tStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();\n\t\t@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n\t\tMap<String, String> explicitFields = new HashMap<String, String>() {\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tput(\"explicit\" + HACK_ATTEMPT, \"explicit value\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tMDC.put(\"mdc\" + HACK_ATTEMPT, \"mdc value\");\n\n\t\tconverter.convert(sb, explicitFields);\n\n\t\tassertThat(unmarshal(sb),\n\t\t\t\tallOf(hasEntry(\"mdc\" + HACK_ATTEMPT, \"mdc value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\thasEntry(\"explicit\" + HACK_ATTEMPT, \"explicit value\")));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void load(final Reader in) throws ConfigurationException { try { this.loadHierarchy(this.getRootNode(), yaml.load(in)); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to load configuration: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Test public void shouldNavigationConfiguration() throws Exception { final Map<Object, Object> testData = this.getTestData(); final YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); config.load(new StringReader(this.getTestInputData())); assertEquals(testData.get("integer"), config.getInt("integer")); assertEquals(testData.get("string"), config.getString("string")); assertEquals(testData.get("long"), config.getLong("long")); assertEquals(testData.get("true-boolean"), config.getBoolean("true-boolean")); assertEquals(testData.get("false-boolean"), config.getBoolean("false-boolean")); assertEquals(testData.get("list"), config.getList("list.item")); assertEquals(testData.get("42"), config.getString("42")); final Map<Object, Object> subData = this.getSubMap(); assertEquals(subData.get("sub-string"), config.getString("map.sub-string")); assertEquals("String1", config.getString("map.sub-list.item(1).item(0)")); }
[ "loadHierarchy", "getRootNode", "load", "getMessage" ]
[ "getTestData", "load", "getTestInputData", "assertEquals", "get", "getInt", "assertEquals", "get", "getString", "assertEquals", "get", "getLong", "assertEquals", "get", "getBoolean", "assertEquals", "get", "getBoolean", "assertEquals", "get", "getList", "assertEquals", "get", "getString", "getSubMap", "assertEquals", "get", "getString", "assertEquals", "getString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "YamlConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public final static int DEFAULT_IDENT = 4;\nprivate final DumperOptions yamlOptions = new DumperOptions();\nprivate final Yaml yaml = new Yaml(yamlOptions);\nprivate boolean xmlCompatibility = true;", "class_name": "YamlConfiguration extends AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public YamlConfiguration()\nprivate void initialize()\npublic void setXmlCompatibility(final boolean xmlCompatibility)\n@Override public void load(final Reader in)\n@Override public void save(final Writer out)\nprotected void loadHierarchy(final ConfigurationNode parentNode, final Object obj)\nprotected Object saveHierarchy(final ConfigurationNode parentNode)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/util/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: YamlConfiguration extends AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: public final static int DEFAULT_IDENT = 4;\nprivate final DumperOptions yamlOptions = new DumperOptions();\nprivate final Yaml yaml = new Yaml(yamlOptions);\nprivate boolean xmlCompatibility = true;\n\nmethod_signatures: public YamlConfiguration()\nprivate void initialize()\npublic void setXmlCompatibility(final boolean xmlCompatibility)\n@Override public void load(final Reader in)\n@Override public void save(final Writer out)\nprotected void loadHierarchy(final ConfigurationNode parentNode, final Object obj)\nprotected Object saveHierarchy(final ConfigurationNode parentNode)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: YamlConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/util/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void load(final Reader in) throws ConfigurationException {\n try {\n this.loadHierarchy(this.getRootNode(), yaml.load(in));\n } catch (Throwable e) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(\"Failed to load configuration: \" + e.getMessage(), e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/util/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldNavigationConfiguration() throws Exception {\n final Map<Object, Object> testData = this.getTestData();\n final YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();\n config.load(new StringReader(this.getTestInputData()));\n\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"integer\"), config.getInt(\"integer\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"string\"), config.getString(\"string\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"long\"), config.getLong(\"long\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"true-boolean\"), config.getBoolean(\"true-boolean\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"false-boolean\"), config.getBoolean(\"false-boolean\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"list\"), config.getList(\"list.item\"));\n assertEquals(testData.get(\"42\"), config.getString(\"42\"));\n\n final Map<Object, Object> subData = this.getSubMap();\n assertEquals(subData.get(\"sub-string\"), config.getString(\"map.sub-string\"));\n assertEquals(\"String1\", config.getString(\"map.sub-list.item(1).item(0)\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> KijiResult<T> create( final EntityId entityId, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final CassandraKijiTable table, final KijiTableLayout layout, final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider ) throws IOException { final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange( dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp()); for (final Column columnRequest : dataRequest.getColumns()) { if (columnRequest.getFilter() != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("Cassandra Kiji does not support filters on column requests: %s.", columnRequest)); } if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) { pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } else { unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest); } } final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider = decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest); final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =; final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =; if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest); } final MaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult; if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { materializedKijiResult = createMaterialized( table.getURI(), entityId, unpagedRequest, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider, table.getAdmin()); } else { materializedKijiResult = null; } final CassandraPagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult; if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { pagedKijiResult = new CassandraPagedKijiResult<T>( entityId, pagedRequest, table, layout, columnTranslator, requestDecoderProvider); } else { pagedKijiResult = null; } if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return pagedKijiResult; } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) { return materializedKijiResult; } else { return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult); } }
@Test public void testGetFullyQualifiedColumn() throws Exception { for (KijiColumnName column : ImmutableList.of(PRIMITIVE_STRING, STRING_MAP_1)) { for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2, 10)) { { // Single version | no timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier())) .build(); testViewGet(request, Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column).entrySet(), 1)); } { // Single version | timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier())) .withTimeRange(4, 6) .build(); testViewGet( request, Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1)); } { // Multiple versions | no timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .withMaxVersions(100) .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier())) .build(); testViewGet( request, ROW_DATA.get(column).entrySet()); } { // Multiple versions | timerange final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest .builder() .addColumns( ColumnsDef.create() .withPageSize(pageSize) .withMaxVersions(100) .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier())) .withTimeRange(4, 6) .build(); testViewGet( request, ROW_DATA.get(column).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet()); } } } }
[ "builder", "builder", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "withTimeRange", "getMinTimestamp", "getMaxTimestamp", "getColumns", "getFilter", "format", "isPagingEnabled", "newColumnsDef", "newColumnsDef", "getDecoderProviderForRequest", "build", "build", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "createMaterialized", "getURI", "getAdmin", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "create" ]
[ "of", "of", "build", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withPageSize", "create", "getFamily", "getQualifier", "testViewGet", "limit", "entrySet", "get", "build", "withTimeRange", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withPageSize", "create", "getFamily", "getQualifier", "testViewGet", "limit", "entrySet", "subMap", "get", "build", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "getFamily", "getQualifier", "testViewGet", "entrySet", "get", "build", "withTimeRange", "addColumns", "builder", "add", "withMaxVersions", "withPageSize", "create", "getFamily", "getQualifier", "testViewGet", "entrySet", "subMap", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate CassandraKijiTable mTable;\nprivate CassandraKijiTableReader mReader;", "class_name": "TestCassandraKijiResult extends CassandraKijiClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraKijiResult.class);", "class_name": "CassandraKijiResult", "method_signatures": "public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final CassandraKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\npublic static MaterializedKijiResult<T> createMaterialized(\n final KijiURI tableURI,\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator translator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider,\n final CassandraAdmin admin\n )\npublic static ListenableFuture<Iterator<KijiCell<T>>> getColumn(\n final KijiURI tableURI,\n final EntityId entityId,\n final Column columnRequest,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator translator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider,\n final CassandraAdmin admin\n )\npublic static T unwrapFuture(final ListenableFuture<T> future)\nprivate CassandraKijiResult()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema-cassandra/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/cassandra/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CassandraKijiResult\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraKijiResult.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final CassandraKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n )\npublic static MaterializedKijiResult<T> createMaterialized(\n final KijiURI tableURI,\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator translator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider,\n final CassandraAdmin admin\n )\npublic static ListenableFuture<Iterator<KijiCell<T>>> getColumn(\n final KijiURI tableURI,\n final EntityId entityId,\n final Column columnRequest,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator translator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider,\n final CassandraAdmin admin\n )\npublic static T unwrapFuture(final ListenableFuture<T> future)\nprivate CassandraKijiResult()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestCassandraKijiResult extends CassandraKijiClientTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PRIMITIVE_FAMILY = \"primitive\";\nprivate static final String STRING_MAP_FAMILY = \"string_map\";\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_STRING =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"string_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"double_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName PRIMITIVE_LONG =\n KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_1 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_1\");\nprivate static final KijiColumnName STRING_MAP_2 =\n KijiColumnName.create(STRING_MAP_FAMILY, \"smap_2\");\nprivate static final Integer ROW = 1;\nprivate static final NavigableMap<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>\n ROW_DATA = ImmutableSortedMap.<KijiColumnName, NavigableMap<Long, ?>>naturalOrder()\n .put(PRIMITIVE_STRING, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"one\"))\n .build())\n .put(PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, 10.0)\n .put(5L, 5.0)\n .put(4L, 4.0)\n .put(3L, 3.0)\n .put(2L, 2.0)\n .put(1L, 1.0)\n .build())\n .put(KijiColumnName.create(PRIMITIVE_FAMILY, \"long_column\"),\n ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Double>reverseOrder()\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_1, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm1-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm1-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm1-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm1-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm1-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm1-one\"))\n .build())\n .put(STRING_MAP_2, ImmutableSortedMap.<Long, Utf8>reverseOrder()\n .put(10L, new Utf8(\"sm2-ten\"))\n .put(5L, new Utf8(\"sm2-five\"))\n .put(4L, new Utf8(\"sm2-four\"))\n .put(3L, new Utf8(\"sm2-three\"))\n .put(2L, new Utf8(\"sm2-two\"))\n .put(1L, new Utf8(\"sm2-one\"))\n .build())\n .build();\nprivate CassandraKijiTable mTable;\nprivate CassandraKijiTableReader mReader;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema-cassandra/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/cassandra/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> KijiResult<T> create(\n final EntityId entityId,\n final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,\n final CassandraKijiTable table,\n final KijiTableLayout layout,\n final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator,\n final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider\n ) throws IOException {\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder unpagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n final KijiDataRequestBuilder pagedRequestBuilder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n unpagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(\n dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(),\n dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n pagedRequestBuilder.withTimeRange(dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(), dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp());\n\n for (final Column columnRequest : dataRequest.getColumns()) {\n if (columnRequest.getFilter() != null) {\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\n String.format(\"Cassandra Kiji does not support filters on column requests: %s.\",\n columnRequest));\n }\n if (columnRequest.isPagingEnabled()) {\n pagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n } else {\n unpagedRequestBuilder.newColumnsDef(columnRequest);\n }\n }\n\n final CellDecoderProvider requestDecoderProvider =\n decoderProvider.getDecoderProviderForRequest(dataRequest);\n\n final KijiDataRequest unpagedRequest =;\n final KijiDataRequest pagedRequest =;\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty() && pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return new EmptyKijiResult<T>(entityId, dataRequest);\n }\n\n final MaterializedKijiResult<T> materializedKijiResult;\n if (!unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n materializedKijiResult =\n createMaterialized(\n table.getURI(),\n entityId,\n unpagedRequest,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider,\n table.getAdmin());\n } else {\n materializedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n final CassandraPagedKijiResult<T> pagedKijiResult;\n if (!pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n pagedKijiResult =\n new CassandraPagedKijiResult<T>(\n entityId,\n pagedRequest,\n table,\n layout,\n columnTranslator,\n requestDecoderProvider);\n } else {\n pagedKijiResult = null;\n }\n\n if (unpagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return pagedKijiResult;\n } else if (pagedRequest.isEmpty()) {\n return materializedKijiResult;\n } else {\n return DefaultKijiResult.create(dataRequest, materializedKijiResult, pagedKijiResult);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema-cassandra/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/impl/cassandra/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetFullyQualifiedColumn() throws Exception {\n for (KijiColumnName column : ImmutableList.of(PRIMITIVE_STRING, STRING_MAP_1)) {\n for (int pageSize : ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2, 10)) {\n { // Single version | no timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()))\n .build();\n\n testViewGet(request, Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column).entrySet(), 1));\n }\n\n { // Single version | timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()))\n .withTimeRange(4, 6)\n .build();\n\n testViewGet(\n request,\n Iterables.limit(ROW_DATA.get(column).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet(), 1));\n }\n\n { // Multiple versions | no timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .withMaxVersions(100)\n .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()))\n .build();\n\n testViewGet(\n request,\n ROW_DATA.get(column).entrySet());\n }\n\n { // Multiple versions | timerange\n final KijiDataRequest request = KijiDataRequest\n .builder()\n .addColumns(\n ColumnsDef.create()\n .withPageSize(pageSize)\n .withMaxVersions(100)\n .add(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()))\n .withTimeRange(4, 6)\n .build();\n\n testViewGet(\n request,\n ROW_DATA.get(column).subMap(6L, false, 4L, true).entrySet());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag); final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout); if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) { // HBase row key specification final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()); final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec); return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey); } else { // Kiji row key specification final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX) ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length()) : entityFlag; return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout); } }
@Test public void testHashPrefixedParserLoop() throws Exception { final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory((RowKeyFormat) mHashPrefixedLayout.getDesc().getKeysFormat()); final EntityId eid = factory.getEntityId("hashPrefixedRowKey"); assertEquals( eid, ToolUtils.createEntityIdFromUserInputs(eid.toShellString(), mHashPrefixedLayout)); }
[ "checkNotNull", "getFactory", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseBytesFlag", "getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey", "startsWith", "substring", "length", "parseKijiRowKey" ]
[ "getFactory", "getKeysFormat", "getDesc", "getEntityId", "assertEquals", "createEntityIdFromUserInputs", "toShellString" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);", "class_name": "TestToolUtils" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";", "class_name": "ToolUtils", "method_signatures": "private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToolUtils.class);\npublic static final String HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"hbase=\";\npublic static final String KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX = \"kiji=\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_HEX = \"hex:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_URL = \"url:\";\npublic static final String BYTES_SPEC_PREFIX_UTF8 = \"utf8:\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private ToolUtils()\npublic static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static EntityId parseKijiRowKey(\n String rowKeySpec, EntityIdFactory factory, KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static Object getJsonStringOrIntValue(JsonNode node)\npublic static EntityId parseJsonFormattedKeySpec(\n String json, RowKeyFormat2 format, EntityIdFactory factory)\npublic static byte[] parseBytesFlag(String flag)\npublic static void printRow(\n KijiRowData row,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, Long timestamp,\n String family, String qualifier, Object cellData, PrintStream printStream)\nprivate static void printCell(EntityId entityId, KijiCell<?> cell, PrintStream printStream)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> getMapTypeFamilies(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\npublic static Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> getGroupTypeColumns(\n List<KijiColumnName> rawColumnNames,\n KijiTableLayout layout)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout family,\n ColumnLayout column,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> familyColumnMap)\nprivate static void addColumn(\n FamilyLayout mapFamily,\n String qualifier,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> familyQualifierMap)\npublic static KijiDataRequest getDataRequest(\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<String>> mapTypeFamilies,\n Map<FamilyLayout, List<ColumnLayout>> groupTypeColumns,\n int maxVersions,\n long minTimestamp,\n long maxTimestamp)\n@Deprecated public static String formatEntityId(EntityId eid)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestToolUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestToolUtils.class);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mFormattedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.FORMATTED_RKF);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mRawLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_UNHASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.SQOOP_EXPORT_SAMPLING_HASHED_TEST);\nprivate final KijiTableLayout mHashPrefixedLayout =\n KijiTableLayouts.getTableLayout(KijiTableLayouts.HASH_PREFIXED_RKF);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static EntityId createEntityIdFromUserInputs(String entityFlag, KijiTableLayout layout)\n throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(entityFlag);\n\n final EntityIdFactory factory = EntityIdFactory.getFactory(layout);\n\n if (entityFlag.startsWith(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)) {\n // HBase row key specification\n final String hbaseSpec = entityFlag.substring(HBASE_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length());\n final byte[] hbaseRowKey = parseBytesFlag(hbaseSpec);\n return factory.getEntityIdFromHBaseRowKey(hbaseRowKey);\n\n } else {\n // Kiji row key specification\n final String kijiSpec = entityFlag.startsWith(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX)\n ? entityFlag.substring(KIJI_ROW_KEY_SPEC_PREFIX.length())\n : entityFlag;\n\n return parseKijiRowKey(kijiSpec, factory, layout);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/tools/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHashPrefixedParserLoop() throws Exception {\n final EntityIdFactory factory =\n EntityIdFactory.getFactory((RowKeyFormat) mHashPrefixedLayout.getDesc().getKeysFormat());\n final EntityId eid = factory.getEntityId(\"hashPrefixedRowKey\");\n\n assertEquals(\n eid, ToolUtils.createEntityIdFromUserInputs(eid.toShellString(), mHashPrefixedLayout));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
