{ "query": "How many assembly items for bicycles aren't finished?", "pos": [ "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null" ], "neg": [ "least number of sick leave refers to min(SickLeaveHours); PayFrequency = 1 means ‘Salary received monthly’; PayFrequency = 2 means ‘Salary received biweekly';", "most reviews refers to MAX(count(ProductID))\n\n", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;", "Lightest product refers to Min(Weight); profit if they sell 10 items refers to Subtract (ListPrice , StandardCost) *10;", "Do not have any work order ID means WorkOrderID is null", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the names of all the store contact employees whose credit cards expired in 2007.", "pos": [ "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ], "neg": [ "Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';", "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));", "Northwest is name of SalesTerritory; US is the CountryRegionCode;", "married refers to MaritalStatus = M; highest pay frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2", "ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59';" ] }
{ "query": "Name all salaried employee who are hired in 2007 and later.", "pos": [ "salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007" ], "neg": [ "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1;", "least amount of workers refers to MIN(count(DepartmentID));", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';", "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;", "person number 18 refers to BusinessEntityID = 18; forename refers to FirstName", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;", "Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID", "least number of sick leave refers to min(SickLeaveHours); PayFrequency = 1 means ‘Salary received monthly’; PayFrequency = 2 means ‘Salary received biweekly';" ] }
{ "query": "Add the number of businesses that indicate their home address as their address and those whose address corresponds to the shipping address.", "pos": [ "their home address as their address refers to AddressTypeID = 2; address corresponds to the shipping address refers to AddressTypeID = 5" ], "neg": [ "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "Department refers to Name where GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration'", "business ID refers to BusinessEntityID; sales total year to date refers to SalesYTD; most sales total year to date refers to MAX(SalesYTD);", "salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007", "Employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'; Single refers to MaritalStatus = 's'", "Information Service is a name of department;", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)", "Profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); the highest rating in review refers to Rating = 5", "projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013;" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the profit of each products. List all products with more than $100 in profit.", "pos": [ "Profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost)>100" ], "neg": [ "number of product rejected refers to ScrapedQty; trim length that is too long refers to scrap reason where Name = 'Trim length too long'", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "year(StartDate) 2007; year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007;", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';", "Canada is name of sales territory", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight);" ] }
{ "query": "What is the location id for Debur and Polish?", "pos": [ "Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location" ], "neg": [ "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1", "planned cost is different from actual cost refers to ActualCost ! = PlannedCost;", "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty;", "order refers to SalesOrderID", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;", "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product", "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the current status of the order with the highest shipping cost?", "pos": [ "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);" ], "neg": [ "Vendor's selling price of a single product refers to UnitPrice;", "located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly'", "Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05'", "product number = productID", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'", "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;", "BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));", "product maintenance documents are private refers to DocumentSummary = null" ] }
{ "query": "Where can I find the Valley Bicycle Specialists store?", "pos": [ "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;" ], "neg": [ "Headset Ball Bearings is name of a product", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "credit card number refers to CardNumber;", "salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;", "PreferredVendorStatus = 1 means 'Do not use if another vendor is available'; CreditRating = 2 means 'Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product'", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product", "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;" ] }
{ "query": "List all staff in the Shipping and Receiving department who are hired in 2009.", "pos": [ "hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009" ], "neg": [ "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "Next-Door Bike Store is name of a store", "Department refers to Name where GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration'", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa", "Mauritius Rupee is name of currency", "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'Night')), (COUNT(ShiftID)) as percentage;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the number of the sub categories for bikes?", "pos": [ "Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1" ], "neg": [ "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'", "Mauritius Rupee is name of currency", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "Socks is a name of product subcategory", "Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05'", "miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "number of product rejected refers to ScrapedQty; trim length that is too long refers to scrap reason where Name = 'Trim length too long'", "website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the names of the products that get over 10 reviews and a salable.", "pos": [ "salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10" ], "neg": [ "salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;", "work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W';", "Northwest is name of SalesTerritory; US is the CountryRegionCode;", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;", "most reviews refers to MAX(count(ProductID))\n\n", "person number 18 refers to BusinessEntityID = 18; forename refers to FirstName", "Mauritius Rupee is name of currency" ] }
{ "query": "What is the highest pay rate of the employees who are exempt from collective bargaining?", "pos": [ "employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate)" ], "neg": [ "second-lowest rating refers to Rating = 2; high-quality class product refers to Class = 'H'; length of time it takes the company to manufacture a product refers to DaysToManufacture;", "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6", "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;", "Document Control Assistant refers  to the  JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; western name style refers to NameStyle = 0; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; probability = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID( PersonType = 'SC' & MaritalStatus = 'M')), Count (BusinessEntityID ( PersonType) & MariatlStatus = 'M'))\n", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "type of employee refers to PersonType;", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;" ] }
{ "query": "How many shipments by truck were made?", "pos": [ "shipment by truck refers to Name = 'XRQ - TRUCK GROUND';" ], "neg": [ "business ID refers to BusinessEntityID; sales total year to date refers to SalesYTD; most sales total year to date refers to MAX(SalesYTD);", "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6", "PreferredVendorStatus = 1 means 'Do not use if another vendor is available'; CreditRating = 2 means 'Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product'", "sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%;", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate" ] }
