11 From thence percerving he beholds all wondrous things, both what hath been,
And what hereafter will be done.
12 May the wise Lord keep us all our days on the righteous path
and grant us long life.
13 Varuna, wearing golden mail, hath clad him in a shining robe.
His spies are seated found about.
14 The God whom enemies threaten not, nor those who tyrannize o'er men,
Nor those whose minds are bent on wrong.
15 He who gives glory to mankind, not glory that is incomplete,
To our own bodies giving it.
16 Yearning for the wide-seeing One, my thoughts move onward unto him,
As kine unto their pastures move.
17 Once more together let us speak, because my meath is brought: priest-like
Thou eatest what is dear to thee.
18 Now saw I him whom all may see, I saw his car above the earth:
He hath accepted these my songs.
19 O Lord! Hear my prayer and invocation. Make this day a happy one.
Protect me today.
20 Thou, O wise God, art Lord of all, thou art the King of earth and heaven
Hear, as thou goest on thy way.
21 Release us from the upper bond, untie the bond between, and loose
The bonds below, that I may live.
1.1.26 Mantra 26 – Agni (Authors: Sunahsepa Ajigarti; later Devarata Vaisvamitra)
1 O WORTHY of oblation, Lord of prospering powers, assume thy robes,
And offer this our sacrifice.
2 Sit ever to be chosen, as our Priest., most youthful, through our hymns,
O Agni, through our heavenly word.
3 O God! You give us the love of a loving father, the help of one who cares,
and the friendship of a true friend.
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come from every side) – Rg Veda
Vishva Dharma ki Jay! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)
4 Fiere let the foe-destroyers sit, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman,
Like men, upon our sacred grass.
5 O ancient Herald, be thou glad in this our rite and fellowship:
Hearken thou well to these our songs.
6 Whate'er in this perpetual course we sacrifice to God and God,
That gift is offered up in thee
7 May he be our dear household Lord, Priest, pleasant and, choice-worthy may
We, with bright fires, be dear to him.
8 The Gods, adored with brilliant fires. have granted precious wealth to us
So, with bright fires, we pray to thee.
9 And, O Immortal One, so may the eulogies of mortal men
Belong to us and thee alike.
10 With all thy fires, O Agni, find pleasure in this our sacrifice,
And this our speech, O Son of Strength.
1.1.27 Mantra 27 – Agni (Authors: Sunahsepa Ajigarti; later Devarata Vaisvamitra)
1 WITH worship will I glorify thee, Agni, like a long-tailed steed,
Imperial Lord of sacred rites.
2 May the far-striding Son of Strength, bringer of great felicity,
Who pours his gifts like rain, be ours.
3 Lord of all life, from near; from far, do thou, O Agni evermore
Protect us from the sinful man.
4 O Agni, graciously announce this our oblation to the Gods,
And this our newest song of praise.
5 Give us a share of strength most high, a share of strength that is below,
A share of strength that is between.
6 Thou dealest gifts, resplendent One; nigh, as with waves of Sindhu, thou
Swift streamest to the worshipper.
7 That man is lord of endless strength whom thou protectest in the fight,
Agni, or urgest to the fray.
8 O Almighty Lord! Your power and reach are praiseworthy.
No one dare harm your devotees.
9 May he who dwells with all mankind bear us with war-steeds through the fight,
And with the singers win the spoil.
10 Help, thou who knowest lauds, this work, this eulogy to Rudra, him
Adorable in every house.
11 May this our God, great, limitless, smoke-bannered excellently bright,
Urge us to strength and holy thought.
12 Like some rich Lord of men may he, Agni the banner of the Gods,
Refulgent, hear us through our lauds.
13 Glory to Gods, the mighty and the lesser glory to Gods the younger and the elder!
Let us, if we have power, pay the God worship: no better prayer than this, ye Gods, acknowledge.
1.1.28 Mantra 28 – Indra, etc. (Authors: Sunahsepa Ajigarti; later Devarata Vaisvamitra)
1 THERE where the broad-based stone raised on high to press the juices out,
O Indra, drink with eager thirst the droppings which the mortar sheds.
2 Where, like broad hips, to hold the juice the platters of the press are laid,
O Indra, drink with eager thirst the droppings which the mortar sheds.
3 There where the woman marks and leans the pestle's constant rise and fall,
O Indra, drink with eager thirst the droppings which the mortar sheds.
4 Where, as with reins to guide a horse, they bind the churning-staff with cords,
O Indra, drink with eager thirst the droppings which the mortar sheds.
5 If of a truth in every house, O Mortar thou art set for work,
Here give thou forth thy clearest sound, loud as the drum of conquerors.
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come from every side) – Rg Veda
Vishva Dharma ki Jay! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)
6 O Sovran of the Forest, as the wind blows soft in front of thee,
Mortar, for Indra press thou forth the Soma juice that he may drink.
7 Best strength-givers, ye stretch wide jaws, O Sacrificial Implements,
Like two bay horses champing herbs.