dict |
"query": "How many orders did Marcelia Goering place in 2021 that uses the Priority Shipping method?",
"pos": [
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'"
"neg": [
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"\"Girls' Night In\" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'"
} |
"query": "What is the email of the customers who place their orders with priority method?",
"pos": [
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'"
"neg": [
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"country refers to country_name",
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"\"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic\" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese"
} |
"query": "Among all orders updated in 2022, identify the percentage that has been returned.",
"pos": [
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100"
"neg": [
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; \"Lazaro Cardenas\" is the city",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"country refers to country_name",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))"
} |
"query": "What is the current address of customer Kandy?",
"pos": [
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city"
"neg": [
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"\"A.J. Ayer\" is the author_name;",
"\"Ace Hardcover\" is the publisher_name",
"most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Dallas\" is the city; streets refers to street_name",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100"
} |
"query": "What is the title of the most expensive book?",
"pos": [
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)"
"neg": [
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name"
} |
"query": "Among the books published by publisher \"Thomas Nelson\", how many of them have over 300 pages?",
"pos": [
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300"
"neg": [
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"language written in refers to language_name;",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"\"Abrams\" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name"
} |
"query": "What is the status of the orders placed on 04/10/2022?",
"pos": [
"placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value"
"neg": [
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'"
} |
"query": "What is the total shipping cost of all the orders made by Page Holsey? Indicate how many of the said orders were ordered in 2022.",
"pos": [
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'"
"neg": [
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'",
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "How many percent of orders in 2020 used international shipping?",
"pos": [
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100"
"neg": [
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; \"Lazaro Cardenas\" is the city",
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title"
} |
"query": "What is the order price of the book \"The Servant Leader\" in 2003?",
"pos": [
"\"The Servant Leader\" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'"
"neg": [
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city",
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"\"ADV Manga\" is the publisher_name; books refers to title",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))"
} |
"query": "What is the name of the publisher with publisher ID 22?",
"pos": [
"name of publisher refers to publisher_name"
"neg": [
"\"Dallas\" is the city; streets refers to street_name",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"El plan infinito\" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title"
} |
"query": "How many orders have been cancelled in 2022?",
"pos": [
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'"
"neg": [
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"\"Orson Scott Card\" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"\"Ace Book\" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "List the title of the earliest published Japanese book.",
"pos": [
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)"
"neg": [
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000"
} |
"query": "Give the publisher's name of the books authored by Alan Lee.",
"pos": [
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name"
"neg": [
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name",
"published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"country refers to country_name",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers\" is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "What is the publication date of the book with the most pages?",
"pos": [
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)"
"neg": [
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"ISBN refers to isbn13;",
"\"Abrams\" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"\"23755004321\" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'"
} |
"query": "Calculate the percentage of the International shipping orders on 2022/11/10.",
"pos": [
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100"
"neg": [
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"\"First Things First\" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name",
"name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "Who wrote \"The Prophet\"?",
"pos": [
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name"
"neg": [
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic\" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'"
} |
"query": "Sum the total price of the orders for The Prophet book.",
"pos": [
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)"
"neg": [
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title",
"delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13"
} |
"query": "What is the full name of the customer who owns the \"\" e-mail address?",
"pos": [
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name"
"neg": [
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'",
"authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value"
} |
"query": "What is the number of pages of the book in the order ID 1167?",
"pos": [
"number of pages refers to num_pages"
"neg": [
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)",
"published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name",
"\"El plan infinito\" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"\"23755004321\" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name",
"\"Orson Scott Card\" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title",
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)"
} |
"query": "Which language is 'El plan infinito' written in?",
"pos": [
"\"El plan infinito\" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name"
"neg": [
"\"Abrams\" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"\"A.J. Ayer\" is the author_name;",
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"Ace Book\" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'"
} |
"query": "What is the cheapest order price of the book \"The Little House\"?",
"pos": [
"\"The Little House\" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)"
"neg": [
"most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"El plan infinito\" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title",
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "What is the most expensive price paid by a customer for the book \"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\"?",
"pos": [
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)"
"neg": [
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)",
"number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))",
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"\"First Things First\" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name",
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)",
