{ "query": "Among the incidents in January, 2018, how many of them were stated \"against Property\" in the FBI classification?", "pos": [ "in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; against property refers to crime_against = 'Property'" ], "neg": [ "in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; ward with the most number of crime refers to Max (Count(ward_no)); full name refers to alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name, alderman_name_suffix", "the highest population refers to max(population); report number refers to report_no; the highest beat refers to max(beat)", "no arrest made refers to arrest = 'FALSE'; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'", "\"BURGLARY\" is the primary_description; 'FORCIBLE ENTRY' is the secondary_description; 'DAY CARE CENTER' is the location_description; arrests have been made refers to arrest = 'TRUE'", "most population refers to Max(Population); domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'", "the Far North side refers to side = 'Far North'", "alderman's full name refers to alderman_name_suffix, alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name; the most crowded refers to max(population)", "more than 50000 inhabitants refers to Population > 50000; first name of alderman refers to alderman_first_name", "neighborhood refers to neighborhood_name; '23778' is the report_no", "1958 N. Milwaukee Ave. refers to ward_office_address = '1958 N. Milwaukee Ave.'; report number refers to case_number; inside the apartment refers to location_description = 'APARTMENT'" ] }
{ "query": "Which district commander was responsible for more incidents in January, 2018, Robert A. Rubio or Glenn White?", "pos": [ "in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; 'Robert A. Rubio' and 'Glenn White' are both commander; responsible for more incident refers to Max(count(ward_no))" ], "neg": [ "lake view community refers to community_area_name = 'Lake View'; 'The theft of a motor vehicle' is the description", "neighborhood area refers to neighborhood_name; Douglas refers to community_area_name = 'Douglas'", "Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'; case of domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'", "\"VEHICULAR HIJACKING\" and \"AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR HIJACKING\" are both secondary_description; difference in average = Subtract (Divide(Count(secondary_description = 'VEHICULAR HIJACKING'), Count(district_name)), Divide(Count(secondary_description = \"AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR HIJACKING\"), Count(district_name)))", "no arrest has been made refers to arrest = 'FALSE'", "commanding officer refers to commander; the highest number refers to max(count(district_no)); disorderly conduct refers to title = 'Disorderly Conduct'", "\"unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another person\" is the description; name of community refer to community_area_name; most reported incidents refers to Max(Count(fbi_code_no))", "least number of domestic crime refers to Min(Count(domestic = \"TRUE\")); community area refers to community_area_no", "FBI code refers to fbi_code_no; definition refers to description; Gambling refers to title = 'Gambling'", "the highest populous refers to max(population); average crime rate per month = divide(count(report_no where population = max(population)), 12)" ] }
{ "query": "How many vandalisms were arrested in the ward represented by Edward Burke?", "pos": [ "vandalism refers to title = 'Vandalism'; arrested refers to arrest = 'TRUE'" ], "neg": [ "email address refers to email; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'", "crime against society refers to crime_against = 'Society'", "\"CHILD ABDUCTION\" is the secondary_description; coordinates refers to latitude, longitude", "\"Near West\" is the district_name; all contact information refers to phone, fax, tty, twitter", "\"Lincoln\" is the district_name; responsible for crime case refers to commander", "full name of alderman refers to alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name, alderman_name_suffix", "domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'; highest number of case refers to Max(Count(district_no)); name of district refers to distric_name", "\"VEHICULAR HIJACKING\" and \"AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR HIJACKING\" are both secondary_description; difference in average = Subtract (Divide(Count(secondary_description = 'VEHICULAR HIJACKING'), Count(district_name)), Divide(Count(secondary_description = \"AGGRAVATED VEHICULAR HIJACKING\"), Count(district_name)))", "short description refers to title; committed the most refers to max(fbi_code_no); the least populated community refers to min(population)", "solicit on public way prostitution crime refers to secondary_description = 'SOLICIT ON PUBLIC WAY' AND primary_description = 'PROSTITUTION'; arrested refers to arrest = 'TRUE'; West Garfield Park refers to community_area_name = 'West Garfield Park'" ] }
{ "query": "Find the community area where the least number of domestic crimes happened.", "pos": [ "least number of domestic crime refers to Min(Count(domestic = \"TRUE\")); community area refers to community_area_no" ], "neg": [ "\"Forest Glen\" is the community_area_name; neighborhoods refers to neighborhood_name", "domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'; in an abandoned building refers to location_description = 'ABANDONED BUILDING'; in 2018 refers to date LIKE '%2018%'", "related to sexual assault refers to primary_description = 'CRIME SEXUAL ASSAULT'; severe case refers to index_code = 'I'; percentage = Divide (Count (iucr_no where primary_description = 'CRIME SEXUAL ASSAULT'), Count (iucr_no)) * 100", "larceny case refers to title = 'Larceny'; Edgewater community refers to community_area_name = 'Edgewater'; percentage = divide(count(case_number where title = 'Larceny'), count(case_number)) where community_area_name = 'Edgewater' * 100%", "in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; against property refers to crime_against = 'Property'", "lake view community refers to community_area_name = 'Lake View'; 'The theft of a motor vehicle' is the description", "domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'; report number refers to report_no; in the bank refers to location_description = 'BANK'; percentage = divide(count(report_no where domestic = 'TRUE'), count(report_no)) * 100%", "the Central district refers to district_name = 'Central'; percentage = divide(count(case_number where district_name = 'Central'), count(case_number)) * 100%", "Misc Non-Index Offense refers to title = 'Misc Non-Index Offense'", "average = Divide(Count(ward_no), Count(side))" ] }
