2 values
2 values
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Tarajah flips the coin. Merielle flips the coin. Esten does not flip the coin. Luigina flips the coin. Aurey does not flip the coin. Carnegia does not flip the coin. Adhiraj does not flip the coin. Shaquin flips the coin. Bidzina does not flip the coin. Aarzish flips the coin. Keaira flips the coin. Ceanna does not flip the coin. Ania flips the coin. Scheryl does not flip the coin. Qaylah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Tarajah flips the coin. Merielle flips the coin. Esten does not flip the coin. Luigina flips the coin. Aurey does not flip the coin. Carnegia does not flip the coin. Adhiraj does not flip the coin. Shaquin flips the coin. Bidzina does not flip the coin. Aarzish flips the coin. Keaira flips the coin. Ceanna does not flip the coin. Ania flips the coin. Scheryl does not flip the coin. Qaylah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Olímpio does not flip the coin. Quaneeka does not flip the coin. Naughton does not flip the coin. Offir does not flip the coin. Chenkin flips the coin. Talah does not flip the coin. Trinl does not flip the coin. Megan-rae does not flip the coin. Leannah does not flip the coin. Ayzlyn flips the coin. Judaea flips the coin. Crow flips the coin. Wernfried does not flip the coin. Herica flips the coin. Thomasena does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Olímpio does not flip the coin. Quaneeka does not flip the coin. Naughton does not flip the coin. Offir does not flip the coin. Chenkin flips the coin. Talah does not flip the coin. Trinl does not flip the coin. Megan-rae does not flip the coin. Leannah does not flip the coin. Ayzlyn flips the coin. Judaea flips the coin. Crow flips the coin. Wernfried does not flip the coin. Herica flips the coin. Thomasena does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Januszka does not flip the coin. Lanell does not flip the coin. Ank flips the coin. Jozien does not flip the coin. Jaylem flips the coin. Justinlee does not flip the coin. Veysey does not flip the coin. Elyne flips the coin. Revalee does not flip the coin. Nardia flips the coin. Museau flips the coin. Robaidh does not flip the coin. Donard flips the coin. Tish does not flip the coin. Jošt flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Januszka does not flip the coin. Lanell does not flip the coin. Ank flips the coin. Jozien does not flip the coin. Jaylem flips the coin. Justinlee does not flip the coin. Veysey does not flip the coin. Elyne flips the coin. Revalee does not flip the coin. Nardia flips the coin. Museau flips the coin. Robaidh does not flip the coin. Donard flips the coin. Tish does not flip the coin. Jošt flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Khoi does not flip the coin. Heidegunde flips the coin. Brixxon does not flip the coin. Myrtil flips the coin. Manzano flips the coin. Monie does not flip the coin. Pantelia flips the coin. Tamberly does not flip the coin. Alcantara-casas does not flip the coin. Yehoshua flips the coin. Fara does not flip the coin. Antanea flips the coin. Altrice flips the coin. Joyceline flips the coin. Merryweather flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Khoi does not flip the coin. Heidegunde flips the coin. Brixxon does not flip the coin. Myrtil flips the coin. Manzano flips the coin. Monie does not flip the coin. Pantelia flips the coin. Tamberly does not flip the coin. Alcantara-casas does not flip the coin. Yehoshua flips the coin. Fara does not flip the coin. Antanea flips the coin. Altrice flips the coin. Joyceline flips the coin. Merryweather flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kiara-lee does not flip the coin. Fusaye flips the coin. Rahim flips the coin. Fitzwater does not flip the coin. Farah does not flip the coin. Gagen does not flip the coin. Berthole does not flip the coin. Skippy flips the coin. Lilly-mae does not flip the coin. Nishan flips the coin. Sukvinder does not flip the coin. Weng flips the coin. Jakobey flips the coin. Finau does not flip the coin. Armonie flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Kiara-lee does not flip the coin. Fusaye flips the coin. Rahim flips the coin. Fitzwater does not flip the coin. Farah does not flip the coin. Gagen does not flip the coin. Berthole does not flip the coin. Skippy flips the coin. Lilly-mae does not flip the coin. Nishan flips the coin. Sukvinder does not flip the coin. Weng flips the coin. Jakobey flips the coin. Finau does not flip the coin. Armonie flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Orlee does not flip the coin. Menelaos flips the coin. Joko does not flip the coin. Jaweria flips the coin. Jahlani flips the coin. Affinity flips the coin. Madelaine flips the coin. Melone flips the coin. Antonelli flips the coin. Chiamaka flips the coin. Berberich flips the coin. Ardina flips the coin. Gerrelt does not flip the coin. Bonano flips the coin. Wanema does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Orlee does not flip the coin. Menelaos flips the coin. Joko does not flip the coin. Jaweria flips the coin. Jahlani flips the coin. Affinity flips the coin. Madelaine flips the coin. Melone flips the coin. Antonelli flips the coin. Chiamaka flips the coin. Berberich flips the coin. Ardina flips the coin. Gerrelt does not flip the coin. Bonano flips the coin. Wanema does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Magnuson flips the coin. Antis does not flip the coin. Youngii flips the coin. Bonard flips the coin. Geraldyne does not flip the coin. Jaimes-aviles does not flip the coin. Masanari flips the coin. Rushing flips the coin. Austie does not flip the coin. Lakim does not flip the coin. Yarixsa does not flip the coin. Youel flips the coin. Thula does not flip the coin. Subani flips the coin. Michalena flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Magnuson flips the coin. Antis does not flip the coin. Youngii flips the coin. Bonard flips the coin. Geraldyne does not flip the coin. Jaimes-aviles does not flip the coin. Masanari flips the coin. Rushing flips the coin. Austie does not flip the coin. Lakim does not flip the coin. Yarixsa does not flip the coin. Youel flips the coin. Thula does not flip the coin. Subani flips the coin. Michalena flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Serenah does not flip the coin. Pranshu does not flip the coin. Hazley flips the coin. Bhuralal does not flip the coin. Robynn does not flip the coin. Lamarea does not flip the coin. Kinslee does not flip the coin. Frehe does not flip the coin. Erford does not flip the coin. Valène flips the coin. Riddles flips the coin. Lamiracle does not flip the coin. Maseo flips the coin. Bilbo does not flip the coin. Yandriel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Serenah does not flip the coin. Pranshu does not flip the coin. Hazley flips the coin. Bhuralal does not flip the coin. Robynn does not flip the coin. Lamarea does not flip the coin. Kinslee does not flip the coin. Frehe does not flip the coin. Erford does not flip the coin. Valène flips the coin. Riddles flips the coin. Lamiracle does not flip the coin. Maseo flips the coin. Bilbo does not flip the coin. Yandriel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Anselme flips the coin. Gernard does not flip the coin. Blerata flips the coin. Chloeanne flips the coin. Annajames flips the coin. Tonnette does not flip the coin. Anetha flips the coin. Alfreddie does not flip the coin. Artesha does not flip the coin. Narcisso does not flip the coin. Deyaa does not flip the coin. Kionna flips the coin. Yurie does not flip the coin. Ryler flips the coin. Toleda does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Anselme flips the coin. Gernard does not flip the coin. Blerata flips the coin. Chloeanne flips the coin. Annajames flips the coin. Tonnette does not flip the coin. Anetha flips the coin. Alfreddie does not flip the coin. Artesha does not flip the coin. Narcisso does not flip the coin. Deyaa does not flip the coin. Kionna flips the coin. Yurie does not flip the coin. Ryler flips the coin. Toleda does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ludovina flips the coin. Nayla flips the coin. Rochus does not flip the coin. Eshnika does not flip the coin. Benisch flips the coin. Randhan does not flip the coin. Sheryal does not flip the coin. Osickey flips the coin. Haariys does not flip the coin. Vartan does not flip the coin. Eirlys does not flip the coin. Teman does not flip the coin. Iristine flips the coin. Schylar does not flip the coin. Raneka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ludovina flips the coin. Nayla flips the coin. Rochus does not flip the coin. Eshnika does not flip the coin. Benisch flips the coin. Randhan does not flip the coin. Sheryal does not flip the coin. Osickey flips the coin. Haariys does not flip the coin. Vartan does not flip the coin. Eirlys does not flip the coin. Teman does not flip the coin. Iristine flips the coin. Schylar does not flip the coin. Raneka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Anyja does not flip the coin. Ketchan flips the coin. Jalessa does not flip the coin. Amann does not flip the coin. Jaylese does not flip the coin. Prajna flips the coin. Vraj does not flip the coin. Maley flips the coin. Xhelil does not flip the coin. Corla does not flip the coin. Ellyonna does not flip the coin. Elisabetha does not flip the coin. Agnia flips the coin. Hernandez-velasquez does not flip the coin. Zalan does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Anyja does not flip the coin. Ketchan flips the coin. Jalessa does not flip the coin. Amann does not flip the coin. Jaylese does not flip the coin. Prajna flips the coin. Vraj does not flip the coin. Maley flips the coin. Xhelil does not flip the coin. Corla does not flip the coin. Ellyonna does not flip the coin. Elisabetha does not flip the coin. Agnia flips the coin. Hernandez-velasquez does not flip the coin. Zalan does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Linaya flips the coin. Nickholas flips the coin. Neev does not flip the coin. Corran-junior flips the coin. Shanina flips the coin. Waldine flips the coin. Aysel flips the coin. Darran does not flip the coin. Daneli flips the coin. Valerijs flips the coin. Maddocks flips the coin. Asif flips the coin. Demakis flips the coin. Anthnoy does not flip the coin. Anest does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Linaya flips the coin. Nickholas flips the coin. Neev does not flip the coin. Corran-junior flips the coin. Shanina flips the coin. Waldine flips the coin. Aysel flips the coin. Darran does not flip the coin. Daneli flips the coin. Valerijs flips the coin. Maddocks flips the coin. Asif flips the coin. Demakis flips the coin. Anthnoy does not flip the coin. Anest does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Artorias flips the coin. Aimi flips the coin. Camiah does not flip the coin. Sharmine does not flip the coin. Dilayla does not flip the coin. Scarbrough does not flip the coin. Papotto flips the coin. Agilbert flips the coin. Tedi does not flip the coin. Renezme does not flip the coin. Regis flips the coin. Demeturis flips the coin. Ylanda flips the coin. Jeske