{ "query": "Among the employees who wish to receive e-mail promotion from AdventureWorks, how many percent of them are female?", "pos": [ "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;" ], "neg": [ "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; western name style refers to NameStyle = 0; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; probability = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID( PersonType = 'SC' & MaritalStatus = 'M')), Count (BusinessEntityID ( PersonType) & MariatlStatus = 'M'))\n", "profit on net = subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); best profit on net refers to max(subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice))", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;", "Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "most review refers to MAX(count(comments)); high class refers to Class = 'H'; medium class refers to Class = 'M'; low class refers to Class = 'L'" ] }
{ "query": "Among the products from the mountain product line, how many of them are sold by over 2 vendors?", "pos": [ "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; sold by over 5 vendors refers to count(Name)>5" ], "neg": [ "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight);", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;", "least number of sick leave refers to min(SickLeaveHours); PayFrequency = 1 means ‘Salary received monthly’; PayFrequency = 2 means ‘Salary received biweekly';", "last receipt date is August 17, 2011 refers to LastReceiptDate> = '2011-08-17 00:00:00' and LastReceiptDate < '2011-08-18 00:00:00';", "Next-Door Bike Store is name of a store", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; Production Technician - WC50 is a job title;" ] }
{ "query": "What proportion of sales orders are made from the United Kingdom?", "pos": [ "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;" ], "neg": [ "second-lowest rating refers to Rating = 2; high-quality class product refers to Class = 'H'; length of time it takes the company to manufacture a product refers to DaysToManufacture;", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;", "shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product", "number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;", "Doesn't have a State Province Code refers to IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag = 1 where StateProvinceCode is unavailable", "Vista Card refers to CardType = 'Vista'; expire before the year 2007 refers to ExpYear< = 2006;\n\n", "Document Control Assistant refers  to the  JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100", "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the departments that are part of the Executive General and Administration group.", "pos": [ "Department refers to Name where GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration'" ], "neg": [ "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';", "MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;", "sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;", "website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL", "least number of sick leave refers to min(SickLeaveHours); PayFrequency = 1 means ‘Salary received monthly’; PayFrequency = 2 means ‘Salary received biweekly';", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of employees who work the night shift?", "pos": [ "percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'Night')), (COUNT(ShiftID)) as percentage;" ], "neg": [ "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; sold by over 5 vendors refers to count(Name)>5", "Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));", "shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009", "Socks is a name of product subcategory", "poor credit rating means bad credit; CreditRating = 5; Business number refers to BusinessEntityID", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime" ] }
{ "query": "How many vacation hours do the male employees have on average?", "pos": [ "employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; Average = Divide( SUM(VacationHours(PersonType = 'EM'& Gender = 'M')),Count(BusinessEntityID(PersonType = 'EM' & Gender = 'M')));" ], "neg": [ "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';", "Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate));", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);", "Minipump is name of a product" ] }
{ "query": "How much is the amount to be paid by the company for the purchase order with the third highest freight amount?", "pos": [ "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;" ], "neg": [ "Facilities Manager is a job title", "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2", "hashed password refers to PasswordHash;", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "CurrentFlag = 1 refers to the active status of employees; Percentage = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID (CurrentFlag = 1 & VacationHours >20 & SickLeaveHours > 10)), Count (BusinessEntityID (CurrentFlag = 1 & SickLeaveHours>10))) * 100;", "second-lowest rating refers to Rating = 2; high-quality class product refers to Class = 'H'; length of time it takes the company to manufacture a product refers to DaysToManufacture;", "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’", "Road Frames is a name of product subcategory", "Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1" ] }
{ "query": "Which sales person achieved the highest sales YTD? What is the projected yearly sales quota in 2011 for this person?", "pos": [ "Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota" ], "neg": [ "Highest year to date sales refers to Max(SalesYTD);", "sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32", "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W';", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;", "person number 18 refers to BusinessEntityID = 18; forename refers to FirstName", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;", "Vista Card refers to CardType = 'Vista'; expire before the year 2007 refers to ExpYear< = 2006;\n\n" ] }
{ "query": "How many employees who began working in 2009 or later had night shifts?", "pos": [ "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;" ], "neg": [ "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);", "Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate));", "shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product", "Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight);", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "customers' name refers to ReviewerName; best possible ratings means the highest rating = 5", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the employees who have a pay rate of above 40, how many of them are male?", "pos": [ "pay rate above 40 refers to Rate>40; male employee refers to Gender = M" ], "neg": [ "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID", "minimum inventory quantity refers to SafetyStockLevel; chainring bolts is a name of product;", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the cost for the product \"847\"?", "pos": [ "cost refers to StandardCost;" ], "neg": [ "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;", "Started selling in 2013 refers to year(SellStartDate) = 2013;", "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';", "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "products using roadster_black_small.gif as the thumbnail photo refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName = 'roadster_black_small.gif';", "handling damage is descrription of manufacturing failure which refers to ScrapReason.Name", "product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;" ] }
{ "query": "List the first and last name of all unmarried male Production Supervisors.", "pos": [ "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title" ], "neg": [ "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;", "average selling price = divide(sum(StandardPrice), count(BusinessEntityID))", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; Production Technician - WC50 is a job title;", "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'", "sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32", "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)" ] }
{ "query": "Where is Business Entity ID No.4 located at? Give the address down to street.", "pos": [ "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2" ], "neg": [ "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "Socks is a name of product subcategory", "Employees who do not wish to receive any e-mail promotions are marked as EmailPromotion = 0", "products using roadster_black_small.gif as the thumbnail photo refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName = 'roadster_black_small.gif';", "seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);", "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location", "Quantity more than 10,000 pieces refers to Quantity>10000; selling price refers to ListPrice", "year(EndDate)>2009 and year(StartDate)<2009;", "shipment by truck refers to Name = 'XRQ - TRUCK GROUND';" ] }
