1 value
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized T[] toArray() { T[] array; if (head == tail) { array = (T[]) new Object[] {}; } else { array = (T[]) new Object[size()]; if (head < tail) { System.arraycopy(buffer, head, array, 0, tail); } else { System.arraycopy(buffer, head, array, 0, buffer.length - head); System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, array, buffer.length - head, tail); } } return array; }
@Test public void testToArray() { Log log1 = Log.newBuilder().message("log1").build(); Log log2 = Log.newBuilder().message("log2").build(); buffer.add(log1); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] { log1 }, buffer.toArray()); buffer.clear(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] {}, buffer.toArray()); buffer.add(log1); buffer.add(log2); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] { log2 }, buffer.toArray()); }
[ "size", "arraycopy", "arraycopy", "arraycopy" ]
[ "build", "message", "newBuilder", "build", "message", "newBuilder", "add", "assertArrayEquals", "toArray", "clear", "assertArrayEquals", "toArray", "add", "add", "assertArrayEquals", "toArray" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_ZERO = 0;\nprivate static final int BUFFER_SIZE_ONE = 1;\nprivate CircularBuffer<Log> buffer;", "class_name": "CircularBufferTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private T[] buffer;\nprivate int head;\nprivate int tail;", "class_name": "CircularBuffer implements Iterable<T>", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public CircularBuffer(int capacity)\npublic synchronized int size()\npublic synchronized void add(T item)\npublic synchronized T get(int index)\npublic synchronized void clear()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public synchronized T[] toArray()\n@Override public Iterator<T> iterator()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CircularBuffer implements Iterable<T>\n\nclass_fields: private T[] buffer;\nprivate int head;\nprivate int tail;\n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public CircularBuffer(int capacity)\npublic synchronized int size()\npublic synchronized void add(T item)\npublic synchronized T get(int index)\npublic synchronized void clear()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public synchronized T[] toArray()\n@Override public Iterator<T> iterator()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CircularBufferTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_ZERO = 0;\nprivate static final int BUFFER_SIZE_ONE = 1;\nprivate CircularBuffer<Log> buffer;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public synchronized T[] toArray() {\n T[] array;\n\n if (head == tail) {\n array = (T[]) new Object[] {};\n } else {\n array = (T[]) new Object[size()];\n\n if (head < tail) {\n System.arraycopy(buffer, head, array, 0, tail);\n } else {\n System.arraycopy(buffer, head, array, 0, buffer.length - head);\n System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, array, buffer.length - head, tail);\n }\n }\n return array;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testToArray() {\n Log log1 = Log.newBuilder().message(\"log1\").build();\n Log log2 = Log.newBuilder().message(\"log2\").build();\n buffer.add(log1);\n Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] { log1 }, buffer.toArray());\n buffer.clear();\n Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] {}, buffer.toArray());\n buffer.add(log1);\n buffer.add(log2);\n Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Log[] { log2 }, buffer.toArray());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates) { if (page == null || templates == null) { return null; } String templatePath = page.getProperties().get(NameConstants.PN_TEMPLATE, String.class); if (templatePath == null) { return null; } return forTemplatePath(templatePath, templates); }
@Test void testForPage() throws Exception { assertEquals(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, Template.forPage(page, AppTemplate.values())); assertNull(Template.forPage(null, AppTemplate.values())); }
[ "get", "getProperties", "forTemplatePath" ]
[ "assertEquals", "forPage", "values", "assertNull", "forPage", "values" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Page page;", "class_name": "TemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final Pattern TEMPLATE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/(apps|libs)/(.+)/templates(/.*)?/([^/]+)$\");", "class_name": "Template", "method_signatures": "private Template()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\") public static @Nullable String getResourceTypeFromTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String @NotNull... templatePaths)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath,\n @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Template\n\nclass_fields: static final Pattern TEMPLATE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/(apps|libs)/(.+)/templates(/.*)?/([^/]+)$\");\n\nmethod_signatures: private Template()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\") public static @Nullable String getResourceTypeFromTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String @NotNull... templatePaths)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath,\n @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Page page;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates) {\n if (page == null || templates == null) {\n return null;\n }\n String templatePath = page.getProperties().get(NameConstants.PN_TEMPLATE, String.class);\n if (templatePath == null) {\n return null;\n }\n return forTemplatePath(templatePath, templates);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testForPage() throws Exception {\n assertEquals(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, Template.forPage(page, AppTemplate.values()));\n assertNull(Template.forPage(null, AppTemplate.values()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { PartitionStrategy.Builder strategyBuilder = new PartitionStrategy.Builder(); for (String partition : partitions) { Matcher m = PARTITION_FIELD.matcher(partition); if (m.matches()) { String fieldName =; ValidationException.check(fieldName != null && !fieldName.isEmpty(), "Invalid field name: %s", String.valueOf(fieldName)); String partitionerType =; if ("hash".equals(partitionerType)) { String width =; ValidationException.check(width != null, "Missing number of hash partitions: %s:hash[?]", fieldName); strategyBuilder.hash(fieldName, Integer.parseInt(width)); } else if ("copy".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.identity(fieldName); } else if ("year".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.year(fieldName); } else if ("month".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.month(fieldName); } else if ("day".equals(partitionerType)) {; } else if ("hour".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.hour(fieldName); } else if ("minute".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.minute(fieldName); } else if ("provided".equals(partitionerType)) { strategyBuilder.provided(fieldName); } else { throw new ValidationException( "Unknown partitioner type: " + partitionerType); } } else { throw new ValidationException( "Invalid partition <field:type>: " + partition); } } // building the descriptor validates the schema and strategy DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .partitionStrategy( .schema(open(avroSchemaFile)) .build(); String strategy = descriptor.getPartitionStrategy().toString(!minimize); output(strategy, console, outputPath); return 0; }
@Test public void testUnknownType() { command.partitions = Lists.newArrayList("username:id"); TestHelpers.assertThrows("Should unknown partition function \"id\"", ValidationException.class, new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception {; return null; } }); }
[ "matcher", "matches", "group", "check", "isEmpty", "valueOf", "group", "equals", "group", "check", "hash", "parseInt", "equals", "identity", "equals", "year", "equals", "month", "equals", "day", "equals", "hour", "equals", "minute", "equals", "provided", "build", "schema", "partitionStrategy", "build", "open", "toString", "getPartitionStrategy", "output" ]
[ "newArrayList", "assertThrows", "run" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Logger console;\nprivate CreatePartitionStrategyCommand command;", "class_name": "TestCreatePartitionStrategyCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Pattern PARTITION_FIELD = Pattern.compile(\n \"((?:\\\\w|\\\\.)+):(\\\\w+)(?:\\\\[(\\\\d+)\\\\])?\");\nprivate final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<field:type pairs>\")\n List<String> partitions;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize output size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;", "class_name": "CreatePartitionStrategyCommand extends BaseCommand", "method_signatures": "public CreatePartitionStrategyCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CreatePartitionStrategyCommand extends BaseCommand\n\nclass_fields: private static final Pattern PARTITION_FIELD = Pattern.compile(\n \"((?:\\\\w|\\\\.)+):(\\\\w+)(?:\\\\[(\\\\d+)\\\\])?\");\nprivate final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<field:type pairs>\")\n List<String> partitions;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize output size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CreatePartitionStrategyCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestCreatePartitionStrategyCommand\n\nclass_fields: private Logger console;\nprivate CreatePartitionStrategyCommand command;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n PartitionStrategy.Builder strategyBuilder = new PartitionStrategy.Builder();\n for (String partition : partitions) {\n Matcher m = PARTITION_FIELD.matcher(partition);\n if (m.matches()) {\n String fieldName =;\n ValidationException.check(fieldName != null && !fieldName.isEmpty(),\n \"Invalid field name: %s\", String.valueOf(fieldName));\n String partitionerType =;\n if (\"hash\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n String width =;\n ValidationException.check(width != null,\n \"Missing number of hash partitions: %s:hash[?]\", fieldName);\n strategyBuilder.hash(fieldName, Integer.parseInt(width));\n } else if (\"copy\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.identity(fieldName);\n } else if (\"year\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.year(fieldName);\n } else if (\"month\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.month(fieldName);\n } else if (\"day\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n;\n } else if (\"hour\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.hour(fieldName);\n } else if (\"minute\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.minute(fieldName);\n } else if (\"provided\".equals(partitionerType)) {\n strategyBuilder.provided(fieldName);\n } else {\n throw new ValidationException(\n \"Unknown partitioner type: \" + partitionerType);\n }\n } else {\n throw new ValidationException(\n \"Invalid partition <field:type>: \" + partition);\n }\n }\n\n // building the descriptor validates the schema and strategy\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .partitionStrategy(\n .schema(open(avroSchemaFile))\n .build();\n\n String strategy = descriptor.getPartitionStrategy().toString(!minimize);\n\n output(strategy, console, outputPath);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUnknownType() {\n command.partitions = Lists.newArrayList(\"username:id\");\n TestHelpers.assertThrows(\"Should unknown partition function \\\"id\\\"\",\n ValidationException.class, new Callable() {\n @Override\n public Object call() throws Exception {\n;\n return null;\n }\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <E> View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, URI uri) { if (dataset instanceof FileSystemDataset) { return ((FileSystemDataset<E>) dataset).viewForUri(uri); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a file system dataset: " + dataset); }
@Test public void testViewForDifferentPartitionNames() { Path path = new Path("year=2014/month=3/day=14"); // like PathConversion, this uses names from the partition strategy // and will accept partitions that have a different "name=" component View<GenericRecord> view = FileSystemDatasets.viewForUri( dataset, path.toString()); Assert.assertEquals("Should create correct view", view, dataset.getPartitionView(path)); Constraints expected = ((AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord>) dataset.with("y", 2014).with("m", 3).with("d", 14)).getConstraints(); Constraints actual = ((AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord>) view) .getConstraints(); Assert.assertEquals("Constraints should match expected", expected, actual); }
[ "viewForUri" ]
[ "viewForUri", "toString", "assertEquals", "getPartitionView", "getConstraints", "with", "with", "with", "getConstraints", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredString(\"id\")\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .requiredString(\"color\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static PartitionStrategy ymd = new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .year(\"timestamp\", \"y\")\n .month(\"timestamp\", \"m\")\n .day(\"timestamp\", \"d\")\n .build();\nprivate FileSystemDataset<GenericRecord> dataset;", "class_name": "TestFileSystemDatasets" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileSystemDatasets", "method_signatures": "public static View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, URI uri)\npublic static View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, String uri)\npublic static View<E> viewForPath(Dataset<E> dataset, Path path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileSystemDatasets\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, URI uri)\npublic static View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, String uri)\npublic static View<E> viewForPath(Dataset<E> dataset, Path path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFileSystemDatasets\n\nclass_fields: private static final Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredString(\"id\")\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .requiredString(\"color\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static PartitionStrategy ymd = new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .year(\"timestamp\", \"y\")\n .month(\"timestamp\", \"m\")\n .day(\"timestamp\", \"d\")\n .build();\nprivate FileSystemDataset<GenericRecord> dataset;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <E> View<E> viewForUri(Dataset<E> dataset, URI uri) {\n if (dataset instanceof FileSystemDataset) {\n return ((FileSystemDataset<E>) dataset).viewForUri(uri);\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Not a file system dataset: \" + dataset);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testViewForDifferentPartitionNames() {\n Path path = new Path(\"year=2014/month=3/day=14\");\n\n // like PathConversion, this uses names from the partition strategy\n // and will accept partitions that have a different \"name=\" component\n View<GenericRecord> view = FileSystemDatasets.viewForUri(\n dataset, path.toString());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Should create correct view\",\n view, dataset.getPartitionView(path));\n\n Constraints expected = ((AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord>)\n dataset.with(\"y\", 2014).with(\"m\", 3).with(\"d\", 14)).getConstraints();\n Constraints actual = ((AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord>) view)\n .getConstraints();\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Constraints should match expected\",\n expected, actual);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public URI construct(Map<String, String> options) { // make a copy that can be modified Map<String, String> uriData = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(options); try { // scheme should always be present, but default if necessary String scheme = defaults.get(SCHEME); if (uriData.containsKey(SCHEME)) { scheme = uriData.remove(SCHEME); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(scheme).append(":"); if (!pattern.isOpaque()) { // Build the URI(String,String,String,int,String,String,String) StringBuilder authBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String user = constructUserInfo(uriData, defaults); String host = removeNonDefault(HOST, uriData, defaults); int port = constructPort(uriData, defaults); if (user != null) { authBuilder.append(user).append("@"); } if (host != null) { authBuilder.append(host); } if (port >= 0) { authBuilder.append(":").append(port); } String auth = authBuilder.toString(); if (!auth.isEmpty()) { builder.append("//").append(auth); } } builder.append(constructPath(uriData, patternPath)); String query = constructQuery(uriData, defaults); if (query != null) { builder.append("?").append(query); } return new URI(builder.toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not build URI", ex); } }
@Test public void testConstructMissingOptions() throws URISyntaxException { final URIPattern pattern = new URIPattern("scheme:/*path/:name"); TestHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject missing name", IllegalArgumentException.class, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap(); options.put("path", "a/b/c"); pattern.construct(options); } }); // globs are optional Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap(); options.put("name", "table-name"); URI constructed = pattern.construct(options); Assert.assertEquals(URI.create("scheme:/table-name"), constructed); }
[ "newLinkedHashMap", "get", "containsKey", "remove", "append", "append", "isOpaque", "constructUserInfo", "removeNonDefault", "constructPort", "append", "append", "append", "append", "append", "toString", "isEmpty", "append", "append", "append", "constructPath", "constructQuery", "append", "append", "toString" ]
[ "assertThrows", "newHashMap", "put", "construct", "newHashMap", "put", "construct", "assertEquals", "create" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<String, String> expected = null;", "class_name": "TestURIPattern" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String SCHEME = \"uri:scheme\";\npublic static final String HOST = \"auth:host\";\npublic static final String PORT = \"auth:port\";\npublic static final String USERNAME = \"auth:username\";\npublic static final String PASSWORD = \"auth:password\";\nprivate static final Splitter PATH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/');\nprivate static final Joiner PATH_JOINER = Joiner.on('/');\nprivate static final Splitter PATH_QUERY_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('?');\nprivate static final Splitter.MapSplitter QUERY_SPLITTER =\n Splitter.on('&').withKeyValueSeparator(Splitter.on('='));\nprivate static final Joiner.MapJoiner QUERY_JOINER =\n Joiner.on('&').withKeyValueSeparator(\"=\");\nprivate static final CharMatcher USER_PASS_SEPARATOR =':');\nprivate static final CharMatcher VAR_START = CharMatcher.anyOf(\":*\");\nprivate static final int UNSPECIFIED_PORT = -1;\nprivate URI pattern;\nprivate String patternPath;\nprivate Map<String, String> defaults;\nprivate Map<String, String> lastMatch;", "class_name": "URIPattern", "method_signatures": "public URIPattern(URI uri)\npublic URIPattern(String uri)\npublic String getScheme()\npublic String getPatternString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\npublic URI construct(Map<String, String> options)\npublic boolean matches(URI uri)\npublic boolean matches(String uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getMatch(URI uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getMatch(String uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getLastMatch()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate static boolean addPath(String pattern, String path,\n Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static boolean addComplexMatch(\n String pattern, String part, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static boolean addSimpleMatch(\n String pattern, String part, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static void addAuthority(URI uri, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static void addQuery(String query, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static String removeNonDefault(String key,\n Map<String, String> options,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructQuery(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructPath(Map<String, String> match,\n String pattern)\nprivate static int constructPort(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructUserInfo(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: URIPattern\n\nclass_fields: public static final String SCHEME = \"uri:scheme\";\npublic static final String HOST = \"auth:host\";\npublic static final String PORT = \"auth:port\";\npublic static final String USERNAME = \"auth:username\";\npublic static final String PASSWORD = \"auth:password\";\nprivate static final Splitter PATH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/');\nprivate static final Joiner PATH_JOINER = Joiner.on('/');\nprivate static final Splitter PATH_QUERY_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('?');\nprivate static final Splitter.MapSplitter QUERY_SPLITTER =\n Splitter.on('&').withKeyValueSeparator(Splitter.on('='));\nprivate static final Joiner.MapJoiner QUERY_JOINER =\n Joiner.on('&').withKeyValueSeparator(\"=\");\nprivate static final CharMatcher USER_PASS_SEPARATOR =':');\nprivate static final CharMatcher VAR_START = CharMatcher.anyOf(\":*\");\nprivate static final int UNSPECIFIED_PORT = -1;\nprivate URI pattern;\nprivate String patternPath;\nprivate Map<String, String> defaults;\nprivate Map<String, String> lastMatch;\n\nmethod_signatures: public URIPattern(URI uri)\npublic URIPattern(String uri)\npublic String getScheme()\npublic String getPatternString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\npublic URI construct(Map<String, String> options)\npublic boolean matches(URI uri)\npublic boolean matches(String uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getMatch(URI uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getMatch(String uri)\npublic Map<String, String> getLastMatch()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate static boolean addPath(String pattern, String path,\n Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static boolean addComplexMatch(\n String pattern, String part, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static boolean addSimpleMatch(\n String pattern, String part, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static void addAuthority(URI uri, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static void addQuery(String query, Map<String, String> storage)\nprivate static String removeNonDefault(String key,\n Map<String, String> options,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructQuery(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructPath(Map<String, String> match,\n String pattern)\nprivate static int constructPort(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\nprivate static String constructUserInfo(Map<String, String> uriOptions,\n Map<String, String> defaults)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestURIPattern\n\nclass_fields: private Map<String, String> expected = null;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public URI construct(Map<String, String> options) {\n // make a copy that can be modified\n Map<String, String> uriData = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(options);\n try {\n // scheme should always be present, but default if necessary\n String scheme = defaults.get(SCHEME);\n if (uriData.containsKey(SCHEME)) {\n scheme = uriData.remove(SCHEME);\n }\n\n StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();\n builder.append(scheme).append(\":\");\n\n if (!pattern.isOpaque()) {\n // Build the URI(String,String,String,int,String,String,String)\n StringBuilder authBuilder = new StringBuilder();\n String user = constructUserInfo(uriData, defaults);\n String host = removeNonDefault(HOST, uriData, defaults);\n int port = constructPort(uriData, defaults);\n if (user != null) {\n authBuilder.append(user).append(\"@\");\n }\n if (host != null) {\n authBuilder.append(host);\n }\n if (port >= 0) {\n authBuilder.append(\":\").append(port);\n }\n String auth = authBuilder.toString();\n if (!auth.isEmpty()) {\n builder.append(\"//\").append(auth);\n }\n }\n\n builder.append(constructPath(uriData, patternPath));\n\n String query = constructQuery(uriData, defaults);\n if (query != null) {\n builder.append(\"?\").append(query);\n }\n\n return new URI(builder.toString());\n\n } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Could not build URI\", ex);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testConstructMissingOptions() throws URISyntaxException {\n final URIPattern pattern = new URIPattern(\"scheme:/*path/:name\");\n TestHelpers.assertThrows(\"Should reject missing name\",\n IllegalArgumentException.class, new Runnable() {\n @Override\n public void run() {\n Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap();\n options.put(\"path\", \"a/b/c\");\n pattern.construct(options);\n }\n });\n\n // globs are optional\n Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap();\n options.put(\"name\", \"table-name\");\n URI constructed = pattern.construct(options);\n Assert.assertEquals(URI.create(\"scheme:/table-name\"), constructed);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) { Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage(); if (page == null) { return false; } ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver(); Template template = page.getTemplate(); if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) { return false; } // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath(); String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + "/" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + "/" + JCR_CONTENT; String resourcePathInStructure = null; if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + "/")) { resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath; } else { // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) { resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage; } } if (resourcePathInStructure == null) { return false; } Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure); if (resourceInStructure == null) { return false; } return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false); }
@Test void testPageWithEditableTemplate_LockedComponent() { Page page = context.create().page("/content/mypage", editableTemplate.getPath()); Resource resource = context.create().resource(page, lockedComponentStructure.getName()); context.currentResource(resource); assertTrue(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request()))); EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class); assertTrue(model.isEditRestricted()); }
[ "getPage", "getResourceResolver", "getResource", "getTemplate", "isPageInTemplateDefinition", "isEditableTemplate", "getPath", "getResource", "getPath", "startsWith", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getContentResource", "isNotEmpty", "getResource", "get", "getValueMap" ]
[ "page", "create", "getPath", "resource", "create", "getName", "currentResource", "assertTrue", "isEditRestricted", "getComponentContext", "request", "notNull", "request", "assertTrue", "isEditRestricted" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;", "class_name": "EditableTemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";", "class_name": "EditableTemplate", "method_signatures": "private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EditableTemplate\n\nclass_fields: static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EditableTemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) {\n Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage();\n if (page == null) {\n return false;\n }\n ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver();\n Template template = page.getTemplate();\n\n if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template\n String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath();\n String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + \"/\" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + \"/\" + JCR_CONTENT;\n String resourcePathInStructure = null;\n if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + \"/\")) {\n resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath;\n }\n else {\n // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page\n String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath());\n if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) {\n resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage;\n }\n }\n if (resourcePathInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure);\n if (resourceInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testPageWithEditableTemplate_LockedComponent() {\n Page page = context.create().page(\"/content/mypage\", editableTemplate.getPath());\n Resource resource = context.create().resource(page, lockedComponentStructure.getName());\n context.currentResource(resource);\n assertTrue(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request())));\n\n EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class);\n assertTrue(model.isEditRestricted());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void run() { try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) { LogConverterType prevConverterType = null; while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Object obj = objectStream.readObject(); LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj); if (prevConverterType != converterType) { prevConverterType = converterType;"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}",, obj.getClass().getName()); } Log log = converterType.convert(obj);; } } catch (EOFException e) { // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data, // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception logger.warn("Reached EOF while reading from socket"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to handle input stream", e); } finally { stop(); } }
@Test public void testLog4j2Handling() throws IOException { org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent[] logs = { TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j2Log(LOG_MESSAGE_1), TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j2Log(LOG_MESSAGE_2), }; Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs)); SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);; Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage()); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage()); }
[ "getInputStream", "isClosed", "isInterrupted", "currentThread", "readObject", "valueOf", "info", "name", "getName", "getClass", "convert", "post", "warn", "error", "stop" ]
[ "createSimpleLog4j2Log", "createSimpleLog4j2Log", "mockSocket", "objectsToBytes", "run", "assertTrue", "size", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable", "method_signatures": "public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void run() {\n try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());\n ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) {\n\n LogConverterType prevConverterType = null;\n\n while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {\n Object obj = objectStream.readObject();\n LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj);\n\n if (prevConverterType != converterType) {\n prevConverterType = converterType;\n\"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}\",\n, obj.getClass().getName());\n }\n Log log = converterType.convert(obj);\n;\n }\n } catch (EOFException e) {\n // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data,\n // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception\n logger.warn(\"Reached EOF while reading from socket\");\n } catch (Exception e) {\n logger.error(\"Failed to handle input stream\", e);\n } finally {\n stop();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLog4j2Handling() throws IOException {\n org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent[] logs = {\n TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j2Log(LOG_MESSAGE_1),\n TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j2Log(LOG_MESSAGE_2),\n };\n Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs));\n SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);\n;\n Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2);\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage());\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Collection<DatasetDescriptor> findPotentialDatasets( FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException { List<DatasetDescriptor> descriptors = Lists.newArrayList(); Result result = visit(new FindDatasets(), fs, path); if (result instanceof Result.Table) { descriptors.add(descriptor(fs, (Result.Table) result)); } else if (result instanceof Result.Group) { for (Result.Table table : ((Result.Group) result).tables) { descriptors.add(descriptor(fs, table)); } } return descriptors; }
@Test public void testMultipleUnknownFiles() throws Exception { File folder = temp.newFolder("a/b/c/d/e"); Path root = new Path(temp.getRoot().toURI()); FileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance(); // create a single Avro file Path parent = new Path(folder.toURI()); createUnknownFile(fs, parent); createUnknownFile(fs, parent); Collection<DatasetDescriptor> expected = Lists.newArrayList(); Assert.assertEquals("Should succeed and find no datasets", expected, FileSystemUtil.findPotentialDatasets(fs, root)); }
[ "newArrayList", "visit", "add", "descriptor", "add", "descriptor" ]
[ "newFolder", "toURI", "getRoot", "getInstance", "toURI", "createUnknownFile", "createUnknownFile", "newArrayList", "assertEquals", "findPotentialDatasets" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Schema USER_SCHEMA = SchemaBuilder.record(\"User\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"id\")\n .requiredString(\"username\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final Schema EVENT_SCHEMA = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .requiredString(\"level\")\n .requiredString(\"message\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final Record USER = new Record(USER_SCHEMA);\nprivate static final Record EVENT = new Record(EVENT_SCHEMA);\n@Rule\n public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();", "class_name": "TestFileSystemUtil" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileSystemUtil.class);\nprivate static final List<Format> SUPPORTED_FORMATS = Lists.newArrayList(\n Formats.AVRO, Formats.PARQUET, Formats.JSON, Formats.CSV);\nprivate static final DynMethods.UnboundMethod IS_SYMLINK;\nprivate static final Splitter DOT = Splitter.on('.');", "class_name": "FileSystemUtil", "method_signatures": "public static void ensureLocationExists(\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Configuration conf)\nstatic List<Pair<Path, Path>> stageMove(FileSystem fs, Path src,\n Path dest, String ext)\nstatic void finishMove(FileSystem fs, List<Pair<Path, Path>> staged)\nstatic void replace(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path destination,\n Path replacement, List<Path> removals)\nstatic boolean cleanlyDelete(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\nstatic boolean cleanlyMoveToTrash(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\nprivate static boolean cleanlyDelete(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path, boolean useTrash)\nstatic boolean deleteParentDirectoriesIfEmpty(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\npublic static Schema schema(String name, FileSystem fs, Path location)\npublic static PartitionStrategy strategy(FileSystem fs, Path location)\npublic static Format format(FileSystem fs, Path location)\nprivate static T visit(PathVisitor<T> visitor, FileSystem fs, Path path)\nprivate static T visit(PathVisitor<T> visitor, FileSystem fs, Path path,\n List<Path> followedLinks)\npublic static Collection<DatasetDescriptor> findPotentialDatasets(\n FileSystem fs, Path path)\nprivate static DatasetDescriptor descriptor(FileSystem fs, Result.Table table)\nprivate static Format formatFromExt(Path path)\nprivate static Schema merge(@Nullable Schema left, @Nullable Schema right)\npublic static boolean supportsRename(URI fsUri, Configuration conf)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileSystemUtil\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileSystemUtil.class);\nprivate static final List<Format> SUPPORTED_FORMATS = Lists.newArrayList(\n Formats.AVRO, Formats.PARQUET, Formats.JSON, Formats.CSV);\nprivate static final DynMethods.UnboundMethod IS_SYMLINK;\nprivate static final Splitter DOT = Splitter.on('.');\n\nmethod_signatures: public static void ensureLocationExists(\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Configuration conf)\nstatic List<Pair<Path, Path>> stageMove(FileSystem fs, Path src,\n Path dest, String ext)\nstatic void finishMove(FileSystem fs, List<Pair<Path, Path>> staged)\nstatic void replace(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path destination,\n Path replacement, List<Path> removals)\nstatic boolean cleanlyDelete(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\nstatic boolean cleanlyMoveToTrash(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\nprivate static boolean cleanlyDelete(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path, boolean useTrash)\nstatic boolean deleteParentDirectoriesIfEmpty(FileSystem fs, Path root, Path path)\npublic static Schema schema(String name, FileSystem fs, Path location)\npublic static PartitionStrategy strategy(FileSystem fs, Path location)\npublic static Format format(FileSystem fs, Path location)\nprivate static T visit(PathVisitor<T> visitor, FileSystem fs, Path path)\nprivate static T visit(PathVisitor<T> visitor, FileSystem fs, Path path,\n List<Path> followedLinks)\npublic static Collection<DatasetDescriptor> findPotentialDatasets(\n FileSystem fs, Path path)\nprivate static DatasetDescriptor descriptor(FileSystem fs, Result.Table table)\nprivate static Format formatFromExt(Path path)\nprivate static Schema merge(@Nullable Schema left, @Nullable Schema right)\npublic static boolean supportsRename(URI fsUri, Configuration conf)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFileSystemUtil\n\nclass_fields: private static final Schema USER_SCHEMA = SchemaBuilder.record(\"User\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"id\")\n .requiredString(\"username\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final Schema EVENT_SCHEMA = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .requiredString(\"level\")\n .requiredString(\"message\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final Record USER = new Record(USER_SCHEMA);\nprivate static final Record EVENT = new Record(EVENT_SCHEMA);\n@Rule\n public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Collection<DatasetDescriptor> findPotentialDatasets(\n FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException {\n List<DatasetDescriptor> descriptors = Lists.newArrayList();\n\n Result result = visit(new FindDatasets(), fs, path);\n if (result instanceof Result.Table) {\n descriptors.add(descriptor(fs, (Result.Table) result));\n } else if (result instanceof Result.Group) {\n for (Result.Table table : ((Result.Group) result).tables) {\n descriptors.add(descriptor(fs, table));\n }\n }\n\n return descriptors;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testMultipleUnknownFiles() throws Exception {\n File folder = temp.newFolder(\"a/b/c/d/e\");\n Path root = new Path(temp.getRoot().toURI());\n FileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance();\n\n // create a single Avro file\n Path parent = new Path(folder.toURI());\n createUnknownFile(fs, parent);\n createUnknownFile(fs, parent);\n\n Collection<DatasetDescriptor> expected = Lists.newArrayList();\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Should succeed and find no datasets\",\n expected, FileSystemUtil.findPotentialDatasets(fs, root));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates) { if (templatePath == null || templates == null || templates.length == 0) { return null; } for (TemplatePathInfo template : templates) { if (StringUtils.equals(template.getTemplatePath(), templatePath)) { return template; } } return null; }
@Test void testForTemplatePath() { assertEquals(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, Template.forTemplatePath(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1.getTemplatePath(), AppTemplate.values())); assertNull(Template.forTemplatePath("/apps/xxx/templates/yyy", AppTemplate.values())); }
[ "equals", "getTemplatePath" ]
[ "assertEquals", "forTemplatePath", "getTemplatePath", "values", "assertNull", "forTemplatePath", "values" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Page page;", "class_name": "TemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final Pattern TEMPLATE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/(apps|libs)/(.+)/templates(/.*)?/([^/]+)$\");", "class_name": "Template", "method_signatures": "private Template()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\") public static @Nullable String getResourceTypeFromTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String @NotNull... templatePaths)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath,\n @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Template\n\nclass_fields: static final Pattern TEMPLATE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/(apps|libs)/(.+)/templates(/.*)?/([^/]+)$\");\n\nmethod_signatures: private Template()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\") public static @Nullable String getResourceTypeFromTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic static boolean is(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String @NotNull... templatePaths)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath,\n @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\npublic static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@SafeVarargs public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forPage(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull Class<E> @NotNull... templateEnums)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Page page;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static @Nullable TemplatePathInfo forTemplatePath(@NotNull String templatePath, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates) {\n if (templatePath == null || templates == null || templates.length == 0) {\n return null;\n }\n for (TemplatePathInfo template : templates) {\n if (StringUtils.equals(template.getTemplatePath(), templatePath)) {\n return template;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testForTemplatePath() {\n assertEquals(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, Template.forTemplatePath(AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1.getTemplatePath(), AppTemplate.values()));\n assertNull(Template.forTemplatePath(\"/apps/xxx/templates/yyy\", AppTemplate.values()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request) { String contentPath = getContentPath(request); if (contentPath != null) { SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest = (SlingHttpServletRequest)request; return slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(contentPath); } return null; }
@Test void testGetContentResource_NoContentPath_FallbackToReferer() { when(request.getRequestURI()).thenReturn(GraniteUi.CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI + "/apps/app1/templates/template1"); when(request.getHeader(GraniteUi.HEADER_REFERER)).thenReturn(GraniteUi.CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI + CONTENT_PATH); when(request.getAttribute(Value.CONTENTPATH_ATTRIBUTE)).thenReturn(null); assertSame(resource, GraniteUi.getContentResource(request)); }
[ "getContentPath", "getResource", "getResourceResolver" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getRequestURI", "thenReturn", "when", "getHeader", "thenReturn", "when", "getAttribute", "assertSame", "getContentResource" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_PATH = \"/content/my/path\";\n@Mock\n private SlingHttpServletRequest request;\n@Mock\n private RequestPathInfo requestPathInfo;\n@Mock\n private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource;\n@Mock\n private PageManager pageManager;\n@Mock\n private Page page;", "class_name": "GraniteUiTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard/properties.html\";\nstatic final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard.html\";\nstatic final String HEADER_REFERER = \"Referer\";", "class_name": "GraniteUi", "method_signatures": "private GraniteUi()\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResourceOrParent(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Page getContentPage(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes)\nprivate static @Nullable String getContentPath(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\nprivate static boolean isValidContentPath(@Nullable String path)\nprivate static Resource getContentResourceOrParentFromPath(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, String contentPath)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GraniteUi\n\nclass_fields: static final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard/properties.html\";\nstatic final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard.html\";\nstatic final String HEADER_REFERER = \"Referer\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private GraniteUi()\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResourceOrParent(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Page getContentPage(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes)\nprivate static @Nullable String getContentPath(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\nprivate static boolean isValidContentPath(@Nullable String path)\nprivate static Resource getContentResourceOrParentFromPath(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, String contentPath)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GraniteUiTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_PATH = \"/content/my/path\";\n@Mock\n private SlingHttpServletRequest request;\n@Mock\n private RequestPathInfo requestPathInfo;\n@Mock\n private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource;\n@Mock\n private PageManager pageManager;\n@Mock\n private Page page;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request) {\n String contentPath = getContentPath(request);\n if (contentPath != null) {\n SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest = (SlingHttpServletRequest)request;\n return slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(contentPath);\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n ui/granite/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetContentResource_NoContentPath_FallbackToReferer() {\n when(request.getRequestURI()).thenReturn(GraniteUi.CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI + \"/apps/app1/templates/template1\");\n when(request.getHeader(GraniteUi.HEADER_REFERER)).thenReturn(GraniteUi.CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI + CONTENT_PATH);\n when(request.getAttribute(Value.CONTENTPATH_ATTRIBUTE)).thenReturn(null);\n assertSame(resource, GraniteUi.getContentResource(request));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean unregisterFromNotification(final URI uri, final String actionID) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Notifications are not supported for " + uri); }
@Test (expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void unregisterNotifications() throws URISyntaxException { URI uri = new URI("view:hdfs://localhost:9083/default/person?version=201404240000"); uriHandler.unregisterFromNotification(uri, "2324"); }
[ "unregisterFromNotification" ]
{ "class_fields": "protected static final String NAMESPACE = \"ns1\";\nprotected static final String NAME = \"provider_test1\";\nprotected boolean distributed;\nprotected Configuration conf;\nprotected DatasetDescriptor testDescriptor;\nprotected FileSystem fs;\nprivate Configuration startingConf;\nprivate String startingOozieHome;\nprivate File serviceTempDir;\nprivate KiteURIHandler uriHandler;", "class_name": "TestKiteURIHandler extends MiniDFSTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(KiteURIHandler.class);\nprivate Set<String> supportedSchemes;\nprivate List<Class<?>> classesToShip;\nprivate AtomicBoolean confLoaded = new AtomicBoolean(false);", "class_name": "KiteURIHandler implements URIHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void init(final Configuration conf)\n@Override public Set<String> getSupportedSchemes()\n@Override public Class<? extends LauncherURIHandler> getLauncherURIHandlerClass()\n@Override public List<Class<?>> getClassesForLauncher()\n@Override public DependencyType getDependencyType(final URI uri)\n@Override public void registerForNotification(final URI uri, final Configuration conf,\n final String user, final String actionID)\n@Override public boolean unregisterFromNotification(final URI uri, final String actionID)\n@Override public Context getContext(final URI uri, final Configuration conf,\n final String user)\nprivate synchronized void loadConfiguration()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\") @Override public boolean exists(final URI uri, final Context context)\n@Override public boolean exists(final URI uri, final Configuration conf, final String user)\n@Override public String getURIWithDoneFlag(final String uri, final String doneFlag)\n@Override public void validate(final String uri)\n@Override public void destroy()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-oozie/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/oozie/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: KiteURIHandler implements URIHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(KiteURIHandler.class);\nprivate Set<String> supportedSchemes;\nprivate List<Class<?>> classesToShip;\nprivate AtomicBoolean confLoaded = new AtomicBoolean(false);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void init(final Configuration conf)\n@Override public Set<String> getSupportedSchemes()\n@Override public Class<? extends LauncherURIHandler> getLauncherURIHandlerClass()\n@Override public List<Class<?>> getClassesForLauncher()\n@Override public DependencyType getDependencyType(final URI uri)\n@Override public void registerForNotification(final URI uri, final Configuration conf,\n final String user, final String actionID)\n@Override public boolean unregisterFromNotification(final URI uri, final String actionID)\n@Override public Context getContext(final URI uri, final Configuration conf,\n final String user)\nprivate synchronized void loadConfiguration()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\") @Override public boolean exists(final URI uri, final Context context)\n@Override public boolean exists(final URI uri, final Configuration conf, final String user)\n@Override public String getURIWithDoneFlag(final String uri, final String doneFlag)\n@Override public void validate(final String uri)\n@Override public void destroy()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestKiteURIHandler extends MiniDFSTest\n\nclass_fields: protected static final String NAMESPACE = \"ns1\";\nprotected static final String NAME = \"provider_test1\";\nprotected boolean distributed;\nprotected Configuration conf;\nprotected DatasetDescriptor testDescriptor;\nprotected FileSystem fs;\nprivate Configuration startingConf;\nprivate String startingOozieHome;\nprivate File serviceTempDir;\nprivate KiteURIHandler uriHandler;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-oozie/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/oozie/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean unregisterFromNotification(final URI uri, final String actionID) {\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\n \"Notifications are not supported for \" + uri);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-oozie/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/oozie/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test (expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)\n public void unregisterNotifications() throws URISyntaxException {\n URI uri = new URI(\"view:hdfs://localhost:9083/default/person?version=201404240000\");\n\n uriHandler.unregisterFromNotification(uri, \"2324\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(open(avroSchemaFile)); boolean hasVersion = false; ColumnMapping.Builder mappingBuilder = new ColumnMapping.Builder(); // handle version mappings first to know whether to use counters for (String mapping : partitions) { Matcher matcher = VERSION_MAPPING.matcher(mapping); if (matcher.matches()) { String source =; ValidationException.check(schema.getField(source) != null, "Not a schema field: %s", source); mappingBuilder.occ(source); hasVersion = true; } } // add the non-version mappings for (String mapping : partitions) { Matcher matcher = KEY_MAPPING.matcher(mapping); if (matcher.matches()) { String source =; ValidationException.check(schema.getField(source) != null, "Not a schema field: %s", source); mappingBuilder.key(source); continue; } matcher = VERSION_MAPPING.matcher(mapping); if (matcher.matches()) { continue; // already processed above } matcher = FIELD_MAPPING.matcher(mapping); if (matcher.matches()) { String source =; String family =; String qualOrPrefix =; Schema.Field field = schema.getField(source); ValidationException.check(field != null, "Not a schema field: %s", source); ValidationException.check(family != null && !family.isEmpty(), "Missing column family: %s:?", source); Schema.Type type = schema.getField(source).schema().getType(); if (!hasVersion && counterTypes.contains(type)) { if (qualOrPrefix == null) { mappingBuilder.counter(source, family, source); } else { mappingBuilder.counter(source, family, qualOrPrefix); } } else if (kacTypes.contains(type)) { mappingBuilder.keyAsColumn(source, family, qualOrPrefix); } else { if (qualOrPrefix == null) { mappingBuilder.column(source, family, source); } else { mappingBuilder.column(source, family, qualOrPrefix); } } } else { throw new ValidationException("Unknown mapping: " + mapping); } } // building the descriptor validates the schema and strategy DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .columnMapping( .schema(open(avroSchemaFile)) .partitionStrategy(open(partitionStrategyFile)) .build(); String mapping = descriptor.getColumnMapping().toString(!minimize); output(mapping, console, outputPath); return 0; }
@Test public void testMissingFamily() { command.partitions = Lists.newArrayList("gummi:"); TestHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject missing family for \"gummi\"", ValidationException.class, new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception {; return null; } }); }
[ "parse", "open", "matcher", "matches", "group", "check", "getField", "occ", "matcher", "matches", "group", "check", "getField", "key", "matcher", "matches", "matcher", "matches", "group", "group", "group", "getField", "check", "check", "isEmpty", "getType", "schema", "getField", "contains", "counter", "counter", "contains", "keyAsColumn", "column", "column", "build", "partitionStrategy", "schema", "columnMapping", "build", "open", "open", "toString", "getColumnMapping", "output" ]
[ "newArrayList", "assertThrows", "run" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Logger console;\nprivate CreateColumnMappingCommand command;", "class_name": "TestCreateColumnMappingCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Pattern KEY_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):key\");\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):version\");\nprivate static final Pattern FIELD_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):(\\\\w+)(?::(\\\\w+))?\");\nprivate static final Set<Schema.Type> counterTypes = Sets\n .newHashSet(Schema.Type.INT, Schema.Type.LONG);\nprivate static final Set<Schema.Type> kacTypes = Sets\n .newHashSet(Schema.Type.RECORD, Schema.Type.MAP);\nprivate final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<field:type pairs>\")\n List<String> partitions;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the JSON partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize output size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;", "class_name": "CreateColumnMappingCommand extends BaseCommand", "method_signatures": "public CreateColumnMappingCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CreateColumnMappingCommand extends BaseCommand\n\nclass_fields: private static final Pattern KEY_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):key\");\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):version\");\nprivate static final Pattern FIELD_MAPPING = Pattern.compile(\"(\\\\w+):(\\\\w+)(?::(\\\\w+))?\");\nprivate static final Set<Schema.Type> counterTypes = Sets\n .newHashSet(Schema.Type.INT, Schema.Type.LONG);\nprivate static final Set<Schema.Type> kacTypes = Sets\n .newHashSet(Schema.Type.RECORD, Schema.Type.MAP);\nprivate final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<field:type pairs>\")\n List<String> partitions;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"}, required=true,\n description = \"The file containing the JSON partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize output size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CreateColumnMappingCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestCreateColumnMappingCommand\n\nclass_fields: private Logger console;\nprivate CreateColumnMappingCommand command;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(open(avroSchemaFile));\n\n boolean hasVersion = false;\n ColumnMapping.Builder mappingBuilder = new ColumnMapping.Builder();\n\n // handle version mappings first to know whether to use counters\n for (String mapping : partitions) {\n Matcher matcher = VERSION_MAPPING.matcher(mapping);\n if (matcher.matches()) {\n String source =;\n ValidationException.check(schema.getField(source) != null,\n \"Not a schema field: %s\", source);\n mappingBuilder.occ(source);\n hasVersion = true;\n }\n }\n\n // add the non-version mappings\n for (String mapping : partitions) {\n Matcher matcher = KEY_MAPPING.matcher(mapping);\n if (matcher.matches()) {\n String source =;\n ValidationException.check(schema.getField(source) != null,\n \"Not a schema field: %s\", source);\n mappingBuilder.key(source);\n continue;\n }\n matcher = VERSION_MAPPING.matcher(mapping);\n if (matcher.matches()) {\n continue; // already processed above\n }\n matcher = FIELD_MAPPING.matcher(mapping);\n if (matcher.matches()) {\n String source =;\n String family =;\n String qualOrPrefix =;\n Schema.Field field = schema.getField(source);\n ValidationException.check(field != null,\n \"Not a schema field: %s\", source);\n ValidationException.check(family != null && !family.isEmpty(),\n \"Missing column family: %s:?\", source);\n Schema.Type type = schema.getField(source).schema().getType();\n if (!hasVersion && counterTypes.contains(type)) {\n if (qualOrPrefix == null) {\n mappingBuilder.counter(source, family, source);\n } else {\n mappingBuilder.counter(source, family, qualOrPrefix);\n }\n } else if (kacTypes.contains(type)) {\n mappingBuilder.keyAsColumn(source, family, qualOrPrefix);\n } else {\n if (qualOrPrefix == null) {\n mappingBuilder.column(source, family, source);\n } else {\n mappingBuilder.column(source, family, qualOrPrefix);\n }\n }\n } else {\n throw new ValidationException(\"Unknown mapping: \" + mapping);\n }\n }\n\n // building the descriptor validates the schema and strategy\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .columnMapping(\n .schema(open(avroSchemaFile))\n .partitionStrategy(open(partitionStrategyFile))\n .build();\n\n String mapping = descriptor.getColumnMapping().toString(!minimize);\n\n output(mapping, console, outputPath);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testMissingFamily() {\n command.partitions = Lists.newArrayList(\"gummi:\");\n TestHelpers.assertThrows(\"Should reject missing family for \\\"gummi\\\"\",\n ValidationException.class, new Callable() {\n @Override\n public Object call() throws Exception {\n;\n return null;\n }\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final TimeSheetType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setSecurity(false); TimeSheetType context = new TimeSheetType(); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM TimeSheetType e WHERE e.status=:status "; MultiplePagedSearch<TimeSheetType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setSecurity", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder unit = new TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "TimesheetTypeQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";", "class_name": "TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<TimeSheetType>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final TimeSheetType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/timesheet/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<TimeSheetType>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final TimeSheetType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TimesheetTypeQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder unit = new TimeSheetTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/timesheet/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final TimeSheetType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/timesheet/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\tTimeSheetType context = new TimeSheetType();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM TimeSheetType e WHERE e.status=:status \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<TimeSheetType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames != null && !classNames.isEmpty(), "Java class name is required"); Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames.size() == 1, "Only one java class name can be given"); ClassLoader loader = loaderFor(jars, libs); String className = classNames.get(0); Class<?> recordClass; try { recordClass = loader.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find class: " + className, e); } DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schema(recordClass) .build(); String schema = descriptor.getSchema().toString(!minimize); output(schema, console, outputPath); return 0; }
