When is Devcoin most valuable in the market?
when refers to date; most valuable refers to max(market_cap)
added on June 14, 2013 refers to date_added like '2013-06-14%'
the percentage of the Bitcoins verifiably burned = divide(subtract(SUM(max_supply), SUM(total_supply)),SUM(total_supply))*100%; until 2013/4/28 refers to date<'2013-04-08'
lowest price refers to low; best time refers to date with the low;
the highest price refers to max(price); DigixDAO refers to name = 'DigixDAO'
time that a coin reaches its highest price refers to time_high; on 2013/4/29 refers to date = '2013-04-29'
the max profit = subtract(high, low); on 2013/4/28 refers to date = '2013-04-28'
average monthly circulating supply = AVG(circulating_supply); in 2017 refers to date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'
in May 2013 refers to year(date_added) = 2013 and month(date_added) = 5
average price = divide(sum(price), count(name)); on April 28, 2013 refers to date = '2013-04-28'
average price more than $1000 refers to AVG(price)>1000
For the state which has the 113 2-year public schools, tell the number of graduated Asian students who seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution in 2013.
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
Mercer University refers to chronname = 'Mercer University';
How many students graduated from Central Alabama Community College in 2011 in total?
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
Tell the number of 4-year private not-for-profit schools in the home state of "Brevard Community College".
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
post name refers to state_post;
Among the states with a public school count of 20 and below, list their race.
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
List the all the institutes from the state with the most number of American Indian in 2007.
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
post name refers to state_post;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
State the name and website of the institutes from the state with 209 graduate cohort in 2011.
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
What is the website address of the institution with the highest number of White degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions in 2008?
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
post name refers to state_post;
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
In female students in year 2012, how many of them from a state with number of schools ranges from 10 to 20?
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
post name refers to state_post;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
List the site of institution within the student count of 500 to 1000 that has the recent year of data release.
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
Give the web site address for "Swarthmore College".
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
In 2012, how many Asian female graduates were seeking another type of degree or certificate at the 4-year institution at University of Alaska at Anchorage?
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
In Alaska with school count of 1 from year 2011 to 2013, how many of the students are white?
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
What is the number of female graduate for all students cohort from Oakwood University in 2013?
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
Between 2011 to 2013, what is the average number of male Hispanic degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time in United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus?
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
In the state with the highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident, which institution has the lowest number of undergraduates in 2010?
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
How many 2-year public schools are there in "California"?
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
post name refers to state_post;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
In total, how many Hispanic male students graduated from Amridge University?
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
post name refers to state_post;
Which state is "Mercer University" located in?
Mercer University refers to chronname = 'Mercer University';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
Which city is "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" located in?
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
In Yale University, what is the average number of Black students per year who were bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions between 2002 to 2005?
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
Give the web site address for the school in "PA" state with the highest latitude.
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
Give the cohort name for the school with biggest cohort size.
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
post name refers to state_post;
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
Please list the names of the institutes with the percentage of male White students graduating in 2011 within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20.
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Among the institutes in the state of Alabama whose percent rank for median SAT value within sector is 77, how many of them have over 500 graduates in total in 2011?
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
How many 2-year private nonprofit schools in "CT" whose graduation rate falls below the average for the state?
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
Among the Ivy League Schools in 2013, which schools have the highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time who were seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions?
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
Among the race of all students, what is the control of institution and level of institution with highest number of students?
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
Please list the names of the institutes in the state of Alabama whose all graduates in total exceeded 500 in 2011?
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
post name refers to state_post;
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
Which institute has the highest percentage of male White students graduating in 2011 within 150 percent of normal/expected time?
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
Among the public institutes in the state of Alabama, how many of them have over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time in 2011?
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
State the average median SAT value for institutes in the state with the most male graduate cohort in 2013.
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
What's the average number of graduates for Central Alabama Community College in the 3 consecutive years from 2011 to 2013?
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
post name refers to state_post;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
Give the name of the 4-year public school in "ID" with the lowest graduation 100 value.
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
What is the ratio of Asian male graduates to Asian female graduates from Harvard University in 2013?
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
Between the Ivy League Schools, which school's state have the lowest sate appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident?
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
post name refers to state_post;
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
Which 4-year private for-profit school in "KY" has the highest graudation 150 value? Give the ID for the school.
