December to February are hot wet months with daytime temperatures as high as 40 °C, warm nights, and humidity levels fluctuating between 50% and 80%.
September to November sees the heat and atmospheric pressure build up once more as the dry season slides into the rainy season.
December to February are hot wet months with daytime temperatures as high as 40 °C, warm nights, and humidity levels fluctuating between 50% and 80%.
September to November sees the heat and atmospheric pressure build up once more as the dry season slides into the rainy season.
The most populous large mammal is the lechwe antelope, with more than 60,000.
Papyrus and reed rafts make up a large part of the Okavango's vegetation.
The most populous large mammal is the lechwe antelope, with more than 60,000.
Papyrus and reed rafts make up a large part of the Okavango's vegetation.
The Okavango Delta peoples consist of five ethnic groups, each with its own ethnic identity and language.
The Wayeyi have inhabited the area around Seronga as well as the southern Delta around Maun, and a few Wayeyi live in their putative ancestral home in the Caprivi Strip.
The Okavango Delta peoples consist of five ethnic groups, each with its own ethnic identity and language.
The Wayeyi have inhabited the area around Seronga as well as the southern Delta around Maun, and a few Wayeyi live in their putative ancestral home in the Caprivi Strip.
Although the available indexes are compiled in several ways, they are defined to encompass a specific set of conditions and items.
The weighting of such factors, which is defined by the realized degree of importance of each component in the specific index (or sub-index), aims to represent the costs variations typically found for chemical plants.
\text{Cost at B} = \text{Cost at A}\cdot \frac{\text{index at B }}{\text{index at A }} .
As a rule-of-thumb, cost indexes permit fairly accurate estimates for cost escalation if the difference between period A and period B is less than 10 years.
\text{Cost at B} = \text{Cost at A}\cdot \frac{\text{index at B }}{\text{index at A }} .
As a rule-of-thumb, cost indexes permit fairly accurate estimates for cost escalation if the difference between period A and period B is less than 10 years.
The main indexes available for process industries include: .
Intratec Chemical Plant Construction Index, IC: a process plant construction index developed by Intratec, a chemical consulting company.
The main indexes available for process industries include: .
Intratec Chemical Plant Construction Index, IC: a process plant construction index developed by Intratec, a chemical consulting company.
The standard indexes available are usually restricted to a particular region, as in the case of NF Index, which is accurate only to the region of the US Gulf coast (USGC).
Cost indexes for international locations is published in "Process Engineering" journal as well as in the "International Journal of Production Economics" (formerly "Engineering Costs and Production Economics").
The standard indexes available are usually restricted to a particular region, as in the case of NF Index, which is accurate only to the region of the US Gulf coast (USGC).
Cost indexes for international locations is published in "Process Engineering" journal as well as in the "International Journal of Production Economics" (formerly "Engineering Costs and Production Economics").
He was born on 19 November 1802 the son of James Dundas of Ochtertyre, founder of the major Scottish legal firm of Dundas & Wilson, and his wife Elizabeth Graham of Portmore.
In 1868 he was placed in the Outer House of the College of Justice with David Mure, Lord Mure and Charles Baillie, Lord Jerviswoode [REF].
The Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) is responsible for coordinating responses to natural disasters, technological emergencies and severe weather emergencies in Atlantic County.
During times of severe emergencies or disasters the office activates the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) which is located in a hurricane proof wing of the Anthony "Tony" Canale Training Center.
The Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) is responsible for coordinating responses to natural disasters, technological emergencies and severe weather emergencies in Atlantic County.
During times of severe emergencies or disasters the office activates the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) which is located in a hurricane proof wing of the Anthony "Tony" Canale Training Center.
Jiang Qin was from Shouchun County (壽春縣), Jiujiang Commandery (九江郡), which is in present-day Shou County, Anhui.
When the bandits Lü He (呂合) and Qin Lang (秦狼) stirred up trouble in Kuaiji Commandery along the southern shore of Hangzhou Bay, Jiang Qin led his troops to fight them and succeeded in pacifying the five counties in Kuaiji and captured the two bandit chiefs.
