2 values
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ubeydullah does not flip the coin. Shakala does not flip the coin. Nakuma flips the coin. Olivya flips the coin. Titania flips the coin. Schantel flips the coin. Leedward flips the coin. Kiril does not flip the coin. Alece does not flip the coin. Destiny-mai flips the coin. Demeter does not flip the coin. Aunya flips the coin. Hamlin does not flip the coin. Ambika flips the coin. Alacyia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Alicia-jane does not flip the coin. Hansigne flips the coin. Aadin flips the coin. Azrielle flips the coin. Ruttar does not flip the coin. Ričards does not flip the coin. Leshanda flips the coin. Loreley does not flip the coin. Juanenrique does not flip the coin. Antxon does not flip the coin. Visvaldis does not flip the coin. Jadah does not flip the coin. Lebrecht does not flip the coin. Evee does not flip the coin. Ilmari does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Veneaux does not flip the coin. Huebsch flips the coin. Araceli flips the coin. Dishu does not flip the coin. Selest does not flip the coin. Vennie does not flip the coin. Alen flips the coin. Matisyn flips the coin. Rochelle does not flip the coin. Deneishia flips the coin. Levere flips the coin. Johntavia does not flip the coin. Donishia does not flip the coin. Gianno does not flip the coin. Julynn does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Talmage flips the coin. Eftihia does not flip the coin. Zoba does not flip the coin. Antia does not flip the coin. Wortha does not flip the coin. Moh flips the coin. Letwinski flips the coin. Tykiera does not flip the coin. Vinayak flips the coin. Lashekia does not flip the coin. Saranne flips the coin. Raenelle flips the coin. Maijah flips the coin. Samulian does not flip the coin. Kila flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Thivyan flips the coin. Henritta does not flip the coin. Cherol flips the coin. Savit flips the coin. Gulfara flips the coin. Chayna does not flip the coin. Audusinda does not flip the coin. Gáborné does not flip the coin. Tugay flips the coin. Latoyah does not flip the coin. Caidin does not flip the coin. Lopez-deleon flips the coin. Shayquan flips the coin. Jylin does not flip the coin. Verneal does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Chanceton flips the coin. Bayless flips the coin. Noyaan flips the coin. Dawson does not flip the coin. Sheniz does not flip the coin. Richarda flips the coin. Calabe flips the coin. Giovanni does not flip the coin. Jahzon does not flip the coin. Wondell flips the coin. Ruxanda flips the coin. Qwentin does not flip the coin. Klaine flips the coin. Ellerby does not flip the coin. Ewing does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Temia flips the coin. Kehlanie flips the coin. Andu does not flip the coin. Aprel flips the coin. Contes does not flip the coin. Ajak does not flip the coin. Mickenzi flips the coin. Elonna flips the coin. Gilburt does not flip the coin. Prakrit flips the coin. Iretta flips the coin. Pakapon flips the coin. Eridano does not flip the coin. Lindblad does not flip the coin. Makhel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Amreena flips the coin. Aili does not flip the coin. Shakeeka does not flip the coin. Grace-may does not flip the coin. Zarrah does not flip the coin. Rheign does not flip the coin. Retha flips the coin. Winebaum flips the coin. Aaima does not flip the coin. Veruca flips the coin. Armelle flips the coin. Roure flips the coin. Oyog does not flip the coin. Chrisshanno flips the coin. Cereniti flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Simmonds does not flip the coin. Nikitia flips the coin. Jameila does not flip the coin. Chadburn does not flip the coin. Daila flips the coin. Chillcott does not flip the coin. Peterjames flips the coin. Hezzie does not flip the coin. Enso does not flip the coin. Dobbar flips the coin. Awez flips the coin. Klemento does not flip the coin. Viia flips the coin. Tighe flips the coin. Scala does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Frerichs does not flip the coin. Shuman does not flip the coin. Aave flips the coin. Rayfe does not flip the coin. Anh does not flip the coin. Arbra does not flip the coin. Pattii flips the coin. Tyla does not flip the coin. Novareign does not flip the coin. Ellawee does not flip the coin. Espina flips the coin. Hodges flips the coin. Trayvin flips the coin. Xaiya does not flip the coin. Regis does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Bernita flips the coin. Aaven does not flip the coin. Engelbert does not flip the coin. Tahlia-rose does not flip the coin. Emmakay does not flip the coin. Tandis does not flip the coin. Yonic does not flip the coin. Heiko flips the coin. Johnda flips the coin. Cutino does not flip the coin. Giannamarie flips the coin. Ulberto flips the coin. Constantina flips the coin. Scholtes does not flip the coin. Adhern flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Dwayne-james does not flip the coin. Rosali flips the coin. Islamudin does not flip the coin. Rukayat does not flip the coin. Shalexus does not flip the coin. Celestina does not flip the coin. Steban does not flip the coin. Tinaret flips the coin. Colyn does not flip the coin. Sukey does not flip the coin. Gulzat does not flip the coin. Audrionna does not flip the coin. Mulan flips the coin. Lukman does not flip the coin. Brixx flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Alecha does not flip the coin. Nyya flips the coin. Korting flips the coin. Cloi flips the coin. Brioni flips the coin. Maezlyn does not flip the coin. İmran