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private for profit refers to control = 'Private for-profit'; KY refers to state_abbr = 'KY'; highest graduation 150 value refers to MAX(grad_150_value); ID of the school refers to unitid;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
post name refers to state_post;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
Which cohort had the higher percentage of students who graduated from Central Alabama Community College in 2011 within 150 percent of normal/expected time, female White students or male White students?
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
post name refers to state_post;
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
recent year of data release refers to newest year;
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
public refers to control = 'Public'; school_count < 20;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; private nonprofit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; CT refers to state_abbr = 'CT'; graduation rate falls below the average for the state refers to awards_per_value < awards_per_natl_value;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
Give the post name of "Idaho" state.
post name refers to state_post;
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
How many institutes are private and not-for profit?
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University';
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
What is the name of the school with the highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs? Indicate the state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs.
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
schools_count = 113; 2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; Asian refers to race = 'A'; seeks another type of degree or certificate at a 2-year institution refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
private and not for profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit';
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
biggest cohort size refers to MAX(cohort_size); cohort = '4y bach' means bachelor's or equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions; cohort = '4y other' means students seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution; cohort = '2y all' means degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions;
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
What is the institution's name of american students within the number of degree-seeking students in the cohort that ranges from 1 to 3?
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
website address refers to site; Swarthmore College refers to chronname = 'Swarthmore College';
between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; number of degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus refers to chronname = 'United Education Institute-Huntington Park Campus';
post name refers to state_post;
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
Mercer University refers to chronname = 'Mercer University';
institutes refers to chronname; American Indian refers to race = 'Ai'; most number of American Indian refers to MAX(COUNT(race = 'Ai')); in 2007 refers to year = '2007';
highest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MAX(state_appr_value); lowest number of undergraduates refers to MIN(student_count); in 2010 refers to year = 2010;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
name of the school refers to chronname; 4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; ID refers to state_abbr = 'ID'; lowest graduation 100 value refers to MIN(grad_100_value);
What is the number of female graduates between 2011 to 2013 from the state where 'Gateway Community College' is located?
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
Yale University refers to chronname = 'Yale University'; average = DIVIDE(COUNT(race = 'B' WHERE cohort = '4y bach AND year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2005), 3); Black refers to race = 'B'; bachelor's/equivalent-seeking cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach'; between 2002 to 2005 refers to year BETWEEN '2002' AND '2005';
What's the number of male Hispanic students who graduated from Central Alabama Community College in 2011 within 100 percent of normal/expected time?
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
amount of percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'F') as female; percentage = SUM(grad_150 WHERE gender = 'M') as male; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150; female refers to gender = 'F'; White refers to race = 'w'; male refers to gender = 'M';
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute refers to chronname = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute';
female refers to gender = 'F'; number of schools refers to schools_count; schools_count BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
web site address refers to site; PA refers to state_abbr = 'PA'; highest latitude refers to MAX(lat_y);
Alaska refers to state = 'Alaska'; from year 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN '2011' AND '2013'; white refers to race = 'W';
Mercer University refers to chronname = 'Mercer University';
In the state of Connecticut, what is the name of the instution with the highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector?
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
names of the institutes refers to chronname; male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; percentage of students graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time over 20 refers to grad_150>20;
graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3);
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
website address refers to site; White refers to race = 'W'; degree-seeking students at 2-year institutions refers to cohort = '2y all'; in 2008 refers to year = '2008';
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
percent rank for median SAT value within sector refers to med_sat_percentile; over 500 graduates refers to grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
2-year refers to level = '2-year'; public refers to control = 'public'; California refers to state = 'California';
name of the institutes refers to chronname; website refers to site; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; in 2011 refers to year = '2011';
How many 4-year public institutions are there in the state of Florida? Give all of their names.