Jiang Qin participated in the Battle of Xiaoyao Ford in 214-215.
In 219, Sun Quan ordered Lü Meng to lead an army to invade Jing Province when its defender, Guan Yu (a general under Liu Bei), was away at the Battle of Fancheng.
Jiang Qin participated in the Battle of Xiaoyao Ford in 214-215.
In 219, Sun Quan ordered Lü Meng to lead an army to invade Jing Province when its defender, Guan Yu (a general under Liu Bei), was away at the Battle of Fancheng.
In his teenage years, Isaacs became a veteran of the talent contests that regularly took place in Jamaica.
Isaacs recorded for many of Jamaica's top producers during the 1970s, including Winston "Niney" Holness, Gussie Clarke ("My Time"), Lloyd Campbell ("Slavemaster"), Glen Brown ("One One Cocoa Fill Basket"), Harry Mudie, Roy Cousins, Sydney Crooks and Lee "Scratch" Perry ("Mr.
On 16 March 2004, a bloody mountainous battle between the Pakistan Army troops and the foreign fighters of al-Qaeda was fought in the White Mountains of South Waziristan [REF].
By 2004, additional battalions were stationed by General Musharraf to help curb infiltration into Pakistan through its porous border [REF].
The Pakistan government is to compensate tribal leaders for the loss of life and property of innocent tribesmen.
2,500 foreigners who were originally held on suspicion of having links to the Taliban[REF] were to be detained for necessary action against them.
After the army returned to Waziristan, they garrisoned the areas and set up check-points, but the militants hit hard.
On 3 September 2007, the two coordinated suicide bombers targeted an ISI bus and a line of cars carrying ISI officers.
After the army returned to Waziristan, they garrisoned the areas and set up check-points, but the militants hit hard.
On 3 September 2007, the two coordinated suicide bombers targeted an ISI bus and a line of cars carrying ISI officers.
Between 22 and 24 October, the armed forces engaged in another hard-push against militants in the restive Bajaur and Khyber tribal regions.
On 10 October 2008, TTP militants beheaded four kidnapped pro-government tribal elders in the Charmang area of Bajaur [REF].
Between 22 and 24 October, the armed forces engaged in another hard-push against militants in the restive Bajaur and Khyber tribal regions.
On 10 October 2008, TTP militants beheaded four kidnapped pro-government tribal elders in the Charmang area of Bajaur [REF].
The Islamabad's decision to launch the offensive against Mehsud signaled a deepening of Pakistani resolve against the militants.
On 1 November 2009, the towns of Sararogha and Makin were surrounded,[REF] and fighting for Sararogha started on 3 November [REF].
The Islamabad's decision to launch the offensive against Mehsud signaled a deepening of Pakistani resolve against the militants.
On 1 November 2009, the towns of Sararogha and Makin were surrounded,[REF] and fighting for Sararogha started on 3 November [REF].
On 13 April 2013, Pakistan Army's ISPR said that seven militants were killed in the Tirah Valley on 12 April.
On 2 May 2013, four Taliban-linked insurgents were killed and five others wounded after Pakistani fighter jets targeted TTP hideouts in the Tirah Valley [REF].
On 13 April 2013, Pakistan Army's ISPR said that seven militants were killed in the Tirah Valley on 12 April.
On 2 May 2013, four Taliban-linked insurgents were killed and five others wounded after Pakistani fighter jets targeted TTP hideouts in the Tirah Valley [REF].
Roman Polanski read the screenplay by Enrique Urbizu, an adaptation of the Spanish novel El Club Dumas (The Club Dumas, 1993), by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
Polanski approached the subject skeptically, saying, "I don't believe in the occult.
The common name "platypus" is the latinisation of the Greek word (), "flat-footed",[REF] from (), "broad, wide, flat"[REF] and (), "foot" [REF].
There is no universally agreed plural of "platypus" in the English language.
The platypus feeds by neither sight nor smell,[REF] closing its eyes, ears, and nose each time it dives [REF].
In recent studies it has been suggested that the eyes of the platypus are more similar to those of Pacific hagfish or Northern Hemisphere lampreys than to those of most tetrapods.