flips the coin. Tajiri flips the coin. Hod flips the coin. Pebrook does not flip the coin. Jadesha flips the coin. Kashaundra does not flip the coin. Lyckle flips the coin. Katsusuke does not flip the coin. Jiar flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Castor does not flip the coin. Jayia flips the coin. Raimondo does not flip the coin. Mayson-ray flips the coin. Alana-rose does not flip the coin. Jaycelynn does not flip the coin. Eutsler flips the coin. Kryslyn does not flip the coin. Fernley flips the coin. Lakeria does not flip the coin. Kailem flips the coin. Laurenmarie does not flip the coin. Herstein flips the coin. Alfina does not flip the coin. Quinta does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Renaldas does not flip the coin. Tameika does not flip the coin. Costante flips the coin. Safeer does not flip the coin. Wale does not flip the coin. Courtright flips the coin. Eliset flips the coin. Timolyn flips the coin. Magndís does not flip the coin. Fennec does not flip the coin. Bleda does not flip the coin. Bainbrudge does not flip the coin. Gionata flips the coin. Micayla flips the coin. Wilella flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Aundraya does not flip the coin. Brit does not flip the coin. Adalinn does not flip the coin. Nikkea does not flip the coin. Nikkos flips the coin. Juliahna flips the coin. Karlisha flips the coin. Nabria does not flip the coin. Dharmraj does not flip the coin. Casey-ann does not flip the coin. Jordania flips the coin. Pariasca flips the coin. Carleah does not flip the coin. Jillisa does not flip the coin. Wendela does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Heldur does not flip the coin. Funmilola does not flip the coin. Graci flips the coin. Anje does not flip the coin. Buote does not flip the coin. Ripal does not flip the coin. Banasky does not flip the coin. Sharnett flips the coin. Shaer flips the coin. Quinetta flips the coin. Tarandeep flips the coin. Shymel flips the coin. Jahquel flips the coin. Zeinabou does not flip the coin. Mithran flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Adalena flips the coin. Olka flips the coin. Darilyn does not flip the coin. Varje flips the coin. Valdine flips the coin. Adleigh flips the coin. Héctor flips the coin. Adersen flips the coin. Silvijo flips the coin. Ailssa does not flip the coin. Jnasia flips the coin. Aalim does not flip the coin. Fravel flips the coin. Merlyne does not flip the coin. Patiance does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Yasa does not flip the coin. Ada-may does not flip the coin. Bido flips the coin. Ceniyah does not flip the coin. Endia flips the coin. Synclair flips the coin. Fidelity flips the coin. Calamity does not flip the coin. Jahnyah flips the coin. Dominiqua does not flip the coin. Enke flips the coin. Borbála flips the coin. Chamberlyn does not flip the coin. Reima does not flip the coin. Hortencia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jeanice flips the coin. Mda does not flip the coin. Robles flips the coin. Vitalie does not flip the coin. Marquavious does not flip the coin. Sardinas flips the coin. Jelson does not flip the coin. Malbora flips the coin. Sasha flips the coin. Camas flips the coin. Gulsher flips the coin. Peebles flips the coin. Dayane flips the coin. Iryana does not flip the coin. Thaina does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Troy flips the coin. Tayveon flips the coin. Andablo does not flip the coin. Fant does not flip the coin. Kumley flips the coin. Mereus flips the coin. Teara does not flip the coin. Krysta does not flip the coin. Marlinde does not flip the coin. Merzedes does not flip the coin. Netasha does not flip the coin. Catara flips the coin. Muhaymin does not flip the coin. Tenasia does not flip the coin. Taqdeer does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Lowmark flips the coin. Maame does not flip the coin. Abaigael does not flip the coin. Rabon flips the coin. Arnošta flips the coin. Sarepta does not flip the coin. Leoba does not flip the coin. Joclynn flips the coin. Lussi does not flip the coin. Kellijo does not flip the coin. Rilma does not flip the coin. Nitaya flips the coin. Semya flips the coin. Felicita does not flip the coin. Tovjašas flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Domhnall flips the coin. Freyr flips the coin. Zylpha flips the coin. Nazanin does not flip the coin. Currelly does not flip the coin. Lovic flips the coin. Asijah does not flip the coin. Vlademire does not flip the coin. Kimala does not flip the coin. Trauner flips the coin. Schonfeld flips the coin. Olalekan flips the coin. Reshod flips the coin. Kardelen flips the coin. Sugey does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Naedelyn flips the coin. Sevcan flips the coin. Emontae does not flip the coin. Enfinger does not flip the coin. Keldric flips the coin. Sahista flips the coin. Amance flips the coin. Zahian does not flip the coin. Nicolien flips the coin. Luckett flips the coin. Brian-thomas does not flip the coin. Avanti does not flip the coin. Angjelina flips the coin. Tangee flips the coin. Sevaeh flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Casius does not flip the coin. Kalauni does not flip the coin. Virda does not flip the coin. Zoela flips the coin. Jacquita does not flip the coin. Zashawn does not flip the coin. Joril does not flip the coin. Xiu flips the coin. Fedele does not flip the coin. Nathaniall flips the coin. Chonda flips the coin. Kiaghn does not flip the coin. Marieluise does not flip the coin. Elizibeth does not flip the coin. Maici does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Duglas