13 Fierce on his enemies fell Indra's weapon: with. his sharp bull he rent their forts in pieces.
He with his thunderbolt dealt blows on Vrtra; and conquered, executing all his purpose.
14 Indra, thou helpest Kutsa whom thou lovedst, and guardedst brave Dagadyu when he battled,
The dust of trampling horses rose to heaven, and Svitri's son stood up again for conquest.
15 Svitra's mild steer, O Maghavan thou helpest in combat for the land, mid Tugra's houses.
Long stood they there before the task was ended: thou wast the master of the foemen's treasure.
1.1.34 Mantra 34 – Ashvins (Author: Hiranyastupa Angiras)
1 Ye who observe this day be with us even thrice: far-stretching is you bounty, Asvins and your course.
To you, as to a cloak in winter, we cleave close: you are to be drawn nigh unto us by the wise.
2 Three are the fellies in your honey-bearing car, that travels after Soma's loved one, as all know.
Three are the pillars set upon it for support: thrice journey ye by night, O Asvins, thrice by day.
3 Thrice in the self-same day, ye Gods who banish want, sprinkle ye thrice to-day our sacrifice with
And thrice vouchsafe us store of food with plenteous strength, at evening, O ye Asvins, and at break of
4 Thrice come ye to our home, thrice to the righteous folk, thrice triply aid the man who well deserves
your help.
Thrice, O ye Asvins, bring us what shall make us glad; thrice send us store of food as nevermore to fail.
5 Thrice, O ye Asvins, bring to us abundant wealth: thrice in the Gods' assembly, thrice assist our
Thrice, grant ye us prosperity, thrice grant us fame; for the Sun's daughter hath mounted your threewheeled car.
6 Thrice, Asvins, grant to us the heavenly medicines, thrice those of earth and thrice those that the
waters hold,
Favour and health and strength bestow upon my son; triple protection, Lords of Splendour, grant to
7 Thrice are ye to be worshipped day by day by us: thrice, O ye Asvins, ye travel around the earth.
Car-borne from far away, O ye Nasatyas, come, like vital air to bodies, come ye to the three.
8 Thrice, O ye Asvins, with the Seven Mother Streams; three are the jars, the triple offering is prepared.
Three are the worlds, and moving on above the sky ye guard the firm-set vault of heaven through days
and nights.
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come from every side) – Rg Veda
Vishva Dharma ki Jay! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)
9 Where are the three wheels of your triple chariot, where are the three seats thereto firmly fastened?
When will ye yoke the mighty ass that draws it, to bring you to our sacrifice. Nasatyas?
10 Nasatyas, come: the sacred gift is offered up; drink the sweet juice with lips that know the
sweetness well.
Savitar sends, before the dawn of day, your car, fraught with oil, various-coloured, to our sacrifice.
11 Come, O Nasatyas, with the thrice-eleven Gods; come, O ye Asvins, to the drinking of the meath.
Make long our days of life, and wipe out all our sins: ward off our enemies; be with us evermore.
12 Borne in your triple car, O Asvins, bring us present prosperity with noble offspring.
I cry to you who hear me for protection be ye our helpers where men win the booty.
1.1.35 Mantra 35 – Savitar (Author: Hiranyastupa Angiras)
1 AGNI I first invoke for our prosperity; I call on Mitra, Varuna, to aid us here.
I call on Night who gives rest to all moving life; I call on Savitar the God to lend us help.
2 Throughout the dusky firmament advancing, laying to rest the immortal and the mortal,
Borne in his golden chariot he cometh, Savitar, God who looks on every creature.
3 The God moves by the upward path, the downward; with two bright Bays, adorable, he journeys.
Savitar comes, the God from the far distance, and chases from us all distress and sorrow.
4 His chariot decked with pearl, of various colours, lofty, with golden pole, the God hath mounted,
The many-rayed One, Savitar the holy, bound, bearing power and might, for darksome regions.
5 Drawing the gold-yoked car his Bays, white-footed, have manifested light to all the peoples.
Held in the lap of Savitar, divine One, all men, all beings have their place for ever.
6 Three heavens there are; two Savitar's, adjacent: in Yama's world is one, the home of heroes,
As on a linch-pin, firm, rest things immortal: he who hath known it let him here declare it.
7 He, strong of wing, hath lightened up the regions, deep-quivering Asura, the gentle Leader.
Where now is Surya, where is one to tell us to what celestial sphere his ray hath wandered?
8 The earth's eight points his brightness hath illumined, three desert regions and the Seven Rivers.
God Savitar the gold-eyed hath come hither, giving choice treasures unto him who worships.
9 The golden-handed Savitar, far-seeing, goes on his way between the earth and heaven,
Drives away sickness, bids the Sun approach us, and spreads the bright sky through the darksome
10 May he, gold-handed Asura, kind Leader, come hither to us with his help and favour.
Driving off Raksasas and Yatudhanas, the God is present, praised in hymns at evening.
11 O Savitar, thine ancient dustless pathways are well established in the air's midregion:
O God, come by those paths so fair to travel, preserve thou us from harm this day, and bless us.
1.1.36 Mantra 36 – Agni (Author: Kanva Ghaura)
1 WITH words sent forth in holy hymns, Agni we supplicate, the Lord
Of many families who duly serve the Gods, yea, him whom others also praise.
2 Men have won Agni, him who makes their strength abound: we, with oblations, worship thee.
Our gracious-minded Helper in our deeds of might, be thou, O Excellent, this day.
3 Thee for our messenger we choose, thee, the Omniscient, for our Priest.
The flames of thee the mighty are spread wide around: thy splendour reaches to the sky.
4 The Gods enkindle thee their ancient messenger, - Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman.
That mortal man, O Agni, gains through thee all wealth, who hath poured offerings unto thee.
5 Thou, Agni, art a cheering Priest, Lord of the House, men's messenger:
All constant high decrees established by the Gods, gathered together, meet in thee.
6 In thee, the auspicious One, O Agni, youthfullest, each sacred gift is offered up:
This day, and after, gracious, worship thou our Gods, that we may have heroic sons.
7 To him in his own splendour bright draw near in worship the devout.
Men kindle Agni with their sacrificial gifts, victorious o'er the enemies.
8 Vrtra they smote and slew, and made the earth and heaven and firmament a wide abode.
The glorious Bull, invoked, hath stood at Kanva's side: loud neighed the Steed in frays for kine.
9 Seat thee, for thou art mighty; shine, best entertainer of the Gods.
Worthy of sacred food, praised Agni! loose the smoke, ruddy and beautiful to see.
Ano Bhadraha Kritavayo Yantu Vishwataha (Let noble thoughts come from every side) – Rg Veda
Vishva Dharma ki Jay! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)
10 Bearer of offerings, whom, best sacrificing Priest, the Gods for Manu's sake ordained;
Whom Kanva, whom Medhyatithi made the source of wealth, and Vrsan and Upastuta.
11 Him, Agni, whom Medhyatithi, whom Kanva kindled for his rite,