{ "query": "On average, how many papers are under the ML class?", "pos": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));" ], "neg": [ "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the papers under DB classification, which paper has the highest number of words cited?", "pos": [ "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "Among all the DB class type citation, which word is the most frequently cited?", "pos": [ "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "In the papers classified as ML, how many cited butz01algorithmic?", "pos": [ "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "Find the words cited in papers that are cited by sima01computational?", "pos": [ "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the percentage of words used in Agents class label.", "pos": [ "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "class type refers to class_label;" ] }
{ "query": "List all the paper ID and its class type that cited the word 'word1002'.", "pos": [ "class type refers to class_label;" ], "neg": [ "class refers to class_label; average = divide(count(paper_id where class_label = 'M')), (count(paper_id)));", "classification refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB';", "class type refers to class_label; class_label = 'DB'; word that is most frequently cited refers to max(count(word_cited_id);", "classification refers to class_label; paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'butz01algorithmic';", "paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'sima01computational';", "percentage = (divide(count(word_cited_id where class_label = 'Agents')), (count(word_cited_id)))*100;" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the tokenized name of the method \"Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert\".", "pos": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';" ], "neg": [ "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "language refers to Lang;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average processed time of the solution with a repository of 254 likes, 88 followers, and 254 watchers?", "pos": [ "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);" ], "neg": [ "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository" ] }
{ "query": "How many solutions contain files found within the repository most people like?", "pos": [ "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);" ], "neg": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1 OR 2; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 1), SUM(Solution.Id = 2)), 100)), SUM(Solution.Id = 2);", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository" ] }
{ "query": "What is the repository number for the solution of method \"SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex\"?", "pos": [ "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’" ], "neg": [ "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;" ] }
{ "query": "Show the solution path for the method \"Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy\"?", "pos": [ "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';" ], "neg": [ "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "solution path refers to Path;", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);" ] }
{ "query": "How many solution paths are there inside the 2nd most popular repository?", "pos": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);" ], "neg": [ "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "solution path refers to Path;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the id of the repository with the highest number of solution path?", "pos": [ "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId" ], "neg": [ "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);" ] }
{ "query": "How many methods with solutions with path 'maravillas_linq-to-delicious\\tasty.sln'?", "pos": [ "solution refers to SolutionId;" ], "neg": [ "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "language refers to Lang;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the solutions that contain files within the repository needing the longest processed time to download, how many of them doesn't need to be\ncompiled if user wants to implement it?", "pos": [ "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ], "neg": [ "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));", "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;" ] }
{ "query": "List 5 github address that the solutions can be implemented without the need of compilation.", "pos": [ "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;" ], "neg": [ "repository that received the most forks refers to MAX(Forks);", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average time needed for the solutions containing files within the repository whose url is \"\" to be processd?", "pos": [ "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);" ], "neg": [ "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "repository of solution no. refers to Id" ] }
{ "query": "What is the solution path for method number 3?", "pos": [ "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;" ], "neg": [ "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution path refers to Path;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the name of the solution path with the highest processed time?", "pos": [ "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);" ], "neg": [ "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;" ] }
{ "query": "For the method which got the tokenized name as 'interp parser expr', what is the processed time for its solution?", "pos": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;" ], "neg": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;" ] }
{ "query": "How much is the processed time of the method whose tokenized name is \"about box1 dispose\"? Indicate the language of the method.", "pos": [ "language refers to Lang;" ], "neg": [ "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId" ] }
