As you approach your due date, your cervix will probably begin to soften and dilate in preparation for childbirth, even before you start to feel labor pains.
Dilate Faster
More than one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, so chances are that if there are many women in your life, you will probably have to deal with this situation more than once.
Console Someone Who Had a Miscarriage
Nipple stimulation is the act of rolling, rubbing, or suckling the nipples to help induce contractions and labor. It is a technique commonly used as part of the natural birthing process.
Do Nipple Stimulation to Induce Labor
If someone has asked you to drive them to the hospital while they're in labor, you're probably aware of what a huge honor and responsibility it is. While it's easy to become overwhelmed by such an important task, planning the drive will make you feel confident and prepared.
Drive Someone in Labor to the Hospital
Many women opt for a home birth as opposed to birthing in the hospital setting. As long as your pregnancy is deemed low-risk, and you are within close proximity to a hospital should any complications occur, a home birth can be almost equivalent to a hospital birth safety-wise.
Have a Safe Home Birth
You may be thinking about where to give birth to your child. To help choose a place to give birth, you should decide what types of treatment you would like to receive during pregnancy.
Decide Where to Deliver Your Baby
Congratulations! You may have or soon expect a new baby. You’re probably pretty excited about the new member of your family. Chances are that other family members and friends are just as happy.
Deal with Visitors After Giving Birth
During pregnancy, the placenta attaches to your uterine wall and supplies oxygen and nutrients to your baby through the umbilical cord. In most cases, the placenta attaches itself to the upper or middle portions of your uterus, but occasionally, it attaches to the lower part of your uterus instead.
Deal with Placenta Previa
The umbilical cord is the connection between a mother and her baby. [1] It enters your baby through what eventually becomes their navel, or belly button, and is pretty big, averaging about 50 cm (20 inches) in length and 2 cm (about ¾ inch) in diameter in a full term baby.
Cut the Umbilical Cord of a Baby
50 percent of women will experience a miscarriage at some stage in their lives. But we are alone when it happens. It's a private thing that we are not encouraged to speak about.
Deal With a Friend's Miscarriage
If you had a baby die during delivery, coping with the sudden loss can be incredibly difficult. Taking time to mourn, seeking out support, and speaking to a therapist can help you get through the incredibly trying time.
Cope with the Death of a Baby Who Died During Labor and Delivery
Today’s mothers have some options when it comes to choosing where to deliver their babies. In addition to local hospitals, many consider choosing a birthing center in their area.
Choose a Birth Hospital
Using breathing techniques during labor can help you manage the pain. At the very least, it can help you work through the pain. First, you have to find a pattern that works for you, then work on practicing your breathing.
Breathe During Labor
Postpartum bleeding, or lochia, is a natural although sometimes inconvenient part of recovery from childbirth, and it can last up to a month. The bleeding can be quite heavy in the first few days before tapering off significantly within the week.
Care for Postpartum Bleeding
When you give birth, you may want your closest friends and family by your side. You may, however, only be able to choose a few people to join you. When making this decision, carefully consider who will make you feel the most comfortable.
Choose Who Should Stay in the Delivery Room
Whether you're an expectant parent or an unsuspecting cabbie, the time may come when you are called upon to help deliver a baby with no professional help in sight.
Deliver a Baby
In the United States, most women choose to receive their prenatal care from an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) and give birth in the hospital under his or her care.
Choose Between an Obstetrician and a Midwife
In the United States, under a quarter (21.5%) of pregnant women have their first cesarean section. [1] C-sections can resolve labors that may have medical complications, and can help to save the lives of mothers and babies due to an emergency during labor.
Avoid a Cesarean Section
Your water breaks when the fluid filled sac in which your baby is in ruptures. This usually occurs at the beginning of labor. You may suddenly feel a lot of fluid come out of your vagina all at once or it may be a trickle that comes and goes.
Break Your Water
Becoming a doula can be a valuable career path. You will aid mothers in childbirth, childcare, and provide emotional support to clients as they become parents.
