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A 13-year-old new patientfor evaluation of thoracic kyphosis. Family history of kyphosis in a maternal aunt and grandfather. She was noted by her parents to have round back posture.
Consult - History and Phy.
REASON FOR VISIT: , Kyphosis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 13-year-old new patient is here for evaluation of thoracic kyphosis. The patient has a family history in a maternal aunt and grandfather of kyphosis. She was noted by her parents to have round back posture. They have previously seen another orthopedist who recommended observation at this time. She is here for a second opinion in regards to kyphosis. The patient denies any pain in her back or any numbness, tingling, or weakness in her upper or lower extremities. No problems with her bowels or bladder.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Bilateral pinning of her ears.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She is currently an eighth grader at Middle School and is interested in basketball. She lives with both of her parents and has a 9-year-old brother. She had menarche beginning in September.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Of kyphosis in great grandmother and second cousin.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She is in her usual state of health and is negative except otherwise as mentioned in the history of present illness.,MEDICATIONS: , She is currently on Zyrtec, Flonase, and Ceftin for an ear infection.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FINDINGS: , On physical exam, she is alert, oriented, and in no acute distress standing 63 inches tall. In regards to her back, her skin is intact with no rashes, lesions, and/or no dimpling or hair spots. No cafe au lait spots. She is not tender to palpation from her occiput to her sacrum. There is no evidence of paraspinal muscle spasm. On forward bending, there is a mild kyphosis. She is not able to touch her toes indicating her hamstring tightness. She has a full 5 out of 5 in all muscle groups. Her lower extremities including iliopsoas, quadriceps, gastroc-soleus, tibialis anterior, and extensor hallucis longus. Her sensation intact to light touch in L1 through L2 dermatomal distributions. She has symmetric limb lengths as well bilaterally from both the coronal and sagittal planes.,X-rays today included PA and lateral sclerosis series. She has approximately 46 degree kyphosis.,ASSESSMENT: , Kyphosis.,PLANS: ,The patient's kyphosis is quite mild. While this is likely in the upper limits of normal or just it is normal for an adolescent and still within normal range as would be expected return at home. At this time, three options were discussed with the parents including observation, physical therapy, and bracing. At this juncture, given that she has continued to grow, they are Risser 0. She may benefit from continued observation with physical therapy, bracing would be a more aggressive option certainly that thing would be lost with following at this time. As such, she was given a prescription for physical therapy for extension based strengthening exercises, flexibility range of motion exercises, postural training with no forward bending. We will see her back in 3 months' time for repeat radiographs at that time including PA and lateral standing of scoliosis series. Should she show evidence of continued progression of her kyphotic deformity, discussions of bracing would be held at time. We will see her back in 3 months' time for repeat evaluation.
This 34-year-old gentleman awoke this morning noting some itchiness to his back and then within very a short period of time realized that he had an itchy rash all over his torso and arms.
Consult - History and Phy.
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Itchy rash.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This 34-year-old gentleman awoke this morning noting some itchiness to his back and then within very a short period of time realized that he had an itchy rash all over his torso and arms. No facial swelling. No tongue or lip swelling. No shortness of breath, wheezing, or other associated symptoms. He cannot think of anything that could have triggered this off. There have been no changes in his foods, medications, or other exposures as far as he knows. He states a couple of days ago he did work and was removing some insulation but does not remember feeling itchy that day.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Negative for chronic medical problems. No local physician. Has had previous back surgery and appendectomy, otherwise generally healthy.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned denies any oropharyngeal swelling. No lip or tongue swelling. No wheezing or shortness of breath. No headache. No nausea. Notes itchy rash, especially on his torso and upper arms.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is accompanied with his wife.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , TORADOL, MORPHINE, PENICILLIN, AND AMPICILLIN.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: The patient was afebrile. He is slightly tachycardic, 105, but stable blood pressure and respiratory rate. GENERAL: The patient is in no distress. Sitting quietly on the gurney. HEENT: Unremarkable. His oral mucosa is moist and well hydrated. Lips and tongue look normal. Posterior pharynx is clear. NECK: Supple. His trachea is midline. There is no stridor. LUNGS: Very clear with good breath sounds in all fields. There is no wheezing. Good air movement in all lung fields. CARDIAC: Without murmur. Slight tachycardia. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. SKIN: Notable for a confluence erythematous, blanching rash on the torso as well as more of a blotchy papular, macular rash on the upper arms. He noted some on his buttocks as well. Remaining of the exam is unremarkable.,ED COURSE: , The patient was treated with epinephrine 1:1000, 0.3 mL subcutaneously along with 50 mg of Benadryl intramuscularly. After about 15-20 minutes he states that itching started to feel better. The rash has started to fade a little bit and feeling a lot more comfortable.,IMPRESSION:, ACUTE ALLERGIC REACTION WITH URTICARIA AND PRURITUS.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , The patient has what looks to be some type of allergic reaction, although the underlying cause is difficult to assess. He will make sure he goes home to look around to see if there is in fact anything that changed recently that could have triggered this off. In the meantime, I think he can be managed with some antihistamine over-the-counter. He is responding already to Benadryl and the epinephrine that we gave him here. He is told that if he develops any respiratory complaints, shortness of breath, wheezing, or tongue or lip swelling he will return immediately for evaluation. He is discharged in stable condition.
Right knee injury suggestive of a recurrent anterior cruciate ligament tear, possible internal derangement. While playing tennis she had a non-contact injury in which she injured the right knee. She had immediate pain and swelling.
Consult - History and Phy.
Knee Injury
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 18-year-old girl brought in by her father today for evaluation of a right knee injury. She states that approximately 3 days ago while playing tennis she had a non-contact injury in which she injured the right knee. She had immediate pain and swelling. At this time, she complains of pain and instability in the knee. The patient's past medical history is significant for having had an ACL injury to the knee in 2008. She underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by Dr. X at that time, subsequently in the same year she developed laxity of the graft due in part to noncompliance and subsequently, she sought attention from Dr. Y who performed a revision ACL reconstruction at the end of 2008. The patient states she rehabbed the knee well after that and did fine with good stability of the knee until this recent injury.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She claims no chronic illnesses.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She had an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in 03/2008, and subsequently had a revision ACL reconstruction in 12/2008. She has also had arm surgery when she was 6 years old.,MEDICATIONS: , She takes no medications on a regular basis,ALLERGIES: , She is allergic to Keflex and has skin sensitivity to Steri-Strips.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is single. She is a full-time student at University. Uses no tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. She exercises weekly, mainly tennis and swelling.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Significant for recent weight gain, occasional skin rashes. The remainder of her systems negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: The patient is 4 foot 10 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds.,EXTREMITIES: She ambulates with some difficulty with a marked limp on the right side. Inspection of the knee reveals a significant effusion in the knee. She has difficulty with passive range of motion of the knee secondary to pain. She does have tenderness to palpation at the medial joint line and has a positive Lachman's exam.,NEUROVASCULAR: She is neurovascularly intact.,IMPRESSION: , Right knee injury suggestive of a recurrent anterior cruciate ligament tear, possible internal derangement.,PLAN: , The patient will be referred for an MRI of the right knee to evaluate the integrity of her revision ACL graft. In the meantime, she will continue to use ice as needed. Moderate her activities and use crutches. She will follow up as soon as the MRI is performed.
Patient started out having toothache, now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Ellis type II dental fracture.
Consult - History and Phy.
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Jaw pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 58-year-old male who started out having toothache in the left lower side of the mouth that is now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Triage nurse reported that he does not believe it is his tooth because he has regular dental appointments, but has not seen a dentist since this new toothache began. The patient denies any facial swelling. No headache. No swelling to the throat. No sore throat. No difficulty swallowing liquids or solids. No neck pain. No lymph node swelling. The patient denies any fever or chills. Denies any other problems or complaints.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. No fatigue or weakness. HEENT: No headache. No neck pain. No eye pain or vision change. No rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion, pressure, or pain. No sore throat. No throat swelling. The patient does have the toothache on the left lower side that radiates towards his left ear as previously described. The patient does not have ear pain or hearing change. No pressure in the ear. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea or vomiting. No abdominal pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: No vision or hearing change. No speech change. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymph node swelling.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient smokes marijuana. The patient does not smoke cigarettes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2 oral, blood pressure is 168/84, pulse is 87, respirations 16, and oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable in no acute distress, looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear cornea and conjunctivae bilaterally. Nose, normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. There is no tenderness over the sinuses. Ears are normal without any sign of infection. No erythema or swelling of the canals. Tympanic membranes are intact and normal without any erythema, bulging, air fluid levels, or bubbles behind it. MOUTH: The patient has a dental fracture at tooth #18. The patient states that the fracture is a couple of months old. The patient does not have any obvious dental caries. The gums are normal without any erythema, swelling, or evidence of infection. There is no fluctuance or suggestion of abscess. There is slight tenderness of the tooth #18. The oropharynx is normal without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, exudate, lesion, or swelling. Mucous membranes are moist. Floor of the mouth is normal without any tenderness or swelling. No suggestion of abscess. There is no pre or post auricular lymphadenopathy either. NECK: Supple. Nontender. Full range of motion. No meningismus. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No JVD. No carotid artery or vertebral artery bruits. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is normal and nontender. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities are noted to the back, arms, or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. No evidence of clinical intoxification. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymphadenitis is palpated.,DIAGNOSES:,1. ACUTE LEFT JAW PAIN.,2. #18 DENTAL FRACTURE, WHICH IS AN ELLIS TYPE II FRACTURE.,3. ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, Home.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with his dentist Dr. X in three to five days for reevaluation. The patient was encouraged to take Motrin 400 mg q.6h. as needed for pain. The patient was given prescription for Vicodin for any breakthrough or uncontrolled pain. He was given precautions for drowsiness and driving with the use of this medication. The patient was also given a prescription for pen V. The patient was given discharge instructions on toothache and asked to return to emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition, develop any other problems or symptoms of concern.
Intractable epilepsy, here for video EEG.
Consult - History and Phy.
Intractable Epilepsy
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Intractable epilepsy, here for video EEG.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 9-year-old male who has history of global developmental delay and infantile spasms. Ultimately, imaging study shows an MRI with absent genu of the corpus callosum and thinning of the splenium of the corpus callosum, showing a pattern of cerebral dysgenesis. He has had severe global developmental delay, and is nonverbal. He can follow objects with his eyes, but has no ability to interact with his environment to any great degree. He has noted if any purposeful use of the hands. He has abnormal movements constantly, which are more choreiform and dystonic. He has spastic quadriparesis, which is variable at times. The patient is unable to sit or stand, and receives all his nutrition via G-tube.,The patient began having seizures in infancy presenting as infantile spasms. I began seeing him at 20 months of age. At that point, he had undergone workup in Seattle, Washington and then was seeing Dr. X, child neurologist in Mexico, who started Vigabatrin for infantile spasms. The patient had benefit from this medication, and was doing well at that time with regard to that seizure type. He initially was on phenobarbital, which failed to give him benefit. He continued on phenobarbital; however, for a long period time thereafter. The patient then began having more tonic seizures after his episodic spasms had subsided, and failed several medication trials including valproic acid, Topamax, and Zonegran at least briefly. Upon starting Lamictal, he began to have benefit and then actually had 1-year seizure freedom before having an isolated seizure or 2. Over the next 6 months to a year, he only had few further seizures, and was doing well in a general sense. It was more recently that he began having new seizure events that have not responded to higher doses of Lamictal up to 15 mg/kg/day. These events manifest as tonic spells with eye deviation and posturing. Mother reports flexion of the upper extremities, extension with lower extremities. During that time, he is not able to cry or say any sounds. These events last from seconds to minutes, and occur at least multiple times per week. There are times where he has none for a few days and other times where he has multiple days in a row with events. He has another event manifesting as flexion of the upper extremities and extension lower extremities where he turns red and cries throughout. He may vomit after these episodes, then seems to calm down. It is unclear whether this is a seizure or whether the patient is still responsive.,MEDICATIONS:, The patient's medications include Lamictal for a total of 200 mg twice a day. It is a 150 mg tablet and 25 mg tablets. He is on Zonegran using 25 mg capsules 2 capsules twice daily, and baclofen 10 mg three times day. He has other medications including the Xopenex and Atrovent.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , At this time is negative any fevers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal complaints, rashes, arthritis, or arthralgias. No respiratory or cardiovascular complaints. He has no change in his skills at this point.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is a slender male who is microcephalic. He has EEG electrodes in place and is on the video EEG at that time.,HEENT: His oropharynx shows no lesions.,NECK: Supple without adenopathy.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs.,ABDOMEN: Benign with G-tube in place.,EXTREMITIES: Reveal no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient is alert and has bilateral esotropia. He is able to fix and follow objects briefly. He is unable to reach for objects. He exhibits constant choreiform movements when excited. These are more prominent in the upper extremities and lower extremities. He has some dystonic posture with flexion of the wrist and fingers bilaterally. He also has plantar flexion at the ankles bilaterally. His cranial nerves reveal that his pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact other than bilateral esotropia. His face moves symmetrically. Palate elevates in midline. Hearing appears intact bilaterally.,Motor exam reveals dystonic and variable tone, overall there is mild in spasticity both upper and lower extremities as described above. He has clonus at the ankles bilaterally, and some valgus contracture of the ankles. His sensation is intact to light touch bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are 2 to 3+ bilaterally.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , This is a 9-year-old male with congenital brain malformation and intractable epilepsy. He has microcephaly as well as dystonic cerebral palsy. He had a re-emergence of seizures, which are difficult to classify, although some sound like tonic episodes and others are more concerning for non-epileptic phenomenon, such as discomfort. He is admitted for video EEG to hopefully capture both of these episodes and further clarify the seizure type or types. He will remain hospitalized for probably at least 48 hours to 72 hours. He could be discharged sooner if multiple events are captured. His medications, we will continue his current dose of Zonegran and Lamictal for now. Both of these medications are very long acting, discontinuing them while in the hospital may simply result in severe seizures after discharge.
Right iliopsoas hematoma with associated femoral neuropathy following cardiac catherization.
Consult - History and Phy.
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
CC: ,RLE weakness.,HX: ,This 42y/o RHM was found 2/27/95 slumped over the steering wheel of the Fed Ex truck he was driving. He was cyanotic and pulseless according to witnesses. EMT evaluation revealed him to be in ventricular fibrillation and he was given epinephrine, lidocaine, bretylium and electrically defibrillated and intubated in the field. Upon arrival at a local ER his cardiac rhythm deteriorated and he required more than 9 counter shocks (defibrillation) at 360 joules per shock, epinephrine and lidocaine. This had no effect. He was then given intracardiac epinephrine and a subsequent electrical defibrillation placed him in atrial fibrillation. He was then taken emergently to cardiac catherization and was found to have normal coronary arteries. He was then admitted to an intensive care unit and required intraortic balloon pump pressure support via the right gorin. His blood pressure gradually improved and his balloon pump was discontinued on 5/5/95. Recovery was complicated by acute renal failure and liver failure. Initail CK=13,780, the CKMB fraction was normal at 0.8.,On 3/10/95, the patient experienced CP and underwent cardiac catherization. This time he was found to have a single occlusion in the distal LAD with association inferior hypokinesis. Subsequent CK=1381 and CKMB=5.4 (elevated). The patient was amnestic to the event and for 10 days following the event. He was transferred to UIHC for cardiac electrophysiology study.,MEDS: ,Nifedipine, ASA, Amiodarone, Capoten, Isordil, Tylenol, Darvocet prn, Reglan prn, Coumadin, KCL, SLNTG prn, CaCO3, Valium prn, Nubain prn.,PMH:, hypercholesterolemia.,FHX:, Father alive age 69 with h/o TIAs. Mother died age 62 and had CHF, A-Fib, CAD. Maternal Grandfather died of an MI and had h/o SVT. Maternal Grandmother had h/o SVT.,SHX: ,Married, 7 children, driver for Fed Ex. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP112/74 HR64 RR16 Afebrile.,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: Hip flexion 3/5, Hip extension 5/5, Knee flexion5/5, Knee extension 2/5, Plantar flexion, extension, inversion and eversion 5/5. There was full strength thoughout BUE.,Sensory: decreased PP/Vib/LT/TEMP about anterior aspect of thigh and leg in a femoral nerve distribution.,Coord: poor and slowed HKS on right due to weakness.,Station: no drift or Romberg sign.,Gait: difficulty bearing weight on RLE.,Reflexes: 1+/1+ throughout BUE. 0/2 patellae. 2/2 archilles. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,COURSE:, MRI Pelvis, 3/28/95, revealed increased T1 weighted signal within the right iliopsoas suggestive of hematoma. An intra-osseous lipoma was incidentally notice in the right sacrum. Neuropsychologic assessment showed moderately compromised anterograde verbal memory, and temporal orientation and retrograde recall were below expectations. These findings were consistent with mesial temporal dysfunction secondary to anoxic injury and were mild in lieu of his history. He underwent implantation of a Medtronic internal cardiac difibrillator. His cardiac electrophysiology study found no inducible ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. He suffered mild to moderate permanent RLE weakness, especially involving the quadriceps. His femoral nerve compression had been present to long to warrant decompression. EMG/NCV studies revealed severe axonal degeneration.
Chief complaint of chest pain, previously diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
HISTORY: , Patient is a 21-year-old white woman who presented with a chief complaint of chest pain. She had been previously diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Upon admission, she had complaints of constant left sided chest pain that radiated to her left arm. She had been experiencing palpitations and tachycardia. She had no diaphoresis, no nausea, vomiting, or dyspnea.,She had a significant TSH of 0.004 and a free T4 of 19.3. Normal ranges for TSH and free T4 are 0.5-4.7 µIU/mL and 0.8-1.8 ng/dL, respectively. Her symptoms started four months into her pregnancy as tremors, hot flashes, agitation, and emotional inconsistency. She gained 16 pounds during her pregnancy and has lost 80 pounds afterwards. She complained of sweating, but has experienced no diarrhea and no change in appetite. She was given isosorbide mononitrate and IV steroids in the ER.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Diabetes, Hypertension, Father had a Coronary Artery Bypass Graph (CABG) at age 34.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She had a baby five months ago. She smokes a half pack a day. She denies alcohol and drug use.,MEDICATIONS:, Citalopram 10mg once daily for depression; low dose tramadol PRN pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Temperature 98.4; Pulse 123; Respiratory Rate 16; Blood Pressure 143/74.,HEENT: She has exophthalmos and could not close her lids completely.,Cardiovascular: tachycardia.,Neurologic: She had mild hyperreflexiveness.,LAB:, All labs within normal limits with the exception of Sodium 133, Creatinine 0.2, TSH 0.004, Free T4 19.3 EKG showed sinus tachycardia with a rate of 122. Urine pregnancy test was negative.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , After admission, she was given propranolol at 40mg daily and continued on telemetry. On the 2nd day of treatment, the patient still complained of chest pain. EKG again showed tachycardia. Propranolol was increased from 40mg daily to 60mg twice daily., A I-123 thyroid uptake scan demonstrated an increased thyroid uptake of 90% at 4 hours and 94% at 24 hours. The normal range for 4-hour uptake is 5-15% and 15-25% for 24-hour uptake. Endocrine consult recommended radioactive I-131 for treatment of Graves disease.,Two days later she received 15.5mCi of I-131. She was to return home after the iodine treatment. She was instructed to avoid contact with her baby for the next week and to cease breast feeding.,ASSESSMENT / PLAN:,1. Treatment of hyperthyroidism. Patient underwent radioactive iodine 131 ablation therapy.,2. Management of cardiac symptoms stemming from hyperthyroidism. Patient was discharged on propranolol 60mg, one tablet twice daily.,3. Monitor patient for complications of I-131 therapy such as hypothyroidism. She should return to Endocrine Clinic in six weeks to have thyroid function tests performed. Long-term follow-up includes thyroid function tests at 6-12 month intervals.,4. Prevention of pregnancy for one year post I-131 therapy. Patient was instructed to use 2 forms of birth control and was discharged an oral contraceptive, taken one tablet daily.,5. Monitor ocular health. Patient was given methylcellulose ophthalmic, one drop in each eye daily. She should follow up in 6 weeks with the Ophthalmology clinic.,6. Management of depression. Patient will be continued on citalopram 10 mg.
Left Iliopsoas hematoma. Gait difficulty.
Consult - History and Phy.
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
CC: ,Gait difficulty.,HX: ,This 59 y/o RHF was admitted with complaint of gait difficulty. The evening prior to admission she noted sudden onset of LUE and LLE weakness. She felt she favored her right leg, but did not fall when walking. She denied any associated dysarthria, facial weakness, chest pain, SOB, visual change, HA, nausea or vomiting.,PMH:, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, skull fx 1954, HTN, HA.,MEDS: ,none on day of exam.,SHX: ,editorial assistant at newspaper, 40pk-yr Tobacco, no ETOH/Drugs.,FHX: ,noncontributory,ADMIT EXAM: ,P95 R20, T36.6, BP169/104,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria, Naming-comprehension-reading intact. Euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light, Fundi flat, VFFTC, EOMI, Face symmetric with intact sensation, Gag-shrug-corneal reflexes intact, Tongue ML with full ROM,Motor: Full strength throughout right side. Mildly decreased left grip and left extensor hallucis longus. Biceps/Triceps/Wrist flexors and extensor were full strength on left. However she demonstrated mild LUE pronator drift and had difficulty standing on her LLE despite full strength on bench testing of the LLE.,Sensory: No deficit to PP/T/Vib/Prop/ LT,Coord: decreased speed and magnitude of FNF, Finger tapping and HKS, on left side only.,Station: mild LUE upward drift.,Gait: tendency to drift toward the left. Difficulty standing on LLE.,Reflexes were symmetric, plantar responses were flexor bilaterally.,Gen exam unremarkable.,COURSE: ,Admit Labs: ESR, PT/PTT, GS, UA, EKG, and HCT were unremarkable. Hgb 13.9, Hct 41%, Plt 280k, WBC 5.5.,The patient was diagnosed with a probable lacunar stroke and entered into the TOAST study (Trial of ORG10172[a low molecular weight heparin] in Acute Stroke Treatment).,Carotid Duplex: 16-49%RICA and 0-15%LICA stenosis with anterograde vertebral artery flow, bilaterally. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed mild mitral regurgitation, mild tricuspid regurgitation and a left to right shunt. There was no evidence of blood clot.,Hospital course: 5 days after admission the patient began to complain of proximal LLE and left flank pain. On exam, she had weakness of the quadriceps and hip flexors of the LLE. Her pain increased with left hip flexion. In addition, she complained of paresthesias about the lateral aspect of the medial anterior left thigh; and upon on sensory testing, she had decreased PP/TEMP sensation in a left femoral nerve distribution. She denied any back/neck pain and the rest of her neurologic exam remained unchanged from admission.,Abdominal CT Scan, 2/4/96, revealed a large left retroperitoneal iliopsoas hematoma.,Hgb 8.9g/dl. She was transfused with 4 units of pRBCs. She underwent surgical decompression and evacuation of the hematoma via a posterior flank approach on 2/6/96. Her postoperative course was uncomplicated. She was discharged home on ASA.,At follow-up, on 2/23/96, she complained of left sided paresthesias (worse in the LLE than in the LUE) and feeling of "swollen left foot." These symptoms had developed approximately 1 month after her stroke. Her foot looked normal and her UE strength was 5/4+ proximally and distally, and LE strength 5/4+ proximally and 5/5- distally. She was ambulatory. There was no evidence of LUE upward drift. A somatosensory evoked potential study revealed an absent N20 and normal P14 potentials. This was suggestive of a lesion involving the right thalamus which might explain her paresthesia/dysesthesia as part of a Dejerine-Roussy syndrome.
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy, branch vessel coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure - NYHA Class III, history of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, hypertension, and hepatitis C.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
PROBLEMS LIST:,1. Nonischemic cardiomyopathy.,2. Branch vessel coronary artery disease.,3. Congestive heart failure, NYHA Class III.,4. History of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia.,5. Hypertension.,6. Hepatitis C.,INTERVAL HISTORY: , The patient was recently hospitalized for CHF exacerbation and was discharged with increased medications. However, he did not fill his prescriptions and came back with persistent shortness of breath on exertion and on rest. He has history of orthopnea and PND. He has gained a few pounds of weight but denied to have any palpitation, presyncope, or syncope.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Positive for right upper quadrant pain. He has occasional nausea, but no vomiting. His appetite has decreased. No joint pain, TIA, seizure or syncope. Other review of systems is unremarkable.,I reviewed his past medical history, past surgical history, and family history.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He has quit smoking, but unfortunately was positive for cocaine during last hospital stay in 01/08.,ALLERGIES: , He has no known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, I reviewed his medication list in the chart. He states he is compliant, but he was not taking the revised dose of medications as per discharge orders and prescription.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 91 per minute and regular, blood pressure 151/102 in the right arm and 152/104 in the left arm, weight 172 pounds, which is about 6 pounds more than last visit in 11/07. HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic. No pallor, icterus or cyanosis. NECK: Supple. Jugular venous distention 5 cm above the clavicle present. No thyromegaly. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. No rales or rhonchi. Pulse ox was 98% on room air. CVS: S1 and S2 present. S3 and S4 present. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Liver is palpable 5 cm below the right subcostal margin. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing or cyanosis. A 1+ edema present.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, The patient has hypertension, nonischemic cardiomyopathy, and branch vessel coronary artery disease. Clinically, he is in NYHA Class III. He has some volume overload and was not unfortunately taking Lasix as prescribed. I have advised him to take Lasix 40 mg p.o. b.i.d. I also increased the dose of hydralazine from 75 mg t.i.d. to 100 mg t.i.d. I advised him to continue to take Toprol and lisinopril. I have also added Aldactone 25 mg p.o. daily for survival advantage. I reinforced the idea of not using cocaine. He states that it was a mistake, may be somebody mixed in his drink, but he has not intentionally taken any cocaine. I encouraged him to find a primary care provider. He will come for a BMP check in one week. I asked him to check his blood pressure and weight. I discussed medication changes and gave him an updated list. I have asked him to see a gastroenterologist for hepatitis C. At this point, his Medicaid is pending. He has no insurance and finds hard to find a primary care provider. I will see him in one month. He will have his fasting lipid profile, AST, and ALT checked in one week.
A 1-month-26-day-old with failure-to-thrive. was only at her birth weight, and was noted to have murmur.
Consult - History and Phy.
Infant Not Gaining Weight
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Not gaining weight.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 1-month-26-day-old African-American female in her normal state of health until today when she was taken to her primary care physician's office to establish care and to follow up on her feeds. The patient appeared to have failure-to-thrive. was only at her birth weight but when eating one may be possibly gaining 2 ounces every 3-4 hours, and was noted to have a murmur. At this point, the Hospitalist Service was contacted for admission. The patient was directly admitted to Children's Hospital Explore Ward.,In the explore ward, she was noted to be in mild respiratory distress and has some signs and symptoms of heart failure and had a prominent murmur, so an echo was done at bedside, which did show a moderately-sized patent ductus arteriosus and very small VSD and some mild signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure. The patient was also seen by Dr. X of Cardiology Service and a plan was then obtained.,PAST MEDICAL/BIRTH HISTORY: , The patient was born at term repeat C-section to a 27-year-old G3, P2 African-American female. Pregnancy was not complicated by hypertension, diabetes, drugs, alcohol abuse or smoking. Birthweight was 7 pounds 4 ounces at Community Hospital. The mother did have a repeat C-section. There is no rupture of membranes or group B strep status. The prenatal care began in the second month of pregnancy and was otherwise uncomplicated. Mother denies any sexual transmitted diseases or other significant illness. The patient was discharged home on day of life #3 without any complications.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,DIET: , The patient only takes Enfamil 20 calories, 1-3 ounces per history every 3-4 hours.,ELIMINATION: , The patient urinates 3-4 times a day and has a bowel movement 3-4 times a day.,FAMILY HISTORY/SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives with the mother. She has 2 older male siblings. All were reported good health. Family history is negative for any congenital heart disease, syndromes, hypertension, sickle cell anemia or sickle cell trait and no significant positive PPD contacts and history of second-hand smoke exposures.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,GENERAL: The patient has been reported to have normal activity and normal cry with no significant weight loss per mom's report, but conversely no significant weight gain. Mother does not report that she sweats whenever she eats or has any episodes of cyanosis. ,HEENT: Denies any significant nasal congestion or cough. ,RESPIRATORY: Denies any difficulty breathing or wheezing. ,CARDIOVASCULAR: As per above. GI: No history of any persistent vomiting or diarrhea. ,GU: Denies any decreased urinary output. ,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Negative. ,NEUROLOGICAL: Negative. ,SKIN: Negative.,All other systems reviewed are negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is examined in her room, our next floor. She is crying very vigorously, especially when I examined but she is consolable.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature currently is 96.3, heart rate 137, respirations 36, blood pressure 105/61 while crying.,HEENT: Normocephalic. The patient has a possible right temporoparietal bossing noted and slightly irregular shaped trapezoidal-shaped head. The anterior fontanelle is soft and flat. Pupils are equal, reactive to light and accommodation, but there is some mild hypertelorism. There is also some mild posterior rotation of the ears. Oropharynx, mucous membranes are pink and moist. There is a slightly high arched palate.,NECK: Significant for possible mild reddening of the neck.,LUNGS: Significant for perihilar crackles. Mild tachypnea is noted. O2 saturations are currently 97% on room air. There is mild intercostal retraction.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart has regular rate and rhythm. Peripheral pulses are only 1+. Capillary refills less than 3-4 seconds.,EXTREMITIES: Slightly cool to touch. There is 2-3/6 systolic murmur along the left sternal border. Does radiate to the axilla and to the back.,ABDOMEN: Soft, slightly distended, but nontender. The liver edge is palpable 4 cm below right costal margin. The spleen tip is also palpable.,GU: Normal female external genitalia is noted.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient has poor fat deposits in her extremities. Strength is only 2/4. She had normal number of fingers and toes.,SKIN: Significant for slight mottling. There are very poor subcutaneous fat deposits in her skin.,LABORATORY DATA: , The i-STAT only shows sodium 135, potassium on a heel stick was 6.3, hemoglobin and hematocrit are 14 and 41, and white count was 1.4. CBG on i-STAT showed the pH of 7.34 with CO2 of 55, O2 sat of 51, CO2 of 29 with the base excess of 4. Chest x-ray shows bilateral infiltrates and significant cardiomegaly consistent with congenital heart disease and mild congestive heart failure.,ASSESSMENT: , This is an almost 2-month-old presents with:,1. Failure-to-thrive.,2. Significant murmur and patent ductus arteriosus.,3. Congestive heart failure.,PLAN: ,At present, we are going to admit and monitor closely tonight. We will get a chest x-ray and start Lasix at 1 mg/kg twice daily. We will also get a CBC and check a blood culture and further workup as necessary.
This is a 69-year-old white woman with Huntington disease, who presents with the third suicide attempt in the past two months.
Consult - History and Phy.
Huntington's Disease - Consult
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , "A lot has been thrown at me.",The patient is interviewed with husband in room.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 69-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of Huntington disease, who presented to Hospital four days ago after an overdose of about 30 Haldol tablets 5 mg each and Tylenol tablet 325 mg each, 40 tablets. She has been on the medical floor for monitoring and is medically stable and was transferred to the psychiatric floor today. The patient states she had been thinking about suicide for a couple of weeks. Felt that her Huntington disease had worsened and she wanted to spare her family and husband from trouble. Reports she has been not socializing with her family because of her worsening depression. Husband notes that on Monday after speaking to Dr. X, they had been advised to alternate the patient's Pamelor (nortriptyline) to every other day because the patient was reporting dry mouth. They did as they have instructed and husband feels this may have had some factor on her worsening depression. The patient decided to ingest the pills when her husband went to work on Friday. She thought Friday would be a good day because there would be less medical people working so her chances of receiving medical care would be lessened. Her husband left around 7 in the morning and returned around 11 and found her sleeping. About 30 minutes after his arrival, he found the empty bottles and woke up the patient to bring her to the hospital.,She says she wishes she would have died, but is happy she is alive and is currently not suicidal because she notes her sons may be have to be tested for the Huntington gene. She does not clearly explain how this has made her suicidality subside.,This is the third suicide attempt in the last two months for this patient. About two months ago, the patient took an overdose of Tylenol and some other medication, which the husband and the patient are not able to recall. She was taken to Southwest Memorial Hermann Hospital. A few weeks ago, the patient tried to shoot herself and the gun was fired and there is a blow-hole in the floor. Husband locked the gun after that and she was taken to Bellaire Hospital. The patient has had three psychiatric admissions in the past two months, two to Southwest Memorial and one to Bellaire Hospital for 10 days. She sees Dr. X once or twice weekly. He started seeing her after her first suicide attempt.,The patient's husband and the patient state that until March 2009, the patient was independent, was driving herself around and was socially active. Since then she has had worsening of her Huntington symptoms including short-term memory loss. At present, the patient could not operate the microwave or operate her cell phone and her husband says that she is progressively more withdrawn, complains about anxiety, and complains about shortness of breath. The patient notes that she has had depressive symptoms of quitting social life, the patient being withdrawn for the past few months and excessive worry about her Huntington disease.,The patient's mother passed away 25 years ago from Huntington's. Her grandmother passed away 50 years ago and two brothers also passed away of Huntington's. The patient has told her husband that she does not want to go that way. The patient denies auditory or visual hallucinations, denies paranoid ideation. The husband and the patient deny any history of manic or hypomanic symptoms in the past.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , As per the HPI, this is her third suicide attempt in the last two months and started seeing Dr. X. She has a remote history of being on Lexapro for depression.,MEDICATIONS: , Her medications on admission, alprazolam 0.5 mg p.o. b.i.d., Artane 2 mg p.o. b.i.d., Haldol 2.5 mg p.o. t.i.d., Norvasc 10 mg p.o. daily, nortriptyline 50 mg p.o. daily. Husband has stated that the patient's chorea becomes better when she takes Haldol. Alprazolam helps her with anxiety symptoms.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Huntington disease, symptoms of dementia and hypertension. She has an upcoming appointment with the Neurologist. Currently, does have a primary care physician and _______ having an outpatient psychiatrist, Dr. X, and her current Neurologist, Dr. Y.,ALLERGIES: , CODEINE AND KEFLEX.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Strong family history for Huntington disease as per the HPI. Mother and grandmother died of Huntington disease. Two young brothers also had Huntington disease.,FAMILY PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , The patient denies history of depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, or suicide attempts.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient lives with her husband of 48 years. She used to be employed as a registered nurse. Her husband states that she does have a pattern of self-prescribing for minor illness, but does not think that she has ever taken muscle relaxants or sedative medications without prescriptions. She rarely drinks socially. She denies any illicit substance usage. Her husband reportedly gives her medication daily. Has been proactive in terms of seeking mental health care and medical care. The patient and husband report that from March 2009, she has been relatively independent, more socially active.,MENTAL STATUS EXAM: ,This is an elderly woman appearing stated age. Alert and oriented x4 with poor eye contact. Appears depressed, has psychomotor retardation, and some mild involuntary movements around her lips. She is cooperative. Her speech is of low volume and slow rate and rhythm. Her mood is sad. Her affect is constricted. Her thought process is logical and goal-directed. Her thought content is negative for current suicidal ideation. No homicidal ideation. No auditory or visual hallucinations. No command auditory hallucinations. No paranoia. Insight and judgment are fair and intact.,LABORATORY DATA:, A CT of the brain without contrast, without any definite evidence of acute intracranial abnormality. U-tox positive for amphetamines and tricyclic antidepressants. Acetaminophen level 206.7, alcohol level 0. The patient had a leukocytosis with white blood cell of 15.51, initially TSH 1.67, T4 10.4.,ASSESSMENT: , This is a 69-year-old white woman with Huntington disease, who presents with the third suicide attempt in the past two months. She took 30 tablets of Haldol and 40 tablets of Tylenol. At present, the patient is without suicidal ideation. She reports that her worsening depression has coincided with her worsening Huntington disease. She is more hopeful today, feels that she may be able to get help with her depression.,The patient was admitted four days ago to the medical floor and has subsequently been stabilized. Her liver function tests are within normal limits.,AXIS I: Major depressive disorder due to Huntington disease, severe. Cognitive disorder, NOS.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: Hypertension, Huntington disease, status post overdose.,AXIS IV: Chronic medical illness.,AXIS V: 30.,PLAN,1. Safety. The patient would be admitted on a voluntary basis to Main-7 North. She will be placed on every 15-minute checks with suicidal precautions.,2. Primary psychiatric issues/medical issues. The patient will be restarted as per written by the consult service for Prilosec 200 mg p.o. daily, nortriptyline 50 mg p.o. nightly, Haldol 2 mg p.o. q.8h., Artane 2 mg p.o. daily, Xanax 0.5 mg p.o. q.12h., fexofenadine 180 mg p.o. daily, Flonase 50 mcg two sprays b.i.d., amlodipine 10 mg p.o. daily, lorazepam 0.5 mg p.o. q.6h. p.r.n. anxiety and agitation.,3. Substance abuse. No acute concern for alcohol or benzo withdrawal.,4. Psychosocial. Team will update and involve family as necessary.,DISPOSITION: , The patient will be admitted for evaluation, observation, treatment. She will participate in the milieu therapy with daily rounds, occupational therapy, and group therapy. We will place occupational therapy consult and social work consults.