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; public refers to control = 'Public'; names refers to chronname;
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; Oakwood University refers to chronname = 'Oakwood University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013; all sutdents refer to rae = 'X';
female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; between 2011 to 2013 refers to year BETWEEN 2011 AND 2013; Gateway Community College refers to chronname = 'Gateway Community College';
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
4-year refers to level = '4-year'; private not-for-profit refers to control = 'Private not-for-profit'; Brevard Community College refers to chronname = 'Brevard Community College';
highest number of students refers to student_count; all students refer to race = 'X'.
ratio = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'M'), SUM( grad_cohort WHERE Gender = 'F')), 1.0); Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; male refers to gender = 'M'; Harvard University refers to chronname = 'Harvard University'; in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
male refers to gender = 'M'; white refers to race = 'w'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; graduating within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_150;
institution's name refers to chronname; american refers to race = 'Ai'; number of degree-seeking students in the cohort refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort < = 3;
Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
List down the states in 2011 with a national sector average of 20 and below.
in 2011 refers to year = '2011'; national sector average of 20 and below refers to awards_per_natl_value < 20;
In 2012 refers to year = 2012; Asian refers to race = 'A'; female refers to gender = 'F'; graduates refers to grad_cohort; seeking another type of degree or certificate at a 4-year institution refers to cohort = '4y other'; University of Alaska at Anchorage refers to chronname = 'University of Alaska at Anchorage';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; in 2013 refers to year = '2013'; highest number of Black students who graduated within 150 percent of normal/expected time refers to MAX(grad_150 WHERE race = 'B'); seeking a bachelor's/equivalent cohort at 4-year institutions refers to cohort = '4y bach';
Ivy League Schools refers to chronname = 'Brown University' or chronname = 'Columbia University' or chronname = 'Cornell University' or chronname = 'Dartmouth College' or chronname = 'Harvard University' or chronname = 'Princeton University' or chronname = 'University of Pennsylvania' or chronname = 'Yale University'; lowest state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident refers to MIN(state_appr_value);
Mercer University refers to chronname = 'Mercer University';
public refers to control = 'Public'; over 30 students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100 > 30; in 2011 refers to year = 2011;
name of the institution refers to chronname;  highest percent rank for freshman retention percentage within the sector refers to MAX(retain_percentile);
male refers to gender = 'M'; Hispanic students refers to race = 'H'; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; number of students who graduated within 100 percent of normal/expected time refers to grad_100;
name of the school refers to chronname; highest difference in the average completion rate for the national in which it belongs = MAX(SUBTRACT(awards_per_value, awards_per_natl_value)); state appropriations to higher education in fiscal year 2011 per resident to which the school belongs refers to state_appr_value;
names of the institutes refers to chronname; graduates refers to grad_cohort; grad_cohort > 500; in 2011 refers to year = 2011; all students refer to race = 'X'.
median SAT value refers to med_sat_value; average = AVG(med_sat_value); male refers to gender = 'M'; graduate cohort refers to grad_cohort; most male graduate cohort refers to MAX(COUNT(grad_cohort WHERE gender = 'M')); in 2013 refers to year = 2013;
Which professor taught the least amount of courses?
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
How many professors teaches basic or medium undergraduate courses?
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
Provide the ID of professors who teach in both harder undergraduate course and master/graduate courses.
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
What year in the program do the students with more than 2 advisors are in?
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
Among the students being advised by Advisor 5, how many students are in the 5th year?
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
advisor with ID 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
What is the ratio of professors and students?
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
What is the level of the course with the most number of teachers?
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
How many professors are teaching course ID 18?
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
How many courses were taught by a professor who is currently the member of faculty?
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
Who are the top 5 professors who teaches the highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses?
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
advisor with ID 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
How many students are under advisor 415?
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
Please list the IDs of the professors that teaches more than 3 courses.
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
How many courses are there for basic or medium undergraduate courses?
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
List the advisor IDs for students with eighth year of program and position status in faculty of those professors.
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
Name the advisors for students in Year 3 of the program.
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
What are the courses taught by the advisors who gave advice to student with ID 376?
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
List the ID and years in program for students taught by advisor with ID 5.
advisor with ID 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
List the professor ID who taught the course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses.
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
Who are the professors who gave advice to students in the 12th years of program?
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
Which level of courses is taught by professor ID 297?
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
How many basic or medium undergraduate courses are taught by a professor?
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
Mention the person ID of faculty professor who taught course ID 104 and the course level.
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
advisor with ID 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
What level is course 165? List the professors who teach the course.
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
Please list the IDs of the teachers who have advised more than 4 others to teach.
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
Calculate the percentage of high-level undergraduate course.
