2 values
Q: A coin is heads up. mounie does not flip the coin. yegor does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. bhav flips the coin. burgos-enrique does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. nijamudeen flips the coin. ntandoyenkosi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. umid does not flip the coin. ivana does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. zyquavious does not flip the coin. rylan-john flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. jaimee-lee does not flip the coin. shemecka flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. malven does not flip the coin. nethmi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ishmael flips the coin. khedra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. kereen does not flip the coin. vincetta does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. beeke does not flip the coin. pigg does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. lowney does not flip the coin. vergilie flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. mikai flips the coin. ruperta flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. debrosse does not flip the coin. nautica does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. kavalpreet flips the coin. esbenshade does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. jaeson flips the coin. erlan flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. decole flips the coin. lesamuel does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. desinae flips the coin. kerwyn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ekrem flips the coin. lamauri does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. hidefumi does not flip the coin. trevond flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. fanica flips the coin. slava flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. terrial does not flip the coin. caireann does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. logeswaran flips the coin. sebastyn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. lazhane does not flip the coin. kenzee-leigh does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. lmar does not flip the coin. dezon flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. hrinder flips the coin. victorianna flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. philon flips the coin. magilton flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. feyyaz flips the coin. johnjoseph does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. harmoniee flips the coin. laterius flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. jolen flips the coin. icess flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. marouso flips the coin. anupam does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. neevin flips the coin. kitara does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ardita flips the coin. axon does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. fullon does not flip the coin. kiyana does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. aleasa does not flip the coin. roxan flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. alikai flips the coin. olujimi does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. crofton does not flip the coin. holdyn does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. mckeena does not flip the coin. saiya flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. osnick flips the coin. kayla-rae does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ayusha flips the coin. tonichia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. shaylen flips the coin. málhildur flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. scherly does not flip the coin. palmeria does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. tiersa flips the coin. hefin flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. delyth does not flip the coin. cathleen does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. dezzie flips the coin. naaman does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. hardo does not flip the coin. rabiha does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. beather flips the coin. fidenzia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. iyman flips the coin. gerrid does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. geziena does not flip the coin. melven does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. caedence does not flip the coin. souraya does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. wibrandus flips the coin. gloretha does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. cvetelina flips the coin. torindo flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ifeyinwa flips the coin. quontez flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. renaye flips the coin. billie- does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. luthanen flips the coin. melky does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. rhyana flips the coin. krisandra flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. joachin flips the coin. amistad flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. clairette flips the coin. colene flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. tachelle flips the coin. valoniah does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. eaves does not flip the coin. alonii flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. rhoena flips the coin. zhelyazko does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. samridhi flips the coin. efigenio flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. naohmi does not flip the coin. sumangala flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. quaneeka flips the coin. kariem does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. moska does not flip the coin. nouchtaev does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. vernique does not flip the coin. lilliauna flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. nordstrom flips the coin. alvis/o'vallonjr does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. shykila flips the coin. sylvene flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. alycia flips the coin. umeyma does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. annica does not flip the coin. hulisi flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. kara-yvonne flips the coin. paskel flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. brindin does not flip the coin. raianne does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. delore does not flip the coin. bramble-wright flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. concepta flips the coin. anaceli does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. margareth does not flip the coin. daran does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. brayde does not flip the coin. amelia-anne flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. zellar does not flip the coin. jazmon does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ermenegilda does not flip the coin. avedis does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. masie flips the coin. leycester flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. calyssa does not flip the coin. niana does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. greeicy does not flip the coin. rivera-sanchez does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. gelsomino does not flip the coin. stoyan does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. cassina does not flip the coin. ulviya does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. sprow does not flip the coin. nayleen flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. adelaja does not flip the coin. bozdana flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. daylin flips the coin. arshia does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. apria does not flip the coin. shakeira does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. baileyrae flips the coin. edelle flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. malama does not flip the coin. teyfik flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. fancie does not flip the coin. victor does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. shire does not flip the coin. brookley does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. sigbritt does not flip the coin. toren flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. cashae does not flip the coin. levere does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. irielle flips the coin. descombes flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. constanc flips the coin. andrew-john does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. ruthel flips the coin. lopez-garcia flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. rigoberta flips the coin. brityn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. roehm flips the coin. hardik does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. shohomjyoti does not flip the coin. leora-jayn flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 1, 0 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. teag does not flip the coin. kaylobe does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]
Q: A coin is heads up. soulinthong flips the coin. narander flips the coin. Is the coin still heads up?
[ 0, 1 ]