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the sun is a kind of star | 1 | sun is yellow_star. star is sun. sun is ordinary_star. sun is star_not_planet. sun is star. sun is g_class_star. sun is bright_star. |
a star is made of gases | 1 | star is sun. stars is mostly_gas. late_type_star is star. star is plasma. star is burning_ball_of_gas. variable_star is star. stars is balls_of_burning_gas. binary_star is star. fixed_star is star. |
a star is very hot in temperature | 1 | star is sun. dense_blazing_star is blazing_star. star is burning_ball_of_gas. star is burning_in_space. heat is temperature. sun is star. sun is bright_star. |
the sun is the largest celestial body in the solar system | 1 | star is celestial_body. planet is celestial_body. satellite is celestial_body. |
space is a vacuum | 1 | vacuum_and_empty_space is synonyms. void is space. cavity is space. vacuum is empty_space. mathematical_space is space. deep_space is outer_space. absolute_space is space. space is vacuum. outer_space is vacuum. |
a human is a kind of animal | 1 | humans is conscious_animals. humans is only_animals. one_kind_of_mammal is human. animals is not_humans. animal is animal. human is animal. male is animal. male_animal is animal. humans is living_animals. |
an astronaut is a kind of human | 1 | astronauts is people. astronaut is government_worker. astronaut is human. astronaut is spaceman. astronaut is person. spaceman is astronaut. egyptian is human. spacewalker is astronaut. astronaut is skilled_worker. astronaut is traveler. |
an animal requires oxygen to breathe | 1 | humans_must has oxygen_to_remain_conscious oxygen is oxygen. animals has ears herd_animal is air_breathing_vertebrate. mammal is air_breathing_vertebrate. animals has muscles all_mammals_breathe_air_and has lungs holding_one's_breath is action_performed_by_animals. oxygen_mask is breathing_device. air has oxygen |
vaccum does not contain oxygen | 1 | oxygen is gas. oxygen is oxygen. oxygen is combustible. vaccum_cleaner is machine. oxygen is non_metallic_element. ozone is oxygen. vasa_vasorum is blood_vessel. ozone is allotrope_of_oxygen. air has oxygen |
spacesuit backpacks contain oxygen | 1 | air_bag is bag. spacesuit is pressure_suit. backpacking is carrying. women's_backpack is handbag. kitbag is backpack. backpack is bag. luggage_space is storage_device. pumpkin_suit is spacesuit. backpacking_tent is tent. oxygen_mask is breathing_device. |
the formation of a new land is a kind of change on earth's surface | 1 | earth has surface natural_depression is geological_formation. flight is formation. development is change. birth is change. turning is formation. earth is natural_building_material. soil is earth. geological_formation is object. sea_change is transformation. |
new land can be formed by volcanoes erupting by lava cooling | 1 | active_volcano is volcano. dormant_volcano is volcano. eruption is emergence. volcano has crater lava is volcanic_rock. volcanic_crater is geological_formation. volcano is land_topographical_feature. volcano is solid_ground. dacite is volcanic_rock. volcanoes has violent_eruptions |
precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process | 1 | spitting is precipitation_process. hailing is precipitation_process. sleeting is precipitation_process. precipitation is chemical_process. precipitation_process is spewing. water has cycle snowing is precipitation_process. water_cycle is water. precipitation_process is meteorological_event. rain is precipitation_process. |
sinkholes and caves are formed by precipitation and infiltration | 1 | cave is geological_formation. developed_gas_field is excavation_site. find_underground is caves. caves_often has water_in_pools_or_streams cave_in is collapse. sinkhole is natural_depression. pothole is hole. sinkholes is caverns. cave is underground. infiltration is penetration. |
infiltration is a stage in the water cycle process | 1 | filtering is fluid_filtration_process. fluid_filtration_process is flowing. infiltration is penetration. water_treatment is purification_process. inpouring is inflow. infusing is fluid_movement. fluid_filtration_process is filtering. water_cycle is water. fluid_filtration_process is purification_process. water has cycle |
rock is a kind of nonliving thing | 1 | stone is non_fluidlike_substance. rock is good_person. hard_rock is rock. rock is stone. rock is inanimate_object. rock is natural_substance. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. alternative_rock is rock. |
