General Staff insists that Wagner line will not stop advance of Ukrainian Armed Forces
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are monitoring the actions of the occupiers and preparing to overcome the defensive fortifications known as the "Wagner Line" [a line of fortifications built by Wagner Group military] in the occupied part of Donbas. Source: Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during a briefing on 10 NovemberQuote: "Engineering barriers are intended to either stop or hinder the advance of enemy troops [meaning Ukrainian troops here]. They can be either explosive or non-explosive barriers. But the history of warfare has quite a lot of examples of a countermeasure being made for each weapon. Accordingly, we also have resources to overcome mine-explosive barriers, some from our international partners. Currently, we are carefully studying the progress of the reconstruction of the so-called line and are thinking about how to overcome it. But I can tell you with confidence: once we get close, we will overcome it."Background: On 19 October 2022, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner Group paramilitary organisation, announced the construction of a fortified defensive "Wagner Line" in Russian-occupied Luhansk Oblast. Russia has started building defensive structures around the city of Mariupol. Two plants are producing concrete pyramidal anti-tank structures, known as "dragon's teeth", for this purpose.
[ "Russian forces attempt to advance on several fronts, planting mines – General Staff report", "Russian Forces want to take control of the supply routes of Ukraine's Armed Forces; battle for Soledar continues", "Russians try in vain to achieve success near Klishchiivka and Marinka – General Staff report", "Heavy fighting for every metre of land continues on X fronts – General Staff report", "General Staff insists that Wagner line will not stop advance of Ukrainian Armed Forces", "Russians try to regain their positions near Klishchiivka and Avdiivka but to no avail – General Staff", "Russian prepares to resume Vuhledar offensive – General Staff report", "Russian forces focus their assaults on Avdiivka and Bakhmut fronts – General Staff report", "Bakhmut and Marinka in epicentre of fighting, Russians advanced in direction of Predtechyno and Pervomaisk – General Staff", "Russians try to retake positions near liberated Urozhaine – General Staff report" ]
General Staff insists that Wagner line will not stop advance of Ukrainian Armed Forces
[ 4500, 24121, 2387, 7522, 7948, 28009, 3849, 2202, 25569, 1805 ]
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are monitoring the actions of the occupiers and preparing to overcome the defensive fortifications known as the "Wagner Line" [a line of fortifications built by Wagner Group military] in the occupied part of Donbas. Source: Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during a briefing on XX NovemberQuote: "Engineering barriers are intended to either stop or hinder the advance of enemy troops [meaning Ukrainian troops here]. They can be either explosive or non-explosive barriers. But the history of warfare has quite a lot of examples of a countermeasure being made for each weapon. Accordingly, we also have resources to overcome mine-explosive barriers, some from our international partners. Currently, we are carefully studying the progress of the reconstruction of the so-called line and are thinking about how to overcome it. But I can tell you with confidence: once we get close, we will overcome it."Background: On XX October XXXX, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner Group paramilitary organisation, announced the construction of a fortified defensive "Wagner Line" in Russian-occupied Luhansk Oblast. Russia has started building defensive structures around the city of Mariupol. Two plants are producing concrete pyramidal anti-tank structures, known as "dragon's teeth", for this purpose.
Ukraine's power system 60% ready for winter season – Prime Minister
The state of preparation for the heating season in Ukraine is 60%, said Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine. Source: Shmyhal, at the meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine, held in Ivano-Frankivsk, cited by Ukrinform news agency Quote: "The degree of readiness for the heating season is now 60%." Details: Shmyhal added that government-created headquarters in charge of preparations for the winter season have been working in Ukraine since May. Shmyhal noted that 4 nuclear power units, 9 thermal power plant units, and 6 hydraulic units have already been repaired. By the beginning of the heating season, the Ministry of Energy has a clear task to complete, to return 1.7 GW of capacity to the power system, he added. Quote: "We accumulate energy resources. We have 11.7 billion cubic metres of gas, which is 80% of the planned volume. We have 1.5 million tonnes of coal in warehouses out of the planned 1.8 million tonnes," the prime minister assured. According to him, since the beginning of the year, 14,500 kilometres of overhead power lines have been repaired in Ukraine; over 60% damaged thermal power plants, thermal power plants, and boiler houses have been restored. The Prime Minister noted that the purchase of municipal equipment for 12 regions that need it is currently underway; this procurement will cost UAH 50 million [approx. US$1,359 million – ed.], and funding from international partners has been involved. Earlier: At the end of June, the Association of Ukrainian Cities stated that the number of appeals from municipalities to the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the preparation of heat supply enterprises for the heating season is growing; in all cases, these appeals say there's a threat to remain without heating in winter. On 25 July, Shmyhal reported that in preparation for the heating season, 80% of the required volume of gas was already pumped into Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, and the restoration of the energy sector continues.
[ "Humanitarian demining centre to appear in Ukraine", "Ukraine's PM speaks to US Special Representative for Ukraine's Recovery for first time", "We are not exhausted or frustrated, we are determined to win – Ukraine's PM", "World Bank and partner countries to provide $X.XX billion in aid to Ukraine", "Ukraine expects Germany to supply ammunition to defend critical infrastructure", "Residents of Zaporizhzhia Oblast are advised to stock up on firewood and insulate their homes", "International partners to provide Ukraine with another US$XXX billion", "Ukraine's power system XX% ready for winter season – Prime Minister", "Ukraine's PM urges people not to spread theories and speculations around Brovary tragedy ", "Ukraine starts second sowing season since the beginning of the war – Ukraine's PM" ]
Ukraine's power system XX% ready for winter season – Prime Minister
[ 3726, 26436, 26630, 25300, 12564, 10622, 28439, 1818, 16991, 4501 ]
The state of preparation for the heating season in Ukraine is XX%, said Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine. Source: Shmyhal, at the meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine, held in Ivano-Frankivsk, cited by Ukrinform news agency Quote: "The degree of readiness for the heating season is now XX%." Details: Shmyhal added that government-created headquarters in charge of preparations for the winter season have been working in Ukraine since May. Shmyhal noted that X nuclear power units, X thermal power plant units, and X hydraulic units have already been repaired. By the beginning of the heating season, the Ministry of Energy has a clear task to complete, to return X.X GW of capacity to the power system, he added. Quote: "We accumulate energy resources. We have XX.X billion cubic metres of gas, which is XX% of the planned volume. We have X.X million tonnes of coal in warehouses out of the planned X.X million tonnes," the prime minister assured. According to him, since the beginning of the year, XX,XXX kilometres of overhead power lines have been repaired in Ukraine; over XX% damaged thermal power plants, thermal power plants, and boiler houses have been restored. The Prime Minister noted that the purchase of municipal equipment for XX regions that need it is currently underway; this procurement will cost UAH XX million [approx. US$X,XXX million – ed.], and funding from international partners has been involved. Earlier: At the end of June, the Association of Ukrainian Cities stated that the number of appeals from municipalities to the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the preparation of heat supply enterprises for the heating season is growing; in all cases, these appeals say there's a threat to remain without heating in winter. On XX July, Shmyhal reported that in preparation for the heating season, XX% of the required volume of gas was already pumped into Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, and the restoration of the energy sector continues.
General Milley talks with Zaluzhnyi several times a week
An American television company has visited a secret command centre from where the military, led by Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, is monitoring the counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Defence Forces. Source: CBSNews report Details: The journalist meets with Milley at 06:45. The general is about to speak with Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "I talk to him every week, sometimes twice a week, three times a week," says Milley. Later, the journalist is taken deep into the dungeons of the Pentagon, where maps of the fighting in the east and south of Ukraine are shown on screens. Milley admits that the war in Ukraine is warfare unlike anything he has ever seen. Quote: "I've been in a lot of firefights. I've been blown up several times in vehicles – mines and IEDs and RPGs. But never to this degree of intensity." Details: Regarding the Ukrainian offensive that Milley helped to plan, the general notes that he is encountering stiffer-than-expected Russian resistance. "But that's the difference between war on paper and real war. So, this is real people getting really killed and real vehicles are really blowing up, so people tend to slow down in situations like that. But it's very deliberate, and they're making progress every day," adds the military. The general says that Ukraine determines the choice of targets and the decision to launch strikes. American partners provide Kyiv with the intelligence information they receive. Milley admits that the Ukrainians still have a lot of territory to liberate, and they still have a seasonal deterioration in weather conditions ahead of them. So, the Defence Forces of Ukraine are facing a tough fight. The journalist asks: "If they're taking so many casualties, how much more slow and deliberate progress can they stand?" "Your question is, how long will the political will of the Ukrainian people withstand this level of carnage? And the same applies to Russia, by the way. That's an unknown answer," says Milley. Quote: "So, neither side at this point in time have achieved their political objectives through military means," Milley said, "and the war will continue until one side or the other has achieved those means, or both sides have determined it's time to go to a negotiating table [because] they can't achieve their objectives through military means."
[ "General Milley talks with Zaluzhnyi several times a week", "Fighting continues, but we will refrain from assessments – White House on Ukraine's counteroffensive", "War is dynamic, Ukraine continues to reclaim territories – White House", "Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces: Russians unsuccessful, defensive operation proceeding according to plan", "Hearing that offensive is slow is annoying as every metre gained is paid for in blood − Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces", "Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi: we have stabilised the situation – HIMARS have helped", "Zaluzhnyi showed American Howitzers Artillery \"at work\"", "Ukraine's Defence Forces must exploit weak points in Russia's positions during counteroffensive – Pentagon", "Ukraine is ready for counteroffensive, but the fight will be lengthy – Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff", "Zaluzhnyi tells US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ukraine is executing its counteroffensive plans" ]
General Milley talks with Zaluzhnyi several times a week
[ 27066, 975, 8299, 13154, 17862, 24086, 216, 12033, 4502, 26706 ]
An American television company has visited a secret command centre from where the military, led by Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, is monitoring the counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Defence Forces. Source: CBSNews report Details: The journalist meets with Milley at XX:XX. The general is about to speak with Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "I talk to him every week, sometimes twice a week, three times a week," says Milley. Later, the journalist is taken deep into the dungeons of the Pentagon, where maps of the fighting in the east and south of Ukraine are shown on screens. Milley admits that the war in Ukraine is warfare unlike anything he has ever seen. Quote: "I've been in a lot of firefights. I've been blown up several times in vehicles – mines and IEDs and RPGs. But never to this degree of intensity." Details: Regarding the Ukrainian offensive that Milley helped to plan, the general notes that he is encountering stiffer-than-expected Russian resistance. "But that's the difference between war on paper and real war. So, this is real people getting really killed and real vehicles are really blowing up, so people tend to slow down in situations like that. But it's very deliberate, and they're making progress every day," adds the military. The general says that Ukraine determines the choice of targets and the decision to launch strikes. American partners provide Kyiv with the intelligence information they receive. Milley admits that the Ukrainians still have a lot of territory to liberate, and they still have a seasonal deterioration in weather conditions ahead of them. So, the Defence Forces of Ukraine are facing a tough fight. The journalist asks: "If they're taking so many casualties, how much more slow and deliberate progress can they stand?" "Your question is, how long will the political will of the Ukrainian people withstand this level of carnage? And the same applies to Russia, by the way. That's an unknown answer," says Milley. Quote: "So, neither side at this point in time have achieved their political objectives through military means," Milley said, "and the war will continue until one side or the other has achieved those means, or both sides have determined it's time to go to a negotiating table [because] they can't achieve their objectives through military means."
Ukrainian troops show work of Shahed Hunters
Oleksandr Pavliuk, Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, has shown the work of Shahed Hunters, of which Ukraine has six at its disposal. Source: Oleksandr Pavliuk on Telegram Quote: "Ukraine has received six systems to counter enemy drones. These are state-of-the-art defence technologies that protect US strategic facilities." Details: Pavliuk posted a video of how the system for countering Russian drones, also known as the Shahed Hunter, works. Як працюють "Ловці Шахедів": начальник штабу - заступник командувача Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України Олександр Павлюк показав відео pic.twitter.com/QbZFYDcQxw Background: On 27 January, Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation, announced that Ukraine had purchased six anti-drone systems. The Fortem DroneHunter F700 is an autonomous drone with radar control and artificial intelligence that flies at over 100 km/h, intercepts and destroys hostile drones. As Fedorov reports, the Shahed Hunters are protecting Ukraine's energy facilities from Russian drones. The same radar and jamming systems protect US strategic facilities.
[ "Air defence forces destroy XX Shahed drones and cruise missile at night", "XX Shahed drones downed over Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight: infrastructure facility damaged", "Defence Forces present Ukrainian combat FPV-drone", "Ukrainian Air Force explains why they don’t shoot down Shahed UAVs flying along Dnipro", "Fragments of downed drone found in Kyiv", "Ukrainian Armed Forces await shipment of Switchblade XXX kamikaze drones", "Ukrainian troops show work of Shahed Hunters", "Air defence downs all XX Shahed drones launched at night", "X Shahed drones downed over Kyiv and Zhytomyr oblasts overnight", "Ukraine's defence forces down XX Russian Shahed drones overnight, X of them over Kyiv" ]
Ukrainian troops show work of Shahed Hunters
[ 782, 18843, 15116, 3575, 26312, 14595, 2308, 7534, 27198, 4503 ]
Oleksandr Pavliuk, Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, has shown the work of Shahed Hunters, of which Ukraine has six at its disposal. Source: Oleksandr Pavliuk on Telegram Quote: "Ukraine has received six systems to counter enemy drones. These are state-of-the-art defence technologies that protect US strategic facilities." Details: Pavliuk posted a video of how the system for countering Russian drones, also known as the Shahed Hunter, works. Як працюють "Ловці Шахедів": начальник штабу - заступник командувача Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України Олександр Павлюк показав відео pic.twitter.com/QbZFYDcQxw Background: On XX January, Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation, announced that Ukraine had purchased six anti-drone systems. The Fortem DroneHunter FXXX is an autonomous drone with radar control and artificial intelligence that flies at over XXX km/h, intercepts and destroys hostile drones. As Fedorov reports, the Shahed Hunters are protecting Ukraine's energy facilities from Russian drones. The same radar and jamming systems protect US strategic facilities.
Russians shell Novi Petrivtsi: child killed, four other people injured, multi-storey building destroyed
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO - THURSDAY, 17 MARCH 2022, 18:00 A two-year-old child has been killed and four people have suffered multiple injuries as a result of shelling by the invaders from heavy artillery in the village of Novi Petrivtsi in the Kyiv region. Source: Kyiv regional police According to the police: "On 17 March, the invaders shelled residential houses in the Vyshgorod district with heavy artillery. The shelling destroyed a multi-storey building and damaged neighbouring residential buildings. So far, a two-year-old child has been killed and four people have suffered multiple injuries." Note: The former residence of fugitive ex-President Viktor Yanukovych "Mezhyhirya" is located right in the village of Novi Petrivtsi in the Vyshgorod district of the Kyiv region. Background: The Russian invaders had already shelled Novi Petrivtsi on 14 March with heavy artillery. Several residential buildings were damaged as a result of the shelling.
[ "Air defenсe forces shoot down missile over Kyiv region", "Ukrainian artillerymen struck the Russian command post near Kyiv", "Burials of tortured people found in Kyiv Region", "Russians shell Novi Petrivtsi: child killed, four other people injured, multi-storey building destroyed", "Russian troops kill Mayor of Hostomil, wound Mayor of Bucha", "Another Russian soldier identified who committed atrocities in Kyiv region during occupation", "Bucha: murder, rape and torture of women and children. Russian Federation atrocities documented by investigators", "Woman dead after Russians bombed a house in Kalynivka, Kyiv oblast", "Scared and demoralised: Bucha official about occupiers’ morale", "Russian missile strike on Kyiv region – some missiles shot down by air defence systems" ]
Russians shell Novi Petrivtsi: child killed, four other people injured, multi-storey building destroyed
[ 4463, 1470, 12152, 17976, 13592, 4504, 12874, 17562, 26320, 29732 ]
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO - THURSDAY, XX MARCH XXXX, XX:XX A two-year-old child has been killed and four people have suffered multiple injuries as a result of shelling by the invaders from heavy artillery in the village of Novi Petrivtsi in the Kyiv region. Source: Kyiv regional police According to the police: "On XX March, the invaders shelled residential houses in the Vyshgorod district with heavy artillery. The shelling destroyed a multi-storey building and damaged neighbouring residential buildings. So far, a two-year-old child has been killed and four people have suffered multiple injuries." Note: The former residence of fugitive ex-President Viktor Yanukovych "Mezhyhirya" is located right in the village of Novi Petrivtsi in the Vyshgorod district of the Kyiv region. Background: The Russian invaders had already shelled Novi Petrivtsi on XX March with heavy artillery. Several residential buildings were damaged as a result of the shelling.
Wagner Group Head acknowledges he founded Russian "troll farm"
Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Group, said that he created the Internet Research Agency, better known as the troll farm, which is accused of meddling in the US elections. Source: Prigozhin's press service Quote: "I was never just a financier of the Internet Research Agency. I invented it, I founded it, I ran it for a long time." Details: According to him, the troll farm was created to "protect the Russian information space from the aggressive propaganda of anti-Russian theses by the West". Why it is important: Prigozhin publicly confirmed his involvement with the organisation for the first time. Before, he would have sued over this. Background: Employees of the Internet Research Agency, otherwise known as the troll farm, write comments in support of the Russian government on social media on commision. In 2013, Russian journalists exposed their office in Olgino, a historic district of St. Petersburg. In 2018, US special prosecutor Robert Mueller accused the Internet Research Agency and Prigozhin of meddling in the American elections using fake accounts on social media. Prigozhin claimed that his company did not interfere in the elections. In July 2022, the US State Department announced a reward of up to US$10 million for information on foreign election interference by Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency. The document states that the accused Russians and employees of the organisations distributed on the Internet, en masse, critical materials about Donald Trump's opponents during the Republican Party primaries: Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. In August 2022, Prigozhin filed a defamation suit after an article in The Guardian, which stated that the troll farm was allegedly linked to him. He demanded 1 million euros as moral compensation.
[ "US would like for Wagner Group to no longer exist", "Zelenskyy holds meeting with Chris Christie, US presidential election candidate", "Pentagon chief: Wagner still has a substantial presence in Africa", "Russian propaganda launches discrediting campaign against Wagner mercenaries", "US imposes sanctions on Mali's Defence Minister for cooperation with Wagner Group", "US recognises Wagner Group as transnational criminal organisation", "Wagner Group Head acknowledges he founded Russian \"troll farm\"", "Russia uses spies, social media and press to influence elections in other countries – US intelligence", "US State Department is concerned about any activity of Wagner Group", "Republicans elect pro-Ukrainian candidate for position of House of Representatives Speaker" ]
Wagner Group Head acknowledges he founded Russian "troll farm"
[ 9789, 30483, 5877, 9114, 5567, 29273, 14329, 2092, 29977, 4505 ]
Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Group, said that he created the Internet Research Agency, better known as the troll farm, which is accused of meddling in the US elections. Source: Prigozhin's press service Quote: "I was never just a financier of the Internet Research Agency. I invented it, I founded it, I ran it for a long time." Details: According to him, the troll farm was created to "protect the Russian information space from the aggressive propaganda of anti-Russian theses by the West". Why it is important: Prigozhin publicly confirmed his involvement with the organisation for the first time. Before, he would have sued over this. Background: Employees of the Internet Research Agency, otherwise known as the troll farm, write comments in support of the Russian government on social media on commision. In XXXX, Russian journalists exposed their office in Olgino, a historic district of St. Petersburg. In XXXX, US special prosecutor Robert Mueller accused the Internet Research Agency and Prigozhin of meddling in the American elections using fake accounts on social media. Prigozhin claimed that his company did not interfere in the elections. In July XXXX, the US State Department announced a reward of up to US$XX million for information on foreign election interference by Prigozhin and the Internet Research Agency. The document states that the accused Russians and employees of the organisations distributed on the Internet, en masse, critical materials about Donald Trump's opponents during the Republican Party primaries: Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. In August XXXX, Prigozhin filed a defamation suit after an article in The Guardian, which stated that the troll farm was allegedly linked to him. He demanded X million euros as moral compensation.
Putin spots "Nazism" in Ukrainian Edelweiss Brigade, but Russian National Guard had a unit with same name
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the appearance of the Edelweiss brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "a manifestation of neo-Nazism" in his address, but the Russian dictator forgot that units called Edelweiss also existed in the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Russian National Guard. Source: Putin during his address to the Federal Assembly on 21 February; Russian media outlet Agenstvo (Agency) Quote from Putin: "Recently, one of the brigades of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, I'm ashamed to say, was named Edelweiss, same as a Hitler's division that participated in the deportation of Jews, executions of prisoners of war, and punitive operations against partisans in Yugoslavia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Greece. Neo-Nazis do not hide whose heirs they consider themselves to be. It is strange that no one in the West notices this." Details: Agenstvo notes that Putin actually quoted the words of Russian propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov, voiced on 19 February in the Vesti Nedeli (News of the week) program. At that time, Russian television accused the Ukrainian authorities of allegedly "legalising" the "fascist Edelweiss". At the same time, the media outlet reminds that a few years ago, the internal troops, which were part of the Russian National Guard, also had their own Edelweiss unit in Russia. In particular, in the 2010s, this was the name of a special purpose unit of the internal troops, which is now called Avangard. This unit is stationed in Stavropol Krai. The chevron of the unit had a picture of a flower on it. According to the Agenstvo, the Russian Edelweiss changed its name no later than 2018. It is also reported that another Edelweiss unit was created in Altai in 1993 in the Federal Penitentiary Service and existed at least until 2018. It was the special forces of the service of the Republic of Altai.
[ "Putin issues decree to protect \"traditional Russian values\"", "Putin spots \"Nazism\" in Ukrainian Edelweiss Brigade, but Russian National Guard had a unit with same name", "Putin admits Russian troops are surrendering positions, but \"not en masse\"", "'Stalingrad' road signs placed at entrance to city of Volgograd due to Putin's visit", "Ukrainian Intelligence on ICC decision says that Kremlin already looking for successor to Putin", "Putin fears Russians support Ukrainian Armed Forces, orders to block assistance sites", "EU's top diplomat on rebellion in Russia: weaker Putin poses greater danger", "Putin cancels his visit to North Caucasus due to so-called \"Ukrainian SRG\"", "Putin no longer informs ministers of his plans, but puts them before done deals - media", "Putin signs decree to conscript XXX,XXX Russians" ]
Putin spots "Nazism" in Ukrainian Edelweiss Brigade, but Russian National Guard had a unit with same name
[ 26924, 3236, 21926, 27281, 7602, 6336, 5348, 4497, 4506, 6652 ]
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the appearance of the Edelweiss brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "a manifestation of neo-Nazism" in his address, but the Russian dictator forgot that units called Edelweiss also existed in the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Russian National Guard. Source: Putin during his address to the Federal Assembly on XX February; Russian media outlet Agenstvo (Agency) Quote from Putin: "Recently, one of the brigades of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, I'm ashamed to say, was named Edelweiss, same as a Hitler's division that participated in the deportation of Jews, executions of prisoners of war, and punitive operations against partisans in Yugoslavia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Greece. Neo-Nazis do not hide whose heirs they consider themselves to be. It is strange that no one in the West notices this." Details: Agenstvo notes that Putin actually quoted the words of Russian propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov, voiced on XX February in the Vesti Nedeli (News of the week) program. At that time, Russian television accused the Ukrainian authorities of allegedly "legalising" the "fascist Edelweiss". At the same time, the media outlet reminds that a few years ago, the internal troops, which were part of the Russian National Guard, also had their own Edelweiss unit in Russia. In particular, in the XXXXs, this was the name of a special purpose unit of the internal troops, which is now called Avangard. This unit is stationed in Stavropol Krai. The chevron of the unit had a picture of a flower on it. According to the Agenstvo, the Russian Edelweiss changed its name no later than XXXX. It is also reported that another Edelweiss unit was created in Altai in XXXX in the Federal Penitentiary Service and existed at least until XXXX. It was the special forces of the service of the Republic of Altai.
US on Crimean Bridge explosion: Crimea is part of Ukraine
The US cannot confirm the involvement of Ukraine or any other party in the recent explosions on the Crimean Bridge that connects the Russian-occupied peninsula to mainland Russia. Source: Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh during a press briefing on 17 July Details: Singh said that she could not confirm either side’s claims about who had been involved in the Crimean Bridge explosions, but stressed that Crimea was part of Ukraine. She said that the US is leaving it to Ukraine to talk about the operations it undertakes. She added that it is up to Ukraine to decide how to fight the war against Russia and to defend its land, its people, and its freedom. Background: Sergey Aksyonov, the Russian-appointed head of the Russian occupation administration in Crimea, said an "emergency" had occurred on the Crimean Bridge and the bridge has therefore been closed to traffic. Russian Telegram channels have reported that a span on the bridge has collapsed. Sources in Ukraine’s Security Service told Ukrainska Pravda that the attack was a special operation by the Security Service of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Navy using surface drones. Later, the theory that two surface drones were used was also mentioned by the Russian propaganda outlet RIA Novosti, citing the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation.
[ "Russians block traffic on Crimean bridge again", "Russians block traffic on Crimean Bridge", "New satellite images show damage to Crimean Bridge ", "Consequences of attack on Crimean Bridge: Queues towards bridge and ferry crossing, traffic jams in Kherson Oblast", "Russian invaders suspend traffic on Crimean Bridge", "Zelenskyy should consider will of Ukrainian people regarding liberation of Crimea – US Secretary of State", "Russians claim to launch reverse traffic on Crimean Bridge", "Putin blames Crimean Bridge explosion on Ukraine's Security Service", "US on Crimean Bridge explosion: Crimea is part of Ukraine", "Ukrainian intelligence on attempts to protect Crimean Bridge: Russians' favourite habit, let them flood the ships" ]
US on Crimean Bridge explosion: Crimea is part of Ukraine
[ 1297, 2928, 24821, 25184, 12541, 2635, 28966, 21387, 21762, 4507 ]
The US cannot confirm the involvement of Ukraine or any other party in the recent explosions on the Crimean Bridge that connects the Russian-occupied peninsula to mainland Russia. Source: Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh during a press briefing on XX July Details: Singh said that she could not confirm either side’s claims about who had been involved in the Crimean Bridge explosions, but stressed that Crimea was part of Ukraine. She said that the US is leaving it to Ukraine to talk about the operations it undertakes. She added that it is up to Ukraine to decide how to fight the war against Russia and to defend its land, its people, and its freedom. Background: Sergey Aksyonov, the Russian-appointed head of the Russian occupation administration in Crimea, said an "emergency" had occurred on the Crimean Bridge and the bridge has therefore been closed to traffic. Russian Telegram channels have reported that a span on the bridge has collapsed. Sources in Ukraine’s Security Service told Ukrainska Pravda that the attack was a special operation by the Security Service of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Navy using surface drones. Later, the theory that two surface drones were used was also mentioned by the Russian propaganda outlet RIA Novosti, citing the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation.
Hero of "special military operation" rewarded in Russia with firewood, ice and central heating
A tank gunner who was lucky enough to return from Ukraine at the end of August has received a "generous" reward: his family's home will be connected to the central heating system. Source: Kremlin-aligned news agency RIA Novosti Details: The "hero of the special military operation" [as the war against Ukraine is called in Russia – ed.] will have his home connected to the heating system on the instructions of Aisen Nikolayev, the head of Yakutia, himself. Nikolayev’s press office reported that the official has tasked the local authorities with connecting the serviceman's house to the central heating system and reimbursing the costs of erecting a fence. The father of the so-called hero said that the authorities help out with firewood and ice; in the winter, ice is melted in the villages and used as drinking water. Background: The Administration of the President of Russia sent "recommendations" to the regions regarding the organisation of various actions on the anniversary of the war with Ukraine. One of the main initiatives is "Heroes of our Time", in which Russians line up in the shape of "hero stars" and record videos with greetings to the "defenders of the motherland". There are separate recommendations for women. It’s suggested that they "thank their defenders for their protection and work" using video greetings on social media. In February, the wives of fallen soldiers from Donbas who had fought for the Russian occupiers were left without fur coats that had supposedly been given to them; the furs were taken away after the thank-you video had been filmed.
[ "Putin convenes his Security Council to discuss strategic security ", "Russia's losses exceed XX,XXX personnel", "Russian soldiers undergoing treatment don’t get sick pay – General Staff", "Hero of \"special military operation\" rewarded in Russia with firewood, ice and central heating", "Power supply disrupted in Bryansk Oblast after alleged strike – governor", "Up to XXX Russian soldiers were killed in one day in eastern Ukraine", "Russians lose more than XXX soldiers and helicopter in one day", "Russian losses to date: XX,XXX military personnel, X,XXX tanks", "Russian losses to date: almost XX,XXX military personnel", "Wives of killed Russian soldiers get sausage and pate in Vladivostok" ]
Hero of "special military operation" rewarded in Russia with firewood, ice and central heating
[ 4508, 24161, 16726, 26123, 22465, 15903, 7216, 24735, 10979, 30540 ]
A tank gunner who was lucky enough to return from Ukraine at the end of August has received a "generous" reward: his family's home will be connected to the central heating system. Source: Kremlin-aligned news agency RIA Novosti Details: The "hero of the special military operation" [as the war against Ukraine is called in Russia – ed.] will have his home connected to the heating system on the instructions of Aisen Nikolayev, the head of Yakutia, himself. Nikolayev’s press office reported that the official has tasked the local authorities with connecting the serviceman's house to the central heating system and reimbursing the costs of erecting a fence. The father of the so-called hero said that the authorities help out with firewood and ice; in the winter, ice is melted in the villages and used as drinking water. Background: The Administration of the President of Russia sent "recommendations" to the regions regarding the organisation of various actions on the anniversary of the war with Ukraine. One of the main initiatives is "Heroes of our Time", in which Russians line up in the shape of "hero stars" and record videos with greetings to the "defenders of the motherland". There are separate recommendations for women. It’s suggested that they "thank their defenders for their protection and work" using video greetings on social media. In February, the wives of fallen soldiers from Donbas who had fought for the Russian occupiers were left without fur coats that had supposedly been given to them; the furs were taken away after the thank-you video had been filmed.
Security Service of Ukraine detains three collaborators including city hall official and fake policeman
The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has exposed three more collaborationists while conducting stabilisation measures in the liberated parts of Kharkiv and Kherson Oblasts. Source: press service of the Security Service of Ukraine Details: A former official from the licensing department of the Kupiansk City Hall turned out to be one of the collaborationists. After the temporary occupation of the city of Kupiansk, she acted in support of the Russian occupiers and voluntarily joined the occupying administration. After "retaking the office", the collaborationist started following orders of the Kremlin that concerned rearrangement of the work of the local Ukrainian business to Russia’s benefit. After Kupiansk was liberated, she moved to Kharkiv to her mother where she hoped to evade prosecution. Nonetheless, the members of the SSU found her and took her to the Kupiansk District Prosecutor’s Office to hand her a notice of suspicion. Another collaborator is a 65-year old resident of the city of Vovchansk in Kharkiv Oblast who volunteered to become the head of the Russia-created "pension fund department" while the city was under siege. While "in office", she was forming the "staff" of the pseudo-institution. In addition to this, she handed the occupying authorities personal data of local residents in order to fulfil plans of forcible passportization of the residents of the occupied territories. Additionally, a resident of the city of Kherson, a former driving school instructor, joined the occupying "Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" after the city was besieged. The occupiers appointed him to the office of "specialist of the vehicles registration department." There, he forced local residents to switch to Russian licence plates, posing it as the re-registration of their vehicles. After the liberation of Kherson, he changed three addresses, trying to evade punishment. Yet the members of the SSU exposed him and detained him in one of the villages near Kherson. At the moment, the three collaborators have been served with a notice of suspicion of collaborationism. Two of them are staying in custody.
[ "Security Service of Ukraine exposes X more collaborators", "Security Service of Ukraine detains chief financial officer of occupiers in Kupiansk ", "Ukraine's Security Service detains Russian agent who planned attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure", "Kherson Oblast official detained for cooperating with Russians during occupation – Ukraine's Security Service ", "The Security Service of Ukraine suspects the owner of Ukraine's oldest stud farm of collaboration", "Security Service of Ukraine identifies X more collaborators in Kherson Oblast: list posted", "Ukraine's Security Service identifies XX more organisers of sham referendum in Zaporizhzhia Oblast", "Security Service of Ukraine detains three collaborators including city hall official and fake policeman", "Russian agents detected in penitentiary system of Ukraine’s southern regions", "Cleric of Russian-linked church, former criminal, gets sentenced thanks to Security Service evidence" ]
Security Service of Ukraine detains three collaborators including city hall official and fake policeman
[ 16931, 25991, 10207, 9031, 13341, 5300, 17618, 24314, 3238, 4509 ]
The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has exposed three more collaborationists while conducting stabilisation measures in the liberated parts of Kharkiv and Kherson Oblasts. Source: press service of the Security Service of Ukraine Details: A former official from the licensing department of the Kupiansk City Hall turned out to be one of the collaborationists. After the temporary occupation of the city of Kupiansk, she acted in support of the Russian occupiers and voluntarily joined the occupying administration. After "retaking the office", the collaborationist started following orders of the Kremlin that concerned rearrangement of the work of the local Ukrainian business to Russia’s benefit. After Kupiansk was liberated, she moved to Kharkiv to her mother where she hoped to evade prosecution. Nonetheless, the members of the SSU found her and took her to the Kupiansk District Prosecutor’s Office to hand her a notice of suspicion. Another collaborator is a XX-year old resident of the city of Vovchansk in Kharkiv Oblast who volunteered to become the head of the Russia-created "pension fund department" while the city was under siege. While "in office", she was forming the "staff" of the pseudo-institution. In addition to this, she handed the occupying authorities personal data of local residents in order to fulfil plans of forcible passportization of the residents of the occupied territories. Additionally, a resident of the city of Kherson, a former driving school instructor, joined the occupying "Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" after the city was besieged. The occupiers appointed him to the office of "specialist of the vehicles registration department." There, he forced local residents to switch to Russian licence plates, posing it as the re-registration of their vehicles. After the liberation of Kherson, he changed three addresses, trying to evade punishment. Yet the members of the SSU exposed him and detained him in one of the villages near Kherson. At the moment, the three collaborators have been served with a notice of suspicion of collaborationism. Two of them are staying in custody.
Russia kills 3 civilians and injures 30 others on 15 January
Russian forces have killed three people and injured 32 over the past 24 hours. The bodies of another 15 people killed in a Russian missile attack on a multi-storey residential building in Dnipro city on Saturday have been found. Source: Kyrylo Tymoshenko, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, on Telegram Details: As per the revealed data, the victims among civilians on 15 January are as follows: Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: 15 killed, two wounded (found after a Russian missile attack on Dnipro on 14 January); Donetsk Oblast: seven wounded; Zaporizhzhia Oblast: nine wounded; Kharkiv Oblast: two wounded; Kherson Oblast: three killed, 14 wounded. Background: Russian forces targeted the Red Cross building, the children’s hospital, a rehabilitation centre for children with disabilities, a shipyard, a critical infrastructure facility and residential buildings. The death toll caused by the Russian missile attack on a multi-storey residential building in Dnipro city has risen to 36 people, including two children, as of Monday morning, 16 January.
[ "Journalist Oleksandr Savochenko killed in fighting near Bakhmut", "Russia kills X civilians and injures XX others on XX January", "Russian invaders fire on village in Kherson Oblast, injuring child", "Ukraine brings back bodies of XX fallen defenders", "Podoliak: The death toll in Mariupol has reached tens of thousands", "Most of XX countries decide how they will work for peace after meeting in Saudi Arabia", "Russians hit hospital in Kherson this morning", "Ukraine recovers bodies of XX more soldiers", "Ukraine already brought back bodies of XX defenders from Olenivka: DNA examination ongoing" ]
Russia kills X civilians and injures XX others on XX January
[ 3943, 8371, 13750, 15917, 19437, 11301, 9517, 6789, 1135, 4510 ]
Russian forces have killed three people and injured XX over the past XX hours. The bodies of another XX people killed in a Russian missile attack on a multi-storey residential building in Dnipro city on Saturday have been found. Source: Kyrylo Tymoshenko, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, on Telegram Details: As per the revealed data, the victims among civilians on XX January are as follows: Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: XX killed, two wounded (found after a Russian missile attack on Dnipro on XX January); Donetsk Oblast: seven wounded; Zaporizhzhia Oblast: nine wounded; Kharkiv Oblast: two wounded; Kherson Oblast: three killed, XX wounded. Background: Russian forces targeted the Red Cross building, the children’s hospital, a rehabilitation centre for children with disabilities, a shipyard, a critical infrastructure facility and residential buildings. The death toll caused by the Russian missile attack on a multi-storey residential building in Dnipro city has risen to XX people, including two children, as of Monday morning, XX January.
State Bureau of Investigation hands over helicopter that Motor Sich company wanted to hide from Armed Forces
The State Bureau of Investigation reported that it handed over the Mi-2 helicopter to the Ukrainian military, which the former leadership of Motor Sich JSC tried to conceal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Source: State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Quote from SBI: "The State Bureau of Investigation initiated the arrest of this aircraft in June 2023 as part of an investigation into criminal proceedings on obstructing the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and complicity with the aggressor state." Details: In early reports, the media reported that the former leadership of Motor Sich deliberately damaged another helicopter so as not to transfer it to the military to perform combat tasks in the contact zone. During the investigation, the State Bureau of Investigation found out that in May 2022, they ordered their subordinates to drive at least one more helicopter first to one of the European countries and then to the Middle East. "All this was done to prevent its transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the bureau stressed. It is reported that the aircraft has already been returned to Ukraine and handed over to one of the combat units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now, investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation are deciding whether to bring one of the former managers of the venture to criminal responsibility. Read more: Journalists post second part of conversations of ex-president of Motor Sich company, proving his actions against Ukraine Background: On 22 October, 2022, Ukrainska Pravda discovered that the Security Service of Ukraine had detained ex-MP Viacheslav Boguslaev and the honorary president of Motor Sich. On 23 October, 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine confirmed the detention of the president of Motor Sich JSC and the head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activities of this enterprise: they were suspected of collaboration and complicity with the aggressor state. According to the investigation, these officials acted in collusion with representatives of the Russian corporation Rostec, which is one of the main producers of weapons for the Russian armed forces associated with the Kremlin. The Russians have established transnational channels for the illegal supply of wholesale batches of Ukrainian aircraft engines to the aggressor country. In April, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy introduced sanctions against ex-head of Motor Sich Viacheslav Boguslaev and the Russians. On May, 2023 Viacheslav Boguslaev, suspected of collaboration and aiding the aggressor state, asked to be included in the list for exchange with Russia.