{ "query": "How many people reviewed for product named HL Mountain Pedal? What is the average rating?", "pos": [ "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))" ], "neg": [ "business ID refers to BusinessEntityID; sales total year to date refers to SalesYTD; most sales total year to date refers to MAX(SalesYTD);", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "most review refers to MAX(count(comments)); high class refers to Class = 'H'; medium class refers to Class = 'M'; low class refers to Class = 'L'", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;", "Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating\ngiven by the\nreviewer where Rating = 1", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; sold by over 5 vendors refers to count(Name)>5", "credit card number refers to CardNumber;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the job title of the oldest employee in the company? In which department is he in?", "pos": [ "oldest employee refers to min(BirthDate)" ], "neg": [ "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "profit on net = subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); best profit on net refers to max(subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice))", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;", "Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)", "employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;", "handling damage is descrription of manufacturing failure which refers to ScrapReason.Name", "Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average lead time of product ID 843? Calculate for its profit on net and indicate the full location to which the vendor is located.", "pos": [ "Profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); full location = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City+PostalCode;" ], "neg": [ "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "highest rating refers to MAX(Rating)", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "where the person live refers addresstype.Name = 'Home'", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;", "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3", "active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30;" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the credit card numbers of all the employees who have left the Finance Department.", "pos": [ "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;" ], "neg": [ "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;", "SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "profit = MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, Standardcost)), (Quantity)));", "year(StartDate) 2007; year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the products that are both manufactured in house and salable, how many of them get over 10 reviews?", "pos": [ "manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10" ], "neg": [ "product that are purchased refers to MakeFlag = 0; never received highest rating refers to Rating! = 5\n\n", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "shipment by truck refers to Name = 'XRQ - TRUCK GROUND';", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the phone numbers of all the store contacts.", "pos": [ "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ], "neg": [ "Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID", "Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa", "United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "Product without any rejected quantity refers to RejectedQty = 0", "most reviews refers to MAX(count(ProductID))\n\n", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "Job position and job title are synonyms; job position that was hired the most refers to MAX(COUNT(JobTitle); HireDate BETWEEN '2007-1-1' AND '2007-12-31';" ] }
{ "query": "Which vendor's selling price for Hex Nut 5 is the lowest, please give the vendor's name.", "pos": [ "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice; lowest selling price = MIN(StandardPrice)" ], "neg": [ "job position and job title are synonyms; full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;", "salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007", "Job position and job title are synonyms; job position that was hired the most refers to MAX(COUNT(JobTitle); HireDate BETWEEN '2007-1-1' AND '2007-12-31';", "male refers to Gender = 'M'; female refers to Gender = 'F'; difference in average rate = DIVIDE(AVG(Rate where Gender = 'F')), (AVG(Rate where Gender = 'M'))) as diff;", "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)", "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);" ] }
{ "query": "What is the total amount due of all the purchases made by the company to the vendor that has the lowest selling price amount of a single product? Indicate the name of the vendor to which the purchases was made.", "pos": [ "Vendor's selling price of a single product refers to UnitPrice;" ], "neg": [ "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "highest amount of difference between the ordered quantity and actual quantity received in a single purchase order refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(OrderQty, ReceivedQty));", "average pay rate = AVG(Rate); work in 2007 refers to year(StartDate)<2007 AND year(EndDate)>2007;", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "goods refers to products", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota", "Minipump is name of a product" ] }
{ "query": "For all the purchase order transactions, name all the products with low quality.", "pos": [ "Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'" ], "neg": [ "salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0;", "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "Northwest is name of SalesTerritory; US is the CountryRegionCode;", "business ID refers to BusinessEntityID; sales total year to date refers to SalesYTD; most sales total year to date refers to MAX(SalesYTD);", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1;", "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)", "MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'" ] }
{ "query": "In 2007, which job position was hired the most?", "pos": [ "Job position and job title are synonyms; job position that was hired the most refers to MAX(COUNT(JobTitle); HireDate BETWEEN '2007-1-1' AND '2007-12-31';" ], "neg": [ "Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "product is manufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;", "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)", "salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0;", "Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)", "Employees who don't wish to receive e-mail promotions refers to EmailPromotion = 0;", "Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota", "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate" ] }
{ "query": "How many people were there in the Engineering Department in the year 2009?", "pos": [ "year(EndDate)>2009 and year(StartDate)<2009;" ], "neg": [ "Road Frames is a name of product subcategory", "France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';", "salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'", "Purchase order with order quantity of 5000 or more refers to OrderQty> = 5000", "handling damage is descrription of manufacturing failure which refers to ScrapReason.Name", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice; lowest selling price = MIN(StandardPrice)", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "shipment by truck refers to Name = 'XRQ - TRUCK GROUND';", "highest rating refers to MAX(Rating)" ] }
{ "query": "What are the products with a large photo?", "pos": [ "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;" ], "neg": [ "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "most reviews refers to MAX(count(ProductID))\n\n", "Road Frames is a name of product subcategory", "Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating\ngiven by the\nreviewer where Rating = 1", "salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0;", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;", "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "net profit = Subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "quantities not greater than 3 refers to OrderQty<3; discount of 0.2 refers to UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2; percentage = DIVIDE(count(SalesOrderID(OrderQty<3 & UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2)), count(SalesOrderID))*100%", "Job position and job title are synonyms; job position that was hired the most refers to MAX(COUNT(JobTitle); HireDate BETWEEN '2007-1-1' AND '2007-12-31';" ] }
