using a telescope to photograph solar events requires a light filter & a solar flare is a kind of solar event & a solar prominence is a kind of solar event -> using a telescope to photograph a solar prominence and a solar flare requires a light filter
a telescope is used for observing planets & venus is a kind of planet -> a telescope can be used for observing venus
a telescope can be used for observing venus & venus has moon-like phases -> a telescope can be used to observe the moon-like phases of venus
an optical telescope requires visible light for human to use & clouds / dusts block visible light -> if there is clouds or dusts, then the optical telescope cannot be used
if there is clouds or dusts, then the optical telescope cannot be used & radio telescopes can see through clouds and dust -> the radio telescopes can still be used when there is clouds or dusts
detailed observation of celestial objects requires a telescope & if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else -> telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects
telescopes allow the detailed observation of celestial objects & a planet is a kind of celestial object / celestial body -> telescopes allow the detailed observation of planets
a moon phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred & a full moon is a kind of phase of the moon -> a full moon will occur 28 days after the last time it occurs
a full moon will occur 28 days after the last time it occurs & 1 month is equal to 28-31 days -> a full moon will occur after 1 month it occurs
the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth & a new moon is a kind of phase of the moon & the new moon is when the lighted half of the moon faces the sun -> the moon phase where the lighted half of the moon faces the sun and dark half of the moon faces the earth is called new moon
each of the moon 's phases occurs once per month & a full moon is a kind of phase of the moon -> a full moon occurs once per month
the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth & the dark half of the moon is not visible -> new moon is when the moon cannot be seen
new moon is when the moon cannot be seen & a new moon is a kind of phase of the moon & a student cannot observe the moon in the clear night sky on feburary 21 -> the student observes a new moon phase on feburary 21
the student observes a new moon phase on feburary 21 & a moon phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred -> the next new moon will occur 28 days after feburary 21
the next new moon will occur 28 days after feburary 21 & 28 days after feburary 21 is march 21 -> the next new moon will occur on march 21
the moon revolving around / orbiting the earth causes the phases of the moon & the moon orbiting the earth occurs once per month -> each of the moon 's phases of earth's moon occurs once per month
the earth revolves around the sun & a revolution occurs when something revolves around something else -> revolution can be used to describe the earth revolving around the sun
gravity causes orbits & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
mars is a kind of planet & mars is located in the solar system -> mars is a planet in the solar system
gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun & mars is a planet in the solar system -> gravity causes mars to orbit around the sun
gravity causes orbits & the earth revolves around the sun -> gravity causes the earth to revolve around the sun
gravity causes orbits & the moon orbits the earth -> gravity causes the moon to orbit the earth
gravity causes the earth to revolve around the sun & gravity causes the moon to orbit the earth -> gravity causes both the orbit of the earth around the sun and the orbit of the moon around the earth
gravity causes orbits & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> gravity causes planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
planets in the solar system orbit the sun & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
planets in the solar system orbit the sun & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits & the moon orbits the earth -> gravity causes the moon to orbit around the earth
planets in the solar system orbit the sun & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun
uranus is located in the solar system & uranus is a kind of planet -> uranus is a planet located in the solar system
uranus is a planet located in the solar system & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> uranus is a planet in the solar system that orbits around the sun
uranus is a planet in the solar system that orbits around the sun & gravity causes orbits -> gravity causes uranus to orbit around the sun
the moon orbiting the earth occurs once per month & the moon 's orbit is elliptical -> the moon orbits the earth in an elliptical orbit once per month
planetary orbits are mostly elliptical & planets in the solar system orbit the sun -> planets in the solar system orbit the sun in an elliptical orbit
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a kind of celestial object
earth is a kind of celestial object & as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger & a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body -> as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger
as the distance from a star to earth decreases, the star will appear larger & the sun is the star that is closest to earth -> the sun will appear larger than other stars because it is the closest star to earth
dehydrating food is used for preserving food & astronauts require preserved food for extended flights -> dehydrating food can be used for preserving food for extended flights
a space probe can orbit / land on other planets & mars is a kind of planet -> a space probe can land on mars