[ "Helicopter seized from Ukrainian oligarch is handed over to military", "Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation searches house of infamous judge Yemelianov", "SkyUp Airlines plane evacuated from Boryspil airport starts flying for Air Moldova", "Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation detains former Odesa military draft officer on the run", "State Bureau of Investigation hands over helicopter that Motor Sich company wanted to hide from Armed Forces", "Sweden announces new military aid package to Ukraine and steps towards Gripen delivery", "SBI investigates plane crash in Zhytomyr Oblast, which killed three Air Force pilots ", "Kuleba dismisses Lavrov's threats regarding F-XXs for Ukraine", "Kyiv wants to receive XX-XX F-XX fighters from allies – Defence Minister adviser", "Helicopter crash near Kramatorsk: investigation launched" ]
State Bureau of Investigation hands over helicopter that Motor Sich company wanted to hide from Armed Forces
[ 7108, 2127, 16515, 5005, 4540, 11031, 7065, 7746, 6720, 4511 ]
The State Bureau of Investigation reported that it handed over the Mi-X helicopter to the Ukrainian military, which the former leadership of Motor Sich JSC tried to conceal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Source: State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Quote from SBI: "The State Bureau of Investigation initiated the arrest of this aircraft in June XXXX as part of an investigation into criminal proceedings on obstructing the legitimate activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and complicity with the aggressor state." Details: In early reports, the media reported that the former leadership of Motor Sich deliberately damaged another helicopter so as not to transfer it to the military to perform combat tasks in the contact zone. During the investigation, the State Bureau of Investigation found out that in May XXXX, they ordered their subordinates to drive at least one more helicopter first to one of the European countries and then to the Middle East. "All this was done to prevent its transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the bureau stressed. It is reported that the aircraft has already been returned to Ukraine and handed over to one of the combat units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now, investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation are deciding whether to bring one of the former managers of the venture to criminal responsibility. Read more: Journalists post second part of conversations of ex-president of Motor Sich company, proving his actions against Ukraine Background: On XX October, XXXX, Ukrainska Pravda discovered that the Security Service of Ukraine had detained ex-MP Viacheslav Boguslaev and the honorary president of Motor Sich. On XX October, XXXX, the Security Service of Ukraine confirmed the detention of the president of Motor Sich JSC and the head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activities of this enterprise: they were suspected of collaboration and complicity with the aggressor state. According to the investigation, these officials acted in collusion with representatives of the Russian corporation Rostec, which is one of the main producers of weapons for the Russian armed forces associated with the Kremlin. The Russians have established transnational channels for the illegal supply of wholesale batches of Ukrainian aircraft engines to the aggressor country. In April, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy introduced sanctions against ex-head of Motor Sich Viacheslav Boguslaev and the Russians. On May, XXXX Viacheslav Boguslaev, suspected of collaboration and aiding the aggressor state, asked to be included in the list for exchange with Russia.
Ukrainian Defence Forces kill 520 Russian soldiers and shoot down 37 UAVs over past 24 hours
Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine are growing daily, as the Ukrainian Defence Forces killed 520 Russian soldiers and destroyed 34 artillery systems, 17 armoured combat vehicles and 37 drones over the past 24 hours. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The total combat losses of the Russian forces between 24 February 2022 and 20 September 2023 are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: approximately 273,980 (+520) military personnel 4,635 (+7) tanks 8,868 (+17) armoured combat vehicles 6,096 (+34) artillery systems 779 (+1) multiple-launch rocket systems 526 (+0) air defence systems 315 (+0) fixed-wing aircraft 316 (+0) helicopters 4,821 (+37) tactical UAVs 1,479 (+0) cruise missiles 20 (+0) ships/boats 1 (+0) submarines 8,633 (+32) vehicles and tankers 906 (+3) special vehicles and other equipment The data is being updated.
[ "Ukrainian forces kill over XXX Russian soldiers and shoot down aircraft in a day", "Russia loses another XXX soldiers, Ukrainian forces shoot down XX cruise missiles and XX drones", "Ukraine’s Armed Forces hit nine Russian command posts – General Staff report", "Ukrainian defenders kill almost XXX Russians and shoot down X aircraft and X helicopter in a day", "Ukrainian defenders kill XXX Russian soldiers in one day", "Ukrainian defenders kill XXX Russian soldiers, destroy X tanks and XX UAVs in one day", "Russian losses approach XXX,XXX soldiers", "Fighting continues following Russian offensive on the Donetsk – Pisky axis – General Staff report", "Conflict brewing in Russian senior leadership over demand to storm Vuhledar", "Ukrainian Defence Forces kill XXX Russian soldiers and shoot down XX UAVs over past XX hours" ]
Ukrainian Defence Forces kill XXX Russian soldiers and shoot down XX UAVs over past XX hours
[ 4512, 5009, 460, 18563, 9627, 12818, 13606, 26712, 4035, 27212 ]
Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine are growing daily, as the Ukrainian Defence Forces killed XXX Russian soldiers and destroyed XX artillery systems, XX armoured combat vehicles and XX drones over the past XX hours. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The total combat losses of the Russian forces between XX February XXXX and XX September XXXX are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: approximately XXX,XXX (+XXX) military personnel X,XXX (+X) tanks X,XXX (+XX) armoured combat vehicles X,XXX (+XX) artillery systems XXX (+X) multiple-launch rocket systems XXX (+X) air defence systems XXX (+X) fixed-wing aircraft XXX (+X) helicopters X,XXX (+XX) tactical UAVs X,XXX (+X) cruise missiles XX (+X) ships/boats X (+X) submarines X,XXX (+XX) vehicles and tankers XXX (+X) special vehicles and other equipment The data is being updated.
Zelenskyy: The price of victory is tens of thousands of lives
ROMAN ROMANIUK - Thursday, 19 May 2022, 20:47 President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine's victory in the war for its independence would cost tens of thousands of lives. Source: Zelenskyy's interview with Ukrainian students. Quote: "This war is definitely a war of independence. We can say that this is a postponed war. Postponed for 30 years, given how we gained independence in 1991. Or indeed for a hundred years, given our past history. I have no doubt that we will win, and our history will be like the history of other countries that fought for independence and won, that ceased to be petitioners and became subjects. But we must remember that the price of all this is tens of thousands of lives. The lives of all those killed by the enemy. Tens of thousands."
[ "Zelenskyy holds military cabinet meeting: No details but Russians will feel them", "Four killed in today's Russian missile attack; Ukraine cannot close skies yet – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy: We prepare for short war and for Ukraine's victory", "Zelenskyy convenes a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff to discuss gains on the frontline", "Zelenskyy arrives at frontline", "Zelenskyy: The price of victory is tens of thousands of lives", "ZELENSKYY ANNOUNCED GENERAL MOBILISATION", "Zelenskyy: We have a very specific plan for next year", "Zelenskyy: My children are in Ukraine, this is important for a president", "“Ukrainians have more hunger for life than Russia has missiles” – Zelenskyy" ]
Zelenskyy: The price of victory is tens of thousands of lives
[ 4513, 10044, 5992, 13468, 2491, 13457, 4623, 9720, 24576, 10293 ]
ROMAN ROMANIUK - Thursday, XX May XXXX, XX:XX President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine's victory in the war for its independence would cost tens of thousands of lives. Source: Zelenskyy's interview with Ukrainian students. Quote: "This war is definitely a war of independence. We can say that this is a postponed war. Postponed for XX years, given how we gained independence in XXXX. Or indeed for a hundred years, given our past history. I have no doubt that we will win, and our history will be like the history of other countries that fought for independence and won, that ceased to be petitioners and became subjects. But we must remember that the price of all this is tens of thousands of lives. The lives of all those killed by the enemy. Tens of thousands."
Maxar posts new satellite photos of flooded Kherson Oblast
Maxar Technologies company has published new satellite images of southern Ukraine, which show the extent of the destruction caused by the blowing up of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). Source: Reuters, The Guardian Details: Maxar reported that the images cover more than 2,500 square kilometres between Nova Kakhovka and the Dnipro Bay southwest of the city of Kherson. Quote from Maxar: "The Nova Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric plant has been largely destroyed and few structures remain." Read also: Flooded South: the consequences of blowing up the Kakhovka dam (in brief) Background: On the morning of 6 June, Ukraine’s Operational Command Pivden (South) reported that Russian occupation forces had blown up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). The dam and the power plant's turbine hall were completely destroyed. The hydroelectric power plant is beyond repair. The draining of the Kakhovka reservoir threatens the safety of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Skhemy, an investigative reporting project by Radio Liberty, has published the first satellite image of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) that was destroyed by the occupiers. Destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant caused an ecological catastrophe. Water from the reservoir has begun to flood towns and villages, and evacuations of local residents from dangerous areas have begun. The blowing up of the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant has caused problems with the water supply in the cities of Kryvyi Rih, Marhanets and Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. One week before the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was blown up, Russia authorised the non-investigation of accidents at hazardous facilities that occurred because of "military operations" and terrorist attacks. Early reports indicate that the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was blown up by the 205th Separate Cossack Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian armed forces. Some names of the alleged accomplices are also known.
[ "X,XXX houses are underwater on Kherson Oblast's right bank, while situation on left bank is critical", "Maxar posts new satellite photos of flooded Kherson Oblast ", "Area of flooded territories in Kherson Oblast almost halves", "Six settlements remain flooded on right bank in Kherson Oblast", "The blowing up of the Kakhovka HPP: the number of dead and missing in Kherson Oblast has increased", "Area of flooded territories in Kherson Oblast has halved", "Flooding level in Kherson Oblast decreases to X.XX m", "Kakhovka Reservoir drains by X metre overnight, average flood level in Kherson Oblast is X.X metres", "Water level in Kherson Oblast finally starting to subside: XX cm overnight – Head of Oblast Military Administration", "Aftermath of HPP blowing up: water level recedes in Kherson Oblast, but future rains will slow down this process" ]
Maxar posts new satellite photos of flooded Kherson Oblast
[ 4514, 21177, 8197, 5053, 4309, 6098, 27332, 2416, 3310, 13129 ]
Maxar Technologies company has published new satellite images of southern Ukraine, which show the extent of the destruction caused by the blowing up of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). Source: Reuters, The Guardian Details: Maxar reported that the images cover more than X,XXX square kilometres between Nova Kakhovka and the Dnipro Bay southwest of the city of Kherson. Quote from Maxar: "The Nova Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric plant has been largely destroyed and few structures remain." Read also: Flooded South: the consequences of blowing up the Kakhovka dam (in brief) Background: On the morning of X June, Ukraine’s Operational Command Pivden (South) reported that Russian occupation forces had blown up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). The dam and the power plant's turbine hall were completely destroyed. The hydroelectric power plant is beyond repair. The draining of the Kakhovka reservoir threatens the safety of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Skhemy, an investigative reporting project by Radio Liberty, has published the first satellite image of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) that was destroyed by the occupiers. Destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant caused an ecological catastrophe. Water from the reservoir has begun to flood towns and villages, and evacuations of local residents from dangerous areas have begun. The blowing up of the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant has caused problems with the water supply in the cities of Kryvyi Rih, Marhanets and Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. One week before the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was blown up, Russia authorised the non-investigation of accidents at hazardous facilities that occurred because of "military operations" and terrorist attacks. Early reports indicate that the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was blown up by the XXXth Separate Cossack Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian armed forces. Some names of the alleged accomplices are also known.
Zelenskyy upbraided leaders who find time to argue instead of helping
Olena Roshchina - Saturday, 14 May 2022, 01:07 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the 37 countries that have reopened their offices in Kyiv and upbraided those leaders who are holding back on tightening sanctions against Russia or providing assistance to Ukraine. Source: Presidential video address Quote: "Already 37 foreign missions have resumed their work in Kyiv. And I am grateful to all of them, because this is 37 pieces of proof that Ukraine stands strong and has prospects in contrast to the Russian Federation. I am sure that other foreign missions will return to the capital soon." Details: The President also thanked those who are working to strengthen sanctions on Russia and to increase defence and financial support for Ukraine. According to Zelenskyy, "this is the only recipe for defending freedom in the face of Russia's invasion,"and for Western nations it is not merely about expenditures, but about the future. Quote: "The world has already recognized that Russia's blockade of our ports and this war are provoking a large-scale food crisis. Russian officials are also openly threatening the world that there will be famine in dozens of countries. And what could be the consequences of such a famine? What political instability and migration flows will this lead to? How much will you have to spend then to deal with the consequences?" "These are the questions that need to be answered by those who are delaying sanctions on Russia or trying to postpone aid to Ukraine." "Every day of war is an increase in global threats, it is a new opportunity for Russia to provoke instability in other parts of the world, not only here in Europe. And every day of war equals new lost lives in Ukraine: Ukrainian men and women who give their lives so that everyone can live freely. I emphasise this: everyone, especially in those countries where they still find time to argue instead of investing in aid as much as possible." "Therefore, much more pressure on Russia is needed. And I talk about it openly and daily to everyone on whom it depends."
[ "We are doing everything possible to stop Russia's new genocidal policy – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy upbraided leaders who find time to argue instead of helping", "Zelenskyy called for sanctions against Rosatom in the XXth EU package ", "Zelenskyy on sanctions against Russian betting firms: Major gambling scams stopped", "New sanctions package will limit Russia's profits in Europe − Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy: There should be a persistent habit in the world to take Ukraine into account", "Zelensky asks the EU to shut Russia out of SWIFT and stop oil and gas trade", "Zelenskyy: We see every direction of Russia's sanctions circumvention", "Zelenskyy imposes sanctions against companies of Russian oligarch Friedman and his partners", "Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against Russia's nuclear industry" ]
Zelenskyy upbraided leaders who find time to argue instead of helping
[ 10953, 12763, 9724, 24491, 20305, 2837, 225, 24753, 18111, 4515 ]
Olena Roshchina - Saturday, XX May XXXX, XX:XX President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the XX countries that have reopened their offices in Kyiv and upbraided those leaders who are holding back on tightening sanctions against Russia or providing assistance to Ukraine. Source: Presidential video address Quote: "Already XX foreign missions have resumed their work in Kyiv. And I am grateful to all of them, because this is XX pieces of proof that Ukraine stands strong and has prospects in contrast to the Russian Federation. I am sure that other foreign missions will return to the capital soon." Details: The President also thanked those who are working to strengthen sanctions on Russia and to increase defence and financial support for Ukraine. According to Zelenskyy, "this is the only recipe for defending freedom in the face of Russia's invasion,"and for Western nations it is not merely about expenditures, but about the future. Quote: "The world has already recognized that Russia's blockade of our ports and this war are provoking a large-scale food crisis. Russian officials are also openly threatening the world that there will be famine in dozens of countries. And what could be the consequences of such a famine? What political instability and migration flows will this lead to? How much will you have to spend then to deal with the consequences?" "These are the questions that need to be answered by those who are delaying sanctions on Russia or trying to postpone aid to Ukraine." "Every day of war is an increase in global threats, it is a new opportunity for Russia to provoke instability in other parts of the world, not only here in Europe. And every day of war equals new lost lives in Ukraine: Ukrainian men and women who give their lives so that everyone can live freely. I emphasise this: everyone, especially in those countries where they still find time to argue instead of investing in aid as much as possible." "Therefore, much more pressure on Russia is needed. And I talk about it openly and daily to everyone on whom it depends."
Russians entrench themselves in Lysychansk area – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration
IRYNA BALACHUK - SUNDAY, 3 JULY 2022, 08:14 Russian occupying forces continue to advance and consolidate their positions near Lysychansk in Luhansk Oblast, with the city's administrative buildings having been completely destroyed. Source: Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Haidai: "The occupiers have probably thrown all their forces at Lysychansk. They have attacked the city using incomprehensibly brutal tactics. Whereas in Sievierodonetsk, a month of street battles left houses and administrative buildings standing, in Lysychansk, the same administrative buildings have been razed to the ground within a short period of time. There are many Russians, and the weapons they are using are plentiful. And this despite the destruction of several depots containing enemy ammunition." Details: The head of the Oblast Military Administration says that the Russians are suffering significant losses but are pushing hard - they are entrenching themselves in the town as well as in Verkhnokamianka and continuing to destroy settlements. On 2 July, rescuers extinguished a blaze in a multi-storey building and a shop and a shopping centre on private properties. One woman was injured and admitted to the hospital in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Zolotarivka and Bilohorivka were also hit by Russian shelling. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled a hostile attack near the latter.
[ "Russians attack Lysychansk: police station and oil refinery destroyed", "Russians entrench themselves in Lysychansk area – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration", "Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration: Main road between Lysychansk and Bakhmut now impassable", "Russian troops shell Lysychansk, killing one woman and destroying a fire station; XX% of the city already destroyed", "XX people evacuated from Lysychansk, Pryvillia and nearby villages", "Russians open fire on crowd in Lysychansk: X civilians killed, XX wounded", "No talk of retreating from Lysychansk at the moment - head of the District State Administration", "Luhansk Oblast: X-year-old child killed in Lysychansk shelling", "Russian aircraft and MLRS fire on area around Lysychansk", "Situation in Luhansk Oblast grows tenser, Ukrainian forces surrounded on three sides – Luhansk Military Administration" ]
Russians entrench themselves in Lysychansk area – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration
[ 6928, 20010, 23302, 17835, 21738, 3563, 19477, 1850, 14558, 4516 ]
IRYNA BALACHUK - SUNDAY, X JULY XXXX, XX:XX Russian occupying forces continue to advance and consolidate their positions near Lysychansk in Luhansk Oblast, with the city's administrative buildings having been completely destroyed. Source: Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Haidai: "The occupiers have probably thrown all their forces at Lysychansk. They have attacked the city using incomprehensibly brutal tactics. Whereas in Sievierodonetsk, a month of street battles left houses and administrative buildings standing, in Lysychansk, the same administrative buildings have been razed to the ground within a short period of time. There are many Russians, and the weapons they are using are plentiful. And this despite the destruction of several depots containing enemy ammunition." Details: The head of the Oblast Military Administration says that the Russians are suffering significant losses but are pushing hard - they are entrenching themselves in the town as well as in Verkhnokamianka and continuing to destroy settlements. On X July, rescuers extinguished a blaze in a multi-storey building and a shop and a shopping centre on private properties. One woman was injured and admitted to the hospital in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Zolotarivka and Bilohorivka were also hit by Russian shelling. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled a hostile attack near the latter.
Zelenskyy tells Russian occupiers to flee for their lives
ALONA MAZURENKO – WEDNESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2022, 22:42 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on Russian occupying troops to surrender to Ukraine, flee or fight against the dictatorship in their country if they want to survive. Source: President Zelenskyy’s video address Quote from Zelenskyy: "As for the situation on the front, for us everything’s clear. So let me repeat once again, for those who only understand Russian. [Zelenskyy switched to Russian here - ed.] If you want to live, flee. If you want to live, surrender. If you want to live, fight for your freedom on the streets of your country. Everything has already been taken away from you. Or do some of you own oil rigs? Palaces? Vineyards Or, maybe, yachts? Or a bank? What are you even fighting for now? You only have your credit payments, some food to tide you over in the evenings, and now you also have mobilisation. Fight for what’s yours! Stay away from our land, our soul and our culture." Background: President Zelenskyy said that the defenders of Ukraine are making gains and liberating Ukrainian land from Russian occupation. Oleh Syniehubov, the Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, has confirmed that the village of Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi, located on the bank of the Oskil river, has been liberated from the occupiers.
[ "Zelenskyy warns Russia may attack other countries in XXXX", "Zelenskyy says Russian citizens should know that almost XX,XXX of their soldiers were killed in Ukraine", "If we survive this winter, we will definitely win this war – Zelenskyy", "Russian attacks are already happening – Zelenskyy on Russia's new offensive", "Zelenskyy explained why there is no need to seize Russian territories", "This year is crucial, we must not give Russia a break to replenish forces – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy on Skovoroda Museum attack: “This wouldn’t cross even a terrorist’s mind”", "Zelenskyy: Some will wait for an international tribunal, others will wait “for the night” to take revenge on occupiers", "Zelenskyy tells Russian occupiers to flee for their lives", "Zelenskyy: Ukrainian defenders liberated XXX settlements" ]
Zelenskyy tells Russian occupiers to flee for their lives
[ 22267, 16641, 17005, 21290, 660, 525, 10991, 18052, 4517, 10726 ]
ALONA MAZURENKO – WEDNESDAY, XX SEPTEMBER XXXX, XX:XX Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on Russian occupying troops to surrender to Ukraine, flee or fight against the dictatorship in their country if they want to survive. Source: President Zelenskyy’s video address Quote from Zelenskyy: "As for the situation on the front, for us everything’s clear. So let me repeat once again, for those who only understand Russian. [Zelenskyy switched to Russian here - ed.] If you want to live, flee. If you want to live, surrender. If you want to live, fight for your freedom on the streets of your country. Everything has already been taken away from you. Or do some of you own oil rigs? Palaces? Vineyards Or, maybe, yachts? Or a bank? What are you even fighting for now? You only have your credit payments, some food to tide you over in the evenings, and now you also have mobilisation. Fight for what’s yours! Stay away from our land, our soul and our culture." Background: President Zelenskyy said that the defenders of Ukraine are making gains and liberating Ukrainian land from Russian occupation. Oleh Syniehubov, the Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, has confirmed that the village of Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi, located on the bank of the Oskil river, has been liberated from the occupiers.
Russians destroyed almost 100 civilian targets in one day in the Donetsk region
ROMAN PETRENKO — FRIDAY, 27 MAY 2022, 11:54 AM PHOTO BY THE NATIONAL POLICE The invaders shelled 11 settlements in the Donetsk region, destroying 94 civilian targets. Several people have been killed and wounded. Source: National Police Details: The settlements of Avdiivka, Soledar, Lyman, Sviatohirsk, Zalizne, Bakhmut, Marinka, Raihorodok, Khrestyshche, Zoria, and Vyimka came under Russian fire. 76 residential buildings, a school, a fire station, a recreation centre, and 13 businesses were destroyed. Russian troops fired from Uragan ("Hurricane") multiple rocket launchers, heavy artillery, tanks, and small arms. Several people have been killed and wounded, but the total number has not been announced. The police are asking people not to use unverified routes, as the aggressors shoot at civilian cars.
[ "College ablaze after Russian attack on Bakhmut", "Russians destroyed almost XXX civilian targets in one day in the Donetsk region", "Russians kill entire family and injure X children in Donetsk Oblast", "Russians shell Donetsk Oblast, people wounded", "Russians again attack Bahmut: people pulled from the rubble", "Donetsk region: Russian forces kill X civilians over the past XX hours", "Russian MLRS attack Bakhmut: X civilian killed and X wounded", "Russian attacks on Donetsk Oblast: X person killed, X injured", "Russians attack Donetsk Oblast, specifically Chasiv Yar – President's Office", "The Russians hit residential areas of Niu-York in the Donetsk region, killing three people" ]
Russians destroyed almost XXX civilian targets in one day in the Donetsk region
[ 5884, 17129, 24132, 30381, 546, 4518, 6221, 20151, 11692, 23203 ]
ROMAN PETRENKO — FRIDAY, XX MAY XXXX, XX:XX AM PHOTO BY THE NATIONAL POLICE The invaders shelled XX settlements in the Donetsk region, destroying XX civilian targets. Several people have been killed and wounded. Source: National Police Details: The settlements of Avdiivka, Soledar, Lyman, Sviatohirsk, Zalizne, Bakhmut, Marinka, Raihorodok, Khrestyshche, Zoria, and Vyimka came under Russian fire. XX residential buildings, a school, a fire station, a recreation centre, and XX businesses were destroyed. Russian troops fired from Uragan ("Hurricane") multiple rocket launchers, heavy artillery, tanks, and small arms. Several people have been killed and wounded, but the total number has not been announced. The police are asking people not to use unverified routes, as the aggressors shoot at civilian cars.
Drone attack on Russia's Bryansk Oblast, third oblast attacked in one night
Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk Oblast, said a drone was downed over the territory of the oblast on the night of 6-7 September. This was the third Russian Oblast where local authorities have announced a drone attack. Source: Bogomaz on Telegram Details: Bogomaz claimed the military destroyed a drone over Bryansk District. Bogomaz noted that there were no casualties or damage. Update: This morning, Bogomaz added that debris from the falling drone had partially damaged the glass in the building of the Bryansk I railway station, the station square and several cars. In addition, Bogomaz reported another drone attack, which was also supposedly intercepted by Russian forces. Background: The authorities of Russia’s Rostov Oblast claimed two drones were downed over the territory of the oblast on the night of 6-7 September. A fire broke out in Rostov, but it has already been extinguished. The Moscow mayor said a drone attacked Moscow on the night of 6-7 September, but claimed it was downed dozens of kilometres from the Russian capital.
[ "Drone that fell in Moscow Oblast was carrying explosives", "Drone attack on Russia's Bryansk Oblast, third oblast attacked in one night", "Russia attacked with drones again, damage caused near Moscow", "Moscow Mayor comments on drone attack, claiming drone downed", "Russians claim drone attack on X Russian oblasts, houses and office building damaged", "Air Force warns of Shahed drone attack, air-raid warning issued in several oblasts", "Moscow Mayor claims drone downed in Moscow Oblast", "Drone falls near Taganrog in Rostov Oblast ", "Yellow and blue drone found near railway close to Moscow ", "Russians claim they downed drone on approach to Moscow" ]
Drone attack on Russia's Bryansk Oblast, third oblast attacked in one night
[ 4519, 7481, 19491, 14793, 25609, 21492, 10512, 16336, 8948, 29044 ]
Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk Oblast, said a drone was downed over the territory of the oblast on the night of X-X September. This was the third Russian Oblast where local authorities have announced a drone attack. Source: Bogomaz on Telegram Details: Bogomaz claimed the military destroyed a drone over Bryansk District. Bogomaz noted that there were no casualties or damage. Update: This morning, Bogomaz added that debris from the falling drone had partially damaged the glass in the building of the Bryansk I railway station, the station square and several cars. In addition, Bogomaz reported another drone attack, which was also supposedly intercepted by Russian forces. Background: The authorities of Russia’s Rostov Oblast claimed two drones were downed over the territory of the oblast on the night of X-X September. A fire broke out in Rostov, but it has already been extinguished. The Moscow mayor said a drone attacked Moscow on the night of X-X September, but claimed it was downed dozens of kilometres from the Russian capital.
Russian military openly lies that they were striking hangars storing weapons in Kremenchuk
Ukrainska Pravda - TUESDAY, 28 JUNE, 2022, 12:18 The Russian military has become accustomed to lying in order to justify their crimes against the civilian population of Ukraine. On the second day after the attack on the Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk, where hundreds of people were shopping at the time, the Russian Ministry of Defence produced new fakes about the crime committed by Russian forces. Source: Russian Defence Ministry on Telegram Details: The Russian military is, as usual, trying to absolve its military of responsibility for shelling residential neighbourhoods and killing civilians. In particular, Russia has proposed two false allegations. The first allegation is that they struck a warehouse holding weapons that came from Europe and the United States. The second lie is that the shopping centre, which allegedly caught fire as a result of the detonating shells, did not operate at the time and there were no people there. However, as noted by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Denys Monastyrskyy, there are no military facilities within a 5 km radius of the Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk. Previously: On 27 June, Russians struck Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk with two missiles. As a result of the strike, the death toll is currently 18 people, with 36 people missing. A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, Yuriy Ignat, told Ukrainska Pravda that Russia had struck Kremenchuk with an Kh-22 missile fired from a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber deployed from around the city of Kursk in Russia. Ukrainian police have already established the identity of Russian pilots who carried out the missile strike on the shopping centre in Kremenchuk in Poltava Oblast.
[ "Kremenchuk attack: XX people are missing, dozens in critical condition", "Investigation obtains names of Russian Federation pilots who struck shopping centre in Kremenchuk ‒ Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine", "More than XX are already known to have been killed in the Kremenchuk shopping mall - Office of the President of Ukraine ", "Many were able to evacuate from Kremenchuk mall before the attack – Zelenskyy", "Russian military openly lies that they were striking hangars storing weapons in Kremenchuk", "Kremenchuk strike: second missile damages factory buildings", "Most of the shopping centre rubble in Kremenchuk has been cleared, mourning declared in the city", "Missile attack on Kremenchuk: number of victims rises to XX", "Kremenchuk victims could have been fewer but air raid sirens ignored – State Emergency Service of Ukraine", "Slab shifts during rubble clearance at Kremenchuh shopping centre, hospitalising two rescuers" ]
Russian military openly lies that they were striking hangars storing weapons in Kremenchuk
[ 29575, 24923, 22001, 1055, 25481, 26564, 28081, 26979, 6000, 4520 ]
Ukrainska Pravda - TUESDAY, XX JUNE, XXXX, XX:XX The Russian military has become accustomed to lying in order to justify their crimes against the civilian population of Ukraine. On the second day after the attack on the Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk, where hundreds of people were shopping at the time, the Russian Ministry of Defence produced new fakes about the crime committed by Russian forces. Source: Russian Defence Ministry on Telegram Details: The Russian military is, as usual, trying to absolve its military of responsibility for shelling residential neighbourhoods and killing civilians. In particular, Russia has proposed two false allegations. The first allegation is that they struck a warehouse holding weapons that came from Europe and the United States. The second lie is that the shopping centre, which allegedly caught fire as a result of the detonating shells, did not operate at the time and there were no people there. However, as noted by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Denys Monastyrskyy, there are no military facilities within a X km radius of the Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk. Previously: On XX June, Russians struck Amstor shopping centre in Kremenchuk with two missiles. As a result of the strike, the death toll is currently XX people, with XX people missing. A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, Yuriy Ignat, told Ukrainska Pravda that Russia had struck Kremenchuk with an Kh-XX missile fired from a Tu-XXMX long-range bomber deployed from around the city of Kursk in Russia. Ukrainian police have already established the identity of Russian pilots who carried out the missile strike on the shopping centre in Kremenchuk in Poltava Oblast.
Shelling of Kryvyi Rih by Russia: the number of casualties has increased
IRYNA BALACHUK —— SATURDAY, 9 JULY 2022, 11:18 A 20-year-old woman who was wounded in the morning of 9 July by Russia’s shelling in Kryvyi Rih has died in hospital. Source: Valentyn Reznichenko, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Reznichenko: "This barbaric shelling of a peaceful city took the lives of two people. According to information that has now been confirmed, three were wounded. Two were treated by doctors and are now at home." Details: According to the head of the Military Administration, medics fought for the woman's life for several hours, but her injuries were extremely severe. The 43-year-old father of the dead woman is currently in hospital. Background: On the morning of 9 July, Russian troops shelled the Inhulets suburb of Kryvyi Rih, killing a woman.
[ "The Russians fired missiles at Kryvyi Rih: there are casualties", "Register of missing people includes XX,XXX names, XXXX bodies of soldiers returned to Ukraine", "Missile attack on Kryvyi Rih: number of casualties rises to XX", "Death toll in Russian missile strike on Kryvyi Rih rises to XX", "Russians launch three missile strikes on Kryvyi Rih: manufacturing plant damaged", "Shelling of Kryvyi Rih by Russia: the number of casualties has increased", "Russians attack police building and offices in Kryvyi Rih, killing X and injuring XX others", "Russian missile attack on Kryvyi Rih on XX December: death toll rises to X people", "Death toll from Russian missile strike on Kryvyi Rih rises to six", "Number of victims of Russian attack on Kryvyi Rih rises to XX " ]
Shelling of Kryvyi Rih by Russia: the number of casualties has increased
[ 12470, 30121, 23581, 14570, 15650, 5153, 24379, 15621, 4521, 2343 ]
IRYNA BALACHUK —— SATURDAY, X JULY XXXX, XX:XX A XX-year-old woman who was wounded in the morning of X July by Russia’s shelling in Kryvyi Rih has died in hospital. Source: Valentyn Reznichenko, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Reznichenko: "This barbaric shelling of a peaceful city took the lives of two people. According to information that has now been confirmed, three were wounded. Two were treated by doctors and are now at home." Details: According to the head of the Military Administration, medics fought for the woman's life for several hours, but her injuries were extremely severe. The XX-year-old father of the dead woman is currently in hospital. Background: On the morning of X July, Russian troops shelled the Inhulets suburb of Kryvyi Rih, killing a woman.
Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against Russian athletes and 2 Russian web services
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed into law Ukraine’s Security and Defence Council sanctions against Russian athletes and a number of other persons and legal entities. Source: two decrees on the website of the President of Ukraine Details: Decree No. 228/2023 enacted the National Security and Defence Council’s decision to introduce sanctions against 87 persons, most of them Russian athletes. Decree No. 227/2023 introduced sanctions against 351 persons and legal entities, including Yandex and Rambler [two major Russian web services - ed.], and a number of other Russian IT firms and business owners.
[ "Zelenskyy: XX missiles prove that sanctions against Russia are not enough, nor are weapons for Ukraine", "Zelenskyy starts Marathon of Honesty to prevent Russian athletes from entering Olympics", "Zelenskyy writes to heads of international sports organisations about IOC and Russians", "Zelenskyy on sanctions against Russian betting firms: Major gambling scams stopped", "New sanctions package will limit Russia's profits in Europe − Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy: We see every direction of Russia's sanctions circumvention", "Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against Russia's nuclear industry", "Zelenskyy imposes sanctions against companies of Russian oligarch Friedman and his partners", "Zelenskyy calls on EU to hit back at Russia's blackmail and terror", "Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against Russian athletes and X Russian web services" ]
Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against Russian athletes and X Russian web services
[ 20668, 18390, 10953, 21606, 3731, 18111, 24491, 20305, 225, 4522 ]
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed into law Ukraine’s Security and Defence Council sanctions against Russian athletes and a number of other persons and legal entities. Source: two decrees on the website of the President of Ukraine Details: Decree No. XXX/XXXX enacted the National Security and Defence Council’s decision to introduce sanctions against XX persons, most of them Russian athletes. Decree No. XXX/XXXX introduced sanctions against XXX persons and legal entities, including Yandex and Rambler [two major Russian web services - ed.], and a number of other Russian IT firms and business owners.
Office of the President responds to behind-the-scenes conversations in Davos about "peace" with the Kremlin: Ukraine does not trade sovereignty
TUESDAY, 24 MAY 2022, 12:20 PM MYKHAILO PODOLIAK. PHOTO OF PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE The adviser to the head of the Office of the President, Mykhailo Podoliak, criticised some participants of the World Economic Forum in Davos, who on the sidelines said that it is worth ending the shooting to return to business with Russia. Source: Podoliak on Twitter Quote from Podoliak: "They say that there is enough talk on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum about whether it is time to cease firing, negotiate with the Kremlin and return to business with Russia. Is this the new blindness virus?" Details: Podoliak stressed that "Ukraine does not trade sovereignty so that someone can fill their wallet." The representative of the Office of the President reminded us that the shortest way to end the war is through weapons, money, and an embargo. Background: On 22 May, the World Economic Forum began in Davos, where for the first time since the fall of communism there are no Russian oligarchs, businessmen or officials. Earlier, an editorial in the American edition of the New York Times expressed the opinion that the victory of Ukraine in the war with Russia looks unrealistic and that Ukraine may have to cede territories. · According to the NYT editorial board, if the conflict leads to real negotiations, "it will be Ukrainian leaders who will have to make the painful territorial decisions that any compromise will demand."
[ "Russia will attempt to entrench itself in the south and east and dictate terms, while withdrawing from other territories - Podoliak", "Office of the President on explosions in X Russian regions: \"Divine intervention\"", "Podoliak voiced Ukraine's needs for weapons \"parity\" with Russia", "Office of the President responds to behind-the-scenes conversations in Davos about \"peace\" with the Kremlin: Ukraine does not trade sovereignty", "Only Ukraine will decide when it is time for war to end – Advisor to Office of the President", "Russia is already using the heaviest non-nuclear weapons against Ukraine – President’s Office adviser Podoliak", "The battles in Ukraine are happening where they started - Presidential Office", "Podoliak on \"sacrificing territories\": this is what a loser, who has already lost in his heart, says ", "The Ukrainian state has a de-occupation strategy for all of southern Ukraine - Office of the President", "Ukraine should change course and brace itself for war of attrition – The Economist " ]
Office of the President responds to behind-the-scenes conversations in Davos about "peace" with the Kremlin: Ukraine does not trade sovereignty
[ 24889, 11245, 9220, 9115, 23660, 6662, 19752, 20648, 4327, 4523 ]
TUESDAY, XX MAY XXXX, XX:XX PM MYKHAILO PODOLIAK. PHOTO OF PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE The adviser to the head of the Office of the President, Mykhailo Podoliak, criticised some participants of the World Economic Forum in Davos, who on the sidelines said that it is worth ending the shooting to return to business with Russia. Source: Podoliak on Twitter Quote from Podoliak: "They say that there is enough talk on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum about whether it is time to cease firing, negotiate with the Kremlin and return to business with Russia. Is this the new blindness virus?" Details: Podoliak stressed that "Ukraine does not trade sovereignty so that someone can fill their wallet." The representative of the Office of the President reminded us that the shortest way to end the war is through weapons, money, and an embargo. Background: On XX May, the World Economic Forum began in Davos, where for the first time since the fall of communism there are no Russian oligarchs, businessmen or officials. Earlier, an editorial in the American edition of the New York Times expressed the opinion that the victory of Ukraine in the war with Russia looks unrealistic and that Ukraine may have to cede territories. · According to the NYT editorial board, if the conflict leads to real negotiations, "it will be Ukrainian leaders who will have to make the painful territorial decisions that any compromise will demand."