{ "query": "For the method which got the tokenized name as 't jadwal entity get single mpic', what is the path time for its solution?", "pos": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;" ], "neg": [ "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "solution path refers to Path;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'" ] }
{ "query": "Which solution contains files within a more popular repository, the solution ID18 or solution ID19?", "pos": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;" ], "neg": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "language refers to Lang;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "repository that received the most forks refers to MAX(Forks);", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));" ] }
{ "query": "Which repository has the longest amount of processed time of downloading? Indicate whether the solution paths in the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation.", "pos": [ "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;" ], "neg": [ "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the github address with the summary of method \"A test for Decompose\n\".", "pos": [ "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';" ], "neg": [ "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';" ] }
{ "query": "In the \"\", give all the linearized sequenced of API calls.", "pos": [ "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository" ], "neg": [ "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide the id of the respository that received the most forks among the respositories that receive 21 stars.", "pos": [ "repository that received the most forks refers to MAX(Forks);" ], "neg": [ "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solution path refers to Path;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the repository id of the method with tokenized name \"crc parameters get hash code\"?", "pos": [ "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ], "neg": [ "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "solution path refers to Path;", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;" ] }
{ "query": "List all the path of solution from all the \"it\" lang code method.", "pos": [ "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;" ], "neg": [ "solution refers to SolutionId;", "solution path refers to Path;", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "repository of solution no. refers to Id" ] }
{ "query": "What is the language of method number 28 that can be found in the repository number 3?", "pos": [ "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;" ], "neg": [ "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of respositories that receive more than 2,000 stars?", "pos": [ "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));" ], "neg": [ "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "How much is the processed time of downloading the most popular repository?", "pos": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;" ], "neg": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "language refers to Lang;", "solution path refers to Path;", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%" ] }
{ "query": "For the method has the summary of \"Refetches the Entity from the persistent storage. Refetch is used to re-load an Entity which is marked \"Out-of-sync\", due to a save action. Refetching an empty Entity has no effect.\", what is its solution path?", "pos": [ "solution path refers to Path;" ], "neg": [ "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "language refers to Lang;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;" ] }
{ "query": "How many methods does solution 1 have? And please tell me if solution 1 needs to be compiled.", "pos": [ "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ], "neg": [ "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution path refers to Path;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average processed time of the solution paths inside the \"\"?", "pos": [ "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);" ], "neg": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution" ] }
{ "query": "Give the repository Url of the one with most solutions.", "pos": [ "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));" ], "neg": [ "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution path refers to Path;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to SolutionId;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the url of solution 1?", "pos": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;" ], "neg": [ "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));" ] }
{ "query": "What is the github address of the solution path \"joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln\"?", "pos": [ "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';" ], "neg": [ "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the most liked repository? Indicate its github address and the amount of stars it has received.", "pos": [ "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;" ], "neg": [ "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "language refers to Lang;", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);" ] }
{ "query": "What are the \"en\" methods with solutions from repository \"1093\"", "pos": [ "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;" ], "neg": [ "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide a link to the most well-known repository's Github address.", "pos": [ "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);" ], "neg": [ "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "language refers to Lang;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide the solution id of the respository among the respository that receive 238 forks.", "pos": [ "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;" ], "neg": [ "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "language refers to Lang;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%" ] }
