Subject: Campus Mail Advisory: On-Campus Mail Distribution RESUMES (11/14 /01) Body: Update on Mail Distribution: On Campus Mail Distribution Resumes On-campus mail distribution resumed this afternoon (11/14/01). Initial distribution may be slow but is expected to pick up as mail that had been stored in a secured campus facility is processed. Pending the reopening of the University's Main Post Office in the Administration Building, the mail sorting and distribution activity is taking place at an alternate site in the University Service Center. University facilities that receive mail directly from the United States Post Office will continue to receive and process mail. The test results were negative for the East (Divinity) Campus mail facility and mail distribution for that Campus resumed this afternoon. The West (Law) Campus is processing mail from an alternate location while they await the results of tests taken at their main processing location. With the exception of Meridian Hill Hall, for which results are pending, the off-campus dormitories also received negative test results and this afternoon reactivated distribution from their usual locations. # # #
Subject: Enron Corp.'s products in Japanese, French, German... Body: Dear Mr. Lay, Just wanted to drop you a note to find out if Enron Corp. is interested in forming a collaboration with our company. GlobalVision International, Inc. is a software and Internet localization and translation specialist. We partner with our clients to enable them reach their global markets. We are staffed and equipped to convert your products and Internet pages from English to Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Arabic and other languages. If there is interest on your part, please do not hesitate to forward this message, or to contact us as listed below. Sincerely,
Subject: NEWPOWER LAUNCHES ONLINE ENERGY SAVING CENTER Body: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWPOWER LAUNCHES ONLINE ENERGY SAVING CENTER Residential Consumers And Small Businesses Can Learn How to Reduce Energy Usage And Costs; Purchase Full Line Of Energy Efficient Products PURCHASE, NY, October 29, 2001 ? The New Power Company, the first national residential and small business energy provider, today announced that it has launched the Energy Saving Center, a group of online tools to help residential consumers and small commercial businesses reduce energy usage and costs. The Energy Saving Center can be found on www.newpower.com Key elements of the NewPower Energy Saving Center are the Home and Business Analyzers. These on-line audit tools, which are free to all www.newpower.com visitors, provide a top-to-bottom analysis of energy usage, and offer specific recommendations on behavior modification and products that can save energy. The products can then be purchased through the Energy Efficient Products On-line Store The Home Analyzer allows residential consumers to learn how much money people in homes similar to theirs spend on energy. They can also uncover specific energy saving opportunities in their own homes. Using the Business Analyzer, small businesses can choose to analyze one facility or multiple sites. The tool examines each aspect of a business' energy use (including which appliances or systems use the most energy), and provides customized analyses, recommendations, and a means to track their progress. The NewPower Energy Saving Center is just one way that energy restructuring is leading to technological innovation and efficiency. Competition among energy marketers ? like NewPower ? encourages cost savings and new and better ways to consume electricity and natural gas. # # # About NewPower Holdings, Inc. NewPower Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: NPW), through its subsidiary, The New Power Company, www.newpower.com, is the first national provider of electricity and natural gas to residential and small commercial customers in the United States. The Company offers consumers in restructured retail energy markets competitive energy prices, pricing choices, improved customer service and other innovative products, services and incentives. Cautionary Statement This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements involve risks and uncertainties and may differ materially from actual future events or results. Although we believe that our expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our goals will be achieved. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include our limited operating history; delays or changes in the rules for the restructuring of the electric and natural gas markets; our ability to attract and retain customers; our ability to manage our energy requirements and sell energy at a sufficient margin given the volatility in prices for electricity and natural gas; the effect of commodity volatility on collateral requirements and liquidity; our dependence on third parties to provide critical functions to us and to our customers; and conditions of the capital markets affecting the availability of capital. Readers are referred to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ending December 31, 2000 and our Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333.41412) on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a discussion of factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements.
Subject: Solicitation Calls Body: Trade press, recruiting firms and others recently have made numerous calls to Enron employees seeking information about the company, its employees and other matters. In some cases, these callers have used false identities, as in, "I'm from the SEC and I need you to provide me with?" If you receive a call from someone identifying themselves as part of a government organization, please refer the caller to the legal department. Please refer calls from the trade press and other media inquiries to the Public Relations group. And otherwise, please treat Enron information as confidential. Thank you.
Subject: REVISED after discussion with J. McMahon Body: Jeff McMahon has proposed that Ben Glisan is the most appropriate person to provide brief summaries to the BoD on Chewco, Whitewing and Marlin, if Ken would like these topics presented to the BoD. Both Jeff and Ben will be standing by for today's meeting in case they are needed. Joe Dilg will attend the full meeting, most likely via teleconference. Following is a revised note to Ken. Thanks.
Subject: Harvard MBA, MSEE Univ of Southern CA, BT Engineering IIT.Strategic MKTG/Business Dev Exec Body: Dear Kenneth , I would like to inform you of an exceptional candidate ("AJM") who is seeking a mid-to-executive level Marketing/Business Development opportunity. Below is a brief profile of an individual who has demonstrated upward mobility in his career path and loyalty as an employee. His solid experience and education credentials are stellar. Professional Summary: Harvard MBA with over 15 years of corporate strategy, marketing, business development, and finance experience in the information technology industry with recent management positions at Microsoft Corporation and AT Kearney.v Executive Bio: Prior to joining a startup, AJM was a senior executive at Microsoft Corporation and managed the development and marketing of Microsoft's Biz Talk Server 2000 product, an XML integration server. In addition, he marketed the BackOffice Server product with more than $1 billion in sales. Prior to working at Microsoft, AJM worked as a management consultant with A.T. Kearney. At Kearney, he advised global Fortune 500 companies on strategic and management issues. His clients included financial institutions, high technology companies and IT service providers. Functionally, he has been involved in developing business strategy, market entry plans, new product development, sales force effectiveness, and re-engineering companies. Industry Disciplines: Industries Experience -Information Technology; the Internet (Enterprise Applications & Infrastructure); Financial
Subject: Going Forward Body: I can only imagine the extreme pressure and stress you are under right now. I just want to say that we have every confidence in you and the management team you are forming. WE will get through this, just as our country will get through the international situation. Everyone needs a word of encouragement every now and then; I wanted to say we are behind you, respect you and your leadership. We are trying to do our part in staying focused on our responsibilities, and in some small way contribute to correcting Enron's reversal of fortunes. Thanks, Ken, for your dedication and inspiration.
Subject: The Adizes Way to Manage in Difficult Times Body: MV_Logo_AdizesToPrime_smaller.jpgAdizes_logo_smaller.jpg=09 =09 In this uncertain world, how do we set priorities? The Wall Street Jo= urnal posed this issue in its September 25th edition: "Managing Employee= s who are both traumatized and experiencing a sea change in their attitude= s toward their work poses immediate and long-term challenges for bosses. In= the next few weeks, bosses must ask themselves what level of performance t= hey can expect of employees who have been deeply shaken by the Sept. 11 ter= rorist attacks. And over the coming months, they must figure out how to fos= ter both teamwork and commitment among those they supervise -- qualities th=
Subject: POWER BRIEFS - May 25, 2001 Body: POWER BRIEFS FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2001 NEWPOWER IN THE NEWS - =20 PULLING PLUG ON TXU IS A BRIGHT IDEA - [Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 17.] = NewPower, 43 percent owned by the Houston energy powerhouse Enron, is the = price leader [for householders] who keep the home lights fully ablaze. Reli= ant Energy, corporate kin to Houston Power and Light, is the price leader f= or frugal homeowners?New Power offers power users a choice of locking in po= wer rates at 8.3 cents for two years subject to a $7.50 monthly service fee= , or accepting a guarantee that their power bills will always be less than = TXU's comparable bite for the same period. For the moment, the low-price gu= arantee plan sports the lowest rates? "We're trying to figure out what custo= mers want," says Gael Doar, a NewPower spokeswoman. "The whole thing about = energy restructuring is that you have a choice." To date, the PUC has recru= ited 17 percent of the 90,000 volunteers it hopes will become TXU exes this= summer. One result is sweeter deals. New Power will toss in free electri= city this December and next to folks who sign up by May 31. On Wednesday, =
Subject: Information Body: Kenneth, I'm an associate in EES, and I have been working in Enron for two an a half years. First I would like apologies if this causes any inconveniences, but I am writing this email to you because I'm quite concern about the latest news about the partnership/CFO that came out in the last week or so. Me and many of my fellow A/A co-workers as well as other employees do not know what is going on, and speaking for myself, if it's possible for you to let me and everyone else know what the situation is and how are you taking measures to reassure confidence in the marketplace I would greatly appreciate your time. I assure you that many of my fellow A/A co-workers have confidence in the future of Enron, and I expect that greener pastures will be in front of us very soon. Many thanks in advance, Carlos Vicens #35643
Subject: ENE Friday Peer Group Report Body: Attached are the Friday peer group reports. DO NOT UPDATE LINKS WHEN THE FILE IS OPENED! Please call if you have any questions. Investor Relations
Subject: Astros Body: Mom & Ken, The Astros playoff tickets were much appreciated. I had a great time even though the outcome of the two games was not as we would have liked. Heather & I took her Dad and Josh (two baseball die-hards) to one of the games and I took some friends to the other. Everyone was thrilled to be able to go and extremely thankful for the tickets. Thanks again for your generousity and more importantly, not objecting to me being out of the office for a few hours to attend the game.