fossils are formed by the remains of living things | 1 | fossil is remains. fossil is natural_inanimate_thing. reptiles is living_dinosaurs. geological_formation is tangible_thing. archeological_remains is remains. archeological_remains is relic. belemnite is fossil. fossil is petrification_of_living_being. relict is geological_formation. dead_living_organism is natural_inanimate_thing. |
an example of a fossil is a footprint in a rock | 1 | specimen is example. footprint is image_source. fossil is remains. ammonite is fossil. fossil is natural_inanimate_thing. fucoid is fossil. footprint is area. footprint_evidence is footprint. people has discovered_fossil_footprint_of_humans |
a paw print is a kind of footprint | 1 | footprint is image_source. paw_paws is television_show. claw is animal_nail. petnapping is capturing_animal. forepaw is paw. footprint_evidence is footprint. paw is foot. paw is animal_foot. bear_claw is design. step_paw is paw. |
radioactive dating is used to determine the age of fossils | 1 | radiometric_dating is estimating_age. radioactive_isotope is radioactive_substance. radioactive_isotope is isotope. radioactive_dating is dating. dating is chemical_analysis. radioactive_dating is measurement. plutonium is radioactive_substance. geological_age is geological_time_period. radiocarbon_dating is dating. |
conclusions can be drawn about changes in organisms over time by determining the age of fossils of those organisms | 1 | vertebrate is multicellular_organism. multicellular_organism is living_organism. evolution has effect_of_creating_new_species multicellular_organism_reproduction_event is organism_reproduction_event. dinosaurs is ancient_reptiles. aging has effect_of_reducing_memory_function sporophyte is multicellular_organism. geological_era is geological_time_period. geological_age is geological_time_period. metabolism_multicellular_organism is metabolism_in_organism. |
fossils of fish are found on the land | 1 | fossil is remains. dried_fish is fish. rock_salmon is fish. bony_fish is fish. sawfish is fish. tropical_fish is fish. saltwater_fish is fish. find_underwater is fish. nebris is fish. flying_fish is fish. |
if fossils of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past | 1 | aquatic is plant. aquarium is animal_container. fish is aquatic_animal. aquatic_plant is vascular_plant. aquatic_mammal is placental. find_underwater is aquatic_plants. find_underwater is aquatic_life. find_underwater is aquatic_plant. aquatic_ecosystem is water. fish is aquatic_vertebrate. |
a land is a kind of place | 1 | farmland is land. land is real_property. landmass is land. no_man's_land is land. plot_of_land is geographical_region. revenue_land is land. countryside is place. land is object. |
a fish is a kind of aquatic animal | 1 | fish is aquatic_animal. fish is aquatic_organism. fish is animal. octopus_and_trout is both_aquatic_animals. fish is animals. freshwater_fish is fish. food_fish is fish. fish is aquatic_vertebrate. |
if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past | 1 | aquatic is plant. fossil is remains. find_underwater is habitat. find_underwater is lobster. find_underwater is shipwrecks. find_underwater is water_plants. find_underwater is aquatic_plants. find_underwater is aquatic_plant. aquarium has water find_underwater is sand. |
fossils of trilobites are found in ohio | 1 | trilobite is arthropod. trichuris_trichiuria is nematode. triceratops is animal. terrapene_carolina_mexicana is turtle. rattlesnakes is indiginous_to_americas. terbium is unalloyed_metal. hoplolaimus_columbus is nematode. belemnite is fossil. terrapene_carolina_triunguis is turtle. trichuris_trichiuria is macroparasite. |
a trilobite is a kind of water animal | 1 | european_water_vole is mammal. trilobite is arthropod. hydra is animal. tritiated_water is water. triceratops is animal. migratory_animal is animal. water_chevrotain is mammal. grebe is waterfowl. trinectes is fish. red_water is animal_disease. |
ohio is a kind of place | 1 | akron is in_ohio. ohio_river is river. cleveland is city_in_ohio. england is place_name. ohio is state. national_forest_in_ohio is u.s_national_forest. ohioan is american. ohio_state_song is beautiful_ohio. ohio is administrative_region. |