@Test public void testSchemaToFile() throws Exception { command.classNames = Lists.newArrayList("org.kitesdk.cli.example.User"); command.outputPath = "target/user.avsc"; int rc =; Assert.assertEquals("Should return success code", 0, rc); String fileContent = Files.toString( new File("target/user.avsc"), BaseCommand.UTF8); Assert.assertTrue("File should contain pretty printed schema", TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema).matches(fileContent)); verifyNoMoreInteractions(console); }
[ "checkArgument", "isEmpty", "checkArgument", "size", "loaderFor", "get", "loadClass", "build", "schema", "toString", "getSchema", "output" ]
[ "newArrayList", "run", "assertEquals", "toString", "assertTrue", "matches", "matchesSchema", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate ObjectSchemaCommand command;", "class_name": "TestObjectSchemaCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<class name>\")\n List<String> classNames;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--jar\",\n description=\"Add a jar to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> jars;\n@Parameter(names=\"--lib-dir\",\n description=\"Add a directory to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> libs;", "class_name": "ObjectSchemaCommand extends BaseCommand", "method_signatures": "public ObjectSchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ObjectSchemaCommand extends BaseCommand\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<class name>\")\n List<String> classNames;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--jar\",\n description=\"Add a jar to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> jars;\n@Parameter(names=\"--lib-dir\",\n description=\"Add a directory to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> libs;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ObjectSchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestObjectSchemaCommand\n\nclass_fields: private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate ObjectSchemaCommand command;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames != null && !classNames.isEmpty(),\n \"Java class name is required\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames.size() == 1,\n \"Only one java class name can be given\");\n\n ClassLoader loader = loaderFor(jars, libs);\n\n String className = classNames.get(0);\n Class<?> recordClass;\n try {\n recordClass = loader.loadClass(className);\n } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot find class: \" + className, e);\n }\n\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schema(recordClass)\n .build();\n String schema = descriptor.getSchema().toString(!minimize);\n\n output(schema, console, outputPath);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSchemaToFile() throws Exception {\n command.classNames = Lists.newArrayList(\"org.kitesdk.cli.example.User\");\n command.outputPath = \"target/user.avsc\";\n int rc =;\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Should return success code\", 0, rc);\n String fileContent = Files.toString(\n new File(\"target/user.avsc\"), BaseCommand.UTF8);\n Assert.assertTrue(\"File should contain pretty printed schema\",\n TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema).matches(fileContent));\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(console);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Path fromKey(StorageKey key) { final StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final List<FieldPartitioner> partitioners = Accessor.getDefault().getFieldPartitioners(key.getPartitionStrategy()); for (int i = 0; i < partitioners.size(); i++) { final FieldPartitioner fp = partitioners.get(i); if (i != 0) { pathBuilder.append(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String dirname = dirnameForValue(fp, key.get(i)); pathBuilder.append(dirname); } return new Path(pathBuilder.toString()); }
@Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void toDirNameIdentityWithSlashes() { PartitionStrategy strategy = new PartitionStrategy.Builder() .identity("name") .identity("address") .build(); StorageKey key = new StorageKey(strategy); key.replaceValues((List) Lists.newArrayList("John Doe", "NY/USA")); Assert.assertEquals( new Path("name_copy=John+Doe/address_copy=NY%2FUSA"), convert.fromKey(key)); }
[ "getFieldPartitioners", "getDefault", "getPartitionStrategy", "size", "get", "append", "dirnameForValue", "get", "append", "toString" ]
[ "build", "identity", "identity", "replaceValues", "newArrayList", "assertEquals", "fromKey" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"id\")\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final PathConversion convert = new PathConversion(schema);\nprivate static final Splitter EQ = Splitter.on('=');", "class_name": "TestPathConversion" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Schema schema;\nprivate static final Splitter PART_SEP = Splitter.on('=');\nprivate static final Joiner PART_JOIN = Joiner.on('=');\nprivate static final Map<Class<?>, Integer> WIDTHS =\n ImmutableMap.<Class<?>, Integer>builder()\n .put(MinuteFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(HourFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(DayOfMonthFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(MonthFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .build();", "class_name": "PathConversion", "method_signatures": "public PathConversion(Schema schema)\npublic StorageKey toKey(Path fromPath, StorageKey storage)\npublic Path fromKey(StorageKey key)\npublic T valueForDirname(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, String name)\npublic static String dirnameForValue(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, T value)\npublic static String valueToString(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, T value)\npublic static T valueForDirname(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, Schema schema, String name)\npublic static String dirnameToValueString(String name)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PathConversion\n\nclass_fields: private final Schema schema;\nprivate static final Splitter PART_SEP = Splitter.on('=');\nprivate static final Joiner PART_JOIN = Joiner.on('=');\nprivate static final Map<Class<?>, Integer> WIDTHS =\n ImmutableMap.<Class<?>, Integer>builder()\n .put(MinuteFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(HourFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(DayOfMonthFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .put(MonthFieldPartitioner.class, 2)\n .build();\n\nmethod_signatures: public PathConversion(Schema schema)\npublic StorageKey toKey(Path fromPath, StorageKey storage)\npublic Path fromKey(StorageKey key)\npublic T valueForDirname(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, String name)\npublic static String dirnameForValue(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, T value)\npublic static String valueToString(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, T value)\npublic static T valueForDirname(FieldPartitioner<?, T> field, Schema schema, String name)\npublic static String dirnameToValueString(String name)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestPathConversion\n\nclass_fields: private static final Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.record(\"Event\").fields()\n .requiredLong(\"id\")\n .requiredLong(\"timestamp\")\n .endRecord();\nprivate static final PathConversion convert = new PathConversion(schema);\nprivate static final Splitter EQ = Splitter.on('=');\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Path fromKey(StorageKey key) {\n final StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder();\n final List<FieldPartitioner> partitioners =\n Accessor.getDefault().getFieldPartitioners(key.getPartitionStrategy());\n\n for (int i = 0; i < partitioners.size(); i++) {\n final FieldPartitioner fp = partitioners.get(i);\n if (i != 0) {\n pathBuilder.append(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);\n }\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n String dirname = dirnameForValue(fp, key.get(i));\n pathBuilder.append(dirname);\n }\n\n return new Path(pathBuilder.toString());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public void toDirNameIdentityWithSlashes() {\n PartitionStrategy strategy = new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .identity(\"name\")\n .identity(\"address\")\n .build();\n\n StorageKey key = new StorageKey(strategy);\n key.replaceValues((List) Lists.newArrayList(\"John Doe\", \"NY/USA\"));\n\n Assert.assertEquals(\n new Path(\"name_copy=John+Doe/address_copy=NY%2FUSA\"),\n convert.fromKey(key));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = "Get Department Type by id") public DepartmentTypeResource getResource(@PathVariable("id") final Long id) { return facade.getResource(id); }
@Test public void testGetResource() throws Exception { // Given Long id = 1L; String name = "all difficult"; String abbrName = "ad"; DepartmentTypeResource expected = new DepartmentTypeResource(); expected.setName(name); expected.setAbbrName(abbrName); expected.setId(id); // When when(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(expected); String response = getJson(expected, false); // Then mockMvc.perform(get("/departments/types/{id}", id)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().string(response)); verify(facade).getResource(id); }
[ "getResource" ]
[ "setName", "setAbbrName", "setId", "thenReturn", "when", "getResource", "anyLong", "getJson", "andExpect", "andExpect", "perform", "get", "isOk", "status", "string", "content", "getResource", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate Facade<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate DepartmentTypeController unit;", "class_name": "DepartmentTypeControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DepartmentTypeController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"departmentTypeFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource, Long> facade;", "class_name": "DepartmentTypeController extends BaseController implements PagedController<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Gender Types\") public PagedResultResource<DepartmentTypeResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<DepartmentTypeResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Department Type by id\") public DepartmentTypeResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/department/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DepartmentTypeController extends BaseController implements PagedController<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DepartmentTypeController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"departmentTypeFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource, Long> facade;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Gender Types\") public PagedResultResource<DepartmentTypeResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<DepartmentTypeResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Department Type by id\") public DepartmentTypeResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DepartmentTypeControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate Facade<DepartmentTypeResource, DepartmentTypeResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate DepartmentTypeController unit;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/department/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)\n\t@RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET)\n\t@ApiOperation(value = \"Get Department Type by id\")\n\tpublic DepartmentTypeResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id) {\n\t\treturn facade.getResource(id);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-rest-api/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/department/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetResource() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tLong id = 1L;\n\t\tString name = \"all difficult\";\n\t\tString abbrName = \"ad\";\n\t\tDepartmentTypeResource expected = new DepartmentTypeResource();\n\t\texpected.setName(name);\n\t\texpected.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\texpected.setId(id);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\twhen(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(expected);\n\t\tString response = getJson(expected, false);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tmockMvc.perform(get(\"/departments/types/{id}\", id))\n\t\t\t.andExpect(status().isOk())\n\t\t\t.andExpect(content().string(response));\n\t\t\n\t\tverify(facade).getResource(id);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor) { Preconditions.checkArgument(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace), "Non-default namespaces are not supported"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Dataset name cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(descriptor, "Descriptor cannot be null"); Compatibility.checkAndWarn( namespace, HBaseMetadataProvider.getTableName(name), descriptor.getSchema()); Preconditions.checkArgument(descriptor.isColumnMapped(), "Cannot create dataset %s: missing column mapping", name); try { String managedSchemaName = "managed_schemas"; // TODO: allow table to be specified if (!hbaseAdmin.tableExists(managedSchemaName)) { HTableDescriptor table = new HTableDescriptor(managedSchemaName); table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("meta")); table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("schema")); table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY)); hbaseAdmin.createTable(table); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException("Cannot open schema table", e); } Schema schema = getEmbeddedSchema(descriptor); String entitySchemaString = schema.toString(true); AvroEntitySchema entitySchema = new AvroEntitySchema( schema, entitySchemaString, descriptor.getColumnMapping()); String tableName = getTableName(name); String entityName = getEntityName(name); schemaManager.refreshManagedSchemaCache(tableName, entityName); schemaManager.createSchema(tableName, entityName, entitySchemaString, "", "", ""); try { if (!hbaseAdmin.tableExists(tableName)) { HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName); Set<String> familiesToAdd = entitySchema.getColumnMappingDescriptor() .getRequiredColumnFamilies(); familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY)); familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.OBSERVABLE_COL_FAMILY)); for (String columnFamily : familiesToAdd) { desc.addFamily(columnFamily(columnFamily, descriptor)); } hbaseAdmin.createTable(desc); } else { Set<String> familiesToAdd = entitySchema.getColumnMappingDescriptor() .getRequiredColumnFamilies(); familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY)); familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.OBSERVABLE_COL_FAMILY)); HTableDescriptor desc = hbaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor(tableName .getBytes()); for (HColumnDescriptor columnDesc : desc.getColumnFamilies()) { String familyName = columnDesc.getNameAsString(); if (familiesToAdd.contains(familyName)) { familiesToAdd.remove(familyName); } } if (familiesToAdd.size() > 0) { hbaseAdmin.disableTable(tableName); try { for (String family : familiesToAdd) { hbaseAdmin.addColumn(tableName, columnFamily(family, descriptor)); } } finally { hbaseAdmin.enableTable(tableName); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException("Cannot prepare table: " + name, e); } return getDatasetDescriptor(schema, descriptor.getLocation()); }
@Test public void testBasic() { DatasetDescriptor desc = provider.create("default", tableName + ".TestEntity", new DatasetDescriptor.Builder().schemaLiteral(testEntity).build()); ColumnMapping columnMapping = desc.getColumnMapping(); PartitionStrategy partStrat = desc.getPartitionStrategy(); assertEquals(9, columnMapping.getFieldMappings().size()); assertEquals(2, Accessor.getDefault().getFieldPartitioners(partStrat).size()); }
[ "checkArgument", "equals", "checkNotNull", "checkNotNull", "checkAndWarn", "getTableName", "getSchema", "checkArgument", "isColumnMapped", "tableExists", "addFamily", "addFamily", "addFamily", "createTable", "getEmbeddedSchema", "toString", "getColumnMapping", "getTableName", "getEntityName", "refreshManagedSchemaCache", "createSchema", "tableExists", "getRequiredColumnFamilies", "getColumnMappingDescriptor", "add", "add", "addFamily", "columnFamily", "createTable", "getRequiredColumnFamilies", "getColumnMappingDescriptor", "add", "add", "getTableDescriptor", "getBytes", "getColumnFamilies", "getNameAsString", "contains", "remove", "size", "disableTable", "addColumn", "columnFamily", "enableTable", "getDatasetDescriptor", "getLocation" ]
[ "create", "build", "schemaLiteral", "getColumnMapping", "getPartitionStrategy", "assertEquals", "size", "getFieldMappings", "assertEquals", "size", "getFieldPartitioners", "getDefault" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String testEntity;\nprivate static final String tableName = \"testtable\";\nprivate static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate static HBaseMetadataProvider provider;", "class_name": "HBaseMetadataProviderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(HBaseMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = \"default\";\nprivate static final String REPLICATION_ID_PROP = \"hbase.replication.scope\";\nprivate HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin;\nprivate SchemaManager schemaManager;", "class_name": "HBaseMetadataProvider extends AbstractMetadataProvider", "method_signatures": "public HBaseMetadataProvider(HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin, SchemaManager schemaManager)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor update(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public Collection<String> namespaces()\n@Override public Collection<String> datasets(String namespace)\nstatic String getTableName(String name)\nstatic String getEntityName(String name)\nprivate static Schema getEmbeddedSchema(DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate static DatasetDescriptor getDatasetDescriptor(Schema schema, URI location)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor columnFamily(byte[] family, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor columnFamily(String family, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor configure(HColumnDescriptor column, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HBaseMetadataProvider extends AbstractMetadataProvider\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(HBaseMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = \"default\";\nprivate static final String REPLICATION_ID_PROP = \"hbase.replication.scope\";\nprivate HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin;\nprivate SchemaManager schemaManager;\n\nmethod_signatures: public HBaseMetadataProvider(HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin, SchemaManager schemaManager)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor update(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public Collection<String> namespaces()\n@Override public Collection<String> datasets(String namespace)\nstatic String getTableName(String name)\nstatic String getEntityName(String name)\nprivate static Schema getEmbeddedSchema(DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate static DatasetDescriptor getDatasetDescriptor(Schema schema, URI location)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor columnFamily(byte[] family, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor columnFamily(String family, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate HColumnDescriptor configure(HColumnDescriptor column, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HBaseMetadataProviderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String testEntity;\nprivate static final String tableName = \"testtable\";\nprivate static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate static HBaseMetadataProvider provider;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor) {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace),\n \"Non-default namespaces are not supported\");\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, \"Dataset name cannot be null\");\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(descriptor, \"Descriptor cannot be null\");\n Compatibility.checkAndWarn(\n namespace,\n HBaseMetadataProvider.getTableName(name),\n descriptor.getSchema());\n Preconditions.checkArgument(descriptor.isColumnMapped(),\n \"Cannot create dataset %s: missing column mapping\", name);\n\n try {\n String managedSchemaName = \"managed_schemas\"; // TODO: allow table to be specified\n if (!hbaseAdmin.tableExists(managedSchemaName)) {\n HTableDescriptor table = new HTableDescriptor(managedSchemaName);\n table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(\"meta\"));\n table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(\"schema\"));\n table.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY));\n hbaseAdmin.createTable(table);\n }\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\"Cannot open schema table\", e);\n }\n\n Schema schema = getEmbeddedSchema(descriptor);\n String entitySchemaString = schema.toString(true);\n AvroEntitySchema entitySchema = new AvroEntitySchema(\n schema, entitySchemaString, descriptor.getColumnMapping());\n\n String tableName = getTableName(name);\n String entityName = getEntityName(name);\n\n schemaManager.refreshManagedSchemaCache(tableName, entityName);\n schemaManager.createSchema(tableName, entityName, entitySchemaString,\n \"\",\n \"\",\n \"\");\n\n try {\n if (!hbaseAdmin.tableExists(tableName)) {\n HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);\n Set<String> familiesToAdd = entitySchema.getColumnMappingDescriptor()\n .getRequiredColumnFamilies();\n familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY));\n familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.OBSERVABLE_COL_FAMILY));\n for (String columnFamily : familiesToAdd) {\n desc.addFamily(columnFamily(columnFamily, descriptor));\n }\n hbaseAdmin.createTable(desc);\n } else {\n Set<String> familiesToAdd = entitySchema.getColumnMappingDescriptor()\n .getRequiredColumnFamilies();\n familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.SYS_COL_FAMILY));\n familiesToAdd.add(new String(Constants.OBSERVABLE_COL_FAMILY));\n HTableDescriptor desc = hbaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor(tableName\n .getBytes());\n for (HColumnDescriptor columnDesc : desc.getColumnFamilies()) {\n String familyName = columnDesc.getNameAsString();\n if (familiesToAdd.contains(familyName)) {\n familiesToAdd.remove(familyName);\n }\n }\n if (familiesToAdd.size() > 0) {\n hbaseAdmin.disableTable(tableName);\n try {\n for (String family : familiesToAdd) {\n hbaseAdmin.addColumn(tableName, columnFamily(family, descriptor));\n }\n } finally {\n hbaseAdmin.enableTable(tableName);\n }\n }\n }\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\"Cannot prepare table: \" + name, e);\n }\n return getDatasetDescriptor(schema, descriptor.getLocation());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testBasic() {\n DatasetDescriptor desc = provider.create(\"default\", tableName + \".TestEntity\",\n new DatasetDescriptor.Builder().schemaLiteral(testEntity).build());\n ColumnMapping columnMapping = desc.getColumnMapping();\n PartitionStrategy partStrat = desc.getPartitionStrategy();\n assertEquals(9, columnMapping.getFieldMappings().size());\n assertEquals(2, Accessor.getDefault().getFieldPartitioners(partStrat).size());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespace, "Namespace cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Dataset name cannot be null"); LOG.debug("Loading dataset metadata name: {}", name); Path metadataPath = find(namespace, name); InputStream inputStream = null; Properties properties = new Properties(); DatasetDescriptor.Builder builder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(); Path descriptorPath = new Path(metadataPath, DESCRIPTOR_FILE_NAME); boolean threw = true; try { inputStream =; properties.load(inputStream); threw = false; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException( "Unable to load descriptor file:" + descriptorPath + " for dataset:" + name, e); } finally { try { Closeables.close(inputStream, threw); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException("Cannot close", e); } } if (properties.containsKey(FORMAT_FIELD_NAME)) { builder.format(Accessor.getDefault().newFormat( properties.getProperty(FORMAT_FIELD_NAME))); } if (properties.containsKey(COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME)) { builder.compressionType(properties.getProperty(COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME)); } if (properties.containsKey(PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME)) { builder.partitionStrategy(Accessor.getDefault().fromExpression(properties .getProperty(PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME))); } SchemaManager manager = SchemaManager.load(conf, new Path(metadataPath, SCHEMA_DIRECTORY_NAME)); URI schemaURI; if (manager == null) { // If there is no schema manager directory we are working // with a dataset written with an older version. Therefore // we just use a reference to the existing schema. Path schemaPath = new Path(metadataPath, SCHEMA_FILE_NAME); checkExists(getFileSytem(), schemaPath); schemaURI = rootFileSystem.makeQualified(schemaPath).toUri(); } else { schemaURI = manager.getNewestSchemaURI(); } if (schemaURI == null) { throw new DatasetException("Maformed dataset metadata at " + metadataPath + ". No schemas are present."); } try { builder.schemaUri(schemaURI); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException( "Unable to load schema file:" + schemaURI + " for dataset:" + name, e); } final Path location; if (properties.containsKey(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME)) { // the location should always be written by this library and validated // when the descriptor is first created. location = new Path(properties.getProperty(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME)); } else { // backwards-compatibility: older versions didn't write this property but // the data and metadata were always co-located. location = expectedPathForDataset(namespace, name); } builder.location(location); // custom properties for (String property : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { if (!RESERVED_PROPERTIES.contains(property)) {, properties.getProperty(property)); } } return; }
@Test public void testLoadSetsLocation() throws IOException { ensureCreated(); DatasetDescriptor loaded = provider.load(NAMESPACE, NAME); Assert.assertNotNull("Loaded descriptor should have a location", loaded.getLocation()); if (distributed) { // purposely call new Configuration() to test that the URI has HDFS info Assert.assertEquals( getDFS(), FileSystem.get(loaded.getLocation(), new Configuration())); Assert.assertEquals( "hdfs", loaded.getLocation().getScheme()); Assert.assertEquals( getDFS().getUri().getAuthority(), loaded.getLocation().getAuthority()); } else { // purposely call new Configuration() to test that the URI has FS info Assert.assertEquals( getFS(), FileSystem.get(loaded.getLocation(), new Configuration())); Assert.assertEquals( "file", loaded.getLocation().getScheme()); Assert.assertEquals( getFS().getUri().getAuthority(), loaded.getLocation().getAuthority()); } }
[ "checkNotNull", "checkNotNull", "debug", "find", "open", "load", "close", "containsKey", "format", "newFormat", "getDefault", "getProperty", "containsKey", "compressionType", "getProperty", "containsKey", "partitionStrategy", "fromExpression", "getDefault", "getProperty", "load", "checkExists", "getFileSytem", "toUri", "makeQualified", "getNewestSchemaURI", "schemaUri", "containsKey", "getProperty", "expectedPathForDataset", "location", "stringPropertyNames", "contains", "property", "getProperty", "build" ]
[ "ensureCreated", "load", "assertNotNull", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getDFS", "get", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getScheme", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getAuthority", "getUri", "getDFS", "getAuthority", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getFS", "get", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getScheme", "getLocation", "assertEquals", "getAuthority", "getUri", "getFS", "getAuthority", "getLocation" ]
{ "class_fields": "private FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate Path testDirectory;", "class_name": "TestFileSystemMetadataProvider extends TestMetadataProviders" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate static final String METADATA_DIRECTORY = \".metadata\";\nprivate static final String SCHEMA_FILE_NAME = \"schema.avsc\";\nprivate static final String SCHEMA_DIRECTORY_NAME = \"schemas\";\nprivate static final String DESCRIPTOR_FILE_NAME = \"\";\nprivate static final String PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME = \"partitionExpression\";\nprivate static final String VERSION_FIELD_NAME = \"version\";\nprivate static final String METADATA_VERSION = \"1\";\nprivate static final String FORMAT_FIELD_NAME = \"format\";\nprivate static final String LOCATION_FIELD_NAME = \"location\";\nprivate static final String COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME = \"compressionType\";\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = \"default\";\nprivate static final Set<String> RESERVED_PROPERTIES = Sets.newHashSet(\n PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME, VERSION_FIELD_NAME, FORMAT_FIELD_NAME,\n LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME);\nprivate final Configuration conf;\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate transient final FileSystem rootFileSystem;", "class_name": "FileSystemMetadataProvider extends AbstractMetadataProvider", "method_signatures": "public FileSystemMetadataProvider(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor update(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\nprivate boolean deleteWithTrash(String namespace, String name, boolean useTrash)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public Set<String> namespaces()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public Set<String> datasets(String namespace)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") private boolean isNamespace(Path dir)\nprivate boolean isDataset(Path dir)\n Path getRootDirectory()\n FileSystem getFileSytem()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate Path expectedPathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\nprivate Path pathForMetadata(String namespace, String name)\n@VisibleForTesting static void writeDescriptor(\n FileSystem fs, Path metadataLocation, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate static Path pathForMetadata(Path root, String namespace, String name)\nprivate static void checkExists(FileSystem fs, Path location)\nprivate Path find(String namespace, String name)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileSystemMetadataProvider extends AbstractMetadataProvider\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate static final String METADATA_DIRECTORY = \".metadata\";\nprivate static final String SCHEMA_FILE_NAME = \"schema.avsc\";\nprivate static final String SCHEMA_DIRECTORY_NAME = \"schemas\";\nprivate static final String DESCRIPTOR_FILE_NAME = \"\";\nprivate static final String PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME = \"partitionExpression\";\nprivate static final String VERSION_FIELD_NAME = \"version\";\nprivate static final String METADATA_VERSION = \"1\";\nprivate static final String FORMAT_FIELD_NAME = \"format\";\nprivate static final String LOCATION_FIELD_NAME = \"location\";\nprivate static final String COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME = \"compressionType\";\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = \"default\";\nprivate static final Set<String> RESERVED_PROPERTIES = Sets.newHashSet(\n PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME, VERSION_FIELD_NAME, FORMAT_FIELD_NAME,\n LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME);\nprivate final Configuration conf;\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate transient final FileSystem rootFileSystem;\n\nmethod_signatures: public FileSystemMetadataProvider(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor update(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\nprivate boolean deleteWithTrash(String namespace, String name, boolean useTrash)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public Set<String> namespaces()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") @Override public Set<String> datasets(String namespace)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") private boolean isNamespace(Path dir)\nprivate boolean isDataset(Path dir)\n Path getRootDirectory()\n FileSystem getFileSytem()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate Path expectedPathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\nprivate Path pathForMetadata(String namespace, String name)\n@VisibleForTesting static void writeDescriptor(\n FileSystem fs, Path metadataLocation, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\nprivate static Path pathForMetadata(Path root, String namespace, String name)\nprivate static void checkExists(FileSystem fs, Path location)\nprivate Path find(String namespace, String name)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFileSystemMetadataProvider extends TestMetadataProviders\n\nclass_fields: private FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate Path testDirectory;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public DatasetDescriptor load(String namespace, String name) {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespace, \"Namespace cannot be null\");\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, \"Dataset name cannot be null\");\n\n LOG.debug(\"Loading dataset metadata name: {}\", name);\n\n Path metadataPath = find(namespace, name);\n\n InputStream inputStream = null;\n Properties properties = new Properties();\n DatasetDescriptor.Builder builder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder();\n Path descriptorPath = new Path(metadataPath, DESCRIPTOR_FILE_NAME);\n\n boolean threw = true;\n try {\n inputStream =;\n properties.load(inputStream);\n threw = false;\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\n \"Unable to load descriptor file:\" + descriptorPath +\n \" for dataset:\" + name, e);\n } finally {\n try {\n Closeables.close(inputStream, threw);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\"Cannot close\", e);\n }\n }\n\n if (properties.containsKey(FORMAT_FIELD_NAME)) {\n builder.format(Accessor.getDefault().newFormat(\n properties.getProperty(FORMAT_FIELD_NAME)));\n }\n if (properties.containsKey(COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME)) {\n builder.compressionType(properties.getProperty(COMPRESSION_TYPE_FIELD_NAME));\n }\n if (properties.containsKey(PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME)) {\n builder.partitionStrategy(Accessor.getDefault().fromExpression(properties\n .getProperty(PARTITION_EXPRESSION_FIELD_NAME)));\n }\n\n SchemaManager manager = SchemaManager.load(conf,\n new Path(metadataPath, SCHEMA_DIRECTORY_NAME));\n\n URI schemaURI;\n\n if (manager == null) {\n\n // If there is no schema manager directory we are working\n // with a dataset written with an older version. Therefore\n // we just use a reference to the existing schema.\n Path schemaPath = new Path(metadataPath, SCHEMA_FILE_NAME);\n\n checkExists(getFileSytem(), schemaPath);\n\n schemaURI = rootFileSystem.makeQualified(schemaPath).toUri();\n\n } else {\n schemaURI = manager.getNewestSchemaURI();\n }\n\n if (schemaURI == null) {\n throw new DatasetException(\"Maformed dataset metadata at \" +\n metadataPath + \". No schemas are present.\");\n }\n\n try {\n builder.schemaUri(schemaURI);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\n \"Unable to load schema file:\" + schemaURI + \" for dataset:\" + name, e);\n }\n\n final Path location;\n if (properties.containsKey(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME)) {\n // the location should always be written by this library and validated\n // when the descriptor is first created.\n location = new Path(properties.getProperty(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME));\n } else {\n // backwards-compatibility: older versions didn't write this property but\n // the data and metadata were always co-located.\n location = expectedPathForDataset(namespace, name);\n }\n builder.location(location);\n\n // custom properties\n for (String property : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {\n if (!RESERVED_PROPERTIES.contains(property)) {\n, properties.getProperty(property));\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLoadSetsLocation() throws IOException {\n ensureCreated();\n\n DatasetDescriptor loaded = provider.load(NAMESPACE, NAME);\n Assert.assertNotNull(\"Loaded descriptor should have a location\",\n loaded.getLocation());\n if (distributed) {\n // purposely call new Configuration() to test that the URI has HDFS info\n Assert.assertEquals(\n getDFS(),\n FileSystem.get(loaded.getLocation(), new Configuration()));\n Assert.assertEquals(\n \"hdfs\",\n loaded.getLocation().getScheme());\n Assert.assertEquals(\n getDFS().getUri().getAuthority(),\n loaded.getLocation().getAuthority());\n } else {\n // purposely call new Configuration() to test that the URI has FS info\n Assert.assertEquals(\n getFS(),\n FileSystem.get(loaded.getLocation(), new Configuration()));\n Assert.assertEquals(\n \"file\",\n loaded.getLocation().getScheme());\n Assert.assertEquals(\n getFS().getUri().getAuthority(),\n loaded.getLocation().getAuthority());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = "Get reason resource by id") public ReasonResource getResource(@PathVariable("id") final Long id) { return facade.getResource(id); }
@Test public void testGetResource() throws Exception { // Given Long id = 1L; String name = "all difficult"; String abbrName = "ad"; ReasonResource expected = new ReasonResource(); expected.setName(name); expected.setAbbrName(abbrName); expected.setId(id); // When when(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(expected); String response = getJson(expected, false); // Then mockMvc.perform(get("/reasons/{id}", id)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().string(response)); verify(facade).getResource(id); }
[ "getResource" ]
[ "setName", "setAbbrName", "setId", "thenReturn", "when", "getResource", "anyLong", "getJson", "andExpect", "andExpect", "perform", "get", "isOk", "status", "string", "content", "getResource", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate Facade<ReasonResource, ReasonResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate ReasonController unit;", "class_name": "ReasonControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReasonController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"reasonFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<ReasonResource, ReasonResource, Long> facade;", "class_name": "ReasonController extends BaseController implements PagedController<ReasonResource, ReasonResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Reasons\") public PagedResultResource<ReasonResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<ReasonResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get reason resource by id\") public ReasonResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/reason/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ReasonController extends BaseController implements PagedController<ReasonResource, ReasonResource>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReasonController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"reasonFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<ReasonResource, ReasonResource, Long> facade;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Reasons\") public PagedResultResource<ReasonResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<ReasonResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get reason resource by id\") public ReasonResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ReasonControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate Facade<ReasonResource, ReasonResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate ReasonController unit;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/reason/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)\n\t@RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET)\n\t@ApiOperation(value = \"Get reason resource by id\")\n\tpublic ReasonResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id) {\n\t\treturn facade.getResource(id);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-rest-api/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/reason/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetResource() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tLong id = 1L;\n\t\tString name = \"all difficult\";\n\t\tString abbrName = \"ad\";\n\t\tReasonResource expected = new ReasonResource();\n\t\texpected.setName(name);\n\t\texpected.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\texpected.setId(id);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\twhen(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(expected);\n\t\tString response = getJson(expected, false);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tmockMvc.perform(get(\"/reasons/{id}\", id))\n\t\t\t.andExpect(status().isOk())\n\t\t\t.andExpect(content().string(response));\n\t\t\n\t\tverify(facade).getResource(id);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { if (targets == null || targets.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No views or datasets were specified."); } for (String uriOrName : targets) { if (isViewUri(uriOrName)) { View view = Datasets.load(uriOrName); Preconditions.checkArgument(viewMatches(view.getUri(), uriOrName), "Resolved view does not match requested view: " + view.getUri()); if(skipTrash) { view.deleteAll(); }else { view.moveToTrash(); } } else if (isDatasetUri(uriOrName)) { if(skipTrash) { Datasets.delete(uriOrName); }else { Datasets.moveToTrash(uriOrName); } } else { if(skipTrash){ getDatasetRepository().delete(namespace, uriOrName); }else { getDatasetRepository().moveToTrash(namespace, uriOrName); } } console.debug("Deleted {}", uriOrName); } return 0; }
@Test public void testMultipleDatasets() throws Exception { command.targets = Lists.newArrayList("users", "moreusers");; verify(repo).moveToTrash("default", "users"); verify(console).debug(contains("Deleted"), eq("users")); verify(repo).moveToTrash("default", "moreusers"); verify(console).debug(contains("Deleted"), eq("moreusers")); }
[ "isEmpty", "isViewUri", "load", "checkArgument", "viewMatches", "getUri", "getUri", "deleteAll", "moveToTrash", "isDatasetUri", "delete", "moveToTrash", "delete", "getDatasetRepository", "moveToTrash", "getDatasetRepository", "debug" ]
[ "newArrayList", "run", "moveToTrash", "verify", "debug", "verify", "contains", "eq", "moveToTrash", "verify", "debug", "verify", "contains", "eq" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate DeleteCommand command;\nprivate Logger console;", "class_name": "TestDeleteCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "@Parameter(description = \"<dataset or view>\")\n List<String> targets;\n@Parameter(names={\"--skip-trash\"},\n description=\"Indicates that the deletion should skip using trash and just remove the data\")\n boolean skipTrash = false;", "class_name": "DeleteCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand", "method_signatures": "public DeleteCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DeleteCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: @Parameter(description = \"<dataset or view>\")\n List<String> targets;\n@Parameter(names={\"--skip-trash\"},\n description=\"Indicates that the deletion should skip using trash and just remove the data\")\n boolean skipTrash = false;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DeleteCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestDeleteCommand\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate DeleteCommand command;\nprivate Logger console;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n if (targets == null || targets.isEmpty()) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"No views or datasets were specified.\");\n }\n\n for (String uriOrName : targets) {\n if (isViewUri(uriOrName)) {\n View view = Datasets.load(uriOrName);\n Preconditions.checkArgument(viewMatches(view.getUri(), uriOrName),\n \"Resolved view does not match requested view: \" + view.getUri());\n if(skipTrash) {\n view.deleteAll();\n }else {\n view.moveToTrash();\n }\n } else if (isDatasetUri(uriOrName)) {\n if(skipTrash) {\n Datasets.delete(uriOrName);\n }else {\n Datasets.moveToTrash(uriOrName);\n }\n } else {\n if(skipTrash){\n getDatasetRepository().delete(namespace, uriOrName);\n }else {\n getDatasetRepository().moveToTrash(namespace, uriOrName);\n }\n }\n console.debug(\"Deleted {}\", uriOrName);\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testMultipleDatasets() throws Exception {\n command.targets = Lists.newArrayList(\"users\", \"moreusers\");\n;\n verify(repo).moveToTrash(\"default\", \"users\");\n verify(console).debug(contains(\"Deleted\"), eq(\"users\"));\n verify(repo).moveToTrash(\"default\", \"moreusers\");\n verify(console).debug(contains(\"Deleted\"), eq(\"moreusers\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithParameters() throws Exception { // Given String name = "name"; AssetState context = new AssetState(); context.setName(name); String expected = "SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') ) AND e.status=:status AND e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) "; MultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName" ]
[ "setName", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithParameters() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\tAssetState context = new AssetState();\n\t\tcontext.setName(name);\n\t\t\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') ) AND e.status=:status AND e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Sort getSortByPreference() { String sort = sharedPreferences.getString( PREF_SORT_BY_KEY, PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE ); return Sort.fromString(sort); }
@Test public void testGetSortByPreference() throws Exception { sort = Sort.MOST_POPULAR; mockSortHelper = createMockSharedPreference(); assertEquals(sort, mockSortHelper.getSortByPreference()); }
[ "getString", "fromString" ]
[ "createMockSharedPreference", "assertEquals", "getSortByPreference" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockSharedPreferences;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences.Editor mockEditor;\nprivate SortHelper mockSortHelper;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockBrokenSharedPreferences;\nprivate Sort sort;", "class_name": "SortHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PREF_SORT_BY_KEY = \"sortBy\";\nprivate static final String PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE = \"popularity.desc\";\nprivate SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;", "class_name": "SortHelper", "method_signatures": "@Inject public SortHelper(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences)\npublic Sort getSortByPreference()\npublic Uri getSortedMoviesUri()\npublic boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app/src/main/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SortHelper\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PREF_SORT_BY_KEY = \"sortBy\";\nprivate static final String PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE = \"popularity.desc\";\nprivate SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Inject public SortHelper(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences)\npublic Sort getSortByPreference()\npublic Uri getSortedMoviesUri()\npublic boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SortHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n SharedPreferences mockSharedPreferences;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences.Editor mockEditor;\nprivate SortHelper mockSortHelper;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockBrokenSharedPreferences;\nprivate Sort sort;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app/src/main/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Sort getSortByPreference() {\n String sort = sharedPreferences.getString(\n PREF_SORT_BY_KEY,\n PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE\n );\n return Sort.fromString(sort);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app/src/test/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetSortByPreference() throws Exception {\n sort = Sort.MOST_POPULAR;\n mockSortHelper = createMockSharedPreference();\n assertEquals(sort, mockSortHelper.getSortByPreference());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void run() { try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) { LogConverterType prevConverterType = null; while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Object obj = objectStream.readObject(); LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj); if (prevConverterType != converterType) { prevConverterType = converterType;"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}",, obj.getClass().getName()); } Log log = converterType.convert(obj);; } } catch (EOFException e) { // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data, // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception logger.warn("Reached EOF while reading from socket"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to handle input stream", e); } finally { stop(); } }
@Test public void testLog4j1Handling() throws IOException { org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent[] logs = { TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j1Log(LOG_MESSAGE_1), TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j1Log(LOG_MESSAGE_2), }; Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs)); SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);; Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage()); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage()); }
[ "getInputStream", "isClosed", "isInterrupted", "currentThread", "readObject", "valueOf", "info", "name", "getName", "getClass", "convert", "post", "warn", "error", "stop" ]
[ "createSimpleLog4j1Log", "createSimpleLog4j1Log", "mockSocket", "objectsToBytes", "run", "assertTrue", "size", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable", "method_signatures": "public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void run() {\n try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());\n ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) {\n\n LogConverterType prevConverterType = null;\n\n while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {\n Object obj = objectStream.readObject();\n LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj);\n\n if (prevConverterType != converterType) {\n prevConverterType = converterType;\n\"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}\",\n, obj.getClass().getName());\n }\n Log log = converterType.convert(obj);\n;\n }\n } catch (EOFException e) {\n // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data,\n // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception\n logger.warn(\"Reached EOF while reading from socket\");\n } catch (Exception e) {\n logger.error(\"Failed to handle input stream\", e);\n } finally {\n stop();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLog4j1Handling() throws IOException {\n org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent[] logs = {\n TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j1Log(LOG_MESSAGE_1),\n TestUtils.createSimpleLog4j1Log(LOG_MESSAGE_2),\n };\n Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs));\n SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);\n;\n Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2);\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage());\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) { return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream() .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest)) .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher)) .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug("url在资源池中配置:{}", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute())) .findFirst() .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL)); }
@Test public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求url存在参数时_那么返回匹配的资源信息() { AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes); ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), "/users/1/order", "GET")); Assert.assertEquals("user_order:view", attributesByUrl.getAttribute()); }
[ "orElse", "findFirst", "peek", "map", "filter", "stream", "keySet", "matches", "get", "debug", "" ]
[ "findConfigAttributesByUrl", "assertEquals", "getAttribute" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };", "class_name": "AuthenticationServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;", "class_name": "AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService\n\nclass_fields: public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthenticationServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) {\n return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream()\n .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest))\n .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher))\n .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug(\"url在资源池中配置:{}\", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute()))\n .findFirst()\n .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/test/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求url存在参数时_那么返回匹配的资源信息() {\n AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes);\n ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService\n .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), \"/users/1/order\", \"GET\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"user_order:view\", attributesByUrl.getAttribute());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final SpecOfferWave context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(SPECOFFER_CONDITION, context.getSpecOffer()) .addAndCondition(WAVETYPE_CONDITION, context.getWaveType()) .addAndCondition(LICCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getLicCount()) .addAndCondition(STATECOUNT_CONDITION, context.getStateCount()) .addAndCondition(BENEFITCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getBenefitCount()) .addAndCondition(TARGETCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getTargetCount()) .addAndCondition(BEGINDATE_CONDITION, context.getBeginDate()) .addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledStatusConstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); SpecOfferWave context = new SpecOfferWave(); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM SpecOfferWave e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) "; MultiplePagedSearch<SpecOfferWave> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getSpecOffer", "getWaveType", "getLicCount", "getStateCount", "getBenefitCount", "getTargetCount", "getBeginDate", "getEndDate" ]
[ "setActive", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder unit = new SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String SPECOFFER_CONDITION = \"e.specOffer = :specOffer \";\nprivate static final String WAVETYPE_CONDITION = \"e.waveType = :waveType \";\nprivate static final String LICCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.licCount =:licCount \";\nprivate static final String STATECOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.stateCount =:stateCount \";\nprivate static final String BENEFITCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.benefitCount =:benefitCount \";\nprivate static final String TARGETCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.targetCount =:targetCount \";\nprivate static final String BEGINDATE_CONDITION = \"e.beginDate >=:beginDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate <=:endDate \";", "class_name": "SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<SpecOfferWave>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final SpecOfferWave context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/specoffer/wave/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<SpecOfferWave>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String SPECOFFER_CONDITION = \"e.specOffer = :specOffer \";\nprivate static final String WAVETYPE_CONDITION = \"e.waveType = :waveType \";\nprivate static final String LICCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.licCount =:licCount \";\nprivate static final String STATECOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.stateCount =:stateCount \";\nprivate static final String BENEFITCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.benefitCount =:benefitCount \";\nprivate static final String TARGETCOUNT_CONDITION = \"e.targetCount =:targetCount \";\nprivate static final String BEGINDATE_CONDITION = \"e.beginDate >=:beginDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate <=:endDate \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final SpecOfferWave context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder unit = new SpecOfferWaveQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/specoffer/wave/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final SpecOfferWave context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(SPECOFFER_CONDITION, context.getSpecOffer())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(WAVETYPE_CONDITION, context.getWaveType())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(LICCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getLicCount())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(STATECOUNT_CONDITION, context.getStateCount())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(BENEFITCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getBenefitCount())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(TARGETCOUNT_CONDITION, context.getTargetCount())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(BEGINDATE_CONDITION, context.getBeginDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/specoffer/wave/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledStatusConstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tSpecOfferWave context = new SpecOfferWave();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM SpecOfferWave e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<SpecOfferWave> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) { Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage(); if (page == null) { return false; } ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver(); Template template = page.getTemplate(); if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) { return false; } // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath(); String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + "/" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + "/" + JCR_CONTENT; String resourcePathInStructure = null; if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + "/")) { resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath; } else { // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) { resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage; } } if (resourcePathInStructure == null) { return false; } Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure); if (resourceInStructure == null) { return false; } return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false); }