Biden assures Zelenskyy that US remains committed to supporting Kyiv
US President Joe Biden has welcomed his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the White House and reassured him that America remains committed to supporting Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself against Russian aggression. Source: CNN Quote from Biden: "Earlier this week at the UN General Assembly, I made it clear that no nation can be truly secure in the world if, in fact, we don't stand up and defend the freedom of Ukraine in the face of this Russian brutality and aggression. That's why we brought together a coalition of more than 50 countries — 50 countries to help Ukraine defend itself. It's critical." Details: Biden said the United States has begun the process of "formalising our long-term commitment to Ukraine’s security" along with other G7 leaders and other international partners, and that's why it supports a "just and lasting peace, one that respects Ukrainian sovereignty and its territorial integrity". The US president also praised the "enormous bravery" of the Ukrainian people. "It has inspired the world, really inspired the world with a determination to defend these principles. And together with our partners and allies, the American people are determined to see to all we can to ensure the world stands with you," Biden said. Background: During his meeting with Zelenskyy, Biden is expected to announce over US$325 million in new military aid. According to two US officials, it will include more cluster munitions. This is the second time the United States has provided Kyiv with "controversial weapons". Earlier, the Ukrainian president visited Capitol Hill, where he described his meeting with US senators as a "wonderful dialogue". Zelenskyy also met with lawmakers from the US House of Representatives.
[ "Biden assures Zelenskyy that US remains committed to supporting Kyiv", "I hear from Biden about full support – Zelenskyy", "We have new defence and political agreements and are preparing more – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy to speak with Biden on Sunday", "Zelenskyy holds a phone call with Biden, ATACMS on the agenda", "White House reveals details of Biden and Zelenskyy meeting", "Biden looks forward seeing Zelenskyy in near future – Blinken", "Zelenskyy thanks Biden for new military aid package", "Zelenskyy on Biden's speech: Together, we will not let freedom and democracy be destroyed", "Zelenskyy thanks countries that helped Ukraine this week" ]
Biden assures Zelenskyy that US remains committed to supporting Kyiv
[ 1915, 13416, 26540, 7888, 10104, 15977, 4335, 23481, 10738, 4524 ]
US President Joe Biden has welcomed his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the White House and reassured him that America remains committed to supporting Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself against Russian aggression. Source: CNN Quote from Biden: "Earlier this week at the UN General Assembly, I made it clear that no nation can be truly secure in the world if, in fact, we don't stand up and defend the freedom of Ukraine in the face of this Russian brutality and aggression. That's why we brought together a coalition of more than XX countries — XX countries to help Ukraine defend itself. It's critical." Details: Biden said the United States has begun the process of "formalising our long-term commitment to Ukraine’s security" along with other GX leaders and other international partners, and that's why it supports a "just and lasting peace, one that respects Ukrainian sovereignty and its territorial integrity". The US president also praised the "enormous bravery" of the Ukrainian people. "It has inspired the world, really inspired the world with a determination to defend these principles. And together with our partners and allies, the American people are determined to see to all we can to ensure the world stands with you," Biden said. Background: During his meeting with Zelenskyy, Biden is expected to announce over US$XXX million in new military aid. According to two US officials, it will include more cluster munitions. This is the second time the United States has provided Kyiv with "controversial weapons". Earlier, the Ukrainian president visited Capitol Hill, where he described his meeting with US senators as a "wonderful dialogue". Zelenskyy also met with lawmakers from the US House of Representatives.
Two oil product storage facilities on fire in Russian city of Bryansk - media
OLENA ROSHCHINA — MONDAY, 25 APRIL 2022, 10:49 In the Russian city of Bryansk, two oil products storage facilities are on fire; the fire at the oil depot in the Fokinsky district has been contained, according to Russian media. Source: Interfax Details: A fire was reported last night at an oil depot in the Fokinsky district. As of 9:20 am, the fire had been contained within an area of ​​1,500 square metres, an informed source told Interfax. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, no one was injured at the Transneft Bryansk-Druzhba base. A source told Interfax that two oil storage facilities were on fire in Bryansk, including a diesel fuel tank on the territory of the oil complex on Snizhetsky Val. There, the fire engulfed a tank of 10,000 cubic metres. Some websites have also reported that a railway in Bryansk was damaged and a train derailed, but there is information that the railway was damaged a few days ago due to the erosion of an embankment.
[ "Oil refinery catches fire due to drone strike in Kuban, Russia", "Another arson attempt on military enlistment office in Russian St Petersburg", "Oil depot in Russia's Krasnodar Krai catches fire after drone crash", "Siberia's largest oil refinery on fire second time this month; fatalities reported", "Oil depot on fire in Krasnodar Krai, Russia", "Oil depot ablaze near Orenburg in Russia", "Oil reservoirs on fire in Komi Republic, Russia", "Two oil product storage facilities on fire in Russian city of Bryansk - media ", "Another large-scale fire at oil depot in Russia", "Largest oil refinery in Siberia on fire " ]
Two oil product storage facilities on fire in Russian city of Bryansk - media
[ 12208, 25019, 18662, 4525, 24525, 3217, 16493, 12264, 18442, 7067 ]
OLENA ROSHCHINA — MONDAY, XX APRIL XXXX, XX:XX In the Russian city of Bryansk, two oil products storage facilities are on fire; the fire at the oil depot in the Fokinsky district has been contained, according to Russian media. Source: Interfax Details: A fire was reported last night at an oil depot in the Fokinsky district. As of X:XX am, the fire had been contained within an area of ​​X,XXX square metres, an informed source told Interfax. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, no one was injured at the Transneft Bryansk-Druzhba base. A source told Interfax that two oil storage facilities were on fire in Bryansk, including a diesel fuel tank on the territory of the oil complex on Snizhetsky Val. There, the fire engulfed a tank of XX,XXX cubic metres. Some websites have also reported that a railway in Bryansk was damaged and a train derailed, but there is information that the railway was damaged a few days ago due to the erosion of an embankment.
Explosions rock Sevastopol: Russian invaders claim it is military training
A series of explosions rocked occupied Sevastopol on the evening of 24 August. The Russian invaders traditionally claimed that it was military training. Source: local Telegram channels; Mikhail Razvozhayev, the so-called Governor of Sevastopol, on Telegram Details: At least seven explosions were reported. However, Razvozhayev later wrote that it was the military conducting shooting exercises. He said that the exercises are being held at the training ground in Kozacha Bay. The military fires, among other things, from hand grenade launchers. "Depending on the wind direction, the sound can be heard in different parts of the city," he assured residents of the city. In addition, he said that shooting exercises will continue until 23.00. Background: Earlier, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine said that Ukrainian intelligence units disembarked on the peninsula as part of a special operation conducted jointly with the Navy. Kyrylo Budanov, Head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, vowed that individual strikes in Crimea will not be the end of the matter, as there will be a ground operation and "the recovery of our territories".
[ "Explosions rock Sevastopol: Russian invaders claim it is military training", "Hackers identify over XXX military servicemen of Russian assault air regiment", "Russian boat that was wrecked near Zmiinyi (Snake) Island delivered to Sevastopol - Odessa Oblast Military Administration", "X ammunition storage points and almost a company of occupiers destroyed on Tavriia front", "Russian soldiers stationed in schools and churches in occupied territories", "Shipyard on fire in Sevastopol, occupiers claim attack with missiles and boats ", "Russian occupying authorities claim \"likely underwater attack\" on Sevastopol, Crimea", "Russians claim their air defence shot down UAV over Sevastopol", "Why Russia is imposing its passports on Ukrainians in the occupied territories – Special Operations Forces explain ", " Russian occupying authorities intensify raids on civilians in southern oblasts of Ukraine" ]
Explosions rock Sevastopol: Russian invaders claim it is military training
[ 19271, 14337, 21410, 1132, 11858, 21327, 30357, 24733, 2920, 4526 ]
A series of explosions rocked occupied Sevastopol on the evening of XX August. The Russian invaders traditionally claimed that it was military training. Source: local Telegram channels; Mikhail Razvozhayev, the so-called Governor of Sevastopol, on Telegram Details: At least seven explosions were reported. However, Razvozhayev later wrote that it was the military conducting shooting exercises. He said that the exercises are being held at the training ground in Kozacha Bay. The military fires, among other things, from hand grenade launchers. "Depending on the wind direction, the sound can be heard in different parts of the city," he assured residents of the city. In addition, he said that shooting exercises will continue until XX.XX. Background: Earlier, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine said that Ukrainian intelligence units disembarked on the peninsula as part of a special operation conducted jointly with the Navy. Kyrylo Budanov, Head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, vowed that individual strikes in Crimea will not be the end of the matter, as there will be a ground operation and "the recovery of our territories".
Zelenskyy on resolution of European Parliament: time for certainty in integration has come
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the European Parliament supports Ukraine's admission to the European Union and the development of an invitation to NATO within the framework of the nearest Alliance summit, which will be held in Vilnius on 11-12 July. Source: Zelenskyy in his evening video address on 15 June Quote: "We have taken significant steps to strengthen our position in several areas at once. The European Parliament adopted a powerful resolution in support of the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of our people. There is a specific appeal to the leaders of the European Union to determine a clear path to our state's membership in the EU. And on the issue of the Alliance [NATO - ed.], the European Parliament notes clearly the meaning of our Ukrainian contribution to Euro-Atlantic security, which implies that Ukraine's path to NATO and invitations to join should be developed already in the context of preparations for the Alliance's summit in Vilnius. The time for integration and security certainty has clearly come. I am grateful for the actual acknowledgement of this to all members of the European Parliament and Madam President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, as well as to Ruslan Stefanchuk, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, for the ceaseless and effective work with the parliaments of our partners." Details: The president called a bill registered in the United States of America on the confiscation and transfer of Russian assets to Ukraine as reparations another significant international step on this day. Earlier: On 15 June, the European Parliament voted to adopt a resolution in support of Ukraine. The resolution calls on NATO members to begin Ukraine’s accession process after the war. It states that Ukraine’s membership would improve the security situation for the region and the whole world. MEPs expressed hope that negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU will begin this year and also called on NATO members to begin the process of admitting Ukraine to the Alliance after the war.
[ "We're working to eliminate any obstacle on path to EU – Zelenskyy", "Largest European Parliament political group endorses invitation for Ukraine to join NATO at summit in Vilnius", "Zelenskyy: Ukraine practically fulfils EU recommendations, we are waiting for start of negotiations", "NATO Secretary General invites Zelenskyy to Vilnius Summit", "Zelenskyy accepts invitation to NATO Summit in Vilnius – NATO Secretary General ", "Zelenskyy in Munich: No alternative for Ukraine's membership in EU and NATO", "Zelenskyy: Cooperation with European institutions to be even more meaningful this year", "Zelenskyy: Key goal this year is to start negotiations about Ukraine's EU membership", "Zelenskyy on resolution of European Parliament: time for certainty in integration has come", "Zelenskyy still considers NATO's decision \"absurd\", but has faith in his allies " ]
Zelenskyy on resolution of European Parliament: time for certainty in integration has come
[ 5215, 9705, 15147, 24420, 14405, 14333, 25044, 23735, 25170, 4527 ]
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the European Parliament supports Ukraine's admission to the European Union and the development of an invitation to NATO within the framework of the nearest Alliance summit, which will be held in Vilnius on XX-XX July. Source: Zelenskyy in his evening video address on XX June Quote: "We have taken significant steps to strengthen our position in several areas at once. The European Parliament adopted a powerful resolution in support of the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of our people. There is a specific appeal to the leaders of the European Union to determine a clear path to our state's membership in the EU. And on the issue of the Alliance [NATO - ed.], the European Parliament notes clearly the meaning of our Ukrainian contribution to Euro-Atlantic security, which implies that Ukraine's path to NATO and invitations to join should be developed already in the context of preparations for the Alliance's summit in Vilnius. The time for integration and security certainty has clearly come. I am grateful for the actual acknowledgement of this to all members of the European Parliament and Madam President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, as well as to Ruslan Stefanchuk, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, for the ceaseless and effective work with the parliaments of our partners." Details: The president called a bill registered in the United States of America on the confiscation and transfer of Russian assets to Ukraine as reparations another significant international step on this day. Earlier: On XX June, the European Parliament voted to adopt a resolution in support of Ukraine. The resolution calls on NATO members to begin Ukraine’s accession process after the war. It states that Ukraine’s membership would improve the security situation for the region and the whole world. MEPs expressed hope that negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU will begin this year and also called on NATO members to begin the process of admitting Ukraine to the Alliance after the war.
Russians attack Donetsk Oblast, injuring civilians, including 83-year-old woman
The Russians have shelled Donetsk Oblast, injuring four civilians. Source: Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office Details: An investigation has established that on 2 October, the occupiers shelled settlements in the Pokrovsk and Volnovakha districts, probably using artillery. At around 07:00, the Russian army attacked an agricultural facility in the village of Novoukrainka in Vuhlehirsk district, resulting in two workers aged 36 and 55 who were outside receiving shrapnel wounds. They were taken to hospital for medical treatment. In addition, at 11:10, the Russians fired on the village of Yelyzavetivka, Pokrovsk district, where an 83-year-old local resident was wounded. At 14:55, the occupiers struck the village of Trudove, where a 53-year-old man was injured by shells and hospitalised with massive bleeding.
[ "Russians attack Donetsk Oblast, injuring civilians, including XX-year-old woman", "Head of  Oblast Military Administration reported the number of civilian casualties in the Donetsk region over the past XX hours ", "Donetsk Oblast: Russians killed X and wounded XX civilians in a day", "Donetsk Oblast: One person killed and one injured following Russian attacks on XX July", "Donetsk region: Russia killed X civilians and injured X more over past XX hours", "Donetsk Region: X civilians killed, XX wounded on Wednesday, X May", "Donetsk Oblast: Russian troops kill X civilian, wound X others", "Russians shell Sloviansk with cluster bombs", "Donetsk region: Russian troops killed X civilians and wounded X ", "Russia continues to kill Donbas civilians: X fatalities and X casualties on XX July" ]
Russians attack Donetsk Oblast, injuring civilians, including XX-year-old woman
[ 4528, 18963, 20740, 21662, 14986, 14987, 2618, 26999, 838, 14782 ]
The Russians have shelled Donetsk Oblast, injuring four civilians. Source: Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office Details: An investigation has established that on X October, the occupiers shelled settlements in the Pokrovsk and Volnovakha districts, probably using artillery. At around XX:XX, the Russian army attacked an agricultural facility in the village of Novoukrainka in Vuhlehirsk district, resulting in two workers aged XX and XX who were outside receiving shrapnel wounds. They were taken to hospital for medical treatment. In addition, at XX:XX, the Russians fired on the village of Yelyzavetivka, Pokrovsk district, where an XX-year-old local resident was wounded. At XX:XX, the occupiers struck the village of Trudove, where a XX-year-old man was injured by shells and hospitalised with massive bleeding.
Russians kill two people in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on Saturday
Russian occupiers attacked Nikopol district in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on 4 March 2023, killing two people. Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration Quote from Lysak: "The enemy has already hit the Nikopol district several times since this morning. They used heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems. Two people were killed in Chervonohryhorivka hromada [an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories – ed.]. They were a 57-year-old woman and a 68-year-old man. Eight private houses, two outbuildings, a power transmission line and a gas pipeline were damaged." Details: Lysak has added that a hotel in Nikopol came under fire as well.
[ "The Russians hit the National Guard barracks in Dnipropetrovsk region: XX dead and XX wounded", "Dozens of Russian shells hit residential neighbourhood in Nikopol", "The occupiers shelled the outskirts of the city of Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk region", "About XX cluster elements of MLRS projectile found in Dnipropetrovsk region ", "Russia shells residential buildings in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, injuring X women", "Kindergarten and church damaged: Russians fired on Dnipropetrovsk Region", "Strike on Chaplyne: AP journalist reports no military among fatalities", "Russians attack Marhanets, several civilians in hospital", "Russians kill two people in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on Saturday", "Russians attacks Dnipropetrovsk Oblast overnight, causing much destruction" ]
Russians kill two people in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on Saturday
[ 4529, 13190, 26553, 9221, 22716, 12911, 28819, 25692, 11183, 12975 ]
Russian occupiers attacked Nikopol district in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on X March XXXX, killing two people. Source: Serhii Lysak, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration Quote from Lysak: "The enemy has already hit the Nikopol district several times since this morning. They used heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems. Two people were killed in Chervonohryhorivka hromada [an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories – ed.]. They were a XX-year-old woman and a XX-year-old man. Eight private houses, two outbuildings, a power transmission line and a gas pipeline were damaged." Details: Lysak has added that a hotel in Nikopol came under fire as well.
Russia has suffered significant losses in the war against Ukraine, says Peskov
Thursday, 7 April 2022, 20:28 Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the President of the Russian Federation, said that Russia has sustained significant losses in the war against Ukraine; however, he didn’t report any specific figures. Source: Peskov in an interview for Sky News. Quotes: "We have suffered significant losses of troops. This is a great tragedy for us." Other comments by Peskov: Putin's spokesman revealed a new reason for the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia: to prevent World War III. Peskov also expressed the hope that the war in Ukraine would end in the coming days or the very near future, either because Russia achieves its objectives or because negotiations are successful. Responding to the journalist's questions as to whether the war could end with negotiations after all that has happened, Peskov said that it is possible.
[ "Putin convenes his Security Council to discuss strategic security ", "Russia's losses exceed XX,XXX personnel", "Russian soldiers undergoing treatment don’t get sick pay – General Staff", "Power supply disrupted in Bryansk Oblast after alleged strike – governor", " Russia has suffered significant losses in the war against Ukraine, says Peskov", "Up to XXX Russian soldiers were killed in one day in eastern Ukraine", "Russians lose more than XXX soldiers and helicopter in one day", "Russian losses to date: XX,XXX military personnel, X,XXX tanks", "Russian losses to date: almost XX,XXX military personnel", "Wives of killed Russian soldiers get sausage and pate in Vladivostok" ]
Russia has suffered significant losses in the war against Ukraine, says Peskov
[ 4530, 24161, 16726, 26123, 22465, 15903, 7216, 24735, 10979, 30540 ]
Thursday, X April XXXX, XX:XX Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the President of the Russian Federation, said that Russia has sustained significant losses in the war against Ukraine; however, he didn’t report any specific figures. Source: Peskov in an interview for Sky News. Quotes: "We have suffered significant losses of troops. This is a great tragedy for us." Other comments by Peskov: Putin's spokesman revealed a new reason for the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia: to prevent World War III. Peskov also expressed the hope that the war in Ukraine would end in the coming days or the very near future, either because Russia achieves its objectives or because negotiations are successful. Responding to the journalist's questions as to whether the war could end with negotiations after all that has happened, Peskov said that it is possible.
Germany may contribute Eurofighter to fighter jet coalition − Defence Minister
Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine’s Defence Minister, has said he sees the possibility of receiving Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets from Germany. Source: DW, referring to an interview by Reznikov with the German media group Funke and the French newspaper Ouest France Quote from Reznikov: "If the UK and Germany were to combine their capabilities to supply Eurofighters, this would be an important step." Details: The minister recalled that there is already an international tank coalition in which the basic models are the German Leopard 2, the American Abrams and British Challenger. Reznikov believes that a fighter jet coalition could also be formed based on the American F-16 as well as the Eurofighter and Swedish Gripen. According to the minister, Ukraine needs about 120 fighter jets, most of which should be F-16s, of which there are more than 5,000 in the world. At the same time, he stressed that Eurofighters and Gripens would also help Ukrainians. Reznikov stressed that above all, Ukraine would welcome Germany's participation in training Ukrainian pilots on the Eurofighter.
[ "German central power bodies will raise Ukrainian flags on XX February", "Ambassador to Germany: There will be no territorial concessions from Ukraine", "Germany to allocate additional €XX billion of military aid for Ukraine", "Germany to send XX more Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine", "Ukraine may receive F-XX fighter jets as early as autumn – Politico", "Ukraine's Ambassador calls for cancellation of ban on Ukrainian flags in Berlin on X and X May", "German government calls on employers to hire Ukrainians without sufficient language skills", "Training of Ukrainian pilots on F-XX jets may take place in Romania", "German opposition leader does not rule out supplying fighter jets to Ukraine", "Germany may contribute Eurofighter to fighter jet coalition − Defence Minister " ]
Germany may contribute Eurofighter to fighter jet coalition − Defence Minister
[ 13744, 19388, 7255, 18704, 3365, 11537, 19703, 29174, 4531, 22540 ]
Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine’s Defence Minister, has said he sees the possibility of receiving Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets from Germany. Source: DW, referring to an interview by Reznikov with the German media group Funke and the French newspaper Ouest France Quote from Reznikov: "If the UK and Germany were to combine their capabilities to supply Eurofighters, this would be an important step." Details: The minister recalled that there is already an international tank coalition in which the basic models are the German Leopard X, the American Abrams and British Challenger. Reznikov believes that a fighter jet coalition could also be formed based on the American F-XX as well as the Eurofighter and Swedish Gripen. According to the minister, Ukraine needs about XXX fighter jets, most of which should be F-XXs, of which there are more than X,XXX in the world. At the same time, he stressed that Eurofighters and Gripens would also help Ukrainians. Reznikov stressed that above all, Ukraine would welcome Germany's participation in training Ukrainian pilots on the Eurofighter.
Border guards on situation at state border with Belarus: Under control
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has not recorded any movement of military equipment or personnel to the Ukrainian border from Belarus. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, during the national joint 24/7 newscast on 24 December Quote: "Fortunately, the situation on the border with Belarus remains fully under control at the moment. We do not record any movement of equipment or military personnel to the other side of the border. Of course, as it was mentioned earlier – and this has been going on for some time – Belarus has strengthened its border with our country. We have emphasised this repeatedly. They seem to see some kind of threat from our side. And those units that were deployed to strengthen the border remain, neither their number nor the nature of their actions changes." Details: According to Demchenko, more attention of Ukraine is focused deep in the territory of Belarus, where there are joint exercises of units of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, sudden check of the Belarusian troops' combat readiness and everything like that. Recently, Belarus has been constantly aggravating the situation in order to force Ukraine to keep a significant number of troops on this front. At the same time, the Defence Forces of Ukraine monitor the situation and do everything to be ready for any threat. Background: A motorised rifle battalion and two tank battalions have been assigned to move to areas bordering the state border of Ukraine, said Lt Gen. Serhii Naiev, the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Background: Kyrylo Budanov, the Chief of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence, explained that Russians resort to the tactics of "merry-go-round" so as to keep Ukraine alarmed. He said that no intelligence data pointed out that there was any immediate threat coming from Belarus. On 24 December, Alexander Lukashenko, the self-styled president of Belarus,came to Russia with a working visit. During it, he is supposed to participate in an informal meeting of leaders of the CIS member states, slated for 26-27 December in St Petersburg.
[ "They stole beds and messed around: Border Guard Service of Ukraine showed aftermath of Russians’ withdrawal on the border with Belarus", "Border guards describe how Belarusian electronic warfare hunts for Ukrainian drones", "Ukraine's border guards expect military drills in Belarus will be extended repeatedly ", "Ukraine's border guards appeal to Belarusians amidst events in Russia ", "Head of Ukraine's State Border Guard service on meeting with his Belarusian counterpart before war: He turned pale, then red, and then green", "Belarus announces that troops are returning to their bases after strengthening border, though numbers indicate otherwise", "Ukrainian border guards warn of provocation by Belarus", "Ukraine's State Border Service on situation on Belarus front: defence forces are doing everything to prevent provocations or invasions", "Lukashenko fires head of Belarusian border guard service", "Border guards on situation at state border with Belarus: Under control" ]
Border guards on situation at state border with Belarus: Under control
[ 26504, 4423, 11265, 5919, 4532, 23597, 16176, 18828, 22789, 4192 ]
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has not recorded any movement of military equipment or personnel to the Ukrainian border from Belarus. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, during the national joint XX/X newscast on XX December Quote: "Fortunately, the situation on the border with Belarus remains fully under control at the moment. We do not record any movement of equipment or military personnel to the other side of the border. Of course, as it was mentioned earlier – and this has been going on for some time – Belarus has strengthened its border with our country. We have emphasised this repeatedly. They seem to see some kind of threat from our side. And those units that were deployed to strengthen the border remain, neither their number nor the nature of their actions changes." Details: According to Demchenko, more attention of Ukraine is focused deep in the territory of Belarus, where there are joint exercises of units of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, sudden check of the Belarusian troops' combat readiness and everything like that. Recently, Belarus has been constantly aggravating the situation in order to force Ukraine to keep a significant number of troops on this front. At the same time, the Defence Forces of Ukraine monitor the situation and do everything to be ready for any threat. Background: A motorised rifle battalion and two tank battalions have been assigned to move to areas bordering the state border of Ukraine, said Lt Gen. Serhii Naiev, the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Background: Kyrylo Budanov, the Chief of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence, explained that Russians resort to the tactics of "merry-go-round" so as to keep Ukraine alarmed. He said that no intelligence data pointed out that there was any immediate threat coming from Belarus. On XX December, Alexander Lukashenko, the self-styled president of Belarus,came to Russia with a working visit. During it, he is supposed to participate in an informal meeting of leaders of the CIS member states, slated for XX-XX December in St Petersburg.
Covert mobilisation continues in occupied Crimea
The Russians are carrying out covert mobilisation in Crimea, with conscripts being promised land plots.Source: National Resistance Center (NRC) Quote: "At present, measures for covert mobilisation to the ranks of the Russian occupying forces are ongoing in temporarily occupied Crimea. However, Russians are publicly trying to make service in the Russian army more popular. Therefore, they are promising the military plots of land in Crimea if they go to fight against Ukraine."Background: Recently, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the so-called "military enlistment offices" in occupied Crimea had started handing out mobilisation notices to be signed in order to improve the mobilisation figures.
[ "Occupiers in Crimea hand summonses to at least X,XXX Crimean Tatars", "\"Plan fulfilled\": Aksyonov announced that mobilisation in Crimea is over", "Dissatisfaction with forced mobilisation grows in Crimea", "Russia's conscription campaign in Crimea failing ", "Woman tried to set Russian military enlistment office on fire in Sevastopol, Crimea", "Covert mobilisation continues in occupied Crimea", "Russians continue covert mobilisation in Crimea using local Ukrainians – General Staff", "Russians start to issue more summonses for military service in Crimea", "Russia prepares new draft wave in Crimea – Ukrainian President's Representative Office in Crimea", "Crimeans are urged to protest and evade Russian mobilisation" ]
Covert mobilisation continues in occupied Crimea
[ 6803, 8193, 27105, 16028, 11910, 12553, 4533, 306, 9871, 29676 ]
The Russians are carrying out covert mobilisation in Crimea, with conscripts being promised land plots.Source: National Resistance Center (NRC) Quote: "At present, measures for covert mobilisation to the ranks of the Russian occupying forces are ongoing in temporarily occupied Crimea. However, Russians are publicly trying to make service in the Russian army more popular. Therefore, they are promising the military plots of land in Crimea if they go to fight against Ukraine."Background: Recently, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the so-called "military enlistment offices" in occupied Crimea had started handing out mobilisation notices to be signed in order to improve the mobilisation figures.
Kharkiv region: Burnt bodies of two Ukrainians tortured by Russians found near Izium
DENYS KARLOVSKYI — FRIDAY, 22 APRIL 2022, 20:52 In Kharkiv Region, not far from Izium, Ukrainian law enforcement officers have found the burnt bodies of two villagers who had been tortured to death by Russian invaders. Source: Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office Details: After the liberation of the village of Gusarivka from Russian occupation, Ukrainian defenders found the burnt bodies of a woman and a man in the basement of one of the houses. ​​According to investigators, they were villagers who had been tortured in the basement by the Russian military. After murdering them, the Russians attempted to burn the Ukrainians’ corpses. Prosecutors have instituted criminal proceedings under the article on violation of the customs and laws of war, combined with premeditated murder. Previously: On 7 April, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office confirmed the deaths of three residents in the same village of Gusarivka. The Russian invaders had also attempted to burn the bodies of these Ukrainians.
[ "Most of the bodies exhumed in Izium were civilian – head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration", "XX settlements in Kharkiv Oblast are still under Russian occupation", "Police finds lists of collaborators in liberated Vovchansk", "Russian troops destroy Izyum central hospital ", "Russians to try to occupy Kupiansk and are forming assault units", "City of Izium XX% destroyed by Russian occupiers", "Kharkiv region: Burnt bodies of two Ukrainians tortured by Russians found near Izium", "Russian forces forbade Izium residents from burying their dead early in occupation", "Izyum city government: Izyum XX% destroyed", "Ukrainian military publishes photos and videos from Balakliia, which was under occupation for X months" ]
Kharkiv region: Burnt bodies of two Ukrainians tortured by Russians found near Izium
[ 4809, 11997, 11418, 7532, 27319, 16524, 1575, 23774, 4534, 9734 ]
DENYS KARLOVSKYI — FRIDAY, XX APRIL XXXX, XX:XX In Kharkiv Region, not far from Izium, Ukrainian law enforcement officers have found the burnt bodies of two villagers who had been tortured to death by Russian invaders. Source: Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office Details: After the liberation of the village of Gusarivka from Russian occupation, Ukrainian defenders found the burnt bodies of a woman and a man in the basement of one of the houses. ​​According to investigators, they were villagers who had been tortured in the basement by the Russian military. After murdering them, the Russians attempted to burn the Ukrainians’ corpses. Prosecutors have instituted criminal proceedings under the article on violation of the customs and laws of war, combined with premeditated murder. Previously: On X April, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office confirmed the deaths of three residents in the same village of Gusarivka. The Russian invaders had also attempted to burn the bodies of these Ukrainians.
Zelenskyy: We are preparing for Russian brutality in Donbas and near Kharkiv
Anastasiya Kalatur - Tuesday, 5 April 2022, 00:45 Ukraine is preparing for even more Russian brutality in the east and south. Source: Presidential Address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy According to Zelenskyy: "We are continuing to prepare for even more brutal acts by the aggressors in the east and south. We know what they are going to do in Donbas. We know what they are going to do near Kharkiv, and in some other parts of the country. Russia is concentrating a significant amount of military personnel and equipment there. And this activity proves that the sanctions imposed against Russia are not enough. There will be more to come." Background: Earlier, information on atrocities committed by the Russian military in Bucha has been revealed after the town had been liberated. In particular, Mayor Fedoruk stated that a mass grave had been found in the city, where some 300 people had been buried, and dozens of corpses had been found in the streets, some of them with their hands tied. The bodies of naked women had been found on the streets of the city.
[ "Zelenskyy: Ukraine is negotiating with Turkey to help evacuate Mariupol", "Zelenskyy accepts credentials of new ambassadors of Türkiye, Czechia and Luxembourg", "Zelenskyy: We have an understanding of every important point with majority of the world", "Zelenskyy calls on Ukrainians to support each other", "Zelenskyy receives two awards from Ichkeria", "Zelenskyy: We are preparing for Russian brutality in Donbas and near Kharkiv", "Zelenskyy hears reports about situation on fronts and Ukrainian ammunition at Commander-in-Chief's meeting", "Zelenskyy arrives in Odesa and holds meeting with military and local authorities", "Zelenskyy calls on world leaders to react to video of murder of Ukrainian prisoner of war", "Russia launched at least X,XXX Shahed drones across Ukraine to date" ]
Zelenskyy: We are preparing for Russian brutality in Donbas and near Kharkiv
[ 4535, 14521, 6697, 3561, 8982, 865, 26476, 24302, 23002, 7493 ]
Anastasiya Kalatur - Tuesday, X April XXXX, XX:XX Ukraine is preparing for even more Russian brutality in the east and south. Source: Presidential Address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy According to Zelenskyy: "We are continuing to prepare for even more brutal acts by the aggressors in the east and south. We know what they are going to do in Donbas. We know what they are going to do near Kharkiv, and in some other parts of the country. Russia is concentrating a significant amount of military personnel and equipment there. And this activity proves that the sanctions imposed against Russia are not enough. There will be more to come." Background: Earlier, information on atrocities committed by the Russian military in Bucha has been revealed after the town had been liberated. In particular, Mayor Fedoruk stated that a mass grave had been found in the city, where some XXX people had been buried, and dozens of corpses had been found in the streets, some of them with their hands tied. The bodies of naked women had been found on the streets of the city.
Russian losses in Ukraine now reach 12,000 military personnel - General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Yevhen Kizilov — Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 09:27 The total Russian losses since the beginning of the war against Ukraine are currently estimated to approximately 12,000 personnel. Source: General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Facebook Details: In addition, the Russian army has already lost 303 tanks, 1,036 armored combat vehicles, 120 artillery systems, 56 rocket-propelled grenades, 27 anti-aircraft defence systems, 48 aircraft, 80 helicopters, 474 vehicles, 3 ships, 60 fuel tanks, and 7 drones. The Ukrainian General Staff reports that these data are still being clarified, as the calculation is complicated by the high intensity of fightings. Background: As of the morning of March 7, Russian military personnel losses were estimated at over 11 thousand.
[ "Ukrainian Serviceman tortured by Russian invaders – Ombudsman declares war crime", "Russia's losses in Ukraine exceed XX,XXX soldiers", "Russians have killed at least XX,XXX civilians in Ukraine – Prosecutor General's Office ", "Website XXXrf.com launched for Russians to find family members captured in killed in action during the invasion of Ukraine ", "Russians kill X civilians in Ukraine over past day", "Open source intelligence confirms that over X,XXX Russian officers died in Ukraine ", "Russian losses in Ukraine now reach XX,XXX military personnel - General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces", "Russia has already lost over XX,XXX troops and X,XXX tanks in Ukraine", "Russian invaders kill X and wound XX Ukrainian civilians in one day", "Russians kill X civilians in Donetsk Oblast and X in Kharkiv Oblast in a day" ]
Russian losses in Ukraine now reach XX,XXX military personnel - General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
[ 4032, 28920, 25110, 28214, 12549, 480, 4556, 21213, 4536, 26445 ]
Yevhen Kizilov — Tuesday, X March XXXX, XX:XX The total Russian losses since the beginning of the war against Ukraine are currently estimated to approximately XX,XXX personnel. Source: General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Facebook Details: In addition, the Russian army has already lost XXX tanks, X,XXX armored combat vehicles, XXX artillery systems, XX rocket-propelled grenades, XX anti-aircraft defence systems, XX aircraft, XX helicopters, XXX vehicles, X ships, XX fuel tanks, and X drones. The Ukrainian General Staff reports that these data are still being clarified, as the calculation is complicated by the high intensity of fightings. Background: As of the morning of March X, Russian military personnel losses were estimated at over XX thousand.
Ukraine at UN: Russia is preparing false flag op involving use of biological weapons
OLHA HLUSHCHENKO — FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2022, 03:38 Russia has demanded that the UN Security Council hold a meeting so that it may spread Russia’s propaganda and disinformation claims, and is preparing false flag operations with the use of biological substances. Source: Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Khrystyna Hayovyshyn, cited by Ukrinform Details: Over the past two days, Russia has demanded that the Security Council convene three meetings with the sole purpose of spreading its propaganda and disinformation, which is a deliberate abuse of the UN Security Council’s responsibility to maintain international peace and security. Khrystyna Hayovyshyn, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, stated the above at a meeting of the Security Council convened by Russia to discuss "military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine." Hayovyshyn emphasised that "Ukraine has never ever developed, produced or stored - alone or together with someone else - biological or chemical weapons." Hayovyshyn stated that Ukraine is ready to host a group of international independent experts to ensure the transparency of public health laboratories after Russia stops the full-scale war and withdraws its military personnel. By spreading lies, the Russian Federation is laying the groundwork for further false flag operations involving the use of biological substances, she said. "This is a threat that should be taken seriously. Ukraine calls on the international community to exercise maximum vigilance and to put pressure on Russia in order to prevent the implementation of its insidious plans with the use of biological weapons," added the deputy ambassador.
[ "UN prepared to investigate Olenivka shelling \"all parties permitting\"", "Only correct course of action for Russia is to \"surrender and withdraw\" – Ukraine's representative to UN", "Ukraine at UN: Russia is preparing false flag op involving use of biological weapons", "UN Secretary-General comments on video of execution of Ukrainian soldier: Scary footage", "UN General Assembly adopts resolution on compensation for damage caused by Russia’s aggression", "Ukraine’s Representative addresses UN Security Council: Russia tries to make \"fakes look like facts\"", "Putin's press secretary comments on Russia's decision not to allow UN mission to left bank of Kherson Oblast", "Russia claims nuclear inspectors’ visit to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant through Kyiv too dangerous", "UN report on Olenivka terrorist attack: Use of HIMARS missile fired by Ukraine ruled out", "Russia opposes demilitarisation of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant" ]
Ukraine at UN: Russia is preparing false flag op involving use of biological weapons
[ 1048, 6576, 27456, 20035, 13455, 21316, 7210, 9140, 16064, 4537 ]
OLHA HLUSHCHENKO — FRIDAY, XX OCTOBER XXXX, XX:XX Russia has demanded that the UN Security Council hold a meeting so that it may spread Russia’s propaganda and disinformation claims, and is preparing false flag operations with the use of biological substances. Source: Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Khrystyna Hayovyshyn, cited by Ukrinform Details: Over the past two days, Russia has demanded that the Security Council convene three meetings with the sole purpose of spreading its propaganda and disinformation, which is a deliberate abuse of the UN Security Council’s responsibility to maintain international peace and security. Khrystyna Hayovyshyn, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, stated the above at a meeting of the Security Council convened by Russia to discuss "military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine." Hayovyshyn emphasised that "Ukraine has never ever developed, produced or stored - alone or together with someone else - biological or chemical weapons." Hayovyshyn stated that Ukraine is ready to host a group of international independent experts to ensure the transparency of public health laboratories after Russia stops the full-scale war and withdraws its military personnel. By spreading lies, the Russian Federation is laying the groundwork for further false flag operations involving the use of biological substances, she said. "This is a threat that should be taken seriously. Ukraine calls on the international community to exercise maximum vigilance and to put pressure on Russia in order to prevent the implementation of its insidious plans with the use of biological weapons," added the deputy ambassador.