Subject: Congratulations Body: Ken: DELIGHTED to read the several good news developments regarding Enron's success in lining up buyers for various properties. I could see your fine hand in directing the success and anticipated success. Best wishes. Joe
Subject: KUDLOW'S TAKE -- National Review Online Financial -- October 1, 2001 Body: KUDLOW'S TAKE by Lawrence Kudlow DECLARING WAR ON RECESSION Why isn't the administration endorsing bold measures? October 1, 2001 8:00 a.m. Crucial to winning the global war against terrorism is a bold plan to wage war on the domestic recession. But Washington has no such plan. Respected policymakers look timid, cautious, and out of touch with the reality of a declining economy. Veteran graybeards advise Congress to do nothing, seemingly deaf to an economic call to arms. The latest unemployment claims report ratcheted up nearly 60,000 to 450,000 - a nine-year high. This implies a huge drop in jobs and a big jump in unemployment is on the way. A just published and miserable durable-goods report says the technology sector is evaporating in cyberspace. Over the three months ending in August, a composite high-tech index for shipments dropped 50.1% at an annual rate. Technology was the biggest contributor to the economic boom of the 1990s. Now it is the biggest drag. Even consumers are suffering from terrorist aftershock as weekly chain-store sales are turning negative. Something has got to be done, but Washington isn't doing it. The Bush administration's economic officials have been ineffectual. There is no action-plan script, no talking points, no communication strategy. In short, there's no leadership on the domestic economic front. The administration is performing brilliantly in the early stages of the war against terrorism. But thus far, it has shown no similar instincts in the war against domestic recession. If the domestic slump is left unattended, the nation will eventually become demoralized. Without economic vitality at home, it will be all the more difficult to maintain our edge overseas. Rising unemployment drains the spirit, but we need exactly that spirit to conquer our enemies. The economy needs a jolt. It needs risk-taking. But policymakers seem unwilling to take risks. Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan - who keep telling us that too much stimulus will cause inflation - are providing more status-quo thinking at the very moment we need leaders who can size up the current situation and then think outside the box to provide solutions. Mr. Rubin's arguments about budget surpluses and long-term bond rates are red herrings at best. Actually, as the recession-driven federal budget moves into deficit, Treasury market interest rates are dropping to 40-year lows, undercutting Rubin's entire argument on the need to maintain budget surpluses at any economic cost. He has never understood that growth produces surpluses, rather than the other way around. The former Clinton Treasury man tells us that demand-side consumer tax rebates are okay while supply-side tax cuts on successful high-end earners and capital investments are not. Go figure. This is not economic analysis. It's a plain vanilla, liberal-redistribution agenda. Mr. Greenspan, meanwhile, says that capital-gains tax cuts are not the best way to deal with the economy's short-term problem. Yet it is exactly the deflation of capital asset values through the stock-market decline and the deepening slump in business profits that cries out for new incentive rewards for capital investment. Instead of pompous proclamations, let's do an historical scrub of the after-effects of cap-gains relief. If we do, it will show that faster economic growth, rising stock markets, and stronger budget revenues always follow lower tax-rates on capital investment. Jack Kemp and Sen. Zell Miller have it exactly right in their editorial proposal to slash cap gains, accelerate the depreciation of investment in plant, equipment, and technology, and make the phased-in personal tax-rate reductions effective immediately. Their monetary view that the Federal Reserve should abandon its interest rate target in favor of larger emergency cash injections is also correct. So, why aren't administration economists endorsing these bold measures? Why aren't they making the case that it's business that creates jobs, and that business desperately needs a fresh capital infusion? No amount of consumer tax rebates will stop the unemployment rate from rising if capital-starved and profit-losing businesses don't get immediate relief from a permanent reduction of tax-rates. Bush policymakers should also make the case that the twin crises of war and recession will require a temporary budget deficit of roughly 1.5% of GDP ($150 billion) to finance tax-cuts, defense, and infrastructure-rebuilding policies that are necessary to re-ignite economic growth. The public is four-square behind the president in the global war against terrorism. It will also stand four-square behind the president in the war against recession. Indeed, the public knows that a strong domestic economy is vital to the war effort. Since President Bush's spectacular speech rallying the nation for the global war against terrorism, the Dow Jones stock index has appreciated 7%, or roughly 600 points. If the president rallies the nation with a war plan to end recession, the market will rise exponentially, signaling economic recovery and the revival of the American spirit.
Subject: Pipeline problem Body: Dear Ken, I apologize for bothering you with this kind of a nuisance, however I hope you can help my friend. I called you a year ago about problems dealing with the Houston Pipeline group. I am appealing to you again. I was contacted to provide nitrogen gas for a pipeline pigging project last year on a 20" line that goes south from Corpus Christi. Rusty Bellflower told me I was going to provide the nitrogen and then after my group was mobilized on short notice over a weekend, they cancelled - did not even call us, just never called back. I spent a week on the project and my subcontractor was out his mobilization cost, and after more than a year, they finally paid a part of our cost. During the negotiation for the nitrogen set up, I visited the pipeline site, and saw some oil on the ground. I mentioned to the HPL rep Rusty Bellflower, that I had a biological product that is excellent for eliminating oil. He called in a big rush on a Friday afternoon and said for me to hot shot 10 or so drums of the stuff to a site on the beach (10 pigs or something) where they would put the chemical into the 20" pipeline. He even gave me a PO number (X000496) A week later he called and said they decided not to use the chemical. I told him we were going to charge for restocking and the cost for hot shot services. Rusty said that if we charged them anything we could be sure that we would never work for HPL or Enron again. That is my experience with HPL. Now my friend Jay Pope with Coastline Resources is also having trouble on his part of the pipeline work. Nick Cocavessis of HPL contacted Jay and asked Jay to bid the pigging job. A few things went wrong, but most of them were a result of bad decisions on the part of the HPL personnel. Why did they call a small outfit like Coastline in the first place? It looks like they called them so they could muscle them around at the end of the job. Jay Pope has been able to reduce the balance due to the subcontractors to $2,780,000. Enron is offering $2,550,000. Enron attorney (Andy Edison) said "Tell Jay he'll just have to chiselanother $ 230,000.00 out of the sub's" I am a stockholder in Enron, but I do not see the sense in beating up contractors. Is there anything you can do to get the old HPL group to settle with Jay? Thank you for looking at this.
Subject: RFF Board Meeting Body: Hello everyone, I am writing to confirm your participation in the RFF Council & Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, October 10 and Thursday, October 11, respectively. In light of the events of September 11 and subsequent travel difficulties, we thought we'd double check with our out-of-town Directors on their attendance. We hope you are still able to join us. If your plans have changed in any way, please let me know at your earliest convenience. We look forward to seeing you! Regards,
Subject: Compaq Merger Interview with WSJ Today Body: Ken - Michael will be talking with this reporter tomorrow but he'd be grateful if you could make 10 minutes to be our Board Voice for this important interview in the Wall Street Journal. I know you are only available today at 4:30 p.m. so i am waiting for a response. Here is the background on the interview. Let me know if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you in advance. -- Grace Trent
Subject: ENE Board of Directors Meeting - October 9th Body: The Management Committee is invited to join the Enron Corp. Board of Directors on Tuesday, October 9th, for it's open Board session and lunch. Among other agenda items, management briefings will be made for both Enron Americas and Enron Energy Services. Please come to EB5001 at 8:45 a.m. on Oct. 9. A seated lunch will be held in the 50M dining room following the meeting. Your participation in important. Please RSVP to Kelly Johnson at ext. 36485 or via email at kelly.johnson@enron.com by Noon on October 2, 2001. Thanks.
Subject: current issue Body: Dear Subscriber: Attached in a PDF file is your 9/21 issue of The Desk. Enjoy. And while you're at it, trade on the ICE today. See Page 1 for details. Regards,
Subject: **** Unconfirmed Explosions at French Chemical Plants Body: Media reports out of France indicate that explosions have just taken place at two chemical plants in the southern city of Tououse. The main explosion reportedly took place at a plant that manufactures fuel for Arianespace, the European Space Agency's commercial arm. Explosions have also been reported at a plant owned by Groupe SNPE, which manufactures propellants and explosives. The incidents are reported to have involved deaths at the scene. We have yet to acquire independent confirmation of the explosions, or whether terrorism is suspected. We are in touch with military and intelligence sources, and will provide updates.