{ "query": "Which vendor gives the best profit on net for product ID 342?", "pos": [ "profit on net = subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); best profit on net refers to max(subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice))" ], "neg": [ "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;", "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';", "Profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); the highest rating in review refers to Rating = 5", "Canada is name of a sales territory", "employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1" ] }
{ "query": "Did Rachel Valdez complete her sales task?", "pos": [ "Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa" ], "neg": [ "Lightest product refers to Min(Weight); profit if they sell 10 items refers to Subtract (ListPrice , StandardCost) *10;", "CurrentFlag = 1 refers to the active status of employees; Percentage = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID (CurrentFlag = 1 & VacationHours >20 & SickLeaveHours > 10)), Count (BusinessEntityID (CurrentFlag = 1 & SickLeaveHours>10))) * 100;", "price refers to ListPrice; highest price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';", "resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller';", "Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight);" ] }
{ "query": "How many Minipumps have been sold?", "pos": [ "Minipump is name of a product" ], "neg": [ "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'; the lowest transacted quantity refers to Quantity = 1", "PreferredVendorStatus = 1 means 'Do not use if another vendor is available'; CreditRating = 2 means 'Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product'", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "hashed password refers to PasswordHash;", "projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013;", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);", "Australia Bike Retailer is name of vendor", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; sold by over 5 vendors refers to count(Name)>5", "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;" ] }
{ "query": "How many Vista cards expired before the year 2007?", "pos": [ "Vista Card refers to CardType = 'Vista'; expire before the year 2007 refers to ExpYear< = 2006;\n\n" ], "neg": [ "Facilities Manager is a job title", "Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05'", "Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa", "Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty", "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "credit card number refers to CardNumber;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the profit of the product with the highest list price and of the product with the lowest list price other than 0? Indicates the depth the component is from its parent.", "pos": [ "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;" ], "neg": [ "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;", "Quantity more than 10,000 pieces refers to Quantity>10000; selling price refers to ListPrice", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30;", "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6", "Doesn't have a State Province Code refers to IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag = 1 where StateProvinceCode is unavailable", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';", "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;" ] }
{ "query": "Which seasonal discount had the highest discount percentage?", "pos": [ "seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);" ], "neg": [ "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "second-lowest rating refers to Rating = 2; high-quality class product refers to Class = 'H'; length of time it takes the company to manufacture a product refers to DaysToManufacture;", "manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10", "product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "goods refers to products", "tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';", "288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));", "card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;", "Purchase order with order quantity of 5000 or more refers to OrderQty> = 5000" ] }
{ "query": "How many types of credit cards are there and how many are vista?", "pos": [ "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';" ], "neg": [ "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009", "product number = productID", "current payrate refers to max(Rate); percentage increment = divide(subtract(max(Rate), min(Rate)), min(Rate))*100%", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "Employees who do not wish to receive any e-mail promotions are marked as EmailPromotion = 0", "Next-Door Bike Store is name of a store", "manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10" ] }
{ "query": "For the document Control Assistant who was hired on 2009/1/22, what is the percentage of private documents did he/she have?", "pos": [ "Document Control Assistant refers  to the  JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100" ], "neg": [ "Vista Card refers to CardType = 'Vista'; expire before the year 2007 refers to ExpYear< = 2006;\n\n", "tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';", "ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59';", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice; lowest selling price = MIN(StandardPrice)", "Employees who do not wish to receive any e-mail promotions are marked as EmailPromotion = 0", "non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';", "planned cost is different from actual cost refers to ActualCost ! = PlannedCost;", "Socks is a name of product subcategory" ] }
{ "query": "Lists all companies by BusinessEntityID that increased their current year sales by more than 60% over last year's sales and have a bonus greater than 3,000.", "pos": [ "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6" ], "neg": [ "minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty;", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3", "profit = MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, Standardcost)), (Quantity)));", "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; western name style refers to NameStyle = 0; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; probability = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID( PersonType = 'SC' & MaritalStatus = 'M')), Count (BusinessEntityID ( PersonType) & MariatlStatus = 'M'))\n" ] }
{ "query": "What categories of offers qualify for group discounts for resellers?", "pos": [ "resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller';" ], "neg": [ "not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;", "Document Control Assistant refers to the JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; born on 1975/12/25 refers to BirthDate = '1975-12-25'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null", "Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "Salespeople refers to PersonType = 'SP'", "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3", "Socks is a name of product subcategory", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));" ] }
{ "query": "Among all the production technicians, how many have a below average pay rate for a production technician?", "pos": [ "production technician is a job title; below average rate refers to Rate<AVG(Rate);" ], "neg": [ "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007;", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';", "credit card number refers to CardNumber;", "employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate)", "employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100", "product number = productID", "Vista Card refers to CardType = 'Vista'; expire before the year 2007 refers to ExpYear< = 2006;\n\n" ] }
