### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I add API params with parameter (.*) as (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify the individual (projects|locations) in dashboard ### Output: public void verifyIndividualProjects(String projectOrLocation) { if(projectOrLocation.contains("project")) { dashboardPage.verifyIndividualProjects(); } else if(projectOrLocation.contains("location")) { dashboardPage.verifyIndividualLocations(); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify that (project|location) dropdown list is same as list of individual (projects|locations) in dashboard ### Output: public void verifyProjectLists() { waitFor(findAProjectOrLocationDropdown); findAProjectOrLocation = getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='demo-simple-select-outlined']/span")); System.out.println("Project dropdown is: " + findAProjectOrLocation.isEnabled()); assertTrue(findAProjectOrLocation.isEnabled()); js = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver(); js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", findAProjectOrLocation); findAProjectOrLocation.click(); waitABit(1000); List<WebElement> dropdownProjectList = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//ul[@role='listbox']/li")); List<String> dropdownList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < dropdownProjectList.size(); i++) { dropdownList.add(dropdownProjectList.get(i).getText()); System.out.println("dropdown project " + i + " : " + dropdownList.get(i)); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter (card|US bank account) details for utility savings ### Output: public void enterCardDetails(String type, DataTable dt){ List<String> list=dt.asList(String.class); if(type.contains("card")) stripePaymentScreenPage.enterCardDetails(list.get(0),list.get(1),list.get(2), list.get(3)); else if(type.contains("bank")) stripePaymentScreenPage.enterAccountDetails(list.get(0),list.get(1),list.get(2)); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I change rows per page ### Output: public void change_rows() { billingPage.changeRows(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Input credentials to login with headers table ### Output: public void inputCredentialsToLoginWithHeadersTable(DataTable dataTable) { List<Map<String,String>> dataRow = dataTable.asMaps(String.class,String.class); //Use for...loop if you have multiple data table for (Map<String, String> dataMap : dataRow) { String email = dataMap.get("Email"); loginPage.fillEmailData(email); System.out.println("row header email " + email); System.out.println("row index 1 --- " + dataMap.get("Password")); System.out.println("row index 2 --- " + dataMap.get("Account Type")); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Input data with {string} in search bar ### Output: public void inputDataSearch(String data) { homePage.setSearchInput(data); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I zoom out in browser ### Output: public void zoomOut() throws AWTException{ commonPage.zoomOut(); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter firstname (.*), lastname (.*) mobile number (.*) and email (.* ### Output: public void enterFirstName(String firstname) { firstName.clear(); firstName.sendKeys(firstname); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on continue button in Signup Screen-1 ### Output: public void clickOnContinueButton(){ signUpFirstPage.clickOnContinue(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I validate Success message should visible ### Output: public void ThenIValidateSuccessMessageShouldVisible() { userManagementPage.validateSuccessPopupAndMessage(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on (.*) button ### Output: public void clickButton(String buttonText) { commonPage.clickButton(buttonText); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in email or mobile textfield ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on the close button on Admin Page popup ### Output: public void clickClosePopup() { waitFor(closePopupButton); clickOn(closePopupButton); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on (.*) button ### Output: public void clickButton(String buttonText) { commonPage.clickButton(buttonText); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify that total net metering panel is visible ### Output: public void ThenIVarifyTotalNetMeteringPanelIsVisible() { propertyDetailsPage.varifyTotalNetMeteringIsVisible(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter the correct Email OTP in Login screen ### Output: public String openNewTabAndSwitch() throws InterruptedException { WebDriver driver = getDriver(); //Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL,"T"); enter(Keys.CONTROL+"t").into(enterEmail_txt); wait(5000); String newTabID = (String)(driver.getWindowHandles().stream().toArray())[1]; driver.switchTo().window(newTabID); return newTabID; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click outside ### Output: public void clickOutside() { commonPage.clickOutside(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I see static text (.*) in Login screen ### Output: public String fetchStaticTextConstantsfromEnum(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception { switch(expectedStaticText) { case "LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING": expectedStaticText=LoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING.getValue(); break; case "LOGIN_SCREEN1_SECONDARY_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING": expectedStaticText=LoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN1_SECONDARY_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING.getValue(); break; case "LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING": expectedStaticText=LoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING.getValue(); break; case "LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING": expectedStaticText=LoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception("This Expected Static Text in feature file is not present in the list of expected static texts in switch case or Enum file"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I validate dashboard shows (.