Become a Certified Doula
As of July 2015, there were 23 legal medical marijuana states, plus the District of Columbia. If your state offers this alternative therapy program, you can easily access it by following just a few simple steps that will teach you how to prepare and what to do in order to get a medical marijuana ID card.
Get a Medical Marijuana ID Card
Healthcare administration is a growing field with lots of opportunities for qualified individuals. If you have recently completed a degree program in healthcare administration or you are considering the field, you may be wondering what you need to do to find a job.
Find a Job in Healthcare Administration
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes pain and stiffness in your joints. Because it affects smaller joints first, hand and wrist pain is a common complaint for those suffering from RA.
Exercise to Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Wrist Pain
Fainting, or syncope, is a scary experience. It is often the result of poor circulation to the brain which then causes you to lose consciousness and pass out.
Faint Safely
Putting your skincare in the hands of a doctor can be a little nerve wracking. But finding a good dermatologist doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable or difficult experience.
Find a Dermatologist
This is a natural approach to fixing your gut, healing your digestion and recovering from a lifetime of eating "all the wrong things". This is geared towards people with constant indigestion, diarrhea, stomach cramps, pain, and all around digestion discomfort.
Fix Your Digestion
Occasional fainting or "syncope" episodes are a common medical problem with an estimated 20 to 50% of adults having experienced at some point in their lives.
Fall when You Faint
When you’re sick, you just don’t feel like yourself. You feel depressed and weak, and sometimes you continue to feel sickly even after most of your symptoms have subsided.
Feel Better After You Have Been Sick
There are times in life when you may not feel worthy. It might be when spending time around others or when you're by yourself but it's often spurred on by feeling that others are more successful, privileged or more clever than you.
Feel Worthy
When you are battling stress, eating right may be one of the last things on your mind. You may feel pulled in so many directions that eating at all is a miracle.
Fight Stress with Food
Hepatitis C is a contagious liver infection spread through contaminated blood. [1] Its severity may range from mild, which only lasts a few weeks, to a chronic and lifelong illness that attacks the liver.
Evaluate Your Hepatitis C Risk
Being sick can be a difficult time. You might not feel like doing much on a sick day but there are a few activities that can help you make the most of it.
Enjoy a Sick Day
Sexual meditation is a way to heighten awareness of the body to increase pleasure during sex. Regular sexual meditation, may help to make sex more enjoyable for you and your partner and it is also a way to deepen your connection.
Do Sexual Meditation
The less we talk about the food we eat in the present times, the better it is! Deep fried, junk and unhealthy snacking are most common these days. Due to lifestyle changes, this situation has become prevalent in cities where a majority of the urban population munch on the most convenient available food.
Ensure Healthy Cooking
The placenta (also called “afterbirth”) is the organ that grows during a woman’s pregnancy to nourish and maintain the fetus. The placenta grows within the uterus after conception before the fetus even starts growing.
Eat Your Placenta
Having a baby is an exciting time in a woman’s life. However, finding the right fashions for the post-pregnancy body may be a challenge. Everyone knows a woman’s body goes through extensive changes during pregnancy, but a woman should also be aware that the body changes after baby.
Dress After Pregnancy
It's easy to go into pregnancy believing that you'll eat right. But if you find yourself too busy or tired to prepare nutritious meals or snacks, you might just need to plan a little.
Eat on the Go During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are typically told to avoid fish due to its high mercury content and risk of food-borne illness. However, fish can be a source of nutrients important to your child’s prenatal development such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Eat Fish During Pregnancy
Exercising during pregnancy can be beneficial to both the mother and the baby. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts do not have to be eliminated when you are pregnant.
Do HIIT Workouts During Pregnancy
Bodyweight exercises are healthy and safe for most women to do during pregnancy. They help keep your muscles strong while you are pregnant since often pregnant women lose muscle mass.
Do Safe Prenatal Bodyweight Exercises
An unplanned pregnancy is a shock and causes you to experience many different emotions. Not only are you anxious about the possibility of having a child, you may not know how to tell your spouse.