does not flip the coin. Kalibo flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Artorias flips the coin. Aimi flips the coin. Camiah does not flip the coin. Sharmine does not flip the coin. Dilayla does not flip the coin. Scarbrough does not flip the coin. Papotto flips the coin. Agilbert flips the coin. Tedi does not flip the coin. Renezme does not flip the coin. Regis flips the coin. Demeturis flips the coin. Ylanda flips the coin. Jeske does not flip the coin. Kalibo flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Marquist does not flip the coin. Keara flips the coin. Rodneyscott does not flip the coin. Ziba flips the coin. Sirpa does not flip the coin. Fulgencio does not flip the coin. Seiki does not flip the coin. Marsheila flips the coin. Gylfi flips the coin. Hedveh flips the coin. Ensey flips the coin. Kielsen flips the coin. Keigen does not flip the coin. Jille flips the coin. Selmer flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Marquist does not flip the coin. Keara flips the coin. Rodneyscott does not flip the coin. Ziba flips the coin. Sirpa does not flip the coin. Fulgencio does not flip the coin. Seiki does not flip the coin. Marsheila flips the coin. Gylfi flips the coin. Hedveh flips the coin. Ensey flips the coin. Kielsen flips the coin. Keigen does not flip the coin. Jille flips the coin. Selmer flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Gulam does not flip the coin. Varges flips the coin. Kesan does not flip the coin. Lavanda flips the coin. Ivannah does not flip the coin. Griesemer does not flip the coin. Mulloy flips the coin. Moeed flips the coin. Sheterica does not flip the coin. Rodson does not flip the coin. Epolito flips the coin. Natalja does not flip the coin. Rosa-vargas flips the coin. Malayjah flips the coin. Gabreil does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Gulam does not flip the coin. Varges flips the coin. Kesan does not flip the coin. Lavanda flips the coin. Ivannah does not flip the coin. Griesemer does not flip the coin. Mulloy flips the coin. Moeed flips the coin. Sheterica does not flip the coin. Rodson does not flip the coin. Epolito flips the coin. Natalja does not flip the coin. Rosa-vargas flips the coin. Malayjah flips the coin. Gabreil does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Amanita does not flip the coin. Erikk does not flip the coin. Aubreella does not flip the coin. Dannen flips the coin. Fauziyyah does not flip the coin. Chardonnay flips the coin. Ches flips the coin. Kathalina does not flip the coin. Prezleigh does not flip the coin. Elmore flips the coin. Gennine does not flip the coin. Urbanus does not flip the coin. Keynon flips the coin. Arasch does not flip the coin. Shadra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Amanita does not flip the coin. Erikk does not flip the coin. Aubreella does not flip the coin. Dannen flips the coin. Fauziyyah does not flip the coin. Chardonnay flips the coin. Ches flips the coin. Kathalina does not flip the coin. Prezleigh does not flip the coin. Elmore flips the coin. Gennine does not flip the coin. Urbanus does not flip the coin. Keynon flips the coin. Arasch does not flip the coin. Shadra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Mowlud flips the coin. Kaisey-simonne does not flip the coin. Gyselle flips the coin. Serdal does not flip the coin. Camaria does not flip the coin. Annesley does not flip the coin. Alessja flips the coin. Akieba does not flip the coin. Shanedra flips the coin. Crimi flips the coin. Avin does not flip the coin. Shawnique does not flip the coin. Curhan flips the coin. Ciancio does not flip the coin. Hanzlah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Mowlud flips the coin. Kaisey-simonne does not flip the coin. Gyselle flips the coin. Serdal does not flip the coin. Camaria does not flip the coin. Annesley does not flip the coin. Alessja flips the coin. Akieba does not flip the coin. Shanedra flips the coin. Crimi flips the coin. Avin does not flip the coin. Shawnique does not flip the coin. Curhan flips the coin. Ciancio does not flip the coin. Hanzlah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Asabi does not flip the coin. Lezette flips the coin. Nurqistina flips the coin. Yareth does not flip the coin. Bijan flips the coin. Artez flips the coin. Allmon does not flip the coin. Brio does not flip the coin. Kemarie does not flip the coin. Derkovic flips the coin. Yule flips the coin. Antre does not flip the coin. Arub flips the coin. Daevaughn does not flip the coin. Bayler flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Asabi does not flip the coin. Lezette flips the coin. Nurqistina flips the coin. Yareth does not flip the coin. Bijan flips the coin. Artez flips the coin. Allmon does not flip the coin. Brio does not flip the coin. Kemarie does not flip the coin. Derkovic flips the coin. Yule flips the coin. Antre does not flip the coin. Arub flips the coin. Daevaughn does not flip the coin. Bayler flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ifeoma does not flip the coin. Josanne flips the coin. Hinaa does not flip the coin. Delmarie flips the coin. Mirryn does not flip the coin. Resendiz-shandchez does not flip the coin. Marleina flips the coin. Jesalynn does not flip the coin. Karmon flips the coin. Erickia does not flip the coin. Norling flips the coin. Arkie flips the coin. Catheren does not flip the coin. Campbel flips the coin. Resnick does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ifeoma does not flip the coin. Josanne flips the coin. Hinaa does not flip the coin. Delmarie flips the coin. Mirryn does not flip the coin. Resendiz-shandchez does not flip the coin. Marleina flips the coin. Jesalynn does not flip the coin. Karmon flips the coin. Erickia does not flip the coin. Norling flips the coin. Arkie flips the coin. Catheren does not flip the coin. Campbel flips the coin. Resnick does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ahlan does not flip the coin. Maryha flips the coin. Taleke flips the coin. Deminous flips the coin. Karsyn does not flip the coin. Collinsworth flips the coin. Tranese does not flip the coin. Ladajah flips the coin. Söntke does not flip the coin. Kallie does not flip the coin. Izayah flips the coin. Rosealina does not flip the coin. Erdem does not flip the coin. Keyansh flips the coin. Yaman flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ahlan does not flip the coin. Maryha flips the coin. Taleke flips the coin. Deminous flips the coin. Karsyn does not flip the coin. Collinsworth flips the coin. Tranese does not flip the coin. Ladajah flips the coin. Söntke does not flip the coin. Kallie does not flip the coin. Izayah flips the coin. Rosealina does not flip the coin. Erdem does not flip the coin. Keyansh flips the coin. Yaman flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Valoria flips the coin. Juliyana does not flip the coin. Chanelly flips the coin. Levorn does not flip the coin. Edelbert does not flip the coin. Pélagie does not flip the coin. Oreanna flips the coin. Alazia does not flip the coin. Theanna does not flip the coin. Nnabuike does not flip the coin. Koichi flips the coin. Denaye flips the coin. Rosello does not flip the coin. Tilly-mai flips the coin. Dilkes does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Valoria flips the coin. Juliyana does not flip the coin. Chanelly flips the coin. Levorn does not flip the coin. Edelbert does not flip the coin. Pélagie does not flip the coin. Oreanna flips the coin. Alazia does not flip the coin. Theanna does not flip the coin. Nnabuike does not flip the coin. Koichi flips the coin. Denaye flips the coin. Rosello does not flip the coin. Tilly-mai flips the coin. Dilkes does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Novah flips the coin. Deforrest does not flip the coin. Fili does not flip the coin. Sidonio does not flip the coin. Sunila flips the coin. Ydania does not flip the coin. Mediate does not flip the coin. Dolme does not flip the coin. Aamya flips the coin. Akiharu does not flip the coin. Jileen does not flip the coin. Charlette does not flip the coin. Nafiza flips the coin. Maricia does not flip the coin. Sofia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Novah flips the coin. Deforrest does not flip the coin. Fili does not flip the coin. Sidonio does not flip the coin. Sunila flips the coin. Ydania does not flip the coin. Mediate does not flip the coin. Dolme does not flip the coin. Aamya flips the coin. Akiharu does not flip the coin. Jileen does not flip the coin. Charlette does not flip the coin. Nafiza flips the coin. Maricia does not flip the coin. Sofia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Zadack flips the coin. Gwynevere flips the coin. Icelean flips the coin. Haneen flips the coin. Lochner flips the coin. Evrard does not flip the coin. Sierk flips the coin. Dorle flips the coin. Glanti flips the coin. Tommasino does not flip the coin. Gabriellia flips the coin. Ribbs does not flip the coin. Shaun-jay flips the coin. Duchein does not flip the coin. Isatu flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Zadack flips the coin. Gwynevere flips the coin. Icelean flips the coin. Haneen flips the coin. Lochner flips the coin. Evrard does not flip the coin. Sierk flips the coin. Dorle flips the coin. Glanti flips the coin. Tommasino does not flip the coin. Gabriellia flips the coin. Ribbs does not flip the coin. Shaun-jay flips the coin. Duchein does not flip the coin. Isatu flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Guled does not flip the coin. Chinelle does not flip the coin. Esmiralda flips the coin. Ortiz-reyes does not flip the coin. Aureo flips the coin. Sanja does not flip the coin. Gorg flips the coin. Nyeasia flips the coin. Harender flips the coin. Rorik does not flip the coin. Zejnepe does not flip the coin. Courtney-jayne flips the coin. Nakara flips the coin. Gylfi does not flip the coin. Gebhart flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Guled does not flip the coin. Chinelle does not flip the coin. Esmiralda flips the coin. Ortiz-reyes does not flip the coin. Aureo flips the coin. Sanja does not flip the coin. Gorg flips the coin. Nyeasia flips the coin. Harender flips the coin. Rorik does not flip the coin. Zejnepe does not flip the coin. Courtney-jayne flips the coin. Nakara flips the coin. Gylfi does not flip the coin. Gebhart flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Agha does not flip the coin. Beegle flips the coin. Zoheb does not flip the coin. Chanh does not flip the coin. Kanichi does not flip the coin. Rahzel flips the coin. Akanke does not flip the coin. Feliz flips the coin. Yesina flips the coin. Nusrat does not flip the coin. Iyinoluwa flips the coin. Harpar flips the coin. Blessington does not flip the coin. Supraja does not flip the coin. Steffen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Agha does not flip the coin. Beegle flips the coin. Zoheb does not flip the coin. Chanh does not flip the coin. Kanichi does not flip the coin. Rahzel flips the coin. Akanke does not flip the coin. Feliz flips the coin. Yesina flips the coin. Nusrat does not flip the coin. Iyinoluwa flips the coin. Harpar flips the coin. Blessington does not