The platypus feeds by neither sight nor smell,[REF] closing its eyes, ears, and nose each time it dives [REF].
In recent studies it has been suggested that the eyes of the platypus are more similar to those of Pacific hagfish or Northern Hemisphere lampreys than to those of most tetrapods.
The species exhibits a single breeding season; mating occurs between June and October, with some local variation taking place between different populations across its range [REF].
The female platypus has a pair of ovaries, but only the left one is functional [REF].
The species exhibits a single breeding season; mating occurs between June and October, with some local variation taking place between different populations across its range [REF].
The female platypus has a pair of ovaries, but only the left one is functional [REF].
The platypus and other monotremes were very poorly understood, and some of the 19th century myths that grew up around them-for example, that the monotremes were "inferior" or quasireptilian-still endure [REF].
The oldest discovered fossil of the modern platypus dates back to about 100,000 years ago, during the Quaternary period.
The platypus and other monotremes were very poorly understood, and some of the 19th century myths that grew up around them-for example, that the monotremes were "inferior" or quasireptilian-still endure [REF].
The oldest discovered fossil of the modern platypus dates back to about 100,000 years ago, during the Quaternary period.
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane, Queensland [REF].
The Australian Platypus Park at Tarzali Lakes, Millaa Millaa, Queensland[REF] .
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane, Queensland [REF].
The Australian Platypus Park at Tarzali Lakes, Millaa Millaa, Queensland[REF] .
He received his education in Syunik' and was later sent to be taught under the auspices of Mesrop Mashtots,[REF] the creator of the Armenian alphabet, and Catholicos Sahak Partev.
The students left Armenia sometime between 432 and 435.
Three possible early references to Movses in other sources are usually identified.
A historian by the name of Moses was unknown to Armenian literature before the tenth century.
Three possible early references to Movses in other sources are usually identified.
A historian by the name of Moses was unknown to Armenian literature before the tenth century.
Palladium-107 is the second longest lived (halflife of 6.5 million years[REF]) and least radioactive (decay energy only 33 keV, specific activity 5 Ci/g) of the 7 long-lived fission products.
Its yield from thermal neutron fission of uranium-235 is 0.1629% per fission, only 1/4 that of iodine-129, and only 1/40 those of 99Tc, 93Zr, and 135Cs.
Batman of Zur-En-Arrh first appeared in Batman #113 (February 1958), in a story titled Batman - The Superman of Planet-X by writer France Herron and artist Dick Sprang [REF].
Zur-En-Arrh was first used as the name of a planet in France Herron and Dick Sprang's 1958 story Batman - The Superman of Planet-X featured in Batman #113.
Tlano possessed much high-tech equipment, owing to his residence on a futuristic planet.
The Bruce Wayne incarnation also possesses a Bat-radia.
Tlano possessed much high-tech equipment, owing to his residence on a futuristic planet.
The Bruce Wayne incarnation also possesses a Bat-radia.
The first recorded use of antique ruby as a color name in English was in 1926 [REF].
Displayed at right is deep tone of ruby that is called ruby in the British Standards 381 color list.
The first recorded use of antique ruby as a color name in English was in 1926 [REF].
Displayed at right is deep tone of ruby that is called ruby in the British Standards 381 color list.
Translations of many biblical passages are included in the Cursor Mundi, written about 1300.
Around the same time, an anonymous author in the West Midlands region produced another gloss of the complete Psalms - the West Midland Psalms [REF].
Platypux has been developed using the source code from the Linux From Scratch project, but also counts on source code for BLFS (Beyond Linux From Scratch) and ALFS (Automated Linux From Scratch) Linux distros.
Platypux is a pun of platypus and tux, the Linux mascot.
PAOK B.C. had to wait 10 years from the laying of the arena's foundations (on March 18, 1990), and 12 years from the time Ioannis Dedeoglou donated the land (June 17, 1988), until the sports arena was complete.
Ioannis and his brother, Thanasis Dedeoglou, first began to think about a new major European sports arena in Thessaloniki in 1991, by donating land to PAOK.