does not flip the coin. Jaicen does not flip the coin. Dalaine does not flip the coin. Iwo flips the coin. Elziabeth flips the coin. Oka flips the coin. Eichelberger does not flip the coin. Corry does not flip the coin. Jaiyon does not flip the coin. Summer-may flips the coin. Rayni does not flip the coin. Jaice-lea does not flip the coin. Imtihal flips the coin. Emmasue does not flip the coin. Kennasyn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Berajeta does not flip the coin. Danylah does not flip the coin. Cristbal flips the coin. Rawen does not flip the coin. Krishnasamy flips the coin. Gilverto does not flip the coin. Hjalti does not flip the coin. Aazad flips the coin. Charleta flips the coin. Delyana flips the coin. Nyzaiah does not flip the coin. Martel flips the coin. Shawnnessy does not flip the coin. Sahvana does not flip the coin. Charlee-marie flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Tisa does not flip the coin. Saaral flips the coin. Louk does not flip the coin. Shantiece does not flip the coin. Khamille flips the coin. Lily-rai flips the coin. Almee does not flip the coin. Ruti flips the coin. Chuyen does not flip the coin. Maralyn does not flip the coin. Titus flips the coin. Ludger flips the coin. Keontaye flips the coin. Tai flips the coin. Pema flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Winfield flips the coin. Groome does not flip the coin. Huratio flips the coin. Tziporah does not flip the coin. Ledezma flips the coin. Alípio does not flip the coin. Tanmay flips the coin. Molly-mae does not flip the coin. Stila does not flip the coin. Andersson does not flip the coin. Adelaina does not flip the coin. Jaliene does not flip the coin. Yolisma does not flip the coin. Alletta flips the coin. Alterma flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Clotee does not flip the coin. Thylane flips the coin. Billey flips the coin. Welfhard flips the coin. Wyn flips the coin. Silus flips the coin. Savan flips the coin. Gardy does not flip the coin. Ele does not flip the coin. Kumayl flips the coin. Alana-rose does not flip the coin. Torez does not flip the coin. Ymke flips the coin. Licas does not flip the coin. Valērijs flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Schober does not flip the coin. Rocker does not flip the coin. Gochakowski does not flip the coin. Kerena does not flip the coin. Jaroslava flips the coin. Iram flips the coin. Sriyansh does not flip the coin. Katari does not flip the coin. Maija does not flip the coin. Zigmunds does not flip the coin. Vinudi flips the coin. Lyrrissa does not flip the coin. Kambell flips the coin. Idara-abasi does not flip the coin. Clelia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
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Q: A coin is heads up. Joylyn does not flip the coin. Valynn does not flip the coin. Jarman flips the coin. Nirma does not flip the coin. Aalayah does not flip the coin. Deryk flips the coin. Soichi does not flip the coin. Honorata does not flip the coin. Lücke flips the coin. Lilli-anne does not flip the coin. Is-haaq does not flip the coin. Ubbe does not flip the coin. Hargun flips the coin. Vyarka flips the coin. Sharia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ibbo flips the coin. Aliceteen flips the coin. Katie-lea does not flip the coin. Jamah flips the coin. Hou does not flip the coin. Jaasia does not flip the coin. Zeitler flips the coin. James-junior flips the coin. Jamerson flips the coin. Delcine flips the coin. Arlien does not flip the coin. Selfinaz flips the coin. Decory does not flip the coin. Massumeh flips the coin. Kaelamnh flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Rahoul does not flip the coin. Heisy does not flip the coin. Gislind does not flip the coin. Jurrian flips the coin. Lenny flips the coin. Daniel-kenzo flips the coin. Mish does not flip the coin. Harmonni does not flip the coin. Jaacov does not flip the coin. Ranjot flips the coin. Nesreen flips the coin. Khaliya flips the coin. Sarwar does not flip the coin. Sanyi does not flip the coin. Kaluram does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Shamina flips the coin. Natily does not flip the coin. Conover does not flip the coin. Lakiea does not flip the coin. Econah flips the coin. Kiamora flips the coin. Efrim flips the coin. Tawyna does not flip the coin. Dkota flips the coin. Arkadiy does not flip the coin. Lotario does not flip the coin. Loert flips the coin. Luthais does not flip the coin. Sumana does not flip the coin. Zalayia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Bertfriede does not flip the coin. Tamathy does not flip the coin. Hernandez-rivera does not flip the coin. Tymothy flips the coin. Yolène does not flip the coin. Dylan-andrew does not flip the coin. Standley flips the coin. Kaylle flips the coin. Gauja flips the coin. Isahia flips the coin. Sivanathan flips the coin. Javawn does not flip the coin. Aurelya does not flip the coin. Abbie-anne flips the coin. Ilomay flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Tynetta does not flip the coin. Sigmar does not flip the coin. Rūdolfs does not flip the coin. Bosley does not flip the coin. Apolonija does not flip the coin. Malique does not flip the coin. Domini flips the coin. Kimmey does not flip the coin. Zamauri flips the coin. Alvi flips the coin. Malkin flips the coin. Arrauf does not flip the coin. Marselino flips the coin. Gustel flips the coin. Rafeek flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kainoah flips the coin. Vidette flips the coin. Amaria flips the coin. Jekeria flips the coin. Larrell flips the coin. Darelene flips the