List<Path> listJsonFilePaths(FileSystem zip) throws IOException { List<Path> jsonFilePaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (Path root : zip.getRootDirectories()) { try (final Stream<Path> walker = Files.walk(root)) { jsonFilePaths.addAll(walker .filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(".json")) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList())); } } return jsonFilePaths; }
@Test public void listJsonFilePaths_should_list_all_json_files_in_zip() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { // GIVEN final ClassLoader classLoader = cut.getClass().getClassLoader(); final String zipName = "postman/"; final URL zipUrl = classLoader.getResource(zipName); if (zipUrl == null) { throw new IOException("Cannot find given ZIP file " + zipName); } // Also works on Windows: "file:/C:/.../target/" => "C:\...\target\" final Path zipPath = Paths.get(new File(zipUrl.toURI()).getPath()); final FileSystem zip = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, classLoader); // WHEN final List<Path> paths = cut.listJsonFilePaths(zip); // THEN assertThat( // Ordered by name ASC "/folder/sub-file1.json", "/folder/sub-file2.json", "/folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-file1.json", "/folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-file2.json", "/root-file1.json", "/root-file2.json"); }
[ "getRootDirectories", "walk", "addAll", "collect", "sorted", "filter", "endsWith", "toString", "toList" ]
[ "getClassLoader", "getClass", "getResource", "get", "getPath", "toURI", "newFileSystem", "listJsonFilePaths", "containsExactly", "assertThat", "map", "stream" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private PostmanService postmanService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private PostmanScenarioIndexerService cut;", "class_name": "PostmanScenarioIndexerServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Pattern POSTMAN_TEST_START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(pm|postman)\\\\s*.\\\\s*test\\\\s*\\\\(\\\\s*[\\\"']\");\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final PostmanService postmanService;", "class_name": "PostmanScenarioIndexerService", "method_signatures": "public List<Scenario> extractScenarios(Source source, File zipFile)\n List<Scenario> collectCollectionScenarios(CollectionWithScripts collection, Source source, String jsonFilePath)\n List<Scenario> collectItemScenarios(ItemWithScripts[] items, Source source, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String parentSeverity, List<Assertion> parentAssertions, String... parentFolders)\n Scenario toScenario(ItemWithScripts item, Source source, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String severity, List<Assertion> assertions, String... path)\n List<Assertion> extractAssertions(ItemWithScripts item)\n List<Assertion> guessAssertions(String[] javaScriptLines)\n boolean isEscapedCharacter(String javaScript, int characterIndex)\n String removeComments(String sourceCode)\n String extractCountryCodes(String[] path)\n List<Path> listJsonFilePaths(FileSystem zip)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PostmanScenarioIndexerService\n\nclass_fields: private static final Pattern POSTMAN_TEST_START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(pm|postman)\\\\s*.\\\\s*test\\\\s*\\\\(\\\\s*[\\\"']\");\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final PostmanService postmanService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public List<Scenario> extractScenarios(Source source, File zipFile)\n List<Scenario> collectCollectionScenarios(CollectionWithScripts collection, Source source, String jsonFilePath)\n List<Scenario> collectItemScenarios(ItemWithScripts[] items, Source source, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String parentSeverity, List<Assertion> parentAssertions, String... parentFolders)\n Scenario toScenario(ItemWithScripts item, Source source, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String severity, List<Assertion> assertions, String... path)\n List<Assertion> extractAssertions(ItemWithScripts item)\n List<Assertion> guessAssertions(String[] javaScriptLines)\n boolean isEscapedCharacter(String javaScript, int characterIndex)\n String removeComments(String sourceCode)\n String extractCountryCodes(String[] path)\n List<Path> listJsonFilePaths(FileSystem zip)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PostmanScenarioIndexerServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private PostmanService postmanService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private PostmanScenarioIndexerService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n List<Path> listJsonFilePaths(FileSystem zip) throws IOException {\n List<Path> jsonFilePaths = new ArrayList<>();\n\n for (Path root : zip.getRootDirectories()) {\n try (final Stream<Path> walker = Files.walk(root)) {\n jsonFilePaths.addAll(walker\n .filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(\".json\"))\n .sorted()\n .collect(Collectors.toList()));\n }\n }\n\n return jsonFilePaths;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void listJsonFilePaths_should_list_all_json_files_in_zip() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {\n // GIVEN\n final ClassLoader classLoader = cut.getClass().getClassLoader();\n final String zipName = \"postman/\";\n final URL zipUrl = classLoader.getResource(zipName);\n if (zipUrl == null) {\n throw new IOException(\"Cannot find given ZIP file \" + zipName);\n }\n // Also works on Windows: \"file:/C:/.../target/\" => \"C:\\...\\target\\\"\n final Path zipPath = Paths.get(new File(zipUrl.toURI()).getPath());\n final FileSystem zip = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipPath, classLoader);\n\n // WHEN\n final List<Path> paths = cut.listJsonFilePaths(zip);\n\n // THEN\n assertThat( // Ordered by name ASC\n \"/folder/sub-file1.json\",\n \"/folder/sub-file2.json\",\n \"/folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-file1.json\",\n \"/folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-file2.json\",\n \"/root-file1.json\",\n \"/root-file2.json\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey) { final Object[] kvs = new Object[keyValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i = i + 2) { if (keyValues[i].equals(oldKey)) kvs[i] = newKey; else kvs[i] = keyValues[i]; kvs[i + 1] = keyValues[i + 1]; } return kvs; }
@Test public void shouldReplaceKey() { final Object[] oldKvs = new Object[]{"k", "v", "k1", "v0"}; final Object[] newKvs = ElementHelper.replaceKey(oldKvs, "k", "k2"); assertEquals(4, newKvs.length); assertEquals("k2", newKvs[0]); assertEquals("v", newKvs[1]); assertEquals("k1", newKvs[2]); assertEquals("v0", newKvs[3]); }
[ "equals" ]
[ "replaceKey", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey) {\n final Object[] kvs = new Object[keyValues.length];\n for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i = i + 2) {\n if (keyValues[i].equals(oldKey))\n kvs[i] = newKey;\n else\n kvs[i] = keyValues[i];\n kvs[i + 1] = keyValues[i + 1];\n }\n\n return kvs;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldReplaceKey() {\n final Object[] oldKvs = new Object[]{\"k\", \"v\", \"k1\", \"v0\"};\n final Object[] newKvs = ElementHelper.replaceKey(oldKvs, \"k\", \"k2\");\n assertEquals(4, newKvs.length);\n assertEquals(\"k2\", newKvs[0]);\n assertEquals(\"v\", newKvs[1]);\n assertEquals(\"k1\", newKvs[2]);\n assertEquals(\"v0\", newKvs[3]);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString) { Preconditions.checkArgument(null != verString, "verString may not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(!verString.isEmpty(), "verString may not be empty"); Preconditions.checkArgument(verString.charAt(0) != '-', "verString may not start with a dash"); String proto = null; int major = 0; int minor = 0; int rev = 0; int pos = 0; String numericPart = verString; if (!Character.isDigit(verString.charAt(pos))) { // Start by parsing a protocol name. Scan forward to the '-'. String[] nameParts = verString.split("-"); if (nameParts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("verString may contain at most one dash character, " + "separating the protocol name from the version number."); } proto = nameParts[0]; numericPart = nameParts[1]; // only use the string part after the '-' for ver numbers. } String[] verParts = numericPart.split("\\."); if (verParts.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version numbers may have at most three components."); } try { major = Integer.parseInt(verParts[0]); if (verParts.length > 1) { minor = Integer.parseInt(verParts[1]); } if (verParts.length > 2) { rev = Integer.parseInt(verParts[2]); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse numeric version info in " + verString); } if (major < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Major version number must be non-negative."); } if (minor < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minor version number must be non-negative."); } if (rev < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revision number must be non-negative."); } return new ProtocolVersion(verString, proto, major, minor, rev); }
@Test public void testNoNegativeMinor() { try { ProtocolVersion.parse("1.-2"); fail("Should fail with an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertEquals("Minor version number must be non-negative.", iae.getMessage()); } }
[ "checkArgument", "checkArgument", "isEmpty", "checkArgument", "charAt", "isDigit", "charAt", "split", "split", "parseInt", "parseInt", "parseInt" ]
[ "parse", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestProtocolVersion" }
{ "class_fields": "private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;", "class_name": "ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>", "method_signatures": "private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProtocolVersion implements Comparable<ProtocolVersion>\n\nclass_fields: private final String mProtocol;\nprivate final int mMajorVer;\nprivate final int mMinorVer;\nprivate final int mRevision;\nprivate final String mParsedStr;\n\nmethod_signatures: private ProtocolVersion(String raw, String protocol, int major, int minor, int revision)\npublic static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString)\npublic String getProtocolName()\npublic int getMajorVersion()\npublic int getMinorVersion()\npublic int getRevision()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object other)\nstatic boolean checkEquality(Object thing1, Object thing2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public int compareTo(ProtocolVersion other)\n@Override public String toString()\npublic String toCanonicalString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestProtocolVersion\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static ProtocolVersion parse(String verString) {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(null != verString, \"verString may not be null\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(!verString.isEmpty(), \"verString may not be empty\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(verString.charAt(0) != '-', \"verString may not start with a dash\");\n\n String proto = null;\n int major = 0;\n int minor = 0;\n int rev = 0;\n\n int pos = 0;\n String numericPart = verString;\n if (!Character.isDigit(verString.charAt(pos))) {\n // Start by parsing a protocol name. Scan forward to the '-'.\n String[] nameParts = verString.split(\"-\");\n if (nameParts.length != 2) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"verString may contain at most one dash character, \"\n + \"separating the protocol name from the version number.\");\n }\n\n proto = nameParts[0];\n numericPart = nameParts[1]; // only use the string part after the '-' for ver numbers.\n }\n\n String[] verParts = numericPart.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (verParts.length > 3) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Version numbers may have at most three components.\");\n }\n\n try {\n major = Integer.parseInt(verParts[0]);\n if (verParts.length > 1) {\n minor = Integer.parseInt(verParts[1]);\n }\n if (verParts.length > 2) {\n rev = Integer.parseInt(verParts[2]);\n }\n } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Could not parse numeric version info in \" + verString);\n }\n\n if (major < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Major version number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n if (minor < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Minor version number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n if (rev < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Revision number must be non-negative.\");\n }\n\n return new ProtocolVersion(verString, proto, major, minor, rev);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNoNegativeMinor() {\n try {\n ProtocolVersion.parse(\"1.-2\");\n fail(\"Should fail with an IllegalArgumentException\");\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {\n assertEquals(\"Minor version number must be non-negative.\", iae.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) { if (null == b || null == a) return false; if (a == b) return true; if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) || (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) || (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty))) return false; return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b); }
@Test public void shouldDeterminePropertiesAreNotEqualAsBIsEmptyAndAIsNot() { final Property mockPropertyA = mock(Property.class); final Property mockPropertyB = mock(Property.class); when(mockPropertyA.isPresent()).thenReturn(true); when(mockPropertyB.isPresent()).thenReturn(false); assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockPropertyA, mockPropertyB)); }
[ "haveEqualIds" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "isPresent", "thenReturn", "when", "isPresent", "assertFalse", "areEqual" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ElementHelper", "method_signatures": "private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ElementHelper\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ElementHelper()\npublic static void validateLabel(final String label)\npublic static void validateMixedElementIds(final Class<? extends Element> clazz, final Object... ids)\npublic static void validateProperty(final String key, final Object value)\npublic static void legalPropertyKeyValueArray(final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object> getIdValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final String keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<Object[]> remove(final T accessor, final Object... keyValues)\nprivate static Optional<Object[]> remove(final Object keyToRemove, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] upsert(final Object[] keyValues, final Object key, final Object val)\npublic static Object[] replaceKey(final Object[] keyValues, final Object oldKey, final Object newKey)\npublic static Map<String, Object> asMap(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static List<Pair<String, Object>> asPairs(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Set<String> getKeys(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Optional<String> getLabelValue(final Object... keyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Element element, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final Object... propertyKeyValues)\npublic static Optional<VertexProperty<V>> stageVertexProperty(final Vertex vertex, final VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues)\npublic static Object[] getProperties(final Element element, final boolean includeId, final boolean includeLabel, final Set<String> propertiesToCopy)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Vertex a, final Vertex b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Edge a, final Edge b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final VertexProperty b)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final VertexProperty a, final Object b)\npublic static boolean haveEqualIds(final Element a, final Element b)\npublic static int hashCode(final Element element)\npublic static int hashCode(final Property property)\npublic static boolean areEqual(final Property a, final Object b)\npublic static Map<String, Object> propertyValueMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, Property> propertyMap(final Element element, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List> vertexPropertyValueMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static Map<String, List<VertexProperty>> vertexPropertyMap(final Vertex vertex, final String... propertyKeys)\npublic static boolean keyExists(final String key, final String... providedKeys)\npublic static boolean idExists(final Object id, final Object... providedIds)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ElementHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean areEqual(final Element a, final Object b) {\n if (null == b || null == a)\n return false;\n\n if (a == b)\n return true;\n if (!((a instanceof Vertex && b instanceof Vertex) ||\n (a instanceof Edge && b instanceof Edge) ||\n (a instanceof VertexProperty && b instanceof VertexProperty)))\n return false;\n return haveEqualIds(a, (Element) b);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldDeterminePropertiesAreNotEqualAsBIsEmptyAndAIsNot() {\n final Property mockPropertyA = mock(Property.class);\n final Property mockPropertyB = mock(Property.class);\n when(mockPropertyA.isPresent()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mockPropertyB.isPresent()).thenReturn(false);\n assertFalse(ElementHelper.areEqual(mockPropertyA, mockPropertyB));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ColumnsDef newColumnsDef() { checkNotBuilt(); final ColumnsDef c = new ColumnsDef(); mColumnsDefs.add(c); return c; }
@Test public void testNoSettingPageSizeTwice() { KijiDataRequestBuilder builder = KijiDataRequest.builder(); try { builder.newColumnsDef().withPageSize(2).withPageSize(3).addFamily("info"); fail("An exception should have been thrown."); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { assertEquals("Cannot set page size to 3, page size already set to 2.", ise.getMessage()); } }
[ "checkNotBuilt", "add" ]
[ "builder", "addFamily", "withPageSize", "withPageSize", "newColumnsDef", "fail", "assertEquals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestKijiDataRequestBuilder" }
{ "class_fields": "private LinkedHashSet<ColumnsDef> mColumnsDefs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();\nprivate long mMinTimestamp = KConstants.BEGINNING_OF_TIME;\nprivate long mMaxTimestamp = KConstants.END_OF_TIME;\nprivate boolean mIsTimeRangeSet;\nprivate boolean mIsBuilt = false;", "class_name": "KijiDataRequestBuilder", "method_signatures": "KijiDataRequestBuilder()\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder withTimeRange(long minTimestamp, long maxTimestamp)\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef()\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef(KijiDataRequest.Column existingColumn)\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder addColumns(ColumnsDef def)\npublic KijiDataRequest build()\nprivate void checkNotBuilt()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KijiDataRequestBuilder\n\nclass_fields: private LinkedHashSet<ColumnsDef> mColumnsDefs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();\nprivate long mMinTimestamp = KConstants.BEGINNING_OF_TIME;\nprivate long mMaxTimestamp = KConstants.END_OF_TIME;\nprivate boolean mIsTimeRangeSet;\nprivate boolean mIsBuilt = false;\n\nmethod_signatures: KijiDataRequestBuilder()\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder withTimeRange(long minTimestamp, long maxTimestamp)\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef()\npublic ColumnsDef newColumnsDef(KijiDataRequest.Column existingColumn)\npublic KijiDataRequestBuilder addColumns(ColumnsDef def)\npublic KijiDataRequest build()\nprivate void checkNotBuilt()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestKijiDataRequestBuilder\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kiji-schema/src/main/java/org/kiji/schema/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ColumnsDef newColumnsDef() {\n checkNotBuilt();\n final ColumnsDef c = new ColumnsDef();\n mColumnsDefs.add(c);\n return c;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kiji-schema/src/test/java/org/kiji/schema/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNoSettingPageSizeTwice() {\n KijiDataRequestBuilder builder = KijiDataRequest.builder();\n try {\n builder.newColumnsDef().withPageSize(2).withPageSize(3).addFamily(\"info\");\n fail(\"An exception should have been thrown.\");\n } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {\n assertEquals(\"Cannot set page size to 3, page size already set to 2.\",\n ise.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Graph open(final Configuration configuration) { if (null == configuration) throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("configuration"); final String clazz = configuration.getString(Graph.GRAPH, null); if (null == clazz) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Configuration must contain a valid '%s' setting", Graph.GRAPH)); final Class<?> graphClass; try { graphClass = Class.forName(clazz); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("GraphFactory could not find [%s] - Ensure that the jar is in the classpath", clazz)); } // If the graph class specifies a factory class then use that instead of the specified class. final GraphFactoryClass factoryAnnotation = graphClass.getAnnotation(GraphFactoryClass.class); final Class<?> factoryClass = factoryAnnotation != null ? factoryAnnotation.value() : graphClass; return open(configuration, factoryClass); }
@Test public void shouldOpenViaYmlFileConfig() throws IOException { final File confFile = TestHelper.generateTempFileFromResource(GraphFactoryTest.class, "mockgraph.yaml", ".yml"); final MockGraph g = (MockGraph); assertEquals(MockGraph.class.getName(), g.getConf().getString(Graph.GRAPH)); assertEquals("it", g.getConf().getString("keep")); }
[ "argumentCanNotBeNull", "getString", "format", "forName", "format", "getAnnotation", "value", "open" ]