Captain Porter received the Medal of Honor during the Philippine-American War for efforts in battle at the junction of the Cadacan and Sohoton Rivers, Samar on November 17, 1901.
He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Virginia.
The name of the company was changed to Erickson Inc. in February 2014 [REF].
Aviation industry veteran Jeff Roberts is CEO and President.
Christakos was born and raised in Sudbury, Ontario.
She identifies as bisexual [REF].
The lyrics to "Dance Little Sister" have lead singer Jagger asking women in high heels and tight skirts to dance for him all night [REF].
"Dance Little Sister" is driven by the guitars, and according to author Steve Appleford, Richards' "savage" rhythm guitar in particular [REF].
Philippa Baker was initially a triathlete before she switched to rowing.
At the 1991 World Rowing Championships, Baker returned to the lightweight women's single sculls and won gold,[REF] the first woman to win gold for New Zealand at World Rowing Championships [REF].
Jones made his competitive debut for Manchester United as a second-half substitute, replacing Rio Ferdinand in the FA Community Shield clash against Manchester City.
Jones scored his first ever senior goal on 3 December 2011, in a 1-0 away win against Aston Villa.
Jones made his competitive debut for Manchester United as a second-half substitute, replacing Rio Ferdinand in the FA Community Shield clash against Manchester City.
Jones scored his first ever senior goal on 3 December 2011, in a 1-0 away win against Aston Villa.
Jones made his debut for the England under-19 team in the 3-1 win over Turkey on 17 November 2009 [REF].
On 5 August 2011, he was called up to the England first-team squad for the friendly against the Netherlands by Fabio Capello,[REF] but did not end up playing as the match was cancelled four days later by the Football Association after riots in London [REF].
Jones made his debut for the England under-19 team in the 3-1 win over Turkey on 17 November 2009 [REF].
On 5 August 2011, he was called up to the England first-team squad for the friendly against the Netherlands by Fabio Capello,[REF] but did not end up playing as the match was cancelled four days later by the Football Association after riots in London [REF].
Earlier in his career, he was a political aide and speechwriter to U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and New York Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine.
Toll has also served as a juror for the National Endowment for the Humanities, a cultural ambassador for the U.S. State Department, and a lecturer at the Naval War College.
Earlier in his career, he was a political aide and speechwriter to U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and New York Lieutenant Governor Stan Lundine.
Toll has also served as a juror for the National Endowment for the Humanities, a cultural ambassador for the U.S. State Department, and a lecturer at the Naval War College.
A handful of youth-oriented shelters are explored in the film.
Safe Space[REF] The Safe Space is also a "drop-in" center.
The pants completely narrow down towards the ankle and are held by a buttoned cuff at the ends.
The kameez of the pencil suit is stitched as that of a regular kurta.
Though the pencil suit was designed first by leading designers of the fashion industry, it became popularized only through Bollywood.
Apart from being worn in movies, the actresses opted for pencil suits to be worn at public functions and events too.
Though the pencil suit was designed first by leading designers of the fashion industry, it became popularized only through Bollywood.
Apart from being worn in movies, the actresses opted for pencil suits to be worn at public functions and events too.
The main tenet of Qutbist ideology is that the Muslim community (or the Muslim community outside of a vanguard fighting to reestablish it) "has been extinct for a few centuries"[REF] having reverted to Godless ignorance (Jahiliyya), and must be reconquered for Islam [REF].
Qutb outlined his ideas in his book Ma'alim fi-l-Tariq (aka Milestones).
Qutb's message was spread through his writing, his followers and especially through his brother, Muhammad Qutb, who moved to Saudi Arabia following his release from prison in Egypt and became a professor of Islamic Studies and edited, published and promoted his brother Sayyid's work [REF].
Osama bin Laden is reported to have regularly attended weekly public lectures by Muhammad Qutb, at King Abdulaziz University, and to have read and been deeply influenced by Sayyid Qutb [REF].
Qutb's message was spread through his writing, his followers and especially through his brother, Muhammad Qutb, who moved to Saudi Arabia following his release from prison in Egypt and became a professor of Islamic Studies and edited, published and promoted his brother Sayyid's work [REF].