Discuss an Unplanned Pregnancy With Your Spouse
Figuring out how many weeks pregnant you are is simply a matter of counting from your last period. If your periods are irregular, though, you'll likely need an ultrasound to get a clear picture of how far along you are.
Determine How Many Weeks Pregnant You Are
You might feel a variety of emotions at being pregnant: excitement, nervousness, hope. However, if someone is trying to coerce you to get an abortion, then you probably feel a lot of stress.
Defend Your Right to Give Birth As a Pregnant Minor
Multiple prenatal tests exist to detect physical, mental, and genetic disorders in an unborn baby. If you are unsure whether you should get a prenatal test such as amniocentesis or CVS, consider the following steps to make your decision.
Decide if You Should Have a Prenatal Test
C-section is short for Cesarean delivery. A C-section is when the baby is removed directly from the mother’s uterus after the doctor cuts through the abdomen wall and through the wall of the uterus.
Decide Whether to Have a C Section
When you’re pregnant, your body goes through all sorts of hormonal changes. These changes can cause a variety of skin problems, including bumps, itchy skin, and stretch marks.
Deal with Skin Problems During Pregnancy
Kegel exercises, like other exercises, help strengthen muscles. The muscles that are strengthened by the Kegel exercises are located in the lower section of the pelvic region and are responsible for holding the pelvic organs in place as well as controlling the flow of urine from the body.
Do Kegel Exercises for Pregnant Women
Pre-eclampsia is a serious condition in which a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure and signs of damage occurring to other organs. It can be fatal to both the mother and the baby.
Deal With Pre Eclampsia
Pregnancy can have its ups and downs, both emotionally and physically. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as heartburn, nausea, and constipation are some of the most common complaints during pregnancy.
Deal With Gastrointestinal Disorders While Pregnant
These low-impact exercises are a great way to strengthen various parts of your back. Choose which exercise works best for you, based on what part of your back you’d like to work, your level of expertise, and approval from your doctor.
Do Medicine Ball Back Exercises
Most pregnant women experience some degree of “morning sickness”: the typical nausea and vomiting that usually tapers off by the end of the first trimester.
Deal with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Drinking water is an important key to staying hydrated and healthy. While individual needs vary, such as gender and lifestyle, the Institute of Medicine recommends women (aged 19-50) drink 2.7 liters (91 oz.)
Drink Enough Water
One of the most effective ways to protect your heart is through eating a healthy diet. It can help you control your weight, manage your blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and minimize your risk of heart disease.
Eat to Protect Your Heart
In almost all cases, gingivitis, or gum disease, is caused by improper cleaning of the teeth and gums. If proper teeth care is not effective, you can use these techniques to treat gum disease at home.
Get Rid of Gingivitis
Stocking a closet with maternity clothing can be expensive. If you want to be stylish while you are pregnant, you may want to make some homemade maternity clothing.
Create a Maternity Shirt
Your mom is having a baby. Dealing with a pregnant mother can be a new and stressful experience, and it may seem like things are constantly changing.
Deal With a Pregnant Mother
Treating gum disease with homemade remedies is possible, and can help to cure various gum problems, such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and several other problems that need to be taken seriously.
Treat Gum Disease With Homemade Remedies
Pregnancy is an incredibly important time in a woman's life. It is a time of many changes, from physical changes to mental and lifestyle changes. You may wish to take note of some of these changes in your life, and write them down for later reflection.
Create a Pregnancy Journal
A baby memory album will help you save memories of your pregnancy - the moment you found out you were pregnant, the first time you heard your baby's heartbeat, that adorable ultrasound photo.
Create a Pregnancy Memory Album
Mono, technically mononucleosis, is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus—both strains of the herpes virus. It is spread through direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, which has earned it the nickname "the kissing disease."
Treat Mono
Canker sores last for one to three weeks and they can cause a fair amount of pain during this time. [1] There are several medical treatment options as well as over-the-counter medicines and home remedies that may help to relieve your canker sore pain.