Kharkiv region: special forces blow up a Russian convoy
SVITLANA KIZILOVA - THURSDAY, 14 APRIL 2022, 08:42 A Ukrainian Special Forces group has blown up a bridge as Russian military equipment was crossing it on its way to Izyum. Source: Special Operations Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The command did not specify the exact date of the start of the operation, only stating that a few days previously, additional Russian equipment was discovered in the Kharkiv region - a Tiger armoured vehicle, one KamAZ truck and three Ural trucks moving towards Izyum to reinforce a grouping of Russian forces. Quote: "Having established the route of the enemy convoy, the Ukrainian Special Forces operatives carried out additional reconnaissance of the object most suitable for an engineered ambush. This was a bridge on the route taken by the enemy's machines. The next step was a painstaking and professional job: determining the location of the charges and calculating the required amount of TNT equivalent. Having planted the explosives in a certain place, the Ukrainian Special Forces operatives waited for the Russian troops, who unsuspectingly drove to meet their death. The bridge, along with the Russian equipment, was blown up according to a specific plan, destroying the occupying forces’ entire convoy. After blowing up the bridge together with Russian convoy that was crossing it, our operatives used a UAV to confirm that the target had been hit. After that, our colleagues from the Ukrainian Defence Forces completed the mission."
[ "Kharkiv region: a man died due to Russian shelling", "Russians shell Kharkiv Oblast; one victim and one wounded", "General Staff: Russian troops blow up X road bridges in Kharkiv Region", "Russians kill another civilian in the Kharkiv region and injure an XX-year-old child", "Kharkiv region: special forces blow up a Russian convoy", "Russians attacked Kupiansk district, killing man ", "Russians attack Kupiansk again, hitting residential buildings", "Kharkiv region: in the city of Derhachi, Russian occupiers fired at the City Council - there are dead and wounded", "Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate more than XX towns and villages in Kharkiv Oblast – Oblast Military Administration", "A third of the XXX former prisoners fighting on Russian side in Kharkiv Oblast are injured or have deserted – General Staff" ]
Kharkiv region: special forces blow up a Russian convoy
[ 4538, 24139, 10750, 20263, 17225, 10764, 26166, 27009, 9122, 10691 ]
SVITLANA KIZILOVA - THURSDAY, XX APRIL XXXX, XX:XX A Ukrainian Special Forces group has blown up a bridge as Russian military equipment was crossing it on its way to Izyum. Source: Special Operations Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The command did not specify the exact date of the start of the operation, only stating that a few days previously, additional Russian equipment was discovered in the Kharkiv region - a Tiger armoured vehicle, one KamAZ truck and three Ural trucks moving towards Izyum to reinforce a grouping of Russian forces. Quote: "Having established the route of the enemy convoy, the Ukrainian Special Forces operatives carried out additional reconnaissance of the object most suitable for an engineered ambush. This was a bridge on the route taken by the enemy's machines. The next step was a painstaking and professional job: determining the location of the charges and calculating the required amount of TNT equivalent. Having planted the explosives in a certain place, the Ukrainian Special Forces operatives waited for the Russian troops, who unsuspectingly drove to meet their death. The bridge, along with the Russian equipment, was blown up according to a specific plan, destroying the occupying forces’ entire convoy. After blowing up the bridge together with Russian convoy that was crossing it, our operatives used a UAV to confirm that the target had been hit. After that, our colleagues from the Ukrainian Defence Forces completed the mission."
Ukrainians will be able to see artefacts from Moskva cruiser on anniversary of its sinking
On the anniversary of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva (14 April 2022 – ed.), the National Military History Museum of Ukraine will unveil a new exhibition of artefacts from the sunken flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Source: ArmyInform Details: Representatives of the museum said at a briefing in Kyiv that the exhibition will include a life preserver and a signal buoy from the sunken cruiser and many other interesting artefacts. An open-air exhibition of destroyed Russian military equipment was arranged in Kyiv in May 2022. An exhibition of war artefacts also opened in the museum, to which the Kyiv Territorial Defence Forces donated the remnants of the first Stugna anti-tank guided missile, which destroyed Russian armoured vehicles. Exhibition projects are currently on tour across Europe, where the items are exhibited near Russian embassies and diplomatic missions. Learn more: Sinking the Moskva: previously undisclosed details. How the Ukrainian Neptune destroyed the flagship of the Russian fleet.
[ "Once they wanted to destroy us with hunger, now with darkness and cold. It's not going to work – Zelenskyy", "Photojournalist Maks Levin found dead", "Ukrainian and Russian forces clashed over XX times over past day – General Staff report", "Armed Forces of Ukraine are killing the invaders on all fronts, the battle for Sievierodonetsk continues - the General Staff report", " Ukraine’s Armed Forces repel Russian attacks near XX settlements in X oblasts", "Ukrainians will be able to see artefacts from Moskva cruiser on anniversary of its sinking ", "Families of fallen Ukrainian defenders ask for meeting with Zelenskyy amid military cemetery problems", "Vinnytsia Officers’ House survived WWII, and it will survive this war too – head of Oblast Military Administration", "National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine: Flooding Kyiv Forums with enemy agents - How to Counteract?", "Surgery under sapper’s supervision: doctors retrieve unexploded VOG grenade out of soldier’s body " ]
Ukrainians will be able to see artefacts from Moskva cruiser on anniversary of its sinking
[ 16216, 12372, 26386, 871, 10861, 19173, 16611, 7533, 19405, 4539 ]
On the anniversary of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva (XX April XXXX – ed.), the National Military History Museum of Ukraine will unveil a new exhibition of artefacts from the sunken flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Source: ArmyInform Details: Representatives of the museum said at a briefing in Kyiv that the exhibition will include a life preserver and a signal buoy from the sunken cruiser and many other interesting artefacts. An open-air exhibition of destroyed Russian military equipment was arranged in Kyiv in May XXXX. An exhibition of war artefacts also opened in the museum, to which the Kyiv Territorial Defence Forces donated the remnants of the first Stugna anti-tank guided missile, which destroyed Russian armoured vehicles. Exhibition projects are currently on tour across Europe, where the items are exhibited near Russian embassies and diplomatic missions. Learn more: Sinking the Moskva: previously undisclosed details. How the Ukrainian Neptune destroyed the flagship of the Russian fleet.
Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation detains former Odesa military draft officer on the run
The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) have detained Yevhen Borysov, former Chief of the Odesa Oblast Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support. Source: Press service of the SBI Details: Borysov was served with a notice of suspicion on Saturday, 22 July, for unlawful enrichment worth hundreds of millions of Ukrainian hryvnias and intentional evasion from service. The former official tried to flee from the investigators, resorting to elements of disguise, i.e. changing his phone numbers, car number plates, and whereabouts. Active searches lasted for two days, and eventually he was identified and detained in Kyiv through extensive operational and investigative measures, the SBI said. Given the former military enlistment officer’s attempts to hide from justice, SBI officers will request that the court remand him in custody without the possibility of bail. Borysov is suspected of: acquisition of assets by a person authorised to perform state functions, the value of which is greater than the 6,500 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, exceeding their legal income; failure to report for service on time without valid reasons by a serviceman committed under martial law, which is a criminal offence; evasion of military service duties by a serviceman using deception committed under martial law. The sanctions of the articles provide for imprisonment for up to 10 years. The investigation is ongoing. Background: A journalistic investigation by Ukrainska Pravda revealed that the military enlistment officer's mother became the owner of a residential building in Spain worth over €4 million last year. In addition to luxury foreign real estate, she also purchased a Mercedes-Benz EQV worth almost UAH 3 million [roughly US$81,000] in 2023. Borysov's mother-in-law has become the owner of an expensive fleet of vehicles in recent years, having no sufficient legitimate funds to do so. This includes a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, a Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG, and a Toyota Land Cruiser. The former official’s wife also purchased another foreign property – office space in Spain worth EUR 737,000, without having sufficient legally obtained assets or income.
[ "Helicopter seized from Ukrainian oligarch is handed over to military", "State Bureau of Investigation hands over helicopter that Motor Sich company wanted to hide from Armed Forces", "Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation searches house of infamous judge Yemelianov", "Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation detains former Odesa military draft officer on the run", "State Bureau of Investigation discloses investigation details on death of Ukrainian soldier on border with Belarus", "State Investigation Bureau detains Makiivka foundry CEO accused of collaborating with Russia since XXXX", "Helicopter crash in Brovary that killed Interior Ministry officials: State Investigation Bureau completes investigation ", "State Bureau of Investigation investigating whether deputy general director of Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant helped Russians seize it", "Dealers try bringing Russian components worth millions of hryvnias to Ukraine – all seized and to be given to army ", "Ukraine's Security Service exposes lieutenant colonel who supports \"Russian world\"" ]
Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation detains former Odesa military draft officer on the run
[ 27487, 22804, 22320, 1210, 4511, 27800, 22076, 4540, 7065, 7746 ]
The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) have detained Yevhen Borysov, former Chief of the Odesa Oblast Territorial Centre for Recruitment and Social Support. Source: Press service of the SBI Details: Borysov was served with a notice of suspicion on Saturday, XX July, for unlawful enrichment worth hundreds of millions of Ukrainian hryvnias and intentional evasion from service. The former official tried to flee from the investigators, resorting to elements of disguise, i.e. changing his phone numbers, car number plates, and whereabouts. Active searches lasted for two days, and eventually he was identified and detained in Kyiv through extensive operational and investigative measures, the SBI said. Given the former military enlistment officer’s attempts to hide from justice, SBI officers will request that the court remand him in custody without the possibility of bail. Borysov is suspected of: acquisition of assets by a person authorised to perform state functions, the value of which is greater than the X,XXX tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, exceeding their legal income; failure to report for service on time without valid reasons by a serviceman committed under martial law, which is a criminal offence; evasion of military service duties by a serviceman using deception committed under martial law. The sanctions of the articles provide for imprisonment for up to XX years. The investigation is ongoing. Background: A journalistic investigation by Ukrainska Pravda revealed that the military enlistment officer's mother became the owner of a residential building in Spain worth over €X million last year. In addition to luxury foreign real estate, she also purchased a Mercedes-Benz EQV worth almost UAH X million [roughly US$XX,XXX] in XXXX. Borysov's mother-in-law has become the owner of an expensive fleet of vehicles in recent years, having no sufficient legitimate funds to do so. This includes a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, a Mercedes-Benz G XX AMG, and a Toyota Land Cruiser. The former official’s wife also purchased another foreign property – office space in Spain worth EUR XXX,XXX, without having sufficient legally obtained assets or income.
Ukrainian Security Forces have accused an opposition MP of high treason
The current people's deputy of Ukraine (MP) was suspected of high treason, according to evidence collected by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the State Bureau of Investigation. Source: Press services State Bureau of Investigation; Security Service of Ukraine; Ukrainska Pravdaʼs interlocutor for law enforcement agencies Details: The Security Forces found that the MP, involved in several convocations of the banned political Opposition Platform "For Life" (according to an Ukrainska Pravda source, it’s Oleksandr Ponomarov - ed.) joined the Russian side at the beginning of the war. On the first day of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, he left Kyiv for occupied Berdiansk. He began cooperating with the Russians to preserve his wealth and businesses in the occupied city. According to operational data, his affiliated businesses still provide premises for the Russian military, providing them with food, fuel, and industrial lubricants. Under his influence, local media broadcast pro-Russian narratives and propaganda, misleading the population of Berdiansk, the State Bureau of Investigation notes. For a long time, the MP remained in Russian occupied territory. There he met with representatives of Russia, armed groups and the Russian controlled administration of the city. He had their support and even received protection. While working with the Russians, the MP visited both Crimea and Russia. Subsequently, he returned to unoccupied Ukraine due to commercial disputes with the Russian occupiers. He was then served a notice declaring him under suspicion of high treason, and handed a request to bring him into custody as a preventative measure. The article prescribes a punishment of up to 15 years of imprisonment along with the confiscation of property. It is reported that searches continue at the MP's home and his offices, along with searches of the premises of people who helped him carry out his activities in occupied territory.
[ "Ukraine's Security Service seizes assets of traitor MP from Opposition Platform – For Life party worth US$XX.X million ", "Ukraine's Security Service exposes lieutenant colonel who supports \"Russian world\"", "Former head of Ukrainian Security Service in Crimea to stand trial for high treason", "Ukraine's Security Service exposes resident of western Ukraine on high treason", "Court arrests MP Ponomariov who is suspected of treason", "Ex-major general of Ukraine's Security Service sentenced for treason", "Ukraine's Security Service captures Russian agent exposing defenders' positions near Bakhmut and Avdiivka ", "Ukrainian Security Forces have accused an opposition MP of high treason", "Ukraine's Security Service collects evidence of treason committed by pro-Russian TV presenter ", "New evidence against \"mole\" Kulinich made public" ]
Ukrainian Security Forces have accused an opposition MP of high treason
[ 24273, 20666, 22320, 15336, 6761, 6163, 5772, 19573, 1157, 4541 ]
The current people's deputy of Ukraine (MP) was suspected of high treason, according to evidence collected by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the State Bureau of Investigation. Source: Press services State Bureau of Investigation; Security Service of Ukraine; Ukrainska Pravdaʼs interlocutor for law enforcement agencies Details: The Security Forces found that the MP, involved in several convocations of the banned political Opposition Platform "For Life" (according to an Ukrainska Pravda source, it’s Oleksandr Ponomarov - ed.) joined the Russian side at the beginning of the war. On the first day of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, he left Kyiv for occupied Berdiansk. He began cooperating with the Russians to preserve his wealth and businesses in the occupied city. According to operational data, his affiliated businesses still provide premises for the Russian military, providing them with food, fuel, and industrial lubricants. Under his influence, local media broadcast pro-Russian narratives and propaganda, misleading the population of Berdiansk, the State Bureau of Investigation notes. For a long time, the MP remained in Russian occupied territory. There he met with representatives of Russia, armed groups and the Russian controlled administration of the city. He had their support and even received protection. While working with the Russians, the MP visited both Crimea and Russia. Subsequently, he returned to unoccupied Ukraine due to commercial disputes with the Russian occupiers. He was then served a notice declaring him under suspicion of high treason, and handed a request to bring him into custody as a preventative measure. The article prescribes a punishment of up to XX years of imprisonment along with the confiscation of property. It is reported that searches continue at the MP's home and his offices, along with searches of the premises of people who helped him carry out his activities in occupied territory.
Zaporizhzhya journalist returns home after being kept prisoner by Russians
Kateryna Tyshchenko - Monday, 11 April 2022, 23:55 Zaporizhzhia journalist Iryna Dubchenko has returned home after being kept prisoner by the Russian forces. Source: Oleksandra Dubchenko, the journalist’s sister, on Facebook; Kostiantyn Aleksieienko, Zaporizhzhia journalist, on Facebook According to Oleksandra Dubchenko (her sister): "My dearest Iryna Dubchenko is here with me, at home. It's all over. Thank you all!" Details: At the same time, a colleague and friend of Iryna Dubchenko, Kostiantyn Aleksieienko, said that the journalist was already at home in Zaporizhzhia. "Iryna was first taken to the Ministry of State Security in Donetsk. She had a fabricated charge against her and she was supposed to face the court, and then she would have been convicted for a long term of imprisonment. But ... then she was transferred to Starobeshov at the last moment. She was kept in a cell with volunteers and wives of Ukrainian servicemen," he wrote. Aleksieienko said Dubchenko was released on Friday, but the information was not made public until she was safe with her family. "She is fine. She is cheerful, healthy and she even makes jokes," the journalist said. Background: On 26 March, the Russian military personnel detained Zaporizhzhia journalist Iryna Dubchenko and took her to occupied Donetsk to "conduct investigations."
[ "Convoys hit and soldier captured: Chief of Armed Forces of Ukraine posts video of liberation of Piatykhatky", "Zaporizhzhia: Lines built to protect the city", "Clearing rubble after attack on Zaporizhzhia: XXX tonnes of wreckage removed, X bodies recovered", "Zaporizhzhia Military Administration: Russian troops prepare to seize people’s land", "Russians hold XXX residents of Zaporizhzhia Oblast in captivity", "Zaporizhzhya journalist returns home after being kept prisoner by Russians", "A special camp for Russian prisoners of war was created in the west of Ukraine - Minister of Justice of Ukraine ", "Exchange of prisoners of war with Russia is frozen – Headquarters for Prisoners", "Russians start to intimidate Zaporizhzhia residents with executions — Mayor of Melitopol", "Russians attack Zaporizhzhia, people may be trapped under rubble" ]
Zaporizhzhya journalist returns home after being kept prisoner by Russians
[ 13885, 25946, 7563, 17994, 21732, 10574, 11307, 21295, 17779, 4542 ]
Kateryna Tyshchenko - Monday, XX April XXXX, XX:XX Zaporizhzhia journalist Iryna Dubchenko has returned home after being kept prisoner by the Russian forces. Source: Oleksandra Dubchenko, the journalist’s sister, on Facebook; Kostiantyn Aleksieienko, Zaporizhzhia journalist, on Facebook According to Oleksandra Dubchenko (her sister): "My dearest Iryna Dubchenko is here with me, at home. It's all over. Thank you all!" Details: At the same time, a colleague and friend of Iryna Dubchenko, Kostiantyn Aleksieienko, said that the journalist was already at home in Zaporizhzhia. "Iryna was first taken to the Ministry of State Security in Donetsk. She had a fabricated charge against her and she was supposed to face the court, and then she would have been convicted for a long term of imprisonment. But ... then she was transferred to Starobeshov at the last moment. She was kept in a cell with volunteers and wives of Ukrainian servicemen," he wrote. Aleksieienko said Dubchenko was released on Friday, but the information was not made public until she was safe with her family. "She is fine. She is cheerful, healthy and she even makes jokes," the journalist said. Background: On XX March, the Russian military personnel detained Zaporizhzhia journalist Iryna Dubchenko and took her to occupied Donetsk to "conduct investigations."
Head of the State Border Service checked Kharkiv Oblast areas bordering Russia
The head of the State Border Service, Serhii Deineko, inspected the positions on the areas of Kharkiv Oblast bordering Russia. Source: State Border Service Details: It is noted that he checked the state borderline’s cover and defence capabilities, heard reports of unit leaders and talked to fighters. Deineko noted that this front remains difficult and important.
[ "Border guards destroy nine Russian vehicles in Kharkiv Oblast", "Russia chooses Krasnodar mayor to be \"head\" of occupied Kharkiv region", "In Kharkiv region, mayor admits to handing over city to occupiers", "Russian troops urge collaborators to kidnap kids", "Russia is shelling the border area in two oblasts of Ukraine, hitting its own territory and threatening the area with aircraft", "Occupiers prepare to resume offensive in Izium region - Oblast State Administration", "Russians launch missile strike on Lozova community", "Kharkiv Oblast: Over X,XXX civilians killed since the beginning of Russia’s invasion", "In Kharkiv region, Russian advance halted, invaders incur heavy losses", "Head of the State Border Service checked Kharkiv Oblast areas bordering Russia " ]
Head of the State Border Service checked Kharkiv Oblast areas bordering Russia
[ 3947, 10868, 4060, 24410, 13081, 13072, 2116, 30833, 7959, 4543 ]
The head of the State Border Service, Serhii Deineko, inspected the positions on the areas of Kharkiv Oblast bordering Russia. Source: State Border Service Details: It is noted that he checked the state borderline’s cover and defence capabilities, heard reports of unit leaders and talked to fighters. Deineko noted that this front remains difficult and important.
Ukrainian border guards confirm Wagnerites leaving Belarus
Ukrainian border guards and intelligence have observed the outflow of Russian mercenaries from the territory of Belarus. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service (SBGS), in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda Details: The officer said there has been a certain outflow of Wagnerites from Belarus lately. The SBGS expects that it may intensify following the news from Russia about the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC). Quote: "We have observed that the number of representatives of the Wagner PMC in the Republic of Belarus has recently fallen. And this situation existed even before yesterday. Therefore, like before, they do not pose a significant threat to our country. And given yesterday's events in Russia, the further stay of the Wagnerites in Belarus may be questionable. We also note that the outflow of Russian mercenaries from Belarus is ongoing." Previously: A camp of Wagnerites is undergoing active dismantling in the village of Ceľ near Asipovičy in Belarus, as evidenced by satellite imagery from Planet Labs. Background: On the evening of 23 August, a small plane crashed in Russia’s Tver Oblast, and the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency claimed that Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group, was on board. The Grey Zone Telegram channel, which is close to the Wagner Group, claimed that Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane had been shot down by air defence fire. They also said a terrorist attack on board is being considered as a line of enquiry regarding the crash of Prigozhin's plane. The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency has posted a full list of the passengers on the plane that crashed in Russia’s Tver Oblast on the evening of 23 August, with Yevgeny Prigozhin noted to be there. The Russian media saw a certain symbolism in the fact that the plane crash occurred on 23 August, exactly two months after the Wagner Group’s mutiny [Prigozhin announced his "march for justice" on the evening of 23 June – ed.]. Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin was taking revenge for the humiliation caused by the Wagner Group mutiny and ordered the assassination of their leadership. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had nothing to do with the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin in Russia.
[ "Wagner PMC continues to arrive in Belarus but does not pose threat yet – State Border Guard Service", "Thirteenth Wagner Group convoy enters Belarus", "Belarus might deploy up to X,XXX Wagner Group fighters but Ukraine's defence forces prepare accordingly", "Wagnirets currently deployed in Belarus pose no threat to Ukraine – State Border Guard ", "Border guards on Wagnerites in Belarus: They're aggravating situation", "Border guards deny deployment of bases for Wagner fighters in Belarus", "Wagnerites in Belarus: Ukrainian border guards track movements of Russian mercenaries ", "Ukrainian border guards confirm Wagnerites leaving Belarus", "State Border Guard Service specifies how many Wagner fighters arrived in Belarus", "Clash occurs between Wagnerites and border guards in Belarus – National Resistance Center" ]
Ukrainian border guards confirm Wagnerites leaving Belarus
[ 24606, 28479, 12263, 19734, 21962, 17412, 4544, 5727, 3968, 27509 ]
Ukrainian border guards and intelligence have observed the outflow of Russian mercenaries from the territory of Belarus. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service (SBGS), in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda Details: The officer said there has been a certain outflow of Wagnerites from Belarus lately. The SBGS expects that it may intensify following the news from Russia about the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC). Quote: "We have observed that the number of representatives of the Wagner PMC in the Republic of Belarus has recently fallen. And this situation existed even before yesterday. Therefore, like before, they do not pose a significant threat to our country. And given yesterday's events in Russia, the further stay of the Wagnerites in Belarus may be questionable. We also note that the outflow of Russian mercenaries from Belarus is ongoing." Previously: A camp of Wagnerites is undergoing active dismantling in the village of Ceľ near Asipovičy in Belarus, as evidenced by satellite imagery from Planet Labs. Background: On the evening of XX August, a small plane crashed in Russia’s Tver Oblast, and the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency claimed that Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group, was on board. The Grey Zone Telegram channel, which is close to the Wagner Group, claimed that Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane had been shot down by air defence fire. They also said a terrorist attack on board is being considered as a line of enquiry regarding the crash of Prigozhin's plane. The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency has posted a full list of the passengers on the plane that crashed in Russia’s Tver Oblast on the evening of XX August, with Yevgeny Prigozhin noted to be there. The Russian media saw a certain symbolism in the fact that the plane crash occurred on XX August, exactly two months after the Wagner Group’s mutiny [Prigozhin announced his "march for justice" on the evening of XX June – ed.]. Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin was taking revenge for the humiliation caused by the Wagner Group mutiny and ordered the assassination of their leadership. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had nothing to do with the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin in Russia.
Russians might detonate explosives at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — THURSDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2022, 12:19The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine believes it possible that Russian occupation forces might detonate explosives at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in order to permanently disable it and accuse Ukraine of the resulting man-made disaster. Source: Brigadier General Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during his briefing on 27 OctoberQuote from Hromov: "Given the lack of humanity and observance of international conventions by the so-called ‘world’s second army’, as well as the pathological lying by all Kremlin politicians and propagandists, the enemy may make ‘difficult decisions’. It is highly likely that during the retreat, the enemy, in addition to mass evacuation, may resort to a series of terrorist attacks involving blowing up residential areas, turning the temporarily occupied territory into scorched earth and causing critical damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine’s retaken territories. Taking into account the Russian Federation’s latest fake news about a so-called ‘dirty bomb’, it also cannot be ruled out that the occupiers may organise explosions at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant with the aim of finally putting it out of action and provoking a local man-made disaster, with Ukraine being accused of doing this. The consequences of such a disaster at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, even predicted by the Russian military during the meeting with the attaché, were taking into account the direction of the wind and, accordingly, the spread of threats – in the western direction. Which also indicates that the occupiers are preparing another crime against humanity." Details: Answering journalists' questions, Hromov noted that while some of the Russian forces have withdrawn from the ZNPP, new units have been deployed there. He explained that there are no indications that the Russians are planning to leave the power plant.Previously: Russian propagandists have begun to spread the message that "specialists of the Ukrainian enterprise Pivdenmash have prepared a dummy rocket, which is planned to be filled with radioactive material and then allegedly brought down over the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant." Background: Earlier, Russian propagandists have been spreading rumours that Ukraine is preparing to blow up the so-called "dirty bomb" in order to then accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction and turn the whole world against Moscow. Since 23 October, Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, has been telling his colleagues from other countries that Ukraine is allegedly preparing a false flag operation involving a "dirty bomb". Shoigu and the head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, are telling their colleagues in the West and in Asia about the "provocation" allegedly planned by Ukraine. The USA, Britain and France rejected the Russian Federation's accusations that Ukraine is preparing to detonate a "dirty bomb" as false. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, suggested that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) send a mission to Ukraine to refute Moscow's fabrications about Ukraine’s alleged preparations to detonate a "dirty bomb".
[ "Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Russian targets in Kharkiv and Kherson oblasts – General Staff report", "General Staff: Russian missiles hit X Ukrainian Regions on Tuesday", "Defence Forces hold back Russian offensive near Marinka – General Staff", "Russians unsuccessfully offensive operations on X fronts, XX combat clashes occurred – General Staff report", "Ukrainian defenders strike X Russian artillery units at firing positions – General Staff Report", "Russians might detonate explosives at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", "Armed Forces of Ukraine kill another XXX occupiers in XX hours – General Staff", "General Staff summary: Ukrainian Armed Forces strike Russians in Chornobaivka", "Russia's losses: at least XXX soldiers and X tanks in one day", "Ukraine's aircraft launch X strikes on Russian anti-aircraft systems – General Staff report" ]
Russians might detonate explosives at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
[ 3283, 11967, 25475, 11984, 23666, 19831, 12055, 19772, 0, 4545 ]
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — THURSDAY, XX OCTOBER XXXX, XX:XXThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine believes it possible that Russian occupation forces might detonate explosives at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in order to permanently disable it and accuse Ukraine of the resulting man-made disaster. Source: Brigadier General Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during his briefing on XX OctoberQuote from Hromov: "Given the lack of humanity and observance of international conventions by the so-called ‘world’s second army’, as well as the pathological lying by all Kremlin politicians and propagandists, the enemy may make ‘difficult decisions’. It is highly likely that during the retreat, the enemy, in addition to mass evacuation, may resort to a series of terrorist attacks involving blowing up residential areas, turning the temporarily occupied territory into scorched earth and causing critical damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine’s retaken territories. Taking into account the Russian Federation’s latest fake news about a so-called ‘dirty bomb’, it also cannot be ruled out that the occupiers may organise explosions at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant with the aim of finally putting it out of action and provoking a local man-made disaster, with Ukraine being accused of doing this. The consequences of such a disaster at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, even predicted by the Russian military during the meeting with the attaché, were taking into account the direction of the wind and, accordingly, the spread of threats – in the western direction. Which also indicates that the occupiers are preparing another crime against humanity." Details: Answering journalists' questions, Hromov noted that while some of the Russian forces have withdrawn from the ZNPP, new units have been deployed there. He explained that there are no indications that the Russians are planning to leave the power plant.Previously: Russian propagandists have begun to spread the message that "specialists of the Ukrainian enterprise Pivdenmash have prepared a dummy rocket, which is planned to be filled with radioactive material and then allegedly brought down over the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant." Background: Earlier, Russian propagandists have been spreading rumours that Ukraine is preparing to blow up the so-called "dirty bomb" in order to then accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction and turn the whole world against Moscow. Since XX October, Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, has been telling his colleagues from other countries that Ukraine is allegedly preparing a false flag operation involving a "dirty bomb". Shoigu and the head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, are telling their colleagues in the West and in Asia about the "provocation" allegedly planned by Ukraine. The USA, Britain and France rejected the Russian Federation's accusations that Ukraine is preparing to detonate a "dirty bomb" as false. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, suggested that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) send a mission to Ukraine to refute Moscow's fabrications about Ukraine’s alleged preparations to detonate a "dirty bomb".
More military at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant than station personnel
Russia has so much increased the number of troops at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant [ZNPP – ed.] captured more than a year ago that there are already more of them than the station personnel. Source: National Resistance Center of Ukraine Quote: "The invaders are increasing their military presence at the ZNPP in Enerhodar. As of now, there are already more Russian military men at the ZNPP than personnel working at the station. Thus, the invaders escalate the situation in order to continue to conduct nuclear blackmail. " Details: National Resistance Center notes that the Russians are turning the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant into a military base. Recently, it was revealed that the invaders are preparing a preliminary plan for the evacuation of Rosatom workers at the captured ZNPP (Rosatom is Russian state company that runs all nuclear power plants in this country – ed.) Collaborators and Rosatom employees, who were brought by the Russians, were warned that a forced evacuation could begin soon and therefore they should provide a list of relatives and be ready to leave at the first signal. Quote: "The occupiers kidnap employees of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant for ‘preventive conversations’ in torture chambers, so that they agree to take passports of the Russian Federation. Thus, the enemy created a pocket professional union, which must be forcibly joined by all employees of the station, and for admission it is necessary to obtain an enemy passport. All dissenters are taken out and tortured. " Earlier: On 16 May, Energoatom reported that the number of armed invaders in the Zaporizhzhia NPP occupied by Russians has significantly increased: now there are more than 2,500 personnel of the Russian military at the station. In addition, the invaders tighten the rules for the work and stay of workers at the facility almost daily: nuclear scientists are not even allowed to communicate with each other.
[ "Russians disguise traces of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant shelling, workers banned from bringing phones", "More military at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant than station personnel ", "Occupiers kidnap deputy mayor of Enerhodar – Enerhodar City Council", "Russia threatens to stop Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", "Russians attack Enerhodar, electricity and water partially disappear", "Russian forces continue to shell Enerhodar, civilians prevented from evacuating – Enerhodar Mayor", "Zaporizhzhia NPP completely without power because of Russian attacks ", "Murashov no longer to be Director of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", "Attack on Enerhodar: Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant worker killed", "Russia cuts off external power to ZNPP" ]
More military at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant than station personnel
[ 17995, 5489, 2918, 30406, 9956, 18017, 25478, 11880, 4546, 8031 ]
Russia has so much increased the number of troops at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant [ZNPP – ed.] captured more than a year ago that there are already more of them than the station personnel. Source: National Resistance Center of Ukraine Quote: "The invaders are increasing their military presence at the ZNPP in Enerhodar. As of now, there are already more Russian military men at the ZNPP than personnel working at the station. Thus, the invaders escalate the situation in order to continue to conduct nuclear blackmail. " Details: National Resistance Center notes that the Russians are turning the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant into a military base. Recently, it was revealed that the invaders are preparing a preliminary plan for the evacuation of Rosatom workers at the captured ZNPP (Rosatom is Russian state company that runs all nuclear power plants in this country – ed.) Collaborators and Rosatom employees, who were brought by the Russians, were warned that a forced evacuation could begin soon and therefore they should provide a list of relatives and be ready to leave at the first signal. Quote: "The occupiers kidnap employees of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant for ‘preventive conversations’ in torture chambers, so that they agree to take passports of the Russian Federation. Thus, the enemy created a pocket professional union, which must be forcibly joined by all employees of the station, and for admission it is necessary to obtain an enemy passport. All dissenters are taken out and tortured. " Earlier: On XX May, Energoatom reported that the number of armed invaders in the Zaporizhzhia NPP occupied by Russians has significantly increased: now there are more than X,XXX personnel of the Russian military at the station. In addition, the invaders tighten the rules for the work and stay of workers at the facility almost daily: nuclear scientists are not even allowed to communicate with each other.
Zelenskyy calls on world to punish Putin for ecocide: Lives broken, ecosystems destroyed
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has addressed representatives of the international environmental community and called on them to help Ukraine overcome the consequences of the Russians’ destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) and flooding in the south of Ukraine. Source: President’s Office Quote: "This Russian crime of ecocide is the largest in Europe in decades, but apparently, the Russian occupiers have decided to further aggravate its consequences. In the occupied part of the territory, where about a dozen settlements are flooded, no evacuation is being carried out at all. People have been staying on rooftops, trapped in water for two days, without drinking water, without food or medical care. We do not know the number of dead and injured yet. Literally every hour, we are establishing more and more details about the damage Russia has caused by this disaster. In more than thirty settlements, life is ruined. For hundreds of thousands of people in many towns and villages, access to drinking water has been greatly impeded. Due to the destruction of the dam, fuel depots, warehouses containing chemicals, warehouses containing fertilisers, and animal burial grounds, including at least two "anthrax burials" - both in the temporarily occupied territory - have been flooded. We do not know what has happened to them now. Where there was no centralised sewage system, sewage is already in the water that covers everything... The number of ecosystems that have been destroyed or pushed to the brink of extinction by this Russian terrorist act is already in the thousands. More than fifty thousand hectares of forests have been flooded, and at least half of them will die. Tens of thousands of birds and at least twenty thousand wild animals are at risk of death. Obviously, the Kakhovka reservoir has been turned into a huge graveyard for millions of living beings." Details: Zelenskyy emphasised that the situation "is extremely difficult" and that this is not a natural disaster or a manifestation of the climate crisis, "this disaster is Putin" and his orders. The president explained that Russia has a direct interest in this catastrophe. The president noted that so far there is no answer to how all this can be overcome. Ukraine will continue to do everything possible to save as many people as possible, and it needs the support of the world in this. International organisations have begun to help in the territory controlled by Kyiv, but pressure also needs to be put on them to help in the occupied territory, Zelenskyy said. Quote: "Just as we have established special Expert Groups to promote sanctions and security guarantees for Ukraine, so we are establishing an Expert Group that will primarily focus on consolidating the world so that Russia is fully responsible for the ecocide and so that our country is not left alone with this tragedy - the ecocide. I am sure that with sufficient leadership in the world, the appropriate tools can be created." Details: Zelenskyy added that only joint efforts can ensure that the flooded area does not become a desert, a ruin or a dead zone after this disaster. He stressed that pollution and poison from the flood zone are rapidly entering the groundwater, poisoning rivers, and from there entering the Black Sea basin: "That is, there is no destruction of nature ‘somewhere out there’ – everything in the world is highly interconnected." The president therefore called on representatives of the global environmental community to spread the truth about the Russian ecocide and to urge countries and international organisations to act.
[ "XX settlements still flooded on Dnipro’s right bank in Kherson Oblast ", "Zelensky on capture of Kakhovka power plant: There is an investigation and there will be conclusions", "Red Cross should save people in flooded occupied territories − Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy calls on world to punish Putin for ecocide: Lives broken, ecosystems destroyed", "International Criminal Court begins investigation on destruction of Kakhovka HPP, representatives visit Kherson Oblast – Zelenskyy", "Kakhovka dam must be repaired – Zelenskyy", "The blowing up of the Kakhovka HPP: the number of dead and missing in Kherson Oblast has increased", "Zelenskyy visited the flooded south", "Zelenskyy on difference between damaging ammonia pipeline and blowing up Kakhovka power plant", "Zelenskyy says it may be Russia that will be left devastated after Putin, but not Ukraine" ]
Zelenskyy calls on world to punish Putin for ecocide: Lives broken, ecosystems destroyed
[ 7359, 4309, 11947, 13480, 14400, 7079, 15426, 4767, 4547, 11407 ]
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has addressed representatives of the international environmental community and called on them to help Ukraine overcome the consequences of the Russians’ destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) and flooding in the south of Ukraine. Source: President’s Office Quote: "This Russian crime of ecocide is the largest in Europe in decades, but apparently, the Russian occupiers have decided to further aggravate its consequences. In the occupied part of the territory, where about a dozen settlements are flooded, no evacuation is being carried out at all. People have been staying on rooftops, trapped in water for two days, without drinking water, without food or medical care. We do not know the number of dead and injured yet. Literally every hour, we are establishing more and more details about the damage Russia has caused by this disaster. In more than thirty settlements, life is ruined. For hundreds of thousands of people in many towns and villages, access to drinking water has been greatly impeded. Due to the destruction of the dam, fuel depots, warehouses containing chemicals, warehouses containing fertilisers, and animal burial grounds, including at least two "anthrax burials" - both in the temporarily occupied territory - have been flooded. We do not know what has happened to them now. Where there was no centralised sewage system, sewage is already in the water that covers everything... The number of ecosystems that have been destroyed or pushed to the brink of extinction by this Russian terrorist act is already in the thousands. More than fifty thousand hectares of forests have been flooded, and at least half of them will die. Tens of thousands of birds and at least twenty thousand wild animals are at risk of death. Obviously, the Kakhovka reservoir has been turned into a huge graveyard for millions of living beings." Details: Zelenskyy emphasised that the situation "is extremely difficult" and that this is not a natural disaster or a manifestation of the climate crisis, "this disaster is Putin" and his orders. The president explained that Russia has a direct interest in this catastrophe. The president noted that so far there is no answer to how all this can be overcome. Ukraine will continue to do everything possible to save as many people as possible, and it needs the support of the world in this. International organisations have begun to help in the territory controlled by Kyiv, but pressure also needs to be put on them to help in the occupied territory, Zelenskyy said. Quote: "Just as we have established special Expert Groups to promote sanctions and security guarantees for Ukraine, so we are establishing an Expert Group that will primarily focus on consolidating the world so that Russia is fully responsible for the ecocide and so that our country is not left alone with this tragedy - the ecocide. I am sure that with sufficient leadership in the world, the appropriate tools can be created." Details: Zelenskyy added that only joint efforts can ensure that the flooded area does not become a desert, a ruin or a dead zone after this disaster. He stressed that pollution and poison from the flood zone are rapidly entering the groundwater, poisoning rivers, and from there entering the Black Sea basin: "That is, there is no destruction of nature ‘somewhere out there’ – everything in the world is highly interconnected." The president therefore called on representatives of the global environmental community to spread the truth about the Russian ecocide and to urge countries and international organisations to act.