Osama bin Laden is reported to have regularly attended weekly public lectures by Muhammad Qutb, at King Abdulaziz University, and to have read and been deeply influenced by Sayyid Qutb [REF].
Following Qutb's death Qutbist ideas spread throughout Egypt and other parts of the Arab and Muslim world, prompting a backlash by more traditionalist and conservative Muslims, such as the book Du'ah, la Qudah (Preachers, not Judges) (1969).
Like the term "Wahhabi", Qutbee is used not by the alleged Qutbees to describes themselves, but by their critics [REF].
Following Qutb's death Qutbist ideas spread throughout Egypt and other parts of the Arab and Muslim world, prompting a backlash by more traditionalist and conservative Muslims, such as the book Du'ah, la Qudah (Preachers, not Judges) (1969).
Like the term "Wahhabi", Qutbee is used not by the alleged Qutbees to describes themselves, but by their critics [REF].
On the importance of science and learning, the key to the power of his bête noire, western civilization, Qutb was ambivalent.
and that the era of scientific discovery (that non-Muslim Westerners were so famous for) was now over: The period of resurgence of science has also come to an end.
On the importance of science and learning, the key to the power of his bête noire, western civilization, Qutb was ambivalent.
and that the era of scientific discovery (that non-Muslim Westerners were so famous for) was now over: The period of resurgence of science has also come to an end.
Commander in Chief did not run as a two-year-old and made his debut in April 1993 in a ten furlong maiden race at the Newmarket Craven meeting.
Commander in Chief went into the 1993 Epsom Derby on 2 June as an unbeaten horse, but one who had never contested a Group Race.
The PLF was founded by Ahmed Jibril and Shafiq al-Hout in 1961, and enjoyed strong Syrian backing.
This eventually led to a reestablishment of the PLF, as the organization broke apart after Jibril's PFLP-GC had followed Syria into battle against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1976, during the Lebanese Civil War.
Impostor syndrome is not a formal mental disorder and does not have a standard definition, therefore there has not been a clear consensus as to treatment options available [REF].
A number of management options are available to ease impostor syndrome.
Impostor syndrome is not a formal mental disorder and does not have a standard definition, therefore there has not been a clear consensus as to treatment options available [REF].
A number of management options are available to ease impostor syndrome.
The colour of the field (gold) and the arm holding a cross (red) are from the second quarter of the arms of Sir William Macdonald, the tobacco manufacturer and philanthropist, who founded the College.
In 1971, McGill leased a portion of the Macdonald Campus to the newly created John Abbott College, vacating many historic buildings for the CEGEP.
The Travels was a rare popular success in an era before printing.
The impact of Polo's book on cartography was delayed: the first map in which some names mentioned by Polo appear was in the Catalan Atlas of Charles V (1375), which included thirty names in China and a number of other Asian toponyms [REF].
The Travels was a rare popular success in an era before printing.
The impact of Polo's book on cartography was delayed: the first map in which some names mentioned by Polo appear was in the Catalan Atlas of Charles V (1375), which included thirty names in China and a number of other Asian toponyms [REF].
A. C. Moule and Paul Pelliot published a translation under the title Description of the World that uses manuscript F as its base and attempts to combine the several versions of the text into one continuous narrative while at the same time indicating the source for each section (London, 1938).
An introduction to Marco Polo is Leonard Olschki, Marco Polo's Asia: An Introduction to His "Description of the World" Called "Il Milione", translated by John A. Scott (Berkeley: University of California) 1960; it had its origins in the celebrations of the seven hundredth anniversary of Marco Polo's birth.
A. C. Moule and Paul Pelliot published a translation under the title Description of the World that uses manuscript F as its base and attempts to combine the several versions of the text into one continuous narrative while at the same time indicating the source for each section (London, 1938).
An introduction to Marco Polo is Leonard Olschki, Marco Polo's Asia: An Introduction to His "Description of the World" Called "Il Milione", translated by John A. Scott (Berkeley: University of California) 1960; it had its origins in the celebrations of the seven hundredth anniversary of Marco Polo's birth.