"country refers to country_name",
"\"Ace Hardcover\" is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "How many books were published by Kensington?",
"pos": [
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;"
"neg": [
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; \"Lazaro Cardenas\" is the city",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))",
"name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'"
} |
"query": "How many orders were returned in the year 2020?",
"pos": [
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'"
"neg": [
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book",
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"\"Orson Scott Card\" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name"
} |
"query": "Indicate the full name of all customers whose last name begins with the letter K.",
"pos": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'"
"neg": [
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100",
"Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"\"Abrams\" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name",
"country refers to country_name"
} |
"query": "How many books did A.R. Braunmuller write?",
"pos": [
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name"
"neg": [
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"The Little House\" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)",
"ISBN refers to isbn13;",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name",
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)"
} |
"query": "Identify the cost difference between Priority and Express shipping methods.",
"pos": [
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))"
"neg": [
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'",
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'",
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100"
} |
"query": "What is the total price of all the books ordered by Lucas Wyldbore?",
"pos": [
"total price refers to Sum(price)"
"neg": [
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100",
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))"
} |
"query": "What is the full name of the customers who live in Baiyin city?",
"pos": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city"
"neg": [
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"country refers to country_name",
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)",
"book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)"
} |
"query": "How many books under 300 pages has HarperCollins Publishers published?",
"pos": [
"under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers\" is the publisher_name"
"neg": [
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'",
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)",
"\"Girls' Night In\" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city"
} |
"query": "List the title of books published by AK Press.",
"pos": [
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name"
"neg": [
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"\"The Servant Leader\" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'",
"\"Dallas\" is the city; streets refers to street_name",
"\"Abrams\" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name",
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)",
"\"The Little House\" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'"
} |
"query": "What percentage of the orders placed by Kaleena were shipped by the international method?",
"pos": [
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100"
"neg": [
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))",
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"\"El plan infinito\" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name",
"authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000",
"in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)"
} |
"query": "What are the names of all the publishers who have published at least 30 books?",
"pos": [
"published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30"
"neg": [
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name",
"in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'"
} |
"query": "How many books are in English?",
"pos": [
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'"
"neg": [
"order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"\"The Little House\" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)",
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100"
} |
"query": "Name the title of the book with the most number of pages that was published from 1990 to 2000 by publisher Free Press.",
"pos": [
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name"
"neg": [
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name",
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name"
} |
"query": "Provide the customers' names who ordered the Fantasmas.",
"pos": [
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name"
"neg": [
"language written in refers to language_name;",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name",
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13",
"\"Ace Hardcover\" is the publisher_name",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'"
} |
"query": "Which book has the most number of pages?",
"pos": [
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)"
"neg": [
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"most expensive book refers to Max(price)"
} |
"query": "Provide the authors and titles of the books which have more than 3000 pages.",
"pos": [
"authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000"
"neg": [
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))"
} |
"query": "How many authors are named Adam?",
"pos": [
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'"
"neg": [
"country refers to country_name",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"language written in refers to language_name;",
"\"Dallas\" is the city; streets refers to street_name",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; \"Lazaro Cardenas\" is the city",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300"
} |
"query": "Provide the number of orders by Daisey Lamball in 2021.",
"pos": [
"in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'"
"neg": [
"\"Ace Book\" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"\"Girls' Night In\" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name",
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name"
} |
"query": "What is the name of the publisher who published Agatha Christie's first book?",
"pos": [
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)"
"neg": [
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"\"Spanish\" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)"
} |
"query": "How many books written by Akira Watanabe are available on Gravity?",
"pos": [
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name"
"neg": [
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"language written in refers to language_name;",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100"
} |
"query": "Among Daisey Lamball's orders, how many were shipped via International shipping?",
"pos": [
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'"
"neg": [
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book",
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"\"First Things First\" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name"
} |
"query": "What is the book with the most orders?",
"pos": [
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))"
"neg": [
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"\"A.J. Ayer\" is the author_name;",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)"
} |
"query": "What is the shipping method ordered by Nicolette Sadler at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM?",
"pos": [
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name"