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
How many students that are undergoing the pre-phase of qualification have advisors?
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
advisor with ID 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
What is the average number of professional or master/undergraduate courses being taught by each professor?
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
What is the sum of year 1 and year 2 students?
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
Describe the course level and list of person IDs who taught course ID of 147.
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
Among the faculty affiliated professor, how many professors teaches professional or master/undergraduate courses?
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
Please list the IDs of all the faculty employees who teaches a basic or medium undergraduate course.
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; professor refers to professor = 1
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
List the person IDs and course levels of the affiliated professors in faculty.
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
How many professors teaches no more than two high-level or harder undergraduate courses?
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
Please list the IDs of the advisors of the students who are in the 5th year of their program.
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
professors refers to course.p_id; highest number of professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to max(count(course.course_id)) where courseLevel = 'Level_500'
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
List down the advised student IDs and IDs of employing professor in faculty.
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; average number = divide(count(taughtBy.course_id), count(taughtBy.p_id))
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
Which member of the faculty are teaching the most courses and what is his/her general course level?
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
faculty affiliated professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'; professional or master/undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'
professor refers to professor = 1;  member of faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
How many advisors are in charge of advising all the students in 1st year?
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
person IDs refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID of 147 refers to course.course_id = 147
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
How many courses were taught by more than 4 people?
courses refers to taughtBy.course_id; more than 4 people refers to count(taughtBy.p_id) > 4
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
course 165 refers to course_id = 165; professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
How many teachers are faculty employees?
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
advised student IDs refers to person.p_id; IDs of employing professor in faculty refers to p_id_dummy and hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID 18 refers to taughtBy.course_id
State the courses and level of courses by professors who are faculty employees.
professors who are faculty employees refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
advisor 415 refers to p_id_dummy = 415
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
person ID refers to person.p_id; faculty professor refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition ! = 0
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
What is the average number of students for each advisor?
students refers to advisedBy.p_id; advisor refers to p_id_dummy; average number = avg(count(advisedBy.p_id))
professors refers to professor = 1; students refers to student = 1; ratio = divide(count(person.p_id) when professor = 1, count(person.p_id) when student = 1)
basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'; courses refers to course.course_id
professor ID 297 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 297
high-level undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; percentage = divide(count(course.course_id) when courseLevel = 'Level_400', count(course.course_id)) * 100%
students refers to student = 1 and ; undergoing the phase of pre-qualification refers to inPhase = 'Pre-Quals'; have advisors refers to advisedBy.p_id
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
person IDs refers to person.p_id; affiliated professors in faculty refers to professor = 1 and hasPosition = 'Faculty_aff'
Advisor 5 refers to p_id_dummy = 5; are in the 5th year refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
Please list the levels of the all courses taught by teacher no.79.
levels of the all courses refers to courseLevel; teacher no.79 refers to taughtBy.p_id = 79
harder undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400'; master/graduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_500'; ID of professors refers to taughtBy.p_id
courses refers to course_id; advisors refers to p_id_dummy and taughtBy.p_id; student with ID 376 refers to advisedBy.p_id = 376
advisor IDs refers to p_id_dummy and person.p_id where professor = 1; eighth year of program refers to yearsInprogram = 'Year_8'; position status in faculty of those professors refers to hasPosition
faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'; basic or medium undergraduate course refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300'
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; basic or medium undergraduate courses refers to couresLevel = 'Level_300'
teachers refers to professor = 1; faculty employees refers to hasPosition = 'Faculty_eme'
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in Year 3 of the program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_3'
teachers refers to p_id_dummy; have advised more than 4 others refers to count(advisedBy.p_id) > 4
students refers to student = 1; more than 2 advisors refers to count(p_id_dummy) > 2
List the course IDs and levels of person IDs from 40 to 50.