{ "query": "How many products were on the LL Road Frame Sale?", "pos": [ "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer" ], "neg": [ "United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';", "Saved in English refers to product description written in English where = 'English'", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "Salespeople refers to PersonType = 'SP'", "Minipump is name of a product", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the employees who are store contacts, how many of them have a title of \"Mr.\"?", "pos": [ "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ], "neg": [ "Purchase order with order quantity of 5000 or more refers to OrderQty> = 5000", "profit = MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, Standardcost)), (Quantity)));", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "Profit = SUBTRACT(StandardPrice, LastRecipeCost)\n", "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product", "product maintenance documents are private refers to DocumentSummary = null", "female refers to Gender = 'F'; employee who wish to receive email promotion refers to EmailPromotion = 1; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Gender = 'F')), (sum(Gender = 'F' or Gender = 'M'))) as percentage;", "projected yearly sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected yearly sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013; percentage = (MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Bonus)), (SUM(SalesQuota))) as percentage;", "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);", "Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average pay rate of the employees who worked in the Engineering Departmentin 2007?", "pos": [ "average pay rate = AVG(Rate); work in 2007 refers to year(StartDate)<2007 AND year(EndDate)>2007;" ], "neg": [ "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "Mauritius Rupee is name of currency", "Saved in English refers to product description written in English where = 'English'", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate", "discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "documents pending approval refers to Status = 1", "poor credit rating means bad credit; CreditRating = 5; Business number refers to BusinessEntityID" ] }
{ "query": "What are the differences between the 288th salesperson's predicted annual sales and his or her actual sales thus far?", "pos": [ "288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));" ], "neg": [ "married refers to MaritalStatus = M; highest pay frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2", "miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100", "Job position and job title are synonyms; job position that was hired the most refers to MAX(COUNT(JobTitle); HireDate BETWEEN '2007-1-1' AND '2007-12-31';", "year(StartDate) 2007; year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007;", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "Product without any rejected quantity refers to RejectedQty = 0", "France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';", "product number = productID", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));" ] }
{ "query": "What type of employee is David Bradley?", "pos": [ "type of employee refers to PersonType;" ], "neg": [ "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "Profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost)>100", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB';", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "Employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'; Single refers to MaritalStatus = 's'", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009" ] }
{ "query": "Please list 3 businesses along with their IDs that use cellphones.", "pos": [ "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’" ], "neg": [ "Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the product names of all the products on the LL Road Frame Sale.", "pos": [ "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer" ], "neg": [ "Profit = SUBTRACT(StandardPrice, LastRecipeCost)\n", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "product that are purchased refers to MakeFlag = 0; never received highest rating refers to Rating! = 5\n\n", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;", "miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));" ] }
{ "query": "How many types of tax did the sales happen in Quebec have?", "pos": [ "If Name = \"+\" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province" ], "neg": [ "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "job position and job title are synonyms; full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;", "work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;" ] }
{ "query": "How many of the workers who started working in 2009 are from the Production Department?", "pos": [ "StartDate BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND '2009-12-31';" ], "neg": [ "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6", "male refers to Gender = 'M'; female refers to Gender = 'F'; difference in average rate = DIVIDE(AVG(Rate where Gender = 'F')), (AVG(Rate where Gender = 'M'))) as diff;", "Headset Ball Bearings is name of a product", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';", "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "thumbnail photo file refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName;", "cost refers to StandardCost;" ] }
{ "query": "Please list all the vendors' usual selling prices of the product Hex Nut 5.", "pos": [ "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice" ], "neg": [ "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; highest average rating = max(divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview)))", "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "last receipt date is August 17, 2011 refers to LastReceiptDate> = '2011-08-17 00:00:00' and LastReceiptDate < '2011-08-18 00:00:00';", "tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);", "production technician is a job title; below average rate refers to Rate<AVG(Rate);" ] }
{ "query": "Which product has the highest price in 2012?", "pos": [ "price refers to ListPrice; highest price refers to MAX(ListPrice);" ], "neg": [ "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'", "percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "Headset Ball Bearings is name of a product", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "Profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); full location = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City+PostalCode;" ] }
{ "query": "Average cost of purchase orders made during the first six months of 2012.", "pos": [ "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n" ], "neg": [ "product maintenance documents are private refers to DocumentSummary = null", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "highest rating refers to MAX(Rating)", "France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';", "work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;", "tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);", "Average cost = AVG(StandardCost)", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the names of the products that have over 3 price changes.", "pos": [ "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3" ], "neg": [ "If Name = \"+\" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province", "PreferredVendorStatus = 1 means 'Do not use if another vendor is available'; CreditRating = 2 means 'Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product'", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;", "type of employee refers to PersonType;", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; highest average rating = max(divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview)))", "documents pending approval refers to Status = 1", "price refers to ListPrice; price of 3 products = MULTIPLY(ListPrice, 3); Lock Washer 6 is a name of a product;", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "geographic area to which the city belong refers to Group;", "product number = productID" ] }
{ "query": "What are the total per assembly quantity for unit measure code EA, IN and OZ respectively? What are the name of these 3 code?", "pos": [ "Pre assembly quantity refers to PerAssemblyQty" ], "neg": [ "Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating\ngiven by the\nreviewer where Rating = 1", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "documents pending approval refers to Status = 1", "288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));", "Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);", "customers' name refers to ReviewerName; best possible ratings means the highest rating = 5", "employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate)", "Jill refers to the name of reviewer; HL Mountain Pedal refers to the name of the product", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)" ] }
{ "query": "Which reviewer gives the biggest number of the highest rating?", "pos": [ "highest rating refers to MAX(Rating)" ], "neg": [ "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "Document Control Assistant refers  to the  JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100", "employees refers to BusinessEntityID; most unused sick leave refers to MAX(SickLeaveHours); position title refers to JobTitle", "price refers to ListPrice;", "work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W';", "profit on net = subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); best profit on net refers to max(subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice))", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "Salespeople refers to PersonType = 'SP'", "Headset Ball Bearings is name of a product", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';" ] }