Probable Coumadin hypersensitivity.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
PROBLEM:, Probable Coumadin hypersensitivity.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 82-year-old Caucasian female admitted to the Hospital for elective total left knee arthroplasty. At the time of admission, the patient has a normal prothrombin time and INR of 13.4 seconds and 1.09 respectively and postoperatively, she was placed on Coumadin which is the usual orthopedic surgery procedure for reducing the risk of postoperative thromboembolic activity. However, the patient's prothrombin time and INR rapidly rose to supratherapeutic levels. Even though Coumadin was discontinued on 01/21/09, the patient's prothrombin time and INR has continued to rise. Her prothrombin time is now 83.3 seconds with an INR of 6.52. Hematology/Oncology consult was requested for recommendation regarding further evaluation and management.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is originally from Maine. She has lived in Arizona for 4 years. She has had 2 children; however, only one is living. She had one child died from complications of ulcerative colitis. She has been predominantly a homemaker during her life, but has done some domestic cleaning work in the past.,CHILDHOOD HISTORY: , Negative for rheumatic fever. The patient has usual childhood illnesses.,ALLERGIES: ,No known drug allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: , The patient's mother died from gastric cancer. She had a brother who died from mesothelioma. He did have a positive asbestos exposure working in the shipyards. The patient's father died from motor vehicle accident. She had a sister who succumbed to pneumonia as a complication to Alzheimer disease.,HABITS: , No use of ethanol, tobacco, illicit, or recreational substances.,ADULT MEDICAL PROBLEMS: , The patient has a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia, which is all consistent with the metabolic syndrome X. In addition, the patient's husband, who is present, knows that she has early dementia and has problems with memory and difficulty in processing new information.,SURGERIES: , The patient's only surgery is the aforementioned left knee arthroplasty and bilateral cataract surgery, otherwise negative.,MEDICATIONS: , The patient's medications on admission include:,1. Fosamax.,2. TriCor.,3. Gabapentin.,4. Hydrochlorothiazide.,5. Labetalol.,6. Benicar.,7. Crestor.,8. Detrol.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Unable to obtain review of systems as the patient was given a dose of morphine for postoperative pain and she is a bit obtunded at this time. She is arousable, but not particularly conversant.,OBSERVATIONS:,GENERAL: The patient is a drowsy, but arousable, nonconversant, elderly Caucasian female.,HEENT: Pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular muscles are grossly intact. Oropharynx benign.,NECK: Supple. Full range of motion without bruits or thyromegaly.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,BACK: Without spine or CVA tenderness.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs, thrills, or heaves.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Positive bowel sounds without mass or visceromegaly.,LYMPHATIC: No appreciable adenopathy.,EXTREMITIES: The patient has some postoperative fullness involving her left knee. She has a dressing over the left knee.,SKIN: Without lesions.,NEURO: Unable to assess in light of post morphine obtunded state.,ASSESSMENT: , Hypersensitivity to Coumadin.,PLAN: , Gave the patient vitamin K at this time. Literature suggested oral vitamin K is actually more efficacious than parenteral. However, in light of the fact that the patient is obtunded and is not taking anything right now in the way of oral food or fluids, we will give this to her in an IM fashion. Repeat prothrombin time and INR in a.m. Once she has come down to a more therapeutic range, I would initiate low-molecular weight heparin in the form of Fragmin one time a day or Lovenox on a b.i.d. schedule for 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively.
Status post left hip fracture and hemiarthroplasty. Rehab transfer as soon as medically cleared.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hip Fracture - Rehab Consult
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Left hip fracture.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Diminished function, secondary to the above.,HISTORY: , This pleasant 70-year-old gentleman had a ground-level fall at home on 05/05/03 and was brought into ABCD Medical Center, evaluated by Dr. X and brought in for orthopedic stay. He had left hip fracture identified on x-rays at that time. Pain and inability to ambulate brought him in. He was evaluated and then underwent medical consultation as well, where they found a history of resolving pneumonia, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, seizure and chronic renal failure, as well as anemia. His medical issues are under good control. The patient underwent left femoral neck fixation with hemiarthroplasty on that left side on 05/06/03. The patient has had some medical issues including respiratory insufficiency, perioperative anemia, pneumonia, and hypertension. Cardiology has followed closely, and the patient has responded well to medical treatment, as well as physical therapy and occupational therapy. He is gradually tolerating more activities with less difficulties, made good progress and tolerated more consistent and more prolonged interventions.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Positive for congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, azotemia, hyperglycemia, coronary artery disease, history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Remote history of subdural hematoma precluding the use of Coumadin. History of depression, panic attacks on Doxepin. Perioperative anemia. Swallowing difficulties.,ALLERGIES:, Zyloprim, penicillin, Vioxx, NSAIDs.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Heparin.,2. Albuterol inhaler.,3. Combivent.,4. Aldactone.,5. Doxepin.,6. Xanax.,7. Aspirin.,8. Amiodarone.,9. Tegretol.,10. Synthroid.,11. Colace.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Lives in a 1-story home with 1 step down; wife is there. Speech and language pathology following with current swallowing dysfunction. He is minimum assist for activities of daily living, bed mobility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Currently negative for headache, nausea and vomiting, fevers, chills or shortness of breath or chest pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,HEENT: Oropharynx clear.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds positive.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: There are no focal motor or sensory losses to the lower extremities. Bulk and tone normal in the lower extremities. Wound site has healed well with staples out.,IMPRESSION ,1. Status post left hip fracture and hemiarthroplasty.,2. History of panic attack, anxiety, depression.,3. Myocardial infarction with stent placement.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hypothyroidism.,6. Subdural hematoma.,7. Seizures.,8. History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recent respiratory insufficiency.,9. Renal insufficiency.,10. Recent pneumonia.,11. O2 requiring.,12. Perioperative anemia.,PLAN: , Rehab transfer as soon as medically cleared.
Likely molluscum contagiosum (genital warts) caused by HPV. It is not clear where this came from but it is most likely sexually transmitted.
Consult - History and Phy.
HPV Consult
He has no voiding complaints and no history of sexually transmitted diseases.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Back surgery with a fusion of L5-S1.,MEDICATIONS: , He does take occasional Percocet for his back discomfort.,ALLERGIES:, HE HAS NO ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a smoker. He takes rare alcohol. His employment is that he does dynamite work and actually putting in the dynamite in large holes for destroying ground to that pipeline can be laid. He travels to anywhere for his work. He is married with one son.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative for prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, enlarged prostate or kidney disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative for tremors, headaches, dizzy spells, numbness, tingling, feeling hot or cold, tired or sluggishness, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, indigestion, heartburn, fevers, chills, weight loss, wheezing, frequent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, varicose veins, high blood pressure, skin rash, joint pain, ear infections, sore throat, sinus problems, hay fever, blood clotting problems, depressive affect or eye problems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: The patient is afebrile. His vital signs are stable. He is 177 pounds, 5 feet, 8 inches. Blood pressure 144/66. He is healthy appearing. He is alert and oriented x 3.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. His penis is circumcised. He has a pedunculated cauliflower-like lesion on the dorsum of the penis at approximately 12 o'clock. It is very obvious and apparent. He also has a mildly raised brown lesion that the patient states has been there ever since he can remember and has not changed in size or caliber. His testicles are descended bilaterally. There are no masses.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This is likely molluscum contagiosum (genital warts) caused by HPV. I did state to the patient that this is likely a viral infection that could have had a long incubation period. It is not clear where this came from but it is most likely sexually transmitted. He is instructed that he should use protected sex from this point on in order to try and limit the transmission. Regarding the actual lesion itself, I did mention that we could apply a cream of Condylox, which could take up to a month to work. I also offered him C02 laser therapy for the genital warts, which is an outpatient procedure. The patient is very interested in something quick and effective such as a CO2 laser procedure. I did state that the recurrence rate is significant and somewhere as high as 20% despite enucleating these lesions. The patient understood this and still wished to proceed. There is minimal risk otherwise except for those inherent in laser injury and accidental injury. The patient understood and wished to proceed.
Non-healing surgical wound to the left posterior thigh. Several multiple areas of hypergranulation tissue on the left posterior leg associated with a sense of trauma to his right posterior leg.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hypergranulation - Consult
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Non-healing surgical wound to the left posterior thigh.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 49-year-old white male who sustained a traumatic injury to his left posterior thighthis past year while in ABCD. He sustained an injury from the patellar from a boat while in the water. He was air lifted actually up to XYZ Hospital and underwent extensive surgery. He still has an external fixation on it for the healing fractures in the leg and has undergone grafting and full thickness skin grafting closure to a large defect in his left posterior thigh, which is nearly healed right in the gluteal fold on that left area. In several areas right along the graft site and low in the leg, the patient has several areas of hypergranulation tissue. He has some drainage from these areas. There are no signs and symptoms of infection. He is referred to us to help him get those areas under control.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially negative other than he has had C. difficile in the recent past.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS: , Include Cipro and Flagyl.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Significant for his trauma surgery noted above.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His maternal grandmother had pancreatic cancer. Father had prostate cancer. There is heart disease in the father and diabetes in the father.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a non-cigarette smoker and non-ETOH user. He is divorced. He has three children. He has an attorney.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CARDIAC: He denies any chest pain or shortness of breath.,GI: As noted above.,GU: As noted above.,ENDOCRINE: He denies any bleeding disorders.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: He presents as a well-developed, well-nourished 49-year-old white male who appears to be in no significant distress.,HEENT: Unremarkable.,NECK: Supple. There is no mass, adenopathy, or bruit.,CHEST: Normal excursion.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,COR: Regular. There is no S3, S4, or gallop. There is no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft. It is nontender. There is no mass or organomegaly.,GU: Unremarkable.,RECTAL: Deferred.,EXTREMITIES: His right lower extremity is unremarkable. Peripheral pulse is good. His left lower extremity is significant for the split thickness skin graft closure of a large defect in the posterior thigh, which is nearly healed. The open areas that are noted above __________ hypergranulation tissue both on his gluteal folds on the left side. There is one small area right essentially within the graft site, and there is one small area down lower on the calf area. The patient has an external fixation on that comes out laterally on his left thigh. Those pin sites look clean.,NEUROLOGIC: Without focal deficits. The patient is alert and oriented.,IMPRESSION: , Several multiple areas of hypergranulation tissue on the left posterior leg associated with a sense of trauma to his right posterior leg.,PLAN:, Plan would be for chemical cauterization of these areas. Series of treatment with chemical cauterization till these are closed.
Caudate Nuclei atrophy, bilaterally, in patient with Huntington Disease.
Consult - History and Phy.
Huntington's Disease
CC:, Slowing of motor skills and cognitive function.,HX: ,This 42 y/o LHM presented on 3/16/93 with gradually progressive deterioration of motor and cognitive skills over 3 years. He had difficulty holding a job. His most recent employment ended 3 years ago as he was unable to learn the correct protocols for the maintenance of a large conveyer belt. Prior to that, he was unable to hold a job in the mortgage department of a bank as could not draw and figure property assessments. For 6 months prior to presentation, he and his wife noted (his) increasingly slurred speech and slowed motor skills (i.e. dressing himself and house chores). His walk became slower and he had difficulty with balance. He became anhedonic and disinterested in social activities, and had difficulty sleeping for frequent waking and restlessness. His wife noticed "fidgety movements" of his hand and feet.,He was placed on trials of Sertraline and Fluoxetine for depression 6 months prior to presentation by his local physician. These interventions did not appear to improve his mood and affect.,MEDS:, Fluoxetine.,PMH: ,1)Right knee arthroscopic surgery 3 yrs ago. 2)Vasectomy.,FHX:, Mother died age 60 of complications of Huntington Disease (dx at UIHC). MGM and two MA's also died of Huntington Disease. His 38 y/o sister has attempted suicide twice.,He and his wife have 2 adopted children.,SHX: ,unemployed. 2 years of college education. Married 22 years.,ROS: ,No history of Dopaminergic or Antipsychotic medication use.,EXAM:, Vital signs normal.,MS: A&O to person, place, and time. Dysarthric speech with poor respiratory control.,CN: Occasional hypometric saccades in both horizontal directions. No vertical gaze abnormalities noted. Infrequent spontaneous forehead wrinkling and mouth movements. The rest of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: Full strength throughout and normal muscle tone and bulk. Mild choreiform movements were noted in the hands and feet.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: unremarkable, except that during tandem walking mild dystonic and choreiform movements of BUE became more apparent.,Reflexes: 2/2 throughout. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,There was no motor impersistence on tongue protrusion or hand grip.,COURSE:, He was thought to have early manifestations of Huntington Disease. A HCT was unremarkable. Elavil 25mg qhs was prescribed. Neuropsychologic assessment revealed mild anterograde memory loss only.,His chorea gradually worsened during the following 4 years. He developed motor impersistence and more prominent slowed saccadic eye movements. His mood/affect became more labile.,6/5/96 genetic testing revealed a 45 CAg trinucleotide repeat band consistent with Huntington Disease. MRI brain, 8/23/96, showed caudate nuclei atrophy, bilaterally.
The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Hematuria and urinary retention.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old, who was admitted with the history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, presented with urinary retention and pneumonia. The patient had hematuria, and unable to void. The patient had a Foley catheter, which was not in the urethra, possibly inflated in the prostatic urethra, which was removed. Foley catheter was repositioned 18 Coude was used. About over a liter of fluids of urine was obtained with light pink urine, which was irrigated. The bladder and the suprapubic area returned to normal after the Foley placement. The patient had some evidence of clots upon irrigation. The patient has had a chest CT, which showed possible atelectasis versus pneumonia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Parkinson's, and CHF.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Married and lives with wife.,HABITS:, No smoking or drinking.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies any chest pain, denies any seizure disorder, denies any nausea, vomiting. Does have suprapubic tenderness and difficulty voiding. The patient denies any prior history of hematuria, dysuria, burning, or pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Vitals are stable.,GENERAL: The patient is a thin gentleman,GENITOURINARY: Suprapubic area was distended and bladder was palpated very easily. Prostate was 1+. Testes are normal.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's white counts are 20,000. Creatinine is normal.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Dehydration.,3. Retention.,4. BPH.,5. Diabetes.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Parkinson's.,8. Congestive heart failure.,About 30 minutes were spent during the procedure and the Foley catheter was placed, Foley was irrigated and significant amount of clots were obtained. Plan is for urine culture, antibiotics. Plan is for renal ultrasound to rule out any pathology. The patient will need cystoscopy and evaluation of the prostate. Apparently, the patient's PSA is 0.45, so the patient is at low to no risk of prostate cancer at this time. Continued Foley catheter at this point. We will think about starting the patient on alpha-blockers once the patient's over all medical condition is improved and stable.
Presents to the ER with hematuria that began while sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hematuria - ER Visit
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who follows as an outpatient with Dr. A. He is known to us from his last admission. At that time, he was admitted with a difficulty voiding and constipation. His urine cultures ended up being negative. He was seen by Dr. B and discharged home on Levaquin for five days.,He presents to the ER today with hematuria that began while he was sleeping last night. He denies any pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In the ER, a Foley catheter was placed and was irrigated with saline. White count was 7.6, H and H are 10.8 and 38.7, and BUN and creatinine are of 27 and 1.9. Urine culture is pending. Chest x-ray is pending. His UA did show lots of red cells. The patient currently is comfortable. CBI is running. His urine is clear.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. High cholesterol.,3. Bladder cancer.,4. Bilateral total knee replacements.,5. Cataracts.,6. Enlarged prostate.,ALLERGIES:, SULFA.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:,1. Atenolol.,2. Cardura.,3. Zegerid.,4. Flomax.,5. Levaquin.,6. Proscar.,7. Vicodin.,8. Morphine.,9. Phenergan.,10. Ativan.,11. Zocor.,12. Prinivil.,13. Hydrochlorothiazide.,14. Folic acid.,15. Digoxin.,16. Vitamin B12.,17. Multivitamin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives at home with his daughter. He does not smoke, occasionally drinks alcohol. He is independent with his activities of daily living.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Not additionally rewarding.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: An awake and alert 85-year-old gentleman who is afebrile.,VITAL SIGNS: BP of 162/60 and pulse oximetry of 98% on room air.,HEENT: Pink conjunctivae. Anicteric sclerae. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender to palpation.,EXTREMITIES: Without edema.,He has a Foley catheter in place. His urine is clear.,LABORATORY DATA:, Reviewed.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hematuria.
Markedly elevated PT INR despite stopping Coumadin and administering vitamin K. Patient with a history of iron-deficiency anemia due to chronic blood loss from colitis.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hematology Consult - 1
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is well known to me for a history of iron-deficiency anemia due to chronic blood loss from colitis. We corrected her hematocrit last year with intravenous (IV) iron. Ultimately, she had a total proctocolectomy done on 03/14/2007 to treat her colitis. Her course has been very complicated since then with needing multiple surgeries for removal of hematoma. This is partly because she was on anticoagulation for a right arm deep venous thrombosis (DVT) she had early this year, complicated by septic phlebitis.,Chart was reviewed, and I will not reiterate her complex history.,I am asked to see the patient again because of concerns for coagulopathy.,She had surgery again last month to evacuate a pelvic hematoma, and was found to have vancomycin resistant enterococcus, for which she is on multiple antibiotics and followed by infectious disease now.,She is on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) as well.,LABORATORY DATA:, Labs today showed a white blood count of 7.9, hemoglobin 11.0, hematocrit 32.8, and platelets 1,121,000. MCV is 89. Her platelets have been elevated for at least the past week, with counts initially at the 600,000 to 700,000 range and in the last couple of day rising above 1,000,000. Her hematocrit has been essentially stable for the past month or so. White blood count has improved.,PT has been markedly elevated and today is 44.9 with an INR of 5.0. This is despite stopping Coumadin on 05/31/2007, and with administration of vitamin K via the TPN, as well as additional doses IV. The PT is slightly improved over the last few days, being high at 65.0 with an INR of 7.3 yesterday.,PTT has not been checked since 05/18/2007 and was normal then at 28.,LFTs have been elevated. ALT is 100, AST 57, GGT 226, alkaline phosphatase 505, albumin low at 3.3, uric acid high at 4.9, bilirubin normal, LDH normal, and pre-albumin low at 16. Creatinine is at 1.5, with an estimated creatinine clearance low at 41.7. Other electrolytes are fairly normal.,B12 was assessed on 05/19/2007 and was normal at 941. Folic acid was normal. Iron saturation has not been checked since March, and was normal then. Ferritin has not been checked in a couple of months.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Erythropoietin 45,000 units every week, started 05/16/2007. She is on heparin flushes, loperamide, niacin, pantoprazole, Diovan, Afrin nasal spray, caspofungin, daptomycin, Ertapenem, fentanyl or morphine p.r.n. pain, and Compazine or Zofran p.r.n. nausea.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: She is alert, and frustrated with her prolonged hospital stay. She notes that she had epistaxis a few days ago, requiring nasal packing and fortunately that had resolved now.,VITAL SIGNS: Today, temperature is 98.5, pulse 99, respirations 16, blood pressure 105/65, and pulse is 95. She is not requiring oxygen.,SKIN: No significant ecchymoses are noted.,ABDOMEN: Ileostomy is in place, with greenish black liquid output. Midline surgical scar has healed well, with a dressing in place in the middle, with no bleeding noted.,EXTREMITIES: She has no peripheral edema.,CARDIAC: Regular rate.,LYMPHATICS: No adenopathy is noted.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Markedly elevated PT/INR despite stopping Coumadin and administering vitamin K. I will check mixing studies to see if she has deficiency, which could be due to poor production given her elevated LFTs, decreased albumin, and decreased pre-albumin.,It is possible that she has an inhibitor, which would have to be an acquired inhibitor, generally presenting with an elevated PTT and not PT. I will check a PTT and check mixing studies if that is prolonged. It is doubtful that she has a lupus anticoagulant since she has been presenting with bleeding symptoms rather than clotting. I agree with continuing off of anticoagulation for now.,She has markedly elevated platelet count. I suspect this is likely reactive to infection, and not from a new myeloproliferative disorder.,Anemia has been stable, and is multifactorial. Given her decreased creatinine clearance, I agree with erythropoietin support. She was iron deficient last year, and with her multiple surgeries and poor p.o. intake, may have become iron deficient again. She has had part of her small bowel removed, so there may be a component of poor absorption as well. If she is iron deficient, this may contribute also to her elevated platelet counts. I will check a ferritin. This may be difficult to interpret because of inflammation. If it is decreased, plan will be to add iron supplementation intravenously. If it is elevated, we could consider a bone marrow biopsy to evaluate her iron stores, and also assess her myelopoiesis given the markedly elevated platelet counts.,She needs continued treatment as you are for her infections.,I will discuss the case with Dr. X as well since there is a question as to whether she might need additional surgery. She is not a surgical candidate now with her elevated PT/INR.
Leukocytosis, acute deep venous thrombosis, right lower extremity with bilateral pulmonary embolism, on intravenous heparin complicated with acute renal failure for evaluation.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hematology Consult
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Acute deep venous thrombosis, right lower extremity with bilateral pulmonary embolism, on intravenous heparin complicated with acute renal failure for evaluation.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: ,Briefly, this is a 36-year-old robust Caucasian gentleman with no significant past medical or surgical history, who works as a sales representative, doing a lot of traveling by plane and car and attending several sales shows, developed acute shortness of breath with an episode of syncope this weekend and was brought in by paramedics to Hospital. A V/Q scan revealed multiple pulmonary perfusion defects consistent with high probability pulmonary embolism. A Doppler venous study of the lower extremity also revealed nonocclusive right popliteal vein thrombosis. A CT of the abdomen and pelvis revealed normal-appearing liver, spleen, and pancreas; however, the right kidney appeared smaller compared to left and suggesting possibility of renal infarct. Renal function on admission was within normal range; however, serial renal function showed rapid increase in creatinine to 5 today. He has been on intravenous heparin and hemodialysis is being planned for tomorrow. Reviewing his history, there is no family members with hypercoagulable state or prior history of any thrombotic complication. He denies any recent injury to his lower extremity and in fact denied any calf pain or swelling.,PAST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Unremarkable.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is married and has 1 son. He has a brother who is healthy. There is no history of tobacco use or alcohol use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, No family history of hypercoagulable condition.,MEDICATIONS: ,Advil p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , NONE.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Essentially unremarkable except for sudden onset dyspnea on easy exertion complicated with episode of syncope. He denied any hemoptysis. He denied any calf swelling or pain. Lately, he has been traveling and has been sitting behind a desk for a long period of time.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: He is a robust young gentleman, awake, alert, and hemodynamically stable.,HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae normal. Oropharynx normal.,NECK: No adenopathy or thyromegaly. No jugular venous distention.,HEART: Regular.,LUNGS: Bilateral air entry.,ABDOMEN: Obese and benign.,EXTREMITIES: No calf swelling or calf tenderness appreciated.,SKIN: No petechiae or ecchymosis.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal.,LABORATORY FINDINGS:, Blood count obtained showed a white count of 16.8, hemoglobin 14.8 g percent, hematocrit 44.6%, MCV 94, and platelet count 209,000. Liver profile normal. Thyroid study revealed a TSH of 1.3. Prothrombin time/INR 1.5, partial thromboplastin time 78.6 seconds. Renal function, BUN 44 and creatinine 5.7. Echocardiogram revealed left ventricular hypertrophy with ejection fraction of 65%, no intramural thrombus noted.,IMPRESSION:,1. Bilateral pulmonary embolism, most consistent with emboli from right lower extremity, on intravenous heparin, rule out hereditary hypercoagulable state.,2. Leukocytosis, most likely leukemoid reaction secondary to acute pulmonary embolism/renal infarction, doubt presence of myeloproliferative disorder.,3. Acute renal failure secondary to embolic right renal infarction.,4. Obesity.,PLAN: , From hematologic standpoint, we will await hypercoagulable studies, which have all been sent on admission to see if a hereditary component is at play. For now, we will continue intravenous heparin and subsequent oral anticoagulation with Coumadin. In view of worsening renal function, may need temporary hemodialysis until renal function improves. I discussed at length with the patient's wife at the bedside.
Closed head injury with evidence of axonal injury vs. vascular injury to the left substantia nigra, right subdural hematoma and possible subarachnoid hemorrhage, vascular/ischemic injury in the right occipital lobe-right basal ganglia/caudate nucleus-right frontal lobe, and right temporal lobe contusion.
Consult - History and Phy.
Head Trauma
CC: ,Depressed mental status.,HX: ,29y/o female fell down a flight of stairs on 2/20/95, striking the right side of her head. She then walked over to and lay down on a living room couch. She was found there, the next morning, by her boyfriend, poorly responsive and amidst a coffee ground like emesis. She was taken to a local ER and HCT revealed a right supraorbital fracture, right SDH and left SAH. Spine X-rays revealed a T12 vertebral body fracture. There were retinal hemorrhages, OU. She continued to be minimally responsive and was transferred to UIHC for lack of insurance and for neurologic/neurosurgical care.,MEDS:, (on transfer): Dilantin, Zantac, Proventil MDI, Tylenol.,PMH:, 1)pyelonephritis, 2) multiple STD's, 3) Polysubstance Abuse (ETOH, MJ, Amphetamine), 4)G5P4.,FHX:, unknown.,SHX: ,polysubstance abuse. smoked 1 pack per day for 15years.,EXAM: ,BP127/97, HR83, RR25, 37.2C,MS: Minimal to no spontaneous speech. Unresponsive to verbal commands. Lethargic and somnolent. Groaned "yes" inappropriately.,CN: Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. VFFTT. Retinal hemorrhages, OU. EOM difficult to assess. Facial movement appeared symmetric. Tongue midline. Corneal and gag responses were intact.,MOTOR: no spontaneous movement. withdrew extremities to noxious stimulation (e.g. deep nail bed pressure).,Sensory: withdrew to noxious stimuli.,Coord/Station/Gait: not tested.,Reflexes: 2+/2+ BUE. 2/2 BLE. Babinski signs were present, bilaterally.,HEENT: Periorbital and upper lid ecchymoses about the right eye. Scleral hemorrhage, OD.,GEN EXAM: mild bruising of the extremities.,COURSE: ,2/27/95 HCT revealed a small liner high attenuation area lateral to the right parietal lobe with subtle increased attenuation of the tentorium cerebelli. These findings were felt to represent a right subdural hematoma and possible subarachnoid hemorrhage.,2/28/95 brain MRI revealed: 1)a small right-sided SDH, 2) Abnormal signal in the right occipital lobe with effacement of the gyri and sulci in the right PCA division most likely representing ischemic/vascular injury, 3)abnormal signal within the right basal ganglia/caudate nucleus consistent with ischemia, 4) abnormal signal in the uncal portion of the right frontal lobe consistent with contusion, 5) small parenchymal hemorrhage in the inferior anterior right temporal lobe, and 6) opacification of the right maxillary sinus.,EEG, 2/28/95, was abnormal with occasional sharp transients in the left temporal region, and irregular (more or less continuous) right greater than left delta slow waves and decreased background activity in the right hemisphere: the findings were consistent with focal pathology on the right, seizure tendency in the left temporal region, and bilateral cerebral dysfunction. By the time of discharge, 4/17/95, she was verbalizing one or two words and required assistance with feeding and ambulation. She could not function independently.
Patient presents with gross hematuria that started this morning.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hematuria - Consult
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 77-year-old male, who presents with gross hematuria that started this morning. The patient is a difficult historian, does have a speech impediment, slow to answer questions, but daughter was able to answer lot of questions too. He is complaining of no other pain. He denies any abdominal pain. Denies any bleeding anywhere else. Denies any bruising. He had an episode similar to this a year ago where it began the same with hematuria. He was discharged after a workup in the hospital, in the emergency room, with Levaquin. Three days later, he returned with a very large hematoma to his left neck and a coagulopathy with significant bleeding. His H and H was down in the 6 level. He received blood transfusions. He was diagnosed with a malignancy, coagulopathy, and sounds like was in critical condition. Family actually states that they were told that he was unlikely to live through that event, but he did. Since then, he has had no bleeding. The patient has had no fever. No cough. No chest pain or shortness of breath. No bleeding gums. No blurred vision. No headache. No recent falls or trauma. He has had no nausea or vomiting. No diarrhea. No blood in the stool or melena. No leg or calf pain. No joint pain. No rashes. No swollen glands. He has no numbness, weakness or tingling to his extremities. No acute anxiety or depression.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Has prostate cancer.,MEDICATION: , He is receiving Lupron injection by Dr. Y. The only other medication that he takes is Tramadol.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He does not smoke or drink.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Are all reviewed on triage.,General: He is alert. Answers slowly with a speech impediment, but answers appropriately.,HEENT: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. Normal extraocular muscles. Nonicteric sclerae. Conjunctivae are not pale. His oropharynx is clear. His mucous membranes are moist.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm, with no murmurs.,Lungs: Clear.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Normal bowel sounds. No organomegaly or mass.,Extremities: No calf tenderness, erythema or warmth. He has no bruises noted.,Neurological: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. He has 5/5 strength throughout. ,GU: Normal.,LABORATORY DATA: ,The patient did on urinalysis have few red blood cells. His urine was also grossly red, although no blood clots or gross blood was noted. It was more of a red fluid. He had a mild decrease in H and H at 12.1 and 34.6. His white count was normal at 7.2. His PT was elevated at 15.9. PTT elevated at 36.4. INR is 1.4. His comprehensive metabolic profile is normal except for BUN of 19.,CONDITION: , The patient is stable at this time, although because of the history of the same happening and the patient beginning in the same fashion his history of coagulopathy, the patient is discussed with Dr. X and he is admitted for orders. Also we will consult Dr. Y, see orders for further.
Patient with right-sided arm weakness with speech difficulties, urinary tract infection, dehydration, and diabetes mellitus type 2
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Weakness
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Right-sided weakness.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient was doing well until this morning when she was noted to have right-sided arm weakness with speech difficulties. She was subsequently sent to ABC Medical Center for evaluation and treatment. At ABC, the patient was seen by Dr. H including labs and a head CT which is currently pending. The patient has continued to have right-sided arm and hand weakness, and has difficulty expressing herself. She does seem to comprehend words. The daughter states the patient is in the Life Care Center, and she believes this started this morning. The patient denies headache, visual changes, chest pain and shortness of breath. These changes have been constant since onset this morning, have not improved or worsened, and the patient notes no modifying factors.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,MEDICATIONS:, Medications are taken from the paperwork from Life Care Center and include: Lortab 3-4 times a day for pain, Ativan 0.25 mg by mouth every 12 hours p.r.n. pain, Depakote ER 250 mg p.o. q nightly, Actos 15 mg p.o. t.i.d., Lantus 35 units subcu q nightly, Glipizide 10 mg p.o. q day, Lanoxin 0.125 mg p.o. q day, Lasix 40 mg p.o. q day, Lopressor 50 mg p.o. b.i.d., insulin sliding scale, Lunesta 1 mg p.o. q nightly, Sorbitol 15 mg p.o. q day, Zoloft 50 mg p.o. q nightly, Dulcolax as needed for constipation.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for moderate to severe aortic stenosis, urinary tract infection, hypertension, chronic kidney disease (although her creatinine is near normal).,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient lives at Life Care Center. She does not smoke, drink or use intravenous drugs.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Negative for cerebrovascular accident or cardiac disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As in HPI. Patient and daughter also deny weight loss, fevers, chills, sweats, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. She has had some difficulty expressing herself, but seems to comprehend speech as above. The patient has had a history of chronic urinary tract infections and her drainage is similar to past episodes when she has had such infection.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is currently with a temperature of 99.1, blood pressure 138/59, pulse 69, respirations 15. She is 95% on room air.,GENERAL: This is a pleasant elderly female who appears stated age, in mild distress.,HEENT: Oropharynx is dry.,NECK: Supple with no jugular venous distention or thyromegaly.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation. No wheezes, rubs or crackles.,CARDIOVASCULAR: A 4/6 systolic ejection murmur best heard at the 2nd right intercostal space with radiation to the carotids.,ABDOMEN: Soft. Normal bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. She does have bilateral above knee amputations.,NEUROLOGIC: Strength 2/5 in her right hand, 4/5 in her left hand. She does have mild right facial droop and an expressive aphasia.,VASCULAR: The patient has good capillary refill in her fingertips.,LABORATORY DATA:, BUN 52, creatinine 1.3. Normal coags. Glucose 220. White blood cell count 10,800. Urinalysis has 608 white cells, 625 RBCs. Head CT is currently pending. EKG shows normal sinus rhythm with mild ST-depression and biphasic T-waves diffusely.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Right-sided weakness with an expressive aphasia, at this time concerning for a left-sided middle cerebral artery cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attach given the patient's serious vascular disease. At this point we will hydrate, treat her urinary tract infection, check an MRI, ultrasound of her carotids, and echocardiogram to reevaluate valvular and left ventricular function. Start antiplatelet therapy and ask Neuro to see the patient.,2. Urinary tract infection. Will treat with ceftriaxone, check urine culture data and adjust as needed.,3. Dehydration. Will hydrate with IV fluids and follow p.o. intake while holding diuretics.,4. Diabetes mellitus type 2 uncontrolled. Her sugar is 249. We will continue Lantus insulin and sliding scale coverage, and check hemoglobin A1c to gauge prior control.,5. Prophylaxis. Will institute low molecular weight heparin and follow activity levels.
New patient visit for right hand pain. Punched the wall 3 days prior to presentation, complained of ulnar-sided right hand pain, and was seen in the emergency room.
Consult - History and Phy.
Hand Pain - Consult
REASON FOR VISIT: ,New patient visit for right hand pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 28-year-old right-hand dominant gentleman, who punched the wall 3 days prior to presentation. He complained of ulnar-sided right hand pain and was seen in the emergency room. Reportedly, he had some joints in his hand pushed back and placed by somebody in emergency room. Today, he admits that his pain is much better. Currently, since that time he has been in the splint with minimal pain. He has had no numbness, tingling or other concerning symptoms.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a nonsmoker and does not use illegal drugs. Occasionally drinks.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A 12-point review of systems is negative.,MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,FINDINGS: , On physical exam, he has swelling and tenderness over the ulnar dorsum of his hand. He has a normal cascade. He has 70 degrees of MCP flexion and full IP flexion and extension. He has 3 to 5 strength in his grip and intrinsics. He has intact sensation to light touch in the radial, ulnar, and median nerve distribution. Two plus radial pulse.,X-rays taken from today were reviewed, include three views of the right hand. They show possible small fractures of the base of the fourth and third metacarpals. Joint appears to be located. A 45-degree oblique view was obtained and confirmed adduction of the CMC joints of the fourth and fifth metacarpals. His injury films from 09/15/07 were reviewed and demonstrated what appears to be CMC dislocations of the third and fourth metacarpals.,ASSESSMENT: , Status post right third and fourth metacarpal carpometacarpal dislocations.,PLANS: , The patient was placed into a short-arm cast and intrinsic plus. I would like him to wear this for 2 weeks and then follow up with us. At that time, we will transition him to an OT splint and begin range of motion activities of the fingers and wrist. We should see him back in 2 weeks' time at which time he should obtain three views of the right hand and a 45-degree oblique view out of cast.
An 85-year-old female with diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Gen Med - 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old female who presents with a chief complaint as described above. The patient is a very poor historian and is extremely hard of hearing, and therefore, very little history is available. She was found by EMS sitting on the toilet having diarrhea, and apparently had also just vomited. Upon my questioning of the patient, she can confirm that she has been sick to her stomach and has vomited. She cannot tell me how many times. She is also unable to describe the vomitus. She also tells me that her belly has been hurting. I am unable to get any further history from the patient because, again, she is an extremely poor historian and very hard of hearing.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Per the ER documentation is hypertension, diverticulosis, blindness, and sciatica.,MEDICATIONS:, Lorazepam 0.5 mg, dosing interval is not noted; Tylenol PM; Klor-Con 10 mEq; Lexapro; calcium with vitamin D.,ALLERGIES:, SHE IS ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Also unknown.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unobtainable secondary to the patient's condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 80. Respiratory rate 18. Blood pressure 130/80. Temperature 97.6.,GENERAL: Elderly black female who is initially sleeping upon my evaluation, but is easily arousable.,NECK: No JVD. No thyromegaly.,EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT: Her oropharynx is dry. Her hearing is very diminished.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rhythm. No lower extremity edema.,GI: Mild epigastric tenderness to palpation without guarding or rebound. Bowel sounds are normoactive.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with a normal effort.,SKIN: Warm, dry, no erythema.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient attempts to answer questions when asked, but is very hard of hearing. She is seen to move all extremities spontaneously.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, White count 9.6, hemoglobin 15.9, hematocrit 48.2, platelet count 345, PTT 24, PT 13.3, INR 0.99, sodium 135, potassium 3.3, chloride 95, bicarb 20, BUN 54, creatinine 2.2, glucose 165, calcium 10.3, magnesium 2.5, total protein 8.2, albumin 3.8, AST 33, ALT 26, alkaline phosphatase 92. Cardiac isoenzymes negative x1. EKG shows sinus rhythm with a rate of 96 and a prolonged QT interval.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pancreatitis. Will treat symptomatically with morphine and Zofran, and also IV fluids. Will keep NPO.,2. Diarrhea. Will check stool studies.,3. Volume depletion. IV fluids.,4. Hyperglycemia. It is unknown whether the patient is diabetic. I will treat her with sliding scale insulin.,5. Hypertension. If the patient takes blood pressure medications, it is not listed on the only medication listing that is available. I will prescribe clonidine as needed.,6. Renal failure. Her baseline is unknown. This is at least partly prerenal. Will replace volume with IV fluids and monitor her renal function.,7. Hypokalemia. Will replace per protocol.,8. Hypercalcemia. This is actually rather severe when adjusted for the patient's low albumin. Her true calcium level comes out to somewhere around 12. For now, I will just treat her with IV fluids and Lasix, and monitor her calcium level.,9. Protein gap. This, in combination with the calcium, may be suggestive of multiple myeloma. It is my understanding that the family is seeking hospice placement for the patient right now. I would have to discuss with the family before undertaking any workup for multiple myeloma or other malignancy.