flip the coin. Supraja does not flip the coin. Steffen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Odhin flips the coin. Silke flips the coin. Kashtian flips the coin. Gerit flips the coin. Tabita does not flip the coin. Mee does not flip the coin. Jawone does not flip the coin. Yin does not flip the coin. Lavarr flips the coin. Cotrina does not flip the coin. Wooten does not flip the coin. Natacha does not flip the coin. Hanagriff flips the coin. Remo does not flip the coin. Samion flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Odhin flips the coin. Silke flips the coin. Kashtian flips the coin. Gerit flips the coin. Tabita does not flip the coin. Mee does not flip the coin. Jawone does not flip the coin. Yin does not flip the coin. Lavarr flips the coin. Cotrina does not flip the coin. Wooten does not flip the coin. Natacha does not flip the coin. Hanagriff flips the coin. Remo does not flip the coin. Samion flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Dextyn flips the coin. Madewell flips the coin. Giffer flips the coin. Raviv does not flip the coin. Braegan does not flip the coin. Coryden does not flip the coin. Poppy-louise flips the coin. Leicia flips the coin. Lakeman does not flip the coin. Annamolly flips the coin. Maggi does not flip the coin. Gile does not flip the coin. Jandra flips the coin. Montravious flips the coin. Palcu flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Dextyn flips the coin. Madewell flips the coin. Giffer flips the coin. Raviv does not flip the coin. Braegan does not flip the coin. Coryden does not flip the coin. Poppy-louise flips the coin. Leicia flips the coin. Lakeman does not flip the coin. Annamolly flips the coin. Maggi does not flip the coin. Gile does not flip the coin. Jandra flips the coin. Montravious flips the coin. Palcu flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Adarius does not flip the coin. Awin does not flip the coin. Yulka flips the coin. Džafer does not flip the coin. Amadis flips the coin. Baxter flips the coin. Vianka does not flip the coin. Prindle flips the coin. Porshay flips the coin. Valdo does not flip the coin. Iri flips the coin. Alirah flips the coin. Aidin does not flip the coin. Blaiklee does not flip the coin. Steingrímur flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Adarius does not flip the coin. Awin does not flip the coin. Yulka flips the coin. Džafer does not flip the coin. Amadis flips the coin. Baxter flips the coin. Vianka does not flip the coin. Prindle flips the coin. Porshay flips the coin. Valdo does not flip the coin. Iri flips the coin. Alirah flips the coin. Aidin does not flip the coin. Blaiklee does not flip the coin. Steingrímur flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Rosie-mai does not flip the coin. Mila-rose flips the coin. Nuriah does not flip the coin. Reinburga does not flip the coin. Bwana does not flip the coin. Haimi flips the coin. Brezlynn does not flip the coin. Shaylonda does not flip the coin. Jamason does not flip the coin. Camber does not flip the coin. Chamia flips the coin. Neidelyn flips the coin. Januszka does not flip the coin. Adrina flips the coin. Saniyha flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Rosie-mai does not flip the coin. Mila-rose flips the coin. Nuriah does not flip the coin. Reinburga does not flip the coin. Bwana does not flip the coin. Haimi flips the coin. Brezlynn does not flip the coin. Shaylonda does not flip the coin. Jamason does not flip the coin. Camber does not flip the coin. Chamia flips the coin. Neidelyn flips the coin. Januszka does not flip the coin. Adrina flips the coin. Saniyha flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Macayla does not flip the coin. Antara flips the coin. Dekisha flips the coin. Prestero does not flip the coin. Phanta flips the coin. Margeret flips the coin. Kaliana does not flip the coin. Presilla flips the coin. Ishaal does not flip the coin. Serbando does not flip the coin. Timolyn does not flip the coin. Jalisa flips the coin. Kinyata flips the coin. Shakerra does not flip the coin. Eilzabeth does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Macayla does not flip the coin. Antara flips the coin. Dekisha flips the coin. Prestero does not flip the coin. Phanta flips the coin. Margeret flips the coin. Kaliana does not flip the coin. Presilla flips the coin. Ishaal does not flip the coin. Serbando does not flip the coin. Timolyn does not flip the coin. Jalisa flips the coin. Kinyata flips the coin. Shakerra does not flip the coin. Eilzabeth does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kasperitis does not flip the coin. Celestina flips the coin. Chanie flips the coin. Cyanni flips the coin. Devien does not flip the coin. Minato does not flip the coin. Nia flips the coin. Théophane flips the coin. Martrud does not flip the coin. Deshunda flips the coin. Mehta flips the coin. Philina does not flip the coin. Pollie flips the coin. Bujar flips the coin. Amarrion does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Kasperitis does not flip the coin. Celestina flips the coin. Chanie flips the coin. Cyanni flips the coin. Devien does not flip the coin. Minato does not flip the coin. Nia flips the coin. Théophane flips the coin. Martrud does not flip the coin. Deshunda flips the coin. Mehta flips the coin. Philina does not flip the coin. Pollie flips the coin. Bujar flips the coin. Amarrion does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Earnistine does not flip the coin. Aiyesha flips the coin. Pratyusha flips the coin. Cyrille does not flip the coin. Shearl does not flip the coin. Evans does not flip the coin. Lachell flips the coin. Dorry does not flip the coin. Walsh flips the coin. Lethia does not flip the coin. Leevon flips the coin. Lazetta does not flip the coin. Sayden flips the coin. Kelen does not flip the coin. Massoud flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Earnistine does not flip the coin. Aiyesha flips the coin. Pratyusha flips the coin. Cyrille does not flip the coin. Shearl does not flip the coin. Evans does not flip the coin. Lachell flips the coin. Dorry does not flip the coin. Walsh flips the coin. Lethia does not flip the coin. Leevon flips the coin. Lazetta does not flip the coin. Sayden flips the coin. Kelen does not flip the coin. Massoud flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Treqwan flips the coin. Tegid does not flip the coin. Leliea flips the coin. Rayka flips the coin. Surayah flips the coin. Lequient flips the coin. Layyah flips the coin. Carmita does not flip the coin. Hümeyra does not flip the coin. Ali-hassun flips the coin. Downall does not flip the coin. Marcelyn flips the coin. Zonya flips the coin. Parinita does not flip the coin. Sharlynn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Treqwan flips the coin. Tegid does not flip the coin. Leliea flips the coin. Rayka flips the coin. Surayah flips the coin. Lequient flips the coin. Layyah flips the coin. Carmita does not flip the coin. Hümeyra does not flip the coin. Ali-hassun flips the coin. Downall does not flip the coin. Marcelyn flips the coin. Zonya flips the coin. Parinita does not flip the coin. Sharlynn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Syanna flips the coin. Gavinn flips the coin. Delaine does not flip the coin. Mckennie flips the coin. Tiffanie flips the coin. Daryel does not flip the coin. Gaudencio does not flip the coin. Leise flips the coin. Maller does not flip the coin. Sabbath flips the coin. Wahib does not flip the coin. Savante flips the coin. Dnae does not flip the coin. Johnrobert flips the coin. Shayana flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Syanna flips the coin. Gavinn flips the coin. Delaine does not flip the coin. Mckennie flips the coin. Tiffanie flips the coin. Daryel does not flip the coin. Gaudencio does not flip the coin. Leise flips the coin. Maller does not flip the coin. Sabbath flips the coin. Wahib does not flip the coin. Savante flips the coin. Dnae does not flip the coin. Johnrobert flips the coin. Shayana flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Zamantha does not flip the coin. Aliska flips the coin. Khylah does not flip the coin. Eilif flips the coin. Ludgret flips the coin. Lejoyce flips the coin. Mcclenton flips the coin. Devinder flips the coin. Carel flips the coin. Tamarrah does not flip the coin. Nageswary flips the coin. Rekisha flips the coin. Babs flips the coin. Osha does not flip the coin. Darshae does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Zamantha does not flip the coin. Aliska flips the coin. Khylah does not flip the coin. Eilif flips the coin. Ludgret flips the coin. Lejoyce flips the coin. Mcclenton flips the coin. Devinder flips the coin. Carel flips the coin. Tamarrah does not flip the coin. Nageswary flips the coin. Rekisha flips the coin. Babs flips the coin. Osha does not flip the coin. Darshae does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sarah-louise flips the coin. Loftin does not flip the coin. Micayah does not flip the coin. Airo flips the coin. Armillas does not flip the coin. Kensler does not flip the coin. Cordale flips the coin. Hudis flips the coin. Tayt does not flip the coin. Adalisa does not flip the coin. Maisie-jayne does not flip the coin. Scherwitz does not flip the coin. Padraigin does not flip the coin. Ognjan does not flip the coin. Emberlie does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Sarah-louise flips the coin. Loftin does not flip the coin. Micayah does not flip the coin. Airo flips the coin. Armillas does not flip the coin. Kensler does not flip the coin. Cordale flips the coin. Hudis flips the coin. Tayt does not flip the coin. Adalisa does not flip the coin. Maisie-jayne does not flip the coin. Scherwitz does not flip the coin. Padraigin does not flip the coin. Ognjan does not flip the coin. Emberlie does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Clowser does not flip the coin. Ayleen does not flip the coin. Gvidonas flips the coin. Casadee flips the coin. Emili flips the coin. Vanslooten-caldwell does not flip the coin. Pitter does not flip the coin. Kopper flips the coin. Gethyn flips the coin. Pria flips the coin. Sharronda flips the coin. Lidda flips the coin. Nagia flips the coin. Libério does not flip the coin. Berenise flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Clowser does not flip the coin. Ayleen does not flip the coin. Gvidonas flips the coin. Casadee flips the coin. Emili flips the coin. Vanslooten-caldwell does not flip the coin. Pitter does not flip the coin. Kopper flips the coin. Gethyn flips the coin. Pria flips the coin. Sharronda flips the coin. Lidda flips the coin. Nagia flips the coin. Libério does not flip the coin. Berenise flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Daysy flips the coin. Tavorian flips the coin. Mashona flips the coin. Frigyes does not flip the coin. Lehuanani flips the coin. Cameca does not flip the coin. Reinke does not flip the coin. Nebiyu flips the coin. Corentin does not flip the coin. Giza does not flip the coin. Miley-jai does not flip the coin. Caralee flips the coin. Marrissa flips the coin. Runo does not flip the coin. Geodis flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Daysy