a space probe can land on mars & a space probe is used for collecting / analyzing materials / samples / information -> a space probe can land on mars and collect and analyze samples
a space probe can land on mars and collect and analyze samples & the viking i lander was sent to mars and analyze atmospheric gases and soil samples -> the viking i lander is a kind of space probe
high tide is a stage in the tide cycle process & low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process & the tide cycle occurs regularly twice per day -> high tide and low tide in the tide cycle occur twice per day
high tide and low tide in the tide cycle occur twice per day & a tide is a kind of natural event -> high tide and low tide in the tidy cycle are the natural event that occur twice per day
high tide is a stage in the tide cycle process & low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process & the tide cycle occurs regularly twice per day -> high tide and low tide in the tide cycle occur twice per day
the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall & the gravitational pull of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides -> the gravitational pull causes the ocean levels on earth to rise and fall periodically
the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall & the gravitational pull of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides -> the gravitational pull causes the ocean levels on earth to rise and fall periodically
the moon moves away from earth & moving away from the source increases the distance -> the moon moving away from earth increases the distance between the moon and the earth
the moon moving away from earth increases the distance between the moon and the earth & as the distance from an object increases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease -> the moon moving away from earth causes the force of gravity of moon on earth decreases
the moon moving away from earth causes the force of gravity of moon on earth decreases & as the gravitational pull of the moon decreases , the height of ocean tides will decrease -> the moon moving away from earth causes the height of ocean tides on earth to decrease
spring tides occur during a full moon & spring tide is when the distance between high tide and low tide is the greatest -> the highest tides occur during a full moon
the sun is a source of light / light energy called sunlight & as a source of light moves directly overhead of an object , the size of the shadow of that object will decrease -> when the sun moves directly overhead of an object, the size of the shadow of that object will be the smallest
when the sun moves directly overhead of an object, the size of the shadow of that object will be the smallest & the sun is located directly overhead at noon -> the shadows of an object at noon will be the smallest
the shadows of an object at noon will be the smallest & a flagpole is a kind of object -> the shadow of a flagpole will be the smallest at noon
volcano eruption is when volcano deposits lava to the earth 's surface & new land can be formed by lava cooling after an volcano eruption -> volcano eruption can form a new land
volcano eruption can form a new land & a volcanic eruption is a kind of quick process -> volcano eruption is a quick process to form land
most canyons are formed by flowing rivers & a valley is formed by flowing rivers -> canyons and valleys are formed by flowing rivers
sometimes piles of rocks are formed by melting glaciers depositing rocks & deposition is a kind of constructive force -> piles of rocks are formed by the constructive force of glaciers
water deposits the leaves at the foot of the hill and fans out & a delta is formed by sediment depositing at the mouth of a river by water fanning out -> water depositing leaves at the foot of the hill is similar to water forming a delta
a river is a kind of a moving body of water & most canyons are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time -> most canyons are formed by moving body of water through erosion over long periods of time
the grand canyon is a kind of canyon & most canyons are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time -> the grand canyon is formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time
a river is a kind of flowing body of water & the colorado river is a kind of river next to the grand canyon -> the colorado river is a flowing river next to the grand canyon
the grand canyon is formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time & the colorado river is a flowing river next to the grand canyon -> the grand canyon was formed by the flowing colorado river over long periods of time
the grand canyon was formed by the flowing colorado river over long periods of time & if something is formed by something else, then that something else is required by that something -> forming the grand canyon requires the flowing colorado river
forming the grand canyon requires the flowing colorado river & if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something -> the flowing colorado river is important for forming the grand canyon
a river is a kind of flowing body of water & the colorado river is a kind of river -> the colorado river is a flowing body of water
the flowing colorado river is important for forming the grand canyon & the colorado river is a flowing body of water -> a flowing body of water is important for forming the grand canyon
a dinosaur is a kind of extinct animal & a bone is a part of some animals & an example of a fossil is the bones of an extinct animal -> the bones of dinosaurs are an example of fossils