coin. Alyia does not flip the coin. Debi does not flip the coin. Mylicia does not flip the coin. Dier does not flip the coin. Ichard flips the coin. Udi does not flip the coin. Parke does not flip the coin. Marell does not flip the coin. Rowin flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Katinia flips the coin. Obi does not flip the coin. Sammul flips the coin. Shaquaila flips the coin. Mates does not flip the coin. Abubacarr flips the coin. Ikenna flips the coin. Humble flips the coin. Liiam flips the coin. Idamarie flips the coin. Yoselina does not flip the coin. Starlisa flips the coin. Bueso flips the coin. Fleeta flips the coin. Vanezza does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sjoerdje does not flip the coin. Saveria does not flip the coin. Darleni flips the coin. Deimy does not flip the coin. Micheletti flips the coin. Hopps flips the coin. Adamarys flips the coin. Zissis does not flip the coin. Tardieu does not flip the coin. Leevon flips the coin. Ivyn does not flip the coin. Sreeram does not flip the coin. Ileen does not flip the coin. Shaneva does not flip the coin. Beunca flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Brax does not flip the coin. Keidon flips the coin. Lily-marie flips the coin. Jarlyn flips the coin. Liepa flips the coin. Nizeria does not flip the coin. Savannha does not flip the coin. Oluwadamilare flips the coin. Crossin flips the coin. Gumersinda flips the coin. Jagen flips the coin. Yarcet does not flip the coin. Dillmon does not flip the coin. Shonika flips the coin. Fulmer flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Ontavies flips the coin. Dayelin does not flip the coin. Shernice does not flip the coin. Ryhan flips the coin. Reanda flips the coin. Vinette flips the coin. Marleny does not flip the coin. Caliope does not flip the coin. Bansemer flips the coin. Trevez does not flip the coin. Joleth does not flip the coin. Topi flips the coin. Morejon does not flip the coin. Sylejman flips the coin. Goshen flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Harlye does not flip the coin. Nichlos flips the coin. Jovcho flips the coin. Rayniyah does not flip the coin. Dmia flips the coin. Bernadette does not flip the coin. Kiyani does not flip the coin. Saharah flips the coin. Stephy does not flip the coin. Jaleyiah does not flip the coin. Cares does not flip the coin. Jeroen does not flip the coin. Ostoyic does not flip the coin. Shantimitra flips the coin. Ramchandra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jermesha does not flip the coin. Rebeccalynn flips the coin. Josziah flips the coin. Utas does not flip the coin. Elano flips the coin. Kaiceon does not flip the coin. Morry does not flip the coin. Madielynn does not flip the coin. Jorren flips the coin. Theona flips the coin. Monzerath does not flip the coin. Aleko does not flip the coin. Ramal does not flip the coin. Miceala flips the coin. Harley-rose does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sanyi does not flip the coin. Rozinka does not flip the coin. Erickia does not flip the coin. Landre flips the coin. Tylerjay flips the coin. Thar does not flip the coin. Marjoria does not flip the coin. Aniya does not flip the coin. Jabina does not flip the coin. Thel does not flip the coin. Amayarose does not flip the coin. Gilligan does not flip the coin. Florio does not flip the coin. Eizabeth does not flip the coin. Ljubica flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Hansjürg does not flip the coin. Hrinda flips the coin. Chebia does not flip the coin. Mekko flips the coin. Angeldejesus does not flip the coin. Talli flips the coin. Krishell does not flip the coin. Tarif does not flip the coin. Etti flips the coin. Zyia does not flip the coin. Azizbek flips the coin. Atika flips the coin. Salak flips the coin. Vookles does not flip the coin. Aaraiz does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jasonna does not flip the coin. Marhsall flips the coin. Janyce flips the coin. Hermenegildo flips the coin. Reyes flips the coin. Vanshika flips the coin. Maximus flips the coin. Bashee flips the coin. Izazul flips the coin. Jameer flips the coin. Tonianne flips the coin. Saion does not flip the coin. Chlo does not flip the coin. Laterrance flips the coin. Fokke flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Peletz flips the coin. Ambrogio does not flip the coin. Iyla-rose does not flip the coin. Hannah-mae flips the coin. Taundra flips the coin. Geni does not flip the coin. Garcia-alfonso flips the coin. Dorweiler does not flip the coin. Lirika does not flip the coin. Jenner flips the coin. Ramirez-nino flips the coin. Witty does not flip the coin. Sheronica does not flip the coin. Brittle does not flip the coin. Marckos does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Karinn flips the coin. Uailean flips the coin. Magel does not flip the coin. Raylean does not flip the coin. Heere flips the coin. Iokepa does not flip the coin. Kouji flips the coin. Yosias flips the coin. Kascha does not flip the coin. O'bryant does not flip the coin. Shemaine does not flip the coin. Deimos does not flip the coin. Kursty does not flip the coin. Salupa flips the coin. Saral does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Guerline does not flip the coin. Saliye does not flip the coin. Pipper flips the coin. Enneko does not flip the coin. Germain does not flip the coin. Darnzell does not flip the coin. Jenissa flips the coin. Remak does not flip the coin. Behl does not flip the coin. Ciena does not flip the coin. Mohammed-yusuf does not flip the coin. Geraldyne flips the coin. Madalen does not flip the coin. Aldoyn flips