@Test void testPageWithEditableTemplate_OtherComponent() { Page page = context.create().page("/content/mypage", editableTemplate.getPath()); Resource resource = context.create().resource(page, "resource1"); context.currentResource(resource); assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request()))); EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class); assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted()); }
[ "getPage", "getResourceResolver", "getResource", "getTemplate", "isPageInTemplateDefinition", "isEditableTemplate", "getPath", "getResource", "getPath", "startsWith", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getContentResource", "isNotEmpty", "getResource", "get", "getValueMap" ]
[ "page", "create", "getPath", "resource", "create", "currentResource", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted", "getComponentContext", "request", "notNull", "request", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;", "class_name": "EditableTemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";", "class_name": "EditableTemplate", "method_signatures": "private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EditableTemplate\n\nclass_fields: static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EditableTemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) {\n Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage();\n if (page == null) {\n return false;\n }\n ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver();\n Template template = page.getTemplate();\n\n if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template\n String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath();\n String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + \"/\" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + \"/\" + JCR_CONTENT;\n String resourcePathInStructure = null;\n if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + \"/\")) {\n resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath;\n }\n else {\n // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page\n String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath());\n if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) {\n resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage;\n }\n }\n if (resourcePathInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure);\n if (resourceInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testPageWithEditableTemplate_OtherComponent() {\n Page page = context.create().page(\"/content/mypage\", editableTemplate.getPath());\n Resource resource = context.create().resource(page, \"resource1\");\n context.currentResource(resource);\n assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request())));\n\n EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class);\n assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value={"NP_GUARANTEED_DEREF", "NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH"}, justification="Null case checked by precondition") public int run() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument( datasets != null && !datasets.isEmpty(), "Missing dataset name"); if (merge || datasets.size() == 1) { Schema mergedSchema = null; for (String uriOrPath : datasets) { mergedSchema = merge(mergedSchema, schema(uriOrPath)); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(mergedSchema, "No valid schema found"); output(mergedSchema.toString(!minimize), console, outputPath); } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(outputPath == null, "Cannot output multiple schemas to one file"); for (String name : datasets) {"Dataset \"{}\" schema: {}", name, schema(name).toString(!minimize)); } } return 0; }
@Test public void testMultipleSchemasStdout() throws Exception {"create", "users_2", "--schema", "resource:schema/user.avsc"); command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList("users", "users_2"); int rc =; Assert.assertEquals("Should return success code", 0, rc); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("users"), argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema))); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("users_2"), argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema))); verify(console).trace(contains("repo:hive")); verifyNoMoreInteractions(console); }
[ "checkArgument", "isEmpty", "size", "merge", "schema", "checkNotNull", "output", "toString", "checkArgument", "info", "toString", "schema" ]
[ "run", "newArrayList", "run", "assertEquals", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "argThat", "matchesSchema", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "argThat", "matchesSchema", "trace", "verify", "contains", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate SchemaCommand command;", "class_name": "TestSchemaCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "@Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--merge\",\n description=\"Merge schemas into a single output schema\")\n boolean merge=false;", "class_name": "SchemaCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand", "method_signatures": "public SchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value={\"NP_GUARANTEED_DEREF\", \"NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH\"}, justification=\"Null case checked by precondition\") public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\nprivate Schema schema(String uriOrPath)\nprivate static Schema merge(Schema left, Schema right)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SchemaCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: @Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--merge\",\n description=\"Merge schemas into a single output schema\")\n boolean merge=false;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value={\"NP_GUARANTEED_DEREF\", \"NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH\"}, justification=\"Null case checked by precondition\") public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\nprivate Schema schema(String uriOrPath)\nprivate static Schema merge(Schema left, Schema right)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestSchemaCommand\n\nclass_fields: private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate SchemaCommand command;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value={\"NP_GUARANTEED_DEREF\", \"NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH\"},\n justification=\"Null case checked by precondition\")\n public int run() throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(\n datasets != null && !datasets.isEmpty(),\n \"Missing dataset name\");\n if (merge || datasets.size() == 1) {\n Schema mergedSchema = null;\n for (String uriOrPath : datasets) {\n mergedSchema = merge(mergedSchema, schema(uriOrPath));\n }\n\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(mergedSchema, \"No valid schema found\");\n\n output(mergedSchema.toString(!minimize), console, outputPath);\n\n } else {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(outputPath == null,\n \"Cannot output multiple schemas to one file\");\n for (String name : datasets) {\n\"Dataset \\\"{}\\\" schema: {}\",\n name, schema(name).toString(!minimize));\n }\n }\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testMultipleSchemasStdout() throws Exception {\n\"create\", \"users_2\", \"--schema\", \"resource:schema/user.avsc\");\n command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList(\"users\", \"users_2\");\n int rc =;\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Should return success code\", 0, rc);\n verify(console).info(anyString(),\n eq(\"users\"), argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema)));\n verify(console).info(anyString(),\n eq(\"users_2\"), argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema)));\n verify(console).trace(contains(\"repo:hive\"));\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(console);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Log convert(Object obj) { ILoggingEvent le = (ILoggingEvent) obj; Log.Builder builder = Log.newBuilder() .date(LogUtils.formatDate(le.getTimeStamp())) .level(le.getLevel().toString()) .threadName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getThreadName())) .loggerName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getLoggerName())) .message(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getFormattedMessage())) .throwable(getThrowable(le)) .mdc(getMdc(le)); if (le.getMarker() != null) { builder.marker(le.getMarker().getName()); } StackTraceElement[] callerData = le.getCallerData(); if (callerData != null && callerData.length > 0) { builder.className(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getClassName())) .methodName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getMethodName())) .lineNumber(Integer.toString(callerData[0].getLineNumber())) .fileName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getFileName())); } return; }
@Test public void testConvert() { Marker mockMarker = mock(Marker.class); when(mockMarker.getName()).thenReturn(MARKER); StackTraceElement[] callerData = { new StackTraceElement(CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME, FILE_NAME, Integer.parseInt(LINE_NUMBER)) }; StackTraceElementProxy stackTraceElementProxy = new StackTraceElementProxy( new StackTraceElement("com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main", "main", "", 12)); IThrowableProxy mockThrowableProxy = mock(IThrowableProxy.class); when(mockThrowableProxy.getClassName()).thenReturn(IllegalStateException.class.getName()); when(mockThrowableProxy.getMessage()).thenReturn(THROWABLE_MESSAGE); when(mockThrowableProxy.getStackTraceElementProxyArray()) .thenReturn(new StackTraceElementProxy[] { stackTraceElementProxy }); LoggingEvent mockLoggingEvent = mock(LoggingEvent.class); when(mockLoggingEvent.getTimeStamp()).thenReturn(NOW); when(mockLoggingEvent.getLevel()).thenReturn(Level.toLevel(LEVEL)); when(mockLoggingEvent.getThreadName()).thenReturn(THREAD_NAME); when(mockLoggingEvent.getLoggerName()).thenReturn(LOGGER_NAME); when(mockLoggingEvent.getMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE); when(mockLoggingEvent.getFormattedMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE); when(mockLoggingEvent.getMarker()).thenReturn(mockMarker); when(mockLoggingEvent.getCallerData()).thenReturn(callerData); when(mockLoggingEvent.hasCallerData()).thenReturn(true); when(mockLoggingEvent.getThrowableProxy()).thenReturn(mockThrowableProxy); when(mockLoggingEvent.getMDCPropertyMap()).thenReturn(MDC_MAP); Log log = LogConverterType.LOGBACK.convert(; Assert.assertEquals(LogUtils.formatDate(NOW), log.getDate()); Assert.assertEquals(LEVEL, log.getLevel()); Assert.assertEquals(THREAD_NAME, log.getThreadName()); Assert.assertEquals(LOGGER_NAME, log.getLoggerName()); Assert.assertEquals(MESSAGE, log.getMessage()); Assert.assertEquals(CLASS_NAME, log.getClassName()); Assert.assertEquals(METHOD_NAME, log.getMethodName()); Assert.assertEquals(LINE_NUMBER, log.getLineNumber()); Assert.assertEquals(FILE_NAME, log.getFileName()); Assert.assertEquals(MARKER, log.getMarker()); Assert.assertEquals(THROWABLE, log.getThrowable()); Assert.assertTrue(log.getNdc().isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(MDC_MAP.toString(), log.getMdc()); }
[ "mdc", "throwable", "message", "loggerName", "threadName", "level", "date", "newBuilder", "formatDate", "getTimeStamp", "toString", "getLevel", "nullToEmpty", "getThreadName", "nullToEmpty", "getLoggerName", "nullToEmpty", "getFormattedMessage", "getThrowable", "getMdc", "getMarker", "marker", "getName", "getMarker", "getCallerData", "fileName", "lineNumber", "methodName", "className", "nullToEmpty", "getClassName", "nullToEmpty", "getMethodName", "toString", "getLineNumber", "nullToEmpty", "getFileName", "build" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getName", "parseInt", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getClassName", "getName", "thenReturn", "when", "getMessage", "thenReturn", "when", "getStackTraceElementProxyArray", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getTimeStamp", "thenReturn", "when", "getLevel", "toLevel", "thenReturn", "when", "getThreadName", "thenReturn", "when", "getLoggerName", "thenReturn", "when", "getMessage", "thenReturn", "when", "getFormattedMessage", "thenReturn", "when", "getMarker", "thenReturn", "when", "getCallerData", "thenReturn", "when", "hasCallerData", "thenReturn", "when", "getThrowableProxy", "thenReturn", "when", "getMDCPropertyMap", "convert", "build", "assertEquals", "formatDate", "getDate", "assertEquals", "getLevel", "assertEquals", "getThreadName", "assertEquals", "getLoggerName", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "assertEquals", "getClassName", "assertEquals", "getMethodName", "assertEquals", "getLineNumber", "assertEquals", "getFileName", "assertEquals", "getMarker", "assertEquals", "getThrowable", "assertTrue", "isEmpty", "getNdc", "assertEquals", "toString", "getMdc" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final long NOW = System.currentTimeMillis();\nprivate static final String LEVEL = \"INFO\";\nprivate static final String THREAD_NAME = \"main\";\nprivate static final String LOGGER_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"simple message\";\nprivate static final String CLASS_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String METHOD_NAME = \"test\";\nprivate static final String LINE_NUMBER = \"7\";\nprivate static final String FILE_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getSimpleName() + \".java\";\nprivate static final String MARKER = \"TEST\";\nprivate static final String THROWABLE_MESSAGE = \"test exception\";\nprivate static final String THROWABLE = \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: \" + THROWABLE_MESSAGE\n + System.lineSeparator() + \"\\tat com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main.main(\";\nprivate static final Map<String, String> MDC_MAP = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "LogbackConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "LogbackConverter implements Converter", "method_signatures": "@Override public Log convert(Object obj)\nprivate String getThrowable(ILoggingEvent le)\nprivate String getMdc(ILoggingEvent le)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LogbackConverter implements Converter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Log convert(Object obj)\nprivate String getThrowable(ILoggingEvent le)\nprivate String getMdc(ILoggingEvent le)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LogbackConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final long NOW = System.currentTimeMillis();\nprivate static final String LEVEL = \"INFO\";\nprivate static final String THREAD_NAME = \"main\";\nprivate static final String LOGGER_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"simple message\";\nprivate static final String CLASS_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String METHOD_NAME = \"test\";\nprivate static final String LINE_NUMBER = \"7\";\nprivate static final String FILE_NAME = LogbackConverterTest.class.getSimpleName() + \".java\";\nprivate static final String MARKER = \"TEST\";\nprivate static final String THROWABLE_MESSAGE = \"test exception\";\nprivate static final String THROWABLE = \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: \" + THROWABLE_MESSAGE\n + System.lineSeparator() + \"\\tat com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main.main(\";\nprivate static final Map<String, String> MDC_MAP = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Log convert(Object obj) {\n ILoggingEvent le = (ILoggingEvent) obj;\n Log.Builder builder = Log.newBuilder()\n .date(LogUtils.formatDate(le.getTimeStamp()))\n .level(le.getLevel().toString())\n .threadName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getThreadName()))\n .loggerName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getLoggerName()))\n .message(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getFormattedMessage()))\n .throwable(getThrowable(le))\n .mdc(getMdc(le));\n\n if (le.getMarker() != null) {\n builder.marker(le.getMarker().getName());\n }\n\n StackTraceElement[] callerData = le.getCallerData();\n\n if (callerData != null && callerData.length > 0) {\n builder.className(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getClassName()))\n .methodName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getMethodName()))\n .lineNumber(Integer.toString(callerData[0].getLineNumber()))\n .fileName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(callerData[0].getFileName()));\n }\n return;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testConvert() {\n Marker mockMarker = mock(Marker.class);\n when(mockMarker.getName()).thenReturn(MARKER);\n\n StackTraceElement[] callerData = {\n new StackTraceElement(CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME, FILE_NAME, Integer.parseInt(LINE_NUMBER))\n };\n\n StackTraceElementProxy stackTraceElementProxy = new StackTraceElementProxy(\n new StackTraceElement(\"com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main\", \"main\", \"\", 12));\n IThrowableProxy mockThrowableProxy = mock(IThrowableProxy.class);\n when(mockThrowableProxy.getClassName()).thenReturn(IllegalStateException.class.getName());\n when(mockThrowableProxy.getMessage()).thenReturn(THROWABLE_MESSAGE);\n when(mockThrowableProxy.getStackTraceElementProxyArray())\n .thenReturn(new StackTraceElementProxy[] { stackTraceElementProxy });\n\n LoggingEvent mockLoggingEvent = mock(LoggingEvent.class);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getTimeStamp()).thenReturn(NOW);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getLevel()).thenReturn(Level.toLevel(LEVEL));\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getThreadName()).thenReturn(THREAD_NAME);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getLoggerName()).thenReturn(LOGGER_NAME);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getFormattedMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getMarker()).thenReturn(mockMarker);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getCallerData()).thenReturn(callerData);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.hasCallerData()).thenReturn(true);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getThrowableProxy()).thenReturn(mockThrowableProxy);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getMDCPropertyMap()).thenReturn(MDC_MAP);\n\n Log log = LogConverterType.LOGBACK.convert(;\n Assert.assertEquals(LogUtils.formatDate(NOW), log.getDate());\n Assert.assertEquals(LEVEL, log.getLevel());\n Assert.assertEquals(THREAD_NAME, log.getThreadName());\n Assert.assertEquals(LOGGER_NAME, log.getLoggerName());\n Assert.assertEquals(MESSAGE, log.getMessage());\n Assert.assertEquals(CLASS_NAME, log.getClassName());\n Assert.assertEquals(METHOD_NAME, log.getMethodName());\n Assert.assertEquals(LINE_NUMBER, log.getLineNumber());\n Assert.assertEquals(FILE_NAME, log.getFileName());\n Assert.assertEquals(MARKER, log.getMarker());\n Assert.assertEquals(THROWABLE, log.getThrowable());\n Assert.assertTrue(log.getNdc().isEmpty());\n Assert.assertEquals(MDC_MAP.toString(), log.getMdc());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor) { Compatibility.checkDatasetName(namespace, name); Compatibility.checkDescriptor(descriptor); String resolved = resolveNamespace( namespace, name, descriptor.getLocation()); if (resolved != null) { if (resolved.equals(namespace)) { // the requested dataset already exists throw new DatasetExistsException( "Metadata already exists for dataset: " + namespace + "." + name); } else { // replacing old table LOG.warn("Creating table {}.{} for {}: replaces default.{}", new Object[]{ namespace, name, pathForDataset(namespace, name), name}); // validate that the new metadata can read the existing data Compatibility.checkUpdate(load(resolved, name), descriptor); } }"Creating an external Hive table: {}.{}", namespace, name); DatasetDescriptor newDescriptor = descriptor; if (descriptor.getLocation() == null) { // create a new descriptor with the dataset's location newDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(descriptor) .location(pathForDataset(namespace, name)) .build(); } Path managerPath = new Path(new Path(newDescriptor.getLocation().toString()), SCHEMA_DIRECTORY); // Store the schema with the schema manager and use the // managed URI moving forward. SchemaManager manager = SchemaManager.create(conf, managerPath); URI managedSchemaUri = manager.writeSchema(descriptor.getSchema()); try { newDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(newDescriptor) .schemaUri(managedSchemaUri) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetIOException("Unable to load schema", e); } // create the data directory first so it is owned by the current user, not Hive FileSystemUtil.ensureLocationExists(newDescriptor, conf); // this object will be the table metadata Table table = HiveUtils.tableForDescriptor( namespace, name, newDescriptor, true /* external table */); // assign the location of the the table getMetaStoreUtil().createTable(table); return newDescriptor; }
@Test public void testRejectsDuplicatePartitionNames() { final DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(testDescriptor) .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder() .identity("timestamp", "timestamp") .build()) .build(); TestHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject duplicate field and partition name", ValidationException.class, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { provider.create(NAMESPACE, "reject", descriptor); } }); }
[ "checkDatasetName", "checkDescriptor", "resolveNamespace", "getLocation", "equals", "warn", "pathForDataset", "checkUpdate", "load", "info", "getLocation", "build", "location", "pathForDataset", "toString", "getLocation", "create", "writeSchema", "getSchema", "build", "schemaUri", "ensureLocationExists", "tableForDescriptor", "createTable", "getMetaStoreUtil" ]
[ "build", "partitionStrategy", "build", "identity", "assertThrows", "create" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Path testDirectory;", "class_name": "TestHiveExternalMetadataProvider extends TestMetadataProviders" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(HiveExternalMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate final FileSystem rootFileSystem;", "class_name": "HiveExternalMetadataProvider extends HiveAbstractMetadataProvider", "method_signatures": "public HiveExternalMetadataProvider(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override protected URI expectedLocation(String namespace, String name)\nprivate Path pathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public void partitionAdded(String namespace, String name, String path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-hive/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/hive/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HiveExternalMetadataProvider extends HiveAbstractMetadataProvider\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(HiveExternalMetadataProvider.class);\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate final FileSystem rootFileSystem;\n\nmethod_signatures: public HiveExternalMetadataProvider(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@Override protected URI expectedLocation(String namespace, String name)\nprivate Path pathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public void partitionAdded(String namespace, String name, String path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestHiveExternalMetadataProvider extends TestMetadataProviders\n\nclass_fields: private Path testDirectory;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-hive/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/hive/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public DatasetDescriptor create(String namespace, String name, DatasetDescriptor descriptor) {\n Compatibility.checkDatasetName(namespace, name);\n Compatibility.checkDescriptor(descriptor);\n\n String resolved = resolveNamespace(\n namespace, name, descriptor.getLocation());\n if (resolved != null) {\n if (resolved.equals(namespace)) {\n // the requested dataset already exists\n throw new DatasetExistsException(\n \"Metadata already exists for dataset: \" + namespace + \".\" + name);\n } else {\n // replacing old table\n LOG.warn(\"Creating table {}.{} for {}: replaces default.{}\",\n new Object[]{\n namespace, name, pathForDataset(namespace, name), name});\n // validate that the new metadata can read the existing data\n Compatibility.checkUpdate(load(resolved, name), descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n\"Creating an external Hive table: {}.{}\", namespace, name);\n\n DatasetDescriptor newDescriptor = descriptor;\n\n if (descriptor.getLocation() == null) {\n // create a new descriptor with the dataset's location\n newDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(descriptor)\n .location(pathForDataset(namespace, name))\n .build();\n }\n\n Path managerPath = new Path(new Path(newDescriptor.getLocation().toString()),\n SCHEMA_DIRECTORY);\n\n // Store the schema with the schema manager and use the\n // managed URI moving forward.\n SchemaManager manager = SchemaManager.create(conf, managerPath);\n\n URI managedSchemaUri = manager.writeSchema(descriptor.getSchema());\n\n try {\n newDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(newDescriptor)\n .schemaUri(managedSchemaUri)\n .build();\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetIOException(\"Unable to load schema\", e);\n }\n\n // create the data directory first so it is owned by the current user, not Hive\n FileSystemUtil.ensureLocationExists(newDescriptor, conf);\n\n // this object will be the table metadata\n Table table = HiveUtils.tableForDescriptor(\n namespace, name, newDescriptor, true /* external table */);\n\n // assign the location of the the table\n getMetaStoreUtil().createTable(table);\n\n return newDescriptor;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-hive/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/hive/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRejectsDuplicatePartitionNames() {\n final DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(testDescriptor)\n .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .identity(\"timestamp\", \"timestamp\")\n .build())\n .build();\n TestHelpers.assertThrows(\"Should reject duplicate field and partition name\",\n ValidationException.class, new Runnable() {\n @Override\n public void run() {\n provider.create(NAMESPACE, \"reject\", descriptor);\n }\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Page page) { if (page == null) { return null; } Calendar lastModified = page.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != null) { return lastModified.getTime(); } else { return null; } }
@Test void testGetResource() { assertNull(ModificationDate.get((Resource)null)); assertNull(ModificationDate.get(resource1)); applyPageLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1); assertEquals(SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1.getTime(), ModificationDate.get(resource1)); applyPageLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1); applyLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2); assertEquals(SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2.getTime(), ModificationDate.get(resource1)); }
[ "getLastModified", "getTime" ]
[ "assertNull", "get", "assertNull", "get", "applyPageLastModified", "assertEquals", "getTime", "get", "applyPageLastModified", "applyLastModified", "assertEquals", "getTime", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "static final Calendar SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1 = DateUtils.toCalendar(new Date(1000000L));\nstatic final Calendar SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2 = DateUtils.toCalendar(new Date(1200000L));\n@Mock\n private Page page1;\n@Mock\n private Page page2;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource1;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource2;", "class_name": "ModificationDateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ModificationDate", "method_signatures": "private ModificationDate()\npublic static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Page page)\npublic static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Resource resource)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") private static Date getResourceMetadataModificationTime(Resource resource)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@Nullable Resource @NotNull... resources)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@Nullable Page @NotNull... pages)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@NotNull ModificationDateProvider @NotNull... dateProviders)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(Date @NotNull... dates)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/caching/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ModificationDate\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ModificationDate()\npublic static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Page page)\npublic static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Resource resource)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") private static Date getResourceMetadataModificationTime(Resource resource)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@Nullable Resource @NotNull... resources)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@Nullable Page @NotNull... pages)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(@NotNull ModificationDateProvider @NotNull... dateProviders)\npublic static @Nullable Date mostRecent(Date @NotNull... dates)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ModificationDateTest\n\nclass_fields: static final Calendar SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1 = DateUtils.toCalendar(new Date(1000000L));\nstatic final Calendar SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2 = DateUtils.toCalendar(new Date(1200000L));\n@Mock\n private Page page1;\n@Mock\n private Page page2;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource1;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/caching/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static @Nullable Date get(@Nullable Page page) {\n if (page == null) {\n return null;\n }\n Calendar lastModified = page.getLastModified();\n if (lastModified != null) {\n return lastModified.getTime();\n }\n else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/caching/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetResource() {\n assertNull(ModificationDate.get((Resource)null));\n\n assertNull(ModificationDate.get(resource1));\n\n applyPageLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1);\n assertEquals(SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1.getTime(), ModificationDate.get(resource1));\n\n applyPageLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_1);\n applyLastModified(resource1, SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2);\n assertEquals(SAMPLE_CALENDAR_2.getTime(), ModificationDate.get(resource1));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final DegreeType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) { addParameter(entity.getName(), "name", parameters); addParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), "abbrName", parameters); return parameters; }
@Test public void testGetParametersWithDefaultEntityAndDisabledDefaults() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); DegreeType entity = new DegreeType(); Map<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // When Map<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "addParameter", "getName", "addParameter", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "getParameters", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@InjectMocks\n\tprivate DegreeTypeParametersExtractor unit;\n@Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);", "class_name": "DegreeTypeParametersExtractorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DegreeTypeParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<DegreeType>", "method_signatures": "@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final DegreeType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/degree/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DegreeTypeParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<DegreeType>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final DegreeType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DegreeTypeParametersExtractorTest\n\nclass_fields: @InjectMocks\n\tprivate DegreeTypeParametersExtractor unit;\n@Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/degree/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Map<String, Object> getParameters(final DegreeType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {\n\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getName(), \"name\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), \"abbrName\", parameters);\n\n\t\treturn parameters;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-service/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/degree/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetParametersWithDefaultEntityAndDisabledDefaults() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tDegreeType entity = new DegreeType();\n\t\tMap<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tMap<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarkScaleValue context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(MARKSCALE_CONDITION, context.getMarkScale()) .addAndCondition(STRVALUE_CONDITION, context.getStrValue()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultConstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); MarkScaleValue context = new MarkScaleValue(); String expected = "SELECT e FROM MarkScaleValue e "; MultiplePagedSearch<MarkScaleValue> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getMarkScale", "getStrValue" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder unit = new MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "MarkScaleValueQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String MARKSCALE_CONDITION = \"e.markScale = :markScale \";\nprivate static final String STRVALUE_CONDITION = \"e.strValue LIKE CONCAT('%',:strValue,'%') \";", "class_name": "MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<MarkScaleValue>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarkScaleValue context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/mark/scale/value/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<MarkScaleValue>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String MARKSCALE_CONDITION = \"e.markScale = :markScale \";\nprivate static final String STRVALUE_CONDITION = \"e.strValue LIKE CONCAT('%',:strValue,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarkScaleValue context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MarkScaleValueQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder unit = new MarkScaleValueQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/mark/scale/value/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarkScaleValue context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(MARKSCALE_CONDITION, context.getMarkScale())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(STRVALUE_CONDITION, context.getStrValue())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/mark/scale/value/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultConstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tMarkScaleValue context = new MarkScaleValue();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM MarkScaleValue e \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<MarkScaleValue> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) { PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class); Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath); if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) { // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)); } if (page == null) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + "/"); return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver); }
@Test void testGetAllowedComponentsForNestedNestedParsys() { String linklist = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + "/page-1/jcr:content/content/2colContainer/linklist/links"; Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(linklist, context.resourceResolver()); // null check assertNotNull(allowedComponents, "Allowed component for parsys cannot be null"); // positive tests assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/linkItem"), "Component 'linkItem' must be allowed in " + linklist + "."); // negative tests assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp1"), "Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in " + linklist + "."); assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp1"), "Component 'nestedComp1' must be allowed in " + linklist + "."); }
[ "notNull", "getContainingPage", "contains", "getPage", "substringBefore", "of", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getAllowedComponents" ]
[ "getAllowedComponents", "resourceResolver", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider", "method_signatures": "@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider\n\nclass_fields: @Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) {\n PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class);\n Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath);\n if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) {\n // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually\n page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT));\n }\n if (page == null) {\n return ImmutableSet.of();\n }\n String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + \"/\");\n return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parsys/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAllowedComponentsForNestedNestedParsys() {\n String linklist = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + \"/page-1/jcr:content/content/2colContainer/linklist/links\";\n Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(linklist, context.resourceResolver());\n\n // null check\n assertNotNull(allowedComponents,\n \"Allowed component for parsys cannot be null\");\n\n // positive tests\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/linkItem\"),\n \"Component 'linkItem' must be allowed in \" + linklist + \".\");\n\n // negative tests\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp1\"),\n \"Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in \" + linklist + \".\");\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp1\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp1' must be allowed in \" + linklist + \".\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) { if (parentLevel < 0) { return ""; } int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver); return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level); }
@Test void testGetAbsoluteParent_VersionHistory() { assertEquals("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", 0, resolver)); assertEquals("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", 1, resolver)); assertEquals("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", 2, resolver)); assertEquals("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", 3, resolver)); assertEquals("", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", 4, resolver)); assertEquals("", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c", -1, resolver)); }
[ "getAbsoluteLevelOffset", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;", "class_name": "PathTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");", "class_name": "Path", "method_signatures": "private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Path\n\nclass_fields: private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");\n\nmethod_signatures: private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PathTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) {\n if (parentLevel < 0) {\n return \"\";\n }\n int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver);\n return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAbsoluteParent_VersionHistory() {\n assertEquals(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", 0, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", 1, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", 2, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", 3, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", 4, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/tmp/versionhistory/user1/version1/a/b/c\", -1, resolver));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithParametersWithDisabledDefaultConstraints() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); String abbrName = "AN"; String name = "name"; AddressType context = new AddressType(); context.setAbbrName(abbrName); context.setName(name); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM AddressType e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') AND e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') ) "; MultiplePagedSearch<AddressType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setAbbrName", "setName", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AddressTypeQueryBuilder unit = new AddressTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AddressTypeQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";", "class_name": "AddressTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AddressType>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AddressTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AddressType>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AddressTypeQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AddressTypeQueryBuilder unit = new AddressTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithParametersWithDisabledDefaultConstraints() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tString abbrName = \"AN\";\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\t\n\t\tAddressType context = new AddressType();\n\t\tcontext.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\tcontext.setName(name);\n\t\t\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM AddressType e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') AND e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') ) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AddressType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) { Resource pageComponentResource = resolver.getResource(pageComponentPath); if (pageComponentResource != null) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(getParsysConfigsWithInheritance(pageComponentResource, resolver)); } else { return ImmutableList.<ParsysConfig>of(); } }
@Test void testGetPageComponentRelativePathFromOsgi() { List<ParsysConfig> configs; configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_1, "jcr:content/path0", context.resourceResolver())); assertEquals(0, configs.size()); configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, "jcr:content/path1", context.resourceResolver())); assertEquals(1, configs.size()); assertSame(parsysConfig1, configs.get(0)); configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, "jcr:content/path2", context.resourceResolver())); assertEquals(1, configs.size()); assertSame(parsysConfig2, configs.get(0)); configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, "jcr:content/xxx/path1", context.resourceResolver())); assertEquals(0, configs.size()); configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, "jcr:content/xxx/path2/yyy", context.resourceResolver())); assertEquals(1, configs.size()); assertSame(parsysConfig2, configs.get(0)); }
[ "getResource", "copyOf", "getParsysConfigsWithInheritance", "of" ]
[ "newArrayList", "getParsysConfigs", "resourceResolver", "assertEquals", "size", "newArrayList", "getParsysConfigs", "resourceResolver", "assertEquals", "size", "assertSame", "get", "newArrayList", "getParsysConfigs", "resourceResolver", "assertEquals", "size", "assertSame", "get", "newArrayList", "getParsysConfigs", "resourceResolver", "assertEquals", "size", "newArrayList", "getParsysConfigs", "resourceResolver", "assertEquals", "size", "assertSame", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String RESOURCE_PATH_1 = \"sample/components/component1\";\nprivate static final String RESOURCE_PATH_2 = \"sample/components/component2\";\nprivate static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN_1 = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + Pattern.quote(\"jcr:content/path1\") + \"$\");\nprivate static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN_2 = Pattern.compile(\"^.*/path2(/.*)?$\");\nprivate final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private ParsysConfig parsysConfig1;\n@Mock\n private ParsysConfig parsysConfig2;\nprivate ParsysConfigManager underTest;", "class_name": "ParsysConfigManagerImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final RankedServices<ParsysConfig> osgiParsysConfigs = new RankedServices<>(Order.ASCENDING);", "class_name": "ParsysConfigManagerImpl implements ParsysConfigManager", "method_signatures": "@Override public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull final String pageComponentPath, @NotNull final String relativePath,\n @NotNull final ResourceResolver resolver)\nprivate Collection<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(Resource pageComponentResource)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") private Collection<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigsWithInheritance(Resource pageComponentResource, ResourceResolver resolver)\nprivate boolean existingPathParentConfigAllowsInheritance(ParsysConfig item, List<ParsysConfig> existingItems)\nprivate boolean matchesPathParent(ParsysConfig item1, ParsysConfig item2)\n void bindParsysConfig(ParsysConfig service, Map<String, Object> props)\n void unbindParsysConfig(ParsysConfig service, Map<String, Object> props)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParsysConfigManagerImpl implements ParsysConfigManager\n\nclass_fields: private final RankedServices<ParsysConfig> osgiParsysConfigs = new RankedServices<>(Order.ASCENDING);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull final String pageComponentPath, @NotNull final String relativePath,\n @NotNull final ResourceResolver resolver)\nprivate Collection<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(Resource pageComponentResource)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") private Collection<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigsWithInheritance(Resource pageComponentResource, ResourceResolver resolver)\nprivate boolean existingPathParentConfigAllowsInheritance(ParsysConfig item, List<ParsysConfig> existingItems)\nprivate boolean matchesPathParent(ParsysConfig item1, ParsysConfig item2)\n void bindParsysConfig(ParsysConfig service, Map<String, Object> props)\n void unbindParsysConfig(ParsysConfig service, Map<String, Object> props)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParsysConfigManagerImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String RESOURCE_PATH_1 = \"sample/components/component1\";\nprivate static final String RESOURCE_PATH_2 = \"sample/components/component2\";\nprivate static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN_1 = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + Pattern.quote(\"jcr:content/path1\") + \"$\");\nprivate static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN_2 = Pattern.compile(\"^.*/path2(/.*)?$\");\nprivate final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private ParsysConfig parsysConfig1;\n@Mock\n private ParsysConfig parsysConfig2;\nprivate ParsysConfigManager underTest;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public @NotNull Iterable<ParsysConfig> getParsysConfigs(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) {\n Resource pageComponentResource = resolver.getResource(pageComponentPath);\n if (pageComponentResource != null) {\n return ImmutableList.copyOf(getParsysConfigsWithInheritance(pageComponentResource, resolver));\n }\n else {\n return ImmutableList.<ParsysConfig>of();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parsys/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetPageComponentRelativePathFromOsgi() {\n List<ParsysConfig> configs;\n\n configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_1, \"jcr:content/path0\", context.resourceResolver()));\n assertEquals(0, configs.size());\n\n configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, \"jcr:content/path1\", context.resourceResolver()));\n assertEquals(1, configs.size());\n assertSame(parsysConfig1, configs.get(0));\n\n configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, \"jcr:content/path2\", context.resourceResolver()));\n assertEquals(1, configs.size());\n assertSame(parsysConfig2, configs.get(0));\n\n configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, \"jcr:content/xxx/path1\", context.resourceResolver()));\n assertEquals(0, configs.size());\n configs = Lists.newArrayList(underTest.getParsysConfigs(RESOURCE_PATH_2, \"jcr:content/xxx/path2/yyy\", context.resourceResolver()));\n assertEquals(1, configs.size());\n assertSame(parsysConfig2, configs.get(0));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source, final DepartmentAddressResource target) { if (source.getDepartment() != null) { target.setDepartmentId(source.getDepartment().getId()); } if (source.getAddressType() != null) { target.setAddressTypeId(source.getAddressType().getId()); } if (source.getAdminUnit() != null) { target.setAdminUnitId(source.getAdminUnit().getId()); } if (source.getStreetType() != null) { target.setStreetTypeId(source.getStreetType().getId()); } target.setId(source.getId()); target.setZipCode(source.getZipCode()); target.setStreet(source.getStreet()); target.setHouse(source.getHouse()); target.setApartment(source.getApartment()); return target; }
@Test public void testConvert() throws Exception { // Given Long departmentId = 1L; Department department = new Department(); department.setId(departmentId); Long addressTypeId = 2L; AddressType addressType = new AddressType(); addressType.setId(addressTypeId); Long adminUnitId = 3L; AdminUnit adminUnit = new AdminUnit(); adminUnit.setId(adminUnitId); Long streetTypeId = 4L; StreetType streetType = new StreetType(); streetType.setId(streetTypeId); Long id = 9L; String zipCode = "zip Code"; String street = "street "; String house = "house"; String apartment = "1L"; DepartmentAddressResource expected = new DepartmentAddressResource(); expected.setDepartmentId(departmentId); expected.setAddressTypeId(addressTypeId); expected.setAdminUnitId(adminUnitId); expected.setStreetTypeId(streetTypeId); expected.setZipCode(zipCode); expected.setStreet(street); expected.setHouse(house); expected.setApartment(apartment); expected.setId(id); DepartmentAddress source = new DepartmentAddress(); source.setId(id); source.setDepartment(department); source.setAddressType(addressType); source.setAdminUnit(adminUnit); source.setStreetType(streetType); source.setZipCode(zipCode); source.setStreet(street); source.setHouse(house); source.setApartment(apartment); // When DepartmentAddressResource actual = unit.convert(source); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "getDepartment", "setDepartmentId", "getId", "getDepartment", "getAddressType", "setAddressTypeId", "getId", "getAddressType", "getAdminUnit", "setAdminUnitId", "getId", "getAdminUnit", "getStreetType", "setStreetTypeId", "getId", "getStreetType", "setId", "getId", "setZipCode", "getZipCode", "setStreet", "getStreet", "setHouse", "getHouse", "setApartment", "getApartment" ]
[ "setId", "setId", "setId", "setId", "setDepartmentId", "setAddressTypeId", "setAdminUnitId", "setStreetTypeId", "setZipCode", "setStreet", "setHouse", "setApartment", "setId", "setId", "setDepartment", "setAddressType", "setAdminUnit", "setStreetType", "setZipCode", "setStreet", "setHouse", "setApartment", "convert", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DepartmentAddressConverter unit = new DepartmentAddressConverter();", "class_name": "DepartmentAddressConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DepartmentAddressConverter extends AbstractConverter<DepartmentAddress, DepartmentAddressResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override public DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source, final DepartmentAddressResource target)\n@Override public DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/department/address/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DepartmentAddressConverter extends AbstractConverter<DepartmentAddress, DepartmentAddressResource>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source, final DepartmentAddressResource target)\n@Override public DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DepartmentAddressConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private DepartmentAddressConverter unit = new DepartmentAddressConverter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/department/address/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic DepartmentAddressResource convert(final DepartmentAddress source, final DepartmentAddressResource target) {\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getDepartment() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setDepartmentId(source.getDepartment().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getAddressType() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setAddressTypeId(source.getAddressType().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getAdminUnit() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setAdminUnitId(source.getAdminUnit().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getStreetType() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setStreetTypeId(source.getStreetType().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\ttarget.setId(source.getId());\n\t\ttarget.setZipCode(source.getZipCode());\n\t\ttarget.setStreet(source.getStreet());\n\t\ttarget.setHouse(source.getHouse());\n\t\ttarget.setApartment(source.getApartment());\n\t\t\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/department/address/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvert() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tLong departmentId = 1L;\n\t\tDepartment department = new Department();\n\t\tdepartment.setId(departmentId);\n\t\t\n\t\tLong addressTypeId = 2L;\n\t\tAddressType addressType = new AddressType();\n\t\taddressType.setId(addressTypeId);\n\n\t\tLong adminUnitId = 3L;\n\t\tAdminUnit adminUnit = new AdminUnit();\n\t\tadminUnit.setId(adminUnitId);\n\n\t\tLong streetTypeId = 4L;\n\t\tStreetType streetType = new StreetType();\n\t\tstreetType.setId(streetTypeId);\n\n\t\tLong id = 9L;\n\t\tString zipCode = \"zip Code\";\n\t\tString street = \"street \";\n\t\tString house = \"house\";\n\t\tString apartment = \"1L\";\n\n\t\tDepartmentAddressResource expected = new DepartmentAddressResource();\n\t\texpected.setDepartmentId(departmentId);\n\t\texpected.setAddressTypeId(addressTypeId);\n\t\texpected.setAdminUnitId(adminUnitId);\n\t\texpected.setStreetTypeId(streetTypeId);\n\t\texpected.setZipCode(zipCode);\n\t\texpected.setStreet(street);\n\t\texpected.setHouse(house);\n\t\texpected.setApartment(apartment);\n\t\texpected.setId(id);\n\t\t\n\t\tDepartmentAddress source = new DepartmentAddress();\n\t\tsource.setId(id);\n\t\tsource.setDepartment(department);\n\t\tsource.setAddressType(addressType);\n\t\tsource.setAdminUnit(adminUnit);\n\t\tsource.setStreetType(streetType);\n\t\tsource.setZipCode(zipCode);\n\t\tsource.setStreet(street);\n\t\tsource.setHouse(house);\n\t\tsource.setApartment(apartment);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tDepartmentAddressResource actual = unit.convert(source);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final Partner entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) { addParameter(entity.getParent(), partnerDao, "parent", parameters); addParameter(entity.getPhone(), "phone", parameters); addParameter(entity.getEmail(), "email", parameters); addParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), "abbrName", parameters); addParameter(entity.getName(), "name", parameters); addParameter(entity.getManager(), "manager", parameters); addParameter(entity.getBegDate(), "begDate", parameters); addParameter(entity.getEndDate(), "endDate", parameters); return parameters; }
@Test public void testGetParametersWithDisabledDEfaults() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); String abbrName = "abbr name"; Date begDate = new Date(); String email = "Email"; Date endDate = new Date(); String manager = "manager"; String name = "name"; Long parentId = 2L; String phone = "phone"; Partner parent = new Partner(); parent.setId(parentId); Partner entity = new Partner(); entity.setAbbrName(abbrName); entity.setBegDate(begDate); entity.setEmail(email); entity.setEndDate(endDate); entity.setManager(manager); entity.setName(name); entity.setParent(parent); entity.setPhone(phone); Map<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>(); expected.put("abbrName", abbrName); expected.put("begDate", begDate); expected.put("email", email); expected.put("endDate", endDate); expected.put("manager", manager); expected.put("name", name); expected.put("phone", phone); expected.put("parent", parent); // When when(partnerDao.getEntityById(anyLong())).thenReturn(parent); Map<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity); // Then verify(partnerDao).getEntityById(parentId); assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "addParameter", "getParent", "addParameter", "getPhone", "addParameter", "getEmail", "addParameter", "getAbbrName", "addParameter", "getName", "addParameter", "getManager", "addParameter", "getBegDate", "addParameter", "getEndDate" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setId", "setAbbrName", "setBegDate", "setEmail", "setEndDate", "setManager", "setName", "setParent", "setPhone", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "thenReturn", "when", "getEntityById", "anyLong", "getParameters", "getEntityById", "verify", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Dao<Partner, Partner, Long> partnerDao;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate PartnerParametersExtractor unit;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);", "class_name": "PartnerParametersExtractorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Resource(name = \"partnerDao\")\n\tprivate Dao<Partner, Partner, Long> partnerDao;", "class_name": "PartnerParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<Partner>", "method_signatures": "@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final Partner entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/partner/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PartnerParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<Partner>\n\nclass_fields: @Resource(name = \"partnerDao\")\n\tprivate Dao<Partner, Partner, Long> partnerDao;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final Partner entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PartnerParametersExtractorTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Dao<Partner, Partner, Long> partnerDao;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate PartnerParametersExtractor unit;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/partner/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Map<String, Object> getParameters(final Partner entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {\n\t\t\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getParent(), partnerDao, \"parent\", parameters);\n\t\t\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getPhone(), \"phone\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getEmail(), \"email\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), \"abbrName\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getName(), \"name\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getManager(), \"manager\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getBegDate(), \"begDate\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getEndDate(), \"endDate\", parameters);\n\t\t\n\t\treturn parameters;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-service/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/partner/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetParametersWithDisabledDEfaults() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tString abbrName = \"abbr name\";\n\t\tDate begDate = new Date();\n\t\tString email = \"Email\";\n\t\tDate endDate = new Date();\n\t\tString manager = \"manager\";\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\tLong parentId = 2L;\n\t\tString phone = \"phone\";\n\t\t\n\t\tPartner parent = new Partner();\n\t\tparent.setId(parentId);\n\t\t\n\t\tPartner entity = new Partner();\n\t\tentity.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\tentity.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\tentity.setEmail(email);\n\t\tentity.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\tentity.setManager(manager);\n\t\tentity.setName(name);\n\t\tentity.setParent(parent);\n\t\tentity.setPhone(phone);\n\t\t\n\t\tMap<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n\t\texpected.put(\"abbrName\", abbrName);\n\t\texpected.put(\"begDate\", begDate);\n\t\texpected.put(\"email\", email);\n\t\texpected.put(\"endDate\", endDate);\n\t\texpected.put(\"manager\", manager);\n\t\texpected.put(\"name\", name);\n\t\texpected.put(\"phone\", phone);\n\t\texpected.put(\"parent\", parent);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\twhen(partnerDao.getEntityById(anyLong())).thenReturn(parent);\n\t\tMap<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tverify(partnerDao).getEntityById(parentId);\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) { PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class); Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath); if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) { // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)); } if (page == null) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + "/"); return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver); }