flips the coin. Tavorian flips the coin. Mashona flips the coin. Frigyes does not flip the coin. Lehuanani flips the coin. Cameca does not flip the coin. Reinke does not flip the coin. Nebiyu flips the coin. Corentin does not flip the coin. Giza does not flip the coin. Miley-jai does not flip the coin. Caralee flips the coin. Marrissa flips the coin. Runo does not flip the coin. Geodis flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Shirret flips the coin. Maddelynn does not flip the coin. Coirrin does not flip the coin. Dhahran does not flip the coin. Jasira does not flip the coin. Jeroldine does not flip the coin. Georgia-rae flips the coin. Zaiba does not flip the coin. Taneha flips the coin. Declen does not flip the coin. Kilia flips the coin. Zenaiya flips the coin. Braddox flips the coin. Seppo flips the coin. Aceves does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Shirret flips the coin. Maddelynn does not flip the coin. Coirrin does not flip the coin. Dhahran does not flip the coin. Jasira does not flip the coin. Jeroldine does not flip the coin. Georgia-rae flips the coin. Zaiba does not flip the coin. Taneha flips the coin. Declen does not flip the coin. Kilia flips the coin. Zenaiya flips the coin. Braddox flips the coin. Seppo flips the coin. Aceves does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Croom flips the coin. Betzabeth does not flip the coin. Braylyn flips the coin. Swarna flips the coin. Judner flips the coin. Kreiker does not flip the coin. Shamila does not flip the coin. Kaleil flips the coin. Keyanni does not flip the coin. Lakicia does not flip the coin. Masoomah does not flip the coin. Mashaya flips the coin. Asan flips the coin. Madriene does not flip the coin. Jericia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Croom flips the coin. Betzabeth does not flip the coin. Braylyn flips the coin. Swarna flips the coin. Judner flips the coin. Kreiker does not flip the coin. Shamila does not flip the coin. Kaleil flips the coin. Keyanni does not flip the coin. Lakicia does not flip the coin. Masoomah does not flip the coin. Mashaya flips the coin. Asan flips the coin. Madriene does not flip the coin. Jericia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ezelle flips the coin. Owen-kai does not flip the coin. Trayvon flips the coin. Ysabell does not flip the coin. Lovella flips the coin. Aeisha flips the coin. Kathyy flips the coin. Neilesh does not flip the coin. Lavrrick does not flip the coin. Intervallo does not flip the coin. Jhena does not flip the coin. Valaska flips the coin. Natheniel flips the coin. Andelin flips the coin. Khollman does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ezelle flips the coin. Owen-kai does not flip the coin. Trayvon flips the coin. Ysabell does not flip the coin. Lovella flips the coin. Aeisha flips the coin. Kathyy flips the coin. Neilesh does not flip the coin. Lavrrick does not flip the coin. Intervallo does not flip the coin. Jhena does not flip the coin. Valaska flips the coin. Natheniel flips the coin. Andelin flips the coin. Khollman does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Quinnley does not flip the coin. Medina-zumeta does not flip the coin. Plamenka flips the coin. Gyda flips the coin. Andreau does not flip the coin. Eleutéria does not flip the coin. Alvetta flips the coin. Lisabella does not flip the coin. Batalone does not flip the coin. Papageno does not flip the coin. Harim flips the coin. Malathi does not flip the coin. Kambrey flips the coin. Gedas flips the coin. Andrekia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Quinnley does not flip the coin. Medina-zumeta does not flip the coin. Plamenka flips the coin. Gyda flips the coin. Andreau does not flip the coin. Eleutéria does not flip the coin. Alvetta flips the coin. Lisabella does not flip the coin. Batalone does not flip the coin. Papageno does not flip the coin. Harim flips the coin. Malathi does not flip the coin. Kambrey flips the coin. Gedas flips the coin. Andrekia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Garnetta does not flip the coin. Neđib flips the coin. Prophete flips the coin. Keyshon does not flip the coin. Rentas-paniagua flips the coin. Laniyha does not flip the coin. Lenee flips the coin. Dontea flips the coin. Davontai does not flip the coin. Tayma flips the coin. Bancroft flips the coin. Adelheid flips the coin. Kavir does not flip the coin. Irjat flips the coin. Rebote flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Garnetta does not flip the coin. Neđib flips the coin. Prophete flips the coin. Keyshon does not flip the coin. Rentas-paniagua flips the coin. Laniyha does not flip the coin. Lenee flips the coin. Dontea flips the coin. Davontai does not flip the coin. Tayma flips the coin. Bancroft flips the coin. Adelheid flips the coin. Kavir does not flip the coin. Irjat flips the coin. Rebote flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Wherry flips the coin. Sundae flips the coin. Baraa flips the coin. Lydía does not flip the coin. Marcink flips the coin. Legrande does not flip the coin. Klossett does not flip the coin. Devontay does not flip the coin. Greenfield flips the coin. Foh flips the coin. Datavian flips the coin. Daunte flips the coin. Vitalius flips the coin. Arissa flips the coin. Tertius flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Wherry flips the coin. Sundae flips the coin. Baraa flips the coin. Lydía does not flip the coin. Marcink flips the coin. Legrande does not flip the coin. Klossett does not flip the coin. Devontay does not flip the coin. Greenfield flips the coin. Foh flips the coin. Datavian flips the coin. Daunte flips the coin. Vitalius flips the coin. Arissa flips the coin. Tertius flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Džilda flips the coin. Kitchens does not flip the coin. Iean does not flip the coin. Jilene does not flip the coin. Köbi does not flip the coin. Charlie-leigh does not flip the coin. Vivianah does not flip the coin. Dantre does not flip the coin. Junella does not flip the coin. Abubakar flips the coin. Tykeya does not flip the coin. Hem does not flip the coin. Harlin does not flip the coin. Moorhouse flips the coin. Daneesha does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Džilda flips the coin. Kitchens does not flip the coin. Iean does not flip the coin. Jilene does not flip the coin. Köbi does not flip the coin. Charlie-leigh does not flip the coin. Vivianah does not flip the coin. Dantre does not flip the coin. Junella does not flip the coin. Abubakar flips the coin. Tykeya does not flip the coin. Hem does not flip the coin. Harlin does not flip the coin. Moorhouse flips the coin. Daneesha does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Akihiro flips the coin. Tatarius flips the coin. Jatari flips the coin. Gwenetta does not flip the coin. Christoopher flips the coin. Asfiya flips the coin. Mehriban does not flip the coin. Johnroe flips the coin. Orfurd flips the coin. Hawley does not flip the coin. Mileen flips the coin. Jeantilus flips the coin. Tyriq flips the coin. Mevzet does not flip the coin. Hubery does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Akihiro flips the coin. Tatarius flips the coin. Jatari flips the coin. Gwenetta does not flip the coin. Christoopher flips the coin. Asfiya flips the coin. Mehriban does not flip the coin. Johnroe flips the coin. Orfurd flips the coin. Hawley does not flip the coin. Mileen flips the coin. Jeantilus flips the coin. Tyriq flips the coin. Mevzet does not flip the coin. Hubery does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Elfan flips the coin. Grejsi flips the coin. Bonnie-lou does not flip the coin. Rosheen flips the coin. Boobyyaa flips the coin. Josede flips the coin. Feival flips the coin. Ksyn does not flip the coin. Kimmerly does not flip the coin. Witosława flips the coin. Malnar flips the coin. Saima does not flip the coin. Brancaccio does not flip the coin. Vilmantas flips the coin. Segal does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Elfan flips the coin. Grejsi flips the coin. Bonnie-lou does not flip the coin. Rosheen flips the coin. Boobyyaa flips the coin. Josede flips the coin. Feival flips the coin. Ksyn does not flip the coin. Kimmerly does not flip the coin. Witosława flips the coin. Malnar flips the coin. Saima does not flip the coin. Brancaccio does not flip the coin. Vilmantas flips the coin. Segal does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Mckeough does not flip the coin. Janīna does not flip the coin. Teronica flips the coin. Shayde does not flip the coin. Karsin flips the coin. Brittanni does not flip the coin. Tawheed does not flip the coin. Jayden-jay flips the coin. Jeanine does not flip the coin. Cortes does not flip the coin. Laira does not flip the coin. Kerala does not flip the coin. Miryn does not flip the coin. Raphael does not flip the coin. Hurd does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Mckeough does not flip the coin. Janīna does not flip the coin. Teronica flips the coin. Shayde does not flip the coin. Karsin flips the coin. Brittanni does not flip the coin. Tawheed does not flip the coin. Jayden-jay flips the coin. Jeanine does not flip the coin. Cortes does not flip the coin. Laira does not flip the coin. Kerala does not flip the coin. Miryn does not flip the coin. Raphael does not flip the coin. Hurd does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Zujeily does not flip the coin. Kristiena flips the coin. Zainub does not flip the coin. Fotios flips the coin. Noëlla does not flip the coin. Mia-grace does not flip the coin. Jahkir flips the coin. Trina does not flip the coin. Kimbely flips the coin. Demetrianna flips the coin. Rinesa does not flip the coin. Omaida does not flip the coin. Sawati flips the coin. Xylas does not flip the coin. Ambreanna does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Zujeily does not flip the coin. Kristiena flips the coin. Zainub does not flip the coin. Fotios flips the coin. Noëlla does not flip the coin. Mia-grace does not flip the coin. Jahkir flips the coin. Trina does not flip the coin. Kimbely flips the coin. Demetrianna flips the coin. Rinesa does not flip the coin. Omaida does not flip the coin. Sawati flips the coin. Xylas does not flip the coin. Ambreanna does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Avyan flips the coin. Corrales flips the coin. Daune does not flip the coin. Javorina flips the coin. Yolotzin does not flip the coin. Cavallaro flips the coin. Ingeborga flips the coin. Doryce flips the coin. Firoj does not flip the coin. Espino flips the coin. Azayla flips the coin. Alvarez-alvarez flips the coin. Monts flips the coin. Tresor does not flip the coin. Travarious flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Avyan flips the coin. Corrales flips the coin. Daune does not flip the coin. Javorina flips the coin. Yolotzin does not flip the coin. Cavallaro flips the coin. Ingeborga flips the coin. Doryce flips the coin. Firoj does not flip the coin. Espino flips the coin. Azayla flips the coin. Alvarez-alvarez flips the coin. Monts flips the coin. Tresor does not flip the coin. Travarious flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Peju