[ "generateTempFileFromResource", "open", "getAbsolutePath", "assertEquals", "getName", "getString", "getConf", "assertEquals", "getString", "getConf" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "GraphFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "GraphFactory", "method_signatures": "private GraphFactory()\npublic static Graph open(final Configuration configuration)\nprivate static Graph open(final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> graphFactoryClass)\npublic static Graph open(final String configurationFile)\npublic static Graph open(final Map configuration)\nprivate static Configuration getConfiguration(final File configurationFile)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GraphFactory\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private GraphFactory()\npublic static Graph open(final Configuration configuration)\nprivate static Graph open(final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> graphFactoryClass)\npublic static Graph open(final String configurationFile)\npublic static Graph open(final Map configuration)\nprivate static Configuration getConfiguration(final File configurationFile)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GraphFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Graph open(final Configuration configuration) {\n if (null == configuration)\n throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull(\"configuration\");\n\n final String clazz = configuration.getString(Graph.GRAPH, null);\n if (null == clazz)\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\"Configuration must contain a valid '%s' setting\", Graph.GRAPH));\n\n final Class<?> graphClass;\n try {\n graphClass = Class.forName(clazz);\n } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\"GraphFactory could not find [%s] - Ensure that the jar is in the classpath\", clazz));\n }\n\n // If the graph class specifies a factory class then use that instead of the specified class.\n final GraphFactoryClass factoryAnnotation = graphClass.getAnnotation(GraphFactoryClass.class);\n final Class<?> factoryClass = factoryAnnotation != null ? factoryAnnotation.value() : graphClass;\n\n return open(configuration, factoryClass);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldOpenViaYmlFileConfig() throws IOException {\n final File confFile = TestHelper.generateTempFileFromResource(GraphFactoryTest.class, \"mockgraph.yaml\", \".yml\");\n final MockGraph g = (MockGraph);\n assertEquals(MockGraph.class.getName(), g.getConf().getString(Graph.GRAPH));\n assertEquals(\"it\", g.getConf().getString(\"keep\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Graph open(final Configuration configuration) { if (null == configuration) throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("configuration"); final String clazz = configuration.getString(Graph.GRAPH, null); if (null == clazz) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Configuration must contain a valid '%s' setting", Graph.GRAPH)); final Class<?> graphClass; try { graphClass = Class.forName(clazz); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("GraphFactory could not find [%s] - Ensure that the jar is in the classpath", clazz)); } // If the graph class specifies a factory class then use that instead of the specified class. final GraphFactoryClass factoryAnnotation = graphClass.getAnnotation(GraphFactoryClass.class); final Class<?> factoryClass = factoryAnnotation != null ? factoryAnnotation.value() : graphClass; return open(configuration, factoryClass); }
@Test public void shouldOpenViaYamlFileConfig() throws IOException { final File confFile = TestHelper.generateTempFileFromResource(GraphFactoryTest.class, "mockgraph.yaml", ".yaml"); final MockGraph g = (MockGraph); assertEquals(MockGraph.class.getName(), g.getConf().getString(Graph.GRAPH)); assertEquals("it", g.getConf().getString("keep")); }
[ "argumentCanNotBeNull", "getString", "format", "forName", "format", "getAnnotation", "value", "open" ]
[ "generateTempFileFromResource", "open", "getAbsolutePath", "assertEquals", "getName", "getString", "getConf", "assertEquals", "getString", "getConf" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "GraphFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "GraphFactory", "method_signatures": "private GraphFactory()\npublic static Graph open(final Configuration configuration)\nprivate static Graph open(final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> graphFactoryClass)\npublic static Graph open(final String configurationFile)\npublic static Graph open(final Map configuration)\nprivate static Configuration getConfiguration(final File configurationFile)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GraphFactory\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private GraphFactory()\npublic static Graph open(final Configuration configuration)\nprivate static Graph open(final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> graphFactoryClass)\npublic static Graph open(final String configurationFile)\npublic static Graph open(final Map configuration)\nprivate static Configuration getConfiguration(final File configurationFile)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GraphFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Graph open(final Configuration configuration) {\n if (null == configuration)\n throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull(\"configuration\");\n\n final String clazz = configuration.getString(Graph.GRAPH, null);\n if (null == clazz)\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\"Configuration must contain a valid '%s' setting\", Graph.GRAPH));\n\n final Class<?> graphClass;\n try {\n graphClass = Class.forName(clazz);\n } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\"GraphFactory could not find [%s] - Ensure that the jar is in the classpath\", clazz));\n }\n\n // If the graph class specifies a factory class then use that instead of the specified class.\n final GraphFactoryClass factoryAnnotation = graphClass.getAnnotation(GraphFactoryClass.class);\n final Class<?> factoryClass = factoryAnnotation != null ? factoryAnnotation.value() : graphClass;\n\n return open(configuration, factoryClass);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldOpenViaYamlFileConfig() throws IOException {\n final File confFile = TestHelper.generateTempFileFromResource(GraphFactoryTest.class, \"mockgraph.yaml\", \".yaml\");\n final MockGraph g = (MockGraph);\n assertEquals(MockGraph.class.getName(), g.getConf().getString(Graph.GRAPH));\n assertEquals(\"it\", g.getConf().getString(\"keep\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
void addScenarioForSeverity(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin, Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity, String severityCode) { ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO executedScenarioHandlingCounts = qualitiesPerSeverity .computeIfAbsent(severityCode, k -> new ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO()); incrementCountsByHandling(executedScenarioJoin, executedScenarioHandlingCounts); }
@Test public void addScenarioForSeverity_should_increment_total_and_passed_for_succeed_scenario() { // GIVEN ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin = new ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin(); Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity = new HashMap<>(); // WHEN cut.addScenarioForSeverity(executedScenarioJoin, qualitiesPerSeverity, "medium"); // THEN assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.size()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.get("medium").getTotal()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.get("medium").getPassed()).isEqualTo(1); }
[ "computeIfAbsent", "incrementCountsByHandling" ]
[ "addScenarioForSeverity", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "size", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getTotal", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getPassed", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryPointMapper executionHistoryPointMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutedScenarioRepository executedScenarioRepository;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private SeverityService severityService;\n@InjectMocks\n private ExecutionHistoryService cut;", "class_name": "ExecutionHistoryServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull\n private final ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryPointMapper executionHistoryPointMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutedScenarioRepository executedScenarioRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityService severityService;", "class_name": "ExecutionHistoryService", "method_signatures": "public List<ExecutionHistoryPointDTO> getLatestExecutionHistories(long projectId)\npublic ExecutionHistoryPointDTO getExecution(long projectId, long id)\nprivate List<ExecutionHistoryPointDTO> computeExecutionHistoryPointDTOS(long projectId, List<Execution> executions)\nprivate Long findExecutionByBranchAndName(List<Execution> executions, String branch, String name)\npublic ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO getExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsFor(Execution execution)\nprivate void fillExecutionHistoryPoint(ExecutionHistoryPointDTO execution, List<ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin> allErrorCounts, Map<Long, Long> functionalityTeamIds)\n void fillQualities(List<ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin> allExecutedScenarioJoin,\n RunWithQualitiesDTO run,\n Map<Long, Long> functionalityTeamIds,\n String defaultSeverityCode)\nprivate void addScenarioForTeamAndSeverity(RunWithQualitiesDTO run,\n String defaultSeverityCode,\n ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Long teamId)\n void addScenario(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity,\n String defaultSeverityCode)\n void addScenarioForSeverity(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity,\n String severityCode)\nprivate void incrementCountsByHandling(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO executedScenarioHandlingCounts)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ExecutionHistoryService\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull\n private final ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryPointMapper executionHistoryPointMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutedScenarioRepository executedScenarioRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityService severityService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public List<ExecutionHistoryPointDTO> getLatestExecutionHistories(long projectId)\npublic ExecutionHistoryPointDTO getExecution(long projectId, long id)\nprivate List<ExecutionHistoryPointDTO> computeExecutionHistoryPointDTOS(long projectId, List<Execution> executions)\nprivate Long findExecutionByBranchAndName(List<Execution> executions, String branch, String name)\npublic ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO getExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsFor(Execution execution)\nprivate void fillExecutionHistoryPoint(ExecutionHistoryPointDTO execution, List<ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin> allErrorCounts, Map<Long, Long> functionalityTeamIds)\n void fillQualities(List<ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin> allExecutedScenarioJoin,\n RunWithQualitiesDTO run,\n Map<Long, Long> functionalityTeamIds,\n String defaultSeverityCode)\nprivate void addScenarioForTeamAndSeverity(RunWithQualitiesDTO run,\n String defaultSeverityCode,\n ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Long teamId)\n void addScenario(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity,\n String defaultSeverityCode)\n void addScenarioForSeverity(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity,\n String severityCode)\nprivate void incrementCountsByHandling(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO executedScenarioHandlingCounts)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ExecutionHistoryServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryPointMapper executionHistoryPointMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutedScenarioRepository executedScenarioRepository;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private SeverityService severityService;\n@InjectMocks\n private ExecutionHistoryService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n void addScenarioForSeverity(ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin,\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity,\n String severityCode) {\n ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO executedScenarioHandlingCounts = qualitiesPerSeverity\n .computeIfAbsent(severityCode, k -> new ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO());\n\n incrementCountsByHandling(executedScenarioJoin, executedScenarioHandlingCounts);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void addScenarioForSeverity_should_increment_total_and_passed_for_succeed_scenario() {\n // GIVEN\n ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin executedScenarioJoin = new ExecutedScenarioWithErrorAndProblemJoin();\n Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO> qualitiesPerSeverity = new HashMap<>();\n\n // WHEN\n cut.addScenarioForSeverity(executedScenarioJoin, qualitiesPerSeverity, \"medium\");\n\n // THEN\n assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.size()).isEqualTo(1);\n assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.get(\"medium\").getTotal()).isEqualTo(1);\n assertThat(qualitiesPerSeverity.get(\"medium\").getPassed()).isEqualTo(1);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
int indexOf(List<AxisPointDTO> points, String id) { for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { if (id.equals(points.get(i).getId())) { return i; } } throw new NotGonnaHappenException("Ids are generated from the points, so it's unlikely an unknown id will be requested"); }
@Test public void indexOf_should_return_index_of_requested_id_at_start() { // GIVEN List<AxisPointDTO> points = Arrays.asList( new AxisPointDTO().withId("1"), new AxisPointDTO().withId("2")); // WHEN final int index = cut.indexOf(points, "1"); // THEN assertThat(index).isEqualTo(0); }
[ "size", "equals", "getId", "get" ]
[ "asList", "withId", "withId", "indexOf", "isEqualTo", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int A_PROJECT_ID = 42;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private CountryAxisGenerator countryAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private SeverityAxisGenerator severityAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private TeamAxisGenerator teamAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private CoverageAxisGenerator coverageAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private AxisGenerator generator1;\n@Mock\n private AxisGenerator generator2;\n@InjectMocks\n private CoverageService cut;", "class_name": "CoverageServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final CountryAxisGenerator countryAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityAxisGenerator severityAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final TeamAxisGenerator teamAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final CoverageAxisGenerator coverageAxisGenerator;", "class_name": "CoverageService", "method_signatures": "public CoverageDTO computeCoverage(long projectId)\n List<AxisPointDTO> getAllPoints(AxisGenerator generator, long projectId)\n int[] computeValues(Collection<Functionality> functionalities, List<AxisDTO> axes, List<AxisGenerator> axisGenerators)\n void incrementValueForFunctionalityProperties(int[] values, List<String[]> functionalityValuePoints, List<AxisDTO> axes)\nprivate void incrementValueForFunctionalityProperties(int[] values, List<String[]> functionalityValuePoints, List<AxisDTO> axes, int[] coordinates, int level)\n int indexOf(List<AxisPointDTO> points, String id)\n int flatIndex(List<AxisDTO> axes, int[] coordinates)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CoverageService\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final CountryAxisGenerator countryAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final SeverityAxisGenerator severityAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final TeamAxisGenerator teamAxisGenerator;\n@NonNull\n private final CoverageAxisGenerator coverageAxisGenerator;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CoverageDTO computeCoverage(long projectId)\n List<AxisPointDTO> getAllPoints(AxisGenerator generator, long projectId)\n int[] computeValues(Collection<Functionality> functionalities, List<AxisDTO> axes, List<AxisGenerator> axisGenerators)\n void incrementValueForFunctionalityProperties(int[] values, List<String[]> functionalityValuePoints, List<AxisDTO> axes)\nprivate void incrementValueForFunctionalityProperties(int[] values, List<String[]> functionalityValuePoints, List<AxisDTO> axes, int[] coordinates, int level)\n int indexOf(List<AxisPointDTO> points, String id)\n int flatIndex(List<AxisDTO> axes, int[] coordinates)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CoverageServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final int A_PROJECT_ID = 42;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private CountryAxisGenerator countryAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private SeverityAxisGenerator severityAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private TeamAxisGenerator teamAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private CoverageAxisGenerator coverageAxisGenerator;\n@Mock\n private AxisGenerator generator1;\n@Mock\n private AxisGenerator generator2;\n@InjectMocks\n private CoverageService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n int indexOf(List<AxisPointDTO> points, String id) {\n for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {\n if (id.equals(points.get(i).getId())) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n throw new NotGonnaHappenException(\"Ids are generated from the points, so it's unlikely an unknown id will be requested\");\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void indexOf_should_return_index_of_requested_id_at_start() {\n // GIVEN\n List<AxisPointDTO> points = Arrays.asList(\n new AxisPointDTO().withId(\"1\"),\n new AxisPointDTO().withId(\"2\"));\n\n // WHEN\n final int index = cut.indexOf(points, \"1\");\n\n // THEN\n assertThat(index).isEqualTo(0);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "varargs"}) public TraversalStrategies addStrategies(final TraversalStrategy<?>... strategies) { final List<TraversalStrategy<?>> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(strategies.length); for (final TraversalStrategy<?> addStrategy : strategies) { for (final TraversalStrategy<?> currentStrategy : this.traversalStrategies) { if (addStrategy.getClass().equals(currentStrategy.getClass())) { toRemove.add(currentStrategy); break; } } } this.traversalStrategies.removeAll(toRemove); Collections.addAll(this.traversalStrategies, strategies); this.traversalStrategies = TraversalStrategies.sortStrategies(this.traversalStrategies); return this; }
@Test public void testCircularDependency() { //Circular dependency => throws exception TraversalStrategies s = new DefaultTraversalStrategies(); try { s.addStrategies(c, k, a, b); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertTrue(ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("cyclic")); } }
[ "equals", "getClass", "getClass", "add", "removeAll", "addAll", "sortStrategies" ]
[ "addStrategies", "fail", "assertTrue", "contains", "toLowerCase", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "TraversalStrategy\n a = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyA(),\n b = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyB(),\n c = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyC(),\n d = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyD(),\n e = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyE(),\n k = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyK(),\n l = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyL(),\n m = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyM(),\n n = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyN(),\n o = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyO();", "class_name": "DefaultTraversalStrategiesTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected List<TraversalStrategy<?>> traversalStrategies = new ArrayList<>();", "class_name": "DefaultTraversalStrategies implements TraversalStrategies", "method_signatures": "@Override @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"varargs\"}) public TraversalStrategies addStrategies(final TraversalStrategy<?>... strategies)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"varargs\"}) public TraversalStrategies removeStrategies(final Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>... strategyClasses)\n@Override public List<TraversalStrategy<?>> toList()\n@Override public void applyStrategies(final Traversal.Admin<?, ?> traversal)\n@Override public DefaultTraversalStrategies clone()\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/process/traversal/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultTraversalStrategies implements TraversalStrategies\n\nclass_fields: protected List<TraversalStrategy<?>> traversalStrategies = new ArrayList<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"varargs\"}) public TraversalStrategies addStrategies(final TraversalStrategy<?>... strategies)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"varargs\"}) public TraversalStrategies removeStrategies(final Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>... strategyClasses)\n@Override public List<TraversalStrategy<?>> toList()\n@Override public void applyStrategies(final Traversal.Admin<?, ?> traversal)\n@Override public DefaultTraversalStrategies clone()\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultTraversalStrategiesTest\n\nclass_fields: TraversalStrategy\n a = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyA(),\n b = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyB(),\n c = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyC(),\n d = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyD(),\n e = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyE(),\n k = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyK(),\n l = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyL(),\n m = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyM(),\n n = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyN(),\n o = new TraversalStrategiesTest.StrategyO();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/process/traversal/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n @SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"varargs\"})\n public TraversalStrategies addStrategies(final TraversalStrategy<?>... strategies) {\n final List<TraversalStrategy<?>> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(strategies.length);\n for (final TraversalStrategy<?> addStrategy : strategies) {\n for (final TraversalStrategy<?> currentStrategy : this.traversalStrategies) {\n if (addStrategy.getClass().equals(currentStrategy.getClass())) {\n toRemove.add(currentStrategy);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n this.traversalStrategies.removeAll(toRemove);\n Collections.addAll(this.traversalStrategies, strategies);\n this.traversalStrategies = TraversalStrategies.sortStrategies(this.traversalStrategies);\n return this;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/process/traversal/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCircularDependency() {\n //Circular dependency => throws exception\n TraversalStrategies s = new DefaultTraversalStrategies();\n try {\n s.addStrategies(c, k, a, b);\n fail();\n } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {\n assertTrue(ex.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains(\"cyclic\"));\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError { long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); while (true) { HttpResponse httpResponse = null; byte[] responseContents = null; Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap(); try { // Gather headers. Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry()); httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers); StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders()); // Handle cache validation. if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry(); if (entry == null) { return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null, responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus // the new ones from the response. // entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders); return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,, entry.responseHeaders, true, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check. if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity()); } else { // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a // no-content request. responseContents = new byte[0]; } // if the request is slow, log it. long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart; logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine); if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { throw new IOException(); } return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("socket", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { attemptRetryOnException("connection", request, new TimeoutError()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad URL " + request.getUrl(), e); } catch (IOException e) { int statusCode; if (httpResponse != null) { statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { throw new NoConnectionError(e); } VolleyLog.e("Unexpected response code %d for %s", statusCode, request.getUrl()); NetworkResponse networkResponse; if (responseContents != null) { networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { attemptRetryOnException("auth", request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse)); } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) { // Don't retry other client errors. throw new ClientError(networkResponse); } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) { if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) { attemptRetryOnException("server", request, new ServerError(networkResponse)); } else { throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { // 3xx? No reason to retry. throw new ServerError(networkResponse); } } else { attemptRetryOnException("network", request, new NetworkError()); } } } }