It has also been pointed out that Polo's accounts are more accurate and detailed than other accounts of the periods.
Many of the details in Polo's accounts have been verified.
It has also been pointed out that Polo's accounts are more accurate and detailed than other accounts of the periods.
Many of the details in Polo's accounts have been verified.
Shu received his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, in 1982 and his Ph.D. in Mmthematics from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1986.
Shu started his academic career in 1987 as an assistant professor in the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University.
In 1863, German mining engineer Herman Ehrenberg was hired to survey a new townsite along the Colorado River, approximately 6mi from La Paz, Arizona.
Over the next several years the town continued to grow, surpassing La Paz.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which, of it is land and of it (2.13%) is water.
Ehrenberg is located on the Colorado River and border of Arizona and California, on the Arizona side.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which, of it is land and of it (2.13%) is water.
Ehrenberg is located on the Colorado River and border of Arizona and California, on the Arizona side.
The Fort d'Embourg is located about 7km southeast of the center of Liège, on the heights above the community of Chaudfontaine, overlooking the Vesdre valley.
The Brialmont forts were designed to be protected from shellfire equaling their heaviest guns: 21 cm [REF].
Embourg's armament included a Grüsonwerke turret with a single 21 cm Krupp gun, a15cm Creusot turret with twin guns and a 12 cm Châtillon-Commentry turret with two Krupp guns, all for distant targets.
The fort's heavy guns were German, typically Krupp, while the turret mechanisms were from a variety of sources.
Embourg's armament included a Grüsonwerke turret with a single 21 cm Krupp gun, a15cm Creusot turret with twin guns and a 12 cm Châtillon-Commentry turret with two Krupp guns, all for distant targets.
The fort's heavy guns were German, typically Krupp, while the turret mechanisms were from a variety of sources.
His grandfather had been sufficiently wealthy to buy a large property known as Stoakley Manor in Calvert County.
The couple had four sons: John (1780-1796), James Biddle (c.
Sent to Canada as part of the reinforcements for Benedict Arnold's army besieging Quebec, he arrived just in time to witness the arrival of 8,000 British reinforcements under General John Burgoyne - which precipitated the collapse of the American effort in Canada.
When Gates sent him to Congress with official dispatches about the victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, Wilkinson kept Congress waiting while he attended to personal affairs.
Sent to Canada as part of the reinforcements for Benedict Arnold's army besieging Quebec, he arrived just in time to witness the arrival of 8,000 British reinforcements under General John Burgoyne - which precipitated the collapse of the American effort in Canada.
When Gates sent him to Congress with official dispatches about the victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, Wilkinson kept Congress waiting while he attended to personal affairs.
Leading up to Kentucky's seventh convention regarding separation from Virginia in November 1788, Wilkinson attempted to gauge the support for Kentucky to seek union with Spain.
However, by 1788 Wilkinson had apparently lost the confidence of officials in Spain.
Leading up to Kentucky's seventh convention regarding separation from Virginia in November 1788, Wilkinson attempted to gauge the support for Kentucky to seek union with Spain.
However, by 1788 Wilkinson had apparently lost the confidence of officials in Spain.
Despite the end of the crisis in mid-1800 and Hamilton being discharged from the Army, Wilkinson, for unknown reasons, continued the plan for the establishment of the base which he named "Cantonment Wilkinson" after himself.
Wilkinson remained senior officer of the United States Army under President Thomas Jefferson.
Despite the end of the crisis in mid-1800 and Hamilton being discharged from the Army, Wilkinson, for unknown reasons, continued the plan for the establishment of the base which he named "Cantonment Wilkinson" after himself.
Wilkinson remained senior officer of the United States Army under President Thomas Jefferson.
After the end of his military career, Wilkinson was appointed as U.S. Envoy to Mexico.
Wilkinson's involvement with the Spanish (Agent 13) was widely suspected in his own day, but it was not proven until 1854, with Louisiana historian Charles Gayarré's publication of the American general's correspondence with Esteban Rodríguez Miró, Louisiana's colonial governor between 1785 and 1791.