{ "query": "Please give all the list prices of the product LL Fork.", "pos": [ "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product" ], "neg": [ "price refers to ListPrice;", "work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;", "Document Control Assistant refers to the JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; born on 1975/12/25 refers to BirthDate = '1975-12-25'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null", "average selling price = divide(sum(StandardPrice), count(BusinessEntityID))", "BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; Average = Divide( SUM(VacationHours(PersonType = 'EM'& Gender = 'M')),Count(BusinessEntityID(PersonType = 'EM' & Gender = 'M')));", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "employees refers to BusinessEntityID; most unused sick leave refers to MAX(SickLeaveHours); position title refers to JobTitle", "weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB';" ] }
{ "query": "Which work order transaction number has the highest product quantity?", "pos": [ "work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W';" ], "neg": [ "Purchase order with order quantity of 5000 or more refers to OrderQty> = 5000", "Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';", "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;", "pay rate refers to Rate; 20 years old at the time of being hired refers to SUBTRACT(year(HireDate)), (year(BirthDate))) = 20;", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'", "projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013;", "France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the product with the most profit?", "pos": [ "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);" ], "neg": [ "Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1", "geographic area to which the city belong refers to Group;", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'", "over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3", "approved refers to Status = 2; confidential document refers to DocumentSummary is null;", "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;" ] }
{ "query": "List the name of married employees with less than 20 vacation hours.", "pos": [ "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20" ], "neg": [ "Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "most reviews refers to MAX(count(ProductID))\n\n", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "planned cost is different from actual cost refers to ActualCost ! = PlannedCost;", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);" ] }
{ "query": "What percentage of AdventureWorks employees are men?", "pos": [ "male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%;" ], "neg": [ "average pay rate = AVG(Rate); work in 2007 refers to year(StartDate)<2007 AND year(EndDate)>2007;", "maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "oldest employee refers to min(BirthDate)", "Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate));", "shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;" ] }
{ "query": "Which product ID do not have any work order ID?", "pos": [ "Do not have any work order ID means WorkOrderID is null" ], "neg": [ "profit on net = subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); best profit on net refers to max(subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice))", "Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05'", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;", "employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "thumbnail photo file refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName;", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;" ] }
{ "query": "List the full name of all the 'Production Technician - WC50'", "pos": [ "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; Production Technician - WC50 is a job title;" ], "neg": [ "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to\nDIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6", "employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'", "cost refers to StandardCost;" ] }
{ "query": "How many days did it take to end the work order \"425\"?", "pos": [ "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);" ], "neg": [ "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;", "Document Control Assistant refers  to the  JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; Average = Divide( SUM(VacationHours(PersonType = 'EM'& Gender = 'M')),Count(BusinessEntityID(PersonType = 'EM' & Gender = 'M')));", "married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20", "pay rate above 40 refers to Rate>40; male employee refers to Gender = M", "manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; over 10 reviews refers to count(comments)>10" ] }
{ "query": "Among the active male employees, how many of them are paid with the highest frequency?", "pos": [ "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;" ], "neg": [ "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)", "days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate);", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "Jill refers to the name of reviewer; HL Mountain Pedal refers to the name of the product", "Highest year to date sales refers to Max(SalesYTD);", "price refers to ListPrice; price of 3 products = MULTIPLY(ListPrice, 3); Lock Washer 6 is a name of a product;", "non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'" ] }
{ "query": "How many married male employees were born before the year 1960?", "pos": [ "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';" ], "neg": [ "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "Profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); the highest rating in review refers to Rating = 5", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "pay rate above 40 refers to Rate>40; male employee refers to Gender = M", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "product number = productID", "Vendor's selling price of a single product refers to UnitPrice;", "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'" ] }
{ "query": "How frequently do the employee with the least number of sick leave hours get paid?", "pos": [ "least number of sick leave refers to min(SickLeaveHours); PayFrequency = 1 means ‘Salary received monthly’; PayFrequency = 2 means ‘Salary received biweekly';" ], "neg": [ "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);", "average profit = DIVIDE(SUM(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost))), (COUNT(ProductSubcategoryID))));", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007;", "Sales and Marketing is group name of a department", "thumbnail photo file refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName;", "Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);", "Australia Bike Retailer is name of vendor", "cost refers to StandardCost;" ] }
{ "query": "What product has the fewest online orders from one customer? List the product's class, line of business, and list price.", "pos": [ "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);" ], "neg": [ "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; male refers to Gender = 'M'; BirthDate < = '1959-12-31';", "Employees who don't wish to receive e-mail promotions refers to EmailPromotion = 0;", "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty;", "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';", "Profit = SUBTRACT(StandardPrice, LastRecipeCost)\n", "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'" ] }
{ "query": "What is the cost for the sports?", "pos": [ "cost refers to StandardCost;" ], "neg": [ "thumbnail photo file refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName;", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "handling damage is descrription of manufacturing failure which refers to ScrapReason.Name", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null", "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "pay rate refers to Rate; 20 years old at the time of being hired refers to SUBTRACT(year(HireDate)), (year(BirthDate))) = 20;", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice; lowest selling price = MIN(StandardPrice)" ] }
{ "query": "For the document Control Assistant who was born on 1975/12/25, how many private documents did he/she have?", "pos": [ "Document Control Assistant refers to the JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; born on 1975/12/25 refers to BirthDate = '1975-12-25'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null" ], "neg": [ "profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;", "price refers to ListPrice;", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);", "married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; western name style refers to NameStyle = 0; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; probability = Divide (Count (BusinessEntityID( PersonType = 'SC' & MaritalStatus = 'M')), Count (BusinessEntityID ( PersonType) & MariatlStatus = 'M'))\n", "employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate)", "Road Frames is a name of product subcategory", "business number refers to BusinessEntityID where BusinessEntityID = 1496; how long does it take refers to AverageLeadTime" ] }