a fish is a kind of aquatic animal | 1 | fish is aquatic_animal. fish is aquatic_organism. fish is animal. octopus_and_trout is both_aquatic_animals. fish is animals. freshwater_fish is fish. food_fish is fish. fish is aquatic_vertebrate. |
a shark is a kind of fish | 1 | shark is fish. salmon_shark is fish. whale_shark is fish. river_shark is fish. bull_shark is fish. shark_catfish is fish. |
sharks live in shallow seas | 1 | shark is fish. oceanic_whitetip_shark is fish. salmon_shark is fish. grey_reef_shark is fish. find_underwater is shark. river_shark is fish. whale_shark is shark. shark_catfish is fish. |
if fossils of a aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past | 1 | aquatic is plant. aquarium is animal_container. fish is aquatic_animal. aquatic_plant is vascular_plant. aquatic_mammal is placental. find_underwater is aquatic_plants. find_underwater is aquatic_life. find_underwater is aquatic_plant. aquatic_ecosystem is water. fish is aquatic_vertebrate. |
teeth are part of a shark | 1 | shark_tooth is organism_part. shark_tooth is body_part. shark is fish. nurse_shark is shark. shark_tooth is tooth. whale_shark is fish. whale_shark is shark_not_whale. whale_shark is shark. |
fossils of shark teeth are discovered on the side of a cliff | 1 | hammer_head_shark is shark. shark is elasmobranch. shark_tooth is body_part. shark_tooth is tooth. shark is wrongdoer. find_underwater is shark. whale_shark is shark. elongate_carpet_shark is fish. carpet_shark is shark. |
a scientist wants to investigate the environmental changes from ancient time to now | 1 | oceanographer is scientist. people is scientists. data_scientist is scientist. scientist is researcher. zoologist is scientist. senior_research_scientist is scientist. research_scientist is scientist. natural_scientist is scientist. |
fossils can be used as evidence for the ancient environment | 1 | ancient_site is site. ancient_history is history. fossil is remains. archaeological_artifact is ancient_thing. fossil is natural_inanimate_thing. wormcast is fossil. index_fossil is fossil. archaeological_site is geographical_thing. fossil is petrification_of_living_being. ancient_history is common_knowledge. |
evidence is a kind of information | 1 | evidence is information. facts is information. state's_evidence is evidence. proof is evidence. record is evidence. go_author_statement_evidence is evidence. testimony is evidence. |
investigating requires gathering information | 1 | interviewing is gathering_information. gathering_information is performing. analysing is gathering_information. observing is gathering_information. intelligence_collection is gathering_information. check is gathering_information. information_gathering is operation. intelligence is information_gathering. exploring is gathering_information. screening is gathering_information. |
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock | 1 | sedimentary is rock. limestone is carbonate_rock. carbonate_rock is sedimentary_rock. limestone is rock. sedimentary_clay is soil. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. shale is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock | 1 | sedimentary is rock. carbonate_rock is sedimentary_rock. fossil is remains. sedimentary_clay is soil. phosphorite is sedimentary_rock. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
fossils can be used to study the history of organisms and environments on earth | 1 | fossil is remains. fossil is natural_inanimate_thing. ammonite is fossil. wormcast is fossil. index_fossil is fossil. zoology_research is investigating. fossilization is natural_process. fossil is petrification_of_living_being. people has discovered_fossil_footprint_of_humans |
the formation of diamonds requires intense pressure | 1 | vapor_pressure is pressure. diamonds is hardest_stones. diamonds is form_of_carbon. diamond is strong_material. candlepower is intensity. diamond is solid. diamond is mineral. diamond is hard_crystalline_form_of_carbon. diamonds is carbons. |
the heat and pressure is extreme deep below earth's crust | 1 | air_pressure is pressure. crust is layer. atmospheric_pressure is gas_pressure. find_inside is warmth. radiation_pressure is pressure. sea_level_pressure is atmospheric_pressure. heat is temperature. wings has higher_pressure_beneath oil_pressure is pressure. sun's_light is what_heats_earth. |