{ "query": "What is the task of the method that is in the Czech language?", "pos": [ "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'" ], "neg": [ "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the task of method number 2?", "pos": [ "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;" ], "neg": [ "solution refers to SolutionId;", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "solution path refers to Path;", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of solutions for the method that needs to be compiled in the English methods?", "pos": [ "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);" ], "neg": [ "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%", "language refers to Lang;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;" ] }
{ "query": "In \"maxild_playground\\Playground.sln\", what is the time of sampling for the method \"GitHubRepo.Cli.GitHubClientWrapper.GetReleases\"?", "pos": [ "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution" ], "neg": [ "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of the methods' solutions that need to be compiled among the methods whose comments is XML format?", "pos": [ "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);" ], "neg": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;" ] }
{ "query": "For the repository which got '189' Stars, how many solutions which needs to be compiled does it contain?", "pos": [ "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ], "neg": [ "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "solution path refers to Path;", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "repository URL refers to Url; repository Url with most solutions refers to MAX(COUNT(Solution.Id));", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);" ] }
{ "query": "How many more stars in percentage are there for the repository of solution \"1\" than solution \"2\"?", "pos": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1 OR 2; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 1), SUM(Solution.Id = 2)), 100)), SUM(Solution.Id = 2);" ], "neg": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the linearized sequenced of API calls of the method whose solution path is \"mauriciodeamorim_tdd.encontro2\\Tdd.Encontro2.sln\"?", "pos": [ "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;" ], "neg": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;" ] }
{ "query": "Give the repository ID for the solution of method \"Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal\".", "pos": [ "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';" ], "neg": [ "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide the path of solution of method whose full comment is Feeds data into the parser.", "pos": [ "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';" ], "neg": [ "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "repository that received the most forks refers to MAX(Forks);", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "the time of sampling refers to SampledAt; 'maxild_playground\\Playground.sln' is the path of a solution", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';" ] }
{ "query": "List all the solutions of repositories with the Forks higher than half of the watchers.", "pos": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;" ], "neg": [ "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the comment format of method number 50 with the solution path \"managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln\"?", "pos": [ "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';" ], "neg": [ "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "language refers to Lang;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the task of the method whose tokenized name is \"online median filter test median window filling\"?", "pos": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'" ], "neg": [ "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1 OR 2; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 1), SUM(Solution.Id = 2)), 100)), SUM(Solution.Id = 2);", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 't jadwal entity get single mpic'; path time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solution path refers to Path;", "average processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime);", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);" ] }
{ "query": "What is the solution's path of method \"HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed\"?", "pos": [ "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';" ], "neg": [ "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "Among the repositories whose number of stars received are between 6,000 to 9,000, which repository has the highest number of solution paths and many of those solution paths needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it?", "pos": [ "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;" ], "neg": [ "solution path refers to Path;", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "How many more followers in percentage are there for the repository used by solution ID 18 than solution ID19?", "pos": [ "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%" ], "neg": [ "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "solution path refers to Path;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "repository that received the most forks refers to MAX(Forks);", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;" ] }
{ "query": "How many methods in the same repository share a tokenized name that begins with \"query language...\"?", "pos": [ "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';" ], "neg": [ "solution path refers to Path;", "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1;", "solution refers to SolutionId;" ] }
{ "query": "What is solution 1's processing time and how many methods have been using this solution?", "pos": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;" ], "neg": [ "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);" ] }
{ "query": "How many percent more of the watchers for the repository of solution No.83855 than No.1502?", "pos": [ "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);" ], "neg": [ "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "stars>2000; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(COUNT(Stars>2000), 100), COUNT(Id));", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1 OR 2; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 1), SUM(Solution.Id = 2)), 100)), SUM(Solution.Id = 2);" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the names of methods with the solution path \"wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln\".", "pos": [ "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';" ], "neg": [ "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1 OR 2; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 1), SUM(Solution.Id = 2)), 100)), SUM(Solution.Id = 2);", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;" ] }