Newly diagnosed head and neck cancer. The patient was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue bilaterally and down extension into the right tonsillar fossa.
Consult - History and Phy.
Head & Neck Cancer Consult
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Newly diagnosed head and neck cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a very pleasant 61-year-old gentleman who was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue bilaterally and down extension into the right tonsillar fossa. He was also noted to have palpable level 2 cervical lymph nodes. His staging is T3 N2c M0 Stage IV invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The patient comes in to the clinic today after radiation Oncology consultation. His Otolaryngologist performed a direct laryngoscopy with biopsy on July 29, 2010. The patient reports that in December-January timeframe, he had noted some difficulty swallowing and ear pain. He had a work up by his local physician that was relatively negative, and he was treated for gastroesophageal reflux disease. His symptoms continued to progress, and he developed difficulty with his speech, dysphagia, otalgia and odynophagia. He was then referred to Dr. X and examination revealed a mass at the right base of the tongue that extended across the midline to include the left base of the tongue as well as posterior extension involved in the right tonsillar fossa. He was noted to have bilateral neck nodes. His biopsy was positive for squamous cell carcinoma.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for mild hypertension. He has had cataract surgery, gastroesophageal reflux disease and a history of biceps tendon tear.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide 20/25 mg q.d., alprazolam 0.5 mg q.d., omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d., Lortab 7.5/500 mg q 4h p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for father who has stroke and grandfather with lung cancer.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married but has been separated from his wife for many years, they remain close, and they have two adult sons. He is retired from the Air Force, currently works for Lockheed Martin. He was born and raised in New York. He does have a smoking history, about a 20 pack-year history and he reports quitting on July 27. He does drink alcohol socially. No use of illicit drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient's chief complaint is fatigue. He has difficulty swallowing and dysphagia. He is responding well to Lortab and Tylenol for pain control. He denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, fevers, chills and night sweats. The rest of his review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITALS:
Intractable nausea and vomiting/history of diabetic gastroparesis/multiple endoscopies revealing gastritis and esophagitis.
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Intractable nausea and vomiting.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 43-year-old black female who was recently admitted and discharged yesterday for the same complaint. She has a long history of gastroparesis dating back to 2000, diagnosed by gastroscopy. She also has had multiple endoscopies revealing gastritis and esophagitis. She has been noted in the past multiple times to be medically noncompliant with her medication regimen. She also has very poorly controlled hypertension, diabetes mellitus and she also underwent a laparoscopic right adrenalectomy due to an adrenal adenoma in January, 2006. She presents to the emergency room today with elevated blood pressure and extreme nausea and vomiting. She was discharged on Reglan and high-dose PPI yesterday, and was instructed to take all of her medications as prescribed. She states that she has been compliant, but her symptoms have not been controlled. It should be noted that on her hospital admission she would have times where she would feel extremely sick to her stomach, and then soon after she would be witnessed going outside to smoke.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Diabetes mellitus (poorly controlled).,2. Hypertension (poorly controlled).,3. Chronic renal insufficiency.,4. Adrenal mass.,5. Obstructive sleep apnea.,6. Arthritis.,7. Hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Removal of ovarian cyst.,2. Hysterectomy.,3. Multiple EGDs with biopsies over the last six years. Her last EGD was in June, 2005, which showed esophagitis and gastritis.,4. Colonoscopy in June, 2005, showing diverticular disease.,5. Cardiac catheterization in February, 2002, showing normal coronary arteries and no evidence of renal artery stenosis.,6. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy in January, 2006.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Reglan 10 mg orally every 6 hours.,2. Nexium 20 mg orally twice a day.,3. Labetalol.,4. Hydralazine.,5. Clonidine.,6. Lantus 20 units at bedtime.,7. Humalog 30 units before meals.,8. Prozac 40 mg orally daily.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She has a 27 pack year smoking history. She denies any alcohol use. She does have a history of chronic marijuana use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Significant for diabetes and hypertension.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,HEENT: See has had headaches, and some dizziness. She denies any vision changes.,CARDIAC: She denies any chest pain or palpitations.,RESPIRATORY: She denies any shortness of breath.,GI: She has had persistent nausea and vomiting. She denies diarrhea, melena or hematemesis.,NEUROLOGICAL: She denies any neurological deficits.,All other systems were reviewed and were negative unless otherwise mentioned in HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure: 220/130. Heart rate: 113. Respiratory rate: 18. Temperature: 98.,GENERAL: This is a 43-year-old obese African-American female who appears in no acute distress. She has a depressed mood and flat affect, and does not answer questions elaborately. She will simply state that she does not feel well.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic, anicteric. PERRLA. EOMI. Mucous membranes moist. Oropharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple. No JVD. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, nonlabored.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops.
History of diabetes, osteoarthritis, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea on CPAP, diabetic foot ulcer, anemia, and left lower extremity cellulitis.
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Gen Med - 2
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 71-year-old Caucasian female with a history of diabetes, osteoarthritis, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea on CPAP, diabetic foot ulcer, anemia and left lower extremity cellulitis. She was brought in by the EMS service to Erlanger emergency department with pulseless electrical activity. Her husband states that he was at home with his wife, when she presented to him complaining of fever and chills. She became acutely unresponsive. She was noted to have worsening of her breathing. She took several of her MDIs and then was placed on her CPAP. He went to notify EMS and when he returned, she was found to not be breathing. He stated that she was noted to have no breathing in excess of 10 minutes. He states that the EMS system arrived at the home and she was found not breathing. The patient was intubated at the scene and upon arrival to Erlanger Medical Center, she was found to have pupils fixed and dilated. She was seen by me in the emergency department and was on Neo-Synephrine, dopamine with a blood pressure of 97/22 with a rapid heart rate and again, in an unresponsive state.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Review of systems was not obtainable.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, asthma, atrial fibrillation, diabetic foot ulcer and anemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Noncontributory to above.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother with history of coronary artery disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is married. She uses no ethanol, no tobacco and no illicits. She has a very support family unit.,MEDICATIONS:, Augmentin; Detrol LA; lisinopril.,IMMUNIZATIONS:, Immunizations were up to date for influenza, negative for Pneumovax.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN.,LABORATORY AT PRESENTATION:, White blood cell count 11, hemoglobin 10.5, hematocrit 32.2, platelets 175,000. Sodium 148, potassium 5.2, BUN 30, creatinine 2.2 and glucose 216. PT was 22.4.,RADIOLOGIC DATA:, Chest x-ray revealed a diffuse pulmonary edema.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/52, pulse of 79, respirations 16, O2 sat 100%.,HEENT: The patient's pupils were again, fixed and dilated and intubated on the monitor.,CHEST: Poor air movement bilateral with bilateral rales.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: The abdomen was obese, nondistended and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Left diabetic foot had oozing pus drainage from the foot.,GU: Foley catheter was in place.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Acute cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity with hypotensive shock and respiratory failure: Will continue ventilator support. Will rule out pulmonary embolus, rule out myocardial infarction. Continue pressors. The patient is currently on dopamine, Neo-Synephrine and Levophed.,2. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Will continue ventilatory support.,3. Questionable sepsis: Will obtain blood cultures, intravenous vancomycin and Rocephin given.,4. Hypotensive shock: Will continue pressors. Will check random cortisol. Hydrocortisone was added.,Further inpatient management for this patient will be provided by Dr. R. The patient's status was discussed with her daughter and her husband. The husband states that his wife has been very ill in the past with multiple admissions, but he had never seen her as severely ill as with this event. He states that she completely was not breathing at all and he is aware of the severity of her illness and the gravity of her current prognosis. Will obtain the assistance with cardiology with this admission and will continue pressors and supportive therapy. The family will make an assessment and final decision concerning her long-term management after a 24 hour period.
This is a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke who has what sounds like Guillain-Barre syndrome, likely the Miller-Fisher variant.
Consult - History and Phy.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Followup of hospital discharge for Guillain-Barre syndrome.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 62-year-old right-handed woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, a silent stroke involving right basal ganglia who was in her usual state of baseline health until late June of 2006 when she had onset of blurred vision, diplopia, and possible weakness in the right greater than left arm and left-sided ptosis. She was admitted to the hospital. The MRI showed only an old right basal ganglion infarct. She subsequently had a lumbar puncture, which showed increased protein, and an EMG/nerve conduction study performed by Dr. X on July 3rd, showed early signs of AIDP. The patient was treated with intravenous gamma globulin and had some mild improvement in her symptoms. Her vital capacities were normal during the hospitalization. Her chest x-ray was negative for any acute process. She was discharged to rehab from July 12, 2006 to July 20, 2006. She made some progress in which she notes that her walking is definitely better. However, she notes that she still has some problems with eye movement and her vision. This is possibly her main problem. She also reports tightness and pain in her mid back.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Documented in the clinic note. The patient has problems with diabetes, double vision, blurry vision, muscle pain, weakness, trouble walking, and headaches about two to three times per week.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. Diabetes mellitus.,3. Stroke involving the right basal ganglion.,4. Guillain-Barre syndrome diagnosed in June of 2006.,5. Bilateral knee replacements.,6. Total abdominal hysterectomy and cholecystectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Multiple family members have diabetes mellitus.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is retired on disability due to her knee replacements. She does not smoke, drink or use any illicit drugs.,MEDICATIONS:, Percocet 5/325 mg 4-6 hours p.r.n., Neurontin 100 mg per day, insulin, Protonix 40 mg per day, Toprol-XL 50 mg q.d., Norvasc 10 mg q.d., glipizide ,10 mg q.d., fluticasone 50 mcg nasal spray, Lasix 20 mg b.i.d., and Zocor 1 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure 122/74, heart rate 68, respiratory rate 16, and weight 228 pounds. Pain scale 5/10. Please see the written note for details. General exam is benign other than mild obesity. On neuro examination, mental status is normal. Cranial nerves are significant for full visual fields and pupils are equal and reactive. However, extraocular movements are very limited. She has some adduction of the left eye and she has minimal upgaze of both eyes, but otherwise the eyes do not move. Face is symmetric. Sensation is intact. Tongue and uvula are in midline. Palate is elevated symmetrically. Shoulder shrug is strong. The patient's muscle exam shows normal bulk and tone throughout. She has no weakness of the left upper extremity. In the right upper extremity, she has only about 2/5 strength in the right shoulder, but is otherwise 5/5. There is no drift or orbit. Reflexes are absent throughout. Sensory exam is intact to light touch, pinprick, vibration, and proprioception is normal. There is no dysmetria. Gait is somewhat limited possibly by her vision and possibly also by her balance problems.,PERTINENT DATA:, As reviewed previously.,DISCUSSION: , This is a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke who has what sounds like Guillain-Barre syndrome, likely the Miller-Fisher variant. The patient has shown some improvement with IVIG and continues to show some gradual improvement. I discussed with the patient the course of disease, which is often weeks to about a month or so of worsening followed by many months of gradual improvement.,I told her that it is possible she may not recover 100%, but that certainly there is still plenty of time for her to have additional recovery over what she has right now. She is scheduled to see an ophthalmologist. I think it is reasonable for close followup of her visual symptoms progress. However, I certainly would not take any corrective measures at this point as I suspect her vision will improve gradually.,I discussed with the patient that with respect to her back pain certainly the Neurontin is relatively at low dose and this could be increased further. I wanted her to start taking the Neurontin 300 mg per day and then 300 mg b.i.d. after one week. She will call me in approximately three weeks' time to let me know how she is doing and if needed we will titrate up further.,She was apparently given some baclofen by her internist and I think this is not unreasonable. I definitely hope to get her off the Percocet in the future.,IMPRESSION:,1. Guillain-Barre Miller-Fisher variant.,2. Hypertension.,3. Diabetes mellitus.,4. Stroke.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient is to start taking aspirin 162 mg per day.,2. Followup with ophthalmology.,3. Increase Neurontin to 300 mg per day x 1 week and then 300 mg b.i.d.,4. Followup by phone in three to four weeks.,5. Followup in this clinic in approximately two months' time.,6. Call for any questions or problems.
Irritable baby, 6-week-old, with fever for approximately 24 hours.
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Infant with fever
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Irritable baby with fever for approximately 24 hours.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This 6-week-old infant was doing well until about 48 hours prior to admission, developed irritability, fussiness, a little bit of vomiting, and then fever up to 103-degrees. The child was brought into the emergency room and a complete septic workup was done, and the child is being treated in a rule out sepsis protocol.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, This child was born by term pregnancy, spontaneous vaginal delivery, to a mother who was a teenager. He is bottle fed and he has had his hepatitis B vaccine. He lives in a home where there are smokers. This is his first illness.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, He has had no previous surgeries.,MEDICATION (S):, He takes no medications on a regular basis.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Positive for those things mentioned already in the past medical history and history of present illness.,FAMILY HISTORY:, The family history is noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, This child lives with his mother and father, both are teenagers, unmarried, who are not well educated. Grandmother is a heavy smoker.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The vital signs are stable, the patient is febrile at 101-degrees.,HEAD, EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT/GENERAL: The anterior fontanelle is not bulging. The rest of the examination is within normal limits. The neck is supple, no nuchal rigidity noted, though this child is irritable and fussy, and whines and cries where ever you make touch him. He has an irritable disposition no matter what you do to him, and whines even while at rest.,HEART: The heart rate is rapid, but there was no murmur noted.,LUNGS: The lungs are clear.,ABDOMEN: The abdomen is without mass, distention, or visceromegaly.,GENITOURINARY/RECTAL: Examination within normal limits.,EXTREMITIES: The extremities are normal. No Kernig's or Brudzinski sign.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact, no focal deficits. As I mentioned before, the child is extremely irritable, fussy, and has a great deal of general inconsolability.,SKIN: The child, in addition, has a skin pattern of cutis marmorata, which I think is a bit more exaggerated since the child is febrile and has some peripheral vasodilatation.,CLINICAL IMPRESSION (S):, Likely viral syndrome, viral meningitis, flu syndrome.,PLAN:, Continue the septic workup protocol, supportive care with IV fluids, and Tylenol as needed for fever, and continue the antibiotics until spinal fluid cultures and blood cultures are negative for 48 hours. In addition, I believe that the rapid heart rate is a sinus tachycardia, and is related to the child's illness, irritability, and his fever. In addition, there were no intracranial bruits noted.
H&P for a female with Angina pectoris.
Consult - History and Phy.
H&P - Cardio (Angina)
CHIEF COMPLAINT (1/1):, This 62 year old female presents today for evaluation of angina.,Associated signs and symptoms: Associated signs and symptoms include chest pain, nausea, pain radiating to the arm and pain radiating to the jaw.,Context: The patient has had no previous treatments for this condition.,Duration: Condition has existed for 5 hours.,Quality: Quality of the pain is described by the patient as crushing.,Severity: Severity of condition is severe and unchanged.,Timing (onset/frequency): Onset was sudden and with exercise. Patient has the following coronary risk factors: smoking 1 packs/day for 40 years and elevated cholesterol for 5 years. Patient's elevated cholesterol is not being treated with medication. Menopause occurred at age 53.,ALLERGIES:, No known medical allergies.,MEDICATION HISTORY:, Patient is currently taking Estraderm 0.05 mg/day transdermal patch.,PMH:, Past medical history unremarkable.,PSH:, No previous surgeries.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient admits tobacco use She relates a smoking history of 40 pack years.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Patient admits a family history of heart attack associated with father (deceased).,ROS:, Unremarkable with exception of chief complaint.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Patient is a 62 year old female who appears pleasant, her given age, well developed,,oriented, well nourished, alert and moderately overweight.,Vital Signs: BP Sitting: 174/92 Resp: 28 HR: 88 Temp: 98.6 Height: 5 ft. 2 in. Weight: 150 lbs.,HEENT: Inspection of head and face shows head that is normocephalic, atraumatic, without any gross or neck masses. Ocular motility exam reveals muscles are intact. Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation. There is no conjunctival inflammation nor icterus. Inspection of nose reveals no abnormalities. Inspection of oral mucosa and tongue reveals no pallor or cyanosis. Inspection of the tongue reveals normal color, good motility and midline position. Examination of oropharynx reveals the uvula rises in the midline. Inspection of lips, teeth, gums, and palate reveals healthy teeth, healthy gums, no gingival,hypertrophy, no pyorrhea and no abnormalities.,Neck: Neck exam reveals neck supple and trachea that is midline, without adenopathy or crepitance palpable.,Thyroid examination reveals smooth and symmetric gland with no enlargement, tenderness or masses noted.,Carotid pulses are palpated bilaterally, are symmetric and no bruits auscultated over the carotid and vertebral arteries. Jugular veins examination reveals no distention or abnormal waves were noted. Neck lymph nodes are not noted.,Back: Examination of the back reveals no vertebral or costovertebral angle tenderness and no kyphosis or scoliosis noted.,Chest: Chest inspection reveals intercostal interspaces are not widened, no splinting, chest contours are normal and normal expansion. Chest palpation reveals no abnormal tactile fremitus.,Lungs: Chest percussion reveals resonance. Assessment of respiratory effort reveals even respirations without use of accessory muscles and diaphragmatic movement normal. Auscultation of lungs reveal diminished breath sounds bibasilar.,Heart: The apical impulse on heart palpation is located in the left border of cardiac dullness in the midclavicular line, in the left fourth intercostal space in the midclavicular line and no thrill noted. Heart auscultation reveals rhythm is regular, normal S1 and S2, no murmurs, gallop, rubs or clicks and no abnormal splitting of the second heart sound which moves normally with respiration. Right leg and left leg shows evidence of edema +6.,Abdomen: Abdomen soft, nontender, bowel sounds present x 4 without palpable masses. Palpation of liver reveals no abnormalities with respect to size, tenderness or masses. Palpation of spleen reveals no abnormalities with respect to size, tenderness or masses. Examination of abdominal aorta shows normal size without presence of systolic bruit.,Extremities: Right thumb and left thumb reveals clubbing.,Pulses: The femoral, popliteal, dorsalis, pedis and posterior tibial pulses in the lower extremities are equal and normal. The brachial, radial and ulnar pulses in the upper extremities are equal and normal. Examination of peripheral vascular system reveals varicosities absent, extremities warm to touch, edema present - pitting and pulses are full to palpation. Femoral pulses are 2 /4, bilateral. Pedal pulses are 2 /4, bilateral.,Neurological: Testing of cranial nerves reveals nerves intact. Oriented to person, place and time. Mood and affect normal and appropriate to situation.Deep tendon reflexes normal. Touch, pin, vibratory and proprioception sensations are normal. Babinski reflex is absent. Coordination is normal. Speech is not aphasic. Musculoskeletal: Muscle strength is 5/5 for all groups tested. Gait and station examination reveals midposition without abnormalities.,Skin: No skin rash, subcutaneous nodules, lesions or ulcers observed. Skin is warm and dry with normal turgor and there is no icterus.,Lymphatics: No lymphadenopathy noted.,IMPRESSION:, Angina pectoris, other and unspecified.,PLAN:, ,DIAGNOSTIC & LAB ORDERS:, Ordered serum creatine kinase isoenzymes (CK isoenzymes). Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; with interpretation and report. The following cardiac risk factor modifications are recommended: quit smoking and reduce LDL cholesterol to below 120 mg/dl.,PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS:
Dysarthria. Probable brainstem glioma.
Consult - History and Phy.
Glioma - 1
CC:, Dysarthria,HX: ,This 52y/o RHF was transferred from a local hospital to UIHC on 10/28/94 with a history of progressive worsening of vision, dysarthria, headache, and incoordination beginning since 2/94. Her husband recalled her first difficulties became noticeable after a motor vehicle accident in 2/94. She was a belted passenger in a car struck at a stop. There was no reported head or neck injury or alteration of consciousness. She was treated and released from a local ER the same day. Her husband noted the development of mild dysarthria, incoordination, headache and exacerbation of preexisting lower back pain within 2 week of the accident. In 4/94 she developed stress urinary incontinence which spontaneously resolved in June. In 8/94, her HA changed from a dull constant aching in the bitemporal region to a sharper constant pain in the nuchal/occipital area. She also began experiencing increased blurred vision, worsening dysarthria and difficulty hand writing. In 9/94 she was evaluated by a local physician. Examination then revealed incoordination, generalized fatigue, and dysarthria. Soon after this she became poorly arousable and increasingly somnolent. She had difficulty walking and generalized weakness. On 10/14/94, she lost the ability to walk by herself. Evaluation at a local hospital revealed: 1)Normal electronystagmography, 2)two lumbar punctures which revealed some atypical mononuclear cells suggestive of "tumor or reactive lymphocytosis." One of these CSF analysis showed: Glucose 16, Protein 99, WBC 14, RBC 114. Echocardiogram was normal. Bone marrow biopsy was normal except for decreased iron. Abdominal-Pelvic CT scan, CXR, Mammogram, PPD, ANA, TFT, and RPR were unremarkable. A 10/31/94 MRI brain scan a 5x10mm area of increased signal on T2 weighted images in the right remporal lobe lateral to the anterior aspect of the temporal horn, right posterolateral aspect of the midbrain, pons, and bilateral inferior surface of the cerebellum involving gray and white matter. These areas did not enhance with gadolinium contrast on T1 weighted images.,MEDS: ,none.,PMH:, 1)G3P3, 2)last menses one year ago.,FHX:, Mother suffered stroke in her 70's. DM and Htn in family.,SHX:, Married, Secretary, No h/o tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,ROS:, no weight loss, fever, chills, nightsweats, cough, dysphagia.,EXAM:, BP139/74, HR 90, RR20, 36.8C,MS: Drowsy to somnolent, occasionally "giddy." Oriented to person, place, time. Minimal dysarthric speech, but appropriate. MMSE 27/30 (copy of exam not in chart).,CN: Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. Optic disks were flat and without sign of papilledema. VFFTC. EOM intact. No nystagmus. The rest of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout. Normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: No deficit to LT/PP/VIB/PROP.,Coord: difficulty with RAM in BUE, and ataxia on FNF and HKS in all extremities.,Station: Romberg sign present.,Gait: unsteady, wide-based, with notable difficulty on TW, TT and HW.,Reflexes: 2/2 BUE, 0/1 patellae, trace at both archilles, Plantars responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: unremarkable.,COURSE:, CSF analysis by lumbar puncture, 10/31/94: Protein 131mg/dl (normal 15-45), Albumin 68 (normal 14-20), IgG10mg/dl (normal <6.2), IgG index -O.1mg/24hr (normal),,No oligoclonal bands seen, WBC 33 (19lymphocytes, 1 neutrophil), RBC 29, Glucose 13, Cultures (bacteria, fungal, AFB) were negative, crytococcal Ag negative. The elevated CSF total protein, IgG, and albumin suggested breakdown of the blood brain barrier or blockage of CSF flow. The normal IgG synthesis rate and lack of oligoclonal banding did not suggest demylination. A second CSF analysis on 11/2/94 revealed similar findings; and in addition Anti-purkinje cell and Anti-neuronal antibodies (Yo and Ho) were not found; Beta-2 microglobulin was 1.8 (normal); histoplasmosis Ag negative. Serum ACE, SPEP, Urine histoplasmin were negative.,Neuropsychologic assessment, 10/28/94, raised a question of a demential syndrome, but given her response style on the MMPI (marked defensiveness, with unwillingness to admit to even very common human faults) prevented such a diagnosis. Severe defects in memory, fine motor skills, and constructional praxis were noted.,Chest-Abdominal-Pelvic CT scans were negative. 11/4/94 cerebral angiogram noted variable caliber in the RMCA, LACA and Left AICA distributions. It was intially thought that thismight be suggestive of a vasculopathy and she was treated with a short course of IV steroids. Temporal artery biopsy was unremarkable.,She underwent multiple MRI brain scans at UIHC: 11/4/94, 11/9/94, 11/16/94. All scans consistently showed increase in T2 signal in the brainstem, cerebellar peduncles and temporal lobes bilaterally. These areas did not enhance with gadolinium contrast. These findings were felt most suggestive of glioma.,She underwent left temporal lobe brain biopsy on 11/10/94: This study was inconclusive and showed evidence of atypical mononuclear cells and lymphocytes in the perivascular and subarachnoid spaces. Despite cytologic atypia the cells were felt to be reactive in nature, since immunohistochemical stains failed to disclose lymphoid clonality or non-leukocytic phenomena. Little sign of vasculopathy or tumor was found. Bacterial, fungal , HSV, CMV and AFB cultures were negative. HSV, and VZV antigen was negative.,Her neurological state progressively worsened throughout her hospital stay. By time of discharge, 12/2/94, she was very somnolent and difficult to arouse and required NGT feeding and 24hour supportive care. She was made DNR after family request prior to transfer to a care facility.
Nausea and abdominal pain after eating - Gall bladder disease - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy scheduled.
Consult - History and Phy.
GI Consultation - 4
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Nausea and abdominal pain after eating.,GALL BLADDER HISTORY:, The patient is a 36 year old white female. Patient's complaints are fatty food intolerance, dark colored urine, subjective chills, subjective low-grade fever, nausea and sharp stabbing pain. The patient's symptoms have been present for 3 months. Complaints are relieved with lying on right side and antacids. Prior workup by referring physicians have included abdominal ultrasound positive for cholelithiasis without CBD obstruction. Laboratory studies that are elevated include total bilirubin and elevated WBC.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, No significant past medical problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Diagnostic laparoscopic exam for pelvic pain/adhesions.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, No current medications.,OCCUPATIONAL /SOCIAL HISTORY:, Marital status: married. Patient states smoking history of 1 pack per day. Patient quit smoking 1 year ago. Admits to no history of using alcohol. States use of no illicit drugs.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, There is no significant, contributory family medical history.,OB GYN HISTORY:, LMP: 5/15/1999. Gravida: 1. Para: 1. Date of last pap smear: 1/15/1998.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Cardiovascular: Denies angina, MI history, dysrhythmias, palpitations, murmur, pedal edema, PND, orthopnea, TIA's, stroke, amaurosis fugax.,Pulmonary: Denies cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, dyspnea, bronchitis, emphysema, TB exposure or treatment.,Neurological: Patient admits to symptoms of seizures and ataxia.,Skin: Denies scaling, rashes, blisters, photosensitivity.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Appearance: Healthy appearing. Moderately overweight.,HEENT: Normocephalic. EOM's intact. PERRLA. Oral pharynx without lesions.,Neck: Neck mobile. Trachea is midline.,Lymphatic: No apparent cervical, supraclavicular, axillary or inguinal adenopathy.,Breast: Normal appearing breasts bilaterally, nipples everted. No nipple discharge, skin changes.,Chest: Normal breath sounds heard bilaterally without rales or rhonchi. No pleural rubs. No scars.,Cardiovascular: Regular heart rate and rhythm without murmur or gallop.,Abdominal: Bowel sounds are high pitched.,Extremities: Lower extremities are normal in color, touch and temperature. No ischemic changes are noted. Range of motion is normal.,Skin: Normal color, temperature, turgor and elasticity; no significant skin lesions.,IMPRESSION DIAGNOSIS: , Gall Bladder Disease. Abdominal Pain.,DISCUSSION:, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy handout was given to the patient, reviewed with them and questions answered. The patient has given both verbal and written consent for the procedure.,PLAN:, We will proceed with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiogram.,MEDICATIONS PRESCRIBED:,
Headache and diplopia.
Consult - History and Phy.
Granulomatous Inflammation
CC:, Headache and diplopia.,HX:, This 39 y/o African American female began experiencing severe constant pressure pain type headaches beginning the last week of 8/95. The pain localized to bifronto-temporal regions of the head and did not radiate. There was no associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia or phonophobia. The HA's occurred daily; and throughout daylight hours. They diminished at bedtime, but occasionally awakened her in the morning.,Several days following the onset of her HA's, she began experiencing numbness and tingling about the right side of her face. These symptoms improved, but did not completely resolved.,Several days after the onset of facial paresthesias, she began to experience binocular horizontal diplopia. The diplopia resolved when covering either eye, and worsened upon looking toward the right. Coincidentally, she began veering toward the right when walking. She denied any weakness. She had had chronic unsteadiness for many years since developing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She was unsure whether her unsteadiness was due to poor depth perception in light of her diplopia.,The patient was admitted locally 9/2/95. HCT, 9/2/95 and Brain MRI with gadolinium, 9/3/95, were "unremarkable." Lumbar puncture (done locally),9/3/95: Opening pressure 27cm H20, CSF analysis ( protein 14.0, glucose 66, O WBC, 3 RBC, VDRL non-reactive, Lyme titer unremarkable, Myelin basic protein 1.0 (normal <4.0), and there was no evidence of oligoclonal bands. ESR=76. On 9/11/95 ESR=110. Acetylcholine receptor binding and blocking antibodies were negative. 9/4/95, ANA and RF were negative. 7/94, ANA and RF were negative, and ESR=60.,MEDS: ,Tylenol 500mg q5-6hrs. No known Allergies.,PMH:, 1)Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosed at age 10 years; now in remission. 2)Right #5 finger reattachment as child due to traumatic amputation.,FHX: ,Mother died age 42 of unknown type cancer. Father died age 62 of unknown type cancer. 4 sisters, one brother and 2 half-brothers. One of the half-brothers has asthma.,SHX: ,Single, lives with sister, and denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP141/84, HR99, RR14, 36.8C, Wt. 82kg Ht. 152.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent; without dysarthria. Mood euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: Decreased abduction, OD. In neutral gaze, the right eye deviated slightly lateral of midline. In addition, she had mild proptosis, OD. The right eye was nontender to palpation during extraocular movement. Visual fields were full to confrontation. Optic disks appeared flat. Face was symmetric with full movement and sensation. Gag, shoulder shrug and corneal responses were intact, bilaterally. Tongue was midline with full ROM.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,SENSORY: Unremarkable.,COORD: Unremarkable FNF/HKS/RAM.,STATION: Unremarkable. NO Romberg's sign or drift.,GAIT: Narrow based gait. Able to TT and HW without difficulty. Mild difficulty with TW.,REFLEXES: 2+/2+ Throughout all 4 extremities. Flexor plantar responses, bilaterally.,Musculoskeletal: Swan neck deformities of the #2 and #3 digits of both hands.,GEN EXAM: unremarkable, except for obvious sign of right finger reattachment (mentioned above).,COURSE: ,Repeat lumbar puncture yielded: Opening pressure 20.25cm H20, protein 22, glucose 62, 2RBC, 1WBC. CSF cytology, ACE, cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB), gram stain, cryptococcal antigen, and VDRL were negative. Serum ACE, TSH, FT4 were unremarkable.,Neuroophthalmology confirmed her right CN6 palsy and proptosis (OD); and noted her complaint of paresthesias in the V1 and V2 distribution. They saw no evidence of papilledema. Visual field testing was unremarkable. MRI Brain/orbit/neck with gadolinium, 10/20/95, revealed abnormal enhancing signal in the right cavernous sinus and sinus mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses/ethmoid sinuses/frontal sinuses. CXR, 10/20/95, showed a lobulated mass arising from the right hilum. The mass appeared to obstruct the right middle lobe, causing partial collapse of this lobe. Chest CT with contrast, 10/23/95, revealed a 3.2x4.5x4.0cm mass in the right hilar region with impingement on the right lower bronchus. There appeared to be calcification as well as low attenuation regions within the mass. No lymphadenopathy was noted. She underwent bronchoscopy with bronchial brushing and transbronchial aspirate of the right lung on 10/24/95: no tumor cells were identified, GMS stains were negative and there was no evidence of viral changes, fungus or PCP by culture or molecular assay. She underwent right maxillary sinus biopsy and right middle lobe wedge resection and lymph node biopsy on 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens. No sign of cancer was found. Tissue cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB) were negative times 3. The patients case was discussed at Head and Neck Oncology Tumor Board and a differential diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, Histoplasmosis, Wegener's Granulomatosis, were considered. Urine Histoplasmosis Antigen testing on 11/8/95 was 0.9units (normal<1.0): repeat testing on 12/13/95 was 0.8units. ANCA serum titers on 11/8/95 were <1:40 (normal). PPD testing was negative 11/95 (with positive candida and mumps controls).,The etiology of this patient's illness was not discovered. She was last seen 4/96 and her diplopia and right CN6 palsy had moderately improved.
Headache. Right frontal lobe glioma.
Consult - History and Phy.
Glioma - 2
CC:, Headache,HX: ,37 y/o RHF presented to her local physician with a one month history of intermittent predominantly left occipital headaches which were awakening her in the early morning hours. The headachese were dull to throbbing in character. She was initially treated with Parafon-forte for tension type headaches, but the pain did not resolve. She subsequently underwent HCT in early 12/90 which revealed a right frontal mass lesion.,PMH: ,1)s/p tonsillectomy. 2)s/p elective abortion.,FHX:, Mother with breast CA, MA with "bone cancer." AODM both sides of family.,SHX: ,Denied tobacco or illicit drug use. Rarely consumes ETOH. Married with 2 teenage children.,EXAM: ,VItal signs unremarkable.,MS: Alert and oriented to person, place, time. Lucid thought process per NSG note.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: full strength with normal muscle bulk and tone.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coordination: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: unremarkable.,Reflexes: unremarkable.,Gen. Exam: unremarkable.,COURSE:, MRI Brain: large solid and cystic right frontal lobe mass with a large amount of surrounding edema. There is apparent tumor extension into the corpus callosum across the midline. Tumor extension is also suggested in the anterior limb of the interanl capsule on the right. There is midline mass shift to the left with effacement of the anterior horn of the right lateral ventricle. The MRI findings are most consistent with glioblastoma.,The patient underwent right frontal lobectomy. The pathological diagnosis was xanthomatous astrocytoma. The literature at the time was not clear as to optimal treatment protocol. People have survived as long as 25 years after diagnosis with this type of tumor. XRT was deferred until 11/91 when an MRI and PET Scan suggested extension of the tumor. She then received 5580 cGy of XRT in divided segments. She developed olfactory auras shortly after lobectomy at was treated with PB with subsequent improvement. She was treated with BCNU chemotherapy protocol in 1992.
Asked to see the patient in regards to a brain tumor. She was initially diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme. She presented with several lesions in her brain and a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis.
Consult - History and Phy.
Glioblastoma Multiforme - Consult
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , We were asked to see the patient in regards to a brain tumor.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,She was initially diagnosed in September of this year with a glioblastoma multiforme. She presented with several lesions in her brain and a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. She was seen by Dr. X in our group. Because of her living arrangement, she elected to have treatment through the hospital radiation department and oncology department. Details of her treatment are not available at the time of this dictation. Her family has a packet of Temodar 100-mg pills. She is admitted now with increasing confusion. A CT shows increase in size of the lesions compared to the preoperative scan. We are asked to comment on her treatment at this point. She herself is confused and is unable to provide further history. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , From her old chart: No known past medical history prior to the diagnosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She was living alone and is now living in assisted living. ,MEDICATIONS,1. Dilantin 300 mg daily.,2. Haloperidol 1 mg h.s.,3. Dexamethasone 4 mg q.i.d. ,4. Docusate 100 mg b.i.d.,5. Pen-VK 500 mg daily.,6. Ibuprofen 600 mg daily.,7. Zantac 150 mg twice a day.,8. Temodar 100 mg daily.,9. Magic Mouthwash daily.,10. Tylenol #3 as needed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,: Unable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Elderly woman, confused. ,HEENT: Normal conjunctivae. Ears and nose normal. Mouth normal.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear.,HEART: Normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, positive bowel sounds.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, cranial nerves intact. Left arm slightly weak. Left leg slightly weak.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Glioblastoma multiforme, uncertain as to where she is in cancer treatment. Given the number of pills in the patient's family's hands, it sounds like she has only been treated recently and therefore it is not surprising that she is showing increased problems related to increased size of the tumor. We will have to talk with Dr. Y in the Clinic to get a better handle on her treatment regimen. At this point, I will hold Temodar today and consider restarting it tomorrow if we can get her treatment plan clarified.
Progressive low-grade glioma, now more than 20 years since initially diagnosed. She is status post craniotomy for debulking and has done well with the surgery.
Consult - History and Phy.