Relieve Canker Sore Pain
Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa can be extremely dangerous and, in severe cases, potentially fatal. Pregnancy makes the situation even more complicated.
Deal with an Eating Disorder During Pregnancy
Canker sores, also known as mouth ulcers, or aphthous stomatitis, can form on the gums, inner cheeks and lips (anywhere inside of the mouth). Canker sores, while annoying, are common, and usually heal in a week or two.
Treat Canker Sores or Mouth Ulcers
A tooth abscess is an infection of the tooth that is usually caused by untreated tooth decay or gum disease, or a serious tooth injury that affects the pulp, such as fracture.
Treat a Tooth Abscess
Tonsillitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tonsils, two oval-shaped tissues found in the back of the throat. Most infections are caused by a common virus, but bacterial infections may also cause tonsillitis.
Diagnose Tonsillitis
Orthodontic braces on your teeth are worth the effort in order to get straightened teeth, but the discomfort that you will likely experience from the braces can be discouraging and uncomfortable.
Alleviate Orthodontic Brace Pain
Cavities -- also known as caries -- are small openings or holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. They form as a result of built-up plaque and bacteria on the surface of the teeth, poor dental hygiene, and (according to some dentists) a lack of essential minerals in the diet.
Treat Cavities
Hemorrhoids (piles) can happen to anyone at any age. These uncomfortable enlarged veins can be found inside or externally around the anus. Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on your pelvic and rectal veins, usually linked to constipation, diarrhea, or straining to pass a stool.
Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids Fast
Getting your braces tightened can cause a lot of discomfort. The first few hours may be very painful to nearly anyone, regardless if its your first time or your last time.
Avoid Pain When Your Braces Are Tightened
Dental devices such as traditional braces, retainers, clear braces, and sleep apnea devices can often be difficult to handle. Not only can they cause physical discomfort, but they also require a good deal of maintenance and cleaning to avoid the buildup of bacteria or an unwelcome odor.
Deal With Dental Devices
If you have naturally straight teeth, you’ll be spared a lot of extra time, money, and discomfort by getting to skip the process of braces. However, sometimes the appearance of braces is what you desire, whether or not they’re necessary.
Make Fake Braces
Whether you're a kid, teenager or adult, there may come a time when you find you need to get braces. While the end result of braces will be a beautiful, healthy smile, and teeth that are aligned properly, getting to that point may not be overly fun.
Make Braces Look Less Noticeable
Getting braces soon and not sure what they are going to do? Read on.
Know What the Orthodontist Will Do when You Get Braces
Everybody wants to look good & dashing but braces can be embarrassing. Don't let them change your self-image! Braces will do their work, and then you'll never regret getting them.
Look Great With Braces
Pulling your teeth into the right alignment isn't an easy process. Everyone with braces experiences at least a few days of pain or soreness. Painkillers, soft food, and dental wax are your allies.
Make Your Braces Hurt Less
You may be sick of being called "four eyes" or "brace face," and you may not think that wearing glasses or braces is much fun. But it's all in the attitude!
Rock Both Braces and Glasses
Many people feel nervous about getting braces. Before you get braces you may want to use these helpful suggestions to get you ready. And remember, you'll still be beautiful after they're in place!
Relax Yourself Before Getting Braces
Smoking a cigar is a great way to unwind or celebrate a special occasion. Before you smoke a cigar, you have to know how to choose the right kind, cut the cigar, and light the cigar.
Smoke a Cigar
While maintaining your oral health is always important, it is especially crucial when you have braces. Filling cavities and performing other procedures is much more complicated when you have braces, so you should do all you can to keep your teeth healthy.
Use an Electric Toothbrush with Braces
Getting or have braces on your teeth? You don’t need to be embarrassed. Not only is it common, but wearing braces has become a fashion statement! Modern braces can be quite stylish.
Wear Braces With Confidence and Style
If you have just gotten a retainer to help fix a dental issue, you may notice one particularly challenging side effect: you have difficulties talking with the retainer in your mouth.
