If cells were actively proliferating, that is you had a population of cells that are actively proliferating, they would be going through continuous rounds of the cell cycle.
Reform has achieved initial results, but there are still many problems.
If you get spam (an unsolicited email) that says you can make thousands of dollars in a few days, it isn't true.
Heaven is really a dream for everybody.
Some company spokesmen have admitted privately that they do not want to raise the ire of the state-controlled union or anger China’s political leaders, who are backing the effort.
A black sweater and thin brown belt make this girl's sunny yellow dress seem no-nonsense.
I repeated to myself Anthony's words, catching his accent, soundlessly.
Acewill Information Technology(Beijing)Co Ltd is an early-stage high-tech startup in information industry.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [1770-1831], the famous German philosopher, gave rise to two schools—the "left" Hegelians and the "right" Hegelians.
黑格尔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831)是著名的德国哲学家,他引发了黑格尔左派和黑格尔右派。
A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour.
To provide intelligent instruments with the cheap interface of the standard current sign, the RC low pass filter is used for producing a voltage signal which is proportion to PWM's duty rate from PWM.
In the article, some methods like questionnaire and interview are adopted to research the investment of pupils without work in E-universities.
They too killed, or enslaved, the people of captured towns.
Many innovative bank products and services are provided to create more non-interest income although how it will affect banks' performance is still a question.
Implementation of the PMTCT, can reduce the risk of neonatal HIV infection to 2%.
Among 7 specimens of cerebral spinal fluid found positive for Neisseria meningitidis by culture, 4 belong to serogroup W135.
When looked at separately they found that Vitamin A increased death risk by 16 per cent, beta carotene by 7 per cent and Vitamin E by 4 per cent.
当单独看待的时候,他们发现维生素A可以增加大约16%的死亡率,β胡萝卜素增加7%,维生素E增加4% 。
Perhaps because they cannot wear the spandex.
Soon, all but one of the creatures moved away. The one who had threatened me stayed.
I begin with the traditional Chinese welcome, a traditional Chinese welcome.
Once upon a time, the elephant had no long trunk. He could smell with it, and he could wag it, but he could not use it to pick up things that he needs.
Exports hit a record high in September, although shipments of American-made goods to European Union countries remained flat.
I look forward to our sharing in the learning process. I will also send you more pictures as time goes on.
Methods:The data of 90 cases with senile calcific valvular disease, aged 55 and over 55, were analysed including echocardiography and clinical manifestation.
It helps to make a list of all the positive aspects of your job to keep things in perspective.
From the view of government, it is the better choice to make these enterprises bankrupt that it can properly settle down the laid-off workers and reasonably allocate the resources.
In the year of 2002, the system reformation of national electricity makes use of"separation of plant and network, bidding for use of network".
Jewelry is even better poised than watches, according to HSBC, with the growing spending power of Chinese women working in the industry's favor.
Don't under-estimate your talent for knowing what is and is not a wise investment.
Please use this Application Form if you are a HK eIPO White Form Service Provider and are applying for Hong Kong Offer Shares on behalf of underlying applicants.
He then let it slip that Radmanovic might be more seriously injured than it appeared immediately after Thursday's workout.
Thus, I must make great efforts for my ideal if I were fortune enough to have the chance to study in your esteemed college. Thanks a lot!
Have you seen _watch?I left it here this morning. -I think Isaw one somewhere. Is it _new one?
He returned only after Union forces took control of Tennessee and made him military governor.
I'm sure to send the tape to you by anyone who happens to come to me.
待有便人, 定将磁带捎去。
But for that resurgence of courage to bloom, we need to get past the cynical resignation that assumes change is impossible.
I taught kids in my class to read Tang Poetry .
Dr. Luo is now using Gestalt, flower essences, knowledge of dreams, family therapy and other modalities to enhance his long-established and deep knowledge of Chinese medicine.
Given this background, if China continues to put its thrust on a domestic market driven economy - a post slowdown phenomenon - the importance of Mandarin is bound to increase further.
You hussy , how can you talk in that way?
Largely because of the one-child policy introduced in the late 1970s, the number of children per woman fell to 1.77 in 2000 from 3.78 in 1975, according to the World Bank.
据世界银行(World Bank)数据,在中国,每名妇女生育的子女数量从1975年的3.78个下降到2000年的1.77个,这主要是因为上世纪70年代末推行的独生子女政策。
"The Allen-Bradley controls have helped increase our design speed and improve our profitability, " said James Britnell, president, Engauge Controls.
Engauge Controls公司总裁James Britnell表示:“艾伦-布拉德利控制已经帮助我们加快了设计速度,提高了收益率。
The system tracks the flow of rice from the Khon Kaen Bank of Agricultural Cooperatives, where the rice is grown, to the cooperatives' community mill.
This old clock is beyond repair.
Ratio of the cultivar with round leaf decreased whereas cultivars with narrow leaf increased.
Typical gains for a pure Python program are between two and four times, but lxml does most of its work in C, so the difference is unusually small.
一个纯 Python 程序的典型性能收益是普通程序的 2 至 4 倍,但是 lxml 使用 C 语言完成了大部分工作,因此它们之间的差别非常小。
I like sales strategies most.
Transmission parameters such as numerical aperture and normalized frequency of the fabricated holey fibers have been measured and compared with theoretical values based on effective index method.
For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.
Long evening dress for ladies to wear skirts.