Glioma - Consult
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Glioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 71-year-old woman who was initially diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1982. She underwent radiation therapy for this, although craniotomy was not successful for a biopsy because of seizure activity during the surgery. She did well for the next 10 years or so, and developed Parkinson disease, possibly related to radiation therapy. She has been followed by neurology, Dr. Z, to treat seizure activity. She has a vagal stimulator in place to help control her seizure activity.,Over the last few months, she has had increasing weakness on the right side. She has been living in a nursing home. She has not been able to walk, and she has not been able to write for the past three to four years.,MRI scan done on 11/13/2006 showed increase in size of the abdominal area and the left parietal region. There was slight enhancement and appearance was consistent with a medium- to low-grade tumor anterior to the motor cortex.,Surgery was performed during this admission to remove some of the posterior part of the tumor. She tolerated the procedure well. She has noticed no worsening or improvement in her weakness. Pathology shows a low- to intermediate-grade glioma. The second opinion by Dr. A is still pending.,The patient is feeling well today. She is not having headache, and reports no new neurologic symptoms. She has not had leg swelling, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,1. Ambien p.r.n. ,2. Vicodin p.r.n. ,3. Actonel every Sunday. ,4. Colace. ,5. Felbatol 1200 mg b.i.d. ,6. Heparin injections for prophylaxis. ,7. Maalox p.r.n. ,8. Mirapex 0.5 mg t.i.d. ,9. Protonix 40 mg daily. ,10. Tylenol p.r.n. ,11. Zanaflex 4-mg tablet, one-half tablet daily and 6 mg at bedtime. ,12. She has Zofran p.r.n., albuterol inhaler q.i.d., and Aggrenox, which she is to start.,The rest of the history is mostly from the chart.,ALLERGIES: , SHE IS ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Parkinson's, likely secondary to radiation therapy.,2. History of prior stroke.,3. Seizure disorder secondary to her brain tumor.,4. History of urinary incontinence.,5. She has had hip fractures x2, which have required surgical pinning.,6. Appendectomy.,7. Cholecystectomy.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Shows that she does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. She lives in a nursing home.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Shows a family history of breast cancer.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, ,GENERAL: Today, she is sitting up in the chair, alert, and appropriate. She tends to lean towards the right. The right arm and hand are noticeably weaker than the left. She is quite thin.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.5, blood pressure is 138/75, pulse is 76, respirations are 16, and pulse oximetry is 92% on room air.,HEENT: There is a craniotomy incision on the left parietal region, clean, and dry with stitches still in place. The oropharynx shows no thrush or mucositis.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally to auscultation.,CARDIAC: Exam shows regular rate.,ABDOMEN: Soft.,EXTREMITIES: No peripheral edema or evidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is noted on the lower extremities.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Progressive low-grade glioma, now more than 20 years since initially diagnosed. She is status post craniotomy for debulking and has done well with the surgery.,We reviewed the phase II trials that have used Temodar in the setting of grade 2 gliomas. Although, complete responses are rare, it is quite common to have partial response and/or stable disease, and most patients had improved quality of life indices including many patients who benefit from decreased seizure activity. We discussed using Temodar after she heals from her surgery. Toxicities would include fatigue, nausea, and myelosuppression primarily.
Weakness, malaise dyspnea on exertion, 15-pound weight loss - Bilateral pneumonia, hepatitis, renal insufficiency,
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med H&P - 2
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 43-year-old black man with no apparent past medical history who presented to the emergency room with the chief complaint of weakness, malaise and dyspnea on exertion for approximately one month. The patient also reports a 15-pound weight loss. He denies fever, chills and sweats. He denies cough and diarrhea. He has mild anorexia.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially unremarkable except for chest wall cysts which apparently have been biopsied by a dermatologist in the past, and he was given a benign diagnosis. He had a recent PPD which was negative in August 1994.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He occasionally drinks and is a nonsmoker. The patient participated in homosexual activity in Haiti during 1982 which he described as "very active." Denies intravenous drug use. The patient is currently employed.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a thin, black cachectic man speaking in full sentences with oxygen.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 96/56, heart rate 120. No change with orthostatics. Temperature 101.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Respirations 30.,HEENT: Funduscopic examination normal. He has oral thrush.,LYMPH: He has marked adenopathy including right bilateral epitrochlear and posterior cervical nodes.,NECK: No goiter, no jugular venous distention.,CHEST: Bilateral basilar crackles, and egophony at the right and left middle lung fields.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, rub or gallop.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,GENITOURINARY: Normal.,RECTAL: Unremarkable.,SKIN: The patient has multiple, subcutaneous mobile nodules on the chest wall that are nontender. He has very pale palms., ,LABORATORY AND X-RAY DATA: , Sodium 133, potassium 5.3, BUN 29, creatinine 1.8. Hemoglobin 14, white count 7100, platelet count 515. Total protein 10, albumin 3.1, AST 131, ALT 31. Urinalysis shows 1+ protein, trace blood. Total bilirubin 2.4, direct bilirubin 0.1. Arterial blood gases: pH 7.46, pC02 32, p02 46 on room air. Electrocardiogram shows normal sinus rhythm. Chest x-ray shows bilateral alveolar and interstitial infiltrates.,IMPRESSION:,1. Bilateral pneumonia; suspect atypical pneumonia, rule out Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and tuberculosis.,2. Thrush.,3. Elevated unconjugated bilirubins.,4. Hepatitis.,5. Elevated globulin fraction.,6. Renal insufficiency.,7. Subcutaneous nodules.,8. Risky sexual behavior in 1982 in Haiti.,PLAN:,1. Induced sputum, rule out Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and tuberculosis.,2. Begin intravenous Bactrim and erythromycin.,3. Begin prednisone.,4. Oxygen.,5. Nystatin swish and swallow.,6. Dermatologic biopsy of lesions.,7. Check HIV and RPR.,8. Administer Pneumovax, tetanus shot and Heptavax if indicated.
GI Consultation for Chrohn's disease.
Consult - History and Phy.
GI Consultation - 3
PROBLEM: ,Prescription evaluation for Crohn's disease., ,HISTORY: , This is a 46-year-old male who is here for a refill of Imuran. He is taking it at a dose of 100 mg per day. He is status post resection of the terminal ileum and has experienced intermittent obstructive symptoms for the past several years. In fact, he had an episode three weeks ago in which he was seen at the emergency room after experiencing sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. An x-ray was performed, which showed no signs of obstruction per his report. He thinks that the inciting factor of this incident was too many grapes eaten the day before. He has had similar symptoms suggestive of obstruction when eating oranges or other high-residue fruits in the past. The patient's normal bowel pattern is loose stools and this is unchanged recently. He has not had any rectal bleeding. He asks today about a rope-like vein on his anterior right arm that has been a little tender and enlarged after he was in the emergency room and they had difficulty with IV insertion. He has not had any fever, red streaking up the arm, or enlargement of lymph nodes. The tenderness has now completely resolved. , ,He had a colonoscopy performed in August of 2003, by Dr. S. An anastomotic stricture was found at the terminal ileum/cecum junction. Dr. S recommended that if the patient experienced crampy abdominal pain or other symptoms of obstruction, that he may consider balloon dilation. No active Crohn's disease was found during the colonoscopy. , ,Earlier this year, he experienced a non-specific hepatitis with elevation of his liver function tests. At that time he was taking a lot of Tylenol for migraine-type headaches. Under Dr. S's recommendation, he stopped the Imuran for one month and reduced his dose of Tylenol. Since that time his liver enzymes have normalized and he has restarted the Imuran with no problems. , ,He also reports heartburn that is occurring on a slightly more frequent basis than it has in the past. It used to occur once a week only, but has now increased in frequency to twice a week. He takes over-the-counter H2 blockers as needed, as well as Tums. He associates the onset of his symptoms with eating spicy Mexican food., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Reviewed and unchanged.,ALLERGIES: , No known allergies to medications.,OPERATIONS: , Unchanged.,ILLNESSES: , Crohn's disease, vitamin B12 deficiency.,MEDICATIONS:, Imuran, Nascobal, Vicodin p.r.n., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Dated 08/04/04 is reviewed and noted. Please see pertinent GI issues as discussed above. Otherwise unremarkable., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , GENERAL: Pleasant male in no acute distress. Well nourished and well developed. SKIN: indurated, cord-like superficial vein on the right anterior forearm, approx. 3 cm in length. Non-tender to palpation. No erythema or red streaking. No edema. LYMPH: No epitrochlear or axillary lymph node enlargement or tenderness on the right side. , ,DATA REVIEWED: Labs from June 8th and July 19th reviewed. Liver function tests normal with AST 14 and ALT 44. WBCs were slightly low at 4.8. Hemoglobin dropped slightly from 14.1 on 6/8 to 12.9 on 7/19. Hematocrit dropped slightly as well from 43.2 on 6/804 to 40.0 on 7/19/04. These results were reviewed by Dr. S and lab results letter sent., ,IMPRESSION: ,1. Crohn's disease, status post terminal ileum resection, on Imuran. Intermittent symptoms of bowel obstruction. Last episode three weeks ago.,2. History of non-specific hepatitis while taking high doses of Tylenol. Now resolved. ,2. Increased frequency of reflux symptoms.,3. Superficial thrombophlebitis, resolving. ,4. Slightly low H&H., ,PLAN: ,1. We discussed Dr. S's recommendation that the patient undergo balloon dilation for recurrent bowel obstruction type symptoms. The patient emphatically states that he does not want to consider dilation at this time. The patient is strongly encouraged to call us when he does experience any obstructive symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or change in bowel habits. He states understanding of this. Advised to maintain low residue diet to avoid obstructions. ,2. Continue with liver panel and ABC every month per Dr. S's instructions.,3. Continue Imuran 100 mg per day.,4. Continue to minimize Tylenol use. The patient is wondering if he can take another type of medication for migraines that is not Tylenol or antiinflammatories or aspirin. Dr. S is consulted and agrees that Imitrex is an acceptable alternative for migraine headaches since he does not have advanced liver disease. The patient will make an appointment with his primary care provider to discuss this further. ,5. Reviewed the importance of prophylactic treatment of reflux-type symptoms. Encouraged the patient to take over-the-counter H2 blockers on a daily basis to prevent symptoms from occurring. The patient will try this and if he remains symptomatic, then he will call our office and a prescription for Zantac 150 mg per day will be provided. Reviewed the potential need for upper endoscopy should his symptoms continue or become more frequent. He does not want to undergo any type of procedure such as that at this time.,6.
History and Physical - A history of stage IIIC papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary, presented to the office today left leg pain (left leg DVT).
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med H&P - 1
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Left leg pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 59-year-old gravida 1, para 0-0-1-0, with a history of stage IIIC papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary who presented to the office today with left leg pain that started on Saturday. The patient noticed the pain in her left groin and left thigh and also noticed swelling in that leg. A Doppler ultrasound of her leg that was performed today noted a DVT. She is currently on course one, day 14 of 21 of Taxol and carboplatin. She is scheduled for intraperitoneal port placement for intraperitoneal chemotherapy to begin next week. She denies any chest pain or shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, or dysuria. She has a positive appetite and ambulates without difficulty.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Mitral valve prolapse.,3. Stage IIIC papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the ovaries.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. A D and C.,2. Bone fragment removed from her right arm.,3. Ovarian cancer staging.,OBSTETRICAL HISTORY:, Spontaneous miscarriage at 3 months approximately 30 years ago.,GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY: ,The patient started menses at age 12; she states that they were regular and occurred every month. She finished menopause at age 58. She denies any history of STDs or abnormal Pap smears. Her last mammogram was in April 2005 and was within normal limits.,FAMILY HISTORY:,1. A sister with breast carcinoma who was diagnosed in her 50s.,2. A father with gastric carcinoma diagnosed in his 70s.,3. The patient denies any history of ovarian, uterine, or colon cancer in her family.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, No tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Prilosec.,2. Tramadol p.r.n.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 97.3, pulse 91, respiratory rate 18, blood pressure 142/46, O2 saturation 99% on room air.,GENERAL: Alert, awake, and oriented times three, no apparent distress, a well-developed, well-nourished white female.,HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. The oropharynx is clear. The pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.,NECK: Good range of motion, nontender, no thyromegaly.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm with a 2/6 systolic ejection murmur on her left side.,ABDOMEN: Positive bowel sounds, soft, nontender, nondistended, no hepatosplenomegaly, a well-healing midline incision.,EXTREMITIES: 2+ pulses bilaterally, right leg without swelling, nontender, no erythema, negative Homans' sign bilaterally, left thigh swollen, erythematous, and warm to the touch compared to the right. Her left groin is slightly tender to palpation.,LYMPHATICS: No axillary, groin, clavicular, or mandibular nodes palpated.,LABORATORY DATA:, White blood cell count 15.5, hemoglobin 11.4, hematocrit 34.5, platelets 159, percent neutrophils 88%, absolute neutrophil count 14,520. Sodium 142, potassium 3.3, chloride 103, CO2 26, BUN 15, creatinine 0.9, glucose 152, calcium 8.7. PT 13.1, PTT 28, INR 0.97.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, Miss Bolen is a 59-year-old gravida 1, para 0-0-1-0 with stage IIIC papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary. She is postop day 21 of an exploratory laparotomy with ovarian cancer staging. She is currently with a left leg DVT.,1. The patient is doing well and is currently without any complaints. We will start Lovenox 1 mg per kg subcu daily and Coumadin 5 mg p.o. daily. The patient will receive INR in the morning; the goal was obtain an INR between 2.5 and 3.0 before the Lovenox is instilled. The patient is scheduled for port placement for intraperitoneal chemotherapy and this possibly may be delayed.,2. Aranesp 200 mcg subcu was given today. The patient's absolute neutrophil count is 14,520.
Patient with several medical problems - numbness, tingling, and a pain in the toes.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med Consult - 6
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is in with several medical problems. She complains of numbness, tingling, and a pain in the toes primarily of her right foot described as a moderate pain. She initially describes it as a sharp quality pain, but is unable to characterize it more fully. She has had it for about a year, but seems to be worsening. She has little bit of paraesthesias in the left toe as well and seem to involve all the toes of the right foot. They are not worse with walking. It seems to be worse when she is in bed. There is some radiation of the pain up her leg. She also continues to have bilateral shoulder pains without sinus allergies. She has hypothyroidism. She has thrombocythemia, insomnia, and hypertension.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Surgeries include appendectomy in 1933, bladder obstruction surgery in 1946, gallbladder surgery in 1949, another gallbladder surgery in 1954, C-section in 1951, varicose vein surgery in 1951 and again in 1991, thyroid gland surgery in 1964, hernia surgery in 1967, bilateral mastectomies in 1968 for benign disease, hysterectomy leaving her ovaries behind in 1970, right shoulder surgery x 4 and left shoulder surgery x 2 between 1976 and 1991, and laparoscopic bowel adhesion removal in October 2002. She had a Port-A-Cath placed in June 2003, left total knee arthroplasty in June 2003, and left hip pinning due to fracture in October 2003, with pins removed in May 2004. She has had a number of colonoscopies; next one is being scheduled at the end of this month. She also had a right total knee arthroplasty in 1993. She was hospitalized for synovitis of the left knee in April 2004, for zoster and infection of the left knee in May 2003, and for labyrinthitis in June 2004.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa, aspirin, Darvon, codeine, NSAID, amoxicillin, and quinine.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Hydroxyurea 500 mg daily, Metamucil three teaspoons daily, amitriptyline 50 mg at h.s., Synthroid 0.1 mg daily, Ambien 5 mg at h.s., triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide 75/50 daily, and Lortab 5/500 at h.s. p.r.n.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker and nondrinker. She has been widowed for 18 years. She lives alone at home. She is retired from running a restaurant.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother died at age 79 of a stroke. Father died at age 91 of old age. Her brother had prostate cancer. She has one brother living. No family history of heart disease or diabetes.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,General: Negative.,HEENT: She does complain of some allergies, sneezing, and sore throat. She wears glasses.,Pulmonary history: She has bit of a cough with her allergies.,Cardiovascular history: Negative for chest pain or palpitations. She does have hypertension.,GI history: Negative for abdominal pain or blood in the stool.,GU history: Negative for dysuria or frequency. She empties okay.,Neurologic history: Positive for paresthesias to the toes of both feet, worse on the right.,Musculoskeletal history: Positive for shoulder pain.,Psychiatric history: Positive for insomnia.,Dermatologic history: Positive for a spot on her right cheek, which she was afraid was a precancerous condition.,Metabolic history: She has hypothyroidism.,Hematologic history: Positive for essential thrombocythemia and anemia.,OBJECTIVE:,General: She is a well-developed, well-nourished, elderly female in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Her age is 81. Temperature: 98.0. Blood pressure: 140/70. Pulse: 72. Weight: 127.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic. Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. Fundi are benign. TMs, nares, and throat were clear.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, click, or rub. No carotid bruits are heard.,Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds. It is soft and nontender without hepatosplenomegaly or mass.,Breasts: Surgically absent. No chest wall mass was noted, except for the Port-A-Cath in the left chest. No axillary adenopathy is noted.,Extremities: Examination of the extremities reveals no ankle edema or calf tenderness x 2 in lower extremities. There is a cyst on the anterior portion of the right ankle. Pedal pulses were present.,Neurologic: Cranial nerves II-XII grossly intact and symmetric. Deep tendon reflexes were 1 to 2+ bilaterally at the knees. No focal neurologic deficits were observed.,Pelvic: BUS and external genitalia were atrophic. Vaginal rugae were atrophic. Cervix was surgically absent. Bimanual exam confirmed the absence of uterus and cervix and I could not palpate any ovaries.,Rectal: Exam confirmed there is brown stool present in the rectal vault.,Skin: Clear other than actinic keratosis on the right cheek.,Psychiatric: Affect is normal.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Peripheral neuropathy primarily of the right foot.,2. Hypertension.,3. Hypothyroidism.,4. Essential thrombocythemia.,5. Allergic rhinitis.,6. Insomnia.,PLAN:
Comprehensive Evaluation - Diabetes, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, and insomnia.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med Consult - 9
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is well-known to me. He comes in today for a comprehensive evaluation. Really, again he borders on health crises with high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. He states that he has reached a critical decision in the last week that he understands that he cannot continue with his health decisions as they have been made, specifically the lack of exercise, the obesity, the poor eating habits, etc. He knows better and has been through some diabetes training. In fact, interestingly enough, with his current medications which include the Lantus at 30 units along with Actos, glyburide, and metformin, he achieved ideal blood sugar control back in August 2004. Since that time he has gone off of his regimen of appropriate eating, and has had sugars that are running on average too high at about 178 over the last 14 days. He has had elevated blood pressure. His other concerns include allergic symptoms. He has had irritable bowel syndrome with some cramping. He has had some rectal bleeding in recent days. Also once he wakes up he has significant difficulty in getting back to sleep. He has had no rectal pain, just the bleeding associated with that.,MEDICATIONS/ALLERGIES:, As above.,PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: , Reviewed and updated - see Health Summary Form for details.,FAMILY AND SOCIAL HISTORY:, Reviewed and updated - see Health Summary Form for details.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Constitutional, Eyes, ENT/Mouth, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, GI, GU, Musculoskeletal, Skin/Breasts, Neurologic, Psychiatric, Endocrine, Heme/Lymph, Allergies/Immune all negative with the following exceptions: None.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: As above.,GENERAL: The patient is alert, oriented, well-developed, obese male who is in no acute distress.,HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. TMs clear bilaterally. Nose and throat clear.,NECK: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotid pulses palpably normal without bruit.,CHEST: No chest wall tenderness or breast enlargement.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, clicks, or rubs.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,ABDOMEN: Significantly obese without any discernible organomegaly. GU: Normal male genitalia without testicular abnormalities, inguinal adenopathy, or hernia.,RECTAL: Smooth, nonenlarged prostate with just some irritation around the rectum itself. No hemorrhoids are noted.,EXTREMITIES: Some slow healing over the tibia. Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Peripheral pulses within normal limits.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Strength, sensation, coordination, and reflexes all within normal limits.,SKIN: Noted to be normal. No subcutaneous masses noted.,LYMPH SYSTEM: No lymphadenopathy noted.,BACK: He has pain in his back in general.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Diabetes and hypertension, both under less than appropriate control. In fact, we discussed increasing the Lantus. He appears genuine in his desire to embark on a substantial weight-lowering regime, and is going to do that through dietary control. He knows what needs to be done with the absence of carbohydrates, and especially simple sugar. He will also check a hemoglobin A1c, lipid profile, urine for microalbuminuria and a chem profile. I will need to recheck him in a month to verify that his sugars and blood pressure have come into the ideal range. He has allergic rhinitis for which Zyrtec can be used.,2. He has irritable bowel syndrome. We will use Metamucil for that which also should help stabilize the stools so that the irritation of the rectum is lessened. For the bleeding I would like to obtain a sigmoidoscopy. It is bright red blood.,3. For his insomnia, I found there is very little in the way of medications that are going to fix that, however I have encouraged him in good sleep hygiene. I will look forward to seeing him back in a month. I will call him with the results of his lab. His medications were made out. We will use some Elocon cream for his seborrheic dermatitis of the face. Zyrtec and Flonase for his allergic rhinitis.
GI Consultation due to rectal bleeding, positive celiac sprue panel
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PROBLEM: ,Rectal bleeding, positive celiac sprue panel.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 19-year-old Irish-Greek female who ever since elementary school has noted diarrhea, constipation, cramping, nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort, change in bowel habits. She noted that her symptoms were getting increasingly worse and so she went for evaluation and was finally tested for celiac sprue and found to have a positive tissue transglutaminase as well as antiendomysial antibody. She has been on a gluten-free diet for approximately one week now and her symptoms are remarkably improved. She actually has none of these symptoms since starting her gluten-free diet. She has noted intermittent rectal bleeding with constipation, on the toilet tissue. She feels remarkably better after starting a gluten-free diet.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,OPERATIONS: , She is status post a tonsillectomy as well as ear tubes.,ILLNESSES: , Questionable kidney stone.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,HABITS: , No tobacco. No ethanol.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives by herself. She currently works in a dental office.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Notable for a mother who is in good health, a father who has joint problems and questionable celiac disease as well. She has two sisters and one brother. One sister interestingly has inflammatory arthritis.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Notable for fever, fatigue, blurred vision, rash and itching; her GI symptoms that were discussed in the HPI are actually resolved in that she started the gluten-free diet. She also notes headaches, anxiety, heat and cold intolerance, excessive thirst and urination. Please see symptoms summary sheet dated April 18, 2005.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , GENERAL: She is a well-developed pleasant 19 female. She has a blood pressure of 120/80, a pulse of 70, she weighs 170 pounds. She has anicteric sclerae. Pink conjunctivae. PERRLA. ENT: MMM. NECK: Supple. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.
The patient is a 61-year-old lady who was found down at home and was admitted for respiratory failure, septic shock, acute renal failure as well as metabolic acidosis.
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Goes back to yesterday, the patient went out for dinner with her boyfriend. The patient after coming home all the family members had some episodes of diarrhea; it is unclear how many times the patient had diarrhea last night. She was found down on the floor this morning, soiled her bowel movements. Paramedics were called and the patient was brought to the emergency room. The patient was in the emergency room noted to be in respiratory failure, was intubated. The patient was in septic shock with metabolic acidosis and no blood pressure and very rapid heart rate with acute renal failure. The patient was started on vasopressors. The patient was started on IV fluids as well as IV antibiotic. The CT of the abdomen showed ileus versus bowel distention without any actual bowel obstruction or perforation. A General Surgery consultation was called who did not think the patient was a surgical candidate and needed an acute surgical procedure. The patient underwent an ultrasound of the abdomen, which did not show any evidence of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The patient was also noted to have acute rhabdomyolysis on the workup in the emergency room.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for history of osteoporosis, hypertension, tobacco dependency, anxiety, neurosis, depression, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy, and history of uterine cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for hysterectomy, bilateral femoropopliteal bypass surgeries as well as left eye cataract surgery and appendicectomy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with her boyfriend. The patient has a history of heavy tobacco and alcohol abuse for many years.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available at this current time.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is intubated, obtunded, gangrenous ears with gangrenous fingertips.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is absent, heart rate of 138 per minute, and the patient is on the ventilator.,HEENT: Examination shows head is atraumatic, pupils are dilated and very, very sluggishly reacting to light. No oropharyngeal lesions noted.,NECK: Supple. No JVD, distention or carotid bruit. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Bilateral crackles and bruits.,ABDOMEN: Distended, unable to evaluate if this is tender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are very hyperactive.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: Show no edema. Distal pulses are decreased.,OVERALL NEUROLOGICAL: Examination cannot be assessed.,LABORATORY DATA: , The database was available at this point of time. WBC count is elevated at 19,000 with the left shift, hemoglobin of 17.7, and hematocrit of 55.8 consistent with severe dehydration. PT INR is prolonged at 1.7 and aPTT is prolonged at 60. Sodium was 143, BUN of 36, and creatinine of 2.5. The patient's blood gas shows pH of 7.05, pO2 of 99.6, and pCO2 of 99.6. Bicarb is 16.5.,ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION:,1. Septicemia with septic shock.,2. Metabolic acidosis.,3. Respiratory failure.,4. Anuria.,5. Acute renal failure.,The patient has no blood pressure at this point in time. The patient is on IV fluids. The patient is on vasopressors due to ventilator support, bronchodilators as well as IV antibiotics. Her overall prognosis is extremely poor. This was discussed with the patient's niece who is at bedside and will become indicated with her daughter when she arrives who is on the plane right now from Iowa. The patient will be maintained on these supports at this point in time, but prognosis is poor.
GI Consultation for chronic abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal liver function tests.
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PROBLEM: ,Chronic abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal liver function tests., ,HISTORY: , The patient is a 23-year-old female referred for evaluation due to a chronic history of abdominal pain and extensive work-up for abnormal liver function tests and this chronic nausea and vomiting referred here for further evaluation due to the patient's recent move from Eugene to Portland. The patient is not a great historian. Most of the history is obtained through the old history and chart that the patient has with her. According to what we can make out, she began experiencing nausea, vomiting, recurrent epigastric and right upper quadrant pain in 2001. She was initially seen by Dr. A back in September 2001 for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. During those times, it was suspected that part of her symptoms may be secondary to biliary disease and underwent a cholecystectomy performed in Oregon by Dr. A in August 2001. It was assumed that this was caused by biliary dyskinesia. Previous to that, an upper endoscopy was performed by Dr. B in July 2001 that showed to be mild gastritis secondary to anti-inflammatory use. Postoperatively she continued to have nausea and vomiting, right upper quadrant abdominal pain and epigastric pain similar to her gallbladder pain in the past.
Right-sided facial droop and right-sided weakness. Recent cerebrovascular accident. he CT scan of the head did not show any acute events with the impression of a new-onset cerebrovascular accident.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Right-sided facial droop and right-sided weakness.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 83-year-old lady, a resident of a skilled nursing facility, with past medical history of a stroke and dementia with expressive aphasia, was found today with a right-sided facial droop, and was transferred to the emergency room for further evaluation. While in the emergency room, she was found to having the right-sided upper extremity weakness and right-sided facial droop. The CT scan of the head did not show any acute events with the impression of a new-onset cerebrovascular accident, will be admitted to monitor bed for observation and treatment and also she was recently diagnosed with urinary tract infection, which was resistant to all oral medications.,ALLERGIES: , SHE IS ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is a nondrinker and nonsmoker and currently lives at the skilled nursing facility.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Cerebrovascular accident with expressive aphasia and lower extremity weakness.,2. Abnormality of gait and wheelchair bound secondary to #1.,3. Hypertension.,4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, on nasal oxygen.,5. Anxiety disorder.,6. Dementia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Status post left mastectomy secondary to breast cancer and status post right knee replacement secondary to osteoarthritis.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Because of the patient's inability to communicate, is not obtainable, but apparently, she has urine incontinence and also stool incontinence, and is wheelchair bound.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is an 83-year-old patient, awake, and non-communicable lady, currently in bed, follows commands by closing and opening her eyes.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 99.6, pulse is 101, respirations 18, and blood pressure is in the 218/97.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. External ocular muscles are intact. Conjunctivae anicteric. There is a slight right-sided facial droop. Oropharynx is clear with the missing teeth on the upper and the lower part. Tympanic membranes are clear.,NECK: Supple. There is no carotid bruit. No cervical adenopathy.,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm with 2/6 systolic murmur, more at the apex.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft and no tenderness. Bowel sound is present.,EXTREMITIES: There is no pedal edema. Both knees are passively extendable with about 10-15 degrees of fixed flexion deformity on both sides.,NEUROLOGIC: There is right-sided slight facial droop. She moves both upper extremities equally. She has withdrawal of both lower extremities by touching her sole of the feet.,SKIN: There is about 2 cm first turning to second-degree pressure ulcer on the right buttocks.,LABORATORY DATA: , The CT scan of the head shows brain atrophy with no acute events. Sodium is 137, potassium 3.7, chloride 102, bicarbonate 24, BUN of 22, creatinine 0.5, and glucose of 92. Total white blood cell count is 8.9000, hemoglobin 14.4, hematocrit 42.7, and the platelet count of 184,000. The urinalysis was more than 100 white blood cells and 10-25 red blood cells. Recent culture showed more than 100,000 colonies of E. coli, resistant to most of the tested medications except amikacin, nitrofurantoin, imipenem, and meropenem.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Recent cerebrovascular accident with right-sided weakness.,2. Hypertension.,3. Dementia.,4. Anxiety.,5. Urinary tract infection.,6. Abnormality of gait secondary to lower extremity weakness.,PLAN: , We will keep the patient NPO until a swallowing evaluation was done. We will start her on IV Vasotec every 4 hours p.r.n. systolic blood pressure more than 170. Neuro check every 4 hours for 24 hours. We will start her on amikacin IV per pharmacy. We will start her on Lovenox subcutaneously 40 mg every day and we will continue with the Ecotrin as swallowing evaluation was done. Resume home medications, which basically include Aricept 10 mg p.o. daily, Diovan 160 mg p.o. daily, multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D, Ecotrin, and Tylenol p.r.n. I will continue with the IV fluids at 75 mL an hour with a D5 normal saline at the range of 75 mL an hour and adding potassium 10 mEq per 1000 mL and I would follow the patient on daily basis.
Comprehensive Evaluation - Generalized anxiety and hypertension, both under fair control.
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SUBJECTIVE:, The patient comes in today for a comprehensive evaluation. She is well-known to me. I have seen her in the past multiple times.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SOCIAL HISTORY/FAMILY HISTORY: , Noted and reviewed today. They are on the health care flow sheet. She has significant anxiety which has been under fair control recently. She has a lot of stress associated with a son that has some challenges. There is a family history of hypertension and strokes.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Currently taking Toprol and Avalide for hypertension and anxiety as I mentioned.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Significant for occasional tiredness. This is intermittent and currently not severe. She is concerned about the possibly of glucose abnormalities such diabetes. We will check a glucose, lipid profile and a Hemoccult test also and a mammogram. Her review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: As above.,GENERAL: The patient is alert, oriented, in no acute distress.,HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. TMs clear bilaterally. Nose and throat clear.,NECK: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotid pulses palpably normal without bruit.,CHEST: No chest wall tenderness.,BREAST EXAM: No asymmetry, skin changes, dominant masses, nipple discharge, or axillary adenopathy.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, clicks, or rubs.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, bowel sounds normoactive. No masses or organomegaly.,GU: External genitalia without lesions. BUS normal. Vulva and vagina show just mild atrophy without any lesions. Her cervix and uterus are within normal limits. Ovaries are not really palpable. No pelvic masses are appreciated.,RECTAL: Negative.,BREASTS: No significant abnormalities.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Pulses within normal limits.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Strength, sensation, coordination, and reflexes all within normal limits.,SKIN: Noted to be normal. No subcutaneous masses noted.,LYMPH SYSTEM: No lymphadenopathy.,ASSESSMENT:, Generalized anxiety and hypertension, both under fair control.,PLAN:, We will not make any changes in her medications. I will have her check a lipid profile as mentioned, and I will call her with that. Screening mammogram will be undertaken. She declined a sigmoidoscopy at this time. I look forward to seeing her back in a year and as needed.
Patient with swelling of lips and dysphagia and Arthritis.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Swelling of lips causing difficulty swallowing.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This patient is a 57-year old white Cuban woman with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis. She has received methotrexate on a weekly basis as an outpatient for many years. Approximately two weeks ago, she developed a respiratory infection for which she received antibiotics. She developed some ulcerations of the mouth and was instructed to discontinue the methotrexate approximately ten days ago. She showed some initial improvement, but over the last 3-5 days has had malaise, a low-grade fever, and severe oral ulcerations with difficulty in swallowing although she can drink liquids with less difficulty. ,The patient denies any other problems at this point except for a flare of arthritis since discontinuing the methotrexate. She has rather diffuse pain involving both large and small joints. ,MEDICATIONS:, Prednisone 7.5 mg p.o. q.d., Premarin 0.125 mg p.o. q.d., and Dolobid 1000 mg p.o. q.d., recently discontinued because of questionable allergic reaction. HCTZ 25 mg p.o. q.o.d., Oral calcium supplements. In the past she has been on penicillin, azathioprine, and hydroxychloroquine, but she has not had Azulfidine, cyclophosphamide, or chlorambucil. ,ALLERGIES: ,None by history. ,FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, This is a chronically ill appearing female, alert, oriented, and cooperative. She moves with great difficulty because of fatigue and malaise. Vital signs: Blood pressure 107/80, heart rate: 100 and regular, respirations 22. HEENT: Normocephalic. No scalp lesions. Dry eyes with conjuctival injections. Mild exophthalmos. Dry nasal mucosa. Marked cracking and bleeding of her lips with erosion of the mucosa. She has a large ulceration of the mucosa at the bite margin on the left. She has some scattered ulcerations on her hard and soft palette. Tonsils not enlarged. No visible exudate. She has difficulty opening her mouth because of pain. SKIN: She has some mild ecchymoses on her skin and some erythema; she has patches but no obvious skin breakdown. She has some fissuring in the buttocks crease. PULMONARY: Clear to percussion in auscultation. CARDIOVASCULAR: No murmurs or gallops noted. ABDOMEN: Protuberant no organomegaly and positive bowel sounds. NEUROLOGIC EXAM: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. Diffuse hyporeflexia. MUSCULOSKELATAL: Erosive, destructive changes in the elbows, wrist and hands consistent with rheumatoid arthritis. She also has bilateral total knee replacements with stovepipe legs and parimalleolar pitting adema 1+. I feel no pulse distally in either leg. ,PROBLEMS: ,1. Swelling of lips and dysphagia with questionable early Stevens-Johnson syndrome.,2. Rheumatoid Arthritis class 3, stage 4.,3. Flare of arthritis after discontinuing methotrexate.,4. Osteoporosis with compression fracture.,5. Mild dehydration.,6. Nephrolithiasis.,PLAN:, Patient is admitted for IV hydration and treatment of oral ulcerations. We will obtain a dermatology consult. IV leucovorin will be started, and the patient will be put on high-dose corticosteroids.
A female with a past medical history of chronic kidney disease, stage 4; history of diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; peripheral vascular disease, status post recent PTA of right leg, admitted to the hospital because of swelling of the right hand and left foot.
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 70-year-old female with a past medical history of chronic kidney disease, stage 4; history of diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; peripheral vascular disease, status post recent PTA of right leg, admitted to the hospital because of swelling of the right hand and left foot. The patient says that the right hand was very swollen, very painful, could not move the fingers, and also, the left foot was very swollen and very painful, and again could not move the toes, came to emergency room, diagnosed with gout and gouty attacks. I was asked to see the patient regarding chronic kidney disease.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Diabetes mellitus type 2.,2. Diabetic nephropathy.,3. Chronic kidney disease, stage 4.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia.,6. Peripheral vascular disease, status post recent, last week PTA of right lower extremity.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Negative for smoking and drinking.,CURRENT HOME MEDICATIONS:, NovoLog 20 units with each meal, Lantus 30 units at bedtime, Crestor 10 mg daily, Micardis 80 mg daily, Imdur 30 mg daily, Amlodipine 10 mg daily, Coreg 12.5 mg b.i.d., Lasix 20 mg daily, Ecotrin 325 mg daily, and calcitriol 0.5 mcg daily.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient denies any complaints, states that the right hand and left foot was very swollen and very painful, and came to emergency room. Also, she could not urinate and states as soon as they put Foley in, 500 mL of urine came out. Also they started her on steroids and colchicine, and the pain is improving and the swelling is getting better. Denies any fever and chills. Denies any dysuria, frequency or hematuria. States that the urine output was decreased considerably, and she could not urinate. Denies any cough, hemoptysis or sputum production. Denies any chest pain, orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: The patient is alert and oriented, in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure 126/67, temperature 97.9, pulse 71, and respirations 20. The patient's weight is 105.6 kg.,Head: Normocephalic.,Neck: Supple. No JVD. No adenopathy.,Chest: Symmetric. No retractions.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: RRR with no murmur.,Abdomen: Obese, soft, and nontender. No rebound. No guarding.,Extremity: She has 2+ pretibial edema bilaterally at the lower extremity, but also the left foot, in dorsum of left foot and also right hand is swollen and very tender to move the toes and also fingers in those extremities.,LAB TESTS: , Showed that urine culture is negative up to date. The patient's white cell is 12.7, hematocrit 26.1. The patient has 90% segs and 0% bands. Serum sodium 133, potassium 5.9, chloride 100, bicarb 21, glucose 348, BUN 57, creatinine is 2.39, calcium 8.9, and uric acid yesterday was 10.9. Sed rate was 121. BNP was 851. Urinalysis showed 15 to 20 white cells, 3+ protein, 3+ blood with 25 to 30 red blood cells also.,IMPRESSION:,1. Urinary tract infection.,2. Acute gouty attack.,3. Diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy.,4. Hypertension.,5. Hypercholesterolemia.,6. Peripheral vascular disease, status post recent PTA in the right side.,7. Chronic kidney disease, stage 4.,PLAN: , At this time is I agree with treatment. We will add allopurinol 50 mg daily. This is secondary to the patient is already on colchicine, and also we will discontinue Micardis, we will increase Lasix to 40 b.i.d., and we will follow with the lab results.