{ "query": "Who are the employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired? State the last name.", "pos": [ "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;" ], "neg": [ "thumbnail photo file refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName;", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'; the lowest transacted quantity refers to Quantity = 1", "purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))\n", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;", "year(StartDate) 2007; year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007;", "type of employee refers to PersonType;", "Department refers to Name where GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration'", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;" ] }
{ "query": "Who is the sales person in charge of the territory with the id \"9\"? Provide their full name.", "pos": [ "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;" ], "neg": [ "highest rating refers to MAX(Rating)", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;", "If Name = \"+\" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007;", "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;", "employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3", "Saved in English refers to product description written in English where = 'English'", "resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller';", "hashed password refers to PasswordHash;" ] }
{ "query": "How many product maintenance documents are private?", "pos": [ "product maintenance documents are private refers to DocumentSummary = null" ], "neg": [ "employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; Average = Divide( SUM(VacationHours(PersonType = 'EM'& Gender = 'M')),Count(BusinessEntityID(PersonType = 'EM' & Gender = 'M')));", "Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'", "work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;", "Lightest product refers to Min(Weight); profit if they sell 10 items refers to Subtract (ListPrice , StandardCost) *10;", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID;", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));", "Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating\ngiven by the\nreviewer where Rating = 1", "fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);" ] }
{ "query": "List down the product name, reviewer name, rating and comments for product under the road line.", "pos": [ "The Road line refers to the product line, therefore ProductLine = 'R'" ], "neg": [ "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'", "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'", "SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice) for ProductID where name = 'Freewheel'", "Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate));", "highest amount of difference between the ordered quantity and actual quantity received in a single purchase order refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(OrderQty, ReceivedQty));", "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "highest yearly sales quota refers to Max(SalesQuota);", "employees that submitted resume to Human Resource Department and got hired refers to BusinessEntittyID NOT null;", "Product without any rejected quantity refers to RejectedQty = 0" ] }
{ "query": "How many people with the name Alex are single and occupying organization level of 1?", "pos": [ "Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'" ], "neg": [ "Information Service is a name of department;", "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; highest frequency refers to PayFrequency = 2;", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);", "male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%;", "Canada is name of sales territory", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "TransactionDate BETWEEN '2013-08-01' AND '2013-08-30'; sold in refers to TransactionType = 'S' which means SalesOrder;" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the products that are out of stock and purchased in house.", "pos": [ "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1" ], "neg": [ "projected yearly sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected yearly sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013; percentage = (MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Bonus)), (SUM(SalesQuota))) as percentage;", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "Canada is name of a sales territory", "Next-Door Bike Store is name of a store", "profit = subtract(ListPrice, StandardCost); the depth the component from its parent refers to BOMLevel;", "Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;" ] }
{ "query": "How many employees in the Information Service department work the evening shift?", "pos": [ "Information Service is a name of department;" ], "neg": [ "Lightest product refers to Min(Weight); profit if they sell 10 items refers to Subtract (ListPrice , StandardCost) *10;", "SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "documents pending approval refers to Status = 1", "Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);", "work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);" ] }
{ "query": "What is the profit of a single product that received the highest rating from John Smith? List the product/s' names.", "pos": [ "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);" ], "neg": [ "employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "Profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost)>100", "second-lowest rating refers to Rating = 2; high-quality class product refers to Class = 'H'; length of time it takes the company to manufacture a product refers to DaysToManufacture;", "handling damage is descrription of manufacturing failure which refers to ScrapReason.Name", "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the PreferredVendorStatus for the company which has the rowguid of \"684F328D-C185-43B9-AF9A-37ACC680D2AF\"?", "pos": [ "PreferredVendorStatus = 1 means 'Do not use if another vendor is available'; CreditRating = 2 means 'Preferred over other vendors supplying the same product'" ], "neg": [ "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;", "quantities not greater than 3 refers to OrderQty<3; discount of 0.2 refers to UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2; percentage = DIVIDE(count(SalesOrderID(OrderQty<3 & UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2)), count(SalesOrderID))*100%", "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2", "Full address refers to AddressLine1+AddressLine2; business number 24 refers to BusinessEntityID = '24'", "product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;", "their home address as their address refers to AddressTypeID = 2; address corresponds to the shipping address refers to AddressTypeID = 5", "price refers to ListPrice; price of 3 products = MULTIPLY(ListPrice, 3); Lock Washer 6 is a name of a product;", "company number 1 refers to BusinessEntityId = 1; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; full name refers to FirstName + MiddleName + LastName", "highest rating refers to Rating = 5; profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "least amount of workers refers to MIN(count(DepartmentID));" ] }
{ "query": "If we discount the products that do not have any type of offer, how many different products have been sold in an amount greater than 2 units per order?", "pos": [ "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2" ], "neg": [ "net profit = Subtract(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);", "order refers to SalesOrderID", "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate", "goods refers to products", "last receipt date is August 17, 2011 refers to LastReceiptDate> = '2011-08-17 00:00:00' and LastReceiptDate < '2011-08-18 00:00:00';", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly'", "pay rate refers to Rate; 20 years old at the time of being hired refers to SUBTRACT(year(HireDate)), (year(BirthDate))) = 20;", "Socks is a name of product subcategory", "Minipump is name of a product" ] }
{ "query": "What are the sales reasons for order 43718?", "pos": [ "order refers to SalesOrderID" ], "neg": [ "Married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M';  non-sales employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'", "Canada is name of a sales territory", "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1;", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))", "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);", "lowest pay refers to min(Rate);", "number of products refers to OrderQty" ] }