"neg": [
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name",
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))"
} |
"query": "Provide the full name of the customers who have ordered the book The Sorrows of Young Werther.",
"pos": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book"
"neg": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"ISBN refers to isbn13;",
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13",
"\"The Servant Leader\" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13"
} |
"query": "How many orders did Antonia Poltun return?",
"pos": [
"order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'"
"neg": [
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Ace Book\" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name",
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)",
"under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers\" is the publisher_name",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))"
} |
"query": "Among the books published by Birlinn in 2008, how many books have pages around 600 to 700?",
"pos": [
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'"
"neg": [
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)",
"\"The Little House\" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value",
"published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name"
} |
"query": "What is the average number of book pages written by Zilpha Keatley Snyder?",
"pos": [
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)"
"neg": [
"\"Orson Scott Card\" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title",
"country refers to country_name",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese",
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name",
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"\"Alan Lee\" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name"
} |
"query": "List all the authors named \"George\".",
"pos": [
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'"
"neg": [
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city",
"ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name"
} |
"query": "How many orders in 2022 have Iran as their destinations?",
"pos": [
"Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'"
"neg": [
"book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name",
"order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'",
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"The Servant Leader\" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100"
} |
"query": "Which book by Hirohiko Araki was published on 6/6/2006?",
"pos": [
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title"
"neg": [
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13",
"country refers to country_name",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name"
} |
"query": "Name the title of books written by author A.J.Ayer.",
"pos": [
"\"A.J. Ayer\" is the author_name;"
"neg": [
"published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title",
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name"
} |
"query": "What percentage of books written by Hirohiko make up the number of books published by Viz Media?",
"pos": [
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100"
"neg": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))",
"\"Ace Book\" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;"
} |
"query": "Which country does Žirovnica city belong to?",
"pos": [
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name"
"neg": [
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100"
} |
"query": "How much money on average does Lucas Wyldbore spend on book orders?",
"pos": [
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)"
"neg": [
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book",
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name",
"books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'"
} |
"query": "What is the price of the book with ISBN 9780763628321?",
"pos": [
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13"
"neg": [
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"Ace Hardcover\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Barry Eisler\" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Seaward\" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages"
} |
"query": "What is the most common domain for the email address among all the customers?",
"pos": [
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))"
"neg": [
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"ISBN refers to isbn13;"
} |
"query": "Which shipping method is preferred by customers the most?",
"pos": [
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name"
"neg": [
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name",
"delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'",
"address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'"
} |
"query": "How many books have been published in Japanese?",
"pos": [
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese"
"neg": [
"\"ADV Manga\" is the publisher_name; books refers to title",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"\"A.J. Ayer\" is the author_name;",
"published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"\"Arabic\" is the language_name; book refers to title",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)"
} |
"query": "Among the books purchased by less than 1 dollar, what is the difference between the number of books with less than 500 pages and books with greater than 500 pages?",
"pos": [
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))"
"neg": [
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"\"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic\" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"\"The Servant Leader\" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"books in English refers to language_name = 'English'"
} |
"query": "How many customers ordered the book titled \"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\"",
"pos": [
"\"Anleitung zum Zickigsein\" is the title of the book"
"neg": [
"\"Birlinn\" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"country refers to country_name",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)",
"\"Kensington\" is the publisher_name;",
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name"
} |
"query": "Provide the publisher name of the book with ISBN 76092025986.",
"pos": [
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13"
"neg": [
"order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))",
"\"2398\" is the order_id; time = Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS \"year\" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS \"month\", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS \"day\"",
"\"Fantasmas\" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"Dallas\" is the city; streets refers to street_name",
"\"First Things First\" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name",
"ISBN refers to isbn13;",
"in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese"
} |
"query": "What is the highest price at which a customer bought the book 'The Prophet'?",
"pos": [
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)"
"neg": [
"Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name",
"books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)",
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13",
"most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)"
} |
"query": "What is the average of English books among all books published by Carole Marsh Mysteries?",
"pos": [
"English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))"
"neg": [
"total price refers to Sum(price)",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"\"Hirohiko Araki\" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100",
"\"23755004321\" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13",