the coin. Aufmann does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Abderrahman flips the coin. Malekai does not flip the coin. Nayia does not flip the coin. Lukaus does not flip the coin. Nessa flips the coin. Edwardine flips the coin. Huckell does not flip the coin. Kelanie flips the coin. Jeanelle does not flip the coin. Koushirou does not flip the coin. Ayala-laies does not flip the coin. Apollon flips the coin. Goodluck does not flip the coin. Olukayode does not flip the coin. Ecem flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Albertdine flips the coin. Murat flips the coin. Lillemor does not flip the coin. Filloreta flips the coin. Yarecsi does not flip the coin. Aoibhne flips the coin. Megale does not flip the coin. Tamlin flips the coin. Jacyion does not flip the coin. Tambresha does not flip the coin. Genovera does not flip the coin. Dalibor does not flip the coin. Friedolf does not flip the coin. Atward does not flip the coin. Susian flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Goldye does not flip the coin. Kyante flips the coin. Humza flips the coin. Mccarey flips the coin. Jsaon does not flip the coin. Stefana does not flip the coin. Rheyna does not flip the coin. Dill flips the coin. Aurelijus flips the coin. Nieo does not flip the coin. Alyworth does not flip the coin. Netania does not flip the coin. Nakio does not flip the coin. Ciani does not flip the coin. Yosef flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Danton does not flip the coin. Alexandrer flips the coin. Esteysi does not flip the coin. Choua does not flip the coin. Spoor does not flip the coin. Graycee flips the coin. Ramwatar flips the coin. Liticia flips the coin. Paciano flips the coin. Dederick does not flip the coin. Kacie-mai does not flip the coin. Tahleek does not flip the coin. Jametrius does not flip the coin. Reesejr flips the coin. Tullus does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Mercede does not flip the coin. Naoyuki does not flip the coin. Rosslyn does not flip the coin. Giancola does not flip the coin. Rushon flips the coin. Michelann does not flip the coin. Cyenna flips the coin. Ung flips the coin. Sharah does not flip the coin. Zeplynn flips the coin. Katy does not flip the coin. Arendien flips the coin. Julye does not flip the coin. Mackenzie-leigh flips the coin. Rasha does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jeremery flips the coin. Jürn does not flip the coin. Eleftherios flips the coin. Gopesh flips the coin. Lita does not flip the coin. Broeder does not flip the coin. Relando does not flip the coin. Kovu flips the coin. Marilo flips the coin. Drood flips the coin. Moniquea flips the coin. Berryhill does not flip the coin. Adelmira flips the coin. Airabelle does not flip the coin. Cassandr does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Avaiya does not flip the coin. Gariel flips the coin. Ainsley flips the coin. Kiswana flips the coin. Zemar does not flip the coin. Bardhok flips the coin. Kamill flips the coin. Malaysa flips the coin. Gunnþórunn does not flip the coin. Sequena does not flip the coin. Carlton flips the coin. Neritan does not flip the coin. Parlsley does not flip the coin. Aryannah does not flip the coin. Hyle does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Frica does not flip the coin. Henoch does not flip the coin. Kicki flips the coin. Agapito does not flip the coin. Esthel does not flip the coin. Bashemeth does not flip the coin. Havier does not flip the coin. Joicy flips the coin. Brielynn does not flip the coin. Bodison flips the coin. Shadajah does not flip the coin. Estin flips the coin. Moeshia flips the coin. Joshlin flips the coin. Raeya does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Hartej does not flip the coin. Geoffroy does not flip the coin. Aubreyella does not flip the coin. Fanette flips the coin. Demon does not flip the coin. Jorina does not flip the coin. Greenman flips the coin. Hilarion flips the coin. Donna-marie does not flip the coin. Lashaunte does not flip the coin. Dequanta does not flip the coin. Harloe does not flip the coin. Annamarja flips the coin. Padron-garcia does not flip the coin. Dea does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Keondria does not flip the coin. Reif does not flip the coin. Cariann flips the coin. Lumin does not flip the coin. Tanraj does not flip the coin. Wengert flips the coin. Anilu does not flip the coin. Dawneen flips the coin. Lepley flips the coin. Krail does not flip the coin. Dereon does not flip the coin. Knab flips the coin. Tomorra flips the coin. Yarlyn flips the coin. Alcaide flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Poga does not flip the coin. Jaclyn does not flip the coin. Numra flips the coin. Chardonai does not flip the coin. Juhena does not flip the coin. Keymiah flips the coin. Ishay flips the coin. Elodie does not flip the coin. Hatziry does not flip the coin. Shoifet does not flip the coin. Rondon flips the coin. Seba flips the coin. Ne-yo flips the coin. Honesti does not flip the coin. Tiarnach does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Stepanie flips the coin. Mookan flips the coin. Viktors flips the coin. Orquidea does not flip the coin. Dunstan flips the coin. Shiraj flips the coin. Kashonda flips the coin. Vtehsta does not flip the coin. Yaretzie flips the coin. Datavius flips the coin. Maricela does not flip the coin. Bittle does not flip the coin. Jeanni does not flip the coin. Sotiraq does not flip the coin. Murray/kaiser does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Nishaan does not flip the coin. Bechler does not flip the coin. Nayshaun does not flip