Russians attempt broadcasting radio propaganda in Kharkiv region
Russians in Kharkiv Oblast have attempted to spread propaganda through airwaves after a blackout. Source: Oleh Syniehubov, the Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Quote: "Russians continue terrorizing Ukrainian people on the informational front as well. After criminally powering down the Kharkiv region they have been trying to spread their deceitful propagandistic appeals on our airwaves." Details: Syniehubov called upon the residents of Kharkiv Oblast to only trust official information and ignore "pathetic provocations by the Russians."
[ "Monument to \"Chekist No. X\" Dzerzhinsky installed in Moscow again", "Security Service of Ukraine investigates prayers for Russia at Kyiv’s Monastery of the Caves", "RT sacks propagandist TV host for suggesting Ukrainian children should be drowned in river", "We don't need them – President's Office on assassination attempt on propagandist Simonyan and TV presenter Sobchak ", "Propagandists claim not only murdered propagandist Tatarsky received suspicious statuette", "Russian propagandists falsely claim fighting is taking place in Kharkiv Oblast in the wake of Wagner Group mutiny in Russia", "\"Grandmother with USSR flag\" curses the Russian army because it destroyed her house", "Russians attempt broadcasting radio propaganda in Kharkiv region", "Russia holds Immortal Regiment demonstration in Africa", "Russian troops record fake videos about allegedly giving aid to Kharkiv region residents" ]
Russians attempt broadcasting radio propaganda in Kharkiv region
[ 14560, 26438, 8571, 4808, 12492, 20868, 4913, 14948, 1494, 4548 ]
Russians in Kharkiv Oblast have attempted to spread propaganda through airwaves after a blackout. Source: Oleh Syniehubov, the Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Quote: "Russians continue terrorizing Ukrainian people on the informational front as well. After criminally powering down the Kharkiv region they have been trying to spread their deceitful propagandistic appeals on our airwaves." Details: Syniehubov called upon the residents of Kharkiv Oblast to only trust official information and ignore "pathetic provocations by the Russians."
Task completed, but no reasons for excitement – Deputy Minister of Defence on situation on left bank in Kherson Oblast
Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar says that there are no reasons for excitement around the situation on the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast. Source: Maliar on Telegram Quote: "The excitement sowed by the experts has started [to spread] again around the left bank [of the Dnipro River] in Kherson Oblast. There is no reason for excitement. I've just returned from that place. In order to land there and not be destroyed, and even to gain a foothold, we need to clear up the territory and push back the enemy. We take care of [our] people, so we deliver counter-battery [fire]. Yes, certain units have completed a certain task there. This is predictable, because our goal is to reclaim all the temporarily occupied territories, so we are using this opportunity everywhere ." Background: On 9 August, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said Ukrainian forces probably carried out a limited raid across the Dnipro River and landed on Kherson Oblast’s eastern bank. However, it is currently unclear whether the Ukrainian military managed to gain any ground on the river’s left bank. Hanna Maliar did not confirm it.
[ "“Thank you, boys” and happy children: General Staff shows how Ukraine’s Armed Forces are greeted in Kherson Oblast", "Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate Kyselivka, only Chornobaivka separates them from Kherson – Kherson Oblast Council", "Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate around X,XXX square km in southern Ukraine in XX hours", "More settlements liberated in the Kherson region: Ukrainian forces publish video", "Task completed, but no reasons for excitement – Deputy Minister of Defence on situation on left bank in Kherson Oblast", "The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated Vysokopillia in Kherson Oblast – Office of the President", "Russian occupation forces remain in Nova Kakhovka – General Staff", "Some villages in Kherson Oblast completely destroyed; authorities help with essential needs", "XX settlements liberated in Kherson Oblast", "Electricity restored in liberated part of Kherson Oblast" ]
Task completed, but no reasons for excitement – Deputy Minister of Defence on situation on left bank in Kherson Oblast
[ 12791, 8397, 19305, 2811, 226, 30098, 19089, 3482, 10762, 4549 ]
Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar says that there are no reasons for excitement around the situation on the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast. Source: Maliar on Telegram Quote: "The excitement sowed by the experts has started [to spread] again around the left bank [of the Dnipro River] in Kherson Oblast. There is no reason for excitement. I've just returned from that place. In order to land there and not be destroyed, and even to gain a foothold, we need to clear up the territory and push back the enemy. We take care of [our] people, so we deliver counter-battery [fire]. Yes, certain units have completed a certain task there. This is predictable, because our goal is to reclaim all the temporarily occupied territories, so we are using this opportunity everywhere ." Background: On X August, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said Ukrainian forces probably carried out a limited raid across the Dnipro River and landed on Kherson Oblast’s eastern bank. However, it is currently unclear whether the Ukrainian military managed to gain any ground on the river’s left bank. Hanna Maliar did not confirm it.
Ukraine's defenders defeat 72nd Russian brigade near Bakhmut, liberate territory and capture prisoners
Defenders of the 3rd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated the units of the 72nd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces near the city of Bakhmut, liberated part of the territory and captured the occupiers. Source: 3rd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Telegram, Andrii Biletskyi, the founder and first commander of the Azov Regiment and the leader of the National Corps, on Telegram Quote from Biletskyi: "As a result of the offensive actions of the 3rd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, units of the 72nd Brigade of the Russian Federation were defeated. In fact, the 6th and 8th companies of this brigade were completely destroyed. Brigade reconnaissance was suppressed, a significant number of armoured combat vehicles were destroyed, and a significant number of prisoners were captured. The so-called 3rd Assault Detachment of the Wagner PMC [Private Military Company – ed.] suffered heavy losses. Offensive actions were conducted in a strip 3 kilometres wide and 2 kilometres and 600 metres deep. All this territory is completely liberated from the Russian occupying forces." Details: Biletskyi said that it is a great honour for him to fight and command the soldiers of the 3rd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The information was also confirmed by the Ukrainian brigade: "Prigozhin's report about the escape of the 72nd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces from near Bakhmut and the ‘500 corpses’ of Russians who remained there is true." The defenders reported that during two days of offensive operations on the southwestern outskirts of Bakhmut, the attack aircraft of the 3rd Assault Brigade as part of the Azov tactical group killed 64 occupiers, and another 87 halfway towards the previously mentioned ones (fighting is ongoing, the data is being updated). Among all of them there are also Wagnerites. Quote from the 3rd Assault Brigade "Also, as of now, we have captured five Russians. The destroyed Russian equipment deserves special attention. These are several formations of the enemy's ammunition storage points, mortars and a few infantry fighting vehicles." Background: On 9 May, Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of Wagner Group, said that one of the units of the Russian Armed Forces had left its positions in the area of the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast. Prigozhin stated that "everyone fled and denuded a front almost 2 kilometres wide and 500 metres deep".
[ "Ukraine's Armed Forces post video of street fight in Bakhmut", "Xrd Separate Assault Brigade takes prisoner commander of Russian volunteer battalion", "Russians completely lose opportunities for counteroffensive south of Bakhmut", "Ukraine's defenders defeat XXnd Russian brigade near Bakhmut, liberate territory and capture prisoners", "Ukrainian commander says Wagner Group fighters were the first to flee in Bakhmut", "A drug addict, an officer and a “descendant of the Cossacks”: Azov presents their latest Russian captives", "Azov founder about toughest opponent they fought near Andriivka", "Ukraine's Xrd Separate Assault Brigade posts video of Russian troops being taken prisoner near Bakhmut", "Soldiers from Xrd Assault Brigade push occupiers back X.X km into frontline near Bakhmut", "Liberation of Andriivka: Xrd Brigade's assault troops release unique GoPro footage" ]
Ukraine's defenders defeat XXnd Russian brigade near Bakhmut, liberate territory and capture prisoners
[ 3200, 3612, 18437, 3246, 26789, 15796, 12358, 11555, 23958, 4550 ]
Defenders of the Xrd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated the units of the XXnd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces near the city of Bakhmut, liberated part of the territory and captured the occupiers. Source: Xrd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Telegram, Andrii Biletskyi, the founder and first commander of the Azov Regiment and the leader of the National Corps, on Telegram Quote from Biletskyi: "As a result of the offensive actions of the Xrd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, units of the XXnd Brigade of the Russian Federation were defeated. In fact, the Xth and Xth companies of this brigade were completely destroyed. Brigade reconnaissance was suppressed, a significant number of armoured combat vehicles were destroyed, and a significant number of prisoners were captured. The so-called Xrd Assault Detachment of the Wagner PMC [Private Military Company – ed.] suffered heavy losses. Offensive actions were conducted in a strip X kilometres wide and X kilometres and XXX metres deep. All this territory is completely liberated from the Russian occupying forces." Details: Biletskyi said that it is a great honour for him to fight and command the soldiers of the Xrd Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The information was also confirmed by the Ukrainian brigade: "Prigozhin's report about the escape of the XXnd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces from near Bakhmut and the ‘XXX corpses’ of Russians who remained there is true." The defenders reported that during two days of offensive operations on the southwestern outskirts of Bakhmut, the attack aircraft of the Xrd Assault Brigade as part of the Azov tactical group killed XX occupiers, and another XX halfway towards the previously mentioned ones (fighting is ongoing, the data is being updated). Among all of them there are also Wagnerites. Quote from the Xrd Assault Brigade "Also, as of now, we have captured five Russians. The destroyed Russian equipment deserves special attention. These are several formations of the enemy's ammunition storage points, mortars and a few infantry fighting vehicles." Background: On X May, Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of Wagner Group, said that one of the units of the Russian Armed Forces had left its positions in the area of the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast. Prigozhin stated that "everyone fled and denuded a front almost X kilometres wide and XXX metres deep".
Russians attack Kherson Oblast killing a woman
At least one person was killed and another wounded as a result of the Russian attack on the village of Zelenivka in Kherson Oblast. Source: Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Prokudin: "The Russians attacked Zelenivka, causing civilian casualties. Unfortunately, an 80-year-old woman was killed and a 69-year-old woman was wounded in the attack." Details: Prokudin has added that emergency services are at the scene.
[ "Russian airstrike damages house and kills man in Beryslav", "Russians attack Beryslav district of Kherson Oblast, injuring X people", "Russians kill X person and wound XX in Kherson Oblast over the past day", "Russians struck car near Kherson in morning, killing its driver", "Russians shell residential buildings in Kherson Oblast: two people dead ", "Russian forces kill X civilians and injure XX more in Kherson Oblast", "Russians kill X civilians in Kherson Oblast", "Russians use drone to attack boat with people in Kherson Oblast", "Russian forces kill married couple in Kherson Oblast", "Russians attack Kherson Oblast killing a woman" ]
Russians attack Kherson Oblast killing a woman
[ 4551, 26222, 23234, 10186, 27077, 19019, 21615, 18461, 11639, 4856 ]
At least one person was killed and another wounded as a result of the Russian attack on the village of Zelenivka in Kherson Oblast. Source: Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote from Prokudin: "The Russians attacked Zelenivka, causing civilian casualties. Unfortunately, an XX-year-old woman was killed and a XX-year-old woman was wounded in the attack." Details: Prokudin has added that emergency services are at the scene.
Italy has expressed full support for Ukraine's future in NATO
In the joint declaration of the leaders on 13 May, Italy spoke more decisively in support of the future of Ukraine in NATO, compared to the February statement during the visit of the Italian Prime Minister to Kyiv. Source: "European Pravda" Details: In the text of the joint declaration dated 13 May, which was signed during the visit of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Rome, Rome expressed its support for the Ukraine-NATO Commission as a platform for expanding current cooperation - "to help Ukraine make its way to the Euro-Atlantic family following the Bucharest Declaration" (it will be recalled that it mentions that Ukraine and Georgia should become NATO members). Quote: "We look forward to resolving all these issues at the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius," the text adds. For comparison, in the joint statement of Zelenskyy and Meloni dated 21 February in the bloc regarding NATO, it was noted that Italy assures the Alliance of its commitment to the "open door" policy and "will support the intensification of NATO's partnership with Ukraine." The deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ihor Zhovkva, noted that he considers this progress in Italy's position "more than tangible". Reminder: The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, visited Italy on 13 May. The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, expressed confidence in Ukraine's victory at a joint briefing and promised full support for Ukraine's European integration. Zelenskyy also met with the Pope.
[ "Defence Ministry: Ukraine must be given new weapons of the kind that NATO uses, not Soviet weapons", "Italy has expressed full support for Ukraine's future in NATO", "NATO Secretary General urges NATO not to stop supporting Ukraine", "Former NATO Secretary General suggests accepting Ukraine into Alliance with no guarantees for occupied territories", "All NATO members supports Ukraine’s accession, question is when it will happen – Stoltenberg", "NATO summit should offer Ukraine commitments regarding membership – ambassador", "NATO summit to be historic in terms of achievements or lost opportunities – Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs", "Discussions on Vilnius Summit and Ukraine intensified among NATO countries – Washington Post", "US ambassador says war gives Ukraine opportunity to integrate into NATO faster", "Ukraine to join NATO regardless of decisions of Vilnius summit – Ukrainian official " ]
Italy has expressed full support for Ukraine's future in NATO
[ 10039, 3064, 24599, 21114, 11038, 22170, 19046, 5554, 15902, 4552 ]
In the joint declaration of the leaders on XX May, Italy spoke more decisively in support of the future of Ukraine in NATO, compared to the February statement during the visit of the Italian Prime Minister to Kyiv. Source: "European Pravda" Details: In the text of the joint declaration dated XX May, which was signed during the visit of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Rome, Rome expressed its support for the Ukraine-NATO Commission as a platform for expanding current cooperation - "to help Ukraine make its way to the Euro-Atlantic family following the Bucharest Declaration" (it will be recalled that it mentions that Ukraine and Georgia should become NATO members). Quote: "We look forward to resolving all these issues at the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius," the text adds. For comparison, in the joint statement of Zelenskyy and Meloni dated XX February in the bloc regarding NATO, it was noted that Italy assures the Alliance of its commitment to the "open door" policy and "will support the intensification of NATO's partnership with Ukraine." The deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ihor Zhovkva, noted that he considers this progress in Italy's position "more than tangible". Reminder: The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, visited Italy on XX May. The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, expressed confidence in Ukraine's victory at a joint briefing and promised full support for Ukraine's European integration. Zelenskyy also met with the Pope.
Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy base of Russian army in Kadiivka, killing two hundred Russian Airborne troops – head of Luhansk RMA
UKRAINSKA PRAVDA – FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022, 11:50 In the occupied Kadiivka, Luhansk region, Ukrainian soldiers attacked the base of the Russian army located in the Donbas Hotel, killing 200 Russian Elite Airborne troops as a result. Source: Serhii Haidai, the Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram Quote: "In the temporarily occupied Kadiivka (Stakhanov), Luhansk region, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Russian army base, which they had set up in the Donbas Hotel. Two hundred elite military airborne troops of the Russian Federation were killed." Details: Haidai noted that the Russian army had been based in the hotel since 2014. Russian media claims that on the morning of 26 August, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 10 HIMARS missiles at Kadiivka.
[ "Sievierodonetsk: Special Operations Forces showed how they destroy invaders using small drones", "Paratroopers from the XXth Airborne Assault Brigade destroy concealed Russian equipment in Luhansk Oblast", "Large numbers of Russian soldiers submit letters of resignation", "Luhansk Oblast: Sievierodonetsk under Ukrainian flag – Oblast Military Administration", "Armed Forces of Ukraine neutralise several Russian subversion and reconnaissance groups in Luhansk Oblast – Haidai", "Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy base of Russian army in Kadiivka, killing two hundred Russian Airborne troops – head of Luhansk RMA", "Russian troops shell patrol police in Lysychansk: X police workers hospitalised", "Luhansk Region under constant Russian fire: offensive expected to intensify", "Head of Luhansk Military Administration: Russian troops destroyed XX residential buildings in Luhansk region yesterday", "Luhansk Oblast not XXX% occupied – Luhansk Military Administration" ]
Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy base of Russian army in Kadiivka, killing two hundred Russian Airborne troops – head of Luhansk RMA
[ 4553, 6623, 15928, 9159, 20726, 21079, 24725, 29315, 246, 17740 ]
UKRAINSKA PRAVDA – FRIDAY, XX AUGUST XXXX, XX:XX In the occupied Kadiivka, Luhansk region, Ukrainian soldiers attacked the base of the Russian army located in the Donbas Hotel, killing XXX Russian Elite Airborne troops as a result. Source: Serhii Haidai, the Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram Quote: "In the temporarily occupied Kadiivka (Stakhanov), Luhansk region, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Russian army base, which they had set up in the Donbas Hotel. Two hundred elite military airborne troops of the Russian Federation were killed." Details: Haidai noted that the Russian army had been based in the hotel since XXXX. Russian media claims that on the morning of XX August, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired XX HIMARS missiles at Kadiivka.
Russian forces attack Odesa's port infrastructure, killing one person
The Russian occupiers launched a missile attack on port infrastructure of Odesa Oblast on the night of 26-27 July, killing a security guard. Source: Operational Command Pivden (South); Oleh Kiper, Head of the Odesa Oblast Military Administration Quote: "The enemy launched a missile attack on Odesa’s port infrastructure at night. A civilian employee was killed when one of the port’s administrative buildings was hit. The production equipment of one of the freight terminals was damaged." Details: Sources reported that the occupiers fired Kalibr missiles from a submarine in the Black Sea at a critically low altitude, making detection difficult. Kiper said a 44-year-old civilian security guard was killed in the strike.. The equipment of one of the freight terminals was damaged; a security office and two cars were destroyed.
[ "Russian forces hit Odesa – a large-scale fire in a warehouse extinguished after almost X hours", "Explosions are reported in Odesa, there is smoke over the city", "ISW explains why Russia is attacking Ukrainian ports", "Russians fire X rockets at the Odesa region, hitting a building", "Russian forces attack Odesa's port infrastructure, killing one person", "Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office reveals details of Russian night attack on Odesa and Odesa Oblast", "Russian drones strike city centre in Odesa", "Attack on port of Odesa results in casualties – Oblast Military Administration", "In Odesa, the logistics warehouse burned down: the Russians fired XX missiles on the south", "Shelling in Odesa: casualties reported" ]
Russian forces attack Odesa's port infrastructure, killing one person
[ 16864, 11579, 219, 30704, 8158, 13198, 27154, 2171, 11912, 4554 ]
The Russian occupiers launched a missile attack on port infrastructure of Odesa Oblast on the night of XX-XX July, killing a security guard. Source: Operational Command Pivden (South); Oleh Kiper, Head of the Odesa Oblast Military Administration Quote: "The enemy launched a missile attack on Odesa’s port infrastructure at night. A civilian employee was killed when one of the port’s administrative buildings was hit. The production equipment of one of the freight terminals was damaged." Details: Sources reported that the occupiers fired Kalibr missiles from a submarine in the Black Sea at a critically low altitude, making detection difficult. Kiper said a XX-year-old civilian security guard was killed in the strike.. The equipment of one of the freight terminals was damaged; a security office and two cars were destroyed.
Ukrainian Navy confirms Russians have ramped up security at Crimean Bridge
The illegally constructed Crimean Bridge (also known as the Kerch Bridge) is currently guarded by six boats and five ships of the Russian secret services. Source: Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, at an online briefing at the Ukraine-Ukrinform media centre Quote: "We are observing a large group of border guards around the so-called Kerch Bridge in the Kerch Strait, where they are trying to protect this illegal construction: six boats and five ships of the Russian FSB. Most of them are located south of the bridge, some of them are to the north. In this way, they are now performing the task of protecting and defending this facility." Details: Pletenchuk confirmed that the Russian occupiers have repaired the span of the Crimean Bridge which had fallen following an attack by Ukrainian uncrewed surface vessels. At the same time, Pletenchuk added that although the Russian occupiers have set up some "barricades" against Ukrainian uncrewed surface vessels, there are no "fences" that would completely protect the bridge from Ukrainian drones.
[ "Russian occupation authorities in Sevastopol, Crimea setting up \"anti-submarine-sabotage defence\"", "Car carrying Russia proxy head of seized Zaporizhzhia Oblast explodes in occupied Simferopol", "Putin outraged by \"second terrorist attack\" on Crimean Bridge, demands \"concrete proposals\" on security", "Missile reported over Sevastopol, Russians use camouflage smoke", "Russians look for mercenaries for new private military companies in occupied Crimea – General Staff", "Russia claims to destroy four uncrewed vessels in Black Sea overnight", "Occupiers claim to have activated air defence systems in Simferopol", "Pro-Ukrainian sentiments intensify in Crimea, these people will be punished – Russian-appointed head of Crimea", "Ukrainian Navy confirms Russians have ramped up security at Crimean Bridge", "Russians report more than X,XXX cars stuck at entrance to Crimea" ]
Ukrainian Navy confirms Russians have ramped up security at Crimean Bridge
[ 1671, 14043, 16848, 29639, 8027, 12494, 404, 12187, 27714, 4555 ]
The illegally constructed Crimean Bridge (also known as the Kerch Bridge) is currently guarded by six boats and five ships of the Russian secret services. Source: Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, at an online briefing at the Ukraine-Ukrinform media centre Quote: "We are observing a large group of border guards around the so-called Kerch Bridge in the Kerch Strait, where they are trying to protect this illegal construction: six boats and five ships of the Russian FSB. Most of them are located south of the bridge, some of them are to the north. In this way, they are now performing the task of protecting and defending this facility." Details: Pletenchuk confirmed that the Russian occupiers have repaired the span of the Crimean Bridge which had fallen following an attack by Ukrainian uncrewed surface vessels. At the same time, Pletenchuk added that although the Russian occupiers have set up some "barricades" against Ukrainian uncrewed surface vessels, there are no "fences" that would completely protect the bridge from Ukrainian drones.
Russians kill 2 civilians in Donetsk Oblast and 1 in Kharkiv Oblast in a day
Two people have been killed and 13 others wounded as a result of the Russian attack on Donetsk Oblast, and the occupiers also killed a civilian woman in Kharkiv Oblast. Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration; Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration on Telegram; Yurii Malashko, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast Quote from Kyrylenko: "The Russians killed two residents of Donetsk Oblast in Shakhtarske on 24 April. Another 13 people have been injured in the oblast." Details: The Russians killed a civilian in Kharkiv Oblast. A 60-year-old woman from Dvorichna, Kupiansk district, was killed during artillery shelling. In total, the occupiers shelled 18 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast over the past day: Topoli, Kamianka, Krasne Pershe, Fiholivka, Novomlynsk, Kindrashivka, Masiutivka, Vovchansk and others. The Russians also fired 61 times on Kherson Oblast, launching 386 projectiles from heavy artillery, UAVs and aircraft. The invaders attacked the city of Kherson six times. Four residents of Kherson Oblast have been wounded. The invaders fired 111 times at Zaporizhzhia Oblast, wounding one woman.
[ "Ukrainian Serviceman tortured by Russian invaders – Ombudsman declares war crime", "Russia's losses in Ukraine exceed XX,XXX soldiers", "Russians have killed at least XX,XXX civilians in Ukraine – Prosecutor General's Office ", "Website XXXrf.com launched for Russians to find family members captured in killed in action during the invasion of Ukraine ", "Russians kill X civilians in Ukraine over past day", "Open source intelligence confirms that over X,XXX Russian officers died in Ukraine ", "Russian losses in Ukraine now reach XX,XXX military personnel - General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces", "Russia has already lost over XX,XXX troops and X,XXX tanks in Ukraine", "Russian invaders kill X and wound XX Ukrainian civilians in one day", "Russians kill X civilians in Donetsk Oblast and X in Kharkiv Oblast in a day" ]
Russians kill X civilians in Donetsk Oblast and X in Kharkiv Oblast in a day
[ 4032, 28920, 25110, 28214, 12549, 480, 4556, 21213, 4536, 26445 ]
Two people have been killed and XX others wounded as a result of the Russian attack on Donetsk Oblast, and the occupiers also killed a civilian woman in Kharkiv Oblast. Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration; Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration on Telegram; Yurii Malashko, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on air during the national joint XX/X newscast Quote from Kyrylenko: "The Russians killed two residents of Donetsk Oblast in Shakhtarske on XX April. Another XX people have been injured in the oblast." Details: The Russians killed a civilian in Kharkiv Oblast. A XX-year-old woman from Dvorichna, Kupiansk district, was killed during artillery shelling. In total, the occupiers shelled XX settlements in Kharkiv Oblast over the past day: Topoli, Kamianka, Krasne Pershe, Fiholivka, Novomlynsk, Kindrashivka, Masiutivka, Vovchansk and others. The Russians also fired XX times on Kherson Oblast, launching XXX projectiles from heavy artillery, UAVs and aircraft. The invaders attacked the city of Kherson six times. Four residents of Kherson Oblast have been wounded. The invaders fired XXX times at Zaporizhzhia Oblast, wounding one woman.
Over the past day, Ukraine’s Armed Forces kill more than 800 Russian invaders
On 4 January, the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed approximately 810 Russian invaders.Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on FacebookDetails: Total combat losses of the Russian forces between 24 February 2022 and 5 January 2023 are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: approximately 109,720 (+810) military personnel 3,041 (+3) tanks 6,108 (+2) armoured combat vehicles 2,051 (+12) artillery systems 426 (+2) multiple-launch rocket systems 215 (+0) air defence systems 284 (+1) fixed-wing aircraft 271 (+1) helicopters 1,844 (+2) operational-tactical UAVs 723 (+0) cruise missiles 16 (+0) ships/boats 4,759 (+14) vehicles and tankers 182 (+1) special vehicles and other equipment The data is being ascertained.
[ "Ukrainian defenders hit XX clusters of Russian manpower and X command posts – General Staff report ", "Russians attacked Ukraine with missiles and Shahed drones at night – General Staff report", "Russians conduct XX missile strikes on Ukraine in one day – General Staff report ", "General Staff Summary: Russians seize area around Shandryholove in Donetsk Region", "Ukrainian defenders kill another XXX Russian invaders and destroy XX tanks", "Armed Forces of Ukraine kill another XXX occupiers in XX hours – General Staff", "Total of XX combat clashes occur on frontline – General Staff", "Over the past day, Ukraine’s Armed Forces kill more than XXX Russian invaders", "Russians launch XX air strikes, Defence Forces continue conducting offensive on X fronts – General Staff report", "Ukraine's Defence Forces strike Russians on eastern bank of Kherson Oblast – General Staff" ]
Over the past day, Ukraine’s Armed Forces kill more than XXX Russian invaders
[ 4557, 22529, 5782, 5692, 28334, 5641, 18786, 5608, 28166, 0 ]
On X January, the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed approximately XXX Russian invaders.Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on FacebookDetails: Total combat losses of the Russian forces between XX February XXXX and X January XXXX are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: approximately XXX,XXX (+XXX) military personnel X,XXX (+X) tanks X,XXX (+X) armoured combat vehicles X,XXX (+XX) artillery systems XXX (+X) multiple-launch rocket systems XXX (+X) air defence systems XXX (+X) fixed-wing aircraft XXX (+X) helicopters X,XXX (+X) operational-tactical UAVs XXX (+X) cruise missiles XX (+X) ships/boats X,XXX (+XX) vehicles and tankers XXX (+X) special vehicles and other equipment The data is being ascertained.
Russian forces fire missiles from Belarus for first time since August
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2022, 15:04 On the morning of 6 October, Russian aviation launched a missile attack on Ukraine from the territory of Belarus. Source: Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Yurii Ihnat, Spokesman for the Air Force, speaking to Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "This morning, four of the aggressor country’s Tu-22 M3 strategic aircraft carried out an airstrike on the territory of Ukraine from the airspace of Belarus. The last use of aircraft from this direction was on 28 August." Details: Air Force Spokesman Yurii Ihnat explained to Ukrainska Pravda that it was an attack on Khmelnytskyi Oblast, which the occupying forces hit with Kh-22 missiles. Previously: Russian troops launched a missile attack on the Shepetivka district in Khmelnytskyi Oblast on the morning of 6 October, during the air raid alert. One of the two missiles fell near an infrastructure target. The other missile fell on wasteland.
[ "Belarus plans to increase size of its army to XX,XXX", "Belarus preparing for war: weapons allocated to Ministry of Emergency Situations employees and shelters being checked", "Leader of Belarusian opposition organisation injured at war ", "Belarusians get training on how to create strike groups – General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces", "\"Don't provoke us\": Belarusian propaganda responds to Armed Forces of Ukraine using Kremlin rhetoric", "Belarus extends military exercises once again", "Air Force comments on increase of Russian weapons in Belarus: we are preparing for \"congratulations\" on Independence Day", "Russian forces fire missiles from Belarus for first time since August", "Belarus Investigative Committee warns \"rail partisans\" could face death penalty", "Ministry of Defence of Belarus - shelling of Belarusian village did not happen" ]
Russian forces fire missiles from Belarus for first time since August
[ 4558, 10435, 3818, 12665, 25229, 22032, 2332, 19677, 14465, 14380 ]
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — THURSDAY, X OCTOBER XXXX, XX:XX On the morning of X October, Russian aviation launched a missile attack on Ukraine from the territory of Belarus. Source: Oleksii Hromov, Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Yurii Ihnat, Spokesman for the Air Force, speaking to Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "This morning, four of the aggressor country’s Tu-XX MX strategic aircraft carried out an airstrike on the territory of Ukraine from the airspace of Belarus. The last use of aircraft from this direction was on XX August." Details: Air Force Spokesman Yurii Ihnat explained to Ukrainska Pravda that it was an attack on Khmelnytskyi Oblast, which the occupying forces hit with Kh-XX missiles. Previously: Russian troops launched a missile attack on the Shepetivka district in Khmelnytskyi Oblast on the morning of X October, during the air raid alert. One of the two missiles fell near an infrastructure target. The other missile fell on wasteland.
Putin blames US for Nord Stream explosions
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the US intelligence agencies are behind the explosions on the Nord Stream[s]. Source: Putin in an interview on the air of Moscow. Kremlin. Putin television program Interfax reports Quote: "An American journalist, who has become quite famous now in the world, conducted such an investigation and, as is known, came to the conclusion that this explosion at the gas pipelines was organised by the US special services. I fully agree with these conclusions." Details: The Russian president also stated that after requests to the UN related to the detection of a tracker at the junction of the Nord Stream pipes, Russia received an answer that this object was safe, and Moscow was refused participation in the investigation. Background: On 8 February, American journalist Seymour Hersh, citing a source, said that the explosions at the pipelines were carried out by the order of the US President Joe Biden. Representatives of the White House and the CIA called the report that the country's leadership allegedly ordered explosions on gas pipelines a fabrication. In early March, The New York Times published an article, citing its sources and data from the intelligence community. It allegedly suggests that non-governmental groups, including Russians and Ukrainians, were behind the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has denied that Ukraine had any involvement in the explosions at the Nord Stream gas pipelines and offered to analyse who might find such disinformation necessary. German news outlet t-online reported that Russian warships were present in the area of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines a few days before the blasts occurred.
[ "In XXXX, I understood that Putin's attack on Ukraine was just a matter of time – Former US president Clinton", "US on Putin's decision to suspend nuclear treaty: unfortunate and irresponsible", "US comments on meeting between Putin and Prigozhin", "Death of Zelenskyy or Putin: US assessed four \"wild\" scenarios of war in Ukraine", "Putin claims US \"occupation troops\" still in Germany", "Putin blames US for Nord Stream explosions", "Putin calls speculation about Ukrainian involvement in Nord Stream explosion \"nonsense\"", "The US has no hopes that Putin is prepared to end the war", "Putin is in a very, very difficult situation - Former CIA director calls for increased pressure on Russia", "Putin accuses US of blowing up Nord Stream gas pipelines" ]
Putin blames US for Nord Stream explosions
[ 21009, 29364, 18999, 28862, 8633, 22626, 1194, 24340, 24567, 4559 ]
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the US intelligence agencies are behind the explosions on the Nord Stream[s]. Source: Putin in an interview on the air of Moscow. Kremlin. Putin television program Interfax reports Quote: "An American journalist, who has become quite famous now in the world, conducted such an investigation and, as is known, came to the conclusion that this explosion at the gas pipelines was organised by the US special services. I fully agree with these conclusions." Details: The Russian president also stated that after requests to the UN related to the detection of a tracker at the junction of the Nord Stream pipes, Russia received an answer that this object was safe, and Moscow was refused participation in the investigation. Background: On X February, American journalist Seymour Hersh, citing a source, said that the explosions at the pipelines were carried out by the order of the US President Joe Biden. Representatives of the White House and the CIA called the report that the country's leadership allegedly ordered explosions on gas pipelines a fabrication. In early March, The New York Times published an article, citing its sources and data from the intelligence community. It allegedly suggests that non-governmental groups, including Russians and Ukrainians, were behind the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has denied that Ukraine had any involvement in the explosions at the Nord Stream gas pipelines and offered to analyse who might find such disinformation necessary. German news outlet t-online reported that Russian warships were present in the area of Nord Stream X and Nord Stream X gas pipelines a few days before the blasts occurred.
US National Security Advisor says F-16 jets are not "key capability" for Ukraine
Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, said that the F-16 jets that Ukraine has requested are not "the key capability" for the country's current needs, which are a counteroffensive against Russian forces. Source: CNN Quote from Sullivan: "F-16s are not a question for the short-term fight. F-16s are a question for the longterm defense of Ukraine and that's a conversation that President Biden and President Zelensky had." Background: Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, said that the US was in dialogue with Ukraine regarding Ukraine’s military needs; the question of Western-made fighter jets was under discussion, among other things. The US has so far not agreed to send its own fighter jets to Ukraine, but has said it is prepared to support other countries that might want to do so. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he was certain that the question of sending fighter jets to Ukraine would be resolved soon. Earlie, he explained that Ukraine was particularly interested in jets from the US, UK, France and Germany.
[ "Republican senators demand that Biden immediately hand over ATACMS missiles to Ukraine", "US provides Ukraine with another military aid package worth US$XXX million", "US Congress proposed to approve financing for the supply of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine", "US will give Ukraine armoured vehicles in new aid package worth half a billion dollars – Reuters", "US announces new US$XXX million package of military assistance to Ukraine ", "US National Security Advisor says F-XX jets are not \"key capability\" for Ukraine", "Pentagon reveals facts of theft of Western weapons in Ukraine that were returned", "\"Soviet infantry fighting vehicles can't compare\": Defence Ministry of Ukraine explains advantages of Bradley IFV", "US announces additional aid for Ukraine, including ammunition for Patriot air defence systems and Stingers", "US supplies Ukraine with additional US$XXX million military aid" ]
US National Security Advisor says F-XX jets are not "key capability" for Ukraine
[ 26096, 24722, 5283, 18682, 4852, 4560, 21569, 13078, 10291, 30167 ]
Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, said that the F-XX jets that Ukraine has requested are not "the key capability" for the country's current needs, which are a counteroffensive against Russian forces. Source: CNN Quote from Sullivan: "F-XXs are not a question for the short-term fight. F-XXs are a question for the longterm defense of Ukraine and that's a conversation that President Biden and President Zelensky had." Background: Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, said that the US was in dialogue with Ukraine regarding Ukraine’s military needs; the question of Western-made fighter jets was under discussion, among other things. The US has so far not agreed to send its own fighter jets to Ukraine, but has said it is prepared to support other countries that might want to do so. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he was certain that the question of sending fighter jets to Ukraine would be resolved soon. Earlie, he explained that Ukraine was particularly interested in jets from the US, UK, France and Germany.
Russian troops occupied 70% of the territory of Luhansk region - Head of Luhansk Oblast 
Denys Karlovskyy - Friday, 11 March 2022, 23:23 Russian invaders have occupied about 70 percent of Luhansk Oblast, where Russian television broadcast and civilian control are being set up. Source: Head of the Luhansk Military/State Administration Serhiy Haydai on Facebook Haydai, Verbatim: "70 percent of the territory of the Luhansk region is already occupied." "Russian television is already being broadcasted in the newly-occupied territories. Russian propaganda and fakes are already spreading in these territories." "Luhansk region is currently one of the hottest spots. There are repressions in the newly Russian-occupied territories, peaceful protests are being dispersed by gunfire." Details: Serhiy Haydai said that the Russian occupying forces were shelling the entire territory, which is still controlled by Ukrainian forces. The hottest spots are now in Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Popasna, Rubizhne, Kreminna and Hirs’ke communities, according to him. The occupying forces are shelling and destroying civilian objects: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, gas pipelines and power grids. There is cell service in the controlled territory of the Luhansk region, but it works intermittently. Serhiy Haydai assured that the repair crews are trying to quickly fix the communications whenever the connection disappears completely. The invaders fail to coordinate the routes of humanitarian goods and do not allow repair crews to repair the damaged infrastructure. There are problems with access to humanitarian goods, which the authorities are trying to deliver by all means of transport, due to the Russian blockade, according to Serhiy Haydai. The main distribution points were set up in Lysychansk and Severodonetsk. Background: Russian occupying forces shelled Rubizhne using volley fire systems towards the night of March 11. The nursing home caught fire. Severodonetsk was also shelled. Battle between the Russian occupying forces and Ukrainian defenders continued on March 10.Residents of the Russian-occupied Starobilsk went on a rally on March 7. They removed the Russian tricolour flag and raised the Ukrainian blue and yellow flag, and then sang the national anthem of Ukraine.