Subject: Enron Principal Investments - Organizational Memo Body: Enron Principal Investments (EPI), which was formed in the 2nd quarter, has completed its integration and the development of its new strategy. This group will be responsible for identifying, closing, managing and exiting all non-E&P equity investments for Enron worldwide. Kevin Garland will lead EPI, which includes Barbara Paige, Andrew Marsden, Kevin Kuykendall, Steven Sheldon, Michele Nezi Marvin and Mark Gandy. Additionally, Dick Lydecker and the Special Asset Group will continue to report to Kevin. EPI will pursue investments related to Enron's core businesses, where Enron has a unique insight into the market, company or technology. Initially, this will be geographically focused in North America and Europe. This group will rely heavily on the support and cooperation of the core business units to provide information and market insight. EPI may make investments in the form of venture capital, leverage buyouts, growth equity, or private equity in public companies. The group will not make investments in seed stage companies, other funds, subsidiaries of larger corporations, or project equity. Please join me in supporting the efforts of Enron Principal Investments.
Subject: CAFC Ruling on 2003 Prozac Patent Body: We learned today that the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has modified its opinion of August 9, 2000 in which it found the 2003 Prozac patent invalid for double patenting. In essence, the Court has again ruled that the patent is invalid for double patenting, but has used a different analysis to reach this conclusion. We intend to seek legal review of today's decision. Although it is possible that the legal review process could delay Barr from entering the market on August 3, we continue to plan for Barr launching generic fluoxetine at that time.
Subject: The Center for Houston's Future Capital Campaign Body: Thank you for indicating your preferences for personal follow-up calls to The Center's funds solicitation letter. Unfortunately, Ben Love's health precludes him from making any follow-up calls on this campaign. Could I ask each of you very busy gentlemen to commit to call 11 folks as follow-up to The Center's funds solicitation letter? I will compile the list and adjust any duplications and forward it again to each of you. Please indicate your preferences on this form and return it to me by e-mail or by fax (or please feel free to call). Thank you for your
Subject: (no subject) Body: Just a note to check on all our beloveds on this horrible day. We are glued to the tv while we carry on our daily activities in Columbia. Actually I told John I hope they don't call in the WWII Submariners for active duty or he is in trouble. Actually there are very few of them left and I doubt this war will be fought in the water. We have had several calls this morning to inquire if we are o.k. Yes we are fine, except devastated about what is happening to the Country. On a routine note, we have painters painting our garage, workers putting on new siding at our rental house across the street, A furnace man putting in a new energy efficient furnace also in the rental house. Most of these workers are in good spirits..some mostly unaware of what is going on. The furnace man thought the answer to our problems was that everybody should carry more guns. Life goes on at many different levels. Stay safe all of you. Stay off the planes and out of government buildings. Love Bonnie
Subject: Vote of Confidence Body: Mr. Lay- With all that is going on, a quick note to let you know that you still have an employee who is confident something good will prevail and not all may be lost. Though I have only been with the company for almost 2 years, I personally feel you are doing all you can to salvage what is possible. Your reputation precedes you and the many years you spent building this company up. I feel deep down that you wouldn't have done anything to jeapordize your name despite what the media and finance markets read. Responsibility is to be shared. Unfortunately, you have been left to do the clean up. I do believe in my heart of hearts that once Jeff Skilling and Andy Fastow were in the positions they were, greed took over. Unfortunately, they took advantage of your position and possibly lost sight of dealings going on with the presumption that these men were of the utmost, outstanding character. Please view this email as simply a boost to your morale and not anything more than to simply advise you of what possibly many employees feel but have yet to convey. Thanks -
Subject: Just a suggestion Body: Dear Ken, I am a second year associate with RAC underwriting group. In the past few days, I have been watching fellow staff packing their personal items in an anticipation of a massive layoff while some have commence a lawsuit against the company (perhaps understandably). I believe that we all owe it to you the leaders and the company to offer ideas and suggestions on how best to handle the situation no matter how stupid such ideas may sound. The chance is that you have probably thought about and reject this idea, but I wonder how hopeless it will be to convince our creditors/debt holders to convert significant portion (if not all) of their debts holding to preferred equity (with option to convert to common). This no doubt will improve our credit rating, save us cash on interest payment, and give us room to borrow. Creditors can be offer a better conversion ratio which will be defensible even in the event of bankruptcy as long as they make some cash infusion at the same time. I know that banks generally do not like the idea of equity investment, but given the present situation, that might not be a bad idea as long as it is in attempt to safeguard their investments. I know it is a tough time and you have a lot of better things to do rather than reading emails, however, I will be pitching my ideas to you from time to time (as long as I'm around). I have absolute confidence in the ability of our leaders and I have no doubt that you all are doing your utmost best to improve the situation. Best Regards,
Subject: I Am Happy!!! Body: Hello Mr. Kenneth Lay, I hope you don't mind an email from someone who is not very high in the decision-making level of Enron but I have such strong need to share my thoughts and visions with you. First, I am so happy that we are not going to be acquired by Dynegy. Enron is an entity that deserves to live on. Second, I have a vision that we (Enron) become a "Wiser & Quieter" Enron. I wish I can do something to help raise the "millions/billions" of dollars needed to survive in the shortrun, but all I can do is continue working on my project as I have done before.... I personally do not mind the company shrinking to a very modest level in the next 12-48 months, selling off core businesses, and adopting a more cautious role to ALL spending. Even if we are layed-off we can always come back in the future. Third, I just want to share an imagery of Enron being strong again in the future... Not with the previous ostentatiousness that prevailed in "the old days" but with a newly developed sense of Wisdom and Maturity. ...And there will be articles in the Wall Street Journal about how the Enron giant has slowly but consistently lifted itself out of the gutter to become a "Wiser & Quieter Enron". If there is anything I can do to help you in this endeavor please let me know. I have no strong family obligations that prevent me from working long hours on some additional short-term projects to help out my Enron. Best Wishes!
Subject: Words of Encouragement from one employee - Please Read This Mr. Lay Body: Mr. Lay, It seems to have become fashionable to bash you and the other executives as things have become challenging at Enron. I just wanted to let you know that there are some people who still care about Enron and are still thankful for what you have done over the past 15 years. I have been completely distraught at the speed with which my coworkers have thrown in the towel and have essentially given up. I urge you to continue to fight for Enron. True, it may take another 15 years to get back to a leading company, but do not give up the fight. You have made Enron a wonderful place to work and I know that Enron will survive. It would be a tragedy if the innovative thinking made famous by Enron were to be discarded and corporate America returned to a status quo mentality. I have been informed that I am on the list of those to be laid off because I am in a non-core business, and I agree. I loved having the job, but desperate times call for desperate measures and I understand the need to focus. I am tired of my fellow coworkers quitting, complaining, and giving up. There are plenty of people that will join you in the fight, I hope that you are able to weed out the quitters and get a group of people together who will fight for the Enron way of doing business. I applaud you for your accomplishments over the past 15 years in building an incredible company - a company that will survive, a company that will once again thrive, and a company that will prosper well into the future. Good luck and please don't give up, Zach Streight
Subject: good wishes Body: Ken, Just a note to tell you that I hope you and your family are weathering this storm. You are a superior executive, a friend to many and a philanthropist of the first order. We are all cheering for you. Lucie
Subject: Membership Body: Hank McKinnell of Pfizer has called Bill Esrey and advised him that Bill Gates has indicated a desire to become a member of The Business Council. As you will recall, we had asked Bill once before but he declined. Apparently he has had a change of heart. Technically, Gates is not the Chairman of Microsoft. We could invite him to join as a Graduate member or, in view of the special "circumstances" we could elect him as an Active member. It is, obviously, an issue for the committee to decide. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible. We would like to extend our invitation this year in time for him to attend in February. Phil
Subject: Potential solution Body: Dr. Lay, Sir, I am almost positive that all avenues have been pursued to get Enron out of the hole we are in. However, I wanted to inquire if a reverse stock split (perhaps a 12 to 1 or 15 to 1) was a possible option. My knoweledge in terms of Enron's debt and who we are indebted to is limited to what I have heard through the media, but as I see it, many creditors are at a great risk to lose billions of dollars. Would banks such as JP Morgan or Citigroup or others potentially affected such as Janus Funds or Lehman Brothers be willing to invest in equity rather than pump in more debt? From my understanding, we need an immediate $4 billion, and I think this may be a potential solution to get instant cash, and then we can turn our interests to building customer and investor confidence. I hope I am not wasting your time with this, but this is not the time for any of us involved with this company to remain silent. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