the formation of diamonds requires extreme heat | 1 | heat_of_formation is heat. fire is hotter_than_ice. diamonds is hardest_stones. heat is form_of_energy. heat is what_makes_hot. boiling is heating. if iron occurs then heat occurs. diamonds is form_of_carbon. heat is emotionality. diamond is hard_crystalline_form_of_carbon. |
evaporation is a kind of process | 1 | decomposition is spontaneous_process. eutrophication is organic_process. water_evaporation is evaporating. implantation is organic_process. water_evaporation is destruction_event. evaporating is vaporization. eburnation is organic_process. transpiration is organic_process. one_physical_phenomenon is evaporation. hydrogenation is chemical_process. |
halite is formed by a body of salt water evaporating | 1 | hypochlorite is salt. water_evaporation is evaporating. halite is mineral. halite is sodium_chloride. salton_sea is body_of_water. halide is salt. halite is crystalline_sodium_chloride. |
the mineral sample is yellow | 1 | yellow is coloring. turquoise is mineral. yellow_jasmine is vine. yellow is ore. studtite is mineral. scolecite is mineral. diamond is mineral. cerite is mineral. |
sulfur is yellow in color | 1 | yellow is colour. yellow is color. sulphur is pale_yellow_odourless_brittle_solid. sulfur is chemical_element. honey is golden_yellow_color. sulfur is solid. greenish_yellow is yellow. pale_yellow is yellow. |
hardness is a measure of a mineral 's ability to resist scratching | 1 | hardness is mechanical_property. tangibility is materiality. firmness is hardness. hardness is disposition. hardness is tangible_physical_quantity. incompressibility is hardness. hardness is non_aspectual_quantity. hardness is quality. hardness is difficulty. hardness is consistency. |
a streak plate can be used for scratching a mineral | 1 | bigmouth_rocksnail is mollusca. tugtupite is mineral. tomato_streak is yellow_spot. northern_marsupial_mole is pouched_mammal. marsupial_mole is pouched_mammal. scratching is clawing. nubble is lump. purple_sand_tilefish is tilefish. scratching is primping. nut is block. |
metamorphic rocks do not contain fossils | 1 | gneiss is metamorphic_rock. fossil is remains. slate is metamorphic_rock. marble is metamorphic_rock. schist is metamorphic_rock. amphibolite is metamorphic_rock. metamorphic_rock is rock. metamorphic_rock is stone. marlite is metamorphic_rock. marble is useful_metamorphic_rock. |
formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks | 1 | bouldering is rock_climbing. line is formation. rock_n_roll is form_of_music. calculus is rock. rock_formation is geographical_region. turning is formation. metamorphic_rock is rock. metamorphic_rock is stone. pillar is rock_formation. formation is placement. |
metamorphic is a class of rock | 1 | gneiss is metamorphic_rock. slate is metamorphic_rock. marble is metamorphic_rock. amphibolite is metamorphic_rock. metamorphic_rock is rock. marlite is metamorphic_rock. metamorphic_rock is stone. hornfels is metamorphic_rock. marble is useful_metamorphic_rock. marble is beautiful_metamorphic_rock. |
sedimentary rock can be changed into metamorphic rock | 1 | sedimentary is rock. gneiss is metamorphic_rock. slate is metamorphic_rock. sublimation is change. amphibolite is metamorphic_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. metamorphic_rock is rock. metamorphic_rock is stone. sedimentary_rock is stone. shale is sedimentary_rock. |
nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock | 1 | sedimentary is rock. carbonate_rock is sedimentary_rock. fossil is remains. sedimentary_clay is soil. phosphorite is sedimentary_rock. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
sedimentary is a class of rock | 1 | sedimentary is rock. arenaceous_rock is sedimentary_rock. shale is clastic_sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_clay is soil. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. shale is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
if something is found in something else, then that something else contains that something | 1 | thing is substance. separated_thing is divided_thing. storage is somewhere_to_put_things. else is river. matter is anything. fluid_substance is tangible_thing. space is what_between_else. matter is tangible_thing. anything_else is film. find_inside is things. |