course IDs and levels refers to course.course_id and courseLevel; person IDs from 40 to 50 refers to taughtBy.p_id between 40 and 50
professors refers to p_id_dummy; 12th years of program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_12'
IDs of the professors refers to taughtBy.p_id and professor = 1; teaches more than 3 courses  refers to count(course_id) > 3
level of the course refers to courseLevel; course with most number of teachers refers to course_id = max(count(taughtBy.p_id))
member of the faculty refers to hasPosition <> 0, most courses refers to max(count(course.course_id))
advisors refers to p_id_dummy; students in 1st year refers to student = 1 and yearsInProgram = 'Year_1'
IDs of the advisors refers to p_id_dummy; in the 5th year of their program refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_5'
professor refers to taughtBy.p_id; least amount of courses refers to min(count(course_id))
year 1 and year 2 students refers to yearsInProgram = 'Year_1' and yearsInProgram = 'Year_2' and student = 1
professors refers to taughtBy.p_id; high-level or harder undergraduate courses  refers to courseLevel = 'Level_400' ; no more than two refers to count(taughtBy.course_id) < = 2
professor ID refers to taughtBy.p_id; course ID from 121 to 130 of basic undergraduate courses refers to courseLevel = 'Level_300' and course.course_id between 121 and 130
Name the recipes which can lead to constipation.
can lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
more than 10 minutes to prepare refers to prep_min > 10; the most calories refers to MAX(calories)
slices refers to unit = 'slice(s)'
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
cups is a unit; almonds is a name of an ingredient; chicken pocket sandwich refers to title
ingredient appeared the least in recipes refers to MIN(ingredient_id)
canned dairy is a category
Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title
dairy recipes refers to category = 'dairy'; serve more than 10 people refers to servings > 10
the highest vitamin that helps vision in dim light refers to MAX(vitamin_a)
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
Give the name of the most widely used ingredient.
the most widely used ingredient refers to MAX(COUNT(ingredient_id))
turkey tenderloin refers to title
the highest vitamin that helps vision in dim light refers to MAX(vitamin_a)
no.1397 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1397; optional ingredient refers to optional = 'TRUE'
slices refers to unit = 'slice(s)'
no cholesterol refers to cholestrl = 0; cooking time less than 20 minutes refers to cook_min < 20; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(cholestrl = 0 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
cheese is a category; calories greater than 200 refers to calories > 200; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(calories > 200 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
almond extract is a name of an ingredient
the longest cooking time refers to MAX(cook_min)
Is the ingredient "graham cracker crumbs" optional in the recipe "Raspberry Chiffon Pie"?
'graham cracker crumbs' is a name of an ingredient; 'Raspberry Chiffon Pie' refers to title
with the highest unsaturated fat refers MAX(SUBTRACT(total_fat, sat_fat))
can lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
1% lowfat milk is a name of an ingredient; no.1436 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1436; max_qty = min_qty
lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
almond extract is a name of an ingredient
the highest vitamin that helps vision in dim light refers to MAX(vitamin_a)
turkey tenderloin refers to title
non-dairy refers to category NOT LIKE '%dairy"
calories from fat refers to MULTIPLY(calories, pcnt_cal_fat)||'%; Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title
the longest cooking time refers to MAX(cook_min)
List all the ingredients of Apricot Yogurt Parfaits.
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
names of the recipes refers to title; best for wound healing refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
no cholesterol refers to cholestrl = 0; cooking time less than 20 minutes refers to cook_min < 20; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(cholestrl = 0 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
The California Tree Fruit Agreement is a source; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(sodium BETWEEN 0 AND 5 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
ingredient appeared the least in recipes refers to MIN(ingredient_id)
can lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title; unsaturated fat refers to SUBTRACT(total_fat, sat_fat)
almond extract is a name of an ingredient
the National Potato Board is a source; the highest calories refers to MAX(calories)
dairy recipes refers to category = 'dairy'; serve more than 10 people refers to servings > 10
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
Calculate the percentage of recipes with no cholesterol included and have a cooking time less than 20 minutes among all recipes.
no cholesterol refers to cholestrl = 0; cooking time less than 20 minutes refers to cook_min < 20; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(cholestrl = 0 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
can lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
The California Tree Fruit Agreement is a source; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(sodium BETWEEN 0 AND 5 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
the longest cooking time refers to MAX(cook_min)
no.1397 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1397; optional ingredient refers to optional = 'TRUE'
names of the recipes refers to title; best for wound healing refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
with alcohol content over 10 refers to alcohol > 10; takes the longest to prepare refers to MAX(prep_min)
non-dairy refers to category NOT LIKE '%dairy"
turkey tenderloin refers to title
Sherry beef refers to title = 'Sherried Beef'
Name the recipe with the most Vitamin C.