@Test public void serverError_enableRetries() throws Exception { for (int i = 500; i <= 599; i++) { MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack(); BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse = new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1), i, ""); mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse); BasicNetwork httpNetwork = new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack, new ByteArrayPool(4096)); Request<String> request = buildRequest(); request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy); request.setShouldRetryServerErrors(true); doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class)); try { httpNetwork.performRequest(request); } catch (VolleyError e) { // expected } // should retry all 500 errors verify(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(ServerError.class)); reset(mMockRetryPolicy); } }
[ "elapsedRealtime", "emptyMap", "addCacheHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "performRequest", "getStatusLine", "getStatusCode", "convertHeaders", "getAllHeaders", "getCacheEntry", "elapsedRealtime", "putAll", "elapsedRealtime", "getEntity", "entityToBytes", "getEntity", "elapsedRealtime", "logSlowRequests", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException", "getUrl", "getStatusCode", "getStatusLine", "e", "getUrl", "elapsedRealtime", "attemptRetryOnException", "shouldRetryServerErrors", "attemptRetryOnException", "attemptRetryOnException" ]
[ "setResponseToReturn", "buildRequest", "setRetryPolicy", "setShouldRetryServerErrors", "retry", "when", "doThrow", "any", "performRequest", "retry", "verify", "any", "reset" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;", "class_name": "BasicNetworkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;", "class_name": "BasicNetwork implements Network", "method_signatures": "public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BasicNetwork implements Network\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG = VolleyLog.DEBUG;\nprivate static int SLOW_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_MS = 3000;\nprivate static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 4096;\nprotected final HttpStack mHttpStack;\nprotected final ByteArrayPool mPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack)\npublic BasicNetwork(HttpStack httpStack, ByteArrayPool pool)\n@Override public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request)\nprivate void logSlowRequests(long requestLifetime, Request<?> request,\n byte[] responseContents, StatusLine statusLine)\nprivate static void attemptRetryOnException(String logPrefix, Request<?> request,\n VolleyError exception)\nprivate void addCacheHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Cache.Entry entry)\nprotected void logError(String what, String url, long start)\nprivate byte[] entityToBytes(HttpEntity entity)\nprotected static Map<String, String> convertHeaders(Header[] headers)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BasicNetworkTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Request<String> mMockRequest;\n@Mock private RetryPolicy mMockRetryPolicy;\nprivate BasicNetwork mNetwork;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app-catalog/volley/src/main/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public NetworkResponse performRequest(Request<?> request) throws VolleyError {\n long requestStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();\n while (true) {\n HttpResponse httpResponse = null;\n byte[] responseContents = null;\n Map<String, String> responseHeaders = Collections.emptyMap();\n try {\n // Gather headers.\n Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();\n addCacheHeaders(headers, request.getCacheEntry());\n httpResponse = mHttpStack.performRequest(request, headers);\n StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine();\n int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();\n\n responseHeaders = convertHeaders(httpResponse.getAllHeaders());\n // Handle cache validation.\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {\n\n Entry entry = request.getCacheEntry();\n if (entry == null) {\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, null,\n responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // A HTTP 304 response does not have all header fields. We\n // have to use the header fields from the cache entry plus\n // the new ones from the response.\n //\n entry.responseHeaders.putAll(responseHeaders);\n return new NetworkResponse(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED,,\n entry.responseHeaders, true,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n }\n\n // Some responses such as 204s do not have content. We must check.\n if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) {\n responseContents = entityToBytes(httpResponse.getEntity());\n } else {\n // Add 0 byte response as a way of honestly representing a\n // no-content request.\n responseContents = new byte[0];\n }\n\n // if the request is slow, log it.\n long requestLifetime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart;\n logSlowRequests(requestLifetime, request, responseContents, statusLine);\n\n if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) {\n throw new IOException();\n }\n return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, responseHeaders, false,\n SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"socket\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"connection\", request, new TimeoutError());\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(\"Bad URL \" + request.getUrl(), e);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n int statusCode;\n if (httpResponse != null) {\n statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();\n } else {\n throw new NoConnectionError(e);\n }\n VolleyLog.e(\"Unexpected response code %d for %s\", statusCode, request.getUrl());\n NetworkResponse networkResponse;\n if (responseContents != null) {\n networkResponse = new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents,\n responseHeaders, false, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart);\n if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ||\n statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"auth\",\n request, new AuthFailureError(networkResponse));\n } else if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499) {\n // Don't retry other client errors.\n throw new ClientError(networkResponse);\n } else if (statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599) {\n if (request.shouldRetryServerErrors()) {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"server\",\n request, new ServerError(networkResponse));\n } else {\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n // 3xx? No reason to retry.\n throw new ServerError(networkResponse);\n }\n } else {\n attemptRetryOnException(\"network\", request, new NetworkError());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app-catalog/volley/src/test/java/com/android/volley/toolbox/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void serverError_enableRetries() throws Exception {\n for (int i = 500; i <= 599; i++) {\n MockHttpStack mockHttpStack = new MockHttpStack();\n BasicHttpResponse fakeResponse =\n new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion(\"HTTP\", 1, 1), i, \"\");\n mockHttpStack.setResponseToReturn(fakeResponse);\n BasicNetwork httpNetwork =\n new BasicNetwork(mockHttpStack, new ByteArrayPool(4096));\n Request<String> request = buildRequest();\n request.setRetryPolicy(mMockRetryPolicy);\n request.setShouldRetryServerErrors(true);\n doThrow(new VolleyError()).when(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(VolleyError.class));\n try {\n httpNetwork.performRequest(request);\n } catch (VolleyError e) {\n // expected\n }\n // should retry all 500 errors\n verify(mMockRetryPolicy).retry(any(ServerError.class));\n reset(mMockRetryPolicy);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String getQualityStatus(long projectId, String jobUrl) { final Execution execution = executionRepository.findByProjectIdAndJobUrl(projectId, jobUrl); // Not indexed yet (plus, if the completionRequested flag is set and the execution crashed with no usable data, // it will get indexed (as CRASHED) next time the crawler run) if (execution == null) { return STILL_COMPUTING; // Please call getQualityStatus later: status will be set soon } // When DONE, an execution will not be re-indexed anymore (we have the definitive data), no matter if the flag is set or not if (execution.getStatus() != JobStatus.DONE) { final Optional<ExecutionCompletionRequest> request = executionCompletionRequestRepository.findById(jobUrl); if (request.isPresent()) { return STILL_COMPUTING; // Please call getQualityStatus later: status will be set soon } } if (crashed(execution)) { return "CRASHED"; } else if (execution.getBlockingValidation() != Boolean.TRUE) { return "NOT_BLOCKING"; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(execution.getDiscardReason())) { return "DISCARDED"; } // We have the definitive data (or completionRequested was never called beforehand: not our problem) return (execution.getQualityStatus() == null ? QualityStatus.INCOMPLETE : execution.getQualityStatus()).name(); }
@Test public void getQualityStatus_should_return_quality_status_when_execution_is_DONE() { // GIVEN long projectId = 1; when(executionRepository.findByProjectIdAndJobUrl(projectId, "url")).thenReturn(new Execution() .withStatus(JobStatus.DONE) .withBlockingValidation(Boolean.TRUE) .withQualitySeverities("any") .withQualityThresholds("any") .withQualityStatus(QualityStatus.WARNING)); // WHEN String status = cut.getQualityStatus(projectId, "url"); // THEN assertThat(status).isEqualTo("WARNING"); }
[ "findByProjectIdAndJobUrl", "getStatus", "findById", "isPresent", "crashed", "getBlockingValidation", "isNotEmpty", "getDiscardReason", "name", "getQualityStatus", "getQualityStatus" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "findByProjectIdAndJobUrl", "withQualityStatus", "withQualityThresholds", "withQualitySeverities", "withBlockingValidation", "withStatus", "getQualityStatus", "isEqualTo", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionCompletionRequestRepository executionCompletionRequestRepository;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionMapper executionMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionWithHandlingCountsMapper executionWithHandlingCountsMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionTransformer executionTransformer;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@Mock\n private ArchiveService archiveService;\n@Mock\n private SettingService settingService;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionIndexerService executionIndexerService;\n@Mock\n private CycleDefinitionRepository cycleDefinitionRepository;\n@Mock\n private FeatureService featureService;\n@Mock\n private ProblemService problemService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private ExecutionService cut;", "class_name": "ExecutionServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String STILL_COMPUTING = \"STILL_COMPUTING\";\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionCompletionRequestRepository executionCompletionRequestRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionMapper executionMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionWithHandlingCountsMapper executionWithHandlingCountsMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionTransformer executionTransformer;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@NonNull\n private final ArchiveService archiveService;\n@NonNull\n private final SettingService settingService;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionIndexerService executionIndexerService;\n@NonNull\n private final CycleDefinitionRepository cycleDefinitionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FeatureService featureService;\n@NonNull\n private final ProblemService problemService;", "class_name": "ExecutionService", "method_signatures": "@Transactional(readOnly = true) public Page<ExecutionWithHandlingCountsDTO> findAll(long projectId, Pageable pageable)\n@Transactional(readOnly = true) public ExecutionWithCountryDeploymentsAndRunsAndExecutedScenariosAndTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO findOneWithRuns(long projectId, long id, ExecutionCriteriaDTO criteria)\nprivate boolean matchFilters(ExecutedScenarioWithTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO scenario, ExecutionCriteriaDTO criteria)\nprivate boolean containsTeamIdInErrors(ExecutedScenarioWithTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO scenario, long teamId)\nprivate void removeScenariosWithoutErrors(Execution execution)\npublic ExecutionDTO discard(long projectId, long id, String discardReason)\npublic ExecutionDTO unDiscard(long projectId, long id)\npublic void requestCompletion(long projectId, String jobUrl)\npublic String getQualityStatus(long projectId, String jobUrl)\nprivate boolean crashed(Execution execution)\nprivate ExecutionWithHandlingCountsDTO toDtoWithAggregate(Execution execution)\npublic List<ExecutionDTO> getLatestEligibleVersions(long projectId)\npublic void uploadExecutionReport(long projectId, String projectCode, String branch, String cycle, MultipartFile zipFile)\npublic void processSpecificDirectory(CycleDefinition cycleDefinition, File executionDirectory)\n List<File> unzipExecutions(File destinationDirectory, MultipartFile zipFile, String buildInformationFilePath)\n List<File> retrieveAllExecutionDirectories(File file, String buildInformationFilePath)\n Boolean isExecutionDirectory(File file, String buildInformationFilePath)\nprivate void cleanExecutionFiles(Long projectId, File executionDirectory)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ExecutionService\n\nclass_fields: private static final String STILL_COMPUTING = \"STILL_COMPUTING\";\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionCompletionRequestRepository executionCompletionRequestRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionMapper executionMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionWithHandlingCountsMapper executionWithHandlingCountsMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionTransformer executionTransformer;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@NonNull\n private final ArchiveService archiveService;\n@NonNull\n private final SettingService settingService;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionIndexerService executionIndexerService;\n@NonNull\n private final CycleDefinitionRepository cycleDefinitionRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final FeatureService featureService;\n@NonNull\n private final ProblemService problemService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Page<ExecutionWithHandlingCountsDTO> findAll(long projectId, Pageable pageable)\n@Transactional(readOnly = true) public ExecutionWithCountryDeploymentsAndRunsAndExecutedScenariosAndTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO findOneWithRuns(long projectId, long id, ExecutionCriteriaDTO criteria)\nprivate boolean matchFilters(ExecutedScenarioWithTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO scenario, ExecutionCriteriaDTO criteria)\nprivate boolean containsTeamIdInErrors(ExecutedScenarioWithTeamIdsAndErrorsAndProblemsDTO scenario, long teamId)\nprivate void removeScenariosWithoutErrors(Execution execution)\npublic ExecutionDTO discard(long projectId, long id, String discardReason)\npublic ExecutionDTO unDiscard(long projectId, long id)\npublic void requestCompletion(long projectId, String jobUrl)\npublic String getQualityStatus(long projectId, String jobUrl)\nprivate boolean crashed(Execution execution)\nprivate ExecutionWithHandlingCountsDTO toDtoWithAggregate(Execution execution)\npublic List<ExecutionDTO> getLatestEligibleVersions(long projectId)\npublic void uploadExecutionReport(long projectId, String projectCode, String branch, String cycle, MultipartFile zipFile)\npublic void processSpecificDirectory(CycleDefinition cycleDefinition, File executionDirectory)\n List<File> unzipExecutions(File destinationDirectory, MultipartFile zipFile, String buildInformationFilePath)\n List<File> retrieveAllExecutionDirectories(File file, String buildInformationFilePath)\n Boolean isExecutionDirectory(File file, String buildInformationFilePath)\nprivate void cleanExecutionFiles(Long projectId, File executionDirectory)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ExecutionServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ExecutionRepository executionRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionCompletionRequestRepository executionCompletionRequestRepository;\n@Mock\n private FunctionalityRepository functionalityRepository;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionMapper executionMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionWithHandlingCountsMapper executionWithHandlingCountsMapper;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionTransformer executionTransformer;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@Mock\n private ArchiveService archiveService;\n@Mock\n private SettingService settingService;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionIndexerService executionIndexerService;\n@Mock\n private CycleDefinitionRepository cycleDefinitionRepository;\n@Mock\n private FeatureService featureService;\n@Mock\n private ProblemService problemService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private ExecutionService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String getQualityStatus(long projectId, String jobUrl) {\n final Execution execution = executionRepository.findByProjectIdAndJobUrl(projectId, jobUrl);\n\n // Not indexed yet (plus, if the completionRequested flag is set and the execution crashed with no usable data,\n // it will get indexed (as CRASHED) next time the crawler run)\n if (execution == null) {\n return STILL_COMPUTING; // Please call getQualityStatus later: status will be set soon\n }\n\n // When DONE, an execution will not be re-indexed anymore (we have the definitive data), no matter if the flag is set or not\n if (execution.getStatus() != JobStatus.DONE) {\n final Optional<ExecutionCompletionRequest> request = executionCompletionRequestRepository.findById(jobUrl);\n if (request.isPresent()) {\n return STILL_COMPUTING; // Please call getQualityStatus later: status will be set soon\n }\n }\n\n if (crashed(execution)) {\n return \"CRASHED\";\n } else if (execution.getBlockingValidation() != Boolean.TRUE) {\n return \"NOT_BLOCKING\";\n } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(execution.getDiscardReason())) {\n return \"DISCARDED\";\n }\n\n // We have the definitive data (or completionRequested was never called beforehand: not our problem)\n return (execution.getQualityStatus() == null ? QualityStatus.INCOMPLETE : execution.getQualityStatus()).name();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getQualityStatus_should_return_quality_status_when_execution_is_DONE() {\n // GIVEN\n long projectId = 1;\n when(executionRepository.findByProjectIdAndJobUrl(projectId, \"url\")).thenReturn(new Execution()\n .withStatus(JobStatus.DONE)\n .withBlockingValidation(Boolean.TRUE)\n .withQualitySeverities(\"any\")\n .withQualityThresholds(\"any\")\n .withQualityStatus(QualityStatus.WARNING));\n\n // WHEN\n String status = cut.getQualityStatus(projectId, \"url\");\n\n // THEN\n assertThat(status).isEqualTo(\"WARNING\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
void deleteTempFile(Response response) { if (response != null && response.getStream() != null) { Stream stream = response.getStream(); final File tempFile = stream.getTempFile(); if (tempFile != null) { try { Files.delete(Paths.get(tempFile.getPath())); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot delete temporary file {}", tempFile, e); } stream.setTempFile(null); } } }
@Test public void deleteTempFile_should_not_crash_if_response_stream_is_null() { // WHEN cut.deleteTempFile(new Response()); }
[ "getStream", "getStream", "getTempFile", "delete", "get", "getPath", "error", "setTempFile" ]