mass means the amount of matter that makes up an object | 1 | all_matter has mass objects has mass matter has mass mass is one_dimensional_quantity. atomic_mass_unit is mass_unit. atoms has mass unit_of_mass is unit_of_measure. mass is mass_or_spatial_quantity. force is mass. atomic_mass is mass. |
matter is a kind of material | 1 | animal_material is material. material is information. radioactive_material is material. chemical is material. matter is anything. material is substance. materials is materials. atom is material. mineral is matter. matter is book. |
the class of a rock changing is a kind of earth process | 1 | clastic_rock is rock. alternative_rock is rock_genre. metamorphic_rock is stone. rock is material. alternative_rock is rock. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. metamorphic_rock is rock. calculus is rock. igneous_rock is rock. |
in the rock cycle, old rocks are physically changed to form new rocks | 1 | igneous_rock is stone. slate is metamorphic_rock. rock is stone. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. metamorphic_rock is rock. terraforming is physical_transformation. metamorphic_rock is stone. rock is hard. |
if something is physically changed then the mass of that something will stay the same | 1 | objects has mass movement_or_shape_change is physical_event. physical_control_structure is tangible_thing. matter has mass flammability is tangible_physical_quantity. weight is physical_property. tangible_objects has mass volatility is tangible_physical_quantity. mass is physical_property. magnetization is physical_property. |
earth is made of rock | 1 | planet_earth has core_of_molten_rock earth has surface composition_of_earth is 2.7_percent_nickel. earth is material. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. composition_of_earth is 0.4_percent_aluminum. earth is natural_building_material. rock is hard. |
in the rock cycle, new rocks are formed from broken down rock | 1 | new_wave is rock_genre. hard_rock is rock_genre. clastic_rock is rock. hard_rock is rock. hard_rock is rock_music. rock is natural_building_material. metamorphic_rock is rock. metamorphic_rock is stone. broken_down is broken. rock is hard. |
rock is made of minerals | 1 | mineral is material. rocks is inanimate_mineral_objects. hard_rock is rock. rocks has minerals_like_gold acid_rock is rock. rock is natural_substance. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. rock is natural_material_consisting_of_minerals. |
the composition of something can be used to identify that something | 1 | composition is placement. term_paper is composition. musical_composition is music. composition is mixture. purity_composition_topic is composition_topic. element is substance. study is musical_composition. composition is creation. writing_musical_composition is writing_composition. |
something is composed of its components | 1 | composition is mixture. object is constituent. materials is materials. element is substance. materials_compose_planet_earth is water_silicon_and_iron. chemicals is materials. composition is creation. making is component. ingredient is component. |
a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material | 1 | mineral is material. mineral is inorganic_substance. mineral_resources is natural_resource. red_clay is mineral. rock is natural_material. mineral is solid. mineral is matter. ore is mineral. mineral is generally. rock is natural_material_consisting_of_minerals. |
if something contains something else , then that something else will be the component of that something | 1 | another_way_to_say_separates_things is divides_objects. thing is substance. separated_thing is divided_thing. else is river. thing is object. element is substance. thing is entity. object is thing. matter is tangible_thing. |
if something is made of something / a material then that something contains that something / that material | 1 | raw_material is material. material is information. earth is material. chemical is material. material is substance. materials is materials. atom is material. paper is material. coloring_material is material. |
granite is a hard material | 1 | granite is stone. metal is hard_substance. ni_hard is alloy_iron. granite is dense_rock. aluminum is material. rock is hard. iron is hard_substance. granite is igneous_rock. granite is very_hard_type_of_rock. granite is steadiness. |