{ "query": "How many solution path does the repository with 111 stars, 58 forks, and 111 watchers?", "pos": [ "solution path refers to Path;" ], "neg": [ "solution refers to SolutionId;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; task of the method refers to the second part of name deliminated by \".\"; for example, the task of 'LinqToDelicious.HttpWebRequestFactory.Create' is 'HttpWebRequestFactory'", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "repository number refers to RepoId; method refers to Name; Name = ‘SCore.Poisson.ngtIndex’", "average time = avg(ProcessedTime);", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';" ] }
{ "query": "How many followers do the most followed repository on Github have? Give the github address of the repository.", "pos": [ "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;" ], "neg": [ "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "repository of solution no. refers to Id", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%", "solution path refers to Path;", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the github address of the \"nofear_Mara\\Mara.sln\" solution path?", "pos": [ "github address of repository refers to Url;" ], "neg": [ "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "solution path refers to Path;", "language refers to Lang;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; forks higher than half of the watchers refers tto Forks>(Watchers/2);;", "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of Forks to Stars of repository for solution \"104086\"?", "pos": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 104086; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(Forkk, Stars), 100);" ], "neg": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "method refers to Name; solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 1; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "methods refers to Name; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized LIKE 'query language%';", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "github address of repository refers to Url;" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide the number of forks that the repository of the solution 35 have.", "pos": [ "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;" ], "neg": [ "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls; '' is url of repository", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "solution No. refers to Solution.Id; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(Solution.Id = 83855), SUM(Solution.Id = 1502)), 100)), SUM(Soltution.Id = 1502);", "github address refers to Url; solution can be implemented without the need of compliation refers to WasCompiled = 1;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;" ] }
{ "query": "How many stars does the repository of the solution No. 45997 have?", "pos": [ "repository of solution no. refers to Id" ], "neg": [ "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "repository refers to Repository.Id; solution needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most liked refers to max(Stars); the github address of repository refers to Url;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';" ] }
{ "query": "Please provide the id of the solution whose repository has the most watchers.", "pos": [ "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);" ], "neg": [ "task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 2;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular;", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "average processed time = avg(Solution.ProcessedTime);", "language refers to Lang;", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "Give the number of solutions that the repository which has 3060 Stars contains.", "pos": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;" ], "neg": [ "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "highest number of solution path refers to max(count(Path)); id of the repository refers to RepoId", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions.IMul.EmitLegacy';", "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "linearized sequenced of API calls refers to ApiCalls;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "What the percentage of the english methods among the methods whose comments is XML format?", "pos": [ "english methods refers to lang = 'en'; comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1;" ], "neg": [ "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "solution path refers to Path;", "language refers to Lang;", "solution path refers to Path;", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to Repository.Id;", "id of the solution refers to Solution.Id; repository has the most watchers refers to MAX(Watchers);", "github address of repository refers to Url;", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "repository id refers to RepoId; tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'crc parameters get hash code';" ] }
{ "query": "How many solutions whose repository's stars are a third more than forks?", "pos": [ "solutions refers to Solution.Id; repository stars are a third more than forks = (MULTIPLY(Stars, 1/3))>Forks;" ], "neg": [ "language of method refers to Lang; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 28; repository number refers to RepoId; RepoID = 3;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "comment is XML format refers to CommentIsXml = 1; solution needs to be compiled refesr to WasCompiled = 0; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "solution id of the repository refers to solution.Id;", "method that needs to be compiled refers to WasCompiled = 0; English method refers to Lang = 'en'; percentage of solutions = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(WasCompiled = 0), COUNT(Solution.Id)), 100);", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "more watchers mean that this repository is more popular; most popular repository refers to max(Watchers);", "more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars);", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'" ] }