[ "deleteTempFile" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty(\"line.separator\");\nprivate static final String JSON_RAW = \"[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"value\\\"}]\";\nprivate static final String JSON_INDENTED = \"[ {\" + NEW_LINE + \" \\\"key\\\" : \\\"value\\\"\" + NEW_LINE + \"} ]\";\nprivate static final String[] NO_PARENT = new String[0];\n@Spy\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private JsonParser jsonParser;\n@Mock\n private AssetService assetService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private PostmanService cut;", "class_name": "PostmanServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String FOLDER_DELIMITER = \" \\u25b6 \";\nprivate static final int LINE_PRE_REQUEST_SCRIPT = -100000;\nprivate static final int LINE_TEST_SCRIPT = 100000;\nprivate static final int REQUEST_LINE = -1;\nprivate static final String STEP_PRE_REQUEST_SCRIPT = \"<Pre-Request Script>\";\nprivate static final String STEP_TEST_SCRIPT = \"<Test Script>\";\nprivate static final Pattern SEVERITY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^(\" + Tag.SEVERITY_PREFIX + \"[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*).*\");\nprivate static final String ERROR_PARAGRAPH = \"<p style=\\\"background-color: red; color: white;\\\">\";\nprivate static final String PARAGRAPH_AND_LINE_END = \"</p>\\n\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_DIV_BEGIN_AND_LINE_END = \"<div class=\\\"content\\\">\\n\";\nprivate static final String DIV_END_AND_LINE_END = \"</div>\\n\";\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final AssetService assetService;", "class_name": "PostmanService", "method_signatures": "public void parse(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseRootObject(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseRun(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseExecutions(JsonParser parser, List<Execution> executions)\n void saveExecutionStreamToFile(Execution execution)\n List<NewmanScenario> toScenarios(Item[] items, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String parentSeverity, String... parentFolders)\n String toCucumberId(String[] path)\n String removeSeverityTag(String name)\n String getSeverity(String... path)\n void mapExecutionsToScenarios(List<Execution> executions, List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\nprivate Optional<NewmanScenario> findByItemId(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios, String id)\n void mapFailuresToScenarios(List<Failure> failures, List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n void buildScenarioContents(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n String buildScenarioContent(Request request, Response response, Assertion[] assertions, List<Failure> failures, boolean skipped)\n String getStatus(List<Failure> failures, int requestedLine, boolean skipped)\n void buildScenarioErrors(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n com.decathlon.ara.domain.Error toError(NewmanScenario newmanScenario, Failure failure)\n String toStep(NewmanScenario newmanScenario, int line)\n int toErrorLine(Failure failure)\n String buildRequestStep(Request request)\n String toUrlString(Url url)\n String toQueryString(KeyValue[] query)\npublic List<ExecutedScenario> postProcess(Run run, NewmanParsingResult result, String newmanReportPath, AtomicInteger requestPosition)\n void deleteTempFile(Response response)\npublic void deleteTempFiles(NewmanParsingResult newmanParsingResult)\n String uploadHttpLog(NewmanScenario newmanScenario)\n String generateHttpLogHtml(NewmanScenario newmanScenario)\n String getContentType(KeyValue[] headers)\n void appendKeyValues(StringBuilder html, KeyValue[] keyValues)\n void appendRequestBody(StringBuilder html, Body body)\n void appendResponseBody(StringBuilder html, Stream stream, String contentType)\n String prettyPrint(String fileContent, String contentType)\n String escapeHtml(String unescaped)\n Optional<Instant> getStartDateTime(Response response)\n String toCollectionFileName(Source source, String newmanReportPath)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PostmanService\n\nclass_fields: public static final String FOLDER_DELIMITER = \" \\u25b6 \";\nprivate static final int LINE_PRE_REQUEST_SCRIPT = -100000;\nprivate static final int LINE_TEST_SCRIPT = 100000;\nprivate static final int REQUEST_LINE = -1;\nprivate static final String STEP_PRE_REQUEST_SCRIPT = \"<Pre-Request Script>\";\nprivate static final String STEP_TEST_SCRIPT = \"<Test Script>\";\nprivate static final Pattern SEVERITY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^(\" + Tag.SEVERITY_PREFIX + \"[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*).*\");\nprivate static final String ERROR_PARAGRAPH = \"<p style=\\\"background-color: red; color: white;\\\">\";\nprivate static final String PARAGRAPH_AND_LINE_END = \"</p>\\n\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_DIV_BEGIN_AND_LINE_END = \"<div class=\\\"content\\\">\\n\";\nprivate static final String DIV_END_AND_LINE_END = \"</div>\\n\";\n@NonNull\n private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@NonNull\n private final AssetService assetService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void parse(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseRootObject(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseRun(JsonParser parser, NewmanParsingResult result)\nprivate void parseExecutions(JsonParser parser, List<Execution> executions)\n void saveExecutionStreamToFile(Execution execution)\n List<NewmanScenario> toScenarios(Item[] items, AtomicInteger requestPosition, String parentSeverity, String... parentFolders)\n String toCucumberId(String[] path)\n String removeSeverityTag(String name)\n String getSeverity(String... path)\n void mapExecutionsToScenarios(List<Execution> executions, List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\nprivate Optional<NewmanScenario> findByItemId(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios, String id)\n void mapFailuresToScenarios(List<Failure> failures, List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n void buildScenarioContents(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n String buildScenarioContent(Request request, Response response, Assertion[] assertions, List<Failure> failures, boolean skipped)\n String getStatus(List<Failure> failures, int requestedLine, boolean skipped)\n void buildScenarioErrors(List<NewmanScenario> newmanScenarios)\n com.decathlon.ara.domain.Error toError(NewmanScenario newmanScenario, Failure failure)\n String toStep(NewmanScenario newmanScenario, int line)\n int toErrorLine(Failure failure)\n String buildRequestStep(Request request)\n String toUrlString(Url url)\n String toQueryString(KeyValue[] query)\npublic List<ExecutedScenario> postProcess(Run run, NewmanParsingResult result, String newmanReportPath, AtomicInteger requestPosition)\n void deleteTempFile(Response response)\npublic void deleteTempFiles(NewmanParsingResult newmanParsingResult)\n String uploadHttpLog(NewmanScenario newmanScenario)\n String generateHttpLogHtml(NewmanScenario newmanScenario)\n String getContentType(KeyValue[] headers)\n void appendKeyValues(StringBuilder html, KeyValue[] keyValues)\n void appendRequestBody(StringBuilder html, Body body)\n void appendResponseBody(StringBuilder html, Stream stream, String contentType)\n String prettyPrint(String fileContent, String contentType)\n String escapeHtml(String unescaped)\n Optional<Instant> getStartDateTime(Response response)\n String toCollectionFileName(Source source, String newmanReportPath)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PostmanServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty(\"line.separator\");\nprivate static final String JSON_RAW = \"[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"value\\\"}]\";\nprivate static final String JSON_INDENTED = \"[ {\" + NEW_LINE + \" \\\"key\\\" : \\\"value\\\"\" + NEW_LINE + \"} ]\";\nprivate static final String[] NO_PARENT = new String[0];\n@Spy\n private ObjectMapper objectMapper;\n@Mock\n private JsonParser jsonParser;\n@Mock\n private AssetService assetService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private PostmanService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n void deleteTempFile(Response response) {\n if (response != null && response.getStream() != null) {\n Stream stream = response.getStream();\n final File tempFile = stream.getTempFile();\n if (tempFile != null) {\n try {\n Files.delete(Paths.get(tempFile.getPath()));\n } catch (IOException e) {\n log.error(\"Cannot delete temporary file {}\", tempFile, e);\n }\n stream.setTempFile(null);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/scenario/postman/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void deleteTempFile_should_not_crash_if_response_stream_is_null() {\n // WHEN\n cut.deleteTempFile(new Response());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void reset(int i, int j) { this.i = i; this.j = j; x = 0; y = 0; detector = 0; view_zenith = 0.0; sun_zenith = 0.0; delta_azimuth = 0.0; sun_azimuth = 0.0; mus = 0.0; muv = 0.0; airMass = 0.0; altitude = 0.0; windu = 0.0; windv = 0.0; press_ecmwf = 0.0; ozone_ecmwf = 0.0; l1flags = 0; l2flags = 0; SATURATED_F = 0; ANNOT_F = 0; for (int n = 0; n < Constants.L1_BAND_NUM; n++) { TOAR[n] = 0.0; rho_ag[n] = 0.0; rho_toa[n] = 0.0; rho_top[n] = 0.0; rhoR[n] = 0.0; transRv[n] = 0.0; transRs[n] = 0.0; sphalbR[n] = 0.0; } }
@Test public void testReset() { final DpmPixel dpmPixel = new DpmPixel(0,0); dpmPixel.x = 3; dpmPixel.y = 4; dpmPixel.i = 5; dpmPixel.j = 6; dpmPixel.detector = 7; dpmPixel.view_zenith = 8.0; dpmPixel.sun_zenith = 9.0; dpmPixel.delta_azimuth = 10.0; dpmPixel.sun_azimuth = 11.0; dpmPixel.mus = 12.0; dpmPixel.muv = 13.0; dpmPixel.airMass = 1.0; dpmPixel.altitude = 2.0; dpmPixel.windu = 14.0; dpmPixel.windv = 15.0; dpmPixel.press_ecmwf = 16.0; dpmPixel.ozone_ecmwf = 17.0; dpmPixel.l1flags = 18; dpmPixel.l2flags = 19; dpmPixel.SATURATED_F = 20; dpmPixel.ANNOT_F = 21; for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.TOAR.length; i++) { dpmPixel.TOAR[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_ag.length; i++) { dpmPixel.rho_ag[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_toa.length; i++) { dpmPixel.rho_toa[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_top.length; i++) { dpmPixel.rho_top[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rhoR.length; i++) { dpmPixel.rhoR[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRv.length; i++) { dpmPixel.transRv[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRs.length; i++) { dpmPixel.transRs[i] = i+1; } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.sphalbR.length; i++) { dpmPixel.sphalbR[i] = i+1; } dpmPixel.reset(567, 665); assertEquals(567, dpmPixel.i); assertEquals(665, dpmPixel.j); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.x); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.y); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.detector); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.view_zenith, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sun_zenith, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.delta_azimuth, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sun_azimuth, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.mus, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.muv, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.airMass, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.altitude, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.windu, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.windv, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.press_ecmwf, 1e-8); assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.ozone_ecmwf, 1e-8); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.l1flags); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.l2flags); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.SATURATED_F); assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.ANNOT_F); for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.TOAR.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.TOAR[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_ag.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_ag[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_toa.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_toa[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_top.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_top[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rhoR.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rhoR[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRv.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.transRv[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRs.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.transRs[i], 1e-8); } for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.sphalbR.length; i++) { assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sphalbR[i], 1e-8); } }
[ "reset", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DpmPixelTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public int x;\npublic int y;\npublic int i;\npublic int j;\npublic int detector;\npublic double view_zenith;\npublic double sun_zenith;\npublic double delta_azimuth;\npublic double sun_azimuth;\npublic double mus;\npublic double muv;\npublic double airMass;\npublic double altitude;\npublic double windu;\npublic double windv;\npublic double press_ecmwf;\npublic double ozone_ecmwf;\npublic int l1flags;\npublic long l2flags;\npublic int SATURATED_F;\npublic int ANNOT_F;\npublic final double[] TOAR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_ag = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_toa = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_top = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rhoR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] transRv = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] transRs = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] sphalbR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];", "class_name": "DpmPixel", "method_signatures": "public DpmPixel(int i, int j)\npublic void reset(int i, int j)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: beam-meris-sdr/src/main/java/org/esa/beam/meris/brr/dpm/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DpmPixel\n\nclass_fields: public int x;\npublic int y;\npublic int i;\npublic int j;\npublic int detector;\npublic double view_zenith;\npublic double sun_zenith;\npublic double delta_azimuth;\npublic double sun_azimuth;\npublic double mus;\npublic double muv;\npublic double airMass;\npublic double altitude;\npublic double windu;\npublic double windv;\npublic double press_ecmwf;\npublic double ozone_ecmwf;\npublic int l1flags;\npublic long l2flags;\npublic int SATURATED_F;\npublic int ANNOT_F;\npublic final double[] TOAR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_ag = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_toa = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rho_top = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] rhoR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] transRv = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] transRs = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\npublic final double[] sphalbR = new double[Constants.L1_BAND_NUM];\n\nmethod_signatures: public DpmPixel(int i, int j)\npublic void reset(int i, int j)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DpmPixelTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file beam-meris-sdr/src/main/java/org/esa/beam/meris/brr/dpm/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void reset(int i, int j) {\n this.i = i;\n this.j = j;\n\n x = 0;\n y = 0;\n detector = 0;\n view_zenith = 0.0;\n sun_zenith = 0.0;\n delta_azimuth = 0.0;\n sun_azimuth = 0.0;\n mus = 0.0;\n muv = 0.0;\n airMass = 0.0;\n altitude = 0.0;\n windu = 0.0;\n windv = 0.0;\n press_ecmwf = 0.0;\n ozone_ecmwf = 0.0;\n l1flags = 0;\n l2flags = 0;\n SATURATED_F = 0;\n ANNOT_F = 0;\n\n for (int n = 0; n < Constants.L1_BAND_NUM; n++) {\n TOAR[n] = 0.0;\n rho_ag[n] = 0.0;\n rho_toa[n] = 0.0;\n rho_top[n] = 0.0;\n rhoR[n] = 0.0;\n transRv[n] = 0.0;\n transRs[n] = 0.0;\n sphalbR[n] = 0.0;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n beam-meris-sdr/src/test/java/org/esa/beam/meris/brr/dpm/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testReset() {\n final DpmPixel dpmPixel = new DpmPixel(0,0);\n\n dpmPixel.x = 3;\n dpmPixel.y = 4;\n dpmPixel.i = 5;\n dpmPixel.j = 6;\n dpmPixel.detector = 7;\n dpmPixel.view_zenith = 8.0;\n dpmPixel.sun_zenith = 9.0;\n dpmPixel.delta_azimuth = 10.0;\n dpmPixel.sun_azimuth = 11.0;\n dpmPixel.mus = 12.0;\n dpmPixel.muv = 13.0;\n dpmPixel.airMass = 1.0;\n dpmPixel.altitude = 2.0;\n dpmPixel.windu = 14.0;\n dpmPixel.windv = 15.0;\n dpmPixel.press_ecmwf = 16.0;\n dpmPixel.ozone_ecmwf = 17.0;\n dpmPixel.l1flags = 18;\n dpmPixel.l2flags = 19;\n dpmPixel.SATURATED_F = 20;\n dpmPixel.ANNOT_F = 21;\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.TOAR.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.TOAR[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_ag.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.rho_ag[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_toa.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.rho_toa[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_top.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.rho_top[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rhoR.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.rhoR[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRv.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.transRv[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRs.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.transRs[i] = i+1;\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.sphalbR.length; i++) {\n dpmPixel.sphalbR[i] = i+1;\n }\n\n dpmPixel.reset(567, 665);\n\n assertEquals(567, dpmPixel.i);\n assertEquals(665, dpmPixel.j);\n\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.x);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.y);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.detector);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.view_zenith, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sun_zenith, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.delta_azimuth, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sun_azimuth, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.mus, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.muv, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.airMass, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.altitude, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.windu, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.windv, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.press_ecmwf, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.ozone_ecmwf, 1e-8);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.l1flags);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.l2flags);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.SATURATED_F);\n assertEquals(0, dpmPixel.ANNOT_F);\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.TOAR.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.TOAR[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_ag.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_ag[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_toa.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_toa[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rho_top.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rho_top[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.rhoR.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.rhoR[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRv.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.transRv[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.transRs.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.transRs[i], 1e-8);\n }\n for (int i = 0; i < dpmPixel.sphalbR.length; i++) {\n assertEquals(0.0, dpmPixel.sphalbR[i], 1e-8);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Health health() { Future<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus); try { return future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return Health.down() .withDetail("Interrupted while waiting for partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds") .build(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { return Health.down(ex).build(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { return Health.down().withDetail("Failed to retrieve partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds").build(); } }
@Test public void kafkaBinderIsUpWithRegexTopic() { topicsInUse.put(REGEX_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation( "regex-healthIndicator", null, true)); Health health =; // verify no consumer interaction for retrieving partitions org.mockito.BDDMockito.verify(consumer, Mockito.never()) .partitionsFor(REGEX_TOPIC); // Ensuring the normal health check returns with status "up" assertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UP); }
[ "submit", "get", "interrupt", "currentThread", "build", "withDetail", "down", "build", "down", "build", "withDetail", "down" ]
[ "put", "health", "partitionsFor", "verify", "never", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Health health() {\n\t\tFuture<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\treturn future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (InterruptedException ex) {\n\t\t\tThread.currentThread().interrupt();\n\t\t\treturn Health.down()\n\t\t\t\t\t.withDetail(\"Interrupted while waiting for partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\")\n\t\t\t\t\;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (ExecutionException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down(ex).build();\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (TimeoutException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down().withDetail(\"Failed to retrieve partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\").build();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void kafkaBinderIsUpWithRegexTopic() {\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(REGEX_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation(\n\t\t\t\t\"regex-healthIndicator\", null, true));\n\t\tHealth health =;\n\t\t// verify no consumer interaction for retrieving partitions\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.verify(consumer, Mockito.never())\n\t\t\t\t.partitionsFor(REGEX_TOPIC);\n\t\t// Ensuring the normal health check returns with status \"up\"\n\t\tassertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UP);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Health health() { Future<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus); try { return future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return Health.down() .withDetail("Interrupted while waiting for partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds") .build(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { return Health.down(ex).build(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { return Health.down().withDetail("Failed to retrieve partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds").build(); } }
@Test public void testIfNoTopicsRegisteredByTheBinderProvidesDownStatus() { Health health =; assertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UNKNOWN); }
[ "submit", "get", "interrupt", "currentThread", "build", "withDetail", "down", "build", "down", "build", "withDetail", "down" ]
[ "health", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Health health() {\n\t\tFuture<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\treturn future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (InterruptedException ex) {\n\t\t\tThread.currentThread().interrupt();\n\t\t\treturn Health.down()\n\t\t\t\t\t.withDetail(\"Interrupted while waiting for partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\")\n\t\t\t\t\;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (ExecutionException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down(ex).build();\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (TimeoutException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down().withDetail(\"Failed to retrieve partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\").build();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testIfNoTopicsRegisteredByTheBinderProvidesDownStatus() {\n\t\tHealth health =;\n\t\tassertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.UNKNOWN);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public AudioMapType guessAudioMap() throws InvalidAudioChannelAssignmentException { if (contextProvider.getSequenceContext().getSequenceCount(SequenceType.AUDIO) == 0) { return null; } logger.debug("Trying to generate an audiomap.xml based on the EssenceDescriptor..."); prepareContext(); // create the audio map AudioMapType audioMap = createAudioMap();"Generated an audiomap.xml based on the EssenceDescriptor: OK"); return audioMap; }