Subject: All that's happening Body: Dear Mr Lay, I don't know if this will get to you personally or if someone filters your email, but I sincerely hope you get a chance to read this. I haven't been with Enron very long. I was hired in August and left my old job in Austin because I wanted the experience of working for a great company. I want you to know that I do not regret my decision to come here. I have never worked for a company that treats people with such dignity. It amazes me that throughout all of this, I knew that you would do everything you could to make sure that the employees are okay. I can't say that I would have felt that way at any other job I have had. I know now that good companies are out there, and have no doubt that I will have a chance to experience that again. The past few months must have been a nightmare for you. I cannot imagine what it feels like to build a company to greatness and watch it disintegrate because of the greed of a few. I'm sure that no words can console you, but I want you to know that most of the employees I have talked to do not blame you. Whatever happens next week, I want you to know that you are in my prayers. Debbie Riall
Subject: Expenses repayment for Enron Europe Body: I was told by you that our expenses were going to get paid ( as per your voice mail ). However, I was laid off from Enron Europe last Friday with another 800 people and we were told that our expenses were not going to be repaid by the company. Can you please explain the conflict between the two messages and let me know who will reimburse me. I am owed ?7000 from Enron Chris
Subject: Please continue to push for additional severance Body: Dear Mr. Lay, I went home yesterday along with the other 3,999 employees who lost their jobs at Enron. Even though we had weeks to prepare for the worst, when the layoffs occurred, it really hit me hard. I cried a great deal, not only about the uncertainty of my future, but for the loss of relationships and friendships that I had established over the last five years I spent at Enron. The hardest aspect of yesterday was saying "goodbye" to my friends and co-workers. We've all made a resolution to stay in touch and hopefully we will all pick up the pieces and carry on with our lives. I appreciate the efforts that were made to get us some severance, but as you are well aware, gave so much of ourselves to the company and lost so much in return.. I'm sure I'm not alone in encouraging you and Enron management to continue to push for additional severance for those of us who lost our jobs. This is a hard time to hit the street looking for a job, while Continential, Compaq and now Enron have downsized and the holidays are upon us. I know you have probably received this kind of message many times in the last few weeks, but I hope you will continue to do the right thing for the employees. We need the additional severance to be able to ensure food on the table and roofs over our heads until we can land on our feet after this free fall. I will never regret my 5 years at Enron. They are an important part of my past. I appreciate your consideration of this request. Sincerely,
Subject: How can I help? Body: Dear Ken . . . I'm truly heartbroken at the "perfect storm" which seems to have engulfed Enron. I'm sure that last few months have been unbelievably stressful for you personally. YI wanted you to know that you can call on me, anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances if I can be of any help whatsoever--no compensation expected. It is my hope that
Subject: Encouragement Email Body: InJesus POWERED Subscribe UnSubscribe Archive Group: Encouragement Ministry Title: Encouragement Email Author: Encouragement Email Hello Friend, This is Dwayne Savaya. Your e-mail address was in my address book from a forward I received. I am starting an Inspirational and Encouragement Mailing list. We all need some encouragement from time to time so that is why I am starting this new Ministry. If you would like to be on it or know someone that would, just send an email to me with a SUBSCRIBE heading. These will be stories and poems to encourage and inspire you in your daily walk with the Lord. This is completely free and you can unsubscribe at anytime. There is so much garbage being sent to us these days and I feel its time to start enjoying the email we receive and at least get something out of it like encouragement and inspiration. I don't want to clutter your E-mail box because I know you have a life and don't want to read mail all day long, so I will send you inspirational and encouraging stories and poems 2 to 3 times a week. I hope this will bring encouragement to many in this world full of trials and troubles. I believe we need to spend more time thinking of life in a positive way and not worry about every problem that comes our way and simple stories of encouragement can do alot to help us have a better outlook on life. All Glory and Honor belongs to the Lord for the things He is doing. To Subscribe send Email to --- Godswork@minister.com
Subject: Endurance, Encouragement, Hope and Bring Home Good Fruit Body: Endurance, Encouragement, Hope and Bring Home Good Fruit I heard these words today in our Homily at church. They seemed to jump out at me with the current situation we have all been faced with at Enron. You have endured through a tremendous storm. Although your colleagues have disappeared leaving you to hold the bag, although you are at the center of intense criticism and accusations from investors, shareholders and employees and although the media has been brutal, you have endured. Your endurance, I believe, gives us the endurance, the encouragement and the hope that Enron will stabilize and be as strong as it ever was and with a much stronger foundation. Turmoil serves only to strengthen and bring a community together. It was true on September 11th and it can be true at Enron. We have been shaken, but we cannot give up. With hope anything is possible. Enron has been my home for 20 years. I was there when we became Enron. The last week was extremely difficult for all, "the straw that broke the camels back" for me was when I came in to workout on Friday morning at 5:30 a.m. and the Body Shop was closed. A note on the front door, "the Body Shop would be shutting down at 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening". I had been so strong up to this point. After I found a place to shower, I cried for two hours. A culmination of events finally broke me. I had been so optimistic. I am blessed "for the moment", I still have a job. I believe I would be blessed even if I didn't have a job. I have not given up. As long as we have you and "you can endure", I know we will all make it through this storm. May God Bless You Nelda Shealy
Subject: REPLY Body: Will do, Ken. So, I guess asking you to submit a piece for the End of Year = Issue is totally out of the question? In any event, that request is below.=20 Regards,
Subject: Industry Policy Task Force Meeting - May 24 Body: Industry Policy Task Force Kick-Off Meeting Initiating Pro-Active Budget, Advocacy, Educational, and Corporate Energy Management Actions Guest Speaker Theo Johnson Manager, Best Practices Program U.S. DOE, Office of Industrial Technologies Task Force Scope, Issues and Strategies, and Mechanics * Education of media and policymakers on the benefits of industrial energy-efficiency policies * Advocacy in support of restoration/increase in the Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT) budget * Promotion of best corporate energy management practices by industry Thursday, May 24, 2001 9:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (after Associates Breakfast) 2nd Floor Conference Room Dewey-Ballantine 1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC (2nd block south from Farragut West 18th Street Exit) (Enter on 18th Street) If you have not already been contacted, please RSVP by May 22, 2001 to Natasha Ewell at (202) 530-2208 or newell@ase.org <mailto:newell@ase.org> The Task Force will start promptly at 9:45 a.m. Lunch will be provided. Conference call arrangements will also be available.
Subject: Enron Book Project Body: Dear Ken: When the timing is right, I would like to visit with you (and Linda if appropriate) to discuss my idea of writing a scholarly but lively history of Enron. My working title is Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Enron. Perhaps the "Fall" is premature, but it will be revised accordingly if a stunning comeback is achieved. One of the advantages of a longer book is that the last chapter will be on industry developments a year or two out to see there things really land with or without Enron. What I have in mind is a two-year research and writing project--or longer. It would develop your history through Transco and then begin when John Duncan recruited you to Enron. The history, unlike the books we are likely to see in the next year, would fully develop a number of energy, political economy, and corporate culture themes. I will, of course, bring in all the recent and forthcoming events as the climax, but the buildup is what will distinguish the book. I anticipate it would be akin to "The Prize," but instead of the "epic quest for oil, money, and power" the Enron story would be the "epic" or "fatal" quest to create the world's leading company.
Subject: 3rd Request Body: This is the 3rd time that I have attempted to get an answer to the following question: Has or was more than one petition been filed before the bankruptcy court for severance or financial relief for terminated employees. At the time of the terminations, we were told in a group meeting that the $4500 requested and approved by the judge was the first of several petitions before the bankruptcy judge for severance on behalf of the terminated employees. To date, we have had no response to indicate what, if any, other petitions are before the court. An answer to this question will influence our actions on individual claims to the court as well as class action and individual lawsuits. Would someone within the organization please give us the courtesy of a response via e-mail or FAQ's? Since primarily lower level employees were affected by the terminations, it would seem that some goodwill and positive PR could be generated by attempting to show that you did not totally desert us in the process of lining your pockets. ===== Sincerely,
Subject: Reschedule appointment Body: Ms. Peppers, I am very sorry, but I must once again reschedule the appointment that you have with Mr. Lay. He will be out of town the entire week of September 26. The first available time to reschedule is October 19, 2000. Would an afternoon appointment work for you - about 2:00 p.m.? I look forward to hearing from you. Rosalee
Subject: PG&E BANKRUPTCY CASE-- IMPORTANT Body: As you may be aware, Enron Corp. is a member of the Official Unsecured Creditors' Committee appointed in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company bankruptcy case. Michael Tribolet with the Risk Assessment and Control Group is Enron's designated representative on the committee and he is being assisted by Lisa Mellencamp in the Enron North America Corp. legal group. Please be advised that they will be restricted from disclosing certain of the information that they receive. Attached are Ethical Wall Procedures regarding confidential information that Enron may receive as a member of the committee. It is important that you read the procedures promptly, print the Employee Certification attached and sign and return the Employee Certification to the Compliance Department as directed.