An 86-year-old female with persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, during evaluation in the emergency room, was found to have a high amylase, as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an 86-year-old female who is a patient of Dr. X, who was transferred from ABCD Home due to persistent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which started around 11:00 a.m. yesterday. During evaluation in the emergency room, the patient was found to have a high amylase as well as lipase count and she is being admitted for management of acute pancreatitis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for dementia of Alzheimer type, anxiety, osteoarthritis, and hypertension.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO POLLENS.,MEDICATIONS: , Include alprazolam 0.5 mg b.i.d. p.r.n., mirtazapine 30 mg p.o. daily, Aricept 10 mg p.o. nightly, Namenda 10 mg p.o. b.i.d., Benicar 40 mg p.o. daily, and Claritin 10 mg daily p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Not available.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Not available. The patient lives at a skilled nursing facility.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,She has moderate-to-severe dementia and is unable to give any information about history or review of systems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is awake and alert, able to follow few simple commands, resting comfortably, does not appear to be in any acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature of 99.5, pulse 82, respirations 18, blood pressure of 150/68, and pulse ox is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Sclerae and conjunctivae are normal. Throat without any pharyngeal inflammation or exudate. Oral mucosa is normal.,NECK: No jugular venous distention. Carotids are felt normally. No bruit appreciated. Thyroid gland is not palpable. There are no palpable lymph nodes in the neck or the supraclavicular region.,HEART: S1 and S2 are heard normally. No murmur appreciated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft, diffusely tender. No rebound or rigidity. Bowel sounds are heard. Most of the tenderness is located in the epigastric region.,EXTREMITIES: Without any pedal edema, normal dorsalis pedis pulsations bilaterally.,BREASTS: Normal.,BACK: The patient does not have any decubitus or skin changes on her back.,LABS DONE AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: , WBC of 24.3, hemoglobin and hematocrit 15.3 and 46.5, MCV 89.3, and platelet count of 236,000. PT 10.9, INR 1.1, PTT of 22. Urinalysis with positive nitrite, 5 to 10 wbc's, and 2+ bacteria. Sodium 134, potassium 3.6, chloride 97, bicarbonate 27, calcium 8.8, BUN 25, creatinine 0.9, albumin of 3.4, alkaline phosphatase 109, ALT 121, AST 166, amylase 1797, and lipase over 3000. X-ray of abdomen shows essentially normal abdomen with possible splenic granulomas and degenerative spine changes. CT of the abdomen revealed acute pancreatitis, cardiomegaly, and right lung base atelectasis. Ultrasound of the abdomen revealed echogenic liver with fatty infiltration. Repeat CBC from today showed white count to be 21.6, hemoglobin and hematocrit 13.9 and 41.1, platelet count is normal, 89% segments and 2% bands. Sodium 132, potassium 4.0, chloride 98, bicarbonate 22, glucose 184, ALT 314, AST 382, amylase 918, and lipase 1331. The cultures are pending at this time. EKG shows sinus rhythm, rate about 90 per minute, multiple ventricular premature complexes are noted. Troponin 0.004 and myoglobin is 39.6.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute pancreatitis.,2. Leukocytosis.,3. Urinary tract infection.,4. Hyponatremia.,5. Dementia.,6. Anxiety.,7. History of hypertension.,8. Abnormal electrocardiogram.,9. Osteoarthrosis.,PLAN:, Admit the patient to medical floor, NPO, IV antibiotics, IV fluids, hold p.o. medications, GI consult, pain control, Zofran IV p.r.n., bedrest, DVT prophylaxis, check blood and urine cultures. I have left a message for the patient's son to call me back.
The patient is a 35-year-old lady who was admitted with chief complaints of chest pain, left-sided with severe chest tightness after having an emotional argument with her boyfriend. The patient has a long history of psychological disorders.
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 35-year-old lady who was admitted with chief complaints of chest pain, left-sided with severe chest tightness after having an emotional argument with her boyfriend. The patient has a long history of psychological disorders. As per the patient, she also has a history of supraventricular tachycardia and coronary artery disease, for which the patient has had workup done in ABC Medical Center. The patient was evaluated in the emergency room. The initial cardiac workup was negative. The patient was admitted to telemetry unit for further evaluation. In the emergency room, the patient was also noted to have a strongly positive drug screen including methadone and morphine. The patient's EKG in the emergency room was normal and the patient had some relief from her chest pain after she got some nitroglycerin.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , As mentioned above is significant for history of seizure disorder, migraine headaches, coronary artery disease, CHF, apparently coronary stenting done, mitral valve prolapse, supraventricular tachycardia, pacemaker placement, colon cancer, and breast cancer. None of the details of these are available.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Significant for history of lumpectomy on the left breast, breast augmentation surgery, cholecystectomy, cardiac ablation x3, left knee surgery as well as removal of half the pancreas.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS AT HOME: , Included Dilantin 400 mg daily, Klonopin 2 mg 3 times a day, Elavil 300 mg at night, nitroglycerin sublingual p.r.n., Thorazine 300 mg 3 times a day, Neurontin 800 mg 4 times a day, and Phenergan 25 mg as tolerated.,OB HISTORY: , Her last menstrual period was 6/3/2009. The patient is admitting to having a recent abortion done. She is not too sure whether the abortion was completed or not, has not had a followup with her OB/GYN.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She lives with her boyfriend. The patient has history of tobacco abuse as well as multiple illicit drug abuse.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: As mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is alert, awake, and oriented.,VITAL SIGNS: Her blood pressure is about 132/72, heart rate of about 87 per minute, respiratory rate of 16.,HEENT: Shows head is atraumatic. Pupils are round and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact. No oropharyngeal lesions noted.,NECK: Supple, no JV distention, no carotid bruits, and no lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIAC: Reveals regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds are normally present.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: Shows no edema. Distal pulses are 2+.,NEUROLOGICAL: Grossly nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA: , The database that is available at this point of time, WBC count is normal, hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal. Sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, bicarbonate, BUN and creatinine, and liver function tests are normal. The patient's 3 sets of cardiac enzymes including troponin-I, CPK-MB, and myoglobulin have been normal. EKG is normal, sinus rhythm without any acute ST-T wave changes. As mentioned before, the patient's toxicology screen was positive for morphine, methadone, and marijuana. The patient also had a head CT done in the emergency room, which was fairly unremarkable. The patient's beta-hCG level was marginally elevated at about 48.,ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION:,1. Chest pains, appear to be completely noncardiac. The patient does seem to have a psychosomatic component to her chest pain. There is no evidence of acute coronary syndrome or unstable angina at this point of time.,2. Possible early pregnancy. The patient's case was discussed with OB/GYN on-call over the phone. Some of the medications have to be held secondary to potential danger. The patient will follow up on an outpatient basis with her primary OB/GYN as well as PCP for the workup of her pregnancy as well as continuation of the pregnancy and prenatal visits.,3. Migraine headaches for which the patient has been using her routine medications and the headaches seem to be under control. Again, this is an outpatient diagnosis. The patient will follow up with her PCP for control of migraine headache.,Overall prognosis is too soon to predict.,The plan is to discharge the patient home secondary to no evidence of acute coronary syndrome.
Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, rule out recurrent small bowel obstruction. The patient is an 89-year-old white male who developed lower abdominal pain, which was constant, onset approximately half an hour after dinner on the evening prior to admission.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is an 89-year-old white male who developed lower abdominal pain, which was constant, onset approximately half an hour after dinner on the evening prior to admission. He described the pain as 8/10 in severity and the intensity varied. The symptoms persisted and he subsequently developed nausea and vomiting at 3 a.m. in the morning of admission. The patient vomited twice and he states that he did note a temporary decrease in pain following his vomiting. The patient was brought to the emergency room approximately 4 a.m. and evaluation including the CT scan, which revealed dilated loops of bowel without obvious obstruction. The patient was subsequently admitted for possible obstruction. The patient does have a history of previous small bowel obstruction approximately 20 times all but 2 required hospitalization, but all resolved with conservative measures (IV fluid, NG tube decompression, bowel rest.) He has had previous abdominal surgeries including colon resection for colon CA and cholecystectomy as well as appendectomy.,PAST HISTORY: , Hypertension treated with Cozaar 100 mg daily and Norvasc 10 mg daily. Esophageal reflux treated with Nexium 40 mg daily. Allergic rhinitis treated with Allegra 180 mg daily. Sleep disturbances, depression and anxiety treated with Paxil 25 mg daily, Advair 10 mg nightly and Ativan 1 mg nightly. Glaucoma treated with Xalatan drops. History of chronic bronchitis with no smoking history for which he uses p.r.n. Flovent and Serevent.,PREVIOUS SURGERIES: ,Partial colon resection of colon carcinoma in 1961 with no recurrence, cholecystectomy 10 years ago, appendectomy, and glaucoma surgery.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Father died at age 85 of "old age," mother died at age 89 of "old age." Brother died at age 92 of old age, 2 brothers died in their 70s of Parkinson disease. Son is at age 58 and has a history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and glaucoma.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is widowed and a retired engineer. He denies cigarettes smoking or alcohol intake.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies fevers or weight loss. HEENT: Denies headaches, visual abnormality, decreased hearing, tinnitus, rhinorrhea, epistaxis or sore throat. Neck: Denies neck stiffness, no pain or masses in the neck. Respiratory: Denies cough, sputum production, hemoptysis, wheezing or shortness of breath. Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain, angina pectoris, DOE, PND, orthopnea, edema or palpitation. Gastrointestinal: See history of the present illness. Urinary: Denies dysuria, frequency, urgency or hematuria. Neuro: Denies seizure, syncope, incoordination, hemiparesis or paresthesias.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished elderly white male who is currently in no acute distress after receiving analgesics.,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic. Eyes, EOMs full, PERRLA. Fundi benign. TMs normal. Nose clear. Throat benign.,NECK: Supple with no adenopathy. Carotid upstrokes normal with no bruits. Thyroid is not enlarged.,LUNGS: Clear to percussion and auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate, normal S1 and S2 with no murmurs or gallops. PMI is nondisplaced.,ABDOMEN: Mildly distended with mild diffuse tenderness. There is no rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds are hypoactive.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema. Pulses are strong and intact throughout.,GENITALIA: Atrophic male, no scrotal masses or tenderness. Testicles are atrophic. No hernia is noted.,RECTAL: Unremarkable, prostate was not enlarged and there were no nodules or tenderness.,LAB DATA:, WBC 12.1, hemoglobin and hematocrit 16.9/52.1, platelets 277,000. Sodium 137, potassium 3.9, chloride 100, bicarbonate 26, BUN 27, creatinine 1.4, glucose 157, amylase 103, lipase 44. Alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT are all normal. UA is negative.,Abdomen and pelvic CT showed mild stomach distention with multiple fluid-filled loops of bowel, no obvious obstruction noted.,IMPRESSION:,1. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, rule out recurrent small bowel obstruction.,2. Hypertension.,3. Esophageal reflux.,4. Allergic rhinitis.,5. Glaucoma.,PLAN: , The patient is admitted to the medical floor. He has been kept NPO and will be given IV fluids. He will also be given antiemetic medications with Zofran and an analgesic as necessary. General surgery consultation was obtained. Abdominal series x-ray will be done.
For evaluation of left-sided chest pain, 5 days post abdominal surgery.
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REASON FOR CONSULT: , For evaluation of left-sided chest pain, 5 days post abdominal surgery.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT: , This 87-year-old patient has been admitted in this hospital on 12/03/08. The patient underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy by Dr. X. The patient had postoperative paralytic ileus, which has resolved. The patient had developed left-sided chest pain yesterday. In the postoperative period, the patient has had fluid retention, had gain about 25 pounds, and he had swelling of the lower extremities.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL SYMPTOMS: No recent fever.,ENT: Unremarkable.,RESPIRATORY: He denies cough but develop this left-sided chest pain, which does not increase with inspiration, pain is located on the left posterior axillary line and over the fourth and fifth rib.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No known heart problems.,GASTROINTESTINAL: The patient denies nausea or vomiting. He is status post laparoscopic appendicectomy, and he is tolerating oral diet.,GENITOURINARY: No dysuria, no hematuria.,ENDOCRINE: Negative for diabetes or thyroid problems.,NEUROLOGIC: No history of CVA or TIA.,Rest of review of systems unremarkable.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a nonsmoker. He denies use of alcohol.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: An 87-year-old gentleman, not toxic looking.,HEAD AND NECK: Oral mucosa is moist.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation. No wheezing. No crepitations. There is reproducible tenderness over the left posterior-lateral axis.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds were heard. No murmurs appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Slightly distended. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: He has 2+ to 3+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and oriented x3. Examination is nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA: , White count is 12,500, hemoglobin is 13, hematocrit is 39, and platelets 398,000. Glucose is 123, total protein is 6, and albumin is 2.9.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Ruptured appendicitis. The patient is 6 days post surgery. He is tolerating oral fluids and moving bowels.,2. Left-sided chest pain, need to rule out PE by distance of pretty low probability. The patient, however, has low-oxygen saturation. We will do ultrasound of the lower extremity and if this is positive we would proceed with the CT angiogram.,3. Fluid retention, manage as per surgeon.,4. Paralytic ileus, resolving.,5. Leukocytosis, we will monitor.
Pneumonia in the face of fairly severe Crohn disease with protein-losing enteropathy and severe malnutrition with anasarca. He also has anemia and leukocytosis, which may be related to his Crohn disease as well as his underlying pneumonia.
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DIAGNOSES:,1. Pneumonia.,2. Crohn disease.,3. Anasarca.,4. Anemia.,CHIEF COMPLAINT: , I have a lot of swelling in my legs.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 41-year-old gentleman with a long history of Crohn disease. He has been followed by Dr. ABC, his primary care doctor, but he states that he has had multiple gastroenterology doctors and has not seen one in the past year to 18 months. He has been treated with multiple different medications for his Crohn disease and most recently has been taking pulses of steroids off and on when he felt like he was having symptoms consistent with crampy abdominal pain, increased diarrhea, and low-grade fevers. This has helped in the past, but now he developed symptoms consistent with pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital. He has been treated with IV antibiotics and is growing Streptococcus. At this time, he seems relatively stable although slightly dyspneic. Other symptoms include lower extremity edema, pain in his ankles and knees, and actually symptoms of edema in his entire body including his face and upper extremities. At this time, he continues to have symptoms consistent with diarrhea and malabsorption. He also has some episodes of nausea and vomiting at times. He currently has a cough and symptoms of dyspnea. Further review of systems was not otherwise contributory.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Prednisone.,2. Effexor.,3. Folic acid.,4. Norco for pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , As mentioned above, but he also has anxiety and depression.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Small bowel resections.,2. Appendectomy.,3. A vasectomy.,ALLERGIES: ,He has no known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,He does smoke two packs of cigarettes per day. He has no alcohol or drug use. He is a painter.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for his father who died of IPF and irritable bowel syndrome.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned in the history of present illness and further review of systems is not otherwise contributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: He is a thin appearing man in very mild respiratory distress when his oxygen is off.,VITAL SIGNS: His respiratory rate is approximately 18 to 20, his blood pressure is 100/70, his pulse is 90 and regular, he is afebrile currently at 96, and weight is approximately 163 pounds.,HEENT: Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae normal. Nasal and oropharynx are clear.,NECK: Supple. No jugular venous pressure distention is noted. There is no adenopathy in the cervical, supraclavicular or axillary areas.,CHEST: Reveals some crackles in the right chest, in the base, and in the upper lung fields. His left is relatively clear with decreased breath sounds.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Slightly protuberant. Bowel sounds are present. He is slightly tender and it is diffuse. There is no organomegaly and no ascites appreciable.,EXTREMITIES: There is a mild scrotal edema and in his lower extremities he has 2 to 3+ edema at pretibial and lateral feet.,DERMATOLOGIC: Shows thin skin. No ecchymosis or petechiae.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , Laboratory studies are pertinent for a total protein of 3 and albumin of 1.3. There is no M-spike observed. His B12 is 500 with a folic acid of 11. His white count is 21 with a hemoglobin of 10, and a platelet count 204,000.,IMPRESSION AT THIS TIME:,1. Pneumonia in the face of fairly severe Crohn disease with protein-losing enteropathy and severe malnutrition with anasarca.,2. He also has anemia and leukocytosis, which may be related to his Crohn disease as well as his underlying pneumonia.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , At this time, I believe evaluation of protein intake and dietary supplement will be most appropriate. I believe that he needs a calorie count. We will check on a sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, LDH, prealbumin, thyroid, and iron studies in the morning with his laboratory studies that are already ordered. I have recommended strongly to him that when he is out of the hospital, he return to the care of his gastroenterologist. I will help in anyway that I can to improve the patient's laboratory abnormalities. However, his lower extremity edema is primarily due to his marked hypoalbuminemia and I do not believe that diuretics will help him at this time. I have explained this in detail to the patient and his family. Everybody expresses understanding and all questions were answered. At this time, follow him up during his hospital stay and plan to see him in the office as well.
Anxiety, alcohol abuse, and chest pain. This is a 40-year-old male with digoxin toxicity secondary to likely intentional digoxin overuse. Now, he has had significant block with EKG changes as stated.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Anxiety, alcohol abuse, and chest pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a pleasant 40-year-old male with multiple medical problems, basically came to the hospital yesterday complaining of chest pain. The patient states that he complained of this chest pain, which is reproducible, pleuritic in both chest radiating to the left back and the jaw, complaining of some cough, nausea, questionable shortness of breath. The patient describes the pain as aching, sharp and alleviated with pain medications, not alleviated with any nitrates. Aggravated by breathing, coughing, and palpation over the area. The pain was 9/10 in the emergency room and he was given some pain medications in the ER and was basically admitted. Labs were drawn, which were essentially, potassium was about 5.7 and digoxin level was drawn, which was about greater than 5. The patient said that he missed 3 doses of digoxin in the last 3 days after being discharged from Anaheim Memorial and then took 3 tablets together. The patient has a history prior digoxin overdose of the same nature.,MEDICATIONS:, Digoxin 0.25 mg, metoprolol 50 mg, Naprosyn 500 mg, metformin 500 mg, lovastatin 40 mg, Klor-Con 20 mEq, Advair Diskus, questionable Coreg.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , MI in the past and atrial fibrillation, he said that he has had one stent put in, but he is not sure. The last cardiologist he saw was Dr. X and his primary doctor is Dr. Y.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, History of alcohol use in the past.,He is basically requesting for more and more pain medications. He states that he likes Dilaudid and would like to get the morphine changed to Dilaudid. His pain is tolerable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Stable.,GENERAL: Alert and oriented x3, no apparent distress.,HEENT: Extraocular muscles are intact.,CVS: S1, S2 heard.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No edema or clubbing.,NEURO: Grossly intact. Tender to palpate over the left chest, no obvious erythema or redness, or abnormal exam is found.,EKG basically shows atrial fibrillation, rate controlled, nonspecific ST changes.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. This is a 40-year-old male with digoxin toxicity secondary to likely intentional digoxin overuse. Now, he has had significant block with EKG changes as stated. Continue to follow the patient clinically at this time. The patient has been admitted to ICU and will be changed to DOU.,2. Chronic chest pain with a history of myocardial infarction in the past, has been ruled out with negative cardiac enzymes. The patient likely has opioid dependence and requesting more and more pain medications. He is also bargaining for pain medications with me. The patient was advised that he will develop more opioid dependence and I will stop the pain medications for now and give him only oral pain medications in the anticipation of the discharge in the next 1 or 2 days. The patient was likely advised to also be seen by a pain specialist as an outpatient after being referred. We will try to verify his pain medications from his primary doctor and his pharmacy. The patient said that he has been on Dilaudid and Vicodin ES and Norco and all these medications in the past.
The patient had temperature of 104 degrees F. It has been spiking ever since and she has had left sacroiliac type hip pain. She does have degenerative disk disease of her lumbar spine but no hip pathology. She has swollen inguinal nodes bilaterally.
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 76-year-old female that was admitted with fever, chills, and left pelvic pain. The patient was well visiting in ABC, with her daughter that evening. She had pain in her left posterior pelvic and low back region. They came back to XYZ the following day. By the time they got here, she was in severe pain and had fever. They came straight to the emergency room. She was admitted. She had temperature of 104 degrees F. It has been spiking ever since and she has had left sacroiliac type hip pain. Multiple blood studies have been done including cultures, febrile agglutinins, etc. She has had run a higher blood glucose to the normal and she has been on sliding scale insulin. She was not known previously to be a diabetic. All x-rays have not been helpful as far as to determine the etiology of her discomfort. MRIs of the lumbar spine and the pelvis and both thighs have been unremarkable for any inflammatory process. She does have degenerative disk disease of her lumbar spine but no hip pathology. She has swollen inguinal nodes bilaterally.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY AND REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , She was not known to be a diabetic until this admission. She had been hypertensive. She has been on medications and has been controlled. She has not had hyperlipidemia. She has had no thyroid problems. There has been no asthma, bronchitis, TB, emphysema or pneumonia. No tuberculosis. She has had no breast tumors. She has had no chest pain or cardiac problems. She has had gallbladder surgery. She has not had any gastritis or ulcers. She has had no kidney disease. She has had a hysterectomy. She has had 9 pregnancies and 8 living children. She had A&P repair. She had a sacral abscess after a spinal. It sounds to me like she had a pilonidal cyst, which took about 3 operations to heal. There have been fractures and no significant arthritis. She has been quite active at her ranch in Mexico. She raises goats and cattle. She drives a tractor and in short, has been very active.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, She is a short female, alert. She is shivering. She has ice in her axilla and behind her neck. She is febrile to 101 degrees F. She is alert. Her complaint is that of hip pain in the posterior sacroiliac joint area. She moves both her upper extremities well. She can move her right leg well. She actually can move her left hip and knee without much discomfort but the pain radiates from her sacroiliac joint. She cannot stand, sit or turn without severe pain. She has normal knee reflexes. No ankle reflexes. She has bounding tibial pulses. No sensory deficit. She says she knows when she has to void. She has a healed scar in the upper sacral region. There is some bruising around the buttocks but the daughter says that is from her being in bed lying on her back.,PLAN: , My plan is to do a triple-phase bone scan. I am suspecting an infection possibly in the left sacroiliac joint. It is probably some type of bacterium, the etiology of which is undetermined. She has had a normal white count despite her fever. There has been a history of brucellosis in the past, but her titers at this time are negative. Continue medication which included antibiotics and also the Motrin and Darvocet.,
An 80-year-old female with recent complications of sepsis and respiratory failure who is now receiving tube feeds.
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PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Include:,1. Type II diabetes mellitus.,2. Hypertension.,3. Hyperlipidemia.,4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,5. Renal insufficiency.,6. Degenerative joint disease, status post bilateral hip and bilateral knee replacements.,7. Enterocutaneous fistula.,8. Respiratory failure.,9. History of atrial fibrillation.,10. Obstructive sleep apnea.,11. History of uterine cancer, status post total hysterectomy.,12. History of ventral hernia repair for incarcerated hernia.,SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient has been admitted to multiple hospitals over the last several months.,FAMILY HISTORY: Positive for diabetes mellitus type 2 in both mother and her sister.,MEDICATIONS: Currently include,,1. Albuterol inhaler q.4 h.,2. Paradox swish and spit mouthwash twice a day.,3. Digoxin 0.125 mg daily.,4. Theophylline 50 mg q.6 h.,5. Prozac 20 mg daily.,6. Lasix 40 mg daily.,7. Humulin regular high dose sliding scale insulin subcu. q.6 h.,8. Atrovent q.4 h.,9. Lantus 12 units subcu. q.12 h.,10. Lisinopril 10 mg daily.,11. Magnesium oxide 400 mg three times a day.,12. Metoprolol 25 mg twice daily.,13. Nitroglycerin topical q.6 h.,14. Zegerid 40 mg daily.,15. Simvastatin 10 mg daily.,ALLERGIES: Percocet, Percodan, oxycodone, and Duragesic.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient currently denies any pain, denies any headache or blurred vision. Denies chest pain or shortness of breath. She denies any nausea or vomiting. Otherwise, systems are negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,General: The patient is awake, alert, and oriented. She is in no apparent respiratory distress.,Vital Signs: Temperature 97.6, blood pressure is 139/53, pulse 100, respirations 24. The patient has a tracheostomy in place. She will also have an esophageal gastric tube in place.,Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm without audible murmurs, rubs or gallops. Lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally with slightly diminished breath sounds on the bases. No adventitious sounds are noted.,Abdomen: Obese. There is an open wound on the ventral abdomen overlying the midline abdominal incision from previous surgery. The area is covered with bandage with serosanguineous fluid. Abdomen is nontender to palpation. Bowel sounds are heard in all 4 quadrants.,Extremities: Bilateral lower extremities are edematous and very cool to touch.,LABORATORY DATA: Pending. Capillary blood sugars thus far have been 132 and 135.,ASSESSMENT: This is an 80-year-old female with an unfortunate past medical history with recent complications of sepsis and respiratory failure who is now receiving tube feeds.,PLAN: For her diabetes mellitus, we will continue the patient on her current regimen of Lantus 12 units subcu. q.12 h. and Regular Insulin at a high dose sliding scale every 6 hours. The patient had been previously controlled on this. We will continue to check her sugars every 6 hours and adjust insulin as necessary.
A 69-year-old female with past history of type II diabetes, atherosclerotic heart disease, hypertension, carotid stenosis.
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HISTORY:, A 69-year-old female with past history of type II diabetes, atherosclerotic heart disease, hypertension, carotid stenosis. The patient was status post coronary artery bypass surgery aortic valve repair at Shadyside Hospital. The patient subsequently developed CVA. She also developed thrombosis of the right arm, which ultimately required right hand amputation. She was stabilized and eventually transferred to HealthSouth for further management.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Pulse of 90 and blood pressure 150/70.,Heart: Sounds were heard, grade 2/6 systolic murmur at the precordium.,Chest: Clinically clear.,Abdomen: Some suprapubic tenderness. Evidence of right lower arm amputation.,The patient was started on Prevacid 30 mg daily, levothyroxine 75 mcg a day, Toprol 25 mg twice a day, Zofran 4 mg q.6 h, Coumadin dose at 5 mg and was adjusted. She was given a pain control using Vicodin and Percocet, amiodarone 200 mg a day, Lexapro 20 mg a day, Plavix 75 mg a day, fenofibrate 145 mg, Lasix 20 mg IV twice a day, Lantus 50 units at bedtime and Humalog 10 units a.c. and sliding scale insulin coverage. Wound care to the right heel was supervised by Dr. X. The patient initially was fed through NG tube, which was eventually discontinued. Physical therapy was ordered. The patient continued to do well. She was progressively ambulated. Her meds were continuously adjusted. The patient's insulin was eventually changed from Lantus to Levemir 25 units twice a day. Dr. Y also followed the patient closely for left heel ulcer.,LABORATORY DATA: , The latest cultures from left heel are pending. Her electrolytes revealed sodium of 135 and potassium of 3.2. Her potassium was switched to K-Dur 40 mEq twice a day. Her blood chemistries are otherwise closely monitored. INRs were obtained and were therapeutic. Throughout her hospitalization, multiple cultures were also obtained. Urine cultures grew Klebsiella. She was treated with appropriate antibiotics. Her detailed blood work is as in the chart. Detailed radiological studies are as in the chart. The patient made a steady progress and eventually plans were made to transfer the patient to ABC furthermore aggressive rehabilitation.,FINAL DIAGNOSES:,1. Atherosclerotic heart disease, status post coronary artery bypass graft.,2. Valvular heart disease, status post aortic valve replacement.,3. Right arm arterial thrombosis, status post amputation right lower arm.,4. Hypothyroidism.,5. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, type 2.,6. Urinary tract infection.,7. Hypokalemia.,8. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.,9. Peripheral vascular occlusive disease.,10. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,11. Hyperlipidemia.,12. Depression.,13. Carotid stenosis.
The patient presents to the office today with complaints of extreme fatigue, discomfort in the chest and the back that is not related to any specific activity. Stomach gets upset with pain.
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HISTORY:, The patient presents today for medical management. The patient presents to the office today with complaints of extreme fatigue, discomfort in the chest and the back that is not related to any specific activity. Stomach gets upset with pain. She has been off her supplements for four weeks with some improvement. She has loose bowel movements. She complains of no bladder control. She has pain in her hips. The peripheral neuropathy is in both legs, her swelling has increased and headaches in the back of her head.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Type II diabetes mellitus.,2. Generalized fatigue and weakness.,3. Hypertension.,4. Peripheral neuropathy with atypical symptoms.,5. Hypothyroidism.,6. Depression.,7. Long-term use of high-risk medications.,8. Postmenopausal age-related symptoms.,9. Abdominal pain with nonspecific irritable bowel type symptoms, intermittent diarrhea.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Her list of medicines is as noted on 04/22/03. There is a morning and evening lift.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, As listed on 04/22/04 along with allergies 04/22/04.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Basically unchanged. Her father died of an MI at 65, mother died of a stroke at 70. She has a brother, healthy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She has two sons and an adopted daughter. She is married long term, retired from Avon. She is a nonsmoker, nondrinker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,GENERAL: Certainly at the present time on general exam no fever, sweats or chills and no significant weight change. She is 189 pounds currently and she was 188 pounds in January.,HEENT: HEENT, there is no marked decrease in visual or auditory function. ENT, there is no change in hearing or epistaxis, sore throat or hoarseness.,RESPIRATORY: Chest, there is no history of palpitations, PND or orthopnea. The chest pains are nonspecific, tenderness to palpation has been reported. There is no wheezing or cough reported.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No PND or orthopnea. Thromboembolic disease history.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Intermittent symptoms of stomach pain, they are nonspecific. No nausea or vomiting noted. Diarrhea is episodic and more related to nerves.,GENITOURINARY: She reports there is generally poor bladder control, no marked dysuria, hematuria or history of stones.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Peripheral neuropathy and generalized muscle pain, joint pain that are sporadic.,NEUROLOGICAL: No marked paralysis, paresis or paresthesias.,SKIN: No rashes, itching or changes in the nails.,BREASTS: No report of any lumps or masses.,HEMATOLOGY AND IMMUNE: No bruising or bleeding-type symptoms.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,WEIGHT: 189 pounds. BP: 140/80. PULSE: 76. RESPIRATIONS: 20. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Well developed, well nourished. No acute distress.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Ears, nose, and throat, normal conjunctivae. Pupils are reactive. Ear canals are patent. TMs are normal. Nose, nares patent. Septum midline. Oral mucosa is normal in appearance. No tonsillar lesions, exudate or asymmetry. Neck, adequate range of motion. No thyromegaly or adenopathy.,CHEST: Symmetric with clear lungs clear to auscultation and percussion.,HEART: Rate and rhythm is regular. S1 and S2 audible. No appreciable murmur or gallop.,ABDOMEN: Soft. No masses, guarding, rigidity, tenderness or flank pain.,GU: No examined.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema currently.,SKIN AND INTEGUMENTS: Intact. No lesions or rashes.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal to cranial nerve testing II through XII, motor, sensory, gait and random motion.,Additional information, the patient has been off metformin for few months and this is not part of her medication list.,IMPRESSION:,
Patient with a diagnosis of stroke.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Altered mental status.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 69-year-old male transferred from an outlying facility with diagnosis of a stroke. History is taken mostly from the emergency room record. The patient is unable to give any history and no family member is present for questioning. When asked why he came to the emergency room, the patient replies that it started about 2 PM yesterday. However, he is unable to tell me exactly what started at 2 PM yesterday. The patient's speech is clear, but he speaks nonsensically using words in combinations that don't make any sense. No other history of present illness is available.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Per the emergency room record, significant for atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Unknown.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient denies smoking and drinking.,MEDICATIONS:, Per the emergency room record, medications are Lotensin 20 mg daily, Toprol 50 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily and aspirin 81 mg daily.,ALLERGIES:, UNKNOWN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unobtainable secondary to the patient's condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature: 97.9. Pulse: 79. Respiratory rate: 20. Blood pressure: 117/84.,GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished male in no acute distress.,HEENT: Eyes: Pupils are equal, round and reactive. There is no scleral icterus. Ears, nose and throat: His oropharynx is moist. His hearing is normal.,NECK: No JVD. No thyromegaly.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Irregular rhythm. No lower extremity edema.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with normal effort.,ABDOMEN: Nontender. Nondistended. Bowel sounds are positive.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: There is no clubbing of the digits. The patient's strength is 5/5 throughout.,NEUROLOGICAL: Babinski's are downgoing bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ throughout.,LABORATORY DATA:, By report, head CT from the outlying facility was negative. An EKG showed atrial fibrillation with a rate of 75. There is no indication of any acute cardiac ischemia. A chest x-ray shows no acute pulmonary process, but does show cardiomegaly.,Labs are as follows: White count 9.4, hemoglobin 17.2, hematocrit 52.5, platelet count 219. PTT 24, PT 13, INR 0.96. Sodium 135, potassium 3.6, chloride 99, bicarb 27, BUN 13, creatinine 1.4, glucose 161, calcium 9, magnesium 1.9, total protein 7, albumin 3.7, AST 22, ALT 41, alkaline phosphatase 85, total bilirubin 0.7, total cholesterol 193. Cardiac isoenzymes are negative times one with a troponin of 0.09.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Probable stroke. The patient has an expressive aphasia. He does not have dysarthria, however. Also, his strength is not affected. I suspect that the patient has had strokes or TIAs in the past because he was taking aspirin and Plavix at home. Head CT is reportedly negative. I will ask our radiologist to re-read the head CT. I will also order MRI and MRA, carotid Doppler ultrasound and echocardiogram in addition to a fasting lipid profile. I will consult neurology to evaluate and continue his aspirin and Plavix.,2. Atrial fibrillation. The patient's rate is controlled currently. I will continue him on his amiodarone 200 mg twice daily and consult CHI to evaluate him.,3. Hypertension. I will continue his home medications and add clonidine as needed.,4. Hyperlipidemia. The patient takes no medications for this currently. I will check a fasting lipid profile.,5. Hyperglycemia. It is unknown whether the patient has a history of diabetes. His glucose is currently 171. I will start him on sliding scale insulin for now and monitor closely.,6. Renal insufficiency. It is also unknown whether the patient has a history of this and what his baseline creatinine might be. Currently he has only mild renal insufficiency. This does not appear to be prerenal. Will monitor for now.
Backache, stomachache, and dysuria for the last two days - Urinary dysuria, left flank pain, pharyngitis.
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SUBJECTIVE:, The patient complains of backache, stomachache, and dysuria for the last two days. Fever just started today and cough. She has history of kidney stones less than a year ago and had a urinary tract infection at that time. Her back started hurting last night.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She denies sexual activities since two years ago. Her last menstrual period was 06/01/2004. Her periods have been irregular. She started menarche at 10 years of age and she is still irregular and it runs in Mom’s side of the family. Mom and maternal aunt have had total hysterectomies. She also is diagnosed with abnormal valve has to be on SBE prophylaxis, sees Dr. XYZ Allen. She avoids decongestants. She is limited on her activity secondary to her heart condition.,MEDICATION:, Cylert.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Blood pressure is 124/72. Temperature 99.2. Respirations 20 unlabored. Weight: 137 pounds.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Conjunctivae noninjected. No mattering noted. Her TMs are bilaterally clear, nonerythematous. Throat clear, good mucous membrane moisture, but she did have erythema and edema at her posterior soft palate.,Neck: Supple. Increased lymphadenopathy noted in the submandibular nodes, but no axillary nodes and no hepatosplenomegaly.,Respiratory: Clear. No wheezes, no crackles, no tachypnea, and no retractions.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal, no murmur.,Abdomen: Soft. No organomegaly. She did have exquisite tenderness to palpation of the left upper quadrant and flank area, but the spleen was not palpable. She has no suprapubic tenderness.,Extremities: She has good range of motion of upper and lower extremities. Good ambulation.,Her UA was positive for 2+ leukocyte esterase, positive nitrites, 1+ protein, 2+ ketones, 4+ blood, greater than 50 white blood cells, 10-20 rbc’s, and 1+ bacteria. Culture and sensitivity is pending. Her Strep test is negative. Culture is pending.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Urinary dysuria.,2. Left flank pain.,3. Pharyngitis.,PLAN:, A 1 g of Rocephin IM was given. Call Dr. B's office tomorrow morning incase a second IM dose is needed. If not then she will fill a prescription for Omnicef 300 mg capsule 1 p.o. b.i.d. for 10 days total and then we will await the culture and sensitivity results to see if this is appropriate drug. Push fluids. Await strep culture report. Follow up with Dr. XYZ if no better or symptoms worsen.