"\"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)\" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book"
} |
"query": "Identify the publisher of the book Girls' Night In.",
"pos": [
"\"Girls' Night In\" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name"
"neg": [
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5",
"published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13",
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100"
} |
"query": "Name the publisher of the oldest book.",
"pos": [
"publisher refers to publisher_name; oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)"
"neg": [
"most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))",
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book",
"\"76092025986\" is the isbn13",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"\"A.R. Braunmuller\" is the author_name",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)"
} |
"query": "List down the ISBN of the books purchased by the customer with an email of",
"pos": [
"\"\" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13"
"neg": [
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name; books with over 300 pages refers to num_pages > 300",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"\"Priority\" and \"Express\" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"\"The Illuminati\" is the title of book",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"\"ADV Manga\" is the publisher_name; books refers to title",
"have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id",
"authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name"
} |
"query": "How many publishers have the word \"book\" in their name?",
"pos": [
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'"
"neg": [
"\"ADV Manga\" is the publisher_name; books refers to title",
"International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100",
"books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'",
"shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name",
"Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'",
"number of pages refers to num_pages"
} |
"query": "Who ordered the book with the cheapest price?",
"pos": [
"book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name"
"neg": [
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'",
"publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'",
"average spend on book orders = AVG (price)",
"priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'",
"\"British English\" is the language_name of the book",
"customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))",
"\"Thomas Nelson\" is the publisher_name",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"\"Žirovnica\" is the city; country refers to country_name",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title"
} |
"query": "How many customers ordered the oldest book?",
"pos": [
"oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)"
"neg": [
"\"O Xará\" is the title of the book",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city",
"author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'",
"\"Danielle Steel\" is the author_name; name of books refers to title",
"name of publisher refers to publisher_name",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"Agatha Christie\" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)",
"\"Akira Watanabe\" is the author_name",
"cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname",
"via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'"
} |
"query": "Which language was book id 1405 written in?",
"pos": [
"language written in refers to language_name;"
"neg": [
"\"Zilpha Keatley Snyder\" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)",
"\"First Things First\" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name",
"\"AK Press\" is the publisher_name",
"full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city",
"delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'",
"\"The Prophet\" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)",
"books refers to title; the most orders refers to Max(Count(order_id))",
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city",
"\"Costa Rica\" is the country_name",
"total price refers to Sum(price)"
} |
"query": "Provide the International Standard Book Number of the book The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains.",
"pos": [
"International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book"
"neg": [
"shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100",
"language written in refers to language_name;",
"returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'",
"\"Brava\" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'",
"number of pages refers to num_pages",
"current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city",
"\"Orson Scott Card\" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title",
"\"9780763628321\" is the isbn13",
"ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name",
"international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100"
} |
"query": "Of all the classic cars, with a product scale of 1:18, which product is the most ordered product by customers?",
"pos": [
"classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);"
"neg": [
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;",
"1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';",
"country = 'USA'"
} |
"query": "Please calculate the total payment amount of customers who come from the USA.",
"pos": [
"USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);"
"neg": [
"DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';",
"Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;",
"staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;",
"Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;",
"average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;"
} |
"query": "How many Sales Manager who are working in Sydney? List out their email.",
"pos": [
"Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;"
"neg": [
"President refers to the jobTitle;",
"Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).",
"Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;",
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;",
"The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;",
"Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';",
"Steve Patterson is an employee;"
} |
"query": "What are the total payments of customers with no credit limit in 2003?",
"pos": [
"total payment refers to SUM(amount); no credit limit refers to creditLimit = 0; year(paymentDate) = '2003';"
"neg": [
"average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;",
"VP Sales refers to jobTitle",
"average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';",
"Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).",
"Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'",
"German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); "
} |
"query": "How many customers have an employee who reports to William Patterson as their sales representitive?",
"pos": [
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';"
"neg": [
"Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'",
"orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));",
"The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))."
} |
"query": "List all customer names with orders that are disputed.",
"pos": [
"Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName."
"neg": [
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';",
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;",
"average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;",
"The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';"
} |
"query": "What is the full address of the office where the employee who is a sales representative for the customer whose business is located in the city of New York works?",
"pos": [
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City."