Subject: Flooding? Body: How is the rains and flooding down there? Will you have problem getting out of Houston tomorrow? We will try to give you a call tonight. Dad
Subject: Announcement!!! We have moved! Body: The SuperHotOffers.com Newsletter has moved!! In an effort to provide our subscribers with the best offers possible we have decided to move our newsletters to the best possible service we could find. There were just too many times we would find ourselves receiving mail from our subscribers saying that they had not received their newsletter or were having difficulties unsubscribing. As our subscribers are our most valued asset we had to think of you first. Our transfer has been a smooth one and we look forward to delivering the valuable offers and savings we always have, but this time without the hassle! Now we realize that maybe you may not be interested in receiving our newsletter any longer. If that is the case, simply click the below link and well make sure you are taken off of our list. Its that easy!Please Remove Me While we hate to see you go, we also value your perception of us. One of the reasons we have moved are the easy unsubscribe options available with this service. Our desire is to have the cleanest email newsletter in the industry and if you no longer want to receive our newsletter we respect your choice. Thank you for all of your support and we look forward to bringing you only the best special offers and fantastic values we can in 2002! Thank You,
Subject: YOU HAVE 48 HOURS - Message from Louise Kitchen Body: It appears that the following email may not have been clear. You have to copy all documents yourself. This is my cheat sheet if it helps: H Drives: 1. Each person will have to move any data over personally from the old H drive (which is now Z:) drive to their new H drive. 2. The Z: drive (old H:) will be removed from UBS employees on Thursday night. O Drives: 1. For the old O or M drives go to O:\ESTATE\ O (or M ? pending location of data) and copy to the new common O. The Estate O and M will be removed from UBS employees on Thursday night. Do not delete anything and only copy information which is complies with the policy. Please make sure that those people who are not in the office are contacted and comply. Louise To: All Enron Employees Transferring to UBS Warburg Energy (or its affiliates) Under the terms of the various agreements among certain Enron entities and UBS AG, certain Enron data and documents may be provided to UBS. To ensure compliance with those agreements, Enron's document retention policy, as well as directives of various investigative agencies, the attached protocol regarding the process for migration of any information or data to UBS has been developed. Please review the protocol carefully. Then, complete the attached Certification and return it, with attachments, to Linda Guinn at EB 3829a no later than February 11, 2002. Questions about this matter may be directed to Michelle Cash at (713) 853-6401 or Francisco Pinto-Leite at (713) 345-7942 . Protocol Document and Data Copy Instructions Certification Document
Subject: IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL EMPLOYEES PARTICIPATING IN THE ENRON CORP SAVINGS & ESOP PLANS Body: PLEASE READ THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ENRON STOCK FUND IN THE ENRON CORP. SAVINGS AND ESOP PLANS On Friday, January 11, trading of Enron stock was suspended on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). All Savings and ESOP Plan transactions, including 401(k) payroll contributions, involving this fund were placed in a pending status until trading resumed. As announced by Enron's Office of the Chair on Wednesday, January 16, Enron stock would now be traded Over The Counter (OTC). Upon receiving this information, work began immediately to develop a process that allows for OTC trades in the plans. On Thursday, January 17, Enron initiated a process to facilitate OTC trades of Enron stock inside the 401(k) and ESOP and all pending transactions were processed using Thursday's closing price. Now that trading has resumed, we urge you to review your investment elections to ensure that they are consistent with your investment goals. As things change, we will continue to update you. Enron Benefits Department
Subject: Michcon Market Body: Andy - Per our conversation, can you please provide me with an Index quote for the following volume requirements. It's on Michcon, 1 year starting July. Thanks so much.
Subject: Strategy Meeting - TW Commercial Team Body: Per discussions in Shelley's introductory meeting this morning, please mark your calendars to reflect a Strategy Meeting on Thursday of this week, March 28, 2:00 - 3:30 pm in ECN-39C1. Please let me know if there are any conflicts. Thanks in advance,
Subject: Enron/Dynegy Merger; Antitrust Issues Body: As you know, Enron has signed a merger agreement by which Dynegy will acquire Enron. We expect the transaction to close following shareholder and regulatory approvals and various conditions to closing. Even though Enron has entered into this agreement, U.S. and foreign antitrust laws require that Enron and Dynegy continue to operate independently of each other. In particular, to the extent that Enron and Dynegy are competitors in various businesses or markets, their respective activities must be undertaken at arm's length until the transaction has closed. Therefore, for antitrust purposes you should treat Dynegy as you would any other unaffiliated company notwithstanding the merger agreement. In addition, all information, documents and communications related to the merger between Enron and Dynegy should be coordinated through and approved by Mark Muller, Lance Schuler, Robert Eickenroht, Mark Haedicke, Rob Walls or Greg Whalley of Enron. It is absolutely critical that this procedure be maintained. To the extent that information is required to be disclosed to Dynegy under the merger agreement, then such disclosure should be approved by one of the foregoing individuals. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact Lance Schuler (713/853-5419), Robert Eickenroht (713/853-3155), Mark Haedicke (713/853-6544) or Rob Walls (713/646-6017). Thank you for your help in this matter.
Subject: Bullets 08/18 Body: Completed an IT agreement with CIMA Energy, who owns 5000/day production on the Crawford lateral. Gas will be transported to both the Willi Wick Farm Tap in the Texas panhandle area as well as to the West Texas pool. The agreement is at 0.065 cents, plus fuel for 14 months beginning Sept 2000. This new shipper on TW will generate additional revenue (currently shipped under a Duke FT for 0.02).
Subject: Reliant discount Body: FYI...I spoke with Craig Carley at Reliant this morning. On contract #22538, there was not a discount requested therefore September was at Max Rate. For October, I told him the spreads are still above Max Rate and he is in agreement. November...hmmm...above Max Rate?!? !
Subject: ETS and Corporate Change Control Body: The following items were presented in this week's corporate change control.... Feb. 13 From 5:00 p.m. through 2/14 at 6:00 a.m., the Envision team will perform hardware maintenance on the Envision system. This outage will affect corporate-wide applications accessing the Envision web query, FileNet Panagon IDM Desktop, FileNet IDM for R3, Panagon Capture professional. Users will be able to access IBuyit and IPayit from SAP but will not be able to view invoices. Feb. 14 At 12:00 noon, Enron Network Services will disable advertisement of the networks on the OmahaCisco router. This is to prevent unwanted traffic from routing through Northern Border. No impact is expected. Feb. 15 Beginning today, the Application Scripting team will modify the script for Instant messanger to allow parameters. No impact is expected. Feb. 15 From 10:30 - 11:00 p.m., Enron Network Services will fail over Internet traffic to the primary firewall. This change will result in a 10-15 second outage for Internet traffic and access to servers on the and DMZ segments. This change will be coordinated with HotTap and will not take place until processing is completed. Support staff with application servers on the DMZ should plan on testing their applications after this change.
Subject: Increased Take-away at SoCal Needles Body: Based upon our understanding of the request from TW Marketing, here is our suggested position on the posting and awarding of potential take-away capacity at SoCal Needles from approximately 1/1/02 to 5/31/02. TW would post on its website a notice in the capacity section that, based on information provided by SoCal regarding an expansion on their system, the take-away capacity at SoCal Needless may be increased by __Dth/day for the period of approximately 1/1/02 to 5/31/02. Shippers would be advised that the actual start date would depend on SoCal completing their system modifications. The posting would say that TW would accept requests for such capacity during a stated period of time (a minimum of 3 business days). TW would award the capacity to the shipper(s) willing to provide the greatest cost commitment. The greatest cost commitment would be defined as those revenues above and beyond the current revenues which Transwestern already receives from reservation charges being paid prior to the bid period.
Subject: ETS and Corporate Change Control Items Body: The following items were discussed in this week's ETS and Corporate Change Control Items... Sept. 24 From 12:00 a.m. through 10/07 at 11:45 p.m., Enron Network Services is implementing a moratorium on all network changes one week prior through one week after the first move of users to Enron Center South. This moratorium will probably be limited to routing changes, no new networks, no changes to existing networks, etc. No impact to ETS networks is expected. Oct. 4 From 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., the EDI team will replace the backup EDI server located in Omaha. The existing server will be de-commissioned. The new server will take over the dns and IP address of the old server. No impact is expected as this server is used for disaster recovery. Oct. 4 From 11:00 p.m. through 10/5 at 2:00 a.m., the Unix team will rename the edinet.enron.com and ecnet.enron.com systems. During last Saturday's EDI change, the DNS entries were changes but the actual servers were not changed to reflect their new names. They will also install patches to the machines during the maintenance. This change will result in a total disruption of service to EDI Web access only. EDI will not be affected. Oct. 5 From 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., the Monitoring group will bring up the new ITContacts site and disable the old. We are currently not using this site but there are plans to access it in the future. No impact is expected. Oct. 5 From 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., the Corp server team will perform maintenance on the HR-DB-4 server to add more disk space. This change will result in a disruption of service to all HR Global applications including eHRonline, GCS, GIS, expertfinder, etc. Oct. 5 From 9:00 - 11:00 p.m., Enron Network Services will split the two 8 port gig channels from ECS to ECN into four 4 port gig channels. This change will fully mesh the ECS core. No impact is expected. Oct. 5 From 9:00 - 11:45 p.m., the Messaging team will Test Upgrade functions of XTND 2.6. This change affects PDA users who log into XTND. No impact to ETS users is expected. X-tend Connect Proxy servers will be unavailable on 10/5/01 from 9:00-11:45pm. Palm Pilot users who use X-tend Connect Proxy to sync with Outlook will be unable to do so during this time. Oct. 5 From 9:00 p.m. through 10/6 at 1:00 a.m., the Messaging team will reboot all Corp and EI Notes servers. No impact to ETS users is expected. Oct. 5 From 10:00 - 10:15, Enron Network Services will migrate the following Corp servers on the network: foglight, charon, hyperion, perch, diablo, vision, ricky, dbadmin, worf, riker, europa, titania, pandora, ferrari, pluto, hades, opal, cyclopes, astral, and modena. No impact to ETS is expected.