flips the coin. Celvin does not flip the coin. Mitsuki does not flip the coin. Martella does not flip the coin. Toviah does not flip the coin. Tamyah does not flip the coin. Gokay flips the coin. Yashi does not flip the coin. Sossia does not flip the coin. Maxie does not flip the coin. Kyrra flips the coin. Gundhard does not flip the coin. Laeuna flips the coin. Rashiya flips the coin. Shaleka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Peju flips the coin. Celvin does not flip the coin. Mitsuki does not flip the coin. Martella does not flip the coin. Toviah does not flip the coin. Tamyah does not flip the coin. Gokay flips the coin. Yashi does not flip the coin. Sossia does not flip the coin. Maxie does not flip the coin. Kyrra flips the coin. Gundhard does not flip the coin. Laeuna flips the coin. Rashiya flips the coin. Shaleka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Perice does not flip the coin. Kamika flips the coin. Mckeyla does not flip the coin. Abdusalam flips the coin. Marijana flips the coin. Terrick flips the coin. Peri flips the coin. Rohan does not flip the coin. Jamarr flips the coin. Zinn does not flip the coin. Shazeda does not flip the coin. Canals does not flip the coin. Alcibades flips the coin. Iduma does not flip the coin. Hobley does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Perice does not flip the coin. Kamika flips the coin. Mckeyla does not flip the coin. Abdusalam flips the coin. Marijana flips the coin. Terrick flips the coin. Peri flips the coin. Rohan does not flip the coin. Jamarr flips the coin. Zinn does not flip the coin. Shazeda does not flip the coin. Canals does not flip the coin. Alcibades flips the coin. Iduma does not flip the coin. Hobley does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Leeanah flips the coin. Lashica does not flip the coin. Trude flips the coin. Hauger does not flip the coin. Fatlume does not flip the coin. Shulem flips the coin. Tabasom does not flip the coin. Lepido does not flip the coin. Remi flips the coin. Starks does not flip the coin. Bennette flips the coin. Abdrew flips the coin. Luisandres flips the coin. Gopika flips the coin. Georgett does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Leeanah flips the coin. Lashica does not flip the coin. Trude flips the coin. Hauger does not flip the coin. Fatlume does not flip the coin. Shulem flips the coin. Tabasom does not flip the coin. Lepido does not flip the coin. Remi flips the coin. Starks does not flip the coin. Bennette flips the coin. Abdrew flips the coin. Luisandres flips the coin. Gopika flips the coin. Georgett does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Artesia does not flip the coin. Amyleigh does not flip the coin. Valo does not flip the coin. Maleen does not flip the coin. Jayzen does not flip the coin. Dwight does not flip the coin. Sushmita does not flip the coin. Jamilett flips the coin. Ranezmay flips the coin. Runfried flips the coin. Dashall flips the coin. Jafruddin does not flip the coin. Guidry flips the coin. Essary does not flip the coin. Rochel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Artesia does not flip the coin. Amyleigh does not flip the coin. Valo does not flip the coin. Maleen does not flip the coin. Jayzen does not flip the coin. Dwight does not flip the coin. Sushmita does not flip the coin. Jamilett flips the coin. Ranezmay flips the coin. Runfried flips the coin. Dashall flips the coin. Jafruddin does not flip the coin. Guidry flips the coin. Essary does not flip the coin. Rochel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Leuvenia flips the coin. Swanhilde flips the coin. Ronja does not flip the coin. Janice does not flip the coin. Varinder flips the coin. Wiepie flips the coin. Amyracle flips the coin. Arnfried does not flip the coin. Raiza flips the coin. Praveen does not flip the coin. Mirutil does not flip the coin. Breanne does not flip the coin. Noriah does not flip the coin. Jianni flips the coin. Rufus does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Leuvenia flips the coin. Swanhilde flips the coin. Ronja does not flip the coin. Janice does not flip the coin. Varinder flips the coin. Wiepie flips the coin. Amyracle flips the coin. Arnfried does not flip the coin. Raiza flips the coin. Praveen does not flip the coin. Mirutil does not flip the coin. Breanne does not flip the coin. Noriah does not flip the coin. Jianni flips the coin. Rufus does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Rozell flips the coin. Ruby-violet flips the coin. Worthenjr flips the coin. Ripa flips the coin. Vaidilutė does not flip the coin. Cesidio flips the coin. Matricia does not flip the coin. Alverson flips the coin. Ndwapi flips the coin. Lumzy does not flip the coin. Oakli flips the coin. Haileyjade flips the coin. Akria does not flip the coin. Aldesina flips the coin. Stephney does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Rozell flips the coin. Ruby-violet flips the coin. Worthenjr flips the coin. Ripa flips the coin. Vaidilutė does not flip the coin. Cesidio flips the coin. Matricia does not flip the coin. Alverson flips the coin. Ndwapi flips the coin. Lumzy does not flip the coin. Oakli flips the coin. Haileyjade flips the coin. Akria does not flip the coin. Aldesina flips the coin. Stephney does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Zakareeya flips the coin. Jeiny flips the coin. Hockett flips the coin. Agam does not flip the coin. Floriţa does not flip the coin. Amaliya does not flip the coin. Amaogechukwu flips the coin. Harjit does not flip the coin. Taneice flips the coin. Huerta does not flip the coin. Cyrway flips the coin. Natalye flips the coin. Slavisa flips the coin. Buckman does not flip the coin. Cuellar does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Zakareeya flips the coin. Jeiny flips the coin. Hockett flips the coin. Agam does not flip the coin. Floriţa does not flip the coin. Amaliya does not flip the coin. Amaogechukwu flips the coin. Harjit does not flip the coin. Taneice flips the coin. Huerta does not flip the coin. Cyrway flips the coin. Natalye flips the coin. Slavisa flips the coin. Buckman does not flip the coin. Cuellar does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Eril flips the coin. Khyra does not flip the coin. Chaviano flips the coin. Amato does not flip the coin. Steuart flips the coin. Navani does not flip the coin. Farroh flips the coin. Nera does not flip the coin. Makaira does not flip the coin. Avary does not flip the coin. Sacorya does not flip the coin. Yngvar does not flip the coin. Kenti flips the coin. Chandra flips the coin. Xabi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Eril flips the coin. Khyra does not flip the coin. Chaviano flips the coin. Amato does not flip the coin. Steuart flips the coin. Navani does not flip the coin. Farroh flips the coin. Nera does not flip the coin. Makaira does not flip the coin. Avary does not flip the coin. Sacorya does not flip the coin. Yngvar does not flip the coin. Kenti flips the coin. Chandra flips the coin. Xabi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Pruss does not flip the coin. Abdulnasir does not flip the coin. Takemia does not flip the coin. Danzo does not flip the coin. Eskridge does not flip the coin. Eastmane flips the coin. Tatsukichi flips the coin. Aquib flips the coin. Saraha does not flip the coin. Jerremy does not flip the coin. Dmarius does not flip the coin. Shlome does not flip the coin. Chisum does not flip the coin. Kiwan does not flip the coin. Jennaliz does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Pruss does not flip the coin. Abdulnasir does not flip the coin. Takemia does not flip the coin. Danzo does not flip the coin. Eskridge does not flip the coin. Eastmane flips the coin. Tatsukichi flips the coin. Aquib flips the coin. Saraha does not flip the coin. Jerremy does not flip the coin. Dmarius does not flip the coin. Shlome does not flip the coin. Chisum does not flip the coin. Kiwan does not flip the coin. Jennaliz does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kealee does not flip the coin. Lasaundra does not flip the coin. Kippi does not flip the coin. Najay does not flip the coin. Haleh flips the coin. Kulu flips the coin. Keneisha does not flip the coin. Mousseau flips the coin. Apsara flips the coin. Belisa does not flip the coin. Elsee flips the coin. Nanaakua does not flip the coin. Periša flips the coin. Jahnia flips the coin. Adriell flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Kealee does not flip the coin. Lasaundra does not flip the coin. Kippi does not flip the coin. Najay does not flip the coin. Haleh flips the coin. Kulu flips the coin. Keneisha does not flip the coin. Mousseau flips the coin. Apsara flips the coin. Belisa does not flip the coin. Elsee flips the coin. Nanaakua does not flip the coin. Periša flips the coin. Jahnia flips the coin. Adriell flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Suyko does not flip the coin. Aveana flips the coin. Jyheim flips the coin. Sharesa does not flip the coin. Skirmantė flips the coin. Hue does not flip the coin. Bartee flips the coin. Tsirla does not flip the coin. Kosik does not flip the coin. Jermoind does not flip the coin. Kenzingtyn flips the coin. Sikorski flips the coin. Nadyne does not flip the coin. Lennia flips the coin. Stephaine does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Suyko does not flip the coin. Aveana flips the coin. Jyheim flips the coin. Sharesa does not flip the coin. Skirmantė flips the coin. Hue does not flip the coin. Bartee flips the coin. Tsirla does not flip the coin. Kosik does not flip the coin. Jermoind does not flip the coin. Kenzingtyn flips the coin. Sikorski flips the coin. Nadyne does not flip the coin. Lennia flips the coin. Stephaine does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Trevia flips the coin. Treshon flips the coin. Odies flips the coin. Siun flips the coin. Neculae does not flip the coin. Manola flips the coin. Rensje flips the coin. Dejanique does not flip the coin. Danik does not flip the coin. Tonyetta flips the coin. Sarvesh does not flip the coin. Erini does not flip the coin. Daedrian does not flip the coin. Leontxo does not flip the coin. Loann flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Trevia flips the coin. Treshon flips the coin. Odies flips the coin. Siun flips the coin. Neculae does not flip the coin. Manola flips the coin. Rensje flips the coin. Dejanique does not flip the coin. Danik does not flip the coin. Tonyetta flips the coin. Sarvesh does not flip the coin. Erini does not flip the coin. Daedrian does not flip the coin. Leontxo does not flip the coin. Loann flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Dilana does not flip the coin. Phuoc flips the coin. Hiliary flips the coin. Juantia does not flip the coin. Portis flips the coin. Xiomary flips the coin. Elinn flips the coin. Taleaha flips the coin. Lashandra flips the coin. Manat does not flip the coin. Ylonda flips the coin. Woermer flips the coin. Kalven does not flip the coin. Tykerria flips the coin. Graziela flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Dilana does not flip the coin. Phuoc flips the coin. Hiliary