[ "Residents of Popasna deported “at gunpoint”", "A fake: Russians have announced their capture of Rubizhne for the third time - Regional State Administration", "Russian-sponsored Luhansk militants demand immediate referendum to join Russian Federation", "Rubizhne: Russian occupiers bury bodies of over XX Ukrainians killed in April", "Ukrainian fighters defeated aggressors who managed to leap a river in Luhansk region", "Russians defeated in Bilohorivka: about XX units of military machinery turned into scrap metal", "Almost XX occupiers lay down their arms and leave their positions near Kreminna", "Russian troops occupied XX% of the territory of Luhansk region - Head of Luhansk Oblast ", "Women taken out of maternity hospital in Antratsyt to accommodate Russian troops", "Ukraine’s Armed Forces blow up Russian ammunition storage point in Luhansk Oblast" ]
Russian troops occupied XX% of the territory of Luhansk region - Head of Luhansk Oblast 
[ 4561, 29245, 929, 18610, 5759, 27694, 678, 3385, 22213, 22308 ]
Denys Karlovskyy - Friday, XX March XXXX, XX:XX Russian invaders have occupied about XX percent of Luhansk Oblast, where Russian television broadcast and civilian control are being set up. Source: Head of the Luhansk Military/State Administration Serhiy Haydai on Facebook Haydai, Verbatim: "XX percent of the territory of the Luhansk region is already occupied." "Russian television is already being broadcasted in the newly-occupied territories. Russian propaganda and fakes are already spreading in these territories." "Luhansk region is currently one of the hottest spots. There are repressions in the newly Russian-occupied territories, peaceful protests are being dispersed by gunfire." Details: Serhiy Haydai said that the Russian occupying forces were shelling the entire territory, which is still controlled by Ukrainian forces. The hottest spots are now in Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Popasna, Rubizhne, Kreminna and Hirs’ke communities, according to him. The occupying forces are shelling and destroying civilian objects: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, gas pipelines and power grids. There is cell service in the controlled territory of the Luhansk region, but it works intermittently. Serhiy Haydai assured that the repair crews are trying to quickly fix the communications whenever the connection disappears completely. The invaders fail to coordinate the routes of humanitarian goods and do not allow repair crews to repair the damaged infrastructure. There are problems with access to humanitarian goods, which the authorities are trying to deliver by all means of transport, due to the Russian blockade, according to Serhiy Haydai. The main distribution points were set up in Lysychansk and Severodonetsk. Background: Russian occupying forces shelled Rubizhne using volley fire systems towards the night of March XX. The nursing home caught fire. Severodonetsk was also shelled. Battle between the Russian occupying forces and Ukrainian defenders continued on March XX.Residents of the Russian-occupied Starobilsk went on a rally on March X. They removed the Russian tricolour flag and raised the Ukrainian blue and yellow flag, and then sang the national anthem of Ukraine.
Zelenskyy: Russia must be recognised as sponsor of terrorism
Alyona Mazurenko – Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 22:15 President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine believes that the entire civilised world has to officially recognise Russia as a sponsor of terrorism. Source: President Zelenskyy in a video address According to Zelenskyy: "We are working to ensure all Russian government officials who support this despicable war will receive appropriate punishment, in the form of sanctions, from the democratic world Russian must be recognised as a sponsor of terrorism and the Russian Armed Forces must be recognised as a terrorist organisation." Details: Zelenskyy also urged world leaders to introduce an embargo on Russian oil.
[ "Zelenskyy: Russia to lose XXX,XXX servicemen by year end", "Zelenskyy: Russia must be recognised as sponsor of terrorism", "Zelenskyy predicts Russia's return to the \"disasters of the XXs\"", "Zelenskyy: The end of the war will be through diplomacy, but it will be a hybrid", "Zelenskyy suggests to continue martial law in Ukraine until the end of April", "Zelenskyy: The main conversation topic in Moscow is the \"price\" Russia has to pay for the war", "Zelenskyy: Those responsible for crimes against Ukraine should not hide behind official immunity", "Sky over Ukraine: Zelenskyy calls the world's hesitation \"deadly\"", "Zelenskyy: Ukraine should be immediately addmitted into the EU by special procedure", "Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate more than X,XXX square kilometres and continue to advance: Zelenskyy" ]
Zelenskyy: Russia must be recognised as sponsor of terrorism
[ 4562, 13439, 9672, 7225, 13466, 24708, 11379, 6317, 24586, 12024 ]
Alyona Mazurenko – Wednesday, XX April XXXX, XX:XX President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine believes that the entire civilised world has to officially recognise Russia as a sponsor of terrorism. Source: President Zelenskyy in a video address According to Zelenskyy: "We are working to ensure all Russian government officials who support this despicable war will receive appropriate punishment, in the form of sanctions, from the democratic world Russian must be recognised as a sponsor of terrorism and the Russian Armed Forces must be recognised as a terrorist organisation." Details: Zelenskyy also urged world leaders to introduce an embargo on Russian oil.
30,000 civilians from Ukraine have gone missing since beginning of war
The International Commission on Missing Persons knows of nearly 30,000 of civilians from Ukraine who have gone missing since the beginning of the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. Source: Kathryne Bomberger, Director-General of the International Commission on Missing Persons, in an interview for Ukrainian media outlet Suspilne Quote: "At the moment the approximate number is 30,000. And these are only civilians. As of now I am not sure who is included in this number. We are trying to understand what these numbers are and what they mean." Details: Bomberger explained that people who are alive that were separated from their families, imprisoned people with no possibility to communicate, those killed in combat actions whose bodies have not been identified and the families do not know where they are, as well as illegally deported children may be included in this number. She added that these numbers continue to grow. Quote: "Before the invasion there was a big number of persons who had gone missing since 2014. For the first time I came here in 2014 after mass burials were detected in the city of Sloviansk in Donetsk Oblast. But these numbers, even though high, were not as high as they are today. Today they are way higher, and they keep growing. ...So it is crucial that all these facts are checked within the court proceedings and that these investigations are conducted by court institutions." For reference: As of 10 October, about 28,000 residents of Ukraine have been added to the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Special Circumstances.
[ "Russia deports another XXX children from occupied Luhansk Oblast", "Ukraine liberates XXX children from Russia, but number of deportees may reach XXX,XXX", "Russians equip torture room in occupied Enerhodar – General Staff", "Russians shoot civilians in Kherson region – police", "Russians attack Kherson and outskirts, injuring library security guard and elderly woman", "Writer Victoria Amelina dies after sustaining injuries in Kramatorsk", "XX,XXX civilians from Ukraine have gone missing since beginning of war", "Europol joins international team investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine", "Investigative team on war crimes in Ukraine to investigate genocide as well – Prosecutor General's Office", "\"We will find the killers\": Zelenskyy reacts to video of Ukrainian serviceman being shot" ]
XX,XXX civilians from Ukraine have gone missing since beginning of war
[ 30634, 2445, 22786, 14419, 211, 29408, 2678, 20373, 22923, 4563 ]
The International Commission on Missing Persons knows of nearly XX,XXX of civilians from Ukraine who have gone missing since the beginning of the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. Source: Kathryne Bomberger, Director-General of the International Commission on Missing Persons, in an interview for Ukrainian media outlet Suspilne Quote: "At the moment the approximate number is XX,XXX. And these are only civilians. As of now I am not sure who is included in this number. We are trying to understand what these numbers are and what they mean." Details: Bomberger explained that people who are alive that were separated from their families, imprisoned people with no possibility to communicate, those killed in combat actions whose bodies have not been identified and the families do not know where they are, as well as illegally deported children may be included in this number. She added that these numbers continue to grow. Quote: "Before the invasion there was a big number of persons who had gone missing since XXXX. For the first time I came here in XXXX after mass burials were detected in the city of Sloviansk in Donetsk Oblast. But these numbers, even though high, were not as high as they are today. Today they are way higher, and they keep growing. ...So it is crucial that all these facts are checked within the court proceedings and that these investigations are conducted by court institutions." For reference: As of XX October, about XX,XXX residents of Ukraine have been added to the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Special Circumstances.
Ukraine's defence forces kill over 500 Russian soldiers in one day
The Ukrainian military killed 520 Russian soldiers and destroyed one of their tanks, 6 armoured combat vehicles and 16 artillery systems over the past day. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: Total combat losses of the Russian forces between 24 February 2022 and 3 May 2023 are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: 191,940 (+520) military personnel, 3,702 (+1) tanks, 7,199 (+6) armoured combat vehicles, 2,946 (+16) artillery systems, 544 (+0) multiple-launch rocket systems, 300 (+2) air defence systems, 308 (+0) aircraft, 294 (+0) helicopters, 2,505 (+28) operational-tactical UAVs, 947 (+0) cruise missiles, 18 (+0) ships/boats, 5,865 (+14) vehicles and tankers, 363 (+3) special vehicles.
[ "Over XXX Ukrainian settlements come under Russian artillery fire – General Staff report", "XXst-century barbarians: Russian invaders have damaged or destroyed XXX schools, XX hospitals and more than X,XXX residential buildings", "\"War is wrong.\" Story of policeman who survived blockade and captivity and returned to army", "Odesa Fine Arts Museum assesses damage after Russian missile attack", "Ukrainian Armed Forces repel Russian assault near Novomykhailivka and force Russian troops to retreat from Ivanivka – General Staff report", "Information about more than XX,XXX people was added to register of missing people – Commissioner ", "News from the regions: fighting in Kharkiv region, active shelling in X more regions", "General Staff: X,XXX Russian tanks “demilitarised” ", "Ukrainian Air Force hit X air targets of Russian invaders, including two fighter jets", "Ukraine's defence forces kill over XXX Russian soldiers in one day" ]
Ukraine's defence forces kill over XXX Russian soldiers in one day
[ 4564, 19373, 15745, 15742, 19453, 1263, 9547, 3092, 19387, 15575 ]
The Ukrainian military killed XXX Russian soldiers and destroyed one of their tanks, X armoured combat vehicles and XX artillery systems over the past day. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: Total combat losses of the Russian forces between XX February XXXX and X May XXXX are estimated to be as follows [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]: XXX,XXX (+XXX) military personnel, X,XXX (+X) tanks, X,XXX (+X) armoured combat vehicles, X,XXX (+XX) artillery systems, XXX (+X) multiple-launch rocket systems, XXX (+X) air defence systems, XXX (+X) aircraft, XXX (+X) helicopters, X,XXX (+XX) operational-tactical UAVs, XXX (+X) cruise missiles, XX (+X) ships/boats, X,XXX (+XX) vehicles and tankers, XXX (+X) special vehicles.
"Panic rumours" spread in Sevastopol after fire at oil depot – General Staff
After the fire that broke out yesterday at an oil depot in occupied Sevastopol, rumours are spreading in the city about the failure of Russian air defence. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Quote: "The situation in temporarily occupied Sevastopol is restless. As a result of yesterday's large-scale fire that broke out at an oil depot near Kozacha Bay, 10 tanks containing oil products with a total capacity of about 40,000 tonnes were destroyed. In connection with this, panic rumours about the inability of Russian air defence to ensure the security of its own strategic facilities have spread in the city." Details: The General Staff states that due to this situation in temporarily occupied Crimea, "Russian servicemen have begun to write leave reports, indicating the places in continental Russia where they are spending their leave." The General Staff adds that the oil depot that was on fire was used to provide fuel to the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which had been launching missile strikes on peaceful cities in Ukraine.
[ "Fire at Belbek airfield in Sevastopol: occupiers say plane caught fire", "UAVs attack Sevastopol: Russians claim all drones shot down", "Explosions rock Sevastopol: attack by naval drones", "Russian air defences respond in Sevastopol: Russians claim they shot down X drones", "Fire at oil depot in Sevastopol extinguished, occupiers say two drones involved", "Oil depot on fire in Sevastopol: Russians say it was hit by drone", "\"Panic rumours\" spread in Sevastopol after fire at oil depot – General Staff", "Sounds of explosions and gunfire heard during the night and morning in occupied Sevastopol", "Explosions rock Sevastopol, Russians say they shoot down drone", "Occupational authorities: Attack of naval drones in Sevastopol repelled" ]
"Panic rumours" spread in Sevastopol after fire at oil depot – General Staff
[ 30563, 14724, 24949, 7479, 15415, 606, 3799, 12824, 15184, 4565 ]
After the fire that broke out yesterday at an oil depot in occupied Sevastopol, rumours are spreading in the city about the failure of Russian air defence. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Quote: "The situation in temporarily occupied Sevastopol is restless. As a result of yesterday's large-scale fire that broke out at an oil depot near Kozacha Bay, XX tanks containing oil products with a total capacity of about XX,XXX tonnes were destroyed. In connection with this, panic rumours about the inability of Russian air defence to ensure the security of its own strategic facilities have spread in the city." Details: The General Staff states that due to this situation in temporarily occupied Crimea, "Russian servicemen have begun to write leave reports, indicating the places in continental Russia where they are spending their leave." The General Staff adds that the oil depot that was on fire was used to provide fuel to the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which had been launching missile strikes on peaceful cities in Ukraine.
Zelenskyy believes in Ukraine's victory before 2024 US elections
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has commented on the possible loss of US military support for Ukraine after the 2024 US presidential election, saying that Ukraine could gain victory by then. Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with public broadcasters who are members of Eurovision News, including the BBC, as reported by European Pravda Details: Zelenskyy dismissed fears of losing US support if President Joe Biden, who has pledged to support Ukraine for as long as necessary, is not re-elected in 2024. Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine still has bipartisan support in the US Congress. In addition, the president believes that Ukraine would gain victory in the war before the US presidential election on 5 November next year. Quote: "Who knows where we'll be [when the election happens]? I believe we'll win by then." Details: The president voiced confidence that the Ukrainian military would advance during the expected counter-offensive, warning of the risks of a "frozen conflict", which, according to Zelenskyy, Russia is counting on. Background: Former US President Donald Trump, who is Biden's likely opponent in the election, believes that the United States is providing too much military aid to Ukraine. Trump also refused to say who he thought should win in Russia's war against Ukraine, saying instead that he wished "everyone to stop dying".
[ "US senator calls for helping Ukraine hold elections after Zelenskyy's speech", "X key points from Zelenskyy's address to US Congress", "CIA director met with Zelenskyy in Kyiv on the day of Russian missile strikes", "Zelenskyy holds meeting with Chris Christie, US presidential election candidate", "Zelenskyy hands over battle flag from Bakhmut to US Congress", "Zelenskyy will run for office if elections are held during war: \"I won't abandon Ukraine\"", "Zelenskyy to US Congress: XXXX will be decisive in war", "The fate of the world order is being decided in Ukraine – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy believes in Ukraine's victory before XXXX US elections", "We need greater support for war to be shorter – Zelenskyy" ]
Zelenskyy believes in Ukraine's victory before XXXX US elections
[ 22738, 22750, 5877, 22917, 905, 13823, 1761, 3421, 12241, 4566 ]
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has commented on the possible loss of US military support for Ukraine after the XXXX US presidential election, saying that Ukraine could gain victory by then. Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with public broadcasters who are members of Eurovision News, including the BBC, as reported by European Pravda Details: Zelenskyy dismissed fears of losing US support if President Joe Biden, who has pledged to support Ukraine for as long as necessary, is not re-elected in XXXX. Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine still has bipartisan support in the US Congress. In addition, the president believes that Ukraine would gain victory in the war before the US presidential election on X November next year. Quote: "Who knows where we'll be [when the election happens]? I believe we'll win by then." Details: The president voiced confidence that the Ukrainian military would advance during the expected counter-offensive, warning of the risks of a "frozen conflict", which, according to Zelenskyy, Russia is counting on. Background: Former US President Donald Trump, who is Biden's likely opponent in the election, believes that the United States is providing too much military aid to Ukraine. Trump also refused to say who he thought should win in Russia's war against Ukraine, saying instead that he wished "everyone to stop dying".
Russians attack Kherson Oblast, injuring 6 people
The Russians have carried out 90 attacks on Kherson Oblast over the past day, firing 434 missiles from various weapons, and wounding 6 people. Source: Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration Details: The Russians bombarded the area with heavy artillery, Grad multiple-launch missile systems, tanks, grenade launchers, UAVs and aircraft. The city of Kherson was under Russian attack twice. The Russian military targeted residential areas of the oblast's settlements, educational institution buildings and a critical infrastructure facility in the Beryslav district. Due to Russian attacks on 14 May, six people were injured.
[ "Russians fire XXX projectiles on Kherson Oblast, wounding X people", "Russian forces fire XXX projectiles on Kherson Oblast, wounding X people", "Russian soldiers fire on Beryslav in Kharkiv Oblast, wounding people", "Tractor driver killed by Russian attack on Kherson Oblast", "Russian forces fire XXX projectiles on Kherson Oblast, killing and wounding people", "Russia fires XXX projectiles on Kherson Oblast, killing X and injuring XX civilians", "Russians attack Kherson Oblast, injuring X people ", "Attack on Kherson Oblast: one person killed and three wounded", "Russians attack Kherson Oblast at night: wounded woman died in hospital", "Russians attack Stanislav in Kherson Oblast, injuring man " ]
Russians attack Kherson Oblast, injuring X people
[ 6160, 12201, 14053, 12295, 2977, 24320, 15817, 17152, 10947, 4567 ]
The Russians have carried out XX attacks on Kherson Oblast over the past day, firing XXX missiles from various weapons, and wounding X people. Source: Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration Details: The Russians bombarded the area with heavy artillery, Grad multiple-launch missile systems, tanks, grenade launchers, UAVs and aircraft. The city of Kherson was under Russian attack twice. The Russian military targeted residential areas of the oblast's settlements, educational institution buildings and a critical infrastructure facility in the Beryslav district. Due to Russian attacks on XX May, six people were injured.
Сrash of Ukraine's Internal Ministry helicopter in Brovary: Security Service questions thousands of witnesses and prepares 100 examinations
The investigation of the circumstances of the tragic Ministry of Internal Affairs’ (MIA) helicopter crash in Brovary has questioned more than 6,000 witnesses. Source: the response of the Security Service of Ukraine to the request of Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "More than 100 forensic examinations have been ordered, more than 6,000 witnesses have been questioned etc. Several versions of the cause of the tragedy are being checked within the framework of the criminal proceedings." Details: At the same time, the Security Service did not inform under which article the criminal proceedings were opened, but indicated that "the public will definitely be informed" about the results of the investigation. Background: On the morning of 18 January, a helicopter fell near a kindergarten in the city of Brovary, Kyiv Oblast, and a fire broke out. At 15:45, rescuers announced the completion of search operations at the helicopter crash site. As a result, the top leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs was killed: Denys Monastyrskyi, Minister of Internal Affairs, Yevhen Yenin, First Deputy Interior Minister, and Yurii Lubkovych, State Secretary of the Interior Ministry, as well as assistants and security of the minister. Information about the total number of killed varied. According to the State Emergency Service, a total of 14 people died, including a child. The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has started proceedings due to the crash of the helicopter in Brovary. Among the main avenues of investigation are the following: violation of flight rules, technical malfunction and intentional actions. At the meeting on 18 January, the Cabinet of Ministers assigned the duties of the Minister of Internal Affairs to the head of the National Police, Ihor Klymenko.
[ "Fraudsters steal almost XXX million hryvnias from accounts of Mariupol residents ", "\"Take everything, but take care not to be photographed\": State Security Service intercepts “instructions” from Russian citizen to his son-looter", "Сrash of Ukraine's Internal Ministry helicopter in Brovary: Security Service questions thousands of witnesses and prepares XXX examinations", "Security Service of Ukraine notifies its former head of suspicion of high treason", "SSU: Russia has come up with a new scheme to supply \"cannon fodder\" to the front", "From Kyiv to Zmiinyi Island: Zelenskyy thanks Special Forces of Security Service of Ukraine for fantastic operations", "Security Service of Ukraine infiltrated FSB to catch mole, says acting SSU head", "Ukraine's Security Service is behind blackout in Kursk Oblast", "Security Service of Ukraine exposes Russian \"mole\" in its department", "Security Service of Ukraine considers several avenues of investigation into helicopter crash in Brovary" ]
Сrash of Ukraine's Internal Ministry helicopter in Brovary: Security Service questions thousands of witnesses and prepares XXX examinations
[ 10043, 14852, 3932, 10091, 25846, 5983, 10442, 589, 28603, 4568 ]
The investigation of the circumstances of the tragic Ministry of Internal Affairs’ (MIA) helicopter crash in Brovary has questioned more than X,XXX witnesses. Source: the response of the Security Service of Ukraine to the request of Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "More than XXX forensic examinations have been ordered, more than X,XXX witnesses have been questioned etc. Several versions of the cause of the tragedy are being checked within the framework of the criminal proceedings." Details: At the same time, the Security Service did not inform under which article the criminal proceedings were opened, but indicated that "the public will definitely be informed" about the results of the investigation. Background: On the morning of XX January, a helicopter fell near a kindergarten in the city of Brovary, Kyiv Oblast, and a fire broke out. At XX:XX, rescuers announced the completion of search operations at the helicopter crash site. As a result, the top leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs was killed: Denys Monastyrskyi, Minister of Internal Affairs, Yevhen Yenin, First Deputy Interior Minister, and Yurii Lubkovych, State Secretary of the Interior Ministry, as well as assistants and security of the minister. Information about the total number of killed varied. According to the State Emergency Service, a total of XX people died, including a child. The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has started proceedings due to the crash of the helicopter in Brovary. Among the main avenues of investigation are the following: violation of flight rules, technical malfunction and intentional actions. At the meeting on XX January, the Cabinet of Ministers assigned the duties of the Minister of Internal Affairs to the head of the National Police, Ihor Klymenko.
The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine: Kremlin manipulates statements about the absence of "preliminary requirements" for negotiations
Russia has resorted to manipulation, saying that the Russian Federation has "no preliminary requirements" to start negotiations with Ukraine. Source: Center for Countering Disinformation press service under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Details: The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) considers as manipulation the statement of the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrey Rudenko: "Ukraine has adopted a law prohibiting it from negotiating with the Russian Federation. This is their choice, we have always declared our readiness for negotiations that were interrupted through no fault of our own. There are no preconditions on our part." Another manipulation, according to the Center [for Countering Disinformation], is the statement of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), made during the adoption of the draft resolution of the UN General Assembly: "The fight against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism." The CSTO members said that they allegedly consider it essential "not only to honour the memory of those who died for peace on Earth but also to defend the principles of the UN Charter following the results of World War II," according to the Center for Countering Disinformation. Background: On 8 November, Andrey Rudenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said that Russia had no preconditions for starting negotiations with Ukraine.
[ "Ukraine being \"brought to negotiating table\" on Russia's terms – Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council Secretary", "Ukraine not opposed to negotiations with Russia on contributions and reparations", "Moscow starts \"begging\" for negotiations through mediators", " Negotiations with Russian Federation may resume in second half of XXXX, according to Servant of People party head", "Lavrov hopes that Zelenskyy changes his mind about negotiations with Russia", "Kremlin considers negotiations again, although \"special operation going as planned\"", "A peace treaty with Ukraine is possible according to Kremlin ultimatums - Kremlin spokesman Peskov", "Zelenskyy announces when negotiations with Russia can resume", "Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it does not trust Ukrainian negotiators", "The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine: Kremlin manipulates statements about the absence of \"preliminary requirements\" for negotiations" ]
The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine: Kremlin manipulates statements about the absence of "preliminary requirements" for negotiations
[ 24790, 23826, 5165, 7475, 12880, 28625, 30664, 6298, 28251, 4569 ]
Russia has resorted to manipulation, saying that the Russian Federation has "no preliminary requirements" to start negotiations with Ukraine. Source: Center for Countering Disinformation press service under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Details: The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) considers as manipulation the statement of the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrey Rudenko: "Ukraine has adopted a law prohibiting it from negotiating with the Russian Federation. This is their choice, we have always declared our readiness for negotiations that were interrupted through no fault of our own. There are no preconditions on our part." Another manipulation, according to the Center [for Countering Disinformation], is the statement of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), made during the adoption of the draft resolution of the UN General Assembly: "The fight against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism." The CSTO members said that they allegedly consider it essential "not only to honour the memory of those who died for peace on Earth but also to defend the principles of the UN Charter following the results of World War II," according to the Center for Countering Disinformation. Background: On X November, Andrey Rudenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said that Russia had no preconditions for starting negotiations with Ukraine.
Zelenskyy awards special honourable title to the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, awarded the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Edelweiss honourable title. Source: President’s decree Quote: "Award the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the honourable Edelweiss title and from now on call it the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade ‘Edelweiss’ of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." Background: In January, the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade reported that the Ukrainian troops are destroying dozens of members of the Russian Wagner Group that does not consider its losses and does not retrieve the bodies of its soldiers. The 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade is a military formation within the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The symbol of the brigade is an emblem of the mountain infantry units (edelweiss and crossed Hutsul hatchets) on a shield with the number of the brigade written with a Roman number "X" in the lower part.
[ "Zelenskyy awards special honourable title to the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade", "Zelenskyy holds military cabinet meeting: No details but Russians will feel them", "Four killed in today's Russian missile attack; Ukraine cannot close skies yet – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy: We prepare for short war and for Ukraine's victory", "Zelenskyy convenes a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff to discuss gains on the frontline", "Zelenskyy arrives at frontline", "ZELENSKYY ANNOUNCED GENERAL MOBILISATION", "Zelenskyy: We have a very specific plan for next year", "Zelenskyy: My children are in Ukraine, this is important for a president", "“Ukrainians have more hunger for life than Russia has missiles” – Zelenskyy" ]
Zelenskyy awards special honourable title to the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade
[ 4570, 10044, 5992, 13468, 2491, 13457, 4623, 9720, 24576, 10293 ]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, awarded the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Edelweiss honourable title. Source: President’s decree Quote: "Award the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the honourable Edelweiss title and from now on call it the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade ‘Edelweiss’ of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." Background: In January, the XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade reported that the Ukrainian troops are destroying dozens of members of the Russian Wagner Group that does not consider its losses and does not retrieve the bodies of its soldiers. The XXth Separate Mountain Assault Brigade is a military formation within the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The symbol of the brigade is an emblem of the mountain infantry units (edelweiss and crossed Hutsul hatchets) on a shield with the number of the brigade written with a Roman number "X" in the lower part.
Russia puts Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova on wanted list
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has put popular Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova on their wanted list. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news agency TASS, referring to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Quote: "Sokolova Yanina Mykhailivna is wanted under the Criminal Code." Details: Russian propagandists say Sokolova was added to the list of terrorists and extremists by Rosfinmonitoring [Russian Federal Financial Monitoring Service] in March. Update: Sokolova reacted to reports that the Russian Federation put her on the wanted list with irony. "Well, thank God. I have begun to worry whether my Russophobia was lacking," she wrote on Facebook. For reference: Yanina Sokolova is a Ukrainian journalist, social activist and blogger. She is an author and host of the Randevu [Rendezvous] programme on 5 Kanal [Channel 5] and YouTube projects An Evening with Yanina Sokolova and Soromno! [Shame!]. Yanina is also the founder of the Ya, Nina [I, Nina] project to help cancer patients, a media ambassador for HeforShe in Ukraine, and a volunteer.
[ "Killed, abducted, threatened: XXX Russian crimes against Ukrainian journalists recorded", "Russian elites expect defeat in war after retreat from Kherson", "Complete censorship in Russia: Novaya Gazeta removes its materials on war in Ukraine", "German BILD journalist injured in Ukraine", "Zelenskyy on RIA Novosti article: One piece of evidence for a future tribunal", "Russia looks for trench diggers via social media, even among disabled people", "Russia hides statistics on desertion among military", "Russia loses more than XXX elite military personnel in Ukraine – BBC", "Prosecutor General: XX journalists killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the war", "Russia puts Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova on wanted list" ]
Russia puts Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova on wanted list
[ 28576, 27186, 6934, 1697, 27706, 6996, 2790, 21160, 18039, 4571 ]
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has put popular Ukrainian journalist Yanina Sokolova on their wanted list. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news agency TASS, referring to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Quote: "Sokolova Yanina Mykhailivna is wanted under the Criminal Code." Details: Russian propagandists say Sokolova was added to the list of terrorists and extremists by Rosfinmonitoring [Russian Federal Financial Monitoring Service] in March. Update: Sokolova reacted to reports that the Russian Federation put her on the wanted list with irony. "Well, thank God. I have begun to worry whether my Russophobia was lacking," she wrote on Facebook. For reference: Yanina Sokolova is a Ukrainian journalist, social activist and blogger. She is an author and host of the Randevu [Rendezvous] programme on X Kanal [Channel X] and YouTube projects An Evening with Yanina Sokolova and Soromno! [Shame!]. Yanina is also the founder of the Ya, Nina [I, Nina] project to help cancer patients, a media ambassador for HeforShe in Ukraine, and a volunteer.
Ukraine needs 300-500 tanks – Zelenskyy
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, has stated that Ukraine needs 300 to 500 tanks for the war with Russia. Source: Zelenskyy in an interview for the Sky News TV-channel Quote: "We need 300-500 tanks now." Details: Zelenskyy stated that he was very grateful to the USA and other Western countries for their decision to hand their tanks over to Ukraine but remarked that he would only feel relief when this military equipment is finally deployed on the front. Why it is important: The USA, Germany and other European countries approved the decision to supply Ukraine with the tanks they have in service. However, the number of military equipment to be supplied is far from Ukraine’s requests.
[ "Zelenskyy meets once again with his Kosovan counterpart", "Moving forward is the most important thing: Zelenskyy holds military cabinet meeting with commanders and officers", "Zelenskyy: We are preparing for Russian brutality in Donbas and near Kharkiv", "Zelenskyy: We will be able to do what previous generations failed to do", "Zelenskyy fires member of Ukraine's National Bank Council", "Polar explorers told Zelenskyy how they were getting closer to victory", "Ukraine needs XXX-XXX tanks – Zelenskyy", "Zelenskyy arrived in Poltava Oblast", "Ukrainian President announces decision to strengthen Ukrainian soldiers", "Zelenskyy will take part in GXX summit" ]
Ukraine needs XXX-XXX tanks – Zelenskyy
[ 4727, 5006, 4535, 25891, 2706, 28730, 25172, 11329, 4645, 4572 ]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, has stated that Ukraine needs XXX to XXX tanks for the war with Russia. Source: Zelenskyy in an interview for the Sky News TV-channel Quote: "We need XXX-XXX tanks now." Details: Zelenskyy stated that he was very grateful to the USA and other Western countries for their decision to hand their tanks over to Ukraine but remarked that he would only feel relief when this military equipment is finally deployed on the front. Why it is important: The USA, Germany and other European countries approved the decision to supply Ukraine with the tanks they have in service. However, the number of military equipment to be supplied is far from Ukraine’s requests.
Russian troops hit village in Kharkiv Oblast, killing woman
The Russian occupying forces have attacked the village of Podoly in the Kupiansk district, Kharkiv Oblast, killing a 58-year-old woman. Source: Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Details: The authorities said that apart from the deceased, a man, 66, has been injured. He was hospitalised in a healthcare facility. This bombardment destroyed a private house and set an outbuilding on fire.
[ "Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office reveals details of Russian attack on postal depot which killed six civilians", "Russians once again attack Kupiansk district, injuring civilian", "Russian forces attack Kupiansk, causing fires, killing a man and damaging maternity hospital", "Russians attack Kharkiv Oblast, three people killed", "Russian attack on delivery company depot: DNA testing will be needed to identify one of the victims", "Russians strike Novoosynove in Kharkiv Oblast, five civilians injured", "Medical centre catches fire following Russian attack in Kharkiv Oblast", "Russians attack Kupiansk on Sunday morning, severely injuring man", "Russian troops hit village in Kharkiv Oblast, killing woman", "Russians strike residential building in Kharkiv Oblast overnight, two killed" ]
Russian troops hit village in Kharkiv Oblast, killing woman
[ 22466, 15911, 20650, 24295, 4573, 18434, 16944, 2335, 734, 4268 ]
The Russian occupying forces have attacked the village of Podoly in the Kupiansk district, Kharkiv Oblast, killing a XX-year-old woman. Source: Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Details: The authorities said that apart from the deceased, a man, XX, has been injured. He was hospitalised in a healthcare facility. This bombardment destroyed a private house and set an outbuilding on fire.
Russian forces attack Kharkiv: city hit with 6 missiles
Russian occupation forces carried out an attack on Kharkiv late on Thursday, 30 March. An all-clear has not been given yet. Source: Ihor Terekhov, Kharkiv Mayor, on Telegram; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Details: Terekhov said the city has been attacked. Syniehubov added that Russian occupation forces were attacking both the city of Kharkiv and the rest of Kharkiv Oblast. Quote from Syniehubov: "Enemy forces are once again attacking Kharkiv. The city has been hit at least six times; S-300 [missiles were deployed] according to the available information. The attack has been undertaken from the direction of Belgorod [Russia - ed.]. Information about casualties and the extent of destruction has yet to be confirmed. Remain in shelters until an all-clear is given." Details: According to Terekhov, information about casualties and injuries is being clarified. Air-raid warnings have been issued in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Poltava oblasts. The Kyiv City State Administration said there was a "threat of a drone attack".
[ "Attack on Kharkiv: Woman dies, following her deceased XX-year-old grandson", "Russians are attacking Kharkiv: there are fatalities and casualties", "Russians destroy Lokomotyv sports complex in Kharkiv with S-XXX missiles", "Russians shell Kharkiv, leaving casualties", "Russians hit Kharkiv's Central Park", "Russian forces attack Kharkiv: city hit with X missiles", "Body of second victim found under the rubble of the cultural centre in Chuhuiv", "Shelling of residential building in Kharkiv: three entrances destroyed, people pulled out from under the rubble", "Explosions in Kharkiv: Mayor reports at least X strikes", "People with hearing impairments lived in Kharkiv dormitory: they would not have heard the air-raid siren" ]
Russian forces attack Kharkiv: city hit with X missiles
[ 7296, 8801, 7439, 21453, 14087, 4574, 9762, 8035, 29308, 19802 ]
Russian occupation forces carried out an attack on Kharkiv late on Thursday, XX March. An all-clear has not been given yet. Source: Ihor Terekhov, Kharkiv Mayor, on Telegram; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration Details: Terekhov said the city has been attacked. Syniehubov added that Russian occupation forces were attacking both the city of Kharkiv and the rest of Kharkiv Oblast. Quote from Syniehubov: "Enemy forces are once again attacking Kharkiv. The city has been hit at least six times; S-XXX [missiles were deployed] according to the available information. The attack has been undertaken from the direction of Belgorod [Russia - ed.]. Information about casualties and the extent of destruction has yet to be confirmed. Remain in shelters until an all-clear is given." Details: According to Terekhov, information about casualties and injuries is being clarified. Air-raid warnings have been issued in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Poltava oblasts. The Kyiv City State Administration said there was a "threat of a drone attack".
Russians attack Kharkiv: residential building on fire, 7 killed
ALONA MAZURENKO – WEDNESDAY, 17 AUGUST, 22:15 Ihor Terekhov, the Mayor of Kharkiv, reported that the invaders fired on Saltivka neighbourhood. There is an intense fire in a residential building at the site of strike. Early reports indicate that seven people have been killed. Source: Terekhov on Telegram; Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote: "Another attack on the Saltivka neighbourhood. According to preliminary information, the strike [landed] next to a residential high-rise apartment building. Be careful, follow the rule of two walls [which is much safer for people when taking cover during the shooting]" Details: According to Terekhov, there is a strong fire in a residential building at the place of strike. Syniehubov said that according to preliminary information, 6 people died, and 16 more were injured as a result of the attack. Update: Rescue workers have reported that the fire was contained at 23:38. They are continuing to extinguish the residual flames and to rescue people from under the rubble. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES) has reported that seven people were killed and another 13 injured. The SES units rescued four of them. Ivan Sokol, Director of the Kharkiv Oblast Department for Civil Protection, told the media outlet Suspilne that the Russian Federation used a Kalibr cruise missile to attack the residential building in Kharkiv. He added that at the time of the attack, 30 people, including senior citizens and children, were living in the building. Sources in the city government told Ukrainska Pravda that people with hearing impairments had been living in several units in the building destroyed by the Russian attack.
[ "Russian missiles attack Kharkiv, hitting civilian facilities", "Russians revealed their intention to blow up children's hospital in Kharkiv", "Russian forces shell Kharkiv bus stop, one person died", "Invaders shell Kharkiv Oblast with cluster munitions, there are injured", "Russians attack Kharkiv: everyone must stay in shelters – Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration", "Russian troops attack Kharkiv: missile hits restaurant complex; large fire breaks out", "Russian troops shelled central Kharkiv, killing at least X", "Russians attack Kharkiv: residential building on fire, X killed", "Nuclear Reactor in Kharkiv targeted again", "The Russians again shelled a nuclear facility in Kharkiv" ]
Russians attack Kharkiv: residential building on fire, X killed
[ 21368, 5801, 4410, 8513, 27100, 21077, 2306, 4575, 8767, 28889 ]
ALONA MAZURENKO – WEDNESDAY, XX AUGUST, XX:XX Ihor Terekhov, the Mayor of Kharkiv, reported that the invaders fired on Saltivka neighbourhood. There is an intense fire in a residential building at the site of strike. Early reports indicate that seven people have been killed. Source: Terekhov on Telegram; Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Quote: "Another attack on the Saltivka neighbourhood. According to preliminary information, the strike [landed] next to a residential high-rise apartment building. Be careful, follow the rule of two walls [which is much safer for people when taking cover during the shooting]" Details: According to Terekhov, there is a strong fire in a residential building at the place of strike. Syniehubov said that according to preliminary information, X people died, and XX more were injured as a result of the attack. Update: Rescue workers have reported that the fire was contained at XX:XX. They are continuing to extinguish the residual flames and to rescue people from under the rubble. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES) has reported that seven people were killed and another XX injured. The SES units rescued four of them. Ivan Sokol, Director of the Kharkiv Oblast Department for Civil Protection, told the media outlet Suspilne that the Russian Federation used a Kalibr cruise missile to attack the residential building in Kharkiv. He added that at the time of the attack, XX people, including senior citizens and children, were living in the building. Sources in the city government told Ukrainska Pravda that people with hearing impairments had been living in several units in the building destroyed by the Russian attack.