Subject: Increased Security at Enron Center Body: Late on October 25th, we received information about a nonspecific threat to the Enron Center. We communicated with law enforcement officials who found the threat unsubstantiated and without merit. Nonetheless we take all threats seriously and have increased the security presence at the Enron Center still further. Once again, if you observe suspicious behavior, please call security at 3-6200.
Subject: LIM Software Upgrade Notice Body: All LIM MIMIC & Excel Add-in Users within Enron, This past week LIM software was upgraded to reflect LIM latest versions. If you are experiencing problems with MIMIC or the XMIM Excel Addin, please restart your machine for the latest changes to take effect, then follow the instructions for your specific application. MIMIC: Under Start > Programs > Business Applications > LIM, Use the latest MIMIC version which is MIMIC 1.2.7 Excel Addin: Please reinstall your add-in, running the XMIM Excel User (installation) under Start > Programs > Business Applications > LIM If problems persist, please contact the Enron - LIM Helpdesk at extension 33923 or 713-853-3923.
Subject: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Body: I will be walking in the Juvenile Diabetes walk on October 28 and am soliciting sponsors. If you would like to donate to this cause, please let me know. For a donation of $25 or more, you will get an Enron JDRF Team T-shirt with our "Mission Possible" theme. As we all know, Juvenile Diabetes is a disease that affects many children and adults alike. Insulin is not a cure, only a drug that keeps them alive until a cure is found and a cure is within walking distance. Please help if you can. Thanks,
Subject: FERC Discussion on OFOs Body: Per Jan's recent Commission meeting summary I just noticed the Commission had added a discussion item on OFOs. They didn't get to this at yesterday's meeting, but will take up on Oct. 11. Help Joe -- what is this about? Is there some possibility of the FERC curbing our ability to use OFOs? This is an absolutely critical tool for us to keep -- even though we seldom use. Where/when can we make our case.
Subject: *EMCA* Mosquitoes Body: Ultraviolet high voltage traps work very well. If the problem is severe put in more than one. Place at least 20 feet away from the area you normally use and install in an elevated location. Leave on 24 hours a day. Harry Kirmon
Subject: sun devil weekly meeting update Body: Due to the holidays and vacation schedules, we will hold off having any further weekly project meetings until Monday, January 7 at 3:30pm. Plan on meeting in ECN 15c1. thanks for your patience and have a wonderful Christmas. Kevin Hyatt
Subject: Office Supplies Body: To make use of office supplies that have been left at vacated workspaces, Enron Property and Services Corp is asking for your assistance. EPSC will remove extra supplies from identified areas and place in a central location where they may be utilized by everyone. Please identify areas in your business units that have been vacated and can be checked by EPSC. Once areas have been idenitified please call the Help Desk at x36300, option 2. To obtain office supplies that have been accumulated by EPSC, please email your needs to the following address: Facilities Help Desk 1. You will be contacted about available items. If you have any questions please call Richard Hensch at x35522.
Subject: Natural Gas Origination Body: Our natural gas business continues to benefit from effective account management and resource allocation focused on identifying and responding to the needs of our varied customers. In order to keep our organization optimally structured and to facilitate additional growth, we are making the following changes: Producer/Wellhead Group The current mid-market, origination and wellhead pricing activity currently within the Central and Eastern Gas Regions will be consolidated with the Derivatives group under Fred Lagrasta. This will create a single business unit focused upon the needs of the producing industry within the Eastern U.S. The producer focus in the Western U.S. and Texas will remain unchanged reporting to Mark Whitt and Brian Redmond respectively. Strategic Asset Development Laura Luce will move from her role in the Central Region to lead an effort focused strictly on identifying and entering into long-term strategic arrangements within the Central and Eastern Regions. This initiative will focus on a limited number of selected markets that provide strategic opportunities for partnering in asset development, asset management and optimization. This effort will continue to work very closely with the regional leads. Central Origination and Mid-Market Frank Vickers will continue his current role in the Eastern Region and will assume the leadership role for Mid-Market and Origination activity in the Central Region. There will be no changes to the West and Texas Origination groups headed respectively by Barry Tycholiz and Brian Redmond. Please join us in congratulating Fred, Laura and Frank in their new roles. Louise & John
Subject: *EMCA* Mosquitoes Body: I hate to do this, and do not want to put anyone out, but I need some help. The mosquitoes are terrible. It is hurting me to look at Kendall (my son) any more, as the number of bites on him have gone into the double digits. I cannot imagine that we are the only ones suffering from these nasty little pests, and I want to do something about it. If any of you have time tomorrow, can you do me this - can you call Harris County Mosquito Control and help me complain? I figure that if a whole load of us start calling, they won't be able to ignore us. Their number is 713-440-4800. I get a recording when I call, but their hours are 8 - 5, so maybe we can talk to a live person tomorrow. Thank you for helping me, and ultimately helping everyone. Best Regards,
Subject: Ratings Outline File Body: Teb, This is the ratings outline printed for you before I left. I thought you might want the file in case you wanted to make changes. Jeanette
Subject: CPUC Proceedings Body: Rob, As requested, attached below is a summary of current CPUC proceedings which are important to Transwestern. Our focus has been on these five proceedings as in each instance the outcome potentially impacts take-away capacity at the border and end-user rates and terms and conditions of service in our market area. The proceedings included are: I99-07-003 GIR/SoCal Unbundling I00-11-02 Adequacy of SoCal System A01-09-024 SoCalGas BCAP A01-10-005 SDG&E BCAP (consolidated w/SoCal) A01-10-011 PG&E Gas Accord I have included the purpose of each proceeding, Transwestern's participation and position when taken, status of each proceeding and key dates for upcoming events. Please feel free to call me to discuss any of the proceedings or to answer any questions. On my next trip to Houston, I'll schedule some time to review these proceedings with anyone interested in further discussion. Glen
Subject: *EMCA* The inner city grid Body: <bigger>Amy, Sorry I'm just now getting around responding to your comments of December 26: >Most Montrose neighborhoods have a very unfortunate layout (with respect to theft and >vandalism) - almost every street is a cross street, so that people can get in and out of the >neighborhood very easily. <bigger> </bigger>>This has been discussed with the Mayor's office in past years, but the "need for alternate >routes out of downtown" so far has overshadowed issues such as this. </bigger> I know that 1990's planners--like the people who designed the
Subject: Southern Trails Data Request List Body: Please look at the attached. If there are some things missing, please let me know. If some things on the list are not applicable, please note that too. Just send your deletions/additions to me via email. If you can get this to me by the end of the day Wednesday, that would allow us to proceed with Questar all the sooner. Thanks,
Subject: Message from Jim Saunders - Account Coding Changes for NNG Body: Effective 2/1/02 a new company will go into effect called ENNG. The company code is 179E. The primary purpose of this company is to account for the payroll of the Enron employees who are currently on company 0179, and who will remain Enron employees after the 2/1/02 transition of Northern Natural Gas to Dynegy. With respect to coding invoices, recording time and other similar transactions on Northern Natural Gas (0179) please note the following that are effective 2/1/02: If you have expenses that you normally would charge to a 0179 FAR order or project, continue using the same codes. No changes here. If you have expenses that you normally would charge to a 0179 cost center, use the same cost center number except replace the first digit with a 5. For example, if you would have charged 111222, charge 511222 instead. These "5" series cost centers have been set up on company 179E, but their payroll and expenses flow into company 0179. You will not be able to code direct to a 0179 cost center after January business (1/31/02). If you are becoming a Dynegy employee on 2/1/02, your time entry for January and corrections to any prior period must be entered before noon on 2/1/02. After noon on 2/1/02 do not enter your time into eHRonline or the SAP timekeeping application. During the next week or two we will be working with Dynegy on an alternative for capturing and accounting for your time and payroll expenses. If you are currently a 0179 employee and are continuing as an Enron employee, your time entry for January and corrections to any prior period must be entered before noon on 2/1/02. After noon on 2/1/02 continue entering your time as you ordinarily would. Unless you exception code to FAR orders or projects, your hours will automatically go into the appropriate "5" series cost center on company 179E. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning these coding changes please contact Trey Meerbott at (713) 853-7003.