"neg": [
"average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';",
"inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';",
"1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers; ",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"Planes is a product line;",
"The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);",
"code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';",
"President refers to the jobTitle;",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;",
"Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';"
} |
"query": "How many Planes orders were there?",
"pos": [
"Planes is a product line;"
"neg": [
"country = 'USA'",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;",
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';",
"payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';",
"staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;",
"Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;"
} |
"query": "What is the percentage of the payment amount in 2004 was made by Atelier graphique?",
"pos": [
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;"
"neg": [
"The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;",
"Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).",
"Sales Rep is a job title; Tokyo is a city; full name = firstName+lastName;",
"German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0",
"Steve Patterson is an employee;",
"Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;",
"DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;"
} |
"query": "How do I contact the President of the company?",
"pos": [
"President refers to the jobTitle;"
"neg": [
"Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;",
"1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;",
"average amount payment = AVG(amount);",
"Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);",
"full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;",
"country = 'USA'",
"Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'",
"Steve Patterson is an employee;",
"SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)"
} |
"query": "What is the full address of the office where 4 people work and one of them is Sales Representation?",
"pos": [
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;"
"neg": [
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;",
"Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'",
"Planes is a product line;",
"average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"amount of payment refers to amount;",
"Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;",
"last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';"
} |
"query": "What's the postal code of the office the VP Sales is at?",
"pos": [
"VP Sales refers to jobTitle"
"neg": [
"President refers to the jobTitle;",
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)).",
"Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';",
"Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.",
"cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;"
} |
"query": "From which branch does the sales representative employee who made the most sales in 2005? Please indicates its full address and phone number.",
"pos": [
"orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;"
"neg": [
"cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.",
"The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;",
"full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;",
"VP Sales refers to jobTitle",
"Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;"
} |
"query": "List out sale rep that has sold 1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper. List out their names and quantity sold throughout the year.",
"pos": [
"1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers; "
"neg": [
"payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;",
"Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;",
"average amount payment = AVG(amount);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered)."
} |
"query": "How many French customers does Gerard Hernandez take care of?",
"pos": [
"Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'"
"neg": [
"SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;",
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;",
"1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers; ",
"full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;",
"Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;",
"DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;",
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.",
"2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); ",
"average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;"
} |
"query": "State 10 emails of UK Sales Rep who have the lowest credit limit.",
"pos": [
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;"
"neg": [
"country = 'USA'",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"amount of payment refers to amount;",
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.",
"last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';",
"paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);",
"Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'",
"DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;"
} |
"query": "When were the products ordered by Cruz & Sons Co. on 2003-03-03 shipped?",
"pos": [
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;"
"neg": [
"Steve Patterson is an employee;",
"plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';",
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;",
"Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;",
"1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)"
} |
"query": "For the order has the most product ordered, name the customer who placed the order.",
"pos": [
"The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))."
"neg": [
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"amount of payment refers to amount;",
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.",
"payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"VP Sales refers to jobTitle",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';",
"average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';"
} |
"query": "From 2003 to 2004, how many customers have paid more than three times?",
"pos": [
"paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);"
"neg": [
"Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'",
"USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);",
"Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"Steve Patterson is an employee;",
"payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;",
"Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;",
"Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).",
"1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers; "
} |
"query": "Please list the order number of the customer whose credit card has a limit of 45300.",
"pos": [
"Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;"
"neg": [
"The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';",
"The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';",
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;"
} |
"query": "Which sales representatives in New York city whose leader is Anthony Bow with the employee number is 1143? Indicate their employee numbers.",
"pos": [
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';"
"neg": [
"Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.",
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;",
"full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';",
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;",
"Steve Patterson is an employee;",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';"
} |
"query": "Which is the most ordered quantity product? What is its expected profit margin per piece?",
"pos": [
"The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);"
"neg": [
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)",
"average amount payment = AVG(amount);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;",
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;",
"paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;"
} |
"query": "List out full name of employees who are working in Boston?",
"pos": [
"full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;"
"neg": [
"German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';",
"The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);",
"orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;",
"paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;",
"Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';",
"Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'",
"average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';",
"2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); "
} |
"query": "Who is the sales agent of the customer who has made the highest payment? Include the full names of employee and his/her supervisor.",
"pos": [
"payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';"
"neg": [
"German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0",
"Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;",
"The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)",
"USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);",
"paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';"
} |
"query": "What is the average actual profit by 1937 Lincoln Berline?",
"pos": [
"average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;"
"neg": [
"Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)",
"Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;",
"average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';",
"Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';",
"Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;",
"Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';",
"Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City."
} |
"query": "Which customer ordered 1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' at the highest price?",
"pos": [
"1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)"
"neg": [
"The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);",
"reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';",
"staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;",
"shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;",
"Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;",
"VP Sales refers to jobTitle",
"UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;",
"1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers; ",
"total payment refers to SUM(amount); no credit limit refers to creditLimit = 0; year(paymentDate) = '2003';",
"E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';"
} |