Ukrainian forces destroy Russian self-propelled howitzer near state border with Russia
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO – MONDAY, 29 AUGUST 2022, 15:42 The servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine detected a Russian self-propelled howitzer near the state border. It was subsequently targeted and destroyed by the Ukrainian artillery. Source: press-service of the Eastern operational-territorial unit of the National Guard of Ukraine Quote: "The Ukrainian defence forces destroyed a Russian 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled howitzer with a 29 km range of fire. It happened in the North of Kharkiv Oblast, near the Ukraine's state border with the occupying country. This is the result of a joint effort of artillery reconnaissance of the National Guard of Ukraine and artillery calculations of a brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." Details: It is reported that the National Guardsmen and the servicemen of the Special Operations Forces detected the target using an unmanned aerial vehicle, then adjusted fire and confirmed the results. The artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine then launched a high precision attack on the target.
[ "Kharkiv region: a man died due to Russian shelling", "Russians shell Kharkiv Oblast; one victim and one wounded", "Ukrainian forces destroy Russian self-propelled howitzer near state border with Russia", "General Staff: Russian troops blow up X road bridges in Kharkiv Region", "Russians kill another civilian in the Kharkiv region and injure an XX-year-old child", "Russians attacked Kupiansk district, killing man ", "Russians attack Kupiansk again, hitting residential buildings", "Kharkiv region: in the city of Derhachi, Russian occupiers fired at the City Council - there are dead and wounded", "Ukrainian Armed Forces liberate more than XX towns and villages in Kharkiv Oblast – Oblast Military Administration", "A third of the XXX former prisoners fighting on Russian side in Kharkiv Oblast are injured or have deserted – General Staff" ]
Ukrainian forces destroy Russian self-propelled howitzer near state border with Russia
[ 4576, 24139, 10750, 20263, 17225, 10764, 26166, 27009, 9122, 10691 ]
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO – MONDAY, XX AUGUST XXXX, XX:XX The servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine detected a Russian self-propelled howitzer near the state border. It was subsequently targeted and destroyed by the Ukrainian artillery. Source: press-service of the Eastern operational-territorial unit of the National Guard of Ukraine Quote: "The Ukrainian defence forces destroyed a Russian XSXX Msta-S self-propelled howitzer with a XX km range of fire. It happened in the North of Kharkiv Oblast, near the Ukraine's state border with the occupying country. This is the result of a joint effort of artillery reconnaissance of the National Guard of Ukraine and artillery calculations of a brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." Details: It is reported that the National Guardsmen and the servicemen of the Special Operations Forces detected the target using an unmanned aerial vehicle, then adjusted fire and confirmed the results. The artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine then launched a high precision attack on the target.
Chechnya says Kadyrov is in Mariupol - sporting general's epaulettes from Putin
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO - MONDAY, 28 MARCH 2022, 18:12 Russian President Vladimir Putin has promoted Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov to the military rank of Lieutenant General. Russian media report that Kadyrov is in Mariupol, which is besieged by Russian occupiers . Source: Mohammed Daudov, head of the Chechen parliament, and Akhmed Dudayev, Chechnya's minister for national policy, foreign relations, press and information, as quoted by the Russian newspaper "RBC" Details: Commenting on the awarding of the rank to Kadyrov, Daudov wrote on his social media site that "the Chechen leader's contribution to the victory over international terrorism in the Chechen Republic, and to the preservation of Russia's integrity cannot be overestimated." Another video allegedly from Mariupol was posted on Kadyrov's Telegram channel on Monday. "RBC" writes that the Chechen government confirmed to them that Kadyrov is in Mariupol, where, they say, "the principal outcome" is approaching. The head of the Chechen government said that "in the next few days the city will be taken and cleared of nationalists and Nazis. And Kadyrov, according to Daudov, "came to Mariupol to talk, to raise morale, to provide additional technical equipment, and to adjust and refine the strategy for further actions in the next couple of days." Background: Since the first days of the full-scale war, the Russian invaders have been levelling Mariupol with air raids. The invader keeps trying to take over the city, but is rebuffed by the Ukrainian resistance forces. According to Russian Telegram channels on 13 March, Ramzan Kadyrov is in Ukraine; on 14 March, Kadyrov himself published a video, saying that it was taken in Hostomel near Kyiv, and on 15 March he even published a video from Chechnya. "Ukrainska Pravda" has confirmation by telephone from the Chechen leader that Kadyrov was not in Ukraine that week. On 27 March, Kadyrov showed a video of Chechen involvement in the siege of Mariupol, featuring Ruslan Geremeyev, who is believed to have masterminded the murder of opposition Russian politician Boris Nemtsov.
[ "Kadyrov recognises first losses among Chechen “guard”", "Explosions in hotel with Kadyrov fighters in Volnovakha, Donetsk Oblast", "After report about death of \"kadyrovites\" in Kherson Oblast, Kadyrov started talking about jihad", "Kadyrov no longer wants to resign due to signs of \"global Satanism observed in Donbas\"", "Chechen leader claims his X sons took part in hostilities in Ukraine", "Chechen leader calls for Ukrainian cities to be \"wiped out\"", "Kadyrov criticises CSTO countries for \"silence\" about war in Ukraine", "Chechen leader criticises Russian officials who voice Russian losses", "Chechnya says Kadyrov is in Mariupol - sporting general's epaulettes from Putin", "Russia \"isn’t retreating in the slightest: it’s just a subtlety of warfare\" – Kadyrov" ]
Chechnya says Kadyrov is in Mariupol - sporting general's epaulettes from Putin
[ 29004, 24781, 7035, 13984, 1195, 15468, 3743, 4577, 286, 17386 ]
VALENTYNA ROMANENKO - MONDAY, XX MARCH XXXX, XX:XX Russian President Vladimir Putin has promoted Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov to the military rank of Lieutenant General. Russian media report that Kadyrov is in Mariupol, which is besieged by Russian occupiers . Source: Mohammed Daudov, head of the Chechen parliament, and Akhmed Dudayev, Chechnya's minister for national policy, foreign relations, press and information, as quoted by the Russian newspaper "RBC" Details: Commenting on the awarding of the rank to Kadyrov, Daudov wrote on his social media site that "the Chechen leader's contribution to the victory over international terrorism in the Chechen Republic, and to the preservation of Russia's integrity cannot be overestimated." Another video allegedly from Mariupol was posted on Kadyrov's Telegram channel on Monday. "RBC" writes that the Chechen government confirmed to them that Kadyrov is in Mariupol, where, they say, "the principal outcome" is approaching. The head of the Chechen government said that "in the next few days the city will be taken and cleared of nationalists and Nazis. And Kadyrov, according to Daudov, "came to Mariupol to talk, to raise morale, to provide additional technical equipment, and to adjust and refine the strategy for further actions in the next couple of days." Background: Since the first days of the full-scale war, the Russian invaders have been levelling Mariupol with air raids. The invader keeps trying to take over the city, but is rebuffed by the Ukrainian resistance forces. According to Russian Telegram channels on XX March, Ramzan Kadyrov is in Ukraine; on XX March, Kadyrov himself published a video, saying that it was taken in Hostomel near Kyiv, and on XX March he even published a video from Chechnya. "Ukrainska Pravda" has confirmation by telephone from the Chechen leader that Kadyrov was not in Ukraine that week. On XX March, Kadyrov showed a video of Chechen involvement in the siege of Mariupol, featuring Ruslan Geremeyev, who is believed to have masterminded the murder of opposition Russian politician Boris Nemtsov.
Bad joke: Ukraine's foreign minister opposes Russia's presidency of UN Security Council from 1 April
Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has spoken out against Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council from April. Source: Kuleba on Twitter Quote: "Russia's chairmanship of the UN Security Council on 1 April is a bad joke. Russia has usurped its seat; it’s waging a colonial war; its leader is a war criminal wanted by the ICC for kidnapping children. The world cannot be a safe place with Russia at UNSC". Russian UN Security Council presidency on April 1 is a bad joke. Russia has usurped its seat; it’s waging a colonial war; its leader is a war criminal wanted by the ICC for kidnapping children. The world can’t be a safe place with Russia at UNSC #BadRussianJoke #InsecurityCouncil Background: Earlier, it was reported that a meeting of the UN Security Council should be held this week regarding Putin's statement on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Ukraine itself called for the meeting of the Security Council, calling the Russian president's move an act that undermines the principles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the nuclear disarmament architecture and the international security system as a whole. Read more: How Russian Nukes in Belarus Undermine China's Xi Authority Instead of Scaring NATO
[ "Bad joke: Ukraine's foreign minister opposes Russia's presidency of UN Security Council from X April ", "Russians upset by possible EU travel ban should turn to Kremlin – Kuleba ", "Ukraine’s Foreign Minister calls for exclusion of Russia from UN Security Council after missile attack on New Year's Eve", "\"As far from the truth as possible\": XX countries condemn speech of Russian Children's Ombudsman in UN Security Council", "Ukraine to raise issue of Russia's membership in UN Security Council", "Kuleba calls for Russia to be deprived of its seat on UN Security Council", "BBC: Russia campaigns at UN to be returned to Human Rights Council", "Ukraine's Foreign Minister calls on UN Security Council to prevent Russia from abusing its presidency", "Russia should be expelled from UN Security Council, where it sits on throne of impunity – Ukraine's Foreign Minister", "\"Worse than ISIS\": Ukraine's Foreign Ministry calls on UN to kick Russia out after new video of execution of Ukrainian PoW" ]
Bad joke: Ukraine's foreign minister opposes Russia's presidency of UN Security Council from X April
[ 20055, 5849, 7815, 15180, 8256, 8782, 28411, 20566, 24288, 4578 ]
Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has spoken out against Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council from April. Source: Kuleba on Twitter Quote: "Russia's chairmanship of the UN Security Council on X April is a bad joke. Russia has usurped its seat; it’s waging a colonial war; its leader is a war criminal wanted by the ICC for kidnapping children. The world cannot be a safe place with Russia at UNSC". Russian UN Security Council presidency on April X is a bad joke. Russia has usurped its seat; it’s waging a colonial war; its leader is a war criminal wanted by the ICC for kidnapping children. The world can’t be a safe place with Russia at UNSC #BadRussianJoke #InsecurityCouncil Background: Earlier, it was reported that a meeting of the UN Security Council should be held this week regarding Putin's statement on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Ukraine itself called for the meeting of the Security Council, calling the Russian president's move an act that undermines the principles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the nuclear disarmament architecture and the international security system as a whole. Read more: How Russian Nukes in Belarus Undermine China's Xi Authority Instead of Scaring NATO
Russian tactical aircraft flights resume after weekend pause
The Russians have increased the presence of tactical aircraft in the skies over the occupied territories of Ukraine and near its borders since Monday, after having decreased jet flights over the weekend. Source: Yurii Ihnat, Spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast Quote: "In general, the enemy increased the number of flights in the sky today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday. There was a small number of aircraft over the weekend; in fact, a couple of planes patrolled in the Black Sea and around Ukraine’s borders (from the north and east), and that activity has increased during this week. Today, there were up to 30 planes in the airspace over the occupied territories of Ukraine and the Black Sea; some of them were within the territory of Russia. These planes are tactical, not strategic aircraft; they were obviously sent to support the ground forces and possibly launch guided cruise missiles, such as the Kh-59, Kh-31, etc." Details: Ihnat has also confirmed that air raid sirens sounded throughout Ukraine on Thursday because of Russian MiG-31K interceptor jets (they can carry Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, which have a range of 2,000 kilometres) that left Belarus and relocated to the Russian Federation. The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force also pointed out that the location of those interceptor jets is not of particular strategic importance, as they can launch a missile from either Belarusian or Russian territory. Background: Tactical aircraft include fighter jets, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of the army aviation division that carry out tasks directly in the combat action zone. Strategic aircraft are planes that can launch missiles a long distance from the battlefield.
[ "Ukraine’s Air Force clarify type of Russian helicopters destroyed on St Nicholas Day", "State Investigation Bureau investigates causes of fighter jet crash in Vinnytsia Oblast", "Ukrainian air defence shoots down XX Russian missiles and XX Shahed kamikaze drones", "Air Force destroys X out of X Russian Shaheds drones overnight", "Ukraine's Air Force shows German Gepard \"hunting\"", "Ukraine's Armed Forces shot down Russian bomber and attack aircraft on eastern front", "Russian tactical aircraft flights resume after weekend pause", "Ukraine's Air Force assesses possibility of Russian invaders landing in Kyiv as unrealistic", "Ukraine's Air Force explains how it manages to shoot down Russian Kh-XXX missiles", "Ukraine's Air Force explains what would help shooting down more Russian missiles" ]
Russian tactical aircraft flights resume after weekend pause
[ 11564, 29259, 18806, 9111, 18731, 10388, 4579, 15572, 16489, 23883 ]
The Russians have increased the presence of tactical aircraft in the skies over the occupied territories of Ukraine and near its borders since Monday, after having decreased jet flights over the weekend. Source: Yurii Ihnat, Spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, on air during the XX/X national joint newscast Quote: "In general, the enemy increased the number of flights in the sky today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday. There was a small number of aircraft over the weekend; in fact, a couple of planes patrolled in the Black Sea and around Ukraine’s borders (from the north and east), and that activity has increased during this week. Today, there were up to XX planes in the airspace over the occupied territories of Ukraine and the Black Sea; some of them were within the territory of Russia. These planes are tactical, not strategic aircraft; they were obviously sent to support the ground forces and possibly launch guided cruise missiles, such as the Kh-XX, Kh-XX, etc." Details: Ihnat has also confirmed that air raid sirens sounded throughout Ukraine on Thursday because of Russian MiG-XXK interceptor jets (they can carry Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, which have a range of X,XXX kilometres) that left Belarus and relocated to the Russian Federation. The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force also pointed out that the location of those interceptor jets is not of particular strategic importance, as they can launch a missile from either Belarusian or Russian territory. Background: Tactical aircraft include fighter jets, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of the army aviation division that carry out tasks directly in the combat action zone. Strategic aircraft are planes that can launch missiles a long distance from the battlefield.
Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Russian Mi-8 helicopter on Tuesday
On Tuesday, The Ukrainian Armed Forces damaged a Russian Mi-8 helicopter on the Tavria front. Source: Oleksandr Shtupun, spokesman for the Joint Press Centre of the Tavria Defence Forces, on the air of the joint national 24/7 newscast Quote: "A Russian Su-25 jet was shot down by one of the brigades of the Ukrainian army. A Mi-8 helicopter was also damaged. Unfortunately, there is no confirmation of its destruction. But it was damaged." Background: On the morning of 11 October, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the destruction of a Russian Su-25 fighter jet.
[ "Ukrainian defenders shoot down XX Russian Orlan drones in XX hours", "Ukrainian forces destroy Russian Mi-X helicopter and kill over XXX Russian soldiers – Operational Command Pivden (South)", "Ukrainian Air Force strikes Russian positions and air defence systems XX times in south", "Ukrainian aviation attacks X occupiers’ command points", "Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces posts video of Ukrainian aircraft in action", "Ukrainian aircraft hit XX strong points and concentrations of Russians in one day – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration", "Ukrainian aircraft deliver XX airstrikes on Russian positions – Operational Command Pivden (South)", "Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Russian Mi-X helicopter on Tuesday", "Ukraine’s Air Force downs X Russian helicopters in X day", "Air Defence daily summary: X enemy helicopters, an aircraft and a missile" ]
Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Russian Mi-X helicopter on Tuesday
[ 15488, 9633, 24964, 20992, 4430, 4580, 29064, 20201, 5313, 15317 ]
On Tuesday, The Ukrainian Armed Forces damaged a Russian Mi-X helicopter on the Tavria front. Source: Oleksandr Shtupun, spokesman for the Joint Press Centre of the Tavria Defence Forces, on the air of the joint national XX/X newscast Quote: "A Russian Su-XX jet was shot down by one of the brigades of the Ukrainian army. A Mi-X helicopter was also damaged. Unfortunately, there is no confirmation of its destruction. But it was damaged." Background: On the morning of XX October, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the destruction of a Russian Su-XX fighter jet.
Two Russian diplomats expelled from USA
The United States expels two employees of the Russian embassy. This happened after the Russian Federation approved a similar decision last month. Source: Spokesperson of the US State Department in a comment to European Pravda Details: "In response to the Russian Federation’s specious expulsion of two US Embassy Moscow diplomats, the State Department reciprocated by declaring persona non grata two Russian Embassy officials operating in the United States," the spokesperson said. He emphasised that the US State Department "will not tolerate the Russian government’s pattern of harassment of our diplomats." "The Department’s actions send a clear message that unacceptable actions against our Embassy personnel in Moscow will have consequences," added the spokesperson of the foreign policy department. Reminder: In September, the Russian Foreign Ministry declared Jeffrey Sillin, the first secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow, and David Bernstein, the second secretary of the embassy, as persona non grata. The names of the two American diplomats appear in the investigation of the Russian Federal Security Service regarding Russian citizen Robert Shonov, a former employee of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok, who was detained in August this year. The FSB claims that since September 2022, Shonov, "for a material reward" and on behalf of Sillin and Bernstein, collected information about the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, mobilisation in Russia, "problematic moments and an assessment of their impact on the protest activity of the population." In February of this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia handed over a note to the US Embassy in Moscow with the demand to "stop interfering in internal affairs", in which it threatened to expel American diplomats suspected of "subversive activities".
[ "US State Department on antisemitic rally in Dagestan: Blaming Ukraine is absurd", "Two Russian diplomats expelled from USA", "Russia's allegations about US involvement in drone attack on Kremlin are ludicrous – White House", "Western intelligence suggests that an explosion could have occurred on Prigozhin's plane", "Nuland tells Russian media condition for negotiations between US and Russia", "US Secretary of Defence reveals what he told Shoigu after drone incident", "Nuland considers bloody \"letters\" sent to Ukrainian embassies suggest Russian tactics", "US maintained direct contact with Russia during Wagner's rebellion – Kirby", "US has no plans to meet with Russian government at APEC summit", "Russia expels two American diplomats accused of espionage" ]
Two Russian diplomats expelled from USA
[ 14069, 29353, 16701, 14884, 21157, 18866, 17795, 6680, 4581, 6308 ]
The United States expels two employees of the Russian embassy. This happened after the Russian Federation approved a similar decision last month. Source: Spokesperson of the US State Department in a comment to European Pravda Details: "In response to the Russian Federation’s specious expulsion of two US Embassy Moscow diplomats, the State Department reciprocated by declaring persona non grata two Russian Embassy officials operating in the United States," the spokesperson said. He emphasised that the US State Department "will not tolerate the Russian government’s pattern of harassment of our diplomats." "The Department’s actions send a clear message that unacceptable actions against our Embassy personnel in Moscow will have consequences," added the spokesperson of the foreign policy department. Reminder: In September, the Russian Foreign Ministry declared Jeffrey Sillin, the first secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow, and David Bernstein, the second secretary of the embassy, as persona non grata. The names of the two American diplomats appear in the investigation of the Russian Federal Security Service regarding Russian citizen Robert Shonov, a former employee of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok, who was detained in August this year. The FSB claims that since September XXXX, Shonov, "for a material reward" and on behalf of Sillin and Bernstein, collected information about the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, mobilisation in Russia, "problematic moments and an assessment of their impact on the protest activity of the population." In February of this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia handed over a note to the US Embassy in Moscow with the demand to "stop interfering in internal affairs", in which it threatened to expel American diplomats suspected of "subversive activities".
Russian forces hit residential area in Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, killing 1 person and wounding 2 others
Russian troops attacked a residential area in the city of Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, on the morning of 3 January, hitting a multi-storey building, damaging a water supply facility, killing one person and wounding two others. Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration Quote: "In the morning, Russians attacked Kurakhove using artillery, hitting a residential area. Preliminary reports indicate that one person was killed, and two more were wounded. There is also damage [to infrastructure facilities – ed.]: a projectile has directly hit a multi-storey building. In addition, the water supply infrastructure has been damaged and windows in the buildings near the point of impact have been smashed." Details: Kyrylenko noted that the whole of Donetsk Oblast is dangerous for civilians and urged people to evacuate. Background: Late in the evening of 2 January, Russian forces launched missile attacks on the cities of Druzhkivka and Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast.
[ "Head of  Oblast Military Administration reported the number of civilian casualties in the Donetsk region over the past XX hours ", "Donetsk Oblast: Russians killed X and wounded XX civilians in a day", "Donetsk Oblast: One person killed and one injured following Russian attacks on XX July", "Donetsk region: Russia killed X civilians and injured X more over past XX hours", "Donetsk Region: X civilians killed, XX wounded on Wednesday, X May", "Donetsk Oblast: Russian troops kill X civilian, wound X others", "Russians shell Sloviansk with cluster bombs", "Russian forces hit residential area in Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, killing X person and wounding X others", "Russia continues to kill Donbas civilians: X fatalities and X casualties on XX July", "Donetsk region: Russian troops killed X civilians and wounded X " ]
Russian forces hit residential area in Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, killing X person and wounding X others
[ 4582, 18963, 20740, 21662, 14986, 14987, 2618, 26999, 838, 14782 ]
Russian troops attacked a residential area in the city of Kurakhove, Donetsk Oblast, on the morning of X January, hitting a multi-storey building, damaging a water supply facility, killing one person and wounding two others. Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk Oblast Military Administration Quote: "In the morning, Russians attacked Kurakhove using artillery, hitting a residential area. Preliminary reports indicate that one person was killed, and two more were wounded. There is also damage [to infrastructure facilities – ed.]: a projectile has directly hit a multi-storey building. In addition, the water supply infrastructure has been damaged and windows in the buildings near the point of impact have been smashed." Details: Kyrylenko noted that the whole of Donetsk Oblast is dangerous for civilians and urged people to evacuate. Background: Late in the evening of X January, Russian forces launched missile attacks on the cities of Druzhkivka and Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast.
Defence Minister Reznikov: "The enemy is giving up, the Russians are protesting, the Russian propaganda is failing"
IRYNA BALABCHUK — WEDNESDAY, 2 MARCH 2022, 11:38 Oleksii Reznikov, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, has said that as of the seventh day of the Russian war against Ukraine, it has become harder for the occupants to keep their divisions combat-ready, as their soldiers surrender and refuse to attack. In the meantime, the Russian propaganda lies were already showing cracks as people had started coming out in protest. Source: Reznikov on Facebook Reznikov’s quote: "147 hours of defence. The nature of events is changing. The Russian invaders are trying to somehow maintain the combat-readiness of their divisions. But it is getting worse and worse, as is evidenced by the repeated surrender of groups of Russian soldiers and officers surrounding and their refusal to attack. In Russia, relatives of the captives and the dead are coming out in protest. The complete lies of the Russian propaganda are starting to show cracks". Details: The Minister of Defence stressed that the enemy was afraid of direct contact with the Ukrainian defenders, so it started shelling Ukrainian cities from afar. Reznikov’s quote: "The enemy viciously shelled peaceful Zhytomyr. This was an attempt to avenge the success of the 95th division in the Joint Forces Operation. The invaders were aiming at the brigade barracks and nearby houses.
[ "Russia's Defence Ministry claims forces on standby in preparation for \"dirty bomb\"", "Over XX Russian generals killed since beginning of war in Ukraine – Japanese Intelligence", "State of Ukraine’s regions as of X March, morning", "Ukraine’s Armed Forces killed XX,XXX Russians, XXX of them in last XX hours – General Staff", "Defence Minister Reznikov: \"The enemy is giving up, the Russians are protesting, the Russian propaganda is failing\"", "\"Not one step back\": Russian soldiers issued with memo with justification for war in Ukraine ", "Anti-aircraft gunners shoot down Russian Su-XX bomber over Bakhmut", "General Staff: Russia has lost over XX,XXX soldiers and X,XXX combat vehicles", "Russian forces entrench on left bank of Dnipro and use drones to conduct reconnaissance in southern Ukraine", "UK intelligence recalls how Kremlin has changed its tactics towards Ukraine over X years of aggression" ]
Defence Minister Reznikov: "The enemy is giving up, the Russians are protesting, the Russian propaganda is failing"
[ 4583, 14711, 14715, 17190, 8088, 16614, 16618, 10544, 26444, 18158 ]
IRYNA BALABCHUK — WEDNESDAY, X MARCH XXXX, XX:XX Oleksii Reznikov, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, has said that as of the seventh day of the Russian war against Ukraine, it has become harder for the occupants to keep their divisions combat-ready, as their soldiers surrender and refuse to attack. In the meantime, the Russian propaganda lies were already showing cracks as people had started coming out in protest. Source: Reznikov on Facebook Reznikov’s quote: "XXX hours of defence. The nature of events is changing. The Russian invaders are trying to somehow maintain the combat-readiness of their divisions. But it is getting worse and worse, as is evidenced by the repeated surrender of groups of Russian soldiers and officers surrounding and their refusal to attack. In Russia, relatives of the captives and the dead are coming out in protest. The complete lies of the Russian propaganda are starting to show cracks". Details: The Minister of Defence stressed that the enemy was afraid of direct contact with the Ukrainian defenders, so it started shelling Ukrainian cities from afar. Reznikov’s quote: "The enemy viciously shelled peaceful Zhytomyr. This was an attempt to avenge the success of the XXth division in the Joint Forces Operation. The invaders were aiming at the brigade barracks and nearby houses.
Next Ramstein meeting to be held in February – Ukraine’s Defence Minister
Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine, has stated that the next ninth meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group, also known as a Ramstein-format meeting, will be held in February. Source: Reznikov on Twitter Quote: "Ramstein 9 will be held in February." Details: Reznikov has pointed out that he sees how partners trust Ukraine more and more with each such meeting. "This is all due to the hard work of our soldiers and representatives. More trust means more weapons. To protect our land, sea... and sky!" the Defence Minister summed up. Back home after #Ramstein 8.With each meeting, I see how our partners' trust in Ukraine grows. This is all due to the hard work of our soldiers & representatives.More trust means more weapons.To protect our land, sea... & sky!#Ramstein 9 will be held in February.Stay tuned! pic.twitter.com/dzrUvQL2UR Background: On 20 January, the eighth Ramstein meeting took place. Defence ministers from more than 50 countries participated in it. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged the participants of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group to consider providing Ukraine with F-16 interceptor jets at the next meeting. The Office of the President of Ukraine hopes that the Ramstein-9 will bring aircraft to Ukraine.
[ "\"Breakthrough\": Ukrainian tank crews to start training with German Leopard X", "Ukraine's Defence Minister announces next Ramstein meeting", "Reznikov shows Swedish infantry fighting vehicles that had arrived in Ukraine", "Lloyd Austin listed weapons Ukraine to be supplied with in anticipation of its spring offensive", "Ramstein's countries pledged to provide US$XX billion in military aid to Ukraine – Pentagon's Chief", "Ukraine's Defence Minister on Ramstein meeting results: Russia is approaching Nuremberg II", "Ukraine's Defence Minister explains what will be discussed at Ramstein anniversary meeting", "Ukraine’s Defence Minister names three priorities for Ukraine at Ramstein meeting", "Next Ramstein meeting to be held in February – Ukraine’s Defence Minister", "Ukraine's Defence Minister announces creation of IT coalition at Ramstein meeting" ]
Next Ramstein meeting to be held in February – Ukraine’s Defence Minister
[ 30528, 25720, 6215, 10690, 9898, 2264, 14431, 15316, 16183, 4584 ]
Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine, has stated that the next ninth meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group, also known as a Ramstein-format meeting, will be held in February. Source: Reznikov on Twitter Quote: "Ramstein X will be held in February." Details: Reznikov has pointed out that he sees how partners trust Ukraine more and more with each such meeting. "This is all due to the hard work of our soldiers and representatives. More trust means more weapons. To protect our land, sea... and sky!" the Defence Minister summed up. Back home after #Ramstein X.With each meeting, I see how our partners' trust in Ukraine grows. This is all due to the hard work of our soldiers & representatives.More trust means more weapons.To protect our land, sea... & sky!#Ramstein X will be held in February.Stay tuned! pic.twitter.com/dzrUvQLXUR Background: On XX January, the eighth Ramstein meeting took place. Defence ministers from more than XX countries participated in it. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged the participants of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group to consider providing Ukraine with F-XX interceptor jets at the next meeting. The Office of the President of Ukraine hopes that the Ramstein-X will bring aircraft to Ukraine.
All adult animals will be put to sleep in the Kharkiv Ecopark due to shelling by occupiers
ROMAN PETRENKO — TUESDAY, 5 APRIL 2022, 12:51 Oleksandr Feldman, the founder of the Kharkiv Ecopark, said that due to the shelling of Russian troops, the park was destroyed. Large animals will be put to sleep because there is no possibility to evacuate or transport them. Source: Video address by Oleksandr Feldman Quote: "There is no more Ecopark. After yesterday's shelling, I can say that the park has been almost completely destroyed. Animal cages have been destroyed, all the infrastructure has been destroyed, but tigers and lions have miraculously survived. Their cages have been badly damaged, and they can go outside at any moment. The building where the bears live is in terrible condition. Today we will have to make a decision. We have until the evening to decide either to kill each one, put them to sleep, or to move them. There is no other place where we could take them. If we come up with an idea, maybe we can save some of them, maybe the young jaguars or panthers. But all adult animals are likely to be put down."
[ "Kharkiv: Russian forces shell Nemyshlianskyi district, there are dead and wounded", "Russian air strike hits Kharkiv TV tower: broadcasting interrupted", "Russians hits Kharkiv with X missiles, the fourth explodes in Russia – Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration", "Several strikes on central Kharkiv; a civilian injured", "Russian forces attack Kharkiv, killing a woman", "All adult animals will be put to sleep in the Kharkiv Ecopark due to shelling by occupiers", "There will be an international tribunal: Zelenskyy in response to Russian shelling of Kharkiv", "Russian occupiers attacked Kharkiv medical centre with \"Grad\" multiple rocket launchers, while it distributed humanitarian aid - X people killed", "Russians bombard Kharkiv, causing destruction – Mayor", "Russia strike Kharkiv with missiles launched from Belgorod, Russia" ]
All adult animals will be put to sleep in the Kharkiv Ecopark due to shelling by occupiers
[ 16782, 1186, 4585, 4421, 19672, 18045, 2732, 12737, 10048, 7604 ]
ROMAN PETRENKO — TUESDAY, X APRIL XXXX, XX:XX Oleksandr Feldman, the founder of the Kharkiv Ecopark, said that due to the shelling of Russian troops, the park was destroyed. Large animals will be put to sleep because there is no possibility to evacuate or transport them. Source: Video address by Oleksandr Feldman Quote: "There is no more Ecopark. After yesterday's shelling, I can say that the park has been almost completely destroyed. Animal cages have been destroyed, all the infrastructure has been destroyed, but tigers and lions have miraculously survived. Their cages have been badly damaged, and they can go outside at any moment. The building where the bears live is in terrible condition. Today we will have to make a decision. We have until the evening to decide either to kill each one, put them to sleep, or to move them. There is no other place where we could take them. If we come up with an idea, maybe we can save some of them, maybe the young jaguars or panthers. But all adult animals are likely to be put down."
Russian Defence Ministry intimidates with new weapons in 2023
The Ministry of Defence of Russia has been spreading through its propaganda media outlets information about new military equipment and missiles supposedly appearing in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2023. Source: Kremlin-aligned news outlet TASS, citing the Ministry of Defence of Russia Details: It is stated that four submarines and 12 surface ships will go into service with the Russian army later this year. In addition, the Ministry of Defence has threatened to increase the supplies of Kinzhal and Tsirkon high-precision hypersonic missile systems and continue working on other "promising samples". Moreover, the Defence Ministry is bragging about reinforcing its so-called nuclear triad. It is reported that the Russian army will receive in 2023 the following: 22 launchers containing Yars, Avangard and Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles; Three Tu-160 strategic missile carriers; The Emperor Alexander III nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project Why this is important: This information appeared against the background of the massive supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine.
[ "Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian storage points, Russians lack ammunition", "Russia starts to build Sarmat missiles and gets ready for new test", "Anti-aircraft gun missile system installed at closed landfill in Moscow – media", "Russian Defence Ministry intimidates with new weapons in XXXX", "Russia supposedly produces first Poseidon nuclear torpedoes", "Ukrainian troops capture rare Russian drone", "Russian soldier blows up grenade at ammunition depot, killing people", "Ukrainian Armed Forces strike deployment points of three Russian ADMS", "Russia is threatening new missile strikes due to the failure of the ground operation", "Authorities begin distributing weapons to civilians in two Russian border regions" ]
Russian Defence Ministry intimidates with new weapons in XXXX
[ 4586, 13220, 7396, 27280, 22300, 3547, 12954, 16499, 28131, 4161 ]
The Ministry of Defence of Russia has been spreading through its propaganda media outlets information about new military equipment and missiles supposedly appearing in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in XXXX. Source: Kremlin-aligned news outlet TASS, citing the Ministry of Defence of Russia Details: It is stated that four submarines and XX surface ships will go into service with the Russian army later this year. In addition, the Ministry of Defence has threatened to increase the supplies of Kinzhal and Tsirkon high-precision hypersonic missile systems and continue working on other "promising samples". Moreover, the Defence Ministry is bragging about reinforcing its so-called nuclear triad. It is reported that the Russian army will receive in XXXX the following: XX launchers containing Yars, Avangard and Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles; Three Tu-XXX strategic missile carriers; The Emperor Alexander III nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project Why this is important: This information appeared against the background of the massive supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine.
Russians abducted 46 small children from Kherson to Simferopol
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — FRIDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2022 21:26 Russian occupiers drove 46 minors from the Kherson Oblast Children's Home to occupied Simferopol. Source: Yaroslav Yanushevych, the Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; press service of Kherson Oblast Military Administration Quote from Yanushevych: "Today, the occupiers drove 46 pupils of the Kherson Oblast Children's Home to the temporarily occupied city of Simferopol by ambulance. These are children under the age of five. The invaders call the abduction of children an ‘evacuation.’"Details: Kherson Oblast Military Administration has sent an appeal in this regard to the Kherson Oblast Prosecutor's Office.The press service of Kherson Oblast Military Administration reported that among the 46 minors "evacuated" by the invaders, 18 were children without parental care, 9 were temporarily placed in care, 19 were without legal status (taken away from families). The employees of the institution [Children’s Home] reported that the children are allegedly supposed to be returned in two weeks’ time. In addition, a few days before the illegal abduction of the children, they were involved in filming propaganda videos about the distribution of humanitarian aid and the celebration of Autumn Day in the presence of representatives of Russian occupation authorities. Background: Earlier, one of the so-called leaders of the occupying "administration" of Kherson, the Russian-appointed deputy head of the city of Kherson Civilian-Military Administration, Kyrylo Stremousov, announced the preparation for the offensive of Ukrainian troops on the city. Western military officials believe that the Ukrainian army can liberate Kherson from the Russian invaders as early as late October. Kremlin-appointed puppet head of Kherson Oblast, Volodymyr Saldo, had even appealed to the Russian leadership, asking for it to help evacuate residents from the region. The Russian Federation said that it would provide "free accommodation" to all persons coming to Russia from Kherson Oblast. He also announced that the occupation leadership of Kherson Oblast decided to move to the left bank [of the Dnipro River]. In addition, according to the General Staff of Ukraine, the Russians have begun the process of evacuating so-called "state institutions" from the occupied part of Kherson Oblast to occupied Crimea. It also became known that the occupiers were taking collaborators and their families from Kherson to Russian-occupied Crimea.
[ "Russian forces injure young girl in Kherson Oblast, she is in a coma", "Russia not allowing any children out of Kherson region through the \"green corridor\" - Head of Military Administration", "Ukraine brings back three more children who were under occupation", "Ukraine brings back XX children abducted by Russia from Kherson Oblast", "XX-year-old girl injured in Russian attack on Kherson Oblast", "XX children previously held in occupied part of Kherson Oblast brought back to Ukraine", "Russians abducted XX small children from Kherson to Simferopol", "Two children in Kherson Oblast seriously injured in Russian attack on New Year's Eve", "Attacks on Kherson Oblast: child injured at night", "Two children injured by explosives in Kherson Oblast, both are in serious condition " ]
Russians abducted XX small children from Kherson to Simferopol
[ 10025, 26548, 2884, 29690, 14372, 17423, 25175, 17141, 21746, 4587 ]
KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO — FRIDAY, XX OCTOBER XXXX XX:XX Russian occupiers drove XX minors from the Kherson Oblast Children's Home to occupied Simferopol. Source: Yaroslav Yanushevych, the Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; press service of Kherson Oblast Military Administration Quote from Yanushevych: "Today, the occupiers drove XX pupils of the Kherson Oblast Children's Home to the temporarily occupied city of Simferopol by ambulance. These are children under the age of five. The invaders call the abduction of children an ‘evacuation.’"Details: Kherson Oblast Military Administration has sent an appeal in this regard to the Kherson Oblast Prosecutor's Office.The press service of Kherson Oblast Military Administration reported that among the XX minors "evacuated" by the invaders, XX were children without parental care, X were temporarily placed in care, XX were without legal status (taken away from families). The employees of the institution [Children’s Home] reported that the children are allegedly supposed to be returned in two weeks’ time. In addition, a few days before the illegal abduction of the children, they were involved in filming propaganda videos about the distribution of humanitarian aid and the celebration of Autumn Day in the presence of representatives of Russian occupation authorities. Background: Earlier, one of the so-called leaders of the occupying "administration" of Kherson, the Russian-appointed deputy head of the city of Kherson Civilian-Military Administration, Kyrylo Stremousov, announced the preparation for the offensive of Ukrainian troops on the city. Western military officials believe that the Ukrainian army can liberate Kherson from the Russian invaders as early as late October. Kremlin-appointed puppet head of Kherson Oblast, Volodymyr Saldo, had even appealed to the Russian leadership, asking for it to help evacuate residents from the region. The Russian Federation said that it would provide "free accommodation" to all persons coming to Russia from Kherson Oblast. He also announced that the occupation leadership of Kherson Oblast decided to move to the left bank [of the Dnipro River]. In addition, according to the General Staff of Ukraine, the Russians have begun the process of evacuating so-called "state institutions" from the occupied part of Kherson Oblast to occupied Crimea. It also became known that the occupiers were taking collaborators and their families from Kherson to Russian-occupied Crimea.