@Test void testGetAllowedComponentsForParsys_NonexistingResource_ResourceType_Ancestor1() { String relativePath = "jcr:content/nonExistingResource"; Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(basePage, relativePath, "dummy/components/parentWithAncestorLevel1", context.resourceResolver()); // null check assertNotNull(allowedComponents, "Allowed component for parsys cannot be null"); // positive tests assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp1"), "Component 'nestedComp1' must be allowed in " + relativePath + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp2"), "Component 'nestedComp2' must be allowed in " + relativePath + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp3"), "Component 'nestedComp3' must be allowed in " + relativePath + "."); // negative tests assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp1"), "Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in " + relativePath + "."); }
[ "notNull", "getContainingPage", "contains", "getPage", "substringBefore", "of", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getAllowedComponents" ]
[ "getAllowedComponents", "resourceResolver", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider", "method_signatures": "@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider\n\nclass_fields: @Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) {\n PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class);\n Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath);\n if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) {\n // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually\n page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT));\n }\n if (page == null) {\n return ImmutableSet.of();\n }\n String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + \"/\");\n return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parsys/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAllowedComponentsForParsys_NonexistingResource_ResourceType_Ancestor1() {\n String relativePath = \"jcr:content/nonExistingResource\";\n Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(basePage, relativePath,\n \"dummy/components/parentWithAncestorLevel1\", context.resourceResolver());\n\n // null check\n assertNotNull(allowedComponents,\n \"Allowed component for parsys cannot be null\");\n\n // positive tests\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp1\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp1' must be allowed in \" + relativePath + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp2\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp2' must be allowed in \" + relativePath + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp3\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp3' must be allowed in \" + relativePath + \".\");\n\n // negative tests\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp1\"),\n \"Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in \" + relativePath + \".\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final Enrolment context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(PERSON_CONDITION, context.getPerson()) .addAndCondition(SPECOFFER_CONDITION, context.getSpecOffer()) .addAndCondition(DEPARTMENT_CONDITION, context.getDepartment()) .addAndCondition(PERSONPAPER_CONDITION, context.getPersonPaper()) .addAndCondition(ENROLMENTTYPE_CONDITION, context.getEnrolmentType()) .addAndCondition(PARENT_CONDITION, context.getParent()) .addAndCondition(PRIORITY_CONDITION, context.getPriority()) .addAndCondition(MARK_CONDITION, context.getMark()) .addAndCondition(DOCSERIES_CONDITION, context.getDocSeries()) .addAndCondition(DOCNUM_CONDITION, context.getDocNum()) .addAndCondition(DOCTEXT_CONDITION, context.getDocText()) .addAndCondition(ISSTATE_CONDITION, context.getIsState()) .addAndCondition(ISCONTRACT_CONDITION, context.getIsContract()) .addAndCondition(ISPRIVELEGE_CONDITION, context.getIsPrivilege()) .addAndCondition(ISHOSTEL_CONDITION, context.getIsHostel()) .addAndCondition(ISEDUCATIONSTATE_CONDITION, context.getIsEducationState()) .addAndCondition(ISINTERVIEW_CONDITION, context.getIsInterview()) .addAndCondition(ISORIGINALL_CONDITION, context.getIsOriginal()) .addAndCondition(EVDATE_CONDITION, context.getEvDate()) .addAndCondition(BEGDATE_CONDITION, context.getBegDate()) .addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate()) .addAndCondition(MARKSCALE_CONDITION, context.getMarkScale()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultCOnstraintWithOrderBy() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); Enrolment context = new Enrolment(); OrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy("person", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy2 = new OrderBy("specOffer", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy3 = new OrderBy("department", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy4 = new OrderBy("personPaper", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy5 = new OrderBy("enrolmentType", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy6 = new OrderBy("parent", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy7 = new OrderBy("mark", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy8 = new OrderBy("docSeries", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy9 = new OrderBy("docNum", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy10 = new OrderBy("docText", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy11 = new OrderBy("isState", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy12 = new OrderBy("isContract", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy13 = new OrderBy("isPrivilege", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy14 = new OrderBy("isHostel", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy15 = new OrderBy("evDate", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy16 = new OrderBy("begDate", OrderByType.DESC); OrderBy orderBy17 = new OrderBy("endDate", OrderByType.ASC); OrderBy orderBy18 = new OrderBy("priority", OrderByType.DESC); List<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1, orderBy2, orderBy3, orderBy4, orderBy5, orderBy6, orderBy7, orderBy8, orderBy9, orderBy10, orderBy11, orderBy12, orderBy13, orderBy14, orderBy15, orderBy16, orderBy17, orderBy18); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM Enrolment e ORDER BY e.person ASC, e.specOffer DESC, e.department ASC, e.personPaper DESC, e.enrolmentType ASC, e.parent DESC, e.mark ASC, e.docSeries DESC, e.docNum ASC, e.docText DESC, e.isState ASC, e.isContract DESC, e.isPrivilege ASC, e.isHostel DESC, e.evDate ASC, e.begDate DESC, e.endDate ASC, e.priority DESC"; MultiplePagedSearch<Enrolment> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); pagedSearch.setOrders(orders); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getPerson", "getSpecOffer", "getDepartment", "getPersonPaper", "getEnrolmentType", "getParent", "getPriority", "getMark", "getDocSeries", "getDocNum", "getDocText", "getIsState", "getIsContract", "getIsPrivilege", "getIsHostel", "getIsEducationState", "getIsInterview", "getIsOriginal", "getEvDate", "getBegDate", "getEndDate", "getMarkScale" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "asList", "setEntity", "setOrders", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private EnrolmentQueryBuilder unit = new EnrolmentQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "EnrolmentQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String SPECOFFER_CONDITION = \"e.specOffer = :specOffer \";\nprivate static final String DOCSERIES_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docSeries) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docSeries,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String DOCNUM_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docNum) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docNum,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String DOCTEXT_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docText) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docText,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String MARKSCALE_CONDITION = \"e.markScale = :markScale \";\nprivate static final String PERSON_CONDITION = \"e.person = :person \";\nprivate static final String DEPARTMENT_CONDITION = \"e.department = :department \";\nprivate static final String PERSONPAPER_CONDITION = \"e.personPaper = :personPaper \";\nprivate static final String ENROLMENTTYPE_CONDITION = \"e.enrolmentType = :enrolmentType \";\nprivate static final String PARENT_CONDITION = \"e.parent = :parent \";\nprivate static final String PRIORITY_CONDITION = \"e.priority = :priority \";\nprivate static final String MARK_CONDITION = \"e.mark = :mark \";\nprivate static final String ISSTATE_CONDITION = \"e.isState = :isState \";\nprivate static final String ISCONTRACT_CONDITION = \"e.isContract = :isContract \";\nprivate static final String ISPRIVELEGE_CONDITION = \"e.isPrivilege = :isPrivilege \";\nprivate static final String ISHOSTEL_CONDITION = \"e.isHostel = :isHostel \";\nprivate static final String ISEDUCATIONSTATE_CONDITION = \"e.isEducationState = :isEducationState \";\nprivate static final String ISINTERVIEW_CONDITION = \"e.isInterview = :isInterview \";\nprivate static final String ISORIGINALL_CONDITION = \"e.isOriginal = :isOriginal \";\nprivate static final String EVDATE_CONDITION = \"e.evDate = :evDate \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_CONDITION = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate >= :endDate \";", "class_name": "EnrolmentQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<Enrolment>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final Enrolment context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/enrolment/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EnrolmentQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<Enrolment>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String SPECOFFER_CONDITION = \"e.specOffer = :specOffer \";\nprivate static final String DOCSERIES_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docSeries) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docSeries,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String DOCNUM_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docNum) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docNum,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String DOCTEXT_CONDITION = \"LOWER(e.docText) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%',:docText,'%')) \";\nprivate static final String MARKSCALE_CONDITION = \"e.markScale = :markScale \";\nprivate static final String PERSON_CONDITION = \"e.person = :person \";\nprivate static final String DEPARTMENT_CONDITION = \"e.department = :department \";\nprivate static final String PERSONPAPER_CONDITION = \"e.personPaper = :personPaper \";\nprivate static final String ENROLMENTTYPE_CONDITION = \"e.enrolmentType = :enrolmentType \";\nprivate static final String PARENT_CONDITION = \"e.parent = :parent \";\nprivate static final String PRIORITY_CONDITION = \"e.priority = :priority \";\nprivate static final String MARK_CONDITION = \"e.mark = :mark \";\nprivate static final String ISSTATE_CONDITION = \"e.isState = :isState \";\nprivate static final String ISCONTRACT_CONDITION = \"e.isContract = :isContract \";\nprivate static final String ISPRIVELEGE_CONDITION = \"e.isPrivilege = :isPrivilege \";\nprivate static final String ISHOSTEL_CONDITION = \"e.isHostel = :isHostel \";\nprivate static final String ISEDUCATIONSTATE_CONDITION = \"e.isEducationState = :isEducationState \";\nprivate static final String ISINTERVIEW_CONDITION = \"e.isInterview = :isInterview \";\nprivate static final String ISORIGINALL_CONDITION = \"e.isOriginal = :isOriginal \";\nprivate static final String EVDATE_CONDITION = \"e.evDate = :evDate \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_CONDITION = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate >= :endDate \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final Enrolment context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EnrolmentQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private EnrolmentQueryBuilder unit = new EnrolmentQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/enrolment/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final Enrolment context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PERSON_CONDITION, context.getPerson())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(SPECOFFER_CONDITION, context.getSpecOffer())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(DEPARTMENT_CONDITION, context.getDepartment())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PERSONPAPER_CONDITION, context.getPersonPaper())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENROLMENTTYPE_CONDITION, context.getEnrolmentType())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PARENT_CONDITION, context.getParent())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PRIORITY_CONDITION, context.getPriority())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(MARK_CONDITION, context.getMark())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(DOCSERIES_CONDITION, context.getDocSeries())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(DOCNUM_CONDITION, context.getDocNum())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(DOCTEXT_CONDITION, context.getDocText())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISSTATE_CONDITION, context.getIsState())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISCONTRACT_CONDITION, context.getIsContract())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISPRIVELEGE_CONDITION, context.getIsPrivilege())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISHOSTEL_CONDITION, context.getIsHostel())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISEDUCATIONSTATE_CONDITION, context.getIsEducationState())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISINTERVIEW_CONDITION, context.getIsInterview())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ISORIGINALL_CONDITION, context.getIsOriginal())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(EVDATE_CONDITION, context.getEvDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(BEGDATE_CONDITION, context.getBegDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(MARKSCALE_CONDITION, context.getMarkScale())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/enrolment/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultCOnstraintWithOrderBy() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tEnrolment context = new Enrolment();\n\t\t\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy(\"person\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy2 = new OrderBy(\"specOffer\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy3 = new OrderBy(\"department\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy4 = new OrderBy(\"personPaper\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy5 = new OrderBy(\"enrolmentType\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy6 = new OrderBy(\"parent\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy7 = new OrderBy(\"mark\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy8 = new OrderBy(\"docSeries\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy9 = new OrderBy(\"docNum\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy10 = new OrderBy(\"docText\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy11 = new OrderBy(\"isState\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy12 = new OrderBy(\"isContract\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy13 = new OrderBy(\"isPrivilege\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy14 = new OrderBy(\"isHostel\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy15 = new OrderBy(\"evDate\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy16 = new OrderBy(\"begDate\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy17 = new OrderBy(\"endDate\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy18 = new OrderBy(\"priority\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1, orderBy2, orderBy3, orderBy4, orderBy5, orderBy6, orderBy7, orderBy8, orderBy9, orderBy10, orderBy11, orderBy12, orderBy13, orderBy14, orderBy15, orderBy16, orderBy17, orderBy18);\n\t\t\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM Enrolment e ORDER BY e.person ASC, e.specOffer DESC, e.department ASC, e.personPaper DESC, e.enrolmentType ASC, e.parent DESC, e.mark ASC, e.docSeries DESC, e.docNum ASC, e.docText DESC, e.isState ASC, e.isContract DESC, e.isPrivilege ASC, e.isHostel DESC, e.evDate ASC, e.begDate DESC, e.endDate ASC, e.priority DESC\";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<Enrolment> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\tpagedSearch.setOrders(orders);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source, final SpecOfferResource target) { target.setBegDate(source.getBegDate()); target.setDocNum(source.getDocNum()); target.setDocSeries(source.getDocSeries()); target.setEndDate(source.getEndDate()); target.setId(source.getId()); target.setLicCount(source.getLicCount()); target.setStateCount(source.getStateCount()); target.setDuration(source.getDuration()); target.setWeightAward(source.getWeightAward()); target.setWeightCertificate(source.getWeightCertificate()); if (source.getDepartment() != null) { target.setDepartmentId(source.getDepartment().getId()); } if (source.getEducationFormType() != null) { target.setEducationFormTypeId(source.getEducationFormType().getId()); } if (source.getSpecialty() != null) { target.setSpecialtyId(source.getSpecialty().getId()); target.setName(source.getSpecialty().getName()); } if (source.getSpecOfferType() != null) { target.setSpecofferTypeId(source.getSpecOfferType().getId()); } if (source.getTimePeriod() != null) { target.setTimePeriodId(source.getTimePeriod().getId()); } if (source.getTimePeriodCourse() != null) { target.setTimePeriodCourseId(source.getTimePeriodCourse().getId()); } return target; }
@Test public void testConvertWithNoRelations() throws Exception { // Given Integer actualRow = 1; Date createDate = new Date(); Date begDate = new Date(); String crtUser = "user"; String crtUserGroup = "user group"; String docNum = "doc num"; String docSeries = "doc series"; Date endDate = new Date(); Long id = 1L; Integer licCount = 223; Integer stateCount = 34; RowStatus status = RowStatus.ACTIVE; String uapp = "uap"; Long uid = 124L; Date updateDate = new Date(); String utid = "utid"; SpecOffer source = new SpecOffer(); source.setActual(actualRow); source.setBegDate(begDate); source.setCreateDate(createDate); source.setCrtUser(crtUser); source.setCrtUserGroup(crtUserGroup); source.setDocNum(docNum); source.setDocSeries(docSeries); source.setEndDate(endDate); source.setId(id); source.setLicCount(licCount); source.setStateCount(stateCount); source.setStatus(status); source.setUapp(uapp); source.setUid(uid); source.setUpdateDate(updateDate); source.setUtid(utid); SpecOfferResource expected = new SpecOfferResource(); expected.setBegDate(begDate); expected.setDocNum(docNum); expected.setDocSeries(docSeries); expected.setEndDate(endDate); expected.setId(id); expected.setLicCount(licCount); expected.setStateCount(stateCount); // When SpecOfferResource actual = unit.convert(source); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "setBegDate", "getBegDate", "setDocNum", "getDocNum", "setDocSeries", "getDocSeries", "setEndDate", "getEndDate", "setId", "getId", "setLicCount", "getLicCount", "setStateCount", "getStateCount", "setDuration", "getDuration", "setWeightAward", "getWeightAward", "setWeightCertificate", "getWeightCertificate", "getDepartment", "setDepartmentId", "getId", "getDepartment", "getEducationFormType", "setEducationFormTypeId", "getId", "getEducationFormType", "getSpecialty", "setSpecialtyId", "getId", "getSpecialty", "setName", "getName", "getSpecialty", "getSpecOfferType", "setSpecofferTypeId", "getId", "getSpecOfferType", "getTimePeriod", "setTimePeriodId", "getId", "getTimePeriod", "getTimePeriodCourse", "setTimePeriodCourseId", "getId", "getTimePeriodCourse" ]
[ "setActual", "setBegDate", "setCreateDate", "setCrtUser", "setCrtUserGroup", "setDocNum", "setDocSeries", "setEndDate", "setId", "setLicCount", "setStateCount", "setStatus", "setUapp", "setUid", "setUpdateDate", "setUtid", "setBegDate", "setDocNum", "setDocSeries", "setEndDate", "setId", "setLicCount", "setStateCount", "convert", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private SpecOfferConverter unit = new SpecOfferConverter();", "class_name": "SpecOfferConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SpecOfferConverter extends AbstractConverter<SpecOffer, SpecOfferResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override public SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source, final SpecOfferResource target)\n@Override public SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SpecOfferConverter extends AbstractConverter<SpecOffer, SpecOfferResource>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source, final SpecOfferResource target)\n@Override public SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SpecOfferConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private SpecOfferConverter unit = new SpecOfferConverter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic SpecOfferResource convert(final SpecOffer source, final SpecOfferResource target) {\n\t\t\n\t\ttarget.setBegDate(source.getBegDate());\n\t\ttarget.setDocNum(source.getDocNum());\n\t\ttarget.setDocSeries(source.getDocSeries());\n\t\ttarget.setEndDate(source.getEndDate());\n\t\ttarget.setId(source.getId());\n\t\ttarget.setLicCount(source.getLicCount());\n\t\ttarget.setStateCount(source.getStateCount());\n\t\ttarget.setDuration(source.getDuration());\n\t\ttarget.setWeightAward(source.getWeightAward());\n\t\ttarget.setWeightCertificate(source.getWeightCertificate());\n\n\t\tif (source.getDepartment() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setDepartmentId(source.getDepartment().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getEducationFormType() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setEducationFormTypeId(source.getEducationFormType().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getSpecialty() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setSpecialtyId(source.getSpecialty().getId());\n\t\t\ttarget.setName(source.getSpecialty().getName());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getSpecOfferType() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setSpecofferTypeId(source.getSpecOfferType().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getTimePeriod() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setTimePeriodId(source.getTimePeriod().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getTimePeriodCourse() != null) {\n\t\t\ttarget.setTimePeriodCourseId(source.getTimePeriodCourse().getId());\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvertWithNoRelations() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tInteger actualRow = 1;\n\t\tDate createDate = new Date();\n\t\tDate begDate = new Date();\n\t\tString crtUser = \"user\";\n\t\tString crtUserGroup = \"user group\";\n\t\tString docNum = \"doc num\";\n\t\tString docSeries = \"doc series\";\n\t\tDate endDate = new Date();\n\t\tLong id = 1L;\n\t\tInteger licCount = 223;\n\t\tInteger stateCount = 34;\n\t\tRowStatus status = RowStatus.ACTIVE;\n\t\tString uapp = \"uap\";\n\t\tLong uid = 124L;\n\t\tDate updateDate = new Date();\n\t\tString utid = \"utid\";\n\t\t\n\t\tSpecOffer source = new SpecOffer();\n\t\tsource.setActual(actualRow);\n\t\tsource.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\tsource.setCreateDate(createDate);\n\t\tsource.setCrtUser(crtUser);\n\t\tsource.setCrtUserGroup(crtUserGroup);\n\t\tsource.setDocNum(docNum);\n\t\tsource.setDocSeries(docSeries);\n\t\tsource.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\tsource.setId(id);\n\t\tsource.setLicCount(licCount);\n\t\tsource.setStateCount(stateCount);\n\t\tsource.setStatus(status);\n\t\tsource.setUapp(uapp);\n\t\tsource.setUid(uid);\n\t\tsource.setUpdateDate(updateDate);\n\t\tsource.setUtid(utid);\n\t\t\n\t\tSpecOfferResource expected = new SpecOfferResource();\n\t\texpected.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\texpected.setDocNum(docNum);\n\t\texpected.setDocSeries(docSeries);\n\t\texpected.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\texpected.setId(id);\n\t\texpected.setLicCount(licCount);\n\t\texpected.setStateCount(stateCount);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tSpecOfferResource actual = unit.convert(source);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @SuppressWarnings("null") public @NotNull Collection<BundleInfo> getBundles() { return .map(bundle -> (BundleInfo)new BundleInfoImpl(bundle)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new TreeSet<BundleInfo>())); }
@Test void testBundles() { bundles( bundle("bundle1", BundleState.ACTIVE, BUNDLE_NAME, "Bundle 1", BUNDLE_VERSION, "1.2.3"), bundle("minimalBundle2", BundleState.RESOLVED), bundle("fragmentBundle3", BundleState.INSTALLED, BUNDLE_NAME, "Fragment 1", BUNDLE_VERSION, "1.0", FRAGMENT_HOST, "fragment")); List<BundleInfo> result = ImmutableList.copyOf(underTest.getBundles()); assertEquals(3, result.size()); BundleInfo bundle1 = result.get(0); assertEquals("bundle1", bundle1.getSymbolicName()); assertEquals("Bundle 1", bundle1.getName()); assertEquals(BundleState.ACTIVE, bundle1.getState()); assertEquals("1.2.3", bundle1.getVersion()); assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified()); assertFalse(bundle1.isFragment()); BundleInfo fragmentBundle3 = result.get(1); assertEquals("fragmentBundle3", fragmentBundle3.getSymbolicName()); assertEquals("Fragment 1", fragmentBundle3.getName()); assertEquals(BundleState.FRAGMENT, fragmentBundle3.getState()); assertEquals("1.0", fragmentBundle3.getVersion()); assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified()); assertTrue(fragmentBundle3.isFragment()); BundleInfo minimalBundle2 = result.get(2); assertEquals("minimalBundle2", minimalBundle2.getSymbolicName()); assertEquals("minimalBundle2", minimalBundle2.getName()); assertEquals(BundleState.RESOLVED, minimalBundle2.getState()); assertEquals("", minimalBundle2.getVersion()); assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified()); assertFalse(minimalBundle2.isFragment()); }
[ "collect", "map", "stream", "getBundles", "toCollection" ]
[ "bundles", "bundle", "bundle", "bundle", "copyOf", "getBundles", "assertEquals", "size", "get", "assertEquals", "getSymbolicName", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getState", "assertEquals", "getVersion", "assertNotNull", "getLastModified", "assertFalse", "isFragment", "get", "assertEquals", "getSymbolicName", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getState", "assertEquals", "getVersion", "assertNotNull", "getLastModified", "assertTrue", "isFragment", "get", "assertEquals", "getSymbolicName", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getState", "assertEquals", "getVersion", "assertNotNull", "getLastModified", "assertFalse", "isFragment" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private BundleContext bundleContext;\nprivate BundleInfoService underTest;", "class_name": "BundleInfoServiceImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private BundleContext bundleContext;", "class_name": "BundleInfoServiceImpl implements BundleInfoService", "method_signatures": "@Activate void activate(BundleContext bc)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public @NotNull Collection<BundleInfo> getBundles()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/bundleinfo/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BundleInfoServiceImpl implements BundleInfoService\n\nclass_fields: private BundleContext bundleContext;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Activate void activate(BundleContext bc)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public @NotNull Collection<BundleInfo> getBundles()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BundleInfoServiceImplTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private BundleContext bundleContext;\nprivate BundleInfoService underTest;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/bundleinfo/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n @SuppressWarnings(\"null\")\n public @NotNull Collection<BundleInfo> getBundles() {\n return\n .map(bundle -> (BundleInfo)new BundleInfoImpl(bundle))\n .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new TreeSet<BundleInfo>()));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/bundleinfo/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testBundles() {\n bundles(\n bundle(\"bundle1\", BundleState.ACTIVE, BUNDLE_NAME, \"Bundle 1\", BUNDLE_VERSION, \"1.2.3\"),\n bundle(\"minimalBundle2\", BundleState.RESOLVED),\n bundle(\"fragmentBundle3\", BundleState.INSTALLED, BUNDLE_NAME, \"Fragment 1\", BUNDLE_VERSION, \"1.0\", FRAGMENT_HOST, \"fragment\"));\n\n List<BundleInfo> result = ImmutableList.copyOf(underTest.getBundles());\n assertEquals(3, result.size());\n\n BundleInfo bundle1 = result.get(0);\n assertEquals(\"bundle1\", bundle1.getSymbolicName());\n assertEquals(\"Bundle 1\", bundle1.getName());\n assertEquals(BundleState.ACTIVE, bundle1.getState());\n assertEquals(\"1.2.3\", bundle1.getVersion());\n assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified());\n assertFalse(bundle1.isFragment());\n\n BundleInfo fragmentBundle3 = result.get(1);\n assertEquals(\"fragmentBundle3\", fragmentBundle3.getSymbolicName());\n assertEquals(\"Fragment 1\", fragmentBundle3.getName());\n assertEquals(BundleState.FRAGMENT, fragmentBundle3.getState());\n assertEquals(\"1.0\", fragmentBundle3.getVersion());\n assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified());\n assertTrue(fragmentBundle3.isFragment());\n\n BundleInfo minimalBundle2 = result.get(2);\n assertEquals(\"minimalBundle2\", minimalBundle2.getSymbolicName());\n assertEquals(\"minimalBundle2\", minimalBundle2.getName());\n assertEquals(BundleState.RESOLVED, minimalBundle2.getState());\n assertEquals(\"\", minimalBundle2.getVersion());\n assertNotNull(bundle1.getLastModified());\n assertFalse(minimalBundle2.isFragment());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final PublicActivityType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) { addParameter(entity.getName(), "name", parameters); addParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), "abbrName", parameters); return parameters; }
@Test public void testGetParametersWithDisabledDefaults() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); PublicActivityType entity = new PublicActivityType(); String name = "first blood"; String abbrName = "fb"; entity.setName(name); entity.setAbbrName(abbrName); Map<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>(); expected.put("name", name); expected.put("abbrName", abbrName); // When Map<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "addParameter", "getName", "addParameter", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setName", "setAbbrName", "put", "put", "getParameters", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractor unit;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);", "class_name": "PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<PublicActivityType>", "method_signatures": "@Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final PublicActivityType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/publicactivity/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractor extends AbstractParametersExtractor<PublicActivityType>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Map<String, Object> getParameters(final PublicActivityType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractorTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate SessionService sessionService;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate PublicActivityTypeParametersExtractor unit;\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\nprivate String group1 = \"developers\";\nprivate String group2 = \"students\";\nprivate List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(group1, group2);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-service/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/publicactivity/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Map<String, Object> getParameters(final PublicActivityType entity, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {\n\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getName(), \"name\", parameters);\n\t\taddParameter(entity.getAbbrName(), \"abbrName\", parameters);\n\n\t\treturn parameters;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-service/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/extractor/publicactivity/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetParametersWithDisabledDefaults() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tPublicActivityType entity = new PublicActivityType();\n\t\tString name = \"first blood\";\n\t\tString abbrName = \"fb\";\n\t\t\n\t\tentity.setName(name);\n\t\tentity.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\t\n\t\tMap<String, Object> expected = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n\t\texpected.put(\"name\", name);\n\t\texpected.put(\"abbrName\", abbrName);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tMap<String, Object> actual = unit.getParameters(entity);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = "Get subject resource by id") public SubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable("id") final Long id) { return facade.getResource(id); }
@Test(expected = AccessDeniedException.class) public void testGetResourceWithAccessDeniedException() throws Exception { // Given Long id = 1L; // When doThrow(AccessDeniedException.class).when(facade).getResource(anyLong()); // Then mockMvc.perform(get("/subjects/{id}", id)); verify(facade).getResource(id); }
[ "getResource" ]
[ "getResource", "when", "doThrow", "anyLong", "perform", "get", "getResource", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate Facade<SubjectResource, SubjectResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate SubjectController unit;", "class_name": "SubjectControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubjectController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"subjectFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<SubjectResource, SubjectResource, Long> facade;", "class_name": "SubjectController extends BaseController implements PagedController<SubjectResource, SubjectResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Subjects\") public PagedResultResource<SubjectResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<SubjectResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get subject resource by id\") public SubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/subject/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SubjectController extends BaseController implements PagedController<SubjectResource, SubjectResource>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubjectController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"subjectFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<SubjectResource, SubjectResource, Long> facade;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get All Subjects\") public PagedResultResource<SubjectResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<SubjectResource> request)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get subject resource by id\") public SubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SubjectControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate Facade<SubjectResource, SubjectResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate SubjectController unit;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/subject/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)\n\t@RequestMapping(value = Request.ID, method = RequestMethod.GET)\n\t@ApiOperation(value = \"Get subject resource by id\")\n\tpublic SubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"id\") final Long id) {\n\t\treturn facade.getResource(id);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-rest-api/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/subject/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = AccessDeniedException.class)\n\tpublic void testGetResourceWithAccessDeniedException() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tLong id = 1L;\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tdoThrow(AccessDeniedException.class).when(facade).getResource(anyLong());\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tmockMvc.perform(get(\"/subjects/{id}\", id));\n\t\t\n\t\tverify(facade).getResource(id);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean includes(Page pPage) { if (!super.includes(pPage)) { return false; } return predicate.evaluate(pPage); }
@Test void testIncludesAccept() { when(predicate.evaluate(page)).thenReturn(true); assertTrue(underTest.includes(page)); }
[ "includes", "evaluate" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "evaluate", "assertTrue", "includes" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Predicate predicate;\n@Mock\n private Page page;\nprivate PredicatePageFilter underTest;", "class_name": "PredicatePageFilterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Predicate predicate;", "class_name": "PredicatePageFilter extends PageFilter", "method_signatures": "public PredicatePageFilter(Predicate predicate)\npublic PredicatePageFilter(Predicate predicate, boolean includeInvalid, boolean includeHidden)\n@Override public boolean includes(Page pPage)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: ui/extjs/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/extjs/provider/impl/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PredicatePageFilter extends PageFilter\n\nclass_fields: private final Predicate predicate;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PredicatePageFilter(Predicate predicate)\npublic PredicatePageFilter(Predicate predicate, boolean includeInvalid, boolean includeHidden)\n@Override public boolean includes(Page pPage)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PredicatePageFilterTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Predicate predicate;\n@Mock\n private Page page;\nprivate PredicatePageFilter underTest;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file ui/extjs/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/extjs/provider/impl/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean includes(Page pPage) {\n if (!super.includes(pPage)) {\n return false;\n }\n return predicate.evaluate(pPage);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n ui/extjs/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/extjs/provider/impl/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testIncludesAccept() {\n when(predicate.evaluate(page)).thenReturn(true);\n assertTrue(underTest.includes(page));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid) { if (referenceUuid == null) { return null; } return URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + referenceUuid.toString(); }
@Test public void testGetAccountUrnFromUuid_Null() throws Exception { String expectedResult = null; String actualResult = UuidUtil.getAccountUrnFromUuid(null); assertTrue("The expected result '" + expectedResult + "' did not match the actual result '" + actualResult + ".", expectedResult == actualResult); }
[ "toString" ]
[ "getAccountUrnFromUuid", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid) {\n if (referenceUuid == null) {\n return null;\n }\n return URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + referenceUuid.toString();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetAccountUrnFromUuid_Null() throws Exception {\n String expectedResult = null;\n\n String actualResult = UuidUtil.getAccountUrnFromUuid(null);\n assertTrue(\"The expected result '\" + expectedResult + \"' did not match the actual result '\" + actualResult + \".\",\n expectedResult == actualResult);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid) { if (referenceUuid == null) { return null; } return URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + referenceUuid.toString(); }
@Test public void testGetAccountUrnFromUuid() throws Exception { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); String expectedResult = UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + uuid; String actualResult = UuidUtil.getAccountUrnFromUuid(uuid); assertTrue("The expected result '" + expectedResult + "' did not match the actual result '" + actualResult + ".", expectedResult.equals(actualResult)); }
[ "toString" ]
[ "randomUUID", "getAccountUrnFromUuid", "assertTrue", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid) {\n if (referenceUuid == null) {\n return null;\n }\n return URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + referenceUuid.toString();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetAccountUrnFromUuid() throws Exception {\n UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();\n String expectedResult = UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + uuid;\n\n String actualResult = UuidUtil.getAccountUrnFromUuid(uuid);\n assertTrue(\"The expected result '\" + expectedResult + \"' did not match the actual result '\" + actualResult + \".\",\n expectedResult.equals(actualResult));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Resource wrapMerge(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap) { Map<String, Object> mergedProperties = new HashMap<>(); mergedProperties.putAll(resource.getValueMap()); mergedProperties.putAll(valueMap); return wrap(resource, new ValueMapDecorator(mergedProperties), resource.getChildren()); }
@Test void testWrapMerge() throws Exception { Resource original = context.create().resource("/original/path", SAMPLE_PROPERTES); Resource underTest = wrapMerge(original, OTHER_SAMPLE_PROPERTES); assertEquals("/original/path", underTest.getPath()); assertEquals("value2", underTest.getValueMap().get("prop1", String.class)); assertEquals(25, (int)underTest.getValueMap().get("prop2", 0)); assertEquals(55, (int)underTest.getValueMap().get("prop3", 0)); }
[ "putAll", "getValueMap", "putAll", "wrap", "getChildren" ]
[ "resource", "create", "wrapMerge", "assertEquals", "getPath", "assertEquals", "get", "getValueMap", "assertEquals", "get", "getValueMap", "assertEquals", "get", "getValueMap" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final ValueMap SAMPLE_PROPERTES = new ValueMapDecorator(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()\n .put(\"sling:resourceType\", \"/sample/type\")\n .put(\"prop1\", \"value1\")\n .put(\"prop2\", 25)\n .build());\nprivate static final ValueMap OTHER_SAMPLE_PROPERTES = new ValueMapDecorator(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()\n .put(\"prop1\", \"value2\")\n .put(\"prop3\", 55)\n .build());\nprivate final AemContext context = new AemContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_MOCK);", "class_name": "GraniteUiSyntheticResourceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ValueMap props;\nprivate final List<Resource> children;", "class_name": "GraniteUiSyntheticResource extends SyntheticResource", "method_signatures": "private GraniteUiSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,\n ResourceMetadata resourceMetadata, String resourceType,\n ValueMap props, Iterable<Resource> children)\nprivate GraniteUiSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,\n String path,\n String resourceType,\n ValueMap props,\n Iterable<Resource> children)\n@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\", \"null\" }) @Override public Type adaptTo(Class<Type> type)\n@Override public Iterator<Resource> listChildren()\n@Override public Iterable<Resource> getChildren()\n@Override public boolean hasChildren()\n@Override public Resource getChild(String relPath)\nprivate void addChild(Resource child)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @Nullable String path, @NotNull String resourceType)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @Nullable String path, @NotNull String resourceType,\n @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource wrap(@NotNull Resource resource)\npublic static Resource wrap(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource wrapMerge(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\nprivate static Resource wrap(Resource resource, ValueMap valueMap, Iterable<Resource> children)\npublic static Resource child(@NotNull Resource parentResource, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String resourceType)\npublic static Resource child(@NotNull Resource parentResource, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String resourceType,\n @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static void copySubtree(@NotNull Resource targetParent, @NotNull Resource source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/resource/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GraniteUiSyntheticResource extends SyntheticResource\n\nclass_fields: private final ValueMap props;\nprivate final List<Resource> children;\n\nmethod_signatures: private GraniteUiSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,\n ResourceMetadata resourceMetadata, String resourceType,\n ValueMap props, Iterable<Resource> children)\nprivate GraniteUiSyntheticResource(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,\n String path,\n String resourceType,\n ValueMap props,\n Iterable<Resource> children)\n@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\", \"null\" }) @Override public Type adaptTo(Class<Type> type)\n@Override public Iterator<Resource> listChildren()\n@Override public Iterable<Resource> getChildren()\n@Override public boolean hasChildren()\n@Override public Resource getChild(String relPath)\nprivate void addChild(Resource child)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @Nullable String path, @NotNull String resourceType)\npublic static Resource create(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @Nullable String path, @NotNull String resourceType,\n @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource wrap(@NotNull Resource resource)\npublic static Resource wrap(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static Resource wrapMerge(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\nprivate static Resource wrap(Resource resource, ValueMap valueMap, Iterable<Resource> children)\npublic static Resource child(@NotNull Resource parentResource, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String resourceType)\npublic static Resource child(@NotNull Resource parentResource, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String resourceType,\n @NotNull ValueMap valueMap)\npublic static void copySubtree(@NotNull Resource targetParent, @NotNull Resource source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GraniteUiSyntheticResourceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final ValueMap SAMPLE_PROPERTES = new ValueMapDecorator(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()\n .put(\"sling:resourceType\", \"/sample/type\")\n .put(\"prop1\", \"value1\")\n .put(\"prop2\", 25)\n .build());\nprivate static final ValueMap OTHER_SAMPLE_PROPERTES = new ValueMapDecorator(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()\n .put(\"prop1\", \"value2\")\n .put(\"prop3\", 55)\n .build());\nprivate final AemContext context = new AemContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_MOCK);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/resource/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Resource wrapMerge(@NotNull Resource resource, @NotNull ValueMap valueMap) {\n Map<String, Object> mergedProperties = new HashMap<>();\n mergedProperties.putAll(resource.getValueMap());\n mergedProperties.putAll(valueMap);\n return wrap(resource, new ValueMapDecorator(mergedProperties), resource.getChildren());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n ui/granite/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/resource/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testWrapMerge() throws Exception {\n Resource original = context.create().resource(\"/original/path\", SAMPLE_PROPERTES);\n\n Resource underTest = wrapMerge(original, OTHER_SAMPLE_PROPERTES);\n assertEquals(\"/original/path\", underTest.getPath());\n assertEquals(\"value2\", underTest.getValueMap().get(\"prop1\", String.class));\n assertEquals(25, (int)underTest.getValueMap().get(\"prop2\", 0));\n assertEquals(55, (int)underTest.getValueMap().get(\"prop3\", 0));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) { PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class); Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath); if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) { // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)); } if (page == null) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + "/"); return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver); }
@Test void testGetAllowedComponentsForInheritedParsys() { // ---- special parsys (not inherited) ---- String specialParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + "/page-2/jcr:content/special"; Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(specialParsys, context.resourceResolver()); // null check assertNotNull(allowedComponents, "Allowed component for parsys cannot be null"); // positive tests assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/specialComp1"), "Component 'specialComp1' must be allowed in " + specialParsys + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/specialText"), "Component 'specialText' must be allowed in " + specialParsys + "."); // negative tests assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp1"), "Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in " + specialParsys + "."); assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp2"), "Component 'nestedComp2' should not be allowed in " + specialParsys + "."); // ---- content parsys (inherited) ---- String contentParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + "/page-2/jcr:content/content"; allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(contentParsys, context.resourceResolver()); // null check assertNotNull(allowedComponents, "Allowed component for parsys cannot be null"); // positive tests (inherited parsys config) assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp1"), "Component 'comp1' must be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp2"), "Component 'comp2' must be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp2a"), "Component 'comp2a' must be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/linklist"), "Component 'linklist' must be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); // negative tests (inherited parsys config) assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/nestedComp2"), "Component 'nestedComp2' should not be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/container2col"), "Component 'container2col' must not be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp3"), "Component 'comp3' should not be allowed in " + contentParsys + "."); // ---- linklist (inheritance canceled) ---- String linklistParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + "/page-2/jcr:content/content/links"; allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(linklistParsys, context.resourceResolver()); // positive tests assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/comp2b"), "Component 'comp2b' must be allowed in " + linklistParsys + "."); // negative tests assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains("dummy/components/linkItem"), "Component 'linkItem' should not be allowed in " + linklistParsys + "."); }
[ "notNull", "getContainingPage", "contains", "getPage", "substringBefore", "of", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getAllowedComponents" ]
[ "getAllowedComponents", "resourceResolver", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "getAllowedComponents", "resourceResolver", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains", "getAllowedComponents", "resourceResolver", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertFalse", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;", "class_name": "AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider", "method_signatures": "@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImpl implements AllowedComponentsProvider\n\nclass_fields: @Reference\n private ParsysConfigManager parsysConfigManager;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull Page page, @NotNull String relativeResourcePath,\n @Nullable String resourceType, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n@Override public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponentsForTemplate(@NotNull String pageComponentPath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AllowedComponentsProviderImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContextBuilder().plugin(WCMIO_SLING).build();\nprivate static final String CONTENT_ROOT_PATH = \"/content/dummy\";\nprivate static final String BASE_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/baseTemplate\";\nprivate static final String BASE_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/basePage\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/dummy/templates/inheritedTemplate\";\nprivate static final String INHERITED_PAGE_COMPONENT = \"dummy/components/page/inheritedPage\";\nprivate AllowedComponentsProvider underTest;\nprivate Page basePage;\nprivate Page inheritedPage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parsys/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public @NotNull Set<String> getAllowedComponents(@NotNull String resourcePath, @NotNull ResourceResolver resolver) {\n PageManager pageManager = AdaptTo.notNull(resolver, PageManager.class);\n Page page = pageManager.getContainingPage(resourcePath);\n if (page == null && StringUtils.contains(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) {\n // if resource does not exist (e.g. inherited parsys) get page from resource path manually\n page = pageManager.getPage(StringUtils.substringBefore(resourcePath, \"/\" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT));\n }\n if (page == null) {\n return ImmutableSet.of();\n }\n String relativePath = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getPath() + \"/\");\n return getAllowedComponents(page, relativePath, null, resolver);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parsys/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/parsys/componentinfo/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAllowedComponentsForInheritedParsys() {\n // ---- special parsys (not inherited) ----\n String specialParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + \"/page-2/jcr:content/special\";\n Set<String> allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(specialParsys, context.resourceResolver());\n\n // null check\n assertNotNull(allowedComponents,\n \"Allowed component for parsys cannot be null\");\n\n // positive tests\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/specialComp1\"),\n \"Component 'specialComp1' must be allowed in \" + specialParsys + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/specialText\"),\n \"Component 'specialText' must be allowed in \" + specialParsys + \".\");\n\n // negative tests\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp1\"),\n \"Component 'comp1' should not be allowed in \" + specialParsys + \".\");\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp2\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp2' should not be allowed in \" + specialParsys + \".\");\n\n // ---- content parsys (inherited) ----\n String contentParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + \"/page-2/jcr:content/content\";\n allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(contentParsys, context.resourceResolver());\n\n // null check\n assertNotNull(allowedComponents,\n \"Allowed component for parsys cannot be null\");\n\n // positive tests (inherited parsys config)\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp1\"),\n \"Component 'comp1' must be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp2\"),\n \"Component 'comp2' must be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp2a\"),\n \"Component 'comp2a' must be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/linklist\"),\n \"Component 'linklist' must be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n\n // negative tests (inherited parsys config)\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/nestedComp2\"),\n \"Component 'nestedComp2' should not be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/container2col\"),\n \"Component 'container2col' must not be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp3\"),\n \"Component 'comp3' should not be allowed in \" + contentParsys + \".\");\n\n // ---- linklist (inheritance canceled) ----\n String linklistParsys = CONTENT_ROOT_PATH + \"/page-2/jcr:content/content/links\";\n allowedComponents = underTest.getAllowedComponents(linklistParsys, context.resourceResolver());\n\n // positive tests\n assertTrue(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/comp2b\"),\n \"Component 'comp2b' must be allowed in \" + linklistParsys + \".\");\n\n // negative tests\n assertFalse(allowedComponents.contains(\"dummy/components/linkItem\"),\n \"Component 'linkItem' should not be allowed in \" + linklistParsys + \".\");\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) { Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage(); if (page == null) { return false; } ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver(); Template template = page.getTemplate(); if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) { return false; } // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath(); String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + "/" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + "/" + JCR_CONTENT; String resourcePathInStructure = null; if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + "/")) { resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath; } else { // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) { resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage; } } if (resourcePathInStructure == null) { return false; } Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure); if (resourceInStructure == null) { return false; } return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false); }
@Test void testResourceInEditableTemplate_EditableComponentStructure() { context.currentResource(editableComponentStructure); assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request()))); EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class); assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted()); }
[ "getPage", "getResourceResolver", "getResource", "getTemplate", "isPageInTemplateDefinition", "isEditableTemplate", "getPath", "getResource", "getPath", "startsWith", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getContentResource", "isNotEmpty", "getResource", "get", "getValueMap" ]