the coin. Caleal flips the coin. Hvönn flips the coin. Steff flips the coin. Rashand does not flip the coin. Dimitrios does not flip the coin. Jaimari flips the coin. Kierstead flips the coin. Tzuriel flips the coin. Isobel does not flip the coin. Chancee does not flip the coin. Sewellyn does not flip the coin. Faith-holly does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Véra does not flip the coin. Senam does not flip the coin. Lastras does not flip the coin. Vicenta does not flip the coin. Kyliam does not flip the coin. Wheelwright does not flip the coin. Agle does not flip the coin. Toluwani flips the coin. Arvydas does not flip the coin. Agni flips the coin. Brayn flips the coin. Ojambert does not flip the coin. Quinnlee flips the coin. Gheorghina flips the coin. Derald flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Rubena does not flip the coin. Naidelin does not flip the coin. Dashiyah does not flip the coin. Manzano flips the coin. Sjonni flips the coin. Aldeign does not flip the coin. Tahesia flips the coin. Douglas flips the coin. Ursl flips the coin. Trayvin does not flip the coin. Delrio does not flip the coin. Allare flips the coin. Jenyka does not flip the coin. Fieger flips the coin. Gayle flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Tamakia does not flip the coin. Dáire flips the coin. Joplin flips the coin. Yler flips the coin. Elio flips the coin. Citarella flips the coin. Herrick flips the coin. Aayansh does not flip the coin. Maarit does not flip the coin. Aylanie does not flip the coin. Latoi flips the coin. Katica does not flip the coin. Olimpia does not flip the coin. Apostol does not flip the coin. Chaple does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Alvonia flips the coin. Adrihana flips the coin. Abdelrhman does not flip the coin. Beckhem does not flip the coin. Kinberli does not flip the coin. Cinya flips the coin. Nasifah does not flip the coin. Aryann flips the coin. Mirrum flips the coin. Moza does not flip the coin. Correna does not flip the coin. Dreanna flips the coin. Suhaylah does not flip the coin. Leverne flips the coin. Dlyan flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Semaya does not flip the coin. Mumbi flips the coin. Mominah flips the coin. Yosgart flips the coin. Marico does not flip the coin. Mensah does not flip the coin. Denerick does not flip the coin. Zoniet flips the coin. Delajah does not flip the coin. Danuše flips the coin. Stas does not flip the coin. Lasseter does not flip the coin. Allec does not flip the coin. Thays does not flip the coin. Terpstra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Elebash does not flip the coin. Leonardo does not flip the coin. Onur does not flip the coin. Lasheika flips the coin. Jayman flips the coin. Woodruff does not flip the coin. Lucricia does not flip the coin. Shaquaya flips the coin. Monnie does not flip the coin. Ceazia does not flip the coin. Tirik does not flip the coin. Zuhaira does not flip the coin. Jolly flips the coin. Abdurahim does not flip the coin. Humira flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Alexxa does not flip the coin. Tkayah flips the coin. Carryl flips the coin. Danayshia flips the coin. Palladin flips the coin. Ashanjali flips the coin. Viann flips the coin. Deshanta does not flip the coin. Arde flips the coin. Julianda flips the coin. Chanko flips the coin. Chelesy flips the coin. Shavera does not flip the coin. Anastaysia does not flip the coin. Romantas flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Deasya does not flip the coin. Trivian flips the coin. Evie-jean does not flip the coin. Manzo does not flip the coin. Osborne does not flip the coin. Duncan-john does not flip the coin. Borga flips the coin. Yray does not flip the coin. Adilena flips the coin. Simin flips the coin. Chetanram does not flip the coin. Kaille flips the coin. Zarrian does not flip the coin. Monka flips the coin. Joanita does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Lerenzo does not flip the coin. Kayleeonna flips the coin. Vidaga flips the coin. Darcey-may flips the coin. Latoisha does not flip the coin. Monisola does not flip the coin. Reinholde flips the coin. Kynidee does not flip the coin. Tharmalingam does not flip the coin. Corsello does not flip the coin. Lavarr does not flip the coin. Klorissa flips the coin. Riyana does not flip the coin. Marialicia does not flip the coin. Lyssia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Davyd does not flip the coin. Leonina flips the coin. Avala does not flip the coin. Lavonia does not flip the coin. Genevieve does not flip the coin. Brihana does not flip the coin. Chen flips the coin. Dietfried does not flip the coin. Doval flips the coin. Laspisa does not flip the coin. Valoree does not flip the coin. Goda does not flip the coin. Zaeed flips the coin. Purington flips the coin. Mihaica does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Addlee flips the coin. Chaley flips the coin. Maston flips the coin. Belvilus flips the coin. Featherly flips the coin. Atifete flips the coin. Jeraldin does not flip the coin. Abheek flips the coin. Fils-aime flips the coin. Aaronlee does not flip the coin. Rakisha does not flip the coin. Sauda does not flip the coin. Kezal flips the coin. Cherolyn does not flip the coin. Viridi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Kaeliegh flips the coin. Neylani flips the coin. Ridgley does not flip the coin. Pemela does not flip the coin. Tandeka does not flip the coin. Yusei does not flip the coin. Aarran does not flip the coin. Maritsa flips the coin. Betli flips the coin. Ayala-villamizar flips the coin. Sussi does not