Amazon Location Service
Open Data Maps for Amazon Location Service
, a data provider option for the Maps feature based on
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
benchmarked their genomic basecalling algorithms, which decodes DNA or RNA to sequence for analysis, on
20 different Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
hosted a
Bio x ML Hackathon
that challenged teams to leverage AI tools, open data, and cloud resources to solve problems at the intersection of the life sciences and artificial intelligence.
How can you make your data available?
Looking to make your data available? The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program covers the cost of storage for publicly available high-value, cloud-optimized datasets. We work with data providers who seek to:
Democratize access to data by making it available for analysis on AWS
Develop new cloud-native techniques, formats, and tools that lower the cost of working with data
Encourage the development of communities that benefit from access to shared datasets
Learn how to propose your dataset to the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
Learn more about open data on AWS
Read more about open data on AWS:
Largest metastatic cancer dataset now available at no cost to researchers worldwide
Creating access control mechanisms for highly distributed datasets
33 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data for Earth Day and more
How researchers can meet new open data policies for federally-funded research with AWS
Accelerating and democratizing research with the AWS Cloud
Introducing 10 minute cloud tutorials for research
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Artificial Intelligence
AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program