Improved speed to market
Seeking a way to reduce manual labor, WirelessCar engaged Amazon Web Services (AWS) and adopted AWS IoT Core, which is a service that connects billions of IoT devices and routes trillions of messages to AWS services without managing infrastructure. By adopting this fully managed service, WirelessCar has reduced manual labor and increased its speed to market while scaling its platform to support millions of vehicles.
Henrik Strömberg Solutions Architect, WirelessCar
Sends thousands of messages per second
Tiếng Việt
Founded in 1999, WirelessCar has connected more than nine million vehicles in over 100 countries. To deliver its digital services, the company requires granular control over the messages that are sent between each vehicle and its infrastructure for cloud-based business applications. “We have a constantly growing number of clients and need to establish a constant connection with all of these vehicles,” says Henrik Strömberg, solution architect at WirelessCar. “The number of connected vehicles is ever growing, and so is the number of services offered to these vehicles.”
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Continuing to Build Innovative Solutions for Vehicles on AWS
Automotive Partner Solution WirelessCar | Amazon Web Services
WirelessCar has implemented AWS IoT Core into its infrastructure and has used it to support live traffic since early 2020. Working alongside the AWS team, the company configured the solution and met its requirements for security, scalability, and compliance. By taking advantage of the fully managed nature of AWS IoT Core, along with the support from the AWS team, WirelessCar was able to simplify the implementation process. “AWS IoT Core is basically an out-of-the-box solution,” says Strömberg. “There is not a lot of technical groundwork that needs to be done, apart from setting up some processes and establishing naming conventions.”
Organizations of all sizes across all industries are transforming their businesses and delivering on their missions every day using AWS. Contact our experts and start your own AWS journey today.
Amazon Simple Storage Service
Developing a Data Pipeline on AWS
Yamato Logistics (HK) Ltd. is a member of the Yamato Group. The company is a leading logistics solution provider of ecommerce, electronics parts, and cold chain operations in the APAC region. Its main business includes international freight forwarding, door-to-door delivery services, logistics services, and local/international moving services.
However, extracting and processing data was a slow manual monthly exercise at Yamato Logistics (HK). Its finance and accounting teams would take several days to extract and transform data in spreadsheets before distributing it to different business units for report generation needs. The amount of manual effort involved in this process meant this exercise could only be carried out once per month.
Yamato Logistics (HK) uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as a data lake, which stores about 5 GB of raw data daily. Data is then processed and cataloged using AWS Glue and becomes immediately available for search and query on Amazon Athena without complex installation or setup. In addition, the company uses Amazon QuickSight to create serverless dashboards in minutes via native integrations with Amazon S3 and Amazon Athena.
Yamato Logistics Hong Kong (HK) Ltd.—a member of the Yamato Group—is a leading logistics solution provider. The company was experiencing rapid growth in data. To manage its data more efficiently, Yamato Logistics (HK) migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Amazon Athena
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Samuel Lai, IT project manager at Yamato Logistics (HK), explains, "Previously, our management teams had to wait until the end of the month to receive sales data for report generation. Now, they have access to automated sales reports and can explore data through interactive dashboards on demand."  
Overview | Opportunity | Solution | Outcome | AWS Services Used
Managing the Logistics of Data
AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development.
Yamato Logistics (HK)'s data is now automatically updated and available daily instead of monthly. This automated process saves around three working days per month, freeing multiple teams from laborious work on spreadsheets.
AWS Services Used
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. Customers of all sizes and industries can store and protect any amount of data for virtually any use case, such as data lakes, cloud-native applications, and mobile apps. Learn more »
Yamato Logistics (HK) plans to take advantage of the user-friendly, interactive dashboards in Amazon QuickSight to cater to the distinct needs of each of its business units. “We want to provide a more business-centric dashboard, including details like process visibility and key performance indicators, for different business units to view and use on a daily basis,” says Samson. “For example, our freight forwarding business could visualize container shipment information for each of its customers, while the local delivery team could visualize courier routing information on a map of Hong Kong.”
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AWS Glue
Yamato Logistics (HK) Streamlines Its Data for Increased Business Visibility, Analytics, and Insights to Innovate Its Logistics Operations
Organizations of all sizes across all industries are transforming their businesses and delivering on their missions every day using AWS. Contact our experts and start your own AWS journey today.