[ "currentResource", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted", "getComponentContext", "request", "notNull", "request", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;", "class_name": "EditableTemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";", "class_name": "EditableTemplate", "method_signatures": "private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EditableTemplate\n\nclass_fields: static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EditableTemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) {\n Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage();\n if (page == null) {\n return false;\n }\n ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver();\n Template template = page.getTemplate();\n\n if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template\n String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath();\n String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + \"/\" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + \"/\" + JCR_CONTENT;\n String resourcePathInStructure = null;\n if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + \"/\")) {\n resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath;\n }\n else {\n // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page\n String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath());\n if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) {\n resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage;\n }\n }\n if (resourcePathInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure);\n if (resourceInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testResourceInEditableTemplate_EditableComponentStructure() {\n context.currentResource(editableComponentStructure);\n assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request())));\n\n EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class);\n assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean includes(Page page) { return super.includes(page) && allowedTemplatePaths.contains(page.getProperties().get(NameConstants.PN_TEMPLATE, String.class)); }
@Test void testMultipleTemplates() { TemplatePageFilter pageFilter = new TemplatePageFilter(true, true, AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_2); assertTrue(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate1)); assertTrue(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate2)); assertFalse(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate3)); }
[ "includes", "contains", "get", "getProperties" ]
[ "assertTrue", "includes", "assertTrue", "includes", "assertFalse", "includes" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Page pageTemplate1;\n@Mock\n private Page pageTemplate2;\n@Mock\n private Page pageTemplate3;", "class_name": "TemplatePageFilterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Set<String> allowedTemplatePaths;", "class_name": "TemplatePageFilter extends PageFilter", "method_signatures": "public TemplatePageFilter(@NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic TemplatePageFilter(boolean includeInvalid, boolean includeHidden, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@Override public boolean includes(Page page)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/filter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TemplatePageFilter extends PageFilter\n\nclass_fields: private final Set<String> allowedTemplatePaths;\n\nmethod_signatures: public TemplatePageFilter(@NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\npublic TemplatePageFilter(boolean includeInvalid, boolean includeHidden, @NotNull TemplatePathInfo @NotNull... templates)\n@Override public boolean includes(Page page)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TemplatePageFilterTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Page pageTemplate1;\n@Mock\n private Page pageTemplate2;\n@Mock\n private Page pageTemplate3;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/filter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean includes(Page page) {\n return super.includes(page)\n && allowedTemplatePaths.contains(page.getProperties().get(NameConstants.PN_TEMPLATE, String.class));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/filter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testMultipleTemplates() {\n TemplatePageFilter pageFilter = new TemplatePageFilter(true, true, AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_1, AppTemplate.TEMPLATE_2);\n assertTrue(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate1));\n assertTrue(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate2));\n assertFalse(pageFilter.includes(pageTemplate3));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@ExceptionHandler(SmartCosmosException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(SmartCosmosException exception, WebRequest request) { if (exception.getCause() == null) { logException(exception, request); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; return handleExceptionInternal(exception, getErrorResponseBody(ERR_FAILURE, exception.getMessage()), headers, status, request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof NoEntityFoundException) { return handleNoEntityFoundRequestHandlingMethod((NoEntityFoundException) exception.getCause(), request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof ConversionFailedException) { return handleConversionFailure((ConversionFailedException) exception.getCause(), request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { return handleIllegalArgument((IllegalArgumentException) exception.getCause(), request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { return handleConstraintViolation((ConstraintViolationException) exception.getCause(), request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof HttpStatusCodeException) { return handleHttpStatusCodeException((HttpStatusCodeException) exception.getCause(), request); } if (exception.getCause() instanceof MethodArgumentNotValidException) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST; return handleMethodArgumentNotValid((MethodArgumentNotValidException) exception.getCause(), headers, status, request); } HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; return handleExceptionInternal(exception, getErrorResponseBody(ERR_FAILURE, exception.toString()), headers, status, request); }
@Test public void thatSmartCosmosExceptionWithNoCauseReturnsErrFailureResponseBody() { SmartCosmosException smartCosmosException = new SmartCosmosException("just message, no cause"); ResponseEntity responseEntity = handler.handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(smartCosmosException, webRequest); assertEquals(responseEntity.getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); assertEquals(((Map<String, String>)responseEntity.getBody()).get("message"), "just message, no cause"); }
[ "getCause", "logException", "handleExceptionInternal", "getErrorResponseBody", "getMessage", "getCause", "handleNoEntityFoundRequestHandlingMethod", "getCause", "getCause", "handleConversionFailure", "getCause", "getCause", "handleIllegalArgument", "getCause", "getCause", "handleConstraintViolation", "getCause", "getCause", "handleHttpStatusCodeException", "getCause", "getCause", "handleMethodArgumentNotValid", "getCause", "handleExceptionInternal", "getErrorResponseBody", "toString" ]
[ "handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod", "assertEquals", "getStatusCode", "assertEquals", "get", "getBody" ]
{ "class_fields": "HttpServletRequest request = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);\nWebRequest webRequest = new DispatcherServletWebRequest(request);\nRequestExceptionHandler handler = spy(new RequestExceptionHandler());", "class_name": "RequestExceptionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEFAULT_SMART_COSMOS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = \"Unspecified SmartCosmosException\";\nprotected static final int ERR_FAILURE = -1;\nprotected static final int ERR_FIELD_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = -5;\nprotected static final int ERR_VALIDATION_FAILURE = -15;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP = \"timestamp\";\nprivate static final String STATUS = \"status\";\nprivate static final String ERROR = \"error\";\nprivate static final String CODE = \"code\";\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"message\";", "class_name": "RequestExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler", "method_signatures": "@ExceptionHandler(SmartCosmosException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(SmartCosmosException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(NoEntityFoundException.class) protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNoEntityFoundRequestHandlingMethod(NoEntityFoundException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(ConversionFailedException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleConversionFailure(ConversionFailedException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(IllegalArgumentException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleIllegalArgument(IllegalArgumentException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(ConstraintViolationException.class) protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleConstraintViolation(ConstraintViolationException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(HttpStatusCodeException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleHttpStatusCodeException(HttpStatusCodeException exception, WebRequest request)\n@Override protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentNotValid(\n MethodArgumentNotValidException exception,\n HttpHeaders headers,\n HttpStatus status,\n WebRequest request)\nprivate Map<String, Object> processConstraintViolation(Set<String> fieldNames)\nprivate Map<String, Object> getErrorResponseBody(int code, String message)\nprivate void logException(Exception exception, WebRequest request)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/exceptions/handlers/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RequestExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEFAULT_SMART_COSMOS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = \"Unspecified SmartCosmosException\";\nprotected static final int ERR_FAILURE = -1;\nprotected static final int ERR_FIELD_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = -5;\nprotected static final int ERR_VALIDATION_FAILURE = -15;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP = \"timestamp\";\nprivate static final String STATUS = \"status\";\nprivate static final String ERROR = \"error\";\nprivate static final String CODE = \"code\";\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"message\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @ExceptionHandler(SmartCosmosException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(SmartCosmosException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(NoEntityFoundException.class) protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNoEntityFoundRequestHandlingMethod(NoEntityFoundException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(ConversionFailedException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleConversionFailure(ConversionFailedException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(IllegalArgumentException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleIllegalArgument(IllegalArgumentException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(ConstraintViolationException.class) protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleConstraintViolation(ConstraintViolationException exception, WebRequest request)\n@ExceptionHandler(HttpStatusCodeException.class) protected ResponseEntity<?> handleHttpStatusCodeException(HttpStatusCodeException exception, WebRequest request)\n@Override protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentNotValid(\n MethodArgumentNotValidException exception,\n HttpHeaders headers,\n HttpStatus status,\n WebRequest request)\nprivate Map<String, Object> processConstraintViolation(Set<String> fieldNames)\nprivate Map<String, Object> getErrorResponseBody(int code, String message)\nprivate void logException(Exception exception, WebRequest request)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RequestExceptionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: HttpServletRequest request = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);\nWebRequest webRequest = new DispatcherServletWebRequest(request);\nRequestExceptionHandler handler = spy(new RequestExceptionHandler());\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/exceptions/handlers/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @ExceptionHandler(SmartCosmosException.class)\n protected ResponseEntity<?> handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(SmartCosmosException exception, WebRequest request) {\n\n if (exception.getCause() == null) {\n logException(exception, request);\n HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();\n HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;\n return handleExceptionInternal(exception, getErrorResponseBody(ERR_FAILURE, exception.getMessage()), headers, status, request);\n\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof NoEntityFoundException) {\n return handleNoEntityFoundRequestHandlingMethod((NoEntityFoundException) exception.getCause(), request);\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof ConversionFailedException) {\n return handleConversionFailure((ConversionFailedException) exception.getCause(), request);\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {\n return handleIllegalArgument((IllegalArgumentException) exception.getCause(), request);\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {\n return handleConstraintViolation((ConstraintViolationException) exception.getCause(), request);\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof HttpStatusCodeException) {\n return handleHttpStatusCodeException((HttpStatusCodeException) exception.getCause(), request);\n }\n if (exception.getCause() instanceof MethodArgumentNotValidException) {\n HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();\n HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;\n return handleMethodArgumentNotValid((MethodArgumentNotValidException) exception.getCause(), headers, status, request);\n }\n HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();\n HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;\n\n return handleExceptionInternal(exception, getErrorResponseBody(ERR_FAILURE, exception.toString()), headers, status, request);\n\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/exceptions/handlers/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void thatSmartCosmosExceptionWithNoCauseReturnsErrFailureResponseBody() {\n\n SmartCosmosException smartCosmosException = new SmartCosmosException(\"just message, no cause\");\n ResponseEntity responseEntity = handler.handleSmartCosmosExceptionMethod(smartCosmosException, webRequest);\n assertEquals(responseEntity.getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);\n assertEquals(((Map<String, String>)responseEntity.getBody()).get(\"message\"), \"just message, no cause\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConstraintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception { // Given unit.setSecurity(false); AssetState context = new AssetState(); OrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy("name", OrderByType.ASC); List<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1); String expected = "SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE e.status=:status ORDER BY ASC"; MultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); pagedSearch.setOrders(orders); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName" ]
[ "setSecurity", "asList", "setEntity", "setOrders", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConstraintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tAssetState context = new AssetState();\n\t\t\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy(\"name\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1);\n\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE e.status=:status ORDER BY ASC\";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\tpagedSearch.setOrders(orders);\n\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public T convert(final S source, final T target) { target.setUpdateDate(new Date()); return target; }
@Test public void testConvert() throws Exception { // Given StreetType streetType = new StreetType(); StreetTypeResource streetTypeResource = new StreetTypeResource(); // When unit.convert(streetTypeResource, streetType); // Then assertNotNull(streetType.getUpdateDate()); }
[ "setUpdateDate" ]
[ "convert", "assertNotNull", "getUpdateDate" ]
{ "class_fields": "private UpdateConverter<StreetTypeResource, StreetType> unit = new UpdateConverter<>();", "class_name": "UpdateConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UpdateConverter extends AbstractConverter<S, T>", "method_signatures": "@Override public T convert(final S source, final T target)\n@Override public T convert(final S source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/base/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UpdateConverter extends AbstractConverter<S, T>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public T convert(final S source, final T target)\n@Override public T convert(final S source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UpdateConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private UpdateConverter<StreetTypeResource, StreetType> unit = new UpdateConverter<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/base/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic T convert(final S source, final T target) {\n\t\ttarget.setUpdateDate(new Date());\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/base/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvert() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tStreetType streetType = new StreetType();\n\t\tStreetTypeResource streetTypeResource = new StreetTypeResource();\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tunit.convert(streetTypeResource, streetType);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertNotNull(streetType.getUpdateDate());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = "/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = "Get Spec Offer Subjects by spec offer id", position = 3) public SpecOfferSubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable("specOfferSubjectId") final Long specOfferSubjectId) {"Retrieving Spec Offer Subject with id: {}", specOfferSubjectId); return facade.getResource(specOfferSubjectId); }
@Test public void testGetSpecoffer() throws Exception { // Given Long id = 1L; Long personId = 1L; SpecOfferSubjectResource specOfferSubjectResource = new SpecOfferSubjectResource(); // When String response = getJson(specOfferSubjectResource, false); when(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(specOfferSubjectResource); // Then mockMvc.perform(get("/specoffers/{0}/subjects/{id}", personId, id)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().string(response)); verify(facade).getResource(id); }
[ "info", "getResource" ]
[ "getJson", "thenReturn", "when", "getResource", "anyLong", "andExpect", "andExpect", "perform", "get", "isOk", "status", "string", "content", "getResource", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate Facade<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate SpecOfferSubjectController unit;", "class_name": "SpecOfferSubjectControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpecOfferSubjectController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"specOfferSubjectFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource, Long> facade;", "class_name": "SpecOfferSubjectController extends BaseController implements CrudController<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource>", "method_signatures": "@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ApiOperation(value = \"Method for creating Spec Offer Subject\") public SpecOfferSubjectResource createResource(@Valid @RequestBody final SpecOfferSubjectResource resource)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ApiOperation(value = \"Update Spec Offer Subject\", position = 2) public MessageResource updateResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId,\n \t\t\t@RequestBody final SpecOfferSubjectResource resource)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Spec Offer Subjects by spec offer id\", position = 3) public SpecOfferSubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ApiOperation(value = \"Delete Spec Offer Subject\", position = 4) public MessageResource removeResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Spec Offer Subjects\") public PagedResultResource<SpecOfferSubjectResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<SpecOfferSubjectResource> request)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/specoffer/subject/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SpecOfferSubjectController extends BaseController implements CrudController<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpecOfferSubjectController.class);\n@Resource(name = \"specOfferSubjectFacade\")\n\tprivate Facade<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource, Long> facade;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ApiOperation(value = \"Method for creating Spec Offer Subject\") public SpecOfferSubjectResource createResource(@Valid @RequestBody final SpecOfferSubjectResource resource)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ApiOperation(value = \"Update Spec Offer Subject\", position = 2) public MessageResource updateResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId,\n \t\t\t@RequestBody final SpecOfferSubjectResource resource)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Spec Offer Subjects by spec offer id\", position = 3) public SpecOfferSubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ApiOperation(value = \"Delete Spec Offer Subject\", position = 4) public MessageResource removeResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId)\n@Override @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get Spec Offer Subjects\") public PagedResultResource<SpecOfferSubjectResource> getPagedResource(final PagedRequest<SpecOfferSubjectResource> request)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SpecOfferSubjectControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate Facade<SpecOfferSubjectResource, SpecOfferSubjectResource, Long> facade;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate SpecOfferSubjectController unit;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/specoffer/subject/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\t@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)\n\t@RequestMapping(value = \"/{specOfferId}/subjects/{specOfferSubjectId}\", method = RequestMethod.GET)\n\t@ApiOperation(value = \"Get Spec Offer Subjects by spec offer id\", position = 3)\n\tpublic SpecOfferSubjectResource getResource(@PathVariable(\"specOfferSubjectId\") final Long specOfferSubjectId) {\n\t\\"Retrieving Spec Offer Subject with id: {}\", specOfferSubjectId);\n\t\t\n\t\treturn facade.getResource(specOfferSubjectId);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-rest-api/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/controller/specoffer/subject/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetSpecoffer() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n \tLong id = 1L;\n \tLong personId = 1L;\n \t\n \tSpecOfferSubjectResource specOfferSubjectResource = new SpecOfferSubjectResource();\n\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString response = getJson(specOfferSubjectResource, false);\n\t\t\n\t\twhen(facade.getResource(anyLong())).thenReturn(specOfferSubjectResource);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n \tmockMvc.perform(get(\"/specoffers/{0}/subjects/{id}\", personId, id))\n \t\t.andExpect(status().isOk())\n \t\t.andExpect(content().string(response));\n \t\n \tverify(facade).getResource(id);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) { return true; } return false; }
@Test public void testNegativeNumber() throws IOException { Encoder encoder = new SinglePrecisionEncoder(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); float value = -7.101f; encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value - 2, baos); encoder.encode(value - 4, baos); encoder.flush(baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value - 2, baos); encoder.encode(value - 4, baos); encoder.flush(baos); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Decoder decoder = new SinglePrecisionDecoder(); if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta); } if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value - 2, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta); } if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value - 4, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta); } } }
[ "remaining" ]
[ "encode", "encode", "encode", "flush", "encode", "encode", "encode", "flush", "wrap", "toByteArray", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readFloat", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readFloat", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readFloat" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoder extends Decoder", "method_signatures": "public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoder extends Decoder\n\nclass_fields: protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;\n\nmethod_signatures: public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {\n if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n tsfile/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNegativeNumber() throws IOException {\n Encoder encoder = new SinglePrecisionEncoder();\n ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n float value = -7.101f;\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value - 2, baos);\n encoder.encode(value - 4, baos);\n encoder.flush(baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value - 2, baos);\n encoder.encode(value - 4, baos);\n encoder.flush(baos);\n ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());\n for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n Decoder decoder = new SinglePrecisionDecoder();\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta);\n }\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value - 2, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta);\n }\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value - 4, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta);\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source, final Benefit target) { target.setId(source.getId()); target.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName()); target.setName(source.getName()); target.setBegDate(source.getBegDate()); target.setEndDate(source.getEndDate()); target.setDescription(source.getDescription()); if (source.getParentId() != null) { Benefit parent = new Benefit(); parent.setId(source.getParentId()); target.setParent(parent); } if (source.getBenefitTypeId() != null) { BenefitType benefitType = new BenefitType(); benefitType.setId(source.getBenefitTypeId()); target.setBenefitType(benefitType); } return target; }
@Test public void testConvert() throws Exception { // Given Long parentId = 1L; Long benefitTypeId = 2L; String abbrName = "fdsf"; Date begDate = new Date(); Date endDate = new Date(); String description = "descriptipp"; String name = "name"; BenefitType benefitType = new BenefitType(); benefitType.setId(benefitTypeId); Benefit parent = new Benefit(); parent.setId(parentId); Benefit expected = new Benefit(); expected.setAbbrName(abbrName); expected.setBenefitType(benefitType); expected.setBegDate(begDate); expected.setDescription(description); expected.setEndDate(endDate); expected.setName(name); expected.setParent(parent); BenefitResource source = new BenefitResource(); source.setAbbrName(abbrName); source.setBenefitTypeId(benefitTypeId); source.setBegDate(begDate); source.setDescription(description); source.setEndDate(endDate); source.setName(name); source.setParentId(parentId); // When Benefit actual = unit.convert(source); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "setId", "getId", "setAbbrName", "getAbbrName", "setName", "getName", "setBegDate", "getBegDate", "setEndDate", "getEndDate", "setDescription", "getDescription", "getParentId", "setId", "getParentId", "setParent", "getBenefitTypeId", "setId", "getBenefitTypeId", "setBenefitType" ]
[ "setId", "setId", "setAbbrName", "setBenefitType", "setBegDate", "setDescription", "setEndDate", "setName", "setParent", "setAbbrName", "setBenefitTypeId", "setBegDate", "setDescription", "setEndDate", "setName", "setParentId", "convert", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private BenefitResourceConverter unit = new BenefitResourceConverter();", "class_name": "BenefitResourceConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "BenefitResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<BenefitResource, Benefit>", "method_signatures": "@Override public Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source, final Benefit target)\n@Override public Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/benefit/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BenefitResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<BenefitResource, Benefit>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source, final Benefit target)\n@Override public Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BenefitResourceConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private BenefitResourceConverter unit = new BenefitResourceConverter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/benefit/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Benefit convert(final BenefitResource source, final Benefit target) {\n\t\t\n\t\ttarget.setId(source.getId());\n\t\ttarget.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName());\n\t\ttarget.setName(source.getName());\n\t\ttarget.setBegDate(source.getBegDate());\n\t\ttarget.setEndDate(source.getEndDate());\n\t\ttarget.setDescription(source.getDescription());\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getParentId() != null) {\n\t\t\tBenefit parent = new Benefit();\n\t\t\tparent.setId(source.getParentId());\n\t\t\ttarget.setParent(parent);\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getBenefitTypeId() != null) {\n\t\t\tBenefitType benefitType = new BenefitType();\n\t\t\tbenefitType.setId(source.getBenefitTypeId());\n\t\t\ttarget.setBenefitType(benefitType);\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/benefit/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvert() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tLong parentId = 1L;\n\t\tLong benefitTypeId = 2L;\n\t\tString abbrName = \"fdsf\";\n\t\tDate begDate = new Date();\n\t\tDate endDate = new Date();\n\t\tString description = \"descriptipp\";\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\t\n\t\tBenefitType benefitType = new BenefitType();\n\t\tbenefitType.setId(benefitTypeId);\n\n\t\tBenefit parent = new Benefit();\n\t\tparent.setId(parentId);\n\n\t\tBenefit expected = new Benefit();\n\t\texpected.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\texpected.setBenefitType(benefitType);\n\t\texpected.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\texpected.setDescription(description);\n\t\texpected.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\texpected.setName(name);\n\t\texpected.setParent(parent);\n\t\t\n\t\tBenefitResource source = new BenefitResource();\n\t\tsource.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\tsource.setBenefitTypeId(benefitTypeId);\n\t\tsource.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\tsource.setDescription(description);\n\t\tsource.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\tsource.setName(name);\n\t\tsource.setParentId(parentId);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tBenefit actual = unit.convert(source);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AdminUnit context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(ADMINUNITTYPE_COND, context.getAdminUnitType()) .addAndCondition(PARENT_COND, context.getParent()) .addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER_COND, context.getIdentifier()) .addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER1_COND, context.getIdentifier1()) .addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER2_COND, context.getIdentifier2()) .addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER3_COND, context.getIdentifier3()) .addAndCondition(NAME_COND, context.getName()) .addAndCondition(BEGDATE_COND, context.getBegDate()) .addAndCondition(ENDDATE_COND, context.getEndDate()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithFullEntityWithDisabledDefaultConstrsaintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); AdminUnit parent = new AdminUnit(); AdminUnitType adminUnitType = new AdminUnitType(); String identifier = "identifgier"; String identifier1 = "identifier1"; String identifier2 = "identifeir12"; String identifier3 = "identifier3"; String name = "ndasdsa"; Date begDate = new Date(); Date endDate = new Date(); AdminUnit context = new AdminUnit(); context.setAdminUnitType(adminUnitType); context.setParent(parent); context.setIdentifier(identifier); context.setIdentifier1(identifier1); context.setIdentifier2(identifier2); context.setIdentifier3(identifier3); context.setName(name); context.setBegDate(begDate); context.setEndDate(endDate); List<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(); String expected = "SELECT e FROM AdminUnit e WHERE ( e.adminUnitType = :adminUnitType AND e.parent = :parent AND e.identifier LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier,'%') AND e.identifier1 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier1,'%') AND e.identifier2 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier2,'%') AND e.identifier3 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier3,'%') AND LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') AND e.begDate <= :begDate AND e.endDate >= :endDate ) "; MultiplePagedSearch<AdminUnit> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); pagedSearch.setOrders(orders); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getAdminUnitType", "getParent", "getIdentifier", "getIdentifier1", "getIdentifier2", "getIdentifier3", "getName", "getBegDate", "getEndDate" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setAdminUnitType", "setParent", "setIdentifier", "setIdentifier1", "setIdentifier2", "setIdentifier3", "setName", "setBegDate", "setEndDate", "asList", "setEntity", "setOrders", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AdminUnitQueryBuilder unit = new AdminUnitQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AdminUnitQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ADMINUNITTYPE_COND = \"e.adminUnitType = :adminUnitType \";\nprivate static final String PARENT_COND = \"e.parent = :parent \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER_COND = \"e.identifier LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER1_COND = \"e.identifier1 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier1,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER2_COND = \"e.identifier2 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier2,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER3_COND = \"e.identifier3 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier3,'%') \";\nprivate static final String NAME_COND = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_COND = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_COND = \"e.endDate >= :endDate \";", "class_name": "AdminUnitQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AdminUnit>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AdminUnit context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/admin/unit/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AdminUnitQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AdminUnit>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ADMINUNITTYPE_COND = \"e.adminUnitType = :adminUnitType \";\nprivate static final String PARENT_COND = \"e.parent = :parent \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER_COND = \"e.identifier LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER1_COND = \"e.identifier1 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier1,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER2_COND = \"e.identifier2 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier2,'%') \";\nprivate static final String IDENTIFIER3_COND = \"e.identifier3 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier3,'%') \";\nprivate static final String NAME_COND = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_COND = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_COND = \"e.endDate >= :endDate \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AdminUnit context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AdminUnitQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AdminUnitQueryBuilder unit = new AdminUnitQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/admin/unit/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AdminUnit context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ADMINUNITTYPE_COND, context.getAdminUnitType())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PARENT_COND, context.getParent())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER_COND, context.getIdentifier())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER1_COND, context.getIdentifier1())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER2_COND, context.getIdentifier2())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(IDENTIFIER3_COND, context.getIdentifier3())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_COND, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(BEGDATE_COND, context.getBegDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENDDATE_COND, context.getEndDate())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/admin/unit/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithFullEntityWithDisabledDefaultConstrsaintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tAdminUnit parent = new AdminUnit();\n\t\tAdminUnitType adminUnitType = new AdminUnitType();\n\t\tString identifier = \"identifgier\";\n\t\tString identifier1 = \"identifier1\";\n\t\tString identifier2 = \"identifeir12\";\n\t\tString identifier3 = \"identifier3\";\n\t\tString name = \"ndasdsa\";\n\t\tDate begDate = new Date();\n\t\tDate endDate = new Date();\n\t\t\n\t\tAdminUnit context = new AdminUnit();\n\t\tcontext.setAdminUnitType(adminUnitType);\n\t\tcontext.setParent(parent);\n\t\tcontext.setIdentifier(identifier);\n\t\tcontext.setIdentifier1(identifier1);\n\t\tcontext.setIdentifier2(identifier2);\n\t\tcontext.setIdentifier3(identifier3);\n\t\tcontext.setName(name);\n\t\tcontext.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\tcontext.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\t\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM AdminUnit e WHERE ( e.adminUnitType = :adminUnitType AND e.parent = :parent AND e.identifier LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier,'%') AND e.identifier1 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier1,'%') AND e.identifier2 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier2,'%') AND e.identifier3 LIKE CONCAT('%',:identifier3,'%') AND LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') AND e.begDate <= :begDate AND e.endDate >= :endDate ) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AdminUnit> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\tpagedSearch.setOrders(orders);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Processor other = (Processor) obj; if (processorName == null) { if (other.processorName != null) { return false; } } else if (!processorName.equals(other.processorName)) { return false; } return true; }
@Test public void testEquals() { assertEquals(processor1, processor3); assertFalse(processor1.equals(processor2)); }
[ "getClass", "getClass", "equals" ]
[ "assertEquals", "assertFalse", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "TestLRUProcessor processor1;\nTestLRUProcessor processor2;\nTestLRUProcessor processor3;", "class_name": "ProcessorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ReadWriteLock lock;\nprivate String processorName;", "class_name": "Processor", "method_signatures": "public Processor(String processorName)\npublic void readUnlock()\npublic void readLock()\npublic void writeLock()\npublic void writeUnlock()\npublic void lock(boolean isWriteLock)\npublic boolean tryLock(boolean isWriteLock)\npublic void unlock(boolean isWriteUnlock)\npublic String getProcessorName()\npublic boolean tryWriteLock()\npublic boolean tryReadLock()\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\npublic abstract boolean canBeClosed()\npublic abstract boolean flush()\npublic abstract void close()\npublic abstract long memoryUsage()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Processor\n\nclass_fields: private final ReadWriteLock lock;\nprivate String processorName;\n\nmethod_signatures: public Processor(String processorName)\npublic void readUnlock()\npublic void readLock()\npublic void writeLock()\npublic void writeUnlock()\npublic void lock(boolean isWriteLock)\npublic boolean tryLock(boolean isWriteLock)\npublic void unlock(boolean isWriteUnlock)\npublic String getProcessorName()\npublic boolean tryWriteLock()\npublic boolean tryReadLock()\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\npublic abstract boolean canBeClosed()\npublic abstract boolean flush()\npublic abstract void close()\npublic abstract long memoryUsage()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProcessorTest\n\nclass_fields: TestLRUProcessor processor1;\nTestLRUProcessor processor2;\nTestLRUProcessor processor3;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n if (this == obj) {\n return true;\n }\n if (obj == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {\n return false;\n }\n Processor other = (Processor) obj;\n if (processorName == null) {\n if (other.processorName != null) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (!processorName.equals(other.processorName)) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n iotdb/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEquals() {\n assertEquals(processor1, processor3);\n assertFalse(processor1.equals(processor2));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public <E> Dataset<E> load(String namespace, String name, Class<E> type) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespace, "Namespace cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Dataset name cannot be null"); LOG.debug("Loading dataset: {}", name); DatasetDescriptor descriptor = metadataProvider.load(namespace, name); FileSystemDataset<E> ds = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<E>() .namespace(namespace) .name(name) .configuration(conf) .descriptor(descriptor) .type(type) .uri(new URIBuilder(getUri(), namespace, name).build()) .partitionKey(descriptor.isPartitioned() ? new PartitionKey() : null) .partitionListener(getPartitionListener()) .build(); LOG.debug("Loaded dataset:{}", ds); return ds; }
@Test public void testLoadNewHasZeroSize() { ensureCreated(); Dataset<Record> dataset = repo.load(NAMESPACE, NAME); /* * We perform a read test to make sure only data files are encountered * during a read. */ Assert.assertEquals(0, DatasetTestUtilities.datasetSize(dataset)); }
[ "checkNotNull", "checkNotNull", "debug", "load", "build", "partitionListener", "partitionKey", "uri", "type", "descriptor", "configuration", "name", "namespace", "build", "getUri", "isPartitioned", "getPartitionListener", "debug" ]
[ "ensureCreated", "load", "assertEquals", "datasetSize" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestFileSystemDatasetRepository extends TestDatasetRepositories" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemDatasetRepository.class);\nprivate final MetadataProvider metadataProvider;\nprivate final Configuration conf;\nprivate final FileSystem fs;\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate final URI repositoryUri;", "class_name": "FileSystemDatasetRepository extends AbstractDatasetRepository implements TemporaryDatasetRepositoryAccessor", "method_signatures": "public FileSystemDatasetRepository(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\npublic FileSystemDatasetRepository(\n Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory, MetadataProvider provider)\n@Override public Dataset<E> create(String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@Override public Dataset<E> update(String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@Override public Dataset<E> load(String namespace, String name, Class<E> type)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\nprivate boolean deleteWithTrash(String namespace, String name, boolean useTrash)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public Collection<String> datasets(String namespace)\n@Override public Collection<String> namespaces()\n@Override public URI getUri()\n@Override public TemporaryDatasetRepository getTemporaryRepository(String namespace, String key)\npublic Path pathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value=\"NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE\", justification=\"Checked in precondition\") static Path pathForDataset(Path root, @Nullable String namespace, @Nullable String name)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"deprecation\"}) public static PartitionKey partitionKeyForPath(Dataset dataset, URI partitionPath)\n@Override public String toString()\n MetadataProvider getMetadataProvider()\nprivate PartitionListener getPartitionListener()\nprivate static FileSystem fsForPath(Path dataPath, Configuration conf)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileSystemDatasetRepository extends AbstractDatasetRepository implements TemporaryDatasetRepositoryAccessor\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemDatasetRepository.class);\nprivate final MetadataProvider metadataProvider;\nprivate final Configuration conf;\nprivate final FileSystem fs;\nprivate final Path rootDirectory;\nprivate final URI repositoryUri;\n\nmethod_signatures: public FileSystemDatasetRepository(Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory)\npublic FileSystemDatasetRepository(\n Configuration conf, Path rootDirectory, MetadataProvider provider)\n@Override public Dataset<E> create(String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@Override public Dataset<E> update(String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@Override public Dataset<E> load(String namespace, String name, Class<E> type)\n@Override public boolean delete(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash(String namespace, String name)\nprivate boolean deleteWithTrash(String namespace, String name, boolean useTrash)\n@Override public boolean exists(String namespace, String name)\n@Override public Collection<String> datasets(String namespace)\n@Override public Collection<String> namespaces()\n@Override public URI getUri()\n@Override public TemporaryDatasetRepository getTemporaryRepository(String namespace, String key)\npublic Path pathForDataset(String namespace, String name)\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value=\"NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE\", justification=\"Checked in precondition\") static Path pathForDataset(Path root, @Nullable String namespace, @Nullable String name)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"deprecation\"}) public static PartitionKey partitionKeyForPath(Dataset dataset, URI partitionPath)\n@Override public String toString()\n MetadataProvider getMetadataProvider()\nprivate PartitionListener getPartitionListener()\nprivate static FileSystem fsForPath(Path dataPath, Configuration conf)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFileSystemDatasetRepository extends TestDatasetRepositories\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public <E> Dataset<E> load(String namespace, String name, Class<E> type) {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(namespace, \"Namespace cannot be null\");\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, \"Dataset name cannot be null\");\n\n LOG.debug(\"Loading dataset: {}\", name);\n\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = metadataProvider.load(namespace, name);\n\n FileSystemDataset<E> ds = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<E>()\n .namespace(namespace)\n .name(name)\n .configuration(conf)\n .descriptor(descriptor)\n .type(type)\n .uri(new URIBuilder(getUri(), namespace, name).build())\n .partitionKey(descriptor.isPartitioned() ? new PartitionKey() : null)\n .partitionListener(getPartitionListener())\n .build();\n\n LOG.debug(\"Loaded dataset:{}\", ds);\n\n return ds;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLoadNewHasZeroSize() {\n ensureCreated();\n\n Dataset<Record> dataset = repo.load(NAMESPACE, NAME);\n\n /*\n * We perform a read test to make sure only data files are encountered\n * during a read.\n */\n Assert.assertEquals(0, DatasetTestUtilities.datasetSize(dataset));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { if (datasets == null || datasets.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Exactly one dataset name or URI must be specified."); } String dataset = datasets.get(0); DatasetRepository repo; String namespace; String name; if (isDatasetOrViewUri(dataset)) { URI uri = URI.create(URI.create(dataset).getSchemeSpecificPart()); Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> reg = Registration .lookupDatasetUri(uri); repo = reg.first(); namespace = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION); name = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION); if (location == null) { location = reg.second().get("location"); } } else { repo = getDatasetRepository(); namespace = URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_DEFAULT; name = dataset; } // for file-based datasets, try to infer schema, format, etc. from data boolean isFileDataset = (repo instanceof FileSystemDatasetRepository); DatasetDescriptor.Builder descriptorBuilder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(); Path dataPath = null; if (location != null) { dataPath = qualifiedPath(location); descriptorBuilder.location(dataPath); } else if (isFileDataset) { dataPath = ((FileSystemDatasetRepository) repo) .pathForDataset(namespace, name); } FileSystem fs = isFileDataset ? dataPath.getFileSystem(getConf()) : null; Format existingFormat = null; if (isFileDataset) { existingFormat = FileSystemUtil.format(fs, dataPath); } if (existingFormat != null) { ValidationException.check(format == null || Formats.fromString(format).equals(existingFormat), "Found %s data, but --format is %s", existingFormat.getName(), format); descriptorBuilder.format(existingFormat); } else if (format != null) { descriptorBuilder.format(format); } Schema existingSchema = null; if (isFileDataset) { existingSchema = FileSystemUtil.schema("record", fs, dataPath); } Schema schema = existingSchema; if (existingSchema != null) { if (avroSchemaFile != null) { schema = Schemas.fromAvsc(open(avroSchemaFile)); ValidationException.check( SchemaValidationUtil.canRead(existingSchema, schema), "Schema %s cannot read existing data schema: %s", avroSchemaFile, existingSchema.toString(true)); descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile)); } else { descriptorBuilder.schema(existingSchema); } } else if (avroSchemaFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile)); } else { throw new ValidationException("Schema is missing: use --schema"); } PartitionStrategy existingStrategy = null; if (isFileDataset && existingSchema != null) { // if there is existing data (there is a Schema), infer partitioning existingStrategy = FileSystemUtil.strategy(fs, dataPath); } if (existingStrategy != null) { if (partitionStrategyFile != null) { // both are defined, so check that the new strategy is compatible PartitionStrategy strategy = PartitionStrategyParser .parse(open(partitionStrategyFile)); Compatibility.checkStrategyUpdate(existingStrategy, strategy, schema); descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(strategy); } else { descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(existingStrategy); } } else if (partitionStrategyFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategyUri(qualifiedURI(partitionStrategyFile)); } if (columnMappingFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.columnMappingUri(qualifiedURI(columnMappingFile)); } if (properties != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {, entry.getValue()); } } repo.create(namespace, name,; console.debug("Created {}", dataset); return 0; }
@Test public void testBasicUse() throws Exception { command.avroSchemaFile = "resource:test-schemas/user.avsc"; command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList("users");; DatasetDescriptor expectedDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schemaUri("resource:test-schemas/user.avsc") .build(); verify(repo).create("default", "users", expectedDescriptor); verify(console).debug(contains("Created"), eq("users")); }
[ "size", "get", "isDatasetOrViewUri", "create", "getSchemeSpecificPart", "create", "lookupDatasetUri", "first", "get", "second", "get", "second", "get", "second", "getDatasetRepository", "qualifiedPath", "location", "pathForDataset", "getFileSystem", "getConf", "format", "check", "equals", "fromString", "getName", "format", "format", "schema", "fromAvsc", "open", "check", "canRead", "toString", "schemaUri", "qualifiedURI", "schema", "schemaUri", "qualifiedURI", "strategy", "parse", "open", "checkStrategyUpdate", "partitionStrategy", "partitionStrategy", "partitionStrategyUri", "qualifiedURI", "columnMappingUri", "qualifiedURI", "entrySet", "property", "getKey", "getValue", "create", "build", "debug" ]
[ "newArrayList", "run", "build", "schemaUri", "create", "verify", "debug", "verify", "contains", "eq" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate CreateDatasetCommand command = null;\nprivate Logger console;", "class_name": "TestCreateDatasetCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "@Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"},\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-m\", \"--mapping\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted column mapping.\")\n String columnMappingFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-f\", \"--format\"},\n description = \"The file format: avro, parquet, or json.\")\n String format;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--location\"},\n description = \"Location where the data is stored\")\n String location;\n@DynamicParameter(names = {\"--set\", \"--property\"},\n description = \"Add a property pair:\")\n Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();", "class_name": "CreateDatasetCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand", "method_signatures": "public CreateDatasetCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CreateDatasetCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: @Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"},\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-m\", \"--mapping\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted column mapping.\")\n String columnMappingFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-f\", \"--format\"},\n description = \"The file format: avro, parquet, or json.\")\n String format;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--location\"},\n description = \"Location where the data is stored\")\n String location;\n@DynamicParameter(names = {\"--set\", \"--property\"},\n description = \"Add a property pair:\")\n Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public CreateDatasetCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestCreateDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate CreateDatasetCommand command = null;\nprivate Logger console;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n if (datasets == null || datasets.size() != 1) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Exactly one dataset name or URI must be specified.\");\n }\n\n String dataset = datasets.get(0);\n\n DatasetRepository repo;\n String namespace;\n String name;\n\n if (isDatasetOrViewUri(dataset)) {\n URI uri = URI.create(URI.create(dataset).getSchemeSpecificPart());\n Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> reg = Registration\n .lookupDatasetUri(uri);\n repo = reg.first();\n namespace = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION);\n name = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION);\n if (location == null) {\n location = reg.second().get(\"location\");\n }\n\n } else {\n repo = getDatasetRepository();\n namespace = URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_DEFAULT;\n name = dataset;\n }\n\n // for file-based datasets, try to infer schema, format, etc. from data\n boolean isFileDataset = (repo instanceof FileSystemDatasetRepository);\n\n DatasetDescriptor.Builder descriptorBuilder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder();\n\n Path dataPath = null;\n if (location != null) {\n dataPath = qualifiedPath(location);\n descriptorBuilder.location(dataPath);\n } else if (isFileDataset) {\n dataPath = ((FileSystemDatasetRepository) repo)\n .pathForDataset(namespace, name);\n }\n\n FileSystem fs = isFileDataset ? dataPath.getFileSystem(getConf()) : null;\n\n Format existingFormat = null;\n if (isFileDataset) {\n existingFormat = FileSystemUtil.format(fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n if (existingFormat != null) {\n ValidationException.check(format == null ||\n Formats.fromString(format).equals(existingFormat),\n \"Found %s data, but --format is %s\",\n existingFormat.getName(), format);\n descriptorBuilder.format(existingFormat);\n\n } else if (format != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.format(format);\n }\n\n Schema existingSchema = null;\n if (isFileDataset) {\n existingSchema = FileSystemUtil.schema(\"record\", fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n Schema schema = existingSchema;\n if (existingSchema != null) {\n if (avroSchemaFile != null) {\n schema = Schemas.fromAvsc(open(avroSchemaFile));\n ValidationException.check(\n SchemaValidationUtil.canRead(existingSchema, schema),\n \"Schema %s cannot read existing data schema: %s\",\n avroSchemaFile, existingSchema.toString(true));\n descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile));\n } else {\n descriptorBuilder.schema(existingSchema);\n }\n\n } else if (avroSchemaFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile));\n\n } else {\n throw new ValidationException(\"Schema is missing: use --schema\");\n }\n\n PartitionStrategy existingStrategy = null;\n if (isFileDataset && existingSchema != null) {\n // if there is existing data (there is a Schema), infer partitioning\n existingStrategy = FileSystemUtil.strategy(fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n if (existingStrategy != null) {\n if (partitionStrategyFile != null) {\n // both are defined, so check that the new strategy is compatible\n PartitionStrategy strategy = PartitionStrategyParser\n .parse(open(partitionStrategyFile));\n Compatibility.checkStrategyUpdate(existingStrategy, strategy, schema);\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(strategy);\n } else {\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(existingStrategy);\n }\n\n } else if (partitionStrategyFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategyUri(qualifiedURI(partitionStrategyFile));\n }\n\n if (columnMappingFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.columnMappingUri(qualifiedURI(columnMappingFile));\n }\n\n if (properties != null) {\n for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {\n, entry.getValue());\n }\n }\n\n repo.create(namespace, name,;\n\n console.debug(\"Created {}\", dataset);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testBasicUse() throws Exception {\n command.avroSchemaFile = \"resource:test-schemas/user.avsc\";\n command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList(\"users\");\n;\n\n DatasetDescriptor expectedDescriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schemaUri(\"resource:test-schemas/user.avsc\")\n .build();\n\n verify(repo).create(\"default\", \"users\", expectedDescriptor);\n verify(console).debug(contains(\"Created\"), eq(\"users\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) { return true; } return false; }