granite forms from cooling magma | 1 | granite is stone. volcanic_rock is igneous_rock. granite is batholith. granite is dense_rock. formed is well_formed. granite is igneous_rock. magma is rock. magma is ver_hot. granite is very_hard_type_of_rock. granite is steadiness. |
igneous rock is a kind of rock | 1 | volcanic_rock is igneous_rock. andesite is igneous_rock. igneous_rock is stone. groundmass is igneous_rock. igneous_rock is solid_ground. alternative_rock is rock. granite is igneous_rock. gabbro is igneous_rock. basalt is igneous_rock. igneous_rock is rock. |
rock is a kind of material | 1 | rock is music. hard_rock is rock. rock is stone. rock is natural_substance. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. pop_rock is rock. igneous_rock is rock. rock is natural_material_consisting_of_minerals. |
rock is hard | 1 | hard_rock is rock_genre. hard_rock is rock_music. hard_rock is rock. hard_rock is music_genre. rock is stone. rock is material. wall_rock is rock. hard_rock_band is hard_rock_music_performer. granite is very_hard_type_of_rock. rock is hard. |
igneous rocks are formed by magma cooling | 1 | volcanic_rock is igneous_rock. andesite is igneous_rock. igneous_rock is stone. lava is volcanic_rock. igneous_rock is solid_ground. granite is igneous_rock. magma is rock. magma is ver_hot. basalt is igneous_rock. igneous_rock is rock. |
dark is a kind of color | 1 | light_color is color. green_and_black is colours. grey is color. dark_blue is blue. black is color. dark_color is color. color is kind. black is darker_color_than_white. black_light is light. black is colour. |
sand is a kind of sediment | 1 | sand is also. sand is ground. sediment is soil. sedimentary_clay is soil. sand is soil. sand is group_of_sand_particles. sand is very_small_rocks. sediment is solid_ground. sand is color. |
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting / cementing together | 1 | sedimentary is rock. arenaceous_rock is sedimentary_rock. shale is clastic_sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_clay is soil. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. limescale_buildup is gradual_accumulation. sedimentary_rock is rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
if two things are opposites then those two things are different | 1 | couple is two. every_action_there is equal_and_opposite_reaction. all_things has opposite pair_of_things is two_things. antonyms is words_with_opposite_meanings. negation is contradictory. every_action has equal_and_opposite_reaction simple_and_complex is opposites. opposites is two_things. |
a rock is made up of small particles of sand | 1 | sand is ground. rock is natural_material_consisting_of_minerals. sand is very_small_rocks. sand is group_of_sand_particles. hard_rock is rock. rock is material. rock is natural_material. rock is natural_building_material. sand_particle is stone. rock is hard. |
sedimentary rocks often have different colored layers | 1 | sedimentary is rock. shale is clastic_sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_clay is soil. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. slate is sedimentary_rock. shale is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. people has different_skin_colors |
light is a kind of color | 1 | light_color is color. light is different_colors. blue_light is light. light is description_of_color. light_blue is blue. color is kind. blue_light is blue. very_light is light. black_light is light. white_light is light. |
a rock has light-colored layers and dark-colored layers | 1 | black_people has dark_colored_skin light is different_colors. glam_rock is rock. black is color. glam_rock is rock_genre. alternative_rock is rock. dark_color is color. pop_rock is rock. glam_rock is rock_music. black is colour. |
sediment is a kind of small particle | 1 | sediment is soil. sediment is substance. dust_particle is solid_object. dust_particle is solid_object_particle. matter_particle is particle. sand_particle is particle. settlings is sediment. sediment is solid_ground. dust_particle is mixture. evaporite is sediment. |
light is the opposite of dark | 1 | darkness is absense_of_light. white_and_black is opposite_colors. light is different_colors. darkness is lack_of_light. dark is illumination. light is where_no_darkness. half_light is light. very_light is light. black_light is light. white_light is light. |