{ "query": "What format does the method number 8's comment have?", "pos": [ "format refers CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 8;" ], "neg": [ "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "highest processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime);", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'Sky.Excel.ExcelBook.TypeConvert';", "link refers to Url; well-known repository refers to MAX(Watchers);", "method refers to Name; task of the method refers to the second part of the Name after the \".\"; Czech language refers to Lang = 'cs'", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "solution path refers to Path;", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the IDs of the solutions that contain files within the top 3 followed repositories.", "pos": [ "more forks refers to more people follow this repository;" ], "neg": [ "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "more forks refers to more people follow this repository; most followed repository refers to max(Forks);  the github address of the repository refers to Url;", "tokenized name refers to NameTokenized; NameTokenized = 'interp parser expr'; processed time for its solution refers to ProcessedTime;", "Stars between 6,000 to 9,000; highest number of solution paths refers to max(count(Path)); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "solution's path refers to Path; method refers to Name; Name = 'HtmlSharp.HtmlParser.Feed';", "solution refers to Solution.Id and SolutionId; Solution.Id = 1; SolutionId = 1; processing time refers to ProcessedTime; methods refers to Name;", "solution refers to SolutionId;", "solution path refers to Path; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 3;", "solution refers to Solution.Id; Solution.Id = 35;", "name of the methods refers to Name; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'wallerdev_htmlsharp\\HtmlSharp.sln';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the total processed time of all solutions from the repository with the most forks?", "pos": [ "total processed time = AVG(ProcessedTime where MAX(COUNT(Forks))); repository with the most forks refers to MAX(COUNT(Forks));" ], "neg": [ "language refers to Lang;", "en methods refers to lang = 'en'; solution refers to Solution.Id; repository refers to RepoId; RepoId = 1093;", "github address refers to Url; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'joeyrobert_bloomfilter\\DataTypes.BloomFilter.sln';", "github address refers to Url; summary of method refers to Summary; Summary = 'A test for Decompose';", "path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id;", "repository ID refers to RepoID; method refers to Name; Name = 'Kalibrasi.Data.EntityClasses.THistoryJadwalEntity.GetSingleTjadwal';", "longest processed time refers to max(Solution.ProcessedTime); needs to be compiled if user wants to implement it refers to WasCompiled = 0;", "followers refers to Forks; percentage = divide(SUBTRACT(Forks(Solution.ID = 18), Forks(Solution.ID = 19)), Forks(Solution.ID = 19))*100%", "comment format refers to CommentIsXml; method number refers to Method_100k.Id; Method_100k.Id = 50; solution path refers to Path; Path = 'managedfusion_managedfusion\\ManagedFusion.sln';", "path of solution refers to Path; method refers to name; full comment = 'Feeds data into the parser';" ] }
{ "query": "When did Bitcoin reach its highest price on 2013/4/29?", "pos": [ "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'" ], "neg": [ "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5" ] }
{ "query": "Name the coins that were not opened on May 2013.", "pos": [ "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5" ], "neg": [ "the highest percentage price changed in 24 hours refers to max(percent_change_24h)", "the last date refers to max(date); inactive coins refers to status = 'inactive'", "price increased refers to percent_change_7d>0; decreased refers percent_change_7d<0; on 2013/5/5 refers to date = '2013-05-05'", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "average monthly circulating supply = AVG(circulating_supply); in 2017 refers to date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013" ] }
{ "query": "List the names and symbols of the coins that were added on June 14, 2013.", "pos": [ "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'" ], "neg": [ "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018", "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "the highest percentage price changed in 24 hours refers to max(percent_change_24h)", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL" ] }
{ "query": "What was the price of 1 Bitcoin in 2016?", "pos": [ "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016" ], "neg": [ "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "the last date refers to max(date); inactive coins refers to status = 'inactive'", "the highest percentage price changed in 24 hours refers to max(percent_change_24h)", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the name of the coin with the highest price?", "pos": [ "the highest price refers to max(price)" ], "neg": [ "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "average price = divide(sum(price), count(name)); on April 28, 2013 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "average monthly circulating supply = AVG(circulating_supply); in 2017 refers to date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ] }
{ "query": "What was the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned until 2018/4/28?", "pos": [ "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'" ], "neg": [ "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "price increased refers to percent_change_7d>0; decreased refers percent_change_7d<0; on 2013/5/5 refers to date = '2013-05-05'", "average price = divide(sum(price), count(name)); on April 28, 2013 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ] }