@Test public void testZeroNumber() throws IOException { Encoder encoder = new DoublePrecisionEncoder(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); double value = 0f; encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.flush(baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.encode(value, baos); encoder.flush(baos); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Decoder decoder = new DoublePrecisionDecoder(); if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta); } if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta); } if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta); } } }
[ "remaining" ]
[ "encode", "encode", "encode", "flush", "encode", "encode", "encode", "flush", "wrap", "toByteArray", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readDouble", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readDouble", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readDouble" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoder extends Decoder", "method_signatures": "public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoder extends Decoder\n\nclass_fields: protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;\n\nmethod_signatures: public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {\n if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n tsfile/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testZeroNumber() throws IOException {\n Encoder encoder = new DoublePrecisionEncoder();\n ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n double value = 0f;\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.flush(baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.encode(value, baos);\n encoder.flush(baos);\n ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());\n for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n Decoder decoder = new DoublePrecisionDecoder();\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta);\n }\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta);\n }\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value, decoder.readDouble(buffer), delta);\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PersonContact context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(PERSON_CONDITION, context.getPerson()) .addAndCondition(CONTACTTYPE_CONDITION, context.getContactType()) .addAndCondition(VALUE_CONDITION, context.getValue()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultConstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); PersonContact context = new PersonContact(); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM PersonContact e "; MultiplePagedSearch<PersonContact> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getPerson", "getContactType", "getValue" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private PersonContactQueryBuilder unit = new PersonContactQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "PersonContactQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PERSON_CONDITION = \"e.person = :person \";\nprivate static final String CONTACTTYPE_CONDITION = \"e.contactType = :addressType \";\nprivate static final String VALUE_CONDITION = \"e.value LIKE CONCAT('%',:value,'%') \";", "class_name": "PersonContactQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<PersonContact>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PersonContact context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/person/contact/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PersonContactQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<PersonContact>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PERSON_CONDITION = \"e.person = :person \";\nprivate static final String CONTACTTYPE_CONDITION = \"e.contactType = :addressType \";\nprivate static final String VALUE_CONDITION = \"e.value LIKE CONCAT('%',:value,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PersonContact context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PersonContactQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private PersonContactQueryBuilder unit = new PersonContactQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/person/contact/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PersonContact context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\t\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PERSON_CONDITION, context.getPerson())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(CONTACTTYPE_CONDITION, context.getContactType())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(VALUE_CONDITION, context.getValue())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/person/contact/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledDefaultConstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\n\t\tPersonContact context = new PersonContact();\n\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM PersonContact e \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<PersonContact> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String getTimeZone() throws TException, IoTDBSQLException { if (zoneId != null) { return zoneId.toString(); } TSGetTimeZoneResp resp = client.getTimeZone(); Utils.verifySuccess(resp.getStatus()); return resp.getTimeZone(); }
@Test public void testGetTimeZone() throws IoTDBSQLException, TException { String timeZone = "GMT+:08:00"; when(client.getTimeZone()).thenReturn(new TSGetTimeZoneResp(Status_SUCCESS, timeZone)); connection.client = client; assertEquals(connection.getTimeZone(), timeZone); }
[ "toString", "getTimeZone", "verifySuccess", "getStatus", "getTimeZone" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getTimeZone", "assertEquals", "getTimeZone" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private TSIService.Iface client;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection = new IoTDBConnection();\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);", "class_name": "IoTDBConnectionTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final List<TSProtocolVersion> supportedProtocols = new LinkedList<TSProtocolVersion>();\npublic TSIService.Iface client = null;\npublic TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnectionParams params;\nprivate boolean isClosed = true;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;\nprivate TSocket transport;\nprivate TSProtocolVersion protocol;\nprivate ZoneId zoneId;\nprivate boolean autoCommit;", "class_name": "IoTDBConnection implements Connection", "method_signatures": "public IoTDBConnection()\npublic IoTDBConnection(String url, Properties info)\npublic static TSIService.Iface newSynchronizedClient(TSIService.Iface client)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> arg0)\n@Override public void abort(Executor arg0)\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void commit()\n@Override public Array createArrayOf(String arg0, Object[] arg1)\n@Override public Blob createBlob()\n@Override public Clob createClob()\n@Override public NClob createNClob()\n@Override public SQLXML createSQLXML()\n@Override public Statement createStatement()\n@Override public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)\n@Override public Statement createStatement(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2)\n@Override public Struct createStruct(String arg0, Object[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean getAutoCommit()\n@Override public void setAutoCommit(boolean arg0)\n@Override public String getCatalog()\n@Override public void setCatalog(String arg0)\n@Override public Properties getClientInfo()\n@Override public void setClientInfo(Properties arg0)\n@Override public String getClientInfo(String arg0)\n@Override public int getHoldability()\n@Override public void setHoldability(int arg0)\n@Override public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()\n@Override public int getNetworkTimeout()\n@Override public String getSchema()\n@Override public void setSchema(String arg0)\n@Override public int getTransactionIsolation()\n@Override public void setTransactionIsolation(int arg0)\n@Override public Map<String, Class<?>> getTypeMap()\n@Override public void setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>> arg0)\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isReadOnly()\n@Override public void setReadOnly(boolean arg0)\n@Override public boolean isValid(int arg0)\n@Override public String nativeSQL(String arg0)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency,\n int resultSetHoldability)\n@Override public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint arg0)\n@Override public void rollback()\n@Override public void rollback(Savepoint arg0)\n@Override public void setClientInfo(String arg0, String arg1)\n@Override public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public Savepoint setSavepoint()\n@Override public Savepoint setSavepoint(String arg0)\nprivate void openTransport()\nprivate void openSession()\npublic boolean reconnect()\npublic String getTimeZone()\npublic void setTimeZone(String zoneId)\npublic ServerProperties getServerProperties()\npublic TSProtocolVersion getProtocol()\npublic void setProtocol(TSProtocolVersion protocol)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IoTDBConnection implements Connection\n\nclass_fields: private final List<TSProtocolVersion> supportedProtocols = new LinkedList<TSProtocolVersion>();\npublic TSIService.Iface client = null;\npublic TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnectionParams params;\nprivate boolean isClosed = true;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;\nprivate TSocket transport;\nprivate TSProtocolVersion protocol;\nprivate ZoneId zoneId;\nprivate boolean autoCommit;\n\nmethod_signatures: public IoTDBConnection()\npublic IoTDBConnection(String url, Properties info)\npublic static TSIService.Iface newSynchronizedClient(TSIService.Iface client)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> arg0)\n@Override public void abort(Executor arg0)\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void commit()\n@Override public Array createArrayOf(String arg0, Object[] arg1)\n@Override public Blob createBlob()\n@Override public Clob createClob()\n@Override public NClob createNClob()\n@Override public SQLXML createSQLXML()\n@Override public Statement createStatement()\n@Override public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)\n@Override public Statement createStatement(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2)\n@Override public Struct createStruct(String arg0, Object[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean getAutoCommit()\n@Override public void setAutoCommit(boolean arg0)\n@Override public String getCatalog()\n@Override public void setCatalog(String arg0)\n@Override public Properties getClientInfo()\n@Override public void setClientInfo(Properties arg0)\n@Override public String getClientInfo(String arg0)\n@Override public int getHoldability()\n@Override public void setHoldability(int arg0)\n@Override public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()\n@Override public int getNetworkTimeout()\n@Override public String getSchema()\n@Override public void setSchema(String arg0)\n@Override public int getTransactionIsolation()\n@Override public void setTransactionIsolation(int arg0)\n@Override public Map<String, Class<?>> getTypeMap()\n@Override public void setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>> arg0)\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isReadOnly()\n@Override public void setReadOnly(boolean arg0)\n@Override public boolean isValid(int arg0)\n@Override public String nativeSQL(String arg0)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2)\n@Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)\n@Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency,\n int resultSetHoldability)\n@Override public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint arg0)\n@Override public void rollback()\n@Override public void rollback(Savepoint arg0)\n@Override public void setClientInfo(String arg0, String arg1)\n@Override public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public Savepoint setSavepoint()\n@Override public Savepoint setSavepoint(String arg0)\nprivate void openTransport()\nprivate void openSession()\npublic boolean reconnect()\npublic String getTimeZone()\npublic void setTimeZone(String zoneId)\npublic ServerProperties getServerProperties()\npublic TSProtocolVersion getProtocol()\npublic void setProtocol(TSProtocolVersion protocol)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IoTDBConnectionTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private TSIService.Iface client;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection = new IoTDBConnection();\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String getTimeZone() throws TException, IoTDBSQLException {\n if (zoneId != null) {\n return zoneId.toString();\n }\n\n TSGetTimeZoneResp resp = client.getTimeZone();\n Utils.verifySuccess(resp.getStatus());\n return resp.getTimeZone();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetTimeZone() throws IoTDBSQLException, TException {\n String timeZone = \"GMT+:08:00\";\n when(client.getTimeZone()).thenReturn(new TSGetTimeZoneResp(Status_SUCCESS, timeZone));\n connection.client = client;\n assertEquals(connection.getTimeZone(), timeZone);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConditionWithOrderBy() throws Exception { // Given unit.setSecurity(false); AddressType context = new AddressType(); OrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy("name", OrderByType.DESC); List<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM AddressType e WHERE e.status=:status ORDER BY DESC"; MultiplePagedSearch<AddressType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); pagedSearch.setOrders(orders); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setSecurity", "asList", "setEntity", "setOrders", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AddressTypeQueryBuilder unit = new AddressTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AddressTypeQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";", "class_name": "AddressTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AddressType>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AddressTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AddressType>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AddressTypeQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AddressTypeQueryBuilder unit = new AddressTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AddressType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/address/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledSecurityConditionWithOrderBy() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\tAddressType context = new AddressType();\n\t\t\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy(\"name\", OrderByType.DESC);\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1);\n\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM AddressType e WHERE e.status=:status ORDER BY DESC\";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AddressType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\tpagedSearch.setOrders(orders);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putString( PREF_SORT_BY_KEY, sort.toString() ); return editor.commit(); }
@Test public void testSaveSortByPreference() throws Exception { sort = Sort.HIGHEST_RATED; mockSortHelper = createMockSharedPreference(); mockSortHelper.saveSortByPreference(sort); assertEquals(sort, mockSortHelper.getSortByPreference()); }
[ "edit", "putString", "toString", "commit" ]
[ "createMockSharedPreference", "saveSortByPreference", "assertEquals", "getSortByPreference" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockSharedPreferences;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences.Editor mockEditor;\nprivate SortHelper mockSortHelper;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockBrokenSharedPreferences;\nprivate Sort sort;", "class_name": "SortHelperTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PREF_SORT_BY_KEY = \"sortBy\";\nprivate static final String PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE = \"popularity.desc\";\nprivate SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;", "class_name": "SortHelper", "method_signatures": "@Inject public SortHelper(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences)\npublic Sort getSortByPreference()\npublic Uri getSortedMoviesUri()\npublic boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app/src/main/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SortHelper\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PREF_SORT_BY_KEY = \"sortBy\";\nprivate static final String PREF_SORT_BY_DEFAULT_VALUE = \"popularity.desc\";\nprivate SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Inject public SortHelper(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences)\npublic Sort getSortByPreference()\npublic Uri getSortedMoviesUri()\npublic boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SortHelperTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n SharedPreferences mockSharedPreferences;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences.Editor mockEditor;\nprivate SortHelper mockSortHelper;\n@Mock\n SharedPreferences mockBrokenSharedPreferences;\nprivate Sort sort;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app/src/main/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public boolean saveSortByPreference(Sort sort) {\n SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();\n editor.putString(\n PREF_SORT_BY_KEY,\n sort.toString()\n );\n return editor.commit();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app/src/test/java/me/maxdev/popularmoviesapp/data/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSaveSortByPreference() throws Exception {\n sort = Sort.HIGHEST_RATED;\n mockSortHelper = createMockSharedPreference();\n\n mockSortHelper.saveSortByPreference(sort);\n assertEquals(sort, mockSortHelper.getSortByPreference());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PublicActivityAward context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(PUBLICACTIVITY_CONDITION, context.getPublicActivity()) .addAndCondition(ENROLMENTSUBJECT_CONDITION, context.getEnrolmentSubject()) .addAndCondition(AWARDNAME_CONDITION, context.getAwardName()) .addAndCondition(BEGDATE_CONDITION, context.getBegDate()) .addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithParameters() throws Exception { // Given PublicActivity publicActivity = new PublicActivity(); EnrolmentSubject enrolmentSubject = new EnrolmentSubject(); String awardName = "awatd name"; Date begDate = new Date(); Date endDate = new Date(); PublicActivityAward context = new PublicActivityAward(); context.setBegDate(begDate); context.setEndDate(endDate); context.setAwardName(awardName); context.setEnrolmentSubject(enrolmentSubject); context.setPublicActivity(publicActivity); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM PublicActivityAward e WHERE ( e.publicActivity=:publicActivity AND e.enrolmentSubject=:enrolmentSubject AND e.awardName LIKE CONCAT('%',:awardName,'%') AND e.begDate <= :begDate AND e.endDate >= :endDate) AND e.status=:status AND e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) "; MultiplePagedSearch<PublicActivityAward> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getPublicActivity", "getEnrolmentSubject", "getAwardName", "getBegDate", "getEndDate" ]
[ "setBegDate", "setEndDate", "setAwardName", "setEnrolmentSubject", "setPublicActivity", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder unit = new PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String PUBLICACTIVITY_CONDITION = \"e.publicActivity=:publicActivity \";\nprivate static final String ENROLMENTSUBJECT_CONDITION = \"e.enrolmentSubject=:enrolmentSubject \";\nprivate static final String AWARDNAME_CONDITION = \"e.awardName LIKE CONCAT('%',:awardName,'%') \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_CONDITION = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate >= :endDate\";", "class_name": "PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<PublicActivityAward>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PublicActivityAward context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/publicactivity/award/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<PublicActivityAward>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String PUBLICACTIVITY_CONDITION = \"e.publicActivity=:publicActivity \";\nprivate static final String ENROLMENTSUBJECT_CONDITION = \"e.enrolmentSubject=:enrolmentSubject \";\nprivate static final String AWARDNAME_CONDITION = \"e.awardName LIKE CONCAT('%',:awardName,'%') \";\nprivate static final String BEGDATE_CONDITION = \"e.begDate <= :begDate \";\nprivate static final String ENDDATE_CONDITION = \"e.endDate >= :endDate\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PublicActivityAward context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder unit = new PublicActivityAwardQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/publicactivity/award/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final PublicActivityAward context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(PUBLICACTIVITY_CONDITION, context.getPublicActivity())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENROLMENTSUBJECT_CONDITION, context.getEnrolmentSubject())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(AWARDNAME_CONDITION, context.getAwardName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(BEGDATE_CONDITION, context.getBegDate())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ENDDATE_CONDITION, context.getEndDate())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/publicactivity/award/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithParameters() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tPublicActivity publicActivity = new PublicActivity();\n\t\tEnrolmentSubject enrolmentSubject = new EnrolmentSubject();\n\t\tString awardName = \"awatd name\";\n\t\tDate begDate = new Date();\n\t\tDate endDate = new Date();\n\t\t\n\t\tPublicActivityAward context = new PublicActivityAward();\n\t\tcontext.setBegDate(begDate);\n\t\tcontext.setEndDate(endDate);\n\t\tcontext.setAwardName(awardName);\n\t\tcontext.setEnrolmentSubject(enrolmentSubject);\n\t\tcontext.setPublicActivity(publicActivity);\n\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM PublicActivityAward e WHERE ( e.publicActivity=:publicActivity AND e.enrolmentSubject=:enrolmentSubject AND e.awardName LIKE CONCAT('%',:awardName,'%') AND e.begDate <= :begDate AND e.endDate >= :endDate) AND e.status=:status AND e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<PublicActivityAward> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String getMetadataInJson() throws SQLException { try { return getMetadataInJsonFunc(); } catch (TException e) { boolean flag = connection.reconnect(); this.client = connection.client; if (flag) { try { return getMetadataInJsonFunc(); } catch (TException e2) { throw new SQLException("Failed to fetch all metadata in json " + "after reconnecting. Please check the server status."); } } else { throw new SQLException("Failed to reconnect to the server " + "when fetching all metadata in json. Please check the server status."); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("resource") @Test public void ShowTimeseriesInJson() throws Exception { String metadataInJson = "=== Timeseries Tree ===\n" + "\n" + "root:{\n" + " vehicle:{\n" + " d0:{\n" + " s0:{\n" + " DataType: INT32,\n" + " Encoding: RLE,\n" + " args: {},\n" + " StorageGroup: root.vehicle \n" + " },\n" + " s1:{\n" + " DataType: INT64,\n" + " Encoding: RLE,\n" + " args: {},\n" + " StorageGroup: root.vehicle \n" + " },\n" + " s2:{\n" + " DataType: FLOAT,\n" + " Encoding: RLE,\n" + " args: {},\n" + " StorageGroup: root.vehicle \n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; when(fetchMetadataResp.getMetadataInJson()).thenReturn(metadataInJson); String res = ((IoTDBDatabaseMetadata) databaseMetaData).getMetadataInJson(); assertEquals(metadataInJson, res); }
[ "getMetadataInJsonFunc", "reconnect", "getMetadataInJsonFunc" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getMetadataInJson", "getMetadataInJson", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private TSIService.Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData;", "class_name": "IoTDBDatabaseMetadataTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client;", "class_name": "IoTDBDatabaseMetadata implements DatabaseMetaData", "method_signatures": "public IoTDBDatabaseMetadata(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client)\n@Override public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String columnPattern,\n String devicePattern)\nprivate ResultSet getColumnsFunc(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String columnPattern,\n String devicePattern)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public boolean allProceduresAreCallable()\n@Override public boolean allTablesAreSelectable()\n@Override public boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets()\n@Override public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()\n@Override public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()\n@Override public boolean deletesAreDetected(int arg0)\n@Override public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()\n@Override public boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned()\n@Override public ResultSet getAttributes(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, int arg3,\n boolean arg4)\n@Override public String getCatalogSeparator()\n@Override public String getCatalogTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getCatalogs()\n@Override public ResultSet getClientInfoProperties()\n@Override public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2,\n String arg3)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public ResultSet getCrossReference(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3,\n String arg4, String arg5)\n@Override public int getDatabaseMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getDatabaseMinorVersion()\n@Override public String getDatabaseProductName()\n@Override public String getDatabaseProductVersion()\n@Override public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation()\n@Override public int getDriverMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getDriverMinorVersion()\n@Override public String getDriverName()\n@Override public String getDriverVersion()\n@Override public ResultSet getExportedKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public String getExtraNameCharacters()\n@Override public ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public ResultSet getFunctions(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public String getIdentifierQuoteString()\n@Override public ResultSet getImportedKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)\n@Override public int getJDBCMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getJDBCMinorVersion()\n@Override public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength()\n@Override public int getMaxCatalogNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxCharLiteralLength()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInIndex()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInSelect()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInTable()\n@Override public int getMaxConnections()\n@Override public int getMaxCursorNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxIndexLength()\n@Override public int getMaxProcedureNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxRowSize()\n@Override public int getMaxSchemaNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxStatementLength()\n@Override public int getMaxStatements()\n@Override public int getMaxTableNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxTablesInSelect()\n@Override public int getMaxUserNameLength()\n@Override public String getNumericFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public String getProcedureTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getProcedures(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getPseudoColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern,\n String columnNamePattern)\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime()\n@Override public String getSQLKeywords()\n@Override public int getSQLStateType()\n@Override public String getSchemaTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getSchemas()\n@Override public ResultSet getSchemas(String catalog, String schemaPattern)\n@Override public String getSearchStringEscape()\n@Override public String getStringFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)\n@Override public ResultSet getSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern)\n@Override public String getSystemFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)\n@Override public ResultSet getTableTypes()\n@Override public ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern,\n String[] types)\n@Override public String getTimeDateFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getTypeInfo()\n@Override public ResultSet getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern,\n int[] types)\n@Override public String getURL()\n@Override public String getUserName()\n@Override public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table)\n@Override public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type)\n@Override public boolean isCatalogAtStart()\n@Override public boolean isReadOnly()\n@Override public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy()\n@Override public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedLow()\n@Override public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()\n@Override public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()\n@Override public boolean supportsBatchUpdates()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsColumnAliasing()\n@Override public boolean supportsConvert()\n@Override public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)\n@Override public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries()\n@Override public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()\n@Override public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()\n@Override public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy()\n@Override public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupBy()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated()\n@Override public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()\n@Override public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause()\n@Override public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsNamedParameters()\n@Override public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()\n@Override public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated()\n@Override public boolean supportsOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsPositionedDelete()\n@Override public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate()\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability)\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetType(int type)\n@Override public boolean supportsSavepoints()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate()\n@Override public boolean supportsStatementPooling()\n@Override public boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax()\n@Override public boolean supportsStoredProcedures()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()\n@Override public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames()\n@Override public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)\n@Override public boolean supportsTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsUnion()\n@Override public boolean supportsUnionAll()\n@Override public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type)\n@Override public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable()\n@Override public boolean usesLocalFiles()\n@Deprecated @Override public String toString()\npublic String getMetadataInJson()\nprivate String getMetadataInJsonFunc()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IoTDBDatabaseMetadata implements DatabaseMetaData\n\nclass_fields: private IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client;\n\nmethod_signatures: public IoTDBDatabaseMetadata(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client)\n@Override public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String columnPattern,\n String devicePattern)\nprivate ResultSet getColumnsFunc(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String columnPattern,\n String devicePattern)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public boolean allProceduresAreCallable()\n@Override public boolean allTablesAreSelectable()\n@Override public boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets()\n@Override public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()\n@Override public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()\n@Override public boolean deletesAreDetected(int arg0)\n@Override public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()\n@Override public boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned()\n@Override public ResultSet getAttributes(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, int arg3,\n boolean arg4)\n@Override public String getCatalogSeparator()\n@Override public String getCatalogTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getCatalogs()\n@Override public ResultSet getClientInfoProperties()\n@Override public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2,\n String arg3)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public ResultSet getCrossReference(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3,\n String arg4, String arg5)\n@Override public int getDatabaseMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getDatabaseMinorVersion()\n@Override public String getDatabaseProductName()\n@Override public String getDatabaseProductVersion()\n@Override public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation()\n@Override public int getDriverMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getDriverMinorVersion()\n@Override public String getDriverName()\n@Override public String getDriverVersion()\n@Override public ResultSet getExportedKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public String getExtraNameCharacters()\n@Override public ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public ResultSet getFunctions(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public String getIdentifierQuoteString()\n@Override public ResultSet getImportedKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)\n@Override public int getJDBCMajorVersion()\n@Override public int getJDBCMinorVersion()\n@Override public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength()\n@Override public int getMaxCatalogNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxCharLiteralLength()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInIndex()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInSelect()\n@Override public int getMaxColumnsInTable()\n@Override public int getMaxConnections()\n@Override public int getMaxCursorNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxIndexLength()\n@Override public int getMaxProcedureNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxRowSize()\n@Override public int getMaxSchemaNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxStatementLength()\n@Override public int getMaxStatements()\n@Override public int getMaxTableNameLength()\n@Override public int getMaxTablesInSelect()\n@Override public int getMaxUserNameLength()\n@Override public String getNumericFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)\n@Override public String getProcedureTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getProcedures(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)\n@Override public ResultSet getPseudoColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern,\n String columnNamePattern)\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime()\n@Override public String getSQLKeywords()\n@Override public int getSQLStateType()\n@Override public String getSchemaTerm()\n@Override public ResultSet getSchemas()\n@Override public ResultSet getSchemas(String catalog, String schemaPattern)\n@Override public String getSearchStringEscape()\n@Override public String getStringFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)\n@Override public ResultSet getSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern)\n@Override public String getSystemFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern)\n@Override public ResultSet getTableTypes()\n@Override public ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern,\n String[] types)\n@Override public String getTimeDateFunctions()\n@Override public ResultSet getTypeInfo()\n@Override public ResultSet getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern,\n int[] types)\n@Override public String getURL()\n@Override public String getUserName()\n@Override public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table)\n@Override public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type)\n@Override public boolean isCatalogAtStart()\n@Override public boolean isReadOnly()\n@Override public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy()\n@Override public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh()\n@Override public boolean nullsAreSortedLow()\n@Override public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)\n@Override public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()\n@Override public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()\n@Override public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()\n@Override public boolean supportsBatchUpdates()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()\n@Override public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsColumnAliasing()\n@Override public boolean supportsConvert()\n@Override public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)\n@Override public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries()\n@Override public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()\n@Override public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()\n@Override public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy()\n@Override public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupBy()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect()\n@Override public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated()\n@Override public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()\n@Override public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause()\n@Override public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar()\n@Override public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets()\n@Override public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsNamedParameters()\n@Override public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()\n@Override public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()\n@Override public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated()\n@Override public boolean supportsOuterJoins()\n@Override public boolean supportsPositionedDelete()\n@Override public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate()\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability)\n@Override public boolean supportsResultSetType(int type)\n@Override public boolean supportsSavepoints()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()\n@Override public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()\n@Override public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate()\n@Override public boolean supportsStatementPooling()\n@Override public boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax()\n@Override public boolean supportsStoredProcedures()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns()\n@Override public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()\n@Override public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames()\n@Override public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)\n@Override public boolean supportsTransactions()\n@Override public boolean supportsUnion()\n@Override public boolean supportsUnionAll()\n@Override public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type)\n@Override public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable()\n@Override public boolean usesLocalFiles()\n@Deprecated @Override public String toString()\npublic String getMetadataInJson()\nprivate String getMetadataInJsonFunc()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IoTDBDatabaseMetadataTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private TSIService.Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String getMetadataInJson() throws SQLException {\n try {\n return getMetadataInJsonFunc();\n } catch (TException e) {\n boolean flag = connection.reconnect();\n this.client = connection.client;\n if (flag) {\n try {\n return getMetadataInJsonFunc();\n } catch (TException e2) {\n throw new SQLException(\"Failed to fetch all metadata in json \"\n + \"after reconnecting. Please check the server status.\");\n }\n } else {\n throw new SQLException(\"Failed to reconnect to the server \"\n + \"when fetching all metadata in json. Please check the server status.\");\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"resource\")\n @Test\n public void ShowTimeseriesInJson() throws Exception {\n String metadataInJson =\n \"=== Timeseries Tree ===\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"root:{\\n\" + \" vehicle:{\\n\" + \" d0:{\\n\"\n + \" s0:{\\n\" + \" DataType: INT32,\\n\"\n + \" Encoding: RLE,\\n\"\n + \" args: {},\\n\" + \" StorageGroup: root.vehicle \\n\"\n + \" },\\n\"\n + \" s1:{\\n\" + \" DataType: INT64,\\n\"\n + \" Encoding: RLE,\\n\"\n + \" args: {},\\n\" + \" StorageGroup: root.vehicle \\n\"\n + \" },\\n\"\n + \" s2:{\\n\" + \" DataType: FLOAT,\\n\"\n + \" Encoding: RLE,\\n\"\n + \" args: {},\\n\" + \" StorageGroup: root.vehicle \\n\"\n + \" }\\n\"\n + \" }\\n\" + \" }\\n\" + \"}\";\n\n when(fetchMetadataResp.getMetadataInJson()).thenReturn(metadataInJson);\n\n String res = ((IoTDBDatabaseMetadata) databaseMetaData).getMetadataInJson();\n assertEquals(metadataInJson, res);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarriedType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithDisabledStatusCOnstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); MarriedType context = new MarriedType(); String expectedQuery = "SELECT e FROM MarriedType e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) "; MultiplePagedSearch<MarriedType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName", "getAbbrName" ]
[ "setActive", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MarriedTypeQueryBuilder unit = new MarriedTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "MarriedTypeQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";", "class_name": "MarriedTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<MarriedType>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarriedType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/married/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MarriedTypeQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<MarriedType>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\nprivate static final String ABBR_NAME_CONDITION = \"e.abbrName LIKE CONCAT('%',:abbrName,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarriedType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MarriedTypeQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private MarriedTypeQueryBuilder unit = new MarriedTypeQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/married/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final MarriedType context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(ABBR_NAME_CONDITION, context.getAbbrName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/married/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithDisabledStatusCOnstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tMarriedType context = new MarriedType();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expectedQuery = \"SELECT e FROM MarriedType e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<MarriedType> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expectedQuery, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source, final SpecOfferType target) { target.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName()); target.setId(source.getId()); target.setName(source.getName()); if (source.getTimePeriodId() != null) { TimePeriod timePeriod = new TimePeriod(); timePeriod.setId(source.getTimePeriodId()); target.setTimePeriod(timePeriod); } return target; }
@Test public void testConvertWithNoRelations() throws Exception { // Given String name = "first blood"; String abbrName = "fb"; Long id = 1L; SpecOfferType expected = new SpecOfferType(); expected.setName(name); expected.setAbbrName(abbrName); expected.setId(id); SpecOfferTypeResource source = new SpecOfferTypeResource(); source.setName(name); source.setAbbrName(abbrName); source.setId(id); // When SpecOfferType actual = unit.convert(source); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "setAbbrName", "getAbbrName", "setId", "getId", "setName", "getName", "getTimePeriodId", "setId", "getTimePeriodId", "setTimePeriod" ]
[ "setName", "setAbbrName", "setId", "setName", "setAbbrName", "setId", "convert", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter unit = new SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter();", "class_name": "SpecOfferTypeResourceConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<SpecOfferTypeResource, SpecOfferType>", "method_signatures": "@Override public SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source, final SpecOfferType target)\n@Override public SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/type/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<SpecOfferTypeResource, SpecOfferType>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source, final SpecOfferType target)\n@Override public SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SpecOfferTypeResourceConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter unit = new SpecOfferTypeResourceConverter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/type/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic SpecOfferType convert(final SpecOfferTypeResource source, final SpecOfferType target) {\n\t\t\n\t\ttarget.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName());\n\t\ttarget.setId(source.getId());\n\t\ttarget.setName(source.getName());\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getTimePeriodId() != null) {\n\t\t\tTimePeriod timePeriod = new TimePeriod();\n\t\t\ttimePeriod.setId(source.getTimePeriodId());\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\ttarget.setTimePeriod(timePeriod);\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/specoffer/type/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvertWithNoRelations() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tString name = \"first blood\";\n\t\tString abbrName = \"fb\";\n\t\t\n\t\tLong id = 1L;\n\t\t\n\t\tSpecOfferType expected = new SpecOfferType();\n\t\texpected.setName(name);\n\t\texpected.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\texpected.setId(id);\n\t\t\n\t\tSpecOfferTypeResource source = new SpecOfferTypeResource();\n\t\tsource.setName(name);\n\t\tsource.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\tsource.setId(id);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tSpecOfferType actual = unit.convert(source);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static MetricFilter parse(Configs configs, Config config) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configs); Preconditions.checkNotNull(config); Config filterConfig = configs.getConfig(config, "metricFilter", null); if (filterConfig == null) { return MetricFilter.ALL; } else { return new PatternMetricFilter(filterConfig); } }
@Test public void testUnrecognizedPatternType() throws Exception { String str = "{" + "\n metricFilter : {" + "\n includes : { " + "\n \"unRecognizedType:foo\" : \"glob:*\"" + "\n }" + "\n }}"; Config config = ConfigFactory.parseString(str); try { PatternMetricFilter.parse(new Configs(), config); fail(); } catch (MorphlineCompilationException e) { ; // expected } }
[ "checkNotNull", "checkNotNull", "getConfig" ]
[ "parseString", "parse", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PatternMetricFilterTest extends Assert" }
{ "class_fields": "private final List<ExpressionPair> includes = new ArrayList<ExpressionPair>();\nprivate final List<ExpressionPair> excludes = new ArrayList<ExpressionPair>();", "class_name": "PatternMetricFilter implements MetricFilter", "method_signatures": "public static MetricFilter parse(Configs configs, Config config)\nprivate PatternMetricFilter(Config config)\nprivate ExpressionPair parseExpressionPair(String strA, String strB, Config config)\nprivate Expression parseExpression(String expr, Config config)\n@Override public boolean matches(String name, Metric metric)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/stdlib/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PatternMetricFilter implements MetricFilter\n\nclass_fields: private final List<ExpressionPair> includes = new ArrayList<ExpressionPair>();\nprivate final List<ExpressionPair> excludes = new ArrayList<ExpressionPair>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static MetricFilter parse(Configs configs, Config config)\nprivate PatternMetricFilter(Config config)\nprivate ExpressionPair parseExpressionPair(String strA, String strB, Config config)\nprivate Expression parseExpression(String expr, Config config)\n@Override public boolean matches(String name, Metric metric)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PatternMetricFilterTest extends Assert\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/stdlib/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static MetricFilter parse(Configs configs, Config config) {\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(configs);\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(config);\n Config filterConfig = configs.getConfig(config, \"metricFilter\", null);\n if (filterConfig == null) {\n return MetricFilter.ALL;\n } else {\n return new PatternMetricFilter(filterConfig);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/stdlib/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUnrecognizedPatternType() throws Exception {\n String str = \"{\" + \n \"\\n metricFilter : {\" +\n \"\\n includes : { \" +\n \"\\n \\\"unRecognizedType:foo\\\" : \\\"glob:*\\\"\" +\n \"\\n }\" +\n \"\\n }}\";\n\n Config config = ConfigFactory.parseString(str);\n try {\n PatternMetricFilter.parse(new Configs(), config);\n fail();\n } catch (MorphlineCompilationException e) {\n ; // expected\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source, final MarkScale target) { if (source.getMarkScaleTypeId() != null) { MarkScaleType markScaleType = new MarkScaleType(); markScaleType.setId(source.getMarkScaleTypeId()); target.setMarkScaleType(markScaleType); } target.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName()); target.setName(source.getName()); target.setMarkMin(source.getMarkMin()); target.setMarkMax(source.getMarkMax()); return target; }
@Test public void testConvert() throws Exception { // Given String abbrName = "abbrName"; String name = "name"; Double markMin = 0.0; Double markMax = 10.0; Long markscaleTypeId = 1L; MarkScaleType markscaleType = new MarkScaleType(); markscaleType.setId(markscaleTypeId); MarkScaleResource source = new MarkScaleResource(); source.setAbbrName(abbrName); source.setName(name); source.setMarkMin(markMin); source.setMarkMax(markMax); source.setMarkScaleTypeId(markscaleTypeId); MarkScale expected = new MarkScale(); expected.setAbbrName(abbrName); expected.setName(name); expected.setMarkMin(markMin); expected.setMarkMax(markMax); expected.setMarkScaleType(markscaleType); // When MarkScale actual = unit.convert(source); // Then assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "getMarkScaleTypeId", "setId", "getMarkScaleTypeId", "setMarkScaleType", "setAbbrName", "getAbbrName", "setName", "getName", "setMarkMin", "getMarkMin", "setMarkMax", "getMarkMax" ]
[ "setId", "setAbbrName", "setName", "setMarkMin", "setMarkMax", "setMarkScaleTypeId", "setAbbrName", "setName", "setMarkMin", "setMarkMax", "setMarkScaleType", "convert", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MarkScaleResourceConverter unit = new MarkScaleResourceConverter();", "class_name": "MarkScaleResourceConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MarkScaleResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<MarkScaleResource, MarkScale>", "method_signatures": "@Override public MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source, final MarkScale target)\n@Override public MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/mark/scale/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MarkScaleResourceConverter extends AbstractConverter<MarkScaleResource, MarkScale>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source, final MarkScale target)\n@Override public MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MarkScaleResourceConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private MarkScaleResourceConverter unit = new MarkScaleResourceConverter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-converter/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/converter/mark/scale/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic MarkScale convert(final MarkScaleResource source, final MarkScale target) {\n\t\t\n\t\tif (source.getMarkScaleTypeId() != null) {\n\t\t\tMarkScaleType markScaleType = new MarkScaleType();\n\t\t\tmarkScaleType.setId(source.getMarkScaleTypeId());\n\t\t\ttarget.setMarkScaleType(markScaleType);\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\ttarget.setAbbrName(source.getAbbrName());\n\t\ttarget.setName(source.getName());\n\t\ttarget.setMarkMin(source.getMarkMin());\n\t\ttarget.setMarkMax(source.getMarkMax());\n\t\t\n\t\treturn target;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-converter/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/converter/mark/scale/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvert() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tString abbrName = \"abbrName\";\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\tDouble markMin = 0.0;\n\t\tDouble markMax = 10.0;\n\t\t\n\t\tLong markscaleTypeId = 1L;\n\t\tMarkScaleType markscaleType = new MarkScaleType();\n\t\tmarkscaleType.setId(markscaleTypeId);\n\t\t\n\t\tMarkScaleResource source = new MarkScaleResource();\n\t\tsource.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\tsource.setName(name);\n\t\tsource.setMarkMin(markMin);\n\t\tsource.setMarkMax(markMax);\n\t\tsource.setMarkScaleTypeId(markscaleTypeId);\n\t\t\n\t\tMarkScale expected = new MarkScale();\n\t\texpected.setAbbrName(abbrName);\n\t\texpected.setName(name);\n\t\texpected.setMarkMin(markMin);\n\t\texpected.setMarkMax(markMax);\n\t\texpected.setMarkScaleType(markscaleType);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tMarkScale actual = unit.convert(source);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public BroadcastingMessageResource createResource(final BroadcastingMessageResource resource) { BroadcastingMessageResource createdResource = super.createResource(resource); Email email = broadcastResourceEmailConverter.convert(resource); mailService.send(email); BroadcastingMessageResource result = new BroadcastingMessageResource(); emailBroadcastingConverter.convert(email, result); broadcastingConverter.convert(createdResource, result); return result; }
@Test public void testCreateEntity() throws Exception { // Given BroadcastingMessageResource expected = new BroadcastingMessageResource(); BroadcastingMessage broadcastingMessage = new BroadcastingMessage(); Email email = new Email(); // When when(resourceConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class))).thenReturn(broadcastingMessage); when(entityConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessage.class))).thenReturn(expected); when(broadcastResourceEmailConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class))).thenReturn(email); BroadcastingMessageResource actual = unit.createResource(expected); // Then verify(emailBroadcastingConverter).convert(any(Email.class), any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class)); verify(broadcastingConverter).convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class), any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class)); verify(mailService).send(email); assertEquals(expected, actual); }
[ "createResource", "convert", "send", "convert", "convert" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "convert", "any", "thenReturn", "when", "convert", "any", "thenReturn", "when", "convert", "any", "createResource", "convert", "verify", "any", "any", "convert", "verify", "any", "any", "send", "verify", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> insertConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> updateConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> resourceConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource> entityConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultService<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long, Dao<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long>> service;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<PagedRequest<BroadcastingMessageResource>, MultiplePagedSearch<BroadcastingMessage>> pagedRequestConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource> entityDetailsConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<PagedResult<BroadcastingMessage>, PagedResultResource<BroadcastingMessageResource>> pagedResultConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastingConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate MailService<Email> mailService;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate BroadcastingFacade unit;", "class_name": "BroadcastingFacadeTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter;\nprivate Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter;\nprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastingConverter;\nprivate MailService<Email> mailService;", "class_name": "BroadcastingFacade extends DefaultFacade<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage,\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource, DefaultService<BroadcastingMessage,\n\t\tBroadcastingMessage, Long, Dao<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long>>, Long>", "method_signatures": "@Override public BroadcastingMessageResource createResource(final BroadcastingMessageResource resource)\npublic void setBroadcastResourceEmailConverter(final Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter)\npublic void setMailService(final MailService<Email> mailService)\npublic void setEmailBroadcastingConverter(final Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter)\npublic void setBroadcastinConverter(final Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastinConverter)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-facade/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/facade/facade/broadcasting/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BroadcastingFacade extends DefaultFacade<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage,\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource, DefaultService<BroadcastingMessage,\n\t\tBroadcastingMessage, Long, Dao<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long>>, Long>\n\nclass_fields: private Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter;\nprivate Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter;\nprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastingConverter;\nprivate MailService<Email> mailService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public BroadcastingMessageResource createResource(final BroadcastingMessageResource resource)\npublic void setBroadcastResourceEmailConverter(final Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter)\npublic void setMailService(final MailService<Email> mailService)\npublic void setEmailBroadcastingConverter(final Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter)\npublic void setBroadcastinConverter(final Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastinConverter)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BroadcastingFacadeTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> insertConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> updateConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessage> resourceConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource> entityConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate DefaultService<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long, Dao<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessage, Long>> service;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<PagedRequest<BroadcastingMessageResource>, MultiplePagedSearch<BroadcastingMessage>> pagedRequestConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessage, BroadcastingMessageResource> entityDetailsConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<PagedResult<BroadcastingMessage>, PagedResultResource<BroadcastingMessageResource>> pagedResultConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, Email> broadcastResourceEmailConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<Email, BroadcastingMessageResource> emailBroadcastingConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate Converter<BroadcastingMessageResource, BroadcastingMessageResource> broadcastingConverter;\n@Mock\n\tprivate MailService<Email> mailService;\n@InjectMocks\n\tprivate BroadcastingFacade unit;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-facade/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/facade/facade/broadcasting/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic BroadcastingMessageResource createResource(final BroadcastingMessageResource resource) {\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource createdResource = super.createResource(resource);\n\t\tEmail email = broadcastResourceEmailConverter.convert(resource);\n\t\tmailService.send(email);\n\t\t\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource result = new BroadcastingMessageResource();\n\t\temailBroadcastingConverter.convert(email, result);\n\t\tbroadcastingConverter.convert(createdResource, result);\n\t\t\n\t\treturn result;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-facade/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/facade/facade/broadcasting/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCreateEntity() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource expected = new BroadcastingMessageResource();\n\t\tBroadcastingMessage broadcastingMessage = new BroadcastingMessage();\n\t\tEmail email = new Email();\n\n\t\t// When\n\t\twhen(resourceConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class))).thenReturn(broadcastingMessage);\n\t\twhen(entityConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessage.class))).thenReturn(expected);\n\t\twhen(broadcastResourceEmailConverter.convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class))).thenReturn(email);\n\t\tBroadcastingMessageResource actual = unit.createResource(expected);\n\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tverify(emailBroadcastingConverter).convert(any(Email.class), any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class));\n\t\tverify(broadcastingConverter).convert(any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class), any(BroadcastingMessageResource.class));\n\t\tverify(mailService).send(email);\n\t\t\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actual);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void backupNowLocalFileInfo(String backupFile) { BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null; try { bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(backupFile)); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : nowLocalFiles.entrySet()) { for (String file : entry.getValue()) { bufferedWriter.write(file + "\n"); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("IoTDB post back sender: cannot back up now local file info because {}", e); } finally { if (bufferedWriter != null) { try { bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error( "IoTDB post back sender: cannot close stream after backing up now local file info " + "because {}", e); } } } }