Talk With a Retainer
A humidor is a special wooden box that’s used to store cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products to keep them from drying out. When you first buy a humidor, you have to season it, which is the process of adding moisture so that the box will better retain humidity.
Season a Humidor
Learning to roll a great cigar takes a practices and patience. But once you know what you're doing, you'll soon be rolling cigars like the most practiced torcedor (professional cigar roller).
Roll a Cigar
Getting braces can be a little scary, especially if you don't like going to the dentist in the first place. While you may be a little nervous, you can take a few steps to calm yourself down while your orthodontist is working on you.
Relax While Getting New or Tightened Braces
Cheyenne cigars are a brand of small cigars, equivalent in size to type 100 cigarettes. Although they're seen as a budget-friendly alternative to more expensive cigars, the Cheyenne variety is a well-regarded choice in the community, especially if you're only starting out on cigars.
Smoke a Cheyenne Cigar
Because of the natural moisture and aromatic oils they contain, cigars can be very temperamental to store and maintain properly. If you don’t have a humidor to provide a moisture-regulated environment, you might find yourself with dry, brittle cigars that have lost their smoothness and complex flavors.
Rehydrate Cigars
An important part of any dental care plan is proper cleaning, and this is particularly true for retainers. A dirty retainer can harbor bacteria, which can cause bad breath in your mouth.
Take Care of Your Retainer
When you get braces, your teeth and braces will require special care to keep them happy. For instance, you'll need to watch what you eat, as certain foods will harm your braces.
Take Care of Your Braces
When you receive new braces or recently have them tightened, the first few days can be painful. Mouth soreness and sensitivity is common when adjusting to new braces.
Take Away the Pain of New or Tightened Braces
If you have braces, you’ll probably have a wire come loose at some point. Braces wires most commonly come loose soon after the braces are placed. Whatever the cause, a loose wire is rarely something to panic about.
Temporarily Fix a Loose Wire on Your Braces
Everyone knows that life can be quite hard as a teen and having twin blocks doesn't help, this is a guide for living with twin blocks.
Survive Living With Twin Block Braces (Teens)
Like a fine wine, single malt scotch or a historic work of art, a hand-rolled cigar--formulated, produced, grown, and created by a master--is one of the finest things in life.
Rate a Cigar
Some people say that having a straight, beautiful smile is the best accessory, but not everyone is confident in the appearance of their teeth. While braces are typically considered the best way to straighten teeth, not everyone likes the metallic look of traditional braces.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces
Playing with your braces can become a huge problem. You could cause damage to both your teeth and the expensive equipment in your mouth. Learn how to stop before something bad happens.
Stop Fiddling with Your Braces
Your first week wearing braces is notoriously the worst. Between pulsing pain, the annoying tight feeling of the wires, and the uncomfortable metal rings around your back teeth, let's just say the first week won't be your best week ever.
Survive the First Week in Braces
Some people with braces may be shy about smiling. It can take some getting used to the way braces look, and many people feel self conscious, especially when they first get braces.
Smile With Braces
While there are certainly other ways to treat acne , perhaps none is as DIY and cost-effective as using lemon juice. Lemon juice contains L-asorbic acid, a natural astringent which dries out the acne, as well as antibacterial compounds that fight acne-producing bacteria.
Use Lemon Juice to Lessen Acne and Heal Acne Scars
Many people have to get braces put on their teeth. Many people are stressed about it, and they think that it is going to hurt. Well all those horror stories you heard, are all wrong.
Stay Calm Before You Get Braces
Olive oil is used in a lot of home remedies. While no hard evidence supports that topical use of olive oil improves skin, many people have experienced a reduction of scars through experimenting with olive oil.
Use Olive Oil to Remove Scars
Sun rash, sometimes called heat rash, sun allergy, or sun sensitivity (photosensitivity), is a red, itchy rash that can occur if your skin is exposed to sunlight.
Treat Sun Rash