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<s>[INST] From 2023-05-05, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 6383, 6997, HOLIDAY, 6832, 5334, 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-20? [/INST] On 2023-05-20, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3869.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-06, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 6997, HOLIDAY, 6832, 5334, 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-21? [/INST] On 2023-05-21, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be HOLIDAY.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-07, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 6832, 5334, 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-22? [/INST] On 2023-05-22, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3450.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-08, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 6832, 5334, 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-23? [/INST] On 2023-05-23, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3649.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-09, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 5334, 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-24? [/INST] On 2023-05-24, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3495.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-10, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 4298, 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-25? [/INST] On 2023-05-25, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3486.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-11, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3569, 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-26? [/INST] On 2023-05-26, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3632.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-12, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3552, 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-27? [/INST] On 2023-05-27, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4195.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-13, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3621, HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-28? [/INST] On 2023-05-28, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be HOLIDAY.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-14, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-29? [/INST] On 2023-05-29, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4294.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-15, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3515, 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-30? [/INST] On 2023-05-30, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 5695.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-16, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3505, 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-05-31? [/INST] On 2023-05-31, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4661.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-17, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3117, 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-01? [/INST] On 2023-06-01, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4162.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-18, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3373, 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-02? [/INST] On 2023-06-02, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4281.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-19, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 4239, 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-03? [/INST] On 2023-06-03, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4048.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-20, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3869, HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-04? [/INST] On 2023-06-04, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be HOLIDAY.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-21, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-05? [/INST] On 2023-06-05, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4111.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-22, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3450, 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-06? [/INST] On 2023-06-06, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 3757.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-23, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3649, 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-07? [/INST] On 2023-06-07, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4569.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-24, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3495, 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-08? [/INST] On 2023-06-08, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4135.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-25, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3486, 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569, 4135 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-09? [/INST] On 2023-06-09, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4475.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-26, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3632, 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569, 4135, 4475 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-10? [/INST] On 2023-06-10, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 4780.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-27, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 4195, HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569, 4135, 4475, 4780 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-11? [/INST] On 2023-06-11, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be HOLIDAY.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-28, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569, 4135, 4475, 4780, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-12? [/INST] On 2023-06-12, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 5490.</s> |
<s>[INST] From 2023-05-29, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 4294, 5695, 4661, 4162, 4281, 4048, HOLIDAY, 4111, 3757, 4569, 4135, 4475, 4780, HOLIDAY, 5490 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2023-06-13? [/INST] On 2023-06-13, the price of Scallion per kilogram is predicted to be 6308.</s> |