sedimentary rocks are made of small particles | 1 | sedimentary is rock. arenaceous_rock is sedimentary_rock. shale is clastic_sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_clay is soil. limestone is sedimentary_rock. sandstone is clastic_sedimentary_rock. clastic_sedimentary_rock is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is rock. shale is sedimentary_rock. sedimentary_rock is stone. |
if something changes into something else then that something else is formed from that something | 1 | gathering_things_together is moving_into. another_way_to_say_separates_things is divides_objects. separated_thing is divided_thing. else is river. change is when_one_thing_becomes_another_thing. space is what_between_else. spreading_stuff_onto_surface is spreading. puttingsomethingintosomethingpartway is putting_into_else. planting is putting_into_else. |
being buried under soil and mud changes dead vegetation / dead plant matter into peat through extreme heat and pressure in a swamp over a long period of time | 1 | dead_tree is organic_matter. peat is organic_matter. mud is soil. dead_tree_branch is organic_matter. dead_space is concealment_providing_terrain. dead_space is cover_providing_terrain. peat_dried is plant_material. wood is dead_trees. burying_alive is burying. burying is covering. |
plants are a kind of vegetation | 1 | growth is vegetation. forest is vegetation. garden is vegetation. vegetation is collection. trees_and_grass is both_flora. shrubbery is vegetation. vegetation is organism_part. vegetation is growth. grass_and_trees is plants. |
being buried under soil and mud changes peat into coal through extreme heat and pressure in a swamp over a long period of time | 1 | coal is rock. activated_coal is coal. coal_field is unnatural_thing. wood_coal is fuel. coal is dirty_rock_burns. find_underground is coal. steam_coal is coal. wood_coal is organic_matter. wood_coal is carbon. burying is covering. |
prehistoric means something that existed a very long time ago | 1 | ancient_history is history. archaeological_artifact is ancient_thing. geological_era is era. ancients is people. dinosaurs is ancient_reptiles. era is geological_time. astrology has roots_in_prehistoric_times antiquity is period. ancient is person. geological_era is geological_time_period. |
oil is a kind of fossil fuel | 1 | petroleum is fossil_fuel. gas_oil is fuel_oil. diesel_oil is fuel. fuel_oil is fuel. fuel_oil is oil. fossil_fuel is fuel. |
the formation of fossil fuels is a kind of process | 1 | petroleum is fossil_fuel. fossil_fuel_generation is geologic_process. formation is natural_process. formation is fabrication. fossilization is natural_process. dissolution is natural_process. fossil_fuel is fuel. bone_formation is biological_production. |
if something is formed from something else over a very long period of time, then that something else existed a very long time ago | 1 | thing is substance. hijacking is unnatural_thing. people has hard_time_explaining_existence geological_formation is tangible_thing. trying_to_steal_information is unnatural_thing. change is when_one_thing_becomes_another_thing. space is what_between_else. earth is thing. naturally_occurring_tangible_substance is tangible_thing. universe has everything_exists |
if something is required for a process then that something helps in that process | 1 | process is cognition. mathematical_process is calculation. economic_process is process. data_processing is processing. process is body_part. human_process is process. processing is process. plant_process is process. |
natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel | 1 | pure_natural_gas is natural_gas. natural_gas is fossil_fuel. petroleum is fossil_fuel. fossil_fuel is fuel. natural_gas is gas. pure_natural_gas is gas_light_hydrocarbon. natural_gas is fuel. natural_gas is renewable_resource. |
fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human | 1 | fossil is remains. period is geological_time. petroleum is fossil_fuel. gestation_period_for_humans is 9_months_from_conception. fossil_fuel_generation is geologic_process. geological_period is geological_time_period. geological_era is geological_time_period. geological_age is geological_time_period. years has 366_days |
coal is a kind of fossil fuel | 1 | coal is fossil_fuel. wood_coal is fuel. coal_gas is fuel. coal is carbon. steam_coal is coal. coal is fuel. coal_gas is gas. fossil_fuel is fuel. |
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