flips the coin. Juantia does not flip the coin. Portis flips the coin. Xiomary flips the coin. Elinn flips the coin. Taleaha flips the coin. Lashandra flips the coin. Manat does not flip the coin. Ylonda flips the coin. Woermer flips the coin. Kalven does not flip the coin. Tykerria flips the coin. Graziela flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Katyann flips the coin. Nizeria flips the coin. Eniaranimi flips the coin. Aliviana does not flip the coin. Paul-dorel does not flip the coin. Kahlan does not flip the coin. Eulinda flips the coin. Lizsandra does not flip the coin. Leti does not flip the coin. Tajanae flips the coin. Dinin does not flip the coin. Aris flips the coin. Deztany does not flip the coin. Seyla does not flip the coin. Lizzamore does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Katyann flips the coin. Nizeria flips the coin. Eniaranimi flips the coin. Aliviana does not flip the coin. Paul-dorel does not flip the coin. Kahlan does not flip the coin. Eulinda flips the coin. Lizsandra does not flip the coin. Leti does not flip the coin. Tajanae flips the coin. Dinin does not flip the coin. Aris flips the coin. Deztany does not flip the coin. Seyla does not flip the coin. Lizzamore does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Tiosha does not flip the coin. Jaliesa flips the coin. Amelee flips the coin. Misa does not flip the coin. Byrnes does not flip the coin. Sabastain does not flip the coin. Kevie flips the coin. Josaline does not flip the coin. Mahalia does not flip the coin. Selime flips the coin. Queanna does not flip the coin. Branimirka does not flip the coin. Jersiah flips the coin. Faridah flips the coin. Laquela does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Tiosha does not flip the coin. Jaliesa flips the coin. Amelee flips the coin. Misa does not flip the coin. Byrnes does not flip the coin. Sabastain does not flip the coin. Kevie flips the coin. Josaline does not flip the coin. Mahalia does not flip the coin. Selime flips the coin. Queanna does not flip the coin. Branimirka does not flip the coin. Jersiah flips the coin. Faridah flips the coin. Laquela does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Mynyr does not flip the coin. Dagem does not flip the coin. Merrin does not flip the coin. Amelia-jade flips the coin. Alten flips the coin. Osrick does not flip the coin. Kolbie does not flip the coin. Ulrich does not flip the coin. Khyza flips the coin. Reams does not flip the coin. Hrileena does not flip the coin. Malauni does not flip the coin. Aiker flips the coin. Conchobhar flips the coin. Kevinanthony does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Mynyr does not flip the coin. Dagem does not flip the coin. Merrin does not flip the coin. Amelia-jade flips the coin. Alten flips the coin. Osrick does not flip the coin. Kolbie does not flip the coin. Ulrich does not flip the coin. Khyza flips the coin. Reams does not flip the coin. Hrileena does not flip the coin. Malauni does not flip the coin. Aiker flips the coin. Conchobhar flips the coin. Kevinanthony does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ixcotoyac does not flip the coin. Jaykub flips the coin. Sedin does not flip the coin. Izaan does not flip the coin. Saieman does not flip the coin. Leivi flips the coin. Gola does not flip the coin. Corton does not flip the coin. Dheny does not flip the coin. Roelienke flips the coin. Anwaar flips the coin. Dequon does not flip the coin. Shertia flips the coin. Ben-zion does not flip the coin. Valda flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ixcotoyac does not flip the coin. Jaykub flips the coin. Sedin does not flip the coin. Izaan does not flip the coin. Saieman does not flip the coin. Leivi flips the coin. Gola does not flip the coin. Corton does not flip the coin. Dheny does not flip the coin. Roelienke flips the coin. Anwaar flips the coin. Dequon does not flip the coin. Shertia flips the coin. Ben-zion does not flip the coin. Valda flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Saffie does not flip the coin. Rejino flips the coin. Kingzion flips the coin. Mcwatters does not flip the coin. Beedon does not flip the coin. Disaya does not flip the coin. Breege flips the coin. Kabir flips the coin. Rochana flips the coin. Lacorya does not flip the coin. Davionna does not flip the coin. Damyia does not flip the coin. Marylou does not flip the coin. Marieange flips the coin. Aquavia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Saffie does not flip the coin. Rejino flips the coin. Kingzion flips the coin. Mcwatters does not flip the coin. Beedon does not flip the coin. Disaya does not flip the coin. Breege flips the coin. Kabir flips the coin. Rochana flips the coin. Lacorya does not flip the coin. Davionna does not flip the coin. Damyia does not flip the coin. Marylou does not flip the coin. Marieange flips the coin. Aquavia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Laina does not flip the coin. Gins flips the coin. Mikie flips the coin. Abdirahin flips the coin. Kaimerry does not flip the coin. Odet flips the coin. Tandeka flips the coin. Mathivannan flips the coin. Dein flips the coin. Bhrkat does not flip the coin. Luchiana flips the coin. Limon does not flip the coin. Cveta flips the coin. Montavius flips the coin. Lovena does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Laina does not flip the coin. Gins flips the coin. Mikie flips the coin. Abdirahin flips the coin. Kaimerry does not flip the coin. Odet flips the coin. Tandeka flips the coin. Mathivannan flips the coin. Dein flips the coin. Bhrkat does not flip the coin. Luchiana flips the coin. Limon does not flip the coin. Cveta flips the coin. Montavius flips the coin. Lovena does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Emereigh does not flip the coin. Rodriguez-castillo flips the coin. Beste does not flip the coin. Luxandra does not flip the coin. Loucks does not flip the coin. Handley flips the coin. Dionísio flips the coin. Aharshi does not flip the coin. Camdin does not flip the coin. Lavenia flips the coin. Jazalyn flips the coin. Lajuanna flips the coin. Neepa does not flip the coin. Jaydurga does not flip the coin. Candelaria does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Emereigh does not flip the coin. Rodriguez-castillo flips the coin. Beste does not flip the coin. Luxandra does not flip the coin. Loucks does not flip the coin. Handley flips the coin. Dionísio flips the coin. Aharshi does not flip the coin. Camdin does not flip the coin. Lavenia flips the coin. Jazalyn flips the coin. Lajuanna flips the coin. Neepa does not flip the coin. Jaydurga does not flip the coin. Candelaria does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Chibuenyim flips the coin. Denisas does not flip the coin. Gil-elliot flips the coin. Leeric flips the coin. Coppii flips the coin. Haviland does not flip the coin. Mastrantoni does not flip the coin. Billy-ray does not flip the coin. Fanch flips the coin. Carri does not flip the coin. Yorkjr flips the coin. Luzdary does not flip the coin. Syana flips the coin. Antwann flips the coin. Donalee flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Chibuenyim flips the coin. Denisas does not flip the coin. Gil-elliot flips the coin. Leeric flips the coin. Coppii flips the coin. Haviland does not flip the coin. Mastrantoni does not flip the coin. Billy-ray does not flip the coin. Fanch flips the coin. Carri does not flip the coin. Yorkjr flips the coin. Luzdary does not flip the coin. Syana flips the coin. Antwann flips the coin. Donalee flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Meleney flips the coin. Custer flips the coin. Milferd does not flip the coin. Jazalyn flips the coin. Semirah flips the coin. Leart does not flip the coin. Emryck does not flip the coin. Shealynn flips the coin. Kron does not flip the coin. Eisuke flips the coin. Jzon flips the coin. Hobson flips the coin. Ramsy flips the coin. Kaegen flips the coin. Květoslav flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Meleney flips the coin. Custer flips the coin. Milferd does not flip the coin. Jazalyn flips the coin. Semirah flips the coin. Leart does not flip the coin. Emryck does not flip the coin. Shealynn flips the coin. Kron does not flip the coin. Eisuke flips the coin. Jzon flips the coin. Hobson flips the coin. Ramsy flips the coin. Kaegen flips the coin. Květoslav flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Elizandro does not flip the coin. Adryonna flips the coin. Nur does not flip the coin. Mardith does not flip the coin. Clazina does not flip the coin. Blannie flips the coin. Palacio-deleon does not flip the coin. Ericka flips the coin. John-adam flips the coin. Amarr flips the coin. Dazlyn flips the coin. Myleesha flips the coin. Jahdon does not flip the coin. Machias flips the coin. Vanya flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Elizandro does not flip the coin. Adryonna flips the coin. Nur does not flip the coin. Mardith does not flip the coin. Clazina does not flip the coin. Blannie flips the coin. Palacio-deleon does not flip the coin. Ericka flips the coin. John-adam flips the coin. Amarr flips the coin. Dazlyn flips the coin. Myleesha flips the coin. Jahdon does not flip the coin. Machias flips the coin. Vanya flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Filotita does not flip the coin. Leasie flips the coin. Amariana flips the coin. Karikalan does not flip the coin. Gwennette flips the coin. Jordanmichael does not flip the coin. Seonaid flips the coin. Soumitra flips the coin. Efemena flips the coin. Jahkayla does not flip the coin. Jeryme flips the coin. Zyndall does not flip the coin. Patrician does not flip the coin. Nishi flips the coin. Anabiya does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Filotita does not flip the coin. Leasie flips the coin. Amariana flips the coin. Karikalan does not flip the coin. Gwennette flips the coin. Jordanmichael does not flip the coin. Seonaid flips the coin. Soumitra flips the coin. Efemena flips the coin. Jahkayla does not flip the coin. Jeryme flips the coin. Zyndall does not flip the coin. Patrician does not flip the coin. Nishi flips the coin. Anabiya does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Reiana flips the coin. Jaijairam does not flip the coin. Fannie does not flip the coin. Grissom does not flip the coin. Beraud flips the coin. Dafney does not flip the coin. Charrie flips the coin. Silver flips the coin. Semela flips the coin. Demion does not flip the coin. Isma'il does not flip the coin. Kaitlind does not flip the coin. Nettie does not flip the coin. Shapiro flips the coin. Eliav flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Reiana flips the coin. Jaijairam does not flip the coin. Fannie does not flip the coin. Grissom does not flip the coin. Beraud flips the coin. Dafney does not flip the coin. Charrie flips the coin. Silver flips the coin. Semela flips the coin. Demion does not flip the coin. Isma'il does not flip the coin. Kaitlind does not flip the coin. Nettie does not flip the coin. Shapiro flips the coin. Eliav flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sunaina flips the coin. Ysabella does not flip the coin. Jayonna