Swollen glands behind your ears, and possibly in other parts of your body
Multipath drivers are not made equal: some are able to handle more intelligent load balancing, while others can handle only failover.
A non-acidic base agent, go dust, grease go efficacy, so that a true and replantation of a high-strength adhesive to prevent the nail from side phototherapy essential supplies.
The product should be dissolved and diluted before use which can improve the precision of dosage , of which liquid PAC can be diluted by adding water and solid PAC be diluted by mixing with water.
I worked with him numerous times at concerts and festivals and admired his powerful composition-driven playing style and exciting live show…but I did never tried to play like him or sound like him.
Stromal haze with opacification of the cornea is a common finding (shown).
Beginning with macroscopical environment of Shanghai economy and international trade, this article elaborated the importance and necessity of developing international logistics.
Portia asked Bassanio to wait a day or two before he chose.
Chengkan, an ancient village in Huizhou, Anhui, is probably to become a state-level non-material cultural heritage because of the Feng Shui culture implemented in its layout and architecture.
Study on the yield, starch content and quality of Maranta arundinacea L. ;
There is an unavoidable fact in Chinese contemporary ideology and culture research that is how to define folk belief which widely exists in the current society.
Germany Vatten has been the world's leading high-quality manufacturer of industrial butterfly valves and actuators suppliers.
However, this roving-rebel idea still exists among impoverished peasants, and in the minds of guerrilla commanders it becomes the view that base areas are neither necessary nor important.
No one in my town listens to the radio anymore.
The eve of battle in changsha, a mysterious train led protection officer Zhang Qishan to a dubious mountain.
Government data on Friday showed private employers added a better-than-expected 67,000 jobs in August, while 36,000 more jobs were created in July than previously reported.
Yesterday, residents and workers of the courtyard where the "egg house" is placed at all knew about this "model", but no one believed someone actually sleeps inside.
In order to better estimate the fault diagnosis of the hydraulic turbine governing system, the D-S evidential reasoning is used for data fusion with the result of different neural networks.
New Year's eve for big except, namely eve.
In fact, there is a simple way to avoid Dangling Composite bugs: give each base case of the datatype its own class.
OBJECTIVE: To study the expression and significance of Ezrin in adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland.
"A lot of countries, they let nature take its course but in Singapore because of our work and lifestyle, we don't have a lot of time, " said Andrew Chow, a manager with Romancing Singapore.
“浪漫新加坡”的Andrew Chow经理说:“很多国家都是顺其自然,但在新加坡,我们的工作和生活方式使得我们没有足够的时间来做这件事。”
Every child of the right age should equally receive compulsory education to some extent, which is the premise to reduce the injustice of the society via adjusting the individual"starting point".
By reducing the financial allocations, the government was choking the life out of their schools.
JP Morgan will now have import rights for up to 2 billion cubic feet per day of gas at the Cheniere's Sabine Pass import terminal in Louisiana.
This is part of a broader pattern of innovation emerging in India in a variety of markets, ranging from diesel engines and agricultural products to financial services.
But he noted that a more modest CPC increase may not necessarily indicate a negative trend, given Google's expansion into overseas markets where ad rates are lower.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi ' the sun!
Is the person that love perspires nice? Healthy?
ENCHILADAS: Amy\'s Black Bean and Vegetable Enchiladas
This is a kind of steam flow direction side type condenser branch shaped tube bundle module, which belongs to mechanical skill field.
Tom was born to a poor family. He had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs.
The organic plants at Yongfenglin Ecological Garden is well known in China. For generations, farmers here have tilled this vast fertile cropland.
There is nothing more symptomatic of the growth of absolute rule than the growth of powerful armies.
Security plays an important role of any networks, and is especially important in mobile multi-hop networks.
From its birth in the sands of New Mexico, the atomic age they helped create is now sixty-five years old.
All the Pomoideae were allopolyploids drived from a doubled hybrid between two remote ancestral types.
Several children to the hospital to visit father, was accidentally found changde already can walk, just woke up, the mother is in the test before them.
Now that we have seen the tools pwgen and chpasswd in action, we can start setting initial passwords for users.
既然我们已经看到了 chpasswd 和 pwgen 的效果,现在就开始为用户设置初始密码。
The rest of the guest frighten hide in a corner, shooting with the sword, not man's let the other customers to go out.
"All my friends wish they had this job," Proxmire added. "Even my boyfriend thinks it's cool, and he's a musician in this really awesome indie rock band."
In 1852 Hanover College in Indiana made Maria an honorary Doctor of Laws, the first woman in the United States to receive an honorary degree.
Pekingese rush to work riding their black or gray bicycles.
北京市民骑着黑色或灰色的自行车赶去上班。 当时每三个人中,只有一人能幸运地拥有一辆自行车。
In a study published in 2007 in Nutrition, he says, volunteers who drank three 8-ounce glasses of watermelon juice daily for three weeks boosted their arginine levels by 11%.
It is caused by a wide variety of prescription and nonprescription medications, nutritional supplements and herbals.
Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable,though.
Fatigued by 40 degrees (32F) of heat, heavy rucksacks and dehydration, we accepted the first place we found.
Sterling, meanwhile, slid to its lowest since March 2009 at $1.4249 before rising back to $1.4474, still down 0.4 percent on the day.
On 2000 Sydney Olympics, Jiang Cuihua obtained the bronze medal of 500m item for woman track bicycle;
In DOGGETT's file is a picture of young GIBSON PRAISE, last seen at the beginning of Season 6.