*) message ### Output: public void validateTextPresent(String msg){ commonPage.validateTextPresent(msg); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I wait for message that Your Document is Uploaded ### Output: public void verifyDocumentIsUploaded() { waitFor(documentUploadedMsg); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Product detail with {string} type is displayed ### Output: public void productDetailWithType(String type) { Assert.assertTrue(productDetailPage.defaultProductDetailPageIsDisplayed()); switch (type) { case "non fisik": Assert.assertTrue(productDetailPage.nonFisikProductDetailDataIsDisplayed()); break; case "fisik": Assert.assertTrue(productDetailPage.fisikProductDetailDataIsDisplayed()); break; } String actualBreadcrumbName = productDetailPage.getAllBreadcrumbName(3).toLowerCase(); String expectedBreadcrumbName = testContext.scenarioContext.getContext(Context.EXPECTED_DATA).toString().toLowerCase(); Assert.assertTrue(actualBreadcrumbName.contains(expectedBreadcrumbName)); Assert.assertTrue(productDetailPage.moreBreadcrumbIsDisplayed()); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for lastname ### Output: public String fetchUserManagementErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(String expectedError) throws Exception { switch(expectedError) { case "INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "SELECT_ROLE_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_ROLE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception("This Expected Error in feature file is not present in the list of expected errors in switch case or Enum file"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I change to (.*) filter ### Output: public void changeFilter(String filter){ if(filter.contains("1M")) clickOn(oneMonthFilter); else if(filter.contains("6M")) clickOn(sixMonthFilter); else if(filter.contains("1Y")) clickOn(oneYearFilter); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I verify (.*) generation with (.* ### Output: public void verify_total_generation(String file, String key,String totalgen) throws IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) key=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(key); String value=getJsonPath(response,key); int l=value.length(); value=getJsonPath(response,key).substring(1, (l-1)); double sumOfAll=0.0; double sumOfAllPlus=0.0; int responseSize=0; responseSize=response.body().jsonPath().getList("cityPerformanceDataTOs").size(); String[] arr = null; arr=value.split(","); for(int i=0;i<responseSize;i++){ System.out.println("The amount value fetched is "+arr[i]); assertFalse(arr[i].startsWith("-")); sumOfAll=sumOfAll+Double.parseDouble(arr[i]); } System.out.println("The total amount is "+sumOfAll); if(sumOfAll>100000){ sumOfAll=sumOfAll/10; sumOfAll=Math.round(sumOfAll); sumOfAll=sumOfAll/100; } sumOfAllPlus=sumOfAll+0.01; String val=df.format(sumOfAll); String valPlus=df.format(sumOfAllPlus); String total=getJsonPath(response,totalgen); assertTrue(val.equals(total)||(valPlus.equals(total))); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Search product link with {string} data is displayed ### Output: public void searchProductLinkWithDataIsDisplayed(String data) { String dataLowerCase = data.toLowerCase(); String actualSearchProductLink = homePage.getSearchProductLink().toLowerCase(); Assert.assertEquals("tampilkan pencarian dari " + dataLowerCase, actualSearchProductLink); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter in Referral code textfield \([\]*)\ in Onboarding screen ### Output: public void enterSpecialCharInReferralCode(String value) throws Throwable { expandingFarmsScreenPage.enterSpecialCharInReferralCode(value); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on edit user button on user info pop up ### Output: public void clickOnEditUserInfo() { clickOn(EditUserInfo); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API for customer id (\\d+) with headers ### Output: public void add_API_Payload_with(String file, String apiURL, String customerId) throws IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) { apiURL=apiURL+"APIURL"; apiURL=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(apiURL); } // int index=apiURL.indexOf("1006"); // if(index>=0) // apiURL=apiURL.replace("1006", customerId); RestAssured.baseURI=apiURL; RestAssured.useRelaxedHTTPSValidation(); httpRequest = RestAssured.given().headers(headersMap); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter all the details for signing up in Signup Screen-1 ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on the Save button on Admin Page ### Output: public void clickSave() { adminLoginPage.clickSave(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I verify (.*) user is created or edited ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Go to cart page without authorizations ### Output: public void clickCartButton() { cartButton.isEnabled(); cartButton.click(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I enter first name (.*), last name, phone number, email id and role in edit user popup ### Output: public void ThenIEnterFirstNameLastNamePhoneNumberEmailIdAndRoleInEditUserPopup(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); userManagementPage.enterFirstName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterLastName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterEmail(value+generatedString+"