does not flip the coin. Marichelle flips the coin. Davine does not flip the coin. Demi-jo flips the coin. Bekim does not flip the coin. Seveah flips the coin. Jiyu flips the coin. Denoncourt does not flip the coin. Ermaline flips the coin. Edawrd flips the coin. Stanojka flips the coin. Bettyjean does not flip the coin. Chetanram does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Sunaina flips the coin. Ysabella does not flip the coin. Jayonna does not flip the coin. Marichelle flips the coin. Davine does not flip the coin. Demi-jo flips the coin. Bekim does not flip the coin. Seveah flips the coin. Jiyu flips the coin. Denoncourt does not flip the coin. Ermaline flips the coin. Edawrd flips the coin. Stanojka flips the coin. Bettyjean does not flip the coin. Chetanram does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kelahni flips the coin. Sandel does not flip the coin. Miland does not flip the coin. Fazlı flips the coin. Daneal flips the coin. Teunie flips the coin. Layanna does not flip the coin. Rifky does not flip the coin. Cristyl does not flip the coin. Merlon flips the coin. Kenrick flips the coin. Danuša flips the coin. Alliah flips the coin. Mykiya flips the coin. Garrelt flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Kelahni flips the coin. Sandel does not flip the coin. Miland does not flip the coin. Fazlı flips the coin. Daneal flips the coin. Teunie flips the coin. Layanna does not flip the coin. Rifky does not flip the coin. Cristyl does not flip the coin. Merlon flips the coin. Kenrick flips the coin. Danuša flips the coin. Alliah flips the coin. Mykiya flips the coin. Garrelt flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Pepsi does not flip the coin. Lametrice does not flip the coin. Jasicianna does not flip the coin. Haania flips the coin. Miti does not flip the coin. Nickesha does not flip the coin. Ladaesha does not flip the coin. Cecilla does not flip the coin. Wendey flips the coin. Ellalee flips the coin. Paylen flips the coin. Jake-daniel does not flip the coin. Henorel does not flip the coin. Mekisha does not flip the coin. Charalampia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Pepsi does not flip the coin. Lametrice does not flip the coin. Jasicianna does not flip the coin. Haania flips the coin. Miti does not flip the coin. Nickesha does not flip the coin. Ladaesha does not flip the coin. Cecilla does not flip the coin. Wendey flips the coin. Ellalee flips the coin. Paylen flips the coin. Jake-daniel does not flip the coin. Henorel does not flip the coin. Mekisha does not flip the coin. Charalampia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Soplin does not flip the coin. Mehman does not flip the coin. Daishia flips the coin. Heagney does not flip the coin. Teiah does not flip the coin. Yarianny flips the coin. Courtney-lee flips the coin. Caulin flips the coin. Artus does not flip the coin. Garibull flips the coin. Rhyatt does not flip the coin. Seniyah flips the coin. Ray does not flip the coin. Zekir does not flip the coin. Ansonia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Soplin does not flip the coin. Mehman does not flip the coin. Daishia flips the coin. Heagney does not flip the coin. Teiah does not flip the coin. Yarianny flips the coin. Courtney-lee flips the coin. Caulin flips the coin. Artus does not flip the coin. Garibull flips the coin. Rhyatt does not flip the coin. Seniyah flips the coin. Ray does not flip the coin. Zekir does not flip the coin. Ansonia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Cheryln flips the coin. Safa flips the coin. Kylamarie does not flip the coin. Vinaya flips the coin. Maung does not flip the coin. Flarity flips the coin. Tanylah flips the coin. Bezarez does not flip the coin. Eliena flips the coin. Zanthia flips the coin. Aldon flips the coin. Ciarra does not flip the coin. Fehim flips the coin. Travax flips the coin. Hastie does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Cheryln flips the coin. Safa flips the coin. Kylamarie does not flip the coin. Vinaya flips the coin. Maung does not flip the coin. Flarity flips the coin. Tanylah flips the coin. Bezarez does not flip the coin. Eliena flips the coin. Zanthia flips the coin. Aldon flips the coin. Ciarra does not flip the coin. Fehim flips the coin. Travax flips the coin. Hastie does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Lorayne does not flip the coin. Rozelle flips the coin. Jaecee flips the coin. Driyah does not flip the coin. Balzhan does not flip the coin. Ghansyam flips the coin. Gonsalves flips the coin. Areg does not flip the coin. Danforth does not flip the coin. Surbeck does not flip the coin. Painter does not flip the coin. Popovici does not flip the coin. Shnita does not flip the coin. Shakuntla/baby flips the coin. Myani does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Lorayne does not flip the coin. Rozelle flips the coin. Jaecee flips the coin. Driyah does not flip the coin. Balzhan does not flip the coin. Ghansyam flips the coin. Gonsalves flips the coin. Areg does not flip the coin. Danforth does not flip the coin. Surbeck does not flip the coin. Painter does not flip the coin. Popovici does not flip the coin. Shnita does not flip the coin. Shakuntla/baby flips the coin. Myani does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Zoeanne does not flip the coin. Kaycee-may flips the coin. Rayonda flips the coin. Samarian flips the coin. Golshannejad flips the coin. Emmalouise flips the coin. Saleeha does not flip the coin. Taia does not flip the coin. Atsumi does not flip the coin. Daerion flips the coin. Akiyra flips the coin. Vanderbilt flips the coin. Ezora does not flip the coin. Delmon does not flip the coin. Auddis flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Zoeanne does not flip the coin. Kaycee-may flips the coin. Rayonda flips the coin. Samarian flips the coin. Golshannejad flips the coin. Emmalouise flips the coin. Saleeha does not flip the coin. Taia does not flip the coin. Atsumi does not flip the coin. Daerion flips the coin. Akiyra flips the coin. Vanderbilt flips the coin. Ezora does not flip the coin. Delmon does not flip the coin. Auddis flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kainoah does not flip the coin. Marielene flips the coin. Grishe flips the coin. Anselme flips the coin. Ylanda does not flip the coin. Jaimielee flips the coin. Moriom does not flip the coin. Eulee flips the coin. Demetrina does not flip the coin. Hristivoj flips the coin. Ovaline does not flip the coin. Milanii flips the coin. Nissi flips the coin. Haadhi does not flip the coin. Gabriello flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Kainoah does not flip the coin. Marielene flips the coin. Grishe flips the coin. Anselme flips the coin. Ylanda does not flip the coin. Jaimielee flips the coin. Moriom does not flip the coin. Eulee flips the coin. Demetrina does not flip the coin. Hristivoj flips the coin. Ovaline does not flip the coin. Milanii flips the coin. Nissi flips the coin. Haadhi does not flip the coin. Gabriello flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Haimo does not flip the coin. Rista flips the coin. Amoakuh flips the coin. Genovica does not flip the coin. Ionel flips the coin. Brayn does not flip the coin. Rodnee does not flip the coin. Weston does not flip the coin. Brionny flips the coin. Appy does not flip the coin. Alianys flips the coin. Zeynab does not flip the coin. Aretia does not flip the coin. Adelaine does not flip the coin. Keemora flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Haimo does not flip the coin. Rista flips the coin. Amoakuh flips the coin. Genovica does not flip the coin. Ionel flips the coin. Brayn does not flip the coin. Rodnee does not flip the coin. Weston does not flip the coin. Brionny flips the coin. Appy does not flip the coin. Alianys flips the coin. Zeynab does not flip the coin. Aretia does not flip the coin. Adelaine does not flip the coin. Keemora flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Lammons flips the coin. Asar flips the coin. Keshan flips the coin. Kemaury does not flip the coin. Loveday does not flip the coin. Lumturi flips the coin. Capshaw does not flip the coin. Sorrelle does not flip the coin. Kare flips the coin. Johnath does not flip the coin. Ellesha does not flip the coin. Uneka flips the coin. Spyronikolas flips the coin. Karren does not flip the coin. Laythen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Lammons flips the coin. Asar flips the coin. Keshan flips the coin. Kemaury does not flip the coin. Loveday does not flip the coin. Lumturi flips the coin. Capshaw does not flip the coin. Sorrelle does not flip the coin. Kare flips the coin. Johnath does not flip the coin. Ellesha does not flip the coin. Uneka flips the coin. Spyronikolas flips the coin. Karren does not flip the coin. Laythen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Gombach flips the coin. Jreem flips the coin. Eisinger does not flip the coin. Wilhelmena flips the coin. Varnedore flips the coin. Lagarius does not flip the coin. Larence does not flip the coin. Draxler does not flip the coin. Towney does not flip the coin. Gotcher does not flip the coin. Chaker flips the coin. Thaj flips the coin. Adones flips the coin. Blanc does not flip the coin. Lauri flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Gombach flips the coin. Jreem flips the coin. Eisinger does not flip the coin. Wilhelmena flips the coin. Varnedore flips the coin. Lagarius does not flip the coin. Larence does not flip the coin. Draxler does not flip the coin. Towney does not flip the coin. Gotcher does not flip the coin. Chaker flips the coin. Thaj flips the coin. Adones flips the coin. Blanc does not flip the coin. Lauri flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Yarlyn flips the coin. Elvo does not flip the coin. Devunte flips the coin. Ravana does not flip the coin. Laurenţiu flips the coin. Lanzafame does not flip the coin. Naleyah flips the coin. Nseya does not flip the coin. Nardia flips the coin. Tieke flips the coin. Rajno flips the coin. Judit does not flip the coin. Mercuri flips the coin. Ruxanda flips the coin. Stephon does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Yarlyn flips the coin. Elvo does not flip the coin. Devunte flips the coin. Ravana does not flip the coin. Laurenţiu flips the coin. Lanzafame does not flip the coin. Naleyah flips the coin. Nseya does not flip the coin. Nardia flips the coin. Tieke flips the coin. Rajno flips the coin. Judit does not flip the coin. Mercuri flips the coin. Ruxanda flips the coin. Stephon does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sheresa does not flip the coin. Siminica does not flip the coin. Tyjai flips the coin. Kcee flips the coin. Klier flips the coin. Rennen does not flip the coin. Dacie flips the coin. Constantinos does not flip the coin. Wan does not flip the coin. Randesha does not flip the coin. Broxson flips the coin. Everara flips the coin. Dayson flips the coin. Farnum flips the coin. Wafik flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Sheresa does not flip the coin. Siminica does not flip the coin. Tyjai flips the coin. Kcee flips the coin. Klier flips the coin. Rennen does not