Consultation for jaw pain.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Jaw pain this morning.,BRIEF HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a very nice 53-year-old white male with no previous history of heart disease, was admitted to rule out MI and coronary artery disease. The patient has history of hypercholesterolemia, presently on Lipitor 20 mg a day and hyperthyroidism, on Synthroid 0.088 mg per day. Also, history of chronic diverticulitis with recent bouts. The patient has been doing well, seen in my office at the end of December for complete physical examination. I had ordered a stress test for him, then delayed due to a family illness. However, denies any chest pain or chest tightness with exertion. The patient was doing well. He was watching television yesterday afternoon or p.m. and fell asleep holding his head in his left hand. He awoke and noticed pain in the jaw and neck area, on both sides, but no shortness of breath, diaphoresis, nausea, or chest pain. He is able to go to sleep, woke up this morning with same discomfort, decided to call our office, talked to our triage nurse, who instructed to come to the emergency room for possibility of just having a cardiac event. The patient's pain resolved. He was given nitroglycerin in the emergency room drawing his blood pressure 67/32. Blood pressure quickly came back to normal with the patient's reverse Trendelenburg.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Strongly positive for heart disease in his father. He had a bypass at age 60. Both parents are alive. Both have dementia. His father has history of coronary artery disease and multiple vascular strokes. He is in his 80s. His mother is 80, also with dementia. The patient does not smoke or drink.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Remarkable for tonsillectomies.,MEDICATIONS:, Synthroid and Lipitor.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN AND BIAXIN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient's blood pressure is 113/74, pulse rate is 72, respiratory rate is 18. He is afebrile.,GENERAL: He is well-developed, well-nourished white male, in no acute distress.,HEENT: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements were intact. Throat was clear.,NECK: Supple. There is no organomegaly or thyromegaly. Carotids are +2 without bruits.,CHEST: Lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion.,CV: Without any murmurs or gallops.,ABDOMEN: Soft. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are active. No tenderness.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Peripheral pulses 2+.,NEUROLOGICAL: Intact. Motor exam is 5/5.,LABORATORY STUDIES:, EKG is within normal limits, good sinus rhythm. His axis is somewhat leftward. CBC and BMP were normal and cardiac enzymes were negative x1.,IMPRESSION:,1. Jaw pain, sounds musculoskeletal. We will rule out angina equivalent.,2. Hypercholesterolemia.,3. Hypothyroidism.,PLAN: , Lipitor and thyroid have been ordered. His chest pain unit protocol for the stress thallium that will be done in the morning. If test is negative, we will discharge home. If positive, we will consult Cardiology. The patient requests Dr. ABC.
Patient admitted with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
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Chief Complaint:, Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.,History of Present Illness:, A 50-year-old Asian female comes to The Methodist Hospital on January 2, 2001, complaining of a 3-day history of abdominal pain. The pain is described as crampy in the central part of her abdomen, and is associated with nausea and vomiting during the previous 24 hours. The patient denied passing any stool or gas per rectum for the previous 24 hours. She had been admitted recently to the hospital from December 19 to December 23, 2000, with a three-week history of fevers to 101.8, diaphoresis, anorexia, malaise and skin "lumps". She described a total of three "lumps". The first one started as a pin-sized lesion that grew up and then disappeared, the other two didn't resolve. They were described as "erythematous nodular lesions on the extensor surface of the left arm." A punch biopsy was obtained from these skin lesions, showing deep dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue that contained "multiple granulomas composed of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells without caseating necrosis". However, one granuloma in the deep dermis, showed a hint of central necrosis. Special stains for acid - fast bacilli and fungi were reported as negative. No atypia or malignancy was noted. A CT scan of the chest was obtained on December 19, 2000 and showed numerous masses with spiculated borders bilaterally, predominately in the upper lobes and superior segments of the lower lobes. No cavitary lesions, mediastinal masses or definite hilar adenopathy were reported. The patient underwent bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy which showed fragments of bronchial mucosa and wall with underlying lung parenchyma. Minimal to mild interstitial lymphocytes with a few microfoci of neutrophils were seen. They were also able to appreciate intra-alveolar fibrinous exudates. One of the blood cultures drawn on December 19, 2000 grew Streptococcus mitis.,The patient was discharged on ethambutol 1200 mg po qd, clarithromycin 500 mg po bid, ampicillin 500 mg po q 6h and fluconazole 200 mg po qd.,Past Medical History:,1. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis at age 10.,2. End stage renal disease diagnosed in 1994, on peritoneal dialysis until 1996.,3. Cadaveric transplant in October 1996,4. Steroid induced diabetes mellitus,5. Hypertension,Past Surgical History:,1. Total abdominal hysterectomy in January 1996,2. Cesarean section X2 in 1996 and 1997,3. Appendectomy in 1971,4. Insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter in 1994,5. Cadaveric transplant in October 1996,Social History:,The patient denies a history of smoking, drinking or intravenous drug use. She came to the United States in 1973. She works as a nurse in a newborn nursery. Her hobby is gardening. She traveled to Las Vegas on May 2000 and stayed for 6 months. She denied ill contacts or pets.,Allergies:, Ciprofloxacin and Enteric coated aspirin,Medications:, prednisone 20 mg po qd, enalapril 2.5 mg po qd, clonidine patch TTS 3 1/week, Prograf 5 mg po bid, ranitidine 150 mg po bid, furosemide 40 mg po bid, atorvastatin 10 mg po qd, multivitamins 1 tab po qd, estrogen patch, fluconazole 200 mg po qd, metformin 500 mg po bid, glyburide 10 mg po qd, clarithromycin 500 mg po bid, ethambutol 1200 mg po qd, ampicillin 500 mg po q 6h.,Family History:, She described a family history of hypertension. Her mother died after a myocardial infarction at age 59. Her father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and had a pacemaker placed.,Review of systems:, Non-contributory. The patient denied fever, chills, ulcers, liver disease or history of gallstones.,Vaccines: The patient was vaccinated with BCG before starting elementary school in the Philippines.,Physical Examination:, At the time of the examination the patient was alert and oriented times three and in no acute distress. She was well nourished.,BP 106/60 lying down; HR 86; RR 12; T 96.1° F; Hgt. =5' 2"; Wgt. =121 lbs.,SKIN: There was no rash or skin lesions.,HEENT: She had no oral lesions and moist mucous membranes. No icterus was noted.,NECK: Her neck was supple without lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly.,LUNGS: Crackles at the right lower base with normal respiratory excursion and no dullness to percussion.,HEART: IV/VI crescendo - decrescendo systolic murmur was heard at the second intercostal space with radiation to the neck.,ABDOMEN: The abdomen was distended. Bowel sounds were normal. No hepatosplenomegaly, tenderness or rebound tenderness could be detected during the examination.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema was noted.,RECTAL: Normal rectal exam. Guaiac negative.,NEUROLOGIC: Normal and non-focal.,Hospital Course:, The patient was admitted and a nasogastric tube was placed. IV fluids were started. A KUB was obtained showing an abnormal bowel gas pattern. Multiple loops of distended bowel were noted in the mid abdomen. Air and feces were noted within the colon in the right side. An Abdominal CT scan was obtained. There was a small amount of perihepatic fluid noted. The liver and spleen were normal. The kidneys were atrophic. The gallbladder was moderately distended. There was marked dilatation of the small bowel proximally and distally. There was gas and contrast material in the colon. A diagnostic procedure was performed.
Patient with hypertension, dementia, and depression.
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MEDICAL PROBLEM LIST:,1. Status post multiple cerebrovascular accidents and significant left-sided upper extremity paresis in 2006.,2. Dementia and depression.,3. Hypertension.,4. History of atrial fibrillation. The patient has been in sinus rhythm as of late. The patient is not anticoagulated due to fall risk.,5. Glaucoma.,6. Degenerative arthritis of her spine.,7. GERD.,8. Hypothyroidism.,9. Chronic rhinitis (the patient declines nasal steroids).,10. Urinary urge incontinence.,11. Chronic constipation.,12. Diabetes type II, 2006.,13. Painful bunions on feet bilaterally.,CURRENT MEDICINES: , Aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily, Cymbalta 60 mg p.o. daily, Diovan 80 mg p.o. daily, felodipine 5 mg p.o. daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, Toprol-XL 100 mg daily, Levoxyl 50 mcg daily, Lantus insulin 12 units subcutaneously h.s., simvastatin 10 mg p.o. daily, AyrGel to both nostrils twice daily, Senna S 2 tablets twice daily, Timoptic 1 drop both eyes twice daily, Tylenol 1000 mg 3 times daily, Xalatan 0.005% drops 1 drop both eyes at bedtime, and Tucks to rectum post BMs.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES. ACE INHIBITOR MAY HAVE CAUSED A COUGH.,CODE STATUS:, Do not resuscitate, healthcare proxy, palliative care orders in place.,DIET:, No added salt, no concentrated sweets, thin liquids.,RESTRAINTS:, None. The patient has declined use of chair check and bed check.,INTERVAL HISTORY: , Overall, the patient has been doing reasonably well. She is being treated for some hemorrhoids, which are not painful for her. There has been a note that she is constipated.,Her blood glucoses have been running reasonably well in the morning, perhaps a bit on the high side with the highest of 188. I see a couple in the 150s. However, I also see one that is in the one teens and a couple in the 120s range.,She is not bothered by cough or rib pain. These are complaints, which I often hear about.,Today, I reviewed Dr. Hudyncia's note from psychiatry. Depression responded very well to Cymbalta, and the plan is to continue it probably for a minimum of 1 year.,She is not having problems with breathing. No neurologic complaints or troubles. Pain is generally well managed just with Tylenol.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress. Her lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart sounds regular to me. Abdomen: Soft. Extremities without any edema. At the rectum, she has a couple of large hemorrhoids, which are not thrombosed and are not tender.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Hypertension, good control, continue current.,2. Depression, well treated on Cymbalta. Continue.,3. Other issues seem to be doing pretty well. These include blood pressure, which is well controlled. We will continue the medicines. She is clinically euthyroid. We check that occasionally. Continue Tylenol.,4. For the bowels, I will increase the intensity of regimen there. I have a feeling she would not tolerate either the FiberCon tablets or Metamucil powder in a drink. I will try her on annulose and see how she does with that.
A male patient presented for evaluation of chronic abdominal pain.
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Chief Complaint:, Chronic abdominal pain.,History of Present Illness:, 23-year-old Hispanic male who presented for evaluation of chronic abdominal pain. Patient described the pain as dull, achy, constant and located at the epigastric area with some radiation to the back. There are also occasional episodes of stabbing epigastric pain unrelated to meals lasting only minutes. Patient noted that the pain started approximately six months prior to this presentation. He self medicated "with over the counter" antacids and obtained some relief so he did not seek medical attention at that time.,Two months prior to current presentation, he had worsening of his pain as well as occasional nausea and vomiting. At this time the patient was found to be H. pylori positive by serology and was treated with triple therapy for two weeks and continued on omeprazole without relief of his pain.,The patient felt he had experienced a twenty-pound weight loss since his symptoms began but he also admitted to poor appetite. He stated that he had two to three loose bowel movements a day but denied melena or bright red blood per rectum. Patient denied NSAID use, ethanol abuse or hematemesis. Position did not affect the quality of the pain. Patient denied fever or flushing. He stated he was a very active and healthy individual prior to these recent problems.,Past Medical History:, No significant past medical history.,Past Surgical History:, No prior surgeries.,Allergies:, No known drug allergies.,Medications:, Omeprazole 40 mg once a day. Denies herbal medications.,Family History:, Mother, father and siblings were alive and well.,Social History:, He is employed as a United States Marine officer, artillery repair specialist. He was a social drinker in the past but quit altogether two years ago. He never used tobacco products or illicit/intravenous drugs.,Physical Examination:, The patient was a thin male in no apparent distress. His oral temperature was 98.2 Fahrenheit, blood pressure was 114/67 mmHg, pulse rate of 91 beats per minute and regular, respiratory rate was 14 and his pulse oximetry on room air was 98%. Patient was 52 kg in weight and 173 cm height.,SKIN: No skin rashes, lesions or jaundice. He had one tattoo on each upper arm.,HEENT: Head was normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils were equal, round and reactive. Anicteric sclerae. Tympanic membranes had a normal appearance. Normal funduscopic examination. Oral mucosa was moist and pink. Oral/pharynx was clear.,NECK: No lymphadenopathy. No carotid bruits. Trachea midline. Thyroid non-palpable. No jugular venous distension.,CHEST: Lungs were clear bilaterally with good air movement.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2 with no murmurs, gallops or rubs. PMI was non-displaced.,ABDOMEN: Abdomen was flat. Normal active bowel sounds. Liver span percussed sixteen centimeters, six centimeters below R costal margin with irregular border that was mildly tender to palpation. Slightly tender to palpation in epigastric area. There was no splenomegaly. No abdominal masses were appreciated. No CVA tenderness was noted.,RECTAL: No perirectal lesions were found. Normal sphincter tone and no rectal masses. Prostate size was normal without nodules. Guaiac positive.,GENITALIA: Testes descended bilaterally, no penile lesions or discharge.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. No peripheral lymphadenopathy was noted.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert and oriented times three. Cranial nerves II to XII appeared intact. No muscle weakness or sensory deficits. DTRs equal and normal.,Radiology/Studies: 2 view CXR: Mild elevation right diaphragm.,CT of abdomen and pelvis: Too numerous to count bilobar liver masses up to about 8 cm. Extensive mass in the pancreatic body and tail, peripancreatic region and invading the anterior aspect of the left kidney. Question of vague splenic masses. No definite abnormality of the moderately distended gallbladder, bile ducts, right kidney, poorly seen adrenals, bowel or bladder. Evaluation of the retroperitoneum limited by paucity of fat.,Patient underwent several diagnostic procedures and soon after he was transferred to Houston Veterans Administration Medical Center to be near family and to continue work-up and treatment. At the HVAMC these diagnostic procedures were reviewed.
Patient with confusion and hallucinations.
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Chief Complaint:, Confusion and hallucinations.,History of Present Illness:, The patient was a 27-year-old Hispanic man who presented to St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital with a five day history of confusion and hallucinations. The patient was doing well until three months prior to admission when he developed wheezing and shortness of breath upon exertion. He was seen by his primary care physician and was prescribed Salmeterol and Fluticasone nasal inhaler for presumed asthma. His wheezing improved with treatment.,Over the five days prior to admission, his family noticed the patient's increasing confusion and bizarre behavior. The patient was intermittently unable to recognize his family members or surroundings. He was restless and anxious, paced the floor at night, and complained of insomnia. He stated he was unable to sleep because he feared his family was trying to hurt him. When he did sleep, he described night terrors. He also complained of both auditory and visual hallucinations. He stated the voices "told him to do good things". He denied any previous history of depression or manic episodes. The patient denied suicidal or homicidal ideation. He admitted he had recently lost weight although he was unable to quantify how much. He stated his appetite was good, but he had not been eating for fear of being poisoned.,The patient denied having headaches or a history of trauma. He denied fevers or chills but he complained of recent night sweats. He denied nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or dysuria. He denied chest pain, palpitations, or episodic flushing; but he complained of lightheadedness. He denied orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. The shortness of breath symptoms had resolved.,Past Medical History:, None. No history of hypertension or of cardiac, renal, lung, or liver disease.,Past Surgical History:, None,Past Psychological History: None,Social History:, The patient was from Brazil. He moved to the United States one year ago. He denied any history of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use. He was married and monogamous. He worked as an engineer/manager, and stated that his job was "very stressful". He had recently been admitted to an MBA program. The patient denied recent travel or exposures of any kind.,Family History:, The patient had a second-degree relative with a history of depression and "nervous breakdown".,Allergies:, There were no known drug allergies.,Medications:, Prescribed medications were Salmeterol inhaler, prn; and Fluticasone nasal inhaler. The patient was taking no over the counter or alternative medicines.,Physical Examination:, The patient was a 27-year-old Hispanic man who presented with symptoms of confusion and hallucinations. He was a thin man but appeared to be well developed and well nourished. The patient paced the room during the examination. He appeared anxious and distracted. He was coherent, yet he had poor concentration and was unable to cooperate fully with the examination. The patient had a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute and blood pressure of 186/101 mm Hg when reclining; and a pulse rate of 122 beats per minute and blood pressure of 166/92 mm Hg when standing. His oral temperature was 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit, and his respiratory rate was 12 breaths per minute.,HEENT: Conjunctivae were pink; sclerae anicteric; mucous membranes moist and pink without lesions.,NECK: The neck was supple, normal jugular venous pressure, no carotid bruits, no thyromegaly.,LUNGS: The lungs were clear to auscultation bilaterally; no wheezes, rales or rhonchi.,HEART: The heart had a regular rhythm, tachycardic, II/VI systolic ejection murmur LUSB, no rubs or gallops, PMI nondisplaced, hyperdynamic precordium.,ABDOMEN: The abdomen was soft, nontender and nondistended; normoactive bowel sounds, no hepatosplenomegaly, no masses; positive bruit heard throughout mid-abdomen, positive bilateral femoral bruits.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema; 2+ pulses.,GENITOURINARY: Normal male phallus, no testicular masses.,RECTAL: Guaiac negative, no masses.,LYMPH NODES: Negative in the anterior and posterior clavicular, supraclavicular, axillary, and inguinal regions.,SKIN: Acneiform eruption over back and trunk, no papules or vesicles.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: The patient was alert and oriented to self and year, but not to month or place. He had difficulty with mathematics and following commands (when asked to stand on his heels, the patient stood on his toes and turned on the television). Cranial nerves II-XII intact, motor 5/5 throughout all extremities; reflexes 2+ and symmetrical throughout. Sensory: Intact to light touch, vibration, proprioception, and temperature. Cerebellar: intact finger to nose, no ataxia. Romberg negative.,PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION: The patient's mood was elevated and euphoric; affect was appropriate; his speech was normal in rate, volume, and tone.,Hospital Course:, The patient was admitted to St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital and a workup for his altered mental status was begun. The following studies were performed:,Twelve-lead EKG: sinus tachycardia.,CXR (PA/lat): normal cardiac silhouette and normal lung fields.,CT scan of head without contrast: ventricles were normal in size and position. There was no evidence of mass or hemorrhage.,Lumbar puncture: clear, colorless; WBC--0; RBC--56; protein--45; glucose--126; VDRL--negative; cryptococcal Ag--negative; cultures--negative.,MRI with gadolinium: no discrete areas of abnormal signal intensity.,EEG: no focal or epileptiform activity.,The patient was treated with haldol and risperidone for his agitation, and further diagnostic testing was performed.
Patient with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, altered mental status.
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Chief Complaint:, Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, altered mental status.,History of Present Illness:, 55 yo WM with reactive airways disease, allergic rhinitis who was in his usual state of health until he underwent a dental extraction with administration of cephalexin 1 week prior to admission. Approximately one day after the dental procedure, he began having nausea, and abdominal pain along with fatigue. The abdominal pain was described as pressure-like and was located in the epigastrium and periumbilical regions. He initially attributed the symptoms to a side effect of the antibiotic he was taking. However, with worsening of his symptoms, he presented to the ER 5 days after dental extraction.,At that time his vitals were T 99.9 ° HR 115 RR 18 BP 182/101. His exam was notable for mild tenderness in the central abdomen. Laboratory evaluation was notable for WBC 15.6, Hgb 13.1, Plt 189, 16% bands, 68% PMNs. Na 127, K4.7, Cl 88, CO2 29, BUN 19, Cr 1.5, Glucose 155, Ca 9.6, alk phos 125, t bili 0.7, ALT 29, nl amylase and lipase. UA with 100 protein, lg blood, 53 RBC, 2 WBC. Plain films done at that time revealed dilation of small bowel loops in mid-abdomen up to 3.5cm in diameter, thought to be most consistent with a paralytic ileus. The patient was discharged home with diagnosis of medication-induced gastroenteritis vs. UTI. He was instructed to stop his current antibiotic but start Levaquin, and he was given Vicodin, and phenergan for symptomatic relief.,Over the next 2 days, the patient began having fevers, non-bloody emesis, diarrhea, and confusion in addition to his persistent nausea, and abdominal pain. On the night of presentation, the patient was found by a cousin in his bathroom lethargic and disoriented. EMS was called and patient was taken to the ER. In the ER, the pt was diaphoretic, unable to answer questions appropriately, hypotensive, and febrile, with some response of bp to multiple IVF boluses (4L). He received acetaminophen, and ceftriaxone 2g IV after blood cultures were obtained and an LP was performed in the ER. He was then admitted to the ICU for further evaluation and management.,Past Medical History:,Asthma,Allergic Rhinitis,Medications:,loratadine,beclomethasone nasal,fluticasone/salmeterol inhaled,Montelukast,cephalexin,hydrocodone,Allergies:, PCN, but has tolerated cephalosporins in the past.,Social History:, No tobacco use, occasional EtOH, no known drug use, works as a real estate agent.,Family History:, HTN, father with SLE, uncle with Addison’s Disease.,Physical Exam:,T 102.9 ° HR 145 RR 22 BP 99/50 98% on room air, (orthostatics were not performed due to patient’s mental status),I/O: minimal urine output after Foley insertion,Gen: lethargic, mild tachypnea,HEENT: no evidence of trauma, sclerae anicteric, pupils are equal round and reactive to light, oropharynx clear, MM dry.,Neck: supple, without increased JVP, lymphadenopathy or bruits. No thyromegaly,Chest: coarse rhonchi bilaterally,CV: tachycardia, regular, no murmurs, gallops, rubs,Abd: hypoactive bowel sounds, soft, slightly distended, mild tenderness throughout. No rebound, no masses or hepatosplenomegaly.,Ext: no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. 2+ pulses bilateral distal extremities, no petechiae or splinter hemorrhages.,Neuro: lethargic, but arousable, oriented to person, but not to place, or time. He was not able to answer questions appropriately. Moved all extremities equally but was uncooperative with exam. 2+ DTRs bilaterally, no Babinski reflex.,Skin: no rash, ecchymosis, or petechiae,STUDIES:,EKG: sinus tachycardia, normal axis, isolated Q in III, no TWI or ST elevations or depressions,CXR: Heart normal in size, pulmonary vasculature unremarkable, subsegmental atelectasis in the lower lobes. Acromioclavicular osteoarthritis bilaterally. Lucent lesion in the subchondral bone of the R humeral head, likely a degenerative subchondral cyst.,AXR: Minimal dilation of the small bowel loops in the mid abdomen measuring up to 3cm, no mass lesion or free air visible.,MRI brain pre and post gadolinium: No evidence of hemorrhage, abnormal enhancement, mass lesions, mass effect or edema. The ventricles, sulci, and cisterns are age appropriate in size and configuration. There is no evidence for restricted diffusion. There is mucosal thickening lining the walls of the left maxillary sinus, also containing an air fluid level with two different levels within it, most likely from proteinaceous differences. There is mucosal thickening along the posterior wall of the right maxillary sinus. Mucosal thickening is identified along the walls of the sphenoid sinus, ethmoid sinuses and frontal sinus. Sinusitis with chronic and acute features.,Echo: EF 50%, mild LV concentric hypertrophy, otherwise normal chamber sizes and function,TEE: Normal valves, no thrombi, PFO with R to L shunt, trivial MR, trivial TR,RLE Ultrasound with Dopplers – total deep venous obstruction in distal external iliac, common femoral, profunda femoral, and femoral vein, partial DVT in popliteal and posterior tibial veins, and total DVT greater saphenous vein. No venous obstruction on the L LE. R calf 34cm, R thigh 42 cm, L calf 31cm, L thigh 39cm.,CT Abdomen (initial ER visit): Trace bilateral pleural fluid, findings in liver compatible with diffuse fatty infiltration, 3.5cm non calcified R adrenal mass was noted, along with an edematous L adrenal with no discrete mass. There was retroperitoneal edema around the lower abdominal aorta with perinephric stranding, no stone or obstruction. Moderate fullness of small bowel loops was noted, most consistent with a paralytic ileus.,Hospital Course:, The patient developed right lower extremity swelling and was diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis. Diagnostic studies were performed.
Patient coughing up blood and with severe joint pain.
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Chief Complaint:, coughing up blood and severe joint pain.,History of Present Illness:, The patient is a 37 year old African American woman with history of chronic allergic rhinitis who presents to an outpatient clinic with severe pain in multiple joints and hemoptysis for 1 day. The patient was at her baseline state of health until 2 months prior to admission when her usual symptoms of allergic rhinitis worsened. In addition to increased nasal congestion and drainage, she also began having generalized fatigue, malaise, and migratory arthralgias involving bilateral wrists, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, and finger joints. She also had intermittent episodes of swollen fingers that prevented her from making a fist. Patient denied recent flu-like illness, fever, chills, myalgias, or night sweats. Four weeks after the onset of arthralgias patient developed severe bilateral eye dryness and redness without any discharge. She was evaluated by an ophthalmologist and diagnosed with conjunctivitis. She was given eye drops that did not relieve her eye symptoms. Two weeks prior to admission patient noted the onset of rust colored urine. No bright red blood or clots in the urine. She denied having dysuria, decreased urine output, abdominal pain, flank pain, or nausea/vomiting. Patient went to a community ER, and had a CT Scan of the abdomen that was negative for kidney stones. She was discharged from the ER with Bactrim for possible UTI. During the next week patient had progressively worsening arthralgias to the point where she could hardly walk. On the day of admission, she developed a cough productive of bright red blood associated with shortness of breath and nausea, but no chest pain or dizziness. This prompted the patient to go see her primary care physician. After being seen in clinic, she was transferred to St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital for further evaluation.,Past Medical History:, Allergic rhinitis, which she has had for many years and treated with numerous medications. No history of diabetes, hypertension, or renal disease. No history tuberculosis, asthma, or upper airway disease.,Past Surgical History:, Appendectomy at age 21. C-Section 8 years ago.,Ob/Gyn: G2P2; last menstrual period 3 weeks ago. Heavy menses due to fibroids.,Social History:, Patient is married and lives with her husband and 2 children. Works in a business office. Denies any tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use of any kind. No history of sexually transmitted diseases. Denies exposures to asbestos, chemicals, or industrial gases. No recent travel. No recent sick contacts.,Family History:, Mother and 2 maternal aunts with asthma. No history of renal or rheumatologic diseases.,Medications:, Allegra 180mg po qd, Zyrtec 10mg po qd, Claritin 10mg po qd,No herbal medication use.,Allergies:, No known drug allergies.,Review of systems:, No rashes, headache, photophobia, diplopia, or oral ulcers. No palpitations, orthopnea or PND. No diarrhea, constipation, melena, bright red blood per rectum, or pale stool. No jaundice. Decreased appetite, but no weight loss.,Physical Examination:,VS: T 100.2F BP 132/85 P 111 RR 20 O2 Sat 95% on room air,GEN: Well-developed woman in no apparent distress.,SKIN: No rashes, nodules, ecchymoses, or petechiae.,LYMPH NODES: No cervical, axillary, or inguinal lymphadenopathy.,HEENT: Pupils equally round and reactive to light. Extra-ocular movements intact. Anicteric sclerae. Erythematous sclerae and pale conjunctivae. Dry mucous membranes. No oropharyngeal lesions. Bilateral tympanic membranes clear. No nasal deformities.,NECK: Supple. No increased jugular venous pressure. No thyromegaly.,CHEST: Decreased breath sounds throughout bilateral lung fields with occasional diffuse crackles. No wheezes or rales.,CV: Tachycardic. Regular rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Soft with normal active bowel sounds. Non-distended and non-tender. No masses palpated. No hepatosplenomegaly.,RECTAL: Brown stool. Guaiac negative.,EXT: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. 2+ pulses bilaterally. Tenderness and mild swelling of bilateral wrists, MCPs and PIPs with decreased range of motion and grip function. Bilateral wrists warm without erythema. Bilateral elbows, knees, and ankles tender to palpation with decreased range of motion, but no erythema, warmth, or swelling of these joints.,NEURO: Cranial nerves intact. 2+ DTRs bilaterally and symmetrically. Motor strength and sensation are within normal limits.,STUDIES:,Chest X-ray (10/03):,Suboptimal inspiratory effort. No evidence of pneumonic consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable.,CT Scan of Chest (10/03):,Prominence of the bronchovascular markings bilaterally with a nodular configuration. There are mixed ground glass interstitial pulmonary infiltrates throughout both lungs with a perihilar predominance. Aortic arch is of normal caliber. The pulmonary arteries are of normal caliber. There is right paratracheal lymphadenopathy. There is probable bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. Trachea and main stem bronchi are normal. The heart is of normal size.,Renal Biopsy:,Microscopic Description : Ten glomeruli are present. There are crescents in eight of the glomeruli. Some of the glomeruli show focal areas of apparent necrosis with fibrin formation. The interstitium consists of a fairly dense infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells with admixed eosinophils. The tubules for the most part are unremarkable. No vasculitis is identified.,Immunofluorescence Description : There are no staining for IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, Kappa, Lambda, C1q, or albumin.,Electron Microscopic Description : Mild to moderate glomerular, tubular, and interstitial changes. Mesangium has multifocal areas with increased matrix and cells. There is focal mesangial interpositioning with the filtration membrane. Interstitium has multifocal areas with increased collagen. There are focal areas with interstitial aggregate of fibrin. Within the collagen substrate are infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and macrophages. The glomerular sections evaluated show no electron-dense deposits in the filtration membrane or mesangium.,Microscopic Diagnosis: Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis with eosinophilic interstitial infiltrate.
Examination due to blood-borne pathogen exposure.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Blood-borne pathogen exposure., ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 54-year-old right-handed male who works as a phlebotomist and respiratory therapist at Hospital. The patient states that he was attempting to do a blood gas. He had his finger of the left hand over the pulse and was inserting a needle using the right hand. He did have a protective clothing including use of gloves at the time of the incident. As he advanced the needle, the patient jerked away, this caused him to pull out of the arm and inadvertently pricked the tip of his index finger. The patient was seen and evaluated at the emergency department at the time of incident and had baseline studies drawn, and has been followed by employee health for his injury. The source patient was tested for signs of disease and was found to be negative for HIV, but was found to be a carrier for hepatitis C. The patient has had periodic screening including a blood tests and returns now for his final exam., ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient prior to today has been very well without any signs or symptoms of viral illness, but yesterday he began to experience symptoms of nausea, had an episode of vomiting last night. Has low appetite. There were no fevers, chills, or malaise. No headache. No congestion or cold. No coughing. He had no sore throat. There was no chest pain or troubled breathing. He did have abdominal symptoms as described above but no abdominal pain. There were no urinary symptoms. No darkening of the skin or eyes. He had no yellowing or darkening of the urine. He had no rash to the skin. There was no local infection at the side of the fingerstick. All other systems were negative., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for degenerative disc disease in the back., ,MEDICATIONS: ,Nexium., ,ALLERGIES:, IV contrast., ,CURRENT WORK STATUS:, He continues on full duty work., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient was awake and alert. He was seated upright. He did not appear ill or toxic, and was well hydrated. His temperature was 97.2 degrees, pulse was 84, respirations 14 and unlabored, and blood pressure 102/70. HEENT exam, the sclerae were clear. Ocular movements were full and intact. His oropharynx was clear. There was no pharyngeal erythema. No tonsillar enlargement. His neck was supple and nontender. He had no masses. There was no adenopathy in his cervical or axillary chain. Breath sounds were clear and equal without wheeze or rales. Heart tones were regular without murmur or gallop. His abdomen was soft, flat, and nontender. There was no enlargement of the liver or spleen. His extremities were without rash or edema. He had normal gait and balance without ataxia., ,ASSESSMENT: ,The patient presents for evaluation after a contaminated needlestick to the index finger. The source patient was tested and found to be negative for HIV. However, he did test positive for hepatitis C. He was described as a carrier without active disease. The patient has been followed with periodic evaluation including blood testing. He has completed a 3 shot series for hepatitis B and had titers drawn that showed protected antibodies. He also was up-to-date on his immunization including tetanus. The patient has been well during this time except for the onset of a intestinal illness being investigated with some squeakiness and vomiting. He had no other symptoms that were suggestive of acute hepatitis. His abdominal exam was normal. He had no generalized lymphadenopathy and no fever. Blood tests were drawn on 02/07/2005. The results of which were reviewed with the patient. His liver function test was normal at 18. His hepatitis C and HIV, both of which were negative. He had no local signs of infection, and otherwise has been doing well except for his acute intestinal illness as described above., ,IMPRESSION:, Blood-borne pathogen exposure secondary to contaminated needlestick., ,PLAN: ,The patient is now six months out from his injury. He had negative lab studies. There were no physical findings that were suggestive of disease transmission. He was counseled on ways to prevent exposure in the future including use of protective gear including gloves, which he states that he always does. He was counseled that ways to prevent transmission or exposure to intimate contacts., ,WORK STATUS:, He was released to regular work., ,CONDITION: ,He was reassured that no signs of disease transmission had occurred as result of his injury. He therefore was found to be medically stationary without signs of impairment of today's date.
Patient with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis with very limited mobility, depression, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, right breast mass, and chronic renal insufficiency
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PROBLEM LIST:,1. Generalized osteoarthritis and osteoporosis with very limited mobility.,2. Adult failure to thrive with history of multiple falls, none recent.,3. Degenerative arthritis of the knees with chronic bilateral knee pain.,4. Chronic depression.,5. Hypertension.,6. Hyperthyroidism.,7. Aortic stenosis with history of CHF and bilateral pleural effusions.,8. Right breast mass, slowly enlarging. Patient refusing workup.,9. Status post ORIF of the right wrist, now healed.,10. Anemia of chronic disease.,11. Hypoalbuminemia.,12. Chronic renal insufficiency.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Acetaminophen 325 mg 2 tablets twice daily, Coreg 6.25 mg twice daily, Docusate sodium 100 mg 1 cap twice daily, ibuprofen 600 mg twice daily with food, Lidoderm patch 5% to apply 1 patch to both knees every morning and off in the evening, one vitamin daily, ferrous sulfate 325 mg daily, furosemide 20 mg q.a.m., Tapazole 5 mg daily, potassium chloride 10 mEq daily, Zoloft 50 mg daily, Ensure t.i.d., and p.r.n. medications.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,CODE STATUS:, DNR, healthcare proxy, durable power of attorney.,DIET:, Regular with regular consistency with thin liquids and ground meat.,RESTRAINTS: , None. She does have a palm protector in her right hand.,INTERVAL HISTORY:, No significant change over the past month has occurred. The patient mainly complains about pain in her back. On a scale from 1 to 10, it is 8 to 10, worse at night before she goes to bed. She is requesting something more for the pain. Other than that, she complains about her generalized pain. There has been no significant change in her weight. No fever or chills. No complaint of headaches or visual changes, chest pain, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, or PND. No hemoptysis or night sweats. No change in her bowels, abdominal pain, bright red rectal bleeding, or melena. No nausea or vomiting. Her appetite is fair. She is a picky eater but definitely likes her candy. There has been no change in her depression. It seems to be stable on the Zoloft 50 mg daily, which she has been on since October 17, 2006. She denies feeling depressed to me but complains of being bored, stating she just sits and watches TV or sometimes may go to activities but not very seldom due to her back pain. No history of seizures. She denies any tremors. She is hyperthyroid and is on replacement.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , An elderly female, sitting in a wheelchair, in no acute distress, very kyphotic. She is very pleasant and alert. Vital signs per chart. Skin is normal in texture and turgor for her age. She does have dry lips, which she picks at and was picking at her lips while I was talking with her. HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. She has nevi above her left eye, which she states she has had since birth and has not changed. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. No exophthalmos or lid lag. Anicteric sclerae. Conjunctivae pink, nasal passages clear. She is edentulous but does have her upper dentures in. No mucosal ulcerations. External ears normal. Neck is supple. No increased JVD, cervical or supraclavicular adenopathy. No thyromegaly or masses. Trachea is midline. Her chest is very kyphotic, clear to A&P. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm with a 2-3/6 systolic murmur heard best at the left sternal border. Abdomen: Soft. Good bowel sounds. Nontender. Unable to appreciate any organomegaly or masses as she is sitting in a wheelchair. Extremities are without edema, cyanosis, clubbing, or tremor. She does have Lidoderm patches over both of her knees and is wearing a brace in her right hand.,LABORATORY TESTS: , Albumin was 3.2 on 12/06/06. Dietary is aware. Electrolytes done 11/28/06, her sodium was 144, potassium 4.4, chloride 109, bicarbonate 26, anion gap 9, BUN 28, creatinine 1.2, GFR 44. Digoxin was done and was less than 0.9, but she is not on digoxin. CBC showed a white count of 7400, hemoglobin 11.1, hematocrit 35.9, MCV of 95.2, and platelet count of 252,000. Her TSH was 1.52. No changes were made in her Tapazole.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, We will continue present therapy except we will add Tylenol No. 3 to take 1 tablet before bed as needed for her back pain. If she does develop drowsiness from this, then the CNS side effects will help her sleep. During the day, her daughter likes the patient to remain alert and will use the ibuprofen at that time as long as she does not develop any GI symptoms. We will make sure that she is taking the ibuprofen with food. No further laboratory tests will be done at this time.