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I verify (.*) user is created or edited ### Output: public void ThenIVerifyUserIsCreated(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); userManagementPage.varifyUserCreatedOrEdited(value+generatedString); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I use {word} arrow to change the quantity ### Output: public int updateQuantityUsingArrows(String direction) { switch (direction) { case "up": { waitForElementToBeClickable(quantityInputFld).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_UP); break; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I prepare headers for (.*) API ### Output: public void prepareHeaders(String apiName) throws IOException { String target = null; if(apiName.contains("session")) target=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties("sessionAPIAmzTarget"); else if(apiName.contains("authkey")) target=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties("authkeyAPIAmzTarget"); headersMap.put("Content-Type","application/x-amz-json-1.1"); headersMap.put("x-amz-target",target); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I searched for (.*) user ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I add API params with parameter (.*) as (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Click selanjutnya button ### Output: public void clickSelanjutnyaButton() { selanjutnyaButton.isEnabled(); selanjutnyaButton.click(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I choose to Resend OTP ### Output: public void resendOtp() { clickOn(resendButton); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on the close button on Admin Page popup ### Output: public void clickClosePopup() { adminLoginPage.clickClosePopup(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Input credentials to login without headers ### Output: public void fillEmailData(String email) { emailField.isEnabled(); emailField.clear(); emailField.sendKeys(email); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: the selected quantity is {int} ### Output: public void theSelectedQuantityIs(int currentQuantity) { productPage.enterQuantity(currentQuantity); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I add API params with parameter (.*) as (.* ### Output: public void prepareParams(String file, String paramKey, String paramValue) throws IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) paramValue=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(paramValue); if(paramKey.equals("fromDate")) { LocalDate fromDate=LocalDate.now().minusMonths(1).withDayOfMonth(1); Date date=fromDate.toDate(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String fromdate= formatter.format(date); paramsMap.put(paramKey, fromdate); paramValue=fromdate; } else if(paramKey.equals("toDate")) { LocalDate toDate=LocalDate.now().withDayOfMonth(1).minusDays(1); Date date=toDate.toDate(); SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY"); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String todate= formatter.format(date); paramsMap.put(paramKey, todate); paramValue=todate; } else paramsMap.put(paramKey, paramValue); System.out.println("Param "+paramKey+" picked as "+paramValue); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Select product in {int} list ### Output: public void selectProductInList(int list) { Assert.assertTrue(productListPage.searchResultPageIsDisplayed()); productListPage.selectProductInList(list); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify No document available is displayed ### Output: public void verifyNoDocumentavailable() { waitFor(noDocumentText); assertEquals(noDocumentText.getText(), "No document available"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter (.*) in Referral code textfield in Onboarding screen ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I see prepopulated value (.*) in email or mobile textfield in Signup ### Output: public void validatePrepopulatedEmailOrMobileTextfield(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); signUpFirstPage.validatePrepopulatedEmailOrMobileTextfield(value); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I fetch OTP of Email (.* ### Output: public String getEmailOtp(String file, String email) throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { yopMailHomePage.openNewTabAndSwitch(); yopMailHomePage.getDriver().get("https://yopmail.com/en/"); if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) email=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(email); yopMailHomePage.enterEmail(email); otp =yopMailHomePage.getOtp(); yopMailHomePage.switchBackToOriginalWindow(); return otp; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I verify (.*) in selected in dropdown and on property detail page is same ### Output: public void ThenAfterFetchingDataFromDataFileIVerifyPropertyNameInSelectedInDropdownAndOnPropertyDetailPageIsSame(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); propertyDetailsPage.varifyBreadcrumbIsPresent(value); propertyDetailsPage.varifyPropertysSelectedOnDropdownAndPageAreSame(value); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Click selanjutnya button ### Output: public void clickSelanjutnyaButton() { loginPage.clickSelanjutnyaButton(); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?see default text (.*) in email or mobile textfield ### Output: public void validateDefaultTextEmailOrMobileTextfield(String dontFlag, String value) { loginFirstScreenPage.validateDefaultTextEmailOrMobileTextfield(dontFlag,value); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I searched for (.*) user ### Output: public void userToEditInformationUser(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); userManagementPage.enterValueInSearchbox(value+generatedString); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should successfully land to Admin Dashboard ### Output: public void landAdminDashboard() { adminDashboard.shouldBeVisible(); waitFor(5000); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I edit Customer Name as (.