@Test public void guess16D_two51_diffLang() throws Exception { TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider = AudioUtils.createContext( new FFmpegAudioChannels[][]{ {FL, FR, FC, LFE, SL, SR}, {FL, FR, FC, LFE, SL, SR} }, new String[]{"en", "de"} ); AudioMapType audioMap = new AudioMapGuesser(contextProvider, EBU_R_123_16_D).guessAudioMap(); checkAudioMapSize(audioMap, 16); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 0, 0, 1); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 1, 0, 2); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 2, 0, 3); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 3, 0, 4); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 4, 0, 5); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 5, 0, 6); checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 6); checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 7); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 8, 1, 1); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 9, 1, 2); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 10, 1, 3); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 11, 1, 4); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 12, 1, 5); checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 13, 1, 6); checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 14); checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 15); }
[ "getSequenceCount", "getSequenceContext", "debug", "prepareContext", "createAudioMap", "info" ]
[ "createContext", "guessAudioMap", "checkAudioMapSize", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrackSilence", "checkEBUTrackSilence", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrack", "checkEBUTrackSilence", "checkEBUTrackSilence" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "AudioMapGuesserTest extends ImfUtilityTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger logger = new ImfLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(AudioMapGuesser.class));\nprivate final AudioTrackLayoutDmAs11Type audioLayout;", "class_name": "AudioMapGuesser extends SoundfieldGroupHelper", "method_signatures": "public AudioMapGuesser(TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider, AudioTrackLayoutDmAs11Type audioLayout)\npublic AudioMapType guessAudioMap()\nprivate AudioMapType createAudioMap()\nprivate AudioMapType processR482A()\nprivate AudioMapType processR1234B4C()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316C()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316D()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316F()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: dpp-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/dpp/audio/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AudioMapGuesser extends SoundfieldGroupHelper\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger logger = new ImfLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(AudioMapGuesser.class));\nprivate final AudioTrackLayoutDmAs11Type audioLayout;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AudioMapGuesser(TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider, AudioTrackLayoutDmAs11Type audioLayout)\npublic AudioMapType guessAudioMap()\nprivate AudioMapType createAudioMap()\nprivate AudioMapType processR482A()\nprivate AudioMapType processR1234B4C()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316C()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316D()\nprivate AudioMapType processR12316F()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AudioMapGuesserTest extends ImfUtilityTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file dpp-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/dpp/audio/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public AudioMapType guessAudioMap() throws InvalidAudioChannelAssignmentException {\n if (contextProvider.getSequenceContext().getSequenceCount(SequenceType.AUDIO) == 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n logger.debug(\"Trying to generate an audiomap.xml based on the EssenceDescriptor...\");\n\n prepareContext();\n\n // create the audio map\n AudioMapType audioMap = createAudioMap();\n\"Generated an audiomap.xml based on the EssenceDescriptor: OK\");\n return audioMap;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n dpp-conversion/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/dpp/audio/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void guess16D_two51_diffLang() throws Exception {\n TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider = AudioUtils.createContext(\n new FFmpegAudioChannels[][]{\n {FL, FR, FC, LFE, SL, SR}, {FL, FR, FC, LFE, SL, SR}\n },\n new String[]{\"en\", \"de\"}\n );\n\n AudioMapType audioMap = new AudioMapGuesser(contextProvider, EBU_R_123_16_D).guessAudioMap();\n\n checkAudioMapSize(audioMap, 16);\n\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 0, 0, 1);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 1, 0, 2);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 2, 0, 3);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 3, 0, 4);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 4, 0, 5);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 5, 0, 6);\n\n checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 6);\n checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 7);\n\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 8, 1, 1);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 9, 1, 2);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 10, 1, 3);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 11, 1, 4);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 12, 1, 5);\n checkEBUTrack(audioMap, 13, 1, 6);\n\n checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 14);\n checkEBUTrackSilence(audioMap, 15);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<String> findCreatorsOfSoftware(String softwareName) throws Exception { // it is very important from a performance perspective to parameterize queries Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("n", softwareName); return client.submit("g.V().hasLabel('software').has('name',n).in('created').values('name')", params) .all().get().stream().map(r -> r.getString()).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
@Test public void shouldCreateGraph() throws Exception { List<String> result = service.findCreatorsOfSoftware("lop"); assertThat(result, is(Arrays.asList("marko", "josh", "peter"))); }
[ "put", "collect", "map", "stream", "get", "all", "submit", "getString", "toList" ]
[ "findCreatorsOfSoftware", "assertThat", "is", "asList" ]
{ "class_fields": "private GremlinServer server;\nprivate static Service service = Service.getInstance();", "class_name": "ServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Cluster cluster =;\nprivate final Client client = cluster.connect();\nprivate static final Service INSTANCE = new Service();", "class_name": "Service implements AutoCloseable", "method_signatures": "private Service()\npublic static Service getInstance()\npublic List<String> findCreatorsOfSoftware(String softwareName)\n@Override public void close()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gremlin-archetype/gremlin-archetype-server/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/src/main/java/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Service implements AutoCloseable\n\nclass_fields: private final Cluster cluster =;\nprivate final Client client = cluster.connect();\nprivate static final Service INSTANCE = new Service();\n\nmethod_signatures: private Service()\npublic static Service getInstance()\npublic List<String> findCreatorsOfSoftware(String softwareName)\n@Override public void close()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private GremlinServer server;\nprivate static Service service = Service.getInstance();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gremlin-archetype/gremlin-archetype-server/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/src/main/java/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<String> findCreatorsOfSoftware(String softwareName) throws Exception {\n // it is very important from a performance perspective to parameterize queries\n Map params = new HashMap();\n params.put(\"n\", softwareName);\n\n return client.submit(\"g.V().hasLabel('software').has('name',n).in('created').values('name')\", params)\n .all().get().stream().map(r -> r.getString()).collect(Collectors.toList());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gremlin-archetype/gremlin-archetype-server/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/src/test/java/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldCreateGraph() throws Exception {\n List<String> result = service.findCreatorsOfSoftware(\"lop\");\n assertThat(result, is(Arrays.asList(\"marko\", \"josh\", \"peter\")));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void validateSize(Integer width, Integer height) throws ImageValidationException { if ((width != null && image.getWidth() < width) || (height != null && image.getHeight() < height)) { throw new ImageValidationException(String.format( "%s image must be at least %4d x%4d", imageType, width, height)); } }
@Test(expected = ImageValidationException.class) public void testInvalidSize() throws Exception { ImageValidator validator = new ImageValidator(ImageUtils.getTestImageJpgFile(), "Test"); validator.validateSize(4096, 2160); }
[ "getWidth", "getHeight", "format" ]
[ "getTestImageJpgFile", "validateSize" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ImageValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JPEG_START_SIGNATURE = \"FFD8\";\nprivate static final String JPEG_END_SIGNATURE = \"FFD9\";\nprivate static final String PNG_SIGNATURE = \"89504E470D0A1A0A\";\nprivate final File file;\nprivate BufferedImage image;\nprivate String imageType;", "class_name": "ImageValidator", "method_signatures": "public ImageValidator(File file, String imageType)\nprivate void ensureReadImage()\npublic void validateSize(Integer width, Integer height)\npublic void validateAspectRatio(BigFraction aspectRatio)\npublic void validateRGBColorSpace()\npublic void validateJpeg()\npublic void validateJpegOrPng()\nprivate BigFraction getImageAspectRatio()\nprivate boolean isJpeg()\nprivate boolean isPng()\nprivate boolean validateSignature(String startSignature, String endSignature)\nprivate static byte[] getBytes(String hexString)\nprivate static boolean checkBytes(File file, byte[] start, byte[] end)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/image/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImageValidator\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JPEG_START_SIGNATURE = \"FFD8\";\nprivate static final String JPEG_END_SIGNATURE = \"FFD9\";\nprivate static final String PNG_SIGNATURE = \"89504E470D0A1A0A\";\nprivate final File file;\nprivate BufferedImage image;\nprivate String imageType;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ImageValidator(File file, String imageType)\nprivate void ensureReadImage()\npublic void validateSize(Integer width, Integer height)\npublic void validateAspectRatio(BigFraction aspectRatio)\npublic void validateRGBColorSpace()\npublic void validateJpeg()\npublic void validateJpegOrPng()\nprivate BigFraction getImageAspectRatio()\nprivate boolean isJpeg()\nprivate boolean isPng()\nprivate boolean validateSignature(String startSignature, String endSignature)\nprivate static byte[] getBytes(String hexString)\nprivate static boolean checkBytes(File file, byte[] start, byte[] end)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImageValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/image/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void validateSize(Integer width, Integer height) throws ImageValidationException {\n if ((width != null && image.getWidth() < width) || (height != null && image.getHeight() < height)) {\n throw new ImageValidationException(String.format(\n \"%s image must be at least %4d x%4d\", imageType, width, height));\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n itunes-conversion/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/image/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = ImageValidationException.class)\n public void testInvalidSize() throws Exception {\n ImageValidator validator = new ImageValidator(ImageUtils.getTestImageJpgFile(), \"Test\");\n validator.validateSize(4096, 2160);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String resolveTemplateParameter(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo) { String unresolvedParam = parameterStr; String resolvedParam = null; // resolve all sub-parameters, such as %{dynamic.%{segm.num}} while (!unresolvedParam.equals(resolvedParam)) { unresolvedParam = resolvedParam != null ? resolvedParam : unresolvedParam; resolvedParam = doResolveSubParameters(unresolvedParam, contextInfo); } return resolvedParam; }
@Test public void resolvesCorrectSegmentContext() { for (int segm = 0; segm < SEGMENT_COUNT; segm++) { String resolvedNum = resolver.resolveTemplateParameter("%{segm.num}", new ContextInfoBuilder().setSegmentUuid(getSegmentUuid(segm)).build()); String resolvedUuid = resolver.resolveTemplateParameter("%{segm.uuid}", new ContextInfoBuilder().setSegmentUuid(getSegmentUuid(segm)).build()); assertNotNull(resolvedNum); assertEquals(String.valueOf(segm), resolvedNum); assertNotNull(resolvedUuid); assertEquals(getSegmentUuid(segm).getUuid(), resolvedUuid); } }
[ "equals", "doResolveSubParameters" ]
[ "resolveTemplateParameter", "build", "setSegmentUuid", "getSegmentUuid", "resolveTemplateParameter", "build", "setSegmentUuid", "getSegmentUuid", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "valueOf", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getUuid", "getSegmentUuid" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int SEGMENT_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int SEQ_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int RESOURCE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int REPEAT_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final EnumSet<SequenceType> SEQUENCE_TYPES =\n EnumSet.of(SequenceType.VIDEO, SequenceType.AUDIO);\nprivate static TemplateParameterResolver resolver;\nprivate static TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider;", "class_name": "TemplateParameterResolverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider;", "class_name": "TemplateParameterResolver", "method_signatures": "public TemplateParameterResolver(TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider)\npublic TemplateParameterContextProvider getContextProvider()\npublic String resolveTemplateParameter(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo)\npublic String resolveIteratorParameter(String parameterStr, Map<String, Integer> iterators)\npublic String resolveTemplateAndIteratorParameter(String parameterStr,\n Map<String, Integer> iterators, ContextInfo contextInfo)\nprivate String doResolveSubParameters(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo)\nprivate String doResolveTemplateParameter(TemplateParameter templateParameter, ContextInfo contextInfo)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: imf-conversion-core/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/conversion/templateParameter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TemplateParameterResolver\n\nclass_fields: private final TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider;\n\nmethod_signatures: public TemplateParameterResolver(TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider)\npublic TemplateParameterContextProvider getContextProvider()\npublic String resolveTemplateParameter(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo)\npublic String resolveIteratorParameter(String parameterStr, Map<String, Integer> iterators)\npublic String resolveTemplateAndIteratorParameter(String parameterStr,\n Map<String, Integer> iterators, ContextInfo contextInfo)\nprivate String doResolveSubParameters(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo)\nprivate String doResolveTemplateParameter(TemplateParameter templateParameter, ContextInfo contextInfo)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TemplateParameterResolverTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final int SEGMENT_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int SEQ_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int RESOURCE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int REPEAT_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final EnumSet<SequenceType> SEQUENCE_TYPES =\n EnumSet.of(SequenceType.VIDEO, SequenceType.AUDIO);\nprivate static TemplateParameterResolver resolver;\nprivate static TemplateParameterContextProvider contextProvider;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file imf-conversion-core/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/conversion/templateParameter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String resolveTemplateParameter(String parameterStr, ContextInfo contextInfo) {\n String unresolvedParam = parameterStr;\n String resolvedParam = null;\n // resolve all sub-parameters, such as %{dynamic.%{segm.num}}\n while (!unresolvedParam.equals(resolvedParam)) {\n unresolvedParam = resolvedParam != null ? resolvedParam : unresolvedParam;\n resolvedParam = doResolveSubParameters(unresolvedParam, contextInfo);\n }\n return resolvedParam;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n imf-conversion-core/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/conversion/templateParameter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void resolvesCorrectSegmentContext() {\n for (int segm = 0; segm < SEGMENT_COUNT; segm++) {\n String resolvedNum = resolver.resolveTemplateParameter(\"%{segm.num}\",\n new ContextInfoBuilder().setSegmentUuid(getSegmentUuid(segm)).build());\n String resolvedUuid = resolver.resolveTemplateParameter(\"%{segm.uuid}\",\n new ContextInfoBuilder().setSegmentUuid(getSegmentUuid(segm)).build());\n\n assertNotNull(resolvedNum);\n assertEquals(String.valueOf(segm), resolvedNum);\n assertNotNull(resolvedUuid);\n assertEquals(getSegmentUuid(segm).getUuid(), resolvedUuid);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void appendChapterAsset(ChapterAsset asset) { FileWrapper fileWrapper = new FileWrapper(context); fileWrapper.setFileName(asset.getFileName()); fileWrapper.setSize(String.valueOf(asset.getSize())); fileWrapper.setChecksum(createChecksum(asset)); ChapterItemWrapper wrapper = new ChapterItemWrapper(context, new ChapterItem()); wrapper.setStartTime(asset.getInputChapterItem().getStartTime()); wrapper.setTitle(createTitle(asset.getInputChapterItem())); wrapper.setArtworkFile(fileWrapper.getInner()); ensureChaptersCreated().getTimecodeFormatOrChapter().add(wrapper.getInner()); }
@Test public void testAppendChapterAsset() throws Exception { FilmMetadataXmlProvider metadataXmlProvider = new FilmMetadataXmlProvider(); ChapterAsset asset = new ChapterAsset(); asset.setFileName("chapter01"); asset.setSize("1024"); asset.setChecksum("0123456789ABCDEF"); asset.setChecksumType("md5"); asset.setInputChapterItem(ChaptersXmlSampleBuilder.buildInputChapter()); metadataXmlProvider.appendChapterAsset(asset); ChapterItem chapter = (ChapterItem) metadataXmlProvider.getRootElement().getVideo().get(0) .getChapters().get(0) .getTimecodeFormatOrChapter().get(0); ChapterItemWrapper wrapper = new ChapterItemWrapper(context, chapter); FileWrapper fileWrapper = new FileWrapper(context, wrapper.getArtworkFile()); Assert.assertEquals("Required chapter title", wrapper.getTitle().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("en-US", wrapper.getTitle().getLocale()); Assert.assertEquals("00:00:00", wrapper.getStartTime()); Assert.assertEquals("chapter01", fileWrapper.getFileName()); metadataXmlProvider.saveMetadata(TemplateParameterContextCreator.getWorkingDir()); }
[ "setFileName", "getFileName", "setSize", "valueOf", "getSize", "setChecksum", "createChecksum", "setStartTime", "getStartTime", "getInputChapterItem", "setTitle", "createTitle", "getInputChapterItem", "setArtworkFile", "getInner", "add", "getTimecodeFormatOrChapter", "ensureChaptersCreated", "getInner" ]