@Test // It tests two classes : backupNowLocalFileInfo and getLastLocalFileList public void testBackupNowLocalFileInfo() throws IOException { Map<String, Set<String>> allFileList = new HashMap<>(); // TODO create some files Random r = new Random(0); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (!allFileList.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) { allFileList.put(String.valueOf(i), new HashSet<>()); } String rand = String.valueOf(r.nextInt(10000)); String fileName = SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST + File.separator + String.valueOf(i) + File.separator + rand; File file = new File(fileName); allFileList.get(String.valueOf(i)).add(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } } } Set<String> lastFileList = new HashSet<>(); // lastFileList is empty manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST); lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles(); assert (lastFileList.isEmpty()); // add some files manager.getNowLocalFileList(new String[]{SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST}); manager.backupNowLocalFileInfo(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST); manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST); lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles(); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) { assert (lastFileList.containsAll(entry.getValue())); } // add some files and delete some files r = new Random(1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (!allFileList.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) { allFileList.put(String.valueOf(i), new HashSet<>()); } String rand = String.valueOf(r.nextInt(10000)); String fileName = SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST + File.separator + String.valueOf(i) + File.separator + rand; File file = new File(fileName); allFileList.get(String.valueOf(i)).add(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } } } int count = 0; Map<String, Set<String>> deleteFile = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) { deleteFile.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<>()); for (String path : entry.getValue()) { count++; if (count % 3 == 0) { deleteFile.get(entry.getKey()).add(path); } } } for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : deleteFile.entrySet()) { for (String path : entry.getValue()) { new File(path).delete(); allFileList.get(entry.getKey()).remove(path); } } manager.getNowLocalFileList(new String[]{SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST}); manager.backupNowLocalFileInfo(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST); manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST); lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles(); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) { assert (lastFileList.containsAll(entry.getValue())); } }
[ "entrySet", "getValue", "write", "error", "close", "error" ]
[ "containsKey", "valueOf", "put", "valueOf", "valueOf", "nextInt", "valueOf", "add", "get", "valueOf", "getAbsolutePath", "exists", "getParentFile", "mkdirs", "getParentFile", "exists", "createNewFile", "getLastLocalFileList", "getLastLocalFiles", "isEmpty", "getNowLocalFileList", "backupNowLocalFileInfo", "getLastLocalFileList", "getLastLocalFiles", "entrySet", "containsAll", "getValue", "containsKey", "valueOf", "put", "valueOf", "valueOf", "nextInt", "valueOf", "add", "get", "valueOf", "getAbsolutePath", "exists", "getParentFile", "mkdirs", "getParentFile", "exists", "createNewFile", "entrySet", "put", "getKey", "getValue", "add", "get", "getKey", "entrySet", "getValue", "delete", "remove", "get", "getKey", "getNowLocalFileList", "backupNowLocalFileInfo", "getLastLocalFileList", "getLastLocalFiles", "entrySet", "containsAll", "getValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST = \"postback\" + File.separator;\npublic static final String LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST =\n POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST + \"lastLocalFileList.txt\";\npublic static final String SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST = POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST + \"data\";\nFileManager manager = FileManager.getInstance();", "class_name": "FileManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileManager.class);\nprivate Map<String, Set<String>> sendingFiles = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Set<String> lastLocalFiles = new HashSet<>();\nprivate Map<String, Set<String>> nowLocalFiles = new HashMap<>();\nprivate PostBackSenderConfig postbackConfig = PostBackSenderDescriptor.getInstance().getConfig();\nprivate IoTDBConfig tsfileConfig = IoTDBDescriptor.getInstance().getConfig();", "class_name": "FileManager", "method_signatures": "private FileManager()\npublic static final FileManager getInstance()\npublic void init()\npublic void getSendingFileList()\npublic void getLastLocalFileList(String path)\npublic void getNowLocalFileList(String[] paths)\npublic void backupNowLocalFileInfo(String backupFile)\npublic Map<String, Set<String>> getSendingFiles()\npublic Set<String> getLastLocalFiles()\npublic Map<String, Set<String>> getNowLocalFiles()\npublic void setNowLocalFiles(Map<String, Set<String>> newNowLocalFiles)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/postback/sender/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileManager\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileManager.class);\nprivate Map<String, Set<String>> sendingFiles = new HashMap<>();\nprivate Set<String> lastLocalFiles = new HashSet<>();\nprivate Map<String, Set<String>> nowLocalFiles = new HashMap<>();\nprivate PostBackSenderConfig postbackConfig = PostBackSenderDescriptor.getInstance().getConfig();\nprivate IoTDBConfig tsfileConfig = IoTDBDescriptor.getInstance().getConfig();\n\nmethod_signatures: private FileManager()\npublic static final FileManager getInstance()\npublic void init()\npublic void getSendingFileList()\npublic void getLastLocalFileList(String path)\npublic void getNowLocalFileList(String[] paths)\npublic void backupNowLocalFileInfo(String backupFile)\npublic Map<String, Set<String>> getSendingFiles()\npublic Set<String> getLastLocalFiles()\npublic Map<String, Set<String>> getNowLocalFiles()\npublic void setNowLocalFiles(Map<String, Set<String>> newNowLocalFiles)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST = \"postback\" + File.separator;\npublic static final String LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST =\n POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST + \"lastLocalFileList.txt\";\npublic static final String SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST = POST_BACK_DIRECTORY_TEST + \"data\";\nFileManager manager = FileManager.getInstance();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/postback/sender/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void backupNowLocalFileInfo(String backupFile) {\n BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null;\n try {\n bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(backupFile));\n for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : nowLocalFiles.entrySet()) {\n for (String file : entry.getValue()) {\n bufferedWriter.write(file + \"\\n\");\n }\n }\n } catch (IOException e) {\n LOGGER.error(\"IoTDB post back sender: cannot back up now local file info because {}\", e);\n } finally {\n if (bufferedWriter != null) {\n try {\n bufferedWriter.close();\n } catch (IOException e) {\n LOGGER.error(\n \"IoTDB post back sender: cannot close stream after backing up now local file info \"\n + \"because {}\",\n e);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n iotdb/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/postback/sender/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test // It tests two classes : backupNowLocalFileInfo and getLastLocalFileList\n public void testBackupNowLocalFileInfo() throws IOException {\n Map<String, Set<String>> allFileList = new HashMap<>();\n\n // TODO create some files\n Random r = new Random(0);\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {\n if (!allFileList.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) {\n allFileList.put(String.valueOf(i), new HashSet<>());\n }\n String rand = String.valueOf(r.nextInt(10000));\n String fileName =\n SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST + File.separator + String.valueOf(i) + File.separator + rand;\n File file = new File(fileName);\n allFileList.get(String.valueOf(i)).add(file.getAbsolutePath());\n if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) {\n file.getParentFile().mkdirs();\n }\n if (!file.exists()) {\n file.createNewFile();\n }\n }\n }\n Set<String> lastFileList = new HashSet<>();\n\n // lastFileList is empty\n manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST);\n lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles();\n assert (lastFileList.isEmpty());\n\n // add some files\n manager.getNowLocalFileList(new String[]{SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST});\n manager.backupNowLocalFileInfo(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST);\n manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST);\n lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles();\n for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) {\n assert (lastFileList.containsAll(entry.getValue()));\n }\n\n // add some files and delete some files\n r = new Random(1);\n for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {\n if (!allFileList.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) {\n allFileList.put(String.valueOf(i), new HashSet<>());\n }\n String rand = String.valueOf(r.nextInt(10000));\n String fileName =\n SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST + File.separator + String.valueOf(i) + File.separator + rand;\n File file = new File(fileName);\n allFileList.get(String.valueOf(i)).add(file.getAbsolutePath());\n if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) {\n file.getParentFile().mkdirs();\n }\n if (!file.exists()) {\n file.createNewFile();\n }\n }\n }\n int count = 0;\n Map<String, Set<String>> deleteFile = new HashMap<>();\n for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) {\n deleteFile.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<>());\n for (String path : entry.getValue()) {\n count++;\n if (count % 3 == 0) {\n deleteFile.get(entry.getKey()).add(path);\n }\n }\n }\n for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : deleteFile.entrySet()) {\n for (String path : entry.getValue()) {\n new File(path).delete();\n allFileList.get(entry.getKey()).remove(path);\n }\n }\n manager.getNowLocalFileList(new String[]{SENDER_FILE_PATH_TEST});\n manager.backupNowLocalFileInfo(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST);\n manager.getLastLocalFileList(LAST_FILE_INFO_TEST);\n lastFileList = manager.getLastLocalFiles();\n for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : allFileList.entrySet()) {\n assert (lastFileList.containsAll(entry.getValue()));\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames != null && !classNames.isEmpty(), "Java class name is required"); Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames.size() == 1, "Only one java class name can be given"); ClassLoader loader = loaderFor(jars, libs); String className = classNames.get(0); Class<?> recordClass; try { recordClass = loader.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find class: " + className, e); } DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schema(recordClass) .build(); String schema = descriptor.getSchema().toString(!minimize); output(schema, console, outputPath); return 0; }
@Test public void testSchemaStdout() throws Exception { command.classNames = Lists.newArrayList("org.kitesdk.cli.example.User"); int rc =; Assert.assertEquals("Should return success code", 0, rc); verify(console).info(argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema))); verifyNoMoreInteractions(console); }
[ "checkArgument", "isEmpty", "checkArgument", "size", "loaderFor", "get", "loadClass", "build", "schema", "toString", "getSchema", "output" ]
[ "newArrayList", "run", "assertEquals", "info", "verify", "argThat", "matchesSchema", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate ObjectSchemaCommand command;", "class_name": "TestObjectSchemaCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<class name>\")\n List<String> classNames;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--jar\",\n description=\"Add a jar to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> jars;\n@Parameter(names=\"--lib-dir\",\n description=\"Add a directory to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> libs;", "class_name": "ObjectSchemaCommand extends BaseCommand", "method_signatures": "public ObjectSchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ObjectSchemaCommand extends BaseCommand\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger console;\n@Parameter(description=\"<class name>\")\n List<String> classNames;\n@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(\n value=\"UWF_NULL_FIELD\",\n justification = \"Field set by JCommander\")\n @Parameter(names={\"-o\", \"--output\"}, description=\"Save schema avsc to path\")\n String outputPath = null;\n@Parameter(names=\"--minimize\",\n description=\"Minimize schema file size by eliminating white space\")\n boolean minimize=false;\n@Parameter(names=\"--jar\",\n description=\"Add a jar to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> jars;\n@Parameter(names=\"--lib-dir\",\n description=\"Add a directory to the classpath used when loading the java class\")\n List<String> libs;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ObjectSchemaCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestObjectSchemaCommand\n\nclass_fields: private static Schema schema = null;\nprivate Logger console = null;\nprivate ObjectSchemaCommand command;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames != null && !classNames.isEmpty(),\n \"Java class name is required\");\n Preconditions.checkArgument(classNames.size() == 1,\n \"Only one java class name can be given\");\n\n ClassLoader loader = loaderFor(jars, libs);\n\n String className = classNames.get(0);\n Class<?> recordClass;\n try {\n recordClass = loader.loadClass(className);\n } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot find class: \" + className, e);\n }\n\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schema(recordClass)\n .build();\n String schema = descriptor.getSchema().toString(!minimize);\n\n output(schema, console, outputPath);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSchemaStdout() throws Exception {\n command.classNames = Lists.newArrayList(\"org.kitesdk.cli.example.User\");\n int rc =;\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Should return success code\", 0, rc);\n verify(console).info(argThat(TestUtil.matchesSchema(schema)));\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(console);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final BroadcastingMessage context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(TOPIC_CONDITION, context.getTopic()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testConvertWithDisabledStatusConstraint() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); BroadcastingMessage context = new BroadcastingMessage(); String expected = "SELECT e FROM BroadcastingMessage e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) "; MultiplePagedSearch<BroadcastingMessage> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getTopic" ]
[ "setActive", "setEntity", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private BroadcastingQueryBuilder unit = new BroadcastingQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "BroadcastingQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TOPIC_CONDITION = \"e.topic LIKE CONCAT('%',:topic,'%') \";", "class_name": "BroadcastingQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<BroadcastingMessage>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final BroadcastingMessage context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/broadcasting/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BroadcastingQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<BroadcastingMessage>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TOPIC_CONDITION = \"e.topic LIKE CONCAT('%',:topic,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final BroadcastingMessage context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BroadcastingQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private BroadcastingQueryBuilder unit = new BroadcastingQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/broadcasting/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final BroadcastingMessage context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(TOPIC_CONDITION, context.getTopic())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/broadcasting/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testConvertWithDisabledStatusConstraint() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tBroadcastingMessage context = new BroadcastingMessage();\n\t\t\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM BroadcastingMessage e WHERE e.crtUserGroup IN (:userGroups) \";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<BroadcastingMessage> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E, D extends Dataset<E>> D update( URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type) { Preconditions.checkArgument( URIBuilder.DATASET_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()), "Not a dataset or view URI: " + uri); Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "The entity type can't be null, use Object.class to have the type" + " determined by the schema."); Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> pair = Registration.lookupDatasetUri(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart())); DatasetRepository repo = pair.first(); Map<String, String> uriOptions = pair.second(); return (D) repo.update( uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION), uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION), descriptor, type); }
@Test public void testUpdateStringUri() { URI datasetUri = new URIBuilder(repoUri, "ns", "test").build(); DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schemaLiteral("\"string\"") .build(); Dataset<Object> expected = mock(Dataset.class); when(repo.update("ns", "test", descriptor, Object.class)).thenReturn(expected); Dataset<Object> ds = Datasets.<Object, Dataset<Object>> update(datasetUri.toString(), descriptor, Object.class); verify(repo).update("ns", "test", descriptor, Object.class); verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo); verifyNoMoreInteractions(expected); Assert.assertEquals(expected, ds); }
[ "checkArgument", "equals", "getScheme", "checkNotNull", "lookupDatasetUri", "create", "getRawSchemeSpecificPart", "first", "second", "update", "get", "get" ]
[ "build", "build", "schemaLiteral", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "update", "update", "toString", "update", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;", "class_name": "TestDatasets" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Datasets", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Datasets\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestDatasets\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public static <E, D extends Dataset<E>> D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type) {\n Preconditions.checkArgument(\n URIBuilder.DATASET_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()),\n \"Not a dataset or view URI: \" + uri);\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(type,\n \"The entity type can't be null, use Object.class to have the type\"\n + \" determined by the schema.\");\n\n Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> pair =\n Registration.lookupDatasetUri(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()));\n DatasetRepository repo = pair.first();\n Map<String, String> uriOptions = pair.second();\n\n return (D) repo.update(\n uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION),\n uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION), descriptor, type);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUpdateStringUri() {\n URI datasetUri = new URIBuilder(repoUri, \"ns\", \"test\").build();\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schemaLiteral(\"\\\"string\\\"\")\n .build();\n\n Dataset<Object> expected = mock(Dataset.class);\n when(repo.update(\"ns\", \"test\", descriptor, Object.class)).thenReturn(expected);\n\n Dataset<Object> ds = Datasets.<Object, Dataset<Object>>\n update(datasetUri.toString(), descriptor, Object.class);\n\n verify(repo).update(\"ns\", \"test\", descriptor, Object.class);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo);\n\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(expected);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(expected, ds);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) { return builder .where() .openBracket() .addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName()) .closeBracket(); }
@Test public void testBuildWithParametersAndDisabledDefaultConstraintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception { // Given unit.setActive(false); unit.setSecurity(false); String name = "name"; AssetState context = new AssetState(); context.setName(name); OrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy("name", OrderByType.ASC); List<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1); String expected = "SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') ) ORDER BY ASC"; MultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>(); pagedSearch.setEntity(context); pagedSearch.setOrders(orders); // When String actualQuery =; // Then assertEquals(expected, actualQuery); }
[ "closeBracket", "addAndCondition", "openBracket", "where", "getName" ]
[ "setActive", "setSecurity", "setName", "asList", "setEntity", "setOrders", "build", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";", "class_name": "AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>", "method_signatures": "@Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<AssetState>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String NAME_CONDITION = \" LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') \";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected String getBaseQuery()\n@Override protected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AssetStateQueryBuilderTest\n\nclass_fields: private AssetStateQueryBuilder unit = new AssetStateQueryBuilder();\nprivate Boolean active = true;\nprivate Boolean security = true;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-persistence/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tprotected BaseQueryBuilder build(final AssetState context, final BaseQueryBuilder builder) {\n\t\treturn builder\n\t\t\t\t.where()\n\t\t\t\t.openBracket()\n\t\t\t\t\t.addAndCondition(NAME_CONDITION, context.getName())\n\t\t\t\t.closeBracket();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-persistence/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/dao/builder/asset/state/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testBuildWithParametersAndDisabledDefaultConstraintsWithOrderBy() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tunit.setActive(false);\n\t\tunit.setSecurity(false);\n\t\t\n\t\tString name = \"name\";\n\t\tAssetState context = new AssetState();\n\t\tcontext.setName(name);\n\t\t\n\t\tOrderBy orderBy1 = new OrderBy(\"name\", OrderByType.ASC);\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Arrays.asList(orderBy1);\n\t\t\n\t\tString expected = \"SELECT e FROM AssetState e WHERE ( LIKE CONCAT('%',:name,'%') ) ORDER BY ASC\";\n\t\tMultiplePagedSearch<AssetState> pagedSearch = new MultiplePagedSearch<>();\n\t\tpagedSearch.setEntity(context);\n\t\tpagedSearch.setOrders(orders);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\tString actualQuery =;\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected, actualQuery);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void setMaxRows(int num) throws SQLException { checkConnection("setMaxRows"); if (num < 0) { throw new SQLException(String.format("maxRows %d must be >= 0!", num)); } this.maxRows = num; }
@SuppressWarnings("resource") @Test(expected = SQLException.class) public void testSetMaxRows2() throws SQLException { IoTDBStatement stmt = new IoTDBStatement(connection, client, sessHandle, zoneID); stmt.setMaxRows(-1); }
[ "checkConnection", "format" ]
[ "setMaxRows" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TS_SessionHandle sessHandle;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate ZoneId zoneID = ZoneId.systemDefault();", "class_name": "IoTDBStatementTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String SHOW_TIMESERIES_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show timeseries\";\nprivate static final String SHOW_STORAGE_GROUP_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show storage group\";\nZoneId zoneId;\nprivate ResultSet resultSet = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate int fetchSize = Config.fetchSize;\nprivate int queryTimeout = 10;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client = null;\nprivate TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate TSOperationHandle operationHandle = null;\nprivate List<String> batchSQLList;\nprivate boolean isClosed = false;\nprivate boolean isCancelled = false;\nprivate int maxRows = 0;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;", "class_name": "IoTDBStatement implements Statement", "method_signatures": "public IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n int fetchSize, ZoneId zoneId)\npublic IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n ZoneId zoneId)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public void addBatch(String sql)\n@Override public void cancel()\n@Override public void clearBatch()\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\nprivate void closeClientOperation()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void closeOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean execute(String sql)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate boolean executeSQL(String sql)\n@Override public int[] executeBatch()\nprivate int[] executeBatchSQL()\n@Override public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)\nprivate ResultSet executeQuerySQL(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate int executeUpdateSQL(String sql)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public int getFetchDirection()\n@Override public void setFetchDirection(int direction)\n@Override public int getFetchSize()\n@Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)\n@Override public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public int getMaxFieldSize()\n@Override public void setMaxFieldSize(int arg0)\n@Override public int getMaxRows()\n@Override public void setMaxRows(int num)\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults()\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults(int arg0)\n@Override public int getQueryTimeout()\n@Override public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)\n@Override public ResultSet getResultSet()\n@Override public int getResultSetConcurrency()\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public int getResultSetType()\n@Override public int getUpdateCount()\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isCloseOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isPoolable()\n@Override public void setPoolable(boolean arg0)\n@Override public void setCursorName(String arg0)\n@Override public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)\nprivate void checkConnection(String action)\nprivate void reInit()\nprivate List<String> getColumnsType(List<String> columns)\nprivate String getColumnType(String columnName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IoTDBStatement implements Statement\n\nclass_fields: private static final String SHOW_TIMESERIES_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show timeseries\";\nprivate static final String SHOW_STORAGE_GROUP_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show storage group\";\nZoneId zoneId;\nprivate ResultSet resultSet = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate int fetchSize = Config.fetchSize;\nprivate int queryTimeout = 10;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client = null;\nprivate TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate TSOperationHandle operationHandle = null;\nprivate List<String> batchSQLList;\nprivate boolean isClosed = false;\nprivate boolean isCancelled = false;\nprivate int maxRows = 0;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;\n\nmethod_signatures: public IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n int fetchSize, ZoneId zoneId)\npublic IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n ZoneId zoneId)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public void addBatch(String sql)\n@Override public void cancel()\n@Override public void clearBatch()\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\nprivate void closeClientOperation()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void closeOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean execute(String sql)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate boolean executeSQL(String sql)\n@Override public int[] executeBatch()\nprivate int[] executeBatchSQL()\n@Override public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)\nprivate ResultSet executeQuerySQL(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate int executeUpdateSQL(String sql)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public int getFetchDirection()\n@Override public void setFetchDirection(int direction)\n@Override public int getFetchSize()\n@Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)\n@Override public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public int getMaxFieldSize()\n@Override public void setMaxFieldSize(int arg0)\n@Override public int getMaxRows()\n@Override public void setMaxRows(int num)\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults()\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults(int arg0)\n@Override public int getQueryTimeout()\n@Override public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)\n@Override public ResultSet getResultSet()\n@Override public int getResultSetConcurrency()\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public int getResultSetType()\n@Override public int getUpdateCount()\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isCloseOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isPoolable()\n@Override public void setPoolable(boolean arg0)\n@Override public void setCursorName(String arg0)\n@Override public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)\nprivate void checkConnection(String action)\nprivate void reInit()\nprivate List<String> getColumnsType(List<String> columns)\nprivate String getColumnType(String columnName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IoTDBStatementTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TS_SessionHandle sessHandle;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate ZoneId zoneID = ZoneId.systemDefault();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void setMaxRows(int num) throws SQLException {\n checkConnection(\"setMaxRows\");\n if (num < 0) {\n throw new SQLException(String.format(\"maxRows %d must be >= 0!\", num));\n }\n this.maxRows = num;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"resource\")\n @Test(expected = SQLException.class)\n public void testSetMaxRows2() throws SQLException {\n IoTDBStatement stmt = new IoTDBStatement(connection, client, sessHandle, zoneID);\n stmt.setMaxRows(-1);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize) throws SQLException { checkConnection("setFetchSize"); if (fetchSize < 0) { throw new SQLException(String.format("fetchSize %d must be >= 0!", fetchSize)); } this.fetchSize = fetchSize == 0 ? Config.fetchSize : fetchSize; }
@SuppressWarnings("resource") @Test(expected = SQLException.class) public void testSetFetchSize4() throws SQLException { IoTDBStatement stmt = new IoTDBStatement(connection, client, sessHandle, zoneID); stmt.setFetchSize(-1); }
[ "checkConnection", "format" ]
[ "setFetchSize" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TS_SessionHandle sessHandle;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate ZoneId zoneID = ZoneId.systemDefault();", "class_name": "IoTDBStatementTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String SHOW_TIMESERIES_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show timeseries\";\nprivate static final String SHOW_STORAGE_GROUP_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show storage group\";\nZoneId zoneId;\nprivate ResultSet resultSet = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate int fetchSize = Config.fetchSize;\nprivate int queryTimeout = 10;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client = null;\nprivate TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate TSOperationHandle operationHandle = null;\nprivate List<String> batchSQLList;\nprivate boolean isClosed = false;\nprivate boolean isCancelled = false;\nprivate int maxRows = 0;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;", "class_name": "IoTDBStatement implements Statement", "method_signatures": "public IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n int fetchSize, ZoneId zoneId)\npublic IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n ZoneId zoneId)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public void addBatch(String sql)\n@Override public void cancel()\n@Override public void clearBatch()\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\nprivate void closeClientOperation()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void closeOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean execute(String sql)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate boolean executeSQL(String sql)\n@Override public int[] executeBatch()\nprivate int[] executeBatchSQL()\n@Override public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)\nprivate ResultSet executeQuerySQL(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate int executeUpdateSQL(String sql)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public int getFetchDirection()\n@Override public void setFetchDirection(int direction)\n@Override public int getFetchSize()\n@Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)\n@Override public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public int getMaxFieldSize()\n@Override public void setMaxFieldSize(int arg0)\n@Override public int getMaxRows()\n@Override public void setMaxRows(int num)\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults()\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults(int arg0)\n@Override public int getQueryTimeout()\n@Override public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)\n@Override public ResultSet getResultSet()\n@Override public int getResultSetConcurrency()\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public int getResultSetType()\n@Override public int getUpdateCount()\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isCloseOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isPoolable()\n@Override public void setPoolable(boolean arg0)\n@Override public void setCursorName(String arg0)\n@Override public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)\nprivate void checkConnection(String action)\nprivate void reInit()\nprivate List<String> getColumnsType(List<String> columns)\nprivate String getColumnType(String columnName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IoTDBStatement implements Statement\n\nclass_fields: private static final String SHOW_TIMESERIES_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show timeseries\";\nprivate static final String SHOW_STORAGE_GROUP_COMMAND_LOWERCASE = \"show storage group\";\nZoneId zoneId;\nprivate ResultSet resultSet = null;\nprivate IoTDBConnection connection;\nprivate int fetchSize = Config.fetchSize;\nprivate int queryTimeout = 10;\nprivate TSIService.Iface client = null;\nprivate TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle = null;\nprivate TSOperationHandle operationHandle = null;\nprivate List<String> batchSQLList;\nprivate boolean isClosed = false;\nprivate boolean isCancelled = false;\nprivate int maxRows = 0;\nprivate SQLWarning warningChain = null;\n\nmethod_signatures: public IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n int fetchSize, ZoneId zoneId)\npublic IoTDBStatement(IoTDBConnection connection, TSIService.Iface client,\n TS_SessionHandle sessionHandle,\n ZoneId zoneId)\n@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)\n@Override public T unwrap(Class<T> iface)\n@Override public void addBatch(String sql)\n@Override public void cancel()\n@Override public void clearBatch()\n@Override public void clearWarnings()\nprivate void closeClientOperation()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void closeOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean execute(String sql)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public boolean execute(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate boolean executeSQL(String sql)\n@Override public int[] executeBatch()\nprivate int[] executeBatchSQL()\n@Override public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)\nprivate ResultSet executeQuerySQL(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, int[] arg1)\n@Override public int executeUpdate(String arg0, String[] arg1)\nprivate int executeUpdateSQL(String sql)\n@Override public Connection getConnection()\n@Override public int getFetchDirection()\n@Override public void setFetchDirection(int direction)\n@Override public int getFetchSize()\n@Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)\n@Override public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys()\n@Override public int getMaxFieldSize()\n@Override public void setMaxFieldSize(int arg0)\n@Override public int getMaxRows()\n@Override public void setMaxRows(int num)\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults()\n@Override public boolean getMoreResults(int arg0)\n@Override public int getQueryTimeout()\n@Override public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)\n@Override public ResultSet getResultSet()\n@Override public int getResultSetConcurrency()\n@Override public int getResultSetHoldability()\n@Override public int getResultSetType()\n@Override public int getUpdateCount()\n@Override public SQLWarning getWarnings()\n@Override public boolean isCloseOnCompletion()\n@Override public boolean isClosed()\n@Override public boolean isPoolable()\n@Override public void setPoolable(boolean arg0)\n@Override public void setCursorName(String arg0)\n@Override public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)\nprivate void checkConnection(String action)\nprivate void reInit()\nprivate List<String> getColumnsType(List<String> columns)\nprivate String getColumnType(String columnName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IoTDBStatementTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private IoTDBConnection connection;\n@Mock\n private Iface client;\n@Mock\n private TS_SessionHandle sessHandle;\n@Mock\n private TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadataResp;\nprivate TS_Status Status_SUCCESS = new TS_Status(TS_StatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS);\nprivate ZoneId zoneID = ZoneId.systemDefault();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize) throws SQLException {\n checkConnection(\"setFetchSize\");\n if (fetchSize < 0) {\n throw new SQLException(String.format(\"fetchSize %d must be >= 0!\", fetchSize));\n }\n this.fetchSize = fetchSize == 0 ? Config.fetchSize : fetchSize;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/jdbc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"resource\")\n @Test(expected = SQLException.class)\n public void testSetFetchSize4() throws SQLException {\n IoTDBStatement stmt = new IoTDBStatement(connection, client, sessHandle, zoneID);\n stmt.setFetchSize(-1);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DatasetWriter<E> newWriter() { final EntityBatch<E> wrappedWriter = dataset.getDao().newBatch(); if (constraints.isUnbounded()) { wrappedWriter.initialize(); return wrappedWriter; } final StorageKey partitionStratKey = new StorageKey(dataset.getDescriptor().getPartitionStrategy()); // Return a dataset writer that checks on write that an entity is within the // range of the view AbstractDatasetWriter<E> writer = new AbstractFlushableDatasetWriter<E>() { private Constraints.KeyPredicate keyPredicate = constraints.toKeyPredicate(); @Override public void initialize() { wrappedWriter.initialize(); } @Override public void write(E entity) { StorageKey key = getAccessor().keyFor(entity, constraints.getProvidedValues(), partitionStratKey); if (!keyPredicate.apply(key)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("View does not contain entity: " + entity); } wrappedWriter.write(entity); } @Override public void flush() { wrappedWriter.flush(); } @Override public void close() { wrappedWriter.close(); } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return wrappedWriter.isOpen(); } }; writer.initialize(); return writer; }
@Test public void testLimitedWriter() { final View<TestEntity> range = ds .fromAfter(NAMES[0], "1").to(NAMES[0], "5") .fromAfter(NAMES[1], "1").to(NAMES[1], "5"); DatasetWriter<TestEntity> writer = range.newWriter(); try { writer.write(newTestEntity("3", "3")); writer.write(newTestEntity("5", "5")); } finally { writer.close(); } }
[ "newBatch", "getDao", "isUnbounded", "initialize", "getPartitionStrategy", "getDescriptor", "toKeyPredicate", "initialize", "keyFor", "getAccessor", "getProvidedValues", "apply", "write", "flush", "close", "isOpen", "initialize" ]
[ "to", "fromAfter", "to", "fromAfter", "newWriter", "write", "newTestEntity", "write", "newTestEntity", "close" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String[] NAMES = new String[] { \"part1\", \"part2\" };\nprivate static final String testEntity;\nprivate static final String tableName = \"testtable\";\nprivate static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate HBaseDatasetRepository repo;\nprivate DaoDataset<TestEntity> ds;", "class_name": "DaoViewTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final DaoDataset<E> dataset;", "class_name": "DaoView extends AbstractRefinableView<E> implements InputFormatAccessor<E>", "method_signatures": "DaoView(DaoDataset<E> dataset, Class<E> type)\nprivate DaoView(DaoView<E> view, Constraints constraints)\nprivate DaoView(DaoView<?> view, Schema schema, Class<E> type)\n@Override protected DaoView<E> filter(Constraints constraints)\n@Override protected AbstractRefinableView<T> project(Schema schema, Class<T> type)\n EntityScanner<E> newEntityScanner()\n@Override public DatasetReader<E> newReader()\n@Override public DatasetWriter<E> newWriter()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") PartitionKey toPartitionKey(MarkerRange.Boundary boundary)\n@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") static PartitionKey keyFor(PartitionStrategy strategy, Marker marker)\n@Override public InputFormat<E, Void> getInputFormat(Configuration conf)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DaoView extends AbstractRefinableView<E> implements InputFormatAccessor<E>\n\nclass_fields: private final DaoDataset<E> dataset;\n\nmethod_signatures: DaoView(DaoDataset<E> dataset, Class<E> type)\nprivate DaoView(DaoView<E> view, Constraints constraints)\nprivate DaoView(DaoView<?> view, Schema schema, Class<E> type)\n@Override protected DaoView<E> filter(Constraints constraints)\n@Override protected AbstractRefinableView<T> project(Schema schema, Class<T> type)\n EntityScanner<E> newEntityScanner()\n@Override public DatasetReader<E> newReader()\n@Override public DatasetWriter<E> newWriter()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") PartitionKey toPartitionKey(MarkerRange.Boundary boundary)\n@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") static PartitionKey keyFor(PartitionStrategy strategy, Marker marker)\n@Override public InputFormat<E, Void> getInputFormat(Configuration conf)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DaoViewTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String[] NAMES = new String[] { \"part1\", \"part2\" };\nprivate static final String testEntity;\nprivate static final String tableName = \"testtable\";\nprivate static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate HBaseDatasetRepository repo;\nprivate DaoDataset<TestEntity> ds;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public DatasetWriter<E> newWriter() {\n final EntityBatch<E> wrappedWriter = dataset.getDao().newBatch();\n if (constraints.isUnbounded()) {\n wrappedWriter.initialize();\n return wrappedWriter;\n }\n final StorageKey partitionStratKey = new StorageKey(dataset.getDescriptor().getPartitionStrategy());\n // Return a dataset writer that checks on write that an entity is within the\n // range of the view\n AbstractDatasetWriter<E> writer = new AbstractFlushableDatasetWriter<E>() {\n private Constraints.KeyPredicate keyPredicate = constraints.toKeyPredicate();\n\n @Override\n public void initialize() {\n wrappedWriter.initialize();\n }\n\n @Override\n public void write(E entity) {\n StorageKey key = getAccessor().keyFor(entity,\n constraints.getProvidedValues(), partitionStratKey);\n if (!keyPredicate.apply(key)) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"View does not contain entity: \" + entity);\n }\n wrappedWriter.write(entity);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void flush() {\n wrappedWriter.flush();\n }\n\n @Override\n public void close() {\n wrappedWriter.close();\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean isOpen() {\n return wrappedWriter.isOpen();\n }\n };\n writer.initialize();\n return writer;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLimitedWriter() {\n final View<TestEntity> range = ds\n .fromAfter(NAMES[0], \"1\").to(NAMES[0], \"5\")\n .fromAfter(NAMES[1], \"1\").to(NAMES[1], \"5\");\n DatasetWriter<TestEntity> writer = range.newWriter();\n try {\n writer.write(newTestEntity(\"3\", \"3\"));\n writer.write(newTestEntity(\"5\", \"5\"));\n } finally {\n writer.close();\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Properties loadConfig() { InputStream configStream = locateConfig(); try { props.load(configStream); for(String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) { props.put(key, props.getProperty(key).trim()); } String rankingModelPath = props.getProperty(MudrodConstants.RANKING_MODEL); props.put(MudrodConstants.RANKING_MODEL, decompressSVMWithSGDModel(rankingModelPath)); } catch (IOException e) {"Fail to load the sytem config file"); } return getConfig(); }
@Ignore @Test public final void testLoadConfig() { fail("Not yet implemented"); // TODO }
[ "locateConfig", "load", "stringPropertyNames", "put", "trim", "getProperty", "getProperty", "put", "decompressSVMWithSGDModel", "info", "getConfig" ]
[ "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestMudrodEngine" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MudrodEngine.class);\nprivate Properties props = new Properties();\nprivate ESDriver es = null;\nprivate SparkDriver spark = null;\nprivate static final String LOG_INGEST = \"logIngest\";\nprivate static final String META_INGEST = \"metaIngest\";\nprivate static final String FULL_INGEST = \"fullIngest\";\nprivate static final String PROCESSING = \"processingWithPreResults\";\nprivate static final String ES_HOST = \"esHost\";\nprivate static final String ES_TCP_PORT = \"esTCPPort\";\nprivate static final String ES_HTTP_PORT = \"esPort\";", "class_name": "MudrodEngine", "method_signatures": "public MudrodEngine()\npublic ESDriver startESDriver()\npublic SparkDriver startSparkDriver()\npublic Properties getConfig()\npublic ESDriver getESDriver()\npublic void setESDriver(ESDriver es)\nprivate InputStream locateConfig()\npublic Properties loadConfig()\nprivate String decompressSVMWithSGDModel(String archiveName)\npublic void startLogIngest()\npublic void startMetaIngest()\npublic void startFullIngest()\npublic void startProcessing()\npublic void end()\npublic static void main(String[] args)\nprivate static void loadPathConfig(MudrodEngine me, String dataDir)\npublic SparkDriver getSparkDriver()\npublic void setSparkDriver(SparkDriver sparkDriver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MudrodEngine\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MudrodEngine.class);\nprivate Properties props = new Properties();\nprivate ESDriver es = null;\nprivate SparkDriver spark = null;\nprivate static final String LOG_INGEST = \"logIngest\";\nprivate static final String META_INGEST = \"metaIngest\";\nprivate static final String FULL_INGEST = \"fullIngest\";\nprivate static final String PROCESSING = \"processingWithPreResults\";\nprivate static final String ES_HOST = \"esHost\";\nprivate static final String ES_TCP_PORT = \"esTCPPort\";\nprivate static final String ES_HTTP_PORT = \"esPort\";\n\nmethod_signatures: public MudrodEngine()\npublic ESDriver startESDriver()\npublic SparkDriver startSparkDriver()\npublic Properties getConfig()\npublic ESDriver getESDriver()\npublic void setESDriver(ESDriver es)\nprivate InputStream locateConfig()\npublic Properties loadConfig()\nprivate String decompressSVMWithSGDModel(String archiveName)\npublic void startLogIngest()\npublic void startMetaIngest()\npublic void startFullIngest()\npublic void startProcessing()\npublic void end()\npublic static void main(String[] args)\nprivate static void loadPathConfig(MudrodEngine me, String dataDir)\npublic SparkDriver getSparkDriver()\npublic void setSparkDriver(SparkDriver sparkDriver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestMudrodEngine\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Properties loadConfig() {\n InputStream configStream = locateConfig();\n try {\n props.load(configStream);\n for(String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) {\n props.put(key, props.getProperty(key).trim());\n }\n String rankingModelPath = props.getProperty(MudrodConstants.RANKING_MODEL);\n props.put(MudrodConstants.RANKING_MODEL, decompressSVMWithSGDModel(rankingModelPath));\n } catch (IOException e) {\n\"Fail to load the sytem config file\");\n }\n \n return getConfig();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Ignore\n @Test\n public final void testLoadConfig() {\n fail(\"Not yet implemented\"); // TODO\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromUrn_NullString() throws Exception { UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(""); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromUrn_NullString() throws Exception {\n\n UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(\"\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void main(String[] args) { // boolean options Option helpOpt = new Option("h", "help", false, "show this help message"); // log ingest (preprocessing + processing) Option logIngestOpt = new Option("l", LOG_INGEST, false, "begin log ingest"); // metadata ingest (preprocessing + processing) Option metaIngestOpt = new Option("m", META_INGEST, false, "begin metadata ingest"); // ingest both log and metadata Option fullIngestOpt = new Option("f", FULL_INGEST, false, "begin full ingest Mudrod workflow"); // processing only, assuming that preprocessing results is in dataDir Option processingOpt = new Option("p", PROCESSING, false, "begin processing with preprocessing results"); // argument options Option dataDirOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName("/path/to/data/directory").hasArgs(1).withDescription("the data directory to be processed by Mudrod").withLongOpt("dataDirectory") .isRequired().create(DATA_DIR); Option esHostOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName("host_name").hasArgs(1).withDescription("elasticsearch cluster unicast host").withLongOpt("elasticSearchHost").isRequired(false) .create(ES_HOST); Option esTCPPortOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName("port_num").hasArgs(1).withDescription("elasticsearch transport TCP port").withLongOpt("elasticSearchTransportTCPPort") .isRequired(false).create(ES_TCP_PORT); Option esPortOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName("port_num").hasArgs(1).withDescription("elasticsearch HTTP/REST port").withLongOpt("elasticSearchHTTPPort").isRequired(false) .create(ES_HTTP_PORT); // create the options Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(helpOpt); options.addOption(logIngestOpt); options.addOption(metaIngestOpt); options.addOption(fullIngestOpt); options.addOption(processingOpt); options.addOption(dataDirOpt); options.addOption(esHostOpt); options.addOption(esTCPPortOpt); options.addOption(esPortOpt); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); String processingType = null; if (line.hasOption(LOG_INGEST)) { processingType = LOG_INGEST; } else if (line.hasOption(PROCESSING)) { processingType = PROCESSING; } else if (line.hasOption(META_INGEST)) { processingType = META_INGEST; } else if (line.hasOption(FULL_INGEST)) { processingType = FULL_INGEST; } String dataDir = line.getOptionValue(DATA_DIR).replace("\\", "/"); if (!dataDir.endsWith("/")) { dataDir += "/"; } MudrodEngine me = new MudrodEngine(); me.loadConfig(); me.props.put(DATA_DIR, dataDir); if (line.hasOption(ES_HOST)) { String esHost = line.getOptionValue(ES_HOST); me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_UNICAST_HOSTS, esHost); } if (line.hasOption(ES_TCP_PORT)) { String esTcpPort = line.getOptionValue(ES_TCP_PORT); me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT, esTcpPort); } if (line.hasOption(ES_HTTP_PORT)) { String esHttpPort = line.getOptionValue(ES_HTTP_PORT); me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_HTTP_PORT, esHttpPort); } = new ESDriver(me.getConfig()); me.spark = new SparkDriver(me.getConfig()); loadPathConfig(me, dataDir); if (processingType != null) { switch (processingType) { case PROCESSING: me.startProcessing(); break; case LOG_INGEST: me.startLogIngest(); break; case META_INGEST: me.startMetaIngest(); break; case FULL_INGEST: me.startFullIngest(); break; default: break; } } me.end(); } catch (Exception e) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("MudrodEngine: 'dataDir' argument is mandatory. User must also provide an ingest method.", new Options()); LOG.error("Error whilst parsing command line.", e); } }
@Ignore @Test public final void testMain() { fail("Not yet implemented"); // TODO }
[ "create", "isRequired", "withLongOpt", "withDescription", "hasArgs", "withArgName", "hasArg", "create", "isRequired", "withLongOpt", "withDescription", "hasArgs", "withArgName", "hasArg", "create", "isRequired", "withLongOpt", "withDescription", "hasArgs", "withArgName", "hasArg", "create", "isRequired", "withLongOpt", "withDescription", "hasArgs", "withArgName", "hasArg", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "addOption", "parse", "hasOption", "hasOption", "hasOption", "hasOption", "replace", "getOptionValue", "endsWith", "loadConfig", "put", "hasOption", "getOptionValue", "put", "hasOption", "getOptionValue", "put", "hasOption", "getOptionValue", "put", "getConfig", "getConfig", "loadPathConfig", "startProcessing", "startLogIngest", "startMetaIngest", "startFullIngest", "end", "printHelp", "error" ]
