1. Ok, I'll go out on a limb and we'll see where it goes. In my view, the Twelve remained "hidden" for many years after Jesus' death, while Paul and his companions proclaimed a highly theologized and minimally historical Jesus as Messiah, savior and Lord. When Paul dies (in Rome?), the unknown author known to us as Mark writes his narrative, filling in the blanks Paul's proclamation had left and, more importantly, answering questions posed by those who challenged the validity of Paul's version of the gospel. Among those questions was why Jesus died as he did, executed as a common criminal, charged with rebellion -- a description that could easily have applied to John as well, especially if we take Josephus half seriously. Mark "cleaned up" their reputations, portraying them as exclusively spiritual, and therefore as misunderstood by their companions and especially by the Jewish authorities and Romans. When Mark's gospel was only partially successful, Matthew and Luke took up the cause.
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Let me answer your second question first: one finger - probably the middle one. I'm right, aren't I? And, based on that, I'm guessing your first question was a trick one. Obviously you're not thinking - at all.
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Can't wait for several thousand kilowatt hours of power that can be integrated into an F750 4x4 chasis with six doors and a ten foot bed. That way I can run the AC all night on battery power in my RV at the camp site to keep me comfy on hot summer nights.
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One can only hope that Alaskan's will send him packing this election. He has not done this state any favors for a long time. There should be term limits for politicians in Congress as well as on a State and Municipal level. Personally I cannot wait to vote Senators Murkowski and Senator Koch (aka. Sullivan) out of office.
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allie> quack, quack! Yikes!!! hon!
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Think about the situation. When we (Canada) have a muscular, hyper-assertive and angry attack dog as the new government of our southern neighbour, destined to target a trade agreement and our industries in a manner akin to a truck wanting to run over a squirrel... ... what would be the most naive and infantile move that could be made by our Prime Minister in the preceding weeks? Answer: He could rush like a smitten teenager, wave his white handkerchief off the balcony, and say: "Hoo, hoo, hello Mister President Elect, Ottawa will be most happy to address the trade agreement and renegotiate our industrial arrangements with you, we want you to be happy in knowing that we are on your side in wanting to to enable you to trash our interests here, look at me, I am on my back with all four limbs up and flailing, you great big attack dog, you". Justin Trudeau. He's just not ready.
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There are no cuts to Medicaid, the proposal is to slow the growth of the last 6 yrs of Obama care. Medicaid was created for our handicapped not able bodied young people that are able to work and pay for there own. His plan to bankrupt the country will be over turned in the next 8 yrs.
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Now is this a misleading editorial or what. Clean safe water brings to mind drinking water. Are there shortages of drinking water? Irrigation, of course, requires massive amounts of water but the descriptors of clean and safe are not quite so big an issue as in the case of drinking water. And geographically, it is unlikely that western Oregon has serious water shortage. So is the editorial about eastern Oregon, the Klamath basin? Most serious of all, the editorial provides no pathways to increasing supply or reducing demand.
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If I "mute" this ir-rationalis, do I lose all the comments?
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geev em donald! imua, #MAGA, lol
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Domestic violence is a real issue, it needs attention, and women need help when they are being abused so confidentiality is a must. Cases such as this one are clear, but this system is too broad with what is entailed by abuse, and too lopsided. I was railroaded by this system and the courts -- all based on lies -- and it is something I will never forget. I learned very quickly that it's not the truth that the courts care about, but who they can place into a category of a victim and a perpetrator so they can move on to the next case. I lost all respect for the judges and the prosecutors who I now see as judicial bullies. There are many like me who are run through the system and they have to take their hits and shut their mouths or else... CADA is an excellent resource for women. I'd only ask that those who use it, do so with good intent and because it's needed, and not just because it's there.
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Wow, so I take it that you live in someplace better than Arkansas....? Don't be shy, show your true colors.....!! Ha! Your ex-presidential candidate's home state I do believe....!! Ha !
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what do you expect from a bank that was allowed to take over Wachovia Bank, which laundered drug money and got a minimum fine. These crooks are the ones that need locking up. Guardian expose:
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This argument has been skewed by corporate owned media and the "deep state". Keeping people divided and misidentifying the problem. I suppose folks are fine with black men being unemployed a 3-5 times the national average yet at the same time .gov allows 11 million **illegal** immigrants to workin jobs "no one else wants". I suppose folks are fine with the rampant abuse of our 4th amendment, growing police state, and militarization of police. MSM made the story in Ferguson, about Michael Brown (a thug by most all accounts) Most whites saw it as cut and dry shooting and see blacks as supporting lawlessness. Scratch the surface and find the Ferguson police department virtually funded the entire city government by constantly ticketing, a disproportionally black community, with every conceivable petty violation. These marchers are misguided. The protest should be about how **everyone's** Constitutionally guaranteed rights are being abrogated, at every turn.
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The city needs to leave private property alone. This is clearly a vendetta against small business and property owners. You have to tear one down and you can't tear the other.
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That's the's called a plan. Get into a shelter so that you can take shower daily. Get job to start a savings. Save up (and not waste it on booze or drugs or pets or whatever) and have a plan to start renting. Then, while renting, have a goal to save up so you can buy. If not here, buy elsewhere. By the way, the ones hustling isn't the ones over at Kakaako and Nimitz. Go drive by Nimitz, some have nicer cars than me! So don't tell me that's from dumpster diving. They obviously have "wants" overtaking their "needs".
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It's not quite the way you describe it, Mike. The "roads" in our cities are actually public space, owned by us all. They are spaces for people. This has been the case since the beginning of cities. Automobiles are a relatively new appearance on urban streets, enjoying the paved streets that resulted because - wait for it - BICYCLISTS led the fight for better roads. Cars and trucks create infinitely more damage to our streets - our shared public space - than bicycles ever will, and they subsumed public space that was previously the domain of people on foot, bicycle or horse, creating a congested, dangerous mess in the process. So no, bicycles don't need to pay for maintenance.
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What right have you to criticise? You have no automatic moral authority either. Doublethink!
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My concern is that if China allies with the US to stem the insanity of NK's nukes and ICBMs, Putin and Russia will step in to help NK. Xi knows he is better off being friends with Trump than with Kim. China does not want millions of North Korean refugees flooding across the border in case of war. Putin doesn't give a damn about either China or the US. For that matter, Iran could come to Nk's aid too.
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Dear Young Philip, General Kelly can speak for himself.
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