[ "setFileName", "setSize", "setChecksum", "setChecksumType", "setInputChapterItem", "buildInputChapter", "appendChapterAsset", "get", "getTimecodeFormatOrChapter", "get", "getChapters", "get", "getVideo", "getRootElement", "getArtworkFile", "assertEquals", "getValue", "getTitle", "assertEquals", "getLocale", "getTitle", "assertEquals", "getStartTime", "assertEquals", "getFileName", "saveMetadata", "getWorkingDir" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static JAXBContext context;", "class_name": "FilmMetadataXmlProviderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DEFAULT_TERRITORY = \"WW\";\nprivate static final String[] CROP_ATTRUBUTE_NAMES = new String[]{\"\", \"crop.bottom\", \"crop.left\", \"crop.right\"};\nprivate static final String TEXTLESS_MASTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = \"image.textless_master\";\nprivate final Video video;", "class_name": "FilmMetadataXmlProvider extends MetadataXmlProvider<PackageType>", "method_signatures": "public FilmMetadataXmlProvider()\npublic FilmMetadataXmlProvider(File metadataFile)\n@Override public void updateVendorId(String vendorId)\n@Override protected PackageType generateDefaultMetadata()\n@Override public void setLocale(Locale locale)\n@Override public Locale getLocale()\n@Override public void appendAsset(Asset asset)\n@Override public List<Locale> getLocalesByRole(AssetRole role)\nprivate AssetList ensureAssetListCreated()\nprivate AssetItem ensureFullAssetItemCreated()\nprivate AssetItem createAssetItem(AssetType type, Territories territories)\n@Override public void appendChaptersTimeCode(String timeCode)\n@Override public void appendChapterAsset(ChapterAsset asset)\nprivate ChapterList ensureChaptersCreated()\nprivate AssetFile createAssetFile(Asset asset)\nprivate List<Attribute> createZeroCropAttributeList()\nprivate Attribute createAttribute(String name, String content)\nprivate VideoLocale createVideoLocale(Locale locale)\nprivate Checksum createChecksum(Asset asset)\nprivate Territories createTerritories()\nprivate AccessibilityInfo ensureCaptionsAccessibility()\nprivate NonEmptyLocalizableTextElement createTitle(InputChapterItem inputChapterItem)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/film/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FilmMetadataXmlProvider extends MetadataXmlProvider<PackageType>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DEFAULT_TERRITORY = \"WW\";\nprivate static final String[] CROP_ATTRUBUTE_NAMES = new String[]{\"\", \"crop.bottom\", \"crop.left\", \"crop.right\"};\nprivate static final String TEXTLESS_MASTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = \"image.textless_master\";\nprivate final Video video;\n\nmethod_signatures: public FilmMetadataXmlProvider()\npublic FilmMetadataXmlProvider(File metadataFile)\n@Override public void updateVendorId(String vendorId)\n@Override protected PackageType generateDefaultMetadata()\n@Override public void setLocale(Locale locale)\n@Override public Locale getLocale()\n@Override public void appendAsset(Asset asset)\n@Override public List<Locale> getLocalesByRole(AssetRole role)\nprivate AssetList ensureAssetListCreated()\nprivate AssetItem ensureFullAssetItemCreated()\nprivate AssetItem createAssetItem(AssetType type, Territories territories)\n@Override public void appendChaptersTimeCode(String timeCode)\n@Override public void appendChapterAsset(ChapterAsset asset)\nprivate ChapterList ensureChaptersCreated()\nprivate AssetFile createAssetFile(Asset asset)\nprivate List<Attribute> createZeroCropAttributeList()\nprivate Attribute createAttribute(String name, String content)\nprivate VideoLocale createVideoLocale(Locale locale)\nprivate Checksum createChecksum(Asset asset)\nprivate Territories createTerritories()\nprivate AccessibilityInfo ensureCaptionsAccessibility()\nprivate NonEmptyLocalizableTextElement createTitle(InputChapterItem inputChapterItem)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FilmMetadataXmlProviderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static JAXBContext context;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/film/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void appendChapterAsset(ChapterAsset asset) {\n FileWrapper fileWrapper = new FileWrapper(context);\n fileWrapper.setFileName(asset.getFileName());\n fileWrapper.setSize(String.valueOf(asset.getSize()));\n fileWrapper.setChecksum(createChecksum(asset));\n\n ChapterItemWrapper wrapper = new ChapterItemWrapper(context, new ChapterItem());\n\n wrapper.setStartTime(asset.getInputChapterItem().getStartTime());\n wrapper.setTitle(createTitle(asset.getInputChapterItem()));\n wrapper.setArtworkFile(fileWrapper.getInner());\n\n ensureChaptersCreated().getTimecodeFormatOrChapter().add(wrapper.getInner());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n itunes-conversion/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/film/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testAppendChapterAsset() throws Exception {\n FilmMetadataXmlProvider metadataXmlProvider = new FilmMetadataXmlProvider();\n\n ChapterAsset asset = new ChapterAsset();\n asset.setFileName(\"chapter01\");\n asset.setSize(\"1024\");\n asset.setChecksum(\"0123456789ABCDEF\");\n asset.setChecksumType(\"md5\");\n asset.setInputChapterItem(ChaptersXmlSampleBuilder.buildInputChapter());\n\n metadataXmlProvider.appendChapterAsset(asset);\n\n ChapterItem chapter = (ChapterItem) metadataXmlProvider.getRootElement().getVideo().get(0)\n .getChapters().get(0)\n .getTimecodeFormatOrChapter().get(0);\n ChapterItemWrapper wrapper = new ChapterItemWrapper(context, chapter);\n FileWrapper fileWrapper = new FileWrapper(context, wrapper.getArtworkFile());\n\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Required chapter title\", wrapper.getTitle().getValue());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"en-US\", wrapper.getTitle().getLocale());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"00:00:00\", wrapper.getStartTime());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"chapter01\", fileWrapper.getFileName());\n\n metadataXmlProvider.saveMetadata(TemplateParameterContextCreator.getWorkingDir());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void consumerCreationFailsFirstTime() { org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumerFactory.createConsumer(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any())) .willThrow(KafkaException.class).willReturn(consumer); final List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation("group5-metrics", partitions, false)); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); Gauge gauge = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group5-metrics").tag("topic", TEST_TOPIC).gauge(); assertThat(gauge.value()).isEqualTo(0); assertThat(gauge.value()).isEqualTo(1000.0); org.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory, Mockito.times(2)) .createConsumer(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any()); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "willReturn", "willThrow", "given", "createConsumer", "any", "any", "partitions", "put", "bindTo", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "createConsumer", "verify", "times", "any", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void consumerCreationFailsFirstTime() {\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumerFactory.createConsumer(ArgumentMatchers.any(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tArgumentMatchers.any()))\n\t\t\t\t.willThrow(KafkaException.class).willReturn(consumer);\n\n\t\tfinal List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC,\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group5-metrics\", partitions, false));\n\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\n\t\tGauge gauge = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group5-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", TEST_TOPIC).gauge();\n\t\tassertThat(gauge.value()).isEqualTo(0);\n\t\tassertThat(gauge.value()).isEqualTo(1000.0);\n\n\t\torg.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory, Mockito.times(2))\n\t\t\t\t.createConsumer(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Map<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration() { Map<String, Object> consumerConfiguration = new HashMap<>(); consumerConfiguration.putAll(this.kafkaProperties.buildConsumerProperties()); // Copy configured binder properties that apply to consumers for (Map.Entry<String, String> configurationEntry : this.configuration .entrySet()) { if (ConsumerConfig.configNames().contains(configurationEntry.getKey())) { consumerConfiguration.put(configurationEntry.getKey(), configurationEntry.getValue()); } } consumerConfiguration.putAll(this.consumerProperties); filterStreamManagedConfiguration(consumerConfiguration); // Override Spring Boot bootstrap server setting if left to default with the value // configured in the binder return getConfigurationWithBootstrapServer(consumerConfiguration, ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG); }
@Test public void mergedConsumerConfigurationFiltersGroupIdFromKafkaProperties() { KafkaProperties kafkaProperties = new KafkaProperties(); kafkaProperties.getConsumer().setGroupId("group1"); KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties = new KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties(kafkaProperties); Map<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration = kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties.mergedConsumerConfiguration(); assertThat(mergedConsumerConfiguration).doesNotContainKeys(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG); }
[ "putAll", "buildConsumerProperties", "entrySet", "contains", "configNames", "getKey", "put", "getKey", "getValue", "putAll", "filterStreamManagedConfiguration", "getConfigurationWithBootstrapServer" ]
[ "setGroupId", "getConsumer", "mergedConsumerConfiguration", "doesNotContainKeys", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "KafkaBinderConfigurationPropertiesTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DEFAULT_KAFKA_CONNECTION_STRING = \"localhost:9092\";\nprivate final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Transaction transaction = new Transaction();\nprivate final KafkaProperties kafkaProperties;\nprivate Map<String, String> configuration = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, String> consumerProperties = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, String> producerProperties = new HashMap<>();\nprivate String[] brokers = new String[] { \"localhost\" };\nprivate String defaultBrokerPort = \"9092\";\nprivate String[] headers = new String[] {};\nprivate boolean autoCreateTopics = true;\nprivate boolean autoAddPartitions;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\nprivate String requiredAcks = \"1\";\nprivate short replicationFactor = -1;\nprivate int minPartitionCount = 1;\nprivate int healthTimeout = 60;\nprivate JaasLoginModuleConfiguration jaas;\nprivate String headerMapperBeanName;\nprivate Duration authorizationExceptionRetryInterval;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties(KafkaProperties kafkaProperties)\npublic KafkaProperties getKafkaProperties()\npublic Transaction getTransaction()\npublic String getKafkaConnectionString()\npublic String getDefaultKafkaConnectionString()\npublic String[] getHeaders()\npublic String[] getBrokers()\npublic void setBrokers(String... brokers)\npublic void setDefaultBrokerPort(String defaultBrokerPort)\npublic void setHeaders(String... headers)\nprivate String toConnectionString(String[] hosts, String defaultPort)\npublic String getRequiredAcks()\npublic void setRequiredAcks(String requiredAcks)\npublic short getReplicationFactor()\npublic void setReplicationFactor(short replicationFactor)\npublic int getMinPartitionCount()\npublic void setMinPartitionCount(int minPartitionCount)\npublic int getHealthTimeout()\npublic void setHealthTimeout(int healthTimeout)\npublic boolean isAutoCreateTopics()\npublic void setAutoCreateTopics(boolean autoCreateTopics)\npublic boolean isAutoAddPartitions()\npublic void setAutoAddPartitions(boolean autoAddPartitions)\npublic Map<String, String> getConfiguration()\npublic void setConfiguration(Map<String, String> configuration)\npublic Map<String, String> getConsumerProperties()\npublic void setConsumerProperties(Map<String, String> consumerProperties)\npublic Map<String, String> getProducerProperties()\npublic void setProducerProperties(Map<String, String> producerProperties)\npublic Map<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration()\npublic Map<String, Object> mergedProducerConfiguration()\nprivate void filterStreamManagedConfiguration(Map<String, Object> configuration)\nprivate String constructIgnoredConfigMessage(String config)\nprivate Map<String, Object> getConfigurationWithBootstrapServer(\n\t\t\tMap<String, Object> configuration, String bootstrapServersConfig)\npublic JaasLoginModuleConfiguration getJaas()\npublic void setJaas(JaasLoginModuleConfiguration jaas)\npublic String getHeaderMapperBeanName()\npublic void setHeaderMapperBeanName(String headerMapperBeanName)\npublic Duration getAuthorizationExceptionRetryInterval()\npublic void setAuthorizationExceptionRetryInterval(Duration authorizationExceptionRetryInterval)\npublic boolean isConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader()\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/properties/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DEFAULT_KAFKA_CONNECTION_STRING = \"localhost:9092\";\nprivate final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Transaction transaction = new Transaction();\nprivate final KafkaProperties kafkaProperties;\nprivate Map<String, String> configuration = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, String> consumerProperties = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Map<String, String> producerProperties = new HashMap<>();\nprivate String[] brokers = new String[] { \"localhost\" };\nprivate String defaultBrokerPort = \"9092\";\nprivate String[] headers = new String[] {};\nprivate boolean autoCreateTopics = true;\nprivate boolean autoAddPartitions;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\nprivate String requiredAcks = \"1\";\nprivate short replicationFactor = -1;\nprivate int minPartitionCount = 1;\nprivate int healthTimeout = 60;\nprivate JaasLoginModuleConfiguration jaas;\nprivate String headerMapperBeanName;\nprivate Duration authorizationExceptionRetryInterval;\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties(KafkaProperties kafkaProperties)\npublic KafkaProperties getKafkaProperties()\npublic Transaction getTransaction()\npublic String getKafkaConnectionString()\npublic String getDefaultKafkaConnectionString()\npublic String[] getHeaders()\npublic String[] getBrokers()\npublic void setBrokers(String... brokers)\npublic void setDefaultBrokerPort(String defaultBrokerPort)\npublic void setHeaders(String... headers)\nprivate String toConnectionString(String[] hosts, String defaultPort)\npublic String getRequiredAcks()\npublic void setRequiredAcks(String requiredAcks)\npublic short getReplicationFactor()\npublic void setReplicationFactor(short replicationFactor)\npublic int getMinPartitionCount()\npublic void setMinPartitionCount(int minPartitionCount)\npublic int getHealthTimeout()\npublic void setHealthTimeout(int healthTimeout)\npublic boolean isAutoCreateTopics()\npublic void setAutoCreateTopics(boolean autoCreateTopics)\npublic boolean isAutoAddPartitions()\npublic void setAutoAddPartitions(boolean autoAddPartitions)\npublic Map<String, String> getConfiguration()\npublic void setConfiguration(Map<String, String> configuration)\npublic Map<String, String> getConsumerProperties()\npublic void setConsumerProperties(Map<String, String> consumerProperties)\npublic Map<String, String> getProducerProperties()\npublic void setProducerProperties(Map<String, String> producerProperties)\npublic Map<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration()\npublic Map<String, Object> mergedProducerConfiguration()\nprivate void filterStreamManagedConfiguration(Map<String, Object> configuration)\nprivate String constructIgnoredConfigMessage(String config)\nprivate Map<String, Object> getConfigurationWithBootstrapServer(\n\t\t\tMap<String, Object> configuration, String bootstrapServersConfig)\npublic JaasLoginModuleConfiguration getJaas()\npublic void setJaas(JaasLoginModuleConfiguration jaas)\npublic String getHeaderMapperBeanName()\npublic void setHeaderMapperBeanName(String headerMapperBeanName)\npublic Duration getAuthorizationExceptionRetryInterval()\npublic void setAuthorizationExceptionRetryInterval(Duration authorizationExceptionRetryInterval)\npublic boolean isConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader()\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderConfigurationPropertiesTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/properties/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Map<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration() {\n\t\tMap<String, Object> consumerConfiguration = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tconsumerConfiguration.putAll(this.kafkaProperties.buildConsumerProperties());\n\t\t// Copy configured binder properties that apply to consumers\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, String> configurationEntry : this.configuration\n\t\t\t\t.entrySet()) {\n\t\t\tif (ConsumerConfig.configNames().contains(configurationEntry.getKey())) {\n\t\t\t\tconsumerConfiguration.put(configurationEntry.getKey(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconfigurationEntry.getValue());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tconsumerConfiguration.putAll(this.consumerProperties);\n\t\tfilterStreamManagedConfiguration(consumerConfiguration);\n\t\t// Override Spring Boot bootstrap server setting if left to default with the value\n\t\t// configured in the binder\n\t\treturn getConfigurationWithBootstrapServer(consumerConfiguration,\n\t\t\t\tConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-core/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/properties/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void mergedConsumerConfigurationFiltersGroupIdFromKafkaProperties() {\n\t\tKafkaProperties kafkaProperties = new KafkaProperties();\n\t\tkafkaProperties.getConsumer().setGroupId(\"group1\");\n\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties =\n\t\t\t\tnew KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties(kafkaProperties);\n\n\t\tMap<String, Object> mergedConsumerConfiguration =\n\t\t\t\tkafkaBinderConfigurationProperties.mergedConsumerConfiguration();\n\n\t\tassertThat(mergedConsumerConfiguration).doesNotContainKeys(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Health health() { Future<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus); try { return future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return Health.down() .withDetail("Interrupted while waiting for partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds") .build(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { return Health.down(ex).build(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { return Health.down().withDetail("Failed to retrieve partition information in", this.timeout + " seconds").build(); } }
@Test public void kafkaBinderIsDown() { final List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(null); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation( "group2-healthIndicator", partitions, false)); org.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC)) .willReturn(partitions); Health health =; assertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.DOWN); }
[ "submit", "get", "interrupt", "currentThread", "build", "withDetail", "down", "build", "down", "build", "withDetail", "down" ]
[ "partitions", "put", "willReturn", "given", "partitionsFor", "health", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator, DisposableBean\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;\nprivate final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(\n\t\tnew CustomizableThreadFactory(\"kafka-binder-health-\"));\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final ConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Consumer<?, ?> metadataConsumer;\nprivate boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader;\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderHealthIndicator(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> consumerFactory)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\npublic void setConsiderDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader(boolean considerDownWhenAnyPartitionHasNoLeader)\n@Override public Health health()\nprivate void initMetadataConsumer()\nprivate Health buildHealthStatus()\n@Override public void destroy()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderHealthIndicatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate static final String REGEX_TOPIC = \"regex*\";\nprivate KafkaBinderHealthIndicator indicator;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final Map<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Health health() {\n\t\tFuture<Health> future = executor.submit(this::buildHealthStatus);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\treturn future.get(this.timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (InterruptedException ex) {\n\t\t\tThread.currentThread().interrupt();\n\t\t\treturn Health.down()\n\t\t\t\t\t.withDetail(\"Interrupted while waiting for partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\")\n\t\t\t\t\;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (ExecutionException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down(ex).build();\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (TimeoutException ex) {\n\t\t\treturn Health.down().withDetail(\"Failed to retrieve partition information in\",\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.timeout + \" seconds\").build();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void kafkaBinderIsDown() {\n\t\tfinal List<PartitionInfo> partitions = partitions(null);\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation(\n\t\t\t\t\"group2-healthIndicator\", partitions, false));\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito.given(consumer.partitionsFor(TEST_TOPIC))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(partitions);\n\t\tHealth health =;\n\t\tassertThat(health.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.DOWN);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) { this.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder .getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) { if (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) { continue; } String topic = topicInfo.getKey(); String group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup(); //Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute. this.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers), 10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Gauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this, (o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag("group", group) .tag("topic", topic) .description("Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic") .register(registry); } }
@Test public void createOneConsumerPerGroup() { final List<PartitionInfo> partitions1 = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); final List<PartitionInfo> partitions2 = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0)); topicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC, new TopicInformation("group1-metrics", partitions1, false)); topicsInUse.put("test2", new TopicInformation("group2-metrics", partitions2, false)); metrics.bindTo(meterRegistry); KafkaConsumer consumer2 = mock(KafkaConsumer.class); org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumerFactory.createConsumer( ArgumentMatchers.eq("group2-metrics"), ArgumentMatchers.any())) .willReturn(consumer2); org.mockito.BDDMockito .given(consumer2.endOffsets(ArgumentMatchers.anyCollection())) .willReturn(java.util.Collections .singletonMap(new TopicPartition("test2", 0), 50L)); Gauge gauge1 = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group1-metrics").tag("topic", TEST_TOPIC).gauge(); Gauge gauge2 = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME) .tag("group", "group2-metrics").tag("topic", "test2").gauge(); gauge1.value(); gauge2.value(); assertThat(gauge1.value()).isEqualTo(1000.0); assertThat(gauge2.value()).isEqualTo(50.0); org.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer( ArgumentMatchers.eq("group1-metrics"), ArgumentMatchers.any()); org.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer( ArgumentMatchers.eq("group2-metrics"), ArgumentMatchers.any()); }
[ "newScheduledThreadPool", "size", "getTopicsInUse", "entrySet", "getTopicsInUse", "isConsumerTopic", "getValue", "getKey", "getConsumerGroup", "getValue", "scheduleWithFixedDelay", "computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable", "register", "description", "tag", "tag", "builder", "computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages" ]