{ "query": "What is the name of the coin that creates the most total value in the past 24 hours?", "pos": [ "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)" ], "neg": [ "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000", "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL", "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013", "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018", "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)" ] }
{ "query": "When is the best time to purchase Bitcoin?", "pos": [ "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;" ], "neg": [ "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018", "the last date refers to max(date); inactive coins refers to status = 'inactive'", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "average price = divide(sum(price), count(name)); on April 28, 2013 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ] }
{ "query": "What's the percentage of coins that is higher than the price 1 hour ago in May 29,2013? List the names of these coins.", "pos": [ "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'" ], "neg": [ "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013", "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016" ] }
{ "query": "Had Bitcoin's price increased or decreased on 2013/5/5 compared with the price 7 days before?", "pos": [ "price increased refers to percent_change_7d>0; decreased refers percent_change_7d<0; on 2013/5/5 refers to date = '2013-05-05'" ], "neg": [ "average monthly circulating supply = AVG(circulating_supply); in 2017 refers to date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ] }
{ "query": "Name the coin that have higher than average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours for transaction on 2013/6/22.", "pos": [ "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'" ], "neg": [ "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'" ] }
{ "query": "List all the inactive coins and state the last date of its transaction?", "pos": [ "the last date refers to max(date); inactive coins refers to status = 'inactive'" ], "neg": [ "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'", "price increased refers to percent_change_7d>0; decreased refers percent_change_7d<0; on 2013/5/5 refers to date = '2013-05-05'", "the highest percentage price changed in 24 hours refers to max(percent_change_24h)", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'" ] }
{ "query": "State the transaction date whereby DigixDAO was transacted at the hightest price.", "pos": [ "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'" ], "neg": [ "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016" ] }
{ "query": "What was the average price of a Bitcoin in the year 2013?", "pos": [ "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013" ], "neg": [ "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018", "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'" ] }
{ "query": "Which crytocurrency was not opened on 2013/5/3?", "pos": [ "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'" ], "neg": [ "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "average monthly circulating supply = AVG(circulating_supply); in 2017 refers to date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "average price refers SUM(price)/COUNT(named = 'Bitcoin'); in the year 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ] }
{ "query": "When was Lebowskis not opened?", "pos": [ "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL" ], "neg": [ "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "the top five coins refers to cmc_rank< = 5; on January 1, 2014 refers to date = '2014-01-01'", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "price increased refers to percent_change_7d>0; decreased refers percent_change_7d<0; on 2013/5/5 refers to date = '2013-05-05'" ] }
{ "query": "For all coins with average price more than $1000. State the current status of the coin.", "pos": [ "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000" ], "neg": [ "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "the highest percentage price changed in 24 hours refers to max(percent_change_24h)", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'" ] }
{ "query": "What was the max profit a user can make on Bitcoin on 2013/4/28?", "pos": [ "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ], "neg": [ "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "cannot be tracked refers to status = 'untracked'; in 2014 refers to year(date_added) = '2014'", "average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000", "when refers to date; not opened refers to open IS NULL", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018" ] }
{ "query": "Name the coin that has the highest market capitalization for all transactions in 2018.", "pos": [ "highest market capitalization refers to max(market_cap); in 2018 refers to year(date) = 2018" ], "neg": [ "average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15'", "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on May 2013 refers to year(date) = 2019 AND month(date) = 5", "time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'", "2016 refers to historical date where year(date) = 2016", "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "the last date refers to max(date); inactive coins refers to status = 'inactive'", "in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5", "the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'" ] }
{ "query": "What was the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned until 2013/4/28?", "pos": [ "the number of Bitcoins verifiably burned = max_supply - total_supply; 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'" ], "neg": [ "percentage that is higher than the price 1 hour ago refers to percent_change_1h>0; in May 29,2013 refers to date = '2013-05-29'", "the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'", "lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;", "creates the most total value in the past 24 hours refers to max(volume_24h)", "average price = divide(sum(price), count(name)); on April 28, 2013 refers to date = '2013-04-28'", "the highest price refers to max(price)", "when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)", "the greatest decline in percent change in 1 hour refers to max(percent_change_1h)", "added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'", "not opened refers to open IS NULL; on 2013/5/3 refers to date = '2013-05-03'" ] }