the bones of dinosaurs are an example of fossils & index fossils can be used to determine the approximate age of other fossils in that area -> index fossils can be used to determine the approximate age of the fossils of the bones of dinosaurs
if a species existed for a relatively short time then that species is now extinct & index fossils are formed from species that existed for a relatively short time -> the species that form the index fossils are now extinct
shell is a part of a mussel & a freshwater mussel is a kind of mussel -> shell is a part of a freshwater mussel
shell is a part of a freshwater mussel & fossils of shells of freshwater mussels are found in a mountain range -> fossils of freshwater mussels are found in the mountain range
fossils of freshwater mussels are found in the mountain range & if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place & a mountain range is a kind of place & a mussel is a kind of water animal -> the freshwater mussels used to live in the place where the mountain range is located
a freshwater mussel is a mussel lives in freshwater & a mussel is a kind of water animal -> a freshwater mussel is a kind of water animal that lives in freshwater
the freshwater mussels used to live in the place where the mountain range is located & a freshwater mussel is a kind of water animal that lives in freshwater -> the mountain range used to be covered by freshwater
the mountain range used to be covered by freshwater & a river usually contains freshwater -> the mountain range was likely to be covered by a river
an ocean is a kind of body of water & a body of water is a kind of environment -> an ocean is a kind of environment
an ocean is a kind of environment & a tropical environment usually has warm temperatures -> a tropical ocean usually has warm temperatures
a tropical ocean usually has warm temperatures & coral lives in tropical oceans -> coral lives in warm oceans
coral lives in warm oceans & coral is a kind of aquatic animal -> corals are aquatic animals that live in warm oceans
corals are aquatic animals that live in warm oceans & an ocean is a kind of body of water & if fossils of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past -> if fossils of corals are found in a place then that place used to be covered by warm oceans in the past
if fossils of corals are found in a place then that place used to be covered by warm oceans in the past & fossils of corals are found in ohio -> ohio used to be covered in warm oceans in the past
a wooded area is a kind of place & if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past & fossils of seashells are found in a wooded area -> the wooded area used to be covered by water in the past
the wooded area used to be covered by water in the past & if something used to be in the past then that something has changed -> the place has changed from being covered by water to a wooded area
a dinosaur is a kind of reptile & a reptile is a kind of animal -> a dinosaur is a kind of animal
a dinosaur is a kind of animal & if fossils of an animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place & fossils of dinosaurs are found in antarctica -> dinosaurs used to live in antarctica
a dinosaur is a kind of reptile & a reptile is cold-blooded -> dinosaurs are cold-blooded
a dinosaur is a kind of animal & dinosaurs are cold-blooded -> dinosaurs are cold-blooded animals
dinosaurs are cold-blooded animals & cold-blooded animals cannot live in cold environments -> dinosaurs cannot live in cold environments
dinosaurs used to live in antarctica & dinosaurs cannot live in cold environments -> antarctica was not a cold environment when dinosaurs used to live in antarctica
a shark is a kind of fish & a fish is a kind of aquatic animal -> a shark is a kind of aquatic animal
a shark is a kind of aquatic animal & if fossils of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past -> if fossils of sharks are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
if fossils of sharks are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past & sharks live in oceans & an ocean is a kind of body of water -> if fossils of sharks are found in a place then that place used to be covered by oceans in the past
if fossils of sharks are found in a place then that place used to be covered by oceans in the past & fossils of sharks are found on top of a mountain & the top of a mountain is a kind of place -> the mountain used to be covered by oceans in the past
marine animals are water animals & marine fossils means fossils of marine animals -> marine fossils are fossils of water animals
marine fossils are fossils of water animals & marine fossils are found in mountains -> fossils of water animals are found in mountains
fossils of water animals are found in mountains & if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past -> the mountains used to be covered by water in the past
the mountains used to be covered by water in the past & if something used to be in the past then that something has changed & a mountain is a kind of environment & a body of water is a kind of environment -> the environment has changed from a body of water to mountains
the environment has changed from a body of water to mountains & environments are found on the crustal surface of earth -> the environments on the crustal surface of earth have changed from a body of water to mountains
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock & shale is a kind of sedimentary rock -> shale and limestone are different kinds of sedimentary rock
shale and limestone are different kinds of sedimentary rock & environments changing can cause layers of rock that are on top of each other to be of different kind & a layer of shale is on top of a layer of limestone -> environments changing causes the shale and limestone to be on top of each other