Patient was confused, had garbled speech, significantly worse from her baseline, and had decreased level of consciousness.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, A 74-year-old female patient admitted here with altered mental status.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient started the last 3-4 days to do poorly. She was more confused, had garbled speech, significantly worse from her baseline. She has also had decreased level of consciousness since yesterday. She has had aphasia which is baseline but her aphasia has gotten significantly worse. She eventually became unresponsive and paramedics were called. Her blood sugar was found to be 40 because of poor p.o. intake. She was given some D50 but that did not improve her mental status, and she was brought to the emergency department. By the time she came to the emergency department, she started having some garbled speech. She was able to express her husband's name and also recognize some family members, but she continued to be more somnolent when she was in the emergency department. When seen on the floor, she is more awake, alert.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for recurrent UTIs as she was recently to the hospital about 3 weeks ago for urinary tract infection. She has chronic incontinence and bladder atony, for which eventually it was decided for the care of the patient to put a Foley catheter and leave it in place. She has had right-sided CVA. She has had atrial fibrillation status post pacemaker. She is a type 2 diabetic with significant neuropathy. She has also had significant pain on the right side from her stroke. She has a history of hypothyroidism. Past surgical history is significant for cholecystectomy, colon cancer surgery in 1998. She has had a pacemaker placement. ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,GENERAL: No recent fever, chills. No recent weight loss.,PULMONARY: No cough, chest congestion.,CARDIAC: No chest pain, shortness of breath.,GI: No abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. No constipation. No bleeding per rectum or melena.,GENITOURINARY: She has had frequent urinary tract infection but does not have any symptoms with it. ENDOCRINE: Unable to assess because of patient's bed-bound status.,MEDICATIONS: ,Percocet 2 tablets 4 times a day, Neurontin 1 tablet b.i.d. 600 mg, Cipro recently started 500 b.i.d., Humulin N 30 units twice a day. The patient had recently reduced that to 24 units. MiraLax 1 scoop nightly, Avandia 4 mg b.i.d., Flexeril 1 tablet t.i.d., Synthroid 125 mcg daily, Coumadin 5 mg. On the medical records, it shows she is also on ibuprofen, Lasix 40 mg b.i.d., Lipitor 20 mg nightly, Reglan t.i.d. 5 mg, Nystatin powder. She is on oxygen chronically.,SOCIAL/FAMILY HISTORY: , She is married, lives with her husband, has 2 children that passed away and 4 surviving children. No history of tobacco use. No history of alcohol use. Family history is noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is awake, alert, appears to be comfortable.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 111/43, pulse 60 per minute, temperature 37.2. Weight is 98 kg. Urine output is so far 1000 mL. Her intake has been fairly similar. Blood sugars are 99 fasting this morning. ,HEENT: Moist mucous membranes. No pallor,NECK: Supple. She has a rash on her neck. ,HEART: Regular rhythm, pacemaker could be palpated.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Soft, obese, nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral lower extremities edema present. She is able to move the left side more efficiently than the right. The power is about 5 x 5 on the left and about 3-4 x 5 on the right. She has some mild aphasia.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , BUN 48, creatinine 2.8. LFTs normal. She is anemic with a hemoglobin of 9.6, hematocrit 29. INR 1.1, pro time 14. Urine done in the emergency department showed 20 white cells. It was initially cloudy but on the floor it has cleared up. Cultures from the one done today are pending. The last culture done on August 20 showed guaiac negative status and prior to that she has had mixed cultures. There is a question of her being allergic to Septra that was used for her last UTI.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Cerebrovascular accident as evidenced by change in mental status and speech. She seems to have recovered at this point. We will continue Coumadin. The patient's family is reluctant in discontinuing Coumadin but they do express the patient since has overall poor quality of life and had progressively declined over the last 6 years, the family has expressed the need for her to be on hospice and just continue comfort care at home.,2. Recurrent urinary tract infection. Will await culture at this time, continue Cipro.,3. Diabetes with episode of hypoglycemia. Monitor blood sugar closely, decrease the dose of Humulin N to 15 units twice a day since intake is poor. At this point, there is no clear evidence of any benefit from Avandia but will continue that for now.,4. Neuropathy, continue Neurontin 600 mg b.i.d., for pain continue the Percocet that she has been on.,5. Hypothyroidism, continue Synthroid.,6. Hyperlipidemia, continue Lipitor.,7. The patient is not to be resuscitated. Further management based on the hospital course.
Patient was found to have decrease in mental alertness
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Mental changes today.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This patient is a resident from Mazatlan, Mexico, visiting her son here in Utah, with a history of diabetes. She usually does not take her meal on time, and also not having her regular meals lately. The patient usually still takes her diabetic medication. Today, the patient was found to have decrease in mental alertness, but no other GI symptoms. Some sweating and agitation, but no fever or chills. No other rash. Because of the above symptoms, the patient was treated in the emergency department here. She was found to glucose in 30 range, and hypertension. There was some question whether she also take her blood pressure medication or not. Because of the above symptoms, the patient was admitted to the hospital for further care. The patient was given labetalol IV and also Norvasc blood pressure, and also some glucose supplement. At this time, the patient's glucose was in the 175 range.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, In Spanish label. They are the diabetic medication, and also blood pressure medication. She also takes aspirin a day.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a Mazatlan, Mexico resident, visiting her son here.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient appears to be no acute distress, resting comfortably in bed, alert, oriented x3, and coherent through interpreter.,HEENT: Clear, atraumatic, normocephalic. No sinus tenderness. No obvious head injury or any laceration. Extraocular movements are intact. Dry mucosal linings.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm, without murmur. Normal S1, S2.,LUNGS: Clear. No rales. No wheeze. Good excursion.,ABDOMEN: Soft, active bowel sounds in 4 quarters, nontender, no organomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No edema, clubbing, or cyanosis. No rash.,LABORATORY FINDINGS: , On Admission: CPK, troponin are negative. CMP is remarkable for glucose of 33. BMP is remarkable for BUN of 60, creatinine is 4.3, potassium 4.7. Urinalysis shows specific gravity of 10.30. CT of the brain showed no hemorrhage. Chest x-ray showed no acute cardiomegaly or any infiltrates.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hypoglycemia due to not eating her meals on a regular basis.,2. Hypertension.,3. Renal insufficiency, may be dehydration, or diabetic nephropathy.,PLAN: , Admit the patient to the medical ward, IV fluid, glucometer checks, and adjust the blood pressure medication and also diabetic medication.
A 12-year-old young man with sinus congestion.
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SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 12-year-old young man who comes in with about 10 days worth of sinus congestion. He does have significant allergies including ragweed. The drainage has been clear. He had a little bit of a headache yesterday. He has had no fever. No one else is ill at home currently.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Advair and Allegra. He has been taking these regularly. He is not sure the Allegra is working for him anymore. He does think though better than Claritin.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,General: Alert young man in no distress.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Lungs clear, no tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, without masses or splenomegaly.,ASSESSMENT:, I think this is still his allergic rhinitis rather than a sinus infection.,PLAN:, Change to Zyrtec 10 mg samples were given. He is not using nasal spray, but he has some at home. He should restart this. Continue to watch his peak flows to make sure his asthma does not come under poor control. Call if any further problems.
Patient complaining of headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain over the last 2-3 weeks.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Headache and pain in the neck and lower back.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 34 year old white man with AIDS (CD4 -67, VL -341K) and Castleman’s Disease who presents to the VA Hospital complaining of headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain over the last 2-3 weeks. He was hospitalized 3 months prior to his current presentation with abdominal pain and diffuse lymphadenopathy. Excisional lymph node biopsy during that admission showed multicentric Castleman’s Disease. He was started on cyclophosphamide and prednisone and his lymphadenopathy dramatically improved. His hospitalization was complicated by the development of acute renal failure from tumor lysis syndrome and he required hemodialysis for only a few sessions. The patient was discharged on HAART and later returned for 2 cycles of modified CHOP chemotherapy.,Approximately five weeks prior to his current presentation, the patient was involved in a motor vehicle accident at 40 mph. He said he was not wearing his seatbelt and had hit his head on the roof of the car. He did not lose consciousness. The patient went to the VA ER but left against medical advice prior to being fully evaluated. Records showed that the patient had complained of some neck soreness but he was able to move his neck without any difficulty.,Two weeks later, the patient started having headaches, neck and lower back pain during a road trip with his family to Mexico . He returned to Houston and approximately one week prior to admission, the patient presented to the VA ER for further evaluation. Spinal films were unremarkable and the patient was sent home on pain medications with a diagnosis of muscle strain. The patient followed up with his primary care physician and was admitted for further workup.,On the day of admission, the patient complains of severe pain that is worse in the lower back than in the neck. The pain is 7-8 out of 10 and does not radiate. He also complains of diffuse headaches and intermittent blurriness of his vision. He complains of having a very stiff neck that hurts when he bends it. He denies any fevers, chills, or night sweats. He denies any numbness or tingling of his extremities and he denies any bowel or bladder incontinence. None of the medications that he takes provides adequate relief of his pain.,Regarding his AIDS and Castleman’s Disease, his lymphadenopathy have completely resolved by physical exam. He no longer has any of the symptoms from his previous hospitalization. He is scheduled to have his next cycle of chemotherapy during the week of his current admission. He has been noncompliant with his HAART and has been off the medications for >3 weeks.,Past Medical History:, HIV diagnosed 11 years ago. No history of opportunistic infections. Recently diagnosed with Castleman’s Disease (9/03) from excisional lymph node biopsy s/p cyclophosphamide/prednisone ( 9/25/03 ) and modified CHOP ( 10/15/03 , 11/10/03 ). Last CD4 count is 67 and viral load is 341K (9/03). Currently is off HAART x 3 weeks because of noncompliance.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Excisional lymph node biopsy (9/03).,FAMILY HISTORY:, There was no history of hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, cancer or diabetes.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient is single and he lives alone. He is heterosexual and has a history of sexual encounter with prostitutes in Japan. He works as a plumber over the last 5 years. He smokes and drinks occasionally and denies any history of IV drug use. No blood transfusion. No history of incarceration. Recently traveled to Mexico .,MEDICATION:, Tylenol #3 q6h prn, ibuprofen 800 mg q8h prn, methocarbamol 750 mg qid.,ALLERGIES:, , Sulfa (rash).,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient complains of feeling weak and fatigued. He has no appetite over the past week and has lost 8 pounds during this period. No chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath or coughing. He denies any nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. No focal neuro deficits. Otherwise, as stated in HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VS: T 98 BP 121/89 P 80 R 20 O2 Sat 100% on room air.,Ht: 5'9" Wt: 159 lbs.,GEN: Well developed man in no apparent distress. Alert and Oriented X 3.,HEENT: Pupils equally round and reactive to light. Extra-ocular movements intact. Anicteric. Papilledema present bilaterally. Moist mucous membranes. No oropharyngeal lesions.,NECK: Stiff, difficulty with neck flexion; no lymphadenopathy,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, rubs.,ABD: Soft with active bowel sounds. Nontender/Nondistended. No rebound or guarding. No hepatosplenomegaly.,EXT: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. 2+ pulses bilaterally.,BACK: No point tenderness to spine,NEURO: Cranial nerves intact. 2+ DTRs bilaterally and symmetrically. Motor strength and sensation within the normal limits.,LYMPH: No cervical, axillary, or inguinal lymph nodes palpated,SKIN: warm, no rashes, no lesions,STUDIES:,C-spine/lumbosacral spine (11/30): Within normal limits.,CXR (12/8): Normal heart size, no infiltrate. Hila and mediastinum are not enlarged.,CT Head with and without contrast (12/8): Ventriculomegaly and potentially minor hydrocephalus. Otherwise normal CT scan of the brain. No evidence of abnormal enhancement of the brain or mass lesions within the brain or dura.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient was admitted to the medicine floor and a lumbar puncture was performed. The opening pressure was greater than 55. The CSF results are shown in the table. A diagnostic study was sent.
Patient in with mom for possible ear infection.
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SUBJECTIVE:, Mom brings the patient in today for possible ear infection. He is complaining of left ear pain today. He was treated on 04/14/2004, with amoxicillin for left otitis and Mom said he did seem to get better but just started complaining of the left ear pain today. He has not had any fever but the congestion has continued to be very thick and purulent. It has never really resolved. He has a loose, productive-sounding cough but not consistently and not keeping him up at night. No wheezing or shortness of breath.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, He has had some wheezing in the past but nothing recently.,FAMILY HISTORY: , All siblings are on antibiotics for ear infections and URIs.,OBJECTIVE:,General: The patient is a 5-year-old male. Alert and cooperative. No acute distress.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,HEENT: Ear canals clear. TMs, bilaterally, have distorted light reflexes but no erythema. Gray in color. Oropharynx pink and moist with a lot of postnasal discharge. Nares are swollen and red. Thick, purulent drainage. Eyes are a little puffy.,Chest: Respirations regular, nonlabored.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation throughout.,Heart: Regular rhythm without murmur.,Skin: Warm, dry, pink. Moist mucus membranes. No rash.,ASSESSMENT:, Ongoing purulent rhinitis. Probable sinusitis and serous otitis.,PLAN:, Change to Omnicef two teaspoons daily for 10 days. Frequent saline in the nose. Also, there was some redness around the nares with a little bit of yellow crusting. It appeared to be the start of impetigo, so hold off on the Rhinocort for a few days and then restart. Use a little Neosporin for now.
Patient with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation and arthritis complaining of progressively worsening shortness of breath.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, "I can’t walk as far as I used to.",HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 66-year-old African American gentleman with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation and arthritis who presented c/o progressively worsening shortness of breath. The patient stated that he had been in his usual state of health six years ago at which time he had been able to walk more than five blocks without difficulty. Approximately five years prior to admission, he began to note a decreased tolerance to exercise. This progressed with a gradual worsening in his functional capacity such that he is presently unable to walk for more than 25 feet. Over the two years prior to admission, he has been having a gradually worsening non-productive cough associated with shortness of breath. His shortness of breath is worse when he lies flat, and he periodically wakes at night gasping for air. He sleeps with three pillows. He has also noted swelling of his legs and states that he has had two episodes of syncope at home for which he has not sought medical attention. Approximately one month prior to admission he was seen in an outside clinic where he states that he was started on medications for heart failure. He stated that he had had a brother who died of heart failure at age 72.,He did report that he had had an episode of hemoptysis approximately 2 years prior to admission for which he did not seek medical attention. He denied any history of chest pain and did not report any history of myocardial infarction. He denied fever, chills, and night sweats. He denied diarrhea, dysuria, hematuria, urgency and frequency. He denied any history of rash. He had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knees and had undergone arthroscopy years prior to admission.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY :, Atrial fibrillation on anticoagulation, osteoarthritis of the knees bilaterally, h/o retinal tear.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY :, Hernia repair, bilateral arthroscopic evaluation, h/o surgical correction of retinal tear.,FAMILY HISTORY:, The Father of the patient died at age 69 with a CVA. The Mother of the patient died at age 79 when her "heart stopped". There were 12 siblings. Four siblings have died, two due to diabetes, one cause unknown, and one brother died at age 72 with heart failure. The patient has four children with no known medical problems.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient retired one year PTA due to his disability. He was formerly employed as an electronic technician for the US postal service. The patient lives with his wife and daughter in an apartment. He denied any smoking history. He used to drink alcohol rarely but stopped entirely with the onset of his symptoms. He denied any h/o drug abuse. He denied any recent travel history.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Spironolactone 25 mg po qd.,2. Digoxin 0.125 mg po qod.,3. Coumadin 3 mg Monday and Tuesday and 4.5 mg Saturday and Sunday.,4. Metolazone 10 mg po qd.,5. Captopril 25 mg po tid.,6. Torsemide 40 mg po qam and 20 mg po qpm.,7. Carvedilol 3.125 mg po bid.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No headaches. No visual, hearing, or swallowing difficulties. No changes in bowel or urinary habits.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,Temperature: 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit.,Blood pressure: 134/84.,Heart rate: 98 beats per minute.,Respiratory rate: 18 breaths per minute.,Pulse oximetry: 92% on 2L O 2 via nasal canula.,GEN: Elderly gentleman lying in bed in mild respiratory distress, thin, tired appearing, wife and daughter present at bedside, articulate.,HEENT: The right eye was opacified. The left pupil was reactive to light. There was mild bitemporal wasting. The tongue was moist. There was no lymphadenopathy. The sclerae were anicteric. The oropharynx was clear. The conjunctivae were pink.,NECK: The neck was supple with 15 cm of jugular venous distension.,HEART: Irregularly irregular. No murmurs, gallops, rubs. No displaced PMI.,LUNGS: Breath sounds were absent over two thirds of the right lower lung field. There were trace crackles at the left base.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended, bowel sounds were present. There was no hepatosplenomegaly. No rebound or guarding.,EXT: Bilateral pitting edema to the thighs with diminished peripheral pulses bilaterally.,NEURO: The patient was alert and oriented x three. Cranial nerves were intact. The DTRs were 2+ bilaterally and symmetrically. Motor strength and sensation were within normal limits.,LYMPH: No cervical, axillary, or inguinal lymph nodes were present.,SKIN: Warm, no rashes, no lesions; no tattoos.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: No synovitis. There were no joint deformities. Full range of motion b/l throughout.,STUDIES:,CXR: Large right sided pleural effusion. A small pleural effusion with atelectatic changes are seen on the left. The heart size is borderline.,ECHO: LV size is normal. There is severe concentric LV hypertrophy. Global hypokinesis. LV function is severely depressed. Estimate EF is 20-24%. There is RV hypertrophy. RV size is mildly enlarged. RV function is severely depressed. RV wall motion is severely hypokinetic. LA size is moderately enlarged. RA size is mildly enlarged. Trace aortic regurgitation. Moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Estimated PA systolic pressure is 46-51 mmHg, assuming a mean RAP of 15-20mmHg. Small anterior and posterior pericardial effusion.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient was admitted to the hospital for workup and management. A diagnostic procedure was performed.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This patient is a 76-year-old woman who was treated with intravenous ceftriaxone and intravenous clindamycin at a care facility for pneumonia. She has developed worsening confusion, fever, and intractable diarrhea. She was brought to the emergency department for evaluation. Diagnostic studies in the emergency department included a CBC, which revealed a white blood cell count of 23,500, and a low potassium level of 2.6. She was admitted to the hospital for treatment of profound hypokalemia, dehydration, intractable diarrhea, and febrile illness.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Recent history of pneumonia, urosepsis, dementia, amputation, osteoporosis, and hypothyroidism.,MEDICATIONS: ,Synthroid, clindamycin, ceftriaxone, Remeron, Actonel, Zanaflex, and hydrocodone.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient has been residing at South Valley Care Center.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient is unable answer review of systems.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a very elderly, cachectic woman lying in bed in no acute distress.,HEENT: Examination is normocephalic and atraumatic. The pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. The extraocular movements are full.,NECK: Supple with full range of motion and no masses.,LUNGS: There are decreased breath sounds at the bases bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm with normal S1 and S2, and no S3 or S4.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender with no hepatosplenomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient moves all extremities but does not communicate.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , The CBC shows a white blood cell count of 23,500, hemoglobin 13.0, hematocrit 36.3, and platelets 287,000. The basic chemistry panel is remarkable for potassium 2.6, calcium 7.5, and albumin 2.3.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Elevated white count. This patient is admitted to the hospital for treatment of a febrile illness. There is concern that she has a progression of pneumonia. She may have aspirated. She has been treated with ceftriaxone and clindamycin. I will follow her oxygen saturation and chest x-ray closely. She is allergic to penicillin. Therefore, clindamycin is the appropriate antibiotic for possible aspiration.,2. Intractable diarrhea. The patient has been experiencing intractable diarrhea. I am concerned about Clostridium difficile infection with possible pseudomembranous colitis. I will send her stool for Clostridium difficile toxin assay. I will consider treating with metronidazole.,3. Hypokalemia. The patient's profound hypokalemia is likely secondary to her diarrhea. I will treat her with supplemental potassium.,4. DNR status: I have ad a discussion with the patient's daughter, who requests the patient not receive CPR or intubation if her clinical condition or of the patient does not respond to the above therapy. ,
A 2-year-old little girl with stuffiness, congestion, and nasal drainage. - Allergic rhinitis
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SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 2-year-old little girl who comes in with concerns about stuffiness, congestion and nasal drainage. She does take Zyrtec on a fairly regular basis. Mom is having some allergy trouble herself right now. She does not know her colors. She knows some of her shapes. She speaks in sentences. She is not showing much interest in the potty. She is in the 80th percentile for height and weight, and still over 95th percentile for head circumference. Mom has no other concerns.,ALLERGIES:, Eggs and peanuts.,OBJECTIVE:,General: Alert, very talkative little girl.,HEENT: TMs clear and mobile. Eyes: PERRL. Fundi benign. Pharynx clear. Mouth moist. Nasal mucosa is pale with clear discharge.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Lungs: Clear. No tachypnea, wheezing, rales or retractions.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender without mass or organomegaly.,GU: Normal female genitalia. Tanner stage I.,Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Pulses 2+ and equal.,Hips: Intact.,Neurological: Normal. DTRs are 2+. Gait was normal.,Skin: Warm and dry. No rashes noted.,ASSESSMENT:, Allergic rhinitis. Otherwise healthy 2-year-old young lady.,PLAN:, In addition to her Zyrtec, I put her on Nasonex spray one spray each nostril daily. If this works for her, certainly she can do it through the ragweed season. Otherwise she is doing well. I talked about ways to improve her potty training. She is a very good eater. I will see her yearly or p.r.n. Unfortunately she is not able to get the flu shot due to her egg allergy.
11-year-old female. History of congestion, possibly enlarged adenoids.
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SUBJECTIVE:, This is an 11-year-old female who comes in for two different things. 1. She was seen by the allergist. No allergies present, so she stopped her Allegra, but she is still real congested and does a lot of snorting. They do not notice a lot of snoring at night though, but she seems to be always like that. 2. On her right great toe, she has got some redness and erythema. Her skin is kind of peeling a little bit, but it has been like that for about a week and a half now.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Otherwise reviewed and noted.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICINES:, None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY:, Everyone else is healthy at home.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, She has been having the redness of her right great toe, but also just a chronic nasal congestion and fullness. Review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Well-developed female, in no acute distress, afebrile.,HEENT: Sclerae and conjunctivae clear. Extraocular muscles intact. TMs clear. Nares patent. A little bit of swelling of the turbinates on the left. Oropharynx is essentially clear. Mucous membranes are moist.,Neck: No lymphadenopathy.,Chest: Clear.,Abdomen: Positive bowel sounds and soft.,Dermatologic: She has got redness along the lateral portion of her right great toe, but no bleeding or oozing. Some dryness of her skin. Her toenails themselves are very short and even on her left foot and her left great toe the toenails are very short.,ASSESSMENT:,1. History of congestion, possibly enlarged adenoids, or just her anatomy.,2. Ingrown toenail, but slowly resolving on its own.,PLAN:,1. For the congestion, we will have ENT evaluate. Appointment has been made with Dr. XYZ for in a couple of days.,2. I told her just Neosporin for her toe, letting the toenail grow out longer. Call if there are problems.
Patient with intermittent episodes of severe nausea and abdominal pain.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT: , This is a previously healthy 45-year-old gentleman. For the past 3 years, he has had some intermittent episodes of severe nausea and abdominal pain. On the morning of this admission, he had the onset of severe pain with nausea and vomiting and was seen in the emergency department, where Dr. XYZ noted an incarcerated umbilical hernia. He was able to reduce this, with relief of pain. He is now being admitted for definitive repair.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant only for hemorrhoidectomy. He does have a history of depression and hypertension.,MEDICATIONS: , His only medications are Ziac and Remeron.,ALLERGIES:, No allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative for cancer.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is single. He has 2 children. He drinks 4-8 beers per night and smokes half a pack per day for 30 years. He was born in Salt Lake City. He works in an electronic assembly for Harmony Music. He has no history of hepatitis or blood transfusions.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: Examination shows a moderate to markedly obese gentleman in mild distress since his initial presentation to the emergency department.,HEENT: No scleral icterus.,NECK: No cervical, supraclavicular, or axillary adenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: Regular. No murmurs or gallops.,ABDOMEN: As noted, obese with mildly visible bulging in the umbilicus at the superior position. With gentle traction, we were able to feel both herniated contents, which when reduced, reveals an approximately 2-cm palpable defect in the umbilicus.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: ,Normal sinus rhythm on EKG, prolonged QT. Chest x-ray was negative. The abdominal x-rays were read as being negative. His electrolytes were normal. Creatinine was 0.9. White count was 6.5, hematocrit was 48, and platelet count was 307.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, Otherwise previously healthy gentleman, who presents with an incarcerated umbilical hernia, now for repair with mesh.
Patient presents complaining of abdominal pain and discomfort for 3 weeks.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Abdominal pain and discomfort for 3 weeks.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, ,The patient is a 38 year old white female with no known medical problems who presents complaining of abdominal pain and discomfort for 3 weeks. She had been in her normal state of health when she started having this diffuse abdominal pain and discomfort which is mostly located in the epigastrium and right upper quadrant. She also complains of indigestion and right scapular pain during this same period. None of these complaints are alleviated or aggravated by food. She denies any NSAIDs use. The patient went to an outside hospital where a right upper quadrant ultrasound showed no gallbladder disease, but was suspicious for a liver mass. A CT and MRI of the abdomen and pelvis showed a 12.5 X 10.9 X 11.1 cm right suprarenal mass and a 7.1 X 5.4 X 6.5 cm intrahepatic mass in the region of the dome of the liver. CT of the chest revealed multiple small (<5 mm) bilateral lung nodules. Total body bone scan had no abnormal uptake. She was transferred to Methodist for further care.,The patient reports having a good appetite and denies any weight loss. She denies having any fever or chills. She has noticed increasing dyspnea with moderate exercise, but not at rest. She denies having palpitations. She occasionally has nausea, but no vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. Over the last 2 months, she has noticed increasing facial hair and a mustache.,There is an extensive family history of colon and other cancers in her family. She was told there is a genetic defect in her family but cannot recall the name of the syndrome. She had a colonoscopy and a polyp removed at the age of 14 years old. Her last colonoscopy was 2 months ago and was unremarkable.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY :, None. No history of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease or cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Bilateral tubal ligation in 2001, colon polyp removed at 14 years old.,GYN HISTORY:, Gravida 2, Para 2, Ab 0. Menstrual periods have been regular, last menstrual period almost 1 month ago. No menorrhagia. Never had a mammogram. Has yearly Pap smears which have all been normal.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother is 61 years old and brother is 39 years old, both alive and well. Father died at 48 of colon cancer and questionable pancreatic cancer. One paternal uncle died at 32 of colon cancer and bile duct cancer. One paternal uncle had colon cancer in his 40s. Thirty cancers are noted on the father’s side of the family, many are colon; two women had breast cancer. The family was told that there is a genetic syndrome in the family, but no one remembers the name of the syndrome.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, No tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use. Patient is born and raised in Oklahoma . No known exposures. Married with 2 children.,MEDICATION:, None.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No headaches. No visual, hearing, or swallowing difficulties. No cough or hemoptysis. No chest pain, PND, orthopnea. No changes in bowel or urinary habits. Otherwise, as stated in HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VS: T 97.6 BP 121/85 P 84 R 18 O2 Sat 100% on room air,GEN: Pleasant, thin woman in mild distress secondary to abdominal pain and discomfort.,HEENT: Pupils equally round and reactive to light. Extra-ocular movements intact. Anicteric. Sclerae clear. Pink conjunctiva. Moist mucous membranes. No oropharyngeal lesions.,NECK: Supple, no masses, jugular venous distention or bruits.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, rubs.,BREASTS: Symmetric, no skin changes, no discharge, no masses,ABDOMEN: Soft with active bowel sounds. There is minimal diffuse tenderness on examination. No masses palpated. There is fullness in the right upper quadrant with negative Murphy’s sign. No rebound or guarding. The liver span is 12 cm by percussion, but not palpable below the costal margin. No splenomegaly.,PELVIC: not done,EXT: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. 2+ pulses bilaterally.,NEURO: Cranial nerves intact. 2+ DTRs bilaterally and symmetrically. Motor strength and sensation within the normal limits.,LYMPH: No cervical, axillary, or inguinal lymph nodes palpated,SKIN: warm, no rashes, no lesions; no tattoos,STUDIES:,CT Chest: Multiple bilateral small (<5 mm) pulmonary nodules, no mediastinal mass or hilar adenopathy.,MRI Abdomen: 12.5 x 10.9 x 11.1 cm suprarenal mass, 7.1 x 5.4 x 6.5 cm intrahepatic lesion in the region of the dome of the liver, abnormal signal intensity within the inferior vena cava at the level of porta hepatic worrisome for thrombus.,Total Body Bone Scan: No abnormal uptake.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, ,The patient was transferred from an outside hospital for further workup and management. She was taken to the Operating Room for abdominal exploration. A liver biopsy was done.
1-year-old male who comes in with a cough and congestion. Clinical sinusitis and secondary cough.
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SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 1-year-old male who comes in with a cough and congestion for the past two to three weeks. Started off as a congestion but then he started coughing about a week ago. Cough has gotten worsen. Mother was also worried. He had Pop Can just three days ago and she never found the top of that and was wondering if he had swallowed that, but his breathing has not gotten worse since that happened. He is not running any fevers.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Otherwise, reviewed. Fairly healthy.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICINES:, None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY:, The sister is in today with clinical sinusitis. Mother and father have been healthy.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, He has been congested for about three weeks ago. Coughing now but no fevers. No vomiting. Review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Well-developed male in no acute distress, afebrile.,Vital Signs: Weight: 22 pounds 6 ounces.,HEENT: Sclerae and conjunctivae are clear. Extraocular muscles are intact. TMs are clear. Nares are very congested. Oropharynx has drainage in the back of the throat. Mucous membranes are moist. Mild erythema though.,Neck: Some shotty lymphadenopathy. Full range of motion. Supple.,Chest: Clear. No crackles. No wheezes.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1, S2.,Abdomen: Positive bowel sounds and soft.,Dermatologic: Clear. Tone is good. Capillary refill less than 3 seconds.,RADIOLOGY:, Chest x-ray: No foreign body noted as well. No signs of pneumonia.,ASSESSMENT:, Clinical sinusitis and secondary cough.,PLAN:, Amoxicillin a teaspoon twice daily for 10 days. Plenty of fluids. Tylenol and Motrin p.r.n., as well as oral decongestant and if coughing is not improving.
An 18-month-old white male here with his mother for complaint of intermittent fever for the past five days. - Allergic rhinitis, fever history, sinusitis resolved, and teething.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Fever.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is an 18-month-old white male here with his mother for complaint of intermittent fever for the past five days. Mother states he just completed Amoxil several days ago for a sinus infection. Patient does have a past history compatible with allergic rhinitis and he has been taking Zyrtec serum. Mother states that his temperature usually elevates at night. Two days his temperature was 102.6. Mother has not taken it since, and in fact she states today he seems much better. He is cutting an eye tooth that causes him to be drooling and sometimes fussy. He has had no vomiting or diarrhea. There has been no coughing. Nose secretions are usually discolored in the morning, but clear throughout the rest of the day. Appetite is fine.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: He is alert in no distress.,Vital Signs: Afebrile.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Pupils equal, round and react to light. TMs are clear bilaterally. Nares patent. Clear secretions present. Oropharynx is clear.,Neck: Supple.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Heart: Regular, no murmur.,Abdomen: Soft. Positive bowel sounds. No masses. No hepatosplenomegaly.,Skin: Normal turgor.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Allergic rhinitis.,2. Fever history.,3. Sinusitis resolved.,4. Teething.,PLAN:, Mother has been advised to continue Zyrtec as directed daily. Supportive care as needed. Reassurance given and he is to return to the office as scheduled.
Short-term memory loss (probable situational) and anxiety stress issues.
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CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Here with a concern of possibly issues of short-term memory loss. She is under exceeding amount of stress over the last 5 to 10 years. She has been a widow over the last 11 years. Her husband died in an MVA from a drunk driver accident. She had previously worked at the bank in Conway Springs in Norwich and had several other jobs related to accounting or management services. She does have an MBA in business. Currently, she works at T-Mobile Customer Service, and there is quite a bit of technical knowledge, deadlines, and stress related to that job as well. She feels she has trouble at times absorbing all that she needs to learn as far as the computer skills, protocols, customer service issues, etc. She describes the job is very demanding and high stress. She denies any history of weakness, lethargy, or dizziness. No history of stroke.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Vioxx 25 mg daily, HCTZ 25 mg one-half tablet daily, Zoloft 100 mg daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: , Naprosyn.,SOCIAL HISTORY, FAMILY HISTORY, PAST MEDICAL HISTORY AND SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had hypertension very well controlled and history of elevated triglycerides. She has otherwise been generally healthy. Nonsmoker. Please see notes dated 06/28/2004.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Age: 60. Weight: 192 pounds. Blood pressure: 134/80. Temperature: 97.8 degrees.,General: A very pleasant 60-year-old white female in no acute distress. Alert, ambulatory and nonlethargic.,HEENT: PERRLA. EOMs are intact. TMs are clear bilaterally. Throat is clear.,Neck: Supple. No cervical adenopathy.,Lungs: Clear without wheezes or rales.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft nontender to palpation.,Extremities: Moving all extremities well.,IMPRESSION:,1. Short-term memory loss, probable situational.,2. Anxiety stress issues.,PLAN:, Thirty-minute face-to-face appointment in counseling with the patient. At length discussion on her numerous stress issues which can certainly cause a loss of concentration and inability to learn. The current job she is at does sound extremely stressful and demanding. I think her stress reactions to these as far as feeling frustrated are within normal limits. We did complete a mini mental state exam including clock drawing, sentence writing, signature, etc. She does score a maximum score of 30/30 and all other tasks were completed without difficulty or any hesitation. I did spend quite a bit of time reassuring her as well. She is currently on Zoloft 100 mg which I think is an appropriate dose. We will have her continue on that. She did verbalize understanding and that she actually felt better after our discussion concerning these issues. At some point in time; however, I would possibly recommend job change if this one would persist as far as the stress levels. She is going to think about that.
Complaint of mood swings and tearfulness.
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, A 50-year-old female comes to the clinic with complaint of mood swings and tearfulness. This has been problematic over the last several months and is just worsening to the point where it is impairing her work. Her boss asks her if she was actually on drugs in which she said no. She stated may be she needed to be, meaning taking some medications. The patient had been prescribed Wellbutrin in the past and responded well to it; however, at that time it was prescribed for obsessive-compulsive type disorder relating to overeating and therefore her insurance would not cover the medication. She has not been on any other antidepressants in the past. She is not having any suicidal ideation but is having difficulty concentrating, rapid mood swings with tearfulness, and insomnia. She denies any hot flashes or night sweats. She underwent TAH with BSO in December of 2003.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Benign breast lump in her mother; however, her paternal grandmother had breast cancer. The patient denies any palpitations, urinary incontinence, hair loss, or other concerns. She was recently treated for sinusitis.,ALLERGIES:, She is allergic to Sulfa.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Recently finished Minocin and Duraphen II DM.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: A well-developed and well-nourished female, conscious, alert, oriented times three in no acute distress. Mood is dysthymic. Affect is tearful.,Skin: Without rash.,Eyes: PERRLA. Conjunctivae are clear.,Neck: Supple with adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Postsurgical menopause.,2. Mood swings.,PLAN:, I spent about 30 minutes with the patient discussing treatment options. I do believe that her moods would greatly benefit from hormone replacement therapy; however, she is reluctant to do this because of family history of breast cancer. We will try starting her back on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg daily. She may increase to 300 mg daily after three to seven days. Samples provided initially. If she is not obtaining adequate relief from medication alone, we will then suggest that we explore the use of hormone replacement therapy. I also recommended increasing her exercise. We will also obtain some screening lab work including CBC, UA, TSH, chemistry panel, and lipid profile. Follow up here in two weeks or sooner if any other problems. She is needing her annual breast exam as well.
Consult for hypertension and a med check. History of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, allergic rhinitis and kidney stones.
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Gen Med Consult - 13
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 76-year-old white female who presents to the clinic today originally for hypertension and a med check. She has a history of hypertension, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, allergic rhinitis and kidney stones. Since her last visit she has been followed by Dr. Kumar. Those issues are stable. She has had no fever or chills, cough, congestion, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, chest pressure.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She has an intolerance to Prevacid.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Evista 60 daily, Levothroid 0.05 mg daily, Claritin 10 daily, Celebrex 200 daily, HCTZ 25 daily and amitriptyline p.r.n.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Bilateral mastectomies, tonsillectomy, EGD, flex sig in 2001 and a heart cath.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Father passed away at 81; mother of multiple myeloma at 83.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is married. A 76-year-old who used to smoke a pack a day and quit in 1985. She is retired.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Essentially negative in HEENT, chest, cardiovascular, GI, GU, musculoskeletal, or neurologic.,OBJECTIVE:, Temperature is 97.5 degrees. Blood pressure is 168/70. Pulse is 88. Weight is 129 pounds.,GENERAL: She is an elderly 76-year-old in no acute distress.,HEENT: Atraumatic. Extraocular muscles were intact. Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. Tympanic membranes are clear, dry and intact. Sinuses and throat are clear. Neck is soft, supple. No meningeal signs are present. No thyromegaly is present.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Bowel sounds are positive. No organomegaly or peritoneal signs are present.,EXTREMITIES: Moving all extremities. Peripheral pulses are normal. No edema is present.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert and oriented. Cranial nerves II-XII grossly intact. Strength 5+/5 globally. Reflexes 2+/IV globally. Romberg is negative. There is no numbness, tingling, weakness or other neurologic deficit present.,BREASTS: Surgically absent but there are no lumps, lesions, masses, discharge or adenopathy present.,BACK: Straight.,SKIN: Clear.,GENITALIA: Deferred as she has been followed by Dr. XYZ many times this year. She does have a history of some elevated cholesterol.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Hypertension, suboptimal control.,2. Hypothyroidism.,3. Arthritis.,4. Allergic rhinitis.,5. History of kidney stones.,6. Osteoporosis.,PLAN:,1. CBC, complete metabolic profile, UA for hypertension.,2. Chest x-ray for history of breast cancer.,3. DEXA scan, full body for osteoporosis.,4. Flex is up to date.,5. Pneumovax has been given in the last five years.,6. Lipid profile for elevated cholesterol.,7. Refill meds.,8. Follow up every three to six months for blood pressure check or sooner p.r.n. problems.