Our goal is to predict logistics trends so we can analyze and find patterns to create new business opportunities. We want to create a data-driven culture in our company, and using AWS helps us achieve that.”
Samson Yu Executive Officer and IT General Manager, Yamato Logistics (HK)
Every day, the iconic black cat (kuro-neko) logo of the Yamato Group can be seen all over Hong Kong’s bustling streets and ports as Yamato Logistics (HK) goes about its business of international freight forwarding, door-to-door delivery, and other logistics services. The scale and complexity of these services generates vast amounts of data from customers, transactions, business processes, and supply chains. Furthermore, the company’s growth in areas like ecommerce means the volume of data its managing is increasing rapidly.
About Company
To handle its data as efficiently as it handles its packages, Yamato Logistics (HK) decided to migrate its applications from an on-premises infrastructure to the AWS Cloud. Samson Yu, executive officer and IT general manager at Yamato Logistics (HK), says, “We had many limitations running our servers on premises, which was weighing down our processes and negatively impacting our service speed and quality. Plus, we wanted to improve our data storage and management so we could leverage data for faster analysis.”  
Customer Stories / Transportation & Logistics
Yamato Logistics (HK) developed a data pipeline on AWS and uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as a data lake, AWS Glue as a serverless data integration service, Amazon Athena as an interactive query service, and Amazon QuickSight for serverless dashboards. As a result, the company has improved its business intelligence, generating valuable insights to improve innovations.  
The company is also exploring how it can further leverage data with AWS machine learning to predict future trends, shipping volumes, and sales, so it can remain ahead of changing business needs. Samson concludes, “Our goal is to predict logistics trends so we can analyze and find patterns to create new business opportunities. We want to create a data-driven culture in our company, and using AWS helps us achieve that.”
Amazon QuickSight allows everyone in your organization to understand your data by asking questions in natural language, exploring through interactive dashboards, or automatically looking for patterns and outliers powered by machine learning. Learn more »
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. Learn more »
Yamato Logistics (HK) developed a data pipeline using Amazon S3 and leveraged Amazon QuickSight to create serverless dashboards within minutes, increasing operational efficiency and generating insights to innovate faster.
Tiếng Việt
Yamato Logistics (HK) migrated its business-critical applications to run on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, followed by redesigning and rebuilding its applications with serverless technology. It then engaged with AWS Partner Nextlink Technology to build a data pipeline for various projects, starting with its freight management system (FMS). Samson says, “We lacked the expertise needed to build data pipelines. By working with Nextlink, we created a custom solution for our FMS in just two months and learned how to build pipelines for future projects ourselves.”
With AWS, Yamato Logistics (HK)’s data is streamlined, available, and transparent, improving business visibility and allowing it to generate valuable insights for innovation. The improved visibility also provides opportunities for Yamato Logistics (HK) to revamp its existing business processes based on readily available data. With better and faster visibility, Yamato Logistics (HK) can now forecast upcoming demand and allocate its resources—such as containers, trucks, and operators—accordingly.
Improving Operations and Providing Opportunities for Innovation
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● 700,000 QPS: The number of queries NodeReal can handle per second ● 26 ms: The average latency achieved by deploying on the AWS Cloud ● 700,000/second: API calls that the company can scale to support within 30 minutes
Amazon QuickSight
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reduction in costs
AWS Graviton2
Moving to AWS Graviton2-based instances reduced infrastructure costs by up to 30 percent. This has allowed the engineering and product teams at Zomato to derive insights at a faster pace.
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AWS Services Used
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Overview | Opportunity | Solution | Outcome | AWS Services Used
Outcome | Setting the Standard for Improvements Across the Board
To learn more, visit aws.amazon.com/ec2/graviton.
reduction in number of instances
Rajat Taya Senior Software Engineer, Zomato
As a restaurant aggregator and food delivery platform, Zomato relies heavily on data-driven insights to improve the customer experience. The engineering and product teams require continuous real-time visibility of how its customers are interacting with the platform so that it can improve the platform's restaurant and cuisine recommendations, improve the accuracy of estimated delivery arrival times, and speed up the overall delivery process.
Solution | Achieving Faster, More Cost-Efficient Data Processing
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