Invaders are paying people to rally in support of the Russian Federation in Melitopol
Olha Hlushchenko - Saturday, 26 March 2022, 02:01 Occupiers in the city of Melitopol in the Zaporizhzhia region are planning to hold a paid rally in support of the "Russian government". Source: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration quoting Security Service of Ukraine data Quote: "The Russian Federation occupiers are planning to hold a paid rally in support of the ‘Russian authorities’ in the central square of Melitopol at 8:00 am on 26 March. It was reported that the payment promised for participation is 1200 RUR (around 12 USD). All those who want to ‘earn extra money’, thus betraying their own homeland, will have to hold the Russian occupation flag and ‘sincerely’ radiate joy when recorded on video cameras." Details: In addition, Russian aggressors in the town of Tokmak are developing an action plan for full transition to the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles) when paying for any goods in the city (cash and non-cash) by 4 April 2022.
[ "Self-destruction: Russian troops hit their own positions – Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration", "In occupied Berdiansk, local resident shot by a Russian soldier for refusing to hand over his phone", "Invaders are paying people to rally in support of the Russian Federation in Melitopol", "Russians attack Zaporizhzhia Oblast with projectiles loaded with chemical substance", "More than X,XXX detained during anti-war rallies in Russia, including minors", "Energodar residents form their city’s wall of defence", "Head of Zaporizhzhia Military Administration: Russian forces steal X grain cargo ships from port of Berdyansk", "The Russian army begins active use of aviation and artillery in the Zaporizhzhia region", "Russian occupation forces turn children's hospital in Zaporizhzhia Oblast into military hospital", "Russian occupation forces have kidnapped over XXX people in Zaporizhzhia Oblast" ]
Invaders are paying people to rally in support of the Russian Federation in Melitopol
[ 27260, 7984, 29172, 19205, 29767, 3543, 26017, 15174, 12314, 4588 ]
Olha Hlushchenko - Saturday, XX March XXXX, XX:XX Occupiers in the city of Melitopol in the Zaporizhzhia region are planning to hold a paid rally in support of the "Russian government". Source: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration quoting Security Service of Ukraine data Quote: "The Russian Federation occupiers are planning to hold a paid rally in support of the ‘Russian authorities’ in the central square of Melitopol at X:XX am on XX March. It was reported that the payment promised for participation is XXXX RUR (around XX USD). All those who want to ‘earn extra money’, thus betraying their own homeland, will have to hold the Russian occupation flag and ‘sincerely’ radiate joy when recorded on video cameras." Details: In addition, Russian aggressors in the town of Tokmak are developing an action plan for full transition to the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles) when paying for any goods in the city (cash and non-cash) by X April XXXX.
Russians fail to retake lost positions near Andriivka – General Staff report
Ukrainian defenders are continuing their offensive operations on the Melitopol and Bakhmut fronts, while the Russians are trying to regain their lost positions near Andriivka, but were unsuccessful. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook, information as of 06:00 on 21 September Quote: "The Armed Forces are on the defensive in Ukraine's east and south, continuing their offensive operation on the Melitopol and Bakhmut fronts, killing the enemy, liberating the temporarily occupied territories step by step, and consolidating their positions. During the past day, 23 combat clashes were recorded. The enemy inflicted 2 missile strikes and 80 air strikes, and carried out over 49 attacks with multiple-launch missile systems both on the positions of our troops and on civilian targets." Details: Ukraine’s air defence destroyed 17 Shahed UAVs during the day on 20 September. An oil refinery was damaged due to attacks in Poltava Oblast. Settlements in Chernihiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts were subjected to Russian air strikes. About 90 settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire. On the Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna fronts, the Russians continue to maintain a group of troops covering the state border, conducting active sabotage activities in the border areas in order to prevent the transfer of Ukrainian troops to more active fronts, and increasing the density of mine barriers along the state border in Belgorod Oblast. In the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia Operational Strategic Group on the Bakhmut front, Ukrainian troops successfully repelled Russian attacks in the area west of Zaitsev in Donetsk Oblast. The Russians tried to retake positions in the area northeast and east of Andriivka, Donetsk Oblast, yet had no success. Ukraine’s Armed Forces continue their assault operations in the area south of Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, inflicting losses on the Russians in manpower and equipment, and consolidating their positions. In the area of responsibility of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group on the Marinka front, the Russians conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the area of Marinka, Donetsk Oblast. Here, during the past day, the Russians carried out 13 unsuccessful attempts to oust Ukraine's troops from their positions. At the same time, on the Avdiivka and Shakhtarsk fronts, the Defence Forces of Ukraine are holding the liberated territories and taking the initiative to win back even more Ukrainian land. On the Melitopol front, the Ukrainian soldiers continue their offensive operations, inflicting significant losses on the Russian forces in manpower and equipment, and forcing them to withdraw from their positions. Ukrainian defenders repelled the Russian attacks in the area of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhzia Oblast. The Russian forces have suffered significant losses both in manpower and in equipment. In the area of responsibility of the Odesa Operational Strategic Group on the Kherson front, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting counter-battery combat, destroying supply depots and hitting targets in the Russians’ rear. Throughout the day on 20 September, Ukrainian aircraft inflicted ten attacks on clusters of Russian personnel, weapons and military equipment, and five strikes on their anti-aircraft missile systems. Units from Rocket Forces and Artillery struck one cluster of personnel, weapons and military equipment; 11 artillery systems; one Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as a Russian electronic warfare station.
[ "Russian forces attempt to advance on several fronts, planting mines – General Staff report", "Russian Forces want to take control of the supply routes of Ukraine's Armed Forces; battle for Soledar continues", "Russians try in vain to achieve success near Klishchiivka and Marinka – General Staff report", "Heavy fighting for every metre of land continues on X fronts – General Staff report", "Russians try to regain their positions near Klishchiivka and Avdiivka but to no avail – General Staff", "Russian prepares to resume Vuhledar offensive – General Staff report", "Russian forces focus their assaults on Avdiivka and Bakhmut fronts – General Staff report", "Bakhmut and Marinka in epicentre of fighting, Russians advanced in direction of Predtechyno and Pervomaisk – General Staff", "Russians fail to retake lost positions near Andriivka – General Staff report", "Russians try to retake positions near liberated Urozhaine – General Staff report" ]
Russians fail to retake lost positions near Andriivka – General Staff report
[ 4589, 24121, 2387, 7522, 7948, 28009, 3849, 2202, 25569, 1805 ]
Ukrainian defenders are continuing their offensive operations on the Melitopol and Bakhmut fronts, while the Russians are trying to regain their lost positions near Andriivka, but were unsuccessful. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook, information as of XX:XX on XX September Quote: "The Armed Forces are on the defensive in Ukraine's east and south, continuing their offensive operation on the Melitopol and Bakhmut fronts, killing the enemy, liberating the temporarily occupied territories step by step, and consolidating their positions. During the past day, XX combat clashes were recorded. The enemy inflicted X missile strikes and XX air strikes, and carried out over XX attacks with multiple-launch missile systems both on the positions of our troops and on civilian targets." Details: Ukraine’s air defence destroyed XX Shahed UAVs during the day on XX September. An oil refinery was damaged due to attacks in Poltava Oblast. Settlements in Chernihiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts were subjected to Russian air strikes. About XX settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire. On the Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna fronts, the Russians continue to maintain a group of troops covering the state border, conducting active sabotage activities in the border areas in order to prevent the transfer of Ukrainian troops to more active fronts, and increasing the density of mine barriers along the state border in Belgorod Oblast. In the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia Operational Strategic Group on the Bakhmut front, Ukrainian troops successfully repelled Russian attacks in the area west of Zaitsev in Donetsk Oblast. The Russians tried to retake positions in the area northeast and east of Andriivka, Donetsk Oblast, yet had no success. Ukraine’s Armed Forces continue their assault operations in the area south of Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast, inflicting losses on the Russians in manpower and equipment, and consolidating their positions. In the area of responsibility of the Tavriia Operational Strategic Group on the Marinka front, the Russians conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the area of Marinka, Donetsk Oblast. Here, during the past day, the Russians carried out XX unsuccessful attempts to oust Ukraine's troops from their positions. At the same time, on the Avdiivka and Shakhtarsk fronts, the Defence Forces of Ukraine are holding the liberated territories and taking the initiative to win back even more Ukrainian land. On the Melitopol front, the Ukrainian soldiers continue their offensive operations, inflicting significant losses on the Russian forces in manpower and equipment, and forcing them to withdraw from their positions. Ukrainian defenders repelled the Russian attacks in the area of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhzia Oblast. The Russian forces have suffered significant losses both in manpower and in equipment. In the area of responsibility of the Odesa Operational Strategic Group on the Kherson front, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting counter-battery combat, destroying supply depots and hitting targets in the Russians’ rear. Throughout the day on XX September, Ukrainian aircraft inflicted ten attacks on clusters of Russian personnel, weapons and military equipment, and five strikes on their anti-aircraft missile systems. Units from Rocket Forces and Artillery struck one cluster of personnel, weapons and military equipment; XX artillery systems; one Strela-XX anti-aircraft missile system, as well as a Russian electronic warfare station.
Rivne region: Russians shot at military infrastructure
KATERYNA TYSCHENKO - TUESDAY, 22 MARCH 2022, 23:25In the Rivne region, Russian troops struck three times at military infrastructure.Source: Vitaly Koval, head of the Rivne Regional State Administration, in TelegramKoval: "During one of the air raid alerts in the evening, the enemy struck three times at military infrastructure.A committee is working on the spot, and losses are being established."Details: Koval added that during the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down one Russian drone and one missile.Background: On 21 March, the Russians fired two missiles at a test site in the Rivne region.On the same evening, four air strikes were reported in Rivne district.
[ "Founder and editor of Rivne media outlet killed in action", "Rivne region: Russians shot at military infrastructure", "Explosions heard in Rivne Oblast, air defence at work", "Russian rockets hit military base in Rivne region", "Belarusians have no motivation to fight against Ukraine – Head of Rivne Oblast Military Administration", "Russians fire missile at Rivne region, X wounded - Oblast State Administration", "Three Russian rockets hit railway in Zdolbuniv, damage to buildings", "Russians take equipment out of Mariupol due to logistical problems", "Russians hit Sarny, Rivne Oblast, with X missiles", "Energy system was damaged, houses have been destroyed in Rivne Oblast" ]
Rivne region: Russians shot at military infrastructure
[ 1799, 30500, 28204, 23433, 25747, 24500, 2376, 4590, 26118, 93 ]
KATERYNA TYSCHENKO - TUESDAY, XX MARCH XXXX, XX:XXIn the Rivne region, Russian troops struck three times at military infrastructure.Source: Vitaly Koval, head of the Rivne Regional State Administration, in TelegramKoval: "During one of the air raid alerts in the evening, the enemy struck three times at military infrastructure.A committee is working on the spot, and losses are being established."Details: Koval added that during the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down one Russian drone and one missile.Background: On XX March, the Russians fired two missiles at a test site in the Rivne region.On the same evening, four air strikes were reported in Rivne district.
Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Pantsir missile system and 4 S-300 missile systems in southern Ukraine
SUNDAY, 7 AUGUST 2022, 02:21 The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed four Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems and one Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system on 6 August. Source: Operational Command Pivden (South) on Facebook Details: The Ukrainian Armed Forces have also destroyed one Russian 2A18 122 mm howitzer, a reconnaissance drone, several armoured and other vehicles, and an ammunition point. The Ukrainian forces have killed 72 Russian soldiers. Moreover, the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out nine strikes on three Russian strong points, four areas where Russian military personnel, weapons and equipment were concentrated, an ammunition depot, and a radar station. The Ukrainian troops have completed more than 200 fire missions, including some that targeted Russian air defence systems. The Operational Command has noted that the total losses sustained by the Russian forces are being confirmed.
[ "Putin convenes his Security Council to discuss strategic security ", "Russia's losses exceed XX,XXX personnel", "Russian soldiers undergoing treatment don’t get sick pay – General Staff", "Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Pantsir missile system and X S-XXX missile systems in southern Ukraine", "Power supply disrupted in Bryansk Oblast after alleged strike – governor", "Up to XXX Russian soldiers were killed in one day in eastern Ukraine", "Russians lose more than XXX soldiers and helicopter in one day", "Russian losses to date: XX,XXX military personnel, X,XXX tanks", "Russian losses to date: almost XX,XXX military personnel", "Wives of killed Russian soldiers get sausage and pate in Vladivostok" ]
Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Pantsir missile system and X S-XXX missile systems in southern Ukraine
[ 4591, 24161, 16726, 26123, 22465, 15903, 7216, 24735, 10979, 30540 ]
SUNDAY, X AUGUST XXXX, XX:XX The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed four Russian S-XXX anti-aircraft missile systems and one Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system on X August. Source: Operational Command Pivden (South) on Facebook Details: The Ukrainian Armed Forces have also destroyed one Russian XAXX XXX mm howitzer, a reconnaissance drone, several armoured and other vehicles, and an ammunition point. The Ukrainian forces have killed XX Russian soldiers. Moreover, the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out nine strikes on three Russian strong points, four areas where Russian military personnel, weapons and equipment were concentrated, an ammunition depot, and a radar station. The Ukrainian troops have completed more than XXX fire missions, including some that targeted Russian air defence systems. The Operational Command has noted that the total losses sustained by the Russian forces are being confirmed.
Mourning in Sumy Oblast: number of victims of Russian drone attack increases
Three people have been killed and 21 injured in Sumy due to a Russian drone attack on an apartment building, and a day of mourning has been declared in the city on 4 July. Source: Oleksandr Lysenko, Mayor of Sumy, on Facebook Quote: "Today [4 July — ed.] is a day of mourning in Sumy. Three people were killed. 21 were wounded. Four remain in hospital as a result of the enemy’s attack yesterday." Details: Later, Lysenko added that the rubble of the house hit by the Russian drone was dismantled, and the residents were evacuated: "There is no information (about any people under the rubble – ed.). The State Emergency Service reports that they have already inspected everything today (4 July – ed.) and they can say for sure that there are no people under the rubble, everyone has been evacuated". According to him, people have been resettled, and now the issue of providing material assistance is being resolved: "We have provided an opportunity to stay in dormitories, many people have moved to stay to their relatives and friends". Currently, residents only have partial access to the building. Background: As of 4 July at 18:00 Kyiv time, two civilians were killed and 19 sustained injuries in a Russian drone attack on the city of Sumy. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that on the night of 2-3 July, Russia attacked residential buildings and the Security Service of Ukraine building in Sumy with Iranian-made drones.
[ "Russian missile strike on educational institution in Sumy: death toll and injuries rise", "Nighttime Russian attack on south: air defence destroy X Kalibr missiles and XX Shahed drones", "Death toll rises after Russian drone attack in Sumy", "Russian drones attack a hospital in Kherson", "Russia hits Security Service building in Sumy on X July – Zelenskyy", "Russians attack infrastructure facility in Kirovohrad Oblast at night", "Mourning in Sumy Oblast: number of victims of Russian drone attack increases", "Bulk of Russian attack on Chernihiv primarily targeted people nearby rather than city's theatre", "Agricultural business building damaged in Khmelnytskyi Oblast in night drone attack", "Russian forces attack Nikopol district with drone, one person wounded" ]
Mourning in Sumy Oblast: number of victims of Russian drone attack increases
[ 29760, 9699, 16917, 26368, 1321, 15618, 1868, 7740, 6620, 4592 ]
Three people have been killed and XX injured in Sumy due to a Russian drone attack on an apartment building, and a day of mourning has been declared in the city on X July. Source: Oleksandr Lysenko, Mayor of Sumy, on Facebook Quote: "Today [X July — ed.] is a day of mourning in Sumy. Three people were killed. XX were wounded. Four remain in hospital as a result of the enemy’s attack yesterday." Details: Later, Lysenko added that the rubble of the house hit by the Russian drone was dismantled, and the residents were evacuated: "There is no information (about any people under the rubble – ed.). The State Emergency Service reports that they have already inspected everything today (X July – ed.) and they can say for sure that there are no people under the rubble, everyone has been evacuated". According to him, people have been resettled, and now the issue of providing material assistance is being resolved: "We have provided an opportunity to stay in dormitories, many people have moved to stay to their relatives and friends". Currently, residents only have partial access to the building. Background: As of X July at XX:XX Kyiv time, two civilians were killed and XX sustained injuries in a Russian drone attack on the city of Sumy. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that on the night of X-X July, Russia attacked residential buildings and the Security Service of Ukraine building in Sumy with Iranian-made drones.
Meeting in Malta destroys myth of Ukraine losing attention – Ukrainian Foreign Minister
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that the meeting of advisers in Malta has demonstrated broad support for Ukraine by the world's States against the background of the escalation in the Middle East. Source: European Pravda; Kuleba on Instagram. The minister noted how the involvement of the world's states in discussing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s so-called Peace Formula has increased over the past six months. "15 states participated in the talks in Copenhagen in June, 42 in Jeddah in August, and now 66 States and international organisations have been gathered in Malta," Kuleba listed. Kuleba says this diplomatic mathematics is important for at least two reasons. He particularly noted that during the past six months, numerous "peace" initiatives have disappeared from the information field, suggesting that Ukraine either give up territories, exchange something, or do other unacceptable things. "Now at the centre of all discussions is a fair and honest Ukrainian formula, which fully complies with the principles of the UN Charter and key resolutions of the General Assembly. And this is the first, particular result of the formula," the minister wrote. "Secondly, the meeting in Malta has debunked two myths with perfect timing: (1) the myth that attention has shifted away from Ukraine to the Middle East, and (2) the myth that Ukraine has lost the support of the Global South. The number of participants and other countries outside Europe and North America have increased," Kuleba explained. The Minister says there is a place for everyone in the formula, but there is no place for pseudo-pacifism. "This is a pragmatic document that embodies the principles of the UN Charter. Ukraine continues to actively work on its implementation and preparation for the Global Peace Summit, where the leaders will fix agreements and proceed to their implementation," Kuleba said. Background: China still did not attend the meeting of advisers with national security and foreign policy held in Malta, but Ukraine is keen to host a Global Peace Summit of world leaders this year. At a meeting in Malta, five points were discussed from the 10-point formula proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last year: nuclear security, food security, energy security, the release of prisoners and deportees, and territorial integrity.
[ "Meeting in Malta destroys myth of Ukraine losing attention – Ukrainian Foreign Minister", "Hungary keeps blocking €XXX million from EU fund to help Ukraine with weapons", "Zelenskyy: We do whatever it takes to see Ukrainian star shine on EU flag", "Russian pranksters manage to organise conversation with Italian PM", "Ukraine's Foreign Minister to visit Brussels on X-X November", "Luxembourg backs start of EU accession talks with Ukraine", "New UK foreign secretary mentions Ukraine in his first statement", "Zelenskyy invites European Council head to Ukraine", "Ukraine's victory in war entails liberation of all territories, including Crimea – German Ambassador", "Lithuanian Foreign Minister considers peace talks in West dangerous" ]
Meeting in Malta destroys myth of Ukraine losing attention – Ukrainian Foreign Minister
[ 4593, 4073, 9794, 23014, 10118, 25220, 28534, 10238, 10075, 1452 ]
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that the meeting of advisers in Malta has demonstrated broad support for Ukraine by the world's States against the background of the escalation in the Middle East. Source: European Pravda; Kuleba on Instagram. The minister noted how the involvement of the world's states in discussing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s so-called Peace Formula has increased over the past six months. "XX states participated in the talks in Copenhagen in June, XX in Jeddah in August, and now XX States and international organisations have been gathered in Malta," Kuleba listed. Kuleba says this diplomatic mathematics is important for at least two reasons. He particularly noted that during the past six months, numerous "peace" initiatives have disappeared from the information field, suggesting that Ukraine either give up territories, exchange something, or do other unacceptable things. "Now at the centre of all discussions is a fair and honest Ukrainian formula, which fully complies with the principles of the UN Charter and key resolutions of the General Assembly. And this is the first, particular result of the formula," the minister wrote. "Secondly, the meeting in Malta has debunked two myths with perfect timing: (X) the myth that attention has shifted away from Ukraine to the Middle East, and (X) the myth that Ukraine has lost the support of the Global South. The number of participants and other countries outside Europe and North America have increased," Kuleba explained. The Minister says there is a place for everyone in the formula, but there is no place for pseudo-pacifism. "This is a pragmatic document that embodies the principles of the UN Charter. Ukraine continues to actively work on its implementation and preparation for the Global Peace Summit, where the leaders will fix agreements and proceed to their implementation," Kuleba said. Background: China still did not attend the meeting of advisers with national security and foreign policy held in Malta, but Ukraine is keen to host a Global Peace Summit of world leaders this year. At a meeting in Malta, five points were discussed from the XX-point formula proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last year: nuclear security, food security, energy security, the release of prisoners and deportees, and territorial integrity.
At least two Russian Kalibr cruise missiles destroyed over Odesa Oblast
The Russians attacked Odesa Oblast on the night of 25-26 June with Kalibr cruise missiles and Iranian-made Shahed kamikaze drones, and at least two Kalibrs and some Russian UAVs were destroyed by air defence. Source: Nataliia Humeniuk, Head of the Joint press centre of the Defence Forces of Ukraine's south, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast Quote: "The consequences of this night attack are still being determined, although we know that at least two Kalibrs were destroyed on their approach from the sea to the coastal zone." Details: Humeniuk has also said that there was intense combat work on kamikaze drones, which damaged windows in two apartment buildings in the coastal zone. "But, fortunately, no one was injured," she added.
[ "ISW explains why Russia is increasingly conducting air attacks on Ukraine", "At least two Russian Kalibr cruise missiles destroyed over Odesa Oblast", "Russian forces attack infrastructure facility in Odesa Oblast with X missiles", "Russia attacks Odesa Oblast with missiles, hitting recreational infrastructure ", "Huge craters, damaged houses and warehouses: Russia attacks Ukraine's south with missiles and Shahed UAVs", "Russians attack Odesa Oblast with Oniks missiles: there is hit, four wounded", "Ukraine's Air Force: Russia deploys Shahed drones to attack Ukraine, strikes Kharkiv with S-XXX missiles", "Odesa: X missiles shot down over sea overnight", "Shahed UAV night attack: business hit in Odesa Oblast", "Russia attacks Odesa Oblast with Oniks missiles" ]
At least two Russian Kalibr cruise missiles destroyed over Odesa Oblast
[ 27045, 29496, 16713, 16734, 16608, 22879, 3682, 15737, 10552, 4594 ]
The Russians attacked Odesa Oblast on the night of XX-XX June with Kalibr cruise missiles and Iranian-made Shahed kamikaze drones, and at least two Kalibrs and some Russian UAVs were destroyed by air defence. Source: Nataliia Humeniuk, Head of the Joint press centre of the Defence Forces of Ukraine's south, on air during the national joint XX/X newscast Quote: "The consequences of this night attack are still being determined, although we know that at least two Kalibrs were destroyed on their approach from the sea to the coastal zone." Details: Humeniuk has also said that there was intense combat work on kamikaze drones, which damaged windows in two apartment buildings in the coastal zone. "But, fortunately, no one was injured," she added.
Belarus KGB is waiting for a turning point in the war in winter
IRYNA BALACHUK — TUESDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2022, 12:23 The Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus, Ivan Tertel, believes that the turning point in the Russian war in Ukraine may come in the period from November to February. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet RIA Novosti; Ministry of Defence of Belarus, on Telegram Quote from Tertel: "If the Russian Federation conducts high-quality mobilisation and provides its forces with technical means and advanced weapons, then the fighting will enter a key phase. According to our estimates, there will be a turning point between November of this year and February of next year." Details: For its part, the Belarusian Defence Ministry quotes the statement of the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, Alexander Volfovich, that Ukraine is allegedly trying to strike at Belarus and that NATO and European countries are allegedly "openly considering possible options for aggression" against the Republic of Belarus. Quote from Volfovich: "The highest echelons of Ukrainian authorities are also discussing the possibility of striking at Belarus, primarily using our fugitives who are currently in Ukraine: the Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment, Litvin's Battalion and other illegal armed groups." Details: The Belarusian Defence Minister, Viktor Khrenin, once again repeated the narrative of the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, to the effect that the tasks of the country’s regional troop formations are alleged "purely defensive". The leaders of Belarus also claim that all the measures being carried out now are allegedly aimed at "an adequate response to actions near the Belarusian borders." Background: On 30 September, the head of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, Kyriylo Budanov, said that Ukraine will come back to occupied Crimea – this will happen with weapons and quite soon. According to his prediction, the war will largely subside in the winter, but after that, the end of this conflict will begin by restoring Ukraine’s national borders to what they were [when the country became independent - ed.] in 1991. Budanov believes that the liberation of Crimea will take place "not in the summer, but by the end of spring or perhaps even a little earlier." Background: On 10 October, the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, met with the Belarusian military and security forces, whom he told that on the day before, he had asked to send a threat to the president of Ukraine that "the Crimean Bridge will seem like flowers" if the Ukrainians encroach on the territory of Belarus. He also said that Russia and Belarus have agreed to deploy a joint regional group of troops, and he announced that soon the Russian military will return to his country. Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin separately warned Ukraine not to take "wrong steps and provoke Belarus", in order to avoid war.
[ "Belarus plans to increase size of its army to XX,XXX", "Belarus preparing for war: weapons allocated to Ministry of Emergency Situations employees and shelters being checked", "Leader of Belarusian opposition organisation injured at war ", "Belarusians get training on how to create strike groups – General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces", "\"Don't provoke us\": Belarusian propaganda responds to Armed Forces of Ukraine using Kremlin rhetoric", "Belarus extends military exercises once again", "Air Force comments on increase of Russian weapons in Belarus: we are preparing for \"congratulations\" on Independence Day", "Belarus Investigative Committee warns \"rail partisans\" could face death penalty", "Ministry of Defence of Belarus - shelling of Belarusian village did not happen", "Belarus KGB is waiting for a turning point in the war in winter" ]
Belarus KGB is waiting for a turning point in the war in winter
[ 4595, 10435, 3818, 12665, 25229, 22032, 2332, 19677, 14465, 14380 ]
IRYNA BALACHUK — TUESDAY, XX OCTOBER XXXX, XX:XX The Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus, Ivan Tertel, believes that the turning point in the Russian war in Ukraine may come in the period from November to February. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet RIA Novosti; Ministry of Defence of Belarus, on Telegram Quote from Tertel: "If the Russian Federation conducts high-quality mobilisation and provides its forces with technical means and advanced weapons, then the fighting will enter a key phase. According to our estimates, there will be a turning point between November of this year and February of next year." Details: For its part, the Belarusian Defence Ministry quotes the statement of the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, Alexander Volfovich, that Ukraine is allegedly trying to strike at Belarus and that NATO and European countries are allegedly "openly considering possible options for aggression" against the Republic of Belarus. Quote from Volfovich: "The highest echelons of Ukrainian authorities are also discussing the possibility of striking at Belarus, primarily using our fugitives who are currently in Ukraine: the Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment, Litvin's Battalion and other illegal armed groups." Details: The Belarusian Defence Minister, Viktor Khrenin, once again repeated the narrative of the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, to the effect that the tasks of the country’s regional troop formations are alleged "purely defensive". The leaders of Belarus also claim that all the measures being carried out now are allegedly aimed at "an adequate response to actions near the Belarusian borders." Background: On XX September, the head of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, Kyriylo Budanov, said that Ukraine will come back to occupied Crimea – this will happen with weapons and quite soon. According to his prediction, the war will largely subside in the winter, but after that, the end of this conflict will begin by restoring Ukraine’s national borders to what they were [when the country became independent - ed.] in XXXX. Budanov believes that the liberation of Crimea will take place "not in the summer, but by the end of spring or perhaps even a little earlier." Background: On XX October, the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, met with the Belarusian military and security forces, whom he told that on the day before, he had asked to send a threat to the president of Ukraine that "the Crimean Bridge will seem like flowers" if the Ukrainians encroach on the territory of Belarus. He also said that Russia and Belarus have agreed to deploy a joint regional group of troops, and he announced that soon the Russian military will return to his country. Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin separately warned Ukraine not to take "wrong steps and provoke Belarus", in order to avoid war.
We have bigger issues – Elections winner in Slovakia on intention to stop support for Ukraine
Robert Fico, leader of the Smer-SD party, which won the Slovak parliamentary elections, has reiterated his statement about his intention to stop providing aid to Ukraine. Source: Fico during a press conference, reported by European Pravda with reference to AP Quote: "People in Slovakia have bigger issues than Ukraine". Details: He added that he is ready to start negotiations with other parties to form a coalition government as soon as President Zuzana Čaputová asks him to do so. "We are here, we are ready, we have learnt some things, and we have become more experienced. We have clear ideas, we have clear plans. We know what the government should do," Fico said. Background: Former prime minister Robert Fico and his anti-Ukrainian party won the snap elections in Slovakia this Saturday. Fico previously declared his intention to stop military and political support for Ukraine, he also said that it was "illusory" to talk about Ukraine's accession to the EU at that moment, and that Nazism is supposedly "tolerated" in Ukraine.
[ "Slovakia completes delivery of XX MiG-XX fighter jets to Ukraine", "Slovakia to finance production of two mine clearance vehicles for Ukraine", "NATO Secretary General: Slovakia will support Ukraine whoever comes to power next", "We have bigger issues – Elections winner in Slovakia on intention to stop support for Ukraine ", "Anti-Ukrainian party secures victory in Slovakia contrary to exit poll expectations", "Slovak government does not approve €XX million in military aid to Ukraine", "Slovakian President's Office explains why it is withholding military aid to Ukraine", "Slovak Parliament says military sales to Ukraine must be resumed", "Slovakia halts military aid to Ukraine after parliamentary elections", "Acting Slovak PM reassures Zelenskyy of constant support for Ukraine" ]
We have bigger issues – Elections winner in Slovakia on intention to stop support for Ukraine
[ 23235, 13267, 11048, 5440, 19576, 10194, 4596, 22457, 28429, 23348 ]
Robert Fico, leader of the Smer-SD party, which won the Slovak parliamentary elections, has reiterated his statement about his intention to stop providing aid to Ukraine. Source: Fico during a press conference, reported by European Pravda with reference to AP Quote: "People in Slovakia have bigger issues than Ukraine". Details: He added that he is ready to start negotiations with other parties to form a coalition government as soon as President Zuzana Čaputová asks him to do so. "We are here, we are ready, we have learnt some things, and we have become more experienced. We have clear ideas, we have clear plans. We know what the government should do," Fico said. Background: Former prime minister Robert Fico and his anti-Ukrainian party won the snap elections in Slovakia this Saturday. Fico previously declared his intention to stop military and political support for Ukraine, he also said that it was "illusory" to talk about Ukraine's accession to the EU at that moment, and that Nazism is supposedly "tolerated" in Ukraine.
More than 40 bodies pulled from the rubble in Borodianka
ROMAN PETRENKO — SUNDAY, 17 APRIL 2022, 11:43 The bodies of 41 people have been pulled from the rubble since the beginning of work on 6 April in Borodianka. Source: State Emergency Service of Ukraine "Kyiv region, Borodianka village: on 6 April, work started on clearing the rubble from two residential buildings destroyed by shelling. The rescuers pulled the body of a dead person from the rubble. Since 6 April, work on a total of 5 out of 7 destroyed residential buildings in the city centre has been completed. The bodies of 41 people have been pulled from under the rubble since the work started." Details: It is also reported that in Chernihiv, the ruins of the Chernihiv Training and Sports Centre and of a 9-storey residential building are being dismantled.
[ "Kyiv region: First victims have been freed from under the rubble in Borodianka", "The aggressors attacked a military unit in the Boryspil district", "Shell hits spray foam warehouse in Chayka near Kiev setting it on fire", "Russians bomb a village in Buchanskyi District: young woman dies, injuries reported", "More than XX bodies pulled from the rubble in Borodianka", "Ukrainian artillerymen struck the Russian command post near Kyiv", "Burials of tortured people found in Kyiv Region", "Russian troops kill Mayor of Hostomil, wound Mayor of Bucha", "Scared and demoralised: Bucha official about occupiers’ morale", "Russian missile strike on Kyiv region – some missiles shot down by air defence systems" ]
More than XX bodies pulled from the rubble in Borodianka
[ 13592, 12152, 28080, 4463, 29732, 9004, 12874, 20282, 30176, 4597 ]
ROMAN PETRENKO — SUNDAY, XX APRIL XXXX, XX:XX The bodies of XX people have been pulled from the rubble since the beginning of work on X April in Borodianka. Source: State Emergency Service of Ukraine "Kyiv region, Borodianka village: on X April, work started on clearing the rubble from two residential buildings destroyed by shelling. The rescuers pulled the body of a dead person from the rubble. Since X April, work on a total of X out of X destroyed residential buildings in the city centre has been completed. The bodies of XX people have been pulled from under the rubble since the work started." Details: It is also reported that in Chernihiv, the ruins of the Chernihiv Training and Sports Centre and of a X-storey residential building are being dismantled.
Russians hit Kharkiv with missiles three times
Russian forces launched a missile attack on Kharkiv at around 01:00 on 1 October using S-300 anti-aircraft systems, with three missiles hitting the city. Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Details: Reports indicate that the hits occurred on premises belonging to a civilian business, and a fire broke out. The authorities have not provided any information on casualties. The Russians fired using artillery, mortars and other weapons on the settlements in Kharkiv, Bohodukhiv, Chuhuiv, Kupiansk and Izium districts over the past 24 hours. Background: The Russians have struck several oblasts using ballistic weapons.
[ "Russian rockets strike Kharkiv – Kharkiv Mayor", "Russian rockets strike critical infrastructure targets in Kharkiv", " Russian forces attack X Kharkiv neighbourhoods – Kharkiv Mayor", "Rocket attacks on Kharkiv: emergency workers rescue XX persons trapped, one injured", "Russians attack Kharkiv Oblast, targeting residential building and killing civilian ", "Russian forces strike Kharkiv X times", "Russian forces hit Kharkiv using four S-XXX missiles", "Russians hit Kharkiv with missiles three times", "Kharkiv shelling: X dead, X more injured", "Russia launches S-XXX missiles on Kharkiv: civilian casualties – Kharkiv Mayor" ]
Russians hit Kharkiv with missiles three times
[ 4598, 5014, 23897, 5978, 29761, 1413, 7190, 22448, 11248, 17160 ]
Russian forces launched a missile attack on Kharkiv at around XX:XX on X October using S-XXX anti-aircraft systems, with three missiles hitting the city. Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram Details: Reports indicate that the hits occurred on premises belonging to a civilian business, and a fire broke out. The authorities have not provided any information on casualties. The Russians fired using artillery, mortars and other weapons on the settlements in Kharkiv, Bohodukhiv, Chuhuiv, Kupiansk and Izium districts over the past XX hours. Background: The Russians have struck several oblasts using ballistic weapons.
Russian forces are rapidly repairing bridges - Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Oblast Council
OLENA ROSHCHINA – SUNDAY, 24 JULY 2022, 13:18 Russian occupying forces are trying to repair damaged bridges in Kherson Oblast as quickly as possible in order to supply equipment and ammunition to the front line. Source: Yuriy Sobolevskyi, First Deputy Chairman/head of the Executive Office of the Kherson Oblast Council, on Facebook Quote: "The occupiers in Kherson Oblast are repairing damaged bridges, trying to restore interrupted ammunition and heavy equipment supply routes. The quality of the work and whether it is safe to use the bridges remain very questionable, because everything is being done ‘as quickly as possible’, and specialists carrying out the repair works are forced to do so at gunpoint. Details: Sobolevskyi also wrote that the occupiers have organised a "real hunt for our patriots" in Kherson Oblast. On 23 July, Russians forces carried out a raid in Nizhny Sirohozy, going from house to house, checking passports, and technical licences for vehicles, and recording car plates. "Constant filtering measures throughout the territory of the region are explained by the fact that the resistance movement in Kherson Oblast will not reduce its activity, and the population refuses to rejoice in the forcible absorption into the swamp of ‘Russian world’ [Russkiy mir, literally "Russian world" or "Russian order," is the concept of total domination of Russian culture over other cultures; it gives rise to and "legitimises" Russia’s current expansionist, colonial politics - ed.]," the official explained.
[ "Russian forces are rapidly repairing bridges - Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Oblast Council", "Russians raid occupied Chaplynka in Kherson Oblast – Ukraine's General Staff", "Locals in Kherson Oblast hide from sham elections", "Russians conduct passport raid in Kakhovka", "Russians implement new method of passportization in flooded parts of Kherson Oblast ", "Russians plan to conduct \"inventory\" of Ukrainian property in Kherson Oblast", "Deputy Russian puppet governor of Nova Kakhovka dies of his wounds – occupiers", "Russian soldiers kill civilian woman resisting robbery in Kherson Oblast", "Russians are sealing up manhole covers in fear of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups", "Russians cannot find personnel for new \"administration\" of Kherson Oblast" ]
Russian forces are rapidly repairing bridges - Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Oblast Council
[ 4599, 30356, 20590, 24647, 11285, 28022, 6248, 1211, 18700, 28699 ]
OLENA ROSHCHINA – SUNDAY, XX JULY XXXX, XX:XX Russian occupying forces are trying to repair damaged bridges in Kherson Oblast as quickly as possible in order to supply equipment and ammunition to the front line. Source: Yuriy Sobolevskyi, First Deputy Chairman/head of the Executive Office of the Kherson Oblast Council, on Facebook Quote: "The occupiers in Kherson Oblast are repairing damaged bridges, trying to restore interrupted ammunition and heavy equipment supply routes. The quality of the work and whether it is safe to use the bridges remain very questionable, because everything is being done ‘as quickly as possible’, and specialists carrying out the repair works are forced to do so at gunpoint. Details: Sobolevskyi also wrote that the occupiers have organised a "real hunt for our patriots" in Kherson Oblast. On XX July, Russians forces carried out a raid in Nizhny Sirohozy, going from house to house, checking passports, and technical licences for vehicles, and recording car plates. "Constant filtering measures throughout the territory of the region are explained by the fact that the resistance movement in Kherson Oblast will not reduce its activity, and the population refuses to rejoice in the forcible absorption into the swamp of ‘Russian world’ [Russkiy mir, literally "Russian world" or "Russian order," is the concept of total domination of Russian culture over other cultures; it gives rise to and "legitimises" Russia’s current expansionist, colonial politics - ed.]," the official explained.