Feeling weak and shaky - Dyspnea on exertion and history of diabetes
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med Consult - 12
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Weak and shaky.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 75-year-old, Caucasian female who comes in today with complaint of feeling weak and shaky. When questioned further, she described shortness of breath primarily with ambulation. She denies chest pain. She denies cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, and wheeze. She denies syncope, presyncope, or palpitations. Her symptoms are fairly longstanding but have been worsening as of late.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She has had a fairly extensive past medical history but is a somewhat poor historian and is unable to provide details about her history. She states that she has underlying history of heart disease but is not able to elaborate to any significant extent. She also has a history of hypertension and type II diabetes but is not currently taking any medication. She has also had a history of pulmonary embolism approximately four years ago, hyperlipidemia, peptic ulcer disease, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Surgeries include an appendectomy, cesarean section, cataracts, and hernia repair.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, She is on two different medications, neither of which she can remember the name and why she is taking it.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known medical allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Remarkable for coronary artery disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a widow, lives alone. Denies any tobacco or alcohol use.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Dyspnea on exertion. No chest pain or tightness, fever, chills, sweats, cough, hemoptysis, or wheeze, or lower extremity swelling.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: She is alert but seems somewhat confused and is not able to provide specific details about her past history.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure: 146/80. Pulse: 68. Weight: 147 pounds.,HEENT: Unremarkable.,Neck: Supple without JVD, adenopathy, or bruit.,Chest: Clear to auscultation.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft.,Extremities: No edema.,LABORATORY:, O2 sat 100% at rest and with exertion. Electrocardiogram was normal sinus rhythm. Nonspecific S-T segment changes. Chest x-ray pending.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Dyspnea on exertion, uncertain etiology. Mother would be concerned about the possibility of coronary artery disease given the patient’s underlying risk factors. We will have the patient sign a release of records so that we can review her previous history. Consider setting up for a stress test.,2. Hypertension, blood pressure is acceptable today. I am not certain as to what, if the patient’s is on any antihypertensive agents. We will need to have her call us what the names of her medications, so we can see exactly what she is taking.,3. History of diabetes. Again, not certain as to whether the patient is taking anything for this particular problem when she last had a hemoglobin A1C. I have to obtain some further history and review records before proceeding with treatment recommendations.
Gastrointestinal Bleed. An 81-year-old presented to the emergency room after having multiple black tarry stools and a weak spell. She woke yesterday morning had a very dark and smelly bowel movement.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gastrointestinal Bleed - ER Visit
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrointestinal bleed.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Ms. XYZ is an 81-year-old who presented to the emergency room after having multiple black tarry stools and a weak spell. She states that she woke yesterday morning and at approximately 10:30 had a bowel movement. She noticed it was very dark and smelly. She said she felt okay. She got up. She proceeded to clean her house without any difficulty or problems and then at approximately 2 o'clock in the afternoon she went back to the bathroom at which point she had another large stool and had weak spell felt like she was going to pass out. She is able to get to her phone, called EMS and when the EMS arrived they found her with some blood and some very dark stools. She states that she was perfectly fine up until Monday when she had an incident where at the Southern University where she works where there was an altercation between a dorm resistant and a young male, which ensued. She came to place her call, etc. She said she noticed her stomach was hurting after that, continued to hurt and she took the day off on Tuesday and this happened yesterday. She denies any nausea except for when she got weak. She denies any vomiting or any other symptoms.,ALLERGIES: ,She has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Lipitor, dose unknown.,2. Paxil, dose unknown.,3. Lasix, dose unknown.,4. Toprol, dose unknown.,5. Diphenhydramine p.r.n.,6. Ibuprofen p.r.n.,7. Daypro p.r.n.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Non-insulin diabetes mellitus.,2. History of congestive heart failure.,3. History of hypertension.,4. Depression.,5. Arthritis. She states she has not needed any medications and not taken ibuprofen or Daypro recently.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Peptic ulcer disease diagnosed in 2005.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , C-section and tonsillectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her mother had high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker. She occasionally has a drink every few weeks. She is divorced. She has 2 sons. She is houseparent at Southern University.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Negative for the last 24 to 48 hours as mentioned in her HPI.,PREVENTIVE CARE: ,She had an EGD done in 09/05 at which point she was diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and she also had a colonoscopy at that time which revealed two polyps in the transverse colon.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Currently was stable. She is afebrile.,GENERAL: She is alert, pleasant in no acute distress. She does complain of some dizziness when she stands up.,HEENT: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles intact. Sclerae clear. Oropharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple. Full range of motion.,CARDIOVASCULAR: She is slightly tachycardic but otherwise normal.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. She has no hepatomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, only trace edema.,LABORATORY DATA UPON ADMISSION:, Her initial chem panel was within normal limits. Her PT and PTT were normal. Her initial hematocrit was 31.2 subsequently dropped to 26.9 and 25.6. She is currently administered transfusion. Platelet count was 125. Her chem panel actually showed an elevated BUN of 16, creatinine of 1.7. PT and PTT were normal. Cardiac enzymes were negative and initial hemoglobin was 10.6 with hematocrit of 31.2 that subsequently fell to 25.6 and she is currently receiving blood.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Gastrointestinal bleed.
Complaint of left otalgia (serous otitis) and headache. History of atopic dermatitis.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med Consult - 14
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, A 49-year-old female with history of atopic dermatitis comes to the clinic with complaint of left otalgia and headache. Symptoms started approximately three weeks ago and she was having difficulty hearing, although that has greatly improved. She is having some left-sided sinus pressure and actually went to the dentist because her teeth were hurting; however, the teeth were okay. She continues to have some left-sided jaw pain. Denies any headache, fever, cough, or sore throat. She had used Cutivate cream in the past for the atopic dermatitis with good results and is needing a refill of that. She has also had problems with sinusitis in the past and chronic left-sided headache.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Reviewed and unchanged.,ALLERGIES: , To cephalexin.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Ibuprofen.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As above. No nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: A well-developed and well-nourished female, conscious, alert, and in no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Weight: 121 pounds. Temperature: 97.9 degrees.,Skin: Reveals scattered erythematous plaques with some mild lichenification on the nuchal region and behind the knees.,Eyes: PERRLA. Conjunctivae are clear.,Ears: Left TM with some effusion. Right TM is clear. Canals are clear. External auricles are nontender to manipulation.,Nose: Nasal mucosa is pink and moist without discharge.,Throat: Nonerythematous. No tonsillar hypertrophy or exudate.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Lungs: Clear. Respirations are regular and unlabored.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm at rate of 100 beats per minute.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Serous otitis.,2. Atopic dermatitis.,PLAN:,1. Nasacort AQ two sprays each nostril daily.,2. Duraphen II one b.i.d.,3. Refills Cutivate cream 0.05% to apply to affected areas b.i.d. Recheck p.r.n.
Checkup - Joints hurting all over - Arthralgias that are suspicious for inflammatory arthritis.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gen Med Consult - 10
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Joints are hurting all over and checkup.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, A 77-year-old white female who is having more problems with joint pain. It seems to be all over decreasing her mobility, hands and wrists. No real swelling but maybe just a little more uncomfortable than they have been. The Daypro generic does not seem to be helping at all. No fever or chills. No erythema.,She actually is doing better. Her diarrhea now has settled down and she is having less urinary incontinence, less pedal edema. Blood sugars seem to be little better as well.,The patient also has gotten back on her Zoloft because she thinks she may be depressed, sleeping all the time, just not herself and really is disturbed that she cannot be more mobile in things. She has had no polyuria, polydipsia, or other problems. No recent blood pressure checks.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Little over a year ago, the patient was found to have lumbar discitis and was treated with antibiotics and ended up having debridement and instrumentation with Dr. XYZ and is doing really quite well. She had a pulmonary embolus with that hospitalization.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, She has also had a hysterectomy, salpingoophorectomy, appendectomy, tonsillectomy, two carpal tunnel releases. She also has had a parathyroidectomy but still has had some borderline elevated calcium. Also, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, as well as diabetes. She also has osteoporosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient still smokes about a third of a pack a day, also drinks only occasional alcoholic drinks. The patient is married. She has three grown sons, all of which are very successful in professional positions. One son is a gastroenterologist in San Diego, California.,MEDICATIONS:, Nifedipine-XR 90 mg daily, furosemide 20 mg half tablet b.i.d., lisinopril 20 mg daily, gemfibrozil 600 mg b.i.d., Synthroid 0.1 mg daily, Miacalcin one spray in alternate nostrils daily, Ogen 0.625 mg daily, Daypro 600 mg t.i.d., also Lortab 7.5 two or three a day, also Flexeril occasionally, also other vitamin.,ALLERGIES: , She had some adverse reactions to penicillin, sulfa, perhaps contrast medium, and some mycins.,FAMILY HISTORY:, As far as heart disease there is none in the family. As far as cancer two cousins had breast cancer. As far as diabetes father and grandfather had type II diabetes. Son has type I diabetes and is struggling with that at the moment.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,General: No fever, chills, or night sweats. Weight stable.,HEENT: No sudden blindness, diplopia, loss of vision, i.e., in one eye or other visual changes. No hearing changes or ear problems. No swallowing problems or mouth lesions.,Endocrine: Hypothyroidism but no polyuria or polydipsia. She watches her blood sugars. They have been doing quite well.,Respiratory: No shortness of breath, cough, sputum production, hemoptysis or breathing problems.,Cardiovascular: No chest pain or chest discomfort. No paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, palpitations, or heart attacks.,GI: As mentioned, has had diarrhea though thought to be possibly due to Clostridium difficile colitis that now has gotten better. She has had some irritable bowel syndrome and bowel abnormalities for years.,GU: No urinary problems, dysuria, polyuria or polydipsia, kidney stones, or recent infections. No vaginal bleeding or discharge.,Musculoskeletal: As above.,Hematological: She has had some anemia in the past.,Neurological: No blackouts, convulsions, seizures, paralysis, strokes, or headaches.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight is 164 pounds. Blood pressure: 140/64. Pulse: 72. Blood pressure repeated by me with the patient sitting taken on the right arm is 148/60, left arm 136/58; these are while sitting on the exam table.,General: A well-developed pleasant female who is comfortable in no acute distress otherwise but she does move slowly.,HEENT: Skull is normocephalic. TMs intact and shiny with good auditory acuity to finger rub. Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation with extraocular movements intact. Fundi benign. Sclerae and conjunctivae were normal.,Neck: No thyromegaly or cervical lymphadenopathy. Carotids are 2+ and equal bilaterally and no bruits present.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation and percussion with good respiratory movement. No bronchial breath sounds, egophony, or rales are present.,Heart: Regular rhythm and rate with no murmurs, gallops, rubs, or enlargement. PMI normal position. All pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Obese, soft with no hepatosplenomegaly or masses.,Breasts: No predominant masses, discharge, or asymmetry.,Pelvic Exam: Normal external genitalia, vagina and cervix. Pap smear done. Bimanual exam shows no uterine enlargement and is anteroflexed. No adnexal masses or tenderness. Rectal exam is normal with soft brown stool Hemoccult negative.,Extremities: The patient does appear to have some doughiness of all of the MCP joints of the hands and the wrists as well. No real erythema. There is no real swelling of the knees. No new pedal edema.,Lymph nodes: No cervical, axillary, or inguinal adenopathy.,Neurological: Cranial nerves II-XII are grossly intact. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ and equal bilaterally. Cerebellar and motor function intact in all extremities. Good vibratory and positional sense in all extremities and dermatomes. Plantar reflexes are downgoing bilaterally.,LABORATORY: ,CBC shows a hemoglobin of 10.5, hematocrit 35.4, otherwise normal. Urinalysis is within normal limits. Chem profile showed a BUN of 54, creatinine 1.4, glucose 116, calcium was 10.8, cholesterol 198, triglycerides 171, HDL 43, LDL 121, TSH is normal, hemoglobin A1C is 5.3.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Arthralgias that are suspicious for inflammatory arthritis, but certainly seems to be more active and bothersome. I think we need to look at this more closely.,2. Diarrhea that seems to have resolved. Whether this is related to the above is unclear.,3. Diabetes mellitus type II, really fairly well controlled.
Patient scheduled for laparoscopic gastric bypass.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 2
HISTORY: , The patient is scheduled for laparoscopic gastric bypass. The patient has been earlier seen by Dr. X, her physician. She has been referred to us from Family Practice. In short, she is a 33-year-old lady with a BMI of 43, otherwise healthy with unsuccessful nonsurgical methods of weight loss. ,She was on laparoscopic gastric bypass for weight loss. ,She meets the National Institute of Health Criteria. She is very well educated and motivated and has no major medical contraindications for the procedure.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, On physical examination today, she weighs 216 pounds with a BMI of 43.5, pulse is 96, temperature is 97.6, blood pressure is 122/80. Lungs are clear. Abdomen is soft, nontender. There is stigmata for morbid obesity. She has cesarean section scars in the lower abdomen with no herniation. ,DISCUSSION: , I had a long talk with the patient about laparoscopic gastric bypass, possible open including risks, benefits, alternatives, need for long-term followup, need to adhere to dietary and exercise guidelines. I also explained to her complications including rare cases of death secondary to DVT, PE, leak , peritonitis, sepsis, shock, multisystem organ failure, need for re-operation including for leak or bleeding, gastrostomy or jejunostomy for feeding, rare case of respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, etc., with myocardial infarction, pneumonia, atelectasis in the postoperative period were also discussed. ,Short-term complications of gastric bypass including gastrojejunal stricture requiring endoscopic dilatation, marginal ulcer secondary to smoking or anti-inflammatory drug intake which can progress on to perforation or bleeding, small bowel obstruction secondary to internal hernia or adhesions, signs and symptoms of which were discussed. The patient would alert us for earlier intervention. Symptomatic gallstone formation secondary to rapid weight loss were also discussed. How to avoid it by taking ursodiol were also discussed. Long-term complications of gastric bypass including hair loss, excess skin, multivitamin and mineral deficiencies, protein-calorie malnutrition, weight regain, weight plateauing, need for major lifestyle and exercise and habit changes, avoiding pregnancy in the first two years, etc., were all stressed. The patient understands. She wants to go to surgery. ,In preparation of surgery, she will undergo very low-calorie diet through Medifast to decrease the size of the liver to make laparoscopic approach more successful and also to optimize her cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. She will also see a psychologist, nutritionist, and exercise physiologist for a multidisciplinary effort for short and long-term success for weight loss surgery. I will see her two weeks before the plan of surgery for further discussion and any other questions at that point of time.
Pediatric Gastroenterology - History of gagging.
Consult - History and Phy.
Gagging - 3-year-old
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 3-year-old female patient, who was admitted today with a history of gagging. She was doing well until about 2 days ago, when she developed gagging. No vomiting. No fever. She has history of constipation. She normally passes stool every two days after giving an enema. No rectal bleeding. She was brought to the Hospital with some loose stool. She was found to be dehydrated. She was given IV fluid bolus, but then she started bleeding from G-tube site. There was some fresh blood coming out of the G-tube site. She was transferred to PICU. She is hypertensive. Intensivist Dr. X requested me to come and look at her, and do upper endoscopy to find the site of bleeding.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , PEHO syndrome, infantile spasm, right above knee amputation, developmental delay, G-tube fundoplication.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , G-tube fundoplication on 05/25/2007. Right above knee amputation.,ALLERGIES:, None.,DIET: , She is NPO now, but at home she is on PediaSure 4 ounces 3 times a day through G-tube, 12 ounces of water per day.,MEDICATIONS: , Albuterol, Pulmicort, MiraLax 17 g once a week, carnitine, phenobarbital, Depakene and Reglan.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Positive for cancer.,PAST LABORATORY EVALUATION: , On 12/27/2007; WBC 9.3, hemoglobin 7.6, hematocrit 22.1, platelet 132,000. KUB showed large stool with dilated small and large bowel loops. Sodium 140, potassium 4.4, chloride 89, CO2 21, BUN 61, creatinine 2, AST 92 increased, ALT 62 increased, albumin 5.3, total bilirubin 0.1. Earlier this morning, she had hemoglobin of 14.5, hematocrit 41.3, platelets 491,000. PT 58 increased, INR 6.6 increased, PTT 75.9 increased.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 142 per minute, respirations 34 per minute, weight 8.6 kg.,GENERAL: She is intubated.,HEENT: Atraumatic. She is intubated.,LUNGS: Good air entry bilaterally. No rales or wheezing.,ABDOMEN: Distended. Decreased bowel sounds.,GENITALIA: Grossly normal female.,CNS: She is sedated.,IMPRESSION: , A 3-year-old female patient with history of passage of blood through G-tube site with coagulopathy. She has a history of G-tube fundoplication, developmental delay, PEHO syndrome, which is progressive encephalopathy optic atrophy.,PLAN: ,Plan is to give vitamin K, FFP, blood transfusion. Consider upper endoscopy. Procedure and informed consent discussed with the family.
Foreign body of the left fifth fingernail (wooden splinter). He attempted to remove it with tweezers at home, but was unsuccessful. He is requesting we attempt to remove this for him.
Consult - History and Phy.
Foreign Body - Fingernail
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Patient is a 72-year-old white male complaining of a wooden splinter lodged beneath his left fifth fingernail, sustained at 4 p.m. yesterday. He attempted to remove it with tweezers at home, but was unsuccessful. He is requesting we attempt to remove this for him.,The patient believes it has been over 10 years since his last tetanus shot, but states he has been allergic to previous immunizations primarily with "horse serum." Consequently, he has declined to update his tetanus immunization.,MEDICATIONS: , He is currently on several medications, a list of which is attached to the chart, and was reviewed. He is not on any blood thinners.,ALLERGIES: , HE IS ALLERGIC ONLY TO TETANUS SERUM.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Patient is married and is a nonsmoker and lives with his wife. ,Nursing notes were reviewed with which I agree.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Temp and vital signs are all within normal limits.,GENERAL: The patient is a pleasant elderly white male who is sitting on the stretcher in no acute distress.,EXTREMITIES: Exam of the left fifth finger shows a 5- to 6-mm splinter lodged beneath the medial aspect of the nail plate. It does not protrude beyond the end of the nail plate. There is no active bleeding. There is no edema or erythema of the digit tip. Flexion and extension of the DIP joint is intact. The remainder of the hand is unremarkable.,TREATMENT: , I did attempt to grasp the end of the splinter with splinter forceps, but it is brittle and continues to break off. In order to better grasp the splinter, will require penetration beneath the nail plate, which the patient cannot tolerate due to pain. Consequently, the base of the digit tip was prepped with Betadine, and just distal to the DIP joint, a digital block was applied with 1% lidocaine with complete analgesia of the digit tip. I was able to grasp the splinter and remove this. No further foreign body was seen beneath the nail plate and the area was cleansed and dressed with bacitracin and bandage.,ASSESSMENT: , Foreign body of the left fifth fingernail (wooden splinter).,PLAN: , Patient was urged to clean the area b.i.d. with soap and water and to dress with bacitracin and a Band-Aid. If he notes increasing redness, pain, or swelling, he was urged to return for re-evaluation.
Gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7
Consult - History and Phy.
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 1
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , In short, the patient is a 55-year-old gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7 with comorbidities of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, possible sleep apnea, and also osteoarthritis of the lower extremities. He is also an ex-smoker. He is currently smoking and he is planning to quit and at least he should do this six to eight days before for multiple reasons including decreasing the DVT, PE rates and marginal ulcer problems after surgery, which will be discussed later on. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On physical examination today, he weighs 514.8 pounds, he has gained 21 pounds since the last visit with us. His pulse is 78, temperature is 97.5, blood pressure is 132/74. Lungs are clear. He is a pleasant gentleman with stigmata of supermorbid obesity expected of his size. Abdomen is soft, nontender. No incisions. No umbilical hernia, no groin hernia, has a large abdominal pannus. No hepatosplenomegaly. Lower extremities; no pedal edema. No calf tenderness. Deep tendon reflexes are normal. Lungs are clear. S1, S2 is heard. Regular rate and rhythm. ,DISCUSSION:, I had a long talk with the patient about laparoscopic gastric bypass possible open including risks, benefits, alternatives, need for long-term followup, need to adhere to dietary and exercise guidelines. I also explained to him complications including rare cases of death secondary to DVT, PE, leak, peritonitis, sepsis shock, multisystem organ failure, need for reoperations, need for endoscopy for bleeding or leak, operations which could be diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparotomy, drainage procedure, gastrostomy, jejunostomy for feeding, bleeding requiring blood transfusion, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, atelectasis, respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, rarely tracheostomy, rare cases of renal failure requiring dialysis, etc., were all discussed. ,All these are going to be at high risk for this patient secondary to his supermorbid obese condition. ,I also explained to him specific gastric bypass related complications including gastrojejunal stricture requiring endoscopic dilatation, marginal ulcer secondary to smoking or antiinflammatory drug intake, which can progress on to perforation or bleeding, small bowel obstruction secondary to internal hernia or adhesions, signs and symptoms of which are described, so the patient could alert us for earlier intervention, symptomatic gallstone formation during rapid weight loss, how to avoid it by taking ursodiol, which will be prescribed in the postoperative period. ,Long-term complication of gastric bypass including hair loss, excess skin, multivitamin and mineral deficiencies, protein-calorie malnutrition, weight regain, weight plateauing, psychosocial and marital issues, addiction transfer, etc., were all discussed with the patient. The patient is at higher risk than usual set of patients secondary to his supermorbid obesity of BMI nearing 70 and also major cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. Smoking of course does not help and increase the risk for cardiopulmonary complications and is at increased risk for cardiac risk. He will be seen by cardiologist, pulmonologist. He will also undergo long Medifast dieting under our guidance, which is a very low-calorie diet to decrease the size of the liver and also to optimize his cardiopulmonary and metabolic comorbidities. He will also see a psychologist, nutritionist, and exercise physiologist in preparation for surgery for a multidisciplinary approach for short and long-term success. ,Especially for him in view of his restricted mobility, supermorbid obesity status, and possibility of a pulmonary hypertension secondary to sleep apnea, he has been advised to have retrievable IVC filter and also will go home on Lovenox. He also needs to start exercising to increase his flexibility and muscle tone before surgery and also to start getting the habit of doing so. All these were discussed with the patient. The patient understands. He wants to go to surgery. All questions were answered. I will see him in few weeks before the planned date of surgery.
Abscess of the left foot, etiology unclear at this time. Possibility of foreign body.
Consult - History and Phy.
Foot Infection Management
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: ,Management for infection of the left foot.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 26-year-old short Caucasian male who appears in excellent health, presented a week ago as he felt some pain in the ball of his left foot. He noticed a small dark spot. He did not remember having had any injuries to that area specifically no puncture wounds. He had not been doing any outdoor works or activities. No history of working outdoors, has not been to the beach or to the lake, has not been out of town. His swelling progressed so he went to see Dr. X 4 days ago. The area was debrided in the office and he was placed on Keflex. It was felt that may be he had a foreign body, but nothing was found in the office and x-ray was negative for opaque foreign bodies. His foot got worse with more swelling and at this time purulent, too red and was admitted to the hospital today, is scheduled for surgical exploration this evening. Ancef and Cipro were prescribed today. He denies any fever, chills, red streaks, lymphadenitis. He had a tetanus shot in 2002 most recently. He had childhood asthma. He uses alcohol socially. He works full time. He is an electrician.,ALLERGIES:, ACCUTANE.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished adult Caucasian male in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: His weight is 190 pounds, height 69 inches, temperature 98, respirations 20, pulse 78, and blood pressure 143/63, O2 sat 98% on room air.,HEENT: Mouth unremarkable.,NECK: Supple.,LUNGS: Clear.,HEART: Regular rate rhythm. No murmur or gallop.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Left foot on the plantar side by the head of the first metatarsal has an open wound of about 10 mm in diameter with thick reddish purulent discharge and surrounding edema. There is bloodied blister around it. The area is tender to touch, warm with a slight edema of the rest of the foot with very faint erythema. There is some mild intertrigo between the fourth and fifth left toes. Palpable pedal pulses. Leg unremarkable. No femoral or inguinal lymphadenopathy.,LABORATORY: , Labs show white cell count of 6300, hemoglobin 13.6, platelet count of _____ with 80 monos, 17 eos _____, creatinine 1.3, BUN of 16, glucose 110. Calcium, ferritin, albumin, bilirubin, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase are normal. PT and PTT normal and the sed rate was 35 mm per hour.,IMPRESSION: ,Abscess of the left foot, etiology unclear at this time. Possibility of foreign body.,RECOMMENDATIONS/PLAN: , He is going to be discharged in about half-an-hour. Cultures, Gram stain, fungal cultures, and smear to be obtained. I have changed his antibiotic to vancomycin plus Maxipime. He is currently on tetanus immunizations so no need for booster at this time.,
Foul-smelling urine and stomach pain after meals.
Consult - History and Phy.
Foul-Smelling Urine
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Foul-smelling urine and stomach pain after meals.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Stomach pain with most meals x one and a half years and urinary symptoms for same amount of time. She was prescribed Reglan, Prilosec, Pepcid, and Carafate at ED for her GI symptoms and Bactrim for UTI. This visit was in July 2010.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, HEENT: No headaches. No visual disturbances, no eye irritation. No nose drainage or allergic symptoms. No sore throat or masses. Respiratory: No shortness of breath. No cough or wheeze. No pain. Cardiac: No palpitations or pain. Gastrointestinal: Pain and cramping. Denies nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Has some regurgitation with gas after meals. Genitourinary: "Smelly" urine. Musculoskeletal: No swelling, pain, or numbness.,MEDICATION ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Unremarkable.,HEENT: PERRLA. Gaze conjugate.,Neck: No nodes. No thyromegaly. No masses.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, without organomegaly, without guarding or tenderness.,Back: Straight. No paraspinal spasm.,Extremities: Full range of motion. No edema.,Neurologic: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Deep tendon reflexes 2+ bilaterally.,Skin: Unremarkable.,LABORATORY STUDIES:, Urinalysis was done, which showed blood due to her period and moderate leukocytes.,ASSESSMENT:,1. UTI.,2. GERD.,3. Dysphagia.,4. Contraception consult.,PLAN:,1. Cipro 500 mg b.i.d. x five days. Ordered BMP, CBC, and urinalysis with microscopy.,2. Omeprazole 20 mg daily and famotidine 20 mg b.i.d.,3. Prescriptions same as #2. Also referred her for a barium swallow series to rule out a stricture.,4. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo.,
Consultation for left foot pain.
Consult - History and Phy.
Foot pain Consultation
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Left foot pain.,HISTORY:, XYZ is a basketball player for University of Houston who sustained an injury the day prior. They were traveling. He came down on another player's foot sustaining what he describes as an inversion injury. Swelling and pain onset immediately. He was taped but was able to continue playing He was examined by John Houston, the trainer, and had tenderness around the navicular so was asked to come over and see me for evaluation. He has been in a walking boot. He has been taped firmly. Pain with weightbearing activities. He is limping a bit. No significant foot injuries in the past. Most of his pain is located around the dorsal aspect of the hindfoot and midfoot. ,PHYSICAL EXAM:, He does have some swelling from the hindfoot out toward the midfoot. His arch is maintained. His motion at the ankle and subtalar joints is preserved. Forefoot motion is intact. He has pain with adduction and abduction across the hindfoot. Most of this discomfort is laterally. His motor strength is grossly intact. His sensation is intact, and his pulses are palpable and strong. His ankle is not tender. He has minimal to no tenderness over the ATFL. He has no medial tenderness along the deltoid or the medial malleolus. His anterior drawer is solid. His external rotation stress is not painful at the ankle. His tarsometatarsal joints, specifically 1, 2 and 3, are nontender. His maximal tenderness is located laterally along the calcaneocuboid joint and along the anterior process of the calcaneus. Some tenderness over the dorsolateral side of the talonavicular joint as well. The medial talonavicular joint is not tender.,RADIOGRAPHS:, Those done of his foot weightbearing show some changes over the dorsal aspect of the navicular that appear chronic. I don't see a definite fracture. The tarsometarsal joints are anatomically aligned. Radiographs of his ankle again show changes along the dorsal talonavicular joint but no other fractures identified. Review of an MR scan of the ankle dated 12/01/05 shows what looks like some changes along the lateral side of the calcaneocuboid joint with disruption of the lateral ligament and capsular area. Also some changes along the dorsal talonavicular joint. I don't see any significant marrow edema or definitive fracture line. ,IMPRESSION:, Left Chopart joint sprain.,PLAN:, I have spoken to XYZ about this. Continue with ice and boot for weightbearing activities. We will start him on a functional rehab program and progress him back to activities when his symptoms allow. He is clear on the prolonged duration of recovery for these hindfoot type injuries.
Complete eye examination - Normal eye and vision exam.
Consult - History and Phy.
Eye Examination - H&P
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, This 26-year-old male presents today for a complete eye examination.,ALLERGIES:, Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in disorientation, GI upset.,MEDICATION HISTORY:, Patient is currently taking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Vioxx 12.5 mg tablet (BID).,PMH: , Past medical history is unremarkable.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient denies alcohol use. Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Eyes: (-) dry eyes (-) eye or vision problems (-) blurred vision.,Constitutional Symptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness.,Musculoskeletal: (-) joint or musculoskeletal symptoms.,EYE EXAM:, Patient is a pleasant, 26-year-old male in no apparent distress who looks his given age, is well developed and nourished with good attention to hygiene and body habitus.,Pupils: Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation.,Motility: Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral.,Visual Fields: Confrontation VF exam reveals full to finger confrontation O.U.,IOP: IOP Method: applanation tonometry OD: 10 mmHg Medications: Alphagan; 0.2% Condition: improving.,Keratometry:,OD: K1 35.875K2 35.875,OS: K1 35.875K2 41.875,Lids/Orbit: Bilateral eyes reveal normal position without infection. Bilateral eyelids reveals white and quiet.,Slit Lamp: Corneal epithelium is intact with normal tear film and without stain. Stroma is clear and avascular. Corneal endothelium is smooth and of normal appearance.,Anterior Segment: Bilateral anterior chambers reveal no cells or flare with deep chamber.,Lens: Bilateral lenses reveals transparent lens that is in normal position.,Posterior Segment: Posterior segment was dilated bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping.,Retina: Bilateral retinas reveals flat with normal vasculature out to the far periphery. Bilateral retinas reveal normal reflex and color.,VISUAL ACUITY:,Visual acuity - uncorrected: OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10 OU: 20/15.,REFRACTION:,Lenses - final:,OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75,OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN Fresnel,Add: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00,OU: Far VA 20/25,TEST RESULTS:, No tests to report at this time.,IMPRESSION:, Eye and vision exam normal.,PLAN:, Return to clinic in 12 month (s).,PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS:
Left flank pain, ureteral stone.
Consult - History and Phy.
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Left flank pain, ureteral stone.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 76-year-old female who was referred to us from Dr. X for left flank pain. The patient was found to have a left ureteral stone measuring about 1.3 cm in size per the patient's history. The patient has had pain in the abdomen and across the back for the last four to five days. The patient has some nausea and vomiting. The patient wants something done for the stone. The patient denies any hematuria, dysuria, burning or pain. The patient denies any fevers.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Negative.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Years ago she had surgery that she does not recall.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , None.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Denies any seizure disorder, chest pain, denies any shortness of breath, denies any dysuria, burning or pain, denies any nausea or vomiting at this time. The patient does have a history of nausea and vomiting, but is doing better.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Vitals are stable.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Soft, left-sided flank pain and left lower abdominal pain.,The rest of the exam is benign.,LABORATORY DATA: , White count of 7.8, hemoglobin 13.8, and platelets 234,000. The patient's creatinine is 0.92.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Left flank pain.,2. Left ureteral stone.,3. Nausea and vomiting.,PLAN: , Plan for laser lithotripsy tomorrow. Options such as watchful waiting, laser lithotripsy, and shockwave lithotripsy were discussed. The patient has a pretty enlarged stone. Failure of the procedure if the stone is significantly impacted into the ureteral wall was discussed. The patient understood that the success of the surgery may be or may not be 100%, that she may require shockwave lithotripsy if we are unable to get the entire stone out in one sitting. The patient understood all the risk, benefits of the procedure and wanted to proceed. Need for stent was also discussed with the patient. The patient will be scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Plan for continuation of the antibiotics, obtain urinalysis and culture, and plan for KUB to evaluate for the exact location of the stone prior to surgery tomorrow.
Patient returns for his first followup after shunt surgery.
Consult - History and Phy.
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
REASON FOR VISIT:, Mr. A is an 86-year-old man who returns for his first followup after shunt surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,I have followed Mr. A since May 2008. He presented with eight to ten years of progressive gait impairment, cognitive impairment, and decreased bladder control. We established a diagnosis of adult hydrocephalus with the spinal catheter protocol in June of 2008 and ,Mr. A underwent shunt surgery performed by Dr. X on August 1st. A Medtronic Strata programmable shunt in the ventriculoperitoneal configuration programmed at level 2.0 was placed.,Mr. A comes today with his daughter, Pam and together they give his history.,Mr. A has had no hospitalizations or other illnesses since I last saw him. With respect to his walking, his daughter tells me that he is now able to walk to the dining room just fine, but could not before his surgery. His balance has improved though he still has some walking impairment. With respect to his bladder, initially there was some improvement, but he has leveled off and he wears a diaper.,With respect to his cognition, both Pam and the patient say that his thinking has improved. The other daughter, Patty summarized it best according to two of them. She said, "I feel like I can have a normal conversation with him again." Mr. A has had no headaches and no pain at the shunt site or at the abdomen.,MEDICATIONS: , Plavix 75 mg p.o. q.d., metoprolol 25 mg p.o. q.d., Flomax 0.4 mg p.o. q.d., Zocor 20 mg p.o. q.d., Detrol LA 4 mg p.o. q.d., lisinopril 10 mg p.o. q.d., Imodium daily, Omega-3, fish oil, and Lasix.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, Mr. A is a pleasant and cooperative man who is able to converse easily though his daughter adds some details.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure 124/80, heart rate is 64, respiratory rate is 18, weight 174 pounds, and pain is 0/10.,The shunt site was clean, dry, and intact and confirmed at a setting of 2.0.,Mental Status: Tested for recent and remote memory, attention span, concentration, and fund of knowledge. He scored 26/30 on the MMSE when tested with spelling and 25/30 when tested with calculations. Of note, he was able to get two of the three memory words with cuing and the third one with multiple choice. This was a slight improvement over his initial score of 23/30 with calculations and 24/30 with spelling and at that time he was unable to remember any memory words with cuing and only one with multiple choice.,Gait: Tested using the Tinetti assessment tool. He was tested without an assistive device and received a gait score of 6-8/12 and a balance of score of 12/16 for a total score of 18-20/28. This has slightly improved from his initial score of 15-17/28.,Cranial Nerves: Pupils are equal. Extraocular movements are intact. Face symmetric. No dysarthria.,Motor: Normal for bulk and strength.,Coordination: Slow for finger-to-nose.,IMAGING: , CT scan was reviewed from 10/15/2008. It shows a frontal horn span at the level of foramen of Munro of 4.6 cm with a 3rd ventricular contour that is flat with the span of 10 mm. By my reading, there is a tiny amount of blood in the right frontal region with just a tiny subdural collection. This was not noticed by the radiologist who stated no extraaxial fluid collections. There is also substantial small vessel ischemic change.,ASSESSMENT: , Mr. A has made some improvement since shunt surgery.,PROBLEMS/DIAGNOSES:,1. Adult hydrocephalus (331.5).,2. Gait impairment (781.2).,3. Urinary incontinence and urgency (788.33).,4. Cognitive impairment (290.0).,PLAN:, I had a long discussion with Mr. A and his daughter. We are all pleased that he has started to make some improvement with his hydrocephalus because I believe I see a tiny fluid collection in the right parietal region, I would like to leave the setting at 2.0 for another three months before we consider changing the shunt. I do not believe that this tiny amount of fluid is symptotic and it was not documented by the radiologist when he read the CT scan.,Mr. A asked me about whether he will be able to drive again. Unfortunately, I think it is unlikely that his speed of movement will improve to a level that he will be able to pass a driver's safety evaluation, however, occasionally patients surprise me by improving enough over 9 to 12 months that they are able to pass such a test. I would certainly be happy to recommend such a test if I believe ,Mr. A is likely to pass it and he is always welcome to enroll in a driver's safety program without my recommendation, however, I think it is exceeding unlikely that he has the capability of passing this rigorous test at this time. I also think it is quite likely he will not regain sufficient speed of motion to pass such a test.