flip the coin. Dacie flips the coin. Constantinos does not flip the coin. Wan does not flip the coin. Randesha does not flip the coin. Broxson flips the coin. Everara flips the coin. Dayson flips the coin. Farnum flips the coin. Wafik flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Tifanni flips the coin. Nyella does not flip the coin. Ilima flips the coin. Szandra does not flip the coin. Ottheinrich flips the coin. Fryda flips the coin. Cromp does not flip the coin. Hedglin does not flip the coin. Pavelina flips the coin. Arysa does not flip the coin. Jossif does not flip the coin. Norna does not flip the coin. Aletheia does not flip the coin. Giuseppa does not flip the coin. Denécia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Tifanni flips the coin. Nyella does not flip the coin. Ilima flips the coin. Szandra does not flip the coin. Ottheinrich flips the coin. Fryda flips the coin. Cromp does not flip the coin. Hedglin does not flip the coin. Pavelina flips the coin. Arysa does not flip the coin. Jossif does not flip the coin. Norna does not flip the coin. Aletheia does not flip the coin. Giuseppa does not flip the coin. Denécia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Krsto flips the coin. Amaree does not flip the coin. Rainhardt flips the coin. Vergie does not flip the coin. Bertan flips the coin. Issela flips the coin. Jullian flips the coin. Faaija does not flip the coin. Charlemagne flips the coin. Aathish flips the coin. Gret does not flip the coin. Forestal does not flip the coin. Mevlüthan does not flip the coin. Noriyah does not flip the coin. Deundra does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Krsto flips the coin. Amaree does not flip the coin. Rainhardt flips the coin. Vergie does not flip the coin. Bertan flips the coin. Issela flips the coin. Jullian flips the coin. Faaija does not flip the coin. Charlemagne flips the coin. Aathish flips the coin. Gret does not flip the coin. Forestal does not flip the coin. Mevlüthan does not flip the coin. Noriyah does not flip the coin. Deundra does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Aaleigha flips the coin. Tishona does not flip the coin. Darryell does not flip the coin. Kaleema does not flip the coin. Mikkayla does not flip the coin. Mitra does not flip the coin. Arlus does not flip the coin. Beckwith does not flip the coin. Dantrel does not flip the coin. Emersyn flips the coin. Shaunese does not flip the coin. Mayfield flips the coin. Fidenzio does not flip the coin. Burrough flips the coin. Anneta flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Aaleigha flips the coin. Tishona does not flip the coin. Darryell does not flip the coin. Kaleema does not flip the coin. Mikkayla does not flip the coin. Mitra does not flip the coin. Arlus does not flip the coin. Beckwith does not flip the coin. Dantrel does not flip the coin. Emersyn flips the coin. Shaunese does not flip the coin. Mayfield flips the coin. Fidenzio does not flip the coin. Burrough flips the coin. Anneta flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Gaberille does not flip the coin. Filimon flips the coin. Monikia does not flip the coin. Shella does not flip the coin. Kirara does not flip the coin. Wolfram flips the coin. Nieve does not flip the coin. Niayla flips the coin. Götha does not flip the coin. Lashey flips the coin. Jonesii does not flip the coin. Ingaborg flips the coin. Madelien does not flip the coin. Pinka flips the coin. Katelyn-rose flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Gaberille does not flip the coin. Filimon flips the coin. Monikia does not flip the coin. Shella does not flip the coin. Kirara does not flip the coin. Wolfram flips the coin. Nieve does not flip the coin. Niayla flips the coin. Götha does not flip the coin. Lashey flips the coin. Jonesii does not flip the coin. Ingaborg flips the coin. Madelien does not flip the coin. Pinka flips the coin. Katelyn-rose flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Dittmyre does not flip the coin. Lauren does not flip the coin. Javaunte does not flip the coin. Jean-mary flips the coin. Przemko does not flip the coin. Bellen does not flip the coin. Greggor does not flip the coin. Dannett does not flip the coin. Antigone does not flip the coin. Rayniah flips the coin. Schnepp does not flip the coin. Ayshah-noor does not flip the coin. Salaz flips the coin. Summer-grace flips the coin. Goše does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Dittmyre does not flip the coin. Lauren does not flip the coin. Javaunte does not flip the coin. Jean-mary flips the coin. Przemko does not flip the coin. Bellen does not flip the coin. Greggor does not flip the coin. Dannett does not flip the coin. Antigone does not flip the coin. Rayniah flips the coin. Schnepp does not flip the coin. Ayshah-noor does not flip the coin. Salaz flips the coin. Summer-grace flips the coin. Goše does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Cobia does not flip the coin. Goudarz does not flip the coin. Hedley does not flip the coin. Tannenwald flips the coin. Braxten flips the coin. Lynal does not flip the coin. Anessia does not flip the coin. Joelee flips the coin. Tyonne does not flip the coin. Tyki flips the coin. Alissandra does not flip the coin. Merly flips the coin. Keevan flips the coin. Sheylyn does not flip the coin. Sigurhanna does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Cobia does not flip the coin. Goudarz does not flip the coin. Hedley does not flip the coin. Tannenwald flips the coin. Braxten flips the coin. Lynal does not flip the coin. Anessia does not flip the coin. Joelee flips the coin. Tyonne does not flip the coin. Tyki flips the coin. Alissandra does not flip the coin. Merly flips the coin. Keevan flips the coin. Sheylyn does not flip the coin. Sigurhanna does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Quinnesha flips the coin. Cisnero does not flip the coin. Hidayaah does not flip the coin. Tnisha does not flip the coin. Lezer flips the coin. Zamiel flips the coin. Darisha flips the coin. Nidra flips the coin. Mauretta does not flip the coin. Resor flips the coin. Ednamay flips the coin. Pēteris flips the coin. Freerich does not flip the coin. Yailynn flips the coin. Prys does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Quinnesha flips the coin. Cisnero does not flip the coin. Hidayaah does not flip the coin. Tnisha does not flip the coin. Lezer flips the coin. Zamiel flips the coin. Darisha flips the coin. Nidra flips the coin. Mauretta does not flip the coin. Resor flips the coin. Ednamay flips the coin. Pēteris flips the coin. Freerich does not flip the coin. Yailynn flips the coin. Prys does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Aviahna does not flip the coin. Suchit flips the coin. Deppy flips the coin. Brexlee does not flip the coin. Brasuell does not flip the coin. Dillingham does not flip the coin. Quessie flips the coin. Chisimdi flips the coin. Floro flips the coin. Sussan does not flip the coin. Mims flips the coin. Briyah does not flip the coin. Jeann does not flip the coin. Breedenjr flips the coin. Suy does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Aviahna does not flip the coin. Suchit flips the coin. Deppy flips the coin. Brexlee does not flip the coin. Brasuell does not flip the coin. Dillingham does not flip the coin. Quessie flips the coin. Chisimdi flips the coin. Floro flips the coin. Sussan does not flip the coin. Mims flips the coin. Briyah does not flip the coin. Jeann does not flip the coin. Breedenjr flips the coin. Suy does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Chilt does not flip the coin. Maruta does not flip the coin. Olsi does not flip the coin. Kaala flips the coin. Enioluwa does not flip the coin. Ashraf flips the coin. Niculiţa flips the coin. Jafar does not flip the coin. Carmeshia does not flip the coin. Nebeyu does not flip the coin. Candon flips the coin. Hockett flips the coin. Magy does not flip the coin. Tor does not flip the coin. Martelus flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Chilt does not flip the coin. Maruta does not flip the coin. Olsi does not flip the coin. Kaala flips the coin. Enioluwa does not flip the coin. Ashraf flips the coin. Niculiţa flips the coin. Jafar does not flip the coin. Carmeshia does not flip the coin. Nebeyu does not flip the coin. Candon flips the coin. Hockett flips the coin. Magy does not flip the coin. Tor does not flip the coin. Martelus flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Teofil does not flip the coin. Ressurreição does not flip the coin. Rexann flips the coin. Karrisa flips the coin. Kwanna does not flip the coin. Pomeroy does not flip the coin. Postemice does not flip the coin. Joumana does not flip the coin. Keyuanna does not flip the coin. Lede does not flip the coin. Carmalita does not flip the coin. Ethele does not flip the coin. Jahmell flips the coin. Agla does not flip the coin. Zyerre flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Teofil does not flip the coin. Ressurreição does not flip the coin. Rexann flips the coin. Karrisa flips the coin. Kwanna does not flip the coin. Pomeroy does not flip the coin. Postemice does not flip the coin. Joumana does not flip the coin. Keyuanna does not flip the coin. Lede does not flip the coin. Carmalita does not flip the coin. Ethele does not flip the coin. Jahmell flips the coin. Agla does not flip the coin. Zyerre flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Ludka does not flip the coin. Yazleemar flips the coin. Yermek flips the coin. Phynn flips the coin. Perlena does not flip the coin. Nalya flips the coin. Kalashia flips the coin. Deissy flips the coin. Aabid flips the coin. Lily-beau does not flip the coin. Aries flips the coin. Jo-ellen flips the coin. Gerrit flips the coin. Bilbo does not flip the coin. Valisa does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Ludka does not flip the coin. Yazleemar flips the coin. Yermek flips the coin. Phynn flips the coin. Perlena does not flip the coin. Nalya flips the coin. Kalashia flips the coin. Deissy flips the coin. Aabid flips the coin. Lily-beau does not flip the coin. Aries flips the coin. Jo-ellen flips the coin. Gerrit flips the coin. Bilbo does not flip the coin. Valisa does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Theopoula does not flip the coin. Reda does not flip the coin. Lūcija does not flip the coin. Josilynn flips the coin. Yulemi flips the coin. Rambow does not flip the coin. Kandis does not flip the coin. Bartek flips the coin. Muzakkir does not flip the coin. Haneesh flips the coin. Kasimir flips the coin. Busto flips the coin. Eachainn flips the coin. Lagenia does not flip the coin. Mirgjen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
Q: A coin is heads up. Theopoula does not flip the coin. Reda does not flip the coin. Lūcija does not flip the coin. Josilynn flips the coin. Yulemi flips the coin. Rambow does not flip the coin. Kandis does not flip the coin. Bartek flips the coin. Muzakkir does not flip the coin. Haneesh flips the coin. Kasimir flips the coin. Busto flips the coin. Eachainn flips the coin. Lagenia does not flip the coin. Mirgjen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?