Subject: ETS and Corporate Change Control Body: The following items were presented in this week's corporate change control.... Feb. 2 From 6:00 - 9:00 a.m., the Envision team will re-index the databases. This outage will affect corporate-wide applications accessing the Envision web query, FileNet Panagon IDM Desktop, FileNet IDM for R3, Panagon Capture professional. Users will be able to access IBuyit and IPayit from SAP but will not be able to view invoices. Feb. 16 From 10:30 - 11:30 p.m., the Omaha Infrastructure team will reconfigure the power connections for the Omaha Inverse MUX. This change will result in a total disruption of IP communication between Omaha and Houston. The outage should only last for a few minutes. The maintenance time will be coordinated with the HotTap helpdesk to ensure processing has been completed. All support staff whose applications are affected by this outage should communicate this change to their customers. Please ensure they are aware of the possibility of an extended outage in the event the Inverse MUX does not properly re-establish communications. LAT and DecNet communications for gas control will not be affected by this maintenance.
Subject: *EMCA* ponyboy Body: My spotted-blond, male dog slipped out through an unattended door. His name is ponyboy and my tenant estimates it was about 5:00 PM yesterday. Someone told me that he thought he had seen him get hit by car @ taft. Searching for him has not turned up any clues. I will be posting signs today, Please let me know if you have any info. I truly love that dog. I adopted him moments before he was to be terminated and he is just the greatest little "crazy" dog I've ever known. thanx
Subject: Thoughts/Ideas Body: Phillip, I apologize that it has taken me so long to send you an e-mail like you asked us to, but I just wanted to send some suggestions/thoughts about things on the East Desk. 1. I really like the idea of weekly meetings. Especially in the new building where we will be spaced out and not all sitting together, I think it would be good for team unity. Even if the meeting is only 10 minutes long, it gives the group a chance to talk about what everyone is working on and projects that we can work with others on. Also, with people joining East and leaving East, the meetings could give us a chance to get to know each other better. I realize that meetings are not necessary every week, but 2 or 3 a month have very helpful and beneficial for me. 2. We were all going to give a small "lesson" on an area of our jobs that we have a strong knowledge about and present it to the others in our group. Jeff has already given a lesson on NX3 Basis positions. Although the lessons may be a little nerve wracking, I think they would be very useful to continue. For example, the subjects of Liquidation, Storage, and OA are all areas I would like to know more about. That's it really. Thank you for all of your help so far with the Gulf4/5 "merger". I am really excited about our new group and I can't wait to move to the new building. Thanks,
Subject: item#1065594740 Body: It's clear the Ebay made the error in this matter. They are not being forthcoming about it however. I'am continuing to communicate with them but they are being less that honest. I am not going to pay what I did not bid. Since Ebay is the culprit here we are caught in the middle I'd refrain from leaving any negative at my site, until this matter can be resolved, since I would have to respond in kind.
Subject: New Corp Login Body: Question for NetCo employees: The new corp id's xfer to UBS is being considered for this Sunday. Hence, no start menu access to estate. You will still have access to NT estate drive data to copy. Does anyone have the need to retain a estate id for support estate application during the last week? Exceptions have to be authorized. Wanted to get a preliminary need analysis... This was sent by an IT manager, let me know your thoughts... O
Subject: TDS Physical Position Problems Body: We have discovered a problem with physical positions in TDS. Changed deals potentially can double up the deals volume in TDS. The TDS group worked late Monday to try and resolve the issue, but failed. Please let your traders know that the physical positions cannot be completely relied on. I have also left a message on you phones to get this message to you. Thanks
Subject: accrual value split Body: Attached are the spreadsheets you requested. The first tab - 100 is the same sheet as the one we discussed earlier. The second tab 60.40 is the sheet that assumes Tom only gets 40% and Sharpe gets the asset deals. The third tab is the revised summary sheet for all months if the 60.40 split is the route we choose to go. Please feel free to give me a call with any questions. Thanks. PL
Subject: conversion factors Body: Per your request, attached is the hedge strip file that we use to calculate your bench every night. On one of the tabs R2, you will find your positions and a conversion factor. I have tied these to the benchmark groups conversion factor numbers. Let me know if we need some of these points changed, i.e. CGPR-DAWN's conversion factor is 0. Shout with any questions. Thanks.
Subject: Pool Update Body: Attached is the updated scores. Please check your scores to verify accuracy. As the scores stand now, Joey will win no matter what and the second place race is between Chuck and Wolfe. If Arizona loses, Wolfe takes second and if Arizona wins, it goes to the tiebreaker. The rest of us are out of it. If you have 0 all the way out, it means you do not have any teams remaining. By the way - nice score Lenhart(we will see if we can get you a charitable deduction for your $10). PL
Subject: Dr. Burgess Body: Sam- Here is a little something about my grandfather: Dr Walter Herschel Burgess was a 1950 graduate of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now Auburn University. He practied vetinary medicine for 38 years in Haleyville, Alabama. Dr. Burgess was blessed with 3 children, 2 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Dr. Burgess was an avid golfer and tremendous football fan. He held Auburn football season tickets for 50 years. Dr. Burgess recently received the golden eagle from Auburn University in recognition of 50 years of alumni service. Dr Burgess was a World War II veteran. Dr. Burgess loved Auburn and sent all three of his children and both grandchildren to school on the plains. Due to his love for Auburn that he instilled in his family, there will definitely be a forth generation Auburn graduate in the Burgess family. Dr. Burgess was also a proud member of the OTS vetinary fraternity at Auburn University. Dr. Burgess was born in Cullman County, Alabama and was a 50 year resident of Haleyville, Alabama. Please feel free to take some liberties and rearrange or omit some of the things I stated above. Thanks again Sam for all of your help with this and the recognition this newsletter will give my grandfather. Auburn is very fortunate to have such a great person raising money for the most important school within the University. Talk to you soon. PL
Subject: 2/2001 Interdesk Descriptions in Region File Body: FYI, make sure the tab on your P&L file has been changed to match this=20 email. This is really important since we are moving books around tonight. = =20 Thanks.
Subject: NGPL Nipsco Body: Can you please set this new location up, Nipsco/NGPL, with curves the same as the original point, NGPL/Nipsco. I believe they are as follows: gas daily should be GDP-CHI. GATE, the intramonth should be NGI/CHI. GATE, and the Mid should be NGI/CHI./NIPSCO. Please shout with any questions. Thanks for your help. PL
Subject: SIthe Storage Body: Jim, Please adjust the sithe storage account to a price of $0, instead of wacog. This adjustment should not have to go back any further than 11/99. The Pipeline is Union Gas Limited and the storage contract number is 96041510. Please shout with any questions. Jennifer, this should eliminate the current outstanding variances and create a variances for all past months that have been cleaned up. The P&L impact of the new variances should be minimal due to the small volume nature of these transactions in the past. I believe the variances will be a gain. Thanks for you help guys.
Subject: Peaking Proposal for NGC Body: Northern Gas Company is requesting a letter proposal for peaking gas for December 2001 through February 2002. This proposal could be for the Casper Pooling point #18106 or any other mutually agreeable points into NGC's system. The volumes should be a max volume of 15,000 to 20,000/d. NGC would like to receive this proposal by November 7th and we will notify suppliers on November 9th or 12th. If you have questions let me know. Thanks, Lorraine
Subject: "Critical", Maintenance, 20020402, QPC, 092027077 Body: RE: NOTICE TO CLAY BASIN CAPACITY HOLDERS Questar Pipeline Company (Questar) is planning to perform Clay Basin inventory verification and deliverability tests beginning April 2, 2002. These tests will involve a 14-day shut-in of Clay Basin for reservoir gas inventory verification followed immediately by a 2-day field deliverability test. D uring the 14-day shut-in, Clay Basin customers will not be able to utilize their storage service. However, in order to facilitate the 2-day deliverability test, an Operational Flow Order (OFO) will be issued and storage capacity holders will be required to take a pro-rata share of their withdrawal capacity from a total volume of 300,000 dth in a 32-hour period. Questar will work with storage customers to facilitate transportation of their gas supply during this time period. Questar is interested in finding ways to minimize the impact of this testing on its shippers. Please contact your Questar marketing repesentative to discuss the testing process.
Subject: EnCi0102NC.XLS Body: Here's the worksheet I sent to Nicole for February. The volumes come right off the CIG invoice for each contract, are input on the right side of the CIG worksheet and are totaled on the summary at the left. The numbers in blue are inputs from the invoices.