[ "partitions", "partitions", "put", "put", "bindTo", "mock", "willReturn", "given", "createConsumer", "eq", "any", "willReturn", "given", "endOffsets", "anyCollection", "singletonMap", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get", "gauge", "tag", "tag", "get", "value", "value", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "value", "createConsumer", "verify", "eq", "any", "createConsumer", "verify", "eq", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetricsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();", "class_name": "KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>", "method_signatures": "public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetrics implements MeterBinder, ApplicationListener<BindingCreatedEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5;\nprivate static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION = 60;\nprivate static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KafkaBinderMetrics.class);\nstatic final String METRIC_NAME = \"\";\nprivate final KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate final KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties;\nprivate ConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory;\nprivate final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;\nprivate Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers;\nprivate int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nScheduledExecutorService scheduler;\nMap<String, Long> unconsumedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties,\n\t\t\tConsumerFactory<?, ?> defaultConsumerFactory,\n\t\t\t@Nullable MeterRegistry meterRegistry)\npublic KafkaBinderMetrics(KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder,\n\t\t\tKafkaBinderConfigurationProperties binderConfigurationProperties)\npublic void setTimeout(int timeout)\n@Override public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)\nprivate Runnable computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate long computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(String topic, String group)\nprivate long findTotalTopicGroupLag(String topic, String group, Map<String, Consumer<?, ?>> metadataConsumers)\nprivate synchronized ConsumerFactory<?, ?> createConsumerFactory()\n@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BindingCreatedEvent event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: KafkaBinderMetricsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEST_TOPIC = \"test\";\nprivate KafkaBinderMetrics metrics;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory consumerFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaConsumer consumer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaMessageChannelBinder binder;\nprivate MeterRegistry meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();\nprivate Map<String, TopicInformation> topicsInUse = new HashMap<>();\n@Mock\n\tprivate KafkaBinderConfigurationProperties kafkaBinderConfigurationProperties;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {\n\n\t\tthis.scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.binder.getTopicsInUse().size());\n\n\t\tfor (Map.Entry<String, KafkaMessageChannelBinder.TopicInformation> topicInfo : this.binder\n\t\t\t\t.getTopicsInUse().entrySet()) {\n\n\t\t\tif (!topicInfo.getValue().isConsumerTopic()) {\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tString topic = topicInfo.getKey();\n\t\t\tString group = topicInfo.getValue().getConsumerGroup();\n\n\t\t\t//Schedule a task to compute the unconsumed messages for this group/topic every minute.\n\t\t\tthis.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(computeUnconsumedMessagesRunnable(topic, group, this.metadataConsumers),\n\t\t\t\t\t10, DELAY_BETWEEN_TASK_EXECUTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS);\n\n\t\t\tGauge.builder(METRIC_NAME, this,\n\t\t\t\t\t(o) -> computeAndGetUnconsumedMessages(topic, group)).tag(\"group\", group)\n\t\t\t\t\t.tag(\"topic\", topic)\n\t\t\t\t\t.description(\"Unconsumed messages for a particular group and topic\")\n\t\t\t\t\t.register(registry);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void createOneConsumerPerGroup() {\n\t\tfinal List<PartitionInfo> partitions1 = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\tfinal List<PartitionInfo> partitions2 = partitions(new Node(0, null, 0));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(TEST_TOPIC,\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group1-metrics\", partitions1, false));\n\t\ttopicsInUse.put(\"test2\",\n\t\t\t\tnew TopicInformation(\"group2-metrics\", partitions2, false));\n\n\t\tmetrics.bindTo(meterRegistry);\n\n\t\tKafkaConsumer consumer2 = mock(KafkaConsumer.class);\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumerFactory.createConsumer(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tArgumentMatchers.eq(\"group2-metrics\"), ArgumentMatchers.any()))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(consumer2);\n\t\torg.mockito.BDDMockito\n\t\t\t\t.given(consumer2.endOffsets(ArgumentMatchers.anyCollection()))\n\t\t\t\t.willReturn(java.util.Collections\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.singletonMap(new TopicPartition(\"test2\", 0), 50L));\n\n\t\tGauge gauge1 = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group1-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", TEST_TOPIC).gauge();\n\t\tGauge gauge2 = meterRegistry.get(KafkaBinderMetrics.METRIC_NAME)\n\t\t\t\t.tag(\"group\", \"group2-metrics\").tag(\"topic\", \"test2\").gauge();\n\t\tgauge1.value();\n\t\tgauge2.value();\n\t\tassertThat(gauge1.value()).isEqualTo(1000.0);\n\t\tassertThat(gauge2.value()).isEqualTo(50.0);\n\n\t\torg.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer(\n\t\t\t\tArgumentMatchers.eq(\"group1-metrics\"), ArgumentMatchers.any());\n\t\torg.mockito.Mockito.verify(this.consumerFactory).createConsumer(\n\t\t\t\tArgumentMatchers.eq(\"group2-metrics\"), ArgumentMatchers.any());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static MetadataXmlProvider<?> createProvider(File metadataFile, ITunesPackageType fallbackPackageType) throws XmlParsingException, IOException { ITunesPackageType packageType = metadataFile != null ? resolveTypeFromFile(metadataFile) : fallbackPackageType; switch (packageType) { case film: return new FilmMetadataXmlProvider(metadataFile); case tv: return new TvMetadataXmlProvider(metadataFile); default: throw new ConversionException("Unsupported iTunes package type " + packageType.getName()); } }
@Test public void testCorrectFallbackTvProviderCreation() throws Exception { MetadataXmlProvider<?> provider = MetadataXmlProviderFactory.createProvider( null,; assertTrue(provider instanceof TvMetadataXmlProvider); }
[ "resolveTypeFromFile", "getName" ]
[ "createProvider", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MetadataXmlProviderFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MetadataXmlProviderFactory", "method_signatures": "private MetadataXmlProviderFactory()\npublic static MetadataXmlProvider<?> createProvider(File metadataFile, ITunesPackageType fallbackPackageType)\nprivate static ITunesPackageType resolveTypeFromFile(File metadataFile)\nprivate static boolean testAgainstSchema(File metadataFile, MetadataDescriptor<?> descriptor)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/factory/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MetadataXmlProviderFactory\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private MetadataXmlProviderFactory()\npublic static MetadataXmlProvider<?> createProvider(File metadataFile, ITunesPackageType fallbackPackageType)\nprivate static ITunesPackageType resolveTypeFromFile(File metadataFile)\nprivate static boolean testAgainstSchema(File metadataFile, MetadataDescriptor<?> descriptor)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MetadataXmlProviderFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file itunes-conversion/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/factory/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static MetadataXmlProvider<?> createProvider(File metadataFile, ITunesPackageType fallbackPackageType)\n throws XmlParsingException, IOException {\n\n ITunesPackageType packageType = metadataFile != null\n ? resolveTypeFromFile(metadataFile)\n : fallbackPackageType;\n\n switch (packageType) {\n case film:\n return new FilmMetadataXmlProvider(metadataFile);\n case tv:\n return new TvMetadataXmlProvider(metadataFile);\n default:\n throw new ConversionException(\"Unsupported iTunes package type \" + packageType.getName());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n itunes-conversion/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/itunes/metadata/factory/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCorrectFallbackTvProviderCreation() throws Exception {\n MetadataXmlProvider<?> provider = MetadataXmlProviderFactory.createProvider(\n null,;\n\n assertTrue(provider instanceof TvMetadataXmlProvider);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public final AssetMap parse(File impDirectory, File assetMapFile) throws XmlParsingException, FileNotFoundException { if (!assetMapFile.isFile()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Invalid ASSETMAP file: '%s' not found", assetMapFile.getAbsolutePath())); } AssetMap result = new AssetMap(); AssetMapType assetmap = XmlParser.parse(assetMapFile, new String[]{XSD_ASSETMAP_XSD}, ASSETMAP_PACKAGE, AssetMapType.class); for (AssetType asset : assetmap.getAssetList().getAsset()) { UUID uuid = UUID.create(asset.getId()); //per st0429-9:2014 Section 6.4, <ChunkList> shall contain one <Chunk> element only if (asset.getChunkList() == null || (asset.getChunkList().getChunk().size() != 1)) { throw new ConversionException(String.format( "'%s' must have exactly one chunk for asset '%s'", uuid.toString(), assetMapFile.getAbsolutePath())); } String assetPath = asset.getChunkList().getChunk().get(0).getPath(); // we should add a full absolute path String assetFullPath; File assetAbsoluteFile = new File(assetPath); File assetRelativeFile = new File(impDirectory, assetPath); if (assetAbsoluteFile.isFile()) { // assetmap.xml contains full path? assetFullPath = assetAbsoluteFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else if (assetRelativeFile.isFile()) { // assetmap.xml contains a path relative to IMP folder? assetFullPath = assetRelativeFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else { throw new ConversionException(String.format( "'%s' must point to an existing file: '%s'", uuid.toString(), assetPath)); } result.addAsset(uuid, assetFullPath); } return result; }
@Test public void testParseCorrectConfig() throws Exception { AssetMap assetMap = new AssetMapParser().parse(ImpUtils.getImpFolder(), ImpUtils.getCorrectAssetmap()); // the values as in ASSETMAP.xml // assetMap must contain full paths! assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_Audio.mxf"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:559452f0-9b31-4df7-a9c0-6b16d43bd8b0"))); assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_Audio_2.mxf"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:559452f0-9b31-4df7-a9c0-6b16d43bd8b1"))); assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV.mxf"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:6a64f1c5-629d-43be-befc-bebafed2e946"))); assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_2.mxf"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:6a64f1c5-629d-43be-befc-bebafed2e947"))); assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("CPL.xml"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:6f548f17-48c5-452a-94ea-9bb58c6c5b5b"))); assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath("PKL.xml"), assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create("urn:uuid:805f2969-0356-4e70-88a0-8d9f724681d7"))); }
[ "isFile", "format", "getAbsolutePath", "parse", "getAsset", "getAssetList", "create", "getId", "getChunkList", "size", "getChunk", "getChunkList", "format", "toString", "getAbsolutePath", "getPath", "get", "getChunk", "getChunkList", "isFile", "getAbsolutePath", "isFile", "getAbsolutePath", "format", "toString", "addAsset" ]
[ "parse", "getImpFolder", "getCorrectAssetmap", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create", "assertEquals", "getAbsolutePath", "getAsset", "create" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "AssetMapParserTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "AssetMapParser", "method_signatures": "public final AssetMap parse(File impDirectory, File assetMapFile)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: imf-conversion-core/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/asset/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AssetMapParser\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public final AssetMap parse(File impDirectory, File assetMapFile)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AssetMapParserTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file imf-conversion-core/src/main/java/com/netflix/imfutility/asset/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public final AssetMap parse(File impDirectory, File assetMapFile) throws XmlParsingException, FileNotFoundException {\n if (!assetMapFile.isFile()) {\n throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format(\"Invalid ASSETMAP file: '%s' not found\", assetMapFile.getAbsolutePath()));\n }\n\n AssetMap result = new AssetMap();\n\n AssetMapType assetmap = XmlParser.parse(assetMapFile, new String[]{XSD_ASSETMAP_XSD}, ASSETMAP_PACKAGE, AssetMapType.class);\n for (AssetType asset : assetmap.getAssetList().getAsset()) {\n UUID uuid = UUID.create(asset.getId());\n //per st0429-9:2014 Section 6.4, <ChunkList> shall contain one <Chunk> element only\n if (asset.getChunkList() == null || (asset.getChunkList().getChunk().size() != 1)) {\n throw new ConversionException(String.format(\n \"'%s' must have exactly one chunk for asset '%s'\",\n uuid.toString(), assetMapFile.getAbsolutePath()));\n }\n\n String assetPath = asset.getChunkList().getChunk().get(0).getPath();\n\n // we should add a full absolute path\n String assetFullPath;\n File assetAbsoluteFile = new File(assetPath);\n File assetRelativeFile = new File(impDirectory, assetPath);\n if (assetAbsoluteFile.isFile()) {\n // assetmap.xml contains full path?\n assetFullPath = assetAbsoluteFile.getAbsolutePath();\n } else if (assetRelativeFile.isFile()) {\n // assetmap.xml contains a path relative to IMP folder?\n assetFullPath = assetRelativeFile.getAbsolutePath();\n } else {\n throw new ConversionException(String.format(\n \"'%s' must point to an existing file: '%s'\", uuid.toString(), assetPath));\n }\n\n result.addAsset(uuid, assetFullPath);\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n imf-conversion-core/src/test/java/com/netflix/imfutility/asset/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testParseCorrectConfig() throws Exception {\n AssetMap assetMap = new AssetMapParser().parse(ImpUtils.getImpFolder(), ImpUtils.getCorrectAssetmap());\n\n // the values as in ASSETMAP.xml\n // assetMap must contain full paths!\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_Audio.mxf\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:559452f0-9b31-4df7-a9c0-6b16d43bd8b0\")));\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_Audio_2.mxf\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:559452f0-9b31-4df7-a9c0-6b16d43bd8b1\")));\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV.mxf\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:6a64f1c5-629d-43be-befc-bebafed2e946\")));\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"Chimera50_FTR_C_EN_XG-NR_20_4K_20150622_OV_2.mxf\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:6a64f1c5-629d-43be-befc-bebafed2e947\")));\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"CPL.xml\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:6f548f17-48c5-452a-94ea-9bb58c6c5b5b\")));\n assertEquals(ImpUtils.getAbsolutePath(\"PKL.xml\"),\n assetMap.getAsset(UUID.create(\"urn:uuid:805f2969-0356-4e70-88a0-8d9f724681d7\")));\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
String getEligibilityMessage(ExecutionDTO execution) { if (!execution.isBlockingValidation()) { return "Quality for this build:"; } else if (execution.getQualityStatus().isAcceptable()) { return "The build is <b style='background-color: #19be6b; color: white; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>eligible to deploy</b>" + (execution.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.WARNING ? " but <b style='background-color: #ffcc30; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>without much margin regarding the thresholds</b>" : "") + ":"; } else { return "The build is <b style='background-color: #ed3f14; color: white; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>not eligible to deploy</b>:"; } }
@Test public void getEligibilityMessage_should_be_eligible_with_warning_message_when_isBlockingValidation_and_warning() { // GIVEN ExecutionDTO execution = new ExecutionDTO().withBlockingValidation(true).withQualityStatus(QualityStatus.WARNING); // WHEN final String message = cut.getEligibilityMessage(execution); // THEN assertThat(message).contains(">eligible to deploy<"); assertThat(message).contains(">without much margin regarding the thresholds<"); }
[ "isBlockingValidation", "isAcceptable", "getQualityStatus", "getQualityStatus" ]
[ "withQualityStatus", "withBlockingValidation", "getEligibilityMessage", "contains", "assertThat", "contains", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Timestamp THE_APRIL_25TH_2017_AT_12_H_57_MIN_56_S = timestamp(2017, Calendar.APRIL, 25, 12, 57, 56);\n@Mock\n private AraConfiguration araConfiguration;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@Mock\n private TeamRepository teamRepository;\n@Mock\n private EmailService emailService;\n@Mock\n private ProjectRepository projectRepository;\n@Mock\n private SettingService settingService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private QualityEmailService cut;", "class_name": "QualityEmailServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull\n private final AraConfiguration araConfiguration;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@NonNull\n private final TeamRepository teamRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final EmailService emailService;\n@NonNull\n private final ProjectRepository projectRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SettingService settingService;", "class_name": "QualityEmailService", "method_signatures": "@Transactional(readOnly = true, noRollbackFor = Exception.class) public void sendQualityEmail(long projectId, long executionId)\n void addInlineResource(Map<String, Resource> inlineResources, String name, String path)\n String formatDate(Date date)\n Optional<String> getRecipient(long projectId, ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate Optional<String> configuredEmail(long projectId, String settingCode)\n String getSubject(String projectName, ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate boolean crashed(ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate void appendSeverityPercentages(ExecutionDTO execution, StringBuilder builder)\n String getEligibilityMessage(ExecutionDTO execution)\n Map<String, Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO>> aggregateQualitiesPerTeamAndSeverity(ExecutionHistoryPointDTO execution)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: QualityEmailService\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull\n private final AraConfiguration araConfiguration;\n@NonNull\n private final ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@NonNull\n private final TeamRepository teamRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final EmailService emailService;\n@NonNull\n private final ProjectRepository projectRepository;\n@NonNull\n private final SettingService settingService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Transactional(readOnly = true, noRollbackFor = Exception.class) public void sendQualityEmail(long projectId, long executionId)\n void addInlineResource(Map<String, Resource> inlineResources, String name, String path)\n String formatDate(Date date)\n Optional<String> getRecipient(long projectId, ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate Optional<String> configuredEmail(long projectId, String settingCode)\n String getSubject(String projectName, ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate boolean crashed(ExecutionDTO execution)\nprivate void appendSeverityPercentages(ExecutionDTO execution, StringBuilder builder)\n String getEligibilityMessage(ExecutionDTO execution)\n Map<String, Map<String, ExecutedScenarioHandlingCountsDTO>> aggregateQualitiesPerTeamAndSeverity(ExecutionHistoryPointDTO execution)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: QualityEmailServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Timestamp THE_APRIL_25TH_2017_AT_12_H_57_MIN_56_S = timestamp(2017, Calendar.APRIL, 25, 12, 57, 56);\n@Mock\n private AraConfiguration araConfiguration;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionHistoryService executionHistoryService;\n@Mock\n private TeamRepository teamRepository;\n@Mock\n private EmailService emailService;\n@Mock\n private ProjectRepository projectRepository;\n@Mock\n private SettingService settingService;\n@Spy\n @InjectMocks\n private QualityEmailService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n String getEligibilityMessage(ExecutionDTO execution) {\n if (!execution.isBlockingValidation()) {\n return \"Quality for this build:\";\n } else if (execution.getQualityStatus().isAcceptable()) {\n return \"The build is <b style='background-color: #19be6b; color: white; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>eligible to deploy</b>\" +\n (execution.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.WARNING ?\n \" but <b style='background-color: #ffcc30; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>without much margin regarding the thresholds</b>\" :\n \"\") +\n \":\";\n } else {\n return \"The build is <b style='background-color: #ed3f14; color: white; padding: 1px 2px; border-radius: 2px;'>not eligible to deploy</b>:\";\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/ci/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getEligibilityMessage_should_be_eligible_with_warning_message_when_isBlockingValidation_and_warning() {\n // GIVEN\n ExecutionDTO execution = new ExecutionDTO().withBlockingValidation(true).withQualityStatus(QualityStatus.WARNING);\n\n // WHEN\n final String message = cut.getEligibilityMessage(execution);\n\n // THEN\n assertThat(message).contains(\">eligible to deploy<\");\n assertThat(message).contains(\">without much margin regarding the thresholds<\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public String[] getValuePoints(Functionality functionality) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(functionality.getCountryCodes())) { return null; } return functionality.getCountryCodes().split(Functionality.COUNTRY_CODES_SEPARATOR); }
@Test public void testGetValuePoints_with_two_countryCodes() { // GIVEN Functionality functionality = new Functionality().withCountryCodes("be,cn"); // WHEN / THEN assertThat(cut.getValuePoints(functionality)).isEqualTo(new String[] { "be", "cn" }); }
[ "isEmpty", "getCountryCodes", "split", "getCountryCodes" ]
[ "withCountryCodes", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getValuePoints" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int A_PROJECT_ID = 42;\n@Mock\n private CountryRepository countryRepository;\n@InjectMocks\n private CountryAxisGenerator cut;", "class_name": "CountryAxisGeneratorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull\n private final CountryRepository countryRepository;", "class_name": "CountryAxisGenerator implements AxisGenerator", "method_signatures": "@Override public String getCode()\n@Override public String getName()\n@Override public Stream<AxisPointDTO> getPoints(long projectId)\n@Override public String[] getValuePoints(Functionality functionality)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CountryAxisGenerator implements AxisGenerator\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull\n private final CountryRepository countryRepository;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public String getCode()\n@Override public String getName()\n@Override public Stream<AxisPointDTO> getPoints(long projectId)\n@Override public String[] getValuePoints(Functionality functionality)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CountryAxisGeneratorTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final int A_PROJECT_ID = 42;\n@Mock\n private CountryRepository countryRepository;\n@InjectMocks\n private CountryAxisGenerator cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file code/api/server/src/main/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public String[] getValuePoints(Functionality functionality) {\n if (StringUtils.isEmpty(functionality.getCountryCodes())) {\n return null;\n }\n return functionality.getCountryCodes().split(Functionality.COUNTRY_CODES_SEPARATOR);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n code/api/server/src/test/java/com/decathlon/ara/coverage/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetValuePoints_with_two_countryCodes() {\n // GIVEN\n Functionality functionality = new Functionality().withCountryCodes(\"be,cn\");\n\n // WHEN / THEN\n assertThat(cut.getValuePoints(functionality)).isEqualTo(new String[] { \"be\", \"cn\" });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]