flip the coin. Josepa does not flip the coin. Lorelyn flips the coin. Rena flips the coin. Alicia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Monk flips the coin. Yener flips the coin. Banna does not flip the coin. Abrienne flips the coin. Laprad flips the coin. Luciella flips the coin. Katrīna flips the coin. Aston-jax does not flip the coin. Nijee does not flip the coin. Framhild flips the coin. Rosezanna does not flip the coin. Flores-francisco does not flip the coin. Huie does not flip the coin. Edmundas does not flip the coin. Marlone does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Donitta does not flip the coin. Frid flips the coin. Sakker does not flip the coin. Yesena does not flip the coin. Hornick flips the coin. Dorsha flips the coin. Garretson flips the coin. Marrit flips the coin. Sigurhans does not flip the coin. Manfred does not flip the coin. Machtelt flips the coin. Ubald does not flip the coin. Yurisa flips the coin. Weinreb does not flip the coin. Taityanna flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Bertwald flips the coin. Dustinjames does not flip the coin. Kezzy does not flip the coin. Annalisa does not flip the coin. Macs does not flip the coin. Lyllie does not flip the coin. Jorim does not flip the coin. Navarius flips the coin. Paventi does not flip the coin. Acire does not flip the coin. Kinyada flips the coin. Sato does not flip the coin. Edgardo flips the coin. Azaliah flips the coin. Serikzhan flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Shanaia flips the coin. Kathyrn does not flip the coin. Janeira flips the coin. Raevyn flips the coin. Nalleli flips the coin. Miyoka does not flip the coin. Armanii flips the coin. Yocelyne flips the coin. Serge does not flip the coin. Auman does not flip the coin. Vayah flips the coin. Doran flips the coin. Geke flips the coin. Loid does not flip the coin. Garren flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Dioselyn does not flip the coin. Lanore flips the coin. Karoliina flips the coin. Aarohan flips the coin. Aliki does not flip the coin. Dyneisha does not flip the coin. Kimura flips the coin. Vojtěch does not flip the coin. Lorez flips the coin. Winne does not flip the coin. Rockwell does not flip the coin. Mackinley does not flip the coin. Foyzul flips the coin. Zay does not flip the coin. Niccolas flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Voneta flips the coin. Emaani flips the coin. Alane flips the coin. Chrishaunda flips the coin. Deoveon flips the coin. Ayman does not flip the coin. Reimonas flips the coin. Wübbine flips the coin. Norina does not flip the coin. Mersedes flips the coin. Heigelmann flips the coin. Mylika does not flip the coin. Ellie-jayne flips the coin. Coralene does not flip the coin. Kolk does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Salahaldin flips the coin. Tramisha does not flip the coin. Amore does not flip the coin. Katherlene does not flip the coin. Dhrampal flips the coin. Bibiano does not flip the coin. Giuliani does not flip the coin. Aseel does not flip the coin. Dealie does not flip the coin. Tomia does not flip the coin. Dilen does not flip the coin. Jenele flips the coin. Lallemand flips the coin. Ciane does not flip the coin. Willia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Karime flips the coin. Peterus flips the coin. Danik does not flip the coin. Reion does not flip the coin. Hayven does not flip the coin. Naleyah does not flip the coin. Avyn flips the coin. Philliph does not flip the coin. Church-bermudez flips the coin. Guglielmo flips the coin. Alide flips the coin. Brajan flips the coin. Eena does not flip the coin. Khyasia does not flip the coin. Aaraiz does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Hannah-rose does not flip the coin. Jiaxu flips the coin. Cleus does not flip the coin. Tyjah does not flip the coin. Terreal does not flip the coin. Myrlin does not flip the coin. Dyshaun does not flip the coin. Serving-gaona flips the coin. Hristos flips the coin. Senyo does not flip the coin. Huguley does not flip the coin. Xariah does not flip the coin. Kyrstie does not flip the coin. Miku does not flip the coin. Keshay does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Bornais does not flip the coin. Tylasia flips the coin. Griagal does not flip the coin. Blondean flips the coin. Godbeare flips the coin. Abdulhakim does not flip the coin. Penina flips the coin. Docie flips the coin. Harmke does not flip the coin. Kamui does not flip the coin. Kalandra flips the coin. Cecchina flips the coin. Pasley flips the coin. Tole flips the coin. Euphoria flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Rhauri flips the coin. Adaleine does not flip the coin. Aurelio does not flip the coin. Corbey-james does not flip the coin. Breonca flips the coin. Fillingim flips the coin. Leticha does not flip the coin. Laymon flips the coin. Rashandra flips the coin. Corinne flips the coin. Desravines does not flip the coin. Vasatha flips the coin. Auggie does not flip the coin. Karibe flips the coin. Danald flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Berthile does not flip the coin. Alexaundria does not flip the coin. Drusi flips the coin. Larsyn does not flip the coin. Duriyah flips the coin. Higgins flips the coin. Mélaine flips the coin. Daylanie flips the coin. Stanika flips the coin. Deking does not flip the coin. Kian-james flips the coin. Sixtine does not flip the coin. Chavez-hernandez does not flip the coin. Signa flips the coin. Iorgos does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Annedörte flips the coin. Schweitzer does not flip the coin. Abdulrazaq flips the