*) and save ### Output: public void CustomerName(String name) { adminLoginPage.enterCustomerName(name); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter the correct OTP in Login screen( but the old one| but the expired one)? ### Output: public void enterCorrectlyFetchedOtp(String oldOrNew) { loginSecondScreenPage.enterOtp(otp); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: validate number of users asign to selected location or group ### Output: public int getNumOfUsers() { String users=numOfUsers.getText(); users=users.substring(users.length()-2, users.length()); int NumberOfUsers=Integer.parseInt(users); return NumberOfUsers; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify delete user pop up should open ### Output: public void ThenIVerifyDeleteUserPopUpShouldOpen() { userManagementPage.varifyDeleteUserPopupOpened(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should see an error ### Output: public void iShouldSeeAnError() { Assert.assertEquals(productPage.getValidationMsg(), "Value must be greater than or equal to 1."); Assert.fail("Failing this step intentionally to check the screenshot attached int the Report"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?see textfield Referral code in Onboarding screen ### Output: public void validateTextfieldReferralCode(String dontFlag) throws Exception { expandingFarmsScreenPage.validateTextfieldReferralCode(dontFlag); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Send me a code ### Output: public void clickSendMeACode() { waitFor(sendMeACodeButton); clickOn(sendMeACodeButton); waitFor(10000); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: the selected quantity is {int} ### Output: public void enterQuantity(int quantity) { clearAndSendKeys(quantityInputFld, Integer.toString(quantity)); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify that (project|location) dropdown list (projects|locations) in dashboard ### Output: public void verifyLeftPannelProjects(String locationOrProjectDropdown, String projectsOrLocations) { dashboardPage.verifyLeftPannelProjectsOrLocations(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I validate user is deleted ### Output: public void GivenIValidateUserIsDeleted() { userManagementPage.verifyUserIsDeleted(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I choose (.*) from Utility provider dropdown ### Output: public void selectUtilityProvider(String file,String utilityProvider) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) utilityProvider=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(utilityProvider); checkAvailabilityScreenPage.selectUtilityProvider(utilityProvider); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should successfully land to Admin Dashboard ### Output: public void landAdminDashboard(){ adminLoginPage.landAdminDashboard(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I select (.*) select a location dropdown ### Output: public void ThenAfterFetchingDataFromDataFileISelectPropertyNameselectALocationDropdown(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); propertyDetailsPage.clickOnSelectAProperty(); propertyDetailsPage.selectProjectFromDropdown(value); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on continue button in Signup Screen-1 ### Output: public void clickOnContinue(){ clickOn(continue_btn); waitABit(8000); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify Project list for (Carbon|Billing ### Output: public void verifyCarbon_Billing_IndividualProjects(String value) { dashboardPage.verifyCarbon_Billing_IndividualProjects(value); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I verify correct (.*) assign to (.* ### Output: public void ThenAfterFetchingDataFromDataFileIVerifyCorectProjectIdsAssignToLocationId(String file, String keyProjectID,String keyLocationId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String valueProjectID=""; String valueLocationId=""; if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) { for(int index=1; index<3; index++) { valueProjectID=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(keyProjectID+index); valueLocationId=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(keyLocationId+index); int num=index-1; String apiResponseProjectMap=response.jsonPath().get("projectMap["+num+"].projectId"); String apiResponseTenantLocationMap=response.jsonPath().get("tenantLocationMap["+num+"].locationId"); Assert.assertTrue(valueProjectID.equals(apiResponseProjectMap)); Assert.assertTrue(valueLocationId.equals(apiResponseTenantLocationMap)); } } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in Signup mobile textfield ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?give consent to send me a Code to my mobile number ### Output: public void giveOTPConsentForMobile() { mobileOtpConsentCheckbox=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='checkbox']")); JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor)getDriver(); if(!mobileOtpConsentCheckbox.isSelected()) js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", mobileOtpConsentCheckbox); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on question mark on total net metering panel ### Output: public void IClickOnQuestionMarkOnTotalNetMeteringPanel() { propertyDetailsPage.clickOnToolTip(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I use {word} arrow to change the quantity ### Output: public void iUseDirectionArrowToChangeTheQuantity(String direction) { context.product = new Product(); context.product.setQuantity(productPage.updateQuantityUsingArrows(direction)); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify groups pop up should open ### Output: public void IVerifyGroupsPopUpShouldOpen() { userManagementPage.varifyGroupsPopupOpened(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I edit firstname and last name as (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I should get a masking on (email|mobile number) (.* ### Output: public void maskedEmailOrMobileNumber(String file, String emailOrMobile, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) { value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); } if(emailOrMobile.equalsIgnoreCase("email")) loginSecondScreenPage.validateMaskingInEmail(value); else if(emailOrMobile.equalsIgnoreCase("mobile number")) loginSecondScreenPage.validateMaskingInMobile(value); } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I have {int} {product} in the cart ### Output: public void iHaveInTheCart(int quantity, Product product) throws Exception { // storePage.addToCart("Blue Shoes"); // CartApi cartApi = new CartApi(context.cookies.get()); CartApi cartApi = new CartApi(context.cookies.getCookies()); product = context.productList.getProductByName(product.getName()); cartApi.addToCart(product.getId(), quantity); // context.cookies.set(cartApi.getCookies()); context.cookies.setCookies(cartApi.getCookies()); context.cookies.injectCookiesToBrowser(context.driver); context.product = product; } }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter (.*) in Referral code textfield in Onboarding screen ### Output: public void enterValueInReferralCode(String file, String value) throws Throwable { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file"))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); expandingFarmsScreenPage.enterReferralCode(value); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I validate group (.*) is created or edited ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I am on Onboarding screen with (.*) referral code ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I navigate to property detail page ### Output: public void ThenINavigateToPropertyDetailPage() { propertyDetailsPage.varifyBreadcrumbIsPresent("Dashboard"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify tooltip text ### Output: public void ThenIVerifyTooltipTextIs() { String expectedTotalNetMeteringToolTipText=LoginStaticTextsEnum.TOTALNETMETERINGTOOLTIPTEXT.getValue(); String actualTotalNetMeteringToolTipText=propertyDetailsPage.getToolTipText(); Assert.assertTrue(expectedTotalNetMeteringToolTipText.equals(actualTotalNetMeteringToolTipText)); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter the incorrect OTP (.*) in Signup screen ### Output: public void enterIncorrectOTP(String incorrectOtp) { signUpSecondScreenPage.enterOtp(incorrectOtp); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for email or mobile textfield ### Output: public void validateErrorForEmailOrMobileTextfield(String expectedError) throws Exception { expectedError=commonPage.fetchErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(expectedError); loginFirstScreenPage.validateErrorMessage(expectedError); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I choose to Go Back ### Output: public void goBack() { goBack.click(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on add new user button to create user ### Output: public void clickOnAddNewUser() { addNewUser.click(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I close the browser ### Output: public void closeBrowser(){ getDriver().close(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I verify (.*) rides saved with (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I choose to Go Back in Signup ### Output: public void goBack() { signUpSecondScreenPage.goBack(); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Request Information button on \'Help And Support\' screen ### Output: public void clickRequestInformationButton() { clickOn(requestInformationButton); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I fetch value of (.*) from response of (.*) API and write to data file ### Output: public void writeToDataProperties(String value) throws IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.put("docId", value); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(".\\data.properties"); properties.replace("docId", value); properties.store(outputStream, "docId Stored successfully!!"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for email or mobile textfield in Signup ### Output: public void validateErrorForEmailOrMobileTextfield(String expectedError) throws Exception { expectedError=commonPage.fetchErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(expectedError); signUpFirstPage.validateErrorMessage(expectedError); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I see prepopulated value (.*) in email or mobile textfield in Signup ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./data.properties"))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on continue button in Signup Screen-2 ### Output: public void clickOnContinue(){ clickOn(continue_btn); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on the (Carbon|Billing|Data Health|Income|Documents|\'Help And Support\') button in left panel of dashboard ### Output: public void clickCarbon() { waitFor(carbonButton); clickOn(carbonButton); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?get error message (.*) for OTP textfields in Signup ### Output: public String fetchErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(String expectedError) throws Exception { switch(expectedError) { case "INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_EMAIL_MOBILE_ERROR": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "INCORRECT_OTP": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCORRECT_OTP.getValue(); break; case "INCOMPLETE_OTP": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCOMPLETE_OTP.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_SESSION": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_SESSION.getValue(); break; case "INCORRECT_PASSWORD": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCORRECT_PASSWORD.getValue(); break; case "REFERRAL_CODE_NOT_EXIST": expectedError=OnboardingErrorMessagesEnum.REFERRAL_CODE_NOT_EXIST.getValue(); break; case "REFERRAL_CODE_SPECIAL_CHARACTER": expectedError=OnboardingErrorMessagesEnum.REFERRAL_CODE_SPECIAL_CHARACTER.getValue(); break; case "USER_DISABLED": expectedError=SupReferralLoginErrorMessagesEnum.USER_DISABLED.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception("This Expected Error in feature file is not present in the list of expected errors in switch case or Enum file"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for email ### Output: public String fetchUserManagementErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(String expectedError) throws Exception { switch(expectedError) { case "INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "SELECT_ROLE_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_ROLE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS.getValue(); break; case "INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case "GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception("This Expected Error in feature file is not present in the list of expected errors in switch case or Enum file"); }
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I edit Customer Name as (.*) and save ### Output: public void enterCustomerName(String name) { typeInto(name_txt, name); waitFor(5000); }