Subject: Preparing for your departure Body: Hello Paul, Orbitz would like to assist with the preparation for your journey to San Antonio on December 21. Important information for your day of travel * You have e-tickets for this trip. Important: You will need a printed copy of your e-ticket itinerary and a government-issued photo ID for the check-in procedures at the airport. We suggest printing this email for this purpose. If you are not checking luggage, you may proceed directly to the gate. * Your Orbitz record locator is OM7JOI. * The confirmed traveler(s) for this trip are: PAUL LUCCI, ticket number 0051505151355 * If you are checking baggage, please make sure that every bag is labeled with your name and home address. We recommend getting to the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure for security and luggage check in. Friday, December 21 * Arrive at Denver International (DEN) two hours before your scheduled departure time for domestic flights, or three hours before your scheduled departure time for international flights. * If you have no luggage to check in, proceed directly to the gate. * At 4:35 PM MST your flight, Continental Airlines (CO) 1098, will depart for Houston George Bush International (IAH). Your approximate travel time is 2 hours and 17 minutes. A Dinner will be served during your flight. * You are scheduled to arrive at Houston George Bush International (IAH) at 7:52 PM CST. Please check the monitors in the terminal for the gate of your connecting flight and for possible changes of departure time. * At 8:29 PM CST your flight, Continental Airlines (CO) 1687, will depart for International (SAT). Your approximate travel time is 56 minutes. It is unknown whether a meal will be served during your flight. * You are scheduled to arrive at International (SAT) at 9:25 PM CST. Follow the signs for luggage and transportation. Enjoy your time in San Antonio! Wednesday, December 26 * Arrive at International (SAT) two hours before your scheduled departure time for domestic flights, or three hours before your scheduled departure time for international flights. * If you have no luggage to check in, proceed directly to the gate. * At 6:56 PM CST your flight, Continental Airlines (CO) 778, will depart for Houston George Bush International (IAH). Your approximate travel time is 55 minutes. It is unknown whether a meal will be served during your flight. * You are scheduled to arrive at Houston George Bush International (IAH) at 7:51 PM CST. Please check the monitors in the terminal for the gate of your connecting flight and for possible changes of departure time. * At 8:33 PM CST your flight, Continental Airlines (CO) 722, will depart for Denver International (DEN). Your approximate travel time is 2 hours and 24 minutes. It is unknown whether a meal will be served during your flight. * You are scheduled to arrive at Denver International (DEN) at 9:57 PM MST. Follow the signs for luggage and transportation.
Subject: Enron/Dynegy Merger; Antitrust Issues Body: As you know, Enron has signed a merger agreement by which Dynegy will acquire Enron. We expect the transaction to close following shareholder and regulatory approvals and various conditions to closing. Even though Enron has entered into this agreement, U.S. and foreign antitrust laws require that Enron and Dynegy continue to operate independently of each other. In particular, to the extent that Enron and Dynegy are competitors in various businesses or markets, their respective activities must be undertaken at arm's length until the transaction has closed. Therefore, for antitrust purposes you should treat Dynegy as you would any other unaffiliated company notwithstanding the merger agreement. In addition, all information, documents and communications related to the merger between Enron and Dynegy should be coordinated through and approved by Mark Muller, Lance Schuler, Robert Eickenroht, Mark Haedicke, Rob Walls or Greg Whalley of Enron. It is absolutely critical that this procedure be maintained. To the extent that information is required to be disclosed to Dynegy under the merger agreement, then such disclosure should be approved by one of the foregoing individuals. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact Lance Schuler (713/853-5419), Robert Eickenroht (713/853-3155), Mark Haedicke (713/853-6544) or Rob Walls (713/646-6017). Thank you for your help in this matter.
Subject: YOU HAVE 48 HOURS - Message from Louise Kitchen Body: It appears that the following email may not have been clear. You have to copy all documents yourself. This is my cheat sheet if it helps: H Drives: 1. Each person will have to move any data over personally from the old H drive (which is now Z:) drive to their new H drive. 2. The Z: drive (old H:) will be removed from UBS employees on Thursday night. O Drives: 1. For the old O or M drives go to O:\ESTATE\ O (or M ? pending location of data) and copy to the new common O. The Estate O and M will be removed from UBS employees on Thursday night. Do not delete anything and only copy information which is complies with the policy. Please make sure that those people who are not in the office are contacted and comply. Louise To: All Enron Employees Transferring to UBS Warburg Energy (or its affiliates) Under the terms of the various agreements among certain Enron entities and UBS AG, certain Enron data and documents may be provided to UBS. To ensure compliance with those agreements, Enron's document retention policy, as well as directives of various investigative agencies, the attached protocol regarding the process for migration of any information or data to UBS has been developed. Please review the protocol carefully. Then, complete the attached Certification and return it, with attachments, to Linda Guinn at EB 3829a no later than February 11, 2002. Questions about this matter may be directed to Michelle Cash at (713) 853-6401 or Francisco Pinto-Leite at (713) 345-7942 . Protocol Document and Data Copy Instructions Certification Document
Subject: Expense Reports Body: In anticipation of the imminent closing of the UBSW Energy transaction, please have all outstanding employee expenses in your possession filed through Enron's XMS system as soon as possible. Note to approvers - please approve these expense reports quickly. Enron will process and pay all pre-closing expenses. After transaction closing, payments for expenses submitted before closing (and put into Enron's XMS system) will be sent to your last known address or direct deposited into your account. Enron has committed to processing and paying any expenses incurred prior to transaction closing. If not completed this week, pre-closing expenses should be submitted on a hard copy expense report form which will be available at www.enron.com. There will be a series of e-mails coming out over the next few days highlighting the Travel & Entertainment policies of UBSW Energy and the procedures for processing and payment. If you have any questions, please contact Hope Vargas (3-5280) or Georganne Hodges (3-0430).
Subject: Basics of Risk Management Enrollment Body: REMINDER!!! You are enrolled in the following class. Basics of Risk Management November 15 & 16, 2001 in EB552 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (1st day) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (2nd day) Please be on time. Last day to cancel is today. If you cannot attend, please let me know, so that your company and cost center does not get charged.
Subject: PLEASE READ - IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE ENRON SAVINGS PLAN Body: Due to current business circumstances, on November 28, 2001, Enron's Board of Directors adopted an amendment to the Enron Corp. Savings Plan. The amendment includes the following changes, which became effective on November 29: ? Savings Plan contributions that are deducted from your November 30 paycheck will be matched by Enron in cash rather than Enron stock. The cash match will be placed into the Fidelity Freedom 2000 fund, the default fund for the Plan. ? After November 30, Enron will no longer match your savings plan contributions. As an exception, the company will continue the union matching contributions to the Plan. ? The Savings Plan has always permitted employees to place their contributions in Enron stock or one or more alternative investment options. Effective immediately, diversification within the Plan will ALSO be allowed, regardless of your age, from COMPANY contribution accounts. This removes the restriction for all employees under the age of 50 to diversify the company contributions held in their account. These accounts include all prior company contributions, QNEC, and company match accounts. To move funds: On the Web, choose "Savings Plan--Restricted Employer Acct Transfer/Reallocation" from the drop down menu.
Subject: Capital & Trade Body: Dear Lori, Just a quick question: Shayne Newell here (working on the petition) had the company name quoted to her (at a meeting regarding assets in the company) as: Enron Capital & Trade Resources Investment Corp. Is there another entity out there with that name rather than Enron Capital & Trade Resources International Corp.? Thanks! Jayne
Subject: Deerfield Body: Kay, did you know that the Deerfield option agreements are not held by deerfield (they are held by lauderdale), & that the permits are held by a lauderdale subsidiary? Bart wants to know if it makes sense to file for deerfield & not for the other LLC's where the project assets are held. Can you answer this because bart is standing over my shoulder. K
Subject: GE change order #3 Body: Lisa, Here is the discussion draft of change order #3 for your review, comment, changes, etc. Once it is finalized ENA would appreciate receiving a note requesting that the change order be executed, with the change order initialled by the appropriate person at ESA. Thanks,
Subject: Rocky Mount Body: Hi Heather, Here's a form of LOI we can use. Nancy W. called and is ready to discuss the PPA. We can call her after our meeting, or before if you have the time. Kay
Subject: CRRA document Body: I changed the plant stuff around, swapping most of them for Facility. I think it is a bit more clear now. Let me know what else needs to be done. I'll be leaving in around 1230 to buy a bribe, I mean pumpkin, but we won't be gone long. Kay
Subject: Draft DPCU Filing Body: Hi John, Sorry I missed your call last week. I was out ill. I'll give you a call once I dig out from under the paper. Kay
Subject: Oct 30 version of FCE/Enron contract Body: Gentlemen, Here's the most recent version of the equipment contract. I am including a ComparRite redline version, comparing this version to the Oct 11 version sent by Enron. I look forward to speaking with you soon, Kay
Subject: Paul Pipitone Body: Please tell Paul it will probaby be 315 or so before we call, and confirm the correct number. Also, please let Lisa Bills know where we will be meeting, as she is planning on coming late to the meeting. Thanks,
Subject: GE's comments Body: Gentlemen, Attached are GE's comments which I just received. They are concerned that we tried to improve the contract. Oh well. I hope to get this resolved today so we can wrap it up early next week. Talk to you soon, Kay