{ "query": "What kind of transaction type for the \"HL Road Frame - Black, 48\" order happened in 2012/12/13?", "pos": [ "Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate" ], "neg": [ "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'; the lowest transacted quantity refers to Quantity = 1", "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'", "Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);", "active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30;", "tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);", "Saved in English refers to product description written in English where = 'English'", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1", "average pay rate = AVG(Rate); work in 2007 refers to year(StartDate)<2007 AND year(EndDate)>2007;", "where the person live refers addresstype.Name = 'Home'" ] }
{ "query": "List all product name from Australia Bike Retailer order by product ID.", "pos": [ "Australia Bike Retailer is name of vendor" ], "neg": [ "employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';", "year(EndDate)>2009 and year(StartDate)<2009;", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1;", "Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'", "percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'", "vendor's selling price refers to StandardPrice", "approved refers to Status = 2; confidential document refers to DocumentSummary is null;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the Production Technicians who are single, how many of them are vendor contact?", "pos": [ "Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'" ], "neg": [ "year(StartDate) 2007; year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007;", "take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1", "tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);", "shipping cost and Freight are synonyms; highest shipping cost refers to MAX(Freight);", "Lightest product refers to Min(Weight); profit if they sell 10 items refers to Subtract (ListPrice , StandardCost) *10;", "Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "compartment refers to Shelf; container refers to Bin; Lock Ring is a name of product" ] }
{ "query": "Which Production Technician has the highest pay rate?", "pos": [ "highest pay rate refers to MAX(Rate);" ], "neg": [ "documents pending approval refers to Status = 1", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;", "Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)", "credit card number refers to CardNumber; employees who left the department refers to EndDate NOT null; Engineering Department is a name of department;", "Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa", "Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'", "type of employee refers to PersonType;", "hashed password refers to PasswordHash;", "type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';" ] }
{ "query": "What was the first job position that the company needed, and who was hired? Indicate his/her full name.", "pos": [ "job position and job title are synonyms; full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;" ], "neg": [ "tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';", "last receipt date is August 17, 2011 refers to LastReceiptDate> = '2011-08-17 00:00:00' and LastReceiptDate < '2011-08-18 00:00:00';", "more than 10 sick leave hours refers to SickLeaveHours>10; pay rate over 35 refers to Rate>35;", "Hex Nut 5 is name of a product", "High quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'H'", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "Mauritius Rupee is name of currency", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to = ‘cell’", "cost refers to StandardCost;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the product that has the highest average rating from the mountain product line?", "pos": [ "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; highest average rating = max(divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview)))" ], "neg": [ "Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'", "StartDate BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND '2009-12-31';", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product", "Vendor's selling price of a single product refers to UnitPrice;", "percentage = DIVIDE(Culture.Name = 'Thai', count(ALL Culture.Name))*100%", "year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear;", "store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the business ID of the person who has made the most sales total year to date?", "pos": [ "business ID refers to BusinessEntityID; sales total year to date refers to SalesYTD; most sales total year to date refers to MAX(SalesYTD);" ], "neg": [ "began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;", "product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;", "Down Tube is a name of a product;", "projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013;", "price refers to ListPrice; highest price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%", "Average cost = AVG(StandardCost)", "Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2", "product number = productID" ] }
{ "query": "List, by ProductID, all products whose profit, relative to the standard price, is negative.", "pos": [ "Profit = SUBTRACT(StandardPrice, LastRecipeCost)\n" ], "neg": [ "shipping address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City;", "low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "Facilities Manager is a job title", "BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;", "Employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'; Single refers to MaritalStatus = 's'", "amount to be paid refers to TotalDue;", "LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer", "ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59';", "cost refers to StandardCost;", "Salespeople refers to PersonType = 'SP'" ] }
{ "query": "List the product name with more than 5 quantity in the shopping cart.", "pos": [ "Product with more than 5 quantity refers to Quantity>5" ], "neg": [ "Purchase order with order quantity of 5000 or more refers to OrderQty> = 5000", "product number = productID", "type of employee refers to PersonType;", "highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);", "full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;", "business id refers to BusinessEntityID", "customers' name refers to ReviewerName; best possible ratings means the highest rating = 5", "unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title", "lowest rating refers to Rating = 1", "employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3" ] }
{ "query": "Please list any 3 vendors that are not recommended by Adventure Works.", "pos": [ "not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;" ], "neg": [ "Quantity more than 10,000 pieces refers to Quantity>10000; selling price refers to ListPrice", "salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0;", "do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2", "employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; Male refers to Gender = 'M'; Average = Divide( SUM(VacationHours(PersonType = 'EM'& Gender = 'M')),Count(BusinessEntityID(PersonType = 'EM' & Gender = 'M')));", "profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);", "percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%", "proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;", "products using roadster_black_small.gif as the thumbnail photo refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName = 'roadster_black_small.gif';", "average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate)))", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null" ] }
{ "query": "What are the names of the top 6 products that has the biggest size in centimeter and what are its reorder point?", "pos": [ "in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';" ], "neg": [ "SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';", "SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;", "projected yearly sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected yearly sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013; percentage = (MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Bonus)), (SUM(SalesQuota))) as percentage;", "hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009", "assembly lines that are not finished refers to EndDate = null", "actual resource hours of 2 refers to ActualResourceHrs = 2", "number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;", "mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'", "active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;", "geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;" ] }