[ "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestMudrodEngine" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MudrodEngine.class);\nprivate Properties props = new Properties();\nprivate ESDriver es = null;\nprivate SparkDriver spark = null;\nprivate static final String LOG_INGEST = \"logIngest\";\nprivate static final String META_INGEST = \"metaIngest\";\nprivate static final String FULL_INGEST = \"fullIngest\";\nprivate static final String PROCESSING = \"processingWithPreResults\";\nprivate static final String ES_HOST = \"esHost\";\nprivate static final String ES_TCP_PORT = \"esTCPPort\";\nprivate static final String ES_HTTP_PORT = \"esPort\";", "class_name": "MudrodEngine", "method_signatures": "public MudrodEngine()\npublic ESDriver startESDriver()\npublic SparkDriver startSparkDriver()\npublic Properties getConfig()\npublic ESDriver getESDriver()\npublic void setESDriver(ESDriver es)\nprivate InputStream locateConfig()\npublic Properties loadConfig()\nprivate String decompressSVMWithSGDModel(String archiveName)\npublic void startLogIngest()\npublic void startMetaIngest()\npublic void startFullIngest()\npublic void startProcessing()\npublic void end()\npublic static void main(String[] args)\nprivate static void loadPathConfig(MudrodEngine me, String dataDir)\npublic SparkDriver getSparkDriver()\npublic void setSparkDriver(SparkDriver sparkDriver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MudrodEngine\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MudrodEngine.class);\nprivate Properties props = new Properties();\nprivate ESDriver es = null;\nprivate SparkDriver spark = null;\nprivate static final String LOG_INGEST = \"logIngest\";\nprivate static final String META_INGEST = \"metaIngest\";\nprivate static final String FULL_INGEST = \"fullIngest\";\nprivate static final String PROCESSING = \"processingWithPreResults\";\nprivate static final String ES_HOST = \"esHost\";\nprivate static final String ES_TCP_PORT = \"esTCPPort\";\nprivate static final String ES_HTTP_PORT = \"esPort\";\n\nmethod_signatures: public MudrodEngine()\npublic ESDriver startESDriver()\npublic SparkDriver startSparkDriver()\npublic Properties getConfig()\npublic ESDriver getESDriver()\npublic void setESDriver(ESDriver es)\nprivate InputStream locateConfig()\npublic Properties loadConfig()\nprivate String decompressSVMWithSGDModel(String archiveName)\npublic void startLogIngest()\npublic void startMetaIngest()\npublic void startFullIngest()\npublic void startProcessing()\npublic void end()\npublic static void main(String[] args)\nprivate static void loadPathConfig(MudrodEngine me, String dataDir)\npublic SparkDriver getSparkDriver()\npublic void setSparkDriver(SparkDriver sparkDriver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestMudrodEngine\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n // boolean options\n Option helpOpt = new Option(\"h\", \"help\", false, \"show this help message\");\n\n // log ingest (preprocessing + processing)\n Option logIngestOpt = new Option(\"l\", LOG_INGEST, false, \"begin log ingest\");\n // metadata ingest (preprocessing + processing)\n Option metaIngestOpt = new Option(\"m\", META_INGEST, false, \"begin metadata ingest\");\n // ingest both log and metadata\n Option fullIngestOpt = new Option(\"f\", FULL_INGEST, false, \"begin full ingest Mudrod workflow\");\n // processing only, assuming that preprocessing results is in dataDir\n Option processingOpt = new Option(\"p\", PROCESSING, false, \"begin processing with preprocessing results\");\n\n // argument options\n Option dataDirOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName(\"/path/to/data/directory\").hasArgs(1).withDescription(\"the data directory to be processed by Mudrod\").withLongOpt(\"dataDirectory\")\n .isRequired().create(DATA_DIR);\n\n Option esHostOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName(\"host_name\").hasArgs(1).withDescription(\"elasticsearch cluster unicast host\").withLongOpt(\"elasticSearchHost\").isRequired(false)\n .create(ES_HOST);\n\n Option esTCPPortOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName(\"port_num\").hasArgs(1).withDescription(\"elasticsearch transport TCP port\").withLongOpt(\"elasticSearchTransportTCPPort\")\n .isRequired(false).create(ES_TCP_PORT);\n\n Option esPortOpt = OptionBuilder.hasArg(true).withArgName(\"port_num\").hasArgs(1).withDescription(\"elasticsearch HTTP/REST port\").withLongOpt(\"elasticSearchHTTPPort\").isRequired(false)\n .create(ES_HTTP_PORT);\n\n // create the options\n Options options = new Options();\n options.addOption(helpOpt);\n options.addOption(logIngestOpt);\n options.addOption(metaIngestOpt);\n options.addOption(fullIngestOpt);\n options.addOption(processingOpt);\n options.addOption(dataDirOpt);\n options.addOption(esHostOpt);\n options.addOption(esTCPPortOpt);\n options.addOption(esPortOpt);\n\n CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();\n try {\n CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args);\n String processingType = null;\n\n if (line.hasOption(LOG_INGEST)) {\n processingType = LOG_INGEST;\n } else if (line.hasOption(PROCESSING)) {\n processingType = PROCESSING;\n } else if (line.hasOption(META_INGEST)) {\n processingType = META_INGEST;\n } else if (line.hasOption(FULL_INGEST)) {\n processingType = FULL_INGEST;\n }\n\n String dataDir = line.getOptionValue(DATA_DIR).replace(\"\\\\\", \"/\");\n if (!dataDir.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n dataDir += \"/\";\n }\n\n MudrodEngine me = new MudrodEngine();\n me.loadConfig();\n me.props.put(DATA_DIR, dataDir);\n\n if (line.hasOption(ES_HOST)) {\n String esHost = line.getOptionValue(ES_HOST);\n me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_UNICAST_HOSTS, esHost);\n }\n\n if (line.hasOption(ES_TCP_PORT)) {\n String esTcpPort = line.getOptionValue(ES_TCP_PORT);\n me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_TRANSPORT_TCP_PORT, esTcpPort);\n }\n\n if (line.hasOption(ES_HTTP_PORT)) {\n String esHttpPort = line.getOptionValue(ES_HTTP_PORT);\n me.props.put(MudrodConstants.ES_HTTP_PORT, esHttpPort);\n }\n\n = new ESDriver(me.getConfig());\n me.spark = new SparkDriver(me.getConfig());\n loadPathConfig(me, dataDir);\n if (processingType != null) {\n switch (processingType) {\n case PROCESSING:\n me.startProcessing();\n break;\n case LOG_INGEST:\n me.startLogIngest();\n break;\n case META_INGEST:\n me.startMetaIngest();\n break;\n case FULL_INGEST:\n me.startFullIngest();\n break;\n default:\n break;\n }\n }\n me.end();\n } catch (Exception e) {\n HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();\n formatter.printHelp(\"MudrodEngine: 'dataDir' argument is mandatory. User must also provide an ingest method.\", new Options());\n LOG.error(\"Error whilst parsing command line.\", e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/org/apache/sdap/mudrod/main/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Ignore\n @Test\n public final void testMain() {\n fail(\"Not yet implemented\"); // TODO\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public DataxConfig getJobInfo(Integer id) { HashMap<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id",id); List<Map<String, Object>> jobInfos = dataxDao.getJobInfo(params); if(ObjectUtils.isEmpty(jobInfos)){ return null; } Map<String, Object> map = jobInfos.get(0); return TypeUtils.castToJavaBean(map, DataxConfig.class); }
@Test public void getJobInfo() { DataxConfig jobInfo = dataxService.getJobInfo(14);"【DataxServiceImplTest】DataxConfig:{}",jobInfo); }
[ "put", "getJobInfo", "isEmpty", "get", "castToJavaBean" ]
[ "getJobInfo", "info" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n DataxService dataxService;", "class_name": "DataxServiceImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Resource(name = \"dataxDaoImpl\")\n private DataxDao dataxDao;\n@Autowired\n private JobBuilder jobBuilder;", "class_name": "DataxServiceImpl implements DataxService", "method_signatures": "@Override public String saveTaskInfo(JSONObject jobInfo, JSONObject readerData, JSONObject writerData)\n@Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getTasks(Integer page, Integer size)\n@Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getTasks(DataXSearchVO dataXSearchVO)\n@Override public Integer count()\n@Override public Integer count(DataXSearchVO dataXSearchVO)\n@Override public Boolean deleteById(Integer id)\n@Override public DataxConfig getJobInfo(Integer id)\n@Override public Boolean switchStatus(Integer id, Boolean status)\n@Override public DataxConfig getJobInfoByJobName(String jobName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: big-whtc/src/main/java/com/chezhibao/bigdata/datax/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DataxServiceImpl implements DataxService\n\nclass_fields: @Resource(name = \"dataxDaoImpl\")\n private DataxDao dataxDao;\n@Autowired\n private JobBuilder jobBuilder;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public String saveTaskInfo(JSONObject jobInfo, JSONObject readerData, JSONObject writerData)\n@Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getTasks(Integer page, Integer size)\n@Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getTasks(DataXSearchVO dataXSearchVO)\n@Override public Integer count()\n@Override public Integer count(DataXSearchVO dataXSearchVO)\n@Override public Boolean deleteById(Integer id)\n@Override public DataxConfig getJobInfo(Integer id)\n@Override public Boolean switchStatus(Integer id, Boolean status)\n@Override public DataxConfig getJobInfoByJobName(String jobName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DataxServiceImplTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n DataxService dataxService;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file big-whtc/src/main/java/com/chezhibao/bigdata/datax/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public DataxConfig getJobInfo(Integer id) {\n HashMap<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();\n params.put(\"id\",id);\n List<Map<String, Object>> jobInfos = dataxDao.getJobInfo(params);\n if(ObjectUtils.isEmpty(jobInfos)){\n return null;\n }\n Map<String, Object> map = jobInfos.get(0);\n return TypeUtils.castToJavaBean(map, DataxConfig.class);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n big-whtc/src/test/java/com/chezhibao/bigdata/datax/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getJobInfo() {\n DataxConfig jobInfo = dataxService.getJobInfo(14);\n\"【DataxServiceImplTest】DataxConfig:{}\",jobInfo);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes) { for (String path : resourceTypes) { if (resourceResolver.getResource(path) != null) { return path; } } return null; }
@Test void testGetExistingResourceType() { when(resourceResolver.getResource("/type/1")).thenReturn(resource); assertEquals("/type/1", GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver, "/type/2", "/type/1")); assertNull(GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver, "/non/existing")); assertNull(GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver)); }
[ "getResource" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getResource", "assertEquals", "getExistingResourceType", "assertNull", "getExistingResourceType", "assertNull", "getExistingResourceType" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_PATH = \"/content/my/path\";\n@Mock\n private SlingHttpServletRequest request;\n@Mock\n private RequestPathInfo requestPathInfo;\n@Mock\n private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource;\n@Mock\n private PageManager pageManager;\n@Mock\n private Page page;", "class_name": "GraniteUiTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard/properties.html\";\nstatic final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard.html\";\nstatic final String HEADER_REFERER = \"Referer\";", "class_name": "GraniteUi", "method_signatures": "private GraniteUi()\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResourceOrParent(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Page getContentPage(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes)\nprivate static @Nullable String getContentPath(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\nprivate static boolean isValidContentPath(@Nullable String path)\nprivate static Resource getContentResourceOrParentFromPath(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, String contentPath)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GraniteUi\n\nclass_fields: static final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_PROPERTIES_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard/properties.html\";\nstatic final String CREATEPAGEWITZARD_URI = \"/mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/createpagewizard.html\";\nstatic final String HEADER_REFERER = \"Referer\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private GraniteUi()\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResource(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Resource getContentResourceOrParent(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable Page getContentPage(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\npublic static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes)\nprivate static @Nullable String getContentPath(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request)\nprivate static boolean isValidContentPath(@Nullable String path)\nprivate static Resource getContentResourceOrParentFromPath(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest, String contentPath)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GraniteUiTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_PATH = \"/content/my/path\";\n@Mock\n private SlingHttpServletRequest request;\n@Mock\n private RequestPathInfo requestPathInfo;\n@Mock\n private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;\n@Mock\n private Resource resource;\n@Mock\n private PageManager pageManager;\n@Mock\n private Page page;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file ui/granite/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static @Nullable String getExistingResourceType(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver, @NotNull String @NotNull... resourceTypes) {\n for (String path : resourceTypes) {\n if (resourceResolver.getResource(path) != null) {\n return path;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n ui/granite/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/ui/granite/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetExistingResourceType() {\n when(resourceResolver.getResource(\"/type/1\")).thenReturn(resource);\n\n assertEquals(\"/type/1\", GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver, \"/type/2\", \"/type/1\"));\n assertNull(GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver, \"/non/existing\"));\n assertNull(GraniteUi.getExistingResourceType(resourceResolver));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) { if (parentLevel < 0) { return ""; } int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver); return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level); }
@Test void testGetAbsoluteParent_Launches() { assertEquals("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", 0, resolver)); assertEquals("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", 1, resolver)); assertEquals("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", 2, resolver)); assertEquals("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", 3, resolver)); assertEquals("", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", 4, resolver)); assertEquals("", Path.getAbsoluteParent("/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c", -1, resolver)); }
[ "getAbsoluteLevelOffset", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;", "class_name": "PathTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");", "class_name": "Path", "method_signatures": "private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Path\n\nclass_fields: private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");\n\nmethod_signatures: private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PathTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) {\n if (parentLevel < 0) {\n return \"\";\n }\n int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver);\n return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAbsoluteParent_Launches() {\n assertEquals(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", 0, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", 1, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", 2, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\",\n Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", 3, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", 4, resolver));\n assertEquals(\"\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(\"/content/launches/2018/01/01/launch1/content/a/b/c\", -1, resolver));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) { if (parentLevel < 0) { return ""; } int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver); return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level); }
@Test void testGetAbsoluteParent_Page_LegacyVersionHistory_Tenant() { context.registerAdapter(ResourceResolver.class, Tenant.class, tenant); context.create().page("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a"); context.create().page("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b"); Page pageC = context.create().page("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b/c"); assertEquals("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 0, resolver).getPath()); assertEquals("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 1, resolver).getPath()); assertEquals("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 2, resolver).getPath()); assertEquals("/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b/c", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 3, resolver).getPath()); }
[ "getAbsoluteLevelOffset", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
[ "registerAdapter", "page", "create", "page", "create", "page", "create", "assertEquals", "getPath", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getPath", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getPath", "getAbsoluteParent", "assertEquals", "getPath", "getAbsoluteParent" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;", "class_name": "PathTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");", "class_name": "Path", "method_signatures": "private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Path\n\nclass_fields: private static final String VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/tmp/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH = \"/content/versionhistory\";\nprivate static final String LAUNCHES_PATH = \"/content/launches\";\nprivate static final String EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH = \"/content/experience-fragments\";\nprivate static final Pattern VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_TENANT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LEGACY_VERSION_HISTORY_PATH + \"/[^/]+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern LAUNCHES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAUNCHES_PATH + \"/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/\\\\d+/[^/]+(/.*)?\");\nprivate static final Pattern EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^\" + EXPERIENCE_FRAGMENTS_PATH + \"/.*$\");\nprivate static final Pattern EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"^/conf/.*/settings/wcm/templates/.*$\");\n\nmethod_signatures: private Path()\npublic static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"null\") public static Page getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull Page page, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static int getAbsoluteLevel(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static String getOriginalPath(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static int getAbsoluteLevelOffset(@NotNull String path, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\nprivate static boolean isTenant(@NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver)\npublic static boolean isExperienceFragmentPath(@NotNull String path)\npublic static boolean isEditableTemplatePath(@NotNull String path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PathTest\n\nclass_fields: private final AemContext context = new AemContext();\n@Mock\n private Tenant tenant;\nprivate ResourceResolver resolver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String getAbsoluteParent(@NotNull String path, int parentLevel, @NotNull ResourceResolver resourceResolver) {\n if (parentLevel < 0) {\n return \"\";\n }\n int level = parentLevel + getAbsoluteLevelOffset(path, resourceResolver);\n return Text.getAbsoluteParent(path, level);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testGetAbsoluteParent_Page_LegacyVersionHistory_Tenant() {\n context.registerAdapter(ResourceResolver.class, Tenant.class, tenant);\n context.create().page(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a\");\n context.create().page(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b\");\n Page pageC = context.create().page(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b/c\");\n\n assertEquals(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 0, resolver).getPath());\n assertEquals(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 1, resolver).getPath());\n assertEquals(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 2, resolver).getPath());\n assertEquals(\"/content/versionhistory/tenant1/user1/a/b/c\", Path.getAbsoluteParent(pageC, 3, resolver).getPath());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn() throws Exception { UUID expectedResult = UUID.randomUUID(); UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + expectedResult); assertTrue("The expected result '" + expectedResult + "' did not match the actual result '" + actualResult + ".", expectedResult.equals(actualResult)); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "randomUUID", "getUuidFromAccountUrn", "assertTrue", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn() throws Exception {\n UUID expectedResult = UUID.randomUUID();\n\n UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT + expectedResult);\n assertTrue(\"The expected result '\" + expectedResult + \"' did not match the actual result '\" + actualResult + \".\",\n expectedResult.equals(actualResult));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_EmptyString() throws Exception { UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(""); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromAccountUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_EmptyString() throws Exception {\n\n UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(\"\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_BlankStringl() throws Exception { UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(" "); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromAccountUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_BlankStringl() throws Exception {\n\n UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(\" \");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test public void testGetUuidFromUrn() throws Exception { UUID expectedResult = UUID.randomUUID(); UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_UUID + expectedResult); assertTrue("The expected result '" + expectedResult + "' did not match the actual result '" + actualResult + ".", expectedResult.equals(actualResult)); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "randomUUID", "getUuidFromUrn", "assertTrue", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetUuidFromUrn() throws Exception {\n UUID expectedResult = UUID.randomUUID();\n\n UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(UuidUtil.URN_PREFIX_UUID + expectedResult);\n assertTrue(\"The expected result '\" + expectedResult + \"' did not match the actual result '\" + actualResult + \".\",\n expectedResult.equals(actualResult));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromUrn_Null() throws Exception { UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(null); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromUrn_Null() throws Exception {\n\n UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(null);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromUrn_BlankString() throws Exception { UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(" "); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn) && urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_UUID)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromUrn_BlankString() throws Exception {\n\n UuidUtil.getUuidFromUrn(\" \");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) { return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR)); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid URN: %s", urn)); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_Null() throws Exception { UUID expectedResult = null; UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(null); }
[ "isNotBlank", "startsWith", "fromString", "substringAfterLast", "format" ]
[ "getUuidFromAccountUrn" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UuidUtilTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;", "class_name": "UuidUtil", "method_signatures": "@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UuidUtil\n\nclass_fields: public static final String URN_SEPARATOR = \":\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX = \"urn\";\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"account\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\npublic static final String URN_PREFIX_UUID = URN_PREFIX + URN_SEPARATOR + \"uuid\" + URN_SEPARATOR;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn)\n@Deprecated public static String getAccountUrnFromUuid(final UUID referenceUuid)\n@Deprecated public static UUID getNewUuid()\n@Deprecated public static String getNewUuidAsString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UuidUtilTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file smartcosmos-framework/src/main/java/net/smartcosmos/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Deprecated\n public static UUID getUuidFromAccountUrn(final String urn) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)&& urn.startsWith(URN_PREFIX_ACCOUNT)) {\n return UUID.fromString(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(urn, URN_SEPARATOR));\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Invalid URN: %s\", urn));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n smartcosmos-framework/src/test/java/net/smartcosmos/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testGetUuidFromAccountUrn_Null() throws Exception {\n UUID expectedResult = null;\n\n UUID actualResult = UuidUtil.getUuidFromAccountUrn(null);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void insert(TSRecord tsRecord) { for (DataPoint dataPoint : tsRecord.dataPointList) { memTable.write(tsRecord.deviceId, dataPoint.getMeasurementId(), dataPoint.getType(), tsRecord.time, dataPoint.getValue().toString()); } }
@Test public void testInsert() { support.clear(); assertEquals(true, support.isEmptyOfMemTable()); OverflowTestUtils.produceInsertData(support); assertEquals(false, support.isEmptyOfMemTable()); int num = 1; for (TimeValuePair pair : support .queryOverflowInsertInMemory(deviceId1, measurementId1, dataType1) .getSortedTimeValuePairList()) { assertEquals(num, pair.getTimestamp()); assertEquals(num, pair.getValue().getInt()); num++; } num = 1; for (TimeValuePair pair : support .queryOverflowInsertInMemory(deviceId2, measurementId2, dataType2) .getSortedTimeValuePairList()) { assertEquals(num, pair.getTimestamp()); if (num == 2) { assertEquals(10.5, pair.getValue().getFloat(), error); } else { assertEquals(5.5, pair.getValue().getFloat(), error); } num++; } }
[ "write", "getMeasurementId", "getType", "toString", "getValue" ]
[ "clear", "assertEquals", "isEmptyOfMemTable", "produceInsertData", "assertEquals", "isEmptyOfMemTable", "getSortedTimeValuePairList", "queryOverflowInsertInMemory", "assertEquals", "getTimestamp", "assertEquals", "getInt", "getValue", "getSortedTimeValuePairList", "queryOverflowInsertInMemory", "assertEquals", "getTimestamp", "assertEquals", "getFloat", "getValue", "assertEquals", "getFloat", "getValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private OverflowSupport support = new OverflowSupport();\nprivate String deviceId1 = \"d1\";\nprivate String deviceId2 = \"d2\";\nprivate String measurementId1 = \"s1\";\nprivate String measurementId2 = \"s2\";\nprivate TSDataType dataType1 = TSDataType.INT32;\nprivate TSDataType dataType2 = TSDataType.FLOAT;\nprivate float error = 0.000001f;", "class_name": "OverflowSupportTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Map<String, Map<String, OverflowSeriesImpl>> indexTrees;\nprivate IMemTable memTable;", "class_name": "OverflowSupport", "method_signatures": "public OverflowSupport()\npublic void insert(TSRecord tsRecord)\n@Deprecated public void update(String deviceId, String measurementId, long startTime, long endTime,\n TSDataType dataType,\n byte[] value)\n@Deprecated public void delete(String deviceId, String measurementId, long timestamp, TSDataType dataType)\npublic TimeValuePairSorter queryOverflowInsertInMemory(String deviceId, String measurementId,\n TSDataType dataType)\npublic BatchData queryOverflowUpdateInMemory(String deviceId, String measurementId,\n TSDataType dataType,\n BatchData data)\npublic boolean isEmptyOfOverflowSeriesMap()\npublic Map<String, Map<String, OverflowSeriesImpl>> getOverflowSeriesMap()\npublic boolean isEmptyOfMemTable()\npublic IMemTable getMemTabale()\npublic long getSize()\npublic void clear()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/overflow/ioV2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OverflowSupport\n\nclass_fields: private Map<String, Map<String, OverflowSeriesImpl>> indexTrees;\nprivate IMemTable memTable;\n\nmethod_signatures: public OverflowSupport()\npublic void insert(TSRecord tsRecord)\n@Deprecated public void update(String deviceId, String measurementId, long startTime, long endTime,\n TSDataType dataType,\n byte[] value)\n@Deprecated public void delete(String deviceId, String measurementId, long timestamp, TSDataType dataType)\npublic TimeValuePairSorter queryOverflowInsertInMemory(String deviceId, String measurementId,\n TSDataType dataType)\npublic BatchData queryOverflowUpdateInMemory(String deviceId, String measurementId,\n TSDataType dataType,\n BatchData data)\npublic boolean isEmptyOfOverflowSeriesMap()\npublic Map<String, Map<String, OverflowSeriesImpl>> getOverflowSeriesMap()\npublic boolean isEmptyOfMemTable()\npublic IMemTable getMemTabale()\npublic long getSize()\npublic void clear()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OverflowSupportTest\n\nclass_fields: private OverflowSupport support = new OverflowSupport();\nprivate String deviceId1 = \"d1\";\nprivate String deviceId2 = \"d2\";\nprivate String measurementId1 = \"s1\";\nprivate String measurementId2 = \"s2\";\nprivate TSDataType dataType1 = TSDataType.INT32;\nprivate TSDataType dataType2 = TSDataType.FLOAT;\nprivate float error = 0.000001f;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file iotdb/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/overflow/ioV2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void insert(TSRecord tsRecord) {\n for (DataPoint dataPoint : tsRecord.dataPointList) {\n memTable.write(tsRecord.deviceId, dataPoint.getMeasurementId(), dataPoint.getType(),\n tsRecord.time,\n dataPoint.getValue().toString());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n iotdb/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/db/engine/overflow/ioV2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testInsert() {\n support.clear();\n assertEquals(true, support.isEmptyOfMemTable());\n OverflowTestUtils.produceInsertData(support);\n assertEquals(false, support.isEmptyOfMemTable());\n\n int num = 1;\n for (TimeValuePair pair : support\n .queryOverflowInsertInMemory(deviceId1, measurementId1, dataType1)\n .getSortedTimeValuePairList()) {\n assertEquals(num, pair.getTimestamp());\n assertEquals(num, pair.getValue().getInt());\n num++;\n }\n num = 1;\n for (TimeValuePair pair : support\n .queryOverflowInsertInMemory(deviceId2, measurementId2, dataType2)\n .getSortedTimeValuePairList()) {\n assertEquals(num, pair.getTimestamp());\n if (num == 2) {\n assertEquals(10.5, pair.getValue().getFloat(), error);\n } else {\n assertEquals(5.5, pair.getValue().getFloat(), error);\n }\n num++;\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized() throws Exception { return new ByteBuddy() .with(TypeValidation.DISABLED) .ignore(none()) .subclass(baseClass) .method(isDeclaredBy(baseClass)).intercept(SuperMethodCall.INSTANCE) .make() .load(newClassLoader(), ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.INJECTION) .getLoaded() .getDeclaredConstructor() .newInstance(); }
@Test public void testByteBuddySpecializedClassCreation() throws Exception { ExampleClass instance = classByExtensionBenchmark.benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized(); assertThat(instance.getClass(), not(CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(ClassByExtensionBenchmark.BASE_CLASS))); assertThat(instance.getClass().getSuperclass(), CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(ClassByExtensionBenchmark.BASE_CLASS)); assertThat(classByExtensionBenchmark.benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized().getClass(), not(CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(instance.getClass()))); assertReturnValues(instance); }
[ "newInstance", "getDeclaredConstructor", "getLoaded", "load", "make", "intercept", "method", "subclass", "ignore", "with", "none", "isDeclaredBy", "newClassLoader" ]
[ "benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized", "assertThat", "getClass", "not", "is", "assertThat", "getSuperclass", "getClass", "is", "assertThat", "getClass", "benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized", "not", "is", "getClass", "assertReturnValues" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final boolean BOOLEAN_VALUE = true;\nprivate static final byte BYTE_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final short SHORT_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final char CHAR_VALUE = '@';\nprivate static final int INT_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final long LONG_VALUE = 42L;\nprivate static final float FLOAT_VALUE = 42f;\nprivate static final double DOUBLE_VALUE = 42d;\nprivate static final Object REFERENCE_VALUE = \"foo\";\nprivate ClassByExtensionBenchmark classByExtensionBenchmark;", "class_name": "ClassByExtensionBenchmarkTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final Class<? extends ExampleClass> BASE_CLASS = ExampleClass.class;\nprivate Class<? extends ExampleClass> baseClass = BASE_CLASS;\nprivate int urlLength = 0;\nprivate Implementation proxyInterceptor;\nprivate Implementation accessInterceptor;\nprivate Implementation.Composable prefixInterceptor;\nprivate TypeDescription baseClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription proxyClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription accessClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription prefixClassDescription;\nprivate Implementation proxyInterceptorDescription;\nprivate Implementation accessInterceptorDescription;\nprivate Implementation.Composable prefixInterceptorDescription;", "class_name": "ClassByExtensionBenchmark", "method_signatures": "private ClassLoader newClassLoader()\n@Setup public void setup()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass baseline()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxy()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessor()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefix()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkCglib()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkJavassist()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: byte-buddy-benchmark/src/main/java/net/bytebuddy/benchmark/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ClassByExtensionBenchmark\n\nclass_fields: public static final Class<? extends ExampleClass> BASE_CLASS = ExampleClass.class;\nprivate Class<? extends ExampleClass> baseClass = BASE_CLASS;\nprivate int urlLength = 0;\nprivate Implementation proxyInterceptor;\nprivate Implementation accessInterceptor;\nprivate Implementation.Composable prefixInterceptor;\nprivate TypeDescription baseClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription proxyClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription accessClassDescription;\nprivate TypeDescription prefixClassDescription;\nprivate Implementation proxyInterceptorDescription;\nprivate Implementation accessInterceptorDescription;\nprivate Implementation.Composable prefixInterceptorDescription;\n\nmethod_signatures: private ClassLoader newClassLoader()\n@Setup public void setup()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass baseline()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxy()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithProxyAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessor()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithAccessorAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefix()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixAndReusedDelegator()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddyWithPrefixAndReusedDelegatorWithTypePool()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkCglib()\n@Benchmark public ExampleClass benchmarkJavassist()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ClassByExtensionBenchmarkTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final boolean BOOLEAN_VALUE = true;\nprivate static final byte BYTE_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final short SHORT_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final char CHAR_VALUE = '@';\nprivate static final int INT_VALUE = 42;\nprivate static final long LONG_VALUE = 42L;\nprivate static final float FLOAT_VALUE = 42f;\nprivate static final double DOUBLE_VALUE = 42d;\nprivate static final Object REFERENCE_VALUE = \"foo\";\nprivate ClassByExtensionBenchmark classByExtensionBenchmark;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file byte-buddy-benchmark/src/main/java/net/bytebuddy/benchmark/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Benchmark\n public ExampleClass benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized() throws Exception {\n return new ByteBuddy()\n .with(TypeValidation.DISABLED)\n .ignore(none())\n .subclass(baseClass)\n .method(isDeclaredBy(baseClass)).intercept(SuperMethodCall.INSTANCE)\n .make()\n .load(newClassLoader(), ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.INJECTION)\n .getLoaded()\n .getDeclaredConstructor()\n .newInstance();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n byte-buddy-benchmark/src/test/java/net/bytebuddy/benchmark/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testByteBuddySpecializedClassCreation() throws Exception {\n ExampleClass instance = classByExtensionBenchmark.benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized();\n assertThat(instance.getClass(), not(CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(ClassByExtensionBenchmark.BASE_CLASS)));\n assertThat(instance.getClass().getSuperclass(), CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(ClassByExtensionBenchmark.BASE_CLASS));\n assertThat(classByExtensionBenchmark.benchmarkByteBuddySpecialized().getClass(), not(CoreMatchers.<Class<?>>is(instance.getClass())));\n assertReturnValues(instance);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Pair<?, ?> other = (Pair<?, ?>) obj; if (left == null) { if (other.left != null) { return false; } } else if (!left.equals(other.left)) { return false; } if (right == null) { if (other.right != null) { return false; } } else if (!right.equals(other.right)) { return false; } return true; }
@Test public void testEqualsObject() { Pair<String, Integer> p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); Pair<String, Integer> p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); assertTrue(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", null); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); assertFalse(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", null); assertFalse(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); assertFalse(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", 123123); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123); assertFalse(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123); p2 = null; assertFalse(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123); Map<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer> map = new HashMap<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>(); map.put(p1, 1); assertTrue(map.containsKey(p2)); assertTrue(p1.equals(p2)); p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", null); p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("a", null); assertTrue(p1.equals(p2)); assertTrue(p1.equals(p1)); assertFalse(p1.equals(new Integer(1))); }
[ "getClass", "getClass", "equals", "equals" ]
[ "assertTrue", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals", "put", "assertTrue", "containsKey", "assertTrue", "equals", "assertTrue", "equals", "assertTrue", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PairTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public L left;\npublic R right;", "class_name": "Pair", "method_signatures": "public Pair(L l, R r)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Pair\n\nclass_fields: public L left;\npublic R right;\n\nmethod_signatures: public Pair(L l, R r)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PairTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n if (this == obj) {\n return true;\n }\n if (obj == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {\n return false;\n }\n Pair<?, ?> other = (Pair<?, ?>) obj;\n if (left == null) {\n if (other.left != null) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (!left.equals(other.left)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (right == null) {\n if (other.right != null) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (!right.equals(other.right)) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n tsfile/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEqualsObject() {\n Pair<String, Integer> p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n Pair<String, Integer> p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n assertTrue(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", null);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n assertFalse(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", null);\n assertFalse(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n assertFalse(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", 123123);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123);\n assertFalse(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123);\n p2 = null;\n assertFalse(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(null, 123123);\n Map<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer> map = new HashMap<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>();\n map.put(p1, 1);\n assertTrue(map.containsKey(p2));\n assertTrue(p1.equals(p2));\n p1 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", null);\n p2 = new Pair<String, Integer>(\"a\", null);\n assertTrue(p1.equals(p2));\n assertTrue(p1.equals(p1));\n assertFalse(p1.equals(new Integer(1)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) { return true; } return false; }
@Test public void testFloat() throws IOException { Encoder encoder = new SinglePrecisionEncoder(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); float value = 7.101f; int num = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { encoder.encode(value + 2 * i, baos); } encoder.flush(baos); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()); Decoder decoder = new SinglePrecisionDecoder(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) { assertEquals(value + 2 * i, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta); continue; } fail(); } }
[ "remaining" ]
[ "encode", "flush", "wrap", "toByteArray", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "readFloat", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;", "class_name": "GorillaDecoder extends Decoder", "method_signatures": "public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoder extends Decoder\n\nclass_fields: protected static final int EOF = -1;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoder.class);\nprotected boolean flag;\nprotected int leadingZeroNum;\nprotected int tailingZeroNum;\nprotected boolean isEnd;\nprotected int buffer;\nprotected int numberLeftInBuffer;\nprotected boolean nextFlag1;\nprotected boolean nextFlag2;\n\nmethod_signatures: public GorillaDecoder()\n@Override public void reset()\n@Override public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected boolean isEmpty()\nprotected boolean readBit(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected void fillBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)\nprotected int readIntFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\nprotected long readLongFromStream(ByteBuffer buffer, int len)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GorillaDecoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GorillaDecoderTest.class);\nprivate final double delta = 0.0000001;\nprivate final int floatMaxPointValue = 10000;\nprivate final long doubleMaxPointValue = 1000000000000000L;\nprivate List<Float> floatList;\nprivate List<Double> doubleList;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file tsfile/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean hasNext(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {\n if (buffer.remaining() > 0 || !isEnd) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n tsfile/src/test/java/org/apache/iotdb/tsfile/encoding/decoder/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFloat() throws IOException {\n Encoder encoder = new SinglePrecisionEncoder();\n ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n float value = 7.101f;\n int num = 10000;\n for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {\n encoder.encode(value + 2 * i, baos);\n }\n encoder.flush(baos);\n ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());\n Decoder decoder = new SinglePrecisionDecoder();\n for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {\n if (decoder.hasNext(buffer)) {\n assertEquals(value + 2 * i, decoder.readFloat(buffer), delta);\n continue;\n }\n fail();\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Object resolveArgument(final MethodParameter param, final ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, final NativeWebRequest webRequest, final WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception { LOG.debug("Debugging PagedRequest Parsing:"); HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) webRequest.getNativeRequest(); Map<String, Object> parameters = parametersRetriever.getParameters(webRequest); Object resource = resourceParameterResolver.getResource(param, parameters); Integer limit = limitParameterResolver.getLimit(param.getParameterAnnotation(Limit.class), param.getParameterType().getDeclaredField("limit"), httpRequest); Integer offset = offsetParameterResolver.getOffset(param.getParameterAnnotation(Offset.class), param.getParameterType().getDeclaredField("offset"), httpRequest); List<OrderBy> orders = orderByFieldResolver.getOrdersBy(httpRequest.getParameter(Constants.ORDER_BY), resource); PagedRequest<Object> pagedRequest = new PagedRequest<Object>(resource, offset, limit, orders); return pagedRequest; }
@Test public void testResolveArgumentWithInvalidOrderField() throws Exception { // Given final Integer limitValue = 20; final Integer offsetValue = 0; String orderByParameterValue = "name-asc, personId-desc"; String id = "1"; String name = "Ivan"; Map<String, String> pathVariables = new HashMap<>(); pathVariables.put("id", id); Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = new HashMap<>(); parameterMap.put("name", new String[] { name }); Map<String, String> requestParameters = new HashMap<>(); requestParameters.put("id", id); requestParameters.put("name", name); Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("id", id); parameters.put("name", Arrays.asList(name)); PersonResource resource = new PersonResource(); resource.setName(name); resource.setId(Long.valueOf(id)); List<OrderBy> orders = Collections.emptyList(); PagedRequest<PersonResource> expected = new PagedRequest<PersonResource>(resource, offsetValue, limitValue, orders); // When // Init when's when(webRequest.getNativeRequest()).thenReturn(httpRequest); when(webRequest.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES_ATTRIBUTE, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST)) .thenReturn(pathVariables); when(webRequest.getParameterMap()).thenReturn(parameterMap); when(parametersRetriever.getParameters(any(NativeWebRequest.class))).thenReturn(parameters); // Resource when's when(resourceParamterResolver.getResource(any(MethodParameter.class), anyMapOf(String.class, Object.class))).thenReturn(resource); // Limit when's Limit limit = (Limit) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Limit.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Limit.class }, new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { return String.valueOf(limitValue); } }); when(param.getParameterAnnotation(Limit.class)).thenReturn(limit); doReturn(paramType).when(param).getParameterType(); when(httpRequest.getParameter("limit")).thenReturn(String.valueOf(limitValue)); // Offset when's Offset offset = (Offset) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Offset.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Offset.class }, new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { return String.valueOf(offsetValue); } }); when(param.getParameterAnnotation(Offset.class)).thenReturn(offset); doReturn(paramType).when(param).getParameterType(); when(httpRequest.getParameter("offset")).thenReturn(String.valueOf(offsetValue)); when(offsetParameteResolver.getOffset(any(Offset.class), any(Field.class), any(HttpServletRequest.class))).thenReturn(offsetValue); // Orders when's when(httpRequest.getParameter("orderBy")).thenReturn(orderByParameterValue); when(orderByFieldResolver.getOrdersBy(anyString(), any())).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException("Fields that contains 'Id' are not supported for ordering")); exception.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); exception.expectMessage("Fields that contains 'Id' are not supported for ordering"); Object actual = unit.resolveArgument(param, mavContainer, webRequest, binderFactory); // Then assertEquals(expected.toString(), actual.toString()); }
[ "debug", "getNativeRequest", "getParameters", "getResource", "getLimit", "getParameterAnnotation", "getDeclaredField", "getParameterType", "getOffset", "getParameterAnnotation", "getDeclaredField", "getParameterType", "getOrdersBy", "getParameter" ]
[ "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "asList", "setName", "setId", "valueOf", "emptyList", "thenReturn", "when", "getNativeRequest", "thenReturn", "when", "getAttribute", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameterMap", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameters", "any", "thenReturn", "when", "getResource", "any", "anyMapOf", "newProxyInstance", "getClassLoader", "valueOf", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameterAnnotation", "getParameterType", "when", "doReturn", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameter", "valueOf", "newProxyInstance", "getClassLoader", "valueOf", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameterAnnotation", "getParameterType", "when", "doReturn", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameter", "valueOf", "thenReturn", "when", "getOffset", "any", "any", "any", "thenReturn", "when", "getParameter", "thenThrow", "when", "getOrdersBy", "anyString", "any", "expect", "expectMessage", "resolveArgument", "assertEquals", "toString", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "@InjectMocks\n\tprivate PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver unit;\n@Mock\n\tprivate OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameteResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ResourceParameterResolver resourceParamterResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever;\n@Mock\n\tprivate MethodParameter param;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate NativeWebRequest webRequest;\n@Mock\n\tprivate WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate HttpServletRequest httpRequest;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ParameterizedType type;\n@Rule\n\tpublic ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();\n@SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\")\n\tprivate Class<PagedRequest> paramType = PagedRequest.class;", "class_name": "PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.class);\n@Resource(name = \"orderByFieldResolver\")\n\tprivate OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"offsetParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"limitParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"resourceParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate ResourceParameterResolver resourceParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"parametersRetriever\")\n\tprivate ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever;", "class_name": "PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver", "method_signatures": "@Override public boolean supportsParameter(final MethodParameter parameter)\n@Override public Object resolveArgument(final MethodParameter param,\n\t\t\tfinal ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, final NativeWebRequest webRequest,\n\t\t\tfinal WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory)\npublic void setResourceParameterResolver(final ResourceParameterResolver resourceParameterResolver)\npublic void setParametersRetriever(final ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever)\npublic void setOrderByFieldResolver(final OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver)\npublic void setOffsetParameterResolver(final OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameterResolver)\npublic void setLimitParameterResolver(final LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver)\npublic void setResourceParamterResolver(final ResourceParameterResolver resourceParamterResolver)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/processor/resolver/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver.class);\n@Resource(name = \"orderByFieldResolver\")\n\tprivate OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"offsetParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"limitParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"resourceParameterResolver\")\n\tprivate ResourceParameterResolver resourceParameterResolver;\n@Resource(name = \"parametersRetriever\")\n\tprivate ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public boolean supportsParameter(final MethodParameter parameter)\n@Override public Object resolveArgument(final MethodParameter param,\n\t\t\tfinal ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, final NativeWebRequest webRequest,\n\t\t\tfinal WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory)\npublic void setResourceParameterResolver(final ResourceParameterResolver resourceParameterResolver)\npublic void setParametersRetriever(final ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever)\npublic void setOrderByFieldResolver(final OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver)\npublic void setOffsetParameterResolver(final OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameterResolver)\npublic void setLimitParameterResolver(final LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver)\npublic void setResourceParamterResolver(final ResourceParameterResolver resourceParamterResolver)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolverTest\n\nclass_fields: @InjectMocks\n\tprivate PagedRequestHandlerMethodArgumentResolver unit;\n@Mock\n\tprivate OrderByFieldResolver orderByFieldResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate OffsetParameterResolver offsetParameteResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate LimitParameterResolver limitParameterResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ResourceParameterResolver resourceParamterResolver;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ParametersRetriever parametersRetriever;\n@Mock\n\tprivate MethodParameter param;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer;\n@Mock\n\tprivate NativeWebRequest webRequest;\n@Mock\n\tprivate WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory;\n@Mock\n\tprivate HttpServletRequest httpRequest;\n@Mock\n\tprivate ParameterizedType type;\n@Rule\n\tpublic ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();\n@SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\")\n\tprivate Class<PagedRequest> paramType = PagedRequest.class;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file is-lnu-rest-api/src/main/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/processor/resolver/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Object resolveArgument(final MethodParameter param,\n\t\t\tfinal ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, final NativeWebRequest webRequest,\n\t\t\tfinal WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception {\n\t\tLOG.debug(\"Debugging PagedRequest Parsing:\");\n\t\t\n\t\tHttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) webRequest.getNativeRequest();\n\n\t\tMap<String, Object> parameters = parametersRetriever.getParameters(webRequest);\n Object resource = resourceParameterResolver.getResource(param, parameters);\n Integer limit = limitParameterResolver.getLimit(param.getParameterAnnotation(Limit.class), param.getParameterType().getDeclaredField(\"limit\"), httpRequest);\n Integer offset = offsetParameterResolver.getOffset(param.getParameterAnnotation(Offset.class), param.getParameterType().getDeclaredField(\"offset\"), httpRequest);\n List<OrderBy> orders = orderByFieldResolver.getOrdersBy(httpRequest.getParameter(Constants.ORDER_BY), resource);\n\t\t\n PagedRequest<Object> pagedRequest = new PagedRequest<Object>(resource, offset, limit, orders);\n\t\treturn pagedRequest;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n is-lnu-rest-api/src/test/java/org/lnu/is/web/rest/processor/resolver/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testResolveArgumentWithInvalidOrderField() throws Exception {\n\t\t// Given\n\t\tfinal Integer limitValue = 20;\n\t\tfinal Integer offsetValue = 0;\n\t\tString orderByParameterValue = \"name-asc, personId-desc\";\n\t\t\n\t\tString id = \"1\";\n\t\tString name = \"Ivan\";\n\t\tMap<String, String> pathVariables = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tpathVariables.put(\"id\", id);\n\t\tMap<String, String[]> parameterMap = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tparameterMap.put(\"name\", new String[] { name });\n\n\n\t\tMap<String, String> requestParameters = new HashMap<>();\n\t\trequestParameters.put(\"id\", id);\n\t\trequestParameters.put(\"name\", name);\n\n\t\tMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap();\n\t\tparameters.put(\"id\", id);\n\t\tparameters.put(\"name\", Arrays.asList(name));\n\n\t\tPersonResource resource = new PersonResource();\n\t\tresource.setName(name);\n\t\tresource.setId(Long.valueOf(id));\n\t\t\n\t\tList<OrderBy> orders = Collections.emptyList();\n\t\tPagedRequest<PersonResource> expected = new PagedRequest<PersonResource>(resource, \n\t\t\t\toffsetValue, limitValue, orders);\n\t\t\n\t\t// When\n\t\t// Init when's\n\t\twhen(webRequest.getNativeRequest()).thenReturn(httpRequest);\n\t\twhen(webRequest.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES_ATTRIBUTE, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST))\n\t\t.thenReturn(pathVariables);\n\t\twhen(webRequest.getParameterMap()).thenReturn(parameterMap);\n\t\twhen(parametersRetriever.getParameters(any(NativeWebRequest.class))).thenReturn(parameters);\n\t\t// Resource when's\n\t\twhen(resourceParamterResolver.getResource(any(MethodParameter.class), anyMapOf(String.class, Object.class))).thenReturn(resource);\n\t\t// Limit when's\n\t\tLimit limit = (Limit) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Limit.class.getClassLoader(), \n\t\t\t\tnew Class[] { Limit.class }, \n\t\t\t\tnew InvocationHandler() {\n\t\t\t@Override\n\t\t\tpublic Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args)\n\t\t\t\t\tthrows Throwable {\n\t\t\t\treturn String.valueOf(limitValue);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\twhen(param.getParameterAnnotation(Limit.class)).thenReturn(limit);\n\t\tdoReturn(paramType).when(param).getParameterType();\n\t\twhen(httpRequest.getParameter(\"limit\")).thenReturn(String.valueOf(limitValue));\n\t\t\n\t\t// Offset when's\n\t\tOffset offset = (Offset) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Offset.class.getClassLoader(), \n\t\t\t\tnew Class[] { Offset.class }, \n\t\t\t\tnew InvocationHandler() {\n\t\t\t@Override\n\t\t\tpublic Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args)\n\t\t\t\t\tthrows Throwable {\n\t\t\t\treturn String.valueOf(offsetValue);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\twhen(param.getParameterAnnotation(Offset.class)).thenReturn(offset);\n\t\tdoReturn(paramType).when(param).getParameterType();\n\t\twhen(httpRequest.getParameter(\"offset\")).thenReturn(String.valueOf(offsetValue));\n\t\twhen(offsetParameteResolver.getOffset(any(Offset.class), any(Field.class), any(HttpServletRequest.class))).thenReturn(offsetValue);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Orders when's\n\t\twhen(httpRequest.getParameter(\"orderBy\")).thenReturn(orderByParameterValue);\n\t\twhen(orderByFieldResolver.getOrdersBy(anyString(), any())).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException(\"Fields that contains 'Id' are not supported for ordering\"));\n\t\texception.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);\n\t\texception.expectMessage(\"Fields that contains 'Id' are not supported for ordering\");\n\t\t\n\t\tObject actual = unit.resolveArgument(param, mavContainer, webRequest, binderFactory);\n\t\t\n\t\t// Then\n\t\tassertEquals(expected.toString(), actual.toString());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]