the most Vitamin C refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
names of the recipes refers to title; best for wound healing refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
1% lowfat milk is a name of an ingredient; no.1436 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1436; max_qty = min_qty
the highest vitamin that helps vision in dim light refers to MAX(vitamin_a)
Sherry beef refers to title = 'Sherried Beef'
dairy recipes refers to category = 'dairy'; serve more than 10 people refers to servings > 10
the highest number of ingredients refers to MAX(ingredient_id); total time refers to recipe_id, total time of cooking refers to TOTAL(prep_min, cook_min, stnd_min)
with alcohol content over 10 refers to alcohol > 10; takes the longest to prepare refers to MAX(prep_min)
ingredient appeared the least in recipes refers to MIN(ingredient_id)
the most widely used ingredient refers to MAX(COUNT(ingredient_id))
Please list the titles of all the recipes that are salt/sodium-free.
salt/sodium-free refers to sodium < 5
with the highest unsaturated fat refers MAX(SUBTRACT(total_fat, sat_fat))
calories from fat refers to MULTIPLY(calories, pcnt_cal_fat)||'%; Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title
no.1397 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1397; optional ingredient refers to optional = 'TRUE'
ingredient appeared the most in recipes refers to MAX(COUNT(ingredient_id)); calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(MAX(ingredient_id)), COUNT(ingredient_id)), 100)
almond extract is a name of an ingredient
Raspberry Chiffon Pie and Fresh Apricot Bavarian are title; vitamin_c is higher refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
the highest vitamin that helps vision in dim light refers to MAX(vitamin_a)
non-dairy refers to category NOT LIKE '%dairy"
canned dairy is a category
names of the recipes refers to title; best for wound healing refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
List the names of recipes that can lead to constipation.
lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
The California Tree Fruit Agreement is a source; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(sodium BETWEEN 0 AND 5 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
the highest possibility of gaining weight refers to MAX(total_fat); total time refers to recipe_id, total time refers to TOTAL(prep_min, cook_min, stnd_min)
calories from fat refers to MULTIPLY(calories, pcnt_cal_fat)||'%; Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title
Tomato-Cucumber Relish refers to title
salt/sodium-free refers to sodium < 5
no.1397 recipe refers to recipe_id = 1397; optional ingredient refers to optional = 'TRUE'
cheese is a category; calories greater than 200 refers to calories > 200; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(calories > 200 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
'graham cracker crumbs' is a name of an ingredient; 'Raspberry Chiffon Pie' refers to title
How many recipes can be made with canned dairy?
canned dairy is a category
names of the recipes refers to title; best for wound healing refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
the highest number of ingredients refers to MAX(ingredient_id); total time refers to recipe_id, total time of cooking refers to TOTAL(prep_min, cook_min, stnd_min)
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
calories from fat refers to MULTIPLY(calories, pcnt_cal_fat)||'%; Raspberry Chiffon Pie refers to title
lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
ingredient appeared the most in recipes refers to MAX(COUNT(ingredient_id)); calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(MAX(ingredient_id)), COUNT(ingredient_id)), 100)
the most widely used ingredient refers to MAX(COUNT(ingredient_id))
more than 10 minutes to prepare refers to prep_min > 10; the most calories refers to MAX(calories)
can lead to constipation refers to iron > 20
How many ingredients are there in Apricot Yogurt Parfaits?
Apricot Yogurt Parfaits refers to title
The California Tree Fruit Agreement is a source; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(sodium BETWEEN 0 AND 5 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
the most Vitamin C refers to MAX(vitamin_c)
'cook in beef broth' refers to a preparation
salt/sodium-free refers to sodium < 5
no cholesterol refers to cholestrl = 0; cooking time less than 20 minutes refers to cook_min < 20; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(COUNT(cholestrl = 0 THEN recipe_id), COUNT(recipe_id)), 100)
the highest number of ingredients refers to MAX(ingredient_id); total time refers to recipe_id, total time of cooking refers to TOTAL(prep_min, cook_min, stnd_min)
slices refers to unit = 'slice(s)'
'graham cracker crumbs' is a name of an ingredient
the National Potato Board is a source; the highest calories refers to MAX(calories)
non-dairy refers to category NOT LIKE '%dairy"