coin. Khalimah does not flip the coin. Leeke flips the coin. Leavens does not flip the coin. Wieren does not flip the coin. Hanady does not flip the coin. Markquise does not flip the coin. Marqis does not flip the coin. Justeena does not flip the coin. Machute does not flip the coin. Manshi flips the coin. Amneh flips the coin. Koyka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Nalani flips the coin. Heba flips the coin. Malaz flips the coin. Yousaf flips the coin. Tamikia does not flip the coin. Lanequia flips the coin. Shinar flips the coin. Ishrath flips the coin. Behr does not flip the coin. Julide flips the coin. Azalyn flips the coin. Narbahadur does not flip the coin. Bibbins does not flip the coin. Nemesis does not flip the coin. Nohely does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jamoria flips the coin. Lieveke flips the coin. Monastersky flips the coin. Samien flips the coin. Yomayra does not flip the coin. Johnandrew flips the coin. Sharron flips the coin. Malaisha flips the coin. Maximilianus flips the coin. Embyr does not flip the coin. Aneesa does not flip the coin. Jimetta flips the coin. Feldpusch flips the coin. Hueck does not flip the coin. Fredia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Policarpio flips the coin. Edmanuel does not flip the coin. Gendi does not flip the coin. Camora flips the coin. Nahomy flips the coin. Ibolya flips the coin. Vontrell flips the coin. Araba flips the coin. Corday does not flip the coin. Gearline does not flip the coin. Jathziry flips the coin. Kimyatta does not flip the coin. Bungert does not flip the coin. Ellenie flips the coin. Houd does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jumarcus does not flip the coin. Caudilla flips the coin. Amauli does not flip the coin. Magby flips the coin. Siebentje does not flip the coin. Cicily flips the coin. Macie-lou does not flip the coin. Patender does not flip the coin. Khandi does not flip the coin. Alharby does not flip the coin. Gzim flips the coin. Wadie does not flip the coin. Rhuri flips the coin. Boatwright does not flip the coin. Cairah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Hallsy does not flip the coin. Keila does not flip the coin. Gabler does not flip the coin. Sigmundur flips the coin. Petrina does not flip the coin. Sweigart flips the coin. Frasina flips the coin. Rishin does not flip the coin. Antoya does not flip the coin. Maeson flips the coin. Tamarion flips the coin. Shereta flips the coin. Mayre does not flip the coin. Viany does not flip the coin. Deontee flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Bael flips the coin. Lashala does not flip the coin. Khyber does not flip the coin. Kior does not flip the coin. Kierson flips the coin. Andrya does not flip the coin. Vessela flips the coin. Odegaard does not flip the coin. Som does not flip the coin. Leketha does not flip the coin. Quila does not flip the coin. Amsden flips the coin. Carena flips the coin. Donohue flips the coin. Barnebas flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Sheen does not flip the coin. Westbrookii flips the coin. Afaan does not flip the coin. Yvonner flips the coin. Kingsolomon flips the coin. Lafredrick flips the coin. Dwan flips the coin. Tinkle flips the coin. Wärner does not flip the coin. Rhetta flips the coin. Lysandros does not flip the coin. Bastian does not flip the coin. Noeli flips the coin. Brendley does not flip the coin. Shuhan does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Dree does not flip the coin. Shanana flips the coin. Yilong flips the coin. Sherren does not flip the coin. Samsad flips the coin. Teivi flips the coin. Blim flips the coin. Moira flips the coin. Anahita flips the coin. Charlierae does not flip the coin. Trimayne flips the coin. Kinlow flips the coin. Raymont does not flip the coin. Eizan does not flip the coin. Teofilija does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Karly flips the coin. Sherer flips the coin. Daivyon flips the coin. Tajmalik flips the coin. Ksawery flips the coin. Cloudie flips the coin. Lüür flips the coin. Rolaine does not flip the coin. Thiana flips the coin. Sankavi flips the coin. Mackinze does not flip the coin. Rabecca flips the coin. Brynnen flips the coin. Caralee does not flip the coin. Mwape does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Jovonny does not flip the coin. Pisa does not flip the coin. Azurie flips the coin. Amr flips the coin. Elyshia flips the coin. Sanha does not flip the coin. Mundhir flips the coin. Putnem flips the coin. Orwhin does not flip the coin. Ankrum flips the coin. Minato flips the coin. Olevi does not flip the coin. Reamer flips the coin. Damontra does not flip the coin. Alfye flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Khawlah does not flip the coin. Dorina flips the coin. Rodela flips the coin. Reven flips the coin. Carmelino does not flip the coin. Cozad flips the coin. Marshall-gunn does not flip the coin. Dankward flips the coin. Flavel does not flip the coin. Erin does not flip the coin. Désirée flips the coin. Omo does not flip the coin. Breilyn does not flip the coin. Karelis flips the coin. Brodie-leigh flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. Miriama does not flip the coin. Gilly flips the coin. Sperry flips the coin. Upton does not flip the coin. Ayomiyato flips the coin. Zunair flips the coin. Lyuca does not flip the coin. Jennean does not flip the coin. Lilimai does not flip the coin. Batool flips the coin. Quinteria does not flip the coin. Cacey flips the coin. Travis does not flip the coin. Jahzel flips the coin. Langa does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?